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Soul Land
(Douluo Dalu)

(Combat Continent)



Tang Jia San Shao


Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing
its most secret teachings to fulfill his dreams, Tang San
committed an unforgivable crime. With his ambition attained,
he hands his legacy to the sect and throws himself from the
fearsome “Hell’s Peak.”

But he could have never imagined that this would reincarnate

him in another world, one without magic, martial arts, and
grudges. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay.

The continent of Douluo.

How will Tang San survive in this unknown environment?

With a new road to follow, a new legend begins…
Chapter 0 - Tang Third Young Master
Crossing Over (v2)

Ba-Shu, through history famed as a land of plenty, and within

it, the most famous sect that could never be surpassed: Tang

Tang Sect’s location was a mysterious place. Most people only

knew that it was halfway up a mountain, and that the mountain
where Tang Sect was located had a place with a terrifying name,
—— Hell’s Peak.

A rock thrown from on top of the precipice at Hell’s Peak

would take a full count of nineteen before the echo of it hitting
the bottom could be heard, thus its height could be seen, and it
was also because of these nineteen seconds, even surpassing the
eighteen levels of hell by one, that gave it its name.

A gray clothed youth stood at the summit of Hell’s Peak, the

biting cold mountain wind not able to cause his body to shiver
even slightly. On the pit of his stomach a huge Tang character
could be seen; he was from Tang Sect, and the gray clothes
represented a disciple of the Tang Outer Sect.

1 Goldenagato |
This year he was twenty nine, since he had entered Tang Sect
not long after being born, he was the third most senior among
outer sect disciples, and as a result the outer sect disciples
named him Third Young Master. Of course, in the mouths of
the inner sect disciples it became Tang San.

Tang Sect was, since it’s foundation, divided into the two
inner and outer sects. The outer sect disciples were all from
external families or perhaps conferred the Tang name, and the
inner sect were all directly related to Tang Sect members,
passed down through family.

Right now, Tang San wore an abundance of expressions,

sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, but in all cases unable
to mask the excitement stemming from his heart.

For twenty nine years, starting twenty nine years ago when
grandpa elder Tang Lan had brought him to Tang Sect as an
infant, Tang Sect had been his family, and Tang Sect’s hidden
weapons had been everything to him.

Suddenly, Tang San’s expression abruptly changed, but then

very quickly relaxed again, somewhat bitterly saying to himself:

2 Goldenagato |
“In the end, that which should happen will still happen.”

Seventeen silhouettes, seventeen white silhouettes, leapt up

from halfway up the mountain towards the mountaintop just
like shooting stars, these silhouettes were masters, even the
youngest was five decades old, each and every one with serious
expressions, their white gowns represented the inner sect, and
the golden Tang characters on their chests were the symbols of
Tang Sect elders.

Including the sect head mister Tang Da there were altogether

seventeen elders, and right now there were seventeen climbing
the mountain. Even a general assembly of the martial society
wouldn’t have been able to rouse all the Tang Sect Elders at the
same time, one must know that among the Tang Sect elders, the
oldest had already surpassed sixty years twice over.

All of these Tang Sect elders had already reached the pinnacle
of cultivation, and in only a moment’s work they had already
reached the mountain top.

When outer sect disciples met inner sect elders they had to
kneel in greeting, but right now Tang San didn’t move, he only
calmly looked at these serious faced elders arriving in front of
him. They blocked all routes of escape, and behind him was

3 Goldenagato |
only Hell’s Peak.

Laying down three Buddha Fury Tang Lotuses, Tang San

threw them a last reluctant glance, the corners of his mouth
showing a gratified smile. After all, he had succeeded. With
twenty years of effort, he had at last accomplished this
penultimate work of the Tang Outer Sect; that kind of
satisfactory accomplishment couldn’t be described in words.

At this very moment, Tang San thought to himself,

everything was already unimportant. Violating the sect
regulations was also fine, matters of life and death were fine.
Apparently, everything would come to an end with these three
blooming Tang Lotuses before him. Buddha Fury Tang Lotus,
this world’s most potent hidden weapon was born in his hands.
In his entire life, what could make the hidden weapons
enthusiast Tang San more excited than this?

“I know, the crime of sneaking into the inner sect and stealing
secret sect lore cannot be forgiven, cannot be tolerated
according to sect rules. But Tang San can vow to Heaven, not a
bit of the stolen knowledge of the secret books will reach the
outside world. I say this, not in the hopes of obtaining the
elders’ mercy, but only to let the elders know that Tang San has
never forgotten his roots. Never has in the past, and also
henceforth never will.”

4 Goldenagato |
Tang San’s mood was very calm at this moment; perhaps, this
was the calmest moment in his life. Looking at that expansive
ancient Tang Sect compound halfway up the mountain, feeling
the atmosphere of the Tang Sect, Tang San’s eyes moistened.
For as long as he could remember, it could even be said he was
born for the sake of the Tang Sect, but right now, he also had to
leave the Tang Sect for the sake of his lifelong pursuit.

The elders were all speechless. Right now they still couldn’t
clear their heads from the appearance of the Buddha Fury Tang
Lotus. Two hundred years, after a full two hundred years the
Buddha Fury Tang Lotus had unexpectedly appeared in the
hands of an outer sect disciple, what did this signify? In this
land, this exceptional hidden weapon that not even Tang Sect’s
own people could resist absolutely represented the approach of
another peak of the Tang Sect.

Looking at the elders bowing their heads without speaking,

Tang San smiled brightly,

“Everything of Tang San’s was given by Tang Sect, whether

it’s life or abilities, all were bestowed by Tang Sect. No matter
when, Tang San in life is a person of the Tang Sect, in death a
ghost of the Tang Sect. I know that the elders will not permit
the corpse of an outer sect disciple that violated the sect rules to

5 Goldenagato |
remain at Tang Sect; therefore, let me turn to bone naturally in
this Ba-Shu.”

Tang San was so serene that even his somewhat excited voice
finally roused the elders, when the elders raised their heads to
look at him, they saw milky white streams of qi spread out from
him in a flash.

“Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, you even learned the

sect’s highest inner strength technique in the Mysterious
Heaven Treasure Record?”

Tang Da cried out involuntarily.

With an explosion, as the group of elders retreated to avoid

anything unexpected, they looked at Tang San who was entirely

Tang San smiled brilliantly,

“I arrived in the nude, and I shall depart in the nude. Buddha

Fury Tang Lotus is Tang San’s last gift for the sect. Besides
myself, I carry nothing of the Tang Sect, the secret books are all

6 Goldenagato |
under the first brick in my room. Tang San will now return
everything to Tang Sect.”


Tang San laughed wildly up towards the sky, suddenly taking

a step backward. At this very moment, the Tang Sect elders
suddenly discovered, unexpectedly nobody still had time to
block him. His body, enveloped in white light, threw itself
forward off Hell’s Peak, soaring out into empty air, stepping
into the clouds and mist around the mountain.


Tang Da finally reacted, but right now it was already too late
to say anything.

The clouds and mist were very dense, bringing waves of

humidity, taking away the sunshine, and also taking away that
Tang San whose entire life was dedicated to Tang Sect and
hidden weapons.

Time seemed to stand still. Tang Da’s hands trembled as he

7 Goldenagato |
held up those three Tang Lotuses, his eyes moist,

“Tang San, ah, Tang San, why did you suffer? The
astonishment you brought us was really too much, too

“Eldest brother.”

A second elder stepped forward,

“Why should you mourn a renegade like this?”

Tang Da’s gaze became cold in a flash, cold air covering his
body, glaring at the second elder,

“Who do you say is a renegade? Have you ever seen a renegade

who could obtain the sect’s rarest books and afterwards didn’t
flee? Have you seen a renegade who would die for his ideals?
Have you seen someone harboring a hidden weapon powerful
enough to destroy any Tang Sect expert instead present it to the
sect as his last act? Tang San was no renegade, he was our most
outstanding genius in two hundred years.”

8 Goldenagato |
The second elder stared stupidly,

“But, he stole lore from the sect……”

Tang Da suddenly interrupted,

“If you were also able to produce the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus,
I wouldn’t care no matter what you stole. You were wrong, I
was wrong, in this past moment, we actually looked on
helplessly as the chance for Tang Sect’s glory to rise again
slipped away before our eyes.”

The elders gathered round, their expressions all complex,

some perplexed, some sad, some sighing, still more were

“No need to say anything. Pass on my orders, dispatch all the

disciples, search for Tang San below Hell’s Peak. If alive, I will
see the person. If dead, I will see the corpse. At the same time,
from this moment on, Tang San is promoted to inner sect
disciple. If he still lives, he will be the only successor to my
position as head.”

9 Goldenagato |
“Yes, head.”

The elders bowed simultaneously.

If Tang San was still here on the cliff top right now, still able
to hear Tang Da’s words, even if he died, he would certainly still
be very gratified; his great effort in the end hadn’t been a waste.
But, all this came too late.

Hell’s Peak, where a thrown rock would take nineteen seconds

to hit the bottom, an existence seemingly surpassing the
eighteen levels of hell, how could it permit a living person to
return from the clouds and mist? Tang San was dead, forever
departing this world, but his other destiny had only just begun.

(巴蜀) Or Sichuan.

(鬼见愁) Literally “Ghost Appearance Worry” or figuratively

“where ghosts fear to tread”

(唐) “Exaggerate”

10 Goldenagato |
(San Shao 三少)

(唐三) “Tang Three”

(唐蓝) “Tang Blue”

(唐大) “Tang Big”

(甲子) could either refer to the “Stems and Branches”

sexagenary cycle, or it could refer to the first year of the same.

(朵佛怒唐莲) The classifier is (朵), which is used for flowers, so

expect them actually look like lotuses.

11 Goldenagato |
Chapter 1 - Douluo Continent, Otherworldly
Tang San

Douluo Continent, southwestern Heaven Dou Empire,

Fasinuo province.

Holy Spirit village. If one only heard its name, might sound
like a rather astonishing village. In fact, this was merely a single
village of three hundred households south of Fasinuo province’s
Nuoding city. The reason why it was called Holy Spirit was
because in legend, a hundred years ago a Spirit Sage ranked
Spirit Master came from there. This was also the eternal pride
of Holy Spirit village.

Outside Holy Spirit village was, without exception, a vast

expanse of farmland where grain and vegetables were produced
and sent to supply Nuoding city. Nuoding city was located in the
middle of Fasinuo province, and while it wasn’t considered a
major city, the border of another empire was, after all, very
close, and naturally, merchants of both great empires traded
there. Consequently, Nuoding city flourished and the lives of
the commoners in the villages around the city were better than

Barely at daybreak, in the distant east, the sky was a pale grey

12 Goldenagato |
dawn color. On a small hundred meter tall hilltop adjacent to
Holy Spirit village was a thin and small silhouette.

This was only a five or six-year old child. Evidently, every day
he endured the heat of the sun. His skin was a healthy wheat
colour, his black short hair appeared very neat, and his clothes,
though simple, were clean.

Speaking of a child at this age, to climb this hundred meter

tall hill couldn’t be an easy task, but strangely, when he arrived
at the summit his face wasn’t the least bit red, nor was he
panting. His expression appeared content and pleased.

The boy sat down on the hilltop, his two eyes unwaveringly
looking to the east where the dawn sky was gradually
brightening. Slowly starting to inhale through his nose, gently
exhaling through his mouth; continuous inhalations and faint
exhalations that, in the end, became a splendid cycle.

During this process, his eyes suddenly opened wide. A faint

trace of purple qi seemed to flash in the light of the growing
bright grey dawn in the distant horizon. Without astonishing
vision and concentration, it would be impossible to notice it.

13 Goldenagato |
At the sight of the purple qi, the boy's spirit was so completely
focused he no longer even exhaled, only a light and slow
inhalation. At the same time the two eyes firmly stared in
concentration at the flickering purple light.

The purple qi didn’t last long; by the time the eastern light
gradually rose to become daylight, the purple qi had completely
vanished already.

Only then did the boy, with a long exhalation of internal

turbid qi, slowly close his eyes. White qi poured out through his
mouth like a bolt of unrolling silk before it slowly dispersed.

After sitting quietly for a long time, the boy once more opened
his eyes. In the center of his eyes there was surprisingly,
perhaps because of that impure purple qi, a glimmer of light
purple. Although this purple didn’t remain long before quietly
disappearing, that very existence was nevertheless distinct.

With a dejected sigh, the boy showed a grudging expression

unsuitable for his age. He shook his head and said to himself,

”Still impossible. My Mysterious Heaven skill is still unable to

break through the first serious bottleneck. It’s already been a

14 Goldenagato |
full three months, so why this result? Even Purple Demon Eye,
which relied on purple qi from the east that could only be
cultivated in early morning, has shown better progress. With
Mysterious Heaven skill unable to break through the
bottleneck, my Mysterious Jade Hand is also unable to advance.
When originally cultivating to the border between the first and
second tier, I didn’t seem to come across circumstances like this.
How come, when Mysterious Heaven skill altogether has nine
tiers, it’s this first tier that is this troublesome? Is it because this
world is different from my original world?”

This child, who had arrived in this world five years ago, was
exactly that Tang Sect's Tang San who leapt from a cliff for his
ideals. When he regained consciousness, he discovered that, in
addition to a warm sensation, he was unable to move. But the
expected death did not arrive, and he was very quickly born into
this world.

Tang San wasn’t clear on what was going on until much later.
He hadn’t died, but he was also no longer the former Tang San.

The reborn Tang San needed nearly a year to learn this

world's language. He still remembered that, at the time he was
born, though he was still unable to open his eyes and see, he
heard the deep sound of a man's heart-rending lung-splitting
wail. When he learned this world's language, by relying on his

15 Goldenagato |
outstanding memory, he also couldn’t help recalling that man
had shouted, “Third sister, don't abandon me,” and that man
was his father, Tang Hao. His mother in this world at that time
was already dead from a difficult childbirth.

Whether because of the gods’ dark will or simple coincidence,

Tang Hao miraculously named him Tang San as a memento of
his dead wife.

Because of this, the village children around his age gathered

every day to ridicule him. Nevertheless, in his heart, Tang San
was fully content. This, after all, was the name he had used for
nearly 30 years in the other world. He was content with simply
having a name to remind him of his past life.

Since arriving in this world, Tang San had initially felt

shocked and afraid. But, with the subsequent excitement as well
as the present tranquility, he had already completely accepted
the reality that seemed, to him, like the second chance from
Heaven. Here, he might be able to realise the biggest wish he
had in his previous existence.

Though he came into this world naked,Tang San still

possessed the greatest wealth: his memory. As Outer Tang sect's
most outstanding genius, the methods of manufacturing Tang

16 Goldenagato |
Sect's various mechanisms, including hidden weapons, were all
engraved in his mind. In addition, he had made off with Inner
Tang Sect’s rare manuscript that he had yearned to try for many
years. While learning it, he had committed to memory and
learned by heart Inner Sect’s Mysterious Heaven Treasure
Record, and with it, Tang San hoped to reproduce Tang Sect's
brilliance in this world.

“Time to be going back.”

Tang San glanced at the color of the sky, his thin and small
body leapt up and he ran down the mountain. If anyone had
caught sight of him at this moment, they definitely would be
staring wide-eyed in astonishment. Each of his steps was
shockingly capable of bringing him nearly 3 ⅓ meters. The
mountain's crevices and uneven ground could not be said to
have any effect on him as he effortlessly dodged and rapidly
advanced between openings. Even compared to adults he would
still be much faster.

What was the essence of Tang Sect? Hidden weapons, poison

and lightness skill. The greatest difference between Inner and
Outer Tang Sect was the usage methods of hidden weapons.
Outer sect gave priority to mechanisms, and for inner sect the
standard was genuine technique. Poison use was likewise an
Outer sect talent, while in the inner sect, hidden weapons were

17 Goldenagato |
handed down in a direct line from master to disciple and very
few employed poison, since they were basically not needed.

Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record only described six types

of martial skills, separated into the inner strength internal
technique Mysterious Heaven Skill, hand skill practice
technique Mysterious Jade Hand, vision cultivation technique
Purple Demon Eye, capturing technique Controlling Crane
Capturing Dragon, light body technique Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track, as well as hidden weapon use technique,
Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation.

The first five were basics; after all, without a robust

foundation, how could one bring out the quintessence of Tang
Sect’s hidden weapons?

Having started training Mysterious Heaven Skill at one year

old, Tang San, who at present was already almost six years old,
was still laying the foundation.

Tang San's family lived on the west side of Holy Spirit village,
by the village chief's place. The three room mud brick house
could be said to be the crudest in the entire village. It had a
wooden plaque one meter in diameter over the door, painted
with a simple hammer. The hammer in this world was the most

18 Goldenagato |
widespread symbol of a blacksmith.

That's right. Tang San's father Tang Hao was a blacksmith,

the only blacksmith in the village.

In this world, blacksmith could be said to be the humblest of

professions. This is because none of this world's best weapons
were, for a certain reason, forged by blacksmiths.

Even so, as this village's only accomplished blacksmith, Tang

San's family shouldn’t have been this impoverished with such a
meagre little income......

Entering the house, Tang San already smelled fragrant rice.

That wasn’t Tang Hao making him breakfast; rather he cooked
for Tang Hao.

Starting from four years old, before Tang San was tall enough
to reach the kitchen counter, cooking was already his daily task;
even if he had to stand on a stool in order to be able to reach the
top of the kitchen counter.

It wasn’t because Tang Hao demanded it, but rather because if

19 Goldenagato |
he didn’t do it, Tang San would practically never be able to eat
his fill.

Arriving before the kitchen counter, he stood on the wooden

stool with practiced ease, lifting the lid of the large iron cooking
pot, the scent of fragrant rice wafting out. The cauldron's
congee had cooked thoroughly for a long time.

Every day, before going up the hill, Tang San always made
sure to put rice in the pot to cook and prepare the firewood so
that when he returned, the congee would be cooked well.

Picking up two already worn out bowls with more than ten
notches from the counter to the side, Tang San very cautiously
ladled congee into the two bowls and placed them on the table
behind him. The congee's rice grains could practically be
counted by eye, and for Tang San's growing body, this little
nutrition was obviously insufficient; this was also the reason
why his body was as slim as a thread.

“Dad, food.”

Tang San called out.

20 Goldenagato |
After a long time, the inner room door drape lifted, and a
large figure appeared with somewhat staggering steps and
walked out.

It was a middle aged man, his appearance seemed close to fifty

years old. His stature was still extraordinarily large and
stalwart, though one dared not compliment his style of dress.

His worn robe covered with holes, without so much as a

patch, exposed bronze colored skin. His previously good facial
features now appeared waxen in color. He had a pair of sleepy
eyes and a dazed manner; messy hair that looked just like a
bird’s nest, a beard that had gone who knew how long without
being straightened out. A dim and lifeless look was visible in his
eyes. Even though the night had already passed, he still reeked
of alcohol, yet Tang San didn’t frown.

This was Tang Hao, Tang San’s father in this world.

While growing up, Tang San never knew what paternal love
was. The way Tang Hao treated him was always the same
regardless, being firm right from the beginning. Athough he
knew to make a little food for him to eat, but nevertheless, as
time passed, right after Tang San started taking the initiative to
cook, Tang Hao became even more uncaring of anything. In this

21 Goldenagato |
way their home was so impoverished that they didn’t even have
decent furniture. Food also was a problem, mainly due to Tang
Hao using all that meagre blacksmith income to trade for

While Tang San was a large child, his father was really also
about 30 years old, married so early even before thirty years old,
but Tang Hao nevertheless must be compared to someone much
older, he rather resembled Tang San's grandfather.

With regard to Tang Hao's behaviour, Tang San carried no

resentment. In his former lifetime, he was an orphan. In this
lifetime, even though Tang Hao treated him badly, he at least
had family. For Tang San, this already made him feel content.
At least here there was a person he could call father.

Tang Hao grabbed the bowl from the table, not worried about
scalding, and with big gulps poured the congee down into his
belly. His dull sallow face appeared to gain a bit of luster.

”Dad, slow down, it’s still hot.”

Tang San took the bowl from his father's hand and refilled it
with congee. He also picked up his own bowl.

22 Goldenagato |
In Tang Sect, he was never able to leave and very rarely came
into contact with outside matters. It goes without saying that
just like a blank slate, ending up in this world he became like a
little child again, and also had nothing which he could not

Very quickly, a pot of porridge with seven or eight bowls all

entered Tang Hao's stomach. Letting out a breath, he placed the
bowl on the table. The drooping eyelids opened somewhat,
looking at Tang San.

“You continue with the work you have, I will work in the
afternoon. I’ll go sleep a little while.”

Tang Hao's work and rest habit had a very regular pattern:
sleeping all morning, making a few farm tools in the afternoon,
obtaining income, and drinking in the evening.

“Ok, dad.”

Tang San nodded.

23 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao stood up. Having had several bowls of congee, he
was no longer swaying, and walked towards the inner room.


Tang San suddenly called out.

Tang Hao stopped, turning his head to look at him, his brows
clearly indicating a little impatience.

Tang San pointed at a corner with shining black chunks of pig


“These chunks of iron, can you give them to me to use?”

In his previous incarnation he was Tang Sect's most

outstanding outer sect disciple, he was most familiar with the
creation of every kind of hidden weapon. Naturally, back then
all kinds of material were supplied by Tang Sect. But in this new
world, although he practiced several years, his strength still
wasn’t enough by far. Moreover, he had never wanted to give
up on manufacturing the most advanced hidden weapons. By
now he had already tried to forge a few hidden weapons, but

24 Goldenagato |
finding enough materials was the big issue.

Tang Hao forged farm tools out of metal received from the
villagers. It was all impure, very common iron. It all was very
difficult to use for high quality hidden weapons. The pieces of
pig iron Tang San currently pointed at, delivered only
yesterday, had made Tang San astonished; these chunks of iron
ore actually definitely contained iron source, which was
perfectly suitable for making hidden weapons.

Tang Hao's gaze shifted to the pig iron,

“Huh. Isn’t this fine iron?”

Walking over to take a look, he turned his head to look at

Tang San,

“You want to become a blacksmith?”

Tang San nodded slightly. Becoming blacksmith was

undoubtedly the most suitable profession for him to make
hidden weapons,

25 Goldenagato |
“Dad, you’re growing older. For a few years, until I grow up a
little, please teach me how to forge kitchen implements and let
me take over your work.”

Previously he all he made were the most precise hidden

weapons, and on the contrary he had never learned the simplest

Tang Hao slightly absentminded, murmured:

“Blacksmith doesn’t seem bad, either.”

Pulling across a single worn-out chair, sitting down directly

by that pile of pig iron, he sluggishly spoke:

“Little San, tell me, what kind of blacksmith, is the best


Tang San thought about it, then said:

“The best blacksmith should be capable of divine tools.”

26 Goldenagato |
By what the villagers said, divine tools existed in this world,
even though he did not know precisely what divine tools were.
But being called ‘divine’, presumably they should be pretty

In Tang Hao's eyes flashed a glint of humour,

“Divine tools? Little San also knows about divine tools. Then
tell me, what should be used to create divine tools?”

Tang San thought this was unexpected, and immediately said:

“The best materials, of course.”

Tang Hao extended his index finger, wagging it at Tang San's


“If you want to become a master blacksmith, remember my

words: someone using top class materials to make divine tools,
that’s not the best blacksmith; at most it is only a synthesizer.
The best blacksmith will create divine tools using common

27 Goldenagato |

“Using common iron to forge divine tools?”

Tang San, somewhat startled, looked at Tang Hao. Ordinarily,

Tang Hao very rarely spoke to him; this day already counted as
the most at any one time.

Standing up, Tang Hao pointed to a fifty square centimeter

big block of iron on the other side of the room,

“If you’re thinking about becoming a blacksmith and learning

forging from me, then you must first hammer this ten thousand
times. Not until then will you be qualified.”

That was a block of ordinary iron, containing numerous

impurities. Compared to the lump of iron source, he couldn’t
even tell how much worse it was.

“Right now, you can still change your mind.”

Tang Hao spoke indifferently, already preparing to go back to

28 Goldenagato |
the inner room to sleep.

“Dad, I want to give it a try.”

Tang San’s voice was clear and calm, yet resolute.

Tang Hao, somewhat taken aback, looked at him,


With a single word, he walked past, taking up that large lump

of iron in his arms, and directly placed it by the bellows on the
forge. As long as the coal fire was ignited, it could be used for

After finishing this, Tang Hao returned to the inner room to


Tang San was a person with staunch resolution. Otherwise, he

couldn’t have relied on a single dilapidated drawing to produce
Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, the top Tang Sect mechanical hidden
weapon. That consumed as much as ten years of his life.

29 Goldenagato |
Lighting the charcoal fire, pumping the bellows, he began to
work by himself.

Shushu shushu. Sounds rose from the bellows, flame emitted

within the coal furnace, scorching that big lump of iron.
Though Tang San didn’t know any forging, he had watched
Tang Hao forge farm tools every day, and he knew the correct

Just as the iron lump had gradually become red hot, he

dragged across Tang Hao’s usual hammer, letting it fall to the
ground. This long handled iron hammer was even taller than
him, and an ordinary five or six year old child couldn’t have
moved it at all, let alone wielding it for forging.

But Tang San was still holding it up. With Mysterious Heaven
Skill strengthening the whole body, even though it had not yet
broken through the first tier, he already possessed physical
strength comparable to an adult.

When the iron hammer collided with the iron lump again and
again, it rung with a clear and melodious sound. This was Tang
San’s first hammer strike, and the prelude to forging.

30 Goldenagato |
In the inner room, lying on the bed, Tang Hao turned over.
Even though his eyes were closed, his facial expression was
somewhat astonished, murmuring in his sleep,

“He can actually lift the hammer, was he born with

superhuman strength?”

Dong dong dong dong dong. Pounding sounds started to rise

from the blacksmith shop. Tang Hao and Tang San, father and
son, continued their prosaic life, but with a difference: starting
from this day, Tang Hao let Tang San play with another furnace
in the room, pounding that lump of iron on his own forge. He
didn’t instruct Tang San with a single sentence, but also from
this day onward, Tang Hao's drinking lessened a little, and the
family’s food also increased a little.

Forging was an absolutely dull and tiring process, but Tang

San still regarded this as the correct way to temper his body.
When eleven days had passed, he had already forged numerous
times, it felt like by swinging the iron hammer, he was unable to
only rely on his body's physical strength, and had to use the
help of Mysterious Heaven Skill.

His entire strength was enough to swing the hammer a

31 Goldenagato |
hundred times or so. Every time his strength was nearly
exhausted, he sat cross legged on the ground to recover, and
once his inner strength had recovered he immediately returned
to hammering.

This wasn’t only tempering his body. Repeatedly depleting

and recovering, was also a good way of tempering his
Mysterious Heaven Skill and willpower. Unfortunately,
Mysterious Heaven Skill’s first tier bottleneck still looked like it
was an impregnable barrier. Tang San’s practice couldn’t be
said not to be painstaking, but with his ample natural talent, he
was still unable to break through and enter the second tier.

But his training still definitely wasn’t a waste. Despite

Mysterious Heaven skill being unable to break through, his
internal strength still toughened in pace with his iron lump’s
forging, and his recovery speed seemed a bit faster than before.

As eleven days went by, Tang San had already swung the
hammer more than 8000 times, the iron lump constantly
becoming smaller. It was already less than one third of the
original volume. As his training and food quantity increased, his
body became rather solid and his physical strength seemed to
gradually evolve. As a result, during the unceasing forging
process, the consumption of inner strength gradually decreased.
With increased inner strength duration, his physical strength

32 Goldenagato |
also increased a great deal.

When he smashed down the hammer one thousand times,

that iron lump had certainly changed; it was a small circle, and
even though the center of the blazing fire burned red hot, he
could still faintly perceive that the interior impurities appeared
to have decreased a great deal.

Tempering into steel, this word appeared in Tang San mind.

This also made him even more firmly determined to accomplish
ten thousand hammer strikes. And the distance to this objective
was very close.

Tang San’s persistence astounded Tang Hao greatly. To him it

seemed that even if this son of his was born with superhuman
strength, it should be impossible to persist beyond three days.
The handle of the iron hammer was roughened to prevent
slipping, and would inevitably cause extreme injuries to the
palm of the hand. But he discovered that although Tang San was
forging honestly, both his young and tender small hands did not
seem to change. Not even blisters appeared.

Since Tang San didn’t want to lose this father, and he

furthermore didn’t want his past identity known, naturally he
wouldn’t tell Tang Hao that this was because of practicing Tang

33 Goldenagato |
Sect’s Mysterious Jade Hand.

In order to make good hidden weapons, the most basic

requirements were a combination of eyesight, hand strength,
and effort. That’s what is called ‘heart to eye, eye to hand’.
Therefore, in Tang Sect inner sect’s practice regimen, the
requirements regarding eyesight and hand strength were
extremely high.

Purple Demon Eye, had its maximum heightening effect on

eyesight from practicing in the brief moment when the sun rises
in the east.

Mysterious Jade Hand could cause the palm of the hand to

become extremely tough and durable, moreover it could block
any poison.

These two abilities were the required course for inner Tang
sect disciples. Even though Tang San's Mysterious Jade Hand
was still far from attaining a sufficient level, it could still
protect his palm from being covered with blisters from

"In addition, grasping strength can be called complete by

34 Goldenagato |

Tang San spared no strength swinging the iron hammer in his

hand. In this dull process, his heart still wasn’t calm at all. His
understanding concerning this world was still tentative, this
place was only a small village, nothing more.

In this world called Douluo Dalu, this continent held two

great empires, which could perhaps also be spoken of as
coalitions. Because within the two empires, a great deal of
territory was conferred on feudal vassals, and the number of
nobles with armed forces couldn’t be counted.

Of these two empires, the one Tang San was in was Heaven
Dou Empire, the other was the southern Star Luo Empire.

Fasinuo province was located near the border between both

countries, and Holy Spirit village by Nuoding city was no more
than two hundred li away.

Tang San knew from talk among the villagers that within the
Douluo continent, his world’s martial arts didn’t exist, but there
was a kind of thing called Spirits. It was said that everyone had
their own spirit, and among them, very few people’s spirit could

35 Goldenagato |
undergo cultivation, taking up an occupation called becoming
Spirit Master. And Spirit Master was the noblest vocation on the
whole continent. It seemed that according to legend, a hundred
years ago Holy Spirit village produced a spirit sage, in other
words a famous spirit master; Spirit Sage was a title for a Spirit
Master rank.

Spirits were subdivided into two main categories, one

category was tool spirits, and the other was beast spirits. As the
names suggest, when a spirit was a utensil it was called a tool
spirit, and with an animal as spirit it was called a beast spirit.
Comparatively speaking, tool spirits included a wider range,
and the vast majority of people all had tool spirits, and the ratio
of tool spirits unable to cultivate was much bigger than for beast

Tang San once met the village’s only person whose spirit was
pickaxe, clearly a type of spirit unable to cultivate. But in spite
of this, his work on farmland was still a little faster compared to
ordinary villagers.

Tang San also fully understood that because everyone he met

had their own spirit, Tang San also wanted to know what his
martial spirit was. After all, whether tool spirit or beast spirit,
both were sufficient if they could cultivate, right?

36 Goldenagato |
Among Douluo continent’s people, the spirit was awakened at
the age of six. In a few days Tang San would turn 6. For some
reason he faintly felt that the reason his Mysterious Heaven
Skill was unable to break through, was somehow related to his

Regarding becoming a Spirit Master, Tang San wasn’t

particularly interested, but he resolved to become an inner Tang
sect rank hidden weapon expert, no matter how little internal
strength he had, right?

“Tang Hao, are you busy?”

In the course of Tang San making great effort towards forging

ten thousand times, he heard the sound of an old man’s voice

It was currently afternoon, Tang Hao was in the process

working, creating farm tools, and hearing what was said made
only an ‘ng’ sound.

Tang San, rather curious, came out from his room, only to see
an old man, looking far over 60 years old, with a lanky figure,
but spirit hale and hearty, clothing perfectly neat and tidy, hair

37 Goldenagato |
meticulously combed out. The comparison with Tang Hao was
simply too extreme.

This person, Tang San knew, was Holy Spirit village’s village
elder, old Jack.

“Little San, come, let grandpa have a look at you.”

Old Jack turned to Tang San and waved his hand.

This place’s village elder was a kindly person, greatly

respected by all the villagers, he had often brought over
something to eat.

“Grandpa Jack, hello.”

Tang San walked over in front of Old Jack, respectfully bow to

him. When a person treated him well, Tang San would always
remember it in his heart.

Tang Hao indifferently said:

38 Goldenagato |
“I’m busy, village elder.”

Old Jack was actually no less than ten years older than him,
but to actually be compared to him as the same generation,
always worsened Tang Hao’s mood.

Old Jack was seemingly already accustomed to Tang Hao’s


“Tang Hao, ah, little San has quickly become six years old. He
ought to join this year’s awakening ceremony.”

Tang Hao gave Tang San a glance, indifferently saying:

“Then go participate. Which day is it?”

Old Jack said:

“In three days, when the time comes I’ll come bring him,

39 Goldenagato |
By his appearance when looking at Tang Hao, he very
obviously wanted to say, ‘if you accompanied him, it would
probably cause delays’.

Tang Hao slightly lowered his head, no longer paying

attention to the village elder.

Tang San, who was nevertheless rather curious, asked:

“Grandpa Jack, what is the awakening ceremony?”

Old Jack sternly said:

“We all have our own spirit, which is finally awakened around
the age of six with the awakening ceremony. Having a spirit, we
can enhance our ability in a certain field. Even an ordinary
spirit can still help. If by any chance you gain a remarkable
spirit, we can speak about conducting cultivation, even to the
extent that you could possibly become a Spirit Master. The
awakening ceremony is held only once every year, I cannot let
you miss it. It’s a lord attendant from Nuoding City’s Spirit Sub-
Hall who personally comes to help our village’s children
awaken. However that lord attendant is considered a Spirit
Grandmaster ranked Spirit Master.”

40 Goldenagato |
When saying the words “Spirit Grandmaster”, there was
obvious admiration in Old Jack’s eyes.

Tang San had only heard a few vague things about Spirit
Masters, so right now he naturally couldn’t let the opportunity
slip by, questioning closely he said:

“What does Spirit Grandmaster mean?”

(斗罗大陆) Also the name of the series, “Douluo Dalu”. “Dou”

means fight, “Luo” means gauze or “to sift”, but may in some
occasions be used as an intensifying particle, or as a phonetic
component. My personal theory is that it’s meant to be read as
“battle sifting continent”, as in a world of advancement through
battle, but that makes for a terrible title.

(Tian dou di guo 天斗帝国) “Heaven Fighting Empire”

(法斯诺行省) No real meaning, but might possibly be read as

“Farsnow province”.

41 Goldenagato |

(魂师) The second character can also mean teacher, expert, or

a number of things.

The character for “holy”, “saint”, and “sage” is the same.

(玄天功) Or “Black Sky Work”

(玄玉手) Or “Black Jade Hand”, “jade hand” is also an

expression for feminine hands, but in this case it’s probably
meant literally.

(唐昊) “Tang Limitless”

(唐三) Same name as in his previous world. The logic behind

naming him after his wife, is that “San (三)” means “three”.



42 Goldenagato |
(暗器百解) Probably rather “Hidden Weapon Hundred

(星罗帝国) Perhaps “Star Sifting Empire”. The Dou in Heaven

Dou and Luo in Star Luo are the characters in Douluo.

200里 = 100 km

(武魂) Literally “martial spirit” or “martial soul”. There are a

bunch of connotations here, but mainly that a “spirit” may be
an inherent quality of each person rather than a separate entity.
“Spirit” is used throughout this translation.

(大魂师) “Great Spirit Master”

43 Goldenagato |
Chapter 2 - Useless Spirit With Innate Full
Spirit Power

Old Jack obviously answered Tang San with great patience. In

his heart, the village’s most intelligent child was none other
than this Tang San. It was truly difficult to imagine that such a
father could have as clever a son as this.

"Spirit Grandmaster is a Spirit Master rank. Spirit Master is

the noblest vocation on our Douluo continent: they can be
formidable champions, they can possess remarkable assisting
ability. But no matter which kind of spirit master, all are sorted
and accorded titles."

"Spirit Masters all possess their own spirit power. Based on

spirit power intensity, these are subdivided into ten general
titles. Each title is further subdivided into ten ranks. At first
after only crossing the threshold, one is called Spirit Scholar. As
soon as a spirit awakens, everyone is a spirit scholar. In the
event that the spirit is capable of cultivation, when the spirit
power reaches the eleventh rank, one can enter the next title,
which in that case is Spirit Master. And Spirit Grandmaster, it is
the third in this sequence of titles. Having reached the Spirit
Grandmaster realm, one already is a fairly famed Spirit Master.
There are a total of ten like this.”

44 Goldenagato |
"Spirit Scholar, Spirit Master, Spirit Grandmaster, Spirit
Elder, Spirit Ancestor, Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, Spirit Sage,
Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo. This is precisely where our
Douluo Continent’s name comes from. It is said that when
attaining the power of a ninetieth ranked Title Douluo, one can
take a title for oneself. They are simply unparallelled existences,

His eyes shone with proud radiance,

"A hundred years ago our Holy Spirit village produced an

eighth ranked Spirit Sage, ah. In all of Nuoding city, even in the
whole Fasinuo region, this is extremely rare."

To the side Tang Hao curled his lip,

"Old Jack, that’s just a legend, nothing more."

Intentionally rubbed the wrong way, Old Jack became


“What are you calling a legend? This legend comes from fact.

45 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao, it’s already been six years since you came to the
village, you ought to realize that the Spirit Sage is part of our
history. If you let me hear you insult the lord Spirit Sage again, I
will banish you from the village. Were it not for little San, you
think I would want to come to your doghouse, huh?”

Tang Hao wasn’t angry, still pounding on the farming tool in

his hand, still looking as if he hadn’t heard Jack’s words.

Jack resolutely glared at him, and facing Tang San, said:

“You mustn’t take after such a dispirited father in the future.

Alright, I’ll leave first, and in three days, I will come get you.”

Having finished talking, Old Jack left the smithy in spitting



Tang San called out.


46 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao coldly shot a glance at him. Catching sight of the
chill in his father’s eyes, Tang San could only swallow back his
words. He returned to his room with a drooping head to
continue striving for ten thousand swings.

At nightfall, after eating dinner, Tang Hao wiped his mouth

and was about to leave as usual; that is to say, this was routine;
going out to drink and drinking the cheapest ale.

“Dad. Wait a moment.”

Tang San, without time to clear away dishes, first called out to
stop Tang Hao.


Tang Hao impatiently glared at him. Even though Tang Hao

had never hit Tang San, for some reason, Tang San innately
held some fear towards this father. For this person of two
lifetimes, he was unable to change this feeling.

47 Goldenagato |
“Those ten thousand blows, I have completed forging them.”

Tang San said.


The look in Tang Hao’s eyes was brilliant, as if it had some


“Fetch it for me to have a look.”


Tang San sprinted back to his room. Very quickly, he came

running out holding a chunk of iron in his hands.

The entire iron chunk was pitch black, and though irregular
in shape, each facet appeared extremely brilliant, a black light
dimly visible within. The entire iron chunk was approximately
one fourth the size of the original, and when Tang San used
Mysterious Heaven skill to hold it he didn’t feel strained by any

48 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao took the pitch black iron chunk into his hands,
raising it before his eyes to carefully study it,

“Do you now understand what I said?”

Tang San nodded,

“When tempered into steel, metal of once insufficient quality

is refined through continuous forging, it changes into high
grade. Dad, did you want to tell me this principle?”

Tang Hao realized that these days, his son caused him quite a
bit of astonishment. Returning the iron chunk to him, he said:

“Then continue. When you have completed forging it to the

size of a fist, bring it to me again.”

Done speaking, he turned around and walked out of the


49 Goldenagato |
According to what he originally said, after forging that iron
lump ten thousand times he would teach Tang San forging, but
now he seemed to have gone back on his promise. But Tang San
didn’t take this to heart, he only thought of Tang Hao’s words.

“Fist size?”

This big iron lump, could it really be forged to the size of a

fist? Despite only being a quarter of the original volume, Tang
San was still very clear that along with continuous forging, as
the iron lump was becoming more and more concentrated,
reducing volume also become even more difficult. Thinking
about forging it to only fist size, it absolutely couldn’t be
accomplished with another ten thousand blows.

After being tempered into steel, what would it become after

another ten thousand blows? Glittering radiance flashed
through Tang San’s eyes, and he staggered slightly as he
dexterously entered his room. Very soon, ting ting dong dong
hammering noises, once more rose from the smithy.

Three days passed very quickly, Tang San still went to the
hilltop in the early morning to do his routine exercise every day,
and returned home afterward. In addition to cooking, he was
also forging, testing his strength against that piece of pig iron.

50 Goldenagato |
Every day the tempo of the beats increased. Mysterious Heaven
Skill helped him recover physical strength quickly, so that he
could especially maintain this continuous forging process.

“Little San, grandpa has come to get you.”

Old Jack punctually came to the smithy, this time he didn’t

even go inside, only calling Tang San from the outside.

Tang San glanced at his father by his side who just now had
eaten. Tang Hao indifferently said:

“Go. Don’t delay midday cooking.”

Tang San promised to be back soon, then left the smithy.

With old Jack leading, Tang San followed him to the Spirit
Hall in the middle of the village. Naturally, this so-called Spirit
Hall was merely a large log cabin, nothing more.

Because everyone had spirits, every year would have children

undergoing spirit awakening. Therefore, Spirit Halls could be

51 Goldenagato |
found everywhere on the Continent. Naturally, these were all
only subsidiary halls, there was a distinct hierarchy.

The village children didn’t have a very good opinion of Tang

San. To favor the rich and disdain the poor is an ability not only
among nobles, among common people the circumstances are
instead even more distinct. With Tang San originally being a
reincarnated person and his real age having long ago exceeded
30, naturally he was also unwilling to come into contact with
these children. To him, spare time was better spent on
cultivation, consequently, he of course never had a childhood

In addition to village elder Jack and eight children present,

there was also one youth in the Spirit Hall. This person
appeared to be just over 20 years old, dashing eyebrows slanting
above starry eyes, his facial features extremely bright and
handsome. He was dressed completely in brilliant white clothes,
a black cloak on his back, and right on the center of his chest,
above his heart, was a palm sized ‘spirit’ character. This was
standard attire for staff directly subordinate to Spirit Hall.

On the left side of the chest was a carved badge with three
crossed long swords. It seemed like Jack knew this kind of Spirit
Master well; three in quantity represented a Spirit Master of
third degree, titled Spirit Grandmaster, and the long swords

52 Goldenagato |
represented this Spirit Hall attendant was a Battle Spirit Master.

“Greetings, esteemed Battle Spirit Grandmaster, this time we

will inconvenience you.”

Old Jack respectfully bowed to the youngster.

The centre of the youngsters forehead betrayed an indifferent

arrogance. Indifferently bowing slightly, he at last returned the

“My time is scarce, let’s begin.”

Old Jack said:

“Very well. Children, this is a Battle Spirit Grandmaster from

Nuoding City. Next, he will guide you to open yourselves to
your spirit. You must cooperate well with the great teacher to
conduct your spirit awakening; grandpa is looking forward to
seeing who among you has the capability to become Spirit

53 Goldenagato |
The youngster somewhat impatiently said:

“Very well, you said the same thing last year. Do you think
becoming a Spirit Master is really that easy? I already passed six
villages, and not one of them had a person with spirit power.
They also didn’t have suitable spirits.”

Old Jack’s eyes showed a trace of dejection, sighing, he said:

“Yes, ah! Only one in very many inherit the aptitude to

actually become a Spirit Master. Among us ordinary people, it is
indeed most difficult.”

Shaking his head, he moved away from the Spirit Hall.

The youngster’s gaze fell on the eight children before him. As

a Spirit Hall inspecting attendant, helping ordinary people
undergo spirit awakening was his compulsory assignment, and
he was long since used to it.

“Children, line up.”

54 Goldenagato |
Towards these children, his manner was quite lukewarm.

The eight children stood in order before the youngster, Tang

San stood at the leftmost side. He was a little thinner and
smaller than other children his age.

The youngster smiled and said:

“I am called Su Yuntao, a twenty sixth ranked Spirit

Grandmaster, and will be your guide. Now, I will have you
undergo spirit awakening one by one. Remember, regardless of
what happens, do not be afraid.”

While speaking, Su Yuntao unfolded a bundle on a desk to one

side, taking out two things from inside: six round pitch-black
stones and one sparkling blue crystal ball.

Su Yuntao placed the six black stones on the ground in the

form of a hexagon, then motioned the first child on the right to
stand inside.

“Don’t be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully.”

55 Goldenagato |
While speaking, Su Yuntao’s eyes suddenly lit up, and before
the children’s appalled eyes, he shouted in a deep voice,

“Lone Wolf Body Enhancement.”

A wisp of thin blue-green light rose from between his

eyebrows, following straight up, entering into the hair knot.

Su Yuntao’s hair was originally black, but just after that blue-
green light poured in, it had turned grey in a flash. Furthermore
it quickly grew longer, and similarly colored fur appeared on
both his uncovered hands. At the same time, his body also
seemed to expand a great deal compared to before, his whole
body swelling with muscle.

The Spirit Hall attire had very good elasticity; it actually

didn’t rip when filling to the point of bursting because of his
body growing large. Su Yuntao’s eyes had already changed to a
faint green color. Sharp claws stretched out from the ten fingers
on both hands, glimmering coolly with a dazzling gleam. Two
concentric halos of light shone brightly up from underfoot,
constantly moving from underfoot to the crown of his head.
Among them one was white, the other one was yellow.
Exceedingly strange.

56 Goldenagato |
The boy he told to stand among the black stones, with eyes
staring at Su Yuntao’s body transforming, suddenly shouted,

“Aaaaah~~~~~~”, about to run away from fear.

The fresh green radiance in Su Yuntao’s eyes was truly

frightening. Catching hold of that child, he said:

“Don’t move. I said not to be afraid. This is my spirit, Lone

Wolf. If one of you is capable of becoming a spirit master in the
future, they will also be able to employ similar abilities.”

The only one not immediately at the height of terror was

Tang San, immediate results appeared all over Su Yuntao’s body
as he transformed.

Instead of astonishment, Tang San’s heart was full of

curiosity, ‘Grey fur appeared all over him, green eyes, these
really are wolf characteristics, could it be that after spirit
possession people transform into wolves? No, not right, it
should be that he possesses a wolf ability, right. Then, within
spirit master vocation, there should be a better use of spirit

57 Goldenagato |
For the first time, Tang San realized, he became interested in
the spirit master vocation. He now already somewhat
impatiently wanted to know what his own spirit was.

As Su Yuntao clapped both hands together, at lightning speed,

six faint green lights poured into the black stones on the
ground. At once, a layer of golden misty light released from the
stones and rose.

For some reason, as the previously noisily crying child was

enveloped in the faint golden light, he immediately became
quiet, just somewhat dully standing there.

Every speck of the golden light came fluttering up from the

black stones, further entering the body of the boy.

The boy's body began to lightly tremble, not knowing

whether to shout or remain quiet.

"Extend your right hand."

58 Goldenagato |
Su Yuntao's two moss green eyes stared fixedly at the boy,
majestically commanding.

The boy extended his right hand with a start, then paused. All
the light specks surged out, instantly a sickle appeared in his

It would appear, that sickle wasn’t any trick of the light, and
rather it truly existed.

Su Yuntao creased his brow,

"It's a Tool Spirit. Can a sickle be regarded as a weapon? It

ought to with effort."

The golden light gradually disappeared. The boy, somewhat

amazed, looked at the not particularly small sickle in his hand,
rather at a loss.

Su Yuntao said:

"Your spirit is Sickle, a Tool Spirit. Come, let me test if you

59 Goldenagato |
have spirit power. If you possess spirit power, even a tool spirit
can undergo Battle Spirit Cultivation. After all, a sickle certainly
has potential for attack."

"Great-, great teacher, what should I do?"

The boy timidly asked.

Su Yuntao coolly said:

"Intentionally recall your spirit. From now try to remember

the time you employed it and use that thought to call it out.”

The boy tried a long time, just to recall the sickle. Su Yuntao’s
hands held the blue crystal ball in front of him, motioning him
to place his right hand on it.

The boy’s immature little hand and Su Yuntao’s wolf claws

above and below the crystal ball respectively, there was a clear

A moment later, Su Yuntao somewhat dejectedly said:

60 Goldenagato |
“No spirit power. You can’t become a Spirit Master. For now,
step aside.

Similar scenes continued to play out, and one after another

five children had their spirits awakened. Their spirits were all a
few pickaxes, sickles and such farm tools. In succession no Beast
Spirit appeared, and as for spirit power, all were judged by Su
Yuntao to be ‘nil’.

When the seventh child’s turn came, this was also the last one
ahead of Tang San.

After sustained use of spirit power, Su Yuntao seemed to

already be rather exhausted, but he still intended to help all
eight children complete the awakening process.

Golden flecks of light gathered, and this once, finally it was no

longer a farm tool, and something different appeared. A small
stem of light blue grass appeared in this girl’s palm, softly
fluttering to and fro.

Tang San vaguely felt that he had himself seen this blue little

61 Goldenagato |
grass before. Very quickly, the thought came to him; this grass
was known as blue silver grass. It showed up everywhere in the
village. Resembling his original world’s green grass, it was just
as widespread, except its vitality was comparatively even more
tenacious. It didn’t really have any other function. Only because
the girl was covered in a layer of pale golden light, he did not
recognize it at first.

Even though it wasn’t a farm tool, the disappointment in Su

Yuntao’s eyes was even more evident,

“It’s a useless spirit. It doesn’t have potential for attack,

doesn’t have defensive power, and doesn’t have assisting ability.
Blue silver grass is also considered as the standard of useless

While speaking, he held out the blue crystal ball to the girl in
accordance with procedure, and just like he predicted, like
before no spirit power appeared.

At long last it was Tang San’s turn, Su Yuntao didn’t have to

speak, he already stepped ahead to stand in the centre of the six
pitch black stones.

62 Goldenagato |
In pace with Su Yuntao’s six streams of spirit power pouring
into them, the pale golden light once more shone up brightly.
Warmth, this was Tang San’s first sensation, as if his whole
body was wrapped up inside a nice and warm world,
unspeakably comfortable. No wonder those children before
could smooth their emotions when wrapped up in the light.

Warm breath permeated into the body, and Tang San

distinctly became aware that his own Mysterious Heaven Skill
internal power seemingly fluctuated. Immediately afterwards,
in that warm energy’s traction, within the body just as if
something had broken, in a split second warm breath surged
towards the palm of his hand.

Su Yuntao’s eyes abruptly shone, because within that golden

light, there appeared so many golden flecks that it was even
more than what all the previous children possessed together. He
faintly sensed, as if a correspondingly powerful spirit would
appear. Excitement showed in his manner.

Speaking of those Spirit Hall attendants responsible for

ordinary people’s spirit awakening, if they could awaken a
potentially outstanding child, then bring him to Spirit Hall,
they could acquire many first class benefits. With regard to
getting promoted it was enormously advantageous.

63 Goldenagato |
But very quickly Su Yuntao lost heart.

Tang San subconsciously lifted his right hand, he saw

something blue. This type of blue had already appeared twice at
the village’s Spirit Hall that day.

Blue silver grass, exactly identical to the previous girl’s blue

silver grass. The standard for useless spirits.

Su Yuntao had no choice but to say:

“Again a useless spirit, it seems. Holy Spirit village this time

was again a waste of time. Ok, children, you can leave.”

The previously great quantity of golden flecks of light that

appeared, at first gave him a great deal of expectations, but
when finally unexpectedly it was merely blue silver grass, the
sense of disparity caused Su Yuntao to feel somewhat in a bad

“Uncle, you still have not let me undergo spirit power test,

64 Goldenagato |
Tang San saw Su Yuntao already wanted to pack up that blue
crystal ball, and hurriedly reminded him.

Su Yuntao said without looking back:

“No need to test. Blue silver grass, for this useless spirit I still
have never seen one instance where spirit power appeared.”

“Let me give it a try, uncle.”

Tang San persistently said. When the golden light brought the
warm feeling inside him, it produced a strange sensation, as if a
great door opened and caused a subtle change in his Mysterious
Heaven skill. At the same time, he also very much wanted to
know, what the actual difference was between his inner
strength and this world’s spirit.

Su Yuntao was dumbfounded all of a sudden, turning around,

to Tang San’s calm and rather steadfast gaze. In his heart
musing, this child was seemingly out of the ordinary.

“Very well.”

65 Goldenagato |
Trying once could not waste much time. While speaking, he
handed over the blue crystal ball to Tang San.

As before, Su Yuntao instructed to withdraw blue silver grass

from within the body. He realized, this really was not difficult;
with respect to Mysterious Heaven Skill control it was similar to
what the skill to withdraw could accomplish. Simultaneously,
he additionally discovered, the moment blue silver grass
appeared, seemingly it also was his Mysterious Heaven skill
pouring out, and like that blue little grass became condensed
through Mysterious Heaven skill.

With his palm just about to touch the blue crystal ball, Tang
San’s body fiercely trembled all of a sudden. He was shocked to
discover, that seemingly very beautiful blue crystal ball
unexpectedly possessed tremendous attraction, his inner
strength surging out as if finding an outlet. He wanted to
struggle free, but no matter how he tried he was unable to
escape out that strong attraction.

Su Yuntao was similarly amazed. To think that this situation

would arise while the last spirit power test of this Holy Spirit
village’s was taken. Suddenly, the blue crystal ball in his hand
began to shine, dazzling blue light starting from a point spread
in a flash. In an eye blink, this crystal ball looked just like it was

66 Goldenagato |
a resplendent gem giving off sparkling luminescence. A cool
blue flare showed, unspeakably moving.

In accordance with the traditional test, as long as the crystal

ball gave some response, even a single trace of radiance, it
would prove by test that spirit power existed, and at present the
blue crystal ball radiated such dazzling radiance that there was
only one explanation.

“Heavens, it actually is innate full spirit power.”

Blue green light released again from Su Yuntao’s body, and

the crystal ball shot out from Tang San’s palm. At this moment,
he saw before his eyes this boy’s gaze had already become
completely different. It seemingly resembled the appearance of
a monster.

Tang San naturally also noticed that his situation was

different from the other children’s test. Feeling uncertain, he

“Uncle, what is innate full spirit power?”

67 Goldenagato |
Su Yuntao dully looked at him, and subconsciously explained:

“For everyone at the time of spirit awakening, apart from a

spirit’s form, while deciding whether it is big and powerful, the
amount of spirit power is also extremely important. Vast
amount of people at the time of spirit awakening do not have
spirit power, like the several children before this. They are
destined to be unable to become spirit masters in their lifetime.
But provided spirit power appears, even if only a little, anyone
can undergo meditation cultivation. And at the time of spirit
awakening the spirit power amount is crucial for setting spirit
master cultivation starting level. With higher spirit power level,
acquired cultivation rate is greater. Moreover, because of
starting level, the fundamentals will naturally also be practiced
earlier than others. What is known as innate full spirit power is
that at the time of spirit awakening, one is innately capable of
attaining the highest spirit power.”

“Highest spirit power?”

Tang San looked at Su Yuntao, his heart swirling. He did not

know what his spirit power was, but it could certainly be, that
the testing blue crystal ball absorbed his internal strength from
Mysterious Heaven skill. Could it be said that, his internal
strength in this world transformed into spirit power?

68 Goldenagato |
Perhaps it was because Tang San’s innate full spirit power
caused no small shock to Su Yuntao, but he did not mind taking
the trouble to explain:

“Our spirit is graded like this: every ten ranks is a title. After
spirit awakening, one can automatically be known as spirit
scholar. Of course, only a first level spirit scholar. In accordance
with spirit strength intensity it is subdivided into ranks. What is
meant by innate full spirit strength is that exactly after
awakening, spirit strength level is innately the highest tenth
rank. I still have never come across a person with innate full
spirit strength; originally when I awakened, I also was only
second rank spirit power, nothing more.”

Tang San had already collected himself by now. It was very

difficult to find a true spirit master, so he naturally was unable
to give up, and hurriedly asked his inner heart’s doubt,

“Innate spirit strength can only be tenth rank? It cannot be


The blue green light around Su Yuntao’s whole body

disappeared, withdrawing his spirit body possession,

69 Goldenagato |
“Of course not. A spirit master’s strength cannot be promoted
that easily. During each advancement of title, not only must
spirit power first reach the summit of the title, furthermore one
must obtain a spirit ring. Without a spirit ring, even if you
further make great efforts with cultivation, it is still impossible
to enter the next title. Just for instance like you right now,
because you have already attained innate full spirit power.
Therefore, if you want to continue promoting your spirit power,
instead of meditation, you must first obtain a spirit ring. After
entering into the lower levels of the second title, you will be
able to continue meditation cultivation.”

Tang San suddenly said:

“Spirit ring, like the halo around your body just now? You are
26th rank, therefore have two spirit rings.”

Su Yuntao nodded, said:

“Exactly like that. Your circumstances are very exceptional,

innate full spirit power is a rare once in a hundred year gift. It’s
a pity, truly is a pity. Unexpectedly it is a useless spirit. Even if
your spirit were only a farm tool, it would be stronger compared
to blue silver grass. In that case, I could…..”

70 Goldenagato |
He did not say more, but Tang San also faintly understood his
meaning, only in his heart, a covering veil was lifted.

Tang San had always been a person good at contemplation. In

his previous life he was like that, in this life he was still like
that. According to what Su Yuntao said, in his case spirit
strength truly was linked with internal strength. That is, after
arriving in this world, cultivation of internal strength became
spirit strength, and the reason why his Mysterious Heaven skill
was unable to enter the secondary tier, was exactly because of
this so called spirit ring. To be precise, if he wanted to further
improve, he must become like a spirit master to obtain spirit
ring. But what is a spirit ring?

Tang San properly thought it through before continuing

asking. But Su Yuntao had already picked up the bundle and
headed to leave.

“Old Jack.”

Door open, old Jack with a tense face went to meet Su Yuntao.

“Grandmaster, what do you think. Do this year’s village

children possibly have capability of becoming spirit masters?”

71 Goldenagato |
Su Yuntao looked at him, made a sighing sound, and said:

“There is one who does, only it’s a pity.”

In Jack’s eyes revealed a bewildered indeterminate

expression. Enquiring further, he asked:

“Grandmaster, that outcome is……”

Su Yuntao said:

“This year among these eight children, only one possess spirit
power, and even innate full spirit power, it’s too bad, his spirit
is blue silver grass. You understand?”

“Blue silver grass? Innate full spirit power? Heavens.”

On Jack’s face was a downcast expression which was much

more grave compared to Su Yuntao. He who had been village
chief for so many years, naturally understood what significance

72 Goldenagato |
innate full spirit power represented. But this innate full spirit
power appeared with blue silver grass spirit; that truly was……

“Grandmaster, blue silver grass truly has no way of


Jack asked with a frown.

Su Yuntao could understand old Jack’s state of mind. Instead

of his earlier arrogant manner, patting old Jack’s shoulder, he

“It is not entirely unable to cultivate. Only, you consider blue

silver grass in rate of spirit promotion; what can evolution
accomplish? Useless spirits are in the end useless spirits. Even
while becoming a spirit master, he probably will be a useless
spirit master. This innate full spirit power truly is a pity. Well
then, I will leave first, I must still go to another village.”

Su Yuntao in the end did not wait for Tang San to continue
asking questions, departing from the village. With no Su
Yuntao, Tang San could only run to Jack outside, asking his
most urgent question,

73 Goldenagato |
“Jack grandpa, what is a spirit ring? How can one obtain a
spirit ring?”

Old Jack, as if still thinking over Su Yuntao’s words,

subconsciously answered:

“I also do not know what spirit ring is. In order to obtain

spirit ring, one seemingly must hunt spirit beasts. This is very a
very dangerous task that only spirit masters are capable of.”


74 Goldenagato |
Chapter 3 - Twin Spirits


Spirit ring, spirit beast, these two completely new terms

resounded continuously in Tang San’s mind. Although he
wasn’t completely sure that his surmise was correct, but since
Mysterious Heaven Skill was unable to break through the
bottleneck all along, this spirit ring clearly was a breakthrough.

By now, Jack had already recovered, lowering his head to

regard Tang San, and said astonished:

“Little San, you couldn’t be that innate full spirit power blue
silver grass child mentioned by the grandmaster.”

Tang San nodded, said:

“It’s me.”

Old Jack crouched down, and faced Tang San. Looking at him,
Jack said,

75 Goldenagato |
“Little San, I did not expect your talents to be so remarkable.
It’s too bad, you have that father who doesn’t have good spirit
to pass on to you. Otherwise, perhaps you truly could become
our village’s second spirit saint. You tell grandpa whether or not
you want to go to a special school to study spirit master
cultivation method. Only that place has access to the most
accurate knowledge about spirits.”

By now, inside Tang San, a strong interest toward spirits had

already appeared, especially the relation between spirits and his
own Mysterious Heaven skill, but he still did not have a definite
answer immediately.

“Grandpa Jack, not until I ask dad.”

Jack suddenly realised, even an intelligent child is after all

still a child, and no matter how he puts it they must also go to
consult Tang Hao’s opinion.

In his eyes was a rather steadfast light. Even though he truly

did not want to go see that slovenly apparition, for the sake of
the village to be able to once again produce a spirit master, he
would stop at nothing.

76 Goldenagato |
“Go, little San. Grandpa will accompany you back home.”

Old Jack stealthily returned without the other children,

letting their parents collect them, and took only this Tang San
back to the smithy.

Before noon was Tang Hao’s routine nap time, and the smithy
was very quiet.

“Tang Hao, Tang Hao.”

Old Jack did not care whether Tang Hao was asleep.
Concerning this slovenly blacksmith, he truly loathed him very
much. Were he not forging farm tools very cheaply, he wanted
to kick Tang Hao out of the village long ago.

At the same time as calling Tang Hao, old Jack looked around
everywhere, at first wanting to find a chair to sit on, but seeing
those broken tattered worn out things, he prudently did not
have the courage to pull one over. His age was already not
inconsiderable, and he had a thought that if he fell in here he
would not only pull muscles or break bones.

77 Goldenagato |
“Who is making such a fuss?”

Tang Hao’s somewhat angry voice resounded. Pushing aside

inner room door curtain, he unhurriedly came out.

He first caught sight of his son, only then shifting his gaze to

“Old Jack, what are you doing?”

Jack angrily said:

“Today is the day of your son’s spirit awakening. Don’t you

know how important this is? Other people’s families have both
parents accompanying. You should go as well, and it still is like

Tang Hao, ignoring Jack’s taunts as usual, his gaze once again
shifted to his son,

“Little San, your spirit awakened? What is it?”

78 Goldenagato |
Tang San said:

“Dad, it’s blue silver grass.”

“Blue silver grass?”

For some reason, despite being disinterested in other matters

all along, once Tang Hao heard these three words, his body
suddenly trembled all at once, and in his eyes also showed a
trace of sparkling brilliance.

Tang Hao’s expression changed, only paying attention to Tang

San. Old Jack naturally didn’t care what the slovenly
blacksmith’s expression was, and immediately said:

“Though it’s blue silver grass, but little San still has innate
full spirit power. Tang Hao, I’ve decided that this year our
village’s one student quota goes to Tang San. Let him go to
Nuoding city primary spirit master academy to study. The
village will guarantee the costs.”

79 Goldenagato |
“Blue silver grass, blue silver grass.”

Tang Hao again and again murmured these few words,

abruptly lifting his head. In his eyes showed a strong light Tang
San had never seen before. He said quietly:

“Won’t do.”

“What did you say? I heard it wrong.”

Jack dug in his ear, taken aback staring at Tang Hao,

“You should know just how valuable this opportunity is. Even
if our Holy Spirit village produced a spirit saint once upon a
time, every one year we also only have one student quota. For
other villages, more than two or three villages have to share one
person’s quota, don’t you know? This is a good opportunity.
Perhaps little San is capable of becoming an exalted master.”

Tang Hao looked at Jack with cold eyes,

“What use is being exalted? I just know that if he leaves, no

80 Goldenagato |
one will make me food. Blue silver grass, what do you think
cultivating blue silver grass can accomplish? That is only a
useless spirit.”

Old Jack forcefully said:

“But he has innate full spirit power, as long as he is able to

obtain a spirit ring, even if it’s the least quality spirit ring, he is
also immediately capable of becoming a spirit master. Spirit
master, you understand? Our village already has not produced a
spirit master in so many years.”

Tang Hao coolly said:

“This just now is your true purpose. Saying it won’t do, means
it won’t do. You can leave.”


In old Jack’s mind flames of fury already burned to the


81 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao as before had a listless expression,

“No need to be that loud, I’m not deaf yet. I said: you can go.”

“Grandpa Jack, you please don’t take offense. I still won’t go

to study spirit master abilities. Dad is right, blue silver grass is
only a useless spirit. Thank you for your good intentions.”

Although Jack loathed Tang Hao the most, he was still

extraordinarily fond of the intelligent Tang San, and his chest
filled with burning fury was gradually pacified. He sighed

“Good child, grandpa isn’t angry. Well then, grandpa will


Saying so, he turned around and headed out.

Tang San hurriedly saw him out. Dad could ignore him, but
Jack was the village elder, who also treated him very well.
Courtesy to him was absolutely not a small thing.

82 Goldenagato |
Jack walked to the smithy’s door and stopped, turning to look
in Tang Hao’s direction, saying sincerely and earnestly:

“Tang Hao, all your life will come to an end like this, but little
San is still young. Should you not consider giving him some
means of making a living? Don’t hold him back. Then at least he
will not end up in the same situation as you afterwards. If you
change your decision come to find me, ok. There is still three
months before this year’s Nuoding spirit master primary
academy enrollment.”

As Tang San saw off old Jack, his heart had also fallen many
times. After all, Su Yuntao's words of spirit rings could have
some bearing on his Mysterious Heaven skill breakthrough
problem. But he did not let this affect his behaviour very much,
he believed he still had a chance.

Unhurriedly he went back to the smithy. Tang Hao unusually

had not returned to the inner room to continue sleeping, and
was rather sitting on a chair with eyes closed and resting.

"Dad, you can go back to the inner room to sleep a moment, I

will go prepare the midday meal."

83 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao, his eyes still closed, indifferently said,

"Do you also feel very disappointed? You also want to go

become a spirit master?"

Tang San was taken aback somewhat,

"It's not important, dad. Becoming a blacksmith is also good,

it can also support us. You promised me to teach me how to
forge farm tools, right? "

Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes. In the center of his eyes,
Tang San saw an agitated mood. Unconsciously, Tang Hao's
right fist was already held tight, and his face which already
appeared grey and old showed a trace of ice cold air,

“Spirit master? What use is becoming a spirit master? Not to

mention a mere waste spirit, even the fiercest spirit or the most
powerful spirit is of what use? Still only a good for nothing,
that's all. "

Tang Hao's mood was very agitated, his whole body

quivering.Tang San saw in his father’s eyes something

84 Goldenagato |

Running over, Tang San gripped Tang Hao’s fist,

“Dad, don’t be angry, I don’t want to go be a spirit master. I’ll

always accompany you and make you food.”

Taking a deep breath, Tang Hao’s agitation left as quickly as it

came, and he calmly said:

“Bring out your spirit and let me have a look.”


Tang San nodded, lifting his right hand. Within his body
Mysterious Heaven skill quietly pushed, and within his
consciousness he felt a peculiar warm current permeated with
Mysterious Heaven Skill. Pale blue radiance appearing at the
palm of his hand, in an instant, a blue delicate little grass
already appeared.

Staring dazedly at the blue silver grass in Tang San’s hand,

85 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao was in a spell of absentmindedness, for a long time
until he gradually recovered. Bright eyes and swallowing hard,
he murmured in a low voice:

“Blue silver grass; it really is blue silver grass. And the same as

Abruptly, Tang Hao vigorously stood up and walked over to

the inner room, the sudden movement nearly causing him to
fall over in front of Tang San, the blue silver grass spirit in his
hand dissolving on its own.


Tang Hao impatiently waved his hand,

“Don’t disturb me.”

While speaking, he already entered through the inner room

door curtain.

“But, I still have another spirit.”

86 Goldenagato |
Tang San still knew after today’s spirit awakening that his
case was out of the ordinary. He had not put this question to Su
Yuntao or old Jack; after all, those both were only strangers,
nothing more.


【Tang Sect Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record general

principles, first point: Never let a person you cannot completely
trust know how much strength you really possess.】


Tang San had already completely learned the Mysterious

Heaven Treasure Record by heart, and he was even more
absolutely persistent in adhering to the general principles.

The door curtain was violently pushed aside, and Tang Hao
again emerged into the outer room, his face already full of a
shocked expression. His two eyes were red, as if crying just a
moment ago.

87 Goldenagato |
Tang San did not open his mouth, rather like a moment ago
he had raised the right hand, and he slowly raised his left hand.
This time, instead of a blue light, faint black light bubbled out
from the center of his palm, in a brilliant flash condensing, as a
bizarre thing appeared in his hand.

That was an entirely pitch black hammer. The hammer

handle was about half a chi in length, with a cylindrical
hammerhead. It would appear to resemble a smaller version of
the forging hammer, yet that hammer’s pitch black surface had
a peculiar light, and on the cylindrical hammerhead coiled a
faint circle of a decorative pattern.

For some reason, just as the hammer appeared on the middle

of Tang San’s hand, all the air in the room seemed somewhat
heavy, and Tang San just as if unable to bear the weight of that
little hammer could only hold it, his arm slowly drooping. His
facial expression had already become somewhat pale.

Different from the blue silver grass which seemed not to

require depleting Mysterious Heaven Skill, when this black
little hammer appeared, it practically sucked up Tang San’s own
internal strength. He also could only with effort manage to keep
his grip tight on the hammer handle. Although it would appear
that the hammer was very small, but in fact its weight surpassed
that of the forging hammer by far.

88 Goldenagato |
“This, this is……”

Tang Hao was less than one step forward in front of Tang San,
and grabbed hold of the hammer in his hands to bring before his
face. Tang Hao’s hands had great strength, at least Tang San no
longer felt that his arm held such a great burden.

Just as Tang Hao gripped his hand, a kind feeling like warm
blood rushing through his veins made a part of Tang San’s heart

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

Looking at that black little hammer, the agitated radiance

which had vanished appeared in Tang Hao’s eyes once more,

“Twin spirits. It’s actually twin spirits. Son, my son.”

Abruptly, Tang Hao spread his strong arms, and tightly

hugged Tang San to his chest.

89 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao’s chest was very wide. Perhaps because of his long
work as a blacksmith, even though on the surface he looked
very sluggish, the muscles on his body certainly had not
lessened over the years, and being held in his arms was very
warm. That kind of paternal love brought a sense of security
that was irreplaceable.


Tang San stopped, rather dumbfounded. As far as he could

remember, this was the first time Tang Hao had hugged him in
this way.

The hammer in his hand seemed to become heavier and

heavier, and even though Tang San very much liked the
warmth from this paternal love, he even more did not want the
iron hammer to slip out of his hand and smash his father.

“Dad, I can’t hold on.”

Tang San could not bear to say these words.

Tang Hao released his arms,

90 Goldenagato |
“Withdraw it.”

Dispersing in black light, the weight disappeared. Tang San’s

heart felt very odd; this hammer undoubtedly was a hybrid with
his Mysterious Heaven Skill exceptional inner strength, but why
was he still unable to lift it? What else made him astounded was
that after summoning that little hammer, his inner strength
actually was nearly completely used up.

Tang San had never seen his father’s facial expression so rich.
Every kind of complex emotion appeared on Tang Hao’s face,
and after a long time, he could slowly utter a sentence,

“Remember, in the future, you must use the hammer in your

left hand to protect well the grass in your right hand. Forever.”

Tang San nodded without understanding the reason. Tang

Hao stood up, going straight back to the inner room.

While preparing the midday meal, Tang San at the same time
pondered on how this day he came into contact with the spirit
world. Twin spirits, seemingly in this world very few should

91 Goldenagato |
exist, otherwise father could not have been shocked in that way.
It looked as if this hammer spirit of his seemed to move him
very greatly.

Concerning what he said, what was nevertheless also

important was that spirits were interconnected with Mysterious
Heaven skill. In his case since this spirit ring was precisely the
key to his inability to break through Mysterious Heaven Skill,
then, no matter how, he would have to think of a way to get a
spirit ring to test at some time.

At the midday meal, Tang Hao seemed very taciturn, his

appetite also seemed a great deal smaller than before. His gaze
frequently fell on Tang San, seemingly hesitating about

Having finished the midday meal, Tang San as usual prepared

to tidy away the dishes, but Tang Hao asked him to stop.

“Wait a moment before you tidy up, ok. Little San, I ask you,
do you want to become a spirit master?”

Tang San was dazed for a moment, looking towards Tang Hao,
unwilling to deceive his father. He hesitated for a moment, and

92 Goldenagato |
finally nodded.

Tang Hao heaved a sigh, his face seeming even older,

“In the end you still head for this path.”

He only spoke this sentence, then returned to his room.

Tang San realized, when Tang Hao sighed, he felt were

disappointed but nevertheless his expression was more
gratified. He understood that in his father’s heart seemed to be
many hidden things.

Clearing away all the dishes, Tang San returned to his room
and continued his work. With the collision between forging
hammer and iron chunk, clanking noises resounded. Although
he did not know at what time this chunk of pig iron could
become the fist size that Tang Hao demanded, but this type of
forging had a not inconsiderable benefit regarding increasing
his Mysterious Heaven skill, and regarding his physical training
the effect was also pretty good. Tang San already started trying
to exhaust less Mysterious Heaven skill inner strength when
wielding the iron hammer if possible. This way, he could
maintain the time he could successively swing the hammer even

93 Goldenagato |

From noon he beat another three hundred times, perceiving

that every now and then a few impurities had been driven out of
the chunk of iron. Lifting the door curtain, Tang Hao entered.
This afternoon he seemingly had not forged any farm tools, at
least Tang San had not heard the familiar beating sounds.


Tang San looked in his father’s direction, halting the hammer

in his hands and lowering it.

Tang Hao motioned him to continue, walking near to stand

calmly at one side. He did not start to speak, only looked at him.

Tang San only then continued to wield the hammer. By now

his clothes were already soaked with sweat. With his current
inner strength, he still could not adapt to the temperature level,
let alone this absolutely heavy physical labour.

Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang…… The beating sound

unceasingly resounded, Tang San’s small body with the iron

94 Goldenagato |
hammer in his hands definitely could not be proportional, but
every time the iron hammer swung it nevertheless acted

Tang Hao in his heart said, ‘innate superhuman strength and

additionally innate full spirit power, no wonder he is able to
swing the iron hammer inspite of being this small.’ Old Jack’s
words might be correct; he should not let his dispiritedness
affect this child’s growth and the road from here, even if he
himself left.

Looking at Tang San dripping with sweat, Tang Hao finally

set his determination.

“Pause a moment.”

Tang Hao started to speak.

Tang San lowered the iron hammer in his hands, faintly

panting somewhat, quietly urging his body’s Mysterious Heaven
skill to adjust his breathing, in order to recover his physical

95 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao walked over in front of Tang San, taking the iron
hammer in his hands, and looked at the stove where the iron
chunk was glowing red hot in the fire,

“Beating it like this, even with a year it could not become fist

Tang san faced up, looking at his tall and big father,

“Then how should I do it?”

Tang Hao indifferently said:

“Tell me, when you swing the forging hammer to beat it, at
what part of the body does the strength first come from?”

Tang San thought, then said:

“It should be the waist, right. From the waist through the
back, then afterwards along the arm to raise the forging

96 Goldenagato |
Tang Hao did not confirm nor deny Tang San’s statement, but
continued asking,

“Of the human body apart from the brain, which part is the
most important?”

“It’s the heart.”

Tang San replied without the slightest hesitation. The heart

and the brain could similarly cause instant death, and while the
brain still had the skull for protection, the heart had only skin
and muscle, nothing more. As a Tang Sect disciple, he was very
clear on the human body’s composition, and using hidden
weapons to pierce an enemy’s heart was the most effective and
fastest method to cause fatality.

Tang Hao paused for a moment, then said:

“Then you tell me how many hearts a person has.”


97 Goldenagato |
Tang San, taken aback, looked at him, rather at a loss. Saying
how many hearts a person had?

“Answer me.”

Tang Hao coldly looked at him, his figure giving off pressure
that caused Tang San to be unable to breathe.


Tang Hao shook his head, saying:

“No, you’re mistaken. Remember, people have three hearts,

not one.”


Tang San stared dumbstruck at Tang Hao, not understanding

what he meant.

Tang Hao reversed his grip on the iron hammer, using the

98 Goldenagato |
handle to poke both Tang San’s calves,

“Here. On people’s two calf muscles, in other words, are the

second and third hearts. If a person wants to bring out one's
entire physical strength, in that case, he must use three hearts
simultaneously to have a result. Therefore, when bringing out
strength, it definitely does not stem from the lower back. The
three hearts is the correct starting point.”

“When the heart inside your chest beats rapidly, power

originating from the two calves, force transmits up, reaching
the thigh, passing through the waist, back, arm, and finally
releasing. This is how to hit with all one's strength. Hearts give
force, the waist is the axis. Watch.”

Tang Hao raised the hammer in his hand, making Tang San
draw back several steps. At the same time, the hammer in his
hand already changed direction to return, and with a deep loud
shout, his body half turning, both legs sticking firmly to the
ground, uncovered by tattered trouser legs both calves
momentarily tensed, his whole person resembling a fierce tiger
ready to spring. Legs emitting strength, waist twisting, and the
forging hammer was invisible in the midst of already being
brought back down, with a clanging sound. Heavily coming
down on top of the red hot chunk of pig iron.

99 Goldenagato |
Tang San could completely feel that this was only a single
person emitting physical strength. Tang Hao didn’t have
internal strength, and even further he had not released some
kind of spirit power. This was entirely the strength of the
human body, and that chunk of previously red hot iron, still
had completely caved in nearly a third from the smash, the
deformation was extremely distinct.

“With the lower legs emitting strength, controlling the body’s

strength to successfully link it into a whole, is how to go all

Tang Hao passed the iron hammer into Tang San’s hands,

“You do it.”


Tang San hadn’t thought that forging also had this kind of
striking method. This simple method of emitting strength could
not only be used for forging, it should also be able to be used for
his Tang sect martial arts.

100 Goldenagato |

Both hands gripping the hammer handle, imitating Tang
Hao’s posture from before, Tang San’s both eyes firmly fixed on
the red hot iron chunk. Mysterious Heaven skill slowly working
deep in his lower legs, both feet firmly gripping the ground.

Tang San shouted loudly, the physical power of the legs

together with the Mysterious Heaven skill power burst from the
lower legs, spreading in a flash, waist turning, through the
back, across both shoulders, further into the arms. He distinctly
felt as if his strength had become more powerful than ever
before, that starting via the lower legs erupting up until the
arms swinging the iron hammer, his body seemingly wanted to
fly from this great force.

Dang~~~~~~, the iron hammer accurately smashed down on

the iron lump, emitting a loud sound.

Because of Tang San’s whole body swinging the iron hammer

both his feet left the ground, staggering forward a step. The iron
hammer rebounded back up, and even though he had
Mysterious Jade Hands, his hands certainly did not have any
trouble, but both arms suffered a burst of tingling from the
shock of the rebound. Fortunately Mysterious Heaven skill
worked without delay, and the tingling sensation gradually

101 Goldenagato |

The result was obvious, despite Tang San’s age. Adding on
Mysterious Heaven skill, that this result was inferior to Tang
Hao was clear, but compared to his previous hits, this effect was
even more than could be made with ten before.

Seeing Tang San’s movement, Tang Hao certainly did not give
praise, but in his eyes flashed a trace of an astonished look.
Tang San’s work was clearly beyond what he had anticipated.
Tang Hao did not expect Tang San to actually master this force
emitting method in this short time.

He also did not know that Tang San had all along
painstakingly cultivated Tang sect martial arts, not only having
Mysterious Heaven skill foundation, but Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track and
additionally Mysterious Jade Hand, making his coordination
ability by far surpass others his age. Since his understanding of
the body also was not lacking, this strength emitting technique
was naturally easy to grasp. Of course, since that was the first
time, his wielding was still not skillful.

“Dad, did I do it right?”

Tang Hao slowly nodded,

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“You understand the effect of the heart? Humans employ the
most muscle precisely in calves, so the calves are the source of
all strength. Use the power of the lower legs well, gathering
strength to greatly increase effort.”

While speaking, Tang Hao walked to the side of the bellows

and sat down, and from under the bellows pulled out something
forged from pig iron: two foot pedal like objects. Tang Hao held
them to connect under the bellows, and used both his hands to
draw the bellows closed,

“In forging, the effect of the bellows is also especially

significant. Fully heated metal can be forged even better, and
this can cause its toughness to become even stronger. Any block
of metal, even if it is very impure metal, it all also has its own
soul. If the temperature is inadequate, and when forging if too
much physical strength is used it will shatter. Like that, even if
melted and reforged this chunk of metal is still only waste.
Therefore, when you use all your strength to hammer an iron
chunk, you must maintain its temperature well. Pumping
bellows is similarly also using the power of the lower legs. Not
only can you as far as possible preserve physical strength, you
can also cause the bellows effect to reach the greatest

Both feet pressing down on the pedals, he abruptly released

103 Goldenagato |

his strength. Starting at the legs, the whole body rapidly
bounced back, both arms naturally driving the bellows handles
to open, legs straightening and bending, again bringing the
handles back. Between coming and returning, the bellows
operated at full strength. Tang Hao’s movements certainly did
not appear swift, but every one brought into play the bellows to
the utmost. The muscles on the calf lead down, and as his body
with the bellows took on a particular kind of rhythm, flames
suddenly leapt up from the centre of the furnace, the iron chunk
at once burned a fierce red.

“You come draw the bellows, according to my movements just


Tang Hao gave over his seat to Tang San.

Having previously experienced wielding the iron hammer and

carefully observing, Tang San sat on Tang Hao’s previous seat,
very quickly grasping the method to work the bellows, although
still somewhat jerky. But he attentively noted that every time
strength released, it started from the lower legs. Sure enough,
as Tang Hao said, not only did he save very much of his physical
strength, but the result as compared to before was also
incomparably better.

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Tang Hao held Tang San’s forging hammer, and coolly said:

“Using all your strength in wielding the hammer to forge can

fully bring your physical strength into use. But equally, with the
hammer’s descent, the force from the rebound can create a very
great load on you. In the event of being without a suitable
guiding method, it is easy to injure yourself, and it can also
cause part of the physical strength to be wasted, unable to act on
the metal. Following my movement you must attentively
observe, this is the key to whether you can beat this lump of pig
iron into fist size in a short time.”

Inhaling deeply, Tang Hao’s eyes focused. Following Tang

San’s working on the bellows, the whole iron lump already
burned an intense red, blazing flames leapt up, causing the
inside of the room to grow exceedingly scorching hot.

As Tang Hao moved, his motion did not seem to be any

different from before, from leg to waist, waist to back, back to
arms, with a clanging sound the iron hammer pounded down on
the iron chunk.

Just as the iron hammer bounced up from the reaction force,

Tang Hao abruptly made a turn, with the lower legs emitting
power as before. The rebound swing of the hammer already

105 Goldenagato |

rising, he wielded it in a circle overhead, bringing a sharp sound
of wind, and again came a loud sound as it struck iron chunk.
Not only was the speed of this strike remarkable, but the
physical force was also stronger compared to the first.

The iron hammer rebounded up high, and Tang Hao’s

movement with the magnitude of the iron hammer’s rise
seemingly attained a kind of perfect harmony. Not early not
late, just in the split second the iron hammer reached its
upward peak, his body drove the iron hammer in a full circle, to
once again smash down.

Tang San’s eyes shone. This was unmistakably a method to

leverage force, utilizing the rebound force from the impact
between hammer and metal and converting it into downward
force. The motion was perfectly coordinated in order to the
greatest degree avoid being harmed from the rebound force, and
instead transforming this physical force to especially add to the
hit. Starting from the second strike, the physical force of every
hit surpassed Tang Hao’s full strength, but was still under his

Tang Hao moved faster and faster, the forging hammer

lashing down on the iron chunk like a violent storm, the iron
chunk continuously being deformed by the beats of the forging
hammer. It was shocking, the precision of Tang Hao’s strikes

106 Goldenagato |

was unreal. Every time the iron chunk was hit it was reduced to
half its former thickness, and when it started to become flat, the
forging hammer in his hand would at once hit the iron chunk’s
edge, causing it to flip. Thus, the iron chunk was evenly
enduring his hammer blows, and was not simply pounded into
an iron flat cake.

In a flash, the hammer had already struck thirty six times, and
Tang Hao’s both hands drove the iron hammer to spin overhead
successively in three circles. Not until the force of the hammer
was dispersed, did he stand down the hammer. His face not red,
breath not laboured, as if that previous mad storm of blows had
not been produced by him at all.

The whole iron chunk, after just thirty six blows in the whole
small circle, with the naked eye it was actually already hard to
see any impurities within.

This just now was true blacksmith mastery, a beautiful

hammer method.


Tang Hao looked at Tang San who was unceasingly pumping

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the bellows.

Tang San thought, then said:

“Leverage the force, I understand the principle. Only, this

seems to be not simple at all.”

Tang Hao indifferently said:

“If you want to accomplish my kind of level, there is only one

way: skill comes from practice. Furthermore, you must bear in
mind, if you are striking a piece of common metal, then when it
is the most impure, it is also most likely to shatter. At that time,
when you beat it the physical force must be smaller, and as its
impurities gradually decrease, your physical force can begin to
gradually increase to maintain the effect of the strikes. This way
of dynamic control is pivotal. You slowly practice by yourself,
ok. Don’t blindly increase force and speed: accuracy is equally
important. At least you must understand the hammer’s descent,
unless you can hit any place, what use is more physical

With the weight of the forging hammer returned into Tang

San’s hands, Tang Hao turned and left.

108 Goldenagato |

‘Father did not go back on his word, he really taught his
forging methods, and also, from father teaching his point of
view on these things, any profession all have their own
profound mysteries, they are all not so simple.’

In the next half months’ time, Tang San everyday practiced

the force borrowing hammer forging method Tang Hao taught
him. Despite having Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to
assist his strength control, and having Purple Demon Eye to
determine the position of his hammer blows, this forging
method was still more difficult to master than he could have

Since it was hitting with all his strength, using full strength
was in itself very hard to control. Drawing strength from the
rebound, and again controlling the body’s balance in order to
position the hammer blow was extremely difficult. With
increasing hits, the required essential force control increased
somewhat, and the body’s unceasing rotation could not only
cause a sense of dizziness, but at the same time the force of each
falling strike also became even harder to control.

Fortunately, he had already been striking that chunk of iron

for a very long time, so its impurities were already very few and

109 Goldenagato |

it was not so easy to shatter. Otherwise he would not be able to
control the weight of that forging hammer, and would probably
already have smashed it to pieces.

But, in the middle of this practice course, Tang San’s use of

Mysterious Heaven Skill, as well as Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon, Mysterious Jade Hands with Purple Demon Eye’s
coordination, all advanced unnoticed.

From the first day when he was only able to swing twice
before starting to deviate in position, up until today half a
month later, he could already continuously swing seven times,
accurately striking the iron chunk without error. The
improvement was extremely obvious. At the same time, the iron
chunk under his full strength beating became smaller and
smaller; every day brought results.

Of course, this also had an inseparable connection with that

lower leg force generating method. With this kind of force
generating method, he could greatly reduce the consumption of
the Mysterious Heaven Skill, enabling Tang San to have even
more time to pump the bellows and forge.

Originally his father swung the hammer thirty six times, but
also it would appear that he had surplus energy. He himself

110 Goldenagato |

could only swing seven times, he didn’t know when he could
reach his father’s level. Every time Tang San thought about
this, he immediately had additional motivation to practice.

These days, as if he had forgotten about spirits and spirit

rings, when cultivating Purple Demon Eye on the mountain top
in the early morning, he also deeply thought about the problem
of how to swing the hammer.

Three months’ time passed very quickly, and just as Tang San
could begin to wield the hammer thirteen times, Tang Hao
began to instruct him on how to forge tools. Tang Hao’s
teaching method was very direct: exactly like before he would
do it once, then let Tang San do it again, and as long as he saw
some of the basics were learnt he did not interfere with his
practice, never having many words of direction. Only at crucial
parts, did he say a few words.

Precisely because of this, every time Tang Hao gave pointers,

Tang San remembered it all the more clearly.

111 Goldenagato |

Chapter 4 - Otherworldly Tang San’s First
Hidden Weapon

Early morning, Tang San returned feeling refreshed from the

mountaintop to make breakfast. Since he used Purple Demon
Eye every day, and also unceasingly cultivated in the morning,
Purple Demon Eye had already made significant progress
compared to before. His eyesight was already capable of clearly
seeing the minute motion of a mosquito flapping its wings
within ten meters. If not for Mysterious Heaven skill being
unable to break through the bottleneck, Tang San believed, his
progress in other aspects would be even greater.

Forging a fifty square centimeter block of pig iron into fist

size; that task which was seemingly impossible at first, had
already been accomplished by Tang San as early as half a month
ago. With the force leveraging method Tang Hao taught him, he
was also capable of more than twenty four hammer swings,
every swing with flawless precision, including control of force.
Although all along Tang Hao never had any praise for him, but
since his father once in a while unintentionally revealed it,
Tang San knew that this hammer method also had some small
accomplishment at last, and again thought it was still important
to depend on unceasing practice.

At once entering the door, lightly touching his wrist, Tang

112 Goldenagato |

San’s face showed a trace of a satisfied smile; on his wrist was
attached his first work since arriving in this world, and every
step was completed by him on his own.

That was a spring loaded dart concealed in his sleeve. When

speaking about Tang sect in the first place, the concealed dart is
the most ordinary kind of hidden weapon. The key to
manufacturing the concealed dart depends on the power of the
mechanism as well as the degree of ingenuity of the design.
Tang San’s manufactured sleeve dart was even equipped with a
safety device, so no accidental injury was possible.

One set of sleeve darts was just like three arrows made to fit in
a sleeve, even now it was without exception on Tang San’s
hand. The material for this sleeve dart had consumed exactly
that chunk of pig iron he had hammered for nearly a hundred

Just as Tang San delivered the completed task to Tang Hao,

when he held that fist sized chunk of completely forged pig iron,
he was shocked to discover that the piece of pig iron that
originally had contained numerous impurities had changed into
a chunk of iron mother, genuine iron mother.

In his previous life, let alone him, even if it was Tang sect’s

113 Goldenagato |

best forging grandmaster, he could not accomplish this method
to forge common pig iron into iron mother. But in this world it
was reality. This in itself was an extremely inconceivable
matter. This sleeve dart on Tang San’s wrist was made from
that chunk of iron mother. To completely manufacture the
sleeve dart, including three ten centimetres small arrows inside,
he used all the iron mother he had.

Speaking of forging, Tang San was no good; far inferior to

Tang Hao. But when speaking about making clever hidden
weapons, let alone Tang Hao, perhaps all of Douluo Continent
did not have anyone who could compare to his Tang outer sect

Ordinary sleeve darts had a range of fifteen metres or so, but

the sleeve dart made by Tang San could maintain an effective
attack range of over thirty metres.

What is called effective attack range, is exactly the sleeve dart

emission distance in a straight line, it is also exactly the distance
where the weapon is fully able to kill or wound.

Tang San’s sleeve darts, even though only three, were made
extremely ingeniously. On each sleeve dart were three blood
grooves. If not because of the size being too small, he still

114 Goldenagato |

thought to give the sleeve dart arrowheads barbs. The tail had
four tiny fletchings that could cause the sleeve dart to fly
extremely smoothly. The tapered arrowhead was spiral rifled,
so that when the sleeve dart was launched it possessed even
stronger piercing power.

Making designs for hidden weapons, Tang San was always

pursuing perfection; even though this was only a single
ordinary sleeve dart, nothing more.

Tang San knew that he was still young right now; Mysterious
Heaven skill also could not break through the bottleneck. Even
if he was an ordinary person he could not say he was worried;
only in case he encountered a spirit master like Su Yuntao who
could use spirits would his strength be far from enough. But
with this sleeve dart it was different, Tang San believed that
depending on it, even if his actual strength was not more
powerful than a spirit master, he had ways to deal with it all.


【Tang sect Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, general

principles second point: what are hidden weapons: employed
surreptitiously, a special martial weapon to vanquish the enemy
and obtain victory. If the enemy knows you want to use it, like

115 Goldenagato |

that, it is no longer a hidden weapon, rather an overt weapon.】


Tang San of course could not let his hidden weapon become
an overt weapon. Tang Hao also never bothered about what he
used this chunk of iron mother for, therefore this sleeve dart
was a secret that belonged to him alone.

Entering the house, the appetizing smell of congee wafted out,

the same as he made every day, and had already long since
become used to.

“Dad, come eat.”

Tang San called towards the inner room.

Unusually, the Tang Hao who appeared every day when he

heard about food was nowhere to be seen today.

Tang San’s heart at once tightened, was his dad ill? He hastily
took three steps and ran two steps towards his father’s room.

116 Goldenagato |

Tang Hao wasn’t in the room. In however many years, this
was the first time he was not still sleeping in.

When Tang San was in the middle of thinking over where

Tang Hao could have gone, Tang Hao returned.

“Little San, where on earth did you go this early in the

morning?” Tang Hao coolly asked.

Tang San said:

“I went out for exercise. Every morning I go out for a run.”

This did not count as a lie, he truly did go out to ‘exercise’.


Tang Hao did not try to dig deeper, and coolly said:

117 Goldenagato |

“Today you won’t practice forging again. Get your things
ready, tomorrow old Jack will take you to Nuoding city.”

Tang San was dumbfounded for a moment,

“Nuoding city? Why on earth there?”

The last time he had gone to Nuoding city was roughly a year
ago. Old Jack went into town to do some shopping, and brought
him along to let him experience it.

Tang Hao gave him a look, and said:

“Do you not want to study spirit master abilities? Old Jack can
take you to Nuoding city’s primary spirit master academy to
become a working student. There you can study whatever you

Hearing his father’s words, Tang San’s pulse suddenly sped

up, and he found it difficult to speak from the surprise and
excitement he felt. Mysterious Heaven skill’s inability to break
through had all along been a puzzle that was his greatest
preoccupation; a spirit master’s spirit ring was clearly an

118 Goldenagato |


“Dad, what changed your mind?”

Tang Hao returned with a question:

“Do you still want to go or not?”

Tang San said:

“But if I leave, nobody will make you food.”

By now he already understood the reason why his father had

gotten up this early in the morning; unexpectedly, it had been
to see village elder Jack.

Tang Hao coldly said:

“Do I still need you to look after me? You just leave. This is
your chosen path. Every year Holy Spirit village has a quota of
one, do not waste it. I have handed over the forging methods to

119 Goldenagato |

you, so you can look for work as an apprentice in a smithy in
town. It should be enough to cover tuition and food expenses.”

Even though Tang Hao’s words were very indifferent, but the
edges of Tang San’s eyes still felt hot. For who knows how many
months, even though Tang Hao treated him in a manner that
certainly never changed, but Tang Hao taught him forging; the
tall wide ashen man before his eyes already gave him an
increasingly paternal feeling. He of course wanted to go study
the lore of spirit masters, but at this moment he somewhat
hated to part with his father.

Tang Hao said:

“Letting you go to Nuoding comes with a condition. If you

agree you may go.”

“I promise.”

Tang San spoke without the slightest hesitation.

Tang Hao’s brows wrinkled slightly,

120 Goldenagato |

“You will promise easily without even asking what I demand.
As a man, promised matters must be done, do not become a
person who promises lightly.”

Tang San spoke at ease:

“No matter what dad asks me to do, I will promise. Dad

definitely acts for my good.”

Tang Hao was slightly panicked. Tang San spoke without

thinking, but it was precisely that trust which caused his
feelings to stir a little.

“From now on no matter how you cultivate your spirit power,

I want you to promise, you must not let your hammer spirit
absorb any spirit ring, so much so that you cannot let another
person see it appear. Moreover, do not let other people know
that you have twin spirits. Can you do this?”

Tang San was stunned for a moment, “That blue silver grass
spirit then?”

121 Goldenagato |

Tang Hao said:

“The blue silver grass spirit you can use as you please,
cultivating, exerting whatever spirit is also no problem. With
twin spirits both spirits do not need to rely on spirit rings to
promote spirit power to be able to cultivate. Provided you have
one spirit that possesses a spirit ring, the spirit power
promotion bottleneck will disappear.”

Tang San said:

“So in other words, from now on I only use blue silver grass
spirit, right?”

Tang Hao nodded,

“Only if you encounter a life threatening situation. Otherwise,

do not use that hammer.”

“Very well, I promise you.”

Tang San nodded solemnly. From his point of view,

122 Goldenagato |

cultivating a spirit or not, using some spirit ring, it was all no
problem, as long as he could find the means to break through
Mysterious Heaven skill’s bottleneck.

To other people it seemed, perhaps blue silver grass was only a

useless spirit, but Tang San had all along not become gloomy
because of blue silver grass. Cultivating Tang sect hidden
weapons to a certain level, ‘when picking the fluttering flower
the leaf can also hurt’ were not some empty words, but simply
truly existed. Blue silver grass was exactly Mysterious Heaven
skill internal force condensed by means of spirit power. As long
as the internal force was sufficient, there were practically
limitless hidden weapons.

“Good, let’s eat.”

Tang Hao said.

In a home not much different from destitute, Tang San did

not have anything at all good to prepare. Packing those clothes
with various sized patches he had took only a moment to finish.

However, this day he did not listen to Tang Hao to only put
things in order; forging sounds still resounded in his room. For

123 Goldenagato |

the sake of being able to produce every kind of hidden weapon
in the future, Tang San understood he could only depend on
himself for everything. Though his father had passed on the
forging technique it was definitely essential to put in more
practice. When the hidden weapons unique skill was not
cultivated to its pinnacle, the hidden weapons quality just had
its own conclusive effect. Particularly for a kind of super hidden
weapon like Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, an error in precision of
more than an iota could not appear.

The passage of this one day seemed particularly endless. It

was also the first time since Tang San arrived in this world that
he felt ill at ease. Concerning the outside world, he had both
expectations and some fear. Whether in Tang sect or in Holy
Spirit village, he had never gone out to undergo experience and
training. Regarding this point, he truly was no different from
the children. All along he thought, after all what brilliance
could the outside world produce?

After supper, Tang Hao left without a word to go out

drinking, as if there was nothing different from the routine. He
told Tang San not to make noise and disturb his sleep when he
went out for his morning run the next morning.

Early morning, Tang San sat atop a large rock on the summit
of the hill. In his hand he picked up tree leaves, in his eyes a

124 Goldenagato |

purple lustre. Not knowing whether it was because recently his
body was more robust and strong compared to before, but
Purple Demon Eye advanced very rapidly; the leaf in his hand,
even if it was the smallest lines, he could distinctly observe
them. He knew his Purple Demon Eye had already begun to
enter the realm of the very finest details.

With nine distinct tiers to Mysterious Heaven skill, Purple

Demon Eye only has four levels: Survey, Detailed, Mustard seed,
Boundless. The requirement for Tang inner sect disciples is to
enter Detailed, which is sufficient to use hidden weapons.
Owing to Tang San’s early cultivation, aided by not having
completely dispersed inborn qi after being born, by the age of
six years he already possessed a trace of detailed perception. But
he also knew, of Tang inner sect disciples practically everyone’s
Purple Demon Eye could reach the detailed realm, but including
sect master mister Tang Da, nobody could enter the next realm
of Purple Demon Eye.

After reaching Detailed, Purple Demon Eye’s cultivation

became extremely slow, and there must be no interruption in
daily assimilation of the eastern purple qi. That kind of
persistence could not be explained in a few words. Therefore,
just like Tang sect disciples after entering the detailed realm,
there were also very few who would continue cultivating. In
legend, Tang sect had an elder whose Purple Demon Eye reached
the Mustard seed boundary, but also did not have any particular

125 Goldenagato |

results. Only compared to the detailed realm he saw still a little
more clearly, that is all. And that elder had already cultivated
Purple Demon Eye for more than thirty years.

Mysterious Heaven skill welling forth, suddenly pouring into

the tree leaves, the soft leaves immediately became perfectly
straight. Tang San’s index and middle finger jerked slightly, and
the tree leaves spun out, splitting the air as they flew forth.

Just one metre, the leaves only flew out to a one metre
distance, then were already unable to maintain their rotating
state when they stopped being hard. As it left Tang San’s finger,
Mysterious Heaven skill’s inner strength effect naturally

“The effect is still too weak.”

He could not help but shake his head. Tang San stood up, it
was about time to return. Today was his departure from the
village; he did not know when he would be able to come to this
hilltop again.

Standing on tip toes, his lower legs emitting force, Tang San
gave free rein to Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, faced down

126 Goldenagato |

the mountain and left.

The intimately familiar scent of congee wafted out. Before

departing the village this was the very last time he cooked for
his father, so Tang San naturally could not be lazy. Checking the
firewood under the stove, adding some water to the congee,
thus when his father later wakes up he can drink the hot

Old Jack had already arrived. Perhaps because he wanted to

leave for Nuoding city, today the clothes old Jack wore were
especially new, making him look even more hale and hearty.

“Little San, let’s leave. That idle bum of a father of yours can’t
get out of bed.”

Old Jack called to Tang San.

Tang San made a silencing gesture in Jack’s direction,

“Grandpa, please be quiet. Dad dislikes having his sleep

disturbed the most.”

127 Goldenagato |

While speaking, he took out a chunk of burnt out charcoal
from the stove, and on the ground wrote several lines. He again
turned his head towards his father’s room, reluctant to part,
and only then did he rise with a cloth bundle on his back and
quietly left with Jack.

Regarding this world’s written language, Tang San did not

understand much. When the village’s school taught the children
characters, he once in a while went to see. After all he had a
foundation from his former life, so he also grasped a little of the
basic texts.

The door curtain lifted, and a large shadow came out from the
room. In Tang Hao’s eyes there was no trace of sleep. When he
walked over to the doorway, he could still vaguely see old Jack
and Tang San’s frail body.

Tang Hao stood there and didn’t move, even when Tang San
and village elder Jack’s backs had already completely
disappeared, he still stood there blankly for a long time.

As if recalling something, Tang Hao abruptly turned back into

the smithy, looking at the part of the ground Tang San set aside
for his writing.

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A few very simple words,

“Dad, I and Grandpa Jack left. You yourself must take good
care of your body, drink less. Congee in the pot, don’t forget to

Gaze changing direction from the writing on the ground to the

iron cooking pot to the side, Tang Hao briskly walked over and
swept open the pot lid by one handle. With both hands he
directly lifted the iron pot.

Thanks to Tang San just now adding water, the congee in the
pot still had not been brought to a boil again, but Tang Hao
regardless held the iron pot and poured it into his mouth,
gulping swallows. In his eyes was a layer of hazy mist; he didn’t
realize how quickly time had passed.

Walking along the road, Tang San silently followed by old

Jack’s side, frequently turning his head back to look in the
direction of the village.

“Little San, do you hate to part with the village or still hate to
part with that drunkard old man of yours?”

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Jack patted Tang San’s head, and asked with a smile.

“A bit of both.”

Tang San replied in a low voice.

Jack smiled slightly, and said:

“Compared to those however many good-for-nothing

grandsons, you, my child are far more intelligent. It would be so
good if you were my grandson. Tang Hao that drunkard truly is
fortunate. Do not think too much; outside, heaven and earth are
very vast. At the academy you can get to know very many
friends. You can learn very many things. After you have become
a spirit master, the country will grant a monthly stipend, and at
that time your family will also be able to live well.”

Tang San was after all a person who had gained a second life,
listening to Jack’s words, his mood already gradually recovered
to normal, and in his heart was an unbearable thirst for the
outside world. He asked:

130 Goldenagato |

“Grandpa Jack, can you tell me about the academy? What
kind of place is it exactly?”

Jack smiled a bit, and said:

“The academy is of course a place to study. Although I never

went, but for the most part I still understand. Our village has a
quota to send one working student every year, but we have
already for very many years not sent a working student to
study. Working students still have very many favourable terms,
exemption from tuition and accommodation fees; just paying
for food yourself is sufficient. On the campus you can perform
simple jobs in exchange for edibles. For example, sweeping
classrooms and so on. Speaking overall, to a student who is
working part time and studying at the academy it does not differ
much from being free of charge. As for funding to study at the
academy, it is not something we poor people can be able to

Tang San said:

“Dad told me, after I finally arrive at the academy to find a

smithy for work.”

131 Goldenagato |

“You? Doing manual work at a smithy? What joke is that? I
see Tang Hao truly is insane.”

Old Jack said angrily,

“Just how old are you? You still do not have the height of a
forging hammer. What smithy could accept you, this kind of
apprentice? Not to mention, blacksmithing originally is not
exactly accepted as a valued occupation, manual work also does
not have much of an income. As long as you study properly at
the academy, that is enough.”

“Only, come to think of it, if you are able to have some

accomplishments to speak of at the academy, that drunkard
father of yours should give you some of his little saved money.
But afterwards the intermediate spirit master academy has no
working student quota that indeed requires a lot of money to be
able to study. A spirit master stipend alone is far from enough.”

Since Tang San had innate full spirit power, old Jack already
saw him as a spirit master without doubt.

Tang San looked at Jack, unconvinced, and said:

132 Goldenagato |

“There is still an intermediate spirit master academy? And
what is the difference compared to the elementary spirit master
academy? Both are academies, they should both be teaching
spirit master lore, right.”

Old Jack explained with great patience:

“Naturally there is not only one kind. The elementary spirit

master academy teaches a few basic things, and additionally you
can study some educational courses. They only accept children
who have just awakened their spirits as students and the length
of the schooling is six years, so by the time they are twelve, in
the event they do not have any prospects to speak of, they also
become ordinary spirit masters. But in the event that their
latent talent is pretty good, the majority of people can opt to go
to take advanced studies at the intermediate spirit master
academy, continuously studying until becoming eighteen years
old. The intermediate spirit master academy teaches some
advanced things, but the difficulty of the studies rises
enormously. In case they are unable to reach the academy
requirements, they will be unable to successfully graduate. This
is different compared to the elementary spirit master academy.”

Tang San said:

133 Goldenagato |

“Like elementary and intermediate, is there also an

Old Jack nodded, his eyes revealing a somewhat admiring


“You need not think about the advanced spirit master

academy since that is not something that practically anyone can
enter. In our Heaven Dou Empire, there are altogether only two
advanced spirit master academies, and every year the number of
students accepted number less than a hundred. That is indeed
the cradle of a brilliant career. Even the nation’s spirit hall will
strive to directly confer a noble title upon every student who
graduates from an advanced spirit master academy.”

“Noble? There is such a good possibility.”

Tang San said, astonished.

Old Jack said:

“Of course. Spirit master is indeed the noblest vocation, and

advanced spirit master even more so. But those are all talents.

134 Goldenagato |

Therefore, to us common people who dream to have a meteoric
rise, becoming an advanced spirit master is obviously the best
shortcut. Only, coming from the ordinary common people, how
many people have the ability to become such a great spirit
master? Even if there were any, without the assistance of a
distinguished clan it is very difficult to graduate from an
advanced spirit master academy.”

“A graduation exam is its own matter, so why is the assistance

of other people needed?”

Tang San was somewhat confused.

Old Jack heaved a sigh, and said:

“This is exactly the gap. The gap between poor people and
wealthy people, between commoners and nobles. The
elementary spirit master academy graduation requirements are
very simple: as long as the spirit reaches the tenth rank, the
teachers at the academy will guide you to obtain a spirit ring,
and you can successfully advance your spirit master title. This
certainly isn’t difficult; provided you have spirit power at the
time of awakening, it is something children can do. It is said,
advancing from spirit scholar to spirit master at tenth rank
spirit power is the easiest promotion.”

135 Goldenagato |

“But at the intermediate spirit master academy it is different.
To graduate from this place, the spirit must have reached the
twentieth rank and furthermore obtain the second spirit ring to
be able to attain the spirit grandmaster title. Tenth rank to
twentieth rank, is something very many spirit masters are
unable to achieve in their entire life. Also, after reaching the
twentieth rank, to obtain the spirit ring they must depend on
their own strength to hunt and kill a spirit beast and obtain a
spirit ring. That is indeed extremely perilous. If they are
descended from a noble family, and accompanied by family
warriors, the danger is naturally much smaller. Spirit masters
descended from common people like us can only depend on

“The graduation requirements of an advanced spirit master

academy are even more exacting. Only after passing the
thirtieth rank bottleneck, and obtaining the third spirit ring,
can the spirit grandmaster title be promoted to the spirit elder
title. They say that one who surmounts the thirtieth rank
threshold can be called a powerful great spirit master, a genuine
noble. To also go beyond is certainly difficult. Also, at the
thirtieth rank obtaining a spirit ring seems like it is not the only
restriction. For the specifics, you should be able to learn when
you reach the academy. At any rate, of those advanced spirit
master academy students, the quantity who are still really able
to graduate seems to be only a third.”

136 Goldenagato |

After listening to old Jack, Tang San had a basic
understanding of Douluo Continent’s spirit masters.

“Grandpa Jack, didn’t you say that there are ten spirit master
titles? Advanced spirit master academy graduating students can
be spirit elders, how can those later titles be obtained?”

Old Jack spoke with a wry smile:

“I know how. Those transcending the spirit elder title can all
be called great personages, like the spirit saint that came from
our village who at that time was supported directly by the
country. I have heard people say that spirit master cultivation
later on is exceedingly difficult, and also exceedingly dangerous.
How many people possess the kind of genuine ability that can
reach the top level of Title Douluo? You could even say that it is
not known whether such people exist in both our Heaven Dou
Empire and the Star Luo Empire right now.”

Old Jack only had some simple understanding regarding spirit

masters, nothing more. Hence his words were not detailed.
Tang San understood that he could only search for this
knowledge himself in the academy. In particular, about spirit
beasts, spirit rings and such things.

137 Goldenagato |

From Holy Spirit village to Nuoding city was certainly not far;
two people walking could reach it in half a day’s time. Eating
some simple travel rations halfway, by afternoon they could
already see the city walls in the distance.

Even though Nuoding city was not counted as a large city,

because it was very close to Heaven Dou Empire’s border the
city walls were still built thick. Tang San and old Jack were
examined like all the other travellers when entering Nuoding

“Tang San ah! In a moment grandpa will take you to the

academy and then return. When you are alone at the academy
you must listen to your teachers, you must not leave the
academy without permission. When the semester ends,
Grandpa Jack will again come to meet you. That time will be
almost at the New Year.”

This was after all the first time Tang San left home. In his
heart he was somewhat flustered, and subconsciously said:

“Grandpa Jack, you are leaving this soon?”

138 Goldenagato |

Old Jack said with a wry smile:

“A hotel is not for us poor people to stay in. You must try to
win credit. When grandpa sees you next time, I hope you will
already have become a spirit master so that you can be the pride
of our Holy Spirit village.”

Nuoding primary spirit master academy was located in west

Nuoding city. Old Jack asked passersby for directions several
times, and at long last Tang San was brought there.

Distantly, they could already see a large gate arch. The arch
was twenty metres wide, and its height was over ten metres,
made of solid rock. Below were two iron gates, jet black. Tang
San saw they had been meticulously forged.

Through the iron bars, a winding path could be seen. A main

road led directly inside, lined with trees on both sides.

In the middle of the arched gate were four large characters,

“Nuoding Academy”.

Just from the gate it could be seen that on Douluo Continent,

139 Goldenagato |

the vocation of spirit master was significant. This was still only
a primary spirit master academy, nothing more.

Old Jack brought Tang San walking up to the front gate, and
they were immediately stopped by the young gatekeeper,

“What on earth? Is this a place where you country bumpkins

can enter?”

Old Jack’s apparel counted as bright and new in Holy Spirit

village, but arriving in Nuoding city, it completely had the
appearance of a country bumpkin. The gatekeeper had in his
eyes a somewhat disdainful look.

Old Jack said with an apologetic smile:

“This? Little brother, we have come from Holy Spirit village.

This child is our village’s working student for this year, you see.
We need to go through.”

The gatekeeper frowned, and somewhat queerly said:

140 Goldenagato |

“So a grass nest can still produce a golden phoenix? A tiny
village also has people with spirit power? But the academy has
not had a working student for a good many years. You cannot
fake it.”

A trace of anger flashed in old Jack’s eyes, but he still

swallowed the insult and held out the certificate written by that
spirit hall attendant Su Yuntao, handing it to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper took the proffered certificate, and looked it

over from top to bottom,

“Spirit is blue silver grass? But still innate full spirit power?
Ridiculous, this really is the biggest joke in the world. I have
worked as gatekeeper at the academy for four years, and still
haven’t heard of a student with innate full spirit power. This
boy’s spirit is blue silver grass, and can still have full spirit
power? I think this spirit hall certificate is definitely a forgery.”


Even if Jack had a better temperament, at this moment he was

already unable to restrain himself.

141 Goldenagato |

“You are intentionally making things difficult. Very well, you
wait and see. I’ll go find a lord spirit hall attendant. Little san,
we’re leaving.”

Saying this, Jack brought Tang San around and left in the
direction of the inner city wall.

Spirit hall certificates naturally could not be faked, which that

gatekeeper well knew. However, people coming to deliver new
students generally would leave a little appreciation, especially
common families. What is called ‘better King Yama, than an
unreasonable little devil’, just this principle.

Old Jack was descended from a country village and even

though he was a village elder, where could he learn these ways?

The gatekeeper in his heart was somewhat uneasy. If a person

from spirit hall truly came, he could bear the responsibility. Of
course, he believed that there was no way a spirit hall person
would come to ask questions for the sake of these two hicks.

With his heart gloomy, the words from his mouth naturally
did not sound good.

142 Goldenagato |

“What Holy Spirit village, I think Beggar village should also be

“What did you say?”

Old Jack fiercely turned around. The gatekeeper’s words

could be said to have struck at his heart’s biggest pride;
originally this was the reason he fell out with Tang Hao. That
this gatekeeper right now was an outsider from the village,
made him even more intolerable. Walking back several steps he
glared at the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper jumped in fright due to fierce old Jack, and

could not help but retreat a step. However he very quickly
reacted and came over, in his heart secretly cursing himself:
Wasn’t that an old man? What did he have to fear?

“What? Not convinced ah, I said you came from beggar

village. What’s wrong? You look at this little destitute spirit, all
the clothes are completely patched. I think, you are still looking
for a place to go begging, right? Our Nuoding academy is not a
charity. Quickly beat it, quickly beat it.”

While speaking, the gatekeeper lifted his left hand and shoved

143 Goldenagato |

Jack’s chest, about to drive the two people away.

Just when old Jack was about to have a heart attack from
fury, suddenly, between the two people was a thin and small
figure. Similarly with the left arm raised, that delicate little
hand barely managed to reach the gatekeeper’s hand, left hand
exerting to the right, and at once pushed away the gatekeepers
left hand. Simultaneously, that thin and small figure’s right foot
took a quick step forward, the sole just happening to step
behind the gatekeeper’s left foot, while lifting the right hand,
and with the left hand together pressing that gatekeeper’s hand

Originally this palm strike was about to hit the other party’s
left elbow, causing him to be unable to emit strength, but due to
the difference in size, it therefore could only hold the
gatekeeper’s wrist. His motion extremely fast, body at the same
time moving forward, both hands swinging the gatekeeper’s left
hand while pushing forward. Just right to push the gatekeeper’s
lower abdomen.

Behind the gatekeeper’s left foot was just another foot, and
even though that foot was far from big, it was already enough to
accomplish the proper effect. The lower belly received the force,
the foot below stirred, and with just an ordinary sound, the
gatekeeper already sat on the ground.

144 Goldenagato |

“Little San, you……”

Jack looked dumbstruck at the person in front of him

blocking his body.

The one who displayed his skill was precisely Tang San. The
form he used was not even Tang sect secret lore, originally in
that world it was only martial arts’ simplest form Full Moon
Pushing the Window. Of course, with his body’s stature,
naturally it would be out of shape. Not only was he unable to
reach the opponent’s elbow, the hand that originally should
push the opponent’s chest pushed at the lower abdomen.
Though of course, the result was the same.

Although Tang San’s person was not big, his physical strength
was absolutely not small. After these however many months of
swinging the hammer, even if he did not use Mysterious Heaven
skill, he could still tip over the gatekeeper.

“Stinking brat, you’re looking to die.”

To lose face by being toppled by a child made the gatekeeper

145 Goldenagato |

violently furious. Scrambling up off the ground he was about to
charge into Tang San.

“Alright, stay your hands, ok.”

Just then, a rather hoarse sounding voice rose, stopping the

gatekeeper’s movement.

The gatekeeper was at first dazed for a moment, then

immediately following, the anger across his entire face suddenly
transformed into fawning. The change was so quick, it was hard
to imagine. Bowing and scraping towards the speaker he said:

“Grandmaster, you have returned.”

Tang San turned his head to look: an average of figure,

somewhat thin looking man had at some point already come to
their side. It would seem, this person appearing forty to fifty
years old, with short black hair with three seven separation,
very ordinary looks, both hands held behind his back. His body
possessed a kind of peculiar manner, with both eyes half open
he seemed a bit sluggish and dispirited.

146 Goldenagato |

‘Grandmaster’ only glanced at the gatekeeper, without taking
any notice of him, saying towards old Jack:

“Old gentleman, is it possible for me to have a look at the

spirit hall certificate?”

Old Jack after all was a village elder and could still read a
person’s mood. From the gatekeeper’s expression he could see
that this middle aged person absolutely was not ranked low at
this academy, and even more held the title of grandmaster

The grandmaster looked over the certificate, his gaze again

shifting to Tang San, measuring him up and down. For some
reason, although the grandmaster’s gaze certainly was not
sharp, Tang San had a feeling as if it saw through him

“There is nothing wrong with the certificate, old gentleman,

for this matter just now let me apologize on behalf of the
academy. Deliver this child to me, ok.”

147 Goldenagato |

Chapter 5 - Grandmaster? Teacher?

When a spirit master level personage apologized towards him,

old Jack’s vanity received an enormous boost, and he hastily
shook both hands, saying:

“Don’t apologize, don’t apologize. We are also in the wrong.

Grandmaster, I will trouble you with this child. Tang San, you
follow Grandmaster inside ok, but you must be obedient.”

Tang San nodded, but did not open his mouth.

Earlier, when this Grandmaster before him stopped the

gatekeeper from charging at him, his left hand was already
lifted, and for insurance, a sleeve dart was already readied. If
this Grandmaster before him had spoken a step later, perhaps
that gatekeeper’s throat could have received a short arrow.

【Tang Sect Mysterious Heaven Treasure Records, general

principles, third item: Determine whether the opponent is an
enemy. If they are, then aim to kill. If not then show mercy,
otherwise you shall only increase your worries.】

148 Goldenagato |

To Tang San it seemed that the gatekeeper moving towards
Jack was trying to strike an old man. In addition to his
unkindness, this in itself was already enough to aim to kill. At
the same time, he was also absolutely certain that including old
Jack there was nobody who could detect him using that sleeve
dart. Without evidence, who could say that he killed? Tang
sect’s silent sleeve dart shot so extremely fast, it would only
leave a shadow, and how could the doorkeeper have dodged
with those trash capabilities?.

Not until after old Jack warned Tang San several more times
did he leave.

Grandmaster coldly glanced at that gatekeeper,

“This is the first time, and also is the last time. If there is a
repeat offense, you need not remain here.”

His hoarse voice was calm, but gave a feeling that made it
impossible to refute.

The gatekeeper’s back broke out in cold sweat, and he

hurriedly repeatedly echoed agreement and got out of the way
to the side.

149 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster lowered his head to look at Tang San, on his face
emerged a slight smile. As if his facial muscles were stiff, the
smile had an appearance that most people would not dare
compliment. Dragging Tang San’s hand, he said:

“We’re entering.”

Grandmaster’s hand was soft and dry, its grip very

comfortable, imperceptibly bringing Tang San a kind of sense of
trust. Following him, Tang San finally entered this academy.

“Teacher, thank you.”

Tang San said to Grandmaster.

“Teacher? I am not an academy teacher.”

Grandmaster turned his head to glance at Tang San, speaking


150 Goldenagato |

“Not a teacher? Just now did you not speak on behalf of the

Grandmaster shook his head, all along today he had been

nothing but exceptionally patient, and again squeezed out a
trace of that unsightly smiling expression,

“Who said one must be an academy teacher to represent the


Tang San said with sudden realization:

“I understand. You are an academy principal, or a leader,


Grandmaster could not help laughing, and said:

“For a six year old child, you are very clever. However, you
still guessed wrong.”

Tang San uncertainly said:

151 Goldenagato |

“Then you are?”

Grandmaster said:

“I am only a freeloading tenant at this place, that’s all. You

and the others alike called me Grandmaster, right. Everyone
address me like this. Even to the extent that I have already
forgotten my name. On the spirit hall certificate was written
that you are called Tang San, right. Tang San, you must
understand, the meanings of grandmaster and teacher are
entirely different, and hereafter must not address me
incorrectly. Unless……”

Saying this, his words slowed, in his eyes glimmered a

burning light,

“Unless you are genuinely willing to make me your teacher.”

“You want to teach me spirit cultivation?”

Tang San asked.

152 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster halted his steps, standing calmly ,facing Tang

“Are you willing to do that?”

Tang San naturally also stopped, raising his head to look at

Grandmaster before him, now observing at close range. Again
looking him over from down to up, he discovered
Grandmaster’s mouth was a little large, and his lips also very
thick. He didn’t open his mouth, both unable to answer, and
also unable to not answer.

Grandmaster saw Tang San’s both eyes staring at him blankly,

and that stiff smiling expression once again emerged,

“Good, you really are a clever child.”

Not speaking had a second meaning. First not being impatient

to refuse, so as not to offend Grandmaster. Second to use this
action to inquire from Grandmaster, ‘why must I acknowledge
you as master?’

Grandmaster, resembling old Jack, raised his hand to tousle

153 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s head.

“Naturally gifted, and also this clever. It seems even I must

persistently try again. How should I say this? You also have the
third twin spirit in these last hundred years.”

Hearing grandmaster’s words, Tang San was greatly startled.

His gaze looking at Grandmaster suddenly changed. He already
quietly lifted his left wrist, a surprised unpredictable look
appearing in his eyes.

Grandmaster calmly and in an easygoing way looked at him.

Smiling, he said:

“Don’t you want to know how I could know so quickly that

you have twin spirits?”

Speaking, he flicked open the certificate in his hand that old

Jack gave him,

“It is precisely because of this certificate. Perhaps another

person looking could not find the flaw, but if I also could not see
it, then I could not be called Grandmaster.”

154 Goldenagato |

“I have investigated six hundred forty seven people with blue
silver grass spirits. Among them were sixteen with spirit power,
so the odds are less than three in a hundred. And even these
sixteen people possessing spirit power did not have spirit power
ability exceeding the first rank, and yet your innate full spirit
power is of the tenth rank. According to my research in the first
of the ten great core spirit competencies, innate spirit power
size is in direct ratio with the quality of the spirit. Blue silver
grass is obviously unable to measure up, therefore I can
conclude that you should still have another spirit, and also that
it is an extraordinarily powerful spirit.”

The expression in Tang San’s eyes gradually calmed down,

and he argued:

“Everything has exceptions, why couldn’t I be a special case?”

Grandmaster nodded seriously, and said:

“That’s right, everything has exceptions, but your spirit is

blue silver grass, therefore you clearly are not that exception. In
the last hundred years in Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo
Empire, although twin spirits have only appeared twice, innate

155 Goldenagato |

full spirit power has appeared nineteen times. I have carefully
studied each of those spirits, and not one wasn’t formidable.
The youngest one has now already reached the spirit
grandmaster level. Other than fourteen who inherited
formidable spirits from clan blood lineage, there were five

“They did not come from a privileged background, but also

possessed innate full spirit power. And this kind of unexpected
existence is exactly what is called variant spirits. On the basis of
my many years of research in variant spirits, never has any kind
of spirit with blue silver grass spirit produced a variation. And
your blue silver grass spirit is also an ordinary blue silver grass,
therefore, I can be completely confident that my judgment is

“Variant spirits, what is that?”

Tang San asked.

Grandmaster patiently explained:

“I earlier mentioned the issues of how spirits are inherited. A

person’s spirit has a direct relationship with their parents’

156 Goldenagato |

spirits, and under normal circumstances the spirit is inherited
from either the father or mother’s side. This is family pattern
spirit inheritance. Among them are a few exceptions and these
are what are called variation spirits. Same as the source parent’s
spirit, but because there is a certain variation between the
father and mother’s spirits, inheritance of one or the other
spirits can produce a variation, bringing about a new kind of
spirit. Variant spirits can have formidable variations, and even
appear with innate full spirit power. But the overwhelming
majority of variant spirits only become small and weak. Variant
spirits are like the result of inbreeding: the possibility of
retardation is very big, but there is also the possibility of
producing an exceptional sage.”

Tang San nodded, and suddenly moved back a step, opening

up the distance between him and Grandmaster. Immediately
after, he fell to his knees, and respectfully kowtowed three
times towards Grandmaster.

This time, it was Grandmaster’s turn to be dumbfounded,

“What are you doing?”


157 Goldenagato |

Tang San respectfully called,

“Please accept me as a student.”

Grandmaster smiled a very satisfied smile, stooping to pull

Tang San back up,

“Muddleheaded boy, why kowtow to formally become a pupil,

don’t you know this is only courtesy when acknowledging the
emperor and parents? You need only to bow for this.”

Douluo Continent customs are of course not the same as

circumstances in Tang San’s first life, but Tang San certainly
did not think his courtesy was too much, and solemnly said:

“A teacher for a day is a father for life. You should receive my


Tang sect’s teachings regarding courtesy were extremely

severe. Having received that kind of education when he
originally grew up, it had been branded deeply into the core of
Tang San’s heart a long time ago.

158 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster was moved and looked at Tang San,

“Teacher for a day, father for life, good, good, it appears that
as expected, I have not chosen incorrectly.”

What is called ‘one tiny clue reveals the general trend’ is that
the details determine success or failure. Even though this pair of
master and apprentice had not met for long, but Grandmaster
already had no small understanding of this child before his eyes.

“Let’s go, I will bring you to report to the dean’s office.”

Grandmaster again dragged Tang San’s hand. His originally

dry big hands were faintly perspiring because of excitement.

Nuoding primary spirit master academy was not as big as it

appeared outside, and was mainly divided into a few areas: the
main school building, a sports ground and a dormitory to the
east of the sports ground.

Even though it was only an elementary spirit master academy,

this place’s requirements towards students were extremely

159 Goldenagato |

strict; even if the home was near the academy, students must
still live in the academy under a unified regime.

At the dean’s office on the main school building’s first floor

was a sixty year old teacher who was in charge of dealing with
new students and two additional teachers in their thirties who
assisted him.

Grandmaster placed the certificate he held on the desk, and

said towards that elderly teacher:

“Director Su, this is this year’s working student delivered by

Holy Spirit village, I will trouble you to help him register at

Director Su, his face covered by a smile, said:

“Why Grandmaster, you have come, a rare visitor, ah! Please

have a seat.”

Grandmaster shook his head, and said towards Tang San:

160 Goldenagato |

“You enroll here on your own, these several teachers can tell
you what to do. I’ll leave first, I will go find you later.”

Tang San nodded, and respectfully said:

“Goodbye teacher.”

Grandmaster revealed a smile, stroked his head, then turned

and left.

Hearing how Tang San addressed Grandmaster, director Su

appeared very interested,

“Lad, you called Grandmaster teacher? He is not our

academy’s teacher.”

Tang San said:

“But he is my teacher.”

Director Su stared blankly,

161 Goldenagato |

“You acknowledged Grandmaster as your teacher?”

His expression was somewhat queer, a kind of expression as if

holding back laughter.

Tang San Said:

“Is something wrong, teacher?.”

Director Su repeatedly shook his head and said smilingly:

“Not at all, not at all. I did not think Grandmaster also could
accept disciples. Only, you are still originally an academy
student, and hereafter must comply equally with the academy’s
system of regulations, you understand?”

Tang San nodded.

The two teachers to the side of director Su did not have as

much self-restraint as him. One of them grabbed the spirit hall

162 Goldenagato |

certificate for a look. Smiling, he said,

“Tang San, right. As an academy teacher, I must instruct you

at once. A master cannot be acknowledged casually. Any spirit
master, not to mention denying academy graduation, also can
only acknowledge a spirit master, otherwise one cannot be
accepted by the common people. Do you really believe
Grandmaster is quite suitable? Oh, you have innate full spirit
power. What a pity, the spirit is blue silver grass.”

Looking at the words innate full spirit power on the

certificate, the faces of all the teachers present displayed
astonishment, but blue silver grass caused their awe to turn into

Tang San looked somewhat baffled at the three teachers

facing him,

“Is there something inappropriate?”

Director Su glared at the younger teachers beside him, and


163 Goldenagato |

“Even if Grandmaster has a somewhat eccentric disposition,
but from a certain point of view, with respect to spirits he is
nevertheless an ‘unequalled’ existence. Even if your spirit is
blue silver grass, acknowledging him as master is of no concern.
Well, that’s how it is. These are your things, provided for free
by the academy. You live at the dormitory, room seven. The
teacher responsible there can arrange your work as a working
student. Go.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Taking the things director Su handed over, Tang San after

making his courtesies turned and left the administration office.

What Director Su gave him was a standard Nuoding primary

spirit master academy uniform, white ,texture looking very
neat. Just now when leaving the administration office, Tang
San vaguely heard from inside the office the words spoken by
those younger teachers.

“Grandmaster really is ‘unequalled’, only, unequalled in

theory. Of course, he still must put those theories to actual
work. Director, I still remember Grandmaster had some ten
great core spirit competences theory, right. That was simply too

164 Goldenagato |

“Enough, Grandmaster is the dean’s friend. You must not
make such presumptuous evaluations. Although there is no
proof his theory is correct, but no one has proved his theory
wrong. In the spirit world, Grandmaster is indeed a brilliant
and famous person.”

“Incorrect, director, a brilliant and famous clown should be

correct. Everyone just acts if he is a joke, nothing more.”

Hearing the sound of the conversation inside, Tang San’s

footsteps only halted for a moment, then he proceeded to leave.
The corners of his mouth exuded a trace of disdain; of course it
was not directed at his just acknowledged master, rather at the
three teachers in the administration office.

From barely a simple certificate he could see that he had twin

spirits, and further conclude that his other spirit was a
formidable one, could that only be a joke?

Theory unequalled? Right now his biggest necessity was

theory. A master’s physical strength could not be passed on to
the disciple - what was passed down was knowledge. Those
people did not understand even this much, even though they

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were academy teachers.

There was only one dormitory building, easily found, where

academy students and teachers all lived. Just like what old Jack
said, those who could become spirit masters were very few, and
it was especially so in a remote city like Nuoding. The amount of
students and teachers were certainly not many, and a single
dormitory building could already bear the burden.

The student dormitory altogether only had seven rooms.

Because the elementary spirit master academy students were all
comparatively young, in order to better supervise them together
every year’s students lived together in a big dormitory room.
Each year’s Nuoding primary spirit master academy students
were only approximately forty people.

The dormitory building’s lower three floors held seven big

student dorm rooms, and every dorm room had a teacher in

Room seven among these seven student dorm rooms was a

comparatively unusual place. The circumstances were also the
most different: it was a place especially for working students.
After all, the academy was not a charity and even though the
tuition for working students was lowered, the treatment could

166 Goldenagato |

not be as good as that of ordinary students.

Room seven was also the only mixed age dormitory, so no

matter what grade, all working students lived here.

Just when Tang San reached the door of room seven he could
hear loud noises from inside. The door was open, so he walked
up and looked inside.

This was an expansive room, in excess of three hundred

square metres. Inside altogether fifty beds were lined up, but
only the beds: only eleven had bedding. Right now, inside there
were seven or eight to twelve year old students making a

Tang San knocked on the door, and the children arguing

inside immediately turned their gazes in that direction. Among
them an older comparatively large kid looked at Tang San in
clothing covered with patches, then walked towards him.

This kid compared to Tang San was nearly two heads taller,
and this kid’s body could be regarded as comparatively tall and
sturdy for his age. Walking up in front of Tang San, he
somewhat towered above him and said:

167 Goldenagato |

“A newly arrived working student?”

On Tang San’s face was a slight good intentioned smile,

“Hello, I am a working student from Holy Spirit village.”

“I am called Wang Sheng, my spirit is a future war tiger battle

spirit. Also the head of this place. Boy, what’s your name?
What’s your spirit?”

“I’m Tang San, spirit is blue silver grass.”

“Blue silver grass spirit? Since when could a blue silver grass
spirit cultivate?”

Wang Sheng appeared absolutely startled, the kids in the

dormitory all broke out in raucous laughter , looking at Tang
San as if he was an idiot.

Tang San was still smiling,

168 Goldenagato |

“Please let me by, ok?”

Wang Sheng did not comprehend Tang San’s words,

“Little Third, I’m the boss here, hereafter you listen to me,
got it?”

The smile on Tang San’s face gradually disappeared,

“My name is Tang San, not little Third.”

If the seniors called him little San he would not take it to

heart, or if it was a good intentioned form of address it was also
no matter, but the so called boss before his eyes obviously
meant it to be a show of strength towards him.

Wang Sheng raised his hands to push at Tang San’s shoulders,

pushing him back several steps,

“I’m calling you little Third, so what? Not satisfied?”

169 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled, lightly shaking his head, placing the school
uniform in his hands on a bed to the side, while Wang Sheng
was somewhat bewildered at whyever for. Suddenly, Tang San
vanished from in front of him.

The other students clearly saw Tang San take an extremely

fast step, and unexpectedly already arrived at Wang Sheng’s
back. Without turning his head, his right arm curved up, a
single elbow strike at Wang Sheng’s waist, meanwhile, his right
foot also happened to be by Wang Sheng’s right foot.

Wang Sheng could not even react. He had already completely

tumbled out, bouncing through the open dormitory door.
Fortunately the strength of his footwork was not bad, and
unexpectedly he had not fallen down, otherwise he would have
fallen flat on his face.

“Stinking brat, you dare strike me?”

Wang Sheng, indignant, pounced at Tang San in a wink like a

fierce tiger.

Tang San had hoped that on coming to live at the academy he

170 Goldenagato |

would not encounter too many troubles, or at least live
normally without disturbances. However, he certainly thought
he should give this ‘boss’ before him a little lesson. What is
called ‘killing the chicken to warn the monkey’.

Looking on passively as Wang Sheng pounced, aiming one

punch at the pit of his stomach, Tang San did not retreat and
conversely advanced, taking a step to meet Wang Sheng. His
step was just enough to put him in front of Wang Sheng, at the
same time stretching out his left hand, the right hand following
along. Completing a simple yet effective motion.

Wang Sheng only felt as if his waving right fist was pulled by
an exceptional force, and the circumstances unexpectedly
changed. Meanwhile a great force came from Tang San’s right
hand, the foot below again just enough to trip him, a body
immediately flying out a second time. This time the balance
could not be grasped so well. Tang San’s both hands simple
motions already made use of Tang sect secret lore Controlling
Crane Catching Dragon skill, taking advantage of Wang Sheng’s
own physical strength, in addition to his own physical strength.
Wang Sheng immediately fell to the ground with a thump.

If the first time could be called fortunate, then the second

time Wang Sheng fell out was clearly not that easy. The
expression in the eyes of the other children looking at Tang San

171 Goldenagato |

suddenly changed a bit.

A sound that distinctly should not appear in a child’s mouth

rose from Wang Sheng’s throat as a muffled roar, and it could
faintly be seen that his body a emitted a layer of pale yellow
light. The body on the ground pounced and shot up in a flash;
whether speed or strength, they clearly could not be compared
to before.

Spirit. He employed the spirit’s strength. This thought flashed

through Tang San’s mind like a lightning bolt.

However, what spirit was that again?

Seeing that Wang Sheng grabbed at his shoulders with both

hands, Tang San similarly raised both his hands, equally taking
the shape of a claw and receiving Wang Sheng’s hands. Both
feet with toes simultaneously facing in, knees slightly bent,
taking a clamping goat standard horse stance.

Four hands connected. If a moment ago could be called using

skill, then that completely transformed into a contest of
physical strength in front of their eyes. Two pairs of hands not
alike in size already grabbed together.

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Wang Sheng was clearly already infuriated by Tang San, his
face revealing a trace of savagery. Right now he employed his
spirit war tiger’s strength, and although he knew he could not
really injure Tang San, he at least wanted to rely on his physical
strength to push this little devil to the ground for making him
lose face.

Tiger claw emitting force, Wang Sheng believed he was

completely justified. Relying on the power from his previous
five years as a student, overwhelming this brat before him
should be an easy matter.

But, was it truly like that?

Though Tang San was thin and small, he could continuously

swing the forging hammer every day nearly a thousand times.
How could his physical strength be ordinary?

At the same time as Wang Sheng was emitting force, he could

distinctly feel that both those hands, clearly smaller than his,
were unexpectedly as solid as steel. Almost in a split second,
physical strength obtained an overwhelming victory. Both Tang
San’s thumbs simultaneously used their strength. Wang Sheng

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only felt a peal of numbness between the thumb and index
finger as his spirit strength was completely neutralized by the
other side. Immediately afterward Tang San pulled his hands in
a backward leap.

Wang Sheng pounced from overhead to begin with. Tang

San’s leap backwards immediately caused him to lose his
balance. He watched helplessly as Tang San’s knee emerged in
front of his face, in his heart immediately loudly crying in

Tang San’s knee was approaching his nose. Wang Sheng

knew, even if discounting Tang San’s physical strength, just his
own body weight smashing down like this probably couldn’t
protect his nasal bone. In this split second, in his heart he
couldn’t help but feel somewhat regretful.

But when he was about to maul his opponent, Tang San’s both
hands abruptly slackened, and the physical strength with which
he held Wang Sheng naturally disappeared. Furthermore, the
bent right knee completely opened up, turning into a kick with
the right foot's instep at the pit of Wang Sheng’s stomach.

This snap kick, though the motion is not long, the

instantaneous burst of power is certainly not weak; even if Tang

174 Goldenagato |

San put more strength into the kick, this would still be the case.

The dormitory students could only stare as Wang Sheng’s

body uncontrollably performed an extremely difficult backflip
in the air, and with a peng sound, landed on the ground with his
whole body already prostrate on his stomach.

Although Tang sect was famous for its hidden weapons, in

truth, Tang sect’s grappling was also extremely fierce; only, it
was concealed by the excessively dazzling halo of the hidden
weapons, that’s all. Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon was
not only a carrying strength method, but at the same time a
kind of extraordinarily potent grappling technique. Among
them were some extremely diabolical muscle splitting, bone
displacing techniques. Of course, Tang San could not use those
under these kinds of circumstances.

This time, Wang Sheng did not fall so lightly, and he struggled
for a long time to clamber off the ground. Looking at Tang San
the expression in his eyes already became fearful and angry
simultaneously. No matter what he said, he was only a twelve
year old boy; when facing a person even more powerful than
him, fear still was much stronger than impulse.

Tang San picked up his school uniform,

175 Goldenagato |

“Now can you step aside?”

Staring at Tang San walking towards him, Wang Sheng

subconsciously got out of his way. Tang San found a bed not far
from the doorway and put his school uniform on it.

“Little-, oh, no, Tang San, was what you used just now a spirit

Wang Sheng asked a probing question.

“Spirit ability?”

This was not the first time Tang San had heard this term,

“What is a spirit ability?”

Wang Sheng scratched his head, saying:

176 Goldenagato |

“Precisely relying on a technique used with the spirit. Only, is
your spirit really blue silver grass?”

Raising his right hand, cold blue light gushing out from the
palm, Tang San showed the dormitory students he certainly
didn’t lie.

Hearing the two words spirit ability, the other students

although awed by Tang San’s ferocity, still began to gather

“Was that really a spirit ability? So ferocious, even Wang

Sheng dage was no match.”

Tang San shook his head,

“That was no spirit ability, only a kind of fighting technique,

that’s all. Don’t we have bedding here?”

A student at worst a few years older than Tang San had a

gloomy expression in his eyes,

177 Goldenagato |

“We’re just working students, originally exempt from tuition
fee, where would bedding come from ah! We all brought these
from home. Otherwise, you could use mine for now, right.”

Tang San shook his hand and said:

“No need, thanks. I can do on my own.”

Wang Sheng walked up in front of Tang San,

“Why did you show mercy just now?

He had studied at Nuoding primary spirit master academy for

five years. If Tang San stopped his knee and changed to a kick to
avoid serious injury then he could not understand why.

Tang San indifferently said:

“We are fellow students, not personal enemies.”

A complex light flashed through Wang Sheng’s eyes,

178 Goldenagato |

“I’m sorry for just now. Every working student arriving here
must face this. Us working students are looked down on by the
other students to begin with, so we have to unite. We only hope
you, this newcomer can join with us……”

Tang San smiled, and said:

“Therefore, you wanted to give me a show of strength?”

Wang Sheng’s face blushed, showing a rather simple and

honest smiling expression,

“It was you who gave us a show of strength in return.

However, you truly are ferocious. You should only just be six
years old, right.”

Tang San nodded.

179 Goldenagato |

Chapter 6 - I’m Xiao Wu, Wu Of Dancing

Wang Sheng pulled back a student in front of the bed, and

impolitely sat down by Tang San’s side.

“Tang San, you beat me, therefore you are now room seven’s

Tang San hurriedly shook his hands, and said:

“I’ve come to study.”

Wang Sheng sternly said:

“These are the rules, the strongest fist is the boss. You think
being boss is good? I’m not being humble with you. Look.”

Speaking, he pulled back the two sleeves of his school


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Tang San was shocked at what he saw: on his both arms were
no less than seven or eight blue-green and purple bruises.

Wang Sheng said with a wry smile:

“This is just since arriving yesterday. Us working students all

come from poor households, so the other dormitory students
constantly bully us from room seven. The acting dormitory boss
must stand up for the younger brothers. I earnestly wish to pass
on this duty to you.”

The other students all nodded, looking at Tang San, faces

showing a faint hopeful light.

A sense of justice is basically a key element to a travelling

knight. Protecting the weak is naturally included; Tang San
received frequent education on this subject during his years at
Tang sect. Having heard what was said he could not decline

“Fine then. I can’t watch fellow dormitory students be


181 Goldenagato |

At this time, a clear and melodious voice came from outside,

“Is this room seven?”

Everybody looked in the direction of the door, eyes

immediately staring somewhat.

They caught sight of a pretty, very young girl standing in the

door, seemingly about the same age as Tang San, height also
practically the same. With a pretty little rosy face, and fair and
soft appearance resembling a completely ripe honey peach,
giving people an urge to bite off a mouthful. Although her
clothing was very plain, it still looked very neat.

Black long hair combed into a scorpion braid hanging past her
buttocks. A pair of bright and intelligent eyes appearing full of
curiosity. Both her hands carried a covered brand new school

All the students in the dormitory were boys, and seeing this
kind of beautiful young girl suddenly appear, each and every
one showed a gaping appearance.

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Tang San could not help asking Wang Sheng in a low voice:

“We boys and girls live together here?”

Wang Sheng nodded, and in an equally low voice said:

“All of us are still children so all the school dormitories do not

separate genders. They say intermediate spirit master
academies start making the distinction. It's really strange; last
year there wasn't even one working student, this year there are
two. Boss, go, give her a show of strength.”

“Eh……, there’s no need.”

Tang San had not expected that for the sake of becoming the
so called room seven boss, he would immediately run into a
difficult problem. Going to bully a girl, he really could not do

The girl in the doorway blinked with her big eyes. Seeing that
nobody inside paid attention to her, she again raised her head to
take a look at the room seven sign plate on the door, and on her
face appeared a happy smile.

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“Hello everyone, I’m called Xiao Wu, Wu of dancing.”

Wang Sheng pushed Tang San from behind, hinting that he

could not destroy the dormitory customs.

Tang San had no choice. He obliged, stood up and walked in

the direction of the girl.

“Hello, I’m Tang San. I’m-, I’m this place’s-......”

He truly could not say the word boss, but had a thought,

“I’m this place’s room senior, you called my name on the line.
May I ask, what is your spirit?”

Xiao Wu blinked, and said with a smile:

“My spirit is rabbit. A very lovely sort of little white rabbit.


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When she smiled up, her face showed two lovely little
dimples, indescribably touching.

Tang San said:

“Then you really aren’t like me, my spirit is your spirit’s food.
Blue silver grass.”

Having always been without experience with girls, as even

originally at Tang sect he was only engrossed in hidden weapons
every day, right now he was unexpectedly rather nervous.

Xiao Wu gave a puff of laughter, and said:

“Do you really mean, you won’t let me inside?”

“This……, it’s like this: our room seven has a rule that newly
arrived working students must at once show their spirit’s actual
strength. Therefore, I want you and me to exchange pointers for
a moment.”

Tang San secretly encouraged himself: exchanging pointers

185 Goldenagato |

was not bullying people. If he was a little careful, he would not
injure her. It could also be considered continuing the dormitory

Xiao Wu looked strangely at Tang San,

“You’re certain?”

Tang San nodded, and said:

“I’m certain.”

Xiao Wu set the school uniform she held to one side, on her
face showed a bit of excitement,

“Fine, then come.”

Without even waiting for Tang San to respond, her right leg
had already bent and risen, the lower leg popping up in a flash,
kicking straight for little San’s chin. It would appear not to have
much strength, but it was extraordinarily fast, Tang San
jumped in fright.

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Body dodging to the left, out of the way of the approaching
kick, while his right hand grabbed Xiao Wu’s ankle, right leg as
usual stepping out, shoulder pushing against Xiao Wu’s chest. A
standard Iron Mountain Push. Under normal circumstances,
Xiao Wu, supported by only one foot like this and pushed by
Tang San, must inevitably go tumbling out.

Of course, Tang San very much had proper limits. In his heart
he already thought it through, he only needed Xiao Wu to lose
balance, and with his speed there would definitely still be time
to pull her to a stop. At the same time he also did not use much
force in that push. He only wanted to consider it a competition
and undergoing a test.

The other students all watched with their full attention at

Tang San and Xiao Wu striking. Wang Sheng stared at Tang
San’s movements, his eyes shining again and again, trying hard
to memorize it. He discovered that Tang San’s movements,
although very succinct, were extraordinarily effective.

But, matters certainly did not progress as Tang San had

originally thought.

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Tang San’s right hand had only just caught hold of Xiao Wu’s
ankle, when he suddenly felt it slip from his hand, unexpectedly
losing control of a certain result. Immediately afterward, Xiao
Wu took advantage of her free leg and kicked horizontally,
already coming into contact with his shoulder. Facing Tang
San’s incoming right shoulder strike, she lightly blocked with
both hands. With her right leg bracing on Tang San’s shoulder,
the other leg also lifted, effortlessly climbing up on Tang San’s
other shoulder.

The current situation would appear extremely strange. Xiao

Wu’s two legs actually wound about Tang San’s neck, resting on
top of Tang San’s shoulders, upper body bent back with both
palms supporting on the ground. Both soft legs were like
springs, actually wringing Tang San’s neck and making him
tumble backwards.

Fortunately Xiao Wu was young, and right now wearing

pants. If replaced by a skirt, then probably……

Tang San didn’t have experience from fighting girls. Just now
when Xiao Wu’s first leg wound about his neck, he could of
course respond somewhat, but because of lifting the leg, the
bottom of Xiao Wu’s trouser leg naturally rolled up somewhat,
and the lower leg sticking close to his neck was already bare.
The delicate skin of the girl’s calf like satin, suddenly caused

188 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s feelings to fluctuate a moment, and his reaction was
half a beat slow.

Just as both of Xiao Wu’s hands pushed off the floor, both legs
at the same time exerted strength, and Tang San remembered
the burden on his shoulders too late. After all, a person’s neck
was weak, and he was again still only a child. Even bearing the
strain for a short while with skill, the neck was very easily
injured. He could only let Xiao Wu bring his body to a fall.

Tang San discovered that Xiao Wu’s technique of both legs

using force with hands pushing the ground, gave free rein to her
whole effective strength. Unexpectedly, it was somewhat
similar to the lower leg emitting strength method hammering
style his father taught.

Falling face up on the ground, since Xiao Wu’s physical

strength certainly was not great and Tang San also had
Mysterious Heaven skill to protect his body, he naturally could
not be injured.

Felling Tang San, Xiao Wu already nimbly stood on the

ground. Turning around and faintly smiling, she looked at him.

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Tang San was clambering to his feet. Just like Wang Sheng,
for him a defeat was a defeat; being careless was no excuse. He
knew that when Xiao Wu grabbed and threw him she was
already lenient. Otherwise, tangling both her legs around his
neck would not result in it being only a simple fall.

It was still the first time Tang San had encountered this kind
of technique. In his opinion, the martial arts of his original
world did not seem to have a similar way. However, this kind of
technique was also highly dangerous: if at that time his
response had been a little faster, then at that close range,
attacking Xiao Wu’s body didn't seem difficult at all.

“I’ve lost. Can you tell me, what skill did you use just now?”

Tang San’s face was slightly red. In his heart musing, his time
as the room seven boss was probably the shortest.

Xiao Wu said with a winsome smile:

“I call this Soft Skill. Utilizing the body’s litheness and

stretchability masterfully.”

190 Goldenagato |

By now, the dormitory students had all along been watching
with gaping expressions, particularly Wang Sheng. Tang San
who defeated him already gave him a somewhat fantastic
feeling, and now Tang San had been subdued in one hit by this
beautiful little girl. His eyes were wide since long ago. In his
heart he thought, why were this year’s new working students all
so fierce?

Tang San who originally had no idea regarding the position as

dormitory boss, said:

“In accordance with dormitory rules, you defeated me, so

hereafter you are the room senior of this dormitory, and also
the boss of this group of people.”

In Xiao Wu’s eyes showed a trace of pleasant surprise, not

much surprise, and a flourishing delight,

“Boss? That seems very interesting. Good. Then from here on

I’m your boss. Becoming a working student seems a very good

Xiao Wu selected a bed next to Tang San, picking up her

package and school uniform from behind and setting them

191 Goldenagato |


“Then, who of you will give me an introduction to our

academy’s state of affairs?”

Xiao Wu looked at everyone who did not utter a word in reply.

Right now these students were just gradually getting over the
shock, when Xiao Wu just now threw Tang San so extremely
agilely, made them in their hearts somewhat fearful.

It was still Wang Sheng who stood up.

“Us working students are actually responsible for sweeping

clean the academy, our teacher is responsible for arranging
specific jobs. The academy altogether has six grades, every
grade has a class. You boss and Tang San are newly arrived, and
should be first grade students. The rest of us are at least third
graders, I have this year become a sixth grader. At the academy
every day we attend class in the morning, then cultivate
individually in the afternoon. In the morning there are
generally two classes, one class is cultural knowledge, one class
is spirit lore. Us working students for the most part have work
in the afternoon, thereby earning income for meals.”

192 Goldenagato |

Wang Sheng gave the other students a simple introduction.
Among these working students, the best inborn spirit was Wang
Sheng: not only was it a beast spirit, in combat effectiveness it
was still the strongest king of beasts. His spirit power was
already ninth rank, when it again rose a rank he could at
graduation join a group to hunt and kill spirit beasts, thereby
obtaining a spirit ring to promote his title.

Listening until Wang Sheng finished speaking, Xiao Wu gave

Tang San a glance, and said:

“Tang San, what is your spirit power rank? Just now I sensed
your strength was very powerful.”

Tang San did not conceal it, after all on the surface his spirit
was a good-for-nothing blue silver grass,

“I have innate full spirit power. Therefore my power is

comparatively strong.”

“Innate full spirit power?”

193 Goldenagato |

The students immediately cried out.

Wang Sheng’s heart finally reached balance. Since Tang San’s

spirit power was stronger than his, defeating him was also as it
should. As everyone did not have the prerequisites for a spirit
ring, spirit power had a decisive effect. No wonder his strength
could be greater than his. Wang Sheng’s heart was pure
confidence, and in his heart thought that since his spirit was a
war tiger, after he and Tang San equally had gained a spirit ring
and entered the spirit master title, his blue silver grass certainly
would not be the equal of his war tiger.

Xiao Wu blinked, muttering some sentence.

At this time, a thirty year old teacher entered from outside,

“The new students have arrived? Stand up a moment.”

Tang San and Xiao Wu simultaneously rose from their beds.

This teacher had an ordinary appearance, pale green hair,

hands carrying bedding,

194 Goldenagato |

“Where is Tang San?”

Tang San hurriedly stepped forward.

The teacher said:

“I’m Mo Hen, you can call me teacher Mo. Tang San, this
bedding is a gift from Grandmaster.”

Tang San took the bedding. Although the quilt facing was
gorgeous, a clear and fresh smell came to the nostrils;
unexpectedly it was all brand new. In it was still a pillow.
Grandmaster apparently already thought to help him.

Mo Hen said:

“Tang San, you and Xiao Wu are first year working students,
so from now on, you are responsible for sweeping the garden
south of the sports ground. Every day you'll get ten copper spirit
coins, but remember, you must clean every day. Especially junk
must be properly sorted out neatly, otherwise your wages may
be deducted. If you seem like delinquents, the academy can

195 Goldenagato |

expel you. Have you understood clearly?”

Tang San and Xiao Wu nodded simultaneously, expressing


Mo Hen said:

“Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. The day after tomorrow

the regular classes begin. The first year classes are on the first
floor of the main school building, so the day after tomorrow you
will punctually go to class. Starting from the day after
tomorrow, you will start carrying out the regular work. We may
do non-scheduled spot checks. Well, take a rest first. Wang
Sheng, you’re the oldest here, so tell them about the rules.”

Holding the bedding to his chest, Tang San felt a burst of

warmth in his heart. His mind couldn’t refrain from recalling
Grandmaster’s somewhat rigid face.

“Bedding? This seems to be a problem.”

Xiao Wu looked blankly at the bedding in Tang San’s hands,

in her eyes appeared a somewhat embarrassed look.

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Working students are all children from poor backgrounds, but
more sensible than noble descendants, a few clever students
immediately shouted:

“Boss, for the time being use my mattress, I’ll put half my
quilt over the divider.”

Another student said:

“Boss, then use my mattress. I brought a cotton-padded

mattress I can manage to use.”

Xiao Wu looked at these working students’ bedding, although

it could not be determined as to what extent they were dirty, for
the most part they were broken, ragged and worn out.
Frowning she said:

“You had better not go calling me boss, for it seems that

you’re calling me old.”

Wang Sheng said:

197 Goldenagato |

“That’s how we say it, those are the rules.”

Xiao Wu said:

“Since I’m boss, my word should be treated as a rule. Then it

is fine like this: hereafter you call me Xiao Wu jie.”

Speaking towards one side, her gaze finally dropped to the

bedding in Tang San’s arms.

“Tang San, shall we talk things over a moment?”

Tang San was dazed for a moment, in his heart he understood

that Xiao Wu was probably eyeing the bedding in his hands. He
had never been a stingy person, but this bedding was
Grandmaster’s gift to him; in his heart he was somewhat
reluctant to part with it. But Xiao Wu was a girl.

“Talk about what?”

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Xiao Wu said:

“I see your bedding is quite large, two people don’t take up

much space. This way is good. If we put our beds together then
can’t we both use it?”


Use it together? Tang San looked at Xiao Wu. Mentally he was

not a six year old child. Although right now he and Xiao Wu
were both still very small, but as for sleeping together……

“Men and women sleeping together without blood relation,

that is not good.”

Xiao Wu gave a snort, saying:

“What isn’t good? I don’t care, are you scared? Are you afraid
I’ll rape you, ah?”


199 Goldenagato |

Everyone said girls were more precocious compared to boys,
but this girl before his eyes was only six years old.

Tang San’s choked words did not come out. The other
students watched them, enviously, having a good show.
Everyone had cheeky smiles on their faces, but nobody spoke.

“‘Eh’ what ‘eh’? Hurry up, pull the bed over. Don’t you have
outstanding strength?”

Xiao Wu urged rather impatiently.

Tang San subconsciously pushed his bed next to Xiao Wu’s.

Xiao Wu took the bedding from his arms, first spreading the
mattress on the beds. This bedding was for an adult person, and
indeed very large. Although it was unable to fully spread across
two beds, it could still cover more than seventy percent.

Xiao Wu spread her cloth bundle on the seam where the two
beds were put together.

“You also put your cloth bundle here. Hereafter, this is the

200 Goldenagato |

boundary. If you overstep the boundary, don’t find it strange if
I’m blunt, oh.”

Looking at Xiao Wu arranging the border, Tang San was

instead relieved. He hurriedly nodded, and put down his
bundle. Xiao Wu covered the beds with the quilt, both beds
simply taking one shape. Of course, there was a line of

Wang Sheng said:

“We should eat lunch. Xiao Wu jie, Tang San, let’s leave.”

Hearing about food, Xiao Wu immediately leapt up, and

excitedly said:

“Great. What’s good to eat?”

Wang Sheng and the other working students looked at each

other in dismay, and said with a forced smile:

“What good can we working students get to eat? At the dining

201 Goldenagato |

hall you can just buy any cheap meal gathered there.”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“You leave, I won’t go.”

His home was rattling with poverty while Tang Hao’s money
was all exchanged for alcohol, so in order not to starve he had
specially brought rations: his homemade coarse flat cakes. To
simply fill his stomach was no problem. The day after tomorrow
he started working for wages.

Looking at the patches on Tang San’s body, Wang Sheng

faintly understood his meaning, and would not force him.

“Xiao Wu jie, then let’s go.”

The rising excitement on Xiao Wu’s face abruptly solidified at


“Must you spend money to eat? Just how much spirit money
is that?”

202 Goldenagato |

If not because of her not inconsiderable strength, perhaps
Wang Sheng would curse. Wasn't it needless to say that eating
food cost money? Who could be given free lunch? Only, he
naturally saw that this newly appointed boss was probably the
same as Tang San, also embarrassingly short of money.

Wang Sheng heroically said:

“No matter. Like this, for these two days consider your food
expenses on me. Tang San, hereafter everyone together are
dormitory companions, so let’s go. In the worst case until you
have money just ask me again.”

For a moment Tang San hesitated a little, but still agreed. All
along he did not have a concept of money. Wang Sheng was very
happy with his appetite, Xiao Wu even more was immediately
all smiles, looking meaningfully at Wang Sheng. However
recalling her Soft Skill, Wang Sheng kept his distance from her.
Earlier, when she threw Tang San, her face also gave off a
smiling expression. Who knew when she would get excited, and
effortlessly come at him all of a sudden.

Including Tang San and Xiao Wu, a party of eleven people left

203 Goldenagato |

room seven, heading to the dining hall under Wang Sheng’s
lead. The dining hall was in the school building, having to cross
the whole sports ground to get there.

Right now, the sports ground was already bustling; one could
see quite a few academy uniform wearing students going in the
direction of the school building. Clearly, all of them were going
to eat.

Nuoding primary spirit master academy’s dining hall was very

large, large enough to hold six grades in addition to teachers,
altogether more than three hundred diners. Right now, there
was already a crowd lined up by the dining hall serving window.
The dining hall was altogether divided into two floors, and the
first floor hall alone had three hundred seats.

“Isn’t this that Wang Sheng’s group of apparitions of


Just as they entered the dining hall, a discordant voice

reached them.

Tang San looked questioningly in the direction the voice came

from, only seeing a group of senior students standing on the

204 Goldenagato |

staircase between the first and second floor, looking down at
them from their higher position.

The speaker was a handsome and spirited, probably eleven or

twelve years old male student, his eyes revealing a concentrated
disdain, wagging a finger in the direction of Wang Sheng.

“Poverty apparitions are just poverty apparitions, probably

always unable to eat on the second floor.”

On the way to the dining hall, Wang Sheng already told Xiao
Wu how the room seven boss and working students must act in
public, and Xiao Wu readily agreed. Right now meeting
someone provoking her, immediately her temper rose up.

“What creatures are you? How is the second floor so terrific?”

A working student by Xiao Wu’s side advised her in a low


“The second floor is a place where you can independently

order dishes. Very expensive, we really can’t go up to eat.”

205 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu’s stature was about the same as Tang San, and
earlier, Wang Sheng sheltered them behind him. When he now
walked away, those students on the staircase naturally caught
sight of her appearance, and the speaking student’s eyes
immediately brightened.

“A beautiful little loli, ah, it’s a pity she’s a working student.

Wang Sheng, I your father will go eat now, so I’ll let you off this

Speaking, he was followed by a crowd of people up the stairs

to the second floor.

Xiao Wu lifted her foot, about to chase them up, but was
grabbed and held back by Tang San.

“Forget about it, we’ve come to eat.”

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San with some scorn.

“Are you so timid?”

206 Goldenagato |

Tang San, without explanation, left and went over to the end
of the line for buying food.

Tang sect regulations: All Tang sect disciples, must not be

easily provoked into bringing trouble on themselves, but if
offenders take the initiative, promise to return with thunder.

From an adult person’s point of view, this academy’s students,

regardless of temperament, were all just a group of children,
nothing more. To him, an adult mentally, a rivalry with a little
more than ten year old child, could not hold much interest to
Tang San.

However, Xiao Wu’s display of temperament caused Wang

Sheng to admire her even more.

Just then, Tang San saw a familiar person, and hurriedly

walked up,

“Teacher, you have also come to eat?”

It was exactly Grandmaster who arrived. Nodding in his

direction, he said:

207 Goldenagato |

“Are the things you got about right?”

Tang San respectfully nodded and said:

“Thank you Teacher for the bedding.”

Grandmaster clapped his shoulder, saying:

“Come with me to the second floor to eat. Afterward, I’ll bring

you to show what is recognized as my place here.”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“No. Teacher, I will eat with my dormitory roommates.”

All along, he did not want to act like an unconventional


Grandmaster did not persist. He nodded and said:

208 Goldenagato |

“Ok, you do what you feel is appropriate. Go. When you have
finished eating wait for me at the dining hall gate.”

Saying so, he went up to the second floor.

Though he did not know why, Tang San felt that Grandmaster
and his father were a little similar. Although his father spoke
very little, and Grandmaster spoke comparatively more, their
dispositions gave off a kind of particular feeling. Especially
Grandmaster expressed this aspect even more distinctly. Even
when he smiled, he still had a solemn feeling.

Wang Sheng came up beside Tang San.

“You know Grandmaster?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“He’s my Teacher.”

209 Goldenagato |

Wang Sheng said with a strange air:

“Can’t be. You recognized Grandmaster as master? His actual

strength is not up to much. At our academy, Grandmaster is
only a visiting official type of personage. They say it’s because of
good connections with the chairman that he can stay at the
academy. Saying it not so nicely, just a freeloader. I heard,
Grandmaster will soon be fifty years old but has still not broken
through the spirit grandmaster boundary, and his spirit only
has twenty nine ranks. Probably in all his life he still will not be
able to break through.”

Tang San lifted his head, looking seriously at Wang Sheng.

“If you do not want to exchange pointers with me once again,

I request that you will not make such presumptuous evaluations
of my Teacher. This is the first time, I expect it is also the last
time. Thank you for your kindness, but I think you still need
not treat me.”

Finished speaking, he turned around and left for the outside

of the dining hall.

Wang Sheng had not thought that Tang San’s reaction could

210 Goldenagato |

have been this big, he stood there momentarily dazed. To one
side Xiao Wu and the other students also did not understand
why he was like this.

‘A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime’. From Tang San’s

point of view, these words were absolutely not just lip service.
Since recognizing Grandmaster as master, his regard of
Grandmaster had evolved to heartfelt esteem. If just now it
hadn’t been Wang Shang speaking of his incorrect impression of
Grandmaster living off others, but rather another person,
perhaps he immediately would have struck.

Wang Sheng somewhat annoyed said:

“Can’t make heads or tails of it. This kid has some defect.”

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San’s departing back. Even though

the clothing he wore was full of patches, unconsciously, the thin
and small figure felt seemingly much larger.

To be near water after eating the rations, Tang San very

quickly returned to the dining hall. This time he did not enter,
standing by the dining hall gate quietly waiting. Of the passing
students quite a few threw him a curious look, but as if he had

211 Goldenagato |

not seen them, he let his eyelids droop, without even looking at

After waiting as much as an hour, Grandmaster finally came

out of the dining hall, and with him came a similarly middle
aged person.

The middle aged person was dressed in a chang pao, his

features eminently intelligent, chin slightly protruding, on his
face a mild smile.

“Let’s go, little San.”

Grandmaster called in the direction of where Tang San stood

by the dining hall gate.

The middle aged person at Grandmaster’s side said smiling:

“This is your newly accepted disciple?”

Grandmaster nodded.

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The middle aged person clapped Grandmaster’s shoulder,

“Well then, I wish you success. I will leave first.”

Having said so, he gave Tang San a glance, and went in

another direction.

Grandmaster’s residence was a room on the corner of the

dormitory building’s top floor. The room wasn’t large, only
thirty square meters or so. The things inside were also very
simple, only two bookshelves to one wall covered with books
attracted Tang San’s gaze.

Grandmaster took a bundle of paper from his arms and passed

it to Tang San.

“First eat, right. Even if I’ve carried it for a long time, the food
is still good.”

Tang San was dumbfounded for a moment, then unfolded the

paper bundle. Inside he saw two chicken legs and a steamed
bun, still lukewarm.

213 Goldenagato |


“Go on, eat it quickly. When you’ve finished I still have things
to speak to you about. The time of youth cannot be wasted.”

Grandmaster’s expression was calm and serious, his voice


It was not easy to eat one’s fill on the coarse flat cake alone,
and Tang San’s appetite also was not bad. Very quickly he
grabbed the food Grandmaster gave him and wolfed it all down.

Grandmaster poured him a cup of water, then sat down

behind the desk.

“This year you are six years old, with innate full spirit power,
and twin spirits. Release your other spirit, and let me have a

Tang San nodded. Grandmaster already knew he had twin

spirits, so he had no reason to hide it. Lifting his left hand, black

214 Goldenagato |

light surged out, once again coalescing into that not large

Because between last time and coming to school he had been

training, his physical strength had had significant progress.
Right now he could hold the hammer with an effort and not feel
overwhelming strain.

Seeing the hammer in Tang San’s hand, Grandmaster

suddenly shot up from his seat to his feet, his eyes exuding an
extremely agitated light. Unwaveringly staring at the hammer,

“Tang San, Tang San, surname Tang… ok, you can put away
the spirit. You must not lightly reveal it in front of other people.
Without my permission, hereafter you definitely must not give
that spirit additional spirit rings. This part you have to
remember well.”

Tang San rather surprised looked at Grandmaster,

“Dad also told me this. Why can’t I add spirit rings to this

215 Goldenagato |

The agitated light in Grandmaster’s eyes gradually dulled,

“What does your father do?”

Tang San said:

“He’s a village blacksmith.”


Grandmaster’s gaze was rather strange, heaving a sigh he

shook his head,

“Blacksmith, hammer, unexpectedly it’s a perfect match.”

“Now is not yet the time to tell you, you just need to
remember: right now you are not to use this spirit and add spirit
rings, only for the sake of your future plan. You must properly
keep this firmly in mind.”

Since father said so, and Grandmaster also said so, this made

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Tang San’s confidence in Grandmaster increase.

“I understand.”

Grandmaster said:

“Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, the day after tomorrow

the regular classes will start. However, from your point of view,
this is only a delay, nothing more. Right now the most pressing
matter, is to make your spirit able to continue cultivation. In
the morning you act only after I’ve carefully thought about it.
Early tomorrow morning you will follow me from the academy
and I will bring you to go look for a suitable spirit ring, to let
you advance up to spirit master title.”

Tang San rejoiced due to what Grandmaster said. Only after

having obtained a spirit ring could he confirm whether it was
because of lacking a spirit ring that his Mysterious Heaven Skill
was restrained. Grandmaster’s method was what he wanted,
and hurriedly he very happily agreed.

Grandmaster continued speaking:

217 Goldenagato |

“For the academy side I can help you explain, you need not
worry. On the way back I can instruct you in spirit lore. Tang
San, what is your view regarding your blue silver grass spirit?”

Tang San said:

“Everyone says it’s a useless spirit, however, I feel that

everything has some purpose. Even the most ordinary blue
silver grass should also be that way.”

Grandmaster, pleased, nodded and said:

“Not bad. Every spirit has its characteristics. In my research,

inferior spirits constitute a very large portion. I’ve always
maintained that there are no trash spirits, only trash people.
Tomorrow I’ll bring you to look for a spirit ring, so right now
you must decide the direction of your spirit’s growth on your

Tang San was somewhat dumbfounded.

“Direction of a spirit’s growth? Teacher, what does this


218 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster said:

“For this we must speak about spirit classification itself. To

broadly distinguish them, spirits only have two large categories:
beast spirits and tool spirits. Plant type spirits are also included
within tool spirits, so both your spirits are counted as tool
spirits. The biggest difference between tool spirits and beast
spirits is in their manifestation.”

“When beast spirits are employed, the beast’s power is added

to your own, and will also add its effect to the body. Relying on
the human body with beast spirit integration to enhance its
strength, achieving human-spirit unity to launch an attack is
the goal. But tool spirits are completely different - the tool
spirits possess effects that can be used independent of the body.
Consequently, assisting nature of tool spirits is greater than
beast spirits. Raising a simple example, if your spirit was our
most common food the oldest sword rice, like that, your spirit
could be treated as food. Furthermore because it is given form
by spirit power, the effect can be much better when compared
to ordinary rice.”

Tang San said, amazed:

219 Goldenagato |

“Can spirits also be eaten?”

Grandmaster gave a confirming nod and said:

“Food category spirits can all be eaten. Therefore, talented

higher ranked food system spirit masters are always eagerly
desired by the army. A single food system spirit master over
rank thirty can supply enough food to feed a hundred soldiers,
greatly reducing the depletion of resources by the army.”

Tang San dully said:

“I still don’t understand.”

Grandmaster patiently said:

“The principle is actually very simple. Food, for any living

organisms, is all treated as replenishing energy. And spirit
power is also a kind of energy. Just as spirit power can change
to be able to be absorbed by humans as energy, like that, it is
from our point of view certainly no different from genuine food.
The same as the energy the human body requires.”

220 Goldenagato |

Tang San listened and only faintly understood a bit, but he
understood the general idea.

“So to say, tool spirits are for the most part used to give
assistance, right.”

Grandmaster said:

“Nothing is definite, some tool spirits can become battle

spirits. For instance, if your tool spirit was a sword, it could be
regarded as a weapon. Like that, you could also become a battle
spirit master, like what is spoken of in the outside world as
magic weapons, is actually just tool spirit battle spirit masters
with their spirit cultivated to the pinnacle. Although tool spirit
masters and battle spirit masters are different, there are some
connections between them. Every spirit master has a growth
direction: food system, detection system, battle system, healing
system, controlling system and so on and so forth. Right now,
before obtaining a spirit ring, you must first quickly decide on
your spirit’s future growth direction. A spirit master’s spirit
cultivation, must have a direction in which to develop.”

221 Goldenagato |

Chapter 7 - Xiao Wu, You Still Want To?

“So to speak, when obtaining spirit rings in the future, as far

as possible obtain spirit rings with similar abilities. Not
necessarily completely the same, but a similar general direction,
in order to avoid spirit rings conflicting with each other and
instead restricting its power situation.”

Speaking of this, on Grandmaster’s face appeared a trace of a

grim smile.“Very many people all think blue silver grass is a
useless spirit, but as a result of my many years of research, I
believe blue silver grass similarly has its own purpose. If blue
silver grass was not too small and weak at the time of
awakening spirit power, even becoming a battle spirit is
definitely is not impossible.”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Teacher, you are the spirit research Grandmaster, since you

have researched blue silver grass in this way, then please give
me some pointers.”

Grandmaster also did not stand on ceremony. After all, in his

eyes Tang San was only a child, consulting his opinion was also

222 Goldenagato |

only symbolic.

When speaking of spirits, Grandmaster's mood clearly became

excited. Slowly nodding, he said:

“On the basis of my analysis of the concept and the blue silver
grass research, I suggest that you cultivate your spirit in the
control system direction in the future. Control system masters
can be said to be battle spirit masters, they can also be said to be
tool spirit masters. They themselves freely waver between the
two categories.”

“Control system?”

Tang San asked:

“Teacher, what are the control system capabilities?

Grandmaster said:

“What we call control system refers to relying on one’s own

spirit to restrict the opponent, with the goal of assisting an

223 Goldenagato |

attack. For example, take your blue silver grass. Although blue
silver grass is inherently small and weak, it is not without

“Blue silver grass also has advantages?”

After awakening his blue silver grass, Tang San had also
especially observed the natural form of this kind of grass,
discovering nothing as a result. It just had a comparatively
vigorous life-force, it was ubiquitous, and that’s all.

Grandmaster raised his right hand, extending one finger, and


“First of all, the spirit power consumption of using blue silver

grass is considerably small, compared to food system spirits the
consumption will still be smaller. This means you can depend
on its great quantity of spirit power to use it.”

Tang San nodded. Grandmaster’s words were not wrong.

When using blue silver grass the spirit power consumption
could practically be neglected. If pouring spirit power into the
spirit, then blue silver grass growing beyond ten metres could
let him slightly feel some spirit power drain.

224 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster also extended a second finger,

“Next, blue silver grass is most common, therefore, its

confusing nature will be much greater when compared to other
spirits, especially those low intelligence common spirit beasts
are like that. Even if you call out your spirit next to them, they
may not be able to notice.”

Extending a third finger,

“Third, blue silver grass can grow in boundless ways. Because

it’s in itself low-end, it can conduct growth in many directions,
and since blue silver grass is in itself small and weak, it cannot
reject any spirit ring attribute evolution.”

“Spirits can still reject spirit ring evolution?”

Tang San asked, astonished.

Grandmaster said:

225 Goldenagato |

“Of course. If the spirit itself conflicts with the spirit ring
attribute, when looking to add spirit rings to the spirit, it can
cause a rejection phenomenon. For example, for spirit beasts it
is very difficult to add spirit rings that possess poison. Although
the spirit can have a body, so to speak. While it is also a living
body, it is another kind of manifestation of the host’s life. If a
poison spirit ring is forced on it, they probably will be poisoned
first. Among beast spirits only a few have the ability to
assimilate poison and not transfer it to the host. But blue silver
grass is different, it is in itself a plant, and small and weak.
Things like absorbing poison is not the least bit difficult.”

Speaking, he again raised a fourth finger,

“In your body, there still is a fourth advantage, precisely that

innate full spirit power. On our Douluo Continent the reason
why not one formidable blue silver grass spirit master has
appeared, the chief cause is just that after awakening blue silver
grass spirit the spirit power attached to the host is truly too
small. And innate spirit power has a direct ratio to acquired
spirit power cultivation speed. When innate spirit power is too
small and weak, it’s very difficult to cultivate to even higher
levels, and at the later stage of cultivation, hunting and killing a
spirit beast is also an even more difficult task. But you are
different, you have innate full spirit power. Regardless of
whether this spirit power was granted by blue silver grass or
your other hammer spirit, neither influences your bringing it to

226 Goldenagato |

use on blue silver grass. Therefore, from your point of view
there are absolutely no disadvantages to cultivating blue silver

Tang San in his heart was secretly full of praise. Truly

deserving of calling himself Grandmaster; opting to recognize
him as master had not been a mistake at all. A common blue
silver grass like his could reveal so many advantages through his
analysis. This showed the thoroughness of his spirit research.
Those teachers speaking about this profound spirit researcher
as only a theory circulating eccentric, was simply comical.

Grandmaster’s mood was clearly somewhat agitated,

continuing speaking:

“After my careful research, growing blue silver grass spirit in

the control system direction is most advantageous. Grass is
lithe, and it can at will grow into various kinds of forms. At its
simplest it can be used as rope, tangling the opponent.”

Tang San said:

“But blue silver grass is so fragile, it will split in a struggle.

How can it pin the opponent?”

227 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster said:

“This is exactly what growth direction is. With respect to

growth in the control system direction, your spirit ring can be
chosen to focus in two aspects, first is toughness. The other is
poison. Following spirit power promotion, the spirit will also
become stronger and stronger. When you have poured even
more spirit power into blue silver grass, it will be much tougher
compared to natural blue silver grass. After you have obtained
the effect of a spirit ring again, pinning your opponent will not
be difficult. And speaking of if blue silver grass obtains a poison
effect, it will naturally also be able to evolve attack uses.”

This time Tang San at last thoroughly understood. Restricting

the opponent, supplementing poison. If blue silver grass truly
could achieve this, then, after his hidden weapons did not hit a
moving target, he could just stop the target.

Of course, to possess all this he must first clearly establish

understanding of spirit power, spirit ring and his Mysterious
Heaven skill interrelationship. After all, what is called his
innate full spirit power could be produced by his Mysterious
Heaven skill cultivation, and not come from his spirit

228 Goldenagato |

Actually, Tang San was not aware that of the two spirits he
had, that hammer should give him spirit power. It was only
because among the two spirits blue silver grass produced some
negative variation. In addition to that,cultivating Mysterious
Heaven skill with its spirit power had a merging process.
Therefore, at the time of the spirit awakening ceremony it
seemed like spirit power did not appear.

Even if it had, it still could not manifest appearance, because

he had already reached the level of innate full spirit power.
Hence, without first adding a spirit ring, his spirit power
already could not continue rising.

Grandmaster drank a mouthful of water,

“For the moment let’s decide like this, you go back first. Early
tomorrow morning I will come look for you at the dormitory.”


Departing Grandmaster’s room, Tang San could not be calm

for a long time. Grandmaster’s explanation about spirits made
him understand more clearly than before. This afternoon, by

229 Goldenagato |

way of Grandmaster’s explanation, he also had a proper
understanding regarding this spirit master vocation at last.

Spirit masters were divided into the two main categories

battle spirit masters and tool spirit masters, and under these
two main categories, they were also divided into smaller
categories of food system, control system, battle system, healing
system and so on. A spirit master’s actual strength was closely
related with spirit rings and spirit power. They themselves
supplemented and complemented each other in the growth

Tang San at present understood this completely. He knew that

if he wanted to get even more spirit master lore, he must follow
Grandmaster to continue to study. And Grandmaster deciding
to quickly bring him to go obtain a spirit ring made Tang San
most happy. Waiting until after having his first spirit ring,
regardless of how he said he felt, he could confirm what
connection there was between his Mysterious Heaven skill and
this world’s spirits.

Returning to the dormitory, the other people were not there,

and he did not know where on earth they could have gone. Tang
San had two midday meals, so although the colour of the sky
was gradually growing late, he was not even a bit hungry.

230 Goldenagato |

Lying on the bed closing his eyes to rest, he carefully recalled
the things Grandmaster had said today, letting his impression
deepen even more.

As the day hurried to its end he was also somewhat tired,

unconsciously, he already passed into sleep.


Not knowing how long, a voice out of nowhere brought Tang

San out of his light sleep. Although right now he hadn’t rested
much, his alert nature still was not small. Subconsciously
opening his eyes, looking straight at her lovable pretty face.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San,

“It still isn’t late enough to sleep, will you still be able to sleep
at night?”

Tang San hurriedly somewhat awkwardly clambered up.

Right now, Xiao Wu bent over the boundary in the middle of
their two beds, looking at him with a charming smile.

231 Goldenagato |

Tang San discovered that all the working students had already
returned. Sitting up on the bed, pointing to the dividing
boundary, he said:

“You’re crossing the border.”

Xiao Wu happily laughed, and said:

“What crossing the border? I’m a girl. You should invite me,
isn’t that right? Of course, you absolutely cannot cross the

Looking at her flushed little face, Tang San truly wanted to

pinch it, but in the end he didn’t have the heart to.

“You wanton. Xiao Wu, tomorrow I probably have to go out

for a while, I also do not know just how late I can return. I’m
telling you in advance.”

“Go out? Go where?”

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Xiao Wu asked, full of curiosity.

Tang San did not hold back,

“Teacher said my spirit power is already full, and should as

soon as possible obtain the first spirit ring, so in order to
continue cultivation, he intends to bring me to look for an
appropriate one.”

Xiao Wu was considered room seven’s room senior, and he did

not know how many days he must be gone, so making it clear to
her was naturally necessary. Of course, this was also related to
today’s clash with Wang Sheng at lunch. Right now he still did
not have the mood to understand Wang Sheng.

Listening to Tang San speaking of going to obtain a spirit ring,

other than Xiao Wu the other students’ faces suddenly all
revealed envious expressions. Regarding the spirit master topic,
there was no matter as significant in comparison. Tenth rank
spirit scholars only differed one rank from eleventh rank spirit
masters, but regarding positions of strength they were both
worlds apart. And when going up to this kind of seniority was
also distinct.

233 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu frowned and said:

“Still not having started attending school you are about to

leave. Is a spirit ring really so important?”

Before Tang San had started to speak, Xiao Wu discovered the

atmosphere around them was peculiar; the other working
students were all looking at her with a monstrous expression in
their eyes, was spirit ring important? Having to ask. Regarding
the spirit master topic, there was practically no matter more
important than spirit ring.

“Get going then. However, what’s to be done about our

working student work? If you leave, I’m the only person doing
that work.”

Xiao Wu angrily looked at Tang San.

Tang San had no alternative but to say:

“Can’t have that, so these days I will trouble you to work hard
for a bit, and when I return later, count the remainder of this
term’s work as mine. Half the wages are yours as usual, how’s

234 Goldenagato |


With his physical strength, sweeping the flower garden

simply did not count for anything, and Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill
astonished him greatly, so afterwards he still wanted to find an
opportunity to continue exchanging pointers. He also was not a
person fond of profiting at other people’s expense.

Xiao Wu then showed a trace of a smile,

“Fine, then it’s settled like this.”

Tang San’s dinner as before was coarse flat cake. Just after the
sky had darkened, all the working students already sat on their
beds starting spirit power cultivation.

Different from ordinary students, working student’s

cultivation was much more painstaking, even though their
aptitude was probably the same, cultivating spirits could be said
to be their only future way out.

By observing Tang San discovered, that these working

students’ posture for cultivating spirits was about the same as

235 Goldenagato |

his, on the body faint pale spirit power waves appeared, only he
did not know how they truly carried out cultivation.

Only Xiao Wu was a person refusing to stay idle, she also was
not cultivating. When Tang San just finished eating his rations,
she pulled on him insisting to go out for a stroll.

If it was before, Tang San certainly also would have cultivated

Mysterious Heaven skill. But right now he had long since
reached the bottleneck, and Purple Demon Eye also could only
be practiced in early morning. Unable to bear Xiao Wu’s
repeated urging, he had no choice but to follow her out from the

At this time of the season the weather was the most

comfortable, the air was pleasantly cool but not chilly. By now,
the sky had already darkened, stars hung above in the sky. Cool
and bright.

“Little San, look, heaven has so many stars.”

Xiao Wu was jumping for joy bouncing and vivacious, she was
not in any way short on the liveliness of children this age.

236 Goldenagato |

She called Tang San by little San, and not little Third, in
addition to that she also was a girl, so Tang San could not
protest. He could not help but say:

“You pulled me out for the sake of looking at stars?”

By now, outside the dormitory building already very few

students and teachers could be seen. Not until later Tang San
knew, dusk cultivation was a spirit master tradition.

Xiao Wu smiling said:

“No, of course not. I want to spar with you again. During the
day I anticipated the opening move, and with an effort managed
a surprise attack. Defeating you was a one-sided fight. Seeing
your appearance was also somewhat unconvinced, I’ll again give
you a good opportunity.”

A girl as warlike as Xiao Wu definitely could not often be seen,

but this was to Tang San’s liking. Immediately rousing his

“Good, then come on.”

237 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu smiling used a finger to scratch her face,

“If in a moment I have you on your stomach don’t be

sniveling, oh? Are you ready or not?”

Seeing her lovable appearance, Tang San couldn’t help but

pause a moment, but still very quickly recovered his balance,

“Come on.”

“Good, I’m coming.”

While speaking, Xiao Wu’s face revealed a slightly wicked

smile, and walked in the direction of Tang San. Indeed coming,
but certainly not attacking.

Tang San frowning said:

“What on earth are you doing? Weren’t we exchanging


238 Goldenagato |

By now, Xiao Wu had already walked up to him so the
distance was less than one metre. Even though they both still
were children, and their arms and legs not long, Xiao Wu still
walked as before, having already lost leg attack distance.

From the perspective of spirits, Tang San knew, since Xiao

Wu’s spirit was a rabbit, and the rabbit’s strongest place was the
leg, her legs should also be the fiercest, this bit he could see
from when they fought during the day. By now, she had lost the
position to employ the legs, what could she actually be

Xiao WU nodded, smiling said:

“Right! Have I not come to exchange pointers with you?”

Just as Tang San in his heart felt uncertain, Xiao Wu abruptly

flung back her head, the scorpion braid on the back of her head
becoming a black shadow winding in the direction of Tang San’s

Was this way also alright? A method using hair to attack was

239 Goldenagato |

the first time Tang San had seen anything like it. But he was all
along on alert for Xiao Wu’s attack, and watching her scorpion
braid whip at him, he immediately retreated a step,
simultaneously lifting the left hand, twisting towards Xiao Wu’s
hair. Shortly the braid would be caught, then Xiao Wu could not
again have combat effectiveness.

Xiao Wu’s hands came together to lift her braid, so when Tang
San raised his hand, suddenly realizing Xiao Wu’s hands already
had lifted up, just as his hand still did not meet Xiao Wu’s long
hair, Xiao Wu abruptly raised her head, scorpion braid already
crossing Tang San’s palm, and her own hand closely going up.

Xiao Wu’s hand lithe and brilliant, soft, meeting it was like
being hit with a bundle of cotton, but Tang San right now was
not in the mood to be affected by beauty, because he gaping
with astonishment discovered that Xiao Wu’s arm unexpectedly
twisted bizarrely a moment, not only twining his palm, but even
in a flash extended, twining around his arm. At this same time,
her other hand lifted, and that up overhead scorpion braid fell
from overhead, as if it was her third hand, winding in the
direction of Tang San’s neck.

Xiao Wu’s arm seemed fair and soft, but was extremely tough.
With Tang San’s strength, he was unable to struggle free from
her twining. Underfoot forcing a leap back, but Xiao Wu’s body

240 Goldenagato |

was like four weights of cotton following together with his leap.
While Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was exquisite, like this it
had already lost effect.

In order to avoid Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid, Tang San abruptly

raised his head, bending backwards at the waist, using the Iron
Panel Bridge form to dodge. Simultaneously, unable to still hold
back Mysterious Heaven skill, moving both arms, since he was
afraid to injure Xiao Wu he only used half the effect.

Who could know, that when Tang San used force, Xiao Wu’s
both hands abruptly let go. Immediately following, Tang San
felt a great force coming from his waist, and suddenly unable to
again judge control, immediately fell backwards.

With a thump, Tang San fell to the ground facing up, two
small hands supported by the gravitational force caused by his
fall pressed on Tang San’s two shoulder joints, causing both his
arms a burst of tingling, unable to exert strength. And by then,
Xiao Wu’s body completely sat straddling his waist,
triumphantly looking at him. Tang San’s lower abdomen in
comprehensive contact with and feeling the elasticity of Xiao
Wu’s little butt.

“How about it? Convinced or not?”

241 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu lowered her head to look at Tang San, face ecstatic.

If speaking of the first time when Xiao Wu threw Tang San it

was certainly not the best feeling, this time was depressing.
From the point of view of physical strength, Xiao Wu seemed
compared to him must be weaker. But this fighting method of
hers was too strange. Tang San’s own fighting experience also
was not considered abundant, then suddenly came into contact
with this method.

“Not convinced, come again.”

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, in his heart refusing to give in.

Xiao Wu triumphantly said:

“You still want to? But I won’t give you the opportunity.
Having skill, you first struggle free again.”

How to struggle free of shoulder joint control? Mysterious

Heaven skill’s operation route was obstructed.

242 Goldenagato |

“What on earth are you up to? Still not quickly getting up. In
public, to go so far……”

At this time, a discordant voice reached them.

Xiao Wu and Tang San simultaneously looked up, only to see a

female teacher walk in their direction in a rage.

Indeed, right now Tang San and Xiao Wu’s posture was truly
somewhat unbecoming. Tang San lying flat on the ground, both
arms spread on two sides, Xiao Wu straddling his waist, both
hands pressing down on his shoulders and head bent to look at
him. Even though the two were only children, but this action,
truly was somewhat……

Xiao Wu’s little face turned red, jumping up to her feet from
on top of Tang San. Tang San also took advantage of being free
and climbed to his feet.

The female teacher had already come over, angrily said:

“You two, what do you have to say?”

243 Goldenagato |

Tang San felt he as the boy should explain, but before he had
opened his mouth, Xiao Wu already rushed to explain:

“Teacher, we are exchanging pointers.”

“Exchanging pointers? Lying on the ground exchanging

pointers? Taking what appearance? How have your families
taught you? It looks as if you ought to be this year’s first year
students, right. Such young scholars flirting, what about when
grown up?”

The teachers reprimand was like the sound of popping beans

in the two people’s ears. Tang San stealthily glanced at Xiao
Wu, Xiao Wu was also looking at him, and stuck out her tongue
in his direction.

Hearing the teacher speaking about parents, Tang San could

not help but say:

“Teacher, we truly were exchanging pointers on spirit


244 Goldenagato |

The term spirit abilities he had during the day heard Wang
Sheng say, at this point could also be considered learning and

The female teacher looked at him with a somewhat disdainful

eye, and said:

“You have just entered the academy, what spirit abilities

could you have. Making up lies is also not a reasonable
approach. Move, follow me to the dean’s office.”


Tang San and Xiao Wu answered practically in unison.

Tang San earnestly said:

“Teacher, we really were exchanging pointers on spirit

abilities. How about, we let you see us exchanging pointers.”

Xiao Wu clapped her chest, saying:

245 Goldenagato |

“I’ll come. Teacher, you don’t say anything, I’ll also exchange
pointers with you for a moment, ok.”

Without waiting for the female teacher to react by coming

over, Xiao Wu leapt up, worthy of a rabbit spirit, this leap of
hers was truly high, no less that one metre off the ground, both
hands directly held in the direction of the teacher’s neck.

Xiao Wu leaping this high also startled that female teacher,

subconsciously she raised both hands to ward off Xiao Wu’s

Tang San in his heart was snickering, this teacher might get
the worst of it.

Tang San still did not know Xiao Wu’s real strength, but he
was very clear about his own strength. Even though his
Mysterious Heaven skill could not advance, but relying on his
own physical strength in addition to the first tier pinnacle
Mysterious Heaven skill, he still could not look down on this
world’s spirit additional capability circumstances. And
comparing efficacy he was even a bit higher than this opponent,
who also definitely was not a match for his Tang sect martial

246 Goldenagato |

And Xiao Wu was a person who could a moment ago defeat
him, her spirit ability was so singularly strange, that regardless
of who faced it for the first time, probably all would be at a

As expected, the female teacher’s both hands were tangled up

by Xiao Wu’s arms practically in the first moment, and
immediately afterwards, her scorpion braid also whipped out,
just happening to twine about that female teacher’s neck.

This after all was a primary spirit master academy, and the
teachers’ general strength was also only around the level of a
spirit grandmaster, for the most part at twenty fifth rank on
average. From that point of view, not exceeding a thirtieth rank
spirit master, they were practically in the first moment unable
to possess their own spirit abilities. These teachers in fighting
skills were by far unable to compare to Tang San. And at present
this female teacher facing two first year students, naturally was
unable to think of using her spirit. This female teacher is herself
also a tool spirit master, with priority to assistance. Therefore,
when face to face, she was already greatly deficient.

Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid wound about the female teacher’s

neck, both arms entangling both her hands. Both her leaping
legs simultaneously stretched forward, just enough to kick

247 Goldenagato |

down at the female teacher’s lower abdomen. Just when these
practically at the same time accomplished, her upper body
abruptly bent back, pulling back the scorpion braid with both
hands strength. Faintly, pale white light could be seen
appearing on Xiao Wu’s body.

The teacher cried out in alarm in the middle of losing balance,

Xiao Wu’s both hands released at the right time, producing an
escape flip movement, both legs kicking, and the female
teacher’s body at once flew back.

Xiao Wu’s movements towards the teacher were not as gentle

as against Tang San, this time the teacher’s body was kicked a
full three meters away. Falling heavily to the ground. Even if
this female teacher had spirit power body protection, falling
was confusing, all along can’t find direction.

Xiao Wu walked up next to the female teacher, big eyes

blinking, an innocent face,

“Teacher, you alright?”

The female teacher dully applied spirit power, clambering to

her feet with difficulty. Looking at Xiao Wu’s appearance, her

248 Goldenagato |

eyes revealing a bewildered expression.

Spirit ability, definitely, it was spirit ability. Otherwise, even

if she was not a battle spirit master, how could she be thrown by
a young child like this? And also when she tangled both her
hands suddenly became extremely tough, that absolutely was a
spirit adding effect. What kind of person was this girl anyway?

The female teacher could perhaps not care about Xiao Wu, she
also believed that when using her spirit circumstances would be
able to subdue this child, but she had no choice but to consider
Xiao Wu’s background. From one point of view, of Douluo’s
formidable spirit masters, spirits all are clan inheritance. This
young possessing spirit ability, it shows her spirit had great
ferocity. The female teacher in her heart couldn’t help but be
perturbed. She was just a spirit grandmaster, and this child
might have the strength of a spirit master ancestral family. As a
spirit master from a common family she could not cause

“Y-, you……, later you must not exchange pointers on the

sports ground, you must have a teacher nearby to safeguard, do
you understand?”

The female teacher simply explained in a few sentences, and

249 Goldenagato |

left dejected and depressed. In her heart resolving, to first thing
tomorrow look into this girl’s background.

Looking at the female teacher’s gradually distancing figure,

Tang San asked in a low voice in Xiao Wu’s direction:

“That move you used just now, it seems quite powerful.”

Xiao Wu rather proudly said:

“I already stayed my hand, otherwise the consequence could

have been very serious, oh. That is called Rabbit Kicking Eagle,
can be my proudest technique.”

Having spoken to here, she suddenly looked warily in Tang

San’s direction,

“Why are you asking so clearly? Thinking about later

producing a good countermeasure?”

Tang San couldn’t help but shake his head, saying:

250 Goldenagato |

“You are clearly gauging the heart of a gentleman with your
own mean measure.”

Xiao Wu angrily said:

“You dare say I am a base person? Then we will continue

exchanging pointers, right.”

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu and could not help but be

somewhat speechless, this silly girl bullied him as if addicted to
bullying. Since it was merely exchanging pointers, how could he
be afraid? Hooking his hand in Xiao Wu’s direction,

“Then come on.”

Xiao Wu at his side, turned and counterattacked with her

palm coming at him.

Having experienced the second lesson, Tang San could not let
her easily tangle him. He knew that dealing with Xiao Wu’s
style of close quarters attack method was an uncertain
opponent, so opening distance was the best method. Figure

251 Goldenagato |

dodging, quickly retreating, already dodging several meters

Xiao Wu snorted,

“Comparing speed, I still won’t fear you.”

Body shooting forward, she pounced in Tang San’s direction.

Tang San smiled slightly, this time he was at last fully

prepared. If he again let Xiao Wu easily throw him, then for
these years he truly would have practiced in vain.

In his eyes flashed a trace of faint purple, the trace of using

Demon Purple Eye. Under the effect of Purple Demon Eye, Xiao
Wu’s movements were clear and slow to his eyes. Feet stepping
with Perplexing Track, one smooth step already shifted him
more than two metres, just enough to avoid Xiao Wu’s pounce,
even for her hair braid and long legs it would still impossible to
reach two metres out.

Xiao Wu was clearly dumbfounded. She herself had expert

agility, and Tang San’s speed had not seemed faster, but just

252 Goldenagato |

enough to be able to avoid her opening pounce. And from her
point of view, to bring out her most expert Soft Skill she had to
first come into contact with the opponent’s body. This time
Tang San simply did not give her an opportunity like that.

Xiao Wu naturally could not resign, taking a rabbit stance,

and again she increasing the speed a bit, pursuing Tang San
with bare fangs and brandished claws.

Tang San took a deep breath, Mysterious Heaven skill flowing

down, entering both legs, feet using Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, circling this wide open sports ground with Xiao Wu.

Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was extremely marvelous.

Seemingly Tang San’s movements were certainly not fast, but
every step taken secretly contained extreme power. No matter
how fast Xiao Wu’s speed, or in which direction she pounced, he
could always at the most appropriate time take a step in the best
direction, not giving Xiao Wu the opportunity to approach him.

This could in fact be Tang sect’s true art: Tang sect

practitioners were not necessarily contesting with the opponent
directly from the front, since they were most skilled in hidden
weapons, relying on lightness skill in combination with hidden
weapons was the killer weapon of Tang sect disciples.

253 Goldenagato |

Two people, one pursuing and one dodging, in a moment they
had already moved all over half the sports ground. Xiao Wu
already starting to be somewhat out of breath, could no matter
how not catch up to Tang San.

“Hey, you are this shameless.”

Not catching up, Xiao Wu simply did not pursue, and stood
there fuming with anger, both hands on her waist, big eyes
glaring at Tang San,

“We are exchanging pointers, not playing catch-up, your

constant dodging counts as what, have the skill to attack at me,

Tang San smiled slightly,

“Good, then you take care.”

While speaking, he conveniently gathered from the side of the

sports ground several stones into the palm of his hand,

254 Goldenagato |

“Striking your left shoulder.”

One stone already flew out.

Xiao Wu snorted, her body in a flash dodging to the right.

“Striking your right shoulder, left lower leg, right lower leg.”

Three stones simultaneously flew out from Tang San’s palm.

The first stone truly was striking towards Xiao Wu’s left
shoulder, but right now she was watching three stones as if
flying in a single direction, in her heart thinking to herself, this
fellow is definitely deceiving me. Not retreating and instead
advancing, suddenly accelerating, facing Tang San and
pouncing, simultaneously raising both hands before her chest to
block. It was only a pebble, nothing more, just knock it down.

But, making Xiao Wu shocked a scene took place, just as she

saw she could clap down the stones, those three pebbles
suddenly separated, and flying out in three different directions.

255 Goldenagato |

At such a close distance, there already was not enough time
for an effective reaction.

“Aiyou, aiyou.”

Three stones fell in place, just right to strike Xiao Wu’s right
shoulder, left lower leg and right lower leg.

Although Tang San had not infused Mysterious Heaven skill

into the pebbles, when struck head-on, Xiao Wu still felt a burst
of extreme pain.

“Good, you dare use stones to hit me.”

Xiao Wu certainly did not know, that this was Tang San’s
since arriving in this world, the first time genuinely facing an
opponent using hidden weapons. What he used was in
Mysterious Heaven Profound Record the Hidden Weapons
Hundred Separation technique Swallows Parting Flight.
Seeming simple, but in it was contained cunning tricks that
were extremely exquisite. Among the Hidden Weapons Hundred
Separation technique, because of the Mysterious Heaven skill
restriction, up until now Tang San was only with an effort able

256 Goldenagato |

to use two or three kinds, that’s all, this Swallows Parting Flight
was the only one among them that was extremely proficient.

“Allowing you to throw me, but not letting me use pebbles?

This time it’s your loss.”

“Doesn’t count, doesn’t count, come again……”

Xiao Wu firmly believed, she need only be prepared, in no way

could Tang San hit the mark again.

“Xiao Wu, you still want to! Then come on……”

Continuing exchanging pointers, and also continuing for a

very long time. As for results, when Tang San early on the
second day left the Nuoding primary spirit master academy
with Grandmaster, on his lips he was still talking about how
striking a moving target was fun!

And that same evening, no story took place with two people
sharing a bed, after all, they were too tired from exchanging

257 Goldenagato |

Early morning, when the vast majority of Nuoding academy’s
teachers and student were still in deep sleep, one tall and one
short, two people already left through the big academy gate.

“Teacher, where will we go to find spirit beasts?”

These people departing from the academy, were only

Grandmaster and Tang San.

“We will go four hundred li northeast of Nuoding city to Spirit

Hunting Forest. There is where the empire holds spirit beasts
captive. Certainly can find something that suits you.”

Grandmaster today wore tough clothing, seeming like it

somewhat increased his heroic spirit, it was only that stiff face
that like before gave people a kind of discordant feeling.

“Captive? Spirit beasts can also be held captive? Teacher, you

can explain spirit beast lore to me, right?.”

Grandmaster nodded, and said:

258 Goldenagato |

“High level spirit beasts naturally cannot be captured, but
lower level ones can. Spirit beasts are a type of animal that
possesses spirit power. The longer they exist, the more powerful
they become. Therefore, from this point of view, based on
number of years we divide them into five levels. Ten year spirit
beasts, hundred year spirit beasts, thousand year spirit beasts,
ten thousand year spirit beasts and hundred thousand year
spirit beasts. Its meaning is just as the name implies: a spirit
beast cultivating for over ten years, is a ten year spirit beast, and
so on. Spirit rings are distinguished in the same way as spirit
beasts. Spirit rings of different age are very easily recognized, it
can be seen from color. Of these, ten year spirit beasts’ spirit
rings are white, hundred year beasts’ rings are yellow, thousand
year spirit beasts’ spirit rings are purple, ten thousand year
spirit beasts’ are black, and hundred thousand year spirit beasts’
spirit rings are red. Those that are regularly captured by the
country, supplying spirit masters with spirit beasts to hunt and
kill, for the most part are ten years and hundred years. Few
thousand year spirit beasts appear.”

259 Goldenagato |

Chapter 8 - Spirit Tool, Twenty Four Moonlit

“Teacher, the longer the cultivation time the more powerful

the spirit beast’s strength, and the greater the effect of the spirit
ring. In what respects does this formidability show?”

Tang San asked.

On Grandmaster’s stiff face appeared a touch of his signature

unsightly smiling expression,

“This line of questioning is very good. The spirit rings

produced by spirit beasts of different level main difference to
spirit master is what attribute it adds as well as the capacity to
master its ability. For example, if using the quantitative angle of
view, with your blue silver grass spirit with the control system
tool spirit master route, and you obtain a compatible attribute
ten year spirit ring, then your blue silver grass’ control nature
can increase by ten. But if it was a hundred year spirit ring, then
your blue silver grass’ control nature would increase by a
hundred. And so on. Consequently, whenever possible, spirit
masters as much as possible pursue enhancing their spirit even

260 Goldenagato |

Tang San uncertainly said:

“Wouldn’t then people possessing greater power be able to

obtain a better spirit ring? Those nobles can completely rely on
their clan’s strength to go hunt even more powerful spirit rings
for them.”

In Grandmaster’s eyes fleetingly a commending light was


“To think of this, proves you have carefully reflected, but the
facts are not that simple. One might say, the requirements for
adding a spirit ring are extremely severe.”

“First of all, one must personally strike the killing blow to the
spirit beast to be able to receive the spirit beast’s spirit ring.
Spirit rings can only exist for an extremely brief time, if not
added to oneself within two hours it will lose effect.”

“Next, spirit beasts are a kind of extremely proud creatures,

not just any spirit beasts will let themselves be taken prisoner. If
an opponent inflicts a severe injury, wanting to capture them,
then the spirit beast can choose to explode their spirit power

261 Goldenagato |

and commit suicide. This hinders the circumstances you spoke
of, even if inviting people to hunt and kill spirit beasts, if not
killed by him, then it is still very difficult to obtain a spirit

“Of course, all this is not absolute. How can humanity’s

wisdom be compared to spirit beasts. The best method to hunt
and kill spirit beasts, is precisely to organize groups to go to
spirit beasts’ location, the one who strikes the last blow, then
can obtain the spirit ring. Therefore, what you said about
nobles and some people possessing power, on hunting and
killing spirit beasts side indeed have a certain advantage.”

“But, these kinds of people easily obtaining spirit rings does

not mean that he will become more powerful compared to an
ordinary spirit master. They also cannot confirm whether the
attribute of the spirit beast they come across is the most suitable
to them. The spirit beast’s level is admittedly important, but
whether the attribute is compatible is also equally crucial. Even
better spirit rings, unless your spirit itself is compatible, it will
also be unable to evolve good effects, and on the contrary will
affect oneself. Every spirit master on different stages has
restrictions on the spirit rings they can absorb.”

“To take an example, you right now are only a tenth rank
spirit scholar, and with your current spirit power, at most you

262 Goldenagato |

can absorb a hundred year spirit beast’s spirit ring. If you try in
vain to absorb a thousand year spirit ring, this can only have
one result: the body is unable to endure, and is destroyed by the
spirit ring’s power. When absorbing the spirit ring, any outside
force is unable to help, and you can only rely on yourself.
Consider, these people requiring others to help hunt and kill
their spirit beast, how capable is their own actual strength,
perhaps absorbing a suitable to them while the grade of the
spirit ring is still within control limits will bring about a
destructive strike. Tang San, you must remember, this world is
impartial: when wanting to obtain something, certainly one
must put forth the corresponding effort. Being opportunistic is
what a mediocre person does. We who study spirit theory, do so
only for the sake of making this effort a bit easier for spirit
masters. Under circumstances when possessing equal strength
to become still more formidable. Do you understand?”

Tang San earnestly nodded.

In the first place he was not a person in the habit of being

opportunistic, relying on his own strength with one step
making one footprint in the direction of objective this effort was
the most solid.

Grandmaster was not in any hurry to bring Tang San to leave

the city walls, instead he was going in the direction of the inner

263 Goldenagato |

city walls.

“Teacher, aren’t we going outside the city walls?”

Grandmaster said:

“For going to hunt spirit beasts we must still prepare some

things, and also, we cannot go on foot. A four hundred li
journey while not too long, but making the best of time is
always best.”

Following the sunlight gradually rising from the east, within

Nuoding city more pedestrians gradually appeared. Today was
one of a not large number of days where Tang San did not draw
on the eastern purple qi to cultivate Purple Demon Eye.

What Grandmaster spoke of as getting ready certainly was not

complicated, he bought two leather bags specially used for
holding drinking water. Each bag was capable of holding as
much as five litres of fresh water. He also bought some cured
meat, flatbread and fruit. All in all getting two large bundles.

If speaking of these Tang San could still comprehend, but

264 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster still bought a kind of thing that he was unable to
understand, and these things were also bought in greatest

A whole twenty jin of white radish. Tang San’s current

assignment was to carry them. A twenty jin weight from his
point of view, still did not count for anything. Of course, if it
was a four hundred li journey on foot, then it was an issue.

Fortunately, after Grandmaster procured all these things all

ready, immediately at the inner city wall he hired a carriage,
giving the carter five silver spirit coins.

Douluo Continent’s currency exchange was like this: one gold

spirit coin was equivalent to ten silver spirit coins, equivalent to
a hundred copper spirit coins. One gold spirit coin was already
enough for a family of three’s regular expenses for several
months. It was also equivalent to three years worth of Tang
San’s income from Nuoding academy work.

Spirit master was said to be this continent’s most privileged

vocation, and income was a significant reason. Even if one only
advanced from spirit scholar to spirit master, every month they
could still enjoy a one gold spirit coin stipend. This was
sufficient for an ordinary person to live. Of course, only basic

265 Goldenagato |

life, desiring luxuries was impossible.

And as a spirit master cultivated and reached even higher

levels, in particular exceeding spirit grandmaster and entering
the spirit elder realm, provided they registered at spirit hall,
could be conferred the rank of nobility directly by the nation,
becoming a lesser noble baron. The higher the actual strength,
the higher the noble title. Regarding income naturally the boat
also rose with the water.

For Tang San this was the first time travelling on a carriage,
and even though somewhat bumpy, the new sensation still
made him abundantly interested, frequently pushing aside the
window curtain to look outside. Seeing a stream of people
bustling with activity, as well as various sorts of shops,
regarding the outside world, in his heart he couldn’t help but
somewhat yearn for it. In this life, his fate would not be as
simple as in his previous. Not knowing in what way he later
would enter society.

“Little San, this is for you.”

Grandmaster’s cool voice suddenly roused Tang San from his

train of thought, just as he gazed at Grandmaster, he discovered
something unknown, Grandmaster’s already held a belt in his

266 Goldenagato |

hand. A belt with a very beautiful appearance.

The whole belt was black, and on the surface were dark
stripes, that unless carefully looked for could not be
distinguished, and on the entire belt, evenly distributed were
set twenty four pieces of milky white jade. Each piece of jade
was the size of an adult person’s thumbnail, and round. With
gentle color and lustre, looking like rare fine jade.

“Thank you Teacher.”

Tang San did not stand on ceremony, holding out his hand to
receive it, what is called ‘senior’s gift must not be refused’.
When he before was at Tang sect, Tang inner sect elders
receiving disciples would all later give a gift. Grandmaster
giving him this belt, should also have a similar meaning.

Grandmaster said:

“This belt has been with me for very many years, also been
neglected for very many years. I hope in the future it can
blossom into its proper glory in your hands.”

267 Goldenagato |

Regarding the belt, from the start Tang San felt it was not
ordinary, as if the belt had numerous faint streams of qi
circulating, and these streams of qi were with this belt itself
acting as a bridge, with the jade serving as stores.

“Thirty years ago, when I obtained it I did not know what it

was called. But through my many years of research I came to see
it could be considered a first class spirit tool, functioning as
storage. You only need to infuse it with spirit power, and each
piece of jade is capable of providing one cubic metre of storage
space. Like that you can conveniently deposit goods.”

Spirit tools, to Tang San, was a brand new term. Although he

still did not know exactly what the meaning of spirit tool was,
Grandmaster’s explanation already gave his mind deep

Twenty four jade stones, that also precisely had twenty four
cubic metres of storage space, to him, that was a place for
depositing twenty four kinds of hidden weapons. The
expression in Tang San’s eyes became blazing, and within his
heart the thirst to promote Mysterious Heaven skill reached an
extreme degree. He was dying to right now possess enough
inner strength to go cultivate all kinds of hidden weapons uses.
Having this belt, he need not again worry about hidden
weapons storage issues.

268 Goldenagato |

As Tang San had not asked, Grandmaster already went ahead
and explained:

“Spirit tools, as the name implies, are implements that rely on

spirit power to be used. Very few spirit tools are passed down
from ancient times, for the most part without offensive
function. Spirit masters themselves do not need weapons. Spirit
tools can all be described as historical relics, as to how they
came about, and how they were made, was lost long ago. This
belt was obtained by me and several friends one time on an
adventure. It was assigned to me as a reward. To me, its
function is nothing too great, later you should be able to find it
useful. Right, give it a name.”

Looking at those twenty four pieces of gentle jade, Tang San

practically without hesitation thought of a famous verse from
his last life,

“Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. Right, I’ll call it Twenty Four

Moonlit Bridges.”

Grandmaster was slightly dazed, his rigid face without

expression, nodding said:

269 Goldenagato |

“A very good sounding name, if a bit long-winded.”

Tang San secretly sighed. Perhaps this could be considered a

recalling his last life a bit.

Grandmaster said:

“Its function is very simple, infuse your spirit power within

those jade stones, then you can sense its existing space. If you
can react fast enough, things within it will appear as if out of
thin air. But to control its specific property well, you still must
practice much more. This is also your future homework.”

Tang San did not need Grandmaster’s words to understand

the importance of training with taking things from Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges, and hurriedly nodded in reply.

Originally Tang San had still been uncertain, Grandmaster

had bought this many things, after entering Spirit Hunting
Forest how could they be taken when hunting spirit beasts.
Right now with Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges these all were no
longer an issue. Idle throughout the journey, he started under
Grandmaster’s direction to practice his control of accessing

270 Goldenagato |

goods with Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. And the goods used
for practice, were those white radishes……

A four hundred li journey, whether long or not, it was not

considered short. Not until noon the second day did they arrive
at their destination, Spirit Hunting Forest.

Just when Tang San stepped down from the carriage, he

discovered Spirit Hunting forest was completely unlike his

Forests, in Tang San’s impression, ought to be filled with big

natural smell, trees secluded and tranquil, air fresh, no sign of
human habitation. But this Spirit Hunting Forest before him, at
least at the forest’s edge, felt like it was a Nuoding market.

At the forest’s edge, large houses were constructed, or rather

shops. The sound of every kind of ware being cried out, a strip
of man-made paved simple path freely among them, in the
surrounding racket Tang San could not help but frown.

“Have warrant, recruiting to hunt strength type spirit beasts,

still short two people!”

271 Goldenagato |

“Hunting agility type spirit beasts, warrant for seven people!
Ten gold spirit coins!”

Similar hawking cries rose one after another, the forest of

shops for the most part were peddling weapons, defensive tools
and all kinds of food supplies.

Grandmaster brought Tang San to enter this place considered

as a small town market,

“Do you know why I finished buying all the things at Nuoding

Tang San shook his head.

Grandmaster pointed to the prices marked in the stores,

“Because arriving here, prices will all at least double. Are you
not wondering, how a forest’s edge can be this bustling. It’s
actually very simple. Where there are spirit beasts, there is
profit. Particularly these special national spirit beast capturing
forests are even more that way. Spirit masters are a wealthy
group, and there are too many people wanting to make a profit

272 Goldenagato |

off spirit masters.”

“Grandmaster, what do those people shouting about

recruiting groups mean?”

Grandmaster said:

“Spirit beasts are not so easily killed. Rather inherently

formidable spirit beasts, even if not cultivating more than a few
years, still has very powerful firepower. This kind of what is
called grouping up for hunting spirit beasts, is just multiple
people mutually cooperating. Hunting their respectively
required spirit beast, and obtaining the spirit ring. Having the
aid of other people, they can deal the required last attack on the
spirit beast themselves. On the Continent it is the most common
and safest method of hunting spirit beasts. Only, is grouping up
that easy?”

Speaking of this, Grandmaster looked at these crying out

spirit masters, his eyes exuding a trace of disdain.

“A genuinely outstanding spirit hunting group, will be

composed of at least five parts: food system tool spirit masters
will be responsible for supplies, healing system tool spirit

273 Goldenagato |

masters responsible for condition and spirit power restoration.
Agility system battle spirit masters responsible for scouting,
strength system battle spirit masters responsible for blocking,
attack system battle spirit masters responsible for annihilating
the enemy. With these five parts composing the group, it can be
regarded as a complete group. But also the coordination
between each also can’t take shape in a day or two. Alone it
imperceptibly influences the process, and it requires at least
several years to become coordinated. Even more importance
must be attached to group’s members, they must have mutual
trust. Absolute trust. Otherwise, when encountering danger,
they are very easily defeated in a moment.”

Tang San astonished asked:

“Why will they be defeated? Because of insufficient strength?”

Grandmaster shook his head, coldly saying:

“In the future, perhaps you also will chance to join a group in
this way. When choosing a group, you can’t even consider other
members’ actual strength, but the one thing you must keep in
mind, in the group which you choose, that you can present your
back before any other person.”

274 Goldenagato |

Tang San still did not very well understand Grandmaster’s
meaning, but Grandmaster also did not for a long time explain
again. Bringing him towards the depths of the market.

Although the marketplace was a disturbing chaos, just as they

moved away from the market, when they saw this huge forest,
Tang San still could not help but be somewhat shocked.

Trees tall and large showing their age, at the forest periphery,
encircled by an immense steel fence, facing the forest, appeared
a great number of piercing tips. The fence’s height exceeded ten
metres, looking extremely robust.

This still was not counting, outside the fence, a line of a

hundred soldiers patrolling there. These troops wore
meticulous suits of full body armor, hands grasping long spears,
disciplined in neat formation, a hundred steel warriors standing
together, giving people a kind of deadly feeling.

Grandmaster said in a low voice:

“Not anyone can enter Spirit Hunting Forest for capturing.

Only spirit masters who have obtained a warrant issued by
Spirit Hall, can enter Spirit Hunting forest to hunt spirit beasts.

275 Goldenagato |

Although there are also those who have secretly entered, those
people find it very difficult to have a good ending. These
soldiers are only guarding the periphery, in Spirit Hunting
Forest, there still are Spirit Hall enforcer groups, at all times
inspecting warrants. Those people don’t pay attention to

Tang San said:

“Teacher, in the end is this Spirit Hunting Forest considered

Spirit Hall’s or the country’s?”

Grandmaster’s expression turned cold, gesturing Tang San to

keep silent,

“Outside you must not again ask similar questions.

Concerning the relationship between Spirit Hall and the nation,
I will tell you again later. Obtaining a warrant is certainly not
difficult: the first requirement is Spirit Hall’s approval,
determining that you have indeed reached peak stage power,
requiring a spirit ring to advance. Next requirement is having
the guarantee of at least three nobles.”

While speaking, in Grandmaster’s hand already appeared a

276 Goldenagato |

token tile, the dark token tile was made from some unknown
material, on the surface a pattern was formed by three kinds of
figures fitted together, in the middle was a sharp sword pointing
down, to the left and right of the sword, separately were a
hammer and the head of a monster Tang San had never seen

Grandmaster saw Tang San’s eyes full of curiosity, and put the
sign in his hand,

“Remember this symbol, this is Spirit Hall’s characteristic

mark. Within Spirit Hall, there are six kinds of signs.
Distinguishing each kind of token tile is very simple, just look
on the figures. On the lowest grade token tiles are only a sword,
it symbolizes spirit hall’s holy hall chief consul’s spirit, and
higher grade token tiles have on the side of the long sword a
hammer. Symbolizing a spirit hall formidable elder.”

Tang San’s inference ability still was not bad,

“Teacher, these two people in spirit hall position should be

extremely significant, right. But, before I heard, beast spirits are
more formidable compared to tool spirits, these two spirit
master figures should both be tool spirits, right.”

277 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster tousled Tang San’s head, with a cool smile said:

“People saying beast spirits compared to tool spirits are more

formidable, concerning spirit understanding are obviously
insufficient. Any spirit’s strength, hinges on two things. One is
how much spirit power is added at the awakening, the other is
just acquired with the process of cultivation method. Perhaps,
before thirtieth rank, beast spirits because they can add to
themselves are yet compared to tool spirit masters a bit more
formidable. But after arriving at higher ranks, between the two
there certainly is no difference. Strong or not only depends on a
person’s cultivation.”

“My warrant, is Spirit Hall’s third grade warrant. With it, one
essentially may enter the majority of Heaven Dou nation’s Spirit
Hunting Forests. The examining standard are these Spirit
Hunting Forest’s never appearing beast. And also unlike the
previous two token tiles it doesn’t have to be returned to spirit
hall after completing the spirit beast hunt, mine can be held for
a lifetime. On this token tile appears a blue lightning tyrant
dragon, among beast spirits, it’s considered a top level
existence. Although its owner is not part of Spirit Hall, the
representative clan receives in no small measure Spirit Hall’s

For some reason, when Grandmaster spoke of the blue

278 Goldenagato |

lightning tyrant dragon, in his eyes appeared a trace of difficult
to speak of loneliness.

Tang San said:

“Then after these three kinds even higher rank token tiles,
precisely respectively have more kinds of spirit symbols?”

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Precisely like that. These six kinds of spirit marks,

respectively represent six formidable spirit masters, and also
represent six formidable clans. Among these three are in our
Heaven Dou Empire, the other three are in Star Luo Empire.”

While speaking, Grandmaster had already brought Tang San

to arrive at the Spirit Hunting Forest entrance.

The captain responsible for inspecting warrants gave the

token tile’s three signs one glance. On his face immediately
appeared a respectful look, and he hurriedly ordered the
soldiers to move aside and open up the way, inviting
Grandmaster to bring Tang San inside. Without even asking

279 Goldenagato |

why Tang San, this small child, also must enter Spirit Hunting

Crossing the steel fence to enter within the forest all the
clamour seemed to already have disappeared, and the
atmosphere finally became as fresh as in Tang San’s
imagination, giving people’s mind a feeling of being free from

After entering the forest, Grandmaster was without any

impatience to advance, and rather quietly observed their

Tang San seemed to suddenly recall something,

“Teacher, just now those six people you talked about receiving
Spirit Hall respect, being carved on token, what is their title?
Spirit Saint? Douluo? Is it Title Douluo?”

Grandmaster gave Tang San a keen look,

“It’s Title Douluo. And also the six most formidable Title

280 Goldenagato |

“Most formidable?”

In Tang San’s eyes was a trace of excitement.

Grandmaster sighed,

“Equal rank, but different spirit ring and different spirit, so

the actual power is completely different. These six Title Douluo
undoubtedly are the most powerful of powerful. Even though
there are other spirit masters that have cultivated over the
ninetieth rank and entered the realm of Title Douluo, those are
still unable to shake their position. But right now these are too
far away from you. Ok, we will prepare to enter the forest,
starting from now, you must not deviate more than one step
from my side.”

“Yes, Teacher.”

The originally dispirited expression in Grandmaster’s eyes

abruptly cleared, both hands held close to the chest, again
quickly separated below,

281 Goldenagato |

“Come out, Luo San Pao.”

With a puffing sound, a faint purple thread of spirit power

separated from Grandmaster’s both palms. Tang San only felt
Grandmaster release a burst of fluctuating spirit power from his
whole body, and before him already appeared a creature.

Unmistakably, this creature, it would seem, had an

appearance much like a dog, but its bulk was more like a hog.
More than one metre fifty in height, and its waist measurement
should be something similar.

Its entire body had pale purple fur, two small drooping ears, a
pair of deep blue big blinking eyes, and the expression in its eyes
very gentle. As the fat body swayed once, the fatty buttocks
immediately swayed side to side. Four stocky little legs made it
hard to imagine just how slow it moved.

On top of its head was a bulging, spherical, unknown

something. As it appeared, running over towards Grandmaster,
and using that head to rub against Grandmaster’s leg.

Under Grandmaster’s feet two rings of light rose up, moving

back and forth over him. Both rings of light appeared yellow,

282 Goldenagato |

obviously hundred year spirit rings.

“Little San, did you not want to know what my spirit was?
This is my spirit, you can call it Luo San Pao, or just call him San

Luo San Pao as if understanding Grandmaster’s words, looked

at Tang San with its pair of big eyes, the expression in its eyes
unexpectedly had a somewhat affectionate look.

“Grandmaster, this is your spirit?”

Tang San shocked said:

“But, don’t animal spirits manifest attached to the body? Why

does it……”

Before speaking about what kind of creature Luo San Pao was,
Grandmaster’s spirit obviously went beyond the limits on the
spirit beast category.

Luo San Pao obviously somewhat dissatisfied, made two

283 Goldenagato |

luoluo calls towards Tang San.

In Grandmaster’s expression appeared a trace of bitterness,

“Because, my spirit is a variant spirit. Remember what you

and I spoke about spirit variation, San Pao is just that. Only, its
variation clearly is in a bad direction. When it only just
awakened, my spirit power level was only a half rank.
Otherwise, how could things be as they are? Even if I again
made the effort, breaking through thirtieth rank spirit power is
impossible in this lifetime, so in the end I can only study spirits
in theory.”

Before when Tang San heard those rumours about

Grandmaster, he knew that Grandmaster was a persistent
person. Regarding spirits he was as persistent as he himself was
regarding hidden weapons. This was also why Tang San had
never regretted acknowledging Grandmaster as his master.
Perhaps, this was talent appreciating each other.

“I’m sorry, Grandmaster, for raising your old painful


Grandmaster laughed at himself and shook his head,

284 Goldenagato |

“It’s nothing, I became inured long ago. Come, I’ll introduce
you to San Pao. The reason for its name is because it calls out a
luoluo sound, and its attack can only be launched three times.
Therefore it’s called San Pao.”

“San Pao, first open up a path ahead.”


Fat Luo San Pao looked pleased with itself and walked
forward. Although the body was a bit fat, when seeing it move it
could also be called nimble. Moving from one side to the other
sniffing at something.

All over Grandmaster’s body spirit power light was

glimmering. Bringing Tang San to follow Luo San Pao, they
moved along deeper into the forest.

“San Pao’s sense of smell is very acute, capable of discovering

tracks of spirit beasts and how strong they are. Although it has
become small and weak because of variation, regarding spirit
power the consumption is also very small. Therefore I can

285 Goldenagato |

release it outside for a long time. This is for you. You must make
the last attack that kills the spirit beast yourself.”

Grandmaster fumbled out from the breast a magnificent short

sword and handed it to Tang San.

The short sword’s entire sheath was a transparent blue, and

on it were inlayed seven pieces of blue jade. The sword handle
had a chunk of milky white jade, and the sword’s length was
one chi two cun. Even though with the sheath, holding it in the
hand he still could feel traces of cold qi.

Walking not far away, Luo San Pao abruptly came to a stop,
the pair of big eyes looking in one direction, mouth emitting
two luoluo calls.

An animal looking a bit like a cat appeared in the direction of

its gaze, lying in a tree, guardedly watching Grandmaster and
Tang San.

Grandmaster coldly smiled, saying:

“It’s a ten year multicolored cat. San Pao, don’t disturb it.

286 Goldenagato |

Continue ahead.”

Grandmaster never forgot to instruct Tang San. While

continuing walking, he said:

“That multicolored cat just now belongs to the cat family of

spirit beasts. Its offensive nature is very powerful, but provided
you do not first attack it, it also will not easily start an attack. If
a spirit master has a cat family beast spirit, using it for one’s
first spirit ring is not a bad choice. You must not think of that
multicolored cat as that small; if it was a more than thousand
year multicolored cat, let alone us, even more than ten times
our number could not kill it.”

Tang San called to mind an important question,

“Grandmaster, how to distinguish the actual strength of a

spirit beast? Or the number of years?”

Grandmaster said:

“Distinguishing a spirit beast’s actual strength certainly is not

difficult. You look, that solitary bamboo ahead. That also is a

287 Goldenagato |

type of spirit beast - a plant system spirit beast. It’s useful to
you, solitary bamboo is tough, and although its attack nature is
not powerful, its defense is not bad. This is a ten year solitary
bamboo. Because its height does not exceed ten metres. Over ten
metre, should be considered over a hundred years.
Consequently, generally speaking, spirit beasts are
distinguished mainly by observing bulk and the color of the
spirit power used when they attack. Spirit power color is
identical to actual strength. Precisely speaking, ten year spirit
beasts use white spirit power, hundred year use yellow, and so
on. Although, when confronting an unknown spirit beast, you
best not go look at its spirit power, in a short time you will be
unable to endure, and then will be up against devastating

“Grandmaster, will we be hunting that solitary bamboo?”

The solitary bamboo certainly did not seem to attract

attention, only because all around it were large trees and not
more bamboo, it easily could be conspicuous. Its body softly
swaying, the top of the bamboo moving rhythmically with the

Grandmaster said:

288 Goldenagato |

“For the moment we will not. If we are without a more
suitable choice, and only last if forced to. Choosing spirit ring
must be done carefully: each spirit ring cannot be replaced.
Spirit scholars promoting to spirit master, can absorb hundred
year spirit beast spirit rings. To be even more precise, they can
use a less than four hundred twenty three year spirit beast spirit
ring. I’ve carefully studied very many spirit masters undergoing
growth and failure. Four hundred twenty three years should be
the limit of what one can endure for the first spirit ring.
Therefore, I hope that your first spirit ring will be as close to
that limit as possible.”

Grandmaster regarding spirit research was always that

precise. Tang San felt, having this teacher exist, absolutely was
a kind of happiness.

“Similarly for hundred year spirit rings, although the color of

the spirit rings emerging from a hundred year spirit beast and
nine hundred year spirit beast are the same, the gap between
the amplification of the added attribute is enormous. Seeking a
spirit ring as high as possible under the prerequisite safety limit,
is required for every outstanding spirit master.”

Continuing moving forward, Grandmaster was giving Tang

San a lively field class, relying on spirit Luo San Pao’s acute
sense of smell, to one by one draw out spirit beasts concealed in

289 Goldenagato |

dark places. Perhaps because for the most part these spirit
beasts were ten year grade, their attack desire was not strong.
Grandmaster gave Tang San introductions to these spirit beasts’
names, specific properties and method of distinguishing
cultivation age.

Looking up at the color of the sky, Grandmaster said:

“It looks like today we must spend the night in Spirit Hunting
Forest. We will first look for a place to camp.”

Having searched for half the day, although no few spirit

beasts conforming to the requirements had appeared,
Grandmaster had not been anxious to get involved, and very
patiently continued looking.

The place Grandmaster chose to camp at was a depression,

surrounded by complex terrain and encircled by numerous
towering trees.

Grandmaster took out a big glass bottle from a loop shaped

spirit tool on his wrist and passed it to Tang San,

290 Goldenagato |

“Sprinkle it around, remember, you must sprinkle it evenly.”


Tang San took the bottle. The bottle held some powdered type
of drug, stinging the nose somewhat, and Tang San’s nose
wrinkled, already making it out, this was similar to his old
world’s realgar type drug. Tang sect was famous for hidden
weapons and poison, and although he was an outer sect disciple,
regarding distinguishing poisonous substances he had
considerable skill. Earlier in the middle of the process of looking
for spirit beasts, within Spirit Hunting Forest he had found no
few poisonous plants he could distinguish, putting them within
Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. Grandmaster’s knowledge could
not be doubted on the spirit side, but regarding distinguishing
these spirit power-less poisonous plants, he by far could not
compare to Tang San with two lifetimes of experience.
Particularly among these poisonous plants were very many that
required each other to be able to issue poisonousness.

Having scattered the powder, Tang San handed back the

bottle to Grandmaster.

“Do you know why I let you sprinkle these around the

291 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster’s facial expression was very serious, right now
he was a teacher testing his student.

Since he could distinguish what the powder was, how could

Tang San not be expected to know Grandmaster’s purpose, and
without hesitation he said:

“It should have two effects, one is to conceal our scent, and
the other is to repel snakes, insects, rats, ants and such types of

Grandmaster nodded contentedly,

“Correct, precisely like that. This is called snake repelling

powder, essential to adventures. Remember, in forests,
especially within forests with spirit beasts, you must as much as
possible not use fire. Even though the vast majority of wild
animals and spirit beasts all will fear firelight, there are also
several especially formidable spirit beasts that like fire. In case
that you meet them, unless your own cultivation has become
sufficiently formidable, you will undoubtedly die.”

292 Goldenagato |

The color of the sky gradually dimmed, within the forest
certainly was not peaceful and quiet, insects and birds called,
roars of wild animals rose and fell one after another.

Without lighting a fire, around them was completely pitch

dark, Tang San and Grandmaster ate a simple evening meal,
both master and apprentice rested leaning against a big tree.

Grandmaster was definitely a qualified teacher, and he paid a

lot of attention to Tang San. Even though right now they
already should rest, Grandmaster was still again quizzing Tang
San’s understanding of spirit beasts from the daytime, in order
to give him a deeper impression.

Tang San’s memory was considered not bad, in addition this

was the first time he had come into contact with creatures like
spirit beasts, the novel feeling deepened his memory, and when
his answers occasionally had faults they were one by one
corrected by Grandmaster.

“Little San, do you know why I say that for spirit masters
youth is the most important time?”

Grandmaster’s deep and hoarse voice brought a somewhat

293 Goldenagato |

sentimental feeling.

Tang San shook his head, waiting for Grandmaster’s


294 Goldenagato |

Chapter 9 - Blue Silver Grass First Spirit Ring

“Spirit master’s cultivation, before twenty years of age is an

extremely important process; one can say that achievements up
to twenty years of age decides future success. Thirtieth rank is
the fire and ice dual heaven threshold. If crossing this threshold
before twenty years old, then future prospects are limitless. If
unable to cross over in twenty years, then, also forever unable
to leap beyond. Youth has the advantage, youth can have the
potential. Therefore, you right now cannot delay one minute.
Teacher can still help with your first and second spirit ring, but
when you require the third spirit ring, teacher will probably be
unable to do enough. At that time you have to rely on you
yourself. Spirit strength cultivation has no shortcuts, you can
only rely on meditation to make spirit power to increase.
Although you have the innate full spirit power advantage you
even more cannot slack off, otherwise, you do not deserve to
become my disciple.”


At that time, variant spirit Luo San Pao’s call abruptly rose.

Spirits were one with their host, so Grandmaster at once

started, his body shooting up, looking in that direction.

295 Goldenagato |

At this moment, the color of the sky was already completely
black, faintly within, ten or more moss green points of light
were approaching in their direction.

“It’s hell wolves.”

Grandmasters voice was somewhat muffled. But without a bit

of alarm,

“Little San, don’t move from here.”

Luo San Pao’s mouth unceasingly made luoluo calls,

seemingly menacing those existences that gradually drew
closer, Grandmaster certainly did not see, in the eyes of Tang
San by his side flashed a layer of purple, the things in the
darkness becoming clear to his eyes.

All in all six wolf type spirit beasts, the height of their bodies
all at one metre six or so. The whole body appeared iron grey,
and that moss green radiance was precisely their eyes. At this
moment slowly closing in straight on Luo San Pao.

296 Goldenagato |

Luo San Pao’s smell seemed to make them somewhat restless,
and while approaching, they kept a half circle formation.

Grandmaster snorted frostily,

“One pack of tenth ranked little wolves dare come harass me.
San Pao.”

Luo San Pao made a low howl, an inhaling noise just like the
scream of a hurricane, and that originally fat belly, expanded
with amazing speed, looking like it was a big gradually
enlarging ball.

Grandmaster raised his hand and waved it, and from his body
a yellow ring of light flew out, encircling Luo San Pao’s body, as
he solemnly shouted,

“Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and

split the earth Luo San Pao!”

Luo San Pao’s pair of clear blue eyes suddenly shone, the
yellow ring of light centered on its body suddenly seemed to
become a screen of light. The rounded body abruptly shot up,

297 Goldenagato |

astonishingly climbing upward to a height of five metres, the
figure overhead turned around, and a deafening sound like the
rumble of thunder erupted in a moment.

Grandmaster’s hands had at some unknown moment already

produced two gauze masks, first handing one to Tang San, and
subsequently put the other on his face.

Tang San subconsciously brought up the gauze mask, eyes

unblinkingly fixed on Luo San Pao’s actions. Following that one
thunderous sound, he only saw a yellow light cover suddenly
release, as powerful as a thunderbolt, the six ten year hell
wolves were all completely covered within.

The six hell wolves’ bodies, under Luo San Pao’s attack were
flung up like broken burlap sacks, immediately plunging down
more than ten metres away, with two hell wolves’ waists
smashing against tree trunks, howling pitifully, but unable to

The several other wolves on the ground rolled about briefly.

Tang San relied on Purple Demon Eye to clearly see, from those
hell wolves’ mouths fresh blood was flowing, he could see how
powerful the shockwave had been. Following a short period of
wuu wuu sounds, other than the two hell wolves on the ground

298 Goldenagato |

unable to rise, the several others had quickly run away.

Grandmaster at this time still did not neglect to instruct Tang


“Wolves and dogs bodies are very alike in structure, called

‘copper head, iron bones, bean curd waist’, the waist is their
bodies’ weakest vital part.”

While speaking, Grandmaster stepped forward with big steps,

at some point he had drawn a short knife, cutting the necks of
the two unmoving hell wolves, spreading more realgar on the
bodies, covering the smell of blood.

“Look, spirit rings are about to appear.”

At Grandmaster’s warning, Tang San started taking note.

Following the death of the two ten year hell wolves, from the
body gradually rose a ring of faint white light, the rings rippling
like mist in the emptiness overhead, as if they could drift away
at any time.

“This is a spirit ring, these were killed by me, so if my spirit

299 Goldenagato |

power had just achieved the advancement requirements, right
now could I could absorb these spirit rings to attain the
advancement objective. The specific method, is to use my spirit
power to draw the spirit ring to my body, and immediately after
that begin meditation, absorbing the energy of the spirit ring.”

Faint purple light rose from Grandmaster’s hand, beckoning

towards one of the spirit rings that emerged from the hell
wolves, that spirit ring already floated over, circling about
Grandmaster’s body. But it did not permeate.

“My current spirit power is not sufficiently advanced,

therefore, the spirit ring can’t be absorbed by me. Within two
hours, it will disperse on its own. Little San, hand me two white


Tang San fumbled at his waist, drawing out two white

radishes from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges and handing them
to Grandmaster.

Grandmaster offhandedly tossed them towards Luo San Pao,

who, following a burst of excited luoluo sounds, gulped down

300 Goldenagato |

the two radishes with lightning speed.

“Variant spirits’ characteristics already cannot be understood

like ordinary spirit theory. San Pao can rely on eating food to
reduce my spirit power consumption. But for its only three
attacks, every time one attack is used it must immediately

“Does San Pao only eat white radish?”

Tang San asked.

Grandmaster gave him a pained look, saying:

“You saw, San Pao attacks by farting, if not for bringing up

gauze masks, perhaps right now you already could not endure
the smell. Spirit beasts similarly cannot stand it, therefore those
hell wolves fled quickly. White radish, with regard to hastening
flatulence there are few foods that can compare. With two to
replenish, in approximately half the time, San Pao can recover
what is spent in one attack.”

This also worked? Tang San wanted to laugh a bit, but seeing

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in Grandmaster’s eyes a trace of bitterness, he did not dare let
laughter escape. He could imagine how possessing this kind of
spirit that attacked by farting, among spirit masters, was a very
embarrassing matter. With Grandmaster’s proud temperament,
how could his heart feel comfortable?

“Luoluo, luoluo, luoluo…..”

As in a moment hurried calls abruptly rose, the bitterness in

Grandmaster’s eyes was immediately replaced by a cold light,
and he pulled at Tang San’s hand.

All around suddenly grew quiet, and a slight rustling sound

clearly reached Tang San’s ears, vaguely. The air seemingly
became somewhat stinking, the stink was not at all strong, even
with a touch of sweetness and tea fragrance.

Tang San’s nose wiggled, subconsciously blurting out,

“There’s poison.”

Grandmaster’s right hand waved, this time, the two rings of

light on his body completely moved over to encase Luo San Pao,

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vigilantly looking in the direction of the rustling sound,

“Tonight is unexpectedly this unquiet.”

The rustling sound came to an end. Tang San pushed his

Mysterious Heaven skill, working his Purple Demon Eye to the
limit, looking in that direction. Indistinctly, he seemingly saw a
dark green triangular snake head held up in a shrub, a pair of
ruby like little eyes looking straight in their direction. Perhaps
fearing the effect of the realgar powder, it did not continue to

“Grandmaster, there.”

Tang San raised a finger in the direction of the snake head’s

location. Right now was already too late for Grandmaster to
think about why Tang San could see a place his eyes still could
not reach. With lightning speed he drew out a flare from the
wrist spirit tool and tossed it in that direction.

The flare already ignited in the wind, rolling and illuminating

the area, and this time grandmaster also saw the snake head.
Mouth inhaling a mouthful of cool air.

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“It’s a datura snake, why would this kind of ferocious fellow
appear on the outskirts of Spirit Hunting Forest. Hope it’s a ten

Siisi, siisi, as if infuriated by the flare, the snake head slowly

rose, issuing siisi sounds towards Luo San Pao. But the realgar
powder deterrent still existed, and it still did not advance.

Grandmaster said in a low voice:

“Datura Snake’s venom is extremely potent, it has not only a

paralysing effect, but also causes powerful damage to the body’s
nerves. It’s one of the most terrible among poison attribute
spirit beasts. Its body is extremely tough, difficult to hurt with
common sabres, its mouth and eyes are the only weak points.
But datura snakes are very good at consistently protecting these
two places, its speed is also incomparably fast. Most frightening
is its aggressive character. Encountering humans it will
practically always launch an attack. Realgar powder may not be
able to restrain it for long, it’s waiting for an opportunity.”

Tang San did not feel any fear because of Grandmaster’s

introduction, in his former life at Ba-Shu Tang sect, Ba-Shu had
a large variety of snakes, of course without this type of Datura
snake, but Tang San a was not short of experience with coming

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into contact with snakes. From the tip of this snake’s head could
be seen it was hyper venomous, and by the neck’s robust surface
it appeared its weakness certainly was not the seventh cun.
There was no way of knowing how this kind of snake with spirit
power would attack.

Grandmaster pulled Tang San behind him,

“Little San, right now I will instruct you in a principle. Rings

many bones many, power surges; rings few bones few, take to
your heels and escape. Here rings refer to spirit rings, bones
refer to spirit bones. Regarding spirit bones I can explain to you
later. Just say, when your spirit rings and spirit bones clearly
outstrip your opponents, then, you should rely on your spirit
ability and spirit power to launch a full out attack, thoroughly
routing the opponent. And when your spirit rings and spirit
bones clearly are fewer than the adversary, then, must not
hesitate, immediately escape. Self-respect is never equal to life
in importance. If this datura snake is a ten year spirit beast,
then we can still risk our lives in fight once. If it’s a hundred
year, immediately run away.”

“Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and

split the earth Luo San Pao!”

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Finishing explaining these, Grandmaster immediately gave
orders to Luo San Pao, launching the attack.

Yellow rings of light again glittered, Luo San Pao’s body shot
upwards in its insane inhalation, although he ate the white
radishes, since that one attack on the hell wolves the body still
had not recovered what was depleted, so right now there was
still only strength for two attacks.

During the thunderclap-like roar, Luo San Pao’s super

thunder shock wave surged out. Even though the datura snake’s
speed was very fast, Luo San Pao’s attack was ranged, if it
wanted to escape it was unable to.

Only seeing an immense snake body fly off from the ground,
flung far into the distance.

“Quickly run.”

Grandmaster only gave that flying datura snake a glance

without any opinion. The datura snake’s cultivation age was
related to the size of its body. Before evolution to thousand year
spirit beast, for each year of cultivation, the body’s length
would increase by one centimetre. And this salamander by its

306 Goldenagato |

flying body was definitely beyond three metres, even already
approaching four metres, so to speak, its cultivation had already
exceeded four hundred years. Grandmaster could not think that
relying on his twenty ninth rank spirit master strength could
confront this kind of spirit beast, let alone, when his own spirit
also certainly was not regarded as formidable.

Guagua, mournful sounds were heard. Tang San was pulled to

one side by Grandmaster to escape, turning his head to one side
to look, being within that shock wave of Luo San Pao had
surprisingly been unable to injure the datura snake the
slightest, as body just about to hit the ground, it immediately
bent in a flash, darting back. Every time its whip-like body came
into contact with the ground, it could immediately shoot up like
a spring, its speed incomparably fast, continuously approaching
in his and Grandmaster’s direction.

Luo San Pao’s running speed was not a bit slow, following
closely behind Grandmaster and Tang San, in the pair of big
eyes was already an extremely panicked look.

“Break wind like mist, mesmerize to deep sleep Luo San Pao!”

Grandmaster again let out a big shout, and Luo San Pao
overhead circled once. With a puu sound, a mass of yellow gas

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spouted from its fat buttocks, spreading out in midair.

Of Grandmaster’s two spirit rings, the two different kinds of

effect they could add to Luo San Pao’s abilities were Thunder
Shock and Mesmerize. Right now they had already been fully

The datura snake very quickly leapt over the yellow mist, but
it was not at all mesmerized. It being outstandingly talented in
poison, its poison resistance by far outdid similar spirit beasts,
right now it had only been slightly slowed.

Luo San Pao’s ‘Triple Cannon’ all expended, its body had
distinctly shrunk by a lot, and to right now feed it radishes to
replenish again would come too late.

The two spirit rings again returned to Grandmaster’s body.

All over his body spirit power light was visible, speed elevating
to the limit, one hand pulling Tang San, leaping ahead at full
speed like a shooting star. Hoping to be able to get clear of the
pursuing datura snake.

Grandmaster was very clear on the datura snake’s

characteristics: this kind of savage and cruel spirit beast had one

308 Goldenagato |

weakness, which was patience. If unable to shortly chase down
its target prey, it could very easily give up.

But, the datura snake they encountered today was particularly

persistent. Whether infuriated because of Luo San Pao’s wind
and the realgar powder, with unflagging persistence it chased
after Grandmaster and Tang San, its speed matchless. Soon
coming closer and closer.

“San Pao, block it for a moment.”

At Grandmaster’s command, Luo San Pao’s chubby body

stood facing the onrushing datura snake. Attempting to use the
body to obstruct its advance.

But this datura snake was not only incomparably fast, its
reaction was also extremely sharp - body in a flash coiling open
and striking Luo San Pao, simultaneously biting it.


Luo San Pao gave a blood-curdling shriek, body falling to the

ground. Grandmaster gave a wave with both hands, and Luo

309 Goldenagato |

San Pao’s body immediately melted into purple light, again
merging into him.

Grandmaster in his heart right now already was somewhat

grieved, his past life continuously reverberating in his mind. He
wanted to ask Heaven, why should he have such bad luck in this
life? Why? Why this outcome? Even so far as to involve Tang
San, this child.

As Grandmaster was already close to despair, even to the

extent that he felt the chill of the datura snake’s venom fangs,
suddenly, he discovered his pulling Tang San changed. Turning
his head to look, he saw Tang San’s left hand feeling at Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges on his waist, immediately throwing
something behind without turning his head.

One sturdy white radish swiftly flew out, and with a puu
sound, unexpectedly just right to strike the datura snake’s body,
causing that originally already well within reach to launch an
attack spirit beast abruptly slow down, again pulling open the
distance somewhat.

Distinguishing location by sound was nothing more than a

superficial Tang sect ability, Tang San naturally knew it, but the
next action, caused Grandmaster’s heart to fill with shock. Only

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seeing Tang San’s left hand continuously flicking between his
waist and afterward throwing behind, continuously shooting
out one white radish after another. Although the strength was
insufficient to hurt the datura snake, when the datura snake
was about to overtake them the sum could obstruct its body.

Such accurate skill.

Grandmaster realized, every time Tang San threw out a white

radish, the left hand’s thumb always curved inside, palm facing
down, and the additional four fingers together stretching out;
the motion was concise and effective. And on Tang San’s little
face although also a little alarmed, seemingly was no fear.

If it was in Tang San’s former life, every person of Jianghu

could have called the name of such a skill, as certainly Tang sect
hidden weapons elementary grade skill, Arrow Hand Throw.
Utilizing inertia of a lashing arm to send out hidden weapons.
This kind of skill was most direct, although can’t be said to be
elegant, right now it was extremely effective.

Although twenty jin of white radishes was not a little, Tang

San’s Arrow Hand Throw throwing rate was not slow, and in a
little while the stock in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges was
already exhausted.

311 Goldenagato |

Right now they had already reached the crucial moment of life
or death, Tang San very clearly like this perfectly understood,
seemed like strength, speed, poisonousness excellent spirit beast
tangling up had what consequence. Right now is already not the
time to hide his true strength.

He let go of Grandmaster’s hand, his body overhead in a wink,

left hand rising, a black tip already noiselessly emitting power.
The sleeve dart he had worked hard to forge finally was used.

Tang San’s both eyes by then had become completely purple,

relying on Purple Demon Eye’s effect, he was able to clearly see
the datura snake’s every motion.

The datura snake’s reaction was even faster than Tang San
had imagined, that one sleeve dart shot in the direction of the
datura snake’s left eye, but he saw that leaping body twist once
in midair with lightning speed, the snake head dropped,
unexpectedly avoiding danger. But the sleeve dart’s speed truly
was too fast, and still shot at its body.

With a clear dang sound, on the salamander’s hard serpent

scales a succession of sparks spattered up. Acute pain making it

312 Goldenagato |

once again emit a queer guagua cry.

Tang San in his heart secretly cried out in disappointment,

since sleeve darts relied on using mechanism to send out, speed
and strength were both no problem. But that is not sufficiently
ingenious. It could only bluntly attack the opponent. This was
also a common fault of mechanism type hidden weapons.
However, the datura snake’s defence made him taken aback,
one must know that although his sleeve dart only had three
darts, they were all forged of iron mother, the mechanism
shooting force was also extremely powerful. Still he could not
truly injure the eye of this spirit beast.

The datura snake was thoroughly enraged, and the scales on

its body began to shine, the deep green scales were covered in a
layer of faint yellow light, its speed suddenly increasing, in
practically only a split second it had already pounced in front of
Tang San.

When Tang San unexpectedly let go, Grandmaster already

moved more than ten metres by inertia. This all happened in a
split second, right now again wanting to rescue Tang San is
already too late.

In the crucial moment, Tang San’s heart instead became

313 Goldenagato |

extremely calm. Mysterious Heaven skill working in his whole
body, this kind of genuine Daoist internal skill right now caused
him to enter a state where his heart was like still water.
Watching the datura snake’s widely stretched open snake
mouth, without being the slightest amount flustered. His right
hand turning over, the short sword Grandmaster gave him
already turning in the palm of his hand.

The datura snake regardless of speed still had power, but

neither could match the current Tang San. Watching the snake
head rushing up, Tang San used Ghost Perplexing Shadow
Track, and his body in a flash already moved sideways three chi
away. Tang San knew that to him there would be only one
chance, if he could not succeed, then, the datura snake would
absolutely not be taken in again.

Deciding quickly in the crucial moment, Tang San moved

both hands above practically completely filled by his Mysterious
Heaven skill effect, in his palm blue light glimmered, the left
hand drawing in then sending out, his body under the effect of
Ghost Shadow Perplexing walk once again changed position.

The datura snake only felt an attractive force from the side of
its head, and the snake’s head turned uncontrolledly. Right
now, because of pouncing at Tang San, the snake mouth was
stretched wide, just about to close.

314 Goldenagato |

A vast blue radiance seemingly appeared as if out of nowhere,
quietly waiting there, in the split second as the datura snake’s
head turned over, in the instant before its mouth closed, puu

The nearly four metre long snake body stiffened in practically

a split second, that one chi two cun sword, was already
completely driven into the snake’s mouth. After a moment, the
datura snake’s body violently stirred, and at once on the ground
sand flew about and stones hurtled through the air, where its
hard body swept across, regardless of shrubs or small trees, all
were tested as if enduring a tornado, branches and leaves

Stabbing with full strength behind that sword, Tang San

using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track had already retreated at
full speed, just far enough to avoid the datura snake’s lashing
tail. What is called ‘a centipede dies but never falls down’,
regarding the snake’s characteristics Tang San in no way would
think the datura snake would die immediately?

“Little San.”

Grandmaster in a haste calling out suddenly roused Tang San.

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He knew, all he just did, he already could not avoid appearing
before Grandmaster. His soul was not part of this world, and all
this, clearly could not be known by any person. What’s to be

Kill Grandmaster to silence him? Tang San believed that

relying on the attack power and specific characteristics of the
sleeve dart, his chance of success was at least seventy percent, as
Luo San Pao right now already had no attack strength. But how
could he go through with that? Grandmaster was his Teacher,
although they had only known each other for several days,
already he had already gained Tang San’s heartfelt respect.
Nothing to be done, he could only lie.

Underfoot intentionally staggering, Tang San immediately

rolled back on the ground.

Grandmaster stretched out his arms and grabbed him, he was

after all a twenty ninth ranked spirit grandmaster, and
although his spirit was somewhat poor, he still had spirit
power. He supported Tang San with one hand,

“Little San, what..?”

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“Teacher, I was scared to death. How that snake chased us.”

Grandmaster looked at the datura snake in the process of

terrible destruction, rebuking said:

“Just now why did you suddenly let go, do you not know how
dangerous that was?”

Actually, Grandmaster did not see as much as Tang San

imagined. After all, this was in the middle of the night,
Grandmaster also did not have his Purple Demon Eye type of eye
ability. In the darkness, Grandmaster only faintly saw Tang
San’s body fall back behind, and that blue short sword’s
glimmering radiance. As for the ringing of the sleeve dart
hitting the salamander’s body, Grandmaster took no notice of at

“I also do not know how to explain, with sweaty hand, it

suddenly slipped. Teacher, just now in the confusion I wielded
the short sword you gave me, seemingly it dealt a piercing blow
to that snake.”

Pulling up Tang San’s hand, in his palm there was indeed cold
sweat, Grandmaster also guessed that Tang San hit the datura

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snake with a piercing blow, and very likely with a piercing blow
to a vital spot, otherwise, how could this kind of violent and
vicious, seeking revenge for a single look spirit beast not
suddenly pursue and attack.

“Don’t assume it’s over, wait and see. Snake category spirit
beasts’ vitality is extremely tenacious, it does not die so easily.”

Tang San gulped for breath, this was not intentionally

assuming an air, and he already somewhat lost strength.

Confronting such a formidable spirit beast as a hundred year

datura snake, just now in a split second he already used his full
strength. If that one Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon had
not pulled over the salamander’s head, then, the ending would
have become completely different.

As a result of this time’s alarming danger, Tang San already

secretly resolved, after going back, he must think of a way to
increase his armaments. Before completing Mysterious Heaven
skill, various kinds of mechanism type hidden devices clearly
was the best choice that was also Tang San’s most outstanding

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The two master and apprentice like that stood up and very
cautiously observed. The datura snake’s hysterically frenzied
struggle gradually subsided, body unceasingly twisting,
smashing every single plant on the ground, revealing the soil

The short sword Grandmaster gave Tang San, although one

chi two cun was not long, but it was already sufficient to skewer
the datura snake’s brain. That was a fatal wound.

Watching the datura snake’s struggle grow weaker and

weaker, Grandmaster gradually let out his breath, and following
this, the expression on his face gradually began to change, the
panicked look gradually became wild with joy,

“Excellent, this truly is excellent. Little San, you’re getting

your spirit ring.”

“Teacher, what are you saying? You can’t be talking about

this snake, right?”

Tang San shocked looked at Grandmaster.

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Grandmaster nodded seriously,

“Precisely, it’s this. Datura snake’s cultivation until it reaches

a thousand years, every year it lives, its body will grow one
centimetre, this datura snake’s body already nears four metres,
which also means he has nearly four hundred years cultivation.
As it happens approaching the limit for absorbing the first spirit
ring when going from spirit scholar to spirit master. With your
innate full spirit power absorbing its spirit ring will be no

“But, Teacher. My spirit is a plant, this datura snake is an

animal type spirit beast. Can I use its spirit ring? Will it not
cause a conflict?”

Tang San said uncertainly.

By now Grandmaster had already relaxed, in his eyes was an

extremely confident radiance,

“One of the ten core spirit world concepts of my research, is

the spirit mimicry principle. Plant spirits does not necessarily
have to absorb a plant spirit beast spirit ring, and beast spirits
are not necessarily unable to absorb plant spirit rings. Under a

320 Goldenagato |

variety of pre-conditions, these both can mutually absorb.
Because it is excessively small and weak, whatever spirit ring
property is added will not cause rejection, and only passively
assimilate. Therefore, absorbing this datura snake’s spirit ring
is no problem. At the same time, still remember what type of
spirit ring we wanted to look for?”

Tang San’s eyes brightened,

“Adding a toughness effect, best was having poison. Certainly,

the datura snake possess these two attributes.”

Grandmaster gave his disciple a keen look, saying:

“Whether common spirit masters or not, they still are Spirit

Hall fellows; regarding my ten great core concepts they were all
laughing through the nose and nobody believed. Previously also
no spirit master consented to absorbing different kinds of spirit
rings to strengthen themselves. Little San, are you willing to
give it a try? Even though for the theory up to here I have
absolute certainty, this has never been tried by people. Actual
practice is the sole criterion for judging truth, the ten great core
spirit concepts I put forward can only be theory and not truth,
precisely because no people are willing to put it in practice.”

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In Grandmaster’s eyes, Tang San saw fanaticism. Because of
spirit variation, Grandmaster all his life was unable to become a
formidable spirit master, but he was still this persistent,
throwing his life’s energy into spirit research.

Regarding this kind of person, the respect growing from Tang

San’s heart, respect for Grandmaster’s person, also meant
respecting the results of his research,

“Teacher, please let me help you put this into practice. I

believe your research will not be wrong.”

The datura snake’s body already gradually grew motionless, a

vital part of the head had been penetrated by a sharp sword;
even if its vitality was indomitable, it would still be difficult to
escape death.

A bit of faint yellow light started to coalesce on the datura

snake’s body, different from when Tang San before saw the ten
year hell wolves’ spirit rings, the spirit ring which emerged
from the datura snake was extremely distinct, the radiance also
glittered more compared to the hell wolves’ spirit rings. Even
without coming into contact with it, he still could clearly feel
contained within it an enormous energy.

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Hearing Tang San’s words, Grandmaster’s eyes filled with

“Little San, begin.”

Tang San nodded, lifting his right hand, resisting the feeling
of weakness from lost strength, with his remaining spirit power
slowly condensing in his palm, following the faint blue light
mist, blue silver grass grew from in his palm, emitting a faint
smell of life and swaying softly along with the undulations of
spirit power.

‘Come, my first spirit ring, you decide whether I am able to

practice Tang sect’s secret lore, and also decide whether I can
inherit Teacher’s hope.’

Under the attraction of that faint blue radiance, the hundred

year datura snake spirit ring slowly flew towards Tang San.

Grandmaster’s both eyes stared fixedly at the floating spirit

ring, and in a low voice declared:

“Cross your legs and sit up straight, focus your mind on the

323 Goldenagato |


Tang San complied with the words and sat down cross legged,
concentrating on his right hand’s spirit. Right then, following
the approach of the hundred year datura snake spirit ring, he
felt a kind of unprecedentedly powerful pressure, even his very
skeleton under this kind of pressure emitted small noises.

Very quickly, the ring of yellow light reached the top of Tang
San’s head, and without giving him without giving him any
chance to react, that yellow halo abruptly contracted, becoming
only bracelet sized, incomparably condensing into a solid gold
ring that immediately dropped to encircle the blue silver grass
spirit on the palm of his right hand.

Tang San felt as if his right hand was invaded by magma, a

roasting hot energy frenziedly rushing in, in a flash the violent
hot current had rushed inside his body, and instantly within,
the organs were like burning. His body couldn’t help a burst of
violent shaking.

“Regardless of how the spirit ring’s energy lashes your body,

keep in mind you must absolutely maintain consciousness, only
then in the future can you even better utilize the spirit ring’s

324 Goldenagato |

These were the last words Tang San heard Grandmaster
speak, after a second, closing both eyes, his consciousness
already completely immersed within that boiling hot ocean.

The Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength seemingly also

ignited from that suddenly arising energy, the hot current in a
flash spreading through every part of his whole body, Tang San
felt like only spreading his mouth would make it spout fire.

Truly potent energy.

The surging inside spirit ring power in an instant severely

tested Tang San’s body, but made Tang San somewhat
surprised: such burning hot energy, without destroying the blue
silver grass spirit.

Within his consciousness abruptly revealed, Tang San as if

seeing himself immersed within a sea of flame, and in the centre
of this flame, a solitary blade of blue silver grass gently swayed
with the flame, regardless of how hot that flame burned, it was
still unable to destroy it.

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Tang San rejoiced in his heart; this seemingly was the visual
state of internal strength. In his previous life because he was
already too old when he cultivated Mysterious Heaven Treasure
Record, he never experienced this kind of state, and did not
expect it to actually appear when absorbing the first spirit ring.

Under the dry heat of the flame, a change began to occur in

blue silver grass. The originally tenuous grass stalk became
longer, became wider, the pale blue color also gradually began
to deepen. The deep blue grass stalk within the ocean of flame
started to extend, spiritedly moving about swaying, as if it was
countless snakes leaping within the flame.

The pale blue grass blade began to become deep blue, on the
surface it also had a few black lines, lines exactly like on the
body of the datura snake before.

Hong——, all the hot current surged out, Tang San felt as if
that blazing breath dissolved into his body.

326 Goldenagato |

Chapter 10 - The First Spirit Ring Ability

And in a moment, he seemed to hear a clear and melodious

crack, immediately following, that hot current frenziedly
dispersed, then again merged. Merging into a milky white
stream. That originally winding little streamlet in a flash
became a brook, congcong flowing, trailing, the blazing agony
already disappearing, only leaving a comfortable warmth.

Success. Wild joy once again arrived; Tang San was familiar
with this kind of breaking feeling Tang San, that clearly was the
feeling of Mysterious Heaven skill’s first bottleneck splitting
open, internal strength merging together with the spirit ring’s
power, becoming an even more formidable energy, within this
extremely brief time, at full speed going around within his
body’s energy passages revolving several circuits, slowly
flowing into his dantian.

Just as Tang San suspected, arriving within this world, his

Mysterious Heaven skill had virtually formed a bizarre
relationship with spirit master’s spirit power. Mysterious
Heaven skill’s every tier corresponded to a spirit master title.
Obtaining this first spirit ring, he finally broke through the first
tier Mysterious Heaven skill bottleneck.

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Of course, his current power in no way was as simple as only
Mysterious Heaven skill entering the second tier, he still
possessed the spirit strength unrelated to Tang sect, as well as
the ability produced by the first spirit ring.

Absorbing the spirit ring brought about a kind of unfolding

clear feeling that was impossible to describe in words, like
floating to and fro high in the clouds not subject to gravity, also
like entering the pinnacle of extreme bliss. All over his whole
body, thirty six thousand pores without exception stretched
open, greedily respiring wonderful air, the fundamental change
already made amazing changes occur in Tang San’s body.

Tang San as much as possible calmed his excited heart,

Mysterious Heaven skill under the aid of the spirit ring breaking
through informed his future developing direction, he knew,
regardless of how, his life in this world, he was probably unable
to separate from the spirit again. Spirit power was exactly
Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength, internal strength
also was exactly spirit power. His destiny would be to walk a
spirit master’s path. Of course, he would be classified as a Tang
sect spirit master.

Just when Tang San slowly opened both eyes, the sky was
already light, the new day brought vigorous vitality seemingly
calling to his body.

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Tang San lowered his head to look at himself, he discovered,
his body because of obtaining the spirit ring also seemed to have
changed somewhat. His originally thin and small stature
seemingly grew a bit taller, his shoulders also somewhat
broader, on his skin even more a layer of jade-like lustre.

Between gestures, brimming with strength he had a lithe

feeling of comfort. Not needing painstaking experiments, he
knew that not only his inner strength broke through the
bottleneck, all parts of his body’s functions had also
substantially elevated under the influence of obtaining the
hundred year datura snake’s spirit ring.


Regaining consciousness, Tang San first of all thought of

Grandmaster, he was eager to tell Grandmaster, that
Grandmaster’s spirit beast mimicry principle was a success. The
whole merging process, although also enduring not a little
agony, was without any feelings of conflict.

Just when his gaze found Grandmaster, he couldn’t help but

be greatly taken aback.

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Grandmaster lay fallen on the ground, body seemingly already
rigid, motionless. Around him and Grandmaster, realgar
powder surrounded them in a circle, situation the same as their
previous campsite.

“Teacher, what happened?”

Tang San in his heart was greatly worried, hurriedly standing

up, coming over to Grandmaster’s side, helping his body up.

Seeing Grandmaster’s face, Tang San unconsciously blurted



Grandmaster’s originally rigid face was surrounded by a

sinister air, the whole body already breathing hard, body rigid,
already lost feeling.

“How would teacher be poisoned?”

330 Goldenagato |

Raising the question, Tang San suddenly felt Grandmaster’s
body was somewhat abnormal, and hurriedly drew back his
right arm’s jacket sleeve.

He saw Grandmaster’s right arm was swollen to triple size

compared to normal, skin stretched tight and turning bright
purple, fortunately a cloth band was tied tightly on his upper
arm, and clearly Grandmaster produced his own emergency
treatment measures after being poisoned. Even though this
way, under the circumstances the majority of the poison would
not spread, but he was still unconscious, one could see how
potent this poison was.

In his mind a flash of light, and Tang San suddenly

understood the cause for Grandmaster’s poisoning. Before when
he and Grandmaster were escaping being killed by the datura
snake, Grandmaster’s spirit Luo San Pao was bitten by the
datura snake, exactly bitten on Luo San Pao’s right foreleg, at
that time was recalled by Grandmaster very quickly. Beast
spirits are one with their host, even though Grandmaster’s beast
spirit was a variation it was still like that. Spirit being poisoned,
is equivalent to the host also being poisoned? But Grandmaster
wholeheartedly assisted him in absorbing the spirit ring,
regardless of his own safety, waiting until after he entered
cultivation state until his spirit power was unable to restrain the
poison, so the poison spread.

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Comparatively speaking, in this regard tool spirits had the
advantage: tool spirits contaminated by poison would not
influence the host’s body.

“Fortunately Grandmaster stopped the poison from

spreading, otherwise I also would have no means.”

After Tang San felt for the strength of the pulse in

Grandmaster’s left hand, he secretly let out a breath. The poison
had not yet attacked the heart, there was still time to save him.

Coming from Tang sect, regarding how to deal with poisoned

wounds Tang San was very clear. Right now, he was unable to
not use flame whether or not it could attract spirit beasts, very
quickly gathering some dry twigs and leaves from the
surrounding, using a torch to ignite the pile, afterwards
immediately tearing off Grandmaster’s right sleeve, using the
short sword Grandmaster gave him to dig a hole in the ground,
afterward pouring out fresh water, and cleaning the sword

The campfire gradually flourished, after Tang San repeatedly

roasted the short sword over the fire, hauling Grandmaster’s
body to the side of the little hole, letting his right hand hang
down inside.

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Taking a deep breath, Tang San turned over the wrist, in
three successive cuts, separately delimiting Grandmaster’s pulse
point, crook of the arm and armpit.

Immediately, three streams of blackish purple blood bringing

a strong smell with a faint fragrance of tea spurted out, like
three brooks flowing into the previously dug little hole.

Tang San’s one hand pressed on Grandmaster’s chest, urging

the just now promoted Mysterious Heaven skill internal
strength, his left hand on successive points sealed the four
energy channels in Grandmaster’s chest, preventing the
poisonous vapour from spreading. Simultaneously his right
hand began to knead Grandmaster’s chest, relying on internal
strength to push the motion of qi and blood in Grandmaster’s
body. Slowly pressing the poison to one place.

Mysterious Heaven skill could be regarded as Tang Sect’s

highest inner strength core method, in itself it had a very
powerful effect for removing poison, and it certainly was not
just a violent internal strength. Extremely exquisite, a trace of a
thread penetrated inside Grandmaster’s body, making sure to
not leave behind any seed of future trouble.

333 Goldenagato |

Undoing Grandmaster’s jacket, Tang San carefully observed
the dark qi around Grandmaster’s body. Under the effect of
Mysterious Heaven skill, the dark qi gradually converged
flowing in the direction of Grandmaster’s right arm, right now
Tang San still had not undone the cloth on Grandmaster’s arm.

Poisoned blood flowing out, Grandmaster’s swollen arm

gradually shrank back, skin colour gradually also becoming
normal, Grandmaster’s face revealing an expression of
suffering, mouth also began to emit groans.

As the flow of blackish purple fresh blood gradually

exhausted, fresh red blood began to emerge, Grandmaster’s arm
also already became somewhat pale. Tang San picked open that
cloth on Grandmaster’s arm, relying on internal strength at full
speed to completely push out the last poison in one go,
afterwards quickly sealing the blood circulation in
Grandmaster’s arm and tearing off several strips from his own
clothes and wrapping the cuts.

Previously he could not impatiently undo the cloth on

Grandmaster’s arm, because he feared Grandmaster’s blood
flow would be too much - after all his poisoning had already not
been brief.

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Poison dispelled, Tang San’s face was already covered in
sweat. Even though Mysterious Heaven skill entered the second
tier, it still wasn’t considered powerful, and using internal
strength like this to assist expelling poison was most draining of
internal strength and energy, and because of absorbing the
spirit ring and enduring the energy he also felt somewhat
emptied of strength.

Tang San used clean water to clean up Grandmaster’s arm,

afterwards using soil to bury that little hole filled with poisoned
blood. This could be considered as wholly completing the work.

Following this, Grandmaster remained unconscious for a full

three days, and in that time he had a constant fever. Tang San
every day could only pour into him a little fresh water, and in
order to let Grandmaster’s body able to replenish some
nourishment, he even cut down a tree to make a small bowl,
using the brought dry meat with fresh water to cook some
broth. Since this was Spirit Hunting Forest, Tang San dared not
move a step away from Grandmaster.

Fortunately, their luck could be considered not bad. Although

the occasional spirit beast passed by, for the most part those
were ten year spirit beasts, and their aggressive nature was also
not very strong, and certainly did not bring any trouble to Tang

335 Goldenagato |

“How am I like this?”

Just when Grandmaster regained consciousness, it was

already noon on the fourth day.

His empty of power body could not put out a trace of strength,
Grandmaster only found before him a blur, the sky spinning
earth turning feeling made him unable to find directions, even
raising his hands was strenuous.

“Teacher, you're conscious.”

Tang San amazed moved closer to Grandmaster’s side, a

precise practiced internal strength transmitted into
Grandmasters body.

Under the aid of Mysterious Heaven skill, Grandmaster’s

vitality roused a bit, eyes also finally gradually focusing.

“Little San, I’m still alive?”

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Grandmaster astonished looked at Tang San next to him.

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Teacher, you’re living very well. Only this time must

perhaps rest for a long while.”

Grandmaster turned his head with difficulty, looking at his

right arm,

“You saved me.”

Tang San scratched his head, saying,

“When I was little dad taught me simple methods to deal with

poisoned wounds, so when I saw you unconscious, I could only
give it a try. Trying once after all had some chance, ‘doctoring a
dead horse as if it was still alive’.”

“Cheeky, you calling teacher a horse?”

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Grandmaster put on a slight smiling expression, of course,
with his originally rigid face added to the current paleness, this
smiling expression of his was even more unsightly than crying.

Living, always was a glorious matter, even if it was the

ambitious and proud all his life contributing to spirit research
Grandmaster he also was no exception.

Tang San laughed, saying:

“Teacher, you first rest, I will give you some hot broth. You
wake up, then again rest several hours and you can eat some dry
rations. We at an early hour should leave Spirit Hunting Forest,
the environment here is too lacking, and the air is also
comparatively moist, harmful to your wounds recovery.”

Grandmaster seemed to suddenly think of something,

“Little San, did you succeed?”

To Grandmaster, his research theories were even more

important than life.

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Tang San said with a small smile:

“Teacher, please be at ease. I succeeded. Look.”

While speaking, Tang San raised his right hand, faint white
light floated right now on the surface of his skin, immediately
following, deep blue colour blue silver grass thronged out from
the centre of the palm. A distinct ring of yellow light ascended
from underfoot, centring on the body as it floated up and down.
Precisely the outstanding characteristic of a first ring spirit

Previously blue silver grass’ width did not reach a half finger,
but the current blue silver grass’ width already became three
fingers. The grass blade compared to before was also several
times thicker, bearing an odd veined pattern. Counting ten blue
silver grass at lightning speed spread out all around, grass blade
tips lifting, just like ten extra datura snakes hunting

The blue silver grass did not at all have the datura snake’s
stench, but only had the faint tea fragrance, that intoxicating
fragrance brimming with danger.

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In Grandmaster’s eyes flickered an extremely moved radiance,
and with difficulty resisting the excitement, he said:

“How is the toughness?”

Seeing is believing, so Tang San answered Grandmaster with

action. Among the ten blue silver grass breaking away from his
palm one suddenly flew up, twining around a small tree as thick
as an arm, the other end returning to Tang San’s hand. His right
hand pulled back strongly, and the small tree trunk
immediately curved down, causing the blue silver grass to
stretch perfectly straight, but did not have the slightest
indication of splitting.

“Good, this truly is great. It seems my judgement was

completely correct, after blue silver grass infused the datura
snake spirit ring, it gained toughness, if my conjecture is not
mistaken, and it should still have attached a datura snake’s
toxicity. Only, what is its current ability?”

A spirit after obtaining the spirit ring, all abilities must

undergo a process of variation to evolve. Different spirits with
similar spirit rings evolve completely different abilities, and
vice versa, even if the spirit ring only is different in age, the
abilities will still have great differences.

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Therefore, even though grandmaster regarding spirit research
already was considerably thorough, he was still unable to
confirm what the resulting effect of Tang San obtaining this
first spirit ring would be.

Tang San said:

“Grandmaster, these several days I used some weak ten year

spirit beasts to experiment. What you said is not incorrect, blue
silver grass indeed inherited some of the datura snake’s poison
nature, but without the deadly attack nature hyper toxicity,
rather the paralysing effect of the datura snake’s poison nature.
But it must come into direct contact to have effect. The poison
nature can’t be considered very strong, but it very clearly has a
restricting function. And blue silver grass ability, is binding.
Depending on spirit power control, binding the enemy to a stop,
can render it unable to move.”

While speaking, Tang San relying on spirit power controlled

his released blue silver grass to put the ability to use.

Seeing the more than ten deep blue blades of grass

simultaneously rise up from the underbrush, and in a flash

341 Goldenagato |

twine around a thick tree trunk. The grass blades were striking
out from a hovering stance, covering the area within ten square
metres. Being within this range, one would fundamentally be
without ability to dodge.

Instantly, the more than ten blue silver grass had already
twined tightly around the big tree.

Grandmaster’s eye revealed a slight glitter of deep thought,

“As expected, a control system spirit master’s characteristic. If

you could have a powerful attack hand in concert with you,
your spirit effect can be developed even more clearly. What is
called a control system spirit master, is just controlling the
opponents actions, this binding ability’s effect is like that. In
itself also adding the paralysis effect, only when the opponent is
a two spirit ring existence surpassing you, otherwise it would be
unable to struggle free of this binding ability. Little San, we

Speaking of spirits, Grandmaster at first was not like a

severely injured person, both eyes radiating vigour, his tone
indescribably excited.

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The greatest characteristic of this blue silver grass ability was
its unexpected nature. In Tang San’s tests, within a range of
fifty metres he could control blue silver grass to attack from any
place. Can’t be guarded against. Particularly within a forest
with numerous plants, where blue silver grass had even more

Tang San also cooked a pot of broth, furthermore chopping

boiled meat and feeding some to Grandmaster.

With something in his belly, Grandmaster’s recovery rate

rose, but they had no choice but to prepare to leave Spirit
Hunting Forest, because of the food and drinking water they
brought after this many days there was already practically
nothing left.

This was still so under circumstances where Tang San had

been as sparing as possible.

Grandmaster still had not recovered the strength to move

about, therefore he was carried on Tang San’s back out of Spirit
Hunting Forest. Because the difference between these two
people’s statures was too big, all the while Grandmaster’s both
legs dragged on the ground. Relying on his surpassing strength
and internal strength, Tang San under Grandmaster’s

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directions, step by step carried Grandmaster out of Spirit
Hunting Forest, riding a carriage to return to Nuoding primary
spirit master academy.

Throughout, regardless of when Tang San cared for

Grandmaster or in the process of carrying him out of the forest,
Grandmaster from start to finish did not speak a word of
thanks, but the gaze he looked at Tang San with already no
longer only seemed to see a substitute disciple for fulfilling his
own vain hope, more like a feeling that should appear in Tang
Hao’s eyes.

Teacher for a day, father for a lifetime. These eight simple

words were branded even more deeply in Grandmaster’s heart.

Undergoing several days of recuperation with Tang San’s

meticulous care, by the time they returned to the academy,
Grandmaster could already with difficulty walk supported on
Tang San’s arm. However, in Tang San’s estimation,
Grandmaster this time receiving a poisoned wound caused his
constitution great injury, in order to completely recover, he still
must not walk for at least a month’s time.

Grandmaster was only an honoured visitor at Nuoding

primary spirit master academy, with connections to the

344 Goldenagato |

chairman true, but without a relative. In the near future, Tang
San naturally must be in charge of caring for his Teacher, this
bit he long ago already knew well. Even on the road every day
he made assorted plans on how he should care for Grandmaster.

At just this moment in the morning students started class, and

within the Nuoding academy everything seemed very peaceful.
Tang San supporting Grandmaster returned directly to his room
letting him rest on the bed.

“Finally returned, Teacher you please also properly rest. For

this time you must properly recuperate, be sure not to
overwork, if you have some business, you immediately instruct
me to go.”

Grandmaster quietly nodded, and said:

“I didn’t expect to this time still be able to barely escape from

mortal danger. My body recovering doesn’t matter, but your
cultivation cannot be interrupted. Meanwhile, you still must go
settle one matter. Little San, take from the bookshelf on your
left in the third row the second book from the left and come
give it to me.”

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Tang San according to Grandmaster’s instructions took out a

thick book, what surprised him, was the title on this book.

Grandmaster without taking the book from his hands said:

“In this book is recorded some of my research on cultivating

spirit power. Although spirit power is cultivated by meditation
circulating spirit power itself, among this are very many
techniques. What kind of movement route is generally easy to
promote strength, what kind of spirits under what kind of
circumstances are best suited to cultivation, all details are
recorded here. At this time I am unable to personally direct you,
but you definitely cannot relax.”


Tang San respectfully replied. Although he still had not

opened the book to read, in his heart was an indescribable

Undergoing this time’s spirit ring breakthrough, he regarding

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spirits could be considered to have an overall comprehension,
and according to his understanding, what was called spirit
power was actually a kind of internal strength, only the vast
majority of people’s cultivation methods are all simply
operating them without pattern.

Tang San possessed Mysterious Heaven skill’s cultivation

method, in the future cultivation rate would certainly be even
better than the majority of spirit masters. But hearing what
Grandmaster said, he who studied cultivation methods, should
be similar to cultivating internal strength’s circulation route.
Able to research this one step, how much effort did
Grandmaster have to expend? One must know, Mysterious
Heaven skill would be the result of countless generations of
Tang sect ancestors shedding their heart’s blood for experience.
Grandmaster was only one person.

“In addition, you go right now to Nuoding city’s Spirit Hall.

On the way ask anyone for its location, it’s near the city centre.
You go there to conduct the spirit master authentication: it tests
your spirit power condition, and in addition it also counts as
official Spirit Hall registration, so afterwards you can receive a
stipend every month. You need not continue being a working

Tang San carefully put the book Grandmaster gave him

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within Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. He did not know what
Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges’ it was made of, but it possessed
extremely tough and pliable elasticity. Contracting to its
smallest, Tang San with this kind of child’s stature could bind it
around the waist, but if extended, even if it was a burly fellow
with four chi around the waist they could still carry it, and all
along the belt’s width would be constant.

Right now, Tang San wore the Nuoding primary spirit master
academy uniform, on his waist he also wore the belt
Grandmaster gave him, the whole person’s Jing-Qi-Shen
strength was already completely different from when he arrived
at the academy, just what is called ‘clothes make the man’.
Although he could not say he was handsome, looking neat and
tidy still gave people a somewhat fresh and cool feeling.

“Teacher, then you first rest a moment, I’ll leave. At noon I

will come back and bring you food.”

Leaving Grandmaster’s room, Tang San just heard the bell

ringing the end of class, Nuoding primary spirit master academy
class period was not at all long, and until noon classes there
were still half a double-hour break for meals.

As it happened to be end of class, Tang San decided to first

348 Goldenagato |

return to the dormitory and greet his roommates, telling them
he had returned and would go out again.

But, just when he returned to the dormitory, he was surprised

to discover that within the dormitory was completely empty,
without a shadow of a person. His bedding was still the same as
when he left, put together with Xiao Wu’s bedding, the middle
separated by cloth bundles.

Not one had returned after class? Tang San couldn’t help but
in his heart feel suspicious. Turning around and leaving the
dormitory, stepping out on the sports ground.

Right in front of the school building students walked out in

twos and threes coming towards the dormitory. Just when Tang
San prepared to first go to Spirit Hall to undergo spirit master
authentication as Grandmaster instructed, faintly he heard
among those compared to him marked as upper students as if
saying the two words ‘working student’.

Hurriedly focusing, by way of internal strength he

distinguished the source and listened attentively to the content
of their conversation.

349 Goldenagato |

“Those working students really are overrating themselves, to
actually challenge the sixth year’s boss Xiao. I estimate at class
tomorrow it will be difficult to see a shadow of a working

“Still can’t tell, the working students dared challenge our

academy’s Little Overlord also with a bit depending on, they
say, a new first year working student, a little girl who is very
fierce. Having all the working students call her Xiao Wu Jie.
This time’s matter seems exactly like her taking the initiative to
provoke. This time their stake is also absolutely sufficient, if
boss Xiao wins, afterwards he possess all the working students
as his dogs, and if the working students win here, then
afterwards that Xiao Wu Jie is our whole academy’s Xiao Wu

“These working students are definitely courting death, in

what respect can a first year little girl be capable of being fierce.
Boss Xiao is one of few among our academy six year students
who has reached spirit master realm. It looks as if boss Xiao
later will have a pack of servants.”

Hearing the words of the higher grade students, Tang San’s

heart immediately tightened. Although he had not known Xiao
Wu long, regarding Xiao Wu’s nature he still had a certain
understanding. The temper of this looking like a fair and tender

350 Goldenagato |

little girl was in no way as gentle and soft as her appearance, on
the contrary rather rude and unreasonable. In addition with
what Wang Sheng preciously told him about working students
were being bullied, he could confirm that these two older
students’ words were certainly genuine.

Tang San also was one of the working students, he naturally

could not watch his roommates be bullied.

“Two seniors, may one ask where boss Xiao and those
working students are?”

Tang San greeted the two students.

The two students were clearly dumbfounded a moment, and

the left side senior student said:

“What? Little junior you also want to go stick a foot in? Boss
Xiao has enough manpower, by your appearance you should be
second or third year, I advise you to still leave out, to
accidentally be injured could be bad.”

From Tang San’s neat clothes and that looking like it was high

351 Goldenagato |

quality belt on his waist, the two students obviously could not
guess at his working student status.

“Senior, I only want to go have a look at a distance.”

Tang San naturally could not make clear that he was part of
the working students.

“They should duel in the woods on the mountain behind the


Obtaining accurate information, Tang San took off, running

towards the rear side of the academy.

What is called the mountain behind the academy was

certainly not within Nuoding academy, just outside the
academy rear gate is a small hill, apart from the academy. Tang
San saw nobody around, so he immediately launched Ghost
Shadow Perplexing Trace and ran full out towards the hill.

The woods were very quiet, but not at all tranquil, on the
contrary rather abundantly an atmosphere of swords drawn and
bows bent.

352 Goldenagato |

Apart from Tang San all the working students stood behind
Xiao Wu, and facing them were all told more than twenty
higher grade students formed up in ranks.

Led by one person wearing Nuoding primary spirit master

academy uniform, large stature tall and straight, although his
face remained childish, he already had a bit adult appearance. It
looked like in body he was at least half again as large when
compared to Xiao Wu, his features also counted as handsome
and spirited. Only the contemptuous and disdainful expression
on his face sabotaged the harmony.

“Little girl, right now there is still time for you to repent. Of
course, I do not mind having a pet rabbit. Your spirit is rabbit,
isn’t that right.”

Xiao Wu’s expression did not lose a bit to the opposite side and
was similarly disdainful, only her disdain harmoniously
arranged her soft and fair face to somehow have a cute
appearance, pointing at the opposite side saying:

“Boss Xiao, you scared? Scared of afterwards being my little


353 Goldenagato |


Boss Xiao feigned an elegant big laugh,

“How could I be scared? I say, that Wang Sheng, have all you
working students lost your minds, to actually find this kind of
little girl to stir up a fight with me. Really funny. Little girl, you
still haven’t asked who I, boss Xiao, am. In this Nuoding city, if I
walk from east to west there is nobody who dares hinder me,
not to even mention this academy.”

Xiao Wu was clearly already rather impatient,

“Less nonsense, let’s start. You say how we fight.”

Boss Xiao’s eyes narrowed, revealing a somewhat evil


“Rest assured, I won’t bully you. Don’t you have ten people
here, then we also will only use ten people. Sending out in
turns, those sent out only need to win, then can continue
fighting the next opponent. Up until all the people on one side

354 Goldenagato |

are defeated.”

Able to become the boss among students, this boss Xiao could
not be a rash person, on the contrary, he was very clever.
Although on the surface Xiao Wu looked like she could be no
threat. But this boss Xiao also did not fight Wang Sheng for only
one or two days, and of Wang Sheng’s temperament he still had
a clear understanding, if this little girl before him did not have
some ability, how could Wang Sheng so easily recognize her as
the working students representative.

But how powerful could this little girl be? On his side were all
higher grade students, and each one’s actual strength was not
weak. The working students’ side only had one Wang Sheng
that still could be considered having some ability, in addition to
this little girl at most they had only two people that’s all.
Letting the younger brothers under his leadership completely
grind them to death, he would not even need to come out
himself, and this fight was already won. Seemingly a fair
method for duelling, was it truly fair?

Wang Sheng naturally also realized boss Xiao’s plan, but

before he could open his mouth, Xiao Wu already readily spoke:

“Fine, we’ll settle it like this. Come, whoever is first of you,

355 Goldenagato |

come out.”

By now, it was already too late for Wang Sheng to prevent

Xiao Wu’s agreement.

The followers of boss Xiao pursed their lips, and a large higher
grade student immediately walked out.

Wang Sheng gritted his teeth,

“Xiao Wu Jie, let me go first.”

He was naturally familiar with this higher grade student on

the other side. This fellow was in the same class as him, and
Wang Sheng had fought him many times, every time the
outcome was miserable. This student’s spirit was a staff. But not
just a simple staff.

Xiao Wu appearing very like a big sister leader, nodded,

agreeing to Wang Sheng’s request.

Wang Sheng drew a deep breath, stepping up between the two

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“Liu Long, come.”

On Liu Long’s hand yellow brilliant light rose, and a two

metre tall long staff winked into his grasp,

“A defeated opponent. Wang Sheng, after I beat you today you

won’t stand up for days, or my name isn’t Liu.”

Wang Sheng still did not answer, but Xiao Wu behind him
already smiling said:

“Then if you lose, it’s fine to call you ‘Withered Willow’.”

Liu Long’s facial expression became cold, and without

uttering a sound, he very quickly moved forward a step, the
long staff in his hands immediately thrusting up, descending
straight to smash Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng’s body shone equally bright with spirit power

light, and with a tiger’s roar, without dodging, raising both

357 Goldenagato |

arms crossed, blocked the other party’s long staff.

