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ĐỀ 1: BOOK CLUB (Bài mẫu)

PART 2:Please tell us about the days and times you can come for meetings and books
you would like to discuss.

Sure, for meetings and books discussion, I am available on Monday, Wednesday

and Thursday after 5.30PM. The best time is between 6 and 8pm.And I would like
to discuss about English books and cooking books.

PART 3: You are a member of a book club. You are talking to J in the chat room. Talk
to J using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.

J: Hi! I hear you are a new member of our club. I have been a member for about 6
months after my friend gave me a year’s membership as a gift. Why did you join?

Hi J, I’m so happy to become a member of our book club. I decided to join the
club because I love reading books and I can meet a lot of new friends, who have
the same interests as me. J: How do you feel about the club?

I feel very happy when I joined the club because I can discuss with other
members about many kinds of books. I also learn many new things from other

J: What do you think about the new meeting room?

I think the new meeting room is modern and comfortable. We can hold club
meetings and events there. But maybe you should install a new air-conditioner
because the weather is hot in the summer

PART 4: You are a member of the book club. On your last visit to the club, you saw the
notice below”

Dear Members,

We are sorry to tell you that next month membership fees will go up by 20%. Also, we
are starting renovation of the club meeting room and during the next month, club
meetings will be held in the back room of the bookshop every Monday from 18.00 to

Hi Tom,

How are you. I hope ypu are fine. I am writing this email to let you know the
unpleasant news. Did you know that next month the membership fees of my book club
will go up by 20%? And they are having the meeting room renovated. I feel sad and
worried because I don’t have much money to pay for that. I’m going to write an email to
the manager to complain about that.

How is your new job? Tell me bro,


Hi Mr. Andrew,

I am Summer - one member of your book club. I’m writing this email to express
my feelings about the recent change of the next month's membership fees.

According to the news, next month membership fees will go up by 20%. Also, there is a
renovation of the club meeting room and during the next month, club meetings will be
held in the back room of the bookshop every Monday from 18.00 to 20.00 without asking
opinions from us. To be honest, I feel disappointed about the way you manage the club
and a bit shocked to hear the price. As a student like most members in our book club, we
do not have much money to pay for that.

Therefore, I think you should consider raising membership fees only by 5% (not 20%).
One alternative is to implement the fee increase after you have completed renovation.

I look forward to hearing from you soon if my recommendation is acceptable. If

not, I will look to another book club for my membership.

Thanks and Best regards,


ĐỀ 2: COOKING CLUB(đã từng thi)

Part 2: Tell me about the time you can come to the club and what food do you enjoy

Because I have to work in the office from Monday to Friday, I can come to the club on
the weekends. And the food I enjoy cooking is Korean food.

Part 3

Why did you decide to join?

I decided to join the cooking club because I really love cooking. I can come there and
learn everything about the food in the world. Moreover, I will make friend with the other
member of the club
How often do you think you can come to the club?

As I said, I could come to the club on the weekend, from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm. I will
participate in the club’s activities. Sometimes, I am also free in the evening, so I can
come here at that time?

Part 4

You received this email from the secretary of the club

Hi members!

Next week, we are going to invite Mr Gonzales, a famous chef in our town, to give us
step-by-step instructions for making some dishes. Please write some suggestions about
the dishes he is going to teach and how to attract more members to our club.

Write to your friend

Hi, Hoa

How are you? I hope you are fine

I am writing this letter to let you know about the good news. I am sure you want to hear.
Do you know that a famous chef in our town, Mr.Gonzales, will be invited to give us step
by step instructions for making some dishes ? I’m very surprised and really looking
forward to it for 2 months. I’m going to call them tonight and give them suggestions
about the dishes he is going to teach and how to attract more members to our club.
Anyway, tell me what you think?

Look After yourself

Your best friend

Write to the club secretary

My name is Huyen. I have been a member of the cooking club for 3 months ago. I am
writing this letter to express my feeling about the upcoming workshop of the club.

