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A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Program
La Verdad Christian College Apalit, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree


Capalar, Catleen
Isip, Aljon
Magluyan, Michaella
Sayo, Josan
Ross, Christopher

June 2022

We dedicate this capstone project to our Almighty God, who has provided us with strength

and protection throughout our research journey. This study is also dedicated to La Verdad Christian

College for believing in us and providing us with the opportunity to study in this institution that

teaches academic excellence and biblical moral standards that we can apply anywhere, at any time,

and at any point in our lives. To our cherished family, thank you for always lending a helping hand

and for your unending love and support.


The overall purpose and goal behind this study is to express our deepest understanding,

gratitude, and thankfulness to God for all His blessings, knowledge, and unfathomable gifts that

we receive every day. As La Verdad Christian College scholars, we are grateful for Bro. Eliseo F.

Soriano, Founding Chairman, and Dr. Daniel S. Razon, President of La Verdad Christian College,

for providing us with the opportunity to study for free and serve as a role model for others. We

would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Luzviminda E. Cruz, our School Administrator, for

allowing us to conduct this study in the school. To Mr. Romack L. Natividad, BSIS Program Head,

for his assistance in making this paper a success. To Mr. Pablo Buan, Ms. Sharene T. Labung, and

Mr. Ronmar Calingasan, the Capstone Advisers, for patiently educating us and providing the

researchers with necessary knowledge and information to create this paper, as well as setting a

good example of being a great leader, researcher, and collaboration. To Mr. Richard Javier and

Mr. Robert Melilo for offering dependable, effective comments and recommendations for this

study and cooperation. To Mr. Kent Dayrit on helping the team on system development. To all

BSIS Fourth-Year students who help us reach our goals and for being a family that fosters

collaboration and assists the researchers in completing this study despite the group's lack of

knowledge and manpower. To all LVCC Alumni, Quickstrike Company, and Hivelabs

Technologies Company that show appreciation through being one of the respondents of this study.


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Project Context ………………………………………………………….. 11

Background of the Study ……………………………………………….…… 12

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………… 14

Objective of the Study …..…………………………………………….. 16

Scope and Limitations ……………………………………………….…. 17

Significance of the Study …………………………………….……………. 22

Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………….. 23

Conceptual Framework …………………………………….……………. 25

Definition of Terms ………………………………………….………………. 27

Chapter 2 - Review Of Related Literature and Systems

Review of Related Literatures………………………………………………….. 28

Review of Related Systems …………………………………………………. 33

Chapter 3 - System Design and Research Methodology

Research Design …………………………………………………………… 43

Research Environment and Client …………………………………………… 45

Respondents of the Study …………………………………………………… 46

Research Instruments ……………………………………………………………. 47

Data Collection Procedure ……………………………………………………. 48

Data Analysis ………………………………………………………………….. 49

System Development Methodology ……………………………………………. 52

Database Structure (Database Modeling) ……………………….…...………….. 54

Database Structure (Database Schema) ………………………………………… 56

Functional Requirements ………………………………….………………….. 58

Development Requirements (Hardware) ………………………………………... 64

Development Requirements (Software) ……….……………………………… 64

Project Cost Management ……………………………………………………. 65

Ethical Considerations …………………….……………………………… 65

Scheduling and Timeline of the Project ………………….………………… 67

Chapter 4 - Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Results

System Features and Modules ……………………………………………… 69

Improving the monitoring of student interns' performance by using the LVIMS - Accomplishing

its Work as Internship Finders ……………………………………………… 93

Improving the monitoring of student interns' performance by using the LVIMS - Behavior towards

Superiors …………………………………………………………………….... 98

Improving the monitoring of student interns' performance by using the LVIMS - Monitoring the

Attendance of Internship Finders ………………………………………………. 102

Perceive the usefulness and ease of use of the system from the existing process of La Verdad

Internship process …………………………………………………………………... 103

Chapter 5 - Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary …………………………………………………………………………… 124

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………. 125

Recommendations ………………………………………………………………….. 127

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………. 131


Appendix A - Survey Instrument and Documents ……………………………….. 139

Appendix B - User Manual ………………………………………….…….……… 153

Appendix C - Relevant Source Code ………………….……………………………. 189

Appendix D - Certificate of Steps Completion from Statistician, Adviser, and Language

Editor……………..……………………………………………….…………………. 191

Appendix E - Plagiarism Checker Result ………………………….……………. 192

Appendix F - Proof Of Public Presentation ………………………….……………. 193

Appendix G - Curriculum Vitae of Authors ………………………….……………. 194


1.1: Work From Home Household Survey ………………………………………. 13

1.2: LVCC Existing Process of Internship ……………………………………… 14

1.3: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ………………………………………. 24

1.4: Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Project ………………………………. 26

2.1: OPMS Research Paradigm (Velasco and Vengco 2014) ………………………. 33

2.2: OPMS Login Page (Velasco and Vengco 2014) ……………………………… 34

2.3: OPMS Administrator's Page (Velasco and Vengco 2014) ……………… 34

2.4: Use-Case Diagram for Indonesia Web-Based Internship Information System (Hasti et al.,

2019) ………………………………………………………………………………. 36

2.5: Use-case diagram for project implementation (Dharod, 2004) ………………. 37

2.6. Homepage of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………………………. 38

2.7: Login page of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………………………. 38

2.8: Student page of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………………………. 39

2.9: Students progress of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ……………………………….. 40

2.10: Company result page of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………. 40

2.11: Change preferences page of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………. 41

2.12: Company Search page of WICS (Dharod, 2004) ………………………. 42

3.1: Donut chart of respondents of the study ………………………………………. 47

3.2: Sample Mean Formula ……………………………………………………….. 50

3.3: Variance Equation ……………………………………………………….. 51

3.4: Standard Deviation Formula ……………………………………………….. 51

3.5: LVIMS ERD Modeling ……………………………………………………….. 55

3.6: LVIMS Database Schema ……………………………………………..… 57

3.7: LVIMS Overall Use-Case Diagram ……………………………………..… 58

3.8: Internship Finder Use-Case Diagram ………………………………………. 60

3.9: Internship Host Use-Case Diagram ………………………………………. 61

3.10: Internship Coordinator Use-Case Diagram ………………………………. 63

3.11: LVIMS Scheduling and Timeline of the Project ………………………. 67

4.1: LVIMS Registration View ………………………………………………. 70

4.2: LVIMS Registration for Internship Finders View ………………………. 70

4:3: LVIMS Terms and Conditions ……………………………………………… 71

4.4: LVIMS Approval of Registrations of Internship Finders ………………. 72

4.4: LVIMS Registration for Internship Hosts View ………………………………. 73

4.6: LVIMS Approval of Registrations for Internship Hosts ……………………….. 73

4.7: Internship Finder Profile Module ……………………………………….. 74

4.8: LVIMS Educational Attainment of Internship Finders ………………………… 75

4.9 : LVIMS Educational Background Form of Internship Finder ……………….. 75

4.10: LVIMS Language Proficiency of Internship Finders ……………………… 76

4.11: LVIMS Language Proficiency Form of Internship Finders ………………. 76

4.12: LVIMS Trainings and Seminars of Internship Finder ………………………. 77

4.13: LVIMS Trainings and Seminars Form of Internship Finders ………………. 77

4.14: LVIMS References of Internship Finders ………………………………. 78

4.15: LVIMS References Page of Internship Finders ………………………………. 78

4.16: LVIMS Work Experience Page of Internship Finders ………………………. 79

4.17: LVIMS Work Experience Page of Internship Finders ………………………. 79

4.18: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Page of Internship Finders ………………………. 80

4.19: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Form of Internship Finders …………….… 80

4.20: LVIMS Attendance Page of Internship Finders ……….……… 81

4.21: LVIMS Attendance Form of Internship Finders ………………………. 81

4.22: LVIMS Applied Intern ………………………………………………………. 82

4.23: LVIMS Internship Host Dashboard ………………………………………. 83

4.24: LVIMS Internship Hosts Profile ………………………………………. 83

4.25: LVIMS Company Overview of Internship Host ………………………...… 85

4.26: LVIMS Company Overview of Internship Host ………………………...… 85

4.27: LVIMS Interns Lists of Internship Host ………………………………..… 86

4.28: LVIMS Dashboard on Internship Coordinator Page …………………………. 87

4.29: LVIMS Internship Finder Tab on Internship Coordinator Page ………… 88

4.30: LVIMS View Intern’s Profile on Internship Coordinator Page…………………. 89

4.31: LVIMS View Intern’s Weekly Learnings on Internship Coordinator Page ….. 89

4.32: LVIMS View Intern’s Attendance on Internship Coordinator Page …………. 90

4.33: LVIMS Internship Hosts Tab on Internship Coordinator Page …………. 91

4.34: LVIMS View Hosts Profile on Internship Coordinator Page ………………….. 92

4.35: LVIMS View Internship Programs on Internship Coordinator Page ………….. 92

4.36: LVIMS Site Settings on Internship Coordinator Page ………………………….. 93

4.37: LVIMS Internship Weekly Learnings ………………………………………….. 94

4.38: LVIMS Add New Weekly Learnings ………………………………………….. 94

4.39: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance Page ………………………………..… 95

4.40: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance Form …………………………………. 96

4.41: LVIMS Attendance List Approval on Internship Hosts …………………. 96

4.42: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Comment on Internship Hosts …………………. 97

4.43: LVIMS Internship Hosts View Applicants …………………………………. 98

4.44: LVIMS Internship Hosts Approved Applicants ………………...……….. 98

4.45: LVIMS Internship Hosts View Weekly Learnings …………………………. 99

4.46: LVIMS Internship Hosts Comment Weekly Learnings ………………….. 100

4.47: LVIMS Internship Hosts Comment Weekly Learnings View …………………. 100

4.48: LVIMS Internship Host Evaluation Form …………………………………. 101

4.49: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance on Internship Hosts Page …………. 102

4.50: LVIMS Edit Internship Finders Attendance on Internship Hosts Page …. 103

4.51: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Finder Module) …………………. 105

4.52: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Host Module) …………………. 105

4.53: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Coordinator Module) …………. 106

4.54: LVIMS Perceived Usefulness Evaluation (Students/Alumni) …………………. 110

4.55: LVIMS Perceived Ease of Use (Student/Alumni) …………………………. 110

4.56: LVIMS Internship Host Perceived Usefulness Evaluation …………………. 114

4.57: LVIMS Internship Host Perceived Ease of Use Evaluation …………………. 114

4.58: LVIMS Internship Coordinator Perceived Usefulness Evaluation …………. 117

4.59: LVIMS Internship Coordinator Perceived Ease of Use Evaluation …………. 118

4.60: Cronbach Alpha Online Statistics Software (Calculator) …………………. 121

4.61: Cronbach Alpha Online Statistics Software Results (Calculator) …………. 122


3.1: Likert Scale Level and Interpretation ………………………………………… 50

3.2: LVIMS Agile User Stories ………………………………………………… 52

3.3: Hardware Requirements ………………………………………………………… 64

3.4: Software Requirements ……………………………..…………………………. 64

3.5: Project Cost Management …………………………………………………. 65

4.1: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Finder Module) …. 106

4.2: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Host Module) ………. 107

4.3: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator Module) ... 108

4.4: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Students/Alumni)….... 111

4.5: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Students/Alumni) ….. 112

4.6: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Usefulness of LVIMS (Internship Hosts) …… 115

4.7: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Internship Hosts)…… 116

4.8: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Usefulness of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator) 118

4.9: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator) 119

4.10: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Students/Alumni) …………… 122

4.11: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Internship Host) …………… 123

4.12: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Internship Coordinators) …… 123


I. Introduction

This section discusses the project context, background of the project, objectives, scope and

limitations of the project, significance of the project, conceptual framework, and statement of the

problem and definition of terms.

1.1. Project Context

When students attend college, they usually wonder what career path or employment is fit

for them, and sometimes, by completing an internship, they find their hidden skills and realize

what work environment and set-up are best for a job. (Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

& Mondal, Ph.D., 2020). Also, when considering what career path to pursue, students must seize

the opportunity to explore and dream for a higher employment capability and enhance their career

in the future. As a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems student, one must think about

obtaining a career that is related to their course and value what one has learned during the four-

year learning experience. (Karakiraz et al., 2021).

According to CHED Memorandum Order No.104, Series of 2017, also known as the

guidelines for the Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP), all programs with

practicum areas, including the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, require students to

complete an internship training. The internship program provides students with hands-on

experience, practical knowledge, and abilities, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate their

talents in various domains of the Information System. These provide students with the opportunity

and insights to improve their knowledge and abilities in terms of what type of tasks and

responsibilities they are good for and how they can handle the work and effort that they may

confront in their future profession. (Commission on Higher Education, 2009).

The researchers would like to conduct a proposal that will assist students in seeking

internships or training that may be posted by other organizations and it will assist students in

identifying their most suitable required internship training. The researchers would want to take

advantage of this proposed capstone project for students who are seeking for a company that is a

good fit for their skills as well as an opportunity to learn further about their career path.

As technology advances, particularly in times of crisis such as pandemics, information

technology and systems are becoming more appropriate and available to safeguard many

individuals and the firm itself from the ongoing catastrophe. People may have now come up with

these ideas to help the institution and organizations in planning solutions and partnerships with

these kinds of systems. Academic institutions and organizations must adapt these kinds of changes

or business practices because this will not only help their organization but can also help the people

within the organization to work more efficiently and effectively even from the comfort of their

own homes.

1.2. Background of the Study

La Verdad Christian College (LVCC) is a private, non-stock, non-sectarian educational

school in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines. It is the first private school in the Philippines to provide

meritorious students scholarship programs which have a tuition-free education and no extra

charges. It is widely recognized as one of the best schools in Pampanga, receiving both regional

and national praise. (La Verdad Christian College, 2020).