With a muffled peng sound, Wang Sheng grunted,

immediately retreating two steps. Both arms flooding spirit
power turned over, both hands grabbing for the opponent’s
long staff. Even with spirit power protection, in this first
contact the opponent’s long staff already left bloody marks on
his arms. Bruising was hard to avoid.

Liu Long’s mouth twitched,

“You still have a short memory. This is my spirit.”

Light shimmering, the part of the long staff Wang Sheng held
abruptly disappeared, immediately afterward the long staff’s
previous point that had just crossing Wang Sheng’s arms, all of
a sudden thrust at Wang Sheng’s stomach. His body tumbled

Wang Sheng’s fighting determination need not be doubted,

his strength was also significantly higher than his opponent,
but unfortunately he was at the disadvantage of still being
unable to obtain a spirit ring. Unable to undergo spirit adding,
although under the aid of spirit power strength increased,

358 Goldenagato |

agility was insufficient. Encountering this kind of long staff
spirit using adversary, even if the other party used a one cun
long and one cun powerful characteristic, when fighting he
completely lacked the power to strike back.

His body shot up, a tiger’s roar yet again rising, but very
quickly his body was already once again whipped back by the
long staff.

However Wang Sheng could also be considered to have rough

skin and thick meat. Normally taking many beatings, his ability
to resist and fight back must also be more powerful compared to
ordinary students. Although in a completely disadvantageous
position, the opponent wanting to make him lose fighting
ability also was not a simple matter. Before Xiao Wu and Tang
San arrived at Nuoding academy, the working students were
relying on him alone to protect them. Without a little ability, he
would long ago be bullied to death by others.

“Wang Sheng is still too impulsive. With frontal

confrontation, he cannot approach the body, and only by
approaching the body can he defeat the opponent.”

When Xiao Wu’s brows were creasing greatly, a low voice

suddenly rose by her ear. Inclining her head to look, her

359 Goldenagato |

beautiful big eyes couldn’t help but reveal a pleasantly surprised

“Tang San, you’re back.”

Reaching Xiao Wu’s side was exactly Tang San, turning to the
mountain behind the academy, he saw this scene in the woods
on the side, and instantly without a sound he quietly reached
Xiao Wu’s side. As his stature was not tall, nobody on boss
Xiao’s side had even taken notice of his appearance.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, thinking to say something, but


Xiao Wu caught his expression of wanting to say something

but stopping,

“What? Want to say I’m impulsive too?”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“We working students cannot always be bullied by people, and

360 Goldenagato |

this way of fighting with student bosses should also be regarded
as ‘one effort always settled’, you acted correctly. Only, you
should have waited until returned before raising a challenge to
them. This way the certainty is also a bit bigger.”

361 Goldenagato |

Chapter 11 - Xiao Wu, So You Really Are A

Xiao Wu glared at Tang San, recalling the last time she was
mercilessly hit with stones, she was filled with anger,

“‘Wait’ what ‘wait’, who knew when you would return.

Everyone bullying us. What that son of a bitch boss Xiao said
about letting me be his pet rabbit, if I could still put up with
that, my name wouldn’t be Xiao Wu.”

Tang San frowned, in his heart pondering, this how big a

child had this kind of dirty idea, it seems, he really must teach
them a lesson, let them know working students are not good at
being taken advantage of.

Thinking like this, his fingers dragged across his waist, gaze
changing direction to the battleground.

By now, a large area of Wang Sheng’s body was already

purple. With unceasing tiger roars, his spirit power was already
becoming weaker and weaker, and his opponent without being
hit by him once, seemed like a cat playing with a mouse.

362 Goldenagato |

Wang Sheng’s attack pattern still was too single minded, the
spirit power he took advantage of nearly exhausted. He
launched a last offensive, approaching two steps, once again
facing Liu Long pouncing, this time he already made a firm
resolution, even if he was brutally beaten by the other party
again, to give the opponent something to remember.

Liu Long and Wang Sheng coming into contact also wasn’t
only once or twice, he naturally could not fail to see his goal.
Watching Wang Sheng pounce, his facial expression also
became imposing, brandishing the long staff in his hands, in
succession three staff blows smashed at Wang Sheng’s head and
both shoulders. As long as Wang Sheng this arrow at the end of
its flight was beaten back, he could not again launch a decent

But at this time, surprisingly, Liu Long felt like both his hands
holding the staff were seemingly stung by a mosquito, and the
attack he sent suddenly dulled.

His attack was originally considered good, but right now

when dulled it immediately revealed a flaw. The first hit
naturally struck Wang Sheng’s head, but Wang Shen stubbornly
resisted and pounced onward, causing his last two hits to fall in
thin air.

363 Goldenagato |

With a battle spirit master possessing a beast spirit close to the
body, with regard to tool spirit masters using long weapons that
absolutely was a devastating attack. Even if Liu Long’s strength
was higher compared to Wang Sheng’s, the result would still
have been this way.

Peng, Wang Sheng’s tiger claw clapped Liu Long on the head,
and his entire person flew up from the slap. Immediately
following his body turned upside down, and his right leg was
caught at once and swung like a tiger tail whip heavily onto his
back, he ruthlessly smashed to the ground.

Liu Long could not have resisting ability as good as Wang

Sheng, his spirit power was all in the long staff. Its defensive
power was not at all remarkable, and after Wang Sheng’s two
attacks he was collapsing. Just as Liu Long heavily struck the
ground, he was knocked unconscious.

Wang Shen excitedly roared up at the sky, seemingly letting

out these several years of resentment.

Boss Xiao was at first calmly and easy-going watching Liu

Long make fun of Wang Sheng, but the spectacle circumstances
suddenly taking a turn for the worse immediately caused him

364 Goldenagato |

great shock.

One must know, Liu Long among his subordinates was ranked
third in strength. If he did not already possess the first spirit
ring, he also could not guarantee he could win against Liu Long.

Xiao Wu bantering said:

“‘Withered Willow’ sure enough is a ‘Withered Willow’, really

can’t endure one hit. Boss Xiao, what do you say?”

Boss Xiao waved a hand, letting other subordinates urgently

drag Liu Long off for treatment, they were only primary spirit
master academy students, relying on that bit of spirit power still
would not take a life.

“The first one counts as our loss. Ling Feng, you’re up.”

The second dispatched by boss Xiao was a thin and small

higher grade student, small nose and small eyes, figure so
slender nobody could see he is twelve years old. On the contrary
more like he was in the same age group as Xiao Wu and Tang

365 Goldenagato |

“Call back Wang Sheng. I’m up.”

Tang San said in a low voice by Xiao Wu’s ear.

In Xiao Wu’s view also the matchup wasn’t bad, he naturally

noticed this second opponent to enter the arena was an agility
type spirit scholar, just in time to restrain Wang Sheng. Wang
Sheng previous spirit power had also depleted greatly, he would
without a doubt lose.

“Wang Sheng, you return. Leave this to little San. You can
take a rest.”

Wang Sheng right now still had not completely recovered

from the previous excitement over defeating Liu Long, when
hearing Xiao Wu’s voice and discovering Tang San had already
returned at some unknown time. He knew his circumstances,
although he defeated Liu Long, he truly did not have the
strength for another fight. He also knew, if not for Tang San
stealthily shooting out three small pebbles and restricting Liu
Long’s attack, how could he also obtain the first victory.

366 Goldenagato |

“You’re a working student?”

Ling Feng looked at Tang San, his eyes revealing a hesitant


Tang San only nodded in reply,

“Please begin.”

Although Ling Feng’s stature was thin and small, it would be a

bit taller compared to the first year Tang San’s height. This was
a quick fight related to which of both sides could become
student boss, he also no longer thought much of it, after again
giving a look at Tang San’s belt, leapt up, nimbly vaulting
overhead, both arms extended, unexpectedly gliding two
metres, pouncing towards the top of Tang San’s head.

Beast spirit, Tang San saw in a glance what the opponent’s

spirit was. These several days Grandmaster instructed him
could not be a waste. This Ling Feng was an agility type battle
spirit master. His beast spirit should be a flying animal. From
his neither strong nor fierce exterior nor attack pattern, it
should not be a raptor. Then, it should be a swallow or crow
type animal.

367 Goldenagato |

Watching the other side pouncing at him, Tang San remained
motionless, seemingly treating the other party as if he
fundamentally did not exist.

Ling Feng’s speed was very quick; among sixth year students,
by speed acclaimed as the first person. He was boss Xiao’s sworn
follower, and his figure was also extremely dexterous. Watching
the soon reaching Tang San in front, suddenly, his body
unexpectedly flipped again, both arms flapping beneath, force
changing direction, arriving behind Tang San, meanwhile
brandishing both arms, arms chopping towards the two sides of
Tang San’s neck.

Until Ling Feng turned over on top of his head, Tang San did
not move at all, confronting the opponents unknown ability, to
not change his response ten thousand times, was the best

If it was before obtaining the first spirit ring, perhaps Tang

San still could not have been this arrogant, but since obtaining
the first spirit ring, his agility, strength, reaction, all natural
abilities had leapt up. Tang sect disciples’ keenest abilities are
senses and all kinds of reaction, agility was also an advantage;
when comparing agility, who could he fear?

368 Goldenagato |

Ling Feng’s figure transforming in mid-air, must be an abrupt
nature. Seeing Tang San, only a first or second year student, in
his heart he also was somewhat belittling, planning a subduing
attack to immediately force Xiao Wu to fight.

But, just as both his palms were close to joining together,

about to close on Tang San’s neck, Tang San moved.

A phoenix nod, just enough to dodge away from Ling Feng’s

both hands. Following the upper body bending forward, Tang
San’s right leg as if snapping swung up fiercely behind him, in
the whole process, he basically did not turn his head to look.

Quiet as a sleeping child, moving like a fleeing hare, Tang San

by this bit deduced the perfect moment, and in a flash erupted
in speed that among both sides watching the battle only a few
could see clearly.

Tang San’s heel closely connected with Ling Feng’s chin, Ling
Feng performed a third mid-air flip, and afterward still
continuously kept spinning.

With a peng sound, he heavily tumbled several metres,

369 Goldenagato |

stepping in Liu Long’s footsteps, immediately fainting. His jaw
was already dislocated by Tang San’s kick. This was still under
circumstances where Tang San did not use internal strength,
otherwise this one kick could have at least shattered his chin.

A satisfactory reverse flying snap kick, a type of fundamental

wushu leg technique, fitting Tang San’s sharp feeling, in a
moment rapidly dispatching the opponent effectively.

The higher grade students on boss Xiao’s side practically

simultaneously stared wide-eyed, they were fundamentally
incapable of believing that what happened before their eyes was
all fact.

Ling Feng who among their group, in actual strength was

second only to boss Xiao, confronting that looking like only a
first or second year student, could be knocked out by one kick,
to the extent that even his most expert attack did not at all have
time to reach.

Boss Xiao muttered:

“Fuck, must the Heavens change, how are the current plebs
this ferocious?”

370 Goldenagato |

Since hearing the sound of Ling Feng hitting the ground, Tang
San slowly withdrew the right leg raised high behind him,
coolly saying:

“One down.”

Boss Xiao was shocked, Xiao Wu on the working students’ side

was in her heart equally astounded. She had fought many times
with Tang San, and right now again seeing him fight, she
clearly realized Tang San had advanced not a little, and also, she
also realized, Tang San entering a fighting state seemed to be
different from him at peaceful times. At ordinary times Tang
San looked like only a mild little child, but in a fight, his
fighting became extremely swift and fierce.

Wang Sheng without paying attention to the pain all over his
body, watching Ling Feng fly off from one kick by Tang San,
raised a big laugh of schadenfreude,

“How’s that, boss Xiao, convinced or not, our Tang San didn’t
even use spirit power. I see you still got to admit defeat. Leave
out suffering the pain.”

371 Goldenagato |

Boos Xiao walked out with a sombre face. After two
consecutive defeats, he already reached a time with no choice
but to enter the arena. He asked himself who on this side apart
from him, also could compare to Ling Feng’s power. If he could
not immediately retrieve the low morale, there would be no
need to fight the remaining duels. By using a swift and fierce
method to alone defeat this kid before him, and again defeating
Xiao Wu, he could save face.

Boss Xiao looked coldly at Tang San, by now the

contemptuous and disdainful expression on his face had already
disappeared, replaced by dignity.

“Xiao Chen-Yu, sixth year student, spirit, wolf. Eleventh

ranked first ring battle spirit master.”

Announcing his spirit and rank, was a kind of show of respect

to the opponent.

While speaking, Xiao Chen-Yu’s entire body emitted blackish

green light, within the blackish green glimmer, his body’s
muscles began to swell, both eyes gradually becoming a pale
green color, both arms slowly lifting, claws forward, talons
becoming sharper. A white spirit ring rose up from underfoot,
precisely the appearance of spirit body enhancement.

372 Goldenagato |

Xiao Chen-Yu as student boss, right now displayed his clever
part. How many in Nuoding academy could not know what his
spirit was, but the Tang San who confronted him was different,
to his point of view, Tang San’s spirit right now was still a
mystery. First announcing his own spirit, was exactly for the
purpose of letting him know what spirit this Tang San he was
about to fight had. In this way, he would also be able to plan

Tang San had heard Grandmaster speak of this announcing

spirit custom, only when one would not spare the opponent a
glance, not fearing that the other party would forever become a
mortal enemy, when confronting the other side announcing the
spirit, like all must announce their spirits, expressing mutual
respect, learning skill by exchanging pointers.

“Tang San, first year working student, spirit, blue silver grass.
Eleventh ranked first ring tool spirit master.”

When Tang San announced his spirit was blue silver grass,
behind Xiao Chen-Yu the higher grade students practically
simultaneously roared with laughter, of the nervous expression
on their faces there was immediately nothing left. Even to the
extent of not hearing Tang San announcing his rank.

373 Goldenagato |

Blue silver grass was a useless spirit, this was long ago already
completely universally acknowledged on the Continent. Even if
Tang San’s own strength was not weak, the disparity of spirits
still caused them to fundamentally not need to worry highly as
before that boss Xiao could lose.

“You just now said, how high was your rank?”

Xiao Chen-Yu could not be as negligent as those followers of

his, because the clamour behind made him unable to quite hear
Tang San announcing his rank.

“Eleventh rank, first ring tool spirit master.”

While speaking, faint white light rose from Tang San’s body,
lifting his right hand, faint blue silver grass grew from the
center of his palm. Following a wave of his right hand, blue
silver grass blue silver grass drifted away underfoot. A bright
yellow spirit ring rose up around Tang San from underfoot,
floating regularly up and down around his body.

The appearance of the yellow spirit ring, as if it was a heavy

slap at those higher grade students’ mouths, immediately froze

374 Goldenagato |

the laughter, some even gaping wide, looking Tang San like he
was a freak.

“Hundred year spirit ring.”

Gasped Xiao Chen-Yu.

White represented a ten year spirit ring, yellow represented a

hundred year spirit ring. The spirit ring differing by one level,
under conditions where both sides had the same rank spirit
power, this effect could be decisive.

This-, how could this be. The spirit ring appearing over Tang
San’s body, could be said to overturn these students
understanding of the opponent’s spirit. First year, stood for
only six and seven year olds’ grade, a first year’s cultivation
reaching spirit master realm, this had never happened in the
entire history of Nuoding primary spirit master academy. Let
alone, his spirit also being a known useless spirit blue silver

“Boss, waste him, he only has a blue silver grass. How fierce
can a spirit ring make him anyway?”

375 Goldenagato |

A higher grade student couldn’t help but say.

“Idiot, shut up!”

Xiao Chen-Yu roared, interrupting his subordinate’s words.

Only a blue silver grass? Xiao Chen-Yu thought in his heart

that it absolutely was not that simple. Blue silver grass was
beyond doubt a useless spirit, but a blue silver grass that had
reached the spirit master realm was a bit different. And also on
his body was a hundred year spirit ring. This he would be
fundamentally unable to obtain on his own, and since he had
people able to assist him in obtaining a hundred year spirit ring,
and furthermore help him cultivate to the spirit master realm,
then how big of an influence could be behind this first year kid
before him?

Xiao Chen-Yu’s father was Nuoding city’s castellan, otherwise

he too could not be this arrogant at the academy, including
teachers very few could go against him. Since childhood seeing
his father’s various acts of officialdom, he was also more or less
tainted by some of the air of politics, therefore he first of all
thought of Tang San’s background. His father had a thousand
times instructed him, ten thousand times warned him, that in
this world, some great clans absolutely must not be offended.

376 Goldenagato |

Even compared to the imperial household they were still more
terrible. The imperial household should still have some scruples
regarding reputation, but those great clans fundamentally did
not need it. Provoking them, brought down calamity.

“You really are a working student?”

Xiao Chen-Yu couldn’t help but ask.

Tang San coolly nodded, after bringing out the spirit ring, the
feeling like having his whole body filled with strength made his
blood boil, right now he also wanted to find an opponent to
properly measure his strength against. Checking what level his
strength had actually reached after the fundamental change.

“Get on with it.”

Right now already reaching ‘an arrow fitted to the bowstring

cannot avoid being discharged’ level, Xiao Chen-yu in his heart
kept in mind, even if he won over this first year working
student before him, he absolutely could not injure him.

If speaking of Ling Feng’s pounce as nimble, then, Xiao Chen-

377 Goldenagato |

Yu’s pounce was explosively strong. Since he possessed the first
spirit ring, his power was fundamentally uncomparable to
Wang Sheng’s capabilities, even though Wang Sheng’s spirit
was the king of animals, with his spirit on a lower rank he was
still by far inferior to Xiao Chen-Yu.

Confronting Xiao Chen-Yu’s pounce, Tang San was as

leisurely and carefree as when he did not respond to Ling Feng;
possessing a spirit ring and without spirit ring, are two absolute
concepts. Xiao Chen-Yu firmly threw himself forward, the spirit
power leaking out from his body already enveloped a three
square metre range around Tang San’s body, and this was a
charge with absolute strength, fundamentally without any
technique. Just looking to use force against force.

Force meeting force? Then come on. Although power was not
at all Tang sect disciple’s expertise, just now Tang San thought
to have a look at what level his Mysterious Heaven skill had
actually reached. Instantly, gathering skill in both palms, slowly
pushing out his chest. Meeting Xiao Chen-Yu’s wolf claws.

The subordinates of Xiao Chen-Yu by now all already wore

triumphant smiles on their faces. What hundred year spirit
ring, this idiot used his hands to meet Xiao Chen-Yu’s wolf
claws, that simply was courting death. They had personally seen
Xiao Chen-Yu after spirit body enhancement relying on the

378 Goldenagato |

strength of the pair of claws to grab and crush chunks of stone.

Xiao Chen-Yu’s hands were much bigger compared to Tang

San. He in his heart actually hesitated: should he use the
strength of his claws or not? He believed that relying on the
power of his claws he certainly could smash Tang San’s palms to
pieces, this would also be considered ending the competition.
But doing so, would the people behind him……?

Charging so fast, Xiao Chen-Yu without waiting to think

clearly, both his claws and Tang San’s palms slammed together.

With a muffled peng sound, as blackish green and white

coloured light shone brightly, a circle of air burst out and
stirred the air current by the feet of the surrounding crowd of

Tang San’s stood there absolutely still with feet not

perpendicular nor parallel, Xiao Chen-Yu’s upper body in a
flash, after the shock fell backwards. Practically subconsciously,
Xiao Chen-Yu’s wolf claws already struck at Tang San’s hands.
Losing to the other side in spirit power caused him such shock
and fury simultaneously that he already forgot his

379 Goldenagato |

But, something occurred that caused Xiao Chen-Yu even more

Just when his wolf claws grabbed at Tang San’s both hands,
he clearly felt that Tang San’s both hands were as hard as iron:
no matter how he used his strength, he was unable to shift them
an iota. Immediately following, Tang San’s hands separated,
forcibly taking them out from within his wolf claws, turning his
hands to knead at Xiao Chen-Yu’s wrists, not letting him retreat
from shock like that. Both hands pulling back the former bully’s
figure, his right shoulder directly ramming against Xiao Chen-
Yu’s lower abdomen.

Xiao Chen-Yu’s big body flew up from that direct strike,

tumbling away more than three metres.

Xiao Chen-Yu’s underlings were only a moment ago preparing

to cheer, seeing their boss tumble away, this time, the
expression in their eyes looking at Tang San was thoroughly
changed. Was this kid still a human?

The lustrous jade slowly receding from both hands, trying out
if his Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength would be
greater than the opponents eleventh ranked spirit power, Tang
San coolly said:

380 Goldenagato |

“I’m still busy and have no time to play with you, so I will end
it like this. Blue silver grass, bind.”

Xiao Chen-Yu had just a moment ago shot up from the ground
- Tang San’s single strike without going full out, and in addition
to his spirit body enhancement, his defensive power was
without mistake considerable, and so received no injury - just in
time to hear Tang San’s words.

More than ten thick blue silver grass completely without

warning suddenly surged up from under his feet, spiralling up,
without waiting for Xiao Chen-Yu to react, already firmly bound
both his legs.

“What is this?”

Xiao Chen-Yu turned pale with fright. Struggling with all his
strength, but since being upgraded that blue silver grass was
extremely tough, regardless of how he used his strength he
could not struggle free.

Tang San advanced step by step towards Xiao Chen-Yu,

381 Goldenagato |

“Don’t try it. You can’t struggle free. My first spirit ring was a
datura snake, therefore, my blue silver grass has the datura
snake’s toughness. Of course, it also has a bit of the datura
snake’s venom. If you feel you still have more fighting strength,
I don’t mind letting you sample the taste of the datura snakes
venom. Oh, I should mention, I don’t have an antidote.”

There were also more than ten blue silver grass rising behind
Tang San, the blades of grass suspended behind his back, as if
they were more than ten datura snakes selecting people to bite.

A feeling of fear began to appear all over those higher grade

students, some of Xiao Chen-Yu’s underlings were quickly
retreating uncontrolledly.

Even if they had not encountered a datura snake, they had

absolutely heard of it. Who would be willing to come into
contact with this kind of horror snake venom?

“Don’t use snake venom. I admit defeat.”

Even though Xiao Chen-Yu was the boss among students, he

was after all only twelve years old, and equally also could have

382 Goldenagato |

childish fears, for a time already he was completely confused.

Actually, although Tang San’s blue silver grass was poisonous,

it was after all only the first spirit ring. What was absorbed was
also not even a more formidable datura snake, therefore the
attached poison nature only had a paralysing effect, nothing
more. Certainly not a fatal hyper toxicity. But how could Xiao
Chen-Yu dare use his own body to test that?

The blue silver grass quietly vanished from Xiao Chen-Yu’s

legs, and on Tang San’s face was revealed the small gentle smile
familiar to the working students,

“Since you already admitted defeat, then, follow what you and
Xiao Wu previously agreed on.”

Xiao Chen-Yu dully looked at Tang San,

“Then I should recognize you as boss or recognize her?”

What he still did not believe was that Xiao Wu’s strength was
able to exceed Tang San’s. A six year old spirit master, this
already surpassed his imagination.

383 Goldenagato |

Tang San said with a slight smile:

“Of course Xiao Wu is your boss. I can’t win against her.

Otherwise, room seven’s room senior would be me, not her.”


Xiao Chen-Yu’s mouth opened in an O shape, his heart saying,

‘you are already this fierce, and she compared to you is still
more terrible, you really are working students, really only six
years old?'

Xiao Wu unhurriedly walked up by Tang San’s side, clapping

his shoulder, adopting a big sister leader appearance,

“Little San’s display was not bad, you’ve worked hard.”

Tang san laughed, saying:

“Teacher still left me some matters to attend, the remaining

384 Goldenagato |

business you sort out yourself. Afterwards you can be the
academy’s Supreme Sister.”

Xiao Wu smiling thumped Tang San’s shoulder at once,

“Fine, you go, I’ll handle the rest.”

Finished speaking, her gaze shifted to Xiao Chen-Yu,

“What? You’re still not convinced? Fine. I’ll introduce myself

once. I’m Xiao Wu, first year working student, spirit, rabbit,
twelfth rank first ring battle spirit master.”

Let alone Xiao Chen-Yu, including the still not lingering Tang
San was shocked, he also right now just realised Xiao Wu was
unexpectedly equally a spirit master, and also compared to him
one rank higher. But her age was about the same as his,
meaning, she also had full spirit power?

A red light rose from Xiao Wu's body. Shrouded under the
faint red light, her eyes began to turn red, ears slowly grew,
standing up from the side of her head covered in soft white fur.
Stature seemingly becoming a bit taller, a soft breath of spirit

385 Goldenagato |

power seemingly undulated centring on her body. From
underfoot rose a spirit ring unexpectedly with appearance as
Tang San's, it too was a yellow hundred year spirit ring.

Xiao Chen-Yu exerted himself to clap his forehead at once,

“Xiao Wu Jie, I serve. Hereafter you are our Nuoding primary

spirit master academy’s Supreme Sister. Everyone come, meet
Xiao Wu Jie.”

A blue silver grass eleventh ranked tool spirit master was that
fierce, this was a twelfth ranked first ring battle spirit master,
and also had a hundred year spirit ring as well. Xiao Chen-Yu
did not need to fight to know that he was not by any means Xiao
Wu’s match.

Xiao Wu somewhat smugly looked at the higher grade

students before her bowing in salute, darting a glance at the
dazed Tang San there,

“Didn’t you have some matters? Why haven’t you left? You’re
permitted to have innate full spirit power, but not I?”

386 Goldenagato |

Tang San started from his thoughts, looking carefully at Xiao
Wu, raising his hand to stroke her long soft ears, nodding,

“Xiao Wu, so you really are a rabbit.”


The rabbit ears were the most sensitive, transforming to

become the spirit, the effect similarly appeared all over Xiao
Wu’s body. The little girl’s beautiful face suddenly had two
large daubs of blushing, raising her hand wanting to hit him,
Tang San had already escaped like the wind.

Not speaking of what reparations to make on Xiao Wu’s side,

after Tang San escaped the academy, his mind couldn’t help but
be carefree for a spell. Other than Teacher’s poison injury
making him worry, everything else compared to what he
imagined was glorious. Mysterious Heaven skill’s cultivation
problem was at long last resolved, and he also had this blue
silver grass binding ability, his actual strength had made great
progress. Tang San believed, he only must continuously make
great efforts with cultivation, and his Mysterious Heaven skill
would advance by leaps and bounds. In at most ten years, he
only must be able to enter Mysterious Heaven skill’s fifth realm,
and so be considered somewhat accomplished; when arriving at

387 Goldenagato |

that time, in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record were recorded
the majority of hidden weapon use abilities.

Teacher did not say if this world had many spirit clan sects,
could he not establish his own Tang sect afresh in this world?

On Douluo Continent, regardless of whether it was Heaven

Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, in any city Spirit Hall could be
that city’s symbolic structure. Tang San only randomly asked a
passer-by, and successfully found the location of Spirit Hall.

Just now helping the working students respond to the

struggle had already delayed him for some time, and he still
must return to bring Teacher midday meal, therefore Tang San
used his fastest pace to run to Spirit Hall, not wanting to be

“Halt. Little friend, this is Spirit Hall, you can’t randomly


Tang San barely arrived at Spirit Hall, when he was stopped

by the entrance guard.

388 Goldenagato |

Nuoding city’s Spirit Hall’s location was an immense dome
structure. Just the width of the front must exceed a hundred
metres, height reaching up to twenty metres, divided into three

The entire building was brown, and the emblem on the front
gate only had one longsword. From Grandmaster’s explanation,
Tang San knew that an emblem with only one design, meant
that Nuoding city’s Spirit Hall was a lowest rank Spirit Hall.

389 Goldenagato |

Chapter 12 - Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method

The two entrance gate guards appeared to be twenty years old

or so, the spirit power fluctuating on their bodies was not at all
distinct, feeling as if neither had reached even spirit master
level. It looked like Nuoding city indeed was remote, from the
Spirit Hall’s level it could be seen that this city was of no
importance in Tian Dou Empire.

“Uncle, greetings, I am a Nuoding primary spirit master

academy first year student, Teacher told me to come here to
measure spirit grade.”

Tang San indicated the school uniform he wore, speaking to

the gate guard.

With a look at the Nuoding academy insignia Tang San wore,

the two guards both subconsciously revealed an envious light in
their eye. The guard who spoke first said:

“It turns out to be like this, then go inside. Reaching the first
floor reception hall look for spirit grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo, he
can help you.”

390 Goldenagato |

“Thank you.”

Tang San replied, and hurriedly walked inside Spirit Hall.

The two guards’ envious gazes followed him as he entered

Spirit Hall, one of them said:

“Originally if I could on gain admittance to Nuoding academy,

maybe right now I could become a spirit master. Hey, Nuoding
Academy should have its own means to test spirit power, only
coming here to us when advancing, why did this child come
running to our Spirit Hall?”

“Who knows? No matter, this however old child, perhaps it’s

his teacher letting him come with some message, and can’t
speak clearly.”

The twenty metre high dome has a certain kind of

atmosphere, just as Tang San walked into the Spirit Hall, he was
immediately influenced by this kind of vast grandeur. The dome
of the entire hall was completely covered with murals. In each
and every little square was painted a variety of spirit depictions.

391 Goldenagato |

On the bottom glittered brilliant gold, giving people a feeling of
both gold and jade in glorious splendour and unadorned

Spirit Hall had all around huge crystal windows, the sunlight
passing through the crystal windows refracting onto the
murals, golden light glittering giving people even more of a
dazzling and stunning feeling.

Reception hall, where was the reception hall? Influenced by

the atmosphere of the hall, Tang San began searching for the
destination of this trip.

Not many people were within Spirit Hall, and around were
only some servants cleaning. Since Tang San did not know how
to find the reception hall, when he was preparing to approach
some people to ask, he saw an acquaintance. Precisely that spirit
grandmaster who assisted him in spirit awakening, lone wolf
spirit possessing Su Yuntao.

Tang San quickly stepped up to him. Right now together with

Su Yuntao was a female spirit master, her stature tall and
slender but well developed, facial features also counting among
beauties. Two people talking and laughing, not taking the least
bit notice of this tiny Tang San approaching.

392 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster Su Yuntao.”

Tang San called out.

Su Yuntao at this discovered his arrival, the female spirit

master at his side making a surprised sound, saying:

“How come our Spirit Hall still has such a small child? What
noble’s son has come to our Spirit Hall to undergo spirit

Su Yuntao’s eyes also could not identify Tang San, after all,
there were truly too many children undergoing his spirit
awakening, and also Tang San’s current style of dress was no
longer in such dire straits as before.

“You are?”

Seeing Su Yuntao’s uncertain expression, Tang San hurriedly


393 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster Su Yuntao, I’m Tang San, the last time you in
Holy Spirit village awakened that blue silver grass spirit, innate
full spirit power Tang San.”

“So it turns out to be you, why are you running here.”

People with innate full spirit power were after all easy to
remember, and Su Yuntao immediately recalled Tang San.

Tang San said: “Teacher let me come to Spirit Hall to undergo

advancement appraisal, and in addition test spirit power rank.”

Su Yuntao was shocked,

“You already obtained the first spirit ring? How fast. This
uniform is Nuoding academy’s, worthy of being Nuoding city’s
best academy, the teachers truly take responsibility.”

Su Yuntao’s companion was seemingly somewhat dissatisfied

over being neglected,

“Yuntao, aren’t you going to introduce me?”

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Su Yuntao noticed his companion was seemingly somewhat
annoyed, and hastily fawning said:

“Sisi, this is the child I mentioned to you with innate full

spirit power, it’s too bad his spirit is blue silver grass. Otherwise
the future prospects could be boundless, ah! He currently
already obtained a spirit ring, so is also considered a member of
spirit masters. I will trouble you to wait here for me a moment,
I will go see he reaches grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo at the
reception hall.”

Just when Sisi heard Su Yuntao speak of Tang San’s innate

full spirit power, her eyes clearly lit up for a moment, but as she
heard Tang San who had this innate full spirit power
unexpectedly had blue silver grass spirit, the pleasant surprise
on her face became a touch disdainful, nodding she said:

“You go, I’ll wait here for you.”

“Thank you.”

The impression Su Yuntao gave Tang San was still not wrong,

395 Goldenagato |

and should be considered in Spirit Hall a conscientious

Su Yuntao brought Tang San along the side climbing a flight

of stairs to the Spirit Hall second floor, reaching the second
floor landing. Here Tang San could see was enclosed by rooms,
and from here one also could directly see the first floor hall.
With no need to ask, this should be Spirit Hall’s office area.

Su Yuntao was obviously impatient to go accompany Sisi,

bringing Tang San with lightning speed to reach the door of a
room, and without knocking, pushed the door and entered.

“Who is this, ah, how bold.”

A somewhat hoarse voice resounded from within the room.

This was a well-lit office, and behind a spacious desk sat an
elderly man, in neat and tidy spirit master dress, along with the
three standard three swords symbol, showing he was a spirit
grandmaster level battle spirit master.

“So it’s Yuntao, why are you kids so rash. For spirit master’s
cultivation one must concentrate one’s attention, with a steady
disposition. Otherwise, you will come to resemble me, somehow

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unable to advance past the thirtieth rank threshold.”

Su Yuntao somewhat grumbling said:

“Grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo, don’t be long-winded. This child

has come to undergo advancement appraisal, I’ll trouble you
with it.”

Su Yuntao’s relationship with this old spirit master was

clearly very good, as the old grandmaster chuckled. Just as his
gaze dropped to Tang San he couldn’t help but be somewhat

“Yuntao, are you certain this child has come to undergo

advancement appraisal and not spirit awakening?”

Su Yuntao said with a wry smile:

“Of course I’m certain, this child’s spirit was awakened by me.
He is that child I mentioned to you with innate full spirit power,
whose spirit was blue silver grass. He already obtained a spirit
ring, therefore I’ll trouble you. Sisi is still waiting for me, so I’ll
leave first.”

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Finished speaking, patting Tang San’s shoulder, he hastily
walked out.

Looking at Su Yuntao’s departing back, the old spirit master

Ma Xiu-Nuo couldn’t help but shake his head,

“Another youngster with his head turned by love. It’s a pity,

Sisi doesn’t suit him at all. That girl’s heart is too big, how can
you shackle her.”

Tang San stood before Ma Xiu-Nuo’s desk, hearing Ma Xiu-

Nuo mutter to himself in his heart slightly impatient,

“Hello, grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo smiled slightly looking at Tang San, saying:

“Child, no need to call me grandmaster, I cannot be counted

as some grandmaster, you just call me grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo.
This year I’m eighty one years old, going by age calling me equal
to your grandfather should be no problem.”

398 Goldenagato |

The old man’s kind and affable voice immediately increased
Tang San’s good impression of him, and hastily again called,

“Hello, grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo smiled slightly, saying

“Come, I’ll bring you to undergo advancement appraisal. You

are a very polite child. It’s a pity, spirit being blue silver grass.”

While speaking, Ma Xiu-Nuo led his apparent pseudo

grandson pulling Tang San by the hand to leave the office,
walking along the second floor landing towards the inner side of
Spirit Hall.

Just as they reached the end of the landing, three lofty vaulted
doors appeared before Tang San.

Ma Xiu-Nuo said with a slight smile:

399 Goldenagato |

“Here is the actual spirit testing room for undergoing
advancement appraisal. Come child.”

Speaking, he pushed open the leftmost door, bringing Tang

San to walk inside.

Entering this room, Tang San had a kind of particular feeling;

in his body Mysterious Heaven skill’s internal strength was
moving slightly as if following a kind of peculiar rhythm.

This room was very wide, and also very tall, as much as two
hundred square metres, and an immense window provided
ample lighting.

Tang San immediately found the cause affecting his internal

strength: on all four walls, all around were inset uncountable
fist sized black rocks, looking like the material should be the
same as what Su Yuntao originally used for spirit awakening.

On the floor, was depicted an enormous token tile’s symbol, a

long sword pointing down, pointing right at the gate entrance.

This symbol was like the one mounted outside Spirit Hall.

400 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster Ma Xiu-Nuo saw Tang San taking notice of the
pattern on the floor, and said with a slight smile:

“We here are the lowest rank Spirit Hall, also known as a
Branch Spirit Hall. On the Continent, even if it is the smallest
city, they all have Spirit Hall on the same sale as ours. Above
branch halls are Child Spirit Halls, and again a level higher is
Lord Spirit Hall. Reaching the level of Lord Spirit Hall, they are
all are placed in great cities. In the two Imperial capitals, there
are fourth ranked Saint Spirit Halls. The fifth level is Papal Hall,
there is our Spirit Hall’s most sublime place. Above Papal Hall,
there is only the legendary Douluo Consecration Hall. Only a
spirit master reaching Douluo rank, can have qualifications to
enter there, and it is also the final destination of spirit masters
possessing Spirit Hall registered rank above Douluo. It is the
place all spirit masters long for.”

The six kinds of level of Spirit Hall which Ma Xiu-Nuo spoke

of happened to correspond to the six kinds of signs Grandmaster
spoke of, Tang San in his heart already understood this.

“Thank you for telling me about these, grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo,

can we begin?”

401 Goldenagato |

Ma Xiu-Nuo smiled, and said:

“The youngsters today, ah, temperament is all impatient like

that. Very well. Then we will begin now. Give your spirit free
play, release your spirit ring.”

Tang San walked over to stand in the centre of the symbol,

raising his right hand, with complete concentration and calm
breath, Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength combined
with blue silver grass to produce a warm current slowly rising
from the centre of his palm.

Thick and sturdy blades of blue silver grass swarmed out,

within an eye blink already hanging down on the floor, the
bright hundred year datura snake spirit ring rising from under
Tang San’s feet, centred on his body, moving up and down.

Ma Xiu-Nuo at first wore a mild smile, when he saw the blue

spirit grass surging out from Tang San’s hand, his expression
already became stunned,

“This-, this is blue silver grass?”

402 Goldenagato |

In Tang San’s eyes glimmered a faint blue light, this was the
characteristic effect of using blue silver grass spirit,

“Is there a problem? Grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo rubbed his eyes, certainly he had not seen wrong,

right now, his attention shifted to the yellow spirit ring on Tang
San’s body,

“Hundred year spirit ring, it’s actually a hundred year spirit

ring. No wonder, this great change could occur even in blue
silver grass. Child, I still do not know what your name is.”

“I’m called Tang San.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo exhaled a long breath, calming the agitation in

his heart,

“I can confirm, you have a pretty good tutor at Nuoding

academy. However, Nuodings academy’s tutors ability to help
you accomplish hunting a hundred year spirit beast is already
very difficult. It’s too bad blue silver grass growth potential is
too poor, speaking otherwise, perhaps you truly could become a

403 Goldenagato |

mighty spirit master, after all your spirit has just now only been
awakened for several months’ time.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo picked up a yellow crystal ball from a table to the

side and walked over in front of Tang San,

“Infuse your spirit power within, let me have a look at what

level you have reached. According to theory, you should be

Ma Xiu-Nuo’s one ‘rank’ word had still not been spoken, as

the crystal ball he placed in Tang San’s hand already shone
progressively brighter with a yellow misty radiance. The
radiance could not be considered very powerful, but it was
extremely clear.

“This-, this is……, thirteenth ranked spirit power.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo looked at Tang San a little bit as if seeing a little


“Could it be because the spirit ring itself is powerful,

incidentally increasing spirit power, but, it still should not skip

404 Goldenagato |

two ranks, ah? Child, could you tell me, your spirit ring was
hunted from what spirit beast?”

Tang San without holding back, said:

“It was a datura snake.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo was greatly shocked,

“No wonder, no wonder, unexpectedly it’s the among lower

level spirit beasts most troublesome datura snake. Even is a
hundred year datura snake, so that’s why it has this kind of
effect. No, not right, ah, your spirit is from the plant system,
how can it use an animal system spirit ring? Child, you can’t

That boss Xiao before was after all only a child, regarding
spirits his understanding still could not be thorough, but this
Ma Xiu-Nuo who had worked as attendant at Spirit Hall for
several tens of years, regarding spirit ring rules he was quite
clear, at once becoming aware of the crux.

Tang San shook his head, saying:

405 Goldenagato |

“Grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo, I’m not lying at all. Why can’t plant
system spirits use animal system spirit rings? Under certain
conditions, this can be carried out. My Teacher calls it the spirit
mimicry principle.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo’s expression changed greatly,

“May I ask, who is your teacher?”

Tang San said:

“Everyone calls him Grandmaster.”

“Grandmaster? Is it that Grandmaster who once published the

spirit ten great core competencies, and afterwards was expelled
from Spirit Hall? He’s unexpectedly in Nuoding city?”

Hearing Ma Xiu-Nuo’s words, Tang San only now learned that

Grandmaster unexpectedly had come from Spirit Hall, for a
moment did not know how he should reply.

406 Goldenagato |

Ma Xiu-Nuo’s expression suddenly became serious,

“Tang San, would you be willing to join Spirit Hall.”

Tang San was dumbfounded for a moment,

“Grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo, am I not already registered in Spirit


Ma Xiu-Nuo shook his head, saying:

“No, this is different. Registering at Spirit Hall, is a matter the

overwhelming majority of spirit masters will do. Thus
obtaining the national stipend. But joining Spirit Hall, means
becoming Spirit Hall’s exclusive spirit master. Spirit master
cultivation is also carried out by directly entering a Spirit Hall
special institution.”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“That probably is impossible, I have already started studying

at Nuoding primary spirit master academy.”

407 Goldenagato |

Ma Xiu-Nuo sighed, saying:

“Indeed it is a step late, considering our Spirit Hall without

justification can’t force people away from the academy. Forget
about it. This is all to blame on that kid Su Yuntao, he originally
should have taken you directly to Spirit Hall. Perhaps
Grandmaster also would not consent you joining Spirit Hall,
after all……”

Tang San smiled slightly, and said:

“Do not speak like this, if I had to come to Spirit Hall, maybe I
could not obtain such a good spirit ring. What do you say,
grandpa Ma Xiu-Nuo.”

Ma Xiu-Nuo was dumbfounded for a moment, smiling said:

“What you say is true. Well, your advancement review survey

is concluded. Starting from now, you are a Heaven Dou Empire
honoured spirit master. Be well received in the ranks of spirit
masters. Hereafter you every month can rely on the badge
issued you in a moment to draw a stipend at Spirit Hall, a spirit

408 Goldenagato |

master’s stipend is every month one gold spirit coin. When you
reach spirit grandmaster level, the stipend will become ten gold
spirit coins. Regarding the matter with an animal spirit ring
used on a plant spirit, I will as quickly as possible report to a
higher authority.”

“Thank you.”

When Tang San left Spirit Hall, within his Twenty Four
Moonlit Bridges he already had a Spirit Hall specially forged
badge. The badge was round, on the back was carved his name,
and on the front was carved two intertwined brambles,
symbolizing spirit master level. Even Tang San who was
descended from a blacksmith couldn’t at all see what metal had
been used to forge the badge.

After Spirit Hall, Tang San quickly ran in the direction of

Nuoding academy, following Ma Xiu-Nuo’s directions, and this
time taking a shortcut, he could cut down on the time by at least

When he in a moment would reach the academy, suddenly,

Tang San heard a familiar sound. His pace subconsciously
coming to a stop.

409 Goldenagato |

Dingdang, dingdang, dingdang……

A hammer symbol, a large somewhat rough building, from

inside a rhythmic beating was heard, this was precisely a smithy

From looking at the outside, this extent of this smithy was

much bigger than Tang San’s home, having not a few visitors
coming and going.

The smithy, Tang San could not help but recall his father’s
words: Tang Hao once said to him, to later let him find work at
a smithy to pay for his livelihood.

Only, right now having to do working student’s work, did he

still have time to come here to work?

From growing up in a smithy, concerning the occupation of

blacksmith, Tang San could be considered as having some
attachment, keenly looking at the smithy, then running off
towards the academy.

For Grandmaster’s body to quickly recover, Tang San used the

money Grandmaster gave him to buy some food from the dining

410 Goldenagato |

hall and bring it back, accompanying Grandmaster and eating
together. Grandmaster right now could already walk, and told
him he need not look after him. Sending him for these days first
to regular classes. Moreover to take a look at that book
Grandmaster gave him.

Leaving Grandmaster’s room, Tang San returned to the

working students’ dormitory. This time room seven wasn’t
again deserted, the working students were basically all there,
speaking about something with dancing eyebrows and radiant

“Little San, you’re back.”

Xiao Wu was sitting leaning back in bed. Of course, her back

was leaning on Tang San and her currently common quilt.

“Xiao Wu, bring me to the place we should sweep. I’ll keep my

promise, starting from today, give the sweeping assignment to

Abiding by promises was the foundation of manners. This bit

Tang San all along did very well.

411 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu darted a look at him, saying:

“Still sweeping something, ah, how cheap for you, hereafter

all need not sweep.”

Tang San was taken aback, and said:


Xiao Wu a little smugly said:

“Do you think I this Xiao Wu Jie does something for no

reason? That fellow Xiao Chen-Yu is arranging for people to do
our working student work. Afterwards we need not do it, but
still as before take the pay. You count for a lot of strength, this
time you come cheap.”

Although Tang San stood by his promises, he also absolutely

was not an inflexible person, chuckling, he said:

“This turned out pretty good. Hereafter you are the entire
Nuoding academy’s Xiao Wu Jie.”

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Xiao Wu sat upright, hugging her knees, little face flushed
pink and curiously looking at Tang San, saying:

“What was the result like of your going for Spirit Hall

Tang San said:

“Done. I’m right now already a spirit master.”

The other working students around revealed an envious light

in their eyes. Of course, it was only envy, nothing more. The
scene today of Tang San’s strength when defeating Xiao Chen-
Yu was deeply branded in their minds, especially Wang Sheng,
who admired him endlessly. Reaching the conclusion that even
after obtaining a spirit ring he still might not be able to win.

Xiao Wu full of curiosity asked:

“What good is becoming a spirit master? It can’t be just

getting some empty title.”

413 Goldenagato |

Tang San chuckled, saying:

“There are still some benefits, at least in the future I can eat
some good things. Spirit masters get a one gold spirit coin
stipend every month.”

“One gold spirit coin? This much.”

Xiao Wu by now also understood the importance of money,

even though Xiao Chen-Yu already said in the future the
working students food expenses were all on him, having money
in her hand was always better than other people.

While speaking, Xiao Wu leapt up off the bed, excitedly

running out.

“Xiao Wu, where on earth are you going?”

“I’m going to register at Spirit Hall, one gold coin can buy so
many delicious things, ah.”

414 Goldenagato |

“Then there’s no need to hurry like this.”

“How can I not hurry, have you forgotten today is the end of
the month? Going now, including next month, maybe I can get
two gold spirit coins.”

“But, you could at least put on shoes before going.”


Xiao Wu eventually still left energetically for Spirit Hall, Tang

San was secretly laughing in his heart, perhaps that grandpa Ma
Xiu-Nuo would return from shock. After all, Xiao Wu would be a
genuine animal spirit battle spirit master. Comparing innate
qualifications, this must be much better than his bogus full
spirit power.

Not needing to do working student work again, Tang San‘s

mind immediately returned to thoughts of that clear and
melodious beating sound. Village elder Jack once said, later on
the intermediate spirit master academy would have a not small
fee, he should also trade for very many things for home, and so
having many little ways to earn money would naturally be good.
And also, this was father’s requirement. Still more importantly,

415 Goldenagato |

only at smithy would he have the chance to increase his
armaments. As a result of forging the sleeve dart with his own
hands, Tang San discovered, when a hidden weapon was
completely made by himself personally, the sense of familiarity
regarding the hidden weapons would become even more

“Tang San, I apologize for the matter that day, you won’t still
take offence right.”

Just in the middle of Tang San’s pondering, Wang Sheng

came up to his side, speaking with a sincere expression.

Seeing Wang Sheng with a simple and honest smile, Tang San
shook his head, saying with a slight smile:

“Offence to what, I’ve long since forgotten. Wang Sheng dage,

I must go out a while, I’ll probably come back in the evening.”

Wang Sheng nodded, and said:

“You go. Right, congratulations on becoming spirit master.”

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Tang San said with a slight smile:

“It won’t be long, and you’ll also make a breakthrough.”

Once again leaving Nuoding academy, Tang San felt a little

tired. After today returning with Grandmaster, still without a
proper rest, he also fought some with Xiao Chen-Yu’s group.
Even though his Mysterious Heaven skill already entered the
second tier, a tired feeling still appeared.

However, going to the smithy was still an important matter,

at worst he would just start work from tomorrow again. What
feared the most Tang San right now, was everyone not
accepting him this little blacksmith.

Arriving at the smith, Tang San walked inside straight away.

Entering, the heat blew in his face; any smithy was like that, of
course, but at Tang San’s home that shabby smithy the
temperature was much lower than here.

Entering, was a wide hall, on the right side of the hall hung a
variety of well forged iron tools, here were not only farming
implements, but further all kinds of armor and weapons. After

417 Goldenagato |

all, in this world spirit masters were only a small minority. And
the price of the weapons naturally had to be much higher than
farming tools.

Seeing these weapons, Tang San couldn’t help but recall the
work he did in his previous life. At that time, Tang sect
manufactured mechanism type hidden weapons could be said to
be Tang sect’s pillar of income. Tang sect had a lot of rules, even
though they traded mechanism type hidden weapons outside,
they also only sold non-poisonous and some ordinary goods.
Genuinely secret lore was impossible to take out. Even though it
was like that, Tang Sect produced hidden weapons were still in
short supply in Jianghu.

If he in this world also started a hidden weapon

manufacturing mill, what kind of income could it bring?

“Little friend, whyever have you come here, for buying things
call over your family’s adults. Quickly get out, here is

Right in the middle of Tang San’s deep thoughts, a loud and

clear voice interrupted his pondering.

418 Goldenagato |

Looking up at a bare chested burly fellow looking straight at
him, swarthy skin over bulging lumps of muscle, looking
extremely solid, in his hand holding a large sized forging
hammer, his forehead completely covered by sweat.

“Uncle, greetings. I thought to come inquire whether or not

here needs apprentices.”

Tang San’s young, clear and melodious voice, even though the
smithy was extremely noisy with beating steel and iron, still
was clearly heard by everyone.

The majority of smiths stopped work with hands raised,

looking at Tang San revealing somewhat good intentioned
smiles. Blacksmith could be considered the humblest vocation,
all were people with impoverished backgrounds, relying on
physical strength and craftsmanship to eat, although they
appeared rough, the majority were extremely good and honest.

The big fellow who spoke before measured Tang San up and
down a few times, and said:

“Little friend, don’t go in for it. Quickly leave. Here isn’t safe.
Is your style of dress like a blacksmith’s appearance? Moreover,

419 Goldenagato |

our place also doesn’t take in apprentices this small. You would
probably be unable to raise the forging hammer. Ha-ha.”

Tang San realized that he still wore his neat and tidy school
uniform, yeah, how could he be regarded as a blacksmith
wearing this.

“Excuse me, uncle, I’ll be back in a moment.”

Finished speaking, he turned and ran outside.

The smithy was very close to Nuoding academy, when Tang

San once again returned, he had already changed into his
original clothes, all over big patches covering small patches, this
style of dress, even if eating hundreds of meals there was no
need for make-up.

Entering, Tang San did not look for someone else, again
looking for that previous uncle,

“Uncle, do you see that I like this can be regarded as an


420 Goldenagato |

The big fellow looked at Tang San all over wearing a hundred
stitches, and was immediately stunned a moment,

“Little friend, you aren’t making fun of me, right.”

Tang San honestly said:

“Of course not. Uncle, it’s like this. I’m a Nuoding academy
working student, every day I have spare time in the afternoon,
my father was a village blacksmith. From little I studied forging
with father, and thought to come to you here to earn my

Hearing Tang San’s words, the big fellow’s expression

immediately softened. They all came from poor families, so in
their hearts they immediately felt great sympathy; moreover,
this child still attended Nuoding academy. The big fellow simply

“Very well. If you want to come, then come. There are some
odd jobs to do for us, you can always carry tea and hand out
water. However, wages won’t be too high, but food can be
guaranteed. How’s that?”

421 Goldenagato |

“That’s alright, no problem.”

Tang San rejoiced, and hurriedly replied.

The blacksmiths all smiled good-naturedly towards Tang San,

the big fellow glared at the bunch, saying:

“What are you looking at, don’t you need to work. Hurry up,
tonight I’ll invite everyone to drink ale.”

Hearing the big fellow’s words, the blacksmiths’ enthusiasm

immediately greatly increased, each and every one swung their
hammers and continued their work.

The big fellow lifted the forging hammer in his hand, forging
pig iron before him to one side, saying to Tang San:

“I’m called Shi San, Shi of rock, you can call me uncle San.
This smithy is my inheritance. Hereafter you come to work for
me here, I’ll guarantee every day’s midday meal and supper, and
give you ten copper spirit coins, that’s also a silver spirit coin. If
you’re efficient, I’ll give you a bit more. Oh, that’s right, what’s

422 Goldenagato |

your name?”

“Uncle San, I’m called Tang San.”

“Tang San? Ha-ha, good, both our names have a “San”, seems
this truly is predestined. What village did you come from?”

Tang San said:

“I’m from Holy Spirit village.”

Shi San said:

“You just now said you studied forging with your father from
childhood. You are this small, what could your father have
taught you?”

Tang San said:

“Of course forging. Uncle San, you must not see me as small,
but I have the strength, forging pig iron is no problem.”

423 Goldenagato |

Shi San laughed loudly,

“Brothers, our new little assistant says he also can forge. You
believe it?”

The blacksmiths immediately roared with laughter. Tang San

looked like a six or seven year old, this was even after obtaining
the first spirit ring when his stature grew somewhat. From
looking at his outward appearance, who could believe he could

Being looked down on by people always felt bad, Tang San


“Uncle San, I really can forge, if you don’t believe it, you let
me have a go.”

Shi San stopped his work at hand, leaning the forging

hammer on the ground,

“Like this then, if you can pick up my hammer, I’ll believe

424 Goldenagato |


As he spoke, he passed the hammer handle to Tang San.

Because the hammer head was in contact with the ground, he
did not fear Tang San would be unable to hold it up and be

“Uncle San, you are ridding this piece of pig iron of

impurities. I’ll help you accomplish it well.”

Tang San took the forging hammer handle from Shi San.

With Shi San’s inborn extraordinary strength, this forging

hammer he used was clearly bigger compared to other peoples’.
Compared to Tang San’s height it was taller by half a chi or so.
Right now, he again had become the focus of the entire smithy,
the blacksmiths watching him all appeared to have laughing
expressions. But, they very quickly stopped smiling, because,
Tang San already lifted that forging hammer, and also was
smoothly raising it before him.

Compared to ordinary forging hammers its weight it was

thirty percent more, Tang San judged as the forging hammer
parted from the ground. Although somewhat heavy,

425 Goldenagato |

considering him before he obtained a spirit ring, he still could
use it with an effort, let alone right now.

Seeing Tang San slowly lift the forging hammer, Shi San was
also staring wide eyed, gasping in admiration,

“Good strength, worthy of the son of a blacksmith.”

Tang San with eyes brilliant stared fixedly at the pig iron in
the furnace, breathed out loudly, and fiercely swung Shi San’s
forging hammer.


Soles firmly gripping the ground, lower legs abruptly

generating force, strength passing up, Tang San’s body half
turning, and the huge forging hammer swung completely
around obliquely, heavily striking on that chunk of pig iron.

The great clanging sound, already made the blacksmiths’

smiling expressions become stunned. Immediately following, in
pace with the iron hammer’s rebound, Tang San quickly made a
turn, the iron hammer in his hands once again swung, again

426 Goldenagato |

making a loud sound, the iron hammer compared to before
falling even more heavily on the red hot pig iron.

“Uncle San, I’ll trouble you to help me draw the bellows. The
temperature is not enough.”

Tang San said quickly, his third blow again already swinging
up. This time, the forging hammer’s power was even more
violent, bringing a wuwu wind sound.

Shi San was still an old blacksmith, and naturally understood

the consequence of insufficient temperature, and hurriedly
squatted to one side, pulling up the bellows.

The following scene made a lifelong impression on the

blacksmiths present. That heavy forging hammer seemed to be
alive in Tang San’s hands, it drew one circle after another in the
air, imbued with rhythm, beating sounds just like a violent
storm acting within the smithy.

Nobody paid attention to Tang San’s both hands that already

became shining white like jade. Accompanying the clanging
sounds, that chunk of pig iron continuously pulsated under the
forging hammer.

427 Goldenagato |

Shi San on one side was drawing the bellows with full
strength, on one side closely staring at Tang San swinging the
hammer, his expression was already beyond shocked.

The other smiths all knew Shi San’s hammer was very heavy,
and naturally knew the difficulty of continuously beating.
Especially being like Tang San this kind of heavy hammer, it
was even more difficult in the extreme.

Clang. The last beat completed, Tang San brought the forging
hammer to its former place after turning two circles, diffusing
the hammer’s momentum. The big hammer head downward,
again dropping to the ground, causing the smithy and
blacksmith’s hearts simultaneously a moment of shock.

Twenty seven blows, a full twenty seven continuously

sustained beats, before Shi San’s forging that chunk of pig iron
had not changed its appearance an iota, but was now reduced to
a circle.

Tang San doing this, Shi San knew he could also do himself,
but would an entire day’s time. One must know, Shi San had
formally been a blacksmith for fifteen years’ time already.

428 Goldenagato |

Seeing the slightly panting and forehead appearing sweaty
Tang San, Shi San stuttered:

“Tha-, that couldn’t have been Disorder Splitting Wind

Hammer Method? Among forging arts the most powerful
continuous forging art?”

Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method? What’s that?”

Tang San said uncertainly.

Shi San’s cheeks were already flushing red because of


“What is called Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, is a

kind of continuous beating forging method, leveraging force,
able to most perfectly bring out us blacksmiths’ physical
strength. It is said the most awesome smiths can continuously
swing eighty one times, directly having a chunk of pig iron take
on the appearance they want. Most importantly, Disorder
Splitting Wind Hammer Method is the most powerful technique
for driving out impurities in metal, I still thought it was lost
long ago, I didn’t expect to see it today in your hands.”

429 Goldenagato |

Chapter 13 - Father’s Message

Was it truly Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method? Before

Tang San’s eyes floated the dispirited figure of his father, could
it actually be said his father originally was an outstanding

“Uncle San, I also don’t know whether this is Disorder

Splitting Wind Hammer Method, this is something father
taught me.

Shi San exhaled a long breath, then said with a big hearty

“It looks as if, this time we picked up a treasure. The

employment conditions just now are void: for the time being
you first will be paid the same as everyone, every month one
silver spirit coin. If business is good, you take an additional

Just like this, Tang San formally became a member of Shi

San’s smithy, beginning to live a full life.

430 Goldenagato |

The academy’s curriculum certainly was not a necessary place
to him, Grandmaster’s instruction was much more useful than
the academy teachers in relating basic theory.

He also carefully read that book Grandmaster gave him. Just

like he expected, the spirit power cultivation methods
Grandmaster put forward were very similar to the internal
strength cultivation movement routes. Of course, this after all
was only Grandmaster’s theoretical designs, and compared to
genuine internal strength cultivation methods was still a certain
distance apart, not to speak of Tang sect’s finely tempered
Mysterious Heaven skill.

Xiao Wu smoothly obtained the spirit master title, and after

becoming the academy’s generally accepted Xiao Wu Jie, the
working students’ lives became relaxed and comfortable.

Early morning every day, Tang San would take advantage of

the new-born sunrise to cultivate his Purple Demon Eye, in the
morning attend regular classes, in the afternoon labour in the
smithy, in the evening again listen to Grandmaster’s
instruction. At night cultivate Mysterious Heaven skill. It could
be said that every day to him was absolutely full.

At Shi San’s smithy, Tang San only needed a very short time

431 Goldenagato |

to gain everyone’s approval. Shi San gave him the assignment of
refining metal, and in the remaining free time, Tang San used
some discarded bits and pieces to refine on his own, starting his
great hidden weapon production undertaking. Of course, he was
only producing some components in the smithy, genuinely
assembling after returning to the academy.

Xiao Wu relying on her own tyrannical strength with Xiao

Chen-Yu’s assistance, very quickly became approved as the
entire Nuoding primary spirit master academy’s students boss,
and compared to Tang San she passed the time very leisurely,
sometimes even to the extent of not going to class. Tang San did
not even see how she cultivated. But Xiao Wu’s actual strength
continuously elevated steadily.

At Nuoding primary spirit master academy, one semester was

one year’s time, in the entire year students were not permitted
to return home, but family members could come to visit. Tang
San more than once expected his father to come, but until the
end of the semester, still did not see a trace of Tang Hao.
Fortunately his life was sufficiently full, and he did not have too
much time to long for it.

As for Spirit Hall, not long after Tang San underwent spirit
master review, Spirit Hall’s people came to Nuoding academy to
look for Grandmaster, Grandmaster never told Tang San what

432 Goldenagato |

they discussed, and Tang San also did not ask. But from
Grandmaster’s face compared to normal was much more
smiling, and Tang San guessed the relationship between Spirit
Hall and Grandmaster should have become a lot better.

“Xiao Wu, for tomorrow’s holiday, will you return home?”

Tang San said to Xiao Wu while packing his luggage.

One school year had passed, and he was finally able to return
home and see his father. This afternoon at the smithy he had
already asked Xhi San for a leave of absence. Also specially
bought a brand new forging hammer, intending to bring back to
give to his father.

Since Tang San joined Shi San’s smithy, making the quality of
the various kinds of weapons and equipment produced in the
smithy rise one grade, business became better, and right now
Tang San’s wages already reached five silver spirit coins every
month, equivalent to half a spirit master’s stipend.

Xiao Wu leaned on the bed, her eyes revealing some

loneliness, entirely different from her usual liveliness,

433 Goldenagato |

“I’m not going home. Maybe, just stay at the academy.”

Tang San was dumbfounded a moment,

“All year, you won’t return to see your family?”

Xiao Wu’s eyes suddenly lit up, saying:

“Little San, your family isn’t far from the academy is it?
Otherwise, I’ll follow you to return and play, how about that?
Anyway Wang Sheng and Xiao Chen-Yu are both going to
participate in the intermediate spirit master academy
examination, there’s nobody to accompany me to play.”

Tang San smiled, after passing one year together, he could be

considered as having some comparative understanding
regarding Xiao Wu could. This little girl was lively and
energetic, always appearing motivated by a desire to see the
world in chaos; when acting gentle and soft, she somehow
appeared like a lovely doll, but a moment later became a violent
whirlwind. That Nuoding Xiao Wu Jie title of hers was exactly
called in vain. In the entire academy, who knew how many
students had already tasted bitterness from her.

434 Goldenagato |

“My family can be very poor, without anything good to
entertain you.”

Xiao Wu with both hands akimbo, and big eyes glaring at

Tang San said:

“Every month you saved so much of your stipend, so reluctant

to spend, but still fear entertaining me?”

Tang San wearing a slight smile extended his right hand,

“Speaking of stipends I suddenly recall, a certain person still

appears to owe me six silver spirit coins.”

Xiao Wu was dumbfounded a moment, her fair and tender

little face revealing some embarrassment. A stipend of one gold
coin every month could definitely not be regarded as little,
however, her spending was truly extravagant, if seeing
something good coming back to buy it, not taking into account a
bit whether or not it was useful. By now she long ago already
had her own bedding, not having to share with Tang San. Never
able to manage her finances, in a short time asking Tang San to
lend spending money, already became habit.

435 Goldenagato |

“Not exactly six silver coins? Wait for me to get the stipend to
pay you. You still haven’t said, if you after all are willing to let
me come along with you.”

Tang San said with a slight smile:

“You want to go then go. Only, my dad’s temperament can be


Xiao Wu not in the least fazed said:

“Someone this lovely, your dad will happily approve of me.”

While speaking, still assuming a gentle and soft appearance

asking Tang San with blinking eyes.

Other people might be fooled by her outward appearance, but

Tang San had seen too many scenes of her true volcanic
eruptions. He could not help but shake his head, still not a bit
swallowing her cover.

“You need not use your honey trap on me. Fortunately you

436 Goldenagato |

will appear seven years old, if a bit older, perhaps you truly
would have a little fox spirit talent.”

“Fox spirit? What’s that?”

Xiao Wu full of curiosity asked.

Tang San smiling said:

“It’s a kind of spirit beast turned into a demon, specializing in

seducing men.”

Xiao Wu was stunned a moment, her gaze at Tang San

suddenly became somewhat strange, between eye blinks, her
mood abruptly became agitated,

“You drop dead, daring to call me a fox spirit, I’ll definitely

fight you.”

While speaking, she already baring fangs and brandishing

claws leapt up from her bed, charging at Tang San.

437 Goldenagato |

The other working students regarding this scene no longer
wondered at the sight. The noise of fighting between Xiao Wu
Jie and Tang San to their point of view, long ago became
accustomed to; if some day those two were not fighting several
times, on the contrary perhaps they instead would feel uneasy.

Early the next day, as Tang San set out with that very
bouncing and vivacious young girl at his side, wearing Nuoding
academy’s uniform, leaving Nuoding city, and heading towards
Holy Spirit village.

This past year, to Tang San’s point of view, had been

extremely rich, and also extremely satisfying. Breaking through
Mysterious Heaven skill’s first tier bottleneck, under assiduous
cultivation, Mysterious Heaven skill had made rapid progress.
On the basis of his own calculations, by now he should already
be reaching the upper middle second tier’s strength, on the
basis of spirit power calculations, he should have about
sixteenth rank approaching seventeenth rank.

In the academy, people able to compare spirit power with

him, only had a Xiao Wu: even though he never saw her
cultivate, when the two compared spirit power the difference
was never far. Sometimes Tang San had the upper hand,
sometimes he was reversely surpassed by Xiao Wu. Although

438 Goldenagato |

both were children, to the two who refused to give in,
exchanging points like this was hard to avoid.

Just when starting, Xiao Chen-Yu and Wang Sheng, these

higher grade students occasionally joined in, but along with
Tang San and Xiao Wu spirit powers’ lightning fast rise, there
were no people who again came to disturb them. One could ask:
who would hope to become like a sandbag’s existence?

Therefore, although Xiao Wu was nominally the boss of

Nuoding’s students, in practice, when Xiao Chen-Yu’s group
addressed Tang San, he was also called little San Ge.

When Tang San exchanged pointers with Xiao Wu, he always

losing more than he won. Xiao Wu’s fighting techniques
emerged in an endless stream, especially her Soft Skill gave
people a kind of New Year cake like feeling, if in circumstances
where both sides did not draw support from spirit ring powers,
Tang San was practically certain to lose. Even if using spirit
rings, relying on blue silver grass binding and paralysing effects,
the most he could accomplish when battling Xiao Wu was a

As for Tang San’s secretly practiced hidden weapons these

were certainly not used when exchanging pointers, first was

439 Goldenagato |

because the hidden weapons’ killing power was too great, too
easy to injure a person, and second, he was still hoping to
temper his own close combat strength through exchanging
pointers with Xiao Wu. Perhaps it was because of the two
mutually acting as sparring partners giving rise to an
accelerating effect, but in respect to fighting, they advanced side
by side. The academy’s teachers were all already disinclined to
be in charge of them, and in Nuoding, although Tang San and
Xiao Wu were still only first years, they already became the
academy’s famous geniuses.

“Is it still far ah?”

Xiao Wu looked east, then gazed west, offhandedly asking.

“We’ll arrive soon. See that hilltop over there? Our Holy
Spirit village is at the foot of the hill.”

About to arrive home, Tang San couldn’t help his mood being
somewhat excited, if not for the Nuoding academy regulations
he would have returned to stay at home at night, without the
teacher making the rounds every day, maybe Tang San long ago
would have returned home to look in on his father. ‘Not
meeting for a year, dad, are you still well?’

440 Goldenagato |

Perhaps it was because of being an orphan in his last life, this
life, Tang San all the more especially treasured that family love.

Touching Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges at his waist, there he

had brought the iron hammer for his father, brand new clothes,
and even some bottles of pretty good wine.

The little mountain village where he lived for six years was
already in view, not knowing why, in Tang San’s heart a kind of
indescribable feeling gradually appeared. If insisting on using
words to describe it, then he would say, the feeling of having
family was truly good. Even if that family only was him and his

Very quickly, the two already walked into Holy Spirit village.
Tang San’s home was at the edge of the village, raising his hand
to indicate the roof with that dilapidated sign, Tang San smiled
at Xiao Wu and said:

“Look, that’s my home.”

Home before his eyes, Tang San’s mood subconsciously

became excited, underfoot his steps increasing pace, three steps
and two more and he reached the door of his home.

441 Goldenagato |

The front door exactly alike as when he left certainly didn’t
matter, this was Tang Hao’s habit all along. After all, this
smithy did not have anything that could be stolen.

“Dad, I’m back.”

Tang San excitedly shouted.

Xiao Wu from never having Tang San this excited, stood at his
back looking at him somewhat curiously. In her impression,
Tang San was a very gentle friend, usually not saying much, but
always with a busy feeling, always having some matter to
attend. Only in their exchanging of pointers could his serious
side be seen. And even if seriously losing to her, one still never
saw his angry or even agitated appearance.

While calling, Tang San walked inside with quick steps.

Everything seemingly had not changed, the smithy was still in

turmoil, even more so compared to before he left, a hideous
mess of things left all over, a broken tattered and worn out
feeling, bringing Tang San even more familiarity.

442 Goldenagato |

“Oh, little San, you’re back.”

A mild voice rose. From inside a person walked out.

Seeing him, Tang San couldn’t help but be stunned,

“Grandpa Jack, you also, ah, then my dad?”

Walking out from inside was exactly Holy Spirit village elder
old Jack, on his face a somewhat wry smile, he handed over a
paper in his hand to Tang San, saying:

“You have a look, this is your father’s message. Earlier I came

to find him, originally thinking to have him and me go meet
you, not thinking you would already have returned.”

A nervous feeling appeared in Tang San’s heart, hurriedly

taking the paper old Jack held out and lowering his head to

On the paper were only a few simple lines, handwriting

443 Goldenagato |

somewhat sloppy, but concealing a bold and unconstrained

“Little San:

When this letter reaches you, I will have already left. Do not
look for me, you will not be able to find me.

Although you are still young, you have the strength to provide
for yourself. A young falcon must first spread its wings on its
own before soaring.

You need not worry about me. In your nature is a great deal of
your mother’s delicacy. Dad is a useless person. You gradually
grow up, dad has to go get back some things that originally
should have belonged to me. Inevitably one day, we two father
and son will again see each other.

I hope you become formidable, but I also do not hope you

become formidable. You choose your own path.

If one day you feel the spirit master vocation is not good, then
return to Holy Spirit village, and like me, work as a blacksmith.

444 Goldenagato |

Do not miss me.

Tang Hao”

Reading the letter in his hand, Tang San’s entire person was
already stunned, the joy filling his chest in an instant changing
into helpless loss.

Dad left, dad, why must you leave?

Old Jack saw Tang San in low spirits, and with a wry smile

“Tang Hao this fellow left without any warning. The day
before yesterday I came to have him forge some farm tools.
With him leaving like this, we must again find a blacksmith
later. This fellow, truly too irresponsible.”

Tang San slowly returned from his absentmindedness,

445 Goldenagato |

“Grandpa Jack, you’re saying, dad would have left in only
these two days?”

Old Jack nodded.

“Should have left in these two days. Little San, don’t feel
sorry, this kind of a father is unworthy of it. Come with
grandpa, we’ll go to my home.”

Tang San silently shook his head, with the greatest care
folding the letter in his hands, placing it in his bosom.

“Thank you, Grandpa Jack, but my home is in this mess, I

must decline and remain. I still have to put it in order at once.”

Old Jack was stunned a moment, he had not thought the very
small Tang San unexpectedly would send him off, with a sigh,
he said:

“Very well. Only, if you need anything, do not hesitate to

come find me.”

446 Goldenagato |

With no choice but to shake his head, he turned towards the
outside and left.

As old Jack left, within the smithy remained only the two
people Tang San and Xiao Wu. Tang San did not open his
mouth, then began tidying up the messy room, clearing away
the room’s different things.

Unusually, the ordinarily lively and energetic Xiao Wu right

now kept silent, walking to Tang San’s side, calmly helping him
put various things away, and bringing scoops of fresh water
from the water jar outside, helping him wipe the dirt within the


Nuoding primary spirit master academy.

Grandmaster was in his room reading. Little San having

returned home, his heart was empty. Knowing him for a year’s
time, even though he never said so aloud, but his attachment to
this child constantly deepened.

447 Goldenagato |

Until this morning when Tang San left, he still hesitated
whether to go to his home to have a look. Finally Grandmaster
still vetoed this notion of his. There were very many reasons,
even to the extent that including himself was unable to explain

Peng, peng, peng, at this time, a knocking sound suddenly


Grandmaster’s brows knitted, normally besides Tang San,

there were basically no people that would come here.

“Please come in.”

Grandmaster put down the book in his hand, speaking coolly.

Opening the door, a large figure entered from outside. He

wore a simple grey robe, messy black hair hanging loosely down
to the shoulder, hoary face carved full of the vicissitudes of life,
a pair of muddy eyes as if already like a candle guttering in the
wind, his appearance didn’t at all correspond to his fifty or so
years of age.

448 Goldenagato |

“Hello, Grandmaster.”

The visitor’s voice was deep and hoarse.

No knowing why, when this person entered the door,

Grandmaster’s entire body subconsciously tensed, even
unconsciously spreading spirit power all over his body.

“You are?”

Slowly standing up, Grandmaster’s eyes revealed some


The grey clad person coolly said:

“Speaking of, we should not have met for twenty years, right.
With this current appearance of mine, it’s no wonder you do not
recognize me. I’m Tang Hao.”

“Tang Hao?”

449 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster’s ‘old well makes no waves’ expression suddenly
changed greatly, eyes focusing in practically an instant, rigidly
staring at this person before him, both hands clutching the
table, fingers already becoming pale,

“You-, you are Hao……”

Tang Hao waved his hand, stopping Grandmaster from

speaking, coldly saying:

“Past titles need not be brought up again. In those days, for

however many reasons, other people would perhaps consider
you as only a madman, but I know you are a persistent person.”

Grandmaster gradually calmed down, rigid face somewhat

affected at once,

“It seems as if my conjecture was not mistaken, as expected

you are Tang San’s father. He already returned home, why
would you be here?”

Tang Hao lowered his head, coolly saying:

450 Goldenagato |

“Precisely because he returned home, I would be here. I know
you accepted him as apprentice. As father, I should have come
to see you long ago. I must leave, my only worry is just him,
therefore, I hope to entrust little San to you.”

“You must leave? Go where? He is your son.”

Grandmaster glared rigidly at Tang Hao, the expression in his

eyes somewhat fierce.

Tang Hao still had a cold appearance,

“He is still your disciple. I have to leave, there are very many
matters that are necessary to attend to. Following me, he cannot
obtain happiness. I have no other requests, his life, he must
choose by himself. Ten years, I have already left this world for
ten years, by now he has already grown up, so I have some
business that I have to deal with.”

Grandmaster drew a long breath,

“I do not know what happened to you, but, I can see little San

451 Goldenagato |

is very reluctant to part from you, you do not feel that this kind
of departure is too cruel to him?”

Tang Hao coolly said:

“He decided on his own to walk an extraordinary path; being

together with me would be cruel to him. Well, I’ve said what I
had to say, no matter when, please remember, he is my son.”

Having said this, Tang Hao waved his raised hand, a jet-black
token tile dropped onto Grandmaster’s desk with a clanking
sound, the token tile was impressively similar to the one
Grandmaster originally brought with Tang San to enter Spirit
Hunting Forest, only, in this token tile’s pattern were all six……

Peng, the door closed, Tang Hao’s large figure had already
disappeared. Looking at the door, Grandmaster stood there for a
long time without any movement.

After a good while, he could slowly lower his head, gaze

falling on that token tile, the corners of his mouth revealed a
slight wry smile,

452 Goldenagato |

“I would not have thought, my idol unexpectedly already
became like this.”


Sunlight slanting from the west, side by side in front of the

smithy’s door sat two petite figures. They were dressed in
similar clothes, sitting quietly.

The glow of the setting sun coloured them faintly red,

seemingly branding their bodies a golden red.

The girl on the left inclined her head, looking at the boy, both
hands poking her chin, wanting to say something, but she
endured in the end.

On the contrary it was the boy who opened his mouth, in his
hands holding a brand new forging hammer,

“Xiao Wu, thank you.”

“Thank me for what?”

453 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu full of curiosity asked.

“Thank you for keeping me company all along.”

Tang San lowered his head, looking at the ground underfoot,

the expression in his eyes somewhat misted, also somewhat
hazy, but in the end without tears falling.

Xiao Wu giggled, pushing Tang San’s shoulder with great

force, nearly pushing over Tang San,

“Don’t be gloomy. Your dad only left temporarily, that’s all.

Inevitably one day, you will meet again. Maybe, his leaving was
only in order to let you grow even better, let you gain even more
power. If you again became down like this, wouldn’t it
disappoint his efforts?”

Tang San’s face revealed a trace of a wry smile,

“Maybe so, but, why did he not let me see him again. Xiao Wu,
did you know, dad is my only family. Home without dad, is also

454 Goldenagato |

no longer a home.”

Xiao Wu flung back her head, tossing her long scorpion braid
in front,

“Without dad, you still have me this friend, right. If you

absolutely want to find family, I wouldn’t mind being your
older sister. Quickly, let me hear you call me Xiao Wu Jie.
Everyone calls me that, only you are an exception.”

Looking at Xiao Wu’s lovely and smart appearance with that

evening sunset glow illuminating her flushed little face, Tang
San couldn’t help but smile. Just when a person’s heart was the
weakest having by his side a person for company, was an
extremely happy matter.

“If you want to become my little sister, I won’t be opposed. I

remember what was said: although we are of the same year, it
seems you compared to me must be a few months younger. I
was born on the first month, you on the eighth month, correct.”

“Don’t imagine that’s possible. I will only be the older sister,

I’m unsuitable to be the younger sister.”

455 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu angrily raised her hand to knock Tang San’s head.

Tang San’s body in a flash had already leapt up, standing

three meters in front of Xiao Wu,

“Xiao Wu, follow me onto the hill, I will show you some

Tang San’s expression was very earnest, seemingly like having

decided on something.

Xiao Wu also did not again play, on her little face revealing
cleverness, nodding towards him.

Tang San took the initiative and pulled Xiao Wu by her

delicate hand, and ran for the small hill outside the village. The
two’s shadows under the illumination of the setting sun
gradually lengthened on the ground.

Tang San brought Xiao Wu continuously running to the

hilltop before coming to a stop, under conditions of fully
pushing Mysterious Heaven skill, he could not help but pant

456 Goldenagato |

Standing on the hilltop, Tang San faced the setting sun, both
eyes already filled with purple,

“Xiao Wu, this is my former practice place. I am very seriously

asking you a question, and I hope you can seriously answer me.”

Xiao Wu bit her lip,

“Don’t you know, your current appearance is very like that

old fogey at the academy?”

Tang San slowly turned around, seriously looking at Xiao Wu,

“Are you willing to be my little sister? I truly hope to be able

to again have a family member.”

Xiao Wu was about to say something, but was stopped by Tang


“First listen to what I have to say. I have nothing, you have

457 Goldenagato |

also seen my family’s circumstances, and I am only descended
from impoverished commoners. I cannot give you wealth and
also cannot give you power. You also have innate full spirit
power, but you and I are not alike, I can see your life’s
experiences should have some story. But I never asked, because
I feared that our backgrounds disparity is too great, and we
could not even become friends. But, I truly hope to be able to
have a little sister like you, although I am unable to give you
what nobles possess, I can give you my promise. I will always
protect my little sister, will not let her come to the slightest

Seeing teardrops glimmer in Tang San’s eyes, Xiao Wu’s eyes

gradually reddened,

“If one day, there are very many people wanting to kill me,
and you are unable to defeat those people, then what?”

Tang San unexpectedly revealed a tiny smile,

“Then let them to first step over my corpse.”

Xiao Wu was silent, Tang San also did not speak again, and
the red of the setting sun gradually slipped away, by now in the

458 Goldenagato |

sky above stars already softly emerged.


Xiao Wu simply used one word to break the silence between

the two.

All along holding back tears, as this moment finally fell, Tang
San’s shaking hands, raised Xiao Wu’s hands,

“Thank you, little sister.”

Father left, but he also had a little sister. Tang San raised his
head to gaze at the sky, to the stars in the sky silently making a
lifetime oath.

At nightfall, the two children sat on the hilltop, feeling the

gentle mountain breeze, looking at the stars and moon in the
sky, the tranquil atmosphere and inviting fresh air, without
exception produced a comfortable feeling.

“Do I have to call you big brother?”

459 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu turned her head to look towards Tang San at her

Tang San was dumbfounded,


Xiao Wu’s face revealed a slight blush,

“How to say, I am also the boss of Nuoding’s students,

abruptly having a big brother, how will they see me?”

Tang San smiled,

“Well, you still just call me little San. As long as I in my heart

know you are my little sister, what relevance is forms of

While speaking, Tang San raised his hand, pulling down his
sleeve, and removed the sleeve dart on his left wrist.

460 Goldenagato |

“Having become my sister, I without any valuable things, this
is a present to you for defending yourself. It is my first work.”

Xiao Wu curiously looked at the sleeve dart Tang San handed


“What is this?”

461 Goldenagato |

Chapter 14 - Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“I call it a sleeve dart, it’s also known as a silent sleeve dart. It

only requires using a switch and three darts inside will shoot
according to your control. It can fire one, and also can fire all
three at once. Because the noise of launching is very small, it’s
not easy for the opponent to detect, therefore, when
confronting enemies on par with you, it’s able to produce very
good effect.”

Xiao Wu astonished said:

“Before when we exchanged pointers, how come I did not see

you using this kind of thing?”

Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“Blockhead, we are fellow students, and also friends. How

could I use this kind of deadly weapon? Still remember that
time I used stones to hit you? You think, that was only
coincidence? Look, over there is a mosquito.”

462 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu followed the direction of Tang San’s finger, three
metres away, sure enough was a buzzing mosquito flying, and it
could with difficulty be seen with the aid of moonlight.

“If I told you I could hit its left wing, and not kill it, what
would you say?”

Xiao Wu stared at him saying:

“Are you joking?”

Purple light flashed in Tang San’s eyes, abruptly raising his

right hand, a faint shadow softly passed, and that mosquito
disappeared in thin air.

Pulling Xiao Wu’s hand, Tang San said:

“Follow me.”

Pulling her to walk a short distance to stop before a large tree,

463 Goldenagato |

not needing Tang San’s finger, Xiao Wu also could distinctly
see, on the tree trunk was a three cun long steel needle,
glittering under the illumination of starlight.

Nailed by the needle to the tree, something seemingly

struggled with all its effort.

Xiao Wu lowering her head for a careful look, and could not
help but shocked make a strangled sound. Under that needle
was nailed that same mosquito, the steel needle piercing the
mosquito’s left wing, firmly sewing it to the tree, and by that
mosquito’s thrashing about, obviously without danger to its

“Ho-, how did you do this?”

Xiao Wu gasping with astonishment looked towards Tang

San. If not because she had all along been together with Tang
San, she even would have thought this was prepared in advance.

Tang San pulled out the steel needle, when he again opened
his hand, the steel needle had already disappeared,

464 Goldenagato |

“This is my secret, I call it hidden weapons, even dad doesn’t
know. I only want to tell you, I have the strength to protect my
own little sister.”

Regarding new things, Xiao Wu was always very interested,

excitedly shaking Tang San’s hand and saying:

“Good big brother, can’t you teach me that.”

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“With your violent tendencies, if you also learned hidden

weapons, who knows how many people would suffer disaster.
And also hidden weapon cultivation is not an overnight matter.
The sleeve dart I gave you is also a kind of hidden weapon, so
first grasp using it well.”

Wanting to study Tang sect hidden weapons certainly was not

easy, first of all one must have Mysterious Heaven skill as
foundation, and Xiao Wu’s spirit power already was not weak,
cultivating Mysterious Heaven skill anew was clearly
impossible. Tang San had already secretly resolved, afterward
he would make some mechanism type hidden weapons
equipment for her body. This should also be considered as

465 Goldenagato |


Tang San personally put on the sleeve dart on Xiao Wu’s left
arm, properly adjusting the sleeve dart’s size, completely fitting
to Xiao Wu’s wrist, afterwards he explained once the silent
sleeve dart’s use method details to Xiao Wu, letting her try it out
several times. Xiao Wu was practically immediately in love with
this treasure.

As Xiao Wu left to one side to try shooting the sleeve dart,

Tang San slowly raised his head, watching the stars overhead,
saying to himself:

“Dad, do you truly fear I would be unable to become strong at

your side? You be at ease, I will work hard at cultivation,
become a true man. Inevitable one day, I will become your

“Tang Sect, I already left you for six years, but I will always be
a Tang sect person, in this Douluo Continent, I definitely will
carry on Tang Sect’s everything to new heights.”

A pair of hands like shining white jade suddenly threw out,

light like countless threads of silvery light towered up, and in

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Tang San’s eyes already was a purple radiance.


Five years later.

Balak Kingdom, located in south Heaven Dou Empire,

bordering with Fasinuo Province. Speaking of this kingdom, its
actual area was only four thirds of Fasinuo Province,
subordinate to Heaven Dou Empire. Within the borders of
Heaven Dou Empire it was one of four great kingdoms. Balak’s
king Kundela was the current Heaven Dou Empire’s king
Aokula’s younger cousin.

Southern Balak Kingdom bordered directly on Star Luo

Empire, consequently, among Heaven Dou Empire’s four
kingdoms, Balak Kingdom’s military strength was the most
powerful, and it could also be said to be the gateway to Heaven
Dou Empire.

Heaven Dou Empire originally had ten provinces that were

later divided among the four great kingdoms forming six
powers: the Empire itself directly controlled five provinces, the
four great kingdoms each controlled one, and there was still one

467 Goldenagato |

duchy second only to kingdoms, occupying the smallest
province on the Empire’s eastern side.

On the surface, the four great kingdoms and one duchy must
all be subject to Heaven Dou Empire’s rule, but in fact, these
five states long ago already became nations within a nation,
besides the necessary tribute, they were all entirely
independent. If not for Heaven Dou Imperial Family controlling
a large number of troops, perhaps a civil war would long ago
already have appeared.

Star Luo Empire also had similar circumstances,

consequently, while the two empires looked to be strong forces,
in fact both were in decline. If someone spoke badly, that day
the entire Continent’s situation would abruptly transform.

Within Balak Kingdom were two most important cities, one

was Balak king Kundela’s resident capital Balake City, here was
the heart of the entire Balake Kingdom’s politics and industry.
And the other city was located at the richest granary within the
borders of Balak Kingdom called Suotuo City.

These two cities both had massive garrisons, and were the
entire Kingdom’s highest priority.

468 Goldenagato |

Suotuo City was a large city, this bit could be seen from Spirit
Hall’s allocated as the third ranked Lord Spirit Hall.

Currently just past noon, the blazing sun shining fiercely, at

Suotuo City’s west gate entered two youths. By looks, they both
only appear to be ten-some years old, not carrying any luggage,
one boy and one girl.

The boy’s clothing was simple, looking like twelve or thirteen

years old, about one metre seventy tall, wearing a pale blue
fresh attire, very neat. Around his waist a belt inset with twenty
four pieces of jade, black hair hanging halfway down to his
shoulders, facial features although not considered handsome,
gave people a kind of very easy to get along with feeling. At the
corners of his mouth he continuously wore a slight smile.

If saying of the boy looked gentle and ordinary, then, the girl
at his side looked not as common.

Silky smooth black long hair combed out into a neat scorpion
braid, even though it was a braid, it still hung down to her lower
back, compared to that boy she must still be a little bit taller,
wearing small pink clothes, tightly covering a figure already
begun developing, if speaking of chest still said to be
inadequately developed, but her slender small waist could cause

469 Goldenagato |

countless women envy.

Tall and slender taut legs wrapped up in trousers, perfect

golden ratio proportion, even though her age appeared not old,
her face was still childish, but a perfectly round little buttocks
were already somewhat hinted at.

The natural shape of curved eyebrows, a pair of bright and

intelligent big eyes matching a somewhat round soft and fair
little face, not only pretty, also giving people a somewhat
charming feeling, the word lovely seemingly made to measure
her. That boy standing at her side, was long ago concealed by
her intangible radiance.

The girl raised her hand, wiping her slightly moist forehead,
and somewhat grumbling said:

“Finally reached this Suotuo City. I truly don’t know how

Grandmaster thought, obviously quite a few intermediate spirit
master academies expressed they would unconditionally recruit
us, yet he asked you to come take the examination here at that
not even separating grades worn down academy.”

The boy smiled slightly, saying:

470 Goldenagato |

“Teacher asked me to come take the examination, but did not
ask you to come, who asked you to insist on following.
Fortunately Balak Kingdom borders on Fasinuo Region, if not
wouldn’t you have to be complaining even more?”

The girl stared coldly at the boy,

“Truly without conscience, everything is not for your sake.

Who asked you to be my big brother? Anyway the day after
tomorrow we can take the examination. No matter what, you
must accompany me to play in Suotuo City for these two days,
make good the injuries to my young and small heart.”

The boy couldn’t help but laugh and said:

“The formidable Nuoding academy’s supreme sister for six

years in a row, still has a young and small heart? Let those
younger brothers of yours see that, I do not know whether they
would immediately go jump into the river.”

This boy and girl, were exactly Tang San and Xiao Wu from
Nuoding primary spirit master academy.

471 Goldenagato |

Five years’ time had passed, and they at long last successfully
graduated from Nuoding primary spirit master academy. Of
course with their talents, Nuoding academy intended to
recommend they immediately enter intermediate spirit master
academy, even to the extent of having several famous academies
issue invitation letters, giving an abundance of places to choose

But Grandmaster demanded Tang San turn down the

invitations, and go to this south Suotuo City place known as
Shrek Academy to enter for examination.

Six years of instruction, regarding Grandmaster, Tang San

long ago already respected him like a father, let alone
understanding him, what Grandmaster asked him to do this it
was certainly for his good. Therefore, he complied without the
slightest hesitation.

Over the past six years, Tang San and Xiao Wu’s relationship
long ago became close like blood siblings; if Tang San chose
here, then Xiao Wu naturally also followed.

When leaving the academy, Grandmaster told Tang San he

must go to the imperial capital, then afterward would come find

472 Goldenagato |


The six years in Nuoding, was to Tang San an extremely rich

six years: morning classes, afternoon work, evening cultivation,
practically without free time. At twelve years old he already no
longer resembled that originally frail look. Working in the
smithy every day, gave him a healthy and strong physique,
although looking at him he could not be considered majestic,
the body covered by the fresh clothing was full of explosive
force muscle.

Xiao Wu pouting said:

“Regardless, do you promise?”

Tang San laughed, saying:

“As you want. Only, having travelled so far, aren’t you tired?
We should first find a place to stay and speak again. Also it’s
almost noon, so eat first, right.”

Xiao Wu smiling said:

473 Goldenagato |

“This is just about right.”

Tang San very rarely went against her words. Ever since the
two people established a sibling relationship, he all along took
care of her like a big brother, although he was very busy, the
unexpectedly displayed consideration still gave Xiao Wu a
pleasurable kind of feeling.

Suotuo City compared to Nuoding City must be much bigger,

and naturally also must be much livelier. On the street,
everywhere could be seen patrolling soldiers, a bustling stream
of people were passing by nonstop.

The two first simply ate some small things, and afterwards
looked for a place to stay. Soon Xiao Wu discovered a very
unique hotel.

The hotel was three floors tall, and although the size could not
be considered too large, the exterior adornment was completely
rose red, the entire hotel building style was like an enormous
rose, very easily able to give people looking at it a certain

474 Goldenagato |

“Rose Hotel. Little San, we’ll stay here.”

Xiao Wu pointed.

Tang San unnecessarily said:

“I hear you.”

Working these several years, adding to the stipend given by

Spirit Hall, he by now could be considered as having some
savings. Xiao Wu never cared about amounts of money,
spending extravagantly, so in order to not let her overspend, she
simply let Tang San hold her income, letting him put it away.
Having him control some, she still could save a little.

Walking into the Rose Hotel, the first sensation was a smell of
rose fragrance, a scent penetrating deeply into the heart and
bringing a somewhat hidden warmth feeling, making people’s
hearts free from worry.

The interior decorations of the hotel only had three kinds of

color: white, silver and rose red, warm and unique, very easily
giving people a good feeling.

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Tang San walked up before the counter,

“Trouble you to give us two rooms.”

The clerk behind the counter hastily stood up, taking a look at
Tang San, again looking at Xiao Wu, eyes revealing some
envious light,

“Sir, must it truly definitely be two rooms?”

Tang San nodded,

“Is something wrong?”

The clerk’s eyes showed some uncertainty,

“I’m sorry, we only have one room remaining here.”

“One room?”

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Tang San frowned, as a two lifetimes person, the little time
sharing a bed with Xiao Wu did not feel significant, but after all
by now these two had gradually both gotten grown up figures,
he could still very clearly remember the words about no direct
contact between men and women.

The clerk said with emphasis,

“Yes, ah, only one. However you be at ease, all our rooms are
very big, and the facilities have everything one might expect,
more than sufficient for staying two people.”

Speaking, he also gave towards Tang San an expression that

could only be sensed and not explained in words. Of course,
Tang San was unable to make sense of it.

Xiao Wu said with a big grin:

“That one room is fine. When we were at Nuoding, didn’t we

always stay in the same dormitory? Like this. We can still save a
little money to buy beautiful clothes.”

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Tang San couldn’t help but shake his head, he was not an
obstinate person, at worst he would sleep on the floor, at night
would also cultivate, that could be the best sleep.

“Fine, I’ll trouble you to give me this room.”

Just when the clerk was helping Tang San put in order the
formalities, a voice out of nowhere interrupted the clerk’s

“I say, this room should belong to me, right.”

Tang San and Xiao Wu simultaneously turned around to look,

only to find three people appeared behind them, walking over
towards the counter.

These three people were one man and two women. The two
girls gorgeously dressed, looking to be seventeen or eighteen
years old, figures tall and slender, compared to Xiao Wu still
must be a bit taller, but what caused the most surprise, their
features were unexpectedly exactly alike, they were actually

478 Goldenagato |

But, Tang San’s gaze did not fall on those two stunning
beauties, what attracted his attention was the man walking in
the middle.

The man was about one metre eighty tall, compared to him
would be half a head taller, appearing not old, even to the extent
that he must be a bit younger than the two young women
behind him, broad shoulders, features handsome and somewhat
resolute, a head of long golden hair unrolling behind him,
falling down nearly to his waist. His hair did not curl, and hung
straight down.

Most eye catching were his eyes, those were a pair of evil eyes,
both eyes unexpectedly had twin pupils, within the deep blue
eyes was a very cold gaze, a kind of icy cold evolving from the
depths of the heart, an evil light glimmering between half open
eyelids, under his gaze, the whole body felt like cut by a sharp

With extremely handsome features matching this kind of pair

of eyes, this kind of man, regardless of where would be a focus
of people’s attention.

He was very powerful, this was Tang San’s first thought after
seeing this person.

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The twin young women held the arms of that twin pupil man,
he also took no notice of Tang San, his gaze after sweeping
across Xiao Wu’s body, flashed out a trace of astonished light,
but this was only a passing glimmer, nothing more.

Walking up before the counter, looking at the clerk, the youth


“You are newly arrived, right. Unaware to nevertheless leave

one room here for me?”

The clerk was stunned a moment, and probingly asked:

“You are?”

The twin pupil man somewhat impatiently said:

“Call out your manager.”

The clerk under the twin pupil man’s gaze, heart felt a peal of

480 Goldenagato |

cold, hurriedly went in back to call his superior.

Tang San coolly said:

“Elder brother, seems we were here first.”

The twin pupil man did not even turn his head, only coldly

“So what?”

He habitually did not face people explaining.

Tang San’s temperament was considered mild, but Xiao Wu

could not that well be bullied, in a flash she already came to
Tang San’s side,

“No how, so you scram.”

The twin pupil man finally turned, ice-cold evil gaze falling on
Xiao Wu, nodding,

481 Goldenagato |

“Very good, for a very long time there was nobody who dared
speak like this to me. Your bodies also have spirit power
fluctuations, should be spirit masters. Then you together, if
strike me I will immediately leave, otherwise, you please
demonstrate at once this scramming.”

Hearing the words of the twin pupil man, the twin young
women at his side couldn’t help but have silly smiles, appearing
to have not a bit of worry, cutely letting go of the twin pupil
man’s arms, retreating to one side.

Just at this time, that previous clerk already brought out a

middle aged man from the back, he had obviously heard the
twin pupil man’s dialogue with Tang San and Xiao Wu, face
wearing an anxious expression,

“Let me speak, let me speak, by no means fight.”

The twin pupil man gave him an oblique look,

“Manager Wang, you are currently more willing to do

business, ah?”

482 Goldenagato |

Manager Wang wiped the sweat on his head, with a smile said:

“Young master Dai, by all means do not say so, it’s all a no
good subordinate, this kid just came yesterday, unaware of the
rules, please excuse me, please excuse me. I will immediately
arrange a room for you.”

Speaking, he turned his head towards Tang San and Xiao Wu,
his whole face apologetic saying:

“I beg your pardon, two visitors. That room was booked by

young master Dai, please choose another store.”

If it was according to Tang San’s temper, he would let it be.

With so many hotels, he did not care about changing stores. But
Xiao Wu’s temperament was motivated by a desire to see the
world in chaos and would not so easily compromise.

“We will not yield, so what? Bloody snobby creatures. Do not

think we will be bullied because we’re young.”

483 Goldenagato |

Young master Dai snorted coldly,

“Even if you wanted to yield it is also not so easy, cursing me,

wanting to leave can’t happen.”

“Young master Dai, young master Dai, you……”

Manager Wang was greatly anxious, face had a pleading


Young master Dai’s eyes held a fierce light,

“Less nonsense. Consider all damages on me.”

Used to being regarded as Nuoding academy’s big sister

leader, Xiao Wu seeing the other side with this kind of arrogant
expression, was immediately about to rush out and hit.

Tang San caught Xiao Wu’s shoulder,

“Leave it to me.”

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Xiao Wu discontentedly said:

“Why? I will do it myself, I will hit him so his even mom

doesn’t recognize him.”

Tang San wrinkled his brow, saying:

“As a girl, your language should be a bit neater. Did you forget
what I said before, I will always protect you. This is a matter
between men.”

He did not let Xiao Wu go fight, first because he felt the other
side was formidable, fearing Xiao Wu would come to harm.
Second, if they really lost, he would rather be humiliated
himself, could not let Xiao Wu be humiliated by the other side.

Hearing the words ‘I will always protect you’, Xiao Wu’s

indignant expression relaxed, looking at Tang San she said:

“Then you be careful.”

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“No need to argue, I said, you two together.”

Young master Dai said impatiently.

Tang San free from conceit and arrogance took two steps

“Kindly advise me.”

Young master Dai with an evil light in his eyes, right fist
suddenly lifted, accompanying a frontal rush, going straight for
a strike at Tang San’s chest. His movements were very simple,
without any flourishes, but Tang San’s expression changed.
Because the opponent’s fist’s momentum in a flash already
reached the peak effect of physical force and speed. Without
plentiful combat experience how could this bit also be possible.

This time Tang San could in no way retreat, the opponent’s

momentum could thereupon suddenly rise, so only would cause
this fist’s power to further increase. Therefore, he not only did
not retreat, on the contrary moved forward. Right foot in a flash
advancing a step, this step cut across as much as three metres,
immediately drawing close to his opponent, Tang San’s goal was
very simple, he must disrupt the opponent’s offensive rhythm.

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Similarly wielding his right fist, Tang San’s hand in an eye
blink became smooth and milky white like jade.

With a muffled peng sound, young master Dai’s forward

rushing body came to a sudden stop, but Tang San
uncontrolledly had to withdraw four or five steps backward to
be able to come to a stop.

Young master Dai’s eyes revealed an astonished light, he

clearly had not thought this before him that looked like
compared to him still must be several years younger junior
would be able to stop his fist.

Making young master Dai most astonished was Tang San’s

fist, in attack power he clearly held the advantage, but currently
his right hand ached to the point of splitting apart, Tang San’s
fist seemed to be as hard as copper moulded on cast iron.

Would Tang San not also be astonished? One must know, his
fist not only included Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength,
but his physical power in itself also did not in any way match
his age, working as a blacksmith for years made his physical
strength far above the average person, adding onto Mysterious

487 Goldenagato |

Jade Hand’s properties, three great advantages mixing, and he
still lost.

The opponent’s physical power was very strong, but not that
that kind of fierce strength, rather a condensed strength, as if
all the physical power he possessed was condensed into the size
of a fist, in a flash erupting in a shocking force that already
caused the qi and blood in Tang San’s body to roil.

“Good. Able to receive my fist, you have the qualifications to

be my opponent.”

Young master Dai coldly shouted, body again put into action.
This time, his attack was not so simple: his entire person flew
forward, instantly already reaching Tang San, four limbs
bizarrely spreading open, looking like the whole body up and
down was full of openings, but his four limbs all moved slightly,
seemingly having boundless later moves.

Tang San’s expression already became extremely imposing,

both knees slightly bent, toes simultaneously buckling in, left
arm from outside circling in, right arm from inside pushing out,
adopting a very peculiar posture.

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This strike of young master Dai’s could be said to be the
unique skill that made his name, regardless of how the
opponent tried to resist the attack, he had many methods to
respond, within the seemingly full of openings movements was
contained a profound attack technique, all four limbs could turn
into weapons.

But when his attack was ready to unfold, unexpectedly, an

intangible force came through from underneath. That power
seemed very tenacious, without any powerful force of impact,
but pure toughness. Young master Dai was in mid-air with
nowhere to borrow force, so only felt his body to his surprise
forcibly brought to deviate from his original course by that
force, falling to one side, his attack naturally lost its aim.

What was this force? The amazed thought flashed past in

young master Dai’s mind. But his fighting experience was
extremely abundant, with a tiger waist twist in mid-air, body
revolving sideways all the way around, he firmly landed on the

But at this time, Tang San’s attack started. He chose just the
right moment, exactly in the moment young master Dai’s legs
touched down, which was also when it was the most difficult to
issue strength.

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Using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, looking like three
disjointed steps, Tang San already reached young master Dai’s
side, both palms simultaneously clapping out, moving towards
young master Dai’s both shoulders.

In young master Dai’s eyes flashed an evil light, the four

pupils seemingly simultaneously glittering at once. With an
exhaling sound, both shoulders shrugging back, both fists then
striking out, simultaneously lifting, and striking towards Tang
San’s elbows. Unyielding fist strength in mid-air repeatedly
issuing audible cracks, one could see these two fists contained
great physical strength.

At the same time as both fists struck, young master Dai’s right
leg shot up in a flash, under these close range circumstances, he
unexpectedly kicked directly at Tang San’s chin, one could see
how good his flexibility was. Whether his pair of fists or right
leg, had any one attack hit, as he exceeded Tang San’s attack
strength, he would immediately make Tang San loose fighting

But, could Tang San let him have his wish? Don’t forget, this
could be Tang San’s specialty.

The palms pushing down towards young master Dai’s both

490 Goldenagato |

shoulders lost their aim along with the other side withdrawing
his shoulders, but Tang San’s hands did not withdraw, only
simultaneously swiped downwards. In the wiped area, the
tough hidden force young master Dai felt before appeared once
again, and his upper arms were at once driven out to two sides,
both fists exploding out also glanced off Tang San’s arms to the
side, unable to hit their goal.

At the same time as wiping with both hands, Tang San’s left
leg in a flash stepped ahead one step, body inclining to one side,
shoulder striking straight at young master Dai’s chest, he in this
way sideways, also at the right moment let young master Dai
kick up that leg, everything seemed to be calculated well.

Right now, young master Dai’s leg, already without space to

dodge, also experienced the other side’s attack with both hands
erasing physical force, and immediately was at a disadvantage.

With a muffled peng sound, Tang San’s shoulders abruptly

rammed young master Dai’s chest, as the spectating twin young
women cried out in alarm, young master Dai’s body in a flash
flew back, facing upwards, issuing a backward somersault
movement, flying out no less than five meters before falling

491 Goldenagato |

Tang San without following up, calmly looked at young
master Dai fallen on the ground. From coming into contact with
the other party’s chest he knew, he certainly did not hold much
of an advantage.

The moment he was struck, young master Dai’s chest muscles

abruptly became hard as iron, although because of the
advantage young master Dai was thrown, from that hard
meeting hard his own shoulder also had a burning ache.

Young master Dai’s expression was somewhat embarrassed,

he had no choice but to admit that just now he took the enemy
lightly. This juvenile looking like compared to him still must be
several years younger before him, actual power was much
greater than what he imagined.

“Still want to go on?” Tang San calmly asked.

Young master Dai’s evil eyes rose,

“Of course. Very good, you can force me to use spirit power,
this competition is already my loss. However, properly
measuring strength against you a few times, how can I not be
willing? Regardless of the results of competition, afterwards

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today I give this room to you.”

Young master Dai’s evil eyes revealed not anger and hate, but
a kind of peculiar light, if insisting on using words to explain it,
the four words ‘thrill of the hunt’ was perhaps the most
suitable. His current expression was like seeing a beautiful
woman, shoulders quivering minutely, both arms lifting.

Tang San’s eyes were also gradually brightening. He realized,

young master Dai in front of him was alike, if before calling him
ice-coldly disdainful, then, the current him was all over filled
with fiery battle anticipation.

“White tiger, body enhancement.”

A layer of intense pale light abruptly erupted out from all over
his body, young master Dai’s both arms simultaneously spread
to either side, throwing out his chest, the entire body’s skeleton
making a cracking sound, muscles abruptly swelling, filling out
the clothes to the point of bursting. Every muscle under the
clothes became exceedingly distinct, even the atmosphere at his
side seemed to already become irritable.

The full head of blonde hair in an eye blink changed to

493 Goldenagato |

alternating black and white, white constituting the majority, in
its several black locks especially clear. On his forehead appeared
four faint lines, three horizontal and one vertical, just right to
form the character for ‘king’.

His hands changed the most, to no less than twice the size
compared to before changing, white fur covered the entire back
of the hand, shooting from the ten fingers short dagger-like
talons continuously stretched out and withdrew from within
the hand. Each talon was like the edge of a knife, length no less
than eight cun. Glimmering with a dim dazzling gleam.

Young master Dai’s body slowly bent over, four pupils all
becoming thoroughly deep blue, giving people a feeling like of a
killing machine.

Under his feet, three glittering rings of light rose up in

succession, quietly ascending, two yellow and one purple, spirit
rings moving around, surging spirit power forming like waves
and blowing out.

“Thousand year spirit ring.”

Xiao Wu cried out in alarm, expression immediately

494 Goldenagato |

somewhat flustered. Wanting to advance to fight shoulder to
shoulder with Tang San, but stopped by Tang San.

Among spirit rings, white represented ten year, yellow

represented hundred year, purple represented thousand year.
This youth before them called young master Dai, actually
already possessed a third spirit ring, and also among them still
had what was a thousand year existence. One must know,
looking on the surface, his age compared to Tang San and Xiao
Wu was merely three or four year’s older, that’s all.

Three spirit rings meant that young master Dai’s rank had at
least reached thirty, also to say, he was a spirit elder, and was a
battle spirit elder possessing a powerful beast spirit.

“Dai Mubai, spirit: white tiger, thirty seventh ranked battle

spirit elder. Kindly advise me.”

Among the domineering power, Dai Mubai announced his

spirit and rank, this represented a desire for a formal challenge.

Before the tremendous pressure, Tang San also started

becoming different, the violent impulses hidden deep in his
heart gradually emerged, eyes covered by a layer of faint purple,

495 Goldenagato |

slowly raising his right hand.

Deep blue light suddenly surged out, a cluster of deep blue

grass abruptly grew from his palm, each blade of grass very
tenuous, but on the surface covered with serpent lines, the
blades of grass no longer had the previous flat shape, but
became cylindrical, and if watching carefully, one was able to
clearly see on these blades of grass, were covered with fine little

Milky white light rose up from all over Tang San’s body, and
as if those deep blue blades of grass received some stimulation
abruptly enlarged, in the blink of an eye already became as thick
as a person’s arm, just like rattan. The black snake lines
glimmered with faint light, moving quickly like ten big snakes
spiralling around Tang San’s body.

Two yellow spirit rings simultaneously rose up from under

Tang San’s feet, orbiting his body.

“Tang San, spirit, blue silver grass, twenty ninth ranked tool
spirit grandmaster. Kindly advise me.”

Dai Mubai’s eyebrows that like his hair had turned white rose

496 Goldenagato |

at once,

“Your spirit is only blue silver grass?”

Tang San spoke Grandmaster’s original words:

“‘There are no good-for-nothing spirits, only good-for-

nothing spirit masters.’”

Since Tang San entered Nuoding primary spirit master

academy, Dai Mubai was the second powerful spirit he
encountered. Only originally the Nuoding academy dean, under
Grandmaster’s invitation at the time helping him together
obtain the second spirit ring revealing the actual strength of a
forty second rank tool spirit ancestor. But that dean’s age long
ago already exceeded fifty, and Dai Mubai before him, probably
was sixteen or seventeen years old, that’s all.

No wonder, no wonder his relying on physical strength and

internal strength adding to Mysterious Jade Hand when first
colliding with him fell short, this was the absolute gap of
physical strength.

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This person before him, could be said to be the most
formidable opponent Tang San had encountered, Tang San was
very clear on the large difference of one spirit ring, especially
when the opponent’s third spirit ring was a thousand year level.
Whether added property and ability, it was all not something
his two rings could match. This fight, Tang San was without
any certainty, perhaps, let him put to use his most secret ability,
he could then have the power to contend.

“Well spoken, ‘there are no good-for-nothing spirits, only

good-for-nothing spirit masters’. I have been instructed, this
blue silver grass spirit of yours is so peculiar.”

Dai Mubai moved, after spirit body enhancement, he

seemingly completely became another person, white hair just
now fluttered up, his that body brimming with explosive power
already reached in front of Tang San.

Both hands ten fingers’ talons simultaneously emerged,

raking towards Tang San’s body.

Tang San practically without hesitation retreated lightning

quick, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, dodging Dai
Mubai’s attack by a hair’s breadth, and simultaneously, his
released blue silver grass spirit also very quickly moved up, a

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circle of blue and black thick vines spiralling out, from all
directions surging towards Dai Mubai’s body. But Tang San
himself, like he was hidden among the vines quietly

In Dai Mubai’s evil eye light flashed continuously, entire body

covered by surging spirit power, both hands dancing beneath,
the vines rushing to his side one by one cut open.

He originally intended to directly cut off these blue silver

grass thick vines, but he realized with a shock, these vines were
unexpectedly extremely tough, with his added thirty seven
ranked spirit power’s tiger claws when swinging at the vines he
could only cut halfway through, and was unable to completely
cut free. But in a very short time of the vines leaving the tiger
claw’s range, it could very quickly heal itself.

A faint sweet tea fragrance spread among the vines. These

vines were seemingly inexhaustible, unceasingly welling out
from all directions, even though Dai Mubai’s strength and speed
both were substantially increased under the effect of the spirit,
he still could not rush out of the range of the vines.

This was blue silver grass? Dai Mubai was greatly astounded,
he had never thought that blue silver could be this fierce, the

499 Goldenagato |

opponent compared to him had one less spirit ring, yet blue
silver grass was able to temporarily tangle him, if their spirit
rings were equal, then this fight’s victor would be very hard to

Dai Mubai never was a patient person, and his love to

outshine others was particularly powerful, his intense gaze
abruptly shone, Dai Mubai’s evil eyes suddenly became white,
among the three spirit rings over his body, the first spirit ring
abruptly radiated greatly, taking the form of a white light cover,
blocking the vines around him so they were unable to approach
his body.

Immediately following, the second spirit ring on his body also

shone, a huge white light in a flash condensed, accompanying
Dai Mubai a tiger roar, and a milky white ball of light shot out
of his mouth.

The abilities which Dai Mubai’s first two spirit rings added,
were separately White Tiger Shield Body Barrier as well as
White Tiger Intense Light Wave, right now launched
simultaneously, instantly unfolding their terrible might.

Looking from outside, Dai Mubai’s body was already

surrounded by the enormous vines, but just when Xiao Wu

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slightly relaxed her breath, suddenly, countless white light from
in the crevices of the vines abruptly shot out, immediately
following, a dull roar abruptly exploded.

The blue silver grass forming vines scattered broken in all

directions, a formidable shock wave swept across the Rose Hotel
hall in complete disorder.

The spirit was one with the host, Tang San’s expression
instantly paled, retreating a step to be able to stand steady.

The white light gradually disappeared, revealing Dai Mubai’s

majestic figure, tattered blue silver grass also began to condense
again by Tang San’s side, but the quantity compared to before
was already a lot less.

“Tang San, beast spirits’ attack strength will always be more

powerful compared to tool spirits. Although the power of your
blue silver grass surprised me, in the end it still is unable to pin
me down.”

Tang San smiled weakly, saying:

501 Goldenagato |

“That is certain.”

Suddenly, on Tang San’s body the second spirit ring abruptly

shone, Dai Mubai’s body abruptly stiffened at once, a layer of
fine vines that had appeared on his body at some unknown
time, following Tang San’s second spirit ring’s great release of
light, in a flash grew, firmly binding Dai Mubai’s body therein.

The piercing thorns on the vines although only very short,

continuously tightened down bringing Dai Mubai’s whole body
severe pain, at the same time, he realized his body unexpectedly
began to go numb.

Long ago when Tang San still had not reached the twentieth
rank, Grandmaster already thought well on from what kind of
spirit beast his second spirit ring must be hunted.

Tang San’s second spirit ring was from a kind of plant system
spirit beast called ghost vine, the second spirit ring’s highest
assimilation spirit ring age was seven hundred sixty four years,
this ghost vine spirit ring Tang San’s obtained, at least
surpassed six hundred years cultivation.

Ghost vine was a kind of exceedingly horrifying plant system

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spirit beast, it had extremely powerful nerve poison, one need
only be stung by on its piercing thorns, and poison would
immediately circulate, until dissolving into pus water,
becoming the ghost vine’s fertilizer. And also, what spirit
masters feared the most, was the ghost vine’s parasitic ability.
When it attacked, it would by its own accord send out countless
minute seeds, directly attach to the victim’s body, ghost vine
alone provided enough capabilities, or else as these seeds
absorbed sufficient nutrients, they would grow on the parasite
host’s body, and as nerve poison spread in a short while, the
effect would be the same.

Obtaining this more than six hundred year ghost vine spirit
ring, even if it was Nuoding academy’s dean, that forty second
rank tool spirit ancestor, also took a lot of trouble, relying on
himself rather than mutually restraining spirit, could not easily
subdue it, letting Tang San accomplish the final killing strike.

After obtaining the ghost vine’s spirit ring, Tang San’s own
properties substantially elevated on all sides, blue spirit grass
became even tougher, and also turned similar to ghost vine’s
outward appearance, only the color and veined pattern
maintained its original appearance. And its poison also became
nerve paralysing, its effect greatly increased, even if it was in
the air the volatile smell could also give rise to a certain effect.

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And the ability the ghost vine’s spirit ring gave Tang San, was

By infusing spirit power, ghost vines parasite ability activated

effect still must surpass the original ghost vine itself, under
spirit power infusion, parasite seeds would grow in an instant,
being unable to guard against. Could be said to be an extremely
insidious control ability.

Both blue silver grass’ toughness, from that thirty seventh

rank Dai Mubai with white tiger blade was unable to completely
cut apart could be seen, he in the end was still underestimating
Tang San, underestimating blue silver grass, therefore at the
end of the road.

Seeing at Dai Mubai with an astonished light in his eyes, Tang

San said:

“My blue silver grass is poisonous, before you should already

have inhaled some, also launching emitting powerful sprit
power attack abilities to cut open my blue silver grass binding,
was sure to cause your internal blood and qi to circulate faster,
causing the poison to take effect even faster. Like this, although
you yourself did not feel anything, in fact the surface of the skin
already began to become somewhat numb, unable to discover

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the blue silver grass parasite seeds. Therefore, you lose.”

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San, right now other than his head,
his entire body was already wrapped under blue silver grass, in
his evil eyes an ominous glint continuously sparkling,

“Good, what a blue silver grass. If I same as you only had two
spirit rings, then I really would have lost, as my body is already
numb, it’s very difficult to struggle free from the blue silver
grass. But, after all compared to you I have one more spirit ring.
I will still let you have a look at my third spirit ring ability.”

The purple ring of light flashed alight in an eye blink, around

Dai Mubai’s body the air became distorted, his evil eye suddenly
turning blood red, immediately following, the blue silver grass
binding his body suddenly expanded, and with a loud bang, all
the blue silver grass binding him, consisting of parasite blue
silver grass seeds, completely burst into broken bits.

Dai Mubai’s body, unexpectedly appeared to have changed a

second time.

Tang San inhaled a cold breath,

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“Is this a thousand year spirit ring ability?”

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Chapter 15 - Thousand Year Spirit Ring
Ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation

When Dai Mubai was pinned by Tang San’s spirit blue silver
grass’ second ability, he finally used his third spirit ring’s

Right now, Dai Mubai appearing before Tang San and Xiao
Wu had again changed appearance, the original body because of
spirit white tiger body enhancement became majestic once
again expanded, its muscles bulging exaggeratedly, the clothes
on his body completely bursting, exposing horrifying muscle
contours, but most abnormal was, all over his skin appeared
black striation, if he wouldn’t have been without fur, it would
have been without any difference to a tiger.

The pair of tiger paws again enlarged, on the surface ejected

sharp swords all turned shining silver, most peculiar was, his
entire body up and down was enveloped in a layer of intense
golden light, like it was gilded itself. The blood red pair of evil
eyes revealed a bloodthirsty light, the entire body up and down
all bringing a kind of king among beasts tyranny.

Although Tang San did not know what a transformation like

this before him represented, but this was the third spirit ring,

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and also an ability bestowed by a thousand year spirit ring.

Equally feeling the crisis Xiao Wu practically immediately

released her spirit ring, and like Tang San, two yellow rings of
light appeared around her body, that pair of lovable white ears
also rose up, originally already very beautiful, she right now
looked like her figure seemingly became softer.

Beast spirit body enhancement, unlike beast spirit effect, like

Dai Mubai’s white tiger body enhancement, would make him
become even more ferocious and strong, what Xiao Wu’s rabbit
spirit body enhancement gave her was an even softer figure,
along with both legs becoming even longer and more slender.
Closer to a rabbit’s characteristics.

Not even Tang San knew from what spirit beast Xiao Wu’s
spirit ring was, Tang San and Xiao Wu in that end of year leave
when Tang San under Grandmaster and the Nuoding dean’s
assistance obtained his second spirit ring, Xiao Wu at that time
then returned home, when she again came back, had already
obtained the second spirit ring, also was a hundred year spirit

Blue and black blue silver grass shot out from around Tang
San’s body, the spirit was not required to only emerge from the

508 Goldenagato |

palm, bringing sharp thorned vines rapidly rushing out in mid-
air, obstructing Dai Mubai’s line of sight, simultaneously
twining out towards his four limbs and neck. At Tang San’s own
spirit power, under the pressure of Mysterious Heaven skill’s
internal strength, the first spirit ring’s binding ability he
currently already brought out to the limit.

At the time of launching the attack, Tang San held back Xiao
Wu who wanted to rush out, shaking his head toward her.

Other people could not interfere in a fight between men,

otherwise only would be looked down on by the other side.
Tang San’s mental age could not match his exterior mere twelve
years old, and deeply understood this bit. Even more since,
although he from Dai Mubai’s body could sense ice cold and
tyranny, but not at all hostility.

When Tang San held back Xiao Wu, his pupil also abruptly
contracted at once, mouth issuing a muffled snort.

Ten silvery lights flashed crisscrossed in mid-air, the rapid

blue silver grass vines abruptly halted in mid-air. Immediately
following, these blue silver grass with incomparable toughness,
just then completely turned into small pieces dissipating in mid-
air, Dai Mubai’s majestic body walked step by step towards Tang

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San’s body, the silvery blades on his tiger claws continuously
moving in and out, releasing astonishing pressure.

“Your blue silver grass is indeed not bad, its toughness far
exceeds my expectations. Even if it was my normal spirit power,
it was to cut them open with the first attack. But, right now I’m
using my third spirit ring ability, White Tiger Vajra
Transformation. Originally, in order to obtain this spirit ring, I
could be said to experience hardship and peril, in the end
hunted down a thousand year vajra tiger spirit beast. It not only
substantially increased my physical strength, attack and
defence, but at the same time also bestowed on me this White
Tiger Vajra Transformation ability.”

Dai Mubai’s steps halted when the distance to Tang San and
Xiao Wu still was ten metres, without continuing to attack.

“My White Tiger Vajra Transformation can maintain half an

hour of body transformation, in this half hour, in my
exceptional state resistance along with attack power, defence,
and physical strength simultaneously increase twofold. With
my thirty seventh ranked spirit power, under this amplification
effect, your poison is still insufficient to harm me. Granted that
your spirit ability is exquisite, its control system spirit effect is
also not bad, but in the end it still isn’t my match. This is the
absolute difference in strength.”

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In Dai Mubai’s evil eyes continuously glinted red light,
suddenly, the strong muscles on his body gradually contracted,
the red light in his eyes also quietly dispersing. On his body the
effects of white tiger spirit body enhancement quietly vanished.

The current Dai Mubai would seem somewhat ridiculous,

without any clothes intact, jacket completely burst, trousers
also very seriously damaged, from the previous sharp thorns of
blue silver grass vines, the shredded area of the clothes he wore
was not small.

Evil eye having returned to normal, Dai Mubai looked deeply

at Tang San and Xiao Wu,

“I think, we very quickly will meet again. Going to Shrek

Academy, if someone gives you trouble, give them my Evil Eye
White Tiger Dai Mubai’s name.”

Finished speaking, he beckoned to that pair of twin young

women, taking the lead to leave the hotel.

Xiao Wu couldn’t help but say at the figure of Dai Mubai’s

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“How did you know we are going to Shrek Academy?”

Dai Mubai stopped walking, coldly said:

“You are only about twelve years old, at this age, possessing
more than twentieth ranked spirit power, at this time, if not
coming here to sign up at Shrek Academy, then what ever for?
Twelve years old, ha-ha, twelve years old, I’m already fifteen
year’s old. Tang San, I’ll await you at Shrek Academy.”

Final words fading, Dai Mubai’s already left the hotel.

Looking at his departing back, Xiao Wu somewhat

unconvinced snorted,

“This person really is fishy. By one look is not some good

person. Little San, hereafter even if we go to Shrek Academy,
still must not have dealings with him.”

Tang San smiled faintly, he similarly looked towards the

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departing Dai Mubai,

“Why? I feel this person still isn’t bad. Although a bit cold on
the surface, very straightforward.”

Xiao Wu said unhappily:

“Not bad? What I see as bad cannot be mistaken. You tell me,
he brought two girls to rent a room at a hotel, still capable of
what good deed? Calling out prostitutes in the middle of the
day, still is a good person? What Evil Eye White Tiger, I see as
more like Lewd Tiger.”

Tang San wrinkled his brows,

“Xiao Wu, I find you understand more and more.”

Xiao Wu did not see Tang San’s eyes a trace discontented,

instead proud of herself said:

“Of course, do not forget, I am indeed Nuoding academy

students’ boss.”

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Helplessly shaking his head, Tang San said:

“Dai Mubai’s private preferences are not for me to evaluate.

But I came to see from this fight with him just now, his each
aspect is not bad. His strength is above ours, but does not use it
to bully others. Not only giving us his room, before leaving
meaning seemingly would look after us in the Academy.”

Xiao Wu doubtfully said:

“Oh, that’s right, just now he all along said we are twelve
years old, he fifteen years old, also, he previously said he
already lost, those were what you meant?”

Tang San said:

“Before using spirit he said he already lost, first was because I

beat him with skill, second, and should be because of our age.
After we both used spirits, he also repeated the same words, still
emphasizing age gap. If my guess isn’t incorrect, his strength at
twelve years of age, should not fall short of us right now,
therefore he said he already lost. Grandmaster once said, innate

514 Goldenagato |

talent over spirit master skill, before twenty years old, each year
is of extraordinary importance. Differing one year of age, the
cultivation gap would be very large. We with him have three
year’s gap, but strength gap is not as much as the age, therefore
he believed it was his loss, this still was a place he was eager to

Xiao Wu stopped her spirit body transformation,

unexpectedly saying in a low voice:

“Ge, just now if he truly beat you, then must we really get

She still had not forgotten Dai Mubai’s previous arrogant


Tang San calmly said:

“Even if getting lost, it would only be by myself. This was also

the reason why I did not let you enter the fight. He correctly
said, with a difference of one spirit ring, the difference in
strength is immense. Regardless of spirit power or spirit ring
bestowed properties he was still above us with that thousand
year spirit ring ability. After using White Tiger Vajra

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Transformation, even if we two joined together, we still might
not be his match. Could I really see you lose? If he insisted on
that, then I also only could mutually kill each other. In
strength, I am inferior to him, but if at full power, I have
seventy percent certainty to have him die together with me.”

Having said this, Tang San walked over towards the counter,
fortunately, his fight with Dai Mubai had not continued too
long, after Dai Mubai used White Tiger Vajra Transformation
he also had not attacked with full strength, otherwise, this rose
hotel would not like right now only just have some damage to
the decor.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San walking towards the counter,

lowering her head, in a low mutter repeating his previous

“Mutually kill each other. For dignity.”

That manager Wang stuck his head out from behind the
counter, seeing Tang San walking over, he hurriedly showed a
smiling expression,

“Young man, you truly are awesome, ah, including young

516 Goldenagato |

master Dai all agree with letting you the room. Fortunately you
did not receive any injuries, otherwise we certainly would be at
a loss to account for it.”

Tang San of the hall’s mess, with a wry smile said:

“Manager, how much will it be to restore here?”

Manager Wang hurriedly shook his head, saying:

“No, no, with you it doesn’t matter. Young master Dai

previously said, these are all considered on him. He is our
distinguished guest, need only register the bill. Before truly is
embarrassing, when delaying two customers, still almost caused
two customers harm, I certainly will subtract two customers’
three days rent, if two customers at our place stay less than
three days, no need to pay.”

While speaking, he held out a brilliantly golden key handing it

to Tang San, smiling apologetically.

Tang San was dumbfounded a moment, the hotel’s damages

did not matter to him, Dai Mubai clearly was a wealthy person,

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but rent reduction he found somewhat found, after all, he had
still destroyed someone else’s hall.

“How is this embarrassing? We still are good to pay as


Manager Wang hastily shook his head saying:

“How is that possible, we already brought two customers very

great inconvenience. Hereafter two customers need only have
time to grace this store with your presence even more, alone is
greatest assistance to us. Two customers’ room is at the top
floor, the door plate is red ocean.”

Tang San helpless, could only nod, saying:

“Then thank you.”

Going through a twisting and turning, Tang San also felt

somewhat weary, turning around and bringing Xiao Wu
walking towards the upper floor.

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Ever since reaching Suotuo City, also fighting with Dai Mubai,
whether mental pressure or internal strength consumption, he
needed to rest. After all, with blue silver grass being destroyed
several times by Dai Mubai his internal strength consumption
was not little.

Looking at the two people going to the next floor, manager

Wang could at last let out his breath, muttering:

“At last it’s resolved.”

Turning his head to look at the at his side innocent appearing

clerk, with a sigh, said:

“My fault, forgetting to tell you. Other rooms are all still fine,
only red ocean cannot be casually let to other people that is
under young master Dai’s long term reservation.”

The clerk said:

“Going through, our red ocean’s room charge for one day is
ten gold spirit coins, you let those two children live for free like
this? Young people today still truly are unrestrained, only

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twelve or thirteen year’s old, unexpectedly……”

“Less nonsense, take care as trouble issues from the mouth.”

Manager Wang slightly angrily said:

“What do you understand, spirit masters are what kind of

noble existences, did you not see just now on those two
children’s bodies both already possessed two spirit rings? So
young and already are spirit grandmasters, their future
prospects should be boundless. Maybe comes from a great clan,
cannot be offended by us.”

Rose Hotel’s decor easily gave people a very good feeling, color
matching simple and cosy, within the hotel was that faint rose
fragrance, putting people at ease.

Farthest inside the top floor, Tang San found the Red Ocean
door plate. The top floor altogether only had a few rooms, that’s
all. The previous door plates were some Blue Beauty, Pink
Gentleness, Yellow Sincerity, White Purity, and Green
Separation and so on. Furthest in, was this Red Ocean. Later he
learned, the door plate names, also represented the color of
different roses.

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The door color was the same as the door plate name, on the
crimson door was a beautiful dark red crystal rose decoration,
beside the red crystal rose was also a line of vertical block print
characters, ‘Red Ocean, Ocean of Love’.

Even if Tang San was more slow witted, he would currently

still feel a bit strange, turning his head to look at Xiao Wu,
discovering Xiao Wu was also looking at him, somewhat
awkwardly said:

“This hotel couldn’t specialize in being a place for lovers’


Xiao Wu blinked, snatching the key from Tang San’s hand,

“Doesn’t matter, having a place to stay will do.”

While speaking, she directly opened the door and walked


Tang San followed behind Xiao Wu into the room, but did not

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expect, just before him Xiao Wu suddenly came to a stop, his
body immediately bumped into Xiao Wu’s back, a softly elastic

“Why don’t you walk?”

Tang San hastily drew back a step, pulling open a distance

between him and Xiao Wu. Just as he had finished asking this,
he had actually already found the answer to his question.

Even though he had some mental preparation, when he got

his first look at this room, Tang San still was filled with a
stunned feeling.

The room was very big, just the living room in front exceeded
fifty square metres area, within the big lounge, was furniture
without exception silver coloured, carved with delicate designs,
a big red carpet was covered with a red rose pattern, but making
them the most shocked, was in the middle of the big hall, was
used a vast pile of roses to accomplish a huge red heart symbol.

The entire heart symbol’s area approached two square metres

that must take at least a thousand roses to be able to
accomplish. Above hung a fine silk ribbon, on which was

522 Goldenagato |

written some characters, ‘One Thousand And One, You Are My
Only One’.

Apart from these one thousand one roses, the room was
everywhere arranged with elegant vases, all holding fiery red
roses, a heavy rose fragrance covered every corner of the room,
charming and gently dazzling.

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“Apparently I guessed correct. No wonder that Dai Mubai

would bring girls here. Xiao Wu, if you don’t like this smell, I‘ll
let the clerk remove these.”

Xiao Wu by now had also already gotten over the shock,

turning her head to stare coldly at Tang San, beautiful eyes fully

“Ge, you really are stupid, do not girls like roses? If you do not
understand this, how can you later find a wife?”

Tang San rubbed his nose,

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“I’m only twelve, right now saying this is too early.”

Xiao Wu walked forward, picking up a rose, moving close to

sniff it,

“This room is arranged beautifully, I find, I’m already

somewhat fond of it. Ge, later we will come here often all

Tang San frowning said:

“All right what. We are siblings, what does coming to this

kind of place count as. Well, hurrying while travelling is also
tiring, rest a while.”

Looking at Tang San walking towards the bedroom, Xiao Wu

at his back charmingly stretched out a delicate tongue, but
nevertheless followed.

Coming to the bedroom, the two once again were shaken a

moment. Within the bedroom as expected, only was one bed,
but this seeming to occupy half the total area of the room big

524 Goldenagato |

bed was actually heart shaped. Pale red muslin curtains hung
down from the ceiling, obstructing the space occupied by the
heart shaped big bed, giving people a kind of dreaming fantasy
type sense of beauty.

Red rose bedding, red rose decorated pillows, everything,

brought a layer of strong ambiguity, accelerating people’s blood

Tang San turned his head to Xiao Wu and said:

“I find, listening to you coming here truly was a mistake. You

rest here, I will go outside to the sofa.”

Xiao Wu did not obstruct Tang San, with cheering sound, a

rabbit at once finally pounced on the huge flexible heart shaped
bed, excitedly tossing and turning on top, indescribably excited.

Seeing her appearance, Tang San’s face couldn’t help but

slightly smile, a little girl after all was a little girl. In passing
closing the bedroom door, walking out to sit cross legged on the
sofa, immediately beginning to exercise harmonizing breath.

525 Goldenagato |

For these several years, although Tang San passed a
monotonous life, it also made him form very good habits, not
only was strength promoted, his will also became even steadier.
Even if he was still only twelve years old, he already conducted
himself somewhat as an adult person. Of course, in Xiao Wu’s
description, he was aging prematurely.

Pure Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength slowly flowed

within the body, Tang San’s mind began replaying the details of
his fight with Dai Mubai. Repeating the scene of the fight,
clearly paying attention to the wins and losses of the fight, this
was an inner quality Grandmaster instructed him was necessary
for a battle spirit master to conduct. Ordinarily, he was
practically always training with Xiao Wu, this time facing an
opponent who still was compared to him a more formidable
opponent. Although the hand to hand fighting process was not
at all long, it still had not a few advantages to Tang San’s battle

With the fantastic diversity of spirits, with many spirit

masters possessing every kind of spirit, hand to hand fighting
was extremely important.

Gradually recalling the scene of Dai Mubai using White Tiger

Vajra Transformation, Tang San in his heart thought to
himself, White Tiger Vajra Transformation’s attack could reach

526 Goldenagato |

what unknown degree, but after that defence increase, on the
body added golden light should be similar to the Body
Protecting Big Dipper Tail qi. Among his hidden weapons were a
few kinds that specialized in breaking Big Dipper Tail qi,
unknown to him whether they were useful.

Blue silver grass was not what Tang San relied on the most,
hidden weapons was. In these several years, along with inner
strength elevating, his hidden weapons cultivation also
increased substantially, in Hidden Weapons Hundred
Separation, he already had not few kinds of hidden weapons he
could use. But he never dared neglect the guiding principles
taught in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record: in anything less
than a moment of crisis, absolutely cannot lightly use, nothing
more. This was his secret, even if it was Xiao Wu, also only
knew one and understood half.

This time Tang San’s cultivation continued for a very long

time, only midway casually eat a bit of dinner with Xiao Wu.
The cultivation time length, first was because his Mysterious
Heaven skill already reached equivalent to twenty ninth ranked
spirit power late stage, almost entering thirtieth rank threshold.
Therefore his cultivation took particularly great effort, in order
to as quickly as possible break through the thirtieth rank to go
look for his third spirit ring.

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An additional reason, closely related to his hand to hand fight
with Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai reminded Tang San that even better
skill was also necessary support to power. Like the fight
between them, at the beginning when neither used spirit, Tang
San relied on exquisite Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon
with Mysterious Jade Hand’s properties, making Dai Mubai
have a bit of disadvantage. But just after Dai Mubai used spirit
white tiger body enhancement, Tang San’s Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon was very difficult to get to act. This was just
the gap of power.

After careful analysis determining Dai Mubai’s power, Tang

San found, if he basically wanted to defeat him, the best means
was to as quickly as possible upgrade his spirit power, letting his
spirit power approach Dai Mubai, he must also at least possess
the third spirit ring ability to be able to contend with him. Even
if it was hidden weapons, Mysterious Heaven skill support had
even higher importance, as power would also substantially

“Little San, Ge, accompany me to go out to play, all right?

Always in this room, don’t you find it unbearable stuffy?”

Early morning, Xiao Wu took advantage of Tang San being

busy eating breakfast’s and unable to complain.

528 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled slightly saying:

“You and I are not alike, your innate talent is intrinsically

different: while without cultivating your strength can
continuously rise, I still am a clumsy bird flying early, ah. You
also saw, Dai Mubai was also a Shrek Academy’s student, what
was his strength? Since having this kind of strength, maybe
ranked second or third. This Shrek Academy cannot be like our
original Nuoding, it will not again be your mouthpiece. Without
as much as possible elevating strength, afterwards how can I
honour my promise to protect you?”

Xiao Wu discontentedly pouted, without speaking, pulled on

Tang San’s arm, big eyes brimming with hidden complaints
gazing at him. Abundant ‘if you do not promise to accompany
me to go out, I will not let go’ meaning.

Tang San held by her truly was without any method,

helplessly nodding, said:

“Very well, anyway tomorrow we go to sign up at Shrek

Academy. In a moment I will accompany you to go out to stroll,
only must return by noon, in the afternoon you cannot again
disturb my cultivation.”

529 Goldenagato |


Xiao Wu’s melodious voice was brimming with elation, the

hidden complaints in her eyes also swept away as if by magic,
this acting skill of hers, long ago already reached the degree of
bright green stove fire.

Rose Hotel’s service was extremely good, just when Tang San
and Xiao Wu went out, they happened to see a servant pushing a
fresh rose cart, and on asking, found out the red roses in this
Red Ocean room were unexpectedly replaced every day. Even if
roses were of little value, with these amounts, the cost still was
not small. Tang San tried to ask the cost of the room, and at this
discovered, how much of a wise decision was his agreement
yesterday to that manager Wang letting them these few days for

Out of the Rose Hotel, Tang San asked Xiao Wu:

“Where do you want to go?”

Xiao Wu put on an indifferent expression,

530 Goldenagato |

“Strolling at random, going wherever. So long as not being
stuffed into the room it’s all well.”

Previously at Nuoding, she ordinarily had a big crowd of

young brothers around for escort, like that indeed a Little
Overlord existence. Originally that former student boss Xiao
Chen-Yu although long ago graduated to go to intermediate
spirit master academy, but his family’s influence in Nuoding
City was not small, so since he sincerely admired Xiao Wu,
naturally also had the people at his home look after her,
consequently, living in Nuoding Xiao Wu could be considered
being like a fish in water.

Used to noise and bustle, right now at her side only having
one Tang San, she naturally was somewhat unused to.

The two strolled towards the inside of the city walls, Suotuo
City was worthy of being a Lord level city, although it was still
morning, it was already an extremely bustling scene.

The rhythm of life in the city clearly was much faster

compared the leisurely Nuoding City, the pedestrians coming
and going for the most part had a busy appearance.

531 Goldenagato |

A variety of shops were like glittering jewels to delight the
eye, after Tang San was pulled by Xiao Wu to turn into several
clothes shops, he already had a feeling somewhat like fainting
with blurred vision.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu sufficiently displayed reflection on

strolling without money, only looking not buying, not letting
the two’s common purse deflate.

Suotuo City’s prices were at least thirty percent higher

compared to Nuoding City, especially on goods was this even
clearer, but the quality also was somewhat better compared to
Nuoding City. Of course, this still was because Nuoding City was
a border city market, if it was an interior small town market,
then it would be even more distant from being able to compare
to Suotuo City.

“Yi, little San, look there.”

Xiao Wu called out amazed. Outside, she generally would call

Tang San as little San, only when it was only the two of them
would she call him Ge. To call it by a glorified name, this was a
secret between two people. Tang San also did not care about
these, she had her reasons.

532 Goldenagato |

“What clothing shop is it now, ah? Great young Miss, should
we not find some place to eat, then afterwards go back?”

Xiao Wu pulled at his hand, bouncing and vivacious saying:

“Look, ah, quickly look. Over there seems spirit master


Tang San’s gaze followed the direction of her finger, only

seeing a distant shop, front not very large, but the store’s
suspended signboard stood out from the masses.

On the shop sign was portrayed a round mark, with several

unusual symbols above. Ordinary people might not understand
the meaning of these symbols, but Tang San and Xiao Wu knew.
Because some of the symbols were the same as on the Spirit Hall
token tiles.

Respectively they were a sword, a hammer and a blue

lightning tyrant dragon. Three symbols fitted together, like
Grandmaster’s Spirit hall license token tile. For some reason
appeared on a shops signboard.

533 Goldenagato |

“Let’s go have a look.”

Tang San brought Xiao Wu towards the shop.

The shop’s door was open, inside looking somewhat dusky, as

the two entered, an unusual energy fluctuation immediately
attracted their attention, and this kind of energy fluctuation
very similar to within Spirit Hall, but it was weaker. Through
Grandmaster’s instruction, Tang San knew, this was caused by
spirit tools.

Among spirit tools all possessed spirit power fluctuations, if

not used by people and bound by their spirit power, spirit power
would appear in all circumstances.

Spirit tools for the most part did not possess offensive effects,
and could only manage some simple assistance, despite this,
spirit tools were also extremely rare. Passed down spirit tools
could be all said to be antiques, because its manufacture method
was already lost.

Inside the shop was only one person, they also did not see a
counter, on the walls on three sides hung some articles, looking
like already very old, also not appearing a but valuable.

534 Goldenagato |

That one person sat in a wooden deck chair, rocking the chair
with eyes closed.

He appeared to be around fifty years old, although not young,

his stature was very thick and strong, swaying along with that
sturdy looking deck chair, under his weight issuing a creaking

This person’s face was very characteristic, chin somewhat

prominent, cheek bones very wide, in addition a bit aquiline
nose. If insisting on using a kind of thing to describe him, then,
one could only say his face had some similarity to the sole of a
shoe. Although the eyes were closed, he seemingly had a
somewhat devious feeling.

On his face was a set of black framed crystal glasses, frames

with a kind of rigid squares, when looking, all had a kind of
strange feeling.

Tang San and Xiao Wu entering inside the shop was unable to
wake him, he still breathed evenly swaying on his deck chair.

535 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu was curiously looking everywhere,

“Little San, are these all spirit tools?”

Tang San’s gaze shifted from the middle aged man to the
goods hanging on the wall, nodding, said:

“This I also don’t know, unless I brought down each to test

with spirit power, only using eyes to look I can’t make it out at

While speaking, he walked up to a wall, gaze falling on a

chunk of crystal the size of a person’s head. Gaze immediately
freezing somewhat.

That chunk of crystal looked entirely unremarkable, it was

transparent, the inside having large yellow impurities. Hanging
closest to the door. But this chunk of crystal made Tang San’s
heartbeat speed up in a moment, a light in his eyes continuously
shining. How he also didn’t anticipate, unexpectedly would in
this kind of shop, this kind of place, see this kind of crystal.

Xiao Wu naturally discovered Tang San’s change,

536 Goldenagato |

“Little San, whyever are you looking at that crystal for? It
wouldn’t be easy to find a crystal inside more lacking than this
one. This crystal has not a bit of lustre, transparency is also
lacking, also without additional color, purple crystal is the most
precious. You aren’t planning to buy this thing, right?”

What Xiao Wu didn’t expect was, Tang San unexpectedly

nodded confirmation,

“I will buy this crystal, only I do not know the price.”

“Not so expensive, one hundred gold spirit coins.”

Lazily, a bit magnetic hoarse voice rose. Not knowing whether

it was because this speaking owner had a bit of a lisp, his words
were somewhat inarticulate. Fortunately only Tang San and
Xiao Wu were here, inside the store was very quiet, able to
clearly distinguish what he said.

Tang San did not say anything, but Xiao Wu fiercely turned
her head,

537 Goldenagato |

“This broken crystal, still is a hundred gold spirit coins, you
might as well rob us.”

The middle aged man in the deck chair opened his eyes,
without at all leaving his seat,

“One hundred gold spirit coins, already is my most

inexpensive offer. If buying then at once take out the money, if
not buying then please leave.”

Finished speaking, he again closed his eyes.

Xiao Wu angry, would step forward, but was grasped by Tang


“Fine, I’ll buy it.”

In these several years, Tang San also had certain savings, his
expenses were ordinarily very small, and the majority of his
income was all saved up. In particular since reaching spirit
grandmaster level, the stipend he received every month from
Spirit Hall became ten gold spirit coins, right now Tang San
plus Xiao Wu’s net worth, also was more than seven hundred

538 Goldenagato |

gold spirit coins.

“Tang San, are you all right?”

Xiao Wu raised her hand to feel Tang San’s forehead, making

sure he did not have a fever.

Tang San made an expression towards Xiao Wu, again softly

shaking his head, right hand lightly touching Twenty Four
Moonlit Bridges at his waist, a purse just right to fit one
hundred gold spirit coins appeared in his grasp. Turning around
to walk to that middle aged man and handing it over.

The middle aged man’s eyes didn’t open,

“Your money is not enough.”

Tang San said:

“This is one hundred gold spirit coins right enough.”

539 Goldenagato |

The middle aged man’s indistinct voice indifferently said:

“But my crystal is going for two hundred gold spirit coins.”

This time Xiao Wu could no longer show restraint,

“This is extortion, just now you still said one hundred, and
then it also became two hundred. No wonder you have no
business. Little San, we won’t buy it, let’s leave.”

Tang San shook his head towards Xiao Wu, looking at the
middle aged man said:

“You definitely won’t alter it again?”

Perhaps that crystal to other people’s point of view was

without any use, but to his eyes, compared to Heavenly
treasures it was still more important. Let alone two hundred
gold spirit coins, even if it was ten thousand gold spirit coins, as
long as he had it, he would definitely buy it.

The middle aged man lazily said:

540 Goldenagato |

“Fine, five hundred gold spirit coins, won’t change. Fish out
the money and you take it away right now, otherwise please

From one hundred going to two hundred, also from two

hundred going to five hundred, this time, including Tang San’s
endurance was somewhat unable to brace. Putting away his
purse, towards Xiao Wu he said:

“We’re leaving.”

Xiao Wu ferociously glared at that middle aged man,

“Already should have left, dealings with this kind of deceitful

geriatric, practically is an insult to our intelligence.”

541 Goldenagato |

Chapter 16 - Plate Crystal Hair Gold Dragon
Beard Needle

Tang San did not take out five hundred gold spirit coins, he
and Xiao Wu were on the verge of entering Shrek Academy,
after passing, would need to use money in all respects. They still
did not know how much Shrek Academy was. He could not
because of this cause effect he and Xiao Wu’s entering the
Academy. After all, this time they already no longer were
reduced tuition working students.

Somewhat reluctant to part with the sight of that muddy

crystal, Tang San sighed in his heart, he could only later again
look for an opportunity. Like this he walked towards the

“If you are leaving because you don’t have the money, I can
accept the previous two hundred gold spirit coins, and slowly
pay the remainder. Every month pay ten. No more than ten
percent interest.”

Xiao Wu found his lisping voice very disagreeable,

“Profiteer, why don’t you drop dead? Practically even in the

542 Goldenagato |

coffin holding out your hand, charging the dead.”

Xiao Wu was easily riled, but Tang San was not an impulsive
person, hearing that middle aged man’s words, in his heart he
was slightly startled, every month paying ten gold coins? Could
he know I am a spirit grandmaster level spiritmaster?
Otherwise, why just right to match my income?

Tang San could be sure, in previous course of events, that

middle aged man’s body had not released a trace of spirit power,
it would be impossible to examine his and Xiao Wu’s spirit
power intensity, if under these kinds of circumstances he could
determine his and Xiao Wu’s spirit level, then, this person was
too scary.

If speaking of Dai Mubai giving the feeling he was sharply

radiating all around, then, this person seeming like a crafty
middle aged person actually was incomprehensible

Tang San grabbed Xiao Wu’s shoulder, shaking his head

towards her, indicating she must not be impulsive, he once
again walked into the shop, up to that middle aged uncle saying,


543 Goldenagato |

“Little San——”

Xiao Wu discontentedly called out, Tang San’s right hand

shook behind him at her, indicating she must not say anything.

The middle aged man’s eyes finally opened once again,

looking right at close range at Tang San, his gaze fell on Tang
San’s waist,

“Yi, where did you get this belt from?”

Tang San’s heart moved,

“My Teacher gave it to me. You recognize this belt?”

The middle aged uncle sat up in his deck chair, looking at

Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges on Tang San’s waist, eyes
twinkling with an odd light, for a long time did not utter a

544 Goldenagato |

“You will not think to change price again, right.”

Xiao Wu unhappily poked out from behind Tang San’s back.

The odd look in the middle aged uncle’s eyes gradually faded,

“You unexpectedly are his disciple. You just take that crystal,

Tang San inwardly breathed out, right hand touching Twenty

Four Moonlit Bridges, taking out two pouches of gold coins and
handing them to the middle aged man,

“Afterwards I will come deliver ten gold coins every week.”

The middle aged man waved his hand, again lying back down
in the deck chair,

“No need, the crystal is a gift to you. That originally was not
some expensive thing. You leave, don’t disturb my sleep.”

545 Goldenagato |

Gift? Tang San was dumbfounded a moment, this middle aged
person before and after difference was too big, previously still
asking sky high prices, right now instead would present it as a
gift. Subconsciously, Tang San already understood, the before
him appearing a crafty middle aged man should be familiar with

While Tang San pondered, Xiao Wu with no trace of

politeness already held that crystal to her chest,

“Little San, we’re leaving, sparing certain people regret.”

Tang San somewhat without knowing whether to laugh or cry

looked at her, saying:

“How can we casually demand someone’s things? This uncle,

you still are saying no price, right.”

The middle aged man’s deck chair was once again rocking,
this time not even speaking, and basically not paying attention
to him.

Tang San looked at the crystal at Xiao Wu’s chest, again

546 Goldenagato |

looking at the middle aged man, if according to his disposition
all along, he certainly was unlikely to demand this crystal, but,
regarding this crystal before him, it really was too important, to
miss this opportunity, just in case other people bought it, he
was afraid he would later regret it for a lifetime.

Every kind of thought flashed through his mind like

lightning, finally stealthily left the two pouches of gold coins in
his hand on the floor, like this able to depart the shop with Xiao

Only after the two had left did the middle aged man once
more open his eyes, the crafty expression on his face fading
away, frustrated saying to himself:

“His apprentice unexpectedly came to Suotuo City, this time,

with spirit power like this. Apparently, they must be going to
Shrek Academy. Grandmaster, ah, Grandmaster, you this fellow
will not hide from me this time?”

Outside that odd shop, Xiao Wu at last could not help but ask:

“Little San, you why did you have to have this crystal? I still
have never seen you longing so to obtain a thing. This crystal’s

547 Goldenagato |

quality is so lacking, what use can it have to you?”

Tang San took the crystal from Xiao Wu’s hands, taking
advantage of the surrounding people not paying attention, and
quickly put it inside his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, pulling
Xiao Wu’s hands, saying:

“Walk quickly, let’s first return to the hotel and speak again.”

The two did not even eat a noon meal, Tang San all the way
hurriedly brought Xiao Wu to hurry back to the hotel. By now
his mood was extremely excited, the palm pulling Xiao Wu’s
hand already covered with a layer of perspiration.

Although Xiao Wu was ordinarily somewhat noisy, when

Tang San was serious, she became very well behaved, following
Tang San together returning to Rose Hotel.

Properly closing the door, Tang San quickly pulled the

curtains all around,

“Come, follow me to the bedroom.”

548 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu unfathomably mystified walked together with him to
the bedroom, Tang San pulled the bedroom window curtains,
shutting the door well, again unable to mask the excitement on
his face. Revealing a somewhat obsessed expression, his face
appearing a trace flushed.

Xiao Wu subconsciously tugged at her lapel, a thought

flashing in her heart, he could not be influenced by the mood of
this hotel, becoming a large beast, right? No, he certainly would
not, he is just twelve years old. What am I thinking, ah, he is my
Ge, how could he have this kind of filthy intention.

Tang San naturally did not know Xiao Wu was letting her
imagination run wild because of his weird actions, and taking
out that precious and heavy head sized chunk of crystal from
Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, he placed it on the bed. Softly
caressing the crystal’s uneven and jagged surface, just like he
was caressing a most cherished treasure.

Xiao Wu knew Tang San was not an impulsive person, since

he regarding this crystal attached importance like this,
presumably it would contain some secret. Crouching down at
his side, she waited for his explanation.

549 Goldenagato |

“Among crystals, purple crystal is not the most precious.”

Tang San after a long time just spoke this sentence.

Xiao Wu inquisitively said:

“Then what kind of crystal is that precious?”

Tang San solemnly said:

“It’s hair crystal.”

“Hair crystal? What’s that?”

Xiao Wu looked astonished at him, she had never heard this

term before.

It was no wonder Xiao Wu did not know, this concept

originally was not part of this world. Rather Tang San knew
from Tang sect.

550 Goldenagato |

When at Tang sect, besides being responsible for making
mechanism type hidden weapons, Tang San was also sometimes
responsible for helping inner sect disciples forge every kind of
hidden weapon, so regarding hidden weapons materials
research as well as every kind of precious material he was
extremely clear.

“What is called hair crystal, is a natural crystal that under

certain circumstances, receiving outside influence, inside the
crystal emerges some golden thread-like substance, this kind of
golden thread is known as crystal hair or called hair gold,
looking like the crystal’s hair. Regardless of what color crystal,
as long as within it appears a crystal hair, its value also exceeds
the best natural crystal of the same weight. A crystal that has
crystal hair, is called a hair crystal.”

Although Xiao Wu was impulsive, she was also very smart,

looking at the big crystal rock in Tang San’s hands, saying:

“You aren’t telling me, this chunk is hair crystal, right. How
come I’ve never seen ‘oh, ah, gold thread’, and also, I never
heard people saying they had any hair crystal, even if it is,
without people recognizing it it’s the same as useless. Those two
hundred gold coins you spent cannot be worth it.”

551 Goldenagato |

Tang San wearing a smile, said:

“No, this is not a hair crystal, it’s exactly a plate crystal,

among hair crystals the best quality.”

Xiao Wu curiously asked:

“What is plate crystal?”

Tang San patiently explained:

“Among hair crystals the hair gold is all in a disordered mess

and the quantity is scarce. But hair crystals that have existed
particularly long, have the opportunity to increase hair gold
quantity. As hair gold quantity reaches a certain degree, within
the crystal they gather together, the gold hair seemingly
forming plates, this kind of hair crystal is known as plate
crystal. The reason is that the golden hair quantity within is
numerous, and also has an extremely regular pattern, therefore,
hair crystal is known as the best quality among hair crystals.”

“Although on the surface this crystal looks muddy, if looking

carefully, one can discover within a glimpse of golden light, the

552 Goldenagato |

inside of this golden plate crystal is actually covered by
impurities, but I can be almost certain, within it is contained
gold hair quantity in excess of ten thousand. That this existing
for at least ten thousand years or more plate crystal could
possibly appear is a miracle. Let alone two hundred gold spirit
coins, as long as I have it, even if it is twenty thousand gold
spirit coins, it would still absolutely be worth it. Why I want it,
is not at all to resell it for money, it has special importance.”

Tang San did not directly say what that special importance
was, and from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges took out his
forging hammer.

His forging hammer was twice the size of what ordinary

blacksmiths used, after the first time using this kind of
oversized forging hammer at San Shi’s store, Tang San had not
changed it.

“Xiao Wu, you keep away little.”

Tang San lowered his voice.

Xiao Wu moved to the side. Tang San placed that plate crystal
on the floor in front of him, faint white light slowly rushed out,

553 Goldenagato |

from both his hands pouring into the forging hammer, his
expression already becoming extremely focused, in a flash,
Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength already elevated to
his final limit.

“Tang San, are you……”

Xiao Wu looked shocked at him, she already had a

premonition of what Tang San would do, but was not clear on
why he would do it like this.

Lower legs abruptly generating force, body half turning,

Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method’s first swing abruptly
descended, this was a swing with Tang San’s entire internal
strength. The white light on the forging hammer was
magnificent, the air transmitting a succession of cracks. The
tremendous hammer head smashing one after another onto that
chunk of crystal.

Xiao Wu subconsciously covered her ears.

Peng——, with a loud sound, the entire Rose Hotel shook a

moment, a ringing breaking sound rose under the iron hammer,
striking with Tang San’s full strength, that plate crystal was

554 Goldenagato |

immediately smashed to pieces.

But at the same time as the plate crystal was smashed to

pieces, an odd scene appeared, countless flecks of golden light
surged out from within the crystal, fluttering about within this
large heart shaped bed bedroom. As if the entire room was
covered by a layer of golden lustrous mist.

Xiao Wu was startled, hastily using her spirit power, blocking

the golden flecks, fortunately, and those golden light launch
power was not at all strong, and did not bring her any harm.

The dazzling beauty of all the flecks of golden lights gave

people a kind of dazzled and stunned like feeling, with a tinkling
sound melodious and beautiful, some colliding with the wall,
some colliding with the door shutters, also some falling directly
on that heart-shaped big bed, the entire bedroom, was
completely covered by a layer of golden light.

The crystal turned into small pieces, but as the golden light in
mid-air gradually dropped, Xiao Wu realized, the room’s floor
and bed all had a layer of golden light flecks. Perhaps saying it
was a layer of golden grains.

555 Goldenagato |

The size of each golden grain was unusually even, about the
same as a grain of rice, and perfectly round, glimmering faintly
with golden light, Xiao Wu subconsciously picked up a grain and
pinched it in her hand, discovering this golden grain was
somewhat soft, but completely flexible, even with her spirit
power, she was still unable to pinch it completely flat.

“Ge, these couldn’t be pure gold, right. And even if it was pure
gold, it would still not as valuable as your two hundred gold
spirit coins.”

Tang San was very excited, truly very excited. After arriving
in this world, this still was the first time his mood had been in
this excited state, even more excited than when he obtained the
first spirit ring making Mysterious Heaven skill break through
the bottleneck.

Because, he could finally obtain a hidden weapon ranked in

the top ten in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record Hidden
Weapon Hundred Separation. And also, the quality was still this
high. Even if it was originally at Tang sect, nobody could
possess hidden weapons made from plate crystal with such

“Xiao Wu, quickly, help me gather these golden grains

556 Goldenagato |

together, not one must get away, I will explain it to you later.”

While speaking, Tang San took action, under the effect of

internal strength, using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon,
sweeping the floor of the room, where he passed, those golden
grains were one by one sucked into his palm, and afterward put
into Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges without releasing anything
in mid-air.

Not long after, outside was suddenly heard a knocking sound.

“Respected guests, I would trouble you a moment.”

Tang San knew, this was the effect of his hammer just now,
fortunately, emitting strength on that plate crystal, he used the
vibration force, without causing the floor any damage.

“What’s the matter?”

The servant outside said:

“Just now within the hotel was an unusual sound, respected

557 Goldenagato |

guest, did you hear?”

The servant was instructed to come ask by manager Wang,

after all, that big sound just now, could not be made by an
ordinary person.

Tang San calmly said:

“We heard, only do not know what the matter is.”

In order to keep the treasured object, he had no choice but to

lie this time.

Without telling the servant more, he could not allow entry to


The amount of golden grains that appeared was much greater

than Tang San expected, he carefully examined every corner,
doing his utmost to not let any golden grain escape, and very
carefully they were completely gathered within his Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges, on the basis of his own conservative
estimate, this time’s harvest exceeded at least twenty thousand
golden grains.

558 Goldenagato |

“Ge, in the end what is this thing, making me nervous like

Xiao Wu held the last golden grain in her palm, looking at

Tang San.

Having properly gathered all the treasure, Tang San also at

last loosed his breath, plucking that golden grain from Xiao
Wu’s hand,

“Still remember I spoke with you of hidden weapons? Hair

gold inside hair crystal, can make an extremely potent hidden
weapon, and also is naturally formed. The hair gold quantity
within this plate crystal is so much, it completed my collection
for this hidden weapon. Look.”

Spreading his palm, Tang San set the golden grain in the
center of his palm, Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength
rushed out, with milky white light appearing on his palm, an
odd scene appeared. That golden grain under Mysterious
Heaven skill internal strength infusion suddenly slowly
extended, in a moment’s work, it already transformed into a
thin golden thread like hair. Compared to real hair it still looked

559 Goldenagato |

several times thinner, with a length of three cun. Fortunately it
was in itself gold, and could easily be distinguished in Tang
San’s palm.

“So this is the hair gold you spoke of.”

Xiao Wu said astonished.

Tang San nodded, saying:

“That’s right, this is hair gold, leaving the protection of the

crystal, hair gold will automatically curl up, forming a grain.
Under spirit power infusion, it can once again reform as hair
gold. If losing spirit power infusion, it also will curl up once

Xiao Wu unconvinced said:

“This also has some significance?”

Tang San smiled slightly, continuing to infuse spirit power,

picking up the hair gold, lightly pricking his finger,

560 Goldenagato |

immediately, a bead of blood gradually flowed out.

“Hair crystal this fine, its tip compared to a needle is naturally

much sharper, so piercing power after spirit power infusion can
become extremely powerful. Its volume is also small, imagine a
moment, if it pierced into the body, what effect it could have.”

While speaking, Tang San withdrew his internal strength,

letting the hair gold return to its previous golden grain
appearance, afterwards turning his palm, the golden grain
disappearing in mid-air.

“How did it disappear?”

Xiao Wu saw this at such close range, but still could not
discover how Tang San was turning that hair gold to nothing.

Tang San smiled calmly, lifting his right hand, middle finger
suddenly extending, only saw a tiny quiet golden flash, silently
entering within the bed.

Strange circumstances appeared, along with that golden

thread shooting in, the quilt suddenly twisted rapidly, in the

561 Goldenagato |

blink of an eye, already appeared a bulging protrusion.

“Hair gold is extremely durable, and has astonishing

flexibility, if leaving spirit power support, it will once again curl
up on its own.

Xiao Wu suddenly understood, she pounced onto the bed,

grabbing that distorted protrusion in the quilt, forcefully
pressing down, exposing a bit of golden light, using fingernails
to pinch the golden light, striving to infuse spirit power, again
slowly it pulled out, with a light tinkling sound, a golden grain
once more appeared in her palm.

“This-, if this shot at a human body……”

Tang San coolly said:

“As one can imagine. And also, I can be certain, after shooting
into a human body, it is certainly impossible to find it and
extract the source. When wanting to take it out, then, one can
only cut apart the entire chunk of curled up muscle and flesh

562 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu finally knew why Tang San wanted this crystal so
badly, such a vicious and terrifying hidden weapon, let alone
seeing, she did not even want to hear it.

“Ge, this kind of hidden weapon is too malicious.”

Xiao Wu realized, her voice was trembling somewhat, in her

mind already imagining the terrible effect it brought after it was
absorbed in a human body.

Tang San picked up the golden grain from Xiao Wu’s hand,

“I call it Dragon Beard Needle. In this world, whether my

hidden weapons are malicious, is not for the weapon itself to
decide, rather the reason for its use is decided by people, using it
virtuously, using it nefariously. If using it to punish evil people,
wouldn’t it be only suitable?”

What he did not say was, Dragon Beard Needle, within

Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record Hidden Weapon Hundred
Separation, ranked the eighth, and also, this was still not the
most ruthless of needle type hidden weapons. After all, as long
as Dragon Beard Needle did not shoot at vital points, it was

563 Goldenagato |

unable to cause a person’s death.

In Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation annotations was this

kind of description of Dragon Beard Needle: ‘expert in breaking
big dipper tail qi, requiring enough internal strength to launch,
attacking the enemy off guard, giving the enemy immense
suffering. Only the material is difficult to obtain, internal
strength consumption also large, requiring sufficient internal
energy to first support continuous effect.’

With Tang San’s current internal strength, he could only

guarantee Dragon Beard Needle’s attack potential within three
metres range. Beyond three metres, Dragon Beard needle before
hitting the enemy could shrink back because of lacking internal
strength. And as the attack distance increased, the internal
strength requirement would also be higher and higher. This
kind of astonishingly powerful and one hundred percent
overbearing hidden weapon, could not be so easy to use.

But in the end a ranked in the top ten of inner sect hidden
weapons, Tang San was confident that within a certain
distance, even if it was Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Vajra
Transformation it would still be unable to resist Dragon Beard
Needle’s piercing.

564 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s fingernails were not at all long, but concealing a
Dragon Beard Needle within each fingernail was absolutely no
problem, in a short range fight, this was a killer of killers.

Of course, Dragon Beard Needle still was not the hidden

weapon he yearned for the most, ranked in the top three of
Hidden Weapon Hundred Separation hidden weapons, all
required Mysterious Heaven skill attaining the seventh tier or
higher to be able to use, this still required long term effort for

“Little San, do you know what I’m thinking?”

Xiao Wu’s big eyes blinked, seeing Tang San a little flustered.

“Thinking what?”

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“I’m thinking, whether to abandon my spirit power, and

study your hidden weapons. These things of yours are fantastic
oddities of every description, truly are amusing.”

565 Goldenagato |

Tang San was speechless, ‘amusing’, those could all be killing
weapons. Tang sect’s hidden weapons, how was the word
‘amusing’ able to describe them.

Seeing Tang San’s helpless expression, Xiao Wu giggling, said:

“Ge, put away your sour face, I am making fun of you. I could
not give up my painstakingly cultivated spirit power.”

“Painstaking? You?”

Tang San looked Xiao Wu up and down as if discovering a new


Xiao Wu resentfully said:

“What are you looking for? Don’t tell me I don’t try hard at
cultivation? You just haven’t paid attention, that’s all.”

Looking at her adorable appearance, Tang San couldn’t help

but laugh loudly. Obtaining a precious plate crystal, thereby

566 Goldenagato |

possessing the first internal strength level hidden weapon,
made his current mood very good.

Early the second day, the two left Rose Hotel after staying for
two days, and from Suotuo City’s southern gate, heading
towards their destination.

The impression Rose Hotel gave Tang San’s was still pretty
good, only the price was actually somewhat expensive. As he
and Xiao Wu left the hotel, the damage in the hotel hall had
already completed repairs.

Regarding Shrek Academy, Tang San and Xiao Wu did not

have any understanding, Grandmaster only told Tang San,
asked him to come here to proceed with studying, all without
saying more. But judging by Grandmaster’s expression at that
time, Tang San was able to vaguely feel that the relationship
between this Academy and Grandmaster seemed somewhat

Going by age, Tang San and Xiao Wu should go to

intermediate spirit master academy, but with their current
strength, let alone intermediate, even if it was advanced spirit
master academy the distance to graduation still would not be
far. If this Shrek Academy only was an intermediate spirit

567 Goldenagato |

master academy, then was it still necessary to come here?

Tang San believed, Grandmaster absolutely would not do

pointless matters, since he asked him to come here, certainly
Grandmaster had reasons.

“Little San, you know where Shrek Academy is?”

Out of Suotuo City, following the road straight southward, on

both sides of the official road was a wide expanse of farmland,
Suotuo City being famous for acting as Balak Kingdom’s granary
could not be more clearly said.

But, besides the wide expanse of farmland, as far as the eye

could see, within the reach of eyesight, certainly was not any
building resembling an academy.

The address Grandmaster gave Tang San, was outside Suotuo

City south gate would see Shrek Academy not far away.

“I also am not too clear on the specifics, we continue

southward, we’ll always find it. Since that Dai Mubai was a
Shrek Academy student, proves this Academy indeed exists.”

568 Goldenagato |


Xiao Wu suddenly softly called out.

Tang San seemed to understand her meaning very well,

helplessly saying:

“You are also a grown up, still without walking will not get

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“No matter, who asked you to be my Ge.”

While speaking, with a run-up, suddenly pounced at Tang


Tang San was long ago accustomed to her actions, both hands
supporting, upper body slightly bent forward, already carrying
Xiao Wu on his back.

569 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu’s body was very light, to Tang San she basically
would not be any burden. But Xiao Wu’s cultivation was not
second to Tang San, naturally would not feel exhausted because
of walking, but she still never tired of happily having Tang San
carry her. Happy and content on Tang San’s back and
gesticulating at the surroundings, laughter bringing to mind
silver bells in the air.

Whenever this happened, in Tang San’s heart would bubble

up a kind of warmth, which was a kind category of family
warmth. Bodies touching, gave a kind of feeling hearts being
close, he would feel his heart was very rich, at least this proved,
he was not all alone.

In the past six years, since the first time leaving Holy Spirit
Village for Nuoding primary spirit master academy to study
until now, Tang San had not seen his father again. Tang Hao
left for these six years, not only without returning, but also
completely without letters.

Whenever in the dead of night Tang San thought of his father,

his heart would ache dully. Even though he was a person of two
worlds, regarding family love he still had an uncomparable

570 Goldenagato |

But Xiao Wu in Tang San’s heart, was equivalent to filling the
gap left by Tang Hao. Regarding Xiao Wu, Tang San was
extremely doting, like she was his flesh and blood little sister.
Before when at Nuoding, Tang San’s only way of resting was
watching Xiao Wu. Whatever she did, he all along silently
watched her, enjoying that warmth in his heart.

Xiao Wu’s happy smile brimming with sunshine, happiness

coming from the heart, always infected Tang San’s heart. Even
if cultivation again was dull, as long as he saw Xiao Wu’s smile,
any fretting in Tang San’s heart immediately disappeared.

“Ge, look at the village over there.”

When Xiao Wu was carried by Tang San was also when she
was the sweetest, this moment she was sure to call Tang San
‘big brother’, and not just ‘little San’.

Tang San followed the direction of Xiao Wu’s finger with his
eyes, but only saw approximately one li ahead, had a small
village. Relying on Purple Demon Eye’s eyesight, he was able to
clearly make it out, that village was about a hundred households
or so, compared to Holy Spirit village’s scale it was a bit smaller.
Surrounding the village was a wooden fence, seemingly used to

571 Goldenagato |

guard against wild animals. At the village entrance there
seemed to be good deal of people gathered, for some unknown

Tang San slightly smiled, saying:

“For our previous question, perhaps the people of this village

will know where Shrek Academy is. A spirit master academy
should be very famous, right.”

Xiao Wu pointed ahead, laughingly saying:

“Ge, go faster.”

Grumpily Tang San lightly swatted her bottom with the back
of his hand once, underfoot slightly exerting himself, rapidly
advancing in the direction of that village.

Coming near, Tang San and Xiao Wu both discovered

something abnormal, at the village entrance indeed a lot of
people were gathered, the majority youngsters similar to their
age, among them a large portion followed by parents.

572 Goldenagato |

At the village entrance was arranged a desk, behind the desk
sat a sixty-something old man, making Tang San and Xiao Wu
dumbstruck was, over the arched village entrance made using
logs was suspended a seemingly somewhat worn-out board, on
it was simply engraved two words, ‘Shrek Academy’. Above
these two words was also a green portrait, looking similar to a
kind of humanoid monster’s head. Bright green, a little cute. On
the chest of the old man behind that table, also wore a similar
green round emblem. It should be Shrek Academy’s crest.

“No way.”

Xiao Wu hopped down from Tang San’s back, staring shocked

at the board, again turning her head to look at Tang San, the
two in their hearts both somewhat stunned.

Even Nuoding primary spirit master academy’s scale would be

much bigger compared to this, and also, this clearly looked like
a common little village, the entrance’s arched door was not only
wooden, but also still not even a third as large as Nuoding
Academy’s. Could this still be called a spirit master academy?

“Ge, wasn’t Grandmaster mistaken? However I look, I still do

not think this is like an academy. Probably wouldn’t be a scam,

573 Goldenagato |


Tang San said with a wry smile:

“Come on, have a look before saying so again.”

Right now, lined up ahead of them, were approximately less

than a hundred applicants, among them were not a few people
with wrinkled brows, clearly in their hearts holding a similar
opinion as Xiao Wu.

Ahead of Tang San and Xiao Wu in the line was a youngster

followed by parents at his side, they just heard that youngster’s
mother say:

“Isn’t this a mistake, this spirit master academy, possesses the

reputation that on graduating the academy one can successfully
become an imperial viscount?”

The youngster’s father somewhat uncertainly said:

“This is what Spirit Hall’s people said, should not be a

574 Goldenagato |

mistake. But this academy truly is a bit worn down.”

The youngster said:

“Dad, I mustn’t study here, it’s too shameful. I still could go to

Suotuo intermediate spirit master academy, right. How to say,
at junior academy I was also considered a talent.”

The youngster’s father frowned, saying:

“Since we’ve already come, let’s wait a minute, right, maybe

this is a kind of test. The genuine academy not here at all.”

Similar dialogue was absolutely not rare in the lined up

crowd, the majority of the faces of the youngsters and parents
displayed a strong disappointment.

Tang San’s gaze did not stay on these applicants for too long,
his gaze looked ahead of the queue, to the application place.
Eyesight and hearing promoted under the effect of Mysterious
Heaven skill, he was vaguely able to hear the dialogue there.

575 Goldenagato |

The old man sitting behind the desk accepting applications
looked to have a lazy appearance, to speak a bit pleasantly about
his clothes they were simple and unadorned, what he saw, was
like an elderly villager, even without the lively look of Holy
Spirit village’s old Jack.

At this moment, a youngster came before the table to apply.

The old man lazily said:

“Application fee is ten gold spirit coins, put it in that chest.”

The parents following the youngster hastily fished out ten

gold spirit coins and placed them in the nailed together wooden
chest to the side.

“Extend just a hand.”

The youngster as told extended his hand before the old man,
the old man kneaded the hand a little while, shaking his head
towards him, saying:

“Your age is wrong, you can leave.”

576 Goldenagato |

The youngster was stunned a moment, turning his head to
look at his parents, more than ten years old children as
precocious as Tang San could be not many.

His father hastily fixed a smile saying:

“Teacher, my son has only recently passed his thirteenth

birthday, you see, couldn’t you be flexible once?”

The old man a bit impatiently said:

“Don’t affect later people. Do you not know the Academy’s

rules? Our place only accepts children under thirteen years old.
Exceeding thirteen years of age, without exception are not
accepted. You can leave.”

The youngster’s father said:

“Then our application fee……”

The old man without a trace of politeness said:

577 Goldenagato |

“An application is generally not refunded.”

A clay figurine still was three tenths a warrior, the

youngster’s father could not help but angrily say:

“This clearly is a swindle for money. Withdraw our

application fee, if not we will not leave. Had I known earlier this
Shrek Academy was this rotten, we should not have come.”

The old man shot him a glance, indifferently saying:

“Mubai, someone wants their application fee back, you handle

it at once.”

On the ground to the side, a person’s figure suddenly leapt up,

“Wanting the application fee back, after beating me, the

whole amount is returned.”

This person was exactly Dai Mubai, before because of sitting

578 Goldenagato |

to the side, obstructed by the crowd, Tang San had not seen
him. From that day when Tang San with Xiao Wu met him he
was somewhat different, right now his expression was rather

Dai Mubai also did not speak nonsense, directly using his
spirit power, releasing two hundred year and one thousand year
altogether three spirit rings. Surging spirit power radiated out
intangible pressure in the air, in the evil eyes a cold light
continuously flashing, regarding that father and son.

(发晶) Literally “Hair Crystal”, is a naturally occurring crystal

with needle or hair like filaments of mineral embedded. It’s
generally a translation for rutile quartz, but could also refer to
other similar mineral formations like actinolite quartz.
Supposed to have energizing properties.

(板晶) Google Translate has this as “platelet”, and apparently

platelet crystal is sort of a thin only different, but a Chinese
search only gives fiction and pictures of really dense rutilated

3寸 = 10 cm

579 Goldenagato |

Long Xu Zhen (龙须针) alternatively “Dragon Mustache

Originally of course “five characters, Shi Lai Ke Xue Yuan”

580 Goldenagato |

Chapter 17 - Academy Only For Monsters

Between spirit masters, spirit rings were eternally the best

word of authority, seeing that one thousand year spirit ring
among three spirit rings on Dai Mubai’s body, the youngster’s
father’s complexion changed greatly, and leaving behind a
sentence regarding ‘our bad luck’, pulled his son and quickly

Dai Mubai returned to his seat, evil eyes sweeping over the
youngsters and parents there for signing up, threatening
meaning abundantly clear. The oppressive force produced by
the three spirit rings could not be endured by ordinary people.
The current him was no longer like a wealthy spendthrift, but
on the contrary like a hired thug.

After this scene, the lined up waiting people immediately

reduced by a third, who still wanted to spend money in vain, let
alone, when this Shrek Academy exterior before them made
people not dare compliment.

Again an applicant youngster came before the old man, he was

followed by both parents, his mother full with confidence
placing ten gold coins in the wooden chest, the youngster
smartly extending a hand.

581 Goldenagato |

The old man kneaded his hand, faintly yellow gaze looking at
the youngster, saying:

“Exactly twelve years old. Release your spirit, let me have a


The youngster nodded, faint green spirit power releasing from

within his body, a hundred year spirit ring rhythmically
hovering up and down his body.

The hundred year spirit ring’s atmosphere was not weak,

spirit appearing, a crude long vine spiralling around his body.

This spirit somewhat resembled Tang San’s blue silver grass,

only, his spirit was not a grass, but directly was a vine, similar
to Tang San’s second spirit ring’s ghost vine, merely lacking the
ghost vine’s poison.

The old man shook his head, saying:

“Not qualified, you can leave.”

582 Goldenagato |

The youngster’s parents’ originally filled with confidence
expressions, hearing the old man say their child was not
qualified, the expressions on their faces immediately froze, his
mother couldn’t help but ask:

“Why? My son in primary spirit academy was a student of

great ability. Did you not see his spirit ring is a hundred year?
Spirit masters possessing a hundred year spirit ring can not be

The old man indifferently said:

“The first spirit ring being a hundred year spirit ring is

naturally pretty good, only, he is only an ordinary person.”

The youngster’s father frowning said:

“I do not get your meaning.”

The old man somewhat impatiently got up from behind the

desk, not only facing the youngster’s parents before him, but

583 Goldenagato |

simultaneously also towards the applicants lining up behind
them saying:

“Coming to our Shrek Academy, you should first be clear on

the regulations. Without being clear and coming here, you are
only delivering the registration fee in vain, nothing more. Right
now there is still time to regret. Do you not know the meaning
of ‘Shrek’ in our Shrek Academy?”

The majority of the applicants on hearing the old man’s words

had blank expressions.

The old man coldly said:

“Shrek is a kind of monster, even among spirit beasts it is still

an odd existence. Our Shrek Academy’s meaning, is an academy
only for monsters. One could also say, we only accept monsters,
do not accept ordinary people. If age surpasses thirteen years of
age, or spirit power does not reach over the twentieth rank,
need not waste time here.”

Tang San originally was of the same mind as Xiao Wu,

regarding the Shrek Academy somewhat disappointed, but
hearing this old man’s words, the interest in his heart ticked up,

584 Goldenagato |

an academy only for monsters? The other meaning of this word
‘monster’, wasn’t that genius?

While speaking, the old man’s body suddenly released an

incomparably tyrannical atmosphere, with Tang San and Xiao
Wu’s strength both could not help but shiver all over, intense
red light abruptly released from the old man’s body, a longstaff
possessing countless fine patterns appeared in his right hand,
most terrifying was, altogether six spirit rings rose up from
under his feet, their dazzling beautiful light immediately
became the focus of the everyone present.

The six spirit rings’ colors were respectively one white, one
yellow, three purple, one black. Also meant one ten year spirit
ring, one hundred year spirit ring, three thousand year spirit
rings and one ten thousand year spirit ring. This looking like a
common farmer old man, unexpectedly was a sixtieth rank or
more spirit emperor level super strength.

Sixtieth rank, that indeed was sixtieth rank, ah, even in the
entire Balak Kingdom, spirit masters ranked like this also
absolutely could be counted on one’s fingers.

The longstaff in the old man’s hand, rung with a deep muffled
sound out in all directions, practically making all the people

585 Goldenagato |

stagger once.

Facing the dumbstruck three before him and waving his hand,


The light of the spirit rings vanished, all the spirit power also
disappeared in a flash, the old man again resumed his previous
lazy appearance, as if he had not at all just released that
previous spirit emperor atmosphere.

If there were still some parents unsatisfied because of the old

man’s words, then right now they appeared to all be keeping
quiet out of fear, who dared offend a spirit emperor level force?
Also a spirit emperor who possessed a ten thousand year spirit

One must know, in battle, a spirit emperor’s strength, would

be at least equal to a thousand elite soldiers.

In the eyes of the parents and applicant students the disdain

and contempt in an instant vanished completely, a responsible
for applications teacher was an at least sixtieth ranked strength,

586 Goldenagato |

then, the strength of the faculty at this Shrek Academy must be
to what degree?

But, very quickly the majority of parents’ faces all revealed

regretful sighing expressions, silently bringing their children to

Twelve years old attaining twentieth ranked spirit power or

more, like what the old man said, that perhaps also was talent
truly reaching a monstrous level.

Of the originally hundred long queue in an eyeblink only

remained ten-something applicants.

The old man did not seem to mind the number of students,
and started back with his application work.

The people able to stay behind, clearly were confident to pass

this old man, and following were several applicant youngsters
whose spirit power surpassed twentieth rank, possessing two
spirit rings. After handing over the ten gold coin application fee,
the old man told them their first entrance exam was passed, and
could enter the Academy’s second entrance exam. The parents
could not follow the examinees inside the Academy.

587 Goldenagato |

While looking at the applicant before them, Xiao Wu’s mood
already became excited, in a low voice next to Tang San’s ear

“This Academy looks very amusing, especially what that

teacher said about only accepting monsters not ordinary people,
truly was most smart.”

Tang San smiled slightly saying:

“Right now you can’t doubt Grandmaster’s urging, right. This

Shrek Academy is in no way ordinary.”

As a result of already lining up in front, they naturally also

were able to closely see Dai Mubai seated behind the old man.
Dai Mubai not only was in charge of settling arguments, he was
equally responsible for bringing eligible exam students into the

Dai Mubai currently also finally saw Tang San’s pair, grim
face exposing a slight smile, nodding towards them, again
pointing at the teacher, spreading both hands, making a

588 Goldenagato |

helpless expression. Clearly was telling them, ‘this application
must rely on your own effort, I am unable to help’.

While using expressions to mutually communicate, suddenly,

a light yi exclamation pulled back Tang San’s gaze.

The old man responsible for receiving applications face

revealed a bewildered indefinite expression, right now, in front
of him stood a young lady, just withdrawing the hand held out.

This young lady had no parents for company, only was alone.
Wearing a simple white long skirt giving people a very neat
feeling. Short ordered hair cut evenly with her ears, height
compared to Xiao Wu must be about half a head shorter,
because of having her back to Tang San and Xiao Wu, they did
not see her appearance, but from the skin at her neck were able
to discover, that young lady’s was extraordinarily fine,
extremely delicate.

“May I ask, can I pass the preliminary exam?”

The young lady’s voice was gentle and pleasant to listen to,
somewhat lacking in spirit, but sounding like velvet, making
people have a kind of soft feeling.

589 Goldenagato |

Tang San from Dai Mubai’s gaze looking towards that young
lady was able to determine this girl was certainly very beautiful,
because Dai Mubai in those evil eyes no longer revealed ice cold,
but a wolfish light. Of course, it was that kind of wolf color.

The astonishment on the old man’s face gradually vanished,

saying with a frown:

“You coming here, do the people at your home know?”

The young lady without directly answering his question, only

slightly smiled and said:

“All say teaching has no category, as long as I meet the

Academy’s demands, you have no reason not to accept me,

The old man seemingly hesitated a moment, only then waving

his hand to Dai Mubai, saying:

“Bring her inside.”

590 Goldenagato |

The wolf light in Dai Mubai’s eyes rapidly faded, recovering
his cold expression, bringing the young lady walking into the

The remaining students very quickly passed through the old

man’s first test, finally reaching Tang San and Xiao Wu’s turn.
By now, after Dai Mubai sent through several examination
students, also already returned to the old man’s side.

Tang San suddenly realized, Dai Mubai’s expression

transformed, with fixed eyes staring in the direction behind his
back, as if seeing some unimaginable thing.

Tang San subconsciously turned around to look, although not

forgetting his manners like Dai Mubai, his heart still was
secretly shaken.

Behind him and Xiao Wu, the remaining exam students were
down to one, and also seemed to have just arrived not long ago,
that also was a girl, looking like compared to him and Xiao Wu
seemingly still must be a little younger, black long hair
scattered over her shoulders, face slightly lowered, height not
much different from the previous white skirt young lady, skin
also similarly fair. But, this young lady gave people a kind of

591 Goldenagato |

standing out from the masses feeling.

An extremely well developed figure that was actually

somewhat inconsistent with her age, if not seeing her face, very
likely one would believe she was an adult young lady, especially
that imposing bosom, even more could attract all men’s
attention. A standard for baby-faced boobs.

In contrast with her fiery figure, the young lady’s facial

expression was very indifferent, that was a kind of chill rising
from the heart, pure cold, a pair of black eyes that did not hold
even a trace of vitality. Somewhat clashing with her originally
extremely beautiful face.

All four limbs well proportioned and slender, Both hands

hanging naturally to either side, body releasing that kind of
deathly still ice chill making people very uncomfortable.

“Are you applying or not? If not applying you must not

obstruct here.”

The old man’s voice pulled Tang San back from his train of
thoughts. Tang San’s hand stung, when turning his head to
look, he discovered Xiao Wu fiercely glaring at him.

592 Goldenagato |

“We’re applying together.”

Tang San with effort resisted the pain in his hand, having
long since prepared twenty gold spirit coins he dropped them in
the wooden box. Together with Xiao Wu holding out their

The old man first kneaded Xiao Wu’s hand, with a nod,

“Your age is suitable.”

As his hands shifted to Tang San’s hand, the previous light yi

sound could not help but again reappear.

The old man as if in disbelief seemed to knead Tang San’s

hand again, the expression on his face immediately becoming
odd. Raising his head to look at Tang San, saying:

“Is your hand practiced in some spirit ability?”

593 Goldenagato |

The reason he must knead the applicant’s hand, is to
recognize the applicant’s true age by the bones in the palm, as
this could not be faked. Kneading Tang San’s hand was
extremely tough, so his sense of the state of the bones was still

Tang San trembled in his heart, nodding, said:


The old man wrinkled his brow,

“Hold up your calf.”

Tang San as instructed lifted his calf. Leaving the table, the
old man raised the trouser on his calf and kneaded a few times,
Tang San immediately felt a tingling.

The old man nodded at Tang San, saying:

“Muscle development is not bad. Bone age suitable. Good,

release your two spirits.”

594 Goldenagato |

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, simultaneously
urging the spirit power within their bodies.

Blue and red light simultaneously leapt out, hundred year

spirit rings simultaneously spiraling up.

Rabbit ears standing up, white fluffy fur growing on the backs
of Xiao Wu’s hands, body subsequently also becoming even
more slender. Spirit jade rabbit body enhancement.

In Tang San’s palm grew a most ordinary blue silver grass,

along with spirit ring effect infusion lightning quick
transforming into that grass vine like that day he fought Dai

The old man only gave Xiao Wu a casual glance, gaze falling
on Tang San’s body,

“Unexpectedly it’s blue silver grass. Blue silver grass can also
cultivate this quickly?”

595 Goldenagato |

Tang San faintly smiled, saying:

“Teacher, aren’t you only accepting monsters here? Don’t I

count as a monster?”

The old man’s face revealed a rare smile,

“It indeed is a small monster. Mubai, bring them inside.”


Dai Mubai came to meet them, revealing a smile towards Tang

San, but his gaze seemed to still be fixed behind Tang San’s

Led by Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu followed him

together to enter Shrek Academy, which also was that village.

Dai Mubai said:

“I knew you would be able to pass smoothly. The later tests

596 Goldenagato |

should also not be any problem.”

While speaking, he still could not help turning his head to

look at the Academy gate opening.

Xiao Wu unhappily said:

“Looking at what? Still thinking of that disaster girl?”

Dai Mubai’s brows wrinkled, saying:

“What do you understand. I feel the atmosphere on that girl’s

body is very like mine, not only is it similar, but also still has a
kind of complementing effect feeling. Among spirits, thinking
to encounter a complementing spirit is extremely difficult. But
if meeting, if joining hands, one’s spirit strength would increase
twofold. This is the so-called Spirit Harmonization ability.

Xiao Wu involuntarily laughed saying:

“Then that means, that girl’s spirit should be a tigress?”

597 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai’s face revealed some embarrassment, saying:

“It’s possible.”

Entering the village, they were able to see, it was all wooden
buildings, using the words ‘simple’ and ‘unadorned’ to describe
the buildings here was only appropriate.

Not walking far, Dai Mubai brought them to an open space.

Around were wooden buildings, this vacant land appeared to be
about five hundred square metres or so, Just at the centre of
Shrek Academy.

The previously passed preliminary exam students were before

them, distinct spirit power fluctuations making the air shiver

Dai Mubai pointed at the lined up exam students ahead,


“You take the second exam here, the teacher will tell you how
to do it. I still must go out to take a look, if that girl’s spirit truly

598 Goldenagato |

agrees with mine, in which case I also must capture her.”

Finished speaking these lines, Dai Mubai hurriedly left, Tang

San and Xiao Wu according to what he said like that reaching
the end of the exam student line ahead.

Meanwhile, a soft voice resounded.

“Selling sausage, selling sausage. Have a gander, have a look,

passing by or passing through you must not miss it. Oscar brand
sausage, tastes beautifully fragrant and sweet. Price convenient,
quantity yet ample. Only five copper coins for one. Eat Oscar
brand sausage, guarantee you will even easier pass the entrance

Tang San and Xiao Wu inclined their heads to see, only saw
alongside not far away, a man pushing a wagon where he
peddled. A burst of meat scent disseminating from the wagon,
already already some of the lined up students had bought.

The man standing behind the cart wore simple grey clothes,
neat short hair, across his entire face a full beard, but having a
pair of peach blossom eyes, gaze roaming between, especially
towards the girls in the exam student ranks. Xiao Wu naturally

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also difficult to escape his scanning gaze. Very difficult to
believe, that such a soft feminine voice would issue from a like
this straightforward adult.

Tang San said to Xiao Wu:

“There are still several people ahead of us, you also did not eat
much for breakfast, do you want to eat a sausage?”

Xiao Wu inclined her head saying:

“It smells pretty good. Let’s try that.”

Tang San nodded, letting Xiao Wu stand in line, he walked in

the direction of the cart on his own.

Coming close, he was able to see that sausage salesman’s

height was not much different from his own, on the cart was
also nailed a board, on which was carved two words, ‘Sausage

The salesman seeing a person approach, immediately

600 Goldenagato |

enthusiastically said:

“Come for sausage? Oscar brand sausage, offering sincere

treatment to all. Flavour guaranteed.”

Tag San with a slight smile said:

“Uncle, I’ll trouble you to give me two.”

That salesman’s expression suddenly became rigid,

“You-, what did you call me?”

Tang San was also stunned,

“I called you uncle, ah, is there a problem?”

The salesman said with a bitter laugh:

“Of course there’s a problem, and still a huge problem. Little

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brother, this year I am just fourteen years old, yet you
unexpectedly call me uncle?”

“Eh……, you are just fourteen?”

Tang San shocked looked at this person before him.

The salesman confirming said:

“That’s right, I’m Oscar, this year I’m fourteen years old, a
Shrek Academy junior student, you can’t call me uncle just
because my hair is a bit lush.”

Tang San was speechless, looking at Oscar’s that large thick

beard on his face, in his heart secretly saying, ‘someone this
hairy could not be described as just a bit lush’.

“You really are only fourteen years old?”

Tang San could not help but ask.

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Oscar nodded confirmation, saying:

“Of course, I am an Academy student, anyone you ask all

know I’m fourteen.”

Tang San in his heart secretly said, ‘worthy of being a

Monster Academy, a fourteen years old youth whose beard
could unexpectedly reach this kind of length, also absolutely
counts as out of the ordinary’.

Oscar picked up two bamboo skewers from his cart, piercing

two ten centimetre sausages and handing them to Tang San, the
two sausages were previously roasting together on a charcoal
brazier on the cart, emitting a rich aroma.

Tang San took out a silver coin and handed it to him,

“Senior, truly am embarrassed, just now was my lack of


Oscar softly said:

603 Goldenagato |

“It doesn’t matter, afterwards many many times visit my
sausage cart is fine.”

Tang San straightforward said:

“No problem.”

“Tang San, what are you doing?”

Dai Mubai was bringing the last exam student, who also was
that ice cold young lady he previously stared at for a long time.

Oscar gave Dai Mubai a look, immediately revealing a painful


“Dai Mubai, have you come to eat sausage?”

“Drop dead.”

Dai Mubai gave him an unhappy glare,

604 Goldenagato |

“You really cause the Academy to lose face, I seem to have
warned you many times, do not sell sausage in the academy. It
couldn’t be you want to let people vomit? Tang San, you can’t
eat this sausage.”

Tang San puzzled asked:


Dai Mubai’s facial expression became somewhat odd,

“Little Ao, you take out the source of new sausage.”

Oscar’s expression immediately became awkward,

“Boss Dai, there’s no need, right. We even have been fellow

students for several years, like this you will let newly arrived
little juniors to have complaints of me.”

Dai Mubai coldly snorted, saying:

605 Goldenagato |

“I am only giving Tang San a warning, that’s all, Tang San is
my younger brother, and cannot be your equal. Hurry up, don’t
make me hit you.”

Oscar clearly dared not provoke Dai Mubai, helplessly

extending his right hand, somewhat wretchedly using his that
soft voice to call out.

“I, your father has a big sausage.”

Yellow light suddenly condensed in his hand, two yellow rings

of light rose up from under Oscar’s feet, immediately following,
an exact copy of the sausages Tang San held appeared in his


As Tang San heard Oscar’s line “I your father has a big

sausage’, his entire person somewhat froze. This line indeed had
too many possible meanings. Before speaking of the quality of
these sausage, or whether edible. Only Oscar having spoken that
line he still dared not eat. Especially, as this sausage was bought
for Xiao Wu.

606 Goldenagato |

Sensing Tang San’s gaze starting to become angry, Oscar
hurriedly explained:

“There is nothing I can do about this. When using food system

spirits, wanting to let food change, one must join with different
spirit incantations, these incantation words, are not something
I want to shout out. And also, the quality of my sausage is by no
means an issue.”

Tang San lightning quick returned the sausages in his hand to

the stove,

“Your sausage, still is leaving you to your eating. Dai Dage,

thank you for the warning.”

Monster, indeed a monster. Tang San somewhat did not know

whether to laugh or cry, fortunately he had not eaten that
sausage, otherwise this face would certainly lose greatly.

The ice-cold young lady Dai Mubai brought in was only coldly
looking at Oscar, walking towards the queue. Oscar innocently
shrugged at Tang San,

607 Goldenagato |

“Have pity on my delicious sausage, unexpectedly nobody
eats. Ai.”

Dai Mubai glared at him,

“You be a bit careful, go selling sausage outside the Academy.

Tang San, I bring you to pass the exam.”

The two returned to within the queue, Xiao Wu looked at

Tang San’s empty hands,

“My sausage?”

Tang San shared a look with Dai Mubai, both unable to help
it, the two immediately burst into laughter.

The ice-cold young lady stood behind Xiao Wu, in her eyes
flashed a trace of a smiling expression, coolly saying in a low


608 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu was unable to make heads or tails of their laughter,

“In the end what’s the matter? Don’t tell me that sausage
wasn’t tasty?”

Tang San covered Xiao Wu’s mouth, pulling her to his side, in
a low voice recounting the previous affair next to her ear.

Hearing Tang San’s words, Xiao Wu’s beautiful face

immediately turned a deep red,

“You boys, really is mortifying. How could there be this odd


Dai Mubai smiling said:

“This is Monster Academy, spirits naturally have fantastic

oddities of every description. However, Oscar this fellow in the
academy is also considered out of the ordinary. His that spirit is
without any potential for attack, but among food system spirits,
it’s classified as top quality. After all, he can supply meat. Only
when this fellow uses his spirit, those incantations really are too

609 Goldenagato |

disgusting. People familiar with him, absolutely will not eat
those sausages he produces. I do not know whether it is because
of the food system spirit, but his hair is much more lush
compared to ordinary people, beard in one day of not shaving
will become like right now, therefore, in the academy he also
has a Big Sausage Uncle nickname. He himself runs what he
calls the Sausage Monopoly.”

This time, even Xiao Wu could not help but laughing,

“Big Sausage Uncle, it truly is an interesting spirit.”

Dai Mubai clapped Tang San’s shoulder, saying:

“Walk, I bring you to pass the test. No need to line up.”

Tang San said:

“That is no good.”

Dai Mubai said:

610 Goldenagato |

“Be at ease, I am not favoring, this is your deserved

While speaking, he brought the two towards the front of the


Responsible for the second exam also was a senior teacher,

because of previously buying sausage, Tang San still had not had
time to see what the contents of this exam were.

Dai Mubai walked up to that teacher’s side, muttering several

lines next to his ear, also indicating Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The teacher nodded, saying:

“All right, you bring them directly to the fourth hurdle.

Passing enrollment.”

Dai Mubai returned to Tang San and Xiao Wu’s side, about to
bring the pair to go inside the Academy. But the lined up
examinees were not satisfied.

611 Goldenagato |

One male exam candidate said:

“Teacher, what’s going on? Why can those avoid the test to
enter the fourth exam. Yet we must pass through?”

The senior teacher calmly said:

“If your spirit power is also over twenty fifth rank, then, you
can also directly enter the fourth exam, need not waste time
here with me. But if you right now when testing spirit power
only have twenty first rank, then, you have to test one by one.

The male student unconvinced said:

“Their spirit power is over twenty fifth rank? That’s

impossible. We all are just twelve years old, how can such high
spirit power appear.”

Able to stand here, all had spirit power over twenty first rank,
and also age not higher than thirteen year’s old youngsters.
Originally at junior academy, existences like them, undoubtedly
all had roles in the academy like stars around the moon. But
reaching this Shrek Academy and repeatedly hitting a wall,

612 Goldenagato |

their frame of mind could not help but have some changes.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly,

“You won’t do, but don’t think other people also won’t do.
When I entered the Academy, my spirit power was twenty fifth
rank. Tang San, give them a look at your spirit power.”

While speaking, he picked up a white crystal from the desk

and tossed it to Tang San.

The testing crystal was different based on level, its color also
different, this kind of white crystal tested only the thirtieth
rank or lower, if spirit power exceeded thirtieth rank, then the
crystal would immediately burst.

Tang San at this understood why Dai Mubai persuaded him

that this test was blow their status, of course, this test was to
measure the candidate’s precise spirit power.

At that moment, he also did not speak, holding the white

crystal and directly infusing it with his Mysterious Heaven skill
internal strength.

613 Goldenagato |

In a split second, only saw a brilliant white light released in
Tang San’s hand, white crystal became as resplendent as a
diamond, the intense brilliance filling every corner of the
crystal, this clearly was evidence of spirit power on the verge of
reaching thirtieth rank.

The teacher in charge of the test showed a pondering smile,

“See, our Shrek Academy this year again will receive a pretty
good little monster.”

Tang San wore a slight smile, handing the crystal in his hands
to Xiao Wu, he could not wish for other people to complain
about Xiao Wu, regarding Xiao Wu, he had absolute confidence.

Equal white light once again shone, thoroughly blocking the

other exam candidates’ mouths, looking at Tang San and Xiao
Wu in their eyes also immediately became monsters.

Twenty ninth rank, twelve years old attaining twenty ninth

rank spirit power, was this a level humans were capable of

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However, this monster title did not only appear among the
two Tang San and Xiao Wu.

A melodious voice rose,

“Teacher, I think, I should also be excused from the second

and third tests.”

The speaker was the young lady who before Tang San and
Xiao Wu registered to test, also caused the first teacher
bewilderment. Right now Tang San and Xiao Wu just truly saw
her appearance. Level with the ears short hair, extremely fair
delicate skin, although her figure was unlike the ice cold young
lady’s heat, yet unusually harmonious, her entire person looked
to give people a kind of earthy feeling. Somehow looked like she
was a highly educated noble young lady.

If speaking of that last to enter young lady as an iceberg, then

she was a warm spring wind, her gentle and beautiful smiling
expression infecting everyone in her surroundings.

With a slight smile walking up in front of Xiao Wu, nodding

towards her. Xiao Wu subconsciously handed her the crystal.

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Bright white light once again appeared, although it did not
have the intensity of Tang San and Xiao Wu, it still absolutely
surpassed twenty fifth rank spirit power level, appearing to be
about twenty sixth rank or so.

Just when she thought to inquire from the testing teacher

whether she also could directly go to the fourth test, she
suddenly discovered, the crystal in her hand was missing.
Another figure had already quietly appeared at her side,
immediately following, shining white light once again radiated.
The light compared to when she infused spirit power still must
be a bit more powerful, even to the extent of twenty seventh
ranked spirit power.

This sudden appearance, was exactly the ice cold young lady
last to follow Dai Mubai here.

The testing teacher’s face was repeatedly covered by surprise,

“Monsters one after another, this year especially many. All of

a sudden there are four. Good, good, apparently, I have water to
ask for a raise. Mubai, you bring these four together to the
fourth test.”

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Dai Mubai respectfully answered, evil eyes with a complex

expression looking at the ice cold young lady, then turning
around and walking towards the inside of the academy. This
time, no students again raised an issue. Strength was sufficient

Among the four exam candidates, only Tang San and Dai
Mubai had a relationship regarded as pretty good, while
following him inside, asked:

“Dai Dage, the entrance exam altogether only has four tests?”

Dai Mubai nodded, saying:

“Altogether four tests. The first you already went through. It

was to reject applicants with spirit power short of twenty first
rank, or possibly age exceeding thirteen years old. This filters
out most people. The second test is conducted to appraise spirit
power and spirit. Merely having great spirit power is not
sufficient to prove future growth potential, this test mainly

617 Goldenagato |

tests the spirit, only spirits possessing sufficient growth
potential, furthermore previous cultivation developing in a
proper direction spirit masters can enter the third test. Of
course, if the spirit is extremely extraordinarily freakish, one is
also able to be chosen. In this way little Ao originally passed.”

Regarding Dai Mubai’s words, Tang San very easily

understood, after all, Grandmaster in this respect already
instilled in him thoroughly. Equal spirits, but picking different
development directions, means future results are also different.
This second test mainly was filtering out those examinees spirit
who also had the first two spirit rings where later conflicts with
cultivation could occur.

“Dai Dage, but my spirit is blue silver grass. It should belong

to the least growth potential spirits. Why……”

Dai Mubai smiled straightforwardly, saying:

“You also need not be modest, how would I still not know
your strength? The Academy provisions, if an applying exam
candidates spirit power exceeds twenty fifth rank, then, no
matter what the spirit is, can directly pass the second and third
trials. Like one strength subduing ten, even if your spirit’s
quality is somewhat lacking, but your spirit power is far above,

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relying on spirit power superiority, still will become a
formidable spirit master.”

Xiao Wu could not help asking:

“What is the third test?”

Dai Mubai said:

“The third is to test the examinee’s own spirit application

level. Only having spirit power and growth potential won’t do,
simultaneously still need to controle the own spirit’s strength.
the higher rank of the spirit the more difficult to control, this
very easily becomes an issue. If regarding spirit’s control one
cannot attain a certain degree, then, this proves the spirit
master is insufficiently diligent. Students like this we also do
not accept.”

Tang San immediately understood his meaning, Dai Mubai

said, a spirit somewhat hard to control, like his second spirit,
that monstrous hammer, its weight was incomparably oddly
great, and also along with his spirit power increasing, that
hammer’s weight also unceasingly increased. Tang San thought
to himself, even if using Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer

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Method, under peak conditions, he still only could swing that
hammer three times.

Not waiting for Xiao Wu to ask again, Dai Mubai continued

with the fourth test,

“The fourth is to test the examinee’s actual combat

experience. Some students own spirit is not bad, regarding
spirit control also not bad. But from childhood living in a noble
family, long in a privileged environment. Fundamentally
without any understanding of the outside world, let alone
fighting. This kind of student, the Academy also won’t accept.
The Dean said, ‘pampered and spoiled since childhood
absolutely refused’.”

(有教无类) Literally “having teaching no category”, idiom:

“education for everyone, irrespective of background”. I guess
maybe “education is blind”.

(怪物) Can also be translated as “freak” or “eccentric”.

With much the same euphemisms as in English.

620 Goldenagato |

(Aosika 奥斯卡)

Xiao Ao (小奥), Ao is the first character in Oscar.

(老大) “Eldest”, or in informally as boss.

He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to

refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a
formal personal pronoun.

Idiomatic expression, the academy revolved around them.

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Chapter 18 - Motionless Bright King Zhao

Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, the four people following him

were silent for a time, it was still Xiao Wu who couldn’t help but
first open her mouth,

“You are picking students like picking a wife. This also is too
strict. It’s no wonder that teacher at the entrance said only
monsters are accepted here. People able to pass these four
exams, maybe also only are monsters. I very much want to ask
once, how many students does Shrek Academy currently have?
Every year recruits how many students?”

This time it was Dai Mubai’s turn to show a wry smiled.

“Our Shrek Academy from founding until now, in twenty

years, has altogether enrolled forty two students. An average
year has a little more than two students. This year all four of
you might be recruited, which must be considered setting a
record. Before this, the Academy already had two years without
accepting any students. Currently, in the academy in the
process of studying students counting me altogether are still

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Apart from the ice cold young lady, Tang San, Xiao Wu and
that beautiful young lady practically cried out simultaneously.

Dai Mubai laughed mockingly at himself,

“In the entire Douluo Continent, we can be considered as the

only Academy where there are more teachers than students.
Even after enrolling you, our Academy’s students numbers will
in no way surpass the teachers.

Tang San said:

“Like this, how can the Academy continue existing? Without a

supply of students, it should be without income.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Why else do you think the Academy would be such a small

village? It’s because of the lack of funds. If not for my home still

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sponsoring some, the Academy might have closed down last
year. If this year again was without recruits, then, us three
people studying, would be Shrek Academy’s last students.”

“Then why did the Academy not relax some when people
tested to apply? The applicant people I saw also could not be
regarded as few.”

The gentle and beautiful young lady said doubtfully.

Dai Mubai exposed a reverent expression,

“The Dean said, better to have nothing, no matter when, even

if it meant closing Shrek Academy, than to accept rubbish. Only
monsters. You know what the Academy’s graduation
requirements are? This is already not an intermediate spirit
master academy, nor an advanced spirit master academy.
Because our requirements are different from theirs. We only
want students thirteen years old or under, who also must be
true genius. But the Academy’s graduation requirements, are to
exceed fortieth rank, and moreover before being twenty years
old exceeding fortieth rank, attaining spirit ancestor level just
to permit graduation.”

624 Goldenagato |

“The Academy in total has enrolled forty two students, but
truly graduating, only has fourteen people. After these fourteen
people left the academy, not one was a person unable to receive
worldwide attention. Among them are the most remarkable,
right now already Spirit Hall’s youngest elder, authority and
prestige second only to the pope. The rest who did not graduate,
were unable to before twenty years of age attain fortieth ranked
cultivation or were killed while hunting spirit beasts. The Dean
said, insufficient to reach forty first rank, must not go out and
make him lose face.”

Saying this last part, Dai Mubai’s mood clearly became

excited, concerning that Shrek Academy’s dean, he clearly was
extremely reverent.

Tang San smiled, saying to Dai Mubai:

“I’m very glad, to be able to come here.”

Dai Mubai sighed, saying:

“Balak Kingdoms royal family originally planned to sponsor

the Academy, but demanded the Academy’s graduates must
swear fealty to the royal family, and were immediately refused

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by the Dean. Our Shrek Academy is also incompatible with
other academies, in no small measure pushed aside, therefore
just becoming this current appearance.”

Tang San suddenly found, he very much longed for being able
to meet that dean Dai Mubai spoke of, he very much wanted to
see, after all what kind of person, was able to for twenty years
continuously persist in establishing this kind of academy.

“We’ve arrived.”

Dai Mubai halted his steps. By now, they had reached another
open space. This compared to that previous second exam
location was much smaller, only two hundred square metres or
so. One looking like he was over fifty years old middle aged man
sat napping on a chair.

“Teacher Zhao, I’m bringing people to take the fourth exam.”

“En? This year there is a fourth exam? Unexpectedly it’s still

four people.”

The middle aged man opened hazy sleepy eyes, somewhat

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surprised looking at the four male and female youths before
him, as if coming across some manner of inconceivable affair.

Dai Mubai said:

“Not only are there four people for the fourth exam, but they
still also were all excused from the second and third tests.”

Teacher Zhao’s eyes shone, standing up from the chair, his

stature was not tall, and appearance very ordinary. But looking
extremely rugged. Compared to twelve years old Tang San he
still was somewhat shorter in height but unexpectedly gave
people a majestic feeling.

Wide shoulders resembling city walls, jacket basically unable

to cover his whole body that was like cast from steel full of
powerful muscles, although the expression on his face was
amiable, the sturdy stature virtually gave people a kind of
intense pressure.

“Four surpassing twenty fifth rank, not bad, not bad,

apparently this year there are not few little monsters. Mine is
the last hurdle, passing my trial, you will be able to formally
become members of Shrek Academy. However, my trial cannot

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be so simple to pass. Real combat experience is necessary for
every spirit master to possess. What I examine, is your
capability in this respect.”

Smiling his gaze swept from Tang San across the others,
mildly looking at them,

“I’m called Zhao Wuji, since you four are all excused from the
second and third exams, I will personally accompany you to
play. Right now I give you one stick of incense of time to come
to a mutual understanding and discuss. After one stick of
incense, the test begins. The test contents, are for the four of
you together to withstand my attack for one stick of incense of
time. With only one person able to persevere to the end, it
counts as you all passing. I hope you understand, don’t try
cheap tricks, there are no people able to use speed to escape this
range. At the same time, I can also advise you, relying on one
person’s power to obstruct my attack is also impossible.
Mutually coordinating together is your only chance of success.”

“Teacher Zhao, this is not so good.”

Dai Mubai hesitatingly said.

628 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji started at him, saying:

“What isn’t good. The dean’s not here, in the Academy I’m
the greatest, what I say is good is good. Good, I will light the
incense. Your time is not much, make your preparations. Little
Bai, you also can also tell them about my strength’s properties,
let them have a little preparation.”

Having spoken these lines, from somewhere he pulled out a

stick of incense, fingers pinching over the tip of the incense,
unexpectedly directly igniting the incense, in an instant, the
incense was already stuck in the ground, and moreover did not
have the slightest tremble.

Having finished this, Zhao Wuji again sat back down on his
chair closing his eyes to continue sleeping.

Tang San’s four had not had any particular feeling because of
this teacher Zhao’s suggested testing method, on the contrary
Dai Mubai’s face was solemn, towards the four saying:

“You come over here a bit.”

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The four crowded at his side.

Dai Mubai said with a grave expression:

“This time I also am unable to help you. Didn’t expect teacher

Zhao to suddenly personally do this.”

Xiao Wu smiling said:

“This teacher Zhao could not also be like that old man by the
gate, a spirit emperor level strength.”

Dai Mubai shook his head, saying:


Xiao Wu smiling said:

“Then don’t worry. How to say, we four also all have close to
thirtieth ranked strength, with four to one, as long as strength
gap is not too wide, don’t tell me one stick of incense of time

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won’t do?”

Dai Mubai looked at her, expression a bit like he was looking

at an idiot,

“If you think teacher Zhao is that good at holding back his
attack, then then you’re gravely mistaken. Correct, teacher
Zhao certainly isn’t a sixtieth ranked layer spirit emperor grade
spirit master, he is a seventy sixth ranked spirit sage. Beast
spirit, battle spirit sage. He is the academy’s deputy chairman,
composite strength second only to the Dean.”

Tang San’s four people’s pupils practically contracted

simultaneously, seventy sixth ranked? In their impression, let
alone the less than thirtieth ranked them, even if it was
confronting a ten thousand man army, a spirit sage level spirit
master was still able to move unhindered with ease.

Xiao Wu not daring to believe said:

“He is seventy sixth ranked? But compared to that gate old

man he looks much younger.”

631 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai calmly said:

“Age can never completely represent the issue. There’s not

much time, I simply tell you teacher Zhao’s expert abilities,
afterwards you must immediately design a strategy to counter
him, otherwise, let alone one stick of incense, being able to
withstand his first attack counts as not bad.”

Tang San’s four peoples’ expressions became solemn, facing a

seventy sixth ranked spirit sage level, that could not be a joking

Tang San who was from Holy Spirit village had the legends of
a spirit sage, that only was legends, nothing more, but before
his eyes this spirit sage was near now, and also still became their
test advancement examiner.

Dai Mubai said with a wry smile:

“Originally teacher Zhao only was the proctor responsible for

the fourth test, nothing more, your adversary should be me.
Only must be able to endure my attacks for one stick of incense
of time, considered passing. But who knew today he would be
that abnormally strung, unexpectedly would personally put his

632 Goldenagato |

hand to it.”

“Teacher Zhao’s spirit is a Vigorous Vajra Bear, it’s a kind of

powerful beast spirit. The whole body does not have any
weakness, defensive power is extremely terrifying, even if it was
a spirit master of the same level, would still be very difficult to
cut open his defense to cause him harm. Even though speed is
not what teacher Zhao is expert in, between you and him the
spirit power gap really is too big, in this respect also cannot
compare to his even higher speed. Teacher Zhao’s most is
powerful in physical attack power and defense power. In the
Academy he’s nicknamed Motionless Bright King. Let alone you
four, even if adding me, still might not be able to obstruct his
attack for one stick of incense, right now I only hope teacher
Zhao when attacking you will not take it so seriously.”

Has no weak point. Four simple words already declared Zhao

Wuji’s formidable area.

The short haired beautiful young lady suddenly cried out,

“He unexpectedly is Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji. On

the Continent missing for ten years, didn’t expect him to be a
teacher at Shrek Academy. Originally, Motionless Bright King
Zhao Wuji with Spirit Hall had a disagreement, Spirit Hall

633 Goldenagato |

wanted to punish him, but he simply rushed through from
within sixteen bishops’ siege. Afterwards that matter also was
left unsettled. Spirit Hall’s bishops, are all at least sixtieth
ranked or more spirit emperor level, that time Zhao Wuji
should also only have been sixty something ranked. Right
shouldn’t he be more difficult to deal with.”

Dai Mubai silently nodded, saying:

“At least, I never saw teacher Zhao’s appearance at all his

strength. Therefore, you hope for the best. Among teacher
Zhao’s seven spirit rings, the first two are hundred year spirit
rings, the third spirit ring and the fourth spirit ring are
thousand year, the later three spirit rings are entirely ten
thousand year. And also, the seven spirit rings are adding both
attack and defense. You should be able to imagine his
frightfulness. Right now, you first get familiar with each other,
announcing your names and abilities, having a look how you
should best match abilities to withstand Zhao Wuji’s exam.”

Tang San first opened his mouth,

“I’m Tang San, tool spirit blue silver grass, twenty ninth
ranked control system battle spirit master.”

634 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu looking at Tang San speaking, second said:

“Xiao Wu, beast spirit rabbit, twenty ninth ranked assault

system spirit master.”

The level with her ears short hair young lady hesitated a
moment, then spoke:

“Ning Rongrong, tool spirit seven treasure glazed tile pagoda,

twenty sixth ranked auxiliary system spirit master.”

Finally the ice cold young lady as before cold and detached,
indifferently said:

“Zhu Zhuqing, beast spirit hell civet, twenty seventh ranked

agility attack system spirit master.”

Just as the four people left their introductions, including Dai

Mubai, among the four people’s gazes focused on one person.
This person attracting the other’s attention, was that short hair
young lady Ning Rongrong.

635 Goldenagato |

Tang San shocked said:

“Your spirit is seven treasure glazed tile pagoda. That means,

you come from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?”

Seven treasure glazed tile pagoda this kind of spirit according

to legend, on the entire Douluo Continent, could only be
possessed by children directly related to the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School.

Master of that seven treasure glazed tile pagoda this tool spirit
could be evaluated with only simply one line: In all the
Continent, the most formidable auxiliary tool spirit. The best
companion for all fighting system spirit masters.

Among Spirit Hall’s six signs, not among the three signs on
Grandmaster’s token tile, among them was the seven treasure
glazed tile pagoda.

Ning Rongrong stuck out a cute little tongue, saying:

“Don’t stare, I’m no different from ordinary people. I’ve

stealthily run away from home. Let’s first speak of our present

636 Goldenagato |

test again. My spirit is seven treasure glazed tile pagoda, two
spirit rings. Able to variously increase everyone’s speed and
strength attributes. Amplification about thirty percent.
Sustaining until one stick of incense goes out is no problem.”

Thirty percent amplification, this already was a considerably

good number, but Tang San knew, the reason Grandmaster
named this seven treasure glazed tile pagoda the most powerful
auxiliary system spirit existence, was because of for every spirit
ring upgrade, not only able to evolve the upgrade of a kind of
attribute, simultaneously, still would allow each preceding
spirit ring’s attribute upgrade to increase ten percent again.

Also to say, if Ning Rongrong’s spirit power attained thirtieth

rank or above, not only could she increase one more type of
attribute, but also the possessed attribute amplification effects
would become forty percent. And so on. At seventieth rank able
to in a moment increase seven types of attributes by eighty
percent. It was this kind of terrifying effect.

If having this kind of seven treasure glazed tile pagoda spirit

master auxiliary, practically could by itself in a moment double
their actual strength. Regarding surpassing strong spirit
masters, seven treasure glazed tile pagoda’s amplification effect
was in that case even higher.

637 Goldenagato |

In either of the two heavenly imperial regions, only having
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s spirit masters appear,
immediately all would become a spirit master organization
fighting for the goal. Receiving ten thousand peoples’ attention.

Fortunately, seven treasure glazed tile pagoda’s amplification

effect did not stack, in other words, if having two seven
treasures glazed tile pagoda spirit masters, the amplification
would only be according to the effect of the highest spirit

Seven treasures glazed tile pagoda’s biggest weak point was

having no firepower, requiring gathering battle spirit masters to
defend. But volunteers to become seven treasure glazed tile
pagoda’s protector was definitely not few. Among them
including at least two among spirit masters top level existences,
title Douluo. On the entire Continent, seven treasure glazed tile
school was absolutely ranked in the top three schools.

As for what kind of amplification effect would emerge on

seven treasure glazed tile pagoda finally reaching eightieth rank
and ninetieth rank, only their school’s inner core members
were able to know. All along it was Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School’s biggest secret.

638 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai drew a deep breath, saying:

“You four’s matching is contrary to what one might expect

pretty good, without duplicate system spirits. How to resist
teacher Zhao’s attack, you decide on your own.”

Tang San considered, saying:

“Ning Rongrong is in charge of supporting us three, then,

Xiao Wu is in charge of the main assault, I’m in charge of
controlling teacher Zhang’s attack, restricting him as far as
possible, simultaneously supporting Xiao Wu’s frontal charge.
Zhu Zhuqing, I’ll trouble you with the flank, relying on your
speed to pin him down.”

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong nodded, Zhu Zhuqing looked at

Tang San, and finally also nodded slightly, having agreed with
his proposal.

Within this short time, they could only use this kind of simple
tactics. As for the result, they could only use actual combat to
test it. No matter how to put it, they all had never run into such
a formidable opponent, the opponent’s strength reaching what
degree they still could only fight to find out.

639 Goldenagato |

“Discussion is over.”

Zhao Wuji’s resonant voice resounded, the four people turned

to look, that stick of incense on the ground had already burnt to
the end.

“Teacher, we can begin.”

Dai Mubai nodded towards Zhao Wuji, quickly stepping back

to spectate on the side. Even though this was an abnormal fight,
to see Zhao Wuji put out his skill, as a strength domination type
of spirit master, he naturally would not let slip this learning

Zhao Wuji once again stood up, both hands grasping each
other, loosening his wrists, creating repeated sounds of cracking
bones making peoples’ teeth ache, the intangible pressure
suddenly increasing even more.

Zhao Wuji in his hand once again held out a stick of incense,
without waiting he ignited it, Ning Rongrong already taking the
lead for action.

640 Goldenagato |

“Seven treasures glazed tile pagoda.”

Body floating in the air spinning all the way around,

dazzlingly beautiful seven colored light immediately released
from inside her body, only seeing that seven colored light
condensing, within Ning Rongrong’s right palm already sat a
one cun tall seven colored pagoda.

The treasure’s light flickering, noble air pressing, Ning

Rongrong wore a slight smile, entire person looking to float in
the air like an immortal. Two yellow spirit rings rose up from
underneath, quietly hovering around her body.

“Seven treasure words, first spoken: Strength.”

The first spirit ring rose up, enveloping the seven colored
pagoda, at Ning Rong Rong’s left hand’s directions, three
streams of bright light simultaneously shot out, separately
enveloping the bodies of Tang San’s three people.

Immediately, a warm energy bubbled up from the four limbs

hundred bones, three people suddenly felt like their whole
bodies were brimming with strength, spirit power continuously

641 Goldenagato |

rushing up within like it was boiling.

Zhao Wuji somewhat shocked looked at Ning Rongrong,

“Man, among this year’s examinees there’s unexpectedly one

of the seven treasures glazed tile clan. Pretty good, pretty good,
that old ghost Flender must be excited this time.”

While speaking, he effortlessly threw the already ignited

incense in his hand, sticking in the ground.

“Seven treasure words, second spoken: Speed.”

Again three streams of bright light floated out, Ning

Rongrong’s second spirit ring also displayed its effect.

The body’s lightness made Tang San feel like he had lost his
weight, in his heart secretly gasping in admiration, seven
treasures glazed tile pagoda sure enough was not named in vain,
worthy of being called the first spirit in auxiliary system. Speed
and strength simultaneously increasing thirty percent,
immediately made him feel like his power had greatly increased.

642 Goldenagato |

Right at this time, Zhao Wuji moved, not at all rushing over
towards Tang San’s four people, instead both legs half
crouching, both fists simultaneously pounding the ground.

“Not good.”

Tang San cried out, the moment Zhao Wuji started his attack,
he already understood what the opponent would do.

Grandmaster once said, if one day encountering an opponent

from Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, then, within the first
moment, must first dispose of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
School spirit master.

Zhao Wuji’s attack clearly was not directed at Ning Rongrong

alone, but this area attack of his clearly was for the purpose of
first interrupting Ning Rongrong’s seven treasures glazed tile
pagoda auxiliary effect.

One blue and black long vine abruptly flew out, on the vine
were not sharp thorns, because it only had the effect of Tang
San’s first spirit ring, the long vine twisting like lightning
around Ning Rongrong’s waist, Tang San simultaneously

643 Goldenagato |

leaping up himself, also bringing Ning Rongrong’s body into the

With a dull rumbling sound, the earth shook violently, a wave

of yellow earth abruptly released along the ground towards
Tang San’s four people.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing responded very quickly, Xiao Wu

jumping ahead, Zhu Zhuqing leaping to the side, simultaneously
sweeping past the quake, Tang San jumped at practically the
same time as Xiao Wu, including jumping

644 Goldenagato |

Chapter 19 - Tang San’s Hidden Weapons

Zhao Wuji’s pair of hands became especially massive, just like

big palm leaves.

Just as Tang San said, previously Zhao Wuji had not used any
of his spirit power, before when Zhu Zhuqing was attacking his
weak points, even he all had not thought he must use spirit body

Speaking of him as a seventy sixth ranked spirit sage, several

twenty something spirit grandmasters truly were too puny. He
was only toying with these children, loosening up his body,
that’s all.

But, generally one often must pay the price, precisely because
he underestimated them, again adding Tang San’s three people
to Ning Rongrong’s seven treasures glazed tile pagoda
amplification their actual strength already exceeded thirtieth
ranked level, though they still did not have that corresponding
perfection from practicing, immediately let this Motionless
Bright King eat his fault.

Zhao Wuji patted the dirt from his head, unhappily saying:

645 Goldenagato |

“Truly fuck his eighty year old mother to be tripped by
children, apparently, at odds with you at several serious points
were on the point of death. Little Bai, what are you laughing at,
tomorrow come find me for a real combat lesson.”


Watching from the sides apparently Dai Mubai had been

laughing in his sleeve at Zhao Wuji’s appearance with head and
shoulders covered with dirt, right now hearing Zhao Wuji’s
words, the smile did not appear again.

“Children, come. We’ll continue.”

Zhao Wuji advanced with large strides, walking straight in

Tang San and Xiao Wu’s direction. The two’s previous implicit
recognition matching had given him a remaining profound

“Xiao Wu, meteor person hammer.”

646 Goldenagato |

Tang San called out.

Xiao Wu’s toes on Tang San’s shoulders, once again pounced,

merely this time she no longer was going hands first, but
became feet first, kicking straight for Zhao Wuji’s head.

At the same time, ten blue silver grass simultaneously surged

out from around Tang San’s body, from different directions
tangling around Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji raised his hands to smack towards Xiao Wu, but
who could have imagined, Xiao Wu’s body still had not reached
before him, but suddenly changed direction, this palm of his
naturally only clapped the air. Xiao Wu swept across from the
side, one leg kicking at Zhao Wuji’s shoulders.

Originally, the so called meteor person hammer, was hidden

weapon Meteor Hammer’s clone, reying on blue silver grass
binding, Tang San controlled Xiao Wu’s body moving nimbly in
midair, launching an attack. Unfortunately, the defense power
of Zhao Wuji they faced was truly too unreasonable, even if his
dodging ability didn’t matter, wanting to touch his body could
not be so easy.

647 Goldenagato |

Common hidden weapons were divided into four main
categories, hand thrown, mechanism launched, wire system,
drug spray. Like a Meteor Hammer, Red Holding Lasso, Flying
Claw, these were all classified as wire systems. Although less
secret than other types of hidden weapons, other hidden
weapons were unable to have the same extraordinary attacking

Zhao Wuji also looked distracted by this kick, in the light

brown eyes finally revealed a somewhat serious expression.
These several children could all become his students, if again
letting them make this kind of display, he would lose too much
face, how could he still later instruct them?

Zhu Zhuqing would not stay idle, in a moment of Zhao Wuji

advancing on Tang San’s pair, on her body the two yellow spirit
rings also simultaneously shone up, one blue one green both
eyes pupils abruptly stood up, quietly accelerating forward,
body in a flash soaring, entire person under spirit power was
wrapped midair into a ball, rapidly rotating dashing towards
Zhao Wuji.

Within her that round silhouette, only saw claw images one
after another, exactly her second spirit ring ability, Hell
Hundred Claws. Relying on the body’s rapid rotation and cat
claw’s penetrating attack power, in an extremely short time

648 Goldenagato |

inflicting a hundred attacks on the enemy, furthermore
attacking the same location, its formidable power extremely

When Zhao Wuji was hit by Xiao Wu’s kick, also exactly the
moment Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Hundred Claw struck his back. Hell
Hundred Claw was like a rapidly rotating saw toothed gear,
lightning fast cutting Zhao Wuji’s back.


A bellow abruptly resounded, in Zhao Wuji’s eyes a cold light

released, both fists abruptly gripping tight. Among the seven
spirit rings on his body, the first yellow spirit ring in a flash
shone up.

Intense golden light exploded out in practically a split second,

fully engaged in Hell Hundred Claw Zhu Zhuqing was
immediately sent flying, in midair issuing a wretched groan.

Dai Mubai strangely quickly appeared where she was about to

drop, catching her in his arms. Discovering Zhu Zhuqing had
already passed out from the jolt, and both arms also already

649 Goldenagato |

Simultaneously suffering calamity still was Xiao Wu, her kick
at Zhao Wuji, body only just brought up by Tang San’s blue
silver grass, as Zhao Wuji’s attack unleashed, on Tang San’s
body blue silver grass also flew out just in time to bind Zhao
Wuji’s body.

In that intense golden light, this all became useless effort.

Although Xiao Wu was not in as close contact as Zhu Zhuqing,
still flew up from the jolt, Tang San’s blue silver grass whether
it was close to the body or still not close to the body, each within
three metres around Zhao Wuji’s body completely rebounded
back, and near the body even more was smashed to pieces.

Three muffled sounds practically simultaneously resounded.

Receiving the biggest wound was Zhu Zhuqing, next was Xiao

Violent shaking force caused Xiao Wu in midair to spout out a

mouthful of blood, whole body tingling, directly blue silver
grass brought her to drop in Tang San’s arms.

Although Tang San received the lightest wound, only was

under blue silver grass pull by the shock suffering burning

650 Goldenagato |

agony, but Xiao Wu’s injuries caused him again to be unable to
maintain his calm.

Zhao Wuji’s display, was precisely his first spirit ring ability,
Motionless Bright King Body. Despite that only being a hundred
year spirit ring, the same spirit ability, used with different spirit
power, the effect also was different. Relying on seventy sixth
ranked spirit power, this hundred year spirit ring’s bestowed
ability reached ample effect. Attack and defense integrated,
immediately breaking Tang San’s trio’s joint attack.

This was power, a spirit sage’s true strength

Ning Rongrong was also greatly anxious, right now that stick
of incense had just burned down half, but while her seven
treasures glazed tile pagoda included every kind of auxiliary
attribute, it did not incorporate any treatment. She only had
two spirit rings, additional effects also only were that many,
again feeling anxious and useless.

Zhao Wuji’s speed suddenly became faster, in seemingly only

one step reaching before Tang San, immense palm lifting, the
second spirit ring on his body simultaneously shining, bursting
into loud laughter, the palm under spirit ring’s infusion in a
flash became golden, its bulk magnifying to twice its size,

651 Goldenagato |

directly swatting at Tang San.

Xiao Wu was currently still at Tang San’s chest, Tang San

naturally could not let her take his place to obstruct this palm,
and he hastily pulled her away, but it was not a simple action,
making him lose his own opportunity to evade.

But at this time, on Xiao Wu’s body the second spirit ring
shone, both her eyes suddenly turning blood red, with fixed
eyes gazing towards Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji only felt a spell of dizziness in his brain, startled,

this descending palm naturally also became slow moving, spirit
power also weakening more than half, golden light releasing in
his eyes,

“Good, unexpectedly has a confusion type spirit ability.”

The red light in Xiao Wu’s eyes contrasted with the golden
light in Zhao Wuji’s eyes, suddenly groaning loudly, she directly
fainted at Tang San’s chest. Mouth and nose simultaneously
overflowing with blood.

652 Goldenagato |

Tang San was practically subconsciously drawing support
from this opportunity, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track,
breaking away from Zhao Wuji’s attack range.

Zhao Wuji’s palm also did not truly clap down, he

furthermore had unexpectedly harmed these children.

“Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu.”

Tang San anxiously called out several times, hurriedly

imparting Mysterious Heaven skill within Xiao Wu. But Xiao
Wu did not react at all.

Zhao Wuji did not pursue and attack again, standing there,

“She will be fine, although the confusion type spirit ability

has good effect, the gap between her spirit power and mine is
too big, suffering her own spirit power backlash, naturally also
can only have this result. Same as your that blue silver grass
incidentally being ineffective on me. Let her sleep one night,
tomorrow she’ll wake up recovered.

653 Goldenagato |

Gaze shifting to Ning Rongrong, Zhao Wuji slightly smiling

“I need not have another shot. Seven treasures glaze tile

school little girl. You lose. You several still are too lacking. Even
unable to resist for my one stick of incense of time. This is the
disparity of actual strength.

Hugging the soft like silk Xiao Wu, Tang San slowly raised his
head, his black pupils without any emotion, completely

Holding Xiao Wu he slowly turned, walking in front of Ning


“Could I trouble you, first help me take care of Xiao Wu a


Ning Rongrong stared blankly a moment, removing her seven

treasures glazed tile pagoda spirit, receiving Xiao Wu into her
arms. Although her spirit was auxiliary nature, spirit masters
all had spirit power, their bodies were naturally much stronger
than ordinary people, holding Xiao Wu one girl counted as

654 Goldenagato |

Having delivered Xiao Wu to Ning Rongrong, Tang San
turned and walked towards Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji was stunned a moment,

“What, you still want to continue? I’m afraid that you could
not receive my attack even once. My second spirit ring ability
Vigorous Vajra Palm can’t be so easy to withstand.”

Zhao Wuji of course could not because that stick of incense

had not completely burned out refuse these four children before
him to enter Shrek Academy, in fact actually the opposite. The
strength which these children displayed made him greatly
pleasantly surprised. Not only did each one’s actual strength all
have characteristics, but also under the prerequisite of not
previously exercising together unexpectedly were able to
coordinate with this implicit understanding. The limits of their
future prospects could not be measured. With the Academy only
were three students to compare, only strong or not.

The reason his last words were a bit unkind, was hoping these
children because of their talent would not come to be haughty,
previously Shrek Academy was not at all without cases where

655 Goldenagato |

because of pride lead to later strength progress being slow-
moving. Zhao Wuji could not hope for these several good
saplings before him to walk a crooked road. Only he didn’t
expect, Tang San unexpectedly would walk back, alone being
this courageous already made Zhao Wuji greatly admire him.

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“I am not at all asking to continue with your present exam.”

Zhao Wuji somewhat disappointed said:

“Then you are saying, you will concede?”

Tang San again shook his head,

“No, I hope I can with you fight earnestly one bout.

Everything starting afresh. Please again ignite a stick of incense.
If I persevere for one stick of incense of time, then, please
permit us four to simultaneously enter Shrek Academy.”

Zhao Wuji like smiling yet not smiling looked at Tang San,

656 Goldenagato |


“Then if you cannot persevere? Do not forget, just now you

four people together, ultimately still lost.”

Tang San could on his behalf make the decision, even could on
behalf of Xiao Wu at present make the decision, but he could not
substitute for the additional two. Turning his head to look at
Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Currently, Zhu Zhuqing’s dislocated arms were already taken

care of by Dai Mubai, herself also coming awake, only was
breathing weakly, although unexpectedly remained at Dai
Mubai’s chest, she at present was already without strength to
stand up.

Ning Rongrong slightly smiled towards Tang San,

“Tang San, we are comrades in arms. From childhood my

father instructed me, one cannot abandon comrades in arms.
Worst comes to worst we will leave together, in any case we
already failed the test. The imperial capital’s academy certainly
will not reject us.”

657 Goldenagato |

Tang San again looked towards Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing
seemingly without strength to speak, but strongly bracing her
body, nodded to Tang San.

Even though today just was the first meeting, his comrades’
trust, as if bestowing Tang San incomparable strength. Turning
around, once again facing Zhao Wuji,

“If I lose, then we together will leave.”

Zhao Wuji looked at the several children before him, the more
he saw the more he liked, bursting into loud laughter saying:

“Good, good, then let me have a look, what power you still
possess to ward off my attack. As you wish.”

Zhao Wuji once again ignited a stick of incense, sticking it in

the ground.

Tang San’s both feet stood in a not 丁 not 八 stance, over the
whole body power slowly condensing. Finally this time, he
already did not plan to conceal his actual strength. Xiao Wu
being wounded to unconsciousness to his mind brought about

658 Goldenagato |

enormous provocation, deep in his heart he was even more
brimming with self incrimination. As a big brother without
protecting well his younger sister, if he could not on behalf of
his little sister retrieve justice, then for what reason could he
still be called big brother?

Although it was the first time meeting Ning Rongrong and

Zhu Zhuqing, their trust made Tang San resolve to let them see
his true power. As for Dai Mubai, for some reason, regarding
that compared to his own spirit power more formidable youth,
Tang San from the beginning had a kind of trustworthy feeling.

Tang San still deeply remembered Mysterious Heaven

Treasure Record’s overall key lines, one forever must not try to
disguise as a hog eating tiger, otherwise one very easily will
really become the hog.

Currently he only just completely understood the meaning of

these words. If just now they faced not Shrek Academy’s
teacher, but an enemy. Then, perhaps Xiao Wu would have
found it very difficult to escape. And if his genuine unique skill
still had not been used, wouldn’t it have become a lifelong
regret? Therefore, Tang San resolved to no longer hide, he also
realized this Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji before him came
to see what degree his actual strength actually reached.

659 Goldenagato |

Without Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda amplifying
strength and speed, Tang San clearly felt his body was a bit
heavy, both arms slightly trembling, letting his body as soon as
possible adapt to the current state of affairs. Simultaneously,
both his hands already gradually became white, a white lustre
like jade. Between the ten fingers, faint streams of qi seemingly
moved. Head lowered, making the opponent unable to see his
already completely turned purple pair of eyes.

Zhao Wuji clearly felt Tang San’s body atmosphere have some
slight transformation, clearly spirit power did not at all
consequently strengthen, but he did not know why, at his Spirit
Sage level actual strength he felt some danger.

One twenty ninth ranked child unexpectedly would let him

have a feeling of danger? Zhao Wuji somewhat disbelieving,
pressed to use his first spirit ring ability Motionless Bright King
Body, walking towards Tang San with large strides. His speed
was not at all fast, but his pace was extremely steady, under
each step, the ground would faintly tremble.

“Teacher Zhao, take care.”

Tang San suddenly ferociously raised his head, in his eyes a

purple light abruptly rich and powerful, seeing his those purple

660 Goldenagato |

eyes, Zhao Wuji was immediately startled, underfoot pace also
slowing. After all, relying on eyesight confusion attacks, was
among spirit abilities the most difficult kind to resist.
Previously when clashing with Xiao Wu he nearly got the worst
of it.

But very quickly Zhao Wuji realized, in Tang San’s eyes the
purple light did not at all have any attack effect. And at his this
slowing. Tang San’s hands hanging on either side of his waist
swiftly rose.

Chichichichichichichichichichi……, Ten cold lights at Tang

San’s both hands’ ten fingers lightly twirling burst forth,
separately shooting towards Zhao Wuji’s eyes, shoulders,
throat, heart, knees, genitals and abdomen. The ten cold lights’
attacking locations unexpectedly were not the same,
furthermore aiming for all the vitals.

The ear piercing air splitting sounds startled Zhao Wuji, in all
his ability, nimbleness was his least expert kind, after spirit
body enhancement, although his speed increased somewhat,
because of the huge build, added to its astonishing defensive
power, when facing enemies he would choose to the way of
meeting force with force.

661 Goldenagato |

To suddenly be confronted by the extremely accurate ten cold
lights, Zhao Wuji reacted very quickly, a pair of bear paws one
up one down, above obstructing his eyes, below obstructing his
lower body. With a deep roar, on his whole body spirit power
burst forth, Motionless Bright King Body’s full power pressed
into use.

Tang San after emitting the ten cold lights, body had not
paused the slightest amount, using Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, lightning quick retreating backwards.

Ten cracking sounds echoed practically simultaneously, the

ten cold lights pierced Zhao Wuji’s body, but in the tyrannical
golden light, they all bounced back, and furthermore did not
cause Zhao Wuji any harm.

Tang San in his heart was secretly shocked, one must know,
what he shot was ten Penetrating Bone Nails, among small scale
hidden weapons, Penetrating Bone Nails weight was considered
a heavy kind, again adding his internal strength’s urging to the
Penetrating Bone Nail’s penetrating properties, unexpectedly
still could not give Zhao Wuji a trace of an injury, one could
clearly see how tyrannical Zhao Wuji’s defense was. Dai Mubai
saying he completely lacked weak points, certainly had not been
without justification.

662 Goldenagato |

Figure turning, again throwing out an additional ten cold

Completely lacking weak points? In Tang San’s eyes flashed a

trace of cold, possessing complete lack of weak points, in fact
the whole body was a weak point. Only breaking one point, only
was his opportunity location.

In retreating, between Tang San’s hands like butterflies

passing flowers generally throwing in front or shooting,
together continuously shooting out cold lights from his hands,
starting to specially search Zhao Wuji’s body for a vital spot.

In Zhao Wuji’s heart the shock compared to Tang San was still
bigger, it was still his first time encountering an opponent like
this. If both sides’ actual strength had been equal, he knew he
would already have lost. Tang San was shooting hidden
weapons not only accurately, but also simultaneously attacking
many different locations, dodging was extremely difficult.

Willow Leaf Knife, Flying Locust Rock, Gold Coin Dart,

Penetrating Bone Nail, a variety of hidden weapons blooming in
Tang San’s Sky Filling Flower Rain technique, flying straight,
flying slanted, spiralling behind, but the final target was only
one, that was Zhao Wuji’s body.

663 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji clearly felt these hidden weapons extreme
penetrating strength, if not at full strength operating
Motionless Bright King Body, even he might very possibly be
injured therein.

However, undergoing high speed contact, Zhao Wuji also

resigned himself to clearly feel out Tang San’s this hidden
weapon attack power, whole body glittering with Motionless
Bright King Body’s golden light, with large strides rushing over
to Tang San.

In a moment Zhao Wuji rushed at him, that enormous

Vigorous Vajra Palm again lifted, he without the slightest trace
of hurry. Underfoot becoming lightning quick withdrawal, Blue
Silver Grass already spreading floating in the air, obstructing
Zhao Wuji’s road forward.

The tough Blue Silver Grass was completely insufficient to

stop Zhao Wuji, but it was still able to delay him for a moment,
omnipresent bindings, each time only a Blue Silver Grass
hindered Zhao Wuji’s foot, already slowing down his speed, also
as far as possible saving his internal strength.

664 Goldenagato |

Relying on Blue Silver Grass and Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, although Tang San’s absolute speed was not equal to
Zhao Wuji’s, Zhao Wuji still was chasing after not on him,
Vigorous Vajra Palm several times swatting empty air.

But after Tang San fired the first round of hidden weapons, he
also did not again continue with the hidden weapon attack,
moving around the space, dodging Zhao Wuji’s attacks.

The reason why Tang San asked for his one on one battle with
Zhao Wuji, first was because fearing hidden weapons
accidentally injuring the other people, second, also was because
one person’s dodging space was even larger, also without any

Right now, the surrounding several people spectating all

looked somewhat straight, especially the period of time when
on Tang San’s body hidden weapons were unceasingly flying
out, in their hearts all full of astonishment. Whether it was Zhu
Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, or Dai Mubai. In their hearts all
could not help but secretly feel a chill, they realized, if
exchanging themselves for Zhao Wuji, perhaps, long ago already
run away.

Tang San’s hidden weapons were fantastic oddities of every

665 Goldenagato |

description, flying routes also extremely weird, wanting to
dodge, was really too difficult.

Even if born from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School,

experienced and knowledgeable Ning Rongrong still did not
know his hidden weapons were classified as what clan’s attack
method. But completely able to feel these hidden weapons’

Incense unwittingly burning, this moment, already burned

down by one third of its length.

Zhao Wuji chasing Tang San suddenly stopped his feet,

smiling scolding:

“Fine you little monkey, still truly slippery. Want to delay like
this? Can’t be that easy. Third spirit ring ability, Gravity

The third spirit ring on Zhao Wuji’s body, a purple thousand

year spirit ring abruptly magnified, but it was not an ability
infused within his body, but was floating downward, directly
merging into the ground.

666 Goldenagato |

Suddenly, Tang San only felt his legs seem to sink into a
swamp, body abruptly becoming heavy, as if his body weight
had increased to twofold. But Zhao Wuji clearly did not suffer a
shadow, with big strides dashing towards Tang San, in his eyes
bringing a faint smiling expression, seeming to say, ‘I would see
where you still will run now’.

A truly powerful spirit ability. Under the effect of gravity,

Tang San’s speed clearly dropped, even though Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track steps were exquisite, under the influence of
gravity again dodging Zhao Wuji’s attack already was somewhat
pulling the lapels exposing the elbows. Several times
dangerously avoiding Zhao Wuji’s Vigorous Vajra Palm.

Zhao Wuji glanced at the burning incense, the incense had

already quickly burned halfway. In his heart also could not help
but be somewhat anxious.

His majestic Motionless Bright King, handling one just twelve

years old child unexpectedly was this strenuous, if this spread to
the other teachers’ ears, how couldn’t he become a laughing
stock? If this child was stopped. However, this exam also should
be finished then.

Thinking of this, on Zhao Wuji’s body the fourth spirit ring

667 Goldenagato |

also lit up.

Purple light glittering, making people wonder was, on Zhao

Wuji’s body the fourth spirit ring unexpectedly flew out, like it
was a long loop, overtaking Tang San’s body, directly covering

What was the meaning of this? Tang San’s heart was cold. But
after this purple thousand year light ring covered his body, it
did not give him any unwell feeling.

Zhao Wuji laughed loudly,

“Should be time to finish, able to force me to use my fourth

spirit ring, you are qualified to enroll.”

Speaking, he that sturdy pair of legs abruptly used strength,

entire person jumping off the ground.

Tang San hurriedly shifted his location, but he shocked

discovered, that jumping in midair Zhao Wuji unexpectedly
followed his movement and direction, still coming in his

668 Goldenagato |

He did not know that this was Zhao Wuji’s fourth spirit ring
ability, Position Trace. In a short time of his fourth spirit ring
locking on, then, within a hundred metres, he all could rely on
jumping strength to in a flash pull into close range.

This ability to others cultivation patterns Spirit Masters point

of view might not be of any use, but to physical strength type
Zhao Wuji it was not merely useful. Relying on Position Trace to
pull close to his opponent, his physical strength and attack had
the biggest room to develop. To as quickly as possible end the
battle, he just simply used this ability of his.

In Tang San’s eyes released a cold light, apparently, his plan

could only advance.

Soon unable to hide from Zhao Wuji’s falling body, he simply

no longer dodged. In a moment Zhao Wuji dropped towards
him, he immediately launched his second spirit ring ability,

When previously Blue Silver Grass obstructed Zhao Wuji’s

advancement, parasitic seeds already stealthily nestled on Zhao
Wuji’s body, by now abruptly unleashed, suddenly appeared

669 Goldenagato |

Blue Silver Grass immediately in midair sturdily binding Zhao

The timing Tang San chose for unleashing Parasite was

perfect, just the moment Zhao Wuji was about to fall to the
ground, like this, Zhao Wuji was unable to after hitting the
ground to first launch an attack.

Tang San’s both hands simultaneously rose, only hearing

clanging sounds simultaneously rising, six cold lights spit out
from within his sleeves, powerful crossbow bolts created ear
piercing air splitting sounds, shooting straight for Zhao Wuji’s

Athough Zhao Wuji’s defensive strength was powerful, these

suddenly appearing crossbow bolts still startled him, Motionless
Bright King Body in a flash unleashing. Loud peng sounds.
Within the spreading golden light, not only struggling free of
Blue Silver Grass bindings, also repelling the six crossbow bolts
shot towards him.

What was Tang San’s most expert skill? At least until now, it
absolutely was not hand thrown type hidden weapons, just what
he studied all his previous life was mechanism type hidden

670 Goldenagato |

The sudden start from the crossbow bolts made Zhao Wuji’s
body break out in cold sweat, although his Motionless Bright
King Body could repel the crossbow bolts, the crossbow bolts
force of impact was extremely painful on his face, it could
clearly be seen how powerful the force of the bolts was.

Simultaneously using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon,

drawing support from the impulse released by Zhao Wuji’s
Motionless Bright King Body, Tang San’s body once again leapt
back, staying out of range of Zhao Wuji’s empty slap.

Restraining within both arms, chest muscles flexing, a

buzzing sound immediately echoed from Tang San’s stomach.
Glittering like frost and snow a steel needle brought a thick fog
puffing out from Tang San’s stomach, just right to meet the
charging Zhao Wuji.

Tang San could also be considered the great master of a

generation in mechanism type hidden weapons, the mechanism
type hidden weapons he made could not need any power switch,
relying on muscle contraction to start. Impossible to defend

671 Goldenagato |

The tea fragrant mist made Zhao Wuji’s brain dizzy,
Motionless Bright King Body’s defense naturally also dropped a
bit. At this moment, Zhao Wuji clearly felt his chest ache.
Lowering his head to look, horrified discovered, that steel
needle fired from Tang San’s chest unexpectedly penetrated his
Motionless Bright King Body’s defense, fully piercing his chest.

A paralysingly painful feeling in a flash transmitted via the

nerves to Zhao Wuji’s brain.


Zhao Wuji in his heart was shocked. Hurriedly once again

pressing his Motionless Bright King Body, forcing the steel
needle to jolt outside his body. But, the poison already
transmitted within his body by the double effect of breath and

Tang Sect could not only be about hidden weapons, Tang

Sect’s poison was equally absolute. Even though Tang San these
several years had not any chance to gather poisonous
substances, he could not waste that original Datura Snake from
the Datura Snake venomous fangs for use on that hidden
weapon on his stomach, at the crucial moment, displaying its
biggest effect. On his stomach this hidden weapon, also was on

672 Goldenagato |

his body one of very few kinds of hidden weapons capable of
breaking Body Protecting Big Dipper Tail Qi. Called Powder
Shooting Shadow.

Of course, Zhao Wuji’s Motionless Bright King Body defensive

power was too strong, Powder Shooting Shadow’s sixty four
steel needles also only could with difficulty puncture his skin,
nothing more.

But like this was already sufficient. Datura Snake’s speed

although not sufficient to make Zhao Wuji lose capability to
resist, forced him to divide spirit power to block the poison
from spreading. This gave Tang San even more time to catch his

However, Zhao Wuji’s pause did not at all let Tang San
continue running, he on the contrary met Zhao Wuji’s charge
face to face. Ten fingers simultaneously ejecting, ten minute
golden rays flashed through the air. If not watching attentively,
one would even be unable to discover their existence.

As a hidden weapons master, with certainty shooting hidden

weapons timing naturally was extremely important, Tang San
undoubtedly accomplished this bit, the time he chose was just
while Zhao Wuji urged Motionless Bright King Body to jolt out

673 Goldenagato |

the steel needle, for a moment defensive power was weak.

Relying on Purple Demon Eye to see clearly, Tang San was not
only able to see clearly the opponent’s every move, he was even
able to see around Zhao Wuji’s body spirit power’s fluctuating
intensity. Otherwise how could he also in this way just perfectly
look for the opponent’s weak points? This was Purple Demon
Eye’s biggest effect.

Ten golden hair rays force had penetrated Motionless Bright

King Body’s defense and quietly engraved on Zhao Wuji’s body,
boring within.

Zhao Wuji only felt numerous simultaneous stinging pain

reach his body, to his strong mental state, still could not help
but draw in a breath, sore whole body spasming.


Zhao Wuji somewhat angrily, on his lips emitting a low howl,

the fifth spirit ring, that glittering deep black spirit ring
abruptly shone. An intense bellow made the entire Shrek
Academy shudder.

674 Goldenagato |

Tang San only felt all around simultaneously an immense
sound pressure, his body uncontrolledly rising towards Zhao
Wuji, from his body’s surroundings the sound pressure
seemingly must force his body to break into pieces, this power
already was not something he was capable of contending with.

Zhao Wuji’s Vigorous Vajra Bear spirit’s fifth spirit ability,

Gravity Crush.

Did Tang San surrender like this? Of course not.

He sharply lowered his head, following a crisp crackling

bursting sound, an extending seven cun crossbow bolt from his
back abruptly shot out, shooting straight for Zhao Wuji’s
bellowing mouth. Under circumstances where he himself was
already controlled by the other side, still able to maintain such
accuracy, making people gasp in amazement.

Tense Back Flower Adornment Crossbow, a medium sized

crossbow bolt. Shot with back muscle control. Only had one
shot. But because the crossbow bolt was big, mechanism’s
elastic force excessive, the destructive force among mechanism
type hidden weapons belonged to the extremely powerful. By
far could not be compared to Sleeve Darts.

675 Goldenagato |

Simultaneously, Tang San’s both feet knocked together, on
the tip of each foot stretched out a three cun long sharp blade,
one flying kick towards Zhao Wuji’s throat, another only
following noiselessly to kick at his lower vitals, under these
disadvantaged circumstances, he still could respond by putting
out such attacks, absolutely regarded as terrible.

Tense Back Flower Adornment Crossbow’s launch speed was

incomparably fast, Zhao Wuji did not even have time to raise his
hands, Motionless Bright King Body’s defense forcefully passed
through by the crossbow bolt, shooting straight for his mouth.

In a desperate situation, Zhao Wuji displayed the formidable

combat experience of a Spirit Sage, not at all frantic, his teeth
closed, just in time to bite Tense Back Flower Adornment
Crossbow’s bolt in his mouth.

Tense Back Flower Adornment Crossbow’s force of impact

was extremely tyrannical, although Zhao Wuji bit it to a stop,
his teeth by the shock loosened. Simultaneously, a sweet
fragrance transmitted in his mouth from the crossbow bolt,
managing to immediately make his brain go dizzy a spell.

Tense Back Flower Adornment Crossbow only had one bolt,

how could Tang San possibly not do the above? The crossbow

676 Goldenagato |

bolts hollow interior, inside contained a little bit of Datura
Snake venom, once the bolt entered the enemy’s body, venom
would immediately inject. Although currently the crossbow bolt
had not pierced Zhao Wuji’s body, Zhao Wuji’s teeth also gave it
sufficient pressure effect, this mouthful of venom, also
naturally unrestrained delivered to him.


Zhao Wuji spat out the mouthful of crossbow bolt,

simultaneously both hands warding above and swatting down,
resolving Tang San’s two legged attack, currently, Tang San
already squeezed before him.

“Are you a hedgehog?”

Zhao Wuji snarled. However, because of eating the mouthful

of Datura Snake venom, his tongue was a little numb, speech
somewhat inarticulate.

Let alone after entering Shrek Academy, even if previously

when mixing in the Spirit Master realm, he also had not eaten
such a loss. An ominous glint momentarily flickered in his eyes,
about to flare up.

677 Goldenagato |

However, Tang San’s attack still had not completely
concluded, at some time, in his left hand suddenly appeared a
hammer, a pitch black small hammer. After Zhao Wuji blocked
his legs, the left hand’s hammer smashed towards Zhao Wuji’s






Idiom: Unable to make ends meet.

(含沙射影) “Containing Powder Shooting Shadow”, but it’s also

an idiom for attacking someone by innuendo.

678 Goldenagato |

(重力挤压) “Gravity Squeeze” is less impressive.

7寸 = 23.3 cm


679 Goldenagato |

Chapter 20 - Oscar’s Big Fresh Sausage And
Little Cured Sausage

”Still not done.”

Zhao Wuji in his heart was secretly furious, resolving to give

this little hedgehog before his eyes a bit of a lesson, right hand
blocking in front of his face, left hand’s palm slapping at Tang
San’s chest. Of course, this palm of his did not use any amount
of strength, only was because of his eating such a big loss, not
once retaliating a little, his heart truly was uneasy. Of course,
when this palm slapped out, he already withdrew his ten
thousand year spirit ring ability Gravity Crush, or else Tang San
simply would be directly crushed to death by this ability.

Pengpeng, two sounds echoed simultaneously.

Tang San’s body flew out by Zhao Wuji’s palm slap, among
them one sound naturally was produced by him, body flying in
the air, belching out a mouthful of blood.

His previous attack, could even be said to have exhausted his

thoughts and ingenuity, exhausting his mind and internal
strength, right now already was exhausted like a lamp dried up

680 Goldenagato |

of oil, also how he endured this slap of Zhao Wuji’s. Not passing
out from the shock was already pretty good.

Dai Mubai released Zhu Zhuqing on the ground, figure

flashing, moving like flying to receive Tang San’s fall.

The other muffled sound belonged to Zhao Wuji. Originally he

thought this only was another hidden weapon of Tang San’s,
nothing more, his blocking Tang San’s hammer was that not
very effortless? But, as that hammer smashed on his palm, he
already felt mistaken.

That seemingly very small hammer’s power was deeply

profound, even though Zhao Wuji promptly pressed his spirit
power, he after all because of previously, under the double
influence of Datura Snake venom and the pains over his body,
his spirit power was somewhat insufficient.

The hammer smashing his palm, the palm again struck his
face, blood immediately flowed from Zhao Wuji’s nose, again
adding to that palm rubbing, immediately like opening a dyed
cloth, his face bloomed like a great flower. The entire person a
bit smashed senseless.

681 Goldenagato |

But that black little hammer after smashing him, quietly

Tang San supported by Dai Mubai, again coughed up a

mouthful of blood, even though his injuries were not light, if
only looking at the exterior, who would not believe just now
this fight was Zhao Wuji’s win.

Of course, this was not to say Zhao Wuji’s strength was not
powerful. He after all was fighting with exam students, by
fearing to truly injure Tang San somewhat bound hand and
foot, simultaneously he also thought to have a look at what level
Tang San actually reached. He was also expert in physical
strength, not expert in pursuit. Again adding Tang San’s hidden
weapon’s sudden nature truly was too big, also among every
kind of exquisite calculations, this just let the underestimating
the enemy Zhao Wuji to eat a big loss. This also counted as
greatly losing face. If it was a true fight, Zhao Wuji need only
directly activate his fifth spirit ring ability, and Tang San would
directly have been killed by him. The difference in actual
strength was after all too large.

If it only was a test, Tang San naturally would not be so

desperate, but Xiao Wu’s losing consciousness aroused the
bloodthirst in his heart. Again adding Zhao Wuji’s giving him
enormous pressure, immediately made him erupt. Let alone the

682 Goldenagato |

several clear-headed people here, even if it was Xiao Wu she also
had not seen Tang San’s this day’s kind of full strength fighting

Dai Mubai looked at Zhao Wuji’s all over bloodstained face,

wanting to smile but again not daring, hurriedly loudly

“Oscar, Oscar, quickly come. You have vitality.”

By means of spirit power pressing the voice, only had to be

within this academy, probably nobody wouldn’t hear.

Several years later, when in the capacity of Shrek Seven Devil

Boss Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai already won success and
recognition, was asked, among Shrek Seven Devils, who was
actually the most terrible?

Dai Mubai without the slightest hesitation answered, it was

Soft Bones Douluo Xiao Wu, for a very simple reason. Because
she was Thousand Hands Douluo Tang San’s trigger. Directly
provoking Tang San might not at all be serious, but if provoking
Xiao Wu and arousing Tang San’s fury. Then, terrible matters
would appear, Tang San in that case no longer was Thousand

683 Goldenagato |

Hands Douluo, but was Thousand Hands Asura.

Dai Mubai all through his life was passionately romantic, even
to the extent that within Shrek Seven Devils he was jokingly
known as the Unrivalled Slut, but he had never teased Xiao Wu.
Because he was an intelligent man, he absolutely did not want to
confront a furious Tang San. And all this, was because before
him occurred this scene to remind him.

“Vitality where, vitality where?”

Oscar’s very characteristically soft voice somewhat excited

came from far and near, very quickly, he appeared before

Maybe it was because he was too impatient, he even

abandoned his cart, like this running over by himself.

“Little Ao, come over.”

Dai Mubai called towards him.

684 Goldenagato |

Oscar hurriedly ran over,

“Boss Dai, were you calling me?”

Dai Mubai nodded, saying:

“Hurry, take out several sausages. They all sustained


Oscar was greatly happy,

“Five copper spirit coins per sausage, finally do not forget to

settle accounts with me. I, your father have a big sausage.”

During that monstrous spirit incantation, in his hand light

flashed, immediately a savory sausage appeared.

Dai Mubai signalled to Tang San with his eyes,

“Eat. Although this fellow’s words are a bit nauseating, his

sausages indeed have very good effect. This is the first spirit

685 Goldenagato |

ring added sausage, can accelerate the body’s recovery of

The sausage did not matter, but Tang San recalling that line of
Oscar’s, at once could not help but have his stomach roll, hastily
waving his hand,

“My injury is not serious, only am somewhat out of strength. I

will be fine if resting a moment. You still let him give sausage
for others to eat.”

Finished speaking, he immediately sat crosslegged upright,

circulating his breath.

Tang San not eating, did not mean other people also did not
eat. For instance, someone who greatly lost face.

“Oscar, come over, sausage, give me each sausage.”

Zhao Wuji’s voice was somewhat fuzzy, also it’s no wonder he

would be like this, although he relying on pure spirit power to
compel the poison not to spread, in a flash by the poison hitting,
his tongue was still swelling.

686 Goldenagato |

Oscar blinked at him with those peach blossom eyes,

“Who are you, ah? How did you enter our Shrek Academy,
and still know my name.”

“Scoundrel, you want to receive punishment? I am Zhao


From Zhao Wuji’s anger, a mouthful of air almost didn’t come

up, narrowly spouted blood.

At present this loss eater shouted loudly, he currently only

wanted to quickly treat the injuries on his body well, after that
acting threatening before several children must not get out.
Otherwise he this Motionless Bright King later would be unable
to get along.


Oscar very much wanted to ask Zhao Wuji how he would

become like this, what Zhao Wuji’s actual strength was he could

687 Goldenagato |

be very clear. But he very quickly saw Dai Mubai giving him a
meaningful glance, as an extremely acute person, Oscar
immediately withdrew the astonishment on his face, as if it had
never been there, groveling coming before Zhao Wuji, handing
over that sausage he took out just a moment ago,
simultaneously chanting an incantation making everyone
present not know whether to laugh or cry.

“I your father have a little sausage.”

Even if Oscar himself did not look so wretched, as this spirit

incantation of his appeared, whether being wretched could no
longer be significant..

One sausage only the size of his little finger appeared in his
grasp, quickly handing it to Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji also impolitely, one by one ate and swallowed the
fresh sausage and cured sausage. Complexion immediately
becoming much better looking.

Dai Mubai with difficulty resisting a smiling expression

walked back over to Zhu Zhuqing’s side. Immediately receiving
Zhu Zhuqing’s extremely chilly glance.

688 Goldenagato |

Zhu Zhuqing’s injuries were not light, but she clearly was
using her expression to inform Dai Mubai, ‘you would dare let
that vulgar Big Sausage Uncle bring over that sausage, you will
definitely die’.

Dai Mubai gave a helpless gesture, shaking his head towards


“Be at ease. I absolutely would not make you eat that fellow’s
thing. I could not bear it.”

In Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes was cold expression, closing her eyes,

looking yet not looking at Dai Mubai.

Eating Oscar’s big fresh sausage and little cured sausage, Zhao
Wuji’s complexion immediately looked much better, the clothes
on his body had in the previous fight already become very
damaged, directly he tore off a strip, wiping the dripping blood
from his face.

Oscar’s big fresh sausage had a treatment effect, the little

cured sausage consequently was dispelling abnormal states,

689 Goldenagato |

these two kinds of food’s effect both were extremely practical.
The paralysing feeling brought by the Datura Snake venom
gradually faded, but acute pain made Zhao Wuji’s facial muscles
twitch. Bowing his head to look, he discovered on his body’s
skin had many swellings, twisted each and every one a walnut
sized bulge, bursts of unbearable acute pain was coming from
these bulges.

“Teacher Zhao, did we in the end pass or not?”

Standing to the side, among the four exam candidate’s the

only one completely intact Ning Rongrong pointed behind Zhao
Wuji’s back, asking towards him.

Zhao Wuji turned his head to look, his burning incense had
long ago already gone out. Angrily snorting,

“Counts as you passing.”

He currently also did not want to again remain, the feeling of

being looked upon as laughingstock could be uncomfortable.
Turning around about to leave.

690 Goldenagato |

“Teacher Zhao, wait a moment.”

At this time, a somewhat weak voice rose, Zhao Wuji turned

his head to look, the speaker was just now still circulating
breath Tang San.

After a moment at rest, Tang San’s consciousness apparently

was a bit better, with difficulty standing up from the ground.

“Little hedgehog, you still have what matter? I already passed

you for the test.”

Zhao Wuji looked at this youngster before him, in his heart

was both hate and affection. Although he lost to this grownup,
he still managed to inflict minor injuries, the fighting potential
and fighting will this child displayed, absolutely was a monster
among monsters.

Tang San said:

“Teacher Zhao, I am sorry. Just now I was too impetuous.

However, your actual strength to my point of view is too
formidable, I had no choice but to make an all-out effort. I will

691 Goldenagato |

help you take out the hidden weapons within the body.
Otherwise, perhaps they would affect your body to some extent.

The concealed in Tang San’s fingernails ten Dragon Beard

Needles were currently all on Zhao Wuji’s body, that swelling
condition could not be casually resolved. For Dragon Beard
Needle to take its golden natural form, although it was classified
as metal, it was not capable of magnetic attraction, again adding
to piercing inside the body already being twisted up. Even if it
was Tang San personally putting his hand to it, still must be
under conditions not long after the injuries to be capable of
removing, otherwise, in a short time deeply penetrating the
flesh, in that case one could only completely cut open the

Fortunately, Zhao Wuji’s Motionless Bright King Body’s

defense was astonishing, when fully using Dragon Beard Needle,
Tang San’s internal strength was also already somewhat
insufficient, therefore, Dragon Beard Needle only injured his
skin, otherwise, if Dragon Beard Needle shot into the body, that
could not be able to saved.

Hearing Tang San’s words, Zhao Wuji’s complexion looking

somewhat well, face also could not help but redden so, after all,
he was a Spirit Sage. Confronting a still less than thirtieth
ranked child, he unexpectedly ended up using his fifth spirit

692 Goldenagato |

ring. This clearly was the old taking advantage of the young.
However, this little hedgehog also truly was difficult to deal
with, that attack of fantastic oddities of every description, also
truly opened Zhao Wuji’s eyes.

Tang San came over before Zhao Wuji, first making certain at
once on his body the locations of Dragon Beard Needles, seeing
the Dragon Beard Needles for the most part were tangled under
the skin, without any penetrating deeply. He also breathed out.

After fighting Zhao Wuji with all his strength, the fury in his
heart already faded. He instead was more or less regretful, after
all the other person was a teacher, certainly not his enemy, yet
he went at it rather seriously. Of course, under those kinds of
circumstances before, confronting Zhao Wuji bringing that
matchless valiant pressure, not using all his strength would be

Right hand once more becoming a white jade color, his fingers
lightning quick pointed on Zhao Wuji’s injuries in succession,
Controlling Crane Catching Dragon energy touching the area, a
golden needle point already came out from under the skin. Tang
San pinched each needle point and with an effort pulled, taking
out a Dragon Beard Needle.

693 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji at this certainly received hellish suffering, after
Dragon Beard Needle pierced the body it immediately curled up,
intertwining together with his skin and muscles, this pulling
outside, actually produced pain even if it was the insensitive
Motionless Bright King, on his face could not help but twitch.

After Tang San completely extracted the Dragon Beard

Needles, on Zhao Wuji’s body already emitted a layer of dense
steam, the whole body already covered by sweat amidst the
acute pain, however he also could be considered unyielding, and
unexpectedly had not uttered a groan.

Again he ate a sausage supplied by Oscar. The open injuries on

Zhao Wuji’s body began to rapidly heal, the pain also reducing

Tang San had just now not recovered much of his internal
strength and was once again exhausted, this time he did not
even speak, just directly passed out, fortunately Oscar at his
side, hurriedly caught him.

Zhao Wuji’s strength was formidable, on his body the injuries

were all on the surface. Under the use of Oscar’s fresh sausage
and dried sausage, in a moment’s work he already recovered
ninety percent.

694 Goldenagato |

Looking at the unconscious Tang San in Oscar’s arms, Zhao
Wuji’s brows wrinkled minutely, saying:

“Mubai, you are in charge of getting these four new students

settled. Tomorrow the term starts. You must not move the
hidden weapons this Tang San littered all over, some are
poisoned, wait until he wakes up and let him gather them

Leaving behind these sentences, Zhao Wuji at this just turned

and left.

Following Zhao Wuji walking in the distance with his eyes,

Oscar supporting Tang San reached Dai Mubai’s side, letting
Tang San also lean to the side. Looking at Tang San, again
looking at the not lightly wounded Zhu Zhuqing and on the
other side the unconscious Xiao Wu in Ning Rongrong’s arms.
Could not help but say:

“What’s going on with teacher Zhao today? Menstruation

came? What’s he up to making life difficult for a few

695 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai unhappily said:

“Can you speak a bit louder, let teacher Zhao hear you better.
Right now I reckon he is holding back a bellyful of fire, just
don’t know who he will find to vent on. Menstruation? I see
you’re menstruating. Thirty days a month. Approximately still
can rest one day, barring February, still must lack two days.”

Oscar somewhat resentfully said:

“Don’t say it so lewdly all right, there are still girls present.”

“Get lost, you have your Big Sausage Uncle place, can you still
lack lewdness? We’ll first settle down these few and then speak

While speaking, Dai Mubai stood up with Zhu Zhuqing from

the ground, regarding Zhu Zhuqing’s ice-cold murderous gaze,
he seemed to basically just not see it.

Oscar looked at Dai Mubai, again looked on the other side at

Ning Rongrong, whispering,

696 Goldenagato |

“Why are you holding those beautiful girls, while I’m carrying
a guy?”

Dai Mubai’s evil eyes swept across,

“This is a question of character.”

When Tang San awoke from his sleep, outside the sky was
already gradually darkening, somewhat drowsily opening his
eyes, he discovered he was lying in a wooden house.

The room was not big, about than ten or more square metres,
apart from the bed he was lying on, to the side was still another
bed. Oscar sat on it, muttering something unknown to himself.

“Where is this?”

Tang San’s voice was a bit hoarse, within his body

continuously had an empty feeling.

Oscar saw him awake,

697 Goldenagato |

“This is our dorm, hereafter it’s you and me together. You’re
called Tang San, right. Today you were truly awesome, even a
fierce person like that teacher Zhao ate a loss from you.”

Oscar’s peach blossom eyes blinked, looking at Tang San, in

his eyes clearly expressing an excited light.

“Xiao Wu? How is she?”

This was Tang San’s most important question.

Oscar said:

“Be at ease. She’s all right. She and that beautiful Ning
Rongrong live together. Should recover from sleeping for a
night. That Seven Treasures Glaze Tile School’s Ning Rongrong
is truly beautiful.”

Speaking, he still swallowed saliva. Peach blossom eyes

shining repeatedly.

698 Goldenagato |

Tang San propped himself up to sit, after consuming a great
amount of internal strength he most feared relaxing, if he did
not promptly recover, it was very possibly could lower his

“Hey, Tang San. From now on we are roommates. How about

first getting to know each other? My self-introduction. This one
is Oscar, twenty ninth ranked Tool Spirit Master, Spirit:
Sausage. Nicknamed Sausage Monopoly. You can call me
Sausage Monopoly Oscar. You can also directly call me little

Tang San smiled, saying:

“It’s not Big Sausage Uncle then?”

“Pei, pei, what big sausage uncle. Tomorrow I shave my

beard. Let you have a look at my handsomely natural,
outstandingly elegant, refined wind side. The Academy got
several pretty juniors, I can’t again be so dejected. Dai Mubai
that fellow clearly fancies that ice cube beautiful woman, Xiao
Wu is yours. Then I also only can only make an effort with that
difficult to pursue Ning Rongrong.”

699 Goldenagato |

“Me and Xiao Wu are only friends.”

Tang San frowned, Oscar’s speaking pattern more or less

suited him.

Oscar smiled vulgarly, saying:

“Come on, don’t pretend. We’re both men, who doesn’t

understand who, ah. Didn’t expect, you at such young age,
unexpectedly picked up a beautiful young lady. You a lone man
and lone woman coming all the way to the Academy, what can’t
have happened? Boss Dai said, exactly because Xiao Wu was
injured you just went at Zhao Wuji like it was your life. You say
you are only friends, who will believe it? Be at ease, I little Ao
am very principled, what is called ‘friend’s wife is impolite’, eh,
no, it’s ‘should not covet your friend’s wife’. I absolutely will
not have notions regarding your Xiao Wu.”

Seeing the strange light continuously in Oscar’s peach

blossom eyes, Tang San was speechless. He also didn’t feel like
explaining anything again, directly entering cultivation state,
beginning his internal strength recovery.

In the dead of night, the entire Shrek Academy was

700 Goldenagato |

completely quiet. In the day’s exam, just like what Dai Mubai
anticipated, besides Tang San’s four, there was not one exam
candidate that could pass the third test. And this still was
several years since, the most students Shrek Academy accepted
in one year.

Zhao Wuji as deputy chairman, naturally had his own

residence, and was right now alone within a room somewhat

He already changed into clean clothes, the wounds on his

body had also healed, those minor injuries naturally could not
be regarded as anything, but the blow to his mental state could
not be small.

How could he have expected, he originally only was

scratching an intention to exercise his body, yet greatly lost
face. If it was before, he would not even have thought about it,
Tang San would immediately have died by his hand. But right
now their position was different, he was an Academy teacher,
Tang San was a student. He could only swallow this smothering

Simultaneously, he also greatly appreciated Tang San, from

seeing his talent this Tang San would be more powerful than

701 Goldenagato |

even to Dai Mubai. Only his Spirit was innately somewhat weak,
otherwise, maybe in the future he would be an exceptional

Right hand making a fist, hitting his left palm, Zhao Wuji said
with a helpless sigh:

“Counts as my bad luck. Why did I encounter this little

hedgehog, apparently, hereafter I still must properly instruct
him. Uncut jade won’t make a tool.”

Speaking the last line, Zhao Wuji couldn’t help but display a
somewhat vicious smile.

“Zhao Wuji.”

While Zhao Wuji thought about how to properly drill Tang

San in the future, a suddenly appearing voice made the smile on
his face freeze in a moment.

One must know, he was a seventy sixth ranked Spirit Sage, in

the entire Douluo Continent Spirit Master realm, all high level
existences, with spirit power already formidable were able to

702 Goldenagato |

form around their bodies a fantastic qi, able to clearly discover
the sound of tree leaves floating down within a radius of a
hundred metres of his body. But right now, he had not at all
sensed someone around him, and this voice even more was
stabbing into his ear, sounding like it was spoken next to his
ear. This kind of strength already made Zhao Wuji greatly alert,
he did not at all recognize this voice, but he could be certain, the
visitor’s strength was in no way beneath his.


Fiercely springing up, in Zhao Wuji’s eyes released a cold

light. Originally in the Spirit Master realm his reputation was
not too good, enemies not few. These years hiding within Shrek
Academy had been tranquil, he had not expected this suddenly
appearing powerful opponent.

“Come out.”

A wisp of faintly discernable qi locked on Zhao Wuji’s body.

Zhao Wuji without the slightest hesitation pierced through

the window shutters, arriving outside. Spirit power abruptly
elevated to the peak, cautious and solemnly on guard,

703 Goldenagato |

simultaneously searching around him for activity.

Who was Zhao Wuji? Motionless Bright King originally also

murdered countless sons, being provoked by an unknown
opponent like this, adding to the day’s depressed stuffy air on
his mind, immediately made his rage bubble up. Underfoot
using strength, pulling towards that qi at high speed. In a
moment’s work he already reached Shrek Academy’s edge,
arriving in a grove outside. That trace of qi also finally faded
away here.

“Come out. I know you’re here.”

Zhao Wuji’s deep voice shouted loudly. Simultaneously, he

immediately completed his Spirit Body Enhancement, seven
spirit rings rhythmically revolving up and down around his
body, flickering with dazzlingly beautiful light, especially those
three black ten thousand year spirit rings, looking even more
astonishingly abstruse.

A black silhouette unhurriedly walked out from behind the

trunk of a big tree. This person’s whole body was shrouded in
black clothes, even to the extent that the head had a black
covering, from the exterior appearance, one could only see he
was a large man.

704 Goldenagato |

“Who are you?”

Zhao Wuji coldly shouted, having completed Spirit Vigorous

Vajra Bear Transformation, his whole body released a coarse
and wild atmosphere, not anger from power.

The black clad man did not directly answer his words, only
coolly said:

“At this minor place meeting the Motionless Bright King, I am

only thinking to exchange pointers with you. Quite a while
without exercising the body.”

While speaking, the black clad man slowly raised his right
hand. Immediately, a black light condensed in his hand,
transforming into a huge tool, at the same time, a whole nine
spirit rings quietly appeared on his body. Two yellow, two
purple, five black. Nine spirit rings not at all like Zhao Wuji’s
moving with that kind of rhythm, but were distinctly calmly
still on the black clad man’s body, completely enveloping his
body within. Nine spirit rings were an extremely terrible
existence, especially his that last spirit ring, within the black
faintly penetrated red.

705 Goldenagato |

If Grandmaster was here, he certainly would see, while it
equally was ten thousand spirit ring, the disparity was still
huge. For instance, a cultivating for ten thousand years spirit
beast’s spirit ring with a cultivating for ninety thousand years
spirit beast’s spirit ring, how they possibly still be alike. That
rosy within black color, represented that spirit ring had
attained at least the ninety thousand year level.

Seeing the black clad man before him release nine spirit rings,
Zhao Wuji felt like he was splashed with cool water, whole body
shivering. As a Spirit Sage level Spirit Master, he understood
the disparity between higher level Spirit Masters. Reaching
sixtieth rank or higher, let alone the gap between one stage,
even if it was only one rank’s difference, the strength had a
certain difference. On the surface it would appear, he should
have a hap of about twenty ranks with the black clad man
before him, but he was very clear on, the gap between him and
this black clad man, it was bigger than even compared to the
gap between him and Tang San.

“Title Douluo.”

With difficulty spitting out these two words, Zhao Wuji’s

Motionless Bright King Body somewhat trembled, if speaking of
him as a high level existence among Spirit Master, then Title

706 Goldenagato |

Douluo was an apex existence among Spirit Masters.

The previous words’ aggressiveness were like blown off the

face of the earth, Zhao Wuji hurriedly stooped in salute,

“May one ask who visiting Senior might be. Please do not play
a joke on this one. How could I join in exchanging pointers with

The black clad man coolly said:

“What joining or not. When you today was bullying those

several children was it not also done very well? I discovered,
bullying people apparently feels pretty good. Let me also bully
you. Of course, you can consider me like this as the strong
mistreating the weak.”

Without emitting any atmosphere of strength, the black clad

man’s hands grasped that immense implement, walking step by
step towards Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji’s mind worked like lightning. On the Continent,

Title Douluo could be counted on the fingers, and each one was

707 Goldenagato |

of a famous family, this Title Douluo before him clearly had a
Tool Spirit, Tool Spirit cultivating to Title Douluo level were
even fewer, in the end who was he?

Suddenly, the black clad man at a ten metre distance from

Zhao Wuji stopped his steps,

“Since coming, at once come out. One or two, still there is no

difference, right?”

With a flicker, at Zhao Wuji’s side suddenly stood a person.

When this person appeared, Zhao Wuji’s expression
immediately relaxed a bit,

“Boss, this Senior……”

The new arrival waved his hand to Zhao Wuji, indicating he

must not open his mouth. Confronting the intangible pressure,
the arrival had no choice but to release his spirit.

A pair of huge wings stretched open from his back, the whole
body covered by a layer of feathers, pupils standing upright in a
pair of orange yellow eyes, seven spirit rings appearing with

708 Goldenagato |

colors like Zhao Wuji’s, rhythmically revolving up and down his

“One greets His Eminence Hao Tian.”

This person was not only without any intent to fight, but on
the contrary respectfully saluted the black clad person.

Zhao Wuji drew in a sharp breath, hearing his comrade’s

words, he at last knew who this person before him was. His
heart contracting, Heavens, at what time had he committed an
offense against this terrifying fellow. This person before him,
could be regarded as the Spirit Master realm’s number one
strongest power Title Douluo. Direction of spirit’s development
completely the same as his, but comparing his own power with
his, he was only the light of a firefly.

The black clad man coldly said:

“You need not be over-courteous, I have come looking for

trouble. Cats Eagle Spirit, seventy eighth rank, worthy of
originally being known as Golden Iron Triangle’s Lord of Battle
Flender. This Shrek Academy should be yours.”

709 Goldenagato |

Flender nodded, saying:

“Yes, Your Eminence. I am unaware of in what respect Zhao

Wuji committed an offense against the Lord Eminence. Is it
possible to somewhat let me save face.”

The black clad man coldly said:

“Less nonsense, stand aside. Otherwise I will break you

together. Zhao Wuji, I give you this opportunity, I won’t use my
spirit. If you can persevere against me for one stick of incense of
time, I will not say more and leave immediately. Otherwise, you
must stand in for me to handle a matter.”

Zhao Wuji said with a bitter smile:

“Lord Eminence Hao Tian, I truly do not understand where I

have offended you. Perhaps You could first tell me clearly.”

His meaning was very clear, ‘even if dying still must let me die

710 Goldenagato |

But at Zhao Wuji’s side Flender without any spirit of loyalty
immediately got out of the way to the side, clearly not intending
to care about Zhao Wuji again.

The black clad man coldly snorted,

“Still need me to say it? Beating the young, the old naturally
must come to recover justice. This is a matter of heaven’s law
and earth’s principle. Get to it.”

The immense implement in the black clad man’s hands along

with the nine spirit rings on his body simultaneously faded
away, but in a moment, he had already arrived before Zhao

Peng peng, hong hong, ah——

The sound of impacts, sound of air strength surging, muffled

groans, blood-curdling screams, right now those sounds were
concealed by the grove.

To the side the two-winged Flender could not help but cover
his eyes and tilt his head, not having the heart to look again.

711 Goldenagato |

Basically there was no need to light a stick of incense, the
entire fight was already finished between ten breaths.

The black clad man stood holding his hands, seeming as if

nothing had happened, not even a trace of creasing had
appeared on his black clothes. But the pitiful Zhao Wuji right
now lay on his stomach on the ground, his head swollen round,
two eyes even more became black. The corners of his mouth
dark red with blood, he lay on the ground gasping big mouthfuls
of breath.

“Zhao Wuji, do you understand?”

The black clad man coolly said.

Flender just now dared to come over, supporting Zhao Wuji

up off the ground, what was beyond expectation was, Zhao
Wuji’s face was full of gratitude,

“Many thanks for the directions Your Eminence Hao Tian.”

712 Goldenagato |

The black clad man nodded to the pair, lips humming, in a
low voice speaking several sentences.

Zhao Wuji and Flender simultaneously nodded, their faces

showing earnest expressions.

“Those just now, is considered to be your compensation. I’ll

trouble you hereafter.”

The black clad man’s voice was no longer cold, but still very
calm. Behind the black clad man’s mask, his pair of hidden eyes
revealed a faint warmth. Finished speaking these last words,
figure flickering, he already quietly disappeared.

Zhao Wuji stood there with Flender the two people for a long
time did not move, his body also must be supported on Flender’s
arm to be able to stand stably.

“Flender, you this fellow are truly without loyalty. Other

people ask you to stand aside and you at once stand aside? Were
it not for His Lordship Eminence not having any evil intention.
Perhaps my dead body would have cooled.”

713 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji grumbled.

Currently, the two men’s spirits had both been withdrawn,

standing at Zhao Wuji’s side was a large old man, regarding his
words, slightly lisping. If Tang San and Xiao Wu were here, they
certainly would recognize, this old man was from that day they
spent two hundred gold spirit coins to buy the hair crystal,
exactly that deceitful business proprietor.

Flender snappily said:

“What do you understand. If he truly had evil intentions, just

adding me alone, don’t tell me we at once would not have died?
Have you not heard of his martial reputation? Including the
Pope and all people that dare fight, he would abstain from
what? He just now already said, if he won he let you take his
place to handle a matter, so naturally he would not truly injure
you. Otherwise how would you substitute for him to handle that
matter? You do not understand this. Only, I just didn’t expect
he actually was……”

Zhao Wuji said with a wry smile:

“How could I be unable to tell your reason, you did not want

714 Goldenagato |

to infuriate him. Only, after me being beaten this wretchedly,
won’t you let me grumble a few words? However, his power
actually is too terrifying. Even without being under Spirit Body
Enhancement, I was still by far not a match. I see, his spirit
power perhaps already surpassed ninety fifth rank. The distance
to the Doutian hundredth rank is already quite close. Maybe on
all the Continent, there still would not be even a few people able
to contend with him.”

Flender said:

“What part of Title Douluo is also good to provoke? This time

you still count as fortunate. Walk, we’ll return. Although you
are a bit wretched today, able to obtain his directions, with a
similar type spirit power, to you the benefits are still very big.”

The night was already deep, within were Shrek Academy’s

students, who also did not know this seeming tranquil night
already held such events. As for Zhao Wuji being beaten to a pig
face, this time he could not be able to recover so quickly.

(逆鳞) Actually “opposing scale”, as in rubbing someone the

wrong way, which doesn’t have a good noun in English.

715 Goldenagato |

He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to
refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a
formal personal pronoun.

Alternatively “Great aunt came”, but this probably refers to

the slang interpretation.

He’s using a very humble form to refer to himself.

(呸) Spitting sounds.

He’s quoting an idiom (朋友妻不可欺), but first accidentally

says (所谓朋友妻不客气) which is pronounced almost exactly the
same - ending with bùkèqì instead of bùkěqī.

He’s using a subservient form of referring to himself.

Hao Tian Mianxia (昊天冕下) The name is literally read as

“Boundless Heaven”, the suffix (冕下) is a theocratic appellation
of worship/respect and it seemed Eminence was an appropriate

716 Goldenagato |

(黄金铁三角中主战的弗兰德) It could also be “Flender of the
Golden Iron Triangle Lords of Battle”. Feel free to make better
sense of this.

Daren (大人) Literally “Great Person”, a title of respect

towards one’s superiors. They’re basically stacking terms of
respect by now.

Onomatopoeia for slamming, exploding and screaming


717 Goldenagato |

Chapter 21 - Evil Fire Phoenix

Shrek Seven Devils will finally appear on stage. Perhaps

everyone will to some extent not understand their
circumstances. But in fact, in ancient China, men at twelve
years old would very often visit prostitutes. Especially young
men from rich households. This is Douluo Dalu, everyone like
this certain person develops comparatively early. Hey hey,
tomorrow’s update he formally enters the stage.


Early morning.

Tang San very early was already up, every day cultivating
Purple Demon Eye already became a matter he must do. And
this morning particularly he still had several important matters
he must quickly see to.

Leaving his and Oscar’s dorm, outside the day still had not
brightened, in the course of one night’s rest, Tang San’s
internal strength had already recovered, in accordance with
Oscar’s directions, he quickly reached that open space where
Zhao Wuji held his examination yesterday, tidying up his

718 Goldenagato |

hidden weapons.

These hidden weapons were not easy to create, and he could

not lightly discard them. Especially that Tense Back Flower
Adornment Crossbow’s bolt and Powder Shooting Shadow’s
poison’s manufacture was even more painstaking, time
consumption was not short.

Fortunately, the hidden weapons used yesterday were

basically all there, relying on Purple Demon Eye’s acute vision,
he very quickly found these hidden weapons one by one,
returning them to their proper places.

Over several years in Nuoding City, Tang San since long ago
would amply arm himself, and when yesterday fighting Zhao
Wuji, was the first time he fully put to use his whole strength
using hidden weapons.

