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Carlos A.

Hilado Memorial State University

College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Studies
Master in Public Administration
MPA 211 – Public Fiscal Administration

Prof. Bimbo D. Lavides 

FINAL EXAM submitted by:


1. Public office is a public trust.  Public officers and employees must at all
times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility,
integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice and lead a
modest lives. Applying the provision in your organization, discuss how this
provision affects the effectiveness and efficiency of the operations and
performance of your organization? Explain how public fiscal administration
system works on this kind of system in your organization?  


Our Organization the Provincial Veterinary office aims to commit and initiate the
development of a self-sustainable animal industry through the transfer efficient and
effective animal production and management technologies, animal health and
regulatory services, development of production technologies and marketing effort
geared towards the empowerment of livestock and poultry raisers through the delivery
of quality basic services. In our organization we always uphold “Public office as public
trust” and make sure that all provision will be exercise and implemented. As a matter of
fact, our organization the Provincial Veterinary Office has done several programs
intended for public assistance and services reachable to the public. Some of these are
the newly built Provincial Animal Learning Park and Hospital located at the PANAAD
Park and Stadium and the Abanse Negrense Animal District Animal Health Center
located at different sites in all 6 districts of Negros Occidental. These project serves as
Office of PVO District Field Unit for the effective “districtalized” delivery of projects and
services by PVO’s operational Divisions such as the Livestock Services, Animal Health
and Meat Inspection, and Animal Diagnostic and Laboratory Services. These Divisions
are primarily tasked to implement programs, projects and activities necessary to sustain
the development of the province’s livestock and poultry industry. The provision are
applied on our organization by showing love and compassion towards our responsibility
as public servants, that even how tough or hard the work we extend, we are still eagerly
strive harder to provide and deliver more effective and efficient services to our fellow
Negrenses. Hence, providing more successful projects implemented means we are
effectively utilizing the budget allocated with upright check in balance by the Provincial
government legislative team is how the fiscal administration system works in our

2. Distinguish the power and functions of the following agencies:  National

Economic Authority and Department of Finance. Assuming that there is an
overlapping in the powers in the National Government Agencies from Local
Government Units, how do the government resolve this issue?  As a public fiscal
administrator, what actions would you undertake to prevent the overlapping if
any, of power and function in your organization?

In answering the above problems, please consider some basic provisions

of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, also review the background or
concepts on Public Fiscal Administration and functions of existing
government agencies handling fiscal matters.   

The NEDA is the country's premier social and economic development planning and
policy coordinating body primarily responsible for formulating continuing, coordinated
and fully integrated social and economic policies, plans and programs. The powers and
functions of the NEDA reside in the NEDA Board. The powers and functions of the
NEDA are to Provide policy direction and resolve policy issues involving few agencies
or a specific socioeconomic sector, without the necessity of convening the entire NEDA
Board, and in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations; Approve
development plans and programs consistent with the policies set by the President of the
Philippines; and Confirm ICC-approved projects which are classified as extremely
urgent by the ICC while the Department of Finance (DOF) is responsible for the
management of the government's financial resources. Its duties include policy
formulation, revenue generation, resource mobilization, debt management, and financial
market development. The powers and functions of DOF are the following; Formulate
goals, action plans and strategies for the Governments resource mobilization effort;
Formulate, institutionalize and administer fiscal and tax policies; Supervise, direct and
control the collection of government revenues; Act as custodian of, and manage all
financial resources of Government; Manage public debt; Review and coordinate
policies, plans and programs of GOCCs; Monitor and support the implementation of
policies and measures on local revenue administration; Coordinate with other
government agencies on matters concerning fiscal, monetary, trade and other economic
policies Investigate and arrest illegal activities such as smuggling, dumping, illegal
logging, etc. affecting national economic interest.
Assuming that there is an overlapping in the powers in the National Government
Agencies from Local Government Units, how do the government resolve this


If there is an overlapping in the powers in the National Government Agencies form Local
Government Units, the government resolve this issue by having separation of powers.
Separation of powers is a model that divides the government into separate branches,
each of which has separate functions and powers. By having multiple branches of the
government, this system helps to ensure that no one branch is more powerful than the
other. Moreover, with regards to the overlapping of powers of the Local Government to
the National Government, the Philippine government established the 1987 Philippine
Constitution by which is a very important instrument in a state that provides regulations
acknowledged by the people of a state to preserve and maintain peace and order in the
society created and implemented. Thus, under this provision stated in the article X
section 3 and 4 that in Sec. 3 “The Congress shall enact a local government code which
shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure
instituted through a system of decentralization with effective mechanisms of recall,
initiative, and referendum, allocate among the different local government units their
powers, responsibilities, and resources, and provide for the qualifications, election,
appointment and removal, term, salaries, powers and functions and duties of local
officials, and all other matters relating to the organization and operation of the local
units” this refers to the birth or Local Government Code of 1991 or known as the RA
7160 and In Sec. 4 stating that “The President of the Philippines shall exercise general
supervision over local governments. Provinces with respect to component cities and
municipalities, and cities and municipalities with respect to component barangays shall
ensure that the acts of their component units are within the scope of their prescribed
powers and functions”. Therefore, I do believed that these provisions created by our
government substantially responds towards the overlapping of power issues.
As a public fiscal administrator, what actions would you undertake to prevent
the overlapping if any, of power and function in your organization?


