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Mia Rodríguez

Oct. 24, 2022

Emily Dickinson WebQuest


1. Why do you think Dickinson never published her poems? Support your answer with evidence
from the article.
Her use of poetic language was so innovative and contemporary that few people could
comprehend it. She never had her works published, which is unfortunate. Perhaps Dickinson did
not publish during her lifetime because, like Todd and Higginson, she did not want to modify her
work to appeal to a larger audience.

2. What was the role of women in the 1800s to pre-civil war in America?
Before the Civil War, the majority of women were housewives. In order to make the house
bearable for the family and presentable for visitors, women were responsible for cooking and
cleaning. However, when the Civil War broke out, many women volunteered to assist. In addition,
women had no legal ability to vote, possess property, or enter into contracts. A wife's only
obligation was to provide for her husband.

3. How did the women’s suffrage movement change American women?

Improvements in reproductive health and financial stability for suffrage award recipients. The
19th Amendment contributed to greater equality for American women. Consequently, they were
able to advocate for improved access to resources such as employment, schools, healthcare, etc.

4. Why is Dickinson considered an American icon for poetry? Explain in detail.

She penned poetry from the depths of her soul, delving into the secrets of the natural world. For
instance, Dickinson often explored in her poetry the concepts of mortality, immortality, and
passionate love.

5. Did she experience some trauma during her childhood? As a child, she was fascinated
with death and dying. Dickinson rarely left her home or even her room. What color did
she dress in almost exclusively?
As of right now, agoraphobia, social phobia, lupus, epilepsy, and an unnamed eye
condition are all being considered as possible causes of Emily's withdrawal from society.
Many assume that the many deaths of loved ones are the root of her misery. She wore a
spotless white dress.

6. How many poems did Dickinson anonymously publish during her lifetime? After her
death, how many of her poems were discovered and published?
Throughout her lifetime, 10 of her poems were published. Approximately 1,800 of
Dickinson's poems were discovered by her family after her death.

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