Right now, while collecting hidden weapons, Tang San

meanwhile reflected on the gains and losses in this fight
yesterday. Zhao Wuji’s defensive power indeed was too
astonishing. Fortunately his speed was not fast, also did not use
his full power, otherwise he basically at once would have had no
chance. Dealing with such a power, how should he go about it?
if hereafter again confronting this kind of enemy, what method

719 Goldenagato |

could he use to gain victory?

All kinds of thoughts continuously flashed through Tang

San’s mind, he understood, his hidden weapons cultivation still
was insufficiently pure, these could not be progressed in one or
two days. In Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s Hidden
Weapon Hundred Separation the very top ranked hidden
weapons practically all required formidable internal strength
support. If wanting to handle powers on levels like this Zhao
Wuji. Then with his current level of strength, he only had one
way: making powerful mechanism type hidden weapons. For
example, Tang Sect’s three greatest most terrifying mechanical
type hidden weapons, Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, Torrential Pear
Blossom and Peacock Plume.

However, these three kinds of hidden weapons manufacturing

was actually too challenging, any one type dealing with
materials requirements that were all harsh to the extreme. In
his current circumstances, they were basically impossible to
make. And also, these three kinds of hidden weapons although
Tang San had manufactured them all before, having not a little
experience. But letting him again manufacture, any one type
required consuming at least one year’s time. This was still
assuming the materials were found without a hitch.

With a disappointed sigh, Tang San helplessly shook his head.

720 Goldenagato |

To his current circumstances, making these three kinds of
hidden weapons equally was not realistic. Apparently, only
could work hard at cultivation, striving to gradually promote
the strength of the hidden weapons. Simultaneously, he also
must better his equipment even more. Looking for an
opportunity, first allocating some poison again. Only having
Datura Snake Venom was too singular.

After gathering his hidden weapons, Tang San jumped up on a

rooftop, to the East gradually appeared purple qi cultivation.

Pressure equally was a driving force, going through that battle

yesterday, he already faintly had the feeling his spirit power had
broken through the twenty ninth rank to enter the thirtieth
rank. If only he was able to enter the thirtieth rank, over a
certain period of time cultivating thirtieth rank spirit power to
its peak, at once he could go hunt his third spirit beast, adding
one spirit ring. At that time, his actual strength also would have
a qualitative leap.

As the sun rose, Tang San returned to the dorm. Currently,

Oscar still hugged his quilt sound asleep, in early morning Tang
San had woken him to ask about yesterday’s exam place he only
still sleeping drooled.

721 Goldenagato |

“Little Ao, wake up.”

Tang San pushed Oscar.

“Wha, let me sleep a moment.”

Oscar said in his sleep.

Tang San frowned, saying:

“Quickly come. It’s already not early. Don’t you know a day is
measured from morning?”

Oscar somewhat helplessly opened his eyes, looking at Tang


“Me and you cannot be alike, you are Battle Spirit Masters. I
am a Tool Spirit Master, and even food system. I don’t need
your kind of troublesome cultivation. Dage, I’ll trouble you not
to disturb me, let me sleep a moment.”

722 Goldenagato |

Tang San helplessly said:

“Then you first tell me what place Xiao Wu stays at, I want to
go see she’s well.

Oscar said:

“You leave our dorm to the left, roughly thirty metres, that
side has a wooden house, it’s where Xiao Wu and Ning
Rongrong stay. Only, I must remind you. The Academy has
clear-cut rules, male students cannot casually disturb the female
students. Otherwise, the school rules can be very severe. Our
Shrek Academy in this village occupies one third of the area, the
other side is for the villagers to live. Ordinarily as much as
possible don’t go over there.

Shrek Academy indeed did not have any money, the entire
Academy rented a third of this village’s area simply to exist. The
so called school buildings were all previously the villagers’
wooden houses, that’s all. Fortunately Suotuo City was
comparatively near, so shopping could be considered
comparatively convenient.

Tang San again left the dorm, right now he was already

723 Goldenagato |

somewhat hungry, but compared to Xiao Wu, this issue
naturally must be placed second to resolve.

Very quickly, Tang San reached Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong’s

dorm, but directly entering? If it only was Xiao Wu it would not
matter, the two had lived in the same dorm for such a long time,
both were siblings, but having an additional girl was somewhat

Tang San hesitated a moment, still without entering, outside

softly called:

“Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu……”

Without waiting too long, the door opened, Xiao Wu walked

out from inside, she still wore clothing like yesterday’s, apart
from slightly pale complexion, looked to already be without
anything left unsettled.

Seeing her appear, Tang San immediately let out a breath,

“Xiao Wu, are you a bit better?”

724 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu gestured to Tang San to keep silent,

“Rongrong is still cultivating, don’t disturb her. We can go

aside to talk.”

For some reason, Tang San felt today’s Xiao Wu’s expression
looked somewhat different. As to where a change had actually
occurred, he himself also could not say.

Originally, Xiao Wu already woke up from unconsciousness in

the middle of the night, Ning Rongrong feared something might
be wrong with her, and continuously kept watch at her side.
Waiting until she woke up, afterwards telling her about what
happened yesterday.

Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu’s head, saying:

“Yesterday all was my fault, not protecting you well.”

Xiao Wu shook her head, sticking out her cute pink little

725 Goldenagato |

“It’s that difficult to deal with teacher, how could I blame you.
Here truly is different from Nuoding. Apparently everyone is
very powerful. Fortunately, no Spirit Douluo level power

Tang San somewhat curious said:

“How do you know there is no Spirit Douluo level Spirit

Master in the Academy? Teacher Zhao only was vice chairman,
perhaps, the dean is Spirit Douluo level?”

Xiao Wu was stunned a moment, somewhat glossing over it


“I’m guessing. After all, how would a Spirit Douluo possibly

appear at such a small tranquil place.”

Tang San did not doubt it, also without asking more, pulled
Xiao Wu’s soft hand, saying:

“Let’s go find something to eat. Probably you also are


726 Goldenagato |

“Good, I am.”

Xiao Wu nodded, right now she already again recovered that

past lively appearance, taking the initiative to drag Tang San’s

The two newcomers, yesterday also all because of passing out

from the fight, did not find out a bit regarding Shrek Academy.
Helplessly, they could only look for where kitchen smoke rose,
trying to find a place with food.

The village was not at all large, walking, they unwittingly

already walked out of Shrek Academy’s limits.

Shrek Academy’s side was very peaceful, but the villagers on

the other side were already bustling, working at sunrise, this
was common peasants’ custom. They needed to plow the fields
to support their families. As the Academy’s breakfast was at
some unknown place, Tang San already decided to first go to the
village to buy a bit of food to allay his and Xiao Wu’s hunger.

The two just planned to find a peasant family to buy food

from, seeing not far ahead two people one man and one woman

727 Goldenagato |

argue about something.

Those young man and woman looked to be not old, the girl
appeared fourteen or fifteen years old, ordinary appearance, but
full of youthful vigour, wearing plain peasant clothing, should
be a village girl from the village.

The youngster she was arguing with looked to be even a bit

younger, age seemingly not far from Tang San and Xiao Wu,
build not tall, although the entire person was chubby, he gave
people a kind of sturdy feeling. Short hair, small eyes, face
healthy and plump, looking like also had somewhat cute feeling.
Most interesting was, on his lip was two small moustaches,
apparently just having started growing, looking like more like
two rat whiskers.

The young lady looked at the little fatty, eyes revealing a

somewhat fearful expression,

“Ma Hongjun, you hereafter mustn’t come look for me again.

I can’t be together with you.”

The little fatty said in an affected manner of speaking:

728 Goldenagato |

“Cui Hua, am I not good to you? Why must we break up.”

Tang San and Xiao Wu shared a look, the pair both seeing a
smiling expression in the other’s eyes, this child still indeed had
puppy love, so young speaking about breaking up and so on. The
pair could not help but pause their steps, looking engrossed to
the side.

Cui Hua’s face suddenly reddened,

“You are very good to me, but I really can’t endure you. We
are unsuitable, you still will find other people. And also, I
compared to you am several years older. Please, hereafter do not
again look for me.”

The little fatty Ma Hongjun angrily said:

“What calling me unbearable. I truly do not understand what

you these women think. Breaking up will still do, first come
with me again, I will break up with you. Otherwise, no way.”

While speaking, the little fatty raised his hand to pull that
young lady Cui Hua.

729 Goldenagato |

Cui Hua like a panicked little rabbit hastily backed away, but
that little fatty’s speed was very quick, still grabbed her hand.

Cui Hua pleading said:

“No, you mustn’t. Let me go. In the end aren’t you a man,

Xiao Wu did not continue watching, jumping out with one



The little fatty and Cui Hua were simultaneously startled,

looking at her. Fatty’s little eyes blinked, mouse whiskers on the
lip trembling several times, in the little eyes a splendid light

“A fine beautiful girl. Why, you want to replace her as my

girlfriend? Done, no problem. I approve.”

730 Goldenagato |


Xiao Wu was angry, one foot kicked at the hand holding Cui
Hua, kicking his hand open,

“You little hoodlum. So young not following good examples.

In the full light of day, and you still think you can snatch a

Hearing Xiao Wu say this, the little fatty's expression

immediately dropped,

“This is my matter, you stop meddling in other peoples’

business. Since you are not demanding to be my woman, fuck


Xiao Wu looked about to punch him, but Tang San appeared

in front of her.

“You are called Ma Hongjun, right. Please don’t again provoke

731 Goldenagato |

this young woman.”

Having had yesterdays lesson, Tang San could not wish to let
Xiao Wu randomly fight. And also he also vaguely saw, this little
fatty before his eyes did not at all appear simple.

Ma Hongjun snorted disdainfully,

“What creature do you count as, also dare manage I, your

father’s business. Looking for unhappiness?”

Tang San’s expression dropped,

“You are whose father?”

Ma Hongjun’s rat whiskers moved,

“Who is meddling, I am who’s father.”

Tang San moved, were his temper again better he still could
not let people insult him like this, using Ghost Shadow

732 Goldenagato |

Perplexing Track, one foot kicking the little fatty in the
stomach. This kick of his contained power yet did not release it,
control unusually clever, if the little fatty only was an ordinary
person, at most he still would only kick him to fall over. If he
had some special capability, then, the power of this kick of Tang
San’s still could burst forth at any time.

Indeed like Tang San guessed, the little fatty was not at all so
simple, seeing Tang San’s kick coming, without the slightest
hesitation came to meet it, both fists set up before his body,
blocking towards Tang San’s kick, on the body glittered faint
purple light, clearly spirit power fluctuations.

Tang San’s kick suddenly halted in midair, changing from a

kick to a stomp, stomping at the fatty’s abdomen.

The fatty’s adaptability speed was also very quick, both set up
fists simultaneously swinging down, smashing at Tang San’s

With a muffled peng sound, Tang San withdrew his leg, fatty
also receiving the kick fell back several steps. The two people
unexpectedly were matched with not much difference. Fatty’s
spirit power seemed to only be a little bit short of Tang San’s,
that’s all.

733 Goldenagato |

Fatty was stunned a moment,

“Originally you also are a Spirit Master, no wonder you dare

to meddle in others business. I’ll let you increase your
knowledge, what is called strength.”

While speaking, fatty shouted,

“Phoenix Body Enhancement.”

Hearing this one word Phoenix, Tang San and Xiao Wu’s
hearts simultaneously shivered, among Beast Spirits, several
kinds were especially powerful, among these one kind was the
Phoenix. Phoenix was also called Seven Color Bird. Phoenix
Spirit could not only make the host able to fly, but also still
bestowed attacks with powerful fire attributes. Among power
battle type spirits it was top class.

Purple light rushed out from the little fatty’s body, his short
hair abruptly became long, moreover gathering in the center,
turning into a kind of mohican style. Wings did not appear, but
that purple radiance appeared outside the body, immediately

734 Goldenagato |

releasing an intense heat. Two yellow spirit rings
simultaneously appeared from under his feet, on the bare thick
and solid outer arms spread long feathers. Both hands also
taking the shape of claws.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Wu burst into giggles,

“Such a plump Phoenix? However I look I feel he’s like a free-

range chicken.”

Ma Hongjun’s current appearance indeed looked rather

hilarious, plump body, wearing long red and purple feathers on
his arms, erect hair, if speaking of him as a Phoenix, maybe
truly nobody would be convinced, even more resembling a fat

Ma Hongjun like being rubbed the wrong way, was angry and

“You say who is a free-range chicken?”

Raising both hands, on his body the first spirit ring abruptly
shone, suddenly spreading his mouth, a thin red and purple

735 Goldenagato |

flame spouted out in Xiao Wu’s direction.

High heat made the air distort, the purple and red flame it
appeared was not at all wild, jetting out in the air like a string of


Tang San’s right hand waved, a blue long vine rolled around
Xiao Wu’s soft and slender waist, pulling her horizontally to his
side, staying out of Ma Hongjun’s flame jet.

But Ma Hongjun clearly did not intend to let them off like
that, the flame in his mouth maintained a five metre
combustion length without going out, coming sideways towards
Xiao Wu’s body, just as if it was a five metres long fire weapon.

Tang San pulled Xiao Wu’s hand to retreat at flying speed,

simultaneously several Blue Silver Grass already rapidly spread
out from him. By means of the brief observation, he already
discovered, that flame of Ma Hongjun’s should be unusually
high temperature, but had a weak point, its attacking distance
only was five metres. Only must restrict his movements, dealing
with him would not at all be challenging.

736 Goldenagato |

As expected, just as Ma Hongjun thought to pursue and attack,
he only felt underfoot a deadlock, both legs already firmly
twisted around by Blue Silver Grass, a burst of intense stinging
pain from his legs, immediately followed by a burst of paralysed

Ma Hongjun was startled, bowing his head to see the twisting

Blue Silver Grass. Immediately without the slightest hesitation
starting his second spirit ring ability.

With a peng sound, fierce purple flame abruptly ignited from

his body, Ma Hongjun’s plump body like that erupted in a flash,
abruptly spreading outward, as the Blue Silver Grass binding his
body came into contact with that purple flame, it immediately
combusted violently, in an eyeblink becoming ashes.

Seeing this scene, Tang San could not help but be shocked, he
clearly felt, Ma Hongjun’s spirit was apparently precisely his
spirit’s natural enemy.

Although Blue Silver Grass under the the two spirit rings’
effect became extremely tough, as a plant, at least right now,
fire still was extremely fearsome.

737 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun with the whole body burning with purple flame
appeared increasingly mighty, in his eyes erupted an angry
flame, with big strides rushing straight towards Tang San and
Xiao Wu, in his mouth the spouting flame, was like a fire spirit

“My turn.”

No longer held by Tang San, Xiao Wu already leapt out. Fluffy

ears trembling slightly at her rapid movement, whole body
flourishing with red light, spirit power completely released.

Tang San’s both hands’ ten fingers slightly moved

rhythmically once, in his hands already fastened a number of
hidden weapons, both eyes with a purple lustre, in a short time
of discovering Xiao Wu meeting danger, then he immediately
would act without the slightest hesitation.

Although the spirit of this fatty before him was very strong,
by previously coming into contact Tang San knew, his spirit
power was still a bit short of his own. Impossible to like Zhao
Wuji obstruct his hidden weapons.

738 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun saw Xiao Wu coming at him, exactly what he
wanted, with no trace of politeness a mouthful of flaming wire
spouted out, the flaming wire in the air cutting out a circle,
blocking off Xiao Wu’s path forward.

Ma Hongjun thought to himself, ‘dead girl, dare to call me a

free-range chicken, not changing your complexion a bit, or I
your father am not called Evil Fire Phoenix. However, her long
outstanding beauty, still is must not burn it spoiled as well.’
While thinking, his flame jet became a little bit weaker, enough
to injure, but unlikely to be fatal.

As the purple flame temperature dropped, Xiao Wu naturally

felt it, ‘is this Fatty starting of leniently? Fine, then I will also be
a bit soft to you.’

Ma Hongjun believed Xiao Wu must be injured when his first

spirit ring ability Phoenix Fire Wire hit, but suddenly, in midair
Xiao Wu’s body in a flash curled up, simultaneously twisting
once in the air light as a feather, flexible body seemingly already
breaking through the limits of the human body, threading past
a small crack in his flaming wire block. Body once again
extending, already reaching Ma Hongjun’s side.

Xiao Wu had what strength? Tang San under circumstances

739 Goldenagato |

where not employing hidden weapons at most could only ensure
a draw with her, that’s all, he still could not let her near his

Although Ma Hongjun’s second spirit ring ability Bathing Fire

Phoenix was an omnidirectional defensive and offensive ability.
Xiao Wu was already covered by her own spirit power, for a
short time withstanding it was by no means an issue.

As Tang San watched Xiao Wu reach Ma Hongjun’s side, the

hidden weapons in his hands were already returned to Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges, this fight was already without any

Sure enough, Xiao Wu did not give Ma Hongjun any

opportunity to respond, figure flipping she already reached his
back, both hands bracing, both feet in a flash swinging up,
directly pressing on either side of Ma Hongjun’s neck, the first
spirit ring ability Waist Bow, launched.

Xiao Wu’s entire body at once was like an arcing bow, the first
spirit ring’s light in a flash covering her whole body,
immediately following, her body like a full moon bow suddenly
emitting force, abruptly threw Ma Hongjun’s body.

740 Goldenagato |

Waist Bow’s spirit ability effect: Momentarily boost one’s
waist strength by one hundred percent, increasing the body’s
toughness by fifty percent. After ten ranked spirit power, each
additional rank, increases the effect when using Waist Bow by
one percent.

In other words, right now after Xiao Wu launched Waist Bow,

she was able to increase waist strength one hundred nineteen
percent. Momentarily erupting flexibility sufficient to throw
any physical strength type opponent under fiftieth ranked spirit
power. Of course, although Waist Bow was good, the
prerequisite was to necessarily get close to the enemy to be able
to bring out its effect. Otherwise, only having waist strength
was useless. Very difficult to imagine, Xiao Wu’s waist still
inferior to Ma Hongjun thigh in thickness was capable of
emitting this kind of immense power.

Considering Ma Hongjun’s reduced own flame, Xiao Wu could

also be considered as starting off leniently, certainly did not
directly smash Ma Hongjun’s body towards the ground, but
threw him into the air, giving him control of his body for the
remaining time.

However, she clearly was overestimating Ma Hongjun’s own

body’s control, this fatty in midair hands dancing and feet
tripping flipped several times, finally still dropping to the

741 Goldenagato |

ground on his ass, falling confused.

“Don’t fight, please don’t fight.”

To the side Cui Hua the young woman suddenly opened her
mouth, with quick steps running towards Ma Hongjun. The
flame on Ma Hongjun’s body had also been extinguished by
being thrown down, his entire person faint with blurring vision
with difficulty crawling up from the ground.

Xui Hua helped Ma Hongjun pat the soil from his body,

“How are you?”

Ma Hongjun with a snort, said.

“Still unable to die. Little rabbit, come again.”

Xiao Wu suddenly leapt in place, with two suu suu sounds,

throwing out the shoes on her feet. Although her spirit power
held back the majority of Ma Hongjun’s second spirit ability
Bathing Fire Phoenix effect, pressing on Ma Hongjun’s neck

742 Goldenagato |

with her feet her shoes still were affected by that purple and red

Making Xiao Wu somewhat shocked was, that purple red

flame unexpectedly had a kind of sticky feeling, after contact it
unexpectedly would not stop burning. Not able to put it down,
she could only throw out her shoes, with a pair of bare fair little
feet standing in place.

“Miss Cui Hua, you are?”

Xiao Wu looked at Cui Hua appearing deeply concerned with

Ma Hongjun, and could not help but be somewhat unable to
make sense of the matter. Was not this fatty previously bullying
her? Why now again…...

Cui Hua imploring said:

“You don’t fight. Actually, Hongjun is a good man, only we

are unsuitable, that’s all. Therefore I could only break up with
him. You go, I will speak clearly with him.”

Ma Hongjun angrily said:

743 Goldenagato |

“You do not meddle in my affairs, get lost.”

Speaking, he pushed away Cui Hua and once again rushed

towards Xiao Wu, only since he was worried to injure Cui Hua,
he did not once again use the second spirit ring ability.

Just at this time, an astonished voice rose,

“Tang San, Fatty, what are you up to?”

Tang San and Ma Hongjun simultaneously turned to look in

the direction of the voice, only saw a wearing white clothes,
hair combed exceedingly neatly Dai Mubai just walking in their

Xiao Wu snorted,

“How is it? You ask him. That fatty in broad daylight bullied a
girl, we seeing it only went, had to teach him a lesson.”

744 Goldenagato |

The stern Dai Mubai couldn’t help but laughing,

“Xiao Wu, I think you are misunderstanding. Miss Cui Hua,

you also can’t endure him?”

Cui Hua blushed, nodding, turning to escape. This time, Ma

Hongjun also did not again stop her, only had a crumbling

Tang San walked to Dai Mubai’s side, unconvinced asking:

“In the end what is going on here?”

Dai Mubai looked towards Fatty, saying:

“Will you say it yourself, or should I do it for you?”

Ma Hongjun shot Dai Mubai a glance, lowering his head


“You say it.”

745 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai laughed out loud,

“What? Stiff Fatty you also can be embarrassed? Fine, I will

tell them for you.”

Speaking, he turned to Tang San and Xiao Wu, saying:

“Remember I previously told you, the Academy including me

altogether only has three students?”

Tang San immediately understood,

“You are saying, he is……”

Dai Mubai said with a nod:

“Yes, Fatty is that third person. Also was before you the last
person to enter the Academy. The matter just now although you
without personally seeing, still could guess. Actually, this also
cannot be blamed on Fatty, you can only blame his that free-

746 Goldenagato |

range chicken spirit.”

“Farting, your spirit can be free-range chicken, I your father’s

spirit is Phoenix. Even if I your father’s ancestors all had
Chicken, mine still is Phoenix. Haven’t you heard, a grass nest
can also have a Golden Phoenix?”

Ma Hongjun snappily said.

The smiling expression on Dai Mubai’s face reduced,

“Phoenix, fine, it counts as Phoenix. Tang San this spirit of

Fatty’s is very monstrous. The Dean said, his spirit is a variant

“Variant spirit? Which spirits gave rise to this variation?”

Tang San questioned closely. Regarding variant spirits, he had

heard Grandmaster speak at length. When spirits vary, there
only were two kinds of circumstances, one kind was becoming
extremely formidable, the other kind of circumstance was was
crippling. Grandmaster himself received a bitter variation. But
before him this Ma Hongjun’s spirit, clearly was classified as the

747 Goldenagato |

positive variation type.

Dai Mubai said:

“I’m not the one to talk to, including to Ma Hongjun himself

it’s all currently unknown. In that village, all people’s spirits are
basically a type of poultry without attack power. I still do not
know what’s going on, but three years ago the Dean after
discovering him in the village brought him back. His age should
with you be about the same.”

“As a result of spirit variation, Fatty possesses a very powerful

fire capability, this kind of flame also is exceptionally
monstrous, not only is it extremely high temperature, but it also
has very powerful adhering properties, very difficult to
extinguish. The Dean said, his spirit variation later, truly has
the possibility of become a Phoenix. But, this spirit of his also
has an immense defect, although variation brought large spirit
power, simultaneously it also created a certain effect in his
body. Making him regarding male-female relations that
respect’s capability become extremely vigorous, and also with
appetite impulses that are ten-fold that of an ordinary person. If
only suppressed and not conducted, then, at any time it’s
possible this Evil Fire Phoenix would explode and die.”

748 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun hastily added,

“Evil Fire does not stop raising pressure, ah!”

This is an Author’s note from RAW. Included for


(马红俊) “Horse Red Handsome”

(翠花) “Jade Flower”

Breaking wind and talking nonsense are natural synonyms.

While feces is only vulgar, it can actually have uses. Farts are
entirely without merit.

He refers to himself as (老子), an excessively arrogant way to

refer to oneself. Something like “I’m your daddy” baked into a
formal personal pronoun.


749 Goldenagato |




750 Goldenagato |

Chapter 22 - Four Eyed Owl Flender

Tang San and Xiao Wu were both somewhat dazed, the

expression in the pair’s eyes became extremely strange.
Although Tang San knew a lot about variant spirits, it was still
the first time hearing about a spirit like this. If this Fatty’s age
was not much different from theirs, he should be just twelve
years old. It was shocking to believe a twelve year old youngster
required finding women to not let his spirit backlash.

Dai Mubai went on:

“Therefore, this fellow will frequently burn with desire,

without venting it, he would long ago have died. Even though
his spirit is very powerful, his burning lust is not so good for

Xiao Wu frowning said:

“But, he still can’t harm girls. That is the conduct of


Ma Hongjun angrily said:

751 Goldenagato |

“What do you call harm, we naturally are mutually
consenting, although I’m fat my appetite is a bit powerful. But I
have never before forced anyone, we both are mutually
consenting, I can’t be a hoodlum.”

Tang San looked towards Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai nodded, saying:

“This really is so, Fatty never forces others. Just now that
Miss Cui Hua also really was his girlfriend.”

Xiao Wu was shocked,

“Not forcing others? Then why are others asking to break up

with him?”

Fatty’s face blushed, Dai Mubai’s expression also became


752 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai coughed, embarrassed saying:

“Because, this fellow’s Evil Fire pressure repeats too much. To

endure him three or four times every day is not something an
ordinary girl can accomplish. In the year since coming to the
academy, he has already changed several girlfriends, and every
time without exception the end result is that they dumped him.
Were it not for his Spirit Master rank, perhaps finding
girlfriends would be entirely too strenuous. To mention, in that
respect’s capability, maybe still truly without several people
that can compare to this Fatty. That Evil Fire Fowl nickname of
his comes exactly from this.

Ma Hongjun snappily corrected:

“It’s Evil Fire Phoenix.”

Tang San dumbstruck said:

“Indeed worthy of being called ‘monster academy’. It

unexpectedly even has this kind of variant spirit.”

Xiao Wu with somewhat reddened face, lightly spit,

753 Goldenagato |

“Truly, there are all kinds of people.”

Ma Hongjun glared at Dai Mubia, saying:

“Must I be like you and little Ao, with girly faces, I can
simultaneously date multiple girls, how about that? No need to
be humble, don’t think I don’t know how you arrange to meet
with three different girls in one day.”

Dai Mubai’s evil eyes glinted, somewhat hurriedly glancing

behind him, lowering his voice, saying:

“Fatty, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can’t be

said irresponsibly. Keep your voice down.”

Ma Hongjun smiled darkly, saying:

“You are not as always not believing shame is opposite of

honor? What was it today? Took the wrong medicine?”

754 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai glared at him,

“Less nonsense, some words cannot be said irresponsibly.

Undermine my reputation again, and you can’t blame me for
being impolite.”

Tang San could not help but say:

“Ma Hongjun, since you don’t have a girlfriend right now,

what will you do? Halt cultivation?”

Ma Hongjun shrugged, saying:

“What can I do? Living is more important, I’ll ask the dean to
see what methods he has.”

Xiao Wu said:

“Where in the Academy is some place to eat, I’m starving to


755 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai said:

“Follow me.”

The four again returned within the Shrek Academy limits, Dai
Mubai brought them to the Academy dining hall.

The so called dining hall, in reality only was an agreement

with this village, nothing more, they hired several villagers to
be in charge of everyone’s meals. Although the light breakfast
was simple, it won out in quantity, eating one’s fill was no

When they reached the dining hall, Ning Rongrong and the
ice cold young lady, Zhu Zhuqing, had already arrived. Zhu
Zhuqing looked apart from a somewhat pale complexion,
apparently already without anything unsettled.

Perhaps it was because of acting together yesterday, the two

girls looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, both nodding at them.
Zhu Zhuqing was still a bit cold, but Ning Rongrong’s
expression clearly had an intimate meaning, smiling face
exposing two dimples, looking exceptionally pleasant.

756 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun’s eyes somewhat stared at the pair, not at all
concealing a gulp.

Dai Mubai elbowed him once, saying in a low voice:

“You’re obvious, best suppress the Evil Fire.”

Ma Hongjun angrily said:

“Why? Do you have to start. I say, boss Dai, even if you are the
boss, you nevertheless must leave your younger brothers a little
soup to drink.”

Dai Mubai again hit him once, furtively glancing at Zhu

Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing apparently did not pay any attention to
their side, slowly eating breakfast, still with an ice cold

Xiao Wu sat down near Ning Rongrong, with a low laugh

speaking with her about something, from Ning Rongrong
looking at Ma Hongjun with a somewhat flabbergasted
expression, Ma Hongjun knew they were talking about him. He
immediately sat down in despair, venting on the breakfast at

757 Goldenagato |

the table.

Dai Mubai coughed, saying:

“Little Ao, this fellow is sleeping in. He’s always so idle.

Besides little Ao, I see everyone is present, from now on
everyone must live and study together for a time, so let’s get to
know each other. I’ll give you introductions, this Fatty is our
Academy’s other student, called Ma Hongjun, spirit is free-, eh,
no, Phoenix.”

On hearing the word Phoenix, Zhu Zhuqing raised her head,

but was only glancing at Ma Hongjun, that’s all, as her gaze
flitted across Dai Mubai, it seemed to increase the chill even

Ma Hongjun said:

“That’s right, boss Dai, I heard one of the newly arrived

students let teacher Zhao eat a big loss yesterday, who was it?”

Dai Mubai said:

758 Goldenagato |

“You just now already crossed hands with him. However, you
are lucky, to not recieve the same treatment as teacher Zhao.”

Ma Hongjun somewhat unable to imagine it looked at Tang


“No way, although your spirit power is a bit stronger than

mine, it did not seem too much higher, it shouldn’t reach
thirtieth rank. How is it possible for teacher Zhao to get the
worst of it, he’s a seventy sixth rank Spirit Sage, I don’t believe

Tang San with a slight smile said:

“It was only luck, that’s all.”

The strength was his own, he did not need to convince others
of anything.

Dai Mubai introduced the four new students’ names and

spirits to Ma Hongjun. As for Tang San’s true strength he did
not explain too much, merely hinting to Ma Hongjun that it was

759 Goldenagato |

best not to provoke him.

Introductions complete, Dai Mubai went on:

“Everyone must hereafter live and cultivate together. Formal

titles aren’t necessary. Including to you four new arrivals, the
Academy altogether just has seven students, that’s all. Little Ao
and Fatty both call me boss Dai because I’m a bit older than the
both of them. You calling me Mubai is alright, with Hongjun
directly call him Fatty, Oscar that fellow, you can call him little
Ao or maybe Big Sausage Uncle will do. Tang San, can I call you
little San from now on?”

Tang San nodded, indicating he had no objection. Regarding

this Shrek Academy, although he still had not had much
contact, he already had some sense of belonging. Dai Mubai,
Oscar, Ma Hongjun, these three students each had their
peculiarities but none provoked his dislike.

Not waiting for Oscar to speak himself, Ning Rongrong

straightforward quickly said:

“Calling me Rongrong is alright. My close family and friends

all call me like that.”

760 Goldenagato |

Her smiling expression always on her face, simple words,
virtually pulled close the distance with everyone.

Xiao Wu’s address naturally need not change, and as Dai

Mubai’s gaze turned to Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing stood up,

“I’ve eaten my fill.”

Finished speaking, she turned and left for outside.

Ma Hongjun somewhat astonished said towards Dai Mubai:

“Boss Dai, aren’t you known as among women as not

particularly unfavorable, and a reputed lady killer? How is this
newly arrived pretty girl not even willing to as much as look at

Dai Mubai laughed wryly, shaking his head, and did not
further explain.

761 Goldenagato |

Tang San said to Dai Mubai:

“Mubai, we all are newly arrived, give us an explanation on

the Academy’s rules and classes.”

Dai Mubai managed to pull back his thoughts from Zhu

Zhuqing, saying:

“The Academy doesn’t have any particular rules. Simply said,

just don’t rape or pillage, but they encourage fights and
encourage gambling.”

Tang San’s face revealed a smile, the Monster Academy sure

enough was worthy of being a Monster Academy, including
teaching methods everything was substantially different from
Nuoding Academy.

Dai Mubai explained:

“The teachers believe that fighting is the best shortcut to

becoming proficient with one’s spirit, so to strengthen combat
experience is extremely important. But gambling is a mind’s
game, regarding strengthening mental qualities, to increase

762 Goldenagato |

one’s power of perception and judgement all have very great
benefits. Of course, everything must stop before going too far.
Simply put, if when fighting you don’t kill people and when
gambling you do not lose your pants it’s no problem.”

“As for arranging classes, I don’t know about later, because

the time when our classes appeared would always change; after
all we only have so many many people that the teachers’
quantity are even more than us students. Therefore, the
Academy would according to our circumstances adjust the
courses separately. But today’s courses I can be sure on, the
most important one is receiving money. The Academy tuition is
one hundred gold coins every year. To all you Spirit
Grandmaster level Spirit Masters, this should be without any

Listening to Dai Mubai’s words up to here, Xiao Wu couldn’t

help but interpose:

“Boss Dai, yesterday you said the school was very poor. But
why is the Academy poor? We met several teachers with more
than sixtieth rank, even over seventieth rank. According to
level, the stipend they are capable of receiving from Spirit Hall
receive in itself is an astronomical figure, supporting such a
small Academy should not count as anything.”

763 Goldenagato |

According to Xiao Wu’s speculation, Spirit Masters’ stipend
was every month one gold coin, Spirit Grandmasters’ was ten
gold coins, reaching Spirit Elder should be a hundred gold coins,
Spirit Ancestor was one thousand, Spirit King ten thousand,
Spirit emperor should be a hundred thousand gold spirit coins
every month. Let alone that Zhao Wuji they confronted
yesterday, that Spirit Sage existence was one million gold coins
every month, even thinking of it was a scary number.

Dai Mubai shook his head, saying:

“If it was like you said, the Academy of course need not worry
about any income issues. But reality really isn’t like this. The
stipend from Spirit Hall is all funds allocated by the Empire,
issued in its place by Spirit Hall. The stipend is only given up to
Spirit Elder level, every month drawing one hundred gold coins,
like me right now. But after surpassing the Spirit Elder level,
not only does the subsidy not increase, but will even disappear.
In other words, including Spirit Ancestor, Spirit Ancestor or
higher Spirit Masters, are unable to receive any stipend from
Spirit Hall. Every month when you go to Spirit Hall to draw the
stipend, all will have a spirit power test. That is to ensure your
spirit power does not exceed the fortieth rank: when you exceed
fortieth rank the stipend immediately stops being provided.”

This time even Tang San couldn’t help but be curious,

764 Goldenagato |

“Why would it be like this? The higher the Spirit Master’s
strength, ordinarily the more valuable the talent.”

Dai Mubai said.

“But, this must start with reality. Although Spirit Master is a

noble vocation, genuine Spirit Masters’ quantity is not much.
But it still is considered a not too small community. You should
also consider, if according to the stipend’s scaling provided, on
reaching Spirit Sage level drawing a stipend that was a million
gold spirit coins every month, in one year it’s twelve million
gold spirit coins. What kind of enormous sum is that? Let alone
other places, if our Academy’s teachers drew their stipend
according to their strength, if it all was provided by the Empire,
our Academy’s teachers income in one year would overtake one
tenth of Suotuo City’s population’s income. What kind of
enormous number is that? But in the entire Empire, although
the quantity of high level Spirit Masters is few, drawing this
kind of stipend it would also be sufficient to drag down the
entire Empire.”

“Consequently, the Empire stipulates that the stipend is only

provided to encourage and assist lower level spirit masters to
advance cultivation, to as quickly as possible promote strength.
But reaching past fortieth rank, even if it was a fairly

765 Goldenagato |

formidable Spirit Master, they would have to choose to swear
fealty to the Empire or join the army. Like that, the Empire can
issue corresponding remuneration. Of course, Spirit Masters
also have authority to choose freely, throwing in with certain
clans one can receive considerable income.”

Dai Mubai’s face revealed a respectful expression.

“But all the teachers at our Academy do not want to rely on

any strength beneath Spirit Master. In other words, before the
Academy was established. They were all travelling alone to help
others, they enjoy having freedom, loathe any restrictions, even
disdain Imperial nobility as beneath contempt, you think, under
these circumstances, they would have some income?”

Xiao Wu asked:

“Why don’t they want to take the nobility offered by the

Empire? It seems nobility should have a certain income. I
remember that above thirtieth rank, one can at once receive the
Imperial title of baron, and after the fortieth rank viscount, and
it stops there again.”

Ning Rongrong replied to her question in place of Dai Mubai.

766 Goldenagato |

“By accepting Imperial appointment you also have the
obligation to vow commitment to the Empire. When a war
occurs under the Empire’s banner, as Imperial nobility, you
must comply with the Empire’s orders to leave for the
battlefield. Although a noble’s position is good, they are equally
tightly restricted. Most formidable Spirit Masters will not
accept a noble rank, as they do not want to casually give their
lives for power.”

At this time, they suddenly heard a dang dang dang sound

from outside.

Dai Mubai hurriedly stood up, saying:

“This is the sound of the Dean gathering us. Fatty, you bring
them to the big grounds, I’ll call Zhuqing.”

With that, he left the dining hall with quick steps.

Ma Hongjun looked at his back, mumbling to himself:

767 Goldenagato |

“Boss Dai has seemingly become a little different, I have never
seen him care about a woman like this before.”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

“You are just how old, still going ‘women women’.”

Ma Hongjun snorted, proudly saying:

“Although my age is not large, how can I not still have had
women. Quickly leave, the dean is not be fond of others arriving

Saying this, his body even shivered, he clearly having had the
worst of it before.

As the four reached the big grounds, the sleepy eyed hazy
looking Oscar had already arrived, eating one of his produced
sausages in his hand.

Oscar’s appearance had an enormous change. Mainly that on

his face the beard had ceased to be.

768 Goldenagato |

When seeing him, Tang San almost didn’t recognize him. By
shaving off his beard, Oscar completely changed appearance.

Previously Ma Hongjun once already said Dai Mubai and Oscar

both had girly faces. Those clearly were words of envy, and
right now Tang San just understood what Ma Hongjun envied
them for.

Dai Mubai was already exceptionally handsome, especially

with that pair of magnetic double pupil eyes. But with regard to
appearance alone, he still was not equal to Oscar without a full
beard across his face.

Deep set peach blossom eyes, gave people a kind of abstruse

feeling, face like pale jade, handsome and harmonious,
moderately thick eyebrows, on his face a frivolous smile. He
looked somewhat like he was a distinguished and elegant noble
son. Of course, even if he still was a handsome noble son, that
appearance still would not be particularly impressive while
nibbling on a sausage like that.

“Your beard?

769 Goldenagato |

Tang San walked over to stand next to Oscar, unable to help
but indicate his face.

Oscar smiled in greeting, quickly finishing the sausage in his

hand, in a low voice saying:

“Are there not newly arrived beautiful women, if I haven’t

prepared myself, how can I make them pay attention, ah, in this
respect you are inexperienced. Boss Dai clearly looked that ice
cold girl, Xiao Wu is yours, Fatty with that Evil Fire can’t attract
girls, therefore, my target is Ning Rongrong. You wouldn’t fight
me over it, right.”

Tang San clapped his forehead,

“May I ask, how old are you this year?”

Oscar said without the slightest hesitation:

“Fourteen years old, why? When my father was fourteen

years old, he had me.”

770 Goldenagato |

Tang San suddenly realized, if he wanted to test his mental
capabilities then coming to Shrek Academy clearly wasn’t a bad
choice. Let alone the teachers, these students were all monsters.
Even if it was himself, had he not also read hidden weapons
secret lore not belonging to this world?

Dai Mubai brought Zhu Zhuqing rushing over as well, Zhu

Zhuqing clearly maintained a certain distance from him, and
Dai Muba’s expression was clearly very unsightly.

Oscar smiling with schadenfreude said:

“Apparently, boss Dai was also rebuffed, he that playboy is at

a disadvantage, this time he was even beaten.”

While they spoke, a middle aged man walked out on the

grounds from another direction.

Seeing this person, Tang San and Xiao Wu were clearly

distracted. He looked to be around fifty year’s old, built thick
and strong, face characteristically long, chin somewhat
prominent, cheek bones very wide, flat face, furthermore a bit
aquiline nose, if insisting on using some kind of thing to
describe him, then, only could say his face somewhat resembled

771 Goldenagato |

the sole of a shoe. Although his eyes were closed, he seemed to
have a bit crafty feeling. On his face he wore a pair of black
rimmed crystal glasses, the frames a kind of rigid squares.

Xiao Wu astonished said:

“Isn’t this that profiteering uncle?”

Oscar surprised said:

“What profiteering uncle? This is our Academy’s Dean, Shrek

Academy’s founder, Four Eyed Owl Flender. A seventy eighth
ranked Spirit Sage, compared to Zhao Wuji he’s even more
fierce, and he also possesses a flying type Beast Spirit. Among
Battle Spirit Masters, this is considered quite rare, Fatty is his
first disciple.”

Xiao Wu muttered:

“Fortunately is only seventy eighth rank. Truly did not expect

that ‘only accepting monsters, not accepting ordinary people’
quote to have come from his mouth. Big Sausage Uncle, our
Academy has no Spirit Douluo level Spirit Masters?”

772 Goldenagato |

Oscar shook his head,

“Please call me Sausage Monopoly Oscar, you consider Spirit

Douluo as a dish to be bought? Wherever you are on the entire
Continent, Spirit Douluo or higher ranked powers still do not
reach a hundred, with all the Empire and Imperial subordinate
kingdoms added up. As for Title Douluo, with the two Empires
added together, there are still only ten or so, that’s all. How
could they be so easy to meet.”

Xiao Wu loosed a breath,

“That’s good.”

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu,

“Xiao Wu, what happened?”

Xiao Wu shook her head, somewhat glossing over it said:

773 Goldenagato |

“Nothing. Little San, you tell me whether this profiteering
uncle will still remember us?”

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“It has just been two days, he shouldn’t be able to forget.

However, since he is the dean, it should be unlikely he would
bother you just for offending him.”

Oscar smiled darkly, saying in a low voice:

“In this you are wrong. Our dean Flender is famous for
holding grudges. Of course, his biggest merit is protecting.”

While walking up Flender’s gaze suddenly floated in their

direction, just right to pause on Oscar, in his eyes flashing a
pondering light.

Oscar turned pale at once,

“Shit, what I said might have been heard. This is too


774 Goldenagato |

Flender walked up before the altogether seven students,
stopping. That somewhat magentic hoarse voice of his

“This year really isn’t bad, we have gotten four little

monsters. I, Shrek Academy’s dean Flender, will represent the
Academy to welcome you here. In a moment, you will each hand
over a hundred gold coins to teacher Li in charge of finances
over there. Mubai.”


Dai Mubai stepped forward, apparently very respectful

towards Flender, even a bit of admiration.

Flender said:

“For your newly arrived four junior brothers and sisters, later
tell them about the Academy’s regulations. After that each
should return to rest and as far as possible recover your peak
level states. Today’s first class will begin in the evening. Oscar,
you and Ning Ronrong are exceptions. You two follow me.

775 Goldenagato |

Oscar’s expression immediately broke down, heart
unreconciled and not willing to salute before Flender. As he
looked at Ning Rongrong walk by his side, his expression turned
a bit better.

Flender waved his hand, saying:

“You others can go rest. Remember, before the sky is dark, let
yourselves reach peak condition, don’t blame me for not
reminding you. The Academy’s curriculum is different from
other places, you will even face mortal danger.”

Zhu Zhuqing left before anyone’s head could turn, and Dai
Mubai this time did not catch up. Ma Hongjun even left a bit
faster, in a flash one could not even see his shadow.

Tang San was in no rush to leave, he thought to see how this

dean before him would teach. Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s
spirits both were auxiliary types, this should be the reason they
did not participate in evening class. But what made Tang San
very baffled was, why must education be conducted in the

776 Goldenagato |

As Tang San did not leave, Xiao Wu naturally also was in no
hurry to leave, standing at Tang San’s side calmly watching.

Flender paid them no attention, towards Oscar and Ning

Rongrong saying:

“Everyone has their own ways to cultivate. As spirits are

different, cultivation methods are also as different as can be. On
Douluo Continent, there are practically no completely equal
spirits, therefore, the Academy’s instruction to you is not at all
about how to cultivate spirits, but about how to use spirits,
about how to fight in the future, to allow you to even better
assist your comrades in arms.”

Tang San felt Flender’s words were somewhat familiar, and

attentively mulling it over, Grandmaster seemed to also have
said something similar. Only what Grandmaster said was even
more detailed than Flender, that’s all.

Oscar apparently already heard similar words,

noncommittally lowering his head, but Ning Rongrong nodded
considering deeply.

Flender continued:

777 Goldenagato |

“You two are both auxiliary type Spirit Masters, one is
attribute addition, the other is a food system spirit. Spirit
masters like you, whether on the battlefield or in peacetime,
both need companions to protect you by your side, otherwise,
you will find it very difficult to survive. Oscar, tell me, as an
auxiliary type Spirit Master, what capacity on the battlefield
even better keeps you from danger.”

Oscar without the slightest hesitation said:

“As far as possible hiding behind the companions on one’s

side, exploiting the surroundings and if possible exploiting the
terrain and buildings to evade danger. As far as possible keeping
away from dangerous areas.”

Flender nodded, saying:

“Quite right. But you have not mentioned one point. As an

auxiliary type Spirit Master, running away is a necessary quality
to possess, so an auxiliary type Spirit Master who is unable to
flee is not a good Spirit Master. But what is needed to escape?
The requirement is physical strength. Since as Spirit Masters
you have your spirit power for assistance, your bodies inner

778 Goldenagato |

qualities will be a bit stronger than ordinary people’s. But, it’s
possible that when confronting the enemy the other side is a
Battle Spirit Master. Consequently, as an auxiliary type Spirit
Master, you equally need to carry out physical strength
exercises. In a key moment, maybe running one more step will
let you survive.”

Oscar understood Flender very well, and hearing this Dean

before him speaking grandiosely, in his heart he secretly
laughed bitterly. Once it was finished, today was only running.

Sure enough, after Flender’s lengthy exposition, he nodded

towards Oscar and Ning Rongrong, saying:

“Your class today, is carrying out physical strength drills.

Starting from now, run twenty laps around the entire village, if
by the lunch you still have not returned, you need not eat it.
You can use your spirits to for assistance. Right now, set out,
Oscar is in charge of leading.”


Ning Rongrong replied, running off without the slightest

hesitation, Oscar with some hidden bitterness looked towards

779 Goldenagato |

Tang San waiting by the side, then followed after.

Although the village where Shrek Academy was located was

not large, Oscar understood that when Flender indicated the
entire village, he included the village’s fields. One lap was a
distance of at least three kilometres or more. Twenty laps, that
was equivalent to a terrifying number.

Currently they possessed more than twentieth ranked spirit

power, but completing this course before noon still was a matter
that would put an auxiliary type Spirit Master in such pain as to
not want to live. For more than twentieth ranked Battle Spirit
Masters, running this kind of distance still wouldn’t be easy.

Watching Oscar and Ning Rongrong run off, Flender pointed

at Tang San, saying:

“You follow me alone.”

Tang San nodded, simultaneously waving his hand at Xiao Wu

wanting to follow behind him. Just so following Flender’s large
strides inside the Academy.

780 Goldenagato |

Flender’s office was also his residence, not far next to the
small grounds where Tang San and Zhao Wuji fought yesterday.
The inside of the room was arranged very simply, there were
only some necessary things, nothing more.

Flender sat down behind his desk, looking at Tang San, in his
eyes suddenly revealing a complex light,

“Grandmaster is still well?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Grandmaster is very well.”

Flender looked at him somewhat astonished,

“You are his student? No wonder, no wonder he even gave

you this belt. That day seeing you wear this belt, in addition to
your age, I knew you must be coming to my Shrek Academy.
Only I didn’t expect you to unexpectedly be his disciple.
Originally, he once told me, inevitably one day he would foster a
genius Spirit Master to shock the Continent. Apparently, he
picked you.”

781 Goldenagato |

Tang San raised his hand to touch Twenty Four Moonlit
Bridges, handing over a letter to Flender before him,

“First off, Teacher asked me to after enrolling via the the

Academy exam, deliver this letter to the dean.”

Hearing Tang San’s words, in Flender’s eyes flashed a trace of

sorrow, but still had a smiling expression,

“He still is so obstinate. This is just his style. This fellow

finally thinks of contacting me?”

While speaking, he slowly opened the envelope, taking out a

pure white letter from within. Tang San could not help but see
that when Flender’s hands tore open the letter, they were
trembling slightly.

What was written in the letter Tang San did not know, he
could only see Flender’s continuously transforming expression.

Flender was occasionally happy, occasionally angry, four

782 Goldenagato |

different types of human emotions practically all appeared on
his face.

“Fine, fine you old fellow. You old bastard, what do you insist
on proving? With what proof? Don’t tell me you don’t know, in

Flender seemed to become somewhat erratic, Tang San was

unable to make sense of the words on his lips.

Suddenly, he sharply raised his head, staring fixedly at Tang


“Since you are his proof, absolutely don’t let him down. You
leave, quickly go prepare for the evening class. That will not be
at all relaxing.”

Tang San had completed the task Grandmaster gave him.

Although this dean Flender gave him a very strange feeling, he
was also in no mood to reflect on these. Going through the fight
with Zhao Wuji, Tang San discovered his own very many weak
points, having time he might as well go cultivate.

783 Goldenagato |

Leaving aside Tang San a person voluntarily cultivating, the
two Oscar and Ning Rongrong were currently in the middle of
running outside the Academy.

“Oscar, how far is still left on this lap?”

Ning Rongrong’s sounded somewhat helpless.

When just starting, she was still full of confidence, even

though she was an auxiliary type Spirit Master, at home her
father also always required her to exercise her body, saying
practically the same things as Flender before. Therefore, her
body was not at all lacking, although she could not compare to a
Battle Spirit Master, exercising for a long time not only had
given her a healthy physique, but she was also especially expert
in running.

Only, since leaving the Academy until now, Ning Rongrong

under Oscar’s guidance unexpectedly had not finished one lap,
the time that passed was already not short. Continuing at this
speed, let alone noon, whether the evening meal could be eaten
was the question. Even more, physical strength was
continuously dropping, it would basically be impossible to
continuously maintain this pace.

784 Goldenagato |

Oscar said with a wry smile:

“When leaving I said that this basically is not a task possible to

complete. But you still don’t be worried, do we two auxiliary
type Spirit Masters together still fear going hungry? Whether
we would eat a bit……”

Ning Rongrong glanced at him, although still young, that

gentle and charming expression she wore was rather graceful.

Oscar’s bones went somewhat weak from her look, smiling

cheerfully, appearing to show off said in a low voice:

“I your father have a big fresh sausage.”

In a flash of light, a savory sausage already appeared in his

hand, passing it to Ning Rongrong.

“My sausage, the first spirit ring ability is recovery. Not only
can it boost healing of injuries, it also has a recovery effect on
physical strength. Eat a bit. Having my sausage support, let
alone running twenty laps, even running two hundred laps, we
still need not to worry about food problems.”

785 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong somewhat strangely looked at Oscar, suddenly
speaking an extremely intrepid line,

“I your mother also has two generous buns. Eat your size.”

Finished speaking, Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda floated

up in the air, quickly adding assistance, abruptly increasing
their forward running speed.


Oscar’s was completely stunned a moment, let alone him,

even if it was Tang San or Dai Mubai here, hearing Ning
Rongrong this kind of graceful girl unexpectedly say this line,
perhaps they also would be unable to imagine it. They could not
know at all what kind of character Ning Rongrong was at Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School. And Ning Rongrong herself was
finally unable to hold back, revealing a bit of her true nature.


786 Goldenagato |

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. Official hall.

In the north side of the main hall, facing south the master seat
was a rosewood carved great chair, on the back of the chair set
an enormous jade stone. The jade stone was dark green,
emitting a faint warm and moist air, a best quality warm jade.

In the rosewood carved great chair one man sat upright. This
man’s face was like fair jade, nose straight and mouth square,
appearance refined and gentle, wearing a pure white robe
without a speck of dust. Appearing approximately forty years
old, with a gentle gaze, he looked like an ordinary person. A soft
black hair was scattered over his shoulders and back, all looked
subconscious, without any artifice. Currently, he looked at the
person kneeling below him, a youngster wearing white sturdy

“Returning to report to school master, young miss already

reached Shrek Academy, and furthermore successfully passed
the entrance exam.”

The youngster said respectfully.

The middle aged man nodded, the expression on his face

787 Goldenagato |

revealing helplessness,

“This little devil going to temper herself is good, otherwise

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School would be turned upside
down by her. What are Shrek Academy’s circumstances?”

(李老师) “Teacher Plum”

788 Goldenagato |

Chapter 23 - She-Devil’s True Colors

“Please forgive me school master, inside Shrek Academy is at

least one Spirit Sage and numerous Spirit Emperor level powers,
I was unable to enter to examine. However, I already handed
over the letter with Your explanation to Shrek Academy’s
teacher, who confirmed they would leave it in their dean’s

The middle aged man’s face revealed a smile,

“Flender, ah, Flender, you truly are a reasonable person. I

would go have a look at what kind of education you can give my
daughter. Perhaps just by leaving the family that little she-devil
will become a bit sensible. Fine, you withdraw.”

“Yes, school master.”

The youth quickly withdrew.

A bold powerful voice echoed within the hall, the voice

seemed to come from all directions, shaking the hall slightly,

789 Goldenagato |

“Feng-Zhi, are you so relieved to let Rongrong go outside by
herself? Don’t tell me that Shrek Academy’s teaching could be
better than ours? Out of the question, I would go bring
Rongrong back. She cannot feel at ease outside.”

Along with the appearance of the voice, a hair and beard all
white, but face tender like a baby’s walked out from the back of
the hall, with a big whoosh was beside the chair where school
master Ning Feng-Zhi was sitting.

Ning Feng-Zhi showed a helpless expression,

“Uncle Jian, between You and uncle Long, I also cannot let
this girl remain within the school. You really are too doting,
this girl already cannot be disciplined at home. Let her go
outside to receive instruction and maybe she will change

Uncle Jian dissatisfied said:

“Who says we coddle Rongrong. You have only seen the side
of Rongrong who ordinarily likes to play a bit noisily, you have
not at all seen her cute side. You have many sons, but of

790 Goldenagato |

daughters only the one. Are you still truly willing to part with

Ning Feng-Zhi resolutely said:

“Uncle Jian, this time no matter what you say, I will not go to
find her. Neither can You and uncle Long leave. You do not need
to worry about Rongrong’s safety at at all, that Shrek
Academy’s dean was originally the first spear of the Golden Iron
Triangle. It’s impossible for him not to recognize our Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School’s spirit. Having him to protect,
Rongrong will not have problems.”

Uncle Jian snorted in a spitting rage,

“If Rongrong has problems we will hold you to account. My

body is a bit tight, I will go find that old bone Long for some

Let alone Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, even if it was in

the entire Douluo Continent daring to speak to Ning Feng-Zhi
like this, there would not be even a few people. But this old man
before him clearly was one among them. Although on the
surface Ning Feng-Zhi looked forty years old, in fact, his age

791 Goldenagato |

long ago already surpassed sixty years old. Ning Rongrong was
his youngest child, and also his only daughter.


At nightfall, Shrek Academy’s dean, Four Eyed Owl Flender

stood on the large grounds, looking at all seven students before

Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun as well as ice cold
neatly settled Zhu Zhuqing had all already made good
preparations for the evening class, each and everyone
practically trembling with excitement.

However, Flender’s attention was not at all on them, but

looking at the additional two students.

“Oscar, you two finished running twenty laps?”

Flender’s gaze had a kind of penetrating feeling, making

people not dare look face to face with him.

792 Goldenagato |

For some reason, all day Tang San had not seen the Academy’s
other teachers appear, including Zhao Wuji. Apparently the
entire Academy only had them seven students and this Dean.

Oscar coughed, nodding, said:

“Dean, I finished running.”

Flender snorted coldly,

“I asked you two, not you.”

Oscar turned his head to look at Ning Rongrong, Ning

Rongrong was also looking at him, the pair of big beautiful eyes
filled with an innocent expression.

Oscar clenched his teeth, nodding, said:

“Yes, we both finished running.”

Flender smiled, if letting Tang San evaluate his smile, then,

793 Goldenagato |

using the word ‘sinister’ was the only fitting one.

“Very good, Oscar, I did not expect you to have a such a spirit
of camaraderie. You come over here.”

Flender indicated the spot before him.

Oscar’s face revealed a wry smile, but he did not again look at
Ning Rongrong, with large strides walking up to stand before

Flender slowly raised his right hand, light as a feather

clapping Oscar’s shoulder,

“I greatly appreciate your spirit of camaraderie, this being the

case, you go run another twenty laps, let me have a look at just
how deep your friendly affection actually is. Not finished
running, you need not eat. I already sealed your spirit power,
you need not try in vain to remove it. Go.”

Oscar without saying anything, only nodded in silence,

turning around and running towards the outside.

794 Goldenagato |

Flender’s gaze returned to Dai Mubai, Tang San and the

“Do you understand why I must act like this? Why I must
have him continue running?”

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were very familiar with Flender’s

temper and were not uttering a word. Zhu Zhuqing’s natural
disposition was ice cold, only indifferently looking at him. But
Tang San and Xiao Wu subconsciously nodded. They indeed did
not understand why Flender must act like this.

On Flender’s face as before hung that smiling expression

making people shiver all over,

“Because he lied. Even though he was lying for the sake of

camaraderie or perhaps some other purpose, he still lied. You all
still are children, lies are the worst moral character. I hope you

Speaking, his gaze from Tang San’s five turned to one

innocent expression, looking at that lovely pitiful Ning

795 Goldenagato |

“Tell me, have you finished my arranged course from this

Ning Rongrong honestly shook her head, saying:

“I haven’t. The distance is too long, I’m also hungry, can’t


Flender slightly smiled, saying:

“Therefore, you alone ran to Suotuo City, furthermore gorged

yourself on a meal, and still walked around at Suotuo City’s
commerce streets, just a moment ago returning to find Oscar,
right or wrong?”

Ning Rongrong glared at him with that pair of beautiful eyes,

“You spied on me?”

Flender’s expression immediately turned cold,

796 Goldenagato |

“As dean, I must be in charge of each of the Academy’s
students. If speaking of Oscar’s lying as something he does
because he does not have the heart to let you receive
punishment, they are still pardonable words. Then your
violation is a crime that cannot be forgiven. Leaving the
Academy without permission, failing to follow the Academy’s
directives, having a senior lie for you. Any one of them is not a
violation an excellent Spirit Master should commit. If this was
on the battlefield, there is only one outcome for you, that is
punishment by martial law, death, nothing more.”

Ning Rongrong frowned, the gentle and soft expression on her

face gradually fading, corners of her mouth slightly rose,
unexpectedly revealing a somewhat contemptuous and
disdainful expression,

“This is no battlefield, just an Academy, nothing more.”

Flender nodded, saying.

“That’s right, this is only an Academy, but this is my Shrek

Academy. Right now, I give you two roads to choose from. First,
pack up your things and leave immediately. You cannot join as a
member. Second road, like I proved, you have the qualifications

797 Goldenagato |

to stay here, if you still have the resolve to no longer offend the
regulations in the future.”

Ning Rongrong smiled, even though she was only twelve years
old, one had no choice but to concede, her smile truly was
lovely, very beautiful. That harmless smiling expression
somewhat gave people palpitations.

“Flender, who do you think you are? Merely a minor Spirit

Sage, that’s all.”

At these words, Tang San and Xiao Wu and the others without
exception turned pale, they had not expected, that tender and
soft feeling one little girl, would unexpectedly say words like
these. But right now, Ning Rongrong’s facial expression was
already without that kind of gentleness, and turned disdainful,
full of that kind of haughty feeling.

Flender had not gotten angry because of her words, faintly

smiling, said:

“That’s right, I am only a minor Spirit Sage, that’s all, but to

the current you, the difference from me still is way too far. Even
if you are this generations most gifted individual at Seven

798 Goldenagato |

Treasures Glazed Tile School, in the end you are only a Spirit
Grandmaster, that’s all. Between you and me there is still is an
insurmountable gulf. Since you do not see it like this, please
leave - Shrek Academy does not welcome a student like you who
cannot behave herself.

Ning Rongrong sneered,

“Want to hurry me off? Not so easy, since I’ve come I do not

plan to leave prematurely. Flender, I advise you to control me
less. Otherwise, consequences will not be such that they can be
assumed by you.”

Flender smiled slightly,

“If I feared some consequences, I would not have this

Academy. This is my domain, I have the final say. Mubai.”


Dai Mubai stepped forward, currently his gaze at Ning

Rongrong was disbelieving. He vaguely understood that for the
current Ning Rongrong these were her true colors, but

799 Goldenagato |

yesterday’s her was still concealed too well.

Flender said:

“You go take this miss Ning Rongrong’s things from her

room, afterward see her off from here. If she resists, I permit
you to use any means.”

“Flender, you dare.”

Ning Rongrong delicately shouted, both hands akimbo, this

twelve years old little girl showed extremely intrepid

“In all my life, you still are the first person who dares treat me
like this.”

Flender’s smile clouded,

“That your dad hated you discipline you, is not representative

of what I also hate to do, you cannot be my daughter. Also are
not my baby. In my eyes, any one student here are all more

800 Goldenagato |

powerful than you. Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit
indeed is the single most powerful existence among auxiliary
type spirits, it’s a pity, you will only let it be humiliated.”

“That’s drivel.”

Ning Rongrong in anger with chest heaving fiercely, always in

the past, she knew she was Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s
most outstanding child of this generation. She had many elder
brothers, but not one could like her break through twentieth
rank level before twelve years of age. Including her father,
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s school master, all said she
was first in several hundred years with the opportunity to take
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and become an Eight
Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda sect genius. Right now Flender
just said not one point about her was good, haughty as she was
how could she possibly bear it.

“Drivel? Then you tell me, compared to who present are you
more powerful?”

Flender disdainfully said.

Ning Rongrong said:

801 Goldenagato |

“I am an auxiliary type Spirit Master, of course I can’t
compare with those Battle Spirit Masters in power. But my
effect on the battlefield is bigger than theirs. With my
assistance, one Spirit Master team’s power as a whole will
substantially upgrade.”

Flender shook his finger and Ning Rongrong,

“No, you’re mistaken. Each person present will have a more

powerful effect on the battlefield than you. Because on the
battlefield they all have a chance of surviving, but you do not.
With your disposition, if you went on the battlefield you could
only be cannon fodder, nothing more.

“Impossible. Our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s Seven

Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit is the first under heaven,
nobody can compare. Why am I different from them?”

Flender coldly said:

“Because of your heart. Because of your fickleness and

impatience, you hold yourself too high. Even if it was your

802 Goldenagato |

father, he still would not believe he was first under heaven. If
he was not accompanied by outstanding companions, even a
common Spirit Master would be capable of killing him. But with
your disposition, you believe you are able to find companions
that will completely give you their backs?”

Ning Rongrong was dumbstruck a moment, Although because

she was spoiled from childhood her disposition was somewhat
eccentric, she still was exceptionally intelligent, although
Flender’s words sounded bad, she already understood Flender’s
meaning, for a moment somewhat not knowing how to dispute.

Flender unhurriedly walked up before Dai Mubai and the

others, because of his confronting Ning Rongrong with words,
Dai Mubai had not at all gone to fetch Ning Rongrong’s things.

Flender indicated Dai Mubai, saying:

“He this year is fifteen years old, spirit White Tiger, fighting
type Spirit Master. Innate double pupils. Thirty seventh rank.
Possesses two hundred year spirit rings and one thousand year
spirit ring. Since the beginning of Shrek Academy’s history he is
the youngest student to reach thirtieth ranked Spirit Elder.
When he achieved Spirit Elder, he was only thirteen years old.
You ask yourself if you are able to at thirteen years old break

803 Goldenagato |

through the thirtieth rank bottleneck?”

“If speaking of someone able to surpass Mubai, then it still

absolutely isn’t you. Tang San and Xiao Wu at age twelve have
already reached twenty ninth ranked Spirit Grandmaster level.
They just might have the possibility to surpass Mubai’s. You
were present for Tang San’s fight with Zhao Wuji, you should
very clearly understand the difference between a Spirit
Grandmaster and a Spirit Sage. Even though Zhao Wuji didn’t
use his full power, the fighting strength which Tang San
displayed, I think you saw very clearly. Talking about talent,
they both must be more powerful than you.”

Ning Rongrong was still unable to retort. What Flender said

was very true, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu. In spirit power
the all excelled over her.

Flender turned to Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing.

“Ma Hongjun. His age is similar to Tang San, Xiao Wu and

yours. Entering Shrek Academy at eleven years old, even if his
spirit has defects, the variant spirit he possesses is a gifted and
capable top notch Beast Spirit, only speaking with regard to
spirits, even on the entire Continent there still would not be
many people capable of comparing to him. His spirit power also

804 Goldenagato |

similarly not weaker than yours, this is his mental and physical
efforts used to make up for his spirit’s defective circumstances.

“Zhu Zhuqing, her spirit power is comparable to yours. But

she and you are different, she has a resolute and stubborn heart,
Zhu Zhuqing, you tell me, for what purpose did you come to
Shrek Academy?”

Zhu Zhuqing’s ice cold voice answered without the slightest


“To let me become even more powerful.”

Flender said:

“How will you act with regard to the Academy’s arranged


Zhu Zhuqing said.

“As long as my strength development is favorable, I will carry

them out without the slightest hesitation.”

805 Goldenagato |

Flender indifferently said:

“Ning Rongrong, did you hear it all? You ask yourself, to

which of them do you compare? Here, you yourself already are
the least existence. What qualifications do you still have for
pride? I dare say, as long as you leave my place, after twenty
years, everyone’s accomplishments will be much bigger than

Ning Rongrong was not resigned, she truly was not resigned,

“There still is Oscar. Am I not more powerful compared to

him, he also is an auxiliary type Spirit Master, and only a minor
food system Spirit Master, that’s all, he will never be above

Flender shook his head, saying:

“No, you’re mistaken, if you think like this, then are gravely
mistaken. Oscar’s gift, still is even above Mubai, otherwise, why
would I permit him to enter the Academy. Ning Rongrong, I
only ask you one question, have you seen an innate full spirit

806 Goldenagato |

power food system spirit?”

Ning Rongrong’s blossoming countenance lost color,

“No. This is impossible, how can auxiliary type spirits have

innate full spirit power?”

In the Spirit Master realm, although innate full spirit power

was rare, it was also not unknown, but auxiliary type spirits
never appeared. The reason why Ning Rongrong believed her
gift was differently endowed, exceeded talent, was because her
spirit when awakening reached the ninth rank level. The
distance to innate full spirit power was only one step away, this
already was the best quality existence among auxiliary type

She had not expected, that a bit handsome but with such
vulgar spirit incantations Big Sausage Uncle Oscar unexpectedly
would have innate full spirit power.

Flender coldly said:

“Oscar is an existence unprecedented in history. His future

807 Goldenagato |

accomplishments are boundless, it’s even possible to replace
your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s position among
auxiliary type Spirit Masters. You may not believe what I say,
but I can certainly tell you, this is very possible future.”

Ning Rongrong stood there despondently, from childhood

until now, she grew up among people cherishing her. Added to
her own talent itself, they were even more more extremely
doting, she all along believed that she was the most remarkable.
The most gifted. Even if her current strength still was
insufficiently powerful, that was just because of her age.

When she saw Tang San fight Zhao Wuji, Ning Rongrong was
already shaken, but in her subconscious there still was an open
divide between her and Tang San, after all everyone’s spirit
cultivation took different routes.

But, right now Flender’s every sentence were like sharp

swords piercing her heart, in her heart her most proud things
were thoroughly crushed.

Ning Rongrong’s expression looked somewhat pale, suddenly

sobbing, she turned around and ran towards her dormitory.

808 Goldenagato |

Flender’s expression revealed a proud of himself smiling
expression, in his heart secretly saying, ‘if I could not even deal
with a twelve years old little girl indefinitely, I would not
deserve the Golden Iron Triangle name.’

Dai Mubai looked at Flender’s smiling expression, probing


“Dean, must I still go help her pack up her things?”

Flender stared at him, saying:

“Do you really think this girl will leave? Although Ning
Rongrong is a bit spoiled, her nature isn’t bad, let her think
clearly herself. You go call back Oscar, say I excuse his
punishment, let him go comfort Ning Rongrong.”


Dai Mubai agreed, turning to go find Oscar, right now, in his

heart towards Flender could not help but admire even more.

809 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai also came from an aristocratic family, of course he
also knew Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s terrifying
position on the Continent, the entire Douluo Continent’s Title
Douluo added up only were ten or so. The Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile School possessing two of them, strength like this,
even if it was the two great Empires’ royal families meeting
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s school master, they still
would be courteous. But Flender unexpectedly did not submit to
force, in this way daring to reprimand Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile School’s most favored little princess. This could not be be
explained by simply calling it courage.

In fact, Dai Mubai also somewhere knew the mind of this

Dean’s before him, guessing Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
School’s school master had delivered a letter, a letter that could
be regarded as an imperial sword, otherwise could Flender truly
be so without a trace of worry?

Xiao Wu quietly stuck out her tongue. She also didn’t expect
Ning Rongrong’s nature to unexpectedly be like this, yesterday
when she and Ning Rongrong were together, all along she felt
very familiar with her, right now she just discovered that Ning
Rongrong’s original nature unexpectedly was even bossier than
her own.

Flender held both hands behind his back,

810 Goldenagato |

“Well, time to begin, you have also seen Ning Rongrong and
Oscar’s results. If you want to remain here to cultivate, you will
follow the Academy’s regulations. To get better every lesson,
my word here is law, next you will start Shrek’s first class. Each
of you all will independently accomplish your own course, do
not blame me for not stating in advance, if you do insufficiently
well, then, to not die you must shed a layer of skin.”

Dai Mubai very quickly returned, nodding to Flender,

indicating he already had Oscar comfort Ning Rongrong.

Flender waved his hand, saying:

“To start off, keep up with me.”

Finished speaking, just seemed his toes pointed to the ground,

leaping up light as a feather, advancing towards the outside of
the Academy.

Everyone hurried to keep up.

811 Goldenagato |

Flender all along maintained a fast pace, currently observing
the gap in strength between the five students.

Following precisely behind Flender’s back, was spirit power

most profound Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai. Behind Dai
Mubai was not at all Tang San, but Zhu Zhuqing.

Tang San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was exquisite

when it came to accelerating in a straight line, but on the
contrary not equal to Zhu Zhuqing as an agility attack system
Spirit Master. Therefore he and Xiao Wu were lined up side by
side in third place. Ma Hongjun last, but also not falling behind
much compared to Tang San.

All the way, Flender did not say anything, Tang San’s group
also did not utter a word, in their minds still recalling the
previous conversation between Flender and Ning Rongrong.

Very quickly, Tang San discovered Flender’s destination, was

exactly Suotuo City.

From Shrek Academy to Suotuo City was not at all far, when
soon about to reach Suotuo City’s south gate, Flender’s speed
slowed, letting the five students all catch up.

812 Goldenagato |

Suotuo City located in Balak Kingdom’s interior would not
suffer any external threat, therefore this city gate stood open
the whole day. The six people smoothly entered within the city

Even though by now the sky had already darkened, Suotuo

City seemed to have just woken up, bustling even more than in
the daytime. On both sides of the street, the shops were all
brightly lit, some peddlers only who only appeared at night one
by one found their customary places selling some snacks or
maybe small trinkets and such things.

Although Tang San and Xiao Wu lived in Suotuo City for two
days, they had not gone out in the evening, Tang San was
tolerant, but Xiao Wu exhilarated looked everywhere, on seeing
some interesting thing, quietly moved closer to look more. If
not for Tang San pulling her along, maybe she would already
have wandered off.

Zhu Zhuqing still had an ice cold expression, it seemed as if

nothing external had any relation to her, gaze all along staying
on Flender in front of her, not a little bit influenced by the
outside world.

813 Goldenagato |

Behind Dai Mubai’s eyelids showed his calm side, appearance
seemingly exactly the same as Zhu Zhuqing, only his face lacked
that austerity, everything appearing very natural.

But Ma Hongjun’s eyes were a little insufficient for his use,

although not like Xiao Wu interested in anything, his eyes were
whirling, his targets were all the most characteristic women on
the streets.

Over six years old, under sixty, Ma Hongjun’s eyes seemingly

let none slip him by, when seeing some ample figure, he
immediately swallowed, fortunately he was last in line, and the
others did not discover his current appearance.

Flender suddenly stopped walking, looking at the sky,

thinking out loud:

“There still is some time. Follow me.”

Speaking, Flender brought the five to enter an unremarkable

tea shop on the side of the street. The six sat down around a
round table and Flender asked for six cups of their cheapest tea.

814 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu looked at that full of tea suds tea before her and
directly scowled,

“Dean, our first class wouldn’t be here, right.”

Flender said.

“Of course not, the place for your first class, is there.”

While speaking, he pointed towards the outside.

Following the direction of his finger, Tang San saw, not far
from the tea shop, was a wide and tall building. From their
angle, they could only see that building was nearly a hundred
metres tall, incomparably enormous, in the dark of night,
appeared extremely profound. From in that immense building,
faint light twinkled.

Dai Mubai’s expression changed, in a low voice saying:

“Dean, making them go there on their first day?”

815 Goldenagato |

The dean indifferently said:

“Remember, you are all monsters, not ordinary people. Since

you are monsters, you will have monstrous cultivation

Speaking up to here, he paused, dropping his voice:

“Your spirits are all different, so each of you also has your
own cultivation methods. What the Academy can instruct you
in is how to use your spirits even better, help you obtain even
better spirit rings, possess even more battle experience, to as far
as possible develop your own potential. The remainder is
knowledge about all aspects of spirits, as well as the
circumstances of Spirit Masters on the Continent. Among these
things you need to learn, the most important is combat

“With equal level strength, the amount of battle experience is

key to deciding victory or defeat. Only by repeated combat are
you able to as far as possible promote your capability to adapt in
combat. Therefore, your first class, is fighting. And that place,
is your classroom.”

816 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, Ma Hongjun
did not dare utter a word, in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes just expressed
helplessness, they clearly both knew what place that was. But
Tang San, Xiao Wu as well as ice cold Zhu Zhuqing, all showed
puzzled expressions.

Flender said:

“Buildings similar to this one can only be possessed by Lord

City level cities. Its scale can even be said to be a sign of a city’s
and nation’s wealth and power. Buildings like these are known
as Great Spirit Arenas. Furthermore they will use the name of
the city it’s located in. Thus, before you, is known as Suotuo
Great Spirit Arena.”

“What is called a Great Spirit Arena is a place for battling with

spirits, in other words a place for Spirit Masters to fight.
Whether it’s Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, both have
places like this, Spirit Arenas decide a nation’s prosperity.”

Tang San frowning said:

“Dean, aren’t Spirit Masters the noblest vocation? Why would

there still be places like this Great Spirit Arena, like some kind

817 Goldenagato |

of monkeys on show competing with spirits before spectators?”

Flender shook his head, saying.

“No, you’re mistaken, although I also do not like places like

this Great Spirit Arena, I have no choice but to admit that the
Great Spirit Arenas is an important place that absolutely reflects
the value of Spirit Masters. Your thinking is too simple. Great
Spirit Arenas are part of a complete system, but can also be said
to be a special power. It was founded by all the seven most
famous Spirit Master clans on all the Continent, not belonging
to either great Empire or to Spirit Hall. It can be said to be a
third power, extremely wealthy, Spirit Masters making their
names in Great Spirit Arenas become dazzling celebrities of
entire nations, not only can one obtain immense benefits, and
can also obtain maximum prestige, but also, Great Spirit Arenas
are a relatively fair place, here, even if you’ve killed some great
clan’s disciple, you still need not worry about reprisals, this is
its fairness.”

Saying this, in Flender’s eyes glittered a dazzling radiance,

“The spirit’s level is a mark of whether a Spirit Master is

strong or weak. Spirit rings are even more the best method to
express this. But, this is not at all representative of a Spirit

818 Goldenagato |

Master’s genuine capabilities, only a title obtained by one’s
effort from within Great Spirit Arena is exactly the best
reflection of one’s strength.”

“Any level Spirit Master after entering the Great Spirit Arena,
are all only represented by the two words ‘spirit fights’, after
obtaining the first victory, will receive a badge. Afterwards,
every victory obtained, will accumulate a certain amount of
points. When accumulated points reach a certain degree, the
badge’s rank will upgrade. This badge is the Great Spirit Arena’s
token, but also is commonly possessed by Lord Cities on the
whole Continent. The higher the badge’s rank the more
benefits. I will not explain in detail. The badge’s rank is
differentiated according to mineral quality, the lowest is iron
badge, which also is for iron spirit fights, upwards in order is
copper, silver, gold, amethyst, sapphire, ruby, diamond.
Altogether eight ranks.”

Speaking here, Flender’s gaze swept across the five people in

front of him,

“Your assignment is to, before graduation, hold a silver

fighting spirit badge, understood?”

“Do not think that obtaining a silver fighting spirit badge is an

819 Goldenagato |

easy matter, Mubai and Hongjun already participated here for
more than a year of combat. Mubai. You tell those three, what
the requirements are for promoting a badge here, also your

While speaking, Flender drank a mouthful of the shoddy tea

before him. He already established Shrek Academy twenty years
ago, and naturally knew the easiest way to make students accept
instruction: that was to rouse their interest. Regardless of the
matter, if having interest that one word as precondition, then,
that was half the work.

Able to be chosen for Shrek Academy they undoubtedly were

monstrous children. These perhaps said to be monsters, perhaps
said to be genius students, were fundamentally impossible to
instruct using ordinary teaching methods.

Dai Mubai said.

“I was twenty ninth ranked at the time I started in the Suotuo

Great Spirit Arena games. I have altogether participated in fifty
six fights, current fight record is twenty nine wins and twenty
seven losses, currently accumulated points are two. To promote
from iron spirit fights to copper spirit fights, you need to
accumulate one hundred points, each obtained victory will give

820 Goldenagato |

one point. But, if losing a fight, you will also correspondingly
lose one point. If continuous number of victories exceed five,
then, for each successive victory, the points directly increase by
ten, when successive victories exceed ten, winning again gives a
hundred points. Even if points reaches successful advancement
to copper spirit fights, as long as points drop below one
hundred, this will also cancel copper spirit fight qualifications.
Promoting copper spirit fights to silver spirit fights requires one
thousand points, fighting in copper spirit fights. Every one
victory will gain ten points. Losing one fight will also deduct ten
points. Points obtained in successive victories scale like with
iron spirit fights.”

Regarding Dai Mubai’s strength, Tang San still somewhat

understood, hearing his words, not just secretly shocked,

“Mubai, with your strength just twenty nine wins, twenty

seven losses? How is this possible, your spirit should be a very
formidable existence among beast spirits.”

Dai Mubai said with a wry smile:

“Nothing is impossible. Great Spirit Arena cannot be such a

good place to mix, the games here have three kinds of styles, one
kind is called contest, and is of an exchanging pointers nature,

821 Goldenagato |

also with the regulations is which I just now mentioned. Carried
out divided according to rank, in other words it’s carried out in
subgroups by spirit ring numbers. When you have one spirit
ring, then, you only can participate in group one games. When I
was twenty ninth rank I had four successive victories, and was
about to receive ten points for successive victories, my strength
also promoted to thirtieth rank, obtaining third spirit ring, then
afterwards I had ten consecutive defeats. Points became
negative. Equival with third spirit ring, the thirtieth ranked me,
dealing with thirty eighth or ninth ranked opponents how
would victory be possible. If wanting to obtain consecutive
victories here, then only participate in games while you are
twenty ninth ranked, after thirtieth rank, halt participation,
and after reaching thirty seventh rank again enter games. This
is possible, but our goal is real combat, so naturally we can’t do
like that, so my fight record naturally also has some
discrepancy. My points still are not as high as Fatty’s.”

Ma Hongjun spoke up:

“Up till now I have thirty three fights with twenty one wins,
twelve losses, nine points.”

Flender glanced at the sky outside,

822 Goldenagato |

“Nearly time, we will leave first, I will tell you the rest of the
circumstances at the scene one by one.”

Leaving a tip, the party of six left the tea shop, walking
towards Suotuo Great Spirit Arena.

Coming closer, Great Spirit Arena produced an shaking

feeling even more amazing. When Tang San and Xiao Wu just
arrived in Suotuo City, they had not at all gone to this side of
Suotuo City. Therefore they had not at all discovered that
Suotuo City unexpectedly also had an imposing building such as

(宁风致) Literally “Peaceful Wind Delicate” which can mean

“Peaceful Grace”.

(剑叔) “Sword Uncle”

(龙叔) “Dragon Uncle”

(第一尖锋) More literally “the first spearhead”.

823 Goldenagato |

The imperial sword gives the bearer arbitrary powers.

(大斗魂场) Literally “Big Fighting Spirit Field”

824 Goldenagato |

Chapter 24 - Three Five Combination’s

Suotuo Great Spirit Arena was entirely oval, its height

reaching one hundred twenty metres, the interior divided into
one Lord Spirit Arena and twenty four Spirit Arenas, able to
simultaneously hold six thousand spectators, among these were
one hundred VIP boxes. This was not only an area for Spirit
Masters to exchange pointers, but also a place for powers to
display their own strengths.

While walking towards Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, Flender

told Tang San’s party about some remaining simple
circumstances of the Spirit Arena.

Here, fight spirits were divided into three categories, one kind
was contests, which was mutually exchanging pointers, where
fierce killing techniques were forbidden. Another kind was life
or death fights, used for settling disputes that could not be
mediated. The last kind were betting fights. With the Great
Spirit Arena as referee, in betting fights both sides sent out
equal numbers of Spirit Masters to compete, the ultimate victor
received the balance of the bet. Betting fights in the first place
were life or death fights. Many frequently when irreconcilable
conflicts appeared between nobles or schools, they would use
this kind of way.

825 Goldenagato |

But the matches’ appearance also had three kinds, one against
one, two against two and group fights. Among them, in team
fights the number of people on both sides followed regulations,
according to the Great Spirit Arena’s customs, ordinarily
restricted within seven to ten people.

Entering the Great Spirit Arena, the first thing reflected in

one’s eyes was a huge stele, on it was carved densely packed
names. Flender told them that these names, were all those who
had died in spirit fights.

Fighting spirit registration was carried out here extremely

simply, the only requirement was to fill out a form including
name and surname, age, birthplace and spirit, and one could
receive the first iron spirit fight badge, of course, registering
required everyone to pay ten gold coins as registration fee.

Simultaneously, they also carried out a spirit test similar to

Spirit Hall, making certain of each person’s rank. Dai Mubai
told everyone, every time before participating in fighting spirit,
everyone must first carry out spirit power test to determine the
match opponent.

826 Goldenagato |

Flender naturally would not excuse them, Tang San, Xiao Wu
and Zhu Zhuqing each completed their registration.

Giving Tang San a profound impression was, when they

registered, the staff member responsible for registration did not
at all ridicule them or display any surprised expression because
of their young age, all along having an appearance of doing
official business according to official principles, and the
handling speed was also extremely fast. From these simple
details he could see that this Great Spirit Arena was absolutely
not an ordinary place.

After registration, about to undergo spirit fight sorting,

Flender brought them to the contest type spirit fight area, and
after simply instructing Dai Mubai with several sentences, he
went inside the Spirit Arena without consulting anyone.

Dai Mubai told Tang San and the others that at Great Spirit
Arena, only under circumstances with successive victories
exceeding five fights, the fighting spirit badge reaching a certain
rank, or extremely high Spirit Master level, could one compete
in the Lord Spirit Arena. Novices like them could only fight at
the Spirit Arenas. Winning one iron spirit fight one could
obtain ten gold coins as award money, while losing had no
award money.

827 Goldenagato |

Very quickly, the five people already finished sorting, because
they had come together, they would all fight at at the contest
area of Spirit Arena fourteen. Only Dai Mubai’s opponent was
Spirit Elder rank, Tang San’s four’s opponents were all Spirit
Grandmaster level, that’s all.

The entire Great Spirit Arena gave Tang San a kind of dazzling
feeling. Here, the various kinds of space allocation was
extremely detailed. Speaking of the twenty four arenas, each
Spirit Arena was also subdivided into different areas, comprised
of the two types contest area and life or death area, each type
was further subdivided into three kinds of styles, one against
one, two against two and group battle. Therefore, one Spirit
Arena had six separate elevated rings. As for betting fights,
according to what Dai Mubai said, regardless of what rank, all
betting fights were conducted at the Lord Spirit Arena.

The Great Spirit Arena’s operation mode had long ago already
reached an unusually coordinated degree, for different spirit
fight areas the ticket prices were also different, like the one
against one contest area where Tang San’s group would
participate, the ticket price was least expensive, and the
spectators also were the fewest.

Spirit Masters participating in spirit fights were gathered in

an arranged expansive hall to rest, waiting for their turn.

828 Goldenagato |

In the rest area, Tang San’s group’s arrival immediately
aroused the other Spirit Masters’ attention, after all, their age
truly was too young. But, although these Spirit Masters revealed
astonished expressions, there was nobody who made fun of
them, each person meditating, as far as possible letting them
maintain peak condition, waiting for the fighting spirits to

Xiao Wu sat next to Tang San, in a low voice saying:

“Ge, I just now asked Dai Mubai, although every Spirit Master
only can participate in one contest per day, they can
simultaneously participate in different categories, we both are
twenty ninth ranked, at this level, it should not be difficult to
win, so it would be better for us to also join the two against two
spirit fights, also good way to early get a few more of the
required points, how about it?”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“No problem, in any case we have come to improve our

combat experience, more fighting experience is always good.”

829 Goldenagato |

Immediately, he himself and Xiao Wu’s thoughts were
informed to Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai naturally would not oppose,
but as he was reminded by them, his gaze fell on Zhu Zhuqing.
Unfortunately, their spirits were not the same stage so it was
impossible to form a team for two against two spirit fights, so he
could only give it up.

Dai Mubai said:

“Little San, you bring Xiao Wu to register on the two against

two side, this side’s battles should still be a moment.”

Tang San nodded. Before coming in, he had already seen the
two against two sign up area. Immediately, he brought Xiao Wu
and for the time being leaving the one against one spirit fight
area, proceeding to the two against two spirit fight area sign up.

“Sign up fee is ten gold coins, winning one fight altogether

nets you ten gold coins.”

The staff member efficiently collected the Tang San pair’s

expenses. Because they had already registered for their rank,
they only needed to show their iron fighting spirit badges
without needing to fill out another form.

830 Goldenagato |

“Please submit your combination name.”

Combination name? Tang San and Xiao Wu met each other’s

eyes. Only now did they learn that in two against two and group
battles, everyone must submit their combination name to help
the Spirit Arena presenter announce them.

Tang San considered, then said:

“We’re called San-Wu Combination.”

He separately chose his and Xiao Wu’s name, anyway this

importance was not something that held great importance.

“Good, Three-Five Combination is now registered.”

On Tang San and Xiao Wu’s badges another three words were
carved, on it was carved the three words ‘Three Five
Combination’. Only, ‘Wu’ was carved as ‘Five’.

831 Goldenagato |

“Hey, this word is wrong, it’s Wu, not Five.”

Xiao Wu resentfully said.

The staff member said cold as ice:

“Who asked you to not speak clearly. If you want to alter the
combination name, you must re-register for iron spirit fight
badges to be able to change it. At the same time, any already
obtained accomplishments will be completely erased.”

While Xiao Wu was getting ready to erupt, Dai Mubai’s voice

was suddenly heard,

“Xiao Wu, your one against one spirit fight is beginning.

Hurry over.”

Tang San clapped Xiao Wu’s shoulder, saying:

“Let it be, Three Five Combination is just Three Five

Combination, in the end it’s only a name, nothing more.”

832 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu pulled a face at that staff member, then ran towards
the one against one spirit fight area.

The one on one spirit fight area was drawn up according to

lots drawn in advance. While other Spirit Masters were in the
middle of spirit fights, the waiting Spirit Masters could opt to
watch the battle or opt to rest. Each area in the Spirit Arena had
special places for competing Spirit Masters to watch the battle.
The distance to the fighting spirits platform was very close.

Xiao Wu was the first of the five people to go on stage, and

Tang San and the others naturally chose to watch the battle.
Led by a staff member, they reached the spectating area below
the platform, next to the fighting platform was a special area
where you were just able to get a full view of the platform.

Even though it was a Spirit Arena platform, the area still

wasn’t small, its diameter reaching twenty metres, possessing
sufficient area to let Spirit Masters display their strength.
Unfortunately, at this Spirit Arena fourteen one against one
spirit fight ring the quantity of audience was not much,
approximately only seating one fifth or so.

On the spirit fight stage, in the middle stood a middle aged

833 Goldenagato |

person wearing a swallow-tailed coat, in a distinct voice, he said

“Next, carrying out our Spirit Arena fourteen’s first one

against one spirit fight, appearing, are two Spirit Grandmasters.
They are respectively, with Beast Spirit Jade Rabbit Battle Spirit
Grandmaster Xiao Wu, facing off against the with already two
successive wins Beast Spirit Iron Horned Bull Battle Spirit
Grandmaster Qing Bao. Will Qing Bao after all be able to
continue to his glorious third successive win, or will the
newcomer Battle Spirit Grandmaster Xiao Wu grasp victory, let
us wipe our eyes and wait. Next, we invite the two Spirit
Grandmaster’s on stage.”

The spectators in the stands made very few shouts,

occasionally several people shouted Qing Bao’s name. The
majority did not appear not particularly interested.

A person with tall and robust stature very quickly arrived on

the stage, this person’s height was an astonishing two metres or
so, broad shoulders and wide back, whole body covered by a
layer of granite like muscle, tanned skin stretched tightly over
tendons that covered his bare upper body like blue-green little
snakes. Eyes glittering ominously like a copper bell, at the same
time as taking the stage, he looked upward and issued an ear-
splitting roar, releasing a valiant vigor.

834 Goldenagato |

One need not even ask, this was a physical strength type Battle
Spirit Master, the same category as Motionless Bright King Zhao

Ma Hongjun sat next to Tang San, in a low voice saying:

“This big fellow looks strong for sure, will your Xiao Wu be

Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“You wait and see. Xiao Wu’s spirit ability comparatively fears
physical strength type Spirit Masters, but that is only in
circumstances where the other side’s physical strength far
outclasses hers. At equal levels, physical strength type Battle
Spirit Masters facing her, will only be……”

He did not finish his last line, a face childishly excited Xiao
Wu already finally hopped on to the stage. White tight clothes,
pink trousers, figure clearly still not particularly developed, a
beautiful little face brimming with childishness, immediately
attracted the attention of many spectators.

835 Goldenagato |

“How old is this little miss? What did the announcer say? Said
she was a Spirit Grandmaster? That’s impossible.”

Similar doubting voices were continuously heard in the

stands. The spectators always sympathised with the weaker
side, and adding to Xiao Wu’s outward appearance being much
better than the opposing side’s Iron Horned Bull Spirit Master,
immediately received the favor of the majority of those
watching the battle.

Qing Bao on seeing Xiao Wu was stunned a moment, speaking

in a low and muffled voice:

“Little miss, haven’t you come to the wrong place? This is not
where you should be, immediately go back home.”

Xiao Wu wore a slight smile, although she was only twelve

years old, that small face of hers revealing a slight smile
harmless to humans and animals was very destructive,
especially when speaking of Qing Bao’s kind of physical strength
type simple minded fellow, it was even easier to arouse his
protective instincts.

836 Goldenagato |

“Little sister, step down. It would be no good if by chance you
met with injury, you consider, you’re so frail.”

Qing Bao was somewhat awkward. Simple-mindedly asking

Xiao Wu to concede.

Xiao Wu’s refined eyebrows wrinkled minutely, slim waist


“Why are you speaking so much nonsense? Hurry up and use

your spirit, don’t blame me for not warning you.”

Seeing Qing Bao still wanted to say something, Xiao Wu whose

character could never be considered gentle couldn’t help it, with
a big stride forward, leapt up in Qing Bao’s direction.

Xiao Wu’s speed was very quick, in the blink of an eye moving
more than ten metres, long legs softly leaping, sending her body
off the floor, one leg kicking towards Qing Bao’s neck.

Defense was one of physical strength type Spirit Masters’

most formidable capabilities, seeing Xiao Wu light as a feather
kicking towards him, the straightforward Qing Bao did not

837 Goldenagato |

dodge at all, with his speed basically not open to dodging, in his
heart thinking, ‘this little miss is not sensible, so young yet
running to participate in spirit fights, let her hit a few times,
wait until she’s tired, and she’ll naturally go down at once.’

However, Qing Bao only had time to form this idea in his
heart, the next moment this spirit fight already ended.

The strength of Xiao Wu’s kick at Qing Bao’s thick and solid
neck was more gentle than Qing Bao had imagined, after this
kick of hers, the tips of her feet did not bounce away, instead
sticking to Qing Bao’s neck, and at the same time her other leg
also rose, stepping on Qing Bao’s substantial chest.

Pink light quickly bubbled out, two bright full moon yellow
rings of light appeared on Xiao Wu’s body, this moment, the
spirit rings she used was proof to the spectators of her Spirit
Grandmaster rank.

Among Spirit Masters in the stands, as Tang San saw Xiao

Wu’s right foot accurately stick to Qing Bao’s neck, the corners
of his mouth showed a slight smile, lightly saying the word,


838 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu’s first spirit ring ability, Waist Bow, activated.

Qing Bao only felt an energy simultaneously reach him from

his chest and neck, his entire body following Xiao Wu’s flip,
already like a soaring cloud thrown into the air.

Immediately following, after Xiao Wu touched the ground she

took a one step run up, leaping up to meet Qing Bao’s falling
body in the air, both legs accurately grabbing his waist, her
slender waist twisting, body rotating once in midair, a return
drop making Qing Bao’s body fall obliquely, shooting under the
protective rope on the side of the ring, falling directly below the
platform, producing a muffled peng sound.

The entire Spirit Arena fourteen’s one against one spirit

fighting ring’s surroundings became quiet, not only the
spectators, even that previous announcer already had his mouth
wide open.

Who could have expected that this spirit fight would have
ended so quickly, and the winning side unexpectedly was that
little miss looking only ten something years old. The entire
process was not only quick, but also Xiao Wu’s figure using the

839 Goldenagato |

Waist Bow on her enormous opponent looked so graceful, the
reckless bull-like Qing Bao did not even have time to use his
spirit before the spirit fight already ended.

Because of Qing Bao’s politeness, Xiao Wu’s attack on him had

not used all her spirit power, adding that his own defensive
power wasn’t bad, currently he already crawled up from on the
ground shaking and swaying.

“Little sister, you truly are ferocious. I have lost.”

Qing Bao was a guileless person, but not at all foolish. In the
split second Xiao Wu used strength, he already felt that Xiao
Wu’s spirit power was far superior to his, Qing Bao’s own spirit
power was twenty fifth rank. Under this gap in spirit power,
adding to this little miss’ skill also being so strange, he knew
that even if he used his full power, it would still be impossible to

Xiao Wu snappily said:

“What ‘little sister, little sister’, call me Xiao Wu Jie. Don’t

you know who is more capable?”

840 Goldenagato |

“Eh, Xiao Wu Jie.”

Qing Bao very honestly called her, leaving with face blushing.

Among the Spirit Masters watching the stage, Tang San

hearing Xiao Wu’s words couldn’t help smiling, this girl, the
enthusiastic big sister leader also came out.

Hong——, at this moment cheering abruptly resounded, a

beautiful little miss who was also so ferocious immediately
attracted the eyes of all people. For a moment there was
thunderous applause.

Xiao Wu smiled and giggling waved her hand towards the


By now the announcer also reacted, with quick steps reaching

the spirit fighting stage, in a loud voice declaring,

“Battle Spirit Grandmaster Xiao Wu’s victory, fight record,

one victory zero losses. Qing Bao’s fight record is twenty one
wins and fourteen losses. Grandmaster Xiao Wu, after leaving
the stage please go register accumulated points.”

841 Goldenagato |

The competition pace was carried out very quickly, perhaps it
was because of the brief brilliance in Xiao Wu’s display in the
fight with Qing Bao, the spectators in the stand by now also had
become interested.

But what Tang San’s waiting group didn’t expect was, the
second spirit fight’s Spirit Masters unexpectedly were a Shrek
Academy internal battle. The two sides up to fight were
respectively Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing only gave Tang San a glance and went to the
spirit fight passage, when Tang San just prepared to catch up,
Dai Mubai grabbed his shoulder.

Dai Mubai’s face revealed some awkwardness, in a low voice


“Little brother, start off a bit easy.”

Tang San smiled slightly, nodding once to him, then ascended

the stage by the spirit fight passage.

842 Goldenagato |

Again two students were facing off, and also competing in this
was a beautiful lady who in appearance was not inferior to Xiao
Wu. Before the spirit fight had even started, the spectators
already burst into cheers.

The announcer simply introduced both sides names and

spirits, indicating to the pair that the spirit fight could begin.


Tang San politely made a courteous gesture to Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing coldly said:

“Please go all out, let me see my gap with you.”

She was present at the fight between Tang San and Zhao Wuji,
and naturally understood it was impossible for her to match
Tang San. But what she even more wanted to know was, as
Spirit Grandmasters alike, how big the gap between her and
Tang San actually was.

843 Goldenagato |

Different from the previous fight, as this spirit fight was about
to start the battle’s two sides both released their spirits. Zhu
Zhuqing’s pair of eyes changed simultaneously, left eye dark
green, right eye clear blue, a pair of cute cat ears stood up
slightly, both hands’ ten fingers lightly flicking, spike like claws
sprang from the tips. Body crouching forward, coldly staring at
Tang San like he was her prey. Two yellow spirit rings at the
same time appeared on her body, an ice cold and piercing
atmosphere giving people a somewhat suffocating feeling.

Equally colored spirit rings also appeared on Tang San’s body,

blue and black long vines extended along the ground, moving
rhythmically like blue and black giant snakes, covering more
than ten metres in diameter around Tang San’s body, seemingly
occupying half the spirit fighting platform’s area.

Tang San looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a calm expression. He

was not a bit hurried, even though the two sides competition
had not even started, Tang San knew he had already obtained

As a control system Battle Spirit Master, he in himself would

restrain Zhu Zhuqing’s agility attack system, especially in the
ring where Zhu Zhuqing’s quickness was unable to fully be
displayed. This fight held no suspense from the beginning.

844 Goldenagato |

Watching the blue silver grass spreading in her direction, Zhu
Zhuqing knew she could not keep waiting. Body suddenly
shooting up, even leaving a series of phantoms, pouncing at
Tang San from the front.

Right now, the entire audience clearly saw, as Zhu Zhuqing

rushed within the range of the Blue Silver Grass, in all
directions the Blue Silver Grass simultaneously stood up, just
like an enormous cage, enveloping Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing

Zhu Zhuqing’s first spirit ring shone up practically at the

same time as Tang San’s.

Hell Rush Stab activated, in midair, Zhu Zhuqing’s sharp

claws suddenly extended, her body quickly became indistinct,
speed doubling in a flash, obliquely leaping in Tang San’s

Seeing her approach, Tang San only did one simple

movement. Stepping aside.

Currently, his eyes were already covered with a purple layer,

perhaps to other peoples’ eyes Zhu Zhuqing’s silhouette was

845 Goldenagato |

very difficult to distinguish, but he who had continuously
trained in hidden weapons, relying on Purple Demon Eye, how
would he not be able to see clearly?

While using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to escape danger,

bringing Tang San’s body away from Zhu Zhuqing’s attack
range, the sharp claws pierced the air, practically sticking to
Tang San’s body as she streaked past. In the next moment, Zhu
Zhuqing had no chance to launch her second spirit ring ability.
The Blue Silver Grass already waiting for her took advantage of
her neutralized attack to crowd around her in an instant.

Blue Silver Grass first spirit ring ability, Binding, activated.

Numerous Blue Silver Grass bundled robustly around Zhu

Zhuqing’s body. They were after all on the same side, so Tang
San did not activate Blue Silver Grass’ venomous thorns and
only tied down Zhu Zhuqing, that’s all. But the first spirit ring’s
supplementary paralysis was still reducing Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit
power fluctuations, their battle also ended within this brief
moment of time.

“Control system restrains agility attack system, your attack

was insufficient to cut open my spirit’s control capabilities.”

846 Goldenagato |

Tang San with a mild expression released Blue Silver Grass.

Zhu Zhuqing was still that cold, but Tang San knew she
herself also understood, only she didn’t expect Tang San would
win this easily. Right now she already was completely clear
about the reason Tang San was able to tangle with Zhao Wuji
for so long, was certainly not only because of the exquisite
hidden weapons. His grasp of timing in battle was equally
valiant, facing him she basically didn’t have the slightest

“I lose.”

Leaving behind those two simple words, she immediately

turned and stepped off the stage, just as quickly as she came.

Of course, this was not at all to say Tang San necessarily was
stronger than Zhu Zhuqing, agility attack system Spirit Masters
should hide in darkness, attacking, assassinating and scouting,
these were their strongest skills. This kind of frontal ring fight,
to agility attack system Spirit Masters, in itself was not fair. If
this was a in a complex terrain, for Tang San to prevail over Zhu
Zhuqing absolutely would not be this easy.

847 Goldenagato |

When Tang San walked out the Spirit Master passage, Xiao
Wu was waiting for him there, and after simply registering
accumulated points, the two did not again return to the Spirit
Master stands. They still had the two against two spirit fight to
go through.

The drawing of lots was already finished. After Tang San had
asked, he and Xiao Wu still had two matches before their battle
so the two also did not go look at the battles, after all, although
the preceding fights were quick, they still consumed some
amount of spirit power, and they simply rested at the
preparation area.

The two against two spirit fights were apparently much

longer than one against one, and when it was their turn to go
up, the two’s spirit power had already recovered to optimum

Following the Spirit Masters passage to reach the spirit

fighting ring, Tang San first simply observed his surroundings

On this two against two side the audience filled at least half
the seats, the popularity was a bit better than the one against
one side. Their opponents already waited for them on the spirit

848 Goldenagato |

fighting platform.

The two against two spirit fight’s ring compared to one

against one was twice as big, after all, the number of Spirit
Masters was twice as many, so they also required an even larger

Currently, the ring’s announcer was declaring the Spirit

Master combinations.

“......, two against two fifth match, Iron Blood Combination

facing off against Three Five Combination.”

Just on the platform, Xiao Wu could not help but mumble to


“How is it again physical strength type Battle Spirit Masters,

there’s not a bit of novelty.”

Tang San and Xiao Wu’s opponents were two eighteen or

nineteen years old youths, both were fierce and majestic,
appearance extremely alike, statures robust to a degree no less
than that previous Iron Horned Bull Spirit Master. Although

849 Goldenagato |

they were not bare chested, their uncovered thick and solid
arms still could reveal their physical strength.

As the Iron Blood Combination unexpectedly saw two

children on stage, both somewhat disbelieving rubbed their
eyes. The announcer was also stunned a moment, but the spirit
fight still must continue, and able to stand here they clearly
possessed the corresponding spirit rank.

“Apparently, our Three Five Combination still truly are

promising youths. Competition start.”

The Iron Blood brother pair’s astonishment only appeared on

their faces for a very brief time, they very quickly recovered to
normal, not advancing but retreating, simultaneously steadily
taking a step backwards. Even more simultaneously produced a
low roar, the two people moving as neatly as one.

Intense gray light rushed out from their hands, identical

weapons simultaneously appeared in their grasps.

Seeing these weapons, Tang San could not help but be

distracted a moment, the weapons appearing in the Iron Blood
Combination’s hands he indeed knew too well, like what he

850 Goldenagato |

frequently used as a blacksmith, Forging Hammers.

Of course, the ones in the Iron Blood brothers’ hands were

somewhat different from the forging hammer he ordinarily
used, not only was the bulk even bigger, but the forging
hammer also had some detailed pattern, each had two yellow
hundred year spirit beast rings of light moving rhythmically
over him.

Tool Spirit Battle Spirit Masters. Although they similarly were

physical strength type Battle Spirit Masters, Tang San and Xiao
Wu immediately decided that facing these two opponents were
entirely different from Xiao Wu’s previous one against one
spirit fight opponent. Most importantly, the combat experience
of these two before them clearly was extremely rich, not at all
relaxing their guard just because they were young.

The left man said:

“I’m Tie Long.”

The right man said:

851 Goldenagato |

“I’m Tie Hu.”

The shouted loudly in unison,

“Take care.”

Although Tool Spirits would not alter the Spirit Master’s

appearance, the two majestically large men simultaneously
roared loudly, still brimming with valiant pressure. They took
practically identical steps, like the sound of thunder dashing in
Tang San and Xiao Wu’s direction. The Iron Hammers in their
hands already raised high.

Xiao Wu’s toes lightly pointed to the ground, body light as a

feather soaring up, Tang San’s right arm supporting her toes,
Xiao Wu’s one foot stepping on Tang San’s right shoulder,
taking a Golden Rooster Stands On One Leg posture.

The two had been together for many years, and cooperated
through mutual understanding, while ascending Tang San’s
shoulder, Xiao Wu already completed her Rabbit Spirit Body
Enhancement, sharp gaze staring fixedly at the two rapidly
approaching opponents. Once the other party showed a weak
point, then, she would in a moment pounce down from up high

852 Goldenagato |

to launch her Soft Skill.

Blue and black Blue Silver Grass rushed out, changing into
countless vines meeting the Iron Blood Combination brother
pair’s onrush. Under circumstances where rank was not much
different, when Blue Silver Grass tangled the them the other
side basically would not have a chance to struggle free. This was
a control system spirit’s domain.

The Tie family brothers were not a bit hurried, seeing several
tens of Blue Silver Grass come head on, the two immediately
swung the Iron Hammers in their hands. The immense
hammers were as light in their hands as if empty, unexpectedly
their swings became a defensive screen.

Tang San by observing them discovered that the Tie brothers’

hammer method unexpectedly was somewhat similar to his
Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, merely the rhythm
didn’t have the harmony of the Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method, the generated force also was not equally
fierce as that of Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, but
their speed was even faster than his Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method.

Tie Long and Tie Hu’s first spirit rings simultaneously shone,

853 Goldenagato |

and as Blue Silver Grass entered the range of their hammers,
when wanting to break through and launch the Binding ability,
it was immediately swept away by their hammers, besides the
hammers’ own force they still had a kind of unusual shaking
power that stirred up the Blue Silver Grass.

Shaking, was the Tie family brothers’ first spirit ring ability.
In effect blocking the Blue Silver Grass’ control.

The two people, one left and one right, swinging their Iron
Hammers and tightly defending their bodies within,
simultaneously quickly pressed forward, and would soon reach
before Tang San and Xiao Wu.


Tang San shouted loudly, shaking his shoulder, already

sending Xiao Wu’s body into the air, leaping towards the Tie
family brothers’ backs. Eyes taking on a purple lustre, both his
hands simultaneously lifted.

Internal strength pouring into both hands, white jade like

palms practically simultaneously swatting at the Tie brothers,
Tang San’s own feet swiftly sliding forward like wiping grease,

854 Goldenagato |

both hands circling, not at all colliding forcefully with those
two Iron Hammers, rather pulling from the side, light as a
feather pushing at the Iron Hammers’ sides, lightly sending
them in between, making a small crack appear in the Tie
brothers’ unity. Tang San also took advantage of this moment’s
opportunity to swiftly bore through this small crack.

The Iron Hammers whistled, brushing the front of Tang San’s

jacket with a fluttering sound, but without striking him.

Controlling Crane Catching Dragon’s use for controlling

hidden weapons was admittedly outstanding, but used as an
internal strength kind of method its effect was equally
maximized. What Tang San used just now was exactly the Four
Liang Deflecting A Thousand Jin secret.

As a result of Controlling Crane Catching Dragon leading

down and pouncing forward, the Tie family brothers
concentrated defense immediately showed a small hole, Tang
San’s Blue Silver Grass did not stay idle and took advantage of
this opportunity to dash in.

But the Tie family brothers proved themselves to have ample

fighting experience, turning at lightning speed, once again Blue
Silver Grass was swept away.

855 Goldenagato |

Tool Spirits, to earn the one word ‘Tool’, it was unable to
improve the capabilities of the host itself, but in its additional
capabilities were extremely powerful. The effect of the first
spirit ring on the Iron Hammers shaking even did not need the
Iron Hammers to come directly in contact with Blue Silver
Grass, if the Blue Silver Grass only one chi intruded within their
range, it would immediately be swept away, unable to
accomplish the binding effect.

As Tang San bored between the two’s unity, was also just the
moment when Xiao Wu dropped from the air, once again
standing on Tang San’s shoulder, movements exactly the same
as before.

“Little San, finish them.”

Xiao Wu giggled. She had fought more with Tang San’s Blue
Silver Grass than anyone, and naturally knew Tang San’s spirits

When Xiao Wu started to talk, on Tang San’s body the second

spirit ring abruptly flared.

856 Goldenagato |

The hammer waving Tie family brothers’ bodies
simultaneously went rigid, a blue and black vine beginning to
grow on their bodies. Precisely Blue Silver Grass second ability,

Unmistakably, their hammer method indeed protected them

very tightly, but still not to the extent that dust could not enter.
The Blue Silver Grass spirit under Tang San’s control
continuously scattered seeds in the air, especially when Tang
San previously used Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to
make the Tie family brothers momentarily expose a hole in
their defense, even more were quietly entering inside. Although
the Parasite Blue Silver Grass seeds on their bodies were not at
all very many, as long as it restricted them for a short time, the
Blue Silver Grass outside would naturally also be able to succeed
with the Binding ability.

Feeling the Parasite Blue Silver Grass bring paralysis and

seeing the numerous Blue Silver Grass around pounce at them,
the Tie brothers met each other’s eyes, once again roaring
loudly. Taking advantage of the Parasite Blue Silver Grass not
yet having completely restricted their movements, whirling
their hammers with both hands, rapidly swinging one turn,
their second spirit rings simultaneously shining, they
unexpectedly threw out the two enormous Iron Hammers,
respectively smashing at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

857 Goldenagato |

The Iron Hammers made ear-splitting piercing sounds in the
air, even the air unexpectedly distorted slightly. Under a gray
light cover, the two Iron Hammers bulk suddenly doubled, even
without getting close one was already able to feel the additional
frightful attack power within them.

The Tie brothers’ second spirit ring ability, All In One Throw.

Tang San in his heart secretly said ‘not good’, firstly sending
Xiao Wu into the air, himself also using Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track to get out of the way to the side at lightning

San Wu Zuhe (三舞组合)

San Wu Zuhe (三五组合) They are homophones.

(玉兔) A.k.a the moon rabbit.

(庆宝) “Celebrate Treasure”

(幽冥突刺) Or “Hell Thrust” or “Hell Rush Pierce” or “Hell

858 Goldenagato |

Rush Assassinate” or several other possibilities.

Tie xue (铁血)

(铁龙) “Iron Dragon”

(铁虎) “Iron Tiger”

Tai Chi stance

Did I mention it was the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer


(四两拨千斤) A common saying in Chinese martial arts about

using a small force to lead a large force.

(孤注一掷) A less literal translation might be “to bet everything

on one toss [of the dice]”, it’s an idiom with the same meaning
as putting all one’s eggs in the same basket. But that doesn’t
seem like a good technique name.

859 Goldenagato |

Chapter 25 - Tool Spirit’s Formidable Power

The Tool Spirits’ second spirit ring ability, and moreover a

full strength attack, although Tang San thought he had slightly
more spirit power than the Tie family brothers, facing their all
out full strength final attack he still dared not take it lightly.

But, circumstances arose making Tang San turn pale with

fright, as those two hammers whistling out in midair
unexpectedly suddenly separated, one pursuing Xiao Wu’s
soaring figure, one arcing to strike at him. The Tie family
brothers second spirit ring ability unexpectedly had a pursuing

Right now, the Tie family brothers’ bodies were already

tightly bound by Blue Silver Grass, the sharp thorns piercing
their bodies, poison setting in, and in a moment were unable to
move further. But in their eyes glinted a hopeful light, hoping
that final attack would be able to give results, if it was only able
to knock down Tang San the Binding on them would also be
easily dissolved.

What’s to be done? Between instants, Tang San already made

a decision. A Blue Silver Grass without thorns soared into the
air, accurately binding Xiao Wu’s slender waist, and with an

860 Goldenagato |

effort obliquely throwing her away.

In that way Tang San determined that although the Tie family
brothers’ iron hammer were able to pursue the opponent, they
were still only capable of doing so under a certain angle, not at
all unlimited pursuit. He threw Xiao Wu in the reverse direction
facing the Iron Hammer, and as expected breaking her away
from the Iron Hammer’s All In One Throw attack range.

But, since Tang San used all his effort on Xiao Wu, he himself
was already without time to adapt, and the other Iron Hammer
already reached him at the same time as he threw Xiao Wu.

In a crisis, Tang Sect martial skills could act without restraint,

seeing the iron hammers already come at him, intense wind
enveloped his body. Tang San’s both palms exerted Mysterious
Jade Hand, body spinning rapidly, swatting with full internal
strength Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, practically in a
split second turning his palms. Seven successive palm strikes
practically simultaneously clapped on the iron hammer head.

Under the effect of Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill

internal strength using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon the
iron hammer was finally brought to diverge one chi, and
although Tang San’s body was flung away in response, in the

861 Goldenagato |

end he was not struck from the front.

With a loud hong sound, the iron hammer fell to the floor,
Tang San’s body rolled in midair, still without landing, he
already coughed up a mouthful of blood.

In midair Xiao Wu seeing Tang San injured enough to spit

blood was immediately enraged,

“Scoundrels, you court death.”

Both hands simultaneously rising, without any sound of the

air splitting, four shadows sharply shot from her sleeves, aiming
for Tie Long and Tie Hu. The shadows’ targets were all the
pair’s eyes.

Although Xiao Wu couldn’t learn Tang Sect hidden weapons,

there were still many mechanism type hidden weapons. She
practically wore a similar collection as what Tang San had.
Right now in anger, and unable to consider the consequences,
directly used the Silent Sleeve Dart.

As a mechanism made by Tang San, this Silent Sleeve Dart’s

862 Goldenagato |

penetrating power was extremely strong, although Tie Long and
Tie Hu had robust bodies, if their eyes were hit, then let alone
simply blinding, the Sleeve Dart’s formidable power was
sufficient to bore into their brains.

And at this moment Tie Long and Tie Hu were already

completely restricted in Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass, and after
using All In One Throw their spirit power was greatly reduced,
the paralysing poison taking the opportunity to spread.
Wanting to move a finger or toe was already an extravagant
hope, let alone dodging Xiao Wu’s Sleeve Darts. Before the darts
had even reached them, they brought a strong wind that already
numbed their eyes, under the great shock secretly crying out in
their hearts ‘this life ends’.

“Xiao Wu, don’t.”

Tang San swiftly shouted, right hand in a flash throwing from

his waist, four cold lights flying obliquely.

Dingdingdingding sounds echoed lightly, the four Sleeve

Darts practically only one cun from Tie Long and Tie Hu’s eyes
were knocked flying.

863 Goldenagato |

Originally, when Tang San narrowly escaped danger, he drew
out and threw four Willow Leaf Throwing Knives from Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges. Although throwing needles were very
fast, their weight was too different from the Sleeve Darts,
insufficient to obstruct the Sleeve Darts’ attack, but throwing
knives were much heavier than the throwing needles.

However, this was fortunately Tang San with Purple Demon

Eye, the astonishing eyesight in addition to his extraordinary
understanding of the speed of the Sleeve Darts he had made
himself, otherwise, still could not save the Tie brothers.

Xiao Wu flipped in midair and landed on the ground,

“Little San, what are you doing?”

Right now, her charming little face was flushed with anger,
fiercely glaring at the two Tie brothers.

Tang San shook his head at Xiao Wu,

“Even if they are enemies they must be saved, my injuries are

not serious.”

864 Goldenagato |

Gaze switching towards the already pale Tie Long and Tie Hu,

“You two, this spirit fight should be our win.”

Tie Long and Tie Hu still could speak somewhat, and

hurriedly nodded, Tie Long saying:

“Many thanks for the favor of our lives little brother. We


Tang San withdrew the Blue Silver Grass, inhaling a deep

breath, within his body enduring unceasing burning pain.
Fortunately, he had not been struck head on by the other side’s
attack, and adding Mysterious Heaven Skill belonging to the
genuine first class of internal strength, regarding defense it was
extraordinarily good, cultivating for many years was equivalent
to constant warm support of the internal organs, he only needed
to harmonise his breath for a time after returning and this
would not be of any consequence.

As Tang San and Xiao Wu walked out from the two against
two spirit fight area, Dai Mubai’s group had also already

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finished their spirit fights, today could be said to be to
everyone’s delight and satisfaction: apart from Zhu Zhuqing’s
defeat by Tang San, the others all obtained spirit fight victories.
Thanks to two spirit fights, Tang San and Xiao Wu each
obtained two points and twenty gold coins in winnings.

“The dean?”

Tang San asked Dai Mubai.

Dang Mubai helplessly said.

“Heaven knows where he want, he made clear that after we

finished the spirit fights we are to go back first.”

While the five walked out from the spirit fights, they could
again and again hear the sounds of acclaim. In todays spirit
fights, although they could not be said to have profited much,
Tang San still felt he had profited not little from this kind of
lethal combat.

Especially the one battle with the Tie brothers let him see
Tool Spirits’ formidable power. Every kind of spirit all had its

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own characteristics, as long as it was used appropriately, all
could reach maximum effect.

Talking about strength, he and Xiao Wu were clearly above

the opponents, but because they somewhat underestimated the
enemy they almost suffered defeat. In Tang San’s mind he
couldn’t help but remember what Grandmaster once said, ‘in
battles between Spirit Masters, one first of all must feel clearly
the opponents ability, if unable to do so, then, everything must
be treated in the most cautious manner.’ Even if it was the
lowest ranked Spirit Master, they might still possess a deadly
spirit ability.

“You return first. Just now the dean said to have me go to his

Ma Hongjun suddenly said. In the pair of small eyes flickered

a somewhat excited light.

Dai Mubai’s face showed an expression like a smile yet not a


“Then we will return first, you take it a bit easy.”

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“Boss Dai, aren’t you coming?”

“I’m not, don’t speak nonsense, quickly leave.”

Dai Mubai snappily glared at him, out of the corners of his

eyes glancing at Zhu Zhuqing.

Fatty’s reaction was clearly somewhat slow, without making

out the meaning in Dai Mubai’s eyes, his plump face blushing
somewhat because of excitement,

“Come on, let’s go together. Did you not say women women
are a natural resource of population?”

Dai Mubai was finally unable to show restraint,

“Quickly get lost. My taste is not as lacking as yours.”

Ma Hongjun snorted somewhat discontentedly, but

confronting the flickering fury in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes, he
opened his mouth, in the end he did not dare confront this Evil
Eye White Tiger with words, and turned around and left.

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“Boss Dai, what is that lewd Fatty going to do?”

Xiao Wu asked.

Dai Mubai laughed out loud, saying:

“You all say he is lewd, what can he do, Evil Fire can’t be
suppressed constantly.”

Xiao Wu snapped:

“Again going to harm girls? I truly wonder whether that spirit

transformation of his isn’t related to his natural disposition.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Harming is out of the question, don’t you know this world

has a kind of places called brothels?”

869 Goldenagato |

Tang San somewhat not daring to believe said:

“You are saying, the dean will bring Ma Hongjun to go to that

kind of place?”

He had heard of brothels in his past life, and naturally knew

what places those were.

Dai Mubai said:

“This also is a matter that can’t be helped. Ma Hongjun’s

spirit apart from that defect is among one of the most powerful
among Beast Spirits, he is also considered to be the dean’s direct
disciple, he can’t have him give up cultivation forever or see his
body burst and die.”

Zhu Zhuqing made a rare comment,

“Men all are filthy.”

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

870 Goldenagato |

“Little sister Zhuqing, your attack must not be too wide, oh,
Tang San is certainly very neat. By no means like those kinds of
Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.”

Dai Mubai snappily said:

“Fine, your Tang little San is clear as ice and clean as jade, we
are all filthy, alright. Compared to Fatty my tastes are much

Xiao Wu immediately assumed a mimicking appearance,

watching Dai Mubai in a burst of angry suffering helplessly
shake his head. As he furtively glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, he
discovered Zhu Zhuqing was already looking at him, only the
light in her eyes seemed even more ice cold. The young miss
snorted, suddenly walking up in front of Dai Mubai,

“Your tastes are better than whose?”

Dai Mubai stared blankly a moment, not knowing how he

should respond,

871 Goldenagato |

“Zhuqing, I……”

He currently already became aware that his words were

mistaken, if tastes were better than Fatty, didn’t that say he just
faced a different kind of women from that particular
occupation? Whether senior or junior, whether phoenix in grass
nest or courtesan, what was the difference between anyone
dealing with the industry?

Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes suddenly brimmed with disdain and


“You are fifteen years old? You make me sick.”

Saying so, she turned around and left.

Ever since Zhu Zhuqing arrived at Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai

had continuously repressed himself, tolerating her. Right now,
the always cold and arrogant him could no longer suppress his
innermost fury,

“You stop right there.”

872 Goldenagato |

Zhu Zhuqing did not pay him any attention, and not only
didn’t stop walking, on the contrary increased her pace.


Dai Mubai fiercely raised his right hand, intense white light in
the centre of his palm. He had never had a good temperament,
or rather, his temperament was more irritable than that of any
other person. However, in the end he still endured it, the white
light in his palm did not flash, his mouth issuing a tiger-like
hissing gasp, then just followed behind Zhu Zhuqing back
towards the Academy.

Xiao Wu blinked, in a low voice asking Tang San:

“What’s going on with them?”

Tang San shook his head,

“I also don’t know. From what I saw on that day with the
enrollment, Dai Mubai should be not familiar with Zhu Zhuqing
from before. But he seems a bit different towards Zhu Zhuqing.

873 Goldenagato |

Could it truly only be because of the possibility of their spirits
being compatible stirring the harmonisation ability? Forget
about it, we still shouldn’t poke around in other peoples’
personal matters.”

Xiao Wu raised her hand and touched Tang San’s stomach,

Tang San was startled by her,

“What are you doing?”

Xiao Wu’s eyes were slightly red rimmed,

“Does it still hurt? All because of me, you were injured.”

Tang San at this came to himself, she was pointing to his

injury. Faintly smiling he shook his head,

“No matter, as big brother I can’t be so frail, let’s go, we’ll

quickly catch up, they are both almost out of sight.”

As they returned to the Shrek Academy, outside the Academy

gate they were astonished to find two people.

874 Goldenagato |

Tonight’s moonlight was very good. With the aid of
moonlight, they immediately recognized Oscar and Ning
Rongrong waiting for them here.

Ning Rongrong’s mood looked to already have returned to

normal, on her beautiful little cheeks once again hung a smiling
expression, sitting on the big stone above the Academy gate,
swinging her legs, with a somewhat thoughtful expression.

But Oscar’s expression just seemed somewhat unsightly,

brows slightly wrinkled, from time to time furtively glancing at
Ning Rongrong, the expression in his eyes revealing a somewhat
reluctant light.

Zhu Zhuqing as if she did not see the two people, immediately
entered the Academy, and without turning her head headed
directly towards her dorm.

Dai Mubai frowned, the chill in his evil eyes even more

“What are you doing here?”

875 Goldenagato |

Light flickered in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes, coldly speaking.

Ning Rongrong hopped down from the overhead stone,

“Waiting for you of course. How come you return so late? And
the dean and Fatty?”

Dai Mubai coldly replied,

“They are occupied. Have you figured it out? Staying or


Ning Rongrong without the slightest hesitation said:

“Of course it’s staying, this place is too interesting. How could
I stay away. What’s with your expression, are you a jiangshi?
Were you beaten by Zhuqing there? Haha, Oscar said you are
some expert level lover, can’t even handle a young miss.”

Ning Rongrong did not again cover up her liberated nature.

876 Goldenagato |

From childhood she had been highly intelligent, and saw very
many things from Dai Mubai’s expression, not in the least
hesitating to make fun of him.

Dai Mubai’s evil eyes held a cold light,

“Ning Rongrong. Don’t provoke my patience. This is Shrek

Academy, not your home, other people may fear you at Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School, but I Dai Mubai don’t. Provoking
me, take care I don’t rape and kill you, then do it all over.”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

“I’m really scared, ah!”

Deliberately sticking out her still developing little chest.

“Come on, let me see how you rape me.”


877 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai in the end was unable to suppress his fury, ‘if the
White Tiger does not reveal its power, you will truly consider
me a sick cat.’ Intensely angry power abruptly surged out, spirit
power erupting in a flash, Ning Rongrong’s body practically in a
split second was thrown away by the shock.

Oscar in a rush advanced a step, about to catch Ning

Rongrong, but himself fell butt first on the ground from the


Tang San took an obstructing step in front of Ning Rongrong,

both hands held at either side, using Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon energy, sending out Dai Mubai’s spirit power to either

“Everyone are fellow students. Let it be.”

Even though Dai Mubai only released spirit power, without

launching any attack, the shock to Tang San who was already
internally injured made his blood and breath roil. In his heart
secretly shocked, this perhaps was Dai Mubai’s genuine power,
thirty seventh ranked spirit power indeed was much more

878 Goldenagato |

powerful than his own.

Ning Rongrong from childhood till now, at what time had she
been humiliated like this, she had not expected Dai Mubai to
actually truly dare touch her. Although she had not truly been
injured, the soreness over her entire body still told her this was
entirely real, for a moment tears surrounded the edges of her
eyes, rigidly staring speechless at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San in the way before him, and
slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid qi, the spirit power on his
body restraining within,

“Fine, little San, I’ll let you save face.”

His evil eyes shot Ning Rongrong a cold glance,

“You remember my words well, this isn’t your home, don’t

provoke me again, otherwise, I won’t consider your status.”

Leaving these words behind, he started off with big strides,

heading straight inside the Academy.

879 Goldenagato |

“Tang San.”

Ning Rongrong wiping the tears from her eyes, suddenly

called out Tang San’s name loudly.

Tang San suppressed the discomfort within his body, turning

to look at her.

Ning Rongrong ferociously said:

“I’ll hire you to kill him, use those unusual weapons of yours
to kill him. As long as you do it, afterwards you are our Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School’s honored guest, I’ll give you
money, ten thousand gold spirit coins, how about it?
Furthermore afterwards the unconditional backing of Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School.”

If the person now standing there was an ordinary Spirit

Master, they would certainly be sorely tempted. Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School’s backing, the meaning of these
several words had what kind of significance. As one of this
world’s seven great families, the power which Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile School possessed was hard to imagine. Any Spirit

880 Goldenagato |

Master with their backing could rise high on Douluo Continent.
Especially to the kind of genius like Tang San, having the
backing of this kind of tremendous influence, one obtained
incalculable advantages.

Tang San unhurriedly walked in front of Ning Rongrong,

looking deeply at her,

“Ning Rongrong, in this world, there are some things that

money and influence cannot buy. This Academy, is still only an
Academy. We are all students. If you continue to have this kind
of attitude and the feeling of being up high brought by the
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, then, I urge you to still
leave this place.”

“You……, don’t you know how powerful our Seven Treasures

Glazed Tile School is?”

Ning Rongrong was unwilling to look at him.

Tang San calmly smiled, as a person of two lives, how could

he not be able to figure out this twelve years old girl before him,

881 Goldenagato |

“What do I know? What don’t I know? Does this have any
relation to you? Xiao Wu, let’s go.”

With a somewhat regretful shake of the head, Tang San and

Xiao Wu also walked into the Academy.

Looking at their departing silhouettes, Ning Rongrong’s

entire person was rigid, if speaking of Dai Mubai’s strength
making her angry, then, the pitying expression in Tang San’s
eyes as he left provoked her even more.

From childhood until now, she had all along grown up in the
cupped palms of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School’s bigshots,
the thinking in her heart had long ago formed, but today, one
after another receiving three powerful provocations, made her
suddenly question, ‘why are they all like this to me? Am I
actually in the wrong?’


How could Ning Rongrong want to be convinced the mistake

was hers, turning around to look towards just now crawling
from the ground to stand up Oscar.

882 Goldenagato |

“Don’t you want to help me?”

Oscar’s peach blossom eyes revealed a faint disappointment,

“When I first saw you, you made me feel like a celestial being.
I believe that after you grow up, you will certainly be a stunning
beauty. And also, I was most fond of the gentleness you showed
at that time. Therefore, I decide to pursue you regardless, even
if I only come from a common family and you are a child of
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, I still did not care. But, I
discovered I was wrong. Moreover outrageously wrong.”

“Wrong? Why?”

Ning Rongrong looked at him without understanding.

Oscar smiled faintly,

“Because you are not at all my type. You can’t make me ignore
the entire forest for that tree. I can’t match up to Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile School’s little princess. How could I help
you even if I wanted to? What person do you take me for? Your
servant, nothing more. Sorry, I still do better on my own. I

883 Goldenagato |

think, at Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School you would have
very many people wanting to help you, need not run short of
someone like me.”

He already knew clearly, before the others’ return, Oscar

already deeply sensed Ning Rongrong’s flawed nature. Even
though they all still were young, Oscar also had more than one
girlfriend. Including Tang San, of all the new students who still
did not know that Oscar, apart from that unusual spirit of his,
his mind just was even more frightening.

As an intelligent person, when fully aware of the matter how

would he choose? Facing the difficult path? No, he was not that
stubborn, at times giving up just was the best alternative.

Watching Oscar also head inside the Academy, Ning Rongrong

not resigned shouted:

“Do you not like me? Even you aren’t willing to support me?”

Oscar halted, without turning his head,

“What Tang San said just now was right, if you still have this

884 Goldenagato |

kind of attitude and disposition, leave this place. This truly does
not suit you. Only, with you like this, the word ‘friend’ will
forever be an extravagant hope for you.”

Oscar had left. Loneliness, helplessness, frustration, pain,

every kind of feeling continuously shocked Ning Rongrong’s
only twelve year old heart, teardrops silently falling, she
suddenly discovered, perhaps she truly was in the wrong. Had
she had friends? Those other children her age at the School, on
seeing her would bow and scrape, or hide in the distance.
Behind her back they called her the little she-devil.

Friends, only was an extravagant hope? No, no, no, Ning

Rongrong suddenly felt a kind of powerful panic inundate her
heart. This one night, to her, inevitable was a sleepless night.

Very many years later, as Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Ning

Rongrong recalled the matters of her youth, she told her
children, she once had a night, in all her life the most painful
night, that caused the most significant change in her life.

Early morning.

Tang San awoke clearheaded to undergo cultivation, every

885 Goldenagato |

morning cultivating Purple Demon Eye had already formed a
part of his biological clock.

Today Oscar hadn’t gone back to sleep but was instead

cultivating, only he still hadn’t awoken, Tang San softly and
quietly left the dorm, moving onto the rooftop, beginning his
necessary daily cultivation.

After one night’s rest, the internal injuries he sustained

yesterday were already mostly well, and although his internal
organs still ached somewhat dully, already it could not be
considered serious, another one or two days and he would
completely recover.

While cultivating Purple Demon Eye, in Tang San’s mind

appeared the events of yesterday’s fight with the two brothers
Tie Long and Tie Hu. Especially the two brothers’ final attack.

Spirits leaving the hand, pursuing the opponent to attack,

focusing full power into one hit. Their spirit power was
obviously lower than his, but could make him sustain injuries, if
he had been struck head on, he might still have suffered heavy
injuries. Even if that was the Tie brothers’ spirit ability, with
this technique it didn’t seem too difficult to accomplish. He
similarly also had a Hammer, if this kind of attack method also

886 Goldenagato |

could be used with his Hammer, what effect might it have?

Although Tang San’s Hammer did not come from his spirit, he
could be certain that his Hammer compared the the Tie
brothers’ hammers was much heavier. As for pursuing the
enemy, from a certain point of view, relying on Controlling
Crane Catching Dragon could achieve it, similar to issuing his
own Hammer like a hidden weapon.

Unfortunately, two kinds of spirits could not be used at the

same time, otherwise using Blue Silver Grass Binding on the
shaft of the Hammer, would that not become a Meteor

Thinking of this, Tang San decided to find some time to test

whether his Hammer could be used like this, what capacity,
how to throw the hammer, using what technique, these all
required practical experimentation to find out, simultaneously
it must also be practiced many times. Right now of course
wouldn’t do, that black hammer consumed tremendous spirit
power, right now his injuries still had not recovered. Hastily
exercising might on the contrary easily injure him further.

After concluding Purple Demon Eye cultivation, Tang San also

did some simple hidden weapon drills until going for breakfast.

887 Goldenagato |

He rose the earliest, and as he finished eating breakfast, Dai
Mubai arrived at the dining hall with a gloomy expression.
Seeing Tang San he only nodded, and said nothing further.

Just after Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu appeared third, after that just
Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun. Tang San expressed to Xiao Wu
that there was already nothing the matter with him, and Xiao
Wu reassured sat down to eat.

Ma Hongjun had a lively energy and bright appearance, as if

he had lost several jin of weight. Although Fatty was
straightforward, he could still read body language, seeing Dai
Mubai’s gloomy appearance, also dared not say anything,
hurriedly eating breakfast.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, neither arrived at the dining


“Fatty, you went out last night.”

Watching him finish breakfast, Dai Mubai suddenly spoke up.

Ma Hongjun nodded, in a low voice saying:

888 Goldenagato |

“Yesterday the Evil Fire more or less emptied out, I should not
have to go out for these two days.”

Dai Mubai said:

“That’s good. Tonight you stay at the dorms, I will go out to

find those twins from last time.”

Fatty’s eyes shone,

“Boss Dai, you eat meat, haven’t I any soup to drink?”

Dai Mubai snapped:

“For This kind of matter must be enjoy mutually, vigorously

swinging hips isn’t sweet.”

As he said this, he also deliberately looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

889 Goldenagato |

Zhu Zhuqing did not have any reaction, as if she basically had
not heard their words, this ice cold young miss only drank the
rice soup in front of her.

The intangible conflict didn’t continue, as the start of class

bell rang, everyone hurriedly finished breakfast, arriving at the
big grounds.

Neither the dean or any teachers had arrived, but on the field
there was already one person, Ning Rongrong. Still no sign of

Her fair and beautiful little cheeks looked wan and sallow,
eyes reddened, spirit seeming very downcast.

For class today they still had the dean Flender. Tang San’s
group had waited for no less than a quarter hour before this
Dean came strolling along.

Flenders gaze first fell on Ning Rongrong, but he did not say
anything to her,

“Today is your second class. What about Oscar? Did he sleep

890 Goldenagato |

in again?”

Tang San hurriedly said:

“When I left this morning he was still cultivating, perhaps his

mediation couldn’t be broken in time.”

Flender frowned,

“For today’s class we can’t start without him. Tang San, you
go call him over.”

Tang San was just about to return to the dorms when he saw
Oscar hurriedly come running from the dorm. However, on his
face was no panic from arriving late, instead brimming with

“Oscar, do you want to run laps again?”

Dean Flender glared at him.

891 Goldenagato |

Oscar hastily shook his head,

“No, Dean please listen to my explanation. I broke through, I

reached thirtieth rank.”


Not only Flender, everyone’s astonished gazes turned to him

simultaneously, including Ning Rongrong.

Oscar’s age was one year younger than Dai Mubai, he was still
only fourteen years old, fourteen years old attaining thirtieth
ranked spirit power, this already was equivalent to a shocking
number, even more significant was, Oscar had a food system
spirit, belonging to the most difficult to cultivate category of
spirits. From some kind of meaning, his thirtieth rank
compared to a Battle Spirit Master’s thirtieth rank was much
more challenging. But for each level a food system Spirit Master
promoted, the food’s auxiliary effect would strengthen

On the Douluo Continent, thirtieth ranked or higher food

system Spirit Masters already were comparatively rare, if
joining the army, all could enjoy the pay of a thousand man

892 Goldenagato |

commander, or even higher. Fortieth ranked or over were even
less common. Fiftieth ranked or higher food system Spirit
Masters were even more like phoenix feathers and unicorn
horns, and sixtieth ranked or higher food system Spirit Masters
practically did not appear, even if there were, they would also
be cultivated once in many years by the great clans or Spirit

If a Spirit Grandmaster level food system Spirit Master could

be said to produce food for a hundred people to consume, then,
one Spirit Elder, even if it was a Spirit Elder just broken through
thirtieth rank, was also sufficient to supply food for five
hundred people or more. Along with rank going up, this figure
would still continuously rise. At the same time, attaining
thirtieth rank also meant a food system Spirit Master would be
capable of producing an additional third kind of attribute food.
Regarding assisting a team, it would enormously upgrade.

Flender’s eyes distinctly shone,

“Good, good, good, Oscar, you haven’t let me down. You are
among the current students the second to reach thirtieth rank. I
congratulate you on behalf of the Academy.”

Right now, even Dai Mubai’s expression was no longer

893 Goldenagato |

gloomy, walking up to Oscar’s side and clapping his shoulder,

“Little Ao, congratulations. Although you are a little bit

slower than me in reaching thirtieth rank, as a food system
Spirit Master, you already appear to be a more outstanding
genius than me. Don’t tell me, being jilted can to help a Spirit
Master in a spirit break through?”

Little Ao somewhat awkwardly glared at Dai Mubai, again

looking at the red eyed Ning Rongrong, saying with a wry smile:

“Always without any attachment, how can you speak about

being jilted. Don’t tease me.”

Tang San, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun stepped forward one

after another to express their congratulations. Ning Rongrong
stood in her place, looking at Oscar with a somewhat complex
expression in her eyes, but Zhu Zhuqing kept her head lowered,
not knowing quite what to think.

“Right, today’s class will begin now.”

Flender’s voice pulled everyone back from congratulating

894 Goldenagato |

little Ao.

“Today’s class is very simple. Oscar, you have today’s leading

role. Today’s course, is for each of you apart from Oscar, must
eat at least one of the sausages produced by Oscar’s spirit


Xiao Wu cried out in alarm on hearing Flender’s words.

“Dean, what class is this?”

Flender grandiosely said.

“This is called adaptability training. I ask you, is life or

reputation more important? When you can only pick one of
them, which will you choose? Although Oscar’s spirit
incantations are a bit vulgar, as I said yesterday, he is an innate
full spirit power food system Spirit Master, extremely gifted.
The sausages he makes are the best food system spirit I have
ever seen. While at the Academy, he is one of you, you will learn
together, if you are unable to reach a rapport with him, you will

895 Goldenagato |

waste your best auxiliary companion.”

“At the same time, this is also to train your attitudes, if even
this bit is impossible for you, in the future how will you survive
in the Spirit Master realm? In order to survive, by fair means or
foul, let alone eating one sausage, when in a life and death
situation, even if it is a rat, cockroach or earthworm all must be

Hearing Flender’s last words, the three girls present

simultaneously paled, becoming distinctly unsightly. Especially
Ning Rongrong already had a desire to throw up.

“This class is compulsory for everyone. Otherwise, you need

not remain here. Don’t doubt my decision, the first day each of
you arrived, someone told you that Shrek Academy’s education
is for monsters, not ordinary people. Oscar, begin.”

(僵尸) A Chinese zombie, or hopping corpse.

896 Goldenagato |

Chapter 26 - Star Dou Great Forest

Flender stood there with a cold face, a completely impartial

and incorruptible appearance, his expression telling the
students, do not think to bluff through it.

In Oscar’s heart a laugh had long ago blossomed, the

expression in his eyes clearly revealing a vulgar light,
particularly paying attention to Ning Rongrong.

If one could say, right now he truly thought to kiss Flender

several times, in his heart secretly saying, ‘dean, I love you.’
Flender doing this was not only to let everyone engender a
feeling of identifying with him, for Oscar himself, his heart also
had a kind of extreme satisfaction.

‘Ning Rongrong eating my sausage’, this thought alone made

Oscar somewhat excited.

Oscar simultaneously extended both his hands, and with a

dark smile, read aloud his spirit incantations.

“I your father have a big sausage.”

897 Goldenagato |

“I your father have a little sausage.”

One thick and one thin, two sausages with distinctly different
flavors appeared separately in Oscar’s palms. With a dark smile,

“Who is first?”

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had previously undergone a

similar course, although their hearts remained somewhat
shadowed, to some extent they could still repress it. As the two
prepared to step forward, thinking it better to just get it over
with and complete today’s class, one person rushed first.

“I’ll go.”

Accompanying the sharp and clear voice, Ning Rongrong

walked in front of Oscar with big strides, both hands reaching
out, separately grabbing his big sausage and little sausage.

Who would have thought Ning Rongrong unexpectedly would

898 Goldenagato |

take the lead. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun halted on the verge of
stepping out. They both wanted to see whether Ning Rongrong
would eat Oscar’s spirit transformed sausage.

Ning Rongrong’s expression was very serene, only her eyes

brimming with reluctance betraying her heart. After all she was
still only a little miss, how could she possibly completely cover
up her mood.

Yes, going through that one night, she still decided to stay.
Without any compromise, she wanted to prove she could give it
all for the people at Shrek Academy to see. Prove it how? That
was by surpassing all the students, and gain even stronger spirit
power than them.

Oscar promoting to thirtieth rank, was equivalent to one step

further aggravating Ning Rongrong’s heart, that’s why she was
the first to walk out.

Seeing Ning Rongrong’s expression face to face, Oscar

suddenly felt a chill.

Ning Rongrong grabbing the big sausage and fiercely biting off
a mouthful, that appearance, truly was rather ferocious. Seeing

899 Goldenagato |

her expression, Oscar clearly felt his body tingle, subconsciously
retreating a step.

Ning Rongrong completely gulped down Oscars big sausage

and little sausage.

When just starting, she was still holding an idea of facing

death with equanimity, but after swallowing the fresh sausage
and cured sausage, she discovered that the flavour of these two
kinds of Oscar’s materialized food spirit unexpectedly were
exceptionally good.

Especially that big fresh sausage, after it entered the belly it

immediately spread a warm feeling throughout the whole body,
after one night without sleep, she who was originally already
very tired clearly felt her spirits rouse, a feeling as if the body
was brimming with strength.

What dean Flender said was right, this fellow’s food system
spirit indeed was remarkable.

Being born to Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Ning

Rongrong naturally was familiar with food system spirits, and
had also eaten them. But the food system spirits she previously

900 Goldenagato |

ate did could not have such a rapid effect as Oscar’s big fresh
sausage. Even if it was a more than fortieth ranked food system
Spirit Master, they would still be unable to do even a bit of this.
This was completely a question of innate talent.

Oscar’s big fresh sausage incidentally also was his first spirit
ring effect, Recovery. This kind of recovery had a
comprehensive effect, apart from giving a satiated feeling, it
still had effects on both treatment and restoration. The effect of
Recovery was directly proportional to Oscar’s spirit power.

Oscar probing asked:

“Were you hungry?”

Ning Rongrong licked her pink lips, her face revealing a gentle

“Your sausage, a bite felt pretty good.”

Oscar once again felt a tingle, Ning Rongrong’s smile felt a bit
like a devil’s smile.

901 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong turned around, gaze sweeping across each
student, finally stopping on Flender, she used action to prove
she had remained by her own power.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun one after another ate Oscar’s

fresh and dried sausage, Tang San walked forward fourth,
somewhat helplessly picking up Oscar’s for the fourth time
transformed spirit.

A girl like Ning Rongrong could do it, so why would it be

impossible for him? With this kind of attitude, Tang San gulped
down Oscar’s fresh and dried sausage.

Very quickly, he also had the same feeling as Ning Rongrong,

perhaps even more clearly, the sausage entering the stomach
created a feeling of warmth circulating in the entire body, the
ache in his internal organs unexpectedly fading away, his whole
body feeling as if full of strength.

Somewhat amazed he looked at Oscar, Tang San’s perception

of him clearly had changed a bit.

Right now, only Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing still had not

902 Goldenagato |

completed today’s class assignment.

Xiao Wu somewhat pleading looked at Tang San, seemingly

saying, ‘can’t I not eat?’

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“It’s no big deal, the flavor is pretty good. Think of it as food

you buy on the street.”

Xiao Wu extremely reluctantly stepped out fifth, practically

with closed eyes eating the two things, afterwards covering her
mouth, resisting the nausea and swallowing. Fortunately, after
Oscar’s fresh sausage immediately transformed into that
warmth spreading in the body, it didn’t leave any aftertaste.
Despite this, Xiao Wu’s expression still appeared somewhat

Right now, of all the students, only Zhu Zhuqing hadn’t

completed the day’s assignment, everyone’s gazes also couldn’t
help but gather on her.

Zhu Zhuqing’s little face changed between green and white,

903 Goldenagato |

biting her lower lip, yet somehow could not make her feet step

Dean Flender suddenly said:

“Zhu Zhuqing, if you want to one day be able to defeat Dai

Mubai, and trample him underfoot, then you mustn’t hesitate

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly a moment, looking towards

Flender. Flender’s face displayed a rare smile, nodding with eyes
containing deep meaning.

Dai Mubai was first stunned, immediately following had a

helpless face, at his side Fatty and Oscar already snickered.

What nobody had anticipated was, the expression in Zhu

Zhuqing’s eyes suddenly firmed, with big strides walking up to
Oscar, lightning quick grabbing the sausages in Oscar’s hands
and in spite of everything eating them like that, her speed even
a bit faster than Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai’s look at her was a bit despondent,

904 Goldenagato |

“You truly want to beat me so much?”

Zhu Zhuqing firmly glared at him, but didn’t say anything.

Flender nodded satisfied, saying:

“Good, you have all passed today’s lesson, you all must
remember, when you are together in the future, Oscar is your
logistics supply. Forget those nonsense spirit incantations, to
save your lives and let yourselves become even more powerful,
to display your entire strength, even surpassing your usual
display, is the most important. Now, all of you return to
prepare, you have one day’s time to adjust and rest. Early
tomorrow you will all set out on a journey. Teacher Zhao Wuji
will lead you to Star Dou Great Forest to help Oscar obtain his
third spirit ring. This is not only a matter for Oscar alone, it is
also experience for all of you before encountering thousand year
spirit beasts. Zhao Wuji will not lightly step in, everything
depends on yourselves. Good, dismissed.”

After two days of classes, Tang San had found Shrek

Academy’s teaching methods were exceptionally peculiar,
without any of the orderly regulations of the previous Nuoding

905 Goldenagato |

Academy, every day restricted to going to class and so on, rather
using a bit special methods to improve their spirit use from even
more significant real combat and learning through experience.
This undoubtedly had much better effect than always being
lectured on theoretical knowledge. And also, he could feel that
dean Flender was not only teaching in line with the students’
abilities, instructing them on how to become outstanding Spirit
Masters, but at the same time also teaching them the principles
for conducting themselves.

Oscar clearly became very excited from reaching thirtieth

rank, each full level a Spirit Masters’ spirit power advanced,
this one rank’s spirit power did not need to depend on their
cultivation further. On obtaining the spirit ring, the spirit ring’s
additional energy would make up for what was lacking in this
one rank and furthermore break through to the next stage.
Circumstances like when Tang San obtained his first spirit ring
and directly advanced to the thirteenth rank were extremely
rare, that was because of his innate full spirit power, or perhaps
to say it was because his Mysterious Heaven Skill had already
cultivated up to the bottleneck.

Everyone returned to their dorms, even if they were all

considered geniuses of their generation, including Ning
Rongrong this arrogant woman, each of them knew the
importance of their cultivation. Wanting to become formidable,
apart from one percent talent, it still required ninety nine

906 Goldenagato |

percent effort. Even if that one percent had been even more
significant, how could they cut down on those ninety nine

“Little San, tomorrow when we’ll leave for Star Dou Great
Forest, say, what spirit ring should I get that’s even more
suitable to upgrade my sausage auxiliary effects?”

Oscar did not need to cultivate again, currently he only had to

wait for tomorrow to arrive, and on returning to the dorm
couldn’t help but excitedly ask Tang San.

Tang San said with a smile:

“This also depends on opportunity, spirit beasts come in

fantastic oddities of every description, who can say how bad a
spirit beast one may encounter. Your first two spirit rings are
one for recovery, one for detoxification, this third spirit ring
only has to again raise another kind of auxiliary effect, or
strengthen the first two auxiliary effects, both are possible.
Oscar, you should have gone to Star Dou Great Forest before,
tell me something about what it’s like there.”

Oscar nodded, saying:

907 Goldenagato |

“Star Dou Great Forest is a good place, of course, it’s also an
extremely dangerous place. It’s a spirit beast cradle, the most
favourite place of powerful Spirit Masters. Of course, it’s also a
place for Spirit Masters’ biggest injuries.”

Tang San said:

“Is it a captive spirit beast forest of our Heaven Dou Empire?”

Oscar said:

“Of course not. Those captive spirit beast forests count as

farts, even thousand year spirit beasts are very difficult to
encounter. Only Spirit Scholars and Spirit Masters kinds of
levels would go there. Star Dou Great Forest one of our Douluo
Continent’s most famous three great spirit beast habitats. The
area is huge, practically equal to Balak Kingdom’s territory,
spanning the border of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo
Empire, within it, two fifth’s of the area are in our Heaven Dou
Empire, the other three fifths are in Star Luo Empire. It’s an
immense primeval forest, the forest’s interior terrain is
complicated, with wetlands, swamps and so on. The spirit
beasts there are also extremely terrifying, the closer to the

908 Goldenagato |

center of the forest, the more powerful the spirit beasts. It is
said, inside are even hundred thousand year spirit beasts. Any
Spirit Master, as long as he is powerful enough, with good luck,
can find a most suitable spirit ring inside. My second spirit ring
was obtained in Star Dou Great Forest.”

Tang San’s eyes shone,

“So it’s actually like this. I hope this time you can find an even
better gain.”

Oscar laughed out loud,

“If it truly is like that, then afterwards there will be sufficient

sausage for everyone to eat as they wish, what do you say my
younger brother. Haha.”

Everyone did not have too many things they could prepare in
one day, and early the second day, after eating breakfast, as
everyone gathered on the grounds, Zhao Wuji was already there
waiting for them.

Seeing Zhao Wuji, the students were all somewhat stunned,

909 Goldenagato |

wanting to laugh but not daring to smile.

Zhao Wuji indeed looked in a sorry state, on his face at least

three bluish black bruises had not yet faded, especially his left
eye looked like a panda, making people unable to help laughing.

Of course, while ridiculous even Tang San’s seven students

still couldn’t help but be shocked, how would Zhao Wuji
become like this? Tang San remembered very clearly, although
he that day somewhat inconvenienced Zhao Wuji, he had not
managed to leave behind any bruises on his face. But Zhao
Wuji’s face looked like it had been hit with something blunt,
with his seventy sixth ranked strength, in addition to Vigorous
Vajra Bear’s defensive power, who could injure him? Could it
have been dean Flender? But, with the Owl Spirit Flender was
an agility attack system Battle Spirit Master, wanting to hit
Zhao Wuji like this still seemed impossible.

“What are you looking at, you little brats. Do you need a

Hearing the words ‘little brats’, Xiao Wu was clearly

somewhat reluctant, in a low voice saying:

910 Goldenagato |

“Why not say little blind bear?”

Zhao Wuji’s eyes widened,

“Xiao Wu, what did you say?”

Tang San moved a step sideways, waving his hand behind his
back at Xiao Wu, while hiding her behind him, to restrain the
passion in her speech.

Looking at Tang San, Zhao Wuji’s expression clearly

expressed some awkwardness, and did not investigate Xiao Wu’s
words, with a snort, saying:

“Fine, everyone set out. Mubai, you lead.”

Dai Mubai nodded once, his expression immediately becoming

serious, saying to the others:

“Star Dou Great Forest can’t be a place for noisily playing

around, there are numerous spirit beasts inside, and also
extremely aggressive, towards us humans they don’t have any

911 Goldenagato |

good impression. Everyone certainly must be careful, all right.
Tang San, you go first, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, you two follow
behind Tang San, Fatty, Xiao Wu, you two are on the left and
right sides. I and Zhu Zhuqing are in the back. After entering
the forest, we must even more maintain good order like this,
staying alert at all times. Everyone set out.”

Regarding Dai Mubai’s arrangement, Tang San secretly

admired it in his heart, worthy of the oldest and strongest of the
students, his plan was perfect, with the two auxiliary system
Spirit Masters protected in the center, in strength his own
second only to his placed first in line, the strongest Dai Mubai
himself following in the back, the rearguard was always even
more important than the vanguard, after all, he still had the
two Fatty and Xiao Wu on the left and right wings for
reinforcement at any time, in the back Dai Mubai must be
vigilant in even more directions.

Zhao Wuji was only an indifferent bystander to the side,

without joining their formation, walking out from the Academy
together with the seven students. Here of course was not any
carriage, once out of the Academy, everyone set off at a run.

Not long after starting running, the students began to

comprehend the importance of dean Flender’s second class.

912 Goldenagato |

Thanks to having yesterday’s experience and Flender’s
criticism, everyone regarding Oscar’s sausage were already no
longer so repelled.

Running continuously, even if it was the strongest Dai Mubai

and Tang San, their physical strength was continuously

But supplied with Oscar’s sausage, they astonished discover,

the strain from this bit of running basically could not be
considered anything.

Every hour eating one of Oscar’s spirit transformed sausages,

everyone could directly maintain abundant energy, even Ning
Rongrong could with difficulty keep up with everyone’s pace.

Without true application, one would never understand the

importance of Auxiliary Spirits, and because of Oscar’s sausage’s
fantastic effect, everyone had a whole new level of respect for
him. He received the best treatment, because they still had not
entered the forest, the strongest Dai Mubai and Tang San took
turns supporting Oscar’s arm, supporting part of his burden
forward, letting him even easier recover spirit energy to
continue the supporting work.

913 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong naturally did not have this treatment, she
appeared very taciturn, all the way also didn’t use her Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to assist everyone, entirely
became very uncommunicative, since she didn’t refuse Oscar’s
sausage, but also did not use her spirit, vaguely within,
appeared to isolate herself outside the group.

Star Dou Great Forest was located southeast of Balak

Kingdom, sharing a very short border with Balak Kingdom, but
Suotuo City itself was also in the southeast of the Kingdom, not
far from Star Dou Great Forest, less than five hundred

Therefore, this was naturally the optimal choice for Shrek

Academy students to obtain spirit rings.

With the aid of Oscar’s sausages, barely using one days time,
at nightfall, the Shrek Academy party had already run more
than four hundred kilometres,

Seeing that they would be unable to reach the destination

today, Zhao Wuji issued orders to rest. Since they had just
reached a small town, if they continued further, whether there
would be supply was hard to say.

914 Goldenagato |

Entering the small town, it was much more bustling than
Tang San had imagined, the little town’s size was roughly three
times that of the village where Shrek Academy was, apart from
not having any walls, this unexpectedly seemed like a small
market town, streets with a great number of shops, various
stores with everything one could think of.

Tang San carefully observed once, the main business of the

shops in this place unexpectedly seemed related to Spirit
Masters, for example some shops specialized in selling weapons,
selling armor, selling detoxifying or restorative medicine, even
the clothes being sold all had a dozen pockets where it was
possible to fit all sorts of junk, clothes suitable for use in Spirit
Masters’ adventures.

Oscar sighing said:

“What is called ‘the mountain dweller lives off the mountain,

the shore dweller lives off the sea,’ I’m afraid it’s for this
reason. This little town clearly relies on Star Dou Great Forest
to survive. Around Star Dou Forest, towns like this probably
aren’t few.”

Tang San somewhat astonished said:

915 Goldenagato |

“But, the distance from here to Star Dou Great Forest is still
more than a hundred kilometres, isn’t it a bit far?”

Oscar smiling said:

“You’re certainly used to going to the national captive spirit

beast forest. Those captive spirit beasts are comparatively mild,
not too eager to attack humanity. The kind of wild spirit beasts
inhabiting Star Dou Great Forest are different. The spirit beasts
are not only more ferocious, but some spirit beasts also go out of
the forest into the surrounding area, if a town was too close to
Star Dou Great Forest, it might be in trouble.”

Tang San smiled and nodded, in his heart secretly saying,

‘reading ten thousand books is not equal to travelling ten
thousand li, indeed spoken true, when travelling one is able to
learn more and more.’

By now, Zhao Wuji had indicated a very ordinary looking

hotel ahead, saying:

“We will stay there. Rest one night and set out early
tomorrow. You bear your own lodging and food costs.”

916 Goldenagato |

Shrek Academy was not prosperous in the first place, like
Zhao Wuji and Flender they all had no income, their economic
situation truly without anything to recommend it. But Tang
San’s group still received their Spirit Hall stipends, naturally
enough for paying every day.

The hotel was a small two storey building, the first floor was a
simple dining hall, on the second floor were accommodations.
Zhao Wuji rented a single room and went directly upstairs. Dai
Mubai and everyone after simply talking it over, rented a four
person room for the four boys and another three person room
for the three girls.

“First eat then go up. Having eaten sausage for one day, I am

Ma Hongjun said what everyone thought, and including Zhu

Zhuqing all nodded agreement. The seven found a table in a
corner and sat down.

Tang San asked Dai Mubai:

“Won’t we call teacher Zhao to eat together?”

917 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai shook his head, saying:

“No need, even if Teacher comes out he will not like us pay
any money, he also would not accept any bit of charity from us,
these are dean Flender’s regulations.”

Fatty said:

“Isn’t this just fine? Everything distinct and neat, I am most

fond of that kind of not in the least artificial feeling Academy.”

Dai Mubai snapped:

“Damned Fatty, less nonsense, you order. You’ll eat the


Ma Hongjun very cooperatively said:

“Then today isn’t by your invitation? Your stipend is the

highest, you’re wealthy.”

918 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai smiled slightly, saying:

“Entertaining guests is no problem, everyone studying at

Shrek together is also destiny, I am the oldest,so this meal today
is a welcome for Tang San’s group.”

Fatty laughed, the fatty little round face immediately jiggling,

“Good, very good. Rest at ease, boss Dai, I will not leave
anything out for you.”

Very quickly, Fatty displayed to everyone Dai Mubai’s “will

eat” assessment of him. Calling the waiter, quick as lightning he
ordered more than ten dishes, very many dishes with names
Tang San had never even heard of, but Fatty had a happy and
excited appearance.

“Pretty good, pretty good, although this place isn’t big, things
are wholly outstanding, I hope the flavor can also have an even
better level.”

Dai Mubai helplessly said:

919 Goldenagato |

“This Fatty, besides the part of his stipend that is spent on
women, the remainder is all food. I truly believe that if you
were not a Spirit Master, you certainly would go become a

Although the seven people sat around a table, the mood could
not at all be considered harmonious, with Zhu Zhuqing’s cold
face and Ning Rongrong’s lowered head thinking of some
worry. Fortunately they had Fatty here for comic relief, so the
mood could not be considered too rigid.

In the dining hall right now already sat six or seven

customers, at this moment, a party of eight suddenly walked in
from outside, somewhat similar to Tang San’s group.

The leader was a looking like more than forty years old middle
aged man. In appearance he was also considered handsome,
with combed hair exceedingly bright, all over wearing a moon
white Spirit Master gown even more exceptionally exquisite,
embroidered with a silver colored design, twinkling radiantly as
he moved.

Following behind the middle aged man were six male and one
female youth, seemingly about twenty years old. Similarly

920 Goldenagato |

clothed in moon white Spirit Master gowns, only without the
preceding middle aged man’s silver thread embroidery. But
whether it was the middle aged man or the youths following
behind, on the left shoulder was a blue-green circular symbol,
within the circle was embroidered similarly colored characters,
Blue Sunshine.

From their attire one could clearly see that these people were
Spirit Masters, Tang San’s party all wore what they wanted,
looking no different from ordinary people, while these people
showed off much more.

As the dining hall’s proprietor saw them enter, he hurriedly

went to welcome them, nodding and bowing unable to be
courteous enough, just as what Oscar had said, this little town
relied on Star Dou Great Forest to make a living, or to put it
briefly, relied on Spirit Masters to make a living. Spirit Master
was not only a noble vocation, it was also a wealthy vocation,
the proprietor naturally dared not be careless.

“That chick’s height is pretty good, ah. Boss Dai, Those

fellows should be from Blue Sunshine Academy.”

Fatty’s eyes stared unwavering at the girl among those eight

people. It couldn’t be refuted that the girl indeed had somewhat

921 Goldenagato |

good looks, also considered being over middle higher level.
Although Xiao Wu, Zhao Zhuqing and Ningrongrong were
beautiful, they were after all only about twelve years old, and
compared to the already completely developed young lady,
seemed younger and more immature. But to Fatty this juvenile,
a bit maturer girl clearly held even more attraction, adding to
his Evil Fire, naturally both eyes shone, resolutely watching the
others constantly.

Dai Mubai curled his lip,

“Only the minor Blue Sunshine Academy, nothing more.

Showing off their farts.”

Whether it was Fatty or Dai Mubai, neither deliberately

lowered their voice. A Spirit Master’s hearing power naturally
was a bit better than ordinary peoples, and even though within
the dining hall was somewhat noisy, among those eight the
middle aged man still cast his gaze their way, brows wrinkling
minutely. As he saw at the Shrek Academy table merely was a
group of children, his expression immediately became even
more unsightly.

Oscar sitting next to Tang San, with a low laugh said:

922 Goldenagato |

“There’s a good show to see.”

Tang San somewhat puzzled gave him a look,

“What good show?”

Oscar said in a low voice:

“This is also part of our cultivation. Dean Flender said, Spirit

Masters who dare not cause trouble are not good Spirit Masters.

Tang San couldn’t help but smile,

“Our Dean’s quoats added together can form a monstrous

saying. Looking at their age, this Blue Sunshine Academy
should be an advanced Spirit Master academy.”

By now the Blue Sunshine eight over there had already sat
down, separated from the Shrek by two tables, from the corner
of his eye Tang San saw that clearly a Spirit Master middle aged
man muttered by the ear of a youth, very quickly, that youth
rose from his seat, and facing Tang San’s group walked towards

923 Goldenagato |

their table, according to his walking route, precisely coming
towards Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai’s evil eyes expressed a trace of disdain, Tang San

saw, he naturally wouldn’t not know, but even facing him
directly he did not look at the counterpart.

By now, the waiter just happened to serve their table’s first


The Blue Sunshine Academy youth suddenly sped up his steps,

amidst the waiter’s cry of alarm, just enough to bump into that
waiter’s body, in a moment that dish came down towards Dai
Mubai from overhead.

“Don’t waste food.”

Tang San spoke indifferently, left hand stretching out like

lightning, steadying the waiter’s body, right hand extending,
just right to catch the plate, using Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon energy, distractedly absorbing the dish without
sprinkling a bit, light as a feather releasing the plate on the
table. At the same time, his left hand had already pulled the
waiter aside.

924 Goldenagato |

The Blue Sunshine Academy youth stared blankly a moment,
because of the waiter obstructing his view he did not clearly see
Tang San’s movements, however, his face very quickly exposed
a cunning smile,

“I truly am embarrassed.”

Saying so, he still walked forward, looking like he must pass

Dai Mubai’s side, but one foot quietly swept across, directly
kicking at a leg of Dai Mubai’s chair.

That was only a common wooden chair, that’s all, when

kicked the chair leg would break, and Dai Mubai naturally could
not sit steady. But the youth’s foot motion was also extremely
covert, his upper body motionless, if not specially paying
attention, one basically would be unable to see his movement.

At the same time as the youth kicked, Dai Mubai acted.

Did a tiger have a good temperament? The answer was of

course not. These last few days enduring not a little anger from
Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai’s heart had long held in the rage.

925 Goldenagato |

Confronted with the other party’s provocation, how would he
let this kind of opportunity slip by.

With a muffled peng sound, the Blue Sunshine youth only felt
as if his foot kicked an iron panel, the entire calf shaking and
numb, immediately following, Dai Mubai already slapped out.

The youth’s complexion dropped greatly, raising both hands

wanting to hold back Dai Mubai’s hand, but who could have
expected that his hands would be shocked open by the added
spirit power in Dai Mubai’s palm, and that one palm still solidly
slapped his stomach.

The youth’s counted as having a large stature, but from Dai

Mubai’s palm strike his entire body bent backwards, thrown
flying like a completely weightless scarecrow, in succession
knocking down two tables, flying towards the Blue Sunshine
Academy group.

The Blue Sunshine Academy’s middle aged man hastily stood

up, raising both hands, grabbing the youth’s shoulders and
catching him. The youth’s complexion was pale, with retching
sounds, spewing out a mouthful of blood, his entire body
becoming completely listless.

926 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai straightened, by means of previous palm’s motion
stretching his waist,

“I truly am embarrassed, it was an accident.”

The Evil Eye White Tiger’s true colors showed, on his face was
disdain and contempt, wearing intense aggressiveness. Let alone
strangers, even if it was his people seeing him all felt somewhat
at risk of a beating.

At the commotion within the dining hall, the diners near the
two tables of Shrek Academy and Blue Sunshine Academy
hastily got out of the way, so as to avoid disaster to the pond
fish, but the majority of the people did not immediately leave
the dining hall, rather looking at the scene with excitement.
One must know, ordinarily wanting to see a confrontation
between Spirit Masters one would have to go to a Great Spirit
Arena, but that was considerably expensive, right now they
could watch freely, ordinary people naturally would be excited
at spirits. Let alone in this place, where Spirit Masters
constantly appeared.

How could the Blue Sunshine Academy group still endure it,
the remaining six Academy uniformed people stood up, glaring
towards the Shrek Academy’s table. Wanting to rush over, they

927 Goldenagato |

were stopped by that middle aged man.

The middle aged man continued helping the youth to sit on a

chair, with a calm face shouting to Dai Mubai:

“What Academy do you children belong to?”

Light flickered in Dai Mubai’s double pupil evil eyes,

“Interrogating? You don’t deserve it.”

Speaking, he again sat back down on his seat.

Fatty’s movements were very quick, especially when eating

things, right now he had already started, while eating still said:

“En, the taste is okay, only lacking some heat. Passable food.”

That Blue Sunshine Academy teacher’s face was already ashen

from anger,

928 Goldenagato |

“Fine you arrogant brats, instruct them for me.”

The Blue Sunshine Academy students moved at once after his

words, besides the one injured by Dai Mubai and the female
student, the other five immediately rushed towards Tang San’s
group’s table.

“A fight? I like it.”

Xiao Wu excitedly hopped up from her seat, without the

slightest hesitation going to meet them.

Xiao Wu had acted, so naturally Tang San would not stay idle,
also standing up, both eyes already covered by a faint purple

(恢复) “to recover”

Idiom: Make the best of local resources.

Cang Hui (苍晖) “Deep Blue/Green Sunshine”

929 Goldenagato |

Half of the idiom “A fire at the city gates, is also a disaster to
the fish in the pond”, which means that innocent bystanders
will get hurt. The logic is that even though the fish feel safe in
the water while the city is burning, as the water is used to put
out the fire the pond will dry up and the fish will die.

(盘道么?) RAW is “winding mountain road?” which makes no

sense to me, so I will assume typo and use a homonym (盘倒)

930 Goldenagato |

Chapter 27 - Not Daring To Cause Trouble Is

Neither side directly brought out their spirits, the opposing

five youths saw that the person meeting them unexpectedly was
a delicate and pretty little miss. Although she appeared young,
at present Xiao Wu was already about one metre seventy tall,
winking with adorable big eyes, advancing with an appearance
harmless to men and beasts. They couldn’t help but
immediately lose some of their anger.

Oscar standing next to Tang San, in a low voice said:

“Won’t you also catch up, don’t let Xiao Wu come to grief.”

Oscar had not seen Xiao Wu genuinely use her skill, and
naturally did not know her true strength. But since the other
side came from an advanced Spirit Master academy they should
have at least twentieth ranked or higher spirit power level, and
there were five of them.

Tang San did not step forward, slightly smiling, said:

931 Goldenagato |

“You too are deceived by Xiao Wu’s external appearance.
These several fellows must have bad luck.”

After many years of continuous cultivation, Tang San’s Purple

Demon Eye had already truly entered the detailed realm. His
ability to see things naturally wasn’t merely like before.

Purple Demon Eye was divided into the four surveying,

detailed, mustard seed and boundless stages, in the surveying
realm one was able to substantially improve vision power, and
furthermore clearly grasp every existing detail.

After entering the detailed realm, according to what Tang San

originally remembered of Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s
accounts, Purple Demon Eye’s effect should be seeing even more
clearly, and grasping even richer detail, but detail realm Purple
Demon Eye could further grant a mental state where everything
slowed down, allowing him to react in the shortest possible

After Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye genuinely entered the

detailed realm, he discovered that in this world, Purple Demon
Eye had some differences. Besides its original capabilities, he
was also able to see Spirit Masters’ amount of spirit power.

932 Goldenagato |

But there was a condition, he could only see spirit power of
spirit masters with spirit power lower than his. When stronger
than his, Purple Demon Eye saw nothing..

Although he did not know how that came about, to Tang San,
this undoubtedly was a considerably useful ability, at the least
capable of helping him decide whether the opponent’s spirit
power was stronger than his.

Right now, he relied on Purple Demon Eye to clearly see the

other side’s Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven students. Besides
that female student and that teacher who he was unable to see
through, he was very clear about the other six students’ spirit

The spirit power of the youth who previously provoked and

was beaten back by Dai Mubai was twenty seventh ranked, and
of these five people in front of him right now none had
surpassed twenty fifth rank.

Tang San only too thoroughly understood Xiao Wu’s real

combat experience, she also had twenty ninth ranked spirit
power, under circumstances without preparations, Tang San
could be sure that it was impossible for Xiao Wu to come to
grief, to say nothing of also having him at her side.

933 Goldenagato |

The five youths advancement halted, but this did not mean
Xiao Wu would stop.

Xiao Wu blinked with her big eyes, saying with a smile:

“All of you big brothers, hello.”

The five youths were distracted simultaneously, unable to

help looking at each other in dismay. Blocked by a little miss
looking this adorable, their aggressive manner immediately
went motionless, hesitating for a moment, not knowing what to

But as they looked at each other, Xiao Wu moved. Her feet

seemingly slipping she completely tumbled forward at once,
body toppling in the direction of a youth.

That youth subconsciously raised his hands thinking to

support Xiao Wu, but suddenly saw a black shiny braid flying
through the air. Before he even had time to react, his neck was
already firmly bound by Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid. At just this
moment Xiao Wu’s body also stopped tumbling, leaping up with

934 Goldenagato |

body curling, jumping with her back to that student, both feet
directly stomping towards the other party’s stomach.

With one’s neck bound it was easy to panic, and seeing Xiao
Wu’s both feet stomp at him the youth hastily raised both hands
to block. But how could he have expected Xiao Wu to not at all
use her feet to attack, but only as a fulcrum. In practically only a
split second, his entire body flew forward following Xiao Wu’s
front handspring.

Originally even if it was Tang San, the first time he

encountered Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill he got the worst of it, let alone
these academics before him: advanced Spirit Master academy
students without much combat experience.

Xiao Wu’s movements were extremely fast, and without

stopping her feet for the slightest moment, drawing support
from the previous hand flip momentum, while throwing one
person both her feet fell onto another person.

By now, the four remaining youths still had not completely

reacted, the youth confronting Xiao Wu’s second attack hastily
held up both hands, thinking to block Xiao Wu’s attack, but was
Xiao Wu’s soft skill so easy to resist?

935 Goldenagato |

Both his arms indeed blocked Xiao Wu’s feet, but this Blue
Sunshine student was shocked to discover, Xiao Wu’s feet
unexpectedly did not carry any strength, and soft like noodles
both feet sliding, already boring through under his arms,
accurately pressing at both sides of his neck, next, Xiao Wu’s
front flip turned into a backflip, violating inertia, and a second
person was also thrown.

All this happened in a flash, the diners all around saw the Blue
Sunshine Academy five rushing forward, but unexpectedly in a
moment a beautiful young miss efficiently threw two of them.

That Blue Sunshine Academy teacher seeing Xiao Wu’s attack

methods was also stunned a moment, alarm mixing with anger,

“Idiots, use spirits.”

On the other side, Oscar exerted himself to rub his eyes,

unable to help saying:

“Fuck me, so fierce. Luckily I haven’t offended your Xiao


936 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled slightly without speaking, by now, Dai
Mubai once again stood up, in a low voice saying:

“Xiao Wu, come back. With us male students here, why use
you schoolgirls to fight.”

Between flickers, Dai Mubai already reached Xiao Wu’s side.

Xiao Wu turned her head to look towards Tang San, and as Tang
San nodded towards her, she without attacking again walked
back calmly.

Fatty Ma Hongjun in ate two mouthfuls in quick succession,

and while chewing the food in his mouth, somewhat reluctantly
walked out, standing by Dai Mubai’s side. Kneading a pair of
chubby hands, making cracking sounds.

Tang San walked up to meet Xiao Wu, and exchanged

positions with her, standing at Dai Mubai’s other side.

Three juveniles against five youths, it looked like Tang San’s

side appeared much weaker, but was their actual strength
contrasted this way?

937 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu previously did not use her spirit, therefore, although
those two thrown fellows were confused and distracted, they
were not genuinely injured. The five Blue Sunshine students
again gathered together, fury already reaching a peak,
practically without hesitation using their spirits.

How could they also want to believe that they with advanced
Spirit Master academy student rank would be unable to beat
these juveniles.

For a moment, all kinds of light flashed. The five youths spirit
rings color were the same, all had one white and one yellow,
representing one ten year spirit ring and one hundred year
spirit ring.

The five were naturally without exception Battle Spirit

Masters, comprised of two Tool Spirit Battle Spirit Masters and
three Beast Spirit Battle Spirit Masters.

The two Tool Spirits respectively were Pike and Trident, the
three Beast Spirits following were Deer, Sheep and Horse.
Judging by the spirits themselves, all could be considered

938 Goldenagato |

Seeing their opponents release their spirits, Dai Mubai’s evil
eyes even held a bit more disdain,

“This is what’s called advanced spirit master academy

disciples? And ten year spirit rings? Younger brothers, let them
have a look at spirit rings.”

This among the Shrek Academy students oldest Evil Eye

White Tiger never was a reasonable person, this bit, Tang San
already discovered long ago the first time they met. Unless you
made him acknowledge you in strength, Dai Mubai’s arrogant
manner would not vary.

“White Tiger, Body Enhancement.”

A layer of pale white light abruptly emerged from his body,

Dai Mubai’s both arms simultaneously stretched to either side,
chest sticking out, cracking sounds echoing from his whole
skeleton, muscles abruptly swelling, the clothes he wore filling

Each muscle became extremely distinct under his clothes,

even the air at his side seemed to already become wild.

939 Goldenagato |

The blonde hair in a moment became alternating black and
white, white taking up the majority, several locks of black hair
exceptionally distinct within.

On his forehead appeared four faint lines, three horizontal

and one vertical, happening to form the character ‘king’.

His hands changed the most, growing to no less than twice

their former size, white fur completely covering the backs of the
hands, flicking between the ten fingers, short dagger-like talons
continuously stretched out and withdrew from the palm.

Each of those talons was like the edge of a knife, length

exceeding eight cun, shining with quiet cold.

Dai Mubai’s upper body slowly leaned forward, the four

pupils of his evil eyes becoming a deep serene blue, emitting
intangible ice cold murderous intent, brimming with tyrannical
deterring force, under his feet, three brilliant rings of light rose
successively, quietly ascending, two yellow and one purple,
spirit rings wandering between, surging spirit power forming
pressure like billows hitting the face.

Perhaps it was because of spirits mutually subduing each

940 Goldenagato |

other, on the other side the three Beast Spirit Battle Spirit
Masters couldn’t help but tremble and recoil several steps at the
same time as Dai Mubai completed his Spirit Body

Facing Tiger, how could Deer, Sheep and Horse not be afraid?

Especially that on Dai Mubai’s body representing a thousand

year spirit ring, even more made the confronting five Blue
Sunshine Academy students’ hearts shake greatly.

At the same time as Dai Mubai released his spirit, Tang San
and Ma Hongjun also set free their strength.

“Phoenix, body enhancement.”

Red-purple light rushed out from within Fatty’s body, the

short hair on his head abruptly becoming long and furthermore
gathering to the center, becoming a mohican type hair style.
Two yellow spirit rings simultaneously rose from under his feet,
long feathers extending along his bare thick and solid arms.
Both hands also took on the shape of claws.

941 Goldenagato |

Scorching air whirled around Fatty’s body, even though his
height was not a little shorter than the opposing Blue Sunshine
students, after that purple flame released from within his body,
his imposing manner became completely different, matching
Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Spirit, suppressing the other side with
a kind of feeling like being unable to breathe easy.

Only Tang San’s spirit still could be considered calm, two like
Ma Hongjun’s yellow spirit rings rose from under his feet, dense
blue silver grass quietly released, centering on his body, slowly

Basically without needing to fight, after only Dai Mubai

released three spirit rings, the opposing five Blue Sunshine
students already lost heart. They understood clearly how large a
gap came from the difference of one spirit ring’s strength, let
alone when this person’s third spirit ring was on the thousand
year level, how were they still capable of contending with that.

What brought these several Blue Sunshine Academy students

hearts extremely out of balance was, these few juveniles looked
much younger than them, but the strength they brought out
was already above theirs.


942 Goldenagato |

That Blue Sunshine Academy’s teacher finally couldn’t help
but stand forward, waving a hand towards his students,

“You withdraw.”

The students were in mental disequilibrium, and this

teacher’s heart indeed was extremely shocked, he clearly
recognized that the opposing three juveniles, whether it was
this somewhat older in the middle or the two on either side
looking like only twelve or thirteen years old, all could be said
to be geniuses among geniuses. Especially this one in the
middle, he looked at most seventeen years old, but already
possessed three spirit rings, reaching Spirit Elder realm, this
was an unprecedented matter to him. Especially that thousand
year spirit ring, so dazzling to the eyes.

This teacher after all was already in his middle age, seeing Dai
Mubai release his genuine strength, in his heart he already
considered very many possibilities. Let alone speaking of his
several students being able to match the opponent, even if they
could prevail over the other side, he still would not let them
fight. Somewhat inconveniently could not be provoked.

943 Goldenagato |

“I am Blue Sunshine Academy’s external affairs department
director Ye Zhi-Qiu. May I ask, what school are you from?”

Seeing Ye Zhi-Qiu himself walk out before the three, releasing

his spirit power before him without using his spirit to withstand
the pressure, Dai Mubai’s heart secretly felt a chill. Under these
kinds of circumstances, he could be certain that this middle
aged person’s spirit power was far above his own.

“We are from Shrek Academy.”

Without waiting for Dai Mubai to speak up, Fatty already

immensely proudly spoke. While speaking, his naked gaze
resolutely stared at Blue Sunshine Academy’s one female

Yu Zhi-Qiu looked blank a moment. In his eyes revealed a

thoughtful light, clearly, he was not familiar with Shrek
Academy’s name.

“Shrek Academy? Seems I have not heard of it.”

Dai Mubai snorted coldly,

944 Goldenagato |

“You are indeed ignorant and inexperienced.”

Hearing the other party not at all being children of some

school, Ye Zhi-Qiu in his heart loosed a breath, but at the same
time also couldn’t help but feel somewhat powerless.

He always believed that Blue Sunshine Academy’s students

were already very outstanding. This time’s plan to leave for Star
Dou Great Forest was to assist one student having reached
thirtieth rank to advance the third spirit ring. Also that was the
female student who all along had not come out.

But before him these several juveniles provoked him greatly.

Ye Zhi-Qiu understood that these three juveniles indeed were

entitled to disdain Blue Sunshine Academy.

But, possessing such strong spirit power so young, how had

they after all practiced.

The were practically little monsters.

945 Goldenagato |

Of course, although in his heart he had been shaken the other
side’s actual strength, if he cowered back so in front of this
many diners, Blue Sunshine Academy would at once lose face.

The students were out of the question, he himself had to earn

back Blue Sunshine Academy’s lost face.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhi-Qiu no longer hesitated, a light

flickering within his eyes, he also released his spirit,

“Black Tortoise, Spirit Enhancement.”

Beast Spirit, Black Tortoise.

A black ripple released from within Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body,

forcibly pushing back the pressure of Tang San, Dai Mubai and
Fatty. His four limbs simultaneously contracted by one third,
his back swelling, unexpectedly bearing a huge shell. Black light
twinkled over his whole body, a full five spirit rings rising from
below, spiralling above his body. The five spirit rings were one
white, two yellow, two purple. This Blue Sunshine Academy
external affairs department head unexpectedly was an over
fiftieth ranked Spirit King level expert.

946 Goldenagato |

Even though Ye Zhi-Qiu’s spirit ring levels were not at all
considered very strong, the more than fiftieth ranked spirit
power exhibited there instantaneously suppressed the Shrek

Everyone in the entire dining hall cried out in surprise, after

all, on the Continent a Spirit King was already a rare Spirit
Master, their actual strength considerably formidable. In some
kingdoms one could already possess viscount or even earl titles.

Dai Mubai’s expression changed, gaze floating over to Tang

San beside him, Tang San and him shared a look, naturally
understood his meaning. Slowly nodding to him once, both
hands slowly rising, stroking Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

To handle an opponent with clearly greater spirit power,

perhaps they could only use hidden weapons to ensuring a
strike. The other side was not after all Zhao Wuji, and would
not likely start off leniently.

Ye Zhi-Qiu’s speech was very pretty,

947 Goldenagato |

“You several children are not sensible, afterwards don’t talk
drivel. Call out your Academy teacher.””

Fatty uncannily called out,

“At once pulling out your turtle head, and still want to see our
teacher? We several are enough to deal with you.”

“All of you, all of you Spirit Master uncles, I beseech you,

don’t fight inside my small shop, it’s a small business, a small

The shop owner at this moment already had no choice but to

run out: if he did not dissuade them, in the next moment
perhaps the entire store would be baptized by the tempest.

Ye Zhi-Qiu possessed Black Tortoise Spirit, in all his life the

most taboo word was ‘turtle head’.

Originally he only thought to frighten these several juveniles

before him once then let it be, after all, he could not want to
shoulder the accusation of the old taking unfair advantage of
the young, to say nothing of how entirely unclear the strength

948 Goldenagato |

was of the Academy behind these children.

But Fatty had offended his taboo, Ye Zhi-Qiu in his heart was
angry, but contrary to his anger smiled,

“Fine, I will substitute for your teacher to educate you. We

will go outside.”

Finished speaking, he turned and walked outside, behind him

the black tortoise shell’s swaying appearance looking somewhat
reidiculous, but the spirit power he released was considerably

The Blue Sunshine Academy students also followed Ye Zhi-

Qiu outside the hotel, Dai Mubai in a low voice said to Tang San:

“This old fellow is more than fiftieth ranked, but his spirit
Black Tortoise is also a kind of considerably decent Beast Spirit.
Later on we must be a bit careful, I previously stood up to his
attack, but your movements are probably a bit faster. I fear my
support won’t last too long.”

Tang San said:

949 Goldenagato |

“We will not necessarily lose. Although his spirit power is
more formidable than ours, his spirit has flaws.”

By now, the other several people already came up around

them, just in time to hear Tang San’s words.

Tang San said:

“His spirit is Black Tortoise, I can be certain that he is a

defensive type Battle Spirit Master, of his active abilities and
passive abilities, the overwhelming majority should be used for
defense. Consequently, although his spirit is much more
formidable than ours, the threat he is able to bring us with his
attacks isn’t big. High spirit power without suitable means to
attack can give us what threat? Therefore, to deal with him I
propose two methods.”

Tang San was Grandmaster’s disciple, regarding spirit theory

he knew much more than the others, with only one look at Ye
Zhi-Qiu’s spirit, he had already made very many judgements.

“The first method, is to take advantage of our own speed to

950 Goldenagato |

contend with him, he after all is a teacher, and his spirit power
is also much higher than ours, so naturally he will not issue
limits to our number of people. Therefore, I suggest to leave it
to me, Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to completely settle this task,
because we three are the fastest.”

“While contending with him, we must launch our fastest

speeds to be sure to not let his attacks hit. Afterward again
looking for opportunity, looking for his weak points. Carrying
out attacks. Only, Black Tortoise’s defense is very powerful so
we might not be able to successfully attack him. As a result of
having a carapace to protect his body, my Blue Silver Grass
thorns and poison perhaps won’t have any effect on him.
Consequently, I even more recommend the second method.”

“With the first kind of method the similarity is that it’s still us
three pinning him down. Black Tortoise is affiliated with water,
and it just so happens that Fatty’s Phoenix flame mutually
subdues it: water can subdue fire, but fire can also equally
restrain water. Fatty’s flame is also so peculiar. Leaving you to
surround him and start the attack, with Oscar’s Sausage support
your attack duration would not have any problem. Our goal is
attrition. Xiao Wu, you are in charge of support, alternately
switching with us three in front, like this everyone can obtain
replenishment from Oscar. Although our spirit power is inferior
to his, we have little Ao and in addition a numerical advantage,
exploiting his lack of methods of attack that are sufficient to

951 Goldenagato |

threaten us.”

Listening to Tang San’s proposal, everyone couldn’t help but

slap the table and shout with praise, not one person was

“Tang San, what about me?”

Ning Rongrong’s refined eyebrows wrinkled slightly, looking

at Tang San with wide eyes.

Tang San stared blankly a moment, the reason he had not

included Ning Rongrong in the formation was actually because
after learning of this girl’s unreasonable nature, he feared she
would have the opposite reaction. Thinking it over, he said:

“Your spirit is special, engage according to the situation.”

Ning Rongrong clenched her teeth, sensing the others looked

at her with a somewhat strange gaze, secretly releasing her
ferocity in her heart. She knew that she seemed to already have
been excluded from this group, this kind of feeling was
absolutely hard to take for her.

952 Goldenagato |

Discussion over, everyone simultaneously walked outside,
relying on Tang San’s original battle with Zhao Wuji, they were
all very confident, and speaking of challenging powers to
promote their own strength was clearly very advantageous.

Ning Rongrong walked last, suddenly, her ears picked up a

low voice,

“If you want to make everyone acknowledge you, use action to

prove that you are part of Shrek.”

When Ning Rongrong raised her head to look, it was just in

time to see Oscar with his face already grown a full beard
smiling towards her. For some reason, the rims of her eyes
suddenly reddened, with an effort nodding to Oscar.

Very quickly everyone reached outside, perhaps it was

because the five spirit rings over Ye Zhi-Qiu were too eye
catching, but in this small town they had attracted very many

While walking out into this small town, Ye Zhi-Qiu had

953 Goldenagato |

calmed somewhat, watching the seven juveniles walk up, he
said in a low voice:

“I will give you another opportunity, right now there is still

time to admit your wrongs.”

Dai Mubai smiled nefariously,

“Wrongs? What is called wrong, what is called right? A big

fist, is right. First defeat us then talk again.”

Finally this time Ye Zhi-Qiu could no longer not act, snorting


“All of you together, I will take the place of your academy to

teach you manners.”

Fatty smiled darkly, saying:

“Remember, we’re not people, we’re monsters.”

954 Goldenagato |

Without waiting for Ye Zhi-Qiu to act, Dai Mubai already
charged out, the second spirit ring on his body releasing light,
intense white radiance condensing in a round ball already
spitting out from his mouth, precisely Evil Eye White Tiger’s
second spirit ring ability, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

At the same time as Dai Mubai spit out White Tiger Fierce
Light Wave, Zhu Zhuqing’s body flashed diagonally,
accelerating in a flash and moving around Ye Zhi-Qiu’s side,
Tang San also acted at the same time, charging Ye Zhi-Qiu from
the other side.

The long mohican hair on Fatty’s head trembled, the first

spirit ring releasing light, spouting a red-purple Phoenix Fire
Wire at Ye Zhi-Qiu.

The four practically indistinguishably struck one after

another. Without the slightest amount of fear of the opponent
being an over fiftieth ranked Spirit King.

Facing the fours’ simultaneous attacks, Ye Zhu-Qiu’s whole

body flourished with black light. His mouth releasing a deep
roar, on his body the first and second two spirit rings
simultaneously shone, body rapidly rotating half a turn,
revealing the tortoise shell on his back, at the same time, a black

955 Goldenagato |

light like a river released ghastly cold air.

The battle had just begun, but Ye Zhi-Qiu at once used his two
spirit ring abilities. One was Black Tortoise Protective Form, the
other was Black Water Freezing. His goal was very simple,
sorting out these youngsters in the shortest time, giving them a
profound lesson, since he used this tone, he had also manifested
Blue Sunshine Academy’s actual strength.

Although the Shrek Academy students’ power was out of the

ordinary, they were after all still young, their spirit power also
had a very large gap with his. Ye Zhi-Qiu believed that relying
on releasing his fifty third ranked spirit power’s Black Water
Freezing, he would be able to directly freeze their whole bodies
to a halt.

The White Tiger Fierce Light Wave exploded on Ye Zhi-Qiu’s

back. Just like Tang San judged, Black Tortoise’s defensive
power was ranked at the very front among Beast Spirits. His
spirit power also exceeded Dai Mubai’s very much, so this one
strike did not have any effect at all, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body had not
even moved.

By now, Tang San had already taken advantage of this to

arrive next to Ye Zhi-Qiu, close to the opponent, he deeply felt

956 Goldenagato |

an extremely cold air hit his face, seemingly like the blood
vessels in his whole body froze. Under the shivering cold in his
heart, he hurriedly urged Mysterious Heaven Skill to rapidly
work within his body, resisting the cold air, his charging figure
coming to a sudden stop. But Blue Silver Grass Spirit swiftly
dispersed, twining around Ye Zhi-Qiu from all four directions.

What is called ‘fire and water have no mercy’, whether it was

freezing cold or burning heat, regarding plant system Spirits
both had a certain restraining effect, Blue Silver Grass’
movement speed under the effect of Black Water Freezing
clearly became somewhat sluggish.

Just at this moment, Fatty’s Phoenix Fire Wire had reached

the tortoise shell on Ye Zhi-Qiu’s back.

Even though Fatty’s Phoenix flame’s had been weakened a fair

bit by Black Water Freezing, similarly, following Phoenix Fire
Wire’s arrival, Black Water Freezing’s chill had also reduced a

Although the red-purple flame infecting the tortoise shell was

unable to pierce through, it did not stop burning, adhering to it
like it was viscous.

957 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun’s spirit was a variant and it naturally could not
be considered ordinary fire, Ye Zhi-Qiu only felt a burning heat
on his back and was immediately startled.

With the help of this instant’s opportunity, Blue Silver Grass

already twined up, tightly adhering to his body, Zhu Zhuqing’s
illusory silhouette quietly appeared in the dead angle at Ye Zhi-
Qiu’s back, launching the first spirit ring ability Hell Rush Stab,
directly targeting Ye Zhi-Qiu’s neck.

Suddenly, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s neck retracted, a strange scene

appearing, his entire head unexpectedly withdrawing into his
chest, just perfectly avoiding Zhu Zhuqing’s talons, on his body
the third spirit ring shone, spouting out a mouthful of mist,
covering the Phoenix flame on his back.

Even though the Phoenix flame burned very powerfully, Ye

Zhi-Qiu’s Black Water was also not simple, his spirit power also
by far exceeded Fatty’s, and the red-purple flames on the
tortoise shell stopped burning.

Intense cold once again rose, and Tang San practically

immediately withdrew his Blue Silver Grass. Otherwise the Blue
Silver Grass would have frozen rigid, which would influence
himself not a little. Zhu Zhuqing’s cat’s claws swatted once at

958 Goldenagato |

the tortoise shell, borrowing power to soar out.

But in that brief moment of contact, Zhu Zhuqing’s hand

already froze rigid.

This time, Dai Mubai by just arrived, without hesitation

having started his White Tiger Protective Barrier, within the
glittering light of the first spirit ring, a pair of huge tiger paws
with sharp blades popping out, directly swatted at Ye Zhi-Qiu’s

Dai Mubai’s spirit power was the most powerful among the
Shrek students, but the thirty seventh ranked spirit power
attack still had a with a twenty something rank large gap, with
two muffled sounds, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body staggered once,
stumbling two steps forward, but he very quickly half turned,
head also extending from within the chest, mouth wide, a black
cold stream spit directly towards Dai Mubai.

Third spirit ring ability, Black Water Surge.

The intense chill gave Dai Mubai’s body a burst of cold,

although White Tiger Protective Barrier could isolate the chill,
it still could not completely resist, after all the opponent’s spirit

959 Goldenagato |

power was more than ten ranks stronger than his.

Just at this moment, the second red-purple flame appeared

just right, blocking in front of Dai Mubai’s body, striking
together with that black water.

Thick steam rising, although the flame was suppressed by the

Black Water, Dai Mubai also took advantage of this opportunity
to very quickly retreat.

The brief exchange put Tang San somewhat at a loss, ‘don’t

tell me my judgement was wrong, and this Black Tortoise
actually isn’t a defensive type spirit? No, impossible, how could
Teacher’s many years of research be mistaken. This Blue
Sunshine Academy teacher’s spirit clearly hasn’t shown any
variation. But this dense cold air spirit ability of his is very
difficult to handle.’

Little did they imagine, while Tang San’s group was

astonished, Ye Zhi-Qiu was even more amazed. Although the
four juveniles’ coordinated attack did not injure him, it caused
him some not inconsiderable inconvenience. Especially Ma
Hongjun’s spouted Phoenix Fire Wire was deeply felt by Ye Zhi-
Qiu, this kind of flame seemingly was precisely his bane. If it
was not for that little Fatty’s spirit power being too low, his

960 Goldenagato |

Black Water would absolutely be unable to resist this kind of
eccentric flame.

And the spirit power added to Dai Mubai’s two palms just now
swatting on his tortoise shell was vigorous and tyrannical,
brimming with explosive strength, although he had the tortoise
shell for protection, they still made the blood and breath in Ye
Zhi-Qiu’s body roll. After all, Black Tortoise Protective Form
was only his first spirit ring ability, and although Black Tortoise
in itself excelled at defense, in the end the first spirit ring
ability’s defensive strength was still very limited.

Most shocking Ye Zhi-Qiu, was the coordination between

these four juveniles. Although their coordination in itself still
was very raw and could not reach fully harmonised condition,
between them they each possessed capabilities whose natures
very strongly complemented each other. One storm infighter,
one agility attack guerilla, one control system, furthermore one
long range attacker, complementing one another, able to make
their firepower reach the highest degree. What kind of existence
was this Shrek Academy?

How could he know, looking at these seven juvenile boys and

girls, they were already Shrek Academy’s entire student body.

961 Goldenagato |

Just at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly echoed,
interrupting the fight,

“Late at night, yet you haven’t gone to bed, running out and
getting up to what?”

Tang San looked blank a moment, already releasing both

hands’ subconscious touch on Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

Just about to use his third spirit ring ability Dai Mubai
hiccuped when he heard this voice and halted, withdrawing like
flying, pulling open the distance with Ye Zhi-Qiu.

A large figure appeared in everyone’s field of view. The

arrival, was Zhao Wuji.

“All of you go back to sleep.”

Zhao Wuji did not even look at the Blue Sunshine Academy’s
side, with one wave of his hand ordering all the Shrek students
back to the hotel.

962 Goldenagato |

This riled up, Ye Zhi-Qiu did not give up,

“Wait a moment.”

Zhao Wuji somewhat impatiently turned around,


Ye Zhi-Qiu coldly said:

“You are that Shrek-something Academy’s teacher, just now

these several students of your academy insulted our Blue
Sunshine Academy, shouldn’t you give us an explanation?”

“Explanation? What is there to explain? Isn’t Blue Sunshine

Academy a trash institute? Their words can’t be regarded as an

What person was Zhao Wuji? Originally in the Spirit Master

realm he was also outstandingly famous as a fiend in human
form, although not the most powerful kind, he was still
equivalent to a terrifying existence. Confronting a fifty

963 Goldenagato |

something ranked Spirit Master, he naturally would not look
clearly at the other party.

(三股叉) “Three Part Pitchfork”, which differs slightly from

the regular word for trident (三叉戟) “Three Pronged Halberd”,
so it may be he just has a pitchfork.

(羊) Alternatively “Goat”.

Wang (王)

8寸 = 27 cm

(叶知秋) “Page Know Autumn”

Xuan gui (玄龟) Black Tortoise is one of the Four Heavenly

Beasts, of which White Tiger is another.

Fatty says Wang ba (王八) which has the meaning of

“tortoise”, but also “cuckold” and “bastard”. This originated
from the ancient curse Wang ba duan (忘八端) where wang
means “forgotten” and ba duan are the eight basics of how to

964 Goldenagato |

conduct oneself with integrity: filial piety, fraternal duty,
loyalty, trustworthiness, courtesy, righteousness, honesty,
shame (“孝,悌,忠,信,礼,义,廉,耻”), meaning a person who
had forgotten integrity. At some point this was mixed together
with the near homonym for tortoise. I don’t know an English
analogue, so you get a poop joke instead.

Wang ba (王八) again

In Wu Xing, Five Phases Theory, the Water phase is associated

with Black Tortoise. Also, it’s a tortoise.


(玄水冰封) “Black Water Ice Confer/Seal”

Idiom: Forces of nature are outside of human control.


965 Goldenagato |

Chapter 28 - Thousand Year Phoenix Tail
Crest Serpent

Whether it was him or Shrek Academy’s dean Flender, both

were proud and aloof contemporaries. In this respect, Dai
Mubai’s temper was most similar to theirs.


Ye Zhi-Qiu was indignant, and no longer arguing, with big

strides walking in Zhao Wuji’s direction. Seeing his overbearing
manner, he clearly was not prepared to leave the matter at that.

Zhao Wuji turned around, facing the seven juveniles already

gathered at his side, saying:

“You really are rubbish, not even taking care of one old turtle
head, once we’re back at the Academy I’ll sort you out again.”

Fatty good intentioned remarked:

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“Teacher Zhao, that old turtle head has come.”

Zhao Wuji snorted coldly,

“You all trundle back to go to sleep.”

Leaving these words behind, at this he just turned around,

facing Ye Zhi-Qiu just now coming close with the dense cold air.

“Everyone uses strength to speak.”

Zhao Wuji had an arrogant expression, and without using

Spirit Body Enhancement, raised his right hand, striking
towards Ye Zhi-Qiu.

Ye Zhi-Qiu by now had already been thoroughly infuriated,

releasing Black Water Freezing’s full power, intense cold swept
towards Zhao Wuji, at the same time turning his back, using the
tortoise shell to resist Zhao Wuji’s palm. Thinking in his heart,
‘you are too arrogant, even if your spirit power was above mine,
not even using spirit, I will have you eat a big loss.’

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Unfortunately, it was not at all Zhao Wuji getting the worst of

The Black Water Freezing that before gave Tang San’s group
not a little trouble reached Zhao Wuji’s body, and basically did
not have any effect at all, and in the next second, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s
body already flew like mounting the clouds and riding the mist
by Zhao Wuji’s slap. On the tortoise shell appeared a wide crack,
flying more than ten metres before heavily landing on the

Zhao Wuji turned a disdainful look in Ye Zhi-Qiu’s direction.

Then just turned to bring the Shrek students into the hotel.
While walking he whispered,

“The feeling of thrashing people without using spirit as

expected isn’t bad, no wonder……”

Earlier when Dai Mubai and the others provoked Blue

Sunshine Academy, Zhao Wuji saw it from upstairs. He
originally didn’t intend to take part, letting these children have
some exercise in battle coordination. But later when he saw
Tang San and Dai Mubai’s group attack Ye Zhi-Qiu from all
directions, for some reason, he immediately recalled the scene
not long ago of him being beaten, for a moment his hand itched,

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and he walked out without stopping. Only he didn’t expect to be
so unable to refrain from hitting that old tortoise, sending him
flying with a slap.

Of course, Zhao Wuji was not unaware of the true cause, the
defense ability the other party used was the first spirit ring, the
last two thousand year spirit rings’ abilities both still had not
been used. Only, sending Ye Zhi-Qiu flying with a slap. He did
not have the mood to tangle with this kind of opponent whose
strength was so much below his own. Right now, he felt like
that person who stood before him that day.

Ye Zhi-Qiu with the support of several Blue Sunshine

Academy students managed to crawl from the ground, opening
his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, just like his back was
weighed down by a big mountain, somewhat unable to breathe,
in his heart also couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by shock.

Regarding his own defensive power he was only too clear, but
the other side without even using his spirit, one off-handed slap
could unexpectedly injure him. Even if the opponent was a
strength type Spirit Master, this strength gap still could by no
means be lower than fifteen ranks, or even higher.

As soon as he thought of the opponents Spirit Master level, Ye

969 Goldenagato |

Zhi-Qiu couldn’t help but shiver, looking perniciously in the
direction of the departing Shrek Academy group, then just
bringing a cadre of crestfallen students to leave. Among them
that female student before leaving, still specially looked towards
Dai Mubai.

Oscar’s face was bearded and Tang San’s appearance could not
be regarded as outstanding, so Dai Mubai’s evil eyes clearly
possessed the most attractive force. As for Fatty, that was
always a character directly overlooked by girls.

Of course, Dai Mubai did not pay her any attention, it could
not be said that this White Tiger was particularly pure, indeed
due to his arrogance, many beautiful women appeared, and his
taste could by far not be compared to Fatty’s.

While walking back, Zhao Wuji cheerfully said:

“All of you. You truly make me lose face. Remember from this
time, after we’ve returned I will give you special instruction.”

Tang San’s group looked at each other. But nobody retorted,

on their faces instead hung somewhat smiling expressions, this
Motionless Bright King clearly was protective, afraid they would

970 Goldenagato |

have an accident, but was not willing to say so clearly.

Twenty or thirty ranked Spirit Masters fighting with a more

than fiftieth ranked Spirit Master, and still not having to
concede, already was quite good. How could that still count as
losing face, to say nothing of the oldest among them being just
fifteen years old.

Zhao Wuji’s gaze suddenly shifted to Ning Rongrong,

“Just now why did you not use your spirit to assist everyone?”

Ning Rongrong’s big eyes blinked, saying:

“That was not the right time. Without people knowing I was a
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School disciple, if I unleashed my
spirit at a key moment, the effect could be even better. Even
more of an unexpected nature.”

The others all turned to Ning Rongrong with unconvinced

gazes, but Tang San nodded, saying:

971 Goldenagato |

“Acting when least expected, attacking when least prepared,
will have even better results. If when Mubai used White Tiger
Vajra Transformation his physical strength and speed increased
by thirty percent, perhaps that Black Tortoise Spirit King would
come to grief.”

Hearing Tang San’s words, Zhao Wuji nodded relieved, in a

low voice saying:

“You must remember, ever since you seven entered Shrek

Academy, you are one entity. You are all the Academy’s little
monsters, when later going out, you can also be called Shrek
Seven Devils. You must mutually assist each other. With your
gifts, if you also have good coordination, defeating Spirit
Masters more powerful than you still won’t be any difficult

“Yes, teacher Zhao.”

Among the numerous ordinary peoples’ admiring expressions,

the Shrek student party returned to the hotel.

The night was uneventful. Early morning the second day,

with the sky just showing a glimmer of dawn, Zhao Wuji used

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his that resonant voice to call them all up.

Tang San was actually indifferent, he rose early every day,

having long ago already acquired a good work and rest habit.
But for the others, especially a sleep addict like Oscar, it was
somewhat painful. To the extent that when eating breakfast,
the majority were still in a hazy state.

The sun slowly rose from the East, gradually bringing that
marble white color of the dawn, the sky gradually brightening.

Although Tang San would see this scene every day, regardless
of how many times it was repeated, the feeling brought out by
that kind of light still would make his heart shake. The sun’s
light breaking up the darkness, heralding a new day

Leaving the little town, everyone accelerated forwards, the

distance from here to Star Dou Great Forest was already very
close, and everyone hurried on at full strength. Most excited
naturally was Oscar on the verge of obtaining his third spirit
ring, he dearly wanted to know, what strengthening effect his
third spirit ring could produce in the end.

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He knew, without need to remind him, Zhao Wuji certainly
would bring everyone to at least hunt an ordinary thousand
year spirit beast for him.

Star Dou Great Forest was situated on the south edge of

Heaven Dou Empire, the forest spanning the two great empires.
Since the spirit beasts here were numerous, this was also the
region where the border between the two nations was least
clear. From looking at a map, the larger part of Star Dou Great
Forest’s area was within Star Luo Empire, but of course, Heaven
Dou Empire had never recognized this point.

As one of the three big wild spirit beast habitats, this naturally
was the place Spirit Masters most wished to be able to hunt,
because every time coming here, meant they would advance.

Nobody could say clearly for just how many years Star Dou
Great Forest had existed on Douluo Continent, but after
entering the forest, that hiding the sky and covering the earth
lushness was sufficient to tell people it was an ancient existence.

Distantly, Tang San vaguely sensed bursts of clear air

caressing from ahead, that brought the scent of plants
penetrating deeply in the heart, unspeakably comforting. With
deep breaths of fresh and clean air, the whole body’s thirty six

974 Goldenagato |

thousand pores seemed to completely stretch open, that kind of
feeling was so relaxing it was hard to put into words.

Using Purple Demon Eye to focus in the far distance, what

Tang San Saw, was a green ocean, vibrant green as far as the eye
could see ahead, that kind of comforting clear air came from

Eventually, they came before Star Dou Great Forest, tall trees
exceeding at least twenty metres, and this was still only the
outermost parts. The dense forest was basically without paths,
shadowed heavily by trees, unable to see the true scene within.

Arriving before the forest, the air became even more relaxing,
seemingly like the temperature dropped a bit. The fresh and
cool feeling continuously bringing a moist earth fragrance to
stimulate everyone’s sense of smell.

“Everyone stop.”

Zhao Wuji spoke up.

Everyone halted their steps, the hundred li journey had

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already heated up their bodies, especially Oscar and Ning
Rongrong, as Auxiliary Spirit Masters, while their bodies’
conditions still were pretty good, in the end they could not
compare to Tang San and the others.

Oscar recited that vulgar incantation of his in a low voice,

handing over a sausage to each person. After the breaking in
over these few days, everyone already no longer felt disgusted
by his sausage, at most only pretending not to hear when he
recited his incantation, that’s all.

With the sausage in belly, releasing a warm flow, restoring

everyone’s physical strength, everyone became in very high

Zhao Wuji looked solemnly at the seven students before him,

“You listen to me closely, Star Dou Great Forest can’t be the

kind of place like national captive devil beast forests. The devil
beasts here are all extremely dangerous, you may at any time be
confronted by a thousand year, or even ten thousand year level
devil beast attack. As a result, after entering the forest, none of
you must leave more than twenty metres away from me. Ning
Rongrong, Oscar, you two must follow me even closer. Without
my order, none of you are allowed to rashly attack spirit beasts,

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do you understand?”


Oscar quickly recited spirit incantations, in a moment’s work,

in his hand he held several fresh and dried sausages.

He gave everyone a fresh sausage and a dried sausage, saying:

“My sausage is able to maintain its freshness for twelve double

hours in the air, in other words, it will have effect if eaten
within twelve double hours. The fresh sausage recovers and
treats in addition to allaying hunger, the dried sausage’s main
effect is detoxification.”

Everyone accepted it one by one, carefully putting it away.

They understood that Oscar was afraid that in a crisis there
wouldn’t be time to give them sausage, and so just gave them
some in advance.

Continually releasing spirit power made Oscar’s expression

somewhat pale, fortunately with the full beard to cover it up it
could not be considered obvious. The effect of his transformed

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sausage was very good on other people, but to himself it could
only have one third of the effect, basically balancing his spirit
power consumption. Consequently, after consuming spirit
power he could only recover by meditation. Of course, the fresh
sausage was still useful to allay his hunger.

Zhao Wuji looked at everyone, seeing the seven youngsters

before him already were ready, then just waved his hand once,

“Set off.”

This time, Zhao Wuji let Dai Mubai and Tang San walk in
front, he personally took the rear, as they took the first step into
Star Dou Great Forest.

After entering Star Dou Great Forest, the most excited one
was Xiao Wu, she did not seem to think this was any kind of
dangerous place, bouncing and vivacious, unspeakably happy.
Seeing it made Zhao Wuji scowl, but since Xiao Wu still did not
overstep the restrictive range, he did not say anything.

The terrain within Star Dou Great Forest was extremely

complex, there basically were no roads within the forest, so the
work of making a path naturally fell on Dai Mubai.

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Using Spirit Body Enhancement, the sharp blades on Dai
Mubai’s tiger paws shot out, both paws swinging, cutting apart
the brambles in front, without affecting everyone’s movement
rate a bit.

Tang San followed just behind Dai Mubai, his vision and
hearing both heightened to their keenest state, cautiously and
solemnly observing the surroundings.

Grandmaster once talked to him about wild spirit beast lore.

Wild spirit beasts were extremely aggressive, and because of
people hunting to upgrade their strength they hated humans.
Most dreadful was, among wild spirit beasts, there were some
that flocked together. In other words, it was very possible to
meet a group of tyrannically strong wild spirit beasts. Under
these kinds of circumstances, unless the Spirit Masters
themselves were astonishingly strong, it would be very difficult
to resist them.

Therefore, Grandmaster repeatedly urged that when entering

wild spirit beasts’ territory, he must be extremely careful. He
could not make any mistakes, otherwise, he very possibly would
face disaster.

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The reason why Grandmaster had Tang San come to study at
Shrek Academy actually wasn’t at all to let him study various
things; what Shrek could teach, how would Grandmaster be
unable to teach it. But Grandmaster’s own strength nevertheless
was a complication, although teaching Tang San was without
any issues, Tang San would later in the end reach thirtieth rank.
He would not be able to again assist Tang San in obtaining a
spirit ring.

Thirtieth rank was capable of supporting a spirit ring of the

thousand year level. Thousand year spirit beasts in national
captive reserves were exceptionally rare, ones with good
attributes were even rarer; only in wild spirit beast habitats was
it possible to find something suitable. Consequently, the most
important reason Grandmaster had Tang San go to Shrek
Academy, was exactly to rely on the strength of Shrek
Academy’s teachers to assist Tang San in finding a suitable
spirit ring.

Very quickly, they came across spirit beasts, and it was also a
pack of spirit beasts.

At Zhao Wuji’s painstakingly lowered voice, everyone halted.

This group of spirit beasts was first discovered by Tang San, a
group of Rodent Weasels. This kind of spirit beast wasn’t large,
and its attack power also wasn’t considered very powerful, but

980 Goldenagato |

their teeth were extremely difficult to deal with, capable of
piercing gold and iron.

Tang San’s one hand pulled on the shoulder of Dai Mubai

hacking through the thorns in front, one hand waving behind
him at everyone, indicating no danger. Relying on the
experience Grandmaster imparted on him, he saw with one
glance that this group of twenty or thirty Rodent Weasels were
only ten year spirit beasts, nothing more.

Rodent Weasels had a very sharp sense of smell, and at this

kind of distance clearly had already discovered them, but did
not show any reaction at all, clearly they had no interest
towards them.

Tang San pointed to the side, and Dai Mubai understood

tacitly, continuing cutting brambles and thorns towards the
side, helping everyone move ahead.

While walking forward, Dai Mubai said in a low voice to Tang


“Why must we make a detour, just now those Rodent Weasels

weren’t powerful, we could just kill them.”

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Tang San with a slight smile said:

“They were no threat to us so there is no need to kill them. If

all Spirit Masters were like this, after many years, could there
still be spirit beasts in this forest? Let alone, my Teacher said,
within wild spirit beast forest, even if meeting inferior spirit
beasts one still can’t lower one’s guard, because if a battle
occurs with them the scent of blood and noise very possibly will
attract powerful spirit beasts. It’s good if we still are a bit

Dai Mubai cheerfully said:

“Your teacher certainly is an unusually formidable senior.

This all is valuable experience.”

Tang San helplessly recalled Grandmaster, on his face could

not help but display a bitter smile, ‘formidable’? Grandmaster
did not seem to fit this word. This also was the biggest regret in
all Grandmaster’s life.

Star Dou Great Forest really was too dense, describing it with

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the words ‘hiding the sky and covering the earth’ was not a bit
an exaggeration, thinking to see sunshine within the forest was
not likely.

Everyone moved forward for probably one double hour or so.

By now it was already noon. In this time, they had also
encountered not a few spirit beasts, but for the most part it was
ten year and hundred years, and the most part they had avoided
the spirit beasts they came across without any direct conflict.
hen occasionally somewhat blindly courting death, Dai Mubai’s
tiger paws directly settled the issue. Of course, he complied with
Tang San’s suggestions and did not kill these spirit beasts, only
driving them away or letting them off with bruises.

“Well, everyone rest a moment.”

Zhao Wuji’s voice made everyone’s continuously taut spirits

relax, Dai Mubai cleared away the surrounding brambles with
one swing, creating a nearly one hundred square metres open
space. Everyone sat down leaning against trees, temporarily

Oscar naturally also contributed his sausage, this time

everyone also were not in the mood to feel any taste or lack of
taste, eating Oscar’s sausage, drinking water they had brought

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along, for the time being recovering.

Zhao Wuji passed down orders to rest for one double hour.
This was still the outskirts of Star Dou Great Forest and not
many high level spirit beasts would be seen, so it was still
relatively safe. Their goal was to help Oscar hunt a suitable
thousand year spirit beast, so they had to continue deeper
inside. The further they went inside the more dangerous it
would be, and resting time also would become even rarer.
Consequently, adjusting to peak condition in the relatively safe
area was absolutely necessary.

Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San’s shoulder. For some reason,

she who was happy and excited when just entering the forest,
after encountering the first spirit beasts, seemed listless, as if
having some worry. Tang San also looked for an opportunity to
ask her, but Xiao Wu always said nothing was the matter with

When everyone had rested roughly half a double hour,

suddenly, Tang San and Zhao Wuji’s gazes simultaneously
turned in one direction.

Zhao Wuji shouted in a loud voice:

984 Goldenagato |

“Get up, there is something approaching.”

Tang San and Dai Mubai with an unusual understanding took

the lead in covering in front of Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Xiao
Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Fatty followed to guard the sides, in the
first moments, they all released their spirits, including Zhao

The rustling sounds went from small to large, even if it was

the Auxiliary Spirit Masters Oscar and Ning Rongrong both
could clearly sense that creature approaching at a very high

“Zhu Zhuqing, take a look at what it is.”

Zhao Wuji ordered in a low voice.

Zhu Zhuqing still did not utter a word, quietly leaping up, cats
claws extending on her hands, climbing a large tree as if walking
on level ground to look in the direction of whence the sound

Cat’s vision was extremely outstanding, even at night was no

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exception, let alone now when the sun was still at its zenith.

Very quickly, Zhu Zhuqing’s clear and cold voice came from
the tree,

“It looks like a flying serpent, only it doesn’t fly very high, it
can only fly about three metres off the ground. On its head is a
crest, it would appear still larger than its head, bright red like
blood. Its tail is comparatively unusual, fan shaped.”

Zhao Wuji’s eyes shone,

“It’s a Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, this kind of spirit beast is

rare, the crest on top of its head has many fantastic effects,
Oscar, you’ve been blessed. Unfortunately we don’t know how
old this Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent is. Zhu Zhuqing, watch
closely the direction it moves, as soon as it changes direction
report to me.”

“Yes. It’s heading straight in our direction very quickly, only,

its body does not seem to have very good balance.”

Tang San suddenly asked:

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“How long is this Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, what colors are
its wings?”

Zhu Zhuqing said:

“The wings are pale red, its length is roughly between six and
eight metres.”

Tang San at once made the calculations in his heart, speaking

in a sure tone:

“This is a thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent: pale red

wings are the symbol of its thousand year evolution, going by its
height, six to eight metres, it should have cultivated between
one thousand three hundred years to one thousand eight
hundred years. Oscar, just suitable for you.”

“The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent is in itself not venomous, it’s

a rare formidable non-venomous snake. Attacking by winding
around a person’s body making them choke, its attack method is
very singular, but its surprisingly fast, and also stores every
kind of nutrient in its crest, when in danger, it can grant a

987 Goldenagato |

momentary speed boost effect. If you obtain this spirit ring,
then, your next spirit ability should be related to speed.
Whether it is an auxiliary speed boost, or gives you additional
speed, both are pretty good options. Because Phoenix Tail Crest
Serpent’s attack power is not at all very powerful and also
singular, as a result thousand year or higher is very rare, this
time your luck is pretty good.”

Oscar’s pair of peach blossom eyes immediately shone up,

“Tang San, you are a spirit realm encyclopedia, ah,

tremendous, truly tremendous.”

Not only he, apart from Xiao Wu, even including Zhao Wuji,
everyone looked at him with gazes that had somewhat changed.
One must know, spirit beasts just like spirits came in fantastic
oddities of every description, and their age and level was even
harder to determine. Tang San had barely heard Zhu Zhuqing’s
words and could still accurately determine the age and strength
of the spirit beast they faced, as well as recount all the specific
circumstances of this kind of spirit beast, it was clear how well
he understood spirits. This was still impossible for Zhao Wuji.

Tang San smiled shyly, saying:

988 Goldenagato |

“This is all to Teacher’s credit.”

Rather than saying Tang San was an encyclopedia, Ii might be

said Grandmaster was. Grandmaster had long ago reached the
pinnacle of the spirit research field, and as his disciple, Tang
San’s apart from his own strength not being weak, knew
enough theory to become a teacher at any academy.

Zhao Wuji couldn’t help but ask:

“Since you are clear on this kind of spirit beast, then, what is
the best method of catching this it?”

Tang San replied without the slightest hesitation:

“Any type of snake is afraid of aggressive birds, and especially

afraid of long beaked crane type birds. Although there is no
Crane Spirit among us, Fatty’s Phoenix is still considered the
king of birds. The atmosphere of his spirit should be able to
have a certain suppressive effect on this kind of Phoenix Tail
Crest Serpent. The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent is not
particularly aggressive, so we need to be careful and must not
let it escape.”

989 Goldenagato |

“It’s here.”

At that moment, Zhu Zhuqing’s voice came just in time, with

a low shout. She unexpectedly dropped from the air, and
without the slightest amount of fear of a thousand year spirit
beast opponent, sharp claws shining simultaneously with the
first spirit ring, activated Hell Rush Stab.

That was a huge snake, its appearance resembled Zhu

Zhuqing’s description, appearing six or seven metres long. On
the top of its head was a bright red comb, looking somewhat
odious. Its rapidly advancing body arriving just right to run into
Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Rush Stab directly struck at
the crest on its head.

The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent reacted very quickly, even

though it was charging forward at high speed, the snake still
hurriedly inclined its head, so Zhu Zhuqing’s claw did not strike
the crest, but struck on its body, emitting a muffled sound and
making the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s speed immediately
drop somewhat.

The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent seemed startled. The snake’s

head askew, opening its mouth wide towards Zhu Zhuqing and
spraying a seven colored thick fog. Simultaneously, the bright

990 Goldenagato |

red crest on top of its head shone, and the speed that had just a
moment ago been delayed increased once more.

Dai Mubai practically without taking the time to think called

out loudly:


What is called concern in chaos, simultaneously alarmed and

angry, he immediately activated his thousand year spirit ring
ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

Body suddenly enlarging, Dai Mubai charged fiercely in the

direction of the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent.

“Seven Treasure Words, second spoken: Speed.”

Ning Rongrong’s sharp and clear voice echoed at just this

moment, Dai Mubai only felt his whole body lighten, speed once
again increasing, by just a hair’s breadth blocking the abruptly
hateful Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent.

991 Goldenagato |

With a loud peng sound, Dai Mubai with muffled snort fell
back nearly ten metres. But the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpents
charging figure also screeched to a sudden stop, enormous body
twisting in midair, falling to the ground.

“Its seven colored fog is only to scare people, not poisonous.”

Tang San’s voice rose timely, and at the same time, on the
ground long ago already prepared Blue Silver Grass abruptly
rose, firmly tying the falling to the ground Phoenix Tail Crest
Serpent’s body. Especially twining around her two wings,
making it unable to once again take flight.

Fatty’s spirit released pressure at full strength, the Phoenix

Tail Crest Serpent might finally have felt the Evil Fire Phoenix’
atmosphere, its body shuddering once. But, after all it was a
thousand year spirit beast, and would not so easily resign itself
to death. Although temporarily unable to fly, that had not
completely affected its ability to move.

Tang San only abruptly felt the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s
body become slippery, not only were Blue Silver Grass’ sharp
thorns unable to pierce its snake skin, instead letting it rapidly
twist down and thread its way out of the Blue Silver Grass.
Although it did not fly, its movement speed along the ground

992 Goldenagato |

was still incomparably fast, between eyeblinks it was already
ten metres away.

“Thinking to escape? Would that be so easy?”

Zhao Wuji’s deep voice echoed. Following this the third spirit
ring over his body shone, the thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest
Serpent suddenly stiffened at once, speed substantially
dropping. Exactly Zhao Wuji’s third spirit ring ability, Gravity

Immediately following, on Zhao Wuji’s body the fourth and

fifth two spirit rings simultaneously shone, his body abruptly
leaping up. When he once again fell down, with the fourth spirit
ring ability Position Trace’s effect he had arrived before the
Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, simultaneously activating Gravity

No matter how slippery the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent was,

before Zhao Wuji’s tyrannical spirit power, it could no longer
fully display it.

Dealing with the one thousand year spirit beast, to the

Motionless Bright King it was like stretching out a hand and

993 Goldenagato |

grabbing it. Appearing he not do anything, but in a moment
erupting in strength secretly made all the students shiver in
their hearts. Tang San also finally understood just how lucky he
was that day he and Zhao Wuji fought. If Zhao Wuji on that day
had used his spirit abilities in combination, then, he perhaps
would not even have had the chance to use hidden weapons.

Zhao Wuji’s bear paw stretched out, already pinching the

Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s head, lifting it before him, the
other hand raising its comb and flicking it once. The Phoenix
Tail Crest Serpent confronting the Vigorous Vajra Bear’s force,
directly passed out from the flick. If it was not for Zhao Wuji
needing to preserve its life, it would not even be up to enduring
this one finger.

“It’s done.”

Everyone simultaneously cheered excitedly. Oscar was still

just fourteen years old, that’s all, showing his excitement in his
speech, running up to Zhao Wuji.

Xiao Wu standing next to Tang San lowered her head, her big
eyes filled with a disturbed expression,

994 Goldenagato |

“Must we hunt and kill spirit beasts?”

Tang San sighed gently, saying:

“The weak are prey to the strong, this is the law of survival. If
this snake was even stronger than us, do you think it would let
food slip out of the side of its mouth?”

Xiao Wu did not say anything else, but she lowered her head
all along, her complexion still somewhat pale.

Zhao Wuji pulled out a short blade from his belt and handed it
to Oscar,

“Night is long and dreams are many, set about it. Thrust in
under this point from under its comb to pierce its brain at once,
and this spirit ring will be yours.”

Oscar excitedly took the short blade. Right now, this thousand
year spirit beast before him was a lamb waiting for slaughter, on
the verge of obtaining the third spirit ability, he was so excited
even his hands trembled somewhat.

995 Goldenagato |

When Oscar was about to thrust in the knife, suddenly, a
hoarse strict shout abruptly echoed,


Immediately following, two people leapt out from the

direction the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent had come flying,
appearing before everyone.

These two people were one old and one young, both women.
The elder looked sixty or seventy years old, a full head of white
hair combed very neatly, although she was not young, her mind
was extremely hale and hearty, although the wrinkles on her
face were not few, it was rosy like a baby’s. A pair of eyes bright
and shiny. Right hand holding a snake head walking stick three
metres long, six spirit rings moving rhythmically up and down
her body.

While her body did not show any changes, the spirit rings
showed she already used her spirit, without need to ask, the
walking stick in her hand should be her spirit.

Following at the old woman’s side, was a beautiful young lady,

996 Goldenagato |

hair even with her ears, looking like sixteen or seventeen years
old, wearing neat brilliant clothing, tightly covering her already
very well developed figure, big dark brown eyes staring fixedly
at that Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent in Zhao Wuji’s hand. She also
held a snake head walking stick in her hand, but compared to
the old woman’s it was a bit shorter, only two metres long, the
spirit rings on her body were also only two hundred year’s.

The old woman and young girl’s appearance startled

everyone, but as they saw the six spirit rings over the old
woman’s body, at once they all relaxed their breaths. After all,
those seven spirit rings over Zhao Wuji’s body could not be
inferior, especially those several deep black ten thousand year
spirit rings, baring their deterring force.

As Tang San and the others relaxed, the old woman’s

expression changed somewhat.

Previously she spoke loudly to prevent what she heard Zhao

Wuji say to Oscar say, but coming close, she caught sight of
Zhao Wuji’s seven spirit rings.

Spirit Sage, this was just the outskirts of Star Dou Great
Forest, why would a Spirit Sage appear? The old woman’s heart
immediately dropped, knowing today’s demand might not turn

997 Goldenagato |

out well.

“What’s the matter?”

Zhao Wuji shot the old woman a glance, as his gaze fell on that
snake head walking stick in her hand, in his heart he couldn’t
help but recall a person, and his voice could not at all be
considered too harsh, sounding instead somewhat gentle. This
very understandably made Dai Mubai feel rather flabbergasted.
The Motionless Bright King indeed never had a good face
towards people that did not measure up to his strength,
especially under circumstances like these where the other side
clearly wanted the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent.

The old woman coughed, making her facial expression soften,

“Greetings, respected Spirit Sage, can’t you give this Phoenix

Tail Crest Serpent to this child.”

Zhao Wuji’s one hand pinched the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent,
making a meaningful expression towards Oscar, hinting he first
wait a moment, turning to the old woman saying:

998 Goldenagato |


The old woman’s mind by now seemed to already have relaxed


“Because we found this snake first, and moreover took the

lead in hunting it. Otherwise, why would we still have
continuously followed its trail until now?”

Wang ba again, see last chapter’s footnotes.

(史莱克七怪) “Shrek Seven Devils/Monsters/Freaks”; I went

with Devils because it reads better.

(啮齿鼬) “Gnaw Tooth Weasel” if you look at individual




999 Goldenagato |


Rough translation of an idiom (夜长梦多): When waiting long

you risk circumstances changing for the worse.

1000 Goldenagato |

Chapter 29 - Unrivalled Dragon Serpent

Oscar somewhat couldn’t help himself,

“How can you prove you were first to hunt it? When we
discovered it, we could not see a trace of you.”

The old woman smiled faintly, saying:

“Young man, no need to worry. Take a look at this Phoenix

Tail Crest Serpent’s flank, there are two bruises. They are
injuries caused by my walking stick, furthermore under the
wings. Only carelessness let this slippery little fellow escape.
This granddaughter just reached thirtieth rank and needs this
spirit ring. You also saw that she has inherited my Tool Spirit
Serpent Cane. High level serpent type spirits are even more
suitable for her.”

Zhao Wuji lowered his head to look at the Phoenix Tail Crest
Serpent in his hand. Sure enough like the old woman said, there
were indeed those kinds of bruises. But if thinking to to have
Zhao Wuji give up with only something like this, that was a
fantasy story.

1001 Goldenagato |

Listening Zhao Wuji smiled coldly,

“Senior, I have not yet consulted for your name?”

The old woman said:

“How embarrassing, this old woman is Chao Tian-Xiang.

Ignorant Spirit Master realm friends show respect, giving me
the name Serpent Grandmother. My husband is Meng Shu,
known as the Dragon Duke. This time coming to Star Dou Great
Forest is in order to give our granddaughter a suitable third
spirit ring. I see by the age of these children at your side that
they are not too likely to be able to absorb a thousand year spirit
ring. Even if the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s spirit ring is a bit
mild, it still isn’t one that can be absorbed by you.”

To Chao Tian-Xiang’s eyes, among these children before her,

the oldest Dai Mubai still must be a bit younger than her
granddaughter, and she also had confidence in her
granddaughter’s strength, fundamentally unable to believe that
these children before them were able to reach thirtieth rank
before her granddaughter.

1002 Goldenagato |

Hearing the old woman’s introduction, Zhao Wuji was
startled. Restraining Oscar at his side wanting to speak up, in a
low voice he said:

“Could you be the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent’s senior Serpent


Chao Tian-Xiang smiled calmly,

“How embarrassing, just so. I have not yet consulted for Spirit
Sage’s name?”

The expression on Zhao Wuji’s face changed slightly, he had

heard of the name Unrivalled Dragon Serpent before. This
husband and wife had started out long ago with strength out of
the ordinary, especially the Dragon Duke Meng Shu. When he
heard of him, that Dragon Duke was already at the Spirit Sage
level. Even if he had by now already reached the Spirit Douluo
realm he would still not feel surprised.

The Dragon Duke’s spirit was a Dragon Headed Cane, with

Serpent Grandmother’s Serpent Headed Cane they brought out
the best in each other, the husband and wife pair had an
extremely overpowering spirit harmonization ability. Without

1003 Goldenagato |

Title Douluo strength it would be difficult to resist.

Zhao Wuji was only a Spirit Sage. Even if this Serpent

Grandmother before him looked a bit weaker than him, it could
be that the Dragon Duke would appear. A Dragon Duke was not
something he could handle.

The Unrivalled Dragon Serpent relationship was superb, the

husband and wife never separated. Serpent Grandmother being
here, presumably meant Dragon Duke would also not be far

Zhao Wuji did not fail to consider killing this grandparent and
grandchild to silence them, but while killing the younger was
easy, wanting to kill Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang
certainly wouldn’t be easy.

Although he was one spirit ring stronger than her, if Chao

Tian-Xiang insisted on fleeing, he basically would not have the
chance to keep her; after all, Zhao Wuji was a physical strength
type Spirit Master, not at all an expert in speed.

But if he let Serpent Grandmother escape, then, waiting for

him was the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent’s inexhaustible hunt to

1004 Goldenagato |


“I am the humble Zhao Wuji.”

Immediately, the expression on Zhao Wuji’s face softened

somewhat, announcing his name.

Chao Tian-Xiang’s expression also changed slightly,

“No wonder, I said how could one randomly come across such
a young Spirit Sage. It was the formerly so famous in the Spirit
Master realm Motionless Bright King.”

Zhao Wuji with a somewhat awkward smile thought in his

heart, this renown of his in the Spirit Master Realm, probably
only was infamy.

Zhao Wuji smiling said:

“You flatter me, in those days I was still considered notorious.

However for these years living in seclusion, at an academy
teaching students, this time I’ve brought these children to Star

1005 Goldenagato |

Dou Great Forest. One reason is for one of them to gain a spirit
ring, another is also bringing them out to see the world. I did
not expect that we would come across senior.”

Chao Tian-Xiang also had not expected to be entangled with

Zhao Wuji, and directly broached the subject:

“I am a bit older than you. I trust being a bit older, I can call
you brother Zhao. Brother Zhao, this thousand year Phoenix
Tail Crest Serpent is extremely important to my granddaughter,
she just now reached thirtieth rank, and required something
that suits her spirit. This Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent was also
previously first discovered by us. Moreover with its injuries,
only because of carelessness, let it unexpectedly escape, is it
possible to ask bother Zhao to make this easy, letting this spirit
beast remain with us. This old woman will definitely engrave
this situation in her heart, to reciprocate in the future.”

In his heart Zhao Wuji secretly laughed grimly, ‘thinking to

make me give up on a thousand year spirit beast with some
words. Even if you Unrivalled Dragon Serpent are difficult to
deal with, I’m afraid it still can’t be that easy. Let alone when
Dragon Duke still isn’t here.’

Chao Tian-Xiang wanted to immediately have back the

1006 Goldenagato |

Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent in Zhao Wuji’s hand, and Zhao Wuji
also wanted to immediately settle the issue. He couldn’t want to
wait until Dragon Duke arrived, at that time, the situation
would not be something he was capable of controlling.

“Elder sister Chao, I’m afraid this matter isn’t so easily

handled, ah!”

Zhao Wuji showed an embarrassed expression.

The young lady at Chao Tian-Xiang’s side couldn’t help but

speak up,

“What ‘not so easily handled’, this thousand year Phoenix Tail

Crest Serpent was clearly found by us first. If not for us already
injuring it, could you have done it so easily? Give it to us at
once, otherwise we’ll be blunt with you.”

While speaking, she already raised the Snake Head Cane in

her hand.

Chao Tian-Xiang simultaneously wrinkled her brows, staring

fixedly at Zhao Wuji and saying.

1007 Goldenagato |

“Brother Zhao, then explain why you don’t want to return
this Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent to us grandparent and

Zhao Wuji smiled slightly, saying:

“Elder sister Chao, your words are mistaken, within this Star
Dou Great Forest, no spirit beasts are things with owners.
Perhaps this thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent was
found by you first, and moreover injured. But we were
nevertheless last to catch it. You insist on saying it is your thing,
this I’m afraid isn’t too fair. Although it is comparatively
suitable to your grandchild, at the same time it is also very
suitable to my student. This kind of relatively mild spirit beast
is a great help to the spirit of this student of mine.”

Chao Tian-Xiang stared blankly a moment,

“You are saying, of these students, one has already attained

thirtieth ranked Spirit Master?”

Zhao Wuji nodded.

1008 Goldenagato |

Chao Tian-Xiang in her heart was alarmed, of these young
boys and girls before her it would seem the oldest was still only
fifteen or sixteen years old, and the majority still appeared
twelve or thirteen years old. If saying someone among them had
already reached thirtieth rank, then wouldn’t it be saying they
were even more innately talented than her granddaughter?

Thinking of this, Chao Tian-Xiang’s face revealed an

expression not daring to be confident, gaze directly falling on
the one appearing to be oldest, the appearance brave and
extraordinary Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai.

Zhao Wuji said with a smile:

“If senior doesn’t believe it, how about this, I will have these
children also reveal their spirits to let senior have a look. Shrek
minions, use your spirits, brighten your spirit rings to show this
senior Serpent Grandmother.”

At once under Zhao Wuji’s order, everyone released their


Among them, after Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Tang San’s

1009 Goldenagato |

spirits released, only spirit rings appeared over their bodies,
their spirits were not something that could be seen by others.

Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda

naturally had a way of hiding. Tang San did not want to let his
Blue Silver Grass appear, but could directly let it crawl along the
ground. As for Oscar’s Sausage, without spirit incantations it
would not casually appear.

And because the other four had Beast Spirits, they all revealed
their strength at once, simultaneously completing Spirit Body

Immediately, appearing before Serpent Grandmother was the

shimmering radiance of all the seven young boys and girls spirit
rings, each one had two signifying hundred year yellow spirit
rings, Dai Mubai even had one more purple thousand year spirit

This sight, could indeed shock Serpent Grandmother Chao

Tian-Xiang’s heart.

‘How is this possible?’ This was Chao Tian-Xiang’s first


1010 Goldenagato |

Before her these varying between twelve to fifteen year old
children, unexpectedly all already possessed Spirit Grandmaster
level or more, that looking like oldest, unexpectedly already
possessed three spirit rings. And also, each of their spirit rings
quality was so good, not a single ten year spirit ring appeared.

What did this mean? If saying that there was a child with
stronger gifts than her granddaughter, perhaps Chao Tian-
Xiang could still accept it. But right now the strength these
children displayed, judging by their age, unexpectedly each
exceeded her granddaughter. One might say that these seven
young boys and girls, one had to describe them as genius
talents, but, how could this many geniuses appear at once?

Seeing the astonished look in Chao Tian-Xiang’s eyes, Zhao

Wuji couldn’t help but secretly feel a burst of pleasure in his
heart. On his face appeared a smiling tiger kind of smile,

“Senior, do you see these students of mine?”

Chao Tian-Xiang drew in a deep breath, with difficulty

calming her rushing heart, with a tight lipped smile saying:

1011 Goldenagato |

“Of course. Worthy of being called the Motionless Bright
King’s disciples, as expected they are heroic youngsters, ah! I do
not know which of these children in the end reached thirtieth

Zhao Wuji clapped Oscar at his side,

“It’s this kid, he just now reached thirtieth rank. There is

nothing to be done, I also have a hard life and can only bring
them here.”

Chao Tian-Xiang looked towards Oscar, the expression on her

face already appearing more and more unsightly. She was very
clear on what a good spirit ring meant to a Spirit Master about
to advance. Right now with the thousand year Phoenix Tail
Crest Serpent in other peoples’ hands, if she wanted to let
before her this Zhao Wuji spit it out, it could not be such an easy

She had heard of long ago heard of this fellow’s infamy. If it

was not the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent subduing him, perhaps
this youngster would directly kill this grandparent and
grandchild pair.

1012 Goldenagato |

But, Chao Tian-Xiang clearly was not willing to give up. Eyes
turning, already carefully calculating, one hand lightly stroking
the hair on her head. Chao Tian-Xiang’s face revealed a smiling

“Brother Zhao, in the present kind of circumstances, I see we

both somewhat hate to part with this Thousand Year Phoenix
Tail Crest Serpent. So it would be better to do it like this: we
handle it according to the Spirit Master realm’s established
customs, letting these two children decide on their own who
this spirit ring belongs to. What do you think?”

“Oh? Spirit Master realm’s established customs? Please

explain it clearly, senior.”

Zhao Wuji was not affected. He had never before considered

himself a person of the Spirit Master realm and behaved only
according to his own preferences, otherwise he would not have
landed his infamy.

Chao Tian-Xiang said:

“It’s very simple, since they both need this spirit ring, and in
the course of capturing this Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, both

1013 Goldenagato |

sides also used strength. Since right now everyone is unwilling
to give up their claim, then, we’ll use strength to decide who
this Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent belongs to. Isn’t that most
suitable? If this disciple of yours prevails over my
granddaughter, this old woman will say nothing further, and we
will leave immediately. And conversely, we would ask brother
Zhao to give over this thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest

Zhao Wuji spread both hands, assuming a helpless


“I’m sorry. Big sister Chao, I fear I’m unable to go along with
your wishes.”

Chao Tian-Xiang’s expression changed, slightly angrily


“Zhao Wuji, I already conceded, what do you still want?

Bullying me when my old fellow isn’t present? Humph!”

Zhao Wuji said with an apologetic smile:

1014 Goldenagato |

“No, of course not, it’s like this, this disciple of mine isn’t a
Battle Spirit Master, he is only an auxiliary system Spirit
Master, that’s all. Even more a food system Spirit Master. How
could he compete against your granddaughter?”

Hearing Zhao Wuji’s words, Chao Tian-Xiang was shocked

once again,

“What did you say? He is a food system Spirit Master?”

The words ‘food system Spirit Master’ made her immediately

see Oscar in a new light.

Just like what Shrek Academy’s dean Flender said, as a food

system Spirit Master, and with innate full spirit power, Oscar
absolutely was a genius among geniuses. Perhaps in the entire
Continent since the beginning of history, one still would not
find a food system Spirit Master with cultivation faster than his.

Chao Tian-Xiang looked toward Oscar with a pleasant


“Young man, are you really a food system Spirit Master? From

1015 Goldenagato |

which school are you?”

Oscar shook his head, saying:

“I am not part of a school. The dean said that my spirit just

became like this due to variation.”

Genius food system Spirit Master, without background,

variation spirit, these several bits summed together made Chao
Tian-Xiang’s heart tighten up. If her school was able to unearth
an outstanding food system Spirit Master like this, then, in the
future having him assist her granddaughter, wouldn’t it be too

However, without waiting for Chao Tian-Xiang to try to

recruit him, another voice suddenly interjected.

“Teacher Zhao, it would be better to let me substitute for little

Ao in this. I’m twenty ninth ranked, so it should not be
considered taking unfair advantage.”

The speaker was Tang San.

1016 Goldenagato |

Tang San had already observed the Serpent Grandmother
grandparent and granddaughter pair for quite a while, and this
delay clearly was not a very good course. And he had also from
listening to the dialogue between Serpent Grandmother and
Zhao Wuji heard that the other side still had an even more
difficult to handle person who had not yet arrived. Just in case
that Dragon Duke also arrived here, perhaps words would no
longer be on their side. Furthermore, he and Oscar were
roommates. This way of fighting to obtain the spirit ring was
also proposed by the other side, Tang San was very confident in
his strength, and although Serpent Grandmother’s daughter’s
spirit power was one step higher than his, Tang San did not
believe the other side was capable of defeating him.

While speaking, Tang San already stepped forward to Oscar’s


Twenty ninth ranked. Serpent Grandmother’s heart abruptly

contracted at once, secretly saying in her heart, ‘who are these
children Zhao Wuji found, how is one after another so
outstanding?’ This looked even younger, if it was at another
place, he would still appear to just have graduated from junior
spirit master academy. But standing here right now, saying he
already possessed twenty ninth ranked strength, this actually

1017 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San standing forward, in his eyes
couldn’t help but reveal a praising light, saying towards Serpent

“Senior, what do you think? This disciple of mine is a Battle

Spirit Master and able to satisfy the requirements of a fight,
we’ll leave it to him to represent Oscar to fight. If he loses, this
thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent belongs to senior, and
vice versa. I ask senior to make allowances.”

Serpent Grandmother slowly nodded, if her granddaughter

was even unable to prevail over a Spirit Master one rank below
her, then, could she still say anything?

Oscar secretly raised a thumb towards Tang San, saying in a

low voice:

“Good brother.”

Tang San smiled,

“We are roommates and friends, aren’t we? Be at ease, this

spirit ring is definitely yours.”

1018 Goldenagato |

While speaking, Tang San strode out, facing the young lady
who had already walked out, the other people of both sides
slowly drawing back, giving them enough space to fight.

“I’m called Tang San, spirit Blue Silver Grass. Twenty ninth
ranked two ring Battle Spirit Grandmaster.”

The young lady coldly said:

“Meng Yiran, spirit Serpent Cane. Thirtieth ranked two ring

Battle Spirit Grandmaster.”

Close up, Tang San discovered that this young lady called
Meng Yiran was very beautiful. She was after all already sixteen
years old, her figure’s development was already perfect.
Compared to her, the Academy’s three girls still appeared a bit

Meng Yiran’s pair of big brown eyes possessed long eyelashes,

her height was not much different from Tang San’s, and
extremely well proportioned, chest fully plump and round,
slender waist turning somewhat like a snake. Although on her

1019 Goldenagato |

face was a lightly displeased and cold anger, this did not lower
her charm a bit.

The breeze blew, in the forest the tree leaves rustled, sunshine
giving off shadows from the uneven dancing trees. Tang San
lifted his right hand, saying:


By now the rage inside Meng Yiran’s heart had already ignited
into flame. Seeing her uncommon spirit ring unexpectedly run
into a hiccup like this, how could she be at ease. She impatiently
wanted to get rid of Tang San before her, in order to seize the
thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent and absorb the spirit
ring to advance.

In fact, although Dragon Duke Meng Shu also was in Star Dou
Great Forest, he had previously separated from Serpent
Grandmother and Meng Yiran to pursue another spirit beast,
wanting to find him quickly wasn’t at all easy. Otherwise, if
Dragon Duke was in the immediate vicinity, how would Serpent
Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang still say something like that.

Figure flashing, Meng Yiran already quickly reached before

1020 Goldenagato |

Tang San, the skull on the Serpent Cane swinging overhead
straight at Tang San.

Meng Yiran looked like she only was a slender young lady, but
the way she fought certainly wasn’t a girl’s style. Not only
imposing and extremely harsh, the spirit power within also
brimmed with a tyrannical atmosphere.

Watching the Serpent Cane descend, Tang San slid his feet,
using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to rapidly retreat.
Simultaneously, the first spirit ring over his body shone.

Blue Silver Grass’ first spirit ring ability, Binding, activated.

Thick blue and black Blue Silver Grass completely without

warning rushed up from the ground, in a flash successfully
binding around Meng Yiran trying to pursue and attack Tang
San, from the sharp thorns protruding from Blue Silver Grass,
paralysing poison immediately activated.

Tang San right now was only at a location three metres away
from Meng Yiran, looking at Meng Yiran sturdily bound by his
Blue Silver Grass. He couldn’t help but reveal a faint smile,

1021 Goldenagato |

“I think, this contest can be considered over.”

Tang San was still very confident in Blue Silver Grass, if the
opponent was more formidable than him, perhaps they would
still have a chance to struggle free. But if an equally ranked
opponent was bound by Blue Silver Grass, struggling free was
practically impossible. After all, while everyone’s spirit power
did not differ much, Blue Silver Grass’ own poison would also
greatly lower people’s physical strength with full body
paralysis, making it even more impossible to break free.

This was also where control system Spirit Masters had the
advantage over equally ranked Spirit Masters, especially under
circumstances where everyone’s rank wasn’t high, and their
actually usable spirit abilities were few. Wanting to struggle free
from a control system Spirit Master’s control ability became
even more difficult, and possessing the two Datura Snake and
Ghost Vine hundred year spirit rings Blue Silver Grass could not
be so easy to escape. After all, there was nobody who possessed
the kind of physical strength like Zhao Wuji.

Meng Yiran and her Serpent Head Cane were completely

bound within Blue Silver Grass, but, she didn’t look like she had
any intention of conceding.

1022 Goldenagato |

With a cold snort, over Meng Yiran’s body the two spirit rings
suddenly shone simultaneously.

Seeing the two spirit rings flare over her body, Tang San was
immediately startled, one must know, that after being paralysed
by Blue Silver Grass’ additional poison, it was impossible to
continue mobilising spirit power, this was also an important
reason for saying Blue Silver Grass’ current control capability
was very powerful, but if Meng Yiran was able to urge two spirit
rings here, then she certainly wasn’t poisoned.

At the same time as being secretly shocked, Tang San without

the slightest hesitation again used Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, lightning quick retreating backward. While retreating,
he also saw a strange scene.

Meng Yiran tangled up in Blue Silver Grass twisted like her

body was without bones, body suddenly going soft,
unexpectedly like smeared with grease quietly sliding out from
within Blue Silver Grass, the Serpent Head Cane in her hands
directly smashing towards Tan San.

From the snake head at the tip of the Serpent Head Cane, a
two chi long tongue blade shot out, in a flash pulling close the
distance to Tang San. The tongue blade flickered with a blue

1023 Goldenagato |

gleaming lustre, clearly it was highly poisonous.

Meng Yiran’s two spirit abilities activated simultaneously.

The first spirit ring ability, Tongue Blade, and the second spirit
ring ability, Serpent Body. Relying on Serpent Body, she slipped
out of Blue Silver Grass’ wrappings, and Tongue Blade then
erupted with tyrannical attacking power, immediately reversing
the situation.

However, the current Meng Yiran truly seemed to be in a

somewhat sorry state. Although the sharp thorns on Blue Silver
Grass were unable to cause a poison effect and were even unable
to penetrate her incomparably slippery snake skin, her clothes
were not under the ability’s effect.

Right now her clothes were already riddled with gaping tears,
and through some suitably placed by holes one could even see

This was also why Meng Yiran immediately tried to kill Tang
San after struggling free from Blue Silver Grass, by now she was
already not just angry, but also embarrassed and resentful at the
same time.

1024 Goldenagato |

The spectating Dai Mubai murmured in a low voice:

“This Blue Silver Grass Undressing of Tang San’s truly is a

skill. If it was used again just now, perhaps the opponent would
concede immediately.”

Whether it was Dai Mubai or Ma Hongjun and Oscar, right

now all eyes intently watching Meng Yiran’s ferocious
appearance without blinking. It could be said Meng Yiran was
an outstanding beauty, and currently the holes in her clothes
she had even more of a kind of nebulous beauty, Dai Mubai and
Oscar could still be considered somewhat restrained, but Ma
Hongjun this Fatty was already drooling, his abundant Evil Fire
bubbling up.

Seeing Blue Silver Grass unable to display its effect, Tang San
couldn’t help but frown slightly. The Tongue Blade was already
in front of him, the approach of the suddenly increased the two
chi length was extremely unexpected, and he could not keep

Leaning his body slightly, Tang San no longer retreated.

Emitting force underfoot, he was practically sticking to the
Tongue Blade as he reversed direction rushing forward,
simultaneously his left hand using Controlling Crane strength

1025 Goldenagato |

to pull, right hand using Capturing Dragon strength to smash,
his goal was precisely the underside of the Serpent Head Cane’s
snake head, if this truly was a snake, then, Tang San’s target
was this snake’s seventh cun.

By now, Tang San already understood how Meng Yiran could

be immune to the poison on his Blue Silver Grass. Because this
spirit of hers in itself involved venom, she naturally had an
immunity to poison, and precisely because of this, she was able
to successfully escape his Binding ability.

With a muffled peng sound, the Serpent Head Cane rose

slightly. Meng Yiran’s spirit power was still more tyrannical
than Tang San imagined. Although the Serpent Cane was jolted,
Tang San had no opportunity to attack. Meng Yiran broke off to
pull back the Serpent Cane, holding the Serpent Cane in both
hands with a slight shake, the Serpent Cane changed into eight
long shadows simultaneously aiming towards Tang San.

For these eight shadows were hard to tell apart truth or sham,
bearing a surging tyrannical spirit power, they practically
covered all the possible space where Tang San could dodge.

But at this moment, Tang San’s eyes suddenly shone, deep

purple light flashing electrically, precisely Purple Demon Eye.

1026 Goldenagato |

Seeing Tang San’s eyes suddenly turn purple, Meng Yiran
couldn’t help but be slightly startled, her hands couldn’t help
but slow.

The Serpent Head Cane’s eight shadows could all be said to be

genuine, but could also be said to all be fake, continuously
changing between true or false to be able to maintain their

Perhaps if it was an expert like Zhao Wuji encountering this

kind of attack, they could could only choose to stubbornly block
without any other methods, but, before Tang San’s Purple
Demon Eye, that incomparably fast Serpent Head Cane slowed
down, and all trajectories were clearly projected in Tang San’s
mind by Purple Demon Eye.

Tang San moved both hands, without the slighted hesitation

simultaneously reaching forward, brimming with viscous spirit
power that abruptly made the Serpent Head Cane sluggish.
Immediately afterward, Tang San’s right hand stretched out
like a lightning fast genius pen stroke, unexpectedly grabbing
hold of the Serpent Head Cane, actually holding it in place,
precisely in the seven cun spot he previously struck.

1027 Goldenagato |

Meng Yiran only felt the Serpent Cane tighten in her hands,
all the imaginary shadows disappearing completely. But, Meng
Yiran’s attack hadn’t yet finished.

That sharp blade shooting out from within the Serpent Head
Cane suddenly slid strangely, directly cutting towards Tang
San’s right hand gripping the Cane, the thick sharp blade
flickering with blue gleaming lustre, who knew, if this chopped
down, then maybe…...

Meng Yiran’s reaction speed was extremely fast. Practically at

the same time as Tang San grabbed the Serpent Head Cane, that
sharp blade already struck. Under these kinds of circumstances,
even if Tang San wanted to dodge it was already a bit too late. If
he released the Serpent Cane held in his hand, Meng Yiran
would inevitably drive the Serpent Cane to attack, and the
target that sharp blade’s attack would also immediately change
to Tang San’s body.

What is called ‘one cun longer is one cun stronger’, although

Tang San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track was subtle, under
these kinds of circumstances it was still practically impossible to
dodge Meng Yiran’s attack.

At this, Xiao Wu watching the fight already cried out in alarm,

1028 Goldenagato |

stepping out about to rush in, but was discovered in time by
Zhao Wuji and pulled back.

Zhao Wuji’s expression was equally gloomy, but if their side

rashly intervened in this kind of impartial competition, it would
violate the game’s rules. Furthermore, he believed Tang San
would not be so easily defeated by the other side. Originally,
this kid could rely on hidden weapons to make even him get the
worst of it, currently that strongest attack method of his had
not at all appeared.

Confronted by the cutting Tongue Blade, Tang San picked the

simplest method to resolve it. At the same time it was also like a
suicidal method.

His right hand did not let go, but he quickly raised his left
hand, unexpectedly grabbing towards that Tongue Blade spit
out by the Serpent Cane.

“Little San.”

Xiao Wu once again cried out, she had already closed her eyes
in alarm, she did not want to see the scene of Tang San’s palm
cut open.

1029 Goldenagato |

But, was Tang San’s palm cut? Of course not.

With a light ding sound, Tang San’s left hand already firmly
grasped that Tongue Blade. Currently, his two hands had both
already become a sparkling and translucent jade color. Precisely
Tang Sect secret lore Mysterious Jade Hand.

Mysterious Jade Hand, secret lore written down in Mysterious

Heaven Treasure Record. Speaking of Tang Sect’s hidden
weapon experts, Mysterious Jade Hand was one of the required

In Tang San’s past life, apart from Tang Sect, the majority of
people using hidden weapons, especially hidden weapons
dipped in poison, all had to use deerskin gloves, so as not to
injure their palms. If Tang Sect’s disciples were also like this,
then wouldn’t they become a joke?

Mysterious Jade Hand, with the Mysterious Heaven Skill

foundation, made the palm become tough and durable like cold
jade, no kind of poison able to invade. With it, when Tang Sect
disciples used hidden weapons they did not need any
preparation, and even more need not worry about injuring

1030 Goldenagato |


Of course, Mysterious Jade Hand was also limited, and when

attacks exceeded its limit the palm still would be injured. Only,
Tang San’s current Mysterious Jade Hand limit clearly could
not be reached by Meng Yiran. If substituting Serpent
Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang’s Serpent Head Cane it might
still be possible.

Tongue Blade in his hand, Tang San’s five fingers tightened.

Of his two hands one grabbing the Serpent Cane, one grabbing
the Tongue Blade. Closely grasping Meng Yiran’s Serpent Head
Cane near the top in his hand, the two people each held one end
of the Serpent Cane, immediately deadlocked.

The Tongue Blade could be said to be the Serpent Head Cane’s

best feature, a lot of skill was needed to be able to use it. The
Tongue Blade being held in Tang San’s hand was just like
copper cast in iron: Meng Yiran several times used strength, but
not only could she not wrest free the Serpent Cane, she could
not even cut open Tang San’s palm that suddenly had become
lustrous white like jade.

Meng Yiran’s strength was in this Serpent Cane, so naturally

she couldn’t give up her weapon. Tang San of course also

1031 Goldenagato |

understood this fact, so this Serpent Cane became the crucial
location for the two peoples’ fight.

Practically without the slightest hesitation, the two people

simultaneously used their spirit power to attack the other side
through the Serpent Cane.

Tang San’s spirit power was blue, Meng Yiran’s spirit power
was gray, the two kinds of differently colored light
simultaneously displayed on the Serpent Cane, abruptly
erupting in a tyrannical collision.

Right now, no spirit abilities were of use, and the two’s spirit
power was not much different. Confronting the other side
attacking with spirit power was dangerous, already painful
without advancing spirit power to attack the opponent.

Tang San could of course unleash his hidden weapons, but he

did not think to do so. If he confronted an opponent with
similar strength and did not win with spirit and fighting skills,
then why had he cultivated for so many years. Even though Blue
Silver Grass Spirit’s control capability was restrained by the
opponent, Tang San still had to prove that he was stronger than
his opponent.

1032 Goldenagato |

Thus, this fight between Tang San and Meng Yiran, at once
became a battle of comparing spirit power.

Meng Yiran’s spirit power was fierce and tyrannical, and

adding to the fury in her heart, on entering a deadlock with
Tang San, immediately attacked like beating waves.

Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill was a method of the core

family in the original sect, its traits were tough flexibility and
unending growth, Tang San knew the opponent’s spirit power
was higher than his, therefore as meng Yiran was just about to
unleash her attack, he did not counterattack, but withdrew his
spirit power to the third of the Serpent Cane on his side,
tenaciously digging in, with a ‘however you attack, I will not
move from the high ground’ notion.

Seeing the situation of Tang San and Meng Yiran in the end
compete with spirit power, Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-
Xiang and Zhao Wuji were both somewhat nervous. They
understood that competing with spirit power was a kind of
unusually dangerous method. With one mistake, it was possible
to inflict heavy injuries. Subconsciously, the two both slowly
approached the battlefield. When a problem appeared, they
would immediately act to assist.

1033 Goldenagato |

One minute and one second passed, whether it was Tang San
or Meng Yiran, on their foreheads both were wet with
perspiration. The two both already used their full strength.

Tang San’s advantage was Mysterious Heaven Skill’s

toughness and unending growth, in this respect its fast recovery
speed, but Meng Yiran’s advantage was having spirit power
higher than Tang San, if the two both maintained equal guard,
then, it was very possible to result in both sides suffering.

But, Meng Yiran was too shortsighted, in the initial rush of

spirit power she attacked too wildly, to the extent that her spirit
power consumption was greater than that of the passively
defending Tang San.

On the surface, her grey spirit power occupied two thirds of

the Serpent Cane’s area, but in fact, regarding spirit power she
consumed even more.

As time passed, and as the consumption lengthened, Tang

San’s counterattack gradually began. Blue spirit power
gradually increased its hold on the Serpent Cane, and the
strength ratio between the two gradually tilted.

1034 Goldenagato |

(朝天香) Alternatively Zhao Tian-Xiang. “Dynasty Sky







She uses the suffix lao di (老弟), which literally translates as

“old [younger] brother”, and is an affectionate suffix for a
somewhat younger adult man. English doesn’t have a good
equivalent to my knowledge, and “laodi” is no easier to keep
track of than “Wuji”, so I’ll go with “brother”.

1035 Goldenagato |

(孟依然) “Meng As Before”

2尺 = ⅔ m

(舌刃) Or “Tongue Edge”.


Refers to a Chinese idiomatic expression for “weak point”,

which originates from a saying that a snake is most vulnerable
seven cun from its head - supposedly because that’s where its
heart is.

This sentence is only so much gibberish to me, unless I

assume typos. Let me know if you have a better translation (面对

1036 Goldenagato |

Chapter 30 - Oscar’s Third Spirit Ability

‘No, I can’t lose.’ Meng Yiran clenched her teeth and

forcefully braced herself, watching Tang San’s spirit power
come closer step by step, whatever was said she was still
reluctant to give up. Once she lost, the thousand year Phoenix
Tail Crest Serpent would belong to the other side.

From childhood until now, growing up she had always been

spoiled by Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother, anything
she wanted she had always gotten. Regarding the Phoenix Tail
Crest Serpent, she was even more determined to win, even
though she was gradually losing the advantage, she could still
not agree to give up, continuously pressing her spirit power.

Meng Yiran’s perseverance secretly shocked Tang San. His

Mysterious Heaven Skill’s recovery speed was clearly faster
than anything in this world, by now he already held the victory,
but Meng Yiran was still this stubbornly persistent.

A spirit power contest was like an internal strength contest,

and Tang San thoroughly understood the consequences. If one
party’s spirit power was exhausted, then the injuries suffered by
the exhausted side were inevitably huge and irrevocable. It
would at least cause serious injuries, with most of the whole

1037 Goldenagato |

body’s muscle and arteries breaking, if unlucky, even death. He
and Meng Yiran did not share any profound hatred, from a
certain point of view, he was even somewhat sympathetic to
her. He did not want to injure the opponent, but having reached
this moment, he already did not want to release and the other
side was not able to release.

Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang sighed, saying to Zhao


“Forget about it, consider it our loss. Shall you and me act

With Zhao Wuji on the side glaring like a tiger watching his
prey, Chao Tian-Xiang naturally did not dare recklessly rush
into action, right now in order to save her granddaughter she
could only do it like this. After all, although the spirit ring was
good, her granddaughter’s life was even more important.

Zhao Wuji of course cheerfully acted, immediately nodding

agreement. At once, these two respectively possessing Spirit
Sage and Spirit Emperor strength powers simultaneously moved
out, reaching behind Tang San and Meng Yiran respectively,
simultaneously using their spirit power.

1038 Goldenagato |

“Let go.”

Zhao Wuji shouted in a deep voice. Thick spirit power poured

into Tang San. Naturally Tang San had heard his and Chao
Tian-Xiang’s dialogue, under the protection of Zhao Wuji’s
spirit power he immediately released both hands, sending him
back several steps.

On the other side, Chao Tian-Xiang also used her spirit power
to protect Meng Yiran, moreover grabbing her body to keep her
from continuing to attack.

Meng Yiran’s complexion was pale, and with retching sounds

she belched up a mouthful of blood, listlessly collapsing to sit on
the spot.

Previously she was at a disadvantage, continuously bracing to

resist being forced back by Tang San’s spirit power. Without the
attack, her agitated capacity dissipated like discharging air from
a ball, unable to keep from immediately sitting on the ground.
Under Serpent Grandmother’s assistance she immediately
entered a cultivation state to heal.

Oscar swiftly moved up to Tang San’s side. Handing over a

1039 Goldenagato |

long since prepared Recovery Sausage in his hand, with a wink

“Brother, eat quickly. If big brother has success in the future,

he will definitely never forget you.”

Tang San tiredly said:

“To one’s own, what is there to say.”

Immediately taking and eating the fresh sausage, without

letting Zhao Wuji help him like Serpent Grandmother Chao
Tian-Xiang helped Meng Yiran, he walked alone to sit and
cultivate by himself. With the aid of Oscar’s fresh sausage, his
recovery speed would not be too slow. Zhao Wuji was the Shrek
Academy side’s only power. His strength still had to be
maintained as much as possible, who knew whether that
Dragon Duke would suddenly appear?

Zhao Wuji appeared very satisfied that Tang San refused his
help, watching him walk aside he couldn’t help but reveal a

1040 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu immediately stood next to where Tang San began
cultivating to recover spirit power, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong,
Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun also went over one after another,
crowding around protectively with Tang San in the middle.
Tang San defeating Meng Yiran for the sake of Oscar’s strength,
somewhat moved them all. The distance between each other
also appeared to pull a bit closer.

Zhao Wuji wore a smile as he looked towards Serpent


“Big sister Chao, what do you say?”

Serpent Grandmother calmly said:

“If you agree to a bet you must accept your loss, a loss is a loss.
The thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent is yours. This old
woman will remember this affair today.”

Zhao Wuji acting like he was unable to make sense of Chao

Tian-Xiang’s threats, turned his head towards Oscar with a
meaningful expression,

1041 Goldenagato |

“Stinking brat, you still haven’t set to it.”

Oscar was overjoyed, having waited for this quarter of an

hour was already waiting too long, with a hurried stride coming
before Zhao Wuji, taking the short blade Zhao Wuji handed
over. Without any trace of politeness he pierced the Phoenix
Tail Crest Serpent’s vital point.

With Zhao Wuji’s spirit power to hold it down, although the

Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent struggled violently after being
pierced in the vital point, how could it struggle free. Vitality
quickly draining away, in a moment of it was motionless.

Zhao Wuji checked that the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent truly
was without any life breath, then just tossed it aside.

Oscar sat down directly at the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s

side, lifting his hand to summon his big fresh sausage, under the
shroud of mild pink light, he pulled the Phoenix Tail Crest
Serpent’s spirit ring to enter his torso, starting to absorb the
third spirit ring of his life.

Zhao Wuji did not relax at all just because Oscar started
absorbing the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s spirit ring, his gaze

1042 Goldenagato |

continuously watched Chao Tian-Xiang attentively. Although
previously saying it was a bet, who could still be certain that
this Serpent Grandmother would not suddenly renege on her
word and launch an attack?

Although the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent’s renown wasn’t

small, it still wasn’t particularly righteous. Even if it was a bit
better than Zhao Wuji this Motionless Bright King, it was hardly
by much.

Chao Tian-Xiang did not at any different, only silently

assisting her granddaughter’s healing. As Zhao Wuji watched
her attentively, she also equally vigilantly watched Zhao Wuji,
the two silently confronting each other produced a tension
between them.

Not long after, Chao Tian-Xiang stopped pressing her hands

on Meng Yiran, pulling her granddaughter from the ground.

Although Meng Yiran’s complexion was still pale, her mind

was apparently already a bit better, resolutely opening her eyes
to look at the sitting distantly and cultivating Tang San and
Oscar absorbing the thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s
spirit ring, again raising her head to look at her grandma,

1043 Goldenagato |

“Grandma, you must stand in for me to do it, ah!”

Chao Tian-Xiang’s brows wrinkled,

“Come now, we already lost. Once we find your grandpa we

will speak again.”

Her gaze shifted to Zhao Wuji,

“Motionless Bright King, blue hills never change, green water

always flows, I’m sure we will meet again some day.”

She deliberately stressed the two words ‘some day’, a cold

light in her eyes, she obviously had not kept any goodwill.
Because Zhao Wuji might move, she did not even dare help her
granddaughter recover to her best condition, only suppressing
the injuries, after first leaving here it would still not be too late
to conduct healing. Serpent Grandmother had plentiful
experience, she would not give Zhao Wuji any opportunity to

Done speaking these words, Chao Tian-Xiang like this brought

her granddaughter to leap away, without entering the forest

1044 Goldenagato |

depths disappearing out of sight.

Seeing the Serpent Grandmother grandparent and grandchild

pair leave, Zhao Wuji also secretly let out a breath, in the end,
from start to finish the Dragon Duke had not appeared.

At present the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent had already been

obtained, even if this husband and wife pair wanted revenge,
they would still first have to consider whether it was worth it.

Once Oscar had finished absorbing the spirit ring, leaving this
place even a bit earlier would be good.

If the situation changed for the worse and they again

encountered this Unrivalled Dragon Serpent family, it would
not go so well.

By now the color of the sky was already gradually darkening,

within Star Dou Great Forest the air was moist, the rich plant
fragrance making peoples’ whole body relax, if there were no
longer spirit beasts here, then perhaps this might become a
paradise for people.

1045 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai’s group of five waited at Tang San’s side, Zhao
Wuji stood beside Oscar, as protectors of the two.

After probably half a double hour, the first to awaken was

contrary to expectations Oscar absorbing the spirit ring.

Although Tang San ate the recovery sausage Oscar gave him,
he did not like Meng Yiran have the assistance of Serpent
Grandmother, instead having a bit longer cultivation time.

With a long breath, Oscar slowly opened his eyes, in a split

second, a change suddenly appeared in that pink light over his
body, becoming a beautiful pink, the entire person bathed in
this layer of pink light.

Three spirit rings rose from below, besides the original two
yellow spirit rings, another bright purple spirit ring manifested
itself strongly. Oscar had finally broken through the Spirit
Grandmaster phase, entering the Spirit Elder realm.

Thirty first ranked Spirit Elder food system Spirit Master


1046 Goldenagato |

“Congratulations, little Ao.”

Zhao Wuji said to him with smile.

After obtaining the third spiri ring, Oscar’s entire body had
subtly changed, his stature seemed to have became a bit larger,
the entire person looking even more vigorous, but the biggest
change was that pair of peach blossom eyes of his. In his eyes
unexpectedly flickered seven colored light, resembling the
energy previously released by the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent as
it threatened everyone.

Dai Mubai laughed straightforwardly,

“Little Ao, you are the second of us to break through thirtieth

rank. Congratulations, congratulations. Quickly let us have a
look at what your third spirit ring ability is.”

Oscar was obviously greatly excited on receiving the third

spirit ring, however, hearing Dai Mubai mention his third spirit
ring ability, his smile didn’t quite appear, embarrassed saying:

“Let it be, we’ll speak again when we’ve returned.”

1047 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun said:

“Little Ao, what are you afraid of. Don’t tell me you’re still
afraid we’ll make fun of you? Your third spirit ability’s spirit
incantation couldn’t be even funnier than your previous two.
Your brothers made a lot of effort for you, hurry up and show us
the result.”

Oscar helplessly nodded,

“Only, promise, you definitely can’t laugh when you hear my

spirit incantation.”

Everyone nodded simultaneously, on their faces already

somewhat smiling expressions.

Oscar raised his right hand, eventually reciting his third spirit

“I your father have a mushroom sausage.”

1048 Goldenagato |

Pu——, hearing his words, practically everyone
simultaneously burst out laughing, besides Tang San who was
still cultivating, even Zhao Wuji burst into loud laughter.

Oscar glared at everyone,

“Didn’t you promise not to laugh?”

These words instead had the opposite effect, everyone’s

laughter became even more difficult to endure.

A strange sausage appeared in Oscar’s right palm. The sausage

looked similar to his first spirit ring ability Recovery Sausage.
At least the bulk looked the same. However, the top of the
sausage sprouted outwards, creating an umbrella shaped
mushroom head, also a bit similar to the crest of the phoenix
tail crest serpent. This was possibly the origin of this

Zhao Wuji was after all the teacher. The first to stop laughing,
he looked at Oscar’s dismayed face:

“Little Ao, tell everyone what your mushroom sausage does,

1049 Goldenagato |

it’s a thousand year spirit ring ability, its effect couldn’t be too

Oscar snorted with indignation and said,

“You guys laugh on. From now on, other than Tang San, I
won’t give my mushroom sausages to anyone. Hmph.”

As he was spoke, he lifted the mushroom sausage in his hand,

his facial expression vivid. Then said loudly in an arrogant tone:

“Mushroom sausage, third spirit ring ability. Effect: Soaring.”

All laughter suddenly ceased, everyone looking stunned at

Oscar. And all of this was because of one simple words. Soaring.

Even if it was Ning Rongrong whose spirit possessed the

reputation of the Continent’s number one Auxiliary Spirit, now
already looked wide eyed at Oscar.

When Ning Rongrong first came to the Academy, the person

she looked down on the most was Oscar, even though Oscar was

1050 Goldenagato |

the most handsome of everyone. She always believed, Oscar
without attack power and a mere sausage spirit had no future in
front of him. Naturally, she treated him with scorn, so Oscar’s
love proposal to her was thought of as just a joke.

But after she denied Oscar, after dean Flender vindicated

Oscar, and after she tasted Oscar’s spirit sausage personally,
Ning Rongrong’s impression of Oscar began to change.

A food system Spirit Master with innate full spirit power,

reaching the Spirit Elder realm at the age of 14, obtaining a third
spirit ring. This made even Ning Rongrong who always thought
highly of herself to feel inferior To Oscar, she already had a
whole new awareness. A food system Spirit Master that breaks
through thirtieth rank was already rare enough, let alone one so
young. If he could be brought to join the Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile School, the help he would bring to the clan would no doubt
be huge. ‘If myself and him….’ Every time Ning Rongrong
thought this, she would completely reject the notion. After all,
deep in her heart she still couldn’t truly accept Oscar’s
extremely vulgar spirit incantation.

But now, when she suddenly heard Oscar say that his third
spirit ring ability was auxiliary Soaring, Ning Rongrong felt like
her brain had been deep fried.

1051 Goldenagato |

Among auxiliary system Spirit Masters, it wasn’t that no one
had the ability to make others fly.

But that was extremely rare even among other support type
spirit masters. Most importantly, the supporting ability flying
appeared on at least the 6th spirit ability for every auxiliary
system Spirit Master Ning Rongrong knew of.

But this was only Oscar’s third spirit ability! What did this
mean? This meant that his future potential could only be
described as unlimited.

Soaring, how could it be Soaring?

Ning Rongrong’s look towards Oscar was filled with complex

emotions. Now, she finally realized. Among the students of
Shrek Academy, she might really be the worst one.

“*Cough*, *cough*”

Oscar, looking at everyone’s mouths wide open felt a secret

pleasure. Coughing twice, he said:

1052 Goldenagato |

“En, I still haven’t finished explaining. My third spirit ring
ability is: Soaring, for one minute.”


Other than Zhao Wuji who restrained himself, everyone else

started cursing openly.

Dai Mubai growled:

“Little Ao. Do you want us to loosen up your skin? Talking

with such a big pause.”

Oscar laughed slightly and said:

“Boss Dai, are you threatening me? What about Soaring for
one minute huh? That’s still a rare ability!”

Dai Mubai smirked, saying:

1053 Goldenagato |

“More like rare trash ability. What about flying one minute?
You can’t even fly over a slightly wide river or cliff.”

The rainbow glow of Oscar’s peach blossom eyes seemed to

grow even more distinct.

“Is it really like that? What if this Soaring for one minute, was
according to the speed of the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent?”


Dai Mubai said astounded.

“You’re saying. That after anyone eats your mushroom

sausage, they can fly at the speed of a Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent
for one minute? Is that even possible?”

Oscar arrogantly said: “How is that not possible? My third

spirit ring comes from the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, so my
spirit ability is naturally related to it. My feeling won’t be
wrong. If you want to eat my mushroom sausages in the future,
you better start begging me for it.”

1054 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong who had just let out a breath was once again
shocked by Oscar’s words. Even if was only one minute, with
the speed of a phoenix tail crest serpent, how far could you fly?
Possibly at least two kilometres or more.

Which meant that when danger appeared, you could in just a

minute escape to over two kilometres away, even disregarding
the shape of the terrain.

The power of this ability is definitely not lacking compared to

pure flying abilities. One has to know, the usual support flying
abilities allowed only slow flying speeds.

Zhao Wuji nodded satisfied, saying: “Good thing we didn’t

waste our energy for nothing. Little Ao, your third spirit ring is
exceptionally good. With your current spirit power, how many
of these mushroom sausages can you make?”

Oscar thought for a bit and said : “This mushroom sausage

uses a lot more spirit power than the first two types. With my
current condition, I can make at most ten in one sitting.
Afterwards, my spirit power will be completely exhausted. It
will have to replenish fully before I can make more again.”

1055 Goldenagato |

Looking at the students, Zhao Wuji said with satisfaction.
“Ten sausages is enough. As your spirit power increases, this
number will increase. Among the food system spirits, your
sausages, from now on, can be categorized as highest grade.
Good. Everyone prepare at once. Once little San wakes up from
cultivation, we will immediately leave this place and return to
the Academy.”

While speaking, Zhao Wuji walked towards Tang San. Oscar

has already finished absorbing his spirit ring, so he decided to
let the other children first rest for a bit. He himself would
protect Tang San so they can leave as fast as possible to dodge
all possible trouble.

“Teacher Zhao, I’m afraid we can’t leave yet.” At that

moment, the cultivating Tang San opened his eyes. While
speaking, he looked at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji looked blankly, “Can't leave? Why? Little San, Star
Dou Great Forest isn’t a playground, I’m the teacher, my word
is final. Our mission has been completed. We must return to the
academy as quickly as possible. Or else, if any of you get hurt,
how am I going to answer to Flender when we’ve returned?”


1056 Goldenagato |

Tang San started saying urgently, but he was interrupted by
Zhao Wuji,

“No buts. Since you're awake, everyone doesn’t need to rest

anymore. Tell me when we have left Star Dou Great Forest.
Before the sky darkens completely, we should set out

“Master Zhao, can’t you wait until I finish speaking?” Tang

San stood up from the ground, looking helplessly at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji’s eyes flashed, but seemed to recall something, and

the cold light in his eye faded away. In the past, if anyone defied
his will, he would probably have slapped them with his giant
bear paws already.

But for Tang San, he in the end didn’t dare to. Tang San’s
hidden weapons admittedly gave him some apprehension, but
more importantly, actually…...

Tang San didn’t wait for Zhao Wuji to open his mouth, and
hastily said:

1057 Goldenagato |

“I need a spirit ring as well, it would be better to immediately
find a spirit beast, instead of coming here again soon.”

“Out of the question, didn’t you hear what I said?”

Zhao Wuji said without hesitation. Suddenly, his body

stiffened. Opening his eyes wide open at Tang San, he said:

“What did you just say?”

Tang San repeated what he said seriously:

“I said: I need a spirit ring as well. After the fight with Meng
Yiran just now, maybe it’s because of the pressure she gave me,
my spirit power finally broke through thirtieth rank. Therefore,
I need a spirit ring to advance. Master Zhao, is that possible?”

Zhao Wuji stared wide eyed at Tang San.

Oscar in the process of proudly gesticulating with the

mushroom sausage relaxed his grip, the mushroom sausage

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dropping to the ground.

Dai Mubai’s Evil Eye twin pupils strangely fused into one.

The Fatty Ma Hongjun’s mouth opened wide.

Zhu Zhuqing’s ice chill turned into shock.

Ning Rongrong’s gentle and charming face had two dimples.

Xiao Wu excitedly held on to Tang San’s arm.

Each person used different actions to express their current

astonishment. There was only one reason. The current Tang
San, was twelve years old.

A twelve years old Spirit Grandmaster, to common Spirit

Masters, was perhaps already an inconceivable existence. But to
the young boys and girls present it would not feel strange at all,
because each of them was one.

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But, a twelve years old Spirit Elder, they had not even heard

Even if it was the currently most powerful, already possessing

thirty seventh ranked spirit power Dai Mubai was also unable to
imagine it, his at Shrek Academy recently set record was already
broken by this person.

The fourteen years old Oscar became a Spirit Elder, and now,
the twelve years old Tang San also entered this level.

Breaking through thirty first rank, meant reaching another

phase among Spirit Masters, meant future prospects could not
be measured. Obtaining the third spirit ring, one’s strength
would at once take a qualitative leap. This was also the reason
why Ning Rongrong regarding Oscar breaking through thirtieth
rank would mind it so much.

Tang San, barely twelve years old Tang San, unexpectedly also
entered this level, how could everyone present not also be

The only one without such amazement was Tang San himself.
Actually, when he still had not left Nuoding Academy, he was

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already on the twenty ninth ranked level, and maintaining this
level had also already persisted for too long, longer than any of
his previously cultivated ranks. Today fighting with Meng Yiran
had admittedly been an opportunity, but in fact, even without
this fight, Tang San still would have broken through the twenty
ninth rank restrictions in a short time, entering the thirtieth
ranked level.

Zhao Wuji looked gravely at Tang San,

“Tell me, how old are you this year, you must be precise to the

Tang San without the slightest hesitation said:

“Twelve years and seven months.”

Zhao Wuji nodded, gaze turning towards the others,

“You all see. Especially those of you who have not reached the
thirtieth rank. You all see it. Tang San and you are equally old,
but he is right now about to enter another phase. This is the
result of great effort. Twelve years old and seven months, I

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think, this record will forever be preserved as Shrek Academy’s
record. Forever.”

Tang San’s batch of students very possibly was Shrek

Academy’s last, and although the other several were younger
than Tang San, Zhao Wuji absolutely believed there was still no
one who could enter the thirtieth ranked level earlier than Tang

Oscar said:

“Teacher Zhao, I don’t agree with you. Tang San able to break
through thirtieth rank, this can’t be the result of effort.”

Zhao Wuji gave him a glare,

“Then you tell me why this is?”

Oscar grinned, saying:

“Since we are Shrek Students, if we say that we are monsters,

then, he is a monster among monsters.”

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Hearing Oscars words, Zhao Wuji smiled, the other students
also smiled. Even Zhu Zhuqing’s face wore a slight smiling

“Ge, congratulations.”

Xiao Wu whispered next to Tang San’s ear, right now she still
excitedly held on to Tang San’s right arm,

“But, I will overtake you as soon as possible.”

Regarding Xiao Wu’s words, Tang San did not doubt them, for
these several years, although each time it was Tang San who
took the lead in breaking through, the ordinarily not appearing
very diligent Xiao Wu would always chase after him and in a
short time reach the same level. Tang San always believed that
if Xiao Wu cultivated a bit seriously, her strength would
certainly surpass his.

“Teacher Zhao, say, can we stay behind to look for a suitable

spirit beast for me?”

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Tang San probing asked.

Zhao Wuji smiled faintly,

“Of course we can, this is what you deserve. We must not only
find you a spirit beast for your third spirit ring, but must also on
your behalf find a spirit beast that most suits you. Apparently,
this time we must extend our time in Star Dou Great Forest for a

Oscar had obtained a third spirit ring, Tang San broke

through twenty ninth rank to enter the thirtieth rank stage, it
could be said to everyone’s delight and satisfaction. After all,
receiving results like this on the first day of entering Star Dou
Great Forest was already sufficient to satisfy everyone. Even if
in itself strength did not advance any for the others, after
entering this forest their knowledge had still increased greatly.
The relationship between everyone also pulled closer in this
kind of danger.

Zhao Wuji did not let anyone rest there, because he feared
Dragon Duke would return with Serpent Grandmother to find
them, although the possibility of this was very small, he still
had no choice but to guard against it. That evening, he brought
the seven Shrek Students to walk about ten li in one direction,

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and after concealing all their traces, halted like this.

Zhao Wuji’s worries did not show any result. The night passed
without incident. After resting for one night, everyone’s energy
had recovered to peak condition.

Early the next day, they continued the process of searching for
Spirit Beasts. Only this time the person getting a spirit beast was
Tang San, and not Oscar.

Regarding what kind of spirit beast to pick for his third spirit
ring, Grandmaster had long ago already helped Tang San plan it
out well, therefore Tang San believed that finding a spirit beast
for him should be even easier than finding Oscar’s. After all, in
Grandmaster’s plan were several kinds of spirit beast, with
some comparatively common. As long as the cultivation age was
suitable it could become his spirit ring.

But things turned out contrary to what he expected, no less

than two days passed, even though Zhao Wuji led them to
seriously search, they did not find a suitable spirit beast for
Tang San.

As a result of previously encountering the Serpent

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Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang grandparent and grandchild
pair, Zhao Wuji was somewhat wary of the consequences,
adding to the danger within Star Dou Great Forest itself, making
Zhao Wuji’s tactics while searching for spirit beasts somewhat
conservative, without deeply penetrating Star Dou Great Forest,
only bringing everyone to conduct the search in the outer parts.

Even though they several times encountered thousand year

spirit beasts on the way, those several kinds of spirit beasts did
not suit Tang San. The remainder were all some hundred year
spirit beasts.

He also couldn’t blame Zhao Wuji’s conservative attitude in

searching for spirit beasts, after all, he was only one teacher,
while encountering low level spirit beasts everyone were
naturally able to handle it, but when encountering a truly
formidable spirit beast, Zhao Wuji could not be certain to
protect everyone. These students all were Shrek Academy’s
little monsters, among them several people were from even
more remarkable backgrounds, Zhao Wuji did not dare take
risks. If anyone became an issue, that was a fatal conclusion.

Two days time passed, even though no one regarded food

supply as a problem, each day within the great forest with
danger lurking on every side still strained everyone’s minds,
making it even easier to feel exhausted.

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However, entering within Star Dou Great Forest, also
precisely because of the existence of this crisis, the coordination
between the students gradually became connected on a deeper
level. The four Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun
were in charge of fighting after they encountered spirit beasts.
Zhu Zhuqing was responsible for advance scouting within a
certain distance. Oscar and Ning Rongrong were support. Even
if they were without Zhao Wuji’s assistance, as long as it was
not a thousand year spirit beast, they would be unable to bring
any threat to this little group.

The mutual understanding was a necessary capability to

possess for continuously coordinated battles, this kind of
dangerous environment clearly was the best tempering. Being
able to enter Shrek Academy already proved these students were
outstanding, monsters and geniuses, they successfully
transformed pressure into power. Adding Zhao Wuji’s
directions from the side, while their spirit power improvement
speed did not have any change, but the imperceptible influence
of fighting experience and composite strength continuously

At nightfall it was finally was time to rest. They couldn’t light

a fire within Star Dou Great Forest: although the majority of
spirit beasts feared flame, there were also a small share of spirit
beasts that were exceedingly fond of fire, and among this little

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share of spirit beasts, on the whole were some deadly existences.

Without needing Zhao Wuji’s direction, the male students

were in charge of building tents, the female students were in
charge of food. Of course, Oscar this fellow was an exception,
immediately by Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others directed to
enter the female student category.

The tents were not large, and naturally insufficient to let

everyone lie down to sleep, but for everyone to sit and cultivate
was nevertheless no problem. To them, at all times maintaining
peak fighting condition was more important than sleeping.

Zhao Wuji as teacher, naturally took the work of night vigil.

Hurriedly eating supper, Zhao Wuji let everyone enter the

tents to rest, but called Tang San before him.

“Little San, aren’t you anxious?”

Zhao Wuji looked at the youngster before him with a smiling


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Tang San shook his head, saying:

“Searching for spirit beasts is a matter of luck. Hurrying is no

use. Teacher Zhao, you be at ease, I have patience.”

Zhao Wuji sighed lightly, saying:

“Currently this Star Dou Great Forest has also started to

become desolate. Many years ago, I still remember how this was
a bustling scene. At that time, even if it was around the forest,
everywhere could be seen thousand year level spirit beast
existences. But now spirit beasts are much fewer. I don’t know
if they all go to live inside the forest, or some other reason.”

Tang San said:

“Regardless of the reason, it still is us humans who caused it.

Although spirit beasts are fierce, us humans are even more
fierce than them. Isn’t that so?”

Zhao Wuji stared blankly,

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“Why do you say this?”

Tang San said:

“Teacher once said, even though Spirit Masters are few, one
spirit master from starting cultivation to maturing as a power is
only several decades, that’s all. But over these several decades,
one formidable Spirit Master needs at least six or more spirit
rings. In other words, has to kill six or more spirit beasts.
Among these would also include hundred year and thousand
year, even ten thousand year levels. Spirit beast cultivation is
much more difficult compared to us humans, otherwise they
would also not be divided according to age. Even though they
are numerous, under this kind of sustained massacre, the spirit
beasts’ quantity will only continuously decrease, especially for
formidable spirit beasts, even more each killed is one fewer.
After many years, perhaps it will be difficult to see thousand
year or higher existences.”

Zhao Wuji somewhat pondering said:

“Grandmaster is right. Only, which Spirit Master would think

of this problem? Who doesn’t want to be able to let themselves
become even more formidable? Even if Spirit Hall set
restrictions, perhaps it would still be completely ineffective.”

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This seems to be a line from a poem called Parting (离别) by
9th century poet Bai Juyi (白居易).

Originally the color was (粉色) and has now changed to (粉红
色) or “pink red”.

10里 = 5 km

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Chapter 31 - Forest King, Titan Giant Ape

Tang San said:

“Even more influential is aimless massacre. One Spirit Master

in his life only needs nine spirit beasts at most, but, how many
spirit beasts does one Spirit Master have to hunt and kill in his
life? Let alone others, even us, on this journey when
encountering some aggressive ten year and hundred year spirit
beasts, still can’t help but act. And for those people making a
living hunting spirit beasts, the numbers slaughtered are
geometrically multiplied. After a long time like this, the
vocation of Spirit Master will one day have no rings to use.”

