How To Excel at Goal Management

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Talent Development Best Practices
A must-read guide to keeping employee
goals aligned, visible and top of mind
Table of Contents

Introduction: The Importance of Goal Management | 4

What you’ll learn in this eBook | 5

Four Proven Goal Management Strategies | 6

1-Clearly Define All Objectives: Set SMART Goals | 8

2-Align Employee Goals With Organizational Goals | 11

3-Leaders Openly Communicate Organizational Goals and Status | 14

4-Review and Revise Goals Regularly | 16

How Managers Can Coach for Goal Achievement | 19

Drive Accountability With Regular, Ongoing Check-ins | 20

Develop Your People to Support Goal Achievement | 21

Your Next Steps in Effective Goal Management | 23

How Saba can Help | 25

References | 26
The Importance of
Goal Management
As talent development initiatives that drive performance outcomes
continue to transform companies worldwide, organizations are
increasingly realizing that effective goal management is a key strategy
in driving business outcomes.

Organizations that adopt goal management technologies, supply chain disruptions,

best practices simply perform better because regulatory changes and new or evolving
their employees understand expectations; markets, among other fluctuations.
they work on the right projects, are aligned
in helping to achieve organizational goals The trend of adopting a more modern
and are more engaged as a result. These approach to goal management keeps gaining
organizations create agile workforces, ready momentum. Organizations are increasingly
to respond quickly to external and internal replacing annual employee performance goal
changes while remaining aligned. setting with near-term goal setting. This agile
process allows organizations to keep pace in a
In a global, interdependent economy where global economy where innovation and abrupt
the pace of change continues to increase, changes are constantly disrupting industries
this level of responsiveness and alignment is and the way organizations do business.
critical for continued organizational survival.
Companies and organizations – regardless It’s why effective goal management matters.
of industry or size – must be able to innovate And in this eBook, you’ll learn the strategies
and quickly respond to forces such as new that will help your organization excel at it.

What you’ll learn in this eBook

Discover the goal Learn how to adopt Research-based statistics

management strategies these strategies in that show the ROI of
high-performing your organization effective goal management
organizations follow and talent development

How to Excel at Goal Management | 5

Four Proven Goal
In the search for the best goal management strategies that increase
organizational results, recent research can point to some conclusions.

Research by Bersin by Deloitte, Brandon Hall Group, McKinsey and Company, Gallup
and others identify four strategies for effectively managing goals:

1. 2.
Set SMART goals for Align individual
individuals, teams, employee goals
departments and to higher-level
the organization business goals

Establish open
Regularly review, communication
revise and between leadership
update all goals and employees
as needed about company
4. 3.

These goal-setting strategies ensure of Performance Management, that by linking

employees understand the organization’s performance goals to business priorities, 46
strategic goals and are ready to contribute percent of respondents reported effective
every day to meet or exceed them. performance management, compared to 16
Organizations must also regularly measure percent at companies that don’t follow the
goal performance, progress and status, so practice.
employees understand how well they have
performed and the effort needed to reach the
overall goals. DOWNLOADABLE
ASSET: Check out
Taking this strategic approach to goal
the Employee Goal
management yields results. Global
Setting Template
management consulting firm McKinsey
revealed in its survey, Harnessing the Power

Now, let’s explore each of the four goal management strategies in more detail.

How to Excel at Goal Management | 7


Clearly Define All

Objectives: Set
When organizations put a process in place to ensure managers and employees
have agreed to performance goals, it positively affects talent development-
related activities such as organizational goal achievement, succession planning,
employee performance and development and employee engagement.

Yet organizations face a number of challenges realistic and time-bound. Each of these
when it comes to goal setting. Perhaps the elements help to ensure executives, managers
most common one is related to skills and skill and employees understand what’s expected.
development. Many executives, managers
and employees often lack the skills to set
effective goals or the ability to recognize an
existing skill gap that will prevent them from
achieving their goals. READ ON: Writing
This is where the widely used SMART model
for goal setting can help. SMART goals are
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant/

In addition, managers and employees should work together to set goals, rather than
leaving it up to the manager to set the goals and assign them to the employee. This
participative approach enhances communication, clarity and engagement.

Even better? Setting and committing to specific, challenging goals can

boost employee effort, focus and performance.


