Mental Health

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1. Is there someone in your life that you can talk to if you have problems or if you feel upset?

a. There is usually someone that I can talk to.

b. Sometimes, there are people I can talk to but it depends on the type of problem I have.
c. I do not have many people that I can talk to.
2. How much do other peoples’ opinions about you affect how you see yourself?
a. I allow their opinions to define who I am.
b. I compare their opinions with who I think I am as well as my personal beliefs and opinions.
c. I reject other peoples’ opinions of me instantly.
3. When bad things happen, how much do you think you can turn the situation around?
a. I always believe that I can change the situation for the better.
b. Much depends on the situation that I am in.
c. I tend to think that bad things will continue to happen.
4. Do you have enough time for school work, friends, family, and other activities?
a. Yes, I always make sure that I have enough time for everything.
b. I adjust the time I give each, depending on the situation.
c. No, I usually have to pick one over the other.
5. How much do you let your worries and anxieties bother you?
a. I have a hard time in letting go of my worries and I tend to dwell on them for a long time.
b. I think about them until I am ready to let go.
c. I forget about them and do not let them bother me.
6. In general, would you describe yourself as a moody person?
a. Yes, it takes just a moment to ruin a good day.
b. Sometimes, but much really depends on the situation.
c. No, I usually do not le bad things get me down.
7. How often do you feel afraid that people you care about might reject or leave you?
a. This has been a constant fear in my life.
b. Sometimes I think about this when certain situations point to this possibility.
c. I am secure enough with my relationships and trust that they will not leave me.

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