Zhao Wuji said:

“Well, don’t say this. This isn’t something you and me are
capable of controlling. At most we can only kill a bit fewer,
that’s all. Little San, I’ve decided, if tomorrow we still can’t find
you a spirit beast, we will go a bit deeper to search the inner
parts of Star Dou Great Forest. There will always be a spirit ring
suitable to you. Rest assured.”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

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“Teacher Zhao, this problem has actually never worried me.
However, I have all along not had the opportunity to apologize
to you. That time when competing against you, you all along
started off leniently, yet I……”

Zhao Wuji laughed bitterly, shaking his hand towards Tang


“It’s all right, you can’t keep carrying that awkward incident,
I’ve already forgotten it.”

The two looked at each other, unable to help showing smiling


At that moment, suddenly, the smiling expression in Zhao

Wuji’s eyes faded in a flash, one hand sharply grabbing Tang
San’s shoulder to pull him close, cold and severe atmosphere
surging from Zhao Wuji’s body, following a deep roar, he
directly summoned his spirit, Vigorous Vajra Bear and in a
moment finishing Body Transformation.

“Everyone leave the tents. Quickly.”

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Zhao Wuji roared deeply, the strong sound reaching the
insides of the tents.

After several days of cooperation, the students had long ago

reached a certain rapport, lightning quick making their way out
of the tents.

“Teacher Zhao, why?”

Dai Mubai reached Zhao Wuji’s side in one sudden big stride,
puzzled asking him.

Zhao Wuji did not answer his question,

“Everyone get behind me. If in a moment something happens,

you must not distract me. Leave immediately and speak again
after first leaving Star Dou Great Forest. Mubai, when I’m not
present, I’ll leave the responsibility of protecting everyone to

Whether it was Dai Mubai, Tang San or the others, no one

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understood what had happened that unexpectedly made the
always overly confident in his strength Zhao Wuji this nervous,
but at this moment, they suddenly saw a strange scene.

In the direction Zhao Wuji was looking, two large trees

suddenly slowly parted to either side, and an enormous
silhouette noiselessly walked out.

Seeing this big animal, they all seemed to stop breathing, and
everyone finally understood what was actually worrying Zhao

This was an existence like a mountain, black fur all over its
body faintly twinkling with lustre under the weak illumination
of the moon and stars, even though it was four limbed, the
height of its shoulders already at least outstripped seven metres.

If it stood upright, the height might be over fifteen metres.

On the surface, this was an existence both like monkeys and a

black orangutan, apart from a pair of lantern sized eyes with a
yellow crystal like lustre its whole body was pitch black. At
night if it didn’t move, even its body would look indistinct.

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This big animal’s body was actually too majestic, its condition
unimaginably awesome, not only was its body enormous, but all
over its entire body it was covered with muscles even tougher
than granite, protruding like little hills.

But such an enormous animal did not make any noise while
walking, not even the sound of breathing.

Seeing it, the first to recognize it was Tang San, relying on the
knowledge Grandmaster instilled in him, he practically
immediately distinguished this big animal’s category.

“It’s actually the forest king, Titan Giant Ape.”

Even the always calm Tang San, right now had a somewhat
shaky voice.

Titan Giant Ape appeared in any spirit beast forest, and all
were absolute existences like overlords. There were no spirit
beasts that dared offend it, because the result would inevitably
be death. Even if it was only a hundred year Titan Giant Ape, it
could still measure up against other ten thousand year level
spirit beasts.

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They possessed incomparable physical strength and speed.
Attack and defense were practically without any flaws. But most
terrifying, they could even use skills similar to spirit abilities.

No one knew what the Titan Giant Ape’s true ability was,
because on seeing these skills humans were already dead.

Similarly for all ten thousand year spirit beasts their actual
strength was decided differently, this was in itself a question of
properties. But Titan Giant Ape, among all spirit beasts, clearly
stood among a small number of types of spirit beasts at the
summit of the pyramid. The terror it could produce was the
nightmare of practically all Spirit Masters.

Previously an unknown number of Spirit Masters had coveted

the power of the Titan Giant Ape, hoping to be able to kill it for
their spirit ring. But the people with this kind of notion also
strived hard in vain, completely vanishing from this world.

Among known Spirit Masters, apparently only one person had

ever killed a Titan Giant Ape, and furthermore alone, that’s all.

Titan Giant Ape did not only have formidable strength, but
they even possessed intelligence no less than humans.

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Within the forest, it was an absolute king.

Whether it was Tang San or Zhao Wuji, neither had in any

way expected, that this kind forest king and spirit beast king,
that even if one existed should live at the core of Star Dou Great
Forest, would appear here.

“Respected forest king, we did not mean to offend, if this is

your territory, we will immediately withdraw.”

Zhao Wuji said in a low voice. He knew that Titan Giant Apes
were capable of understanding human speech. Especially such a
powerful Titan Giant Ape as this, which clearly already
outstripped ten thousand years of cultivation. He really could
not imagine a spirit beast more formidable than this one.

The Titan Giant Ape did not take any notice of Zhao Wuji’s
words, it only did one simple thing that made everyone’s hearts
leap into their throats. Because it took one step forward.

Even though it was only one step, with its majestic body, this
step already pulled close the distance to everyone from Shrek

1078 Goldenagato |


Zhao Wuji’s brain right now worked at full speed, but at most
only four words appeared, ‘what can be done?’

Yes, right now what could be done? Although Zhao Wuji was
confident in his strength, he was very clear on, the terror of this
Titan Giant Ape was above the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent
husband and wife pair. He would prefer to confront a Title
Douluo, but absolutely did not wish to confront a spirit beast
king like this.

Just like what Tang San said before, Spirit Masters

massacring spirit beasts made all spirit beasts regard humans
with hatred. This spirit beast king clearly was no exception.

Facing it, Zhao Wuji knew that even defending himself was an
issue, let alone speaking of protecting the others. But, at this
moment, how could he still cower back?

Clenching his teeth, Zhao Wuji said in a low voice:

“I’ll hold it off, you immediately eat Oscar’s mushroom

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sausage and leave. I’m afraid I won’t last long. You must act

Leaving behind these words, Zhao Wuji took a deep breath,

over his body seven rings of light releasing a great radiance,
rushing to meet the Titan Giant Ape.

The first, second, third and fifth rings of light flared

simultaneously. Confronting this tyrannical opponent, the
Motionless Bright King immediately used four of his spirit

The light from four spirit rings simultaneously flaring was

somewhat dazzling, Motionless Bright King Body protecting
him, Gravity Control with Zhao Wuji as its center completely
enveloping the Titan Giant Ape, Gravity Crush mobilising in
concert with Gravity Control, as much as possible restricting
the Titan Giant Ape’s body. At the same time, both his palms
whirled, using Vigorous Vajra Palm at full strength, tyrannical
energy fluctuations suddenly releasing, Zhao Wuji took
advantage of a tall tree to the side to leap high into the air, both
hands whirling, not in the least sparing spirit power, throwing
himself straight at the Titan Giant Ape.

“Tang San, you cover everyone’s departure, I will assist

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teacher Zhao.”

Dai Mubai explained, dashing forward with a loud tiger howl

to the sky. He naturally also knew that the Titan Giant Ape was
formidable, therefore, he directly used not only his White Tiger
Spirit, but simultaneously also in a flash started his most
powerful third spirit ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

Dai Mubai’s body which had originally become full of power

from White Tiger Body Enhancement swelled once again, the
muscles themselves swelling exaggeratedly, the clothes over his
body completely bursting, exposing a frightfully muscled
silhouette, most strange was, on his skin appeared black
horizontal stripes, and if it wasn’t hairless it would be no
different from tiger skin.

A pair of hands again larger, the sharp blades ejected on the

surface all became bright silver, most peculiar was, all over his
body he was shrouded in an intense golden light, as if he was

Blood red eyes shining with bloodthirst, all over the whole
body wearing that kind of king among beasts aggressiveness.

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Attack and defense abruptly upgraded, Dai Mubai at once
sending out that tiger roar sprinted with full power. Zhao
Wuji’s goal was the top of the Titan Giant Ape’s head, but Dai
Mubai’s goal were the forelimbs supporting the Titan Giant
Ape’s body.

“You go. I have to help them and can’t leave.”

A warm and soft yet resolute voice rose, a dazzlingly beautiful

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda rotated out from the center
of Ning Rongrong’s palm.

Over these days, her coordination with everyone had always

conformed, without showing any errors, also without erupting
into her young lady character, gradually becoming accepted by

Who couldn’t acknowledge that the Seven Treasures Glazed

Tile Pagoda indeed had its original position, being known as the
foremost Auxiliary Spirit absolutely wasn’t false.

“Seven Treasure Words, first spoken: Strength.”

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“Seven Treasure Words, second spoken: Speed.”

Following Ning Rongrong’s brief and clear voice, four lines of

light simultaneously shot out, two of them falling on Zhao
Wuji’s body just as he was about to attack the top of the Titan
Giant Ape’s head.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit’s most

powerful trait was how its amplification disregarded the
foundation. Ning Rongrong’s amplification effect was currently
thirty percent, in other words, no matter how strong the subject
was in itself, they would all have an amplification range of
thirty percent. Thirty seventh ranked Dai Mubai had his
strength and speed amplified by thirty percent, and seventy
sixth ranked Zhao Wuji as well.

Indeed, under Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile

Pagoda amplification, Zhao Wuji’s speed suddenly increased,
the spirit power over his two bear paws also strengthened
somewhat, in a flash already having risen up over eightieth
ranked spirit power attack power.

Of the altogether seven students, two already decided to stay

behind, could the others truly leave? Over several days of
cooperation, they had long ago already formed a good rapport.

1083 Goldenagato |

Tang San did not even say anything, only clapped Fatty’s
shoulder and dashed out, his meaning very clear, ‘the mission
boss Dai handed over is up to you to complete’.

Tang San’s goal was the same as Dai Mubai’s, both were the
Titan Giant Ape’s forelimbs, however Dai Mubai was attacking,
but Tang San was binding, Blue Silver Grass without stinting in
the least rushed out frantically, going directly for the Titan
Giant Ape’s forelimbs, looking to as far as possible restrict its

Because Tang San clearly understood that the Titan Giant Ape
did not only have tyrannical attack and defense: although its
body was enormous, its speed was still extremely terrifying.

Ning Rongrong fully displayed her auxiliary system Spirit

Master effects, at the same time as Tang San quickly rushed out,
two lines of light also attached to his body.

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda’s support was definitely a

kind of pleasure, physical strength and speed in a flash
increased thirty percent, that kind of feeling was somewhat
wonderful. Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass immediately became

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even more lush, firmly twining around the Titan Giant Ape’s
two forelimbs, the sharp thorns on Blue Silver Grass strived
even harder to sting, earnestly hoping to be able to rely on the
poison to cause some harm to the Titan Giant Ape.

Zhu Zhuqin’s body vanished at the same time Tang San

rushed out. Of course she didn’t leave. Right now, she already
soared to the tree that Zhao Wuji jumped off from, flying about,
trying to find an opportunity to attack.

Fatty Ma Honjun muttered something unknown to himself.

The two spirit rings on his body released a strong glow, his
entire body engulfed in purple fire. His second spirit ability
Bathing Fire Phoenix was not only capable of protecting him, at
the same time it could also amplify his first spirit ability
Phoenix Fire Wire. A Phoenix Fire Wire as thick as an arm
spitted out of his mouth, however, this fellow was very sneaky.
His target was a certain area under the abdomen of the Titan
Giant Ape.

Fatty of course didn’t know what gender the Titan Giant Ape
was. He only knew that no matter the gender, that kind of place
definitely was a weak spot.

Xiao Wu left almost at the same time as Zhu Zhuqing, but she

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chose a different tree.

Actually, dealing with the kind of fortified for combat

creatures like the Titan Giant Ape was what she was least adept
at, but Xiao Wu still rushed forward without hesitation. No one
knows why, but her face instead looked somewhat relaxed.
However, at times like these no one would pay attention to her

Oscar didn’t charge forward, but his mouth repeated the same
sentence over and over again. I your father have a mushroom
sausage, striving to prepare everyone’s escape tool.


Zhao Wuji’s two Vigorous Vajra Palms, after thirty percent

amplification, heavily slammed onto the Titan Giant Ape’s
head. The instantaneous increase in power and speed made
Zhao Wuji very satisfied with his attack this time.

He’s could be certain, other than activating his seventh spirit

ring, this was already his peak strength.

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But, a scene that made everyone horrified appeared. The
moment Zhao Wuji’s two palms slammed into the Titan Giant
Ape, his entire body bounced away as fast as a cannon ball.

However, the Titan Giant Ape seemed to underestimate Zhao

Wuji’s strength. His entire head was slammed backwards. Soon
after, this king of the forest burst out into a roar that could
scare the sky.

Tang San, utilizing his Purple Demon Eye, clearly saw a wave
of black erupt from the Titan Giant Ape. In the dark of the
night, only he could clearly see this wave. Right after, no matter
if it was Dai Mubai and himself attacking from the ground, or
Zhu Zhuqin and Xiao Wu trying to attack from the trees,
everyone was thrown flying by this terrifying black wave. The
blue silver grass that was wrapped around the Titan Giant Ape
was shredded into pieces and didn’t serve even the slightest use.

Because Tang San saw the black wave come out, his reaction
was the fastest. Backing away swiftly, even though he still went
flying off, he could control his body just enough to catch Xiao
Wu, who was also sent flying.

Dai Mubai’s power was, other than Zhao Wuji, the strongest.
But because he was too close to Titan Giant Ape, when he was

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sent flying, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The most unlucky was the sneaky Fatty. All the Phoenix Fire
Wire he spit out got sent back at him by the black wave. Even
though he was using his second spirit ability Fire Bathing
Phoenix, he still got heavily hit by his own Phoenix Fire Wire,
making him roll on the ground all the way until he got to Tang
San’s feet and Tang San helped him steady himself. Fortunately,
the fire was his own, so he didn’t get burned.

The Titan Giant Ape seemed enraged. At the same time as the
black wave, its massive body finally moved drastically. With
almost indiscernible speed it jumped up, its massive body falling
from the sky, going straight at the center of everyone.

As of now, Zhao Wuji was still in the air. He was sent flying
diagonally upwards. Even if he wanted to aid the students, it
was too late.

Even though Tang San was alert of the Titan Giant Ape’s
speed, he still underestimated the horrifying Forest King in
front of him. The incomparably enormous body flew at him at
unreal speeds. The terrifying pressure felt like a mountain on
everyone, making everyone feel like they couldn’t breathe.

1088 Goldenagato |

This key moment showed everyone’s varying reaction speeds.

Tang San reacted fastest. Years of training on hidden weapons

made his reflexes far beyond normal people. First throwing out
Xiao Wo held in his arms, starting by getting her away from the
Titan Giant Ape’s leap attack.

At the same time as throwing Xiao Wu, he kicked Fatty in his

blubbery butt, making him slide away along the ground.

Simultaneously, using the force from the kick he rolled away

horizontally. At the last possible moment leaving the range of
the Titan Giant Ape’s impact.

The time provided to Tang San was way too short. Even
though his reaction speed was amazing, he only had enough
time to save the people beside him, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun.

Dai Mubai’s reaction speed was second only to Tang San’s.

The moment he saw the Titan Giant Ape jump into the air, he
didn’t have Tang San’s speed to let himself and Zhu Zhuqin
nearby leave the range of the Titan Giant Ape. But still he had
his own ways.

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Dai Mubai sharply stretched out his hand, the claws of the
tiger paw extending as long as they could, just enough to pull
Zhu Zhuqin into his arms. Although this left three gashes on
Zhu Zhuqin’s back, there was no time to care about that.

At the same time, he hit the ground with his palm, making a
giant pit. The moment Zhu Zhuqin entered his embrace, he
immediately hugged her and fell into the pit.

At this life and death moment, Dai Mubai’s mind was very
calm. He knew, no matter how big the Titan Giant Ape was, it
would still hit the ground with a flat surface. As long as he was
under the ground, he could avoid being squashed.

And the deep pit on the ground was just for that. Backing up a
bit, even if he himself gets squashed, Zhu Zhuqin, who was
under him, would be able to avoid getting hurt.

Even though Zhu Zhuqin is an agility type spirit master, when

she fell into Dai Mubai’s embrace, her mind blanked. At the
same time the stinging pain from her back came, everything
became black. Right after, giant quakes went through her entire
body, the vibrations almost causing her to faint.

1090 Goldenagato |

Oscar’s reaction was undoubtedly the slowest, but he wasn’t
stupid. In fact, he was smarter than Dai Mubai.

He didn’t have the power to create a pit in the floor, but he

jumped out at almost the same time as Dai Mubai. Dai Mubai
needed to use his tiger claws to pull Zhu Zhuqin from afar into
his embrace. Oscar, on the contrary, very bluntly pushed Ning
Rongrong onto the ground under him, hugging her while falling
onto the ground.

The Titan Giant Ape walked around with all four limbs, Oscar
thought. If he landed with all four limbs as well, then as long as
him and Ning Rongrong fell onto the floor, then they had a
chance to survive. Even if he was really unlucky and actually got
squashed, he would still die hugging a beauty. As the saying
goes, “Die under a peony and be licentious even as ghost.”

Hugging a beauty from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

down to hell isn’t a bad deal.

Ning Rongrong of course didn’t know what Oscar was

thinking. Her body wasn’t as sturdy as Zhu Zhuqin’s. Getting
thrown onto the ground by Oscar, she fainted from the impact.

1091 Goldenagato |


The Titan Giant Ape landed with a boom. What made Oscar
happy was, just as he thought, the Titan Giant Ape landed with
four limbs, and he and Ning Rongrong were just under the Titan
Great Ape’s lower abdomen. Other than a strong quake, they
didn’t get hurt whatsoever.

But at this time, Tang San, who rolled away the moment the
Titan Great Ape fell, felt ice cold inside, because he clearly saw
the Titan Great Ape’s forearm abruptly raise and catch Xiao Wu,
who he threw into the air in an attempt to save her.

“NOO—— Let Xiao Wu GO!”

Watching Xiao Wu fall into the Titan Great Ape’s hand, Tang
San’s eyes became red. Not waiting for his body to steady on the
shaking ground, he kicked the ground and leaped upwards.
Lending power from a nearby tree, he flew up. His hands passed
over his belt lightning fast. Ten glinting weapons flew out,
aiming straight for the Titan Great Ape’s eyes.

The eyes were one of the Titan Great Ape’s rare weaknesses.

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Tang San’s heart had fallen down to the bottom already. He
knew clearly, that with the Titan Great Ape’s strength, if it
squeezed even slightly, Xiao Wu wouldn’t survive, no matter
how flexible she was.

Zhao Wuji had also finally landed, and he saw the same scene
of Xiao Wu falling into the Titan Giant Ape’s grasp.

At this kind of moment, how would Zhao Wuji still hold back
reserves, bellowing at the sky, the seventh spirit ring over his
body abruptly erupted in deep black. Intense black light in a
flash enveloped Zhao Wuji, immediately after, huge changes
began to take place in his body.

After Vigorous Vajra Bear Body Enhancement, Zhao Wuji’s

already magnificent body rapidly swelled like balloon, in an
eyeblink, his height already surpassed five metres, the muscles
over his whole body swelling to exaggerated shapes, brown hair
growing like crazy, unexpectedly entirely becoming like a
genuine giant bear.

As his body completely changed into a bear shape, the light

brown fur discolored in a flash, sparkling with bright golden
light. Incarnated as a bear Zhao Wuji without hesitation
pounced as a Vigorous Vajra Bear at the arm that held Xiao Wu.

1093 Goldenagato |

The seventh spirit ring of all Spirit Masters with spirit beasts
after reaching seventieth rank was similar, that was Spirit
Avatar. Same as the thirtieth ranked Spirit Master bottleneck,
seventieth ranked was also the same, for Spirit Masters with
Spirit Avatar’s Beast Spirit, strength would substantially
upgrade, at the same time, this ability could only be especially
effective for them when their life depended on it.

What Zhao Wuji used right now, was his seventh spirit ring
ability, it was also the most powerful spirit ring ability Spirit
Avatar with the most potent side effect. What he revealed, was
equivalent to the spirit Vigorous Vajra Bear itself.

Under the use of Spirit Avatar, he could limitlessly employ

apart from Spirit Avatar the seven rings or lower for thirty
minutes, at one hundred fifty percent of the original might. An
additional terrifying property of Vigorous Vajra Bear’s Spirit
Avatar was also to increase defense by two hundred percent.
This was already Zhao Wuji’s last redoubt.

Of course, after each time using Spirit Avatar, the Spirit

Master’s own attributes would weaken by fifty percent,
requiring seven days to recover. Therefore, unless absolutely
essential, Spirit Masters over seventieth rank would never
easily use their Spirit Avatar.

1094 Goldenagato |


Zhao Wuji fully using Spirit Avatar immediately received the

full attention of the Titan Giant Ape, after all, in this situation
Zhao Wuji was already capable of being a threat to it.

At the same time, the Titan Giant Ape only did one simple
action, making Tang San lose the full strength of his unleashed
hidden weapons, he closed his eyes.

Dingdingdingdingdingdingdingding……, in a concentrated
string of successive clear sounds, all the hidden weapons flying
at the Titan Giant Ape’s eyes were completely blocked by its
eyelids. Simultaneously, the Titan Giant Ape suddenly stood
upright, the hand holding Xiao Wu avoiding Zhao Wuji’s
charging attack, but his other arm rigidly colliding with Zhao
Wuji’s body.


Fully employing the Spirit Avatar ability Zhao Wuji was truly

1095 Goldenagato |

powerful, with defense increasing two hundred percent and
with Vigorous Vajra Bear body. This time he was not directly
thrown away. Despite this, as a physical strength type Spirit
Master in the end the difference in strength with the Titan
Giant Ape was too much.

With a loud sound, Zhao Wuji staggered back seven or eight

steps before managing to stand firm, but to that Titan Giant Ape
it seemed like the exchange hadn’t happened, mouth once again
issuing a bellow.

As the black wave’s full strength hit, Tang San with his
hidden weapons were blasted off together into the distance,
heavily striking a large tree.


Xiao Wu seeing how Tang San was blasted off cried out in

The Titan Giant Ape lowered its head to look at Xiao Wu held
in its palm, once again issuing a deep howl. This time, he did
not pay any attention to Zhao Wuji pouncing again, abruptly
leaping up, with just one rise and fall, it was already a hundred

1096 Goldenagato |

metres away, merging with the forest and disappearing out of

“Xiao Wu——”

Zhao Wuji called out swiftly, wanting to chase after, but

discovering his gap in speed compared to the Titan Giant Ape
truly was too far.

But the power of the shock the Titan Giant Ape gave him just
now almost broke his Spirit Avatar, right now his spirit power
was substantially consumed. He knew that even if he caught up
it would already be useless.

When Tang San slid from the large tree, the corners of his
mouth were already completely blood stained, the injuries he
had received clearly were not light.

Fatty Ma Hongjun stood up with his face filthy with mud and
grime, massaging his butt kicked by Tang San.

Ning Rongrong had already awoken from fainting, with Oscar

lending an arm to help her stand, but because she was still

1097 Goldenagato |

somewhat muddled, she half hung on Oscar.

Dai Mubai holding Zhu Zhuqing crawled out of the big hole he
had blasted. Everyone looked at each other, all had a kind of
feeling of a new lease of life.

If this was a squad just consisting of Spirit Masters, only

losing one member when confronting the forest king Titan
Giant Ape, this was already a matter deserving celebration. But,
they were not just a Spirit Master squad. But rather students.

Zhao Wuji couldn’t accept not knowing the fate of his student
grabbed by the Titan Giant Ape, Tang San was even more
unable to accept it.

Resisting the acute pain within his body, Tang San crawled up
off the ground, wanting to stand steadily, but with a vomiting
sound belched up a mouthful of fresh blood.

The wave released from the Titan Giant Ape’s body, gave
people an indomitable feeling, even though Tang San’s body
was sturdy, such a heavy strike made his insides churn, as if his
five viscera and six bowels had all switched places.

1098 Goldenagato |

Fortunately Mysterious Heaven Skill in itself possessed
wonderful curative uses. Without him needing to drive it, it
already very quickly calmed the qi and blood churning in his

Tang San silently walked up before Oscar. Oscar hastily

handed over a Recovery Sausage to him, thinking to say
something, but in the end did not find the words.

Tang San without the slightest hesitation swallowed the

Recovery Sausage, under the effect of the sausage’s recovering
power, the condition of his injuries was immediately relieved

Oscar’s Recovery Sausage was after all his first spirit ring
ability, although it had a certain effect for treatment and
recovering physical strength, it could not in instantly cure any
injury. Treatment required a process, the body simultaneously
also needed to recover on its own.

By now Zhao Wuji already unable to continue maintaining his

Spirit Avatar, now himself, his complexion ashen,

“How could a Titan Giant Ape appear at the outskirts of Star

1099 Goldenagato |

Dou Great Forest. I let everyone down, it’s all my failure, unable
to stop him from snatching Xiao Wu. Tang San, you, your

No one could believe in the odds of Xiao Wu surviving being

snatched by the Titan Giant Ape, including Zhao Wuji.

“No, I’m not blaming you. I was the one who didn’t protect
Xiao Wu.”

Tang San since climbing up off the ground had continuously

kept his head lowered, his voice was very calm, as if his mood
was not at all disturbed.

Zhao Wuji sighed,

“Everyone first rest at once. Afterwards we’ll switch location

and take our time making a decision.”

At this moment, in Oscar’s ears suddenly echoed a voice like a

tiny mosquito, but also clearly inimitable sound,

1100 Goldenagato |

“Little Ao, if you still are my brother, give me a mushroom
sausage. Don’t make a sound, don’t let anyone see.”

Oscar was startled, he clearly distinguished this voice as

belonging to Tang San. Only, not even Ning Rongrong
supported by him reacted, apparently he was the only person
who could hear this voice.

As he looked towards Tang San, Tang San also just raised his
head, their four eyes meeting, Oscar lightning fast raised his
hand to his face to cover his mouth, to prevent any sound of

Tang San’s eyes had currently become completely blood red,

red as if bleeding, looking unspeakably monstrous. From his
eyes, Oscar was able to deeply feel a kind of severe cold making
it difficult to speak.

However, Oscar did not summon his mushroom sausage,

because he knew what Tang San would do, precisely because he
was Tang San’s brother, he even more could not let him go to
his death. But, seeing Tang San’s blood red eyes, he was still
unable to speak a single word.

1101 Goldenagato |

The mushroom sausages he made previously when the Titan
Giant Ape issued that black wave had already fallen who knew
where, only by remaking them could he have new ones.

Fortunately, the previous time period was brief, he had not

managed too many, and his spirit power consumption was not

The tiny voice once again echoed,

“Little Ao, if if was your little sister being snatched, what

would you do? Even if it only was a hope, I still have to try it. I
beg of you. If I don’t go right now, then, this will become my
lifelong regret. Give me a mushroom sausage. As long as I don’t
die this time, little San will forever remember your favor.”

“Don’t mind it.”

Oscar sighed. Although he didn’t know what he would do if he

was in Tang San’s place, he currently clearly understood Tang
San’s frame of mind. As a man, some matters had to be done.
Oscar fiercely clenched his teeth, this was the first time it was so
difficult to chant his vulgar spirit incantation.

1102 Goldenagato |

Right now, his soft vulgar voice to Tang San’s ears was just
like life saving heavenly music.

Tang San speaking to Oscar couldn’t be heard by other people,

but Oscar reciting his incantation could not like Tang San
conceal his voice.


As an interesting side note, “Bathing Fire Phoenix” (yu huo

feng huang 浴火凤凰) is a homonym to “Lust Phoenix” (欲火凤凰)

(武魂真身) “Spirit True Body”

(五脏六腑) In Chinese medicine a classification for the internal

organs. The five viscera (zang) organs are heart, liver, lungs,
spleen and kidney. The six bowel (fu) organs are stomach, large
intestine, small intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder and san

1103 Goldenagato |

Chapter 32 - Wicked Butcher, Man Faced
Demon Spider

Ning Rongrong at Oscar’s side sobered from her half

conscious condition, startled saying:

“Little Ao, what are you doing?”

Ning Rongrong’s voice immediately aroused the others

attention, Zhao Wuji was also an intelligent person, and his
immediate realization was anything but reassuring.
Unfortunately, they were still one step too late.

Tang San became the first person to eat a mushroom sausage,

six illusory wings swiftly appeared at his back, and in the split
second Zhao Wuji pounced, he brought his body to rise into the

“I’m sorry, teacher Zhao. I have to find Xiao Wu, even if she is
already dead I still must retrieve her body.”

By now, everyone at last saw Tang San’s blood red eyes.

1104 Goldenagato |

Naturally they understood the extreme grief in his heart.

“Seven Treasure Words, second spoken: Speed.”

Ning Rongrong’s clear voice echoed, a line of brilliantly

colored light floated in the air to Tang San, making the six
illusory wings on his back immediately beat faster.

“Little San, go quickly. I’ll support you. I’ve increased spirit

power output, the accelerating effect should be able to last for
one minute outside of my spirit power range. Definitely find
Xiao Wu, she’s my roommate as well.”

Ning Rongrong as if not seeing Zhao Wuji’s murderous gaze,

spoke in a loud voice to Tang San.

Tang San looked deeply at Ning Rongrong, he did not say

anything, because he didn’t know if he still would have an
opportunity to thank Ning Rongrong, already under the Soaring
effect of the mushroom sausage he faced the direction the Titan
Giant Ape had disappeared and flew off.

“You…… You……”

1105 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji looked at Oscar and Ning Rongrong, already so
angry he was speechless.

Oscar said with a wry smile:

“Teacher Zhao, you also saw little San’s eyes. If we didn’t let
him go, I’m afraid he still would have chased after on foot. I can
understand his frame of mind. If you must blame someone,
blame me.”

Zhao Wuji furiously said.

“Blame? What blame. Immediately give me your mushroom

sausage. As we pursue, everyone go together. Dead or dying.
Dying together is fine. Anyone who doesn’t want to go, at once
get out of Star Dou Great Forest.”

Although Zhao Wuji’s voice was angry, hearing his words,

everyone’s faces all showed expressions of unwavering
determination. Even Fatty Ma Hongjun nodded.

1106 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai pulling Zhu Zhuqing’s hand strode over, simply

“Oscar. Quick.”

Ever since he crawled out of the hole holding Zhu Zhuqing, he

had continuously held her hand. When he saw Xiao Wu being
snatched, he all along thought, if the one being snatched wasn’t
Xiao Wu but Zhu Zhuqing, how would he act. Perhaps he would
be even more emotional than Tang San. Perhaps it was because
of the feeling of crisis that he all along held on to Zhu Zhuqing’s
ice-cold little hand, no matter how Zhu Zhuqing struggled, he
still didn’t let go.

Zhu Zhuqing also hadn’t struggled much, right now, her ice
cold face already couldn’t be seen, occasionally glancing at Dai
Mubai, her entire person clearly somewhat taciturn.


The Titan Giant Ape ran quickly within the forest, he already
seemed completely unhindered by Star Dou Great Forest’s
terrain, whatever the obstacle in front it would not slow down
at all, and also wouldn’t really bump into anything. The

1107 Goldenagato |

enormous body displayed astonishing agility, each time it leapt
it was able to move forward a hundred metres.

Although the quantity and categories of spirit beasts in Star

Dou Great Forest was numerous, each and every one could sense
its smell, without exception retreating three day’s march. Who
would dare obstruct the path of this frightful forest king?

Although Tang San had Oscar’s mushroom sausage’s flying

effect and was able to rely on the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s
flying speed, compared to this Titan Giant Ape he was still too
slow. Furthermore, the Titan Giant Ape didn’t at all advance in
a single direction. Tang San basically would not have a chance
of catching up.

If everyone from Shrek Academy saw the appearance of the

Titan Giant Ape moving forward they would certainly be greatly
shocked. Because, currently Xiao Wu already wasn’t held inside
its giant hand, but sat upright on the Titan Giant Ape’s broad
shoulder, even though the Titan Giant Ape rushed forward
quickly, it was still extremely steady: sitting on his shoulder,
Xiao Wu didn’t even feel a bit of shaking.

Right now Xiao Wu’s face was completely covered by a

worried expression, occasionally glancing in the opposite

1108 Goldenagato |

direction of where the Titan Giant Ape was rushing.

“Er Ming, right here. Don’t continue. I have to hurry back as

fast as possible. Otherwise, they’ll be worried. Er Ming, you
really shouldn’t have come to find me.”

Hearing Xiao Wu’s words, the Titan Giant Ape unexpectedly

miraculously halted. Moreover it lay down, letting Xiao Wu
drop off his shoulder. The big head shook, in the eyes
unexpectedly revealed an innocent expression.

Xiao Wu muttering to herself said:

“Little San was injured. I was taken away, he will definitely be

extremely worried. Little San, you mustn’t by any means be
impulsive, ah, I will return immediately. Er Ming, the next time
you sense my smell you must first watch from a distance, you
must by no means act rashly, otherwise, if by chance you injure
my friends it will be troublesome.”

Xiao Wu today had seen the extremely towering creature, but

she basically couldn’t explain those kinds of circumstances to
the Titan Giant Ape before her, and could only use special
methods to repeatedly tell it not to injure anyone. But she was

1109 Goldenagato |

finally still brought away by the Titan Giant Ape. Even if Xiao
Wu knew it was worried, but, in this situation was still nothing
Xiao Wu wanted to see. Especially Tang San’s injuries gave her
even greater concern.

The Titan Giant Ape seemed to understand Xiao Wu, the

lantern like eyes brilliant, expression exceptionally gentle.

Xiao Wu raised her head to look at the Titan Giant Ape,

“Er Ming, is Da Ming well?”

The Titan Giant Ape nodded.

Xiao Wu said:

“That’s good. I’m afraid my companions are worried, I have

to go back immediately. Since I was brought away by you, I
might as well complete my third spirit ring and not have to look
for an opportunity again next time. I will begin right now. You
stand watch for me. I’m sorry, Er Ming, although i wouldn’t
help them kill spirit beasts, I also can’t prevent them.”

1110 Goldenagato |

The Titan Giant Ape Er Ming shook its head, suddenly
emitting a deep unhappy growl.

Its voice didn’t sound loud, but transmitted no less than a

kilometre, within this range all spirit beasts were terrified,
lightning fast leaving their territory to flee outwards.

Xiao Wu was worried about Tang San’s condition and did not
dare delay longer, directly sitting cross legged in front of Er
Ming. Both hands made graceful pinching hand movements,
right hand palm up, resting flat on her thigh, left hand upright
at her chest, mouth starting to emit a series of bizarre sounds.

Following this bizarre sound, Xiao Wu’s both eyes gradually

became red, two yellow spirit rings quietly appearing,
rhythmically moving up and down around her body.
Simultaneously, an enormous white empty shadow took shape
behind her, unexpectedly exactly the shape of her spirit Jade

Faint red light gradually spread from Xiao Wu’s body, and as
time passed, the red light became more and more intense, the
scarlet light filling the surroundings like blood.

1111 Goldenagato |

The Titan Giant Ape Er Ming lay down next to Xiao Wu,
watching Xiao Wu within the red light, in both enormous eyes
displaying a somewhat longing light.

Time gradually passed, within that intense red light a layer of

purple gradually showed, the purple light like points of starlight
condensing, awesomely gathering in a round ring.

The purple ring lowered, settling over Xiao Wu’s body. When
starting just now, it was still somewhat unable to harmonize
together with the other two rings of light, but as the red light
strengthened, the purple ring also gradually steadied.
Awesomely it was precisely a thousand year spirit ring.

Let alone other people, even if Tang San’s Teacher was here,
that regarding spirit research most profound Grandmaster,
would perhaps still be unable to understand what had just
happened to Xiao Wu, even more unable to understand why she
was able to produce her own spirit ring.

Along with the third spirit ring’s appearance, Xiao Wu’s body
line seemed to have become even more harmonious, the entire
person looking a bit older, whether it was chest or butt, they
still appeared somewhat rounder, female characteristics also
becoming even more perfect.

1112 Goldenagato |

Only the childish nature on her face somewhat lessened.

At the same time, that empty white Jade Rabbit shadow

behind her became much clearer after the third spirit ring


Leaning against the side of a tree, Tang San gasped big

mouthfuls of breath.

Oscar’s flying mushroom sausage only allowed for one minute

of flight, despite Ning Rongrong’s spirit assistance, Tang San
could still only fly less than three kilometres before falling out
of the air.

Throughout the entire flight, Tang San already used his

Purple Demon Eye to the limit, to be able to look for the Titan
Giant Ape’s silhouette.

But, everything turned out contrary to expectations, his most

1113 Goldenagato |

extreme eyesight still would not reveal any trace of the Titan
Giant Ape.

Tang San was not resigned. He truly was not resigned.

Throughout the flight, all kinds of things continuously came
and went flashing through his mind.

The lively Xiao Wu, her mysterious Soft Skill, recognizing

him as her elder brother, following silently, lovable charming
appearance, without exception made Tang San’s heart ache as if
cut by knives.

Tang San had previously never believed that this world had
gods, but right now he hoped, because he prayed to the gods,
prayed Xiao Wu would be able to miraculously survive.

Even though he couldn’t fly further, Tang San still wouldn’t

give up, he staked it all on one direction and advanced at full
strength, hoping to be able to find spider’s thread and horse

The spirit power within his body helped by the Recovery

Sausage gradually recovered, but right now his physical
strength was already somewhat overdrafted, with no choice but

1114 Goldenagato |

to stop a moment and catch his breath.

Although the red in his eyes had declined somewhat, it was

still unable to in the slightest degree ease his serious mood.

‘Xiao Wu, you are definitely alive. Definitely.’ Tang San

continuously told himself this.

Taking a look at the terrain of the surroundings, Tang San sat

down leaning against the big tree, he knew that if he wanted to
continue searching for Xiao Wu, he first had to recover his
strength a bit.

From Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges he pulled out a water

skin, pouring out big mouthfuls, dampening his body and also
preventing sleepiness.

The gasps for breath gradually steadying, Tang San didn’t

dare cultivate, because nobody knew when they might
encounter a spirit beast. He only wanted to wait for his physical
strength to recover a bit before continuing the search.

Suddenly, a burst of unusual sound attracted Tang San’s

1115 Goldenagato |


A rustling sound as if from a person changing clothes, also like

tree leaves rustling. Suddenly alerted, Tang San slowly stood
up, cautiously looking in the direction of the sound.

Immediately after, he saw that sound was the origin of evil.

Black, making Tang San full of loathing, this suddenly

appearing animal was like the previous Titan Giant Ape, its
body also appearing black. However, compared to the Titan
Giant Ape, its body was much smaller. But compared to its own
kind, it was still extraordinarily big.

Appearing before Tang San was a spider, a monstrously big

spider with the diameter of its bulk exceeding one metre fifty,
eight spear-like legs exceeding three metres. Entirely covered by
a glossy black carapace, the tip of the long legs were slender,
and from each step forward noiselessly thrusting into the
ground, it could clearly be seen how sharp they were.

As Tang San discovered it, it seemed to also discover Tang

San, the eight long legs moving rhythmically at great speed,
even leaving behind a string of mirages, in an eyeblink it

1116 Goldenagato |

already arrived before Tang San. The two forelegs lifted in a
flash, directly stinging towards Tang San’s head.

Raising the forelegs, it unavoidably also drove its body to rise

above, just enough to let Tang San see its abdomen. This glance,
let Tang San recognize its kind.

Tang San practically without hesitation dropped to the

ground rolling, getting out of the way of the long legged spider’s
attack, drawing an unexpected breath, he had not expected he
would encounter it in this place.

Under that spider’s belly was a white veined pattern, forming

a clear contrast to its black body, and these vein lines formed
the shape of a fierce looking human face. Altogether eight
flickering faintly bright little eyes sat close together under its
abdomen. However among them two eyes had apparently been
smashed by something, badly mangled and mutilated, even the
carapace under its abdomen had several cracks.

Right now was night, if Tang San didn’t use Purple Demon
Eye, he still truly would have been unable to see these.

Seeing that fierce looking man face, Tang San called to mind

1117 Goldenagato |

the name of this spider before him.

The nightmare of small scale spirit beasts, the eater of living

prey, the target of all spirit beasts’ hatred, the terrifyingly evil

These names were all used to describe this long legged spider
before him. It was known as the Man Faced Demon Spider.
Among spirit beasts, it was categorized as a terrifying existence.
Of course, compared to the Titan Giant Ape, it clearly wasn’t on
the same level. But, this kind of Man Faced Demon Spider was
an organism even feared by spirit beasts.

It possessed a solid carapace, a strange incomparable speed,

eight long legs possessing powerful piercing power and
additionally extreme poison, but most dreadful was its spider

Common spiders all formed their webs by spinning it, but it

was different, its spiderweb was directly spit out. Not only was
it extremely sticky, moreover it was incomparably durable, in
addition to its terrifying neurological venom. A spirit beast like
Tang San’s first spirit ring Datura Snake, facing this Man Faced
Demon Spider before him could only be reduced to food,
nothing more.

1118 Goldenagato |

At the same time, this Man Faced Demon Spider was also one
of the top goals Grandmaster had directed Tang San for his
third spirit ring. Grandmaster once told him, Man Faced Demon
Spider was the most difficult to obtain, and he must not by any
means try to look for it. Because meeting a Man Faced Demon
Spider, even if he had the assistance of formidably strong Spirit
Masters at his side to subdue it, he would still very easily meet

The Man Faced Demon Spider did not only spit out its spider
web in an eyeblink, but was also able to cover an area ten times
itself, practically impossible to dodge. Even if it was trapped by
formidable Spirit Masters, it still required time to be able to
struggle free. But this time was enough for it to be very

Tang San hadn’t expected to encounter a Man Faced Demon

Spider under circumstances like these. From looking at its
figure, it clearly exceeded thousand years of cultivation. The
Man Faced Demon Spider could spit its web three times in one
day. Generally speaking, on seeing prey its first action would be
to spit its web. But, right now it was relying on its long legs to
attack. In addition to the injuries on its abdomen, this let Tang
San think of a possibility: this Man Faced Demon Spider had
already used up its spider web for today.

1119 Goldenagato |

Confronting a normal condition Man Faced Demon Spider,
Tang San knew he didn’t have any chance, but if it was an
injured Man Faced Demon Spider, that wasn’t so certain. After
all, he clearly understood the Man Faced Demon Spider’s weak
points, precisely its eight eyes. How could it still possibly
compare to that previous forest king. If he was able to kill the
Man Faced Demon Spider before him, and absorb its spirit ring,
then, he could practically be certain that his body’s condition
would immediately be able to recover to its peak degree,
strength would also increase somewhat, and looking for Xiao
Wu would naturally also become a bit easier.

These thoughts flashed through Tang San’s mind. As he

flipped over to stand, Blue Silver Grass Binding ability already
launched, countless long and thick blades of grass abruptly
twined around the Man Faced Demon Spider’s body.

Tang San knew that relying on the Man Faced Demon Spider’s
physical strength, cutting open his Blue Silver Grass Binding
was not at all a problem. The additional poison on Blue Silver
Grass basically had no effect on it, as it had its own highly
poisonous nature. The Man Faced Demon Spider apart from
neurotoxin also had corrosive poison, the reason why it was so
tyrannical. These were all things Tang San wished to have in his
Blue Silver Grass. Therefore, obtaining this spirit ring was
extremely important to him.

1120 Goldenagato |

Turning over and up, in Tang San’s left hand were already
many black boxes, his right hand lightning quick moved to and
fro above the black boxes, issuing a succession of mechanical

The Man Faced Demon Spider was still faster than Tang San
imagined, Blue Silver Grass’ restriction clearly made it angry, a
faint layer of purple gloss spread from its body, the Blue Silver
Grass adhering to its body unexpectedly melting away. In other
words, it was corrosive.

As Blue Silver Grass corroded a certain degree, the Man Faced

Demon Spider threw it off completely unhindered, once again
dashing in Tang San’s direction, this time, its four front limbs
were already raised, clearly it was about to deal Tang San a sure
kill attack.

Tang San looked extremely cool-headed at the Man Faced

Demon Spider, right hand lightning quick stroking from his
waist, ten white lights shooting out simultaneously, going
straight for the eyes on the Man Faced Demon Spider’s

As expected, the Man Faced Demon Spider was extremely

1121 Goldenagato |

protective of its vitals, in addition to already having two eyes
suffer injuries, unable to attack Tang San, extremely quickly it
crawled on the ground, the hidden weapons striking the
carapace on its body, emitting a series of sparks. But at this
moment, Tang San also completed the black box mechanisms in
his hand.

Tang San could now be completely certain, this Man Faced

Demon Spider confronting him had already spit out the
spiderweb it could use today. A thousand year Man Faced
Demon Spider was able to use spiderweb three times per day,
only if it reached the ten thousand year cultivation level would
this number increase. Adding the injuries it had already
suffered, Tang San could be even more certain in his conjecture.
Otherwise, with the Man Faced Demon Spider’s ruthless
personality, it would have been sure already to spit out
spiderweb when confronted by his provocation, and not use its
long legs to attack like right now.

The Man Faced Demon Spider was already thoroughly

infuriated by Tang San. After resisting the hidden weapons, the
purple shine that previously corroded the Blue Silver Grass
appeared once again, before it had even approached, already a
smell stinging the nose came through making people feel

1122 Goldenagato |

But right now Tang San didn’t withdraw again, watching the
lightning fast eight long legs shoot up, as the Demon Faced
Spider pounced, he on the contrary went to meet it.

That in his hand already completely set up black box

mechanism moved to his right hand, a black light flickering in
his left hand, a decorated with an odd pattern black little
Hammer quietly appeared in his grasp. Confronted with a life or
death crisis, Tang San finally took out his second spirit.

Even though this second spirit did not have any additional
spiri abilities, but, as Tang San’s spirit power increased, its
weight also continuously increased, the Hammer itself did not
appear to change much, but this little Hammer’s weight had by
now already reached a terrifying five hundred jin.

Tang San knew that he only had one chance, with his current
physical strength, in speed it was absolutely impossible to
compare to the Man Faced Demon Spider, consequently escape
was impossible.

But directly using hidden weapons to attack, with the Man

Faced Demon Spider’s alertness it was still very difficult for him
to cause any true injuries.

1123 Goldenagato |

After all, even if it was armor splitting type hidden weapons
they still required the support of profound internal strength,
and although Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill already had
some progress, the word ‘profound’ was still far away.

Black light pulsing, Tang San dashing forward suddenly came

to a complete stop, but the Man Faced Demon Spider’s four
forelegs had already lifted, this time, its speed was even faster,
on the long legs all adhered that purple gloss brimming with
corrosion, adding to its consciousness paralysing poison, let
alone being struck directly, even if it was a small infection, it
was sufficient to be fatal to Tang San.

As the wicked butcher, the Man Faced Demon Spider used this
kind of method to devour unknown numbers of spirit beasts
and Spirit Masters who penetrated deep into the Star Dou Great
Forest. The remaining six little eyes under its abdomen right
now already gleamed with faint light.

Just as those four three metre long legs, just like steel tipped
pikes abruptly flashed, Tang San moved.

Moving his left hand, Tang San had by now condensed his
entire thirtieth ranked spirit power into his left hand, in a
moment the spirit power poured into that black little Hammer.

1124 Goldenagato |

Between eyeblinks, that black little Hammer in his hand
swelled to twice its size, the decorative designs on the surface
suddenly becoming clear, twinkling with faint blue light.

Swinging his left hand with full strength, that little Hammer
whistled out, smashing straight at the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s torso.

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s chest was armored and it was
the most solid place on it’s entire body. Confronting Tang San’s
sudden attack, it habitually did not block.

Spirit Masters were able to sense within a certain range the

intensity of a spirit beast’s actual strength, and spirit beasts
were equally capable of sensing a Spirit Master’s strength.
Originally this Man Faced Demon Spider’s strength was far
above Tang San’s, only because of suffering injuries was it not
so terrifying. But it was still able to determine that Tang San’s
strength wasn’t equal to its own, and that his attack naturally
wouldn’t be able to cause any harm to its most powerful

Consequently, the Man Faced Demon Spider did not take any

1125 Goldenagato |

action against that Hammer flying towards its chest, the eight
long legs still pierced straight down, about to dispose of Tang
San and have him as its food. Spirit Masters with spirit power
and spirit rings, to spirit beasts, were great supplementary food,
able to increase cultivation by many years.

Unfortunately, this time the Man Faced Demon Spider

miscalculated. After all it didn’t possess the wisdom of higher
level spirit beasts, how could its mind still compare to a

With a dull peng sound, the Man Faced Demon Spider’s

downward pouncing body reversed up, its upper body smashed
up into the air.

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s judgement was correct, even

though that Hammer aggregated Tang San’s full spirit power,
the Hammer’s own weight reaching a frightful five hundred jin,
but, it was still unable to break open its chest armor. The
carapace was intact.

But, the power of this Hammer truly was too great, the black
little hammer infused with Tang San’s entire spirit power, the
weight of this hit carried a thousand jin. Although it was unable
to truly injure the Man Faced Demon Spider, it still managed to

1126 Goldenagato |

smash its body back up.

This strike, was originally the last spirit ability Tang San and
Xiao Wu together suffered when they faced the Tie brothers in
Spirit Arena ring. At that time the Tie brothers used this All In
One Throw to injure Tang San. Pondering about the painful
experience, Tang San carefully reflected on this All In One
Throw technique. He recalled, he also had the Hammer,
although it didn’t have additional spirit rings, couldn’t it use
this move? Although he was unable to like the Tie brothers’
spirit ability give the Hammer a pursuing capability, he still had
hidden weapon techniques, and regarding precision, in no way
would he be inferior to the Tie Brothers’ All in One Throw.

The weight of Tang San’s Hammer already reached a frightful

five hundred jin on its own, even if it didn’t absorb his whole
spirit power, when thrown it was already absolutely a powerful
hidden weapon. Consequently, Tang San since that time had
already practiced it several times. Although this black Hammer
was heavy, he also wasn’t a child who had just awakened his
spirit power. Within ten metres, he could completely control
the Hammer’s precision.

Right now, at this most critical moment using this move,

although exhausting Tang San’s entire spirit power, it already
gave the effect he anticipated.

1127 Goldenagato |

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s upper body smashed up,
automatically revealing its lower abdomen. That white veined
pattern like a fierce evil man’s face momentarily enlarged
before Tang San, those six still open faintly purple eyes
brimming with dense cold and terrible light.

On Tang San’s composed face was not a ripple, he raised his

right hand straight up.

What was the strongest advantage to mechanism type hidden

weapons? That was not needing to rely on any internal strength
support to be able to generate their powerful killing power.

In Tang San’s previous life, an unskilled martial artist once

took Tang Sect’s first rate mechanism type hidden weapon
Torrential Rain Pear Blossom Needle to easily kill a peak expert.
This was Tang Sect’s strongest area. Right now in Tang Sans
hand this seemingly unremarkable, only one chi long black box,
would use this power on the Man Faced Demon Spider
confronting him.

Gabeng, gabeng, gabeng, a series of mechanical cracks echoed

from Tang San’s right hand. Lines of jet black shadow shot out
together . Tang San’s wrist rocked slightly, partly to dissipate

1128 Goldenagato |

the jolting force from the black box, partly to maintain
accuracy. With his skill, in such close range, how could he
possibly lose precision?

One must know, the majority of mechanism type hidden

weapons Tang San made used noiseless mechanisms, such
capability could even easier injure the enemy. But for what
reason did the black box mechanism in his hand still make these

Of course the issue wasn’t Tang San’s crafting skill, that could
prove only one thing, in order to pursue the might of this black
box, Tang San gave up on noiseless mechanisms to make this
mechanism type hidden weapon display its most terrifying

Altogether sixteen shadows flew out, under Tang San’s precise

control, the sixteen shadows did not let even the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s already injured two eyes escape, each eye was
pierced by two shadows, between eyeblinks completely
disappearing inside the Man Faced Demon Spider’s body.

Although the Man Faced Demon Spider’s eyes were its weak
points, they also weren’t without protection, on the surface of
the eyes was a transparent protective layer whose defensive

1129 Goldenagato |

power was also considered pretty good.

But, before the shadows that spit out from the black box in
Tang San’s hand, this defensive layer was unexpectedly like rice
paper. Without having even the slightest effect, it was clearly
seen just how powerful the piercing power of these shadows

When previously confronting the Titan Giant Ape, Tang San

did consider using this hidden weapon, but the situation at that
time changed too rapidly, leaving him without the opportunity
to use this hidden weapon. Although this hidden weapon’s
might as great, because the mechanism’s launching power was
too excessive, as a result each time it was used it had to be
prepared on the spot, otherwise, over time the taut mechanism
would be damaged.

Consequently, when facing the Titan Giant Ape Tang San

didn’t use it, right now confronting the Man Faced Demon
Spider, Tang San finally took out this most overbearingly large
caliber weapon among all his hidden weapons.

That one chi or more little black box did not look it, but its
weight already exceeded thirty jin.

1130 Goldenagato |

Right hand finished shooting, Tang San without hesitation
made his next move. Swiftly leaping back, directly into a roll,
his body moving away ten metres or more.


An ear piercingly sharp sound mournfully cry called out, in

the dark sounding especially clear.

The next moment after those sixteen shadows entered the

body of the Man Faced Demon Spider, that black carapace
covering its body abruptly stiffened at once, immediately
afterward, the whole body abruptly flipped over, violently
raging on the ground.

This way, the nearby plants at once toppled like so much large
fungi, what is called ‘a centipede dies but never falls down’,
although this Man Faced Demon Spider didn’t have a hundred
feet, its vitality was still extremely tenacious.

Those sixteen shadows that shot into its eight eyes already
completely entered within its head, but unexpectedly not even
this kind of injury could let it die on the spot.

1131 Goldenagato |

Purple light and blue liquid, in addition to its sturdy body,
twisted and raged madly on the ground.

Weak plants were corroded in a moment, even bulky trees

were shattered when struck by it. Within ten square metres was
a complete mess, already without any kind of plant that could
stay intact.

After Tang San rolled away ten metres he didn’t stop,

resisting the weak feeling in his body he quickly withdrew from
the attack range of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

He knew, if this Man Faced Demon Spider hadn’t already

suffered fatal injuries, then, even if it couldn’t see, it could still
rely on his scent to find his location.

At last he felt he was safe, Tang San’s both legs softened, no

longer able to resist, fell down on his butt on the spot, gasping
big mouthfuls of breath. Even the black box in his hand he
already held somewhat unsteadily.

The flying Hammer without the support of his spirit power

had already automatically disappeared, that Hammer
completely emptied Tang San’s spirit power, right now he had

1132 Goldenagato |

completely exhausted both his spirit power and physical
strength. If it wasn’t for the idea of searching for Xiao Wu
supporting his body, perhaps he would already have passed out.

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s churning became smaller and

smaller, the carapace all over its body covered with that blue
and purple sheen, purple black liquid continuously flowed from
the cuts in its eight eyes, soon it was no longer alive.

Tang San knew before setting about the task, even if he used
this black box in his hand to shoot the Man Faced Demon
Spider, he might not be able to penetrate its carapace armor, but
if it was only shooting at its weak points, at the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s eyes the defense couldn’t do like the Titan
Giant Ape and close its eyes.

Relying on a hidden weapon expert’s cool head and his own

made superior quality hidden weapons, he at last could be
considered having survived this crisis.

As the Man Faced Demon Spider’s life gradually faded, points

of blue purple light began to condense above it, making it
possible to absorb its spirit ring.

1133 Goldenagato |

After a thousand year spirit beast died, the spirit ring could be
maintained for one double hour, as long as it was within one
double hour it could be absorbed.

Tang San was in no hurry to absorb the Man Faced Demon

Spider’s spirit ring, right now his body’s condition truly was too
lacking, he was unable to determine this Man Faced Demon
Spider’s precise cultivation age, but could be certain it definitely
exceeded a thousand years.

Spirit beasts’ spirit rings also had many differences, the

thousand Year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent Oscar previously
absorbed, belonged to a comparatively gentle kind of spirit

Absorbing its spirit ring naturally also wasn’t difficult.

But this Man Faced Demon Spider before him was different,
among spirit beasts it was definitely a vicious and ruthless
existence, with regard to this, although its spirit ring was able to
grant even greater amplification effects, the process of
absorbing it was also more dangerous.

In order to support it a Spirit Master had to endure the shock

1134 Goldenagato |

of this kind of ruthless energy, when the body or will was
unable to persevere, it was very possible to cause a fatal
backlash effect.

Idiom: Give way in the face of superior strength.

(二明) “Second Bright”

(大明) “Big Bright”

Idiom: Tiny hints, clues.

(邪恶杀戮者) “Butcher” is an approximation, more literally it

would be “Evil/Wicked Massacreist/Slaughterer”.

500斤 = 250kg

1000斤 = 500 kg


1135 Goldenagato |

30斤 = 15kg

1136 Goldenagato |

Chapter 33 - Meng Yiran Also Uses Hidden

Although Tang San was impatient to save Xiao Wu, he still

hasn’t lost his mind. He knew, he needed to recover to a certain
degree before he could absorb the spirit ring in front of him.

Now, he has no time to care about any possible danger

anymore. Sitting there, he breathed heavily, getting a bit of
much needed rest, then cultivated to recover some spirit power.

At this moment, the thing Tang San worried about the most
happened. As the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring slowly
appeared above its corpse, three unexpected guests flashed out
of the forest.

Though it wasn’t the most dangerous case, a strong spirit

beast, but when Tang San saw the three people, he couldn’t help
but feel his heart sink.

Of the three spirit masters, Tang San recognized two of them.

These two were the people that just left not long ago, Serpent
Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang and the beautiful young girl
Meng Yiran.

1137 Goldenagato |

And beside them stood a third person, a tall and skinny elder.
The elder looked at least over seventy, with a head of silver hair
just like Chao Tian-Xiang. In his hand was a light silver Dragon
Headed Staff over four meters long. The dragon head of the staff
was lifelike, appearing extravagant and intricate. A face covered
with wrinkles showed his age. On him was unbelievably eight
spirit rings oscillating up and down slowly.

Two yellow, three purple, three black. Although judging by

quality, he only had one thousand year spirit ring advantage on
Zhao Wuji, he had eight spirit rings. This meant he was a rank
eighty and above Spirit Douluo. No need to ask, Tang San knew
who this person was. He was Serpent Grandmother’s husband,
Meng Yiran’s Grandfather, Dragon Duke Meng Shu.

The entire family of three was finally together. Dragon Duke

didn’t even need to release his spirit power. Merely with the
eight spirit rings, Tang San felt like he couldn’t breath.

Even if Zhao Wuji and everyone else were all there, they
would still be at an absolute disadvantage.

The Unrivalled Dragon Serpent family didn’t notice the

1138 Goldenagato |

cultivating Tang San at first. Their attention fell onto the dead
Man Faced Demon Spider first, and instantly their faces became

Meng Yiran even shouted out loud,

“No, how is it like this. Why, why? Who? Who killed my

demon spider?”

Meng Yiran had changed into a tight green outfit and looked
heroic, but Tang San wasn’t in the mood to appreciate that.
Hearing Meng Yiran, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly in the
dark. How could coincidences be that untimely.

Some things might not happen in your entire life, but when
fate decides to play with you, it can happen twice in a short
period of time.

Of course, Tang San wouldn’t hope that the family couldn’t

find him. With the Dragon Duke’s spirit power, he only needed
to slightly pay attention to hear Tang San’s breathing, or even
heartbeat. Running was definitely not an option, and Tang San
didn’t plan to run either. Real men dare to admit what they do.

1139 Goldenagato |

“I killed it.”

This moment, his stamina had recovered slightly. Holding the

tree beside him, he managed to stand up.

Tang San’s voice instantly attracted the Unrivalled Dragon

Serpent family. Meng Yiran saw the unkempt Tang San. At first
she didn’t recognize him, but then tears started circling in her

“You………...again it’s you.”

Tang San smiled wryly:

“I don’t know why coincidences like this happen, but this

time it truly is me again. Was this Man Faced Demon Spider
your prey as well?”

Meng Yiran still stared at Tang San, her entire face growing
bright red, obviously angry to the extreme.

Seeing Tang San, Serpent Grandmother also frowned,

1140 Goldenagato |

whispering something into the Dragon Duke’s ears. Right after,
Tang San saw the Dragon Duke’s eyes.

Dragon Duke appeared to be old, but his eyes were

unbelievably bright. Tang San had never seen such bright eyes.

From where he was standing to where the Dragon Duke was,

there was at least thirty meters, but the Dragon Duke made him
feel like they were but cun apart.

“You are Tang San?”

Dragon Duke Meng Shu said coldly. His voice sounded very
clear, not a bit like an old man.

Tang San nodded.

“Then do you know, to kill this Man Faced Demon Spider,

we’ve already been chasing for an entire day. If not for its
annoying spider webs, it would’ve already become Yiran’s spirit
ring. Man Faced Demon Spiders are very scarce, because it isn’t
welcomed by any other spirit beast. Even in this Star Dou Great
Forest, it is rarely seen, a lot more valuable than a Phoenix Tail

1141 Goldenagato |

Crest Serpent.”

Tang San’s face had lost all its color, but he didn’t show any
sign of fear. He indifferently said, “I know everything you said.
But, I had to defend myself. If a Man Faced Demon Spider
suddenly appeared in front of me, are you saying I should stand
still and let it kill me?”

Meng Shu frowned,

“You are saying, you killed this Man Faced Demon Spider by

Tang San nodded.

Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother looked at each other,

both seeing the astonishment in each other’s eyes. Even though
the Man Faced Demon Spider isn’t an overly powerful spirit
beast, in the thousand year category, it’s attack power is
definitely ranked very high.

Though it didn’t have its spider webs, with its attack and
defense capabilities, it still was slain by the twelve year old in

1142 Goldenagato |

front of them. How this happened was truly beyond the old

Serpent Grandmother’s impression of Tang San was already

high, but she couldn’t help but to raise her impression even
more. Before, when Meng Yiran lost to Tang San, she didn’t
think much about it. But now she realized, her grand daughter
really wasn’t this child’s worthy enemy.

Dragon Duke Meng Shu’s Dragon Headed Staff flicked

upwards, a stream of white spirit power thrown out of the butt
of the staff, flipping over the Man Faced Demon Spider.

He saw the damaged eyes immediately, and couldn’t help but

nod in his mind.

Though he didn’t know how Tang San did it, from the fact
that Tang San could attack this Man Faced Demon Spider’s
weakness, he could tell the child’s ability to remain calm in
front of strong enemies. Looking at Tang San again, Meng Shu
couldn’t help but show some of his admiration.

“Grandfather, you have to stand on my side on this!”

1143 Goldenagato |

Meng Yiran was only sixteen years old after all. Seeing
another strong spirit ring stolen, especially by the same person,
how could she possibly keep her anger in?

Meng Shu patted his granddaughter on her head, gesturing

her to not worry. Looking up at Tang San, he said:

“Tang San, I’ll give you two choices. I, Dragon Duke Meng
Shu, have been going around the Spirit Master world for a long
time, and I’m not unreasonable. Against a Man Faced Demon
Spider, anyone has to protect themselves, so killing it is within
reason. But, the two times you stopped my granddaughter from
getting a spirit ring isn’t going to be over just like that.”

Tang San was trying hard to recover his stamina and spirit
power, while lightly fiddling with the chi long black box in his

This black box wasn’t only fireable once. In the entire box
were forty-eight arrows, so it could ve fired three times, but
every time you need to reattach the elastics. In Tang San’s
previous life, this unnoticeable black box was very famous. It
had a name that everyone knew well ----Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

1144 Goldenagato |

The rectangular black box had sixteen holes on one side, and
it could simultaneously shoot out sixteen crossbow arrows with
no tails. Within fifty meters, it could strike through gold and
rock, extremely potent.

In the past, Tang Sect once displeased another clan. When

they sent people to their clan to fight, not even the inner sect
students came out.

With only a hundred outer sect students each holding a Godly

Zhuge Crossbow, they easily slaughtered all the enemies,
leaving no one alive. After that, the name of the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow became widespread.

Among all mechanism type hidden weapons, other than the

top Buddha Fury Tang Lotus,Torrential Rain Pear Blossom
Needle, Peacock Tail Feathers and other rare ones, the Godly
Zhuge Crossbow in Tang San’s hand was the strongest.

Tang San of course knew, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow was not
enough to be a threat to the Dragon Duke or the Serpent
Grandmother, but it wasn’t something that Meng Yiran could
block. He already thought everything through. If they wanted
to push him too much, he could always use this hidden weapon
to bring someone down with him.

1145 Goldenagato |

“What are the two choices you give me, elders?”

Tang San asked indifferently.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hands was almost ready. He

only had to lengthen the conversation a moment longer before
he could have the chance to fight before he dies.

Not to say, he still had a lot of other hidden weapons on him.

If they wanted to kill him, it wouldn't be easy.

Meng Shu said:

“My choices for you are very simple. First choice, you join our
family and become one of our family members. As you will be
our family, the fact that you stopped Yiran from getting a spirit
ring, and wasting this precious Man Faced Demon Spider’s
spirit ring will be forgiven.”

Joining the family? It sounded simple, but if he really joined,

then it would be a lifetime commitment. For any Spirit Master,

1146 Goldenagato |

the moment they join a family, they could never betray them.
They had to become a part of the family.

Everything you do after that in your life will be restricted by

that family.

Of course, spirit masters that join big families were treated

very well.

There were exceptions of course, but the precondition was

that you had to be powerful to a certain degree. With Tang
San’s current situation, If he joined a family, then he would
forever be only a person of that family. Meng Shu fancied Tang
San’s talent. Prodigies such as Tang San were very rare.

Tang San shook his head,

“Sorry, elder. I’m used to being free, I don’t like being

restricted. And there is one part of what you said that was
mistaken. Though the Man Faced Demon Spider was killed by
me, it’s spirit ring won’t be wasted. If not for you appearing, I
might have already started to absorb the ring.”

1147 Goldenagato |


Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang cried out in alarm,

her gaze at Tang San immediately becoming strange. At the
same time quietly using her hand to touch her husband once.

Unrivalled Dragon Serpent had been together for several

decades, Meng Shu naturally understood his wife’s meaning.

“Tang San, surely you also understand, if it is without my

approval, it will be impossible for you to absorb this Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spirit ring.”

Meng Shu spoke indifferently. Although his tone didn’t vary

much, the vaguely revealed killing intent still greatly increased
the pressure on Tang San.

Tang San said:

“If it is like that, this Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring
truly will have been wasted.”

1148 Goldenagato |

Meng Shu said:

“To us, such a good spirit ring, even if it’s wasted, we still
wouldn’t easily give it to an outsider to absorb, in this Spirit
Master realm, this in itself is already a kind of unwritten rule. If
you join my clan, I will not only let you absorb this spirit ring,
but can still protect you. How about it?”

With the Dragon Duke’s position, twice inviting Tang San in

succession, could already be considered good natured, he and
Serpent Grandmother really were taken with Tang San’s talent.
After all this child was now still young, his future prospects
would basically be immeasurable.

Tang San suddenly spoke up:

“Having me join your family still isn’t impossible. But, you

must promise me one thing.”

Meng Shu’s brows creased,

“What conditions are you qualified to put to us right now?”

1149 Goldenagato |

Chao Tian-Xiang again touched her husband once, scrambling
to say:

“What condition, say it.”

In Tang San’s eyes showed a sad expression,

“Previously we came across a formidable spirit beast, it

snatched my companion. If the two seniors are able to help me
retrieve my companion, I promise to join your clan. If my friend
is dead, then I ask the two seniors to help me take revenge.”

“Only killing a spirit beast?”

Meng Shu somewhat surprised looked at Tang San.

Chao Tian-Xiang’s mind was a bit more careful than her


“Was Zhao Wuji not together with you? Don’t tell me that he
also was unable to stop that spirit beast?”

1150 Goldenagato |

Tang San nodded.

Meng Shu snorted disdainfully,

“Zhao Wuji being unable to defeat it doesn’t mean I also won’t

be able to. Let alone us together, in this Star Dou Great Forest,
are there any kinds of spirit beasts able to contend with us?
Tang San, what kind of spirit beast was that?”

Tang San eagerly said:

“It’s a Titan Giant Ape. It’s roughly over the ten thousand
year level.”

Meng Shu was the highest level Spirit Master he had ever met,
if he agreed to act in saving Xiao Wu, then naturally it would be
much easier than him saving Xiao Wu. How could Tang San
agree to let an opportunity like this slip by.

But, when the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband and wife

heard the three words ‘Titan Giant Ape’, the two

1151 Goldenagato |

simultaneously stiffened at once.

The strong disdain in Meng Shu’s eyes faded away. With a

somewhat awkward expression, Chao Tian-Xiang frowned even
greater, shaking her head with a sigh, her words making Tang
San extremely disappointed,

“That’s impossible for us.”

“With the two seniors’ strength, don’t tell me it’s still

impossible to deal with that Titan Giant Ape?”

Tang San eagerly said.

Meng Shu snapped:

“What do you understand, the Titan Giant Ape is a different

kind of ancient, great strength, let alone us, even a Title Douluo
wouldn’t dare speak of obtaining victory. Furthermore,
according to what I know, in this Star Dou Great Forest there is
only one Titan Giant Ape. Its cultivation age can’t be as simple
as ten thousand years, until this day it has at least surpassed
sixty thousand years cultivation. It’s truly the overlord of this

1152 Goldenagato |

forest. Moreover, the Titan Giant Ape still has an even more
terrifying elder brother. Unless it was the Title Douluo of both
Great Empires assembled here, otherwise, who would dare
speak of killing them?”

Chao Tian-Xiang said towards Meng Shu,

“Old codger, we must also leave immediately. Didn’t expect a

Titan Giant Ape to appear in the outskirts now. This could not
be a good omen. However, it would appear its mood isn’t bad,
without even massacring Spirit Masters. Otherwise, Tang San
this kid also could not stand alive before us.”

The Unrivalled Dragon Serpent clearly understood this Star

Dou Great Forest even more than Zhao Wuji, Tang San also
knew with his status it was basically impossible to cheat them.
But, Meng Shu’s words also made him approach despair.

His estimation of the Titan Giant Ape was very high, but
hearing what Meng Shu knew, his estimation was still
insufficient. That Titan Giant Ape compared to his imagination
was even more formidable. Furthermore unexpectedly still had
a compared to it still more difficult to deal with brother,
requiring all the Title Douluo to have the capability to kill them.
How this couldn’t be equivalent to giving Xiao Wu a death

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sentence, right now Tang San didn’t understand why such a
formidable spirit beast would unexpectedly appear in the
outskirts of Star Dou Great Forest.

Regarding him being unable to deal with the Titan Giant Ape,
Dragon Duke Meng Shu seemed somewhat resentful,

“Kid, don’t you blame the Titan Giant Ape to make fun of me.
I don’t have the time to waste with you. If you join my family, I
will help you absorb this spirit ring. Otherwise, you can only
pick the second option, leave behind one arm as compensation
for my granddaughter and you can leave.”

Tang San sobered from his despondency, raising his head

towards the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband and wife, he
deeply knew, the difference between him and the other side was
really too far, even without speaking of the other side’s
seniority. But at this very moment, in his heart stubbornness
had already risen, he was also unwilling to compromise at this

Slowly raising the Zhuge Soul Crossbow,

“Since you can’t help me accomplish my wish of returning

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Xiao Wu, I naturally also can’t join your clan. If you want my
arm, you come and take it.”

Although his spirit power hadn’t recovered, Tang San had

already regained a bit of physical strength. At least launching a
mechanism type hidden weapon was no problem.

Meng Shu didn’t expect a minor Spirit Grandmaster to dare

disobey him, the Dragon head Cane in his hand stomped on the
ground, issuing a rumble like an earthquake, if Tang San wasn’t
leaning his back against a tree, perhaps he would directly have
collapsed from the powerful spirit power.

“Since you want to die, I will let you accomplish it.”

Meng Shu’s eyes were filled with killing intent, since such a
talented youngster couldn’t be useful to him, then, it also
wasn’t necessary for him to stay in this world.

At the moment Dragon Duke prepared to launch his attack,

suddenly, a deep hoarse voice echoed,

“Senior Dragon Duke, do not be too strict.”

1155 Goldenagato |

A line of silhouettes quickly arrived, in the lead, was precisely
Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji, behind Zhao Wuji, the Shrek
students swiftly arrived, each and every one appeared
somewhat tired. In order to look for Tang San’s trail, they had
all along not rested.

Previously the Man Faced Demon Spider’s strict cry which

had drawn the pursuing Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband
and wife in the vicinity, also gave them a direction. But because
they were too far away, the couldn’t directly find it. Dragon
Duke’s cane striking the ground finally once again showed them
the way, and Zhao Wuji brought the group to swiftly rush over.

Seeing his comrades arrive, Tang San’s mind immediately

relaxed somewhat, body in a moment almost falling.
Fortunately Dai Mubai swiftly reached his side and supported
him, just enough to keep him from falling.

In the fight with the Titan Giant Ape Tang San’s injuries had
not been light, although he had eaten a Recovery Sausage, he
still had not healed completely, adding the consumption of the
rushed journey, as well as the battle of wits and bravery when
dealing with the Man Faced Demon Spider, one could say his
spirit power and physical strength were completely drained. If

1156 Goldenagato |

he wasn’t for the support of his willpower, he might have
collapsed long ago.

Oscar also hastily ran over, directly handing Tang San two
fresh sausages to eat.

The Recovery Sausages’ warmth diffusing in chest and

stomach, Tang San immediately felt much more comfortable.
Along with Oscar advancing to the Spirit Elder realm, the effect
of his Recovery Sausage also improved somewhat, although
with two in his stomach spirit power recovery did not stack,
regarding physical strength recovery the support would
nevertheless be much greater than with one.

On seeing Zhao Wuji appear, Dragon Duke Meng Shu’s facial

expression did not alter at all, the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent
husband and wife pair were both there, naturally would not fear
Zhao Wuji alone.

Seeing the Dragon Head Cane in Meng Shu’s hand, Zhao Wuji
was also secretly grumbling, especially those eight spirit rings,
had a great shocking effect to him. Before he already used Spirit
Avatar once, right now he only had fifty percent of his peak
condition. Let alone Meng Shu, even if it was just Serpent
Grandmother Xhao Tian-Xiang he still wouldn’t be able to

1157 Goldenagato |

handle her.

“This must be senior Dragon Duke, it is an honor to junior

generation Zhao Wuji to meet you.”

What is called ‘an outstretched hand will not strike a smiling

face’, Meng Shu glanced at Zhao Wuji,

“Motionless Bright King, there is no need to stand on

ceremony. Do you not teach your disciple, nobody bullies our
Meng family? Not content with the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent,
your disciple also killed my granddaughter’s prey the Man Faced
Demon Spider, shouldn’t you give me an explanation?”

Zhao Wuji said:

“Senior, I see there has been a misunderstanding.

Furthermore, although I am these children’s teacher, Tang San
can’t be considered my disciple, his master is someone else, I
dare not take credit.”


1158 Goldenagato |

Meng Shu looked blank a moment, in his heart secretly
trembling. Thinking to himself, ‘that youngster called Tang
San’s strength is this astonishing, then wouldn’t his master

Zhao Wuji was somewhat shrewd, immediately saw the

hesitant expression on Meng Shu’s face, quickly saying:

“Dragon Duke senior, is it possible to speak a step away?”

Meng Shu’s brows knitted minutely, but still nodded once,

right now he held the overwhelming advantage, naturally he
wouldn’t fear any plot of Zhao Wuji’s. The Dragon Head Cane
poked the ground, already carried him twenty metres distant.

Zhao Wuji hurriedly followed, saying something to Dragon

Duke in a low voice.

Just in the beginning Meng Shu’s face displayed an extremely

astonished expression, gradually, his complexion looked
somewhat unsightly.

1159 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji’s expression on the contrary was very serene and
polite, in a moment, the two had already finished their

Meng Shu walked back to his wife and granddaughter, saying

several sentences to Serpent Grandmother in a low voice,
Serpent Grandmother showed an equally astonished expression,
as the old husband and wife pair’s gazes once again shifted to
Tang San they already became somewhat different. But all this,
naturally also fell into Tang San’s eyes.

What did teacher Zhao say to them? Did he tell them he was
Grandmaster’s disciple? But, although Grandmaster was very
knowledgeable about spirits, his own power wasn’t outstanding,
seemingly insufficient to cow the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent.

As expected, Meng Shu said:

“So he’s Grandmaster’s disciple. Didn’t expect that

Grandmaster’s theory finally has a chance to come true. Today
on account of Grandmaster, I will let you go once. However,
remember kid, if something similar happens again, I won’t care
who your master is. We’re leaving.”

1160 Goldenagato |

Finished speaking, he turned about to leave.


Meng Yiran looked at her grandpa and grandma about to

leave, immediately worried.

“Grandpa, twice he robbed my spirit beasts, will you let this


Meng Shu somewhat helplessly looked at his granddaughter,


“Then what do you still want? Grandpa is so old, we can’t

have the old take unfair advantage of the young. Better let it

Meng Yiran obstinately looked at her grandpa,

“No, I can’t let it be like this. If I can’t have it, then I

absolutely can’t let him have it. Since you’re unwilling to act on
my behalf, then I’ll do it myself. Tang San, if you are a man,

1161 Goldenagato |

have another contest with me.”

Tang San frowned,

“You still want to compete with me? Have you forgotten you
lost to me once already?”

Oscar’s sausage was indeed special, in a short time, Tang San’s

spirit power already recovered to three tenths, his physical
strength had returned even more substantially, his complexion
already became much better looking. Meng Yiran nodded

“Yes, I must fight you again. Don’t think because you won last
time you can beat me again. I also won’t take advantage of your
currently lacking spirit power. We’ll fight in another way.
You’ve twice robbed me of spirit beasts, so this contest’s
contents should be my decision.

Tang San drew a deep breath. Feeling his internal condition

had already greatly improved, he unhurriedly strolled forward,

“What is the bet?”

1162 Goldenagato |

If it was only Meng Yiran, he had enormous certainty,
although his spirit power was lacking, he could still use hidden
weapons to contend against her. The Godly Zhuge Crossbow in
his hand was already a top notch mechanism, although he knew
right now after his compromise with the Unrivalled Dragon
Serpent he couldn’t kill Meng Yiran, he could still rely on
hidden weapons in many ways to be able to take away Meng
Yiran’s ability to fight.

Meng Yiran hatefully glared at Tang San, saying:

“If I win, you can’t absorb this Man Faced Demon Spider’s
spirit ring. If you win, it naturally is yours.”

Regarding the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring, Tang

San could be said to be determined to win. Just by obtaining it,
he would be able to extremely quickly recover his physical
strength to search for Xiao Wu.

“Fine, what do we compete in?”

The Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband and wife were not

1163 Goldenagato |

currently in any hurry to leave, standing to the side without
interrupting, supporting their granddaughter. The two husband
and wife occasionally muttered a few sentences with unknown

On the Shrek Academy side, Zhao Wuji wrinkled his brows, he

had not thought this time Meng Yiran would be a new branch
grown out of the knot. In order to have Dragon Duke let Tang
San off, he had already told Meng Shu some secrets, otherwise,
with the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent’s tyranny, how would they
leave so easily?

Meng Yiran was just about to speak, when previously at Tang

San’s side, Oscar rushed to speak:

“Wait a minute, this is unjust.”

Everyone looked at Oscar, Oscar wandered up to Tang San’s

side, speaking frankly with assurance,

“This Man Faced Demon Spider was clearly killed by Tang

San. Even if you previously injured it, it still could only
considered be one person killing half. Right now also only Tang
San is able to absorb this spirit ring. This bet of yours clearly

1164 Goldenagato |

isn’t fair.”

A baleful air flickered in Meng Yiran’s eyes,

“Then what do you want?”

Oscar smiled darkly, saying:

“It’s not what I want. If you lose, you naturally can’t obstruct
Tang San absorbing this spirit ring. Simultaneously, shouldn’t
you also pay a bit? What we ask isn’t much, at that time, you
only need to kiss Tang San once.”

“Little Ao.”

Zhao Wuji groaned, he didn’t want the Unrivalled Dragon

Serpent to be infuriated once again.

But what surprised Zhao Wuji was, Dragon Duke Meng Shu
suddenly spoke up:

1165 Goldenagato |

“Good. It’s decided. Young people must always have a bit of

While speaking, on this Dragon Duke’s face for the first time
revealed a smiling expression, and at his side Serpent
Grandmother’s face faintly blushed.

Oscar had no idea that this proposal of his made the

Unrivalled Dragon Serpent before them recall a scene from their
youth. At that time, when Dragon Duke Meng Shu first met
Serpent Grandmother Chao Tian-Xiang, it was with a bet he
gained Chao Tian-Xiang’s company. At last in the end walking
together they admittedly still had all kinds of fortune. But
originally making that bet played a crucial part. At that time,
the conditions Meng Shu proposed were unexpectedly exactly
the same as what Oscar said now.

In Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother’s eyes, although

Tang San’s appearance was a bit common, far from being able to
compare with Dai Mubai, both his talent and what Zhao Wuji
just now told Meng Shu, made them look extremely favorably
on this child. Regarding their granddaughter’s future, this old
husband and wife had already planned ahead properly. They
also wanted to see, under these kinds of conditions, whether
Tang San was able to once again best their granddaughter.

1166 Goldenagato |

Regarding grandpa’s decision Meng Yiran couldn’t help but be
somewhat astonished, but she didn’t refuse, since she had
absolute confidence in the method of fighting she was about to

Tang San was only impatient to obtain the spirit ring and not
concerned with other matters, anyway this bet wasn’t of any
harm to him. Raising his hand towards Meng Yiran he made an
inviting gesture.

Resolutely glaring at Tang San, Meng Yiran just raised her

right hand, on her flawless wrist a suet white jade ring
twinkling with faint gloss, in a flash of light, a long cloth bag
had already appeared in her hand. Clearly, that ring was also a
spirit tool.

The cloth bag’s length was about two chi or so, its width
approximately half a chi. Meng Yiran separated her hands, the
cloth was already split into two halves, and when she turned
around the cloth, everyone clearly saw that on the cloth strip
hung a many identical in shape and size short blades.

The short blades lacked hand guards, to Tang San’s

professional gaze, those were clearly throwing knives. Only
these throwing knives in Meng Yiran’s hands were somewhat

1167 Goldenagato |

simple and crude, apart from two blood grooves, they didn’t
have any special characteristics. The knife handles were about
three cun long, the blades five cun. The material was pretty
good, flickering with faint light.

“I have here thirty six Spirit Cleaving Knives. You and I will
each have eighteen. Later I will have grandpa shake a tree
twenty metres away, making the leaves fall. You and I will act at
the same time, throwing Spirit Cleaving Knives. The one
piercing the most tree leaves wins. But no matter how many
leaves are hit, the Spirit Cleaving Knife has to in the end stick in
the tree trunk, Spirit Cleaving Knives that don’t hit the tree
don’t count in the final score.”

Meng Yiran confidently declared her method of competition,

after she finished speaking the last sentence, she discovered the
Shrek Academy group before her had become somewhat

Motionless Bright King stared at her wide eyed, blinking


The two pupils in Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai’s Evil Eyes
actually momentarily became a single pupil.

1168 Goldenagato |

Oscar used his hand to cover his wide open mouth.

Ma Hongjun staggered, almost falling on the ground.

The chill on ice cold Zhu Zhuqing’s pretty face retreated,

leaving only a stunned expression.

Ning Rongrong giggled, laughing out loud.

But Tang San face to face with Meng Yiran, on his face was an
expression like a smile yet not a smile. Since Xiao Wu was
snatched by the Titan Giant Ape, this was still the first time his
expression had relaxed, even turning his wrist, returning the
Godly Zhuge Crossbow to Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges at his

“Are you all fools? Or don’t you dare take up the challenge?”

Meng Yiran seeing the expressions of everyone on the Shrek

Academy side, with a kind of mocking feeling, immediately
angrily said to her opponent.

1169 Goldenagato |

Oscar used his hand to close his wide open mouth, resisting
laughter saying:

“How couldn’t we accept the challenge? Your competition

method is very good, truly very good.”

Right now he was already thinking about where on Tang San

he should make Meng Yiran kiss.

Comparing hidden weapons with a Tang Sect disciple, was

indeed very good. Right now, even Zhao Wuji’s face displayed a
smiling expression.

Meng Yiran naturally didn’t know what everyone was

thinking, looking at Tang San,

“Aren’t you resting again, I can’t be said to bully you.”

Tang San naturally wasn’t as sly as Oscar, helplessly shaking

his head, saying:

“It’s fine as long as you later don’t say I bullied you. Can we

1170 Goldenagato |


If the contest was something else, Tang San san might truly
have had to recover another moment, but Meng Yiran was
proposing to compare hidden weapons with him who had
cultivated Tang Sect hidden weapon secret lore inherited
techniques since childhood. Let alone the spirit power he
already had somewhat recovered, even if he currently didn’t
have a trace of spirit power, Tang San would still believe there
was no way he could lose to Meng Yiran.

Meng Yiran threw one of the cloth bags in her hands to Tang
San, currently she was still brimming with confidence. Pointing
at a large tree roughly twenty metres distant, saying:

“We’ll use that as a target.”

Tang San shot glanced at that tree, saying:


The handles of the Spirit Cleaving Knives in the cloth bag in

Meng Yiran’s hand were all tied with red silk ribbons, the ones

1171 Goldenagato |

in Tang San’s hands were all tied with blue silk. No worries of
mixing them up.

Meng Yiran couldn’t see the expressions on the Shrek

Academy students, but how could Meng Shu and his wife not
see clearly. But what they in their hearts didn’t comprehend,
was why these Shrek Academy people looked like they already
held certain victory.

Meng Yiran had since childhood liked every kind of weapon,

especially short weapons. These thirty six Spirit Cleaving
Knives, Dragon Duke Meng Shu had after careful thought
specially found someone to make for her, Meng Yiran were
extremely fond of these throwing knives, frequently practicing.
Within thirty metres she could hit the target one hundred
percent of the time. Of course, she was only able to throw
eighteen knives in a short time. Her proposed contest
restrictions were just at her limit.

大丈夫敢作敢当: Roughly translated it’s “Big Husband (manly

man) dare to do, dare to be.”

Idiom “a new branch grows out of the knot”: side issues keep

1172 Goldenagato |

Literally “Sheep Fat White Jade”, a kind of pure white jade.

2尺 = ⅔ m

3寸 = 10cm

(破魂刀) “Break/Split/Destroy Spirit Knife”

1173 Goldenagato |

Chapter 34 - Limit Surpassing Man Faced
Demon Spider Spirit Ring

When previously competing against Tang San, because the

two very quickly entered the phase of competing with spirit
power, Meng Yirang didn’t use her Spirit Cleaving Knives,
Meng Shu wasn’t convinced that Tang San who held this kind of
throwing type weapon for the first time could do even more
outstanding than his granddaughter.

Meng Yiran nodded to her grandpa,

“Grandpa, begin.”

Meng Shu said to Tang San:

“Are you ready?”

Tang San nodded, when competing in hidden weapons, could

he still need to prepare? Of course, with his temperament, he
naturally couldn’t say something like that.

1174 Goldenagato |

Meng Yiran swiftly stuck the cloth bag to the clothes around
her waist, on the back of the bag were convenient fasteners that
could adhere to any texture of clothing. As she wore her cloth
bag she still specially looked at Tang San, discovering Tang San
was somewhat blankly holding the cloth bag in one hand,
appearing like he couldn’t at all use throwing type hidden
weapons. Seeing this scene, Meng Yiran found it hard not to be
a little pleased with herself.

Dragon Duke Meng Shu acted, not taking a step himself, but
making a casual throw, throwing out the four metres long
Dragon Head Cane in his hand.

A loud and clear dragon’s cry rose from the Dragon Cane
head, the silver cane like it turned into a living silver dragon,
swiftly struck the big tree twenty metres away.

With a muffled peng sound, the strength Meng Shu used was
perfect, sufficient to display a shaking force, without injuring
the tree itself, the leaves falling like rain.

With a charming shout, Meng Yiran used both hands

simultaneously, one by one throwing out a succession of cold
swift lights from the cloth bag, her motions could also be
considered nimble, in one breath the eighteen Spirit Cleaving

1175 Goldenagato |

Knives had all been thrown.

Perhaps it was because her heart was brimming with fury at

Tang San, thereby exciting her mood, Meng Yiran clearly
sensed that throwing her Spirit Cleaving Knives today felt
unusually good. She was certain that each of her Spirit Cleaving
Knives had accurately hit the target, some even piercing two

Meng Yiran’s attention was focused on completing throwing

her throwing knives, but Meng Shu after using the Dragon Head
Cane, let his gaze fall on Tang San. His Dragon Head Cane was a
Tool Spirit, after getting rid of it he only had to rely on spirit
power to retrieve it, no need for painstaking control. He wanted
to see whether this youngster called Tang San could once again
provide him some amazement.

Under Meng Shu’s gaze, Tang San’s actions greatly puzzled

the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband and wife. When the
Dragon Head Cane struck, he at once already turned around.

But instead of turning towards that target tree, he rather had

back to it. At the same time as Meng Yiran acted, Tang San
moved the cloth bag in his hand. The entire cloth bag in his
right hand unfolded in a flash, immediately following, the cloth

1176 Goldenagato |

bag quickly shook.

Eighteen cold lights practically simultaneously left their

original positions.

Meng Yiran’s Spirit Cleaving Knives naturally shot out

straight ahead, but Meng Shu clearly saw that the Spirit
Cleaving Knives Tang San threw unexpectedly travelled in an

Throwing one throwing knife in an arcing pattern already

required superior skill and technique, but Tang San without
even using his hands to directly control them, only throwing
them by the cloth bag, gave all the Spirit Cleaving Knives this
kind of effect.

Even as a Spirit Douluo Meng Shu couldn’t help but be

gobsmacked, looking carefully in the direction Tang San’s Spirit
Cleaving Knives were flying.

A duoduo sound erupted, the concentrated sound of the short

blades piercing the tree trunk. The tree leaves gradually drifting
down, the contest had already ended.

1177 Goldenagato |

Meng Yiran turned her head to look at Tang San, just in time
to see Tang San turn back, she couldn’t help but somewhat
startled and angrily saying:

“You won’t shoot?”

Tang San shook the empty cloth bag in his hand, saying:

“I already did.”

The moment Meng Yiran looked distracted, the Unrivalled

Dragon Serpent husband and wife already reached her side.
Meng Shu sighed, saying:

“Brilliant skill. Yiran, you lost.”

Meng Yiran failing to understand the reason why looked at

her grandpa, Meng Shu shook his head towards her, saying:

“No need to see the result. We’re leaving.”

1178 Goldenagato |

“No, I don’t believe it.”

Without first seeing it with her own eyes, how could Meng
Yiran be convinced that her most expert throwing weapons skill
would lose to this Tang San who already was without physical
strength? Ignoring her grandparents’ obstruction, she ran like
flying to that big tree. She couldn’t believe that she
unexpectedly would lose.

Meng Shu sighed, muttering to himself:

“This time perhaps the blow to her won’t be small. However,

letting her understand that there are people beyond people,
heavens beyond heaven principle, that’s also no harm.”

Reaching the foot of the tree, Meng Yiran first of all looked at
the throwing knives she had thrown. Just like what she had
estimated, the eighteen throwing knives were completely stuck
on the tree trunk, moreover within a small area. On each Spirit
Cleaving Knife was at least one tree leaf, at most even three.

Compared to her ordinary level it was still somewhat better.

1179 Goldenagato |

But, as Meng Yiran’s gaze moved up, looking for those Spirit
Cleaving Knives with the blue silk ribbons, her entire person

Eighteen blue silk ribboned Spirit Cleaving Knives were neatly

stuck on the tree trunk in three rows, each a row of six, just
right to form the character 三.

Each Spirit Cleaving Knife pierced a stack of tree leaves, even

to the extent that the knife blades entered the tree with the
exact same depth. Compared to Meng Yiran’s eighteen unevenly
stuck Spirit Cleaving Knives, this contrast was just too clear.

Meng Shu’s voice reached Meng Yiran’s ears,

“Girl, concede. Tang San’s skill is something even I am unable

to accomplish. Throwing at the same time, hitting the tree at
the same time, even only making a single sound, with each
Spirit Cleaving Knife piercing ten tree leaves or more.
Furthermore, when throwing he completely had his back
turned, without using his eyes to see. Skill like this can only be
described as brilliant.”

Meng Yiran slowly turned around, looking at her grandpa,

1180 Goldenagato |

although her gaze was no longer dull, her entire person looked
like she had lost her spirit. Without even her Spirit Cleaving
Knives, she walked back to her grandparents step by step.

Just like what Meng Shu said, being beaten in her most expert
capability actually was too great a blow to Meng Yiran.

Within three days, losing to Tang San twice in succession,

moreover one loss more wretched than the other, being robbed
of two spirit beasts. The confidence she’d always had was
beaten bruised and bloody by Tang San.

Tang San strode forward several steps, palm swiping at his

waist, a steel needle spraying out, completely hitting loose the
Spirit Cleaving Knives on the tree, the steel needle also
returning to his hand with the following trajectory, the Spirit
Cleaving Knives were also collected one by one in his hand using
the cloth bag to bundle them up.

Finishing this, Tang San with quick steps caught up before

Meng Yiran,

“Miss Meng, your Spirit Cleaving Knives.”

1181 Goldenagato |

Meng Yiran raised her head to look at him, right now, her
beautiful mien appeared somewhat pale,

“Are you making fun of me?”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“No. In fact you need not feel sad. I’ve practiced hidden
weapons since I was three, although I am still only twelve this
year, I’ve already practiced for a full nine years. When just now
using hidden weapons it was was already at my full strength.
That was the most exquisite skill I’m currently capable of

“Hidden weapons?”

Some of Meng Yiran’s interest was piqued by this brand new


Tang San handed over the Spirit Cleaving Knives into her

1182 Goldenagato |

“Weapons used stealthily to display their effect, I call it
hidden weapons. Hidden weapons shouldn’t be used for
contests, but is a method to unexpectedly reach victory by
catching the opponent off guard.”

When Meng Yiran proposed to compete with him in hidden

weapons, Tang San apart from not knowing whether to laugh or
cry, still had a kind of amiable feeling. After all, since coming to
this world this was the first time another person had appeared
to be using hidden weapons. Again recalling that ever since
meeting this girl older than him, although really hadn’t been
deliberate, he had still caused her a lot of trouble. Robbing her
of two useful spirit rings, in his heart he still somewhat
regretted it. Right now the situation was already set, but he
couldn’t help tell Meng Yiran’s a few things. He didn’t hope for
Meng Yiran to give up cultivating hidden weapons from now on
because of the blow today.

Meng Yiran’s big eyes blinked, saying:

“Then why are you able to use hidden weapons to that kind of

Tang San said:

1183 Goldenagato |

“Practicing hidden weapons still requires a certain method.
Actually, this kind of throwing knife doesn’t suit you. For you,
its volume is somewhat too large and its weight is also
somewhat high. I think that if you switched to throwing
needles, it would be even more effective. Just like this.”

While speaking, he raised his hand to swipe across a jade stone

on Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, a Penetrating Bone Needle as
long as five cun already appeared in the palm of his hand.

Tang San handed over the Penetrating Bone Needle to Meng

Yiran, saying:

“This is a kind of needle I call Penetrating Bone Needle, five

cun long, front slender and back thick, the weight doesn’t reach
a fifth of your throwing knives, but they should still be able to
reach extremely far, with powerful penetration. Because the
bulk is small, they’re very easy to carry. Although this time was
a coincidence, I’ve twice destroyed your chances to obtain a
spirit beast. If you want, I can tell you about a kind of method
for cultivating hidden weapons. When you go back you can try
it it once, it should be a good deal better than just practicing.”

Meng Yiran looked blank,

1184 Goldenagato |

“You would teach me?”

She still clearly remembered that previously grandpa still said

he would remove one arm. As she raised her head to look at
Tang San, she discovered Tang San’s gaze was extremely clear,
without any impurity. He clearly really wasn’t false.

Tang San said:

“The path of hidden weapons is equally broad and deep, do

you want to learn?”

Meng Yiran subconsciously nodded.

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“Just now I wasn’t using my eyes but was still able to take
aim, this is employing a kind of hidden weapon basic skill. It’s
called Sound Localization. Relying on hearing to distinguish the
target’s location. Under bad lighting or perhaps unsuitable
circumstances, unable to see the target’s precise location with
the eyes, hearing can give extremely important results.
Practicing good Sound Localization, when shooting your hidden

1185 Goldenagato |

weapons you will not have any blind spot, and also possess even
more covert nature.

Sound Localization was a basic hidden weapons exercise, not

considered some secret. Immediately, Tang San didn’t care
about the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent husband and wife to the
side, simply explaining this kind of exercise. Furthermore
explaining a bit about the methods of practicing hidden

Just as he began, Meng Yiran still held some grudges in her

heart, but as Tang San spoke, she nodded again and again, and
in less than a cup of tea’s worth of time, Tang San’s words gave
her an all new awareness of the world of hidden weapons.

“...... you can practice these. The effect of hidden weapons

assisting you is already very big.”

Tang San used the briefest words to finish his explanation to

Meng Yiran, he wasn’t valuing the broom as his own, and was
anxious to absorb the Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring to go
look for Xiao Wu.

By now his physical strength and spirit power had both

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recovered a while, he felt he should be able to absorb the spirit

Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother all along stood to the

side watching Tang San teach Meng Yiran without interrupting.
Originally Dragon Duke had a somewhat gloomy expression due
to what Zhao Wuji said, but right now on his face already hung
a smile.

Meng Yiran gave Tang San a deep look,

“I won’t thank you.”

Tang San smiled faintly,

“I didn’t hope for it.”

Giggling, Meng Yiran laughed, she was very beautiful, and

this time immediately changed like thawed by a spring wind,

“You’re only twelve? Indeed precocious. Come. Let big sister

kiss you.”

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While speaking, she suddenly moved closer to kiss Tang San
on the cheek.

Tang San clearly had not anticipated Meng Yiran would

“sneak attack” him, only feeling a burst of warmth on his face,
for a moment not only his face blushed, even his ears were
rendered scarlet.

Meng Yiran seeing his embarrassed appearance felt very

carefree, firmly saying:

“You can’t have strange ideas, this was my bet with you. ‘If
you agree to a bet you must accept to lose’, I wouldn’t refuse to
acknowledge it. Well, we’re leaving. You also hurry and absorb
that spirit ring, if I come across you stirring up trouble again
next time I’m hunting a spirit beast, humph humph.”

While speaking, she still gestured with her fist at Tang San.

Of course, this clearly didn’t hold any force behind it.

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Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother smiled at each other,
again nodding to Zhao Wuji, with this brought their
granddaughter to soar away, they still had to immediately find
their granddaughter another spirit beast, then extremely
quickly leave this place. They could not guard against the threat
of the Titan Giant Ape.

Oscar moved closer to Tang San’s side smiling mischievously,

“San-er, pleasurable or not?”

Tang San somewhat speechless glared at him,

“What pleasurable? Get me another Recovery Sausage.”

Oscar laughed,

“I your father have a big sausage.”

With his vulgar spirit incantation, he directly handed over a

sausage to Tang San.

1189 Goldenagato |

Turning towards the Man Faced Demon Spider’s corpse, by
now, dense purple light had already condensed above the
corpse, just the most ideal time to absorb it. Looking at it, Tang
San’s previously somewhat relaxed expression once again
tightened, he immediately remembered: Xiao Wu still waited
for his help.

Eating the sausage, He walked over and sat by the side of the
Man Faced Demon Spider,

“I will trouble everyone.”

Zhao Wuji gave Tang San a nod, waving his hand, the
students crowded around with Tang San in the middle,
carefully guarding. With their protection, Tang San no longer
needed to worry about common spirit beasts threatening him.
He was finally able to wholeheartedly absorb the formidable
spirit ring before him.

Raising his right hand, the blue light produced by the Blue
Silver Grass Spirit gradually appeared in Tang San’s palm.
Taking a deep breath, Tang San summoned the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spirit ring.

1190 Goldenagato |

The purple light like it had been waiting for a long time and
finally found an opening, just starting to feel Tang San’s spirit,
immediately like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea rushed
towards Tang San.

Watching the dark purple light in a moment about to envelop

Tang San’s body, Zhao Wuji also couldn’t help but be shocked.
Such strong spirit power fluctuations, this Man Faced Demon
Spider had after all cultivated for how many years?

Tang San as the person involved felt it even more clearly. He

only sensed a tremendous heat flow towards him and abruptly
into him, still without waiting for his reaction, that boiling like
a raging flame began to burn his body.

The Man Faced Demon Spider in itself was certainly

tyrannical, and the spirit ring it formed was ruthless. Intense
energy entered within Tang San and began to break and remold
his body.

Although the energy contained within the spirit ring wasn’t

conscious, it still basically wasn’t something Tang San’s
consciousness could control.

1191 Goldenagato |

Under the powerful spirit power fluctuations, Tang San only
felt like his body was bursting open. The violent pain
immediately made him belch up a mouthful of blood.

Everyone surrounding him were simultaneously startled, they

had also absorbed spirit rings, but it was still the first time they
came across anything like this.

Zhao Wuji said in a low voice:

“This Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring is excessively

tyrannical. Wanting to absorb it isn’t easy. Right now he can
only trust himself, when absorbing the spirit ring he can’t take
support from any outside force, otherwise it will only bring
about the reverse effect. Right now we can only believe in Tang
San being able to receive it and return to us.”

What Zhao Wuji didn’t say was, the more difficult a spirit ring
was to absorb, the greater the resulting effect would be. After all
if its attached energy was tremendous, the generated spirit
ability would naturally also be extremely awesome.


1192 Goldenagato |

Meng Shu and Chao Tian-Xiang brought Meng Yiran towards
the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Chao Tian-Xiang continuously watched her granddaughter,

ever since leaving the Shrek Academy party, Meng Yiran had all
along bowed her head in silence, apparently reflecting on

“Yiran. What are you thinking about?”

Chao Tian-Xiang asked.

Meng Yiran was roused from her chain of thought by her

grandmother’s voice,

“I was thinking about what Tang San said. Grandma, you say
whether I should later use that Penetrating Bone Needle?”

Chao Tian-Xiang smiled, saying:

“If you feel good with it, use it. Although that needle’s
appearance is somewhat unusual, finding people to make it isn’t

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strenuous. It’s still my first time seeing such a long needle,
unexpectedly it’s five cun.”

Dragon Duke Meng Shu suddenly said.

“That kid Tang San really isn’t bad, not only talented, but also
without a bit of arrogance, he’s a rare talented person. It’s a pity
he didn’t agree to join our clan, otherwise, before reaching
twenty, he would inevitable be able to bring the clan to new

Chao Tian-Xiang sighed lightly, saying:

“A golden carp within a pond, on meeting storms becomes a

dragon. It’s not only Tang San, I saw those several children
were all very outstanding. I truly don’t know from where Zhao
Wuji found these outstandingly gifted children. I heard Zhao
Wuji say, they appeared to be from some Shrek Academy, how
come I haven’t heard the name of this academy?”

Meng Shu said:

“That’s all unimportant. Although the others looked to be

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pretty good, but I feel that compared to Tang San they are still
somewhat lacking. Yiran, what did you think about Tang San?”

Meng Yiran was distracted a moment, a light flashing in her

eyes. Finally she couldn’t help but say:

“He’s just a mature child.”

Recalling Tang San’s solemn face, she couldn’t help but add,

“He really didn’t seem only twelve years old.”

Meng Shu smiling said:

“I’m asking what you think about him.”

Meng Yiran was already sixteen, just the age of first

awakening of love and on her own extremely acute, somewhat
understood the vague meaning in grandpa’s words.

“Grandpa. Aren’t you trying to coerce mismatched mandarin

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ducks? I’m three years older than him, how would it be

She had just had her sixteenth birthday, and indeed was three
years older than Tang San.

Meng Shu laughed,

“Age is no problem, ‘woman three years older, holds a golden


Meng Yiran’s charming face blushed,

“Grandpa, you……”

Meng Shu said:

“What? You’re not willing? Still think his appearance is too


Meng Yiran snorted, saying:

1196 Goldenagato |

“It goes without saying he’s ordinary. From his clothes it can
also be seen he isn’t the child of some famous family. I truly
don’t understand, why when he uses a crippled spirit like Blue
Silver Grass his cultivation speed is still so fast.”

Meng Shu scowled,

“Girl. When did you become a person who judges by

appearance? That child Tang San cannot be as simple as you
say. How can you know he doesn’t come from a prestigious
house? Blue Silver Grass? Have you ever seen a Spirit Master
that could cultivate Blue Silver Grass above thirtieth rank?
Furthermore what he said about hidden weapons, these added
together are enough to prove this child is out of the ordinary.”

Meng Yiran seeing grandpa become somewhat angry, couldn’t

help but stick out her tongue,

“Don’t get angry grandpa, let’s speak of this matter again

later. We can’t say whether we’ll meet him again in the future.”

Meng Shu sighed softly,

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“The younger generations will do all right on their own. In
your own matters make your own decisions. Only, grandpa’s old
eyes aren’t decorations. In a person’s life, one has only one
opportunity, possibly extremely brief, if one is unable to grab it,
it will be lost at once.”

Chao Tian-Xiang gripped Meng Shu’s hand,

“All right. Old codger, don’t say it so gravely, first helping

Yiran find a suitable third spirit ring is most important. Other
matters can be spoken of again later. Once we’ve returned, we
will first ask around about this Shrek Academy.”


The Shrek Academy group’s gazes had right now all become
stares. Surrounded by everyone, sitting in the middle with legs
crossed Tang San already looked in bad shape, his entire person
enveloped within a layer of light red mist.

The red within the mist was not at all the light of spirit power,
but Tang San’s blood.

1198 Goldenagato |

Not long before, along with violent spirit power fluctuations
over his body, Tang San’s skin had begun to overflow with a
layer of fine drops of blood. Along with spirit power rising into
the air, it became this kind of light red mist.

Tang San’s brows were tightly locked, lips closed tightly, his
body continuously convulsing violently. Adding to the drops of
blood leaking through his skin, it was obvious that he was
currently in severe pain.

Within the mist, from time to time transmitted the sound of

bones snapping. Each time gave everyone around him a kind of
hair raising feeling, but that third spirit ring that should emerge
following absorption had all along not showed its true nature,
this proved Tang San still could not completely absorb the Man
Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring.

Dai Mubai worried asked Zhao Wuji in a low voice:

“Teacher Zhao, if it goes on I’m afraid Tang San will be in


Zhao Wuji’s brows were equally tight,

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“I know, but, right now we even more can’t interrupt him,
otherwise, the result would be even more severe. Right now we
can only watch his willpower. He should be capable of
absorbing the energy this spirit ring bestows. Only his body’s
condition isn’t at all optimal, and this Man Faced Demon Spider
spirit ring’s energy is in itself excessively ruthless. Under these
kinds of circumstances, I hope Tang San is able to surmount the
mountain pass, otherwise……”

The pain which Tang San currently endured only he knew.

From the energy of the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring,
he felt his whole body seemingly cut by countless sharp blades,
there was nowhere his internal organs weren’t hurting, the
tyrannical energy unceasingly tore apart his body, constantly
putting him in extreme pain.

In fact, what Zhao Wuji said had a mistake. Because the Man
Faced Demon Spider was so rare, even if it was Grandmaster, it
would still have been very difficult to determine its cultivation
interval. The largest spirit power which a Spirit Master was able
to absorb for the third spirit ring was on the one thousand seven
hundred years level, reaching the fourth spirit ring they were
able to absorb spirit rings around five thousand years of
cultivation. The fifth spirit ring upper absorption limit was
twelve thousand years or so, the sixth spirit ring absorption

1200 Goldenagato |

limit was twenty thousand years. The seventh spirit ring within
thirty thousand years to fifty thousand years, determined by
different Spirit Masters’ different attributes. Reaching the
eighth spirit ring, it was possible to absorb the spirit ring of a
spirit beast over fifty thousand years. Only the final ninth spirit
ring had the possibility of absorbing a hundred thousand year
spirit ring. Of course, among known Spirit masters, nobody had
been able to absorb a hundred thousand year spirit beast for
their last spirit ring.

This Man Faced Demon Spider Tang San killed, had actually
already surpassed two thousand years. Although it was just
recently, it still already exceeded the limit of what Tang San
could absorb for his third spirit ring. This was also the most
significant reason why although Grandmaster knew the
enormous benefit of the Man Faced Demon Spider to Blue Silver
Grass, he did not approve of him looking for this kind of spirit

In the fight, Tang San simply estimated the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s actual strength, but he overlooked one point: that Man
Faced Demon Spider had after all already been injured by
Dragon Duke Meng Shu. With the kind of strength Meng Shu
had, the injuries he gave the Man Faced Demon Spider would
naturally substantially influence its strength.

1201 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s circumstances were greatly different from the
majority of Spirit Masters. Because he had dual spirits, in
addition to also cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill recorded in
Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, his body’s resilience was
much better than an ordinary person’s. Ordinarily, if it was
some common spirit beast, absorbing a two thousand year or so
for his third spirit ring was already without too much of an
issue, after all, that was where his body exhibited its advantage.

But this Man Faced Demon Spider couldn’t be some ordinary

spirit beast, its own ruthlessness and power made the spirit ring
also become extremely tyrannical, adding to Tang San’s body
not being in optimal condition, he immediately sunk into huge

If Tang San’s circumstances could be calculated, then, he

could in the end only have one result. His body would be unable
to bear the shock of the Man Faced Demon Spider’s energy,
bursting and dying. After all, that energy already exceeded the
scope of what he could absorb.

But, some things couldn’t be calculated. For example,

willpower and conviction.

As his willpower alone reached a certain resolute degree, or

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perhaps by possessing a matchless stubborn conviction,
frequently miracles would appear.

The current Tang San, although enduring incomparable pain,

in the depths of his heart possessed an extremely stubborn
conviction: that was to save Xiao Wu.

Relying on this conviction, he unyieldingly withstood wave

after wave of pain. Even if blood already seeped out over his
body, he still withstood the tyrannical energy of the Man Faced
Demon Spider spirit ring.

From a certain point of view, Xiao Wu being snatched by the

Titan Giant Ape on the contrary helped Tang San. A spirit ring
surpassing the absorption limit would admittedly produce a
huge crisis, but when successful, the benefits would be equally

The tyrannical energy fluctuations unceasingly grew stronger,

the blood mist around Tang San’s body also became more and
more distinct. Within the blood mist, even a faint fishy smell
seeped out, unknown whether it was impurities within Tang
San’s body or the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison.

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While everyone were worried like cats on a hot tin roof,
suddenly, the echo of a soft footstep grabbed Zhao Wuji’s


Zhao Wuji’s ice cold gaze turned to look in that direction,

spirit power suddenly amassing, this was already Tang San’s
most crucial moment, he couldn’t let any person or maybe spirit
beast disturb him.

“Teacher Zhao.”

A slender silhouette ran out of the forest. Seeing her, not just
Zhao Wuji paused, the others also couldn’t help staring blankly,
suddenly coming running out of the forest, unexpectedly was
Xiao Wu.

Right now Xiao Wu cut a somewhat sorry figure, her clothes

were greatly damaged, the orderly scorpion braid on her head
had also become disheveled, but her her complexion was
extremely healthy, compared to before apparently a bit more

1204 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Wu, you didn’t die?”

Just as Oscar said this he became aware that his words were
somewhat unpleasant.

Xiao Wu snapped:

“Did you hope I would die? What is this? This mist……,

Heavens, what’s happened to little San?”

Seeing Tang San within the light red mist, Xiao Wu’s heart
immediately tightened, rushing over.

She had been carried here by the Titan Giant Ape. Although
the area of Star Dou Great Forest was extensive, if the forest
king Titan Giant Ape wanted to find the Shrek Academy party
here it was hardly difficult, all spirit beasts could be its eyes.
After Xiao Wu was delivered to the vicinity, the Titan Giant Ape
just quietly left.

“Don’t disturb him, he’s absorbing the third spirit ring.”

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Zhao Wuji hurriedly stopped Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu involuntarily cried out:

“But, how could absorbing the third spirit ring become like

Turning her head to look at the Man Faced Demon Spider’s

corpse to the side, she more or less understood,

“It’s a Man Faced Demon Spider. Not good, this Man Faced
Demon Spider’s cultivation age exceeds two thousand years,
Grandmaster said, a Spirit Master’s third spirit ring limit was
one thousand seven hundred sixty years, little San he……”

Zhao Wuji stared blankly,

“How do you know this Man Faced Demon Spider has

cultivated two thousand years?”

Xiao Wu at this became aware of what she let slip,

1206 Goldenagato |

“The Man Faced Demon Spider’s cultivation will be seen from
the length of its legs. You see, this Man Faced Demon Spider’s
legs already surpass three metres, this is the mark of cultivation
age exceeding two thousand years. Don’t tell me you all didn’t
know thousand year spirit beast cultivation will engender some
clear change with each each millennium passed? Like hundred
year spirit beasts will change with each cultivated century, and
like ten thousand year spirit beasts will change according ten
thousand years?”

Zhao Wuji somewhat impressed said:

“I truly didn’t understand this clearly. I didn’t expect you to

have so much knowledge of spirit beasts.”

Xiao Wu said:

“These are all taught by Grandmaster.”

Covering for the mistakes of her mouth by shifting them to

the most knowledgeable in spirits Grandmaster clearly was a
very good method. As expected, hearing her words, everyone’s
doubts eased.

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Zhao Wuji said with a wry smile:

“Little San already started absorbing this spirit ring. Right

now there’s no chance to stop. We can only hope for him to
withstand the shock of the energy in the spirit ring, enduring
this mountain pass. Oh right, Xiao Wu, how did you escape the
Titan Giant Ape’s demon hand? Tell us first what happened?”

She couldn’t tell everyone that it was because the Titan Giant
Ape Er Ming sensed her smell that it specially came to carry her,
before returning Xiao Wu naturally had thought out what to
say. Worriedly looking at Tang San before her she explained:

“I also don’t know what it was all about, that Titan Giant Ape
grabbed me and ran into the forest. Before running very far it
seemed a cow like roar came through from one direction, that
Titan Giant Ape appeared very nervous. Looking at me, it threw
me aside at once. Afterwards it ran off.”

“A cow roar? What cow could make a Titan Giant Ape

nervous? Afterwards?”

Zhao Wuji couldn’t help but scowl.

1208 Goldenagato |

In Xiao Wu’s eyes displayed a fearful light,

“As that Titan Giant Ape dumped me, before leaving it made a
howl. I only felt a sky spinning and earth revolving dizziness
pass, once I woke up, it was already nowhere to be seen. The
scene at that time was terrifying. All around were at least ten
spirit beasts unconscious from the shock, the weak were
directly shocked so they bled out of the nose and mouth and
died. I don’t know whether to say my luck was good or bad, I
suddenly discovered, my spirit power had also broken through
the thirtieth rank.”

Zhao Wuji was alarmed,

“What? You already reached thirtieth rank? Who is older of

you and Tang San?”

Xiao Wu said:

“I’m some months younger than him.”

1209 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji was speechless a spell, the record Tang San had just
now set, had already been altered. However, Xiao Wu’s next
words widened his eyes even more.

Xiao Wu said:

“At that time I was very frightened, perhaps the reason my

spirit power increased was because the external excitement was
too large. I happened to discover a comparatively suitable for
me thousand year spirit beast that had fainted, so I killed it to
obtain my third spirit ring.”

“That as well?”

Fatty stared at Xiao Wu, showing an expression like a blind cat

at a dead mouse.

Xiao Wu displayed an expression of lingering trepidation,

“Consider my fate great, I basically believed I would die. So

that none of the surrounding spirit beasts would wake up to
attack, I had no choice but to jolt the surrounding spirit beasts
to death. After absorbing the third spirit ring my physical

1210 Goldenagato |

strength recovered. Then I just walked in the direction I
remembered coming from, before hearing voices from this side
and coming over to look, finally finding you.”

Idiom: There’s always someone better than you.

“Three”, which is also the san in Tang San.

5寸 = 16.7 cm

(听声辨位) “Hearing Sound Distinguishing Location”

Idiom: Having sentimental attachment.

Oscar uses (儿), a diminutive suffix, in this case meaning

something like “son”.

This one is a pain to translate. It’s close to a line from a poem

in the famous 1989 comic by Ma Wing-Shing (马荣成/馬榮成)
Feng Yun/Fung Wan “Wind and Cloud” (风云/風雲) also
variously adapted as “The Storm Riders”. The full poem is (金鳞

1211 Goldenagato |

which a daring person might butcher by translating as

A golden carp within a pond, meeting storms (wind and cloud)

thus becomes a dragon;

Nine heavenly dragons’ cry change the sky, at storm’s edge

will dive and swim

What confuses the issue somewhat is that here “golden carp”

(金鳞) is misspelled as the homonym “golden (female) unicorn”
(金麟) which differ only in one radical, and by a quick google
seems to be a common typo. Further confusing the issue is that
the top hits on a google search will refer to the erotic web novel
by Monkey by the same name (金鳞岂是池中物) about a street
hoodlum growing up to become a business tycoon.

In any case, I can’t find an explanation of it and won’t be

bothered reading the comic to figure it out, so you get a best fit

Idiom: Misarranging matches through mistaken identification

of couples. Mandarin ducks are a common symbol for lovers - as
are most birds in pairs.

1212 Goldenagato |

This rhyme (nu da san, bao jin zhuan 女大三,抱金砖) is part of a
series of how various age differences in couples improves
married life. Rhymes don’t translate well to English.

1213 Goldenagato |

Chapter 35 - Tang San’s Tyrannical Third
Spirit Ability

Although Xiao Wu’s excuse had a few loopholes, she had come
back alive. Who would have thought she and the Titan Giant
Ape had a relationship of some sort? Everyone subconsciously
chose to believe her.

Zhao Wuji nodded and said:

“As long as you’re back. After you were taken, little San was
so worried his eyes turned all red. He asked for a mushroom
sausage from Oscar and went after you immediately.”

He briefly summarized everything that happened while Oscar

passed a Recovery Sausage to Xiao Wu.

Listening to Zhao Wuji, Xiao Wu’s eyes reddened. Tears fell

like a broken string of pearls, rolling down her cheeks. Looking
at Tang San enveloped in a bloody mist, she murmured: “Ge,
please don’t get hurt. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault I made
you worried. You have to persevere through this. As long as you
wake up, I would do anything.”

1214 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu felt truly remorseful. A moment of carelessness
caused her to forget to restrain her aura, causing Er Ming to find
her and come to meet her. If she didn’t get kidnapped by Er
Ming, nothing after would have happened, and Tang San
wouldn’t absorb a spirit ring in such a condition.

But it was too late to say anything, and they could only hope
that Tang San’s resolve was firm enough to help him pass this

At the moment, in Tang San’s consciousness there was only

one sentence. Xiao Wu, I will go save you. With this thought, no
matter how excruciating the pain, he always bitterly withstood
it, not letting his mind collapse first. In this life and death
situation, Tang San’s childhood cultivations were starting to
show its use. His body was already stronger than people his age,
and Mysterious Heaven Skill was even more a hundred percent
toughness focused orthodox sect internal strength.

If the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring had a

consciousness, it would discover that its violent power would
almost break through Tang San’s body every time, but his body
would always, at the last moment, block it back with sheer

1215 Goldenagato |

And each time he warded the energy off, Tang San would
absorb a tiny bit of the energy in the spirit ring. Under this slow
growth, the ruthless energy was constantly weakening.

Tang San now had to face the most crucial problem: after he
absorbed the spirit ring’s energy, how could he merge it with
his body, his Mysterious Heaven Skill, and his spirit Blue Silver

Though Blue Silver Grass itself was weak, it wasn’t likely to

repel any other source of energy, but the energy in the Man
Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring was too tyrannical, as to make
even the Blue Silver Grass spirit unwilling to absorb it.

Fortunately, when he started absorbing the spirit ring, he ate

another one of Oscar’s Recovery Sausages, or else his stamina
would be the first to fail.

Tang San’s bones started to make concentrated cracking

sounds. This not quite loud sound made everyones’ hairs rise, as
if Tang San’s body could rupture at any second.

From the pores, the blood that oozed out slowly gained
another layer of gray. With the absorption of the spirit ring, the

1216 Goldenagato |

energy contained started a very forceful process of cleansing
Tang San’s body. The resulting pain was unimaginable.

Finally, with Tang San’s unyielding willpower, all the energy

in his body started to give in, starting the process of merging.

The fine beads of blood stopped oozing. Tang San’s furrowed

brows smoothed out. A dim layer of blue light started to creep
out of his body.

Zhao Wuji was elated:

“He succeeded. The most dangerous moment has passed. Now

is the process of spirit power transforming. Tang San really is
worthy of being called a creator of miracles. Even a two
thousand year old Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring was
absorbed by him. The Unrivalled Dragon Serpent should really
feel lucky: if their granddaughter absorbed this spirit ring, she
would probably have burst by now.”

Along with the release of the blue glow, Blue Silver Grass
started slowly growing around Tang San. The Blue Silver
Grass’s size hadn’t changed much. Compared to before, it had
actually become slightly thinner. Originally dark blue, it has

1217 Goldenagato |

also changed into purplish blue. That was a merged color, not
showing in the form of patterns anymore.

The Blue Silver Grass was now about two fingers thick. The
biggest difference from before was its luster, it looked as if the
grass had been coated with a glaze.

Zhao Wuji had everyone back up a bit. He knew, since Tang

San couldn’t fully control the newly gained power, so some
spirit power could overflow. In Tang San’s current state, he
would be surprised if Tang San could control the energy.


Just when everyone thought nothing else would happen,

suddenly, Tang San’s brows furrowed up again. A scream
escaped his mouth, his cross legged body starting to convulse
violently. His chest suddenly stood out, his entire upper body
arcing into the air, the display terrifying.


Xiao Wu cried out quickly, tears streaming from her eyes. Her

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nails were already cutting into her palm, but she didn’t even

Wuji was also surprised. What was wrong? Just when

everyone was startled, suddenly, accompanying the sound of
splitting cloth, the clothes on Tang San’s back suddenly tore
open. Standing behind him, Dai Mubai clearly saw, next to Tang
San’s backbone, on either side were eight fist sized bulges.

What was this? With Dai Mubai pointing it out, everyone

discovered the change on Tang San’s back. Tang San currently
looked like he was withstanding immense pain. Blood started
oozing out of his skin again, his entire body convulsing.

Immediately afterward, the eight bulges suddenly ruptured.

The strange thing was, Tang San’s skin didn’t peel back. Eight
fist sized dark purple objects came out of the nubs, growing
with an astonishing speed.

When the eight bulges broke and grew the dark purple
objects, Tang San’s entire body became relaxed, his expression
smoothing out, but his body still convulsing.

Under everyone’s surprised gaze, the dark purple objects grew

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over a meter in the blink of an eye, and were still extending
with frightening speed. When its length went past 1.5 meters,
the end grew a joint-like thing, and the dark purple once again
extended from the joint in another direction.

“This, this is…..”

The eight dark purple objects continued to grow until they

reached three meters. Completely shining purple, they looked
extremely smooth. They were the thickest near Tang San’s
back, tapering until they filed into a sharp points at the end.

“Aren’t these the legs of the Man Faced Demon Spider?”

Looking at Tang San, and looking at the corpse of the Man

Faced Demon Spider, everyone discovered that the objects that
grew out of Tang San’s back looked very similar to the Man
Faced Demon Spider’s legs. Only, they were slightly thinner
overall and looked more lustrous, accompanied by a faint sweet

Zhao Wuji had personally seen many Spirit Masters absorb

spirit rings, but this was still the first time he had seen such a
scene, for a moment he couldn’t help but lose the ability to

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The bizarre scene still hadn’t finished. As those eight spider

legs on Tang San’s back extended behind him, they began to
slightly move rhythmically, the four lower spider legs slowly
pierced the ground, unexpectedly lifting Tang San sitting
crosslegged on the ground, raising him into the air.

Tang San right now, like they were eight three metre long
arms, looked extremely strange.

Tang San’s body finally no longer convulsed, the clothes he

wore were already completely shredded. Gradually, the
previously spreading Blue Silver Grass slowly gathered back
together, instead twisting around his body, bundling him in
what resembled a large cocoon, with only the spider legs still
moving slowly on the outside.

The Shrek Academy group basically did not understand how

this would happen, to them, right now all they could do was
wait. Faintly within, they could only hear the sound of snapping
bones echo from the cocoon. As for what was actually
happening to Tang San, nobody could say.

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Ma Hongjun couldn’t help but say:

“Tang San wouldn’t change into a big spider, right?”

Xiao Wu ferociously glared at him,

“Impossible. How would little San become a spider, these

circumstances are certainly just because of some variation from
absorbing the spirit ring. He definitely won’t be in trouble.”

Even Xiao Wu didn’t know if she was reassuring the others or

reassuring herself, waiting was currently all they could do.

But, who could still have anticipated that their wait this time
would be so long.

When Oscar absorbed the spirit ring, from beginning to end

only took a fraction of an hour to complete, but after Tang San
was wrapped up in Blue Silver Grass, it seemed like time
congealed, continuously without any news.

One double hour passed, two double hours passed, the color of

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the dark gradually went from dark to bright, and once more
travelling from bright and entering darkness. A whole twelve
double hour of waiting made everyone utterly exhausted. But
who dared be careless, they could only wait.

The one thing making them feel relieved was that the eight
spider legs that had grown on Tang San’s back moved
constantly, showing traces of life.

At Zhao Wuji’s orders, everyone took turns to rest. Only Xiao

Wu said anything to refuse, continuously keeping watch at Tang
San’s side. In her heart she silently prayed, praying Tang San
must pass through this crisis safe and sound.


A low groaning sound roused Xiao Wu’s already somewhat

fuzzy consciousness, she hastily raised her head to look.

The slender Blue Silver Grass slowly came undone, one by one
rolling outward, gradually revealing their owner within.

Tang San’s body was covered by a dark brown layer, and as

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Blue Silver Grass dispersed, this dark brown substance
gradually came off his body like it was fruit peel, revealing the
body inside.

As Xiao Wu looked once again at Tang San, her charming face

couldn’t help but blush bashfully, Tang San currently didn’t
wear a strand, his whole body completely naked. The muscles
on his body had unexpectedly become extremely distinct, and
although they weren’t bulging exaggeratedly, it gave off a
feeling of brimming with strength. Under the bronze colored
skin there was a faint purple light haze moving around. Entirely
floating in the air, the previously crossed legs had already
unfolded, limbs sagging naturally, the entire person appearing
to be permeated with a kind of demonic feeling.

In Tang San’s disheveled black hair, several locks were bright

purple, that purple hair in itself seemed to emit a similar light,
making Xiao Wu see unusually clearly.

The previous groaning was emitted by Tang San, right now,

both his eyes just slowly opened, a completely bewildered
expression within his eyes.

Tang San himself also didn’t know what had happened, he

only continuously suppressed and endured extreme pain. The

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conviction to save Xiao Wu all along supported his willpower.
As the extremely violent pain suddenly disappeared, a kind of
difficult to describe relaxing pleasure spread throughout his
whole body in a moment.

The pain could be endured, but the instant the relaxing

pleasure arrived after the extreme pain, Tang San’s entire
person in the end sunk into a deep sleep. As he once again
recovered consciousness, it was the scene Xiao Wu had just

The scene before him was hazy, like it was shrouded in a layer
of white cotton. Various kinds of senses gradually returned to
the body, following his consciousness gradually awakening, the
scenery before Tang San gradually became clear.

His body was indescribably comfortable, like every single cell

within the body was cheering excitedly, only somewhat itchy,
rather like something was stretching out from his back. He was
able to feel the moistness of the earth, and the brush of air
surrounding him, but Tang San vaguely discovered, it seemed to
have somehow become different.

By now the others had also taken note of Tang San’s changes.
Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong saw his naked body and

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hurriedly bashfully turned away, not daring to look again.
Although Xiao Wu was equally bashful, Tang San’s safety was
even more important to her, resisting the shyness in her heart,
she still earnestly gazed at Tang San.

Two yellow and one purple, three spirit rings revolved around
Tang San moving rhythmically up and down his body, that
purple spirit ring looked exceedingly clear, the purple shining
within, setting of Tang San’s naked body extremely clearly. But
at Tang San’s side all the Blue Silver Grass already quietly faded
away, only those eight three metre long enormous spider legs on
his back still remained.


Xiao Wu couldn’t help but softly call out.

The sudden voice made Tang San start. This voice was really
too familiar to him, also one he longed for, subconsciously
looking in the direction of the voice, just right to see Xiao Wu
looking up at him.

Tang San trembled fiercely once, at once wanting to leap at

Xiao Wu, but, right now his body supported by four spider legs

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was floating in midair. Those spider legs themselves were part
of his body, following his desire to move, the spider legs
naturally accepted, pulling out from the ground.

Tang San himself wasn’t clear on the changes of his body, and
he immediately entirely lost his balance, dropping from midair.


Xiao Wu cried out in alarm, extending both arms to catch

Tang San’s body. Fortunately her strength was good, the
impulse of Tang San falling from two metres in the air couldn’t
be considered too great, and he was just caught well by Xiao Wu.

The eight spider legs simultaneously rose to his back,

although they looked monstrous, they didn’t at all affect Tang
San’s mobility.

A familiar scent reaching his nose, Tang San practically at

once moved his arms to embrace Xiao Wu,

“I, I’m not dreaming? Xiao Wu, it’s really you?”

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Xiao Wu held Tang San just as tightly, already sobbing

Currently, Tang San’s haziness from just awakening was

already clearing. He was only too familiar with Xiao Wu’s scent,
adding the warmth reaching him from the soft delicate body in
his arms, he knew that this was all real, Xiao Wu had returned,
she had returned.

“Silly, don’t cry, coming back is all well, coming back is all

Lightly patting Xiao Wu’s back, Tang San also couldn’t stop
his eyes from misting up. All his worries melted away at this
moment, the feeling of again seeing Xiao Wu after what felt like
a lifetime made his entire body tremble. Compared to Xiao Wu,
just now obtaining the third spirit ring counted as nothing, in
his heart, nothing was more important than Xiao Wu’s life.

“Ge, it’s all my fault, making you worry.”

Xiao Wu said, choking with sobs.

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Tang San shook his head,

“Idiot, it was my fault, I who lacked ability, didn’t protect you


“Cough cough”

Coughing sounds to the side made the simultaneously sad and

happy pair wake up.

The coughing was from Dai Mubai,

“Little San, although I admit, your means are very good, but,
aren’t you at least putting on pants? After all there are still
other girls present.”

Tang San looked blank a moment, subconsciously looking at

his body, at this discovering that unexpectedly he wasn’t
wearing even a strip of cloth.

Xiao Wu right now also came to herself, her charming face

immediately blushing shyly. Hurriedly closing her eyes, but still

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reluctant to part with little San’s hug, merely buried her head in
his chest unwilling to lift it.

“This……, how would I become like this? Who took off my


Tang San stupidly asked.

Oscar made his way over from the side,

“Nobody took off your clothes, who knows how they ceased to

Tang San felt at his waist, fortunately, Twenty Four Moonlit

Bridges was still there, at once hurriedly softly pushing away
Xiao Wu, he rapidly took out a set of clothes to put on.

Wearing trousers still went well, but putting on his jacket was
problematic. Tang San now discovered the unusual condition
on his back. As he looked behind him at the eight pointy spider
legs sprouting on his back, he couldn’t help but stare blankly.

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Fatty Ma Hongjun with great understanding said:

“Don’t ask us why it would be like this, none of us knows.

This happened in the process of absorbing that Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spirit ring. Tang San, didn’t that spirit ring
cause variation for you?”

By now Tang San had at least put on trousers, so Ning

Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also turned back around. After
waiting for one day and one night, Tang San was now at last out
of danger, but the change in his body was nevertheless so
monstrous, it couldn’t help but pique everyone’s interest. Even
Zhao Wuji was no exception.

“Let me sense myself at once.”

Tang San standing there slowly closed his eyes.

Generally speaking, Spirit Masters after absorbing a spirit ring

were able to sense what new spirit ability they possessed. Just
like how Oscar when he had absorbed the third spirit ring
immediately knew his third sausage spirit incantation.

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The pain Tang San endured in absorbing the spirit ring had
been too great, to the extent that he had spent the latter half of
the absorption changing process unconscious. Right now he
could only search his soul to sense everything the third spirit
ring had provided him.

Tang San’s meditation went on for no less than half a double

hour. As he once again opened his eyes, his expression was
somewhat strange.


Xiao Wu anxiously asked.

Tang San puzzled said:

“There should be no problem. The spirit ring wouldn’t vary.

Teacher once said, only a spirit varies, different spirits
absorbing the same spirit ring would still give different results. I
already obtained an ability from absorbing the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spirit ring. Everything is very ordinary. Only, I
can’t explain these eight spider legs on my back.”

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A miserable shriek suddenly erupted, everyone jumped with

fright, believing it was a spirit beast attack, immediately on
alert as they looked in the direction the scream came from,
discovering no warning signs.

Emitting the shriek was Ma Hongjun, his right hand tightly

holding his left hand, a painful expression on his face. His left
hand was already becoming purple, furthermore the skin
appeared damaged, with black liquid flowing down, a black qi
rapidly spreading up his arm.

“Not good, he’s poisoned. Oscar, quickly.”

Zhao Wuji shouted in a deep voice, in one stride reaching Ma

Hongjun’s side, one palm directly slapping his shoulder, using
his vigorous spirit power to help him suppress the poison
invading his body.

“I your father have a small sausage.”

A dried small sausage was promptly delivered to Fatty’s

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mouth. At this everyone breathed out.

Unfortunately, their relaxation didn’t continue for too long.

With the small sausage in his belly, the detoxifying effect

showed in a moment, that flow of black qi following the arm
upwards immediately stopped spreading, reversing direction.
But, this only continued for a very brief time, that black qi had
not even passed Fatty’s shoulder before it suddenly stopped
decreasing, a moment later it unexpectedly once again spread

Oscar’s complexion changed greatly,

“Not good, my little sausage is unable to break up this poison,

too fierce. Fatty, how did you manage to get poisoned?”

Big drops of sweat continuously rolled off Ma Hongjun’s

forehead, clearly he was enduring enormous pain. Even though
he had Zhao Wuji’s assistance, the resisting effect of the two’s
spirit power wasn’t great enough, the black qi was still
spreading, and Fatty’s palm was even more already beginning to

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From Fatty’s scream up till now, only a short period of time
had passed, that’s all. That poison’s severity made everyone
turn pale with alarm.

Fatty while enduring the enormous pain with clenched teeth,

with difficulty said:

“I was curious to touch one of the spider legs on Tang San’s

back and became like this. Tang San, those spider legs of yours
are poisonous.”

Tang San startled, light flashing in his mind, suddenly

recalling something,

“Fatty don’t move. Everyone get out of the way, do not under
any circumstances again touch the points of my spider legs.”

While speaking, he came before Fatty with one big stride, in

spite of Fatty’s palm already festering, he directly lifted the
hand to hold it up. Right now, Tang San’s palm in a moment
changed into jade color.

A bizarre scene appeared, even Oscar’s small sausage was

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unable to remove the poison, but after Tang San’s palm held
Fatty’s hand, it unexpectedly rapidly withdrew along its former
path, dull dark purple liquid continuously flowing into Tang
San’s palm and disappearing unseen.

In only the time of several breaths, Fatty’s arm had already

recovered to normal, the wound on the palm also beginning to
disseminate bright red blood.

“What is after all going on here?”

Apart from Tang San this question simultaneously appeared

in everyone’s hearts.

Seeing that Fatty was out of danger, Tang San also breathed
out. He knew everyone had numerous questions, but was in no
hurry to explain. After releasing Fatty’s hand, with quick steps
he arrived before that already dead Man Faced Demon Spider,
lifting his hand to press on it.

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s corpse had by now already

become completely gray, lacking any life force. Tang San only
use a minute amount of spirit power, at once causing a
concentrated series of cracking sounds. That Man Faced Demon

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Spider’s corpse unexpectedly shattered into fragments.

“I understand.”

Combined with his sense from the previous meditation, Tang

San finally roughly understood the sequence of events.

“From now on, no one come into contact with the spider legs
on my back, these spider legs contain the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s poison. When I absorbed the spirit ring, for some
reason, I also completely absorbed the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s poison within my body. Why these circumstances
would be like this perhaps we can only see if Grandmaster can
clearly understand. Its most expert spiderweb and my Blue
Silver Grass should also based on the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s spirit ring after mixing produce a certain variation. As
for the actual degree of variation, I can only return to slowly
experiment. All my attributes received a not inconsiderable
upgrade, especially the two areas physical strength and speed.
Spirit power also increased greatly, to my senses it’s seemingly
even more than thirty first rank.”

Zhao Wuji asked:

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“Then what’s going on with these spider legs on your back?”

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“Like with absorbing all the Man Faced Demon Spider’s

poison, I also don’t know why something like this would occur.
Those spider legs do not appear related to my absorbing the
spirit ring. I’m able to control their movement, if only
somewhat awkwardly.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Then can you withdraw them? You can’t be like this always.
People would consider you a monster.”

Tang San helplessly said:

“Aren’t we all monsters? I’ll try.”

While speaking, he condensed his spirit power and

transmitted it to his spine. Issuing an order to those eight spider
legs to recall.

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A bizarre scene appeared, those spreading open three metres
long spider legs slowly folded, bending twice to fit closely
together, afterwards bit by bit merging into Tang San’s body.

Tang San only felt some tickling on his back, nothing worth
mentioning. During this process, the three spirit rings over his
body all flared brightly. Tang San could clearly feel his spirit
power being rapidly consumed. Evidently, putting away these
spider legs required the support of spirit power to carry out.

As no less than a third of Tang San’s spirit power was

consumed, all the spider legs finally completely merged into his
back. Tang San could distinctly feel those eight spider legs had
not disappeared within his body, rather than changing into
eight bizarre energies, from his spine they fit in closely over
eight of his ribs.

“If they can be put away it’s fine.”

Zhao Wuji nodded to Tang San,

“These spider legs are quite good. If they truly are like the

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Man Faced Demon Spider’s spider legs, then, little San your
strength is at once even more powerful. Eight three metres long
spider legs that can be controlled at will is completely
equivalent to eight pikes. With the poison, if it’s as poisonous as
the Man Faced Demon Spider, then it should be neurotoxin in
addition to corrosive poison. From even little Ao’s small sausage
being unable to remove it, it can clearly be seen just how violent
the poison is.”

Tang San all along pondered, the process of obtaining this

Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring was extremely painful, at
present having already finished absorbing it, the things he
obtained were more than common Spirit Masters absorbing
many spirit rings. Let alone the attributes themselves
substantially improving, and possessing the ability he most
hoped to obtain, and on his back these eight spider legs Tang
San also didn’t know whether he should be happy or concerned
about. After all, he didn’t know what consequences conditions
like these would bring him in the future.

Right now, Tang San even more missed his Teacher, if

Grandmaster was here, perhaps these questions could all be

“Well, don’t think about it right now, everything can wait

until we return.”

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Zhao Wuji wore a smile looking at these children before him,
his mood greatly relaxed,

“Although this time we came across not a few inconveniences,

and also went through danger a number of times, in the end we
dealt with them. Oscar, Tang San and Xiao Wu have smoothly
obtained spirit rings and advanced to the Spirit Elder realm.
The crop is certainly pretty good. It’s also time to go back.
Returning to Shrek Academy, we’re setting off.”

Everyone cheered in chorus. The students had a number of

times been in danger of death, now everything was already
settled and they were at last returning home. The seven
students looked at one another, an intangible deep connection
extending between everyone’s hearts. Undergoing this time’s
visit to Star Dou Great Forest, whether obtaining spirit rings, or
without obtaining them, right now the only thought was to
return to the Academy, comfortably lying down to sleep in their
own beds.

If saying that when coming here the seven were still

somewhat estranged, then, by now their relationship had
undoubtedly pulled much closer. The previously least accepted
by everyone Ning Rongrong also used her actions to gain
everyone’s approval, and in the end between life and death she

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herself also felt the meaning of the word ‘friends’. Before a
group even more outstanding than herself, what could she still
feel superior about?

Although some time had already passed, because of using

Spirit Avatar, Zhao Wuji’s strength only had fifty percent of his
peak condition, therefore, everyone were still extremely careful
while leaving Star Dou Great Forest. Not only were everyone
provided with one of Oscar’s mushroom sausages and Recovery
Sausages, but also still maintained the most defensive

While walking out of Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu

recounted the story she previously told everyone to Tang San,
also telling him about obtaining her third spirit ring.

“Xiao Wu, what is your third spirit ring ability?”

Tang San curiously asked.

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“Secret, I’ll tell you after we’ve returned. Little San, how did

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you kill that Man Faced Demon Spider? At that time you were
alone. Even if it was an injured Man Faced Demon Spider, its
attack power should still have been extremely terrifying.
Moreover it was still venomous.”

Hearing Xiao Wu’s question, Tang San suddenly started,

“Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot about it. Zhao Wuji, wait a
moment before going on.”

By now, they were already approaching the edge of Star Dou

Great Forest, although they still saw some spirit beasts, for the
most part they were ten year and hundred year levels, no cause
for concern.

Zhao Wuji halted, looking at Tang San,

“What’s going on?”

Tang San’s right hand swiped at Twenty Four Moonlit

Bridges, taking out the Zhuge Godly Crossbow. Xiao Wu
mentioning killing the Man Faced Demon Spider made him
remember, that day his Godly Zhuge Crossbow had after being

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loaded twice not been discharged. If the mechanism was kept
loaded for a long time, it would harm the crossbow’s body.
Fortunately, only one day had passed, right now there was still
time to release the tension.

When the Godly Zhuge Crossbow was loaded it must be

relieved by shooting, this also was one of its drawbacks.

Seeing the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in Tang San’s hand, Xiao

Wu suddenly understood,

“You used it to kill the Man Faced Demon Spider. This thing’s
power is indeed formidable, the Man Faced Demon Spider’s eyes
couldn’t endure it.”

The others naturally heard Xiao Wu’s words. Because they

were previously in a tense situation, no one had paid attention
to how the Man Faced Demon Spider had died, afterwards Tang
San also began absorbing the spirit ring and everyone were only
concerned about his safety. Right now hearing Xiao Wu
mention it, they recalled what kind of terrifying existence the
Man Faced Demon Spider was, looking at the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow in Tang San’s hands, it was hard not to show
astonished gazes.

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Tang San used action to tell everyone how this Godly Zhuge
Crossbow was used. After the business in Star Dou Great Forest
this time, in his heart he already acknowledged these
companions. Mechanism type hidden weapons were also not
Tang Sect’s true secrets, he didn’t care about concealing it.

Raising his hand, aiming the Godly Zhuge Crossbow at a big

tree to the side, Tang San moved the switch.

Gabeng, Gabeng, a successive mechanical sound resounded,

everyone only felt a blur before them, immediately followed by
a successive pupu sound echoing.

How fast that momentary burst was the students couldn’t say,
even Zhao Wuji’s expression changed.

Among everyone, the fastest no doubt was agility attack type

Spirit Master Zhu Zhuqing, but even she reached the conclusion
that she absolutely would be unable to escape from the kind of
firing speed the Godly Zhuge Crossbow had.

Everyones’ complexions changed, looking dumbstruck at each


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As everyone reached the tree, they clearly saw, on that tree
that would require three large men to encircle, right now
already appeared two rows of altogether sixteen finger sized
little holes. Light shone through the holes, and one could see in
one end and out the other.

Zhao Wuji couldn’t help but ask:

“Tang San, what is this thing? How did you make it?”

Tang San held up the Godly Zhuge Crossbow before its owner,

“I call it a Godly Zhuge Crossbow. It’s a kind of

extraordinarily potent mechanism type hidden weapon. Anyone
could use it. Filled with forty eight crossbow bolts, after each
time the mechanism is set it can by the mechanism launch
sixteen bolts in a moment. Like just now. With the mechanism
set it has to be shot, otherwise after the mechanism is stretched
for too long, the crossbow will take damage. Because the
strength of the mechanism included in this kind of crossbow is
very great, even metal will be unable to easily endure it. This is
also the drawback of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.”

(诸葛神弩) “Zhuge God Crossbow”, Zhuge probably refers to

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Zhuge Liang, the supposed Three Kingdoms era strategist and
supposed inventor of the repeating crossbow.

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Chapter 36 - Grandmaster’s Arrival

Dai Mubai puzzled said:

“You are saying, what you shot just now was crossbow bolts?
But, where have your crossbow bolts gone to?”

Tang San smiled slightly, indicating another tree behind the



While speaking, he walked over to that tree. This second tree

was still ten metres from the first, as everyone reached him,
they only then saw the traces of the bolts the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow’s launched.

Sixteen crossbow bolts, in two neat rows, completely entering

the tree.

Zhao Wuji looked at that tree, taking another look at these


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“Little San, did these crossbow bolts you shot penetrate that
previous tree, then again enter this tree?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“The Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s power is very formidable,

specialised in breaking spirit power defense. If their defensive
power isn’t exceptionally tyrannical, the target will be dead in a

Hearing Tang San’s explanation, everyone couldn’t help but

draw a breath, with such an unreasonable penetrating power,
among everyone present, besides Zhao Wuji, all knew they
would be unable to resist.

Dai Mubai muttered to himself:

“This thing is too potent, even if I used White Tiger Vajra

Transformation, perhaps I would still be seriously hurt.”

Tang San raised his hand to pat at the tree trunk, relying on

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Mysterious Heaven Skill to apply Capturing Dragon force, bit by
bit shaking a crossbow bolt from within the tree trunk.

This Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s bolts were not easy to make, the
ones previously fired into the Man Faced Demon Spider were
clearly lost, but these he would hate to part with.

While clapping the tree trunk, Tang San meanwhile said to

Dai Mubai:

“The Godly Zhuge Crossbow can be said to be the common

soldier’s nightmare. But also, its greatest feature is not its
power, but its hidden weapon characteristics of concealment
and surprise. As long as it’s loaded, shooting it doesn’t require
any spirit power. Even an ordinary person could easily use it.
According to my calculations, Spirit Masters under fortieth rank
if struck from the front, have very small odds of survival. On
non-defense type Spirit Masters it has an extremely powerful
restraining effect.”

“Tang San, is all this your research?”

Ning Rongrong asked.

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Tang San stared blankly a moment, saying with a wry smile:

“It can be considered so.”

He could never tell everyone that these were techniques he

had brought from another life.

Ning Rongrong probing asked:

“Tang San, can’t you sell this thing to me? You can set the
price. You know I’m an auxiliary system Spirit Master, without
any defensive capability. When everyone’s lives are on the line,
besides a bit of supporting spirit ability, I can only watch. If I
had this thing, I could also have a bit of offensive strength.”

Tang San let slip a smile, saying:

“Sell what, later I will give you one as a gift. Only, making this
thing requires very expensive materials, this material
expenditure is on you.”

Right now, the crossbow bolts had already been clapped out of

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the tree by Tang San, so everyone saw the appearance of the
Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s bolts.

The bolts were eight cun long, without fletchings, the rear
four cun were cylindrical, the front four cun were shaped to a
needle point, the front-most three cun had a whole twelve tiny
blood groves, the tip extremely sharp, twinkling faintly with
cold light, without any wear from penetrating the tree trunk.

Tang San flipped the side of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow,

opening the arrow trough, pushing sixteen crossbow bolts back
inside the box one by one.

Oscar had by now already moved over, his face wearing a

flattering smile,

“Little San, aren’t we good brothers?”

Tang San looked at him and smiled slightly, how could he not
understand Oscar’s intention,

“Of course, be at ease, I will give each person a Godly Zhuge

Crossbow. Just like with Ning Rongrong, you cover the material

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costs, I will be responsible for making them. However, Making
this thing is very troublesome, in one month I can only make
one. You mustn’t feel anxious. Furthermore, don’t easily use it
except as a last resort. Making the crossbow bolts is also not
easy, and after shooting it’s very difficult to recover them. I’m
after all only one person, I definitely can’t provide more than
for all of you to use personally. To say nothing of this Godly
Zhuge Crossbow’s own extreme potency, its killing power is too
great, and it’s very easy to cause fatal wounds.”

“Little San, this won’t do.”

Zhao Wuji suddenly spoke up.

Tang San looked blank a moment,

“Why, teacher Zhao.”

Zhao Wuji’s face revealed a cunning smile, looking at the

other students he said:

“These fellows are not persons without money. Making this

Godly Zhuge Crossbow of yours isn’t easy, it can’t be cheap to

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them. In any case some people don’t care about money, so you
estimate a proper price to sell it to them for.”

Dai Mubai nodded, saying:

“I agree with teacher Zhao. Little San, if you had to sell this
Godly Zhuge Crossbow of yours, how much money would it

Tang San shook his head with a smile,

“Everyone is one of us, there’s no need to mention money.”

Dai Mubai said:

“One of us is true. But they also can’t let you suffer losses. If
one small box is capable of shooting such enormously powerful
crossbow bolts, clearly the craftsmanship is exceedingly
complex. We cannot always let you tax yourself for nothing. Let
alone, after we use this thing, we still need to replenish
crossbow bolts. Don’t tell me that every time we would have
you make them for free? Don’t be modest with us. This is
proper, this first Godly Zhuge Crossbow counts as your gift to

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us. We only pay for the materials. If we later need more, you
have to sell it to us, how about it?”

Oscar laughed, saying:

“No problem, like this, anyway every month we all have a not
insignificant stipend. This thing can save our lives in a crucial
moment. Being a bit expensive is of no concern.”

Tang San nodded at this, saying:

“Then fine. Since everyone is interested in this mechanism

type hidden weapon, afterwards I will strive to help you all get
your own equipment, after all, one more kind of weapon is also
one more kind of guarantee.”

Everyone were clearly very interested in the hidden weapon,

of course, this also was greatly related to the effect Tang San
produced when using the hidden weapon. After all, on the first
day of arriving at Shrek Academy, relying on hidden weapons
he put the compared to him more than forty spirit power ranks
higher Zhao Wuji at a disadvantage. Let alone these students,
even Zhao Wuji was somewhat affected.

1255 Goldenagato |

Finally they had left Star Dou Great Forest. Out of the forest’s
boundary, although they no longer had that fresh and clean air,
everyone seemed to be unburdened from a layer of pressure,
feeling much lighter.

“We will hurry on again, we can rest at the little town.”

Zhao Wuji said with a smile.

Dai Mubai said:

“If everyone’s condition is no problem to rush a bit, after

reaching the small town, I would invite everyone for a drink.
Teacher Zhao, this time you can’t decline. If not for your
assistance, perhaps we would all be unable to walk out alive
from Star Dou.”

Zhao Wuji smiled, saying:

“Little Bai, I know you’re wealthy. Only, my capacity is vast.”

Dai Mubai laughed,

1256 Goldenagato |

“Teacher Zhao, did you not hear that sentence? My ability to
use money to settle matters is no problem.”

Entering Star Dou Great Forest this time, the bounty truly
wasn’t small, not only did Oscar succeed in entering the Spirit
Elder realm, Tang San and Xiao Wu also equally succeeded in
fusing with their third spirit rings. Even more significant was
strengthening the cooperation and relationship between
everyone. The entire Shrek Academy altogether only had these
seven students. Removing conflicts would be greatly beneficial
to everyone’s cultivation from here on.

The party rested at the small town for as much as two days.
Recovering spirit power and physical power naturally didn’t
require this much time, but after continuously living in a
stretched tight condition the mind needed to relax.

Dai Mubai was extremely grand, paying for everyone’s

expenses over the two days, everyone also didn’t cultivate, each
day drinking together and playing noisily, indescribably
pleased. Even the always ice cold Zhu Zhuqing’s expression
softened a lot. Only, she didn’t say anything and didn’t agree to
let Dai Mubai again pull on her hand.

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Dai Mubai also didn’t push her, after all, she was just a twelve
year old little girl. He wasn’t anxious.

After two days, everyone once again set off, following the one
day’s journey they smoothly returned to Suotuo City’s Shrek

“Finally back. Coming home feels truly wonderful, ah!”

Oscar somewhat exaggeratedly shouted out loudly.

Zhao Wuji glared at him,

“Keep your voice down, haven’t you seen the sky is dark?
Well, you each return to your dormitories to rest. I will go see
the dean and report what’s happened.”

After one day of fast travelling everyone were tired, each

walked towards their dorms.

“Tang San, wait a minute.”

1258 Goldenagato |

Tang San was just about to leave with Oscar for their dorm,
when Ning Rongrong called out.

Tang San looked blank a moment,

“Rongrong, what’s the matter?”

Ning Rongrong bit her lip, saying:

“I want to chat with you alone, can we?”

At Tang San’s side, Oscar’s expression stiffened at once,

“You chat. I’ll return first.”

Since that day he pushed down Ning Rongrong when the

Titan Giant Ape attacked, Oscar’s originally already dead
affection had begun to live again, after all, Ning Rongrong’s
appearance was beautiful, although only twelve years old, she
was still growing into a rare beauty. These past few days as he
had paid great attention to her, Ning Rongrong also had not

1259 Goldenagato |

again rejected him, on the contrary getting much closer.

But now Ning Rongrong suddenly said she had to chat with
Tang San alone, Oscar in his heart couldn’t help but be a bit
sour, but also couldn’t say anything.

Xiao Wu looked somewhat curiously at Ning Rongrong,

“Rongrong, what do you need little San for? I can’t hear it


Ning Rongrong hesitated a moment, but still gave a nod.

Xiao Wu pouted, pulling a face towards Ning Rongrong, and

with that ran off towards the dorm.

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing had just now

already returned to the dorms, currently, at the Academy
entrance remained only Tang San and Ning Rongrong.

“Rongrong, in the end what is the matter?”

1260 Goldenagato |

Tang San asked.

Ning Rongrong said:

“Tang San, I want to make a deal with you.”

“A deal?”

Tang San somewhat astonished looked at her. In his heart

thinking, ‘don’t tell me this Ning Rongrong has returned to her
old ways again?’

Ning Rongrong earnestly nodded,

“Although I know you can’t be short on money, but I still very

much want to make this deal with you. Only, in this matter I
can’t make it on my own. I wanted to first ask whether you were

Tang San, through observations, discovered Ning Rongrong

apparently wasn’t going back to her old ways. Her expression

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was very serious, and even slightly excited.

“Just say it, what is the matter?”

Ning Rongrong said:

“You know that I come from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
School. Although we are one of the seven big clans of the
current age and have a high status, our school’s core students
are all support type Spirit Masters. When we meet enemies, we
are always the priority target. I think your mechanism type
hidden weapons will help us greatly. At least it will let our
members have a bit of self defense ability. So, if possible, I hope
that, through the school, I can buy a batch of mechanism type
hidden weapons.”

So that’s why. Tang San understood Ning Rongrong.

“But I heard Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School had many

subsidiary clans and members just for protecting the core
students. You even have two powerful Title Douluo. Is it still
not enough?”

1262 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong said: “That, after all, is still external help, not
belonging to us. Also, no one can promise there won’t be
traitors! In the past in our school, that happened once. One of
my uncles were abducted by a protector of the school.
Afterwards, even though the school set many laws against
similar incidents, we’re still passive in any situation.”

Tang San said:

“Rongrong, sorry. I’m afraid I’ll have to let you down. If it

was only a few, there wouldn’t be any problem. I should be able
to make enough hidden weapons. But for your entire school,
there are at least over a hundred core students. I really can’t
make that many hidden weapons.”

Ning Rongrong anxiously said:

“It’s quality doesn’t have to be very good. As long as we can

defend ourselves. If the quality is worse, can it save some time?”

Tang San looked sternly.

“Rongrong, don’t ever say that again. I either don’t do it, or

1263 Goldenagato |

do it to the best of my abilities.”

Ning Rongrong stuck her tongue out.

“Then there’s no other way?”

Tang San thought for a bit, and suddenly remembered Tang

Sect’s old way of operating. If he imitated it, could he….

“There is a way, but I need to think about it carefully before I

can give you an answer.”

Ning Rongrong smiled slightly and said :

“That’s fine. Tang San, how about this. Give the first hidden
weapon you make to me. I also need to bring it to my dad for a
look. Only my father can decide whether they should equip the
core students with your hidden weapons. If it really is ok, you
have to ask for a high price, don’t be polite. Heehee, I need to go
back to sleep. I possibly have to explain to your Xiao Wu as well.
Don’t worry, I won’t make her feel jealous.”

1264 Goldenagato |

Done talking, with a string of laughter Ning Rongrong ran
towards the dormitory.

Looking at Ning Rongrong’s departing figure, Tang San

showed a relaxed smile. Money was a good thing, he naturally
wouldn’t refuse it. For him, if he wanted to make more
powerful hidden weapons, he needed the support of money.
Tang San decided to think about it carefully when he got back.
He wanted to see if he could bring the Tang Sect’s way of
business here. After all, making massive amounts of hidden
weapons wasn’t something he could accomplish alone.

Back at the dormitory, Little Ao wasn’t resting. He only laid

on his bed, looking at the ceiling. Seeing Tang San enter, he
quickly sat up.

“Little San, what did Rongrong need you for?”

Looking at his nervous expression, Tang San couldn’t help but

laugh on the inside and tease him,

“Nothing much. We only exchanged affections.”

1265 Goldenagato |

“Exchanging affection?”

Oscar’s voice became slightly strange.

“Little San, is Xiao Wu really your sister?”

Tang San shook his head.

“Xiao Wu is my adopted sister.”

Oscar said:

“If you already have Xiao Wu, shouldn’t you not fight over
Rongrong with me?”

Tang San looked at Oscar, amused.

“Didn’t you give up already?”

Oscar felt a bit embarrassed.

1266 Goldenagato |

“But don’t you feel after we went to Star Dou Great Forest, she
changed a little? She seems not as annoying as before. Also,
she’s still young, I believe her attitude will definitely get

Tang San also laid down on his bed.

“Then you have to try hard. Don’t worry, she talked to me

only for business about my hidden weapons.”

Oscar was amazed.

“Really? Then that’s great. Little San, you really are my good

Tang San rolled his eyes,

“Give me a break, go rest. Aren’t you tired?”

Closing his eyes, Shrek Academy’s friends flashed through

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Tang San’s head one by one. All of these people can be said to be
monstrous prodigies. Even their minds were more mature than
people their age. Just the thought of Ma Hongjun, at the age of
twelve, loitering around brothels, and Dai Mubai with those
twins, was unfathomable to Tang San. Was this the early
maturing in legends?

After a day of travelling, fatigue was unavoidable. Finally

getting back, Tang San decided to allow himself to relax for a
day. He didn’t start cultivation, but went straight into dreams.
A mind that was always tense would actually bring disadvantage
when cultivating. Needed rest would benefit the effects of daily
cultivations. This was the way of striking balance between work
and rest that Grandmaster passed on to Tang San.

In the dean’s office.

Flender, full with astonishment, finished listening to Zhao

Wuji’s description of the journey this time. His expression
changed multiple times, and after finally hearing everyone
returned safely, he let out a sigh of relief.

“Looks like we were still too careless.”

1268 Goldenagato |

Flender sighed and felt a wave of lingering fear.

“Next time they go hunt for spirit beasts, I will lead the team
with you, with two other teachers. These kids are all favored by
fate, if they have any accidents, that’s equal to ruining

Zhao Wuji sat in a seat on the side. He was even more afraid
that any accidents would happen. He laughed bitterly:

“This can’t be blamed on you. Who would know that Star Dou
Great Forest would become this weird, with this many things
happening in the outer edges. They even met the Unrivalled
Dragon Serpent couple. The thing I understand the least is the
appearance of the Titan Giant Ape. However you look at it, with
his ranking within spirit beasts, he wouldn’t lightly come to the
outer edges. Good thing Xiao Wu’s fortune is good, or else this
time we really would have big losses. Frankly, even if we did
what you said and sent four teachers to protect these kids, if we
met the Titan Giant Ape we still would have been destroyed.”

Flender nodded.

“But Star Dou Great Forest is the nearest spirit beast habitat.

1269 Goldenagato |

Other than that we have no other choice. But from your
explanation, the Titan Giant Ape seemed unhostile and didn’t
kill everyone. Or else, even if you used your Spirit Avatar you
wouldn’t have been able to block it. Xiao Wu surviving is even
more surprising. What is the cow roar she talked about? Don’t
tell me that in the Star Dou Great Forest, there is some spirit
beast that can raise a response from the Titan Giant Ape?”

“The cow roar was probably from the Skyblue Bull Python.”

A stiff and slightly strange voice came from outside the door.
Zhao Wuji was startled. He had already heard the sound of
approaching footsteps, but he didn’t really care about it. He
only thought it was a teacher of the Academy. Now that he
heard the voice, he felt something was wrong. No one in the
Academy sounded like that.

“Haha, a familiar person came. Xiao Gang, quickly come in.”

The door opened and a middle aged man walked in from

outside. A stiff face, a perfectly straight back, a first impression
of lifeless eyes, but in fact deep in the dark pupils expressing
some anxiety. If Tang San were here, he would have recognized
the person on first sight, because he was Tang San’s Teacher, in
the Spirit Master realm famous as Grandmaster

1270 Goldenagato |

“Come, Wuji, you don’t recognize him right? I will introduce
you to him. This is my old partner in those days, also Tang San’s
teacher. You can call him Grandmaster. Almost the entire Spirit
Master world calls him that.”

Zhao Wuji suddenly remembered something and looked at

Grandmaster, surprised.

“So you are Grandmaster. Greetings, I am Zhao Wuji.”

Grandmaster’s tone was always that flat, his stiff face barely
squeezing out a smile.

“Motionless Bright King, you don’t have to be polite. You

came back, Tang San should have came back with you. Is he safe
and sound?”

He only heard Zhao Wuji talk about Xiao Wu being let go by

the Titan Giant Ape and didn’t hear any previous conversations.

Zhao Wuji chuckled and said:

1271 Goldenagato |

“He’s fine. Our luck is pretty good, everyone came back safe
and sound. This time it really was thanks to Tang San.
Grandmaster, you indeed brought up a good apprentice. When
did you arrive at the Academy?”

Flender helped Grandmaster answer Zhao Wuji’s question,

“He arrived the day before yesterday. If not for Tang San, he
might have never come. Xiao Gang, sit.”

When Grandmaster heard Zhao Wuji say Tang San was safe,
his expression clearly eased. Without being polite, he pulled
over a chair and sat down. Zhao Wuji then learned that
Grandmaster’s real name was Xiao Gang, hearing this was a
little unexpected, but it was also a name brimming with
masculinity. He had also heard quite a few rumors about
Grandmaster. Although Grandmaster himself looked skinny
and lacked strength, his character was famously strong. Once,
he abandoned his family for some matters. That was when he
met Flender and another person, later creating the famous
Golden Iron Triangle.

Zhao Wuji was very interested in what Grandmaster said as he

entered, and hastened to question closer:

1272 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster, just now you mentioned some spirit beast?
One unexpectedly able to make the Titan Giant Ape pay

On Grandmaster’s face was revealed a focused serious


“If Xiao Wu heard a cow’s roar, then, the Titan Giant Ape
giving up and leaving her is a very reasonable explanation.
Within Star Dou Great Forest, there is not only this one Titan
Giant Ape forest king. There is still a compared to him even
more formidable existence. That existence is Star Dou Great
Forest’s greatest power. If speaking of the Titan Giant Ape as
king, then, he is the emperor. This kind of spirit beast is the Sky
Blue Bull Python.

Whether it was Zhao Wuji or Flender, both revealed

expressions of listening earnestly, also in their hearts secretly
sighing in admiration, in terms of knowledge, perhaps no one
would be able to compare to this Grandmaster before them.
Zhao Wuji also finally understood why he would be known as

1273 Goldenagato |

“As everyone knows, for a spirit beast’s strength, apart from
its cultivation age, innate talent is also extremely important.
Just like us Spirit Master: apart from cultivation level and spirit
rings, the spirit’s innate strength also determines future
development potential. But among spirit beasts, if dividing
spirit beasts according to level, then, the Sky Blue Bull Python
and the Titan Giant Ape should both be considered the most
super formidable. They possess incomparable innate talent and
tyrannical physique. These two existences within Star Dou
Great Forest have already surpasses at least fifty thousand years
cultivation. Although they still haven’t reached the hundred
thousand spirit beast level, their oppressive strength is already
sufficient to compare with the Title Douluo among us spirit
masters. When their cultivation age reaches a hundred
thousand years, then, perhaps they will become existences
transcending Title Douluo.”

Zhao Wuji said:

“Grandmaster, I have previously heard of this Titan Giant Ape

many times, but this is still my first time hearing the name Sky
Blue Bull Python. Unexpectedly it’s even more powerful than
the Titan Giant Ape, then what is it capable of?”

Grandmaster sighed slightly,

1274 Goldenagato |

“Just like no one knows the Titan Giant Ape’s full ability,
even less people know what the Sky Blue Bull Python is truly
capable of. A Title Douluo once penetrated deeply into Star Dou
Great Forest. He was confident in his strength, wanting to have
a look at what kind of place the core of this Star Dou Great
Forest was like. His strength was indeed formidable, finally
entering the deepest part of the forest. Reaching that core, he
was astonished to discover, that place unexpectedly no longer
was a forest, but a not very large lake. The lake water was clear,
surrounded by forest, like a fairyland.”

Lake? Zhao Wuji looked astonished at Grandmaster, Flender

had a somewhat pondering expression.

Grandmaster continued:

“Just next to that little lake, the Title Douluo saw a spirit
beast drinking water. But this spirit beast was actually the Titan
Giant Ape you encountered this time, that Title Douluo seeing
the Titan Giant Ape was greatly excited, he had always heard it
was a kind of formidable spirit beast existence, and immediately
intended to start a fight with the Titan Giant Ape. But, in the
end he couldn’t compete with the Titan Giant Ape, because he
in less than a moment already lost his head out of fear and
escaped that place.”

1275 Goldenagato |

“Why? Because of the Sky Blue Bull Python?”

Zhao Wuji had opened his eyes wide.

Grandmaster nodded,

“Precisely because of the Sky Blue Bull Python. As that Title

Douluo prepared to fight, suddenly, the little lake before him
boiled, and immediately afterward, he saw an incomparably
enormous bull head stretch from below the surface,
incomparably immense pressure making that Title Douluo
unable to help being shocked. The bull headed python bodied
spirit beast slowly separated from the surface, revealing its
hundred metre long huge body. At that time it was evening.
This whole blue-green spirit beast hissed at the sky. In the sky
the moon’s radiance seemed to be swallowed by it. But what
truly scared that Title Douluo was that this Sky Blue Bull
Python unexpectedly spoke human words, saying to that Title
Douluo, ‘human, your cultivation becomes difficult, leave this

Zhao Wuji and Flender looked at each other, Flender couldn’t

help saying:

1276 Goldenagato |

“How have I never heard of this before?”

Grandmaster coldly glanced at him,

“There are still very many matters you don’t know about. Do
you know how the Titan Giant Ape behaved when the Sky Blue
Bull Python appeared? Before the Sky Blue Bull Python it would
display a fearful expression. But that Sky Blue Bull Python at
that time, from its mouth issued an ear splitting bull roar.
Consequently, from what Xiao Wu said I can determine that
Titan Giant Ape certainly heard the Sky Blue Bull Serpent’s call,
putting down everything in its hands, hurrying to meet it. The
reason why the Sky Blue Bull Serpent is not as well known as
the Titan Giant Ape, is because it very rarely leaves the pool at
the core of Star Dou Great Forest. But this matter was related to
the spirit master world by that Title Douluo. Still its existence is
known only by a small number of people, and I am precisely one
of them.”

“So it was like this. It appears that Xiao Wu’s luck truly is

Grandmaster said:

1277 Goldenagato |

“Teacher Zhao, I carefully read these current students’
records, this time you left for Star Dou Great Forest in order for
that food system Spirit Master child to look for his third spirit
ring, I do not know what spirit beast’s spirit ring he obtained in
the end?”

Zhao Wuji chuckled, saying:

“This time our luck wasn’t bad, it could also be considered

robbing the fat from other peoples’ mouths, Oscar that kid
obtained a thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s spirit
ring, possessing a pretty good third spirit ability.”

“A thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent?”

The muscles in Grandmaster’s rigid face changed at once,

“This truly is very good. Originally I had anticipated several

kinds of spirit rings suited to this food system child, but I never
expected this child would obtain a spirit beast result so good.
The Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent’s disposition is relatively gentle,
but extremely cunning, most expert in fleeing, its cultivation is
not easy. If my conjecture is correct, Oscar’s third spirit ability
is certainly related to speed.”

1278 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji with a sigh of admiration said:

“Worthy of being called Grandmaster, you are correct, this

third spirit ring of Oscar’s is related to speed. His third spirit
ability is a kind of mushroom sausage, after eating it one can
maintain flight for one minute, flying at the same speed as the
Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent.”

Grandmaster seemed shocked, clearly he had not anticipated

the spirit ability Oscar obtained would be like this. He resolutely

“This child’s food system spirit talent is unprecedented, the

most outstanding of all the food system spirit masters I have
met. His future prospects cannot be measured.”

Flender smiled darkly, saying:

“This Shrek Academy of mine has always accepted only

monsters. Did you just find out now? Unfortunately, this is the
last class. These seven children are the Academy’s last disciples,
I certainly must foster them into people worthy of respect. This

1279 Goldenagato |

time with your help. We brothers working with a common
purpose, in less than ten years, we will certainly let the word
Shrek shake the Spirit Master world.”

Grandmaster unhappily glared at Flender,

“If not for little San, I wouldn’t remain here. Flender, don’t
forget what you promised me. In the future when little San
hunts spirit beasts you must personally accompany him.”

Flender said:

“This is easy. Only, we still must wait for him to reach

fortieth rank.”

Grandmaster was an astute person, his seemingly

expressionless eyes released a flash of light, staring fixedly at
Zhao Wuji, saying:

“Teacher Zhao, don’t tell me little San also already reached

thirtieth rank?”

1280 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji nodded, saying:

“I also just thought to ask Grandmaster whether the change

on little San’s body was ordinary……”

At once, he repeated what he previously told Flender, telling

Grandmaster in even more detail about the events of this time
entering Star Dou Great Forest.

Grandmaster listened very attentively, without overlooking a

single word of what Zhao Wuji said. In his eyes all along
expressed a pondering light.

Although Grandmaster’s disposition was calm, as Zhao Wuji

spoke of Tang San several times being in danger of death his
expression couldn’t help but transform, especially hearing Zhao
Wuji say Tang San absorbed that two thousand year cultivation
Man Faced Demon Spider his expression changed greatly. No
one understood more clearly than him how grave the
consequences were of absorbing a spirit ring surpassing one’s
limit, that was practically certain death.

Once Zhao Wuji had finished everything he had to say,

Grandmaster slowly released a long breath,

1281 Goldenagato |

“Little San this child’s willpower is stronger than I had
imagined. I didn’t expect that he would be able to endure like
this. This child’s prospects are perhaps even more outstanding
than I had estimated.”

Zhao Wuji said:

“The reason why Tang San was able to persevere is perhaps

related to Xiao Wu. A person’s willpower will sometimes be
affected by external circumstances. I can reach the conclusion
that Xiao Wu in Tang San’s mind has an extremely important

Grandmaster nodded,

“You’re right, it’s very possible this is the reason. However,

this is still greatly related to his own willpower. Tang San this
child’s will is precocious, already far exceeding his peers’.”

Zhao Wuji said:

1282 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster, what is after all going on with the eight spider
legs that appeared on Tang San’s back? Those don’t seem at all a
result of the spirit ring. He has a Tool Spirit, how could he
himself transform? If it wouldn’t be spirit ring variation,
perhaps it’s spirit variation?”

Grandmaster said:

“Right now I still don’t dare be certain of what his condition

is. Spirit ring variation is impossible, spirit beasts’ spirit rings
are invariably fixed. Although bringing different results when
combined with different spirits, the spirit rings themselves will
not have too great changes. Tang San already obtained a spirit
ability, the spider legs appearing on his back should not be
bestowed by the spirit ring. As for spirit variation, it’s not
impossible. But I do not believe this is the case.”

(天青牛蟒) “Sky Blue/Green Cow/Bull/Ox Python”

(小刚) “Little Firm”


1283 Goldenagato |

Possibly related, Ox Head (牛头) is one of the two guardians of
the underworld in Chinese mythology, along with Horse Face

1284 Goldenagato |

Chapter 37 - Blue Silver Grass Post-Evolution

“Generally speaking, spirit variation is set from birth,

consequently, when the spirit awakens, if the spirit is already
varied, it will exhibit. Receiving post-natal influence and
generating spirit variation is really too rare. Tang San’s spirit is
Blue Silver Grass, its weakness leading to him absorbing any
spirit ring comparatively easily, and won’t cause too great
rejection. Although the Man Faced Demon Spider was powerful,
it still wouldn’t cause this kind of spirit variation condition.
Most importantly, his Blue Silver Grass spirit hasn’t
disappeared and can still be released, from this point I can
conclude it really isn’t spirit variation.”

Flender said:

“Then what’s going on? These spider legs would never appear
without reason. Wuji just now also said, on these spider legs is
added the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison. If used
appropriately, it can be considered a kind of weapon on its own,
and still a very surprising one.”

In Grandmaster’s eyes twinkled a light, abruptly standing up,

1285 Goldenagato |

“I must personally see the circumstances of these spider legs,
to decide what they are after all classified as.”

Flender waved his hand to Grandmaster, saying:

“Let it be, those children have only just returned, finding

Tang San again tomorrow is not too late, let him have a rest.”

Grandmaster hesitated a moment, at last still sitting back

down in his seat,

“If it truly is like I estimate, then, this time Tang San’s

harvest in Star Dou Great Forest was too great. Even better than
the spirit ring he acquired.”

Flender started,

“You are saying……”

Grandmaster nodded,

1286 Goldenagato |

“But I still can’t be certain, if it truly is like this, then, I
promise you to stay here.”

Flender laughed,

“Good. Then I look forward to your stay. We brothers are at

last able to be together again. It’s a pity, she isn’t here.”

Hearing Flender speaking of that ‘her’, Grandmaster’s face

changed minutely, frowning,

“Flender, don’t mention her, I don’t want to quarrel with


Flender somewhat helplessly shrugged,

“Fine. I don’t want a quarrel either. Only, I truly wish you will
stay. For all these years, I could be considered spending all my
effort towards Shrek Academy, I have now finally decided to
close the Academy, I hope this last batch of students are able to
give me the perfect ending. With you here, this has all become

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From Flender’s eyes, Grandmaster saw a bit of weariness, the
expression on his rigid face couldn’t help but soften a bit,

“We can speak of that again tomorrow once I’ve seen little

Flender said to Zhao Wuji,

“Wuji, you’re also tired after hurrying for one day. Go rest at
once. Thank you for your troubles this time.”

Zhao Wuji smiled slightly, saying:

“The Academy also isn’t just you alone, if we were not full of
hope for this place, and fond of this kind of tranquil life, who
would remain at this place for so many years? We have all spent
our heart’s blood for this place, you need not speak politely.
Grandmaster. Flender. I’ll leave first.”

Finished speaking, Zhao Wuji stood up and left Flender’s

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Flender all along followed Zhao Wuji’s departure with his

eyes. In his eyes displayed some gratitude,

“Were it not for the help of these old brothers in these years,
perhaps I long ago would have failed to support the Academy.
Once this batch of students have graduated, I will also properly
relax, travelling to every place on the Continent, relaxing my
mind. Xiao Geng, when that moment comes will you go together
with me?”

Grandmaster looked blank a moment, shaking his head,

“I don’t know.”

Flender sighed,

“Although I know you don’t want to recall the past, I still

can’t help but to say, those days we lived together, was
something I cannot forget in a lifetime. That memory was the
happiest time in all my life. If we could always keep living so
happily and carefree, it would be great, ah!”

1289 Goldenagato |

Hearing Flender’s words, something appeared in
Grandmaster’s eyes, lowering his head, he indifferently said:

“People will grow old, and all will mature. Since past matters
are already in the past, what’s the point in speaking of them?
Only seeing the past, speaking easily, what can it really

Flender sighing shook his head,

“Xiao Gang, your character is too strict. If you agreed to soften

a bit, perhaps, right now you also wouldn’t have this
appearance. You truly couldn’t accept her? After all, that wasn’t
her mistake. Furthermore, do you truly care about such worldly

“Shut up.”

Grandmaster’s mood suddenly became agitated, shouting

loudly, both eyes firmly glaring at Flender,

1290 Goldenagato |

“Don’t mention her before me again. And you? What about
you? After so many years, why aren’t you together with her?
Don’t tell me you didn’t like her. If it was like that, why are you
still unmarried, still insisting on this Shrek Academy? This was
just a joke on her part, that’s all.”

Flender’s gaze gradually chilled,

“Xiao Gang, you are still so stubborn, in all these years you
haven’t changed. Right, I admit it, I like her. However, the one
she truly likes is you. A noble person will not forcibly seize a
person’s love, even more, in my heart, both of you are always
my best friends. I can’t forget her, but, I also will never move on
her, I only want to recall the past, nothing more. Isn’t it good to
be free and unrestrained alone like this?”

Grandmaster abruptly stood from his seat,

“Free? Bullshit, what I wanted was for you to bring her

happiness. I didn’t expect that after all these years, seeing you
again, you to tell me you only want the memories. If I was able,
I wish I could kill you right now.”

Flender sighed,

1291 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Gang, Don’t get agitated. I know, at that time you chose
to leave for the sake of us three. For the past many years, always
without messages from you, just didn’t want to trouble our
lives. But, she only likes you, even though between you was that
kind of relationship, she only likes you. We both love the same
person, don’t tell me you let me go force her, forcing her into
matters making her unhappy? Perhaps if she would agree like
that, but, in all her life she wouldn’t be happy. These years, I
always tried to find you, she as well. Before she left, I told her, I
would always be her eldest brother, forever willing to act as her
eldest brother. She never forgot you, and never gave up that
sincerity in her heart, don’t tell me, you couldn’t……”

Grandmaster smiled, on his rigid face that smiling expression

nevertheless made people feel cold,

“Me and her, is it possible? If it was possible, would I wait

until now? If it weren’t for that special relationship between us,
do you think I would give her to you? I wouldn’t. I couldn’t care
about common peoples’ opinions, but I can’t let her bear them
together with me. Flender, if you still are my brother, don’t
inform her about me, otherwise, I will immediately leave this
place, never meeting you again.”

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Flender also seemed angry,

“Then you have the heart to see her always painfully search
for you, to see her alone all her life?”

Grandmaster’s gaze was somewhat sentimental,

“Twenty years, a whole twenty years, it’s all already late.

Right now I only hope to foster little San into a great person,
matters of emotions I already do not dare expect. At that time I
left like that, don’t tell me you believe she would still forgive
me? In this life of mine, I have never before been afraid of
anything, but, right now I’m truly afraid, I’m afraid to confront
her. Honestly, when I found you this time, when I didn’t see her
at your side, I was secretly somewhat delighted, but when I
sobered, I discovered my heart was only empty. I lack the ability
to repay her. I don’t have the courage to face her.”


Flender stared at Grandmaster, for a long time unable to

speak a word,

1293 Goldenagato |

“Forget it, this is all your own matter. I won’t let her know
you’ve appeared. But if there comes a day when she finds you,
Xiao Gang, hear my words, do not run away again. If you still
are my brother.”

Grandmaster didn’t promise, but, Flender saw the rims of his

eyes had already reddened, he understood the suffering in
Grandmaster’s heart, right now didn’t say anything more.

“Have you returned home?”

Flender changed the topic.

Grandmaster shook his head,

“Since long ago I already didn’t have a home.”

Flender sighed,

“That is after all your home. Even though they don’t welcome
you. But……”

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Grandmaster waved his hand, indicating Flender shouldn’t
say more,

“Even if I wanted to return, I still wouldn’t return like this.

Without first having my proof, I will not let those people laugh
at me.”

On Flender’s face suddenly revealed a smile,

“Apparently, your heart truly is completely placed on Tang

San. Did you know, for little San, Wuji was even beaten up.”

Grandmaster smiled, this time his smile was no longer cold,

“Although I didn’t know, I can guess. That person, couldn’t be

offended by you.”

“You know?”

Flender started, his gaze at Grandmaster immediately became

somewhat strange.

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Grandmaster pulled out a token tile from his chest and tossed
it to Flender, on the surface six distinct insignia immediately
appeared before his eyes.

“He gave me this. Flender, know that what you right now see
of little San, is not all of him. His true potential is still far, far
from being unearthed. Don’t tell me you believe that his spirit
really is just Blue Silver Grass? If it was like that, how would he
still become my disciple?”

Flender was shocked in his heart,

“Don’t tell me his spirit also has a variation?”

Grandmaster shook his head,

“No, it really isn’t variation, just twins, that’s all.”


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Filling the night, tonight’s night sky brought several faint

spirits, as if giving the night mist a layer of muslin, giving
people a kind of mist covered water hazy sense of beauty.

When the night washed away, as the distant day showed its
first hints of white, a dorm’s door quietly opened.

Being tired wouldn’t affect a lifetime of habit, Tang San

quietly walked out of the dorm. Even though the day still
seemed very dark, he liked this time every day the most.

Because this was dawn, it was a beginning, a brand new

beginning. Every time, he felt himself seem to completely
awaken, everything being that beautiful.

Behind talent was great effort, without assiduous cultivation,

even talented Spirit Masters still couldn’t accomplish much.
Behind Tang San’s formidable surface was already more than
ten years of great effort.

Practiced leaping onto the house, only this time Tang San

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nearly fell off the roof. Because just when he jumped onto the
roof, he happened the see a person sitting there alone, burning
gaze staring fixedly at him.

At dawn, a person’s mind would be very relaxed, and Tang

San was no exception, therefore he hadn’t at all carefully
listened to his surroundings, just would jump from fright.

The person on the rooftop caught Tang San by one shoulder,

pulling him to sit down at his side, the other hand making a
gesture for him to sit silently.

After shock came exultation, Tang San immediately

recognized, this person sitting on the roof was precisely

“Grandmaster, when did you arrive?”

Tang San pleasantly surprised asked.

Tang Hao had left Holy Spirit Village when Tang San was
seven years old, leaving behind only a letter. And ever since had
faded away without news. Grandmaster filled this gap of

1298 Goldenagato |

affection, although he wasn’t a person adept at expressing
himself, Tang San obtained immeasurable care and affection
from him. If not for Grandmaster and Xiao Wu, Tang San’s
character definitely wouldn’t be like right now. To him, in this
second life, besides his father, they were the most important

Rubbing Tang San’s head, this was Grandmaster’s customary


“I said I would come find you here. I arrived several days ago,
learning you had left for Star Dou Great Forest. However, you
also gave me a surprise. I didn’t think you could so quickly
break through the thirtieth rank pass.”

Tang San smiling said:

“Isn’t that because you taught me well?”

Grandmaster’s expression suddenly dropped,

“Then did I teach you to absorb spirit rings from spirit beasts
with unknown age?”

1299 Goldenagato |

Tang San was distracted a moment, immediately
understanding Grandmaster already knew the danger he’d been
in, and somewhat awkwardly shook his head,


Grandmaster sighed,

“Then you still dare act rashly? Did you forget I told you how
dangerous the Man Faced Demon Spider was? If this time you
ended badly, how should I explain it to your father? You are my
only disciple, and also my hope. Without my permission, you
cannot die, understand?”

Although what Grandmaster said wasn’t pleasant to hear,

how would Tang San who was familiar with him not hear the
concern and fear deep in his words? Teacher feared his danger,
the corners of Tang San’s eyes heated, respectfully lowering his

“Teacher, I was mistaken.”

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Grandmaster glared at Tang San for a long time without
uttering a word. After a long time, sighing, he said:

“Little San, do you know, you have an unusually severe weak

point. This weak point might in the future put you in a crisis.”

“What is it? Tell me, I will certainly change.”

Tang San hurriedly said.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying with a wry smile:

“Although this is a weak point, it’s also a merit. You put too
much importance in emotions. This time, if it was not for Xiao
Wu being kidnapped, you also wouldn’t so arbitrarily have
forced absorption.”

Tang San at this understood Grandmaster’s meaning, for a

moment he was speechless. Grandmaster wasn’t wrong, if not
for Xiao Wu, he absolutely wouldn’t have been so impetuous.
But that time, Tang San’s mind had already lost the majority of
its ability to make judgements, in his heart only thinking to as
far as possible go to bring back Xiao Wu.

1301 Goldenagato |

Once again rubbing Tang San’s head, Grandmaster’s gaze once
again became mild,

“My reprimands today, I hope you will remember, at all times

calmly reflect. Even if it’s your most important person
appearing in danger, you must be even more calm. Only after
first saving yourself will you have the opportunity to save
others. Most importantly, you can’t impetuously settle
problems. Do you understand?”

Tang San hurriedly nodded,

“Teacher, I will remember.”

Grandmaster smiled slightly, extremely pleased with this

obedient disciple, saying:

“Go, we’ll go outside the Academy. Let me have a look at what

you gained from being impetuous this time.”

Tang San was ecstatic, he also just thought to ask

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Grandmaster just what was going on with the changes to his

The two master and disciple jumped off the roof, and without
alerting anyone, quietly left the village, reaching the little grove
outside the village.

Grandmaster raised his hand and made a gesture towards

Tang San. After many years as master and disciple, Tang San
naturally understood his meaning. Urging the spirit power
within his body, he released his spirit.

Blue silver light sparkled, quietly a cover of Blue Silver Grass

rose in Tang San’s surroundings, moving rhythmically at Tang
San’s side.

Grandmaster attentively watched the Blue Silver Grass Tang

San summoned, mumbling:

“The Blue Silver Grass is slender, looking even glossier than

before. Apart from the original tea fragrance, it also has a faint
sweet fishy smell, should be the Man Faced Demon Spider
poison permeating it. With the toughness of the Man Faced
Demon Spider silk, although your Blue Silver Grass has become

1303 Goldenagato |

slender, it should be even more durable than before. Little San,
twine that tree over there, try pulling it with your full


Tang San raised one hand, one Blue Silver Grass shot out like
lightning, between eyeblinks already twisting around a large
tree ten metres away, both hands simultaneously exerting,
using Mysterious Heaven Skill with all his might.

That tree was thicker than a person could reach around, but
under Tang San’s pull, the thick tree trunk began to gradually

Grandmaster walked over to the tree, carefully observing the

Blue Silver Grass twisting around the tree trunk. Along with
Tang San’s effort, the Blue Silver Grass was already gradually
carving into the tree bark. A layer of faint smoke rose from
where the Blue Silver Grass was in contact with the tree trunk.
It could clearly be seen the Blue Silver Grass was gradually
penetrating deeply within the tree trunk. Along with Tang
San’s effort, deeper and deeper into the complete width of the
tree trunk.

1304 Goldenagato |

“Good, you can stop.”

Grandmaster gestured to Tang San.

Tang San at this relaxed Blue Silver Grass, the strand of grass
twining around the tree trunk swiftly withdrew like it was a
snake, itself appearing without a trace of change.

“Little San, come and see.”

Grandmaster called Tang San to his side.

“The degree of Blue Silver Grass’ toughness has clearly

increased, although it has become slender, under the full
strength of your more than thirtieth rank spirit power, it hasn’t
the slightest indication of being stretched apart, in other words,
your spirit power is insufficient to break the Blue Silver Grass.
Furthermore, the additional poison on Blue Silver Grass has
clearly improved, if you used the Ghost Vine’s added poison, the
result should be even better. Besides the original poison type,
now it also has corrosive poison. This belongs to the Man Faced
Demon Spider.”

1305 Goldenagato |

Tang San looked in the direction of Grandmaster’s finger, the
area where the Blue Silver Grass previously twisted had deep
grooves about two cun deep, around them were a burnt black
color, although along with Blue Silver Grass’ withdrawal it
already no longer shed smoke, the severity of the supplemental
corrosive poison on Blue Silver Grass could still be seen.

“Teacher, Blue Silver Grass’ toxicity has increased a lot,

currently it roughly has spirit power paralysis, neurological
pain and corrosion three major effects. For ordinary Spirit
Masters relying only on spirit power to resist will already be
very difficult. Especially after this highly corrosive poison is
added, when piercing the opponent’s skin, it will allow the
other two poisons to display even greater effect. Adding to its
own toughness leading to binding even tighter, the effect is
clearly amplified.”

Grandmaster said:

“Although this time absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider’s

spirit ring had enormous risks, the risk is directionally
proportional to the rewards. Looking at Blue Silver Grass’ own
growth alone is already fairly astonishing. But also, your
physical strength and speed have both increased not
inconsiderably. The rewards are not bad. However, I still must
once again remind you, you must not make the same mistake a

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second time. I absolutely do not want to see a scene of the white
haired carrying the black haired.”

Tang San chuckled,

“Teacher, I know. Hereafter I would not again be impetuous.”

Grandmaster nodded and smiled, saying:

“Come, release your third spirit ability for me to see.”

Tang San nodded, looking around in all directions, choosing a

location between two trees. Right now, releasing the three spirit
rings moving rhythmically over his body.

Under the push of Mysterious Heaven Skill, the third spirit

ring suddenly flared, bright purple light permeating his whole
body, drowning out the light of the other two rings of light.

Grandmaster gratified nodded to himself, at the same time

also somewhat envious, after all, this third spirit ring was
something he had desired all his life but could never achieve.

1307 Goldenagato |

Tang San with a focused and serious look raised his right
hand, in his palm strong blue light released, spirit power
releasing all over his body, intangible pressure making the short
shrubs around him tremble.


Following Tang San’s low shout, the blue light seen in his
palm abruptly flourish greatly, a mass of blue-green light left
the hand, flashing through the air, in an eyeblink swelling to a
diameter of about five meters and flying forward.

Along with the blue light gathering, Grandmaster was able to

see that blue light’s true form.

That was an enormous spider web, rings within rings,

extremely fine meshed, the entire spider web was woven from
Blue Silver Grass, only these Blue Silver Grass were even a bit
thinner than the Blue Silver Grass Tang San directly released
before, furthermore appeared a crystal clear blue.

The spider web expanded, as it touched the two trees it

1308 Goldenagato |

tightened in a moment, forming a large net suspended in the
air. The five meters in diameter large net suspended there,
twinkled with a blue gleaming lustre under the dawn light’s

Tang San’s complexion after releasing this spider net had

clearly become somewhat pale, evidently the reason was the
great effort he used. This was Tang San’s third spirit ability,
Spider Web Restraint.

“Little San, tell me your thoughts about this spirit ability.”

Grandmaster while carefully observing the spider web

adhering to the two trees, simultaneously asked Tang San.

Tang San said:

“After I absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring,

this spirit ability appeared. According to what I sensed of this
spirit ability, it has several properties. First, because it’s formed
from Blue Silver Grass, it possesses all the properties Blue Silver
Grass does. Poison and durability both. Second, the spider web
itself has a kind of sticky property. It possesses extremely
powerful adhesion, if touching it even a bit, it will immediately

1309 Goldenagato |

bind, tightly restraining the target. Third, the spider web itself
is released instantaneously, with my current spirit power,
launching this spirit ability once requires the consumption of a
third of my spirit power.”

Grandmaster’s brows wrinkled,

“Only this? Aren’t there still other properties?”

Tang San said:

“There is still the most important one, it’s the spider web’s
own durability, it’s directly twice that of Blue Silver Grass.
Later using this spirit ability, its area as well as usage frequency
and toughness, all will change as my spirit power increases. In
other words, the tougher Blue Silver Grass is, the tougher this
spider web will become. Blue Silver Grass’ toxicity will also be
within it.”

Grandmaster nodded,

“This is suitable. What’s your opinion on this spirit ability?”

1310 Goldenagato |

Tang San said:

“Although it wouldn’t appear very wonderful, I feel this

ability is unusually practical. It has a very powerful effect on my
spirit’s control power. Spider web with twice the toughness of
Blue Silver Grass isn’t so easy to struggle free from.”

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“No, you are still underestimating it. It’s use is not only that
simple, moreover it’s an exceptionally powerful spirit ability.
How would you breaking the limit to absorb the Man Faced
Demon Spider still give you an insufficiently tremendous spirit
ability? I can practically be certain, unless it’s encountering an
opponent just right to counter your ability, otherwise, on the
same level, or even if it’s a spirit master within ten ranks higher
than you, no one would be able to throw off its restraint. With
it, you can be considered as having a truly powerful position
among control system Spirit Masters.”

Seeing Tang San’s with like a ponderous gaze, Grandmaster


1311 Goldenagato |

“When Spirit Masters fight one on one, the most powerful
isn’t physical strength Spirit Masters, nor is it power attack or
even agility type Spirit Masters. Rather it’s control system
Spirit Masters. Because a control system Spirit Master is able to
restrain the opponent’s movements, maybe even stopping the
opponent’s actions, under these kinds of circumstances, as long
as the other side is unable to throw off your control system
spirit ability, how will they still attack you? In the Spirit Master
world, control system Spirit Masters are always terrifying
existences. It’s only since control system Spirit Masters
generally need comrades in arms to coordinate with, they’re not
very well known. But truly formidable spirit masters all know
the true importance and power of the control system.”

Tang San said:

“Teacher, you are saying, if in one against one conditions,

right now Spirit Masters under fortieth rank would be unable to
throw off my Spider Web Restraint?”

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Basically so. But still don’t rule out exceptions. This world is
equal. Every spirit also has their advantage. Originally were you
not also thinking your Blue Silver Grass was a trash spirit? In

1312 Goldenagato |

the same way, although this third spirit ability your spirit added
is already unusually powerful, at the same time it has a

While speaking, Grandmaster from his chest pulled out a

simple thing, slowly walking over below the spider web Tang
San previously released.

In Grandmaster’s hand was a torch, he flashed it against the

wind, immediately a flame puffed out from within the torch.
Grandmaster burned the torch below the spider web, using the
flame to roast the net.

Just at the start Tang San still didn’t see anything. But in a
moment, he clearly saw that extremely durable spider web’s
lowest thread begin to gradually melt in the flame.

“I understand. You are saying the nemesis is fire.”

Tang San suddenly realized, at the same time recalling the

first time he met Ma Hongjun. At that time Ma Hongjun
effortlessly dissolved Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass Binding just
by relying on his Phoenix flame. Although later he still got the
worst of it, he still made Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass a useless

1313 Goldenagato |


Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Whether it’s plants or your spider web, they themselves fear

fire. The flame burning on this torch is very small and naturally
insufficient to threaten the spider web. But, if you encounter a
Spirit Master expert in using fire, then, your spirit will be
completely restrained by the other side. Practically every
control system Spirit Master has something classified as their
weakness, this is also the greatest cost of a control system spirit
compared to other attribute spirits. And your Blue Silver Grass’
weak point is just fear of fire. As a result, hereafter when you
meet Spirit Masters with this kind of property you must be sure
to be even more careful.”

Tang San pondered, saying:

“Teacher, then if when I hereafter again obtain spirit rings do

my utmost to think of a way to add spirit rings with resistance
to fire, will this erase the weak point?”

Grandmaster said:

1314 Goldenagato |

“Don’t do that. Although that kind of thing will increase your
Blue Silver Grass’ flame resistance, consider, if you would waste
even two spirit abilities on flame resistance, then, after your
spirit power thereafter reaches a certain degree, will you still
have enough spirit abilities to contend with your opponent?”

“But, if I don’t increase the flame resistance, when I later

encounter Spirit Masters with this kind of spirit wouldn’t I lack
any methods?”

Tang San said doubtfully. He didn’t fail to understand

Grandmaster’s meaning, but his spirit having such a large defect
clearly wasn’t something he wanted to see.

Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

“Control system spirit masters very rarely act alone, the best
method is to let your companions take your place to deal with
these issues. Of course, you also aren’t without your own
methods to deal with it. Aren’t you always playing with those
hidden weapons of yours? Although in my opinion toys lead to
loss of purpose, I also have no choice but to admit that your
hidden weapons truly have astonishing power. Moreover, don’t
forget, you don’t only have the one Blue Silver Grass spirit.”

1315 Goldenagato |

By Grandmaster’s reminder, Tang San immediately recalled
that hammer of his, his heart leapt,

“Teacher, you are saying that I can cultivate that hammer?”

Grandmaster resolutely shook his head,

“Out of the question. Remember, without my consent, you

absolutely cannot add spirit rings to that hammer. Definitely
cannot. This is extremely important to your future. Right now
what you can rely on is only Blue Silver Grass.”

Although he didn’t understand why Grandmaster insisted on

this, Tang San still nodded his promise.

Grandmaster said:

“Little San, don’t bite off more than you can chew. To you,
even more important is still upgrading spirit power. The spirit
abilities Blue Silver Grass currently possess already surpass my
expectations. In the future you will only become even stronger.
You are Teacher’s hope, you understand? Good, now let me
have a look at your most significant matter, the question in your

1316 Goldenagato |

heart. Take off your jacket first.”

Tang San’s heart tightened, ever since leaving Star Dou Great
Forest, without the threat of spirit beasts, Tang San had all
along wondered what was going on with those eight spider legs
on his back. Now meeting Grandmaster, he naturally
impatiently wanted answers. Regarding spirits, spirit beasts and
spirit rings alone, he was convinced there was no one who knew
them better than his Teacher.

Removing his jacket, Tang San turned his back to

Grandmaster. Grandmaster walked up to his back, raising his
hands to touch Tang San’s spine.

Tang San only felt a warm and gentle spirit power flow into
his back, immediately afterward, this force began to flow up and
down his spine.

With a very serious expression, he carefully examined every

vertebra in Tang San’s spine.

“Little San, after you withdrew those spider legs, could you
feel them go somewhere?”

1317 Goldenagato |

Tang San turned his right hand to his back, pointing at his
rear ribs, saying:

“Fitting on these eight ribs, I can feel like they adhere to the
ribs. But to my body there is no effect whatsoever. On the
contrary it feels like my back strength is even a bit larger than

Grandmaster touched the places Tang San indicated,

immediately discovering that not only did these eight ribs
appear a bit thicker and more solid than the other ribs, but at
the same time, the vertebra these eight ribs connected to were
also somewhat thicker than the others, feeling not only solid,
but also extremely tough. Even Tang San’s back muscles seemed
somewhat tougher.

A pleasantly surprised expression gradually appeared on

Grandmaster’s face, but he didn’t say anything, only quickly
drew back several steps, moving five meters away from Tang
San’s back,

“Use your spirit power, release those eight spider legs.”

Circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill, right now Tang San

1318 Goldenagato |

couldn’t help but be somewhat nervous, after all, this was his
first time releasing these monstrous spider legs of his own
accord. Honestly speaking, although he felt these spider legs
would improve his strength, Tang San didn’t have any fondness
for them. He always thought that by having these eight spider
legs he seemed to become monstrous.

Grandmaster was unable to take his eyes off Tang San’s back,
afraid to let any details slip by.

Faint blue light began to appear at Tang San’s back.

Immediately afterward, Grandmaster clearly saw, Tang San’s
entire spine seemed to move outside his body, releasing a weak
purple light, just now he took notice of purple light releasing
especially clearly on several of the vertebra. Immediately
following, the tips of eight ribs protruded from Tang San’s back,
taking the shape of eight bulges.

A little bit of soreness or stinging tickling appearing on his

back made Tang San feel slightly out of sorts, but he didn’t stop
his spirit power.

2寸 = 6.7 cm

1319 Goldenagato |

Idiom: Parents seeing their child die before themselves.


1320 Goldenagato |

Chapter 38 - External Spirit Bone

Tang San discovered that the change on his back didn’t use up
too much spirit power. It seemed those vertebra themselves
contained a certain energy.

Following the eight bulges protruding, the purple light on

Tang San’s back also became more and more distinct.

Suddenly, along with a burst of Tang San trembling, the eight

bulges finally broke open, eight thick and solid purple pillar
shapes swiftly extended from his back.

If Tang San’s Shrek Academy companions were here right

now, they would discover that this time the spider legs’ growth
speed was much faster than last time.

In practically only several eyeblinks, the spider legs had

already extended at least a meter and a half. Immediately
afterwards, the spider legs abruptly extended again. From the
tip joints on those one and a half meter thick and solid spider
legs abruptly ejected one and a half meters longer, showing the
sharpest part.

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Tang San couldn’t help but make a low howl, the eight spider
legs on his back simultaneously unfolded on either side of him,
dull purple light glinting, like eight enormous arms protecting
him in the middle.

On the surface of the spider legs could be faintly seen a layer

of purple gas, purple light moving, appearing transparent like
purple crystal.


Grandmaster gasped in admiration,

“Little San, control your spider legs to stab a tree, use


Although to Tang San his spider legs still seemed unfamiliar,

he could still manage just piercing a tree. Leaning sideways
slightly, on his left side a spider leg abruptly shot out.

With a pu sound, Tang San was amazed to discover, the spider

leg like it hadn’t hit any obstruction, effortlessly thrust into

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that tree large enough that a single person could wrap his arms
around it, and pierced through the other side.

An even more astonishing scene followed. Along with the

spider leg skewering it, Tang San and Grandmaster both clearly
saw a layer of purple quietly spreading from the spider leg over
the tree, spreading widely across the tree trunk with
astonishing speed.

Not just the tree trunk quickly became purple. In a moment,

even the branches and tree leaves became the same color.

One by one tree leaves dropped from above. Before they even
fell to the ground, already in midair they transformed into
wisps of purple dust and faded away unseen. And that large tree
melted away more like ice and snow, just like that quietly
transforming into purple powder and dissolving. Even on the
ground in the vicinity of the tree some bushes coming into
contact with this purple powder successively became purple and
disappeared, within a circumference of several meters,
completely turned into a purple deathly stillness.

A faint energy transmitted along the spider leg into Tang

San’s body. Although the energy wasn’t much, it was very

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Last time after Ma Hongjun was poisoned by touching the
spider legs, Tang San also had a similar feeling, only that time it
was even slighter, and he also hadn’t paid much attention. This
time it was extremely obvious. It was like that spider leg had
absorbed the tree’s accumulated energy and transmitted it into
Tang San’s body.

The purple dust falling to the ground gradually became

colorless. In a moment it already blended together with the soil,
no longer visible, and that large tree was like it had previously
never existed there. Tang San’s thrust out spider leg still
maintained its previous position, but there already was only
empty air.

“This, this actually is……”

Tang San looked stupidly at the spider leg. Although he had

already guessed the spider legs’ attack power would be pretty
good, he hadn’t expected the toxicity of these spider legs would
be so terrifying.

Grandmaster slowly walked over next to Tang San, moving

around his spider legs,

1324 Goldenagato |

“It appears my estimate was correct. Little San, this time your
gain was the greatest. It’s not the third spirit ring, it’s even less
that third spirit ability Spider Web Restraint, but these eight
spider legs, or perhaps to say, it’s this external spirit bone.”

“External spirit bone?”

Tang San looked at Grandmaster.

Grandmaster nodded,

“These years I always taught you how to differentiate spirit

beasts and spirit rings, as well as spirit cultivation methods and
every kind of application, always without speaking of
knowledge pertaining to spirit bones. This is mainly because I
never thought you could come into contact with spirit bones so
early. It appears, right now is the time to give you a lecture
relating the mysteries of spirit bones. Saying this, let’s first talk
about what spirit bones are.”

At Grandmaster’s indication, Tang San controlled his spirit

power to withdraw those eight spider legs within his body. Just
like last time, withdrawing these spider legs consumed a large

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amount of Tang San’s spirit power, sharply differing from
releasing them.

Grandmaster sternly said:

“Spirit bones are a kind of extremely unusual thing. One

might say, they are something Spirit Masters most hope of
obtaining in their dreams. Somewhat analogously to spirit
rings, spirit bones also come from spirit beasts. But they also
possess enormous differences from spirit rings. First, the
probability of spirit bones appearing are only one in a thousand,
or even less, generally speaking, only with extremely
formidable strength, and also when the circumstances of killing
the spirit beast has some special circumstances is it possible for
spirit bones to appear after killing, not at all like how a spirit
ring will appear from every spirit beast. Consequently, spirit
bones have become extremely uncommon, and extremely

“Another difference between spirit bones and spirit rings is

that it doesn’t require like spirit rings for whoever kills the
spirit beast to use it. After obtaining spirit bones they can even
be traded. Do you still remember, I told you before, you must as
much as possible save up some money. The purpose is to in the
future in a somewhat peculiar place purchase the spirit bones
you need. Any spirit bone, even if it’s common spirit bones, is

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still extremely expensive. Moreover they lack markets.”

Tang San said:

“Then how should spirit bones be used? Your meaning is,

these eight spider legs on my back are eight spirit bones?”

Hearing Tang San’s words, Grandmaster couldn’t help but


“Don’t be greedy. Let alone eight spirit bones, to be able to

have one spirit bone is already extremely fortunate, to say
nothing of yours still being an external spirit bone. Its value is
practically comparable to first rate spirit bones. This spirit bone
of yours is vertebra, of course, also related to eight ribs. Its
effect is precisely storage for the toxin of that Man Faced Demon
Spider you killed, furthermore duplicating its eight spider legs
and afterwards integrating them with your your own capability,
evolving into these present eight spider legs.”

The Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring combining with

your spirit somewhat promoted all aspects of your body. Blue
Silver Grass’ toxicity also increased a lot. But, that after all isn’t
the Man Faced Demon Spider’s own poison. But your eight

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spider legs are different. Not only possessing the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s toxin, even still giving rise to a certain
variation. Just now you also saw its super strong corrosive
effect. If this pierced the human body, what would happen?”

Grandmaster speaking of this, entirely appeared somewhat


“Little San. I ask you, how many spirit rings is a Spirit Master
capable of obtaining at most?”

Tang San said:

“Nine, obtaining nine is the limit, that is a Title Douluo.”

Grandmaster nodded,

“Then if everyone had nine spirit rings, furthermore the age

difference was negligible, how do you decide who is more

Tang San pondered, and said:

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“It depends on what both sides’ spirits are, how good their
control, also depends on both sides’ actual combat experience
ratio, all things put together can decide who is a bit stronger.”

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“You are correct. You clearly remember the things I taught

you. Then, I can now tell you, under circumstances where both
sides are equal, if one person possesses a spirit bone, then,
everything you just now said doesn’t necessarily count, because
the Spirit Master possessing a spirit bone holds the absolute

“Ah?” Spirit bones have such great effect?”

Tang San somewhat shocked looked at Grandmaster.

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Spirit rings add spirit abilities. Although also somewhat

improving the Spirit Master’s own capabilities, their main

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purpose is after all to add spirit abilities. But spirit bones
happen to be the opposite. Spirit bones might not add abilities,
but the improvement to the Spirit Masters themselves is
tremendous. Even more importantly, the growth capability
spirit bones possess make them even more valuable than spirit
rings. The abilities spirit rings add will all improve along with
the growth of spirit power, this you are familiar with. But you
should also know, the spirit rings’ age limit will restrict their
growth. Even if it’s a ninetieth ranked or higher Title Douluo,
his first spirit ring ability still won’t grow to a sufficiently
formidable level, this principle, but spirit bones are different.
Spirit bones will not be restricted by the age of their spirit beast,
and will only evolve along with the Spirit Master’s own
strength. In other words, the earlier spirit bones are obtained,
the more time it will have to evolve.”

Tang San said:

“A person’s body has so many bones, if one could absorb that

many kinds of spirit bones into oneself, wouldn’t it be countless

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“Although there are many bones in a person’s body, they are

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subdivided into a few larger sections. Therefore, generally
speaking, one is also only able to absorb a few types of spirit
bones: four limbs, head and torso. In other words, an ordinary
person would be able to absorb six spirit bones, just like a Spirit
Master is able to absorb nine spirit rings, the quality of spirit
bones as well as effect on the Spirit Master, mainly depends on
how early they’re absorbed and whether their properties are

Tang San suddenly understood:

“Then this spirit bone I got from the Man Faced Demon
Spider is undoubtedly compatible with me, belonging to the
torso class of spirit bones, right?”

“What your said first is very correct. The spirit bone’s

methods are most suitable to you, precisely obtained from the
same spirit beast as one of your spirit rings. But this spirit bone
of yours isn’t part of the torso class, that’s why I said it’s an
external spirit bone.”

Tang San curiously asked:

“Then what is an external spirit bone?”

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Grandmaster very patiently explained:

“External spirit bones are a kind of miraculous existence, a

special existence apart from the six main classes of spirit bones.
If speaking of the probability of common spirit bones appearing
from spirit beasts as one in a thousand, then, the probability of
external spirit bones appearing isn’t even one in ten thousand.
Moreover are the prerequisites for absorbing the external spirit
bone, you must first absorb the spirit ring of the spirit beast this
spirit bone came from. What we call torso class spirit bones
ordinarily indicates the breastbone. But this spirit bone you
absorbed is nevertheless the vertebra. From what I previously
observed, I can deduce that it’s an external spirit bone. Child, do
you know, in the Spirit Master world, to Spirit Masters, the
most precious things have a ranking, called a Spirit Master’s
dream ranking. Within it, external spirit bones have always
occupied the Spirit Master’s dream ranking’s second place.
Second only to the first rank, the practically impossible
existence of the hundred thousand year spirit ring.”

Grandmaster used the easiest to understand method to tell

Tang San just how precious these monstrous eight spider legs of
his were.

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“These eight spider legs are truly so formidable?”

Tang San couldn’t help but be secretly doubtful.

Grandmaster had spoken so much, his mouth was somewhat


“It’s early morning weather, first put on your clothes.

Remember, what I told you today of external spirit bones you
must not by any means tell anyone else. Although external spirit
bones can’t be absorbed like common spirit bones, as the saying
goes ‘the most outstanding tree in the forest, is certain to be
ravaged by the wind’. The fewer people who know you possess
an external spirit bone the better, to avoid someone coming
after you out of jealousy.”

Tang San put on his clothing, asking Grandmaster:

“Teacher, then after all what use does my external spirit bone

Grandmaster said:

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“What concrete uses it has I can’t presently say. I must study
it for a time to get a clear sense. Starting from today, adding to
your cultivation assignment, is then to as quickly as possible
master the use of the external spirit bone. From seeing the
condition just now, this external spirit bone possesses extremely
powerful attack power, not only piercing, but also extreme
toxicity. If my thoughts are correct, then you should be able to
control the poison on the spider legs. Possibly discharging
according to your intentions. At the same time, with those eight
spider legs’ length, haven’t you thought of how to use them to
move around instead of your pair of legs?”

Tang San was an astute person, with Grandmaster raising the

point he immediately understood,

“If it’s like that, not only speed would increase, but also the
effect of terrain on movement speed would substantially

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“Therefore, these eight legs provide you with the capability to

move unhindered by terrain. As for its advantages, you will
hereafter see even more surprises. Furthermore, it will still

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evolve along with each time you advance a spirit ring, the power
will even exceed your imagination, with it, you currently
already have a chance when fighting opponents within a ten
rank difference of you. Moreover, because external spirit bones
are uncommon, only if you tell them yourself would anyone
know these eight spider legs are spirit bones, most will only
believe they’re one of the manifestations of your Blue Silver
Grass. After all, apart from its hardness, its exterior is still
extremely similar to Blue Silver Grass. As for later being able to
control to what degree it manifests depends on your own effort.
If you can let those eight spider legs become like eight highly
toxic lances moving like the fingers of your own hand, one can
imagine to what degree your fighting strength will grow.”

As Tang San and Grandmaster returned to Shrek Academy,

the sky was already bright, Grandmaster had today said a lot
relating to spirit bones, although it was only an overview, Tang
San still had to gradually digest this information.

“Little San, go eat breakfast. Starting from today, I will

rearrange a cultivation plan for you.”

Tang San raised his head to look at Grandmaster,

“Teacher, will you leave?”

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It seemed to him that Grandmaster giving him a planned
cultivation method, might be because he had to leave. His heart
couldn’t help but drop.

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“Be at ease. Teacher isn’t leaving. I still fear problems will

arise as you practice with your external spirit bone. This
external spirit bone is already a part of your body, completely
fused together with your vertebra. In the event issues appear,
it’s very possible they’re fatal. Therefore, I can only remain

“Teacher isn’t leaving? That’s truly great.”

Once Tang San heard Grandmaster was staying and guiding

his cultivation, he couldn’t help but be elated.

Grandmaster’s face revealed an anticipatory mood,

“Little San, do you know, right now I very much want to see

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your appearance in twenty years. My decision to stay behind is
also not just for you. There still are those academy companions
of yours. Each of you can be described as geniuses. If you don’t
have a suitable cultivation method, wouldn’t it be a waste?
Although Flender has a lot of experience with cultivation, in
very many details he still isn’t sufficiently good. I hope that
from here on you will be able to become a formidable group.
Therefore, from now on I must use the most refined cultivation
methods to guide you.”

To Tang San, the reason Grandmaster stayed wasn’t at all

important, the key point was that he had decided to stay, this
alone was sufficient.

The teacher and disciple pair reached the Academy dining

hall. Whether it was because rushing yesterday was too
exhausting, although currently in the dining hall breakfast was
already prepared, there wasn’t a soul in sight.

Tang San hastily ladled two bowls of congee for him and
Grandmaster respectively. Shrek Academy wasn’t well off, so
breakfast naturally wouldn’t be lavish. Today’s breakfast was
very simple: steamed bread, a vegetable dish, congee, and for
each person one egg.

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Seeing Tang San bring his breakfast, Grandmaster frowned.

“Flender gives you this to eat?”

Grandmaster’s rigid face looked somewhat sinister.

Tang San said:

“This is already very good, ah. Steamed bread until you’re

full. Compared to my childhood it’s much better.”

“A farce.”

Grandmaster set aside the steamed bread in his hand, anger

bubbling up, his character strict as always,

“To you growing children right now is an important time. The

body is the capital of the spirit. Without a good body, how can
you persevere with intense cultivation, this breakfast is
sufficient to people at my and Flender’s age, but to you children
it’s still far from enough.”

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While Grandmaster was getting angry, Flender’s lazy voice
reached them from outside,

“I say, Grandmaster, it’s all very well for you to talk like this,
you also know these children are all growing. Do you know how
much they eat in one day? Buying exotic delicacies at Suotuo
City, how could the financial condition of the Academy permit
me to give them luxury foodstuffs to eat, if you want to sponsor
it, I have no objections.”

Along with the voice, Flender walked in from outside.

Seeing him, Grandmaster’s complexion eased somewhat,

“No matter the Academy’s difficulties, since I’ve decided to

stay, as a teacher here, I absolutely cannot let the children
suffer. Flender, give me full authority to handle this matter.
From hereon what each of these childrens meals are, leave it to
my discretion.”

Flender laughed in his heart,

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“Why, Xiao Gang, you’ve decided to stay?”

Grandmaster nodded,

“Whether it’s for Tang San, or for these little monsters you’ve
recruited, I’ve decided to stay here for a time. In these two days
I’ve also easily found out about your current teaching methods,
there are many areas that have to be improved. That day you
said to me, as long as I wish to stay, you would give me
authority. True?”

Flender understood Grandmaster only too well. Seeing his

appearance, he already understood the vast determination of
this old brother of his, although nothing showed on his face, in
his heart already cheerfulness blossomed. Grandmaster’s
theoretical knowledge. That could be unrivalled under Heaven.
Immediately, for fear that Grandmaster would change his mind,
he at once delightedly said:

“No problem, you only have to first tell me what you’re doing.
The Academy’s teachers will follow your allocation. Of course,
if you need to spend money you have to first tell me. The
Academy’s financial situation is still lacking compared to your

1340 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster frowned slightly, saying:

“I know these people of yours are all proud and aloof

contemporaries, but can’t you be flexible in some way to
increase revenue?”

Flender stared blankly, laughing in spite of himself:

“Someone as rigid as you still knows flexibility?”

Grandmaster’s gentle gaze looked at Tang San by his side,

“For these children, what is a bit of flexibility?”

Flender laughed,

“All right, as long as it doesn’t violate my integrity doctrine,

you can be as flexible as you wish.”

After breakfast, the bell sounded punctually, all the students

gathering on the Academy grounds.

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Today seemed especially bustling, not only did two heads
Flender and Zhao Wuji come, in addition Grandmaster and the
Academy’s other several teachers also all arrived on the

Besides the two heads, the Academy originally still had three
teachers, the three in charge of the three entrance exams. Tang
San was only familiar with one of them, that old man who at
that time had used a staff spirit to scare away a lot of people.

“Good. Everyone’s present. Next I have some matters to


Flender walked over before the seven students, his gaze

solemnly sweeping across the seven.

“First. I will give you newly arrived four students an

introduction to the Academy teachers.”

Speaking, Flender indicated the one Tang San had already

met, the Long Staff Spirit old man.

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“This is teacher Li Yu-Song, Spirit Dragon Pattern Stick. Sixty
third ranked Spirit Emperor.”

Indicating the second, even older, seemingly over seventy

years old man, saying:

“This is Lu Ji-Bin, Spirit Star Luo Chess, sixty sixth ranked

Spirit Emperor.”

The last teacher’s was a bit younger than the previous two,
seemingly about the same as Flender.

“This is Shao Xinshao. Spirit Sweet Pea. Seventy first ranked

Spirit Sage, food system Spirit Master. Teacher Shao is among
the food system Spirit Masters I know of, absolutely ranked in
the top five powers.”

If the first two teachers weren’t astonishing enough, then, a

seventy first ranked food system Spirit Sage appearing made the
four newly arrived students simultaneously shocked. That
teacher Shao didn’t look tall, only roughly the same as the
twelve year old Xiao Wu, even a bit shorter. Small eyes, large
nose, unprepossessing, but who could have expected, he
unexpectedly was such a highly ranked food system Spirit

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Master? Seventy first ranked food system Spirit Sage. Whether
it was at Spirit Hall or any one Spirit Master clan, it would be a
venerated rank anywhere.

The three teachers after Flender’s introduction nodded

towards the students. Respectively, the first teacher Li’s face
was wooden, the second teacher Lu following wore a smile.
Finally that teacher Shao, the expression on his face was
somewhat strange. His gaze all along fell on Oscar, the gaze even
somewhat obsessive.

Finally, Flender walked over next to Grandmaster, grasping

Grandmaster's shoulders, saying:

“Lastly this, I must carefully introduce to everyone. He,

precisely relying on his research, arriving at the Ten Great
Spirit Competences, regarded as the best in spirit theory, the
wisest Spirit Master, at the same time also Tang San’s Teacher,
Mister Yu Xiao Gang. Of course, he also is my old brother.
We’ve already known each other for several decades. Perhaps
you won’t understand too clearly by hearing his name, but I
think you should all have heard his title. Hereafter, you can call
him Grandmaster.”

Hearing the word ‘Grandmaster’, everyone couldn’t help but

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be shaken, gazes one after another turning to Tang San, even if
they didn’t know of Grandmaster, but able to instruct such an
outstanding disciple as Tang San, how could he not be an
excellent teacher?

Tang San was equally somewhat astonished. Because, this still

was his first time learning Grandmaster’s name. Grandmaster
had never spoken it before, he naturally also didn’t ask. As it
turned out his Teacher was called Yu Xiao Gang.

Flender said:

“Starting from today, Grandmaster has full authority over

you teachers and students, we will all coordinate with
Grandmaster. You returned just yesterday, I think everyone is
still comparatively tired. Today you have a one day vacation.
Tomorrow class will resume again. This time in Star Dou Great
Forest, we had three people reaching the Spirit Elder realm. Still
not broken through thirtieth rank Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun
and Zhu Zhuqing, you must also work hard, strive to overtake
the others’ pace. Grandmaster, what do you have to say?”

The last inquiry was directed at Grandmaster.

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Grandmaster nodded, face as stiff as always, looking at the
seven students gathered, indifferently saying:

“The Academy only has you seven students. In my opinion,

you are also one entity. I have already seen your records. Later I
will draw up some focused education methods. Apart from
coordination, I do not wish to hear any different voices.
Whoever it is, I will treat everyone equally. Since you are the
students of Monster Academy, you must be more monstrous
than common Spirit Masters, hereafter making everyone when
speaking of you only think of the word ‘Monster’. Starting from
now, you seven will not like before be split into initial and high
rank sections, but undergo a completely unified education. I
will rank you according to age. First, Dai Mubai. Second, Oscar.
Third, Tang San. Fourth, Ma Hongjun. Fifth, Xiao Wu. Sixth,
Ning Rongrong. Seventh, Zhu Zhuqing.”

Grandmaster’s gaze swept across everyone,

“Good. You can disband now, gather here early tomorrow. In

addition, I do not want to see anyone absent at breakfast.
Otherwise, you will receive special drills.”

Resting for one day was good of course, however

Grandmaster’s arrival, also made the students somewhat

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curious and apprehensive.

Gaze following the teachers successively departing, Oscar

standing at Tang San’s side, said in a low voice:

“Little San, it appears this Teacher of yours is even more

difficult to deal with than dean Flender, ah!”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“Teacher’s work is always meticulous, as long as everything is

done strictly according to his instructions there will not be any

Dai Mubai smiling said:

“Besides me and little Ao, you five are all the same age, I
didn’t expect little San to be little three, and little Wu to be little
five. This is an unexpected coincidence.”

Fatty smiled mischievously, saying:

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“Three little sisters, let’s hear you say fourth brother.”

Xiao Wu shot him a cold glance, holding out her hand, saying:

“No problem, bring me a red envelope, I’ll say it at once.”

Fatty stared blankly,


Ning Rongrong cut him short,

“Fatty, as long as your strength can match third brother’s, I

will call you that.”

Zhu Zhuqing’s was the most succinct. Looking at Ma Hongjun

with a cold gaze, only saying two words:

“Make me.”

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“Let it be. I’ll endure.”

Fatty somewhat gloomily waved his hand.

“Isn’t there someone going into the city? It’s not at all easy to
get a rest day, I’m going to stroll in Suotuo City.”

Dai Mubai holding back for these days was also somewhat
exhausting, however through the trip to Star Dou Great Forest,
the relationship between him and Zhu Zhuqing had with great
difficulty eased somewhat, naturally he wouldn’t wreck his just
now established image. Raising his head to gaze at the sky, his
appearance like it was no matter of concern to him.

Oscar yawned,

“Not going, I’ll go back to sleep. Finally at thirtieth rank, in

the future I can idle a bit.”

The three girls all glared at Ma Hongjun. They clearly knew

this Fatty going into town was nothing innocent. Just then,
Tang San suddenly spoke up:

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“I will go with you.”

Fattys eyes brightened, stealthily glancing at Xiao Wu whose

expression had subtly changed,

“Old San, you are also enlightened?”

Tang San stared blankly,

“What enlightened? I have to go find a smithy and see if I can

hire two ironworkers to make some things. Otherwise I’ll have
to equip each of you with my strength alone, that would take
forever, ah!”

Ning Rongrong giggled,

“I knew third brother wouldn’t be as dirty as you.”

Xiao Wu’s expression stealthily recovered to normal,

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“I’ll go with you.”

Tang San shook his head with a smile, saying:

“Let it be. I’ll go on my own. This time you also suffered a lot.
Rest at the Academy. I’ll be back very quickly.”

Xiao Wu didn’t insist, nodding agreement.

Fatty unhappily looked at Ning Rongrong,

“Who are you calling dirty? I’m settling the issue of the Evil
Fire, this is by the dean’s special permission. Little San, we’ll

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“One moment it’s old San, another it’s little San, can’t you
settle on one?”

Fatty smiled mischievously, saying:

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“Then I’ll still call you little San, you are just two months
older than me, that’s all. Let’s go.”

He was apparently already somewhat impatient, pulling Tang

San towards the Academy exit.

Looking at the two people departing, Ning Rongrong

whispered by Xiao Wu’s ear:

“Aren’t you afraid your little San will be led astray by Fatty? If
it was me, I would definitely follow.”

Xiao Wu smiled slightly, saying:

“Men always need a little freedom. Besides, I’m not at all

convinced little San can be led anywhere by Fatty.”

Ning Rongrong said with a smile:

“Look at you, so proud of yourself. A close couple hoping for

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love is I, your servant’s, wish for big bro and little sis.”

Xiao Wu’s charming face reddened, raising her hand to lightly

scratch Ning Rongrong’s underarm,

“Don’t speak nonsense. I and little San have a sibling


Ning rongrong cackled, teasing while running towards the


“All right, you need not flaunt it. I know you are siblings. The
kind of siblings more intimate than blood siblings.”


Xiao Wu was never gracious enough to suffer a loss,

immediately laughing and chasing after. The two girls were in
the same dorm, naturally also ran in the same direction.

Oscar yawned and went back to the dorm. Dai Mubai’s gaze
then fell on Zhu Zhuqing,

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Zhu Zhuqing raised her head to glance at him,

“I’m going to cultivate.”

Finished speaking, she turned to leave.

Dai Mubai in one big stride blocked Zhu Zhuqing’s way,

“Couldn’t we chat properly? I remember, you weren’t like this

as a child.”

Zhu Zhuqing’s face revealed a sneer,

“You then? Are you still like when you were a child? Twins,

With a cold snort, she turned and walked away. Although she

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spoke a bit more than a few days ago, that ice bound gate still
firmly rejected Dai Mubai.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing’s quick departure, Dai Mubai didn’t

chase after her. On his face revealed a wry smile,

“Don’t tell me this is my deserved retribution? To think I, the

distinguished young master Dai, would have such a day, ai.
Retribution. Perhaps it’s truly retribution.”

Dai Mubai had never spoken with others about the

relationship between him and Zhu Zhuqing, but if there hadn’t
been any relationship between them, even if Zhu Zhuqing had
been even more beautiful, how would the always arrogant Evil
Eye White Tiger lower his voice like this?


Suotuo City. Once in town, Fatty swiftly left Tang San, going
to settle the issue of his Evil Fire. On the way he naturally
numerous times enticed Tang San, hoping to pull him astray.
However Tang San clearly had a resolute will, without anything
distracting him. The gap with a twelve year old’s willpower was
still immense.

1355 Goldenagato |

Suotuo City was bustling as usual, currently in the morning,
the shops had already opened for business, the crowd bustling
with activity a sharp contrast with the tranquility of Shrek

Tang San’s goal for this trip was very simple: to find a suitable
smithy. Although he rested early last evening, he had still
considered Ning Rongrong’s proposal. If it was only for himself,
then, his strength alone was sufficient to produce enough
hidden weapons, but if he had to supply other people, then his
own strength was clearly not enough.

(李郁松) “Plum Elegant Pine”


(卢奇斌) “Cottage Surprisingly Refined”

(星罗棋) That is Star Luo as in Star Luo Empire.

(邵鑫邵) No feasible translation other than the inclusion of a

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name particle indicating “prosperity”


(玉小刚) “Jade Little Firm”

San (三) means three, it’s a pun.

Xiao Wu (小舞) is a homonym to (小五) “little five”. It’s puns all

the way down.

Si ge (四哥) “Fourth [older] brother”, he wants them to address

him as a senior. I will use “brother” and “sister” when they use
their internal ranking with sibling suffixes, and occasionally
mention whether it’s an older or younger sibling.

A red letter would contain money, either as a gift, a bonus or a


San ge (三哥) “Third [older] brother” is Tang San.

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Literally “win against me in a fight”

(老三) or “old three” or “third oldest”. It’s a pun shower.

Ning Rongrong uses qie (妾), a deprecatory self reference for

women - practically the diametrical opposite of “I, your father”

She uses very familiar terms for older brother and younger
sister (a ge 阿哥, a mei 阿妹)

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Chapter 39 - “Iron” Smithy

Originally when Tang San was at Tang Sect, he was specially

in charge of making hidden weapons, and before he leapt from
the cliff he had already reached the rank of outer sect manager.
He was extremely familiar with the manufacturing process for
Tang Sect hidden weapons. Tang Sect’s income relied
practically exclusively on the outer sect’s manufacture of poison
and hidden weapons, after Tang San carefully reflected, he
decided to copy this method to Douluo Continent. Although
some of this was already somewhat difficult, it was still possible
to try it out.

Thus, Tang San decided to take advantage of today’s holiday

to find a smithy to cooperate with.

Entering the Spirit Elder realm, as long as he again underwent

the rank test next month when he went to Spirit Hall to draw
his stipend, Tang San would each month have a hundred gold
coin income. As blacksmiths were a low rank occupation hiring
them was cheap, he believed he was able to afford it.
Furthermore with all the hidden weapon manufacturing costs
split among everyone, money was no problem.

The reason why he made the resolution to find a smithy to

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cooperate in making mechanism type hidden weapons, was
because Tang San decided he had to make several kinds of even
more powerful hidden weapons. This world was after all
different from his previous world, all the materials had to be
collected by himself. Making even more powerful hidden
weapons naturally required even more time and effort.

Of course, Tang San certainly wouldn’t tell others the craft of

making Tang Sect hidden weapons, he only needed to contract a
smithy to make hidden weapon components, doing the final
assembly himself was sufficient to maintain secrecy. More than
the smiths being unable to copy, whether they could even make
what Tang San wanted was impossible to know.

After asking several passers by, Tang San finally found his
destination, the largest smithy in Suotuo City. This smithy’s
name was very simple, just called ‘Smithy’, without any
additional words.

Without entering the smithy, he could already hear the

intensive hammering noises, the sound concentrated and
melodious. Clearly there were numerous blacksmiths working.

From its external appearance, this smithy was clearly much

larger than the one Tang San worked at in Nuoding City. Easily

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five or six times larger than Shi San’s smithy. In the wide
anteroom were laid out various kinds of finished products
arranged by type, divided into three large areas: everyday
implements, weapons and armor, respectively.

Of these, everyday implements occupied roughly half the area,

the remainder split equally between weapons and armor. The
store’s anteroom was separated from the main work area by
long black curtains, the curtains were three meters wide, with a
white one meter in diameter ‘iron’ character, looking very

In the shop’s anteroom were six or seven assistants in charge

of receiving customers, meeting those arriving and sending off
those departing. The division of labor was extremely clear.
Some were in charge of receiving customers and doing business,
some were in charge of delivering finished goods. Furthermore
a tall and sturdy middle aged man sat behind a counter
responsible for collecting money.

Tang San stepped inside the shop, heading directly to the


A shop assistant hurried over to meet him, obstructing Tang


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“Young mister, what do you require?”

Tang San smiled inwardly. A mister was mister, but they still
unfortunately added the word ‘young’. Although his height still
approached an adult’s, a childish face showed he was a

“I want to talk about a business deal.”

Tang San said with a smile.

The assistant sized up Tang San several times. Tang San’s

clothes were very plain, made from cloth without anything
special. Appearance average. Stature well built. Looking like an
ordinary person.

“If you want something made, you can speak directly to me.”

Tang San said:

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“You might be unable to, this is a long term deal, if possible, a
permanent collaboration.”

While speaking, Tang San took out a paper from his chest,

“Can you read this?”

That was a hidden weapon component design diagram. When

Tang San made hidden weapons himself, he also required
advanced drawings, carefully measured and calculated to later
be able to make. It wasn’t something anyone could remember in
their head.

The assistant took the plans and with only a look was
nonplussed. On the plans were drawn several complicated
designs, let alone reading it, he couldn’t even understand what
this thing was.


The assistant once again looked at Tang San, then said:

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“I will trouble you to wait a moment. I will consult the
shopkeeper at once, to see whether it is something we could

Finished speaking, he immediately turned and ran for the


The sturdy middle aged man behind the counter quickly took
the drawing handed over by the assistant. In a moment, his face
was already filled with an astonished expression, saying
something to the assistant, he came out from behind the
counter and was led by the assistant to Tang San.

“Young man, did you bring this plan? I can’t see why you
would want these things made. Could you explain it?”

Tang San said:

“You don’t need to know what they’re needed for, I only want
to know whether you can make them. They must be made from
the highest quality refined iron, ideally forged from iron

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The middle aged man frowned,

“I’m the boss of this shop. I’m called Tie Xin. Young man, do
you know the price of iron essence? Adding to the
manufacturing cost that is no small amount, you’d best ask the
adults of your family to come speak.”

Tang San’s heart suddenly shifted, from the middle aged man
before him he could feel the fluctuations of spirit power.
Unexpectedly the boss of this smithy was a Spirit Master?”

“Of course I know the price of iron essence, I won’t hide it

from you, I’m also a smith. Only I’m simply not strong enough,
I can’t make this many things by myself, therefore I’ve come to
you here. The price of iron essence, by weight, one kilogram of
iron essence is ten gold spirit coins, sure enough. With the the
scale of your place, I trust you should be able to refine iron

The middle aged man nodded, saying:

“You have the price right. But you should know that the
toughness of iron essence is far higher than common refined
iron, so forging it is naturally much more difficult. When using

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it to create any goods, the cost of processing it is equal to the
price of the iron essence itself. In other words, to use one
kilogram of iron essence to forge anything, we have to charge
ten gold spirit coins for processing expenses. And the objects on
this schematic of yours are also so complex, we must still charge
another fifty percent.”

If an ordinary person was here, hearing the smith speak of

forging something unexpectedly weighing the price in gold
coins, would certainly be greatly shocked. But Tang San knew
that the price this boss Tie Xin spoke of was already unusually
fair. In his heart his favourable impression immediately

“Uncle, your price is no problem. If the quantity I need made

is comparatively large, is it possible to have some discount?”

Although Tang San wouldn’t haggle too much, he would still

strive for a necessary discount.

Tie Xin muttered:

“Certainly. If you order iron essence to forge these things,

even if it’s our biggest customer, the material cost can’t

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decrease, I can’t lose money. But I can strike off ten percent of
the labour cost for you. If your order of iron essence exceeds ten
kilograms, then I can go down to eight tenths. The lowest I can
go is also eight tenths.”

Tang San nodded straightforward, saying:

“Then it’s decided. I will trouble you to make ten according to

the plans I gave you. I already calculated it in detail. Each one
should require roughly two kilograms of iron essence.
Altogether it’s twenty kilograms.”

Tie Xin looked startled at Tang San,

“You want so many? This is indeed twenty kilograms of iron

essence. Including labor costs it’s five hundred gold spirit coins.
Even if I give you the labor cost for eight tenths, it’s still four
hundred forty gold spirit coins.”

Seeing Tie Xin’s appearance, Tang San understood he was

afraid he didn’t have that much money.

“Uncle, you are also a Spirit Master.”

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Tang San suddenly said.

Tie Xin’s heart trembled, looking at Tang San frowning.

Tang San said:

“I would like to speak with you alone, is it possible?”

More than four hundred gold spirit coins of business, even if it

was this Suotuo City’s largest smithy, it was absolutely a large
deal. One must know, their whole yearly turnover was only
roughly three thousand gold spirit coins.

Tie Xin nodded, saying:

“Then please follow me in the back.”

At once, he brought Tang San to walk towards the back.

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Passing through the separating curtains, Tang San
immediately saw an astonishing scene. This smithy’s anteroom
was already very large, but this rear work area was even larger,
as far as the eye could see, filled with a deep furnace fire red. At
least fifty smiths were working simultaneously.

Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye was exceptionally acute, gaze

simply sweeping across these smiths, in his heart secretly
nodding. Although the smiths here were not all so robust,
whether it was their expressions or their hands they were all
extremely calm. Clearly all were senior smiths. Able to support
this large smithy, also required the existence of this many
outstanding smiths.

Suddenly, Tang San made a small expression of surprise,

thinking out loud:

“Why are you also here?”

Tie Xin stopped walking, puzzled looking at Tang San,

“Young man, is there a problem?”

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From in his heart, Tie Xin didn’t have confidence in Tang San,
after all he looked like he was too young. But the plans Tang San
provided did not have the appearance of a joke. Furthermore,
this was a more than four hundred gold spirit coins large order,
Tie Xin couldn’t let it slip by because of his suspicions. Although
they were Suotuo City’s largest smithy, they were in no way the
only smithy.

Following Tang San’s gaze, what Tang San took note of were
two young smiths in the middle of their work. They appeared to
be eighteen or nineteen years old, both had leopard eyes,
appearing extremely similar, powerfully built, tanned muscles
rising like small hills. The forging hammers in their hands were
also much larger than other smiths’, forging extremely steadily,
even to the extent that they were more efficient than some of
the middle aged smiths around them.

Tie Xin saw Tang San taking note of them, and couldn’t help
but chuckle proudly, saying:

“Those two kids are growing stronger and stronger now. How
about it, the smiths here are pretty good, right. Those two are
my twin sons, one is Tie Long, the other is Tie Hu. Although
they’re young, they’re still following in my footsteps and are the
best smiths in the shop.”

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Sure enough, Tang San was looking at these two, it was the
Tie brothers he and Xiao Wu defeated last time in the Spirit
Arena ring, that Iron Blood Combination. At that time, their All
In One Throw ability even injured Tang San.

Hearing Tie Xin say this, Tang San immediately understood

why Tie Xin would have spirit power fluctuations. Judging by
the spirit power fluctuations, Tie Xin’s strength wasn’t very
powerful, not equal to his two sons’. Clearly, Tie Long and Tie
Hu’s spirits had some degree of variation. At their age, already
possessing more than twentieth ranked spirit power, even if it
was at an advanced Spirit Master academy, they should still be
considered good students.

“If we reach an agreement, then I’d like them to forge these


Tang San was a smith and a Spirit Master himself, naturally

he clearly understood that forging with the support of spirit
power was much better than common smiths’ forging.
Balancing the degree of strength as well as controlling strength,
both were things ordinary people couldn’t hope for.

Tie Xin looked closely at Tang San, smiling slightly, he said:

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“If we truly reach an agreement, that’s no problem.”

He directly brought Tang San behind the work area to a room

within the room with a desk and seven or eight chairs, as well as
a simple wooden bed, it clearly was the office of this boss.
Ordinarily it might also be used to rest. From the window the
situation in the work area could be clearly seen.

Tie Xin without speaking immediately walked behind the desk

and sat down, at the same time with a gesture inviting Tang San
to sit. From his first impression of this youngster, Tie Xin was
actually quite fond of Tang San’s style of down-to-earth
manners, but if it was about business, he felt it was even more
ridiculous. If it wasn’t for the one in ten thousand possibility,
he wouldn’t have let Tang San follow him inside.

What business could a not seeming more than fifteen years

old youngster provide him? Moreover he even spoke about iron

“Young man, you said you also were a smith?”

Tie Xin asked.

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Tang San smiled wryly inwardly, he somewhat understood
Tie Xin’s attitude, after all he was too young, right now instead
of talking business he was interrogating.

“Yes. I was a smith. My father was also a smith, I learned the

trade from him.”

Hearing Tang San was a hereditary smith, Tie Xin couldn’t

help but raise his impression somewhat,

“So it’s like that. By your accent, you shouldn’t be from

around here. Did you move to Suotuo City with your family?”

Tang San shook his head,

“No. I came to attend school.”

“Attend school? Could it be you’re a Spirit Master?”

Tie Xin looked slightly expectantly at Tang San. Although

there were all kinds of schools on the Continent, doubtless the
Spirit Master academies were the most notable. Generally

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speaking, studying other things rarely meant moving, only
Spirit Master academies were different. Only major cities had
advanced Spirit Master academies.

In addition, Tie Xin saw that although Tang San’s clothes and
appearance were ordinary, his style of conversation clearly
surpassed those of his age. Obviously he had seen some trading,
which was why he asked this question. He naturally hoped Tang
San was the student of some Spirit Master academy. Although
by his age he only appeared to have just entered an intermediate
Spirit Master Academy, a Spirit Master’s status was after all
different, all were recorded at Spirit Hall. Doing business with
Spirit Masters, he only had to see the counterpart’s Spirit
Master rank and verify it with Spirit Hall, and he no longer had
to worry that the counterpart would play any tricks.

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Yes, I just now enrolled in an academy. Do you still have any


Tie Xin spread the plans on the desk, once again carefully
looking them over, then saying:

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“From looking at the plans, the things you want are all
extremely elaborate. Forging them isn’t at all easy. Moreover,
the fee isn’t small. Although our Smithy has a certain scale, four
hundred forty gold coins is still a very large sum to us. How do
you intend to collaborate with us?”

Tang San had already properly thought through the method

for collaboration on the way,

“Uncle Tie, like this will be fine. I will first pay an initial
payment, and trouble you to make one set of these things. If
there’s no problem with the quality, we’ll proceed with
manufacturing at once. I will at first be able to pay about one
hundred gold spirit coins or so.”

Tie Xin frowned, saying:

“Young man, since you already are a smith, you should know
that very many meticulous things require making molds. These
molds are also the largest manufacturing cost. If it’s only
making one, let alone me being unable to give you a discount,
I’ll even lose money. Although one hundred gold spirit coins is
sufficient for an initial payment, I hope you can add a
guarantee. Since you are a Spirit Master, is it possible for you to
let me take a look at your Spirit Master letter? As long as I

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confirm there is no problem, our collaboration can begin.”

Hearing Tang San would first pay a hundred gold spirit coins,
Tie Xin already somewhat believed this youngster, however he
had run this smithy for many years, and he couldn’t recognize
these things Tang San wanted made, consequently, for
dependability, he of course first wanted to get a feel for Tang
San. As long as Tang San’s Spirit Master status was no problem,
he would at once dare continue with this large deal.

As for the Spirit Master letter, that was provided the first time
one received a stipend at Spirit Hall, it could be called a Spirit
Master’s symbol of status, on it was recorded the Spirit Master’s
information, and Spirit Hall’s special serial number. Just
relying on this number, for a certain fee one could contact Spirit
Hall and verify whether this Spirit Master was the same person.

Tang San didn’t hesitate, swiping his right hand over Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges, he took out his Spirit Master letter. It was
nothing shameful to him, and he also hoped to be able to
complete this arrangement, so naturally he first had to gain the
other party’s trust.

The Spirit Master letter wasn’t paper or silk, but a palm sized
disk of metal. Reportedly only Spirit Hall had this kind of metal,

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and it was very difficult to counterfeit. The metal selected for
use with Spirit Master letters was also in order to prevent
damage, after all, under ordinary circumstances this letter
would follow the Spirit Master through his life.

On the palm sized metal object was engraved each time the
Spirit Master advanced, altogether ten lines. On the first line
was engraved the time and place of registration as well as the
Spirit Master’s spirit. From the second line on were engraved
the times of advancement as well as the spirit master levels. On
the other side of the Spirit Master letter was carved Spirit Hall’s
first insignia, a long sword. This side of the letter was the same
for all Spirit Masters, only people from Spirit Hall would have
some variations.

Watching Tang San take out the Spirit Master letter and hand
it over, Tie Xin hastily stood up and walked out from behind the
desk, solemnly using both hands to receive it. The Spirit Master
letter was a Spirit Master’s symbol of status as well as
advancement record, and ordinarily would not easily be shown.
As important as the Spirit Master’s dignity. Even though Tang
San looked young, Tie Xin still didn’t dare slight him.

Holding the ice cold metal disk, Tie Xin carefully looked at the
surface, first to enter his eyes was the topmost line of small
characters. These engraved characters were all specially created

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by Spirit Hall’s, no matter which Spirit Hall, the font was
always the same. On the top could be seen written:

‘Name: Tang San, Gender, Male, Douluo Calendar Year 2637,

registered at Nuoding City Spirit Sub-Hall, Spirit Blue Silver

Reading this line, Tie Xin couldn’t help but be somewhat

disappointed. Although his own talent wasn’t high, right now
he was only twentieth something rank, part of Spirit
Grandmasters forever unable to break through thirtieth rank.
But he still had vision and naturally knew of Blue Silver Grass,
this standard for useless spirits, could it be that even with a Blue
Silver Grass Spirit it was possible to become a Spirit Master?

With doubt in his heart, Tie Xin turned his gaze to the second
line of the Spirit Master letter.

‘Tenth ranked Spirit Master, registration time, Douluo

Calendar Year 2637. Registered at Nuoding City’s Spirit Sub-

Tie Xin rubbed his eyes, it wouldn’t be a mistake, right, why

still year 2637, was Blue Silver Grass Spirit truly able to cultivate

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to the Spirit Master realm? Wasn’t this record wrong?

Tie Xin looked at Tang San with a doubtful gaze,

“Young man, isn’t there a mistake in the records on this Spirit

Master letter, why is your registration for becoming Spirit
Scholar and Spirit Master unexpectedly the same year?”

Tang San smiled slightly,

“No, it’s no mistake, since I had innate full spirit power.”

Innate full spirit power? Tie Xin was gobsmacked, his gaze at
Tang San immediately changed, regardless of what his spirit
was like, the words ‘innate full spirit power’ were sufficient to
shock him. At least among the Spirit Masters Tie Xin knew,
there still wasn’t anyone with innate full spirit power. ‘No
wonder, no wonder he would become Spirit Master in the same
year, how could I have expected, he even has these kinds of
circumstances like innate full spirit power. An innate full spirit
power Blue Silver Grass Spirit Master, this is still too

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Somewhat eagerly he looked at the Spirit Master letter’s third
line, since he previously saw that the Spirit Master letter
altogether had three lines.

‘Twentieth ranked Spirit Grandmaster, registration time,

Douluo Calendar Year 2639. Registered at Nuoding City Spirit

On the Spirit Master letter wouldn’t be recorded spirit

abilities and levels of spirit rings obtained at different levels,
those were after all a Spirit Master’s secret. Even Spirit Hall’s
own record would at most only have the spirit ring levels. As for
spirit abilities, those would not be lightly revealed by Spirit

2637, 2638, 2639. With only three years of time, he was

already a Spirit Grandmaster? A Spirit Grandmaster over rank
twenty? He didn’t look over fifteen, but it was year 2643, which
meant he broke through rank two to four years ago.

This time, Tie Xin was thoroughly surprised. Ignoring the

useless blue silver grass spirit and just judging by spirit power,
he definitely was a prodigy, so much more outstanding than his
two sons.

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“Uncle Tie, have you finished looking?” Tang San asked

Iron Heart silently gave the Spirit Master letter back to Tang
San. He had already memorized the serial number on it and
could verify it at anytime.

“Spirit Grandmaster Tang San, I apologize for the offense

earlier.” Tie Xin said solemnly.

Tang San smiled while shaking his head, “It’s nothing, it’s
hard to do business. If it was me, I might be even more
suspicious. After all, I am quite young.”

Tie Xin couldn’t help but ask, “Can you tell me how old you

Tang San didn’t keep it a secret, “I’ll be thirteen in a few


Tie Xin sucked in a cold breath. Not even thirteen, which

meant he was only twelve, and it was four years ago, which
meant he became a Spirit Grandmaster when he was only eight.

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Was this real? Was it possibly real?

“Spirit Grandmaster Tang San, I still have one last request.

Can I see your spirit rings?”

A twelve year old Spirit Grandmaster, to Tie Xin, was an

absolutely unbelievable thing. After all, there were only seven
of Shrek’s monsters, and it wasn’t something normal people
could understand.

When Tie Xin said this, even he felt it was a bit excessive, a bit
too paranoid, his face slightly apprehensive.

Tang San however didn’t mind. He needed a long term

cooperation with the smithy. Getting their trust was obviously
very important. Tie Xin’s every action was steady, and
combined with the size of this smithy, everything was very

“Sure.” Tang San slowly raised his left hand, a blue glow
quietly bubbled forward.

Tie Xin looked closely at Tang San, waiting for the spirit rings

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that follow the appearance of the spirit.

Maybe the Spirit Master Letter could be forged, but spirit

rings couldn’t be faked. That was the real proof of a Spirit
Master’s rank.

Lustrous purplish blue Blue Silver Grass milled out of Tang

San’s palm, instantly spreading out, hanging down onto the
ground and quickly covering the entire room’s floor. At the
same time, three beautiful spirit rings appeared and levitated
from his feet, two yellow and one purple. Three very distinct
spirit rings revolved around his body rhythmically bobbing.

At this time, the air seemed as if it solidified, everything in the

room became ethereal.

Tie Xin’s mouth gaped open, eyes staring rigidly at the spirit
rings on Tang San. His hands unconsciously shuddered.

“You. You…..”

Tang San said:

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“I just got my third spirit ring. I haven’t had time to register it
at Spirit Hall, so the Spirit Master Letter doesn’t have the
record of me becoming a Spirit Elder.”

Three, was that really three? Tie Xin’s heart was shaking.
Twelve years old, Spirit Elder, over level thirty, blue silver
grass. These words constantly circled around in Tie Xin’s mind.
His mind blanked, an indescribable feeling filled his chest.

From Tang San, Tie Xin felt a pressure, the pressure of a

higher ranked Spirit Master.

“Are you really only twelve?”

Tie Xin asked difficulty.

At that moment, suddenly the door opened. A tall figure

walked in from outside.

“Dad, I heard the people at the front say that there is a big
customer? Ah!? This is….”

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The tall figure suddenly froze. Under the pressure of the blue
silver grass, he immediately released his spirit, two yellow
hundred year spirit rings rising from his feet.

“It’s you.”

It was Tie Long who came in. When he saw Tang San, he cried
out in surprise. Especially after he saw the purple third spirit
ring on Tang San, his expression changed abruptly.

Tie Xin after all had been through a lot. He already recovered
from his shock.

“A Long, you recognize Spirit Elder Tang San?”

Tie Long opened his eyes wide open, staring at Tang San’s
third spirit ring. Slightly dejected, he said:

“Dad, you still remember the time my brother and I lost to

two children in the Spirit Arena? It was Tang San and another
girl’s group called the Three Five Combination. That time Tang
San even stopped Xiao Wu from heavily injuring us. Tang San,
you actually broke through rank thirty?”

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Tang San retracted his spirit, the blue silver grass and the
spirit rings disappearing at the same time. Smiling and nodding
towards Tie Long, he said,

“Big brother Tie, greetings. Last time we were battling at the

Spirit Arena, I was already rank twenty nine. A couple of days
ago, I had a bit of fortune and broke through rank thirty.”

Tie Long laughed bitterly,

“Compared with you, my brother and I are simply useless.

The people at the front said a big customer came. Is it you?”

Tang San chuckled and said

“How is it not me? This time I intentionally came to

inconvenience you. Only I didn’t realize it was your family’s

Tie Xin sighed in his mind. His gaze towards Tang San had
changed entirely. Maybe he wasn’t sure what a twelve year old

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Spirit Elder really meant, but even if he had no foresight he
could see that Tang San’s future was immeasurable.

“Spirit Elder Tang San, I apologize for the doubt I had. I have
no problem with working together. Let’s do it the way you said

Tang San secretly let a breath out. He finally agreed to the

cooperation. This way, Tang San could have more time to
cultivate and create stronger hidden weapons.

“Uncle Tie, I still want to buy a set of blacksmithing tools of

the best quality. Please help me deliver it to the academy. I’ll tell
you the address later.”

Tie Xin decisively said: “No problem, whatever you need in

the future, just come to us for it. If it is within our ability, we’ll
give it to you. Don’t worry, I will let Tie Long and Tie Hu take it
over, so the quality won’t be a problem. Those two kids were
taught by me. Their skills are the best in the smithy.”

Tang San said: “Then sorry for the inconvenience, Tie


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After leaving the address of Shrek Academy and paying one
hundred gold spirit coins, Tang San, under the escort of the Tie
family, left the smithy.

“Uncle Tie, Tie Brothers, you don’t have to see me off

anymore. I’ll put my purchases in your care. After you finish
forging them, let someone notify me and I will come retrieve it.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but try to send the blacksmithing
tools to me as soon as possible, as well as the minerals I

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell someone to send those things to you

tomorrow. By the way, Spirit Elder Tang San, does your school
still accept students? If my two useless sons can go to your
academy, I think their abilities will grow very quickly.” Tie Xin
saw with his own eyes Tang San’s abilities. An academy that can
educate spirit masters like Tang San was definitely something

Tang San said: “I’m afraid not, my academy has high

standards and only admits people under twelve. The Tie
Brothers are already too old.”

Tie Long said: “It’s fine dad. Being at Suotuo Advanced Spirit
Master Academy also works. We will try hard to get to rank

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thirty as soon as possible.”

When they came Ma Hongjun already told Tang San to not

wait for him. After Tang San left the smithy, he didn’t linger in
Suo Tuo City and immediately went back to the academy. To
him, the rest of the day will be past through cultivating. Tang
San never thought he was a prodigy. He only brought the
Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record to this world. The innate
full spirit power and the fast cultivation was all due to the
Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record. So, he must not slack off.

The next morning, Tang San habitually climbed to the rooftop

to cultivate his Purple Demon Eyes, breathing in the purple air
from the east brought by the morning sun.

The sky was clear. Looking at the gradually rising orange

sphere and the golden sky far away, Tang San slowly breathed
out impure qi, his eyes full of purple. The three essences of his
spirit almost simultaneously reached their peaks. he knows, he
improved again. Coming back from Star Dou Great Forest up to
now, he finally recovered all his power.

Although everyday he had to wake up early to cultivate, he

didn’t actually cultivate for long. The purple air from the east
only maintained for a very short period.

1389 Goldenagato |

It was time to eat. Tang San flipped down from the roof, going
straight to the dining hall.

Without even going inside, Tang San smelled an

overwhelming smell, a thick fragrance of meat with a few other
smells wafted over, alluring Tang San.

Going into the dining hall, Tang San was immediately

shocked by the sight. He was definitely the earliest of the
students, but there was already a busy figure.

He continuously watched the pot, controlling the fire and

busily managing all kinds of food, wearing a white chef’s hat.
Sweat dripped down the stiff face. It was Grandmaster.
Unexpectedly, he was making everyone breakfast.

“Teacher.”Tang San stepped into the cafeteria.

Grandmaster looked up and when he saw Tang San, he

smiled. “You are never late.”

1390 Goldenagato |

Tang San quickly walked to the side, washed his hands, and
returned to Grandmaster’s side. “I’ll help you.” He knew,
whenever Grandmaster did things, he did it to the end. There
wasn’t room for giving up halfway, so he didn’t ask
Grandmaster why he wanted to make breakfast for everyone,
nor did he try to stop Grandmaster.

Grandmaster shook his head, “No need, I already finished

everything. Come, try my workmanship.”

The Chinese characters are (tie jiang pu 铁匠铺) which

translates literally to “Iron Craftsman Shop”. The chapter title
is then “‘Iron’ Craftsman Shop”.

(tie 铁)

(Tie jing 铁精) Doesn’t seem to have a real world counterpart.

Google will suggest it’s forge ash, which is supposed to have
medical implementations, or hematite powder.

(铁心) “Iron Heart”. So the English equivalent of this would be

for a smith named Smith to run a smithy called Smith’s.

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(阿龙) He uses an “ah” prefix particle that implies familiarity.

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Chapter 40 - Special Training First Stage

Grandmaster picked up a big bowl, ladling up two big scoops

from the pot constantly emitting meat fragrance and handing it
to Tang San, from the side picking up two steamed buns and
two eggs and setting them on a tray before Tang San.

“Eat, you children are all in a growth period, you certainly

need abundant nutrition. The body is the foundation of
cultivation, without a good body, how could you support
tremendous spirit power? Yesterday I carefully reflected on the
encounters you had in Star Dou Great Forest this time, most of
all absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider surpassing your
rank. You being able to succeed is admittedly related to your
firm willpower, but your sturdy body also had a significant
effect. Very many Spirit Masters only focus on cultivating their
spirit power and technique, but neglect to fundamentally train
their body. Perhaps in the short term nothing can be seen, but
after a long time like this, it will inevitably have a restraining
effect on advancing to the higher levels.”

Taking the breakfast Grandmaster handed over, Tang San

didn’t purport to fast, the rich meat broth clearly had been
boiling for a very long time already, little chunks of sliced meat
had already been thoroughly stewed, the contents also had a

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faint medicinal fragrance. From just one whiff, Tang San felt his
stomach make a rumbling sound.

Grandmaster’s cooking was better than imagined, the meat

broth smelled delicious, the well cooked meat practically
melting in the mouth, along with the two steamed buns and two
eggs, ever since coming to Shrek Academy, this was the first
time Tang San ate breakfast until he was so full. A warm feeling
continuously spread from his belly through his whole body,
indescribably comfortable.

Tang San had just finished eating when Xiao Wu’s voice
sounded from outside,

“Such a good smell, it seems that today we have something


Two people walked into the dining hall. Apart from Xiao Wu
there was also her roommate Ning Rongrong. Other people
might not know Grandmaster’s character, but how could Xiao
Wu be ignorant. Tang San was Grandmaster’s disciple, after
being influenced for all these years, she could also be considered
having some understanding of Grandmaster.

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“Grandmaster, hello.”

Xiao Wu respectfully greeted Grandmaster.

Grandmaster nodded to her, but lacked the smile he had for

Tang San. To be precise, apart from Tang San, there were very
few people who were able to see Grandmaster’s smiling

Ning Rongrong’s nose twitched. She had been forcefully

dragged here by Xiao Wu and was right now still hazy from
sleep, but that rich meat fragrance made her gradually wake up.

Grandmaster gave them each a bowl of meat broth, a steamed

bun and an egg, half of what he gave Tang San, the girls after all
required somewhat less food.

“Eat quickly, no time to also talk.”

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong’s hunger was awoken by the

meat broth’s aroma, immediately digging in, eating their

1395 Goldenagato |

Seeing Xiao Wu bring Ning Rongrong, Tang San immediately
started. Yes, he also should have called Oscar here. He
understood Grandmaster even better than Xiao Wu, and
naturally knew Teacher’s temper wasn’t as calm as on the
surface, the uncompromising nature towards others was like his
name, extremely firm.

Thinking of this, Tang San hastily took his leave of

Grandmaster. He didn’t only have to wake Oscar, he also had to
deal with the others.

Under Tang San’s efforts, everyone ate breakfast. If they in

the beginning called Tang San some resentful words at being
woken up, after eating the sumptuous breakfast, they
unendingly praised Grandmaster.

After an hour, the bell sounded start of class, time for


The sunlight brought a fresh and exuberant vitality, all living

things thriving in the sunlight, the new day had begun.

Grandmaster with both hands behind his back stood in the

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center of the grounds, looking at the seven students arranged
before him by age. Today’s class only had one teacher. Flender
had said, from now on the Academy’s teachers would all comply
with Grandmaster’s education.

Grandmaster’s cool gaze swept across everyone,

“For tomorrow’s breakfast, I hope to see you all show up even

earlier at the dining hall. Eating food requires a period for
digestion afterwards, one can’t immediately conduct strict
exercise. I will prepare a good breakfast at dawn, if you haven’t
come to eat in one hour, you needn’t eat at all.”

Grandmaster’s sharp gaze swept over all the students. He

naturally saw some had not listened, but he still didn’t repeat

“I have already understood each of your spirits and

capabilities. Starting from today, I will start your strengthening
training. Dai Mubai, step forward.”

Dai Mubai took one step forward, light pulsing in his evil eyes.
He might not be too restrained in private, but when in class he
absolutely was a good student. To him a teacher’s words were

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Grandmaster looked at the tall Dai Mubai, saying.

“I will give you one task. Starting from now, without causing
any injuries, you will knock down those six one by one.”


Dai Mubai was startled, looking shocked at Grandmaster.

The expression on Grandmaster’s face was rigid,

“You have thirty seventh rank spirit power. They are at most
thirty first rank. Is there a problem?”

Dai Mubai turned his head to look at everyone, his gaze first
falling on Tang San. The others didn’t concern him, but he
couldn’t be fearless towards that virtuoso of hidden weapons
Tang San.

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“Tang San step forward.”

Grandmaster’s voice echoed once again.

Tang San immediately stepped forward, standing at Dai

Mubai’s side.

Grandmaster looked at Tang San, saying:

“You can’t use your third spirit ability or those peculiar

weapons. You can begin.”

“Wait a moment.”

The speaker was Dai Mubai,

“Grandmaster, this isn’t fair, if Tang San can’t display his full
strength, then, what is the meaning to us fighting? His rank is
lower than mine, if his spirit abilities are also restricted, then
this makes my advantage too big. Although Tang San’s third
spirit ring was a powerful Man Faced Demon Spider, I have
confidence in myself.”

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Grandmaster calmly said:

“If he uses his third spirit ring, you won’t have any chance. A
control system Spirit Master, unless encountering countering
spirits, are the most powerful in a duel. Since you asked for it,
let Tang San use his third spirit ring. As comrades, you also
have to understand each other.

The others all subconsciously retreated. Grandmaster was also

no exception. Over thirtieth ranked Spirit Elders’ strength was
already powerful, and without flawless control they might very
easily injure bystanders.

Dai Mubai’s evil eyes gradually reddened, although compared

to him his opponent was a full six ranks lower, he didn’t dare be
the least bit careless. Shrek Academy’s students were all
intense, but the only monster who could make him afraid was
Tang San.

“Little San, take care. I will not be lenient.”

Tang San only nodded, without saying anything. He could

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clearly sense the muscles over Dai Mubai’s body already going
completely taut, his appearance like a coiled spring or mountain

Pale white light abruptly burst from Dai Mubai’s body, both
arms simultaneously stretching to either side, chest sticking
out, the bones all over the body making cracking sounds.
Muscles swelling in a flash, filling up the clothes of his body, the
atmosphere around him already seeming to become wild and

Dai Mubai’s spirit White Tiger completed its Body


Blue light rushed out from Tang San’s body. Somewhat

transformed by the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring,
already a bit more slender Blue Silver Grass quietly spread out
from under Tang San’s feet.

Slowly raising his right hand towards the tightly wound Dai
Mubai, Tang San seriously said:

“Mubai, if you can break my third spirit ability, then consider

it your win.”

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Dai Mubai’s mind was shaken. Not just he, but even the other
students observing the fight also watched Tang San attentively.
They all wanted to see, after experiencing such violent pain, just
how formidable Tang San’s third spirit ability actually was.

The double pupils in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes momentarily

merged. Without even thinking about it, the third spirit ring
over his body, that sparkling purple released in a flash. The
third spirit ability White Tiger Vajra Transformation activated.

The body already made powerful by Spirit White Tiger Body

Enhancement once again swelled, his muscles swelling
exaggeratedly, his clothes completely bursting, exposing a
terrifying muscle outline. On his skin appeared black striation, a
pair of tiger paws again enlarging, the sharp blades ejected on
top all became bright silver, his whole body enveloped in a layer
of golden light, like he was gilded. Blood red eyes expressing a
bloodthirsty light, his whole body giving off a kind of king of
beasts tyranny.

Originally when Dai Mubai first fought Tang San, it was by

relying on White Tiger Vajra Transformation that he could
instantly break Tang San’s second spirit ring ability. Right now
once again confronting Tang San, he also used his strongest

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spirit ability. His goal was to rely on his sharp tiger claws to cut
open Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass.

“Take care.”

The Blue Silver Grass under Tang San’s feet moved in a flash,
countless vines milling out. Some rising into the air, some
sliding along the ground, some arcing around the sides, rushing
towards Dai Mubai from all directions.

Dai Mubai was classified as a strong power type Spirit Master,

agility wasn’t what he was good at, and watching the Blue Silver
Grass twisting towards him, he didn’t dodge. Abruptly the
golden light over his body became even a bit stronger, meeting
the Blue Silver Grass with an assault.

Dai Mubai only took three steps before his powerful body at
once stopped moving. Blue Silver Grass first spirit ability,
Binding, launched, firmly binding his body within.

Dai Mubai at once subconsciously wanted to rely on his

physical strength to struggle free, just like last time. But, in the
split second he generated strength he discovered something

1403 Goldenagato |

Infused with the third spirit ring’s properties, although Blue
Silver Grass became thinner, the degree of its toughness
multiplied geometrically. Under Dai Mubai’s full exertion,
unexpectedly he couldn’t tear open the Blue Silver Grass,
instead that more slender Blue Silver Grass dug tightly into his

The Ghost Vine thorns quietly protruded, and if not for Dai
Mubai’s skin becoming incomparably hard from White Tiger
Vajra Transformation, he would already be suffering from the
mix of Ghost Vine and Man Faced Demon Spider poison.

But, the thirty seventh ranked Dai Mubai wasn’t so easy to

handle. Seeing he was unable to throw off the Blue Silver Grass
with brute strength, he immediately moved his trapped hands.

The tiger claw blades abruptly ejected, fiercely sawing at the

Blue Silver Grass. In a moment, those blades were already
gradually cutting into the Blue Silver Grass. When Dai Mubai
used his spirit power at full strength, Blue Silver Grass with the
amplifications still couldn’t hold him down.

However, Tang San didn’t hope to rely on this Blue Silver

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Grass being able to directly restrain Dai Mubai, he was after all a
thirty seventh ranked Spirit Elder. His goal was just to have
Blue Silver Grass temporarily restrain Dai Mubai for a short
time, letting him unleash his third spirit ability, that’s all. The
profound meaning of a control system Spirit Master, was to
control his opponent from the very start of the battle until its

When Dai Mubai’s sharp blades began to cut the Blue Silver
Grass, a sphere of blue green light already launched. Dai Mubai
naturally also saw that sphere, and although his body was tied
up, he still wasn’t unable to move.

He knew that the sphere of light fired from Tang San’s hand
should be his third spirit ring. At the moment unable to change
shape, he leaned sideways, falling to the ground.

What he needed right now was time. As long as he had enough

time to struggle free of Blue Silver Grass, and in addition relying
on thirty seventh ranked spirit power plus the increase in
physical strength and attack power from White Tiger Vajra
Transformation, he had faith he could break Tang San’s third
spirit ring.

Before everyone’s amazed gazes, the blue green sphere of light

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rapidly unfurled, a five meter wide net dropping from the sky.
Although Dai Mubai rolled over, he still couldn’t escape its
reach, the speed with which it spread was too fast.
Furthermore, that blue green sphere of light was launched with
Tang San’s Arrow Hand Throw technique, its speed reaching a
terrifying level.

Weng, the huge spider net abruptly wrapped around him. Dai
Mubai only felt his whole body tighten, his entire body was
already tightly restrained within that spider web.

The tiger claws cut into Blue Silver Grass, but as Dai Mubai
prepared to continue cutting, from those spider web threads
seemingly slimmer than the Blue Silver Grass, suddenly
transmitted an intensely paralysing and burning sensation,
even with the power of the White Tiger Vajra Transformation,
he was still unable to disperse the numbing feeling.

Strong stickiness bound up Dai Mubai’s body like a dumpling.

As the spider web continuously tightened, the sharp edges of the
tiger claws came into contact with the spider web, unexpectedly
they directly bounced off, without leaving even a mark.

Dai Mubai unleashed the full strength of his spirit power,

hoping to be able to break free of the paralysis and spider web.

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But the more strength he used, the tighter the spider web
twisted around him, that kind of feeling of power being useless
immediately made this Evil Eye White Tiger sink into

The paralysing feeling grew stronger and stronger, and the

resisting spirit power naturally also grew weaker. As the spider
web twinkling with blue green light continuously tightened, the
bones in Dai Mubai’s body began to make creaking sounds.


Grandmaster calmly declared.

Tang San hurried forward with big strides, lifting his hand to
wipe at the spider net. Strangely, that sticky spider web once
again became light, quietly merging into Tang San’s hand and
disappearing, even that Blue Silver Grass twisting around Dai
Mubai became streams of light and disappeared.

“This is my third spirit ability, Spider Web Restraint.”

Tang San helped Dai Mubai up, while explaining to him. At

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the same time he absorbed the poison from Dai Mubai into his
own body.

Grandmaster walked over to the two, seeing Dai Mubai’s

gloomy face, he calmly said:

“Control. It’s a control system Spirit Master’s characteristic

capability. Generally speaking, a control system spirit master’s
attack is rather weak, but their controlling strength is
exceptionally powerful. Below sixtieth rank, an outstanding
control system Spirit Master is able to completely restrain an
opponent within a gap of ten ranks. Aside from being able to
restrain control system Spirit Masters’ spirits, when
confronting a control system Spirit Master the best method is to
not give them the opportunity to exercise their control. But as a
power attack type Spirit Master, a control system Spirit Master
is precisely your nemesis. Under these kinds of circumstances,
you should pull open the distance to the control system Spirit

Gaze sweeping towards the others, Grandmaster continued:

“Every spirit master has their own strengths and weaknesses.

In this world there are no perfect Spirit Masters. But……”

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Saying this, Grandmaster paused a moment,

“But, there are perfect teams. One person alone is unable to

reach absolute strength, but one team with instinctive
coordination can reach perfection. Mutually relying on each
other is sufficient to confront enemies of any properties. The
control power of Tang San’s third ability is great, but it also has
extremely distinct weak points. As far as possible separating
from his attack range, no matter how strong the spider web is it
can’t restrain you. You are one entity. When you confront the
enemy together, your first priority is to complement each
other’s weak points. If everyone’s advantages can be fully
displayed, then, you will become an unequalled existence
among those equally ranked. Dai Mubai, continue your present
course. Next, you will meet the enemy head on, divided into
Zhu Zhuqing with Ning Rongrong’s combination as well as
Oscar and Ma Hongjun’s combination.”

Dai Mubai had now already withdrawn his White Tiger Vajra
Transformation. Light pulsing in his evil eyes, this time he only
nodded, without saying anything.

Grandmaster’s gaze turned to Tang San,

“Since you used your third spirit ability on Dai Mubai, then,

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you can take his place against one opponent. Xiao Wu, let me
see your third spirit ability.”

Xiao Wu giggled, walking towards Tang San,

“Little San, you’ll have to be careful, eh.”

The two fights began practically simultaneously. Tang San

confronted Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai confronted Ma Hongjun and

Seeing Dai Mubai in a bad mood, Ma Hongjun couldn’t help

but feel somewhat weak,

“Boss Dai, you wouldn’t release the Evil Fire on me, right?”

Dai Mubai snapped:

“You’re the only one with Evil Fire. Less nonsense, come.”

Speaking, he charged at Ma Hongjun.

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Ma Hongjun didn’t dare be neglectful, while swiftly
completing his Spirit Body Enhancement, he simultaneously
took the two sausages Oscar held out and quickly retreated.

Facing the aggressive Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun didn’t dare let

him in close, immediately launching his second spirit ring
ability, Bathing Fire Phoenix.

Intense purple flames abruptly leapt up, blazing heat

spreading in the air in a flash, the intensity of the flames clearly
somewhat stronger than in Star Dou Great Forest.

After meeting one danger after another in Star Dou Great

Forest, not only Tang San and Xiao Wu had advanced in
strength, everyone had improved somewhat under the pressure.
Shrek students were originally prodigies, in a crisis, their
potential naturally appeared under even greater stress.

Feeling the blazing Phoenix flames over Ma Hongjun, Dai

Mubai didn’t have the slightest intention of withdrawing,
rushing to meet Ma Hongjun, although the raging flames over
Fatty would injure him, they still couldn’t cause any serious
degree of harm. But if Fatty let him attack in close range, then,

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he would definitely die tragically.

If it was in the past, Ma Hongjun seeing Dai Mubai in close

range would definitely lose his head out of fear. Although his
spirit power wasn’t low, his combat experience was far from
equal to Dai Mubai or Tang San’s abundance, he was always
relying on his powerful flames.

But right now confronting Dai Mubai’s charge, Ma Hongjun

not only didn’t panic, his face instead revealed a mischievous

Dai Mubai naturally wouldn’t give up on his attack just

because of the opponent’s expression, in the moment when he
was about to hit Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun’s first spirit ring
suddenly shone. A Phoenix Fire Wire as thick as an arm shot

Going through the battles in Star Dou Great Forest, Ma

Hongjun discovered that when using Phoenix Fire Wire while in
Bathing Fire Phoenix, its power doubled. Although the spirit
power consumption also grew, the result was extremely good.

It could even compare to the third spirit abilities of some

1412 Goldenagato |

Spirit Masters, this was the benefit of a naturally powerful

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, he seemed to have long ago already

anticipated that Ma Hongjun would have this move, his first
and second spirit rings flared simultaneously, White Tiger Body
Barrier and White Tiger Light Wave activated simultaneously.

Intense white light and purple fire clashed together fiercely in

midair, despite the formidable power amplification of Phoenix
Fire Wire under Bathing Fire Phoenix, Ma Hongjun’s spirit
power gap to Dai Mubai was ten ranks, and it was still he who
lost out.

With a snort, he hurriedly retreated.

Dai Mubai had plentiful battle experience, sharp claws

ejecting from his tiger paws, just like a fierce white tiger, he
pounced in a flash.

“Boss Dai, I’m not fighting alone.”

Ma Hongjun wasn’t at all flustered, the moment Dai Mubai

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was about to pounce at him, suddenly, Ma Hongjun’s body
abruptly flew back with astonishing speed, in an eyeblink he
was already ten meters away.

Dai Mubai rushed at thin air, and immediately came to a

distracted stop, although Ma Hongjun’s spirit possessed the
ability to fly, his current spirit power was still far from
sufficient to let him fly with his spirit. Recalling what Ma
Hongjun said, Dai Mubai immediately understood.

It was Oscar’s mushroom sausage.

Relying on the mushroom sausage, Ma Hongjun could fly for

one minute, at the speed of the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, Dai
Mubai reached the conclusion that he was unable to catch up.

‘One minute, you only have one minute, that’s all.’ Dai Mubai
sneered inwardly, turning to avoid the Phoenix Fire Wire Ma
Hongjun shot into the air, just like a tiger pouncing at prey
attacking Oscar not far away.

First dealing with this support, then in one minute the fight
would end.

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Unfortunately, his arbitrary scheme fell to nothing. Oscar had
long ago prepared, seeing Dai Mubai’s target change to him,
without waiting for him to come close, already swallowed a
mushroom sausage and soared up.

Although Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Light Wave was able to

attack at a distance, it was only within twenty meters, if he
wanted to extend the distance, he had to consume a great
amount of spirit power. In his previous fight with Tang San,
using White Tiger Vajra Transformation, his spirit power
consumption was considerable, and right now he naturally
didn’t dare consume too much.

Watching Oscar and Ma Hongjun in midair each eat a

recovery sausage, Oscar rapidly making his vulgar spirit next to
Ma Hongjun, and Ma Hongjun continuously fired his Phoenix
Fire Wire from the air. With the support of recovery sausages,
his spirit power consumption obtained a certain replenishment,
and for a brief time he didn’t need to worry about exhausting

Under the amplification of Bathing Fire Phoenix, Ma

Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire Wire was extremely powerful, where
the purple flames scorched the ground they left behind long
grooves. What made Dai Mubai even angrier was Ma Hongjun
constantly sweeping flames from in midair, never very good at

1415 Goldenagato |

dodging, in a moment he was battered and exhausted. Only
thanks to his first spirit ring ability White Tiger Body Barrier
was he able to repeatedly block Fatty’s flames. Out of reach, and
unable to dodge, he could only waste White Tiger Light Wave
on Fatty.

But, while they he ate recovery sausages, he had just now

consumed a lot of spirit power, it didn’t take long to disappear,
and when Fatty ate a second mushroom sausage to maintain
flight, Dai Mubai’s spirit power was already unable to keep up.

If he confronted Fatty in peak condition, Dai Mubai still could

have relied on his profound spirit power to wear down the
opponents. After all Oscar’s recovery sausage could only recover
a little spirit power at once. By making mushroom sausages
Oscar consumption was considerable, persisting long enough,
these two fellows would naturally have to land.

But right now Dai Mubai had previously used White Tiger
Vajra Transformation, in addition Oscar had reached the
thirtieth rank, making recovery sausages was practically
instantaneous, constantly throwing them to Ma Hongjun as if
he didn’t have to use up spirit power. With the support of large
quantities of recovery sausages, Fatty’s battle endurance clearly
could hold out for a long time.

1416 Goldenagato |

As Ma Hongjun ate his third mushroom sausage, Dai Mubai’s
White Tiger Light Wave was already somewhat unable to block
the Phoenix Fire Wire, his spirit power already insufficient to
support the consumption.

But at the same time, on the other side Tang San and Xiao Wu
were also happily fighting.

When Dai Mubai was attacking Ma Hongjun on their side, on

the other side Tang San and Xiao Wu were already in battle.

Tang San didn’t know how many times he had fought Xiao
Wu, Blue Silver Grass in the first moment densely covered the
area around him, as long as Xiao Wu entered this area, he would
immediately launch the Binding ability.

Tang San was extremely familiar with Xiao Wu, how would he
not also be as familiar to Xiao Wu? Although after Tang San
obtained the third spirit ring, Blue Silver Grass changed
significantly, from the previous fight between him and Dai
Mubai, Xiao Wu from careful observation had roughly grasped
the degree of change in Tang San’s spirit.

“Little San, do you have to be so on your guard?”

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Xiao Wu’s voice held a note of complaint, sounding somewhat

Tang San subconsciously raised his head to look at her, even

though as he raised his head he already became aware of the
mistake, it was still a little too late. He saw Xiao Wu’s already
turned pink pair of eyes.

Xiao Wu’s second spirit ability, Demon Confusion, activated.

Tang San felt a burst of giddiness in his brain, fortunately he

had in the first moments closed his eyes, not letting Xiao Wu’s
ability display its full might. But after reaching the thirtieth
rank, Xiao Wu’s spirit ability still had been strengthened a
certain degree. This moment made Tang San’s mind briefly
blank out.

Tang San secretly cursed his stupidity, ever since coming to

Shrek Academy, he hadn’t sparred with Xiao Wu at all, and he
had relaxed somewhat. If he had first used Purple Demon Eye he
wouldn’t be in his current predicament. Purple Demon Eye
could be Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion spirit ability’s natural

1418 Goldenagato |

Even Xiao Wu herself didn’t expect her surprise attack to
succeed, but seeing Tang San close his eyes, the Blue Silver
Grass losing its luster, she naturally wouldn’t let this
opportunity slip by. One foot pointing to the ground, she
noiselessly leapt towards Tang San.

By a strict interpretation, Xiao Wu should also be considered

an agility attack system Spirit Master. Only the difference
between her and Zhu Zhuqing was that her attack method
required her to stick close to fully work, while Zhu Zhuqing
used hit and run, an assassin’s way.

Though his mind was briefly blank, subconsciously everyone

would protect themselves, Tang San without the slightest
hesitation raised his right hand, blue green light once again

The light unfurled in a flash, the five meter in diameter spider

web was in a moment able to render the enemy’s attack
direction completely impassable in front of Tang San. Xiao Wu’s
attack was no exception.

Right now it would appear Xiao Wu was already completely

without moves, basically without a chance of changing

1419 Goldenagato |

direction, in a moment about to crash into Tang San’s Spider
Web Restraint. This was the spider web even Dai Mubai was
unable to throw off, with her spirit power, when bound, she
could only fall paralysed to the ground, losing the ability to

But Xiao Wu like Ma Hongjun assisted by the mushroom

sausage, when confronted with Tang San’s Spider Web
Restraint, was without any panic. Just like what Grandmaster
had said, any spirit ability could be restrained.

Just in front of the spider web, the third spirit ability over
Xiao Wu flared, her third spirit ability emerging before
everyone for the first time.

The third spirit ring over Xiao Wu’s body abruptly blossomed
with purple light, but differently from the others, the purple
light unexpectedly wrapped around her body in a split second,
in the next moment, Xiao Wu disappeared in midair.

But by now Tang San had just thrown off the effect of Xiao
Wu’s Demon Confusion ability, relying on Purple Demon Eye’s
cultivation and firm willpower, in addition to Mysterious
Heaven Skill’s orthodox school ability to restrain this Demon
Confusion ability, he was only sluggish for a moment, that’s all.

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As he recovered to normal, it was just in time to see the scene of
Xiao Wu’s body wrapped up in purple light and disappear.

Xiao Wu gone, Tang San’s spider web immediately hit only

air. Once the purple light again appeared, it was already behind
the spider web, or to be precise, it was right in front of Tang
San, Xiao Wu’s pair of slender calves already simultaneously
connecting with Tang San’s shoulders, at the same time her
charming laughter reached him,

“Little San, you’ve lost.”

In their past contests, once Xiao Wu got close, as long as Tang

San didn’t use hidden weapons there was nothing he could do.

After advancing past thirtieth rank, Xiao Wu’s spirit power

had clearly improved, although separated by trousers, Tang San
could still feel the astonishing flexibility of her calves. Wedged
between the calves, already twisting around Tang San’s neck,
the first spirit ability Waist Bow activated in a flash, about to
directly bring Tang San’s body to the ground.

One must know, along with spirit power increasing, right now
Xiao Wu’s Waist Bow was already able to amplify her waist

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strength over one hundred twenty percent, that was in no way
on a level any Spirit Master could resist using physical strength.

Seeing Xiao Wu’s bent back delicate body transmit strength

towards his neck, Tang San in his startlement didn’t neglect to

“Maybe not.”

Blue green light launched once again, this time, it was

released at Tang San’s own body.

Spider Web Restraint launched in just an eyeblink, the

enormously adhesive spider web twisted Tang San and Xiao
Wu’s bodies tightly together, and although Xiao Wu’s Waist
Bow activated successfully, with the two bound together she
was naturally unable to throw Tang San, with a putong sound,
they simultaneously fell down on the ground.

To Tang San it was also the first time experiencing the terror
of Spider Web Restraint. Following Blue Silver Grass forming
the spider web it clung tightly to the two in a flash, pressing
their bodies closely together.

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Right now, Xiao Wu’s calves were pressing tightly against
Tang San’s neck, with her back upward. Twisted like this, her
butt stuck to Tang San’s lower body, perfectly round and warm,
adding to the pair’s bodies touching everywhere as they fell and
pressed together, Tang San lying face down on Xiao Wu
immediately felt his body heat up.

Xiao Wu was already unable to again use her third spirit

ability. The poison on the spider web was naturally ineffective
on Tang San, but the effect on her was still extremely good, in a
moment paralysis and a burning feeling spread all over her
body, suppressing her ability to gather spirit power to once
again use the third spirit ability. But this moment was also
when Dai Mubai’s spirit power was largely exhausted, making
him unable to keep fighting.

“Good, you can all stop.”

Grandmaster’s timely voice resounded. Also at this moment,

Oscar already dropped out of the air.

Only now did Dai Mubai recall that when Oscar ate his own
sausage, the effect was weakened. Unfortunately, his spirit
power was already far from sufficient, otherwise he would right
now have the opportunity to make a comeback.

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Withdrawing the spider web, Tang San helped Xiao Wu stand
up, both their expressions somewhat embarrassed. Xiao Wu’s
delicate little face blushed like a ripe apple, Tang San’s distinct
smell dying her body without fading for a long time. Lowering
her head, the braid on the back of her head hung over her chest,
not daring to look up at her nominal big brother.

Grandmaster did not seem to see Tang San and Xiao Wu’s
embarrassment, letting Ma Hongjun drop out of the air,
sweeping his eyes over the five combatants.

“Tell me your thoughts.”

Dai Mubai’s mood was right now extremely depressed. Even if

he had lost to Tang San’s third spirit ability, Tang San was after
all a control system Spirit Master. But this Fatty Ma Hongjun
had never been his match. Unexpectedly being defeated this
time, immediately he was unable to accept it:

“If my spirit power had been in peak condition, they wouldn’t

have had a chance.”

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His name is Gang, which translates as firm.

(甩手箭) Last described in chapter 9 against the Datura Snake.

(魅惑) Multiple ways to read this one, either literally as

“Demon/Magic Confuse” or more figuratively as “Charm” or

1425 Goldenagato |

Chapter 41 - Not Abandoning, Not Giving Up

Grandmaster glanced at him indifferently,

“Will you only try to kill your enemy when your spirit power
is at its most powerful?”

Dai Mubai started, Grandmaster’s simple sentence left him


Grandmaster continued:

“You clearly know Oscar can supply mushroom sausages, so

why would you give Ma Hongjun the opportunity to eat them?
If you blocked him from the start, or as much as possible saved
your spirit power, this win should have been yours.”

Ma Hongjun reached for Oscar’s shoulder,

“A pleasure, truly a pleasure, I didn’t expect one day we too

would win against Dai Mubai. How exceptionally pleasant.
Little Ao, this sausage of yours is truly useful.”

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Oscar smiled mischievously,

“It’s only natural, how about we call ourselves Spirit Elders


Grandmaster looked coldly at the pair,

“Are you proud of yourselves? Ma Hongjun, I ask you, when

Oscar’s flying mushroom sausage failed, why did you let him
fall to the ground? If at this time Dai Mubai still had the
strength for one attack, killing him, what would you have


Ma Hongjun looked dumbstruck at Grandmaster.

Grandmaster turned to Oscar,

“And you. For a food system Spirit Master, most important in

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any situation is to as far as possible preserve their life. He didn’t
take the initiative to help you, so why didn’t you grab him to
continue floating in the air? If it was a situation where Dai
Mubai had sufficient spirit power, the moment you fell you
would have been dispatched. If it was the enemy, right now you
would already be dead. Spirit Elder? Even if it was a Title
Douluo level food system Spirit Master, before a Battle Spirit
Master he’s still extremely frail.”

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at each other, all of

them speechless.

Grandmaster’s voice was flat and cool, drawing blood with

each prick as he pointed out their mistakes.

“Little San.”

Grandmaster turned to Tang San.

Tang San hastily stepped forward,

“Teacher, I’m here.”

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“Tell me your impressions of the fight with Xiao Wu.”

Tang San’s face reddened,

“Teacher, I messed up. I shouldn’t have been careless, getting

caught in Xiao Wu’s second spirit ability Demon Confusion, to
the extent that I sunk into a passive condition. Under conditions
where I didn’t know her third spirit ability rashly releasing the
spider web, making me sink even deeper into a passive

Grandmaster nodded,

“Knowing your mistakes is good. Your error was the most

severe. A lion fighting a rabbit still needs all its strength, you
unexpectedly violating this from the start is an unforgivable sin.
If the enemy’s attack was a bit more severe, you would have
died. Remember, a control system Spirit Master not only has to
control the enemy, they also have to control themselves.”

