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May 24, 2022


TO: Amanda Vasas, Instructor, PR 325.730

FROM: Megan Lentz, Student, PR 325.730

RE: PR 325 Online Portfolio Platform Proposal


As we begin this summer semester for PR 325, students will start creating content and writing
samples that can be used in an online portfolio. There are many portfolio platforms in existence
so students may have a difficult time deciding which will work best for their personal portfolios.
Listed below are the top three, user-friendly yet customizable platforms to use for this.

Square Space ( is the most user-friendly website containing

professional components regarding analytics and search engine optimization. Users can
customize their portfolio to their exact liking and can easily check their sites views and
engagement. However, to use Square Space, there is a monthly subscription fee users must pay,
so it is not very college-budget friendly.

Weebly ( is a simple, easy to use website for building on online

portfolio, though it does not have all the detailed features when it comes to customization. The
site also does not allow users to check analytics and page visits. Weebly is a great site to use for
unexperienced website builders who want something simple and user-friendly.

Journo Portfolio ( is an extremely customizable website

where users can easily convey their personality and brand to visitors. The site also allows users
to upload documents, PDFs and photos with ease – something vital to an online portfolio
containing writing samples. Users can also check analytics to their website for a small fee.

For my PR 325 online portfolio, I will be using the Journo Portfolio platform due to the
customization tools and the overall simplicity of the website. I would recommend all students in
this class research the above three platforms, specifically Journo Portfolio.

For additional information on Journo Portfolio, visit

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