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NAME: ID: 2016

Faculty Of Engineering 3rd Year Time : 3 hour

Mechatronic Engineering Department 22/08/2016 2nd Term
MT308-Industrial Automation (CAD/CAM) FINAL EXAM
GROUP A: Review questions Marks
Briefly describe the basic differences between (Answer only ten questions):
1) CSG and B-rep modeling methods

 Pre-defined geometric primitives
 Boolean operations
 CSG tree structure
B-rep method:
 Represents a solid as a p collection of boundary surfaces. The database records both
of the surface geometry and the topological relations among these topological
relations among these surfaces.
 Boundary representation does not guarantee that a group of boundary surfaces (often
polygons) form a closed solid. The data are also not in the ideal form for model

2) Geometry & Topology

 Geometry: shape and dimensions

 Topology: the connectivity and associativity of the object entities; it determines the
relational information between object entities information.

3) CAD & CAE

Q1-A 20
 A CAD model is a detailed model that provides and specifies all the details such as
dimensions, surface equations, etc., of the part geometry.
 A CAE model is a simplified mesh model that is used for the CAE analysis of the CAD

4) MCS & WCS

 MCS: identifies the shapes of object and it is attached to the object. Therefore the
MCS moves with the object in the WCS.
 WCS: identifies locations of objects in the world in the application.

5) Shape data & Non- shape data

 Shape data: both geometric and topological information, part or form features. Fonts,
color, annotation are considered part of the geometric information.
 Non-shape data: graphics data such as shaded images, and model global data as
measuring units of the database and the resolution of storing the database numerical

6) The Fixed zero and Floating zero

 Fixed zero: The origin is always located at the same position on the machine table.

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 Floating zero: The machine operator can set the zero point at any position on the
machine table

7) Feature- base and parametric-base modeling

• Parametric Modeling: The parametric nature of a software package is defined as its

ability to use the standard properties or parameters in defining the shape and size of a
• Feature-based Modeling: A feature is defined as the smallest building block that can
be modified individually.

8) ROM and RAM memories

 ROM: Read only memory store operating system, which is not editable and are not
lost when the machine is turned off.
 RAM: Random access memory store Part program, they can be played back, edited
and processed by the control. All programs residing in RAM, however, are lost when
the machine is turned off.

9) G94 and G95

 G94: Specify feed per minute in milling and drilling.

 G95: Specify feed per revolution in milling and drilling.

10) Switching network and LAN

11) Tape punch and Tape reader

 Tape punch: converts written instructions into a corresponding hole pattern.

 Tape reader: read the hole pattern on the tape and convert it to a corresponding
electrical signal code.

12) Hard wired and soft wired control units

 Hard wired: means that all machine functions all controlled by the physical electronic
elements that are built into the controller.
 Soft wired: is the on-board computer, thus the machine functions are encoded into the
computer at the time of manufacture.

Q2-A Define the following terms (Answer only five questions): 5

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1) DNC and what are its components:

 Direct Numerical Control (DNC) is a manufacturing system in which a number of

machines are controlled by a computer through direct-connection and in real time.

 Components of a DNC system:

Central computer (and satellite mini/micro computers)
Bulk memory to store NC part program
Communication lines and interfaces
Machine tools
Management S/W

2) Concurrent Engineering (CE):

 Concurrent Engineering is another powerful CAD concept that has evolved in the
90’s. According to this concept, there is an instantaneous communication between the
designer, analyst, and manufacturing. Changes made at any of these work centers are
immediately passed on to the others and the product is modified without delay.

3) Associativity:

 Associativity ensures that any modification made in the model in any one of the
environments of NX, is automatically reflected in the other environments

4) NC:

 NC can be defined as "A form of programmable automation in which the process is

controlled by numbers, letters, and symbols.

5) Tool length offset:

 When tools with different length are used, then the difference in their lengths with
respect to a datum is known as offset of each tool.

6) Fully-Constrain:

 The fully-constrained sketch is the one in which all degrees of freedom of each
element are defined using the geometric and dimensional constraints.
Briefly Explain the following (Answer only two questions)::
1) Suppose a solid is stored in computer with CSG data structure. When it is displayed
on the screen, computer needs its faces to triangulate them and render those triangles
on the screen. Does CSG have those faces? Why? If not, how does the computer get
those faces? What is the main disadvantage of this? What is the main advantage of
Q3-A 5

 CSG does not have those faces because it only stores the history of applying Boolean
operations on the primitives.
 The computer must apply these Boolean operations to the primitives to compute the

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 The main disadvantage of this is the time needed for the computation.
 The main advantage of CSG is its compact representation and a tremendous reduction
of memory requirement as compared to other types of representations such as the B-

2) Give at least two types of primitives in solid modeling that can also be defined as

 Cylinder, Torus.

3) What are the Driving Forces for CAD/CAM Data Exchange? What are the two
approach for Data Exchange?

