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ITE3001-Data Communication and Computer Networks

Lab Assessment Questions

1. a) Analyse and experiment various network commands and its
usage with different options supported by operating systems like
Windows and Unix.
b) Analyse and experiment various classes, data members and
methods supported by Java/Python to perform various network
related operations such as finding the domain name associated with
an IP address etc.
c) Study and understand the working environment of CISCO Packet
tracer. Demonstrate the steps involved in selecting various network
devices, end devices, establishing communication link between
devices and setting various device parameters in a LAN with switch or

2. a) Create 4 or 5 LAN segments and connect them through

switch/hub/bridge. Configure the end devices like Desktop or Laptop
with IP addresses in the same or different ranges. Transfer a simple
PDU between devices that belongs to various LAN segments. Record
your observations about the transfer of PDU. Inspect the PDU at
different stages during simulation and track the information
pertaining to different layers of OSI in each stage the packet travels
b) Create 4 or 5 LAN segments and connect them through routers.
Configure the end devices like Desktop or Laptop with IP addresses in
different ranges. Transfer a simple PDU between devices that belongs
to various LAN segments. Record your observations about the transfer
of PDU. Inspect the PDU at different stages during simulation and
track the information pertaining to different layers of OSI in each stage
the packet travels through.
3. a) Write a program in Java/Python to perform single bit parity
check.(Even and Odd parity)
b) Write a program in Java/Python to calculate CRC for the given
generator polynomial and code. Show the code-word that will be
transmitted by the sender. If the second bit from left is modified
during transmission, how it will be detected by the receiver?
i) X4+X2+1 Data: 1100111011
ii) X4+X3+X+1 Data: 1010100101
c) Write a program in Java/Python to produce the 7 bit and 11 bit
hamming code for the following data. Show the code-word that will
be transmitted by the sender. If the third bit from left is modified
during transmission, how it will be detected by the receiver?
i)1100 (7 bit hamming code)
ii) 1101011(11bit hamming code)

4) a) Implement a TCP/IP socket based ATM System. Make the server

to maintain the customer details (name, card no, pin and balance).
When a client wants to withdraw amount, validate his login with card
no & pin, display a welcome message and perform the withdraw
operation if he is having sufficient balance or display a warning
message. (Java/Python)
b) Write a UDP based server code to get the date of birth of the client
and calculate the age as on today. Client has to enter year, month and
day of birth. For example, if the date of birth of a user is 1/07/2001
then his age is 14 years 0 months and 17 days if current date is
18/07/2015. Get the current date from the server. (Java/Python)
c) The finance office of VIT wishes to make the transactions more
secured. If you are a programmer how you will implement a system to
validate the login credentials obtained from the user thereby denying
the access to unauthorized users. (Java/Python)
d) A company needs is granted the site address The
company needs six subnets. Design the subnets using cisco packet
e) In an IPv4 packet the value of header length is 1000 in binary. Write
a code to find, how many bytes of options are being carried by this
packet? (Java/Python)
f) Write a code to implement border gateway protocol (BGP)

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