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Creative Output


The Environmental Action Plan 2022-2023 sets out the environmental actions to be
undertaken by our responsibility for the next years.

The goal of this proposed action plan is to make an intent to save or at

least do something about the constant happenings in our environment, to assist our
organizations in monitoring and improving their commitment to minimize the
wrongdoings of other people that can have a disastrous unexpected impact on humanity
and the next generation, to prevent possible threats of nature in our natural world, and
to reach out and touch the hearts of other youths, to educate, influence, and especially
inspire them to care and spread awareness for our dying planet.

The purpose of this objective is to remind other people that we don't

have that much time to ignore and disregard the obvious circumstances and events that
are occurring right now and then. Every day we hear about how our planet is changing.
This circulation has been through us for decades. I can't just sit here and play games all
day. We need to move and put more pressure on taking action on this kind of issue
before it's too late, it could kill all of us, because we humans do not have control of what
our mother nature can do if we do not address this matter sincerely.

Climate change is a real thing. Some people are blinded by greed, and
they are just unconcerned and pretend to be innocent about this topic. After all the
precious gifts and the quality of life that nature freely gives to us, we should bring
something back in return. I was reminded of my 6th grade science teacher's words while
doing this activity. She said, "Humans can't live without nature, but nature can live
without humans." After that day, I just realized how essential nature is to our entire lives.

Sustainable development principles, environmental themes and actions

were prepared in with council staff, elected members, and city officials. Actions will be
dependent on government budgets and human resources. Personal partners have been
considered in the development of the actions within the said plan.

This community action plan is composed of strategic ideas and projects

that we can do as students to maintain and keep our environment upright and liveable
for humans. So we try our best to make this intention measureable and attainable. We
made every plan environmentally friendly and anyone can be able to do it, not just us.

Environmental awareness is discussed and studied by many, but to

make an impact and progress, we have to know the environmental problems and the
possible solutions. So here is the community action plan that we made that can at least
make a difference in the status of our surroundings.

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The graph shows how the Earth has become hotter over the years,
and humans are the primary suspects in this act. This is enough evidence to be a threat
and for people to act as soon as possible, we should do something about it. If not for
you, perhaps for the later generation.


Factors that we saw that contributes to climate change:



Let's discuss how these factors affect the environment.

1. Electricity - Electricity affects about two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions

that are caused by burning fossil fuels for energy to be used for heating, electricity,
transport, and industry. It has an effect on physical health. Changes in teaching style,
sleeplessness, unscheduled tasks, inefficiency of home appliances, inefficient learning,
task incompletion, and some are resulting in power outages, which reduce overall
performance in daily routines. Cities are major contributors to climate change. You can't
see it, but electricity has an effect on our nature.

Reference for the photo:


Life without electricity would be impossible to imagine now, but

most people are just wasting electricity like it is an unlimited thing, and some are using it
for bad things without knowing the main purpose of why it was invented. Most of these
are teens who play and entertain themselves all day, not being productive at all. There
can be more good things to do with electricity to help nature. We humans are not just
aware of it.
2. Plastics - Plastic is present in our everyday lives. Some plastics we can reuse or
recycle and many play important roles in areas like medicine and public safety, but
other items, such as straws, are designed for only one use. In fact, a huge amount of
plastic is used only once before it is thrown away, where it lingers in the environment for
a long, long time. It often breaks down into smaller and smaller particles, which can be
absorb by both animals and people. Fortunately, there are things we can do to help, like
stopping using plastic bags, straws, and plastic bottles, recycling when we can, and
disposing of waste properly. As our climate changes, the planet gets hotter. Plastic
pollution in the Philippines continues to be a significant issue due to a lack of sanitary
landfills and strict restrictions on building new ones.

Reference for the photo:


Plastic pollution is an environmental, wildlife, climate, human

health, and social issue. People and communities across the world are finally waking up
to the fact that plastic pollution impacts everything. The plastic breaks down into more
harmful chemicals, increasing the rate of climate change. From air quality to ocean
toxicity, plastic bags contribute to eco-system disruption. Habitat destruction, fossil fuel
emissions, and plastic pollution are some of the ways that plastic bags and climate
change cannot be separated. Plastics cannot decompose, so the only way to get rid of
them is to burn them, but burning plastics is extremely harmful to our atmosphere.
3. Animals - You don't think animals contribute to global warming? But the process and
the equipments that are being used to take care of and multiply them do. Equipment,
materials, food, and chemicals are factors that affect our surroundings. Animal
agriculture produces half of the world's bad chemicals in our soils, those chemicals has
greater impact, that only fact is so surprising to know. Raising livestock for human
consumption generates nearly a big part of total global greenhouse gas emissions,
which is greater than all the transportation emissions combined. When land is used to
raise animals instead of crops, precious water and soil are lost, trees are cut down to
make land for crops or factory-farm sheds, and untreated animal waste pollutes rivers
and streams.

Reference for the photo:


Agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many

countries. Pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water,
marine ecosystems, air and soil. They can also remain in the environment for
generations. The pollution that human and animals inhale accumulates in their tissues,
causing damage to their organs that weakens their immune systems and makes them
more vulnerable to many diseases. In most cases of air pollution, the health impacts
that animals is so obvious. Companies and factories know these things but they don’t
care as long as they are taking advantage of them.

