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Objective- To study the methods of application of fungicides.

Fungicide- The word fungicide originated from two Latin words, viz., ‘fungus’ and ‘caedo’. The
word ‘caedo’ means ‘to kill’. Thus the fungicide is any agency/chemical which has the ability to
kill the fungus.

Based on mode of action fungicides are categorized as fellow:

Protectant (Prophylactic) fungicide .Fungicide which is effective only if applied prior to fungal
infection is called a protectant, eg., Zineb, Sulphur.

Therapeutant Fungicide which is capable of eradicating a fungus after it has caused infection
and there by curing the plant is called chemotherapeutant. eg. Carboxin, Oxycarboxin antibiotics
like Aureofungin. Usually chemo therapeutant are systemic in their action and affect the deep-
seated infection.

Eradicant fungicide are those which remove pathogenic fungi from an infection court eg.
Organic mercurials, lime sulphur, dodine etc. These chemicals eradicate the dormant or active
pathogen from the host. They can remain effective on or in the host for some time.

Methods of fungicide application- The fungicides can apply by various ways on the basis of
their type and their purpose of application. The methods are described below:

1.Seed treatment

Seed treatment with fungicides is refers as seed dressing Fungicidal seed treatment not only kills
the pathogen present on / in the seed but also protects the germinating seeds from other soil-
borne pathogens of growing plants. Fungicidal seed treatment includes wet seed dressing and dry
seed dressing.

A) Wet seed dressing: a) Seed dip method: Dipping the seed or seed materials in fungicidal
solution for 5-20 minutes and drying them in shade before sowing. This method is particularly
useful to check externally seed borne diseases.
b) Slurry treatment: The seed is mixed with a dust fungicide in a special treater (Slurry treater)
in which small calibrated amounts of concentrated liquid (about 5-20 ml/kg seed) are added, thus
forming a soap-like slurry to ensure coating without undue wetting

B) Dry seed dressing: This method is simple and economical. The method consists of adding
the required fungicide (usually 0.3 % to the seeds and shaking them in a closed vessel or a 'rotary
drum' for 5-15'minutes to facilitate even spreading of fungicides over the surface of all seeds.

2. Soil drenching: In this method, fungicides are applied in soil surface either before or after
plants emerge. This method is useful for preventing of soil borne pathogens. This methods
includes Broadcasting, furrow application of fungicides in soil.

a) Broadcast: In this method fungicides are mixed with soil or fertilisers, and scattered with
hand as uniformly over the field and mixed with the soil with a suitable implement. Usually
granuls and dust formulation of fungicides are applied by this method.

B) Furrow application: Fungicides are applied either as dusts or mixed with water to the furrow
at the time of planting for control of diseases that occur at the base of the plant.

3. Foliar Application-: Application of fungicides on the foliage of the crop. There are two
methods of application of fungicides to foliage viz., spraying and dusting

a) Spraying: In this method, the fungicide liquid concentration are prepare in recommended
doses and are applied to the crop plants with the help of sprayers i.e. Hand sprayer, plunger
sprayer, Knapsack sprayer. Foot sprayer (Pedal pump); Rocking sprayer (Gator sprayer), Power
operated sprayers.

b) Dusting: In this method, fungicide is applied on foliage in the formulation of dust with the
help of duster i.e. Hand duster, bellows duster, rotary hand (crank) duster, power operated duster,
tractor powered feed duster.

4. Fumigation-: Fumigants are used to control soil-borne fungi and nematodes. These chemicals
produce a gas that distributes itself through the soil. After application of chemicals to soil, it
should be covered with a thin polythene sheet for some time. Ex. Methyl bromide, Vapan,
Chloropicrin etc.

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