As Public Fiscal Administrator the action that I will do is that I should have a daily
oversight on funds that are spent and managed in my organization and promote a
thorough check in balance to which provide a comprehensive and fair or equitable
allocation, distribution and spending of government funds according to the goals and
objectives of each department of my organization to avoid overlapping of powers and

3.As per statement of the Bureau of Treasury last March 29, 2020, the Philippine
debt amounting to P10.405 trillion. In the first two months of 2021 of 2021, the
country’s total debt rises by 6.2%. this debt was accumulated by various
administrations and was not borrowed entirely by President Rodrigo Duterte’s
administration. Considering that Fiscal Administration is considered as the core
of government’s policies and programs, one of the priorities must be to increase
government revenue.

0. Research and discuss the history of Philippine government debt

a. Identify some of the government’s actions and programs which contributed
to the in-crease in public debt
b. Suggest programs and activities which can increase revenue

a.) Research and discuss the history of Philippine government debt

The Philippines' experience with debt acquisition and utilization has not achieved the
expected results. It is concerning that the government must borrow to meet its debt
obligations since domestic resources are insufficient to cover debt service payments.I
do somehow believed that our government handles our financial debts and aids
strategically and wisely but if we further analyze the issue, we would realize that our
country’s debt has long been enormous ever since the previous administration of the
Philippines.Our country’s debt during the regime of former president Ferdinand Marcos
Sr. ‘began in 1970’s has swell from 599 million dollars up to the estimated amount of
26.3 billion dollars. Since, then the value of our annual loans from various international
agencies and countries has been has not decreased. Mainly because our government
relies to much on these agencies and countries that they will always be willing to lend
us funds and assistance with our deficiencies. Thus, recently our country is once again
reported to be indebted to international financial institutions with the total estimated
amount of 9.054 trillion as of June 2020 under the administration of former president
Rodgrigo Duterte to which was said to be used in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
However, with these enormous amounts of funds that we have still our government has
not come-up with a concrete plans or solutions not only on this pandemic but as well in
our economy. Hence, as the new administration settle in, we will see if these enormous
debt started by his father and acquired by our country over the years will be eventually
addressed or will be adding.

b.) Identify some of the government’s actions and programs which contributed to
the in-crease in public debt.

I believed that the government programs that contributed to the in-crease in public debt
the most was first, the Infrastructure program of our former President Rodrigo Duterte
known as the Build Build Build (BBB) to which contributes to the country’s debt
amounting to 200 Million US dollars in the Asian Development Bank. The program aims
to reduce poverty, encourage economic growth and reduce congestion in Metro Manila,
as well to address the country's infrastructure gap that obviously needs enormous
amount of money to carry out. Second, was the 4P’s or Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
programs. The 4Ps program created 29 billion pesos loan in the World Bank on
September 2020. The program is intended to human development measure of the
national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to
improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children aged 0-18 to which these
programs needs continuous cash support.

The actions that our government has done this past years to which shown a drastic
amount that contributed to the increase in public debt was the recent loan for COVID
response by which the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $250 million
loan to help the Philippine government secure additional coronavirus disease (COVID-
19) vaccine supply to boost the health security of Filipinos and ensure a safe and
steady economic recovery approved in January 2021. The new assistance provided by
Asian Development fund supported the country’s overall COVID-19 health response
and its universal health care program. Under the amended Health System
Enhancement to Address and Limit COVID-19 under the Asia Pacific Vaccine Access
Facility, or HEAL.

c).Suggest programs and activities which can increase revenue

The activities and programs that I suggest might increase revenue are first; to provide
government loans that are on lowest interest rates for private businessman by which
may encourage more businesses to open up. Second is to allocate more budget for our
tourism industry specifically for those LGUs who has the potential tourism spots to
develop. Attracting more tourist especially from other countries can create more
businesses and more businesses can create more Job opportunities that may result to
greater increase in revenue.

Note:  Please submit your Answers no later than June 9, 2022.

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