Finally, Grandmaster looked at Xiao Wu,

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“Your third spirit ability should be teleportation. Only with a
distance restriction. If my guess is correct, this should be the
capability of the Lightning Rabbit. Your third spirit ring is a
thousand year Lightning Rabbit. This kind of teleportation
spirit ability, among all spirit abilities, belongs to the very
rarest, you’ve given be a very pleasant surprise. At the same
time, teleportation suits your Soft Skill, your killing power has
substantially increased. But, why did you conclude it was
already your victory once you wrapped around Tang San’s
neck? If at that time you were a bit careful, when you saw Tang
San use Spider Web Restraint for the third time, not anxious for
quick results, first teleported away from his attack range and
launched again, then you would already have won, and not been

Xiao Wu quietly stuck out her tongue, but didn’t dare utter a

The look on Grandmaster’s stiff face was very unsightly,

“This is what is called monstrous genius? Your display today

left me very disappointed. Each of your errors are unforgivable.
Now, you must all suffer the punishment. Running. Supervise
each other, you may not use spirit power. From the Academy
run to Suotuo City and back, before lunch, I would like you to
finish the round trip ten times. When you’re done is when you

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may eat. Tang San, your mistake was the most serious,
therefore you run twelve times. Move at once, begin.”

Tang San was first to run out. Grandmasters word to him was
no different than law.

Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun followed behind.

Grandmaster even punished his direct disciple, and furthermore
punished him the most seriously, what could they still say? Let
alone that the errors Grandmaster pointed out to them were all
grave mistakes.

“At the Academy’s entrance rocks are prepared. You will each
carry one on your back as you run. You must remember, you are
one team, if there is one person who hasn’t completed the
punishment, then, no one can eat.”

Grandmaster emphasized his words.

Although they couldn’t use spirit power, they were all Spirit
Masters. Spirit power transformed the body over many years,
making them much stronger than ordinary people. Simply
running, that couldn’t reach Grandmaster’s purpose.

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The distance from the Academy to Suotuo City couldn’t be
considered too far, but a roughly three to four kilometres
distance, making the round trip ten times, that would be
roughly sixty to seventy kilometres. Adding in the carried
weight, this was in no way an easy task.

Seeing the five figures run away, Ning Rongrong couldn’t help
but cackle, however, her laughter didn’t last for long.

“Why aren’t you running?”

Grandmaster’s cold voice echoed.

“Eh……, we have to run too?”

Ning Rongrong shocked looked at Grandmaster.

Grandmaster said:

“Just now I said: you all have to suffer the punishment.”

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Ning Rongrong was immediately somewhat worried,

“But, this isn’t fair, me and Zhuqing didn’t make any errors!”

Grandmaster calmly said:

“I ask you, who are they to you?”

Ning Rongrong looked blank,

“Fellow students, companions.”

Grandmaster said:

“There is a line called ‘shared delights and common pains’,

haven’t you heard it? You are companions, wanting to become
companions you can trust with your back, do you think you
should look at them suffering punishment while you rest?”


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Ning Rongrong was unable to reply, but Zhu Zhuqing was
already running out.

As the seven one after another reached the Academy gate,

they discovered that Grandmaster still discriminated in how he
treated their punishment, or in other words, had earlier already
prepared well.

Seven baskets woven from bamboo were filled with

differently sized stones, on each bamboo basket were straps and
a name written.

Among them, the stones in Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma

Hongjun’s baskets were the largest, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and
Oscar second, the stones in Ning Rongrong’s basket the

As Ning Rongrong saw the stones in the basket, the

resentment in her heart reduced somewhat, thinking to herself,
‘this Grandmaster still isn’t too unreasonable.’

Grandmaster watching the seven running with bamboo

baskets on their backs, couldn’t help but reveal a faint smile on

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his rigid face.

“Forbidden to use spirit power while carrying weight and

running long distance, isn’t this punishment a bit heavy? That
could be several hundred kilometers. Let alone noon, they
might not finish before the sky is dark. I didn’t expect you
would be even fiercer than me.”

Flender had at some unknown time already arrived next to

Grandmaster, speaking somewhat concerned.

Grandmaster calmly said:

“One cannot achieve glory and wealth without suffering trials

and tribulations. I carefully calculated their body condition. It
won’t exhaust them. What’s more, you think with their
breakfast that good, they could eat without paying? Without
going through a stage of shared delights and common
hardships, how could they become companions that trust each
other with their backs?”

Flender held up both hands, showing his surrender,

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“All right, I told you. You do as you see fit. I know you care
about these children even more than me. However, I have no
choice but to once again remind you, the Academy’s funds are

Grandmaster snorted coldly,

“Can a living person still hold back their urine until they die?
Do you think I am you, the magnificent Spirit Sage, unable to
even manage one Academy’s funds.”

Flender slightly angrily said:

“Indeed I don’t think to bow and scrape subserviently to

others, otherwise, with my strength being wealthy also isn’t a
difficult matter. I want to see how you’ll settle this issue. You
whose cheeks are even thinner than mine.”

Grandmaster gave Flender a sideways look,

“Then you just wait and see.”

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Bamboo baskets on their backs, Tang San and Dai Mubai took
the lead in the mad rush out. Once they started running, they
realized this punishment as expected was very heavy.

If they could use spirit power, a sixty or seventy kilometres

distance in half a day’s time wasn’t any problem to speak of for
them, and could even be completed easily. But, under
circumstances without spirit power and still carrying weight,
that was not something that could easily be accomplished.

“Mubai, let’s first stop a moment.”

In the middle of running Tang San suddenly stopped. Right

now they hadn’t run far, but his forehead already showed traces
of sweat.

Although the two had previously both consumed spirit power,

currently they didn’t use spirit power to run, in physical
strength they clearly were the best among Shrek Seven Devils.
Right now, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun and Oscar were already
falling behind several hundred meters, after them Zhu Zhuqing
was already catching up to their steps, Ning Rongrong was last.

“Little San, why?”

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Dai Mubai also stopped, somewhat puzzled looking at Tang

“Ten laps isn’t short, run at once.”

Tang San said:

“Mubai, do you still remember? Just now before we set off

Teacher said we are a team, he asked us to complete this time’s
punishment together. You see, Zhuqing and Rongrong are
punished together with us. Apart from my running twelve laps,
you also have to finish simultaneously. To my understanding of
Teacher, he isn’t just punishing us, at the same time he’s having
us exercise. Yesterday Teacher told me that the body is a Spirit
Master’s foundation, me being able to surpass my rank to
absorb the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring is related to
the inner qualities of my body. Even more importantly, this
time’s punishment is perhaps also Teacher’s first test for us,
what he wants to test is our fellowship. We are a team, speaking
of physical strength, perhaps you and I can manage, but they
might not. I see, we have to think of some method, seeing how
we can let everyone successfully complete the test this time.”

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As Grandmaster’s sole disciple, Tang San clearly understood
Grandmaster the best. Hearing his words, Dai Mubai gave a
slow nod,

“Perhaps it truly is so, let’s wait for them to approach, we’ll

talk it over first.”

Very quickly the five people behind caught up, and Tang San
explained his point of view of today’s punishment.

Oscar’s brows wrinkled minutely, saying:

“I think Tang San is right, Grandmaster should be looking to

test us. The weights we carry differ to some extent, it should be
Grandmaster having calculated the extreme boundary of what
our physical strength is capable of. It appears Tang San and boss
Dai’s circumstances should be within the limit of what they’re
able to accomplish, and would even still have strength left over.
Also Fatty should be just exactly reaching his limit. Naturally
there are also those exceeding the endurance limit. Only with
everyone’s cooperation is there a chance for success. Those
surpassing the limit of what they can carry, perhaps I am one,
and also Rongrong.”

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After speaking, he couldn’t help but reveal a wry smile.
Having run two kilometers, he already felt the bamboo basket
on his back growing heavier and heavier, sweat visible on his
forehead. With such a long distance to go, he realized he
certainly wouldn’t persevere.

Fatty Ma Hongjun casually said:

“It would be better for us to cheat. If we secretly eat a bit of

little Ao’s recovery sausage, is there a need to be afraid?”


Oscar unhappily glared at Fatty. He was an astute person, he

wouldn’t do anything foolish,

“Fatty, I only ask you one thing, can you be sure Grandmaster
didn’t have other teachers supervise us? If by any chance
cheating was discovered, I’m afraid the punishment wouldn’t be
as light as this. Moreover, Grandmaster giving us this kind of
punishment, certainly is with his deep intent, it will only
benefit us. Right now we have to think of a way to as far as
possible save strength.”

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Tang San suddenly spoke up:

“Although Teacher had us run with weights and we can’t use

spirit power, the total weights we seven carry is so much, only
having to bring these rocks to the end of the punishment is
naturally possible. Oscar, give my your rocks.”

Oscar looked blank, smiling mischievously,

“Good brother. However, right now it’s still not necessary. I’ll
be seen as inferior like this. Us seven will start from now,
running at the speed of the slowest, like this everyone can
gather together, and uniformly save the most strength. Once
someone is unable to persevere, we will mutually help readjust
the weight. Thus, we will as far as possible be able to conserve
strength. Right?”

Ning Rongrong smiled to the side:

“Little Ao, I didn’t notice, but you are extraordinarily astute.”

On Oscar’s face hung an expression like it was only a matter of


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“Don’t you know as a child I was called the bright little
prince? This is nothing.”

Dai Mubai was the oldest of everyone, his strength was also
the greatest, and as boss he properly took the lead to set an

“Don’t speak nonsense. Gossiping is still wasting strength.

We’ll run and handle it according to what little Ao said.”

Immediately, the seven resumed their long distance running.

Without doubt, among the seven, it was naturally as auxiliary

system Spirit Masters Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s strength was
the weakest, so everyone ran according to their speed.
Advancing at the same speed, in the direction of Suotuo City.

The first lap was finished at this kind of speed.

Actually running, everyone gradually felt the pressure of the

carried weight. If it was only ordinary running, even if it was

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without using spirit power, this roughly six kilometer round
trip could not be said to be any burden to them. Spirit power
transforming the body gave them stamina far exceeding that of
a normal person, even auxiliary system Spirit Masters like Oscar
and Ning Rongrong were no exception.

With the weight, the body clearly became unbalanced. After

one round trip, Ning Rongrong and Oscar were already
drenched in sweat, the others also showed some weariness.

Ning Rongrong doubtless had the most lacking physical

strength of everyone, although Oscar also was an auxility
system Spirit Master, he after all had broken through thirtieth
rank, his body had been improved in every kind of attribute by
having the third spirit ring, his condition was a lot better than
Ning Rongrong.

The weights carried by Tang San and Dai Mubai were fifteen
kilogram rocks. The weights Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma
Hongjun were ten kilograms. Although Ning Rongrong and
Oscar only carried five kilograms, right now it felt to them as if
they carried mountains. Body growing heavier and heavier,
they could only clench their teeth to maintain their velocity.

At the Academy gate, what made everyone somewhat

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astonished, was Grandmaster standing in the gate looking at
them running back from their first lap.

“Everyone drink a bit of water, then keep going.”

Grandmaster’s words as always were precise and


In a bucket was warm water, with a slightly salty taste,

apparently mixed with salt. Under Grandmaster’s supervision,
everyone was only allowed to drink one cup of warm water,
then immediately urged them to once again keep on with their
punishment run.

As time passed, the great sphere of fire overhead gradually

drew closer to its zenith, also gradually increasing the
temperature. After drinking salt water, everyone’s strength
recovered a bit, to Tang San and Dai Mubai it was nothing, but
Oscar and Ning Rongrong clearly felt themselves regain some

Watching the students gradually recede into the distance,

Grandmaster stood expressionlessly in place, but watching the
seven return together, in the depths of his expression was

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clearly displayed a hint of satisfaction.

Carrying the bucket he walked inside the Academy. Right

now, he wasn’t only a teacher instructing students, at the same
time he was a senior concerned for them. What he had them do
wasn’t at all mistreating the students, rather letting them
obtain genuine exercise.

The second round trip, the third round trip, the fourth…...

Each time everyone returned to the Academy, they would

drink the appropriately warmed salt water prepared by
Grandmaster. The warm water was easily absorbed, the salt
replenishing what was drained by their exertion. Even Ning
Rongrong and Oscar, both felt themselves somewhat
miraculously able to persevere through running the fourth lap,
besides drinking water, they didn’t pause anywhere.

But, as the fifth lap began, Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s speed
had already clearly dropped, the scenery before their eyes
already starting to become indistinct, both legs heavy like filled
with lead, the weight of the bamboo baskets on their backs even
more resembling mountains.

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With uniform speed, the others had still preserved strength,
although right now everyone were already sweating profusely,
mentally they were very well preserved.

“Little Ao, give me your stone.”

Tang San said to Oscar.

Dai Mubai also simultaneously held out a hand to Ning


This time, Oscar and Ning Rongrong didn’t object, they

clearly understood that their strength was already somewhat
overdrawn, going on like this, perhaps they might not be able to
persevere with this lap.

Tang San and Dai Mubai’s weights went from fifteen to

twenty kilograms, inside the bamboo baskets were two stones.
Five kilograms didn’t seem heavy, but when their physical
strength was substantially used up, these simple five kilograms
already clearly was a burden to the two. Although they could
still maintain the speed, the two’s breathing clearly became

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Just the opposite, losing the five kilogram pressure, Oscar and
Ning Rongrong had a kind of transcendent feeling, as if their
whole bodies could float lightly, gasping large mouthfuls of
breath, their running immediately became more effortless, not
only recovering their original speed, even still with a feeling of
doing it skillfully and easily.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, three laps concluded like this. As the
eighth lap began, already two double hours had passed. Right
now the sun had already wandered by the zenith, noon already

Everyone’s breathing had become difficult, lungs scorching

hot as if set on fire, each step they took left behind a clear
watermark on the ground, that was the sweat flowing from
their bodies. From the start of the last lap, the salt water they
received at the Academy gate already became two cups.
Furthermore a brief rest. Grandmaster didn’t urge them, still
after each time they finished a lap giving them the prepared
warm salt water.

“Dying, I’m dying.”

The speaker was Ma Hongjun, staggering, almost falling to the

ground, Fatty came to a stop, both hands supporting on his

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knees, gasping for large mouthfuls of breath. His plump face
had already become pale, seemingly each breath was already
extremely difficult.

Everyone stopped one after the other, this moment, everyone

were unexpectedly unable to speak. Looking at each other, they
discovered each of their comrades’ clothes were already soaked
through with sweat. The most impressive would be Zhu
Zhuqing, although she was the youngest of them all, among the
three girls she was the most developed, her soaked through
clothes stuck close to her body, drawing the outline of
astonishing curves.

Unfortunately, right now no one had the energy to pay

attention to this scene, each and everyone stood in their place
constantly gasping for breath.

Originally Tang San and Dai Mubai shouldn’t have been this
exhausted, but they carried Ning Rongrong and Oscar’s
additional weights, compared to the others their burdens were
much greater. Among the seven, the only one appearing relaxed
was Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu had also reached thirtieth rank, but the
weight she carried was the same as Ma Hongjun and Zhu
Zhuqing. In addition her own body weight was light, right now
she was still performing skillfully and easily.

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After panting for a full five minutes, everyone gradually

Ma Hongjun couldn’t help but say:

“In any case we’ve missed lunch, it would be better for us to

slow a bit. I’m dying, keeping on running, might wear me to

Dai Mubai scowled:

“Slow? Didn’t you notice the salt water Grandmaster gave us

was the same temperature each time? But our speed dropped
continuously. Clearly, Grandmaster has calculated the
condition of our physical strength. Running too slowly, perhaps
there will still be additional punishment. Although
Grandmaster is a bit strict with out training, he is also good to
us. We must persevere. Fatty, give me your weight.”

Ma Hongjun somewhat shocked looked at Dai Mubai,

“Boss Dai, you’re still all right?”

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Dai Mubai stuck out his chest,

“Fatty, remember, a man can’t say he’s unable. Bring it.”

When Dai Mubai put Ma Hongjun’s rocks into the basket on

his back, Tang San also went beside Zhu Zhuqing. Though he
didn’t know why Dai Mubai didn’t help Zhu Zhuqing split the
weight, Tang San’s body conditions were similar to Dai Mubai,
unlike Zhu Zhuqing, who was silent but obviously consumed.

“I’ll help you, Zhuqing.” Tang San grabbed at the basket

behind Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing twisted herself, dodging Tang San’s hand. “No

need, I can still keep on going. You will run two more laps than
us, if you waste all your energy now, how will you continue
later on?”

Tang San looked at Zhu Zhuqing and stared blankly. He

suddenly discovered, she didn’t seem to be that cold after all.

The journey started again. This time, everyone slowed down

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even more. Though Dai Mubai didn’t say anything, it was
obvious that his steps became heavier, leaving the most sweat
with every step. The weight Ma Hongjun gave was ten
kilograms. Increasing his weight to thirty kilograms when he
was already past his extreme greatly affected the depletion of
his power.

After the eighth lap, when Grandmaster gave them the warm
salt water, he deliberately looked at everyone’s basket, but said

During the ninth lap, though without weight, Oscar and Ning
Rongrong’s strength was bordering their extreme. Ma Hongjun
recovered slightly, Xiao Wu could still continue, but Zhu
Zhuqing’s steps were getting slower and slower. But
unexpectedly, Tang San seemed to have past his extreme and
didn’t look like he was used up.

Seeing Suo Tuo City in sight, the ninth lap was half finished.
Suddenly, Dai Mubai stumbled, his entire body falling forward.

If it were before, relying on his own strength, Dai Mubai just

needed to straighten up to rebalance himself, but right now his
strength consumption was too severe.

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Tang San was always beside Dai Mubai. Seeing him about to
fall, he quickly lunged forward, catching Dai Mubai’s shoulder.

Dai Mubai’s double irises have already combined. Tang San

saw this once when they met danger, so it should be a sign of
reaching his extreme.

Dai Mubai didn’t stand up by himself. He leaned his entire

body on Tang San’s shoulder, his chest like a windbox, fiercely
going up and down. He looked like he was almost totally

“Boss Dai, are you ok?” Everyone quickly crowded up, asking

Tang San didn’t utter a single word, but took the heaviest
fifteen kilogram rock from Dai Mubai’s basket and put it into
his own basket.

“Little San, you don’t need to do that, I can still go on.” Dai
Mubai barely stood up, eyes revealing unswerving
determination. Looking at Tang San, he said, “You even
withstood the pain from the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit
ring, why can’t I withstand this. I can do this. Brothers, lets

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continue, no one fall behind.”

As they talked, Dai Mubai forcefully took the fifteen kilogram

rock from Tang San’s basket back to his own basket.

“Boss Dai, give me back my own.” Ma Hongjun suddenly said.

There’s only half a lap from finishing the entire punishment.
Everyone knows Dai Mubai won’t be able to finish.

Ning Rongrong suddenly stepped forward, “And me, I feel a

lot better, I can hold my weight.”

Tang San said: “Rongrong is fine, Fatty, you try to hold it for a

Ma Hongjun’s own weight fell back into his own basket,

decreasing Dai Mubai’s weight by ten kilograms. Under Tang
San’s persistent request, Ning Rongrong’s weight of five
kilograms in Dai Mubai’s basket fell into Tang San’s basket as
well, increasing his weight to twenty-five kilograms.

The journey continued. Every step was that challenging. Dai

Mubai, with fifteen less kilograms, with his resilience withstood

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it all.

The ninth lap, under everyone’s mutual assist, was finished.

Though they were still running, their speed was really not any
faster than walking. From the start of the punishment, three
hours have passed.

Gulping down salt water, the seven people all looked like they
just came out of water. Grandmaster still stood aside, not saying

Dai Mubai forced his mind to clear, “Brothers, we still have

one last lap, everyone persevere.”

Oscar suddenly said: “Little San, give my weight back. Theres

only one last round, I can stand it.”

Tang San blanked. He suddenly discovered Oscar’s eyes had

something more, but looking at his shaking legs, Tang San
shook his head, “No, I can still do it.”

Oscar walked beside Tang San, sweat dripping down his face,
but his gaze became more resolute. “If you view me as a brother,

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then give it back to me. I can do it.”

Ning Rongrong was already gasping for breath, face white, but
when she saw Oscar take the five kilogram rock from Tang
San’s basket, she couldn’t help but say, “Little, Little…..Ao…..,
You……...really are…...a man.”

Oscar was already too tired to laugh, so he stuck out his chest,
acting like it should be like that.

Shrek’s Seven Monster are all consumed, but their minds

were not at all relaxed. Sometimes, the difference between the
talented and the mediocre was their resolute will. Surviving
through an extreme means everything will change.

The tenth lap of the punishment finally started. This time,

everyone really couldn’t run anymore, barely shifting their feet,
step by step. Are we not able to do it? No, we are, we’re all able
to do it. Carrying the rocks on their back, taking heavy steps,
they slowly walked towards their final goal.

Walking one kilometer, Oscar almost fainted. The rocks in his

basket went back to Tang San’s.

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Walking two kilometers, Zhu Zhuqing’s weight went into Xiao
Wu’s basket.

Walking three kilometers, Ning Rongrong fainted. Tang San

gave his rocks to Dai Mubai while he carried Ning Rongrong on
his back.

Coming back one kilometer, Oscar fainted. Zhu Zhuqing took

back her rocks. Xiao Wu’s rocks went to Ma Hongjun while Ning
Rongrong went on Xiao Wu and Tang San picked up Oscar.

Coming back two kilometers, Zhu Zhuqing fainted. Dai Mubai

barely picked her up.

Only five hundred meters from the finish, the basket in front
of Tang San already had Zhu Zhuqing’s rock as well as Dai
Mubai’s fifteen kilograms while piggybacking Oscar.

Dai Mubai carried Zhu Zhuqing.

Xiao Wu carried Ning Rongrong.

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Ma Hongjun carried twenty kilograms of weight.

They were almost shifting step by step towards the end.

“Put, put me down….”Ning Rongrong’s weak voice sounded

behind Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu stumbled, almost falling to the
ground, and Ning Rongrong also slid off of her back. The two
helped each other, slowly walking step by step forward.

Oscar also woke up, struggled to fall of Tang San, and with
Tang San’s lending an arm, they walked forward.

Zhu Zhuqing hasn’t woke yet. Though she didn’t say much,
she was way more past her extreme than Oscar and Ning
Rongrong. Though Ma Hongjun was fat, his stamina was much
better than Zhu Zhuqing. Dai Mubai also helped him carry his
weight a distance, so his situation was much better.

Of course, Ma Hongjun right now was at his max as well.

Grouping up with Tang San and Oscar, the three helped each
other forward.

If there was only one person punished, with Ning Rongrong

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or Oscar’s strength, they might have already fallen.

However, all seven were punished. Under the help of each

other, the determination in their hearts were already aroused.

Their sights were already blurred and they could only vaguely
see the finish. Their bodies are now only powered by their

Tang San carried heavy rocks, both hands helping out Ma

Hongjun and Oscar, helping them split a bit of their body
weight. Though he couldn’t use spirit power, under the extreme
circumstances, the tough aspect of his Mysterious Heaven Skill
was starting to exhibit itself, or else he also wouldn’t be able to
persist until now.

Dai Mubai’s back was already curved from pressure, his evil
eyes tinted with red. Every step felt like he had millions of tons
on him.

Four hundred meters…..three hundred meters…...two

hundred meters…….one hundred meters.

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Grandmaster’s stiff face appeared in front of everyone. Seeing
them helping each other slowly shuffle forward, even
Grandmaster couldn’t help but be moved.

They used an entire hour for the last lap, but they finally
made it.

Putong, Putong….

All seven of them fell onto the ground at the same time. Oscar,
Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun almost fainted simultaneously.

(瞬移) “Wink Move”


Idiom, not entirely sure of the translation, but the meaning is

roughly “as long as you’re alive there is always another way”.

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Chapter 42 - Grandmaster Is A Devil

Dai Mubai fell beside Zhu Zhuqing breathing heavily, his

entire body slightly shaking.

Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid was already in disorder, sweat

dripping unceasingly, her lips trembling.

Tang San moved Ma Hongjun and Oscar so they could lie on

their own baskets, and he took out all the extra weight. His
vision at this moment was also hazy, but some things in his
mind still supported him.

For others, the punishment or training was completed. But for

him, not yet.

Holding the table that held water buckets and bearing fifteen
kilograms of weight, Tang San barely stood up and started
walking step by step forwards.

Though he didn’t need to support others, his steps were

already staggering.

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“Brother, I’ll accompany you.”

Xiao Wu also stood up by holding the table, but she fell onto
the ground before she could take a second step. Though her
body conditions were a lot better than Zhu Zhuqing’s, she
carried Ning Rongrong for quite a distance, so she was also at
her extreme.

“Little San, I’ll accompany you too.”

It was Dai Mubai. Also holding his own weight, Dai Mubai
staggered up beside Tang San. The two looked at each other,
their pale faces barely squeezing out a strange smile. Almost
simultaneously, they grasped each other’s right hands.

The next moment, the two that withstood the most in the
“punishment” fell onto the ground, taking the path of their
other friends.

Shrek’s Seven Monsters, seven punished, seven on the

ground, fainted.

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Grandmaster looked at them fall one by one, but never
moved. Until Tang San and Dai Mubai both fainted, he finally
showed a faint smile.

“Never abandoning, never giving up. Good, good.”

Flender, bringing Zhao Wuji and a few other teachers quietly

appeared beside Grandmaster.

“Grandmaster, you’re good too. Ruthless enough.”

Grandmaster didn’t mind the discontent in Flender’s words.

Waving his head, he said, “It’s time to bring them over there.”

Including Grandmaster, all the teachers quickly took off the

kids’ baskets, carrying them towards the academy.

When Tang San woke up, he found himself in the dormitory

again. Warmness invaded his body from all directions, the
comfortable feeling almost making him moan.

Composing himself, Tang San found he was naked inside a

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giant wood cask. The cask was full of gray liquid. Oscar was on
the other side, deep in his sleep. Because of the extra two casks,
the room already felt overcrowded.

With a stir of the liquid, a not too pungent medicinal smell

wafted into his nose. Tang San wiggled his nose, and he
immediately understood vaguely.

Coming to this world, though he never detailedly researched

about the medicine in this world, he roughly knew a bit. The
drug ingredients of this world were very similar to the world he
was in. The liquid in the cask should’ve been boiled from some
ingredients that mainly helped with relaxing muscles and
reinforcing the fundamentals. That’s why after that much
exercise, he didn’t feel much pain after waking up. Only slight
soreness in his two legs and a slightly weak body.

Later Tang San found out that to keep the casks warm, every
once in a while they had to add more hot water. The girls’ casks
were managed by a few village women they hired.

On the side of the cask was a slip of paper with Grandmaster’s


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“Come to the cafeteria to eat when you wake up.”

Seeing “to eat”, Tang San suddenly felt his stomach grumble,
hunger welling up.

Standing up from the water, he discovered that beside the two

big casks, there were also two smaller baskets. Inside had clean
water, obviously for them to clean themselves. The water was
cold, so when Tang San jumped in he couldn’t help but shiver.
He instantly felt his mind clear out, and the soreness in his body
slowly faded away.

Quickly washing off the liquid and changing into a clean

outfit, Tang San walked out the dormitory. To his surprise, the
skies were already covered in stars. In the silent night, insects
chirped occasionally, giving him a tranquil feel.

Stretching hard, his entire body started cracking, as if his

entire body was fully extended. Breathing in the fresh air in
exchange for the stale air inside, he walked towards the

Far away, you could already see the lights of the cafeteria.
When Tang San walked into the cafeteria, he found one person

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gorging himself.

Hearing footsteps, the eating person looked back towards

Little San. It was Dai Mubai. His superior spirit power allowed
him to wake up faster.

“Little San, quickly come eat. It tastes pretty damn good.”

Dai Mubai’s double pupils had already recovered to its normal

state. Looking at Tang San, he instantly smiled. They had
already shared their joys and sorrows many times, going
through trouble and accidents together. This empathetic feeling
didn’t need any words to express itself. They looked at each
other and could already feel each other’s friendship.

Sitting beside Dai Mubai, he found six more servings of food

on the table, clearly prepared for the others. On the table were
also paper slips, also of Grandmaster’s handwriting.

“When you are done eating, wash the dishes. Dump the water
in the casks of your dormitory and clean them. Do not sleep,
cultivate until day rise. Meet at early morning for class.”

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Dinner was very sumptuous. A big bowl of fragrant stewed
meat, fully five big snow white steamed buns, one bowl of thick
soup, and a platter of vegetables and fruits.

His stomach’s rumbling made Tang San have no time for

small talk, instantly starting to gorge himself, clearing out all
the food in front of him.

Good, very good, extremely good. After great amounts of

exercise, the replenishment of the food felt like it was instantly
absorbed by the body.

Dai Mubai was finished eating when Tang San was still
gorging himself, leaning on the table and looking at Tang San.
Seeing he is about to finish eating, he said:

“Little San, Grandmaster sure is ruthless, a lot more fierce

than Dean Flender. Seeing Grandmaster’s message, I’m afraid
our future days will not be pleasant. Is this how Grandmaster
taught you before?”

Tang San shook his head, saying :

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“Teacher taught me mostly theoretical knowledge. Training
of this type was a first for me as well. However, yesterday
Teacher told me, as a Spirit Master, our body’s are our
foundations. The fact that I can withstand the beyond extreme
Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring’s attack is inseparable from
my strong body. Only with a strong body can one withstand
more spirit power. That is possibly why Teacher wanted us to
increase our body’s basic training.”

Dai Mubai laughed bitterly.

“This isn’t as simple as increasing. Grandmaster’s training for

us was exactly based on our extremes. If it wasn’t for our body
qualities, we probably wouldn’t be able to even move for days.
Although the cask of weird liquid definitely helped.”

“I’m starving to death, where to food?”

A figure speedily ran in from outside. Without even greeting

Tang San and Dai Mubai, she instantly pounced at the food.

It was Xiao Wu. Looking at her rosy face, Tang San smiled.
Clearly, Xiao Wu has also recovered from the extreme exercise.

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Xiao Wu ate and saw the paper slips on the table. She
immediately gestured towards Tang San, telling them to talk to
her after she’s done eating.

Waking up from the deep slumber and eating, Tang San felt
very lazy and didn’t want to move at all. Mimicking Dai Mubai,
he also leaned on the table, looking at Xiao Wu’s unwomanly
like gorging.

Other than having only two steamed buns, the girls had the
same food as them. Though Xiao Wu didn’t have a big mouth,
her eating wasn’t impeded by the slightest. The food was
demolished in a moment’s time.

The fourth to come wasn’t Oscar, the only other one above
rank thirty, but Zhu Zhuqing.

When Zhu Zhuqing walked in, her face was very calm until
she saw Dai Mubai, then she deliberately stiffened her face, but
in her eyes, Tang San clearly saw no rejection.

Zhu Zhuqing’s eating pose was a lot more graceful than Xiao
Wu, chewing carefully. Every motion looked elegant, but
behind this elegance was speed. If not for the quickly decreasing

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food, Tang San really couldn’t believe her apparently slow
movements could eat so fast.

“So comfortable, I’ve finished eating.”

With no care at all, Xiao Wu lied against Tang San’s shoulder,

“Little San, did you run the last two laps?”

Tang San laughed bitterly and shook his head,

“No, after you fainted, Dai Mubai and I also fainted. When I
woke up I was in a cask full of medicine liquid.”

Xiao Wu’s charming face suddenly reddened. Sitting up

straight, she said quietly:

“You weren’t wearing anything as well?”

Tang San’s mind blanked, unconsciously nodding his head.

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Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue,

“In our dormitory there was a paper slip telling us not to

worry, our clothes were taken off by villager women. Come eat
at the cafeteria.”

Tang San chuckled, saying:

“Xiao Wu, you look very cute when your face is red, just like
an apple.”

As he was talking, he caringly pinched her face. Xiao Wu only

looked at him accusingly but didn’t stop him.

Dai Mubai said:

“Oscar and the others haven’t woken up, probably too weary.
Let’s go back to cultivate, we still don’t know what sort of
devilish training Grandmaster will tell us to do tomorrow.”

Tang San nodded. Just as he was about to clean up his dishes,

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Xiao Wu stopped him.

“You can go. Washing dishes isn’t something you boys should
do. Leave it to us.”

Tang San smiled faintly, rubbed Xiao Wu’s head and walked

Dai Mubai’s gaze fell on Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing hasn’t

finished eating but she emptied one hand and stacked up Dai
Mubai’s dishes as well. Though she didn’t talk, her actions
spoke for her.

Dai Mubai was exulted. He obviously knew Zhu Zhuqing was

shy, so he didn’t say anything and chased Tang San out.

When the two walked out of the cafeteria door, Xiao Wu spoke
again. “Washing dishes isn’t something you males should do,
but we’ll leave those giant casks for you to empty and clean.
Remember to wake up early to help us!”

Tang San staggered, almost tripping on the door frame. He

turned around just to see Xiao Wu waving at him with a sly

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A night went by without conversation. When Tang San woke

again it was already daybreak. His biological clock woke him up.
Last night’s cultivation made him fall into deep sleep. It felt like
he was totally immersed in the inner power of the Mysterious
Heaven Skill. He didn’t even notice when Oscar went to eat.

Last night before cultivation he already cleared out his own

cask. Now the dormitory was spacey again. Oscar was also
cultivating on his bed, his cask clean as well.

Silently leaving, cultivating his Purple Demon Eyes, and

eating. After all this, Tang San went to knock on Xiao Wu’s
door. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were already up and went to
eat. Tang San helped them clean up the heavy casks.

A familiar clock gong sounded and Shrek’s Seven Monsters

almost immediately rushed to the field.

Grandmaster was already standing on the field waiting for

them. Looking at Grandmaster’s calm and stiff face, other than
Tang San, everyone couldn’t help but feel nervous, even a bit

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“Very well. Today everyone came quickly.”Grandmaster
nodded, gaze habitually sweeping over their faces. “Yesterday’s
actions made me very satisfied. Though some people didn’t
finish their punishments, what made me satisfied was on you, I
saw the spirit of not abandoning and not giving up. As buddies,
how can you be at ease to give your backs to your friends? What
you need is trust. You all did well, the trust in each other let you
finish the test yesterday better.

“Before we start today’s lesson, Tang San, go finish your


“Yes.” Tang San said and turned around to run outside the

“Little San, I’ll accompany you like I said yesterday.” Xiao Wu

skipped happily towards Tang San.

Ning Rongrong suddenly said: “Let’s go too. Aren’t we a

whole entity?”

Oscar stretched his arm. “Warming up works too. This time it

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isn’t a punishment, its just accompanying him, so we don’t need
to carry weights.”

Fatty, frowning and worried, said: “Looks like I really have to

lose weight. It wasn’t easy for me to get all this fat!”

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing already ran out, “Stop talking,
quickly catch up!”

Whole entity. What a good whole entity. Grandmaster slightly

stunned, looked at the leaving teens.

Clenching his fists, Grandmaster silently decided he’ll do his

best to educate these teens. It was also from that day that
Grandmaster let Shrek’s Seven Monsters fully realize the
meaning of a devil. When monsters meet devils, what happens?

Grandmaster’s training for them was simple. One or two

hours of fighting per day, with every day’s situation different.
Two sides of fighting were randomly decided. Sometimes 1v1,
sometimes 2v2, sometimes 3v3, and sometimes even 3v4.

Everyday Grandmaster would give special restrictions. For

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example, which spirit abilities they are allowed to use, what
they are not allowed to use, and other requests.

After fighting training, they would start their physical

exercise. Same as the first day, during physical training, they
can’t use their spirit power, and they had to finish it together.
Grandmaster had myriads of ways to train them. The simplest
was weighted runs. More complicated were weighted hiking and
other methods. But no matter which method, it had to make
Shrek’s Seven Monsters reach their limits. After a period of
time, they were already used to waking up at night in the
medicinal casks.

Though this devilish training was hard, there was one thing
Grandmaster wasn’t miserly about. With eating, he tried his
best to change it up all the time to satisfy everyone’s desire for

Because of the dense schedule of training, three months

passed. Ma Hongjun, possibly because of consuming too much
energy in the training, didn’t even go once to Suo Tuo City to
settle his evil fire. The forging tools that Tang San ordered were
delivered ages ago, but he didn't have time to make hidden
weapons. He didn’t even have time to assemble the first batch of
parts the smithy finished.

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Tang San, Oscar and Xiao Wu officially registered and became
Spirit Elders. To not create a sensation, when they went to
register, Grandmaster specially let them wear specially made
masks. Though it brought some suspicion, hiding one’s
appearance was fairly common and they still successfully
received their monthly pay.

Three months of devilish training didn’t improve Shrek’s

Seven Monsters’ spirit power greatly. In the period, only Ma
Hongjun’s spirit power rose by one rank. But, after the three
months of extreme training, their bodies qualities underwent a
massive change.

Now, if Tang San and Dai Mubai did the weighted run like the
first day, they would have to shoulder over fifty kilograms and
still not reach their extreme. One has to know, if they don’t use
spirit power, that is already a scary number.

Every person’s body was improved greatly. Under massive

exercise and competent nutrients, the first obvious change was
on their stature.

Dai Mubai clearly became sturdier, his evil pupils gaining a

powerful sheen. His entire body looked like it contained
explosive energy. The him now really looked like a fierce tiger

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coming down a hill.

Oscar’s change was even more obvious. He became an entire

circle skinnier, but if you looked at only the appearance, no one
would think he was a Support Type Spirit Master. His strong
figure could definitely match most Fighting Type Spirit
Masters. Of course, his voice was still that soft, and his giant
beard and double peach blossom eyes didn’t change.

Tang San’s appearance barely changed. He still looked so

normal, but his entire body looked more reserved. His figure
wasn’t really thick and strong, but he grew a bit taller. He was
like a very normal teen, the sort that you wouldn’t notice if he
was in a crowd. Whats surprising is Tang San’s spirit power was
already rank thirty two. This wasn’t from the three months of
training, but from the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring.
Possibly because of breaking his limit, the Man Faced Demon
Spider brought great pain, but the benefits were also great.
Other than the spirit ring and spirit bone, even his spirit power
rose to rank thirty two, making everyone envious. Of course,
though they were envious, none of them dared to absorb spirit
rings outside of their limits.

Ma Hongjun became a full two circles skinnier and didn’t look

as bloated as before. Though still fat, he looked powerful. Spirit
power reaching rank twenty eight, it was striding forwards with

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its head high towards rank thirty. His bodily changes made him
look a lot more acute.

Xiao Wu was still her old self, and had the least changes
appearance wise. Not even her skin was tanned, and she was
always lively and happy.

However, during everyday’s fighting, she caused quite a lot of

suffering. Her third spirit ability “Teleportation” appear and
disappear unpredictably. Even Dai Mubai and Tang San suffered
losses against her.

Good thing her teleportation distance is only within five


Even so, paired up with Waist Bow and Demon Confusion, the
three spirit abilities’ melee fighting capabilities are terrifying.

Ning Rongrong, compared to her first few days of coming to

the Academy, lost almost all her haughtiness. Her face emitted
more heroic spirit, and her reserved character made her even
more charming.

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This ignited the hope of Oscar again, who had already given
up. Of course, with these three months, even if Oscar wanted to
woo her, he didn’t have the strength.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, it has to be said that her willpower isn’t

any worse than a man’s. She did not make a single whine the
entire three months. Not only did she withstand it all, she
sometimes even actively asked for a harder training.

Her body was an entire circle skinner, but as a Agility System

Spirit Master, her speed, with a stronger body, was also

The three months of devilish training finally ended yesterday.

Grandmaster gave Shrek’s Seven Monsters seven days of
vacation for them to adjust their conditions.

Finally having the chance to rest, Oscar went head first into
his bed and slept. Tang San cultivated as usual. Because Zhu
Zhuqing insisted on exercising more, Dai Mubai actively
requested to accompany her. Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong
decided to be like Oscar, choosing to use this rare vacation for

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While listening to Oscar’s snoring, Tang San assembled the
parts sent from the smithy. He finally had time today. The
craftsmanship of the Tie Brothers made Tang San very satisfied.
So far, the Silent Sleeve Dart, Powder Shooting Shadow, Taut
Back Head-Lowering Crossbow, and other weapon parts were
already assembled. Only the Godly Zhuge Crossbow had higher
requirements, so he was still working on it. Tang San wanted to,
with these days of rest, not only cultivate but also distribute the
hidden weapons and teach everyone how to use it.

Engrossed in the assembly of hidden weapons, time flew by.

Only until Oscar woke up and told him to go eat that Tang San
discovered the sunlight outside has become moonlight and a day
has passed.

The two walked out of the dormitory, walking towards the

cafeteria. Just as they were walking, suddenly they saw a person
wobbly walking over.

“The fuck, who is this, why do they have the head of a pig?”

Oscar cried out excessively.

Tang San focused his gaze. The swaying, walking unsteadily

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figure was unexpectedly Ma Hongjun, except he looked very
ragged. Not only were his clothes very torn, his plump face was
swollen by a full circle. His eyes were bruised purple and the
corner of his mouth still had a crimson stain.

“Fatty, what happened?”

Tang San quickly rushed forward to support the tottering Ma

Hongjun. Oscar skillfully summoned his Recovering Sausage
and passed it over.

Ma Hongjun didn’t decline, gobbling down the sausage and

finally looked a bit better.

“Fuck, this time was quite embarrassing.”

Ma Hongjun’s eyes were filled with hatred. His face was

originally plump and his eyes small. Now that his face was
swollen, his eyes were barely visible in all the fat.

“Who beat you up?”

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Tang San’s voice clearly had a chilling edge.

Three months of devilish training had passed with everyone

helping each other. They were so much more than classmates.
Seeing his brother beaten up, how could Tang San not be angry?

Ma Hongjun angrily said:

“I got beaten up by a vulgar uncle. Embarrassing, really damn


Oscar furrowed his brows,

“Fatty, it wasn’t because you were trying to be another

persons love rival is it?”

Ma Hongjun said furiously:

“What love rival, evidently it was I who saw that girl first.
That vulgar guy was really shameless.”

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Hearing Ma Hongjun say that, Tang San instantly understood
a bit. Clearly, like what Oscar said, Fatty was beaten up when he
was trying to settle his evil fire.

Tang San patted Ma Hongjun on his shoulder,

“Let's go eat something at the cafeteria first, we can talk


With Oscar’s Recovering Sausages’ help, Ma Hongjun’s body

condition was a lot better. Then the three walked into the

In the cafeteria, Dai Mubai was sitting there eating furiously,

but Zhu Zhuqing wasn’t beside him.

“What the fuck, fatty, how did you get like this?”

Seeing Ma Hongjun’s unkempt appearance, Dai Mubai was

also alarmed. He was a lot more short tempered, jumping from
his seat and his evil pupils shining angrily.

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Ma Hongjun scowled miserably.

“Boss Dai, you have to back me up! You see how they beat me
up. Even my handsome face is now distorted. How can I get girls
in the future!”

Oscar chuckled.

“Handsome face my ass, swollen like a pig. What actually

happened, tell us first.”

Ma Hongjun pulled over a chair and sat down and finally

started talking.

“I left this afternoon, and decided to go to Suo Tuo City to

resolve my evil fire problems. At the place, I found a really hot
girl inside this tiny brothel. Just when I wanted to call her over
to resolve my problem, a vulgar uncle came. He looked about
forty, with short hair and at first sight, he looked trustworthy.
However, upon closer inspection, the guy’s eyes was full of an
obscene gaze.”

Dai Mubai said: “So you fought him?”

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Fatty stuck out his chest and said:

“Of course, he already bullied me, you think I should endure

it? At first I just wanted to chase him out, but he turned out to
be a Spirit Master as well, and a four ringed Spirit Ancestor. In a
moment I was beaten up and thrown out of the brothel. What
was most intolerable was he flicked my dick, and said it was
tiny. As a man, this sort of insult wasn’t something I could
endure. So I got up and fought him again, and I became like
this. You guys didn’t see his arrogant face. Boss Dai, Ao Second
Brother, Tang Third Brother, you guys have to support me! If
not for my strong body from recent training, I might not even
be able to come back.”

Ma Hongjun was obviously beaten up quite bad, especially

spiritually. Crying and saying everything, Tang San and the
others furrowed their brows.

Tang San asked:

“What is that person’s name?”

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Ma Hongjun wiped his face with his sleeve.

“I heard the brothel keeper call him Bu Le, but it probably

isn’t his real name.”

“Bu Le? Only a Spirit Ancestor and he’s already bullying my

brother? Let’s go, Fatty you lead us. Let’s go check him out.
Little San, Little Ao, are you guys going?”

Dai Mubai could understand Fatty’s mood right now. Fighting

over a girl was something he did often before as well, but most
of the times he won the fight. Ever since Zhu Zhuqing came, he
finally restrained himself. Also, Fatty was beaten up quite badly.
Though he didn’t suffer damage to bones or tendons, he still
lost all his face.

Tang San nodded.

“Let’s go check him out together.”

This sort of stuff can’t be resolved with logic. Though one

can’t say who was right and who was wrong, people are biased
towards their own side. If a man’s brother was beaten up and he

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didn’t take revenge, then he wasn’t a man.

Oscar laughed evilly.

“Of course I have to go. I want to see who can be even more
vulgar than Fatty. Even if we can’t beat him, with my
mushroom sausages, we can still run.”

The moment Ma Hongjun heard the three were willing to

fight with him, he was elated.

“Good brothers. Lets go now. We might even be able to catch

him coming out.”

Finished talking, he instantly jumped up and ran outside, as if

his wounds didn’t hurt anymore.

Dai Mubai took hold of Ma Hongjun.

“What’s with the rush. You still have to eat first, then you’ll
have the strength. Also, tell us the guy’s spirit. Knowing
yourself and the enemy is the key to victory.”

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Fatty, though face full of urgence, had an empty stomach, so
he sat down and ate while explaining the fight.

“The person isn’t tall, only about one meter sixty tall. Dark
face, as if he just came out of a coal pit. His spirit was very
weird. Not attack, not defense, not speed. It feels like, feels

Fatty’s gaze fell onto Tang San.

“Feels like Third Brother’s spirit, only different in shape.”

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other, saying


“Control System Spirit Master?”

Fatty nodded.

“It should be Control System. His spirit looked like two pink

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semicircular covers, about the size of a steamed bun. The
moment he summoned his spirit, he wore it on his head, don’t
even ask how disgusting that was. He only used two spirit
abilities when he fought me. The first made the two covers big,
blocking my Phoenix Fire Wire. The second ability utilized the
two covers and with one in front and one behind, they
entangled me. The covers felt very soft and flexible. I don’t
know what material it is, but even my Phoenix Fire couldn’t
damage it. After it entangled me, It trapped me like a cocoon
and then I became his punching bag.”

Two pink covers? What type of spirit is that? Even with years
of studying with Grandmaster, Tang San couldn’t figure it out.

Tang San said:

“That means, he should still have two more spirit abilities

that he hasn’t used.”

Fatty said:

“Third Brother, with you three Spirit Elders and I, a rank

twenty seven Spirit Grandmaster, are you scared of him? Also,
you are a Control System Spirit Master as well!”

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He misunderstood Tang San. He thought Tang San was

Tang San said:

“Control System Spirit Masters are special. Under 1v1

circumstances, Control System Spirit Masters have a great
advantage. Fatty, if we meet him, you focus on harassing him
from far away. Boss Dai and I will go up front and Little Ao will
be responsible for replenishments. He definitely won’t be able
to match us. Control System Spirit Masters aren’t like Strength
Type Spirit Masters. As long as they can’t control everyone,
they will lose. If I guessed correctly, his spirit should counter
fire naturally, or else your evil fire couldn’t have done nothing.
When we fight, I will control him. Though my spirit power is
lesser than his, I can at least harass him so he can’t control us.
Control Type Spirit Masters’ close range capabilities cannot
block your attacks, even if he is rank forty.”

(下山猛虎) Idiom to describe a fierce and strong person.

Imagine a giant tiger running down a hill at you. Yeah.

不乐(Not Happy)

1490 Goldenagato |

Originally 粽子(glutinous rice and choice of filling wrapped in
leaves and boiled)

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Chapter 43 - Vulgar Strange Uncle, Bu Le

If the difference was under ten ranks, Tang San had complete
confidence he could obstruct the opponent’s control capability.
Grandmaster once said that the best method to deal with
control system Spirit Masters, was precisely with control versus
control. If speaking of strength system Spirit Masters as the core
of the team, auxiliary system Spirit Masters as the team’s
foundation, agility attack system Spirit Masters as the team’s
eyes, then, control system Spirit Masters were the team’s soul.
Over these three months of devilish training Tang San had
constantly strengthened his body, at the same time
Grandmaster had every evening still specially given him special
training, the target of which was the Eight Spider Lance
external spirit bone hidden in his vertebra.

This name Eight Spider Lance was chosen by Grandmaster,

since this external spirit bone was obtained from the Man Faced
Demon Spider and greatly resembled eight spider lances.
Undergoing this period of training, Tang San went from
unsuitable to suitable, by now he was already able to control the
movements of the Eight Spider Lances effectively for attack and
defense, at the same time he was capable of releasing and
restraining the poison within the Eight Spider Lance.
Grandmaster said that relying on this external spirit bone, in
addition to his control system spirit Blue Silver Grass, he could
completely resist an opponent under roughly fortieth rank.

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The three hastily ate dinner, Fatty also ate two of Oscar’s
recovery sausages, before the four then quietly slipped out of
the Academy. Ma Hongjun did not intend to tell the others,
after all, this matter of being beaten up in Grass Nest couldn’t
be particularly glorious.

Just when the four walked out of the Academy gate, suddenly,
a dark shadow appeared, obstructing their way.

Since Ma Hongjun was beaten, right now he was already

somewhat jittery, he had released his spirit in practically the
first moment.

Red purple flames lit up the darkness, letting the four clearly
see who was obstructing their path.

Ma Hongjun loosed a breath, withdrawing his Phoenix flames,

“It’s you, must you scare a person to death?”

This person suddenly appearing before them, was Xiao Wu.

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Xiao Wu today wore brown trousers and a simple close fitting
white top, although her body wasn’t as fiery as Zhu Zhuqing,
the slender feeling of her body had a different distinct style,
especially that astonishing slenderness. Also the extreme
flexibility of her small waist, and that lustrous black scorpion
braid hanging to her feet behind her, gave her even more of a
next door little sister sense of beauty. A pair of big dark eyes
stared sceptically at Tang San’s group.

“What are you doing sneaking off like evil spirits? Fatty, why
is your face so swollen? You let someone beat you up?”

Ma Hongjun sighed, Tang San and the others were after all
men just like him, he had no taboos with them, but Xiao Wu
was a girl. Always dissatisfied with his method of settling the
Evil Fire. For a moment he was immediately somewhat
unwilling to say he had been beaten.

Xiao Wu took a few steps forward, in the moonlight clearly

seeing the condition of Ma Hongjun’s face, immediately
hopping with righteous indignation,

“Who was this violent? Unexpectedly beating you like this.

Boss Dai, it wouldn’t be you?”

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Dai Mubai curled his lips,

“Would I act so violently against my own brother? Fatty was

beaten like this by a love rival. We were just about to go find

“Then what are you waiting for, count me in. Daring to beat
my brother, he can’t want to preserve his life.”

Xiao Wu’s character was motivated by a desire to see the

world in chaos. When just entering the Academy, she was
somewhat biased towards Fatty, but over this time, with
everyone mutually looking out for each other in this devilish
training, the bias had faded long ago. Even more, back at
Nuoding Academy she was the Big Sister boss, never short of
fights when looking for one, now ordinarily everyone
exchanged pointers according to a plan, finally with the
opportunity for a fight she appeared even more anxious than
Ma Hongjun.

“Fifth sister, you truly are too good. How about I devote my
body to you.”

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Seeing Xiao Wu not only didn’t stop everyone’s revenge, but
on the contrary immediately joined in, Fatty was immediately
greatly moved. The depression in his heart also immediately
disappeared somewhat, the last line clearly held his always
vulgar nature.

“You would devote your body to who?”

Tang San looked at Fatty, his voice somewhat strange.

Fatty looked at Tang San, hurriedly smiling awkwardly,

“I said nothing, third brother, let’s hurry.”

The four became five, taking advantage of the night, again

setting foot on the familiar path, the five used spirit power,
heading towards Suotuo City at lightning speed.

In a fraction of an hour.

“Fatty, is this where you ordinarily settle your Evil Fire


1496 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai’s eyebrows both scrunched together.

Before them right now was a row of single story houses. This
was a remote corner of Suotuo City. The houses in front were
only three meters tall, looking damaged in many places, in the
doorway hung several pink lanterns, below the lanterns stood
several clearly not young prostitutes with heavy makeup and
gaudy dress peddling themselves to people passing by.

The corners of Oscar’s mouth twitched,

“No wonder you always say grass nests also hold golden
phoenixes, this truly is a grass nest, ah!”

Regarding Ma Hongjun’s tastes, Dai Mubai and Oscar truly

didn’t dare compliment. For Xiao Wu and Tang San it was the
first time in this kind of place, apart from curiosity, they had no
special feeling.

Fatty only guffawed twice, in a low voice saying:

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“It’s really cheap here, ah, the price is cheap and quantity
excessive, one silver coin for one time, two silver coins for
three. The quality to price ratio is high. Moreover, you must
believe the principle of grass nests also holding golden
phoenixes. This depends on luck.”

Dai Mubai glared at him,

“In the future, don’t say I know you. Although I knew you
aren’t picky, I still didn’t expect you to go as far as this. Coming
to this kind of trashy place, the age of those golden phoenixes of
yours could compare to your aunts.”

Fatty somewhat indignantly angry said:

“Boss Dai, don’t deliberately ridicule me, let’s first deal with
business. You wait here, I’ll go ask if that bastard hasn’t left.”

While speaking, Fatty quickly walked towards the “grass


Oscar looked around everywhere,

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“This is really remote, it suits the task. I, your father, have a
large sausage, I, your father, have a small sausage, I, your
father, have a mushroom sausage……”

Hearing Oscar chant his spirit incantations, starting to

prepare for the battle ahead, Xiao Wu couldn’t refrain from
making a light spitting sound,

“Truly worthy of being called Big Sausage Uncle.”

In a moment, Ma Hongjun animatedly ran back,

“Perfect, that fellow still hasn’t left, he only paid the bill just
now. I estimate he’ll come out at once. Brothers, for helping me
take revenge this time, I’ll host you later and invite everyone to
eat a good meal.”

Dai Mubai vigorously waved his hand at him,

“Don’t speak nonsense, I wouldn’t dare go to a meal hosted by

you. With your tastes like this, just forget about it.”

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Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, even Xiao Wu couldn’t help but
nod, she and Tang San had seen the unconstrained twin sisters
Dai Mubai had brought, comparing those top quality twins with
these “aunties” before them was practically like heaven and

While they talked, one person already walked out of the grass
nest. Tang San’s group stood in a dark corner across from Grass
Nest, by now the color of the sky was already completely black,
from across the street this side was very difficult to see.

“That’s him.”

Fatty gnashed his teeth.

Just like Fatty’s description, walking out from “Grass Nest”

was a forty something middle aged man. Dark skin, one meter
sixty tall, on his face a satisfied lascivious smile, right hand
wrapped in gauze, wearing large pants with several holes, on his
feet a pair of large sandals, looking self satisfied as he walked
down the street. While walking he hummed a little tune,

“Uncle’s mood is good today, ah, the bird came out to stroll.”

1500 Goldenagato |

“Is it on?”

Fatty already cracked his fists.

“Wait a moment.”

Xiao Wu grabbed Fatty’s plump shoulder, the other hand

throwing back the scorpion braid, on her charming face
appearing a harmless smile,

“Come out in a moment, watch me.”

While speaking, Xiao Wu took small steps, from the side

walking out to that vulgar uncle called Bu Le.

“What’s Xiao Wu doing?”

Ma Hongjun somewhat puzzled looked to Tang San. Who

other than Tang San could understand her best.

Tang San clapped a hand to his forehead, somewhat helplessly

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“Just wait and see.”

Xiao Wu didn’t look like she walked quickly, but was just right
to block that vulgar uncle’s path.

“Hello uncle. May I ask, is there a place selling candy nearby?”

Bu Le had just left Grass Nest, entire person soaked in

satisfaction. The sudden voice made him start, raising his head
to look towards the source of the voice. Immediately, that
appearing straightforward face of his had a kind of particular
lustre, a certain place on his body immediately stirring.

It had to be said, in the night suddenly appearing before him

was such a pleasant sight as Xiao Wu. Young and tender fair
young face, long black scorpion braid, although not particularly
ample, she still had a figure to some extent, in particular the
youth and inexperience on her rosy face, was even more
attractive to an old pervert like this. Bu Le’s eyes shone as he
saw Xiao Wu, saying inwardly, ‘such a beautiful and lovely little
loli. Heavens, Earth, don’t tell me this is your gift for me?’

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Coughing, Bu Le swiftly restrained the obscene light in his
eyes, sticking out his chest, assuming a neat posture, changing
so quickly that if Xiao Wu hadn’t kept her eyes on him all along,
she might have been tricked.

“Little miss, you’ve still come out to buy candy this late, ah?
This is so remote, aren’t you worried you’ll run into bad

When Bu Le had a serious face, adding to his simple and

honest outward appearance, he still truly had a somewhat
dignified appearance.

Xiao Wu blinked with her beautiful big eyes,

“Then uncle, are you a bad person?”

Seeing her soft spoken appearance made Dai Mubai, Ma

Hongjun and Oscar not far away twitch. Was this flirty Xiao Wu
still the same person who had thrown them around like
sandbags in fights? This, this was even beyond acting. Only
Tang San’s face expressed a wry smile and no surprise, he had
already experienced this kind of scene long ago at Nuoding
Academy. In deception, Xiao Wu was even better than what

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Ning Rongrong did when she just arrived at the Academy.
Especially when assuming that next door neighbour little sister
appearance, practically no man was immune to it. The
difference was, proper people seeing her like this would only
feel tenderness, but a person like Bu Le seeing the current Xiao
Wu would only drool.

Hearing Xiao Wu’s question, Bu Le immediately said:

“Of course uncle is a good person. Little miss, what are you
called, how old are you, eh?”

Xiao Wu’s little face quickly blushed,

“I’m Xiao Wu, almost thirteen.”

Bu Le was expressionless, thinking to himself, ‘almost

thirteen, in other words twelve?’ His adam’s apple moved
vigorously as he swallowed. If he didn’t eat this tender morsel
delivered to his mouth, he would truly be letting himself down.

“You are this tall even at twelve, in the future you will
certainly be a great beauty. Xiao Wu, there’s no place here that

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sells candy, come with uncle, uncle will bring you to buy candy,
afterwards I’ll see you back home. All right?”

Xiao Wu smiled, nodding cutely, saying:


Bu Le hadn’t expected this little miss would be tricked so

easily, seeing her agree to go with him, he was immediately
exultant, small eyes looking around, going in the direction of a
remote place he remembered. In order to not beat the grass to
scare the snake, he resisted grabbing and pulling Xiao Wu’s
little hand.

Oscar rubbed his eyes hard, poking Tang San at his side,

“Little San, is this really Xiao Wu? Why can’t I see any

Tang San somewhat strangely said:

“Back at Nuoding Academy, there were girls molested by a

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strange uncle. Xiao Wu used just this maneuver, luring that
person into a dark corner, afterwards came the Eight Stage

“Eight Stage Drop? What’s that?”

Dai Mubai also couldn’t help but be curious.

In Tang San’s eyes expressed a trace of fear,

“It’s the most violent kind of throw in Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill.
Eight throws in succession. As long as the first throw succeeds
there is practically no chance to resist. That is Xiao Wu’s true
strength. Therefore, by no means meet her at close range. I
expect that this strange uncle called Bu Le-something, might be
fortunate enough to taste this great banquet. Let’s catch up with
them to prevent accidents.”

Right now Bu Le’s lascivious heart was greatly stirred, with

his forty sixth rank spirit power, if he was a bit alert like normal
he might discover Tang San and the others following, but right
now his heart was entirely focused on this young and fresh little
loli by his side, with none to spare for others. How would he
also know that, sometimes, loli was interchangeable with

1506 Goldenagato |


Furtively glancing at Xiao Wu, her slender waist swaying

slightly as she walked, her butt was not at all large, but her
waist was really too slender, that resulting curve made this old
pervert Bu Le constantly stealthily swallow. Adding to Xiao
Wu’s close to perfection beautiful complexion, a beautiful girl
walking beautifully. The Evil Fire that had previously been
dispersed was already rising within. To an old pervert his age,
the outside was especially important, how could Xiao Wu before
him be compared to those free range chickens in the grass nest?

Further and further away, already very few pedestrians could

be seen around. Bu Le brought Xiao Wu around a corner,
reaching a secluded and dark little alley.

“Uncle, where is the candy store, this is so dark, I’m a little


Xiao Wu spoke softly, apparently somewhat panicked.

Bu Le smiled mischievously, saying:

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“Xiao Wu, ah, this late at night, eating candy is no good for
the body. Let uncle bring you to see goldfish.”

“See goldfish? Where is there goldfish?”

Xiao Wu asked curiously.

Bu Le stopped walking, stretching out his hand and starting to

untie his trousers,

“I’ve got it right here.”

Xiao Wu suddenly smiled,

“Uncle, your next line wouldn’t be ‘I, your father, have a big


Bu Le’s hands stiffened, his movements immediately coming

to a halt, he looked right into a pair of red colored eyes, eyes

1508 Goldenagato |

brimming with Demon Confusion, his entire body immediately
becoming rigid, and in the next moment, before him, only
remained a smear of purple shadow.

Tight around his neck, not waiting for Bu Le to release his

spirit, that black scorpion braid was already winding around,
and in the next moment, Bu Le only felt a force at his neck, his
entire body involuntarily leaving the ground.

If Bu Le had been a power type Spirit Master, perhaps he still

would have had a chance to stabilize himself. Unfortunately, he
was a control system Spirit Master. But if a Spirit Master
couldn’t release their spirit, their strength would also be greatly
weakened. Adding to his “industrious plowing” for a whole day,
his strength had long ago dropped by more than half. The
current Bu Le only felt the sky spin and earth go round, the next
moment he could only see stars.

Gold stars, silver stars, stars of all sizes flickered continuously,

the violent shaking making him completely unable to focus his
spirit power to release his spirit. His body didn’t even feel pain,
only a strong numbness.

Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San and Ma Hongjun had by now

already walked out from the darkness. Besides Tang San, the

1509 Goldenagato |

other three without exception stared wide eyed, looking at that
previously still acting soft and immature lovable figure now
with incomparably berserk movements. This was also the first
time they saw the full set of Xiao Wu’s Eight Stage Drop.

Using the teleportation ability, when Xiao Wu disappeared

from in front of Bu Le, her long ago already accumulated power
meeting the completely mentally unprepared him, Xiao Wu’s
scorpion braid successfully wrapped around Bu Le’s neck. In the
next moment, vulgar strange uncle Bu Le’s miserable life had
already begun.

Binding his neck, Xiao Wu’s one foot stepped on his lower
back, the first spirit ring ability Waist Bow activating. Neck
bending backward, feet moving forward, Bu Le’s body already
flew into the air.

The scorpion braid quietly slipping off, Xiao Wu jumped after

Bu Le’s body thrown into midair. That Waist Bow strength of
hers was truly terrifying, with thirty first ranked spirit power,
one hundred twenty percent amplification, she directly threw
Bu Le five meters up.

When Bu Le’s body climbed to its peak was also precisely the
moment Xiao Wu caught up, both hands grabbing Bu Le’s waist,

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Waist Bow’s strength activating once more, with a snap of her
slender waist bringing Bu Le to spin backwards. Currently Bu Le
was still bewildered by Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion, besides the
feeling of sky spinning and earth revolving, he could feel

Xiao Wu was grabbing the clothes at Bu Le’s waist, revolving a

full two turns in midair, as she dropped towards the ground,
under the effect of Waist Bow, Bu Le’s rapid spinning made a
kind of hair-raising whistling sound and smashed into ground.

That moment, Tang San’s group closed their eyes at

practically the same time. They could imagine the kind of
strength of being thrown in a spiral from high in the air like
this, Xiao Wu had also used it when competing against them
before, only at that time she had directly thrown them in midair
towards the sky, and not like this truly throwing them towards
the ground.

Today Bu Le could be considered having bad luck, meeting

Xiao Wu, this little baleful star, in addition to his vulgar
appearance being what Xiao Wu disliked the most. In this fight
she basically didn’t have any intention of starting off leniently.
In Xiao Wu’s heart, for this kind of strange uncle who didn’t
intend to let off even a twelve years old little girl, even killing
wasn’t too much.

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However, Bu Le was after all a forty something ranked Spirit
Ancestor, in the two rapid rotations, he also finally awoke from
Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion. Although there wasn’t enough
time for him to use his spirit, he still managed to cover his
whole body with spirit power, protecting himself. But in the
next moment, the violent shock already scattered the spirit
power he had gathered.

Hong—-, Bu Le’s body heavily smashed into the ground, Xiao

Wu had smacked his body flat onto the ground, each part of his
body in contact with the ground, there wasn’t even enough time
for Bu Le to scream, blood overflowing from his nose at once.
He was completely dumb from the throw. But, this was only the

Xiao Wu hardly paused, with both hands pressing on Bu Le’s

waist made a backflip, both legs pressing directly on either side
of Bu Le’s head, Waist Bow activating yet again, throwing Bu Le
directly forward. The hands had released, but her legs were able
to generate even greater force. Under the driving force of Xiao
Wu’s legs, following Xiao Wu’s backflip, Bu Le’s entire body
flew up to once again smash into the ground.

Xiao Wu now fully revealed the flexible strength of her waist.

With the help of the rebound from this second throw, body

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flipping over and back, she slammed Bu Le back in his previous
position. Bu Le’s body was whirled around by Xiao Wu’s legs
like a burlap sack, altogether six times, around the third, his
bones started making snapping sounds.

“Fuck me, fuck me, ……”

Dai Mubai and the other two’s gazes continuously followed Bu

Le’s body thrown around with all of Xiao Wu’s strength. Each
time he was thrown, they couldn’t help but cry out in alarm,
blood already splashing next to their feet. Finally, as Xiao Wu
once again threw Bu Le’s body, it was without again directly
throwing him on the ground and rather throwing him into the
air, the six continuous throws were considered finished. In
addition to that first spiral drop from high in the air, it was
already a full seven drops.

Whether it was Dai Mubai, Oscar or Ma Hongjun, all silently

thought, if this was them being dropped seven times, what
would the scene be like. Perhaps even the strongest Dai Mubai
would immediately lose consciousness, even if he had already
used his White Tiger Vajra Transformation, when thrown by
Xiao Wu like this perhaps his spirit power would come apart
from the shock.

1513 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu yet again leapt up, but when Dai Mubai’s group
thought she would once again use the killing spiral drop from
high in the air, Xiao Wu didn’t make those kinds of movements.
The current Bu Le was already completely in a semi-conscious
state. When Xiao Wu caught up to him, both her feet once again
pressed at his neck. She rotated one thousand eighty degrees at
lightning speed, with Bu Le’s neck squeezed by her, naturally he
could only follow along with her turn, his neck constantly
making cracking sounds. Even if the vertebra didn’t come apart,
it still wasn’t much better.

After the one thousand eighty degree turn, Xiao Wu made an

elegant backwards summersault, Waist Bow activating one last
time, directly throwing Bu Le towards the ground. She also
made use of the opposite force from throwing Bu Le to flip
several times through the air, landing on the ground.

Hong—-, the vulgar strange uncle Bu Le smashed into the

ground in a kind of extremely monstrous posture. Apart from
his whole body twitching, he didn’t make any other

Ma Hongjun looked at the slightly panting Xiao Wu who had

landed not far from him, probingly asking:

1514 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Wu, you didn’t kill him, right?”

Xiao Wu gave the twitching body of Bu Le a glance,

“Killing him would dirty my hands. I have propriety. Little

San wouldn’t let me casually kill people. I only gave him a
lesson, that’s all. However, I expect he’ll be out in bed for three
months before recovering. By my calculations, several of his
joints were dislocated by my drops. For a time, I’m afraid he
really will be unable to take care of himself.”

Dai Mubai somewhat gloomily said:

“We came here to fight, when you’ve thrown him around like
this, we have farts to beat, ah. Only, Xiao Wu, your Eight Stage
Drop really is powerful.”

Oscar added:

“The key point is that her teleportation is too abnormal, once

within a five meter range of her, even running is impossible.
Furthermore, Xiao Wu, that Waist Bow ability can be used
consecutively? Is there no need to aggregate spirit power

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between uses?”

Xiao Wu giggled, as if the impressive feat just now hadn’t been

accomplished by her,

“Previously I had to condense spirit power, only, after I

reached thirtieth rank, there is no longer any need for time.
Besides, even if I had to aggregate spirit power, the interval
between each Waist Bow is already enough.”

Tang San suddenly said:

“Xiao Wu, in the future don’t use that kind of method to lure
the enemy again. It’s too dangerous like this.”

Xiao Wu looked blank a moment, looking at Tang San’s

serious eyes, she stuck out her tongue, but nodded cutely.

What Tang San didn’t say was that when he watched Xiao Wu
go to entice Bu Le, for some reason, his heart was extremely

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Dai Mubai waved his hand, saying:

“Fine, we’ll leave. Fatty. This fellow is more miserable than

you. It counts as your revenge.”

Ma Hongjun had after all not used his own hands, right now
he still somewhat hadn’t resolved his anger. Running up next to
Bu Le, he raised his foot and stepped down several times with an
effort, while stomping he hatefully said:

“Letting you beat me, letting you beat me. Letting you say my
pecker is small. Ai, all right.”

Seeming to suddenly recall something, Ma Hongjun smiled


“You go ahead first, I’ll come right away.”

Dai Mubai frowned, saying:

“Don’t be harsh, although this fellow beating you isn’t any

good thing, but it still isn’t a deadly crime. You hurry it up.”

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“Got it.”

Watching Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar and Xiao Wu turn

around the corner and disappear, Ma Hongjun’s face revealed a
monstrous smile. Raising his right hand, a red purple flame
appeared in his palm, and his gaze moved to Bu Le’s lower body.

“Strange uncle, didn’t you say I had a small pecker? Fine, then
I’ll let yours become a roast chicken.”


Tang San’s group still hadn’t gone very far, hearing the
unhumanly bloodcurdling scream, the four looked face to face,
and somewhat helplessly shook their heads.

Very quickly, Fatty already animatedly chased after them,

without waiting for any questions, immediately took the
initiative to say:

“Be at ease, I did nothing like that. I wouldn’t let him die. Xiao

1518 Goldenagato |

Wu was right, killing him would dirty our hands. Fifth sister,
many thanks for today, if there is anything you have need of
this Fatty for then don’t hesitate to ask, as long as I can get it, I
won’t decline.”

Xiao Wu cackled,

“No need for repayment. That throwing just now was very
invigorating. It’s been quite a while without something so

Tang San seeming to ponder something said:

“Actually, what we did was no good.”

“No good? Little San, you wouldn’t be soft hearted, right?”

Dai Mubai somewhat puzzled looked at Tang San. Although

Tang San was ordinarily very calm, he didn’t seem like a soft
hearted person. He could still clearly remember the appearance
of Tang San fully using his hidden weapons, even Zhao Wuji
suffered a small loss.

1519 Goldenagato |

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“I’m saying, cutting grass without rooting it out, once the

spring wind blows it grows again.”


The others’ gazes at Tang San immediately changed

somewhat. Although they were all genius Spirit Masters, they
were after all only teenagers, with regard to murder, perhaps
only Dai Mubai could accept it. Nobody expected Tang San
would say something like this.

Tang San never forgot the guiding principles written in

Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record. Tang Sect Mysterious
Heaven Treasure Record General Principles, third item:
Ascertain the opponent is an enemy, as long as they chose the
path of killing, never hesitate, otherwise one’s worries will only

“That vulgar strange uncle Bu Le didn’t die this time, perhaps

the matter will stay at that. But in the end he has more than
fortieth ranked spirit power. If he musters a group of friends for

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revenge, you be careful Fatty. Although who beat him was
unclear, by hearing alone, adding to his clash with you in the
daytime, he will certainly guess it was you who brought people

If previously Dai Mubai didn’t say Bu Le’s sins weren’t worthy

of death, Tang San already would have acted. Right now he was
only reminding Ma Hongjun so he wouldn’t later come to grief.

Ma Hongjun swallowed,

“I didn’t expect it would be little San who was the fiercest!

Apparently, if one offends somebody it shouldn’t be you.”

Tang San showed a smile,

“As we came here you didn’t seem to address me like that.”

“Eh……, fine, big brother San, and little sister Xiao Wu as

well, many thanks for the matter this time, I would still ask you
brothers to help keep this a secret.”

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Dai Mubai raised his hand to lightly pat the top of Fatty’s
swollen head,

“Our own brother, why are you saying such nonsense? Let’s
go back quickly. We can’t let Grandmaster discover we were out
so late, unless you want more devilish training.”


Shrek Academy, dean’s office.

“Xiao Gang, I don’t want to disturb your teaching of those

little monsters of ours, but, I have no choice but to regretfully
inform you, the Academy’s little bit of money has already been
spent by you.”

Somewhat helplessly saying this, Flender had a sad


As a formidable Spirit Sage, but whose arrogance kept him

from wealth, what kind of sorrow was this.

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According to normal expenses, the tuition the students paid
would be sufficient for the expenditures of one academic year.
There would even be a bit left over. But Grandmaster’s
education plan was in another class, not only did food expenses
go up considerably, but along with the food the medicines
mixed into the students’ baths every day were even more
frightfully expensive. Over these past three months, of this
year’s tuition for Shrek Academy there was already nothing left.

Grandmaster nodded, as always with that rigid face, and said


“Got it.”

Flender said with a wry smile:

“You got it, then propose a solution.”

Grandmaster said:

“Once these seven days of rest are over, I will bring them to
undergo the second stage of training. You needn’t worry, I will
settle the issue of expenses.”

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Flender sighed, saying:

“Were it not for these children being so outstanding, I truly

wouldn’t think to go on. It’s still the days we together travelled
the Continent that moved me the most.”

Grandmaster showed a brief despondency,

“Perhaps there will be a day we can repeat that happiness.”

Flender couldn’t help but ask:

“Xiao Gang, how are you planning to teach these children in

the next stage? Wouldn’t it be taking it easy for a bit, in these
three months they have suffered bitterly. They’re after all just
teenagers. As they say ‘excessive hardness leads to an easy
break’, don’t be too excessive.”

Grandmaster’s expression again recovered to its normal state,

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“Since you gave these children to me to teach, you can only
place your full trust in me. I have measured it out.”


Limp on the ground, Bu Le was still constantly twitching, but

by now he had already woken from unconsciousness. This was
already the third time he had awoken. The first two times he
woke up the incomparable pain all over his body had instantly
brought him back into the darkness.

Clenching his teeth to resist the pain, Bu Le forced his eyes

open, a scorched smell constantly assaulted his sense of smell,
but what made him despair the most, was the complete lack of
sensation in his lower body. He knew that his whole life might
be over. He wanted to move, but could only barely squirm, his
four limbs were completely dislocated, even his elbows and
knees were separated. At least five ribs were broken. Of his
cervical vertebra at least two were displaced.


“Fifth [younger] sister” Xiao Wu is the fifth oldest, Ma

Hongjun is the fourth.

1525 Goldenagato |

“Third [older] brother” Tang San is the third oldest.

Flip-flops, to be precise.

Sort of a literal translation to what I assume is a lewd song

with some wordplay. He calls himself (大爷我) where (大爷) is a
colloquial term for “father’s older brother” or a respectful term
for an older man, but it can also mean “arrogant idler” or “self
centered show off”. The second line uses (鸟儿) which literally
translates as “bird”, but (鸟) is an alternate way to write the
homophone (屌) which means “penis”.

Idiom: Alert the enemy.

(八段摔) Or “Eight Section Throw”

Wordplay alert. The first character of “loli” (luo li 萝莉) is a

homophone to and is written very similar to a kind of Buddhist
demon poltergeist (luo cha 罗刹). For some (much) more
distantly related connections, the luo in loli (萝) means radish
and is one of the characters in carrot (see the manhua for this
connection). The luo in demon (罗) means gauze, and is the same

1526 Goldenagato |

as in Douluo and Star Luo.

The Chinese equivalent of “puppies in my van”, stems from a

pedophile case in Hong Kong.

He uses (jiji 鸡鸡), which is a childish way of saying penis, but

the character (鸡) also means “chicken”, which we all know is
sort of a trigger for Fatty.

Pun alert. Fatty goes from (jiji 鸡鸡) “penis” or literally

“chicken chicken” to (kaoji 烤鸡) “roast chicken”.

“Fifth [younger] sister” Xiao Wu is the fifth oldest.

The vertebra in the neck.

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Chapter 44 - Grandmaster’s Second Stage

But all this was still on the basis of Xiao Wu going easy,
otherwise, it wouldn’t just be simple dislocations. Although
Xiao Wu’s spirit power still wasn’t pure it was at a level where it
could break every bone in his body without killing him, but the
pain of the dislocations was even more unbearable, even after
recovering it would still leave lasting damage.

Just then, successive footsteps echoed, gradually approaching.

“That chicken nest madam said Bu Le brought a young miss in

this direction. This fellow, it wouldn’t be that he encountered
some top quality morsel and was going to eat it alone?”

The speaker had a very magnetic and deep voice, the gold
standard for baritone. If one only heard his voice, perhaps to
thirty years or older women he would have an irresistible

“This fellow absolutely acts on his own, right now he still has
us come look for him. Lao E. The place you brought me to today
was excellent, especially that pantyhose little sister, just looking

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would make people drool.”

If speaking of the first voice as incomparably pleasant, then

this second voice was another extreme, hoarse like a duck’s call.
Adding the vulgar content, it immediately gave people a kind of
nauseating feeling like falling into a pile of flies.

Hearing these two voices, Bu Le suddenly roused from semi

consciousness. Fortunately, his jaw hadn’t been dislocated, with
difficulty he condensed a bit of spirit power, rousing his mind to

“Lao E, Tian Ya. I’m here.”

Those just gossiping voices suddenly paused, followed by the

sound of urgent footsteps. Very quickly, two figures arrived
before Bu Le.

“You, are you Bu Le?”

The pleasant baritone didn’t dare speak confidently. Seen

clearly by moonlight, this person was tall, with wide and solid
shoulders. Although his long hair was disheveled, it brought a

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somewhat wild atmosphere, but most eye catching were his
eyes, a pair of small extremely narrow eyes, seemingly only
small cracks. If viewed from the front, it would be very difficult
to tell whether they were open or closed. Adding the effect of
his puffy and swollen eyes, it was even easier to overlook those
thin slits. Just this bit perfectly destroyed the impression from
his baritone voice.

“Bu Le, how did you end up like this?”

The other person swiftly squatted at Bu Le’s side. Although

his face had a concentrated expression, his appearance was even
more wretched than Bu Le and baritone’s. Put succinctly,
besides the hair that could still be considered ordinary, there
was basically nothing normal about him.

His entire body was so thin it was like only the skeleton was
left. His eyes were unexpectedly very large, but yellow,
twinkling with a cloudy light. A pair of rat whiskers trembled as
he spoke. The crows feet at the corners of his eyes looked
capable of simultaneously crushing a group of flies to death.

These two now appearing before Bu Le looked about the same

age as him. Now the two had already shed their amused
expressions, having serious faces.

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The slightly built man’s both hands quickly felt all over Bu
Le’s body, from time to time cursing, in his yellow eyes were
already a bit of red.

“Really mistreated severely. This time Bu Le is wretched. The

four limbs are dislocated without doubt. Five ribs and four
bones are also broken. Three cervical vertebrae are displaced
and cracked. He won’t recover in several months. Most
important, Bu Le’s thing is cooked.”

“Cooked? Tian Ya, what are you calling cooked?”

The baritone called Lao E was shocked.

The wretched little man Tian Ya smiled wryly:

“Can’t you smell that roast chicken? This time Bu Le’s loss
was too great, the bones can recover, but this roast chicken……”

While speaking, Tian Ya raised his right hand, along with a

beautiful green light flickering, a sharp blade had already

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appeared in his hand. At the same time as it appeared, there
were also a full five spirit rings. One white, two yellow, two
purple, although the spirit rings’ attributes were common, he
was a true Spirit Elder with more than fiftieth rank spirit

The sharp blade in his hands was a broken blade, seemingly

broken evenly with the waist. The knife blade was
approximately four fingers wide, from the handle to the break
one chi two cun long. The knife handle was eight cun long. In
the flickering green light, it was a grand Tool Spirit of a Battle
Spirit Master.

“Bu Le, we let you down. If we didn’t come to find you at

once, perhaps it would be even worse.”

In the green light, the hand swung the blade, with a small
sound, something seemed to fall to the ground. Strangely, Bu Le
didn’t make a sound, but his eyes overflowed with humiliated
and baleful tears.

“I must have revenge. I must have revenge. I must make their

lives worse than death.”

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The seven days of rest passed very quickly, and the day finally
came when classes started again. Since the day several of them
snuck out to suppress the vulgar strange uncle Bu Le, several
days had passed, and gradually this matter had faded from
memory. Besides Ma Hongjun, the others were all unaware of
Bu Le’s roasted chicken. Ma Hongjun was also very restrained
because of this matter, for these several days of rest he hadn’t
again gone to Suotuo City, the Evil Fire’s outbreaks seemed to
be suppressed by the intense exercise.

After eating breakfast, as the familiar start of class bell rung,

Tang San and the others punctually arrived on the grounds.

Today’s sunshine was especially bright, the blue sky without

clouds as far as the eye could see. Although it was still early, the
sunlight already burned somewhat. Grandmaster’s shadow was
lengthened by the sunlight, standing there with both hands
folded across his chest, waiting for the seven to line up.

“From when I came here and started teaching you until now it
has been three months. Under the supervision and aid of the
teachers, your bodies already have some foundation. But if you
want to become outstanding Spirit Masters, this is still far from

1533 Goldenagato |


It was worth mentioning that in the previous three months of

demonic training, the other teachers hadn’t stayed idle. The
first time Ma Hongjun slacked off they had learned that the
teachers had secretly supervised them along their training
route. The consequences of Ma Hongjun slacking off that time
directly led to everyone training fifty percent harder for three
days. Grandmaster had all along implemented a policy of
collective punishment. One person erred, all suffered. The
broom was one entity.

“Consequently, starting from today, I will advance you to the

second stage of your education. According to Flender, you have
already gone to Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, and that is where
you will receive your education for some time. This time the
education doesn’t have a time limit, whenever you’ve obtained
a silver spirit fighter badge is when the training ends. For this
time I will arrange for you to stay at the inn closest to the Great
Spirit Arena. You will provide lodging and board yourselves. As
long as you have the ability, your income from Great Spirit
Arena should be considerable.”

Hearing Grandmaster’s words, the students simultaneously

loosed a breath. Going to Great Spirit Arena would always be
more relaxed than Grandmaster’s demonic training.

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“But, you must remember: obtaining a silver spirit fighter
badge is not limited to one versus one spirit battles, you must
simultaneously obtain a silver spirit fighter badge in group
spirit battles. You will fight as Shrek Seven Devils. Group fights
can not only let everyone receive personal points, at the same
time they will grant team points, this is something two versus
two fights do not have. Of course, if you want to obtain the
silver spirit fighter title even faster, I ill not object to you freely
forming combinations to enter two versus two fights. But I have
a few restrictions you must keep in mind. First, you may not
reveal your faces or names to your opponents in spirit fights,
everyone has to fight under code names. Second, including
Tang San, no one may use hidden weapons. Third, whether you
win or lose, every day each person must fight at least twice.”

Oscar somewhat grumbling said:

“Grandmaster, me and Ning Rongrong are auxiliary system

Spirit Masters, must we also get silver spirit fighter badges?”

Grandmaster calmly said:

“Maybe. You can choose the kind of training you did before,
until the others have silver spirit fighting badges.”

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“Eh……, Grandmaster, I suddenly realize your decision to
have us go compete at Great Spirit Arena for actual combat
experience is brilliant, take it as I said nothing just now.”

Ning Rongrong originally thought to raise the same issue.

Seeing Oscar choke on it she couldn’t help but inwardly rejoice,
cackling to the side.

Grandmaster always passed like thunder and moved like the

wind. After letting all the students simply put their things in
order, he immediately brought them out, leaving for Suotuo
Academy. Journeying together with them were still old
acquaintances of the students, the Academy’s original two
deans, Four Eyed Owl Flender and Motionless Bright King Zhao
Wuji. The other three teachers stayed behind to take care of the

Flender couldn’t help but greatly admire Grandmaster’s

decision. Having the students living in Suotuo City, taking care
of their own expenses, the Academy naturally wouldn’t suffer
any pressure. But he with Zhao Wuji and Grandmaster could
live at his shop, and supervise the students’ daily combat

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Great Spirit Arena bouts were all conducted in the evening. A
party arriving in Suotuo City would first find a common inn to
stay at near the Great Spirit Arena. As a result of being near the
Great Spirit Arena, although these counted as common, the
price would still be twice that of other places. Of course, to the
students with a monthly income of at least ten gold coins, or
even a hundred gold coins, this was still no burden. After all,
there were still not many places as expensive as that Rose Hotel.

After arranging the lodgings for the students, Grandmaster

called all seven to Tang San’s room.

“At present you may team up freely and choose to participate

in any kind of spirit contest. The Great Spirit Arena’s one versus
one and two versus two bouts start first. Although team battles
are separate from the other two, they start comparatively late,
and also attract the most spectators in Great Spirit Arena. With
the staggered starting times they can also sell even more tickets.
Every day you must participate in one team battle, for the other
bout you can choose freely on your own. I also won’t object if
you want to participate in three. The precondition is that you
properly understand your own spirit power condition.”

As Grandmaster stopped speaking, Oscar immediately looked

towards Dai Mubai with a pitiful appearance,

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“Boss Dai, it would be better for us to participate in two versus
two together, how about it? Although I just reached thirtieth
rank, my auxiliary capabilities should be able to assist you.
Otherwise, I don’t know how I’ll scrape together enough points
for a silver spirit fighter badge in all my life.”

Dai Mubai looked distracted, his original intention was to

participate in two versus two spirit battles with Zhu Zhuqing, or
perhaps join one versus one on his own. Seeing Oscar’s pleading
gaze, after thinking it over, he still gave a nod,

“All right.”

Discussing fighting strength among the seven, clearly Dai

Mubai and Tang San were the strongest. Oscar had at once
approached Dai Mubai. Ning Rongrong’s gaze immediately
turned to Tang San.

In an intimate tone:

“Third brother, do you want to help me?”

Tang San looked distracted a moment,

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“But, I’ve already formed the Three Five Combination with
Xiao Wu.”

On the side Ma Hongjun hurriedly moved closer,

“Rongrong, how about me? I want to join two versus two with

“You? Just forget about it.”

Ning Rongrong unhappily glared at Fatty,

“You’re too busy looking after yourself, how would you still
have time for me.”

Grandmaster suddenly spoke up:

“No. I propose you indeed should form a combination for two

versus two with Ma Hongjun.”

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Ning Rongrong puzzled asked:


Grandmaster calmly said:

“Because you and Tang San’s levels are different. When

participating in two versus two, if one Spirit Master has reached
a higher level, then he must participate in a higher level contest.
Tang San has already reached thirtieth rank, but you are still on
the twentieth rank level. If you cooperated to participate in two
versus two, then you would have to participate in thirtieth rank
bouts. Generally speaking, for Spirit Masters coming to Great
Spirit Arena to fight, only if their confidence is extremely high
or their spirit has a large advantage would they participate in
bouts higher than their level. Thirtieth ranked bouts are
naturally the same. Although Tang San’s spirit is extraordinary,
participating in one versus one fights might barely be possible,
but if adding you, although your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda spirit is the most powerful auxiliary type spirit, right
now it still isn’t sufficient to make up for the gap between him
and two over thirty fifth ranked opponents. But you and Ma
Hongjun participating together is different, he’s already twenty
eighth rank, his spirit advantage is also not insignificant.
Adding your support, the odds of victory can reach more than
seventy percent.”

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Although Ning Rongrong in her heart was unwilling, she had
no choice but to admit Grandmaster was right. But in the end
she still didn’t pick Ma Hongjun, and her gaze turned to Zhu

“Seventh sister, let us cooperate. How about it?”


Zhu Zhuqing still replied very simply.

To Ning Rongrong’s eye, although Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit power

was one rank lower than Ma Hongjun’s, their cooperation was
clearly much better than with someone whose Evil Fire pressure
was constantly rising. When fighting in two versus two she
didn’t want to be flirting with the comrade in arms next to her.

Ma Hongjun rumbled:

“Rongrong, you’re still discriminating against me. I protest.”

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Ning Rongrong giggled, employing her gentle and soft

“Fourth brother, you’re so strong, wouldn’t it be a pity to join

with me in two versus two? Anyway you’re certain to win in one
versus one, right?”

Ma Hongjun’s immunity to beautiful women was originally

very low. Seeing the tender smile on Ning Rongrong’s face, how
could he object, and could only accept reality.

“How you choose to participate is up to you. I’ll give you

these, unless there are no people around, wear them when in
spirit battles. At the same time, when speaking on stage, you
must not let the opponent know your age.”

While speaking, Grandmaster pulled out seven long ago

prepared masks from within his spirit tool bracelet.

The masks were very familiar to everyone, exactly the symbol

of Shrek Academy, the image of the green monster Shrek. Dai
Mubai took and put the mask over his face. Although the
craftsmanship was ordinary, after it was fitted to the face it only
revealed the eyes, mouth and nose, and was not hindrance at

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“When participating in team battles, you will do so as the

Shrek Seven Devils team. When participating in your own
bouts, you can name your two versus two combinations
yourselves. For one versus one, I will give each of you a name,
use this nickname to compete. As long as you explain it when
signing up, your real names won’t appear in the spirit arena.”

Everyone could understand Grandmaster’s intention. They

were after all too young, especially twelve year olds like Tang
San and Xiao Wu who had already reached the thirtieth ranked
Spirit Elder state, casually revealing this to the whole Spirit
Master world would be universally shocking. Especially when
becoming well known at Great Spirit Arena, perhaps Spirit Hall
would first come call on them.

Oscar curiously asked:

“Then what names will we use?”

Grandmaster said:

1543 Goldenagato |

“Mubai uses his original Evil Eye White Tiger, you are still
that Sausage Monopoly. As for little San, use Thousand Hands
Silver Grass. What do you think?”

“This is no good. Change it.

Xiao Wu rushed to say:

“It’s not stylish anywhere. Silver grass is too unpleasant to


Grandmaster looked at Tang San, seeing he didn’t express any

opinion, on his face couldn’t help but reveal a smile. Regarding
this disciple of his, Grandmaster was always extremely pleased,

“Then you say it, just what name would be good?”

Dai Mubai said:

“Although little San ordinarily seems sincere, he can really

flip out, with a killing instinct heavier than all of us. I say,
calling him Thousand Hands Asura is good. Asura has the

1544 Goldenagato |

meaning of a devil of massacre, it could also have a certain
intimidating effect on the opponent.”

Grandmaster said to Tang San:

“What do you think?”

Tang San said:

“It doesn’t matter to me, you decide Teacher.”

Grandmaster said:

“Then we’ll call you Thousand Hands Asura. Ma Hongjun, I’ll

also help you pick a good name. How about calling you Evil Fire

Fatty smiled mischievously,

“Many thanks Grandmaster, this is good. How to say, I’m also

a Phoenix.”

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To the side Oscar mumbled:

“En, it’s a Phoenix, only, I think calling it Brothel Phoenix is

even better.”

Fatty said indignantly,

“Little Ao, are you deliberately undermining me?”

Xiao Wu had now already stepped before Grandmaster,

assuming a pitiful appearance,

“Grandmaster, then what am I called? You must give me

something that sounds pleasant, eh.”

Grandmaster said with a smile:

“When you use the Soft Skill your whole body is soft as if
boneless. Adding your Rabbit Spirit and Demon Confusion
ability, it would be best to call you Soft Bones Demon Rabbit.”

1546 Goldenagato |

“It sounds pretty good.”

Xiao Wu immediately smiled happily.

“Rongrong’s spirit is Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

There’s nothing that describes you better than Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile. At the same time it can also mask you a bit. After
all, this is the spirit of direct disciples of the Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile School. As for Zhuqing, using her spirit as a name is
most suitable. Hell Civet is on its own a pretty good name.”

At that moment, the Shrek Seven Devils had their own names.

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai,

Sausage Monopoly Oscar,

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San,

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun,

1547 Goldenagato |

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu,

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong,

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing.

None of them would have thought that the names they chose
in this common inn would not only follow them for a lifetime,
but also resound across the Continent. The team Shrek Seven
Devils could be considered truly formed starting on this day.

In order to maintain peak condition, everyone remained in

the inn to cultivate their spirit power, waiting for nightfall.

Right now the seven were all on the iron spirit fight level.
Among them Dai Mubai had three points, Oscar had nil, Tang
San because of participating with Xiao Wu in one on one and
two on two bouts, consequently had two points. Ma Hongjun
also prevailed over his opponent last time, with the most points
of everyone, already reaching ten. Moreover he had three
consecutive victories. XIao Wu just like Tang San had two
points. Ning Rongrong had nil. Last time Zhu Zhuqing’s
opponent was little San, and since she lost the contest she had

1548 Goldenagato |

no points.

Going from iron spirit fights to copper spirit fights required

one hundred points, advancing to silver spirit fights were one
thousand points. Their distance to the goal of this second stage
special training was still a very long road.

Because Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing were all

already classified as high level within their classes, adding to
their own outstanding spirits, they decided to first participate in
a one versus one spirit fight, afterwards again participating in
two versus two. This kind of time was enough for Oscar’s effect
to appear clearly, with a supply of his big sausages, everyone’s
spirit power and physical strength could be effectively
resupplied. Compared to ordinary Spirit Masters joining spirit
battles it was an even greater advantage. Therefore, even
participating in three spirit battles wasn’t impossible, provided
they didn’t waste too much spirit power in the first fights.

Tang San and Xiao Wu’s third spirit abilities could both be
said to be top quality spirit abilities, therefore although they
both had only just broken through the thirtieth rank, they still
decided to participate in one versus one spirit battles. Tang San
had previously already defeated Dai Mubai, so naturally he held
a lot of confidence. And for Xiao Wu who as long as she got in
close to the opponent was very difficult to resist, also had

1549 Goldenagato |

complete confidence.

Xiao Wu’s weak points and advantages were both extremely

clear. Her advantage was being unrivalled when in close to a
similarly ranked opponent, but her weak point was that she
could only deal with one opponent. When the opponents were
numerous, it was very difficult to use her strength, and when
the opponent’s physical strength exceeded the power of her
Waist Bow, her ability would become completely useless.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, they could only wait until
after everyone had participated in one on one spirit battles to
again join with them in two versus two bouts.

At nightfall, Suotuo Great Spirit Arena bustled with noise and

excitement like every day, a restless crowd began to gather from
all directions. As in most of history, it was also the most
oppressed masses who enjoyed the entertainment. Every day
this place would gather numerous spectators.

The wealthy could obtain the ultimate entertainment here.

Even if it was penniless commoners, they were still equally
capable of watching Spirit Masters compete. As a result of Great
Spirit Arena having some tickets specially aimed at commoners,
extremely affordable, as long as people could afford food and

1550 Goldenagato |

clothing, they also wanted to come here to watch Spirit Master
competitions. After all, just seeing a spirit master was enough to
satisfy the majority of common people. Of course, with the
ticket price so cheap, what they could see was only some
ordinary spirit fights, that’s all. The truly marvellous spirit
fights were prohibitively expensive. But Suotuo City had never
lacked wealthy people willing to throw money away. Adding the
betting hosted by the Great Spirit Arena, these spirit fights were
the scene of secret battles between the wealthy and lords.

Right now it was already very close to the starting time for
Great Spirit Arena’s bouts. Not long after, the one versus one
and two versus two spirit fights would begin. Once these two
spirit fights ended, the most marvellous team battles would take
the stage.

At just this time, a group of ten people attracted the gazes of

the people preparing to enter the Great Spirit Arena. Because,
among these ten, seven wore identical masks.

The green masks looked somewhat funny. Their clothes had

nothing in common, both gorgeous and plain.

This group, was precisely Shrek Academy’s seven students as

well as two deans and Grandmaster.

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This time they arrived at Spirit Arena Thirteen. According to
their original plan, everyone would one after another use their
iron spirit badges to sign up. Under Grandmaster’s directions,
the five people simultaneously participating in one versus one
and two versus two fights signed up in two areas and at the
same time explained they must participate in two bouts. The
staff arranged for them to fight at certain times, so as not to
have two fights overlap. At the same time, everyone separately
altered the names on the iron spirit badges, from their true
names to nicknames, using the names they agreed on in the day.
Just altering a name cost each of them ten gold spirit coins,
however because this time they didn’t need to enroll again, the
expense was only so much. As long as they managed one spirit
fight victory, they could earn back the expense.

Tang San and Xiao Wu chose to first participate in two versus

two, after that again joining one versus one, naturally
separating from the other five. Oscar and Ning Rongrong had to
wait for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to finish their one versus
one bouts, therefore they also first went to one area.

Flender and Zhao Wuji followed the largest party to enter the
one versus one spirit fighting area. Grandmaster followed Tang
San and Xiao Wu to the two versus two spirit fighting area.

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Since they would still battle later, Three Five Combination’s
two versus two spirit fight was planned as the second bout in
the Spirit Arena Thirteen’s two versus two area. Very quickly, it
became the pair’s turn.

Grandmaster sat in the stands, together with numerous

spectators. To ordinary people today was a weekend, therefore
there were especially many spectators at the Great Spirit Arena.
These Spirit Arenas had even more common people. Right now
the first spirit battle had already evoked excitement, and shouts
fell and rose in succession.

Tang San and Xiao Wu naturally didn’t have any fame. When
they walked on stage at the announcer’s declaration, they
earned no applause at all.

“Next, let us invite Three Five Combination’s opponents.

Already having obtained four successive victories in two versus
two spirit fights: Cat Rat Combination. Relying on the most
formidable strength, competing among Spirit Elders, they have
obtained unprecedented success. If they are able to prevail over
the opposing Three Five Combination today, then, they will
have accomplished five successive victories. Perhaps, when they
next appear at Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, they will enter the
central spirit fighting area, that is a tremendous honor for spirit

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Cat Rat Combination? Hearing these words, Tang San and
Xiao Wu looked face to face. Although they were unable to see
each others’ expression under the masks, from the expression in
the other’s eyes, they still saw hints of a smile. Judging by the
other side’s combination name, today’s opponent would be an
agility attack system Spirit Master. Whether it was cat or rat,
speed was the forte of both. But Tang San as a control system
Spirit Master was just the nemesis of agility attack system Spirit

Under circumstances where the opponent’s rank didn’t

exceed his by ten ranks, the two already had a certain

Very quickly, in a burst of enthusiastic applause, Three Five

Combination’s opponents climbed onto the spirit fighting ring.

The arriving two Spirit Masters were one man and one
woman. The woman was slender and tall, looking about twenty
something years old, with a head of extremely attention
grabbing fiery red short hair, a sharp expression, the ten fingers
of both hands constantly moving rhythmically. Looking at her
movements, Tang San immediately determined that this
woman should be the cat of the Cat Rat Combination, since Dai
Mubai once told him that the ten fingers moving rhythmically

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was a common trait of all of the cat family type spirits.

That man was built short and small, but contrary to what
Tang San and Xiao Wu anticipated, he was unexpectedly rather
fat. Even compared to Ma Hongjun his stature was excessive, his
body appearing like an enormous ball. Whether it was his head
or body, both were perfectly round. Only a pair of small and
narrow little eyes gave people the feeling of a rat.

The thin cat and fat rat gave people a somewhat ridiculous

The Cat Rat Combination mounting the stage naturally also

observed Tang San and Xiao Wu across from them. As they saw
the masks Tang San and Xiao Wu wore they couldn’t help but
stare blankly. Although Spirit Masters participating in spirit
fights would somewhat cover up their identities, wearing masks
like this was still quite rare.

The thin cat young lady snorted disdainfully,

“Hiding the head and showing the tail, feigning mystery.”

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As the spirit fight was about to begin, the mood of the
surrounding spectators was already stirred. In such an
enthusiastic atmosphere, the announcer didn’t dare delay,
immediately declaring Spirit Arena Thirteen’s second two
versus two spirit fight started.

Along with the announcer declaring the start, the Cat Rat
Combination simultaneously used their Spirit Power, their
bodies rapidly changing. After reaching thirtieth rank, as Beast
Spirit Masters conducted Spirit Body Enhancement, their bodies
changed even more than before.

Just like what Tang San anticipated, the young woman’s

spirit was Cat. Sharp blades instantly ejecting between her
fingers, on her head several locks of red hair brightened to
silver, pupils becoming vertical. The upper part of the body
crouching forward, ears slightly erect, on the arms appeared a
layer of silvery fur. One white, one yellow and one purple spirit
ring twinkled simultaneously, three spirit abilities capable of
reaching the thousand year level. Clearly the spirit abilities of
this young woman’s spirit rings weren’t common.

As for that fat rat’s transformation it appeared somewhat

ridiculous. Mouth protruding, becoming pointed, producing
several rat whiskers, under his upper lip two enormous
buckteeth protruded. The small eyes went from small cracks to

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perfectly round. The round body equally crouching. Forearms
becoming slender, black sharp claws ejecting from the
fingertips. His three spirit rings were equally one white, one
yellow and one purple.

Seeing the other side suddenly reveal their spirits, Tang San
and Xiao Wu also didn’t hesitate. Xiao Wu leapt into the air,
standing firmly with one foot on Tang San’s shoulder. The pair
simultaneously released their spirits.

Growing long rabbit ears with white fur, even more slender
legs in addition to two red eyes, those were all the
characteristics of Xiao Wu. Compared to before, her arms also
had some soft fur, but much finer than the other side’s thin cat.

Equally two yellow and one purple, altogether six spirit rings
abruptly appeared over the Three Five Combination,
immediately causing a commotion in the audience.

These spectators frequently watching spirit fights were

naturally extremely familiar with the spirit ring levels of Spirit
Masters. Two hundred year and one thousand year, in spirit
rings, the Three Five Combination was clearly ahead of the
opposing Cat Rat Combination. The previously extremely
optimistic spectators on the Cat Rat Combination’s side

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immediately changed somewhat. But the atmosphere became
even more enthusiastic; the more evenly matched the
competitors the better the show.

The audience saw the power of the Three Five Combination’s

spirit rings, so how could the Cat Rat Combination not see the
same? But the spirit fight had already begun, they had no choice
but to launch the arrow already on the bowstring.

The thin cat young lady sprung into action, both legs moving
rapidly, the whole person like a whirlwind close to ground,
sweeping towards Tang San and Xiao Wu, two spirit rings over
her body flaring simultaneously. The sharp claws on her hands
swung criss cross, ten bright silver claw traces splitting the air,
simultaneously attacking both parts of the Three Five

Simultaneously, her speed reached a kind of terrifying degree.

The pressure of her spirit power instantly reached its peak.

Of the two spirit abilities one was speed, one was sharp claw
attack. Although he didn’t know the names, Tang San already
judged correctly. Shrugging his shoulder, Xiao Wu on his
shoulder used the power to leap up, soaring into the air,
pouncing directly at the fat rat in the back. But Tang San circled

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both hands in front of his body, feet using Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track, hands directly employing Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon, he wanted to test just how strong the
opponent’s spirit power actually was.

Light and shadow flashed past. Tang San’s body was brought
to stagger and he was secretly aghast. It was no wonder the Cat
Rat Combination was able to gain four successive victories. This
thin cat young woman’s spirit power had perhaps not reached
any less than Dai Mubai’s level. Fortunately Tang San had used
Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track along with Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon, not only getting out of the way, but still
relying on his Mysterious Heaven Skill internal power to deflect
the opponent’s attack.

(老鹅) “Old Goose”

(天涯) “Horizon”

(断刃) Possibly related, there’s another Chinese web novel

author called Break Blade Horizon, using the same characters as

1尺2寸 = 40 cm

1559 Goldenagato |

8寸 = 27 cm

Idiom: Act swiftly and decisively.

“Seventh [younger] sister” Zhu Zhuqing is the seventh oldest,

Rongrong is the sixth.

Point of interest: Apparently “eating tofu” is a euphemism for






(柔骨魅兔) The character for Demon (魅) can also mean

1560 Goldenagato |

“magic” or “to charm”



(猫鼠组合) Or “Cat Mouse Combination”

Idiom meaning “half truth”, but is probably used more

literally here.

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Chapter 45 - Tyrannical Opponent, Mad
Battle Team

The thin cat young lady clearly did not hope to beat the enemy
with her first attack. Just when Tang San diverted her silver
claw flurry, she already pushed close to Tang San, her third
spirit ring lighting up.

On the other side, Xiao Wu pounced from above, straight

towards the fat rat. The fat rat also looked upwards to see her,
but wasn’t panicked. His spherical body suddenly bounced
upwards, his first two spirit rings simultaneously lighting up,
his claws popping out. With a speed unlike his size, he
approached Xiao Wu. His speed was surprisingly even faster
than the thin cat.

Fat Rat’s stature was confusing to any type of enemy. Tang

San’s first guess was right, they were both Agility System Spirit
Masters. However, thin cat’s first spirit ring was Speed Boost,
and that was a ten year spirit ring. Fat rat’s second spirit ring
was Speed boost.

Hundred year spirit rings cannot be compared to ten year

spirit rings, so actually Fat Rat’s speed was even faster than thin
cat’s, but his strength was weaker than skinny cat’s in the first

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two spirit rings.

The two sides both started their confrontations. The flames of

spirit fighting were also released at this moment.

When thin cat pushed near Tang San’s body, her third spirit
ring had already released it’s ability. Her goal was to take down
Tang San with the speed of ten thousand tons of lightning and
then go back to help Fat Rat. When seeing Tang San and Xiao
Wu with superior spirit rings, the experienced thin cat already
decided to use this extreme method to fight. In normal fights,
both sides do a bit of probing to find out the enemy’s spirit
abilities before going all in. She did this because she was forced
by their strong spirit rings. If she succeeded, the win would be
theirs. Four wins in a row isn’t easy to get, and they don’t want
to waste the five win streak. If that happens, the points and the
money earned are tenfolded.

“Miaoo----” A shrill meow suddenly sounded. Thin cat young

lady’s body changed in midair, her claws suddenly becoming ten
times longer, changing into ten sharp swords aiming for Tang
San. The spirit power on the claws made whistled through the
air. The very air bended as it went through.

This obviously wasn’t her own strength anymore, but the

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powers that come with her third spirit abilities. Now, she was
already right in front of Tang San, the elongated claws thrusted
for many spots on Tang San. Her attack was also doubled by her
thousand year spirit ring and was now undefendable for a same
ranked Spirit Master.

If the enemy was any other Spirit Master, they might have
actually been defeated by the courageous advancements of her.
Locking down their front, the only option was to back off to
dodge her attack, but Tang San had already backed off slightly,
so he was very near the Spirit Fighting Stage’s edge. If he
backed up right now, thin cat was sure she could push him off
the stage.

Unfortunately, thin cat’s plans failed. Her enemy Tang San

once went through a life and death situation, how would he be
easily beaten back?

As the sharp claws almost pierced through his body, suddenly,

Tang San’s upper body disappeared without any warning.

Thin cat young lady blanked a little. Her movements were

way too quick, so even she didn’t see how Tang San did it.

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In reality Tang San’s actions were simple. All he did was bend
backwards, letting his entire upper body fall back. Though he
wasn’t as flexible as Xiao Wu, doing this was still within his
ability. However, because thin cat young lady was in front of
him, doing this was exposing his chest. Though the thin cat
young lady blanked, she immediately found Tang San’s
seemingly wrong actions. All she has to do is flick her wrist
downwards to win this fight.

Victory was imminent, and thin cat young lady couldn’t help
but feel joy. Flicking her wrist was such an easy move for her.

Thinking in her mind, she thought, This guy with a mask has
decent spirit rings, but his real combat experience is horrible.
He used this weakness exposing tactic to solve my previous

However, she also forgot something. She forgot about Tang

San’s spirit.

Thin cat young lady’s joy only lasted a split second. The next
moment, she found that she couldn’t move her body at all, not
even to flick her wrist downwards.

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Tang San already released his Blue Silver Grass earlier when
Xiao Wu jumped from his shoulders. Only his Blue Silver Grass
was summoned along the ground. When thin cat young lady
attacked, her body stopped for a split second and the dexterous
Blue Silver Grass entangled her.

If not for the Blue Silver Grass’s entanglement, though she

was very fast, how would Tang San expose his weakness in front
of her?

After the bending back, Tang San somersaulted backwards,

both legs kicking out onto the enemy’s wrists.

Thin cat young lady suddenly discovered she couldn’t move.

Just when she wanted to struggle, Tang San’s two kicks came
and a big force sent her flying backwards. At the same time, the
spikes on the blue silver grass popped out, paralyzing her entire
body, forcing her to concentrate all her spirit power to defend
against it.

In a real combat situation, the advantage of the painfully

obtained Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring was shown. Not
only was Blue Silver Grass extremely tough, the poison was also
increased greatly. Binding looked like Tang San’s first spirit
ability, but Blue Silver Grass was the main body of Tang San’s

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spirit, so every spirit ring would augment the Blue Silver Grass.
This was the advantage of a Tool Spirit Vs a Beast spirit. Tool
Spirit Masters, though their bodies couldn’t be augmented by
the spirit, their spirit grew stronger consistently.

Though thin cat young lady struggled with all her might, her
spirit power wasn’t even as strong as Dai Mubai’s or as intense,
so how could she escape the blue silver grass? Under the
paralyzing poison, she was absolutely controlled by Tang San.

Tang San walked his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track. With

one step, he came to thin cat young lady’s side. Flipping her
with with the tips of his toes, her body fell off the Spirit
Fighting Stage. According to the rules, the moment they fell off
the stage, they were out.

At the same time as the thin cat young lady fell off the
platform, Fat Rat was also thrown off on the other side.

As it turned out, Xiao Wu, who was dashing towards Fat Rat,
without hesitation activated her Teleportation, flashing behind
Fat Rat. Her scorpion braid whipping out, trapping the enemy’s
neck, right leg kicking, throwing Fat Rat off the platform.

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If it was a life and death situation, the thrown out Fat Rat
would obviously still have fighting power. Xiao Wu, though she
activated her Waist Bow, didn’t give the enemy a major injury.
After all, beast type Spirit Masters all had very strong bodies,
plus the enemy was prepared for it, unlike the ambushed Vulgar
Uncle Bu Le, who didn’t even release his spirit power. In this
fight, Fat Rat’s spirit wasn’t a flying type spirit, so how could he
control his body in midair? He was thrown off at almost the
same time as Thin Cat.

The fight started fast and ended faster. In the fight, in only
the blink of an eye, the match was decided.

In the audience, those spectators cheering for the Cat Rat

Combination instantly became quiet as mice, as Tang San and
Xiao Wu settled on the Spirit Fighting Stage and smiled at each

Even they hadn’t thought today would be this easy. In their

mind, they thought it was because of countering spirits. Tang
San’s Control System and Xiao Wu’s Close Combat were both
counters of Agility System Spirit Masters. Originally Xiao Wu
should be countered by Agility System Spirit Masters, but now
that she had Teleportation, it greatly reduced her own
weaknesses. Under unprepared circumstances, the Fat Rat
didn’t even activate his thousand year spirit ring before he was

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sent flying by her.

Grandmaster, sitting in the stands, nodded slightly. He was

very satisfied with Tang San and Xiao Wu’s performance. As a
spectator, he saw even clearer than everyone else. In the few
moments of fighting, Tang San’s reaction time and his synergy
with his own spirit were all perfect. Easily beating a team with
higher spirit power wasn’t only because of countering spirits.
The months of real combat training under his direction were
starting to show results.

Under the announcement of the host, Three Five

Combination received a good score of two consecutive wins, and
their points rose to three.

Only now did the crowds around the stage finally start
cheering. Though this fight was short, both Tang San’s Blue
Silver Grass and Xiao Wu’s Teleportation opened their minds.
The crowds were fair, and wouldn’t be miserly with their
applause. The Three Five Combination, under the crowd’s
cheers, silently left the stage. What awaited them still were a
one versus one battle each.

Perhaps today was a lucky day for Shrek Seven Devils, in all
the one versus one and two versus two spirit fights, everyone

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obtained victory. Among them Oscar and Dai Mubai named
their combination Dual Winged White Tiger, referring to how
under little Ao’s assistance, the Evil Eye White Tiger was like a
tiger that had grown wings. They faced an attack and defense
system Spirit Master combination, Dai Mubai under the effect
of Oscar’s mushroom sausage, with speed fully compensating
for his weaknesses, adding the flying capability, with a power
not short of a thunderbolt he “delivered” one of the opponents
outside the ring, after which the contest naturally held no

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing named their combination

Seven Treasures Civet, and as the opponents saw Ning
Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda their fighting
spirit already dropped greatly. When facing a combination with
an auxiliary system Spirit Master one should first attack the
auxiliary system Spirit Master, but common Spirit Masters
couldn’t want to offend the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School
as one of the seven great sects. Therefore, two both twentieth
ranked Spirit Masters had to confront Zhu Zhuqing with speed
and strength boosted by thirty percent. Under the assistance of
the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, the current Zhu
Zhuqing apart from not having a third spirit ability, already had
strength surpassing the thirtieth ranked level, and relying on
lightning-like speed she settled the opponents without wasting
too much effort.

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Five one versus one bouts, and three two versus two bouts
ended in complete victory, for the opening of the Shrek Seven
Devils’ spirit fight journey it was a perfect start. Of course, they
still hadn’t finished the spirit fights today, there was still one
last bout waiting for them.

Successively eating two of his own sausages, then giving the

others one recovery sausage each, Oscar’s face was proud.
Obtaining a point the first time he took part in a fight, how
could he be unhappy, especially since apart from using some of
his spirit power to give Dai Mubai a mushroom sausage, he
basically did nothing. He had not even needed to use his plan to
escape the opponents’ attacks in the ring.

Grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji looking at the seven

disciples before them couldn’t help but nod inwardly, how
could they be dissatisfied when these less than fifteen year olds
were able to obtain this kind of success in the Spirit Arena?

Grandmaster said:

“We should go join the team battles, as a result of signing up

for late bouts you should be competing close to last. Remember,
what you will confront is a team over thirtieth rank. Team
battles are different from one versus one and two versus two,

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the teamwork between each other is far more important than
individual fighting strength. Since the counterpart fights as a
team, they will not lack any type of Spirit Master. As for tactics,
it depends on how they are arranged.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Grandmaster, don’t say you’re still not happy with our

teamwork? Little San, you are a control system Spirit Master,
when we’re fighting later you take command, all of us will listen
to you.”

Tang San didn’t object, as the soul of the team, this was his

“Well, later Mubai, Xiao Wu, Zhuqing, you three are our main
assault, Mubai in the middle, Xiao Wu and Zhuqing supporting
on the side. I’ll be in the middle to as far as possible restrain the
opponents and support your attack. Fatty. You stay in the rear,
use your Phoenix Fire Wire to perform ranged attacks and
protect little Ao and Rongrong. Little Ao, begin preparing now,
get everyone one of each of your three sausages, any problems?”

Oscar said:

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“No problem, my spirit power is still sufficient.”

Tang San last turned to Ning Rongrong,

“Pay attention to your safety. You and little Ao mustn’t be far

from Fatty’s side. If the opponents launch an attack towards
you there’s no need to be nervous. Me and Fatty will work
together to protect you.”

Ning Rongrong giggled,

“What nervous? It doesn’t seem like I can even feel that.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Good. Let’s go.”

The team battle arena obviously had to be much larger than

for one versus one and two versus two, and the contestants’
lobby appeared especially bustling. At least thirty Spirit Masters

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waited here.

One must know, in all of Balak Kingdom, there were only two
Spirit Arenas on the scale of Suotuo Great Spirit Arena: one was
here, the other was Balak Great Spirit Arena in Balak Kingdom’s
capital. One might say that Spirit Masters wanting to join in
spirit fights in Balak Kingdom practically had to gather in these
two cities, otherwise there wouldn’t be this many Spirit Masters

According to Spirit Hall’s statistics, in the whole Continent

there were no more than a hundred thousand Spirit Masters, of
them the Spirit Masters residing in Balak Kingdom were only
two thousand or so, that’s all. From this, Great Spirit Arena
could attract an amount of Spirit Masters.

Even if it was Spirit Masters on the level of Flender and Zhao

Wuji, there were still many participating in big spirit fights.
Because of the high level and powerful strength, the earnings
they could obtain from Great Spirit Arena were considerable.
Were it not for Zhao Wuji’s numerous enemies and Flender’s
arrogance, with the Academy’s finances in a slump, maybe they
also would have participated in spirit fights.

Sure enough like what Grandmaster said, Tang San’s group

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would be second from last to appear. They couldn’t go see the
fights outside, and among the seven were four who had
experienced two spirit fights and all had used some spirit power.
Even though they had the assistance of Oscar’s recovery
sausage, spirit power couldn’t recover completely in such a
short time. So taking advantage of the time before they had to
appear, the seven sat down in a corner meditating to aggregate
spirit power, preparing for the fight later.

If only one person wore a mask, perhaps they wouldn’t draw

too much attention, but when seven people wore the same
mask, as they entered this team battle lobby they couldn’t avoid
drawing the attention of others. The majority of Spirit Masters
on seeing Tang San’s party revealed alert expressions.

Although they couldn’t see the faces of the Shrek Seven

Devils, from their stature and clothing they could still make out
at they consisted of three women and four men. Among Spirit
Master teams, female Spirit Masters were only one fifth as many
as the male Spirit Masters, so this kind of team was already
somewhat odd.

As Tang San’s seven were quietly cultivating and waiting to

enter, a more than two meters tall, extremely sturdy large man
suddenly walked in their direction. From his appearance he was
over thirty years old, with a naked torso exposing exaggerated

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suntanned muscles, no need to ask, he was another strength
model Spirit Master.

“Hey, little miss, with your figure, what are you doing
covering your face, let big brother have a look.”

He spoke to the one among the three girls of the Shrek Seven
Devils with the most fiery figure, Zhu Zhuqing. Although Zhu
Zhuqing was the youngest, her degree of development
constantly made Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong envious. Right
now with face covered by a mask, there was basically no
indication she was just a twelve year old girl.

“Get lost.”

Her reply was very consistent with her usual personality, only
one cold utterance.

“Is it that your face is shameful? Little girl, don’t you know
who I am? You dare talk to me that way.”

As he spoke, he already raised his big hand.

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“She told you to get lost, didn’t you hear?”

Dai Mubai stood up sharply, stepping in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Although he was a size smaller than the opponent, the sudden
eruption of his imposing manner made the opponent pause.

“Looking to die.”

The big man fiercely widened his eyes, right hand suddenly
swinging, swatting down at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, his right fist swinging up to meet

the opponent’s palm.

With a muffled peng, the big man’s body swayed once, but Dai
Mubai took two steps back, a cold light flashing in the four
pupils of his Evil Eyes, intense killing intent immediately
exploding out from the oldest of the Shrek Seven Devils, the
Evil Eye White Tiger.

The Shrek Seven Devils to the side naturally saw Dai Mubai
get the worst of it. As a power type Spirit Master, although Dai

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Mubai hadn’t used his spirit, his spirit power could affect his
attack. By him being sent back two steps it could clearly be seen
that the opponent’s spirit power was higher than his. One must
know that currently Dai Mubai was already a thirty seventh
ranked Spirit Elder, moreover about to enter the thirty eighth
rank. Being beaten back by the counterpart under these kinds of
circumstances, then, this robust large man before them very
possibly was thirty eighth ranked, or even thirty ninth ranked
Spirit Elder. In the thirtieth rank, his spirit power was already a
top level existence.

“Stop fighting!”

When both sides stood with swords drawn and bows bent, on
the verge of a large fight, a neutral voice suddenly interposed
itself, a seeming like a forty something years old middle aged
man approached with large strides. He didn’t seem to use any
power, but with only two steps appeared between Dai Mubai
and the large man.

“Don’t you know you can’t have personal fights in the Spirit
Arena waiting area? These are the rules of the Great Spirit
Arena. If you must fight, go do so on the Spirit Arena stage.”

Seeing this middle aged man, that previously bristling with

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anger big man unexpectedly immediately changed complexion,

“Manager Ao, my bad, I briefly didn’t hold back.”

The middle aged man called manager Ao gazed at the Shrek

Seven Devils,

“You must be that newly registered team Shrek Seven Devils.

All right, you don’t need to argue here, as it happens, today you
will be each other’s opponents in the Spirit Arena. Whatever
your grievances, settle them yourselves in the arena. Mad Xi,
the next time you let me catch you causing trouble, don’t blame
me for being rude, this is the last time I’ll warn you, remember

“Yes, yes, no need to repeat it, no need to repeat it.”

Mad Xi’s strong body and that ridiculous expression on his

face seemed extremely unharmonious, but as his gaze changed
direction to Dai Mubai, it immediately became cold, extending a
finger to point at Dai Mubai,

“Kid, just wait till later. I’ll beat you till your mama won’t

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recognize you, or my name isn’t Mad Xi.”

Finished speaking, Mad Xi turned around and left.

That manager Ao cast a glance at Dai Mubai, indifferently


“Don’t be deceived by appearances. Mad Xi is the captain of

Mad Battle Team, all their members are over thirty fifth rank
spirit power. In the seven days since they registered at the Spirit
Arena their team has already obtained seven successive victories
on the Spirit Elder rank. If they can accomplish ten successive
victories, they will be directly advanced to copper spirit fights.
With their strength, they could be counted as first class among
the thirtieth ranked copper spirit fighter teams, they would
even be outstanding. You’re on your own. If you admit your
strength is insufficient, after going on stage immediately admit
defeat. If Mad Battle Team acts, you’ll end up wounded or

Manager Ao didn’t speak loudly, just enough to let all the

Shrek Seven Devils hear him, then turned around and left. But
after the other Spirit Masters saw manager Ao, they didn’t look
in their direction again.

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Dai Mubai curled his lips,

“I didn’t expect that the first time we climb onto the Spirit
Fighting Stage we would encounter a bone so difficult to chew.
Wounded or dead? I want to see who really ends up wounded or

“That Mad Xi isn’t simple.”

Oscar said,

“Boss Dai, remember the first thing this manager said, don’t
be deceived by appearances. He gave us a hint, Mad Xi isn’t a
boorish as he appears. Able to become a team captain, leading
his team to seven successive victories, frightening the other
teams, that can’t be accomplished by strength alone. This fellow
might be specially probing our strength.”

Dai Mubai nodded,

“Very possible, if it’s like this, we must be cautious. Everyone

listen up, if the situations turn for the worse, don’t force it.
Immediately use little Ao’s mushroom sausage and escape the

1581 Goldenagato |

ring. Everyone’s safety must be the first priority.”

As the captain of the Shrek Seven Devils team, Dai Mubai

wasn’t a person that would let emotions affect his decisions, but
he also wouldn’t helplessly watch his girl be insulted. Of course,
the words “his girl” were only recognized by him alone, Zhu
Zhuqing absolutely wouldn’t acknowledge them.

Tang San said:

“The opponents have the advantage in rank. Since that Mad

Xi is written xi, his spirit should be Rhinoceros. A Spirit Master
inclined towards the defensive physical strength type. When
attacking, we should as much as possible refrain from clashing
with him. First attack the opponent’s lower ranked Spirit
Masters. Leave this Mad Xi to me. I’ll restrain him as far as

The thirteenth Spirit Arena altogether had five rings. Before

the third match the Shrek Seven Devils had an hour of rest.
Finally, it was their turn.

Shrek Seven Devils left the Spirit Master resting area at the
same time as Mad Battle Team. Now, they finally saw all the

1582 Goldenagato |

members of the Mad Battle Team.

The imposingly large Mad Xi walked ahead of them.

Following closely behind were two middle aged men of around
the same age, the two had a somewhat similar appearance, and
should be a pair of brothers, with ordinary builds and gloomy

Further in the rear was a glamorous woman, the only female

in the Mad Battle Team. Through the heavy makeup her age
couldn’t be made out, but by her figure she should be over
twenty. Her clothes were also extremely revealing, on her upper
body she only wore cloth wrapped around her chest, and
although she wore a skirt it was thin as gauze, and her skin
could be faintly seen through it.

The flirtatious woman threw Dai Mubai walking first of the

Shrek Seven Devils a coquettish look. Dai Mubai didn’t even
give her a glance, he had seen numerous beautiful women, and
most disliked this kind of heavy makeup. From the start he
didn’t have even a bit of interest.

Dai Mubai wasn’t interested, but he didn’t represent the

interest of the others, for example a certain Fatty. Right now his
Evil Fire was already rising. Secretly swallowing, in his mind

1583 Goldenagato |

playing out some fantasies not suitable for children.

Behind the flirtatious woman were two slightly built youths,

constantly watching in every direction with flickering gazes.

Walking last of the Mad Battle Team was their oldest member,
at least over forty, appearing very average, his clothes also quite
simple, if he wasn’t in this Great Spirit Arena it would be
difficult to connect him with the two words ‘Spirit Master’.

As the Shrek Seven Devils observed the opponents, the

opponents naturally also observed them. Unfortunately, among
the Shrek Seven Devils apart from Fatty’s distinctive figure, the
others all had very ordinary builds, and with their faces all
hidden behind Shrek masks it was very difficult to discern

The team Spirit Fighting Stage was much larger than for one
versus one and two versus two, its diameter reaching forty
meters. The surrounding audience was also twice as large, and
by now the stands were already packed. On the Spirit Fighting
Stage were some bloodstains, clearly left behind from the
previous team spirit fight.

1584 Goldenagato |

The Mad Battle Team’s appearance at once ignited the
audience’s craze, strong cheers resounded from everywhere.

“Tear them to shreds……, Kill them……”

Similar calls not only increased the pressure, but also made
people's blood boil.

The announcer on the stage was unexpectedly that manager

Ao who helped the Shrek Seven Devils out before, standing in
the center of the ring,

“The fourth bout, team battles. The two sides ready to fight
are: Mad Battle Team and Shrek Seven Devils. Regarding the
Mad Battle Team, I think there is already no need for a lengthy
introduction, they have already obtained a brilliant record of
seven successive victories, if they can keep it up and in the
future win a few more bouts, then, they will very possibly set
the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena’s record for fastest reaching
copper spirit fights. Next, let us have a look at the mysterious
assembly on the other side. This team completed registration
just today, this is also their first team spirit fight. How
unfortunate that they must face Mad Battle Team. These
masked Spirit Masters are called Shrek Seven Devils.”

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Whether it was because the Mad Battle Team had too many
supporters or the Shrek Seven Devils’ masks gave the spectators
a bad feeling, as manager Ao announced their name, the
surrounding audience immediately booed.

The area of the round forty meter diameter Spirit Fighting

Stage was already exceptionally large, more than a thousand
square meters, therefore even though both sides lined up had
more than fourteen people, it still didn’t seem crowded.

Following manager Ao’s proclamations, the Shrek Seven

Devils and Mad Battle team each assumed their formations.

On the Mad Battle Team’s side, furthest in front was the team
captain Mad Xi, and close behind his back were those two
gloomy middle aged men, the three people adopting a triangular

The flirtatious woman was in the centre of the seven, still

wearing a charming smile. The two slightly built youths were
on the two flanks, and that appearing very ordinary older
middle aged man was last. The whole formation resembled a
pointed awl.

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The Shrek Seven Devils’ side similarly got into their
formation. Different from the opponents’ 3-3-1 formation, the
Shrek Seven Devils assumed a 3-1-1-2 formation, the seven
people split into four rows.

Furthest in front was Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing,

second was Tang San, third was Ma Hongjun, and last was Oscar
and Ning Rongrong.

Oscar stuck close to where Ning Rongrong stood. At present

he didn’t have any assignment, the three sausages Tang San
requested for everyone he had already handed out. Even if they
had to be replenished, he could accomplish it quickly.

“What are you doing this close to me?”

Ning Rongrong said in a low voice.

Oscar said:

“In case someone attacks you, I can shield you with my body.”

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If she had heard Oscar’s words in an ordinary situation, Ning
Rongrong would certainly have thought he was trying
something. But right now Oscar’s words didn’t sound a bit
joking, his gaze all along fixed on the opponents not far away,
his voice also clearly became thick.

Having two auxiliary system Spirit Masters was admittedly

good, but it also meant the Shrek Seven Devils’ fighting
strength was five people. Facing a team of thirty fifth ranked or
higher members the pressure was obvious, and Ning Rongrong
with the Seven Treasured Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit would
clearly be the opponents’ main target. One must know that with
her there they could increase their strength by thirty percent.

The announcer separately asked both sides if they were ready.

As team captains, Dai Mubai and the other side’s Mad Xi
simultaneously indicated their preparations were complete.

“Starting countdown from five. Five, four, three, two, one.

Team spirit battles, fourth bout. Begin!”

One versus one and two versus two bouts didn’t have this
countdown. For the sake of letting both sides’ Spirit Masters
have time to release their spirits, like this, in the fight, it could
prevent effects of someone releasing their spirit slowly. Of

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course, to the Great Spirit Arena, it was in order to let the spirit
fight become more dramatic and attract the audience.

“Brothers, release spirits.”

Dai Mubai shouted loudly. His imposing manner suddenly

increased, the muscles all over his body expanding in a flash,
both arms stretching out to either side, releasing his Spirit
White Tiger Body Enhancement.

At the same time, both sides simultaneously released their

spirits. In a moment, Beast Spirit Masters’ bodies changed, Tool
Spirit Masters summoned their spirits, the whole Spirit
Fighting Stage immediately becoming incomparably dazzling.
Tang San finally understood why the audience liked watching
team spirit fights. This starting moment alone already couldn’t
be compared to the two other kinds of spirit fights. Imagine,
fourteen Spirit Masters simultaneously releasing their spirits,
dazzlingly beautiful spirit rings shining simultaneously, such a
grand scene.

On the Shrek Seven Devils’ side, the colors of the Spirit

Elders’ spirit rings were the same, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San
and Xiao Wu, all had two yellow and one purple, in other words
two hundred year and one thousand year, altogether three spirit

1589 Goldenagato |

rings. The other three also each had two hundred year spirit

Compared to the Shrek Seven Devils, the opposing Mad Battle

Team clearly had somewhat unevenly matched spirit rings. Mad
Xi had one white, one yellow, one purple. A standard ten year,
hundred year and thousand year assembly. The two gloomy
middle aged men at his side each had one white and two yellow.
Clearly a lot weaker spirit rings. The only one with a first rate
spirit ring configuration was unexpectedly that flirtatious
woman, the same as the four Spirit Elders on the Shrek Seven
Devils’ side, she also possessed the aid of two yellow and one
purple spirit ring.

Of the other three, although they were also thirtieth ranked

Spirit Masters, a thousand year spirit ring only appeared over
that last very ordinary looking older middle aged man, his spirit
rings were the same as Mad Xi, and the other two had one white
and two yellow.

The Shrek Seven Devils’ side’s neat colors immediately

formed a clear contrast with the other side’s uneven matchup.
Although Mad Xi who had previously already sounded out Dai
Mubai’s strength had a certain preparedness, as he saw the
Shrek Seven Devils unexpectedly had four Spirit Elders with
first rate spirit ring arrangements, he was still alarmed.

1590 Goldenagato |

Fortunately, they still had three Spirit Grandmasters,
otherwise, perhaps he would have immediately thought of

From the contrast of spirit rings before them it could be seen

just how rare higher level spirit rings were, for common Spirit
Masters obtaining a good spirit ring was exceedingly difficult.
After all, spirit beasts that produced excellent spirit rings were
all much more powerful than Spirit Masters, they could only be
obtained safely with powerful assistance.

The originally noisy crowd now became silent, the impact of

seeing four purple spirit rings was absolutely not small. To say
nothing of the Shrek Seven Devils’ side not having even one
white spirit ring, this was sufficient testimony of their

Manager Ao was equally startled by the Shrek Seven Devils’

spirit rings, but he still recovered to normal very quickly, and
along with declaring the start retreated swiftly, his speed
incredibly high, clearly he was a Spirit Master with not
inconsiderable strength.

The first to act wasn’t the Battle Spirit Masters both sides had
in front, but the auxiliary system Spirit Masters in the back.

1591 Goldenagato |

Light shone in the palm of that older middle aged man, in his
hand was already a silver disk. The white and yellow spirit rings
over his body simultaneously flared.

“Wishful Disk, let defensive light blossom, Wishful Disk, let

offensive halo blossom.”

Two halos the same color as the two spirit rings released in a
flash, giving each of the six comrades in front of him a layer of
yellow and white light.

(雷霆万钧之势) Literally “Thunderclap’s ten thousand jun

power” where a jun is 30 jin, or 15 kg, so something like an
instantaneous irresistible force.

(如意算盘) Literally “As one wants - abacus”. Means the

calculated plans that one made based on predictions.


“A tiger that has grown wings” is also an idiom referring to

redoubling power.

1592 Goldenagato |


In RAW her reply is only one character (滚), but English is less

Idiom: Ready for battle.

(敖主管) “Rambling”, a different ao from Oscar.

(狂犀) “Mad Rhinoceros”, the “mad” from “Mad Battle Team”.

Mad Xi uses (laozi 老子) here, or “I, your father”, which is an

extremely arrogant way to refer to oneself.

(犀牛) The first character is the xi in Mad Xi.

By RAW she’s wearing a moxiong (抹胸) or basically a wide

cloth wrapped around the breasts.

1256.64 m2 to be more precise

1593 Goldenagato |

(如意之盘) “Disk that acts as desired”



1594 Goldenagato |

Chapter 46 - Control System Spirit Master’s

On the Shrek Seven Devils side, dazzlingly beautiful light

already shone in Ning Rongrong’s hand. In her right palm was a
more than one chi tall seven colored pagoda.

Gem-like light twinkling, exuding a noble air, Ning Rongrong

had a smile on her face, her entire body floating in the air like
an immortal. Auxiliary system Spirit Master spirit incantations
rose from her lips.

“Seven Treasure Words, first: Strength.”

“Seven Treasure Words, second: Speed.”

The two spirit rings circling around Ning Rongrong spiraled

up simultaneously, enveloping the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda, fourteen lines of light were released simultaneously,
separately reaching out to her and her six companions.

Relaxation and warmth, these two kinds of feelings

1595 Goldenagato |

simultaneously spread through the bodies of the Shrek Seven
Devils, physical strength and speed in a moment receiving a
thirty percent boost.

This Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda was actually too

familiar to many people, seeing their opponents unexpectedly
had a Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit Master, the
expressions of the Mad Battle Team’s members immediately
became unsightly. Let alone the Seven Glazed Tile Pagoda’s
effect on teammates being first among auxiliary system Spirit
Masters, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School background
alone was already enough to give them pause.


The arrow was on the bow string, there was no choice but to
let it fly. Right now Mad Xi already didn’t have the time to think
too much, although in his heart he regretted the previous
provocation to Dai Mubai, at this moment he could only finish
the battle before him before talking about it again. Plotting this
time’s victory, they absolutely couldn’t like before injure the
opponent. They mustn’t offend the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile

Mad Xi’s spirit was indeed Rhinoceros, after releasing his

1596 Goldenagato |

spirit, not only did his body grow one size, his skin growing a
layer of horn that was just like armor, what changed the most
was his head, growing a more than half a chi long horn that
twinkled with light brown light. Along with his loud shout,
light rushed out from his ten year spirit ring. With an imposing
manner he charged towards Dai Mubai.

The two Spirit Masters by Mad Xi’s side were also classified in
the power system, both were Beast Spirit Masters, using
identical spirits, heads growing two horns, skin a layer of white
fur, they were grand Sheep Spirits. In concert with Mad Xi, they
charged simultaneously.

As a team, coordination was extremely important. The Mad

Battle Team’s auxiliary system Spirit Master gave them a five
percent defense boost and ten percent offense boost. Compared
to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda’s amplification, the
difference was really too far. Otherwise, how would the Seven
Glazed Tile Pagoda be called the premier Support Spirit.

Behind Mad Xi’s trio, the two agility attack system Spirit
Masters also moved swiftly, their spirits were Monkey, their
bodies covered by yellow fur, with incomparable speed they
detoured around either side of Dai Mubai’s trio, directly aiming
for Ning Rongrong.

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At the same time, that flirtatious young woman with the first
rate spirit rings acted. She was also a Beast Spirit Master, able to
hold the central position of the team, besides strength, it was
her Spirit Master cultivation direction, the same as Tang San,
she was also a control system Spirit Master. What amazed Tang
San was that this flirtatious young woman’s Beast Spirit was
unexpectedly Spider. In the instant of her Spirit Body
Enhancement, Tang San finally took note of her. As the
flirtatious young woman’s spirit released, her whole body was
covered by a layer of pink light, wavy long hair rising into eight
locks, unexpectedly taking the shape of eight spider legs to the
sides of her head. On her forehead was a spider web mark, her
two eyes also became pink.

Along with the first spirit ring flaring, raising both hands, a
line of spider silk shot out from her palm, aimed into the air
where it began to weave together.

Seeing the opponent’s control system Spirit Master was a

Spider, even Dai Mubai couldn’t help but smile. The Man Faced
Demon Spider had a name among arachnid spirit beasts: that
was Spider King. He didn’t even need to think about it, he
already knew the other side’s spirit was restrained by their side.

Tang San coolly observed the situation. He shouted loudly,

1598 Goldenagato |

“Fatty, midair, Phoenix Fire Wire, launch.”

Ma Hongjun was already prepared from long ago, purple red

flames sprayed out, going straight for the spider web in the air.

It was also at just this moment that Tang San also acted.
Several tens of Blue Silver Grass abruptly spread out from below
him, not at all forward, but rather to the sides, the Binding
ability activating doubly, directly blocking those two Monkey
Spirit agility attack system young Spirit Masters.

Control system restrained agility attack system, this was

something any Spirit Master knew. Seeing the Blue Silver Grass
mill out, the two surprisingly fast Monkey Spirit Masters
immediately came to a halt.

Tang San’s hand also rose, without even looking to either

side, the round green light in his palm was already thrown with
the Arrow Hand Throw technique, targeting Mad Xi furthest in
front of the opponents.

Mad Xi naturally saw the green light released by Tang San, he

also understood this person on the other side was a control
system Spirit Master, and without thinking launched his second

1599 Goldenagato |

spirit ring. Along with his enormous body rushing forward, he
simultaneously swung his fists, a dazzling black light shone
from the fists, the two unexpectedly collided in midair,
becoming an enormous black light wave, rushing straight for
the yellow green light Tang San sent out.

It had to be said that Mad Xi’s actual combat experience was

unusually rich, the target of his black light wave wasn’t just the
green light Tang San launched, once it smashed the green light,
then, its next target was Dai Mubai.

But, could he truly stop that green light?

Mad Xi in the end still overlooked one thing: when Tang San
released the green light, it was his third spirit ring that shone,
just that purple thousand year spirit ring.

The green light wasn’t destroyed by the black light, it also

didn’t clash with the black light. The black light’s attack swept
down, but at this moment, a Blue Silver Grass quietly stretched
out from a tricky angle, just enough to nudge behind the green
light, at the soft touch, originally about to meet with the black
light the green light floated up into the air and again back down.

1600 Goldenagato |

“Mad Xi, careful!”

The flirtatious young woman’s face changed, hurriedly

shouting a loud warning. Right now, in midair that not fully
formed spider web was already completely changed before Ma
Hongjun’s Evil Fire, without reaching half its original effect.
With Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda
amplification, the originally not inconsiderable spirit power
difference had been substantially pulled closer. This artillery-
like attack of Ma Hongjun’s could display the full might of his
Evil Fire.

Mad Xi of course knew he had to be careful, but speed was

after all not his area of expertise. The black light his fists threw
out was now already impacting the second spirit ability White
Tiger Light Wave Dai Mubai unleashed, the white and black
colors colliding immediately caused an enormous boom. This
time, Mad Xi didn’t have any advantage, at the same time as Dai
Mubai came to a stop, he swayed once.

The green light finally revealed its true nature, in a flash

spreading out into a large net dropping from the sky,
completely enveloping Mad Xi’s body within. The spider web
abruptly tightened, closely twisting Mad Xi’s body together.

1601 Goldenagato |

With Spider Web Restraint having double the toughness of
Blue Silver Grass, Mad Xi wanting to break free from within the
large net became practically an impossible matter.

A burst of smoke simultaneously appeared under the spider

web, the spider web’s additional corrosive and paralysing types
of poison unleashed simultaneously, starting to erode the horn
layer on Mad Xi’s skin.

“Little San, well done.”

Dai Mubai seeing mad Xi successfully contained by Tang San,

immediately roused his spirit, stomping down forcefully, he
shot forward like an arrow, his target the leftmost Sheep Spirit
Master. Confronting the opponent’s charge, he basically lazily
side stepped. Just what is called ‘a lamb in a tiger’s den’, with
their spirits’ innate contrast, the atmosphere around Dai Mubai
already had a not inconsiderable effect on the opponent.

Xiao Wu’s figure flashed, meeting the other Sheep Spirit

Master, and Zhu Zhuqing accelerated with all her strength,
flanking from the side, regardless of that control system Spirit
Master, directly targeting the rearmost Wishful Disk Support
Spirit Master.

1602 Goldenagato |

The fight was now already in full swing, in the first exchange,
it was clearly the Mad Battle Team that had suffered greatly,
their principal fighting strength Mad Xi was twisted up in Tang
San’s Spider Web Restraint, making their frontline situation
immediately disadvantageous.

At this moment, the Mad Battle Team revealed the strength of

their seven successive victories. Among any one Spirit Master
team, regardless of the number of people, the control system
Spirit Master was the soul of the team.

The flirtatious young woman seeing Mad Xi trapped didn’t

reveal any impatience, instead swiftly advancing, pouncing
towards Mad Xi, at the same time shouting in a loud voice:

“Both Monkeys withdraw, protect Wishful Disk! Both Sheep

hold fast!”

The two Monkey Spirit Masters previously blocked by Tang

San’s Blue Silver Grass were already swiftly retreating to their
side, now hearing the flirtatious young woman’s orders, they
pounced at Zhu Zhuqing without the slightest hesitation.

Mad Xi in his violent struggle had now already fallen down, he

1603 Goldenagato |

wanted to rely on his physical strength to struggle free of Tang
San’s Spider Web Restraint, but that corrosive poison
constantly coming from the spider web was swiftly eroding his
horn layer. His defensive power was admittedly very high, but
this didn’t at all mean he was immune to poison. The outermost
horn layer had already been corroded, and the more violently he
struggled, the tighter the spider web became. Right now it was
already gradually deepening.

When the flirtatious young woman saw Tang San in an

instant shooting the spider web she was already greatly
shocked, although Tang San’s spider web was constituted of
Blue Silver Grass, she clearly understood that the opponent’s
third spirit ring certainly came from an arachnid spirit beast.
But she with a spider spirit confronting this kind of opponent
didn’t have any confidence. Right now her goal was very simple,
first she had to dissolve the spider web over Mad Xi.

“Your opponent is me.”

Tang San’s calm and steady voice echoed next to the

flirtatious young woman’s ear, Blue Silver Grass milled out,
going straight for entwining her body. He absolutely wouldn’t
give Mad Xi the opportunity to recover his fighting strength.

1604 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai confronting the Sheep Spirit Master already held
the absolute advantage, even though the opponent’s spirit
power wasn’t weaker than his, his spirit’s advantage was really
too big, before his berserk tiger claw attack, the opponent could
only retreat step by step. But neither side had used their third
spirit ring, that was a last resort - only for when absolutely
necessary, no one would use it lightly.

Different from Dai Mubai’s relaxation, Xiao Wu ran into some

trouble. Her opponent was equally a Sheep Spirit Master, and
besides clashing with spirit abilities, this Sheep Spirit Master’s
second spirit ability was unexpectedly a rare Trampling. Even
though Trampling didn’t have much range, whenever Xiao Wu
was about to get close, he unleashed the Trampling ability, and
basically didn’t give Xiao Wu the opportunity to close in. At the
same time, after Xiao Wu was shaken by the Trampling ability,
she still had to face the opponent’s charge, several times
narrowly escaping injury, for the moment she still didn’t dare
press the attack. Her Teleportation ability was unexpectedly
sealed by a second spirit ring Trampling ability. Although the
opponent’s ability could only restrain her for a second, this
second still left Xiao Wu largely helpless. To say nothing of the
opponent’s spirit power being higher than hers, for the
moment, they could still only tangle up each other, neither of
them had a method to deal with their opponent.

Zhu Zhuqing’s speed was matchless, under the effect of Ning

1605 Goldenagato |

Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, by practically
only dodging sideways a few time she had already reached the
other side’s Wishful Disk Spirit Master. Right now, those two
Monkey Spirit Masters were still a short distance away from

The first spirit ability Hell Rush Stab, activated. With the help
of her spirit ability, Zhu Zhuqing’s speed redoubled. The sharp
claws on her fingertips already extending, directly targeting the
opposing Spirit Master’s neck. As long as she could successfully
down the opponent, his support capability would disappear and
her goal would be achieved.

Blue Silver Grass rushed out frantically, tangling towards the

flirtatious young woman.

Facing Tang San’s attack, the flirtatious young woman didn’t

dare take any chances. As the linchpins of both sides, they at
last collided. The flirtatious young woman’s second spirit ring
flared, both simultaneously lifted their heads. This time, she
was no longer squirting spider thread from her palms, rather
spider silk welled out from her whole body. Although the spider
silk was more delicate than Blue Silver Grass, it won out in
quantity, forming a protective screen in front of her, able to
rigidly block the Blue Silver Grass.

1606 Goldenagato |

Where the spider silk came into contact with Blue Silver Grass
they constantly made a popping sound, that was the
confrontation of poison. With a spider spirit, how could the
flirtatious young woman’s spirit ability not contain poison?

The flirtatious young woman’s spider silk apparently had an

identical development direction as Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass.
Spider silk was tough, Blue Silver Grass itself also relied on
flexible strength, both sides were deadlocked in midair, nobody
able to deal with the opponent. They could only rely on poison
to attack each other. In this respect, Blue Silver Grass with the
Man Faced Demon Spider’s toxicity clearly held the advantage,
the supplemental corrosive poison constantly corroding the
spider silk.

Although the flirtatious young woman was inwardly shocked,

right now her goal was already attained. As long as she could
use this opportunity to release Mad Xi, then, the chance for
victory still lay on their side.

At this time, with a pu sound, a flame as thick as an arm

passed through a small opening in the Blue Silver Grass, directly
bombarding the flirtatious young woman’s woven together
spider web. The purple red flame not only directly opened a gap
in the spider web, but at the same time adhered to it, quickly
spreading to the sides. It was the arrival of Ma Hongjun’s

1607 Goldenagato |


Tang San praised him inwardly, and with a flick of his wrist,
again launched a round green light, just right to thread its way
through the hole in the opponent’s spider web, going straight
for that flirtatious young woman. As long as he was able to
restrain the other side’s control system Spirit Master, this fight
would lose any suspense.

If the flirtatious young woman didn’t duck quickly, she would

have been injured by Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire Wire. Phoenix
Fire Wire when Ma Hongjun had already released Bathing Fire
Phoenix greatly increased its attack power, its temperature
incomparably high. Most terrifying, his Phoenix Fire Wire
didn’t just attack in a straight line, but under Ma Hongjun’s
control it moved like a long whip of flame, able to destroy her
spider web in a few waves.

Seeing Tang San’s attack already arriving, the flirtatious

young woman could no longer manage to help Mad Xi, by falling
down she managed to avoid Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint.

Spider Web Restraint spread out in the air, how could its five
meter diameter range be so easy to escape. At this moment, the
third spirit ring over the flirtatious young woman finally flared.

1608 Goldenagato |

On either side of her head, the eight locks of hair extended,
enveloped by pink light, becoming eight two meter whips,
swinging simultaneously, they unexpectedly halted Tang San’s
Spider Web Restraint. Most peculiarly, these pink whips
weren’t affected by the adhesive on the spider web, rolling her
body, she escaped the covering range of the spider web.

Peng——, the Wishful Disk Spirit Master confronting the

agility attack system Zhu Zhuqing basically didn’t stand a
chance. Just like control system subdued agility attack system,
agility attack system also especially subdued auxiliary system.
Zhu Zhuqing’s one hand sliced at the opponent’s neck, the
Wishful Disk Spirit Master didn’t even groan, collapsing
unconscious to the ground.

But, the moment Zhu Zhuqing appeared before him, he knew

he was unable to escape, and also released his third spirit
ability. That Wishful Silver Disk discharged a layer of strange
silvery light, immediately afterward, at the same time as Zhu
Zhuqing hit him, that silvery light already successfully
transformed into six parts, and simultaneously infused into the
other six members of the team.

And this moment was also just when that flirtatious young
woman escaped from Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint.

1609 Goldenagato |

The silvery light entering them, the Mad Battle Team’s bodies
trembled once, the next moment, their eyes unexpectedly
simultaneously reddened, their bodies also expanding a full size.
Even Mad Xi on the ground still in the Spider Web Restraint,
relied on his waist strength to leap up from the ground.

Dai Mubai originally already held the complete advantage, but

after his opponent was infused with the silvery light, he
unexpectedly suddenly became frenzied, not only greatly
increasing spirit power, but at the same time both eyes turning
deep red, firmly forcing Dai Mubai to retreat, and moreover
frantically charging at him.

Xiao Wu’s circumstances were still worse than Dai Mubai’s,

that silvery light infusing her opponent more than increasing
spirit power and becoming frenzied, at the same time, that
Trampling ability’s range also became much greater. Along with
the intense shaking, Xiao Wu’s body immediately grew stiff,
unable to dodge the opponent’s charge.

In this key moment, team coordination at once showed its

effects, a Blue Silver Grass quietly twisted around Xiao Wu’s
waist, forcefully pulling back her body, getting her out of the
way of the opponent’s attack.

1610 Goldenagato |

The two Monkey Spirit Masters’ speed suddenly increased,
unexpectedly catching up to Zhu Zhuqing and pressuring her.
And the flirtatious young woman’s long pink hair in front of
Tang San grew longer in a flash, diverting four to directly strike
at the Spider Web on Mad Xi’s body, tearing with all their
might, adding to Mad Xi using all his strength, that Spider Web
Restraint on his body unexpectedly gave way slightly. Although
Mad Xi’s body had a large web of scars, as long as he was able to
break away from the Spider Web Restraint, then, with him
joining the opponents, the situation would immediately change.

The other four locks rapidly extended, whipping straight for

Tang San.

Right now Tang San was a bit empty, successively releasing

two Spider Web Restraints had already consumed two thirds of
his spirit power. Confronting the opponent’s fanatical attack,
Blue Silver Grass was already insufficient to obstruct it,
helplessly, he had no choice but to use Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track to swiftly withdraw. Fortunately he had Fatty’s Phoenix
Fire Wire cover blocking the other side’s attack. Among the
seven of the Mad Battle Team, besides the Wishful Disk Spirit
Master unconscious on the ground, the majority had already
sunk into a kind of special state, apparently only that spider
woman Spirit Master still kept her head clear. Although
Phoenix Evil Fire was her nemesis, she used Mad Xi’s body as a
shield in front of her. Ma Hongjun’s burning Phoenix Fire Wire,

1611 Goldenagato |

although it made Mad Xi bellow repeatedly, was still insufficient
to injure him, but Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint was equally
affected by the Evil Fire, under the utmost efforts of Mad Xi and
the spider woman Spirit Master, the Spider Web Restraint was
finally removed.

Originally in a vastly superior position, the situation

completely transformed under the Wishful Disk Spirit Master’s
spirit ability. A thousand year spirit ring’s ability indeed wasn’t
common. What the Shrek Seven Devils didn’t know was that
the reason the opponents were called Mad Battle Team was
their relationship with the current condition. That Wishful
Disk Spirit Master’s third spirit ring ability was obtained from a
Fanatic Devil Lizard, when used, this thousand year spirit ring’s
ability was able to grant a fanatical condition for three minutes.

After gaining the fanatical condition, one would lose the sense
of pain, and if one’s mental strength was too weak, one would
also simultaneously lose consciousness. In exchange it would
boost all attributes by fifty percent. And once gained the
auxiliary system spirit ability also lasted independently for one
minute. In other words, even if that Wishful Disk Spirit Master
was now already unconscious, the effect of his efforts on the
Mad Battle Team members would still be sustained for one
minute under Fanaticisms own power.

1612 Goldenagato |

It was also just like this that they could reverse the situation
in an instant.

Of course, the Fanaticism ability being this tyrannical, it

naturally also had flaws. The flaws were very straightforward:
the Fanaticism ability only had a duration of three minutes, and
after three minutes the ones affected by the Fanaticism ability
would be unable to use or condense spirit power for one double
hour. In other words, if they couldn’t defeat the opponent
under the effects of Fanaticism, they would die themselves. This
was an all-in spirit ability, but its effects were also absolutely
beyond the ordinary, capable of reversing Heaven and Earth in a
key moment.

At this key moment, it displayed Tang San’s importance as a

Control System Spirit Master and the soul of the team. He gave
up attacking up front. Blue Silver Grass quickly shot out, and
following Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, who was being chased by the
enemy team’s two monkey Spirit Masters, was pulled back
beside Tang San. Who also came back was Dai Mubai, who just
got forced away by his opponent. In a short time, he gathered
the seven people on his team.

Control System Spirit Masters not only have to control the

enemy, they also have to control their own team. What Tang
San did showed how well he knew his job.

1613 Goldenagato |

Surprisingly, Mad Battle Team’s six people with spiked
strength did not attack. With a shrill scream, the flirtatious
young woman gathered her team up as well.

“Surrender. Or else, even I can’t control what damage we

might do.”The flirtatious young lady’s voice was very pleasing,
yet her tone was full of helplessness.

Yet the members of the Mad Battle Team beside her were
breathing heavily, their surging spirit power fluctuations
formed an assaulting pressure.

Dai Mubai coldly shouted: “You want me to surrender? Quit

dreaming. Beat us first and then we’ll talk.”

The flirtatious spider woman Spirit Master disdainfully

twitched her mouth. “If not for the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda Spirit Master, you think I would waste time talking? If
so, I can only say sorry for the damage soon to be caused by us.”

A shrill scream sounded from her again. Fanaticism only

lasted for three minutes, so she couldn’t afford to delay any

1614 Goldenagato |

longer. Mad Battle Team already earned seven consecutive
wins. If they continued winning, then their income would be
incalculable. Even if the enemy had a Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile Pagoda Spirit Master, they wouldn’t give up.

In the previous spirit battles, the reason Mad Battle Team

could repeatedly beat stronger enemies was the support ability
Fanaticism. And it was also because of it that their members lost
their consciousness and often ended matches with crippled or
even dead enemies.

As the commander, Tang San promptly shouted, “Everyone


Shrek’s Seven Monsters almost simultaneously ate a peculiar

mushroom sausage. As the Mad Battle Team neared, the seven
of them suddenly sprouted wings of light and shadow, levitating
twenty meters into the air.

The opponent suddenly disappeared, so the members of the

Mad Battle team lost their targets. As the only clear minded one,
spider woman spirit master turned pale. She never thought her
enemies all had the ability to fly.

1615 Goldenagato |

In the air, Shrek’s Seven Monsters each ate another
Recovering Sausage, recovering their spirit power and strength.
Tang San didn’t mind the enemies below. Mad Battle Team
didn’t have a single flying Spirit Master, and wasn’t adept at
long range attacks either. Even the Control System Spirit
Master of theirs couldn’t control people over twenty meters

“Little San, what do we do now? The mushroom sausage only

allows us to fly for one minute. Oscar can only fly for half a
minute.” Though Dai Mubai wasn’t afraid, seeing the people
with rank thirty five and above all grow even stronger made
him feel helpless.

Tang San didn’t panic. “If I guess correctly, the reason their
power suddenly increased was because of the thousand year
spirit ability that Support System Spirit Master used before he
fainted, instantly increasing all their strength. But have you
noticed that other than the spider woman Spirit master, all of
them have lost their consciousness. According to Teacher’s
knowledge of Support System Spirit Masters, this situation
won’t last very long, just like Oscar’s mushroom sausages. Also,
after the effect, they must have great side effects, or else
wouldn’t that Support Type Spirit Master’s spirit be as strong as
Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda?”

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Ma Hongjun said: “But what if we fall down and they still
haven’t lost their buff?”

Tang San said heavily: “Then we can only bet. Victory is what
we want, but everyone’s safety is more important. In their
current state, Mad Battle Team is already beyond what we can
go against. Little Ao, how many more mushroom sausages can
you make?”

Oscar first passed a sausage to Tang San. “I do not have much

spirit power left. I gave one to Boss Dai when we were doing two
versus two battles. After, I made one for each one of us and this
is the ninth one. I can at most make one more.”

“Little San, let me do it.” Dai Mubai already understood Tang

San’s meaning. He wanted to rely on the longer flying time to
bet that the Fanaticism will run out first, and also bet that
Fanaticism would have severe side effects.

Tang San said: “No, let me do it. Right now everyone has used
quite a bit of spirit power. In close combat techniques, you
aren’t as skilled as I am. Also, I have techniques that can keep
me alive, even if their Fanaticism really lasts longer than I
expect, I can still leave. Since you let me command, then just
listen to me.”

1617 Goldenagato |

A minute’s time passed quickly, soon the minute was going to
end, yet the Fanaticism effect on the members of the Mad Battle
Team didn’t look like it was going away anytime soon.

Spider women Spirit Master also calmed down from the

starting panic. As a fellow Control System Spirit Master, her
real combat experience was plentiful. If only a few people flew
up they might have Flying Spirit Masters, but if all seven flew
up at the same time, then it could only be a spirit ability. Tang
San was betting, but wasn’t she betting that their flying lasted
shorter than their Fanaticism as well?

Oscar gave his last mushroom sausage to Tang San and

immediately flew off stage. He was almost entirely depleted of
spirit power, his face pale. His entire body was feeling the side
effects of the emptiness within him. At this time, the three
months of devilish training was paying off. Though it felt very
painful, he was still very awake, not unlike a normal person.
The major side effects of using excessive amounts of spirit
power wasn’t showing that much.

Another half minute passed, and Shrek’s Seven Monsters,

other than Tang San, all flew off the Spirit Battle Platform.

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Spider women Spirit Master saw them all fly down one by
one. Especially after seeing the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Spirit Master leaving, she let out a pent up breath.

But when everyone left except Tang San, her expression

changed again. At this time Tang San already ate his second
mushroom sausage.

“You’re not going to leave” Spider women Spirit Master

beamed an enchanting smile at Tang San.

Tang San calmly laughed, “Though I’m the only one left, who
can say the last winner isn’t us?”

At this moment, all the spectators started an uproar.

When they saw the entire Shrek’s Seven Monster fly upwards,
they were already surprised. Seeing the checkmate happening,
both screams of delight and anger sounded. Screams of delight
were for the unique sight of everyone flying, and the anger was
naturally from the lack of action. And all the anger was of
course pointed at Tang San.

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Tang San didn’t mind the audience’s attitude. Right now he
put all his attention on observing Mad Battle Team. His eyes
shined purple. Purple Demon Eyes were activated.

When Dai Mubai and the others left the stage, Tang San
clearly saw the Mad Battle Team members shiver once, their
vigor decreasing and their spirit power fluctuations not as great
as before. Of course he didn’t know it was actually Mad Battle
Team’s two previous buffs that disappeared. In his eyes, this
was a sign that their Fanaticism was about to end, and he was a
lot more confident in his own judgement.

Mad Battle Team’s unconscious members were continuously

roaring under him. Spider lady Spirit Master’s gaze was also
fixed on Tang San. Both sides were waiting, waiting for the
situation both sides yearned for.

The last laugh was, in the end, Tang San’s. After eating the
third mushroom sausage, just when he was about to give up,
Mad Battle Team’s members all shuddered at once. Other than
Spider lady Spirit Master, the others Fanaticism slowly faded,
revealing confused expressions, their gaze becoming clearer
while their spirit power fluctuations rapidly decreasing.

Success. Tang San’s heart leapt with joy, but he couldn’t

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afford to be careless right now. He didn’t want to get tricked by
the enemy and lose.

Spider lady Spirit Master’s face changed. Though her body

was still shaking, it wasn’t shaking as much as her teammates.
Her spirit power still decreased majorly, causing her to look
clearly weaker.

Mushroom sausage’s flying effect finally wore off. Tang San

slowly floated to the ground. With Oscar’s recovering sausages,
his strength has recovered to its max already. His spirit power
was also recovered to about forty percent.

“Just as I thought. You couldn’t keep on flying.” Spider lady

Spirit Master displayed her calm, not even glancing at the pale
and pained teammates, Still staring at Tang San, as if she
recovered her sharpness.

Tang San laughed calmly. “Are you not the same? The status
after all couldn’t last that long either. If I’m correct, even if
your Support System Spirit Master did not faint, he could only
use this ability once.”

1尺 = ⅓ m

1621 Goldenagato |


Stratum corneum, or “horny layer”


(羊) Alternatively “goat”




(狂热魔蜥) “Mad Fervent Devil/Magic Lizard”

1622 Goldenagato |

Chapter 47 - Spider King’s Dominance

“What, don’t tell me you still think you can win? Don’t forget,
right now you’re alone, and you’re facing us six.”

The spider woman Spirit Master showed no weakness in her


Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“But, perhaps only you still has the strength left to fight.
Although I don’t know why you’re able to maintain a clear head
and command your companions in that kind of state, you must
all the same suffer the side effects of that kind of strengthening
condition. Perhaps you still have a certain amount of spirit
power left, but it can’t be at peak condition. Since it’s like this,
this fight will have to come to decisive battle between you and
me, isn’t that right?”

Mad Xi was by now already completely sober, his Spirit Body

Enhancement had already faded away, but his powerful body let
him to already shrug off the pain,

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“Who says I don’t have fighting strength, even if I rely on
muscle strength I can still crush this punk.”

Mad Xi’s anger hadn’t at all drained away along with his spirit
power, he had never been as angry as today, his valiant strength
unexpectedly hadn’t been able to display a bit of its effect under
Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint, putting him at a severe
disadvantage. Without speaking further, he immediately dashed
towards Tang San.

The spider woman Spirit Master didn’t block Mad Xi, she
clearly understood that with Mad Xi’s strength, even if he didn’t
have the support of spirit power, just relying on physical
strength alone he was able to move a healthy bull.

The reason she was able to maintain consciousness under the

Fanaticism condition was because of the side effect that
thousand year spirit ring produced. Besides intense toxicity and
supple toughness, her thousand year spirit ring was also able to
weaken negative effects by fifty percent.

In other words, while she got Fanaticism’s full effect, she only
had to endure half of the negative side effects.

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As a result she was able to as much as possible maintain a clear
head, and the drain only took away half her spirit power.

After the consumption of the previous battle and the drain

after Fanaticism, right now the spirit power she had left only
amounted to thirty percent.

Seeing Mad Xi charge at him, Tang San didn’t again use Blue
Silver Grass, he had to preserve his spirit power to confront that
strongest spider woman Spirit Master on the other side. Having
lost his spirit power Mad Xi was like a toothless tiger. Dealing
with this kind of opponent, who would still need the assistance
of his spirit power?

Watching Mad Xi spread his arms wide as he charged, Tang

San rather than retreating advanced, using Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track, he went to meet him light as a feather.

Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track moved Tang San erratically,

and although he seemed to charge straight ahead, Mad Xi
couldn’t catch his true form.

Ducking slightly, Tang San already passed close to Mad Xi’s

body. Left foot deftly stepping under Mad Xi’s feet, left arm

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rising horizontally, elbow thumping into Mad Xi’s back.

Although Tang San didn’t appear as robust as Mad Xi, their

strength wasn’t far apart.

Working as a smith from childhood, along with the body

strengthening training this time, gave him an extremely
powerful physique. Mad Xi’s feet were tangled by Tang San,
only feeling a force at his back, he was already sent tumbling.

But at this time, the spider woman Spirit Master finally acted,
since she didn’t have enough power for her third spirit ring’s
ability it had already faded away, but countless spider threads in
her palm took advantage of Tang San throwing Mad Xi, in a
moment covering his front, enveloping the space Tang San
could use to dodge.

Tang San frowned minutely,

“You’re still not giving up?”

This time, he didn’t dodge at all, rather letting the spider

woman Spirit Master’s spider silk twine around his body. In

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practically just a moment’s work, he was already tied up like a
dumpling, his whole body covered in a layer of pink spider silk.

The spider woman Spirit Master was exalted, loudly shouting:

“Quick, throw him off the ring, it’s our win!”

However, she very quickly discovered her mistake, as none of

her teammates responded to her words. Looking to the side, she
discovered to her shock that those teammates without spirit
power were already tightly bound by blue purple Blue Silver
Grass. Without the spirit power to resist the paralysis poison,
one by one they had already even lost the ability to speak.

The spider woman Spirit Master suddenly felt her heart skip a
beat, a kind of vague premonition welling up, immediately
afterward, without waiting for her to pull the wrapped up Tang
San off the ring, an incomparably powerful pressure abruptly
released from Tang San.

That wasn’t the pressure of spirit power, rather a special

atmosphere, but to her, this rising atmosphere was still
incomparably dominant.

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In a strange scene, the spider silk over Tang San, starting on
his back, suddenly flowing like melting ice and snow, all the
spider silk frenziedly gathered on his back, as if it already no
longer was a material substance, but more like a kind of energy.

In just a few eyeblinks, the spider silk on Tang San had

already disappeared. The spider woman Spirit Master
discovered to her shock that he was looking at her with a
monstrous gaze.

The spider silk’s starting point was the spider woman Spirit
Master’s hands, and after the spider silk over Tang San was
completely absorbed at his back, following the spider silk’s
extension, a strong force abruptly pulled the spider woman
Spirit Master swiftly towards Tang San, and by the time she
could react she was already before him.

The spider woman Spirit Master wanted to resist, but that

stifling pressure made her unable to even move.

The spider woman spirit master didn’t see it, but the audience
behind Tang San could clearly see that the clothes on Tang
San’s back were gone, and eight dark purple shining lumps were
rising from his back. It was there that those spider threads were
broken up and absorbed.

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Raising his right hand, Tang San grasped the spider woman
Spirit Master’s neck, blocking the spider woman Spirit Master
from using her strength to strike at his body.

Right now in Tang San’s purple eyes flickered a demonic light.

As he turned his head to look at the clamoring audience, each
spectator that saw the light in his eyes couldn’t stop from
lowering their heads, their bodies shivering, that was how
sinister his atmosphere was!

Tang San’s left hand’s forefinger rose to the lips of his mask,
making a silencing motion towards the audience.

The battle situation already couldn’t change. Apart from the

spider woman Spirit Master, including the thrown out by Tang
San Mad Xi, even that already unconscious auxiliary system
Spirit Master, all were already covered in Blue Silver Grass, and
the spider woman Spirit Master had her neck squeezed by Tang
San, this spirit fight had now ended.

The eight lumps of purple black light at Tang San’s back

quietly disappeared, the gathered up spider silk destroyed. That
pressure stifling the spider woman Spirit Master also faded

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Her expression was complex, somewhat challenging looking

at Tang San,

“H-, how?”

Tang San naturally knew what she wanted to ask, squeezing

her neck, pulling her closer, using a voice so low only the two
could hear:

“Because, my third spirit ring is a thousand year Man Faced

Demon Spider. Do you understand?”

The spider woman Spirit Master’s body suddenly shuddered,

“You clearly are a control system Spirit Master, why-, why

can you absorb……”

“There’s nothing impossible about it, too many people have

the wrong idea, that’s all. Plant system Spirit Masters are also
members of the Tool Spirit Masters, since that Wishful Disk

1630 Goldenagato |

teammate of yours is able to absorb beast type spirit rings, why
would my Blue Silver Grass be unable to?”

Seeing the announcer, that manager Ao, walk on stage, Tang

San casually swung his hand, throwing the spider woman Spirit
Master several meters.

This battle was already concluded.

Absorbing the spider woman Spirit Master’s spider silk,

naturally it was Tang San’s bizarre external spirit bone. As an
external spirit bone bearing the Man Faced Demon Spider’s
energy, it possessed an incomparably intimidating effect to all
types of arachnid spirits.

At the start of the fight Tang San still held back, without
using the power it provided, but in the last moment his own
spirit power was also insufficient, at the same time he also
didn’t want to delay further, in the end still releasing the
atmosphere of the external spirit bone. Of course, nobody would
know that was the effect of an external spirit bone.

Over these days of training with his external spirit bone, Tang
San discovered that every time he used his external spirit bone

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Eight Spider Lances, his mood would suffer a certain influence,
as if he was infected by the ruthless atmosphere of the Man
Faced Demon Spider.

When he stopped using Eight Spider Lances, the vicious

tendencies would completely disappear. This was also why he
made such an arrogant gesture towards the audience, in
contrast to his normal self.

Tang San had asked Grandmaster about this kind of

condition, and Grandmaster’s reply was very simple: since the
Man Faced Demon Spider’s energy was currently more powerful
than Tang San’s spirit power, Tang San was still unable to
completely master Eight Spider Lances, therefore he would
suffer the remaining influence of the Man Faced Demon Spider
from Eight Spider Lances. There was no need to worry about
this, when Tang San’s spirit power was sufficient, this kind of
negative influence would naturally also fade away.

But with Tang San’s steady willpower, even now he still

wouldn’t lose his nature to Eight Spider Lances’ influence. At
most his temperament would change.

“Shrek Seven Devils’ victory.”

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The announcer manager Ao found it somewhat difficult to
declare this result, his gaze with a somewhat particular meaning
looking at the only person still standing on the stage Tang San,
in his heart a kind of indescribable feeling.

He didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt that these green

masked Spirit Masters would not long after become the
favorites of Suotuo Great Spirit Arena.

Tang San got his deserved result, turning around and walking
off the platform. Just then, spider woman Spirit Master’s
enchanting voice sounded with a terrified yet special tone.

“Can’t you tell me your name?”

Tang San stopped walking, but didn’t turn his head.

“Third of Shrek’s Seven Devils, Thousand Hands Asura.”

This time, Tang San didn’t hide his voice. Not only did the
spider woman Spirit Master hear it, Manager Ao and the closer
audience all heard it.

1633 Goldenagato |

When Tang San walked off the platform, the first to welcome
him was Xiao Wu’s passionate hug.

“Little San, you are so handsome.”

Xiao Wu’s way of hugging may have been affected by her

spirit abilities. Her slim body wrapped around Tang San like a
squid, her legs coiled around Tang San, her arms around his
neck, and her face red from excitement.

It looked like it was just Xiao Wu’s impulsive actions, but

Tang San’s real age was after all already over thirty. Looking at
the other’s playful smiles, his face couldn’t help but burn red.
“Xiao Wu, quickly get off.”

Dai Mubai laughed out loud.

“Today we seized total victory. Let’s go brothers and sisters,

I’ll pay for the meal. Let’s go drink!”

The seven people, still wearing their masks, registered their

points under the loud cheering, retrieved their rewards and left

1634 Goldenagato |

Suotuo Great Spirit Battle Arena.

When the audience bit by bit leaving Spirit Arena Thirteen

saw them, many of them were whispering, especially when they
saw the simply dressed Tang San, who drew the most gazes.

In the previous team fight, Tang San immediately controlled

the enemy’s defensive Spirit Master Mad Xi, and also controlled
the entire stage. In the dangerous situation, he also led his
teammates out of danger and won the match single handedly.

In the audience’s eyes, they naturally couldn’t see Mad Battle

Team was actually inflicted with side effects from Fanaticism.
All they saw was Tang San’s amazing win.

In the crowd, there were already quite a few people shouting

his nickname, Thousand Hands Asura.

The seven did not linger, quickly moving away from the
crowd. Regrouping with Grandmaster, Flender, and Zhao Wuji,
they quickly left the area of the Great Spirit Battle Arena.

When no one was paying attention to them anymore, the

1635 Goldenagato |

seven finally took off their masks. Looking at each other, they
couldn’t help but start laughing.

In usual training they always fought together, but they never

knew how it felt to fight real people on a platform like the Great
Spirit Battle Arena.

The people who felt it the most were Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing
and Xiao Wu who were pulled back by Tang San’s Blue Silver
Grass. At that moment the power of teamwork avoided injuries.

Their understanding of the importance of teamwork that

Grandmaster spoke of instantly grew deeper.

Back at the hotel, Grandmaster once again told everyone to

come to Tang San’s room, including Flender and Zhao Wuji.
Looking at their tired, but high-spirited students, he calmly

“Tell me, what are your impressions of today’s fights?”

Dai Mubai:

1636 Goldenagato |

“In the individual battles, it was still fine. However, in the
team battle we were evidently not well coordinated enough.
After all, this was the first time we faced this much pressure.”

Oscar, slightly pained, said,

“In the team fight I became everyone’s burden. With one less
fighting power, it is hard to win against strong opponents.”

The others also wanted to say something, but Grandmaster

raised his hand to stop them.

A small smile gradually expanded on Grandmaster’s face.

Other than Tang San, the others couldn’t help but rub their
eyes, thinking their fatigue was giving them hallucinations.

“You are all wrong. What I wanted to say is, you all did well
today. I am very satisfied. Yes, you are not well coordinated
with each other yet, but this is after all your first time fighting
together. And what you faced was a team of rank thirty fives
and above with a seven win streak and a complete team. In the
enemy team, the spider woman Spirit Master’s controlling
power, Mad Xi’s defense and that Support Type Spirit Master all

1637 Goldenagato |

excelled their own rank. But under the uncoordinated situation
you were in, you still won. Thank you for giving me this

Getting praise from a perpetually smiling person might not

feel like much. However, getting a sincere praise from the stiff-
faced devilish teacher made Shrek’s Seven Monsters feel even
more excited than the wins today.

The smiles on Shrek’s Seven Monsters vanished, but their

eyes were all blazing with excitement. Even the steadiest Tang
San and the cold Zhu Zhuqing were not excluded.

Grandmaster looked towards Oscar,

“Little Ao, you don’t need to be too humble. Yes, in real

combat you can’t fight with them. But you never stopped
helping the team. If I am correct, you were the only one that
used all your spirit power. Because of your Soaring Mushroom
Sausages, everyone was safe. Tang San admittedly controlled
the situation, but if not for your support, this fight would not
have been ours. More correctly, every one of you had a key role
in today’s fight. Since you are a team, then, not a single one of
you can be taken out. Let alone, as a Food System Spirit Master,
your real use isn’t on the Spirit Battle Arena. If you went to the

1638 Goldenagato |

frontlines of a war, the continuous fighting capability that you
can give to everyone would be way more than those in Mad
Battle Team.

Flender, who was aside, heard this and couldn’t help but

“Grandmaster, you didn’t come back just to praise them,


Grandmaster smiled,

“Of course not, I just wanted to tell them they are the best, but
not perfect. Tomorrow I allow you to stop fighting at the Spirit
Battle Arena for one day. But, other than resting, you have to
reflect on today’s gains and losses. The day after tomorrow, you
each have to tell me what you learned. Ok, I need to go now.
Remember, when we aren’t here, don’t cause trouble, especially
not with any Spirit Master. It is very likely you will meet a
Spirit Master that belongs to a giant family.”

Flender said,

1639 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster is correct, don’t cause any trouble. However, if
bullies you, don’t lose face for our academy either.”

Ma Hongjun stuck out his tongue secretly and looked at Oscar,

laughing out loud. A few days ago, they just provoked a Spirit
Ancestor and Ma Hongjun even fried a certain part of that

Grandmaster and the others walked out of the hotel. Flender


“Xiao Gang, These children bring me more and more

surprises. Looks like it was a good idea to give them all to you to

Grandmaster replied,

“This is also due to their talent. Against a team that is five

levels higher than them and three more spirit rings, they still
won. This isn’t only because of their spirits’ or spirit rings’
quality anymore. Their cooperation is also crucial.”

Flender sighed,

1640 Goldenagato |

“But I still lost. Compared to Tang San, Ma Hongjun is way
behind. After teaching this many years, I’m still worse than

Hearing Flender surrender, Grandmaster smiled again.

“That’s obvious, but its rare that you admitted it.”

Flender said grumpily,

“Do I look like I don’t admit losses?”

Zhao Wuji, who was beside them, aptly interrupted,

“It seems so. Last time we made a bet, you lost ten golden
spirit coins, and you never admitted it.”


1641 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster laughed.

“Flender, I suddenly want to drink beer. Since you admitted

your loss, then be our host.”

“Ok, let’s see how I drink you all to death.”

Flender said fiercely, but the joy in his eyes exposed his real
emotions. Seeing Grandmaster again, for some reason, the long
lost emotion of happiness came back.

Because all the teachers left, Shrek’s Seven Monsters naturally

lost their restrictions. Dai Mubai hasn’t forgotten what he said
previously, and he didn’t go far either. In a close restaurant, he
ordered a full table of good dishes paired with two kegs of good
wheat beer, inviting everyone to eat with him.

“Little San, I salute to you. Thank you for your prompt

support earlier.”

Dai Mubai picked up his wheat beer and raised it towards

Tang San.

1642 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled and raised his beer towards Dai Mubai as
well, and they both drained their cups. Of course he knew that
Dai Mubai wasn’t saying thank you for himself. Though he was
pulled away, he wasn’t in any real danger.

He was thanking Tang San for pulling Zhu Zhuqing back in

her dangerous situation.

“Little San, I salute you as well. Though I’m not as strong as

you, but I’m afraid you aren’t as good in drinking.”

Oscar said slyly while raising his cup.

Before Tang San raised his cup, Xiao Wu blocked it.

“Oscar, you want to get him drunk? I’ll drink with you.”

Saying that, Xiao Wu showed her “big sister” persona,

draining her own cup in one gulp.

Oscar grudgingly drank his as well, but in the corner of his

1643 Goldenagato |

eyes he saw Tang San drink as well.

“Good, A good taste for wine means a good moral standing. I

salute everyone.”

This time the person who stood up was Ning Rongrong.

She didn’t hurry and drink, standing there and looking

around her, her eyes reddening,

“When I first came to the school, I gave everyone a lot of

trouble. What third brother and little Ao said then wasn’t
wrong, if I had continued as I was, perhaps I truly never would
have been able to understand what a “friend” really is. After so
many days, after training together with everyone, fighting
together, together experiencing trials of life and death. Thank
you all, my companions. This cup, I drink to you all, at the same
time, to say to all of you what I have always not managed to say.
I’m sorry.”

After saying that last word, Ning Rongrong finished the cup in
one mouthful. As she drank, two sparkling tears flowed down
her soft white cheeks.

1644 Goldenagato |

“Rongrong, don’t drink so fiercely.”

Oscar reminded kindly. Seeing Ning Rongrong’s current

appearance, the happiest would probably be him. Since the first
time he saw her, he had decided on his target, but instead
ending up wounded. Now, Ning Rongrong had already become
this cute. Its commonly known that children have the most
flexible characters, and the just 12 year old Ning Rongrong had
already become so different from what she was just a few
months ago.

“Rongrong, we are companions, and even ‘brothers’, now,

and forever. We had all already accepted you from when we
were in the Star Dou Great Forest. In the future, don’t say such
things. Come, everyone drink! But, because you are all too
young, drink lesser.”

Oscar suddenly commented,

“Rongrong, why do you call Tang San, third brother, but only
call me little Ao ? Don’t you think thats a little unfair?!”

Ning Rongrong’s whole face turned red, Glaring at him

unhappily, but not replying.

1645 Goldenagato |

To the side, Ma Hong Jun spotted some clue,

“ Little Ao, no wonder you’re the second oldest, you really are
second rate. I wish I had this kind of discriminatory treatment.”

Oscar was a smart person and immediately thought better of

it, looking deeply at Ning Rongrong, so excited, he almost
laughed and quickly said:

”Right, right,it’s my fault, I’ll drink as punishment.”

Wine is one of those types of drinks where the more you drink
the more bonded you are to each other. But also, the more you
drink, the less you’re in control. this included Dai Mubai, who
shouted to drink less at the start, in the end, could only drink
non-stop. Even though the seven of them were quite young, as
Spirit Masters, their tolerance levels were already far beyond
that of a normal person, in addition, after that period of
training, their ability to digest alcohol was undoubtedly strong.
This drinking session lasted a full four hours before ending.

The next day when everyone sobered up, they could barely

1646 Goldenagato |

remember anything. Only that, the person with the greatest
drinking ability, was the one who was last to stay awake.

It was neither Dai Mubai with the greatest spirit power, nor
was it Tang San with the greatest overall strength, but the one
with the 7 Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ning Rongrong.

At that time, the first to collapse was Ma Hongjun, Fatty’s

drinking limit was obviously nothing special, the second was
Oscar. Closely following was Xiao Wu. Who would would have
thought that the fourth to fall over would be the oldest, Dai
Mubai. Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San fell at the same time, and in
the end, the one who didn’t fall was Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong not only didn’t collaspe, but she also drank
the most. While drinking, it was practically all one cup in one
gulp, with the great vigor she had before as a delinquent. But
according to Ning Rongrong herself, this was her first time

After that, whenever the other six people in Shrek Seven

Devils recalled of this matter, there was only one word on their
mind: “Genius”.

1647 Goldenagato |

The spirit battles continued. Within the next month, Shrek
Seven Devils’ battles in the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena’s fields
could even be described as the wind creating the waves. In that
month, the Shrek Seven Devils participated in twenty seven
team fights. Twenty seven battles and twenty seven victories.
Within the thirtieth ranked range, they had no competition.

In the individual battles, Three Five Combination also

attained a good record of twenty seven successive victories..
Tang San and Xiao Wu compatibility and teamwork was so
strong that they left their opponents helpless.

Dai mubai and Oscar’s Dual Winged White Tiger combination

attained a total of sixteen wins and eleven losses in twenty
seven fights. This was mainly because Mubai was fighting alone.
Oscar’s sausages, in the end, in a spirit fight type of battle arena,
could only do so much after all.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing’s Seven Treasure Civet

combination scored a little better than the Dual Winged White
Tiger group, after all they participated in the twentieth ranked
Spirit Grandmaster level two versus two spirit fights. They
obtained a good record of twenty two wins and five losses in
twenty seven fights. Of which eight were consecutive victories,
earning them quite a bit of points.

1648 Goldenagato |

For the individual competitions, Shrek Seven Devils were
even more astounding. Dai Mubai in the thirtieth ranked range,
besides meeting with control Spirit Masters twice and losing,
won 25 rounds. Tang San’s luck was superb, and he never met a
fire type opponent, with his inferior thirty two ranks, in the
thirtieth ranked Spirit Elder grade he unexpectedly maintained
complete victory.

After all, against his Spider Web Restraint, without a way to

conquer it, for those in his level range, it is very hard to escape.
Xiao Wu was worse by a little bit. Although her teleportation
was very extraordinary, several times she encountered
opponents who just happened to restrain her ability, but still
had twenty victories.

Ma Hongjun, in the twentieth ranked range was very

successful and won twenty three battles of the twenty seven.
Zhu Zhuqing’s individual competition record wasn’t inferior,
winning only one less battle than Ma Hongjun.

Counting it like this, Tang San won the most out of everyone.
Although the points scored in the three types of Great Spirit
Arena battles were counted separately, relying on the many
consecutive victories, his points increased very quickly.

1649 Goldenagato |

If it wasn’t for the rules at the Great Spirit Arena, that the
extra points earned from consecutive matches would only be
added at the end of each month, right now they wouldn’t just be
in iron rank spirit fights.

Still, Shrek Seven Devils’ stunning performance already

garnered the Great Spirit Arena’s attention, if not for their
fighting spirit badge rank being too low, and thus not meeting
the minimum requirements of the Central Spirit Battle Arena of
at least a silver rank, perhaps they would already have been
invited to participate in the Central Great Spirit Battle arena.

When the Shrek Seven Devils arrived at the Arena this time
was just the second day of the month, this month’s altogether
thirty days, with the exception a rest day, after today’s spirit
battles, the one month period would be over. Then, they would
get their points calculated. at that time, they would definitely
not be in the current iron rank.

Even more praiseworthy, in the Shrek Seven Devils, their

captain, Evil Eye White Tiger, Dai Mubai’s spirit power had
broken through the 38th rank. This is not just because of his
hard work in cultivation, but also because of these four months
of body strengthening training and actual battles.

1650 Goldenagato |

At the same time increasing spirit power were Zhu Zhuqing
and Ning Rongrong, reaching the twenty eighth rank and
twenty seventh rank respectively, rushing towards the thirtieth

As night fell, in the heart of Suotuo City’s downtown area,

Suotuo Great Spirit Battle arena was brightly lit.

The spectators came streaming in from all four corners of the

city, from time to time one could even see luxurious carriages
under the protection of retinues enter the Great Spirit Arena via
VIP passages.

These were either from great clans or aristocrats. Naturally,

the battles in the heart of Suotuo Great Spirit Battle Arena,
caught their eyes.

Today was the last day of the month and also a weekend,
Suotuo Great Spirit Arena would obviously become one of the
greatest source of Suotuo city people’s entertainment. Here, not
only would one be able to see spectacular spirit battles, one
could also try their luck and place small bets, supporting their
spirit master fighter.

1651 Goldenagato |

Including grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji, Shrek
Academy’s party all dispersed into the Suotuo Great Spirit
Battle Arena.

This is not because they had to be careful to hide their identity

but because it was necessary.

After this month of battling, the Shrek Seven Devils had made
remarkable achievements, thus naturally becoming the focus of
attention of the audience. Although they have not yet been to
the center of the main Spirit Fighting Arena, but the audience in
their surroundings were already very familiar to them. Shrek
Seven Devils’ title has already become familiar with crowds,
making them excited.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and struggle. From ten

days ago, the people of Shrek Academy started walking in as
they were normally and completely change clothes once inside,
then move to the designated place to sign up for a battle.

Thus trying to guess where the Shrek Seven Devils were going
to compete had also become one of the crowds in the
surrounding sections’ enjoyable customs.

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Today, like the last few times, they specially wore a plain
outfit into the Great Spirit Battle Arena, no one would notice a
few teenage children. After these few months, Tang San and Ma
Hongjun were already thirteen years old, in another few
months, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing would also
all be thirteen years old.

With age being their best disguise. the foresight of

Grandmaster’s decision to let them wear masks was really

Even though Group battles were the last to start, it would be

the first to be registered, this was to ensure that it didn’t
coincide with the individual and pair battles. Grandmaster
instructed and dispersed all of them to fight in different
districts, so as not to meet each other and avoid affecting their
winning streak. Following which, Grandmaster handled the
group battle registration as their broker.

Today, Grandmaster chose the eighth district and helped his

disciples register. After a month of battles, the originally
incredibly hard to attain silver rank, in everyone’s effort of
consecutive victories have just about been confirmed. Now,
they only need to wait for today’s spirit battle to be over and
collate the extra points was all.

1653 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster didn’t want to bring his disciples too much
attention, once someone dug out the information about their
age, then the attention from around the world would bring
them a lot of trouble.

Thus he decided, after today, he would bring Shrek 7

monsters into his specially prepared 3rd stage of training.

Both sides drink the same amount and see who falls first.

*wink wink*

Pun: Two (二) can mean stupid in the Beijing dialect.

idiom for successful and prosperous


Recall that in the arena, the number of points earned with

each match multiplied every five wins for individual matches.

1654 Goldenagato |

Chapter 48 - Emperor Team

Coming to the registration point as usual, Grandmaster took

out the Shrek Seven Devils’ battle badge and presented it battle
group staff,

"Excuse me, I’m signing up for team battles.”

The staff took the badge like always, but when he saw the
words engraved on the badge, his face paled and he gasped

"Shrek Seven Devils?"

Grandmaster wrinkled his brow. The quality of staff of the

Great spirit Battle arena was good, where their expression
would not change much even if they met a high ranked Spirit
Master. However, at this moment, the performance of the staff
was clearly not satisfactory .

“I’m sorry, Sir. If I may ask, are you the Shrek Seven Devils’
team leader?”

1655 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster slowly nodded his head. “ I can be counted as
one. Would you please hurry it up a bit.”

“Sir, please wait a moment.” The Staff, under Grandmaster’s

surprised gaze, quickly left his post and ran toward the back,
hands tightly clasping Shrek Seven Devils’ team battle badge.

Although Grandmaster was extremely dissatisfied. The staff

had already taken the group’s battle badge used to register, and
without it, he could not do anything even if he wanted to
change districts and could only patiently wait there.

But what Grandmaster did not know was that as long as he

appeared showing this badge in Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, in no
matter what district, he would have experience the exact same

Without having to wait too long, the staff member brought

back another person to the registration point.

“Sorry for having you wait so long.”

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The staff member politely commented and presented the
badge back to Grandmaster.

Grandmaster had an impression of the man that the staff

brought along. At that point in time when Shrek’s Seven Devils
participated in their first group battle in the Suotuo Great Spirit
Arena, he was their host and announcer. Tang San said before
the fight, that he had, out of kindness, tipped Tang San off
about the Mad team’s impressiveness, thus giving Grandmaster
a relatively deeper impression.

Manager Ao smiled,

“ Hello respected team leader sir, may I have a conversation

with you. It will not take up too much of your time.”

Grandmaster cooly replied,

“Are you representing yourself or representing the Suotuo

Great Spirit Arena?”

Manager Ao quickly replied,

1657 Goldenagato |

“Of course, I’m representing the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena.”

Grandmaster nodded his head. He had already expected this to

happen, after all, Shrek Seven Devils had obtained outstanding
results within this past month. Not being noticed was an
impossibility. Especially the one who was the most outstanding
this entire month, winning all his battles, Tang San was sure to
have been at the centre of their attention.

Even though Grandmaster was very unwilling to deal with the

Great Spirit Arena, their sphere of influence was simply too
great, even countries would be afraid to offend them. He too,
naturally wouldn’t voluntarily offend them, thus nodding his
head. Following Manager Ao, Grandmaster was brought into a
quiet back room behind the registration point.

“Mr leader, I’ll get straight to the point.”

Manager Ao managed with some dignity:

“I’m representing the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, in hopes

that today, Shrek Seven Devils will participate in the Central
Spirit Arena on the main stage.”

1658 Goldenagato |


Grandmaster was not surprised but instead maintained a plain


“This doesn’t seem to follow the rules. According to the

Arena’s rules, only Spirit Master of Silver rank or above can
appear in the main stage, but the Shrek Seven Devils are only of
Iron rank.”

“Manager Ao laughed bitterly,

”You don’t have to be modest, with the battle history of Shrek

Seven Devils within just this past month, after today’s battle,
they will all receive Silver battle badges. There is nothing wrong
even if they are promoted to silver rank one day early.”

Grandmaster’s expression still had not changed.

“If that is so, then you wouldn’t mind one day later either
would you.”

1659 Goldenagato |

Manager Ao sighed.

“ I’ll just speak frankly then. Three days ago, a team of Spirit
Masters came. They were an all Silver ranked Spirit Masters
team, probably brought to this city by a few aristocrats. Because
for two straight days, those more prestigious families have
heavily betted on them, and they had won overwhelmingly,
bringing a large loss to the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena. Since you
are familiar to the Arena, you should know that normally, to
reach the Silver Rank would take at least fortieth rank Spirit
Ancestor and above. But this team is one made up of entirely
Spirit Elders. We can’t break our own rules and invite a level
forty Spirit Ancestor team to fight against them, but if this
situation persists, the Great Spirit Arena will not be able to
continue handling these losses. Maybe because they tasted sweet
success, today many aristocrats again increased their bets, if we
continue to lose like this, I’m afraid… …”

Grandmaster’s doubts in his heart cleared like a clear mirror,

he immediately understood Manager Ao’s words. His resolve
shook, saying

“To have already reached Silver rank at only Spirit Elders,

they must be quite strong. Then, for the past few days, what
teams have the Spirit Arena matched them against?”

1660 Goldenagato |

Manager Ao replied,

“Because the Spirit Arena has no Spirit Elder teams that are in
the Silver rank, with no choice, we could only send out Spirit
Elder teams of copper rank to fight against them. One of which
was the recently promoted to copper ranked Spirit Master team,
the Mad team, who had once fought against Shrek Seven Devils.
But they completely lost.”

Grandmaster raised his eyebrow,

“Among the Spirit Elder ranked teams, Mad Team’s ranks

were already considerable. Can it be, that the Silver ranked
team members are of a higher rank than them?”

Ao director shook his head and said,

"No, its not a problem of the spirit rank. Mainly, it’s the gap
the soul rings bring. This only silver ranked team like the Shrek
Seven Devil, have the best soul rings. Spirit ability wise, giving
them a great advantage over the Mad Team, giving them not
even the ghost of a chance. "

1661 Goldenagato |

After listening to these words, Grandmaster’s face finally
showed some changes. As the Spirit Master world’s most
famous theoretical Master, he certainly knew what the so-called
best rings refers to. Meaning that the first ring has the soul of a
hundred years old, the second ring being older than five
hundred years, and the third soul ring should straight away be a
thousand year one. Appearing around a Spirit Master should be
two yellow and one purple rings, like Dai Mubai, Tang San,
Oscar and Xiao Wu.

“Even so, why does the Great Spirit Arena think our Shrek
Seven Devils will be able to win? After all, we only have more
than four, over thirty ranked spirit power, while none of the
remaining three have even reached the thirtieth rank. "

Director Ao smiled and said:

"Now you’re being modest again. Who doesn’t know that the
Shrek Seven Devils can be counted as one of the best out of the
all Spirit Elder teams. But even still, in the previous twenty
seven groups Spirit battles they fought in, they achieved
complete victory. This record can be said to be unprecedented
in the history of our Suotuo Great Spirit Arena. As the saying
goes, if it exist means it must be reasonable. I believe that the
Shrek Seven Devils will have the ability to compete evenly with

1662 Goldenagato |

that Silver Spirit fighting team."

The light in Grandmasters eyes flashed, after thinking for a

moment, he said:

"If I remember correctly, when participating in the center of

the main Spirit Fighting Arena, there should be an added

When Manager Ao saw that Grandmaster seemed to have a

change of heart, he was secretly pleased, quickly adding,

"Of course, when participating in competitions of the main

Spirit Arena, every Spirit Master will receive a direct reward of
five hundred gold coins and if your party accepts our invitation
and win this Spirit battle, the Spirit Arena would also like to pay
an extra ten thousand gold coins as a reward. However, because
Shrek Seven Devils, after all, hasn't gotten a Silver spirit
fighting badge, the accumulation will be unaffected.
Fortunately they have been always been winning consecutive
battles, thus the accumulation is not little. "

Not giving Grandmaster a chance to open his mouth, Ao

director continued.

1663 Goldenagato |

"For this spirit battle, please allow the Shrek Seven Devil’s
members to not participate in their individual and dual spirit
battles today. Although we can not break the rules and give
them extra points, within the limits of our influence, the Spirit
Arena can count their individual and dual spirit battles today's
as victories, by showing that their registered opponents
surrendered on their own. Thus, Shrek Seven Devils would be
able to go all out when facing the opponent. "

Grandmasters had never been a calculating person, not to

mention the other side was already being very generous. Most
importantly, he agreed to this fight, not for the accumulating
points or money, but the experience for his disciples. For
Suotuo Great Spirit Arena to treat this silver ranked team so
seriously, in addition to the entire team having the best soul
ring arrangement, this kind of honing could only bring the
Shrek Seven Devils benefits.

Master nodded slowly,

"Well, I’ll accept your conditions. Please ready the opponent's

information, I’ll first recall my disciples."

1664 Goldenagato |

"No need to trouble yourself. Let our staff recall the Shrek
Seven Devils. I have the opponents’ information already. You
can discuss with them first. Later I'll take you into the main
stage of the Spirit Arena to prepare. "

Manager Ao quickly turned away, obviously to report the

matter of Shrek Seven Devils having agreed to participate in the
spirit battle to his higher-ups and at the same time, to make the
appropriate arrangements. There was an hour from now to the
beginning of the group spirit battle, long enough for Suotuo
Spirit Arena to make a lot of arrangements.

After a short while, not only did the staff bring all Shrek
Seven Devils to the room, even Flender and Zhao Wuji were also
invited over, clearly showing that Suotuo Great Spirit Arena
had been observing their entire group for more than just one or
two days.

Grandmaster calmly repeated what Manager Ao previously

mentioned, at the same time, putting the recently received
information flat on a table in the room.

While standing at the side Tang San suddenly understood

something when he saw the eyes of Grandmaster. His gaze
which seems to be burning with brilliance, but also the flames

1665 Goldenagato |

of war. Even for him, this is the first time he saw such strong
fighting intent in the eyes of the Grandmaster.

Flender said a little helplessly:

“I say Xiao Gang, you shouldn’t have promised them so

quickly, and at least waited for us to rush over. They say there
are great nobles repeatedly betting, the stakes clearly are
enormous, if discussing it properly, they should pay even

Grandmaster unhappily said:

“When did you become such a profiteer?”

Flender smiled wryly:

“One cent confounds the hero, you believe I think about it.”

Grandmaster said:

1666 Goldenagato |

“If this time is a victory, our earnings will already not be
inconsiderable. Ten thousand gold coins is a very large sum, I’ve
already thought it through, one thousand for each of the
children, the remaining three thousand set aside for the
Academy. A good match with my third stage training for them.
Do you have any objections?”

The last line wasn’t for Flender and Zhao Wuji, but directed at
the Shrek Seven Devils members.

The seven practically simultaneously shook their heads, they

all knew about the Academy’s financial situation, furthermore
none of them still lacked money. After this month of spirit
fights, not only did their points go up, they still obtained the
corresponding rewards. After more than five successive
victories, each successive victory was one hundred gold spirit
coins, surpassing ten successive victories it was two hundred
gold spirit coins. Flender the day before yesterday even
mentioned that right now these children were all wealthier than
the Academy.

Grandmaster raised his hand to tap the cloth and silk

materials spread out on the table, saying with a serious

1667 Goldenagato |

“Good, these matters can wait for later. First we’ll research
your enemy. For you, this will be an exceedingly challenging
spirit fight.”

The white cloth and silk was lined with gold lace, both sides
embroidered with Suotuo Great Spirit Arena’s emblem, on it
was recorded a team’s information. Everyone bowed their heads
to read, even if it was the unyielding Dai Mubai, he still couldn’t
help but draw in a cold breath. Each person’s heart had a kind of
spasming feeling.

According to the spirit arena regulations, each team could at

most have ten people, the smallest must not be less than seven
people. In a spirit fight, the number of people on the smaller
side decided how many people both sides would field. The team
before their eyes appeared the same as Shrek Seven Devils, only
seven people, material as follows:

Emperor Team, seven members, all silver spirit fighter badge


Captain: Yu Tian-Heng, spirit: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon,

thirty ninth ranked power attack system Spirit Master. Spirit
rings: Two yellow, one purple.

1668 Goldenagato |

Vice captain: Dugu Yan, spirit: Jade Phosphor Serpent, Thirty
eighth ranked control system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two
yellow, one purple.

Member: Shi Mò, spirit: Black Tortoise, thirty eighth ranked

defensive system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow, one

Member: Shi Mó, spirit: Black Tortoise, thirty seventh ranked

defense system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow, one

Member: Yu Feng, spirit: Wind Chime Bird, thirty sixth

ranked agility attack system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two
yellow, one purple.

Member: Osler, spirit: Ghost Leopard, thirty sixth ranked

agility attack system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow,
one purple.

Member: Xie Lingling, spirit: Nine Heart Flowering Apple,

thirty fifth ranked auxiliary system Spirit Master. Spirit rings:
Two yellow, one purple.

1669 Goldenagato |

In all the material there was no mention of the opponents’
spirit abilities, regarding this, Grandmaster understood that it
wasn’t that Great Spirit Arena didn’t want to supply them, but
that they couldn’t. Who could be sure that the other side hadn’t
held back in their previous two spirit fights? If the spirit
abilities were determined incorrectly, it very likely would lead
to disaster. Therefore, Great Spirit Arena let Shrek Seven Devils
figure it out on their own.

Having read the opponents’ data, the seven raised their heads
and looked at each other, all saw that everyones’ expressions
were amazed. Although they all anticipated that an opponent
that could reach silver spirit fights certainly wasn’t weak, but
they also didn’t expect they would be just this powerful.

Flender pushed up the crystal glasses on his nose,

“If I guess correctly, this team certainly has a great deal of

fame in some city. Why would they suddenly come to Suotuo
City? Xiao Gang, you really shouldn’t have committed to a spirit
fight with them. Perhaps, we won’t be their match.”

Grandmaster calmly said:

1670 Goldenagato |

“Pressure pushes you forward. Shrinking back when facing
challenges, one will also always be unable to truly become a
power. Flender, where is your youthful spirit?”

Flender’s expression was somewhat unsightly from

Grandmaster’s words, to the side Zhao Wuji didn’t neglect to
fan the flames, taking joy in calamity:

“Grandmaster really is strict, what you say is right. Only

meeting and overcoming difficulties will have any rewards.”

“Fine, but the main thing is safety.”

Flender glared at Zhao Wuji, then faced Grandmaster.

Grandmaster nodded,

“I’ve already guessed this Emperor Team’s origins. If my

conjecture is correct, then, there won’t be the slightest amount
of danger. Tang San.”


1671 Goldenagato |

Tang San hurriedly stepped forward.

Grandmaster said:

“Although this time I still ask you not to use your hidden
weapons, I will permit you to use Eight Spider Lances. Before
the last moment, you can’t admit defeat.”

Seeing Grandmaster wasn’t optimistic about the outcome,

Tang San frowned, saying:

“Teacher, are we really unable to overcome the opponent?”

Grandmaster looked deeply at him,

“The chance is only thirty percent. And the chance mainly

relies on you, Mubai and Zhuqing.”

Raising his hand to point towards the materials on the table,

1672 Goldenagato |

“The other side’s seven people, as shown by the materials, are
a kind of unusually perfect combination. You must pay most
attention to two individuals: their captains. The Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master and Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit

“Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, Xiao Gang……”

Flender seemed to suddenly think of something, but his words

were prevented by Grandmaster’s expression.

Grandmaster continued:

“Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon has an exceptionally powerful

first rate attack power among Beast Spirits, considered to be the
most powerful attack Beast Spirit. Its rank among Beast Spirits
is equivalent to Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda
among Support Spirits. As for this Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit
Master, since she opted to be a control system Spirit Master,
then, she lets me recall one person. Flender, you still remember

At Grandmaster’s reminder, Flender’s expression abruptly


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“You’re not saying it could be him?”

Grandmaster nodded,

“I’m saying it’s him.”

Dai Mubai couldn’t help but say:

“Dean, Grandmaster, don’t speak in riddles, what are you

actually talking about?”

Grandmaster sternly said:

“On the Continent the Jade Phosphor Serpent is just like

several Great Clans, classified as a rare spirit. But since the
beginning of history there has only ever been one famous Jade
Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master. He is considered an
extraordinary control system Spirit Master. To be precise, he
should be called Jade Phosphor Douluo. I think some of you
should have heard the name.”

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Hearing the words ‘Jade Phosphor Douluo’, Dai Mubai’s
complexion immediately changed greatly, urgently saying:

“You’re saying it’s that most unreasonable Jade Phosphor

Douluo, known as the world’s king of poison?”

Grandmaster breathed in deeply, slowly nodding,

“Besides him, there’s no other Jade Phosphor Douluo.

According to what I know, apart from him, Jade Phosphor
Serpent Spirit Masters are a rare existence, even if it was, it still
wouldn’t be a control system Spirit Master. Since the other
side’s vice captain is a control system Jade Phosphor Serpent, I
can be certain that she is closely linked to Jade Phosphor
Douluo. Others might not be aware, but I know the Jade
Phosphor Douluo is also named Dugu.”

Ning Rongrong suddenly spoke up:

“Then don’t tell me that captain of theirs is from the Blue

Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan?”

Flender smiled wryly:

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“Besides the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan, at least I’ve
never heard of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragons existing
anywhere else. This Emperor Team’s background is terrifying.
Not only these two, Black Tortoise is equally as famous as the
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. Only the Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters are considerably fewer and don’t have an intact school,
therefore they’re not as well known as the Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon. Although it’s like this, among defense type
spirits the Black Tortoise is the number one existence.”

Tang San seemed to suddenly realize something, as a control

system Spirit Master, his biggest concern was naturally the
other side’s control system Spirit Master, asking Grandmaster:

“Teacher, in the end what does that Jade Phosphor Serpent

Spirit Master use for control? As a snake spirit, it doesn’t seem
like it would be expert in control.”

Grandmaster replied very simply, only using one word,


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Using poison to control the battle, Tang San’s pupils
involuntarily contracted, but his mood was steady. Poison, what
a familiar and dear word. Slightly nodding, saying:

“If it’s like this, then we still truly have a chance to defeat

What was Tang Sect’s most prominent in? Lightness skill,

hidden weapons, and also their famous poisons.

Although since coming to this world Tang San hadn’t had

time to gather the required poisonous substances, let alone
extracting Tang Sect toxins, he still had knowledge and
understanding of poison, the essence of Tang Sect. A person
using superior poison, naturally also had outstanding
knowledge of and methods to resist poison.

Grandmaster misunderstood Tang San’s meaning,

“Oscar’s small sausage is only a second spirit ring ability, I’m

afraid that when repeatedly resisting the Jade Phosphor
Serpent’s poison it will only be able to restrain it for a short
time, that’s all.”

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Ning Rongrong said:

“Grandmaster, can I make a suggestion?”

Grandmaster nodded,

“Go ahead.”

Ning Rongrong said:

“In the spirit fight, our most important objective must be that
auxiliary system Spirit Master.”

“Eh? Why?”

Hearing Ning Rongrong’s words, even Grandmaster couldn’t

help but feel somewhat astonished. Even he hadn’t heard of the
Nine Heart Flowering Apple spirit, such circumstances were
extremely rare, but considering the two sides’ auxiliary system
Spirit Masters, with Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile Pagoda, he had no concern this side would be weaker than
the opponent.

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Ning Rongrong said:

“I know of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit. Different

from other spirits, this spirit is inherited in a single line, each
generation can only have one successor. There can also only be
two Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit Masters alive at the same
time. Only when one dies is it possible for another to appear. It
can be said to be the rarest spirit. My dad once said that the
Nine Heart Flowering Apple is a marvel among spirits.”

Who Ning Rongrong’s father was, let alone Grandmaster,

Flender and Zhao Wuji, even the other Shrek Seven Devils
knew: the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.
Representing the authority of auxiliary system Spirit Masters, if
even he described a spirit like this, then, the scale of this spirit’s
effect could well be imagined.

Regarding new and odd spirits, Grandmaster was always even

more curious than ordinary people, immediately asking for

“Then what is this Nine Heart Flowering Apple’s effect? In

what respect does its support effect appear?”

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Ning Rongrong lowered her voice:

“The Nine Heart Flowering Apple only has one kind of effect.
No matter how many spirit rings it has, it only has one spirit
ability. This is also where it’s frightening. Its effect is in the
scope of healing. The degree of healing is controlled by the
Spirit Master’s intentions. The higher the rank, the more spirit
rings, the more its healing can be used. My father said, with a
Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit Master, even if you wanted
to die it wouldn’t be easy. Therefore, after the fight starts, we
have to first separate her from the stage, otherwise, until she
runs out of spirit power, we will basically be unable to cause any
injury to the opponents.”

Listening to Ning Rongrong, Grandmaster’s complexion

seemed to become rigid, blankly standing for a long time, then
slowly saying:

“This really is a close to perfect combination.”

“We can win.”

At this low point of morale, everyone falling silent, Tang San

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suddenly loudly spoke up, brimming with confidence.
Everyone’s gazes turned to him.

“I say, we can win. Mubai, little Ao, Fatty, Xiao Wu,

Rongrong, Zhuqing. Have you forgotten, we already possess a
record of twenty seven successive victories. The opponent is
admittedly powerful, but, we’re also not weak. We have Mubai
as a first rate domination system Spirit Master. We have little
Ao’s support to sustain out battle capability, we have Fatty’s top
notch variation Battle Spirit and Xiao Wu’s mysterious Soft
Skill, Rongrong, don’t tell me you believe your Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile Pagoda can’t compare with Nine Heart Flowering
Apple? Still Zhuqing, your speed is the fastest of any agility
attack system Spirit Master I’ve ever seen. Although the
opponents are powerful, don’t tell me we’re small and weak?
No, we are certainly able to prove we’re even stronger than
them. Even more, you mustn’t forget our age. I dare say, they’re
older than us, even if we really lose then what about it? Failure
is the mother of success, even if we aren’t their match today,
inevitably there will be one day when we certainly will beat
them. Victory inevitably belongs to us Shrek Seven Devils. If
our confidence from successive victories is already lost, then,
why should we still participate in spirit fights?”

Tang San’s words were like a fuse igniting everyone’s

confidence. No member of the Shrek Seven Devils team lacked
talent. Monsters among monsters. How could they be resigned

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to defeat?

No one spoke, but their expressions all became steady, Dai

Mubai took the lead to extend his right hand, immediately
followed by Oscar, Shrek Seven Devils, seven people’s palms
folded over each other. Everyone’s gazes burned. The lost
confidence was already retrieved, right now, their hearts were
already brimming with intense fighting spirit.

“Teacher, this spirit fight, can I have full authority to plan


Tang San steadily looked towards Grandmaster. He knew that

this fight was their most challenging trial, the reason why he
said this wasn’t that he was unwilling to see his companions’
lifeless appearance. As a person of two lives, he knew that if you
wanted something, then you could only rely on your own effort
to win it.

Before all their previous spirit fights, Grandmaster would give

out tactical directions. But this time Tang San actively asked to
take over Grandmaster’s work. Although it appeared somewhat
arrogant, seeing it, Grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji all
nodded inwardly.

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A team required tactics, required unity, required
coordination, but they also couldn’t lack another thing, that
was bloodthirst. A team without bloodthirst would never be
able to rouse their deepest potential. And right now, Tang San
as the team’s soul, already accomplished this bit.

To the three teachers it already seemed like victory wasn’t

important, these children’s growth already surpassed their
expectations. Right now all they could do was watch these
children give them even more surprises and miracles, looking at
what level they could reach in the end.


Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, VIP resting area, VIP lounge

number three.

The luxurious room was more than two hundred square

meters, an immense leather sofa was more than fifteen meters,
enough to let more than a dozen people rest comfortably. The
room’s decorations were all gold; golden lanterns, golden
wallpaper, and every kind of golden ornament, nothing
detracting from a splendorous dazzling feeling. In front of the
white leather sofa was a crystal side table, furnished with every
kind of pastry and beverage. Most important, one wall of this

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room was a single transparent crystal, through which the
outside clearly could be seen, but nobody could look in from the
outside, and outside the crystal window was Suotuo Great Spirit
Arena’s most important Central Main Spirit Arena.

Right now there were only seven people in the room, all seven
each possessed clear characteristics, appearing to be twenty
years old.

Sitting in the middle of the sofa was a black-haired slender

youth, not considered handsome, facial expression very lacking,
like the muscles of his face were rigid. Wearing blue skin tight
clothes without any decoration, giving people a kind of
uncomplicated impression, but against expectations this kind of
simplicity made people feel he was very dangerous. He was
leaning back in the sofa with his eyes closed, resting. Sitting
next to him was a woman, her posture certainly not as ordinary,
not leaning against the back of the sofa, rather leaning against
the shoulder of the blue clothed youth, face with a lazy
appearance, deep purple short hair giving a strong impression
of heroic spirit. Astonishingly, she possessed a pair of green eyes
that gave people a somewhat strange feeling, unable to say just
why, but with a kind of bewitching charm. Right now she was
leaning against the shoulder of the closed eyed youth, playing
with her green painted fingernails.

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“Yan, don’t always be so affectionate with the boss in front of
the rest of us. Our brothers are all still a group of virgins, it’s no
good if it arouses any urges. Hey.”

The speaker was a handsome youth, not tall, moderate

weight, short golden hair, a pair of extremely active eyes,
leaning against that giant crystal window with a leisurely

The young woman in the sofa shot him a glance, green eyes
exuding an enchanting smile,

“Then you come, let big sister teach you how to become a

“Ah, I’ll pass, only boss can survive your Jade Phosphor
poison. I unfortunately can’t enjoy it.”

The youth hurriedly declined, face alarmed, looking at the

green eyed young woman with clear dread.

“Serves you right. Who asked you to tease Yan.”

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Directly across the room from the crystal window, dressed
entirely in black, was an equally blonde person, appearing more
elegant and younger than the woman, enjoying the spectacle
while waving a drink in his hand.

The handsome youth angrily said:

“Leopard, what’s your meaning, wait until today’s team spirit

fight is over, we’ll settle it one versus one. Watch me teach you
a lesson.”

The black clothed youth snorted disdainfully,

“One versus one with me? You have some nerve. You, a flying
Spirit Master, wants to go one versus one with a ground Spirit
Master like me? Clearly it’s bullying. With skill, you try for a
one versus one with the boss, let alone winning, as long as you
can last three minutes, I’ll admire you.”


Although the youth didn’t want to accept it, he had no choice

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but to concede. He was indeed unable to stand up to the captain
for three minutes.

“Fine, be a bit quiet. Can’t you be as quiet and focused as the

Shi brothers?”

The blue clothed youth sitting motionless in the sofa finally

spoke up. The Shi brothers he spoke of sat on the floor by the
wall, meditating cross-legged. Both were straight nosed and
square jawed, built large and sturdy. Just sitting there they gave
people a kind of heavy and unflustered feeling.

The handsome youth said:

“Boss, what do we still have to focus for? With us reaching

silver spirit fight rank before fortieth rank, I dare say this
Suotuo Great Spirit Arena absolutely can’t find us opponents.
Let alone here, even if it was in the number one Imperial City
Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, there still wouldn’t be anyone
that could stand up to us.”

The blue clothed youth calmly said:

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“Even if that’s the case, you still can’t cultivate bad habits.
The Spirit Master world’s powers come forth in great numbers,
who can say for certain if even greater powers will appear
before us. Lingling, you can sit on the sofa. Always standing like
that will use up strength.”

His last words were directed at another woman standing in

the room, that woman stood in the absolutely darkest corner of
the room, not only entirely dressed in black, even her face was
covered by a layer of black muslin. A graceful figure, long blue
hair draped across her shoulders and back like a waterfall, eyes
the same color as her hair not revealing any feelings. From her
body could only be sensed loneliness and solitude.

“No need, I’m fine here.”

Xie Lingling’s voice was very pleasant, but completely empty,

giving people a kind of unreal feeling.

The seven people in this room were precisely the members of

the Emperor Team in Tang San’s group’s material. Sitting in the
sofa was captain Yu Tian-Heng and vice captain Dugu Yan. The
handsome youth was Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng.
The black clothed man arguing with him was Ghost Leopard
Spirit Master Osler. The two brothers sitting on the floor

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meditating were naturally the two Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters. And standing in the corner was Emperor Team’s
auxiliary system Spirit Master, Nine Heart Flowering Apple Xie

So even assuming that the rewards don’t increase further

after the tenth successive victory, Tang San has earned almost
4000G in his singles fights alone.

(玉天恒) “Jade Sky Constant”, spirit: (蓝电霸王龙) or “Blue

Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex”. When they were getting Tang
San’s first spirit ring, Grandmaster named this as one of the six
great clans.

(独孤雁) “Only Lonely Goose”, spirit: (碧磷蛇) “Green

Phosphorous Snake”

(石墨) “Rock Ink Stick”, (玄武龟) “Black Tortoise Tortoise” the

divine beast of the north, not quite same spelling as teacher Ye
Zhi-Qiu in ch 27 (玄龟).

(石磨) “Rock Grindstone”, spirit: (玄武龟) “Black Tortoise

Tortoise”. Good luck tracking the accents. In fact, the names
can have identical pronunciation.

1689 Goldenagato |

(御风) “Resist Wind”, (风铃鸟) “Wind Small Bell Bird”

(奥斯罗) Only the last character away from “Oscar”. Spirit: (鬼

豹) or “Sly Panther”.

(叶泠泠) “Leaf [sound of flowing water]”, spirit: (九心海棠)

“Nine Heart Ocean Cherry-Apple”, but the last two characters
(海棠) refers to Malus spectabilis a.k.a Asiatic apple or Chinese
flowering apple.

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Chapter 49 - Seven Devils Versus Emperor

Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, in the highest level VIP area room
number three, the Emperor Team’s members were waiting for
the team battle to arrive. At that time, the door swung open,
and a person entered from outside.

This person’s appearance made all the Emperor Team

members spread out over the room perform the same action,
even captain Yu Tian-Heng sitting in the sofa, even the Shi
brothers sitting on the floor meditating opened their eyes. The
seven people all stood up, making respectful salutes.


The person walking in from the door was a middle aged man,
appearing thirty years old or so, ordinary appearance, simple
black hair, simple and unadorned clothes, only his eyes were
especially bright. He wasn’t as eye catching as the Emperor
Team members, rather giving the impression of an entirely
ordinary person. But, able to obtain the respect of all the
Emperor Team members, how ordinary could he be?

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The middle aged man’s complexion appeared somewhat
strange, Emperor Team captain Yu Tian-Heng had never seen
this kind of expression before, quietly stepping forward a few
steps and lowering his voice:

“Teacher Qin, what’s going on?”

Light flashed in teacher Qin’s eyes, glittering black pupils

displaying a deep lustre,

“This time, you will perhaps meet your match. I’ve just
received the basic information on your opponents today from
the city lord. This was determined just now by Suotuo Great
Spirit Arena. Have a look.”

While speaking, he walked over to the sofa behind the crystal

table and sat down, in his hand already holding shining cloth
and silk, unfolding it on the tabletop.

The Emperor Team members all gathered round, looking at

the cloth.

Vice captain Dugu Yan read:

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“Shrek Seven Devils team, seven members, history unclear.
Iron spirit fighter badge. Teacher, what’s with this iron spirit
fighter Shrek Seven Devils team, are they qualified for a team
spirit fight with us?”

Teacher Qin calmly said:

“That’s right. For the past month they indeed held iron spirit
fighter badges. But, through spirit fights in this month, their
total points have already reached the silver spirit fighter level.
Although they still haven’t been calculated, Suotuo Great Spirit
Arena has already decided to confer them silver spirit fighter
qualifications in advance. Just in time to challenge you.
According the the city lord, Shrek Seven Devils have
participated in twenty seven team spirit fights. Twenty seven
fights, twenty seven wins. How much time did you use to reach
silver spirit fights? It wasn’t one month, but a whole year.”

To the side Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng somewhat

unconvinced said:

“Then it’s because they haven’t met any formidable

opponents. To so easily hold these victories. How can Suotuo

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City compare to our Imperial City?”

Shooting a glance at Yu Feng,

“According to the city lord’s investigation, Shrek Seven

Devils’ first team spirit fight was against the Mad Battle Team
you faced. You should clearly know the Mad Battle Team’s
strength, their spirit power level wasn’t unlike yours, only
somewhat lacking in spirit abilities and the spirits themselves to
be able to defeat you.”

“Don’t tell me Shrek Seven Devils won?”

This time the speaker was the Black Leopard Spirit Master

Vice captain Dugu Yan gave him a look,

“Is there still a need to ask, teacher already pointed it out.”

Yu Tian-Heng continuously looked at the cloth information,

suddenly saying:

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“Teacher, their spirit power is so low, how are they able to
beat the Mad Battle Team?”

Low? The Emperor Team members couldn’t help but again

cast their glances to the cloth, carefully reading the material.

Shrek Seven Devils team.

Captain: Evil Eye White Tiger, spirit: White Tiger, thirty

eighth ranked power attack system Spirit Master. Spirit rings:
Two yellow, one purple.

Vice captain: Thousand Hands Asura, spirit: Blue Silver Grass,

thirty second ranked control system Spirit Master. Spirit rings:
Two yellow, one purple.

Member: Soft Bones Demon Rabbit, spirit: Jade Rabbit, thirty

first ranked close quarters power attack system Spirit Master.
Spirit rings: Two yellow, one purple.

Member: Evil Fire Phoenix, spirit: Evil Phoenix, twenty eighth

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ranked power attack system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two

Member: Hell Civet, spirit: Hell Civet, twenty eighth ranked

agility attack system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow.

Member: Sausage Monopoly, spirit: Sausage, thirty first

ranked auxiliary system Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow,
one purple.

Member: Seven Treasures Glazed Tile, spirit: Seven Treasures

Glazed Tile Pagoda, twenty seventh ranked auxiliary system
Spirit Master. Spirit rings: Two yellow.

Underneath this team information was still an annotation:

Shrek Seven Devils in this month obtained obtained a complete
victory record in team battles, their true strength is not as
simple as levels suggest. Among them, the control system Spirit
Master Thousand Hands Asura is of particular note, this
person’s control strength is extremely high, often capable of
turning the tide.

Reading the material, Dugu Yan couldn’t help but giggle,

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“Teacher Qin, who gave you this information, it could make
the dead laugh. A Blue Silver Grass Spirit Master is
unexpectedly of particular note, what ‘turning the tide’. I expect
he probably can’t even stand up against my first spirit ability.”

Teacher Qin snorted coldly, the Emperor Team members

simultaneously felt their hearts contract a moment, intense
shock making their faces reveal somewhat aghast expressions.

“Yan, even if Yu Feng is a bit careless, you as vice captain

would unexpectedly underestimate your opponent like this.
With this kind of attitude in the ring, I can practically guarantee
you will immediately suffer an enormous setback.”

Dugu Yan stuck out her tongue, but didn’t dare speak.
Although these Emperor Team members were all a cruel and
untamed generation, they only had deference and admiration
for this teacher Qin before them, it was not only because this
teacher Qin was their specially coaching teacher, at the same
time it was also because of his strength. Teacher Qin’s full name
was Qin Ming, thirty four years old this year, at the beginning
of the year, he had just recently broken through the sixtieth
ranked threshold, becoming a Spirit Emperor. Reportedly, in
Spirit Hall’s records, he was the second youngest Spirit
Emperor, second only to another gifted genius.

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Spirit Emperor at thirty four, this was the goal of every
member of the Emperor Team.

Yu Tian-Heng waved his hand at Dugu Yan behind his back,

hinting that she mustn’t say more, himself speaking to Qin

“Teacher Qin, in this Shrek Seven Devils team, in the end

what is there for us to pay attention to? Going by their spirits,
Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is undoubtedly worth our
attention, but the level difference between them and us is large,
even if they have the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda, at most they can only pull close the spirit power gap
between them and us, that’s all. Perhaps this is the main reason
they’ve been able to obtain a perfect record in their previous
fights. Of the other six, their captain, Evil Eye White Tiger with
the White Tiger Spirit should merit attention. Still the Evil
Phoenix Spirit. I’ve never heard of such a spirit’s existence,
perhaps this ‘Evil’ part should be due to variation. As for the
control system Spirit Master mentioned in the material,
Thousand Hands Asura, on this point my opinion is the same as
Yan’s. Even if his spirit rings are remarkable, his spirit is after
all only Blue Silver Grass. How powerful can it be?”

Qin Ming nodded faintly,

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“Your analysis is cool headed. This is the only information we
have on the Shrek Seven Devils, we’ll have to wait until actually
fighting them before learning everything. Remember what I
said, you must never underestimate any opponent. Since Suotuo
Great Spirit Arena dares dispatch them, they will certainly have
some confidence. Furthermore, I have a requirement for you.
Whatever the outcome of this fight, nobody can kill anyone, you
mustn’t even injure your opponents. Do you understand? Yan,
you especially, if you poison the opponents, after the fight you
must immediately treat them. You cannot delay.”

Dugu Yan said baffled:

“Why? Teacher, aren’t you always telling us that on the

battlefield are no sons and fathers, one must use all one’s effort,
if one doesn’t injure the opponent, perhaps one will suffer
wounds in turn, and that we absolutely mustn’t start of

Qin Ming’s face showed a wry smile,

“This time is different. You still don’t need to know. Wait

until after this fight ends, I’ll give you the answer. Good, it’s
time. Follow me.”

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Finished speaking, he took the lead to leave the VIP lounge,
while walking, Qin Ming secretly sighed, ‘children, I can’t tell
you the reason, I hope that this time you can suffer a bit of a
setback. Growing too smoothly will often lead to brittleness.’


Suotuo Great Spirit Arena’s Central Main Spirit Arena.

This place wasn’t as large as those commoners who could only

spectate in the sub arenas, in fact, if they came here, they would
certainly believe that this was another sub field.

The entire area of the Central Main Spirit Arena was only a bit
larger than the sub spirit arena fields. The most peculiar thing
was that this Central Main Spirit Arena was exceedingly calm.

The reason was that the surroundings didn’t have any

outdoor stands, but each was a completely sealed box, only
viewing the scene from behind crystal glass, concealing the VIP
audience from outside.

These people didn’t wish to easily reveal their identity here,

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even more they wouldn’t cheer like ordinary people. They had
to be classified as having their own kind of arrogant and aloof

Even more, the stakes here were big, even all the bets in the
sub-venues put together would fall far short, in order to avoid
conflicts between the nobles due to bets, it was even more
important to conceal their identities, at least then nobody
would know who won their money and even if they wanted to
make reprisals they still wouldn’t have any means.

Although the inside couldn’t be seen through the crystal glass

windows, the Central main Spirit Arena’s golden spirit tool
lanterns shone dazzlingly, and the spirit fighting ring here was
especially huge, since without outdoors spectators, the spirit
fighting ring was able to have a diameter of over seventy

Let alone team spirit fights with less than ten people, even if
both sides had a hundred people there was enough room and
spare for close combat fights.

The Central Main Spirit Arena altogether had twelve high

level VIP rooms, and three hundred twenty common VIP rooms.
These rooms were practically never empty; the high level VIP

1701 Goldenagato |

rooms had permanent owners, while the common VIP rooms
were booked ahead at the start of each year.

Suddenly, in the Central Main Spirit Arena the already

extremely bright golden lanterns once again increased in
brightness, and their brightness was no longer spread in every
direction but focused on the spirit ring, as if a an enormous
golden spotlight shone down from the sky, just right to envelop
the entire spirit fighting stage. It was from the use of this kind
of lantern type spirit tool that it could be seen how wealthy the
Spirit Arena was.

In the middle of the spirit ring, the ground suddenly buckled

upwards in a two meter in diameter circle, the section slowly
rising up from the stage could be seen supported by a thick
golden pillar, and rising with the golden pillar right now was a
young woman.

The young woman only appeared eighteen or nineteen,

wearing a dignified beautiful white dress, brown long hair in a
large wave, well rounded chest and an excitingly slender waist,
an incarnation of astonishing beauty. In her hand she held a
conical sound amplifying spirit tool, on her charming face a
professional smile.

1702 Goldenagato |

“We are very honored to once again see such distinguished

The young woman in the white dress after rising to the

intended location stepped out on the stage, turning in place and
waving out at the surroundings. That platform that delivered
her to the stage quietly withdrew back down, very quickly
restoring to its original location, unexpectedly without leaving
behind any trace.

“Able to once again before all distinguished guests preside

over the main Spirit Arena’s great team spirit fight is Doudou’s
great honor. We hope all distinguished guests will be able to
enjoy yourselves this evening. Today we have one highlight, we
have tonight also only arranged this one spirit fight. Although
both sides battling are only Spirit Elder level, they both already
possess silver spirit fighter badges. If one absolutely had to give
them a title, I think the word ‘genius’ would be exceedingly
suitable. Doudou will from beginning to end conduct
commentary for all distinguished guests. Next, I would like to
introduce to all distinguished guests the sides ready for battle.”

“Emperor Team, captain: Yu Tian-Heng, Blue Lightning

Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master……”

1703 Goldenagato |

“Shrek Seven Devils team, captain: Evil Eye White Tiger,
White Tiger Spirit Master……”

This white dressed young announcer Doudou very skillfully

introduced both the competing teams, the purpose very simple,
precisely to raise the expectations of each VIP spectator.

“Well, Doudou has no more to say. Next, will the team

members of both sides please take the field. Doudou is also a
Spirit Elder level Spirit Master, and is truly very eager to see
what brilliant display these Spirit Masters on the same level as
Doudou will show us.”

While she spoke, white light suddenly burst out from this
presenter Doudou, immediately following, in her brown long
wavy hair suddenly appeared a lock of white, and behind her
back extended a pair of pure white wings. Three yellow spirit
rings simultaneously appeared around her, the third spirit ring
flaring, wings lightly beating, unexpectedly bringing her
soaring into the air with the sound amplification tool. Just like
what Doudou said herself, she was also a Spirit Elder level Spirit
Master, although her third spirit ring wasn’t an ideal thousand
year level, the ability bestowed on her by this spirit ring was
clearly flight. To a flying type spirit’s Spirit Master, this was
extremely significant. Doudou’s spirit was a kind of adorable
and gentle animal symbolizing peace: White Dove.

1704 Goldenagato |

On either side of the spirit ring, two sliding doors silently
opened wide, both sides’ team members simultaneously
entering the venue, walking into the center of the spirit fighting

On the left side was Emperor Team. Blue Lightning Tyrant

Dragon Yu Tian-Heng walked at the front of the team, Dugu
Yan customarily snuggled up to his side. Following closely
behind the two were the Shi brothers. After came Black Leopard
Osler and Wind Chime Bird Yu Feng. Walking last was that
mysterious Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit Master Xiu

Compared to the all uniquely dressed Emperor Team

members, Shrek Seven Devils’ side appeared much more
uniform. The same black tight fitting clothing, the same green
masks. Although their height varied, with one look could be
seen this was a group in orderly formation.

These clothes were specifically made to order for them by

Grandmaster, to change into for spirit fights. One reason was to
hide their appearance, the other was also to let them feel even
more like a team.

1705 Goldenagato |

The clothes could conceal the body, the masks could conceal
their features, but there was still no way to conceal their eyes.

As both sides’ team members just started to appear, the gazes

of Dai Mubai walking at the front of Shrek Seven Devils and
Emperor Team’s captain Yu Tian-Heng met resolutely.

Their expressions seemed to congeal for a brief moment, the

whole Spirit Arena seeming to echo with a dragon’s howl and a
tiger’s roar.

Yu Tian-Heng’s heart trembled, looking face to face with

those double pupil evil eyes of Dai Mubai, he immediately felt
an immense pressure hit him. He immediately understood that
this opponent only one rank lower than him wasn’t easy to deal

Coldly opposing, bright light flared in the eyes of both sides,

the spirit fight had not yet begun, but both sides spirit already
clashed with each other.

“Both sides participating in the team spirit fight please take

note, you have one minute to begin summoning your spirits. As
I declare the beginning, both sides can attack, until one side

1706 Goldenagato |

concedes, all have collapsed or been thrown off the spirit stage.”

Doudou hovering in midair while flapping her white dove

wings, used her gentle and beautiful voice to speak to both

That gentle and beautiful voice in the ears of the VIP guests
was a kind of pleasure, but to the ears of Shrek Seven Devils and
Emperor Team’s members, it was the sign the spirit fight was
about to start.

As the two spirit fighter teams appeared, at the mouths of the

passages stood the two sides’ leaders. As the team members took
their places, they naturally also observed the counterpart.

The leaders on the Shrek Seven Devils’ side were

Grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji. They didn’t have VIP
qualifications, and naturally could only observe from the side.
On the other side, the Emperor Team’s leader was that teacher

Flender glanced at Qin Ming a hundred meters away on the

other side, his expression suddenly changing, then immediately
gradually relaxing, his originally nervous mood seemed to ease

1707 Goldenagato |

up a lot,

“Look, this time we don’t need to be anxious. Wuji, you see

who is on the other side?”

Zhao Wuji also looked at Qin Ming, his eyes immediately


“Why, isn’t he……”

Grandmaster gave the two a puzzled look,

“You know the other side’s leader? What’s going on?”

Flender smiled mischievously, saying:

“Secret, wait until after this spirit fight is over.”

In the center of the spirit ring, practically simultaneously,

both sides with altogether fourteen people completely released
their spirit power, their intense battle lust surging out, scaring

1708 Goldenagato |

the White Dove Spirit Master Doudou in the air to once again
increase her altitude. It’s not like she hadn’t seen more
powerful team spirit fights than these people below her, but
both sides with such powerful battle lust as right now was still a
rare sight.

To Doudou’s eyes, the fourteen people below her could only

be described with one word: ‘Power’.

As the arena announcer and commentator, right now she

didn’t know what words to use to describe this competition. She
knew right away that an extremely fierce spirit fight was about
to begin.

A tiger’s roar issued from Dai Mubai’s throat, worked up,

somewhat scorching air surged out from his body, his bones
making cracking sounds just like bursting peas, the muscles all
over his body swelling in a flash, sharp claws ejecting from his
hands, although wearing a mask, his knife sharp eyes were
brimming with wild atmosphere.

At Dai Mubai’s lead, the Shrek Seven Devils all released their
spirits, Oscar’s three kinds of sausage had already been divided
out between everyone before the fight, still standing with Ning
Rongrong at the very rear of the formation, Xiao Wu and Zhu

1709 Goldenagato |

Zhuqing respectively at Dai Mubai’s left and right sides, Tang
San standing behind the three.

Ma Hongjun actually stood a bit further ahead than Ning

Rongrong and Oscar, purple red flame constantly throbbing in
his palms.

Blue purple Blue Silver Grass quietly roamed out into the
surroundings from Tang San, along with spirit power rising,
after entering the Spirit Elder realm, the quantity of Blue Silver
Grass he could release was much more than before, blue light
constantly flickered in his palm, Blue Silver Grass surging out
like it was limitless, while occupying the floor next to him,
simultaneously, six Blue Silver Grass quietly rose up, twisting
around the waists of the other six Shrek Seven Devils.

Under the effect of Blue Silver Grass, the seven people

immediately formed a single entity with Tang San at its heart.

As the Shrek Seven Devils side released their spirits, the other
side naturally wouldn’t stay idle.

The Emperor Team’s formation was entirely different from

the Shrek Seven Devils. Standing furthest ahead wasn’t at all

1710 Goldenagato |

their captain Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master Yu
Tian-Heng, rather the two Black Tortoise Spirit Master Shi
brothers. One left and one right, as Doudou announced the start
of the spirit fight, simultaneously shouted loudly, earthen
yellow light rose from under their feet, their bodies issuing
sounds even more fierce than Dai Mubai’s bones.

Before releasing their spirits, the Shi brothers threw off their
jackets, revealing muscles like solid granite, following the
release of their spirits, the pair’s shoulders slowly stretched out,
their entire backs half curving, all their spirit power condensing
into earthen yellow light gathering and coagulating at their
backs, actually forming an immense dark yellow tortoiseshell.

The pattern on the tortoiseshells was pale yellow, the Shi

brothers’ bones appeared to also transform somewhat along
with this tortoiseshell appearing.

Not only did the tortoiseshells appear at their backs, the same
appeared on their fronts, and their four limbs all also became
somewhat shorter. At the center of their front tortoiseshells was
an enormous symbol.

With faint flickering blue light, two yellow and one purple,
three spirit rings rose from bottom to top twining around their

1711 Goldenagato |

bodies, on account of their bodies swelling from growing
tortoiseshells, the spirit rings coiling around them also
appeared to have changed somewhat.

After the Shi brothers released their spirits, the intense

pressure Dai Mubai emitted was unexpectedly blocked in front
of them, entirely unable to pressure the other Emperor Team
members behind them.

From a small crack between the Shi brothers, Yu Tian-Heng

could be seen. With the one of the first rate spirits Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon, just at the beginning, ignited all the
VIP spectators’ mood.

A dazzling blue light suddenly shone between Yu Tian-Heng’s

eyebrows, immediately following, the blue light spread in a
flash, from his eyebrows falling into his body, streams of blue
purple violent lightning erupted all over him like small snakes,
migrating around his body. On the surface, Yu Tian-Heng’s
change didn’t seem very large, besides a blue lightning symbol
on his forehead, on his whole body there was only one change
from Spirit Body Enhancement.

But, the one change was even more thorough than all Beast
Spirit Masters present.

1712 Goldenagato |

The change that appeared was his right arm. The sleeve that
originally covered his right arm swelled up and completely
burst to ashes, the arm’s length increasing by half a chi, the
entire arm extremely bulky, covered with blue purple scales, the
hand becoming a claw, covered by the same scales, each of the
joints in the hand becoming extremely bulky, the blue purple
snakes of lightning revolving around his body constantly
coagulating or scattering on his arm, two yellow and one purple
spirit ring did not revolve around his body like other Spirit
Masters, rather spiralling around this arm.

Tang San’s gaze carefully watched the change in Yu Tian-

Heng’s body past Dai Mubai. Grandmaster once explained this
first rate spirit Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon to him in detail.
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon and his own spirit were
somewhat different, first of all, as a Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon Spirit Master, all spirit rings had to be obtained from
dragon subspecies spirit beasts, similar to Oscar obtaining spirit
rings from types like that Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Masters starting from

thirtieth rank, with each obtained spirit ring, when using the
spirit would have a part of their body replaced with a dragon
analogue. Like Yu Tian-Heng’s right arm just now was his first
limb to change. Up until the seventieth rank, when Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Masters were truly incarnations

1713 Goldenagato |

of dragons, bursting with extremely terrifying strength. Among
equally ranked they were the most terrifying power attack
system Spirit Master. Put simply, if Yu Tian-Heng was the same
rank as Zhao Wuji, then, Zhao Wuji’s spirit Vigorous Vajra Bear
incarnation would in no way be the match of the Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon’s incarnation. How could Bear and Dragon be on
the same level?

Thus, Yu Tian-Heng’s current right arm was already

completely not classified as human but rather a dragon arm,
with dragon scales adhering to the skin, the right hand also
becoming a dragon claw.

Behind Yu Tian-Heng was a dark green color. Red hair and

green eyed Dugu Yan’s body right now seemed to become soft,
lightly swaying, pressing close to Yu Tian-Heng’s back, a pair of
green eyes becoming especially sharp. Her ice cold atmosphere
couldn’t in any way be classified as human.

Between her brows was a rhombic green scale, when looking

close, all the Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help but be shocked,
since right now Dugu Yan already had no legs, no, it should be
said that both legs had fused together, becoming a thick serpent
tail, relying on the serpent tail to prop up her upper body, it was
no wonder she would be swaying.

1714 Goldenagato |

Black Leopard Spirit Master Osler’s change wasn’t large. He
was basically entirely dressed in black, and now even the hair
on his head turned black. His elegant like a woman kind of face
seemed somewhat pale, but his pupils already became vertical
slits, his whole body brimmed with danger waiting to be
released. He equally had two yellow and one purple spirit ring,
this kind of spirit ring configuration was for the entire Emperor
Team apparently nothing out of the ordinary.

Among all the Emperor Team, the last Spirit Body

Enhancement and also the biggest, perhaps had to be the Wind
Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng. A pair of medium sized wings
stretched open from his back, different from that White Dove
Spirit Master Doudou in the air, his wings were light brown,
and the feathers on the wings would appear to lack any kind of
softness, but had a solid texture.

These wings of Yu Feng’s weren’t at all baseless, rather were

actually his two arms transformed, right now beating the two
wings, he already rose into the air, attentively observing the
movements of the Shrek Seven Devils from up high, still not
forgetting to take a look at the beautiful Doudou in the air
overhead, even so much that he whistled at Doudou’s long legs.
Of course, he basically didn’t take the opposing Seven Shrek
Devils seriously.

1715 Goldenagato |

As a result of the team members crowded together, from
Shrek Seven Devils’ angle the opponent’s auxiliary system
Spirit Master couldn’t be seen, Nine Heart Flowering Apple Xie

The pressure brought by the opponents all having the optimal

two yellow one purple spirit ring configuration was
incomparable, whether it was in spirit quality or spirit ring
configuration, this time the Shrek Seven Devils were in an all
round disadvantageous position.

And these two areas were also where they had the advantage
when confronting other spirit fighting teams.

Although this battle hadn’t yet begun, the faces hidden under
the Shrek Seven Devils’ masks were already extremely serious.

To them, this would definitely be an unprecedentedly bitter


At this time, flying in the air Doudou’s charming face was

already somewhat heated from Yu Feng’s stare after his Spirit
Body Enhancement, but she still cultivated a great deal of
professionalism, from her cherry red lips was uttered a very

1716 Goldenagato |

simple word, but still the fuse to an explosive substance.


With a tiger roar towards the sky, Dai Mubai used action to
shake up his side’s vigor, taking the lead to charge at the
opponents, fully using the White Tiger Body Barrier for his
protection, whole body enveloped in golden light, again adding
his indomitable manner, giving of an an extremely alarming

The Shi brothers’ expressions were like the tortoiseshells on

their bodies, from beginning to end without any change,
watching Dai Mubai’s brazen charge, the pair hadn’t the
slightest amount of fear, simultaneously drawing close to the
center, obstructing Dai Mubai’s advancement from the front.
The first spirit ring brightening, a stagnant air released from
these two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters, filling the air around
them with yellow light and again merging with their thick
tortoiseshells, clearly already prepared to meet Dai Mubai’s

Dai Mubai’s left foot stepped heavily on the floor, soaring into
the air, the sharp tiger claw blades ejecting, both hands swiping
left and right, going straight for the Shi brothers’ heads. And at

1717 Goldenagato |

this moment, Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda thirty percent boost reached him, immediately making
Dai Mubai’s attack speed and tiger claw power rise yet again.

Although this would seem like a very common change, the

power and speed boost very easily made the opponents’ defense
suffer. The Shrek Seven Devils had spent this time rehearsing,
and their coordination was already without the need for words.

With Dai Mubai’s spirit power and the sharpness of his tiger
claws, let alone a human head, even solid rock would be cut.
But, the Shi brothers used a very simple yet strange move, at
once dispelling Dai Mubai’s attack.

The two brothers Shi Mò and Shi Mó when about to be struck

by the tiger claws pulled back their heads, unexpectedly
withdrawing into their chests, to be precise, withdrawing into
those incomparably solid tortoiseshells. Dai Mubai’s tiger claws
naturally could only scratch at those tortoiseshells.

Resounding through the entire audience, Dai Mubai’s tiger

claws scratching the Shi brothers’ tortoiseshells unexpectedly
created sparks.

1718 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai’s body right now soared into the air, both arms
abruptly jolted high from the shock, despite having White Tiger
Body Barrier to dispel a lot of the impulse, his tiger claws still
suffered a moment of paralysis from the inherent intense
counter force in the tortoiseshells. Black Tortoise, as one of the
most powerful defensive spirits, couldn’t be so easy to break.

Also at this moment, a blue silhouette already appeared before

Dai Mubai, the bulky dragon arm shone with a dazzling blue
lustre under the lighting of the Central Spirit Arena, before the
person even arrived, blue lightning already congealed in the air
into the shape of a claw, swatting straight at Dai Mubai’s wide
open chest in the air. All of this was already calculated long ago.

At the same time as Dai Mubai emitted force to rush forward,

Emperor Team captain Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit
Master Yu Tian-Heng already launched his assault, but at the
same time the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters drew together,
completely sheltering Yu Tian-Heng’s actions behind them,
making the Shrek Seven Devils’ side unable to see it.

And the moment Dai Mubai’s fruitless attack revealed a big

opening, Yu Tian-Heng soared up, his first spirit ring flashing,
condensed thunder dragon claw already swatting. This was all
part of Emperor Team’s coordination.

1719 Goldenagato |

The lightning was so fast that at the same time Dai Mubai saw
the blue silhouette, the blue purple lightning had already
reached his chest.

Even if Dai Mubai was right now capable of pulling back his
splayed open arms, he could still only use his arms to block the
opponent’s attack and would still be at a major disadvantage.

As a Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master with the

most powerful attack, as long as Yu Tian-Heng could pursue and
attack, further coordinating with his team members, the scales
of victory or defeat would immediately tilt in their direction.
But at this time, Dai Mubai suddenly disappeared, at once
disappearing from before Yu Tian-Heng without warning. Even
with Yu Tian-Heng’s calm, soaring in midair he still couldn’t
help but stare blankly.

Dai Mubai naturally couldn’t teleport, but one mustn’t forget,

around his waist was still twisted one of Tang San’s Blue Silver


(兜兜) A doudou is an undergarment covering chest and

1720 Goldenagato |


½尺 = 17cm

1721 Goldenagato |

Chapter 50 - Jade Phosphor Violet Poison

Dai Mubai Jumped into the air, pouncing towards the twin
Black Tortoise Spirit Masters, while Tang San just stood there,
in the middle of all his blue-silver grass on the ground. At this
point, a strand loosely wrapped around his waist gently pulled
him back,

allowing him to land, causing the Thunder Dragon Claw to

barely miss Dai Mubai and pass overhead.

Yu Tian-Heng’s Thunder Dragon Claw flashed across an

additional 20 meters in the air before finally dissipating. As it
passed through empty air, it would violently twist the air,
giving menacing crackles.

The fight really started with this crackling. As Dai Mubai

landed, he didn’t even pause for a moment, with Tang San in
the middle of the formation, Shrek Seven Devil had already
become used to fighting in this formation, combining their
powers and fighting as one in order to narrow the gap that is
their spirit levels.

Dai Mubai stuck his foot out, in an attempt to sweep kick the

1722 Goldenagato |

legs of both the currently advancing Shi brothers.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu at the same time, dodged to the

sides, bypassing the Shi brothers and rushed toward the rear of
the Emperior Team.

The Shi brothers’ shells noisily fell as both legs retracted into
their shells within a hair’s breadth of Dai Mubai’s attack. Seeing
that Dai Mubai would only kick the shells, the blue silver Grass
wrapped around his waist again acted, pulling him back one
meter, making his kick sweep the air instead.

If Tang San only had the spirit Blue Silver Grass, he would not
have been able to control every strand of blue-silver grass as
skillfully as one controlled one’s arms, after all, it is never easy
to correctly control everything and produce good results.
However, with the Tang Sect’s Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon skill, Tang San had complete control over everything
going on on the stage.

Before, when Dai Mubai’s tiger claws hit the enemies’ tortoise
shells, Tang San saw everything clearly. He knew that the twin
Black tortoise Spirit master’s defensive abilities was not
something that anyone on their team,with their current spirit
power, could break through. If Dai Mubai had connected that

1723 Goldenagato |

kick on the shells, he would’ve ended up hurting himself first.

And as the only one with a spirit level anywhere close to the
opponent’s main force, Dai Mubai must not be so easily injured.

When Yu Tian-Heng, who was in the air, saw his Thunder

Dragon Claw failed to hit anything, he was momentarily
shocked. Quickly recovering, with one foot stepping on the
shells of the black tortoises’ shells, he catapulted himself
forward, rushing straight for Tang San behind Dai Mubai. the
Blue Lightning Dragon’s arm moved again and another Thunder
Dragon Claw appeared, this time its target changing to Tang

As the captain of the Emperor team, Yu Tian-Heng saw that

the opponent’s most important member was not Dai Mubai
with the greatest Spirit level, but instead the one using Blue
silver grass to wrap around every member’s waist, the Control
System Spirit Master, Thousand Hand Asura.

As long as they destroy this weakness, then the Shrek Seven

Devil's formation would crumble by itself.

When Yu Tian-Heng shot out his Thunder Dragon Claw attack

1724 Goldenagato |

again, he was already facing Tang San on the battlefield. Yet he
was surprised to find that the opponent’s control system Spirit
Master’s eyes had completely turned purple. In addition to his
quick footwork, his entire person seemed unreal.

But in that mysterious footwork, his upper body was still, His
entire person had already shifted 8 feet away, causing the
Thunder Dragon Claw to noisily land on the ground.

As Tang San was using his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Steps to

shift away, his first spirit ring flashed and countless blue silver
grass rose from the ground, wrapping around the airborne Yu
Tian-Heng. At the same time, the blue-silver grass around Tang
San’s Teammates’ waist suddenly taut. In a flash, a strange
scene appeared on the battlefield.

On the Emperor team’s side, Osler, the black panther Spirit

Master, jumped forward to receive Zhu Zhuqing’s rush.

Up in the air, the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master’s first spirit
ring flashed, the wind whistling as he flew towards Xiao Wu,
with arms which had transformed into wings, suddenly became
razor sharp. Which was his first Spirit Ring Ability, “Wing

1725 Goldenagato |

And as these two Emperor Team’s main offensive Spirit
Masters were just about to close in on their opponents, without
warning their opponents disappeared. Just before disappearing,
Xiao Wu could still smile and wave at the wind Chimes Bird
Spirit Master Yu Feng, obviously, this was all part of the plan.

Two graceful figure was thrown into the air, not rushing
forward, but flying backwards. Together with them was the Evil
Eye Tiger Spirit Master Dai Mubai, who also retreated before
the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ very faces. Shrek Seven
Devil’s three frontline attackers withdrew at the same time. All,
with a common objective.

“Not good. We fell into their trap. Quickly, attack.”

Dugu Yan’s expression quickly changed. The Jade Phosphor

Serpent’s body quickly rushing forward. The other Emperor
Team teammates also recognized a bad situation, but their
reactions were slower by a moment.

Purple flames surging from Ma Hongjun’s body suddenly

soared, this was closely followed by the two spirit rings around
his body flashing. A stream of purple flame as thick as a man’s
thigh shot out straight towards the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon
Spirit Master Yu Tian-Heng.

1726 Goldenagato |

All that was happening was all in Tang San’s calculations. Dai
Mubai’s attack was only to act as a bait and attract the
opponent’s attention. Knowing that the Shi brothers specialised
in defense, their team had never expected Dai Mubai to be able
to defeat the stone brothers quickly.

Yet, when Tang San used the Blue Silver Grass to help Dai
Mubai to evade the Thunder Dragon Claw, he wasn’t afraid Dai
Mubai wouldn’t be able to take the attack, but most
importantly, it was to let Yu Tian-Heng notice him.

Yu Tian-Heng was fooled till the end. In other words, deep in

his heart, he had underestimated these seemingly much weaker
opponents and thus was careless. In addition to being misled by
Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqings’ rush attack, resulting in him
making a fatal error, to wade in deep behind enemies’ lines

Under his feet, the madly binding Blue Silver Grass was
inescapable. In front of him, with an extreme heat, bringing his
outrageously brilliant Phoenix Fire was the Phoenix Spirit
Master lunging. Behind him, was the the Evil Eye White Tiger,
the Soft Boned Demon Rabbit and the hell civet cat as the three
main attackers who cut off any escape routes.

1727 Goldenagato |

The Yu Tian-Heng was already in a completely hopeless

Before the battle, the Shrek Seven Devils came together and
talked about their opponents in detail, but no matter how they
analyzed it, they all understood that the opponents this time
were much stronger than themselves. Based on competing in
pure spirit power, it was physically impossible to win. Thus
they had to rely on the strength of the team as a whole.

The strongest in the Emperor team would be their strength

attacker, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, Yu Tian-Heng. Not
only was his spirit power the highest, he was also the Emperor
team’s captain. There was no doubt that his offensive strength
was the sharpest point in their spear, and was even their team’s
morale. If the tip of this spear is broken, then there wouldn’t be
such a big gap in this Spirit Battle anymore.

With his body in the air, Yu Tian-Heng couldn’t escape Tang

San’s Blue Silver Grass. Within moments, he was completely
covered. Without caring about the Blue Silver Grass wrapping
around him, he moved his right arm, shooting another Thunder
Dragon Claw, which clashed with the Phoenix Fire Wire shot by
Ma Hong-Jun.

1728 Goldenagato |

The resulting detonation sounded off a rolling thunder,
scattering numerous purple sparks in all directions, just like a
dazzling fireworks blooming.

Although it was only Yu Tian-Heng’s first spirit ability, his

spirit power was much larger than that of Ma Hong-jun’s. Thus,
it only required his Thunder Dragon Claw to tear apart Ma
Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire Wire attack.

Yu Tian-Heng, naturally knew that he was in an extreme state

of peril. Under the pressure of such danger, he released all his
stored energy, both his third and second spirit ring flashed. At
this moment, he didn’t have any reservations, as long as he
could break through this absolute kill plan, then this group
spirit battle’s victory would belong to Emperor Team.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon raged into action with it’s
Thousand Year spirit ring ability. All of a sudden, a storm of
blinding blue lightning burst forth from all around Yu Tian-
Heng’s body. Accompanied by the tremendous sound of an
explosion, the Blue Silver Grass wrapped around his body
instantly turned into ashes as it scattered in all directions..

Thunder Fury, effect: within a certain period of time, the Blue

Lightning tyrant Dragon Spirit Master would run wild. His

1729 Goldenagato |

lightning abilities were increased by a hundred percent and his
spirit power was increased by fifty percent.

If he didn’t take the initiative to stop the ability, it would

continue until he exhausted his spirit power.

But, everytime he used Thunder Fury, he would have to

sacrifice a large amount of spirit power, also, it placed no small
amount of burden on the body. It was a sink-or-swim situation,
if it wasn’t for this dangerous trap, Yu Tian-Heng would never
so easily use his third spirit ability.

Blue Silver Grass itself was originally not conductive, but

because the inherent power of Thunder Fury was too great, the
Blue-Silver grass could not stop it’s explosive energy.

But as Thunder Fury was explosively released, a streak of

purple flame suddenly bombarded Yu Tian-Heng in the chest.
His Thunder Dragon Claw was, after all, only a first spirit ring
ability. Although the Phoenix Fire Wire was blown apart, how
could Fatty’s Spirit variation’s abilities be so easily dealt with.
Here, the Phoenix Fire Wire showed its superiority with it’s
apparent endlessness. Taking advantage of opponent’s
momentary pause when the Blue silver grass was blasted away,
the heavy bombardment had already landed on Yu Tian-Heng’s

1730 Goldenagato |


Yu Tian-Heng howled loudly, but he ignored the Phoenix Fire

Wire’s bombardment and forcefully turned his body in mid air,
turning around to face Dai Mubai and the other two who were
charging at him from behind, shouting,

“Thunder Crash!”

At this point, the countless Snakes ot lightning coiling around

his body expanded and exploded outwards into countless streaks
of lightning flashing in all directions.

This, was the real strength of Yu Tian-Heng’s fully charged

attack, under Lightning Fury’s hundred percent increase, his
second ability, Thunder Crash exploded out with unmatched

Initially as it exploded, it clashed with Fatty’s Phoenix Fire

Wire breaking it and diverting majority of Thunder Crash
towards Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

Yu Tian-Heng believed that as long as it was able to block

1731 Goldenagato |

them, maybe even injure them, then under the influence
Thunder Fury, he would be able bring the opponents a large
amount of destruction.

But then, he basically didn’t need to retreat, his companions

would also reach this side of the battlefield, attacking and
dispersing the opponents.

Shrek Seven Devils were able to obtain a twenty seven bouts,

twenty seven win record in Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, how
could they be so easily beaten. Although Yu Tian-Heng’s Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit was immensely strong, right
now he was a single soldier behind enemy lines, all alone.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu’s silhouettes quietly vanished,

disappearing behind Dai Mubai’s back. The starting point of the
Blue Silver Grass twisting around their waists was Tang San,
when approaching Tang San, the three clearly would again close
together, and this first priority was naturally due to Tang San’s
control with Blue Silver Grass.

Dai Mubai confronted Yu Tian-Heng from the front, Zhu

Zhuqing and Xiao Wu taking the second and third places behind
his back.

1732 Goldenagato |

And at the same time as Yu Tian-Heng released his third spirit
ability Thunder Fury, Dai Mubai also equally released his
thousand year spirit ring ability, White Tiger Vajra

His body, already made imposing from Spirit Body

Enhancement, now swelled again, muscles swelling
exaggeratedly, his clothes bursting completely, exposing a
terrifying muscle outline, most bizarre were the black
horizontal stripes that appeared on his skin.

A pair of tiger paws again growing a size, the sharp blades

ejecting on top becoming silver, and most peculiarly was his
body becoming enveloped in an intense golden light, as if
gilded. Blood red double pupils expressing a bloodthirsty light,
all over wearing that kind of king among beasts aggressiveness.

Dragon and Tiger, equal powers among spirits, even if Tiger

was slightly inferior to Dragon, the gap was only a fine line, and
Dai Mubai’s spirit power when compared to Yu Tian-Heng’s was
also only one rank below, that’s all.

Accompanying a berserk tiger roar, the double pupils of Dai

Mubai’s evil eyes instantly united, a ball of dazzling white light
released from under the golden light of White Tiger Vajra

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Transformation, the white light swelling in the air, reaching a
diameter of two meters, just like a shooting star launching
towards Yu Tian-Heng.

Equally power attack system Spirit Masters, equally powerful

spirits. Dai Mubai and Yu Tian-Heng’s spirit abilities were
somewhat similar, as White Tiger Light Wave under the effect
of White Tiger Vajra Transformation met Thunder Crash under
the effect of Thunder Fury, what would happen?

Thunder arrow and intense light wave collided in the air with
a loud bang. The entire spirit ring trembled violently a moment,
the terrifying explosive force became an intense blast wave that
flew out in all directions.

Doudou hovered high in the air observing what went on down

below, a burst of dazzling blue white light blossoming before
her eyes, stupidly thought out loud:

“Is, is this really a spirit fight between Spirit Elders?”

After Thunder Crash launched, Yu Tian-Heng was already

falling to the floor. Dai Mubai equally dropped, the all out
collision of spirit power and spirit abilities making the two

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practically simultaneously withdraw, Yu Tian Heng retreated
three steps, but Dai Mubai only withdrew two steps. At the
corner of the mouth both had a line of blood, clearly, in the
confrontation just now Dai Mubai held the advantage.

That wasn’t to say that Dai Mubai was capable of

overpowering Yu Tian-Heng. Rather because Yu Tian-Heng had
previously already suffered Fatty’s flame attack, although
Thunder Fury had counteracted the flame, Fatty’s Phoenix Fire
Wire wasn’t only more blazing than an equivalent flame, at the
same time it had the adhering effect, right now Yu Tian-Heng’s
chest was already burnt pitch black.

Furthermore, although Thunder Crash’s attack power was

terrifying, nevertheless it was intended to kill or injure, while
Dai Mubai’s attack was a shock blow. In spirit power density,
clearly it was Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Light Wave that held the
advantage. Despite this, Yu Tian-Heng only retreated one more
step than Dai Mubai, it could clearly be seen what kind of
tyrannical existence the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon was.

It was a pity Ning Rongrong’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

Pagoda presently didn’t have any amplifying effect on spirit
abilities, only amplifying strength and speed. Otherwise, with
Dai Mubai’s one attack, they could have given the opponent a
great setback.

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Although on the surface it seemed like Dai Mubai had suffered
a somewhat smaller attack, right now his body was already
completely paralysed, White Tiger Barrier and White Tiger
Vajra Transformation couldn’t completely offset the lightning
strength supplemented in the Thunder Crash.

But, it wasn’t just Dai Mubai launching an attack towards the

opponent alone, rather all the Shrek Seven Devils. Dai Mubai’s
attack had ended, the Thunder Crash had also dissipated to the
front. It was also at this time, a quick silhouette quietly
flickered, appearing from behind his back.

Hell Rush Stab increased Zhu Zhuqing’s speed to the limit,

even to the extent that her body left behind remnant shadows in
the air, the two spirit rings over her simultaneously flashing
suddenly. Yu Tian-Heng still hadn’t found his footing when Zhu
Zhuqing already appeared in front of him.

Hell Civet second spirit ring ability, Hell Hundred Claws,


Countless claw shadows struck out, weaving a frightful net of

sharp blades, Yu Tian-Heng’s internal energies still hadn’t
settled, also having released too much lightning power with the

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previous Thunder Crash, right now his old strength had just
been used up, and new strength still hadn’t been generated.

In the crucial moment, Yu Tian-Heng showed remarkable

psychological quality, without the slightest hint of being
flustered by the opponent’s attack. The Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon arm rose vertically, as much as possible defusing Zhu
Zhuqing’s attack.

However, Zhu Zhuqing’s attack was really too fast, the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda strength and speed boost
completely coming to their right in her Hell Hundred Claws.
Sparks constantly burst from Yu Tian-Heng’s dragon arm,
splashing out simultaneously was still a bloody light.

Yu Tian-Heng was only able to defend his vitals, but at his

other arm, shoulder, both legs, all paid a not inconsiderable
price under the Hell Hundred Claws attack.

One must know that Zhu Zhuqing’s primary capability was

reflected in speed and attack power, the attacks she launched all
had supplementary puncturing effects, while the wounds
wouldn’t appear very deep, spirit power already permeated
within, frantically destroying Yu Tian-Heng’s energy channels.

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With the assistance of Thunder Fury Yu Tian-Heng finally
recovered his breath, intense thunder power once again
erupting, but Zhu Zhuqing in the instant before that thunder
moved several meters to the side, just evading Yu Tian-Heng’s
attack. Without a doubt, again it was Tang San’s Blue Silver
Grass battle control rhythm.

Tightly following on Zhu Zhuqing’s horizontal shift, a slender

lovable human body appeared in front of Yu Tian-Heng,
precisely Xiao Wu.

Violent aches transmitted from the hundred bones of the four

limbs, a heat at his back, clearly it was that blazing Phoenix Fire
Wire already attacking his back, but there still appeared an
enemy in front. Yu Tian-Heng knew that with further passivity,
before help could arrive from his side, he would fall here.

Strongly raising spirit power, from Yu Tian-Heng’s mouth

issued an indignant howl, coming forward to meat Xiao Wu’s
delicate body was a Thunder Dragon Claw.

Under the boost of Thunder Fury, Thunder Dragon Claw’s

range and power were more than doubled, with Xiao Wu’s
current speed forward, she was clearly unable to dodge.

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Also at this moment, the Shrek Seven Devils team’s fighting
strength erupted completely, facing the Thunder Dragon Claw
Xiao Wu didn’t have the slightest intention of breaking off, the
stimulation of the lightning already made her body spasm
slightly, the purple third spirit ring flared like it was declaring
the end of Yu Tian-Heng’s spirit battle for this time.

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s third spirit ring ability, Teleport,


Yu Tian-Heng only caught a flash in front of him as Xiao Wu’s

silhouette had already disappeared, the next moment, that
slender lovable body suddenly magnified before him, a long
braid directly coiling around his neck, Xiao Wu leapt up, both
hands with the help of the braid pulling within the hook of Yu
Tian-Heng’s dragon arm, resisting the supplemental thunder
strength, both feet simultaneously stepping on Yu Tian-Heng’s
lower abdomen.

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s first spirit ring ability, Waist Bow,
launched. Yu Tian-Heng was unable to resist the enormous
force used and was suddenly thrown up, despite his spirit power
being eight ranks higher than Xiao Wu, despite Thunder Fury
amplifying his spirit power by fifty percent, right now his
body’s condition had already dropped to the bottom of the
valley, adding Xiao Wu possessing the thirty percent strength

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boost from Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pavilion, he was left
basically without the chance to resist Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill.

As Yu Tian-Heng swept past Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai’s tiger

paws simultaneously swatted down at his ribs.

It has to be said, despite Yu Tian-Heng right now already

having received enormous injuries, his experience with facing
enemies was abundant, managing to use the dragon arm to
block his chest, relying on this solid arm to endure Dai Mubai’s
attack, with the clear sound of shattering bone. These two paws
still had a thirty percent strength boost, an attack with the
strength Dai Mubai stored up since coming out of paralysis,
even if it was the outstanding defensive power of Yu Tian-
Heng’s dragon arm, it still fractured the bone. With the
“assistance” of Dai Mubai, his entire body accelerated to even
higher speed, flying toward the Emperor Team’s side.

From Yu Tian-Heng crossing over the Black Tortoise Spirit

Masters to launch his attack, to being surrounded by the Shrek
Seven Devils, to them inflicting serious injuries on Yu Tian-
Heng, the complete process had only taken a very short amount
of time, that’s all.

Hong——, Yu Tian-Heng’s body heavily struck the two Black

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Tortoise Spirit Masters’ tortoiseshells and came to a stop, his
whole body cut bloody and ragged, from his mouth also madly
spurting blood. Under the successive attacks, he already
suffered serious injuries, even his Thunder Fury almost broken
apart by the Shrek Seven Devils. This wasn’t at all the Shrek
Seven Devils wanting to casually kill someone, but the result of
showing some leniency. Otherwise, if Tang San also had
attacked, it wouldn’t have been as simple as Yu Tian-Heng
spitting blood.

“Bastards, I’ll kill you!”

Yu Tian-Heng’s serious injuries undoubtedly infuriated the

Emperor Team, especially the vice captain Dugu Yan, as Yu
Tuan-Heng’s intimate friend, watching her man suffering
serious damage by the opponents from all directions, but herself
without the time to assist him, how painful was this kind of

At this moment, she had already completely forgotten what

Qin Ming said, and with a sharp hiss, her third spirit ring
abruptly shone.

The originally dark green eyes completely became violet, even

the scales of the snake tail were covered by a faint layer of violet

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light, opening her mouth wide, a dense violet mist burst out,
rapidly spreading in the air, surging in the direction of the
Shrek Seven Devils.

“Everyone return!”

Tang San shouted loudly, pulling back Dai Mubai, Zhu

Zhuqing and Xiao Wu who wanted to dash forward for a follow
up attack behind him, right now, he stood furthest ahead of the
Shrek Seven Devils.

But the opponents’ Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master and Black
Leopard Spirit Master taking advantage of their speed to launch
attacks, seeing the violet mist panicked broke off their
approach, from how the two recoiled to the sides it could clearly
be seen they were terrified of Dugu Yan’s violet mist.

Tang San with a serious face attentively watched that violet

mist floating over, right now, the violet mist already resembled
a protective screen separating the two sides, moreover slowly
advancing in the Shrek Seven Devils’ direction. Apart from
flying up or perhaps stepping down from the spirit ring, they
would inevitably be enveloped by the violet mist.

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Before the violet mist had arrived, already a fishy smell
assailed the nostrils, making people feel nauseous and faint. The
Shrek Seven Devils without hesitation swallowed down one of
Oscar’s sausages, and Oscar himself swiftly began to make
detoxifying small sausages in preparation for future need.

Both hands pressing on Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges at his

waist, Tang San pondered for a moment, calmly saying:

“A Jade Phosphor Serpent of the Jade Phosphor Five Poisons,

that’s all, I’ll break your snake venom.”

Tang San raised both hands, each with a very large water
skin, each water skin large enough to hold ten jin of drinking
water, generally speaking, for use when travelling long

Tang San exerted himself to whip out both hands, the two
leather bags thrown into the air, at the same time shouting

“Boss, White Tiger Light Wave. Fatty, Phoenix Fire Wire.


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The Shrek Seven Devils hadn’t been cooperating for just one
or two days, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai understood intuitively.
Dai Mubai right now still in White Tiger Vajra Transformation
without hesitating spit out a White Tiger Light Wave, going
straight for the water skins Tang San threw out, Fatty’s Phoenix
Fire Wire following close behind.


The two water skins hit by White Tiger Light Wave were
without a doubt instantly smashed to pieces, the “water” within
spreading upward in a huge cloud of dispersing water under the
intense spirit power attack, and at this moment, Fatty’s Phoenix
Fire Wire also arrived, instantly, the former water cloud
unexpectedly completely turned into a cloud of fire, bringing a
special fragrance to fill the air and pervade everyone present.
Furthermore, it completely enveloped the violet mist.

The dense violet mist unexpectedly also ignited under this

sudden blaze, making a series of popping noises, disappearing in
a moment. In the air, under the shining stage lighting, only
those two smashed water skins slowly fell to the ground. The
protective screen between the two teams had already
completely faded away.

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“No, this isn’t possible. How could you break my Jade
Phosphor Violet Poison?”

Dugu Yan stupidly stared across at Tang San, her eyes

brimming with a disbelieving expression. Not just her, but each
member of the Emperor Team stared dumbfounded.

They all clearly understood Dugu Yan’s Jade Phosphor Violet

Poison. Even if it was the powerful Yu Tian-Heng, he still
wouldn’t dare lightly come into contact with it. This third spirit
ring ability was even more Dugu Yan’s most poisonous attack,
the poison acting extremely quickly, with just a little bit of
contact with the violet mist, in a short time one would issue pus
and die.

Distantly at the entrance of the passage, Qin Ming’s heart

became greatly anxious as he saw the violet mist, wanting to call
out to stop it, but before he could speak up, Dugu Yan’s violet
mist had already been dispersed. He as well hadn’t expected it.

Tang San calmly said:

“Jade Phosphor Serpent poison is no more than an

insignificant talent, if it was the Jade Phosphor Five Poisons

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together, perhaps I would have taken some notice of it. Your
Jade Phosphor Serpent Poison still has insufficient heat

Poison was what Tang Sect relied on for its fame. What
genuinely made people fearful was how Tang San toyed with
the poison before him, like he was Lord Guan toying with a

Tang San’s method for unravelling it was actually very

simple. In those two water skins wasn’t actually water, but
extremely high strength alcohol. Furthermore in this alcohol
was also realgar powder. Wine fortified with realgar, generally
speaking, was used when entering an area with a lot of snakes,
to guard against snake and insect bites.

Tang San threw out the water skins, using Dai Mubai’s White
Tiger Light Wave to scatter it as mist in the air, further using
Fatty’s Phoenix Fire Wire to ignite it, thoroughly cooking the
poison. Although Jade Phosphor Serpent Poison was extremely
toxic, it was still unable to be preserved when faced with
ruthless flame. Earlier when Tang San learned Dugu Yan’s spirit
was Jade Phosphor Serpent, he already made preparations to
deal with her. Of course, this realgar wine was something he
always carried. Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges space was so large,
how could it be wasted?

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In fact, although Tang San was calm on the surface, in his
heart he was secretly shocked, Dugu Yan’s Jade Phosphor
Serpent poison was still more potent than he had imagined. And
since coming to this world, he still had never had the time to
search for poisonous substances and drugs that could be used
for Tang Sect poisons and antidotes. Right now he inwardly
resolved to learn from his experience this time, and certainly
soon mix antidotes and poisons, then, he could truly display the
strength of the Tang Sect.

At this moment, a clear calm voice suddenly came through

from the rear of the Emperor Team,

“What are you waiting for, is a tiny setback enough to make

you fear the opponent?”

Immediately following, accompanying a faint aroma, a white

light fell from the sky, that white light appeared extremely
peculiar, unexpectedly in the form of petals, gently drifting
down, falling directly on Yu Tian-Heng, lightly merging into his

Yu Tian-Heng trembled against Dugu Yan’s chest, his open

wounds miraculously closed rapidly, his entire body’s

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complexion seeming to already become much better,
unexpectedly getting up on his feet.

In a stern voice he said:

“Lingling’s right, what are we waiting for? Get to it.”

The light of thunder again appearing, though just now still

beaten bloody by the Shrek Seven Devils he unexpectedly took
the lead to charge ahead, lightning snakes surging around him,
even raising that fractured arm again.

That petal-like white light came from Emperor Team’s only

auxiliary system Spirit Master Xie Lingling’s hands. Right now,
Emperor Team’s formation was no longer as neat as at the start,
and the Shrek Seven Devils could finally see Xie Lingling’s
spirit, Nine Heart Flowering Apple.

Resting in Xie Lingling’s hands was a pink flowering apple,

formed by white and pink petals, the flowering apple was
gorgeous, flowering with beauty and elegance.

The flower leaves and branches welled from either side of Xie

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Lingling’s hands, softly spreading in the wind, drooping and
fluttering, as if beautiful hair covering a virtuous woman’s face,
affectionate deep love, charm pitying people.

Right now a purple light was fading from her body, clearly
those white light petals just now was her thousand year spirit
ring ability.

Seeing Yu Tian-Heng completely recovered once again, on the

Shrek Seven Devils’ side, everyone’s complexions couldn’t help
but change.

One must know, their attack at Yu Tian-Heng just now could

be said to have been planned since long ago, it was also their
method for pulling close the gap to the opponents. After all, Yu
Tian-Heng wasn’t the only formidable person on the other side,
if they could first take away Yu Tian-Heng’s fighting strength,
then with one person less their side would have a much larger

But right now Yu Tian-Heng charging once again meant that

not only did the Emperor Team still possess all its intact
strength, it was even more of a blow to the Shrek Seven Devils’
morale that the opponents’ Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit
Master could heal the wounded at any time, how would they

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still conduct this battle?

Right now everyone truly understood why Ning Rongrong

thought so highly of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple. This
peculiar auxiliary system spirit was indeed one of a kind.

With the previous lesson, Emperor Team clearly wouldn’t be

as careless as before.

The two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters followed closely behind

Yu Tian-Heng, Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng dashing
directly at the rearmost Shrek Seven Devil Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong, and the Black Leopard Spirit Master
Osler charged at Zhu Zhuqing from the side.

And Dugu Yan blew out a green mist into the air, from all
around enveloping everyone present, right now, the Emperor
Team members each put something in their mouths, not
suffering the slightest effect within the green mist.

The true battle would begin right now, but the advantageous
position carefully set up under Tang San’s control had already
been obliterated completely.

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He couldn’t be flustered, this was the first problem Tang San

Dai Mubai roared deeply, meeting Yu Tian-Heng from the

front, his White Tiger Vajra Transformation had a time
restriction, right now he couldn’t delay. But Yu Tian-Heng’s
Thunder Fury also hadn’t been revoked. These two Dragon and
Tiger great Spirit Masters once again clashed.

Zhu Zhuqing’s figure flickered, fighting the Black Leopard

Spirit Master Osler, her attack and spirit power were inferior to
the opponent, but her speed was a lot higher, for the moment
unlikely to fall into a too great of a disadvantageous position. Of
course, this required the assistance of Ning Rongrong’s Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, otherwise, lacking one spirit ring,
she wouldn’t be a match for the Black Leopard Spirit Master.
Right now, only Xiao Wu remained at Tang San’s side, behind
them Fatty using Phoenix Fire Wire to tangle with the Wind
Chime Bird Spirit Master, blocking him from attacking Ning
Rongrong and Oscar, basically unable to assist.

And right now what Tang San and Xiao Wu confronted wasn’t
just the green mist alone, but still the two Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters and the constantly using abilities Jade Phosphor
Serpent Spirit Master.

1751 Goldenagato |

Power Ranger Megazord! boooom… *rainbow explosions*

Go lugia! use Steel wing!

(雷霆之怒) Directly translated into Thunder Fury

(雷霆万钧) “Thunder’s force of 150 tons”

10斤 = 5 kg

A reference to the warrior Guan Yu of Three Kingdoms fame.

Chinese flowering crabapple, Malus spectabilis

Can’t quite find an attribution for this poem. Scanning the

flowering apple entry on Baidu suggests it might be Yang Wanli,
a 12th century poet, but that seems to reference another line.

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Chapter 51 - Spirit Fusion Ability Hell White

Before this fight, the record Tang San obtained couldn’t only
be twenty seven wins, at the same time, he and Xiao Wu’s
record in the thirtieth ranked two versus two spirit fights was
equally twenty seven total victories. Perhaps they were lucky in
some spirit battles, but how could they have been lucky in all
twenty seven bouts? In coordination alone, the seven years they
already had together undoubtedly made them the most familiar
out of the Shrek Seven Devils. Therefore, even though they
faced three over thirty fifth ranked peak strength opponents
with optimal spirit ring configurations, they still had no fear.
Especially the other side’s soul, control system Spirit Master
Dugu Yan’s confidence was already cracked by her third spirit
ring ability being dissolved.

The Black Tortoise Spirit Master Shi brothers’ heads and legs
had already stretched out from their tortoiseshells, the two
simultaneously issued deep bellows, their second spirit rings
flaring, the edges of their tortoiseshells shining with a not at all
intense light.

“Shield Form.”

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The two brothers bellowed with tacit understanding, the
tortoiseshells on their chest and back bizarrely separating, each
moving into their two hands, becoming two one meter in
diameter immense shields. But having lost their tortoiseshells,
their bodies were not only much smaller than before they used
their spirits, but their sturdy builds had also become thin and
weak, apparently as if those tortoiseshells were formed from
their bones and essences, truly a bizarre sight.

Until now, the most conspicuous of the Emperor Team was

the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master, captain Yu
Tian-Heng. But in fact, in fighting strength among the Emperor
Team, the Shi brothers weren’t in any way inferior to Yu Tian-
Heng, regardless of whether it was the Black Tortoise Spirit, Dai
Mubai’s White Tiger Spirit or Yu Tian-Heng’s Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon Spirit, all were first rate spirits. The low key Shi
brothers were even more powerful than everyone imagined, just
that in fights there was basically no need for them to display
their powerful side. But now, Yu Tian-Heng previously
suffering such heavy injuries clearly made these otherwise
unflustered Shi brothers truly angry. Right now, two of the
pair’s spirit rings shone. Their gazes burning, staring fixedly at
Tang San.

The two Shi brothers glanced at each other, simultaneously

shouting loudly and unexpectedly throwing the enormous
tortoiseshell shields in their hands, directly at Tang San and

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Xiao Wu.

The tortoiseshell shields spin whistling through the air, that

incomparable energy enough to make people fearful. Most
peculiar were the strands of yellow spirit power that connected
the back of each tortoiseshell shield with the hands of the Shi
brothers. The sharp edges of the tortoiseshell shields cut the air
as they passed, creating an extremely disturbing sharp hiss.

The green mist had already inundated everyone, bringing a

faintly sweet fishy smell to everyone’s nostrils, despite already
having eaten Oscar’s small sausage, apart from Tang San each
person of the Shrek Seven Devils felt a burst of dizziness.
Fortunately the detoxifying effect of the small sausages was
good, and they could persist without signs of defeat.

Right now, a bit relaxedly confronting the other side’s

strongest was Dai Mubai.

Once again fighting Yu Tian-Heng, Dai Mubai immediately

became aware that the opponent’s condition really hadn’t
recovered to its peak. Although those bizarre white light petals
helped cure Yu Tian-Heng’s physical injuries, the spirit power
he released previously hadn’t recovered. In fact, under the
previous siege of the Shrek Seven Devils his spirit power

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consumption was substantial, an unknown amount more than
Dai Mubai.

Bodily injuries recovered quickly, but although Yu Tian-

Heng’s fractured Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon arm had barely
managed to heal, he still didn’t dare exert himself. Right now he
was only relying on his thunder energy to contend with Dai
Mubai. With his spirit power already lower than Dai Mubai
under the effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda boost,
Yu Tian-Heng calmly chose a roaming battle, without meeting
Dai Mubai straight on.

Dai Mubai was unable to grab the chance for victory he

desired, able to become a control system Spirit Master, Jade
Phosphor Serpent Dugu Yan’s poison battle control capability
was no small matter. Were it not for Tang San exploiting his
familiarity with every kind of poison, relying on realgar alcohol
to dissolve her strongest third spirit ability Jade Phosphor
Violet Poison, perhaps now the Shrek Seven Devils would all
have fallen.

But Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun’s circumstances weren’t so


The opponents the two confronted both had seven or eight

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ranks higher spirit power, even though Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile Pagoda’s effect was able to shrink the spirit power gap
between them, but it still couldn’t make up for a difference in
one spirit ring.

One more spirit ring wasn’t just as simple as one more spirit
ability, all the supplemental attributes that promoted when
absorbing a spirit ring couldn’t be made up for with spirit
power. Just like how Tang San when entering the thirtieth rank
realm gained comprehensive improvements in strength and

Although Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Spirit was also a flying type,

right now he still couldn’t fly, and could only rely on Phoenix
Fire Wire to vanquish the opponent.

But that Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng’s attacks

were extremely crafty, constantly swooping down with wings
like sharp blades, as long as Ma Hongjun was the slightest bit
slow in attacking, he might be hit.

What made Ma Hongjun even more depressed was Yu Feng’s

wind abilities. Although he didn’t dare letting himself be hit by
Phoenix Fire Wire, relying on his wings to instigate wind force
he was frequently able to disperse the Phoenix Fire Wire

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In order to be able to keep his opponent at a distance, Ma

Hongjun was forced to constantly keep up his Bathing Fire
Phoenix ability, thereby bringing the Phoenix Fire Wire’s attack
power to its peak. Although he was able to temporarily keep his
opponent in check like this, his spirit power consumption was
also substantial.

Were it not for Oscar periodically handing him one of his big
sausages, perhaps he would already have been unable to persist.

Zhu Zhuqing’s circumstances were even more unbearable

than Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun still had Oscar’s support, she
could only rely on her own strength.

Black Leopard Osler’s speed was under ordinary

circumstances higher than Zhu Zhuqing’s, the Black Leopard
Spirit in itself was an extremely outstanding existence among
agility attack spirits. Zhu Zhuqing was unable to close the gap
between the two even under the speed boost of Seven Treasures
Great Tile Pagoda, and could only keep up a constant moving
battle with the opponent.

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Osler’s attacks were becoming fiercer and fiercer, and with
the spirit power consumption, Zhu Zhuqing was already
gradually becoming unable to resist.

“Zhuqing, over here!”

Dai Mubai shouted loudly.

Zhu Zhuqing understood intuitively, figure flickering, she

already appeared at Dai Mubai’s side.

The pressure Yu Tian-Heng gave Dai Mubai was insufficient,

and relying on White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Dai Mubai
forced off Osler, together with Zhu Zhuqing confronting Osler
and Yu Tian-Heng, creating a two versus two situation. Thus,
Zhu Zhuqing’s crisis was temporarily averted.

But when Yu Tian-Heng had Osler’s assistance, he also had the

chance to catch his breath.

The four enormous tortoiseshells cut spinning through the

air, attacking Tang San from four different directions.

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“Xiao Wu.”

Tang San made a simple gesture.

Xiao Wu soared up, with a leap already jumping over Tang

San. Tang San’s both hands used strength under Xiao Wu’s feet,
Capturing Dragon force bursting out, sending off Xiao Wu like
an artillery shell.

The Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ defense no doubt mainly

relied on their tortoiseshells, right now having thrown the
tortoiseshells, their defensive power naturally would have
substantially reduced.

Tang San had considered letting Xiao Wu attack the

opponents’ control system Spirit Master Dugu Yan, but that was
after all to dangerous. Tang San wasn’t certain he would be able
to dispel the poison on Dugu Yan’s body.

But, with Xiao Wu having left this side, right now Tang San
alone had to confront the attack of two Spirit Masters with
spirit power six ranks higher than his. Was he able to block

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Tang San revealed a confident smile, he wasn’t just a control
system Spirit Master, at the same time he was a Tang Sect
disciple. That martial ability not of this world was his true

Moving with Ghost Perplexing Shadow Track, after Tang San

threw Xiao Wu he advanced rather than retreating, dashing to
meet the four tortoiseshell shields, Mysterious Heaven Skill
internal strength surging, both palms already becoming a
lustrous glossy jade color.

The four tortoiseshell shields seemed to leave death the only

result for Tang San, but a Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track
rotation unexpectedly let him evade the sharp edges in front.

Immediately afterward, both Tang San’s palms

simultaneously clapped the leftmost side of a shield.

Figure flickering again, again both palms swatted another


Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon’s force launched,

cleverly leveraging force to jolt those shields suffused with spirit

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power, in a moment, the four shields would crash together.

Two muffled grunts issued from the Shi Brothers, the spirit
power light connecting to the backs of the tortoiseshell shields
abruptly tightened, the four shields breaking off in different

This time, it was Tang San’s face that changed color.

It wasn’t at all because he was worried the tortoiseshell

shields would injure him, with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track,
he basically didn’t have to be worried about being hit by this
kind of cumbersome weapon. The reason he was shocked, was
that the tortoiseshell shields no longer targeted him, but the
Blue Silver Grass released from him.

With ear-piercing air-splitting intense sounds, the four

tyrannical tortoiseshell shields plunged among the Blue Silver
Grass released from Tang San and unexpectedly severed more
than half, especially those few strands of Blue Silver Grass
connected to the other Shrek Seven Devil team members, even
more all of a sudden completely severing their seven member
integral formation.

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Tang San’s heart chilled, right now he already understood
that these two appearing unflustered Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters absolutely weren’t as simple minded as they appeared
on the outside. Their true purpose was admittedly to attack
him, but even more important was to destroy their side’s linked

Right now, Xiao Wu already crossed the covering range of the

four shields, in a moment, the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters
were already in range.

“Xiao Wu, look out!”

A sense of unease washed over Tang San from the bottom of

his heart. He subconsciously reminded Xiao Wu. This was
because he suddenly remembered something. The twin Shi
Brothers had yet to use their third Spirit Ability. After all, they
were strength based defensive spirit masters, how could they
throw away their shells and not think about their defense?

Just as Tang San had predicted, both faces of the Black

Tortoise Spirit Masters changed, just as their body shone with a
purple hue. Their thousand year spirit ring activated.

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Xiao Wu naturally had heard Tang San’s cry, but at that point
in time, her body was still in mid-air. There was nothing she
could do. However, during the critical moments, Xiao Wu
demonstrated her quick reflexes. Her second and third spirit
ring lighting up at the same time. Dazzling and mesmerizingly,
with red eyes, she intensely gazed upon Shi Mò.

The Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s second spirit ability, Demon

Confusion, the effect, depending on the opponent’s spirit
power, it would leave them in a frozen state. The length of this
effect was dependant on the difference in their spirit power.
However, if there was a large difference in their spirit power, it
would backfire.

Just like before, when they were fighting Zhao Wuji, he

directly reflected Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion ability. The twin
Black Tortoise Spirit Masters before them obviously didn’t have
such an overwhelming difference in Spirit power, thus they
could only be frozen for a very short period of time. However,
Xiao Wu, using a momentary outburst of power could still
obtain the desired result.

Shi Mò’s entire person was still for a while. The purple glow
around his body naturally dulled a little. Taking advantage of
this split second opportunity, Xiao Wu used her teleportation
ability to, as before, charge ahead. Just using the teleporting

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abilities’ range of five meters to dodge in front.

To lure the enemy in deep. The Shi brothers had dealt with
Xiao Wu, using Tang San’s very own method of dealing with Yu
Tian-Heng before..

