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The Sonar Equations ‘The many pheaomena and ects pela to underwater ound produce a variety of quantitative eflets on the ‘signa operation of ana equipment. ‘These diverse ‘leascan be convenient and lgaly grouped tage ‘tontitatively iow small nur of uate called the soar porters, which in tra, are relat by the toner nana "hex equations ae the working rae tioneipe that ie together the eects of the medi, the tage, ad the eqpment and they are among the ‘lesion snd pein tools aaa tothe engineer for erate sound appl "The sonar equations were it formolated daring Word War It (0) athe logea! basis for ealenations of the nasi range of sonar equipments. Ta Yeent years, they have sen inoreaing ase fm te optim design of ears for new aypiieatons. Essentially the sme rele omships are wed in radar (2, thowgh with Knew inatend! of Yoarite wits and eth igh dierent ‘etntions of the parameters “The eset inple sonar equations serve two impor tant practical functions. One x the prefition of per formance of sonar eqsiments of known existing des. Tn ts aplication the design characteris ofthe omar fet are Known or aeuted, atid what i deste is an Cstimate of performance In sone teasing terns ruc (detection probity or sare rate. ‘This done the sonar tions hy 4 prediction of range through the parameter trasmison Toa, The equations are solved Fo ranma lom, whic ia hen converted to range Argh me assumption a tothe propagation chat eters of the medi. eso equation 17 “The ater general apleation ofthe equations isin amar avg, where 1 prestablaed genre forthe pert ‘designed. tn tht exe the equation solved rb tome parameter whow prcticalrealintion apt to cause die. An ‘aample would be the dietvity required, slang with oer ikey vales (tone parameters to eld a desinel unge of detection i Sour or the range of actuation yn paming ip of an my has After the dieetivity ede to bla the dese ange Ia» een fou, the design continues through the “trade of Aleetiity dex and other pruners. The design ii trough several camputationswsng the eqetions ad the devin eng bee's tution and expience 24 Basle Considerations ‘The equations ate founded on a basic equality between the desir an! undesired portions af Uh recived signal a the instant When ne neti ofthe sonar stun perfor. This fneton nay be de> tion of tv underwater target, or Hay’ be the honing of Aomedo nt the instant when it jst begs to sequite it fancione all valve the recepion of acoustic energy ocuring It & ‘ecostie background, Of the tla auntie eld a the eee {portion nny be ani ole deine and x calle the vgn. The rma (ht of the was fell Se weed and may” be elle the Bako, Tn sonar the background ix sither mas, Uh eset sendy state tortion not dae to one's oxy echo ranging, o reverberation, the owly Eccaying portion ofthe background representing the return of ne cout output hy settners in the sea. "The design engineer's obietive {ito fnd means for increning Uh overall response of the star ste to the sgl un for dceorny the reanae af the sat to the bathe {round—in oer words, to inereae the sigotorbackground Tet us nage m soar system serving x practical purpose sch Aeon, afc (termining the oatare of «are, tore Keminge communication, faking. For eah of these purines there sil be certain sgal-o-background rat that ill depend on the Tunetios being performed std on the performance Jeel that is dele intermsol percentages successes and “ase sar" auch san apparent Aetction af target when no target x present. Ifthe sal is inane to be soy increasing in = constant background, the died porpoe ill be acomplised wen he vignal lee equal the eel ofthe bckyronn Tio jut maski, That isto ay, whem the sona's yarpone i jut sccomplsbed, ‘Signal level ~ tuchground masking level 1 pine of andere snd fo erie ‘The term “asking” implies that not all of the background interferes mith the signal, but only x portion of i does so—urually that portion Ising in the frequeney bund of the signal, The worl “inking” i torrowed from the Ueory