Internship programs serve as a bridge between classroom learning and workplace realities,

and aim to provide students with hands-on experience and prepare them to compete in today's

shifting employment market. (Anjum, 2020b) The proponents researched and interviewed former

La Verdad Christian College students who similarly encountered challenges and weaknesses in

the existing internship process, such as looking for Internship Hosts and other forms. As a

researcher, this can provide us with insights or opportunities for students, institutions, and

Internship Hosts to develop a system that can improve the existing internship process, especially

given the crisis experienced.

At the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, researchers all around the world analyzed the prospect

of working from home, given its efficiency in slowing the virus's transmission while allowing

productive operations to continue. Using data from 31 nations' household surveys, they estimated

working from home throughout the outbreak. According to the new data, 577 million people

worked from home in the second quarter of 2020, accounting for 17.4 percent of global

employment. This estimate is extremely close to the prior projection from May 2020, based on an

expert assessment of telework abilities adjusted for occupational distributions. (Soares et al.,

2021). Organizations that had invested in remote work before the arrival of the coronavirus were

perhaps better equipped to convert to virtual internships than those that had not, but all employers

required to adapt their processes in some way to design and execute effective virtual programs.

(Maurer, 2020).

Figure 1.1: Work from Home Household Surveys

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The manual or existing procedure of the La Verdad Christian College Internship program

might take time and effort before a student can begin their internship training, beginning with

orientation, looking for an internship host, passing of documentation, and interviews prior to the

actual internship training. (See Figure 1 for the process maps).

The proponents sought out former La Verdad students and conducted interviews in order

to comprehend the current procedure of La Verdad's Internship and the challenges encountered

before and during the internship.

Figure 1.2: LVCC Existing Process of Internship

As of now, La Verdad Christian College (LVCC) does not have an Internship Management

System due to the pandemic so managing students during an Internship process would be difficult

to provide during a remote learning period. The institution does not take into consideration having

a face-to-face internship program due to a significant risk.

Thus, these issues justify the use of a web-based internship management system to assist

institutions, and students in adapting to work remotely and non-remote scenarios. Specifically, this

study sought to provide answers to the following questions:

1. How will LVIMS help improve monitoring the student interns' performance

(accomplishing the work, behavior toward superior, and attendance)?

2. What is the result when the developed system is subjected under the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM)?

In solidifying the process of forming partnership with companies regarding the

internship program, the partnered-companies and researchers can demonstrate the system

features and modules upon using the system. Meanwhile, for the new companies that want to

be part of the usage of the system, the internship host can contact the institution and have an

agreement upon using and registering on the system for future usage. Regarding the

Memorandum of Agreement between the company and institution, this can be issued or applied

by the recommendation and communication of internship host and institution whether the

company and institution can apply the host on the system and sign an agreement to be one of

the partnered-company.

Whenever there would be a time that a student or company introduces the La

Verdad Internship Management System to other companies, they might be as well interested

in applying or registering on the system for accepting more interns in the future and can also

help them manage and monitor the intern’s performance throughout the internship process.

1.4. Objectives of the Study

This section encompasses the objectives and goals for the conduct of the proposed project.

This project is dedicated to promoting the welfare and convenience of human living through the

utilization of a web-based technological approach.

Main Objectives

1. To minimize the inconvenience of stakeholders in handling the internship process.

2. To perceive the usefulness and ease of use of the system from the existing process of La

Verdad Internship.

Specific Objectives

1. To design and deploy a user-friendly web-based internship management system that helps

Internship Finder, Internship Coordinator, and Internship Hosts in its processes.

2. To allow students to look for internship opportunities conveniently through the list of

Internship Hosts featured on the system.

3. To provide stakeholders a meaningful internship engagement and productivity of student’s

progress in an internship through the system’s features. (Weekly Learnings)

1.5. Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.5.1. Scope

This section discusses the scope of the study in developing an effective and efficient

Internship Management System for Bachelor of Science in Information System students in La

Verdad Christian College, Apalit, Pampanga, including the related modules:

● Registration of Users.

○ Internship Hosts. The Internship Hosts will register their company

information on the system so that the students can use it as a reference in

the future when selecting their respective Internship Hosts. Once the

company has been registered, it will be subjected for internship

coordinator’s approval before logging in unto the system.

○ Internship Finder. The Internship Finder will enter their information into

the system so that the Internship Hosts can reference those who apply to

work for them. Once a student has registered, they will also be subjected to

the internship coordinator’s approval before accessing the system.

● Terms and Conditions. Before the intern or host can register on the system, they

have to check the checkbox and read the terms and conditions before registering.

This could provide clarity upon the users on what will happen on their information

of the users upon accessing the system.

● Dashboard. A summary provided for the internship host and internship coordinator

that shows a total number of people. Through these events can be easy to understand

and visualization of the data is made possible upon logging in unto the system.

● Internship Portal. A list of Internship Hosts and training that has been compiled

so that students can explore potential employers who are seeking interns who fulfill

the description and a passion for their profession. This enables the student to apply

for employment.

● Forms.

○ OJT Forms. The OJT forms that are viewable and accessible on the system

via a dropdown menu list that allows students or Internship Finder to view,

fill out by clicking print icon, and download forms.

○ Evaluation Form. The Evaluation Form is viewable and accessible on the

system via the header menu that allows Internship Hosts to view, fill out via

clicking the print icon, and download forms.

● Weekly Learnings. The weekly learnings form allows the student to gather the

intern's weekly learnings collecting from its start date, end date and its assessment

by what are the things that they’ve learned, tasks and responsibilities and problems

encountered during their internship training.

● Attendance. The attendance can enable the student to monitor one’s total hours left

to be accumulated on internship training and input the daily attendance. This also

allows the internship hosts to approve daily attendance and for internship

coordinators to monitor its students’ daily attendance.

● Profiles.

○ Internship Finder Profile. Within the student’s profile, this includes the

following information that the Internship Hosts are looking for as they apply

to a specific company. Upon logging in, the interns will have to click the

edit button first before filling out the following details. The following is

presented as the resume of students:

■ General Profile

● Basic Information such as Name, Birthdate, La Verdad

Email, Course, Gender, Address, Qualification Summary,

and Profile Picture.

■ Educational Attainment - serves as a highlight of a student or

internship finder’s qualifications and achievements.

■ Training and Workshops - this is optional but students or internship

finders can also list down attended training and workshops that are

relevant to what position they are applying for.

■ References - this is also optional but this can help the employers or

internship hosts to contact the list of persons that allows them to

know the students or internship finders’ personality and past work


■ Attendance - this is a requirement for students in order for the

stakeholders to monitor their attendance on a daily basis.

■ Working Experience - this gives the internship hosts an insight of

what work environment and what they are expecting for their


■ Applied Trainings - this serves as a reference for students or

internship finders on what internship offers they applied on.

■ Change Password - if the student wanted to change its password.

○ Internship Host’s Profile. The Internship Hosts can create their profile,

internship descriptions, and availability of internship offers on the system

that the students can apply for. The following information is displayed on

Internship Hosts profile including:

■ General Profile

● This includes the following information; Company Name,

Company Address and Contact Number, Established In,

Type of Company, People, and Website link.

■ Company Background - brief description of company background.

■ Services and Expertise - what type of services and the expertise the

company provides and are looking for.

■ Your Interns - this section will view its official interns on their

company, view its intern’s profile, approving its attendance and

commenting on their weekly learnings.

■ Posted Internships - list of internship training offers that a company


○ Administrator. The admin has the authority to Browse or Search, Read,

and Delete.

■ The administrator can approve or decline on newly registered users

for the reliability of the system.

■ The system has a search box feature that allows the administrator to

browse and search the name of interns and internship hosts.

■ The system has a read feature where the admin can view the profile

of intern, internship host, and attendance of intern as well as the

weekly learnings of the intern.

■ The system has a delete feature that allows the administrator to

delete the intern and internship hosts.

1.5.2. Limitations

This section will discuss the study's limitations, which will assist proponents in identifying

potential disadvantages of the proposed system. They are as follows:

● The system is only limited for La Verdad Bachelor of Science in Information

System Internship Finder, Bachelor of Science in Information System Internship

Coordinator and Trusted and La Verdad Partnered Internship Host.

● The process of internship such as interviews and online conferences requested by

the Internship Hosts does not apply to the system.

● The system does not apply uploading of the forms required for Internship Finder

and Internship Hosts, but rather directs the user to a third-party site where they may

download or fill out the forms.

● The system does not apply to Internship Finder and Internship Hosts submitting

forms on the system, but rather submits and compiles the forms by their respective

classroom mayors on a separate Google Drive for students and a separate Google

Drive or via email for Internship Hosts for uploading evaluation forms.

● Only students or Internship Finders can view and access the OJT Forms using their

La Verdad account.

● Only Internship Hosts can view and access the Evaluation Forms.

● The system lacks a chat message mechanism for the Contact Us feature, sending a

message on the Contact Us page will send an email directly to the Internship

Coordinator for any concerns.

● The system is only limited within the regions of the Philippines.

1.6. Significance of the Study

This research study is significant in terms of where students can apply for internships in

order to meet the institution's requirements of what company they would like to apply for without

wasting too much time, effort, and money searching for a company where they can begin their


Graduating students are well-known for their ability to influence students' decisions about

their future job and experiences. This study will benefit the following groups or individuals:

a. Internship Coordinator

When the project has been completed, the internship coordinator will be able to simply

manage all of the information of the Internship Hosts and Internship Finder. They should be

able to create, update, delete, and edit in order to keep the system running smoothly.

b. Internship Finders

Internship finders or students can most benefit the study because they are the key actors in

the project and will be finding the best Internship Hosts based on their abilities and achievements.

When using the Internship Management System, students learn to search for and select which

companies they wish to apply to for an internship based on their requirements and skills.

c. Internship Hosts

Internship hosts can profit from the system and this study since it makes it much easier to

do background checks on students who apply for internships. This can help to develop a

relationship with the university in order to select students who have the particular abilities that the

firm is seeking for, increasing productivity and bringing in fresh insights that students can have

and utilize in the future.

d. Future Proponents

Future contributors can also benefit from the study because they can use it to guide them

if they wish to use and learn more about the Internship Management System. This can assist them

in working and better understanding the published work, learning and collaborating with the

proponents of this research, and conducting additional research in case they have an idea and an

interest in making the system and the research more productive and effective. It can also assist

them in determining their area of expertise or interest and beginning their careers as researchers.

1.7. Theoretical Framework

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most influential models of technology

acceptance, and it claims that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness determine an

individual's intention to use a system. The La Verdad Internship Management System’s acceptance

will be defined by the proponents as the amount to which a person or respondents to the study

believe that employing the system will improve its efficiency, effectiveness, and performance

when it comes to internship training.

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)’s goal is to forecast the acceptability of a new

information system proposed by its proponents. Identifying faults and using new technologies to

reduce and improve performance to make it acceptable to users. (Technology Acceptance Model

- EduTech Wiki, 2021).

The figure below shows how the Technology Acceptance Model from Davis et al. (1989)

works. In relation to the Internship Management System, using the external variables or the

problems encountered by former interns or students of La Verdad may vary why the proponents

of this project proposed a system for the internship processing system.

Figure 1.3: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

When the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of a system are high, the external

variables serve as a predictor. Its proponents saw its utility in establishing a system that allows

Internship Finder to rapidly identify a company where students may apply for an internship, as

well as aiding Internship Hosts and Internship Coordinators in monitoring students during

internship training. While the perceived ease of use, proponents feel that this can decrease the

challenges experienced by former La Verdad students or Internship Finder and digitalize the

internship process.

When it comes to attitudes regarding utilizing the system, this may be used to assess the

system's efficiency and effectiveness. TAM, on the other hand, suggests that users' perceptions

about convenience and usefulness alter the user's attitude toward utilization, which in turn affects

the intention and actual usage (Sauro, 2019).

1.8. Conceptual Framework

This section describes the visualization or depiction of what the proponents intend to find

through the study, beginning with data collection and ending with the development of an Internship

Management System.

La Verdad Christian College currently does not have an Internship Management System,

and the school's current internship process is insufficient to monitor and track the Internship

Finder’s actions in their assigned workplace. The designated practicum coordinator is exclusively

responsible for determining what the Internship Finder did and how they felt about the internship


The conceptual framework of the proposed project is depicted in the picture below:

Figure 1.4: Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Project

The execution of the proposed project will help not only the school, but also the practicum

coordinators, Internship Finder, and Internship Hosts by providing an effective system for

monitoring interns’ activities and allowing Internship Hosts to advertise vacancies and job hunt

for suitable Internship Finder with skills.

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model represents the conceptual framework of the study.

The study's inputs are considered as the researchers' reference in starting and organizing the

research. The process method is linked to the Technology Acceptance (TAM) model in terms of

assessing the usefulness and perceived ease of use of the system, as well as for the researchers to

formulate solutions and discussions prior to implementation. The study's output is dependent on

the system's conclusions and recommendations, as well as the study's documentation.

1.9. Definition of Terms

Internship – a practical work-related learning experience that offers a meaningful, practical study

and career interest in a graduating student. This gives the students an opportunity to prove

themselves and enhance their skills and knowledge.

Internship Host - a partnered-company or individual that the intern students are looking for in

applying for internship training. This is an individual or company that employs and interviews the

interns upon applying for internships.

Internship Management System - an influential tool in communicating a student in improving its

process whereas internship training in a modern or digital way.

Internship Finder - the students who are looking for internship opportunities through lists of

Internship Hosts. These are the students who work and train at the company within a short period

of time and can look for an opportunity to be employed as an employee on a specific internship

host in the future.

Internship Coordinator - the person who is in charge of monitoring the internship finders and

internship hosts in using the system and oversee the works and performance of interns using the


Internship Offers - the internship training that an internship host posted within the system where

students can apply for internships.



2.1. Review of Related Literatures

The Potential Impact of Internships on Career Preparation

This article attempts to examine internship engagement to see if the outcomes are helpful

and could lead to more job offers and faster employability. This will also include some research

into the characteristics of students that pursue internships (Jones, 2006). It is a type of experiential

learning that integrates information and theory taught in the classroom with practical application

and skill development in a professional context. Internships, which can be paid or unpaid, provide

undergraduate, graduate, and career changers with hands-on experience in their chosen field of

study or a new career. (NACE, 2018).

