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10 Significant Comments of Our Research

 Easy access of Lavender herb (via. Drugstores and Markets) and cheap / convenient product
to be used.

 Significance shows one statement focus for better reading convenience on how to repel Fire
Ants (Solenopsis invicta) with the use of Lavender Herb (Lavandula angustifolia).

 Practical and Efficient Countermeasures that is commonly happening in the Environment,

meaning Research Paper has a Wide Range of Self-Based Experiences and Realizations.

 Materials and Methods are intended as Home-Based Products for Uncomplicated and Direct
Instructions that can be effortlessly made at home.

 Resulted Product can be made or enhance even further as of own please such as Hardened
Chalk or Crashed Powder.

 Products has been tested in different areas and houses making it capable and effective as a
Fire Ant Repellant.

 Throughout the Methods, the strong scent of the Lavender is greatly reduced via. Freezing
making it liable and comfortable to be used.

 Research paper is relatively short in stature yet very direct to the point making it easy to
read and understand as well as better analyze on how does Lavender Herb affects Fire Ants.

 Having plantation of Lavender as a source of Repellent can be also utilize for other
circumstances such as medicine, oil, and many more.

 Products is not only beneficial to humans alike but to Animals of Pets can be reassured as
10 Weakness Comments of Our Research

 Though it is direct to the point, introduction and overviews are insufficient and quite naive
enough to be reassure in using as a Product.

 Paper is oriented on focusing only to one problem that may lead or unable to ingress on other
related problems.

 Research Paper only focuses on Fire Ants, and has no study towards other Animal or Pest
Available in the House.

 Unable to yield new information or facts throughout reading.

 Inconsistent Narratives and Statements of Focus of the Study.

 Following the methods of creating a Lavender Powder, during freezing the scent may scatter and
disperse within the area if not properly sealed.

 The Depth of the Research Paper could have been deeper and can gain more benefits within
more research.

 Though testing the results, it is still not 100 percent accurate if the Fire Ants will leave or may
die on the spot and how long will it be affected to run from the Testing Area.

 Research Paper shows Inconsistency in Experimental Design by reason of Time and No. of
Available Red Ants.

 Fragrance and Odor of the Lavender when applied to a Site will disperse widely that may affect
certain individuals with symptoms such as Headache.

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