The four tortoise shells, that had cut Tang San’s blue silver
grass before, with a speed that was hard for the human eye to
catch, were recovered. Every Tortoise shell glowed with a
purple light as it was explosively rendered into sixteen diamond
shaped pieces and shot off within moments. It just about sealed
anyone in the vicinity of the defensive Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters. At this time, if Xiao Wu’s waist still had Tang San’s
Blue Silver Grass, then maybe he could’ve still pulled her back.
But now, in the air, she had nothing else to rely on.

The Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ Tortoise Shell Burst was a

kind of area of attack, mainly used to protect themselves and
attack the enemy at the same time.

Each Shi Brother’s Tortoise shells had split into thirty two
pieces. With an area of effect of ten Meters squared, the pieces
raced around them in the air, making a sharp piercing sound as
they spun around the spirit masters, violently distorting the air
within the coverage of their shell burst. To others, it looked like

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a giant meat grinder.

No one knew when the Shi Brothers had split up and moved,
but in order use their third spirit ability to their fullest
potential, they had to avoid meeting each other, thus
preventing the shell fragments crashing into each other.

When Xiao Wu teleported five meters, she could escape the

incoming tortoise shell, but she was unable to dodge the shell
burst attack. Her delicate body turned in the air, blood
splattering as Xiao Wu painfully cried out, the vigorously
rotating shells in the air, had shredded her, causing her to spin
several times before falling to the ground.

Seeing Xiao Wu fall into the enemies’ Tortoise Shell Burst

range, Tang San’s heart broke. Unable to maintain his
composure any longer,

“Xiao Wu!”

The Blue Silver Grass finally caught up to the falling Xiao Wu,
wrapped around her waist and quickly pulled her back to safety.

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Xiao Wu’s eyes were shut tight, her body trembling fiercely.
Her right arm, the right side of her waist and even her thigh was
bloody and cut, blood already staining red half her body. Even
more serious, the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ spirit power
had penetrated her body, already injuring her internal organs.

Tang San’s heart beats just about stopped. With his right
hand, he was quickly pressing and blocking the pressure points
around Xiao Wu’s injuries to seal the veins so that she wouldn’t
bleed too much. With the other, he was pressing on Xiao Wu’s
back, using the warm Mysterious Heaven Skill’s to quickly push
spirit energy into her, combining her spirit power with his own,
forcing out any lingering malicious Spirit Power inside her.
While this was happening, the shell fragments merged back in
the air, once again becoming the tortoise shells on the backs of
the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters. Their attack, had been a great
success. Not only were they able to cut off Tang San’s support,
they had also heavily injured Xiao Wu.

Originally, the Shi Brothers didn’t even think about using

their third spirit ability, even Qin Ming had previously
reminded them not to mortally injure any of the opponents.

But Yu Tian-Heng’s heavy injuries had caused them to be very

angry, even though their expressions didn’t show it, in reality,
they were infuriated. This caused them to pull all the stops and

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thus their full force attack resulted in the current scene.

Dugu Yan happily shouted:


Opening her mouth, she once again spit out another mouthful
of thick poison, causing the poison mist on the stage to become
even thicker. Oscar and his small sausage was finally already
starting to show its ineffectiveness.

The two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters leaped with large

strides towards Tang San, very clear that they only needed to
take down this control system Spirit Master. Then, today’s
spirit battle would end in their victory.

The Emperor team came to the same understanding after

looking at Xiao Wu’s injury. Tang San would soon have to face
the Black Tortoise Spirit Master twins who had the support of
the Jade Phosphor Serpent from behind.Thus all at once, they
engaged they other Shrek Seven Devils in their own all-out
battles. Their objective was simple. To ensure that Tang San’s
teammates would not get the opportunity to save him.

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Xiao Wu’s injury had all the same ignited the flames of fury in
the other Shrek Seven Devils’ hearts. Ma Hongjun no longer
spared any remaining spirit power. His Phoenix Fire Wire
painted a horrifying picture of fire in the air, rushing towards
the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master.

“Air Surge”. At the critical moment, the gust could no longer

be maintained, the purple spirit ring lit up. Floating in the air,
both wings rapidly flapped. A layer of green coloured cloudlike
spirit power was being released in waves, inviting Ma Hongjun’s
Phoenix Fire Wire to slap against it.

The green spirit power gathered in the air, forming the shape
of a giant bird and swooped down. Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Fire
Wire mightily clashed with it.

“Ah!…” The intense pressure and Xiao Wu’s injury had

brought out the darkness in Ma Hongjun’s heart, even though
his spirit power was comparatively weaker than his opponents,
at this moment, the Phoenix Fire on his body was burning with
a heat incomparable to before.

With the Bathing Fire Phoenix out in full force, he grabbed a

sausage from Oscar who was beside him and swallowed it. Once
again, spitting out an intense Fire Wire.

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Ma Hongjun clearly knew that at this side wasn’t just him
alone, there was also Oscar and Ning Rongrong. Once he was
unable to block the enemies’ spirit ability, then the support
from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tiles Pagoda would be lost.
Which would only make matters worse.

The purplish red coloured Fire Wire, under Ma Hongjun’s

rage slowly turned a deep purple colour. The third spirit ring
ability, wind surge, should’ve broken through the fire, but
under these circumstances, was currently being held back by
force. The originally ability shaped bird’s body had even started
to show signs of being burnt.

Yu Feng felt a special sort of pressure coming from Ma

Hongjun, making him feel, from the bottom of his heart, a
pressure as if Ma Hongjun had an indisputable, tyrannical
strength .

He of course didn’t know that the current situation was just

like the female Spider spirit master’s situation when Tang San
faced the Mad team. This was the sort of pressure brought about
by the difference in battle spirit.

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Ma Hongjun had the Phoenix spirit, even if it was a Evil Fire
Phoenix Variant, it was a phoenix all the same. Phoenixes were
the emperor of birds, the strong ones capable of even
commanding the heavens. This standard was naturally
something the wind Chime Bird wasn’t comparable to.

Thus, even if Yu Feng’s Spirit power was much higher than

Ma Hongjun, in this battle of spirits, the pressure brought by
the Phoenix was inescapable.

Of course, it was because of this difference in both parties’

spirit power that this pressure was only brought out under such
conditions, when Ma Hongjun’s body was showing all its

“Zhuqing, Hell White tiger.”

Dai Mubai roared. As the captain of the Shrek Seven Devils,

seeing Xiao Wu getting injured, he couldn’t hold it in. Thus he
no longer held anything back.

Grandmaster once said in this Arena before, if Shrek Seven

Devils wanted to achieve a victory in the Arena, then, it would
all depend on Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San these three

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Of which, when he was referring to Dai Mubai and Zhu

Zhuqing, it wasn’t their individual physical ability he was
talking about. After all, if one was to compare Dai Mubai and Yu
Tian-Heng’s abilities, they would need a thin wire. What he was
actually referring to was the secret between Dai Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing. Their Spirit Fusion ability.

Accompanied by the roars of a tiger, Dai Mubai, already in his

White Tiger King State, once again transformed. White fur was
mixed with black coloured tiger spots as they started to wildly

Zhu Zhuqing lightly bit her lower lip, as her entire body was
covered in a faint black glow. Her body became faint, as if it was
transparent, rushing towards Dai Mubai.

Seeing the two people’s body change, Yu Tian-Heng could not

help but be shocked.

“This is not good. It’s the Spirit fusion ability. Osler! Go all

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At this point in time, Yu Tian-Heng no longer cared about the
consequences of overusing his spirit power. While he was slowly
losing the ability to support his Thunder Rage’s status but was
still able to forcefully maintain it. He raised his huge dragon
arm, roaring, once again using Thunder Crash.

This time it was to stop Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. He used
the last of his spirit power to forcefully emit his Thunder Crash
ability towards the two people.

The Black Panther Spirit Master’s third spirit ring lit up at the
same time. Opening his eyes wide, as the purple spirit ring
floated around his body, a series of cracking and snapping could
be heard from all over his body. From his original body,
separated a leopard shaped light figure, charging towards Dai
Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

The Black Panther Spirit Master’s 3rd Spirit ability, Leopard

Shadow Doppelganger, activated.

However, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai never paid their

opponents any attention. With all his attention focused, Dai
Mubai’s only had Zhu Zhuqing in his eyes. With arms wide
open, he welcomed Zhu Zhuqing’s dreamlike figure.

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At this very moment, Dai Mubai was suddenly astonished to
discover that the icy chill in Zhu Zhuqing’s eyes had faded away,
her gaze towards him somewhat dull, still with a somewhat
unusual mood.

The two silhouettes finally met each other as the opponents’

attack approached, Evil Eye White Tiger and Hell Civet’s
energies at this moment completely blending. The next
moment, everyone present felt a fluctuating energy.

The spirit fusion ability wasn’t one plus one equals two, even
if it was two perfectly identical spirits they still might not be
able to use the spirit fusion ability, because this required a
perfect mutual match. When the spirit fusion ability arose, that
kind of formidably powerful incarnation wasn’t just two Spirit
Masters’ levels, rather a surpassing existence.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s bodies both vanished in that

fusion, remaining on the spirit ring was only an enormous
White Tiger. The White Tiger’s body was transparent, white fur
with black stripes, double purple pupils, coldly watching the
onrushing attacks.

Black Leopard Spirit Master Osler’s Leopard Shadow

Doppelgänger was first to reach the transparent White Tiger,

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compared to the eight meters long and more than two meters
high enormous silhouette of the white tiger, it looked

The Hell White Tiger simply leisurely raised its right claw,
and slowly swatted down. With a popping sound, that faintly
purple leopard shadow already became countless specks of light
and disappeared unseen, and the Hell White Tiger’s transparent
body only rocked slightly once. The next moment, it suddenly
transformed into a streak of light, directly rushing into that
mad thunder, forging ahead bathed in lightning.

The enormous White Tiger flashed brilliantly in that

moment, raising its head high. That ‘looking down on the
world’ arrogance appeared, the graceful bearing of a mighty
world tyrant and king among beasts.

In the air the White Dove Spirit Master Doudou already stared
in awe, all the Emperor Team members were sluggish in that


Two silhouettes were sent flying simultaneously in response,

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Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master Yu Tian-Heng was
already wildly spouting blood in midair, the arm healed by the
effect of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple once again snapping.

His team member Osler wasn’t as powerful as him, already

suffering the spirit power backlash of his third spirit ability
being broken, in the Hell White Tiger’s sudden explosion,
vomiting out blood in midair he already lost consciousness.
Fortunately his own spirit power wasn’t weak, adding to not
having suffered as heavy injuries as Yu Tian-Heng previously,
otherwise his current circumstances would only be even more

After the Hell White Tiger unleashed this attack it

disappeared in a flash, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing
simultaneously appearing on the spirit fighting ring.

Because of Zhu Zhuqing’s large spirit power consumption, she

directly lost consciousness in Dai Mubai’s arms, Dai Mubai
himself not feeling any better, because of having unleashed the
spirit fusion ability, his White Tiger Vajra Transformation
supplementary energy had been completely emptied out, right
now in an ability backlash condition, he had also lost the
capability to fight. But they had also successfully beaten the
Black Leopard Spirit Master and the opposing team’s captain Yu

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Dai Mubai believed that even if the Nine Heart Flowering
Apple was even more miraculous, under these kinds of
conditions it would still be impossible for those two to recover
their fighting strength.

With spirit power practically exhausted, the effect of Oscar’s

little sausage also gradually disappeared, Dai Mubai was already
on the verge of collapse within the poison mist. Right now,
Oscar and Ning Rongrong were both under Ma Hongjun’s
protection, basically unable to deliver any detoxifying small
sausage to him.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon was worthy of being called

one of the most tyrannical of Beast Spirits, despite twice
suffering heavy injuries Yu Tian-Heng still hadn’t lost
consciousness, but right now he was only crawling on the
ground without standing up.

Making his courage tremble was, in the middle of the spirit

fighting ring, the battle between the Shi brothers and that
control system Spirit Master Thousand Hands Asura.

Tang San gently released Xiao Wu on the arena floor, right

now Xiao Wu’s face was already waxen, although with the

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assistance of Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill orthodox
school inner strength the foreign energy in her body had been
expelled, she had still suffered great shock to her energy
channels and internal organs, in the three places where she’d
been injured even the bone could be seen. If Tang San hadn’t
promptly blocked the veins at her wounds, the bleeding alone
would have already taken her life.

Slowly standing up, confronting head on the two Black

Tortoise Spirit Masters charging towards him, Tang San’s face
under the Shrek mask was entirely expressionless, but, in the
eyes his opponents could already see a faint red light.


Tang San’s jacket under the effect of his spirit power ripped
into scattered butterflies fluttering in the air. The gazes aimed
at his back could all clearly see that from Tang San’s middle
vertebrae eight bulges were swelling up, immediately
afterwards, eight strange strands of Blue Silver Grass broke out,
with lightning speed abruptly extending.

These eight “Blue Silver Grass strands” stood out from the
normal ones. Completely glossy purple, glittering under the
stage lighting. Precisely the external spirit bone Eight Spider

1778 Goldenagato |


Along with the appearance of Eight Spider Lances, the spirit

power fluctuations over Tang San changed peculiarly, his whole
atmosphere becoming a lot darker and colder, around his
arrogant body the temperature clearly dropped. On the Eight
Spider Lances was a supplementary layer of faint purple.

Where Jade Phosphor Serpent Dugu Yan’s poison mist just

came near Eight Spider Lances, it immediately melted away like
ice and snow.

“Variant spirit? Shi Mò, Shi Mó, careful!”

Dugu Yan seeing Eight Spider Lances boring out from Tang
San’s back, immediately felt discouraged. But, just like what
Grandmaster said, since Eight Spider Lances was excessively
similar to Blue Silver Grass, as long as he didn’t say anything,
nobody would link this back to external spirit bones.

The two Shi brothers’ charging momentum immediately came

to a halt, their second spirit rings simultaneously flaring,
tortoiseshells once again becoming shields in their hands.

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At their present level, their most powerful skill was the
combination of their second and third spirit abilities, the shields
could in any position burst into splinters to launch an attack.

Their tortoiseshell shields weren’t just extremely hard, their

cutting power was furthermore extremely high, otherwise they
wouldn’t have been able to sever Tang San’s durable Blue Silver

The Shi brothers approached cautiously, but Tang San like

they were without the slightest bit of value in his eyes didn’t
launch any attack at the Shi brothers, rather half turning,
looking behind him towards the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master
Yu Feng in the air using his third spirit ability to pressure Ma
Hongjun who was gradually becoming unable to endure.

“Come down.”

Two words like they were dripping with ice issued from Tang
San’s mouth. With just a casual throwing motion of his hand, a
green ball of light already cut through the air, flying towards Yu

Nobody had expected Tang San, when facing three of the

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Emperor Team’s great Spirit Masters, would still attend to a
battlefield on another side, even if they had the words it was
already too late to warn Yu Feng.

Yu Feng was right now urging his third spirit ability,

gradually obtaining an overwhelming advantage, in a moment
he would be able to rout Ma Hongjun’s trio. But controlling the
third spirit ability put him under not inconsiderable burden.
When he suddenly realized there was something approaching
from behind he could only as far as possible rise in the air,
hoping to avoid Tang San’s attack.

But this attack of Tang San’s had been launched with an

accurate estimate of Yu Feng’s response, the green light cut
through the air in a graceful arc, in an eyeblink already catching
up to Yu Feng, in just a moment the green light extended and
again abruptly closed in, Yu Feng’s wings in a flash already

Tang San always restrained himself, all along without

launching his third spirit ring ability, although Spider Web
Restraint was good, the spirit power consumption was too high.
Once he used it, his own strength would immediately suffer.
Even with the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda his fighting strength would drop somewhat.

1781 Goldenagato |

But right now was exactly the opportunity Tang San waited
for, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had defeated the other side’s
most threatening members. Right now the Emperor Team’s
remaining fighting strength was only the Wind Chime Bird
Spirit Master, Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master and the two
Black Tortoise Spirit Masters.

First settling the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master was naturally
because of the opponent’s speed and air superiority, as well as
the threat to Ma Hongjun and their side’s two auxiliary system
Spirit Masters.

First settling the enemy in the air behind him, next Tang San
only had to confront the three remaining people in front.

The certainty in their strength the Black Tortoise Spirit

Masters had absolutely wasn’t weak, at the same time as Tang
San threw out Spider Web Restraint, they already threw the
four tortoiseshell shields in their hands.

The four enormous shields once again made ear-piercing

sharp whistles, they firmly believed that even if Tang San
possessed a variant spirit, he still couldn’t block their combined
effort. Let alone if they like just now used their third spirit
ability, especially right now when his spirit power had dropped.

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(化盾) “Transform into shield”

Trap card activate!

629? *wink wink*

During the third stage of tests into Shrek academy when they
got wrecked by Zhao Wuji


their tortoise shells originally split into 2, now split into 16

each again. Thus its now 32 per brother

(风起云涌) Literally “Rising Winds, Rushing Clouds”, an

idiomatic expression for turbulent times or violent

1783 Goldenagato |

Chapter 52 - Eight Spider Lances, Decisive

But, a scene nobody could have imagine occurred. What Tang

San did proved that to Spirit Masters on the battlefield, victory
didn’t necessarily require relying on strength, but could be
accomplished with wisdom and planning.

In an instant a figure appeared before Tang San like a moth

drawn to a flame, directly hiding Tang San’s shape, practically
protecting all of Tang San behind him, if the tortoiseshell
shields were to hit Tang San, then they first had to pass through
this person.

The one suddenly appearing in front of Tang San wasn’t a

stranger, but Emperor Team’s captain, Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon Spirit Master Yu Tian-Heng.

How was it possible? This was the first thought that appeared
in the minds of all members of the Emperor Team, immediately
afterward, they clearly saw Yu Tian-Heng’s current

Yu Tian-Heng naturally wouldn’t help Tang San block his

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teammates’ attack, and even if he would, with his current
condition, it wouldn’t be possible for him to reach Tang San’s
side. But all this had already been planned in advance by Tang
San, the foreshadowing was buried in the first opening
moments of the spirit fight.

Yu Tian-Heng was completely entangled in Blue Silver Grass,

forcefully pulled in front of Tang San to act as his meat shield.

Earlier when the two sides first clashed, Yu Tian-Heng had

fallen into Tang San’s schemes, when he suffered injuries under
the Shrek Seven Devils’ siege, at the start of that siege, when
Tang San used Blue Silver Grass to bind him. Blue Silver Grass
currently had three spirit rings, it also had three spirit abilities.
Binding was no doubt the most practical, Spider Web Restraint
naturally was the most potent. But, that unassuming second
spirit ring ability shouldn’t be neglected. The current scene was
a direct result of Tang San’s second spirit ring ability: Parasite.

Although Yu Tian-Heng had recovered his fighting strength

under the assistance of Nine Heart Flowering Apple Xie
Lingling’s assistance, Blue Silver Grass’ seeds had quietly been
lodged on his body under the use of Binding, when the second
spirit ability was launched, the parasitic seeds would follow
Tang San’s control.

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When Tang San turned to launch his Spider Web Restraint at
the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master, he simultaneously secretly
activated the Parasites on Yu Tian-Heng’s body, using his Blue
Silver Grass to forcefully pull him over in front of him.

Currently Yu Tian-Heng was really too weak, if he was in peak

condition, he could struggle free of the Blue Silver Grass
restraints without the need for Thunder Fury, but right now it
was basically impossible for him to accomplish this.

Tang San grasped not only the situation on the battlefield, but
at the same time the hearts of the opponents. With two
lifetimes, he possessed not just the wisdom of thirteen years,
rather the experience of almost forty. Even though Xiao Wu’s
injuries made him furious, with the disaster he encountered in
Star Dou Great Forest he understood that anger basically
couldn’t settle the issue, only by maintaining a cool head for the
moment would he be able to clearly see every change the
narrow target of the battle.

If the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ tortoiseshell shields

could only be thrown and not withdrawn, Tang San wouldn’t
have done something like this, when weakened Yu Tian-Heng
only had the body of a normal person, basically insufficient to
stop the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ tortoiseshell shield
attack, it would only be adding a life. But in the previous fight

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Tang San already clearly saw that their tortoiseshell shields
could be withdrawn, and thus this scene appeared.

When the two brothers Shi Mò and Shi Mó were about to

defeat Tang San, Yu Tian-Heng suddenly appeared, immediately
turning the two pale with fright. Confronted by the body of
their captain, they didn’t even think about it. Exerting all their
spirit power the forcefully pull the tortoiseshell shields to
change direction.

But, in order to defeat Tang San they had attacked with full
strength, the tortoiseshell shields were not only extremely
heavy but even more infused with their enormous spirit power,
how could they be withdrawn? The Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters were admittedly powerful, but this pair of brothers
were still far from the level where they could easily withdraw.

In the end the pair succeeded in breaking off the tortoiseshell

shield attack, the four tortoiseshell shields brushing by a hair’s
breadth from Yu Tian-Heng, flying to either side. But using such
strength made these two brothers’ stomachs cramp,
simultaneously spitting blood. And at this moment, a silhouette
shot out from behind Yu Tian-Heng like a shooting star, in
practically only a moment it was already in front of them. That
was precisely the bloody-eyed Tang San.

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Tang San’s movements were extremely fluent, throwing
Spider Web Restraint, dragging Yu Tian-Heng, immediately
afterward, the Eight Spider Lances on his back simultaneously
pierced the ground, supporting his body, the middle joints of
the Eight Spider Lances bending simultaneously, again
stretching out with full strength, their formidable flexibility
sending out Tang San like a bolt of lightning.

Standing on the Shrek Seven Devils’ side a satisfied expression

flashed through Grandmaster’s eyes, muttering to himself:

“Control the battlefield, control the team, control the enemy,

control the heart. Little San, you have finally grasped the full
meaning of the control system Spirit Master.”

The instant Tang San used Eight Spider Lances to leap, he

knew that this spirit battle was already finished. Losing the
crucial protection of the tortoiseshells, even though the Black
Tortoise Spirit Masters were two, how could they block Tang
San’s Eight Spider Lances?

The lustrous purple Eight Spider Lances extended in midair,

sharp points like eight cold stars simultaneously thrusting at the
Black Tortoise Spirit Masters.

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Out of the tortoiseshells, their own spirit power lashing back,
speed not being their expertise. The Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters only had one method left to them, blocking.

The two roared loudly, fists swinging at Tang San in the air,
spirit power bursting out, earthen yellow light soaring up.

The Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ spirit power was as heavy

as their tortoiseshells, unfortunately, they didn’t have the
strength to truly concentrate their spirit power. Using spirit
abilities, how could they still be in peak condition after
consuming their spirit power.

Eight Spider Lances as an external spirit bone, once used, in

itself had a fifty percent amplification effect on Tang San’s
attack power, it was also sharp like a spear. If they still had the
tortoiseshells the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters might still
have been able to block it, but right now there basically wasn’t
enough time to recover their tortoiseshells.

Bright purple light pierced into the yellow concentrated spirit

power and erupting in a chain of explosive sounds, the lustrous
purple spider lance points basically didn’t give the opponents a
chance. Eight Spider Lances under Tang San’s control,
separately passed through the opponents’ spirit power, piercing

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the Two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ shoulders and arms. In
the flickering purple light, Tang San didn’t pause, his body
flipping in the air, once again using Eight Spider Lances to shoot
up, directly pouncing at the Jade phosphor Serpent Spirit
Master Dugu Yan.

With a humming sound, the tortoiseshells each returned to

the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters, in a flash becoming yellow
light and merging into their bodies, but the two Black Tortoise
Spirit Masters were no longer able to stand, purple qi welling
out of their arms, the two simultaneously toppled, bodies
spasming violently.

Eight Spider Lances possessed the extreme toxicity of the Man

Faced Demon Spider that couldn’t be compared to the
supplemental poison on the Blue Silver Grass. Under the toxin
of the Eight Spider Lances, even if the two Black Tortoise Spirit
Masters’ had even more powerful spirit power it would still be
impossible for them to resist it.

Although they weren’t stabbed in the vitals, right now their

injuries were the most critical of the Emperor Team.

Watching the lustrous purple Eight Spider Lances descend

from the air, Dugu Yan’s eyes were filled with a fearful light,

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before the start of this spirit fight she had never thought her
side could lose, but at this moment, facing Tang San, she
already didn’t have any desire for fighting.

Her most powerful third spirit ability had easily been broken
by this man before her, she with poison for fighting strength,
still had what qualifications to go on fighting Tang San? What
she was capable of right now was only spitting out another
cloud of poison mist, that’s all.

The strange purple lustre on the Eight Spider Lances glittered,

like all rivers running into the sea the violet poison mist Dugu
Yan was doing her utmost to once again spit out unexpectedly
frantically rushed towards the Eight Spider Lances, and in an
eyeblink it was already swallowed up.

Four of Tang San’s eight Eight Spider Lances stretched down

to the ground, propping up his body, two of the other four easily
piercing Dugu Yan’s serpent tail, with an effort unexpectedly
raising her into the air.

By now, all the Emperor Team members that could fight had
already lost the capability to continue the battle.

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Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit Master Xie Lingling’s eyes
equally revealed a panicked expression, although her Nine
Heart Flowering Apple once again used its power, healing the
injured Spirit Masters on their side, it was unable to recover the
Battle Spirit Masters’ expended spirit power, and even more
unable to remove the terrifying toxin of the Eight Spider

“Put her down, we concede.”

Yu Tian-Heng watched Dugu Yan raised up by Tang San’s

Eight Spider Lances, his heart abruptly contracting.

He clearly saw that not far from him lay the two Black
Tortoise Spirit Masters whose arms had been hit, their arms
having swollen up to twice their normal size, their faces covered
with purple qi, seemingly on the point of dying.

The Spider Lances swung easily, throwing Dugu yan to the

side. Tang San didn’t pay any attention to Yu Tian-Heng, the
four upper Spider Lances pointing in front of him, sharp points
closing in on Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit Master Xie

1792 Goldenagato |

“Treat our people.”

“Little San, first detoxify them.”

Just at this time, Grandmaster’s timely voice reached the

baleful Tang San’s ears, making him slightly distracted.

Eight Spider Lances would give Tang San strong evil

tendencies, making his attacks become even more severe,
unable to control his awareness. Hearing Grandmaster’s words,
the raging fury in Tang San’s heart gradually calmed. Blue
Silver Grass dispersed in all directions, simultaneously pulling
the two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters and Dugu Yan towards

The reason Grandmaster reminded him this time was that he

well knew the severity of Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances’ toxin,
and that in such a tense battle Tang San clearly wasn’t able to
hold back.

If it had been just a little later, perhaps those three would

have directly withered away from the poison, just like that tree
the time they tested Eight Spider Lances in the grove.

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Dugu Yan was a poison Spirit Master herself and still
somewhat able to resist the Eight Spider Lances poison, but the
two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters’ circumstances were
extremely dangerous, if not for Grandmaster’s warning, a
moment later even Tang San would have been unable to bring
them back to life. When Tang San withdrew the Eight Spider
Lances poison, inwardly he was shocked, because the Eight
Spider Lances supplemental poison had already closed in on
their hearts.

However, while Tang San treated the opponents he also didn’t

forget his original intention, besides the three people pierced by
Eight Spider Lances at his side, an additional Blue Silver Grass
strand wound around the waist of Xie Lingling, pulling her
before him as well. Since Tang San was still propped up by Eight
Spider Lances, Xie Lingling was naturally lifted off the floor and
brought over.

Xie Lingling’s mask was black muslin, being very close, Tang
San discovered that this mysterious auxiliary system Spirit
Master possessed a pair of extremely beautiful big eyes, the
expression in her eyes could be clearly seen, without any
impurity, slender eyelashes slightly curved, between soft winks
like they could speak.

“Assist my companions, otherwise, they will still die.”

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Tang San’s voice was very serene, without a trace of cold
intent or mood within. But it was this kind of serene way of
speaking that left an extremely deep mark in Xie Lingling’s
heart, how was this still a man? His voice sounded somewhat
young and tender, but his actions were so ferocious. Control,
attack, poison, in today’s fight, rather than saying Emperor
Team was beaten by Shrek Seven Devils, it would be better to
say it was done by him alone.

Xie Lingling didn’t utter a word, shaking in fear barely

managing to gather her spirit power, Nine Heart Flowering
Apple light flew out, lightly covering Xiao Wu’s body.

With the poison removed from the bodies of the Black

Tortoise Spirit Masters and Dugu Yan, Tang San raised his head
to look towards the for a long time mute White Dove female
Spirit Master and announcer Doudou,

“Shouldn’t you be announcing the results of this spirit fight?”

Doudou at this awoke like from a dream, basically not daring

to look Tang San in the eye, hastily announcing:

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“Team spirit fight, Shrek Seven Devils’ victory.”

Without any cheers, Oscar and Ma Hongjun stepped forward,

feeding small sausages to Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.
The poison mist on the spirit fight ring gradually cleared, both
sides’ Spirit Masters all somewhat silent. Although the battle
was over, they still attentively gazed at the opponents.

Tang San didn’t withdraw Eight Spider Lances, his gaze fixed
on Xiao Wu, as he saw her wounds swiftly close under the aid of
Nine Heart Flowering Apple, he inwardly breathed out in relief.

As Ning Rongrong helped Xiao Wu off the ground, she

appeared to be a bit pale but otherwise unhindered.

Tang San at this withdrew his Blue Silver Grass and Spider
Web Restraint from the Emperor Team, leaping with Eight
Spider Lances he returned to his companions’ side.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San with a somewhat complicated

expression in his eyes,

“Little San, apparently it’s really only when Xiao Wu is in

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danger that you’ll become an Asura incarnate, huh.”

Tang San’s eyes were already softening, the red light in his
eyes quietly dispelling, Xiao Wu softly nodded to him,
indicating she was already fine.

It was only at this moment the Shrek Seven Devils became

conscious that they had truly prevailed over the formidable
enemy in front of them. The faces hidden under the masks all
by chance wore smiling expressions. To them, this spirit fight’s
difficulty had been unprecedented, also pressuring them to use
their full strength - Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances, Dai Mubai
and Zhu Zhuqing’s Spirit Fusion Ability - to reverse the flow of
victory and defeat. Of course, Tang San’s control as the team’s
soul had also been displayed vividly and thoroughly. Without
that clever control, this spirit fight victory still wouldn’t have
been theirs.

But on the other side, the Emperor Team’s members were also
supporting each other to gather. Everyones’ complexions were
all very unsightly, especially Yu Tian-Heng and the two Black
Tortoise Spirit Masters. Their current expressions were so rigid
that it seemed water would be squeezed out.

Yu Tian-Heng stared towards the Shrek Seven Devils, just in

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time to meet the gaze Dai Mubai gave them. Who knows how
many times these two had looked face to face, but this time the
circumstances were already very different.

“You’re very powerful. But, we weren’t completely outdone

by you.”

Yu Tian-Heng said.

Dai Mubai calmly said:

“Right. Your own teamwork has flaws, otherwise, it couldn’t

be said who would have come out on top in this spirit fight.”

Yu Tian-Heng’s strength had gained Dai Mubai’s respect, it

was still his first time meeting such a tyrannical opponent on
the same level as him. As Emperor Team’s captain, Yu Tian-
Heng had practically endured the overwhelming majority of the
combined firepower of the Shrek Seven Devils, but he still
persisted in fighting to the very last moment. Although
Emperor Team had lost this spirit fight, Dai Mubai understood
that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon hadn’t at all lost to his
Evil Eye White Tiger.

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Yu Tian-Heng sighed inwardly, nodding to Dai Mubai,

“I hope we’ll still have the opportunity to fight again later.

Then we won’t have any more flaws.”

Dai Mubai smiled faintly,

“The victory will still be ours.”

The two’s gazes once again collided in a shower of sparks, Yu

Tian-Heng drew a deep breath, then to the Black Leopard Spirit
Master Osler supporting him and the others saying:

“We’re leaving.”

The party of seven slowly walked towards the Spirit Master

entrance with somewhat staggering steps. Defeat made their
departing figures seem somewhat frail.

Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master Dugu Yan suddenly

paused, turning her head to look at Tang San who was slowly
withdrawing his Eight Spider Lances,

1799 Goldenagato |

“Your poison is very ferocious, even capable of breaking my
serpent venom. I’ll always remember my disgrace today. One
day, I’ll let you fall before my serpent venom as well.”

Tang San serenely looked at the opponent, calmly replying:

“I’ll look forward to it.”

Turning her head along with Dugu Yan was still Nine Heart
Flowering Apple Spirit Master Xie Lingling, her gaze was
different from Dugu Yan’s resentment, rather a shaking in fear
kind of lustrous brilliance, looking deeply at Tang San, wanting
to say something but in the end without speaking up. Turning
around and leaving along with her companions.

Watching the opponents’ backs, Dai Mubai suddenly smiled,

“We won.”

Oscar grinned, handing over a recovery sausage to everyone,

1800 Goldenagato |

“Yes, we won.”

Seven people looked at each other, each extending their right

hand. Shrek Seven Devils’ seven hands piled up in the air,
chewing Oscar’s big sausage, in this moment the joy of victory
and camaraderie bursting out.

Applause suddenly echoed, amplified by special equipment

from within the VIP lounges. Shrek Seven Devils’ display won
the hearts of the audience, and even though the quantity of
spectators wasn’t as high as on the outside, to a victory like this,
this judicious applause was a perfect end to such a powerful
collision of a team spirit battle.

Qin Ming from beginning to end stood at the entrance of the

passage, waiting for his disciples to walk over one by one. On his
face wasn’t any displeased expression, instead wearing a faint
smile. It seemed that to him, this might be a very good result.

“I’m sorry, teacher Qin, we lost.”

Yu Tian-Heng stopped before Qin Ming, lowering his always

arrogant head.

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Qin Ming didn’t speak, only calmly looked at him, Yu Tian-
Heng could be said to be the disciple he was most proud of, but
he was also prideful.

Yu Tian-heng continued:

“The responsibility for today’s defeat is all mine. I didn’t lead

well enough, acting like a lone warrior, falling into the
opponents’ trap. If you wish it, punish me.”

Qin Ming was in no way a gentle person, just the opposite,

when he taught his disciples he was extremely strict, readily
using severe punishments.

“No, captain, this can’t be blamed at you. Who could have

expected the opponents would be so treacherous.”

Black Leopard Spirit Master Osler hastily covered for Yu Tian-


Yu Tian-Heng sighed lightly, shaking his head:

1802 Goldenagato |

“No, Osler, treachery is all the same a strength, losing is
losing, in circumstances where we outclassed the opponents in
spirit power and spirit rings we still lost, this can only prove we
made too many too large mistakes in this fight.”

“Tian-Heng, even if there were mistakes, the mistakes still

weren’t yours. It was me, as control system Spirit Master, the
team’s soul, I’m the commander in the field, it was me who
didn’t lead everyone well enough.”

From childhood, Dugu Yan had very rarely wept, in her

twenty years of life she had practically always sailed with
favorable winds. A rare poison type control capability, a
profound background, formidable spirit power among her
peers, always placing her at the summit of the pyramid. Today’s
defeat was a larger blow than to anyone else, at this moment,
humiliated tears subconsciously flowed from her eyes.

The two Black Tortoise Spirit Masters didn’t speak, Yu Feng

wanted to say something but was stopped by Qin Ming’s raised

“To you, although this is a defeat, it’s still a good thing.”

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Qin Ming spoke with a smile. His tone not the slightest strict
to the Emperor Team members.

Yu Tian-Heng looked blankly at Qin Ming, in his heart

immediately understanding something.

Osler couldn’t help but say:

“Teacher Qin, we lost this badly, how is it still a good thing?”

Qin Ming calmly said:

“Because, until now your experiences have all really been too
smooth. Now you have admittedly met with a setback, but this
setback after all hasn’t let anyone among you suffer irrevocable
harm. If this setback had occurred in the future, then perhaps
you would understand all this at the price of your life. Being
defeated isn’t frightening, what’s frightening is being unable to
learn from defeat. I think you should already have found some
of your mistakes. Then, when you meet this kind of opponent
next time, you will become even more formidable. Shrek Seven
Devils defeated you, but at the same time they woke you up.
Each of you have profound talent. I only present you with these

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Here he paused, gaze sweeping across the Emperor Team’s

“Growth in defeat.”

“Growth in defeat.”

The Emperor Team members all repeated Qin Ming’s words.

Qin Ming waved his hand,

“You all return to rest. Recover as quickly as possible. I still

have to go see some people.”

Finished speaking, Qin Ming turned around and left with

large strides.

Completely opposite to the gloom of the Emperor Team, as

Shrek Seven Devils walked through the applause to
Grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji, their eyes were filled

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with excitement that couldn’t be suppressed.

The two master and disciple Grandmaster and Tang San

looked face to face, in Grandmaster’s eyes Tang San saw
satisfaction. Obtaining his Teacher’s approval, to Tang San was
even more significant than the audience’s applause.

Grandmaster wasn’t stingy with his very satisfied words,

“Very good, you won, you not only prevailed over the
opponents, at the same time you also defeated yourselves. This
team spirit fight today, even if it was the second stage training
exam, you all passed my test with exceptional grades.”

Oscar grinned, saying:

“Grandmaster, then after we return, shouldn’t we have a


To the side Flender frowned:

“You brats still can’t be too complacent. Don’t tell me you

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can’t see how lucky today’s victory was? In a genuine contest of
strength you wouldn’t be the match of Emperor Team.”

Oscar said:

“But, dean, I remember you once taught us that luck is also a

kind of strength. Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten?”

“Eh……, you stinking brat. Humph.”

Although Flender’s mouth was reprimanding Oscar, in fact,

inwardly he was even more excited than Grandmaster.

Shrek Academy could be said to be firmly managed by him

until now. But right now, the most outstanding Shrek Academy
students in its history had arrived.

He believed that in less than twenty years these children

before him would bring a storm to the entire Douluo
Continent’s Spirit Master world. A true storm.

Zhao Wuji smiling said:

1807 Goldenagato |

“Fine, Flender, you don’t have to appear strict when you’re
soft inside, this time the children have also worked hard.
Grandmaster, you say whether they can rest for a time once
we’re back.”

Grandmaster slowly nodded,

“We should let them rest a while. When we return, we’ll give
them half a month of vacation. They can do whatever they
wish. Afterwards I will consider when to begin the third stage

“Ah? There’s still a third stage?”

Besides Tang San, the other six couldn’t help but

simultaneously cry out in alarm.

Grandmaster only swept his flat gaze over them, his face also
recovering to its traditional rigidity,

“Why? You have any complaints?”

1808 Goldenagato |

“No, no, of course not. Grandmaster, you are the wisest. Let
alone the third stage, even if it’s the fourth or fifth, we will
certainly be able to persevere.”

Oscar rushed to reply. The others were all inwardly wiping


They all had to admit that Grandmaster’s training methods

undoubtedly had superb results, but nobody wanted to think
back to the suffering they had experienced. The first and second
stages were already so difficult, what could that third stage
training be?

At that moment, a person was strolling over. Before he

reached them, his voice preceded him,

“Dean Flender, vice dean Zhao Wuji, are you well? Disciple
Qin Ming pays his respects.”

The arrival was precisely Emperor Team’s coach teacher Qin

Ming, with just a few rapid steps, he kneeled before Flender and
Zhao Wuji. Right now, he was already completely without the

1809 Goldenagato |

controlled calm he had before the Emperor Team, his eyes
shone with emotion.

Flender used his hand to prop up the glasses on his nose,

“I still thought you’d forgotten us long ago, you stinking


Zhao Wuji pulled up Qin Ming from the ground, sizing him
up, then laughed out loud.

“Good brat, you’re more and more ferocious. It seems that it

won’t be much longer before you catch up to us old codgers.”

Qin Ming deferentially put his hands down and stood up,

“Regardless of how long, the two dean’s are always Qin Ming’s
teachers, Qin Ming will also forever be a disciple of Shrek

Looking at the scene in front, the Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t

help but be dumbstruck. Although they didn’t know what Qin

1810 Goldenagato |

Ming was actually doing, they had clearly seen Qin Ming at the
entrance on the other side of the spirit fighting ring.

This person clearly was very closely related to Emperor Team,

but hearing the meaning in his words, wouldn’t he be…...

Flender raised his hand, clapping hard at Qin Ming’s shoulder,

“It’s already been so many years since you left the Academy,
but you still are as awkward as before. Come, I’ll give you
introductions, this is Grandmaster, these other seven little
monsters you just now had a look at in the spirit fighting ring.”

Qin Ming first deferentially saluted Grandmaster,

furthermore with the courtesy of a disciple,

“Hello, Grandmaster.”

Grandmaster leaned to the side, without accepting his

courtesy calmly saying:

“No need to be polite.”

1811 Goldenagato |

Qin Ming looked at Grandmaster not accepting his courtesy
and couldn’t help be a bit cold, to the side Flender smiled:

“You are his nephew’s teacher, in this respect you and he are
of the same generation, of course he won’t accept your

Qin Ming puzzled looked at Flender, in Grandmaster’s eyes

was a resentful light, apparently rebuking Flender for revealing
his background.

Flender grinned, saying:

“Everyone here’s on our side, you don’t have to hide it. Don’t
tell me you insist on me not telling everyone that Yu Tian-Heng
is your nephew?”


The Shrek Seven Devils practically simultaneously cried out

in shock, how could they have expected that Grandmaster

1812 Goldenagato |

would actually be born from the seven great clans, and even the
one possessing the most attack power, Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon clan.

Grandmaster’s expression immediately became gloomy,

“You already told them. Flender, I told you repeatedly that me

and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan haven’t had any
relationship for a long time.”

Leaving behind these words, Grandmaster turned around and

left for the outside.

Tang San stepped forward wanting to catch up to his Teacher,

but Grandmaster raised his hand to stop him,

“You still have to go calculate the points from this month’s

spirit fights, you will later return with Flender. I have some

Following Grandmaster with his eyes, Tang San somewhat

puzzled looked at Flender. In his heart he already gradually
came to understand the reason. No wonder when Grandmaster

1813 Goldenagato |

mentioned the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan that time his
expression was a bit peculiar.

Originally he was from such a formidable Spirit Master clan,

in that kind of clan, possessing such a feeble variant spirit as
San Pao, if it was him, perhaps he also…...

Flender somewhat remorsefully said:

“It’s my shooting my mouth off. Never mind it, Xiao Gang is

already long since used to this.”

Qin Ming drew a long breath,

“I really didn’t expect that Grandmaster unexpectedly was

Tian-Heng’s uncle.”

Flender’s expression very quickly recovered to normal, saying

to the Shrek Seven Devils:

“You’re certainly very baffled about why Qin Ming would

come here. It’s actually very simple, he was also once like you, a

1814 Goldenagato |

person of the Shrek Academy. Furthermore he was still once
our most outstanding student. Shrek Academy’s first graduate.
Mubai, little San, Xiao Wu, not long ago you reduced the
thirtieth rank speed record that was set by just Qin Ming.”

Qin Ming smiled faintly to the Shrek Seven Devils, saying:

“Hello all juniors. Teacher Flender, it seems our Shrek

Academy’s growth is even better than before.”

Zhao Wuji to the side somewhat helplessly said:

“What ‘better’, these children are the Academy’s last batch of


Qin Ming was inwardly alarmed, subconsciously saying:

“Don’t tell me the Academy’s financial problems still haven’t

been settled?”

Once the words were out he became conscious of his mistake,

looking toward Flender with a somewhat embarrassed

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Flender sighed,

“It’s a fact, we’re not hiding it. Furthermore, we’re also tired.
Along with the advancement of age, we no longer have the
impulses of youth. After waiting for these children to graduate,
I think, we can also go to something classified as our own lives.
Qin Ming, you teach those students well, they can all be
regarded as elites.”

Qin Ming smiled wryly:

“It’s not that I teach well, rather that those children possess
superb talent and background on their own. I also don’t have
the attraction capable of teaching them, rather our Academy
has enough things to attract them.”

“Eh? Saying this, you’re an Academy teacher?”

Flender somewhat astonished looked at him.

1816 Goldenagato |

Qin Ming nodded, saying:

“Teacher Flender, right now I’m teaching at the Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy. These seven children of Emperor Team are
all the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s most outstanding

Flender chuckled, saying:

“With one look at you, I was reassured about this spirit fight.
Fine, here is no place to be talking, come with us to a wine shop.
So many years without seeing each other, we’ll chat.”

Qin Ming delightedly nodded agreement, his gaze sweeping

over the Shrek Seven Devils one by one, his thoughts secretly

He had clearly heard what Flender said, he also very clearly

knew what kind of record he had held at the Shrek Academy,
and unexpectedly three of these seven children had already
broken his record, it was obvious their present age shouldn’t be

1817 Goldenagato |

Idiom: Obtaining the same results by different means.

(侄子) The son of a brother.


1818 Goldenagato |

Chapter 53 - Shrek, Gold Level Spirit Fighting

Qin Ming thought to himself, the Shrek Seven Devils’

circumstances should definitely be the same as his. In other
words, the Shrek Seven Devils before him should be even
younger than the Emperor Team’s seven students fostered at
the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and also more outstanding.
He was also only too well aware of the Shrek Academy’s
circumstances. With the Academy’s circumstances like that,
unexpectedly able to foster these genius Spirit Master, what did
this imply?

The Shrek Seven Devils’ gazes were at this moment all focused
on Qin Ming, the previous fight to them was so challenging,
right now it turned out the opponents’ teacher actually was
their senior, this kind of feeling to them was fantastic, and also
somewhat strange.

Flender turned to the Shrek Seven Devils, saying:

“Well, you go settle your points first. Afterwards return at

once. Wuji, Qin Ming, we’ll leave.”

1819 Goldenagato |

Flender’s trio left, only leaving the Shrek Seven Devils, right
now, the seven with the help of Oscar’s recovery sausage had
already recovered a lot of their physical strength, spirit power
had also recovered somewhat.

Ma Hongjun muttered to himself:

“Unexpectedly I was already so awesome, even the Heaven

Dou Imperial Academy’s elite were unable to beat me. Haha, I
really am talented.”

Dai Mubai grumpily hit the top of Fatty’s head,

“Talented your head. Was the Emperor Team beaten by you?

That was little San being awesome. If we had to rely on you,
perhaps we would long ago have been beaten until we pissed in

Fatty grinned, saying:

“Boss Dai, no need to say that. Didn’t Grandmaster say we are

one entity, each person contributes, little San is awesome, but I,
Fatty, also have real skill. However, third brother, your younger

1820 Goldenagato |

brother thanks you.”

Xiao Wu baffled looked at Fatty, saying:

“You’re thanking little San for what?”

Fatty chuckled, looking at Tang San with an expression

clearly showing some gratitude,

“Although I, Fatty, am not regarded as clever, I absolutely am

not a fool. When little San confronted that shield attack, he
never resorted to using Oscar’s mushroom sausage to dodge. Of
course it was because I was behind him with Oscar and Ning
Rongrong. Otherwise, if he had only taken it a bit easy and
flown off, then what would those two Black Tortoises have been
looking at?”

Tang San smiling said:

“Weren’t you just saying that we are one entity, I can never
betray a teammate. Everyone are our people, there’s no need for
words of gratitude, if I show an opening, will you not also just
like that come to my aid? Boss Dai, let’s leave. After drawing the

1821 Goldenagato |

points and changing spirit fighter level we’ll go back early. Oh,
that’s right, just now senior Qin Ming said the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy was what kind of academy?”

Dai Mubai was speechless a while,

“Little San, you’re not saying, you don’t even know about
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?”

Tang San scratched his head, saying:

“I really don’t know!”

To the side Xiao Wu nodded,

“I also don’t know. Don’t tell me they’re very famous?”

Ning Rongrong said:

“How can it be described as ‘famous’. Heaven Dou Imperial

College was founded by the Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial

1822 Goldenagato |

family. Throughout history the dean of Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy has always been a concurrent position for the Heaven
Dou Empire’s regent. Famous, you ask? In Heaven Dou Empire
the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is the single largest
Advanced Spirit Master Academy. Every kind of facility is
perfect beyond imagination. Originally, if I hadn’t been enrolled
at Shrek Academy, I might have gone there.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Only it’s a pity, although Heaven Dou Academy is good in

itself, their connection to the imperial family brings major
restrictions. The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s first
requirement for accepting students is that the student has to be
a noble, making a lot of remarkable commoner students unable
to join. Also precisely because the students are nobles leads to
the facilities being faultless and the teacher’s strength
formidable and thus the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is
always the first ranked, but not a lot of famous Spirit Masters
appear from there.”

Royal family connection. Tang San slowly nodded, he wasn’t

envious of the other academy’s facilities, he was only somewhat
curious about this Academy, that’s all. It was no wonder the
Emperor Team members all possessed such powerful spirits,
unexpectedly it was because they came from this kind of famous

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Oscar suddenly said:

“Boss Dai, Tang San, did you see how high senior Qin Ming’s
present rank is?”

Dai Mubai looked blank,

“Going by senior’s appearance, he should already be over

thirty years old. The Academy’s previous record was thirtieth
rank at age fourteen, still two months earlier than you. Like this
it would appear senior Qin Ming is at least fiftieth ranked. At
thirty already over fiftieth rank, truly powerful. No wonder he
could become a teacher at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.”

Tang San slowly nodded, expressing approval of Dai Mubai’s


Oscar shook his head, saying:

“I don’t see it like that. At fiftieth rank becoming a teacher at

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an Advanced Spirit Master Academy is admittedly no problem.
But what you must take into account is that Qin Ming brought
the Emperor Team. Then, his position at Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy will inevitably be very high. Without guaranteed
strength, is this possible? I think that even if he isn’t sixtieth
rank, then perhaps he isn’t far from it.”

Fatty was clearly somewhat impatient with standing here,

“Fine. Let’s go. If you want to know senior Qin Ming’s rank,
just go back and ask. There’s no need to stand here and guess.”

One month of spirit fighting had at last ended, defeating the

Emperor Team, the Shrek Seven Devils obtained a team spirit
fighting record of twenty eight complete victories, furthermore
according to the agreement between Grandmaster and Suotuo
Great Spirit Arena, apart from Oscar and Ning Rongrong, each
person would raise their one versus one fighting record by one
bout. And besides Fatty who didn’t have a partner, the other six
each obtained one two versus two victory record. After so many
spirit fights, each person was somewhat curious about their
points. They also didn’t know what kind of degree their points
from successive victories could reach.

This couldn’t just be about points, at the same time there was

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the award money. All were today, on the last day of the month,
calculated and distributed.

Without waiting for the seven to go to the specialized point

calculation area, that manager Ao already took the initiative to
come to them, asking the seven to come to a high level Spirit
Master area specially dedicated to calculate points.

Manager Ao’s face was currently flushed with success, Shrek

Seven Devils prevailed over Emperor Team, not only averting
losses for Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, but furthermore making
the Great Spirit Arena a large profit. To these outstanding Spirit
Masters, Suotuo Great Spirit Arena naturally wouldn’t be

Manager Ao handed over a black card to Shrek Seven Devils

team captain Dai Mubai,

“This is the agreed upon sum of ten thousand gold spirit

coins, mister team captain. This black card is usable at any bank
on the Continent, and can be directly converted into the
corresponding amount.”

Dai Mubai also wasn’t polite, directly taking the black card

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and placing it in his chest,

“Manager Ao, could you calculate our points now. We’re still
tired, hoping to return early to rest.”

“Of course, of course.”

Manager Ao was exceptionally polite, hastily gesturing for a

staff member to the side to calculate this past month’s points for
the Shrek Seven Devils.

He had clearly seen today’s team spirit battle with his own
eyes, Tang San was admittedly remarkable, but he regarded Dai
Mubai’s and Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit fusion ability as even more
significant. As a matter of fact, among Spirit Masters, the
appearance of the spirit fusion ability was extremely rare, once
the users’ strength increased a certain degree, then, the spirit
fusion ability would be an existence opposing Heaven. To young
Spirit Masters with this kind of potential, the Great Spirit Arena
absolutely hoped to entice them. Therefore to Dai Mubai, this
manager Ao was even more polite. He already thought, next
month, when the Shrek Seven Devils again came to join spirit
fights, he would look after them especially well, as far as
possible winning over these youngsters with outstanding
strength. But how could he know that this was the last spirit

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fight of the Shrek Seven Devils at the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena.

The calculation results appeared very quickly. The staff

member held out a calculation form:

“Evil Eye White Tiger: Because of there being more than three
months between previous months’ fights and this month’s first
fight, and previously being without a record of five successive
victories, previous months’ obtained spirit fight victories will
not be counted cumulatively with this month’s successive

One versus one spirit fights, this months achievement: twenty

six wins and two losses, among these, the two lost bouts
separating fifteen bouts out of twenty seven bouts, therefore,
the number of bouts with five or more successive victories are
divided into two calculations, altogether ten bouts, five bouts
with ten successive victories or more.

Obtained points: 609.

Two versus two spirit fights, Dual Winged White Tiger

combination member, seventeen wins and eleven losses, among
them two bouts with five or more successive victories.

1828 Goldenagato |

Obtained points: 24.

Team spirit fights, Shrek Seven Devils team captain, twenty

eight victories, among them five bouts with five or more
successive victories, eighteen bouts with ten successive victories
or more.

Obtained points: 1855.

Obtained points at the start of the month: 3, this month’s

obtained points, grand total of 2488, overall obtained points:
2491. Spirit fighter badge advances to silver spirit fighter level.”

Finishing the announcement, the staff member handed over a

silver spirit fighter badge already prepared according to Dai
Mubai’s remaining record. Furthermore handing over another
black card, containing the gold coin bonus for successive

“Sausage Monopoly: Prior to this month without a spirit fight

record. This month’s performance:

1829 Goldenagato |

One versus one spirit fights, none.

Two versus two spirit fights, Double Winged White Tiger

combination member, seventeen victories and eleven losses,
among them two bouts with five or more successive victories.
Obtained points: 24.

Team spirit fights, Shrek Seven Devils team member, twenty

eight successive victories, among them five bouts with five or
more successive victories, eighteen bouts with ten or more
successive victories. Obtained points: 1855.

Previous months points: 0, this months points, grand total of

1855, overall obtained points: 1879. Spirit fighter badge advances
to silver spirit fight level.”

In the same manner, Oscar also received a special silver spirit

fighter badge and gold spirit coins on a card.

The third person’s turn naturally was Tang San, among

everyone, Tang San’s record undoubtedly was the best, whether
it was one versus one, two versus two or team spirit fights, he
had a perfect record.

1830 Goldenagato |

“Thousand Hands Asura: Because of there being more than
three months between previous months’ fights and this month’s
first fight, and previously being without a record of five
successive victories, previous months’ obtained spirit fight
victories will not be counted cumulatively with this month’s
successive victories.

One versus one spirit fights, this months record is twenty

eight successive victories, among them five bouts with five or
more successive victories, eighteen bouts with ten successive
victories or more. Obtained points: 1855.

Two versus two spirit fights, Three Five Combination

member, twenty eight successive victories, among them five
bouts with five or more successive victories, eighteen bouts
with ten successive victories or more. Obtained points: 1855.

Team spirit fights, Shrek Seven Devils team member, twenty

eight successive victories, among them five bouts with five or
more successive victories, eighteen bouts with ten successive
victories or more. Obtained points: 1855.

Obtained points at the start of the month: 2, this month’s

obtained points, grand total of 5565, overall obtained points:
5567. Spirit fighter badge advances to gold spirit fighter level.”

1831 Goldenagato |

Let alone Tang San and the Shrek Seven Devils, even manager
Ao to the side couldn’t help but be dumbfounded when he heard
the number five thousand five hundred sixty seven. As far as he
could remember there had never been an iron spirit fighter
Spirit Master able to receive such a high score in one month.
Unexpectedly able to leap straight from the iron spirit fighter
level to the five thousand points required for gold spirit fights.
Let alone Suotuo Spirit Arena, something like this might not
have happened in any Great Spirit Arena on the Continent.

Taking the heavy gold spirit fighter badge, Tang San showed a
faint smile, his effort for one month hadn’t been wasted.

“Not good.”

Ma Hongjun suddenly shouted out.

Dai Mubai unhappily glared at him,

“What’s not good?”

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Ma Hongjun stared at Tang San:

“Since third brother has a gold spirit fighter badge, then

hereafter when we again participate in team spirit fights won’t
we have to battle with gold spirit fighter level teams? How will
we win? A silver spirit fighter level Emperor Team was already
so dangerous to defeat.”

Hearing Fatty’s words everyone immediately understood,

team spirit fights were calculated according to the member with
the highest spirit fighter level and the highest spirit power
level. In other words, with a gold spirit fighter member, they
had to participate in gold spirit fighter level matches. For a
moment everyone couldn’t help looking distracted, staring
strangely at Tang San.

Tang San smiled wryly:

“Apparently I have too many points. It also seems that isn’t a

good thing.”

With them having this kind of notion, manager Ao to the side

couldn’t look at them like this,

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“This, I think you basically don’t have to worry about.”

Manager Ao looked at them with a wry smile,

“Everyone, let alone gold spirit fighter level, even if it is silver

spirit fighter level teams, perhaps you would find it very
difficult to find, unless the Emperor Team reappears.”


Tang San curious asked.

Manager Ao said:

“Generally speaking, obtaining points is done incrementally,

successive victories is very difficult to obtain, circumstances like
you obtaining points so quickly, after all these years it’s still my
first time seeing it. Under normal circumstances, among
thirtieth level Spirit Masters, there will also only be iron spirit
fighters and copper spirit fighters. Silver spirit fighters basically
wouldn’t appear, before finally reaching fortieth level or
higher. As spirit power increases, one’s spirit’s advantages
emerges, possessing a certain advantage on the same level,

1834 Goldenagato |

points will increase quickly, advancing to silver spirit fighter,
on even higher levels to gold spirit fighter. Something like you,
on the thirtieth level becoming a gold spirit fighter team, I have
never even heard of. I don’t know the circumstances in Star Luo
Empire, but in our Star Dou Empire’s Great Spirit Arenas there
wouldn’t be a second thirtieth level gold spirit fighter team.
Even if it was thirtieth level spirit fighter teams, perhaps there
wouldn’t be more than five. Furthermore it would also be very
difficult to find a team more powerful than Emperor Team.
Therefore, you can safely believe that on your level, you are the

Without opponents? The Shrek Seven Devils all smiled, apart

from Tang San, the eldest among them was no more than
fifteen. As Spirit Masters, how couldn’t they hope for their
strength to be formidable?

A common voice appeared in their hearts: ‘We, Shrek Seven

Devils, are a gold spirit fighting team.’

The remaining four people also calculated their points. With

the guarantee of twenty eight successive victories, without
exception, all had more than a thousand points, smoothly
obtaining silver spirit fighter badges.

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Until they left the Great Spirit Arena, everyone still thought it
was somewhat inconceivable. By now, they had already found a
lonely lavatory to change their costumes.

Looking at the sparkling stars in the night sky, Oscar


“One month, in just one month I’ve really become a silver

spirit fighter? Every time hereafter I again participate in spirit
fights I’ll be able to obtain plenty of gold spirit coins? This
really is too unimaginable.”

His arm suddenly smarting, Oscar pivoted quickly and

shuddered, feeling wronged looking at the beauty next to him,

“Rongrong, what are you doing pinching me?”

Ning Rongrong’s beautiful young face expressed a smile

harmless to men or beasts,

“I checked whether it hurts, if it hurts, then it isn’t a dream.”

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As the two auxiliary system Spirit Master, able to so quickly
obtain silver spirit fighter qualifications, their thoughts were
naturally the closest.

Oscar didn’t hold any resentment for being pinched by Ning

Rongrong, kneading the place where he was pinched, he said in
a deadpan voice:

“I’ve decided, this month I will not bathe.”

Tang San smiling said:

“That’s no problem, as long as you don’t sleep in the same

room as me. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee I won’t throw you and
your stink in the river while you sleep.”

While speaking, he also made a throwing motion, drawing

everyone’s laughter.


The Emperor Team members all supported each other to walk

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back to their hotel.

Although their injuries had all been cured by Xie Lingling’s

Nine Heart Flowering Apple, because of the Shi brothers and
Dugu Yan previously suffering from Tang San’s Man Faced
Demon Spider poison, right now they were still very weak. Even
more importantly, this time losing a spirit fight was an
extremely critical blow to their spirit.

Xie Lingling supported Dugu Yan, Osler supported Yu Tian-

Heng, the one considered having the best condition Wind
Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng supported the Shi brothers,
together resembling soldiers from a defeated army.

The seven walked in a lifeless atmosphere, just when they

were about to return to the hotel, a person suddenly blocked
their path.

“Tian-Heng. Do you still remember me?”

A somewhat strange resonant voice, making the depressed Yu

Tian-Heng surprised raise his head.

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In the moonlight, he could with difficulty see the person
obstructing them, hesitating slightly,

“You, you’re, ah, uncle. How could you be here?”

The person barring the Emperor Team was precisely


Grandmaster walked forward to stand in front of Yu Tian-


“Let’s chat alone.”

Yu Tian-Heng right now had even forgotten being depressed

from losing the battle, hastily nodding, indicating to the other
members, letting them return to the hotel first.

The Emperor Team people when hearing this person was Yu

Tian-Heng’s uncle naturally didn’t have anything to say,
directly returning to their residence not far away.

“Uncle, you’re here……”

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Looking at Grandmaster, Yu Tian-Heng’s throat seemed to
choke up. Although it had already been very many years since
Grandmaster left the family, he could still clearly remember
this uncle frequently carrying him to play in his childhood, at
that time, his face also wasn’t as rigid as now. His father, as the
eldest son and heir, every day had to study managing the clan
with his grandfather and cultivate, in his childhood the one
who spent more time with him was this uncle, even so much
that for a very long time, Yu Tian-Heng would regard this
Grandmaster before him as a father.

Grandmaster’s eyes held a gentle light, clapping Yu Tian-

Heng’s shoulder,

“It seems you have done well these years. Thirty ninth
ranked, little Heng has grown up.”

The edges of Yu Tian-Heng’s eyes reddened, he who had just

gone through a setback, suddenly finding a close relative would
naturally have a kind of dependant feeling. Choking with
emotion saying:

“Uncle, come back home with me. Actually, grandfather

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always thought of you. Dad also.”

Intense emotion flitted past in Grandmaster’s eyes, lightly

sighing, calmly saying:

“Although your grandfather is the clan head, in the clan, it’s

not at all the clan head who has the final word. I was driven out
of the clan long ago, struck from the genealogy. How could I
still return? Are your grandfather and father still well?”

Yu Tian-Heng nodded,

“They’re both very well. Only grandfather is getting old,

already handling fewer matters. In the clan the majority of
affairs are managed by dad. Uncle, did you know, many times in
the past I found grandfather staring blankly at a portrait of you.
He, he definitely very much wants you to come back to visit.”

“Enough said.”

Grandmaster suddenly somewhat irritably interrupted Yu

Tian-Heng, his whole body twitching slightly, for a long time
unable to be calm.

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Yu Tian-Heng tactfully didn’t speak further, but looked at
Grandmaster, his eyes moist.

Not so long before, Grandmaster had carried him in his big

warm hands, played with him, told him Spirit Master
anecdotes. From Yu Tian-Heng’s entire childhood, these
memories were all much more profound than any others he

As the clan’s eldest grandson, his grandfather and father’s

requirements of him were extremely strict, concerned only with
his spirit power progress and spirit ability applications, only
Grandmaster, only this uncle, would truly give him some
childhood happiness.

After a long time, Grandmaster drew a deep breath, calming

the surging emotions in his heart,

“Tian-Heng, perhaps not long after, we will still meet again.

No need to be so discouraged by defeat as today. Defeat isn’t
frightening, what’s frightening is not being able to find the
lessons in defeat. Your own strength is very great, but from
seeing the spirit fight today, you haven’t displayed your true

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strength. Otherwise victory and defeat would have been
difficult to guess.”

Yu Tian-Heng’s heart moved,

“Uncle, you also saw our team spirit fight today? I let the
family lose face.”

Grandmaster shook his head,

“Do you know where your mistakes were?”

Yu Tian-Heng somewhat blankly looked at Grandmaster, if

this was asked by Qin Ming, perhaps he would have a lot of
replies, but being asked by his uncle, in the whole clan with the
lowest position, even to the extent that he didn’t inherit the
directly related Tyrant Dragon, for some reason, he was left

Grandmaster raised his right hand to grab Yu Tian-Heng’s


1843 Goldenagato |

“You didn’t lose to the opponent in skill, rather they lost to
you. Right, with your fundamentals, as far as spirit ability
application goes, there aren’t any issues. The reason why you
would fall into the opponent’s trap, is because of the arrogance
in your heart. The arrogance of the Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon clan.”


Yu Tian-Heng looked at Grandmaster, something gradually

forming in his eyes. He was extremely intelligent, with
Grandmaster and Qin Ming raising the same point one after
another, he immediately became aware of some key problem.

“Uncle, don’t worry, the next time I have the opportunity, I

absolutely won’t lose to them again.”

Grandmaster exposed a rare smile,

“You will have the opportunity. Because, I am the Shrek

Seven Devils team’s leader.”


1844 Goldenagato |

Yu Tian-Heng was gobsmacked, looking at Grandmaster
without daring to believe, in the clan, he had heard all the
rumors concerning Grandmaster, all said Grandmaster
possessed a trash spirit, and still those events bringing disgrace
to the family, even though he really didn’t care about these, he
was still unusually clear on Grandmaster’s strength, that
strength forever unable to break through the thirtieth rank!

Grandmaster calmly smiled, saying:

“Very strange, isn’t it? Right, my own strength is low, but

that doesn’t mean I’m unable to teach disciples well. The Shrek
Seven Devils can’t all be said to be my disciples, but at present
I’m their teacher. I only have one direct disciple. You also met
him just now, Shrek Seven Devils’ control system Spirit


Yu Tian-Heng’s gaze at Grandmaster changed. In the previous

spirit fight, of the two people who gave him the most profound
impressions, besides Dai Mubai who could block him from the
front, was that one completely controlling the battle situation,

1845 Goldenagato |

Tang San.

A radiance flashed in Grandmaster’s eyes,

“One day, I will let the people of the world know that,
although I, Yu Xiao-Gang, am rubbish, I can teach an
incomparable genius. Tian-Heng, I’m leaving. Remember my
words. If you wish to under any circumstances display your full
strength, bringing your team to the ultimate victory, then, give
up that arrogance.”

Finished speaking, Grandmaster looked deeply at Yu Tian-

Heng, again clapping his shoulder, turning around and walking
into the darkness.

“Uncle, can’t you also teach me?”

Yu Tian-Heng caught up to him.

Grandmaster paused, lightly shaking his head,

“Tian-Heng, if the clan knew I taught you, what do you

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believe they would do? Perhaps I would immediately become
the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan’s enemy. If you truly
want to become a mighty Spirit Master, then, set that
apprentice of mine as a goal. If you can still surpass him in one
year, then, you inevitably already stand on the summit of the
Continent’s Spirit Masters.”

“Uncle, why?”

Yu Tian-Heng was somewhat unconvinced. Although he was

extremely shocked by Tang San’s control strength and
supplementary toxicity, he certainly believed that whatever
variation that was, it was still just Blue Silver Grass and could
never compare to his Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. If it was a
one versus one duel, he certainly would be able to surmount the

Grandmaster stopped walking, turning his head to look at Yu


“Do you know how high his spirit power rank is?”

Yu Tian-Heng pondered it, saying:

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“By the materials I received, he should be thirty second rank,
nicknamed Thousand Hands Asura. But I think his spirit power
should be more or less the same as mine.”

The circumstances of Tang San controlling the entire

situation was still vivid in his mind, how could he believe that
this was accomplished by a control system Spirit Master with
spirit power seven ranks lower than his own. His side’s Dugu
Yan was also a control system Spirit Master, with thirty eighth
ranked spirit power, but she was completely suppressed by him.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“No, the materials you got were correct. Little San really only
has thirty second ranked spirit power. Then, do you know how
old he is?”

Yu Tian-Heng shook his head, his heart suddenly skipping a


Grandmaster calmly smiled,

“He just had his thirteenth birthday, when he was twelve he

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obtained his third spirit ring.”

Having said this, he no longer stopped, turning around and

swiftly leaving. Even this couldn’t completely represent Tang
San’s talent, he still had the greatest secret: twin spirits.

Yu Tian-Heng stood there sluggishly, for a long time without

moving, until Dugu Yan with Xie Lingling’s support once again
came to find him, rousing him from lifelessness.

Thirty second rank, thirteen years old. These two figures

constantly circled in his mind. At this moment he at last
understood why uncle would say that if he wanted to become a
great Spirit Master he should follow that person’s footsteps.
‘Uncle, what kind of monster are you teaching?’



Tang San sneezed, rubbing his nose.

1849 Goldenagato |

“Little San, are you all right?”

It had to be said, that Nine Heart Flowering Apple Spirit’s

healing capabilities were astonishing, right now Xiao Wu, apart
from a somewhat pale complexion, was already without any
major obstructions, the wounds not even having left any scars.

Tang San shook his head, smiling:

“It’s nothing, perhaps someone was thinking about me.”

Saying this, he unconsciously recalled his father. ‘Dad, where

are you really, after so many years, where have you gone? Why
have you never come back to see me, don’t you want to see your

Before coming to Suotuo City, he still specially returned

home, leaving a brief note and telling old Jack that if his father
returned, to at once tell him where he was. Six years, already six
years had passed, but his father had never sent a letter.

In his old world he never had close relatives, in this world, he

had with difficulty had a father, but, he had left him.

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Xiao Wu was naturally very familiar with Tang San, seeing his
gaze change she already knew what was on his mind,

“Little San, don’t think too much. I believe that not much
later, uncle will definitely come back.”

Tang San nodded silently. Right now, the party at last

returned to the hotel.

Entering the hotel, they at once saw the Flender’s trio sitting
in a dark corner gossiping. The food and drink on the trio’s
table didn’t appear to change much while they talked about

“Hey hey, there’s wine.”

Fatty was the first to walk over. He was also considered

Flender’s direct disciple, not as restrained before Flender as
other people.

“Teacher, we won today, shouldn’t we also be rewarded with

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some food and drink?”

Ma Hongjun walked over next to Flender’s side, holding out a

hand for a wine cup.

The chopsticks in Flender’s hands flipped over, striking

Fatty’s knuckles, Fatty’s hand smarted, and with a loud
exclamation he hastily pulled it back.

Qin Ming somewhat puzzled looked at Ma Hongjun standing

at Flender’s side,

“Teacher, is this little brother also an Academy student? Since

when did our Shrek Academy have so many disciples?”

Ma Hongjun loudly whimpered:

“Senior Qin, we only just separated and you have already

forgotten me?”

Qin Ming widened his eyes, carefully looking at Fatty,

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“You, you are just now from the Shrek Seven Devils, that
flaming fatty? How old are you this year?”

Although he already had a certain expectation, when able to

truly see Ma Hongjun’s childish manners and plump face, he
couldn’t help but feel his heart twitch.

Qin Ming always knew he was regarded as a genius talent in

the Spirit Master world, he was a well known figure even back
at Shrek Academy. But he had previously seen the strength of
this Fatty in front of him, even though it was under the
assistance of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, he was
capable of blocking thirty fifth ranked Wind Chime Bird Spirit
Master Yu Feng’s third spirit ability attack for such a long time,
how could his strength be lacking.

The mask wearing Shrek Seven Devils only gave people the
impression of being somewhat undersized, but among them Dai
Mubai and Xiao Wu already had adult height, as long as they
didn’t say anything themselves, nobody would guess their true

Ma Hongjun somewhat proudly said:

1853 Goldenagato |

“Right, I’m that Evil Fire Phoenix from just now, thirteen
years old. Oh, I get it, we wore masks before, so you couldn’t
recognize us, right.”

Right now, the other Shrek Seven Devils walked up, Qin Ming
stared blankly at these mostly under fifteen children, for a
moment he was speechless.

Flender issued his customary rough and sinister feeling laugh,

“Why, Qin Ming, remember our Academy’s rules? We only

accept twelve year old students. Ma Hongjun came to the
Academy at eleven, Tang San Xiao Wu and further Ning
Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing all enrolled this year. This year we
received more students than in several together.”

(叔叔) Father’s younger brother.

1854 Goldenagato |

Chapter 54 - Borrowing A Chicken To Lay An

Qin Ming forced himself to swallow,

“Then this means, the majority of them are only twelve or

thirteen years old?”

Flender nodded.

Qin Ming’s gaze separately swept across the Shrek Seven

Devils, with a wry smile saying:

“Now I know why you wore masks. You truly are too
astonishing, I always thought the Emperor Team were already
pretty gifted, but in front of you they’re basically nothing. If age
was the same, they wouldn’t have any chance of victory.”

Flender didn’t speak, only smiling looking at these children

before him. Shrek Academy’s student’s were possibly the
biggest accomplishment of his life, Qin Ming was one, the Shrek
Seven Devils in front of him were equally ones.

1855 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai asked:

“Senior, could I be so presumptuous as to ask, right now what

is your spirit power rank?”

Qin Ming subconsciously replied:

“Sixty second rank, my luck hasn’t been bad.”

The Shrek Seven Devils all looked at each other, at the same
time all recalling Flender’s words. Shrek Academy only
accepted monsters, not ordinary people.

“All right, don’t flatter each other, all the little monsters can
sit. Eat something, today your miserly sir dean will contribute
generously, don’t give me face, do as you wish.”

Zhao Wuji looked at the complacent Flender, calling out to the

Shrek Seven Devils in a loud voice.

Flender’s smile immediately became rigid, but the Shrek

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Seven Devils simultaneously cheered, promptly calling for a
waiter. As expected they didn’t give Zhao Wuji face, directly
starting to order dishes.

Ma Hongjun took the initiative to snatch the menu. Flipping

through it, the menu had three pages. Raising his hand to point
at the menu several times, indicating to the waiter to remember
several dishes.

Flender sitting next to Ma Hongjun, watching his disciple

point at several of the cheapest dishes couldn’t help but feel
invigorated, ‘good, worthy of being my disciple, still truly
letting me save money, really good.’ But, Ma Hongjun’s next
words immediately made him fall from heaven directly into

“En, those dishes I pointed to just now, apart from them bring
everything else on the menu. Big portions. Also bring two kegs
of ale. Serve quickly.”

Ma Hongjun basically didn’t give the others a chance to order,

directly taking on this glorious mission on behalf of the Shrek
Seven Devils.

1857 Goldenagato |

Turning his head to look at Flender, Ma Hongjun said
somewhat baffled:

“Yi, teacher, what’s up with your face, why is it blue? Didn’t

you sleep well last night!”

To the side Qin Ming could still maintain his aloofness, but
Zhao Wuji was already completely without image laughing
heartily, Flender’s miserliness was famous among all the
Academy teachers.

Qin Ming had right now managed to restore his expression to

normal, smiling:

“How can I let the dean spend so much, after so many years
I’ve finally returned, two teachers, give me the opportunity to
thank you for the instruction in those days. Without you, there
still wouldn’t have been a Qin Ming.”

Zhao Wuji laughed, saying:

“Little Ming, you’re still so thoughtful. Originally I wanted to

have a look at Flender bleeding money. Right now that doesn’t

1858 Goldenagato |

seem to be.”

When Flender heard Qin Ming was hosting, his complexion

immediately became much better, glaring at Zhao Wuji, saying:

“Isn’t making a fool of me pleasurable? Fine, old Zhao, it’s

been quite a while since we exchanged pointers. Once we’ve
returned, I’ll look you up for sparring. It’s also to promote spirit


This time it was Zhao Wuji’s turn to stop smiling, he and

Flender had exchanged pointers an indeterminate number of
times, naturally he was well aware of Flender’s strength. As a
strength type Spirit Master, to Flender belonging to the agility
attack system and also a flying Spirit Master, he basically didn’t
have any way of dealing with him. Let alone when Flender’s
spirit power was two ranks higher than his.

At the level they’d reached, every single rank of spirit power

disparity couldn’t be as indistinct as at the Shrek Seven Devils’
level, each rank was an absolute gap.

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Qin Ming looked at the sitting Shrek Seven Devils, finally his
gaze stopped on Tang San, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing,

“Truly unfortunate, if you junior brothers and sisters weren’t

Shrek’s people, I would use every possible means to bring you
back to the Imperial Academy. If you joined, maybe……”

Just as Qin Ming said this, a familiar voice resounded nearby,

“Even if they’re Shrek Academy’s people, you can still bring

them back to the Imperial Academy all the same.”

When everyone looked over, they found Grandmaster

entering from outside, also impolite, he directly sat down next
to Flender.

Qin Ming probing asked:

“Grandmaster, what was the intention of what you said just


Without waiting for Grandmaster to reply, Flender already

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gave up,

“Grandmaster, did you specially come to tear apart my

support? These children belong to Shrek. Now and hereafter.
Don’t tell me that we can’t give them a good education at

Grandmaster didn’t show any change because of Flender’s

anxiety, still that rigid face, calmly saying:

“I didn’t say to let them enter Heaven Dou Imperial Academy,

what I meant was, I hope the two Academies can make a mutual
exchange. Teacher Qin, I think this shouldn’t be any big issue. If
you can’t decide it, I can look to Spirit Hall.”

Qin Ming stared blankly at Grandmaster, for a moment not

knowing how he should reply.

Flender was equally looking at Grandmaster while thinking to

himself, ‘what is Xiao Gang this fellow actually trying to sell?’
But right now in front of Qin Ming he couldn’t well ask, but he
and Grandmaster had been brothers for so many years,
naturally he was convinced Grandmaster was a principled

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Qin Ming pondered, saying:

“If I can exchange with the junior brothers and sisters, it

would be Heaven Dou Academy’s good fortune, only I’m

Grandmaster said:

“You’re afraid these children are too outstanding, so in the

end your Heaven Dou Imperial Academy wouldn’t return them,

The feeling of being seen through by people was unpleasant.

Grandmaster would appear ordinary and mediocre, but his
words possessed extreme penetrating power, directly speaking
Qin Ming’s thoughts out loud.

Qin Ming still wasn’t affected, nodding, saying:

“Yes, although Heaven Dou Imperial Academy has the title of

the number one academy in Heaven Dou Empire, regarding

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such young but already so powerful Spirit Masters, their
position is steadily deteriorating. The Academy leadership is
looking for talents as if thirsting for them, if the juniors go, I
can’t guarantee they won’t have some notions. I’m afraid they
would exploit every kind of relation to as far as possible
convince the juniors to stay. Wouldn’t that be the same as
undermining the walls of our Shrek Academy?”

Flender smiled:

“Little Ming, you’re pretty good. Worthy of being from my

Shrek Academy, you know to give thought to the Academy.
Grandmaster, little Ming isn’t a stranger, if you have something
to say then just say it.”

Grandmaster shot a glance at Flender,

“I’m saying, teacher Qin, if I remember correctly, as an

academy established by the Heaven Dou Empire imperial
family, for that pageant in one year, Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy should have two allocated places to compete. I can let
these children temporarily act as exchange students to the
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, until after the pageant in one
year has ended. I think, words like these would be favorable to

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Qin Ming was gobsmacked,

“Grandmaster, you’re saying that you would let the juniors

represent Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to go participate in
that pageant? But like that, Heaven Dou Academy will certainly
declare to the outside that the juniors are Heaven Dou’s people!”

Grandmaster calmly smiled, saying:

“Having the fame of graduating an academy isn’t anything


“No. I don’t consent to it.”

Flender angrily slapped the table and stood up, glaring at


“The children are Shrek’s, Grandmaster, don’t forget that

Shrek Academy is twenty years of my life’s blood.”

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Grandmaster didn’t show any change from Flender’s anger,

“Flender, I’ll pose you several problems, if you can settle

them, then, it doesn’t matter whether the children go to Heaven
Dou. First, can you offer the children mimicry cultivation
environments? Second, can you provide them with
qualifications to enter the Continental Elite Spirit Master
Academy Grand Competition in one year? Third, for what
reason do you believe that after entering the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy, these children wouldn’t be part of Shrek?
Perhaps you can’t comprehend why I’m doing this, but I must
still ask you one last question, what was your intention when
you established Shrek Academy?”

“I, I……”

Flender was dumbstruck and unable to reply from

Grandmaster’s rapid fire questions, glaring at Grandmaster, but
that anger just now was already gradually fading, gradually
becoming disappointment.

Grandmaster calmly said:

“Mimicry cultivation environments, able to provide their

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spirit power cultivation speed with another boost. The All
Continent Spirit Master Academy Elite Grand Competition
stipulates academies can only participate after passing a
preliminary competition, but Shrek Academy isn’t registered
with any kingdom or empire. Because we don’t have the
corresponding hardware, even though Shrek Academy is
famous in the Spirit Master world, that still can’t produce the
qualifications for participating. And you should be well aware
what the rewards are in the Continental Spirit Master Academy
Elite Grand Competition, how significant to the children. The
ideal you originally established Shrek Academy with, was to
foster geniuses of the Spirit Master world, letting them shock
the entire Spirit Master world. But I choose their path, as far as
possible letting them walk it smoothly, furthermore, I still
haven’t finished talking.”

Saying this, Grandmaster turned to Qin Ming,

“To let these children enter Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, I

have one condition. The Academy must admit all the present
Shrek Academy teachers, furthermore let us personally come to
teach these children. Heaven Dou Imperial Academy cannot
interfere, in other words, they can substitute for Heaven Dou
Academy’s reputation, but their education is still done by us.
When we want to leave, Heaven Dou Academy also doesn’t have
the qualifications to stop us.”

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Flender sat back down again, lifting his cup of ale in both
hands, pouring it down his throat in great gulps.

Qin Ming smiled wryly towards Grandmaster:

“Grandmaster, you’ve really given me a difficult problem.

Honestly, standing at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s angle,
able to let the juniors represent Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
to fight would no doubt bring endless credit to the Academy,
greatly raising the Academy’s reputation. The conditions you
raised also aren’t excessive, all teachers are celebrated Spirit
Masters, the Academy wouldn’t refuse, and furthermore would
provide the best rewards. Only, Shrek Academy is the
crystallization of dean Flender’s heart’s blood, if we truly did
this, then hereafter perhaps……”

“All right, let’s do what Xiao Gang just said.”

Flender stood up again, his expression having already

recovered its calm,

“What Xiao Gang said is right, I shouldn’t only consider my

pride. Everything should be for the good of the children.
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy belongs to the Heaven Dou

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Empire imperial family, a rare pure Spirit Master land without
interference from Spirit Hall, the children won’t come to grief
there. The Shrek Academy teachers can also have a place to
retire. Until now, I’ve only considered my own notions, but
everyone still always followed me. Right now we’ve become old,
we should find everyone a place to return to. Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy. This reputation isn’t bad. Furthermore, the
children can also obtain even better growth there. This matter
is decided. You talk it over. Xiao Gang and Zhao Wuji will
represent me, I’ll return by myself to rest.”

Finished speaking, Flender turned and left. Zhao Wuji gave

Ma Hongjun a meaningful look, and Fatty immediately
understood, he didn’t even look at the plates of food being
served, hastily chasing after Flender. At this time, this Fatty was
even more able to console Flender than Grandmaster and Zhao

Grandmaster sighed,

“Although Flender is a bit stubborn, he really isn’t an

unreasonable person. I believe he will think it through clearly.”

Zhao Wuji smiled wryly:

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“After all, the Academy has been backed by us for all these
years. It’s not that Flender doesn’t understand the merits of
your proposal. Even if he has decided to close the Academy after
these children graduate, truly at this moment, in his heart he
still can’t easily accept it. To us, this really is somewhat abrupt,
we’ve already lived here for twenty years.”

Grandmaster nodded,

“He can only rely on himself for this.”

Zhao Wuji said:

“Perhaps to us this is also the best place to end up at.

Grandmaster, thank you, I know that your proposal isn’t just
for the children, but also for Flender and us. Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy is a place that receives little influence from
Spirit Hall. It also has sufficient fame. You’re doing your best to
care for Flender’s face. Retiring there seems pretty good.”

Showing a smile, Zhao Wuji’s expression was uncomplicated.

He wasn’t Flender, and didn’t have Flender’s face and stubborn
heart. Admittedly being at Shrek Academy for twenty years
made him reluctant to leave, but equally, he was tiring

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somewhat. Changing environment might not be a bad thing.

For these matters the Shrek Seven Devils didn’t interject

anything, besides Ma Hongjun who had chased after Flender,
the other six looked at each other. This abrupt change diluted
their joy after the victory, even so much that their hearts
weren’t in eating.

Flender stood in the doorway, looking up at the full moon and

starlight decorating the night sky, calmly saying:

“What are you doing following me, go eat.”

Ma Hongjun at present didn’t have his normal somewhat

lascivious smiling expression, deferentially standing next to

“Teacher, don’t feel sad.”

Flender shook his head,

“I’m not sad, only more or less frustrated, that’s all. This all

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came somewhat quickly for me. Hongjun, I find that your Evil
Fire problem seems to have fallen off a lot in this time following
Grandmaster’s training. What’s the matter?”

Hearing his teacher mention his Evil Fire, Fatty’s smile

reappeared, scratching his head, saying:

“I also don’t know how it came about. Only in this time I’ve
really been too tired, apparently all my energy has already been
spent. I basically haven’t even thought about that.”

Flender’s face revealed a faint smile,

“This is a good phenomenon. Your spirit is in the process of

imperceptible influence from variation, perhaps, not long from
now you might not suffer the problems it causes. Good, you go
back. No need to console me, I’ll just think things over a while.”

Ma Honjun blinked, rubbing his plump face,

“Teacher, this is actually just borrowing a chicken to lay an

egg. Honestly, I’m not too clear on why you’re depressed.”

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“Borrowing a chicken to lay an egg?”

Flender turned to look at his direct disciple, somewhat

astounded repeating his words.

Ma Hongjun hastily nodded,

“Yes, isn’t that borrowing a chicken to lay an egg? Borrowing

that imperial family academy’s facilities to train us, and us
helping them fight is also equivalent to paying a fee. I don’t
know about other people, but I wouldn’t think of us as
belonging to that imperial family academy. I’ll always be your
disciple, Shrek’s Evil Fire Phoenix.”

Flender stupidly stared at ma Hongjun, although Fatty

comparatively wasn’t up to much, but he made Flender’s mind
seem to slam open a door,

“Borrowing a chicken to lay an egg? Borrowing a chicken to

lay an egg, excellently borrowing a chicken to lay an egg. It
seems, I really am too stubborn. A bit early, a bit late, what’s the
difference? Shrek will after all end, but once left behind
everything will forever be unable to change, Xiao Gang, thank

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you, thank you for helping me draw this end to Shrek.”


Early the next day, everyone from the Shrek Academy settled
their accounts and left the hotel, concluding this one month of
second stage training.

Perhaps, to their bodies, this second stage training wasn’t as

extreme as the first stage, but the psychological stress made the
Shrek Seven Devils even more exhausted.

Each day confronting different opponents, each day going all

out to obtain victory, facing powerful enemies, not only
confronting the opponents, but also coordinating with their
comrades, the spirit fights were completely different from
exchanging pointers between each other, that was true battle, at
the same time as it gave abundant combat experience, it also let
the Shrek Seven Devils clearly understand the effects of the first
stage demonic training.

Combat endurance, toughness as well as recovery strength, all

had improved amply. Otherwise, how could they have endured
participating in high intensity battles every day, especially those

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participating in three spirit fights each day, even more
completely displayed the effects of the first stage demonic
training in their spirit fights.

Besides basic training and real combat experience, what

Grandmaster gave them also had a second hidden meaning.
That was preserving fighting strength.

Returning to that familiar little village, although it wasn’t as

bustling as Suotuo City, it also had less noise than the markets,
homes feeling so familiar, to the Shrek Seven Devils, Shrek
Academy, had long since become an existence like home.

Flender’s mood had already recovered to normal. Even Zhao

Wuji who had followed him for twenty years hadn’t expected
him to come around this quickly. Flender was already striking
the auctioneer’s hammer. Everything moved according to
Grandmaster’s plan. As for everything after they entered the
Imperial Academy, that was Qin Ming’s problem.

“You children go rest. This has been exhausting for you. Wuji,
you call over everyone.”

As soon as Flender returned to the Academy he started issuing

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orders, this Shrek Academy didn’t consist of him alone, there
were still three additional teachers, he also equally had to solicit
their opinions.

Oscar returned to the dormitory. He was unable to deal with

the dust that had gathered on his bed over one month, directly
falling onto the bed,

“Still is comfortable coming home. Little San, don’t wake me.

I want to sleep a lot, sleep until I wake on my own.”

Tang San looked at Oscar spread eagled on the bed and shook
his head, this fellow, if someone didn’t force him to cultivate,
his lazy character might have already wasted his outstanding

According to Grandmaster’s negotiations with Qin Ming,

everyone from Shrek Academy would travel to Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy in two months to study as exchange students.
Until then, Qin Ming would handle matters over at Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy’s end.

The Shrek Academy’s side still had to deal with some


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Grandmaster wasn’t at all anxious to start the third stage
training. Before leaving Suotuo City today, he gave the Shrek
Seven Devils a very simple task. Within these two months, first,
dealing with their own problems, second, assimilating the
combat experience obtained from the past month of spirit

At the same time these two months were also a time for spirit
power training, Grandmaster requested that, besides necessary
matters, each person would focus their energy on cultivating
spirit power.

Oscar very quickly entered dreamland, but Tang San thought

over his affairs.

There were still two months, he had to handle some necessary

matters well, especially his promise to Ning Rongrong, what is
called accepting a commitment, working honestly, promises to
others naturally must be satisfied.

Thinking of this, Tang San got up and left the dorm, walking
over toward Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu’s dorm.

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“So tired!”

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were right now both taking off
their outer clothing, each lying down on their beds. They
naturally wouldn’t be as slovenly as Oscar, the bed covers and
sheets and other bedding had been changed for new ones.

Xiao Wu said:

“Yeah, when fighting in Suotuo day after day I wouldn’t have

thought that when coming back I would feel so tired. This must
be what Grandmaster called the fatigue period. Rongrong, your
skin really is nice. Even I can’t help but drool.”

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu right now only wore half length
chest cloths and small hot pants, sprawling on the bed with bare
arms and legs.

Ning Rongrong indeed had nice skin. Among the three girls of
the Shrek Seven Devils, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing envied her
tender lychee-like skin, her fair skin was basically without
blemishes, and especially that kind of gem like sleek feeling. It
truly was a feeling like sheep fat white jade.

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Although they both weren’t completely developed, girls
always developed earlier than boys, and the small figures
already had come far.

Of course, in terms of development, Zhu Zhuqing clearly was

ahead among the three girls.

Ning Rongrong giggled, opening her eyes wide and looking

suddenly at Xiao Wu,

“You’re also very pretty. I’m pure white, and you’re pink
white, I don’t have your healthy appearance.

Xiao Wu’s proportions were slightly off from an ordinary

person, her legs were especially long.

Generally speaking, a human body to leg proportion of sixty

two percent or so was the perfect golden ratio, but Xiao Wu
already surpassed sixty five. She still didn’t give people a feeling
of being lanky, instead rather harmonious.

Those somewhat overly long legs stretched out, skin equally

delicate, although not as white as Ning Rongrong, rather

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somewhat flushed. Especially below her slender waist, since her
waist was truly thin, it drew a perfect arc down to her pert
buttocks. The long legs revealed below the hotpants made even
Ning Rongrong drool.

Adding her perfect figure to the scorpion braid long enough to

reach the ground, she gave people a kind of lovely next door
neighbour little sister feeling.

Of course, of someone truly took her for an impressionable

neighbourly little sister, perhaps that scene with the vulgar
uncle Bu Le would be staged again.

Ning Rongrong lowered her voice, saying:

“Xiao Wu, tell me, why don’t we have Zhuqing’s size here! I
really envy her.”

While speaking, Ning Rongrong lightly rubbed her chest.

Xiao Wu blushed, lightly spitting out:

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“You should ask her, how would I know. Is it really better to
be big there?”

The subjects in the girl dorms were frequently more heated

than in the boys’ dorms. Ning Rongrong cackled:

“How could it be bad, back when I was at the school, the men
liked women who were big there, might be we’re still too young.
You see boss Dai chase after Zhuqing every day, perhaps it’s
because she’s big there.”

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“What do you know, isn’t Oscar also chasing after you every

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue, saying:

“Actually little Ao is a good person, only……”

Saying this, she couldn’t help sighing. Her expression

appeared somewhat strange.

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“What is it?”

Xiao Wu puzzled asked.

Ning Rongrong softly shook her head,

“School regulations. Me and little Ao is impossible.

Furthermore, we’re both still this young, it’s still too early to
talk about this.”

Xiao Wu puzzled said:

“What rules? Don’t tell me it’s because Oscar isn’t from a

noble family?”

Ning Rongrong shook her head:

“That’s not it. Our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School never
discriminates against Spirit Masters with common
backgrounds. Otherwise, how would we have so many Spirit

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Masters willing to be affiliated to the clan. Only, by clan
regulations, members directly related to the clan mustn’t join
with auxiliary system Spirit Masters, this is also for security
considerations for direct clan members. Generally speaking, our
clansmen are united with battle Spirit Masters, after all,
protection from a spouse will always be more reliable than other
people. But little Ao is also an auxiliary system Spirit Master,
that’s why I say it’s impossible between us.”

Xiao Wu suddenly understood:

“So it’s like this. Your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School
have such rules. However, you should tell little Ao this earlier,
let him have some other considerations.”

Ning Rongrong’s beautiful eyes were despondent for a

moment, then she forcefully roused herself and said:

“Don’t talk about me, let’s move over to you, I really envy you
and Tang San.”

Saying this, her face suddenly took on a mysterious


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“I heard, if you want to grow a bit bigger here, letting a man
massage you has results. Why don’t you let Tang San massage

“Pah, Rongrong, why are you like this.”

Xiao Wu’s charming face blushed furiously,

“Who told you all of this!”

Ning Rongrong grinned:

“Clan big sisters, I heard them talking about it. Should be


Xiao Wu snapped:

“Don’t talk nonsense, me and little San are siblings, how

could……, aiya, you’d embarrass the dead.”

Ning Rongrong turned over and sat up on her bed,

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“The way I see it, it’s big brother and little sister, but you also
aren’t blood related. If you ask other people, nobody would
regard you as siblings. You simply belong to little San. You
haven’t seen little San’s appearance when his eyes turn red for
you. He’d scare the dead, last time in Star Dou Great Forest
when you were snatched by the Titan Giant Ape, it was like he
went completely insane. If it weren’t for you coming back later,
I really don’t know what he would have done. Last time when
me and Zhuqing gossipped, even Zhuqing envied you. She told
me then that if Dai Mubai was like little San she’d be satisfied.

Xiao Wu said:

“Rongrong, did she say what her relationship with Dai Mubai
actually is? Why would boss Dai treat her so specially? Like
when we just entered the Academy, you’re also very beautiful,
but we didn’t see any reaction from boss Dai.”

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue, saying:

“I also don’t know. I asked, but Zhuqing didn’t want to say,

just telling me a line about them being acquainted from before,
perhaps it’s childhood sweethearts, but I can’t say for sure.”

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Xiao Wu shook her head, she still clearly remembered the first
time Dai Mubai saw Zhu Zhuqing when she and Tang San had
just come to the Academy. He seemingly didn’t know her and
only said the two might be able to use the spirit fusion ability.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Ning Rongrong asked:

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Tang San.”

“Ah, your little San’s here.”

Ning Rongrong hurriedly pulled on her clothes. Xiao Wu also

jumped with fright, and she didn’t move as fast as Ning
Rongrong. Once Ning Rongrong stepped forward to open the
door, she’d barely managed to get her clothes on.

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Stepping into the two girls’ dorm, Tang San was also
somewhat embarrassed. Making him even more baffled was
that Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu both looked at him with
somewhat strange expressions.

“What? Why are you both looking at me like that?”

Tang San distrustfully asked.

“This, ah, it’s because……”

Ning Rongrong giggling just started to speak, but a furiously

blushing Xiao Wu hastily covered her mouth, Xiao Wu glared at
her brimming with menace while her heart thumped like a little
deer, thinking of what Ning Rongrong said before, her chest
couldn’t help but feel a burst of numbness.

Tang San naturally couldn’t understand the minds of these

girls, he could even less know of the little secrets they talked
about in their chambers. Momentarily feeling somewhat at a
loss what to do, were it not for truly having some business,
perhaps he would’ve first left the room.

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Ning Rongrong repeatedly nodded to Xiao Wu, indicating she
wouldn’t make any irresponsible remarks, Xiao Wu then
removed her hand from her mouth, stepping forward to
obstruct Ning Rongrong and asked Tang San:

“Little San, why did you come?”

Tang San smiling said:

“I came for Rongrong, we still have two months before going

to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. I previously promised
Rongrong to help her family by providing mechanical hidden
weapons. After we go to Heaven Dou Academy, perhaps I might
not have the time, therefore I wanted to confirm this matter
with Rongrong.”

Ning Rongrong then knew Tang San had come to find her,

“Little San, you gave me the Zhuge Godly Crossbow just a few
days ago. This matter is something only my dad can decide, for
the moment it’s still enough. It would be better like this, I’ll ask
dean Flender for a leave of absence for a trip home. I think dad
should agree.”

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In this month participating in spirit fights, the components
for altogether ten Godly Zhuge Crossbows had already been
manufactured, Tang San would smoothly reassemble them and
give one each, by now, Tang San’s mechanical hidden weapon
had already been successfully reproduced for everyone.

Tang San nodded, saying:

“That’s also fine, only, will you be safe returning alone?”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

“I couldn’t not be safe. Actually I know that around our

Academy there have always been bodyguards from our family.
It would be impossible for dad not to know I’m here. He’s never
had people bring me back, so clearly he approves of me studying
at the Academy, when I return there I will naturally have

Tang San suddenly understood:

“Then like this would be best. Rongrong, don’t forget how to

use those hidden weapons, when using them you have to take

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all possible care, don’t get injured accidentally. Especially the
Godly Zhuge Crossbow, it’s too powerful, furthermore it also
requires time to arm, so don’t use it rashly.”

Ning Rongrong smiled:

“I know. Well, then I’ll go look for the dean right now.
Actually, my family’s Seven Treasure City isn’t far from Heaven
Dou Imperial City, later I’ll go directly from home to Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy to find you.”

Tang San said:

“If it’s like this, then you going back right now doesn’t
matter, wait until after we’re at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.
Only that side is comparatively far from Suotuo City, I don’t
know whether it will be easy to again find as good a smithy as

Ning Rongrong smiled:

“So you were worried about this, that’s no problem, my home

has smithies. If you’re not worried about leaking your hidden

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weapon secrets, letting the smithies at my home make the
components is fine, the craftsmanship absolutely won’t be an

A classifier for extremely glossy and smooth white jade.

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Chapter 55 - Flying God Claw

Tang San considered it, then nodded:

“That’s fine. It’s actually not something that has to be kept

secret, some things can’t be mastered by being learned.”

With how famous Tang Sect hidden weapons were, how could
there not be counterfeits, but in Tang San’s world the Tang Sect
stood tall for centuries, yet there were never any hidden
weapons that could surpass Tang Sect’s. A common Tang Sect
hidden weapon technician required ten years of training. Tang
San was extremely gifted in this respect, but he also underwent
twenty years of continuous research and manufacturing to
reach the grandmaster level of creating mechanical hidden
weapons, wanting to create counterfeits was practically

Ning Rongrong said:

“Then even better. No need to return first. To tell the truth,

I’m still really afraid to return after dad wouldn’t let me leave.
There’s no need for training in this time, so we can properly
play around. Xiao Wu, where do you think we should go play?

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Tang San, will you go with us?”

Tang San frowned:

“Teacher said to have everyone cultivate spirit power.

Rongrong, did you forget?”

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue, smiling:

“Doesn’t matter. I won’t go far. Right now among us Shrek

Seven Devils my spirit power is the weakest, I know I have to
work hard. But we also have to relax sometime, balancing work
and play.”

Xiao Wu nodded, saying:

“Rongrong makes sense. Little San, you have to come with us

for a stroll.”

Tang San shook his head:

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“Let it be. I still have a lot of things to do. You go. Pay
attention to your safety.”

After speaking, he hastily took his leave, always feeling

somewhat uncomfortable in the girls’ dorm.

Tang San had long ago properly thought out what to do in

these two months before returning to the road.

Through the danger last time in Star Dou Great Forest, Tang
San more and more felt his own strength was insufficient.
Although after getting Eight Spider Lances he had an even
greater advantage against equal level Spirit Masters, once the
level gap increased somewhat, this advantage would disappear

Against less than fortieth rank Spirit Masters, Tang San

basically had confidence in his victory. Beyond fortieth rank it
would depend on the opposing Spirit Masters’ category and

If the opponent’s attributes were something that he could

restrain, he believed he wasn’t powerless if he relied on hidden
weapons, but if the opponent could restrain him, it was

1893 Goldenagato |

practically impossible to come out on top.

The furnace Tang San bought from the smithy last time had
already been delivered long ago, before returning today he
passed by the smithy and specially ordered a batch of metal.
Spirit fighting had netted him more than five thousand gold
coins, so buying some first rate metal was no problem.

Adding to the metals he purchased last time, he was prepared

to in these two months increase his armament strength
somewhat, at the same time increasing hidden weapon
technique drills.

With insufficient inner strength, the more powerful Tang

Sect exquisite inner sect hidden weapons would be unable to
display their strength, therefore Tang San still had to rely on his
most expert mechanical type hidden weapons techniques.

Although Shrek Academy was crude, the size still wasn’t

small. Adding that teachers and students were few, when the
furnace and tools had arrived, he had asked Flender for an
empty house to use. Of course, it wasn’t for free.

Leaving Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong’s dorm, Tang San

1894 Goldenagato |

directly arrived at this house. It was built very simply from
stone bricks. Although it wasn’t very standardized, it was stable
and durable, this was the most common way of building among

The room wasn’t large, with close to thirty square meters.

Forging furnace, calciner, over to pounding anvil, forging
hammer. Everything was included, only since he hadn’t had
time to use them, everything was somewhat corroded.

In a corner there was also a large pile of charcoal and chunks

of every kind of metal, the majority of which hadn’t undergone
any processing.

Tang San simply put the room in order, as he grasped the

casting hammer, a familiar feeling arose involuntarily. In his
mind, he couldn’t help recalling when his father taught him

Despite Tang Hao not instructing Tang San for very long, that
time was nevertheless when he’d been closest to his father since
being born. Tang San recalled every sentence Tang Hao had said
to him in that time.

1895 Goldenagato |

“A godly craftsman isn’t at all a smith that uses godly
materials to make godly tools, rather one that uses ordinary
materials to make godly tools.”

Tang San muttering repeated his father’s words. The forging

hammer in his hand whirled along with his lower legs
generating force.

Without any target, creating a whistling sound, the forging

hammer danced in the room as Tang San’s hands moved, each
swing filled with inner strength. Half turning his body, swing
after swing joined together, flawless without exception.

The change of inner strength in his body allowed Tang San to

use this Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method with another
level of skill, despite not having a target for the hammer, that
feeling of joyfully unrestrained venting brought him a feeling
entirely free from worry.

Tang San stopped after nine thousand nine hundred eighty

one continuous swings. His clothes were already drenched with
sweat. Overjoyed, truly overjoyed, Tang San raised the forging
hammer before him, in his mind constantly replaying the scenes
of studying forging at Tang Sect and under Tang Hao, for a
moment all sorts of feelings welled up in his heart.

1896 Goldenagato |

Thirteen years old, meaning he had already been in this world
for thirteen years. In this all new world he had obtained many
things he never had before, family, friends, spirit, spirit ability,
these had all already completely blended with his soul.

Tang San’s figure flickered, already reaching the area piled

with metal, forging hammer striking a half meter diameter
chunk of refined iron. The struck iron tilted somewhat,
stretching out his toes, lightly raising them, lifting that close to
hundred jin chunk of iron.

He stretched out his left hand and grabbed the chunk of iron.
‘Tang Sect, a mark that can never be forgotten, I will definitely
let you blossom brilliantly in this new world.’

Dropping the iron in the casting furnace, Tang San piled

charcoal with practiced motions, igniting it, working the

Rhythmically, a strong sound of bellows began to reverberate

within the stone house. In just a moment’s work, deep red
flames burst out, the forging furnace starting to recover its use.

1897 Goldenagato |

Tang San had never forgotten his father’s words. He also
understood understood why his father would say that using
common iron to forge godly tools was the meaning of a godly
craftsman, that wasn’t only a matter of skill, even more
important was staunch perseverance.

Even average iron, if struck more than ten thousand times,

would become the strongest kind of iron.

Tang Sect’s requirements of their own hidden weapons were

extremely strict, and as a once well known figure among
mechanical type hidden weapon makers, Tang San was even
more rigorous about his own work. He absolutely wouldn’t let
his hidden weapons show issues with quality that could put him
in a dangerous situation.

The iron burned deep red, like an incomparably immense

chunk of ruby. It was also only once it was completely red that
he could see the impurities within.

The forging hammer leapt into Tang San’s hand, and its dance

Dang. Dang. Dang. Dang…… Pounding full of rhythm and

1898 Goldenagato |

tempo reverberated from within the stone house. Tang San had
started his forging.

From this day on, besides eating, Tang San didn’t even return
to his dorm to sleep. Every day constantly forging. When tired,
he would sit down on the ground and cultivate spirit power.
Once his energy had recovered, he immediately started working

Nobody knew what Tang San was making, even Grandmaster

didn’t understand, but Grandmaster never went to find him at
his forge. With complete confidence, Grandmaster believed that
Tang San absolutely wouldn’t abandon his cultivation for

Only one person entered the forging room: Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu
would go to the forge every day, she didn’t disturb Tang San,
only quietly left clean clothes to the side, poured some water
and peeled and cored some fruit, arranging it there before
quietly leaving.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to speak with Tang San, it was
only that since she came to know Tang San, she had never
before seen him so completely wrapped up in his work over

1899 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s body, brimming with the smell of metal, was all
over colored with iron dust and coke.

Xiao Wu was somewhat concerned over Tang San’s present

condition. Only as she once again entered the forge and Saw
Tang San had changed into the clean clothes, drunk the water
she’d poured and emptied the plate of fruit, she would feel
somewhat gratified.

Day after day passed, the pounding sound from within the
forge only became even more intense. Every day before there
was even any light, the sounds began, only when the gathering
darkness completely replaced the daylight would it stop.

Meanwhile, even if it was when eating at the dining hall, Tang

San would appear uncommunicative. Constantly in a kind of
reflective mood.

In this kind of situation, even Dai Mubai looked for

Grandmaster and Flender, but Grandmaster only said to not to
disturb him.

1900 Goldenagato |

Deep blue gradually replaced pure black, in the distant
horizon, a golden thread gradually appeared in its misty
splendor, dawn was coming once again.

The forging room’s door opened, one person walking out from
inside, with disheveled hair, a face covered in iron dust,
furthermore with a bare torso smeared with iron dust and coke
and brimming with sturdy muscle.

He appeared even stronger than before, and his height seemed

to have increased a fraction. Faint purple glinted in his piercing
eyes, with a feeling of absorbing peoples’ hearts and souls.

Looking far into the distance, looking at that golden ray

gradually expanding in the east, his eyes filled with purple.

Quietly lifting his two hands, he clenched them tightly. His

whole body braced was as if it were steel, like a cheetah waiting
to pounce. Filled with the beauty of wild power.

“Forty nine days. It took me a total of forty nine days, but I’ve
finally completed it.”

1901 Goldenagato |

He slowly opened his palms. A pair of perfectly round iron
balls appeared in his hands.

The iron balls were black. Despite being under the sun, there
wasn’t any reflection from it. However, a layer of cold air
quietly escaped from within the balls.

There were sixteen identical balls behind him in the room. If

the shrek’s seven monsters found out that he had spent most of
his energy during these two months working on developing
these eighteen iron balls, what would be their reaction?

Tang San started kneading the two metal balls in his hands
and murmured, “The only thing missing now is poison. I really
want to make another Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, and that
unfinished Torrential Rain Pear Blossom Needle. It’s a pity the
materials in this world are too restricted.”

His hand slightly shook and the two metal balls flew out. One
left and one right, both noiselessly. They bizarrely made two
arcs in the air and flew back into his hands. In his palms they
never stopped spinning, but the entire time they didn’t touch at

1902 Goldenagato |

After habitually training his Purple Demon Eyes, Tang San
walked into the forging room. The metal in the room had
already all vanished, including those Tang San bought from the
smithy later.

His right hand wiped the table, and including the two in his
hand, the eighteen metal balls all vanished into his Twenty Four
Moonlit Bridges.

His gaze fell onto the corner of the room. On the only clean
chair was a set of clean clothes laid there. That was what Xiao
Wu sent in yesterday. Looking at them, Tang San’s eyes
couldn’t help but let out a trace of gentleness.

What Tang San admired most in Xiao Wu was that she knew
what to do at any time. Usually, she was always cheerful and
exuberant. But when he needed quiet, she never disturbed him
even slightly. All she did was silently doing her seemingly
insignificant things, yet these things were what people never

Right now the day was still early. According to usual, no one
would wake up in Shrek Academy at this time.

1903 Goldenagato |

Tang San got some cold water and bathed, cleaning himself
from head to toes and then finally putting on the clean clothes
Xiao Wu delivered, making him feel fresh and cool.

Putting everything in order, a sense of relaxation went

through his body. Tang San raised his right hand in front of him
and a faint blue light came out of his palm. Blue Silver Grass
quietly sprouted out, swaying in his palm.

“Looks like I improved again.”Tang San smiled happily.

To Tang San, the fourty-nine days of forging tested his

physical strength and mental power just as much as the devilish
training Grandmaster forced them through.

Everyday he was continuously forging and thinking. The

stress on his body was just as much as the weighted runs. If not
for his endurable and tough body and the help of inner power,
he might have already stopped.

But it was also because of this everyday exercise that all his
muscles were now more taut. The most obvious change was on
his arms. They were thicker by one size and didn’t have a single
bit of excess fat. Every ridge of his muscles was well defined. His

1904 Goldenagato |

shoulders were wider and in every single movement, his
muscles would noticeably contract and retract.

However, Tang San’s hands were still as slim and flawless as

before, with no callouses at all. Not only his endurance and
spirit power improved, his Mysterious Jade Hand also

According to Tang San’s own estimates, these forty nine days

of almost insane forging let his spirit power improve once again,
rising to thirty third rank. Of course, this wasn’t only the result
of the two months. The previous months also played a key role
in this improvement.

In almost four months time, his spirit power ranked up again.

This speed could only be described as terrifying. Though he
broke through rank thirty, every rank needs accumulating. For
normal people, it would take at least more than half a year.
Those with less talent might even need a year to rank up.

When Tang San walked into the cafeteria, what surprised him
was that everyone were there and had started eating already. It
turned out that that day wasn’t the first day they woke up this
early, but Tang San was too busy thinking about forging to
notice this.

1905 Goldenagato |

“Here comes our Iron man. Yo, why is Iron Man so clean
today?” Dai Mubai spoke with a smiling face.

Dai Mubai was always very arrogant, and he also had the skills
to support it. But in front of Tang San, he couldn’t act arrogant
no matter what.

Though Tang San’s spirit power was lower than his, Dai
Mubai knew that if they were really fighting for their lives, he
couldn’t beat Tang San. In the entire Shrek’s Seven Monsters,
Tang San undoubtedly had become the most important one. But
Dai Mubai also knew Tang San’s achievement wasn’t simply
from innate talent. During these forty nine days, though no one
knows what Tang San was doing, everyone could hear the
almost never halting pounding of his hammer. What kind of
willpower was needed to complete this?

Under Tang San’s stimulation, not only Dai Mubai, including

the laziest Oscar, everyone were also working hard to cultivate
their spirit power.

Grandmaster put forward a way of cultivating without sleep

to them so that everyone could replace sleep with spirit power

1906 Goldenagato |

cultivation. Other than the necessary spirit ability training and
physical exercise, the rest of the time was all put into
cultivation. Though the process was dull, it proved beneficial
for their strength.

In the time, Xiao Wu’s spirit power raised to rank thirty two,
and the others’ spirit power also had a not insignificant

Now, Shrek’s Seven Devils spirit power ranks were:

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, thirty eighth rank Battle
Spirit Elder.

Sausage Monopoly Oscar, thirty first rank Tool Spirit Elder.

Thousand Hand Asura Tang San, thirty third rank Battle

Spirit Elder.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, twenty eighth rank Battle

Spirit Grandmaster.

1907 Goldenagato |

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, thirty second rank Battle
Spirit Elder.

Seven Treasures Glazed Ning Rongrong, twenty seventh rank

Tool Spirit Grandmaster.

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing, twenty eighth rank Battle Spirit


Tang San smiled slightly. “I’m all done forging, so of course I

came out. Checking the time, it isn’t long until we have to go to
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.”

Ning Rongrong said curiously, “Third Brother, what good

thing did you make this time, let everyone see.”

Tang San said, “Really, I didn’t make that many things this
time because the construction of it is very troublesome. Other
than a few hidden weapons, I also made everyone something

“We also get some?” Ning Rongrong was instantly exulted.

The Shrek’s Seven Devils all let out a smile. Tang San’s standard

1908 Goldenagato |

for hidden weapons was very strict. They already got an entire
set of high quality hidden weapons. If Tang San used that many
days to make it, it couldn’t be bad.

Ma Hongjun chuckled, “Third Brother is the best, sharing

even dew equally, quickly let everyone see.”

Xiao Wu glared at Ma Hongjun. “What do you mean sharing

dew, thats so coarse. Little San hasn’t even eaten yet, let him eat

Ning Rongrong smiled, “Xiao Wu is indeed still the most

thoughtful for Tang San!”

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue and gave Tang San the food
specially left for him.

Ever since Grandmaster came, Shrek Academy’s food changed

majorly. Of course, the breakfast wasn’t paid by the Academy
anymore, but the Shrek Seven Devils paid themselves. The
things were the same, and Grandmaster didn’t hide the
economic situation of the Academy. After one month of Spirit
Battles, everyone had full wallets, so none of them cared about
the small food expenses.

1909 Goldenagato |

“Ok, I’ll eat first. Let’s go out later so I can demonstrate as
well, the cafeteria is too small.” Tang San smiled at Xiao Wu and
took his breakfast and started gorging himself. The recent
workload was way too much, so Tang San’s appetite also
rocketed upwards. In Shrek’s Seven Devils, he ate the most.

The others had more or less eaten, while looking at Tang San
gorging himself, inwardly they couldn’t help but itch while
thinking about Tang San’s gift.

Being under everyone’s scrutiny couldn’t feel particularly

nice, especially when eating. Tang San quickly finished his
breakfast, immediately standing up,

“Having you watching me like that, I’ll get indigestion. Let’s

go, I’ll give you something good outside.”

Xiao Wu very naturally collected the bowl and chopsticks

Tang San had used to clear them away, but Tang San caught her
hand, saying:

“There’s time to clean up later. We’ll go outside first.”

1910 Goldenagato |

The group of seven reached the Academy grounds. The
grounds were completely empty, sunshine sprinkling across the
field. Right now was already early summer, Shrek Academy was
at the center of the continent, so even if it was early morning, it
was still extremely warm.

“Little San, quickly take it out. What kind of thing is it?”

Ning Rongrong said somewhat impatiently.

Tang San smiled faintly, his right hand wiping across Twenty
Four moonlit Bridges, taking out an unusual looking thing.

That was a cylindrical thing made entirely out of metal, its

surface appearing silvery. It seemed to somewhat resemble the
sleeve dart, but compared to the sleeve dart it was even bigger
and thicker.

Tang San in order for everyone to see and understand clearly,

pulled up the sleeve over his left arm, giving a pull with both
hands, half opening the cylindrical object on one side, giving it
the appearance of two half cylinders. Everyone saw that the
inside of the thing was lined with soft cloth.

1911 Goldenagato |

Tang San fastened it around his left lower arm, the cylindrical
thing’s length just enough to completely cover his lower arm.
He first adjusted it a moment, then afterwards swung out his
arm. The cylinder adhered to his arm, without the slightest
amount of swaying, appearing tightly fitted.

At this, even Xiao Wu couldn’t help her curiosity,

“Little San, what is this thing? Is it more powerful than the

sleeve dart?”

Tang San smiling shook his head, saying:

“To be precise, it could be considered a kind of useful tool. I

call it a Flying God Claw. Watch closely when I operate it.”

He pulled at the front of the top of the Flying God Claw,

pulling out five rings and fastening them to the five fingers of
his left hand, immediately following, he tightened his fist. With
a sharp and clear sonorous sound, a metal cone suddenly shot
out, just far enough to move farther than his palm. Immediately
afterward, the metal cone’s front end suddenly burst open,

1912 Goldenagato |

changing into a metal claw. The claw had five fingers, glinting
with cold light in the sunshine, especially the tips of the claws
gave a feeling like they were five cold stars.

Tang San picked up a rock from the ground to the side,

“I used several an alloy of several metals for the Flying God

Claw, creating it after hard work and numerous revisions. It’s
extremely hard in itself, sufficient to pierce metal and pass
through stone. This metal claw is its key feature, after the claw
has opened, as long as it’s touched just a little, the springs and
gears I placed inside will move, causing the metal claw to
immediately tighten.”

While speaking, he placed the rock in the metal claw. With

just a whoosh sound, under everyone’s dumbstruck gazes, the
metal claw easily pierced into the rock like piercing tofu. The
whole claw entered almost halfway.

Tang San explained in detail:

“After the metal claw has been fastened, there are five
different operations it can use. First, holding the fist closed but
extending the forefinger, then, the metal claw will once again

1913 Goldenagato |

spring open, recovering to its previous appearance. Second, if
the middle finger is extended, then the metal claw will cut down
with all its power, its strength is enormous, approximately able
to pierce a thick steel plate. As for the other three kinds of
functions, there are other corresponding effects.”

While speaking he extended his middle finger, with a cracking

sound a cloud of dust rose, that ordinary piece of rock had
unexpectedly been directly crushed.

Seeing this scene, the other six Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t
help but swallow. They really couldn’t imagine how such a
strong steel claw had been made. In fact, what Tang San called
‘hard work and numerous revisions’ wasn't a bit exaggerated.
After the metal had been successfully formed, even the forging
hammer wasn’t able to alter its form. Tang San had wasted vast
amounts of spirit power, relying on his other spirit, the little
hammer, to succeed.

In the forging process, Tang San also discovered some special

subtleties of that little hammer. As the metal and that
seemingly not very large little hammer touched, unexpectedly it
would cause a kind of unusual effect: regardless of which metal,
on contact with the little hammer it would soften. Using it to
create hidden weapons was practically like a tiger growing
wings. Unfortunately, it really consumed too much spirit power

1914 Goldenagato |

and physical strength, under the consumption Tang San
constantly had to meditate to recover, this was also a major
reason why he was able to advance his spirit power to the thirty
third rank in this time.

Dai Mubai’s heart twitched, saying:

“What’s really the use of this metal claw? If it’s only like this,
it seems I’d be better off with my tiger claws.”

Let alone piercing rock, with his current strength, even

piercing gold and snapping jade was no problem for his tiger

Tang San calmly smiled, saying:

“Of course it’s not limited to this, otherwise it wouldn’t be

called Flying God Claw. Its principal use is to help us ‘fly’. Even
though it’s not true flight, as a tool it’s still very useful, watch,
this is its third function.”

While speaking, Tang San first once again sprang open the
metal claw, and afterwards raised his left arm facing a large tree

1915 Goldenagato |

approximately twenty meters away. His thumb sharply
extended, and with a whoosh sound, the steel claw attached on
top of the arm guard shot out like a bolt of lightning, bringing a
long brilliant light under the sunshine, in an eyeblink it had
already flown over, with a cracking sound, it directly grabbed
into the tree trunk.

Everyone clearly saw that attached to the back of the steel

claw was a fine like linen metal rope.

Immediately afterward, Tang San’s ring finger stretched out,

lightly pushing off the ground with his toes, his body followed
the line like an arrow, under the pull of that steel rope in an
eyeblink he had leapt over onto that large tree. Toes lightly
touching the tree, relying on the pull of the Flying God Claw, he
moved horizontally around the tree trunk.

Forefinger shooting out, releasing the steel claw, Tang San

rose and landed back before everyone.

“In certain terrains, the Flying God Claw is able to display

very good effects. At the same time, it can also be used to grab
people. The length of the steel wire is thirty meters, its pulling
force is approximately three hundred jin. As long as our body
weight doesn’t surpass three hundred jin, we can rely on it to

1916 Goldenagato |

climb up high.”

The internal composition of each Flying God Claw was

extraordinarily complex, as it was formed from a large amount
of gears and springs. Of course, to Tang San, this wasn’t any
meticulous work. The true meticulousness was still those
eighteen iron balls resting in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

Little finger extending, the iron claw withdrew into the arm
guard, Tang San flicked his wrist, the five fingers separating
from the iron rings, the iron rings automatically returning to
the cover of the arm guard. It now appeared like a very ordinary
steel arm guard.

Ma Hongjun muttered:

“This is simply an essential tool for leaping onto roofs and

vaulting walls, slipping through doors and levering locks!”

Tang San snapped:

“What are you calling ‘sneaking through doors and levering

locks’. Fatty, you pay attention to your weight. If some day you

1917 Goldenagato |

surpass three hundred jin, it will practically be useless for you.
Also, when everyone assembles it, you must take care to remove
the sleeve dart. Mubai, when you use your spirit your muscles
change somewhat, therefore your Flying God Claw includes
some elastic ropes. Like this it won’t be damaged because of
your muscles swelling.”

Apart from Tang San the other Shrek Six Devils at this
moment displayed their mutual rapport. Making the same
motion, towards Tang San, they stretched out their right hands.

Although this Flying God Claw wouldn’t appear to have much

in the way of attack power, everyone were astute, anyone would
be able to think a number of effects just by looking at this thing.
Regarding concrete uses, that still required getting to know it.

Tang San pulled out six Flying God Claws and handed them
over to everyone. Each one was custom made. Because everyone
were still young, in order to deal with the size of the arm
changing as they grew older, the openings of the Flying God
Claws were connected with elastic rope.

While fiddling with the Flying God Claw in his hand, Dai
Mubai couldn’t help saying:

1918 Goldenagato |

“Little San, I really don’t know how your brain is made.
Unexpectedly it’s even able to think up this kind of thing.”

Tang San revealed a wry smile and thought to himself that

how could he be able to baselessly imagine things like these, this
was all the crystallisation of many years of Tang Sect’s effort.
He had merely grasped how to create them, that’s all.

Time passed quickly, in the blink of an eye the two months of

rest and preparation had already gone by. Shrek Academy’s land
was originally bought by Flender, it also wasn’t any kind of
expensive thing. The teachers didn’t object to Grandmaster’s
proposal. In a moment the agreed upon time had arrived. At
Flender’s command, everyone packed up their things, preparing
to set out, leaving for Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

This day had moderate wind and beautiful sun, no clouds as

far as the eye could see.

Standing at the Academy gate, Flender gazed up appearing

somewhat defeated at the board engraved with Shrek
Academy’s sign, for a moment all sorts of feelings welled up in
his heart. Twenty years. Living here for twenty years, this place
had constantly bit by bit flowed into his heart. An acrid feeling
appeared at his nose.

1919 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji put his arms around Flender’s shoulders,

“Don’t look. Let’s go. It’s not like we won’t return. If worst
comes to worst, afterwards we brothers will accompany you
back to retire.”

Flender glared at him,

“You’re saying I’m old?”

Zhao Wuji smiled wryly:

“Not old. Yes, we’re both just fifty, that’s all, still not regarded
as too old. However all of us are also regarded as out of the
ordinary. Unexpectedly not one of us is married.”

Flender snorted,

“That’s because your requirements are too high. How are

women Spirit Masters so easy to find. Don’t you know women

1920 Goldenagato |

Spirit Masters make up just one tenth of all Spirit Masters?

“You then? Aren’t your requirements high? How come you’re

also unmarried?”

Zhao Wuji somewhat unreconciled said.

“Me? I……”

Flender looked distracted a moment, somewhat speechless. As

he looked up towards Grandmaster, he discovered Grandmaster
was also looking at him. The two’s eyes showed something
painful, practically simultaneously shaking their heads.

“Let’s go.”

Flender put his thoughts in order, passing down the order to

set off. The party of ten stepped forward, departing Shrek.

Heaven Dou Empire imperial capital Heaven Dou City, at the

heart of northeastern Heaven Dou Empire, it was the core of all
of Tian Dou’s political power, also one of the two largest cities

1921 Goldenagato |

on the Continent. On Douluo Continent, only Star Lou Empire’s
imperial capital could match it.

Although the two great Empires’ subordinate Kingdoms and

Duchies weren’t too accepting of control, they were still part of
the Empires. With Heaven Dou City at its heart, what Heaven
Dou Empire directly controlled were the three neighboring
great military districts, with a total force of more than a
million, a profound strength.

In some sense, Heaven Dou Empire didn’t have to force

restrictions on the subordinate Kingdoms with their own
reasoning, whether it was Heaven Dou or Star Luo, the
subordinate Kingdoms and Duchies of both great Empires were
for the most part on the border, if fighting broke out, it would
certainly be these Kingdoms and Duchies that bore the brunt.

Of course, this was also for lack of a better option. Which

monarch wouldn’t wish to use imperial power to rule

But right now the Continent basically didn’t permit

circumstances for unification to appear.

1922 Goldenagato |

100斤 = 50kg

雨露均沾 - Means everyone gets some no matter who they are.


Idiom: Something strong redoubling its power.

300斤 = 150kg

1923 Goldenagato |

Chapter 56 - Rank Surpassing Challenge

Presently in the Continent, besides the internal factors of the

two empires, most significant was the clandestine interference
from the several Spirit Master clans and Spirit Hall.
Theoretically, in a single large and unified empire, how could
these be allowed to exist to influence the ruling power?

The Shrek Academy party wanted to go to Heaven Dou City,

but they needed to first leave Balak Kingdom, afterwards pass
through the entire Silvers Kingdom to the the north of Balak
Kingdom, to finally enter Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial city
boundaries. Further to the east, it would be entirely Heaven
Dou Empire’s imperial city lands. The entire journey would be
very far, spanning more than two thousand kilometers. Thus
can be seen, how enormous the Heaven Dou Empire’s territory

In the Shrek Seven Devils, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing
and Ning Rongrong had their own spirit storage devices,
similarly, the teachers had ones too. Thus, as they journeyed,
they didn’t have to experience any frustrations of baggage.
Before leaving, they bought food and prepared water in their
spirit tools. Even if they couldn’t resupply during the journey,
this food and water would last them about ten days.

1924 Goldenagato |

“Okay, you little monsters. You have all rested for two
months already, from now on it’s full speed ahead. Everyone
must follow my speed, if not, heh heh.”

Flender seemed to have returned to what he was previously, a

devious light was emitted from his eyes. With one hand
grabbing Grandmaster’s arm, leaving behind those words, he
already shot forward.

Flender naturally didn’t use his full strength to run. With

Zhao Wuji in front of the academy teachers, they spread out on
both sides as they followed him.

Shrek Seven Devils looked on and unhesitantly ran. They

were already undaunted by burdened running. Normal running
was nothing to them. Without even needing to use spirit power
to assist them, even Oscar and Ning Rongrong could keep up to
Flender’s current speed.

Grandmaster was being carried by Flender using spirit power,

thus he did not even need to waste any energy. Grandmaster
suspiciously commented,

1925 Goldenagato |

“Flender, what is the meaning in this training? Their current
body foundations are already very strong now.”

Flanders grinned, saying:

"Is there really no meaning in this training? Xiao Gang, these

methods are not something you can use. Furthermore, even if
this training had no meaning, rushing a little bit faster, wasting
less time on the road, we can cut down on meals and stay in
fewer hotels. This way, we should be able to save some money.
Previously we agreed to use the previously won three thousand
gold coins on this third stage of training. We should save as
what we can.”

“You… You really are the same as always.”

Grandmaster was momentarily speechless. In contrast to

Flender, he never saw money as something of importance,
always holding the ideal that the money he used could
eventually be earnt back. In any case he was always a Spirit
Grandmaster, and would always have Spirit Hall’s stipend.

Flender, somewhat deviously, only winked at Grandmaster,

suddenly he sped up. Accelerating ahead like an arrow as it left a

1926 Goldenagato |


Zhao Wuji, undoubtedly being the most familiar with Flender,

helplessly looked at the Sweet Pea Spirit Master Shao Xin beside
him and grabbed his arm.

“Flender that guy. Even if you want to save money, you don’t
have to torture our old bones.”

The auxiliary system Spirit Master obviously couldn’t keep up

with them, thus Zhao Wuji could only carry Shao Xin and
increase his speed.

With Flender’s increase in speed, the Shrek Seven Devils

behind started to be unable to keep up. In the end, using only
physical strength to run definitely couldn’t match his speed
when he was being assisted by spirit power. Furthermore,
Flender was an agility attack system Spirit Master, and even a
Spirit Emperor level agility attack system Spirit Master at that.

In a hurry to keep up, Shrek Seven Devils could only increase

their speed accordingly. As a result, Ning Rongrong and Oscar
could no longer continue by their own strength. Oscar was
carried by Dai Mubai while Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu took

1927 Goldenagato |

turns carrying Ning Rongrong. The seven of them, like always
did not leaving anyone behind. They gave it their all and rushed
ahead to catch up.

The Shrek Seven Devils had no qualms in using their spirit

power for short periods, but how could their spirit power
compete with their teachers. Flender’s controlled speed was
already their maximum speed. Within less than two hours, the
Shrek Seven Devils’ spirit power was practically consumed.

Flender saw that everyone behind him couldn’t keep up and

thus finally slowed down a little. Running with a normal speed,
he gave the Shrek Seven Devils time to eat the large sausage and
recuperate a bit. Of course, Flender himself wouldn’t eat Oscar’s
large sausage, a few sweet peas would be a lot more effective
than the sausage. After all, that Sweet Pea Spirit Master Shao
Xin’s level was far above what Oscar could compare to.

Using this method of running, within a day, Shrek Seven

Devils were as tired as when they had experienced
Grandmaster’s Devil training again. Within just this day, they
had already run close to four hundred kilometers, completing
about a fifth of the journey.

Fortunately, Flender wasn’t as stingy as he proclaimed. He

1928 Goldenagato |

didn’t make everyone camp outside, but rather, settled for the
night in a small town along the way.

The so called small town, was actually just a relatively big

village. The inn that the Shrek Academy party stayed in was
actually the only inn in town. Even if it was a little shabby, it
could still be said to be relatively clean.

Flender once again fully demonstrated his stinginess,

altogether asking for only three rooms. The teachers would only
use one room, the male students used one room and the female
students used one room.

“I’m so worn out.”

Oscar immediately lay on the bed, still gasping for breath,

with a face of euphoria. Everyone had ran for a day and was
finally able to rest. No one really bothered about how simple or
crude the place was.

Dai Mubai snapped,

"What do you have to be tired about? You were resting most of

1929 Goldenagato |

your body weight on me, okay?!"

Oscar said.

“But i also had to make the large sausages and mushroom

sausages for all of you. During that last part of the run, if not for
my mushroom sausages, how would we be able to keep up. My
consumption of spirit power was definitely not less than any of
you. The consumption of spirit power also leads to fatigue.”

Ma Hongjun commented,

”Don’t complain anymore. The unluckiest would be me. I’m

the heaviest, my speed also isn’t very great either. I really wish
that i could get a flying ability soon. Then, traveling wouldn’t
be a problem.

Tang San laughed.

“Don’t complain anymore, hurry and sleep. Who knows what

our great dean will do again tomorrow.”

1930 Goldenagato |

At this moment, there was a loud knock on the door, the room
door opening a little. Xiao Wu stuck her head in from outside.

“Little San, come out for a while.”

Tang San complied and left the room.

“Xiao Wu, what is it?”

Looking at a tired Xiao Wu, Tang San’s heart couldn’t help

but hurt a little.

Xiao Wu somewhat coquettishly pouting,

“After running all day, my legs are sore. Ge, massage my legs,

During their period of devilish training, every time Xiao Wu

would feel tired and sore, Tang San would always help massage
her legs. Ultimately, Mysterious Heavenly skill and spirit power
had some differences. One of which was that spirit power was
not at all useful for Daoist treatment methods. On the whole,

1931 Goldenagato |

spirit power was more overbearing, while Mysterious heavenly
skill was more stable and peaceful.

“Okay, right here?”

Tang San doting rubbed Xiao Wu’s head.

“En, do it here. Rongrong and Zhuqing are already asleep.”

As she spoke, Xiao Wu raised her right leg, showing off her
flexibility, placing her slender calf on Tang San’s shoulder.

Tang San raised both hands, one hand kneading at her ankle
and the other softly massaging the muscles of her calf. The
Mysterious Heavenly Skill’s warmth directly penetrating the
muscle, Xiao Wu comfortably closed her eyes, her young face
blushing a little.

As Tang San helped her massage her calf, he asked her.

“If we’re rushing like today again tomorrow and you can’t
take it anymore, let me carry you. There shouldn’t be a problem

1932 Goldenagato |

with speed if I used my Eight Spider Lances.”

Xiao Wu giggled.

“No need, I can handle it. Actually, this kind of tiredness is

also good. I would have a reason to let you massage my legs. Its
really comfortable. Ge, why are your palms so warm?”

Tang San shook his head. He doted on this little sister from
the core of his heart. Not caring about the mud and dirt on her
shoes, he softly massaged her foot, helping her relax.

“How does this feel?”

“Very comfortable, it seems like my legs aren’t as sore


Even separated by the shoe, the heat from Tang San’s palms
could still enter her feet. It felt just like soaking in the hot
waters of a hot spring. The hot comfortable feeling made Xiao
Wu feel so comfortable, her vision blurred for a while.

1933 Goldenagato |

“Okay, change to the other leg.”

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, expression somewhat congealed,

“Ge, if we can always be this close in the future, and if you

later get a wife, will you not want me?”

Tang San smiled,

“Silly girl, how can that be? At any point in time, you will
always be my little sister.”

Concerning boy-girl relationships, he had never experienced

them in his previous life. In this life, he understood them even
less. Although he grew up without his father by his side,
however, ever since he came to Shrek Academy, Tang San had
never felt alone or empty. In terms of friendship, he had his
companions. In terms of family, he had Xiao Wu and
Grandmaster. He was already very satisfied with his current

Xiao Wu giggled

1934 Goldenagato |

“How about, after we grow up, I’ll marry you, okay? Then I
can be your little sister for as long as we live and let you take
care of me.”

Tang San laughed and said,

”Okay. Its just that you so pretty, marrying me will embarrass


Xiao Wu sighed.

“I’m serious. What is there to be embarrassed about? In my

heart, you are the best. Ge, did you know? Rongrong always
teases me, saying that we’re just brother and sister.”

Tang San looked blank for a bit,

“But she isn’t wrong. Aren’t you my little sister?”

Xiao Wu’s charming face reddened.

1935 Goldenagato |

“Not like that. Aiyah. I’m not going to talk about it anymore,
you’re such a blockhead.”

As she spoke, she took back her long leg and walked behind
Tang Sang, both hands gently squeezing on his shoulders.

Although Xiao Wu’s technique was a bit amateurish, it still

allowed Tang San to feel comfortable. Especially that faint
warm feeling, making Tang San’s deep in his heart be softly

“Alright. You should go to sleep earlier. We still need to travel

tomorrow.” Tang San somewhat reluctantly pushed away Xiao
Wu’s hands.


Xiao Wu replied. Finally returning to her room. Her heart was

beating quickly, her eyes were showing a somewhat hesitant
and deep light.

Returning to his room, what made Tang San surprised was

that Dai Mubai and the other two were not asleep yet. The three

1936 Goldenagato |

of them looked at Tang San as they tried to hide their smiles.

Oscar rose from the bed, facing Dai Mubai and raising a leg in
his direction, with a coy voice he said “After running for an
entire day, my legs feel sore. Ge, massage my legs, alright?”

Dai Mubai laughed, imitating Tang San’s voice,

“Okay. Right here?”

Oscar immediately followed up with

“En. Right here. Rongrong and Zhuqing are already sleeping.”

Looking at their creepy play, Tang San irritatedly said

“Great. You guys listened in on our conversation.”

Fatty darkly laughed at one side

1937 Goldenagato |

“Its not that we eavesdropped. Its just that here, the walls are
really bad. Ge, help me massage my leg too.”

As he spoke, he also gestured with his his fat leg.

Tang San earnestly nodded,

“Fine, no problem. I heard, a bit of poison is actually helpful

for the body, stretching muscles and improving blood
circulation. I don’t know if my Eight Spider Lances will do, but
I’ll use you to try it out.”

While speaking, he took off his jacket, exposing his bare torso,
assuming an expression about to release Eight Spider Lances.

Fatty jumped from fright, hastily pulling his quilt over him.
somewhat bitterly shouting,

“Don’t, third brother, my mistake!.”

His first encounter with Eight Spider Lances’ powerful toxin

left a deep impression with him.

1938 Goldenagato |

Tang San snapped:

“Go to sleep.”

Dai Mubai chuckled, saying:

“Tang San, Xiao Wu declared her position to you, you as her

older brother mustn’t be so slow witted. Xiao Wu is a rare
beauty. If you act fast you will have her, if you’re slow you

Tang San stared blankly,

“But we’re siblings. Fine, don’t say anything. We’re both still
this young. It’s still too early to discuss this. Do you think I’m
Fatty? I can’t have his Evil Fire.”

Ma Hongjun stretched out his head from within his quilt,

defiantly saying:

1939 Goldenagato |

“What about me? Relations between men and women are
heaven’s law and earth’s principle. It’s a primal instinct.”

Tang San glared at him,

“I say you have instinct to spare.”

Dai Mubai also didn’t say anything else, smiling shaking his
head, sitting down cross legged on his bed to enter a meditative

After an uneventful night, the second day’s morning.

Everyone continued the journey. By now, they had already left
Balak Kingdom, entering the borders of Silvers Kingdom.

Fortunately, today Flender didn’t speed up again, only leading

the party towards the northeast at a regular pace.

The same day, they reached Silvers Kingdom’s capital on the

southern border, Silvers City. Flender unprecedentedly chose
this major city to lodge at, furthermore at the time they entered
the city, the sky was only just starting to darken.

1940 Goldenagato |

“Flender, are you alright?”

When Flender brought everyone to check in at an expensive

hotel, even Grandmaster who could never hang on to coin
couldn’t help feel strange. Furthermore, this time Flender
unexpectedly rented five rooms, letting everyone live somewhat
less crowded. Even dinner was unprecedentedly lavish.

Whether it was Grandmaster or Zhao Wuji and the other

teachers, everyone were baffled by Flender’s actions. Always
miserly, how would he suddenly become so generous?

At dinner, Flender finally showed his true colors.

Flender wore a smiling expression, raising a wine cup in front

of him, saying:

“Travelling for two days, to thank you all for your hard work,
please eat to your heart’s content. However, the little monsters
are only allowed one cup of wine.”

Speaking, he led by example and poured the wine down his

1941 Goldenagato |

throat, and furthermore extremely enthusiastically received
everyone’s dishes.

Dai Mubai said in a low voice by Tang San’s ear:

“Compared to a smile, I wish we saw the dean’s solemn

expression. I don’t know why, but every time he smiles I feel his
smile is so treacherous. You’ll see, today our dean spent so
much, there’s definitely a catch.”

Sure enough, as the wine made three rounds, after dishes of

five flavours, Flender wiped his mouth, mildly saying to the
Shrek Seven Devils:

“You also haven’t had any real combat for two months. This
Silvers City has a Great Spirit Arena. This evening you should
all go exercise a bit. En. There’s no need to participate in all
spirit battles. In order to not influence tomorrow’s travelling,
just join the team spirit battle.”

Dai Mubai smiling widely looked at the fox tailed Flender,


1942 Goldenagato |

“Dean, then the rewards we obtain this time, should it also be
transferred to the Academy?”

Flender piously said:

“Although the Academy is already closed, as your dean, do you

believe I would take possession of your rewards? You allocate
your income as you see fit, unrelated to us. Mubai, don’t tell me
you unexpectedly doubt my intentions?”

This time it was Dai Mubai’s turn to stare blankly. Originally

he thought Flender was planning to have them participate in a
team spirit fight to obtain the rewards. Like this, with their
current rank, for a team spirit fight everyone could obtain at
least a hundred cold spirit coins each, adding up to a
considerable sum. He hadn’t expected to be criticised by
Flender’s just words.

Don’t say, was this dean really alright?

It was still Ma Hongjun who understood his teacher the best,

mouthing words to Dai Mubai on the other side. Dai Mubai then
suddenly understood. Ma Hongjun only mouthed one word:

1943 Goldenagato |

Yes, under equivalent level circumstances, even Emperor
Team was unable to surpass the Shrek Seven Devils, how would
there be an opponent, as long as they placed some heavy bets on
the team fight, then, naturally the earnings wouldn’t be small.
This was Flender’s true scheme.

“Good, we’ll set off.”

Flender delightedly settled the bill, asking for directions to

Silvers Great Spirit Arena, bringing everyone to leave the hotel.

Silvers Great Spirit Arena appeared even more magnificent

than its Suotuo counterpart. This was after all Silvers
Kingdom’s capital city, still a level above Suotuo.

Wearing those masks that had shaken Suotuo Great Spirit

Arena, the Shrek Seven Devils once again set out.

However, when Flender had the Shrek Seven Devils sign up

for a team spirit fight he was struck dumb.

1944 Goldenagato |

The Silvers Great Spirit Arena staff carefully inspected the
Shrek Seven Devils spirit fighting badges, and couldn’t help but
uncomprehendingly look at the seven Spirit Masters in front of
him, finding it somewhat difficult to speak:

“My apologies, respected Spirit Masters, I’m afraid you can’t

participate in the team spirit fight.”

The Shrek Seven Devils were indifferent, Flender was not.

One must know, since entering Silvers City he had already

spent a lot of coin, hoping to be able to recoup it here.

“Why? Don’t tell me there are no people at the Great Spirit


Flender angrily said.

Although Flender was somewhat aggressive, the staff didn’t

refute him at all. A thirtieth level gold spirit fighter team indeed
had the qualifications to be aggressive. He had worked at the
Great Spirit Arena for more than twenty years, but this was the
first time such a monstrous spirit fighter team had appeared.

1945 Goldenagato |

“My apologies, respected sir, but our Silvers Great Spirit
Arena doesn’t have a gold spirit fighter team for a fair spirit

The staff member said embarrassedly.

Flender said:

“Then a silver spirit fighter team is fine as well. Don’t you see
that among them is only one Spirit Master that just advanced to
gold spirit fighter?”

The staff member shook his head:

“That certainly won’t do. First of all, we only have one silver
spirit fighter thirtieth level team, but letting them fight clearly
is unfair. Presumably you also know the rules of the Great Spirit
Arena, a team’s level is counted according to the level of its
highest member.”

To the side Zhao Wuji smiled with Schadenfreude:

1946 Goldenagato |

“Apparently, someone’s plans fell through.”

Standing at Zhao Wuji’s side, the three senior Spirit Masters

Lu Ji-Bin, Li Yu-Song and Shao Xin couldn’t help smiling. They
didn’t have any subordinate relationship with Flender, before
the establishment of Shrek Academy they were good friends,
watching Flender’s defeat clearly was a form of entertainment
to them.

Flender unresigned asked:

“Is there no other way?”

The staff member thought about it:

“It’s not that there are no ways. If everyone agrees to surpass

levels to join a spirit fight, I can naturally arrange it. Surpassing
levels no longer suffers the level restrictions of spirit fights. In
other words, you can challenge one of the lowest fortieth level
spirit fighter teams, here the fortieth level teams are practically
all silver spirit fighters, there are also a few gold spirit fighter
teams. You can choose as you wish.”

1947 Goldenagato |

Fortieth level? Flender was stunned a moment, immediately
afterwards shaking his head,

“Then let it be.”

What is called ‘gentlemen love wealth, but grasps it the right

way’, Flender still understood the reasoning of this.

Although in the spirit fighting ring, generally speaking none

of the opponents died, he also wouldn’t let his disciples take
risks for his benefit.

If there was a certain chance of victory without danger then a

bit of profit wasn’t much, but demanding the Shrek Seven
Devils take risks for profit, Flender still wouldn’t do it.
Although miserly, he was after all principled.

“No, I think it’s possible.”

Grandmaster’s stiff voice echoed, unhurriedly strolling up to

Flender’s side.

1948 Goldenagato |

Flender frowned,

“Xiao Gang, what kind of joke is that? How is this possible,

you also know the depth of a spirit ring gap. Don’t tell me you
want to send the children to their death? Don’t forget that
among them are three who haven’t reached the thirtieth level,
confronting a fortieth level Spirit Master team, they won’t
stand a chance.”

Grandmaster shook his head:

“Of course I wouldn’t let them take risks, Flender, there are
still very many differences with fortieth level spirit fighter

Speaking, Grandmaster turned to the staff member,

“What you said just now, letting us pick our opponent,

without question.”

The staff member nodded,

1949 Goldenagato |

“Of course without question. Furthermore I can guarantee
that this team spirit fight will be in the Central Main Spirit

The circumstances of a level surpassing challenge very rarely

appeared at a Great Spirit Arena, especially in a team fight. If it
was a one versus one bout where one side’s spirit was especially
outstanding, perhaps there would still be a chance to prevail
over a one spirit ring gap. But team spirit fights were a
collective effort, if the whole team was one spirit ring weaker
than the opponents, how would there still be a fight? As a
result, team level surpassing challenges were hardly ever seen.
And without more than a few successful examples in the entire
history of Great Spirit Arena, a level surpassing challenge was
undoubtedly a kind of spirit fight that appealed to spectators,
making it even easier to excite the audience. As long as the news
went out, the Central Main Spirit Arena could anticipate a full
audience. Such a good event, how could the spirit arena refuse?

Grandmaster continued:

“Among your fortieth level teams do you have one that is

especially cruel? Best is that kind of team that every time kills or
injures the opponent. The higher the proportion of injuries the

1950 Goldenagato |


The staff member startled looked at Grandmaster, thinking to

himself, ‘don’t tell me this person want’s to have this team
killed?’ Originally he thought Grandmaster would pick the
weakest fortieth level team, he hadn’t expected him to say
something like this.

Flender grabbed Grandmaster’s shoulder, bellowing,

“Xiao Gang, are you insane? You want to get the children

Grandmaster calmly smiled,

“Flender, do you think I would let the children get killed?

Don’t worry, I have a reason.”

Flender stared blankly, yes, how would Grandmaster possibly

let the children get killed. Especially his only disciple Tang San,
who Grandmasters normally showed such concern for. Flender
also saw that he looked at Tang San as if his own child, how
would he let him take risks.

1951 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster took advantage of Flender’s dull moment to
once again question the staff member,

“Is there such a team?”

“Ah, yes. There is.”

The staff member finally reacted,

“Fiend Team, fortieth level silver spirit fighter team, since

entering the silver spirit fighter grade, forty six bouts and thirty
one wins. Altogether they have killed opponents sixty three
times. Injured opponents ninety eight times, called the ‘murder
weapon’ of the silver spirit fighter teams. The majority of the
silver spirit fighter teams are unwilling to face them since they
play so hard.”

Grandmaster nodded satisfied,

“Good, then we will challenge this Fiend Team. Our team is

called Shrek Seven Devils. Altogether seven members will

1952 Goldenagato |



Seeing Grandmaster unexpectedly being so earnest, Zhao

Wuji’s four teachers hastily gathered to prevent him.

Grandmaster shook his head to them, saying something in a

low voice. At this it was like everyone saw the light, the worry
on their faces fading away.

Flender somewhat hesitant said:

“But, is this alright?”

Grandmaster calmly said:

“Flender, this is also a kind of experience. Inevitably there

will be a day when they must confront circumstances like these.
Do you believe that having us at their side to guide them when
they confront such circumstances, or letting them endure it on
their own is better?”

1953 Goldenagato |

Flender’s gaze collided with Grandmaster’s in midair, seeming
to raise sparks. In the end he was still the one to yield, nodding:

“Fine, I hope you’re right.”

Grandmaster calmly smiled, saying:

“This is the best way to examine their mental qualities, it’s

also something they must experience sooner or later.”

Flender looked at the other teachers, saying:

“Then, let’s decide it by vote. Everyone in favor of

Grandmaster’s decision raise your hands. The minority defers
to the majority.”

While speaking, Flender took the lead to raise his hand. After
the other teachers hesitated a moment, they also one after
another showed their agreement.

1954 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster then turned to the staff member,

“Please help us set it up.”


Meng Li’s mood had been somewhat bad recently. As Fiend

Team’s captain, it was also no wonder he was depressed. Fiend
Team already hadn’t had a team spirit fight for half a month,
for the simple reason that they suffered the collective boycott of
all fortieth level silver spirit fighter teams. No team wanted to
meet them in a spirit fight.

Since the founding of Fiend Team they had adopted mad dog
tactics, Meng Li was always held up as tyrannically vicious.
Vicious to scare people to death. In the previous team spirit
fights, whatever their opponent, under his leadership the Fiend
Team would all launch their wildest full strength attacks. Even
if they lost, they still might kill the opponents.

Over time, whenever Fiend Team participated in team spirit

fights, the opponents’ spirit would first be overwhelmed. Even
if clearly stronger than them, they still had a hard time

1955 Goldenagato |

But recently, Fiend Team had encountered problems. Because
of their excessively vicious style, every silver spirit fighter team
refused to meet them. Spirit Master cultivation wasn’t easy,
who wanted their companions to die in the spirit fighting ring?
Occasional accidents were hard to avert, but if fighting Fiend
Team, death was no accident, rather a certainty. In these kinds
of circumstances, boycotting Fiend Team had become a
common understanding among the fortieth level silver spirit
fighter teams.

this chapter is very dangerous to men. please be advised. PG-

N16 rating.

monarchy haven’t completely ruled its subordinate countries

as said in previous chapter..


Next level cross country

“千金散尽还复来” - Part of a poem by 8th century poet Li Bai (李

白). He had a positive outlook in life, thinking that he’s talent

1956 Goldenagato |

had been recognized, he said that whatever he spent could
eventually be earnt back.


*Wink Wink*

>< Onii sannnn

I cannut, i get diabetes

Face plant into ground. Becoming a tree now

Search urban dictionary. I had a good laugh there.

Idiom: Right and proper, or a matter of course

Idiom: A villain showing his true intentions.


1957 Goldenagato |

(蒙厉) “Drizzle Severe”

1958 Goldenagato |

Chapter 57 - Fiend Team

Meng Li had considered leaving Silvers City and going to

another Great Spirit Arena. After all, without the income from
spirit fights, whether his team or he himself, all relied on the
reward money for their luxurious lifestyle, and weren’t willing
to suffer restrictions. Thus they hadn’t joined any power.

However, an hour ago Meng Li suddenly received news from

the Great Spirit Arena. Unexpectedly there was a team that
wanted to challenge them. And furthermore it was a level
surpassing challenge. This news made Meng Li ecstatic. No
matter that he wasn’t a cautious person, even a cautious spirit
master absolutely wouldn’t believe a thirtieth level team was
able to defeat a fortieth level team.

Were it not for spirit fighter Spirit Masters not being allowed
to gamble on their own matches, he’d definitely bet heavily on
his team.

Meng Li had already convened all the members on his side, as

quickly as possible hurrying to the Great Spirit Arena, coming
to collect the income for their first fight in half a month.

1959 Goldenagato |

Besides income, there was still venting.

Killing people. Especially killing Spirit Masters, to him and

these mad dog like team members, was in itself a kind of
unburdening and pleasure. Were it not for them always living
within the area of influence of the Great Spirit Arena, perhaps
they already would have been killed by more powerful spirit
masters any number of times.

Meng Li’s motto was ‘growth through slaughter’.

This year he was thirty years old, he had even thought out his
later Title Douluo title: Fiend.

Of course, he also knew himself well enough to realize that

becoming Title Douluo in this lifetime was practically
impossible. Only if he had some special luck, like perhaps
obtaining an excellent spirit bone or a ten thousand year spirit
ring to alter his physique.


Silvers Great Spirit Arena, Central Main Spirit Arena.

1960 Goldenagato |

Today was especially bustling, although the news had just
spread a couple of hours ago, a spirit fight like this level
surpassing challenge still attracted the interest of a large
amount of high level spectators. Especially when the target of
this level surpassing challenge was the Fiend Team well known
for its savagery.

The Great Spirit Arena’s specialized betting areas were

already open, both sides’ spirit power level was obvious at a
glance, so the odds also had extreme disparity.

Fiend Team was only one to one, while Shrek Seven Devils
team reached one to ten.

Of course, the Great Spirit Arena wouldn’t suffer any losses,

no need to speak of the losers, the winners would have to pay a
ten percent processing fee, this was also a significant reason
why Great Spirit Arena would sometimes organise marvellous
spirit fighting competitions: the higher the stakes, the higher
their cut.

This was since long ago the main source of revenue for any
Great Spirit Arena, even more than ticket prices.

1961 Goldenagato |

Very soon the odds changed, as a result of too many betting on
the Fiend Team, the odds shifted accordingly, Shrek Seven
Devils team’s side already offered one to seventeen, and the
odds were constantly rising.

On the two betting sides, the line before Fiend Team’s betting
point was filled with spectators fearing they wouldn’t be able to
place their bets before the spirit fight began. But Shrek Seven
Devils’ side was completely deserted, besides some speculative
betters, practically nobody paid attention.

At this moment, a suddenly appearing voice roused the Shrek

Seven Devils team betting point staff member from their

“I want thirty thousand gold spirit coins, Shrek Seven Devils


“You said what? How much?”

The staff member jumped, hastily questioning closer.

1962 Goldenagato |

Flender frowned,

“I said thirty thousand gold spirit coins, Shrek Seven Devils’

victory. Alright?”

The staff member swallowed. Although Silvers Great Spirit

Arena was the largest spirit arena in Silvers Kingdom, bets as
high as thirty thousand gold spirit coins were still extremely

Flender’s thirty thousand gold coins naturally weren’t all his

own, among them were still the Shrek Seven Devils’,
Grandmaster’s, as well as the other several teachers’ secret

The betters in the Fiend Team line were already laughing

loudly, looking at Flender with gazes like looking at an idiot.

“You’re sure?”

The staff member once again asked.

1963 Goldenagato |

Flender’s face remained unchanged,

“I’m sure, deposit in cards.”

While speaking, he took out several gold coin transfer cards,

using them for his bet.

Right now he was trying his utmost not to smile, he didn’t

want the odds to drop due to someone following his example.

Of course, his fears were completely groundless, at this time,

who would be optimistic about Shrek Seven Devils’ chances?

Great Spirit Arena admittedly had numerous methods to

make money, but there was one point everyone believed in:
their impartiality and fairness. Otherwise, Great Spirit Arena’s
wouldn’t have so many spectators anywhere.

The spirit fighter level gap truly was big. On Shrek Seven
Devils’ side, there were only four above thirtieth rank. Besides
one thirty eighth ranker, the next highest members were just
thirty third rank, and even thirty second rank Spirit Masters.

1964 Goldenagato |

The Fiend Team’s side by contrast were all above fortieth
rank silver spirit fighters. Although in the fortieth level tier
their ranks weren’t considered too high, their average only
forty third rank, when dealing with Shrek Seven Devils team
their superiority was immense.

With one point five more spirit rings on average, adding the
spirit power advantage and Fiend Team’s berserk fighting
methods, who would be optimistic about Shrek Seven Devils at
this time?

Flender was also exploiting a Great Spirit Arena loophole,

although participating Spirit Master’s couldn’t bet directly,
Great Spirit Arena naturally wouldn’t look into whether he
represented Shrek Seven Devils.

When Flender prepared to turn and leave, he suddenly saw a

man with the appearance of a chubby merchant quickly step
forward, seemingly extremely nervous to let something slip by.

Handing over a gold spirit coin transfer card, gasping for

breath he spoke to the staff member:

1965 Goldenagato |

“Give-, give me ten thousand gold spirit coins on Shrek Seven

The staff member thought to himself that strange occurrences

happened every year, but this year they were especially
common. A spirit fight with such a clear outcome, unexpectedly
still had so many people coming to hand over their money.

Having learned from his lessons with Flender, he didn’t again

ask anything, but quickly handled the procedures.

This time it was Flender’s turn to be baffled, asking the fatty:

“My friend, haven’t you made a mistake? The difference in

spirit power and spirit rings is so large between Shrek Seven
Devils and the opponent, and you still bet on them?”

The fatty grinned, keeping his voice low:

“You don’t know about this. I’m a merchant, doing business

between Balak Kingdom and Silvers Kingdom. Not long ago I
was in Balak Kingdom’s Suotuo City, just in time to see an
extremely marvellous team spirit fight, one of the leading roles

1966 Goldenagato |

was the Shrek Seven Devils. They absolutely mustn’t be
underestimated because of their spirits. Friend, If you believe
me, follow my lead, you’ll absolutely earn money.”

“So it’s like this. En, I believe you.”

Although Flender’s mouth said this, inwardly he was laughing

somewhat. He hadn’t expected to come across a fan of the little
monsters in Silvers, however, this supporter also seemed a bit
too ignorant.

Were it not for having those special reasons, even if the little
monsters’ spirits were even more outstanding, how might they
still prevail over opponents a level higher.

Even though this side invested forty thousand gold spirit coins
in bets, the odds showed no tendency of dropping, instead the
rising trend continued. So as to equalize the bets between the
two sides, the Great Spirit Arena had no choice but to drop the
odds for Fiend Team to zero point seven. Despite this, the
betters still didn’t slow down.

As Flender calmly and leisurely walked back to the Great

Spirit Arena, the Shrek Seven Devils had already done their

1967 Goldenagato |

preparations for the fight, and as the betting points outside
stopped accepting bets, as time passed, Silvers Great Spirit
Arena’s last team spirit fight for the day, the level surpassing
challenge, would begin.

Grandmaster as usual delivered the Shrek Seven Devils to the

Main Spirit Arena’s spirit fighter team entrance, finally
warning them yet again:

“Remember, your opponents are cruel and savage. No need to

hold back. Use the fastest way to settle it. Understand? If
something unexpected happens, immediately leave the ring,
concede rather than suffer any harm.”

Tang San nodded to Grandmaster, saying:

“Teacher, don’t worry, we won’t lose.”

Guided by a staff member, the group walked into the Main

Spirit Arena ring with large strides.

Since this time they weren’t invited by the Great Spirit Arena,
the team leaders couldn’t enter the arena like last time at

1968 Goldenagato |

Suotuo Great Spirit Arena to wait at the entrance. Grandmaster
could only quickly leave, meeting up with Flender’s group to
watch this spirit fight from the stands.

The reason Grandmaster dared let the Shrek Seven Devils

issue this challenge was entirely founded on careful
calculations. Tang San hadn’t concealed his hidden weapons
from Grandmaster, and Grandmaster had long ago calculated
how much threat each of his hidden weapons could bring to
bear against various ranked Spirit Master.

Right now, regarding this team spirit fight, Grandmaster

believed that as long as there were no extreme peculiarities, it
wouldn’t be any problem.

At times, strength didn’t mean victory.

Silvers Great Spirit Arena’s Central Main Spirit Arena didn’t

have any major differences from Suotuo Great Spirit Arena,
only its scale being a bit bigger, but the surrounding
construction style was nevertheless exactly the same, from this
it could be seen it was a perfect setup for the Great Spirit Arena.

Perhaps it was because Tang San’s peoples’ opponents were

1969 Goldenagato |

excessively savage, but as the announcer declared both sides
entering he was already flying in the air. Unfortunately, this
announcer wasn’t as visually attractive as Suotuo Great Spirit
Arena’s beautiful Doudou, rather a handsome youth.

The Shrek Seven Devils glanced at their opponents, although

the battle hadn’t yet started, the opponents’ vicious spirit
already assaulted them.

The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t know how many members

Fiend Team had, but the seven people on stage were clearly
their strongest seven, also the seven they previously received
information about.

The captain was Berserk Giant Bear Spirit Master Meng Li, the
other six were also all Battle Spirit Masters. This vicious team
was unexpectedly composed entirely of power attack system
Spirit Masters, this was also a major reason for their astonishing
attack power.

As a power attack system team, their advantages and

disadvantages were extremely clear, and their advantage was
naturally to in a moment erupt in peerlessly tyrannical attack
power. Their weak points were even simpler, since they didn’t
have auxiliary system Spirit Masters, agility attack system Spirit

1970 Goldenagato |

Masters or control system Spirit Masters, their capability for
sustained battle was extremely lacking.

Fiend Team’s seven members all appeared to be men around

thirty or so, each and everyone built tall and sturdy, a blood
thirsty light in their eyes, while walking towards the center of
the spirit fighting stage, they kneaded their fists, the bones
making popping noises that caused people’s teeth to ache.

At least in imposing manner, this team before them could be

said to be the strongest Shrek Seven Devils had met, the Fiend
Team’s seven members all had a bloodthirsty atmosphere, in no
way comparable to Emperor Team. This was the atmosphere
that arose from constant slaughter. Further looking at the blood
thirsty light in their eyes, it seemed one could even smell the
reek of blood from their bodies.

Due to the special composition, Fiend Team’s formation was

also wildly different from other teams. The seven lined up in a
row, crowded together. At the announcer’s preparatory call,
they simultaneously released their spirits.

As a result of all of them being power attack system Spirit

Masters, these seven Beast Spirit savages’ bodies practically all
swelled up as they released their spirits. For a moment it was as

1971 Goldenagato |

if a giant bloody maw rose up over them, able to swallow

The Fiend Team was able to suppress so many Spirit Masters,

how could their unrestrained reputation be fabricated?

Perhaps it was because they felt the savage atmosphere

released by the Fiend Team, the spectators hidden in the VIP
lounges all began to cheer, transmitted by amplifiers into the

“Tear them to pieces!…… Kill them!……”

The countless calls made the Fiend Team’s savage flame burn
even stronger.

In the enthusiastic atmosphere, what the spectators didn’t

notice was how Shrek Seven Devils, with a full allocation of
Spirit Master types, assumed a very strange formation, precisely
the same as the opposing Fiend Team’s, one line, and
simultaneously released their spirits.

Oscar asked Dai Mubai in a low voice:

1972 Goldenagato |

“Boss Dai, if they really rush us, can’t you block them with
with Rongrong’s spirit ability assistance?”

Dai Mubai practically without the slightest hesitation replied:

“I can’t.”


“‘Eh’ your head, don’t you have faith in little San’s


Xiao Wu snapped.

Oscar grinned:

“It’s not that I don’t have faith, this is just in case of

emergency. Thinking I, the great youth, handsome and elegant,
distinguished and casual, jade tree facing the wind, ……”

1973 Goldenagato |

“Alright, everyone prepare.”

Tang San’s timely voice interrupted Oscar, the Shrek Seven

Devils flicked their wrists simultaneously. Each took out an
approximately one chi long, appearing entirely unremarkable
black box from their spirit tools or perhaps within their chests,
pointing the end of the black box towards their opponents.

Perhaps it was because the Fiend Team’s sins were indeed to

many, the calls from all around made their vicious nature even
greater, each and everyone facing upwards and snarling,
beating their chests, showing off their spirit rings to the
audience. Basically without paying any attention to the small
motions of the Shrek Seven Devils.

The Great Spirit Arena didn’t ban the use of weapons, only
generally speaking, weapons were just a nuisance to Spirit
Masters, and very few used them.

Grandmaster, and Flender’s group all attentively gazed at the

outside from within a VIP lounge. Flender’s spirit was Owl, and
although he wore glasses, his vision was in fact the best among
them, and the small motions of Tang San’s group taking out the
Godly Zhuge Crossbows were caught in his eyes.

1974 Goldenagato |

Flender was still somewhat anxious about this spirit fight, and
couldn’t help ask Grandmaster at his side:

“Xiao Gang, are those hidden weapon things of Tang San’s

really capable of striking down these fortieth level Spirit
Masters? Those are all power attack system, their defensive
capability among Spirit Master systems are second only to
defensive system. Are their spirit abilities still unable to block
Tang San’s hidden weapons?”

Grandmaster calmly said:

“They can block.”

“What was that?”

Flender immediately stared wide eyed, looking at

Grandmaster. To his calm he couldn’t help but show a panicked

Grandmaster said:

1975 Goldenagato |

“Tang San also gave me a Godly Zhuge Crossbow for my
protection, and I carefully researched its firepower. Generally
speaking, even if a power attack system Spirit Master’s first two
kinds of spirit abilities are defensive, they certainly can’t block
its attack. But as long as it’s a third spirit ability or higher, they
can neutralize it. If it’s a fourth spirit ability it’s even less of a

“You……, And you still let them fight? Don’t tell me you sent
them to their deaths?”

Flender was clearly too loud, along with his anger, his spirit
power worked automatically, and the whole room trembled
under his voice.

Grandmaster looked at Flender, not the slightest bit moved.

Still using his usual voice:

“What if they can block? That doesn’t influence Tang San’s

group’s victory. Originally I still thought they might have to use
all their hidden weapons to win, but looking at it now,
apparently that won’t be necessary. Tang San talked to me
about it, hidden weapons are hidden weapons. The key word is
‘hidden’. You think the opponents can know how powerful the
hidden weapons in their hands are? If it was you, facing an

1976 Goldenagato |

opponent whose strength clearly was inferior to yours, would
you from the start use a third or fourth spirit ability that
requires the consumption of a great amount of spirit power?”

“Of course, this way of fighting can’t be reused, but don’t

forget that this is also the first time Tang San’s hidden weapons
emerge in a Great Spirit Arena. With the use of only the first or
perhaps the second spirit ability, for a body with spirit power
below fiftieth rank, it’s basically impossible to resist their Godly
Zhuge Crossbows. Even if it was beyond fiftieth rank, speaking
somewhat generally, perhaps they would still suffer. Do you
think the Man Faced Demon Spider was so easy to kill?”

Listening to Grandmaster, Flender’s mood gradually calmed,

but his heart was still worried.

At this moment, in his heart, the money he had bet wasn’t of

any importance. His only wish was for the Shrek Seven Devils
not to suffer any harm. These children could be called his
favorites, no different from his own children.

Right then, the already flying announcer shouted loudly,

“Team spirit fight, Shrek Seven Devils team, level surpassing

1977 Goldenagato |

challenge versus Fiend Team, begin!”

Practically the moment the last syllable left the announcer’s

mouth, on the both sides one person also shouted loudly.

The voice on Fiend Team’s side was naturally the captain,

Berserk Giant Bear Spirit Master Meng Li, shouting:

“Tear them to shreds!”

On the Shrek Seven Devils the one to shout loudly was Tang
San. A lot more succinct, he shouted only one word:


The long ago raised black boxes didn’t reflect any light even
under the brilliant illumination of the Great Spirit Arena. The
moment the Fiend Team charged, all team members already
launched their first spirit ability. Pouncing like wolves and

That sound with the weight of thunder was like ten thousand

1978 Goldenagato |

horses charging.

At this moment, all the Fiend Team members heard a strange

sound, like metal clashing, further accompanied by a buzzing
sound, as if poking a hornet’s nest.


Seven Godly Zhuge Crossbows simultaneously issued what

could be called their snarl. Each Godly Zhuge Crossbow had
already been armed before this spirit fight. Altogether one
hundred twelve crossbow bolts pierced the air, a great cloud of
arrows like dancing wasps.

The Fiend Team’s members were all Spirit Masters over

fortieth rank, they were naturally able to see those oncoming
shadows, but how could they imagine that wasn’t a spirit

With the mad dog strategy, however strong the enemy’s

attack, all would attack as if their lives depended on it.

Today the Fiend Team was still like this. They basically didn’t

1979 Goldenagato |

break off at all because of the opponents’ attack, rather
increasing their charging speed even more, raising their arms to
guard the vitals of their heads and chests, inflexibly dashing
forward to close quarters combat where they were always the
most skilled.


Along with a series of strange sounds, it was as if the madly

shouting audience simultaneously had their throats cut. In that
moment not a sound could be heard. In that terrible silence,
great puffs of blood mist blossomed like fireworks in the Main
Spirit Arena.

The Fiend Team members still dashed ahead several meters

with powerful momentum, and in an eyeblink, it was already
too late for them to react.

Why is it suddenly cold? Meng Li was somewhat baffled, his

body didn’t quite seem to listen to his commands, this was his
last thought in this world.

Dingdingdingdingdingdingdingding——. Concentrated cracks

of sound appeared behind the Fiend Team, on the wall of the

1980 Goldenagato |

Main Spirit Arena, pitch black crossbow bolts were crowded
together nailed into the wall.

The Fiend Team’s members steps also finally halted. Those

explosions of blood mist were precisely from their bodies. Not
just the audience was stupefied, even the Shrek Seven Devils
themselves were lifeless.

Despite placing all their hopes in the Godly Zhuge Crossbow,

as this moment truly arrived, they also stood there sluggishly.
The only one that had anticipated the scene before them was
Tang San, but right now even he couldn’t stop the slight
twitches at the corners of his eyes.

Meng Li’s eyes, originally with an ominous glint, stared

deathly rigid ahead. The viciousness in those eyes had already
become astonishment and despair, the tall and sturdy body like
a crumbling mountain or falling pillar collapsed on the ground.
The seven Fiend Team members, practically at the same
moment were brought to the ground by their momentum.

Blood. Flowing out from the bodies that were like sieves after
being struck by the Godly Zhuge Crossbows. The blood flowed
like a long red earthworm, rapidly spreading over the spirit
fighting ring. In the blink of an eye, it had already dyed the

1981 Goldenagato |

center of the Main Spirit Arena red.

Instant kill. Unexpectedly it was an instant kill.

The more powerful fortieth level Fiend Team unexpectedly

didn’t even have the chance to act. This moment, the minds of
practically all the spectators were blank. Nobody knew what
had happened. Even so much that only a few people had looked
at how Shrek Seven Devils did it.

Such a short team spirit fight, in all the Great Spirit Arena’s
history it was one of its kind. But although this spirit fight was
brief, the impact it left on the audience wasn’t less than any
brilliant spirit fight.

In the VIP lounge, Flender already stared wide eyed from

shock. Grandmaster slowly closed his eyes, calmly saying:

“Let’s go, right now is the moment they need us the most.”

Saying this, he was the first to leave. Clearly, everything that

happened was long ago already within his calculations.

1982 Goldenagato |

Apart from Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing was the first of the Shrek
Seven Devils to wake up and, practically without paus, turned
around and ran towards the spirit fighting arena entrance, one
hand pressed hard over her mouth.

The second to run out was Ning Rongrong, closely followed by

Oscar and Ma Hongjun. Only Dai Mubai, Tang San and Xiao Wu
still remained in the spirit fighting ring.

“I’ll go see to Zhuqing.”

Dai Mubai’s voice sounded somewhat strange.

Tang San nodded once, and Dai Mubai immediately turned

around and left.

Looking up at the for a long time already lifeless announcer

hovering in the air, Tang San as much as possible lowered his

“Can you declare the results of this spirit fight?”

1983 Goldenagato |

The announcer woke as if from a dream. He discovered that
his trousers had at some point become wet, unexpectedly he had
peed his pants.

His originally sonorous voice had become hoarse,

“Team-, team spirit fight, Shrek Seven Devils, versus, Fiend

Team. Fiend Team eliminated. Shrek Seven Devils team level
surpassing challenge successful.”

With a satisfactory answer, Tang San with an expressionless

face took Xiao Wu’s hand, then walked over towards the spirit
fighting ring entrance.

The audience woke up at the announcer’s declaration. In a

moment, the whole Main Spirit Arena was boiling. Every kind
of doubtful call, admiring call and terrified call rose and fell in
succession. But this was already unrelated to the Shrek Seven
Devils. To them, this spirit fight was already over.

As Tang San brought Xiao Wu back behind the stage, he

discovered that apart from Dai Mubai, the other four were
incessantly vomiting. Xiao Wu next to Tang San shuddered
once, then suddenly took off her mask, joining the four. The

1984 Goldenagato |

only ones left enduring with the strongest willpower were Tang
San and Dai Mubai. Despite this, Tang San still saw that Dai
Mubai’s complexion was pale, his mind clearly somewhat

Tang San was still a bit better off. He was after all a person of
two lives, with the staunch willpower of forty years in two
worlds. Besides him, the oldest of everyone was Dai Mubai at
fifteen. Dai Mubai was admittedly strong, his style robust, but
he was after all an ordinary person, this was still his first time
killing a person.

Instantly killing seven opponents, that scene of blood wildly

spurting out, the enemies’ eyeballs protruding, and still their
distorted expressions at death’s door, without exception left a
profound brand on the hearts of each of the Shrek Seven Devils.
That kind of feeling couldn’t be compared to any other matter.

“Tang San. We killed people. Yes?”

Dai Mubai found it somewhat difficult to speak.

Tang San nodded,

1985 Goldenagato |

“Yes. We killed people. Teacher said, they were all cruel and
savage. Their deaths not deserving of pity.”

Ning Rongrong raised her head with a pale complexion, with

difficulty saying:

“But those were still seven real living people, the moment
before they were still brimming with ferocity, the next moment
they already became corpses. I……, Waaa——”

“We killed people, really killed people.”

Oscar spoke while gasping for breath as he held his stomach.

“As a Spirit Master, killing is an issue you all had to face

sooner or later. Everything right now was still a difficulty you
all had to pass. Since you would confront it sooner or later,
then, a bit early is better than you having to vomit in the
battlefield. Otherwise, you would end up the same as those
seven people out there. Corpses.”

Grandmaster slowly walked in, his face very serene, speaking

in a calm voice, somewhat inharmonious to the Shrek Seven

1986 Goldenagato |

Devils’ ears,

“Any successful formidable Spirit Master has walked through

the blood of enemies and opponents. You haven’t killed before?
If you haven’t, then where did your spirit rings come from?
Spirit Beasts are equally living things. From life’s point of view,
there is no difference between them and humans. When killing
spirit beasts, why wouldn’t you feel like this? The crisis before
you isn’t something people can help you pass, you all can only
rely on your own willpower. If you feel nauseous then vomit,
vomiting is normal, naturally it’s fine, however, if you don’t
want to become the center of attention, then put away those
masks in your hands and follow me away from here first.”

When the Shrek Seven Devils returned to the hotel, even

Tang San felt extremely tired, even more tired than in their
demonic training. This wasn’t physical, but rather an ordeal of
the soul. It was also Tang San’s first time killing people, and
although his will was steady, Meng Li’s dying expression still
stuck in his mind for a very long time. Just like what Ning
Rongrong said, even though he clearly knew the opponents had
chosen the road of death, those were still real living people!

Grandmaster and Flender gathered with the teachers in their

room. Flender was excited right now, when the market finally
closed the odds reached one to twenty, earning everyone a large

1987 Goldenagato |

profit. The money had already been received, at that time,
including the Great Spirit Arena, at least six or seven influential
powers had issued invitations for the Shrek Seven Devils, but he
had refused them all.

To the other Spirit Masters participating in spirit fights, the

Fiend Team’s death was to everyone’s satisfaction. A lot of
people even thought that this was all a trap specially directed at
Fiend Team by some teams whose members had been killed by
them coming together to devise this method of revenge.

Although the Godly Zhuge Crossbow was powerful, its weak

points were also extremely clear and had been seen by a number
of observant people. Like Grandmaster said, the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow could penetrate any second spirit ability defense, but
to third spirit abilities or higher, it had no effect on defense
oriented spirit abilities. Moreover, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow
was only effective within a certain range. Beyond fifty meters,
its attack power would drop dramatically, on this point it was
far from able to compare to bow and arrow. The Godly Zhuge
Crossbow’s biggest advantage was in surprise. Once this
advantage was gone, then, it was only a kind of relatively
powerful weapon, that’s all.

“Grandmaster, did you earlier already plan for that Fiend

Team to die? Otherwise, why would you choose such an

1988 Goldenagato |

outstandingly stinky opponent.”

As Zhao Wuji finished sharing the loot with Flender, he asked


Grandmaster nodded,

“Yes, this was another kind of test for them, or perhaps a

tempering. Let me ask, who of you haven’t killed people? I’ll bet
every spirit master over fiftieth rank has human blood on their
hands. As I said before, since it has to be experienced sooner or
later, putting them through it while we’re at their side is only a
good deed towards them. At least when it happens again they
can be somewhat mentally prepared.”

Zhao Wuji sighed,

“But, in the end they’re still so young, wouldn’t it upset them

too much?”

Grandmaster calmly smiled,

1989 Goldenagato |

“These children are all astute. They won’t waste time on
insoluble problems. Flender, if you’re done counting coins, you
can go comfort them. I’ve done my work as the villain, I’ll let
you be the good guy.”

Flender grinned, saying:

“In the children’s hearts I’m a positive figure, naturally I’m

the best as this good guy. Wuji, don’t worry, I support Xiao
Gang’s actions. Originally, when I first killed a man I also
collapsed vomiting. Thinking back to it now it was still
somewhat ridiculous. This is a necessary life experience, letting
them experience it a little earlier is no matter. I’ll go chat with

To the Shrek Seven Devils, this was a sleepless night.

The next morning, before the sky was bright, a group of

people already quietly left Silvers City, continuing towards their
destination, setting off for Heaven Dou Empire’s capital city.

The Shrek Seven Devils’ complexions were still somewhat

pale. Especially for Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong who had
vomited the most violently, one evening clearly wasn’t enough

1990 Goldenagato |

for them to completely recover. But after Flender’s talk, they
also with some difficulty accepted the facts. The main idea of
Flender’s argument was really very simple: killing a bad person,
was equivalent to saving countless good people. If the bad
person didn’t die, he would only kill even more people; it wasn’t
murder, it was saving lives.

After absorbing this kind of thinking, it indeed let the Shrek

Seven Devils more easily accept some of the pain in their hearts.
But truly getting used to this kind of feeling of killing wasn’t
easy, that still required countless experiences.


1尺 = ⅓ m

Possibly quite literally in this case, but also idiom for:

Completely ruthless.

1991 Goldenagato |

Chapter 58 - Heaven Dou Imperial Academy

Out of sympathy for the children, in addition to Flender’s

good mood from the big profit, the following several days of
travel all advanced at a normal pace, the Shrek Seven Devils
also gradually struggled free from the fear after killing people.
Able to become the Shrek Academy’s little monsters, as long as
they could move past it, their hearts wouldn’t suffer so badly.

“Grandmaster, according to the map, once we reach Heaven

Dou City, where in the city is Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?”

While Flender studied the map he asked Grandmaster. On the

map was no indicator for Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Grandmaster looked at Flender,

“If you don’t know, how would I? How can you still be
considered a dean.”

Flender snapped:

1992 Goldenagato |

“What do you mean ‘still be considered’? I’ve always been
one, okay? Since you also don’t know; Wuji, Shao Xin. Do you

Zhao Wuji smiled wryly:

“You know we both aren’t regular academy fostered Spirit

Masters, even less with backgrounds like this Imperial
Academy’s nobles, how would we know. I’ve only visited
Heaven Dou City once or twice, that’s all, I have no impression
of the location of this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. They’re
still all the same.”

The other three teachers by chance nodded at the same time,

indicating their helplessness.

“Dean Flender, I know where Heaven Dou Imperial Academy


At this moment, it was Ning Rongrong who settled Flender’s

imminent problem.

“My family’s castle isn’t far from Heaven Dou City, I used to

1993 Goldenagato |

come play in Heaven Dou City with my clansmen, and we also
went to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Even though directly
related family members all study within the school, there were
some branch members at the Imperial Academy. Actually,
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy isn’t inside Heaven Dou City,
but outside. Just like our Shrek Academy was outside Suotuo

Flender smiled proudly:

“See, this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s dean thinks like

me. The facts prove how discerning I am.”

Grandmaster to the side poured cold water on his pride:

“If I’m not mistaken, you didn’t place the Academy within the
city since you were embarrassingly short of money. This
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy being placed outside the capital
city is out of fear the capital’s lavishness will affect the students’
cultivation, and even more importantly perhaps because there
isn’t any sufficiently large space for an academy in Heaven Dou
City. From what I know, even though Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy isn’t considered as having a lot of students, having
every kind of flawless facility requires a great deal of space.”

1994 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji grinned:

“Grandmaster, you just speak frankly. Put down this guy’s


“Delusions your head. Zhao Wuji, you’ve been very energetic

lately. Come, come, we’ll exchange pointers, let the children
have a look at what a Spirit Emperor level battle is like.”

While speaking, Flender gestured with his hands.

Zhao Wuji didn’t look at him, extending two arms, embracing

Lu Ji-Bin and Li Yu-Song at his side,

“Flender, you want to bully me? Keep dreaming, I wouldn’t

fight you. If you must fight me, I won’t retaliate. Let the
children have a look at you bullying your juniors, setting an


Flender resolutely glared at Zhao Wuji,

1995 Goldenagato |

“I’ve found that since Grandmaster came, you’ve become a lot
more devious.”

“Stop fighting, don’t get me mixed up in your matters. How

am I involved in this?”

Grandmaster stretched his body,

“Don’t speak nonsense, let’s go quickly. Since Rongrong

knows the way, we can reach the Imperial Academy today. It’s
also good to let the children start cultivating in peace a bit

Flender helplessly said:

“You really are a cultivation madman. With you here, I’ve

become the gentle and soft representative.”

After eating some simple rations, everyone set out once again.
At nightfall, lead by Ning Rongrong, they finally arrived at their
destination: Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

1996 Goldenagato |

“Rongrong, you’re sure it’s here?”

Flender asked with a somewhat strange voice.

Ning Rongrong nodded, saying:

“Yeah, no mistake. Heaven Dou Imperial Academy wouldn’t

change places, I’m sure it’s here.”

“But this is a mountain!”

“This mountain all belongs to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Eh, and that forest behind it and that lake at the foot of the
mountain too, they’re all under the Academy’s supervision.
We’ll enter the Academy grounds at once.”

Seeing the dumbstruck Flender, Grandmaster contentedly


“Mountains on one side and water on the other, it really is a

1997 Goldenagato |

good place.”

The other teachers all nodded in admiration.

The scenery here was indeed beautiful, especially this

moment as the sun was setting in the west. Under the contrast
of the red colored clouds in the west, whether it was the lake at
the foot or that thousand meter tall mountain covered in every
kind of plant itself, all gave people a feeling like the garden of
peaches of immortality.”

The distance from here to Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial

capital Heaven Dou City was less than twenty kilometers, and
with such beautiful surroundings, recalling that they would live
here from here on, even Zhao Wuji and the other teachers all
felt greatly satisfied.

Only Flender was still unconvinced:

“The setting is good, but is the area really so amazing? Does it

foster strength? It doesn’t compare to our Shrek Academy. Even
though our place was small, there were a lot of monsters.”

1998 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster nodded thoughtfully,

“Flender, honestly, up till now I’ve never been too clear on

how so many children with outstanding potential could be
duped into entering your Shrek Academy. What method did you
use to swindle them into enrolling?”

“I used…… That’s rubbish, what are you calling swindle, it’s

called my charisma!”

Flender hastily corrected himself, glaring at Grandmaster,

“We can go up the mountain just in time for dinner. Let’s

have a look at the treatment here. If it’s not good, I’m still not

Right now Flender appeared more like a rash child, even the
Shrek Seven Devils to the side couldn’t help but laugh inwardly.
Right now, they could also understand Flender’s mood. After
all, the crystallisation of his heart’s blood, the Shrek Academy,
had already ended, to his eyes this Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy more resembled a rival opponent.

1999 Goldenagato |

Before walking more than a few steps, trouble arrived.

“Who are you to stand around here?”

Ten eighteen or nineteen year old Spirit Masters were barring

the way. Although they hadn’t summoned their spirits, from
their goose yellow uniforms it was apparent these were all
students of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Flender grandly said:

“We’re Shrek Academy. Complying with Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy’s invitation, specially here for the exchange.
Lead the way.”

The leader of the youth’s looked Flender up and down several

times, again taking a look at the others’ clothes, wearing a
disdainful expression,

“You country bumpkins have come for an exchange at our

Academy? To me, you look like beggars from somewhere. Hurry
up and get lost. Otherwise, we’ll have to use force.”

2000 Goldenagato |

After travelling for close to ten days, everyone from the Shrek
Academy were indeed somewhat travel worn, but not as
extreme as he said, this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy student
leader clearly was one to judge by appearance. Seeing the Shrek
Academy group’s simple clothes, and adding Flender’s haughty
and austere words left him out of sorts, making him say this.

There were truly very few with the ability to enter Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy, the majority relied on connections and
noble titles to gain admittance. This was also always Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy’s biggest issue, otherwise, how would
they have the reputation of the number one academy without
the number one strength?

Let alone the Shrek Academy teachers who were originally all
haughty contemporaries, renouncing the opportunity to join
Spirit Master clans or other influential powers in order to found
Shrek Academy, right now, even the Shrek Seven Devils’ anger
reached the heavens from the other side’s arrogant words.

Dai Mubai’s figure flickered, at once already standing before

Flender, ice cold air bursting out in a flash, ever since childhood
this was the first time anyone had insulted him like this, and
still with such a loathful tone. He was never a good tempered
person, and furthermore they had even insulted his teacher. If

2001 Goldenagato |

the Evil Eye White Tiger could endure this, then he wouldn’t be
a tiger, but a sickly cat.

Hong——, Dai Mubai kicked the speaking youth into the air,
directly afterward, he unleashed his spirit.

At the sudden change, these Heaven Dou Academy noble

children immediately lost their heads out of fear, how could
they have expected that the other side would actually dare fight
them at the gate of their Academy. Besides a few thinking fast
enough to release their spirits, the majority unexpectedly
quickly retreated, for fear they would be involved. But even if it
was those few students with spirits released, with one look at
the three spirit rings sparkling over Dai Mubai, how would they
still dare fight, and swiftly retreated. In their minds the concept
of ‘winning from a position of weakness’ didn’t exist, spirit
rings were an absolute gap, and among them wasn’t even one
who had reached the thirtieth rank.

With Dai Mubai’s abundant battle experience, by the ‘strike

first and ask questions later’ principle, he didn’t even give the
other Shrek Seven Devils the chance to act. Tiger paw swinging,
he already sent flying a few individuals who were slow to

2002 Goldenagato |

Watching Dai Mubai fight, Flender and the others couldn’t
help but frown. Naturally they wouldn’t be dissatisfied because
Dai Mubai beat up the other side, but rather because these
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy students really were too lacking
in inner qualities.

Flender once said, its alright to be arrogant, but you must be

able to back up your arrogance. Otherwise there’s a problem
with your brain. Yet, each and everyone of these young people,
were unexpectedly unable to take a single blow. One must
know, although their spirit power was very far from Dai
Mubai’s, they had the absolute numerical advantage. If they
were to combine their powers and stand up to Dai Mubai’s
attack, they would at least be able to resist him. However, in
front of them was an unexpected situation: none of them
retaliated. They looked like deserters who threw away their
helmet and ran away from a battle. There were even some
crying for their mom and dad, completely lacking the
appearance of Spirit Masters.

Flender faced Zhao Wuji and said,

“This is Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s students? They are

all trash. I’ve already started to suspect coming here was a

2003 Goldenagato |

Zhao Wuji smiled wryly,

“Don’t ask me, how would I know? Last time the little
monsters fought the Heaven Dou team, they weren’t like this. It
could be that there are trash in all places.”

Even Grandmaster who had strongly advocated coming here,

was lost for words at that moment.

“Alright, Mubai.”

Flender called out to Dai Mubai. If they kept of fighting, it

wouldn’t be a beating anymore; there might be serious injuries.

Dai Mubai finally stopped fighting, demonic light flickering in

his evil eye double pupils,

“Lets see who really gets lost”

“You-, you guys have the impertinence to cause trouble in our

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. This is a provocation to the
empire. You just wait…You just wait.”

2004 Goldenagato |

Flender said in a cold voice,

“That’s a fine accusation, too bad you’re trash. Call out your
Academy teachers.”

At this moment, a bold voice was suddenly heard,

“What’s going on here? Why is there so much noise?”

From the shady trail on hillside forest, a figure quickly

appeared in a silver coloured tight suit and he appeared to be
around the same age as Flender. His face was like a silver plate,
with thick eyebrows and big eyes, both his hands behind his
back. He seemed like an expert.

“Excellent. Teacher Sun has arrived.”

The youth from before acted like he saw a saving grace, and
he practically crawled over to welcome him.

2005 Goldenagato |

“Teacher Sun, they actually dared cause trouble here. They
even hit us. You must support us!”

Teacher Sun looked at the student in front of him as if at a

stray dog. He couldn’t help but wrinkle his eyebrows,

“Xue Beng, do you know what you look like right now?”

In front of strangers, he did not reprimand his student further

as his gaze swept across Shrek Academy’s party.

Teachers and students, after all, were not the same. When
Teacher Sun made eye contact with Flender, his heart could not
help but secretly tremble as he hurriedly advanced a few steps,
faintly saluting

“If you please, this one is Sun Buyu, may I know what
business you have with our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?” He
didn’t even mention the fact that his students were beaten.
When he stood there, an unflustered aura emanated from him.

As the man was being very courteous, Flender naturally

wouldn’t dwell on the earlier events as he calmly said,

2006 Goldenagato |

“We are here to find Qin Ming. Earlier your noble institution’s
students said we were beggars, telling us to get lost. Thus we
had a conflict.”

“You are here to see teacher Qin?”

Sun Buyu was shocked as his heart moved,

“Could it be that everybody is from Balak Kingdom’s Shrek


Flender nodded his head,

“It’s true.”

Sun Buyu was shocked as his expressions suddenly became

extremely polite,

“Able to teach a talent like teacher Qin, I truly admire you.

Regarding the situation just now, I apologize on behalf of

2007 Goldenagato |

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Everybody please enter.”

He said as he extended an inviting gesture while glaring at

those Heaven Dou Imperial Academy student as if to say he
would deal with them later.

The Shrek Academy party, then followed this teacher Sun

Buyu as he guided them along a mountain path, towards the
school in the heart of the mountain.

Watching them gradually disappear in the distance,

previously kicked flying by Dai Mubai, Xue Beng couldn’t help
but display a poisonous light in his eyes,

“Shrek Academy? What Shrek Academy, still haven’t come to

our Academy to work for food. Hmph, just wait. With me here,
you won’t want to stay.”

“Your majesty, this isn’t good.”

The student next to him cautiously said.

2008 Goldenagato |

“What isn’t good? Even this empire is owned by my family.
Let’s go, I won’t go to class today. I will first look for justice as
royalty cannot take a beating. If we don’t drive them away, I
won’t be able to rest easy.”

Entering the middle of the mountain, one is finally able to

understand the extent of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. The
stone steps used to climb the mountain were created by
sculpting white marble as every stone step all had different
designs of various spirit beasts; exquisite craftsmanship. The
glow of the setting sun on the white marble left behind jagged
shadows of dancing red trees, further adding a unique and
tranquil feeling.

Breathing in this fresh air, it was as if everyone had walked

into a botanical world. The one whose thoughts were stirred the
most was Tang San. His Mysterious Heaven Skill’s inner
strength grasped onto his Blue Silver Grass aura. In this
mountain range full of plants, it seemed to be extremely lively.
This feeling was also felt when they entered Star Dou Great
Forest, but not as obvious as now. Tang San knew that this was
due to him breaking through the thirtieth level bottleneck.

After breaking through rank thirty, spirit masters would have

an even more acute sense of energy when near things of the
same attribute. Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass spirit was a

2009 Goldenagato |

botanical spirit, thus, surrounded by this botanical world, his
spirit power would naturally become much more sensitive.

Among the reasons why Grandmaster wanted to bring the

Shrek Seven Devils, the most important one was because this
advanced Spirit Master academy was built by the Heavenly Dou
imperialfamily, thus all equipment here would naturally be the
most outstanding. However, regarding spirit training methods,
although external facilities weren’t decisive, their assisting
effect couldn’t be ignored.

Among the most effective activities for a spirit master was

mimicry cultivation for their attributes. So called mimicry
cultivation, refers to letting Spirit Masters Cultivate their
spirits in the most fitting environment. Although doing it this
way would not use twice the effort for half the result, it was able
to provide a considerable assisting effect.

For example, a forest or place full of plants would be the most

suitable place for Tang San to cultivate, with his plant type
spirit.Thus being in the kitchen of restaurant would fit Oscar,
whose Spirit was food related. Additionally beast spirit masters
according to their spirits have increased spirit cultivation
effects when cultivating with similar animals. Specific bonus
effects would be dependant on the Spirit master’s own
attribute. In summary, the stronger a spirit was in itself, the

2010 Goldenagato |

more potential he would have and in a mimicry environment,
training would be even more beneficial.

Due to Shrek academy’s conditions, it was only natural that

cultivation in a mimicry environment was impossible.
However, Heaven Dou Imperial Academy wasn’t like this; The
main reason why it occupied a large area and was built outside
Heaven Dou City was the building of the mimicry
environments. As a comprehensive Spirit Master advanced
academy, they needed every kind of mimicry cultivation
ground. Plant system spirit masters and food system spirit
masters were still easy to handle, but various beast spirit
master’s mimicry cultivation ground would not be easy to build.
Consequently, it was impossible to build a mimicry cultivation
ground for every form of beast spirit masters. Despite this,
inside Heaven Dou Imperial Academy there were still close to a
hundred various types of mimicry cultivation grounds. Using
the saying Heaven Dou Imperial Academy uses for enrolling
students,, one would always be able to find one that fits him.

In the mountains, not only was the air fresh, but it was also
extremely moist. A relaxing feeling came over the Shrek
Academy party causing them to forget what happened earlier.

Sun Buyu obviously did not want to talk about those students,
and on the way he gave the Shrek Academy party a presentation

2011 Goldenagato |

on the scenery.

“This Academy’s main campus is situated halfway up the

mountain. The mimicry regions are separated into the
mountain top, all the places below the mountain, and the

Grandmaster asked,

“Teacher Sun, how many students does Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy have right now?”

Sun Buyu said,

“Approximately five hundred students, basically all from this

Empire’s as well as the subordinate kingdoms’ nobility. There
are more than fifty teachers, and their strength is sufficient,

When he reached this point, he helplessly shook his head.

Everyone knew not to ask. As they were all Spirit Masters, this

2012 Goldenagato |

mountain path was nothing and they soon reached the middle
of the mountain.

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s main campus was consisted

entirely of single story houses, and it gave off the feeling of a
fortress. The surrounding courtyard walls were all 5 meters
high. The walls were all bright yellow, making it look extremely
pretty despite the top of the courtyard wall covering being a
glazed roof tile. In the sunset, it was even more beautiful.

As soon as Tang San saw the buildings here, his heart could
not help but contract a little as the building arrangement was so
similar to Tang Sect’s . Filled with all senses of nostalgia, for a
long time he let couldn’t control himself.

At this moment, the color of the sky had already started to

darken, along with distant clouds in the sunset starting to fade
away. Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was already brightly lit by

Entering the school, there were actually no students to be

seen, according to Sun Buyu, the majority of them were
distributed among the various mimicry cultivation regions so
the main campus consequently did not have any people. He then
brought the Shrek Academy party directly into a parlor, letting

2013 Goldenagato |

everyone to wait a bit as he hurriedly ran off to find Qing Min.

“What do you think of this place?”

Flender asked his fellow teachers.

Sweet Pea Spirit Master Shao Xin smiled as he said,

“It’s not bad, compared to my imagination, it’s even better. I

really do like the air here.”

Zhao Wuji said,

“Grandmaster’s proposal really wasn’t bad. Although the

students are a bit trash, retiring here isn’t bad a bad option,
Heaven Dou city is also very close. Everything is very

Flender laughed in spite of himself as he said,

“It seems that we really will retire here.”

2014 Goldenagato |

After a moment, following a burst of hurried footsteps, Qin
Ming quickly stepped inside with a cheerful expression.

“Dean Flender, you’re finally here. I’ve anxiously awaited


While speaking, he hastily stepped forward to give Flender

and the other Shrek Academy teachers his salute.

Flender pulled him up, smiling:

“Don’t be so overly courteous, as for arriving, later we will

still be relying on you to get along. Have you arranged things on
this end?”

Qin Ming hurriedly nodded,

“Don’t worry dean, I’ve arranged it already. I’ve notified

Heaven Dou Academy’s senior staff to greet you, they’re
exceptionally happy to have the teachers join, although they’re
not convinced the juniors are actually so powerful. But the

2015 Goldenagato |

children from Emperor Team also attested to it. There are no
problems. Like this, all the teachers and juniors have travelled
far, for today why don’t you first rest, I’ll give everyone places
to stay. Tomorrow I’ll bring you to meet the senior staff. We’ll
consider this matter decided.”

Flender was very satisfied with Qin Ming’s arrangements. Qin

Ming immediately brought them to a courtyard on the west side
of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s main campus, here
everything was already arranged cleanly and neatly. Not only
did each person have their own room, but there was also a big
parlor, all the articles for daily use were brand new, the whole
courtyard was like its own world, everything was far better than
at Shrek Academy.

Not only were the teachers satisfied, the Shrek Seven Devils
were also pleasantly surprised, thinking to themselves that this
senior Qin Ming’s ability to handle matters was truly powerful.
Everything was arranged so appropriately.

With everything arranged to their satisfaction, everyone

gathered in the parlor. Qin Ming sat next to Flender, earnestly
asking the teachers:

“I hope all the teachers and juniors satisfied? After I returned

2016 Goldenagato |

to the Academy to arrange this matter, I looked around and
found this to be the best location. Leaving the courtyard you can
see the mountain scenery outside, and moreover you can see the
lake below. From this side there’s a road that leads directly to
the foot of the mountain, leaving for Heaven Dou City is also
very convenient.”

Zhao Wuji smiled:

“Qin Ming, you’re really quite something. You’ve arranged

things very well.”

Qin Ming said:

“It’s no more than I should. The time is getting late.

Originally I wanted to invite all the teachers and juniors to
Heaven Dou City to find a good place to hold a welcoming
dinner and wash off the dust, but at this time of night, we can
casually eat something in the Academy. Once tomorrow’s
matters are settled, I think the Academy will specially entertain
all the teachers.”

Flender said:

2017 Goldenagato |

“Qin Ming, you know we don’t care much for worldly
ceremonies, you don’t have to go to any trouble.”

Qin Ming looked at Flender,his eyes colored with heartfelt


“Dean Flender, without you and all the other teachers, there
wouldn’t be a Qin Ming today. This time I finally have the
opportunity to reciprocate, how couldn’t I do it with all my

The dinner was even more sumptuous than imagined.

Although it was hastily arranged, Qin Ming had still done his
utmost to have the best dishes prepared for everyone, and by
the time the meal was finished the stars hung high overhead.

The Shrek Academy members had travelled hard for several

days to arrive here and, all somewhat tired, each retired to their

After an eventless night, on the next morning, Tang San had

just finished cultivating his Purple Demon Eye when Qin Ming
arrived, even having the Academy specially engage a chef to
bring steaming hot breakfast dishes.

2018 Goldenagato |

“Little San, you’re up so early?”

Qin Ming just saw Tang San jump down from the roof, and
smiling went to meet him.

Tang San laughed, saying:

“Senior, you’re also up very early!”

Qin Ming clapped Tang San’s shoulder, saying:

“Among you Shrek Seven Devils, you gave me the deepest

impression. I don’t know how you have cultivated this ability at
such a young age. You are more outstanding than I was in those

Hearing Qin Ming’s compliments, Tang San somewhat

embarrassed said:

“Senior is too kind.”

2019 Goldenagato |

Qin Ming resolutely said:

“I’m speaking from the heart. I’ve been at Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy for a few years, and there aren’t a lot of
students with outstanding talent. Like Yu Tian-Heng and Dugu
Yan, who are both exceptionally talented. But, compared to you
they lack a characteristic quality. You gave me the deepest
impression, and it’s not even because of your variation Blue
Silver Grass spirit, but rather your calm mind. That spirit battle
with Tian-Heng’s Emperor Team, rather than saying they lost
to you all in strength, it should be said they lost to your
intelligence and local battle control ability. In time, you will
definitely become one of the world’s top control system Spirit

Pausing, Qin Ming’s gaze became scorching hot,

“Being able to let teammates display their full strength is

already the one requirement for a control system Spirit Master,
but being able to control the circumstances of the battlefield,
winning from a position of weakness, that is the potential of a
first rate control system Spirit Master. You are Grandmaster’s
disciple, and while I can by far not be compared to
Grandmaster’s instruction, what I can teach you is the word
‘confidence’. Whatever the situation, when you confront the

2020 Goldenagato |

enemy always maintain belief in victory, then, you will be able
to display the greatest level of your strength.”

Saying this, Qin Ming once again patted Tang San’s shoulder,

“Junior brother, make the effort. To tell the truth, I truly

want to see, when you are thirty years old, just what level you
are able to reach. I believe you will definitely surpass mine.”

Shrek Academy’s members got out of bed one after another, as

everyone ate breakfast, Qin Ming introduced them to the staff
structure of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy in simple terms.

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy sorted all the students into

three administrative level. Students who had just entered the
Academy or had strength below the twenty fifth rank were level
one, dubbed the Tiny Heaven level, the level with twenty fifth
to thirtieth rank was the Reaching Heaven level, thirtieth rank
and above subsequently entered the highest Heaven Dou level.
Like the Emperor Team’s seven members were all well known
figure of the Heaven Dou level, and yesterday at the foot of the
mountain the Shrek Academy group encountered those Tiny
Heaven level students.

2021 Goldenagato |

The teachers were sorted into levels the same as students,
only the requirements were even higher. Spirit power reaching
the fortieth rank was the general admittance threshold for
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and and all advanced Spirit
Master academy teachers. At Heaven Dou Academy, teachers
over fortieth rank and under fiftieth rank were Tiny Heaven
level teachers. Within the fiftieth to sixtieth ranks, they were
Reaching Heaven level teachers, surpassing sixtieth rank, they
were Heaven Dou level teachers. Sun Buyu they met yesterday
was a fifty third rank Reaching Heaven level teacher, and Qin
Ming had just recently become a Heaven Dou level teacher.

Since Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was affiliated with

Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family, the dean was nominally
the present Heaven Dou Empire’s emperor, consequently,
within the Academy there was no office of dean. As a result the
highest seniority fell to the three strongest Heaven Dou teachers
who formed a board of education, the senior staff Qin Ming had
mentioned were them.

The majority of the Academy’s affairs was handled by the

board of education, only for some important matters were
instructions from the Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial household

Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family attached extreme

2022 Goldenagato |

importance to the Academy, although the Heaven Dou Emperor
was too busy to attend personally, he would commonly also
assign an imperial family member to take responsibility for
affairs on the Academy’s side. For some important decisions,
the board of education also had to ask for instructions.

The present Heaven Dou Academy’s board of education three

chief teachers were all over eightieth rank Spirit Douluo,
teachers with exceedingly robust strength. There were more
than eight Heaven Dou level teachers, extremely rare in the
entire Heaven Dou Empire.

Listening to Qin Ming, Flender smiled:

“Then you’re saying we will also be the same as Heaven Dou

level teachers?”

Qin Ming smiled:

“But of course. Heaven Dou level teachers have a very high

standing at the Academy, commonly only teaching Heaven Dou
level students. And Heaven Dou level students only account for
a tenth of all the students. The education work is exceptionally
relaxed, but the payment is very high. Besides the Academy

2023 Goldenagato |

taking responsibility for everything required to live in the
Academy, each month there is a remuneration of three
thousand gold spirit coins. If there are special circumstances,
there will still be other income as well.”

“Three thousand? Really extravagant.”

Flender was still used to being the dean, although he was

extremely concerned with the issue of income, he never had the
cheek to ask. Right now hearing Qin Ming mention the figure
‘three thousand’, he couldn’t help but be greatly satisfied, the
smile on his face widening even more. His satisfaction with this
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy naturally also rose sharply.

“Qin Ming, lead the way. We’ll go see those three board of
education seniors.”


Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s board of education was

located at the heart of the main campus, in the entire main
campus, it was the largest building. Although it was still a single
story construction, it was still ten meters at its highest point,
giving somewhat of a Spirit Hall feeling.

2024 Goldenagato |

Being newcomers, whether it was the Shrek Academy teachers
or the Shrek Seven Devils, they were all led here by Qin Ming.
Regardless of the good conditions, this was after all not Shrek
Academy, not considered their place, naturally they couldn’t be
as unconstrained as before.

Although Flender all along had a smiling expression, after so

many years of freedom, in his heart he was still somewhat
bitter. While Shrek Academy was small, he was still its dean.
While Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was even better, it still
didn’t have that kind of familiarity like home.

However, Flender’s mood very quickly eased a lot. As their

party entered the gate to the board of education’s courtyard, the
three elders already waited there since earlier.

Although the three elders simply stood there, they gave

people a kind of exceedingly strange feeling, as if they were the
core of this Heaven Dou Academy’s main campus, and even of
the whole Academy. Even if they wore gently smiling
expressions, they were still unable to hide that special
temperament that belonged to great powers.

2025 Goldenagato |

The three elders were all attired in black robes, on which were
embroidered some fantastic designs in golden thread. This kind
of robe wasn’t exclusive to them, but rather were received from
Spirit Hall by eightieth rank and over Spirit Douluo title Spirit
Masters, custom made formal robes representing their status.
Second only to Title Douluo’s red ceremonial robes.

(雪崩) Literally “Avalanche”

(孙不语) “Descendant Not Speak”

(天微级) Or “Micro-Heaven”

(天至级) Or “Until Heaven”

(天斗级) The name of the Empire, city, Academy, etc.

2026 Goldenagato |

Chapter 59 - Connection, First Meridian

Generally speaking, this kind of ceremonial robes were very

rarely worn by Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo. It represented
not only their status, but also solemnity. This kind of exclusive
custom made clothes would only appear when dueling an
equally leveled opponent, or for extremely important occasions.
And since these three elders wearing these robes right now
naturally wasn’t for a fight, then, it could only prove one point:
that they attached a great deal of importance to the Shrek
Academy members. Moreover, these three elders were
personally greeting them at the door.

Even if Flender was even more arrogant, confronting

circumstances like these he still couldn’t have helped feeling
overwhelmed. He always meant that ‘who gives me one chi of
respect, I will give ten chi of respect.’ With the other side
revealing such a respectful intent, how could he not also make a

Flender increased his pace, a few steps forward, as he stopped,

he already held both hands clasped over shoulder level, slightly

“Shrek Academy, Flender, spirit: Owl, agility attack system

2027 Goldenagato |

seventy eighth rank seven ring Battle Spirit Emperor, I greet the

In the Spirit Master world, this kind of action was the

etiquette of a younger generation meeting seniors. Although
Flender also was more than fifty years old, facing these three
more than eighty year old elders, his courtesy of a junior didn’t
count as much.

The elder in the center laughed out loud, coming forward to

meet him with big strides, pulling down Flender’s raised hands,

“There is no need to be so polite, dean Flender, we have been

looking forward to meeting you for a long time, truly for a long
time! Able to obtain the guidance of all the teachers of the
monster academy in person, you bring light to our humble
institution. I am the head of administration, Meng Shen-Ji,
spirit: Black Goblin, control system eighty sixth ranked eight
ring Battle Spirit Douluo. I’ll give you introductions.”

Meng Shen-Ji was medium height, very thin, as if he didn’t

have any muscles, as he spoke his voice was somewhat crafty,
but not at all unpleasant, giving people a kind of very familiar
feeling, both his hair and beard white. Although he was thin,
his spirit was hale and hearty, a red flush on his face.

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While speaking, Meng Shen-Ji indicated the old man to his
left, saying:

“This is the board of education’s second member, Spirit

Douluo Bai Baoshan. Spirit: Heaven Star Furnace, defense
system eighty fifth ranked eight ring Battle Spirit Douluo.”

Bai Baoshan’s build was just the opposite of Meng Shen-Ji’s,

not tall but extremely fat. Like four chi tall and four chi around.

He all along had a gently smiling expression, his fat trembling

along with his smile. Hearing Meng Shen-Ji introduce him, he
nodded smiling towards Flender.

Meng Shen-Ji indicated the other old man, saying:

“This is the board of education’s third member, Zhi Lin Spirit

Douluo, spirit: Sky Blue Vine, control system eighty third
ranked eight ring Tool Spirit Douluo.”

This third member of the board of education’s senior staff Zhi

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Lin appeared the most normal at a glance, appearance very
ordinary, only occasionally a bright light flashed in his eyes that
gave people a somewhat unusual feeling.

Although Flender already knew that they were all eightieth

ranked Spirit Douluo or higher, as Mang Shen-Ji did the
introductions, he still felt awed. Especially as among these three
Spirit Douluo were unexpectedly two control system Spirit

While everyone in the Spirit Master world knew that power

attack system had the fiercest attacks, control system was the
most difficult to deal with, and also the least willing to confront
the opponent. Unless one happened to counter their strength, in
a one versus one situation, equally ranked Spirit Masters would
find it very difficult to prevail over control system.

Flender also hastily introduced Shrek Academy’s teachers. As

for the Shrek Seven Devils, they were after all students, and he
didn’t say much. But Flender noticed that these three board of
education senior staff were even more interested in the Shrek
Seven Devils than in them.

Meng Shen-Ji said:

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“No need to be polite, finally coming here, treat it like your
own home. Please, come inside.”

The board of education wasn’t lavish. Just the opposite, the

place where these three Spirit Douluo handled business and
lived was exceptionally austere.

Only decorated with essentials and some simple green plants.

Host and guests took their seats across from each other, since
there weren’t many chairs in the board of education, the Shrek
Seven Devils could only stand behind the teachers. Right now
everyone’s gazes were excited, after all, sitting in front of them
were three Spirit Douluo level powers.

In the whole Spirit Master world, Spirit Masters able to

cultivate to this degree were as rare as phoenix feathers and
unicorn horns, and they wouldn’t lack formidable strength.
Even if they couldn’t challenge Heaven, they could still easily
scatter a ten thousand man army.

Meng Shen-Ji let servants serve tea and pastries, his gaze
sweeping across those Shrek Seven Devils, smiling saying:

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“We heard from Qin Ming that these children defeated our
institution’s Emperor Team. Truly astonishing, the monster
academy sure enough is a place where monsters gather. Qin
Ming’s accomplishments already amazed me, but I still didn’t
expect your institution to cultivate this many geniuses.”

Flender smiled wryly, saying:

“The Shrek Academy has already ceased to exist.”

Meng Shen-Ji firmly said:

“No, take a look at these children behind you, their

accomplishments hereafter, until successfully graduating the
Shrek Academy, will all along belong to Shrek. Qin Ming
already explained it very clearly to us. Everyone coming to our
humble institution this time is our honor. Unless all you
teachers wish for it, the Academy will not assign any teaching
duties to you. Here you are all at your liberty, if there is
anything you need then don’t hesitate to ask, as long as it’s
within the limits of my authority, just say it.”

Flender was after all also a more than seventieth ranked

power, and naturally saw that the sincerity these three Spirit

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Douluo showed absolutely wasn’t faked. From this it could be
seen just how much they thirsted for talent. Even to the extent
that they without any questions at once chose to completely
trust Qin Ming.

On the side of the three board of education members, Spirit

Douluo Zhi Lin suddenly asked:

“I heard from teacher Qin Ming that at your institution is an

especially outstanding control system Spirit Master, who would
that be?”

Grandmaster calmly smiled, saying:

“Talent isn’t enough. Tang San.”

Tang San responded, stepping forward from the Shrek Seven

Devils, respectfully saluting the three Spirit Douluo,

“Greetings three teachers.”

Zhi Lin smiled faintly, the air around his body suddenly

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The others didn’t feel anything, but Tang San clearly found
the air around his body seemed to congeal, tremendous spirit
power fluctuations rushing out, his body already completely
unable to move.

This spirit power was somewhat similar to his Blue Silver

Grass spirit power, and although his body was oppressed, Tang
San could feel there was no malice within it.

He understood that this was the other side testing his

strength. Without speaking, he silently urged his Mysterious
Heaven Skill, resisting the unceasing invading force.

The Shrek Academy members naturally all knew what Spirit

Douluo Zhi Lin was doing, but nobody said anything; Zhi Lin
testing Tang San was like an enrollment exam. Flender had
foreseen that this would happen, and also let these Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy senior staff take a look at how outstanding
the disciple he had fostered was.


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Zhi Lin’s originally gentle gaze gradually became astounded.
With his strength he immediately determined that Tang San’s
spirit power was around the thirty third rank, proving that Qin
Ming hadn’t been flattering his accomplishments.

But while his plant system spirit power also didn’t lack
compatibility with his own, he just couldn’t understand how
this only thirty third ranked spirit power could be so difficult to
deal with.

Zhi Lin using his spirit power to probe felt that, even though
Tang San’s spirit power was far from as formidable as his own,
it had a kind of endless toughness. The more pressure he used,
the more flexible it became.

Furthermore, Tang San’s body had an endurance that didn’t

belong to a thirty third ranked Spirit Master. Faced with his
pressure, he unexpectedly didn’t show any signs of pain.

As a matter of fact, the pressure he used was something that a

thirtieth level Spirit Master should find somewhat difficult to

What he didn’t know was that Tang San’s body constantly

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endured spirit ring and spirit power transformation, at the
same time, unlike ordinary spirit masters he also had an
external spirit bone. With the potency of the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s spirit bone, to his strength, endurance and agility, it
had an extremely significant effect.

Otherwise, how could Tang San have led the Shrek Seven
Devils to successive victories against powerful enemies.

Even Dai Mubai was resigned to not being his equal. This
external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances didn’t just have its
effect on the outside, its imperceptible influence was equally

That symbolic black robe Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin wore didn’t
shift, and although he simply sat there, Tang San still clearly
felt the pressure around him increasing bit by bit.

This Spirit Douluo was extremely conscientious, afraid that

Tang San would be unable to endure a sudden increase in
strength, under his accurate control, his spirit power was only
gradually increasing. Once Tang San showed any signs of being
unable to endure, he would also immediately withdraw the

2036 Goldenagato |

Tang San naturally also understood this control system Spirit
Douluo was testing his strength. In front of Flender,
Grandmaster and the other Shrek Academy members, he knew
he wasn’t just representing himself, but rather the whole Shrek
Academy. Therefore, even though the surrounding pressure
grew greater and greater, and the Mysterious heaven skill
pressure within his body also worked faster and faster, he didn’t
display the slightest bit of a pained expression.

After many years of cultivation, adding countless training and

ordeals, Tang San’s willpower wasn’t something a thirteen year
old possessed. Originally he endured the enormous pain
produced by that Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring, how
would he easily surrender now.

Secretly tightening both fists in his sleeves, Tang San’s

complexion didn’t vary, expression neither servile nor
overbearing. Along with Mysterious Heaven skill working,
around his body gradually appeared a faint layer of white mist,
releasing a slight fragrance.

As the internal strength circulated, it completely fused with

the properties of Blue Silver Grass.

As the pressure grew greater and greater, Sky Blue Vine Spirit

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Douluo Zhi Lin grew more and more astonished; was this really
just a thirteen year old child? How couldn’t he see Tang San was
using willpower combined with his physical strength to
withstand the spirit power pressure, but so far he unexpectedly
hadn’t been able to get this child to release his spirit. Tang San
by far already surpassed his expectations.

All people have a desire to win, and Spirit Douluo were no

exception. Adding competitiveness to curiosity, when
confronting this genius, Zhi Lin couldn’t help but want to see
just how far this child’s limits could reach.

Seeing Tang San nod slightly, Zhi Lin’s robe no longer

fluctuated with spirit power, rather quietly recovered to
normal. Seeing this, the other two Spirit Douluo at his side also
couldn’t help be astonished, the three of them had been
together for a very long time, naturally they understood just
how much spirit power Zhi Lin was using right now.

The two Spirit Douluo couldn’t help show a concerned

expression, although they knew Zhi Lin was a person who
would act appropriately, just the chance of injuring this kid was

But very quickly, the two Spirit Douluo’s concern became

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amazement. Tang San simply stood there like a towering
mountain, even though the pressure increased yet again, he
didn’t move at all, only his expression gradually tightened.

Not even the spirit had been forced out? This was the thought
the three Spirit Douluo all had at the same time.

How was it possible? Zhi Lin inwardly trembled a moment, he

was only too clear on his own spirit power output, even a thirty
fifth ranked Spirit Elder would definitely have been forced to
release their spirit, moreover they wouldn’t be as calm as this

If speaking of showing an unvarying expression or firm

willpower, as the pressure reached a certain degree, it wasn’t
something willpower was capable of influencing.

Generally speaking, for inferior Spirit Masters enduring the

direct spirit power pressure of high level Spirit Masters, Spirit
Masters able to support two thirds of their own level was
already outstanding, and if they were able to support even their
own degree of spirit power, then, they had extraordinarily
staunch willpower. But this was also on the conditions that they
had released their spirit.

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Moreover if they were Beast Spirit Masters.

The assistance to their own body was much greater for Beast
Spirit Masters than Tool Spirit Masters, the advantage of Tool
Spirit Masters lay in being able to make use of weapons.

From Qin Ming’s introduction, these three Spirit Douluo all

knew Tang San certainly was a Tool Spirit Master, but a Tool
Spirit Master able to support pressure exceeding his spirit
power by ten percent, and moreover without even releasing his
spirit? This was just too inconceivable.

Along with the spirit power fluctuations in the air gradually

growing more intense, Flender, Zhao Wuji and the others
gradually also grew nervous, sitting straight, staring fixedly at
Tang San for fear that any accident would occur.

Only Grandmaster still leaned back in his chair, sipping tea,

calmly observing the scene without the slightest hint of

Nobody had a better understanding of Tang San’s strength

than Grandmaster. Grandmaster was perfectly capable of
calculating Tang San’s limit in the current circumstances. Right

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now he hadn’t even released his spirit, naturally he wasn’t close
to his limits.

It could even be said that there was still a considerable

distance to the limit. Grandmaster further knew that Tang
San’s spirit power was exceptional, brimming with endurance
just like his Blue Silver Grass. It wasn’t obvious in a fight, since
endurance often increased the capability to prolong the fight.
But confronting this kind of constantly growing pressure, this
aspect of his spirit power had plenty of room to appear.

The spirit power pressure Zhi Lin released had already

increased past thirty fifth rank to thirty sixth rank, immediately
followed by thirty seventh, thirty eighth, thirty ninth. As the
power of his spirit power pressure finally increased to around
the fortieth rank or so, Tang San finally revealed a trace of
suffering. His face showed a slight change, and he with some
effort raised his right hand.

Blue light flickered, and Blue Silver grass burst from his palm
like a blossoming flower, drifting in the air, forming an
enormous cage, enveloping Tang San within. Blue purple luster
flourished, all the Blue Silver Grass swaying in the air. With
each swaying motion the air produced a kind of peculiar feeling,
as if even the air moved along rhythmically.

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Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin felt it the most clearly. The moment
Tang San released Blue Silver Grass, he had a kind of feeling like
being relieved of a burden. Just as he prepared to withdraw his
spirit power, finishing this test, Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass
staged this bizarre scene before him.

The round cage surrounded Tang San, between each strand of

Blue Silver Grass was only slight cracks. Along with each of
their gentle oscillations, Zhi Lin was amazed to discover that the
pressure he issued seemed as if it was pushing against
something elastic; along with Blue Silver Grass light
movements, the pressure he put on Tang San weakened a lot.

To be precise, it was the pressure he put on Tang San that was


This child unexpectedly had so many surprises, the three

Spirit Douluo’s amazed expressions gradually grew pleased.

Actually, even Tang San himself didn’t know why Blue Silver
Grass would act like this. On the surface he might appear
exceptionally resolute, but in fact, confronted with the fortieth
rank spirit power pressure he already even had difficulties
breathing, only supported by his unwillingness to let Shrek
Academy lose face.

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Blue Silver Grass had been released when he was completely
unable to endure.

Blue Silver Grass current shape and movements were both

completely involuntary, but with those rhythmical motions,
Tang San immediately felt the pressure drop considerably. In
his mind immediately rose a kind of exceptionally formidable
force leveraging technique: four liang pushing a thousand jin.

Four liang pushing a thousand jin was a commonly used

martial skill in Tang San’s previous world, and naturally he
knew it. But he didn’t quite understand why his Blue Spirit
Grass would suddenly on its own display his martial skills
without his meticulous control.

Sensing this, Tang San suddenly discovered that there were a

lot of parts to his spirit that he didn’t understand.

With the pressure eased, Tang San’s expression naturally also

recovered to normal. But these circumstances made Spirit
Douluo Zhi Lin withdraw his intent to stop the test. The spirit
power pressure increased another step, and this time it also
grew stronger at a faster pace than before.

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Four liang pushing a thousand jin was admittedly possible,
but what about ten thousand jin? How would it be pushed?
With the sharply increasing pressure, Tang San was conscious
of how the outer edges of the energy channels within his body
seemed to explode, his entire body in extreme pain, his skin
gradually filling with blood. As Mysterious Heaven Skill worked
faster and faster, the energy channels in his body would bring
extreme pain with each collision.

The motions of the Blue Silver Grass surrounding him also

grew faster and faster, but in the end their ability to disperse
spirit power was limited. However, cut off by Blue Silver Grass,
everyone outside were unable to see Tang San, only thinking
Tang San was still staunchly resisting.

They didn’t know right now his face was already deep red,
finally reaching a dangerous level. The current pressure had
already reached the level of forty fifth ranked spirit power.

‘Endure, I can still endure.’ Tang San constantly told himself,

straightening his back

As the spirit power still increased, Tang San’s body also

finally reached its limit. By now it was already difficult for him

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to move a finger.

But at this moment, Tang San suddenly felt as if something

shattered within him, immediately afterward, the originally
rapidly circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill suddenly slowed,
and in that moment all the pressure seemed to gush out from
his back in a split second, draining away in a moment.

Pu——, the Blue Silver Grass surrounding him scattered

outward, Tang San’s whole body shivering a moment. His
appearance was once again visible to everyone. However, as
they saw at him, they all couldn’t help but start with alarm.

Right now Tang San’s body had unexpectedly swollen one

size, and on his back the external spirit bone Eight Spider
Lances already released excitedly, the purple lustrous Eight
Spider Lances softly moving rhythmically behind Tang San’s
back like wings, that spider web like pattern had appeared on
Tang San’s forehead, and this time was especially clear.

Tang San’s expression was relaxed, breathing in that layer of

white mist around him through his nose like rivers flowing into
the sea, again breathing it out through his mouth. With each
repetition, the white mist seemed to increase somewhat, and
Tang San’s body would also expand even more.

2045 Goldenagato |

“Spirit bone?”

The three Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Spirit Douluo

practically simultaneously cried out in alarm, Zhi Lin
immediately stopped pressuring Tang San, they naturally saw
that Tang San had now already hit his limit. Increasing the
pressure might even kill him.

The tips of Eight Spider Lances gradually turned white, this

white color was seeping out from within Eight Spider Lances.
Tang San’s body didn’t change at all from the disappearance of
the external pressure, still constantly inhaling and exhaling that
white vapor.

“Many thanks for helping with the completion, Spirit Douluo

Zhi Lin.”

Grandmaster stood up with a smile on his face, bowing to Zhi


Zhi Lin stared blankly,

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“Completion? What completion?”

Even as a Spirit Douluo level formidable Spirit Master he

didn’t understand what the problem was with Tang San’s body
right now, and was still inwardly nervous.

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“Since Tang San this child obtained this external spirit bone,
even though his strength has increased a lot, he has never been
able to truly harmonize with it. Under Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin’s
pressure, I think that this time he is finally fusing with his
external spirit bone, leaving no separation, the external spirit
bone becoming a part of his body, and no longer ‘external’.”

Hearing the words ‘external spirit bone’, the three Spirit

Douluo practically simultaneously stood up from their seats,
and Qin Ming leapt up as if he’d burned his buttocks.

The three Spirit Douluo looked at each other, their insight

was of course incomparable to what Qin Ming was capable of,
and they had instantly realized that the Eight Spider Lances on
Tang San’s back was a spirit bone instead of a spirit. But they
still hadn’t expected it would actually be an external spirit bone.

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They could feel its power just from the atmosphere released
by Eight Spider Lances.

A just thirteen year old child, had not only reached beyond the
thirtieth rank of spirit power, but even possessed an external
spirit bone, that object ranked only second to a hundred
thousand year spirit ring on the wishlists of all Spirit Masters.
What did this signify? What kind of potential was this? Even
though his spirit was only Blue Silver Grass?

“This-, is this really an external spirit bone?”

Meng Shen-Ji’s voice trembled severely.

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“I’m certain. However, I’ll ask the board to keep it secret.

Although the external spirit bone is already fused with Tang
San’s body and won’t be released after his death like other spirit
bones, but treasuring a jade ring may become a crime even for
innocent men. I still don’t wish for him to face too formidable
opponents as he matures.”

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“We understand, don’t worry, we swear on our spirits, we
absolutely will not divulge this to anyone.”

The expression in Meng Shen-Ji’s eyes was gratitude.

The reason was very simple: the Shrek group hadn’t

concealed the matter of Tang San’s external spirit bone from
them, this point alone proved how much they valued Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy.

An external spirit bone really was too precious. Should some

vicious formidable Spirit Masters learn of it, they absolutely
wouldn’t leave Tang San room to grow.

In fact, how was Grandmaster such a careless person; he had

long before even coming here made meticulous investigations
about Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. These three Spirit Douluo
were all revered in the Spirit World as kind hearted seniors,
otherwise he wouldn’t so easily have exposed Tang San’s secret.

Heat, that was all Tang San felt right now. The uncomfortable
feeling from the pressure had already completely disappeared,
right now he only felt as if he was roasting in a blast furnace,

2049 Goldenagato |

somewhat similar to the feeling of absorbing the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spirit ring, but compared to that time this
suffering was a lot less. Only the burning heat, and without the

Although the circulation of Mysterious Heaven Skill internal

strength had slowed down considerably, with each revolution it
became thicker, and seemed to constantly attack some
particular energy channels.

That shattering feeling Tang San had before seemed to be the

result of an energy channel connecting.

The moment the pressure was the greatest, Tang San hadn’t
realized a black light shone in his left palm, but he still had a
feeling of great strength bursting forth from within his heart.
Were it not for that feeling of the energy channel connecting,
perhaps his other spirit would have appeared.

Right now Tang San didn’t have the capability to think it

over, and was only enduring the shock of that flowing heat.
Within him Mysterious Heaven Skill seemed to absorb it, with
each revolution Tang San would feel a bit more comfortable.
Therefore he could only keep going.

2050 Goldenagato |

After a brief moment of shock the three Spirit Douluo
gradually calmed, but Qin Ming clearly lacked a bit in inner
qualities, and was still extremely agitated.

Meng Shen-Ji loosed a long breath,

“I didn’t expect, I truly didn’t expect, that in our Spirit Master

world there would be such a genius. I truly am happy to have
met all of you here today.”

Flender equally loosed a breath, shooting Grandmaster an

inquisitive look. Grandmaster lightly nodded to him, hinting
there would be no problems with Tang San.

Flender then said to Meng Shen-Ji:

“We dare not take credit for this child’s capabilities, he’s
Grandmaster’s direct disciple. Moreover, his own innate talent
is exceptionally outstanding. In our Shrek Academy’s history,
these seven children are all the most gifted by heaven. Not only
Tang San, but each of the others also have their own talent. The
reason we chose to come to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
wasn’t to let their talents be buried, but in the hopes that here
they would be able to fully develop their talent with the best

2051 Goldenagato |

cultivation environments. They are the last class of Shrek
Academy, and as dean, I truly hope to one day see their
capabilities as Title Douluo, far surpassing my own

Right now Flender’s eyes didn’t hold a hint of deviousness,

filled with sincerity. And the Shrek Six Devils behind him
hearing Flender’s words got a somewhat strange feeling; they
found that Flender seemed to become even older, the silhouette
of his back giving off a lonely feeling.

Yes, as a dean, having to bring disciples to another academy

for cultivation, to an arrogant person like Flender, how could
his heart truly be at ease?

Even if he never showed it, how could his inner world be


Meng Shen-Ji nodded to Flender,

“Dean Flender, be at ease. We three guarantee you that we

will provide these children with the best cultivation facilities
here, to the best of our ability. The best cultivation facilities,
and anything else you ask for. Even if in the future they don’t

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want to fight on behalf of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it still
doesn’t matter. Just imagine, one day, as they stand at the
summit of the Spirit Master world, if their records would hold
the name Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, this is already enough
to satisfy us.”

Flender stood up, bowing courteously to the three Spirit


“Thank you seniors.”

Watching this scene, Grandmaster finally showed a smile,

inwardly saying, ‘Flender, oh, Flender, if I hadn’t already
clearly grasped the natures of these three board members,
would I have brought you here? Whatever happened in the past,
in my heart, you are still my big brother, of course I hope to see
you spend your later years comfortably.’

At this moment, a long groan attracted everyone’s attention.

Just in time to see Tang San spit out a dense white mist, no
longer as faint as before, as if it had congealed. Breathing out
from the mouth, again inhaling through the nose, the red tone
of Tang San’s skin had already completely vanished, as had the

2053 Goldenagato |

swelling. It seemed he had entirely recovered to normal.

As the white mist was completely inhaled, Tang San gradually

opened his eyes. In this moment, to everyone in the board hall
they seemed like a pair of cold stars.

Even though that bright cold light only flickered for a

moment and was gone, everyone saw that Tang San was
different from before.

Eight Spider Lances withdrew into Tang San’s back in

practically the space of a breath, compared to before, this speed
was several times faster.

Unfortunately, the clothes on his back were shredded. This

was perhaps the one fault of Eight Spider Lances. Someone as
frugal as Tang San still regretted the loss of the clothes.

Tang San noticed everyone’s attention on him, and first

calmly bowed to the three Spirit Douluo, and without saying
anything, with a guileless expression walked over behind

2054 Goldenagato |

Right now, Tang San basically didn’t have the mental capacity
to spare for any chatter, his entire mind was focused on his
body. When that shattering sound appeared, he was under
enormous spirit power pressure and naturally didn’t know what
had changed. But right now, after sobering, he immediately
recognized the difference.

First of all, his spirit power had leapt up by one rank, and
even more importantly, all his physical attributes seemed to
have increased.

That increase wasn’t something one rank of spirit power

could result in.

Basically, it was because under that tremendous pressure he

had broken open an energy channel. This energy channel didn’t
just let Eight Spirit Lances perfectly fuse with him, but at the
same time, it caused a not insignificant change in his body.

Spirit power at thirty fourth rank, yet his physical attributes

should surpass the level of the fortieth rank.

Regarding the breaking open of this energy channel, perhaps

even Grandmaster would be unable to explain the reason why,

2055 Goldenagato |

but Tang San understood it very clearly on his own. Because,
that was what was described in the Mysterious Heaven Treasure
Record as the eight extraordinary meridians.

Explicitly stated in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record was

that if the eight extraordinary meridians connected into one
path, Mysterious Heaven Skill would benefit greatly, and one of
Mysterious Heaven Skill’s great criteria for completion, besides
reaching the eighth tier, was to break open all eight
extraordinary meridians. Described in Mysterious Heaven
Treasure Record was that, a person who had connected the
eight extraordinary meridians, whether in heaven or hell,
would be omnipotent.

Although these were just simple words, it amply proved just

how enormous the effect might be from completely breaking
open the eight extraordinary meridians.

Tang San’s understanding of the eight extraordinary

meridians came from the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record,
where it was described extremely detailed.

The four limbs had the eight acupuncture points Broken

Sequence, Back Ravine, Inner Pass, Outer Pass, Shining Sea,
Extending Vessel, Yellow Emperor and Foot Overlooking Tears

2056 Goldenagato |

separately leading to the eight Conception, Governing, Yin
linking, Yang linking, Yin Heel, Yang Heel, Penetrating and
Girdle meridians. Meaning these acupuncture points separately
could connect the head, face and torso to the eight
extraordinary meridians.

(梦神机) “Dream God Machine”

(黑妖) Or Black Witch/Phantom/Demon/Monster

(白宝山) “White Jewel Mountain”


(智林) “Wisdom Forest”


(奇经八脉) I’ll just link to Wikipedia for this one.

I’m not personally familiar with Chinese medicine, so all this

2057 Goldenagato |

TCM stuff is somewhat tentative. I’ve referenced all the points
and meridians with whatever online resources I could find, but
if you want to do further fact checking, the full paragraph is (四

2058 Goldenagato |

Chapter 60 - Title Douluo, Title: Poison

“Yellow Emperor Penetrating Meridian of stomach, heart and

chest, Inner Pass Yin Link alike below the head;

Overlooking Tears gall passes Girdling Meridian, Yang Link

vision meeting Outer Pass;

Back Ravine Governing Meridian of inner eye and neck,

Extending Vessel Yang Heel also connects the channels;

Broken Sequence Conception Meridian relates to lungs, Yin

Heel Shining Sea of diaphragm and throat.”

Each meridian corresponded to some significant place on the

human body. Although the eight extraordinary meridians were
innately connected, this connection was very minute, unable to
channel internal strength. But in Tang San’s previous world,
practically all internal strength experts broke open the eight
extraordinary meridians to increase their capacity.

Among the eight extraordinary meridians, the most

important were the Conception meridian, Governing meridian,

2059 Goldenagato |

Penetrating meridian and Girdling meridian channels. And
Tang San determined by position that what his Mysterious
Heaven Skill broke through under that enormous pressure
should be the Penetrating meridian.

The Penetrating meridian parallelled the heart meridian,

although its effect wasn’t as obvious as the Conception and
Governing meridians, the benefits it gave to Tang San was
difficult to put into words. Like how younger Spirit Masters
cultivated more easily, breaking through these eight
extraordinary meridians was also easier the younger one was, as
one aged, the body would be influenced by the outside world,
and the energy channels within the body would also become
more and more rigid, and the difficulty of connecting them
would naturally grow.

Breaking through the Penetrating meridian now would no

doubt be of enormous benefit to Tang San’s later cultivation.
Even now he already had a somewhat reserved exuberant
feeling. Of course, this was all a coincidence. Grandmaster
hoped he would fuse with the external spirit bone under these
conditions, but how would he have known Tang San would
connect an energy channel, obtaining even greater benefits.

The Tian Dou Imperial Academy party was naturally headed

by Meng Shen-Ji, and on the Shrek Academy’s side was

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naturally Flender, as a result of the favorable terms Meng Shen-
Ji offered, the two’s discussion became more and more
congenial, even giving a feeling of long standing familiarity.

Meng Shen-Ji said:

“Then this matter is settled. Teacher Qin, we’ll trouble you to

arrange it.”

Qin Ming hastily nodded in agreement. His gaze constantly

followed Tang San; besides surprise, it was even more out of
envy. They were both geniuses, but his brilliance was already
eclipsed by Tang San’s external spirit bone.

Just as the Shrek Academy group was taking their leave to

return to their own courtyard, footsteps suddenly echoed
outside, seemingly from two people.

“Isn’t principal Meng Shen-Ji here?”

Before they arrived, a voice already rose from outside. This

person’s voice was resonant, filled with confidence. But the
voice gave a somewhat arrogant impression, although it wasn’t

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overbearing, it still didn’t have the intent of being polite.

Meng Shen-Ji looked distracted a moment, he naturally heard

who the owner of this voice was, and wondered in his heart,
‘why would he come?’ Hurriedly standing up, walking out to
greet him, ordering the two other board members to follow
behind him. The expressions of the two seemed to change

Very quickly, three people entered from outside. The Shrek

Academy group had met one of them before, it was that youth
Dai Mubai had sent flying with a kick below the mountain

Right now that youth stood on the left with an arrogant

expression, his eyes revealing an intense resentment.

Walking in the middle was a magnificently dressed old man.

This person wore a large yellow gown, crowded with
embroidered brocade that didn’t seem messy in the least.
Grizzled hair neatly combed back, medium height, a slightly
heavy frame, and a majestic appearance.

Only his eyes seemed a bit small, breaking the harmonious

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feeling of the facial features. Standing upright with his hands
clasped behind his back, even though he was confronting the
three Spirit Douluo board members he wasn’t the slightest bit
deferential, but rather had an attitude of looking down on

Seeing these three appear, the Shrek Academy group first felt
surprise. Not because of their appearance, but rather because of
the third person on the right.

Previously, whether it was the weakest of the Shrek Seven

Devils Ning Rongrong, or Shrek Academy’s dean Flender, they
had all heard only two sets of footsteps, but three people had

What did this indicate?

The person standing on the magnificently dressed old man’s

right side was another old man, but distinctly different from the
magnificently dressed old man. This person was slim like a
spear, both hair and beard unexpectedly deep green, with a pair
of eyes even more like flickering beryl.

Everyone had a kind of illusory feeling towards this man, as if

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he was a mirage. He followed at the side of the magnificently
dressed man, seemingly without moving his feet.

This man’s face was expressionless, or perhaps it should be

said his expression was completely rigid. Sunken cheeks, the
green hair disheveled, wearing only simple and unadorned gray
robes, forming a clear cut contrast to the magnificently dressed
man at his side.

This man’s hands were both tucked into his sleeves. On

entering the hall he simply closed his eyes, without even
glancing at anyone.

“Lord prince, why have you come?”

Meng Shen-Ji stepped forward and bowed slightly, saluting

the magnificently dressed old man. But whether it was him or
the other two Spirit Douluo, their gazes were all fixed on that
green haired man.

This was a person even they couldn’t see the limits of.

The magnificently dressed old man smiled calmly, his gaze

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sweeping across the Shrek Academy group. Xue Beng at his side
hastily said something in a low voice next to the magnificently
dressed man’s ear.

The magnificently dressed old man then said:

“What? Does the board members have visitors? Won’t you

introduce Us?”

Meng Shen-Ji frowned minutely. Even though this was a

prince, with their position in the Spirit Master world, even a
prince shouldn’t be so unreasonable. But this person was the
person in charge of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, they
couldn’t offend him.

Meng Shen-Ji smiled slightly, inviting the three into the hall.
By now, the Shrek Academy group had all already stood up.

Meng Shen-Ji said:

“Your highness, I will introduce you. This is Shrek Academy’s

dean, Flender. Here this time to consult on collaborating on a
matter. Dean Flender, this is his highness the Heaven Dou

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Empire’s prince Xue Xing, the Imperial Academy is currently
under his highness’ administration.”

Although Flender wasn’t too interested in this arrogant

prince, he still slightly bowed:

“Greetings, your highness.”

Prince Xue Xing didn’t even glance at him, only coldly said:

“Shrek Academy? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. It should

be some mediocre school. Principal Meng Shen-Ji, how could
you allow people of such unknown origin into our Academy?”

On hearing this, the Shrek Academy group couldn’t help but

be fiercely indignant. Zhao Wuji at Flender’s side was about to
flare up, but was hindered by Flender.

Meng Shen-Ji’s expression changed,

“Your highness, such words can’t be used. Shrek Academy has

fostered countless outstanding Spirit Masters, our Academy’s

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teacher Qin was also from Shrek Academy. This time dean
Flender and all the Shrek Academy teachers are willing to teach
at our institution, they are all rare talents.”


When prince Xue Xing heard Qin Ming came from the Shrek
Academy, his expression was somewhat embarrassed. His gaze
shifting towards Flender, he said:

“Principal Meng Shen-Ji, according to Academy regulations,

new teachers should be subject to review. I haven’t been
informed whether these people have already passed?”

Zhi Lin at Meng Shen-Ji’s side couldn’t help saying:

“The Shrek Academy teachers all have Heaven Dou level

strength, there’s no need for review. Your highness, don’t tell
me you came here today for this matter?”

His words were already clearly somewhat blunt.

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Prince Xie Xing snorted,

“The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is a pillar of the Empire.

As one of the pillars of the Empire, the teachers all have
enormous influence on the students. I cannot wish for the
Academy to hire some arrogant and despotic seniors. Xue Beng
told me that yesterday as these guests just arrived at the
Academy they beat him up. Xue Beng is the fourth imperial
prince, representing the dignity of the imperial family. How
could he be insulted so?”

At this Meng Shen-Ji’s trio clearly understood why prince Xue

Xing was here. Seeing the rancor on fourth prince Xue Beng’s
face as he stared rigidly at Dai Mubai, the three couldn’t help
but sigh inwardly. It was just because of brain-dead nobles like
these that the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was unable to
foster more talents.

Flender calmly said:

“Then how does your highness want to settle this matter? I

don’t know if you have asked his highness prince Xue Beng just
why he was hit?”

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Spirit Master was the grandest vocation on the Douluo
Continent, to a high level Spirit Master nobility basically
wouldn’t enter their eyes.

Flender himself was an untamable senior, if it wasn’t for the

sake of finding a home for these old brothers who had followed
him for years, he would have flared up long ago when prince
Xue Xing first insulted the Shrek Academy.

Xue Xing snorted coldly,

“We always treat talent well. Since everyone has come to look
for our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s cooperation, yesterday
Xue Beng was also the first to make a mistake. Let’s forget this
matter. However……”

At this, his gaze swept across Flender and the Shrek Academy

“You must prove to me that you are indeed people of talent.”

Xue Beng standing at prince Xue Xing’s side by now already

had a pleased expression.

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Flender forcefully suppressed his anger,

“Fine, then how does the lord prince wish for us to prove it.”

Prince Xue Xing smiled calmly, saying:

“Very simple, you only have to hold out against mister Dugu
for five minutes, and We will at once recognize you as talents.
All treatment will be most favorable. If not, like what Xue Beng
said yesterday, immediately get out of here.”


Dai Mubai’s anger stirred, wanting to dash forward. But at

this moment, the green haired old man at prince Xue Xing’s side
opened his eyes. His gaze fell on Dai Mubai.

The moment he opened his eyes, it seemed like the

temperature in the entire hall dropped at once. Those deep
green eyes didn’t hold the slightest bit of life, displaying ice cold
and something grim and nefarious.

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Dai Mubai trembled all over with a muffled groan, then
quietly fell motionless on the ground.

A blue vine shot out like lightning, twisting around Dai

Mubai’s waist, forcefully pulling him back. Precisely the actions
of third seat Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin.

“Your highness, you mustn’t be too excessive.”

Meng Shen-Ji said angrily.

Prince Xue Xing said calmly:

“How am I excessive? Principal Meng Shen-Ji, you mustn’t

forget, the Academy belongs to the imperial household. As the
direct supervisor, I have the authority to decide on personnel
matters. If you disagree, you can complain to His Majesty. But
until His Majesty says otherwise, I am still in charge here.”


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Meng Shen-Ji was speechless with anger.

Blue light flickered, enveloping Dai Mubai within. Wrapped

up in the blue light, Dai Mubai woke up, his eyes filled with
terrified blankness.

In that split second he had only felt his body go cold, without
knowing the cause. Let alone attacking, he basically didn’t have
the slightest opportunity to resist.

Prince Xue Xing turned to his right, unlike the total arrogance
when he confronted the three board members and the Shrek
Academy group, to this green haired old man at his side he was
unexpectedly extremely respectful,

“Mister Dugu, please.”

The green haired old man looked at the Shrek Academy


“Use strength to prove yourselves, come at me together.”

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While speaking, a layer of intense green light suddenly
released from his body, immediately following, rings rose from
below one after another. But his own body didn’t show any

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black,

black. Altogether nine spirit rings spiralled up, their brilliant
light making the entire hall dazzling.

The Shrek Academy group’s faces changed, the three board

members’ complexions also changed. Who would have thought
that this seemingly slovenly green haired old man would
actually be one of the peak powers on the current Continent, a
spirit power over ninetieth rank Title Douluo.

Let alone the Shrek Academy’s people, even the three

eightieth level Spirit Douluo, nobody had the confidence to
confront him. Spirit Douluo and Title Douluo, even though it
was only a difference of one title, their actual strength was as
far apart as heaven and earth.

The higher the level, the higher the gap from rank to rank.
Although that green haired old man’s last five spirit rings were
all black, everyone knew that the later the spirit ring, the closer
they got to one hundred thousand years. By a conservative

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estimate his last spirit ring should be from an over seventy
thousand year spirit beast.

From the atmosphere around that green haired old man could
be felt he was a Beast Spirit Title Douluo, but just now when he
released his spirit his body hadn’t changed at all, this proved
even more how terrifying he was. This degree of spirit control
was only possible at the later stages of the Title Douluo level.

“With the distinguished name Dugu, and the fishy oppressive

smell. If I’m not mistaken, your distinguished self should be the
poison titled senior Poison Douluo Dugu Bo.”

Grandmaster stepped forward, obstructing the Shrek

Academy teachers whose eyes burned with fury, speaking to the
green haired old man.

“Ha ha ha ha.”

The green haired old man laughed,

“I didn’t expect there would actually be someone who

remembered me. Correct, I’m Dugu Bo. Since you know my

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name, will you still not get lost?”

Grandmaster’s expression was still calm. He unexpectedly

nodded earnestly,

“Fine, we’ll get lost. Flender, we’re getting lost.”

Having said this, he raised a hand to pull Flender away.

Flender tore himself free, throwing off Grandmaster’s hand, a

cold harsh light in his eyes,

“Xiao Gang, I can’t let Shrek suffer disgrace like this.”

Grandmaster angrily said:

“Even if you don’t fear death, don’t tell me you think

everyone wants to follow you to die together? Title Douluo, how
are you capable of contending against that? If you were also a
Title Douluo, you could also casually have people get lost. But
you’re not. Even if we old creatures didn’t fear death, don’t tell
me you would let the children run off to be destroyed together

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with you? Poison Douluo is the most malicious under heaven.
Do you think his attack would only be directed at you alone?”

Having said this, Grandmaster turned to the three Spirit

Douluo board members,

“I’m sorry, seniors. Let’s drop the matter from today on. But
we will never forget the enthusiastic feelings of the seniors’
reception. I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

“Wait a moment.”

A strict light appeared in Meng Shen-Ji’s eyes, staring fixedly

at that Poison Douluo with nine glittering spirit rings,

“Dugu Bo, let us three old fellows experience your poison.”

Heaven Star Furnace Spirit Douluo Bai Baoshan and Sky Blue
Vine Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin separately stepped up behind Meng
Shen-Ji. The three simultaneously released a tyrannical

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Meng Shen-Ji’s body in a flash became unreal, the entire
person transforming into a pitch black empty shadow, with
black mist rising from below, two yellow, three purple and
three black, eight spirit rings blossomed simultaneously.

From the spirit rings could be seen the gap between both
sides, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo’s fifth spirit ring was already on
the ten thousand year level, but Meng Shen-Ji’s fifth spirit ring
was still a thousand year one.

In Heaven Star Furnace Spirit Douluo Bai Baoshan’s palm

appeared an ancient stove shining with golden light, on the
surface were altogether seven silver stars, releasing flickering
light. Spirit rings of the same quality as Meng Shen-Ji glittered,
congealing into a thick atmosphere covering his whole body.

Over Sky Blue Vine Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin appeared only one
Sky Blue Vine, but that vine’s color sparkled like emerald, faint
blue gas released from him, pervading his whole body.

Right now, on the Shrek Academy’s side, everyone’s

expressions were very unsightly. However, nobody noticed,
right now Xiao Wu standing in the back was doing her utmost to
restrain herself, her complexion already somewhat pale.

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She’d started doing this ever since prince Xue Xing’s trio had
entered, just that nobody had noticed her. Unconsciously both
her eyes had already turned red.

With a confrontation between three Spirit Douluo and one

Title Douluo, the air in the board of education hall became
extremely heavy.

The three Spirit Douluo shielded the Shrek Academy group

behind them, and Poison Douluo Dugu Bo also automatically
protected prince Xue Xing and fourth prince Xue Beng from the
assault of the pressure. In a moment, the great battle was on the
verge of starting.

Even though Dugu Yan’s strength was matchless, confronting

three Spirit Douluo together he still didn’t dare be careless. His
dark green eyes finally revealed a somewhat serious stare.

“Board members, what are you doing?”

Prince Xue Xing’s angry voice hid his fear. Right now he was
inwardly already regretful. These three board members were
after all eightieth level powers, in no small measure valued by
the Heaven Dou Emperor. On the off chance they were truly

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struck down, he wouldn’t be able to take responsibility for the

“Prince Xue Xing, you obstinately cling to your course, after

today, we three elders will definitely impeach you before His
Majesty, and have him render judgement.”

Meng Shen-Ji was truly furious.

The Shrek Academy group gave him a very good impression,

especially that Tang San who had made them extremely
pleasantly surprised, right now watching this chance for
enormous benefit to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy about to
turn into soap bubbles, how could he not be angry?

In age, even that Title Douluo Dugu Bo wasn’t older than him,
right now this board principal was burning with agitation, no
longer paying any attention to the consequences. To him, these
situation was no longer about the Shrek Academy staying or
leaving, it related even more to the honor of them three Spirit
Douluo. Of course, Tang San’s previous demonstration also
served as a significant catalyst.

“Let it be.”

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Flender sighed inwardly, slowly unclenching his fist, the eyes
hidden behind the crystal glasses once again becoming calm. He
lightly saluted the three Spirit Douluo,

“I didn’t expect it coming here this time, but we’ve brought

the seniors this kind of trouble, Flender is ashamed. Since
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is unwilling to keep us, how can
we ask for it? Even if it didn’t work out today, perhaps I cannot
be free from worries. Seniors, Flender will come visit some at
some later time.”

Flender had long ago lost the impulsiveness of youth and he

naturally understood an arm couldn’t match a leg in strength.
Since that prince Xue Xing was already hostile, he wouldn’t stay
behind to cause more trouble.

Even though Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was nice, it

wasn’t a place to retire.

This time they’d also made a lot of profit in the Great Spirit
Arena, sufficient to return to reopen the Shrek Academy and
support it for a very long time.

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“Dean Flender.”

Meng Shen-Ji somewhat anxiously called out.

Flender didn’t turn back, leading the Shrek Academy people

towards the outside with big strides.

As the Shrek Seven Devils passed that fourth prince Xue Beng,
they clearly saw the look of schadenfreude in his eyes. But that
prince Xue Xing’s head was raised high, as if he didn’t even see
the Flender’s party passing. The three Spirit Douluo’s faces all
changed between red and white, clearly on the extreme point of
anger, but right now what could they do? This place still
belonged to the Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family.

At this moment, a charming young lady stepped in from



On entering, she at once threw herself at Dugu Bo standing

there with nine glittering spirit rings.

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As the cold faced Dugu Bo saw her, his expression
immediately softened, holding out his hands to pull the young
lady into a hug, laughing loudly,

“Yan-yan, en, good, you’ve grown a bit stronger again.”

The Shrek Seven Devils were familiar with this young lady, it
was precisely the control system Spirit Master of the Emperor
Team they fought last time in Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, Dugu

When they saw Dugu Yan throw herself into her

grandfather’s bosom, she naturally saw them as well. When her
gaze fell on Tang San, her face clearly changed as she hugged
Dugu Bo’s neck and whispered a few sentences into his ear.

When Qin Ming came back, he told them the Shrek seven
devil’s ages to provoke them to train. Dugu Yan asked in great
detail what Tang San was like to clearly see who the aggressive
guy who beat her was. However, she did not expect to see her
grandfather. Thus with the Shrek seven devils present,
although Tang San was very ordinary, his figure and expression
in his eyes did not change and she immediately recognized him.

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When Dugu Bo raised his head again, the entire Shrek
Academy delegation had already walked out of the hall. His gaze
though rested briefly on Tang San’s back as a small smile
appeared on his mouth. Apparently what Dugu Yan had said
made her break out into a smile, like a spoiled child in Dugu
Bo’s bosom.

“I’m sorry board members, I’m afraid that I also have to leave
the Academy.”

It was Qin Ming who said this. At the moments, his face was
full of indignation and was feeling extremely insulted. Not
having the strength to erase this disgrace was an extremely
painful matter. No matter what, he could not stay here.
Regardless of the treatment here, in his heart, it could not
compare to his origin, Shrek Academy.

The three board members became alarmed simultaneously,

even that prince Xue Xing staring with a blank expression. Qin
Ming’s position at the Imperial Academy was actually much
greater than what Flender and the others had imagined. It could
be said that it was second only to the three members of the
board. After all, his current position, within the Spirit Master
hall records, he was one of the youngest to reach the sixtieth
rank. As he absolutely was a rare genius, the three board
members were absolutely sure that at 60 years old, Qin Ming

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would become a Title Douluo.

A Title Douluo appearing wasn’t just of importance to an

academy, it would be an extremely important event even to the
whole Heaven Dou Empire.

At this moment, prince Xue Xing finally had some regret in

his heart and his eyebrows furrowed. However at this time, he
naturally couldn’t say anything otherwise wouldn’t it be a slap
to his own face?

Meng Shen-Ji immediately stepped forward to stop Qin Ming,

“Teacher Qin, how could this be, we will carefully talk about
this situation later. We will definitely bring this up to his
majesty and let his majesty fairly judge this situation.”

Qin Ming shook his head; his eyes already expressed a

determined look as he indifferently said,

“This is Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, in the end belonging

to the Imperial family. Since the Imperial family loathes my
fellow Shrek Academy members, how can I have any face if I

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stay here? Members of the board, I appreciate your kindness. In
those years, when I came here, I came alone. Today I leave
alone. Members of the board please take care of yourselves,
these past years that you have taken care of me have already
been engraved in my heart. I will definitely return the favor.

He didn’t give the three board members the opportunity to

stop him as he used his spirit power to leave; his figure became
nothing more than a flash already chasing after the footsteps
everyone from Shrek academy as they left the Board of
Education hall. Meng Shen-Ji fiercely stamped his foot. Facing
prince Xue Xing, he bellowed,

“Your highness, you have screwed things up. Do you know

what kind of talent those people just now had?…...”

He had promised Shrek Academy to not divulge Tang San’s

external spirit bone secret. Now he had lost his temper, the
spirit power on his body unsteadily undulating.

Prince Xue Xing indifferently said,

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“Things up to now have not been good. If you three wish to
complain to His Majesty, I have nothing to say. Goodbye.”

Finished, he took Xue Beng and walked out. But he did not call
out for Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo also didn’t wish to leave immediately. Looking at the

three members of the board, he said,

“A group of spirit masters that have yet to reach the 80th

level, yet you still want them to stay. You three really are old.”

Meng Shen-Ji angrily said,

“You don’t understand anything. You are correct in that they

have yet to reach the 80th level, but do you know how big their
potential is? Perhaps in a decade, within that group of people
there will be many Title Douluo. Prince Xue Xing’s actions today
were pushing the empire towards an abyss. Don’t tell me you
believe that the incident today won’t cause them to bear

Dugu Bo snorted,

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“This is unrelated to me. Yan-Yan, grandpa has to leave; you
stay here and study hard.”

Prince Xue Xing took Xue Beng away from the Board hall.
While walking, it was clear that he was troubled,

“Xue Beng, this time you gave your Uncle many problems. I’m
afraid that those three old fellows will not leave the matter

Xue Beng smiled,

“Uncle, thank you very much for today. Did you see how
aggressive Shrek Academy was? If they stayed at the Academy,
sooner or later they would have caused trouble.”

Prince Xue Xing indifferently said,

“Forget it, things have not been beneficial so far. You must
remember, if your father the Emperor asks, you must say that
they attacked you first. If it wasn’t in order to weaken your

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older brother, do you think I would rashly insult so many Spirit
Masters? Xue Beng, you must work hard. If not, in the future
even if I wish to help you, I’m afraid I will not be able to. Those
three board members are extremely important to your father
the Emperor. Its a pity that they are all your brother’s people.”

As if it was a play, within was contained multiple deep

meanings, how would this Prince Xue Xing be an impulsive
person? (Don’t think I translated this right)

After going through all that, at the base of the mountain, no

one in Shrek Academy’s party said anything. Qin Ming quickly
followed them, also only walking behind Flender, not saying a
word. But from his ashen face, one could see how poor his
current mood was. (Help)

Reaching the bottom of the mountain, they once again saw

the clear lake at the foot of the mountain. However this time, no
one in Shrek Academy’s party was in the mood to appreciate the

“Dean, it would be better if we made Shrek academy big


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The one who said this was Dai Mubai.

Flender stopped walking, raised his head towards the sky.

Despite the glare of the sun, his heart was feeling cold.

Dai Mubai said,

“You always refuse to receive help from the students, I can

understand. However, right now, even if we were struggling for
breath we still can’t just drop this subject. Be at ease, I will not
use money from my home to help the school. Us seven are Shrek
Seven Devils, and naturally should help our Shrek Academy. We
can go participate in Spirit fight competitions. As we are a gold
level Spirit fighter team, we can absolutely make enough profit
for the school. If you let us represent the school, there will be a
day when we make Heaven Dou Imperial Academy regret their
actions today.”

Dai Mubai was Shrek Seven Devil’s oldest, and once he spoke
those words, the rest of Shrek Seven Devils all nodded their
heads, expressing approval.

Grandmaster sighed, and grabbed Flender’s shoulder,

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“Flender, I’m sorry. This is my fault.”

Flender shook his head,

“This has nothing to do with you. It is our unceasing bad luck.

I don’t know why, but right now I don’t even have the slightest
feeling of punishing the school. Perhaps, it’s because I’ve grown
tired over the years.” (Help)

Zhao Wuji asked,

“Then what should we do now?”

Ning Rongrong said,

“It would be better to go to my family’s castle. From here our

Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles Castle isn’t far.”

Flender shook his head,

“Forget it, I don’t feel like relying on other people’s charity.

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Rongrong, thank you for your good intentions.”

Ning Rongrong pressed on,

“Dean, don’t worry, my family is in no way like Heaven Dou

Academy. As you know, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles school
is very welcoming towards any Spirit Master. If anyone says
anything to you, I definitely will not let them go. Even if it is a
Poison Douluo, heng, wait until I go tell Uncle Jian and Uncle
Gu Tou to come out and beat his teeth out.”

Flender’s eyes gradually softened. He knew that his decision

right now didn’t just impact himself, but also these Shrek
Academy teachers and students. After collecting his thoughts,
he once again took on the spirit of a dean,

“How about this; since we’ve already come this far, we can try
resting at that Heaven Dou Empire capital. As for what we do
next, we can talk about it later.”

Just then, Qin Ming suddenly stepped forward and with a ‘pu
tong’ sound, he kneeled in front of Flender,

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“Dean, this is my fault; punish me.”

Flender hastily pulled him up,

“Qin Ming, what are you doing? How could I not know what
you feelings towards Shrek Academy are? For you to follow us is
enough proof that you hold Shrek Academy in the most
important regard. It should be us saying sorry for ruining your
future prospects.”

Qin Ming bitterly laughed,

“Future prospects? If it was not for the teaching I received,

how would I have a future? I have hands and feet so don’t tell
me that I won’t be able to survive if I leave Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy. I will bring everyone to Heaven Dou city. What junior
Dai said earlier I approve of; I really do believe in reopening
Shrek Academy again. Dean, Shrek Academy will forever be my
home, and if one of us does not wish for that, they can leave. If
you really are tired, we can help you rebuild the school.”

Flender nodded his head looking at the other teachers,

2092 Goldenagato |

“Let’s go, we will go to Heaven Dou City and look for a place
to stay first.

From Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to Heaven Dou City

really was close. A group of people carrying heavy hearts after
walking for a short period of time had already reached this
Heaven Dou Empire Capital.

From a distance, it was already possible to see the flag

fluttering on top of the city, and because this empire was the
most influential on the continent, it was also one of the most
flourishing cities. The city walls were a hundred meters tall and
made of the hardest granite. At the top and bottom, fully
armoured sentries equipped with pikes were standing guard and
patrolling the wall. Their bodies emitted an austere aura that
allowed one to see their heroic spirit.

Acupuncture points, meridians and associated functions were

traditionally arranged in songs to make them easier to
remember, like a mnemonic device. Just like any other poetry,
it doesn’t do well in translation. This is one such, called (八脉交
会八穴歌) or roughly Eight meridians converging on eight points
song. While I think I got which parts go where right after some
cross referencing, the whole translation is extremely tentative,
and if anyone knows of a more official translation let me know.

2093 Goldenagato |

He sometimes refers to himself as (本王), which I can’t find a
direct translation for, but would assume as a pronoun has the
meaning “of the king” or similar. I’ll translate it as the royal
“We” when applicable.

(雪星) “Snow Star”

(独孤博) “Only lonely plenty”

2094 Goldenagato |

Chapter 61 - Golden Iron Triangle’s Last

The city gate was more than ten meters tall, and also ten
meters wide, enough for six riders to pass side by side. To the
sides were also two secondary gates, still five meters high and
wide. Pedestrians could only pass through the secondary gates;
the central great gate was closed tightly.

As the Shrek Academy group had reached the city gates, and
were just about to enter the city, to the side they spotted an
enormous announcement.

“Recruiting: Blue Tyrant Advanced Spirit Master Academy,

because of its expansion, is presently recruiting the following
staff: ten fortieth ranked or higher Spirit Ancestors. Higher
spirit power has priority, favorable terms of employment.”

Seeing this information, Flender somewhat astonished said:

“This academy is advertising at the city gate? How


2095 Goldenagato |

By now his mood had already recovered somewhat, and his
miserly instincts reappeared.

Qin Ming was the most familiar with Heaven Dou Empire’s
capital, and hurriedly said:

“To be able to open up an advanced Spirit Master academy

within Heaven Dou City requires a certain background.
Although I don’t know the history of this Blue Tyrant Academy,
but in the last All Continent Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Grand Competition in the Heaven Dou capital’s
preliminary circuit, it was this academy that knocked out one of
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s two competing teams.
However, this year that Blue Tyrant Academy class should have
already graduated, and this year the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy’s Emperor Team is a lot more powerful than the last
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition, I expect
this time they don’t have a chance.”

Flender said:

“How big is this Blue Tyrant Academy?”

Qin Ming said:

2096 Goldenagato |

“Approximately one third of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.
Although smaller in size, being situated in Heaven Dou City
their expenses shouldn’t be less than Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy, only without the relation to the imperial household.
I’ve heard this academy’s education is exceptionally strict,
moreover with the characteristic of only accepting commoner
students. They refuse all nobles. If it didn’t have a history, it
would be impossible to gain a foothold within Heaven Dou

Flender’s eyes displayed a vengeful elation,

“Who says the Blue Tyrant Academy won’t be able to contend

against Heaven Dou Imperial Academy in this Spirit Master
Academy Grand Competition. Very soon, they will.”

Qin Ming stared blankly,

“Dean, you’re saying……”

Flender sighed in admiration, saying:

2097 Goldenagato |

“On the way here I’ve thought it over carefully. From the start
our Shrek Academy hasn’t had any advanced Spirit Master
academy qualifications, reopening it is easier said than done.
The requirements are far, far too many. I’m already so old, and
moreover I can’t let these old brothers suffer for my illusory
ideals. Since this Blue Tyrant Academy is pretty good, we’ll go
take a look. Besides, not taking revenge for this day’s disgrace
isn’t the style of me, Flender. What do you say?”

The last words were directed at the other teachers and the
Shrek Seven Devils.

Zhao Wuji chuckled, saying:

“You’re the boss, you’ve decided. Why ask us?”

The Shrek Seven Devils spoke in unison:

“We’ll all rely on the dean’s decision.”

Flender smiled faintly, saying:

2098 Goldenagato |

“If this place won’t do, there’s still enough time to go back
and reopen the Academy. Let’s go, we’ll take a look first.”

Nobody noticed that deep in Flender’s eyes flickered a

cunning light.

Following the address on the announcement, everyone

entered Heaven Dou City. With Qin Ming to guide them, there
was no need to ask directions. Passing through streets and
winding alleys, they very quickly reached their destination.

Heaven Dou City was extremely bustling, the streets were all
paved with blue bricks, every street was as wide as Suotuo City’s
main thoroughfare, and the scale of the city could only be
described as grand.

Blue Tyrant Academy’s gate house was surprisingly more or

less the same as Heaven Dou City’s city gate. Although a lot
thinner, that gate entrance was indeed ten meters tall. Although
the gate house was in beautifully carved white marble, it was
still very imposing, on top of the gate house were six words in
gold letters: Blue Tyrant Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

Just as they reached the Blue Tyrant Academy’s gate, Qin

2099 Goldenagato |

Ming immediately found a place for receiving visitors to the
side. Above was written ‘recruitment office’.

“Are you all here to enroll at the Academy?”

In charge of receiving visitors was a more than forty years old

middle aged Spirit Master. His question was mainly aimed at the
Shrek Seven Devils, after all, these children were only

Flender said:

“No, the ones here to enlist are us, these children are our
disciples. If we can successfully accept the job offer here, our
disciples would also wish to study at the Academy.”

The admittance teacher said:

“Enrolling students still have to pass the examination. Like

this, all Spirit Masters first take our test. If you are able to
become Academy teachers, I think, it will also be possible to
accommodate your disciples. After all, right now is still the new
student enrollment period, moreover your disciples are a bit

2100 Goldenagato |


Generally speaking, at an advanced Spirit Master academy,

even if they were outstanding Spirit Masters, new students were
generally sixteen to eighteen years old. More commonly twenty.
Tang San’s group didn’t seem to be eighteen.

“A test is no problem. Where is it?”

The admittance teacher had already been here for several

days, but the number of Spirit Masters coming to sign up was
very small. After all, Spirit Master academies’ treatment of
teachers couldn’t compare to the great clans. That was the best
path for high level Spirit Masters. And with seven prospective
teachers coming at once, how could he be indifferent. Hastily he

“I’ll bring you to take the test.”

Walking into the Blue Tyrant Academy, the feeling it gave had
no few differences with Heaven Dou Imperial Academy,
although this place didn’t have the beautiful mountain scenery
of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, everything gave people the
feeling of a kind of exceptional atmosphere. A spacious path led

2101 Goldenagato |

directly inside, to either side was a forest, and reaching the end
one could see a more than two hundred meters in diameter
field, surrounded by three storey buildings.

The admittance teacher introduced everyone, inside these

three storey buildings were mimicry area cultivation places,
student dorms, and the teaching facilities.

If saying Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was founded on a

mountain, then this Blue Tyrant Academy was founded in the
middle of a forest. Because around the school buildings, the
remaining space was all forest. Reportedly, this was the biggest
green area in all of Heaven Dou City. Able to have such a large
forest inside the city, as Qin Ming said, who dared say this Blue
Tyrant Academy lacked background?

The admittance teacher brought everyone straight to a sharp

roofed building, this building appeared the most stable of all the
Academy buildings. Just inside was a spacious hall. The inside
unexpectedly wasn’t split into rooms. Light came through large
windows all around, making this place exceedingly bright.

The floor was all granite, and the walls were simply painted
white, without any decorations.

2102 Goldenagato |

The admittance teacher had everyone wait here, while he
departed. Not long after, altogether three Spirit Masters entered
from outside.

These three also seemed around forty years old, ordinary

appearance, with nothing extraordinary about them. On their
faces were identical strict expressions.

The three walking into the hall stopped, the person in the lead

“Everyone taking the Spirit Master examination please do so

one by one. Who is first?”

Everyone looked at Flender, and Flender with a slight smile

waved his hand at Qin Ming, saying:

“Little Ming, you go first.”

Qin Ming nodded, walking forward, asking the three Spirit


2103 Goldenagato |

“If I may ask, how will this be conducted?”

The front Spirit Master said:

“Please release your spirit, as long as you’ve reached the

fortieth level, then, in a fight with one of us three, if you can
last for ten minutes you are eligible.”

Spirit power rank was naturally the most important, as long

as the spirit was released, the level and attributes of the Spirit
Master could be determined at a glance. As for fighting, it was a
test in real combat. After all, as a teacher, if one didn’t have
plentiful combat experience, one was clearly undesirable.


Qin Ming had choked down his anger from today’s business at
the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and without moderating his
pressure the least bit, he directly released his spirit.

Instantly, the atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to grow

heavy. The three Blue Tyrant Academy Spirit Masters in front
of Qin Ming simultaneously swayed, their expression couldn’t

2104 Goldenagato |

help being aghast.

These three Spirit Masters in charge of examination were over

fiftieth ranked Spirit King level Spirit Masters. The
counterparts Spirit suppressing their reactions just by being
released could only prove that this young Spirit Master was
more powerful than them.

Immediately following, around Qin Ming appeared a yellow

flame, and with a deep roar, the muscles under the clothes
began to swell, the originally loose clothing growing tight. His
eyes simultaneously grew yellow, altogether six spirit rings rose
from below, two yellow, three purple, one black. Although it
wasn’t an ideal combination, six spirit rings appearing at once
still shocked the three Blue Tyrant Academy teachers

Qin Ming said in a low voice:

“Sixty second ranked Inferno Gray Wolf Battle Spirit

Emperor, Qin Ming, power attack system.”

Regarding spirits, wolves generally had cold attributes. This

kind of fire attribute wolf Qin Ming had was classified as a

2105 Goldenagato |

variant spirit, extremely rare. Just as Flender remarked, Shrek
Academy only accepted monsters. If Qin Ming wasn’t a
monster, then how could he originally have entered Shrek?

Sixty second rank? The three testing Spirit Masters couldn’t

help but recoil two steps before Qin Ming’s bright yellow
flames, dodging the point.

Qin Ming raised his right hand, making an inviting gesture,

“Which of you will advise me?”

Advise? There wasn’t a damned thing to advise; a fiftieth level

confronting a sixtieth level power attack system Battle Spirit
Master, and a variant spirit at that, was that still a fight?

“Eh, this, there’s no need for a combat test. The Academy

stipulates that Spirit Masters exceeding the sixtieth rank are
exempt from further tests.”

That lead Blue Tyrant Academy Spirit Master examiner

inwardly wiped his sweat, thinking that today could be difficult
to deal with.

2106 Goldenagato |

Qin Ming withdrew his spirit and restrained the imposing
manner, everything returning to normal.

The Blue Tyrant Academy examiner on the left couldn’t help


“If I may be so presumptuous as to ask, how old are you this


Qin Ming calmly said:

“Thirty four.”

With the appearance of this simple number, in front of Qin

Ming three pairs of staring eyes widened. Thirty four, sixty
second rank, what concept was this? Let alone meeting, they
had never even heard of anything like it.

Flender said:

2107 Goldenagato |

“Since sixtieth rank and over don’t require additional
examination, then we there’s no need for us to waste time.
Brothers, spirit rings.”

Apart from Grandmaster, five Shrek Academy teachers

simultaneously released spirits sufficient to awe common Spirit
Masters. In an instant, two Spirit Emperors, three Spirit Sages,
a pile of thirty three spirit rings, appeared in front of the Blue
Tyrant Academy examiners.

“Sixty third ranked Dragon Pattern Staff Tool Spirit Emperor,

Li Yu-Song, power attack system.”

“Sixty sixth ranked Star Luo Chess Tool Spirit Emperor, Lu Ji-
Bin, control system.”

“Seventy first ranked Sweet Pea Tool Spirit Sage, Shao Xin,
food system.”

“Seventy sixth ranked Vigorous Vajra Bear Battle Spirit Sage,

Zhao Wuji, power attack system.”

“Seventy eighth ranked Owl Battle Spirit Sage, Flender, agility

2108 Goldenagato |

attack system.”

From the weakest to strongest, the Shrek Academy five,

including the two deans, one after another announced their
strength and names.

The three examiners were now already completely lifeless.

Altogether seven Spirit Masters had appeared, seemingly
applying for the advertised teaching positions, and apart from
one who hadn’t revealed his strength, the remaining six were
actually all powers above the sixtieth rank. The clutter of spirit
rings in front of them already made their eyes widen. If it
wasn’t for Flender and the others meticulously making sure
they didn’t release too much spirit power, perhaps the three
Blue Tyrant Academy teachers wouldn’t be able to stand

“Can we?”

Flender’s voice was infused with spirit power vibrations,

rousing the three extremely startled Spirit Masters.

“Ah, of course you can. Seniors, please withdraw your


2109 Goldenagato |

The three clearly became deferential.

On seeing this scene, Tang San standing among the Shrek

Seven Devils silently thought to himself, ‘in this world it’s sure
enough strength that speaks loudest.’ Before when a Title
Douluo made an appearance at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy,
the suppressed Shrek Academy teachers were left without
options, even dean Flender in the end showed restraint and
didn’t fight. Right now the Shrek Academy teachers strength
shook the Blue Tyrant Academy. ‘Strength’ sure enough was the
most important.

Drawing a deep breath, that Blue Tyrant Academy lead

teacher deferentially said:

“My humble name is Yin Shu. Fifty fourth ranked power

attack system Spirit Master. I am unable to evaluate all the
seniors’ level. As it’s like this, I’ll bring you to meet our dean,
who will determine everyone’s level and treatment.”

Everyone were Spirit Masters over sixtieth rank, this already

didn’t hold any meaning to the examiners, most important was
to get them to stay. This Yin Shu was entrusted with the heavy

2110 Goldenagato |

responsibility of recruiting teachers and was clearly an astute
person. Immediately he thought that he must first show these
formidable Spirit Masters the sincerity of Blue Tyrant Academy.

“Let’s go then.”

Flender smiled slightly. The Shrek Academy teachers were

already in a much better mood. After all, being admired was
always far more comfortable than being disdained. Although
this place wasn’t equal to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s
environment, it still had its merits.

Led by Yin Shu’s trio of Blue Tyrant Academy teachers,

exiting the sharp roofed building, they directly followed a small
path behind the Academy. Very quickly they entered the forest
surrounding the main campus.

Grandmaster puzzled asked:

“Your dean isn’t at the campus?”

Yin Shu said:

2111 Goldenagato |

“The dean normally isn’t in the Academy, preferring the
quiet, living alone in the forest. The Academy’s everyday affairs
are all handled by the teachers, only major matters require
instruction from the dean.”

Mentioning the dean, this Yin Shu’s eyes revealed a sincere

reverence, stemming entirely from the heart.

“So it’s like that.”

Grandmaster didn’t ask anything else, but for some reason his
heart constantly felt uneasy.

After walking for about ten minutes, as everyone advanced

through the fresh and clean atmosphere of the forest, suddenly
an indistinct singing voice was heard from far ahead.

The voice was soft and pleasant, with a lingering hidden

bitterness, mournful, making any listener sad. The melody
swung back and forth, indeed incomparably gentle and

2112 Goldenagato |

“On nights I cannot sleep what can I use as anaesthesia?

How can I endure so many feelings?

It's not that I don't want you with me but some things you
cannot know.

I gave up my precautions and loneliness followed

I want a space for myself.

Where I can properly consider our tomorrow.

If love isn't sweet like we imagined.

Then let me shoulder all the blame.

My heart is too confused and I need a bit of space.

If you understand then let me leave for now.

2113 Goldenagato |

My heart is too confused so I dare not wish to love again.

I want to cry but how to cry and yet not cry.

My heart is too confused and I need a bit of space.

Has Heaven forgotten to make plans for me.

My heart is too confused and I’m afraid of love’s betrayal.

I want to cry as if a lost child.

A lost child.”

The singing voice faded sorrowfully. Flender and

Grandmaster walking in front had both stopped walking when
the singing started, and right now Flender’s expression
appeared somewhat strange, while Grandmaster’s cheeks were
streaming with tears.

2114 Goldenagato |

That melodious woman’s voice slowly reached them,

“You even wrote this song for me, Xiao Gang. Do you
remember? My heart is too confused. Where are you really?”

Seeing Flender and Grandmaster’s strange expressions,

everyone couldn’t help but pause.

Suddenly Grandmaster turned around, about to run back

along the path before Flender grabbed his shoulder.

Flender shouted in a low voice:

“Xiao Gang, how long do you intend to run away? We’re

already here, do you truly have the heart not to see her?”

“Flender, did you already know she was here? Blue Tyrant
Academy, Blue Tyrant Academy, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon,
I should’ve realized it earlier.”

Flender made a helpless gesture,

2115 Goldenagato |

“How could I have known she’d be here, it’s just a
coincidence. Let’s go.”

Grandmaster displayed a struggling expression. At this

moment, the pain in his heart was no less than the pain Tang
San felt when he absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit
ring. Meeting again today after running for twenty years, and
moreover without any time to prepare his heart, what kind of
feeling was that!

Flender’s hand on Grandmaster’s shoulder tightened, in his

heart he was somewhat sorrowful, ‘Sister Long, I’ve brought
him to you. This time you have to say something to catch him;
you can’t let him leave again.’

Just as Grandmaster conjectured, Flender really knew she was

at this Blue Tyrant Academy. Originally when he chose to come
to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, part of the reason was that
she was in Heaven Dou City. Flender had never forgotten what
had happened between the three of them, and he had long ago
decided that even if he had to deceive Grandmaster this time,
he’d still once again play the middleman for the two. What did
other peoples’ opinion matter?

2116 Goldenagato |

Of the others, besides the guesses of Zhao Wuji who was most
familiar with Flender, as well as Tang San who was closest to
Grandmaster, nobody understood what was going on and could
only follow behind, walking forward.

Continuing several hundred meters forward, the forest

gradually thinned. On a particularly thick and solid tree hung a
sign, saying ‘Restricted area, please do not enter’.

Past this great tree, the scenery immediately changed.

There was a small lake, from side to side only fifty meters. A
three meters wide brook flowed quietly into the water from the
trees on the other side, and again back out, maintaining fresh
water in what should have been considered a pool.

Next to the pool was a simple thatched cottage built from

wooden boards and reeds, in complete harmony with its
surroundings. Within the fence surrounding the thatched
cottage were all kinds of flowers, falling over each other in their
eagerness to bloom, a multicolored beauty.

In the midst of all those flowers stood a woman, holding a

kettle and watering the plants. Perhaps because she heard the

2117 Goldenagato |

footsteps, her gaze unconsciously rose in the direction the Shrek
Academy group came from. She frowned minutely, perhaps
because they were disturbing the tranquility here.

However, as her gaze passed the three guiding Blue Tyrant

Academy teachers and fell on Flender and Grandmaster behind
them, her whole body stiffened, her hand relaxed, the kettle
falling to the ground with a thump. Right now she had already
completely forgotten the kettle spilling over.

She was a beautiful woman seemingly in her thirties, dressed

in a simple blue-green dress that wasn’t able to disguise her
charming figure. A blue-green scarf was wrapped over her head,
a somewhat pale face below, her facial features delicate,
appearance like a painting. Although her big black eyes were
currently lifeless, they still had spirit. Under the dress were
those undisguisable high peaks, rippling waves surging, a
mature ample figure that ordinary young ladies couldn’t hope

Yin Shu and the other Blue Tyrant Academy Spirit Masters
also guessed that Flender and Grandmaster were familiar with
the dean from their previous conversation, but right now still
acting according to etiquette they quickly stepped forward to
the fence, Yin Shu respectfully speaking to the beautiful

2118 Goldenagato |

“Dean, several Spirit Masters have arrived for the teaching
positions, among them are six whose strength surpass sixtieth
ranked spirit power. We are unable to make an assessment, so
we respectfully ask you to judge.”

Figure flickering, the beautiful woman was already outside

the fence. The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t even see how she
moved from inside, the other Spirit Masters also started. What
is called ‘one simple clue reveals the general trend’, from this
woman’s one simple movement, it could already be seen that
her strength was formidable.

“Xiao-, Xiao Gang, is it really you? I’m not dreaming?”

As the previously gentle and beautiful voice asked these

questions, right now her voice was trembling fiercely, tears
uncontrollably flowing down her pale face, extremely moved.

Grandmaster’s eyes were thoroughly red as he looked at this

woman he had yearned for night and day but not dared meet,
his lips shuddering, for a long time unable to say a word.

2119 Goldenagato |

It was still Flender who sighed,

“Our full Golden Iron Triangle finally meets again today.

Sister Erlong, we haven’t met for so many years, are you well?”

At the same time he sighed inwardly, looking at her, in her

eyes was still only Xiao Gang.

At this the beautiful woman’s eyes focused, her gaze turning

to Flender, difficult to describe emotions in her eyes,

“Boss Fu, it’s been so many years, but you still look the same.”

Flender smiled wryly,

“I’ve aged, but you’re still as graceful as before. Come, I’ll

introduce you. These are all my Shrek Academy teachers and
students, we accidentally saw the recruitment announcement
for your Academy. I didn’t expect it would be your domain, and
we came here looking for work.”

Skipping Grandmaster, Flender separately introduced the

2120 Goldenagato |

other Shrek Academy teachers to the beautiful woman, finally
saying to everyone:

“This is Liu Erlong, perhaps you’ve heard of her before. She

travelled with me and Grandmaster when we wandered the
spirit master world, the last corner of our Golden Iron

Liu Erlong. This name sounded somewhat monstrous,

everyone from Shrek Academy didn’t dare slight her and one by
one stepped forward to salute her. Liu Erlong put her feelings in
order, wiping the tears from her eyes, and politely returned
their greetings.

“Sister Erlong, aren’t you going to ask us inside?”

Flender said with a smile. Meeting Liu Erlong again, it wasn’t

just Grandmaster’s heart that flickered, how couldn’t he as
well? However, he could only secretly bury this flickering deep

Liu Erlong smiled wryly:

2121 Goldenagato |

“Boss Fu, does it look to you that my thatched hut can hold so
many people? What’s the matter with all of you? Since when
were you reduced to this kind of state?”

If anyone else had said that, perhaps Flender would’ve

immediately become hostile, but before the question asked by
the person who had once captivated him as well, he only
laughed wryly, simply recounting their circumstances up till

As she heard Flender say the Shrek Academy party had been
driven away from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, in Liu
Erlong’s eyes flashed a densely baleful air,

“Good, well done Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Boss Fu,

don’t say anything. Isn’t my place yours? This Blue Tyrant
Academy is completely in my charge. Let’s do it like this.
Everyone stay here, from now on this will be your home.”

Flender glanced at the walking corpse like Grandmaster at his

side, jokingly saying:

“The salary we demand is high, can you support it?”

2122 Goldenagato |

Liu Erlong smiled slightly, saying:

“Boss Fu, you’re wrong. It’s not a question of whether I can

support it, but a question of whether you can. You are the boss
of our Golden Iron Triangle, so from now on, this Academy is
yours. Tomorrow I’ll convene a general assembly of students
and staff to announce it. At the same time, the name of the
Academy will be changed to Shrek. Let me also benefit from the
glory of your Shrek Academy.”


Although Flender always knew Liu Erlong was a woman more

straightforward than most men, he still hadn’t expected her to
so easily present him with an academy on this scale, and for a
moment he was unable to respond. On the other side, the three
Blue Tyrant Academy teachers hearing this were even more

“Teacher Yin Shu, I’ll trouble you to go announce a general

assembly of students and staff tomorrow. These are all friends I
haven’t met for many years, so today we’ll reminisce about old
times. Have the dining hall prepare a sumptuous banquet in the
elegant room on the second floor, I have to receive them.”

2123 Goldenagato |

“Yes, dean.”

Although they didn’t quite understand the relationship

between dean Liu Erlong and these people, this clearly wasn’t
something Yin Shu’s trio should ask about, and they hurried
back along the path.

“Xiao Gang, are you planning to never speak to me?”

Liu Erlong’s gaze once again switched to Grandmaster. The

emotions in her eyes hadn’t faded, but her voice no longer
trembled - rather sounded somewhat lonely.

Looking at the beautiful woman as delicate as a flower in front

of him, Grandmaster’s heart shuddered, with some difficulty
opening his mouth several times, but again discovering he was
unable to say anything.

Liu Erlong gazed deeply at Grandmaster,

“Xiao Gang, this time I won’t let you once again slip out of my

2124 Goldenagato |


Flender smiling said:

“Sister Erlong, even if it was a coincidence this time, I’ve

delivered him to you. If you let him run away this time, I’m
afraid you’ll never see him again. Time really passes quickly, in
the blink of an eye it’s been twenty years, a whole twenty

Drawing a deep breath, Liu Erlong forced her gaze away from
Grandmaster, saying to the Shrek party:

“Everyone come with me first, I’ll introduce Blue Tyrant

Academy to you, ah, no, it should be called Shrek Academy.
This forest is the biggest in Heaven Dou City, a resource fully
belonging to the Academy. Although the facilities here aren’t as
good as at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, they’re still not too
lacking. It’s already been ten years since the founding of the
Academy, since we only accept commoner Spirit Masters,
consequently the quality of the Spirit Masters’ spirits isn’t as
high as ordinary advanced Spirit Master academies. But it’s also
because our students all come from common backgrounds that
they’re much more hardworking in cultivation than those from

2125 Goldenagato |

great clans or influential noble families. In the last Spirit Master
Grand Competition we prevailed over a lot of powerful enemies,
finally entering the top eight. That achievement was only a bit
short of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Their second team was
even eliminated by us.”

After a pause, Liu Erlong continued:

“As for the question of teachers and students in the future,

that’s boss Fu’s problem. I’m basically unqualified to be a dean,
and now I can finally give it up. Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
unexpectedly dared drive you away, humph, I’d like to have a
look at their reasons. Let’s see in next year’s Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Grand Competition.”

Liu Erlong gave everyone a somewhat peculiar impression.

There was a gap between her words and appearance: if she
changed into luxurious clothing she would appear a high class
lady, but the words she used were brimming with belligerence.

To Zhao Wuji who had some understanding of the original

Golden Iron Triangle, this appearing somewhat flirtatious
beauty was remarkable. Originally in the Golden Iron Triangle,
Flender was called the flying corner, Grandmaster was called
the directing corner, and this Liu Erlong was known as the

2126 Goldenagato |

slaughtering corner. Her character was vengeful, her
temperament exceedingly fiery, it was only in front of
Grandmaster and Flender that she was somewhat moderate.

At once, Liu Erlong gave everyone a detailed introduction to

Blue Tyrant Academy, and it was even better than they had
imagined. Although the entire Academy only had two hundred
students, it was universally praised throughout the Heaven Dou
Empire. Even Spirit Masters from noble backgrounds were
forced to recognize Blue Tyrant Academy’s contribution to the
Spirit Master world. This could be called a cradle for commoner
Spirit Masters. Although it had only been open for ten years, it
had already produced a lot of Spirit Masters with considerable
strength. Even Spirit Hall wished to cooperate with Blue Tyrant
Academy, but Liu Erlong had refused everyone.

Even though the facilities here weren’t equal to Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy, they were still far better than at Shrek

“Good, it should be about time, let’s go eat and chat.”