According to the news, you are going to invite Mr Gonzales, a famous chef in our town,
to give us step-by-step instruction for making some dishes

Honestly, I am very happy and excited to hear that. Because I have been looking
forward to this event for months

Therefore, I would recommend that the chef will teach us about how to make a pizza, a
traditional food and Korean food. Because I think it is delicious and loved by everyone.
Regarding how to attract more members to our club, I think we are offering free drinks
and salad in the event. We can hold a minigame so that everyone takes part in and
receives gifts. They must be very happy and comfortable.
I believe that a lot of members have the same idea with me

I look forwarding to hearing from you soon if you accept my recommendation

Your sincerely

ĐỀ 3: OUTDOOR CLUB (từng thi)

Part 2: Why did you join?

I joined it because I like doing activities outside. And in the club, I can meet and make
friend with a lot of people who are have the same hobbies

Part 3

- What kinds of outdoor activities do you do often?

I usually spent time playing football at school with my friend. And on the weekends, I
like to go swimming at the river near my house with my dad. Besides, i sometimes go
climbing with my boyfriend

- How often and what time can you come to the club?

Because I have to go work at the office from Monday to Friday, I can come to the club
three times a week. I come here with my friend at the weekend

- What are the most popular outdoor activities in your country?

There are many outdoor activities in my country, but playing football may be the most
popular activity. Because it helps to build team spirits, bring people together. Playing
football make me happy, relax and good for health

- Could you give some advice for people who start going for a long walk?

Before starting, you must prepare for good mental and physical health. Check the
weather forecast so that you can bring everything you need. For beginnẻ, you can
choose the short distance for your fitness weather. I recommend you should come
along with some friends so that they can suppose you whenever and wherever

Part 4

You received this email from the secretary of the club

Our outdoor club is going to organize an outdoor event at the end of this month. There
will be two options: Going to the mountain or travelling to the beach. We would like
members to raise their voice and suggest some activities to make the event more
appealing to members and so that children can join.

Thư informal

Dear Minh,

How are you? I hope you are fine

I’m writing this letter to tell you about good news. Do you know our door club is going to
organize an outdoor event at the end of this month. I am very happy and looking
forward to it for 2 months. Because there will be two options:.....I'm going to write a reply
letter to the secretary. How about you? Do you have any suggestions? Tell me what you

See you later,

Best friend, Huyen

Thư formal

My name is Huyen. I have been member of the outdoỏ club since 2 months ago. I’m
writing this letter to express my feeling regarding the outdoor activities of the club

According to the news, …

Honestly, I’m very happy and expected to hear that news because I have been waiting
for the event for months

Therefore, I have some suggestions to make the event more appealing to members and
so that children can join. You should organize a mountain trip for 2 day. Then, we can
do more activities in the mountain such as walking, hiking, swimming, going fishing,... At
night, we can set up a minigame, everyone will interact with each other. Moreover, we
teach the children about nature and animals in the forest.

I believe that a lot of people have the same idea with me

Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my suggestion will be accepted

Your sincerely,



Part 3

1.When was the last time you exercised?

The last time I exercised was yesterday. I went swimming with my friend. We love doing
sports outside so we choose practice at the river. I like it because it is fun and good for
my mental and physical health

2. Where do you usually exercise? And how do you exercise?

I usually exercise in the park. I go walking along the trees and running with my friend. I
practice every day at 5pm. If the day i don’t exercise, I will be tired

3. Many people say there is no time to exercise. What do you think about this?

In my opinion, It’s not that they don’t have time to exercise. They just have been lazy
and don’t want to do it. We only spent 5 minutes a day practicing. Exercise helps us
relax and comfortable very much

ĐỀ 5: WRITING CLUB (đề mới)

Part 1. Tôi thường viết ở Coffee Shop. Bạn thường viết ở địa điểm nào?

