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Peterson Abastas
Alexa Jane Olivar
Pamela Joy Taborda
Rytz Gerapusco
Rakila Macasi
-What is Global Migration?
-Does Migrants Assets or Liabilities?
-Benefits and Detriments for the Sending Countries
-The Problem of Human Trafficking
What is Migration?
Is the movement of people from one
place to another with intentions of
settling, permanently or temporarily, at
a new location.
Types of Migration

•Internal Migration - people moving from one area to another within one country.

•International Migration - happens when people cross borders of one country to another.
5 Groups of International
1. Immigrants

2. Workers who stay in another country for a fixed period (at least 6 months in a year).

3. Illegal migrants

4. Migrant whose families have “petitioned” them to move to the destination country.

5. Refugees (or asylum-seekers)

From 247 million people in 2015 to 281
million people in 2020 currently living
outside the countries of their birth (90%
moved due to economic reasons while
10% were refugees and asylum-seekers).
Immigrants vs Emigrants
When used in the context of national populations, "immigrants" refers to foreign-
born residents who have moved to that country and "emigrants" refers to people
who have left that country to live somewhere else.
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Number of Emigrants (Former Residents living
Internationally) - United Nations 2020:

India — 17.9 million

Mexico — 11.1 million
Russia — 10.8 million
China — 10.5 million
Syria — 8.5 million
Bangladesh — 7.4 million
Pakistan — 6.3 million
Ukraine — 6.1 million
Philippines — 6.1 million
Afghanistan — 5.9 million
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Number of Foreign-Born Residents (Immigrants) -
United Nations 2020:

United States — 50.6 million

Germany — 15.8 million
Saudi Arabia — 13.5 million
Russia — 11.6 million
United Kingdom — 9.4 million
United Arab Emirates — 8.7 million
France — 8.5 million
Canada — 8.0 million
Australia — 7.7 million
Spain — 6.8 million
Fifty percent of global migrants have
moved from the developing countries to the
developed zones of the world and
contribute anywhere from 40 to 80 percent
of their labor force.

Once settled, they contribute enormously to raising

the productivity of their host countries
Table 1. Migrant Contribution to Destination Country, in dollars and as percentage of
national GDP, 2015


Contribution Percentage of GPD

United States $2 trillion 11 percent

Germany $550 billion 17 percent

United Kingdom $390 billion 14 percent

Australia $330 billion 25 percent

Canada $320 billion 21 percent

The migrant influx has led to a debate in destination
countries over the issue of whether migrants are assets or
liabilities to national development.


Benefits and Detriments
of sending countries
Economic Growth
Richer and more diverse Culture
Reduce Labor Shortage
Payments of remittances
Loss of Professional
Key Roles
The Problem of Human Trafficking

On Top of the Issue of brain , drain , sending state must

likewise protect migrant workers . The United States Federal
Bureau of Investigation lists Human Trafficking as the third
Largest Criminal Activity Worldwide.
A final issue relates to how migrants interact with their new home countries.

Migrants from China, India and Western Europe often have more success.
While those from the Middle East, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa
face greater challenges in securing job
Democratic states assimilate immigrants and them citizenship and the rights
that go with it.

The latter accuse migrants of bringing in the culture from their home countries and
amplifying difference in linguistics and ethic customs.

Migrants unwittingly reinforce the tension by "keeping among themselves

Government and private businesses have made policy changes to

address integration problem.

- Global Migration entails the globalization of

- Singapore
• Saudi Arabia
• Japan

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