Liu Erlong seemed to have already forgotten Grandmaster.

Afterwards she amply displayed her straightforward nature,
bringing the Shrek Academy party to eat lunch, resolving

2127 Goldenagato |

everyone’s doubts one by one. Then she again brought everyone
to tour the Blue Tyrant Academy, and finally brought them to
the Academy’s teacher’s dorms to arrange quarters for
everyone. As for the question of salary and so on, Liu Erlong
directly pushed them onto Flender. Anyway, from tomorrow
onwards this Academy would change to Shrek, no longer Blue

Within this day going from the cheerful early morning, to the
humiliation in the late morning, and once again finally to a
glimmer of hope, to everyone in the Shrek party this was really
somewhat excessive.

At Flender’s request, supper wasn’t as sumptuous as lunch

had been, and everyone very quickly finished eating.

Flender said:

“Today has been tiring for everyone, later go and rest a bit
early. Starting from tomorrow, I’m afraid we’ll be busy.”

Having just arrived in a new environment, whether it was the

teachers or students, they all needed to adjust. To say nothing of
Liu Erlong already pushing the entire Academy on Flender.

2128 Goldenagato |

Regarding this, Flender wasn’t polite with Liu Erlong. He knew
that his sister Erlong did it on purpose. Despite knowing that
this was perhaps in Liu Erlong’s heart a compensation for him,
he was still unable to refuse, just like he had always been unable
to refuse her requests.

“Little San, join me for a walk.”

Grandmaster didn’t dare meet Liu Erlong’s cauterizing gaze,

pushing away from the table, calling for Tang San and walking


Tang San responded, hurriedly standing up and immediately

following Grandmaster outside.

Liu Erlong acted as if she didn’t see Grandmaster leave,

picking up a napkin from the table and wiping her mouth.

Flender’s face showed a smile,

2129 Goldenagato |

“You’re not afraid he’ll run again?”

Liu Erlong looked at Flender, equally smiling, but her smile

was somewhat pondering,

“Boss Fu, do you believe he will still have the chance to run
after meeting me again? This time, even if I have to tie him up,
I’ll keep him at my side.”

Leaving the dining hall, Grandmaster directly headed towards

the forest. He’d always liked plants, and especially the quiet in
the forest.


(音书) “Sound book”

For a change I’m butchering a song rather than a poem, and it

comes with an interesting footnote. I’ve used a translation by
letitbegin with some minor edits. The song is (Wo de xin tai
luan 我的心太乱) or “My heart is too confused” (1997) by
Taiwanese composer and singer Steve Chou Chuan-huing (周傳
雄). Of interest to us is that one of his nicknames is Xiao Gang (小

2130 Goldenagato |

刚) - precisely Grandmaster’s real name! Another nickname is
“Godfather of love songs”. A recording that seems thematically
appropriate can be found here

This is the same “boss” that the Seven Devils use for Dai
Mubai, and can also mean the oldest among siblings. ‘Fu’ is the
first character in Flender.

(柳二龙) “Willow Two Dragon” That’s the same Liu as Liu

Long, boss Xiao Chen-Yu’s third in command at Nuoding
Primary Spirit Master Academy. But I wouldn’t expect them to
be related.

2131 Goldenagato |

Chapter 62 - Golden Iron Triangle’s Past

Tang San followed behind Grandmaster without asking

anything, only quietly accompanying his Teacher. He could
sense Grandmaster’s complex feelings.

At this moment, letting his Teacher calm down a bit should be

the best option.

Walking into the forest, the temperature clearly dropped

compared to outside, the fresh and cool atmosphere rousing
Grandmaster’s spirit and it seemed even his mood eased a bit.

Stopping, Grandmaster turned to Tang San, calmly saying:

“Little San, aren’t you very curious about my relationship

with Erlong, why it is like this right now, why I would evade her
for twenty years?”

Tang San nodded.

Grandmaster sighed,

2132 Goldenagato |

“Let me tell you a story.”

“Twenty years ago, a youth born from a prestigious clan,

because of a variant spirit, couldn’t inherit the school’s spirit
and was exiled. In order to prove himself, he studied everything
about Spirit Masters, researching even deeper meanings, hoping
to one day be able to gain the approval of the world. As he
travelled outside, he met a like minded young Spirit Master and
the two decided to travel the Spirit Master world together.”

“One day, when they hunted spirit beasts in a spirit beast

forest, they encountered a beautiful young lady. The young lady
was alone, and her lively and straightforward nature very
quickly attracted these two youths. The three became fast
friends, and two companions increased to three.”

“With the passing of time, the two youths both grew to like
that young lady with the Fire Dragon Spirit, but because they
thought of each other as brothers, they were unwilling to state
it clearly. Especially that youth unable to possess strength
because of his variant spirit, buried this affection even deeper in
his heart. As a result of the three unexpectedly discovering that
between the three of them they were able to use a kind of
formidable spirit fusion ability, relying on this formidable

2133 Goldenagato |

strength, they gradually became known in the Spirit Master
world as the Golden Iron Triangle.”

Here Grandmaster sighed once again,

“Things like feelings accumulate over time, and the deeper

they are buried, sometimes they will instead grow even more
intense. As the three grew older their feelings also grew more
profound. At last one day, that powerful youth was unable to
hold back the torment of his feelings and confessed them to that
young lady. But, the result was extremely unexpected to the two
youths. The young lady always knew the two youths cared for
her, and it was precisely because of this that she was afraid to
speak out her own choice and hurt the other. Now confronted
with the strong youth’s confession, she was finally unable to
conceal it further and called it out in front of both youths. She
told them that the one she liked was the youth whose strength
was inferior due to a variant spirit, but through perseverance
and great effort gained superb theoretical understanding.”

“You should already have guessed that the young lady was
Erlong, and the two youths were me and Flender. Even now I
still clearly remember Flender’s disappointed expression that
time, and still the sound of my own heartbeat. At that time I
suddenly felt a happiness I had never had in my whole life.
However, me and Erlong were both unwilling to harm Flender,

2134 Goldenagato |

for a while there was silence between the three of us. Like that,
a long time passed with a stifling mood over us. Finally, Flender
stood up. He was the oldest of us and said that he wanted me to
be his brother, and Erlong to be his brother’s wife.”

Tang San couldn’t help saying:

“Dean Flender really is a good person. Perhaps this is the best


Grandmaster nodded,

“For a lifetime I will never forget Flender’s words. He said

that he had already lost his love, and he absolutely didn’t want
to lose his brother and sister. He blessed us from his heart.”

Tang San puzzled said:

“Since it was like this, you and Erlong should have been able
to marry, then why would……”

Grandmaster smiled wryly:

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“If everything had gone smoothly, there wouldn’t be a story.
Perhaps our children would already be older than you. But, I
don’t know if it was Heaven’s joke on us, but everything we had
was destroyed.”

“I remember that day very clearly. The stars were especially

bright in the night sky, with Flender presiding for us, me and
Erlong were finally married. Even if at that time we didn’t have
anything, didn’t have the blessings of family or friends, didn’t
have a grand ceremony, at that time we all felt incomparably
happy. As long as we were able to be together with those we
loved, what did other people matter?”

“The three of us were drinking together, Flender intending to

say goodbye to us and go out to travel on his own. Suddenly
several people appeared. And these were people I was familiar
with. The person in the lead was my uncle, the Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon clan’s present second master, Yu Luomian. At
that time his arrival made me extremely startled, but since that
day was my day of exaltation, and since he was family, me and
Erlong could still relate to this second uncle, and we
immediately happily invited him into our house.”

Here Grandmaster’s mood clearly became agitated,

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“However, who would have thought that my second uncle
wasn’t looking for me. His target was actually Erlong.”

“What? Why?”

Tang San startled asked.

Grandmaster continued:

“Before we married, as me, Erlong and Flender travelled the

Continent, we never asked each other about our backgrounds,
those were our private matters. Since I wasn’t allowed to speak
about my family, Flender was born from a poor household, and
Erlong never spontaneously mentioned it. My second uncle’s
purpose in finding us, was unexpectedly to recognize blood
relations. Erlong, Erlong was actually his illegitimate daughter.”

Tang San stared wide eyed with shock, the Will of Heaven
toyed with people, no wonder, no wonder Teacher would chose
to leave, all of this was truly too unfair to him.

“When Erlong heard me address him as second uncle her face

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already paled. As I asked her, not daring to believe it, seeing her
nod, I felt as if I’d been struck by thunder from a clear sky. How
I hadn’t expected, my affectionate wife, was actually my

Teardrops, escaping control rolled down Grandmaster’s face.

Even if twenty years had passed, that scene would never fade
from his mind.

The joy of marrying his beloved, abruptly becoming great

grief, what suffering was that.

His voice choked with emotion, Grandmaster’s expression was

hard to make out,

“At that time, second uncle looking at our clothing clearly

understood what was going on. His first words were, ‘how can
you marry this useless trash’. Originally I’d always thought
second uncle was good to me, not looking at me like the others
of the clan. Until that time when I learned my mistake, in fact,
even he thought of me as trash.”

“I later learned that Erlong was born from my second uncle

and a prostitute. Because of Erlong’s mother’s background he

2138 Goldenagato |

didn’t dare bring her back home. When Erlong left to travel the
world, her mother had already passed away from illness. She
was always brought up by second uncle in the outer territories.
He also let her follow matrilineally. Her mother chose the name
Erlong after her father. My second uncle’s infant name was
precisely Erlong.”

“But, Teacher, if senior Erlong is your patrilineal cousin, then

her spirit should be inherited from your clan, Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon. Don’t tell me, don’t tell me that senior Erlong’s
spirit is actually also……”

Grandmaster nodded,

“Yes, Erlong also has a variant spirit, only hers didn’t become
weak. Although it didn’t become formidable, in the end it’s still
extremely strong. Thunder variation has similarities to flame,
this is the origin of her Fire Dragon Spirit. It was this kind of
coincidence that formed this tragedy between us.”

“Then, I ran like mad. At that time I wanted to die. I already

had no one else. Erlong wanted to chase after me, but second
uncle stopped her. If it wasn’t for Flender catching up to me,
stopping me from suicide, perhaps there wouldn’t be a
Grandmaster now.”

2139 Goldenagato |

Tang San didn’t say anything else, right now even he was
inundated in the sorrowful world of Grandmaster’s heart.

Neither of them knew that not far behind them another

person equally had a face streaming with tears, helplessly gazing
attentively in their direction.

“What could I do? Although afterwards I lost the desire to die,

at that time Erlong was my whole life. You’ve also seen that I’m
not considered handsome or strong. But she rejected Flender
who was stronger than me, and chose me. I loved her so, but
spouse changed into little sister. That kind of pain is
unimaginable to most people. In the end, discouraged, I could
only choose to run. I didn’t let Flender follow, only quietly
leaving on my own.”

“Afterwards, I heard from Flender that Erlong and my second

uncle had a big falling out after returning to the clan, searching
for me everywhere like mad. I wanted to see her so much, but I
couldn’t. I couldn’t destroy her reputation.”

“Siblings marrying isn’t tolerated by the world. Even if I

didn’t care, Erlong is a woman, how could I let her endure that?

2140 Goldenagato |

Even more, what my second uncle said was right, I’m only
trash, a useless trash, that’s all. Erlong and me together, I don’t
even have the ability to protect her. She shouldn’t be with me.”

“Year after year passed, I didn’t even dare listen to rumors

about Erlong. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep from going
to find her. In my confusion, I could only throw my heart and
soul into spirit research. Only when I met you could I reveal my
heart again. I entrusted my heart to you. These years have been
a bit easier. I know Flender definitely knew Erlong was here,
he’s not a careless person, if he didn’t know in advance, after
being provoked at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy just before,
how would he have again gone looking for an academy? Only I
thought nothing of it at the time. Meeting Erlong again can only
bring me more pain. Erlong is far stronger than me. This time,
even if I wanted to escape this vortex of pain it would perhaps
already be impossible for me.”

Tang San looked at Grandmaster, the edges of his eyes already

somewhat moist. Yes, Heaven was unjust to Teacher, even if he
had already been deprived of the powerful spirit he should have
inherited, unexpectedly even his marriage had to be destroyed.

“Teacher, are worldly opinions really so important? Who says

you are trash? To me, you are the most formidable Spirit
Master. Knowledge is power. Who dares say they are stronger

2141 Goldenagato |

than you in spirit lore? Nobody. Teacher, you are the strongest.
Aunt Erlong waited for you for so many years without choosing
someone else, how deep are her feelings for you? Running away
like this again will only bring more suffering to the two of you.
Even if you truly care about worldly opinions, you can still
bring her to run away along with you!”

Grandmaster painfully shook his head,

“No, that’s too unfair to Erlong. Little San, loving someone

doesn’t necessarily mean insisting on having them. I want even
more for her to be able to live cheerfully, happily.”

Tang San had already forgotten he was a student. Seeing

Grandmaster’s melancholy, he couldn’t help but defiantly say:

“How will running away like this make aunt Erlong happy? If
she was happy, would she sing that kind of sorrowful song?
Would she weep from one look at you? She didn’t even dare use
words to try you out, afraid to upset you. Teacher, your heart is
too weak. What are worldly opinions? Aunt Erlong is fearless,
but you’re afraid. You should be together with her, bravely
going out to confront all this, cutting open all barriers to walk
together. Whatever your family, whatever others think, you
being together is no mistake. Even if your bloodlines are close, is

2142 Goldenagato |

there truly no room for this kind of match? Teacher, you’re not
only afraid aunt Erlong will suffer if she’s together with you, at
the same time you don’t dare accept this reality, you have an
inferiority complex!”

Grandmaster looked stupidly at Tang San, lips moving but

already speechless. Although he and Flender were equally
proud, he who possessed an inferior spirit, deep in his heart
always had an inferiority complex. Flender and Erlong had
never dared say what they really thought, but the agitated Tang
San had hit the key point.

“He’s right. Why must you have an inferiority complex, what

if ten million people call you trash? As long as I, Liu Erlong,
believe you are the strongest it’s enough. Xiao Gang, do you
truly not understand? If I cared about the family relation
between us, would I always search for you like this? Would I
always be in such pain?”

Liu Erlong slowly walked out in the distance behind Xiao

Gang and Tang San, teardrops constantly rolling down her face,
looking at Grandmaster, firmly approaching step by step with a
brilliantly tender countenance.

This time, Grandmaster at last didn’t once again try to escape

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Liu Erlong’s gaze. Watching her approach step by step,
Grandmaster’s heartbeat clearly sped up. The obstruction in his
heart gradually fractured under the surges of emotion. The
protective barrier of twenty years was already unable to further
suppress the love deep in his heart.

Tang San very quietly retreated, gradually moving into the

forest. He knew that at this moment nobody should disturb
them. Inwardly he wished the best for Grandmaster. How
would he not have seen the loneliness his Teacher often

Now the source had finally been found. If it could be dispelled,

letting Grandmaster and Liu Erlong truly walk together, then it
would be the best conclusion for all sides.

The forest was dark and tranquil and Tang San was in no
hurry to return, only quietly walking in the woods. For some
reason, hearing the story of Grandmaster and Liu Erlong, his
mind suddenly recalled Xiao Wu. His state of mind wasn’t that
of a thirteen year old child, but that of a middle aged man.

Xiao Wu was his little sister, what was really her place in his
heart? Ever since getting to know Xiao Wu, Tang San deep
inside pondered on this question for the first time.

2144 Goldenagato |

If, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s story had been his and Xiao
Wu’s, how would he have settled it? Tang San discovered that
right now he was somewhat perplexed, at a loss.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly chilled somewhat,

making Tang San shiver. He couldn’t help but frown in

With his spirit power breaking through the thirtieth rank, his
Mysterious Heaven Skill had already reached the fourth tier,
heat and cold shouldn’t affect him, much less in the summer, so
how did he feel cold?

But at this moment Tang San suddenly stopped in shock.

Three meters in front of him a man had appeared at some
unknown time. A green man.

Green hair, green eyes, green fingernails, eyes as ice cold and
vicious as a viper. This person who suddenly appeared in front
of Tang San was someone he had met during the day, that Title
Douluo with the title of Poison: Dugu Bo.

2145 Goldenagato |

Tang San almost reflexively released his spirit, but in the next
instant Dugu Bo had already arrived in front of him, without
being seen to move. Tang San only felt a spell of dizziness, then
he didn’t feel anything at all.

But at this moment a spirit power fluctuation roused the not

distant Erlong who had just melted into Grandmaster’s arms.


Liu Erlong’s eyes flashed, sharply moving out of

Grandmaster’s embrace, her gaze shifting in the direction of
that spirit power fluctuation. She clearly felt that while the
spirit power fluctuation wasn’t strong it contained a terrifying
energy, figure flickering, she instantly covered Grandmaster
behind her.

Grandmaster was first startled, then immediately following

his expression changed greatly,

“Not good, it might be related to little San. Quickly go look.”

Liu Erlong very naturally grabbed Grandmaster’s hand,

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abruptly accelerating, relying on spirit power to swiftly reach
the location. But besides a chill in the air they didn’t find any
clues. Liu Erlong pushed her spirit power to search with all her
strength, but she was still unable to find Tang San again.

Grandmaster promptly said:

“Go, let’s first find Flender. This cold air is somewhat

familiar. If it’s that person, I’m afraid it will be difficult to deal

Although Grandmaster wasn’t strong, his powers of

observation and ability to make snap judgements were far
beyond that of ordinary people.

This trace of cold air immediately made him recall meeting

Dugu Bo during the day at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy as
well as Dugu Bo later meeting his granddaughter Jade Phosphor
Serpent Spirit Master Dugu Yan.


Head spinning, as Tang San awoke from unconsciousness he

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discovered his surroundings were completely painted black.

There were only two points of green light that glittered eerily
in the darkness.

Silently urging Mysterious Heaven Skill, spirit power

gradually condensed within Tang San’s body, his strength once
again returning, but he still didn’t move. Grandmaster had
taught him that the more dangerous the circumstances the
more you had to keep calm, he absolutely couldn’t let himself
end up in a crisis because of acting blindly without thinking.

“Having woken up there’s no need keep pretending. Are you

really only thirteen? Your mentality resembles someone more

A hoarse voice came from the side. Along with his eyes
adapting to the darkness, Tang San with the help of the two
points of dim light could make out Dugu Bo sitting not far to his
side, and that those two points of green light were actually Dugu
Bo’s eyes.

Turning over and sitting up, Tang San still didn’t speak up,
only coldly looking at Dugu Bo. His heart was already ice cold.

2148 Goldenagato |

No need to ask, he already knew Dugu Bo’s reason for
kidnapping him: clearly it was Dugu Yan’s revenge. Remaining
in the hands of this Poison titled Title Douluo, how could there
still be a good ending?

“Kid, you’re called Tang San?”

Dugu Bo leaned on the stone wall behind him, calmly asking.


Tang San replied very simply. He naturally wasn’t resigned to

waiting for death, and sitting there he was quietly amassing his
spirit power.

Although he knew that a thirtieth level Spirit Master

confronting a more than ninetieth ranked Title Douluo basically
didn’t have a chance, if he didn’t at least struggle, how could he
be resigned to the result?

Green light flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes,

2149 Goldenagato |

“I heard, you broke my granddaughter’s third spirit ring, and
even used poison to restrain her. How did you dissolve her
snake venom? Just alcohol isn’t enough.”

Tang San calmly said:

“An old freak like you is known as the Poison Douluo, don’t
tell me you don’t even understand the effect of realgar on snake
venom? Realgar mixed into alcohol can completely show the
effects of realgar, further adding flame for heat. Even though
your granddaughter’s third spirit ring is very poisonous, it’s
still unable to resist all that.”

Dugu Bo suddenly made a strange chuckle,

“How many years, how many years has it been since someone
dared talk to me like that? Kid, aren’t you afraid to die? You
actually dare doubt an old man’s poison? Don’t you know that
even other Title Douluo would change color when talking about
my poison.”

Tang San snorted disdainfully,

2150 Goldenagato |

“Your poison? It’s just trash, that’s all.”

“What did you say?”

Green light suddenly set off in Dugu Bo’s eyes, with just a flick
of his hand, Tang San was flung away by an irresistibly
powerful force, heavily smashing into the rock wall behind him
and almost losing consciousness again from the pain.

“Kid, if you dare wag your tongue like that in front of me

again, even if your poison interests me, I’ll still immediately kill
you. My poison is trash? I can instantly affect every living
creature within a kilometer, not even a blade of grass would
grow. If I want to kill you I don’t even need to use my hands, I
can kill you with poison at once. In this world, there is still no
Spirit Master who has been able to compare to me in the poison
attribute. You actually dare doubt my poison.”

Tang San struggled to stand up, resisting the pain and

straightening his back,

“I want to wag my tongue in front of you? As far as I’m

concerned, what’s even the point of that? Your poison is indeed
ferocious, but it’s still trash. A poisoner uses poison on his

2151 Goldenagato |

enemies, but you’ve even poisoned yourself, don’t tell me your
poison isn’t trash?”

Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, he waved his right hand

and the entire surrounding cavern immediately lit up with a
dark green flames.

Under the illumination of the green fire, Tang San clearly saw
that he was in a round thousand square meter cave. Dugu Bo
was dressed the same as during the day, right now simply
standing ten meters in front of him.

“Truly laughable. I would poison myself? This year I’m

seventy eight, and I’ve always only poisoned others, and still
never been poisoned by others.”

Dugu Bo looked coldly at Tang San. Strangely, this time he

didn’t attack.

Tang San snorted disdainfully,

“Really? Then let me ask you, when the sky is overcast and
raining, isn’t there an ache over two of your ribs, moreover one

2152 Goldenagato |

that gradually grows stronger, flaring up around noon and
midnight? In your current condition, it should persist for two
hours or more each time. Also, late every night, approximately
around midnight, on top of your head and your heart should
have a pricking pain like a pincushion. Your whole body
spasming for at least an hour. That kind of pain that makes you
wish you were dead doesn’t need my description. If you’re not
poisoned, then would you have symptoms like these? You’re not
just poisoned, the poisoned has even entered your bone
marrow. But what baffles me is how you still haven’t died. The
poison within you isn’t something that can be suppressed with
spirit power.”

“How-, how do you know?”

Dugu Bo no longer held back his shock, speaking


Tang San described it as if he’d seen it himself, and this could

be said to be Dugu Bo’s biggest secret. Even his closest
granddaughter didn’t know, so how couldn’t he be startled
when now hearing it from Tang San’s mouth? Killing intent
flared in his eyes, seeming to pierce Tang San.

A Title Douluo’s strength really was too powerful, the

2153 Goldenagato |

murderous aura released from Dugu Bo was essentially the same
as a strike at Tang San’s chest. Tang San made a retching sound,
spouting a mouthful of blood, retreating three steps before with
difficulty standing firm. Blue Silver Grass abruptly appeared
under the pressure of Dugu Bo’s killing intent, even his external
spirit bone Eight Spider Lances immediately unfolded from his
back, releasing its terrifying energy to protect Tang San.

“That’s the way to do it.”

Dugu Bo had already calmed down, he believed that by relying

on his already substantial murderous aura, hitting and killing a
mere thirtieth ranked Spirit Master was easily done, he had
killed people to silence them more times than he could
remember. But he hadn’t expected Tang San would actually be
able to stand up to his attack. Even though he spit blood he
didn’t seem to have suffered any serious injury. This kind of
physique clearly wasn’t something a thirtieth level Spirit
Master should possess.

“Let me see. This is the spirit that injured my


Dugu Bo’s figure flickered, already appearing in front of Tang

San as he raised a hand to grab him.

2154 Goldenagato |

Blue Silver Grass acted automatically. Tang San’s first spirit
ring abruptly flared, and the first spirit ability, Binding,

Tenacious Blue Silver Grass frantically wound around Dugu

Bo with all of Tang San’s strength, in just a moment wrapping
him up entirely.

But terrifyingly, those Blue Silver Grass that just now wound
about Dugu Bo suddenly melted away like ice and snow.

Sure enough, they were melting, like snow in a fire, without

even pausing. Even to the extent that they didn’t even slow
Dugu Bo’s rising hand. The next moment, Dugu Bo’s large hand
had already grabbed Tang San’s shoulder.

Dugu Bo’s hand was firm, holding on to the shoulder like an

iron hoop. The Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s back thrust
out practically simultaneously, with sharp sounds of splitting
the air piercing at Dugu Bo. Purple light broke out, toxin already

2155 Goldenagato |


Dugu Bo was surprised. At his level of strength, without even

meeting the attack, his aura alone was enough to sense that the
Eight Spider Lances attack power was far beyond that of Blue
Silver Grass. Green light spread from Dugu Bo in a flash, but his
spirit still couldn’t be seen. Eight Spider Lances thrust at the
green light, but could only cause eight ripples in the dark green
light and were unable to penetrate deeply.

“So it’s like that. It was actually an external spirit bone. No

wonder, no wonder Yan-yan wasn’t your match.”

Dugu Bo had a flash of insight, looking at Tang San’s Eight

Spider Lances his eyes had an avaricious light.

An ice cold spirit power transmitted from the big hand on

Tang San’s shoulder. Tang San suddenly felt his whole body
going numb, unable to amass his spirit power.

That ice cold stream spread through his body in a moment,

just like he had fallen into an ice cellar. Despite Tang San’s
astonishing gifts, his strength outstanding among his peers, as
well as battle experience and cool head, these were all useless

2156 Goldenagato |

before the absolute gap in strength. Before Dugu Bo’s spirit
power, let alone resisting, right now he was even unable to
move his little finger.

Dugu Bo clearly also didn’t consider Tang San to be a threat,

with a casual motion he threw him to the ground, somewhat
disappointed saying:

“Unfortunately it’s already fused. Otherwise this kid would

have brought me a great gift.”

Dugu Bo stared at Tang San with the green light burning in

his eyes, as if he was looking at a rare treasure, the greedy light
flickered in and out,

“I have to admit that you are much stronger than my

granddaughter, and even stronger than that kid Yu Tian-Heng.
Thirteen years old, more than thirtieth ranked spirit power,
external spirit bone, strong poison. It’s a pity, truly a pity.”

Due to the immense gap in strength, Dugu Bo didn’t bother

with sealing Tang San’s spirit power, and Tang San once again
struggled to crawl up from the floor, coldly saying:

2157 Goldenagato |

“I didn’t expect I would actually die at the hands of an old
freak using trash poison. It’s a pity, truly a pity.”

Dugu Bo’s eyes emitted a viper-like ice cold light,

“Do you want me to kill you on the spot? As far as I’m

concerned, killing you is as easy as crushing an ant. However, I
won’t be in a hurry to kill you. I’m a bit interested in a spirit
bone from a Man Faced Demon Spider, I’ll drain all the poison
from your spirit bone, and then I’ll kill you slowly.”

Tang San’s eyes displayed a strong unwillingness. He knew

that he wouldn’t have the slightest chance against this old freak
even if he used his latest hidden weapons. Going up against an
opponent like this was only possible if he could master the top
three hidden weapons in Hidden Weapons Hundred Separation,
otherwise the outcome would only be death.

He was unwilling to see Tang Sect’s knowledge die without

even mastering it, and even more without transferring Tang
Sect poison to this world. He was unwilling because he hadn’t
even had the chance to cultivate his second spirit. He was even
more reluctant to leave this brightly colorful world than that
time at Tang Sect.

2158 Goldenagato |

Since coming to this world he had at last come into contact
with the outside, and gained far, far too many attachments.

Seeing the unwillingness in Tang San’s eyes, the old freak

couldn’t help but laugh heartily,

“Not reconciled to it? I’ve seen this kind of expression in

countless eyes. What I like the most is strangling this kind of
reluctance. Perhaps in a few more decades you truly would be
able to surpass me. However, now you won’t have the chance.
You say my poison is trash? But you’re still going to die by my

Tang San coolly said:

“This is my greatest regret. If I had time, even without using

my spirit, I could still threaten you. A trash poisoner like you
basically isn’t equal to farts. Not only did your own skills put
you in misery, but you’ll still leave behind calamity for later
generations. Trash among trash.”

“What did you say?”

2159 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo suddenly became agitated, unexpectedly extending
an arm in an instant, grabbing Tang San’s neck and pulling him

This time Tang San didn’t even resist at all, only looked coldly
at Dugu Bo. Even though it was difficult to even breathe, he still
forced out the words:

“You think you will have a good ending? Your symptoms will
constantly worsen, even though I still don’t know just how
you’ve restrained this toxicity from flaring up, it’s probably by
eating some heavenly treasure material. But that heavenly
treasure won’t help you forever. Within a few years, even if
you’re not killed by poison, the torment of the poison backlash
will still torture you to death. You’ll die even more miserably
than me.”

In Dugu Bo’s eyes flickered a gloomy uncertain light, what

Tang San had described were precisely all his greatest pains
right now. Behind the formidable strength he endured torment
beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Each time that
torment made him unable to choose between life and death,
that kind of pain basically couldn’t be described with words.


2160 Goldenagato |

An infant name refers to a nickname used before a proper
name has been decided on. “Erlong” (二龙) means “Second
Dragon”, probably used since Luomian is the second son of the
dragon clan.

2161 Goldenagato |

Chapter 63 - Ice And Fire Yin Yang Well

“You can dissolve the poison in my body?”

Dugu Bo finally abandoned his face, unable to keep from


Tang San calmly said:

“I won’t dissolve it for you even if I can. You can only be even
more miserable than me. Kill me. You might not fear your own
death, after all, people living past seventy is already quite rare.
Unfortunately, that delicate little granddaughter of yours might
not be able to endure for as long as you. She might not have
your strength of will to endure the growing torment. Her poison
will only flare up even more violently than yours, since she was
immersed in this kind of poison even from the womb.”

In order to live, Tang San began to make his last effort.

Originally he had been somewhat suspicious ever since the first
time he saw the Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master Dugu Yan,
since according to what he knew, that kind of hair and eye color
didn’t exist in this world. Adding the Jade Phosphor Serpent
poison Dugu Yan later used, and he could confirm it to some

2162 Goldenagato |


Today meeting Dugu Yan’s grandfather, this old freak in front

of him, Tang San was even more certain. Dugu Yan had
admittedly inherited her grandfather’s spirit and formidable
poison, but at the same time she had inherited the side effects of
that poison. Everything Tang San had said was fact, and even a
proud and aloof senior like Dugu Bo was unable to refute it.

Relaxing his grip, Dugu Bo let Tang San slide from his hand,
coldly looking at him,

“How would you have me believe you can remove my


This time Tang San no longer tried to stand, sitting

crosslegged on the spot,

“Do I need to prove it to you? In any case you still want to kill
me. Someone like you is only a plague on the world while you
live. If I helped you it would only be like taking the side of the

2163 Goldenagato |

As Tang San said, Dugu Bo didn’t care much for his own life,
but he couldn’t not mind his granddaughter’s future. Dugu Yan
had just turned twenty and still possessed a beautiful tomorrow.
More than that, he already knew the taste of his close relatives
dying from before. He absolutely didn’t want the same thing to
happen in front of him again.

Dugu Bo had toyed with poison all his life, he had no way out
from the poison in his own body. He had still made countless
attempts, but in return had only earned even greater suffering.

The gloomy uncertain expression gradually growing stronger,

Dugu Bo slowly clasped his hands behind his back. The tone of
his words eased somewhat,

“I heard from Yan-yan that you’re called Tang San, right?”

“A man of character doesn’t change his name. Since I’ve never

changed it, you’re correct.”

Tang San calmly raised his head.

Dugu Bo snorted disdainfully,

2164 Goldenagato |

“A thirteen year old baby is still a man of character? Alright, I
won’t mince words. If you truly are able to remove my and my
granddaughter’s poison, then I will not only let you live, but I’ll
even promise you three favors. Three favors that don’t offend

Tang San calmly said:

“You won’t kill me? Like you said just now, why should I
believe you? Killing me is as easy as lifting a finger for you. For
someone like you, biting the hand that feeds you is no novel

Dugu Bo stared blankly a moment. He hadn’t expected that

this seemingly teenaged youngster would actually be so
unreasonable. He couldn’t help angrily saying:

“Then ask around for my reputation. Even if I’ve never

considered myself a good person, I still put stock in my word.
No one has ever dared belittle my honesty like this.”

Tang San closed his eyes,

2165 Goldenagato |

“Those are just empty promises. I won’t believe you unless
you swear under poison.”

An ominous glint flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes, almost unable

to restrain his anger. But recalling his granddaughter, in the
end he still forced down his temper.

“Fine. As long as you can prove you’re able to remove my

poison, I’ll swear.”

The chance came at last. Tang San secretly loosed a breath,

the jacket on his back drenched with sweat. Any person would
fear death, and Tang San was no exception. He was even more
unwilling to die a death without any value.

Standing up once again, he withdrew Eight Spider Lances,

“How do you want me to prove it?”

Dugu Bo restrained the ominous glint in his eyes,

2166 Goldenagato |

“Prove your ability with poison is greater than mine, then
you’ll convince me.”

Subconsciously he didn’t have one whit of trust in Tang San.

After all, on the surface this youngster was just thirteen. How
could a thirteen year old child compare with him who had been
immersed in the poisoner’s arts for decades? But Tang San had
just described his condition, and still without missing any
symptoms. Confronted with this opportunity, Dugu Bo had no
choice but to take it. Killing Tang San or not didn’t really
concern him. Even if Tang San was even more gifted he would
still require several decades to be able to threaten him. After so
long he would probably have died from old age. What was there
to fear. And if he truly was able to detoxify him, especially the
hereditary toxicity affecting his granddaughter, that was most
important to Dugu Bo.

Tang San spread his hands, helplessly saying:

“I don’t have anything with me, how do I prove my ability

with poison is better than yours?”

Dugu Bo coldly said:

2167 Goldenagato |

“Like this. Here at my home grows a wide range of drugs,
whatever you need you can go find on your own. I’ll give you
one day, within this day you create every kind of antidote
yourself. After one day I’ll use three kinds of poisons on you. As
long as you can use your own antidotes to withstand my poison,
you will have proven you’re my senior in detoxification.
Otherwise, you’ll die.”

Creating antidotes in a day might sound like plenty of time,

but in fact, there were countless types of poison, and each kind
had its own properties. The poisons used by a master of poison
like Dugu Bo absolutely wouldn’t be ordinary. Creating
something capable of reducing the poisons he used in one day,
such a task was monumental.

Dugu Bo assumed that Tang San would try to bargain with

him, fight for more time, or perhaps try to stall. But Tang San’s
reply made him somewhat astonished, and even increased his
confidence in Tang San.

“Fine. Bring me to your medicinal garden, then don’t disturb

me for one day.”

Brushing off the dust from his clothes, Tang San easily agreed
to Dugu Bo’s demands.

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Dugu Bo swept his gaze up and down over him, then turned
around and walked towards the cave entrance,

“Follow me.”

Leaving the cavern, Tang San discovered he was in a lush

forest and that their current location was at the foot of a five
hundred meter tall hill in the forest. Since it was night time he
was unable to see much of the scenery.

Dugu Bo advanced along the mountain path as if he was

walking on level ground. While he appeared to be walking
slowly, each step he took moved him more than ten meters, and
the distance between each step was also extremely uniform. The
whole time he climbed the mountain he seemed perpendicular
to the ground.

Tang San hurriedly gathered his spirit power to follow behind

Dugu Bo. He of course didn’t believe he would be able to escape
out of the cave, escaping from a Title Douluo, that was a jest.

Very quickly Tang San, led by Dugu Bo, reached the hilltop.

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Here, Tang San couldn’t help but start with alarm from the
terrain. In front of him was unexpectedly a conical mountain
cavity. They stood at the edge of this cavity as dense steam rose
from within, hot and extremely moist, as well as smelling
distinctively of sulfur.

“There’s a hot spring here?”

Tang San astonished couldn’t help but say.

Dugu Bo shot him a glance,

“Kid, you know more than I expected.”

Tang San said:

“I’d never fail to recognize the smell of a hot spring. Your

medicine garden is at the edge of a hot spring? This is a good

Hot springs generally weren’t suitable for nourishing plants

because of the excessive mineral content in the water, but some

2170 Goldenagato |

special plants were different. They required precisely the
minerals and heat of the hot spring. According to what Tang
San knew, there were a lot of poisonous plants that were like

“Follow me.”

Dugu Bo displayed his strength, directly leaping into the

bottomless darkness from side of the mountain. Because of the
thick mist and night, as well as the sharpness of the
overhanging cliff, Dugu Bo’s silhouette disappeared into the
watery mist in just the blink of an eye.

‘Is he deliberately making things difficult for me?’ Pride

flashed in Tang San’s eyes, ‘If you think something like this will
hinder me, then think again.’

Purple light flashed from his back as Eight Spider Lances

released once again. Tang San didn’t jump off like Dugu Bo, but
rather relied on the lower two lances of Eight Spider Lances to
stretch downwards and, with a cheng sound, thrust into the
mountain wall. Immediately afterward, the eight spider legs
alternately used force, swiftly bringing Tang San down the
mountain wall as if his shoes stepped on level ground.

2171 Goldenagato |

With the sharpness and spider leg properties of Eight Spider
Lances, they could ignore the vast majority of terrain. Such a
precipitous mountain wall might be able to hinder other people,
but it caused no problems for Eight Spider Lances.

As Dugu Bo fell into the mountain he couldn’t help but be

pleased with himself, ‘Kid, I won’t pull you, I’ll see how you get
down. If you run away, then that only proves you’re just a
cowardly little junior.’

Of course, if Tang San truly jumped down, Dugu Bo Wouldn’t

let him be injured. With his strength, catching Tang San was a
simple matter. Along with Tang San showing his cool head and
strength, Dugu Bo had already become more and more
interested in this kid. From what he’d seen, Dugu Bo thought he
was more mature than ordinary youngsters, and still had a kind
of special character, a planning strategist.

After a long time without seeing Tang San jump down, Dugu
Bo didn’t know why, but he felt somewhat disappointed. As
he’d just started thinking this was just a cowardly child, he saw
a silhouette quickly make its way along the mountain wall. With
his eyesight he could naturally see the circumstances of that

2172 Goldenagato |

“That external spirit bone can even be used like this?”

Astonishment flashed through Dugu Bo’s eyes but he didn’t

say anything, only looked at Tang San with the Eight Spider
Lances on his back moving swiftly, in a moment arriving in
front of him.

With Purple Demon Eye, Tang San’s eyesight wasn’t any

worse than Dugu Bo’s at night. Tang San didn’t look at Dugu Bo,
but rather gazed into the scene in the ravine. What made him
astonished was that the hot spring in the ravine wasn’t
anything like he had imagined. While the hot spring wasn’t
large, it was split into two parts: in the oval pool the waters of
the hot spring was actually separately colored milky white and
vermillion. Even more bizarre, even though they were in the
same pool they remained clearly separated, not encroaching on
each other and constantly keeping to their own sides.

That surging mist rose from the center of these two kinds of
hot spring waters, unceasingly rising until it scattered at the top
of the ravine.

“This, this is……”

2173 Goldenagato |

As Tang San looked at this scene he couldn’t keep from
trembling in excitement. He had never expected to see such a
magnificent sight in this world. Even though he had never seen
it before, he remembered a description of something similar.

In Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s Hundred Weapon

Separation, besides hidden weapons, was a chapter specially
dedicated to poison. Recorded inside were some extremely rare
drugs and potent toxins, as well as heavenly treasure materials.
But at the end of this chapter were the detailed accounts of
three great treasure bowls.

What is called ‘treasures’ doesn’t actually refer to gold or

gems, but rather treasure bowls of medicine, three kinds of
natural environments. Ordinary plants were basically unable to
grow in these three great treasure bowl environments since
they couldn’t adapt to that special atmosphere, but certain
valuable plants could nevertheless be cultured in these three
great treasure bowls. Moreover, the time required for these rare
plants to grow would be reduced tenfold. Simply put, if a lingzhi
mushroom grew in any one of the three great treasure bowls for
ten years, it would have the effect of a hundred year lingzhi

The three great treasure bowls were rich in resources,

pregnant with beauty and productive of talent, a place where

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the spiritual influence of Heaven gathered. And wasn’t this
scene exactly identical to one of the three great treasure bowls
described in the Mysterious Heavenly Treasure Record?

“Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. Is this actually an Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well?”

An Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well referred to just this kind of
Heaven favored spring, two wells in one, yin and yang mutually
restraining each other. Ten million years might not be enough
to form such a precious place!

In his life being able to see one of the three great treasure
bowls where the quintessence of Heaven was condensed, how
could Tang San not be excited? Now he finally understood how
this old freak could still survive despite his own powerful poison
and was even able to cultivate to the Title Douluo realm. This
was inextricably linked to this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well wasn’t just for growing things.
At the same time it had extremely unusual effects on the human
body. If humans or maybe animals stayed at the side of the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well, then in a very short time their bodies
would be attacked by two kinds of extremely potent Heavenly
spiritual influences. If they didn’t leave fast enough, their

2175 Goldenagato |

bodies were bound to burst and die. But to someone as toxic as
Dugu Bo, it could have enormous benefits. Extreme heat and
extreme cold both had a restraining effect on poisonous
substances. And a Heavenly treasure location like this Ice and
Fire Yin Yang Well had an even greater restraining effect on
poison. Otherwise it would still be impossible for all kinds of
rare plants to grow here simultaneously.

With the suppression of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Dugu
Bo was able to all along keep the poison in his body from flaring
up. The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s properties protected the
plants in the surroundings, and became a contributing factor to
Dugu Bo’s survival.

“Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well? What are you talking about?”

Dugu Bo somewhat suspicious looked at Tang San.

Tang San forcefully calmed his surging mind, doing his

utmost not to let his joy out,

“It’s nothing, I just didn’t expect there would actually be such

a good place here. If I originally only had a thirty percent
chance of treating your poison, then with this Ice and Fire Yin

2176 Goldenagato |

Yang Well, my certainty has increased to fifty percent.”

“What? Only fifty percent?”

Dugu Bo’s tone of voice immediately displayed an ill intent,

“Kid, are you trying to cheat me?”

Tang San coldly said:

“Why would I need to cheat you? You’ve been steeped in

excessive poison mist for so many years, having a fifty percent
probability of a cure is already the maximum. Otherwise, even if
I can’t cure you, it will still be enough to blunt the pain. As for
your granddaughter, I’m confident in my ability to treat her
even without the help of this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Dugu Bo’s complexion improved a bit at this, pointing to the

surroundings of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well he said:

“All my medical plants grow here. Every kind of poison and

tonic. You can use whatever you like, but if you dare wreck this

2177 Goldenagato |

place I’ll make you wish you were dead. I’ll relax the time
restrictions a bit. The day after tomorrow, if you can’t pass my
test, then it will be your last day. Of course, you can still try to
run. But let me tell you that this is a well known spirit beast
forest, apart from this mountain where spirit beasts don’t dare
enter because of my poison, the spirit beasts outside are of at
least the thousand year level. If you run, the spirit beasts will
tear you to pieces without me needing to dirty my hands.”

Finished speaking, Dugu Bo leapt up, the tips of his toes

touching the mountain wall, climbing out of the ravine like a
giant bird. As his silhouette disappeared above, his voice once
again echoed down,

“Kid, bear in mind, don’t get close to that double hot spring.
Even I can’t endure the blazing heat and extreme cold there for
long. If you touch it, you will die.”

Watching Dugu Bo’s silhouette gradually disappear in the

watery mist, Tang San’s lip gradually turned into an arc, ‘What
are you saying? I won’t commit suicide again, how would I let
myself easily turn into ash in the waters of the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well?’ In fact, that might be the coldest and hottest place
between heaven and earth.

2178 Goldenagato |

With Dugu Bo gone, Tang San no longer had to restrain his
excitement, quickly stepping over to the side of the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well with fiery red spring water. Bizarrely, the surface
of this tranquil hot spring didn’t seem to give off any heat at all.

Tang San of course wouldn’t be deceived, the temperature of

this red liquid could be compared to lava. If curiosity compelled
him to reach down and touch it, then wherever it touched him
would instantly burn away.

Drawing a deep breath, Tang San only felt his heartbeat

constantly speed up. This was the first time he had been so
uncontainably excited in this life, even in his last life it could
only compare to when he made the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus.

Focusing his eyes, Purple Demon Eye activated.

Sparkling and translucent purple light condensed in his eyes.

Under the full effect of Mysterious Heaven Skill, everything
became exceptionally clear to his eyes. Even in the watery mist,
the light from the moon and stars was enough for Tang San to
be able to see everything around him clearly.

The surroundings of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well were

2179 Goldenagato |

covered with all sorts of plants, in different poses and with
different expressions, it seemed like a botanical paradise. And
all the plants here were precious and uncommon, just a glance
left Tang San somewhat stunned.

Not far away, close to the edge of the milky white side of the
hot spring, was a small thing looking like a tiny larvae. Tang
San cautiously crouched, observing it attentively, and was
immediately shocked.

“This, this is snow silkworm? The top quality winter larvae

summer grass, snow silkworm?”

He recognized it at a glance, and his heartbeat seemed to speed

up even more.

Tang Sect was world-renowned for their poison, and their

research into medicine was exceedingly thorough, the life’s
work of countless Tang Sect members. As an outer sect disciple,
even though Tang San originally couldn’t study the essence of
the inner sect, his understanding of every kind of medicine was
extremely profound since he would frequently temper the
mechanical type hidden weapons he made with poison.
Whether it was poison or antidotes, he was incomparably
proficient in both. Otherwise how could he have recognized at a

2180 Goldenagato |

glance that Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was suffering the side effects
of his own poison?

The larvae grass was in itself a kind of top quality drug

ingredient. What was called winter larvae summer grass,
“larvae grass” for short, was actually a kind of parasitic fungus
growing from larvae. This kind of larvae grass fungus would in
the winter live in the larvae, chrysalis or imago of certain
Lepitoptera class insects — alpine moths and wasps, infecting
their bodies, absorbing nutrients, the mycelium gradually
spreading through the body of the larvae, the larvae stiffening
and dying. Then in spring and summer, the fungal spores would
germinate in the dead larvae, sprouting as a stick like fruiting
body from the larvae’s head. Like this it earned the name larvae

And snow silkworm was another name for the best quality of
larvae grass. This kind of larvae grass was ash white on the
outside with ring marks; its whole body had more than eight,
the four middle ones most distinct. Snapping it to discern
quality, the break surface should be quite smooth, white with a
bit of yellow, the fruiting body slender, dark brown, almost
coconut color, cylindrical, longer than the larvae. The topmost
part swollen with spores, the outside yellow, the inside white,
rounded and fat, not only bigger than common larvae grass, but
also with much better efficacy.

2181 Goldenagato |

The snow silkworms in front of Tang San were twice the size
of those he had seen in his previous life, this cluster had at least
several jin’s worth. Even though snow silkworms were regarded
as a heavenly treasure material, Tang San had never even heard
of ones with such quality.

Immediately afterward, Tang San also took note of another

plant right next to the snow silkworm. This thing had a tan
surface and yellow red cross section, single leaf alternate
phyllotaxy, the stalk slender and curved, the leaves ovate-
cordate, the tip coming to a point, from the leaves sprouting
yellowish green and purple spotted little flowers, with winding
stripes, extremely bizarre.

“This is a cinnabar lotus? It actually grows this big?”

Unlike the nourishing larvae grass, cinnabar lotus’ nature was

inclined towards cold yin, its coldness very powerful. Subduing
dry heat, it was also a kind of precious medical ingredient, with
surprising effectiveness when treating fire type poison.

Whether it was snow silkworm or cinnabar lotus, both were

rare and precious things.

2182 Goldenagato |

Ordinarily if he’d seen these two kinds of medicinal herbs,
Tang San might have immediately been interested, but right
now he was too busy carefully looking around, because his gaze
had very quickly been drawn in the direction of a faint

That was a light pink large flower, leafless, its stem three chi
long, its flower enormous, more than a chi in diameter, each
petal appearing as translucent and sparkling as crystal. The
light pink flower lightly swayed along with the steam, growing
by the shore where the red and white spring water met. Right
now Tang San was ten meters away, but he could still catch that
delicate fragrance.

The stamen was light purple, as if a purple diamond was

embedded there. Even though the fragrance reached far, it
wasn’t heavy. A faint sweet scent like a maiden’s touch.

As Tang San saw this pink great flower he couldn’t help but
stare listlessly. Because of the distance he hadn’t immediately
recognized just what this kind of flower actually was.
Subconsciously taking a few steps he arrived at its side, lightly

The fragrance was still sweet, without growing heavy as he

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came closer, still that kind of faintly sweet hint, seeping deeply
into the heart. What was this thing that could ease the
unwellness Tang San had started to feel from being next to the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well? Feeling somewhat baffled, Tang San
vaguely felt he had an impression of this kind of flower
somewhere in his mind, but for the moment he couldn’t recall
it. The one thing he could be certain of was that this flower
wasn’t a heavenly treasure material, it was a genuine immortal

Tang San subconsciously turned around, thinking to go have a

look at some other medicinal ingredients, but just as he turned
he suddenly saw a bizarre scene.

The surroundings were originally completely dark, but at this

moment it was bathed in pink. This pink color reached about
ten meters in diameter. The light was very mild, but with the
acute eyesight of Purple Demon Eye, Tang San immediately
determined that his eyes weren’t playing tricks. Turning back
around he discovered that the source of this faint light was the
heart of the big flower.

The blocks in his mind immediately connected, and in a flash

of divine insight, Tang San blurted out the name of this flower,

2184 Goldenagato |

“Aromatic silk beauty immortal treasure.”

Indeed, it was an aromatic silk beauty immortal treasure.

Tang San’s heart had already begun to tremble. Snow silkworm
and cinnabar lotuses were things he had still seen before, even if
not at the same quality as here, they were still things he had
encountered. But this leisurely swaying pink big flower was a
rare treasure he had never seen before, a treasured object
recounted in the last secret book of the Mysterious Heavenly
Treasure Record.

Tang San could almost be certain that this aromatic silk

beauty immortal treasure was born from the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well, rather than something the old freak had
transplanted here.

The aromatic silk beauty immortal treasure was the bane of

all kinds of poisons, effective at neutralizing any poison. It
wasn’t detoxifying in itself, but it could subdue poison. The
faint light Tang San saw right now was actually the range
within which it could restrain poison, and this pink sheen
couldn’t be seen outside of the light.

The aromatic silk beauty fragrance was understated and

elegant, but within its range no poison would have any effect,

2185 Goldenagato |

the fragrance itself neutralizing all kinds of poison.

Of course, if one was already poisoned when entering the

range of this aroma, the aromatic silk beauty immortal treasure
wouldn’t have any effect. In other words it was a medicinal herb
with the best defense against poison, but didn’t have any
detoxifying effect.

Tang San felt dizzy. Originally he had thought that this kind
of immortal treasure was just legend. He hadn’t expected he
would actually be able to see it here. With this aromatic silk
beauty immortal treasure here, the old freak Dugu Bo’s poison
was nothing more than a joke.

With a deep breath, Tang San swiftly circled the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well. With just a rough survey he could already see
countless treasures, there was even treasures like nine tier
dragon zoysia. Tang San could see at least seven or eight kinds
of immortal treasure medicinal herbs, and top grade medicinal
ingredients were too many to be counted.

Among the medicinal herbs here, even though poisons

accounted for more than half, there were still a lot of beneficial
ones. Just like the two hot spring waters in the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well they grew here as equal rivals.

2186 Goldenagato |

After looking it all over once, Tang San’s heart had already
calmed down. If the person here had been someone who didn’t
know anything about medicinal herbs, perhaps they would
already be stuffing their mouths with heavenly treasure
materials. But Tang San was different. Having lived at Tang
Sect he was fully aware of the effects of heavenly treasure
materials, and at the same time he still knew how terrifying
they could be. If used inappropriately, even an immortal
treasure would become inimical to humans. These heavenly
treasure material grade medicinal herbs were extremely potent
medicinally, but if too many were used there would be
irreversible side effects.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn’t help but secretly admire

Dugu Bo. He knew that while Dugu Bo probably didn’t know as
much as he did, he should still know a lot about the beneficial
effects of these medicinal herbs, but he could still keep himself
from using them. It was clear he had still studied the herbs.

Right now Tang San sat cross legged on the ground, silently
reviewing the accounts in the secret books of the Mysterious
Heaven Treasure Record. Since so many years had passed
without using them, his memories had become somewhat fuzzy.
He had to first earnestly recall them, otherwise if he made the
slightest mistake with medicinal properties, he would die
without a corpse.

2187 Goldenagato |

The sky gradually brightened. As the sun rose on the distant
horizon, Tang San also opened his eyes.

Dugu Bo’s pretty words about giving Tang San one more night
was actually just several hours. When he had brought Tang San
here it had already been past midnight.

As the sun gradually appeared, the steam rising from the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well couldn’t hide from daylight and seemed
like a misty dragon, spiralling up.

At dawn, Tang San was naturally able to see everything more

clearly. With a slight smile at the corners of his mouth, his
hands swiped at Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges at his waist,
withdrawing several daggers glinting with cold light. Slowly
facing the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he walked over to a
medicinal plant on the cold yin side of the spring.

In these two hours of meditation, Tang San hadn’t just

thought about medicinal herb information, at the same time he
had considered how to deal with this situation using his current
abilities. After all, Tang San couldn’t be certain how
trustworthy that Dugu Bo actually was. Therefore, regardless of

2188 Goldenagato |

when, he had to leave himself a way out. Along with recalling
the efficacy of medicinal herbs, by now he had secretly also
decided on a plan.

Swiftly, Tang San stopped in front of a white medicinal herb.

Tang San was right now urging the Mysterious Heaven Skill
within his body with his full strength, a layer of white mist
appearing on the surface of his skin. After breaking through the
Penetrating meridian, the nature of his Mysterious Heaven Skill
had changed somewhat: not only did his spirit power increase,
at the same time it became more pure.

Despite the protection of the Mysterious Heaven Skill, right

now Tang San was still constantly shuddering, as he endured
the shock of the freezing cold air.

That white plant was topped by a large white flower,

octagonal, the stamen in its center twinkling like ice crystals,
without releasing any fragrance. But it stood right at the center
of the cold yin side of the spring.

Not daring to hesitate, Tang San quickly swung the dagger in

his hand, simultaneously dodging backwards, in an eyeblink
appearing ten meters away.

2189 Goldenagato |

Where the dagger had cut, the octagonal white big flower fell
in response, dropping among the medicinal herbs. Instantly,
cold air flowed out, covering the surrounding plants in a layer
of frost.

Even though this kind of herb was also an immortal treasure,

it wasn’t at all beneficial. On the contrary, it was a rare poison.
Tang San believed that even a power like Poison Douluo Dugu
Bo wouldn’t dare stay next to it for long.

It was called octagonal mysterious ice grass, a strangely cold

flower, it could freeze a person’s heart to the core. Right now
the cold air within ten meters of this grass was dangerous, for a
while its cold poison would attack the heart with nothing to
restrain it. Let alone eating, just standing at its side would lead
to misfortune. In order to pick it, you had to use copper tools.

After Tang San cut down the octagonal mysterious ice grass
he didn’t stay at its side and he didn’t pick it up, rather he
swiftly ran to the other side of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, to
the center position of the hot yang side of the spring. This time
his target was something like a white cabbage, but the whole
plant was fiery red.

Hesitating a moment, Tang San still stood ten meters away

2190 Goldenagato |

from it and raised both hands. Along with Mysterious Heaven
Skill condensing, his palms gradually became a pure white jade
color, activating Mysterious Jade Hand.

To let him move even faster, Tang San extended the external
spirit bone Eight Spider Lances from his back. The three meter
long Eight Spider Lances in practically just one or two steps
already brought him to the side of that fiery red plant. Eight
Spider Lances lowering Tang San so he could reach it, he swiftly
used both hands to excavate that fiery red herb from the ground
with the roots. As soon as he completed this seemingly simple
motion, Eight Spider Lances swiftly moved once again, bringing
Tang San more than ten meters away.

Tang San couldn’t help but smile wryly as he looked at his

palms. Right now the flesh of his palms and fingers was
lacerated, the jade color fading.

Mysterious Jade Hand, the Mysterious Jade Hand that

couldn’t even be cut by knives had been scalded this badly just
from unearthing a plant. Something like this would practically
have been unimaginable at the Tang Sect in his previous life.

In contrast with that extremely cold octagonal mysterious ice

grass before, this time Tang San picked an extremely poisonous

2191 Goldenagato |

immortal treasure with first rate fire poison, inferno delicate
apricot. This thing only grew near intense heat, it could even
exist in lava, its effect was just the opposite of the octagonal
mysterious ice grass.

Blue purple light rushed out around Tang San. Under his
control, two strands of Blue Silver Grass simultaneously shot
out, targeting just those two extremely poisonous immortal

A “treasure bowl” is a treasure that can create unlimited

riches, the Chinese equivalent of the Greek horn of plenty or
Sampo from the Finnish Kalevala epic.

(灵芝) Lingzhi mushroom is a medical plant in traditional

Chinese medicine.

(冬虫夏草) “Winter larvae summer grass” is a literal

translation of what is called “caterpillar fungus” in English, but
a literal translation is used to make sense of the following text.
It’s a real thing.

3尺 = 1m

2192 Goldenagato |

(幽香) “Delicate fragrance” (绮罗) “beautiful silk fabrics” or
“person in beautiful silks” (仙品) “immortal goods”

2193 Goldenagato |

Chapter 64 - Ice Fire Alchemical Body

The infernal delicate apricot had just the opposite effect of the
octagonal mysterious ice grass, and it mustn’t be cut with metal:
only by using jade would it not lose its efficacy.

Although Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand wasn’t true jade,

there was very little difference. Using Mysterious Jade Hand he
could successfully excavate it.

As he prepared all this, Tang San had already started feeling

internal pains.

He had already stayed next to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well
for a considerable amount of time, and despite as much as
possible staying where the two kinds of hot spring waters met,
and also with the aromatic silk beauty immortal treasure to
restrain both cold and hot poison, by now his body was still
showing a reaction.

This reaction had become especially clear after picking those

two immortal treasures. Cold and heat alternately burst into
him, and right now Tang San’s face was part blue and part red,
his qi and blood roiling, Mysterious Heaven Skill less and less

2194 Goldenagato |

able to suppress them.

Poison Douluo Dugu Bo naturally knew how difficult it was to

stay by the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. That was why he had
never brought even Dugu Yan here, afraid the atmosphere here
would harm his granddaughter. But to his own toxic body the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s troubles instead became beneficial,
and naturally was no problem.

Bringing Tang San here this time the old freak feigned
magnanimity, while at the same time he really wanted to see
whether Tang San, who claimed to be able to detoxify him, was
able to survive in such a place. If he could even endure the
power of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and still resist his
poison, then he might truly believe that Tang San was able to
treat him.

Precious immortal treasures, Tang San sighed inwardly. He

knew that if it wasn’t at the side of this Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well, perhaps any one kind of immortal treasure medicinal herb
would remove anything poisonous nearby to protect itself.

But here it was difficult for anything to live, therefore there

were still immortal herbs. Ice didn’t protect. However,
immortal herbs were better off. Still one had to clearly

2195 Goldenagato |

understand their properties to use them, otherwise, not only
wouldn’t it be beneficial, on the contrary it would be deadly.
Even those great healing immortal herbs, if they weren’t used in
special ways and neutralized with other medicaments, their
healing would result in death all the same.

The two Blue Silver Grass flew out like unrolling bolts of silk,
simultaneously falling to those two immortal herbs, the ends
instantly wrapping them up like lightning. The two immortal
herbs were thrown up simultaneously, falling in his direction.

At the same time, both his hands simultaneously cut those

two Blue Silver Grass strands. Without the support of spirit
power Blue Silver Grass had limited durability and separated
where Tang San cut them with Mysterious Jade Hand.

Tang San’s choice was unmistakably correct, practically just a

second after he severed the Blue Silver Grass the strand on the
left had already frozen solid, the strand on the right had turned
into ash. If he had let these immortal treasure herbs’ effects pass
into his body, then he might have been out of luck before even
using them.

The two herbs landed in front of Tang San. Bizarrely, despite

their extreme heat and cold, once in proximity, both cold and

2196 Goldenagato |

heat disappeared simultaneously.

The octagonal mysterious ice grass was shrouded in red light,

and the infernal precious apricot was covered in a layer of

Tang San knew he couldn’t hesitate now, after these two

immortal herbs had met, even though they suppressed each
other, after ten breaths their effect would completely vanish.

But within these ten breaths was the best time to take them.

Without hesitating, Tang San picked up the two poisonous

herbs and swallowed them with big gulps.

Even though poisonous, after they were restrained by their

nemeses, they lacked potency. On entering the mouth, and
passing down the throat along with saliva, Tang San only felt
himself drool, a sweet fragrance overflowing.

The flavor really was good, Tang San thought to himself that
it was fine as long as they didn’t become too spicy next.

2197 Goldenagato |

While pondering this, Tang San swiftly tore off all his clothes,
no longer circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill, withdrawing the
Eight Spider Lances on his back and the Blue Silver Grass in his

In just three breaths, Tang San’s body trembled fiercely, and

immediately afterward a layer of icy blue spread up from his
feet, in an eyeblink his whole body had become completely blue.
The next moment a layer of red rose, this time Tang San looked
like a just boiled shrimp. Blue and red alternated, creating a
bizarre sight.

But in this simple transformation process, Tang San’s mind

nearly collapsed. Under two kinds of extreme shock it was even
more painful than the time he absorbed the Man Faced Demon
Spider spirit ring.

Right now it was only with an effort he maintained a bit of

control over himself, hastily drawing a deep breath, he
staggered forward one step.

Right in front of him was the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. With
just enough time to close his eyes, Tang San fell into it right
where the extreme cold yin side and extreme heat yang side

2198 Goldenagato |


Tang San entered the spring waters with a splash, turning and
sinking below the surface.

The reason he didn’t enter the spring immediately after eating

the two immortal treasure herbs was to wait until the medicinal
properties took effect, otherwise, if he fell into the water just a
moment too soon he wouldn’t even leave bones behind.

Now entering the waters right after the medicinal properties

took effect he didn’t feel anything at all, since the octagonal
mysterious ice grass and infernal precious apricot already
completely removed his perception of the outside world.

Tang San had naturally carefully thought over the reasons for
choosing these two herbs. These two immortal treasure
poisonous herbs weren’t the highest quality of those
surrounding the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, they were actually
fairly ordinary. If it had only been one kind, let alone eating
them, just standing next to them would have put him in critical

But with fire and ice suppressing each other, as the two kinds

2199 Goldenagato |

of herbs came together and caused just that neutralizing effect,
this was the only opportunity to use them.

Of course, the two herbs hadn’t lost their fire and ice
properties. After eating them, Tang San still had to endure a
potent ice and fire baptism. If he was unable to endure he would
immediately burst and die.

The most significant reason for using them was the Ice and
Fire Yin Yang Well, since according to the accounts in the
Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, the only way to enter the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was with the simultaneous effects of
the octagonal mysterious ice grass and infernal precious apricot.

These two plants had grown while absorbing the waters of the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and it was only these that could
subdue the terrifying power of the two kinds of spring water.

Right now Tang San appeared to be in a crisis, but in fact, the

effect of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well along with the two kinds
of poisonous herbs boosted Tang San’s ability to absorb them,
their ice and fire energies transforming his body.

What Dugu Bo said about not touching the Ice and Fire Yin

2200 Goldenagato |

Yang Well really wasn’t empty words. Even as a Title Douluo, if
he fell into the spring it would be very difficult for him to

But within this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well all poisons were
ineffective, there wasn’t any poison that could maintain its
potency in this water.

Tang San didn’t chose these two herbs because they had the
greatest effect on him, but because they left him with a way out.

Just in case Dugu Bo didn’t keep his promises, after absorbing

the octagonal mysterious ice grass and infernal precious apricot
he could dodge disaster by hiding in this Ice and Fire Yin Yang

At the same time Tang San had another reason for using these
two herbs. Without the toxicity that allowed Dugu Bo to
fearlessly stay at the side of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, if he
didn’t use these herbs, then perhaps he would have perished
from the atmosphere here even before the agreed upon time
with Dugu Bo tomorrow.

Even if he wanted to leave now, the ice and fire energies

2201 Goldenagato |

within his body would cause him incurable devastating injuries.
Let alone future cultivation, even saving his life would be a

However, even with the best writing couldn’t be experienced,

even though Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s accounts
was exhaustive there were still mistakes, Tang San couldn’t
know just how immensely painful it would be until he he
actually ate those two plants.

Even if the ice and fire energies had somewhat neutralized

each other first, after entering his body they stirred frantically,
the medicinal power of immortal treasure herbs was terrifying.
As the ice and fire mutual suppression instantly erupted in a
shocking energy, Tang San didn’t even have the opportunity to
resist with his willpower.

The moment he fell into that Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well he
had already lost consciousness.

The waters of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well churned when
Tang San entered, but not long after, Tang San slowly sunk into
the surging water. The surface once again recovered its
tranquility, the milky white and scarlet red still clearly
separated. The steam still filling the air, everything becoming

2202 Goldenagato |


Time flowed like a river, early morning became night by the

simple events of the sun rising and falling. Someone once said,
‘the eyes close and then open, and a day has gone by, the eyes
close but do not open, and a lifetime has passed.’ Even time that
seems to pass slowly can be so brief. Peoples’ lives are like this.

Night fell once again, darkness enshrouding the earth, the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well once again entered darkness, and Tang
San within still hadn’t surfaced, apparently he had completely
disappeared from the spring water.


The sun set over a forest, a group of three was swiftly passing
through the trees, constantly advancing, moving back and

The trio consisted of two men and one woman, the two men
both with anxious expressions. Even though that woman still
had a serene face, her brows were tightly knit.

2203 Goldenagato |

Of the two men, the one that seemed thinner and weaker was
supported by the arm of the other man, borrowing strength to
continue forward.

This trio had once been famous in the Spirit Master world,
until they later collapsed and fell apart: the Golden Iron

That day, after Tang San had quietly disappeared,

Grandmaster had immediately returned with Flender to where
Tang San had been, summoning his spirit Luo San Pao. Even if a
creature like San Pao was quite weak, it still had some
extraordinary features, namely its sense of smell.

Furthermore it was integrated with Grandmaster, and could

remember everything Grandmaster smelled.

After a brief search, Grandmaster and San Pao immediately

discerned Tang San’s whereabouts. He had unexpectedly been
kidnapped by that Title Douluo Dugu Bo they met during the

As he recalled that toxic old freak, Grandmaster couldn’t help

but panic, falling into that old poisonous thing’s hands, how

2204 Goldenagato |

could it be beneficial for Tang San? Moreover, they basically
didn’t know the old freak’s whereabouts.

Flender was equally anxious. Even if Tang San wasn’t his

direct disciple he was still one of the Shrek Seven Devils, he was
still a student at Shrek Academy. Even more, he had never
dared forget what that black clad man had explained to him,
and that was an existence that terrified him even more than the
Poison Douluo.

But at such a moment, Flender was still more cool headed

than Grandmaster.

After careful consideration, Flender proposed that they return

to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Before at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, when those three

board members had been ready to confront the Poison Douluo,
they were clearly familiar with him. Perhaps they would know
Dugu Bo’s whereabouts. And if they didn’t, they could just go
look for that prince Xue Xing.

Of course, confronting an imperial prince was clearly unwise,

but under pressure it wasn’t an issue.

2205 Goldenagato |

After all, whether it was Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon school or Ning Rongrong’s Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School, both were among the seven great
schools of the present age. Even if prince Xue Xing’s status was
even higher, he still wouldn’t dare offend two of the great
schools of the Empire.

But in the end the trio hadn’t used their plan to corner the
prince by force. The three Spirit Douluo board members were
ashamed over the previous events, and when they met again at
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, as they heard Tang San had
been kidnapped by Dugu Bo, the three were immediately greatly

They told the Golden Iron Triangle that Dugu Bo had always
been eccentric. Even if he was employed by the imperial family
he didn’t live in Heaven Dou City, but in the sunset forest.
Reportedly he lived on a mountain, but they didn’t know the
concrete location.

The three Spirit Douluo board members expressed regret over

Tang San being missing, but they also expressed their inability
to help the Shrek group deal with Dugu Bo. Flender’s trio
naturally knew why without explanations.

2206 Goldenagato |

Who would want to go confront the terrifying toxins of the
Poison Douluo? Even Spirit Douluo level powers would be
fearful of facing such persistent poison.

The Golden Iron Triangle didn’t beg, and the trio left the
Academy as swift as lightning, rushing to the Sunset Forest
guided by Liu Erlong.

The Sunset Forest was about a hundred li east of Heaven Dou

City. One of Heaven Dou Empire’s several large spirit beast
habitats, even if it wasn’t as vast as the Star Luo Great Forest it
was still home to numerous high level spirit beasts.

Since entering the Sunset Forest in the morning, the trio had
already spent a whole day searching, only briefly resting before

Even if Liu Erlong didn’t know much about Tang San, she still
greatly admired the words he had used on Grandmaster, to say
nothing of Tang San being the direct disciple of her beloved.
What is called ‘love the house and its crow’, even if she wasn’t
as anxious as Grandmaster and Flender, she was still deeply

2207 Goldenagato |

“Erlong, let’s rest a moment.”

Flender paused, gasping slightly. Rushing for a day didn’t

really count for anything to a seventy plus ranked Spirit Sage
like him, but he was somewhat tired mentally.

Erlong stopped in front of Flender and Grandmaster. Seeing

Grandmaster’s lowered face, she consolingly said:

“Don’t worry, Xiao Gang. I think Dugu Bo might not

necessarily want to kill Tang San, otherwise he would have
done so immediately at our Academy. Why kidnap him?”

Grandmaster sighed, a painful light flickering in his eyes,

“No, you don’t understand. Dugu Bo kidnapping Tang San is

definitely because he injured Dugu Yan, and the talent in
poisons Tang San showed. If my guess is correct, then Dugu Bo
is definitely interested in Tang San’s poison. Looking to see just
what his poison is. And I’m certain Dugu Bo wouldn’t let Tang
San live. It’s just a question of how long Tang San is of use to
him. Someone like Dugu Bo is just plain evil, his reputation in
the Spirit Master world is bad, always doing whatever he wants.

2208 Goldenagato |

With little San’s talent, if it was me, I wouldn’t let little San

Flender laughed bitterly,

“If something really happened to little San, how could we

justify it to that person?”

“That person? Who are you talking about?”

Liu Erlong asked somewhat puzzled.

Flender was just about to speak when, suddenly, a sharp

hissing sound rose, surging like thunder, destroying the quiet of
the night, causing a commotion among the spirit beasts in the

The trio looked face to face, standing up practically

simultaneously. They had naturally heard the astonishing
power contained within that hissing sound, and such power was
exclusive to Title Douluo. In this Sunset Forest, would there
actually be a second Title Douluo?

2209 Goldenagato |

Figures once again flashing, relying on that whistling sound
for guidance, the trio leapt up, advancing swiftly.

Dugu Bo stood at the cave entrance, looking into the night sky
with a jade light flickering in his eyes. Both hands at his back,
spitting out a murky qi.

He had just now endured the suffering Tang San had

mentioned. If it was just a matter of pain he might be able to
endure, but that feeling of his heart itching wasn’t something
people could take. With Dugu Bo’s strength, right now his
clothes were soaked through. His long whistling sound was an
expression of his depression after that pain.

Wonder if that kid has died. Dugu Bo thought to himself. He

was extremely familiar with the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, it
wasn’t a place where living creatures could survive. There
where all kinds of plants there, but while plants could survive,
creature’s couldn’t.

He had once seen a poisonous six headed bright chameleon

enter the range of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and within
just a few hours it had burst and died.

2210 Goldenagato |

For some reason Dugu Bo was somewhat regretful. He actually
had a bit of confidence in Tang San, and if that kid could really
cure him and his granddaughter, wouldn’t he be throwing away
his best chance?

Perhaps this test was too challenging for him.

While thinking of this, Dugu Bo’s mood changed somewhat.

Recalling Tang San’s talent, he suddenly thought that might
that child not be able to really cure him?

No good, light flashed in Dugu Bo’s eyes. He’d go have a look

at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and if Tang San was still alive
he’d consider it again.

As Dugu Bo prepared to ascend the hill, suddenly three long

whistles echoed simultaneously, two strong and one weak,
perhaps muffled, perhaps impassioned, but none lacked intense
hostility. The whistling sounds rapidly approached, and judging
by their positions, the owners of those whistles were apparently
coming to the mountain.

Dugu Bo squinted his eyes slightly, snorting disdainfully,

2211 Goldenagato |

“Someone actually wants to challenge me? Fine, I’ll take a
look at who is so brazen.”

Abandoning his plan to climb the mountain, Dugu Bo took a

step, instantly reaching the cliff precipice overhanging the cave.
He spotted three silhouettes climbing the mountain towards
him, leaping swiftly like shooting stars.

Looking at these three, Dugu Bo’s eyes were filled with

disdain. Just two seventy plus ranked Spirit Sages and actually
even a thirtieth ranked Spirit Grandmaster. Were they coming
to die?

It was no wonder Dugu Bo felt this way. With his Title Douluo
strength, let alone a Spirit Sage, even a Spirit Douluo would
tremble to confront him. To say nothing of his poison not being
something people could casually contend with.

Even equally ranked Title Douluo would be careful, with one

mistake against his poison they would inevitably perish.

The Golden Iron Triangle trio leapt up simultaneously,

floating towards Dugu Bo. Even if they had all along wished to
be able to find him faster, actually confronting this poison titled

2212 Goldenagato |

Douluo, their hearts couldn’t help falling.

Dugu Bo stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes
brimming with a sinister jade light, watching them with a
burning gaze, the formidable pressure making the air feel
congealed. Grandmaster didn’t have the spirit power protection
Flender and Liu Erlong had, and this pressure alone was enough
to be fatal for him.

“Were you looking for me?”

Dugu Bo said coldly.

Grandmaster said angrily:

“Dugu Bo. Tang San. Where are you keeping him?”

Dugu Bo disdainfully said:

“What creature are you? How are you qualified to question


2213 Goldenagato |


Grandmaster was about to speak again, but was stopped by


Flender knew that because of this relationship with Tang San,

the otherwise cool Grandmaster’s mind was confused, making
him more or less useless. Calmly looking at the Poison Douluo,
he said with a slight salute:

“Senior Dugu, Tang San is of a junior generation, I don’t

know how he offended you, but I ask you to be lenient. He’s
after all just a thirteen year old child. As a revered Title Douluo,
a magnanimous lord might let him off.”

Flender himself thought his words were exceptionally

reserved, and still with a slightly mocking intent.
Unfortunately, he faced a Poison Douluo who was unmoved by

Dugu Bo lowered his eyelids,

2214 Goldenagato |

“You’re saying I’m a bully? When striking the young, the old
will appear. When striking you, I don’t know whether there’s
someone even more senior that will appear? There’s nothing
left of that kid. Want to avenge him? Fine, come, I wanted to
exercise a bit yesterday, but those three old men didn’t dare act.
Even if the three of you don’t amount to much, you might still
be able to let me stretch my legs.”

Hearing Dugu Bo say not even bones remained of Tang San,

Grandmaster only felt his brain go numb, his vision go black.
After so many years, the feeling between him and Tang San was
no longer that between master and disciple, but had entered
that of father and son.

Being unmarried, Grandmaster had always regarded Tang San

as his own child. Now hearing Dugu Bo say Tang San was gone,
his heart wasn’t just in pain.

It was despair.

When people’s emotions become too extreme, everyone would

change in some way. Some would become dumb, some would
become hysterical.

2215 Goldenagato |

But Grandmaster wasn’t like others. Right now, all the energy
around him seemed to have disappeared, the heat in his
surroundings fading away, he seemed to become as cold as a
block of ice, looking at Dugu Bo with an equally chilly

Even a power like Dugu Bo couldn’t help feel a bit

apprehensive under such a deathly still gaze.

Flender’s expression dropped,

“Dugu Bo. You will definitely regret killing Tang San. Even if
we can’t do it, you won’t come to a good ending.”

Dugu Bo curled his lips,

“What? You still want revenge? No, you won’t have the
chance. Come, let me see just what makes you dare provoke this
me. I don’t know what you believe, but I have a thousand ways
to make you lose the will to live, but I won’t let you die. It’s
been a long time since I’ve seen something so amusing. Coming
here is easy. Leaving, not so much. Nobody can just come to
Dugu Bo’s abode when they want to.”

2216 Goldenagato |

Flender and Liu Erlong simultaneously looked at each other,
simultaneously grabbing Grandmaster and pulling him behind
them, simultaneously each stepping forward obliquely. At once
the trio had created a triangular formation.

“The sun and moon turns with dazzling gold.”

Flender shouted loudly. He didn’t release his spirit, but from

his body spread a layer of intense golden light. The golden light
wasn’t aimed at Dugu Bo, but rather rushed toward the sky, and
at the same time spread below him.

Equally golden light burst from Grandmaster and Liu Erlong.

Golden light filled the air, in an instant the three formed the
corners of a golden triangle. At the center of the triangle was a
golden ring, and surrounding it was all kinds of complex

Right now Flender’s trio were all covered with brilliant gold.
Grandmaster and Liu Erlong slowly closed their eyes, and the
light in Grandmaster’s eyes clearly brightened, staring at Dugu
Bo like sharp swords.

“Yi, what kind of spirit ability is this?”

2217 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo looked astonished at the trio, inwardly somewhat

As a Title Douluo, he was naturally experienced and

knowledgeable, but he had never seen something like this
before. He didn’t understand why that mere thirtieth ranked
Spirit Grandmaster suddenly vaguely felt as if he could rival

Three layers of purple air was emitted under the golden light,
dissipating in midair. Seeing this, Dugu Bo’s expression finally
changed somewhat.

He was very familiar with this purple air, it was part of the
poison formation Dugu Bo had arranged around this mountain.
Everyone who entered would be infected by the poison. This
wasn’t particularly ferocious, but extremely insidious. Its
effects would take two hours to show, and after those two hours
the poison would leach into the whole body, killing by
withering the energy channels.

But the purple air streaming from Flender’s trio was clearly
the toxin of his poisonous formation being expelled. The toxin

2218 Goldenagato |

in the poisonous formation wasn’t of any concern to Dugu Bo,
but it would be fatal to ordinary spirit masters. Without Spirit
Douluo level strength or higher, it should be impossible to

This was where Dugu Bo was the most puzzled. Clearly the
three were just two seventy something ranked and one thirtieth
ranked. So why this moment did the three make him feel as
though they were Spirit Douluo level powers.

Dugu Bo had grown strong too long ago, and afterwards

hadn’t travelled the Continent much, so naturally he hadn’t
heard of the Golden Iron Triangle.

The name ‘Golden Iron Triangle’ didn’t indicate the trio’s

cooperation, but rather Flender, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s
type of extraordinary spirit fusion ability.

The spirit fusion ability was very rarely seen in the Spirit
Master world. It required the coincidence of both spirits being
extremely compatible to succeed.

And Flender, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s spirit fusion

ability required three people to use, this was practically unique

2219 Goldenagato |

in the Spirit Master world. In fact, the more Spirit Masters
joined in a spirit fusion ability, the more powerful it would be.
At the same time, the spirit fusion ability’s power was related to
the congeniality of the participating Spirit Masters.

Like Dai Mubai’s and Zhu Zhuqing’s current congeniality was

only sixty percent or so, but when fully used it allowed them to
fight two opponents even stronger than them.

And Grandmaster’s trio’s Golden Iron Triangle wasn’t just a

spirit fusion ability from three people, with their mutual
congeniality as if one body in the Spirit Master world, they
could reach over ninety nine percent.

Once used, their strength would multiply geometrically.

Otherwise they wouldn’t have been so famous.

Even now, even if it was the unrivalled spirit and spirit

variation theorist Grandmaster, he still didn’t understand just
how his, Flender’s and Liu Erlong’s spirit compatibility could
reach such a terrifying degree. In fact, apart from them,
compatibility in excess of seventy percent was already
extremely rare.

2220 Goldenagato |

With their innate congeniality and their many years together,
their spirit fusion ability compatibility approached one hundred

Even if they had been apart for twenty years, right now using
that spirit fusion ability that made them famous, still felt like
the ice melting, the three becoming one, entering the rhythm of
the Golden Iron Triangle.

After Dugu Bo’s brief astonishment he still didn’t move, just

standing there holding his hands. With his pride, confronting
three opponents so far beneath him, he naturally wouldn’t

He wanted to see just what kind of power could be brought

out by a spirit fusion ability from three people.

The golden light grew more and more intense, and at

Grandmaster’s corner an intense triangular light beam shot up.

Grandmaster’s deathly still gaze suddenly became brilliant.

Slowly raising his right hand toward the center of the trio’s
golden triangle.

2221 Goldenagato |

“Luo San Pao.”

Along with Grandmaster’s dragon like howl, the chubby Luo

San Pao appeared in the air, just inside those decorative designs
in the golden triangle. In an instant, around each of the trio
appeared rings of light.

Grandmaster had two, Flender and Liu Erlong seven,

altogether sixteen rings of light unexpectedly floated around
them, flying towards San Pao at the center of the triangle.

Watching this, Dugu Bo’s complexion couldn’t help changing

again. A spirit fusion ability using a remote body must be even
more powerful than an ordinary spirit fusion ability, this he
understood clearly.

The pressure from that golden triangle’s center increased

sharply. Dugu Bo’s expression changed slightly, ring after ring
of light ascending from below him, releasing his frightful nine
spirit rings.

Grandmaster’s trio simultaneously gathered altogether

sixteen spirit rings over Luo San Pao, and the previously
adorable Luo San Pao seemed to be enduring enormous pain,

2222 Goldenagato |

facing upwards and issuing a strong dragon’s roar. Immediately
following, its chubby body began to swell violently under the
load of the sixteen spirit rings, and along with it the intensity of
the light from the golden triangle increased.

Luo San Pao grew at an astonishing speed, it’s chubby body

began to grow vast rhombic scales, lump after lump of solid
muscle bulging, its tremendous body constantly expanding, two
twisted horns grew from its head, blueish purple light surged
into its surroundings, and washed in the golden triangle,
gradually became golden.

In just the space of a few breaths, Luo San Pao had already
grown to twenty meters in length. The scales on its back split
open, and two enormous dragon wings unfurled. As the dragon
wings extended it was able to hover in the air without the need
for support from the golden light. The originally honest and
straightforward eyes radiated power, and just like its body had
become completely golden.

The current Luo San Pao wasn’t that pig or dog like creature,
rather it had become an awe-inspiring presence, an enormous
dazzlingly golden dragon.

100里 = 50km

2223 Goldenagato |

Idiom: If you get involved with one part, you’ll have to get
involved with them all. Or: Love me, love my dog.

2224 Goldenagato |

Chapter 65 - Golden Saint Dragon VS Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor

Four claws underneath, the whole body covered in thick

dragon scales, golden dragon eyes filled with dignity, radiating
an intense dragon’s might, causing unsettled cries from the
magic beasts of the Sunset Forest. Even Dugu Bo couldn’t help
frown in the heavy atmosphere.

Even if Dugo Bo had thought the trio’s spirit fusion ability

should be strong, he still hadn’t expected them to actually
summon such an enormous golden dragon.

Line after line of golden lightning flashed around Luo San

Pao, its body radiating golden light in all directions, hanging in
the air like a golden sun.

‘Don’t tell me this is the dragon clan’s legendary Saint

Dragon?’ Dugu Bo was secretly somewhat apprehensive. Even if
there was nothing divine about Luo San Pao’s body, Dugu Bo
knew that the dragon clan’s most powerful Saint Dragon would
possess a golden body.

Flender and Liu Erlong still had their eyes closed, completely

2225 Goldenagato |

unaware of their surroundings, the two had become like two
golden spheres of light.

What was a Saint Dragon?

Dugu Bo’s arrogance was completely aroused when

confronted by Luo San Pao, issuing an ear-piercing hiss, jade-
like green light bursting forth from his body, spreading his arms
like welcoming the wind, the first seven spirit rings brightened,
and immediately afterward his tall and thin body started to
expand within that jade light, shooting up.

Equally rhombic emerald scales, like sheets of inlaid jade,

Dugu Bo’s human body had already disappeared, transformed
into an immense jade green serpent. His transformation speed
was clearly faster than Luo San Pao’s, and in an eyeblink his
body was bigger as well, more than thirty meters long, the
thickness of a barrel.

More than half of the serpent’s body stood upright, directly

confronting Luo San Pao.

A pair of enormous snake eyes stared fixedly at Luo San Pao, a

snake tongue flickering, dense green mist spreading all around.

2226 Goldenagato |

This was Dugu Bo’s spirit avatar, Jade Phosphor Serpent

Dugu Yan had inherited her Jade Phosphor Serpent spirit

from Dugu Bo. But at the Title Douluo Level, Dugu Bo’s spirit
avatar couldn’t be compared to what a mere Spirit Sage was
capable of. The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s was
completely covered in scale armor, its cold eyes unwaveringly
fixed on Luo San Pao.

Luo San Pao’s body seemed to have completed its

transformation, facing upwards to roar at the sky, both wings
unfurling, suddenly opening its mouth, a golden lightning bolt
suddenly streaked towards Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo transformed into the Jade Phosphor Serpent

Emperor didn’t try to dodge, but gaped and sprayed out a thick
green fog, the nine spirit rings revolving around that enormous
body. Lowering his head, he unexpectedly used only his own
body to resist Luo San Pao’s attack.

With an enormous explosion, the golden lightning spread

from the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s head to its tail,

2227 Goldenagato |

making its enormous body stiffen. But only stiffen.

Luo San Pao stretched out its wings and silently leapt into the
air, exhaling a golden breath that collided with the Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s jade green fog.

Right now Dugu Bo confronted Luo San Pao controlled by


With the Golden Iron Triangle’s spirit fusion ability started,

the flying corner Flender contributed the ability to fly and his
own spirit power, the slaughtering corner Liu Erlong provided
the dragon form, while Grandmaster provided Luo San Pao’s
remote body, as well as his wisdom.

To complete Luo San Pao’s transformation, Flender and Liu

Erlong had to focus entirely on merging their spirit power into
the spirit fusion ability, but Luo San Pao was integrated with
Grandmaster, and was naturally controlled by Grandmaster.
Consequently, what Dugu Bo confronted was a Saint Dragon
with Grandmaster’s intellect. Of course, Luo San Pao wasn’t
truly a Saint Dragon, rather it should have the qualifier ‘fake’ in

2228 Goldenagato |

While Grandmaster’s spirit variation had made him lose the
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan’s spirit, Luo San Pao’s
variation didn’t just result in complete inferiority, rather it had
a result even higher level variant dragon’s lacked.

Right now with the transformation of the Golden Iron

Triangle’s spirit fusion ability, it was just with Luo San Pao’s
already enlarged veins that it was possible to temporarily
possess the strength of a Saint Dragon.

Even if Grandmaster wasn’t strong, in theoretical knowledge

he could be said to be unequalled. confronting the Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s belch of fog, he didn’t let Luo San
Pao approach, and rather used the flapping of its wings to create
a gale, dispersing the green fog.

The enormous Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor suddenly

moved, unexpectedly launching its seemingly cumbersome body
into the air, chasing after Luo San Pao with a wide open mouth.

Luo San Pao in midair, suddenly moved its equally enormous

body to shift sideways, stretching out two claws to grab at the
Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s seventh cun. One dragon and
one serpent battled fiercely in the air.

2229 Goldenagato |

The more they fought the more Dugu Bo became
apprehensive, he discovered that this golden dragon, seemingly
like a Saint Dragon, could actually suppress him.

Serpents were also a kind of dragon, and the Jade Phosphor

Serpent Emperor was even close to a giant dragon, but Saint
Dragons were kings among dragons, and even if Luo San Pao
had limited energy, it was still capable of causing a certain
suppressing effect on the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor.

The Saint Dragon was additionally golden, innately capable of

destroying evil, and had a certain resistive effect against
nefarious things like poison. As a result, despite the Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s toxicity, it was still unable to
infect it.

Dugu Bo clearly felt that this Golden Saint Dragon was weaker
than him, but with its superior agility and resistance to poison,
he seemed even more passive. Furthermore the Golden Saint
Dragon was extremely nimble, and relying on its sharp dragon
claws it was moving constantly as it attacked.

The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor didn’t possess flying

capability, so Luo San Pao clearly held the advantage in the air.

2230 Goldenagato |

Golden light unceasingly clashed with jade light, the entire
mountain trembling repeatedly. One moment a cliff came
crashing down, dazzlingly tremendous energy fluctuations
scattering the spirit beasts around the mountain in all
directions, no longer daring to stay nearby. Intimidating
pressure as if released by the Titan Giant Ape or Skyblue Bull
Python in Star Dou Great Forest.

Dugu Bo was actually somewhat depressed. Of course he

wasn’t unable to beat Luo San Pao, but his abilities were
excessively potent. Even he was unable to completely control
his full strength, and this was his lair, and the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well was within. The destruction from unleashing his full
ability would cost more than it gained him.

Suddenly Dugu Bo had a flash of inspiration: the spirit fusion

ability still relied on its Spirit Masters. Even if the Saint Dragon
was even more powerful, as long as he interrupted the trio’s
spirit fusion ability, the Saint Dragon would disappear

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo’s enormous snake body flickered,

dodging Luo San Pao’s next attack, simultaneously lashing out
with his serpent tail, sweeping at the trio like the autumn wind
cutting through grass.

2231 Goldenagato |

He didn’t even dodge Luo San Pao’s next attacks.

An ear-piercing scraping echoed, as Luo San Pao’s dragon

claws struck sparks on his body. However, a Title Douluo was
after all a Title Douluo, and even Luo San Pao’s fake Saint
Dragon claws couldn’t penetrate his defense.

But Dugu Bo still didn’t feel at ease, this Golden Saint

Dragon’s attacks contained both the properties of lightning and
fire, and even if the claws didn’t penetrate the hide, the violent
elements contained within did. Violent pain sent the Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s body swaying.

Hong——, the thick as a water barrel serpent tail struck

heavily on the four golden pillars of the Golden Iron Triangle.
But those golden beams of light didn’t shatter like Dugu Bo had

Dugu Bo just felt as if his tail had struck a mountain. Even if

the golden light in the triangle fluctuated violently, the three
people within completely lacked reaction.

The Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao charged yet again,
sharp claws flashing with golden light, at the same time golden

2232 Goldenagato |

lightning was generated by the two horns on its head, fusing
together and shooting out at Dugu Bo.

Simultaneously alarmed and furious, Dugu Bo could only

barely throw himself to the side, rolling away, at the same time
spouting out a jade green pearl, releasing a half arc of jade green
light to protect him within.

Gold and jade clashed once again, intense light swirling in all
directions, Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao’s energy
fluctuations were directly repelled, and the Jade Phosphor
Serpent Emperor’s body twisted violently.

“Juniors, are you really looking to die?”

Dugu Bo was finally infuriated.

The enormous serpent tail whipped at the mountainside.

Withdrawing the green fog that pervaded the surroundings
within itself, the muscles below the serpent’s head began to
flatten, raising half the serpent body, the originally jade green
snake eyes had become a terrifying white, a layer of white light
coloring the serpent head.

2233 Goldenagato |

Even if Dugu Bo couldn’t use the enormous power of his last
two spirit ring abilities to devastate this place, he had still been
a Title Douluo for many years, and had countless consummate
skills. Even if his title was poison, that absolutely wasn’t his
only ability.

Two deathly pale rays of light simultaneously shot out from

Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s white eyes, directly at Luo
San Pao.

Grandmaster’s heart skipped a beat as he saw that white ray of

light. He clearly felt that this wasn’t any of Dugu Bo’s spirit ring
abilities. With the change of the serpent’s head, there was no
doubt that this was the power of a spirit bone.

Among the six regular spirit bones, the skull and breastbone
were doubtless the most important. And what Dugu Bo used
right now should be the ability of a cranial spirit bone.

Title Douluo sure enough were an existence of their own.

While ordinary Spirit Masters might never see a spirit bone, it
was only natural for them to have one.

Grandmaster didn’t dare let Luo San Pao get hit by that

2234 Goldenagato |

deathly white light, from the opponent’s imposing attitude he
could see these two white rays weren’t an ordinary attack.

Luo San Pao’s dragon wings folded, its body plummeting

towards the ground like a shooting star, at the same time the
golden light all over its body brightened, and it suddenly turned
its body in midair.

“Break wind like thunder, shake the Heavens and split the
earth Luo San Pao!”

Grandmaster loudly called out for what was originally San

Pao’s spirit ability, but as the Golden Iron Triangle’s spirit
fusion ability Golden Saint Dragon, this was far from that weak
technique even Tang San could easily resist.

A golden fog rushed out from under Luo San Pao’s dragon tail,
forming a golden shield in midair to resist that white light.

A buzzing sound made Luo San Pao and Grandmaster tremble

simultaneously. The moment that golden light clashed with the
deathly pale rays, the white light completely dispersed through
it, and immediately afterward, an even more shocking scene
appeared. That shield in the air changed fundamentally,

2235 Goldenagato |

nothing transforming into something as it dropped from the air
as a big rock.

Grandmaster finally understood what Dugu Bo’s cranial spirit

bone was, and couldn’t help but draw in a breath. If he guessed
correctly, then it should be one of the first rate serpent type
spirit beasts, a spirit bone from the empress of serpents,
Medusa. With the Medusa’s ability to turn whatever it looked at
into stone, that spirit bone was from an at least ten thousand
year Medusa.

Although Luo San Pao’s ability was able to block this attack,
the energy drain clearly weakened the golden light around Luo
San Pao a lot, and of the Golden Iron Triangle, whether it was
Grandmaster, Flender or Liu Erlong, all of them shuddered

Their spirit fusion ability blended all the energy of all three
into Luo San Pao, making Luo San Pao’s body the same as their
three bodies. But this ability’s greatest advantage was that, after
activation, the three of them entered an unparallelled state.
Unless Luo San Pao perished, or unless their spirit power was
depleted, any attacks would be rendered ineffective against

2236 Goldenagato |

It was because of this that the previous poison formation
toxin and Dugu Bo’s serpent tail attack were unable to harm

“Hmph, you dodged once, can you still escape twice?”

The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s deathly pale eyes once

again looked at Luo San Pao. Dugu Bo was experienced and
knowledgeable, naturally he had guessed the effect of the
Golden Iron Triangle’s spirit fusion ability. Even though this
Golden Saint Dragon wasn’t weak, Grandmaster’s trio’s spirit
power was too far below his, and the current Luo San Pao
wasn’t enough to truly threaten him.

If Title Douluo were so easy to defeat, how would they be

known as the strongest on the Continent?

A long dragon’s roar rose from Luo San Pao. Grandmaster

knew that if he didn’t use their last technique now, then
perhaps his trio might be unable to endure. Medusa’s stare was
truly terrifying, if it hit, perhaps San Pao would be critically

Golden light sparkled once again. Grandmaster, Flender and

2237 Goldenagato |

Liu Erlong’s trio practically simultaneously spit out blood,
falling at the ring in the center of the golden triangle. Their
blood instantly blended in that ring, becoming a golden bolt of
lightning striking Luo San Pao’s body.

Spreading its wings, this time Luo San Pao didn’t dodge the
Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s attack, it’s whole body
igniting with golden light like flames, a dragon’s call more
elated than the first, those golden flames actually condensed
into another it in front, becoming a transparent dragon image,
heading straight for the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor.

Golden Saint Dragon’s Esoterics, True Golden Dragon.

Twenty years ago they had only completed half of this

technique. Now that twenty years had passed, even though
Grandmaster hadn’t advanced at all, Flender and Liu Erlong had
both reached Spirit Sage level Spirit Masters.

It was the first time this ability was used fully.

When that golden dragon of light and shadow flew out, Luo
San Pao shrank rapidly in midair, becoming a ray of bluish
purple light flying back to Grandmaster and disappearing

2238 Goldenagato |

unseen. At the same time the light around the Golden Iron
Triangle faded. As all the gold had vanished, the trio’s
complexions simultaneously became pale.


Dugu Bo snarled.

True Saint Dragon was one of the most powerful Esoterics of

the Golden Saint Dragon, even if it was only a fake Golden Saint
Dragon, this eruption of power was still the same. Medusa’s
stare was a terrifying beam that could transform substance or
even energy, but it still had limits. This raging True Saint
Dragon was clearly beyond the limits of the Medusa’s stare.

And what made Dugu Bo even more dispirited was that right
now he couldn’t dodge. With the True Saint Dragon’s power, if
he avoided it, then the mountain behind him would be levelled
with the ground, and the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well behind him
would collapse and disappear.

Right now, despite his reluctance, he still had to rely on his

own strength to block the attack.

2239 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo’s eighth spirit ring brightened, black rays of light
dyeing his serpent form, immediately turning the jade color
into forest green. Dugu Bo’s raised serpent head returned to
normal, once again spitting out that dark green pearl.

A bizarre scene appeared. Whether it was the pale trio of the

Golden Iron Triangle, or the True Saint Dragon in the air,
unexpectedly all of them instantly stood still in their places.
Everything in the surroundings, even the wind itself paused in
the air.

Everything was frozen.

The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s enormous body

became transparent and disappeared, leaving Dugu Bo hanging
in the air. His right hand controlled that dark green pearl to
slowly fly towards the True Saint Dragon.

The eighth spirit ability, the one he was using now, was his
eighth spirit ability Time Freeze. The destructive power of this
spirit ability together with his ninth spirit ability could even
level a city.

But the spirit power consumed to use this spirit ability was

2240 Goldenagato |

enormous. He absolutely wouldn’t use it unless absolutely

The green pearl flew directly inside the True Saint Dragon. A
jade light flashed in Dugu Bo’s eyes,


The green light spread in a flash, completely rendering that

golden True Saint Dragon green, actually as if it had become a
jade dragon.

Leaving behind a line of afterimages, Dugu Bo appeared before

the jade green True Saint Dragon. His face was also somewhat
pale, and in his heart he couldn’t help rejoice, fortunately this
was a fake Golden Saint Dragon.If this had been the True Saint
Dragon of a real Golden Saint Dragon, then even his own Time
Freeze might not have been able to restrain it.

Raising his hand, he cautiously withdrew that jade green

pearl, putting it in his mouth, his left hand pressing at the True
Saint Dragon’s head, the jade light in his eyes vanished as
instead his left hand became jade green.

2241 Goldenagato |

The five fingers closing, Dugu Bo’s eyes were like two cold
stars as he shouted loudly, “Break.”

A sharp and clear cracking sound echoed, starting from the

head of the jade-like True Saint Dragon, a series of cracks began
to spread, in an eyeblink already extending all the way up and
down its body.

With a flicker, Dugu Bo had already returned to his position

on the mountain, the light of the eighth spirit ring fading,


The frozen space once again returned to normal, only that

True Saint Dragon was unable to move forward, all the cracks
causing it to shatter like colored glass. With an explosive sound
light radiated in all directions, a wave of energy surging out in a
circle, but no longer with the attack power it had before.

Grandmaster, Flender and Liu Erlong stood there, blood

running from the corners of their mouths, their spirit power
practically completely exhausted from the spirit fusion ability,
but Dugu Bo still remained untouchable up high. A Title Douluo
was after all still a Title Douluo, in the end it was still their loss.

2242 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo’s eyes held a somewhat proper mood, indifferently
looking at the Golden Iron Triangle without the ability to resist
before him, but still standing straight backed and looking
directly at him:

“You’re not bad, able to cause me such inconvenience with

that level of spirit power. This spirit fusion ability is indeed the
most outstanding I’ve ever seen. If you had fought a Spirit
Douluo level Spirit Master instead, he might not have been your

Dugu Bo very rarely praised people, but the Golden Iron

Triangle’s spirit fusion ability had indeed left him with a deep

Grandmaster calmly said:

“So what, you still won. Do it.”

Grabbing Liu Erlong’s hand, he slowly closed his eyes.

2243 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s ‘death’ was an enormous blow to Grandmaster,
and with their True Saint Dragon broken, he knew it would be
very difficult to leave here alive today.

Their greatest asset, the spirit fusion ability, hadn’t been able
to harm this Title Douluo. At this moment Grandmaster no
longer held any qualms about Liu Erlong. Holding his beloved’s
hand, his heart no longer trembled.

“Do you think you’ll die so easily?”

With a glimmering green light, Dugu Bo arrived in front of

the trio.

“Wait a moment.”

Grandmaster suddenly thought of something, once again

opening his eyes,

“Dugu Bo, Tang San was my disciple, this matter is unrelated

to the two of them. Let them go, and do as you wish with me.”

2244 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo disdainfully said:

“How are you still qualified to make demands of me?”

Liu Erlong smiled sweetly,

“Senior Dugu, we indeed aren’t qualified, we indeed don’t

have these qualifications. However, I don’t know whether
you’re aware what our spirits are. Me and Xiao Gang, are both
from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan. Perhaps we aren’t
your opponents, but can you afford to offend our clan?”

“Erlong, quiet.”

Grandmaster snapped. His heart dropped. If Liu Erlong hadn’t

revealed her background perhaps she still might have had the
chance to live, but now that she’d spoken, how couldn’t Dugu
Bo pull the weeds with the roots to avoid later trouble?

Sure enough, when Dugu Bo heard what Erlong said his

expression changed slightly. Associating it with the trio’s spirit
fusion ability, he said with a frown:

2245 Goldenagato |

“You’re actually from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan?
Good, very good. Then so what? Even if I can’t beat your clan’s
dragon, how will your clan have any evidence to justify revenge
as long as I’ve killed you? Getting rid of skeletons isn’t any
problem as far as I’m concerned.”

Liu Erlong said with a smile:

“It’s as senior says. As long as you kill me and Xiao Gang, even
if our clan comes to find you, you can avoid them without
problem. But Flender isn’t related to our clan, even if he reveals
it to our clan later, I suspect they still wouldn’t believe him.
Just he alone doesn’t constitute evidence. Kill the two of us, but
might senior let him go?”

Dugu Bo laughed out loud,

“Do you take me for an idiot? Releasing the tiger back into the
mountain? Even if there is nothing in this world I fear, I will
always cut weeds with the roots. Why wouldn’t it be even safer
to just kill all three of you?”

A cold light expression in Liu Erlong’s eyes, flipping over her

2246 Goldenagato |

hand to reveal a blue metal ball,

“Then try it. This is our clan’s signaling device, even if you’re
more powerful than us, the moment you kill us, I will definitely
set it off. This is your domain, when our clan’s people come
here, can you still deny relationship? As long as you let Flender
go, you can kill us and I won’t use it.”

Dying together with her beloved didn’t make Liu Erlong sad,
but actually secretly a bit excited. She had never felt death was

“Erlong, what are you saying? Don’t tell me that I, Flender,

am a craven person? If there’s killing, then kill. When we’re in
the ground I will still act as a go-between for you and Xiao Gang.
What does it matter if our Golden Iron Triangle dies together?
Set off that signaling device. Then at least someone will avenge

With a flickering movement, Flender stood in front of Liu

Erlong and Grandmaster.

Liu Erlong urgently said:

2247 Goldenagato |

“Boss Fu, you’re crazy. Go quickly, this isn’t the time to show

Flender sighed,

“I’ve lived for more than fifty years, dying now still won’t be
premature. Erlong, even though you don’t love me, your place
in my heart is like Xiao Gang’s in yours. To you, dying with Xiao
Gang is a blessing, then can I have any regrets over dying
together with both of you? It’s only a pity about little San. Dugu
Bo, I’m not worried to tell you. Little San’s father is someone
even you can’t afford to offend. When we don’t return, my
people will immediately look for him. His existence is even
more terrifying than the whole Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon


Dugu Bo looked at the trio with interest,

“So you’re saying that kid still had some kind of background?
Someone even I don’t dare offend? In this world there aren’t
many of those. Let me hear it, who is his father?”

2248 Goldenagato |

Flender snorted coldly,

“Don’t tell me you can’t calculate age? Little San was thirteen
years old this year, so his father naturally wouldn’t be too old.
Adding that he isn’t someone you can’t afford to offend, who
does that leave on this Continent?”

Dugu Bo first stared blankly a moment. Very quickly he

seemed to think of something, and his face immediately
changed enormously,

“Tang San, Tang San, that one was also named Tang. Don’t
tell me…… Impossible, that kid’s spirit is just Blue Silver Grass.”

Grandmaster coldly said:

“Correct, you saw his spirit was only Blue Silver Grass, but
what if he had two spirits?”

Believing that Tang San was already dead, he no longer

worried about secrets.

2249 Goldenagato |

“What did you say?”

Dugu Bo was horrified beyond description,

“You’re saying that kid actually had twin spirits?”

Grandmaster calmly said:


Dugu Bo’s eyes revealed an irresolute light, slowly raising his

right hand, an ominous glint in his eyes. Right now he had
already resolved not only to immediately kill these three, but
that he also had to immediately get rid of Tang San. If Flender
was right, that person, indeed was someone he couldn’t afford
to offend. But as long as he destroyed the corpses and removed
all traces, then left immediately, it still wouldn’t be easy for that
person to find him.

The moment Dugu Bo prepared to act, Suddenly a clear and

melodious voice came from the distance,

2250 Goldenagato |

“Dugu Bo, you dare.”

Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, turning his head to look

in the direction of the voice he saw a figure head towards them
extremely swiftly, the rugged mountain path unable to hinder
him. Under the impetus of eight slender shadows he swiftly
approached their side.

“Little San?”

Grandmaster and Flender said simultaneously with a stunned


It was indeed Tang San, with the effect of Eight Spider Lances
he reached their side in just a moment.

Right now Tang San appeared a little different, the Eight

Spider Lances on his back having undergone a bizarre change
compared to before. They were still the same size, but the
originally bluish purple Eight Spider Lances had now become a
deep red, and on the deep red surface were arrays of white
circular patterns, as if a white decorative design, making Eight
Spider Lances appear brightly colored and dazzling.

2251 Goldenagato |

However, right now Flender, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong
were all in a state of astonishment that Tang San wasn’t dead,
and hadn’t noticed. But Dugu Bo wouldn’t let such details slip
by. He was secretly startled. Even if he didn’t know just what
had changed, as the king of poison he clearly understood that in
the realm of poison, the brighter the colors, the more poisonous
it was. This kid had clearly gained something by the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well.

Originally, after Tang San had eaten the Octagonal Mysterious

Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot and submerged himself
in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he had very quickly sunken
into unconsciousness from being drowned in that powerful

The Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s accounts hadn’t

been wrong. Even if the two kinds of immortal treasure
poisonous plants were potent, after neutralizing each other they
became a treasure that could be absorbed by the human body.

With the boosting effect of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,
they had been slowly absorbed into Tang San’s body, settling in
his energy channels and bones.

However, the medicinal strength contained within these two

2252 Goldenagato |

kinds of herbs was just too powerful and couldn’t be absorbed in
just a short time. As Tang San woke up, he had discovered he
was floating in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, his spirit power
already recovered to peak condition.

Eating these two immortal treasure herbs didn’t have any

effect on his spirit power. Its most immediate benefit was to
remove any sense of pain from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

To the present Tang San, the extremely cold yin spring was
like cold water, and that red hot yang spring was like warm
water, that’s all. Not only wouldn’t immersing himself within
cause any injuries, on the contrary it was exceptionally relaxing.
Tang San knew that the effectiveness of the two kinds of herbs
in his body required relying on constant use of the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well to absorb.

By the accounts of the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record,

the benefit eating these two immortal treasure herbs at the
same time could bring could be described in three words: Ice
Fire Protection.

When Tang San was rejoicing in his success, the violent

shaking and the golden light in the sky drew his attention.

2253 Goldenagato |

Even the thick steam in the air over the Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well couldn’t block the that intense radiance, and adding the
potent energy fluctuations he immediately guessed that
something was happening outside. Such violent spirit power
collisions was probably someone acting against the old freak.

Unable to determine the effects the Octagonal Mysterious Ice

Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot gave him, he hastily
released Eight Spider Lances and swiftly dashed over. The color
change of the Eight Spider Lances was clearly some
transformation from absorbing the ice and fire power contained
within the two kinds of poisonous herbs.

At a distance Tang San already used his Purple Demon Eye,

clearly seeing the situation of the battle. When he hurried over
was precisely when Dugu Bo used his formidable Time Freeze to
completely locked down everything within a several thousand
square meter area and destroyed the True Saint Dragon.

Seeing Dugu Bo about to kill Grandmaster and the others,

Tang San shouted loudly and swiftly hurried over.

Seeing the transformed Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s

back, Dugu Bo’s killing plan was even easier, secretly thinking
to himself that he had come over just in time, killing all four

2254 Goldenagato |

together would save him a trip.

Right now he didn’t even think about how Tang San could
have survived near the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. He just
wanted to immediately settle his one pressing issue.

Just when Dugu Bo’s killing intent rushed up again, Tang San
spoke up. He didn’t speak to Grandmaster, Flender and Liu
Erlong, but rather looked at Dugu Bo:

“Senior Dugu, didn’t you promise me three things? Then this

is the first, no matter when hereafter, you can’t harm anyone
related to the Shrek Academy.”


Dugu Bo stared blankly. He hadn’t expected Tang San to

actually raise conditions at this moment.

It’s been mentioned before, but Chinese folklore holds that

the seventh cun from the head is a snake’s weak point.

2255 Goldenagato |


(圣龙本相) “Golden Dragon Original Form”


(水火不侵) Literally “Ice Fire Not Invade”, so “unaffected by ice

and fire”

2256 Goldenagato |

Chapter 66 - Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal

Tang San smiled calmly, saluting Grandmaster, Flender and

Liu Erlong,

“Teachers, I’ve let you worry. In fact, senior Dugu didn’t have
malicious intentions bringing me here, he only wanted to
examine the properties of Eight Spider Lance’s poison. Senior
Dugu saw that I had outstanding gifts, and decided to instruct
me in some poison related matters. How come you were fighting
with senior Dugu?”

Listening to Tang San, not just Grandmaster’s trio, but even

Dugu Bo stared blankly. None of them had expected Tang San to
say this.

Grandmaster somewhat doubtfully looked at Tang San, but he

couldn’t see any flaw in his disciple’s expression,

“Is it really so? But, just now senior Dugu said he had already
killed you?”

2257 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled:

“That was just senior Dugu joking with you. With senior
Dugu’s identity and status, how would he bully a junior like

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San’s back, every kind of emotion

flitting through his heart. Nobody wanted to wear the dunce
cap, and Tang San was instead covering up for him. Especially
hearing that last line made Dugu Bo’s old face blush. Indeed,
bothering a junior like Tang San, with his identity and status,
was indeed disgraceful.

Tang San turned to look at Dugu Bo, still with a smile,

“Oh, by the way, senior Dugu, what you said yesterday about
the characteristics of Dugu Yan’s venom, I’ve discovered that
there are still ways to remove her poison, what do you say about
letting me look into it with you?”

Hearing Tang San mention Dugu Yan, Dugu Bo started. He

knew that what Tang San was telling him was that he had
already found a way to remove his granddaughter’s poison.

2258 Goldenagato |

Following Tang San’s impromptu performance, Dugu Bo’s
mind gradually calmed. Weighing the pros and cons, his killing
intent slowly faded.

Because he had discovered that if he killed these four, not only

wouldn’t it bring him any advantages, it might even bring him a
great deal of trouble. Before even the Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon clan behind Liu Erlong and Grandmaster, what they
said about Tang San’s father alone was enough to give him a
headache. From Tang San’s talent and what Grandmaster and
the others said before, Dugu Bo had naturally determined that
they hadn’t tried to fool him. After all, at that time they had all
thought Tang San was already dead.

But if he didn’t kill them, with Tang San covering it up, this
enmity would all disappear into thin air. And if this kid could
relieve his and Yan-yan’s side effects, then it would be his gain.

Dugu Bo being a sly old fox, as soon as he thought of this the

cold expression on his face vanished, and he very naturally said:

“Fine, we’ll talk it over later. I didn’t expect your teachers to

be so caring. Just now I tried out their strength, and very nearly
got the worst of it.”

2259 Goldenagato |

Flender’s trio looked at each other. None of them quite dared
believe their ears. They had all clearly felt Dugu Bo’s intense
killing intent, how could this old freak change shape so
flawlessly, making it a test?

Dugu Bo walked up to Tang San’s side, raising his hand to

amiably rub his head, saying to Grandmaster’s trio: “Your
disciple is indeed outstanding. Honestly, I would make him my
disciple. This old man has never been in the habit of explaining
things to others, but for this kid, today I’ll make an exception.
Just now I only wanted to test whether you all have the
qualifications to be his teachers. You’re quite good, even if your
strength really isn’t the best, I truly admire your willingness to
die as friends.”

Dugu Bo’s last words really weren’t empty. He had always

been petty, and dealt with matters according to his own
preferences, but he really did somewhat admire how
Grandmaster’s trio calmly faced death.

Flender looked at Dugu Bo’s calm expression, suddenly not

knowing whether to laugh or cry. Again looking at Dugu Bo’s
amiable attitude towards Tang San, in a moment he no longer
knew what to believe.

2260 Goldenagato |

Tang San said:

“Teachers, you go back first. Senior Dugu’s knowledge of

poison is wide and deep, and since my Blue Silver Grass also
possesses poisonous qualities I would like to learn from senior
Dugu a while, is that alright?”

Grandmaster looked doubtfully at Tang San. Of course he

knew Dugu Bo’s status among poison Spirit Masters, and if he
truly wanted to instruct Tang San, then it would naturally be of
enormous benefit for Tang San. But he all along felt somewhat
strange. This Dugu Bo’s change was too great.

However, people were all afraid to die, and right now they
didn’t have a good reason to doubt Dugu Bo’s own explanation.

Dugu Bo calmly smiled, saying: “What? You’re worried about

leaving little San here with me? Or afraid I’ll snatch your
disciple? Don’t worry, I’ve already made sure you’re qualified to
be his teachers, I wouldn’t fight with you over it again. This
kid’s talent has amazed me greatly. In six months to a year
you’ll get your disciple back in one piece. Even if I haven’t
known him long, I’m still quite fond of this kid.”

2261 Goldenagato |

Flender gave Grandmaster a meaningful glance, slightly
saluting Dugu Bo:

“Poison Douluo’s words have always carried enormous

weight, since you say this, then we’ll take everything just now
as a misunderstanding. Let me apologize to you on behalf of us
three. Little San being able to study with you for a time is his
good fortune. Only, this child has been with us for several years
and is just like our own child, I don’t know whether we can
come visit him while he studies with you?”

Dugu Bo calmly said:

“Of course you can, but not too often.”

Hearing this, the Golden Iron Triangle trio’s hearts were

relieved. Grandmaster nodded to Dugu Bo, saying:

“Since it’s like this, I’ll trouble senior.”

Dugu Bo glanced at Tang San at his side, indifferently saying:

2262 Goldenagato |

“It’s no trouble, not a bit of trouble.”

Making a throwing motion, three pills fell into the hands of

the Golden Iron Triangle trio,

“Suck on these drugs while leaving and you won’t be

influenced by the poison formation. This medicine can be used
repeatedly. Don’t forget them when you come again later.”

Flender said with a smile:

“Very well, then us three juniors will take our leave. We will
come visit senior officially some other day.”

Dugu Bo nodded and didn’t stop them, letting the trio depart.
Before leaving Grandmaster looked closely at Tang San, but still
didn’t say anything, going down the mountain with Flender’s
help. Even though the three of them had spent a lot of spirit
power, as long as they were a bit careful, leaving this Sunset
Forest wouldn’t be a problem.

Watching the departing trio, Dugu Bo withdrew his hand

from Tang San’s head, coldly saying:

2263 Goldenagato |

“Kid, why did you cover for me? What are you after?”

Tang San turned his head to look at Dugu Bo,

“This was our deal. You promised me three things, don’t tell
me you forgot?”

Dugu Bo snorted,

“That’s only if you can cure me and Yan-yan. However, I’m

more and more doubtful, are you really only thirteen? You
really are a little freak. It’s almost time, if you can’t pass my
test, you’ll die.”

Tang San suddenly laughed,

“Old freak, didn’t you say you always kept your promises?
Just now it seemed to me that you told my teachers you would
return me to them intact.”

2264 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo looked across at him,

“I did say that, however, a corpse is still an intact body.”


As Tang San looked at him with amazement, Dugu Bo already

turned to walk up the mountain.

Actually, when Dugu Bo’s killing intent vanished he had

already decided to let the Golden Iron Triangle and Tang San
live. When he kidnapped Tang San he hadn’t expected there to
be so many and troublesome powers behind them. Really killing
Tang San wouldn’t bring him any advantages, only a large
amount of trouble. Even though he did as he liked, he wasn’t a
lunatic without apprehension.

Therefore Dugu Bo had already decided not to kill Tang San

even if he didn’t pass his test and couldn’t cure him and his
granddaughter. He hadn’t lied before when he said he liked
Tang San. Everything Tang San had showed in their short time
together had caused a bit of affection in Dugu Bo’s heart.

2265 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster’s trio below the mountain weren’t in any hurry
to leave. This place was protected by Dugu Bo’s poison, so the
trio stayed there to rest a bit instead of heading out into an
ocean of spirit beasts after consuming so much spirit power.

Flender lowered his voice and said to Grandmaster:

“Xiao Gang, would you say that Dugu Bo really wants to teach
little San?”

The feeling of a new lease on life was still pretty good. As long
as they could live, nobody wanted to die. But after calming
down, he clearly felt that this whole matter was somewhat

Grandmaster shook his head, lowering his voice:

“There’s definitely a problem here, but with Dugu Bo’s status,

he wouldn’t be so close to little San without some special
reason. Moreover he seemed a bit apprehensive about what
little San said.”

Flender nodded:

2266 Goldenagato |

“However, no matter what is said, little San shouldn’t be in
danger for the moment, otherwise Dugu Bo wouldn’t let us off.
Especially when he already knows little San’s background, if he
acts against little San, he’ll be out of luck. Able to become a Title
Douluo, he’s naturally an astute person, he wouldn’t easily pull
down that kind of trouble on himself.”

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying:

“Right now we can only live in hope. We mustn’t tell

everyone about this once we’re back, we’ll just say we’ve
arranged for some secret training for Tang San. We mustn’t
influence the other childrens’ cultivation. Additionally, we’ll
also have to keep this matter confidential for the moment, we
can’t rush out blindly again unless we first find Tang San’s
father. A Title Douluo level power really isn’t something we can

A cold light flickered in Liu Erlong’s eyes,

“It’s a pity. If we were a bit more powerful, using our spirit

fusion ability after reaching the Spirit Douluo realm, maybe we
could’ve killed that old freak just now.”

2267 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster shook his head:

“It wouldn’t be that easy, don’t tell me you didn’t notice that
Dugu Bo seemed somewhat worried when fighting us just now
and didn’t use his full strength, otherwise I’m afraid we
couldn’t have lasted that long.”

Flender nodded,

“After getting back we’ll immediately send some people out to

find Tang San’s father, as long as we can find him, it doesn’t
matter what Dugu Bo’s goals are.”

By now the three had recovered their strength somewhat, and

holding the pills Dugu Bo gave them in their mouths, they set
out to leave the Sunset Forest.

Dugu bo once again reached the side of the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well, and Tang San relying on Eight Spider Lances didn’t
fall behind. Right now the sky was already brightening, and
after a restless night, Dugu Bo’s aged face seemed somewhat

2268 Goldenagato |

Even though his strength far surpassed Grandmaster’s trio,
the Golden Iron Triangle had arrived just after he had endured
the hour when death would have been better than living. The
battle against the Golden Iron Triangle afterward brought him
considerable pressure, and even though he still had plenty of
spirit power, his physical strength was a bit depleted.

After all, his bones were old.

Dugu Bo shot a glance at Tang San, looking at the changed

Eight Spider Lances on his back, saying:

“Kid, didn’t you eat something? Don’t blame me for not

warning you that the medicinal plants here are much more
potent than ordinary herbs. Even a tonic might be fatal.”

Tang san smiled calmly,

“Old freak, when did you become so caring? Weren’t you

looking forward to seeing me die?”

Dugu Bo’s face chilled,

2269 Goldenagato |

“That’s right, if you can’t pass my test you will still die. It’s
time, are you ready?”

Tang San wandered aimlessly three steps along the edge of the
spring, standing straight, calmly saying:

“Come at me.”

Dugu Bo somewhat doubting looked at him,

“Are you really ready?”

Tang San nodded once again, making an inviting gesture.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly, lightly flicking the fingers of his right

hand towards Tang San, mildly green fumes quietly appeared.
Dugu Bo was indeed worthy of being called the great scholar of a
generation among poison Spirit Masters, a seemingly simple
poisoning, that green mist dispersed in an instant, just enough
to envelop Tang San within.

2270 Goldenagato |

Tang San stood there, looking at him without moving,

“Old freak, this was your first test. Hurry up with the second.
Your Jade Phosphor Serpent poison is so trivial, useless.”

Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, this scene clearly falling

short of his research in poisons. Tang San basically hadn’t taken
any antidote, only stood there as if nothing had happened, his
body not changing at all as the green mist scattered, not
seeming the slightest bit poisoned.

The green mist Dugu Bo released was only a probing attack

that could be easily cured, but he hadn’t expected Tang San to
dissolve it so easily. Even if he had already decided to kill Tang
San, he had always had extremely high self esteem when it came
to ‘poison’.

Right now he couldn’t keep his competitive spirit from

rousing. A jade light flickered in his eyes, turning over his hand,
a jade green little snake appeared in his palm.

“For the second test, let it bite you.”

2271 Goldenagato |

Speaking, he already threw the little snake at Tang San.

The reason Tang San was able to easily block Dugu Bo’s first
poison mist was actually quite simple. Those steps he had taken
before starting had been just enough to bring him into the
protective range of the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal
Treasure. Let lone not using his full strength, even if Dugu Bo
brought out his most potent poisonous attack, he still might not
harm Tang San.

From Dugu Bo vacantly not understanding the circumstances,

Tang San could see that this Poison Douluo wasn’t completely
familiar with the plants here.

However, Dugu Bo’s second stage test wasn’t so easily

resisted. The Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure could
only protect against external poisons, and wouldn’t have any
effect if the poison entered the bloodstream.

Tang San flicked his wrist and that jade green snake fell into
his palm. That little snake seemed practically transparent, only
five cun long, dense green light roaming within, a pair of scarlet
little eyes, appearing exceptionally cute. On its body was
altogether nine bamboo joint like stripes. As it fell into Tang
San’s hand it moved about softly, unreservedly yawning to bite.

2272 Goldenagato |

Hissing, the little green snake twisted, closing its mouth,
unexpectedly not biting. Even if it was a poisonous creature,
Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand was especially resistant to
poison, and its incomparable toughness clearly wasn’t
something the snake’s teeth could match up to.

Tang San used two fingers to catch the little jade snake’s
seventh cun, lifting it up, saying with a frown:

“Old freak, you can be poisonous enough. This is the best

among bamboo vipers, Nine Segment Jade, infected with its
poison, in three quarters of an hour one would die issuing pus
water. Even though it seems small, it’s still one of the most
poisonous snakes. Moreover it’s body is strong as steel, even a
sharp blade couldn’t injure it easily.”

As Dugu Bo looked at Tang San unexpectedly easily describing

his Nine Segment Jade, he couldn’t help secretly be astonished.
The Nine Segment Jade was strangely fast, but it was still
exceptionally aggressive. Falling into a stranger’s hand there
was basically no reason it wouldn’t attack, but how didn’t
anything happen to this kid?

2273 Goldenagato |

Actually, having entered the range of the Aromatic Silk
Beauty Immortal Treasure, as a poisonous creature it suffered
the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s suppression, and
as a result its speed was limited, and adding Tang San’s
Mysterious Jade Hand it naturally didn’t try anything.

“This is my second test for you, let it bite you, I want to see
blood. Don’t you dare?”

To other people there might be no solution to the Nine

Segment Jade’s poison, but to Dugu Bo it was a different matter.
He had cultivated his Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit to the Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor realm, and could be said to be the
ancestor of all other snakes. Neutralizing this Nine Segment
Jade’s poison was a simple matter to him.

Tang San calmly smiled, saying:

“Letting it bite me is no problem, only, senior Dugu, let’s talk

it over? If it bites me and doesn’t have any effect on me, will you
give this Nine Segment Jade to me as a gift? How about it?”


2274 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo was really somewhat speechless. There had never
been anyone who hadn’t been scared when confronting his
poison. But this kid wasn’t just fearless, he even made demands.

“You’re not calling me ‘old freak’? Why switch to ‘senior’?”

Tang San smiled:

“Isn’t this a request to you? What?”

Dugu Bo snapped:

“You really are a little freak. Fine, let it bite you, if nothing
happens, how about I give it to you?”

How could he believe that this teenaged child confronting him

could endure the Nine Segment Jade’s poison.

This Nine Segment Jade was an extremely precious creature,

and he had complete confidence in it. Secretly he thought that
as long as long as this kid was poisoned, he would detoxify him
and this Nine Segment Jade would naturally return to its

2275 Goldenagato |

rightful owner.

Tang San showed a somewhat cautious expression, drawing a

deep breath, quietly circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill within
his body, slowly gathering the Nine Segment Jade at his

The Nine Segment Jade had bitten Tang San’s Mysterious

Jade Hand several times without success, on the contrary its
teeth bounced back. Being presented with soft flesh like a
prepared meal, it bit at once.

The Nine Segment Jade’s bite didn’t feel the slightest bit sore,
only a slight numbness, and a little tingle. But that tingle spread
with astonishing speed, and in practically just an eyeblink, Tang
San’s whole arm had already become jade green.

Watching this, Dugu Bo couldn’t help but show a smiling


“Kid, since you know about the Nine Segment Jade, don’t tell
me you don’t know about its poison? You……”

2276 Goldenagato |

He prepared to step forward to detoxify Tang San, but before
he had even finished speaking, Tang San’s jade green arm
unexpectedly equally quickly returned to normal.

With a glimpse of red and white on the skin, the whole arm
seemed like a precious jade treasure.

What Dugu Bo could understand the least was that the Nine
Segment Jade that bit Tang San actually rolled on its belly,
directly losing consciousness in Tang San’s hand, motionless.

Dugu Bo’s present actions as a Title Douluo made Tang San

smile somewhat. Raising both hands, he rubbed his eyes.

Tang San kindly reminded him:

“Senior Dugu, you didn’t make a mistake. Haven’t I passed

your second test? Also, this Nine Segment Jade belongs to me.”

“This…… Kid, how did you do it?”

Dugu Bo looked dumbstruck at Tang San. He had played with

2277 Goldenagato |

poison for a lifetime, but this was still the first time he had seen
something like this.

Tang San still smiled, affectionately caressing the unconscious

Nine Segment Jade in his hand, saying:

“Senior Dugu, give me your third test first.”

Dugu Bo’s expression gradually became serious. Right now his

heart was already faintly convinced that this youngster indeed
had the ability to detoxify him and his granddaughter. But even
so, deep in his heart he was unwilling to admit he was inferior
to someone in poison.

The light of spirit rings rose from below, nine spirit rings
revolving around his body, moving up and down. But this time
there wasn’t any pressure.

Looking at those dazzlingly beautiful nine rings of light, Tang

San couldn’t help inwardly gasp in admiration. Indeed worthy
of being a Title Douluo, he could even control his imposing

2278 Goldenagato |

A fingernail on Dugu Bo’s hand slowly lengthened, in a
moment already three cun long, sharp like an awl, a jade green
light giving it a colorful glow.

“Tang San, you must understand that even I can’t fully

control my next poison. Right now there is still time to regret it.
I still won’t kill you, and I’ll let you try to cure my poison side

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo’s hand, his expression also

becoming serious. He put away the Nine Segment Jade by his
chest, he knew that what Dugu Bo used this time would be his
own toxin, the poison of the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor.
With his cultivation, such a poison would indeed be very
difficult to ward off in his present condition.

But what Dugu Bo said also aroused Tang San’s own pride.
Being of Tang Sect, confronting the threat of the opponent’s
poison, how could he shrink back? As a Tang Sect disciple, if he
was someone unable to conquer poison, he wouldn’t be worthy
of the Tang name.

After thinking a moment, Tang San touch the flower of the

Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure with his right hand,
then walked over in front of Dugu Bo, raising his left arm,

2279 Goldenagato |

“Come on.”

Dugu Bo’s brows furrowed,

“You really want to?”

Tang San firmly nodded once.

A cold light flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes, thinking to himself,

‘A tiger that doesn’t show its strength, you would truly take me
for a sickly cat. Don’t tell me that with all these years of
cultivating poison I would be unable to control this little
junior?’ Lightly flicking his finger, the tip already pierced into
Tang San’s arm.

Practically in an instant, a dark energy entered and swiftly

spread, and in a moment that black line rose up the arm.

Tang San quickly used his right hand to press down on the
injury on his left arm, and while he could still move, quickly
retreating a few steps, again returning within the Aromatic Silk

2280 Goldenagato |

Beauty Immortal Treasure’s protective range. Sitting down
cross legged, he closed his eyes and silently circulated
Mysterious Heaven Skill.

Right now he wasn’t circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill in

order to force out the poison; let alone the Jade Phosphor
Serpent Emperor’s poison, with his current level of Mysterious
Heaven Skill he couldn’t even have disposed of the previous
Nine Segment Jade’s poison. The reason he circulated his
internal strength was to increase the flow speed of his blood

An average person dealing with poison this way would not

doubt accelerate their own death, but what Tang San did now
was in order to arouse the medicinal strength of the Octagonal
Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot within his

Just like ten thousand poisons shunned the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well, the most significant advantage of dosing himself
with the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious
Apricot was to change his physique with the two extreme ice
and fire medicinal strengths. If Tang San was able to completely
absorb these two kinds of medicines, then he would possess a
body protected from a hundred poisons.

2281 Goldenagato |

Of course, he still had a very long way to go to reach this goal.
Before when the Nine Segment Jade bit him, it was precisely the
two kinds of medicinal herbs in Tang San’s body that showed
their effect, neutralizing the poison. And the reason the Nine
Segment Jade lost consciousness was because it had swallowed
some of the two kinds of medicinal herbs along with Tang San’s
blood. Fortunately this blood was already neutralized,
otherwise such a rare and precious poisonous creature like the
Nine Segment Jade would have immediately burst and died.

If Tang San was be able to completely absorb the two kinds of

medicinal herbs, he of course wouldn’t fear Dugu Bo’s Jade
Phosphor Serpent Emperor poison, but right now he was still
far from accomplishing this. Consequently, in order to resist
Dugu Bo’s toxin, he had to rely on some external force.

Tang San of course wouldn’t play around with his own life,
when he agreed he had already made up a plan.

Even if the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure was

unable to restrain poison in the blood stream, by its very nature
it could still slow down the rate of the poison’s outbreak, and
cause a certain suppressive effect. When Tang San previously
touched the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s flower
with his right hand, it had been covered in pollen. After being
poisoned, he immediately spread the pollen on his wound.

2282 Goldenagato |

The Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s pollen had the
effect of dissolving a hundred poisons, even if it couldn’t
dissolve the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s poison on its
own, it was still enough to weaken it. Further adding the
combined effect of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and
Infernal Precious Apricot, several kinds of poisons were
currently struggling for life and death within Tang San’s body.

Dugu Bo calmly observed Tang San. Even he himself didn’t

have the ability to remove the Jade Phosphor Serpent
Emperor’s poison, and watching Tang San sit there with a face
already black, he couldn’t help feel somewhat regretful. He had
been famous for so many years, what strength did a child have
by comparison. If he died here now, the trouble would truly be
great. Recalling that person behind Tang San, Dugu Bo felt a
great headache. Just like what Flender said, Tang San’s father,
that man called Tang Hao, truly wasn’t someone he could

Just as man and heaven waged war in Dugu Bo’s heart,

suddenly there was a change in Tang San before him. Faint red
light appeared underneath his skin, followed by white light. Red
and white distinctly alternated, and that quickly moving dark
energy was pushed back by the red and white lights, unable to
continue spreading.

2283 Goldenagato |

Eight Spider Lances released on Tang San’s back. When
fighting the poison with all his strength, Tang San was already
unable to control his own spirits and spirit bone.

The Eight Spider Lances was brightly colored, but it wasn’t

alone in that. The Blue Silver Grass within Tang San was
equally released, and the originally bluish purple Blue Silver
Grass was still the same size, but the coloring had changed,
bluish purple with the same pattern as Eight Spider Lances, the
color of the lines alternating red and white, appearing both
beautiful and bizarre, even somewhat dazzling. It spread out
from him like a multitude of vipers, revolving around Tang
San’s body and taking on a shape a bit like a cage.

If this made Dugu Bo startled, then, when a small pitch black

hammer slowly appeared from Tang San’s left hand, his
astonishment became shock.

Yes, they hadn’t lied to him, even if that hammer was small,
wasn’t it precisely the world famous Clear Sky?

The poison unable to continue spreading, Tang San’s

Mysterious Heaven Skill circulating with all its power and the
two kinds of herbal medicine effects slowly compelled it outside

2284 Goldenagato |

the body. Even Tang San himself didn’t know that right now he
was profiting from disaster.

The Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious

Apricot’s medicinal properties were both extremely potent.
Even if one by one they weren’t the best immortal treasures
around this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, with the two kinds of
herbs fused together, it was absolutely a top-notch existence
even in this place. Tang San thought that in order to completely
assimilate the medicinal properties of these two kinds of herbs
within his body, he would need to reach at least seventieth rank
spirit power to achieve it.

But right now, stimulated by the Jade Phosphor Serpent

Emperor’s poison, the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and
Infernal Precious Apricot were resisting on their own, thus
greatly accelerating Tang San’s absorption rate.

When the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s poison had

largely drained from Tang San’s body, more than thirty percent
of the two kinds of herbs’ positive effects had already been
absorbed. Of course, this was also inextricably linked to Tang
San soaking for a night in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San with a volatile expression, after

2285 Goldenagato |

he had finished being astonished, he who was famous for poison
had by now gradually started to understand the reason this
youngster in front of him was able to resist the poison.

When he had just been captured by him he clearly didn’t have

this ability. Whether it was spirit or external spirit bone, both
had changed somewhat after coming here, clearly he had eaten
some medicaments capable of resisting poison.

Ever since discovering this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Dugu
Bo had found that there were a lot of plants here he didn’t
recognize. He had once tried to experiment a bit with the
medicinal properties of these herbs, but had only let him sample
pain that couldn’t be forgotten if he lived forever. If it wasn’t
for his outstanding strength, perhaps he would have already
died from poison.

Ever since, when Dugu Bo came here he had only taken the
plants he recognized. He really didn’t want to believe that this
teenaged kid in front of him would be able to recognize plants
that even he didn’t. He also knew there could be untold
treasures among these plants, but having already reached Title
Douluo he didn’t want to take unnecessary risks.

Looking at Tang San, Dugu Bo could only think of two words:

2286 Goldenagato |

Blessed genius. Perhaps, everything Tang San possessed right
now didn’t mean anything to Dugu Bo, he could still crush him
like an ant, but Tang San’s age was his greatest advantage. With
his present age and strength, his future prospects could not be

Truly unfortunate, Dugu Bo sighed inwardly, his

granddaughter was really a bit too old for him, otherwise, to say
nothing of playing matchmaker for them, he wouldn’t even
even hesitate cooking the rice before planning the meal.

The red and white lights gradually faded under Tang San’s
skin, that pitch black little hammer also merging back into his
body, immediately followed by the external spirit bone Eight
Spider Lances, and finally the Blue Silver Grass. Tang San’s
complexion also gradually recovered to normal.

“Many thanks for your leniency.”

Tang San leapt up from the ground, once again with a small
smile on his face.

Even though he had removed the Jade Phosphor Serpent

Emperor’s poison, Tang San knew that it was only a fraction of

2287 Goldenagato |

the poison in Dugu Bo’s own body. The intensity of the toxin
was directly proportional to its quantity, and even powerful
poison wouldn’t be a threat in insufficient amounts. Dugu Bo
had clearly started of leniently. Of course, Dugu Bo didn’t know
that even this was in Tang San’s calculations.

When Tang San saw Dugu Bo give Grandmaster’s trio the

antidote and letting them leave, he knew that Dugu Bo wouldn’t
rashly try to kill him. This was a significant reason for why he
chose to try and resist the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s

With this time’s success, his body’s ability to withstand

poison had increased substantially, and the next time Dugu Bo
wanted to use the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor’s poison on
him it wouldn’t be so easy.

5寸 = 16.7cm

(竹叶青) Trimeresurus stejnegeri, bamboo viper, or Chinese

tree viper.


2288 Goldenagato |

3寸 = 10cm.

(昊天) Hao Tian, the first character is the same as in Tang Hao,
and it’s the same as what Flender and Wuji called the
mysterious stranger after the Shrek entrance exam. Could also
be “Boundless Heaven”.

Original idiom is “the rice is cooked”, meaning “what’s done

is done and too late to change”. In this case the meaning is
probably that he would aim for a shotgun marriage.

2289 Goldenagato |

Chapter 67 - Ice Fire Protection, Hundred
Poison Relief

The expression on Dugu Bo’s face vanished, again returning to

the previous chill. Indifferently looking at Tang San, he said:

“What did you eat here that makes you fearless even before
my Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor poison?”

Tang San didn’t hide it, saying:

“After you brought me here yesterday, I thought it over

several times and took the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and
Infernal Precious Apricot.”

“Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, Infernal Precious Apricot?

What are those?”

Dugu Bo had never even heard these two names.

Tang San nodded,

2290 Goldenagato |

“They’re two kinds of poisonous herbs that grew on precisely
opposite sides of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, each absorbing
the essence of the extreme yin or extreme yang to grow.”

Listening to Tang San’s explanation, Dugu Bo seemed to recall


“You’re speaking of those two plants with extreme cold and

torrid heat? Those two could be eaten?”

Because of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal

Precious Apricot’s somewhat special nature, he clearly
remembered these two plants. Those two were just two of many
plants around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

He had tried it out before, and even with his spirit power he
was unable to stay too long next to any kind of poisonous plant.
Dugu Bo knew that these two kinds of herbs both contained cold
and fire poison.

Extremely potent.

2291 Goldenagato |

As a result of not being clear on their medicinal properties, he
had never used them rashly.

Because there was only one each of the Octagonal Mysterious

Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot, Tang San didn’t fear
letting Dugu Bo know,

“That’s right, these two kinds of plants are both poisonous. If

an ordinary person got within ten meters of them, they would
freeze or turn to ashes in a very short time, let alone eating
them. However, just like yin and yang mutually subdues each
other, ice and fire mutually controls each other. When these
two kinds of herbs were mixed together, they neutralized each
other, greatly reducing the toxicity. But that was also the only
opportunity to take them. After taking them, the mutual
rejection of ice and fire changed into mutually complementing
each other, the effect transforming the body. Further using
some methods to increase the absorption, the effect was Ice Fire

“Good, good Ice Fire Protection.”

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San with a moved gaze, inwardly

somewhat hesitant.

2292 Goldenagato |

Although he wasn’t clear on the method of taking the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot,
he knew the medicinal properties of these two kinds of plants
were extremely potent, and naturally he understood Tang San
couldn’t have fully absorbed their properties already. If he
drank his blood, perhaps…… Only, he said these two plants had
to be absorbed with a special method, and he didn’t know what
that was.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo probing asked:

“And you relied on these to restrain my three kinds of


Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“One could say so. Old freak, after you brought me here I
discovered how you could survive the poison side effects. It’s
precisely because of this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s effect. The
extremely cold yin water and blazing hot yang water have an
extremely potent suppressive effect on all poison. The spring
waters themselves are even more inimical to poison, and
ordinary people would be unable to endure this environment,
even a powerful spirit beast couldn’t survive. But to you this
place is useful and harmless. It’s precisely the Ice and Fire Yin

2293 Goldenagato |

Yang Well’s atmosphere that has restrained the poison within
you. Even if cultivating here isn’t enough to dispel your poison,
at least guaranteeing you will live to be a hundred is not
problem. Only……”

Dugu Bo couldn’t help asking:

“Only what?”

Tang San sighed, saying:

“There was still another important reason I ate the Infernal

Precious Apricot and Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass. It was to
be able to live in this place. These two kinds of herbs mingled
together is actually equivalent to a small scale Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well, only its effect in fighting poison isn’t as terrifying as
the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well itself. I have come up with two
ways to remove your poison, the first is to simultaneously take
these two kinds of herbs, and afterwards rely on your
formidable spirit power to absorb their properties. Like that I
have at least an eighty percent chance of being able to cure

Dugu Bo’s expression gradually became ice cold,

2294 Goldenagato |

“However, you’ve eaten them.”

Tang San smiled calmly:

“Old freak. Let me finish first.”

Since he dared confidently tell Dugu Bo about this, he was

naturally reasonable,

“Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot

are classified as immortal treasure precious herbs, even though
they’re highly toxic, there’s no need to doubt the evaluation of
these immortal treasures. True, they can dissolve the poison in
your body, but at the same time it will get rid of your body
poison skills, do you want that?”


Dugu Bo looked distracted. He had originally thought to take

the plan, but hearing Tang San’s words he immediately

2295 Goldenagato |

Tang San saw Dugu Bo vacillating, and said:

“It’s fine if you don’t believe me. My blood contains the

properties of both herbs, I can draw some to let you try it.
However, don’t blame me if your cultivation diminishes.”

“No need to try, you little freak.”

Dugu Bo said regretfully,

“How do you know this?”

Tang San said unruffled:

“I found a book when I was small, and within was written

down a lot of strange things, the book had a golden section, and
I learned all these things from the book.”

“Just now you said there were two methods of detoxifying me,
what’s the other one?”

2296 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo asked.

Tang San said:

“I only have a sixty percent confidence in this second method,

but it wouldn’t impact your strength. Of course, your
granddaughter’s poisoning is still shallow, I have a hundred
percent confidence in helping her recover. This method also
isn’t complex. The reason you’re suffering the side effects is
mainly because of your poison skill cultivation method. It
would be fine if you possessed a tool spirit, all that would be
required would be for you to condense the poison within your
spirit, and all the issues would be easily resolved. But right now
you have a beast spirit, and as a result the poison fuses with
your body. Even though your spirit power is able to transfer and
suppress it, it has already long ago become part of your body,
thereby causing maximum harm to your body. If you want to
retain the toxin in your body, without letting it injure you, you
have to find a parasitic body to act as a repository for the
poison. I think that with your strength you should have a spirit

Dugu Bo was also an old veteran with regards to poison, and

immediately understood Tang San’s words, the jade light in his
eyes brightening,

2297 Goldenagato |

“You’re saying, that if I forced the poison in my body into my
spirit bone, it wouldn’t harm me?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Just like that, and your granddaughter is the same. As long

as you find her a suitable spirit bone, and have her force the
poison into her spirit bone when cultivating poison skills, then
there wouldn’t be any issues. Just like me right now, even
though I possess poison in my body, it’s all within Blue Silver
Grass and the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, so of
course where wouldn’t be any issues for me.”

Dugu Bo frowned,

“This old man has cultivated the Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit
for seventy years, my body has already long ago fused with the
poison. It won’t be easily forced out, it’s no good, perhaps the
side effects will only grow worse. Little freak, you aren’t
teaching me to commit suicide?”

Tang San indifferently said:

2298 Goldenagato |

“This is the only feasible way. Of course you wouldn’t directly
use spirit power to force it out, like you said, that wouldn’t have
a good result, and would on the contrary cause even more
powerful backlash. You have to do it in conjunction with certain
medicines, gradually filtering out the poison in your bones and
energy channels bit by bit, focusing it in the spirit bone. This is
a very long process, not something that can be done in a day or
two. After all, right now your whole body is poisonous. That’s
why I say I only have a sixty percent certainty. Only one thing is
certain, even if it’s impossible to gather all of your poison
within the spirit bone, it will at least substantially alleviate the
pain you have to endure right now, are you willing to try it?”

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San, a reserved light in his eyes,

“Little freak, I’ve wanted to kill you repeatedly, do you really

want to help cure me? Aren’t you worried I will kill you after
being detoxified?”

Hearing Dugu Bo say this, Tang San knew that he already

believed him, and calmly said:

“Regardless of whether you believe me, I will never reject

poison. On the contrary, I’m very fond of it. And there is

2299 Goldenagato |

perhaps only one person as poisonous as you on the entire
Continent. As far as I’m concerned, the process of treating you
is also an experimental process. As for whether you would
renege, even though I can’t be sure, I can explicitly tell you that
killing me will also mean your granddaughter’s death. I can
treat you here, and when I treat your granddaughter I want to
invite the teachers to observe. After treating her, there will be
no relation between you and me. What do you think?”

Dugu Bo pondered it, saying:

“Fine. Little freak, there are very few people I admire, you are
one. I believe you. We’ll do everything as you say. I, Dugu Bo,
will always keep my word, and as long as you cure me and my
granddaughter, there will be no issues with the three things I
promised you, and I further won’t kill you. But, right now I’ll
first ask you to eat this. My old life might not be of much value,
but I still want to live a few more years. If you kill me, then I’ll
take you with me.”

While speaking he opened his mouth, spitting out a green

light, precisely a jade green pearl. Under Dugu Bo’s control the
jade green pearl slowly floated over to Tang San. Tang San
extended his right hand, letting it fall into his palm. He didn’t
know precisely what this thing was, but he still clearly
remembered that when Dugu Bo had eliminated the True Saint

2300 Goldenagato |

Dragon, this was what he had used.

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“Having me eat something you spit out, this seems a bit


Dugu Bo’s cold gaze swept across him,

“I’m not afraid of telling you that this pill was coagulated
after my Jade Phosphor Serpent evolved to Serpent Emperor.
One might say that it contains half of all my power. If I die it
will burst inside your body. Let alone you, even a Title Douluo
couldn’t endure such an internal explosion. You little freak is
quite cunning, so this old man has no choice but to reserve some

Tang San directly threw the pellet into his mouth and
swallowed, suddenly feeling a warm flow down his throat, and a
warmth in his dantian. Not only wasn’t there any bad feeling,
that hot feeling instead scattered into the bones of his four
limbs, indescribably comfortable.

2301 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo indifferently said:

“You felt it. As long as you don’t play any tricks on me, the
pellet will only benefit your cultivation, boosting your spirit
power aggregation. Once you’ve cured me, I’ll remove it.”

“Old freak, I also have a condition.”

Tang San knew Dugu Bo hadn’t cheated him in this respect.

Without investigating too much, at least right now he knew
there was no danger to him. Judging by Dugu Bo’s affection for
Dugu Yan, as long as he didn’t remove Dugu Yan’s poison, this
old freak would hate to kill him.

Dugu Bo’s brows wrinkled minutely, his face showing a

ridiculous expression,

“Little freak, did you know that in these last few decades
you’re the only person who has dared make demands on me.
Even that Heaven Dou emperor would be deferential when
meeting me.”

Tang San still smiled, saying:

2302 Goldenagato |

“Then wouldn’t what I’m enjoying now be an emperor’s
treatment? Old freak, my condition is very simple: While I
make the medicines for you, you can’t peek. This will be where I
make the drugs. You only need to bring me a bit of food and
drinking water every day. Afterwards you can come here every
evening in the hours before your attacks to take the medicine. I
don’t know how much time it will take to cure you. A
conservative estimate is half a year or more.”

Dugu Bo nodded, naturally he knew Tang San was afraid he

would learn the detoxifying method and kill him. To this
meticulous youth in front of him, he didn’t know if he felt
regret or admiration,

“Tang San, do you wish to take this old man as teacher?”

If it had been an ordinary Spirit Master, on hearing Dugu Bo’s

words they might have shed tears of gratitude and immediately
kneeled to become an apprentice. But Tang San didn’t, he only
shot Dugu Bo a glance, saying:

“Old freak, I think this term of address suits you quite well, I
wouldn’t want to change it. Besides, you think you can teach me

2303 Goldenagato |

anything about poison? Perhaps in some things you should be
consulting me.”

“You…… Fine. Fine, little freak, we’ll wait and see who’s

Dugu Bo resisted his anger, resolutely glaring at Tang San,

then leapt up towards the mountain top. In a few leaps his
silhouette had already disappeared.

With Dugu Bo gone, Tang San sat down on the ground as if he

had lost all his strength, heaving great mouthfuls of air. He
found that his back was ice-cold from sweat. Even if he had
grasped Dugu Bo’s personality, deep in his heart he still didn’t
have perfect confidence, and if by some chance the old freak
went crazy in spite of everything, he’d immediately become a

Looking around him at all those rare and precious medicinal

herbs, a small smile appeared at the corners of Tang San’s
mouth, ‘Dugu Bo, oh, Dugu Bo, it seems I must thank you.
There isn’t any place more perfect than this.’

Searching his chest pocket with a hand, he pulled out that

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Nine Segment Jade. With a trembling hand he directly threw it
at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

This Nine Segment Jade had sucked his blood. If it didn’t have
the assistance of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, even though it
was poisonous itself it would still die. But it could take refuge in
the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. Tang San naturally wouldn’t
show his secret escape route to Dugu Bo.

Feeling his stomach, Tang San couldn’t help smiling wryly.

He knew he didn’t have any way of contending with that pellet.
Let alone basically being unable to extract it, even if he could he
still wouldn’t do it.

The pellet was linked to Dugu Bo’s heart’s blood, if he did

something to it, Dugu Bo would discover it immediately, and
he’d meet a dead end.

It was a pity, truly a pity. Tang San looked at the surrounding

herbs, inwardly sighing in regret. Each immortal treasure here
was unique, but as they said, delicacies didn’t have many uses.

Tang San knew that if he greedily ate any one of the great
immortal treasure herbs, not only wouldn’t it be beneficial, he

2305 Goldenagato |

might immediately be out of luck.

Only after the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal

Precious Apricot had been absorbed as far as possible within his
body could he think about it again.

Among the immortal treasure herbs were at least seven or

eight kinds that could greatly boost his internal strength, at
least advancing his spirit power by five ranks, or even more.

‘It doesn’t matter, can’t I still take what I can’t eat?’

Tang San showed a smiling expression, stretching out his

hand to feel at his waist. In a moment, a mess of things was laid
out on the ground. These things were largely some small cases
and bottles, each one different from the next.

Gold, silver, copper, iron, jade, various kinds of cases and

bottles were arranged on the ground.

These were all things Tang San had prepared long ago in order
to go find herbs suitable for making poison for hidden weapons.
The more precious the herbs, the higher the requirements for

2306 Goldenagato |

storing them.

Some had to be picked with gold and packed with jade, some
had to be picked with silver and stored with iron. With just the
slightest mistake, their efficacy would diminish greatly, or even
immediately wither. Therefore Tang San had made a lot of

Of course, it still wasn’t time to be packing herbs. Once Tang

San had inspected these tools, he once again withdrew them
into the Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, afterward starting to
carefully catalogue each treasure around the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well.

There were a lot of medicinal herbs, and some with extremely

similar appearance could have effects that were diametrically
opposed. Tang San couldn’t allow himself to make any mistake.
There were accidents where poison was mistaken for tonic even
at Tang Sect.

The way of poisons was wide-ranging and broad. He couldn’t

be the slightest careless, or he would be gambling with his own

2307 Goldenagato |

That evening, when Dugu Bo came once again to the Ice and
Fire Yin Yang Well to bring Tang San food and water, he
couldn’t help be angry. Because Tang San basically didn’t have
any medicine for him. But Tang San’s reasoning was extremely
dignified: There was nothing here, so how could he make

Helplessly, Dugu Bo had no choice but to bring him some the

medicine making tools he personally used every day. Even more
at Tang San’s request, he went to buy him a large cast copper

There was no need for fire in this place, the blazing hot yang
side of the spring was more terrifying than any flame,
practically like magma. Even if it was just a bit, it could melt
gold into iron.

Just like this, from this day onward, Tang San lived at the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well. As long as Dugu Bo wasn’t present, he
soaked in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to cultivate.

This didn’t just boost his Mysterious Heaven Skill circulation,

at the same time it also accelerated his absorption of the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot’s

2308 Goldenagato |

In the afternoon he made drugs. He hadn’t worked with these
things for very many years, so in order not to make any
mistakes he was extremely careful. As time passed he gradually
grew more skillful.

However, Tang San did after all come from Tang Sect, and
was an expert in refining poison. That he couldn’t refine tonics
was regretful. Tang San used a whole three months to gain a
clear grasp on the herbs around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,
and tried making practically every kind of poison.

As for the doses of the antidote he gave Dugu Bo, it wasn’t

anything worth mentioning. Just some muscle relaxing and
blood circulating medicine, that was all. But with each dose of
this medicine Tang San included a drop of his own blood.

Actually, Dugu Bo was still being swindled by Tang San. The

poison in his body, most crucial was the location, as well as the
two kinds of extreme properties of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice
Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot.

However Tang San didn’t cheat him completely. If Dugu Bo

directly ate the two herbs, it would immediately drive out the

2309 Goldenagato |

poison skills in his body.

But after being transformed within Tang San, their properties

became a lot milder, and with the imperceptible influence of a
small dosage, it became a therapeutic effect.

After Dugu Bo had taken it for a week, the pain of the poison
side effects had clearly alleviated. And slowly accumulating the
poison in his spirit bone like Tang San said, not only didn’t
weaken him, but even showed signs of fracturing the ninety
first rank bottleneck he had been unable to break through for

One must know that past the ninetieth rank, each rank was an
enormous bottleneck. Dugu Bo had already been stuck at the
same level for a decade. How couldn’t these signs of breaking
through make him wildly excited?

The merits of the antidote clearly improved Dugu Bo’s

attitude toward Tang San. Not only was he more amiable, but
every night when he came to take the medicine and deliver basic
articles, he would also talk about some knowledge relating to

2310 Goldenagato |

Tang San had inherited the Tang Sect’s poison capability, but
there were some things different between his old world and this
one. And in this world, there was no one more knowledgeable
about every kind of poison than Dugu Bo.

Tang San naturally learned a lot from him.

But as Dugu Bo came to know Tang San, he became more and

more fearful. This just ten-something kid seemed to have a
mind as vast as the boundless ocean, in all kinds of poison lore
he sometimes gave him the feeling of producing sudden flashes
of insight.

Originally when Tang San refused becoming an apprentice,

Dugu Bo had been extremely indignant. But after some time he
discovered that Tang San wasn’t being arrogant. With regards
to poison, even if he wasn’t as experienced as himself, his
theoretical understanding wasn’t unlike his own. With the two
mutually researching the use of poison, they both profited a lot.
And as time passed their mutual wariness dulled.

Of course, Dugu Bo’s pearl was still within Tang San’s

dantian, but Tang San didn’t protest. One old and one young
were like close friends, passing every day similarly.

2311 Goldenagato |

Funnily enough, Dugu Bo relying on his own understanding of
drugs, after eating the antidote Tang San gave him would
return to make it on his own, but even though his antidote used
precisely the same ingredients as Tang San’s, it still didn’t have
any effect. He had no way of knowing that Tang San’s version
contained the most important ingredient.

In the blink of an eye, half a year had already passed. In the

past half year, Grandmaster and Flender had visited twice, but
as they saw the harmonious relationship between Tang San and
Dugu Bo didn’t seem fake, and further adding Tang San never
voicing concerns about his safety, the two were finally relieved.
They only repeatedly reminded Tang San that after this
learning period finished, he would return directly to join the
new Shrek Academy.

Dugu Bo was after all a Title Douluo, even though Tang San
could match him in knowledge of poison, he was far from
comparing with Dugu Bo in spirit power and cultivation.

Dugu Bo fondly remembered Tang San’s work in detoxifying

him and occasionally gave him pointers, making Tang San’s
understanding of spirits even more profound. Dugu Bo’s
theoretical understanding didn’t match Grandmaster’s, but he
had after all experienced the whole process of cultivating to the
Title Douluo level, and possessed experiences Grandmaster

2312 Goldenagato |

didn’t. As a result, Tang San benefited not a little from him.

Further adding the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well continuously
helping Tang San absorb the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass
and Infernal Precious Apricot to transform his body, as well as
the effect from Dugu Bo’s pearl, in this half year Tang San’s
spirit power could be said to have advanced by leaps and
bounds. From his original thirty fourth rank, he had already
advanced three ranks to reach the thirty seventh ranked realm,
about to catch up to where Dai Mubai had been.

“Little freak, I’m here.”

Dugu Bo dropped from the sky with a smirk.


Dugu Bo looked to where Tang San habitually rested. Every

night when he came here Tang San would also greet him, but
today there wasn’t any sound. Could he have gone out for

Dugu Bo was inwardly alarmed, and in several leaps, as he saw

2313 Goldenagato |

Tang San sitting there he breathed out slightly. Even if he didn’t
admit it even to himself, Dugu Bo no longer had the previous ill
will towards Tang San, and even regarded him as a friend.

Dugu Bo was naturally eccentric, and he cultivated a

poisonous spirit. Ordinarily there wouldn’t be any Spirit
Masters that wanted anything to do with him. Even if there
were, they’d mostly be afraid. But even though Tang San always
called him ‘old freak’, these days had had imperceptibly given
rise to a kind of familiar feeling for Dugu Bo. A bit like a senior
to a junior, or the concern between friends. Besides, he still
needed Tang San’s antidote.

Tang San sat upright, lifelessly staring ahead. And in front of

him was the drug refining copper cauldron.

Right now the copper cauldron was supported over the

blazing hot yang spring, the bottom slightly touching the spring
water, using the yang water’s heat. If an ordinary copper
cauldron had come into even the slightest contact with the
blazing hot yang waters it would have turned into liquid copper,
but Tang San had smeared this cauldron with a kind of herb
from the extremely cold side of the well, allowing it to
withstand the extreme heat. Further adding his own
fearlessness of the blazing heat of the yang spring, it could be

2314 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo somewhat curious crouched at Tang San’s side,

“Little freak, what are you doing this time?”

Tang San brought a finger to his lips, making a silencing

gesture, his eyes still fixed with full concentration on the copper

Dugu Bo followed Tang San’s gaze. He only saw faint purple

smoke constantly flow out through a small crack in the
cauldron’s lid. He had long ago already become used to this kind
of situation. Tang San would frequently concoct some kind of
poison making him unable to help sighing in admiration. Only
Tang San’s refusal to speak of his recipes made Dugu Bo
constantly depressed.

That purple smoke rising from the cauldron didn’t scatter

above, swaying slightly. Dugu Bo’s nose twitched slightly. With
his internal poison skills, his ability to resist poison was even
more powerful, and naturally he wouldn’t be afraid. But he
quickly discovered that the purple smoke didn’t have any smell,
leaving him without hints as to its composition. For some
reason, looking at that purple smoke rising in spirals, he felt a
slight chill in his heart.

2315 Goldenagato |

As a Spirit Master with poison abilities, Dugu Bo understood
very clearly that what he felt was a kind of intuition exclusive to
him, only appearing when he encountered something that could
threaten his life. This little freak had actually refined a poison
that could even make him feel threatened.

In fact, even though Tang San had refined a lot of poisons and
even clever drugs that had made Dugu Bo sigh in admiration in
the last half year, he had still never produced something that
could threaten even him like today. He didn’t dare disturb him,
and just sat next to Tang San, waiting calmly.

Tang San’s expression was unprecedentedly serious,

constantly watching the copper cauldron and the purple smoke
rising from its lid. As time passed, the purple smoke became
thinner and thinner, and at the same time the color changed
from purple to white, then once again from white to black, in a
bizarre process.

Over the course of this process, Tang San used Blue Silver
Grass to open the cauldron and insert some medicinal plants
three times. Even though by now his Blue Silver Grass had
already attained Ice Fire Protection, each time it still withered.

2316 Goldenagato |

Thus, Dugu Bo’s curiosity increased even more. After
drinking his tonic, he quietly operated his poison skills, trying
out the energy within that smoke.

However, no matter how he tried he was still unable to figure

out just what medicaments had gone into that purple smoke.
Dugu Bo only felt that it should be a mix of several kinds of
poisons, complementing each other to create an extreme

‘Don’t tell me this kid wants to kill me?’ Dugu Bo thought to

himself. Otherwise, why would he be refining such an
extremely poisonous drug?

But he quickly dispelled this thought. Let alone their

relationship having become friendly, even if Tang San really
wanted to poison him, he wouldn’t refine it right in front of

The refining process was endless, and by the morning the next
day, the sky already bright, and Dugu Bo felt a bit impatient,
that black smoke rising from the copper cauldron finally stilled
and withdrew within the cauldron.

2317 Goldenagato |

“It’s done.”

Tang San suddenly leapt up, an uncontainable excitement in

his voice. His current excitement actually matched his age.

“Little freak, what is it you’ve done?”

Dugu Bo couldn’t help asking.

Tang San released a long breath, looking at Dugu Bo he

mysteriously said:

“It’s a treasure. The treasure of a lifetime. I can guarantee

that even if it hit you, you would still only have time for three
breaths. Of course, it’s no threat to you; your skin is too thick
and it couldn’t enter your body. I’ll let you see my masterpiece
in a bit.”

A dozen Blue Silver Grass strands whirled out, dragging the

copper cauldron back to shore, he waited for the cauldron to
slowly cool without urgency.

2318 Goldenagato |

Since Tang San had already said this, Dugu Bo could only
wait. After no less than an hour, after the cauldron had
completely cooled, Tang San stepped forward and cautiously
uncovered the lid.

Dugu Bo used his poison skills to protect himself, stretching

forward his head to look inside the cauldron. Inside, in the
center was a small metal disc, surrounded by completely dried
up remains, probably the remnants of dried out plants. And in
the center of that disc were three one cun long, completely
unreflective pitch black little needles.

“You’ve worked for half a day, what is?”

Dugu Bo snorted unhappily,

“What use is this toy?”

Tang San grinned and, using Mysterious Jade Hand,

cautiously took out the mold, further taking out a prepared
small jade case from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges and slipping
the three needles into three grooves.

2319 Goldenagato |

“It’s a poison capable of killing a Title Douluo, and you’re
asking what use it is?”

A burning light flickered in Tang San’s eyes. Back at Tang

Sect, this kind of gaze would appear every time he produced a
super hidden weapon.

“This thing can kill a Title Douluo? Don’t joke with me.”

Dugu Bo’s expression was disbelieving,

“This little toy wouldn’t even penetrate a Title Douluo’s

defense, what use is the poison?”

Tang San glanced at Dugu Bo,

“Do you know about what’s called hidden weapons? Hidden

weapons are weapons used surreptitiously. Even if it can be
blocked from the front doesn’t mean it can never have any use.
Besides, in order to use these three needles I have to first break
through the fortieth rank of spirit power. They require a special
technique to use. They’re called Yama’s Invitation.”

2320 Goldenagato |

“Yama’s Invitation? Why so?”

Dugu Bo couldn’t make sense of it.

Tang San looked at the three small needles in the jade box in
his hand, his eyes expressing an infatuated light, as if looking at
a rare treasure,

“‘Yama’ refers to the god of death. When speaking of gods in

antiquity, if saying that the god of death had invited you, what
did that mean? Naturally it was to have you return to the
embrace of the god of death. If Yama called for your death at the
third watch, nobody would dare wait until the fifth watch.”

The dantian is the energy center two fingers below the navel.

1寸 = 10/3 cm.

(阎王贴) Literally “Yama’s Sticker”, but in the next bit they

speak of the invitation (请帖) of the god of death with a similar
character with identical pronunciation. May be a typo.

2321 Goldenagato |

Chapter 68 - Wishful Hundred Treasure
Purse And Cluster Soul Chasing Ball

“Pei, you can return to the arms of death.”

Dugu Bo snappily rapped Tang San on the head. From his

expression, Tang San could see he didn’t believe in the power of
the Yama’s Invitation in his hand.

Actually, even Tang San hadn’t expected he would be able to

refine the Yama’s Invitation.

As the third ranked in the Hundred Weapon Separation of the

Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record, how couldn’t he be
excited? In his previous world, any one in the martial world
would tremble when hearing the name of the soul and life
capturing Yama’s Invitation.

In order to refine Yama’s Invitation, Tang San used forty nine

kinds of precious herbs near the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, in
order to make this Yama’s Invitation’s poison irresistible.

2322 Goldenagato |

These black little needles basically weren’t metal, but were
completely condensed from poisonous substances. Once it
entered the body it would immediately turn back into poison,
taking effect immediately.

Let alone an antidote, even if one existed, there wouldn’t be a

chance to use it. There wouldn’t even be enough time for a hero
to cut off his wrist.

Yama’s Invitation, how could it be so easily received?

However, the technique for launching Yama’s Invitation

required enormous internal strength. By Tang San’s
calculations, to have enough Mysterious Heaven Skill to use
Yama’s Invitation, he would need to reach at least the fortieth
rank, and moreover his entire internal strength would only be
enough for one attack.

But this was already sufficient. Even if Tang San hadn’t tried
it, he could be certain that even if he was unable to kill powerful
opponents, as long as he could get the Yama’s Invitation to
pierce the skin, then the opponent would soon have his life and
soul captured.

2323 Goldenagato |

Cautiously putting the jade box within Twenty Four Moonlit
Bridges, Tang San thought to himself that this was fortunately
at the side of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, otherwise, where
would he find so many precious herbs? Unfortunately, the two
higher ranked hidden weapons couldn’t be created just with

Sorting out his thoughts, Tang San looked at Dugu Bo. Over
this past half year, Dugu Bo’s appearance had changed
considerably. The originally wretched green hair had already
become an ordinary grizzled color and, besides his eyes, his
green tint had gradually vanished.

Half a year of medication left Dugu Bo practically without the

pain from the poison backlash. But he had after all been
poisonous for many years. Completely purging himself was
practically impossible.

Dugu Bo was already extremely satisfied with his present

condition. Naturally he was aware of his circumstances. At the
same time he could be certain that using the same method to
eliminate his granddaughter’s poison wouldn’t be a problem.

“Little freak, return it to me.”

2324 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo noticed Tang San looking at him, and extended his
right hand to make a gesture.

“Return it? Return what?”

Tang San puzzled asked.

Dugu Bo said:

“What? Don’t tell me you still want to keep my pearl your

whole life? I’d hate to part with it.”

Tang San somewhat astonished said:

“You’re not afraid I’ll poison your medicine?”

Dugu Bo snorted,

“By now I’ve internalized the poison skills, gathering them in

my spirit bone. Mere poisoning, I suspect there isn’t any kind of
poison that can kill me. Even if those little needles of yours

2325 Goldenagato |

could really deal with a Title Douluo, they would be useless
against me. Quickly give it back, haven’t you had enough
benefit from it alread? In this half year your spirit power has
already reached the thirty seventh rank. I’m afraid you’ll absorb
all the energy of the pearl.”

Tang San smiled. He knew that even if Dugu Bo didn’t want to

admit it, he already didn’t have any wariness towards him. In
this half year he had also gradually come to understand Dugu
Bo. This seemingly extremely ferocious Poison Douluo actually
wasn’t much different from common elders. Even if the words
that came out of his mouth were frightening, his basic character
wasn’t bad. As long as he wasn’t threatened or offended, he
wouldn’t casually go looking for trouble.

“Take it. Frankly, I’m also a bit reluctant to part with it.”

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo with a smile, spreading his arms.

Dugu Bo stepped in front of Tang San, raising his hand to

push at Tang San’s stomach. A scorching hot energy
immediately provoked a contraction in Tang San’s dantian, and
immediately afterward, along with Dugu Bo drawing his hand
up, the hot flow followed up to the throat. Tang San opened his
mouth, and with a green light the pearl flew out, falling into

2326 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo’s hand.

Even though it seemed like such a small thing, Tang San still
relaxed his whole body. The threat to his life that had troubled
him for half a year was finally dealt with. In fact, he hadn’t had
any way to deal with Dugu Bo’s pearl.

“Little freak, my poison is also practically under control, and

recently I’ve felt your antidot have less and less of an effect on
me. There’s a lot of poison accumulated within me, I know that
myself, it’s impossible to completely store it in the spirit bone.
Besides, my body has already adapted to a certain degree of
poison, if I didn’t have any at all, it might actually be harmful.
I’ll consider it treated here. Later I’ll bring your teachers as well
as my granddaughter, and once you’ve cured Yan-yan, you can

“You’re letting me leave?”

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo. He didn’t know why, but deep
down he was somewhat reluctant to go. Was it a reluctance to
part with these precious herbs around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well? Perhaps, but that wasn’t everything.

2327 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo’s expression seemed somewhat lonely,

“You’re still young, I can’t keep you here for a lifetime. It’s a
pity, if you were a few years older, I’d marry my beautiful
granddaughter to you, then you could call me grandpa.”

Tang San helplessly shook his head, saying:

“Forget about it, it’s enough for that granddaughter of yours

to inherit your traditions. Besides, she’s already got a lover. The
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan’s direct heir, wouldn’t he be
more outstanding than me?”

“Kid, are you provoking me? Even if the Blue Lightning

Tyrant Dragon clan is powerful, compared to your background
it doesn’t count for anything. Besides, that kid Yu Tian-Heng
still lacks a lot compared to you.”

“My background?”

Tang San stared blankly, unconsciously recalling his, for

several years unseen, even without a letter, father, he couldn’t
help sighing,

2328 Goldenagato |

“What background, I’m just a blacksmith’s son.”

Dugu Bo also stared blankly. Over this half year he had also
gained a considerable understanding of Tang San. From his
expression he could clearly see that Tang San wasn’t
deliberately putting on an act.

“Kid, tell me about your past.”

Dugu Bo pulled Tang San to sit by the Ice and Fire Yin Yang

Tang San nodded, and besides his greatest secret of passing

into this world, he didn’t hide anything about his life since
coming to this world.

At once, he spoke of everything from his childhood, spoke of

his innate full spirit power, twin spirits, even further spoke
about taking Grandmaster as his master, as well as entering
Shrek Academy and everything that happened afterward, he
recounted everything in detail.

2329 Goldenagato |

Carefully listening to Tang San’s story, Dugu Bo was inwardly
astounded. Even if he was still certain that Tang San was that
person’s son, he hadn’t expected he would be left like that in his

“Then where did you learn about poison? Picking up a book to

reach this level? This old man doesn’t believe it.”

Tang San grinned,

“Doesn’t matter if you believe it. It’s a secret, I’m not telling.”

Dugu Bo snorted,

“Then I’ll leave it at that. Take this.”

While speaking, Dugu Bo pulled out a blue leather purse from

somewhere and tossed it to Tang San.

The leather purse was only the size of two adult palms, the
kind that was hung from the belt. Even if it was much larger
than a spice bag, it could comfortably fit in one hand.

2330 Goldenagato |

“What’s this? Are you bribing me?”

Tang San suspiciously untied the leather purse, without

asking he knew this was a spirit tool,

“I already have Teacher’s Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. You

keep this, or give it to your granddaughter.”

Dugu Bo shook his head,

“No, this is different from the one you have. My

granddaughter doesn’t like playing with these drugs, giving it to
her is a waste. It’s called Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. Even
though that spirit tool of yours is pretty good, it’s still a bit
lacking compared to this. Because, yours can hold dead things,
mine can hold living things.

Tang San was intelligent, and immediately understood what

Dugu Bo was saying. His lips moved slightly, whistling quietly.

A thread of jade light whooshed out from Tang San’s bosom

2331 Goldenagato |

and into his palm, it was precisely that five cun long, entirely
jade green Nine Segment Jade.

In the past half year the Nine Segment Jade had shown a not
inconsiderable change. Its size hadn’t changed, but its little eyes
had become even more sparkling, its whole body also close to
transparent, jade green as if carved from perfect jade, red and
white streams moving within its body, and when it was
motionless it appeared like a decoration rather than a living

“In other words, this little creature can be held inside without

Tang San’s expression was pleasantly surprised. A spirit tool

that could hold living things was vastly different from his
Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. It wasn’t just holding the little
Nine Segment Jade in his hand, even herbs could be kept fresh
inside. Like this, he wouldn’t need to render herbs into pills to
carry them. In fact, a lot of herbs that could be used fresh would
have a better effect the fresher they were.

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San’s surprised face, and grinned,

2332 Goldenagato |

“Just now you seemed to say you didn’t want it, yes. Then
give it back.”

While speaking, he extended his hand and gestured at Tang


Perhaps it was because he had been together with Dugu Bo for

so long, but Tang San’s character had also been a bit infected.
With no trace of politeness he hung the Wishful Hundred
Treasure Purse on his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges,

“Did I? I can’t remember. Giving me something then still

wanting it back, are you still a Title Douluo.”

Dugu Bo snorted,

“Anyway, there’s only you and me here, what’s a Title

Douluo? Title Douluo are still people. I promised you that as
long as you could cure my poison, I would grant you three
things. The first you’ve already said, I can’t injure Shrek
Academy’s people. If I give you this Wishful Hundred Treasure
Purse, isn’t it a second?”

2333 Goldenagato |

Tang San winked at Dugu Bo, somewhat innocently looking at
the Poison Douluo,

“Old freak, just now you were the one who took the initiative
yo give it to me. Why should I care what you think?”


Dugu Bo was immediately angry, but unfortunately he didn’t

have a way against Tang San.

Tang San calmly smiled, touching his waist, he flicked his

wrist, holding out his palm to Dugu Bo,

“Even if the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse can’t be

considered one of the conditions, I can’t take something for
nothing. I’ll give you this in return.”

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San’s palm. In it quietly lay two not

very large iron balls, completely pitch black, without any visible

2334 Goldenagato |

“What’s this? Poison? Or a tonic?”

Dugu Bo sniffed, but didn’t smell anything, and asked


Tang San smiled:

“Can’t you see? These are two iron balls. Where would there
be any drugs, old freak, don’t tell me you can’t even tell the
difference between medicine and metal?”

Dugu Bo glared at him, saying:

“How can these two things compare to my Wishful Hundred

Treasure Purse?”

Tang San said:

“Why wouldn’t they. They can save your life.”

Dugu Bo snorted disdainfully,

2335 Goldenagato |

“Little freak, there’s no problem with your brain. This old
man is a Title Douluo, there aren’t many people in this world
who could prevail over me, just a few people with abnormal
strength, what can relying on these two iron balls do?”

Tang San said:

“You don’t believe me? Then fine, I would be reluctant to give

them to you.”

While speaking, he was about to withdraw the iron balls.

With a flash of green light, before Tang San could turn his
wrist, those two iron balls were already in Dugu Bo’s hand,

“Giving things and then taking them back, aren’t you the
cheeky one? Tell me. What use are these things.”

Dugu Bo held the two iron balls in his left and right hand, but
didn’t see any result. Using the other hand to pinch one, he was
just about to test its strength when Tang San hurriedly stopped

2336 Goldenagato |


“Do you want to die? Don’t pinch it.”

Tang San caught Dugu Bo’s wrist. Even though his strength
didn’t have any effect on Dugu Bo, Dugu Bo still held a lot of
trust in him and quickly relaxed his grip.

“What are you doing? So mysterious, quickly tell me. What is

this thing really.”

Dugu Bo asked somewhat impatiently. His curiosity wasn’t

any different from normal people. Even though he expressed
disdain on the surface, in his heart he was still certain that
something a little freak like Tang San would give him as a gift
wouldn’t be any ordinary goods.

At this Tang San sternly said:

“This thing is known as a Cluster Soul Chasing Ball, its one of

the most potent hidden weapons I can make right now. You
must absolutely be careful with it. Once it suffers enough
external pressure or a hit, its power will appear immediately.

2337 Goldenagato |

These things are used two together. They have to be used with a
swift throwing technique. Perhaps its immediate power isn’t
enough to harm a Title Douluo, but its unexpectedness and
power is enough to stop any enemy. The greatest feature of
these is the user’s internal…… Eh, no, the higher the spirit
power, the more powerful it is.”

“These two little things can be powerful?”

Dugu Bo was still somewhat unconvinced.

Tang San said:

“I’ll try them for you to see.”

While speaking, grabbing the two iron balls in Dugu Bo’s

hands, he weighed them in his hands.,

“Look closely.”

While speaking, white light flickered around Tang San, and

with a flick of his wrists the two iron balls flew out

2338 Goldenagato |


Even though they flew out simultaneously, the two iron balls
travelled one after the other. The moment the one in front was
about to lose momentum, the rear one suddenly chased after it,
directly striking the one in front.

With a bang, a purple fog filled the air, in a flash covering

more than ten square meters.

With Dugu Bo’s eyesight, he clearly saw what was happening

inside the purple fog. Countless small filaments burst out with a
delicate hum, in an eyeblink piercing into the not distant
mountain wall.

Tang San said:

“What is called ‘cluster’, indicates the burst attack after the

iron balls have ruptured. This purple fog is extremely
poisonous. It has a potent anaesthetic effect, and as long as
someone inhales a little bit, ordinary people will sleep for ten
days. Even powerful Spirit Masters who thoughtlessly get
affected with be forced to slow down. And after the two Cluster
Soul Chasing Balls collide, they will immediately emit the

2339 Goldenagato |

filaments within. Those are several hundred Bone Changing
Soul Needles, specially for breaking big dipper defensive qi,
with a matchless poison that, once hit, will spread quickly,
ossifying their path like cotton.”

These Cluster Soul Chasing Balls were what Tang San had
made while in seclusion at the Shrek Academy. It was
considered a combined product of both mechanical class and
throwing class hidden weapons, ranked fifth among mechanical
class hidden weapons. When he was at Tang Sect, Tang San had
been specially in charge of producing these Cluster Soul Chasing
Balls, and it was also by making these that Tang San had been
considered the first or second best among Tang Sect outer

This time Tang San had made altogether eighteen, or to say

nine pairs.

Originally they had been unpoisoned since he didn’t have the

ingredients, but since coming here and spending this time
refining, these Cluster Soul Chasing Balls had become truly

As a result of having all kinds of top quality drug ingredients

here, these Cluster Soul Chasing Balls’ Bone Changing Soul

2340 Goldenagato |

Needles were even a bit better than in his previous life.

Dugu Bo’s figure flickered, and he already appeared by the

Bone Changing Soul needles in the mountain wall. As he looked
closer at everything before him he couldn’t help but inhale

Countless black little holes had appeared on the mountain

wall, each one penetrating several chi inside, faintly blue smoke
emerging, and just by using his nose he could detect that
dreadful poison.

Turning back to Tang San, Dugu Bo couldn’t help but sigh in


“Little freak, I really don’t know if I should call you a genius

or a lunatic. You can even make these things. I really don’t
know how your head is put together. However, looking at this
attack power, it still seems far from enough. Let alone a Title
Douluo, even a sixtieth or seventieth ranked Spirit Master
would have enough defensive power to withstand it.”

Tang San snapped:

2341 Goldenagato |

“Old freak, tell me, what rank am I?”

Dugu Bo moved back towards him,

“Over thirtieth, not more than fortieth anyway.”

Tang San said:

“Just now I said that when using these things, the higher the
spirit power, the more powerful the attack. In other words, the
when the Cluster Soul Chasing Ball is used with even more
powerful spirit power, it will be faster, and naturally the Bone
Changing Soul Needles’ penetrating power will be even more
powerful. Unless you encounter a purely defensive Title
Douluo, with your spirit power, don’t tell me you still couldn’t
injure the enemy? Even if the opponent blocks with spirit power
and doesn’t let them collide, once it’s struck by external force it
will still instantly burst. The key point to this thing’s strength is
its suddenness, the more unexpected its use, the higher the
chance of destroying the enemy.”

Dugu Bo’s eyes brightened, now he completely understood

Tang San’s meaning, and immediately exulted in his heart,

2342 Goldenagato |

“Indeed pretty good, little freak, quickly gift me a hundred

Tang San was speechless,

“Do you think these are sweet peas? A hundred and eighty.
I’ve made two, and just now gave them to you to test. Who had
you refuse to believe.”

“What? Two?”

Dugu Bo’s eyes opened wide,

“Are you trying to make me angry? You made two and still
used them for a test. Tell me you’re joking.”

Tang San smiled:

“Seeing is believing, if I didn’t let you see it with your own

eyes, would you have believed it? Fine, in fact I made four, and
I’ll give you another two. Take care of them this time.”

2343 Goldenagato |

While speaking he waved his hand, and two iron balls flew
towards Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo had just now seen the power of Tang San’s Cluster
Soul Chasing Balls, and even though he wasn’t worried with his
strength, he still jumped with fright.

“You little freak, are you trying to kill me?”

Dugu Bo hastily condensed his spirit power into a defensive

screen in front of him.

But who knew that these two iron balls were thrown with a
completely different technique than the last ones, and the
moment the nearly reached Dugu Bo they stopped in midair,
and fell to the ground.

Dugu Bo stretched out a hand and seized the two iron balls.
Inwardly he sighed in admiration, ‘this little freak’s strength
might not be up to my own, but these little tricks are still truly
outstanding. Perhaps in the future his achievements will
surpass even mine.’

2344 Goldenagato |

Even though if one looked only at their value, the two Cluster
Soul Chasing Balls clearly weren’t equal to his Wishful Hundred
Treasure Purse, looking at the Cluster Soul Chasing Balls’ ability
to save his life they were still more useful to Dugu Bo.

Collecting the two iron balls, Dugu Bo clasped his hands

behind his back and faced the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,

“Little freak, when will you be prepared to treat my


Tang San looked distracted a moment. Dugu Bo’s words were

the same as asking when he would leave.

All people had feelings, and Tang San had been here even
longer than he’d been at Shrek Academy. Even though Dugu Bo
had been brimming with menace at the start, over this time the
two had developed a relationship of teachers or friends that
Tang San was reluctant to part with.

If not for Dugu Bo, he absolutely wouldn’t have been able to

merge his understanding of medicine between these two worlds
in so short a time, and it would’ve been even more impossible to
make those three Yama’s Invitations.

2345 Goldenagato |

“Old freak, are you so eager to get rid of me?”

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo’s somewhat lonely back.

Dugu Bo calmly said:

“Don’t tell me I should keep you here for a lifetime? The

outside world is a much vaster place, that is where you should
go. Without enough experience, what will you rely on to climb
over the Title Douluo position in the future?”

He didn’t mask his admiration of Tang San. If the age gap

hadn’t been to large, perhaps this should have been called the
mutual admiration of talent.

The air seemed to become heavy, neither Tang San nor Dugu
Bo spoke, Tang San didn’t reply to Dugu Bo’s question, he only
stepped forward to stand at his side, looking out at the Ice and
Fire Yin Yang Well, frowning slightly, pondering deeply.

After a long time, Tang San’s furrowed brows suddenly

2346 Goldenagato |

smoothed, seemingly having figured something out, looking at
Dugu Bo with a card up his sleeve,

“Old freak, you still have to do two things for me, right.”

Dugu Bo nodded,

“This old man always keeps his word, as long as it doesn’t

violate my principles, I’ll agree.”

Tang San grinned, saying:

“Then fine, I’ve already thought of the other two things.”

“You have?”

Dugu Bo’s brows wrinkled, thinking, ‘this stinking brat, what

does he take my promises for, doesn’t he know how important
these three commitments could be for him?’ Relying on his Title
Douluo strength, they weren’t something to play around with.

2347 Goldenagato |

Tang San nodded, gazing at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s

“My second condition is to let me take away all the herbs I

need from here, you can’t stop me.”


Dugu Bo unhappily looked at Tang San. Although the

medicaments around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well were
precious, to someone who had already reached the peak of Title
Douluo like him, it wasn’t of any significance. When he gave
Tang San the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, he had already
silently agreed to let him take away any plants from here.

Tang San said:

“Then do you agree?”

“I agree, why wouldn’t I agree to such a simple matter?”

Dugu Bo said indifferently. At the same time he also indicated

2348 Goldenagato |

to Tang San that he shouldn’t lightly speak his conditions now.
Even leaving first and using them later was fine.

Tang San somewhat pondering said:

“That’s too simple, huh. Then the next condition is a little

more difficult. I don’t know whether you will agree.”

Dugu Bo loftily said:

“To me, is there anything that’s difficult?”

Tang San probingly asked:

“Does that mean you agree?”

Dugu Ba was no impetuous youngster. How would the old fox

lightly promise anything,

“Let me hear what your condition is first.”

2349 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiling said:

“Actually it’s also very simple. Our Shrek Academy’s teachers

are comparatively lacking in strength, and also needs guards. So
my third condition, is to invite you as a high ranked advisor at
our Shrek Academy……”

“Out of the question.”

Dugu Bo didn’t wait for Tang San to finish before rejecting


“This old man has always most feared having restricted

freedom, this is already a question of principles. I can’t agree to
it. You little freak. You would actually have me be a hired thug?
Even the Heaven Dou imperial family wouldn’t have the ability
to restrict me.”

Tang San snapped:

“Who restricted you. If you want to come, then come. If you

want to go, then go. Just use your name, that’s all. At least, this

2350 Goldenagato |

way I could meet with you properly. I wouldn’t have you as an
adviser for a lifetime either. Once I’ve graduated you can do as
you wish, who would care?”

Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, lowering his head to

look at Tang San. Tang San was also looking at him, and in his
eyes was a kind of expression Dugu Bo had never seen on him
before, a mix of thirty percent hopefulness and seventy percent

“Just use my name?”

Dugu Bo said in a questioning tone.

Tang San hurriedly nodded,

“Of course. Do you think anyone would still care what a Title
Douluo like you does? Of course, if you felt like giving us some
pointers, I also wouldn’t object.”

Dugu Bo snorted unhappily,

2351 Goldenagato |

“A little freak like you still wants my directions? Maybe if you
couldn’t give me directions.”

Tang San was exultant,

“Then, you agree?”

Dugu Bo showed a smiling expression,

“As long as your teachers don’t drive me away. Let’s go.”

“Go? Go where?”

Tang San puzzled asked.

Dugu Bo said:

“This old man never procrastinates. Since I’ve promised to be

some advisor, I might as well bring you back, then bring my
granddaughter to have you treat her.”

2352 Goldenagato |

Since he could continue being with Dugu Bo, Tang San also
felt his mood ease, laughing he said:

“Don’t be anxious, have you forgotten the second thing you

promised me? I still want to bring some of the plants here.
Categorizing and listing them will still take time. It’s been half a
year, why care about a few days? Give me three days. In three
days, we’ll return to the Academy.”

After three days.

“You little freak, you scoundrel, I’ll beat you up!”

Dugu Bo, stomping with fury, raised his hand to swat at Tang
San. Tang San hastily retreated with Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, turning around to run,

“Old freak, didn’t you say I could bring what I wished, you
never said anything about any amounts. Besides I still left seeds
and such, in a few years they’ll still grow back. But, old freak,
your Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse really is excellent, very

2353 Goldenagato |

It was no wonder Dugu Bo would be so furious. These past
three days he had cultivated in his cavern, and when it was time
he had come to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to bring Tang San
away. Only, as he once again came to the side of the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well and saw his treasured ground had been looted to
a miserable state, how couldn’t he be furious.

As far as the eye could see, the originally verdant garden had
already become a complete mess, as if it had been plowed, the
soil was turned over everywhere, without the slightest hint of

Seeing such a scene, how couldn’t Dugu Bo be angry.

Tang San discontentedly said:

“Old freak, didn’t you promise to let me take what I wanted,

you didn’t say anything about how much. I just chose to take it
all. Don’t worry. See, I didn’t move the Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well, with its moisture, this place will be flourishing again in
less than a few decades.”

He didn’t mention that those immortal treasures he had dug

up, even if it was next to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, would

2354 Goldenagato |

need several centuries to be able to grow back once again.

“You…… This little freak will really have me dead from


Dugu Bo was speechless with fury. He had indeed promised it

himself, and those drug ingredients indeed didn’t have any
great effect on him, however, those things had been with him
for decades, how couldn’t he love them?

Tang San probing asked:

“Let’s leave.”

Dugu Bo resolutely glared at him,

“Let’s leave.”

Finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Tang San,

and soared up towards the mountain top.

2355 Goldenagato |

Tang San hastily released Eight Spider Lances, bringing him
to swiftly chase after Dugu Bo.

Although there were a lot of powerful spirit beasts in the

Sunset Forest, Dugu Bo had been here for many years, and all
the spirit beasts had become familiar with his smell. None of
them would dare approach this old freak, and as Tang San
followed Dugu Bo out of the forest, he also didn’t encounter any
spirit beast attack.

In order to avoid drawing attention, after leaving Sunset

Forest Tang San withdrew his Eight Spider Lances, only relying
on Ghost Perplexing Shadow Track to follow behind Dugu Bo.
He knew he had been a bit excessive, but those first rate
medicinal ingredients couldn’t be found just anywhere, and
would have maximum effect in the future. Even more when he
had a top quality spirit tool like the Wishful Hundred Treasure
Purse that could keep them fresh, without being able to restrain
himself he had cleaned the place out.

On the whole journey Tang San didn’t dare provoke Dugu Bo

further. Dugu Bo also didn’t acknowledge him, and the two
returned to Heaven Dou City in a silent mood.

Because the majority of the toxin in his body had fused into

2356 Goldenagato |

the spirit bone, Dugu Bo’s present form wasn’t as conspicuous
as before, and he also didn’t rouse the attention of pedestrians.
After entering Heaven Dou City the old freak stopped, glancing
behind him at the panting Tang San,

“Little freak, lead the way.”

Tang San caught up to Dugu Bo’s side, in a low voice saying

with a smile:

“Old freak, you’re not angry?”

Dugu Bo glared at him,

“Since I promised, I won’t argue. But mark my words, only

this once, never again.”

Tang San hastily nodded agreement, inwardly smiling, even if

there was a next time it would still be in at least a few decades.
The old freak was clearly giving himself a way out.

Seeing that Dugu Bo’s anger had faded a bit, Tang San hastily

2357 Goldenagato |

led the way forward, the two heading towards the former Blue
Tyrant Academy, the present Shrek Academy.

While walking, Tang San couldn’t help say to Dugu Bo:

“Old freak, you coming to our Academy is actually quite

fitting. Our Shrek Academy is also known as the Monster
Academy, old freaks teaching little monsters, doesn’t that fit

“Beautiful your head.”

Dugu Bo raised his hand to knock on Tang San’s head. He was

tall, a full two heads taller than the presently one meter seventy
or so Tang San.

Tang San groaned,

“If you hit my clever head silly, who will treat your

Dugu Bo seemed to think of something, and his ice cold

2358 Goldenagato |

expression suddenly softened. Sizing up Tang San, at the
corners of his mouth gradually floated a smiling expression.

From Tang San’s point of view, he would rather see Dugu Bo’s
stinky face. Unwillingly looking at his smiling appearance, he
couldn’t help shiver all over,

“Old freak, what are you smiling about?”


(子母追魂夺命胆) “Son Mother Chasing Soul Seizing Life

Bladder”. The “son mother” characters are also the ones used in
“cluster bomb”.


2359 Goldenagato |

Chapter 69 - Xiao Wu: Promise Never To
Leave Me

Dugu Bo did some calculations on his fingers,

“When I consider it carefully, actually, my granddaughter is

just seven years older than you. It’s not too much. When you’re
eighteen, she will only be twenty five. Convenient for you kid.”

Tang San said with great alarm,

“Convenient? Yeah right! I don’t want that granddaughter of


Dugu Bo grinned, grabbing Tang San’s shoulder,

“You think this is up to you? Even if you’re well versed in

poisons, can you dissolve aphrodisiacs? Later this old man will
have you try some love teas and other such things, once the rice
is cooked, I’ll see what you do then.”

2360 Goldenagato |


Tang San saw the serious look on Dugu Bo’s face. He, who
hadn’t even been afraid when confronting threats to his life,
couldn’t help turning pale with fright right now,

“Old…… Eh, no, senior Dugu. I know I did wrong, please don’t
play with me, alright?”

Dugu Bo grandiosely said:

“Who’s playing with you? I spoke of facts, nothing more.

Don’t tell me my granddaughter doesn’t suit a little devil like
you? Even if you’re a cunning little freak, your talent isn’t an
issue, and your future prospects are boundless. If my
granddaughter could follow you, it would put me at ease.”

“Isn’t it the same if she follows Yu Tian-Heng? That Yu Tian-

Heng still has the support of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon
clan’s whole school at his back. According to Teacher, Yu Tian-
Heng will very possibly be the next leader of the Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon clan. How could I compare with that kind of
power. Besides, who can say if your granddaughter has already
cooked her rice with Yu Tian-Heng, cooked rice can’t be cooked

2361 Goldenagato |


Dugu Bo looked distracted a moment, his complexion

immediately becoming unsightly once again,

“This is actually possible. Enough, we’ll talk about it later.”

Seeing Dugu Bo had apparently dropped the notion, Tang San

breathed out in relief. By now the two had already reached the
Academy gate.

The Blue Tyrant Academy signboard had already disappeared,

replaced with an enormous horizontal board inscribed with
golden letters, the words ‘Shrek Academy’ written in huge,
glorious golden characters. It was signed by Flender.

Without waiting for Dugu Bo to step forward, Tang San

hastily ran over. He couldn’t dare let Dugu Bo walk first, if by
any chance he came into conflict with the teacher at the gate
house, it would be difficult to sort out.

With Dugu Bo’s temper, who knew when he might flare up?

2362 Goldenagato |

Tang San ran forward, exchanging a few words with the guard
at the gatehouse. The guard hastily ran into the Academy.

“Old freak, let’s wait here a moment. Don’t forget what you
promised me, you can’t harm anyone from Shrek Academy.”

Dugu Bo was a Title Douluo. Only Tang San had been at the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and at most he was the only one in
danger, but here was different. If Dugu Bo hadn’t promised not
to harm anyone, he really wouldn’t have dared bring him here.

Dugu Bo raised his head, looking down his nose at Tang San
without saying a word.

After a moment, the sound of activity within the Academy

attracted Tang San’s attention.

Flender, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong as well as Zhao Wuji, Lu Ji-

Bin, Shao Xin, and Li Yu-Song, altogether seven people quickly
walked out from the Academy gate towards them.

The assembly of these seven could be said to be the strongest

2363 Goldenagato |

lineup of the present Shrek Academy, clearly they weren’t here
to receive Tang San. Their target was naturally that one with
the Spirit Master World’s highest title, the Poison Douluo that
once defeated the Golden Iron Triangle.

These seven were all at least sixtieth rank Spirit Masters,

adding a complete Spirit Master formation, further adding the
Golden Iron Triangle’s spirit fusion ability, even if they couldn’t
quite stand up to Dugu Bo, they could still block him.

When the Academy gate guard had reported that Tang San
and an old man who seemed to be Dugu Bo had returned to the
Academy, Flender, Grandmaster and the others understood that
with Dugu Bo here, until they figured out his motive, this was


Tang San looked at Grandmaster, hurriedly waving his hand

at everyone.

A moved radiance flickered in Grandmaster’s eyes, but just as

he stepped forward he was pulled back by Flender. Just this tiny
action showed how cautious everyone were right now.

2364 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster was no doubt the weakest of everyone here, but
he was an absolutely necessary existence in the Golden Iron
Triangle’s spirit fusion ability. If he was attacked by Dugu Bo
alone, there wouldn’t be any chance of him returning alive, and
the other six naturally also wouldn’t be able to stop Dugu Bo.

As Dugu Bo saw Flender’s actions, the corners of his mouth

twitched, with difficulty keeping himself from showing a
disdainful expression, thinking, ‘who do you seven think you
are? If this old man wanted to do something, even slaughtering
this whole Heaven Dou imperial capital wouldn’t be

Even though Dugu Bo wasn’t considered the most powerful

among Title Douluo, there absolutely wasn’t anyone who could
compare to his poison in mass murder.

Tang San naturally didn’t have any misgivings, and quickly

stepped forward to meet everyone,

“Teachers, I’ve returned.”

2365 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster looked at Tang San with an inquiring gaze.

Tang San nodded to Grandmaster, indicating he was fine.

“Dean Flender. I would like to talk to you about something.”

Flender constantly kept his gaze on Dugu Bo, only now

hearing Tang San speaking to him made him turn his gaze back,

“Little San, what is it? He hasn’t made things troublesome for

you has he?”

Tang San shook his head,

“No, senior Dugu has been very good to me. He’s taught me a
lot of poison related knowledge. Dean Flender, senior Dugu
wants to be an advisor at our Academy, what do you think?”


Not just Flender, including Grandmaster, everyone present

2366 Goldenagato |

cried out in surprise practically simultaneously, their gazes
becoming strange. Everyone looked at each other, for a moment

Who was Dugu Bo? A Title Douluo. Let alone this Shrek
Academy, even the Heaven Dou Empire’s number one academy
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy didn’t have a Title Douluo

Tang San looked at everyone’s astonished expressions, and

probingly asked:

“Is it no good?”

Flender swallowed,

“Is what you said true?”

Tang San nodded,

“Senior Dugu promised, only he said he wouldn’t always stay

at the Academy. And only as an advisor.”

2367 Goldenagato |

Flender and Liu Erlong simultaneously looked toward
Grandmaster. Among the trio, Grandmaster was always the
wise corner with a plan.

Grandmaster’s rigid face twitched once,

“This is excellent. Even though Dugu Bo has only ever done as

he wished, this person’s reputation is excellent, if he promised
something he would surely see it through. Flender.”

While Grandmaster spoke, he signaled to Flender with his


The two had been brothers for so many years, how wouldn’t
Flender understand Grandmaster’s meaning. Hastily waving his
hand, he brought everyone forward to greet Dugu Bo.

“Senior Dugu, greetings.”

Flender, extremely enthusiastic, was the first to step towards

Dugu Bo with a smile. Even though the smile seemed a bit

2368 Goldenagato |

sinister on his face, the light in his eyes was sincere.

Dugu Bo nodded to Flender, something like returning the


“I promised the little freak to be your advisor here, I don’t

know whether you’re willing?”

Dugu Bo had never been a person fond of indirectness, and

with his position it was also completely unnecessary. He
immediately got right to the point with his purpose in coming.

Promising Tang San to come here was admittedly because it

was Tang San’s condition, but at the same time the peculiar
friendship he had with Tang San was an important factor.

Flender said without the slightest hesitation:

“Of course we are. You coming to this Academy will simply

bring light to our humble Shrek Academy. Let alone being an
advisor, even if you wanted to be dean it would be no problem.”

2369 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo clearly wasn’t interested in Flender’s cordiality.
Waving his hand, he said:

“Being dean doesn’t suit me, I haven’t the time to be teaching

students. Moreover, my method of cultivation is unsuitable for
the vast majority of Spirit Masters. Since you agreed, find me a
quiet place to stay. I’ve returned with that little freak Tang San.
I’m tired, I’ll rest first.”

Flender immediately agreed. Even if there was nothing

prepared in advance, dealing with such ad hoc circumstances
wasn’t difficult,

“Then follow me, senior.”

While speaking, he led the way ahead, bringing Dugu Bo into

the Academy.

When Dugu Bo passed by Tang San, his lips moved, saying

something to Tang San. He then followed Flender away.

Of course he wasn’t really tired, only he always most disliked

inconvenience, and didn’t want to be chatting with everyone

2370 Goldenagato |


Watching Flender lead Dugu Bo away, Liu Erlong couldn’t

help but ask Tang San:

“Little San, how did you do it? This old freak agreeing to come
to our Academy. It’s really too inconceivable.”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“Perhaps it’s because we’re something of kindred spirits. I

accidentally helped him with a matter. He said it was because of
our friendship that he agreed to come.”

Grandmaster said:

“No matter how, this is excellent.”

“Teacher, is everyone well?”

He naturally meant the other six of the Shrek Seven Devils.

2371 Goldenagato |

Being gone for half a year, Tang San had greatly missed his
teachers and companions. Especially Xiao Wu.

Grandmaster nodded with a smile, saying:”

“They’re all very well. I haven’t told them what you’ve been
doing before, only saying you’ve been cultivating in seclusion. If
you had returned a few days later, maybe we wouldn’t have
been here.”


Grandmaster said:

“In this past half year they have all made not inconsiderable
progress. Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing have
all broken through the thirtieth rank, and already possess their
third spirit rings. Oscar’s spirit power has also advanced two
ranks, and Xiao Wu has even advanced three ranks. Dai Mubai
is in seclusion, attacking the fortieth rank bottleneck. Attacking
the bottleneck is a bit difficult, but he should succeed soon.
Once he has broken through to the fortieth rank, we will go
hunt spirit beasts together to obtain his fourth spirit ring.”

2372 Goldenagato |

Listening to Grandmaster, Tang San couldn’t help secretly
sigh in admiration. Even though he himself had progressed a
lot, his companions hadn’t stayed idle either. Each one’s
strength had increased a lot, and now they had all finally
reached the thirtieth rank. The Shrek Seven Devils’ fighting
strength would no doubt increase significantly.

“Teacher, I’ll go see them.”

Tang San was already somewhat impatient to see his


Grandmaster smiled and rubbed Tang San’s head, saying:

“You’ve only just returned, won’t you rest a bit first?”

Tang San shook his head,

“I’m not tired. And I still have gifts for everyone.”

Grandmaster said:

2373 Goldenagato |

“Then come on, I’ll go with you. Erlong, all of you are busy.”

Tang San glanced at Grandmaster, then again at Liu Erlong.

The two’s expressions were like always, and no change could be
seen on the surface. Even though they didn’t seem intimate, he
could feel that Grandmaster seemed to be able to calmly accept
Liu Erlong’s existence.

Liu Erlong nodded, her gaze not resting on Grandmaster for

long, and brought the teachers in the direction of the Academy’s
main building.

Watching them gradually disappear in the distance, Tang San

couldn’t help asking:

“Teacher, you and aunt Erlong……”

Grandmaster indifferently said:

“Children shouldn’t ask about adult matters. Let’s go. Your

comrades are all cultivating in mimicry environments.”

2374 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster didn’t bring Tang San towards the teaching
bloc, but rather directly towards the forest in the back.

While walking, Grandmaster asked:

“Little San, what did Dugu Bo teach you? What’s actually

going on with you and him?”

This question had been in Grandmaster’s heart for a very long

time, ever since Tang San showed up after the Golden Iron
Triangle fought Dugu Bo, Grandmaster knew Dugu Bo wouldn’t
so easily take a shine to Tang San’s character. In this past half
year he had practically constantly been worrying about Tang
San, after all, Tang San was his only disciple, and even more
like a son to him.

Tang San said:

“Dugu Bo kidnapping me was originally because of Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan should have told her grandpa about the time I
defeated her, making Dugu Bo interested in my Eight Spider
Lances. So he kidnapped me to research the poison in my Eight
Spider Lances.”

2375 Goldenagato |

“Then what happened after? From what Dugu Bo said, it
seems you helped him?”

Tang San nodded:

“Something like that. Dugu Bo’s poison skills had some

defects. I happened to discover a way to make up for those
defects. So out of gratitude he taught me a lot of things relating
to using poison. If it wasn’t for that, perhaps I would’ve been
unable to return to see you alive.”

Tang San didn’t explain it in too much detail, he could never

tell Grandmaster about him coming from Tang Sect. This time
together with Dugu Bo not only increased his level of poison
use, at the same time it also gave him the best excuse for the
Tang Sect poison techniques. Dugu Bo would never tell people
that Tang San’s poison was his own. With the world’s number
one Poison Douluo as cover, nobody would ever doubt the origin
of Tang San’s poison techniques.

“So it’s like that.”

Grandmaster knew on an even deeper level that, originally,

having told Dugu Bo about Tang San’s history, the reason why

2376 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo didn’t dare kill Tang San and instead taught him
poison, was greatly related to Tang San’s past. Recalling this, he
also felt more at ease.

“Little San, in this time you’ve been constantly studying

poison with Dugu Bo, but you mustn’t neglect your spirit power
cultivation. Your companions all have sky high talent, if you
have fallen too far behind, you will perhaps never be able to
catch up. How high is your current spirit power rank?”

Tang San said:

“Thirty seven.”


Grandmaster responded automatically, but he reacted very

quickly, his footsteps immediately halting, his expression even
stiffening a bit more,

“What did you say? Your spirit power is already at the thirty
seventh rank?”

2377 Goldenagato |

Tang San earnestly said:

“Yes! Last time at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, under that

board members pressure my spirit power reached the thirty
fourth rank. Later cultivating at senior Dugu’s place, I advanced
three ranks. Senior Dugu’s place had a lot of precious plants,
perhaps it’s because that kind of environment suits my
cultivation. Therefore, my spirit power advanced very quickly,
already reaching the thirty seventh rank.”

Grandmaster showed a smile,

“It seems that my worries were completely unfounded. Even

while learning poison under Dugu Bo, your spirit power growth
was the fastest of everyone. I’m relieved. In less than half a year
the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand Spirit
Fighting Competition will begin. If it continues like this,
perhaps, at that time you will also have had the chance to rush
to the fortieth rank. If it’s truly like that, then, it might be
impossible for you Shrek Seven Devils not to leave a mark.”

Just as he said this, Grandmaster stopped walking. Ahead was

a shrubbery, almost as tall as a person, appearing extremely
dense. Grandmaster smiled slightly, and yelled towards the

2378 Goldenagato |


“Xiao Wu, take a break, come see who’s here.”

Hearing the words ‘Xiao Wu’, the smile on Tang San’s face
immediately froze, his eyes revealing a deep and grateful mind.
He knew that Grandmaster had first brought him to see Xiao
Wu because he and Xiao Wu were the closest. Xiao Wu was
precisely the person he was most urgent to see.

With a flicker, a white silhouette flashed out of the shrubbery.

A pink tender face brimming with childishness, that pair of
exceptionally slender taut beautiful legs, further that
unbeatably slender yet extremely agile little waist, as well as the
scorpion braid hanging to the ground, could it be anyone but
Xiao Wu?

“Grandmaster, you’ve come……”

Xiao Wu didn’t finish speaking, because in her eyes had

already appeared that person she had waited for the most.

Her pupils contracted practically instantly,

2379 Goldenagato |


Not caring about Grandmaster’s presence, Xiao Wu threw

herself into Tang San’s embrace, her slender thighs as usual
twisting around Tang San’s waist, pulling him close. She
nestled her pink tender young face deep in Tang San’s shoulder,
her own shoulders trembling fiercely.

Tang San could clearly feel Xiao Wu’s frantic heartbeats.

Seeing Xiao Wu again, how couldn’t he be moved?

Wrapping his arms around Xiao Wu, the rims of his eyes were
immediately somewhat red.

Right now Xiao Wu was still a bit taller than Tang San, and
her completely hanging on Tang San gave a somewhat strange

Grandmaster tactfully didn’t look at them, his gaze instead

turning into the distance.

2380 Goldenagato |

“Good Xiao Wu, don’t cry. Haven’t I come back?”

Tang San lightly stroked Xiao Wu’s back, somewhat choked

consoling her.

“Wuuu—— Ge, don’t you want Xiao Wu? Why would you
leave for so long……”

It was no wonder that Xiao Wu was so moved, for the six or

seven years since meeting Tang San the two had never been
apart for more than a month. This time Tang San had been gone
for half a year, and moreover she hadn’t known where, Xiao Wu
couldn’t describe how much she had missed him. She had
repeatedly asked Grandmaster where Tang San had gone, but
Grandmaster naturally couldn’t tell her Tang San was together
with Dugu Bo, otherwise, what would be done if by any chance
Xiao Wu rushed to the Sunset Forest?

“How would I, how would I be willing to part with you? It’s

all my fault for letting you worry.”

The front of Tang San’s shoulder was already drenched

through by Xiao Wu’s tears. Her long slender legs wrapped
tightly about Tang San’s waist, seemingly afraid he would run

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away again.

Xiao Wu raised her head, and by now her eyes were already
thoroughly red, pouting with her little mouth:

“Then in the future you can’t leave me again. Even if you have
to cultivate, you still have to bring me along.”

“Fine, fine, I promise.”

While Tang San wiped Xiao Wu’s tears, he repeatedly

consoled her.

Xiao Wu’s big eyes blinked and more tears flowed out, both
hands grabbing Tang San’s neck, she sobbed:

“Ge, you know I missed you so much, promise, promise never

to leave me.”

Tang San without the slightest hesitation said:

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“I promise, unless I die, I will never leave Xiao Wu.”

Xiao Wu’s tears then turned to happiness, once again leaning

against Tang San’s shoulder,

“Xiao Wu also promises, she will never leave little San Ge,
even if she dies she won’t leave.”

To the side Grandmaster helplessly shook his head, in his

heart thinking, ‘Today’s youth, huh, really unrestrained. These
two little fellows aren’t even fourteen yet. Really precocious.’
But he still didn’t want to destroy their present mood, and only
waited quietly.

Tang San was after all more cool headed than Xiao Wu.
Lightly swatting Xiao Wu’s butt,

“Good girl, come down, Teacher is still here.”

At this Xiao Wu recalled Grandmaster’s existence, and her

charming face immediately blushed, letting go of Tang San’s
waist and dropping to the ground. But she still held on to Tang
San’s arm, and no matter what was said wouldn’t agree to let

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“Teacher, let’s go find the others.”

Grandmaster turned to look at the two. Even though they

were still young, they could still be considered ready to be a
couple. His eyes revealed a smiling expression, nodded, and
continued walking into the depths of the forest.

Mimicry environment cultivation locations were chosen

differently according to each Spirit Master’s spirit.

Like Xiao Wu’s rabbit spirit naturally was most suited to

cultivating in a shrubbery, Dai Mubai was in an animal pen,
while Oscar’s was the easiest; as a food system Spirit Master, the
kitchen was the place that could best draw out his spirit power.
For Ma Hongjun it was a room spread through with stoves.

Of course, these were all just comparatively common mimicry

environments. Under even better conditions, the help in
cultivation could still increase further.

For instance, if Ma Hongjun could have cultivated in a

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volcanic crater, then the benefits to him would be even greater.
Of course, at the same time the danger would increase

In a little while, Grandmaster had already brought Tang San

to find everyone except Dai Mubai, and the six Shrek Seven
Devils gathered in a hall. Everyone were happy to see Tang San
again, and Tang San again repeated what he had said to

“Little San, what did you say? That Dugu Bo came with you to
the Academy?”

Xiao Wu somewhat shocked looked at Tang San, her

expression somewhat pale.

Tang San thought Xiao Wu was frightened of Dugu Bo’s

strength and poison, and hastily comforted her:

“Don’t worry, senior Dugu isn’t a bad person. He also

promised me that he wouldn’t hurt anyone at the Shrek
Academy. Nothing will happen. Besides, now he’s also an
advisor at our Academy.”

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Oscar grinned, saying:

“This really is excellent, with a Title Douluo as advisor, how

couldn’t our Shrek Academy’s name spread through the

Grandmaster frowned,

“An Academy doesn’t rely on its teachers, but rather has to

rely on you students.”

Oscar stuck out his tongue, but he was terrified of

Grandmaster and naturally didn’t dare retort.

Xiao Wu’s expression hadn’t improved from Tang San’s

expression, and instead became even paler. Only because she
kept her head down, the others didn’t notice anything.

“Teacher, where is Mubai secluded? I’d like to see him.”

Tang San said to Grandmaster.

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Grandmaster said:

“He’s at a critical juncture of his cultivation, he mustn’t be

disturbed now.”

Tang San pondered, and said:

“Teacher, I think I have a way for Mubai to break through the

fortieth rank bottleneck. I’ve brought back some gifts for each
of us to use. Best would be for us seven to cultivate together,
this would have a significant assistance to our cultivation.”


Grandmaster somewhat astonished looked at Tang San.

Breaking through spirit power bottlenecks had always required
relying on the Spirit Masters’ own strength to accomplish via
unceasing effort. Even someone as familiar with spirits as
Grandmaster had never found a shortcut, how couldn’t Tang
San’s words excite him?

Grandmaster was an astute person. Very quickly he became

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aware of the meaning behind Tang San’s words,

“What you want to give them, is drugs brought back from

Dugu Bo’s place?”

Tang San nodded.

After Grandmaster had considered it for a moment, he said:

“Using drugs to promote strength will inevitably have side

effects. In the past there has been some Spirit Masters who
cultivated like this, but they always met a bad end. You’re
already heaven spanning talents on your own. There’s no need
for this kind of shortcut. If by any chance you spoiled things
with your enthusiasm, the result wouldn’t be pretty.”

Tang San prepared in advance said:

“Teacher, don’t worry. The things I want to give everyone

have different properties and uses according to each person.
There wouldn’t be any side effects.”

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Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and even Zhu Zhuqing,
all of them now had an inquisitive expression in their eyes.
They all wanted to know what the things Tang San had brought
back for them actually was.

After Grandmaster pondered it deeply, in the end he

reluctantly nodded and said:

“Fine. However, you have to be careful. You can’t make any

mistakes. Ma Hongjun. Go to the animal pen and call over Dai
Mubai. Be careful, don’t get injured by the beasts.”

Ma Hongjun’s spirit was the Evil Fire Phoenix, which had a

powerful suppressive effect on any common wild animals.
Moreover his strength already surpassed Grandmaster’s, so
having him go fetch Dai Mubai was naturally best.

Grandmaster knew Tang San wasn’t an impetuous person,

otherwise he wouldn’t have easily agreed.

Tang San pondered, then said:

“Teacher, we need a place where we won’t be disturbed.

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Otherwise if the outside world interferes, it might affect
everyone’s ingestion of the medicinal properties.”

Grandmaster thought about it and said:

“Then we’ll go to Erlong’s old place. It’s certainly peaceful

there, and nobody would go there lightly.”

Since Flender took over the running of the Academy, Liu

Erlong had already gone to live in the school buildings. Of
course she didn’t feel the school buildings suited her better, but
rather it was because Grandmaster lived there. The little
wooden cottage she had lived in before was naturally empty.

Before long, Ma Hongjun had brought back Dai Mubai. Before

Dai Mubai had even arrived, his voice already echoed in the

“Little San, you’ve come back. If you hadn’t, Xiao Wu might

have worried herself to death.”

Dai Mubai wasn’t much different from before, he only

appeared a bit calmer. Having already passed his sixteenth

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birthday had somewhat increased his aggressiveness, but his
overall imposing manner was a bit more restrained. The pair of
evil eyes radiating health and vigor, his casual movements all
had a kind of king among beasts elegance.

Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, Xiao Wu blushed and couldn’t

help making a spitting sound, but she didn’t make any attempts
to defend herself.

Except for Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai was the first to meet Tang San
among the Shrek Seven Devils, and meeting once again was
especially familiar, holding out his hands to embrace Tang San’s
shoulders, he said:

“Fatty said you brought back gifts for us that can even help me
break through the bottleneck, get it out quickly.”

Tang San laughed, raising his hand to punch Dai Mubai in the

“Don’t worry, we’ll go somewhere quiet first.”

Led by Grandmaster, everyone stepped into that quiet log

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cottage. The sunlight brought the shadows of the trees through
the windows, the fresh and clean air seeping through the gaps.
Listening to the melodious birdsong and the soft wind, it was
very difficult to imagine this place was in Heaven Dou Empire’s
capital city. Even Grandmaster who was naturally disposed to
living a simple life couldn’t help sighing in admiration over Liu
Erlong’s excellent choice.

Grandmaster said to Tang San:

“Begin. I’ll guard you.”

Tang San nodded, and under everyone’s inquisitive and

attentive stares, his right hand stretched into the Wishful
Hundred Treasure Purse to pull out a kind of plant.

That was a chrysanthemum with an enormous flower in an

exceptionally beautiful violet. Bizarrely, each of the
chrysanthemum’s petals seemed to be adorably fluffy on the
outside, making them blend into each other. It didn’t release
any fragrance, and the stamen rising from the center of the
petals was more than half a chi tall, the tip of the stamen
glittering with a faint golden radiance.

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“What’s this?”

Dai Mubai was the first to ask, and the others were all also
attracted by the plant Tang San pulled out.

Tang San smiled faintly, saying to Dai Mubai:

“Boss Dai, I prepared this especially for you. It’s called

Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, a neutral immortal
treasure herb, when eaten the energy will spread through the
four limbs, blood clearing the eight meridians, and you can
practice Vajra Strength Body.”

Dai Mubai was shocked,

“So awesome? Vajra strength?”

Tang San said with a smile:

“Although ‘Vajra Strength Body’ is a bit exaggerated, this herb

is most compatible with your spirit. Your spirit power is
neutral, overwhelmingly vast, and just fiercely potent. The

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efficacy is all in the limbs, so this will make your cultivation
twice as fast for half the effort. Since you’ve already reached the
fortieth rank bottleneck, I think it will certainly help you break
through the crisis. Once you’ve obtained your spirit ring the
medicine will continue taking effect, and should have even
greater promoting effect.”

“The gifts I’ve chosen for everyone all attach most importance
to strengthening foundations, they won’t spoil things for

Dai Mubai solemnly accepted the Singular Velvet Sky

Chrysanthemum Tang San held out, looking deeply at Tang

“We’re brothers, so I won’t say thanks. How is this thing


Tang San said:

“First eat that stamen, afterwards each of the petals, don’t eat
the stalk. After eating it immediately start cultivating,
dissolving the medicinal strength to break the bottleneck.

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Dai Mubai didn’t say anything else, and immediately walked
over to a corner to take the herb as Tang San instructed.

For all this time the fortieth rank bottleneck had always
bothered him. Now having the chance to break through, his
heart was already burning, impatient to begin. Oscar asked in a
low voice:

“Little San, what’s an immortal treasure herb?”

Tang San said with a smile:

“This is something from Heaven, that can only rarely be

found in the human world.”

Everyone looked at each other, and including Xiao Wu,

everyone’s gazes became burning hot. Ning Rongrong giggled,
delicately saying:

“Third brother, don’t be partial.”

Tang San said:

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“Don’t worry, everyone has a share. Little Ao, this is yours.”

His hand stretched into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse

for a second time, this time pulling out a jade case and handing
it to Oscar.

Oscar sighed in admiration,

“No need to even look, just the value of this case alone is

Tang San was somewhat speechless:

“Little Ao, this is just common white jade. Two gold spirit
coins will get you one.”


Oscar was part stunned, part embarrassed.

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Tang San laughed, saying:

“However, the thing inside is indeed of considerable value.

Open it and see.”

Oscar did as asked, and entirely different from Dai Mubai’s

Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, the instant the jade box
opened, the whole room was filled with an odd fragrance. A
strong orchid fragrance made everyone’s hearts clear and souls
brighten, the fragrance penetrating deep into the heart rousing
everyone’s spirits, involuntarily inhaling.

In the jade case quietly lay an eight petaled orchid, the petals
trembling minutely, entirely lustrous snow white, giving people
a noble and virtuous feeling.

Tang San said:

“This is called an Eight Petal Immortal Orchid, it’s also an

immortal treasure herb. It must be picked with gold and stored
with jade, and as long as it’s regulated in jade ware, it won’t
wither for a thousand years, or a hundred lifetimes. Among all
the immortal treasure herbs I brought back with me this time,
it’s the one with the gentlest nature, one of the most mellow.

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Absorbing it is easy, but requires a very long time. Its effect is to
strengthen foundations and drive out impurities, its effect
should complement the slow cultivation speed you have as a
food system Spirit Master. The medicinal effect should even
continue until you’ve cultivated to the seventieth rank.”

Oscar opened his eyes wide,

“So good? Little San, I love you.”


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Chapter 70 - Exceptional Immortal Treasures
For Seven Devils

Tang San’s whole body trembled,

“Don’t, go eat it quickly. There’s no special way of eating it,

chewing and swallowing will suffice, the flavor is sweet and
fragrant. Just like Dai Mubai, you also have to focus your spirit
power to assimilate the medicinal effects, afterwards slowly
absorb it.”

Tang San had carefully thought about the most suitable plants
for everyone even before he had returned.

Even though there was a limited amount of immortal

treasures, there was still enough for one for each of the Shrek
Seven Devils. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to give the teachers
immortal treasures as well, but the absorption rate for these
immoral treasures was better the younger the user. The
opposite would drain the medicinal effect.

Oscar happily ran over to the other side of the room,

swallowing the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid in one mouthful,
and immediately starting cultivation.

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Ma Hongjun was next when going by age, and he impatiently
moved closer,

“Third brother, mine, mine.”

Looking at the excited Fatty, Tang San said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you. Fatty, I’ve thought

carefully about your Evil Fire. This variant Evil Fire is
admittedly very powerful, but at the same time it’s constantly
eroding your body. This is essentially because your Phoenix
flame isn’t pure enough. This time I’ve found you a nourishing
and purifying yang medicinal herb.”

Ning Rongrong let a giggle escape, saying:

“He still needs nourishing? In this time Fatty went out for bad
things a lot. However, he said Heaven Dou City was very
expensive, but still spent enormously. Nourishing him even
more, perhaps he’ll have to go out even more frequently.”

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Tang San smiled:

“No. As I said, his evil fire’s impurity leads to his own

backlash. If it continues like this, then perhaps one day it will
lead to his evil fire destroying him. By filtering out the
impurities of his Phoenix flame, he might truly be considered a
Phoenix Spirit Master. Fatty, this is for you.”

That was a deep red trembling, silky soft immortal herb. Its
appearance seemed very simple, only formed from red grass
leaves. The tip of the grass leaves were shaped just like
cockscombs, but when observing carefully one could discover its
distinctiveness, the venation was unexpectedly gold. When it
was taken out, the temperature in the room immediately rose

“This thing is called Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, swallow

it without chewing. Congregate spirit power and conduct, no
matter how painful it is you must be patient, otherwise you will
ruin the effect. This thing’s effect is quite obvious, it should
substantially increase your spirit power and flame. If you give
up halfway, the medicinal effect will lower a lot.”

Tang San placed the herb in Ma Hongjun’s hands, and Fatty

immediately left.

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Tang San had taken out three immortal herbs and given them
to three people one after another, even Grandmaster couldn’t
help being moved. Let alone seeing these herbs, he had never
even heard of them before.

The fourth one Tang San brought out wasn’t according to age
Xiao Wu, but rather for Ning Rongrong.

“Third brother, what are you giving me?”

Not waiting for Tang San to start speaking, Ning Rongrong

already ran up and grabbed his arm. Xiao Wu frowned behind,
but didn’t say anything. Tang San smiling stretched his hand
into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, and in a flash of
golden light, a fantastic immortal herb already appeared.

This was a very fantastic immortal herb, below the stalk and
leaves were all wisteria drapes, finely combed. But at the top
was a golden dazzling tulip, and a heavy tulip fragrance
immediately replaced Oscar’s previous Eight Petal Immortal
Orchid, the rich fragrance giving a splendorous and majestic

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“Your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit is extremely
special. I thought it over carefully, and selected this immortal
herb for you. This thing is known as a Beautiful Silk Tulip, it’s
graceful and luxurious. By taking it you can breathe in the
quintessence of heaven and earth. The radiance of the sun and
the moon. Your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is on its own
classified as a treasure type spirit. With the help of this
Beautiful Silk Tulip, the effect should be very complementing.
This flower can’t be devoured. You have to breathe in the
stamen, slowly absorbing the best features within, afterwards
cultivate your spirit power and slowly circulate it, letting the
medicinal effects find its way to the hundred bones of all four

Ning Rongrong took the Beautiful Silk Tulip, and giggling


“Third brother, I really want to kiss you, only in order to keep

Xiao Wu from upending the vinegar jar, I’ll let it be. But I really
can’t accept this flower from you free of charge, later little sister
will definitely do something in return.”

Four of the Shrek Seven Devils had already obtained immortal

herbs, finally remaining was only Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

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Xiao Wu stood there calm and composed without the slightest
bit of anxiety. Tang San gave the others such good immortal
herbs, how could he treat her unfairly?

Zhu Zhuqing’s natural disposition was reclusive, and

extremely shy. Even though she was inwardly equally brimming
with expectation, she found it embarrassing to be as forward as
Ning Rongrong.

Tang San walked over to Zhu Zhuqing,

“Zhuqing, this immortal herb I’ve chosen for you is the easiest
to absorb and transform. Moreover the efficacy is even better
than the others’, considered an all-round boost. However, to eat
this immortal herb you must pay a certain price. I hope you
have the mental preparation.”

If someone else had said this, Zhi Zhuqing would certainly

have believed they had ulterior motives, but when it came from
Tang San she didn’t have the slightest uncomfortable feeling.
Everyone had been together for so long, even if Zhu Zhuqing
very rarely spoke, how couldn’t she know Tang San’s character?

Immediately nodding, she quietly said:

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“Thank you third brother.”

This was the first time Zhu Zhuqing had called Tang San
‘third brother’, and Tang San couldn’t help smiling slightly,
once again pulling out a herb from the Wishful Hundred
Treasure Purse.

It was a seemingly common white flower, palm sized, a bit

like a tree peony, without leaves, the stalk connecting to a big
rock. That stone was completely pitch black, and from how
Tang San carried it could be seen that its weight was

On that white flower were a few flecks of red, scarlet red like
blood giving people a hair-raising feeling.

Tang San grimly said:

“This herb is called Yearning Heartbroken Red. Among

immortal treasure herbs it’s a divine treasure. It also has a
legend. A very long time ago, a youth, quiet and contented, most
liked gardening and planting trees, filling his garden with green

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and blue lotuses and bulbs, thousands of purples and reds.
Ordinarily singing to flowers, toasting to the moon, when a
flower fell, he would be boundlessly grieved, sweeping up the
flower, burying it in the ground, shedding tears again and again.
It’s said his feelings moved Heaven, and his great love for
flowers moved the Heavenly Flower Immortal, who personally
descended to the world to marry him, happiness like fish in
water need not be mentioned. But unexpectedly the good times
didn’t last, god learned about their matters, and was furious,
saying immortals and the mundane didn’t match, ordering
Flower Immortal to return to the divine realm. That youth
having lost his lover, moaned and groaned in pain all day,
depressed, discarding matters of flowers, consequently the walls
fell and fences collapsed, flowers and trees withered, the land
growing desolate. One day a white haired old man arrived,
telling him that the white tree peony flower in his garden, was
his wife’s reincarnation, as long as he destroyed the flower, the
Flower Immortal would lose her immortality, banishing her to
the mundane world to be his wife again, but he couldn’t by any
means destroy a flower. The words turned into a pure wind and
disappeared, and the youth suddenly came to himself, deeply
regretting his mean treatment of the blossoms, he again
carefully tended to the flowers and plants, even though he
deeply loved his wife, he couldn’t bear to burn down the tree
peony, it was even more cherished than himself, day and night
watering the flowers with his tears, the tears stemmed from
deep sorrow, and yearning and heartbroken he died, in his final
moments, he dripped some blood on the petals, and you see
those dark red stains, that is the heart’s blood of that youth.”

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Quietly listening to Tang San’s story, whether it was Zhu
Zhuqing or Xiao Wu to the side, both were somewhat
sentimental. Even Grandmaster felt his heart sway, unable to
help himself.

Tang San solemnly said:

“The flower is an exceptional treasure that chooses its master.

When picking it you must keep your beloved in your heart, with
absolute sincerity, spitting out blood on the petals. If you are at
all half-hearted, even if you spit blood until you die, don’t think
about removing the flower. After picking the flower, as long as
it is by your side it will never wither. The rock it grows from is
called crow break, if it’s forcefully broken, this Yearning
Heartbroken Red will equally lose its medicinal strength. Using
this herb has the immortal results of heaven and earth, by my
conservative estimate, it can at least increase spirit power by ten
ranks, and it will still substantially remould the body. Zhuqing,
even if I’m not entirely sure what’s between you and Mubai, of
us seven, you are the only ones who are certainly sweethearts,
therefore I’ve brought this to you, hoping you can become that
destined person.”

Zhu Zhuqing looked blankly at this touching bloody tree

peony Yearning Heartbroken Red in front of her, softly

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nodding, her gaze floating over to Dai Mubai cultivating not far

“I’ll try.”

Urging the spirit power within, prompting the movement of

qi and blood, Zhu Zhuqing’s cherry lips parted, spitting a drop
of blood on the petals.

The moment she spit out blood, in her mind was fixed the
figure of Dai Mubai. But for some reason she recalled Dai
Mubai’s dissolute past, and her attention shifted slightly, unable
to keep her state of mind from swaying.

When the blood fell on the petals, the Yearning Heartbroken

Red trembled slightly. Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and
Grandmaster’s gazes were all fixed on this flower, quietly

However, Tang San quickly lost hope. That Yearning

Heartbroken Red’s swaying gradually stopped, without falling

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Zhu Zhuqing sadly said:

“I’m sorry, third brother, my heart is too greedy, I can’t take

this flower.”

Tang San sighed, helplessly shaking his head,

“Zhuqing, don’t be like that. When I returned I prepared you

another herb as backup. Wait a moment.”

While speaking, Tang San held up the Yearning Heartbroken

Red to Grandmaster,

“Teacher, you and aunt Erlong’s feelings are deep and heavy,
it would be better for you to try. Perhaps, this Yearning
Heartbroken Red might be able to change your spirit variation.”

Grandmaster sighed, saying:

“Such a divine treasure, how could I eat it? By now I have long
ago passed the age for cultivating. If it is destined for me, I will
keep it at my side forever.”

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Looking at the bloodstains on the Yearning Heartbroken Red,
Grandmaster couldn’t help recalling all that had happened
between him and Liu Erlong, a burst of pain in his heart, he
didn’t use his spirit power, but directly raised his hand to hit his
chest. As Tang San cried out in alarm, blood forced its way out
of his mouth, just right to spurt onto the flower.

The moment he spit out the blood, Grandmaster’s spirit was

equally shocked, in his mind appeared the two most painful
words of his life, ‘little sister’.

This time the Yearning Heartbroken Red swayed even more

fiercely, in a moment about to fall from the black breaking rock,
but in the end lacking that last trace of strength, the swaying
returned to its original position, whether it was the blood
Grandmaster or Zhu Zhuqing had spit out, both gradually

Grandmaster said in a rough voice:

“I’m always unable to put down the burden in my heart, I’m

not qualified to take this herb.”

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With a dispirited expression he turned to look out the
window, apparently again recalling those sad forgotten events.

As Tang San prepared to put away the Yearning Heartbroken

Red, taking out the backup he had prepared for Zhu Zhuqing,
suddenly, a small pu sound echoed. When Tang San turned his
head to look, he saw a drop of blood had already fallen on that
Yearning Heartbroken Red, and before he could react, the
Yearning Heartbroken red, this time without the slightest
swaying, already quietly fell from the black breaking rock,
falling into slender jade-white hands.

Xiao Wu wiped a bloodstain from the corner of her mouth,

her charming face revealing a smiling expression, looking at
that touching flower in her hand with blurred emotions in her

“I didn’t expect that I would be this destined person.”

Tang San’s heart shook, and Zhu Zhuqing to the side was
equally shaken. None of them had expected that this Yearning
Heartbroken Red’s final owner would actually be Xiao Wu.

In that previous moment, Tang San’s gaze had been fixed on

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Grandmaster and hadn’t seen it, but Zhu Zhuqing clearly saw,
when Xiao Wu spit out blood, her gaze didn’t leave Tang San for
a moment. That single-mindedly devoted expression was
something Zhu Zhuqing would never forget.

Until now she had always seen how good Tang San was to
Xiao Wu, but now she truly understood what position Tang San
held in Xiao Wu’s heart.

Zhu Zhuqing saw very clearly how pure Xiao Wu’s gaze at
Tang San had been, perhaps even they didn’t know whether the
feelings between them were that of man and woman, but their
feelings were absolutely the purest sincerity, without any flaw.

And that Yearning Heartbroken Red became the best proof.

Tang San looked stupidly at Xiao Wu, for a long while

speechless. Xiao Wu lowered her head, her fingertips caressing
the flower petals,

“Little San, that story was definitely true, right?”

Tang San said:

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“I don’t know. Eat it, it will give you the best help.”

Xiao Wu shook her head,

“No, Grandmaster was right, an immortal herb like this, how

can people part with it by eating it? Didn’t you say that, as long
as it recognized its owner, it will never wither? I want to keep it
with me. Loving it and cherishing it.”


Tang San somewhat hesitantly thought to say something, but

was interrupted by Xiao Wu.

“Don’t worry, Ge, I won’t fall behind everyone. I will make

great effort to cultivate.”

Xiao Wu naturally understood what Tang San was worried


2413 Goldenagato |

Even though she didn’t advance to the next step in strength
because she didn’t eat this Yearning Heartbroken Red, at this
moment her heart was already content. Just like Zhu Zhuqing
thought, she hadn’t known what her feelings towards Tang San
actually were, but at this moment, this Yearning Heartbroken
Red had already told her.

To her, there was nothing more important than this.

Tang San would never force Xiao Wu to do anything. Raising

his hand to gently caress her head, he said with a smile:

“Then protect it properly, and it will also always protect you.”

Stretching his hand into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse,

Tang San pulled out the sixth immortal herb.

That was a white flower with a gem-like luster, appearing

spotless as a blue lotus white root. Tang San handed over it to
Zhu Zhuqing, saying with a smile:

“This thing is called Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone. Its function is

to soften muscle and mend bone, the clearing the eight

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extraordinary meridians. Originally I was going to give it to
Xiao Wu, but she already has the Yearning Heartbroken Red,
and this immortal herb suits you just as well, take it at once.”

Perhaps it was because she couldn’t obtain the Yearning

Heartbroken Red’s approval, but Zhu Zhuqing was somewhat
depressed, sadly shaking her head:

“Since you were going to give it to Xiao Wu, you should still
give it to her.”

Tang San shook his head:

“No, a person of integrity can’t be too greedy, each of these

immortal treasure herbs are precious treasures that Heaven
yearns for, taking several is no good, it will instead be harmful.
Even if Xiao Wu doesn’t eat the Yearning Heartbroken Red, the
Yearning Heartbroken Red’s energy still exists. If she takes yet
another immortal treasure herb, she will be unable to
completely absorb it, so this Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone should go
to you. Its effect will lead to the same result by different means
as Mubai’s Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum. Your spirit is
similar to Mubai’s, and using it won’t be a problem. When
eating it only eat the petals, then finally suck on the stamen,
that will absorb its efficacy. At the same time you have to urge

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your spirit power. Zhuqing, remember, you have to stay calm to
absorb its best properties.”

“Thank you, third brother.”

Zhu Zhuqing tightly gripped the Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone and
walked over to sit by herself in a corner.

Xiao Wu was still playing with the Yearning Heartbroken Red

in her hands, and Tang San couldn’t help ask once again:

“Xiao Wu, are you really not prepared to take it? With it your
strength would increase greatly.”

Xiao Wu lightly shook her head,

“Ge, I won’t eat it, unless one day……”

She didn’t continue, but her gaze floated to Tang San’s face.

From within Xiao Wu’s big eyes, Tang San saw a somewhat

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different spirit. He didn’t know why, but Tang San didn’t dare
look directly at this light.

Tang San felt about in the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse,

and after hesitating a moment pulled out a mildly purple
medicinal herb. The top of the herb was like a cap, precisely a
lingzhi mushroom. The lingzhi mushrooms cap was purple,
with a jade green stalk below, growing nine leaves.

Tang San walked over in front of Grandmaster,

“Teacher, Even though this Nine Treasure Purple Zoysia

doesn’t count as an immortal treasure, it still strengthens
foundations, its effect promoting energy. It will have a
considerable beneficial effect to your body. Please take it.”

Without waiting for Grandmaster to decline, Tang San pulled

off the lingzhi cap from the stem, presenting it to Grandmaster.

Seeing the earnest light in Tang San’s eyes, Grandmaster

secretly sighed, but still accepted it and put it in his mouth,
chewing it a few times and swallowing.

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“The lingzhi’s nature is mild, but this Nine Treasure Purple
Zoysia is a top quality lingzhi. Teacher, since Xiao Wu doesn’t
want to eat the Yearning Heartbroken Red, let her keep watch
over us and cultivate a moment to dissolve its medicinal

Grandmaster nodded, reining in his mind, as much as possible

keeping himself from thinking about Liu Erlong. Sitting down
in the light from the window, he started to quietly cultivate.

“Ge, don’t you have anything for yourself?”

Xiao Wu asked.

Tang San said:

“I do.”

While speaking, he pulled out a seemingly unremarkable herb

from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. Its body was jade
green, but bizarrely at the center of the plant were three snow
white leaves, and at the center of the leaves were a few water
droplets, as if dew left behind in the morning.

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“This herb is called Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, eating
it will train piercing eyes, passing through ten thousand strange
things. Even though the description is a bit exaggerated, it will
be of considerable benefit to my Purple Demon Eye cultivation.
That can also be considered an immortal treasure.”

Xiao Wu frowned, saying:

“Ge, why did you give everyone herbs to promote their

strength, but only this for yourself? Even if I don’t understand
these immortal treasures, shouldn’t yours be the best?”

Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

“Even though the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew isn’t

considered the best immortal treasure, it’s effect is still better
than you imagine. Besides, I’ve already taken two kinds of
immortal treasure herbs before, I can’t be greedy. Just those
two herbs are enough to benefit me all my life. I even hesitated
over this Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew again and again
before deciding to take it. Its medicinal effect is very mild, and
doesn’t conflict with the two immortal treasures I used before.”

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Even though Tang San still hadn’t completely absorbed the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot he
used half a year ago, his originally gentle Mysterious Heaven
Skill had already changed significantly.

Since it was these two kinds of extreme herbs he used

simultaneously, these two kinds of herbs within his body
neutralized anything absorbed later.

There wouldn’t be any destructive effects to Tang San’s body,

but the two herbs efficacy could arbitrarily change under Tang
San’s control, in other words, within his spirit power the
extreme cold and extreme hot energies had already mixed.

These two energies didn’t belong to the Blue Silver Grass

spirit, but rather to Tang San’s internal strength. Only when his
spirit power was infused into Blue Silver Grass would there be
any effect to the spirit.

“Then hurry up and eat it.”

Xiao Wu urged.

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Tang San nodded, raising the Full Moon Wearing Autumn
Dew in front of him, tilting it slightly, letting the transparent
drops of liquid drop into his mouth. The moment those drops of
liquid left the leaves of the plant, the whole Full Moon Wearing
Autumn Dew completely withered in Tang San’s hand, in the
blink of an eye becoming dust wafting through the air.

Tang San didn’t say anything else, without leave walking over
to sit next to Grandmaster, adopting a lotus posture and quietly
starting to cultivate.

Right now only Xiao Wu was still awake in the small log
cottage. Standing there, her gaze never left Tang San, her eyes
revealing a struggling light. In her heart reverberated a voice
only she could hear.

‘Mustn’t I leave him after all? If I leave, could we still meet

again? But, if I didn’t leave, perhaps sooner or later that Title
Douluo that returned with him would be harmful to me. Little
San, thank you for this Yearning Heartbroken Red. It let me
understand so much. No, I can’t leave, just now I swore never to
leave him. Only when I’m together with him will I feel the
happiness mama talked about.’

There was an unhesitating light in Xiao Wu’s eyes. Nobody

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knew just how fearless she was to make this decision, or just
how determined.

The minutes and seconds slowly passed. In a flash it had

already been six hours, and the effect of the immortal treasure
herbs showed. Besides Xiao Wu, the other Shrek Seven Devils
and Grandmaster all now showed different degrees of change.

Dai Mubai who had taken the Singlular Velvet Sky

Chrysanthemum had by now grown a layer of white fur all over,
just like when he summoned his White Tiger for Spirit Body
Enhancement. Originally sitting crosslegged, now he lay
sprawled like a 大 character on the ground, the four limbs
clearly having swollen to twice their original size, the sounds of
cracking bones constantly rising from his body.

His three spirit rings were flashing with breathtaking speed,

from his throat occasionally rose a thunder-like low roar. His
whole body quivered with a kind of particular rhythm.

Oscar was the most tranquil of everyone, only sitting there

quietly. But his body was emitting a fragrance like the Eight
Petal Immortal Orchid, and a faint white mist seeped from his
skin, undulating densely around him.

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He was the most handsome among the Shrek Seven Devils,
and being set off by this white mist even more increased his
earthy nobility.

Ma Hongjun’s appearance was the most fiery. By now the

clothes on Fatty’s torso had completely turned to ashes,
exposing bright red fat. The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower’s
medicinal effect was extremely potent, and his skin constantly
exuded thin layers of juices. Fatty’s body looked like cooked
shrimp, and even his hair had become fiery red.

Bizarrely, whenever a layer of black juice seeped out of his

body, his fat would contract a bit. Xiao Wu standing to the side
couldn’t help but think that what Tang San gave fatty to eat was
some weight loss drug.

Ning Rongrong’s change was the most magnificent, the Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda floated in front of her in a halo of
seven colored light, three rings of light flickering within, set off
by a layer of intense golden light.

This golden light was released from Ning Rongrong herself,

bringing a strong tulip fragrance, a gem like light moving
within, just like a fairy descended to the mortal world. Each
time the golden light strengthened, it seemed Ning Rongrong’s

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Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda became even more beautiful
and dazzling.

Ning Rongrong’s golden light and Oscar’s white mist seemed

to give off a mutually attracting feeling. The white mist and
golden light flowed together in the air, the two fragrances
mixing together, creating a kind of incomparably cozy scent.

Even Tang San didn’t know that the Beautiful Silk Tulip Ning
Rongrong ate and the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid Oscar ate
were a pair of mandarin duck herbs, with a complementing
effect just like the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal
Precious Apricot he ate.

Similar circumstances arose for Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai,

but it wasn’t because of any relationship between their herbs,
but rather because of their spirit fusion ability.

After Zhu Zhuqing ate the Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone, a layer of
faint jade light spread all over her body. Different from Dai
Mubai who lay spread eagled on the ground, she moved from
crosslegged to standing upright as the medicinal effect released,
standing there with both hands crossed over her ample chest,
quietly absorbing the medicine.

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As the White Tiger radiance appeared from Dai Mubai, it was
echoed by Zhu Zhuqing’s Black Civet, their breathing
completely in sync, each inhalation and exhalation fitting each

Grandmaster sat there very serenely, his whole body suffused

with a faint purple light. Even though his appearance wasn’t as
fiery as Ma Hongjun, just like Ma Hongjun his body was
constantly exuding a layer of black fluid.

The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower and the Nine Treasure

Purple Zoysia both had the effect of rebirth. This was something
Tang San had neglected to mention.

Right now Tang San’s own reaction wasn’t very large, only his
head was enveloped in a layer of pure golden light, the golden
light constantly condensing towards his eyes like threads of silk
or strands of hair.

Xiao Wu stood there holding the Yearning Heartbroken Red,

quietly sniffing its rich fragrance. Her gaze only rarely swept
across the others, and was otherwise fixed on Tang San.

The sun ascending in the east gradually began to descend in

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the west. The first to awaken from cultivation was the one who
had taken the gentlest herb Eight Petal Immortal Orchid, Oscar.

Stretching his arms wide, Oscar opened his eyes as if he had

just woken up from sleep,

“So comfortable!”

Xiao Wu glared at him, saying in a low voice:

“Everyone else are still cultivating, lower your voice.”

Oscar blinked, only then discovering the others sitting around

him, hastily covering his mouth he stood up.

Xiao Wu looked him up and down a few times. She found that
the earthen noble air that had appeared on his body when he
absorbed the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid hadn’t faded when
cultivation ended, and his whole body looked like it was covered
in a layer of glossy luster.

“Is anything different?”

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Xiao Wu quietly asked.

Oscar looked distracted a moment, remembering to sense the

changes to his body.

Very quickly his expression became odd, a double mood of

pleasant surprise and disbelief. The smile on his face gradually
grew, and if it hadn’t been for the others right now cultivating
around them, perhaps he might have laughed out loud right

“What? Don’t cover your mouth.”

Xiao Wu slapped Oscar’s hand.

A burning excitement appeared in Oscar’s eyes,

“Amazing, it’s really too amazing.”

“Amazing your head.”

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Xiao Wu glared at him,

“Speak quickly, what is it?”

Oscar grinned, holding out a hand, shaking it in front of Xiao


“Five ranks, my spirit power increased a full five ranks, this is

just too unbelievable. I’ve already reached the thirty eighth
rank. Heavens, I’ll overtake Dai Mubai soon.”

Even though he had guessed that the immortal treasure herb

Tang San gave him would have a very good effect, hearing it
from his own mouth was still different. One Eight Petal
Immortal Orchid had actually helped Oscar’s spirit power leap
up five ranks.

In other words, right now they were on more or less the same
average spirit power as those Emperor Team Spirit Masters who
were five years older.

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“What are you squawking for, isn’t it just five ranks? Then
I’m still better off.”

Ning Rongrong’s voice rose from the side. The golden light
over her body was already completely gone, her right hand
supported her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and
underneath the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was a tulip
petal like golden outline.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu smiling looked face to face,

“I’ve improved six ranks, thirty seventh rank.”

Oscar couldn’t help say:

“This must be a dream. If cultivation were to become this easy

hereafter, then what would there still be to work hard for?
Every day we’d just eat flowers.”

Xiao Wu curled her lips,

“Don’t go dreaming. Little San said that you can’t eat several

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of these immortal treasure herbs, eating more will instead be
harmful. Are you still dissatisfied with gaining five ranks?
Grandmaster said that the younger the easier it is to cultivate.
You’re still just fifteen.”

Ning Rongrong excitedly said:

“I really didn’t expect that I would advance so much so shortly

after just breaking through the thirtieth rank juncture. Maybe
before long we’ll also be able to reach the fortieth rank.
Moreover, I feel that my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda
seems to have changed a bit, even if I can’t say just how it has
changed, I still feel somewhat abnormal.”

Oscar lowered his head to look at the pagoda in Ning

Rongrong’s hand, then suddenly called out,

“I know.”

Ning Rongrong covered his mouth,

“Be a bit quiet.”

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Oscar pulled away Ning Rongrong’s hand from his face,
deliberately lowering his excited voice,

“Rongrong, Rongrong count quickly, how many layers does

your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda have.”

Ning Rongrong looked distracted, then paid attention to her


“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Nine?
Why, how did it become nine?”

Ning Rongrong only felt a heat rush from her heart. Right
now, even her voice trembled. What did the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda becoming nine layers mean?

It meant she no longer had a Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

Pagoda, but rather the legendary Nine Treasure Glazed Tile
Pagoda, the lifelong goal of her father, Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School master Ning Fengzhi. And now she had actually
reached it herself.

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Ning Rongrong couldn’t keep her gaze from turning to Tang
San. If it hadn’t been for Xiao Wu, right now she would have
had the impulse to devote her life to him.

Only the directly related members of the Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School understood the meaning of the Nine
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. All of this really was far, far too
significant to the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After a brief excitement, Ning Rongrong gradually calmed

down, but the hand supporting the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile
Pagoda still trembled. She knew that Tang San’s kindness no
longer affected just her, but the entire Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School. It seemed she would have to make a trip back

“Have you absorbed them well?”

This was the moment Tang San’s voice rose, standing up from
the floor with both eyes closed.

“Third brother.”

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Ning Rongrong suddenly pounced at him, giving Tang San a
big hug, both hands around his neck, kissing his face hard.

Her actions made Tang San dumbfounded, and even Oscar

and Xiao Wu were stunned, both their faces becoming
somewhat strange. Fortunately, what Ning Rongrong said next
made them relieved.

“Vinegar jar” is an idiomatic expression for a jealous person.

Mentioned this one in an earlier footnote. A kind of fungus

with purported medicinal properties. Ganoderma lucidum. Why
does it have leaves? Who knows.

(五心朝天) “Five Hearts Facing The Sky” is probably a specific

position, but googling it gives a variety of cross legged postures.

Any animals in pairs can signify love or couples, but mandarin

ducks especially so.

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Chapter 71 - Clear As Ice And Clean As Jade
Young Master Tang San

Ning Rongrong kissed Tang San hard on the mouth, saying to

Tang San while under the monstrous gazes of Xiao Wu and

“Third brother, thank you, thank you so much. Even though I

know the words ‘thank you’ are far from enough to repay your
favor, I really don’t know what else to say. If you didn’t already
have Xiao Wu I would definitely come after you. Third brother,
see, my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda already changed to
Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, in other words, I no longer
need to follow the clan restrictions.”

Tang San raised his hand to touch Ning Rongrong’s head,

“We’re comrades, what are you doing talking like that.”

While speaking, Tang San slowly opened his eyes.

Instantly, the whole room seemed to shine. Ning Rongrong

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who was closest to Tang San clearly saw his eyes completely
become golden purple, and as that dazzling light entered her
eyes she felt her vision go white, leaving her completely unable
to see anything.

Tang San’s gaze swept from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile
Pagoda in Ning Rongrong’s hand. When that golden purple light
in his eyes fell on Xiao Wu his entire body suddenly trembled
violently once, his facial expression becoming entirely strange.

Even though Tang San had already moderated the light in his
eyes somewhat, when Tang’s gaze turned to Xiao Wu she had a
kind of feeling as if being seen through. Her pulse suddenly sped
up, ‘Don’t tell me he saw something?’

While Xiao Wu’s heart leapt into her throat, the light in Tang
San’s eyes diminished and returned to normal. With his usual
expression he looked down at Ning Rongrong and said:

“Rongrong, it’s alright. I just lost control of my eyesight.”

The white in Ning Rongrong’s eyes gradually faded, and she

recovered her eyesight,

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“Third brother, what was that ability? Why couldn’t I see

Even though she had already recovered, she still didn’t quite
dare look Tang San in the eyes.

Tang San smiled:

“This is my Purple Demon Eye. If I’m not mistaken, my Purple

Demon Eye has risen another level.”

The Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew was worthy of being

called a jewel of immortal treasures. Even if it hadn’t increased
Tang San’s spirit power it had still let his Purple Demon Eye
pass the detailed level, directly entering the third phase of
Purple Demon Eye’s four layers —— mustard seed.

Furthermore, Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye had also changed

a bit because of the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew’s effect.

It was no longer just a supporting effect.

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“Little San, congratulations.”

Xiao Wu walked up to Tang San’s side, speaking with a smile.

At the same time she was staring closely at Tang San’s eyes, as if
she was searching for something in his expression.
Unfortunately, no matter how she looked he was still the same
as always, apparently with nothing amiss.

Rubbing Xiao Wu’s head,

“If you agreed to eat the Yearning Heartbroken Red, the

benefits to you should be the biggest of all of us. It’s an
immortal treasure among immortal treasures. Whether in life
or death, flesh or bone, it has the effect of heaven, earth and
nature. And right now you’re the only one who can eat it.”

Xiao Wu held the Yearning Heartbroken Red to her chest,

“I won’t, I’ll never eat it. I’ll always keep it with me.”


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A soft cat’s call drew their attention. As they turned to look
they found that Zhu Zhuqing had opened her eyes at some
point, and was looking around with her beautiful eyes, her
expression somewhat vacant, as if she had woken up from a

“Zhuqing, how much did your spirit power rise?”

Xiao Wu seemed to recover her normal liveliness and bounced


Zhu Zhuqing hesitated a moment,

“Apparently, apparently seven ranks?”

“What are you calling apparently, seven ranks is seven ranks.”

Xiao Wu giggled. Using her body to keep the others from

seeing, she raised her hands and groped Zhu Zhuqing’s chest,

“Don’t worry, you’re not hallucinating.”

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Zhu Zhuqing cried out in alarm at Xiao Wu’s groping, her

charming face immediately blushing deep red,

“What are you……”

Xiao Wu resolutely said:

“I’m helping you realize it’s real. I didn’t expect your Daffodil
Jade Flesh Bone to be even more effective than theirs. Actually
boosted seven ranks. Then don’t you have thirty eighth rank
spirit power now?”

Zhu Zhuqing’s gaze floated over to Tang San behind Xiao Wu.
While Xiao Wu vigilantly blocked her, afraid she’s pounce like
Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing bowed slightly to Tang San,

“Third brother, thank you.”

Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

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“We’re all comrades, there’s no need for thanks. Actually, it’s
not that Zhuqing’s Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone is more effective
than anyone else’s, it’s just that these immortal treasure herbs
all take effect differently. For instance, each immortal treasure
herb’s effect is around ten ranks of spirit power or so, but with
the principal effect manifesting by transforming the body, the
spirit power increase will be less. Like little Ao’s Eight Petal
Immortal Orchid has a comparatively slow absorption process,
requiring an imperceptibly influential process. So it will only
boost five ranks.”

Zhu Zhuqing a bit concerned said:

“But then, wouldn’t our strength increase too quickly?

Grandmaster once lectured us that cultivation has to be done
incrementally, that the foundations are most important.”

Tang San said:

“Don’t worry, that’s no problem. These immortal treasure

herbs strengthen foundations. Not only won’t your foundation
be shaken, it will on the contrary even deepen. I think you will
be able to understand it yourself as you cultivate later.”

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Grandmaster slowly opened his eyes a little later. A spirited
light flickering within his eyes, his whole body seeming a lot
younger. But right now he was covered in filth and didn’t have
time to say anything to the others before turning around and
leaving the log cottage, first finding some place to bathe and
change clothes.

While everyone were sensing the effects of taking the

immortal treasure herbs, a resonant phoenix call and a deep
tiger roar rose practically simultaneously.

Golden red flames suddenly discharged from Ma Hongjun’s

body, soaring up and directly burning a large hole in the
defenseless roof. Not even dust fell down.

Ma Hongjun’s body had smoothed out within the flame, and

even though he was still chubby, he had clearly lost a
considerable amount of fat.

The mohican hairstyle on his head had grown several times

longer, even hanging down his back, his little eyes radiated all
around, flames roamed across him as he moved, and behind his
back could faintly be seen a Phoenix pattern, as if reborn.

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Fatty was no longer as wretched as before. Making a long cry
at the sky filled with abundant majesty. The pressure of the
Phoenix as king among birds clearly made the air heavier.

The tiger roar naturally came from Dai Mubai, shooting up

from where he was lying on the floor, spirit power surged all
around him within a one meter range. The hair all over his body
had become a sparkling and translucent snowy white, and
intense bursting sounds constantly came from all of his four
limbs. From within that white light the glimpse of Dai Mubai’s
evil eyes gave people a kind of hair raising feeling.

“So hot.”

Ma Hongjun called out loudly, yawning and inhaling deeply.

The golden red flames around him immediately withdrew like
threads of silk into his mouth, in a moment disappearing
unseen. His hair gradually restored to normal, and only his little
eyes still flickered with light.

The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower Dandelion Ma Hongjun

ate was, just like Tang San’s Infernal Precious Apricot, a pure
yang immortal treasure. The difference was that the Cockscomb
Phoenix Sunflower was a nourishing immortal treasure, while
the Infernal Precious Apricot was highly toxic. Their

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manifestations differred somewhat.

First of all, the extrinsic energy of Ma Hongjun’s immortal

herb wasn’t intense and could be taken directly. But if Tang San
had taken that plant directly, let alone eating it, he would have
burned to death. He needed the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass
to make it possible.

One of the two pure yang immortal herbs generated a kind of

endless fiery strength, and one burst with sudden blazing heat,
each with its own characteristics. In terms of how easily they
could be taken, clearly Fatty’s Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower
won out.

“So amazing.”

Fatty laughed loudly,

“My fire has changed, it seems to have become more mellow

and gentle. Didn’t you feel the vast energy in my flame?”

Ning Rongrong let a giggle escape,

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“Damn Fatty, always tooting your own horn. How many
ranks did your spirit power grow?”

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun had all

obtained their third spirit rings just recently, so the three had
stood at the same starting line. Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit power had
increased seven ranks, and her own six ranks.

Fatty urgently sensed the spirit power within him, and

couldn’t help saying:

“Fuck me, my spirit power reached the thirty sixth rank. It

rose a full five ranks.”

Ning Rongrong giggled,

“Then you’re still not equal to us. Me and Zhuqing grew six
and seven ranks respectively.”

Fatty stared blankly a moment,

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“No way. So awesome? Third brother, you can’t be partial!”

Tang San helplessly said:

“What partial, go wash off first. The medical effect of that

Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower you ate was even more potent
than theirs. Haven’t you noticed how your body has changed? If
I’m not wrong, then hereafter you won’t have to suffer the
complications of that evil fire. Even if I don’t know whether
your spirit can be called a pure Phoenix right now, it still
shouldn’t be far off.”

At this Fatty discovered that he was filthy, unbearable sticky,

and hurriedly ran out to wash.

Dai Mubai stood there quietly. After the tiger roar ended he
stood in the same spot, eyes closed, the fur gradually
disappearing, his swollen body gradually restoring to normal.

Even though Zhu Zhuqing didn’t step forward, her deeply

concerned gaze never left Dai Mubai. As she saw he didn’t speak
up she couldn’t help be somewhat anxious, wanting to step
forward, but being a bit too shy.

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After all, she’d always been so cold to Dai Mubai.

But the concern in her heart finally overwhelmed her shyness,

looking at Dai Mubai who hadn’t moved for a long time she
started forward, carefully stepping in front of him. She wanted
to call out but was afraid to disturb him, and was for a moment
at a loss.

Just as Zhu Zhuqing raised her head to look at Dai Mubai, her
eyes brimming with concern, Dai Mubai’s eyes snapped open
without warning, startling Zhu Zhuqing who cried out in
surprise and stepped backwards, but almost fell over.

Dai Mubai reacted instantly, stretching out a hand and pulling

her close flawlessly.

“You…… Let go of me.”

Zhu Zhuqing was blushing red, but clearly breathed out now
that Dai Mubai was awake.

Dai Mubai smiled:

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“You came on your own but still ask me to let go? Coming
when you want, and leaving when you want?”

“You, you shameless…… Let go of me quickly. Who came on

her own?”

Zhu Zhuqing lowered her head in Dai Mubai’s arms and

struggled with all her strength, but was still unable to throw off
Dai Mubai’s cast iron-like embrace. Even if her spirit power had
increased considerably, how could she be a match for a power
attack system Spirit Master like Dai Mubai?

Dai Mubai lowered his head next to Zhu Zhuqing’s ear,


“You still care for me so much, don’t worry, your husband is

alright. It’s all well.”


Zhu Zhuqing raised her head sharply, intending to ask Dai

Mubai, ‘Whose husband do you think you are?’

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But she just met Dai Mubai’s evil eyes. Dai Mubai’s evil eyes
were brimming with a sincere light, staring at her full of tender

It had to be said that Dai Mubai’s evil eyes indeed had extreme
killing power. Zhu Zhuqing only felt a burst of distraction and
in the end didn’t speak the words on her tongue, even softening
somewhat against him.

Dai Mubai was inwardly exceptionally pleased. Being able to

embrace this logical and cold Zhu Zhuqing made him even
happier than having broken through the fortieth rank just now.

However, Dai Mubai couldn’t stay cheerful for too long. The
moment he relaxed his guard Zhu Zhuqing suddenly slipped out
of his embrace and with a flicker had already moved to the side,
staring resolutely at him,

“You should use flowery speech like that on those lovers of

yours. Don’t look at me with that expression.”


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Dai Mubai smiled bitterly as he looked at her,

“Zhuqing, you can’t be wasting effort on something trivial

like that. Haven’t you seen how pure I’ve been recently? Pure
like Tang San.”

Zhu Zhuqing snorted,

“When you can really be as clear as ice and clean as jade,

untainted by a speck of dust as third brother, we’ll talk again.”

Tang San resisted a smile and hastily changed the topic,

“Mubai, did you break through?”

Dai Mubai looked somewhat helplessly at Tang San, saying:

“I’ve already broken through the bottleneck, and moreover

my spirit power feels especially abundant. Perhaps after I’ve
obtained a spirit ring I will still be able to advance a bit. Little
San, when you have time, teach me how to be clear as ice and

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clean as jade, and untainted by a speck of dust……”

Perhaps it was because of the time he’d spent with the old
freak Dugu Bo, but Tang San wasn’t as guileless as before. With
a slight smile he said:

“I’m afraid you might not have the chance. Unless you’re still
a virgin, how could you be described as clear as ice and clean as

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“Yeah, only my Ge can be described like that. Clear as ice and

clean as jade young master Tang San. Young master Dai, you
don’t have the chance.”

The words ‘young master Dai’ were precisely what the hotel
manager had addressed Dai Mubai as the first time she and Tang
San had met Dai Mubai with the twin sisters.


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Dai Mubai was immediately speechless. When he again looked
at Zhu Zhuqing he finally caught a trace of a smile on her face.
Instantly his heart came alive again:

“Xiao Wu, don’t tease me like that. Let me tell you that virgins
meeting virgins is just a painful affair. How about I impart some
of my experience to little San later?”

Xiao Wu stopped smiling at once. Even if she was even more

brazen she still wouldn’t be a match for Dai Mubai. Her
charming face instantly turned red and she hid behind Tang
San’s back, not daring to come out. Her small hands constantly
twisted on Tang San’s back.

Xiao Wu didn’t notice that Tang San’s gaze was somewhat

absent-minded at this moment, apparently thinking of
something, and the expression in his eyes somewhat hard to
make out.

The great immortal treasure gifts Tang San had brought could
be said to be the perfect endgame. Apart from Xiao Wu who had
refused to eat the Yearning Heartbroken Red, everyone else had
received considerable benefits. The strength of the Shrek Seven
Devils had increased by a large chunk.

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The one who had benefited the most among them wasn’t Dai
Mubai who had broken through the fortieth rank bottleneck,
nor was it Zhu Zhuqing who had gained seven ranks of spirit
power, but rather Ma Hongjun whose evil fire had been filtered
and the impurities discarded.

Returning from washing up, Ma Hongjun was like a different

person. Even though his eyes were still as small as before, and
he was still the plumpest among the seven, he wasn’t as bloated
as he had been. With a heroic spirit in his expression, flickering
within his gaze was a golden red brilliance that inspired awe in

Even when he didn’t release his spirit, just by being near one
could feel a hot air current from his body.

The reason for this was clearly because he didn’t have full
control after raising his spirit power.

Grandmaster returned together with Ma Hongjun, and on the

surface he didn’t seem any different than before. It was only
when looking carefully one would discover that he seemed a few
years younger, his skin more glossy, the atmosphere around
him seeming even more reserved as he held Luo San Pao who
seemed to have grown a size to his chest.

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“Grandmaster. How do you feel?”

When Tang San saw Grandmaster returned he hastily greeted

him and asked.

Grandmaster’s expression seemed a bit eccentric,

“After more than thirty years. I didn’t expect that I would

actually reach what I had hoped for on this day. It seems I still
underestimated external forces, I’ve broken through the
bottleneck I’ve been stuck at for decades. My spirit power has
finally reached the thirtieth rank.”

Thirtieth rank, perhaps to geniuses like these little monsters

it wasn’t much, just another phase of their cultivation.

But to Grandmaster, the thirtieth rank threshold had already

perplexed him for several decades. In order to break through
the thirtieth rank threshold he had expended untold mental and
physical effort. Now finally breaking through with the
assistance of the Nine Treasure Purple Zoysia left him with a
both sad and delighted sensation that made Grandmaster feel

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somewhat strange. But breaking through was still a good thing,
he could finally obtain his third spirit ring.

“Grandmaster, congratulations. Perhaps you will be able to

cultivate rapidly after breaking through the thirtieth rank.”

Grandmaster sighed,

“This year I’m already a bit over fifty. Spirit Master

cultivation becomes more difficult the older one gets. Generally
speaking, it gets very difficult to advance after sixty. Do I still
have a few years? I’ve long since given up the dream of
becoming a formidable Spirit Master. You all are my hope. Well,
you seven stay here for now. Even though the efficacy of the
herbs is good, you still can’t slack off. The drugs you just took
were so effective, stay here for the time being to cultivate and
consolidate the strength you obtained to make it stable. In seven
days me and Mubai will go to hunt spirit beasts for spirit rings.”

Grandmaster had everyone’s admiration in the field of spirit

research, and their own strength rising made them even more
confident in their cultivation. Nobody doubted Grandmaster,
and they nodded one after another.

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Although Dai Mubai had already reached the fortieth rank,
according to Grandmaster’s theories, the Spirit Master world’s
Ten Great Core Competences, the spirit ring bottleneck didn’t
prevent Spirit Masters from increasing spirit power, the lack of
spirit rings only prevented entering the next phase. Cultivation
in the original phase, while unable to break through levels,
would actually still cultivate spirit power and would show its
effect after obtaining a spirit ring.

For instance, a Spirit Master who broke through the thirtieth

rank bottleneck would require a spirit ring to enter the thirty
first rank and become a Spirit Elder.

But if he never obtained a spirit ring and kept cultivating at

the thirtieth rank, even though his spirit power would never
reach the next stage, it would still be set aside. Once a spirit ring
was obtained, this store would be released, promoting the
corresponding level, just like when Tang San obtained his first
spirit ring.

Over the next several days the Shrek Seven Devils all stayed at
Liu Erlong’s little log cottage to cultivate their spirit power,
consolidating the great benefits the medicinal effects had
brought them. Even Grandmaster was no exception. Every day
Flender sent people with food, and in order to let everyone
cultivate in peace he posted the two tyrannically powerful

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teachers Zhao Wuji and Lu Ji-Bin nearby the log cabin to protect

In the log cabin the Shrek Seven Devils plus Grandmaster sat
in a circle, differently colored light flickering from each of

Different energies complementing each other.

Sitting in the middle was Dai Mubai, with black and white
light shining around him, releasing an overbearing energy.

On Dai Mubai’s left was Zhu Zhuqing, radiating with black

light and an agile energy. On Dai Mubai’s right was the Big
Sausage Uncle Oscar, and the light he emitted was the strangest.
After eating the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid his spirit power
had become pink, such a light appearing on a male Spirit Master
really made people feel a bit strange.

On Oscar’s right was Tang San, mainly shining with white

light, but within was gathered both red and blue. But the colors
were very faint, and couldn’t be distinguished unless looking

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Next to Tang San was Xiao Wu with a deep red radiance, the
Yearning Heartbroken Red between her hands, that delicate
fragrance drifting in front of her, quietly cultivating.

Ma Hongjun was golden red, Ning Rongrong was resplendent

gold, and even Grandmaster released a purple light. The entire
log cottage was filled with sparkling light, seeming extremely

After the growth from the immortal treasure herbs, by now

the Shrek Seven Devils had all increased their strength.

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, fortieth rank.

Sausage Monopoly Oscar, thirty eighth rank.

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San, thirty seventh rank.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, thirty sixth rank.

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, thirty fifth rank.

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Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong, thirty seventh

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing, thirty eighth rank.

From just recently having entered the thirtieth rank to

attacking the fortieth rank, none of the Shrek Seven Devils had
imagined it would be this quick.

“Little San.”

As everyone were cultivating, Flender’s voice rose from

outside the log cabin.

Tang San slowly opened his eyes and quietly left the room.

“Dean Flender, you were looking for me?”

Tang San asked.

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Flender nodded, saying:

“Senior Dugu has brought Dugu Yan, and asked me to call you
over for something. Little San, be a bit careful, Dugu Bo is still
too dangerous.”

Tang San naturally understood why Dugu Bo was looking for

him and smiled slightly: “Dean Flender, don’t worry. Nothing
will happen.”

Flender brought Tang San out of the forest to the main school

Tang San still hadn’t looked the place over carefully since
coming here.

Even though the main school area wasn’t as gorgeous as

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it was still extremely practical.
Right now there were several students interacting on the field.

The two entered the main school building, heading straight

for the deepest part of the teaching block’s top floor to meet
Dugu Bo.

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This place had been claimed by Dugu Bo personally. He always
liked peace and quiet, and this place met his requirements. By
opening the window he could look over the forest behind the
building and breathe in the fresh air every day, a feeling Dugu
Bo was quite fond of.

In order to let the old freak stay comfortably, Flender had

reluctantly spent money to double the amount of decorations
since Dugu Bo came. Right now it even seemed somewhat

Within the room Dugu Bo sat in a large chair, softly rocking.

When Tang San entered he opened his eyes, looking at him with
a smiling expression. On the large bed to the side, Dugu Yan sat
leaning against the headboard in a bored manner.

“Little freak, you’ve come.”

Dugu Bo was first to call out. At the same time waving his
hand at Flender, indicating he could leave.

Flender was indeed somewhat afraid of Dugu Bo. He clapped

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Tang San on the shoulder, hinting he should be careful, then
greeted Dugu Bo and left.

With Flender gone, Tang San naturally wouldn’t be polite

with Dugu Bo and walked over to sit on a sofa to the side.

Dugu Yan’s fierce gaze had stayed on Tang San from the
moment he entered, but Tang San didn’t pay any attention,
treating her like air.

“Grandpa, why have you called over this little bastard? You
still haven’t told me why you would come to this run down
academy as an advisor. Even if it was important, you should
have come to our Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!”

Dugu Yan spoke to Dugu Bo like a spoiled child.

Dugu Bo said:

“Fine. Yan-yan, later you mustn’t go saying ‘little bastard,

little bastard’. Even if this little freak is uncanny, he still has a
lot of areas you could learn from. Look at you, you’re already
twenty one, and still like a little child. He’s not even fourteen,

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but his attitude is more mature than yours.”

Tang San secretly thought, ‘What fourteen, I’ve lived two

lives, already forty years. How could I be as childish as your

Dugu Yan hadn’t expected Dugu Bo to think this highly of

Tang San and snorted,

“How is it so amazing. Last time I was careless. If we went at it

again I’d beat him until his teeth littered the ground.”

Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

“I think you’ll have the chance you wish for. In another half
year it will be time for the Continental Elite Spirit Master
Academy Grand Competition. We’ll both be competing in the
Heaven Dou City district, and I think we’ll encounter each other
very quickly.”

Dugu Yan snorted disdainfully,

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“If we weren’t careless last time the losers would definitely
have been you. Your sneak attack on Tian-Heng won’t work

Dugu Yan didn’t know Tang San’s depth, but Dugu Bo was
only too clear. As he recalled the Cluster Soul Chasing Balls,
Dugu Bo couldn’t help shivering. He didn’t believe the little
freak only had four, and glaring at Tang San said:

“Little freak, I don’t care about others, but when the time
comes you can’t injure my granddaughter. Otherwise I’ll take it
up with you.”

Dugu Yan resentfully said:

“Grandpa, what are you saying. How could he injure me

again. Would you ever encourage others’ ambition and look
down on your own strength?”

Dugu Bo said:

“I don’t know about others, but if you underestimate this

little freak, then I can guarantee that you’ll get the worst of it in

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a fight against him. Do you know what his current spirit power
rank is? It shouldn’t be much short of yours, thirty seven ranks.
If he has half a year, this little freak might even break through
the fortieth rank bottleneck. You and he are alike, you’re both
control system Spirit Masters, but I can tell you for sure that
you aren’t his match.”

Hearing Dugu Bo repeatedly defend Tang San, Dugu Yan’s

mood changed immediately. Leaping up from the bed, she
glared at Tang San with an aggrieved expression,

“Little bastard, what kind of potion did you use on my

grandpa? He’s actually so taken with you. Grandpa, you
wouldn’t have taken this little bastard as apprentice, would

Dugu Bo’s aged face blushed. The two had only mutually
investigated poison, mutually studied. Tang San admittedly felt
he had learned a lot from Dugu Bo, but Dugu Bo also believed he
had gained some small advantages. For a moment he actually
didn’t know how to answer his granddaughter.

Tang San also stood up from the sofa,

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“I still have to cultivate, I don’t have time to accompany you
for senseless chatter. As for strength, let’s see it on the stage.
Old freak, this is my blended medicine. You let her take it once
every day for seven days, and it will transmit the poison.
However, you have to find her a spirit bone first. With your
abilities this shouldn’t be difficult.”

Dugu Bo took the seven crystal bottles Tang San handed over,
nodding to him:

“Little freak, under heaven are scattered many feasts. I have

my wish, it’s impossible for me to always stay here.”

“You’re leaving?”

Tang San shocked looked at him.

Dugu Bo nodded,

“I have some matters to deal with. If I hurry back I might

make it in time for the Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand
Competition. Don’t forget, I won’t let you harm Yan-yan.”

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Tang San glanced at Dugu Yan standing to the side with a
baleful expression, and said indifferently:

“To give you face I won’t do anything to her. However, you

had best remind her not to provoke me. I’m leaving.”

Saying this, he turned around and walked to the door. Dugu

Yan still wanted to say something, but was stopped by a stern
look from Dugu Bo.

Tang San suddenly stopped in front of the door, turning his

head to look at Dugu Bo. One old and one young gaze met in the
air, and although Tang San tried to hide it, Dugu Bou could still
see a reluctance to part in his eyes.

“Old freak, take care. Don’t forget those two iron balls.”

“You take care too.”

Dugu Bo lowered his head, waving his hand at Tang San. He

didn’t know why, but right now he felt a little sand in his eyes.
The feeling Tang San gave him even Dugu Yan had never

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While walking out of the school building, Tang San’s mood

still hadn’t recovered. Even though he had been constantly
cultivating these several days, it was very difficult to focus, and
even now he couldn’t undo the problem that preoccupied him.

This disturbance had appeared extremely suddenly, and he

couldn’t even share it with anyone. He truly regretted that look.
Even to the extent that he hadn’t the mood to reflect on why the
old freak would leave now.

Dugu Bo left quietly. He didn’t say anything to anyone, and on

the second day was gone without a trace.

Flender didn’t find Dugu Bo’s departure strange, after all, he

was a Title Douluo, and who would dare restrict the actions of
someone like that? Dugu Bo leaving on the contrary made him
relieved, at least it reduced the number of time bombs at the

Several days later the Shrek Seven Devils completed their

temporary Seclusion. Flender and Liu Erlong personally went
with Grandmaster and Dai Mubai for the not distant Sunset

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Forest where Dugu Bo also had his nest to hunt spirit beasts.
Ning Rongrong asked for leave and returned home. The
remaining five for the time being entered the Academy’s
advanced class.

Ning Rongrong had already planned to return home a while

ago, but because Tang San was missing he naturally couldn’t
make her the hidden weapons. Now that Tang San was back,
and her strength had also substantially increased, she returned
to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile school with her own pride
and those mechanical class hidden weapons Tang San gave her.

Looking at the school uniform he wore, Tang San felt

helpless. He didn’t know if it was a deliberate practical joke on
Flender’s part, but after he had assumed control of the
Academy, he had changed the Academy’s school uniform to
completely green, and still that kind with a bit of yellow, the
legendary snot green.

Let alone Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu’s big scowls, even Tang
San felt a bit ridiculous.

Idiom: Spotless, irreproachable

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Idiom: Selfless and incorruptible

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Chapter 72 - Flash Of Understanding

“Can we really go out in these clothes? Wouldn’t it have

people laughing themselves to death?”

Oscar pointed to the massive red characters on his chest,

‘Shrek Academy’.

Fatty smiled wryly:

“I didn’t feel like teacher’s sense of aesthetics were so lacking

before, how could he fit red with green? Don’t tell me that in
half a year he’ll still have us dressed like this to participate in
the Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition? I’m afraid we
won’t even get to fight, we’ll be laughed to death first.”

Tang San said:

“But we’re not the only ones dressed like this, aren’t all the
Academy students wearing the same? Oh, that’s right, you were
cultivating in the Academy the whole time, is there any
difference in the education system here?”

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Oscar swallowed, saying:

“There actually aren’t any differences, just that there are a lot
of women. Everyone says that female Spirit Masters are rare,
but that doesn’t show at our Academy. At least half or more are
women Spirit Masters. Reportedly, it’s because of vice dean Liu
Erlong. The majority all idolize vice dean Erlong.”

“There are altogether six classes in the Academy, separated

according to rank. As long as your rank advances, you can skip a
grade at any time, there’s no need to take any exams or such.
Only on graduation are there two tests, one is combat, and one
is a graduation mission. Split by rank, there are three classes for
twentieth rank to twenty fifth rank making up the largest
number of people, approximately one hundred twenty people.
Twenty fifth to thirtieth rank has two classes, roughly eighty
people, and thirtieth and above have one class, which is also our
advanced class. Figures us as thirty something people. Moreover
the majority are a lot older than us. Some are even over thirty.”

Fatty, immensely proud of himself, said:

“This is the gap. How could people like them reach Title

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The Academy bell rung, and everyone entered the classroom.

Because of their age, the Shrek Seven Devils naturally

couldn’t compare to those older students in stature, therefore
their seats were all at the very front. By now all the Shrek Seven
Devils had reached the thirtieth rank, and naturally also sat in
this classroom.

Just as they entered, Tang San discovered the mood in the

classroom was somewhat peculiar. A lot of people’s gazes were
fixed on him. Just like Oscar said, the number of female
students were about the same as the male students in the
classroom, and these female students looking at Tang San, for
the most part displaying pure astonishment. But the male
students looked at Tang San with gazes that clearly held bad

Tang San of course didn’t care about others looking at him, he

just wanted to know the cause.

He understood it very quickly. From those male students’

gazes at him, he knew the reason for the malevolence.

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Tang San was being pulled into the classroom by Xiao Wu,
who pulled him straight into a seat next to her. Furthermore,
from start to finish Xiao Wu’s gaze had never left Tang San, as if
he was the only person in her eyes.

Even though Xiao Wu and Tang San had neither reached

fourteen, girls developed earlier than boys, and Xiao Wu wasn’t
just beautiful, she still had that pitch-black long hair in addition
to her perfect golden ratio figure. Naturally the number of those
twenty something youths who coveted her wasn’t few.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun weren’t looked at with the kind of

malevolence as Tang San, and sat on the other side secretly

Zhu Zhuqing just sat down in a corner with her ice cold
expression. No matter others, she didn’t even look at her closest

The teacher hadn’t arrived yet, and after the classroom had
become quiet for a brief moment when Tang San and the others
entered, it immediately became noisy again.

A few twenty three or twenty four year old students sitting in

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the back immediately stood up with meaningful glances, and
walked over towards Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Tang San said in a low voice to Xiao Wu:

“Xiao Wu, it seems you’re really popular around here!”

Xiao Wu snorted, saying:

“It’s just some boring uncles. Who cares about them?”

Tang San couldn’t help smiling,

“No need to be so harsh, they’re only ten years or so older

than you.”

Xiao Wu stuck out her adorable pink little tongue at Tang San,

“Ten years older isn’t an uncle?”

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As the two spoke, Tang San suddenly felt the light being
blocked in front of him. Raising his head to look he saw four
people standing by his side. These four were all built very tall,
encircling his side like a wall.

Tang San asked without batting an eyelid:

“Something on your mind?”

The one closest to Tang San was a sturdy youth,

approximately one meter eighty tall, wide shoulders and broad
back, chestnut red short hair that gave an excessively spirited
impression, a flickering radiance deep in his eyes, speaking in a
low and muffled voice:

“Kid, are you new?”

Tang San nodded,

“Yeah, hello, I’m Tang San.”

The sturdy youth said:

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“Since you’re new, then it seems you don’t know the rules of
our advanced class.”


Tang San stared blankly.

The sturdy youth nodded affirmation,

“That’s right, there are rules. Don’t tell me you didn’t know
know nobody can sit next to Xiao Wu? Who allowed you to sit


Without waiting for Tang San to speak up, Xiao Wu already

slapped the table and stood up. In front of Tang San she was
docile, but in front of others she was still that big sister boss
from Nuoding Academy. Her slap at the table echoed like a
mountain, intrepid energy exhibited in her speech. At the slap,
the four youths practically simultaneously trembled,

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unconsciously taking a step back.

Xiao Wu put up a foot on the chair next to her, left hand

crossing at her waist, right hand pointing at the four as she
angrily yelled:

“Did you have anything to say? Get lost. Otherwise don’t

blame Xiao Wu Jie for being blunt.”

The sturdy male student was somewhat unable to keep his

face up at Xiao Wu’s berating,

“Xiao Wu, this is a matter between us men, don’t get involved.

I’ve always let you have your way, but I’m not afraid of you.
Don’t tell me you think I, as the Academy chief, can just back

Tang San to the side couldn’t help asking:

“Senior, what’s the Academy chief?”

A thin and tall student next to the sturdy student couldn’t

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help but say:

“What kind of hick is this, doesn’t even know about the chief.
The chief is the most awesome among all the Academy

Hearing him say this, Tang San was instead somewhat on

alert. Sizing up the sturdy student in front of him, he said:

“So it’s like that.”

He believed that since the other part said this, then this sturdy
student must be even stronger than Dai Mubai. Looking at it
like this, the other side might approach fortieth ranked

The sturdy student proudly declared:

“Kid, right now you have two choices. The first is to duel me,
if you win I will admit you have the qualifications to sit there.
The other is to immediately get lost and find someplace else to

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Tang San never liked causing trouble, but he was also never
timid. Let alone when the matter was somewhat related to Xiao
Wu. No matter how it was related, as Xiao Wu’s big brother,
how could he back down.

“Duel? Right here?”

Tang San doubtfully asked.

The sturdy student proudly said:

“Don’t tell me I’d still need to pick a place to deal with a child
like you? Don’t worry, I won’t bully the younger, I won’t use
my third spirit ability.”

Not far to the side Oscar couldn’t help saying:

“Just what is called ‘the sins of Heaven can be forgiven, but

our own sins are fatal’!”

Tang San nodded:

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“Then come.”

Confronting an opponent with unknown strength he

wouldn’t be careless, standing up he directly released his spirit.

As the two yellow and one purple spirit rings appeared around
Tang San, the complexions of the sturdy student’s party clearly
changed. Clearly they hadn’t expected Tang San to possess such
an optimal spirit ring configuration.

“Tang San, spirit Blue Silver Grass, thirty seventh ranked

control system Battle Spirit Elder, please advise me.”

“What? You’re thirty seventh ranked?”

The sturdy student was shocked, inwardly he couldn’t help

regretting what he said just now about not using his third spirit
ability. But he was after all the previous Blue Tyrant Academy’s
chief and he was the instigator of this fight, naturally he
couldn’t back down.

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With a deep roar, his body swiftly transformed.

His already sturdy body expanded once again, especially the

muscles of his arms that practically doubled in size. At the same
time they extended until they hung to his knees, and all his
exposed skin grew black fur.

“Tai Long, spirit Vigorous Orangutan, thirty seventh ranked

power attack system Battle Spirit Master, please advise me.”

Thirty seventh ranked? Tang San looked distracted a

moment, his face couldn’t help displaying a strange smile.

If the opponents strength had surpassed his, then he still

might bring him some trouble. But since his spirit power was
only equal to his own, then this fight was at once very simple.

Tai Long crooked a finger at Tang San, indicating he should

go first. Tang San wasn’t polite and raised his right hand, green
light flickering within, compact green light releasing in an
instant. Right now he was close to Tai Long and the other
students only saw a green light sparkle, the next moment Tai
Long was already closely enveloped in a large net.

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The contest ended even faster than it started. After Tang San
launched Spider Web Restraint, he directly walked over and sat
down next to Xiao Wu without even looking at Tai Long. Even
though Tai Long was rude, he was still open and honest, so he
hadn’t planned to injure the opponent and had immediately
used his third spirit ability.

Tai Long only felt his body constrict before he was already
unable to budge. Subconsciously he began to struggle with all
his might.

His spirit was the Vigorous Orangutan, and force was its forte.
He refused to believe that this delicate Blue Silver Grass could
restrain him.

However, very quickly this former chief's complexion

changed. The Blue Silver Grass that wove the giant spider net
possessed extreme toughness, and however he struggled he was
unable to loosen it a fraction. Instead the spider web tightened
constantly, and an intense burning feeling came from where his
skin touched the spider web, at the same time accompanied by a
strong paralysis. By now it was already impossible even if he
wanted to use his third spirit ring.

Even though he also had optimal spirit rings, as a strength

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model power attack system Spirit Master restrained by Tang
San’s control, he didn’t have the power to retaliate.

With a bang, Tai Long slowly toppled to the ground like a

collapsing golden mountain or falling jade pillar, his struggling
gradually weakening as the spider web’s poison stole away his
ability to resist.

At just this time the teacher walked in. The arrival was an
acquaintance, the Sweet Pea Spirit Master from Shrek Academy,
Shao Xin.

“What’s going on here? Little San.”

When Shao Xin saw the spider web his gaze immediately
turned to Tang San, unable to stop a scowl.

“Are you bullying your classmates on your first day?”

The classroom was quiet, and all the students’ gazes on Tang
San couldn’t help change.

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Tang San helplessly raised his right hand towards Tai Long
and a Blue Silver Grass strand drifted out, landing on the spider
web. With an effort of spirit power he withdrew the net.

“I won’t accept it.”

Without the spider web’s restriction, Tai Long fiercely leapt

up from the ground. He wasn’t a gangster, and said to Shao Xin:

“Teacher, just now I was the one to challenge Tang San. I was
just careless, and was beaten by him. Tang San, I won’t accept
it. I demand a duel.”

Xiao Wu couldn’t help but say:

“Are you senseless, don’t you have a brain? A strength model

Spirit Master challenging a control system Spirit Master? Do
you have water for brains?”


Tai Long’s expression changed as he recalled that spider web

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that left him completely helpless. Although he was physically
powerful, the poison from the spider web still hadn’t faded, and
right now he was still numb and aching at the same time.

But how could he choke back this anger?

“With skill, we won’t use spirits. We’ll fight physically.”

Saying this, Tai Long himself was the first to blush. A lot of
the students also had disdainful looks. A strength model Spirit
Master and a control system Spirit Master competing
physically, wasn’t that just ridiculous?

But the students didn’t expect Tang San to actually nod:


While speaking, he once again stood up and walked towards

Tai Long.

Shao Xin struck the lectern several times,

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“Where do you think you are? The spirit arena? If you want to
fight, find someplace after class. It’s time for class now. If you
don’t care about punishment, then do continue.”

Shao Xin was an auxiliary type food system Spirit Master,

naturally he didn’t have the strength to stop them. Of course,
nobody would dare offend the teacher’s dignity.

Tai Long glared at Tang San,

“I’ll wait for you after class.”

Tang San only nodded at him, and after apologizing to Shao

Xin he sat back down next to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu came close to Tang San’s ear, whispering:

“Ge, since coming to this class Tai Long has always been
fawning on me, but I don’t care to pay any attention to him.
Sort him out properly today so he won’t bother me later.”

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Nobody understood Tang San’s strength better than Xiao Wu,
originally she had been fighting with Tang San without using
spirits. Regarding Tang San’s close combat strength, she had a
perfect understanding. What was great strength? Without skill
it was useless. She refused to consider that Tai Long was able to
beat Tang San.

Tang San looked at Xuio Wu and nodded:


While the disturbance was settled like this, Tang San still
aroused a lot of students’ interest. Not just the male students
hostile to him, a lot of female students were also interested. A
teenaged youth knocking down the Academy chief, his future
prospects were clearly amazingly bright.

