Format - Logbook - Discussion of Individual Tutorials On Literature-Patuan Lineker Sinurat-B1b021017

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Full Name : Patuan Lineker Sinurat

Student I’D : B1B021017
Group : D3
Day and Date : Sunday September 04, 2022
Topic : Journal Search Regarding Tilapia Identification
Facilitator : Prof. Agus Nuryanto, M.Si
Aswi Andriasari Rofiqoh, S.Si., M.Sc.
1 Problem On Day and Date. Sunday September 04, 2022, I was also told to take a sampling in the
Identification and Back Campus area of the Faculty of Biology Unsoed. My Group and I (Patuan) searched the
Unsoed Research Laboratory Area and also around the Teaching Farms Rice Field, When I
(Patuan) was sampling I did not know the scientific name of the ama in animals and also the
Classification on the Specimen.
I (Patuan) also don't know how to use the key on the identification key to recognize each
of the specimens I'm looking for. In addition, I (Patuan) also don't know how to make
specimens using the samples that have been obtained. So, the identification and analysis of the
problem I experienced can be compiled as follows and I don't know how to preserve each
specimen that I got.
The analysis of the problems that exist in this learning is as follows:
1. How to Preserve each specimen?
2. What is the scientific name of each specimen that has been obtained
3. How do I use the key on the identification key to recognize each of these specimens?

2 Learning Objective Because I didn't know about the characteristics and benefits of tilapia for the human body,
so I looked for journals from various sources on the internet to be able to find out about this.
Therefore, I do not yet know the characteristics related to the characteristics in the Glass Snail
and know the identification on the Glass Snail Specimen while in the Field. So that the learning
goals that I want to achieve can be described as follows :
1) Can know the characteristics of Glass snail.
2) Can find out the identification on the glass snail specimen.
3) Can find out the habitat in glass snail specimens
3 Learning issue After that, I looked for a section of the specimen section on the application and also
various official sources. After that, I have learned various information about the Dreparnaudi
Glass Snail.

First of all I will explain the scientific name on the Dreparnaudi Glass Snail Specimen,
The scientific name on the Drepanaudi Glass Snail specimen is Oxychilus
Draparnaudi. Oxychilus draparnaudi is large for a zonitid glass snail, also called the dark
bodied glass snail with a shell of about 14 mm in maximum dimension. The shell is glossy and
is a translucent yellowish-brown in color, somewhat whiter underneath. The visible soft parts
of the animal are a very unusual strong dark blue, mixed with grey. Oxychilus
draparnaudi has a flattened, heliciform, brownish-yellow shell with fine radial growth lines
(Kerney & Cameron, 1979). These snails belong to land snails that breathe with lungs.
Draparnaudi glass snails are carnivorous animals that feed on small snails, juvenile snails and
earthworms, but also sometimes eat fresh plant material.
These snails inhabit moist places, under leaves and under rocks in open and semi-open
areas such as gardens, greenhouses, landfills and compost piles. These snails can be found
throughout the year with peak breeding activity that occurs in the fall. These snails reproduce
between May and September by laying eggs up to 70 eggs with a diameter of about 1.5
millimeters of white eggs and hatch after two weeks and reach maturity up to 9 months. The
maximum age of this snail is about two years, after the maximum size of the shell is met. The
distribution area of this snail species covers South-West and Southern Europe to West
Germany, in most of the Mediterranean, the British Isles and on other continents including
Physical Features in this Species have a height of about 3.4 to 4 millimeters, and a width
of 5 to 8 millimeters, with a shell diameter of 4-4.5 millimeters. It has a smooth, shiny shell,
and has a wide navel. The draparnaudi glass snail has a reddish-brown shell color with a blue-
black body color. and also Its uniqueness is Able to emit the smell of garlic if you feel

Catatan Fasilitator

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