I usually write at home. Home is a very quiet and comfortable place to write what you
like. You can turn on your favorite music whenever, or eat when you're hungry.
Moreover, it's also cheaper than sitting in a cafe

Part 2. Bạn thích viết tay hơn hay sử dụng máy tính hơn

I prefer to use the computer. Because working on it is very convenient. I can type very
quickly and store them quickly. Nowadays computers are very modern and compact, I
can take them anywhere

Part 3. Có nhiều người thích viết nhưng chỉ số ít trở thành Writer. Bạn nghĩ như thế nào
là một người viết thành công

There are many writers but few become writers. Because they simply write for them and
want to keep some things
In my opinion, successful writers are those who work hard at writing. They have a lot of
practical experience, they want to share it with everyone. Moreover, their works are

Part 4

Many people complain that the W club website is unprofessional and difficult to use.

Write an email to your friends and the club manager, offering your suggestions for

Viết cho bạn

Hi, Hoa

How are you

I/m writing…. Do you hear that….

I was surprised and sad when I heard the news…..I think we should make some
changes to the website

What do you think about it? Let me know if you have any suggestions?

Viết cho quản lý

Dear, Sir

My name……

I’m writing ….. to express my feelings about…. Accodings the news, Many people
complain that the W club website is unprofessional and difficult to use.

Honestly, I’m very surprised and sad to hear the news. Because …….

Therefore, I would like to offer some suggestions for resolution. One alternative is that
we should change the background color of the website because it is quite dark. And
also sort topics by product type. Another option is to hire a technician to redesign the
website for a more professional look.

I believe that a lot of people have the same idea with me

Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my idea is accepted

Your sincerely



Part 2: When and where do you like taking photo graphy most?

I usually take a photo graphy most whenever there is an occasion. On holidays, at

celebrations, at birthdays, at weddings. And I also go to the beautiful places to take
photo, then i can post it in Social media

Part 3

1. LISA: I love taking pictures of people in action. How about you?

I love taking pictures of the beautiful places. It may be in the mountains, on the beach,
in the famous city. Because they are life around us and nature also very wonderful

2. MESSI: My favorite family photo is the one from when I was a kid. What's
your favorite family photo?

My favorite family photo is the one taken 10 years ago. in this picture included all the
member family: my grandfather, grandmother, my dad, my mom, my brother, my uncle,
my aunt and my pets. It was taken in the Tet’s holiday 2010

3. Ronaldo: Nowadays. People love to take pictures with their phones. What do
you think of it?

Yes, I think it is very popular that people love to take pictures with their phone.
Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone, it is very convenient when you save anything.
And you easy to post it on social media and share with friend

Part 4

This year the club will organize a photo contest with 3 categories for men and women
and 1 category for people under 16 years old.

Write a letter to your friend and your manager. Speak your mind and give your opinion

Viết cho bạn

Hi Huyen,

How are you? I hope you are fine

I’m writing this letter to let you know about the good news. Do you hear the new …. I’m
quite surprised and disappointed when I hear that. I think the club should discuss all
members about this change before deciding.I’m going to write a complaint email for the
manager. What do you think? Let’s me know about it

Look after yourself.

Your best friend

Viết cho Thư ký

Dear Sir,

I am Huyen. I have been a member of the photography club for 3 months. I’m writing
this letter to express my feeling about the recent change of topic in our competition.

According to the news, …….. To be honest, I’m very sad and disappointed with the way
you manage the club. Because I think the old topic is more suitable and reasonable.
Therefore, I would recommend that you shouldn’t change the topic. If not, you must hold
the meeting so that all members of the club and participants can discuss and choose
the best solution before deciding to change.

I believe that a lot of people have the same idea with me

Looking forward to hearing the news from you soon if my suggestion is accepted

Your sincerely


Part 2: Bạn thích đi thăm thú nơi nào nhất?
There are so many places I want to visit. But if you only choose one, it's Nha Trang. It's
a city known for one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It is very beautiful and
clean, with blue water and white sand
Part 3.
 Tại sao bạn tham gia câu lạc bộ?