In this manner, students can immerse themselves in a work environment, test their

capabilities, and apply principles learned during their schooling. Internships can give students the

opportunity to apply their skills to use in their first real-world employment, which is significant

because institutions' primary goal is to prepare students for career-ready roles. This training can

be advantageous to students since it gives them a distinct lens through which to evaluate their

choice subject of study, as well as decide the industry's merits and drawbacks, as well as the

specific organizational environment of their chosen destination. (Jones, 2016).

This paper will investigate this relationship to determine whether the outcomes are helpful.

This will also include some investigation into the characteristics of students that seek internships.

One of the problems that students have while seeking for an internship is being able to use the

connections that they establish during their time in school and at work. The completion of an

internship is a major predictor of future job success. They were able to use their knowledge and

skill set in a real-world context, as well as find a new career, thanks to the internship opportunity

(NACE, 2018).

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Advantages of knowing your Career Path:

● Easy to construct goals and objectives that aid in the analysis of a successful


● Because they have specific career goals, it will encourage students to use

more of their potential abilities.

● Increased job satisfaction as a result of career planning strengthens students'

dedication and develops feelings of connection and loyalty.

● To be aware of possibilities and priorities in the workplace.

● To select a career that is desirable in terms of longevity and lifestyle.

● Assists the company in determining the individual's strengths.

● It will help you grow.

● To set your goals.

● To plan your retirement.

Disadvantages of NOT knowing your Career Path:

● Does not focus or have priority decisions.

● External involvement or distractions.

● Ignorance and Lack of Enlightenment.

● Stubborn or Not Flexible.

● Difficulty in prior career-planning.

Career-planning or one's career is very important in our life and status nowadays because

this will have an impact on our life, whatever path you will choose. Furthermore, this will define

an individual social status or standing. Aside from your lifestyle, your career will define your

social standing. In other words, your occupation will shape your social circle and relationships. As

a result, choosing the right professional path is crucial. We strive to be someone or something from

an early age. Some people aspire to be doctors, while others aspire to be painters. Many things

influence our career choices. As a result, it is vital to weigh all factors before deciding on a career


Before you may achieve your job goal, you must take certain measures. Success, as they

say, does not happen overnight. To achieve your objectives, you must work hard along the way. If

you have the will, there is always hope. To begin, create profiles on various employment platforms

in order to catch the attention of employers. You will be able to receive good career prospects if

you keep your profile up to date. Furthermore, a user or individual must keep the network updated

at all times to create a strong network within the field. In these cases, they can keep up with

workshops that are held depending on the field of interest of an individual. Upon encountering

some people that are more powerful in the same field, they can also help you widen your own


In a nutshell, never lose sight of your goal. If you put your mind to it, you can easily attain

your career goals. In other words, people are prone to quickly distracting themselves. You should

not be doing so and instead concentrate on your career path in order to attain your objectives


The Impact of Career-Related Work or Internship Experiences on College Seniors' Career


Applying for an internship for a company that has high standards and higher

recommendations can also benefit the college seniors to train themselves in future careers and test

themselves in a different work environment than every individual's first work experience.

In research from Helyer (2014), a University in North East England study is examining

how internship programs benefit college seniors to obtain the requirements for graduation. Higher

institutions are examining the students from the lower level years up to higher level years to

enhance the student and bring out the best and hidden talents from the students that can measure

and strengthen the activity of the students on providing work experience.

Using internships, students can train themselves and think more about future careers that

they want to achieve and continue their learnings using work experiences. Besides, it can benefit

college seniors to apply for internships not just for requirements but to learn how to be an

independent individual in the future. Internship can also benefit the students in a way to enhance

their resume and improve employment prospects. Students are invited to different webinars,

seminars or programs that can help them learn and benefit them for their resume in the near-future

work. (College Major, Internship Experience, and Employment Opportunities: Estimates from a

Résumé © Audit, 2016).

From An Attainable Ideal of Career Planning To A Reality Based On Facts

A career is one of the most important concepts in people's lives. It is the progression and

efforts you have taken throughout your working years, particularly as they relate to your

occupation. A career could take many different paths. It encloses everything related to your

professional development, such as your profession of choice and refinement (Indeed Editorial

Team, 2020).

In our lives, we have what are known as career stages, which refer to the stages of

development that an individual goes through. Career stages are essential to help you differentiate

your goals, weigh what is more significant, and see what can contribute to your upskilling more

clearly. The student's career stage is called exploration. It is one of the five career stages, and it

arises before obtaining permanent employment. As the possibility of a long-term career

approaches, students start to eliminate many options and concentrate on a few professions that

have piqued their interest. (Indeed Editorial Team, 2020). At this phase, one of the tools that

students utilize in this career exploration stage is internships. Internship programs help students

get exposure to actual jobs and real organizations (Cook et al., 2015).

When the study's findings were discussed in-depth, it was observed that the majority of the

participants carried out their internships in line with their career plans in life. Some focus group

participants stated that they began working directly for the company where they completed their

internships. According to Zopiatis and Theocharous (2013), a successful internship experience

increases interns' intentions to continue their careers in the sector for which they work after

graduation. Through this study, it was discovered that the time between graduation and starting

the first job after graduation was significantly shorter for graduates who completed internships

related to their career plans than for graduates who did not complete internships related to their

career plans. As a result, researchers can conclude that the internship program plays a vital role

in students' decision-making regarding their future career plans.

2.2 Review of Related Systems

Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas Campus Online Practicum Monitoring


Online Practicum Monitoring System is a system intended for all college students and

practicum coordinators in Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas Campus. The main

objective of this project is to make the monitoring procedure trouble-free by developing a system

that would be accessible through the internet. Allowing the students to have their own accounts

which will give them the capability to upload their reports by minimizing the time and effort. Like

the college students, practicum coordinators have their own accounts that authorize them to access,

download and check the updates done by the students. Also, according to the researchers, this

system is not a stand-alone application and can be accessed only through their school's official

webpage. The researchers of this study deem that this software will be able to address the issue

and eventually be the answer to make the monitoring of students' tasks more convenient (Velasco

and Vengco 2014).

Figure 2.1: OPMS Research Paradigm (Velasco and Vengco 2014)

Figure 2.2: OPMS Login Page (Velasco and Vengco 2014)

Figure 2.3: OPMS Administrator's Page (Velasco and Vengco 2014)

Intern Placement Tracking (IPT)

The Intern Placement Tracking is a web-based system developed by Alcea Software and

was adopted by the Boise State University School of Social work to track all the students serving

in practicum. The school of social work implemented the intern placement tracking to monitor the

students' deployment, providing students a tool to look for prospective field agencies. IPT helps

reduce the manual process of collecting information from students, supervisors, and agencies by

allowing them to access and update their information via the internet using a web browser.

According to the School of Social Work, one of the best features that this system provides is online

documents. Through online documentation, learning agreements and student evaluations will be

easy because they will be filled out and stored electronically (BSU School of Social Work, n.d).

Web-Based Internship Information System

In research from Hasti et al. (2019), the purpose of this study is to resolve all the issues of

students and institutions when it comes to manual processing of Internship training starting from

the orientation of student’s up to the start and end of internship. As the manual processing of

internship has some flaws that need to be solved for the minimization of errors as a whole.

Figure 2.4: Use-Case Diagram for Indonesia Web-Based Internship Information System (Hasti et

al., 2019)

According to the use-case diagram, the web-based internship information system of

Indonesia has come up to resolve the issues of students and institutions in managing files,

payments, scores and reports from students during their internship training. In conclusion, this can

help both parties get information with ease of use of the system and can simplify and manage

documents and reports given by both parties. (Hasti et al., 2019).

Internship Management System on the Web: A Collaborative Coordination Tool

As technology advances from time to time, most of the companies and institutions have

come up with a system that can help them in managing their internship process due to some

complications reported before. The internship management system is considered as a collaborative

tool in making good relationships between the internship host, institutions and students as well as

the tasks given, and viewing the progress of students during the internship allows them to facilitate

the students anytime, anywhere the internship host is at.

See Figure 2.5: Use-case diagram for project implementation (Dharod, 2004).

As before, in manual processing of internship training, since most of the internship host or

in-charge in facilitating the students during internship can be out of the company and doing

business outside the company, this can be one of the problems of students that they are not familiar

with some of the tasks given to them, and was not facilitated properly. Also, the system can be an

ease of use when it comes to submitting reports and data to internship hosts and these can be

opened whenever the internship host is.

Figure 2.6. Homepage of WICS (Dharod, 2004)

The figure above shows the home page of WICS which contains the welcoming messages

and inputs or links that can be connected to the various useful sites that gives them a brief overview

of the system and usability. See figure 2.6: Home page of WICS (Dharod, 2004).

Figure 2.7: Login page of WICS (Dharod, 2004).

The figure above shows the user interface of login where the user provides the user id and

password to login. Just like other login pages of the system, this will give an error if the inputs are

wrong and if correct, this will connect to another page where the students and internship hosts can

now communicate with each other, send and view each profile for internship. Figure 2.7: Student

page of WICS (Dharod, 2004).

Figure 2.8: Student page of WICS (Dharod, 2004)

In the faculty page, only the administrator can add faculty members within the system to

be recognized by any students and internship hosts enrolled in the system for any clarifications

that the students or internship hosts can contact when there are problems encountered during the

internship. See figure 2.8: Student page of WICS (Dharod, 2004).

Figure 2.9: Students progress of WICS (Dharod, 2004)

The student’s page shows a number of students that are applied and signed in on the system

where the administrator can either accept or reject the students that are enrolled in the system.

Figure 2.10: Company result page of WICS (Dharod, 2004)

The students’ progress page can show the progress of students if they completely passed

the documents needed for internship and their personal information in order for them to be

recognized in the system and by internship hosts looking for interns. This can give problems for

the internship hosts sometimes because they want to see the preferences of the students easily.

Figure 2.11: Change preferences page of WICS (Dharod, 2004)

When searching for companies, the system can give the top results for companies based on

what matches what the student or administrator are looking for. In this page, the admin can either

edit or delete the company.

Whenever the students or company want to change their preferences, this can give access

for the students and internship hosts but can be one of the problems of the system because changing

preferences often can give confusion for the administrator and students. The figure below shows

the company search page of the internship management system where the students can easily look

and find an internship host on where they can apply for Internship training.

Figure 2.12: Company Search page of WICS (Dharod, 2004)



3.1. Introduction

This chapter contains the methodology of research that includes research design, research

environment and client, respondents of the study, research instruments, data collection procedures,

ethical considerations, project design, concept of the project, IS development tools, scheduling and

timeline of the project, project team and responsibilities, and budget proposal and cost


3.2. Research Design

Applied Research

The researchers used applied research for conducting this project. Applied research is

typically used in solving specific problems to provide innovative solutions and develop new

service-based products. It is regularly alluded to as a scientific method of investigation since it

includes applied scientific methods to daily problems (Formplus Blog 2020).

Applied research assists the researcher to come up with practical solutions for the problem.

Berkeley (n.d) addressed that applied research is intended to solve practical problems of the

modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge’s sake. It might be said that one of

the goals of this type of research is to improve the human condition.

The researchers came up with this study as most students and institutions started online

learning by using video conferencing such as Google Meet, Zoom, and other platforms. To ensure

the safety of the students and employees from the virus, schools send their students and employees

home to study and work virtually. Since the internship is required for graduating students, the

institution itself may experience difficulties if the existing (face-to-face) procedure is used.

As applied research is used in the study, the researchers investigated and conducted an

initial survey of former students of La Verdad who experienced the existing process of internship

versus the current students who now experience the online process of internship.

Quantitative Research

A Quantitative Research goal is to gain or produce knowledge and better understanding of

a community. A sample population is known as the particular group of people that is the subject

in the research. The result in Quantitative Research gives an explanation of what are the things

that are important or not important, influencing or not influencing in a particular sample

population. (Allen 2017).

Concerning the proposed study, the researchers chose quantitative research as one of the

research methods to observe the situations that affect the students, coordinator, and internship host

during the internship period. Quantitative research will assist the researchers in gathering

information from the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems alumni based on their

experiences during the traditional internship process, and the current fourth-year students of the

same course who perform online internships. The sampling methods or the online questionnaires

to the respondents will be gathered and its results will be represented quantitatively by the


Qualitative Research

A research study that typically seeks an answer to a question about the "what", "how" and

the "why" questions is called Qualitative Research and this a contrasting idea on Quantitative

Research, which seeks to answer questions such as how many or how much. One of the unique

features of a Qualitative Research is that the studies are often aimed or focused in exploring and

understanding each phenomena and behaviors rather than measuring it. (Green & Thorogood,

2004). The proponents of this study choose to use qualitative methods because the study requires

a detailed description of the information to understand the existing issues.

3.3. Research Environment and Client

The proponents have conducted interviews outside La Verdad Christian College via online

conferences due to the crisis. These are much more efficient because both parties can communicate

anytime and anywhere. The proponents have chosen four interviewees of the study who are former

interns of La Verdad Christian College who shared with us what they experienced during the time

of their internship, how the manual processes have advantages and disadvantages in starting an

internship on-site. One of the interviewees is also someone who is considered as Internship Host

and is looking for interns that they can train at their company which will become their future asset

that can be a great help in the company. (Hergert & San Diego State University, USA, 2009).

The former interns gave feedback to the proponents while conducting interviews about the

proposed system on how these can be of advantage when it comes to looking for an internship

host. Since La Verdad Christian College has difficulties in handling manual processing of

Internship programs, the proponents proposed a system that can be of help for the students to easily

look for internship hosts and for applying internships.