How to Excel at Goal Management | 9

Questions Employees Should Ask When Setting SMART Goals

SPECIFIC. Accurately describe the MEASURABLE. Determine how you

expectations and desired outcome. will measure whether you successfully
achieve your goal.
Ask: What specifically do you
want to accomplish? What Ask: Will the results be
will the business result be? quantitative, qualitative
or a combination?

The goal should state
must be ambitious – but
the specific deadline doable – to move the
for completion. needle on performance
Ask: Is it a monthly,
quarterly or an annual Ask: Do you have the
goal? Can it or should necessary skills and
it be deconstructed support? Identify and
into sub-goals? consider all available skills,
resources and potential
RELEVANT. Align the goal to team,
pitfalls that will affect goal
department and organizational goals.
progress and success.

Ask: Does this goal move the needle on

performance and business outcomes?

When setting goals, managers and alignment – should be a clear and driving
employees should also discuss how the force as employees start to map out their
employee’s goal will help the team or SMART goals.
department and organization achieve its
goals. This link between individual and Setting poor-quality goals – or worse, no
organizational goals – also known as goal goals at all – means employees and their
organizations don’t have the clarity and
alignment needed for high performance.
Managers have no basis for evaluating
WATCH: How to
employee performance, providing feedback
Involve Employees
and coaching, developing employees or
(With Bad Ideas) In
supporting career advancement. And
Goal Setting executives can’t effectively measure
organizational performance and progress.

10 | How to Excel at Goal Management


Align Employee
Goals With
Organizational Goals
Research tells us that one of the keys to employee accountability is
helping employees understand how their daily work contributes to
organizational success. McKinsey reports that 91 percent of companies
with effective performance management systems in place say that
their employees’ goals align to business priorities.

Often however, employees even just a few

levels down from the executive leadership “Our staff now understands how what they
team within an organization don’t do contributes to the organizational goal.
understand how the work they do contributes We no longer hear, ‘I don't know why I'm
to their team’s or the organization’s success. doing this.’ Now they say, ‘I'm doing this
because it makes a difference in areas like
Your employees need to understand and patient outcomes, improved service delivery
feel a connection to your organizational and money saved.”
vision – what you do and why you do it – and
— Holly Winn, Chief Operating Officer at Black River
objectives so that they can set their own
Memorial Hospital
meaningful performance goals.

Unfortunately, according to Gallup research,

only 30 percent of employees strongly agree WATCH THE VIDEO
that their manager or supervisor directly CASE STUDY HERE
involves them in goal setting. It’s a missed
opportunity because Gallup research also
reveals that employees who do strongly agree
they are involved in goal setting are 3.6 times
more likely to be engaged.

3.6 x
91% of companies with 30% of employees However, employees
who do strongly agree they
effective performance strongly agree that their
management systems manager or supervisor are involved in goal setting
in place say that their directly involves them in are 3.6 TIMES more likely
employees’ goals align to goal setting. to be engaged.
business priorities.

12 | How to Excel at Goal Management

Business leaders and managers can give employees this all-important context by first setting
and communicating high-level organizational goals, then tasking employees with establishing
individual goals that directly link to, and support, the organizational goals. The result? Employees
whose goals contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. This increases their overall
sense of understanding, accountability and contribution.

The Next Step: Provide Organizational

Line of Sight to Employees

Effective and ongoing goal alignment It’s not enough to simply link an employee’s
is one of the top strategies leveraged by goals to their manager’s goals. Employees need
high-performing organizations, according a more direct view of the connection between
to Brandon Hall Group’s 2018 Learning their individual goals and the organization’s
Measurement Study. high-level goals and sub-goals.

Gallup found that this direct line of sight includes several key actions:

Set clear and meaningful organizational objectives. Once executives

communicate organizational goals, direct managers can discuss how those
objectives relate to the employee’s daily work.

Know your talent. Managers must know their employees’ individual strengths
and areas of improvement so they can work to deliver outcomes more effectively.
This “coaching for growth” helps to develop team members while supporting goal
accountability, engagement and success.

Create challenging goals, together. What’s worse than an unmet goal? An

easy one! Excellent managers empower their team members to take control
(within reason) over their performance goals. When goals are challenging and
personalized, everyone wins.

