Origen White Paper

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Save World from Counterfeits

Note: For all Images of this document, credit goes to International Chamber of Commerce.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Origin Services ……………………………………………………………………………………. 2

• Public Blockchain technology……………………………………………………………………………… 2
• Brief about smart Contract…………………………………………………………………………………. 2
• Why is it needed…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
OGS technology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
• Revenue model/OGS Token……………………………………………………………………………… 9
• Origen Public Offering………………………………………………………………………………………….10
• Development Phase……………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
About team…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Media Links…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world


Origen Services is a Blockchain based digital service, which provides Decentralized Originality
Verification Services to all its users. It is built on Public Blockchain Technology using mix of machine &
unique coding approaches to verify originality and genuineness of products and services without
exposing sensitive data of manufacturers, service providers, stakeholders and users in the ecosystem,
into Public Domain.

Public Blockchain Technology

Public Blockchain Technology is a decentralized ledger recording technology which records each and
every transaction in a transparent, decentralized yet highly secured and efficient way. Since its genesis,
public Blockchain technology has gone much beyond the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and has
given a new age boom to the world of technology. It is now used in almost every area of development
being it Agriculture, Industry, Finance, Logistic and many others.

Brief about Smart Contract

Smart contracts are simply programs stored on a Blockchain that run when predetermined conditions
are met. Once it is deployed can’t be altered hence known as immutable ledger and agreements. Users
of smart contract do not need to trust anybody except the code written into it. Smart Contract performs
its promise as per written code inside of it when it is called.

Smart Contracts are used to automate the execution of an agreement so that all participants can be
immediately certain of the outcome, without any intermediary's involvement or time loss.

Why ORIGEN is Needed

World trade is largely occupied by counterfeit products which is a very serious threat to society and
economic development of Nation. It is growing to reach estimated USD 1.9 trillion and will drain nearly
USD 4.2 trillion from world economy as per a report published by ICC (International Chamber of

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world


Due to rapid progress in modern technology and rise in Global Market access for every player,
manufacture and selling of counterfeit products has become problem for everyone involved in the trade
ecosystem. Starting right from the manufacture to seller to end user.

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

It accounts for huge loss to the product and service manufacturers & providers and harming life of end
users as well. A report published in year 2019 by OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development reveals that it has now become one of the major elements severely impacting World


© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

For some specific domain products, it has acquired even more than 50% of the market share.
Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, Foods, Chemical Products, Entertainment Industry and Textiles Industry are
some of the major examples of industries hardly hit by counterfeit products and they are using trillions
of dollars.

Let’s see how it is adversely impacting society, consumers and industry:-


Circulation of wrongly manufactured and traded fake products leads to huge loss to government as they
don’t pay taxes and this ultimately becomes burden for those who are responsible taxpaying citizens.
According to various reports, counterfeiting in the FMCG sector is prevalent in the India. We already
know, FMCG products are something which we live with everyday, we consume it directly. An study
published by the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), reported about 50%
of FMCG products sold in India are fake but more than80% of the consumers believes that they are using
original and genuine products. When it comes to the Cosmetics, the number is scarier. Global economic
value of counterfeit products was expected to reach USD 2.3 trillion by 2020. While India’s market for

counterfeit costs over 1 Lakh Crore which counts for 3.3% of total GDP of India.

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world


Every consumer, when they pay for any products or services, they are optimistic about the benefits of
that service and product. This is completely but what they don’t know is the quality of the products

Counterfeit products affect the end consumer the most as they are the one who have paid and are still
in loss. Here are some pointers, why we are working on to create the robust anti-counterfeiting
technology, ORIGEN SERVICES.

1. More than 30% of the medicines and Pharmaceuticals products purchased are fake and millions of
people die every year from fake products.

2. Nearly 20% of the road accidents in India are attributed to fake automobile components as per a
report by ACMA (Automobile Component Manufacturing Association of India)

3. Food and Food supplements, premium and high end luxury items such as watches and jewellery, baby
care products are one of the most affected segments.

It also impacts entertainment and software industry as we are all aware of rising issues of piracy in of
these contents which costs heavily to creators and a not-so-pleasant experience for the viewers/users.


A progressive industry evolves through the markets trend and by fulfilling need-gap between the end
consumers and manufacturers, but is loss to manufacturers when they have a consumer, needing their
products and solutions but ending up buying and satisfying their needs with the fake products.

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

Industry and consumers both complete each other. If a user has wasted their money on the counterfeit
products, it was the manufacturers and the legitimate industry who deserved that.

Here are some serious concerns which has rose due to counterfeit products worldwide:

1. Revenue loss by the industry

2. Revenue loss by Government.

3. Nearly 5.4 million jobs are at risk by 2022.

4. Pollution due to unplanned, non- complaint manufacturing.

5. Loss in brand value due to trust concerns from consumers after usage.

6. Economic loss to consumers.

7. Heath loss and death threat to consumers.

It has evolved to create a huge impact on the Global Economy and opened up more opportunities for
anti-counterfeiting technology solutions like ORIGEN to enable industry and safeguard consumers.


© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world


Origen is developing a unique technology to solve these counterfeiting issues systematically via verifying
the products and services at each and every point of supply chain.