3.4. Respondents of the Study

The study will be conducted in La Verdad Christian College, Apalit, Pampanga and the

chosen future respondents of the study are fifteen (15) Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

fourth-year students, ten (10) Bachelor of Science in Information Systems third-year students as

they will be the next senior students of La Verdad, ten (10) Bachelor of Science in Information

Systems Alumni students, two (2) Internship Hosts and two (2) Internship Coordinators. The target

respondents of the study will benefit the system since the students and internship coordinators can

benefit the system and how the system can be useful to digitalize the existing process of internship


The proponents and respondent’s goals are to give ideas and measurements on the system

in order for the system, which is the Internship Management System that can greatly benefit the

students to find a company to apply for an internship. For the internship coordinators in order to

monitor the students during internship and its requirements. For the employers who can

communicate with the administrators of the institution whenever there’s a problem with the

students during internship and the institution who can introduce a new system that can help the

college seniors find an internship program through the system (Mydyti 2020).

Figure 3.1: Donut chart of respondents of the study

The proponents will collect data from the number of respondents stated above. This can be

reasonable in perceiving the usefulness of the system and its ease of use that can be experienced

by the ones who will be using the system. They will be ideal respondents of the study that can help

define how the system can help the students and institution in looking for partnered-internship


3.5. Research Instruments

In collecting data, the proponents of the study will use Google form questionnaires from

the clients, interns, alumni, and internship hosts in order to determine the problems encountered

and the manual processes of the Internship program and to identify how the system may perceive

its usefulness and ease of use for students in internship processes.

A Google form is a template or spreadsheet that may be used alone or in conjunction with

other Google forms to collect information from users. Paperless, environmentally friendly, time

efficient, accurate summary of respondents' answers, and practical are just a few of the advantages

that Google forms have over a manual questionnaire. Using the survey as one of the proponents'

instruments, where the collection of information from the respondents can give the proponents an

insight on how the system can help students on internship, the administrators of the institution and

internship host, where this can help them monitor the students through the system.

This can also benefit the proponents to give each other feedback and have additional

questions in understanding the situations and answers from the respondents. In this way, the

proponents can have a better understanding and comparison on how internships can greatly benefit

the students to professionalism and career development. (College Major, Internship Experience,

and Employment Opportunities: Estimates from a Résumé © Audit, 2016).

3.6. Data Collection Procedure

Following the Data Privacy Law of 2012, the researchers will protect all personal

information of the respondents whether personal or sensitive. The proponents will use a type of

sampling technique in data collection.

Purposive sampling

For this study, the researchers used the purposive sampling technique, which is used to

select a sample that is most useful to the purposes of the research. This type of sampling technique

is used in qualitative research, where the researchers want to gain an in-depth understanding of a

particular phenomenon rather than make statistical inferences.

In order to understand the problem and gain understanding from the comparison of manual

processing techniques of Internship versus the web-based internship management system that can

greatly benefit not just the students but also the internship hosts and the institution as well. The

proponents gathered some data and information and collaboration through the use of online

conferences such as zoom. Through these, the proponents gain a better understanding of the

research problems and answer the main research question in this manner and are significant to its

target benefactors. The collected data will serve as the foundation or the basis of the issue that the

researchers are attempting to solve.

3.7. Data Analysis

For the data analysis, the researchers of the study used a five-point Likert scale-based

evaluation to quantify the respondent's attitude toward the system. To analyze and interpret the

gathered data, the statistical treatment employed by the researchers is the measure of central

tendency, such as mean and standard deviation.



Where the sample mean is denoted by x̄ (pronounced x-bar), used to represent the mean

of a set of data.

∑ x is the sum of all values, and n is the number of values in the sample data set.

Figure 3.2: Sample Mean Formula

The researchers used a Likert scale in the survey to assess the perceived usefulness and

ease of use of the system. The Likert scale and its interpretation are shown in the table below.

Scale Mean Range Interpretation

5 4.01 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.01 - 4.00 Agree

3 2.01 - 3.00 Neutral

2 1.01 - 2.00 Disagree

1 0.01 - 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Table 3.1: Likert Scale Level and Interpretation

The term variance refers to the statistical measurement of the distance between numbers in

a data set. Variance is used to examine how individual numbers in a data set relate to each other.

It has the advantage of treating all deviations from the mean as the same, regardless of direction

(Hayes & Boyle, 2022).

Figure 3.3: Variance Equation

The standard deviation is a statistic that measures a dataset's dispersion relative to its

mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. If the data points are further from the

mean, there is a higher deviation within the data set; thus, the higher the standard deviation, the

more spread out the data.

Figure 3.4: Standard Deviation Formula

These statistical tools will be used by the researcher to analyze and interpret the collected

data. The research will use the data results to construct conclusions and recommendations for the

study to enhance the proposed system.

3.8. System Development Methodology

Agile Development

The development of the system will be under the use of Agile Development as the

systematic methodology of the proposed project. Since the project needs to be completed in a

limited time, the researchers choose Agile Development as the development methodology to

design the project faster by maximizing project delivery and minimizing project risk.

According to Atlassian (n.d.), the term Agile Development is a step-by-step process which

connects not only to project management but also to software development that can help the team

in delivering customer value faster and fewer mistakes. In a team with Agile Approach, this

delivers the work in a small, but usable, advancement. Its requirements, agile plans and agile

results are continuously evaluated by the teams in having a neutral understanding mechanism in

responding quickly about changes.


Role Internship Finder Internship Host Internship Coordinator

Registration As an internship As an internship host, I As an internship

finder, I want to want to register as an coordinator, I want to
register as an intern in intern in LVIMS so approve and decline
LVIMS so that I can that I can request for registration of users so
request for access on access on the system. that I can manage all
the system. internship finders and
internship hosts in
accessing the LVIMS.

Login As an internship As an internship host, I As an internship

finder, I want to login want to login using my coordinator, I want to
using my la verdad email and password so login using my email and
email and password so that I can access my password so that I can

that I can access my account in LVIMS. access my account in
account in LVIMS. LVIMS.

Profile As an internship As an internship host, I As an internship

finder, I want to fill out want to fill out basic coordinator, I want to
basic details or details or information view the profile or details
information on a on a profile so that I can of internship finder and
profile so that I can provide a list of internship host so that I
create my curriculum available internships can manage and monitor
vitae quickly. for internship finders to the internship finders and
apply with. internship coordinators.

View internship As an internship As an internship host, I As an internship

host finder, I want to view want to post available coordinator, I want to
internship hosts so that positions in the view the posted training
I can view lists of company so that I can of internship hosts so that
company profiles and provide a list of I can manage and view
internship training available internships what internship hosts
available. for internship finders to posted on LVIMS.
apply with.

Apply for As an internship As an internship host, I

Internship finder, I want to apply want to accept or deny
Training for internship hosts so applications from
that I can add it to my internship finders so
applied training and that I can schedule
wait for notification on interviews for
scheduled interviews. approved applicants
and provide reasons for
denying the application
of applicants.

View practicum As an internship As an internship host, I

and evaluation finder, I want to view want to view
form documents practicum documents evaluation forms so
so that I can manage that I can manage the
the documents for intern’s evaluation
complying documents for

Attendance As an internship As an internship host, I As an internship

finder, I want to input want to approve the coordinator, I want to
my attendance by attendance of the view the summary of
hours accumulated so internship finder so that attendance of my
that I can monitor my I can approve or edit students so that I can
attendance every day. the intern's attendance. monitor my student’s


Weekly As an intern, I want to As an internship host, I As an internship

Learnings input my weekly want to monitor and coordinator, I want to
learnings so that I can comment on weekly view the summary of
monitor and comply learnings of internship weekly learnings of
with the requirements finders so that I can internship finders and
of the internship manage and evaluate comments of internship
coordinator in weekly the student’s behavior hosts so that I can
reports. and tasks weekly. monitor the student’s
performance and
behavior during
internship training.

Delete User As an internship

coordinator, I want to
delete users of the system
that no longer can use the
system under such
circumstances so that I
can monitor the newly
interns and hosts

Dashboards As an internship host, I As an internship

want to view the coordinator, I want to
overview or summary view the overview or
of approve, pending summary of approved,
attendance and number pending, declined
or hired interns so that attendance and user
I can monitor the registration so that I can
attendance and monitor monitor attendance and
my interns, users that registered on
the system.

Table 3.2: LVIMS Agile User Stories

3.9. Database Structure

3.9.1. Database Modeling

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) gives an insight into building a basic view of the

system according to its requirements. Before going to the database designing, there is still an

implementation that must go through and this can be changed from time to time. An ERD Diagram

is a representation of a basic structure of a database. This would give the programmers a clear

understanding about the functionalities and process of the system. (Admin AfterAcademy, 2019)

Figure 3.5: LVIMS ERD Modeling

The figure above indicates the Entity Relationship Diagram Model of the Internship

Management System of La Verdad for Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Fourth-Year


3.9.2. Database Schema

A database schema indicates a step-by-step and complete process of an ERD Diagram in a

system. This is an organized data structure within a database that has a relationship to one another.

In research of Education (2021), a database schema serves as the blueprint of the system upon

implementation. This shows how data is related to one another and connects to each other.

As the schema is a big data or process of the system, this is very critical to users and

developers in ensuring that the system flow is efficient and effective. If there would be no schema,

the system would be harder to maintain and have a reference upon implementation of the system.

(Education, 2021)

Figure 3.6: LVIMS Database Schema

3.10. Functional Requirements

Functional requirements show the functions or activity of the system. This allows the

researchers to identify the major and minor requirements and functionalities within the system.

This also enables the developers to develop a system and enable the students to accomplish their

tasks in an effective and efficient way and to make a clear understanding both for users and

stakeholders. (Editor, 2019). The internship management system has the following user roles: a)

Internship Finder; b) Internship Host; c) Internship Coordinator.

Figure 3.7: LVIMS Overall Use-Case Diagram

A. Students or Internship Finders

● Registration and Login

○ The internship finder can register by their name, email address (preferably La

Verdad email address) and password;

○ After registration, the internship finder will receive an email if his/her registration

is approved or declined.

○ The internship finder can login using their registered email and password once

approved by the internship coordinator.

● Profile

○ The internship finder can edit and input their information and serves as a resume;

○ The internship finder can modify their information on the system;

○ The internship finder resume or curriculum vitae can also be seen by the internship

host and admin upon applying on the offers as intern.

● Weekly Learnings

○ The internship finder can input their weekly learnings upon starting the internship.

● View Forms

○ The internship finder can view the OJT Request Forms upon clicking on the

‘Practicum Documents’ on header bar.

● Apply for Internship Training

○ The internship finder can apply for an internship by clicking on the “Internships”

or look for a suitable company that offers training related to their skills and passion.

Figure 3.8: Internship Finder Use-Case Diagram

B. Employers or Internship Hosts

● Registration and Login

○ The internship host can register by their company name, company type, email

address, password;

○ After registration, the internship hosts will receive an email if his/her registration

is approved or declined.

○ The internship host can login using their registered email and password once

approved by the internship coordinator.

● Dashboard

○ The internship host can overview the summary of pending, approve and number of

interns within their jurisdiction.

● Profile

○ The internship host can edit and input the company information and serves as a

guide for the student upon applying for an internship.

○ The internship host can add offered internships and input brief descriptions and

information needed for the internship finder.

● Viewing Internship Finders Resume

○ Once an internship finder applies for an internship at the company, the internship

host can view their resume and request for an interview in a third-party conference

or call interview.

● View Interns Profile

○ The internship host can also view the intern’s profile registered on the system.

Figure 3.9: Internship Host Use-Case Diagram

C. Administrator or Internship Coordinator

● Login

○ The administrator just has to login and there is no need for registering. The admin

can change the password on the administrator’s page.

● Dashboard

○ The internship coordinator can have an overview of the summary of pending,

approved, declined attendance and registration of users within their jurisdiction.

○ The internship coordinator can search the students by name.

○ The internship coordinator can see the list of interns and hosts registered on the

system whether it is still pending, approved or declined within the system.

○ The internship coordinator can view the intern's profile by clicking on a kebab icon

on the action column.

○ The internship coordinator can view the intern’s attendance by clicking on a kebab

icon on the action column.

○ The internship coordinator can view the intern's weekly learnings and comments of

internship hosts by clicking on a kebab icon on the action column.

○ The internship coordinator can delete the interns and hosts who are no longer

registered or if the student has already graduated.

Figure 3.10: Internship Coordinator Use-Case Diagram

3.11. Development Requirements

This section of the paper will discuss the hardware and software requirements

specifications used to develop the system.

3.11.1. Hardware Requirements

The proposed system has hardware components that may require the user to have them.

The tables that will be stated below are the hardware that will be used when using the proposed


Hardware Specification Used for Deployment

Laptop CPU Core i5

Memory (RAM) 8 GB

HDD 500 GB

OS Windows 10

Table 3.3: Hardware Requirements

3.11.2. Software Requirements

The table indicated below are the major software and the versions that will be used

during the development process of the proposed web application.

Software Specifications

Bootstrap Version 5.0

Google Chrome Version 101.0.4951.64

PHP Version 8.1.5

JavaScript Version 6.14.2



XAMPP Version 3.3.0

Database Server (MariaDB) Version 5.1.3

Table 3.4: Minimum & Recommended Hardware requirements

The researchers use Google Chrome as the primary browser for testing and development

of the system. Meanwhile, JavaScript and Database Server are connected in order for the

information to be saved on the database which are also very important for an Internship

Management System.

3.12. Project Cost Management

The figure above shows the project cost for the deployment of the system in a server

wherein the researchers will use a DigitalOcean Droplet to deploy the production of the system at

a lowest price monthly.

Materials Used Estimated Costs Usage


Digital Ocean Droplet ₱ 436.24 For Deployment

(March) $5 / monthly

Domain Purchase $ 3.16 or ₱ 173.00 / yearly For Domain Name

Table 3.5: Project Cost Management

3.13. Ethical Considerations

Data privacy is one of the important aspects of research and in today’s society since it will

maintain the personal information of the user from unauthorized access. To maintain

confidentiality, values, and ethics of the user’s personal information, it is important to protect it,

and if failed to do so, it could lead to serious consequences. (Higgins, 2021).

1. The research will be conducted within the institution, La Verdad Christian College Apalit

branch with proper consent from the instructors, program heads, and administrators.

2. The respondents of the study will be informed that the research and any interviews that will

be conducted are completely non-mandatory and will not leak their personal information.

