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Department of Education


Niyog Ext., General Santos City

October 27,2022

First Periodical Examination


Name: ________________________________________Grade/Section: ___________Score: _______

I- Vocabulary

Direction: Read and analyze each sentence carefully. Identify the meaning of the underlined word in the
sentence using context clues. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Witnessing men in bayanihan, transferring a hut at the middle of the ricefield made me realized that

unity makes a difficult task easy.

A. a community spirit that makes difficult tasks become easier

B. a community spirit that makes a person mind his own business

C. a community spirit that makes tasks become more difficult

D. a community spirit that makes people contented of what they receive

2. Even in the modern days, Muslims retain their “Sumbali” ritual before they butcher an animal for

food because they believe that animals do have life and have the right to live.

A. ancient civilization practice by hunting animals for food

B. a tribal culture by chanting, dancing or offering food to Bathala as a sign of respect

C. early folk practice by dancing and offering an animal to please the king of the tribe

D. early Filipino practice to win the hand of a beautiful maiden for marriage.

3. Many African people famished due to a long drought experienced by the land.

A. bountiful harvest B. long happy life

C. extreme starvation D. good healthy

4. Philippine Tarsiers are endemic in Bohol where they are protected and taken cared of.

A. imported animals found in the Philippines B. domestic animals found in Mindanao only

C. exported animals found in Bohol only D. locally found animals

5. As I have observed, young Filipinos are no longer nationalistic by heart maybe due to what they see,
watch and follow in TV or in the net.

A. Love of Korean boy and girl band B. Love of imported goods

C. Love of Japanese food D. Love of your own country

6. Texting while crossing a busy lane is perilous because you might be hit by a moving vehicle.

A. safe and peaceful B. dangerous

C. time consuming D. enjoyable

7. What a spectacular view I see standing at the peak of the mountain.

A. frightening view B. humorous scene

C. attractive scenery D. floating scenery

8. Gumasa, Glan is an ethereal place for tourists to enjoy this summer season.

A. breathtaking view B. enchanting place

C. creepy scenery D. mountainous island

9. General Santos City is a melting pot in the South because it became the center of business and

commerce in the region.

A. a pot melted with butter B. A place where milk and honey overflows.

C. A place where people of different races, religion, beliefs and tradition blend together as one.

D. A unique and modern place where families can bond together for a day or two.

10. Being resilient in times of challenges and catastrophies is one of the best character of the Filipinos.

A. don’t easily give up or recover in times of failure

B. don’t easily keep quiet but poke their nose on others

C. can’t easily recover from pains and troubles

D. can’t be easily disturbed due to selfishness

II- Identify the type of context clue used in the following sentences. Choose your answer on the given
choices below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Dialects like Tiruray, Manobo, Bagobo, Blaan and T’boli are spoken by the minority group of people in

Region XII.

A. Example B. Synonyms C. Inferring Meaning D. Definition

2.Bisaya is one of the unique dialects spoken here in Gensan which was spoken by people from Visayas

who migrated in the city.

A. Restatement B. Antonyms C. Definition D. Inferring Meaning

3. Generals are people who live in General Santos City.

A. Inferring Meaning B. Definition C. Synonyms D. Example

4. Fishing is the main industry in General Santos City that it’s difficult to survive a day without going to

the sea to fish.

A. Example B. Synonyms C. Restatement D. Inferring Meaning

5. Despite the modern way of fishing, Generals still retain their traditional practice with the use of a

hook tied in a string at the edge of a fishing pole.

A. Definition B. Example C. Synonyms D. Antonyms

II- Complete the sentence with the appropriate modal to be used in the sentence. Choose the letter of
the correct answer on the choices given below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Blaans are good hunters because they ______ climb up wet and slippery treks just to catch a deer for

family’s sumptuous dinner.

A. can B. may C. will D. must

2. ________ I call your mother to inform her of what happened to you?

A. can B. must C. may D. shall

3. _________ you bring that glass of water to me?

A. Should B. Would C. Might D. Must

4. You _______ study hard before the First Periodical Exam.

A. must B. may C. will D. can

5. Parents __________ devote their time taking care of their children to grow responsible and mature

enough to stand on their own.

A. shall B. may C. will D. can

III- Tell the concept of each modal expressed in the following sentences. Choose the correct answer on
the choices given below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Can I borrow your pencil just for a while?

A. possibility B. ability C. obligation D. invitation

2. You should seek the help of our teacher.

A. advice B. intention C. opinion D. request

3. May I have a piece of cake?

A. permission B. advice C. offer D. suggestion

4. The guard must close the gate at 8:00 in the morning.

A. obligation B. request C. intention D. invitation

5. Will you join my debute party at Phela Grande Hotel on Sunday?

A. invitation B. obligation C. suggestion D. ability

IV-Read the selection in the box silently and answer the questions that follow. Choose your answer on
the given choices below.

Mang Juan on Top of the Mountain

Mang Juan and his family live in a farflung remote area in Kalamansig, which is located on top
of Daguma Mountain Range in Sultan Kudarat province. He survives his family with kaingin farming at
a nearby slope. He plants kamote, kamoteng -kahoy, bananas, Denorado which is an upland rice, and
assorted vegetables.
Native chicken is the family’s source of eggs and meet. His 10 goats and a pair of cows are his
children’s daily glass of milk. Flowing mineral water from big rocks at a nearby water fall is their
source of potable water. Everything the family need is just a step away from their small but cozy nipa
hut. They don’t run out of food. Cool and fresh mountain breeze is a free air conditioner. The blowing
of the wind on the leaves of big trees mean a comfortable shade to stay for a nap or for the kids to
play. Money is never been a question for Mang Juan and his family. How I wish all places in the
Philippines is like Mang Juan”s discovered paradise-on top of the mountain.