These are only 3 of many problems that this community is facing. So

Celvin and I brainstormed ideas on how to preserve the earth as students. by looking for
solutions to assess or prevent these environmental problems as best we can. To
achieve big things, it starts with small actions.
The policies, programs, and projects that we think can help solve
these factors are listed below.



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We can propose to our barangay leaders that if they have an

extra budget, they can constantly buy some solar panels so people will not rely on the
power of the main source of electricity. So you're thinking, why solar panels?

Generating electricity from solar panels produces no harmful

emissions and its renewable, which is why installing solar panels reduces air pollution,
and the more people use solar power, the less poisonous emissions from fossil fuels
enter our air. It’s kind of expensive project and there’s a lot to consider but this is worth
to invest and will make the air in our community cleaner and more breathable.

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We will introduce what we have learned in school to our local

government and show the goodness and efficiency of renewable energies that can
actually produce electricity without harming nature. And we will make electricity a
human right. This is one solution for energy-ruined areas. While basic human needs
such as food, water, and shelter should obviously be of top prior.

As we said, an example of renewable energy is a water mill,

since there are a lot of rivers and falls within Dasmarinas. We can build water mills there
so that we can generate electricity without damaging the environment. Unlike the solar
panels, water mills are cheap and easy to build, so we thought that this would be a good
project for our community.


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Pollution in garbage is the introduction of harmful materials into

the environment. Landfills collect garbage and other land pollution in a central
location. Many places are running out of space for a place where to put their
waste. As a citizen in our community, we see that our area lacks a place where
to put our garbage and scraps, and most people in our neighborhood are not
familiar with waste segregation. They just throw everything in one garbage bag.
This simple way of act can have a big impact not only in our nature but to
garbagemen also. That’s why we came up with this proposal.

We just have to go to our municipality, suggest this plan, and

implement it. Putting garbage cans in different kind of places. Just like the water
mill scheme, this project is inexpensive and will educate people on how to
separate waste properly.

Reference for the photo:


This project is the most effective and functional, because

everything starts with an individual. First, we will go to our local community government
and ask them if we are allowed to teach and enlighten other people, especially youths in
schools and in our community, to be aware of plastic pollution. We will guide them to
apply the 3 R’s and other factors that reduce plastic, like avoiding using straws instead
use metal straws, using an eco-bags instead of a plastic bags, and many more.

This kind of project will establish a bond between

humans and nature because they can possibly carry what they learn as they grow older
and they can share it, pass it on and influence other people. But with just words we
can’t save this place so we should act after we educate other individuals for a greener


Reference for the photo:


Animals and nature is connected to each other. Attracting native insects

like bees and butterflies can help pollinate your plants. In fact, Albert Einstein
once said, “If the bees disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have
no more than four years left to live.” See? How animals is important to take care
of and pay attention to. Even one of the smallest insect has a big contribution to
our eco-system. We need to protect these kind of animals from extinction. The
spread of non-native species has greatly impacted native populations around the
world. Invasive species compete with native animals for resources and habitat.
Additionally, we can provide improvised shelters for homeless animals like dogs,
cats, etc. We can find volunteers who can give time for nature to recover by
planting plants and trees, We can establish donation outlets so people can
donate old clothes, grooming materials, food and other things that animals need.
Every living thing deserves to be treated right in this world.


Reference for the photo:


Animal abuse has been really common in this world.

Animals, just like human beings, deserve a peaceful life. Animals are an
important part of our ecosystem and are very useful to us. But we sometimes
forget that they are also living creatures. We keep on harassing them, and these
poor creatures can't even express their feelings and grief. Cruelty towards
animals has become an international matter of concern. This needs to be
addressed as soon as possible and should be eliminated forever.

So we had an idea to uplift this issue in our community. We

will create an organization that has the aim of protecting and preventing animal
cruelty. They are part of nature too, so they have to be treated like one. We will
find volunteers in our area to help us spread awareness and report any animal
mistreatment, and we will support our local animal shelter, This project is kind of
easy to do since I know a lot of people, like friends and classmates, that truly
love animals.
-Municipality Leaders -Budget for the -Areas with high
project temperatures
SOLAR PANELS -Engineers January 30, 2023
-Area where the solar -Wide areas to place
-Environment Experts panels will be placed solar panels

-Volunteers -Wooden blades -Places that has a high

currents of water like
WATER MILLS -Engineers December 14, 2022 -Metal bars and rivers and falls
-Government officials
-Metal turbine
-Representatives -Garbage bags -Populated places like
from different areas schools, malls, and
TRASH CANS October 3, 2022 -Stainless steel parks
-Concern citizens
-Sign boards
-Community Leaders

-Willing individuals -Sound systems -We prioritize schools

because that’s where
EDUCATE -Teachers/principal September 30. 2022 -White boards and young people usually
pens go.
-School Officials
-Tables and chairs
-Elders/Adults -Water source -Places that has wide
fields, planes, and good
FOODS & PLANTS -Environmentalists October 23, 2022 -Planting tools soil

-Volunteers -Space for the plants

to live and grow
-Animal Rescuers -Rescue Vehicles -Areas that has a high
percentage of animal
PROTECT -Youths and Animal November 16, 2022 -Grooming supplies cruelty
-Food and shelter -Slums
-Animal Specialist

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