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EXERCISE 2 [MANIPULATION OF THE COMPUND MICROSCOPE, MAGNIFICATION AND REDUCTION |. Objective: To know how to manipulate the compound microscope. |, Materials: Empty slide and cover slip, cut out letter e, water. Procedure: ‘Microscopic Specimen Preparation: 1. With your scissors, cut the letter e 2. Place a sample on the slide. Using a pipette, place a drop of water on the specimen, 3. Then place on edge of the coverslip over the sample and carefully lower the cover slip into place using a toothpick or equivalent. This method will help prevent air Bubbles from being trapped under the coverslip. 4. Your objective isto have sutficient water to fill the space between coverslip and slide. If there Is too much water, the cover slip wil slide around, Take a piece of paper towel and hold it close to ‘one edge of the cover slp. This will draw out some water. If too dry, add a drop of water beside ‘the cover sip. Practice this until you get used tot ‘Observation of the specime 4, Tum on the microscope and place the slide on the stage; making sure the "e” i facing the 1 [ @ ee ee on ae a es 5. Re-center the slide and change the scope to low power objective, You willnotice the "eis out of focus. Do Not touch the coarse focus knob, instead use the fine focus to resolve the pleture. Draw the image you see ofthe letter e (or part of it) on high power, 6. Locate the diaphragm under the stage. Move itand record the changes in light intensity as you doso. 7. Look into the eyepiece and adjust the mirror so that the field being observed is uniformly lighted. Regulate the diaphragm opening for the adjustment in order to get the desired intensity of light. 8. When the image isin sharp focus, shift to High power objective. I the microscope Is far focal the | image would still be clear. f not, then adjust the fine adjustment knob. ‘9. Observe the objects seen, sketch the letter as seen under the 3 objectives, inthe space below. Macroscopic Specimen observation: 1. Obtain a fish leaf, mushroom, etc., observe its physical features and make a sketch of itin your laboratory manual. Compute the magnification or reduction using the formula: size of the drawing ‘actual size of the specimen (Where x stands for the number of times macroscopie specimen is reduced or enlarged). Indicate the calculation under the drawing, ‘Microscopic Magnification Formula: 1. Locate the numbers onthe eyepiece andthe low power objective and fill inthe Blanks below, Eyepiece magnification | ¢q, | Objective magnification |_/ Total Magnification 2. Dothe same for the igh power objective. Eyepiece magnification [ (x) | Objective magnification | Total Magnification | eisai Pisses Drawing: 4. Draw one macroscopic specimen and the computation of the number of times its reduced or enlarged. 2. Draw the letter as itis seen from the three objectives used and its magnification, ‘Answer the following: 4. State some tips on how to take good care of the microscope. 2. Whats the importance of stating the magnification and reduction ofa specimen? 3, Images observed under the light microscope are reversed and inverted. Explain what this Explain why the specimen must be centered in the field of view on low power before going to high power.

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