a auton, where i rfers to that part of 8 Irodhand yaae mckground thal marks out pure tone or # narrow Ind signal presente to hina tener, 22 The Active and Passive Equations ‘The next sep isto expand the baie equality in terns of the sonar paranctrs determine bs the equipment. the medium, aud the are {We wll dnote thse parameters by tworcter symbols in nr to avoid Gro snd vubsrited sya ax uch as posible nthe witing of the equations, These parameters are levels in nis of debts rative torte sandr reference Intensity af «1 dyne/em® plane wave, "They Ae follows Parameters Determined by the Epuipment rojetor Source Level Sl Seitasise Levels NI Receiving Diretivity Index; DI Detection Trend: DT Parameter Determined by the Medium “Transminion Los: TL everberation Level: RI | ener equations 12 descriptions of the parameters tat wil fll. ‘The unis f the parame ters are decal and they ate added togiher in forming he sonar "The meaning of these quantities can best be atated through some simple considerations fr an aetive(echoranging) sonar Pig, 21). A Sound source ating alo asa eeviver (a Ianadue) poees by Some teams sure lr of Sheila's wnt tance (1p) on isa, ‘When the rat sound reaches the target. the axis the snd soure pints tavard the targets eel wil be sede by the fan tise ow, ad comes ST. On sellecion ot seating y the target of target seength TS, the reoted or backscattered level wl be TL TS ata distance of | from the acoustic center of the target inthe dietion back toward the ouree. In taveing bak twat the soure, this level i agin allensated by the fneneminion for and Iecomes SL.~ T+ TS._‘This tthe echo lve at the tranalces Turing now to the background assuming it to he iolrpic ole ther than reverberation, we nd that the Bocyrod fof simply NL." This Tovl is reduced by the diretiity tne of the tee acting as a rerver or hidrophone hat atthe rma ofthe tee ‘ducer the reatve poise power is NL~ DI, Since the ais of the teanadacer i pointing inthe direction from which the eco ie oming the relative echo power is unaffected hy Ue tramadacer diet, At the Aabintases Lee NE 1 eas Deere hy he To ae Target Strengthe TS a TE GS-3 - asa ‘Tine Sane Level: [A ‘Two pairs af the parameters are given the sane symbol Irons ey ‘are antl eaten. Tt shoul he mented in posing that this Sof parumeters x no unique, Others which cold be emplayed iy wel might be more fundamental or might difler by content For example, sound velocity cou be adopted a parameter, nnd TS okt be replaced hy the parameter “hachacttring. ros seton "expressed in debt, doe in radar The chown prwnetery are therfore arbitrary: toe used here ate Use conventionally wed fa underwater sound. TC should an te noted that they nny all be ‘xpd in terms of fundamental quantities like feqeny, ship pede ta beaviog—a subject that will be of dominant inprtance a (Heaar_| 210,21. Diagramme ew of rng, ar ating th te ‘en jeans 4 nate ray oe amt, 20° piar ofwderaater sod for nies Lrwnaducer terminals, theteloe the eehort-ncve ratio SL = ert. + 18 ~ (SL = DD Tet snow asnume thatthe fonetion that tht sonar sealed upon to ctor is daecon, tt is at tx pincpal purpose is wo give Tilleton’of some srt om it diplay whenever an echoing target i fret When the inp sign-t-nove rato is above a certain detec Mion heb! falling ertain probability criteria x decision will be Ina m human oberer that m tng i preet* wher the input Tiguan rato ses than the detertiontrebol, the decision will ream tha he targets ebeet. When the tage su being detected, the sua rouse ratio opal the detection threo, and we have Sl eT +18 ~ (NL DY = DT We have here written the ativesonar equation at an equality in tras GF the tion threats called nation and in much of the older Shulrvater sound Tent reignite diferente. In terms of the Tne rquatity esrb above, we cou cual ell consider hat ni that part of the noise per Ising above the detection threshold ks the eo and we woul ve Sh eT 4 T8= NL DI+ DT ‘nore convenient arrangement ofthe parnneter since the echo level Securs a the