 The Driving Forces for CAD/CAM Data Exchange

1) Fundamental incompatibilities among entity Representations.
2) Complexity of CAD/CAM systems
3) The varying requirements of users
4) Restrictions on access to proprietary database information
5) Rapid pace of technological change
 The two approach for Data Exchange Shape
1) Direct
2) Indirect
Multiple Choice questions : Answer only 20 questions
1. Which industry offers CAD\CADD, CAM and CAE?
a) Computers in Banking. b) Computers in Education
c) Computers in Business d) Computers in Engineering and Manufacturing

2. To create a draft angle. The draft option can be used inside which command:
a) Revolve b) Loft c) Sweep d) Extrude

3. What does CADD stand for:

a) Computer Managed Learning b) Computer Managed Instruction
c) Computer Aided Design d) Computer Aided Design and Drafting

4. Computer-controlled machines perform repetitive and dangerous tasks in industries

Q4-A assemble lines and make use of Robotics? 10
a) False. b) True

5. B-rep and C-Rep are the methods of ______________________

a) Solid modeling b) Surface modeling
c) Wire frame modeling d) 2D modeling
6. In a 2-D CAD package, clockwise circular arc of radius, 5, specified from P1 (15,10)
to P2 (10,15)will have its center at :
a) (10, 10) b) (15, 10) c) (15, 15) d) (10, 15)

7. In a point-to-point type of NC system

a) Control of position and velocity of the tool is essential
b) Control of only position of the tool is sufficient

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c) Control of only velocity of the tool is sufficient

d) Neither position nor velocity need to be controlled
8. The widely employed computer architecture for CAD/CAM applications is:
a) Mainframe-based system
b) Minicomputer-based system
c) Microcomputer-based system
d) Workstation-based system
9. The software that provides users with various functions to perform geometric
modelling and construction. Editing and manipulation of existing geometry. drafting
and documentation is known as:
a) Operating system
b) Application software
c) Graphics software
d) Programming language
10. The following is not a graphics standard:

11. In the following geometric modelling techniques which are not 3D- modelling?
a) Wireframe modelling b) Drafting
c) Surface modelling d) solid modelling

12. C” continuity refers to:

a) Common tangent b) Common point
c) Common curvature d) Common normal

13. C0 continuity refers to:

a) Common point b) Common tangent
c) Common curvature d) Common normal

14. The degree of the B-spline with varying knot vectors:

a) Increases with knot vectors b) Decreases with knot vectors
c) Remains constant d) none of the above

15. Which of the following is not a synthetic entity?

a) Hyperbola b) Bezier curve c) B-spline curve d) Cubic spline curve

16. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by:

a) Control points b) Knots c) End points d) All the above

17. The degree of the Bezier curve with n control points is:
a) n + 1 b) n - I c) n d) 2n

18. Computer will perform the data processing functions in:

a) NC b) CNC c) DNC d) ACS

19. Tool offset cancelation is defined by:

a) G43 b) G42 c) G40 d) G41

20. M08 stands for:

a) End of program b) End of tape and tape rewind

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c) Coolant on d) Coolant off

21. GOTO is an APT Command for:

a) Continuous Motion b) Point to Point motion

Fill in the blanks: Answer only eight questions

1. IGES Stand for: Initial Graphics Exchange Specification and its file is composed of
six sections in the following order: Flag (optional), Start, Global, Directory Entry
(DE), Parameter Data (PD), and Terminate

2. PDES Stand for : Product Data Exchange Standard that is used to exchange the
product data in support of industrial automation.

3. The whole Bezier curve changes its shape with the change of one control point.

4. G17 specify the X-Y Plane.

Q5-A 5
5. The three types of Modeling techniques involved in 3-D geometric modeling
are::wireframe, surface modeling and solid modeling.
6. CPU stands for: Central processing unit

7. The sequence controls are : Coolant, Fixture clamping and Tool changer

8. Machine tool control: Position control & Spindle speed control.

9. APT stands for: Automatically Programmed Tool. There are four basic types of
statements in the APT language: 1.Geometry statements , 2.Motion commands;
3.Postprocessor statements; 4.Auxiliary statements.

10. The three types of sweep are: linear (transnational sweep and rotational sweep),
nonlinear, and hybrid sweeps.

True or False: Answer only 10 questions

1. NC is a programmable automation in which process is controlled by numbers only ( F ).
2. EXECUTIVE PROGRAM resides in ROM ( T ).
3. RAPID is an APT command used for PTP ( T ).
Q6-A 4. P1/30,50,20 is incorrect APT command ( F ). 5
5. The MCU operates in binary code only ( F ).
6. TAN TO positions the tool center just on the check surface ( F ).
7. P33.3 is allowed symbol used in APT ( F ).
8. Dimensions can be placed on a 3-D-Model ( F ).

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9. Extrude command can be used to generate model with draft angles ( T ).

10. A cylinder can be created by all four construction command ( Revolve, Extrude, Sweep
and loft) ( T ).
11. Loft command can be used between different types of cross sections ( T ).
12. The Global section is a list of all the entities together with certain of their attributes ( F ).
13. A wireframe model can be extracted from a surface model ( F ).
GROUP B: (Answer any three questions)
Indicate the steps that would be used to create the model shown below. Be sure to state the
necessary steps along with labeling the wireframe to indicate specific curves, points, and

Q1-B 5

Write a CNC Turning Programing in the word address format for the figure bellow

Q2-B 5

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Reffering to the Figure below, Draw the resulting figure for the Bolean operation

Q3-B 5

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NAME: ID: 2016

Using Euler formula of solids, check for the

validity of the solid below?

Q4-B 5

Consider the Hermite curve defined in the plane with P(0) = (2, 3), P(1) = (4, 0), P’(0) = (3, 2),
and P’(1) = (3, -4).
1) Find a Bezier curve of degree 3 that represents this Hermite curve as exactly as possible,
Q5-B i.e., decide the four control points of the Bezier curve. 5
2) Expand both of the curve equations into polynomial form and compare them. Are they

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:::::::Good luck:::::::::

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