3. All information gathered by the proponents will be kept confidential and the proponents

will obtain proper permission from the respondents to use their personal information for

the research project.

3.14. Scheduling and Timeline of the Project

Figure 3.11: LVIMS Scheduling and Timeline of the Project

The figure shows the timeline of the process of the Internship Management System. The

date starts from September 2021 until in the process of documentation and system development in

June 2022.



The researchers of this study performed a survey to assess the system's ease of use and

perceived usefulness, as well as its performance and accuracy. The researcher uses a Likert scale

to determine how satisfied users are with the system when using the Technology Acceptance

Model framework. Purposive sampling is used to obtain high-quality information from a small

group of people. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective

sampling in Jordan (2021) research, wherein researchers rely on their own judgment in selecting

individuals of the population who will participate in the surveys.

The researchers surveyed graduating students in the Bachelor of Science in Information

System course, as well as prior students and instructors in the same courses mentioned previously

at La Verdad Christian College, Inc. The survey forms were generated using Google Forms, and

the link to the form was distributed to the respondents.

4.1. System Features and Modules

4.1.1. Registration

Registration of users provides a greater security for all who are visiting the system

especially since it is an internship management system exclusively for students and trusted

companies of La Verdad Christian College in Apalit, Pampanga.

Figure 4.1: LVIMS Registration View

Figure 4.2: LVIMS Registration for Internship Finders View

There would be two options upon registration, registration for internship finders and

registration for internship hosts. In registering as an intern, the following details are needed to be

filled out; first name, last name, la verdad email address, password and accepted terms and


Figure 4.3: LVIMS Terms and Conditions

Before the users can register on the system, they must check and read the terms and

conditions in order to provide an insight and data privacy consent that upon registering on the

system, their information and data will be saved on the system database and can be used in different

aspects of procedure related to internship training aspects.

The terms and conditions included in this are the data privacy content and policy, its

interpretations and definitions, what will the system collect and use the user’s personal data, the

use of user’s personal data, transferring its data, disclosure of the user’s personal data and other

subjects under the terms and conditions.

Figure 4.4: LVIMS Approval of Registrations of Internship Finders

For the email address of internship finders, they are required to use their own respective

La Verdad Email Address for uniformity since it is an internship management system and

exclusive only for La Verdad Christian College registered students. After filling up the necessary

details for the internship finder, this needs to be approved by the internship coordinator before they

can fully access the system. Hence, if the internship coordinator declined the registration of

internship finders, there would be something wrong with their registration. It could be that the

interns don't use La Verdad Email Address in registration.

Figure 4.5: LVIMS Registration for Internship Hosts View

Figure 4.6: LVIMS Approval of Registrations for Internship Hosts

Meanwhile, for the internship host, there would also be the following details needed to be

filled up; company name, company type, email address, password and accepted terms and

conditions. After filling out the necessary details for the internship hosts, this also needs to be

approved by the internship coordinator before they can fully access the system.

Hence, if the internship coordinator declined the registration of internship hosts, there

would be something wrong with their registration. It could be that the hosts do not align unto

Information Technology related companies.

4.1.2. Internship Finder Modules

Internship Finders are also called as the interns or students who are looking for

internship hosts to apply for internship training. This module enables the said actor to create

a profile that will be necessary for internship training purposes such as curriculum vitae for

internship finder.

Figure 4.7: Internship Finder Profile Module

After logging into the system as internship finder, this will redirect him or her into profile

page where the internship finder will input or fill out the following basic information on

themselves before proceeding unto other tabs such as the following:

Figure 4.8: LVIMS Educational Attainment of Internship Finders

Figure 4.9: LVIMS Educational Background Form of Internship Finders

This section discusses the internship finder educational background and information. The

summary of the educational background of students can highlight their academic qualifications

and achievements and convince the internship hosts that you can do internship training and you

are fit for the company to be an intern.

Figure 4.10 : LVIMS Language Proficiency of Internship Finders

Figure 4.11: LVIMS Language Proficiency Form of Internship Finders

This section discusses the internship finder proficiency in languages available on the

dropdown list section. If you know many languages, this can also be added to your curriculum

vitae because this can show your ability to learn quickly and apply your knowledge on many

languages in real-world situations especially on talking with foreign clients.

Figure 4.12: LVIMS Trainings and Seminars of Internship Finder

Figure 4.13: LVIMS Trainings and Seminars Form of Internship Finders

This section discusses the internship finder training and seminars offered and attended

during their days that are related to the position they are or will be applying for. This page is

optional but this can also enhance the profile of internship finders whether their training and

seminars attended in relation to the position they are applying for.

Figure 4.14: LVIMS References of Internship Finders

Figure 4.15: LVIMS References Page of Internship Finders

This section discusses the internship finder’s available contact person such as instructors

or coordinators of the student in internship. References on the curriculum vitae can help the

internship hosts determine whether the students are fit for the internship training. Internship Hosts
will try to contact the references the student inputted on their application in providing some

information background regarding the personality and abilities of the students.

Figure 4.16: LVIMS Work Experience Page of Internship Finders

Figure 4.17: LVIMS Work Experience Page of Internship Finders

This section describes the internship finder work experience in any company that is related

to the position he or she is applying for. By inputting the work experience of an intern, this could

help the internship hosts understand what environment the student has been to and their

expectations for the internship finders who are applying for internship training.

Figure 4.18: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Page of Internship Finders

Figure 4.19: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Form of Internship Finders

This section discusses the internship finder weekly learnings and tasks accomplished

within a week. This is helpful for internship coordinators in monitoring the students' tasks and

responsibilities in their internship training. The purpose of these weekly learnings is to engage

students in being prepared for their future and reaching their goals and potential of being lifelong


Figure 4.20: LVIMS Attendance Page of Internship Finders

Figure 4.21: LVIMS Attendance Form of Internship Finders

This section discusses the attendance of internship finders that will be inputted on a daily

basis of their internship training. By attending the internship regularly, the internship finders could

likely keep up with their daily tasks and schedules and will not be left out upon completing their

internship training total hours.

Figure 4.22: LVIMS Applied Intern

This section discusses the internship finder list of applied training within the list of

companies and internships offered. This could help the internship find what internship hosts and

positions they have been applying for internship training.

4.1.3. Internship Hosts Modules

Internship Hosts are the companies or employers who are looking for interns to

apply for internship training. This module enables the said actor to create a profile that will be

necessary for internship training purposes such as posting available internship positions for

internship finder.

Figure 4.23: LVIMS Internship Host Dashboard

This section shows the overview or summary of internship hosts- approved attendance,

pending attendance that needs to be approved, and the total number of hired interns within the

internship host organization.

Figures 4.24: LVIMS Internship Hosts Profile

After logging into the system as internship finder, this will redirect him or her into the

profile page where the internship host will input or fill out the following basic information on

themselves before proceeding unto other tabs such as the following:

Figure 4.25: LVIMS Company Overview of Internship Host

This section will provide the internship finders of company business plan, mission and

vision with basic background information about the company so they can have an understanding

on what the company does and the businesses they offer.

Figure 4.26: LVIMS Company Overview of Internship Host

Posting internship training is essential in looking for internship opportunities. This will

attract internship finders that are looking for internship opportunities, as shown on the previous


Figure 4.27: LVIMS Interns Lists of Internship Host

This section discusses the lists of interns accepted by the internship hosts. In view of the

applicants section, an internship host will approve the internship finders who undergoes an

interview from the internship host via email or call.

4.1.4. Internship Coordinator Modules

Internship Coordinators are also called as the instructors or admin of the system who will

be monitoring the whole process of internship.

Figure 4.28: LVIMS Dashboard on Internship Coordinator Page

Dashboards can help the internship coordinator monitor the approved, pending and

declined units on the system in improving the process and summarization of the system. The

dashboards consist of two types of roles which are the interns and hosts which are needed to be

approved or declined on the system, and the attendance of the interns that need to be approved by

the internship hosts.

Figure 4.29: LVIMS Internship Finder Tab on Internship Coordinator Page

This shows the lists of internship finders registered on the system. Those interns who are

newly registered on the system will have the status of “Pending” unless the internship coordinator

approves or declines the user. There is also a dashboard above the table showing the number of

interns who are approved, declined and pending and lastly, the search feature.

Figure 4.30: LVIMS View Intern’s Profile on Internship Coordinator Page

The internship coordinator can have an overview of the interns profile registered on the

system. This can also be helpful in monitoring the intern’s curriculum vitae and information upon

being an intern or registered student of La Verdad Christian College.

Figure 4.31: LVIMS View Intern’s Weekly Learnings on Internship Coordinator Page

The internship coordinator will have an overview of the weekly learnings of the students

that is required for the practicum class to have. The coordinator can view the learnings of the

interns and comments of the internship hosts upon evaluating the weekly learnings. This page

consists of the name of intern, its member number, its weekly learnings; the from date and end

date and its assessment, and lastly, the comment of the host.

Figure 4.32: LVIMS View Intern’s Attendance on Internship Coordinator Page

The internship coordinator will have an overview of the attendance of the students that is

required for the practicum class to have too. This page consists of the name of the intern, its

member number, and its summary of attendance. The coordinator can have an insight on how and

when the students are frequently attending their internship training.

Figure 4.33: LVIMS Internship Hosts Tab on Internship Coordinator Page

This shows the lists of internship hosts registered on the system. Those hosts who are newly

registered on the system will have the status of “Pending” unless the internship coordinator

approves or declines the user. There is also a dashboard above the table showing the number of

hosts who are approved, declined and pending and lastly, the search feature.

Figure 4.34: LVIMS View Hosts Profile on Internship Coordinator Page

The internship coordinator can have an overview of the host's profile registered on the

system. This can also be helpful in monitoring the host information upon uploading an internship

offer on the system.

Figure 4.35: LVIMS View Internship Programs on Internship Coordinator Page

The internship coordinator can view, approve and decline on what programs the internship

hosts are posting for. Upon clicking on the approve button, this will be posted on the internship

host's side. If the offer is declined, this will not be posted on the host's side but also will be deleted

on the coordinator’s lists.

Figure 4.36: LVIMS Site Settings on Internship Coordinator Page

This will help the internship coordinator in inputting a total number of hours that an intern

should accumulate upon its internship training. Once the students are approved on the system, the

total number of hours accumulated of interns will also automatically be reflected on the intern’s

attendance page.

4.2. Improving the monitoring of student interns' performance by using the LVIMS.

4.2.1. Accomplishing the Work or Tasks of Internship Finders

One of the tasks of the interns is passing weekly assessments or learnings upon checking

by the internship coordinator. This can be one way of reflecting and looking back on their week

on what are the things they have learned, tasks and responsibilities, issues encountered throughout

their internship training.

Figure 4.37: LVIMS Internship Weekly Learnings

Figure 4.38: LVIMS Add New Weekly Learnings

By engaging in this kind of internship, this can increase their attention, focus and

motivation for practicing a higher level of knowledge and skills, getting them ready for

professional development by promoting an engagement in internship training.

In accomplishing this weekly learnings, in students' profile, they can find a tab called

“Weekly Learning” where they can input their weekly assessments and experiences. The form has

a start date to end date in determining what week they are filling up and also, the assessment where

they will input their accomplishments, challenges and learnings.

Upon completion of assessing the students, the internship coordinator could also view the

student’s weekly learnings and comment on internship hosts in monitoring the student’s

performance in internship training.

Figure 4.39: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance Page

In any school, attendance is a must for students who are attending. Even in the workplace

and doing internship training, attendance is also a policy of the company. This is a work ethic that

all students and interns must adopt during their internship training because this can also affect their

overall performance.

Maintaining a good attendance within their internship training can enhance their overall

performance in the company. Attendance is the most crucial part of work ethics because if you do

not discipline yourself on your absenteeism, then it shows on your performance that you do not

uphold your priorities, are not dependable and not disciplined in a work environment.

Figure 4.40: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance Form

Upon viewing the attendance page of internship finders, they can find an “Add Attendance”

button whereas a form will show up by clicking it. The form has a date today format, where the

students will input their attendance on a daily basis. There is also a “hours” and “minutes” , which

indicate how many hours the internship finders accumulated within the end of the day.

Figure 4.41: LVIMS Attendance List Approval on Internship Hosts

This section shows the approval of internship hosts on intern’s attendance. The host can

edit the table or intern’s attendance by clicking on the edit button on the action table. This also

shows as monitoring intern’s performance on internship training because attending frequently on

internship proves that the students are interested in the training and want to learn more about its


Figure 4.42: LVIMS Weekly Learnings Comment on Internship Hosts

This section shows the monitoring of intern’s performance on internships through

comments and evaluations on their weekly learnings. This can be used in evaluating the student

performance on an evaluation form after the internship training of the interns within the

internship host organization.

4.1.2. Evaluating the Student’s Behavior towards Their Superior.

Applying on internship hosts and getting interviewed can get a higher chance of approval

from the internship host section. If the internship finder has been approved by the internship host,

this will direct into “Your Interns” on the Internship Host page.

Figure 4.43: LVIMS Internship Hosts View Applicants

Figure 4.44: LVIMS Internship Hosts Approved Applicants

Furthermore, with the internship host approval, the student is now officially an intern of

internship hosts. They have three options on actions; viewing the profile of the internship finder,

viewing its attendance, and evaluating its weekly learnings.

By evaluating the student’s weekly learning experience, the internship host can make a

judgment if the student is worthy to be absorbed by the company after their graduation or not. The

internship hosts can also refer to the students by giving a positive comment and higher ranks in

evaluation form of students at the end of their internship training. Since a student's performance

and behavior is important in looking for particular employment opportunities, the more record

there is that the student has a good moral character as per the internship host and other co-

employees, co-interns and clients, the higher the chances of getting employed.

Figure 4.45: LVIMS Internship Hosts View Weekly Learnings

In viewing the internship finder’s weekly learnings, the internship host can evaluate the

students by commenting on their learnings weekly. Evaluating the student can provide the

internship host in monitoring the behavior of internship finders on a weekly basis. On the figure

above, the internship host can see the start date and end date where the internship finder inputted

its weekly learnings, also the assessment of the student on what are the things they have learned at

the end of the week on their internship training.

