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Rapid Tagalog Class 2

Vic Romero

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Meeting ID: 890 5786 4601


§1. Checkpoint

Express the following in Tagalog. Put the verb first, before the subject.

1. Charina arrived.

2. Kiko did not arrive.

3. We, incl., ate.

4. We, excl. did not eat.

5. They drank.

6. Mom and Dad did not drink.

7. I did not leave.

8. There's somebody.

9. There's nobody.

10. There is steamed rice.

11. There is adobo.

12. Amado is here.

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


13. My mom is not here.

14. I am here, you (s.) are there.

15. You are there, I am not there.

§2. First sentences. Build sentences using an 1) -um verb and an 2) ang personal pronoun.

[sentence-1 [predicate um-verb] [subject ang-personal-pronoun]]

–um verbs.
§3. For predicate, choose from these -um verbs.

[-um-verbs [arrive dumatíng] [eat kumain] [drink uminóm] [depart umalís]]

§4. For subject, choose from these ang personal pronouns.

[ANG-personal-pronouns [I akó] [you_singular ikáw] [he|she siyá] [we_inclusive tayo]

[we_exclusive kamí] [you_plural kayó] [they silá]]
I arrived at the store. Dumating ako sa tindahan. You left the house. Umalis ka sa bahay.

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


§5. Example sentence.

[sentence-1 [um-verb Dumatíng] [ang-personal-pronoun akó.]]

Ikáw and ka.

§6. Ikáw becomes ka when the predicate comes before the subject.

[you_singular [before-predicate ikáw] [after-predicate ka]]

Tayo and kamí.

§7. There are two forms for “we”: 1) the inclusive form, tayo, includes the person to whom you
are speaking; 2) the exclusive form, kamí, does not. The kausap is the person to whom are
speaking. When you use tayo, the inclusive form, the kausap is included. When you use
kamí, the exlusive form, the kausap is not included.

[we [inclusive tayo] [exclusive kamí]]

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


§8. When we refer to a person or persons by name as subject(s) of a sentence, we use "si" or
"siná" in front of the name(s).
Marker Examples
si si Amado, si Charina
siná siná Amado at Nenè, siná Kikò at Charina
§9. Non-personal nouns (nouns that are not names of persons) in the ang-case are marked by
"ang" and "ang mga. 1"
Marker Examples
ang ang bahay, ang Pilipinas
ang mga ang mga bahay, ang mga dela Cruz

Terms of kinship.
§10. There is an exception to the rule to distinguish between names of persons and all other
names. Terms of kinship may be regarded as both personal and non-personal. Thus, you
may say:
a. ang nanay or si nanay (mother)
b. si ate or ang ate (older sister)
c. ang tatay or si tatay (father)
d. si lolo or ang lolo (grandpa)

§11. ANG non-personal pronouns

[ANG-non-personal-pronouns [itó] [iyán] [iyón]]

1. Mabaít ang This one is good.

mga itó.
2. Mabaít ang That one (near kausap) is good.
mga iyán.
3. Mabaít ang That one (far from speaker and kausap) is
mga iyón. good.

1 Remember, “mga” is pronounced “ma-nga.”

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


§12. NG personal pronouns after a noun

[NG-personal-pronouns-post [ko] [mo] [niyá] [natin] [namin] [ninyó] [nilá]]

1S bahay ko my house
2S bahay mo your house
3S bahay niyá his/her house
1P Incl bahay natin our house
1P Excl bahay namin our house
2P bahay ninyó your house
3P bahay nilá their house

S = singular, P = plural, incl=inclusive, excl=exclusive

walâ, mayroón

§13. Say "walâ" to say "there is/are no". Say "mayroón" to say "there is/are".

§14. Say "marami" to say "there are many ".

§15. Say "maraming-marami" to say "there are very many".

gustó, ayaw, kailangan

§16. Say gustó to say "want" or "like."

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


1. gustó ko ng adobo
2. gustó mo ng pancit
3. gustó ni Charina ng kanin

4. gustó ko+ng kumain.

5. gustó niyá+ng uminom.
6. gustó namin si Charina.

§17. Say ayaw to mean say "does not want" or "does not like."

1. ayaw niyá
2. ayaw namin
3. ayaw ninyó

4. ayaw ko+ng kumain.

5. ayaw niyá+ng uminom.
6. ayaw namin si Charina.

§18. Say kailangan to say "need."

1. kailangan natin
2. kailangan nilá
3. kailangan niná tatay at nanay

4. kailangan ko+ng kumain.

5. kailangan niyá+ng uminom.
6. kailangan namin si Charina.

§19. Adverbs. Adjectives can serve as adverbs and describe verbs: Mabilís siyá+ng kumain
(she eats fast). Masayá sila+ng umalís (They left happily.)
§20. The enclitic adverbs form a special class of adverbs: na, pa, pô/hô, ba, ngâ, namán,
lamang/lang, din/rin, daw/raw, palá, yatà, man, tulóy. They occur very frequently in
conversation. Within a sentence, an enclitic adverb usually occupies the second slot.

[adverbs-enclitic-top [na] [pa] [pô/hô] [ba] [ngâ] [namán] [lamang/lang] [din/rin] [daw/raw]]

[adverbs-enclitic-top [na] [pa] [pô/hô] [ba] [ngâ] [namán]]

1. gustó ko na. na = already

2. ayaw ko pa. pa = still
3. kailangan ko po. po = respect

4. wala na.
5. wala pa.

6. wala na+ng adobo.

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.


7. mayroon pa+ng kanin.

8. wala pa si Berto. not yet = still not

9. narito na si Mameng.

10. gustó ko na+ng kumain.

11. gustó ba niyá+ng uminom?
12. gustó nga namin si Charina. nga = indeed

© 2007-2022 Vic Eclar Romero. All rights reserved.

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