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Professors are normally found in university classrooms, offices, and libraries doing

and lecturing to their students.
The lecture and reading are both discussing television appearences of university
professors. While the reading claims that the appearence of a professor is beneficial to both
the professor and the society. The lecture contradicts it by saying that we should question
such claim by dismissing each point made in the reading.

First of all, the reading states that the professors benefit themselves by appearing on
television, as they gain reputation to a larger scale of public. The lecture however refutes
this by pointing out that such appearences are not good for the professors professional
career. The lecture explains that this makes the professor appear not as a serious scholar
infront of his fellow professors, which leads to the loss of being invited to academic events
such as conferences and meetings.

Next, the reading passage makes the point that universities can gain and benefit from these
appearences as well. As they will be able to have better reputation and that they will gain
publicity. The lecture however refutes that by pointing out that the professor is wasting his
time. It gives the example of the professor being on campus teaching and meeting with
students, as well as making research for the university rather than wasting time for the

Finally, the reading argues that public can learn from these television shows and that they
can things that they never knew about before. On the other hand, the lecture refutes this
argument by stating that television shows do not invite professors to talk about in depth
knowledge, as this is not their aim. Rather, they invite them to talk about general issues and
their main aim is to attract the public by the title of the professor and not by his knowledge.

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