Figure 4.46: LVIMS Internship Hosts Comment Weekly Learnings

Figure 4.47: LVIMS Internship Hosts Comment Weekly Learnings View

In comment on the weekly assessment of students, a form will also show up and internship

hosts will fill out the details and its comment for evaluating the students’ performance and behavior

of students during their internship training. With these, internship hosts can evaluate how the

students behave in their respective workplace and if they are truly fit to be one of the employees

of the company in the future.

By also allowing the hosts to evaluate the weekly learnings of students, this can also help

them motivate students on how the students work in internship and how they achieved their own

objectives and how they understand the tasks and responsibilities given to them.

Furthermore, behavior of the students in internship can affect their tasks and

responsibilities in their workplace and in future employment. If the student has a good behavioral

effect on the company, there is a possibility that clients can give a high satisfaction rate, their

productivity can enhance and can improve their culture in the company.

Figure 4.48: LVIMS Internship Host Evaluation Form

This section discusses the internship host evaluation form that serves as the final grading

system of internship finders upon completion of the internship training. This document is only for

internship hosts and institution representatives can see the evaluation form and grading of interns.

The internship host will have to email the document on the given email of La Verdad Christian


4.1.3. Monitoring the Attendance of Internship Finders during Internship Training.

As the internship finders complete their attendance on a daily basis, the internship hosts

have a role where they can approve on what the interns input on their hours accumulated every

day. Since the internship hosts accept internship finders, they would also hold a responsibility in

monitoring the students on their attendance at the company.

Figure 4.49: LVIMS Internship Finders Attendance on Internship Hosts Page

The monitoring of attendance of students is not just only intended for internship

coordinator but also for internship hosts. This can be an easy way for internship hosts to monitor

the intern’s attendance through the use of the system.

Figure 4.50: LVIMS Edit Internship Finders Attendance on Internship Hosts Page

In observation of the internship host if the attendance of internship finders is correct, they

could edit the status of internship finders unto “Approved”, meanwhile, if the internship hosts

observed that the attendance of interns is incorrect, they could also edit its attendance. This could

change the attendance of interns and it will automatically reflect on internship finders and

internship coordinators page.

Monitoring the attendance of interns is also a requirement for internship coordinator since

this is their issue starting from the face to face setup of internship training. In this case, it could be

easier for an internship coordinator to monitor the attendance of students through the use of the


4.2. Perceive the usefulness and ease of use of the system from the existing process of La

Verdad Internship.

The questionnaire used in conducting the surveys is in accordance with the Technology

Acceptance Model format and this contains queries to rate a client’s satisfaction regarding the

system. Most of them provided positive experiences, while few respondents may have bad

experiences and issues in using the system. The internship portal, which is the main feature of the

system also did achieve positive responses and results since this can help the students in searching

for an internship host where they can train and find their own passion.

Based on the survey results from 39 respondents from different fields; interns or Bachelor

of Science in Information Systems fourth-year students, Bachelor of Science in Information

Systems alumni, Internship Hosts and Internship Coordinators. The statistics reveal that the

internship management system based on survey results perceived it usefulness (x=3.70, α=0.49

σ=0.70), perceiving its ease-of-use (x=3.22, α=0.62, σ=0.77), and reliability of the system (x=3.50,

α=0.50, σ=0.70).

LVIMS Overall Components Reliability

Figure 4.50 represents the number of fourth- and third-year students, as well as alumni

from the same course, who evaluated the overall reliability of the LVIMS. Figure 4.51 illustrates

the overall reliability of the system for the internship host. Figure 4.52 illustrates the overall

reliability of the system for internship coordinator. As you can see, the majority of the respondents

were pleased with the system. However, some respondents provide negative feedback because

they have encountered issues with the system, such as slow response time.

Figure 4.51: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Finder Module)

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Bachelor of Science in Information

Systems 4th Year and 3rd Year Students, and also Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Alumni who answers the survey results in a total of nine (9) questions.

Figure 4.52: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Host Module)

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Hosts who answer the

survey results in a total of nine (9) questions. The internship hosts gathered for the survey was

based on what company the proponents did their internship training.

Figure 4.53: LVIMS Reliability Evaluation (Internship Coordinator Module)

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Coordinators who answer

the survey results in a total of nine (9) questions. The internship coordinators who gathered to

answer the questions were the instructors related to Bachelor of Science in Information System


Reliability Items Mean SD Interpretation

LVIMS records data under normal conditions. 3.97 0.75 Agree

LVIMS is accessible and operational when required for 4.06 0.59 Strongly Agree
LVIMS components operate fast. 4.06 0.64 Strongly Agree

LVIMS components work correctly and without error. 3.71 0.89 Agree

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an issue. 4.34 0.64 Strongly Agree

LVIMS records the attendance accurately under normal 4.29 0.62 Strongly Agree
Submission of weekly learnings operates without an issue. 4.34 0.68 Strongly Agree

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s features in 4.29 0.71 Strongly Agree
LVIMS are reliable.
Overall, LVIMS is reliable. 4.11 0.76 Strongly Agree

AVERAGE 4.13 0.69 Strongly Agree

Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Finder Module)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for reliability of the system regarding the

internship finder module. Based on the results, the highest rank which is the “Submission of

weekly learnings operates without an issue” with (M=4.34, SD=0.64), while the lowest on the

descriptive statistics for reliability of LVIMS which is the “LVIMS components work correctly

and without error.” with (M=3.71, SD=0.89). The total average of descriptive statistics for

reliability of LVIMS according to the Internship Finder Module results has (M=4.13, SD=0.69)

and most of the respondents strongly agree that the system is reliable.

Reliability Items Mean SD Interpretation

LVIMS records data under normal conditions. 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS is accessible and operational when required for 3.50 0.71 Agree
LVIMS components operate fast. 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS components work correctly and without error. 3.00 0 Agree

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an issue. 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS records the attendance accurately under normal 4.00 0 Agree
Submission of weekly learnings operates without an issue.. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s features in 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS are reliable.
Overall, LVIMS is reliable. 4.00 0 Agree

AVERAGE 3.55 0.71 Agree

Table 4.2: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Host Module)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for reliability of the system regarding the

internship finder module. Based on the results, the highest rank which has the (M=4.00, SD=0)

that most of the respondents agree that the system is reliable in terms of recording its attendance

accurately and the overall reliability of the system while the lowest on the descriptive statistics for

reliability of LVIMS which has the (M=3.50, SD=0.71) that most of the internship host

respondents also agreed on the reliability of the system. The total average of descriptive statistics

for reliability of LVIMS according to the Internship Finder Module results has (M=3.55, SD=0.71)

and most of the respondents agree that the system is reliable.

Reliability Items Mean SD Interpretation

LVIMS records data under normal conditions. 2.50 0.71 Neutral

LVIMS is accessible and operational when required for 2.50 0.71 Neutral
LVIMS components operate fast. 3.00 0 Neutral

LVIMS components work correctly and without error. 2.50 0.71 Neutral

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an issue. 3.00 0 Neutral

LVIMS records the attendance accurately under normal 3.00 0 Neutral


Submission of weekly learnings operates without an issue.. 3.00 0 Neutral

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s features in 3.00 0 Neutral

LVIMS are reliable.
AVERAGE 2.81 0.27 Neutral

Table 4.3: Descriptive Statistics for Reliability of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator Module)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for reliability of the system regarding the

internship finder module. Based on the results, the highest rank is the (M=3.00, SD=0) that most

of the respondents neither disagree nor agree that the system is reliable in terms of some features

on the system while some has (M=2.50, SD=0.71) that the system is reliability in terms of

recording of data and operates fast. The total average of descriptive statistics for reliability of

LVIMS according to the Internship Coordinator Module results has (M=2.81, SD=0.27) and most

of the respondents neither agree nor disagree that the system is reliable.

Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use of the System

Figure 4.53 and Figure 4.54 indicate the evaluation of students or internship finders and

alumni perceived usefulness and ease of use upon using the internship management system. It

shows that most of the respondents strongly agree that the LVIMS is useful for Internship process,

while there are some respondents who disagree with it.

The respondents were asked according to the usefulness and ease of use of the system using

Likert scale and Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 indicates the overall satisfaction on the behavior of the

LVIMS with a mean in perceiving usefulness (M=4.18, SD=0.68) while the perceiving ease of use

(M=3.45, SD=0.90).

Figure 4.54: LVIMS Perceived Usefulness Evaluation (Students/Alumni)

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Bachelor of Science in Information

Systems 4th Year and 3rd Year Students, and also Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Alumni who answers the survey results in a total of thirteen (13) questions in terms of perceiving

the usefulness of LVIMS.

Figure 4.55: LVIMS Perceived Ease of Use (Student/Alumni)

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Bachelor of Science in Information

Systems 4th Year and 3rd Year Students, and also Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Alumni who answers the survey results in a total of twelve (12) questions in terms of perceiving

the ease of use of LVIMS.

Perceived Usefulness Items Mean SD Interpretation

Using LVIMS in finding a company would enable me to 4.40 0.60 Strongly Agree
look for internship hosts more quickly.
Using LVIMS would likely improve my performance as an 3.94 0.73 Agree
Using LVIMS as a student/intern would increase my 4.06 0.59 Strongly Agree
Using LVIMS would enhance the efficiency and 4.14 0.55 Strongly Agree
effectiveness of my responsibility as an intern.
Using LVIMS would make it easier to do my responsibilities 4.09 0.70 Strongly Agree
as an intern.

Using LVIMS saves me time. 4.20 0.72 Strongly Agree

Using LVIMS allows me to create my resume quickly. 4.20 0.72 Strongly Agree

It would be difficult to look for internship host without 3.86 0.85 Agree
LVIMS enables me to report my weekly task more quickly. 4.09 0.74 Strongly Agree

Using LVIMS enables me to submit my attendance quickly. 4.31 0.63 Strongly Agree

Using LVIMS to track my attendance is helpful. 4.40 0.67 Strong Agree

LVIMS allows me to easily submit my weekly learnings. 4.29 0.67 Strongly Agree

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in looking for internship hosts. 4.31 0.68 Strongly Agree

AVERAGE 4.18 0.68 Strongly Agree

Table 4.4: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Usefulness of LVIMS (Students/Alumni)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of the system regarding

the internship finder module. Based on the results, the highest rank which has the (M=4.40,

SD=0.67) that tracking their daily attendance is helpful while the lowest on the descriptive

statistics for perceived usefulness of LVIMS which has the (M=3.86, SD=0.85) that most of the

respondents also agrees that it would be difficult to find an internship hosts without LVIMS. The

total average of descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of LVIMS according to the

Internship Finder Module results has (M=4.18, SD=0.68) and most of the respondents strongly

agree that the system perceived its usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use Items Mean SD Interpretation

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for me 4.26 0.74 Strongly Agree

Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort. 2.94 1.11 Disagree

I easily find the information I am looking for using the 4.00 0.73 Strongly Agree

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and understandable. 4.14 0.69 Strongly Agree

I find the user interface of the system clear and intuitive. 4.14 0.73 Strongly Agree

I think becoming skillful and efficient at using LVIMS is 4.03 0.71 Strongly Agree

I find LVIMS difficult to use. 2.51 1.31 Neutral

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me. 1.91 0.95 Disagree

I often need to ask for help when using LVIMS. 2.40 1.12 Neutral

I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-friendly). 4.10 0.82 Strongly Agree

I can easily learn to use the attendance feature of the 4.29 0.62 Strongly Agree

I often become confused when submitting my attendance 2.66 1.21 Disagree
and weekly learnings.

AVERAGE 3.45 0.90 Agree

Table 4.5: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Students/Alumni)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived ease of use of the system regarding

the internship finder module. Based on the results, the highest rank which has the (M=4.29,

SD=0.62) that attendance feature is easy to learn while the lowest on the descriptive statistics for

perceived ease of use of LVIMS which has the (M=1.91, SD=0.95) that by using the LVIMS is

very frustrating for them. The total average of descriptive statistics for perceived ease of use of

LVIMS according to the Internship Finder Module results has (M=3.45, SD=0.90) and most of the

respondents strongly agree that the system perceived its ease of use.

Figure 4.55 and Figure 4.56 indicate the evaluation of internship hosts' perceived

usefulness and ease of use upon using the internship management system. It shows that most of

the respondents strongly agree that the LVIMS is useful for Internship process and internship

posting and look for internship finders, while there are some respondents who disagree with it.

The respondents were asked according to the usefulness and ease of use of the system using

Likert scale and Table 4.5 and Table 4.6 indicates the overall satisfaction on the behavior of the

LVIMS with a mean in perceiving usefulness (M=3.54, SD=0.71) while the perceiving ease of use

(M=3.21, SD=0.71).

Figure 4.56: LVIMS Internship Host Perceived Usefulness Evaluation

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Hosts who answer the

survey results in a total of thirteen (13) questions in terms of perceiving the usefulness of LVIMS.

Figure 4.57: LVIMS Internship Host Perceived Ease Of Use Evaluation

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Hosts who answer

the survey results in a total of twelve (12) questions in terms of perceiving the ease of use of


Perceived Usefulness Items Mean SD Interpretation

Using LVIMS allows me in posting vacancies quickly. 4.00 0 Agree

Using LVIMS would likely to improve my performance as an 3.50 0.71 Agree

It would be difficult to look for interns without LVIMS. 3.00 0 Neutral

Using LVIMS would enhance the efficiency and effectivity of 3.00 0 Neutral
my responsibility as an internship host.

Using LVIMS would make my responsibility in looking for 3.50 0.71 Agree
interns easily.

