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Attitude Among Male Students in 2 Public High School in Zamboanguita Towards

Smoking Habits

A Research study

Presented to the Faculty of

Adventist Academy of Negros Oriental-Siquiqor, Inc.

Maayongtubig, Dauin Negros Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement of the Subject

Applied Research

Carrie C. Victoria

October 17, 2022



Have you ever wondered why people smoke and what are the pros and cons of

smoking tobacco? The practice encountered criticism from its first. import into the Western

world onwards but embedded itself in certain strata of a number of societies before

becoming widespread upon the introduction of automated cigarette-rolling apparatus. (West

et al., 2007). Tobacco smoking is the practice of burning tobacco and ingesting the smoke

that is produced. The smoke may be inhaled, as is done with cigarettes, or simple released

from the mouth, as is generally done with pipes and cigars. Smoking is the most common

method of consuming tobacco, and tobacco is the most common substance smoked.

However, there are certain ways of consuming tobacco via chewing dried tobacco leaves,

even sniffing it and etc. (Wigand et al., 2006). Over 80% of the 1.3 billion tobacco users

worldwide live in low- and middle-income countries, where the burden of tobacco-related

illness and death is heaviest. Tobacco use contributes to poverty by diverting household

spending from basic needs such as food and shelter to tobacco.

People who smoke is very rampant all around the world, also in the Philippines.

According to union (Anti-smoking website) the Philippine has undergone a tobacco

epidemic, 17.3 million adults or 28% of the population uses tobacco. Men have higher rates

of smoking than women.55% of youth while 40% are exposed to second hand smoke on

their homes. As effect of this smoking kills approximately 240 deaths every day;87,600

Filipinos die a year. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) was developed to monitor

youth tobacco use, attitudes about and exposure to tobacco smoke. This report present

findings from GYTS conducted in the Philippines in 2000 and 2003, which revealed

substantial decline in the proportion of students aged 13-15 years who currently smoke

cigarette, currently used other tobacco products, were likely to start smoking in the next
year, or were exposed to second hand smoke in public places. Had learn about dangers of

tobacco use in school. The percentage of student who reported being current cigarette

smoker or currently using other tobacco product decline significantly. Among adolescent

boys, the percentage of the current smoker decline by approximately one third, from 32.6%

in 2000 to 21.8% in 2003. Among adolescent girls, the decline was familiar, from 12.9% in

2000 to 8.8% in 2003. Current use other tobacco product decline by nearly half for both

adolescent boys and adolescent girls from 18.3% in 2000 to 10.9% in 2003 for adolescent

boys from 9.5% in 2000 to 5.7% in 2003 for adolescent girls. The reasons for the drop in

teenage smoking could be used to inform legislation and public health programs aimed at

reducing tobacco use in all youths. The decline in cigarette smoking among adolescents

hypothesized that alternative substance usage, religious affiliations, and cigarette pricing

were likely important causes. The percentage of the students who had smoked but were

likely to initiate smoking in the next year also decreased by nearly half, from 26.5% in 2000

to 13.81 in 2003. In addition to this the establishment sternly implements not to sell tobacco

products to minors. (Jama 2005)

Smoking cigarettes have also many various impacts to students not only to their

habits and attitudes. For instance, smoking cigarettes can affect them mentally and

physically. This can control student’s minds; they would be addictive and be manipulated to

do or to use it over and over again. And as long as their influence by this, there is a

possibility that they would just do cigarette smoking and would skip meals that has an effect

on their physical appearance and health. Which can lead them to a bad practice for their

health. But since high school students are the ones that are very concerned about especially

now, that the study was not able to pursue. Primary health care centers (PHCCS) in Riyadh

City were selected by stratified random sampling. But instead of focusing in the adulthood

researchers pursue on students because student’s smokers had more negative attitudes and

outcome. That’s why they implement students more than adults to banned smoking public

areas especially on campus and to education about the harmful effects.

This study is the study of choice because this study introduces and examines a
theoretical construct, lay theories of smoking (LTS), as a correlate of smoking expectations

among young adult nonsmokers and smokers. In this study smoking habits and attitude of

high school students would be implemented to not tolerate their habits. This shows that

students can be aware and have knowledge about smoking habits and attitudes. Not only this

is a common good for all but a good sake of the next generations. This is especially

designed to not to tolerate smoking habits and attitudes to people or especially to high

school students. Also, the people could now eliminate bad habits and instead to bring back

good and benevolent habits.

Statement of the Problem

The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of cigarette smoking and
attitudes and

habits of the students especially teenager students. Since tobacco use is the leading

preventable cause of death worldwide, it also influences young people and students to

smoke tobacco and as a result of developing an addiction towards nicotine, according to the

World Health Organization (WHO) reports 22% of the world's population aged over 10

years are smokers and approximately six million people die from tobacco use or exposure to

tobacco smoke. This study is purposely made to examine their behavior and habits after

smoking during and after the COVID -19 pandemic.

Research Questions:

1. Why do teenagers engage in smoking (cigarette, vapes)

2. How does smoking affect student's study habits?

3.. How does smoking affect student's

academic performance?

4. What is the effect of smoking in relation to student's demographic profile in terms of:

a. age
b. high school year level
Significance of the study

This study will assist students become more aware of smoking practices and

attitudes, as well as the impacts of smoking on our bodies in terms of physical and mental

health. When they cope with smoking, this will help them understand their limitations and

the repercussions of their choices. They'll also know how to deal with those who are

inebriated or who smoke. Students, parents, the community, and other researchers will

benefit the most from this research, which will ideally aid them in making the best decisions

regarding their smoking views and behaviors.

