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ICT Exam

Finding the correct answer from the following options

1- You receive a message from a friend who is lost and you want to try to find them by

A-Global Positioning system (GPS) B-Magnetometer C-Ground penetrating radar

2- You want to find out if there are any old buildings underground the ground

A- Magnetometer B-Ground penetrating radar C- Global positioning system (GPS)

3 -The global positioning system (GPS) is used to communicate and located the following

A- Lights of lamps B-satellites C- Spacecraft d-rays of radar

4- Your friend sent an email containing his address this means that he used

A-Global Positioning system (GPS) B-Magnetometer C-Ground penetrating radar

5-A device that detects metallic bridges underground

A- Magnetometer B-Ground penetrating radar C- Global positioning system (GPS)

6- You want to see if there are old coins buried underground

A- Magnetometer B-Ground penetrating radar C- Global positioning system (GPS)

7-Date from 3000 BCE to 1450 CE what is the age of technology

A-The pre-mechanical age B- the electronic age C- the Electro-Mechanical Age

8-Date from 1450 to 1840 what is the age of technology

A- The pre-mechanical age B-The electronic age C- The mechanical age

9-Date from 1840 to 1940 what is the age of technology

A- The pre-mechanical age B- The mechanical age C- The Electro-Mechanical Age

10-Date from 1940 to present what is the age of technology

A- The pre-mechanical age B- The electronic age C- The mechanical age

11-What kinds of technology do you use at home

A- Abacus counter B- Pascale calculator C -smartphones

12- Allows input of text and images from paper

A-printer B- scanner C- speaker

12- Allows output of text and images on paper

A-Printer B- scanner C- Speaker

13-Displayes visual data texts ,images and videos

A-screen B-Microphone C-keyboard

14-The following component is input units

A-keyboard B-printer C-speaker

15-this component allows blind people to use computer

A-Braille terminal B-Speaker C-Mouse

16-This component allows non-verbal people to speak

A-Speech synthesizer B-Speaker C-Mouse

17- It is use to enter the world of the internet and websites

A-Google chrome browser B- CPU C-Power point

18-you want to write a report for school. which is a type of software you use?

A-Mouse B-Microsoft word C-CPU

19-Receives data from the operating system .it processes the data and sends it back to the operating

A-CPU B-android C-keyboard

20-converting letters into prominent symbols and allowing them to be read by touch

A-braille method B- screen reader C- earphones

21-help people of determination to move

A-Prosthietic devices B-amplifiers C- alternative sports equipment

22-Press and hold Ctrl,Alt and Del buttons if ?

A-your screen freezes B-the keyboard isn't typing C-you can't find file
23-Do a search using the search box next to the start button

A-your screen freezes B-the keyboard isn't typing C-you can't find file

24-Uninstall and reinstall the app

A-your screen freezes B-the keyboard isn't typing C-An app won't open

25-digital tool are useful when it comes to drawing graph

a- A spreadsheet(Excel) B-reports C- surveys

26-Allow an individual or small group to express their thoughts to their audience

A-online articles B-text messages C- video chats

27-Communicate between individuals by video through one of the applications

A-Text messages B-video chats C-email

28-The internet can give us to information on all kinds of information we can type a question into

A-Search engine B- Microsoft word C–CPU

29-The most important problems of searching for information on the internet

A-False information B- slow internet C – Hardware issue

30-An Email from an unknown address that includes advertisements is likely to be

A-Spam B-personal information C-Microsoft PowerPoint

31-if you block someone they will no longer be able to

A-Contact you B-search internet C-Open Microsoft windows

32-You are setting up a new social media account . who would you accept ?

A-Unknown person B- your sister C- image of tree

33-Yyou get a message from a stranger on your social media account tells you to download a video file
.what should you do ?

A-Download the file B-Ignore the message C-watch it

34-A friend sends you a strange picture that scares you what should you do ?

A-Send it to all my friends B- Tell a parent C-copy it to my computer

35-When you post on social media and tag your friends make sure to ?

A-Ask them permission first B- Don’t ask them permission c-Edit the post

36 – The positive effects of ICT tools

A-Communicate with friends any where B-some information upsets you C- eye strain or headaches

37-The negative effects of ICT tools

A-Communicate with Friends B-Some information upsets you C- Upload & download any files

38-you can get when using your devices too long time

A-Headaches B-happiness C-Powerful

39- Before you post something make sure is this post ?