Using LVIMS saves me time. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Using LVIMS allows me to create my account quickly. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Using LVIMS reduces the time I spend in reviewing interns’ 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS enables me to contact interns’ easily. 4.00 0 Agree

Using LVIMS enables me to check the intern's attendance 3.50 0.71 Agree
Using LVIMS allows me to monitor the behavior of intern/s. 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS helps me in evaluating the intern’s behavior easily. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in my tasks. 4.00 0 Agree

AVERAGE 3.54 0.71 Agree

Table 4.6: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Usefulness of LVIMS (Internship Hosts)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of the system regarding

the internship hosts module. Based on the results, the highest rank has the (M=4.00, SD=0) while

the lowest has (M=3.00, SD=0). The total average of descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness

of LVIMS according to the Internship Finder Module results has (M=3.54, SD=0.71) and most of

the respondents agree that the system perceived its usefulness.

Company Perceived Ease of Use Mean SD Interpretation

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for me 4.00 0 Agree

Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort. 2.50 0.71 Neutral

I easily find the information I am looking for using the 3.50 0.71 Agree

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and understandable. 4.00 0 Agree

I find the user interface of the system clear and intuitive. 4.00 0 Agree

I think becoming skillful and efficient at using LVIMS is 3.00 0 Neutral


I find LVIMS difficult to use. 2.00 0 Disagree

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me. 2.50 0.71 Neutral

I often need to ask for help when using LVIMS. 1.50 0.71 Disagree

I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-friendly). 3.50 0 Agree

I can easily learn to use the attendance feature of the 4.50 0.71 Strongly Agree

Learning to use LVIMS in evaluating the intern’s weekly 3.50 0.71 Agree
learning is easy for me.

AVERAGE 3.21 0.71 Agree

Table 4.7: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Internship Hosts)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived ease of use of the system regarding

the internship hosts module. Based on the results, the highest rank has the (M=4.50, SD=0.71) that

the attendance feature can be easily learned while the lowest has (M=1.50, SD=0.71) that

internship hosts often need to ask for help when using LVIMS. The total average of descriptive

statistics for perceived ease of use of LVIMS according to the Internship Hosts Module results has

(M=3.21, SD=0.71) and most of the respondents agree that the system perceived its ease of use.

Figure 4.57 and Figure 4.58 indicate the evaluation of internship hosts' perceived

usefulness and ease of use upon using the internship management system. It shows that most of

the respondents strongly agree that the LVIMS is useful for Internship process and internship

posting and look for internship finders, while there are some respondents who disagree with it.

The respondents were asked according to the usefulness and ease of use of the system using

Likert scale and Table 4.7 and Table 4.8 indicates the overall satisfaction on the behavior of the

LVIMS with a mean in perceiving usefulness (M=3.42, SD=0.30) while the perceiving ease of use

(M=3.00, SD=0.12).

Figure 4.58: LVIMS Internship Coordinator Perceived Usefulness Evaluation

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Coordinators who answer

the survey results in a total of twelve (12) questions in terms of perceiving the usefulness of


Figure 4.59: LVIMS Internship Coordinator Perceived Ease of Use Evaluation

The figure above shows the statistics or evaluation of Internship Coordinators who answer

the survey results in a total of twelve (12) questions in terms of perceiving the ease of use of


Perceived Usefulness Items Mean SD Interpretation

Using LVIMS gives me greater control over my work. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Using LVIMS increases my productivity. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Using LVIMS enables me to finish my tasks more quickly. 3.00 0 Neutral

Using LVIMS makes it easier for me to do my tasks. 3.00 0 Neutral

Using LVIMS saves me time. 3.50 0.71 Agree

Using LVIMS allows me to check the interns’ status easily. 3.50 0.71 Agree

It would be difficult to check the status of interns without 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS enables me to monitor the vacancies posted by the 4.00 0 Agree

internship host.

LVIMS is useful for reviewing the user's approval request for 3.50 0.71 Agree

LVIMS allows me to effectively manage and monitor the 3.00 0 Neutral

intern's attendance.

LVIMS enables me to input the number of hours needed to 4.00 0 Agree

be rendered.

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in my tasks. 3.00 0 Neutral

AVERAGE 3.42 0.30 Agree

Table 4.8: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Usefulness of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of the system regarding

the internship coordinator module. Based on the results, the highest rank has the (M=4.00, SD=0)

that the coordinator enables to input a default number of hours needed to be rendered and for easier

monitoring of internship offers posted by the internship hosts while the lowest has (M=3.00,

SD=0). The total average of descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of LVIMS according to

the Internship Finder Module results has (M=3.42, SD=0.30) and most of the respondents agree

that the system perceived its usefulness.

Perceived Ease of Use Items Mean SD Interpretation

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for me 3.00 0 Neutral

Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort. 3.00 0 Neutral

I easily find the information I am looking for using the system. 3.00 0 Neutral

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and understandable. 3.00 0 Neutral

I find the user interface of the system clear and intuitive. 3.00 0 Neutral

I think becoming skillful and efficient at using LVIMS is easy. 3.00 0 Neutral

I find LVIMS difficult to use. 3.00 0 Neutral

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me. 3.00 0 Neutral

I often need to ask for help when using LVIMS. 3.00 0 Neutral

I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-friendly). 3.00 0 Neutral

I can easily check and monitor the attendance of the intern. 3.50 0.71 Agree

I often become confused when checking the remaining hours 2.50 0.71 Neutral
of the interns.
AVERAGE 3.00 0.12 Neutral

Table 4.9: Descriptive Statistics for Perceived Ease of Use of LVIMS (Internship Coordinator)

The table shows the descriptive statistics for perceived usefulness of the system regarding

the internship coordinator module. Based on the results, the highest rank has the (M=3.50,

SD=0.71) that the coordinator can easily check and monitor the attendance of the intern while the

lowest has (M=2.50, SD=0.71) that they often become confused when checking the remaining

hours of interns attendance. The total average of descriptive statistics for perceived ease of use of

LVIMS according to the Internship Finder Module results has (M=3.00, SD=0.12) and most of the

respondents neither agree nor disagree that the system perceived its ease of use.

To determine whether the survey data is reliable, the researchers conduct a reliability

analysis using Cronbach's Alpha. To establish a foundation for the internal reliability of the data,

determining whether all data collected in Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use

(PEOU), and System Reliability are reliable.

Figure 4.60: Cronbach Alpha Online Statistics Software (Calculator)

In solving the reliability of the system, the researchers used an online statistics software

calculator called the Cronbach Alpha Calculator. By using the software, this computes the statistics

for a set of reliability items that the researchers distributed for the respondents that can be a

representation if the variables are constructed correctly. The Cronbach Alpha can be used in

measuring the multiple questionnaires on a Likert Scale format if it will be reliable.

Figure 4.61: Cronbach Alpha Online Statistics Software Results (Calculator)

Once the data has been inputted into the textbox, upon clicking on the compute button,

automatically the results will be viewed on how the results will determine that the survey

questionnaires of a TAM or Likert Scale format is reliable.

The internal reliability of the data collected from Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of

Use, and Reliability is shown in Tables 4.9, Table 4.10 and Table 4.11, with alpha values ranging

from 0.93 to 0.98. According to Taber (2017), alpha values were described as excellent (0.93–

0.94), strong (0.91–0.93), reliable (0.84–0.90), robust (0.81), fairly high (0.76–0.95), high (0.73–

0.95), good (0.71–0.91), reasonably high (0.70–0.77), slightly low (0.68), adequate (0.64–0.85),

moderate (0.61–0.65), satisfactory (0.58–0.97), acceptable (0.45–0.98) (0.11).

This implies that the findings provide a solid foundation for the extent of respondents'

attitudes toward using the system.

No. of Items Mean Cronbach’s Alpha

PU 13 4.18 0.9907

PEOU 12 3.45 0.9572

No. of Items Mean Cronbach’s Alpha

RELIABILITY 9 4.13 0.9818

Table 4.10: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Students/Alumni)

No. of Items Mean Cronbach’s Alpha

PU 13 3.54 0.9479

PEOU 12 3.21 0.8749

RELIABILITY 9 3.55 0.9345

Table 4.111: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Internship Host)

No. of Items Mean Cronbach’s Alpha

PU 12 3.42 0.9381

PEOU 12 3.00 0.9872

RELIABILITY 8 2.81 0.9734

Table 4.122: Data Reliability Statistics by Cronbach’s Alpha (Internship Coordinators)


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1. Summary

The institution, La Verdad Christian College, doesn’t have an Internship Management

System but then a pandemic goes by that all institutions and students are required to do an online

class to prevent all actors from being infected by the virus outbreak. It would be difficult to do an

internship in a face-to-face setup before but since vaccines are now available, it is possible but

still, the institution wants to make sure that all internship hosts, internship finders and coordinators

are safe, online internship would be possible as of now.

When it comes to non-remote environments, the internship management system can also

be available in helping the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems fourth-year students to

find a suitable internship. It can help the students to lessen their financial burden in looking for a


The general objective is to develop a web-based internship management system that could

provide useful information and ease-of-use tools for Internship Coordinators in managing intern’s

tasks during internship and lessen the workload of the stakeholders involved during the process of


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) according research of Durodolu PhD (2016), this

gives professional benefit in a desire in using Information Technology in use and adoption. The

researchers prefer to use it in believing that the technology or system would be useful in a degree

of perceiving its usefulness and ease-of-use.

The system has an internship portal that was implemented using PHP in inspiration of other

internship or job websites that can help the Bachelor of Science in Information System Fourth-

Year students easily find a company recommended and trusted by the institution itself in helping

the internship finders gain career-growth opportunities. Not only the system can be useful in the

near future but also the scope of the system can also be widened upon request for future


Based on the survey results from 35 respondents from different fields; interns or BSIS

fourth-year students, BSIS alumni, employers or internship hosts, and internship coordinators, the

descriptive statistics reveal that the internship management system perceived it usefulness (x=4.13,

α=0.48 σ=0.69), perceiving its ease-of-use (x=3.44, α=0.84, σ=0.90), and reliability of the system

(x=3.98 α=0.54 σ=0.73). 86.5% of the respondents used the LVIMS in observing its behavior and

positive attitude.

5.2. Conclusion

The study has performed data gathering and quick design and implementation of La Verdad

Internship Management System (LVIMS). In using the Agile model in implementing the system,

the software development is continuously testing, evolving and changing from time to time until

producing a software product that could be useful and provides a great way in managing work for


In minimizing the inconvenience of stakeholders in handling the internship process, the

development of a digital and modernized internship management system has the benefit of having

cost-effectivity rather than the traditional process of internship. With the progress of technology

nowadays, it is much easier to implement a system that can benefit institutions like La Verdad

Christian College of Apalit, Pampanga in managing Bachelor of Science in Information System

Fourth Year Students on their internship training. The developed system would greatly assist

students in finding a company where they could apply for an internship training by using the

system. The system will help the school and the internship hosts to build a connection and accept

more interns in the future. This can also be applied and used in a remote and non-remote set up in

internship training of students since it can be accessible anytime and anywhere the actors are.

Through the use of the system, handling internship processes like applying for internships, viewing

the documents, and approving user’s registration will minimize the inconvenience of stakeholders

in handling the internship processes.

In perceiving the usefulness and ease of use of the system, the researchers conducted survey

questionnaires via Google Form and subjected to Technology Acceptance Model format and

distributed to the respondents from various fields in identifying how and if the system can be useful

for future implementation, if the system is easy to use. Based on the survey results and

interpretations according to a Likert Scale Analysis we’ve gathered, most of the respondents have

perceptions on the system that it can be useful for future implementation in helping the actors in

the internship training process.

The researchers respond to the first specific objectives, designing and deploying the system

in a user-friendly way, by adding standard navigation features such as Home, Profile, Contact Info,

etc. in the header section. So, the users can see the buttons at the top are easily visible and can

contact them in the most convenient manner. Then making good use of white spaces that gives

relief to the reader’s eyes. Also adding search functionality to make it easy for the users to locate

exactly what they're looking for. They also placed their logo in the top left corner of the system so

the user is not confused about what they have stumbled upon and other features. With these it helps

Internship Finder, Internship Coordinator, and Internship Hosts in its processes efficiently.

The system’s features about responding to the second specific objective, allowing students

to look for internship opportunities, by enabling interns to search for available companies and

apply to their internship offers with the help of the system. They can also view the company's

about and contact info to be able to get in touch with them. This is important for the reason that it

is convenient for them especially now that it is pandemic.

By using the weekly learnings feature, this can provide stakeholders a meaningful

internship engagement and productivity of student’s progress throughout the internship process.

In compliance with the weekly learning objectives through the use of the system, this can help the

student possess a higher level of knowledge and skills that can help their professional skills grow

unto future employment. As this is also one of the requirements of an internship coordinator in a

weekly class, this gives them a better understanding on how students perform their tasks and

responsibilities during the internship training.

5.3. Recommendations

This study has contributed to the understanding of students’ internship process. As the

investigation progressed, a few areas emerged as potential future research areas. Following are

some recommendations:

a) It is suggested that adding notification to the Company profile page can

improve the efficiency of the company hosts. The company will be notified

when an intern applies to their posted training through the system and vice


b) This study shows that adding FAQ sections can help the users to use the

system. This will assist the users in using the website.

c) The system is focused on Bachelor of Science in Information System

Students only. It is suggested that the system can also be used by other

courses for their internship training.

d) Researchers should add help chat or a podium for users who have questions.

It assists in managing messaging, online reviews, and reporting. Also for

easy interactions and convenience of the users.

e) It is also suggested that the system should not use any outside sources like

emails in providing the notifications and process of interacting with the

internship finders and hosts stays on the system only.

f) The respondents suggest that researchers and developers should

continuously improve the user interface and maintain the system in

improving the internship process of La Verdad Christian College in the


g) The respondents and users suggest improving the user interface according

to the database schema we’ve had.

h) The respondents also suggest improving the system in mobile


i) The panelists also suggested having a data report generation feature on the

system that can load previous and current lists of internship finder’s data

containing all details of internship finders and internship host who are

registered on a system every year and act as a primary report on the system

by adding a spreadsheet that internship coordinator can download and view

the generated report file with. This could benefit the system and

stakeholders in ensuring that the data gathered within the system in a year

is consistent and accurate as the system used on an internship training. With

the internship finder’s data, this could also help the internship coordinators

for easier management and better clarity upon internship finder’s data.

j) The panelists also suggested having a data report generation feature on the

system that can load previous and current lists of internship hosts data

containing all details of the company registered on the system every year

and act as a primary report for internship coordinators in managing the

company registered yearly on the system by adding a spreadsheet that

internship coordinator can download and view the generated report file

with. The functionalities of the report could greatly benefit and be used in

developing future forecasts on how the system could grow and find more

companies that can register and accept more interns from La Verdad

Christian College every year.

k) The panelists also suggested having a data report generation feature on the

system that can load the previous and current student-company association

that can help the internship coordinators in providing a useful report on what

company the students have applied every year, by adding a spreadsheet that

internship coordinator can download and view the generated report file

with. With this feature, La Verdad Christian College stakeholders could

identify what companies are trending within the internship finders in

applying for internship training and could help the institution and internship

coordinators for future references and reports in an internship training.