I decided to participate in this club because I really care about the environment and
want to know how to protect our environment and make it a better place to live.
Besides, I can also make some new friends and become more dynamic.
 Con người có tác động như thế nào đến môi trường

In my opinion, people influence the environment a lot. Human beings play an important
role in the pollution of the environment. However, it is people that can protect our
natural mother and our environment from human-made pollution.
 Câu lạc bộ càng lớn càng nhiều người có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường. bạn có đồng
ý với ý kiến này không? Vì sao?
Of course yes, joining the club makes us more responsible and aware of environmental
protection. Together we will do small actions and bring value to everyone.
Environmental protection is the responsibility of every person living on earth

Part 4: câu lạc bộ chuẩn bị tổ chức một buổi dã ngoại.

a. Viết mail cho một người bạn nói về cảm xúc của mình

Hi John,
How are you? I hope you're fine
I’m writing this letter to tell you about the good news. Have you heard that our club is
going to organize a picnic? I was so happy and excited and laughed out loud about this
announcement. I highly recommend that we should travel to Thong Nhat Park and play
some games. I’m going to write a letter to the manager.
What do you think? Anyway, let me know your suggestions.
See you later

b. Viết mail cho manager nói về cảm xúc và đề xuất ý kiến, ý tưởng

Hi Mr. Janet,

My name is Huyen, and I have been a member of our club for 2 months. I have just
received an announcement that our club is going to organize a picnic for all members. I
write this email to express my feelings and suggest my recommendation.

Regarding this news, I am so delighted and excited to hear about the picnic. I believe
this is a great occasion for all members to become more close-knit.

Besides, I also highly recommend that we should be camping at Thong Nhat Park. The
atmosphere here is so fresh and suitable for us to prepare some delicious dishes and
organize some games for members. Moreover, Thong Nhat Park is located in the center
of our city so it is very convenient for almost all members to move.

I am looking forward to receiving their responses as soon as

Best regard,

PART 2: Lý do tham gia
I am interested in volunteering so I usually participate in some
charitable activities with my friends in high schools and hospitals. For
example, we sometimes join the patient-supporting project in Bach Mai
hospital every Sunday.
1. Kết bạn
I have some best friends at my university. The first time I saw them
was the first meeting of our class at the university. We were selected
to create a team to finish our mid-term test, and then we started our
friendship until now.
2. Công nghệ ảnh hưởng đến việc kết bạn
Nowadays, social media and information technology are growing more
and more. With just a click and say hello, we can create communication
with any people we want. Then we interact together, start a friendship
and become more close-knit.
3. Lời khuyên cho người gặp khó khăn trong việc kết bạn
Don’t worry about that. I highly recommend that you should be sociable
and hospitable in your new school. Besides, you also should come to
some neighbors and keep a warm and friendly atmosphere. I think you
will make as many friends as possible.

PART 4: Club chuẩn bị tổ chức buổi gặp gỡ giao lưu.Buổi giao lưu có cả người già và
trẻ. Hãy viết mail cho bạn của bạn nói về cảm xúc khi nhận đc thông báo này

Hi John,

Have you got the news that our club will organize a meeting for all members and is
consulting to select a suitable destination? Now, I am very excited about this
announcement. Not to mention that the club allows both old adults and children to
participate in the party. I highly recommend The coffee house on Kim Dong street.
Anyway, let me know what you think?



Mail 2: viết cho manager nêu cảm xúc và nêu vài ý tưởng, ý kiến

Hi Mr. Janet,

My name is Huyen, and I have been a member of our club for 2 months. I have just
received an announcement that the club is going to organize a meeting in the upcoming
week and consult to select the destination of the event. I would like to suggest some

Firstly, I am so interested in this notice. Besides, I am also satisfied with the allowance
of the club for both old people and children to participate in.

