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Choose the correct answer
1. Which is the natural source of light?
a. Sun b. Electric bulb c. Lantern

2. Which is an artificial sources of light?

a. Sun b. Moon c. Lantern

3. Light from burning firewood is a natural source of light.

a. True b. False

4. A good drinking water does not contain solid particles.

a. True b. False

5. Plants and animals need air to survive.

a. True b. False

6. What is the main function of the nose?

a. Sweep b. Smell c. Walk

7. Which of the following is the use of the mouth?

a. Talk b. Jump c. Run

8. A …………. is a person who has lost any parts of the body.

a. Blind person b. Disabled c. Deaf

9. A …………. is a person who has lost the hands.

a. Amputated b. Cripple c. Deaf

10. …………. is the basic source of energy for living things.

a. Battery b. Sun c. Moon

11. …………. is one of the uses of the sun.

a. Smoking fish b. Drying crops c. Cooking food

12. We get light from the sun during the night.

a. True b. False
13. Energy is the ability to do ……….
a. Food b. Good c. Work

14. Food gives us energy.

a. True b. False

15. The energy we get from electricity is called ………….

a. Heat energy b. Electrical energy c. Sound energy

16. Electric shock can kill.

a. True b. False

17. Electricity helps us to entertain ourselves.

a. True b. False

18. ……….. is an object used to play?

a. Toy b. Battery c. Machine

19.A toy traffic light can ………… when a battery is put in it.
a. Make sound b. Give light c. Play music

20. The direction of a moving car cannot be changed by any force.

a. True b. False

Answer all the questions in this section
1. Write the uses of the following parts of the human body.

a. The head ………………………

b. The eyes ………………………
c. The legs ……………………...
d. The mouth ……………………
e. The hands ……………………

2. a. Write two uses of the sun.

i. ……………………………………………….
ii. ……………………………………………..
b. (i) What is energy?

(ii) Write two uses of energy.

1. …………………………….

2. ……………………………..

c. Write three importance of using electricity at home.

1. …………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………….

d. Mention two safety rules when you are using electricity.

1. ……………………………………………….

2. ……………………………………………….

3. a. What are toys?

b. i) Mention two examples of electronic toys
1. …………………………………
2. …………………………………

ii) Mention two examples of non-electronic toys

1. …………………………………
2. …………………………………

c. i) Write two electronic gadget that use battery

1. …………………………………….
2. …………………………………….

ii) Draw any electronic toy and colour.



Choose the correct answer

1. The head of the nuclear family is the ………….
a. Mother b. Father c. Uncle

2. The members of the family who gave birth to our parents are ……
a. Grandmothers b. Grandparents c. Mothers

3. Coming to school early is one of the rules in the school.

a. True b. False

4. Smoke, plastic and rubber waste cannot destroy our environment.

a. True b. False

5. ………… is the wind that brings about the harmattan.

a. Moosoon wind b. Trade wind c. Sea wind

6. The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is …………

a. Barometer b. Gauge c. Scale

7. The amount of water vapour in the air is ………

a. Pressure b. Humidity c. Clouds

8. Temperature can be measured in degree ……….

a. Celsius b. Meters c. Grams

9. Which of the following are obtained from animals?

a. Eggs b. Metal c. Wood

10. Some ………. help to beautify the environment.

a. Animals b. Cars c. Plants

11. The place where fish live is …………

a. Air b. Water c. Land

12. Which of the following provide us with honey?

a. Birds b. Fish c. Insects

13. Who created both plants and animals?

a. Man b. God c. Imam

14. Animals that live in the forest are ………….

a. Domestic animals b. Wild animals c. Fish

15.Which plants provides us with fruits?

a. Mango b. Cassava c. Yam

16. Which of the following is obtained from cows?

a. Egg b. Chicken c. Milk

17. Map is the drawing of the earth surface or part of it on a paper to a scale.
a. True b. False

18.We can draw a map of our classroom, school or community.

a. True b. False

19. We can use a rectangle as a shape to represent the map of our classroom.
a. True b. False

20.The shape of our community looks the same as the shape of our church.
a. True b. False

Answer all the questions in this section
1. Match the following elements of weather to their correct measuring instrument.

Elements Of Weather Measuring Instrument

Temperature Hydrometer

Wind Barometer

Rainfall Anemometer

Atmospheric pressure Cellometer

Humidity Rain gauge

Clouds Thermometer

2. a. Write two uses of plants.

i) ……………………………………………….

ii) ………………………………………………

b. 1) Draw any plant and colour it

2) Write two uses of animals.

3) Draw any wild animal you know and colour it.

3. a. What are pets?

b) Give two examples of the following animals.

i) Domestic animals …………………………….

ii) Birds ………………………………………….

iii) Insects ……………………………………….