It is a combination of multilayer physical and digital anti-counterfeiting solutions, based on Public

Blockchain Technology to keeping it completely transparent, decentralized and non- breakable high
security of data, without exposing any sensitive data of the producer into the public domain.

Every stakeholder in a supply chains right from manufacturers, warehouses, logistics partners,
distributors, retailers and ultimately end users, can verify the originality of the products and services
using their smart phones.

This solution consists of using public Blockchain technology for product information, without exposing
sensitive data with an unique identification printing using complex algorithmic approach (In process or
patent) , artificial intelligence and machine learning which guarantees impossibility of copying printed
label of the product even one for one copy is also impossible. Every product will have its own specific
unique code rather than the traditional bar coding on product packages which can easily be copied.
Since a lot of products in the batch/ lot have the same codes printed on them and are easier to copy.

At the industry level, where thousands and millions of products are being produced, it is close to
impossible for manufacturers to print specific codes on each package.

This is where OGS comes to solve this Global Counterfeiting issue by our unique coding technology. We
are developing simple to use hardware/ready Objects to provide easy to use tracking mechanism to
verify the originality of the products and services. Our innovative labeling technology is easy to apply in

every kind of production chain, easier than printing manufacturing date, price and expiry etc.

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world


Global anti-counterfeiting solutions and its market is expected to reach USD 120 Billion by 2025 (As per
a report published by ASPA (The Authentic Solutions Providers’ Association) market share for the
counterfeit products is expected to reach USD 1.9 Trillion by 2022. Where the global impact of
counterfeiting and piracy is supposed to reach USD 4.2 Trillion by 2022. Thus the market is supposed to
grow even larger. Another report says that during 2018-19, the market for anti-counterfeiting solutions
grew by 24%. Rise is online shopping being one the biggest drivers of fake products.

India alone has seen counterfeiting products across sectors causing more than ₹100,000 Crore every
year and is nearly 3.3% of the total GDP.

We are on a mission to tap this market need-gap and acquire 15% of the Global Market share in next 5-6
years and benefit every stakeholder at max.

Revenue Model/OGS Token

Origen Services onboard manufacturers & service providers by charging them a registration fee
processed with the Smart Contract.

OGS generates revenue by charging manufacturers and service providers a nominal fee which is fraction
of the product/service price.

Owing an OGS (Origen) token is having a share holding of the project. Since the product and service
information is hosted on a public Blockchain with an associated unique coding approach which won’t
expose company data but anyone can verify Individual Product/ Product batch/ Container/ Product Lot
at each point of time for its originality. To perform originality verification, smart contract will charge a

very small fraction of the product/service price from the manufacturers. Which should be in the custody

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

of smart contract in form of prepaid balance? Balance will be deducted by the smart contract, every
time the verification is done, as a cost of service.

Revenue generated from the service will be processed and held by the smart contract and will be
distributed among the OGS Token holders from the same smart contracts.

All OGS Token holders will feel like having proper share holding of the company.

Origen Public Offerings

'OGS' is the token name offered by ORIGEN, as initial offer of share for the product/services offered by

Maximum Supply of token is 1500000 offered as Initial Coin Offer to the public in form of holding share
of this project.

All earnings made by the service will exist in Smart Contract, and will always be distributed in equal
proportion among all holders.

Initial price of offered coin is $1 per token, and sale phase will continue till the all tokens sold, and after
15 days price will start increasing by 0.01 cent with each next day, to boost sale as ‘get earlier get

After 100% token sale, coin will be listed on some of the popular exchange for secondary market trade,
before listing on exchange token owner can sale it on P2P and other similar markets.

Initially project admin will have zero token and with each sale he will be awarded equal token to
maintain promoter stake.

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

All tokens of the project admin (only) will be locked until all the milestone of the project (Hardware &
Software for verification services except marketing) does not finish. Even he can’t transfer it to other
wallets also.

Development Phases

ORIGEN SERVICES (OGS), project development has been categorized into several phases basis the time
and funds required for that specific part of development. This project is estimated to get completed in
next 12-15 months (expected by the end of 2022 or before). Some of the project milestones will be
achieved much sooner as some of the milestone development will go parallel.


1. Development and launching of official landing web portal for 'Decentralized Originality Verification'

((2 to 3 Months))

2. Innovative hardware Development for marking unique signature by connecting with Blockchain on
each product.

((6 to 8 Months))

(This unique signature technology is under process of patent)

3. Smart Contracts Development/Testing/Auditing for originality verification services.

((3 to 4 Months))

4. Web application and API services development for product manufacturer as well as end user.

((5-6 Months))

5. Android application development for end user as well as supply chain driver and manufacturer.

((2 to 3 Months))

© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

6. iOS application development for the same as android.

((2 to 3 Months))

7. Initial marketing and user base creation

((Approx 1 year))

About team

ORIGEN is a team of 35 people with experience varying from 8 to 22+ years of their respective expertise.
Team is aimed to provide real world use cases of Blockchain technology instead of useless
virtual/greedy/spongy scheme or products.

Interact with Us on Social Media

● Facebook: [will be updated]

● Twitter: [will be updated]

● Telegram: [will be updated]

● Github: [will be updated]

● YouTube: [will be updated]



© 2021 ORIGEN Foundation. All Rights Reserved. www.ogs.world

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