Historietas - Santiago Del Estero 100 Years Ago

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Santiago del Estero 100 years ago

By Bruno Copte
Lottie and Lois were wondering what was Santiago del Estero like 100 years ago. They read a book
and they learned about the zoo.

Lottie: the zoo was so cute, now in 2022…is there a zoo?

Lois: no there isn´t because the animals were sad and the zoo was closed.
Lottie: and now, what is there?
Lois: now there is a domo.
Lottie: Oh, wow! The stadium it’s so cool, but what was there before 100 years ago?

Lois: Before it was a camp.

Lottie: Santiago del Estero changed so much in the past 100 years!!
BY Mateo Corvalan, Benicio Russo & Renzo Tagliavini
Lucas meets Tomas top play with the time machine they go back a few years to see Santiago del
Lucas: Look Tomas, there is a big swimming pool people can swim and sail on boats.

Tomas: How big! It’s a pileton. But….is here the children’s park?
Lucas: Yes, it is. But in 1979 there was this big swimming pool here.

Tomas: Look, there was a zoo. It had lots of animals. There were lions, bears and monkeys.
Lucas: But in 2022.There isn’t a zoo. There is a square called the Domo.

Lucas: With all these changes, our province is more modern than before.

Tomas: Wow! You’re right! Our province changed a lot!


By: Samira – Ana – Coty – Paz – Valentino

Lottie: -Boo, I need your help to do some homework. I need to know how was Santiago del Estero
100 years ago.
Boo: -Okay. I will help you, Lottie. Let’s start with the bus station. In a bus station there are a lot of
buses. The bus station was in the West and now it is on the East of the city.

Boo: -Now let’s go the “Centro Cultural del Bicentenario” to investigate.

Lottie: - Before the Centro Cultural del Bicentenario, there was a police station.

Boo: -100 years ago, there was a black bridge that connected Santiago del Estero whit La Banda but
it wasn’t a bridge at that time. They were train tracks.

Lottie: -Wow! How nice!!

Boo: -And finally San Francisco’s church was surrounded by roads. There weren’t streets.
People rode horses. There weren’t any cars.

Lottie: -Thanks Bo for your help.

Boo: -This was a long journey, wasn’t it?

Lottie: -Now let’s hand in the homework!

A travel in time:

Santiago del Estero 100 years ago

By Sebastian Jozame

Mateo and Sebastian met in the library

-Hello Sebastian!

-Hello Mateo!

-Are you ready to do the task that Teacher Alejandra gave to us? -said Sebastian.
-Of course! Surely it will be a lot of fun -answered Mateo. Let's order the books about Santiago
100 years ago

-Look Seba, this is the train station where the Forum is now.

-This is the Cabildo! -said Seba

-I recognize it! It is where the Centro Cultural works -said Mateo

-What a good aerial view of Libertad square! It's so different now! -they commented


-This last photo is from the inauguration of the Theater 25 de Mayo in 1910 -explained

-How much our city has changed! -the friends commented.

-Task accomplished! -the children celebrated

The end.-
"The changes of the last 100 years of Santiago del Estero"

By: Tiziano Bulgarelli

T - Hello Uncle, how are you?

TJ - Hello nephew, very well!!

T - Uncle, I will tell you and show you some of the changes that Santiago del Estero had in the last
100 years. You will love them. Come on?

TJ - Come on, come on. And that CCB building, what is it?

T - That building was the former Cabildo, then was the headquarters of the Provincial Police
Headquarters and is now a Cultural Center.

TJ - I love what you’re telling me.

T - Ahh. That’s the Only Mother of Cities Stadium. It is one of the last constructions that were made.

TJ - And that building all glazed, which is?

T- Those are the towers that belong to the provincial government and are called Complex Juan Felipe
Ibarra. This complex is the highest construction in the city. Formerly on that site, there was the School
of Commerce.
TJ - What a beautiful structure!!

T - I also tell you that a modern Omnibus Terminal was built.

TJ - I really loved the changes that Santiago del Estero had. Thank you for all this information.

T- I hope that soon you will return to visit all these places and the new ones that will be made. See
you soon uncle.
In the time machine

Look Alejo! I found a Yes… Let´s start I am a taxi driver in a

What were
time machine. That´s the machine and rented car And you can
taxis like 100 go back in time
fun! Let´s use it!! find me in the Liberttad
years ago? to see aur city
square. Blip!! Blip!!
Let´s see!

I know that before

there weren´t bridges
or buildings… Let´s

Look it’s the CCB. Let’s In 1922, it is

see how it was before. called “Cabildo”
Let’s go back to the and the governor
past!! Works there

For a few coins I can

take you to the other
side of the river. You
can go fishing, too!
José your car
looks heavy. It
will cost more Look how nice is the
money!! Puente Carretero. I
think: How did they
build it?

Pepe call the boys.

The break is over. Steel is really heavy
Whe have to build but together we
the bridge!! can do it!! It´s not
too long to finish!!

Alejo Valentín Rivero Diaz - Santiago Llapur

My city ‘Santiago in tiMe’ by mAteo lescano


Hi Seba! You know… our

teacher gave us a
homework about our
province 100 years ago.


Let’s work! We can look for

information on the

Did you know that in 1817

there was an earthquake that
destroyed the cathedral? It
took a long time to re build it


I also found that our Centro

Now there is the
Cultural del Bicentenario,
historical museum,
the arts museum too.
worked as the place of work
of the governor.

We have so many
new things now That’s right Mateo!
in our city. The Forum is a new
building where lots of
events take place.
But long time ago
there was the
Mitre train station.

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