Secondly, I highly recommend the club should organize this meeting at The coffee
house on Kim Dong street. This place is so spectacular and stunning that it is easy for
everybody to create a warm and friendly atmosphere here. Moreover, the beverage is
delicious, nutritious, and suitable for both children and the old.

I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

ĐỀ 9 : BOOK CLUB ( đề mới)

Part 3
A. Thời gian, địa điểm đọc sách yêu thích của bạn là gì?
I prefer reading books in the evening in my bedroom, right before going to sleep / I
extremely enjoy reading books in a small café on the weekends
B: Tôi đang muốn tặng 1 cuốn sách cho người bạn, theo bạn là tôi nên mua sách
I highly recommend a famous motivational book that is known as Coffee with Tony. The
book has many small stories, helping young people gain more experiences and be
motivated to live. I have re-read it 3 times and find it very interesting and valuable
C: Ngày nay, xu hướng online-books sẽ thay thế sách truyền thống, quan điểm của
bạn như thế nào?
Although online books are becoming increasingly popular to readers, I strongly believe
the values traditional books bring in are irreplaceable. The feeling of holding a book in
hand, the smell of the paper are important factors for many readers. Moreover, reading
books online a lot will be harmful to health

Part 4

Câu lạc bộ sách đang lên kế hoạch tổ chức một buổi talkshow, hãy viết suggestion
của bạn về việc nên mời ai, nội dung của buổi nói chuyện về chủ đề gì. lưu ý clb đang
hướng đến đối tượng tham gia từ trẻ đến già, để có nhiều người tham gia (chú ý tới
việc đưa ra gợi ý).

Hi Tony,
Have you heard the news that our club is planning a talk show and consulting who are
invited and the content of this talk show? It is so great and desirable! I highly recommend
that our guest is a famous writer - Nguyen Ngoc Anh. One of the most famous novels is
“Give me a ticket to childhood” that is well-known for almost all people from children to
adults. Anyway, tell me what you think?
Thư trang trọng

Hi Ms. Janet,

My name is Ly, and I have been a member of our club for 2 months. I have just received
an announcement that the club is going to organize a talk show and consult the content
of this talk show. I suggest my recommendations.

Firstly, I am so excited to hear this notice about the event in the upcoming week. Because
our club would like to attract a wide range of ages and people having distinguishing
backgrounds, I highly recommend a writer – Nguyen Ngoc Anh. He makes a name with
the historical novel – “Give me a ticket to childhood”. This novel is so famous that almost
all Vietnamese people used to hear or read it one time in the past.

Regarding the content for this talk show, I think “childhood with plenty of valuable
memories” is quite reasonable. From some stories of our guests, everybody can cherish
their childhood and present life.
I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,


