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Business Creativity BUSN 11075

Academic Year 21-22

Assessment Handbook

The nature of creativity and this module’s aim implies that each student’s approach to achieving
the learning outcomes might vary considerably. It is however expected that students’ work will
be marked around the following areas:

 Identification of key issues

 Justifying priorities
 Applying problem solving techniques/creativity approaches
 Formulating solutions and providing recommendations to the organization
 Reflecting on personal development and the achievement of managerial skills and

Learning Outcomes Activity

L1. Demonstrate a critical The student will justify the Group presentation
understanding of the role of reasons why particular areas,
creativity in business and its highlighted by the organization
function in determining business or identified through research,
success have been chosen to be
investigated as crucial to
business success
L2. Critically evaluate The student will use a range of Group presentation
approaches to innovation and creativity and problem-solving
problem solving in a business activities to generate solutions to
context identified issues facing the
L3. Develop original and creative The student will apply techniques Group presentation
responses to identified business in an appropriate way and
problems demonstrate understanding and

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knowledge of their application in
the identified business/sector.
L4. Demonstrate practical The student will demonstrate Group presentation
knowledge and experience in apply critical skills in identifying
identifying and applying solutions, taking account of the
creativity and problem-solving environment in which, the
techniques business currently operates and
include, customers, resources,
key activities, key partners, cost
structures and revenue streams
L5. Critically reflect on own The student will choose a PDP or Individual Reflective Essay
development in identifying and equivalent tool e.g. employability (Individual Assignment).
applying a range of creativity and toolkit to reflect on skills and
problem-solving techniques in a attribute development
range of business situations

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Assessment Guidelines

The aim of this module is to provide students an opportunity to develop business and
entrepreneurial skills. Students should be able to use creative thinking and problem-solving skills
in (re)designing business models for both start-ups and existing businesses. Individuals must also
learn to work effectively in team situations. Therefore, there is both the opportunity to work in
teams to a shared goal and also a personal reflective element which is informed by both practice
and theory.

Summative Assessment

The assessment comprises two parts; a group presentation with annotated slides (60%),
and an individual reflective essay (40%).

1. Group Presentation (10 mins max.) worth 60% of final module grade

You and your group (of up to 5 individuals) are required to conduct research and identify
the key issues, challenges and opportunities for a firm or organisation of your choice.
The organisation must currently be experiencing difficulties with its business model
evidenced by recent news article(s). By applying relevant knowledge and understanding
of the case study organisation you are required to re-develop a business model which in
your opinion enables the case study organisation to be competitive and profitable.

This assessment will involve developing original and creative responses to the identified
challenges facing your chosen firm. This business model redesign process also requires using a
variety of creativity tools, particularly the Business Model Canvas, and practical application of
knowledge and experience acquired from the module in solving business problems. Each group
should then produce:

a) a presentation of no more than 10 minutes and of no more than 10 PowerPoint slides

which is pre-recorded and submitted as a video file (details of submissions to be confirmed).
Each member must appear and introduce themselves at the beginning of the presentation with
cameras on.

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b) In addition to performing the presentation and recording it, the group should provide:

1. Their annotated slides converted into .pdf file showing the ‘notes view’ where script/
prompt information is shown and submitted by one group member to Turnitin within 24
hours of the presentation.

2. Individual Reflective Essay (2000 words approximately) worth 40% of final grade.

You should produce a reflection of your own personal development in the form of a reflective
essay which may include elements of a module diary. This involves showing an understanding
and identifying evidence of creativity and problem-solving skills gained from the lectures,
workshops and group work. While developing the reflective essay, you will be required to
explain and reflect on the module activities of each topic as well as the effectiveness of the group
and your role within the team and make reference to appropriate literature. Finally, you
should identify key areas that you want to develop, e.g. habit forming, creativity, problem-
solving skills, leadership skills, management skills, influencing skills, organisation skills and any
other areas you may have identified as an area for your own personal development.

Please see the following marking guidelines in order to help you plan and prepare your responses
to the assessment. There will also be ample time in class to discuss the assessment with your
tutor and classmates.

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Marking Guidelines for Group Presentation

Marking Criteria Comments/Marks

Introduction: Business background, description of

sector, product(s) and service(s), identification of
key issues facing business.
(10 marks)
Justify Priorities: Justification of specific issues or
priorities of the organization chosen stating why
they have been chosen to be investigated as solving
the identified problems. Identify the drivers and
constraints facing the business in the case study.
Critically evaluate the organisation’s SWOT and
business model environmental factors that drive or
constrain its current business model.

(20 marks)

Creativity, innovation, and problem solving:

Apply creativity, innovation and problem-solving
skills using the Business Model Canvas, generate
solutions to the identified issues that the business is
(30 marks)

Recommendations: Recommend solutions to the

identified challenges by developing a new or
adapted business model that in your opinion enables
your chosen company to be competitive and
(30 marks)

Presentation: Oral and Visual presentation –

Quality, time keeping, structure, logic and use of
appropriate sources and references.
(10 marks)
Overall comments: Overall Marks (/100)

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Marking Guidelines for individual Reflective Essay

Marking Criteria Comments/Marks

Recording and reflecting upon experience during the


A personal record of experience over the module should be

provided by using a diary/ journal or critical incident

Extra credit is given for those responses which select and

adopt a personalized approach to self-reflection based on an
established – or emerging – mode of personal reflection and/
or journaling which is support by evidence (i.e. short
description/ rationale and references).

The following essential questions may help guide the

recording of your experience:

a) What was done in preparation of the session?

b) What happened in lectures, workshops/tutorials while

undertaking the topic/session?

c) What did I learn?

d) How did I feel?

e) How did I and the group organise tasks?

f) What was good/ bad?

g) What would I do differently?

h) How do I improve future performance?

(40 Marks)

Analysis of your creativity and innovation skills gained

and used while undertaking this module based on lectures,
workshops and group/individual learning.

Having established the what and how using the mode of

recording and approach (see above), submission must
demonstrate that you are familiar with relevant literature
on the topic and are able to apply it in the practical
context of working together on a group project during the

It is essential that your experience is linked to appropriate

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theory and external sources.

(40 Marks)

Style/Structure/References (20 marks)

Clear and effective written communication is essential in

being able to express ideas, especially those ephemeral
and subjective ideas that may develop in a piece of
reflective writing on the personal building creativity and
innovation skills.

Credit is given for careful and technically adept writing

that is clear, free of errors and logically structured.

References should adopt a consistent style (preferably

Harvard) and be present and correct throughout the
word including in the references list.

Style may be subjective, but we can all appreciate work

that aims to demonstrate additional qualities beyond the
ordinary. In other words, credit is given to work that is
creative and ambitious. This could be found in format,
approach, inclusions or content.

Overall comments: Overall Marks (/100)

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