Formal Languages and Automata Theory - R2009 - 28!03!2018

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Course Code : ACT1114/ 2009 R-2009 Reg.

No :


Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam
Affiliated to JNT University – K, Kakinada
B.Tech. V-Semester Supplementary Examinations, March/April 2018
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
(Computer Science and Engineering)

Date : 28-03-2018 Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

1. Question No. 1 is compulsory
2. Answer any FOUR questions from 2 to 8.
3. All parts of a question must be answered in one place to get valued.

1. Answer the following in 4 or 5 sentences each

a) Design DFA for the language L= {an/n>=1}. 2 Marks
b) Define Moore and Mealy Machine. 2 Marks
c) Write the regular expression for all strings beginning with 11 over ∑= {0, 1}. 2 Marks
d) Define Regular grammar with an example. 2 Marks
e) Consider the grammar S->SbS | a. Find LMD for the string ababa. 2 Marks
f) List any two closure properties of CFL. 2 Marks
g) What is a multi-tape turing machine? 2 Marks
h) Define recursive language. 2 Marks

2. a) Design a DFA to accept the language L={w | w is of even length and begins with 01}. 7 Marks
b) From the given transition table. Check whether the following strings are accepted or not. 4 Marks
i) 101110 ii) 00011

Q/∑ 0 1

q0 q2 q1
q1 q3 q0
q2 q0 q3
q3 q1 q2

3. a) Consider the ε-NFA. 8 Marks

δ ε a b

p {r} {q} {p.r}

q Ø {p} Ø

*r {p,q} {r} {p}

Convert the automaton to a NFA.

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Course Code : ACT1114/ 2009 R-2009 Reg. No :

b) Construct regular expression for the given DFA. 3 Marks

4. a) Obtain a regular grammar for the following FA. 7 Marks

b) Write the closure properties of regular languages. 4 Marks

5. a) Simplify the grammar SaA|aBB, AaAA|ε, BbB|bbc, CB. 6 Marks

b) Prove that the language L = {www |w ∈ {a, b} ∗} is not context free. 5 Marks
6. a) Design PDA to accept the language L={0n1n | n>=1} 7 Marks
b) Consider the following grammar. S→AA/a A→SA/b and construct a PDA M such that the 4 Marks
language generated by M and G are equivalent.

7. a) Explain about types of turing machines. 5 Marks

b) Design TM to perform addition. 6 Marks

8. a) What is post correspondence problem? Explain with an example. 5 Marks

b) Write short notes on decidability and undecidabilty of problems. 6 Marks

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