The information will enlighten the kids and help them understand the physical and

emotional health risks of smoking, tobacco, and vaping too much. It will also assist those

who have been subjected to peer pressure in learning how to deal with themselves in such

situations. Even if they themselves smoke, they will be able to understand why their parents

or guardians are against to it.

Parents or Guardians

This research will help them know as to why their teenagers act in ways, they do not

seem to be too keen on. This can serve as a guide for them in disciplining their teenagers

and giving the right advices for them since they have read a little of the students of

teenager’s point of view on this matter.


This research will benefit them because the teenagers or students will become more

aware of the problems that smoking can bring. For this reason, cigarette smoking results into

emotional instability, which can cause a strain in relationships between the smoker and

others, that usually teenagers are involved with will be lessened. This will not only help

them avoid risking their safety, but also to their whole community.
Future Researchers

Researchers will find this interesting and helpful in their research regarding smoking

habits and attitudes among the students. Then can go into deeper and broader range of

research with professional psychiatrist help.

Scope and Limitations

This study looks at a male student in 2 public high school's smoking behaviors and

attitudes as a reason why they smoke. The type of smoking being discussed can be

emotionally charged and deeply rooted in their upbringing. This study will only look at how

and why high school students especially men become addicted to cigarettes. Because this

research focuses on teenagers, it will provide knowledge that will be beneficial to readers.


The primary objective of this project or study is to provide high school students

especially men with a meaningful learning to address of the effect of cigarette smoking to

their behaviors and attitudes. Also, it assesses the prevalence of active smokers and

secondhand smoke exposure among high school students. The data gathered then would be

established for determining on how students will behave or did their attitudes have any



Due to the nature of the research and limited alternative. This study was based in

largely qualitative research method. This study was only range for men high school students

ranging of the age (13 -19) years old. In that we only conducted this for teenage stage of

students here in our society. The researcher only ranges this kind of level to see if there are

really a lot of high school students especially men that got into this kind of habits and

behavioral issue. This study has potential limitation of men students only aging of (13 -19)

years of age.
Objectives of the study

The main objectives of the study are to raise men students in high school smokers'

awareness of the issue and their desire to stop. Smokers' desire to stop depends on their

knowledge, motivation, and access to cessation programs. Smokers should be educated on

the risks of tobacco use and the health advantages of quitting. Students will benefit from this

study by learning more about smoking behaviors and attitudes, as well as how smoking

affects our physical and mental health. This will assist them in recognizing their limitations

and the effects of their decisions as they learn to manage with smoking. Additionally, they'll

know how to interact with drunk or cigarette-smoking individuals.

Purpose of the study

Students will benefit from this study by learning more about smoking behaviors and

attitudes, as well as how smoking affects our physical and mental health. This demonstrates

that children are capable of being informed about smoking attitudes and behaviors. This is

not only for the benefit of all, but it is also for the benefit of future generations. This is

specifically intended to discourage smoking and tolerating negative attitudes toward people,

particularly male high school students. In addition, people may now kick harmful behaviors

and replace them with helpful ones. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of

smoking and to describe the habits, attitudes, and practices related to smoking among men

high school students.

Null Hypothesis

Ho1: Students who smoke will significantly harm their academic performance. Ho2:

Due to their smoking habits, male high school students pose a threat to others, especially the

younger ones. Ho3: Smoking students are more prone to rebel against their parents and
simply skip class.

Conceptual background

The conceptual framework of the study consists of the independent and dependent

variables. In this study, the independent variable is smoking cigarettes. Meanwhile, the

dependent variable is the habits and attitudes of students, here it shows the students

behavioral changes (poor academic, peer-pressure, bad study habits) The findings of this

study would be able to determine if, there is any changes of student’s habits and attitude

(study habits, academic performances and etc.).

Figure 1. Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the study

Independent variables Dependent variable




● poor academic
SMOKING performance

CIGARETTES ● peer-pressure

● bad study habits

● misbehavior
Theoretical Background

According to the self-efficacy theory of Albert Bandura, published in 1977,

therapeutic change can be brought about by experiences of mastery arising from successful

performance. Bandura has proposed that phobic behavior is influenced more by self-efficacy

judgments than by outcome expectations.

Self-efficacy, or the degree to which people believe they can perform or regulate a

specific action on their own (Bandura, 1997), is a theoretically related but different

construct that has been shown to predict changes in smoking behavior in the future

(Cupertino et al., 2012).

Self-efficacy, on the other hand, is personal to the individual (e.g., "I believe I can

modify my smoking behavior"), Smoking abstinence self-efficacy can effectively improve

the success of smoking cessation. Self-efficacy is smokers’ belief that they can exert control

over their smoking activity; so self-efficacy can be considered as an important factor in

healthy behavior change.

Figure 2. The Theoretical Framework of the study based on self-efficacy theory of Albert

Bandura 1977

Self-efficacy Habits attitudes

● can modify smoking behavior ● can control of smoking habits

● can control the attitudes

● can control addictions


●Gets better grades ● Limits the use of smoking

● Improves study habits
● Refines study habits
● Reforms a good academic
Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally to facilitate a clear understanding of

their meanings as they are used in the study:


This refers to the student’s choice of using cigarettes to smoke (vapes, cigarettes,

cigars, bidis, and also tobacco in a pipe or hookah water pipe).

Smoking and academic performance.

This refers to students that smokes to know what is the results of their academic

performances and if they did well in school.

Smoking and student’s demographic profile.

This refers to men high school student's age and their year level has the highest rates

of smoking cigarettes. This shows weather what is the highest percentage of year level and

age of the men high school students.


This is a theory of Albert Bandura that refers to an individual's belief in his or her

capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce

specific performance attainments.

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