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A. Work attitude
Attitude is defined as a learned tendency to respond in a fun or unpleasant way consistently with
regard to a particular object (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010)Attitude encourages us to act in a specific way in
a specific context. That is, attitudes affect behavior on many different levels. In contrast to the values that
show a thorough belief that it affects behavior in all situations (Wibowo, 2013).

Furthermore Attitudes have an important influence on behavior. The definition of work attitude is
the action that the employee will take and everything that the employee has to do which the result is
proportional to the efforts made (Osada, 2000; Kaswan, 2017).

According to Gibson (1997; Kaswan, 2017) Work attitudes describe "attitudes as positing or
negative feelings or mental states that are always prepared, learned, and organized through experiences that
have a special influence on a person's response to people, objects, or circumstances

According to (Robbins and Judge,2015) three components of attitude, namely: affective, cognitive,
and behavioral.
1) Cognitive component is an opinion or segment of trust of an attitude.
2) Affective components are emotional or emotional segments of an attitude.
3) Behavioral component of attitude explains the intent to behave in a certain way towards a person

In an attitude of value of course has a role. There are 4 roles in the formation of attitudes:
1. The role of Value in the Formation of Value Attitudes embraced by a person can be the basis for the
attitude he takes. Value contains an element of judgment because it consists of an individual's ideas
about what is right, good, or desirable
2. The Process of Formation and Change of Attitude can be formed or changed through four kinds of
ways (Sarwono, 2010):
- Adoption: events and events that occur over and over again, over time are gradually absorbed
into the individual and influence the formation of an attitude
- Differentiation: the development of intelligence and experience as we age, there will be things
that were previously considered the same but are now considered different
- Integration: Individuals initially gain a variety of experiences related to one particular thing so
that an attitude is formed about it.
- trauma: Trauma is an experience that comes suddenly, making it uncomfortable, which can
give a deep impression on the soul of the individual concerned.

3. Attitude Influencing Attitude Behavior is one factor that must be understood and can understand the
behavior of others. By understanding each other, organizations can be managed well. When
behaving, individuals are based on the components of attitude (Marliani, 2015). An individual's
attitude towards something can affect his behavior as well. Kreitner and Kinicki (2010) revealed a
study that found that work behavior shows stability if more than 5 years of working life and in
middle age
4. Factors Influencing Attitude Formation
Diktup in PIO (Sarwono, 2010):
1) Internal Factors: i.e. factors contained in the Individual, such as choice factors. Individuals
cannot capture all external stimulus through perception, therefore individuals must choose
the stimulus according to the conditions
2) External Factors: in addition to the factors contained in yourself, the formation of attitudes
is also determined by factors that are outside the
A. Properties of an object
B. Authority
c. The nature of people or groups
d. Communication media used in conveying attitudes

C. Various Work Attitudes

Quoted from (Robbins and Judge, 2015). He divides various work attitudes as follows:

1) Job Involvement
job involvement is defined as the level at which a person knows his or her work psychologically
and feels their level of performance is important for self-esteem.
2) Organizational Commitment
Organizational commitment, which is defined as the degree to which an employee identifies an
organization, its goals, and expectations to remain a member (Robbin and Judge, 2015)
3) Employee Engagement The next work attitude is employee engagement is an individual
relationship related to satisfaction and enthusiasm for the work done.

A.Understanding Work Motivation

Motivation is a set of attitudes and values that influence an individual to achieve a specific thing
according to the individual's goals. Gray (1984; Winardi, 2011) defines motivation as the result of a number
of processes that are internal or external for individuals, which causes enthusiasm and persistence in terms
of carrying out certain activities

B. Motivational Theories
1) Early Theory (1950s)
o Hierarchy Theory needs
o Theory of X and Y
o Motivation-Hygiene Theory
2) Contemporary Theory
A. ERG Theory
The word ERG stands for existence, relatedness, and growth. a) Existence: the need for
faali and security in maslow classification. b) Relatedness: social needs and external
components of the award in maslow classification. c) Growth: intrinsic desire for
personal development, including the intrinsic components of the Maslow award category
and the characteristics covered in self-actualization (Triatna, 2015)
b. McClelland's Theory of Need
McClelland analyzes three very important human needs within the organization.
a) Need for achievement
b) Need for power
c) Affiliated needs (Need for affiliation);
c. Cognitive Evaluation Theory
The theory states that dividing extrinsic awards for behaviors that have previously been
intrinsically rewarded, tends to reduce overall motivation levels

C. Motivational Approach
Bangun (2012) suggests that motivation in its development, can be distinguished into 4
approaches, namely:
a. Traditional Approach
B. Approach to human relationships
c. Human resources approach
d. Contemporary approach

D.Three types of self-esteem

- Chronic self-esteem A person's overall feeling about himself
- Situational self-esteem A person's feeling about himself in a particular situation,
- Socially influenced self-esteem How a person feels about himself on the basis of the expectations
of others


- Spesifice
- Masureable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time Bound

Dr. Umi Anugerah Izzati, M. O. (n.d.). PIO. Penerbit Bintang Surabaya.

Hidayatullah, M. S. (2018). Psikologi Industri dan organisasi . Psikologi Industri dan organisasi , 90 .

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