1. Who is the main character in the story?

A. Mang Juan B. The Children C. The wife D. The goats and cows

2. How does Mang Juan survive his family?

A. by fishing ang gold mining B. by planting and raising animals

C. by milking his goats and cows D. selling air conditioner

3. Why is the air fresh on top of the mountain?

A. because there are few people B. because there are no cars that cause air pollution

C. because there are many big trees D. because all of the given answers are true

4. What kind of a man is Mang Juan?

A. lazy B. industrious C. religious D. obedient

5. If you were Mang Juan, do you still need money in order to survive on top of the mountain? Why?

A. Yes, because I want buy the whole mountain. B. No, because everything is at hand.

C. Yes, because I need to sell mineral water. D. No, because I have my family with me.

The Face to Face Classes

Mama! Mama! Please help me button my polo shirt. I might be late in school today. I am
excited to meet my teachers and classmates. Wait for a while Dondee. I am still preparing your baon.
You might be starving in school. Remember, you will stay there the whole day. Yes, Mama, I know,
that is why I am happy that face to face classes has started. Together with my classmates, I can learn
my lessons well with my teacher. She can answer all my questions and explain well the topic. See, you
will no longer scratch your head whenever I ask you because I will be asking the experts- my teachers.
Thanks a lot, you will not bother to ask help from our neighbors and family friends anymore, just to
teach me with my lessons.

1. Why is Dondee very excited to wear his uniform today?

A. He will check if it still fits him. B. He has a face to face class today.

C. He is afraid his uniform will not fit him anymore D. He just want to.

2. Whom will he meet in school?

A. His friends B. His classmates C. His neighbors D. His parents

3. What is the meaning of the word baon in the story?

A. food B. money C. additional uniform D. notebooks

4. Why will mother scratch her head every time Dondee will ask help about his lesson in the module?

A. Mother has plenty of dandruff. B. Mother has plenty of lies.

C. Mother doesn’t know the answer. D. Mother is busy with the household chores.

5. Why did Dondee call his teachers experts?

A. They are the owner of the school. B. They make the classes lively.

C. They know how to teach the students with their lessons. D. They are models.

Test V – Arrange the entries correctly in the box to complete the information needed in citing
various sources.
1. English for Grade 8 Flores, A. General Santos City: ( 2021 ). Rex Publishing House


2. Flores, A. Retrieved from https:/ / (2022, October 19).

How to Bake Chiffon Cake

World Wide Web

3. The Journal in Science and Technology. 888, 56. 1019- 1031. “ Robots” Flores, A. (2021).


Prepared by: RAYMIE D. PEREZ 10/23/22

III-Read the dialogue between Nena and Teacher. Ten different verbs which are used to communicate
their emotions or opinions are underlined. Write these verbs in order of use in the first row of the
column and write their functions according to how they are used in the dialogue in the second row.

Nena: Good morning Teacher. I know you’re happy seeing me early in school today to pass my
answer sheets and get my next batch of modules.

Teacher: Oh, good morning too, Nena… I must always be early in school because responsible parents
and students like you need to be entertained early since you are excited to answer your
modules right away.

Nena: But I could play with your siblings or bond with my parents after answering each module.
I should wind up my mind so that I will not get stressed and fed up answering my modules.

Teacher: Yes, during this time, you had better do it or else you will get bored and crazy especially
that you cannot just go out because of the pandemic.

Nena: It’s true Teacher… Actually, according to Dr. Salangsang, I ought to stay home so that I will
not get contaminated through other people because I am not vaccinated yet. And,
I appreciate him so much because he’s a good and kind doctor.

Teacher: I believe, Dr. Salangsang told you that, because he was so concerned with the health of
his fellow Generals. I don’t want to disagree with him because he is an expert when
comes to our health.

Nena: True Teacher. I feel he’s serious in helping the government in informing the people in the
community on what to do to stop the spread of COVID 19 virus.

Teacher: We’ll, Dr. Salangsang is a good doctor. I hope all doctors are like him…Oh, by the way…,
Let’s go…I’ll start with the distribution of your modules now. Many parents and students
are waiting at the lobby… Come on…

Verbs to express opinions Fuctions


IV- Construct sentences using the given transition signal. Write your answer on the line provided after

each transition signal.

1. as a matter of fact ____________________________________________________________________

2. therefore ____________________________________________________________________

4. as a result ____________________________________________________________________

5. simultaneously ____________________________________________________________________

6. even though _____________________________________________________________________

7. for example _____________________________________________________________________

8. in other words _____________________________________________________________________

9. finally _____________________________________________________________________

10. next _____________________________________________________________________

V-Write a seven-sentence paragraph on how to fight boredom and focus on answering your modules
using the give transition signals in the box. Observe coherence and mechanics in writing. Write your
paragragh on a separate sheet of paper. You will be graded according to the rubric below.

also because
and likewise
almost specifically
before in other words






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