This alignment helps gives employees a context for their day-to-day

work and builds their pride and motivation.

How to Excel at Goal Management | 13


Leaders Openly
Organizational Goals
and Status
For goal management to be successful, it needs to be ingrained in
the corporate culture. Leaders, who set the tone for company culture
and performance, need to clearly set and communicate organizational
goals in addition to providing a performance management framework.

This approach empowers managers to

guide and support employee goals while
keeping their people accountable for their READ ON: 3 Ways
deliverables. Bersin by Deloitte found a strong to Build a Culture
correlation between the frequency of executive of Ownership
communication about organizational goals and
their status and business results.

In order to achieve higher engagement and

better business results, leaders need to:

Understand and Create and discuss

communicate the goals strategies to achieve
of the organization the goals

Share the status Foster

of the goals accountability

Leaders can do this by:

Making the larger organizational goals It also helps all employees see themselves
visible to everyone as part of a larger team. With systemic goal
management, no individual division or
Encouraging employees from across
department can succeed at the expense
the organization to link their individual
goals to higher-level organizational of another.

Offering insight into the progress on

linked goals, so everyone can see how READ ON:
they’re contributing and the effect of
3 Leadership Habits
their efforts
That Create a High-
Celebrating milestones and successes
Performing Culture
Regularly monitoring and
communicating goal status at all levels
of the organization

How to Excel at Goal Management | 15


Review and Revise

Goals Regularly
Organizations that review their goals quarterly (or more often), rather
than annually, are more effective at managing costs and have better
financial performance, according to research from Bersin by Deloitte.

Organizations that regularly review Yet most companies still miss

and revise goals are: the mark for goal review:

45% more likely to 64% more likely to 54% of organizations still

have above-average be effective at holding think of goal setting as a once
financial performance costs at or below level or twice per year activity
of competitors

Regularly reviewing, revising and

updating goals makes it easier to pivot
EBOOK: The Ultimate
and even drop goals as the needs of
the organization evolve. Change is the
Guide to 1:1 Meetings
only constant in the global economy, for Managers and
and organizational priorities can – and Employees
should – keep pace.

Factors to consider:

What if there’s a shift or disruption

within the industry?

What if regional or international

regulations or compliance
standards change?

What if the organization gets

acquired or merges with a

How to Excel at Goal Management | 17

Organizations should have a mechanism for monitoring and
communicating progress on business goals.

Consider adding milestones and interim due

dates to take broad goals and divide them into “We do monthly one-on-one meetings.
achievable steps to success. All the coworkers I’ve spoken with said
they really like that they have that one-
Remember that goals are living projects, on-one time with their managers to hear
which is why it’s important for employees about their performance – how they’re
to be committed, but not attached, to their doing and how they’re tracking towards
goals. Organizations and their people must meeting their goals. Overall, people are
be able to adapt to change and pivot priorities more engaged in their work because they
as needed in order to create value for both know where they stand.”
the people and the business.
— Bailey Borzecki, HR Generalist at Dogfish
Head Craft Brewery

Performance Check-In CASE STUDY HERE
Conversation Guide

18 | How to Excel at Goal Management

How Managers
Can Coach for Goal
Drive Accountability With
Regular, Ongoing Check-ins

Successful goal setting and achievement at all levels of an

organization requires an enhanced level of mindfulness and
accountability to ensure goal achievement.

That’s why it’s so important to establish Managers and employees can check in on
proper progress “reporting” tools and the status of goals and related development
processes, where managers and activities, and make real-time updates to
employees can regularly review and revise these activities during their meetings.
goals to ensure continued progress and These conversations offer an ideal setting
celebrate successes. for managers to offer support, guidance
or coaching.
Reinforcing multi-level accountability
while monitoring and supporting goal
progress is one of the key reasons why
regular, ongoing check-ins – or one-on-
WATCH: Performance
one meetings – between managers and Conversations in Just
employees are so important. 10 Minutes a Month

20 | How to Excel at Goal Management

Develop Your People to
Support Goal Achievement

Flagging a goal that has hit a roadblock or identifying a critical skills

gap that needs to be addressed in order to achieve the goal is all part
of effective goal management.

