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Proposed Structure for MKT744 Global Marketing and Sales Management

Total word counts 3500 words
Title Page:
Table of contents
1. Introduction (200 words).
Subject introduction, task of essay, structure of essay.
2. Allocated Company’s International outlook image and profile and the
product/category selection (300 words)
Overall image, number of major products/services, competitive strategy,
and its presence in different countries and major international
competitors etc.
3. Brief Overview on Marketing environment of Country A and Country B
(500 words)
a) Country A and B: Macro Environment: For both countries, create a
brief table on PESTLE with key important information on both
countries’ macro environment.
B) Microenvironment (two paragraphs): For both countries: Just
Customers and Competitor analysis

4. Market entry Strategy (200 words): (e.g., Exporting, Franchising,

Licensing, strategic alliances, Joint venture (Partial ownership), wholly
owned subsidiary E.g., Acquisition, Greenfield investment.) Evaluate
allocated company’s practice of how it entered country A and B and
Justify its choice for both countries
5. Segmentation (bases: demographic, geographic, psychographic and
behavioural, targeting (the segment or segments the company is
targeting and positioning (how the company is positioned in the
targeted consumers’ minds, how they identify and differentiate the
company’s offer from competitors, the name, signs, symbols, slogans of
the brand (300): Evaluate company’s practice of how STP for country A
and B was implemented “provide justification for their choices
6. Marketing Mix Decisions for both Country A and B
Critically evaluate company’s marketing mix decisions by keeping in
mind two fundamental notions of Standardization and Adaptation /or
modification in 4P’s decisions with justification
Product (500 words): Standardization/ Adaptation, Differentiation
practices in core product or marketing component including Packaging,
Labelling, Branding and provide justifications
Price (400 words): Standardization Adaptation practices for both
countries, what pricing strategy being used (Price skimming strategy,
market penetration strategy, premium pricing strategy, competitor-
based pricing, product cost-based pricing, value-based pricing etc
Place (400 words): Standardization/Adaptation practices for both
countries distribution related choices such as selection of distribution
channels and intensity of coverage (sole distributor, sales agent, sales
subsidiary, wholesalers and retailers, direct selling, piggybacking, own
distribution channel, outsourcing) etc.
Promotion (500 words): Standardization/ Adaptation practices for both
countries for promotion such as
1. Personal selling (direct selling) (sales representatives, Up selling, cross
2. Sales promotion (Coupons, buy two get one free, gifts, loyalty card,
invitation to special events),
3. Direct marketing (postal mail, email, phone call, social media, mobile
phone messages, leaflets, door to door, messenger marketing)
4. Public relations (Business events, sponsorship, social media,
newsletter, press release,)
5. Advertising to include different channels used with justifications.
(radio, television, newspaper, billboard, flyers, posters, direct
marketing, social media, websites, brochures, magazines)
Conclusion (200 words)
Putting everything altogether. What your evaluation suggests how your
allocated company has applied the global marketing principles for its product
in two different countries. What your evaluation suggests regarding their
choice of standardization vs Adaptation. Have they taken right decisions? Can
you make any recommendations based on global marketing theories to
improve further?

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