A: Bữa tối qua bạn ăn với ai, ở đâu?
Yesterday was my dad’s birthday, and my family had a delicious and nutritious
meal in my house. My mom woke up early to prepare them, and we had a great time
together to release stress and recharge our batteries.
B: Nếu đi ăn với bạn thì nên chọn đi ăn ở ngoài hay ăn ở nhà?
Well, personally, I think it’s healthier to eat at home and it is usually much more
comfortable. Secondly, eating at home is much better for our health and cheaper than
dining outside. At home, when cooking for ourselves, we can ensure that what goes
into our meals is not bad for us.
C: có nên áp thuế cho các thực phẩm có hại cho sức khỏe không?
I approve of this suggestion. Opposing a tax on unhealthy food not only increases
money into the state budget but also decreases the price of this food. For higher
prices of unhealthy food, consumers will buy other healthy and nutrient food.
Tình huống: Câu lạc bộ “FOOD club” sẽ mời một đầu bếp về tham gia một cuộc gặp gỡ
(meeting) về chủ đề nấu ăn, hãy đưa ra gợi ý hoặc mong muốn đầu bếp sẽ hướng dẫn
nấu món ăn gì.
Cuộc gặp gỡ sẽ có cả người già và người trẻ.
1. Thư thân mật
Hi Anna,
Have you read the notice from the cooking club about the upcoming meeting? We will
invite a famous chef to join us. It really makes me excited. In order to attract more
young and elderly people to participate in the meeting, it would be great if he could
share more about some of his cooking techniques from his real experiences. What
about you? Drop me a line soon.
All the best,
2. Thư trang trọng
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Le Quang Hung and I have been a member of this club for a year. I am
writing this email to propose some ideas and make suggestions for our upcoming
I really appreciate your determination towards inviting a famous chef to participate in our
upcoming meeting. Recently, I heard that we have not yet decided about key content
that should be presented in the meeting. Therefore, I will venture a couple of
suggestions to create an effective meeting.
First, it would be fantastic if he could offer us some new ideas and recipes of western
dishes that we can apply to add new dishes to our daily meals. Second, to avoid kitchen
hazards and improve kitchen safety for children and elderly people, we can ask him to
provide some effective cooking tips and techniques.
I would be grateful if you could take this into consideration.
I look forward to hearing your response at your earliest convenience if my
recommendations are acceptable.
Yours faithfully,


Part 2: Tell me the classes you want to take and what days and times are suitable for

I’m keen on doing yoga to improve my health and help me have a strong fitness.
Besides, I have a hectic schedule so I can only attend classes

Part 3

1. How did you hear about the club?

I was recommended by my uncle, who has already been a club member. I heard people
talking a lot about the benefits of attending the club so I extremely want to give it a try
and see if it works for me.
2. What do you hope to achieve by joining the club?

I want to improve my health. Have a healthy lifestyle. And want to make more friends with
people who share the same interests
3. What do you think of the health club facilities?
I am highly satisfied with the machine system equipped here. the facilities here are very
good, everything is new and modern. Moreover, it's very close to my house so I have
nothing to be dissatisfied with
Part 4
Tình huống: Huấn luyện viên của câu lạc bộ sẽ vắng mặt trong 2 tuần tới, các thành
viên có thể sử dụng các thiết bị tùy ý. Viết email nêu cảm xúc và ý kiến

Health club mail 1

Hi Jane,

Have you got the news that Mr. Josh is going to be absent for a couple of weeks? How
can we practice new dance lessons without his instruction? I’m a bit worried and
displeased. Though they allow us to use any equipment that we need, I’ll still need
somebody to help me. I hope Mr.Josh will be back soon. Anyway, see you tomorrow!


Dear Mr. David,

My name is Ly, and I am currently a new member of the keeping fit club. I am writing this
email to express my dissatisfaction regarding the absence of Mr. Josh – my trainer in a
couple of weeks, and I suggest an alternative for this problem.

Firstly, The club allows all the members to use any equipment and machines at that time,
which is quite generous and kind. However, I am disappointed about the absence of Mr.
Josh. I and other members have just instructed 2 basic exercises so it is difficult for us to
practice the new lessons without a trainer in 2 weeks.

Therefore, I suggest that the club should arrange another instructor for us to train these
lessons. I believe that this solution is reasonable to keep our progress.

I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,


PART 2.( viết lý do tại sao bạn thích đi du lịch)

I like travelling because I feel not only happy but also comfortable and of course I will
make a lot of new friends.

 Sam: Hi! Welcome to the club. Can you remember the first time you went on a
journey by yourself? What was it like?

Hi Sam, I’m happy to become a member of the club.

Sure. I remember the first time I went on a journey, it was 2 years ago.

