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TOC measurement of high-purity

boiler feed water in power plants

The Zellweger Analytics
Description solution
High-pressure boilers require high In a typical operation, it is assumed
purity feedwater to limit the effect of that a sulfate peak of about 5 to 6
corrosion and deposits that damage µg/l occurs each time two resin
steam circuits. columns are switched. This is veri-
fied in the lab using liquid chroma-
Typical corrosives are acid salts tography. Therefore, TOC is also
such as chlorides or sulfates, which expected to increase proportionally.
form corrosive compounds. Chlo- The autoTOC 1950plus TURBO
rides are usually present in raw wa- confirms this assumption: a peak
ter, residual trace chlorine, and in
application note

of about 10 µg/l TOC above back-

the halo-organic form present in ground TOC is observed during a
deionized water. The most common 20 minute period after switching
sulfate ion producer is the decom- from one resin column to another.
position of sulfonic acid–based cat- The TOC peak and the duration of
ionic resins. the rise may increase with the age
Objective of the resin.

The objective is to prevent sulfate In a nuclear plant installation, the

ions generated in the demineraliza- autoTOC 1950plus TURBO ana-
tion plant or the condensate polish- lyzer verifies that water quality in
ing plant from contaminating the different parts of the piping system
high-purity circuit. Sulfate ion con- vary by 75%— from around 120 to
centration is difficult to measure in a 150 µg/l in one section to below 10
plant environment, especially in low µg/l in a new condensate polishing
µg/l levels. The only effective tech- installation.
nology is ion chromatography, which The autoTOC 1950plus TURBO
does not respond quickly enough. analyzer has several advanced
However, if sulfates are a result of features that facilitate boiler water
the decomposition of the resins, and analysis.
the decomposition also causes a re-
lease of organic molecules, then ● Unsurpassed response time
TOC can be used as a tracer. This requiring less than 5 minutes
method will infer the presence of for T90. This response time is
sulfates and detect the formation of not achievable by any other tra-
corrosive carbon dioxide gas ditional TOC analyzer.
(caused by the destruction of or- ● Versatility—the dual-stream
ganic molecules in the boiler). feature enables the analyzer to
An additional benefit of this ap- simultaneously measure two
proach is the ability to monitor the independent sample streams. It
presence of contaminating lubri- also serves as an on-demand
cants. This alerts plant personnel of laboratory analyzer by introduc-
turbine or pump rotating seal leak- ing a manual grab sample or
age before the situation becomes validation standard.
● Correct Calibration by using an
advanced analyzer calibration util-
ity offering multi-point TOC Added
calibration of up to 10 points. This
compensates for TOC back-
ground contribution commonly
found in make-up water.
● Reliable, the autoTOC 1950plus
TURBO is the only analyzer on
the market capable of measuring
TOC (in form of NPOC) in the µg/l
level with 100 percent reliability.
Other analyzers capable of mea-
suring µg/l levels use the differen-
tial conductivity method (measur-
ing TC and TIC, calculating the
difference TC-TIC =TOC). This
method combines the inaccura-
cies of the two measurements
whereas the autoTOC 1950plus
TURBO direct method removes
the TIC from the sample prior to
directly measuring the TOC, re-
sulting in superior accuracy. An-
other error can ocurr when
nonorganic chemical species,
such as sulfide ion (S2-), nitrite
ion (NO2-), hypochlorous acid
This publication is not intended to form the ba- (HClO), and iodine (I2), originally
sis of a contract. The company reserves the present in the sample or formed
right to change design and specification during the acidification stage,
of its products without notice. which have a disolved gas phase
at low ph, will cross the mem-
brane of the analyzers using dif-
ferential conductivity. These spe-
Zellweger Analytics SA Zellweger Analytics, Inc.
33 rue du Ballon 100 Park Avenue cies will then be measured as TIC
93165 Noisy-le-Grand League City, Texas and subsequently will make the
Cedex USA 77573
France Tel: (281) 316 7700 TOC measurement incorrect.
Tel: (33) 1 48 15 80 80 Fax: (281) 316 7800
Fax: (33) 1 48 15 80 00 Recommended system

autoTOC 1950plus TURBO analyzer,

© 09/2000 Zellweger Analytics

0 to 5,000 µg/l.
One-year spare parts kit.
Carrier gas: Clean, CO2-free or air or
Nitrogen, 0.5 l/min maximum, 2.8-6.2
bar (40-90 psig). If carrier gas is not
available, the use of the Zellweger

A1950plus TURBO.001e

Analytics AAS300 Purge Gas Gen-

erator is recommended.

Zellweger Analytics, Inc. ■ ISO 9002 ■ Certificate No. A6797

A company of the Zellweger Luwa Group

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