It’s also a critical element of talent

“Looking to the long term, we have rebranded
development, and something
West Marine as a company with a culture
employees expect you to support.
that supports the continuous learning and
development of our people so we can learn,
And organizations that make the link
work and grow together. With managers
between learning and performance are
guiding the conversations, associates are
much more likely to experience goal
supported in achieving their goals.”
achievement at all levels – driving positive
business outcomes. — Helen Rossiter, Senior Talent Development
Specialist at West Marine

WATCH: The Learning

and Performance Link: WATCH THE VIDEO
Making the Connection CASE STUDY HERE

How to Excel at Goal Management | 21

Case in point: When it comes to linking L&D to
performance outcomes, Brandon Hall Group found
that among high-performing organizations:

51% link 51% align L&D

L&D objectives to objectives with the
departmental goals needs of key business

46% review L&D goals 42% link L&D

compared to corporate objectives to individual
objectives at least quarterly performance reviews

Managers and employees should have the

tools necessary to prescribe learning in the
WATCH: Coaching for
moment of need and give employees the
Goal Achievement
autonomy to explore and grow on their own.

22 | How to Excel at Goal Management

Your Next Steps
in Effective Goal
We hope you’ve found this resource valuable on your talent
management journey. As you look to evaluate goal management in
your organization, consider these key questions:

Which of the strategies Which ones should you think

described in this eBook of implementing?
does your organization
currently follow?

Are all of your employees

Are all of your employees able working to achieve
to state your current individual goals?
organizational goals?

How could you measure the How does your L&D

business impact of adopting strategy support your goal
better goal management achievement strategy?

As organizations recognize the value of developing employees to become more self-empowered,

self-motivated and self-directed, it’s essential that organizations and their leaders effectively
manage goals to ultimately create valuable business outcomes. And effective goal management
incorporates talent development strategies, such as learning and development, coaching for
growth, and regular feedback as part of employees’ everyday experiences, so they can deliver
their best, every day.

24 | How to Excel at Goal Management

How Saba can Help

At Saba, we know that when your people to-shoulder with you to achieve your most
are successful, your business is successful. aspirational goals or solve your toughest
We are a strategic talent partner who takes challenges.
the time to understand your organization’s
unique culture and vision; and our dedicated So you can develop your talent and create
talent experts are willing to work shoulder- lasting value for your business.

Ready to learn more? Check out how our Strategic

Services team can help you make the most of these
goal management strategies to transform your talent
management programs, creating even more value for
your people and your business.

Your success The Saba Experience:

24/7 customer support Regular user group meetings

starts here! Collaborative online

customer community
Standard or customized
implementation services

Value-added strategic Dedicated customer

services success rep

Learning Performance Engagement Recruiting Workforce Planning

© 2018 Saba Software Inc. All rights reserved. Saba, the Saba logo, and the marks relating to Saba products and services referenced herein are
either trademarks or registered trademarks of Saba Software, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

(+1) 877.SABA.101 | 11/18


Bersin by Deloitte, High Impact Performance Management: Part 1 – Designing a Study for
Effectiveness, 2011

Bersin by Deloitte, Maximizing the Impact of Goal-Setting and Revising, Aug. 2011

Bersin by Deloitte, The Performance Management Framework, May 2011

Bersin by Deloitte, The Performance Management Maturity Model, 2013

Bersin by Deloitte, The Myths of Performance Management, 2012

Brandon Hall Group, Learning Management Study, March 2018

Brandon Hall Group, Performance Management Study, Aug. 2017

Brandon Hall Group, The Impact of Innovation in Performance Management, Aug. 2017

Deloitte, Global Human Capital Trends, 2017

Gallup, The Most Expensive Mistake Leaders Can Make, March 2018

Gallup, State of the American Workplace Report, 2017

Gallup, Obsolete Annual Reviews: Gallup’s Advice, Sept. 2015

Gallup, State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, 2017

Harvard Business Review, The “Sandwich Approach” Undermines Your Feedback, April 2013

Josh Bersin, Forbes: Feedback Is The Killer App: A New Market and Management Model Emerges,
Aug. 2016

McKinsey & Company, Harnessing the Power of Performance Management, April 2018

McKinsey & Company, How Effective Goal-setting Motivates Employees, Dec. 2017

26 | How to Excel at Goal Management

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