Tet-band sd and the bse-masking backgroud level ‘ecu on the ight “This the ectivesonar equation for the monosati or in which the source and wceving hydrophone ae eoinedent and in which the scout felurn uf the target is buck toward the soute, In some sonar a ‘pura sree nil eeiver ate employed and the arrangement i id {ithe hats inthis cay he two raanisson loses to and from the Hinge nve not general the sume. ATso in some wader sonar, i IER jae feng between DI and DT, and it becomes appr Fritulte refer to the sum DI DIT a the intense in signal-to-back ud rats pads by the entire receiving nptem of tranaler, ‘etronis, diply, and observer (fone xd), Taigenion in required when the Duckyround is reverberation ca oe “lined in terms of chron, is nappropiate,inasmnch as tecesbertin is ity ts mrs aottpie Hor «reverberation bekgeound we wil lace hatte a tea rs the terms NE — DI hy an eyitlontplanesane rererdration trl BL teehee mina Te tvesner ann hn Sh - eT +18 = RL + DT nthe pusive cae, the target itself prodaces the signal by which it indetectety and Ue parameter soure level now refers to the level o the Fane ne ofthe target at the unit distance Te Also, the parameter argc stength becomes ilove, and one-way rather than two-way ruranistons involved, With these changes the pantie sonar eatin fost 6L-TL-NL DI DT “Table 2:1 ist of parameters, reference actions and short dfiitions| {nthe form of ratin, More complete defn of the parameters wll, seinen 1S pt son yg hy a pf at ‘ety “a fe chapter oe ey, Apo Satin er a 7 9 se pom W deal a net Det Aug ea pe at ti ae i lars ay Wk Fane ae pre el 22° inter of wear sound for engines Spee ‘ewe “mem be iver na the ing of he ying With a para 2.3. amas or Various Combintions ora ecto work i is convenient to have separate names fr diferent ations ofthe lerina inte equations Methods ei for menming tome of thee on sipboard soaars aa a check on sysemn operation, ‘Table 82 ia lating ofthese nates and the combination of tema exch 24 Echo, Nose, and Rover ‘St runctonso Range ‘The sonar equations jst written ue no more thes 1 talent of an uaity between the denied portion ofthe acount eld called thea tnlcther un eho ota oie font stages a weed portion, falled the larkyround of wane or reverberation, ‘This equals in fener, ‘i bold at only one range at ser nngen, one othe ther wil be the ireater Tonge ei. "Ths ilstrat in ig, 22, wher carver of echo lve, oie masking tein of age reverberation fall of with rang, whereas the noise remains constant, ‘The eco-evel carve wil generally fll off more {api wth range than the reverberation naskinglevel carve and wil, Intec atthe errata fd range rae by Ue ona eqution furrevermtion, "The eure of rc level wil alo intersect the noise Iinakng evel athe mange of the sna sation for noise re TE the eberation is hihy the fre wil he las tha the later, and the ge il be sid te be revereratonnite. foray reason the nue using level esto the level shows bythe dashed tne the Sure, he echoes will then se nous into background of noise rather 1 feverbertion: The. new oie Tinted range ll then Be Jee than the reverberation dite range rand the range wl eee oad. th ranges are fiven by the appropiate form of {he sonar uation ‘Knowledge at to. whether sonar wll be nce or reverb Tionimited is neers for beth the sonar predictor and the sonar Aesigncr. In gener the carves fer cho and reverberation will not tne sight Hines Bouse of eo lations in provagsilon and in 910,22, fst nbe the iitibuion uf reverberation: ton a fnctont of rne producing seatiees, For ner nur spntem such eurveschou ways be draws frm the est infor {Gon vata for the coitons oat iy tobe encountered inorder te demonstrate vsuly tothe design engineer the behavior of his sigoals td background with rage 125. Transont Form ofthe Sona Equations ~The equations thus far have been writen i tems of iteniy, oF the average acoustic per yer sit aren of the sound emit by the ures ur feeved from the target. “The word average’ implies te Interval over which the average i 10 be taken. This