A-Helpful B-hurtful C-unclear

40-whether you are posting or searching on line you be sure to ?

A-Don’t go to banned sites B-Don’t respect the law C-Open unknown sources
Write the word (true) in front of the correct statement and the word
(false) in the front of incorrect statement

- Global Positioning system (GPS) can discover objects buried underground (False)

-Ground penetrating radar way to find the location of something using satellites (false)

- Magnetometer measures a magnetic field it can find metal underground (true)

- Your friend sends an email containing his address using magnetometer (false)

- The Pre-Mechanical age during this age people started to communicate through pictures like
hieroglyphics (true)

- The Electro-Mechanical age during this age electricity was first used (true)

- The Electronic Age it is from 1840 to 1940 (False)

- Pascale calculator help us locate things and Communicate with people around the world (false)

- Touchscreen is an input unit (true)

- Printer Allows to enter audio to computer (false)

- Speaker is an output unit (true)

- Speech synthesizer allows non-verbal people to speak(true)

- Braille terminal allows blind people to use computer (true)

- Microsoft word program for browsing websites in the internet world(false)

- Hardware they are programs and applications that help user to perform the tasks (false)

- Central processing unit (CPU) it works in a computer like a brain in a human body (true)

- Google chrome browser use to enter the world of the internet and websites(true)

- Screen magnification software help people with hearing problems (false)

- Stephen Hawking was a famous scientist who used assistive technology to help him communicate

- If your screen freezes press Alt ,Ctrl and Del buttons together to solve the problem (true)

- If you can’t find a file do a search using the search box next to the start button (true)
- If an app won’t open yon can uninstall and reinstall the app (true)

- You can collect data from a variety of sources include books, records and surveys (true)

- A spreadsheet (Excel) digital tool are useful when it comes to drawing graph (true)

- Online articles allow an individual or small group to express their thoughts to their audience (true)

- Text messages communicate between individuals by video through one of the applications (false)

- The internet can give us access to information on all kinds of information (true)

- The most important internet search steps verify the data by trying to find it in more than one

- Download a file this saves it to your computer so that you can look at it later (true)

- You can use instant messaging to communicate with friends (true)

- If you block some one they will be able to contact you or view your account (false)

- If you get a message from a stranger on your social media account you can share your personal data
with him (false)

- When you post on social media and tag your friends make sure to ask them permission first (true)

- The negative effects of ICT tools Communicate with friends and family any where (true)

- You can get eye strain or headaches from using your devices too long (true)
Complete the following statements with the appropriate answer

Global positioning system (GPS) is a way to find the location of something using satellites

Magnetometer this measures a magnetic field it can find metal underground

Ground penetrating radar this radar can discover objects buried underground

The Pre-Mechanical age during this age people started to communicate through pictures like

The Electro-Mechanical age during this age electricity was first used

The Mechanical Age it is from 1840 to 1940

Screen is an output unit allows output visual information,text,image and video

Microphone Allows to enter audio to computer

Speech synthesizer allows non-verbal people to speak

Braille terminal allows blind people to use computer

Scanner allows input of text and images from paper

Printer Allows output text and images on paper

Speaker Allows output of audio

Software they are programs and applications that help user to perform the tasks

Central processing unit (CPU) it works in a computer like a brain in a human body

Google chrome browser use to enter the world of the internet and websites

PowerPoint help user in carrying out their own tasks such as creating a presentation or creating report

Hearing aids help people with hearing problems

Stephen Hawking was a famous scientist who used assistive technology to help him communicate

Screen magnification software this software enlarges everything on a computer screen ,from words to

Alternate communication software help people with speech and language disabilities communicate
with others
Assistive technology helps people of determination with tasks that they find difficult

Braille method converting letters into prominent symbols and allowing them to be read by touch

Your screen freezes press and hold Ctrl,Alt and Del buttons

Can't find file do a search using the search box next to the start button

An app won't open uninstall and reinstall the app

A spreadsheet(Excel) is digital tool are useful when it comes to drawing graph

Online articles allow an individual or small group to express their thoughts to their audience

Video chats communicate between individuals by video through one of the applications

The internet can give us to information on all kinds of information we can type a question into Search

An email from an unknown address that includes advertisements is likely to be Spam

If you block some one they will no longer be able to Contact you

The positive effects of ICT tools Communicate with Friends and family any where

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