Choose the correct answer.
1. God helps us when we are sick means, He is our ………….
a. Provider b. Protector c. Healer

2. Omniscient God means, God loves us.

a. True b. False

3. The two types of environments are artificial environment and ……………...

a. Man-made b/ Natural c. Atmosphere

4. Gold and other minerals are found in the ……….

a. Sea b. Land c. Air

5. The land provides contractors with building materials.

a. True b. False

6. We can get shelter from ………….

a. Animals b. Plants c. Air

7. Fishes live in …………………

a. Air b. Water c. Forest

8. Honey is obtained from ………….

a. Insect b. Bird c. Fish

9. We get belts from the …………. of animals.

a. Breast b. Skin c. Hairs

10. Parrots are mostly used as ………….

a. Pits b. Pets c. Security

11. We can get medicine from both plants and animals.

a. True b. False

12. Worship is the act of showing respect and ……………… to God.

a. Gift b. Honour c. Money

13.Who is the founder of Christian religion?

a. Jacob b. Abraham c. Jesus Christ
14. The act by which Muslims wash some part of their body before they pray to
Allah is called ………………
a. Ablution b. Bathing c. Leg washing

15. The person who leads Muslims during worship is called ……….
a. Mallam b. Alhaji c. Imam

16. Muslims worship at the mosque on ………….

a. Thursday b. Friday c. Saturday

17. Muslims worship at the ……………

a. Church b. Shrine c. Mosque

18. …………….. is the person who leads the traditionalists to pray to their smaller
a. Priest b. Imam c. Traditional Priest

19. The traditionalist believes in ……………sacrifice.

a. Animal b. Jesus c. Imam

20. Traditionalist worship on …………. only.

a. Christmas days b. Sacred days c. Holidays

Answer all questions in this section
1. a. Mention two examples of the following types of animals
i) Wild animals ………………………….

ii) Fish ………………………………….

iii) Pet …………………………………….

b. Draw any pet of your choice and colour it

c. i) Mention two importance of plants.

a. ……………………………………

b. …………………………………….

(ii) Draw any plant you know and colour it

2. a. Write any two practices Christians do at church during worship.

(i) ………………………………………

(ii) ………………………………………

b. (i) What is the name of the person who leads Christians during worship?

(ii) Mention any two Islamic festival you know

3. a. Write any two practices Muslims do before worship and during worship.

(i) ……………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………….

b. Write any one traditional festival you know.

c. Write any two practices traditionalists do during worship

(i) ………………………………….

(ii) ………………………………..





Underline the nouns in the sentences below

1. They all went to the school.

2. The buildings are very strong.

3. John can lead the class again.

4. The teacher spoke to the group.

5. Kobina is taller than us.

Underline the subjective pronouns in the sentence below

6. She went to tell him something.

7. You can take him home tomorrow.

8. Are you calling me please?

9. It runs after them.

10. They all know him.

Which words or verbs best complete the sentences below

11. My brothers ……………. to church last Sunday.

a. Go b. Went c. Going

12. The footballer …………. well in 2006 World Cup held in Germany.
a. Played b. Playing c. Play

13. They ………… happy about their result.

a. Was b. Is c. Were

14. Come and ………. my beautiful toys.

a. Saw b. See c. Seen

15. Mensah …………. a handsome boy?

a. Is b. Are c. Were

16. Kojo is shorter ………. his father.

a. Than b. Under c. Over

17. She cannot …………. in the classroom.

a. Ate b. Eat c. Eating

18. Have ………… paid your classes fees please?

a. Your b. Yours c. You
19. He can ………. that tall wall.
a. Jumping b. Jump c. Jumped

20. All the students …………… playing on the field yesterday.

a. Were b. Is c. Are

Answer all the questions in this section
Complete the table below
Prefix Root Word Meaning
1. Un (not, no) Lock

2. Mis (wrong, Write

not correct)
3. Pre (before) Mix

4. Re(again) Cook

5. Dis (not, no) Like

Capitalize the right word in each sentence

1. Mr. boaten comes from tema.

2. Tema is near accra.

3. Mr. Boaten has a benz car.

4. Benz car is made in Germany

5. all men in tema are drivers



My name is ……………………………………………………………………….

The name of my best friend is ……………………………………………………

He/She is ……………………………………………… years old.

He/She is …………………………………………… in complexion.

He/She comes from …………………………………………………………………

The school he/she attends is called ………………………………………………….

He/She is in grade …………………………………. ……………………………….

The subject he/she likes best is ……………………………………………………...

He/She is my best friend because he/she …………………………………………….



Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows
Emmanuel is riding his bicycle. He is on the road. We should not ride on the road.
Vehicles like cars, lorries, trucks and vans use the roads.
Pedestrians use the pedestrian walkway. The pedestrian walkway is the reserved portion of
the road for bicycle riders and those who walk.
We must learn how to be saved on the road to prevent accidents on the road.
Comprehension questions
1. Who is riding the bicycle? ……………………………………………………….

2. Where is he riding the bicycle? …………………………………………………..

3. What type of vehicles use the road? ……………………………………………..


4. What will vehicles do to us if we don’t use the road well? ………………………


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