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I. Approval Letter

II. Approval Sheet

III. Survey Forms

Dear respondents,

Good day! We are fourth-year students from Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

and we are inviting you as our participant in our study. This survey form aims to gather data for

our capstone project titled “LVIMS: A Web-Based Internship Management System for Bachelor

of Science in Information Systems Students of La Verdad Christian College, Inc. in Apalit,


Participation in the study entails being given a series of questionnaires to complete. All

information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and intended to be used for research

purposes only. Your response will greatly help in the success of this research endeavor and

contribute to the growing body of knowledge in the field of information systems.

Thanks be to God!

If you have additional questions about this study, please feel free to contact us via email:

I have read and understand all the information above and I am willing to participate in the


() Agree

() Disagree


Pursuant to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173), LA VERDAD CHRISTIAN

SCHOOL/COLLEGE Apalit adhere to its principles in processing and securing your personal

information. As a data subject you have the right to be informed, to rectify, to object, to delete and

you also have the right to data portability. By ticking the box below, it means that you agree to the

processing and disclosure of your personal data, you also agree to the collection, use, disclosure

and processing of your personal data for legitimate purposes and in accordance with our mandate.

Rest assured that the data or information you share with us are safe and will be treated with utmost


I hereby consent the researchers to collect and process my personal data and responses that I have

provided and declare my agreement with the data protection regulations in the data privacy

statement above.

() Agree

() Disagree

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Date Today*

Full Name: (Optional)

Have you used LVIMS Internship Management System?

( ) Yes

( ) No

What Operating System do you use to access the LVIMS website?

( ) Windows

( ) MacOS

( ) Linux

( ) Android

( ) iOS

( ) Others

Device Specification

Processor/CPU Clock Speed

( ) 1.9 GHz and below

( ) 2.0 GHz and 2.9 GHz

( ) 3.0 GHz and 3.9 GHz

( ) 4.0 GHz and above

( ) No idea


( ) 3 GB and below

( ) 4 GB

( ) 8 GB

( ) 16 GB and above

( ) No idea

Boot Disk

( ) Hard Disk Drive

( ) Solid State Drive

( ) No idea

What browser did you use in accessing LVIMS website?

( ) Google Chrome

( ) Mozilla Firefox

( ) Microsoft Edge

( ) Safari

( ) Others:

Is your browser updated?

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) No idea

What is your internet speed?

( ) Below 10 mbps

( ) 10 mbps

( ) 25 mbps

( ) 50 mbps

( ) 100 mbps

( ) Above 100 mbps

( ) No idea

Do you encounter internet problems while accessing the LVIMS website?

( ) Never

( ) Rare

( ) Sometimes

( ) Often

( ) Always

Part II.

Instruction: Please indicate the level of your agreement with the statements below.

5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Using LVIMS in an internship would enable

me to look for internship hosts more quickly.

Using LVIMS would likely to

improve my internship performance.

Using LVIMS as a student/intern would

increase my productivity.

Using LVIMS would enhance the efficiency

and effectiveness of my responsibility as an

Using LVIMS would make it easier to do my

responsibilities as an intern.

Using LVIMS saves me time.

Using LVIMS allows me to create my
resume quickly.

It would be difficult to look for an internship

host without LVIMS.

LVIMS enables me to report my weekly task

more quickly.

Using LVIMS enables me to submit my

attendance quickly.

Using LVIMS to track my attendance is


LVIMS allows me to easily submit my

weekly learnings.

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in my

internship process.


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for


Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort.

I find easily the information I am looking for

using the system

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and


I find the user interface of the system

transparent and insightful.

I think becoming skillful and

efficient at using LVIMS is easy.

I find LVIMS difficult to use.

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me.

I often need to ask for help when using

I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-


I can easily learn to use the attendance

feature of the LVIMS.

I often become confused when submitting my

attendance and weekly learning’s.

Evaluate the reliability of LVIMS

RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

LVIMS records data under normal conditions.

LVIMS is accessible and operational when

required for use.

LVIMS components operate fast.

LVIMS components work correctly and

without error.

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an


LVIMS records the attendance accurately

under normal circumstances.

Submission of weekly learnings operates

without an issue.

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s

features in LVIMS are reliable.

Overall, LVIMS is reliable.

Suggestions/Comments* ___________________


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Using LVIMS allows me to post vacancies


Using LVIMS would likely to

improve my internship performance.

It would be difficult to look for interns

without LVIMS.

Using LVIMS would enhance the efficiency

and effectiveness of my responsibility as an
internship host.

Using LVIMS would make it my

responsibility to look for interns easily.

Using LVIMS saves me time.

Using LVIMS allows me to create my

account quickly.

Using LVIMS reduces the time I spend

reviewing interns’ profiles.

LVIMS enables me to
contact interns’ easily.

Using LVIMS enables me to check the

intern's attendance quickly.

Using LVIMS allows me to monitor the

behavior of intern/s.

LVIMS helps me in evaluating the intern’s

behavior easily.

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in my tasks.


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for


Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort.

I find easily the information I am looking for

using the system

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and


I find the user interface of the system

transparent and insightful

I think becoming skillful and

efficient at using LVIMS is easy.

I find LVIMS difficult to use.

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me.

I often need to ask for help when using


I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-


I can easily learn to use the attendance

feature of the LVIMS.

Learning to use LVIMS in evaluating the

intern’s weekly learning is easy for me.

Evaluate the reliability of LVIMS

RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

LVIMS records data under normal conditions.

LVIMS is accessible and operational when

required for use.

LVIMS components operate fast.

LVIMS components work correctly and

without error.

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an


LVIMS records the attendance accurately

under normal circumstances.

Submission of weekly learnings operates

without an issue..

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s

features in LVIMS are reliable.

Overall, LVIMS is reliable.

Suggestions/Comments* ___________________


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Using LVIMS gives me greater control over

my work.

Using LVIMS increases my


Using LVIMS enables me to finish my tasks

more quickly.

Using LVIMS makes it easier for me to do

my tasks.

Using LVIMS saves me time.

Using LVIMS allows me to check the

interns’ status easily.

It would be difficult to check the status of
interns without LVIMS.

LVIMS enables me to monitor the vacancies

posted by the internship host.

LVIMS is useful for reviewing the user's

approval request for registration.

LVIMS allows me to effectively manage and

monitor the intern's attendance.

LVIMS enables me to input the number of

hours needed to be rendered.

Overall, I find LVIMS useful in my tasks.


RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

Learning to operate the LVIMS is easy for


Using LVIMS requires a lot of effort.

I find easily the information I am looking for

using the system

My interaction with LVIMS is clear and


I find the user interface of the system

transparent and insightful.

I think becoming skillful and

efficient at using LVIMS is easy.

I find LVIMS difficult to use.

Using LVIMS is frustrating for me.

I often need to ask for help when using


I find LVIMS easy to use and manage (user-

I can easily check and monitor the attendance

of the intern.

I often become confused when checking the

remaining hours of the interns.

Evaluate the reliability of LVIMS

RATINGS 5 4 3 2 1

LVIMS records data under normal conditions.

LVIMS is accessible and operational when

required for use.

LVIMS components operate fast.

LVIMS components work correctly and

without error.

Attendance in LVIMS operates without an


LVIMS records the attendance accurately

under normal circumstances.

Submission of weekly learnings operates

without an issue.

Overall, attendance and weekly learning’s

features in LVIMS are reliable.

Overall, LVIMS is reliable.

Suggestions/Comments* _____________


LVIMS User Manual

What is LVIMS?

A system management that easily connects:


LVIMS Process


1. Register to sign in.

2. Input information, resume or portfolio.

3. Submit profile to be posted on the website.

4. Look for a preferred company and apply for an internship.

5. Wait to be contacted by the company and to be accepted.

6. Add attendance and weekly learnings.

Internship Hosts:

1. Register to sign in.

2. Input company’s information.

3. Post an internship description.

4. Wait for students to apply.

5. Then contact them back for an interview.

6. Monitor and approve intern’s attendance and weekly learnings.

Internship Coordinators:

1. Sign in

2. Approve user registrations.

3. Monitor the students' internship attendance and weekly learnings.

4. Approve Internship offers.


Step-by-step guide: How to login as a User.

1. Input Email and password.

2. Click the Login button.



Step-by-step guide: How to register as an intern.

1. Click the Register button at the top.

2. Choose the designated role.

3. Input the information needed.

4. Click the register button.

Update Profile

Step-by-step guide: How to edit a company profile.

1. Click the Profile button on the menu tab at the top.

2. Click the Edit button.

3. Edit the info needed to be changed.

4. Scroll down and click the save button.

5. Successful notification will appear if saved.

Apply Internship

Step-by-step guide: How to apply for an internship.

1. Click the Internship button at the menu bar.

2. Choose an internship and click the View This Job button.

3. Read the internship description.

4. If you want to apply, scroll down and click the Apply This Job button.

Add Weekly Learnings

Step-by-step guide: How to add weekly learnings.

1. In the Profile Page, click the Weekly Learnings at the side bar.

2. Click the Add New button.

3. A modal will appear and input all the required information.

4. Then click the Submit button

5. Successful notification will appear if added.

Add Attendance

Step-by-step guide: How to add attendance.

1. In the Profile Page, click the Attendance button at the side bar.

2. Click the Add New button.

3. A modal will appear and input all the required information.

4. Then click the Submit button.



Step-by-step guide: How to register as a company.

1. Click the Register button at the top.

2. Choose the designated role.

3. Input the information needed.

4. Click the register button.

Update Profile

Step-by-step guide: How to edit a company profile.

6. Click the Profile button either on the menu tab at the top or at the side bar.

7. Click the Edit button.

8. Edit the info needed to be changed.

9. Scroll down and click the save button.

10. Successful notification will appear if saved.

Post Internship Offer

Step-by-step guide: How to post an internship offer for interns.

1. Click the Post a Job button.

2. Fill out all the information needed.

3. Scroll down and click the Submit button.

4. Successful notification will appear if posted.

Approve/Decline Intern Applicants

Step-by-step guide: How to approve/decline intern applications.

1. On the sidebar, click the Posted Job button.

2. Click on the Applicants button.

3. There are 3 actions: View Profile, Approve, and Decline. Click the Approve button to

accept the intern.

4. Then it will be removed from the list.

Approve/Edit Intern Attendance

Step-by-step guide: How to approve attendance.

1. Click the Your Interns button in the sidebar.

2. Click kebab and click the Attendance button.

3. Click the Edit button.

4. A modal will appear and click the status

5. Then choose Approve.

6. Then click the Update button.

7. It will automatically change to approve.

Evaluate Weekly Learnings

Step-by-step guide: How to comment on intern’s weekly learnings.

1. Click the Your Interns button in the sidebar.

2. Click kebab and click the Weekly Learnings button.

3. Click the Comment button.

4. A modal will appear and input comments.

5. Then click the Update button.

6. It will automatically display.


Approve Intern Registration

Step-by-step guide: How to approve intern’s registration to enable log in.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Finder button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Approve Intern button.

3. It will automatically change the status to Approve.

Approve Company Registration

Step-by-step guide: How to approve a company's registration to enable log in.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Hosts button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Approve Intern button.

3. It will automatically change the status to Approve.

View Intern’s Attendance

Step-by-step guide: How to view the intern’s attendance.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Finder button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Attendance button.

3. It will show the status of the attendance of the intern.

View Intern’s Weekly Learnings

Step-by-step guide: How to view the intern’s weekly learnings.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Finder button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Weekly Learnings button.

3. It will show the status of the Weekly Learnings of the intern.

Delete Intern User

Step-by-step guide: How to delete an intern user account.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Finder button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Delete button.

3. It will be removed from the list.

Delete Company User

Step-by-step guide: How to delete company user accounts.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Hosts button.

2. Click on the kebab then click the Delete button.

3. It will be removed from the list.

View/Approve Posted Internship Offer

Step-by-step guide: How to approve a company's posted internship.

1. On the sidebar, click the Internship Programs button.

2. Then click the kebab and click the Approve button.


Admin Approved Company

Admin Approved Intern

Company Intern Attendance

Internship Finder Weekly Learnings




This is to certify that the data and research instruments of this capstone project entitled

LVIMS: Web-Based Internship Management System For Bachelor Of Science In Information

Systems Students Of La Verdad Christian College, Inc. in Apalit, Pampanga has been

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Mr. Richard Javier / June 16, 2022

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This is to certify that all the corrections and suggestions of the panel of examiners have

been incorporated into the final draft. The manuscript is now endorsed for plagiarism check and

language editing.

Mr. Pablo Buan / June 16, 2022

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This is to certify that the document titled LVIMS: Web-Based Internship Management

System For Bachelor Of Science In Information Systems Students Of La Verdad Christian

College, Inc. in Apalit, Pampanga is within the acceptable plagiarism rate of 12% as subjected to

Turnitin review.

Details of the assessment are as follows:

Total number of words 100,905

Plagiarism rate 8%

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Number of pages: 202

I certify that I have edited for format/language the above-mentioned capstone project and

that all my corrections have been incorporated in all copies of the manuscript.

Ms. Katrina Maquilan / June 22, 2022

Editor’s Name and Signature / Date




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