te interval hse uncertain reat whenever shor eaient wources exit of Ke tal, whenever severe distortion st introduced by propagation in the tei oy watering fo he tage ‘noe general approach to wie th equations in ters of emery ‘fue denny, dened asthe scose energy per wit aren of wavefront {ice e's Ita plane gavuntie wave has 8 Uine-eryingpresmare = 2 pti ie Sn nr ety fh wae eo row the units of pressure are dynes per square centimeter and the acoustie avesdance of the iedivn in ge its or water, pe = 1-3 10), thn E wil be expend in ergs per square centimeter. The intensity Irthe meavaqare pretsuteof the wave vied by ge an averaged ‘ver an intereal of ime 7, oF rah ff2Oa to tht over the time interval 7 zg oY “The quantity Tis accordingly the tne ioterval over which the energy ‘tux density af an womatic wave it be averaged to form the intensity For lmgpule netive soars this tine itera is the duration of the hited puse and every neaey eal to the duration ofthe echo, For Short transient soy however, the terval Ti often ambiguons, and the ration of the scho is vastly diferent fom the duration of the front ented from the source. Under these conditions, however itean be show (8) that the atensity form of the sonar equations ean Te mh prvided hat the source level defined a8 Sl = Wlop E~ Woe re nhere Bis the energy flr density ofthe sure a and is mene Innis of the enegy fle density af 1 dgne/om® plane wave taken interval of Te, and the daration af the echo in acconds tive sonar. For explosives, Bs extabled by measurements for given carge might, depth and typeof explosive (Se. 43). For ‘lel oars ening ated ple of eonstant source level SL? {ver tie interval, then, nce te energy density of «pale tthe Prt of the average intensity Lines its dration, W log # = SL + 101g the elective saute level SI for use Combining the lat (wo equations, In the nna eatons therfore Si = 817+ 101g? ‘ere rig the daration ofthe eit pe of source Teil SL, and tals the ceo dation, For langle soars ore and Se = 8h For short ple warn, > rand the efetive source level SL isredced by the amount 10 lg Guird Iw efec, the pulse emited the source Elavctahed oat in tne a therchy raduct Tevel y the malta ‘tects of propagation an by the process of target relletion. ‘The Appropriate alos of other s00 rameters nthe ction seh A'S and TL, are those apoing Se fer longue ox CW comin ie the fleets of tulips in The medusa om the UPB APE gg side up and accounted for Tor active short-uloe soars the 2 ‘sho duration vi, accordingly, rameter in Keown right. Figure Eyles. pulue as a short 8 ‘sponenta tune at the sour, Shei A ean, dea mcr ra on aa the duration ofthe ented pie meanured eae the sone: ty the onal dation impowed by Ue tory propagation inthe en and ithe ditional duration imped bythe extension range a the arg, thi ve the echo duration i he wn of The thre compotentiy oF hentnte Tye examples of the magnitude of these three components of the cho deration under dierent are sven in Ts Th | “Tieta me nto hod yl hr Fapnis O Dc td yale atin tte ie wrt Br net ‘ir pct: a) Dunn ety ‘ith these values, the time duration of a explosive eo fram a bowser spect submarine in sbllow water would be O1 + 100-4 100-— 2001 26 Statement and Examples condensed statement of the equtins and two spe examples of thr use are as flows: oa peer. ‘the conan equations 1 aT Ais oars (Moai) es) SL = eT 8 = NL = DE evening SL eT} 18 = RL DT St-T= NI bier 1, Range Prafision. Given an ative sae having Se = 120 [DL = Wh a wing peng sng w Da thy ad th ttn ‘geri a are of 18 = 5 uh nen Th = Y(SL-+TS—NL+DI- DT) = (120 415-4 8-9) ‘Te samen to ane ces on tse oan comin, ‘hei spreading without isrpin fennwe T =8ag = 8a Pena ©. Dein "Pn he sing dct index pave sma reg twiet toe ag of SL = adc shat P= snd N= 0h wd with proving wach that DT = 10h, © TEN DTS TL = 010 — 40-470 = 10h Othe examples wiles in he la chap FERENCES 1 lt tm ek el i BF ore earatters aad 4 tia HCAS Grr arm the Sone Btn ost Bo Am 94867 Sg

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