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Republic of the Philippines


Caramoan Campus

Peace Studies

Name of Student: _Nicol Purisima Corporal________________ Course: BSHM1A

Course Code: GEE1 Name of Faculty: Romen S. Cano
Course Title: Peace Studies

Assessment 1:


2. Answer the following philosophical questions guided by its definitions

No limit. Write as lengthy as you can.

A. Is it okay to lie to protect yourself? why?

-Yes, Lying is okay to for me to protect myself from immediate danger.

B. Why do we dream?
- I think to preparing us for danger. Dreams occur to prepare us for real-life
situations that might prove harmful to us.
Dreaming is commonly seen as a defence mechanism that allows us to practice
different scenarios without actually facing my dangerous or embarrassing

C. How will human as species go extinct?

-Based on my research, The hypothetical end of the human species due to either
natural causes such as population decline due to sub-replacement fertility, an asteroid
impact or large-scale volcanism or anthropogenic causes.

D. If you have one more life to live, will you live it the same way? Why?
-No, I would rather stay in the present. Doesn’t matter how hard life gets or is in
the present, going back in the time won’t change anything. My goal is to have a good future
and be happy and I will start where I am.

E. If freedom is a basic human right, do you think a society should exist following no laws? Why?
-I don’t think saw, Freedom is a basic human right, but nevertheless it is
obvious, that no everybody is in the position to make use of it because it has been
disregarded and trampled on though out the ages. Freedom is also the circumstance of
being internal control.

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