Cajimat, Trixie Janella v. (Activity 1 Simple Diagramming)

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Name: Trixie Janella V. Cajimat Date: October 2, 2021

Strand, Gr. Level & Section: STEM 12 – St. Giuseppe Moscati

ACTIVITY # 1 – 15 points
Simple Diagramming

I. Purpose: To illustrate the major process involved in the production of fermentation product.
II. Materials: Textbook, notes, internet
III. Procedure:
1. Look/search example of fermentation products. (cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, pepperoni, etc.)
2. In a simple diagram, draw the processes involved in the production of your chosen product and give a
simple explanation.

IV. Results and Interpretations

Any type of milk can be used in making

cheese. Cow's milk is the most common
type in making cheese and cow’s milk has
optimal amounts of fat and protein.

Preparing the milk

Manipulating the protein-to-fat

ratio is important as well as
pasteurization or a milder heat
treatment. By heating the milk, it
Acidifying the milk
kills organisms that could cause the
cheese to spoil. In addition, once
the milk has been pasteurized, it is The next step is adding starter cultures to acidify
cooled to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. the milk. Typically, cheesemakers add starter
and non-starter cultures to the milk that acidify
it. Since the milk is already at 90 degrees
Curdling the milk
Fahrenheit, it should stay at this temperature for
approximately 30 minutes while the milk ripens.
During this process, the milk is still liquid and During this process, the milk’s pH level lowers
cheesemakers need to start manipulating the texture. In and the flavor of the cheese begins to develop.
addition, the process of curdling the milk can also happen
naturally. Natural rennin was typically the enzyme of
choice for curdling the milk, but cheesemakers today use
rennet. Rennet is the lab-created equivalent. By adding
rennet into the milk, it allows the milk to form coagulated
lumps, or curds. Moreover, as the solid curd forms there is
Cutting the curd
The fourth step is cutting the curds and whey mixture is allowed to
separate and ferment until the pH reaches 6.4. Furthermore, the
curd should form a large coagulated mass and cheesemakers use
long curd knives and to reach the bottom to evenly cut the curds.
Cutting the curds allows the curds to separate and it is cut
vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

Processing the curd

The next step is processing the curd. This step is cooking the
curds and stirring the curds at the same time. During this process,
the same goal of separating the curds and whey allows the curds
Draining the whey to continue to acidify and release moisture. In addition, another
way curd can be processed at this stage is through washing,
which is when the whey is replaced by water and this affects the
flavor and texture of the cheese. Moreover, washed curd cheeses
are more elastic and have a mild flavor.
This process is draining the whey,
curds and whey; it should be
completely separated. Whey is also
being drained and only solid chunks of Cheddaring the cheese
curds remain.

During this process, since the whey has been drained, the
curd should form a large slab. The cheesemaker will stack
individual slabs of curbs. Through stacking, it puts pressure
and forces out moisture. In addition, the cheesemaker will
Salting the cheese
again cut the slabs of curbs and restack them. The
fermentation is also present during this process, the curd
should reach a certain pH needed.

The next step is salting the cheese. The

curd is now beginning to look more like Shaping the cheese
cheese, a typical cheese. Salt is being
added to the cheese to add flavor, some
types of cheese are being added with The next step is shaping the cheese. Since the
different types of cheeses. moisture was removed from the curd, the texture is
soft and that’s why cheese makers are able to press
the curb into molds to create standardized shapes.
Aging the cheese

The last step is aging the cheese. The process is already finished, but for some other type
of cheese it should be aged. The cheese is kept in a well-controlled, cool environment. As
the cheese ages, the texture is hard, the color of the cheese changes, and it adds a unique
flavor to the cheese.
Short explanation:

The fermentation process of cheese is quite long and it includes the following steps to make a cheese; Preparing the milk,
Acidifying the milk, Curdling the milk, Cutting the curd, Processing the curd, Draining the whey, Cheddaring the cheese,
Salting the cheese, Shaping the cheese, and aging the cheese. Lactic acid fermentation is present during the fermentation of
the cheese, because the sugar in the milk is called lactose and milk is being inoculated with lactic acid bacteria which is

Pictures: from google (credits to the owners)

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