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KIND OF TEST: ………………………………….

TIME OF TEST:…………………………….


1. What is the fuselage?

a) The fuselage is the second structural unit on the airplane

a) The fuselaje is the main structural unit on the airplane
b) The fuselage are the structural unit on the airplane
c) The fuselage are the most important thing

2. What is another word for structural unit?

a) Structural base
b) Structural case
c) Assemblage
d) Assembly

3. Do the wings keep the airplane up while it is in flight?

a) Yes
b) Yes, they do.
c) No, they don’t.
d) Yes, they does.

4. What are the wings attached to?

a) The wings are attached to the fuselage

b) The wings are attached to the airplane
c) The wings are attached to the bomb
d) The wings are attached to the rudder

5. How do we identify the wings?

a) They identify as right and left wings

b) They are identify as front and back wings
c) They identify as black and red wings
d) They are as big and small wings
6. The fuselage houses the ………………

a) The gasoline
b) The crew
c) the fluid
d) The oil

7. The complete tail assembly is called ………………

a) The empennage
b) The fuselage
c) The rudder
d) The wings

8. ……………also support the weight of the airplane during the flight.

a) The panel
b) The empennage
c) The control
d) The wings

9. Is the rudder a fixed or a movable surface?

a) it is a fixed surface
b) it is a movable surface
c) it is safe surface
d) it is removable surface

10. The vertical stabilizer is the ……………………….

a) Large fin-like
b) Short fin-like
c) Big fin-likes


11. Where is the engine housed in a single-engine fighter aircraft?:

R.- it is housed in the fuselage

12. What is the front edge of the wing called?

R.- it is called leading edge

13. Give two purposes of the wings

R.- - the wings support the weight

- the wings provide the lifting force
14. What is the back edge of the wing known as?

R.- it is trailing edge

15. What is the part at the small end of the wing known as?

R.- it is wing tip.

16. What is the part between the leading edge and the trailing edge called?

R.- it is called wing panel

17. What is the empennage?

R.- it is the vertical and the horizontal stabilizer, the elevator and the rudder.

18. What is the vertical stabilizer?

R.- the vertical stabilizer is the large fin-like object sticking straight up

19. The vertical stabilizer also serves as a ………………………………………

R.- support for the rudder

20. The horizontal stabilizer also serves as a …………………………………

R. support for the elevator

21. The main group of flight controls are: ……………………………………………………

R. ailerons, elevators, and rudders

22. What is the rudder attached to?

R.- it is attached to the trailing edge of vertical stabilizer

23. What is the purpose of the vertical stabilizer?

R. the purpose is to stabilizer motion of the aircraft

24. What are the elevators attached to?

R. they are attached to the horizontal stabilizer

25. What are the ailerons fastened to?

R..they are fastened to the wings

26. Does the piston move up and down or turn?

R. the piston moves up and down

27. What is the purpose of piston rings?

R. the piston rings form seal between the piston and the cylinder. They
prevent the passage of gases and oil.

28. What is the purpose of the lock rings?

R. The lock rings lock the wrist pin in position.


29. Gasoline, as you know, is a liquid form of matter. We can changes this fuel from a
liquid to a gas and mix it with air. This fuel – air mixture will burn and produce a lot of
energy. In other words, this gas – and – air mixture is combustible; it will burn.

R.- La gasolina, como saben, es una forma líquida de materia. Podemos cambiar
este combustible de líquido a gas y mezclarlo con aire. Esta mezcla de aire y
combustible se quemará y producirá mucha energía. En otras palabras, esta
mezcla de aire y gas es combustible; y esto arderá.

30. When an airplane comes in for a landing, it must have a medium (means) of rolling.
In addition, it must be designed to absorb shock when contact with the ground is made

The assembly designed to these requirements is called the "landing gear."

R.- Cuando un avión entra para aterrizar, debe tener un medio de balanceo.
Además, debe estar diseñado para absorber los golpes cuando se hace contacto
con el suelo.

El conjunto diseñado para estos se denomina "tren de aterrizaje".

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