I went to HaLong Bay. I loved it so much. It has a breathtaking view (one of 7 wonders
in the world). And I met a lot of new friends from many countries in the world.

 những địa điểm mà bạn thích nhất ở đất nước bạn là gì

The most interesting places to visit in my country are Ha Long Bay, Ho Chi Minh City,
Sword lake and Sam Son beach… but I love Ha Long bay the most because it is so

The most interesting places to visit in my country are Ha Long Bay, Cat ba and Sam
Son beach… but I love Cat Ba the most because it not only is beautiful but also has
delicious seafood.

 Cuộc hành trình thú vị nhất của bạn là gì?

My most exciting journey is travelling alone in Bali, Indonesia after I graduated. I stayed
with one local man and went around the island by motorbike. I felt really satisfied.

PART 4: You are a member of the travel club. You received this email from the club,

Write an email to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what you
would like to do. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

Dear Mr. Alex,

I am Summer - one member of your travel club. I am writing this email to express my
feelings about the recent change of the meeting with Mr. David Price.

Honestly, I am really sad and disappointed to hear the news that he will not be able to
attend the next club meeting. Although Mr. Price will not be there to sign copies of his
new book Around the World in Eighty Ways, members of the club will buy a copy at the
price of twenty-five pounds! Because I want to meet him and also prepared several
questions to ask him, I think buying a copy at the price of twenty-five pounds (without
Mr.David Price’s presence) is pretty high.

Therefore, I recommend you should reduce the book’s price. And I believe that a lot of
members have the same question as me.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.

Yours sincerely,



1. Thư thân mật
Hi Anna,
Today a piece of bad news has come to me. The gardening club has just told us that
Mr. Tokuda will be absent in the upcoming appointment. This is a little disappointing to
me, isn’t it? It’d be better if the Head of the club could hold an urgent meeting to discuss
this problem more deeply.
What about you? Drop me a line soon.
All the best,
2. Thư trang trọng
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Le Quang Hung and I have been a gardening club member for 3 months. I
am writing this email to express my deepest disappointment regarding the cancellation
of the following club appointment due to the absence of Mr. Tokuda.
As I informed you about my regular schedule with you before, I would have to go on my
business in Hanoi at this time. Therefore I can not participate in any club appointments
at that time. Furthermore, you assured us that our schedule would not change
dramatically despite any circumstances.
To make issues better, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that you
can persuade Mr. Tokuda to attend to ensure our plan occurs as usual. Another one is
that you can inquire members’ opinion in regard to the notice whether they totally agree
or not.
Yours faithfully,
Nguyen Thi Huyen


Part 2: Your free time and interest
 When I have free time, I usually play sports, watch TV, read books or online FB. I
have many interest such as the weather, games, movie stars, singers
Part 3:
Question 1: S: Why did you choose this course?
 Hello S, I am attending an Aptis course held by teacher Sansa.
 I decided to attend this course because I know that teacher Sansa is one of the
best teachers in my college. It is a great chance to improve my English skills.
Question 2: S: How have you found the course so far? What’s been difficult?
 A friend recommended it to me, I had read an advertisement about the club on
FB before. I have problems with my Speak and Writing skills. They are really
Question 3: S: What are you hoping to do when you finish the course?
- I hope my English skills are improved, I will feel more confident when
communicating in English, I can watch a movie or listen to music without subtitles.

Part 4: You have joined an online language course. You don’t have time to finish your
language course. Write an email to the customer services team telling why you can’t
continue and what you think about this course

Email to your friend recommending the course and give some advice on how to
Informal email
Hi David
I’m attending a great English course. Everyone is so helpful and friendly. The
teachers are excellent. My English skills are markedly improved.
You have to practice by yourself after class each lesson and do more and more
exercises in English
Write back soon,

Formal email
Dear sir,
My name is Nguyen Thi Huyen. I have been taking this course since (chọn time gần
ngày thi). I had a great time and experience with my teacher Barney. However, I
sincerely apologize that I could not continue to attend the course further. I am really
busy and have a lot of work to handle
I would attend your another online course as soon as possible.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you for your great assistance.
May your center continue to be successful in the future.
Yours faithfully

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