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Ma dung Sii mulodion

Shaiad qautaM
Tuto Iu al
Shmuu lathon the pstoH Qusn Yathmaia0
1mo de_e detearg 9Ospony oBsen
In g Cohnfuler SysBm A gimuldp
Stuann OId PToCam
wtiakw openahon ' 9al (o
4stt Pwat-oh
cu aOcn okerdbg nvm ntn
u n
dwcte In cddolls
ehVI honment 0l
Mwommat Las a l l mod o n
malhon o nN vaNUPA 3Hage Ihgtias
poblorn muxt be idintfed and
St c 9uquuw
omul pdd hu t e neceM Itadu gpeacah ol
petomana uten , dlulon ulu an
Mo Poametey Ont udl Cmpohut a
One w0dal u denelopd t must o Validat ld fo
lotemun whethes a0k (Ln a JUolablh ov het
Vee Stg desn l ex0eyrn r be, Condocl
Jwth th i moddh
most Jamotu ChasadEXTb
e blrty to expehumaht, 6h 9yAem
OhCa s0su. a ota h0 mut Tho
detemingd wheBhary Qclddhurl expem CAl to
Conduu o no
Atpmahveollaw chaackestt ooal vehd to
Stmu0aha stopkua
na Vm n enumra het Odnver elo as P-ha
ethr n a (a.s ty eAmuled Can haly pa
boh hw and expeuncad diheu

oudhan i
Smulatu Canor appluds buomeharu to aolk
Ywoil Ohuman or anumo onratOmO 3MAu Inot4
midioul treatmend
studthur unen ad des 19h
and dubh. Bomaohaia 9tmmuhh Can be uhdo
petonhern musabe&MA al pnadiey.
and a undt lond.
Cut and Uhon plannu
Cadv6 m Cono usel b desln
b a n enwnohm s u a to fe+
wcU a
houw eXuh
Uban a a s n ewelle a reAuld

Duoutaaeoyc dorgn ,
Sinudath Con a uuth pddut dum lowdugeel
Pototypr ard test o0ak t e r pe m
Oyodeh rth Shosla thre t una, k |
)DetetmjnsthaVs rhoste. modr
Detesmirushe Mod Sochartr. modo?
Vaabl ane lunathoh o
AJouua b dopard on t)a
ahd pobabidg
a. Ymechanum N doncudoPeOu Cou hao twu
ocOuly 0wa alvaua b
Ca hu only moanchaackuki ptuuu yasuahon Lo
Jotpnmunut, Codh pluoudu nchabhou Joods to
expakd vblus VauonaA ovUana

Simtlten Vouuabu tuu

yo iuloton
Fo queh paamkr Set, one N eeds manu
wula han As
Suiat SImulohok
haweuws entikaly overne llou Chanato pXuy
ww hOLw penee4 p wLno penedy tL,
Glehe, pe Co uls pfidict On Sed mddon
u e Stadts qccutak abn a pho aablctyO
dutnlauh trAtUu
Peleet 9upoduhl
Dotenmiruste dh amy dulenh
ave equlubeuo -ahau tocashay On extk Syalom
due s dm to exthrdh
Casi er
oPlen hoxdn toanal2
Out pu
OM IoudOm
Outpus x-Ouauy modi
seateio deklpnodhe. (quwrhn
0porCnlu achemcal 30acdn

Endrty 90o LUCoN. gnWI CO


typeo end ty ha
enlitp Eaoh
Sewicc po\ 30nnol eto ane oUservlLaputn exam plo.
9co lavend attubfey n hma.and no oflhsu
aNe Cars u t h Cultnbule ah ual
u u t h attnbuk t o Cnplehen
nnda O punes
O SewiICo
09gan12aln, Stn k
t o Indwdue ,
a, yQeven dutict Syylonr Conponen4 thak
Ocons eud Stn hcan h ond o
Id themseles

Susfem dtnd tobicollachono enhfoj eg eeople ormachun

flaf act Dund nd enact togetha toUwaNacGom pAhate
om JoocaS end. In ptatre whah &maard by Systm dyad
On abcdru ela Pashaudag 4tudy. The colncha ofentnte
at compe a &slei ona astu maa bt onlA
b t oveal0 Cysttm Josex one uad, tostelyg
bank td duteamuna nsof tellaUy0edas
Odequele Sewico Custon uho Uat Ju PeuD to Casha
Check or mata aungA depost M sygkm a n aa
S 43Pm can
dud to b Poxtha oloaA Cohushg3 e tcle ad Custoa
Jatr in lun or bury enad
On he other
nand an ae
depos+ boxe au t 0Ja n clud
Mn &h uWation
a / w DIS cuk d Corhnolu sl

Condnotu, Sugfem
ontnuau typesoSuthm an hose n whth the jnpd aal
Conch nuou
Output 1a asne at boh endi, Cortinios
Qata y dLChbed asan unbroton Aet Dbsewaho
dhat an be moaswid on auodle T Sta
Vauabe Charqe condinuny ove m

ISCue Susem
DISCue Syslem a these inwhich input and outpuw
gna d dleet ot boh 'ends
A scole Suin Dhe wAoy th SBae
varab shushh ory at a speau
CoRlocthen34obrm Poln
hgtant Hate chan ina sugt thodt
ahea d ecu l up and eeh duUnb

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