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MPA 211 – Public Fiscal Administration


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1. Governor Bong Lacson has proposed by reducing Province budget

by up to 10% and is undertaking a “strategic budgeting” exercise
throughout government.  Manny P, one of the department head
attending the conference chuckling.  

0. If you were the department head, using the knowledge gained from
your courses in the core and those outside the core, how will you
handle the following problem?


Although the Governor has vested the sole power or authority on their executive budget,
the approval of legislative team of his organization takes a very important role and
power to grant or may disapproved such budget proposals in accordance to
appropriation act. This means that whatever budget allocation approved in the
organization must be respected, exercise and well executed.

If I were one the Department head under the administration of Hon. Gov. Bong Lacson,
by which he has proposed a “Strategic budgeting” by reducing province budget by 10%
to which I believed is an internal strategy that needs cooperation by each department
head in the utilization of public funds and that purposely to allocate more savings
intended for additional funds to any projects or programs for natural calamities or
disaster that may arise to which will be realigned and utilized in the future. Thus, as
subordinate under his administration, it is my duty and responsibility to comply, follow
and execute whatever the governor has proposed to our budget planning considering
that this is for the betterment of our organization. Moreover, as the executive chief of my
office or department in order to execute this order, the strategy that I may imposing to
my office are the following; minimize travel expenses, overtime control, minimize office
supplies and utilities and other operating expenses that are sometimes being abused or
in excessive usage without compromising the efficiency and effectiveness of public
services in our office.

0. Economic managers hope the higher ranking could translate into a credit rating
upgrade for the country, improve business sentiment and draw more
investments.    Within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which the
Philippines is one of the founding members, the country ranked only seventh
among 10, ahead of Cambodia (144th place), Laos (154th) and Myanmar (165 th). 
In releasing the report, the World Bank stressed the need for government
regulation that is efficient, transparent, and easy to implement so that business
can thrive.  Two laws have been passed to ease doing business in the country,
and an Anti-Red Tape Authority has been created.  The government is shifting to
electronic processing of requirements for starting business alongside e-payment
and automatic approval system.  Corruption, however, remains entrenched, and
cutting red tape, which opens opportunities for collecting grease money, remains
a work in progress, despite repeated admonitions from President Duterte
himself.  Your comment on this.


Corruption is one of the biggest problem that our government is facing over the years
and the reason of why we are still left behind by other countries that are progressively
active over the globe. As I have notice, more business are choosing to stop or close, the
reason is not only because of higher taxes and tax penalties, piled-up requirements and
long time processing imposed but also because of the undying opportunities of
collecting grease money by different corrupt agencies in our government that results to
discouragement for businesses entity to operate or start-up. That is why the ease of
doing business and the anti-red tape law must be fully implemented and exercise in
each of our government agencies not only by giving admonitions but to effectively
execute and implement and if possible imposed equitable penalties for those who are
caught doing those prohibited or illegal act. Hence, our government should also provide
continuous training, seminar or conference regarding these acts especially for those
newly hired employees that will help to constantly remind them that being a public
servant is by always prioritizing public interest over and above personal interest. In
addition embracing new technologies would be also a great help for improving our
public service. E-technologies can make our life easier especially on government
transaction to also help lessen corruption and under the table transactions as well as
minimize government expenses that may result to effective and efficient delivery of
public service that can compete to international standards. Lastly, we all know that our
government blood life is the tax revenue collection that is why we should give more
importance and great priority to the business industry to boost-up.

Note: Please submit this no later June 11, 2022

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