Unfortunately, Tang San and Xiao Wu sat furthest in front,

and their secret glances were unable to attract Tang San’s

Shao Xin coughed once, and formally started class.

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“Today’s topic is the effect of food system Spirit Masters on
the battlefield. As everyone knows, food system Spirit Masters
are the weakest in the Spirit Master world, but at the same time
they’re existences that no Spirit Master can ignore. With a food
system Spirit Master as companion, your fighting strength
would increase substantially, especially in terms of ability to
continue fighting. Next, I will touch on all the effects of food
system Spirit Masters on the battlefield……”

Shao Xin’s lecture wasn’t lively, and in the whole class the
only food system Spirit Master was Oscar. Consequently, only
he listened with keen interest, while more and more appeared

Tang San had practically already forgotten about Tai Long.

From time to time he and Xiao Wu whispered about something,
which to them was just a very ordinary conversation. But in the
eyes of others, that sweet little atmosphere aroused even more

Tang San might have forgotten, but Tai Long wouldn’t. He

had already set aside his face to use his strength to attack the
opponent’s weakness, he couldn’t lose again. This class also
gave him the opportunity to prepare.

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Sitting furthest in the back he was constantly congregating
spirit power to eliminate the poison and recover his strength.

The Academy’s curriculum wasn’t harsh, much like that of

the majority of Spirit Master academies: classes in the morning,
and in the afternoon the students would cultivate on their own.
Very quickly the morning classes ended.

“Ge, what will we go eat? There are a lot of delicious things in

Heaven Dou City, how about we go stroll in the afternoon?”

Seeing Xiao Wu’s eager gaze, Tang San smiled faintly.

Nodding, he said:

“Fine, then we’ll go stroll. I don’t know if Fatty and oscar

want to go.”

Xiao Wu snorted, saying:

“Don’t bother with them, let’s go the two of us. They have
things to do. Fatty that fellow, even if he doesn’t have the
menace of the evil fire, I’m afraid his appetites haven’t changed.
Big sausage uncle is so vulgar, I don’t want to walk together

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with him.”

Xiao Wu wasn’t being quiet, and Ma Hongjun and Oscar both

heard her where they sat not far away. Oscar unhappily said:

“Xiao Wu, even if you’re afraid we’ll intrude on your little

world, there’s still no need to deride me so. I’m so handsome
and natural, accomplished and elegant, a jade pillar facing the
wind, how can I be vulgar?”

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue at Oscar,

“You read those spirit incantations of yours aloud, then ask

people for comments.”


When speaking of his spirit incantations, Oscar was somewhat


He had constantly pursued Ning Rongrong, but she had all

along kept her distance, neither agreeing nor refusing, every

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day raising or crushing his expectations. After coming to study
here, there were a lot of students with good appearance and
figure in class. With his looks, attracting attention wasn’t any

But the key point was that everyone here were spirit masters,
and it was impossible to escape comparing notes. After the girls
heard his vulgar spirit incantations, they immediately distanced
themselves from him, and nobody would even touch his big

It was actually Dai Mubai who had been extremely popular,

receiving dozens of love letters, not just from the advanced
class, but also a lot from the other classes. Even if he wasn’t as
handsome as Oscar, the charm of his evil eyes that seemed to see
through people's hearts and souls, as well as his pure
masculinity, naturally made him the focal point of the girls.
Unfortunately, ever since meeting Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai
seemed to have completely changed his nature, and without the
time to hide from these flowers, he also didn’t dare provoke
them. This was also a major reason why Zhu Zhuqing’s manner
towards him had improved a bit.

At this moment a disharmonious voice echoed once again,

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“Tang San, follow me.”

Tai Long had brought several followers over, pointing to Tang

San then outside before turning around to leave.

Even Ma Hongjun was somewhat unable to bear this,

“This fellow still hasn’t finished. Third brother, do you want

me to help sort him out?”

It was embarrassing to stay quiet after accepting a gift, and

even though Fatty’s nature was to run away, the Cockscomb
Phoenix Sunflower Tang San had given him had saved his life.
While this wasn’t something Fatty would speak about, it had
still been deeply engraved on his heart.

Besides basic familiarity he still had a kind of special respect

for Tang San. His form of address had also completely changed
from little San to third brother.

“No need, I’ll go myself.”

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While speaking, Tang San and Xiao Wu walked outside.

Tai Long’s group headed straight into the forest behind the
teaching block before stopping.

Tai Long’s school uniform had already been corroded by Tang

San’s spider web, and now he simply tore it off, exposing highly
perfected muscles. Both hands were relaxing then tightning, the
bones issuing teeth aching cracks.

Tang San’s most recent mood was somewhat bad, and Tai
Long’s series of provocations left him a bit impatient. Without
speaking, he walked directly towards Tai Long,

“Let’s start.”

While speaking, Tang San suddenly sped up, rushing forward,

already arriving in front of Tai Long.

Tai Long’s battle experience was clearly extremely abundant,

and without panicking he raised his left hand to protect his
chest, while his right fist struck out with a whistling sound.

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Tang San didn’t dodge Tai Long’s attack. Raising his left
hand, he matched the opponent with his own right fist, making
a half turn to the left at the same time as he stepped forward, he
slammed his right shoulder against Tai Long’s stomach.

His right foot also came into place, and with his right hand
pushing forward it was a standard Opening Window for the Full

Tai Long only felt his fist swing through empty air, the power
behind it fading, immediately followed by a great force at his
chest. He stumbled, and flew helplessly.

Bang—— Tai Long’s massive body flew several meters before

finally landing on the blue silver grass within the forest.


Tang San stood there with his hands behind his back. Even
though he was young, standing there right now he still gave a
majestic impression.

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“Won’t accept it.”

Tai Long roared, fiercely shooting up from the ground and

striking at Tang San like a giant boulder.

Tang San’s brows creased,

“Then I’ll beat you until you do.”

Ten minutes later Xiao Wu led the way out of the forest.
While walking she couldn't help sighing:

“Even though that fellow Tai Long is a bit troublesome, he can

really take a beating. He actually kept standing up even after
being thrown a hundred times.”

“He also has a very tenacious character.”

Tang San followed behind Xiao Wu out of the forest,

“If I hadn’t disabled his joints, I don’t know how long he

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would’ve kept at it.”

Tai Long basically hadn’t stood a chance before Tang San’s

Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon. He was indeed much more powerful physically than
Tang San, but without the chance to use it he had been
completely at Tang San’s mercy.

In the end Tang San didn’t have any choice but to use
restraining techniques to disable the joints of his four limbs to
end the fight.

Xiao Wu pulled Tang San’s hand,

“Let’s go, we’ll go eat.”

Tang San nodded, his gaze on Xiao Wu somewhat


“What? You don’t recognize me?”

Xiao Wu smiled.

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Tang San hurriedly shook his head, covering up his

“Let’s go, today you decide where you want to go and I’ll
accompany you.”

The Academy was really conveniently placed in the city,

stepping out of the great gate was a spacious street. Heaven Dou
City was indeed worthy of being Heaven Dou Empire’s capital,
the streets were wide and clean, and the stores plentiful. An
endless stream of people bustling with activity flowed by.

As a result of the delay with Tai Long, as Tang San and Xiao
Wu entered several restaurants they found they were all full.
Unconsciously they headed towards the city center.

“Ge. Is there someplace over there?”

Xiao Wu asked as she pointed to a dome building not far


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That building appeared quite peculiar. It was perfectly round,
just like half a sphere rising from the ground. Above wasn’t any
written sign, only a hammer pattern.

Tang San’s heart twitched, immediately recalling what

Grandmaster had said. That hammer couldn’t be the forging
hammer that symbolized blacksmiths,

“That seems to be an auction house. The symbol above should

be an auctioneers gavel.”

Xiao Wu’s eyes brightened,

“Auction house? Can we go take a look? I remember

Grandmaster saying that only the two great imperial capitals
have auctions of the highest standard, even selling spirit

That Tang San knew about the auction house was naturally
because of spirit bones. That was a treasure Grandmaster had
yearned for. In some sense, as long as they had enough spirit
power, practically any Spirit Master could obtain a spirit ring,
only the quality might vary. But spirit bones were different.

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The rarity of spirit bones made them the exclusive domain of
a small number of Spirit Masters. Anyone who had a spirit bone
would try to cover it up, to keep others from knowing. Because
the events where spirit bones had led to bloodshed were too
many to count. Even the most common spirit bones could be
sold for sky high prices.

Despite Spirit Hall clearly forbidding Spirit Masters from

hunting spirit beasts for spirit bones, there were still a lot of
over-confident Spirit Masters who took the chance out of
desperation. Of course, very few would part with their spirit
bones, and for the most part they were traded for another.

Exchanged for a spirit bone that was more suitable or perhaps

some precious treasure.

Tang San was also interested in the auction house,

“Xiao Wu, let’s find something to eat first. We’ll take a look

Speaking of food, Xiao Wu couldn’t help being angry:

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“It’s all because of that fellow Tai Long holding us up that
those small delicious shops outside the Academy were all filled
up. These restaurants all have too good business, there isn’t
even room to sit.”

Tang San helplessly shrugged:

“We can’t go to the auction house hungry. In this great

Heaven Dou City there must inevitably be someplace to eat.”

Xiao Wu suddenly smiled:

“Look over there. They’re selling quick meals. We’ll go have a

bit to eat.”

Tang San followed Xiao Wu’s finger and saw an old man
pushing a food cart. On the cart were several woks, and to the
side were bamboo baskets with lids to keep them warm.

“Boss, what do you have?”

Xiao Wu bounced over to ask.

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The old man immediately smiled on seeing the adorable Xiao

“Little miss, my boxed meals are absolutely delicious. Today’s

business has been pretty good, there’s not a lot left. I’ll make it
cheap for you. Two copper spirit coins for one is enough. How
about it?”

“Thank you.”

Xiao Wu quickly pulled out four copper spirit coins from her

“I want two. Ge, come eat quickly.”

The boss uncovered several lids, two spicy and two plain,
arranged very well. In those bamboo baskets were snow white
big steamed buns, and although they were no longer hot, they
were still warm.

Xiao Wu first held out a steamed bun for Tang San before

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picking up one for herself, taking the dishes the old man held
out, eating with big mouthfuls. Even though these were just
cheap take-away meals, she still ate happily.

Tang San stood next to Xiao Wu, eating the meal with her.
Looking at Xiao Wu’s content lovable countenance, for a
moment he couldn’t help feel a bit silly.

Xiao Wu would from time to time pick up meat from her own
meal and place it in Tang San’s bowl, herself only eating some
vegetables and meat leftovers.

“Xiao Wu, you eat too.”

Xiao Wu smiled:

“I don’t eat so much. Besides, while your body is growing,

Grandmaster said that you boys need to eat more meat.
Otherwise you won’t have strength.”

The simple words struck firmly at the softest spot in Tang

San’s heart. In an instant the perplexion and bewilderment of
the last several days seemed to be thrown off, and Tang San

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stood there stupidly looking at Xiao Wu, a somewhat odd
radiance in his eyes.

“Ge, what’s up with you? Why have you been distracted these
last few days? Are you ill?”

Xiao Wu raised her hand to feel Tang San’s forehead.

Tang San set down the steamed bun and grasped Xiao Wu’s
hand, in that split second flash of understanding just now he
suddenly had a realization. Looking at Xiao Wu’s concerned
cute face in front of him, Tang San felt hot blood boiling in his

“Xiao Wu, whatever happens, I will always protect you by

your side like now, you will forever be my most cherished Xiao

Xiao Wu stared blankly. Although she didn’t understand just

why Tang San was saying this now, her heart was still warmed,
and with a sweet smile said:

“Ge, I know you’re the best to me. Eat quickly. Otherwise it’ll

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get cold.”

Tang San picked up the steamed bun once again. Perhaps it

was because of undoing the knot in his heart, his appetite
suddenly became vigorous, eating the steamed bun and dishes in
big mouthfuls, his face once again brimming with his habitual

The old man had before seen Tang San and Xiao Wu as
children, and believed they would be unable to eat much and so
given a cheap price. But seeing Tang San eat more and more he
couldn’t help frowning in concern. A buffet style seller meeting
a great stomach king, that was a tragedy for him.

Tang San ate until bursting before finishing the meal.

“Boss, thank you. Your meal was delicious.”

Tang San nodded very courteously to the boss, and with a

flick of his wrist a silver spirit coin landed on the counter.

“Young man, what’s this?”

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The boss stared blankly, and hastily called out to Tang San
and Xiao Wu who were already leaving.

Tang San turned his head and smiled:

“It’s what you deserve.”

Saying this, he pulled Xiao Wu away with large strides. To

him, this wasn’t just as simple as lunch.

Xiao Wu felt Tang San’s hand grip hers tightly, and the
smiling expression on his face seemed to have recovered to
normal. She was always astute, and without asking anything
headed towards the auction house in an elated mood.

When they came close they could truly appreciate the scale of
the round building.

By Tang San’s estimation, this half sphere sprouting from the

ground had a diameter of at least five hundred meters, and was
eighty meters tall at its peak. Even though it was inferior to the
Great Spirit Arenas he had seen before, he knew that this place

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was only an auction house and didn’t need room for spectators.

Moreover, this was the capital of Heaven Dou Empire, and

every spot of land was worth its size in gold. From this could be
clearly seen how significant the position of the auction house
was in Heaven Dou City, and how profound its background.

The auction house’s entrance was semicircular, and just like

the auction house itself was milky white. In front of the door
stood four tall young women.

These young women had clearly passed rigorous selection.

Not only were they all about one meter seventy five tall, their
figures extremely well shaped, and without need to mention
their pretty appearance was had a great amount of sex appeal.
They appeared twenty years old at most.

They wore long dresses that even concealed their arms,

without revealing any skin. But the dresses were extremely tight
fitting, an amply drew the outlines of their beautiful curves.

The snow white dresses were embroidered with silver designs

that vaguely resembled words, but neither Tang San nor Xiao
Wu could make them out. The four young women all moved

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identically, with both hands held up in front and smiling, and
though the smiles were professional, they still easily gave
people a good impression.

Jie is halfway to “big sister”, but in this case is more like


(泰隆) There are numerous ways to translate this name, but

let’s go with “Grand Bulge”.

Martial arts move.

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Chapter 73 - Heaven Dou Auction

Seeing two people approach, one of the four young women

took three steps forward to greet them, bowing slightly as she

“Guests, is there anything you require assistance with?”

Xiao Wu said:

“This is the auction house. We want to go in for a look.”

The young woman was stunned, even though she didn’t hold
any contempt because of Tang San and Xiao Wu’s age, it was
still the first time she had ever seen visitors like this. But she
still patiently said:

“I’m sorry, honored guests, may I ask whether you have the
bidding qualifications certificate?”

Xiao Wu stared blankly,

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“Bidding qualifications certificate? What kind of thing is

The young woman smiled slightly, saying:

“Only guests possessing a bidding qualifications certificate

may enter the auction house to bid. Certification exists in
several different levels, of them the threshold to enter is ten
thousand gold spirit coins. In other words, you must prove you
have assets to an amount of ten thousand gold spirit coins and
can participate in bidding. This is to ensure people cannot enter
to bid maliciously. Please forgive me.”

Xiao Wu turned her head to look at Tang San,

“Ge, do you have ten thousand gold spirit coins?”

Tang San somewhat helplessly shook his head. Even though

he had earned a lot at the Great Spirit Arena, a figure like ten
thousand gold spirit coins was still too much.

Seeing Xiao Wu’s disappointed expression, Tang San couldn’t

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help saying:

“Isn’t there some other way to get inside?”

The young lady said:

“It’s still possible under another condition: if you are selling

something you can also enter the auction hall. But to sell
something requires passing our Heaven Dou Auction’s special
appraiser’s valuation, the value must exceed ten thousand gold
spirit coins for qualifications to join the auction. If the auction
is successful we will take ten percent of the sale price as

Selling something? Tang San and Xiao Wu looked face to face,

and Tang San’s heart twitched. Searching his chest pocket he
pulled out an item.

It was a black little case, only about palm sized, on top were
fastened rings and locks, the case was completely black, and on
the front was a set of tiny holes.

“Then we’ll auction this.”

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Tang San flashed the little case in his hand.

“What is this?”

The young lady wasn’t scornful when Tang San took this
thing out, having worked here for a time she knew that
sometimes the more bizarre an item was the more valuable it

Xiao Wu feigned mystery:

“Don’t you have appraisers? Didn’t you say before that you
had appraisers to have a look at the value, right?”

The young lady had realized that this went beyond her, and
hastily held out an inviting hand,

“Please follow me.”

While speaking, she started walking into the auction house

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with small steps.

Inside the auction house wasn’t any feeling of glorious

splendor. The floor was milky white marble, and on all the
walls were all kinds of reliefs. The relief sculptures didn’t have a
lot of color, appearing simple and forthright, extremely elegant.
Besides the reliefs were still some display windows on the walls.
Inside were arranged goods like porcelain or armor and such. If
they didn’t know what this place was, Tang San and Xiao Wu
might have mistaken it for a museum. The young woman who
led them all the way acted very professionally, pausing every
ten steps or so to make an inviting gesture, accurately showing
the direction. She took Tang San and Xiao Wu straight to the
side of the gall, where a signboard with the words ‘appraisal’
hung over a room.

Inside the room was a row of tables, behind which stood eight
black-robed appraisers, all of different ages, hastily valuing
some goods.

The young lady said to Tang San and Xiao Wu:

“This is the room for ordinary appraisals. If I may I would

trouble you guests as to the characteristics of the item.”

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While speaking, she brought the two to an appraiser on the
left, handing over the small case.

“Appraiser number one, I would trouble you. These two

guests wish to put this item up for auction.”

The appraiser subconsciously accepted the metal box. As his

gaze fell on it he immediately displayed an astonished
expression, turning it over for a look as he said:

“Forgive my ignorance, may I ask what this is? The

manufacture is extremely elaborate, but I don’t know what
applications it has?”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“I call it a Powder Shooting Shadow, it’s a kind of weapon.”


The appraiser was even more astonished, this was the first
time he had seen such a delicate weapon. Originally he had still

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looked down on Tang San and Xiao Wu as just a pair of youths,
but right now the disdain vanished,

“Is it possible to see a demonstration?”


Tang San picked up the Powder Projecting Shadow from the

appraiser’s hand,

“My item is poisonous. I’m afraid here isn’t the best.”

Hearing the word ‘poisonous’, it wasn’t just the appraiser in

front of them that paid attention. The seven appraisers to the
side couldn’t help cast glances towards them, their expressions
filled with astonishment.

Appraiser number one somewhat embarrassed said:

“If you’re unable to prove its effect, there is also nothing we

can do to set its price. Our auction house has a special area
dedicated to testing weapons, shall we go there to take a look?”

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Tang San nodded.


The young woman in charge of receiving visitors didn’t leave

them, and still followed at their side together with appraiser
number one. They brought Tang San and Xiao Wu through a
sliding door behind the appraisal area.

Perhaps the owner of this auction house was very fond of

circles, but even the interior doors of the auction house were
semi circular, giving a very thorough feeling.

Tang San couldn’t help sighing in admiration from just a brief

observation, not only was the scale of the auction house large,
but moreover everything was clear and orderly, the division of
work explicit. The appraiser brought them to a weapons
laboratory about one hundred square meters in size, the four
walls of the room were covered in tightly fitting steel plates, and
was completely empty.

Tang San gestured at the receiving young woman and the

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appraiser to move behind him, raised the Powder Shooting
Shadow in his right hand and lightly pressed the trigger.

Chichichichichichi—— A continuous series of low squeaking

sounds echoed, followed by a yellow mist drifting out. Tang San
had added this new poison mist not long ago. After the Powder
Shooting Shadow had undergone his improvements it could also
shoot three times, just like the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. Only its
power was a bit weaker than the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, but
each time it could shoot thirty six steel needles.

Tang Sect’s mechanical hidden weapons were mainly sorted

according to power. Like the reason the Rainstorm Pear
Blossom Needle was ranked among the best wasn’t because of
how concentrated its attack was, but rather its attack power.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s attack power was already

frightening, three times that of the Powder Shooting Shadow.

But the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle was five times

stronger than the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, its shooting speed and
penetrating power could be imagined, it was basically an
undodgeable hidden weapon.

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A succession of intense jingling sounds rose from the wall ten
meters away. Tang San stretched out his hand, urging his spirit
power and using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to gather
the poison mist, one finger shooting out a strand of Blue Silver
Grass to absorb it.

He pointed to the opposite wall:


The appraiser quickly walked forward. As he saw the state of

the steel wall, he couldn’t help breathing in deeply,

“Such a potent weapon.”

The three cun long steel needles hadn’t quite pierced into the
steel plate halfway, the tail ends still quivering. From the blue
liquid color it could be seen they were poisoned, and that still
didn’t include the yellow mist that puffed out when they were
fired. Such penetrating power was already something common
Spirit Masters couldn’t withstand.

Tang San said:

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“My Powder Shooting Shadow can shoot three times after
being loaded with steel needles, each time accompanied by a
confusion type poison mist. The steel needles themselves are
coated in paralysing poison, and the toxin will take effect as
soon as they have pierced the skin. By my calculations, it would
be a certain kill against a thirtieth rank spirit master or lower.
Against thirtieth rank or higher, Spirit Masters without the
ability to resist poison should very easily be affected. The steel
needles are easy to make and can be reused. I can also offer a
bottle of paralysis poison.”

Tang San walked over to the steel plate, raising his right hand
and wordlessly pulling out the steel needles, once again pushing
them into the Powder Shooting Shadow. The poison didn’t have
any effect on him whatsoever.

Mysterious Jade Hands didn’t just make his hands as hard as

iron, they also isolated them from all poison.

Watching Tang San collect all the thirty six steel needles that
were shot out, the appraiser finally came back to himself.

“Honored guest, even though it’s made from common

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materials, this weapon certainly is more elaborate than
anything I’ve ever seen. Perhaps it might not be much use to
other Spirit masters, but to ordinary people it’s a superb
weapon. I’m prepared to give it a price of ten thousand gold
spirit coins, what do you think?”

Tang San had only spent twenty gold spirit coins on making
this Powder Shooting Shadow. Of course, that was only the
material costs. On the entire Douluo Continent, he was the only
one with the craftsmanship to create it.

Tang San nodded with a smile, handing over the Powder

Shooting Shadow to the appraiser,

“No problem. Then put it up for sale. Now we’re qualified to

join the auction.”

The receiving young woman to the side hastily said:

“Of course. Our auctions run constantly for twenty four hours
of the day. All auctions are conducted at the heart of the hall.
Please follow me. Your item will very quickly appear for
auction, I’ll first bring you to handle the procedures.”

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The procedures weren’t complicated, only setting up a gold
spirit coin card with the auction house’s affiliated bank.

Through this bank Tang San could obtain the corresponding

price after his item was sold and the commission was deducted.
He could also place bids, with the condition that he couldn’t
exceed his funds at the bank.

At the same time the receiving young lady gave the pair a
simple introduction to the rules here.

As the biggest auction house in Heaven Dou Empire, it was

possible to bid for any items here.

The first rule of the auction house was to never ask about the
seller. Moreover they couldn’t reveal the circumstances of
bidding in the auction house outside.

Twenty four hours constant bidding, without rest.

Every night was a time when top quality items were

auctioned. Within those two hours only buyers with cash
deposits in excess of one million gold spirit coins could

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participate. Any other time, any bidder could join.

The rules were very simple, but Tang San still noticed that
this uninterrupted auction no doubt brought immense profit to
the auction house. The auction of one precious thing would
bring a ten percent commission, from some points of view that
wasn’t much, but in fact, the accumulated wealth was

Even so much that the profits must be enormous even

compared to the Great Spirit Arena.

“Take us to the auction, please.”

Led by the young woman, Tang San and Xiao Wu finally got
what they wanted, entering the heart of the Heaven Dou

The core of the auction was on the second floor. From the
main hall there were eight staircases that led inside. Before
entering the auction, the young woman gave them each a mask,
telling them they everyone had to wear them in order to enter,
out of security considerations for the customers. Next time
nobody would receive them.

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The young woman brought them directly to the entrance to
the center of the auction before turning around and leaving.
There were other attendants within the auction heart.

Compared to the young woman that brought them, the dress

of the attendants here couldn’t help but make Tang San’s face
and ear bright scarlet.

They also wore white clothes, and it was still dresses, but the
feeling they gave people was entirely different.

The attendants within the auction were all female, around the
same height as the young woman who brought them, but their
figures were even more fiery.

The sleeveless white dresses they wore had wide open lapels at
the chest. The short skirts barely passed seven cun below the
waist, exposing soft delicate thighs. Adding white high heeled
shoes, they were even more exceptionally enticing. The deep
gorge between their breasts, the pert but swelling under the
short skirt, there was nothing that didn’t rouse the imagination.

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Despite Tang San’s staunch willpower, he still couldn’t help
looking several times. After all, he was still a normal man.

There was a sudden pain at his lower back, and by his ears
Xiao Wu’s menacing voice,

“What are you looking at? You’re not allowed to look.”

Tang San swallowed the pain and hastily said in a low voice:

“Do you take me for fatty! Let’s go inside.”

Xiao Wu used her own, taller compared to Tang San, stature

to as much as possible block Tang San’s line of sight as that
provocatively shaped attendant brought them into the heart of
the auction.

The heart of the auction gave people a feeling more like a

large auditorium, at a size similar to the central main Great
Spirit Arena, at the center was a circular platform, surrounded
by rings of seats.

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They were altogether arranged into five sections. The three
rows closest to the platform were red, and moving successively
out from there the next were black, purple, yellow and white.
Clearly it was set up according to the different levels of the

The receiving young woman had previously told them that

the innermost red seats were accessed via a special passage, with
special security personnel for protection. That was the area for
so-called million level VIP’s, moreover one still had to be a
person of considerable status to obtain red VIP qualifications.

The black seats outside was the common million level VIP
area, anyone could enter and become a black guest as long as
they had money.

Further out, purple was the five hundred thousand purple

level guests, yellow was the hundred thousand level common
guests, and the white area furthest out was also the largest area,
where the most common guests like Tang San and Xiao Wu
were seated.

The attendant brought the pair to the white area, indicating

they could freely choose where to sit. Perhaps it was because
Tang San and Xiao Wu were too young, or that their guest

2524 Goldenagato |

qualifications were too low, but the attendant wasn’t in any way
enthusiastic, only very professionally brought them to their
seats, even so much that she didn’t even have the professional
smile of the previous receiving young woman.

Tang San was indifferent, but Xiao Wu was somewhat


“Hmph, arrogant snobs. Dressed like that, it’s clearly to

seduce the wealthy. What did they do to grow that big?”

While speaking, Xiao Wu looked down at her own budding


“The attendants here are all like that, it’s not directed at you.”

A gentle voice came from the side. As Tang San and Xiao Wu
turned their heads to look, they saw a white dressed scholarly
looking middle aged man nodding at them with a smile.

Strangely, he didn’t wear a mask, and no staff came to ask

him about it.

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Xiao Wu couldn’t help asking:

“They’re all like this? Why?”

The middle aged man said with a smile:

“The attendants here all belong to the auction house

themselves. Even their lives. They were all bought by the
auction house as commoner girls, and fostered from childhood.
They aren’t only the serving staff here, at the same time they’re
goods for auction. If someone wishes to pay, they can be

“Then isn’t that slavery? But, don’t the two great Empires
prohibit slave trading?”

Tang San said somewhat astonished.

The middle aged man smiled calmly, saying:

“There are a lot of helpless people in this world. This is the

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Heaven Dou Auction, let alone slaves, there is nothing that can’t
be sold here. The reason those young women are expressionless
is that they long ago lost lost their own hearts, and even more
the decision of their own fate. All they can do is obey. Even
though they’re beautiful, they don’t own their own souls. I can
only describe them as ‘lamentable’.”

Listening to the middle aged man speak, the expression on

Xiao Wu’s face gradually changed. If she loathed those scantily
clad beautiful attendants before, then now her heart was
brimming with pity.

“How much do they cost?”

Xiao Wu asked.

The middle aged man seemed to see through her intentions,

“You want to buy them and give them freedom? That’s just
another tragedy.”

Xiao Wu puzzled asked:

2527 Goldenagato |


“Besides serving men, those attendants don’t have any

survival skills. Even if you bought them, with their looks they
would still finally fall into the hands of men. Their fate would
be even more miserable. They don’t have souls, they don’t
belong to the world. Besides, the price for each is a hundred
thousand gold spirit coins. More than ten times that of the
highest class prostitutes, it’s not something just anyone can

The middle aged man’s tone was somewhat helpless. He

seemed to carry himself with a particular atmosphere that very
easily made others feel familiar with him.

Right now there weren’t a lot of bidders at the auction, and

only a sparse fifth or so of the seats were in use.

On the stage a spirit tool similar to a belt was being auctioned,

and the price had already reached forty thousand gold spirit

Next to each seat were special buttons to call out bids, above

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them was separately written one hundred, one thousand, ten
thousand and one hundred thousand, representing how much
each bid would raise.

The middle aged man seemed interested in Tang San and Xiao
Wu, and changing the topic asked:

“Coming to the auction so young, is there something you want

to buy?”

Xiao Wu said:

“We aren’t buying, we’re selling.”


The middle aged man smiled:

“Selling things, huh. I wouldn’t have thought that someone as

young as you would be selling.”

2529 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu said:

“Who said you can’t sell if you’re young. Maybe, later once we
have money we can still buy spirit bones to play with. Yi, how
did you know we’re young, don’t tell me you have x-ray vision?”

Everyone here wore masks, and even though Xiao Wu and

Tang San were a bit smaller than adults, it still wasn’t by much.

The middle aged man said:

“Good, ambitious. It’s no wonder youths can possess such

strength. Even though you wear masks, the childishness of your
bodies and eyes can’t conceal your age, clear sighted people will
naturally notice.”

Hearing this, Tang San couldn’t help trembling inwardly,

could it be this person was capable of seeing his and Xiao Wu’s
strength? However, why wouldn’t he feel any threat from him?

By now that spirit tool on the stage was sold for forty three
thousand gold spirit coins.

2530 Goldenagato |

The auctioneer on the stage touched the amplifier and spoke
to the bidders with a smile:

“The next auction we will conduct is a rare item. Interested

bidders please pay attention. Especially male guests.”

While speaking, he pointed to the stage and three large men

pushed out a cart. The cart was covered by red cloth and the
inside couldn’t be seen, but from the shape it was some large
square box.

Tang San, Xiao Wu and even that middle aged man’s gazes
were all attracted by this new auction and stopped their

The announcer somewhat mysteriously said:

“Can you guess what it is? Then, I will first reveal to all
distinguished guests the starting price. This item’s opening
price is ten thousand gold spirit coins. The minimum bid
increase is ten thousand gold spirit coins. This is top quality
among top quality.”

2531 Goldenagato |

As the auction’s presenter, the ability to raise the atmosphere
and the enthusiasm of the competing bidders was clearly
required, and he very successfully attracted the bidders’

“Next, all distinguished guests please pay attention.”

While speaking, he grabbed the red cloth, sharply pulling it


After the flash of red light, what was revealed wasn’t any box,
but rather a large iron cage. Within the iron cage was curled up
a young woman.

The young woman was more than half naked, with only key
places covered by shells. Because she was curled up her
appearance couldn’t be seen clearly, but her figure was close to

Fair skin like sparkling jade, and a head of short green

unstyled hair.

“Perhaps the honored guests might find it strange that such a

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girl would actually have such a high opening price, the same as
the price for the beautiful women trained by our auction house
for many years. But if everyone looks carefully, you will find
how extraordinary she is.”

While speaking, the announcer pulled out a rod from

somewhere, poking it into the iron cage and lightly prodding
the short green hair on the side of the young woman’s head,
revealing her ears.

Those weren’t human ears, but small pointed ears similar to

that of a feline. Under the light prodding of the rod, the ears
turned slightly red.

“That’s right, you haven’t made a mistake. This is a rare cat

woman. When her spirit awakened her body underwent a
variation, possessing a cat like shape, her eyes are one blue and
one green, a unique mien, and there’s even a long tail.”

He used the rod to hit the young woman’s butt, and she yelped
and turned, revealing a white cat tail that had been hidden in
front of her.

“One might say that she is a unique and unmatched existence

2533 Goldenagato |

on the Continent. Able to possess such a beautiful female cat as
a pet, such a blessing. Imagine, if when working you can grab
her tail with one hand, what kind of scene is that?”

While speaking, the announcer revealed a dubious expression,

swinging the rod in his hand in a circle in the air,

“All guests, you can bid.”

“These bastards. To actually sell a person as a pet.”

Xiao Wu couldn’t stop herself and was about to leap up.

Tang San pulled back Xiao Wu, indicating she should stay
calm. But his own heart was a roaring sea. It wasn’t like he had
never seen the dark side of this world, but it was still the first
time he came into contact with it. It seemed that within this
auction house, commodities like ‘humanity’ didn’t exist, only
‘profit’ and similar animalistic cravings.

Faint light flickered, and Tang San’s eyes revealed an ice cold
aura, leaning back in his seat and quietly observing. He was an
astute person, and naturally understood that he and Xiao Wu

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couldn’t change everything that happened. Even if they were
truly able to save this cat woman, afterwards there might still
be a panther woman and a tiger woman, how could they
promptly rush over without delay each time? ‘Teacher said that
the auction house was a place brimming with opportunity and
filth, it seems he really was right.’

Xiao Wu’s hand held on to Tang San’s the whole time,

without relaxing. She discovered that Tang San’s grip on her
hand was tight, clearly his heart was also uneasy. Looking at the
light fluctuating in Tang San’s eyes, she also gradually calmed
down. But she lowered her head, no longer looking at the stage.

Speaking of all this as a true coincidence, just after Tang San

and Xiao Wu entered there was an auction of a living person,
this no doubt left Tang San and Xiao Wu with an extremely
profound, and also extremely bad impression.

At this moment, Tang San accidentally discovered that the

middle aged man next to him pressed the button marked ten
thousand. Even though it was his first time here, he still knew
that this would display a ten thousand bid increase. In other
words, he had at least a hundred ten thousand gold spirit coins
to buy that cat woman.

2535 Goldenagato |

His originally good impression immediately changed. He
hadn’t expected this seemingly dignified and scholarly middle
aged man next to him would actually be so base and despicable.

The middle aged man’s gaze stayed on the stage the whole
time, but just when Tang San was changing his mind he spoke

“Rescuing the soulless is pointless. This one still has soul, and
is also the result of spirit variation, how can I not save her like

Hearing his words, Tang San was slightly distracted, and even
more wary towards this middle aged man. How could he know
what he was thinking, could it be he was a legendary mind

“No need to be suspicious. Young man, the eyes are the

window to the soul, your expression is already enough to tell me
a lot of things. After all, I’ve already gone through a lot more
years than you. This is the experience of society.”

The middle aged man smiled at Tang San, his hand once again
pressing the bidding button.

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By now the bidding price had already increased to sixty
thousand gold spirit coins. Moreover it seemed like the rising
trend would continue without pause.

The announcer said:

“One hundred seventy thousand, there is a red guest bidding

one hundred seventy thousand gold spirit couns, are there no
further bids?”

“One hundred eighty thousand. Excellent. there is a white-,

ah. A white guest bidding one hundred eighty thousand.”

He had already cried out in surprise on more than one

occasion. White represented the most inferior bidders, but from
the start of this auction there had been a white bidder
participating. Even stranger, his bank still didn’t show any signs
of overdraft. This explained how the competitor had such
bidding power.

“Let me see who dares fight with me.”

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An elderly man in the frontmost red area stood up sharply, his
eyes sweeping across the white area in the back. Even though he
wore a mask, as soon as this man stood up, Tang San
immediately recognized him.

The middle aged man had said that a person’s eyes were the
windows to the soul. Everyone’s eyes were different, and the
gap between expressions even greater. This red VIP person in
front glowering at the back was precisely the Heaven Dou
Imperial prince Xue Xing who had driven them away from
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Against Tang San and Xiao Wu’s expectations, the middle

aged man to their side didn’t try to hide from the opponent’s
gaze, but rather stood up, nodding to prince Xue Xing with a

The number of people looking along with prince Xue Xing

wasn’t small. Seeing the middle aged man standing up, not only
Xue Xing was stunned, at the same time a cry of alarm rose at
his side. Even that announcer on the stage went somewhat

“The auction house has the rules of the auction house, can we

2538 Goldenagato |

The middle aged man’s voice wasn’t loud, but mild and
refined, but it still clearly reached everyone’s ears.

Since Tang San sat at his side, he could distinctly feel the
spirit fluctuations around him. He didn’t know why, but it
didn’t have a trace of menace, feeling like an extremely gentle
spirit power. He had a kind of unusually familiar feeling, as if he
had sensed it somewhere before,

“We can, of course we can.”

The announcer agreed repeatedly with a toadying face.

“One hundred eighty thousand gold spirit coins going twice,

one hundred eighty thousand gold spirit coins going thrice.
Sold. This cat woman belongs to the mysterious guest in the
white guest area.”

After the middle aged man stood up nobody placed any more
bids, and the auction was concluded smoothly.

2539 Goldenagato |

When the middle aged man stood up and fearlessly confronted
prince Xue Xing, Tang San knew he hadn’t lied. Otherwise,
would he still have needed to stand up and brag about buying
back a slave? Even more, for this reason he had offended an
imperial prince. This scholarly middle aged man didn’t appear
to be any kind of fool, so naturally he wouldn’t act foolishly.
Since he did this, it proved he certainly had an honest heart.

“Uncle, thank you.”

Xiao Wu was more direct than Tang San, and with a greatly
improved mood she immediately blurted out without thinking.

The middle aged man smiled and shook his head, pointing to
the stage, indicating they should look.

The immense iron cage had been pushed out, and very quickly
an elderly man hurriedly ran up, saying something to the
announcer, who nodded repeatedly.

The middle aged man smiled calmly, thinking out loud:

“These fellows want to fool me with low price goods again.

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Every time I come it’s the same. Why always this? It’s not like I
won’t pay.”

Tang San earnestly said:

“Perhaps they’re afraid you will destroy something good.

After you’ve bid, nobody will dare increase the price. With you
here, their good things won’t sell for a good price, to the auction
house it’s naturally a loss.”

The middle aged man smiled slightly, comfortably leaning

back in his seat,

“Then I should also leave. This trip has still been worthwhile.
If you’re interested, you can come with me to have a look at that
cat woman later.”


Xiao Wu agreed without the slightest hesitation. She wasn’t as

simple as she might seem, she really wanted to see how the
middle aged man would treat that cat girl, in order to feel

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The middle aged man said:

“Then we’ll take a look at the last item, and leave directly.
How could I let their arrangement go to waste?”

Very quickly another item was pushed out. This time it was
only a small cart, the thing on which also wasn’t covered by any
red cloth. Seeing this item, Tang San didn’t know whether to
laugh or cry. Xiao Wu couldn’t help saying:

“Ge, isn’t this our Powder Shooting Shadow?”

Sure enough, what was pushed out was precisely the Powder
Shooting Shadow Tang San had just had appraised at the lowest
starting price level of the auction. Of course, this so-called
lowest starting price was already a considerable amount to
ordinary people.

“Powder Shooting Shadow? Good name.”

The middle aged man smiled at Tang San. Tang San thought

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he saw something in his eyes, but couldn’t make it out.

On the stage, the announcer made the introductions,

“The next item up for auction is a weapon the appraisers

acclaimed as the most elaborate. Honored guests do not look
only at its small size, its power is extremely astonishing.”

While speaking, the announcer picked up the Powder

Shooting Shadow from the tray,

“Our appraiser also didn’t know how this weapon was

manufactured, however, once used it can instantly launch
thirty six steel needles. These steel needles are able to pierce a
one centimeter thick steel plate within a range of fifteen meters,
and are moreover dipped in paralysing poison. When the steel
needles are launched, there is also the concealment of a dense
mist. It’s a rare protective weapon. Altogether it can launch
three times. If used appropriately in battle, it can very easily
steal away the opponents fighting capability.”


2543 Goldenagato |

The face of the middle aged man at Tang San’s side changed,

“These fellows really picked something I like. Little friends,

does this weapon belong to you?”

(含沙射影) It first appeared in the fight against Zhao Wuji. The

name is an idiom that means “attacking someone by innuendo”.

7寸 = 23.3cm

2544 Goldenagato |

Chapter 74 - Extreme Pure Power Spirit

Xiao Wu had already said it, so Tang San naturally wouldn’t

try to cover up, nodding his head.

The middle aged man thought a while, then immediately

pressed a bidding button. What he pressed was the one for ten
thousand gold spirit coins.

“Uncle, didn’t you make a mistake? Wealth shouldn’t be spent

in such a manner.”

Xiao Wu had been paying attention to the middle aged man,

and seeing him press down ten thousand gold spirit coins, she
could not help but remind him.

The middle aged man smiling slightly, said: “I cannot let you
make a loss. After my price increase, I am afraid nobody will
come and compete anymore.”

Sure enough, as the middle aged man had said, once the host

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on the stage mentioned a white guest bidding ten thousand gold
spirit coins, nobody came to compete at all, smoothly sealing
the deal.

“My two young friends, let us leave. I have quite some

expectations for today’s obtained items.”

The middle aged man stood up, following the passageway he

walked out. The host on the stage seeing him about to leave,
clearly relaxed.

Tang San’s group of two followed the middle aged man

together walking out of the auction center. Once past the door
an attendant immediately approached. Different from the
attendants Tang San and Xiao Wu had seen, this attendant’s
dress sense wasn’t revealing, moreover the dress was silver in
colour, and her appearance even more beautiful. Although one
couldn’t claim her as a stunning beauty, but her standards are
relatively not bad.

“Distinguished guests, please follow me.”

The silver dressed lady respectfully bowed towards the middle

aged man before making an inviting hand gesture.

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The middle aged man lifted his hand, signaling her to lead the

Tang San and Xiao Wu followed behind the middle aged man,
under the guidance of the silver dressed lady the three of them
walked into a room beside the auction center.

The room was spacious, yet the decorations were very elegant:
a white, comfortable sofa made of real leather, and four types of
fruit delicacies placed on top of a round tea table.

The silver dressed lady said:

“Will the three of you please take a break first, the auction
items will be sent over immediately.”

Xiao Wu unceremoniously jumped towards the side of the

sofa, reaching out and grabbing a bunch of fruits, tasting one

“Very sweet, the taste is not bad. Ge, do you want to eat?”

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Tang San smiled slightly and shook his head, in passing
removing the mask from his face. Xiao Wu on seeing Tang San
removing his mask naturally stopped hiding too. Throwing the
mask to one side, she ate the fruit earnestly.

The middle aged man sat down on the sofa, not saying
anything, only waited silently. After laboring for a bit, with a
few big-sized fellows pushing, a huge iron cage was sent in. The
iron cage not only contained that cat woman, but a few other
ladies too. All weren’t top quality goods, but each had her own
characteristic features. Of course, the inconspicuous Powder
Shooting Shadow was also sent here.

The middle aged man took the Powder Shooting Shadow,

passing over a red-coloured card,

“Help me settle the bill, also send these girls over to my



The previous silver dress lady took the card, allowing those
pushing the iron cage to leave immediately.

2548 Goldenagato |

The middle aged man then turned towards Tang San, smiling
slightly, said:

“Young friend, since this weapon belongs to you, can you

teach me how to use it?”

Tang San nodded his head, answered:

“Of course I can.”

Under his simple introduction, the middle aged man swiftly

grasped the method to use it, directly attaching it to the front of
his chest.

The middle aged man was seemingly satisfied with the Powder
Shooting Shadow, smiling slightly, said:

“My two young friends, although this may be presumptuous,

but I will still want to ask, which clan do you belong to? Can you
tell me?”

2549 Goldenagato |

Tang San shaking his head, said:

“We do not have a clan. We are only just two students.”


The middle aged man is somewhat taken aback,

“Generally speaking, students of advanced spirit master

academies should graduate after attaining thirty ranks? Only a
few academies will slightly extend the rank for graduation.”

Tang San also directly voiced his inner doubts,

“Then how are you able to perceive that our spirit power is
not just thirty ranks? Don’t tell me this can also be found out
from the expression in one’s eyes?”

The middle aged man smiled slightly, said:

“I am also a Spirit Master, my Spirit Technique coincidently

2550 Goldenagato |

has one that is able to perceive Spirit Masters’ spirit power.
Based on your looks, at most not passing fifteen or sixteen years
old, yet already with spirit power of thirty five ranks and above,
I simply cannot imagine which clan is able to teach such
outstanding disciples like you. Speaking of which, you are much
stronger than my clan’s little she-devil.”

Tang San revealed a trace of smile on his face.

“But we truly do not have a clan. You spending ten thousand

gold spirit coins to buy my Powder Shooting Shadow, I cannot
let you have a loss. Let me gift you this too.”

While speaking, Tang San removed the Silent Sleeve Dart on

his left wrist and passed it over, furthermore explaining in
simple terms the method to use it. His right hand was equipped
with the Flying God Claw, manufacturing it was much more
troublesome, naturally it couldn’t be simply given to others. For
relatively ordinary hidden weapons such as the Sleeve Dart and
Powder Shooting Shadow, there was no need for him to stint.

After a moment of the middle aged man fiddling the Sleeve

Dart with a surprised look, he discovered two characters at a
corner of the Sleeve Dart,

2551 Goldenagato |

“Tang Sect? Are these two weapons are manufactured in a
place called Tang Sect? How come I have never heard about this
clan before?”

Xiao Wu puffed up and smiled, said:

“Tang Sect only has one person, my big brother, of course you
have not heard about it.”

The middle aged man blanked momentarily, but he recovered

immediately, looking at Tang San, he said:

“Could it be that, these two hidden weapons are made by


Tang San nodded.

The eyes of the middle aged man revealed some sort of

thoughtful light,

“Young lad, I am not sure but are you able to mass produce
these items? If possible, I hope to purchase from you directly. Of

2552 Goldenagato |

course, the price will not be as high as today, but it should be
able to satisfy you.”

Tang San said with a little bewilderment:

“You want to purchase Silent Sleeve Dart and Powder

Shooting Shadow in bulk?”

The middle aged man nodded,

“Do you think I am joking? If my two little friends have a

interest, I can bring you to my clan to visit.”

Tang San shaking his head, said:

“Thank you for your goodwill, but we have other matters, let
us meet if fate allows. Xiao Wu, let’s leave.”

Xiao Wu blanked momentarily, her impression of this middle

aged man wasn’t too bad, hence not understanding why Tang
San hurriedly chose to leave, but she naturally wouldn’t doubt
Tang San’s decision.

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The middle aged man didn’t hinder them, slightly smiling,

“You are right, we will meet again if fate allows. It has been a
pleasure to meet you.”

Tang San replied while smiling:

“For us as well.”

Watching the two of them walk out of the room, the middle
aged man felt the Silent Sleeve Dart on his wrist, saying with
some regret:

“It is a pity the power of these two weapons is a little small,

however, the potential of these two children is truly not bad.”

Silently opening the door, a person came in from outside,

“Clan Leader, we should return.”

2554 Goldenagato |

It was an old man, wearing a snow white robe, with a head of
silver hair neatly combed behind his back, with a simple and
unadorned appearance, both eyes were not fully opened but
slightly shut, with gestures in between he gave off a type of very
special feeling.

If the middle aged man’s aura was gentle, then, this old man’s
aura could be described as a sharp edge. A deadly sharp edge.

The middle aged man nodded his head,

“We should return. Uncle Sword, let’s go.”


Shrek Academy, entrance.

“Dad, please return. This issue is between us students. You

coming here, won’t I lose even more face?”

2555 Goldenagato |

Tai Long said while tolerating the pain and inhaling. His face
had swollen like a pig’s head, with evident problems moving his
body. Only with another student’s support by the arm could he
stand steadily.

In front of him, a middle aged man with a body larger than

him by one size furiously watched the passing students. This
person’s appearance and Tai Long’s had up to eighty percent
resemblance, only that he looked a bit older, his outer clothing
was unable to cover up those swelling muscles, and his face had
sturdy look.

“My ass, my son got beaten up till his joints are all dislocated,
if I, your father, were to tolerate it, I wouldn’t be worthy of
being called Vigorous King Tai Nuo. You little rascal, only know
how to disgrace me, can’t even win against a ten-something year
old kid. I came to see who is so formidable to even dare to beat
up the son of Tai Nuo.”

Tai Long currently had a face of helplessness, inwardly

regretting returning home to rest. As of now his four limbs’
joints were connected again. In spite of his fearless defense, to
be beaten by Tang San into a state of chaos and darkness wasn’t
something that could be recovered in a short period of time.

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“Dad, your actions are putting me in a difficult position. In
the future how am I supposed to continue cultivation in the

Tai Long continued to advise his own father with a bitter


“Get along my ass. Other people graduated long ago at thirty

ranks, yet your broken down academy still wants to create this
god-knows-what advanced class. So be it, even you got beaten
till this state, nobody cared. Wait till I catch that fellow, I will
definitely find your academy’s teachers and have it out.”

“This. Dad, it was I who had an issue. Nothing to do with

Tang San.”

“You still have the face to speak. Picking a fight and getting
beaten up like that. You really disgraced me as your father.”

Some of the students passing by naturally recognized Tai

Long, but once seeing Tai Nuo’s fiendish expression, nobody
dared to move up close, immediately hastening their footsteps
when passing by.

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“Tai Long, what are you doing here? Still not giving in?”

Tang San and Xiao Wu finally returned, Xiao Wu whom at

first sight spotted Tai Long’s face that is swollen like a pig’s
head, couldn’t help but say.

Tai Long hurriedly faced Tang San and Xiao Wu and

repeatedly sent warning glances, signaling them to hurry up
and enter. But Xiao Wu mistook the intentions,

“You ended up like this but still not satisfied? Rolling your
eyes. Don’t tell me you still want to have a contest?”

The appearance of Xiao Wu attracted the gaze of Vigorous

King Tai Nuo, secretly praising, what a beautiful lady. Although
outwardly he looked bold and unrefined, but he wasn’t dumb.
From the few sentences said by Xiao Wu he had grasped many
things. Looking again at his son’s facial expression, his gaze
suddenly landed on top of Tang San.

“The two of you, who is Tang San?”

Tai Nuo coldly asked.

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Tang San heard someone calling his name and subconsciously

“I am.”

“Good, so you are the little bastard who beat my son to this

Tai Nuo had been waiting here all afternoon, finally finding
his target his anger welled up in his heart, reaching out with his
huge hands he immediately grabbed Tang San’s shoulder.

Tang San stepped with Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track,

sliding three chi backwards, dodging Tai Nuo’s huge hands,

“You are Tai Long’s father?”

Tai Nuo proudly said:

“Correct, I am Vigorous King Tai Nuo. You beat my son until

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this state, should you not give me an explanation.”

Xiao Wu gave Tai Long a glance with some disdain,

“Finished beating the young one, the old then appears. If we

were to also beat your father up, will your grandfather come out

Tai Long momentarily blanked, his eyes suddenly filled with


“Xiao Wu, don’t misunderstand, my father saw my wounds,

that’s why…… However, if my grandfather really came, that
would be troublesome.”

Tai Nuo side glanced at Xiao Wu,

“Little girl, this matter also involves you. If not for you
seducing my son, would he get beaten up that miserably?
Certainly a femme fatale. Knowing how to seduce men at such a
young age.”

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Xiao Wu got taken aback, turning furious,

“Gorilla, you said who is seducing men?”

Tai Nuo let out a single grunt,

“Don’t tell me you didn’t rile up this little bastard to beat my

son? After I have settled this brat I will discipline you. My son
has nothing unsatisfactory. This kid is just some other gigolo.”

While speaking, he reached out to grab Tang San again.

With regards to Tai Nuo’s attack, Tang San was originally not
angry. He could see that Tai Long wasn’t lying, his father was
evidently not brought by him. However, Tai Nuo’s insults to
Xiao Wu made Tang San unable to tolerate any longer. To him,
Xiao Wu was precisely a forbidden domain. The light within his
eyes instantly chilled. This time around he stopped dodging,
moving forward, swinging his left hand to grab onto Tai Nuo’s
wrist, right hand supporting his elbow, using among all joint
twisting techniques the most potent Muscle Twisting Bone
Grinding technique.

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As Tai Nuo’s got his wrists caught by Tang San he was taken
aback, but his reaction couldn’t be compared with Tai Long. Not
pulling his hands back, letting out a low shout, he swung out
clenched fists, the veins in his arm’s muscles suddenly rising.

Tang San’s Controlling Crane Catching Dragon might be

exquisite, but at this moment unexpectedly it had no uses as he
only felt an enormous force passing from the other party’s
elbow, instantly shaking off his two hands. Legs stepping with
Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, he successively retreated
several steps before managing to stand firm.

What a powerful strength. Tang San’s heart awe-inspired, and

immediately started concentrating his spirit.


Tai Nuo was somewhat surprised in regards to him being

unable to throw down Tang San,

“No wonder you are able to beat up my son, you are certainly
adept. I want to see how many moves you can take from me.”

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While speaking, he was also unwilling to release his spirit, just
like that while chasing Tang San his two arms suddenly spread
open, heading towards Tang San’s waist in an embrace.

From the previous encounter Tang San understood the other

party’s strength was beyond his, if caught by his embrace, there
was no need to think about struggling free. However, Tang San
certainly wasn’t a power type spirit master, naturally he
wouldn’t clash head on with the opponent. Changing his pace,
his whole body suddenly became illusory. Even though Tai
Nuo’s speed wasn’t considered slow, but with his multiple
successive pounces he couldn’t even touch Tang San’s clothes.

“Stinky brat, don’t run if you have skill.”

Tai Nuo furiously eyed Tang San, yet inwardly he was greatly
shocked. He had listened to Tai Long say that Tang San was a
control type spirit master, and was fairly strong in his close
combat abilities. Through these few probes, although Tang
San’s strength was greatly below his, his agility was much
higher compared to him who did not use his spirit. Wanting to
catch Tang San in this manner wasn’t easy.

Tang San didn’t reply. His eyes shone with a brilliant light, a
milky white radiance came out of his body. Blue Silver Grass

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spiraled around him, two yellow one purple, three spirit rings
spiraled up, giving off a dazzling luster.

Tai Nuo grunted,

“Using battle spirit against me? Alright, I want to see how

strong your spirit is. Vigorous Orangutan, Body Enhancement.”

Accompanying his single shout, the whole person hardened

and grew by five cun, accompanying a series of tearing sounds,
swarthy muscles immediately split apart his upper garments,
revealing a steely torso.

Tai Long was already very strong, but compared to his father
he was still lacking too much. Causing Tang San’s pupils to
somewhat contract was, at the legs of Vigorous King Tai Nuo, a
total of five spirit rings rose up. Two yellow, three purple. A
gorgeous luster surrounded the body and rose.

Actually, Tang San did not know that Tai Long’s family had a
traditional habit, that was covering up. Moreover Tai Long was
the sole direct successor, after coming back home at noon,
letting Tai Nuo see his body of wounds, naturally he could not
contain his anger and ran over.

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“Brat, scared now? If scared, then admit defeat. I will first
dislocate your four limbs, and then bring you along to find your
academy’s teachers to reason things out. I am a fifty eight rank
power type battle Spirit King, think over carefully. Fists and
legs are blind, if by chance I broke your legs, then I would be

Releasing his own spirit, Tai Nuo instantly revealed an

arrogant expression. From what he saw, he was higher than the
opponent by at least twenty ranks of spirit power, he would
absolutely be able to make this brat in front of him yield easily.

But how would he know that Tang San’s greatest

characteristic was his strong tenacity, the greater the pressure,
the greater the rebound too.

“You are Tai Long’s father, but certainly not my father. Let’s
fight if you want to.”

Tang San coldly said. Inwardly he was somewhat forlorn;

somebody’s son got beaten up and his father then appeared, but
where was his own father? The more he thought of this, the
stronger his battle spirit became. They say ‘an army burning

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with righteous indignation is bound to win’3, currently Tang
San’s inner spirit power circulated rapidly, his entire being’s
condition had already risen to the peak.

“Ge, let’s face him together.”

Xiao Wu on seeing that Tai Nuo was actually a Spirit King

level power, was hurriedly about to release her own spirit.

Tang San raised his hand to stop her, saying:

“No, let me go alone. You don’t have to meddle. This is a

matter between men.”


Tai Nuo let out a single praise,

“You brat may not look robust enough on first sight, but this
sentence on the contrary rather suits my taste. Correct, this is a
matter between men. Just from this this point, I will be more
lenient later on.”

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“No need to.”

Tang San said indifferently, his body already moving. He did

not advance, but rapidly retreated, the Blue Silver Grass
releasing from his body as if they were countless blue-purple
snakes, rushing towards Tai Nuo in a swarm.

Tai Nuo let out a laugh, his entire body like a tank, he charged
directly in Tang San’s direction. Regarding to the approaching
twisting Blue Silver Grass, he ignored it completely.

Peng peng sounds repeatedly rang. As soon as Blue Silver

Grass twisted around Tai Nuo’s body, it would immediately be
ripped apart by his robust muscles, unexpectedly unable to even
delay him. One must know that after Tang San has received
Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring, his Blue Silver Grass had
already become extremely tough.

Also adding in the forging by the Ice and Fire Ying Yang Well,
it caused his spirit’s toughness level to rise up to another level.
This is also an important reason why Tang San when facing Tai
Nuo, this Spirit King who was an opponent of another level,
wasn’t afraid.

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However, Tai Nuo’s strength was even more terrifying than
he imagined, Blue Silver Grass with such toughness was
unexpectedly unable to delay him.

In just a moment Tang San had deduced that this fifty eight
rank Spirit King, strength-wise unexpectedly he wouldn’t lose
to Vigorous Vajra Bear Battle Spirit Sage Zhao Wuji who was
known for his strength, and Zhao Wuji’s spirit power was over
seventy sixth rank.

In his mind Grandmaster’s imparted knowledge rapidly

revolved, Tang San understood that his encounter this time,
was perhaps a pure power type Spirit Master. The so-called pure
power type refers to all spirit ring abilities adding on to strength
only. With great strength the body was naturally tough.

Today, during the fight against Tai Long, Tang San vaguely
discovered this problem, Tai Long’s body’s toughness level was
simply not what a thirty plus Spirit Master should possess.

Right now Tai Nuo gave him a feeling that was far more
profound. All these Blue Silver Grass simply didn’t have any
effect on him.

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Tai Nuo’s five spirit rings moved rhythmically up and down
his body, the first two spirit rings releasing a yellow radiance
alternately. Of these two spirit rings that supplemented his
spirit skill, one rapidly increased his strength, and one
condensed it.

Applied alternately, they were able to make his terrifying

original strength increase by fifty percent. Adding his body’s
fifty eight ranked spirit power, he was able to completely ignore
Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass.

Tang San’s combat experience was plentiful, despite facing an

opponent whose strength completely overwhelmed his he
didn’t have the slightest trace of fluster. Although using his
spirit made Tai Nuo’s speed increased considerably, but under
his spirit power’s stimulation Tang San’s speed increased
equally too. Tai Nuo wanting to overtake him in a short while
would definitely not be easy.

Tang San simply withdrew his own Blue Silver Grass, only
relying on Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to deal with his
opponent, not in a hurry to attack.

In a one versus one battle, one first has to understand one’s

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own and the opponent’s fortes and shortcomings. Tai Nuo’s
fortes couldn’t be more obvious, that was his terrifying strength
and the defensive capability. And what was his own forte? Tang
San knew that personally he had many strong points.
Mysterious Heaven Skill’s toughness was one among them.

Spirit power cultivation that wasn’t of this world, Tang San’s

orthodox first class mind method Mysterious Heaven Skill had a
vast advantage in recovering energy. And his unfixed steps
compared to his opponent’s unceasing power releases clearly
saved some strength, if he wanted to prevail over his opponent,
first he has to deplete his opponent’s spirit power.

At this moment, the surrounding people watching the battle

kept on increasing, Xiao Wu nervously clenched her fists,
prepared to go up and assist at anytime. Meanwhile Tai Long
was also completely captivated by this battle between his father
and Tang San.

Their Tai family’s spirit was similarly inherited. He also

wanted to see how his father would restrain Tang San who beat
him up while not allowing any counterattack.

As time passed, Tai Nuo got somewhat impatient. He and

Tang San’s fight, originally suspiciously seemed to be the strong

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bullying the weak, now furthermore his attacks are without
success for a long time, where was his face?

Suddenly stopping his footsteps, Tai Nuo stopped chasing

Tang San, letting out a furious bellow towards the heavens,

“Root of Strength”.

The third spirit ring, also Tai Nuo’s first thousand year spirit
ring suddenly blossomed with a purple light. He finally used his
stronger spirit abilities.

His body that was originally full of power and grandeur

seemingly expanded somewhat again, the winding blue veins
underneath the skin crowded up like tiny snakes, the
surroundings of Tai Nuo’s body seemed to be blown with a layer
of swirling power. With his body as the center, the surrounding
air evidently thickened.

Tang San on seeing Tai Nuo stopping his footsteps,

immediately became more cautious, silently watching Tai Nuo,
his eyes gradually revealing a golden purple radiance.

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Tai Nuo violently raised his right leg, heavily stomping the
surface of the ground.

A horrifying scene emerged, the ground suddenly trembled, as

if even the entire Heaven Dou City trembled, a rift rapidly
spread from the ground surface, reaching Tang San’s feet in a
moment. Besides the rift passing through, gravel under the
effect of violent qi currents soared towards the sky, flying tens
of meters straight up in the sky. That is to say, within the
travelling distance of this straight line, once the fissure had
extended to one’s feet, then he or she would receive a violent

‘What a strong force, so strength can also be used like this.’

Tang San thought in his heart, in a flash, his whole body
traversed rapidly. He was very clear that the difference between
his spirit power and the opponent’s was too large, even with one
of eight extraordinary meridians opened up, he couldn’t
possibly contend directly with Tai Nuo. What he could to right
now, was to dodge. Although Tai Nuo’s could remotely exert his
offensive ability with the current method, this undoubtedly also
largely increased his spirit power consumption.

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Successive roars caused the ground to repeatedly tremble, one
fissure line after another rushed wildly towards Tang San. The
Tai Nuo’s continuous attacks were very fast, but Tang San
dodged even faster, his dexterous figure winding around the
battlefield like a butterfly. Suddenly advancing and retreating,
letting terrifying qi currents flit past his body, yet not taking a
hit from start to end.

“What a slippery brat.” Tai Nuo let out a furious curse. As a

power type Spirit Master, what he hated the most was precisely
agility attack system spirit masters, beings like him loved head-
on battles the most. Facing Tang San, obviously his strength is
far higher than the opponent’s, yet there was somewhat a sense
of having power but being unable to exert it, causing him to be
exceptionally uncomfortable.

“Brat, you forced me into this. Watch my fourth spirit

technique. Force Quake.”

The fourth spirit ring on Tai Nuo’s body suddenly lit up.
Seeing Tai Nuo’s suddenly stretching body, Tai Long’s face
became pale, hurriedly bellowed:

“Everyone back off, hurry.”

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Tai Nuo’s body pulled backwards like a huge bow.
Immediately, using his back power to bring up both arms, under
the brilliance released by that flaring fourth spirit ring, both
arms heavily smashed the ground surface.

Under a loud explosion, a circle of violent shockwaves

suddenly released with his body as its center, enveloping the
enormous area around his body.

The ground surface here which his leg previously stomped on

was originally already severely damaged. At this moment this
colossal strength shook it again. The entire ground surface
suddenly caved in, dirt, sand and stones soared towards the sky.
Within thirty meters in diameter, sand and stones flew all over
the sky. Terrifyingly powerful energy currents rushed towards
the heavens.

It could be considered that Tai Nuo remained clear-headed, he

had transmitted his entire strength towards the ground,
furthermore restricting his power explosion’s area, otherwise,
with many students currently watching the battle, in the
situation where one’s self-defense ability was insufficient,
injuries would be unavoidable.

Despite this, Tang San’s body was still completely enveloped

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within the range of Tai Nuo’s attack. This kind of all directional
attack naturally couldn’t be dodged by any physical techniques.
Xiao Wu had already rushed forward among alarmed cries, but
Tai Nuo’s strength was truly terrifying, the powerful qi currents
directly blocked her, keeping her outside of the attack.

“Look. In the sky.”

Right at this moment, someone shouted, attracting the gaze of

the students and Tai Nuo towards the sky.

In mid-air, the dust flying about the sky gradually fell.

Descending at the same time was also a figure shining with
purple light.

Eight slender lances extended from his back, red and white
radiant colours covered the spears, countless Blue Silver Grass
connected to produce an umbrella shape on his back, slowing
down the speed of his descent. With an ice-cold gaze looking at
Tai Nuo from start to end, the eight long lances on his back
glinted with a glorious luster under the sun’s shine, giving
onlookers a bizarre feel.

Alarm, admiration, disbelief, various sentiments were

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expressed among the students. They could all see that Tang San,
one of the academy’s advanced class students, was still able to
escape when facing a Spirit King level spirit master’s fourth
technique’s full attack, what kind of strength was this?

If his previous dodging were said to be just a technique, then,

what Tang San had displayed now was his true strength.

The gaze in Tai Long’s eyes momentarily went out of focus, at

this moment he truly understood how exactly big the gap
between himself and Tang San was. Even though both of them
were thirty seven ranks, the same ranks still possessed different

Actually, Tang San on seeing Tai Nuo making a back bending

movement immediately noticed something was not right, first
releasing his Eight Spider Lances. The Eight Spider Lances
inserted into the ground at the same time, springing up with
full strength, sending his body high up into the sky.

Although he still received the attacks from the energy

currents and gravel, in this way the damage had dropped to the
lowest degree.

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Blue Silver Grass’s malleability displayed its effect, relying on
Tang San’s precise control, Blue Silver Grass connected to
produce an umbrella shape in mid-air, offsetting the descent’s
speed, this allowed him to be able to escape from the majority of
Tai Nuo’s attack power.

The current Tai Nuo stood in the center of a huge pit that was
thirty meters in diameter, this huge pit’s depth was as much as
five meters, the destruction caused by him is sufficient to cause
anyone to be fearful.

If this was on the battlefield, unless the opponent’s strength

was even greater than him, there would be no survivors within
this area.

Watching the slowly descending Tang San, Tai Nuo couldn’t

help but be in low spirits. After consecutively using the third
and fourth spirit abilities, the consumption on his own spirit
power wasn’t small. At this moment he couldn’t help but
suspend his attacks, gazing at Tang San’s descending body.

Tang San on seeing this leisurely raised his hand and swiped
across his waist, a black case that was about one chi long
appearing in his grasp.

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Power type spirit masters were undoubtedly unable to fly.
Previously Tang San had leapt up a full thirty meters or so into
the sky, currently to him, Tai Nuo was exactly the best target.
Relying on his spirit power he obviously wouldn’t break down
the opponent’s defense.

However, don’t forget, that he originally came from Tang


“Be careful.”

In mid-air, Tang San nevertheless warned Tai Nuo, after all,

he didn’t have any deep hatred towards Tai Nuo and his son, Tai
Long is moreover his classmate. If not for Tai Nuo’s abnormal
defense he still wouldn’t take out that tyrannical Godly Zhuge

Godly Zhuge Crossbow was certainly unable to be prepared

beforehand, this was because when the device was tightened for
too long it would be damaged, but Tang San using the Blue
Silver Grass to produce an umbrella shape, caused his
descending speed to slow down as much as possible, allowing
him to arm the device.

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Moreover the ground surface also caved in by five meters, this
gave Tang San even more time.

Tai Nuo watched Tang San who was about to land. This time
around he was coming down from the sky, which obviously
meant that he had nowhere to escape, and he immediately
finished preparations. But the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in Tang
San’s hands was already aimed at him.

‘Be careful? Why do I have to be careful?’ Just when Tai Nuo

was puzzled about this, a series of sonorous buzzes instantly
burst out.

The firing rate of Godly Zhuge Crossbow was simply too fast,
furthermore in this situation where the distance was so short,
Tai Nuo’s only possible reaction was to use his arms to block the
front of his face.

In the next moment, his entire body felt as if some objects

struck him heavily, successively retreating three steps back
before his balance recovered.

All sixteen crossbow bolts, were completely stuck in Tai Nuo’s

arms and chest. Tai Nuo’s substantial muscles displayed their

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extremely overbearing defensive power, and the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow which was sufficiently powerful to pierce steel plates
went only one cun into the flesh before being unable to continue
further in.


Tai Nuo let out a furious roar, his entire body’s spirit power
suddenly burst forth, the sixteen Godly Zhuge Crossbow bolts
nearly instantly flew out from him using his muscles,
accompanying it flying out were also sixteen streams of fresh

Although the Godly Zhuge Crossbow had tyrannical strength,

it wasn’t enough to leave a fatal injury on him. Yet he, a fifty
eight rank Spirit King, got injured by a single thirty something
Spirit Elder, that was already an outrageous insult.

Perhaps because of his overly agitated sentiments, Tai Nuo did

not notice that his body’s injuries hardly had any trace of pain.

Tang San fully displayed his abundant combat experience.

The moment Tai Nuo used his hands to block his own eyes, the
Blue Silver Grass on his back had already dispersed and he

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rapidly landed, Eight Spider Lances leaping off the ground, his
whole body swiftly changing positions. When Tai Nuo lowered
his arms, he had suddenly lost all trace of him.

A sharp edged aura came from the back, Tai Nuo instinctively
wanted to turn around to block, but for some unknown reason,
his body delayed for a moment, only half turning about, a
sudden sense of numbness already spreading from his shoulder.

From the corner of his eye, his peripheral vision just

happened to witness Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances making a
withdrawing motion.

The bottom four lances were propped up against the ground,

the top four lances were stretched out in front, leaving four
small holes in Tai Nuo’s shoulder.

Facing a spirit master with tough defensive power, how does

one attack?

Tang San used actions to give the surrounding students a

lesson. Although Tai Nuo’s defensive power was strong, he still
had to rely on his flesh and spirit power to defend.

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(大力王泰诺) “Great Strength King Grand Promise”

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Chapter 75 - Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

It wasn’t like the Black Tortoise Spirit Masters Tang San had
met before, using their tortoiseshells as shields.

The method Tang San chose was to pierce through the

surface. Even though Eight Spider Lances couldn’t penetrate
deeply, just breaking the skin was enough.

Just what is called ‘the participant is baffled, the spectator

sees clearly’, the surrounding students, including Tai Long, all
clearly saw black blood flowing from the wounds left by the
Godly Zhuge Crossbow, but where Tang San’s Eight Spider
Lances had penetrated there was a dark purple spreading.

Feeling alternately hot and cold, Tai Nuo suddenly felt his
eyes blur. Exerting himself to shake his head, this feeling grew
even more distinct.

“You-, you use poison……”

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Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances propped him up from the
ground, and looking down on Tai Nuo from above he said

“Poison is part of my abilities. Do you still want to go on?”

Tai Nuo was a strength type power attack system Spirit

Master, and a control system Spirit Master held the advantage
when facing power attack system Spirit Masters. Even though
there was an enormous difference in spirit power between the
two, when Tang San relied on his Tang Sect abilities,
simultaneously being a control system Spirit Master, as well as
possessing an agility attack system’s speed and toxicity, further
adding his perfect exploitation of his advantages, it immediately
put Tai Nuo completely on the defensive. When the Godly
Zhuge Crossbow bolts pierced Tai Nuo’s defense, this fight had
already been decided.

How could half a year by the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well be
wasted; all the hidden weapons Tang San carried used different
poisons. Just like Dugu Bo said, even more formidable Spirit
Masters would be cautious when dealing with him. Poison was a
kind of special means of attack, in order to deal with a poison
Spirit Master one first of all had to keep a careful defense. But
Tai Nuo clearly felt he held the advantage, and it seemed to him
that dealing with a child like Tang San was only a matter of

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stretching out his hand and grabbing him. He hadn’t expected
that he would be the one stumbling into a ditch.


Calling out, Tai Nuo discovered that his tongue didn’t quite
follow his orders. Even though he congregated his powerful
spirit power to resist the poison within his body, he still
suffered two kinds of poisons one after another. Previously he
had spent his spirit power in anger, and further quickened the
flow of blood within his veins. How could he resist now?

The Eight Spider Lances’ poison was supplemented with the

properties of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal
Precious Apricot. Even though the two immortal treasure herbs
hadn’t increased Tang San’s spirit power, their hot and cold
poisons had completely fused together with Tang San, adding to
the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison. One might say that right
now even Dugu Bo could only use his own poison resistance to
subdue Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances’ poison within his own
body, but would be unable to treat someone else. When this
kind of poison entered the body, even if Tai Nuo had fifty eighth
ranked strength, there could only be one conclusion.

“Three. Two. One. Fall.”

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Tang San spoke four words without hurry, and Tai Nuo’s
massive body collapsed on the ground, his wounds overflowing
with tainted blood.

“Tang San, I’ll face you.”

A massive shadow fell from the air, precisely Tai Long.

Even though it was still difficult for Tai Long to move right
now, his two eyes were both blood red. Just what is called
‘cannot live under the same sky as one’s father’s killer’,
watching his father’s miserable state he completely forgot about
the gap between him and Tang San.

With the Eight Spider Lances, Tang San’s nimbleness could

even compare to the agility attack system Zhu Zhuqing, how
would he get caught by Tai Long’s pounce. In a deep voice he

“Tai Long, if you don’t want your father to die, stop attacking
immediately. Otherwise I won’t be able to save him.”

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Even if Tai Long was a bit impulsive, he still wasn’t an idiot.
Hearing his father could still be saved, he immediately sobered
and stopped chasing Tang San.

Eight Spider Lances poking the ground, Tang San reached Tai
Nuo’s side, raising an Eight Spider Lance and piercing into Tai
Nuo’s back. Circulating his spirit power, the black energy in
Vigorous King Tai Nuo’s body could clearly be seen extending to
the Eight Spider Lances.

Right now, the expressions of the students standing around

the great hole and watching Tang San were all brimming with
reverence. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, who could
believe that a thirty something ranked Spirit Elder could be
capable of defeating a close to sixtieth ranked Spirit King?

It seemed to them that this was a complete victory.

Apparently Tai Nuo didn’t have any means of retaliating

before Tang San.

The poison arrived quickly and left quickly, in a moment Tai

Nuo’s wounds were flowing with blood. Tang San had been
training with Eight Spider Lances for a long time, and by now

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he could control them perfectly. Withdrawing the Eight Spider
Lances poison, he poked a series of acupuncture points on Tai
Nuo to stop the bleeding.

Tai Long stared blankly at Tang San doing all this.

If in the morning he still had been unable to accept it because

he and Tang San possessed the same level of spirit power, then
by now Tang San had already become an unreachable existence
in his eyes.

He couldn’t understand how, at the same thirty seven ranks,

this seemingly very ordinary youth in front of him could be so
much stronger than himself. It was no wonder Xiao Wu had
chosen him.

Tai Long couldn’t know that the gap between Tang San and
Tai Nuo, even if it was twenty one ranks of spirit power, Tang
San could completely make up for ten ranks with an external
spirit bone, and even more rely on the techniques of the Tang

And Tai Nuo hadn’t even been able to use his fifth spirit
ability. Overall, this whole fight had been completely under

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Tang San’s control.

He undoubtedly displayed the fighting ability of a control

system Spirit Master. The ability to control the overall situation
with the precision of a calculator.

Withdrawing Eight Spider Lances within his back, Tang San

nodded to Tai Long,

“Alright, I’ve already removed the poison. However he should

feel a bit weak over the next few days. Have him rest for three
days after returning, he mustn’t get angry, mustn’t use spirit
power, and he’ll naturally recover. Your father caused this hole,
you settle it.”

Tai Long looked at Tang San with a complicated expression.

He should thank Tang San for saving his father, but his father’s
injuries had also been caused by this fellow.

Tang San didn’t care about Tai Long’s reaction. Exerting

himself against the wall of the pit, in two leaps he crawled up to
the surface.

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With such a great alarm at the Academy gate, how could it not
alert the teachers. But by the time they arrived the fight was
already at its end, and they only saw Tang San fire the Godly
Zhuge Crossbow, and subdue the enemy with Eight Spider

They even forgot to stop the fight.

As Tang San came out of the big hole he was immediately

surrounded by several teachers wanting to talk to him. Tang
San directly used Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to pass
through the crowd, and in a few flickers he had already

“Ge, wait for me.”

Xiao Wu’s face was somewhat unsightly as she swiftly chased

after Tang San.

But the teachers naturally couldn’t leave like that. Whether it

was this giant hole they didn’t know whether to laugh or cry
about, or the numerous students gathered, everything had to be
handled by them.

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Tang San went straight back to his dorm. Just like at Shrek
Academy, he was still sharing a room with Oscar here. Right
now Oscar wasn’t here, up to something unknown.

As Tang San entered the room, even before he had stopped

walking, he coughed up a mouthful of blood with a belching
sound. His originally serene expression had already become

Indeed, Tang San had prevailed over Tai Nuo, but the victory
was very dangerous. That was after all an opponent with twenty
ranks of strength more than him. Moreover, Tai Nuo’s strength
was really a bit excessive. Most crucially, Tang San didn’t know
the opponent’s spirit abilities.

When Tai Nuo used his fourth spirit ability ‘Power Quake’,
even though Tang San reacted extremely quickly, in the end he
couldn’t completely avoid it. The surging energy currents and
the sand and stones splashing from the ground both caused him
considerable harm. However he forced down the reaction,
without showing the condition of his injury on the scene.

Tang San knew that if it wasn’t for his body being forged at
the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well for half a year, adding the
transformation from the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and

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Infernal Precious Apricot, he would’ve been unable to endure
even a single attack, and been struck down immediately.

Even relying on his endurance had barely been enough to

withstand the opponent’s attack. Tang San was far from well,
the energy channels within his body as if burning. Despite the
support of his spirit power and Eight Spider Lances, after
attacking Tai Nuo he had already been an arrow at the end of its

After barely managing to absorb the poison within Vigorous

Kind Tai Nuo’s body, how could he still stay at the scene? He
couldn’t manage to explain to the teachers, and returned here

Until now, just as he relaxed.

Standing there and gasping for breath, Tang San couldn’t

hold back a sigh. Despite taking the immortal treasure herbs, as
well as with the support of Eight Spider Lances and the Tang
Sect techniques, the spirit power gap still wasn’t so easily

If in case he encountered an opponent with a spirit that just

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countered his own, he wouldn’t be able to obtain victory like

However, the fight today had let Tang San ascertain one
thing: the other ability of Eight Spider Lances, Drain.

As early as the first time Tang San experimented with Eight

Spider Lances he could somewhat sense that Eight Spider
Lances seemed to absorb some energy from that big tree. And as
he used it a few times later, Tang San discovered that once Eight
Spider Lances had pierced into the opponent, it would absorb
and give him a certain energy, even though this wasn’t too
clear, and moreover this energy would disappear after a time, it
was still there.

Like just now, whether it was when Tang San pierced Tai Nuo
or removed the toxin, Tang San had this kind of feeling. The
absorption of Eight Spider Lances apparently absorbed the
opponent’s energy, and after absorbing it could last for about an
hour or so.

He had never drained deliberately, this was just something the

Eight Spider Lances provided him.

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Tang San really wanted to try it, the effect if he completely
drained an opponent with his Eight Spider Lances. But it was
after all very rare to meet opponents he had to kill, and just in
case the Eight Spider Lances drain ruined the opponent, it
would be a grave disaster to his inner qualities.

Today’s conflict with the Tai family father and son, it was
nothing more than a common conflict.

“Ge, are you alright?”

Xiao Wu forced her way through the door, and with one look
at Tang San coughing up blood she hurriedly supported his arm.

Tang San shook his head with a smile,

“It’s nothing, I just suffered a bit of shock. Tai Long’s father’s

strength was one of the most powerful I’ve encountered among
Spirit Masters. Such a complete strength Spirit Master would
have an extreme cultivation method, otherwise if he was a bit
faster, I might have lost.”

Xiao Wu led Tang San to sit on the bed,

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“Ge, you actually prevailed over a Spirit King. It’s already
caused a sensation in the Academy. If you hadn’t run away
quickly, by now you might be surrounded by a herd of students
and teachers. When I chased after you I already saw several
teachers negotiating with Tai Nuo. I fought a lot of people
before at Nuoding Academy, but I still never saw someone’s
family come out. Ge, this time you beat Tai Long’s father, won’t
his grandfather really come out?”

After speaking the last line, Xiao Wu couldn’t help first

smiling. Tang San also smiled, his impression of Tai Long’s
father wasn’t bad, and if Tai Nuo hadn’t insulted Xiao Wu he
wouldn’t have launched such a powerful poison attack. Even
Tang San himself didn’t quite dare believe he could defeat a
Spirit King.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San sitting opposite her on the bed,

and unhappily said:

“I don’t know where that Big Sausage Uncle has run off to,
he’s gone just when he’s needed.”

Tang San drew in a sharp breath, his internal organs

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cramping. He knew the injuries he had sustained weren’t light,

“Xiao Wu. You go back to rest first, I want to cultivate a bit to

alleviate the injuries to my energy channels.”

“No, I’m not leaving. I’m staying here to watch you, otherwise
what if someone comes looking for trouble? Ge, you cultivate,
I’ll keep watch over you.”

Tang San nodded, sitting crosslegged on the bed, congregating

the Mysterious Heaven Skill within his body and slowly
circulating it.

Tai Nuo finally departed Shrek Academy leaning on Tai

Long’s arm. He didn’t know how long it had been since he last
felt this weak. Even though the poison was gone, it still seemed
to have exhausted him to the point where even walking was an

Humiliation, disgrace, pain, unwillingness, all kinds of

emotions filled his chest. How could he have expected to
actually stumble into a ditch, losing to a still not even fortieth
rank youth, that kind of feeling was even more difficult to
endure than the physical pain.

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Tai Long supported his father’s arm, not daring to speak a
single word. Once Tai Nuo had handed over the money for
restoring the ground in front of the Academy gate, those
teachers had let them leave. They had even given them a
preferential price for being an Academy student.

Fortunately Shrek Academy wasn’t near the city center, so

even though they had caused a lot of noise they still hadn’t
drawn the attention of the city guard.

Tai Long understood Tai Nuo’s current mood from

experience, he had felt much the same when he was beaten by
Tang San. But his father was both stronger and older than him,
and naturally his pain would be even deeper.

“Da, are you alright?”

While stepping far away, Tai Long cautiously asked. He was

very familiar with his father’s tempestuous temper.

But Tai Long was surprised to find that Tai Nuo didn’t vent
his anger on him and had a very serene expression,

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“Son, your loss wasn’t any injustice, even your father couldn’t
succeed. It’s no wonder you couldn’t beat him. Do you know
that kid’s background?”

Tai Long shook his head blankly,

“He came to class for the first time today. I-, I saw him sitting
next to Xiao Wu, that’s why I wanted to pick a fight with him.
You also know I like Xiao Wu.”

Tai Nuo stared at Tai Long,

“For the sake of a woman, you directly profited. How you are
like your father in those years. But you didn’t make a mistake,
for the sake of the woman you like you must advance bravely.
Back then I chased after your ma just like that. But in those days
I challenged a lot of Spirit Masters that were more powerful
than me. How it must vex you now to be unable to defeat
someone younger than you, this isn’t just the result of hard

Tai Long carefully disputed it:

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“But, father, I seem to be cultivating the fastest in the history
of our clan, even when you were my age you weren’t as strong
as me.”

“Scoundrel, what are you trying to say?”

Tai Nuo glowered.

Tai Long helplessly said:

“My meaning is that it isn’t your son not living up to

expectations, but rather that the opponent is too strong. I really
don’t know how that kid has cultivated, it seems he’s no more
than fifteen or sixteen, how could he possess such formidable
spirit power? Don’t tell me he’s a person from the seven great

Hearing his son’s words, Tai Nuo couldn’t help shiver in his
heart, lowering his voice to say:

“Let’s go back first. To my knowledge there isn’t any

formidable school with a Blue Silver Grass Spirit. I really

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wouldn’t have expected Blue Silver Grass to be able to become
this formidable. Especially those last several strands he used,
even my defense couldn’t completely block them, otherwise I
wouldn’t have been poisoned. Let’s go, we’ll go back to ask your
grandpa, maybe he knows.”


Tai Long’s facial expression immediately became bitter,

“No need. Father, we both lost so much face, if we let grandpa

know, he won’t just sort us out. Besides, if by some chance the
elder runs off to our Academy just like you, I won’t be able to
keep studying.”

Tai Nuo snorted,

“One of our clan’s strength is protecting weak points, so

what? You have an opinion? We have to inform your grandpa
about this. I still don’t believe a child is capable of being that
strong. Listen to what the elder says, visiting to stir up trouble
isn’t losing face. Losing face is stirring up trouble and still
letting others leave. If your father can’t release this anger, it’ll
choke me to death.”

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The two sturdy silhouettes gradually disappeared into the
distance. Father and son both with faces swollen like pig heads,
complexions white like paper. It was really one sorry figure
after another.


Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School

Ning Rongrong sat on a sofa in the main hall and constantly

swung her slender legs, her red lips pouting so hard one could
hang a soy sauce jar from them.

She had been back for more than half a day but there wasn’t a
trace of her father, and her excitement was gradually

In front of Ning Rongrong was an old man with a withered

face slowly sipping tea. Even though he was sitting down, his
stature was still astonishing. It wasn’t that he had the
robustness of swelling muscles, but his whole frame was
extremely astonishing.

2601 Goldenagato |

When he sat in the originally very spacious sofa he clearly
made it seem narrow.

His clothes seemed to be entirely propped up by his skeleton,

muscles and skin were both withered, his eye sockets were deep
caves, and if seen late at night it would simply be like an
immense cranium. On his scalp were only a few sparse wisps of
white or grey hair. Where he could be ugly he was ugly.

“My little princess, don’t be angry. I’m sure your father will
be back quickly.”

The withered old man put down his teacup, speaking to Ning

His voice was extremely hoarse, like the wind rustling dead
leaves, giving listeners a bad feeling.

Ning Rongrong leapt up from the sofa, running over to sit in

the withered old man’s lap. With her fair skin, next to the
enormous old man she was like a doll. Raising her hands she
grabbed the old man’s white hair,

2602 Goldenagato |

“I don’t care, someone has been gone for so long, but when
returning with great difficulty daddy isn’t present. Isn’t he
deliberately hiding from me? Grandpa Bone, you have to back
me up.”

The shriveled skin on the withered old man’s face twitched

once, somewhat not knowing whether to laugh or cry saying:

“My little princess, you shouldn’t keep playing with that little
withered grass on your grandpa Bone’s head. Otherwise I’ll
really become bald, and be even more teased by that cheap
grandpa Sword of yours. You want me to support you, what can
I do, don’t tell me there’s still someone in the school who would
tease you?”

Ning Rongrong pondered, and said:

“This as well. Hmph, no matter, anyway once daddy returns

I’ll definitely have him give me something nice to appease me.
Grandpa Bone, you have to speak on my side.”

In order to keep the few remaining wisps of hair, the withered

old man had no choice but to helplessly nod repeatedly. If his

2603 Goldenagato |

current appearance was seen by outsiders from the Spirit
Master world, who knew how startled they might be. That the
most secretive among Title Douluo, Bone Doluo, would be
treated like this by a little girl, perhaps nobody would believe it
even if told.

“I knew grandpa Bone was the best.”

Ning Rongrong didn’t seem to feel a bit like this old grandpa
Bone was ugly, kissing him hard on the cheek and the jumping
off his lap.

Watching the lively Ning Rongrong, a warm indulgence was

revealed in the Bone Douluo’s eyes. He could be said to have
watched Ning Rongrong grow up, and this little she-devil’s
spoiled nature could be said to have been caused by him and
Ning Rongrong’s other grandpa Sword.

“I heard our little she-devil has returned? Where is she,

Rongrong, come quickly, let daddy have a look.”

At this moment someone finally arrived to lift the siege.

2604 Goldenagato |

Hearing this voice, Ning Rongrong first excitedly wanted to
run meet him, but then remembered she was still angry and
hastily faced in the other direction, turning her back to the

That charming appearance seemed a bit funny to the Bone

Douluo sitting on the sofa.

A timid and elegant middle aged man stepped into the hall
accompanied by a white dressed old man. If Tang San and Xiao
Wu had been here now they would certainly have recognized
him, precisely the person they met before at the auction house,
that even prince Xue Xing didn’t dare provoke.

And this man was also Ning Rongrong’s father, Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School’s master, enjoying the name of the
Continent’s foremost Support Spirit Master, Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi looked at his daughter and hurriedly walked


“Silly girl, what are you doing with your back to daddy. It’s
been a year. Daddy missed you so much!”

2605 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong turned around sharply,

“Missed me? It would be a wonder if you didn’t long for me to

be away from home.”

Ning Fengzhi seeing his seething daughter couldn’t help but

inwardly feel his heart fall. First sitting down on the sofa he
held out a hand to pull over his daughter, but didn’t expect Ning
Rongrong to turn around and dodge away.

Not catching his daughter startled Ning Fengzhi. Even though

he was an auxiliary system Spirit Master, reaching an enormous
spirit power of more than the seventieth rank still had powerful
transforming effect on his body, making him much stronger
than ordinary people.

Ning Rongrong had inherited his spirit and was also auxiliary
system. Even though he was only grabbing in passing, he still
didn’t move slowly, but he had actually been easily dodged by
his daughter.

Ning Rongrong wasn’t aware of her father’s shock and

directly turned to that white dressed old man, throwing herself
into his arms,

2606 Goldenagato |

“Grandpa Sword, Grandpa Sword, I’ve missed you to death.

Meeting her family again after a long time, Ning Rongrong

was after all a young girl. Moved, she immediately started to

The white dressed old man hastily drew her into a tight

“Good girl, my little darling, you’ve come back, grandpa

Sword also missed you! Missed you desperately.”

Ning Rongrong raised her head,


The white dressed old man firmly said:

“Of course really, if you don’t believe me just ask your

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grandpa Bone.”

Ning Rongrong blinked her clear big eyes,

“But, just now grandpa Bone told me, he missed me a little bit
more than you.”


The white dressed old man didn’t give the wizened old man a
bit of face,

“Clearly I missed you more.”

“You’re bullshitting.”

The wizened old man suddenly stood up from the sofa. His
terrifying height approached two meters fifty, and with his
hoarse voice he seemed even more frightful.

“Not convinced? Let’s go, we’ll find somewhere to settle it.”

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The white dressed old man stuck out his chest, glaring

“Alright, alright. Uncle Sword, uncle Bone, you’ve fought for

a lifetime. Rongrong just got back, just let it go today.”

Ning Fengzhi helplessly looked at the two old men in front of



The white clothed old man and wizened old man snorted
practically simultaneously. None of them looked at each other,
and both their gazes fell on Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong’s eyes were big and round:

“I have a way to prove which grandpa who missed me the


2609 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi clapped a hand to his forehead. A little she-devil
was after all a little she-devil, the place was lively as soon as she
was back. He couldn’t help saying:

“Rongrong, don’t be irresponsible.”

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue at her father, she was
clearly not a bit afraid of her dad. Otherwise she wouldn’t be
called the little she-devil in the first place,

“You didn’t miss me, and you won’t even let the grandpas
miss me! I’ve run back from far away and you’re not home.
Grandpas, like this, both of you give Rongrong a present, and
the one whose gift Rongrong likes the most, is the one who
missed Rongrong the most.”


The two old men looked face to face, inwardly simultaneously

recalling how they’d been maneouvered.

Ning Fengzhi restrained a smile and said:

2610 Goldenagato |

“Alright Rongrong, come here quickly. Let daddy have a look
at you. Who said daddy didn’t miss you. Daddy’s prepared a
present for you, but if you’re not a good girl you can’t have it.”

“A present? What is it?”

Hearing the word ‘present’, Ning Rongrong was clearly

interested at once, and ran over in front of her father.

Ning Fengzhi calmly raised his hand to pull in his daughter,

but who could have expected that Ning Rongrong would turn
around again, still dodging his hand. Pouting she said:

“The present first, otherwise no hug.”

This time it wasn’t just Ning Fengzhi who was startled, the
two old men both couldn’t help look at each other with shock.

Because of the special nature of the Seven Treasure Glazed

Tile Pagoda, even a Title Douluo couldn’t see how much spirit
power she had.

2611 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi’s heart twitched, and he asked:

“Rongrong, first tell daddy your spirit power rank. If you’ve

made progress, daddy can give you the present.”

Hearing her father ask about her spirit power, Ning Rongrong
immediately straightened with pride,

“Daddy, my natural talent is even better than yours. I haven’t

been goofing off in this year. My spirit power didn’t rise that
much, just a tolerable ten ranks.”

“So little. Rongrong, you must work hard, hold on, how much
did you say?”

Ning Fengzhi knew his daughter only too well. From

childhood what she disliked the most was cultivation. Even
though she had talent, she always had to be forced to train a
moment in exchange for all sorts of benefits.

As he became aware that Ning Rongrong said ‘ten ranks’, his

expression was disbelieving.

2612 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong blinked with her big eyes, and very innocently
looked at her father,

“I said ten ranks! It’s really not much, but I worked hard.”

Ning Fengzhi’s voice had changed slightly,

“Ten ranks? When you left you had twenty seven ranks. Then
you’re saying you’re already rank thirty seven? You wouldn’t lie
to daddy.”

Ning Rongrong said:

“Bad daddy, not believing others. Even if Rongrong was a bit

naughty before, I would never lie. If you don’t believe it, let
grandpa’s have a look.”

While speaking, she directly ran over in front of the white

dressed old man, holding out her little hand.

The white dressed old man grabbed Ning Rongrong’s hand,

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and after a little while his expression turned to surprise,

“Fengzhi, it’s true. This girl’s spirit power has reached the
thirty seventh rank. This really is too inconceivable. I’ve never
heard of someone that could gain ten ranks of spirit power in
one year. Even that kid called the youngest Spirit Master ever
couldn’t do it. Don’t tell me our Rongrong really is a genius? Or
is that Shrek Academy so awesome.”

Ning Rongrong curiously said:

“Grandpa Sword, how did you know I went to Shrek


The white dressed old man said:

“How couldn’t I know? You’re the darling treasure of our

hearts. Your daddy has always grasped your whereabouts.”

Ning Fengzhi’s expression had turned serious. Both he and the

two clan guests before him clearly understood the process of
Spirit Master cultivation.

2614 Goldenagato |

A Spirit Master who wanted to increase cultivation had to do
it step by step. Doing it too impetuously would lead to life
threatening danger.

The Spirit Master world also had a kind of nefarious

cultivation method, trading one’s own vitality for increased
cultivation speed. He in no way wished for his daughter to be
taught that kind of cultivation method at Shrek Academy.

If that was the case……

Thinking of this, there was a deadly energy in Ning Fengzhi’s


The white dressed old man and the wizened old man clearly
also thought of this possibility. Their expressions dropped

Ning Rongrong looked at the two grandpa’s, looked again at

her father, and somewhat baffled said:

“What’s going on with you? Why aren’t you saying

2615 Goldenagato |


Ning Fengzhi stood up, walking over to his daughter,

“Rongrong, immediately tell us everything about cultivating

at Shrek Academy over this past year, you can’t omit anything. I
want to know how you could improve this quickly.”

If his daughter had truly cultivated with that nefarious

method, it was after all only for one year. As the leading scholar
of auxiliary system Spirit Masters there might still be a way to
revert it.

Ning Rongrong baffled looked at her father,

“Daddy, is something wrong? I’ve cultivated properly. You

call me lazy, but I’ve gained this much spirit power now, so why
are you so nervous?”

Ning Fengzhi grimly said:

“I’m afraid you might’ve taken a wrong step. Daddy isn’t

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joking with you. Quickly tell me your entire cultivation

Even though Ning Rongrong ordinarily didn’t fear her father,

when Ning Fengzhi was truly serious she was still scared,

“Originally I secretly ran away to Shrek Academy. After

enrolling I discovered I was actually the weakest one.”

Ning Rongrong immediately began to talk about everything

that happened since entering Shrek Academy, giving an account
of her cultivation process at Shrek Academy. Regarding the
Shrek Seven Devils, she simply described them in a few

When Ning Rongrong talked about how the other Shrek

Seven Devils excluded her at first, the wizened old man to the
side couldn’t help saying:

“Rongrong, are you sure you didn’t make a mistake, were

those children with you there all stronger than you?”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

2617 Goldenagato |

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Our dean Flender has a
saying, Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, not ordinary
people. He calls us little monsters.”

The white dressed old man said:

“If it’s really like you say, then those little monsters of yours
really are little monsters. Shrek Academy indeed deserves its
reputation. But even like this I can’t believe he could teach you
to cultivate ten ranks of spirit power in one year.”

Ning Rongrong said:

“Just listen…... “

She talked about Grandmaster coming to Shrek Academy and

starting to advance their training. Listening to her description,
Ning Fengzhi and the two old men gradually displayed
expressions of sudden understanding. At the same time they
couldn’t help feeling inwardly admiring.

2618 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong spoke up to entering the new Shrek Academy
to cultivate,

“...... Two months ago. After I reached the thirtieth rank,

with the teachers’ help I obtained my third spirit ring.”

2619 Goldenagato |

Chapter 76 - Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School’s Astonishment

“Hold on.”

Ning Fengzhi interrupted Ning Rongrong,

“That Grandmaster really is a character. Your spirit power

grew by three or four ranks in one year under his instruction,
that’s still very ordinary. I greatly admire his education of you.
But according to what you said, two months ago you were still
at the thirty first rank. But two months later you’ve already
reached the thirty seventh rank, how did this come about?”

Ning Rongrong smiled mysteriously:

“Actually, half a month ago I was still at the thirty first rank.
These last six ranks were practically done in a day.”

“Rongrong, you mustn’t frighten grandpa.”

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The wizened old man couldn’t help opening his eyes wide. He
knew that the more that nefarious cultivation method increased
cultivation speed, the more vitality it consumed. Gaining six
ranks in one day, that might expend decades life.

A giggle escaped from Ning Rongrong:

“What are you up to, I still thought to give you a nice surprise
but how did it turn into alarm. It’s actually nothing. I just ate a
kind of herb and gained this much strength.”


Ning Fengzhi nervously questioned in detail:

“What herb?”

Ning Rongrong said:

“My third brother said that it was called something like

‘Beautiful Silk Tulip’. It’s a rare immortal treasure.”

2621 Goldenagato |

In Ning Fengzhi’s mind suddenly appeared two silhouettes he
had met just recently, it couldn’t be them?

“Beautiful silk tulip? Uncle Sword, uncle Bone. Have either of

you heard of this herb?”

The two old men shook their heads simultaneously with blank
faces. The wizened old man said:

“Perhaps, only that old poisonous thing Dugu Bo would know.

No good, Fengzhi, we have to examine Rongrong’s condition at
once. If by any chance her spirit power growth came at the cost
of her vitality, we have to think of a way to deal with it at once.”

“Grandpa bone, I said there’s no need to be worried. My third

brother said that those herbs were all immortal treasures that
had absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, with a powerful
effect on the foundations. Not only wouldn’t they cause harm,
they would even consolidate the foundations. Forget about it. I
won’t hide it anymore. I’ll let you have the real surprise. After
you’ve seen this you won’t doubt it again.”

While speaking, Ning Rongrong slowly raised her right hand.

2622 Goldenagato |

Dazzlingly beautiful multicolored rays of light began to coalesce
at her palm.

Watching the light condense in his daughter’s palm, Ning

Fengzhi suddenly felt somewhat strange, but for a moment he
was unable to say where the strangeness came from.

At the dazzlingly beautiful pagoda were two yellow and one

purple, three spirit rings revolving in Ning Rongrong’s right
hand. The dazzling splendor immediately made the hall become
even brighter.

Before Ning Fengzhi could look closer, the white dressed old
man at his side cried out in surprise,

“Nine layers and nine colors, Nine Treasure Glazed Tile



Ning Fengzhi had a greatly alarmed expression. He finally

understood what had made him feel strange, it was precisely the
colors in Ning Rongrong’s palm as she released her spirit.

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Different from the original seven colors, there were two more
than before. It had become nine colors, and the pagoda in her
palm right now had nine levels.

As the most powerful support spirit, the Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School actually had a secret, and this secret actually
related to their spirit.

Heaven was impartial, the effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed

Tile Pagoda on the battlefield was actually too frightful.
Therefore, it also had a flaw.

The reason why the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was
known as Seven Treasure was not only because it had seven
levels, even more important was that this spirit could only hold
up to seven spirit rings, two less than any other spirit. This was
also the reason why Ning Fengzhi, even as school master, only
had seventy ninth rank spirit power, the main reason he had
never been able to break through to the next level.

In the legends of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, if by

some stroke of luck the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda
could evolve to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, not only
would it strengthen the spirit’s own foundations, it would also
have an even vaster space. Once a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile

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Pagoda Spirit Master reached the nine ring Title Douluo level,
he would possess the title of support god, with the strength to
turn the tide of any battle.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi no longer had to worry about

his daughter. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda already
proved that Ning Rongrong’s vitality hadn’t been cut short, on
the contrary it had substantially increased, and her foundations
had further become incomparably stable. Right now this Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School master’s heart suffered from a
completely different kind of shock. How could he have expected
that the dream he had held for his entire life would appear with
his daughter. The happiness had appeared too suddenly, and he
was now completely lifeless.

It wasn’t just Ning Fengzhi who was moved. The two old men
also became equally excited. Both looking at the pagoda in Ning
Rongrong’s hand, for a while they didn’t know what to say.

The jewel light faded as Ning Rongrong withdrew her spirit,

“You should believe me now. How would third brother harm

me? It’s not just me, each of us got a heavenly treasure herb,
everyone’s spirit power increased very quickly, boss Dai even
already broke through the fortieth rank, and he’s just sixteen.”

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“Beautiful Silk Tulip, Beautiful Silk Tulip. What kind of
treasure is that? It can actually promote my daughter’s seven
treasure to nine treasure. Such a herb is absolutely worthy of
being called an immortal treasure.”

“Daddy, weren’t you going to give me a present? Hand it over


Ning Rongrong held out her hand, wagging it in front of Ning


Ning Fengzhi stretched his hand into his chest pocket, taking
out the Powder Shooting Shadow and Silent Sleeve Dart he had
purchased just today at the auction and gave them to Ning

“I bought these today at the auction. Although the power of

these two weapons isn’t all that great, they can still provide a
certain protection. Yi, Rongrong, why are you looking at daddy
with such an expression?”

“Powder Shooting Shadow, Silent Sleeve Dart. Daddy, how

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did you get third brother’s hidden weapons?”

How couldn’t Ning Rongrong recognize Tang San’s trademark

hidden weapons?

“This was made by that third brother of yours?”

Inwardly Ning Fengzhi thought that it was indeed the case,

that seemingly common youth was actually really such a

Ning Rongrong pulled up her sleeve, exposing the Silent

Sleeve Dart on her left wrist,

“Look, isn’t this the same? These two are still the most
ordinary. I’m still wearing several kinds that are more
powerful. Coming back this time is because I missed you, and
another matter, I was preparing to ask daddy whether we could
equip our directly related clansmen with these hidden weapons.
If used properly they will have a lot of power.”

Ning Fengzhi slowly drew in a breath, his expression

revealing a somewhat serious light,

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“I really want to know, this third brother of yours, precisely
what kind of genius he is.”

The white dressed old man thought about it deeply:

“If he’s really outstanding, he might a candidate for grandson-


Ning Rongrong’s charming face blushed,

“Grandpa Sword, don’t talk nonsense. Third brother’s heart is

already taken. How might he and I be. I……”

At this moment, even Ning Rongrong herself was surprised to

find Oscar’s, so handsome that even women would be jealous,
face appearing in her mind. Even though he didn’t have Dai
Mubai’s ferocity or Tang San’s comprehensiveness, every time
Ning Rongrong recalled Oscar pushing her down below him the
time they confronted the Titan Giant Ape she couldn’t keep her
heart from throbbing. However, even she didn’t dare lightly
offend the clan rules.

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“Let’s go. We’ll step outside and you can let me see those
‘hidden weapons’ you brought back.”


The four entered the courtyard, and Ning Fengzhi ordered

that nobody should enter, then turned to his daughter:

“Rongrong, how do you want to try it?”

Ning Rongrong thought about it, then her gaze lacking any
good intentions fell on those two grandfathers,

“Grandpa Sword, it would be better for us to try it. You’re so

awesome, you wouldn’t get injured.”

The white dressed old man smiled slightly, saying:

“That’s not certain, these old bones of your grandpa Sword

aren’t as sturdy as your grandpa Bone.”

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The wizened old man curled his lips disdainfully,

“Since you’re scared, let me do it.”

The white dressed old man glared at him,

“Praise you a bit and you’re in high spirits. Step aside. I’ll
accompany our little princess. Girl, use those hidden weapon
somethings freely. Grandpa will defend.”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:


Flicking her wrist, with a dim flicker of light from the spirit
tool on her wrist, that Godly Zhuge Crossbow fell into her hand.

She naturally didn’t need to think about whether she might

hurt the white dressed old man. These two elders could be said
to be the supporting pillars of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School. They were the guardians of the school. The white
clothed old man’s Title was Sword, named Chen Xin. The Title

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Douluo praised as the strongest attack, his spirit power had
reached the ninety sixth rank. The wizened old man was Titled
Bone, named Gu Rong. Widely known as using crafty
transformations, his spirit power had reached the ninety fifth
rank. They were two of the strongest powers of the current age,
and that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School could rank
among the seven great clans was admittedly related to their
superlative supporting spirit, but it was absolutely also
inextricably linked to the support of these two Title Douluo.

The Spirit Hall’s evaluation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

School was such, when Sword and Bone joined and the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School master appeared, a flicker became
an unparallelled light.

Consider, two power attack system Title Douluo under the

support of the strongest Auxiliary Spirit Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda, how many people could stand up to them?

The white dressed old man, Sword Douluo Chen Xin, raised
his hand, looking at Ning Rongrong with a smile, indicating she
could begin.

Ning Rongrong wasn’t polite, quickly arming the Godly Zhuge

Crossbow, a series of resounding noises echoing.

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Ning Fengzhi’s gaze never left his daughter. Just as the
arming was almost done, suddenly Ning Rongrong’s left wrist
moved slightly, three black shadows shooting out, shooting at
Chen Xin’s chest in a triangular formation.

“Pretty good.”

Sword Douluo Chen Xin didn’t even move. Just as those three
silent sleeve darts were about to hit him, suddenly the air
seemed to distort slightly and the three silent sleeve darts
simultaneously froze in midair. The next moment they fell to
the ground in six pieces, each dart split open.

That was sword energy, bursting from within his body. He

didn’t even use his spirit.

But the moment the three silent sleeve darts quietly fell to the
ground, completely opposite to their silence, powerful buzzing
sounds accompanied by metal noises erupted in an instant,
sixteen pitch black iron essence crossbow bolts launching from
the Godly Zhuge Crossbow. The sonorous noises had only just
risen when the crossbow bolts already reached the Sword

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The white clothed old man Chen Xin started slightly,
subconsciously raising his right hand. Several decades of
fighting experience allowed him to sense the opponent’s attack
power from the slightest hints, how could someone whose forte
was attack ignore the opponent’s strike?

Fingers like a knife, turning over the palm of his right hand, it
was as if the air was ripped apart as a white energy surged out of
his palm, in that instant it was like an enormous sword slashed
in front of him.

Dangdangdangdangdang—— A crowded series of explosions

echoed, the white light the Sword Douluo chopped out splashed
across the sixteen points in ripples. In the instant when the old
had faded and the new strength had not yet been born, Ning
Rongrong’s left had wiped at her chest, and with a delicate
buzzing sound a mist shot out from a gap in her clothes at her
chest, directly enveloping the Sword Douluo.

Chen Xin was distracted a moment,

“There’s poison?”

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Turning in place, although his right hand was extended he
still had his left hand, sweeping his left hand he not only
scattered the mist, but even the steel needles hidden within.

“Grandpa Sword is so good.”

Ning Rongrong excitedly ran over towards the Sword Douluo.

The Sword Douluo smiled slightly, saying:

“These hidden weapons really are pretty good, especially

those noisy crossbow bolts just now have excellent attack
power. If a Spirit Master under the fortieth rank was careless
they would be unable to withstand it.”

Ning Rongrong had already come within ten meters of the

Sword Douluo, and very proudly said:

“But of course. In the spirit arena, relying on the focused

attack of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow we defeated a fortieth level
Spirit Master team. The more people who use it at the same
time, the more formidable the power of the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow. However, this Godly Zhuge Crossbow still can’t

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threaten grandpa Sword!”

While speaking she stomped on the ground in an impetuous

manner, and three shadows suddenly quietly shot out from the
outside of her left thigh, and at the same time a flying dagger
shot out from the tip of her shoe. The throwing knife shot
straight at the Sword Douluo’s face, while those three noiseless
shadows attacked his three lower vitals.

By now Ning Rongrong was less than ten meters away from
the Sword Douluo. At this distance the hidden weapons were
only flashes. At the same time her other foot stomped down,
and a similar attack appeared once again just like a wave. The
goal was to find a moment when the Sword Douluo’s defense
was down.

The Sword Douluo somewhat exaggeratedly said:

“My god! Still not done!”

Both hands simultaneously separating at his chest, naturally

he wouldn’t release spirit power in front since that would injure
Ning Rongrong. Under his large sleeves appeared two sharp
points of spirit power, under the pull of air altogether two flying

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daggers and six delicate crossbow bolts were simultaneously
sent flying.

Gabeng, resounding metallic mechanical sounds echoed

practically simultaneously, the second volley of the Godly
Zhuge Crossbow had been quietly prepared by Ning Rongrong.
Another sixteen crossbow bolts flickered across the close range
in an instant, at the same time the Powder Shooting Shadow on
her chest erupted.

Crossbow bolts and steel needles formed a practically seamless

attack, as long as the Sword Douluo was even slightly careless
he would immediately suffer harm.


Chen Xin shouted,

“My body like the sword.”

Immediately, the courtyard seemed to be lit by a sun, intense

metallic luster suddenly erupted. The white clothed old man in
front of Ning Rongrong seemed to become like a metallic

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tornado, an ear piercing disharmonious sound rose at the same
time. All the hidden weapons in front of him, whether steel
needles or crossbow bolts, completely turned into scraps of
metal drifting through the air. And behind him, extending two
metres long and one chi wide, an enormous simple and
unadorned sword hung in midair. Two yellow, three purple,
four black, a full nine spirit rings coiled around it. This was the
Sword Douluo’s sword. A first rate tool spirit.

“Grandpa Sword is so awesome!”

Ning Rongrong stood in place clapping her hands. The instant

the Sword Douluo released his spirit she could clearly feel sharp
spirit power sweep past either side of her body. She knew full
well that if she had been an enemy, right now she might have
already been cut to pieces.

Watching Ning Rongrong run over to him, Sword Douluo

Chen Xin stroked Ning Rongrong’s head, saying with a smile:

“You’re also very awesome! Grandpa even had to pull out his
spirit. A Spirit Master at your level, let alone an auxiliary
system, even a power attack system might not be be able to
make me do that. These hidden weapons really are outstanding.
Especially their unexpectedness.”

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Ning Rongrong thought deeply and nodded:

“That’s right, my third brother said that hidden weapons

must be unexpected, taking advantage of the enemy being
unprepared they can display their greatest strength.”

Before she even finished speaking, Ning Rongrong’s nodding

motion seemed to become a bit bigger. With a gabeng sound, a
line of cold light shot out from her back, flying straight at the
Sword Douluo’s face.

It really was too close, even a power like the Sword Douluo
didn’t have a chance of dodging the mechanical Taut Back
Flower Adorning Crossbow. He could naturally defend, but his
spirit was really too potent. With Ning Rongrong this close, if
he used his spirit, Ning Rongrong would definitely be caught up
in the effect. With his tyrannical spirit’s capability, the little
princess in front of him would undoubtedly die.

The thought flashed through Chen Xin’s mind like a flash of

lightning, and helplessly he had no choice but to open his
mouth wide, biting down on that crossbow bolt.

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At this moment the Sword Douluo was just like Zhao Wuji
that time he suffered under Tang San’s hidden weapons, even
though the Taut Back Flower Adornment Crossbow was
powerful, it wasn’t at the level of the Sword Douluo’s teeth.
However, when the crossbow bolt was subjected to pressure it
squirted out the poison contained within, directly into the
mouth of the Sword Douluo.

Fortunately, this poison still wasn’t Tang San’s new edition,

but despite this the Sword Douluo immediately felt his tongue
go completely numb, and with great alarm his figure flickered,
simultaneously spitting out the venom and crossbow bolts to
the side while opening up the distance to Ning Rongrong.

Seeing the Sword Douluo’s panicked appearance, Ning

Fengzhi and Bone Douluo Gu Rong both jumped with fright,
hastily going over. Ning Rongrong also hadn’t expected that
such a formidable Sword Douluo would actually be taken in,
and immediately panicked, running over towards the Sword

“Don’t, don’t come over girl. Grandpa Sword’s old bones can’t
stand being thrown around again!”

The Sword Douluo spoke unclearly, at the same time swiftly

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condensing the spirit power within his body, instantly forcing it
into his tongue to remove the poison. He had no choice but to
bite the tip of his tongue, spitting the purple black venom to the
side along with blood, and his complexion eased somewhat.
Relying on his more than ninetieth ranked spirit power, even
the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo’s toxin might not be able to affect
him, to say nothing of this little poison. But having poison
forced into his mouth this suddenly still wasn’t anything the
Sword Douluo had expected.

“Rongrong, kneel.”

Ning Fengzhi yelled sternly.

Ning Rongrong didn’t dare step forward, kneeling neatly and

pitifully on the ground, the rims of her eyes red, tears about to
flow out.

The Bone Douluo seeing this scene couldn’t stand to stay

uninvolved, and with a flicker immediately reached Ning
Rongrong’s side, pulling her into an embrace,

“Fengzhi, why are you like this, it’s all that old geezer Chen
Xin’s fault, how could you blame our Rongrong? Just what is

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called ‘there can never be too much deception in war’. This just
proves the effect of those hidden weapons even better.
Rongrong, well done, you let grandpa Bone vent his anger.
Haha, I haven’t seen your cheap grandpa Sword cut such a sorry
figure in years. You sure enough have your grandpa Bone’s sly
pragmatic elegance.”

“Uncle Bone, you……”

Ning Fengzhi was speechless, he didn’t know how many times

he’d seen the same scene before. Every time he was going to
discipline his daughter, both uncle Sword and uncle Bone would
immediately interfere, and these two grandee’s were people
even he didn’t dare offend.

Ning Rongrong slipped out of the Bone Douluo’s embrace,

quickly running over in front of the Sword Douluo. This time
she knelt on her own in front of him without Ning Fengzhi
saying anything, tears rolling down her face,

“Grandpa Sword, it was Rongrong’s mistake. You punish


Seeing the panic and remorse in his daughter’s eyes, Ning

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Fengzhi couldn’t help staring blankly. In his impression, this
little she-devil type daughter of his would never admit a
mistake. It seemed that this trip to Shrek Academy really wasn’t

The Sword Douluo had also gradually calmed down by now,

clean of poison after spitting out the excess before. Hurriedly he
held out a hand to pull up Ning Rongrong.

“Good Rongrong, don’t cry. It was grandpa Sword who lacked

skill, how could we blame you? We agreed to test the hidden
weapons. You didn’t do anything wrong! This hidden weapon
really was unexpected.”

Saying this, his gaze turned to Ning Fengzhi at his side,

“School master, if possible we should have this hidden

weapons making young man join the school at any cost.”

The Sword Douluo’s last words were very serious, and by how
he addressed Ning Fengzhi as ‘school master’ could be seen just
how much importance he attached to this matter.

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Ning Fengzhi nodded earnestly. Being able to rely on these
external weapons to force a Title Douluo to use his spirit and
even suffer, just how great an effect would these hidden
weapons have? Admittedly it was because the Sword Douluo
was worried about Ning Rongrong, but at the same time they all
knew that Ning Rongrong would use these weapons and had
somewhat guarded against them. If they confronted an enemy,
and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s direct disciples had
never before had the ability to attack, then suddenly brought
out these hidden weapons, what kind of scene would that be?

Ning Fengzhi was definitely considered a wise school master.

Making a snap decision he said to Ning Rongrong:

“Rongrong, don’t speak of this matter to anyone in the school

for the moment. Tomorrow I’ll follow you to your Shrek
Academy, and we’ll properly settle this with your third

Ning Fengzhi’s heart was burning. Today his daughter really

had brought back too many surprises. Before even speaking of
these hidden weapons, the variation of his daughter’s spirit, or
perhaps to say its evolution, attaining the Nine Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda level was by far the most important to the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School. He looked forward to meeting the
youth who had given Ning Rongrong all of this. No matter how,

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as her father, he had to express that, looking at Ning Rongrong’s
spirit alone, Tang San had already made a gargantuan favor for
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. At the same time, Ning
Fengzhi still secretly had another notion. If he could truly
recruit this genius youth, then perhaps in a few decades the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile would have another Title Douluo as

The lifespan of a Title Douluo was admittedly a bit longer

than an ordinary person, but it was after all finite. Whether it
was the Sword Douluo or the Bone Douluo, both were already
over eighty. A few more decades might not be cause for concern,
but after those decades? He had to ensure there would be
someone to take over for him in regards to his daughter!


At the same time as Ning Rongrong’s return caused a change

in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Tang San was
continuously cultivating.

The wounds he had suffered really weren’t light. After Tang

San returned to the dorm he continuously cultivated until early
the next morning before awakening.

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Slowly opening his eyes, he could see by the light outside the
window that it was already dawn.

Drawing a deep breath, Tang San sensed the condition within

his body and was gratified to discover that the internal pains
had completely faded. Everything was back to normal. The
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot
under the effect of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well had caused a
sky and earth turning transformation to his body. Not just his
surface skin becoming even more durable, but at the same time
making his internals far beyond those of ordinary people.

Just like Tang San said himself, while the effect of an

immortal treasure herb wasn’t meager, two extreme immortal
treasures fused together had an effect that even approached the
immortal treasure among immortal treasures, Yearning
Heartbroken Red. But because of the ice and fire energies
contained within, they had to be absorbed bit by bit. That might
take an entire lifetime for Tang San.

His gaze fell on a paper on top of the dorm table. On the paper
was one of Oscar’s big sausages. On the other bed, Oscar was
quietly cultivating, having returned at some point.

Tang San picked up the paper and sausage from the table,

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looking at the graceful handwriting.

“Ge, Oscar’s back, I’ll return first. Eat his sausage after you
wake up. I’ll come see you early tomorrow —— Xiao Wu.”

Reading the brief not, Tang San couldn’t help but feel a
warmth in his heart. Gobbling down the sausage he felt his body
heating, finally removing the last traces of discomfort.

As his spirit power improved, all of Oscar’s sausages also had

increased effect. Besides its use as food, this recovery sausage’s
recovery capability had also improved a lot.

Folding the note into his chest, Tang San quietly left the room
and exited the dormitory. Using several footholds left behind
from the building’s construction, in a few leaps he reached the

Right now was just when the sky showed the first glimmers of
dawn, on the horizon only just floated a trace of white.
Naturally circulating the Mysterious Heaven Skill within his
body, after connecting the Penetrating Meridian, Mysterious
Heaven Skill’s speed had increased by a lot. Tang San was
gradually covered in a white misty luster congregating at his

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eyes, Purple Demon Eye gradually releasing light under the
support of Mysterious Heaven Skill.

The white light on the Eastern horizon gradually became

clear, and the purple in Tang San’s eyes also gradually grew
more intense. Besides the original purple, there was still a layer
of faint golden splendor. Along with purple qi gradually rising
on the whitening horizon, the light in Tang San’s eyes also
became more intense.

The purple gold light shot out from within his eyes like two
light beams, spouting out a full one chi or so from within his
eyes, the light fluctuated, and along with the withdrawing and
discharging process it seemed to be able to easily absorb the
purple qi from the East.

Under the effect of the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, the
Purple Demon Eye had made a qualitative leap. Even though
looking from the outside right now, Tang San’s eyes were
shooting out and taking in purple golden light, to his own point
of view everything around him became extremely distinct. His
Purple Demon Eye had formally entered the third tier, mustard
seed. When used right now, before his eyes was a completely
abundant stage, a world with all the colors in profusion, he
could even clearly distinguish particles of dust in seemingly
empty air.

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After entering the second tier, even though Tang San had
cultivated every day he had only made minute progress with his
Purple Demon Eye. Now with the assistance of the Full Moon
Wearing Autumn Dew, his early morning practice gave him a
feeling of moving a thousand li in one day, as if he could see the
purple qi in the horizon fly into his eyes, and that purple golden
light in the depths of his eyes gave even more of a feeling of
seeing through peoples’ hearts and souls.

The purple qi came quickly and left just as quickly. As those

purple wisps quietly passed, the purple golden light in Tang
San’s eyes didn’t withdraw. He discovered that he could
actually rely on his conscious control to see everything up to a
kilometer away, even the early morning mist was unable to
hinder his penetrating gaze.

After that day when he used the Full Moon Wearing Autumn
Dew, Tang San had felt his Purple Demon Eye gain something,
but until now he hadn’t completely understood it. But that
certainly wasn’t as simple as improving eyesight.

Drawing a deep breath, the white energy around him flowed

into his mouth just like rivers running into the sea. After the
Mysterious Heaven Skill circulated in his energy channels three
times it slowly submerged into his dantian. One night of

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cultivation along with Purple Demon Eye improving seemed to
have somewhat strengthened his Mysterious Heaven Skill as a

He showed a faint smile, at this rate he might truly be able to

reach the highest stage of Mysterious Heaven Skill. Moreover
this shouldn’t take too long. After all, right now he still wasn’t

When Tang San returned to his dorm, not only had Oscar
woken up, but Xiao Wu had also come. Seeing that Tang San
had his customary expression, Xiao Wu immediately seemed to

Oscar said with a wry smile:

“Little San, I’ve really had to suffer when you were injured
this time. Just now Xiao Wu came and shook me awake,
demanding to know where you were. Don’t tell me she doesn’t
know you go out to cultivate every morning?”

Xiao Wu blushed,

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“What do you understand, this is just being concerned. Ge, are
you completely alright?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“I’m fine.”

Xiao Wu smiling said:

“Then we’ll go eat breakfast. Big sausage uncle, you just

continue cultivating.”

Oscar unhappily said:

“Cultivating farts, I’ll go eat with you as well. Eh, that’s right.
Little San, I heard yesterday you got rid of a fifty eighth rank
Spirit King? That’s too incredible.”

Tang San smiling said:

“It’s not as easy as you think. First of all the opponent was

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careless and didn’t look at me clearly. Luck had a major part in
defeating him. That was a full strength type Spirit Master,
perfectly restrained by my control system. Despite this I still
had to rely on poison and Eight Spider Lances to barely come
out on top. If we went at it again I would almost certainly not be
his match. The power of hidden weapons mainly relies on
surprise. As long as the opponent is prepared, with a spirit
power gap of twenty ranks I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Oscar grinned, saying:

“No matter what you say, you won this time. You really
gained honor for our Shrek Academy. Once we’ve brought back
victory from that Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand
Competition, our Shrek Academy might become one of the most
famous Spirit Master organisations on the entire Continent. We
also have to work hard. With your immortal herbs, I think that
in this half year before the competition we’ll all have the chance
to break through the fortieth rank. Come on, let’s go eat.”

The immortal treasure herbs brought a good opportunity for

the extremely gifted Shrek Seven Devils. They were all talents,
and further adding this assistance of the essence of heaven and
earth, among their peers there was already no one who could
surpass them.

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The three left the dorm, and as they walked Tang San said:

“That Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition might not

be so easy. Although our strength is pretty good, we will still
have to deal with twenty five year old Spirit Masters. Who
knows how many geniuses are on the Continent? Let alone
others, the Emperor Team is about as strong as us, by the time
of the competition they might also all have reached the fortieth
rank. This time I’m afraid they won’t give us the chance for
another sneak attack. As long as Yu Tian-Heng and those two
Black Tortoise Spirit Masters can display their strength, they’ll
also be very difficult to deal with.”

(尘心) “Earth Heart”

(古榕) “Ancient Banyan tree”

(下三路) Chest (heart), abdomen (spleen, liver), and genitalia.

2652 Goldenagato |

Chapter 77 - Vigorous God, Grandpa Really

Oscar said:

“That’s a problem for you and boss Dai, all I can do is hand
out sausage. One of you is captain and the other the director,
you think of something. Actually, I feel level isn’t a major issue,
the crux is that our team has two Support Spirit Masters. This
might improve you others’ strength as a whole, but at the same
time we have one less fighter than other teams. We’ll always be
at a disadvantage.”

Xiao Wu said:

“We might not be at a disadvantage, you’re forgetting about

Rongrong’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, eh, no, now it
should be Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. She already has
her third three spirit ability, that’s another ten percent support
for us overall, furthermore there’s still a type of amplification,
enough to counteract the gap in numbers.”

While listening to Xiao Wu mention Ning Rongrong, Oscar

couldn’t help but show a strange expression,

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“Rongrong left yesterday morning, I don’t know when she’ll
be back. I fear her family won’t let her return. She’s after all a
girl, and so young at that, I’m afraid her father won’t be at ease.
Rongrong’s father has a daughter like her, perhaps she will be
the heir of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

Hearing Oscar, Tang San and Xiao Wu couldn’t help looking

distracted a moment. Xiao Wu said:

“Unlikely. If Rongrong doesn’t return, then won’t our Shrek

Seven Devils be one person short?”

Oscar said with a wry smile:

“Who can say for sure? Of course I also want her back. Xiao
Wu, you and Rongrong have always shared a room. Do you
think I have any chance when chasing her? If there isn’t a bit of
hope I’d cut short my own notions as soon as possible to save
greater pain later.”

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, saying:

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“Don’t go talking to me about this. Rongrong also never
talked to me about it. However, I think she definitely has a good
impression of you. But I still can’t talk about feelings. You’ll
have to ask her yourself! You’re a big boy, there’s nothing to be
scared of. Won’t it be alright if you ask clearly?”

Oscar nodded,

“You’re right. If she returns this time, I’ll definitely ask her.
I’ll take advantage of us being young to possess her. Otherwise,
once we’ve left the Academy I might have even less of a

“What are you calling ‘possessing’? Sounds really


Xiao Wu snapped at him with a glare.

Oscar had recovered his customary smile by now, and it had to

be said that after he’d shaved, his appearance was unequalled.
Even Xiao Wu couldn’t help go stupid, inwardly cursing, ‘Die

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“What are you calling unpleasant to hear? Even if you won’t
say it, you’ve already done it yourself long ago! Don’t tell me
you dare say you haven’t taken possession of Tang San?”


Xiao Wu furtively glanced at Tang San at her side, just in time

to meet Tang San’s gaze. Hurriedly she turned her eyes away,

“Alright, don’t talk nonsense, let’s go eat quickly, I’m


The Academy naturally shared one dining hall, and even

though the three were very early, there were already some early
students eating breakfast.

When Tang San entered the dining hall he clearly felt the
atmosphere was somewhat odd. All the gazes of the students
looking at him were extremely strange. Some reverent, some
envious, some admiring, and still a lot of other things.

Even though Tang San seemed very unremarkable standing

next to Oscar, the students in the dining hall didn’t pay Oscar

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any attention. Especially the female students. If Xiao Wu had to
describe it, these female students were clearly making eyes.

After all, this was an Advanced Spirit Master Academy. Each

student was a Spirit Master. Moreover they were at least twenty
years old. A Spirit Master’s target for spouse would for the most
part be a Spirit Master. In the Spirit Master world, strength was
the source of everything. Appearance basically didn’t count for
anything in comparison. Appearance was only innate, but
formidable strength was in the end very rare, requiring
constant effort as well as innate talent.

Even though Tang San had depended a lot on luck in

yesterday’s battle, he had still defeated a fifty eighth rank Spirit
King. His own strength had also reached the thirty seventh
ranked, making him a well known figure in the entire Academy.
How couldn’t he arouse the attention of other students?

Right now, if it wasn’t for Xiao Wu at Tang San’s side being

too beautiful, as well as her fiercely warning gaze at her peers,
perhaps there would already be female students hitting on him.

Tang San simply swept his eyes across their surroundings, his
expression very quickly recovering to normal. His attitude
wasn’t just that of a thirteen or fourteen year old child, so

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naturally he wouldn’t be influenced by the outside world. The
three bought breakfast and sat down in a corner facing the

While Oscar ate he lowered his voice to say to Tang San:

“I really shouldn’t eat breakfast together with you.”

Tang San puzzled said:


Oscar didn’t hide his envy a bit,

“Haven’t you noticed all the schoolgirls are looking at you? As

if they’re itching to eat you. You should know that when you
aren’t here, these gazes are all on me.”

Xiao Wu pouted,

“You skirt-chaser, turn your head and I’ll tell Rongrong.

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Eating from the pan and still gazing at the pot. Don’t tell me you
still want to seduce women?”

Oscar’s face twitched, and he hastily adopted a deadpan


“Xiao Wu, don’t do something that can’t be taken back, if you

talk drivel in front of Rongrong, take care big brother doesn’t
talk drivel about you. How am I seducing women? I only look at
girls with a certain appreciation. Besides, they can’t compare to
my Rongrong. My Rongrong is a heavenly beauty. Only,
everyone has vanity, as a man how can’t I hope for the attention
of women my age?”

Xiao Wu snorted unhappily, poking Tang San at her side,

“Ge, do you hope for the attention of other girls?”

Tang San basically didn’t seem to notice the signals Oscar

gave him, and immediately shook his head saying:

“I don’t, I don’t want to go looking for trouble for myself. Just

take a look at Mubai and Zhuqing. If it wasn’t for Mubai having

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all those girlfriends, maybe Zhuqing wouldn’t always act like
that towards him.”

Hearing Tang San say this, Xiao Wu was immediately proud of

herself, looking down her nose in Oscar’s direction,

“See, my Ge isn’t as filthy as you. You’re a vulgar Big Sausage

Uncle, my Ge is a clear as ice and clean as jade Thousand Hands

“Eh…… Xiao Wu, just eat breakfast, don’t make me spit out
my food, alright. Is ‘clear as ice and clean as jade’ used to
describe men?”

Xiao Wu giggled, saying:

“Then what description should be used? Untainted by even a

speck of dust?”

Oscar immediately raised the rice bowl in his hands,

“Really can’t stand it, shouldn’t I change places. Xiao Wu, you

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really are your Ge’s most fanatic worshipper. Perhaps you’d
even say his farts are fragrant.”

Xiao Wu angrily said:

“You fart, some people are trying to eat. Watch it or I’ll give
you a Waist Bow, send you flying through the window.”

“Don’t, you scare me.”

Oscar again put down the rice bowl on the table, asking Tang
San in a low voice:

“Tell me, little San, how did you train Xiao Wu to be so hell
bent on you? Teach me a bit, alright? If Rongrong could be like
this with me, I could truly die happy.”

Tang San shot him a glance, swallowing a mouthful of food,

“I’ll give you one word: Sincerity. If you let others feel you
treat them with sincerity, then others might treat you the same
way. Actually, little Ao, you might not think so, but I can see

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that Rongrong treats you a bit differently than us. I discovered
that when we left Star Dou Great Forest. You must work much
harder. Chasing after Rongrong can’t be so simple, behind her is
after all the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Besides having
her treat you well, you still have to increase your own strength
as far as possible, this way you can gain the approval of
Rongrong’s family.”

Oscar nodded earnestly,

“En, this is a very constructive suggestion. I will consider it


“Tang San, is Tang San here?”

While the three were eating and chatting, suddenly several

Shrek Academy students came running in from the outside,
shouting and screaming as they entered the dining hall.

“Looking for me?”

Tang San stared blankly, he definitely didn’t know these

students. To be precise, at the Shrek Academy, besides the other

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Shrek Seven Devils, he only knew Tai Long who had fought
with him yesterday.

The students running into the hall very quickly caught sight
of Tang San and immediately ran over without hesitating, the
student in front yelling loudly:

“Tang San, quick, go see quickly. Tai Long and the others are
back again.”

Tang San looked distracted a moment, unable to keep a trace

of anger from rising within,

“What? They’re still not done? Tai Long’s father came here

Even though he was resigned to another battle, he was himself

afraid he would be able to win over Vigorous King Tai Nuo. But
don’t forget that now he had Oscar at his side, he only needed
Oscar to provide him with flying mushrooms to be able to
utilize the greatest advantage of his hidden weapons. Once Tai
Nuo was poisoned, then victory was still his. The greatest flaw
of strength type Spirit Masters was speed and attack range, as
long as he could grasp this part they weren’t scary. To be

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precise, strength type Spirit Masters could best display their
power in large scale battles.

The students came running over to Tang San, their

expressions extremely grotesque. The leader said:

“It’s not just Tai Long’s father that came, this time even his
grandfather is here.”

“No way.”

Xiao Wu and Oscar cried out in one voice.

Tang San and Tai Long’s duel was after all only an internal
conflict between two Academy students, even though Tai Long
hadn’t been lightly beaten, Tang San had still started off
leniently, at least not causing him any permanent injury. After
defeating Tai Nuo yesterday he had also immediately helped
with detoxification. Even though Tai Nuo’s loss wasn’t small, it
still wasn’t a matter of deep hatred and great regret.

Tang San’s heart twitched slightly, and he turned to Xiao Wu

at his side:

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“Xiao Wu, go find vice dean Zhao Wuji. Little Ao, let’s go take
a look.”

Flender and Liu Erlong had both followed Grandmaster and

Dai Mubai to hunt spirit beasts. With them gone, the Academy
affairs would naturally fall on the vice dean from Shrek
Academy, and also presently the strongest at the Academy,
Motionless Bright King Zhao Wuji.

Even though a Spirit Master’s strength wasn’t necessarily

proportional to their age, from Tai Long’s family’s inherited
spirit Tang San guessed that Tai Long’s grandfather very
possibly was a power, possibly even surpassing the seventieth
rank. He wouldn’t stand any chance against a seventieth ranked
opponent. This had to be settled by the teachers. At the same
time Tang San also wanted to see just what Tai Long’s family
was up to. Could it really be that their actions were directed at

Xiao Wu left swiftly, while Tang San and Oscar left the dining
hall in a crowd of students, quickly leaving together in the
direction of the Academy gate. In the dining hall was a lot of
students who still hadn’t finished their breakfast but couldn’t
stand eating, thinking that watching the event was even more

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Outside of the Shrek Academy gate, Tai Long and Tai Nuo
stood to either side of an old man. This elder had grizzled hair
and beard, the short hair standing out like steel needles at the
top of his head. His stature appeared about the same as Vigorous
King Tai Nuo, only his expression was even more abstruse.
Standing there he gave people a kind of not angry but forceful
impression. From the reverence in Tai Long and Tai Nuo’s eyes
as they looked at him, could be seen just what kind of position
this old man had in their family.

“Grandpa, I beg of you, go back. If it goes on like this I really

won’t be able to show myself at the Academy.”

Tai Long entreated his grandfather with a bitter smile.

That old man standing there between him and Tai Nuo was
indeed his grandfather, Tai Tan. He was also the clan head.

Tai Tan held his hands behind his back, shooting a cold glance
at his grandson,

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“Shut up.”

With just these two words he had completely forced down Tai

Let alone Tai Long, even Tai Nuo didn’t understand why this
grandfather absolutely insisted on following them to Shrek
Academy today. After returning yesterday Tai Nuo hadn’t dared
conceal anything and explained the whole matter. The result he
had obtained was a slap to the face from grandfather Tai Tan
and loss of face.

At first light this morning, Tai Long and Tai Nuo had both
prepared to sleep a while since their injuries hadn’t fully
recovered, but had been dragged up by grandfather and directly
brought to the Academy. Grandfather hadn’t told them what he
was up to, but even Tai Nuo could only keep quiet in front of his
overbearing manner.

Tai Nuo understood very clearly that this father of his wasn’t
someone with a good temper, that nature of shielding one’s
mistakes was even more difficult to deal with than his own. It
was very possible he would do something impulsive. Originally,
if it weren’t for this, then his clan wouldn’t have…… Thinking
of this, Tai Nuo couldn’t help secretly sighing, in his heart

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praying that grandfather wouldn’t be too rash. After all, that
Tang San was only a teenaged child. Grandfather wouldn’t be
too serious with him.

Right then was when Tang San and Oscar walked out from the
Academy in a crowd of other students.

The moment Tang San first saw grandfather Tai Tan, he

couldn’t keep his heart from contracting. Purple Demon Eye
upgrading to the mustard seed level allowed him to see not only
what was on the surface, in one glance he could see that this
grandfather was perhaps even more difficult to deal with than
he had imagined. Even though he was alone, standing there he
resembled a towering mountain, immovable.

“Who is Tang San?”

Tai Tan asked indifferently. Even though his voice was

somewhat aged, it still gave people a kind of sonorous feeling.
That wording brimming with force seemed to make even the air
in the surroundings vibrate.

“I am.”

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Tang San unhurriedly stepped forward, at the same time
pushing the spirit power within his body to its peak condition,
prepared to adapt to any situation.

“Yesterday it was you who injured my son and grandson?”

Tai Tan asked indifferently.

Tang San nodded once,


He didn’t want to explain more. From his point of view, when

such a formidable Spirit Master as this came to look for him
over such a matter, his explanations wouldn’t hold any


A light suddenly flashed in Tai Tan’s eyes, and an

incomparably forceful feeling abruptly erupted from his body.
Tai Nuo and Tai Long standing at his side couldn’t endure and

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were both simultaneously pushed back four or five steps before
they could stand steady. Including Tang San and Oscar, all the
Shrek Academy students collectively recoiled a step. The
atmosphere became thick like liquid in this instant.

“You injuring my son and grandson is all because of their lack

of skill. But my One Strength Clan isn’t so incompetent. As the
big I wouldn’t take advantage of the small, so how about we
make a bet?”

Tai Tan said calmly.

Tang San looked straight at the counterpart,

“What bet?”

Tai Tan casually waved his hand, and a stick of incense flew
out from his sleeve, flying ten meters straight like an arrow to
nail into the not distant Academy gate, the stick of incense
simultaneously igniting.

Seeing this scene, the Shrek students couldn’t help

simultaneously cry out in alarm, even Oscar couldn’t keep from

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cursing inwardly, ‘Fuck me.’

The Academy gate was actually cast from pure iron, how
much more frail was a stick of incense? Relying only on
strength throwing a stick of incense more than ten meters to
pierce the gate, without any damage to the stick of incense,
what kind of strength was this?

Tang San saw even more than others. The reason that stick of
incense ignited wasn’t because it had been lit in advance, but
because it had travelled too fast and ignited from the friction
with the air, but only his Purple Demon Eye was keen enough to
catch this minute detail.

“I won’t attack, I also won’t release my spirit. As long as you

can endure the pressure I release until this stick of incense has
burnt out, it will be your win. I’ll have Tai Nuo and Tai Long
kowtow to you in apology. If not, I want you to become a
member of our One Strength Clan.”

“This isn’t fair.”

Before Tang San could speak up, Oscar hurried to talk. He

knew Tang San’s character was even more resolute than Dai

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Mubai, if by any chance he agreed, he would be unable to take it
back. Glaring at Tai Tan he said:

“If you lose, your son and grandson only have to kowtow in
apology. Even though they’ll lose a bit of face, it’s still no great
loss to them. But if little San loses he will have to join your clan,
bound for a lifetime. How is this fair?”

Oscar deliberately lowered the pace of his speech so that the

stick of incense on the gate could burn a bit more. In petty
cleverness, even Tang San couldn’t compare to him.

Tai Tan calmly said:

“Then how do you think it should be done?”

His words weren’t directed at Oscar, but rather directly asked

Tang San.

Oscar hastily interfered:

“Very simple. If you lose, you’ll have them join Tang San’s

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“Oh? You also have a clan?”

Tai Tan looked at Tang San, his eyes revealing a trace of


This time, Tang San spoke up himself,

“I do, my clan is called Tang Sect.”

Tang Sect? Tai Tan searched his brain for a moment, but
didn’t have any memory of such a school. let alone a formidable
one. Immediately he believed that this was just a small
unremarkable little school. He immediately nodded without
hesitation, saying:

“Fine. It’s agreed. If I lose my son and grandson will join your
Tang Sect. If you are unable to endure, you need only withdraw
beyond a twenty meter range from me or fall to the ground. I
will withdraw my force.”

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Oscar’s eyes displayed a cunning light, quietly placing a
recovery sausage in Tang San’s hand, then quickly withdrew.
He was very clear about Tang San’s resistance, originally at
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy he had withstood a Spirit
Douluo’s pressure for a very long time, not just that of a stick of
incense. This old fogey also couldn’t be a Title Douluo. Even if
he also was a Spirit Douluo, Tang San could absolutely stand it.
Besides, he still had his recovery sausage.”

“Work hard little San, getting two slaves isn’t bad.”

As the person involved, Tang San didn’t have Oscar’s light

mood. Even though he had once at the thirty third rank endured
the powerful pressure a Title Douluo could produce, and
furthermore at this opportunity broken open his Penetrating
Meridian, he was certain that the pressure this old man would
give him would only be even greater. Because, he was also a
Spirit Douluo. At that time Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin had been a
control system Spirit Master, and hadn’t had such potent spirit
power. But Tai Tan’s whole family was pure strength type Spirit
Masters, the pressure he could produce couldn’t be mentioned
in the same breath.

Tai Tan didn’t seem to care a whit about the stick of incense
burning a bit during their previous discussion. After once again
indicating that Tang San should be careful, the surroundings

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began to change.

The students standing around watching the fight could all see
the air between Tang San and Tai Tan distort, rippling like a
water surface, but nothing could be felt. But in that instant
Tang San’s expression suddenly changed, completely
withdrawing a step. At the same time he immediately released
his spirit.

If speaking of the pressure Spirit Douluo Zhi Lin gave him as

an endless large river, then the pressure this Tai Tan gave him
was more like raging waves and swelling seas. Violently surging
berserk oppressive force filling every part of Tang San’s body in
an instant, Tang San could even hear his bones start to make
slight noises under the pressure.

Tai Tan’s fierce eyes displayed astonishment. In order to win

this bet he had released about sixty percent of his pressure from
the start. To him, the other party was just a thirty seventh
ranked Spirit Elder. This alone should already be enough to
suppress the enemy.

On the surface Tai Tan appeared extremely bold and

powerful, but in fact his mind was extremely meticulous. Since
coming here, even in the previous discussion and the proposal

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of the bet, he hadn’t said anything about what level of Spirit
Master he was. But he knew the rank of Tang San’s spirit

Yesterday after Tai Nuo and Tai Long had returned and
described their battles with Tang San, Tai Tan immediately
realized that Tang San definitely was a genius among geniuses.
Therefore he had come personally, regardless of his status. One
reason was to have a look at what kind of youngster Tang San
was after all, the other was also in the hopes of being able to
recruit him as a future power of his clan. His clan had already
begun to decline, to Tai Tan this was something that had to be

Tai Nuo’s nickname was Vigorous King, and Tai Tan’s title
was subsequently Vigorous God. His spirit was also a pure
strength type. At the same time, just like Tang San had
determined, his spirit power had already reached the eightieth
level, he was a formidable Spirit Douluo. His precise level was
eighty sixth rank.

Spirit Master cultivation all had their tendencies, just with

power attack system, defense system, control system, agility
attack system, food system, auxiliary system and so on had
differentiating aspects.

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But, no matter the tendency of that class, it was extremely
difficult to obtain spirit rings that all had only the one
additional attribute. Using Tang San as an example, although
the spirit rings for his Blue Silver Grass Spirit for the most part
aimed at increasing the resilience of his Blue Silver Grass,
following the route of the control system, the abilities that
appeared after adding spirit rings were all somewhat different.
This was caused by the diverse nature of spirit rings. Besides
resilience, Blue Silver Grass still had thorns, poison, spider web
and all kinds of abilities centering on toughness. Even though
they had a complementary effect, it couldn’t be denied that his
spirit rings didn’t follow one attribute.

Generally speaking, adding such spirit rings was the best

choice, it could grant a comprehensive growth within this
system. The spirit rings Tang San chose could be said to be the
result of undergoing Grandmaster’s careful calculations.

If one wanted to have spirit rings that all followed only one
additional attribute, there was only one possibility. That was to
obtain spirit rings from the same kind of spirit beast each time.
Finding a ten year strength type spirit beast wasn’t difficult.
Finding a hundred year spirit beast of the same type wasn’t
challenging. Even a thousand year level spirit beast of the same
type could be found. But, as this went on, finding successive
spirit beasts of the same type would become geometrically more

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Even more, following only one narrow path when adding
spirit rings would cause an extreme weakness. That was
singular capability. When confronting different opponents,
one’s adaptability would be short of ordinary spirit masters.
One would be powerful only in some respects.

However, following such a narrow path when adding spirit

rings would also grant the greatest advantage, to maximize this
one attribute.

Walking the route of strength type alone like the Tai family
trio, this was also precisely the meaning of the Strength Clan.
Tai Tan was eighty sixth rank, but even among Title Douluo
there weren’t many who could surpass him in strength. Just
like fifty eighth ranked Tai Nuo held the advantage over seventy
sixth ranked Zhao Wuji if one counted strength alone.

As a pure strength type Spirit Master, the pressure Tai Tan

released was naturally also based on strength. Even though it
would appear he didn’t use his spirit or any abilities, it seemed
to give Tang San a bit of respite. At the same time he gave
himself a time restriction. But in fact, facing a pure attribute
Spirit Master’s pressure was an extremely terrifying matter.

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Each time the air distorted, Tang San felt as if his body would
be pulverized by this immense pressure. This kind of feeling
hadn’t even appeared when he was confronting Dugu Bo. Even
though the pressure Dugu Bo gave Tang San was large, it was
mostly mental. But now facing Vigorous God Tai Tan, the
pressure was pure force.

Blue Silver Grass gushed out from Tang San. Just like last
time it covered his body in a large cocoon that undulated
rhythmically. Relying on his Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon technique, he did his utmost to limit the harm the
pressure caused him.

But Tang San very quickly discovered that as the pressure

grew, Blue Silver Grass’ effect grew less and less. It was already
very difficult to move the Blue Silver Grass in front.

The incense burned slowly as Tai Tan and Tang San

confronted each other, silently battling extremely dangerously.
The stick of incense still hadn’t even burned one third, but Tang
San’s clothes were already drenched through. Gritting his teeth,
he endured bitterly.

As time passed, Tai Tan’s grew more and more astonished.

The power he used had already increased from sixty percent of

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his full strength to seventy, let alone a thirty seventh ranked,
even a forty seventh ranked Spirit Master might not be able to
endure. This youth was unexpectedly even more outstanding
than he had imagined. It seemed he really had been right to
come here.

By now, Zhao Wuji and a crowd of teachers had already come

to the Academy gate led by Xiao Wu, and very quickly learned
the circumstances from the surrounding students.

“Teacher Zhao, quickly go stop them!”

Xiao Wu somewhat impatiently said.

Zhao Wuji’s gaze fell on Tai Tan, and his expression clearly
grew heavy. Shaking his head, he said:

“They’ve already made a bet, anything else has to wait until

their bet ends. Bets between Spirit Masters are sacred. If we
stopped them now, the when Tang San later joins the Spirit
Master world he would have no trust or standing. Only, why
would his opponent be this old fellow. I’m afraid this time will
be troublesome.”

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“You know him? Isn’t that Tai Long’s grandfather?”

Zhao Wuji gravely said:

“Of course I know this old fellow. Originally it was because I

accidentally injured his clansman, and was chased after him all
over the place, that I went with Flender to manage the Shrek

“What? He’s even more ferocious than you?”

When Xiao Wu heard Zhao Wuji say this she was immediately
somewhat panicked.

Zhao Wuji nodded with an ugly expression,

“This old fellow is extremely frightful, his strength is over the

eightieth rank, a Spirit Douluo. If it was some other Spirit
Douluo I would still have some confidence in risking it. But
confronting him, I wouldn’t have a chance. He’s a pure strength
type Spirit Master, and the terror of his strength surpasses even
most Title Douluo. If I, as another follower of the strength path,
met him, I wouldn’t even have the ability to hit back. The

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strength pressure he emits is even comparable to a Title Douluo.
It’s hardly possible to resist without sixtieth ranked spirit
power. That’s why I said little San is in a great deal of trouble
this time.”

“Then what’s to be done?”

Xiao Wu’s charming little face was red with anxiety. Right
now she couldn’t help recalling Da Ming and Er Ming. If the two
of them were here, would there be any need to fear that old
fellow’s strength? But, distant water wouldn’t help nearby
thirst, Zhao Wuji said a bet couldn’t be interrupted, so what
could be done? No good, no matter how she still couldn’t let
little San be injured.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu couldn’t help loudly shouting:

“Ge, if you can’t endure then concede.”

Tang San was naturally unable to reply to her, but when he

heard Xiao Wu’s voice his attention shifted slightly, and the
tremendous pressure immediately took advantage of the gap.
Tang San made a belching sound, spitting out a mouthful of
blood. Using his fastest speed to stuff the big sausage into his

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mouth, he chewed and swallowed. Relying on this spreading
heat of the recovery sausage, he just managed to endure without

When Zhao Wuji heard Xiao Wu’s shout he immediately knew

it was far from helping and hastily covered her mouth,

“Don’t disturb him. At this moment any external disturbance

will influence his attention. Little San is a clever child, he
certainly knows what to do. He still hasn’t hit the limit yet. If a
danger he truly is unable to endure appears, then he will act
without being told.”

Jacket rupturing, Eight Spider Lances rapidly extended from

Tang San’s back with their muted cold light. The lower four
spider lances thrust straight into the newly dug earth,
supporting his body. The upper four spider lances swayed
slightly, their red and white light becoming especially dazzling.

His Mysterious Heaven Skill was completely contained within

Tang San’s body by the pressure. Under these circumstances
Tang San discovered that the medical effects of the Octagonal
Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot within him
were actually fusing swiftly, making his body even more
resilient. Mysterious Heaven Skill also circulated frantically,

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dissolving wave after wave of pressure.

The stick of incense inserted in the Shrek Academy gate had

already burned more than halfway. Sweat constantly dripped
down the front of Tang San’s jacket. All his clothes already
stuck to the skin, completely as if he had just been fished out of
the water.

Tai Tan was already somewhat impatient. When the Eight

Spider Lances on Tang San’s back came out he immediately saw
a prediction of the end. Relying on Eight Spider Lances
releasing, Tang San’s ability to resist the pressure clearly
increased. Could it be that was a spirit bone? Even more one
outside of the regular six spirit bones, an external spirit bone?

His mind surging, Tai Tan made the firm resolution to recruit
this youth no matter how he had to do it. If that truly was an
external spirit bone, then it was no wonder even his fifty eighth
ranked spirit power son had lost. This youth’s prospects were

Tang San himself wasn’t aware that along with his gradually
stood out as exceptionally brilliant, relying on his own natural
gifts and his talent in Tang Sect’s secret lore, he gradually
attracted the interest of every great power.

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To quickly bring the battle to an end, Tai Tan decided not to
exercise any more restraint. Despite the existence of Tang San’s
external spirit bone, he knew that it was impossible for this
youth to resist the pressure he could give. The spirit power gap
was really too large, and moreover his strength was on the Title
Douluo level. Even if he had to injure him a bit, he would beat
him first and consider it later.

With this in mind, Tai Tan directly increased the pressure he

exerted on Tang San from seventy percent to ninety percent.
The originally rhythmical distortions in the air instantly
became faster, the ripples becoming like waves milling towards
Tang San.

Pu——, again a mouthful of blood spewed out. With the

pressure suddenly increasing by close to a third, Tang San was
unable to endure further. Even though he already had an
extremely high estimation of the opponent’s strength, he still
hadn’t seen it all.

Would he lose? Would he really lose? No.

Tang San looked at Tai Tan across from him. That old man

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still had a serene expression, his clothes not even shifting.
Brimming with an insufferably arrogant dignity. In that instant
Tai Tan suddenly saw Tang San’s eyes brighten without any
warning, two golden purple rays of light shot out from Tang
San’s eyes.

(泰坦) This is also the transliteration for “Titan” used in the

name of the Titan Giant Ape.

(力之一族) Not sure if this should even be the name of the clan,
or even “one of the strengths of the clan” since there are various
ways to interpret it, but will go with this for now.

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy board member who used

his pressure on Tang San.

His title (大力神) can be read literally as “great strength god”,

which can also be translated as “titan”. So his name and title is
(大力神泰坦) “Titan Titan”, but this pun only works in

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Chapter 78 - Tang San’s Left Hand, Clear Sky

Without time to protect himself, Tai Tan only felt as if his

brain was pricked by needles, his mind dizzy, a stinging and
burning feeling in his eyes. If it hadn’t been for the pressure he
released making the air distort, causing a certain degree of
refraction in Tang San’s gaze, his circumstances would be even

Tai Tan gave Tang San strength energy pressure, but what
Tang San now gave him was a mental attack. At this moment
Tang San finally knew what had changed in his Purple Demon
Eye after taking the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew. The true
form of that gaze had become an attack. The condensed Purple
Demon Eye had become a kind of unconventional mental attack,
and at this crucial moment when he was about to collapse, it
displayed to immense effect.

His mind suffering an attack, Tai Tan was naturally unable to

further control the pressure he released, and with a muffled
groan he actually retreated a step.

The pressure in the air suddenly gone, Tang San only felt an
emptiness around him. As the tremendous pressure vanished,

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he couldn’t keep from swaying, and if it hadn’t been for four of
the Eight Spider Lances on his back being thrust into the
ground, perhaps he would have fallen the instant the weight
was gone.

Once again belching up a mouthful of blood, Tang San’s

complexion was deathly pale. Completely tottering on the verge
of collapse, he might fall to the ground at any moment. But it
was also at this moment that he felt the rupturing sound of the
Yang Linking Meridian among the Eight Extraordinary
Meridians breaking through, the shock of the quickly
circulating Mysterious Heaven Skill breaking open this
meridian a crack. Even though it hadn’t been completely
connected, just like a thousand li dike being destroyed by an ant
tunnel, with this crack he wasn’t far from breaking through.

However, right now Tang San couldn’t be excited, that stick

of incense still had a fifth left, and now he completely lacked the
strength to reissue the Purple Demon Eye’s mental attack, and
even less able to rely on inner strength to support his body.
Even if Tai Tan launched another attack with a third of the
pressure, his only fate was to fall.

Could it be that he would truly become another’s slave,

joining his clan? Tang San understood that this wasn’t because
of his carelessness, but because of the absolute gap in strength.

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A humiliated feeling struck his mind hard, and he stuck out his
chest. No matter how, he had to persevere to the last moment,
as long as he still hadn’t fallen, this fight still wasn’t over.

Making an effort to shake his head, Vigorous God Tai Tan

could once again see everything clearly after the dizziness. That
youngster still stood there unyielding, and even though he cut a
sorry figure, his eyes were still resolute. What was that just
now? His spirit ability?

“You still want to continue? You should know that if you do,
it might cause you permanent harm.”

Tai Tan spoke in a low voice. He didn’t want to destroy a

genius, he had to recruit talent. How would he fail to see the the
state Tang San was in?

Zhao Wuji’s voice also impatiently cut in at this moment,

“Little San, concede. You mustn’t destroy your future. Others

can sort this out.”


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Tang San only spoke this one word, but blood again ran from
the corner of his mouth,

“Please continue.”

He didn’t say much, but at this moment all the teachers and
students from the Academy watching the battle were moved.
How persistent and unyielding to be able to support his words
like this.

Even Tai Tan showed an alarmed expression. This youngster

was really too outstanding. Precisely because of this, he
absolutely couldn’t let him off. If he couldn’t recruit him, then,
he could only destroy him.

With this in mind, Tai Tan’s gaze gradually focused, the

atmosphere around him once again fluctuating.

The Blue Silver Grass withdrew completely. Slowly and

resolutely, Tang San gently raised his left hand. Five fingers
spreading, he didn’t look at Tai Tan, his gaze was completely
focused on his own left hand. ‘Whether or not I can withstand

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this final moment, you watch and see.’

Intense black rays of light bubbled out of his hand, gradually

condensing into a shape.

A small black hammer quietly appeared in Tang San’s palm.

The hammer wasn’t large, and covered by faint decorative

But the moment it appeared, Tang San seemed to recover a bit

of his strength. A grave atmosphere appeared around him.

Tai Tan’s body suddenly trembled violently once. The

pressure already charging at Tang San instantly weakened,
Tang San’s body rocking once. Holding the hammer at his chest,
rigidly warding off this weakened pressure, an unyielding
radiance glittering in his determined expression.

“This is……”

It wasn’t just Tai Tan who turned pale with fright, Tai Nuo at
his side also stared wide eyed and exclaimed in alarm.

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Just at this moment, seven rays of dazzlingly beautiful light
shone down from the sky, enveloping Tang San’s body within
just like a seven colored rainbow.

Instantly, Tang San’s body shuddered fiercely, his skin

recovering its lost gloss, and with a low moan he slowly closed
his eyes.

At the same time a profoundly bold voice echoed from all

directions at once,

“Old orangutan, what skill is bullying children. Long time no

see, let us take a turn next.”

In the flickering light and shadow, including Zhao Wuji, no

one saw clearly until three people stood in the middle of the

Standing in the middle was an old man, his right and left hand
separately supporting the arms of the two people at his side. To
his left was an extremely beautiful young lady, apparently
fourteen or fifteen years old. When her feet touched ground she
immediately turned and ran over to Tang San.

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To his right was a scholarly middle aged man. Right now in
that middle aged man’s palm was a seven colored dizzyingly
glittering dazzlingly beautiful pagoda.

The seven colored light that appeared over Tang San was
connected to the pagoda in his palm.

Seeing these three appear, the pupils of Vigorous God Tai

Tan’s eyes immediately contracted. Even though his nature was
always to never fear anything in heaven or earth, confronting
these three he still had no choice but to restrain his character.

“I wondered who it was, so it’s Bone Douluo and school

master Ning. Let this old man pay his respects.”

The three arrivals were precisely Ning Fengzhi, Ning

Rongrong and Bone Douluo Gu Rong.

When the school master left, of the two resident Douluo at

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, one would go along and the
other would stay at the school to keep watch. Last time it was
Sword Douluo Chen Xin who followed Ning Fengzhi, so this
time it was the Bone Douluo’s turn.

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For this reason the Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo had
argued for ages. Both of them wanted to see what kind of person
the genius youngster Ning Rongrong had talked about was.

Actually, Ning Fengzhi’s trio had already arrived as early as

when Tang San and Tai Tan made their bet. Ning Rongrong had
strongly asked her father to intervene, but had been refused by
Ning Fengzhi. Concealed in a secret place, Ning Fengzhi’s goal
was to have a look at just how outstanding this youngster
actually was. With him there, naturally there was no fear that
the bet would conclude. Now that Tang San seemed unable to
endure, Ning Fenzhi acted immediately, blocking the fight.

The Bone Douluo appeared in front of Tai Tan with a whoosh,

“Old orangutan, give a brother some face, let this fight pass.
Our school also have our eyes on this kid. Don’t go fighting over
him with us.”

With the backing of formidable strength, Gu Rong basically

didn’t need to talk in circles, and directly stated the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School’s intentions to Tai Tan. Even
though Tai Tan’s Strength Clan wasn’t small, compared to the

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seven great schools it was still far too lacking.

Bone Douluo Gu Rong had complete confidence in being able

to suppress him in strength.

The Spirit Master world always spoke with strength.

Wrecking an agreed upon bet was admittedly violating the rules
of the game, but if the wrecker himself was a person who made
the rules, who would say anything?

According to Gu Rong’s understanding of Tai Tan, this

fearless old fogey wouldn’t give up so easily. Even if confronted
by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, with his fiery temper
he would still be spoiling for a battle. Not fighting was

But Gu Rong hadn’t expected that when he heard his words,

Tai Tan actually smiled. Even though a smiling expression
clearly looked somewhat strange on his stiff face, Gu Rong was
certain that Tai Tan was smiling, and moreover that the smiling
expression held a sarcastic overtone.

“Old orangutan, what are you laughing at?”

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Tai Tan snorted, saying:

“You want me to give you face? Fine, I’ll give it. We’ll drop
this bet, I don’t lose, and he doesn’t lose.”


Gu Rong stared blankly,

“Giving face like this? Old orangutan, this isn’t your style!”

The corners of Tai Tan’s mouth twitched, and he raised his

hand to point to Tang San,

“Old Bone, take a good look at what’s in his hand. Luckily

you’re still a Title Douluo, could it be you don’t have even this
much eyesight?”

At this Gu Rong’s gaze fell on Tang San, following Tai Tan’s

finger, he could just see the black little hammer in Tang San’s
left hand. In that instant his expression also changed

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“He’s actually Clear Sky……”

Tai Tan smiled without smiling:

“You know it. For me this is flooding the dragon king temple,
for you it might be only be inviting a rejection. Haha,

While laughing, he walked over towards Tang San with big

steps like a shooting star.

Gu Rong had seen the little black hammer in Tang San’s hand,
and Ning Fengzhi had naturally also seen it. His expression was
slightly artificial, but very quickly recovered to normal. A
school master’s bearing wasn’t something Gu Rong could
compare to.

Gu Rong moved over to Ning Fengzhi’s side, somewhat

impatiently saying:

“School master, in his hand……”

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Ning Fengzhi interrupted him, saying with a nod:

“I know. It’s no wonder that he’s so outstanding, I didn’t

expect him to come from Clear Sky. His family name is Tang, I
should have realized it long ago.”

The brilliance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in his

hand was unceasing, still covering Tang San’s body, rippling
into him from the surroundings.

Right now Tang San already felt as if he had gone from hell to
heaven. A comfortably warm air, extremely mild humidity
rapidly recovering his energy, agility, strength, mind, and even
something Tang San couldn’t define.

The previous feeling of absolute emptiness within him as well

as the injuries caused by the tremendous pressure all gradually
faded in this gentle energy. The Mysterious Heaven Skill within
him also seemed to strengthen under this humidity, circulating
all over, the crack in the Yang Linking Meridian constantly
widening under the unceasing attack of the Mysterious Heaven

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Tang San hadn’t seen who helped him, but soaked in that
seven colored radiance, what he had lost gradually returned,
and even became stronger. The Blue Silver Grass recovered its
lost luster, the red and white light from the Eight Spider Lances
glinting with an even more threatening gem like light, and even
the black little hammer flickered with a crow black light.

How could the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s name as

the first auxiliary system spirit be a false reputation? As school
master, Ning Fengzhi had even more brilliant skill with this
emblematic auxiliary system spirit.

In a few short minutes when Tang San once again opened his
eyes, his expression was already energetic, as if he had been
reborn. If it wasn’t for the torn clothes and not yet dried sweat,
right now it would seem as if he had never experienced that
dangerous bet.

“Third brother, are you alright?”

Ning Rongrong asked with deep concern.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong as well as Oscar had all already

run over to Tang San.

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Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun had also separated from the
crowd, encircling Tang San.

“I’m already fine.”

While speaking, Tang San’s gazed in the direction that seven

colored radiance drifted from, just in time to meet Ning
Fengzhi’s eyes.

Ning Fengzhi smiled, and the radiance of the Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile Pagoda in his hand faded. As he lowered his hand,
that miraculous spirit also vanished.

“How come it’s you?”

Tang San couldn’t help say in astonishment.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly,

“So it’s really you. It seems we really are brought together by

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Ning Rongrong’s big eyes blinked:

“Daddy, you know each other?”

Even without Ning Rongrong’s words, Tang San already

vaguely guessed Ning Fengzhi’s identity. The Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda’s seven treasures appearing simultaneously,
how many people could manage that? Quickly taking a few steps
forward, he bowed to ning Fengzhi in salute,

“Greetings, school master Ning.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, raising his hand to pull Tang

San up,

“Since you’re Rongrong’s friend, and she calls you third

brother, its suitable if you call me uncle Ning. I would hope to
hear you call me this.”

Ning Fengzhi saying this could be considered a public

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expression of goodwill. In fact, with his position, on the entire
Douluo Continent he only had to stomp his feet to make the
four seas tremble, even an imperial prince like Xue Xing
wouldn’t dare offend him.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School didn’t just have robust
strength as a sect with two Douluo. At the same time, their
financial resources had always been number one among the
seven great schools.

Obtaining the recognition of school master Ning Fengzhi

would be a gargantuan occasion to the vast majority of Spirit

Tang San’s attitude didn’t change because of learning Ning

Fengzhi’s identity, only bowing once again and saying:

“Greetings, uncle Ning.”

Ning Fengzhi laughed out loud, saying:

“Good. Good. we’ll talk again later. First settle the present

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Tang San’s expression became serious, From the terms of the
bet, even though he hadn’t fallen, he knew it would have been
very difficult for him to resist Tai Tan’s next attack until the
stick of incense burned out.

Even though the incense on the gate had burned out, his heart
was still heavy.

Tang San was a person who would absolutely abide by

promises, but he also understood that with his current strength
it would be far, far too difficult to resist the pressure Tai Tan
could release. He didn’t know how much of his pressure Tai Tan
had released before, but judging by that last steep pressure
increase, the opponent hadn’t gone all out from the start.

His gaze slowly turning, Tang San looked towards that not
distant Tai Tan. Vigorous God Tai Tan was also looking at him,
meeting his gaze expectantly, and with a slight wave of his hand
brought his son and grandson towards Tang San in big strides.
His expression was filled with emotions.

“I’m sorry, senior, our bet was interrupted, but we can do it


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Breaking open the Yang Linking Meridian increased Tang
San’s ability to resist pressure somewhat, and as long as he
didn’t truly fall before the opponent, he also wouldn’t easily

But Tang San hadn’t expected Tai Tan to only solemnly gaze
at him,

“Your name is Tang San, what is your father’s name? Is it

Tang Hao?”

Tang San looked at the pure strength type formidable Spirit

Master in front of him with astonishment,

“How did you know?”

His words were without doubt an acknowledgement of what

Tai Tan had said.

Tai Tan’s aged face flushed red with agitation, and under
Tang San’s inconceivable gaze, that majestic like a mountain
frame abruptly knelt with one knee on the ground with a

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putong sound, completely moved speechless.

“Senior, what’s this about?”

Tang San jumped with fright at Tai Tan’s movement and

hastily got out of the way, not daring to receive Tai Tan’s

Seeing Tai Tan kneel, both Tai Nuo and Tai Long hastily
followed his example. Tai Long was even more astonished than
Tang San, he couldn’t understand why his grandfather’s
attitude would suddenly make an enormous one hundred eighty
degree turn.

Tai Tan suppressed his strongly surging heart,

“This old slave Tai Tan, pays his respects to young master.”

“Young master?”

As these two words came out, apart from the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi and the Bone Douluo

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who had unvarying expression, made practically everyone
around turn pale with fright. Especially those teachers and
students who had vaguely guessed Tai Tan’s strength were even
more unable to hide their shock.

Tang San was stupefied, a person who had previously been

oppressing him until he was unable to breathe was actually
kneeling in front of him, for a while he couldn’t adapt to the
enormous contrast.

“Senior, won’t you explain it clearly first.”

Tang San stepped forward to lend an arm to Tai Tan, but this
old fellow was determined to kneel.

“Young master, this old slave has finally met you. Do you
know master’s current whereabouts?”


From the meaning behind Tai Tan’s words, Tang San could
naturally hear that what he indicated with ‘master’ should be
his father.

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His father’s mien flashed through his mind. Tang San was
unable to believe that his father, every day soaked in shoddy
alcohol, would actually be called ‘master’ by a Spirit Douluo
level power.

The intense shock and sudden news momentarily put Tang

San’s heart in disorder. Supporting himself on Tai Tan’s
imposing body, for a moment he just stood there rigidly.

“Hai hai. I think it would be better if you first found

somewhere quiet, and then continued chatting about your
master and servant situation, alright?”

Just what is called ‘the participant is baffled, but the onlooker

sees clearly’, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning
Fengzhi standing to the side broke the awkwardness.

Tang San came to himself at this, and hastily said:

“Just so, senior you get up first, if there are any matters we’ll
first find a place quiet.”

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Tai Tan somewhat vigilantly looked at Ning Fengzhi to the
side, then stood up,

“Young master, please follow to this old slave’s home to chat.”


Tang San glanced at the Shrek Seven Devils next to him as

well as Ning Fengzhi, and immediately felt embarrassed.

Even though he was anxious to know just why Tai Tan had
addressed him like that, Ning Fengzhi saved him just now and
was moreover Ning Rongrong’s father, his coming here seemed
to be in order to find him, if he left it would clearly be grounds
for discord.

What kind of person was Ning Fengzhi, how wouldn’t he see

Tang San’s current awkwardness, with a slight smile he said:

“I think it would be better like this, since we’ve already come

to the Shrek Academy we should tour the place. Vigorous God
should also be the guardian of a student here, so why don’t we
all enter?”

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Even though Tai Tan was inwardly unwilling, as he also saw
Tang San’s current awkwardness he forced himself to nod,

“Alright. Who is in charge of this Academy?”

His last words were immensely loud, shocking the ears of the
watching students so they rang.

Even though Zhao Wuji wasn’t too willing to confront Tai

Tan, right now he also didn’t have a choice. Quickly stepping
forward, with a forced smile saying:

“Old brother Tai Tan, long time no see, have you been well?”

Seeing Zhao Wuji, Tai Tan looked distracted a moment, a cold

light flickering in his eyes,

“So it’s you kid. I couldn’t find you for all these years, but
you’ve actually been hiding here. We’ll think about it under
cover, find us a quiet place, I want to have a careful talk with

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the young master.”

Whether it was Tai Tan or Ning Fengzhi, neither was

someone Zhao Wuji could afford to offend. Right now Flender,
Grandmaster, and Liu Erlong’s trio, as well as Dugu Bo, who
might suppress an incident were all gone. He couldn’t wish to be
ripped apart by this Vigorous God here. Hastily he said:

“Everyone have come from afar, please come inside. All

students return to class, who allowed you to gather here?”

The students were quickly but gently returned to school by

the teachers, while Zhao Wuji personally brought Tai Tan’s
family, the people from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, as
well as Tang San into the Academy.

Zhao Wuji gave Tang San a meaningful look, saying:

“Little San, you go clean up first and change your clothes,

afterwards come to the fourth floor meeting room.”

Tang San currently wore little more than sweat and

bloodstains, and even though his body had recovered under the

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assistance of Ning Fengzhi’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda,
his appearance was clearly too unsuitable. Together with the
Shrek Seven Devils he headed for the dorms.

“Ge, how are you?”

Xiao Wu pulled at Tang San’s arm, gripping his right hand,

slowly infusing her own spirit power into Tang San.

Tang San hurriedly declined her good intentions,

“Don’t worry Xiao Wu, I’m already fine.”

Ning Rongrong to the side hit her chest, saying:

“Xiao Wu, don’t worry. My daddy’s Seven Treasure Glazed

Tile Pagoda has already reached the ideal seven treasure realm,
not only can it assist, it also has powerful treatment capabilities.
Before when the seven treasures came out simultaneously, even
if third brother had stopped breathing he could still recover.
There wouldn’t be anything wrong. But what was all that about
just now? How does third brother and that old fogey fit
together? That old fogey isn’t weak, my grandpa Bone said his

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strength was on the Spirit Douluo level.”

Before Xiao Wu could speak up, Oscar already swiftly

recounted the events. Seeing Ning Rongrong return, originally
he was very happy, but as he saw Ning Rongrong’s father and
that tyrannical grandpa Bone, he couldn’t help feel a bit
apprehensive. It goes without saying that he had to restrain his
original intentions of speaking his mind to Ning Rongrong as
soon as she returned.

Listening to Oscar’s explanation, Ning Rongrong couldn’t

help laughing:

“Beat the son and the father comes, beat the father and the
grandfather comes. Does it keep going? Nevermind, third
brother, next time they come looking for trouble, we’ll go
together. Even though boss Dai isn’t here, with our combined
battle strength we can hold them off for a while. If my daddy
lends a hand, with his assistance we can hold them down.”

Tang San’s current mood was very complicated. Tai Tan’s

display just now had shocked him, and he vaguely felt that what
he had said was related to his father’s disappearance. Could it be
his father wasn’t just a drunkard? Was he a person that could
make a Spirit Douluo address himself as a slave? Another step

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up, was perhaps only Title Douluo.

Returning to the dorm, Tang San first sent back the others,
including Xiao Wu. He quickly washed of the dirt and changed
his clothes before swiftly running to the fourth floor of the
school building.

To him right now, Ning Fengzhi’s purpose in coming wasn’t

important, what he most wanted to know about was what Tai
Tan called him.

Reaching the fourth floor, Tang San just saw Zhao Wuji
stepping out from a meeting room.

Zhao Wuji made a silencing gesture to Tang San, hurriedly

pulling him over to a corner.

“Little San, no matter what they tell you later, you must stay
calm. That old fellow Tai Tan and Ning Fengzhi don’t get along,
so I arranged them in two rooms. Who you see first is your
decision. However, no matter what you mustn’t easily make any
promises, if you can’t, you can ask to wait until Grandmaster
and Flender returns.”

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Tang San was always calm, and after listening nodded,

“Teacher Zhao, don’t worry, I know what I should do.”

Zhao Wuji smiled wryly, right now he was only a foil. With
this gap in strength, whether it was the Golden Iron Triangle or
the Poison Douluo, as long as one of them was here the Academy
wouldn’t be as passive as now.

Tai Tan wasn’t bad, even though his Strength Clan wasn’t
weak, with so many teachers at the Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji
still wasn’t worried about him.

But Ning Fengzhi was different, that leader of one of the seven
great clans, those two resident Douluo alone were enough to
make the four oceans tremble.

Among all the seven great clans, the Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School was ranked second, considered one of the upper
three, above even Grandmaster’s Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon

Zhao Wuji wasn’t at all worried about Tang San, he was even

2714 Goldenagato |

a bit happy that Tang San had revealed his hammer just now.
Even though he was shocked to learn Tang San had twin spirits,
these twin spirits had now also become something that made
even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School apprehensive.

When Zhao Wuji had pointed out the two rooms, Tang San
without the slightest hesitation first chose Tai Tan’s family,
pushing open the door and entering.

Tai Tan ranked higher, but when he saw Tang San entering he
hastily stood up from where he sat thinking, and without
waiting for Tang San to react, this Vigorous God once again fell
to one knee,

“This old slave injured young master, young master please

choose a punishment.”

Seeing Tai Nuo and his son follow Tai Tan’s example, Tang
San’s face revealed a wry smile,

“Senior, get up first. We’ll talk properly. Right now I don’t

quite understand what’s going on. Why don’t you explain it all
to me first. Perhaps you’ve mistaken me for someone else, I’m
not someone you’d call young master, my background is only as

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the most ordinary commoner.”

Tai Tan looked distracted a moment. Standing up, he sized up

Tang San and immediately asked:

“Isn’t your father called Tang Hao?”

Tang San nodded,

“My father’s name is indeed Tang Hao, but he’s not someone
you’d call master!”

Tai Tan lowered his voice,

“If your father is Tang Hao, then there’s no mistake. Young

master, how did you and master live for all these years? How
come you would use that Blue Silver Grass spirit?”

“Hold on.”

Tang San somewhat impatiently halted Tai Tan’s words,

2716 Goldenagato |

“Senior, can’t you first tell me what sort of person my father
really is, how come you would call him master?”

“You don’t know? Master didn’t tell you anything?”

There was a pondering light in Tai Tan’s fierce eyes, and he

paced back and forth within the room,

“Young master, why don’t you first tell this worthless elder
how you lived with master for all these years. If master didn’t
say anything, this worthless elder also daren’t speak out of

Tang San felt a burst of dejection, and inwardly couldn’t help

feel more and more perplexed,

“From childhood I lived with father in Holy Spirit Village,

father was the village’s sole blacksmith, and every day besides
working, his only hobby was drinking.”


2717 Goldenagato |

Tai Tan stared wide eyed, an expression of inconceivability in
his eyes. For a moment his hair and beard quivered, and for a
long time he couldn’t control himself,

“Master, how could you be reduced to such a state, at that

time, you were……”

Here Tai Tan’s face was covered with tears, already unable to
stop his sobs.

Tang San was confused, he had already explained how

miserably he had lived with his father, why would this
formidable Spirit Douluo still believe his father was the one he
called master?

“Senior, I think, you really have the wrong person. My father

is only a common blacksmith.”

Tang San couldn’t keep from emphasizing it once again.

Tai Tan wiped his tears,

2718 Goldenagato |

“Young master, even if I don’t know why master wouldn’t tell
you about his identity, I can be certain I’m not mistaking you
for someone else. Other things can be mistakes, but can spirits
be wrong? Let me ask you, who did you inherit your Blue Silver
Grass spirit from?”

Tang San said:

“It should be inherited from my mother.”

Tai Tan questioned closer:

“Then your other spirit? That little black hammer you held in
your left hand before, who was it passed down from? Blue Silver
Grass belongs to your mother, then that hammer can only
belong to your father. I can make mistakes in other things, but
if I couldn’t even recognize master’s Clear Sky Hammer, then I
wouldn’t have the face to keep living in this world. The Clear
Sky Hammer’s pattern is unique and unmatched, in those days I
always followed at master’s side, how couldn’t I recognize it?
This is a unique spirit!”

Tai Tan’s words in the end revealed a gap, and hearing the

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words ‘Clear Sky Hammer’, Tang San’s whole body trembled.
Grandmaster had taught him for so many years, of course he
had told him about the seven great schools of the present age.
Among the seven great schools were the three upper and four
lower sects.

The three upper sects were separately the Clear Sky School,
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon School. The reason they were called the three
upper sects was of course because these three great schools each
had at least one Title Douluo guardian. Even though the four
lower schools were quite powerful, they still didn’t have a
power like those Title Douluo.

Among them, the Clear Sky School was no doubt the most
formidable existence of the three upper sects, in Grandmaster’s
assessment, both the Clear Sky School and Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School had two resident Douluo, but even with the
support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s strongest
Support Spirit, those two Title Douluo still wouldn’t stand a
great chance of winning against the two resident Douluo of the
Clear Sky School.

As a result, this Clear Sky School could be said to be ranked

first among the seven great schools, the first school in the whole
Douluo Continent.

2720 Goldenagato |

And Clear Sky School’s inherited spirit was a kind of tool
spirit, called: Clear Sky Hammer.

Grandmaster had never said much about the Clear Sky

School’s circumstances, this was all Tang San knew. Now
hearing Vigorous God Tai Tan in front of him actually say that
hammer of his was actually the Clear Sky Hammer, how
couldn’t he be shocked?

Raising his left hand, black light coalescing, the Clear Sky
Hammer once again appeared in Tang San’s palm,

“This is really the Clear Sky Hammer?”

This time the distance was even shorter, and Tai Tan could
observe the black little hammer in Tang San’s hand even more
clearly. As soon as the little hammer appeared, he nodded
without the slightest hesitation,

“Only the direct blood relations can possess it. And among the
direct blood relations of the school, only master has been away
for a number of years straight, also only master’s name is Tang

2721 Goldenagato |

Hao, there’s no mistake. Young master.”

Even though he didn’t say so in detail, this moment was

already enough to tell Tang San that he was from the Clear Sky

“You are saying, my father is directly blood related to the

Clear Sky School, and I as well? No, that’s impossible. If father
was from the Clear Sky School, why, why would he be reduced
to a blacksmith?”

What kind of position did the Clear Sky School hold in the
Spirit Master world? It was a formidable existence even Spirit
Hall wouldn’t lightly dare offend, in overall strength being
capable of competing equally with Spirit Hall, were only the
seven great schools.

Especially the five Title Douluo of the upper three sects.

Among the seven great schools, the Clear Sky School was very
mysterious, it was rare for people to even know its location.

But the Clear Sky School’s dignity wasn’t something anyone

dared offend lightly. Even the current Spirit Hall Supreme
pontiff would still be extremely respectful to it.

2722 Goldenagato |

If his father was born from the Clear Sky School, and was
directly blood related, then……

Idiom: People on the same side ending up fighting when not

recognizing each other. Based on a folklore story where an
exiled dragon prince returns to his father’s temple, but is
mistaken for a beast by a monk and ends up starting a war.

Now he’s referring to himself as (老朽) “old rotten”, a self

denigrating appellation suggesting he’s gone decrepit with age.

(昊天锤) Alternatively “Boundless Heaven Hammer”. The first

character is the same hao as in Tang Hao.

2723 Goldenagato |

Chapter 79 - Lifetime’s Riddle Of Clear Sky

Thinking about all of this, Tang san remembered his father

leaving him a letter before he left. Placing his hand on Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges, he took out the already yellowed letter
from his belt.

“Senior, do you recognize this handwriting? When I was six

years old, my father left this letter behind and left home and
never came back.”

Tang San showed the letter to Tai Tan, which he often took
out to read, this was the only trace of his father. Every time
Tang San took out this letter, he couldn’t suppress the longing
he had of his father.

“Little san,

By the time you see this letter, I have already left.

Do not bother trying to find me, you can never find me.

2724 Goldenagato |

Although you are still young, you have the ability to provide
for yourself.

Young eagles must spread their wings on their own and fly,
only then will they soar to great heights.

There’s no need to worry about me, in your character there is

a lot of your mother’s softness.

Father is a useless man.

You have grown bigger, father has to go back to get some

things that originally belonged to me.

Someday, we father and son will meet again

I wish for you to become strong, but at the same time I do not
wish for you to become strong. This is your own path and your
own choice.

If one day you feel that becoming a spirit master is not the job

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for you, you can return to holy spirit village and become a
blacksmith like me.

Do not miss me,

Tang Hao”

Tang San had always considered this letter a memory,

entrusted with his father’s thoughts of him. But reading it again
now, combined with what Tai Tan had suggested about his
identity, it suddenly held a completely different meaning.

Especially the line “I wish for you to become strong, but at the
same time I do not wish for you to become strong” showed the
mixed feelings Tang Hao had when he wrote this letter. Also,
the thing that Tang Hao wanted to take back, what might it be?

After reading the letter, Tai Tan had a peal of despondency,

and could not help but think out loud:

“Oh master, how can you say you are useless? In this old
slave’s heart, you will eternally be the pillar of the clan.”

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Bowing his head to look down at Tang San in front of him, Tai
Tan carefully returned the letter to his hand,

“Young master, there’s no mistake. This is master’s


“Then my father really came from the Clear Sky School?

Senior, I implore you, tell me the truth about this matter. Since
he was a member of the Clear Sky School, why would he live
with me in Holy Spirit Village? What actually happened in
between? Please tell me, I must know the truth.”

Tai Tan looked at Tang San, tears could not help but flow
from his eyes once more. He could fully imagine how life had
been like without a mother, and having his father leave him
when he was six years old. How lonely and bitter a life Tang San
must have led for these years. Tai Tan couldn’t keep from
spreading his arms, pulling Tang San into an embrace,

“Young master, my poor young master, all these years you

must have suffered.”

At this moment Tang San’s emotions were surging, not

2727 Goldenagato |

knowing what to do. The sudden news had completely
disturbed his train of thought, and the words ‘Clear Sky School’
were too shocking.

“Young master, I can’t tell you about master’s affairs back in

those days. That secret belongs to master himself, even I am
unsure what happened. All you need to know is that master was
a man with an indomitable spirit, the most terrifying existence
in this world, no one could compare to him. My Strength Clan
was originally one of the four great subsidiary clans of the Clear
Sky School, it was because of master that I chose to separate
from the Hao Tian clan, to again stand independent in Heaven
Dou City. Since Master has reappeared, the Strength Clan will
without a doubt be master’s subordinates. Although Master is
currently not around, there is still you, young master. From
now on, the Strength Clan will be yours to command. A total of
two hundred and seventeen able bodied Spirit Masters who will
follow you to the death.”

Tang San’s eyes blurred, his father had left for eight years,
without a word the whole time.

It would be impossible to claim that there wasn’t a hint of

resentment, but right now Tang San could suddenly feel his
father’s helplessness. If he was really from the Clear Sky School,
and the one Tai Tan called master, yet had been reduced to

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poverty as a blacksmith and drunkard in Holy Spirit Village for
six years.

Just how deep was his sadness and helplessness?

Thinking of his father’s mournful wails when he was

reincarnated into this world, Tang San understood something.

He gripped Tai Tan’s solid arms with his own,

“Senior, right now my thoughts are in a mess, I need to calm

down and think it over.”

Tai Tan quickly said:

“Young master, you mustn’t by any means call me something

like senior again. Just call me old slave Tai Tan.”

Tang San smiled wryly and said:

“You are Tai Long’s grandfather, he and I are school mates,

2729 Goldenagato |

and I am younger than him as well. If you do not mind, I will
call you grandpa Tai.”


Tai Tan hesitated.

Tang San said:

”Even if my father were here, he would definitely approve of

me addressing you like this. Grandpa Tai, I must go see school
master Ning, let us meet again. Regarding my life since my
birth, please keep it a secret. I need to calmly think about this.”

Tai Tan spoke in a grave tone

”Young master, you must definitely be careful of Ning

Fengzhi. The owner once said that the Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School’s new master Ning Fengzhi was a man of great
potential, in his hands the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
would definitely flourish. You belong to the Clear Sky School,
no matter what you cannot join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

2730 Goldenagato |

Tang San nodded slightly,

“Grandpa Tai, don’t worry. Even if we hadn’t spoken today I

still didn’t intend to join any school. I wouldn’t give up my own
freedom for power.”

Listening to Tang San, Tai Tan couldn’t help looking

distracted a moment, his eyes blurring. Within Tang San’s calm
and collected words it was as if he could see Tang Hao from
those days.

Walking out of the room with Tai Tan and his family, Tang
San took two deep breaths, wiped clean the moisture from his
eyes, and calmed himself down, entering the other meeting

Ning Fengzhi was seated in the seat of honor in the conference

room, calmly drinking tea. By his side, Bone Douluo Gu Rong
was seated with his eyes closed until Tang San entered the
meeting room. Opening his eyes he swept his gaze across Tang
San, with an unconcealed sharpness.

2731 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong stood obediently behind Ning Fengzhi,
sticking out her tongue at Tang San.

“Greetings, uncle Ning, I’ve kept you waiting.”

Tang San bowed slightly towards Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi slightly smiled and said

“No matter. Sit. Little San, can I call you that?”

Tang San nodded:

“You’re Rongrong’s father, of course you can.”

Ning Fengzhi laughed in spite of himself,

“It seems I’ve actually been infected by Rongrong’s

enthusiasm. After hearing about you from Rongrong, as well as
last time’s meeting, I dare say even your father had never
accomplished such things at your age. Honestly speaking, I

2732 Goldenagato |

came here ready to bring you into my clan at any cost, but I
didn’t expect you to be the son of an old friend.”

“Uncle Ning you know my father?”

Tang San’s not easily restrained pulse sped up once again.

Ning Fengzhi nodded,

“Naturally. The Continent’s youngest Title Douluo, I expect

that in the Spirit Master world there aren’t many that don’t
know of him.”

Although Tang San had guessed his father’s strength, when

Ning Fengzhi said Title Duoluo, he still felt an intense shock.

That father who had drowned himself in cheap ale, relying

only on blacksmithing to make a living, would actually be called
a Title Douluo?

When Ning Fengzhi brought up about Tang Hao, even the

Bone Douluo sitting to his side couldn’t help showing a

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respectful expression.

Nothing was hidden from Tang San’s eyes, and seeing this was
another step towards confirming that Ning Fengzhi’s words
weren’t unfounded.

Ning Fengzhi continued:

“Your esteemed father has been missing for so many years, do

you know his current location? We brothers have not met for
many years, and if there was a chance I would personally go
meet him.”

Tang San bitterly said:

”I also don’t know my father’s whereabouts. He disappeared

eight years ago. In these eight years there has yet to be a word
from him. If it is like senior says and my father comes from the
Clear Sky School, then perhaps right now he should be there.”

Ning Fengzhi and the Bone Duoluo looked face to face, their
eyes revealing expression of astonishment. Ning Fengzhi’s
expression very quickly returned to normal and he said to Tang

2734 Goldenagato |


”Little San, I have come to recruit you to my clan and give you
the best treatment. But since you’re the son of an old friend,
this is obviously impossible. However uncle is still very
interested in the hidden weapons you made, would you be
willing to sell the production method to us? You can name any
price, uncle won’t haggle.”

Although Ning Fengzhi appeared rather elegant and refined,

his words gave people a kind of broad magnanimous feeling,
this was clearly not something an average person possessed.

Tang San shook his head without hesitation and said:

“That’s impossible. I won’t sell the hidden weapon production

method. But I promised Rongrong that I would sell hidden
weapons to your school. I can give you the forging procedures,
but the final assembly must be done by me. Firstly, it’s because
hidden weapons research is difficult, and I don’t want to sell it,
another reason is that to teach an artisan to create hidden
weapons would take several years. I still have to spend most of
my time cultivating, and there’s no spare time for such.”

2735 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi hadn’t expected Tang San to refuse him so
firmly. What is called ‘giving a man a fish, is less than teaching
a man to fish’ was naturally an argument he understood clearly.

Hidden weapons would naturally break down and be

consumed with time.

If they truly had such a great effect, then wouldn’t the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School’s face hereafter always rely on this

Watching the pondering expression Ning Fengzhi revealed,

Tang San didn’t hesitate at all, indifferently saying:

“I don’t know whether uncle Ning would like those hidden


Ning Fengzhi returned to himself. From Tang San’s tone he

could tell that the hidden weapon manufacturing methods
clearly weren’t up for discussion. Even though Tang San was
only a teenager, the calm cool-headedness and unswerving
determination he had revealed wouldn’t be so easily swayed.

2736 Goldenagato |

Immediately Ning Fengzhi settled for the next best thing,
saying to Tang San:

“We’ve seen the hidden weapons Rongrong was equipped

with. Equipment just like hers, I want five hundred sets. I will
pay ten thousand gold spirit coins for each set, what do you

Tang San said:

“The price is no problem, but I must say something first. This

full set of hidden weapons won’t include the Flying God Claw on
Rongrong’s right hand. I can exchange it for another Silent
Sleeve Dart. The rest will be the same. It’s because the Flying
God Claw isn’t a hidden weapon, even though it has the ability
to attack, it’s even more important as support. Furthermore the
Flying God Claw components are very difficult to make, it
would be hard for a common artisan to complete.”


Ning Fengzhi hadn’t seen Ning Rongrong use the Flying God
Claw, and only now learned from Tang San that his daughter
actually still had such a thing. But he was already extremely

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satisfied with the hidden weapons Ning Rongrong used before,
and immediately nodded and smiled, saying:

“Good, that’s settled. Additionally, I will pay you a further

one million gold spirit coins, as repayment for the Beautiful Silk
Tulip you gave Rongrong. At the same time I would also like to
ask, do you still have Beautiful Silk Tulips? If you do, no matter
the price, I want to trade for it.”

Even with Ning Fengzhi’s status, the lure of the Nine Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda was really too great. That was the only
opportunity to take one step further for him who was already at
the highest stage.

Unfortunately, Tang San shook his head,

“The Beautiful Silk Tulip is considered an immortal treasure

herb, there is perhaps only the one in the present age. There
won’t grow more than one in the same place. Perhaps there is
still others on the Continent, but I haven’t found them if so.
The one Rongrong has was my gift to her, how could I ask for
compensation from uncle? Five million gold spirit coins is
sufficient. However, I must make one thing clear, I am only in
charge of the final assembly. For the intermediate component
manufacturing I would ask uncle Ning to find a way on your

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own. According to Rongrong, your school possesses specialized
ironworkers, so this shouldn’t be difficult. At the same time,
along with your school’s own blacksmiths forging components,
in the future it will also be easy to replenish all kinds of hidden
weapons supplies, especially crossbow bolts and steel needles
and such things.”

While speaking, Tang San pulled out a pile of blueprints from

Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, and after carefully looking them
over he handed them to Ning Fengzhi,

“Silent Sleeve Dart, Stomp Crossbow and Flying Boot Blade

components can all be made.”

Watching Ning Fengzhi carefully accept the blueprints, The

Bone Douluo to the side couldn’t help saying:

“Kid, you really can do business! Without even making the

components, you’ve really earned these five million gold coins
too easily.”

“Uncle Bone.”

2739 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi shook his head at Gu Rong, hinting he shouldn’t
be talkative.

Right now Tang San didn’t have too much interest in money,
but rather hoped to even more quickly clarify his own identity.
With a calm smile he said:

“If uncle Ning feels this price is too unreasonable, you can
lower it, the price was proposed by you before. I have no

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly:

“No need to lower it. Even though my words aren’t precious

like gold or jade, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School still has

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Then this is settled. Uncle Ning, thank you for your

assistance just now. If there’s nothing else, I would like to go
back and rest. Regarding the hidden weapons, please forge one
hundred sets of the hidden weapon components and deliver

2740 Goldenagato |

them here. After I’ve assembled them I will deliver them to you.
For hidden weapons consumables you will have to create them
on your own.”

Ning Fengzhi didn’t keep him, and personally saw him out of
the meeting room. At the same time he pressed a golden bright
and dazzling card in his hand. Ning Fengzhi didn’t say how
much money was inside, only telling Tang San that it was a
down payment. The rest would wait until after the Hidden
Weapons were assembled and delivered.

Looking at Tang San walking out, Gu Rong couldn’t help


“Fengzhi, why would you promise so much? Even if our Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School is wealthy, we still can’t be
spending like this.”

Ning Fengzhi delicately indicated the blueprints and said with

a smile:

“Don’t worry, Uncle Bone. These blueprints Tang San gave

me are extremely detailed, not only do they mark the required
materials, but still indicates the required component casting

2741 Goldenagato |

methods in detail. Moreover there’s no confusion about the
order, all the components are classified by hidden weapon.
There’s no lack of skilled workers at our Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School, don’t tell me we can’t assemble them? It seems to
me that five million gold spirit coins for buying this set of
hidden weapons manufacturing blueprints isn’t cheap. Taking a
step back, even if we didn’t have these hidden weapons
blueprints, do you really think five million gold coins is enough
to pay for that Beautiful Silk Tulip immortal treasure herb?”

Listening to Ning Fengzhi, Uncle Bone’s expression eased, and

he muttered:

“If you count it like that, then it doesn’t seem like a loss.”

Ning Rongrong to the side couldn’t stand just listening,

“Dad, grandpa Bone, what are you scheming about my third


Ning Fengzhi glared at Ning Rongrong,

“Silly girl, don’t call it scheming. As the Seven Treasure

2742 Goldenagato |

Glazed Tile School Master, everything daddy does must be done
with the school in mind. Alright, you go back first. Continue
cultivating properly at the Academy.”

Ning Rongrong glared discontentedly at her dad, then gave

the Bone Douluo an appealing look. But this time the Bone
Douluo didn’t help her, only showing her a meaningful
expression, indicating she should leave first.

After Ning Rongrong left the meeting room, the only two
people remaining were Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong. With Gu
Rong’s strength, it would be impossible for anyone to

“Fengzhi, what do you think of that kid? Is he really Tang

Hao’s son?”

Gu Rong asked in a low voice.

Ning Fengzhi nodded, saying:

“Shouldn’t be a mistake. The Clear Sky School’s Clear Sky

Hammer can’t be imitated. According to what I know, there

2743 Goldenagato |

hasn’t been any directly blood related disciples who left the
Clear Sky School in recent years, as a whole they’ve kept a low
profile. Only Tang Hao was unaccounted for. Besides, this child
admits his father’s name is Tang Hao. Going by his age, there
isn’t much discrepancy. I really hadn’t expected Tang Hao to
foster such an outstanding son after leaving the Clear Sky

Gu Rong said with a wry smile:

“How couldn’t he be outstanding, after all, this child has Tang

Hao and that woman as parents. This kid isn’t just terrifyingly
strong, his mind also isn’t ordinary. By his appearance, he
shouldn’t have known about Tang Hao’s identity, under such
circumstances suddenly learning about it today and still
managing to keep a cool head, this isn’t something a ten
something years old child is capable of. With time, I’m afraid he
will be another Tang Hao. School master, isn’t it……”

At this, Gu Rong’s expression turned severe, his right hand

making a knife like cutting gesture in front of him.


2744 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi resolutely rejected Gu Rong’s proposal,

“Uncle Bone, never say something like this again. Even

though the Clear Sky School has always been placed above our
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, us three upper sects have
always been like brothers, no matter the point of view, we can’t
harm this child. Even though even I can’t guess what rate of
development this child will be able to have in the future,
judging by his twin spirits, perhaps, after several years he will
also be a character like the Supreme Pontiff. To this child, even
if we are unable to draw him into the school, we must still do
everything in our power to make friends.”

Gu Rong somewhat puzzled said:

“Why? Don’t tell me we will watch such a threat mature? If in

a few decades he also grows into a Title Douluo, the Clear Sky
School will become a three Douluo sect. If this happens, then
perhaps we will always be suppressed by them.”

Ning Fengzhi sighed,

“What you say is admittedly true, but I must think of even

more. Uncle Bone, you haven’t left the school for a long time,

2745 Goldenagato |

and you’ve never cared for matters of the outside world.
However, don’t you feel that for the last twenty years the whole
Continent’s Spirit Master world has been too quiet?”

Gu Rong’s expression changed slightly,

“School master, what do you mean?”

Ning Fengzhi said:

“I still remember the rising winds and scudding clouds of the

Spirit Master world in my youth. Seen and unseen struggles
happening everywhere. But in the last twenty years struggles
like these have practically disappeared. The whole Continent,
the Spirit Master world of the two Great Empires is frightfully
quiet. But I vaguely feel the signs of mountain rain on the wind.
Perhaps, in just a few years, the Spirit Master world’s situation
will change.”

Gu Rong somewhat disbelieving said:

“Fengzhi, aren’t you being a bit paranoid? The Continent’s

calm seems to me an inevitable trend. The Spirit Master world

2746 Goldenagato |

is mainly controlled in the hands of Spirit Hall and our seven
great schools, everyone minding their own business between
each other, the majority of Spirit Masters attaching themselves
within these two sides. Even if it wasn’t these two sides, there’s
still the two Great empires or perhaps the kingdoms and duchies
for control. The whole situation would naturally stabilize.
Would something still change in this?”

Ning Fengzhi laughed bitterly,

“If it’s really like this, then that’s naturally for the best. But
I’m afraid it isn’t so simple. I’ve already found some tiny hints,
but I still can’t be certain. Everything must still be handled
carefully. But, I can be certain that if anything changes in the
Continent, our seven great schools must band together. I don’t
dare speak for the lower four sects, but our upper three sects
have always been like brothers, as long as our relationship is
stable, I won’t fear a change in power on any one side.”

“I am very optimistic of Tang San; I also believe that by using

all of his capabilities and gifts, he will be an outstanding talent
in this spirit master world before long. Looking at it, this child
is a person who does not like being restrained, but his desire for
fame and profit is very small. If not, he wouldn’t have gifted
those precious herbs to his companions. Regarding this child
who could become an extremely strong person, we must only

2747 Goldenagato |

have a good relation with him as in the future he could be of
help to us. I even think that it would be a very good option if we
can raise the importance of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School by marriage.”

“Related by marriage? But didn’t Rongrong say that he

already already had a close female friend?”

Gu Rong said puzzled.

Ning Fengzhi smiled indifferently and said,

“Regardless of how outstanding he may be, he is still only a

child, and since he is a child, his will is far from being fixed.
Who knows what will change in the future? Don’t tell me that
my girl is not suitable for him? This is still something to be
taken up later, we must first look at this child’s development in
the next few years. If he is still able to keep up this rapid speed, I
naturally will have measures for dealing with the situation.
Uncle Bone, after we get back, you must not tell anyone the
information you learned today, especially of the possibility of
Tang San’s Clear Sky School background. I really do not wish
for members of Clear Sky School to look for him. Although
Tang Hao left Clear Sky Academy, that place was still where he
started. Even now, there is certainly no one who would say he

2748 Goldenagato |

isn’t one of Clear Sky’s pair of Douluos. If Tang San really
returned to Clear Sky Academy, that could not be good.”

“I know.”

Gu Rong nodded his head. He could see, Ning Fengzhi still had
some words in his heart that he had not said. However, these
words were not important to him; it was only important for
Ning Fengzhi, the helmsman of Seven Treasures Glazed Tile
Pagoda Academy, to clearly see everything.

When Tang San returned to the dormitory, he found that

Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu were all
unexpectedly waiting for him here. Further, once he entered,
Ning Rongrong had already ran in from behind him.

“Do you have something you want to ask me?”

Tang San’s gaze swept over everyone, his face showing a trace
of astringency.

Oscar was the first to shake his head:

2749 Goldenagato |

“I don’t have anything to ask. Your own business is your own
to deal with. I only know that you are the third brother of the
Shrek Seven Devils.”

Ma Hongjun scratched his head:

“I still am not clear of what happened so there is nothing to


On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing said,

“You also have not asked about our origins; everyone has their
own secrets which should be considered as their own private

Xiao Wu immediately said:

“We are only concerned about you as a person; everything else

does not matter. By coming back safe and sound, we are all
already relieved.”

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Ning Rongrong angrily said:

“Xiao Wu, dont tell me that my father would harm Little San?
En. Let me tell you a secret: Little San became rich. He sold my
father 500 sets of hidden weapons with the total price ending up
at about 5 million gold spirit coins.”


Oscar heard this and immediately jumped off the bed, his face
excitedly looking at Ning Rongrong:

“Rongrong, where is the most expensive place in Heaven Dou


Ning Rongrong stared blankly:

“What are you going to do?”

Oscar pointed his finger at Tang San and said:

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“Obviously beating the local tyrant and dividing the land.”

Ning Rongrong laughed:

“If you plan on beating a tyrant, then you will have to wait a
few days. Can’t you see how tired third brother is? You should
try and endure a Spirit Douluo’s power for that long.”

Oscar mischievously looked at Tang San:

“Anyways, he is in the same dorm as me so he cannot run.

Okay, since little San is tired, you should head back and let little
San rest.”

One after another everyone nodded; Xiao Wu looked at Tang

San with an extremely troubled expression. However at the
moment, Tang San’s state of mind was extremely disordered
and did not respond to her gaze.

Once Oscar and the other left the dorm, the only one
remaining was Tang San.

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Sitting on the bed, he felt the sunlight on his body bringing a
sense of warmth, but his heart was still extremely confused.

Father. Where are you? Who can tell me what is going on?
What everyone has said is so contradictory: if his father was
born in Clear Sky School and even was one of Clear Sky School’s
two Douluos, then why did he degenerate into a drunkard?
From childhood, he did not mention his information pertaining
to his spirit. The only thing he left him was that simple forging
skill and the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

His father had been missing for 8 years, what was he doing?
Why is it that even now he hadn’t come to find him? Tai Tan his
Strength Clan left the Clear Sky School for his father. From this
it is possible to see that when his father left Clear Sky School, it
was most likely that he had a disagreement with the school that
made him leave. This disagreement was among the most
important points. Where did this disagreement come from?
How his mother also die? Perhaps all of these crucial points are
all related to his mother.

Alone in the silent room, Tang San slowly arranged all the
information he learned today in his head and gradually made an
outline. However at the moment, it was still impossible to make
anything out of it and he was unable to figure out what the
crucial point was.

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It was when Tang San was in the room racking his brains,
when Oscar was carrying out one of the most important events
of his lifetime.

After exiting the dorm, Xiao Wu harbouring thoughts went

back to her room, Zhu Zhuqing went back to her daily
cultivation and at Oscars ‘suggestion’, Fatty also left. At the
moment, there was only Oscar accompanying Ning Rongrong at
her side.

“Rongrong, I did not realize that you would come back so

quick. What are you going to do now?”

Oscar smiled while remarking.

Ning Rongrong was a bit at a loss and said:

“Even I do not now. I feel like cultivating, but I cannot stop

thinking. Father made me leave so I do not know what he and
grandpa Bone are talking about. Perhaps they are still talking
with Teacher Zhao. Is it bad that I came back so quick?”

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Without the slightest hesitation, Oscar said:

“Of course it’s good. You don’t know this, but when you left, I
feared that your father would not let you come back. That


Ning Rongrong stopped walking and somewhat suspiciously

looked at Oscar.

Before Ning Rongrong came back, Oscar had already

summoned the courage, but right now in front of Ning
Rongrong, looking at her pink small face, he did not know why,
but all the courage had left him.

“Why don’t you say it! A big boy shouldn’t be this


Unable to bear it any longer, Ning Rongrong kicked Oscar.

Oscar finally mustered the courage:

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“Rongrong, can you give me an answer?”

“Give you an answer?”

Ning Rongrong suddenly jumped, already conscious of what

this was about. Females are inherently keen and are mature
faster than men. Looking at Oscar’s peach blossom eyes full of
peculiarity, her heartbeat immediately sped up.

“That’s right, give me an answer. If not, I will also give up.

Everyday when we are together, we don’t think of this, but
when you left, although it was only for a day, I felt as if I were
sitting on pins and needles. All I could think about was you. If
there really will be a day when you leave my side, I don’t know
what I would become. It is better to just get the pain over with,
rather than prolong the agony. If you don’t have any feelings
for me, then please reject me now. I know that the feeling of
rejection will hurt me for a period of time, but it is still better
than pain for all my life.”

Listening to Oscar, Ning Rongrong couldn’t help but widen

her eyes. She found that today’s Oscar not only had worn a
clean and tidy shirt, but also had shaved his beard to make it

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neat. Although those peach blossom eyes expressed seriousness,
they also gave people a feeling of being dazzled and stunned. His
handsome face couldn’t help but resonate within her heart.

“You… Why are you talking about this. Right now we are still

Ning Rongrong somewhat in a state of panic lowered her

head, refusing to look at Oscar’s gaze. Her heart and mind were
like deer colliding and for a moment she did not know what to

Oscar raised his hands and grabbed Ning Rongrong’s slender


“Rongrong, look at me. All I need is an answer. No matter

what the answer is I can handle it. If we really wait until we are
older, I’m afraid I will not be able to handle it then.”

It would appear that he gave Ning Rongrong a very easy

choice: Receive my intentions, or reject my intentions.


2757 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong heart was already confused and disordered so
much that it was even more so that Tang San’s. Feeling Oscar’s
presence, she really could not reject him, but at the same time,
she also could not say yes. She knew that although her father
doted on her, as well as two Grandpas protecting her, when it
came to family customs, her father would not give leeway.

“Your heart still has a place for me, right or wrong?”

Looking at Ning Rongrong’s both welcoming and refusing

demeanor, Oscar could not help but blurt out.


Ning Rongrong wished she could reject Oscar. Looking at it

logically, she knew that there was no way she could be with
him, but when she looked at the fiery gaze Oscar’s peach
blossom eyes emitted, her spirit felt it was comforted and she
was unable to refuse him.

“Rongrong, you heart still has a place for me, right or wrong?
If you don’t say anything then it could be a yes, but it could also

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be a no. Fine, I won’t force you… I won’t force you. Right now I
am still young. All you have to do is let me know that I still have
a chance. That much is enough. Dont worry, I will try my best.
Although I don’t have any background, I will definitely rely on
my own effort to earn your father’s approval and let him marry
you to me.”

(打土豪、分田地) Slogan used in the Chinese Communist Party’s

agrarian revolution in 1927. In this case it would refer to
redistribution of wealth.

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Chapter 80 - Mystery Of Twin Spirits

After speaking, Oscar sharply pulled Ning Rongrong’s little

hand to his face and kissed it hard, then with a face full of
excitement turned around and ran, disappearing in an eyeblink.

What about acquiescence? Ning Rongrong looked stupidly at

Oscar’s departing silhouette, feeling the remainder of his heat
on the back of her hand, for a moment she couldn’t help being
somewhat silly. She knew that he indeed had a place in her
heart, only this place was unstable for all kinds of reasons.
Seeing Oscar’s incomparable excitement as he left, Ning
Rongrong’s heart couldn’t help gradually thawing, his joy
completely infecting her, it was the first time in her life that
Ning Rongrong felt that burning feeling.

“Rongrong, why are you here?”

At this moment a familiar voice came from another direction,

rousing Ning Rongrong from her sluggishness. As she turned to
look, she saw Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong leaving the school
building accompanied by Zhao Wuji.

Ning Rongrong jumped with fright, hastily moderating her

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“Daddy, are you leaving?”

Ning Fengzhi nodded,

“There are still a lot of school matters for daddy to deal with.
You must listen to the teachers here and work hard at
cultivation. Daddy hopes that when we meet again, you will still
be able to surprise daddy. Teacher Zhao, I will leave Rongrong
to your Academy. If in the future your Academy has need of
anything, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School won’t shirk its

Ning Fengzhi’s promise could be said to be more useful than

any Title Douluo, even though Zhao Wuji was also proud and
untamed, in front of Ning Fengzhi he still restrained himself.

“School master Ning, don’t worry. We will certainly take good

care of Rongrong, you take care.”

Finished speaking, Zhao Wuji turned around and headed into

the Academy, very tactfully leaving some private space for Ning

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Fengzhi and his daughter.

Ning Fengzhi raised his hand to stroke his daughter’s head,

“Yi, Rongrong, why is your face so red? You’re not ill?”

Lightly feeling his daughter’s cheek, he discovered Ning

Rongrong’s face wasn’t just red, but also burning hot.

Ning Rongrong hastily pulled down her father’s hand,

“It’s nothing. I’m very well. Daddy, you’re not staying a


Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“Silly girl, you’ll soon be fourteen, and a big young lady.

Study properly at the Academy, this time your studies have
made daddy very satisfied. Not only has your strength grown,
even more importantly you’ve clearly learned a lot about
manners. Later you should stick close to your third brother,
Tang San is a rare talent, you should be able to learn a lot from

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Ning Rongrong followed her father and the Bone Douluo’s

departure with her eyes, then slowly walked back into the
Academy. After thinking for a long while, she still decided to
find Oscar to make things clear. At least she had to let him know
about her school’s rules. He was right, it was better to just get
painful things over with. No matter how, she couldn’t bring
harm to his future feelings.

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong walked back into the

Academy with big strides, going straight for the dorms.

As a result of Oscar’s food system spirit, the dining hall was

the most suitable for his mimicry cultivation environment.

As Ning Rongrong reached the dining hall, she happened to

find Oscar already having started cultivation in a corner of the
hall. From Oscar’s expression she could see an unprecedented
focus, even if she was immature in sensing feelings, it was still
clear that Oscar’s concentration was because of her.

That moment, Ning Rongrong couldn’t help being a bit


2763 Goldenagato |

If she told him about the school rules right now, wouldn’t he
choose to abandon himself to despair? If he did, wouldn’t she be
causing him harm? He was also a genius Spirit Master. Even if
she couldn’t be together with him in the future, she still
couldn’t let him waste it.

‘Forget about it, we’ll talk later.’

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong inwardly loosed a breath. In

the deepest recesses of her heart, she actually didn’t want to
reject Oscar. Only not even she herself had a clear grasp on her
heart. Ning Rongrong secretly decided to wait until they had
cultivated to become high level Spirit Masters before talking to
Oscar about this.

Life at the Academy once again resumed its normal pace along
with the Vigorous God and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
master Ning Fengzhi’s departure, only leaving a lot of rumors.

Tang San, Ning Rongrong and the others undoubtedly became

targets the students fell over each other to talk about.

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Even the advanced class especially received the teachers’

Starting from the day after Tai Tan recognized Tang San’s
identity, there was one more person at Tang San’s side —— Tai

Every day as soon as Tang San appeared, Tai Long would

immediately follow at his side. His reasoning was very simple:
Tai Tan had made him Tang San’s body guard, as Tang San’s

Regarding this bit, Tang San was very disapproving. But Tai
Long so insisted on following him every day he didn’t he didn’t
have a way to stop him; he couldn’t just give him another

And the expression on Tai Long’s face clearly told him, ‘Either
you kill me, or you let me follow’.

Helplessly, the former Blue Tyrant Academy chief was reborn

as Tang San’s shadow.

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Besides when Tang San was cultivating, he followed even
when he ate or went to the lavatory, what is called skin-tight

After five days, Tang San’s long awaited Grandmaster,

Flender, Liu Erlong and Dai Mubai finally returned.

Dai Mubai seemed to be in glowing spirits, his entire body

seemed to have become a bit taller, simultaneously domineering
and threatening, also even more conspicuously steady. His
atmosphere was reserved, even without sensing his true nature,
each of the Shrek Seven Devils knew that this boss had clearly
increased his strength.

“Little San, thank you.”

On seeing Tang San, Dai Mubai immediately gave him a bear


Fortunately, Tang San’s body was also sturdy, and this excited
embrace didn’t manage to break any bones.

Oscar to the side laughed up his sleeve, saying:

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“Boss Dai, I didn’t expect you would swing that way. I thought
you’d hug Zhuqing.”

Dai Mubai glared at him, saying:

“Little Ao, do you need a spanking? I haven’t seen you for a

few days and you seem to have become very uppity!”

While speaking, at the same time his gaze fell on Zhu Zhuqing
out of the corner of his eyes.

Zhu Zhuqing was still cold, it seemed that Dai Mubai’s

returning or not returning was completely unrelated to her.
This couldn’t help but give a great break to Dai Mubai’s good

“I hugged little San because little San helped me. After

obtaining a spirit ring, I can feel how much my spirit power has
increased. My spirit power is now already at the forty third
rank. From fortieth to forty third rank, while it would appear to
be only two ranks when including the assistance of the spirit
ring, you all know that the later the increase, the more

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tremendous the spirit power requirements for each rank. This is
already more than I had imagined. Even more crucially, right
now I can clearly feel how the power has increased in all four
limbs, moreover the energy channels within my body are wider
and more flexible than before. This is all the result of that
‘Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum’.”

Listening to Dai Mubai speak, everyone nodded one after the


Besides Xiao Wu who hadn’t received any immortal treasure

herb benefits from the Yearning Heartbroken Red, the others
had all received enormous assistance from the precious herbs
Tang San gave them.

Dai Mubai grinned, saying:

“Everyone must also work hard, right now your levels are
already no longer low, we can’t fail to live up to the essence of
heaven and earth little San provided us. In this time before the
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition begins,
you must do your utmost to reach the fortieth rank. Then we
will have an even firmer grasp on a good result. We have only
one goal: champions. Other positions are basically insignificant
to us Shrek Seven Devils. We must let the whole Continent’s

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Spirit Master academies know that we are monsters, monsters
from the monster academy.”

Dai Mubai pumped up everyone on this side, while on the

other side, Zhao Wuji gave Flender’s trio a rundown of
everything that had happened since they left.

Listening to Zhao Wuji, Grandmaster immediately stood up,

“I must find little San for a chat. His cultivation can’t be

influenced by his past.”

Liu Erlong was just about to say something, but was stopped
by a look from Flender. She only watched Grandmaster leave
the room with quick steps, heading for the student dormitories.

“Boss Fu, you say Xiao Gang isn’t slow witted, so why is he
still like before? I feel like meeting him again is even more
painful than when I didn’t see him.”

Liu Erlong said somewhat bitterly.

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Since Tang San had been kidnapped by the Poison Douluo and
the three had been unable to rescue him, almost getting killed
by the Poison Douluo and returning to the Academy,
Grandmaster had returned to usual, neither close nor distant to
Liu Erlong.

Whenever Liu Erlong would painstakingly get close to him, he

would always find some reason to dodge.

Basically without the chance to get close to him, Liu Erlong

was getting depressed.

Flender said with a wry smile:

“Do you still not understand Xiao Gang’s character? As long as

his heart doesn’t split open, he will always be like this. I think it
would be better to work on Tang San a bit, right now in Xiao
Gang’s heart, the most important is perhaps he. If he spoke to
Xiao Gang it would be more effective than anything you or I

Liu Erlong’s eyes brightened,

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“I’ll try it. Only, I’m afraid it’ll still be difficult. I understand
Xiao Gang, unless he comes around to it on his own, it’ll be
difficult for what others say to have any effect.”

At the student dorms, without entering the room,

Grandmaster heard the voices of the Shrek Seven Devils
chatting. Opening the door, he first knocked before entering.

On seeing Grandmaster, the old traumatic experiences made

everyone hastily stand up, the impression that demonic training
had left on them was really too profound. Besides respecting
Grandmaster, they were still somewhat fearful.

Of course, it was also unavoidable that they would admire

him. Despite Grandmaster lacking strength, his tactical
directions to them were really incomparable.

Following Grandmaster’s cultivation, everyone had made

twice the progress for half the effort.

“Little San, come with me a moment.”

Grandmaster waved his hand, indicating everyone sit while he

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called out Tang San alone.

Tang San hastily got up, following Grandmaster outside.

Grandmaster brought him straight to his own residence in the
dorms, shutting the door tight, gesturing for Tang San to sit in
the sofa.

Grandmaster’s room was clearly incomparable to those of the

students. Liu Erlong had given the room she previously used as
dean directly to him.

Not only was the room enormous, moreover the decorations

were brimming with nostalgic sentiments and bright and bright
glass, giving it a kind of extremely comfortable feeling.

“Teacher, what do you want to know?”

Tang San sat on the sofa, the expression in his eyes absent

Even though no one else had bothered him over these few
days, the question of his past still troubled his heart, to the
extent that he didn’t even cultivate as focused as before.

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He also didn’t dare force himself. If by any chance he
accidentally made a mistake, the gains wouldn’t make up for the

Grandmaster nodded,

“I already know, or should I say, I already knew long ago.”


Tang San sharply looked up, looking at his Teacher with


Grandmaster walked over to sit in front of Tang San,

“You needn’t be astonished, listen to what I have to say. Do

you still remember at Nuoding Academy? After you had just
come to Nuoding Academy, I took you on as a disciple. That was
because I saw the natural aptitude of your twin spirits. But at
that time I also didn’t notice that your other spirit was the Clear
Sky Hammer. Until one day, when your father personally came

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to find me. And gave me this.”

While speaking, light flashed in Grandmaster’s hand, and an

order tile appeared from his spirit tool. On the order tile was
carved six vivid and lifelike designs, and although the colors
weren’t eye catching, Tang San knew from Grandmaster’s
previous explanations that this was the highest insignia of Spirit

Only Spirit Hall elders or higher could possess it, second only
to the Supreme Pontiff’s authority.

Grandmaster said:

“At that time I recognized your father’s identity. He is

brilliant and famous all over the Continent. He’s also my idol,
the youngest Title Douluo, Tang Hao. Your father’s Title is
simply: Clear Sky.”

“Clear Sky? Clear Sky Douluo.”

Others might deceive him, but Tang San knew that

Grandmaster never would.

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At this very moment he could at least be certain his father
wasn’t an ordinary person, moreover he was still a peak
existence in the Spirit Master world.

Grandmaster continued:

“I don’t know your father well, he only asked me to look after

you carefully. On this order tile are altogether six emblems.
Originally I told you that they each represent the six people who
have made special contributions to Spirit Hall, or the identity of
the six elders of Spirit Hall. You know, this order tile also has
six, and the six emblems are actually divided into two parts, the
first part are the three Title Douluo affiliated with Spirit Hall.
The other part represents three Title Douluo of the three upper
sects of the seven great schools. But these three Title Douluo are
also conferred the status of honorary elders by Spirit Hall.”

Tang San gazed at that order tile with rapt attention, the six
designs on the order tile were separately sword, hammer,
crown, an incomplete human shape, a dragon and a

“This order tile also has a symbolic name, it’s called the

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Heaven Dou Six Emperors Tile. The sword among them
represents the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s Sword
Douluo Chen Xin, but his part on this order tile is actually
considered belonging to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School,
controlled by the school master Ning Fengzhi you met a few
days ago. The Dragon. It represents the clan I was born from,
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, controlled by my father. And the
hammer, represents the Clear Sky Clan’s Clear Sky Hammer.
And the person who controls it, is your father, and not the
present Clear Sky School master Tang Tian.”

“Clear Sky School is a two Douluo sect, Tang Tian and Tang
Hao are brothers, who once made the whole Spirit Master world
tremble. Tang Tian is your father’s eldest brother, compared to
your father he’s more than fifteen years older. At sixty, he
smoothly broke through the ninetieth rank, entering the Title
Douluo realm. And when your father reached Title Douluo was
still thirteen years ago. He was no more than forty four.
Therefore I can say, he is the world’s youngest Title Douluo,
and also my idol.”

Tang San’s heart twitched,

“Thirteen years ago, isn’t that when I was born?”

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Grandmaster looked distracted a moment,

“Yes, it should be the year you were born, your father

surmounted the pinnacle of the Spirit Master world. Moreover,
it is rumored that he relied on his just having entered the
ninetieth rank strength to consecutively defeat Spirit Hall’s two
Title Douluo, precisely those who are represented by the
chrysanthemum and human shape on this tile. They are
respectively Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo. You
should know that they had both been famous for many years
already, and their strength had already broken through the
ninety fifth rank. But they were still unable to withstand the
might of your father’s Clear Sky hammer. Even though I
couldn’t see the fight with my own eyes, just imagining it makes
my blood boil.”

“Why would dad fight two Title Douluo in succession?”

Tang San couldn’t help asking.

Grandmaster shook his head,

“This I don’t know, not many do. This is apparently a secret

between Clear Sky School and Spirit Hall. After that fight your

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father disappeared, and the Clear Sky School restrained their
voice, hiding their identity as the present age’s number one
Spirit Master school. Even though they still retain their title as
the number one school, some emerging Spirit Masters aren’t
well acquainted with the Clear Sky School.”

“When your father reappeared once again, it was also six years
later in front of me. I’m not too clear on the internal matters of
the Clear Sky School, I’ve only vaguely heard that the
relationship between your father and your eldest uncle isn’t
particularly harmonious. But before his great battle with two
Title Douluo he had already left the Clear Sky School.”

Tang San looked stupidly at Grandmaster, for a moment

unable to speak a word, he seemed completely at a loss, his eyes
already turning somewhat red.

From his father visiting Grandmaster, and from him giving

Grandmaster such an important Heaven Dou Six Emperors Tile,
he could see how much his father valued him. How he loved

His departure was perhaps for lack of a better choice, perhaps

he had a lot of matters to deal with.

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‘But, dad, why didn’t you come back to see me?’

Grandmaster said:

“Little San, don’t think too much. In some sense, perhaps

your father never left your side.”

Tang San stared blankly,


Grandmaster’s face suddenly revealed an eccentric smile,

“Do you still remember what happened just when you entered
Shrek Academy?”

Tang San puzzled shook his head.

Grandmaster said:

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“I also actually heard this from Flender. At that time, because
Zhao Wuji’s hands were itching he personally examined you
children, and you used hidden weapons to greet him, and he
himself suffered injuries, right.”

Tang San nodded.

Grandmaster smiling said:

“But you didn’t discover, that afterwards Zhao Wuji had

changed somewhat?”

Tang San thought hard, but because of the matter with his
father his mind was in disorder, and for the moment he couldn’t
remember the circumstances of that time.

Grandmaster said:

“Don’t tell me you forgot that the next day Zhao Wuji had a
bloody nose? Flender said that the evening Zhao Wuji suffered
from your hidden weapons, a black clothed man suddenly
appeared, drawing Zhao Wuji out of the Academy. Afterwards,
he gave Zhao Wuji a beating empty handed. When Flender

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caught up he didn’t dare interfere. Because, that person didn’t
even release his spirit to beat up Zhao Wuji. You should know
that Zhao Wuji possesses seventy six ranks of spirit power,
being able to knock him down without using spirit power, what
kind of terrifying strength would that require? And that person,
was your father.”

“You mean, dad came to see me?”

Tang San stood up sharply, so moved his body trembled


Grandmaster said with a nod:

“Yes, but this was more than a year ago. He came to see you.
But he didn’t meet you. If I surmise correctly, not meeting you
was because he didn’t want to influence your cultivation, or
another reason is perhaps because he was afraid that after
meeting you he wouldn’t want to leave. I believe he certainly
has some matters he must deal with, and as a result he isn’t
willing to meet you.”

Dad came to see him, and even beat up teacher Zhao Wuji who
injured him?

2781 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s heart suddenly became scorching hot. When he
had seen Tai Long’s father Tai Nuo come to challenge him for
the sake of his son, he didn’t know how envious he had been.
And now he found out that his father had done the same for him
more than a year ago. That kind of proud and warm feeling
made all the complaints he had stored up over the years quietly
fade away.

Grandmaster said:

“Therefore I would say, that your father might be at your side

at any time. When he believes the time is right, he will naturally
appear before you. Your family name is Tang, and you are
directly blood related to the Clear Sky School, let me tell you
this so you clearly understand, whether it’s for you yourself, or
for your father, since you have chosen to walk the path of a
Spirit Master, you cannot stop to rest. Perhaps, your father will
also equally need your help, but if you’re dispirited because of
your past, and it influences your cultivation, how can you still
help him in the future? Perhaps he won’t blame you, but he will
certainly be disappointed. You are the son of Clear Sky Douluo,
you have inherited the blood of your father, you must use action
and strength to prove to your father that you have the
qualifications to help him. Perhaps your father is waiting for
your strength to reach a certain level before he appears in front
of you, who can say?”

2782 Goldenagato |

From his birth until now, Tang San had been together with
Grandmaster for longer than he’d been with his father. It could
be said that Grandmaster and Xiao Wu were the people closest
to him apart from his father.

The past few days’ bewilderment, contradictions, and

complicated feelings, were suddenly dispelled by these words
from Grandmaster.

Everything became completely clear before his eyes.

Even if he himself could understand everything clearly right

now, so what?

With his present strength there was basically nothing he

could do. What he could do right now was work hard at
cultivation like Grandmaster said.

Using action to prove himself to his father.

‘Dad, have you always been watching over me in secret? Then

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fine, you wait and see, I definitely won’t let you down.’

Seeing Tang San’s expression change, Grandmaster couldn’t

help secretly nodding. He knew Tang San was smart, as soon as
he woke up a bit he would understand. This was also
Grandmaster’s goal in calling him over.

“Grandmaster, I still have two questions.”

The light reappeared in Tang San’s eyes, and he again

recovered his usual quiet and contented ease.

Grandmaster said:


Tang San said:

“The first question is, do you know who my mother was?

Since I was born, I never met my mother, and father never
spoke of her. I vaguely feel that father losing himself in shoddy
alcohol for six years is very possibly related to my mother.”

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Grandmaster nodded and said:

“You’re right. Since you never saw your mother, it’s very
possible she was related to your father’s depression. However,
your mother’s identity is even more mysterious. Let alone me,
in the Spirit Master world there’s no one who knows who she
was. She apparently didn’t belong to any of the great Spirit
Master clans, this can be seen from your Blue Silver Grass. Blue
Silver Grass is the standard for waste spirits. In some sense,
twin spirits is also a kind of spirit variation. Being able to allow
two spirits to coexist will cause a certain harm to the Spirit
Master’s body, just like Ma Hongjun’s previous evil fire would
cause him complications. But strangely, the two spirits within
you have never shown this kind of circumstances. Unusually
harmonious together. Moreover, your Blue Silver Grass doesn’t
seem to have a difficult cultivation process. Your spirit power
promotes very quickly. If saying your innate full spirit power
was caused by your Clear Sky Hammer, why would Blue Silver
Grass cultivate so quickly? Even though you have twin spirits, it
still shouldn’t be the reason for this.”

Tang San didn’t have anything to say to Grandmaster’s

questions. Even if he didn’t know why his two spirits could
coexist so tactfully, his spirit power was cultivated with the
Mysterious Heaven Skill method, seemingly unrelated to his

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However Tang Sect inside knowledge couldn’t be revealed to


“Teacher, my second question is, why won’t my father and

you let me cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer? According to what
you said, the Clear Sky Hammer should be a top quality tool
spirit, clearly it should have even better prospects than
cultivating Blue Silver Grass. My father also became famous
with it. Don’t tell me it’s in order to hide that I come from Clear
Sky School?”

Hearing this question from Tang San, Grandmaster couldn’t

help but show a smiling expression,

“This question is very simple. Whether your father or me, it’s

all for your own good. It’s not to conceal your identity, but
rather to let you become even stronger in the future. Tell me,
what is the greatest advantage of twin spirits?”

“The abilities of two spirits. One spirit can at most only have
nine spirit rings, that’s also nine abilities. But I have two spirits,
so it’s eighteen abilities.”

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Grandmaster’s brows furrowed,

“Foolish kid, fortunately you have me to learn from. Why

can’t you still see it clearly? Correct, after twin spirits have
cultivated to the Title Douluo realm, they can indeed possess
eighteen spirit rings, eighteen spirit abilities. But, you’ve
forgotten, even though you have twin spirits, you can only use
one spirit at a time. In other words, at most you can only use
nine spirit rings at the same time, that’s all. Even though you
can change a bit more than ordinary Spirit Masters, is this the
mystery of twin spirits? Then you are underestimating the gift
of twin spirits too much.”

A divine light came on in Tang San’s mind,

“Teacher, you mean to say……”

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Me and your father both advocating having you first

cultivating your Blue Silver Grass, is because it’s inferior to the
Clear Sky Hammer. The greatest advantage of twin spirits is the

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ability to first cultivate one spirit. Even though your Clear Sky
Hammer doesn’t have any spirit rings at present, your spirit
power has already reached the thirty seventh rank. Think about
it. If you right now began to add spirit rings to your Clear Sky
Hammer, then what level of spirit rings would that be?
Thousand year. If your Blue Silver Grass first reaches the Title
Douluo level, then you add spirit rings to the Clear Sky
Hammer? What level then? Me and your father’s goal is to
create an unimaginable existence with all spirit rings over ten
thousand years. But these circumstances can only appear with a
Spirit Master with twin spirits. Your other spirit is Blue Silver
Grass, I don’t expect you to cultivate to the ninetieth rank, but
as long as you can cultivate to the sixtieth rank or higher, then,
in the future it will be possible to create an all ten thousand year
spirit ring Clear Sky Hammer. At that time, let alone a Title
Douluo, even two at once, how might they be your opponents?
Equally at the ninetieth rank, relying on your nine ten thousand
year spirit rings to add all sorts of attributes, how could an
ordinary Spirit Master compare? This is our true goal.”

Tang San’s eyes shone. He had used the Clear Sky Hammer
once, at that time he had relied on it without any spirit rings to
successfully attack the Man Faced Demon Spider. The Clear Sky
Hammer’s weight was so frightful, and all this was because it
was in itself a tyrannical existence.

Grandmaster looked at Tang San, saying:

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“Right now my sole worry is whether your two spirits will
come into conflict when you start adding spirit rings to the
Clear Sky Hammer. In Spirit Master history, you are the third
person to possess twin spirits. We’re not the only smart people,
and if we’ve thought of something, then others have thought of
it too. The first Spirit Master to possess twin spirits came to an
extremely miserable end. When he added spirit rings to his
second spirit, after adding the third, the two spirits came into
conflict, bursting his body. But the second person to possess
twin spirits was successful, becoming a power unprecedented in
history. In other words, according to this cultivation method
with twin spirits, the probability of success is fifty percent.”

“Perhaps your odds are a bit higher, after all, even until now
your Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass haven’t shown
any signs of conflict. I’ve been constantly researching this
question over these years, how to add spirit rings to your Clear
Sky Hammer in the future so that they don’t come into

“Not letting people know about the twin spirits is out of fear
that some formidable spirit master will take a detrimental
interest in you, having you first cultivate Blue Silver Grass is a
method to let you become even stronger. Now you understand.
As for what to choose in the future, that is up to you.”

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Under Grandmaster’s detailed explanation, Tang San couldn’t
help but feel a completely new awareness of his twin spirits,

“Teacher, then having me temper my body, isn’t that also

because of the twin spirits? When Blue Silver Grass gains spirit
rings, it would somewhat improve my body, like strength,
agility, and endurance. And after I add spirit rings to the Clear
Sky Hammer, won’t these circumstances appear again? In other
words, my body’s attributes can at most increase by eighteen
spirit rings. Although these attributes aren’t much compared to
spirit abilities, accumulating his many is still extremely

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“That’s right, this is also a point that worries me. Increasing

all kinds of attributes is of course a good thing to Spirit Masters.
But, as attributes strengthen past a certain degree and the body
is unable to endure, it will turn from benefit to disaster. That’s
why I would have you toughen your physique. After you ate
those two kinds of extreme immortal treasure herbs this time, it
seems your body has improved not insignificantly. Right now I
can be certain that in the future when you add spirit rings to the
Clear Sky Hammer, at least the first three spirit rings won’t
cause you too much of a burden. As for the others, it will depend

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on the circumstances. If it’s really no good we will use a kind of
special method to distribute these properties.”

“How to distribute spirit ring properties?”

Tang San inquisitively asked.

Grandmaster pointed at Tang San’s back, saying:

“You’ve forgotten, you still have that external spirit bone. As

your strength reaches a certain level, it’s best to possess two
more spirit bones, and as your body is unable to support the
properties from the spirit rings, these will be distributed into
the spirit bones within you. Like this, the pressure you endure
yourself will become smaller. The problem is, once people learn
about it, people wanting to kill you by breaking the spirit bones
within you will perhaps increase. Right now your twin spirits
still haven’t formed, few people know about it, and it’s still not
considered a problem, as for later it’s hard to say. Therefore, it’s
for this reason I will continue to remind you that unless your
life is in danger, you definitely mustn’t easily reveal your Clear
Sky Hammer. In another half year it will be the Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Grand Competition, I will remind you once
again that in this Spirit Master Grand Competition you
definitely mustn’t use the Clear Sky Hammer.”

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“Yes, Teacher.”

Grandmaster softly patted Tang San’s shoulder, as if the

frustration faded away saying:

“Little San, I can understand your present frame of mind. But

there’s one point you must be clear on, living in a great clan,
especially a Spirit Master school, isn’t as great as it appears.
Restrictions and pressure from all sides, as well as secret
internal struggles, there is no benefit to cultivation.”

(唐天) “Tang Heaven”, the Tian is the same as “Sky” in Clear


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Chapter 81 - Xiao Wu: Ge, Brush My Hair

Grandmaster meaningfully and heartfelt said to Tang San:

“Although you now know your identity as part of the Clear

Sky School, I hope you will be able to keep a common heart,
don’t lightly go looking for your school, also don’t easily let out
your thoughts. You can understand your teacher’s painstaking

Tang San nodded without the slightest hesitation:

“Teacher, I understand. No matter what I do, I must have

strength first, before I believe I have sufficient strength I won’t
lightly go looking for the Clear Sky School. I might say, I must
at least wait until my father appears, before I might return to
the school. Moreover, you should also know that I’ve always
liked freedom, the life in a school doesn’t seem to suit me.
Actually, I’d rather be a blacksmith’s son, to me, what’s the
point of status?”

Grandmaster looked astonished at Tang San, after all, Tang

San in his eyes still only a teenaged child, he hadn’t expected
this disciple of his to be able to see so deeply. His rigid face

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couldn’t help revealing a smiling expression, and he once again
patted Tang San’s shoulder,

“Words like these put my heart at ease. In another half year

the Advanced Spirit Master Academy Grand Competition will
begin, this isn’t only a stage to reveal you, it’s also the ideal
opportunity to gain experience. At this Continental Grand
Competition, you will meet all the Spirit Master powers of your
generation. Fighting them, vanquishing them, will not only
promote your battle experience, at the same time it’s also an
opportunity to establish confidence. I’ve already talked it over
with Flender. Once this time’s Spirit Master Grand Competition
is over, you children will graduate from the Academy.”

“Graduate? Teacher, isn’t it too early for this?”

Tang San said, shocked.

Grandmaster shook his head with a smile,

“No, it’s not early. At ordinary advanced Spirit Master

academies you can already graduate when your strength reaches
thirty ranks, moreover be considered a first rate student. But
right now you’re not just at the thirtieth rank, even from the

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point of view of the Shrek Academy, I think that after you’ve
participated in this Grand Competition, you should have
reached the fortieth rank or so. Little San, the Academy isn’t
everything. To your lives, cultivating at the Academy is only
one stage, even more important is to temper yourselves in the
outside world, that is the battlefield of your true test.”

Whether it his last life or this one, Tang San didn’t have too
many experiences with society, but as he saw the certain gaze in
Grandmaster’s eyes, he knew Grandmaster’s judgement wasn’t

Perhaps it was because he had never stayed in the outside

world, to the possible unknowns, in his heart was still some
amount of fear.

Of course, right now wasn’t the time to reflect on this. Tang

San naturally also didn’t expect that when he truly left for the
outside world, it would already be six years later.

Leaving Grandmaster’s office, that kind of flash of insight

feeling made Tang San’s heart indescribably free from worry.
He had already again found his purpose in life. What about
being descended from a school? What about father being a Title
Douluo? All of that was after all not him.

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He only had to first make himself become strong. This was

Tang San already thought very clearly, at his current age,

without anything more important than cultivation, all his
physical and mental efforts should naturally be focused on this,
and not on flights of fancy.

From this point on, whether it was Tang San or the other
Shrek Seven Devils, they all entered half a year of arduous

Grandmaster didn’t conduct any more special training with

them, only regularly giving them tactics guidance, especially to
their mutual teamwork, as well as how to use their own spirit
abilities even more effectively.

It would appear that everyone had their own spirit abilities,

they only had to use them fully.

But in fact, within this was contained enormous knowledge.

Fully using any spirit ability at any time, fully using any spirit

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ability under any spirit power situation. Each circumstance held
profound hidden theory. But Grandmaster had expended
several decades on researching just this field. Under his
guidance, the Shrek Seven Devils could be said to walk countless
steps along a winding road.

Just like Tang San said when he presented everyone with the
immortal treasure herbs, the medicinal effect wouldn’t just
show at the time they took them. Along with their unceasing
cultivation, apart from Xiao Wu who hadn’t used the ‘Yearning
Heartbroken Red’, each person felt their bodies changing.

Not only did their spirit power growth rate become even
faster than before, even more significant was the immortal
treasure herbs’ transformation of their spirits and bodies. Tang
San chose the herbs very carefully, and practically all were the
ones that suited each person best.

Imperceptibly influencing them under their constant

cultivation, the heaven and earth power contained within the
herbs gradually fused with their bodies, making their
comprehensive strength grow.

Even the Nine Treasure Purple Zoysia that wasn’t considered

a real immortal treasure still assisted Grandmaster, in that brief

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half year his spirit power went from thirtieth rank to the thirty
fifth rank. And everyone in the Shrek Seven Devils, making use
of this half year, besides Dai Mubai’s spirit power which only
rose one rank and a half, reaching the forty fourth and close to
the forty fifth rank, of the remaining six only Xiao Wu didn’t
reach the fortieth rank bottleneck.

The first person to break through the fortieth rank bottleneck

was someone everyone felt was unexpected, against everyone’s
expectations it wasn’t Zhu Zhuqing who had already reached
the thirty eighth rank when taking the immortal treasure herb,
or the most assiduously cultivating, intrinsically differently
talented Tang San.

Taking everyone aback, the first of the six to break through

the fortieth rank was the least adept at cultivating food system
Spirit Master Oscar. When he had cultivated for four and a half
months he successfully broke through the bottleneck, just
stepping on the threshold to the fortieth rank, only requiring a
spirit ring to formally go from Spirit Elder to Spirit Ancestor.

Others might not know about Oscar’s hard work, but Tang
San understood clearly. Even though Tang San didn’t know
what had happened, since the time Ning Rongrong returned
from her clan, Oscar’s cultivation was a lot more diligent than

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Previously Oscar was most addicted to sleeping, but in these
few months Tang San hadn’t seen him sleeping once, even so
that he rarely returned to the dorm, every day painstakingly
cultivating his spirit in the dining hall that suited his cultivation

His strength being able to promote this quickly was

admittedly related to the Eight Petal Immortal Orchid, but his
great efforts and invested energy also finally had a conclusive

After five months of cultivation, Zhu Zhuqing also broke

through the fortieth rank, and after two days Tang San broke
through. In another ten days, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong
also successively broke through the bottleneck.

So far, besides Xiao Wu who hadn’t taken the immortal

treasure herb, the strength of the other six Shrek Seven Devils
had all reached the fortieth rank stage.

In Grandmaster’s amassed theory, breaking through the

bottleneck didn’t necessarily require first going to get a spirit
ring. Continued cultivation would still accumulate spirit power
that would be released when a spirit ring was obtained.

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As a result of everyone’s spirit power being close,
Grandmaster decided that after everyone had reached the
fortieth rank they would again go hunt spirit beasts.

Of course, they couldn’t wait for Xiao Wu, and as everyone

reached the fortieth rank, because she hadn’t taken the
immortal treasure herb, she was still at the thirty seventh rank
and attacking the thirty eighth. To reach the fortieth rank
would still require at least another half year.

Tang San had on a few occasions advised Xiao Wu to take the

Yearning Heartbroken Red, but Xiao Wu still wasn’t willing,
and would keep the Yearning Heartbroken Red at her side every
day, regarding it as indescribably precious.

But that Yearning Heartbroken Red was also very strange.

Without any nutrients or moisture, following at Xiao Wu’s side
it could unexpectedly absorb the strength of heaven and earth
on its own, not only without any signs of wilting, but on the
contrary becoming even more brightly colored and alluring,
reflecting dazzlingly on Xiao Wu.

That seemingly delicate sprig and petals was even more

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durable than any metal.

Making people click their tongues in wonder.

In this half year Tang San also completed his agreement with
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. The Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School’s financial resources were indeed formidable,
in barely half a year they had manufactured the required
components, and following Tang San’s assembly had completely
outfitted the directly related disciples of the school, and
furthermore kept some remaining ones stored in reserve.

It was also because he had to spend time on making these

things that Tang San’s cultivation was slower than Oscar and
Zhu Zhuqing, making him the third person to break through the
fortieth rank.

In this period of time, there was still one small interlude.

After Ning Fengzhi brought back the blueprints he ordered his
subordinate craftsmen to manufacture and research them, even
using the finished goods to compare. But no matter how they
tried, they were still unable to make even one hidden weapon.
Even if those finished hidden weapons were dismantled to their
components, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School craftsmen
still couldn’t think of a way to fit them together.

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Helplessly, in the end they could only leave the final assembly
to Tang San.

Even though this still couldn’t be considered a loss to the

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it was still somewhat
embarrassing for Ning Fengzhi.

How could he know that Tang San used manufacturing skills

that had been developed by the Tang Sect over centuries, how
couldn’t the Tang Sect fear that others would counterfeit the
sect’s hidden weapons? Everything they manufactured would
contain some special skill that only Tang Sects disciples knew,
just like a passcode existing for each hidden weapon. As long as
no code was leaked by mistake, it would be impossible to reveal
the secrets of the hidden weapon making.

This was a major reason why Tang San could completely at

ease hand over the blueprints to Ning Fengzhi.

At nightfall, in a rare moment when Tang San wasn’t

cultivating, sitting in front of the log cabin, leaning against the
cottage and gazing up at the points of starlight in the night sky.

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As a plant system Spirit Master, his mimicry cultivation
naturally had to be made among plants, and the secluded
wooden cottage that was originally Liu Erlong’s dwelling was
considered Tang San’s.

Tang San quite liked the environment here. Cultivating here

was not only quiet, that fresh and clean air and the fragrance
released by the plants was even more what he liked the most.

Xiao Wu sat next to Tang San, her feet swinging slightly, both
hands resting on the logs they sat on, raising her face, the light
of the moon and stars made her even more conspicuously

In the past half year, the high intensity cultivation and

abundant food made all the Shrek Seven Devils just in their
period of development change somewhat. Tang San’s height
already surpassed Xiao Wu slightly, reaching close to one meter
eighty or so. Xiao Wu was also the tallest of the three girls,
reaching an astonishing one meter seventy five. But by now
Tang San had only just passed his fourteenth birthday, and Xiao
Wu was still some ways off.

Tang San’s shoulders were somewhat wider than before,

overall still appearing ordinary, his expression reserved, if the

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Shrek Seven Devils walked together he would absolutely attract
the least attention.

Dai Mubai frequently teased him, saying the most

unremarkable was the most dangerous.

Xiao Wu’s growth rate had already slowed down, and in the
last two months she had no longer grown in height. Her
scorpion braid still hung down to her calves, perhaps she had
been influenced by Ning Rongrong, but her skin had become
even more exquisite, and some places exclusive to girls had
begun to develop.

What attracted the most attention was still her long legs,
perfectly round and perfectly straight, without the slightest
flaw to be found. Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were both
equally beautiful, but they also both envied Xiao Wu’s legs. The
three girls each had their own characteristics, if saying Xiao Wu
previously was slightly inferior to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning
Rongrong in appearance, then in this past half year she had
become prettier, not only catching up to the other two, but even
slightly overtaking them. But because they were together
everyday, no one had a very strong impression of this.

“Xiao Wu, it’s late, go back and rest. We’ll set out tomorrow.”

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Tang San bumped Xiao Wu at his side with his shoulder.

Xiao Wu nodded softly, picking up that Yearning Heartbroken

Red from her thighs, looking at the brilliantly colored petals,
she brought it to her mouth to kiss it gently, smelling that faint
fragrance only she could perceive:

“Ge, I still haven’t reached the fortieth rank. Aren’t you very

Tang San smiled slightly,

“Why would I? Your cultivation speed is already faster than I

imagined. If everyone didn’t eat immortal treasure herbs,
perhaps your cultivation speed would even surpass me. Let
alone the others. Xiao Wu, cultivation must be done step by
step, shortcuts can’t be taken with undue haste. Otherwise
would be no good, if by chance you took a misstep out of
impetuousness, that would be greatly troubling. You must
remember your big brother’s words. You can’t keep it on your
mind by any means. By now our overall strength is already very
powerful, you don’t need to think of anything, before long you
will also be able to step on the goal line of the fortieth rank. I

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can guarantee that if you agree to eat this Yearning Heartbroken
Red, then your spirit power will definitely be even higher than
everyone’s, reaching the highest stage among us.”

Xiao Wu giggled, jumping up, she said:

“Don’t worry, I won’t drag everyone down. Ge, what spirit

beast are you preparing to hunt this time?”

Tang San said:

“Who can say. Even though I have a few choices, the concrete
circumstances still depend on our luck. When we meet a spirit
beast suitable to someone, that someone will kill it. The few of
us all have dissimilar spirits, inevitably there will be something

Xiao Wu nodded, saying:

“I hope everyone will have good luck. Ge, can’t you help me
comb my hair? My hair is a bit messy.”

2806 Goldenagato |

Tang San looked distracted,

“Comb your hair?”

This was the first time Xiao Wu had made such a request to

“But, you’re going back to sleep, won’t your hair be messy


Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue at Tang San,

“You blockhead, after I return won’t I cultivate straight till

early morning?”

While speaking, Xiao Wu pulled out a comb from her chest

and handed it to Tang San.

It was a wooden comb, seemingly very simple. But the wood

was exceptionally good, the grain on the deep purple wood
extremely exquisite, fitting well in the hand and tough and
durable. A trace of faint wood fragrance rose from it.

2807 Goldenagato |

If it wasn’t for Tang San having Purple Demon Eye to clearly
see details in the darkness, he would also have thought this
comb was black.

t was also just because he was unable to find any flaw in the
wood even with his Purple Demon Eye at the mustard seed stage
that he was astonished.

“The wood of this comb is amazing!”

Tang San couldn’t help saying.

Xiao Wu nodded, there seemed to be something in her eyes,

“My mom gave it to me, it was made by her personally, carved

from first rate red sandalwood. Even though it doesn’t have any
decorations, this is still the last thing mom left me.”

Tang San had never heard Xiao Wu mention her family, and
now suddenly hearing her speak of her mother, his heart
skipped a beat. When he looked at her, in her beautiful eyes he

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could clearly see something sparkling and translucent.

Xiao Wu raised her scorpion braid, untying the lowest pink

ribbon, her eyes all along attentively watching Tang San, left
hand supporting her braid, right hand little by little combing it
out, using five fingers to separate the originally braided black
hair, gradually spreading like a black waterfall.

Enveloped in the light from the moon and the stars, watching
that braid come undone over Xiao Wu’s shoulder, Tang San’s
gaze couldn’t help being somewhat stupid. Right now Xiao Wu
was truly beautiful, the moon and the stars seemed to become a
backdrop for her, only she was at the center of this painting.

Xiao Wu looked deeply at Tang San, and along with her braid
dispersing slowly turned around. As the last tangles came
undone, with a slight shake of her head, that supple black
waterfall shook out, unexpectedly completely sheltering her
delicate body.

The long hair like black satin hung all the way to the ground,
at least one chi stroking the logs underfoot. Right now Xiao Wu
seemed to blend into the darkness, and from Tang San’s
perspective he could only see that moving black.

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Perhaps it was because it had been too long since the hair had
been combed, but when the long hair separated it took on a
wavy shape, swaying slightly as Xiao Wu moved.

“Xiao Wu, you really are beautiful.”

Tang San couldn’t keep himself from blurting out.

Xiao Wu’s back was to Tang San, but in her eyes teardrops
were quietly falling, because, she thought of her mother.

“Ge, comb my hair.”

Xiao Wu’s voice was very soft, with a slight tremble, also a
trace of fear and expectation. She waited quietly.

Tang San came to himself, and quietly walked forward, as if

afraid to startle the black waterfall under the light of the moon
and the stars, noiselessly reaching Xiao Wu’s back.

Left hand gently and carefully lifting Xiao Wu’s long black
hair, right hand stroking the red sandalwood comb, bit by bit

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combing through her hair.

A faint fragrance came out, a fragrance Tang San felt was very
familiar. It wasn’t the smell of perfume, because Tang San knew
that Xiao Wu had never needed such things. It was even less
possible for it to be the fragrance of the Yearning Heartbroken
Red, because only Xiao Wu could perceive it.

Right now, what kind of picture was this?

A stunning young woman standing quietly in front of a log

cabin, surrounded by that quiet forest, those bashful moon and
stars in the sky, that young woman lightly clasping a flower in
her hands, behind her a dim-witted youth, just using a deep
purple comb to softly comb and gather her long soft hair.

Tang San was silly, constantly repeating the motions of his

hands. Xiao Wu was also silly, a sad past twinkling in her gaze.


“Mom, this comb is so pretty! How can there be purple


2811 Goldenagato |

A charming voice echoed in the mountain forest.

“Silly girl, mom used red sandalwood to make this, since

you’ve already chosen, mom will give this comb to you. In the
future, if you find a man you truly love, then, let him help you
use this comb to comb your hair. A woman’s hair can only be
combed by one man in all her life. Mom will bless you, and hope
that one day, you will find that man you can trust with your


Mom, you know? I already found him.”

Revealing a smile on her tear stained face, along with the man
behind her back combing her hair, her gaze turned to the bright
moon, that shining bright moonlight seemed to be her mother’s

Long hair being combed, soft light roaming, this moment,

time seemed to stand still. Whether it was Tang San or Xiao Wu,
neither wanted to break the tranquility.

2812 Goldenagato |

Early morning, Shrek Academy main gate.

Flender, Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuji, ang Grandmaster stood

outside the Academy gate, looking at the seven children
assembled before them with spirits trembling with excitement,
hearts all brimming with pride.

Fortieth rank, this was the boundary a Spirit Master had to

reach before thirty years old or so, in order to be a Spirit Master
of a certain talent.

But of these children, the oldest was only seventeen. The

youngest still wasn’t fourteen. But they had already reached this

Admittedly there had been some miracles on the way, but

what was important was that these little monsters all had such
astonishing talent.

And as the ones who had unearthed them, how could Flender
and the others not feel pride?

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Ning Rongrong bumped into Xiao Wu’s back, saying in a low

“Xiao Wu, how come your braid is combed a little askew?”

Xiao Wu’s charming face blushed, and her glance

unconsciously floated over to Tang San at her side. Tang San’s
hearing wasn’t as good as his eyesight, but it still wasn’t bad.
Ning Rongrong stood next to him and Xiao Wu, and Tang San
naturally heard her words. At the same moment he also
awkwardly looked at Xiao Wu, and as the pair’s eyes met in the
air, they both couldn’t help hastily moving apart.

To the side Oscar spotted a clue, lowering his voice, he said


“No way, little San, you wouldn’t……”

Tang San immediately interrupted him,

“Less nonsense, it’s not what you think.”

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This morning he had with great difficulty persuaded Tai Long
not to follow.

Tai Long’s cultivation speed was clearly inferior to theirs, by

now he had just reached the thirty eighth rank, still not the
thirty ninth.

Moreover, Tai Long was after all not part of the Shrek Seven
Devils. Even though he always followed his grandfather’s
instructions and considered himself Tang San’s bodyguard,
Tang San couldn’t think of him like that. Even though he had
cultivated in this half year and his time with Tai Long wasn’t
long, he had still given Tai Long some of the cultivation
techniques Grandmaster had taught him.

The relationship of the two changed from the previous rivals

in love to become ordinary friends.

Of course, it was already impossible for Tai Long to pay

attention to Xiao Wu, let alone the change in Tang San’s status,
even without this he understood that he would perhaps never
be able to be Tang San’s match.

Xiao Wu also even more wouldn’t choose him.

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Let alone he, practically every student at the Shrek Academy
knew that the only woman in Tang San’s eyes was Xiao Wu, and
Xiao Wu also wouldn’t encourage any other man. There were a
lot of female students who had tried to approach Tang San, but
been blocked by Xiao Wu.

Even though Tang San knew about this, he never said


The two of them hadn’t done anything in front of anyone that

would establish a relationship as lovers, but the people at the
Academy had long ago already regarded them as such. Only the
Shrek Seven Devils knew that Tang San and Xiao Wu’s
relationship was pure and honest.

Oscar immediately displayed an understanding appearance,

“En, it’s not what I think, you needn’t explain. Everyone


By now it wasn’t just Oscar, but Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and

even Zhu Zhuqing all looked at them with strange gazes.

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Tang San couldn’t help cursing,

“You understand farting.”

As these words came out, everyone couldn’t help smiling. And

Xiao Wu’s face became adorably apple red.

“Hai hai, what are you doing?”

Flender said unhappily. At this the Shrek Seven Devils hastily

restrained their smiles, straightening their backs.

Flender said:

“We’ll set out immediately, our goal is the Sunset Forest. Even
though this time there are four of us along, I must announce an
important point. Even though the fourth spirit ring doesn’t
have such an effect of connecting the past and future like the
third spirit ring, the fourth spirit ring is still equally important.
In order to conduct even better actual combat drills before you
join the Spirit Master Grand Competition, me and Grandmaster
have decided after discussing it, that for this spirit beast

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hunting process, you will complete it yourselves. Unless it’s an
absolute last resort, we won’t easily act. Under normal
circumstances, not only won’t we protect you, we would instead
have you carry out the protection. This trip for hunting spirit
beasts is also considered the first stage of your graduation exam.
And the second stage is the next Advanced Spirit Master Grand
Competition. Understood?”

Ma Hongjun was the least afraid of Flender, and couldn’t keep

from asking:

“Teacher, then how will we pass the test?”

Flender said:

“Good question. Passing actually isn’t difficult. For the first

test you can rely on your collective power to hunt spirit beasts
suitable to you, as long as the four of us haven’t acted in the
meantime, you will be considered to have passed. And the
second stage, as long as you can casually return with the
championship, you can also graduate fairly well.”

“Ah? This is called ‘not difficult’?”

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Oscar couldn’t help crying out.

Even though they were all rare talents, given the age limit
their strength couldn’t after all reach the degree of opposing
heaven, and what they had to confront was nonetheless the elite
of Spirit Masters under twenty five. Destroying the opposition
from start to finish and obtaining the championship was no easy

Flender’s eyes glinted,

“What? You have any objections, Oscar?”

“No, no objections. Dean is wise.”

Oscar knew Flender’s character. If he raised any dissent,

perhaps this graduation would become even more difficult.

“If you don’t that’s fine. We’re leaving.”

Flender issued the order to set out, and a group of eleven

people set foot on the avenue heading to Sunset Forest.

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Flender’s quartet walked in front, and the Shrek Seven Devils
followed behind.

Flender also wasn’t worried. With Grandmaster, Liu Erlong,

and Zhao Wuji all slowly advancing while talking and laughing,
such an appearance was more like an excursion.

Dai Mubai brought up the Shrek Seven Devils behind, saying

in a low voice:

“I’ve already obtained my fourth spirit ring, have you all

thought properly on what kind of spirit ring you need this time?
Since dean Flender’s party isn’t prepared to help us hunt spirit
beasts, we will have to plan it out. According to Grandmaster’s
calculations, this time the best result would be to obtain spirit
rings between three and five thousand years. Of course, the
closer to five thousand years, the greater the strength growth
rate. My fourth spirit ring was from a roughly over four
thousand year spirit beast. But, the closer to five thousand
years, the more difficult it will be to absorb the spirit ring. I
don’t think any of you have forgotten little San’s appearance
when he absorbed the Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring last
time. Even though he endured that time, he also suffered
enormous pain, not something a weak heart can accomplish.

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Therefore, you must quickly think of a good goal for yourselves.
Under the premise of maximizing benefit, you must still
consider what degree you can absorb.”

Everyone nodded one after another. Grandmaster’s theories

were naturally established, but each Spirit Master’s own
circumstances were different, and the limit of what they could
support were actually somewhat disparate. Like Oscar and Ning
Rongrong, the limit of spirit rings they could support were
clearly a bit lower than the others, they were after all auxiliary
system Spirit masters, and their physical conditions were
different from Battle Spirit Masters. But for Tang San, who had
in succession suffered absorbing the potent amplification of the
Man Faced Demon Spider’s spirit ring as well as the Octagonal
Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot’s
transformation, the resilience of his body was terrifyingly
higher than that of Spirit Masters of comparable rank, the
target spirit ring ages to absorb would naturally be a bit higher.

Tang San said:

“It would be better like this. Right now we don’t know

concretely what spirit beasts we’ll come across. Once we
encounter spirit beasts not reaching the age limit, we’ll beat
them down until it can’t resist, and afterwards we’ll carefully
determine its age. The one it suits the most will absorb it. If it

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suits no one, we’ll release it. What do you think?”

Tang San was Grandmaster’s disciple, and further the soul of

the Shrek Seven Devils, these words immediately obtained
everyone’s approval.

Dai Mubai said:

“Good, we’ll do it like that. How to set about it will still follow
little San’s directions.”

Tang San said:

“Little Ao, before we enter the Sunset Forest, first make a

batch of flying mushroom sausages for everyone, so if we
encounter danger we can evade more easily. At the same time,
everyone don’t forget the Flying God Claws, those can not only
help you navigate difficult terrain, they can also be used to
escape and seize spirit beasts. But you must be careful when
using them, don’t use it easily if the spirit beast is too strong,
otherwise you’ll rush to help the spirit beast. When
encountering a suitable spirit beast I will give priority to
restraining its movements with control abilities, afterwards you
attack collectively, just don’t kill it.”

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“Oscar, you’re not only in charge of supplying everyone, at
the same time you must also pay attention to replenishing the
spirit beast. If by some chance everyone acts severely, putting
the spirit beast on the verge of death, don’t be stingy with your
big recovery sausages.”

“Rongrong, your mission is the simplest, in an encounter

directly start assisting everyone with the Nine Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda. Zhuqing is in charge of scouting, while me, Mubai
and Xiao Wu will be mainly in charge of attacking. Everyone


Although Flender’s quartet walked in front, their ears were all

along directed at the activity in the back. Now listening to Tang
San’s deployment, this Shrek Academy dean’s face couldn’t help
revealing a smiling expression, bumping Grandmaster at his
side and saying:

“Little San really isn’t like a child, his mind is meticulous, and
he doesn’t panic in new situations. Even learning of his own
background didn’t influence his cultivation. I heard he even

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made a profit from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Xiao
Gang, how about you give him to me? Or how about having him
also take on the role of teacher?”

Grandmaster glanced across at Flender, saying:

“Isn’t it enough for you to be his dean? No matter what you

say, little San will graduate from the Shrek Academy in the

Flender nodded,

“That’s so. Frankly, I really hope time would pass a bit faster.
Thirty years, eh, no, in maybe twenty years, perhaps this world
will belong to these children.”

Grandmaster’s face showed a rare smile,

“If we directly skipped twenty years, wouldn’t you and me

already be old?”

Flender snorted,

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“You know it! So don’t waste time.”

While speaking, he pursed his lips in Liu Erlong’s direction.

Grandmaster’s expression went rigid, once again resuming his

original appearance, looking at Flender with a burst of heat. But
these feelings were a matter for two people, and even though he
was very close to the two of them, he after all couldn’t make
decisions for others, and there was no way to catch

He also knew that if he forced things too urgently, there was a

chance Grandmaster would go missing again, and that would be
even more unbearable for Liu Erlong.

Heaven Dou City was very close to Sunset Forest. This Sunset
Forest could also be said to be the place where Spirit Masters
from the majority of the heart of the Heaven Dou City’s
surrounding towns hunted spirit beasts.

Of course, not many people knew about the places like the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well in the core areas.

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Chapter 82 - Scarlet Dragon Stepping On
Giant Earth King

Although Tang San lived here for the past half year, during
that period he was always at the Ice and Fire Ying Yang Well,
only when leaving under the guidance of Poison Douluo did he
hurriedly appreciate the surroundings of Sunset Forest.

Once again coming back to Sunset Forest, Tang San still felt a
sense of unfamiliarity.

Comparing both Sunset Forest and Star Dou Great Forest,

other than their size differing by a lot, there were also many
different factors. Star Dou Great Forest was situated in the
central zone of the continent; it was the center zone’s biggest
spirit beast forest.

That place belonged to the tropical zone, majority of the forest

was primarily tropical vegetation.

Whereas Sunset Forest’s location was at the center of Heaven

Dou Empire, although it wasn’t really considered polar climate,
but its temperature was much lower than Star Dou Great Forest,
this resulted in more of its plants belonging to the north’s

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characteristical temperate vegetation.

Tropical vegetation gives people a sense of denseness and

moistness. While temperate vegetation gives a more refreshing
feeling, it does not have such a high density that of tropical
vegetation. Hence, when moving about in the forest, it was
much easier for Sunset Forest than for Star Dou Great Forest.

Of course, powerful spirit beasts generally still preferred the

tropical rainforest of Star Dou Great Forest. Therefore,
although Sunset Forest’s spirit beasts weren’t low in numbers,
there weren’t many who had managed to cultivate to ten
thousand years and beyond, the majority’s cultivation remained
in between one thousand years and ten thousand years. Adding
in the unrestrained hunting by the spirit masters, the spirit
beasts’ quality generally dropped to some extent. By now, to
want to hunt a spirit beast suitable for oneself, not only did it
require strength, but patience was needed at the same time.

The official start of the Spirit Master Academy Grand

Competition was half a month away, this was also the limit for
Shrek Seven Devils to hunt spirit beasts. In half a month,
regardless of what they gained they had to return back to the
academy, participating in Heaven Dou Empire’s Heaven Dou
City’s subdivision qualifiers.

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Half a day had passed after entering Sunset Forest, the
number of spirit beasts encountered on the road was similar to
Star Dou Great Forest, but their quality was poorer to some
extent. Although they also encountered several thousand year
grade spirit beasts, most of them just passed the thousand year
level, clearly not what everyone wished for. Also, these spirit
beasts did not come forth to provoke a large unit like theirs.

“Let’s take a break. We will continue searching tomorrow.”

Flender on seeing the darkened sky, shouted towards the

Shrek Seven Devils who were searching about.

Due to the spirit tools’ assistance, everyone were amply

prepared. In a moment, two tents were already set up. To able
to react faster in this spirit beast forest, the tents chosen by
everyone were big and durable. The four teachers resided in
one, and the Shrek Seven Devils resided in the other. Also, the
task of keeping watch at night is naturally to be alternately
carried out by the Shrek Seven Devils.

It was by far not their first time working together, and the
coordination between the Shrek Seven Devils had a tacit mutual
understanding. Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Dai Mubai were in
charge of setting up the tents, the girls under the leadership of

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Liu Erlong prepared the food, while Tang San walked one round
about their surroundings, using some unusual medicinal
powder of his to cordon off their camp zone. Not only did it
have a certain deterring effect on spirit beasts, it could also
prevent some undesirable animals from encroaching.

When Tang San came back to the campsite after patrolling

one round, the tents were already set up. Ma Hongjun was
currently using his purified phoenix flame to kindle a fire. A
metal pot rested on top of the fire, the water voluntarily
brought over by everyone’s spirit tools is currently in the
process of being heated up.

Tang San looked towards Grandmaster with some doubt,

“Teacher? Isn’t lighting a fire not good?”

Without waiting for Grandmaster to speak, Flender smilingly


“Relax, this isn’t Star Dou Great Forest, there are no terrifying
beings similar to the Titan Giant Ape. Even if spirit masters
come here to search, they won’t create any sort of trouble for
us. Don’t forget, our Golden Iron Triangle is gathered here now.

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As long as it is not a Title Douluo, nobody can harm you all. In
the entire continent, Title Douluos only number ten or so. Even
if we happen to meet one, there is also nothing to clash about.
With their status, why would they vie with you all over some
spirit beasts. The north and the south are not the same, the
nights here are very cold. With a fire and hot soup, you will all
be able to be more comfortable, with a good spirit we can better
search for spirit beasts tomorrow!”

Tang San suddenly saw the light, so that is how it was. This
was precisely experience. It appears that his own experience was
still too lacking. The same situation would change under
different circumstances. Perhaps, this was exactly the area he
himself needed to develop the most.

Dinner was very sumptuous. After eating, Flender simply

briefed the Shrek Seven Devils and then entered the tent to rest.

Although there were only four people residing in this tent, the
volume of this tent was a bit smaller than Shrek Seven Devils’s.

Long before the tents were finished setting up, Flender had
already finished the sleeping arrangement. Liu Erlong was on
leftmost side, followed by Grandmaster, himself, and Zhao Wuji
on the rightmost side. Regarding this arrangement, even

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Grandmaster was unable to raise any complaints. After all,
although he didn’t dare accept Liu Erlong’s affection, he
absolutely wouldn’t wish for his beloved to be overly close to
other men, especially in the kind of dim ambience during

Flender and Zhao Wuji returned to the tent to rest. Liu Erlong
who was at the side of the bonfire gave Grandmaster several
glances before entering the tent too. But right now Grandmaster
was hesitating.

He had attentively checked out the tent’s beds, and almost

everyone were right next to each other, turning the body over
one could touch the bedding across. Although he flattered
himself as an upright gentleman, if the woman he had loved for
so for many years lay beside him, he couldn’t be sure his heart
wouldn’t waver. In that moment, Grandmaster was sitting
beside the bonfire, his mind somewhat confused.

On the Shrek Seven Devils’ side, the one in charge of keeping

watch for the first half of the night was Dai Mubai, this request
was by his own initiative. As the boss of the seven devils,
regardless of age or spirit power, his was the greatest; naturally
he had to play an exemplary role. The latter half of the night
was up to Tang San, while Oscar and the girls could naturally
rest with ease.

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Camping out in the wilderness and cultivating in the academy
wasn’t the same.

At the academy, one could use meditating cultivation to

completely pass the night.

However, meditating cultivation’s biggest weakness was the

need to concentrate. With a night of cultivation, although the
body’s condition would become better, there would be a period
of mental exhaustion. Hunting spirit beasts didn’t permit the
emergence of such situations, in the event that the mind was
unable to focus under the attack of a spirit beast, this could
possibly result in irreparable losses. So in the process of hunting
spirit beasts, when resting at night everyone had to rely on
sleeping to restore their condition to the very best.

And the funny thing was that this theory was proposed up by

The rest of the Shrek Seven Devils had also entered the tent,
only Dai Mubai was still beside the bonfire.

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“Grandmaster, please go and rest. Let me go patrol one round
around the surroundings.”

Grandmaster nodded his head, said:

“You go ahead. I will sleep later.”

Dai Mubai hesitantly said:

“Aren’t you tired? It’s better to rest early. Tomorrow we still

have to keep searching in the spirit beast forest.”

In terms of spirit power, Grandmaster was the lowest out of

everyone here. Today, from hurrying with their journey till
they reached Sunset Forest as well as searching for spirit beasts
afterwards, there was nearly no time to rest. Even Dai Mubai
felt somewhat weary, he didn’t believe Grandmaster didn’t feel
so as well.

Regarding the matter between Liu Erlong and Grandmaster,

Tang San naturally wouldn’t casually go gossipping, hence the
rest of the Shrek Seven Devils weren’t too clear about it.

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Grandmaster secretly let out a sigh. Forget it, anyway he was
also tired, after entering he’d just go to sleep immediately. With
this in mind, Grandmaster nodded to Dai Mubai, finally
entering his living quarters.

The profoundness of bedding wasn’t only a matter in

Grandmaster’s tent, inside the Shrek Seven Devil’s tent the
sleeping arrangements were also decided after discussing it

The girls were most unwilling to be near Ma Hongjun, directly

kicking him to the berth on the leftmost side.

And Zhu Zhuqing took the initiative to request to be on the

rightmost side.

A problem appeared. Out of the seven people within Shrek

Seven Devils, three were female and four were male. This
resulted in that inevitably one female and one male’s beds had
to be adjacent.

Dai Mubai was naturally willing to lean against Zhuqing and

sleep in the center, but Zhuqing vehemently refused.

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Oscar is even more willing to sleep beside Ning Rongrong at
the center, but was immediately rejected by Ning Rongrong.

Thus, the female to sleep at the center of the tent was left with
Xiao Wu. And sleeping next to her could also only be Tang San.

At first Tang San is unwilling, but being unable to stand up

against everyone’s excuse that they were brother and sister, the
beds were arranged just like that. From left to right were: Ma
Hongjun, Oscar, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning
Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing.

Right now, Dai Mubai was keeping watch outside. Although

everyone had tucked into bed, but for Tang San and Xiao Wu
who are in close proximity, their hearts were beating furiously.

Xiao Wu is slightly more natural, after all on her other side

there was still Ning Rongrong, but the berth on the other side of
Tang San was empty. After lying down, he immediately
straightened his body, not daring to make any movement,
fearing to come into contact with Xiao Wu.

But in spite of this, that faint fragrance from Xiao Wu’s body

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constantly entered his nostrils.

Last night, when brushing Xiao Wu’s hair, Tang San had
already recalled why he found the fragrance from Xiao Wu’s
hair to be familiar. This is because the fragrance from her long
hair was very similar to the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal
Treasure which could restrain a hundred poisons. Tang San
vaguely remembered written in the Mysterious Heaven
Treasure Record, this sort of fragrance that appeared on one’s
body was called Innate Silk Beauty Fragrance. Although it was
unable to restrain a hundred poisons like the Aromatic Silk
Beauty Immortal Treasure, it brought vast benefits to the
human body. If one was able to smell it every day, not only did
it have the effect of prolonging life, it could also strengthen
one’s immunity and give others a sense of intoxication.

Xiao Wu’s black hair in itself already made Tang San feel
intoxicated, not to mention the current addition of Innate Silk
Beauty Fragrance. Currently lying beside Xiao Wu, Tang San
felt his whole body slightly feverish. Although he repeatedly
told himself to hurry up and sleep, the more he thought like
that the more awake he became, not having a wink of sleep at

On the other side, Ning Rongrong leaned closely against Xiao

Wu. At this time she nestled beside Xiao Wu’s ear, laughing in a

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low voice:

“Xiao Wu, why do I feel that you are very nervous! What is
there to be nervous about when leaning against your own big
brother? If not shall we swap?”

Xiao Wu snappily pinched Ning Rongrong’s thigh.

“Annoying, not swapping.”

Ning Rongrong cannot help but let out a giggle, saying:

“I knew it that you couldn’t bear to. Hurry, don’t stick so

close to me, I’m squeezed until I can’t turn over.”

While speaking, Ning Rongrong deliberately turned her back

over, using her tender buttocks to butt Xiao Wu once.

Xiao Wu let out a soft exclamation, unable to avoid touching

Tang San.

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Although separated by a blanket, Tang San was still taken
aback. Hearing Ning Rongrong’s chuckling sounds on the other
side, all the more he didn’t want to make a single movement.
This feeling was somewhat agonizing.

The scene of combing Xiao Wu’s hair last night repeatedly

played in his mind. Although Tang San himself wasn’t clear
about it, but actually after last night’s incident, the feelings he
had for Xiao Wu had already started to change from the pure
relationship between a brother and his sister.

Compared to Tang San, the agony now suffered by

Grandmaster was even more intense.

After entering the tent, Grandmaster used the fastest possible

speed into burrow into his bed. He was even more careful than
Tang San. Lying on his side, turning his back to face towards
Liu Erlong, doing so not only allowed him to occupy a smaller
area on the berth, it also made his heart somewhat steadier.

Hearing the regular breathing sounds of Flender, Zhao Wuji

and Liu Erlong, Grandmaster’s worried heart gradually settled
down, his body also gradually relaxed.

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In specific settings, sometimes deep memories are evoked.
Right now, although silence filled the tent, Grandmaster
couldn’t help but think back about that scene a few decades ago.

That day, was the day he and Liu Erlong married. If so many
setbacks hadn’t occurred, perhaps, on the night of that day, Liu
Erlong would have become his. But all this had already changed,
and even though his most beloved woman lay beside him, he
didn’t dare make a single movement. Let alone trying to get
close, he even wanted to hide.

Only he himself knew the pain in his heart, that indescribable

pain that he had endured silently over so many years. ‘Heaven,
why do you have to punish me in this way, insisting that my
most beloved be my cousin, why? Why this?’

While Grandmaster’s heart twitched, his whole body

unconsciously convulsed. Hidden within the blanket his fists
clenched, himself not sensing that even the nails are embedding
into the skin.

Once again meeting Liu Erlong, what kind of resolve did he

use just to suppress the fire in his own heart? If not for Tang
San, this disciple he had entrusted with his hopes, Grandmaster
would have long ago run away again. He simply didn’t wish to

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stay together with Liu Erlong for too long. The human heart is
made of flesh, everyone has their impulsive moments.
Grandmaster was truly afraid that one day he wouldn’t be able
to control himself and do something beastly. Of course, these
were all his own thoughts.

Just when Grandmaster’s mind was in a state of chaos, a cool

and satiny hand suddenly wrapped around his fist.
Grandmaster’s whole body instantly went stiff.

Liu Erlong’s soft voice sounded beside his ear,

“Xiao Gang, being together with me, does it really make you
suffer so much?”

Grandmaster didn’t dare to move, and was even more afraid

to utter a sound. His whole body just stiffly lay there, trying to
remove his hands from Liu Erlong’s grasp, but Liu Erlong
grabbed tightly, not willing to let him run away no matter what.
In terms of strength, Liu Erlong was simply much stronger than
him, with a spirit energy difference of several tens of grades;
escape was no easy matter for him.

When Grandmaster didn’t know what he should do, the

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situation that he was most afraid of finally happened. The
blanket slightly cooled, and a satiny body burrowed inside, that
fiery body tightly nestled up to back. The hand grabbing his
unexpectedly let go, but was immediately followed by Liu
Erlong’s two arms encircling and tightening around his waist,
making their two bodies tightly sticking together.

Although Grandmaster wore clothes, right now he shockingly

discovered that Liu Erlong who is tightly sticking to him wasn’t
wearing a stitch.

Startled and turning pale, Grandmaster could only suppress

his voice,

“Erlong, don’t be like that. There is still Flender and others


Liu Erlong serenely said:

“If not for them being here I wouldn’t have this opportunity.
Xiao Gang, this time round no matter what you say I will not let
you go, even if it’s rape, I will will still obtain your body first.”

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Grandmaster sufferingly said:

“No, Erlong, listen to me. Even if you take my body, you

cannot have my heart. We cannot be like this, we are brother
and sister!”

Liu Erlong spat:

“I don’t care. I have already waited for you for so many years,
waiting from when I was a young woman in my prime to an old
woman. Don’t tell me you really want me to wait until my hair
turns white? Xiao Gang, stop tormenting me, and stop
tormenting yourself. Are worldly prejudices that important?
Since we have already got back together, just liberate your

While speaking, one of her hands slipped inside

Grandmaster’s lapel. Right now, whether it was Grandmaster or
Liu Erlong, both their hearts beat furiously. For Flender and
Zhao Wuji on the other side, their breathing was seemingly not
so regular now.

Flender also specially leaned towards Zhao Wuji’s side, as if

wanting to give them a bit more space, while Zhao Wuji kept

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chanting in his heart: ‘I see nothing, I hear nothing……’

The constrained feelings burst forth like a volcano. Although

Liu Erlong was full of enthusiasm, she was after all still a virgin,
and regarding matters between men and women she had only
an ambiguous understanding. When it really came down to the
real exercise, other than tearing off Grandmaster’s clothes, she
truly didn’t know what else to do.

However, every single action Liu Erlong did kept lighting up

the fuse in Grandmaster’s body. Grandmaster suddenly
discovered that his own determination seemingly wasn’t as firm
as he imagined it to be.

At last, he made up his mind. ‘Just go for it, even if I were to

die tomorrow, it will still be worth it.’

“Erlong, release me.”

“Not releasing. I am not letting go no matter what.”

“You, if you do not let go of me, how do I turn around, don’t

tell me you want to remain in this position?”

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Saying this, Grandmaster wasn’t the only one dumbfounded.
All sounds within the tent abruptly ceased. Liu Erlong’s arms
around Grandmaster’s waist gradually loosened.

Grandmaster fiercely shut his eyes. Under the spur of the

raging fire that was lit in his body, he fiercely turned around,
pushing Liu Erlong below him. No matter how big the strength
difference was, at this kind of moment, the man has to always
be on top of the woman.

“Erlong, I……”

At one side Flender scolded in his mind:

“At this moment you’re still talking, fuck, aren’t you a man.”

While thinking, he swiftly raised his hands and lightly poked

both of his ears twice, sealing his own hearing. He didn’t wish
to be provoked further.

Liu Erlong’s answer is even simpler,

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Right at this crucial moment, suddenly a shout from outside

the tent caused Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s to freeze.

“We have a situation, everyone be careful.”

This shout came from Dai Mubai.

If one were to describe Grandmaster just now as an ignited

raging fire, then right at this moment, that recently lit fuse
immediately got doused with a basin of cold water.

“There is a… there is a situation.”

Right now Grandmaster was as fragile as a child, his hands

that were hugging Liu Erlong gradually loosened.

“For fuck’s sake, this old woman is going insane.”

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Liu Erlong really wanted to go crazy, seeing her long awaited
wish about to be fulfilled yet suddenly interrupted, that was
already something the word ‘furious’ couldn’t describe. Her
body sharply slid out from below Grandmaster, Grandmaster
didn’t even see clearly before she already had her clothes back
on and had jumped out.

Grandmaster discovered that on his other side Flender and

Zhao Wuji didn’t have a single reaction. Knowing his own
strength was insufficient, he hurriedly thumped Flender,

“Go out quickly and take a look, something’s happening.”

Little did he know that right now Flender and Zhao Wuji had
already sealed their hearing, naturally they couldn’t hear Dai
Mubai’s shouts outside.

Flender furiously smacked away Grandmaster’s hand, saying a

line that shook Grandmaster’s sides,

“Fuck, if you’re going to do it then do it, what are you groping

me for? I’m not interested.”

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Grandmaster stared blankly, giving him a kick. No need to
ask, tonight’s incident was obviously planned by Flender for Liu

Flender then felt something amiss. Grandmaster’s strength is

also not weak, and this kick of his sent him directly sticking
onto Zhao Wuji’s body.

Making Grandmaster even more speechless, Zhao Wuji whose

hearing was also sealed immediately scolded,

“Flender, I have no interest in you, some husband and wife

are having sex, don’t tell me you want to screw me?”

Flender just released his hearing. Naturally he heard Zhao

Wuji’s words, using almost the same action as Grandmaster, one
kick to Zhao Wuji’s butt.

Grandmaster’s strength couldn’t compare to his, and

although Zhao Wuji’s rough skin and thick flesh did not suffer
any injuries, Flender’s kick sent him straight out of the tent.

The confusion in this tent naturally wasn’t known to the

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Shrek Seven Devils on the other side. In contrast to
Grandmaster, after hearing Dai Mubai’s warning, Tang San
jumped out of his berth as if he liberated, leaping out
immediately. His actions were even a little bit faster than Liu

Once out of the tent, Tang San saw a nearby Dai Mubai swiftly
running towards him. Behind him, a ray of fiery light shot
towards the sky, almost burning his back. With a leap Dai
Mubai reached the side of the camp grounds, his face not having
a trace of panic but a happy expression.

“A suitable spirit beast delivered itself to our doorsteps. Little

San, your medicine seemingly has no effect on it. It’s at least a
four thousand year old or so spirit beast.”

Before Dai Mubai has finished speaking, Tang San has already
sighted the spirit beast he spoke of.

It was a scorpion with a gigantic stature. Its body wasn’t at all

small compared to the Man Faced Demon Spider which Tang
San killed previously; it was even several sizes bigger. What was
bizarre was that this huge scorpion’s entire body was snow
white in colour. Entire body emitting a strong murderous aura,
its pale body moved keeping close to the ground with a

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surprisingly fast speed. A tail made of a chain of nine tailbones
rose high up, on top of it a fiery red tail hook was connected to

Just as Tang San saw it, a pillar of fire sprayed out from its
tail, rushing towards Dai Mubai.


Dai Mubai exhaled,

“Do you think I’m still afraid of you.”

White Tiger Spirit instantly enhancing his body, two yellow,

two purple, four spirit rings appeared over him. With his body
enhanced by his spirit, his stature was even more magnificent
than before. Both hands clasping in front of his chest, the first
spirit technique White Tiger Barrier already activated.

A loud peng sound rang out. The light of fire scattered all
around Dai Mubai, his body taking three consecutive steps
backwards before standing firm.

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Currently, Tang San could already discern this spirit beast’s
species. From its outer appearance, he could conclude that this
was a Giant Earth King, belonging to the fire based spirit beasts.

This scorpion called Giant Earth King was exceptionally

tyrannical with a bloodthirsty nature. Although spirit beasts
weren’t as fearful of it as the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison,
not many spirit beasts of the same grade dared provoke it. From
its nine tailbones, one could see this Giant Earth King had a
cultivation age of four thousand five hundred years or so. This
was because every five hundred years, its tailbones would
increase by one.

The Giant Earth King was categorized into three different

colours. A red coloured Giant Earth King had a cultivation of
less than a thousand years, each tailbone representing fifty
years of cultivation. Once it had cultivated to a thousand years,
its gigantic body would return to its original form, becoming
small again but its body’s colour would change from red to
white. Also, if it cultivated to the level of ten thousand years, it
would change colour once again. At that time, it would become
dark blue in colour.

From its colour and the number of tailbones Tang San

immediately concluded its strength. Correct, this spirit beast

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coincided with what they needed at the fortieth level spirit

Just when Tang San was preparing to cooperate with Dai

Mubai, as the rest of Shrek Seven Devils were exiting the tent, a
shadow suddenly rushed out from the other tent. That was Liu
Erlong with her hair in a terrible mess.

Right now Liu Erlong’s clothes were slightly disheveled,

looking as if she had gone insane. On seeing that four thousand
year Giant Earth King after rushing out from the tent, she
suddenly let out a howl, directly rushing towards the Giant
Earth King. Not only were her movements surprisingly fast, but
that burst of momentum shocked even Dai Mubai, Tang San
and the others who were watching. Due to their attention being
all focused on Liu Erlong, they did not see the miserable look of
Zhao Wuji getting kicked out of the tent by Flender.

“Letting you to destroy this old woman’s happy occasion, this

old woman shall fight it out with you.”

While Liu Erlong scolded angrily, she released her own Fire
Dragon Spirit, rushing on without a single pause.

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It could be considered that this Giant Earth King was unlucky.
Originally with its cultivation, when facing Tang San and the
others it might have an opportunity to escape, but what
appeared in front of it right now was an utterly furious Liu
Erlong. It had already lost any chance.

Suddenly seeing a human rushing towards it, the Giant Earth

King’s first reaction was to spray fire from its tail stinger, the
same attack as it used on Dai Mubai earlier, a pillar of fire
rushed towards the leaping Liu Erlong.

But Liu Erlong wasn’t Dai Mubai. Without even dodging,

intense flames soared from her whole body. In the next
moment, Tang San and the others clearly saw a fiery light
exploding from Liu Erlong. Her seventh spirit ring instantly
shined, clothes instantly disappearing, scales covering her skin,
a terrifying dragon cry reverberated throughout the air.

Tang San blankly said:

“Just to handle a thousand year spirit beast, teacher Erlong

doesn’t seem to require releasing her seventh spirit technique
Scarlet Dragon Avatar. Didn’t principal Flender say that we are
to handle spirit beasts ourselves? Why did Teacher Erlong go up
by herself?”

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Dai Mubai’s evil eyes are also lifeless,

“Before I always thought that the tigress was the most

ferocious, now I understand that the female dragon is even
more horrifying than the tigress.”

“Dai Mubai, who did you say is a tigress?”

“Of course that’s my Zhuqing……, uh……, no, Zhuqing, listen

to me, I wasn’t referring to you……”

After Dai Mubai subconsciously answered, he discovered the

one asking him this question was Zhu Zhuqing.

Right now Zhu Zhuqing’s expression wasn’t one of icy cold,

but one full of smiles. She who was originally very beautiful,
with a smiling expression she became even more thrilling. But
right now Dai Mubai wore an expression of panic.

Spirit beasts’ senses were very keen, the higher the

cultivation, the level of keenness naturally also increased. This

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Giant Earth King who had cultivated to close to five thousand
years felt something wasn’t right when Liu Erlong displayed the
Scarlet Dragon Avatar. On seeing enormous dragon wings
stretching out from behind Liu Erlong, it knew it couldn’t run
even if it tried to, only fighting with its full strength did it have
a chance to escape.

Suddenly, red light burst forth from the entire body of Giant
Earth King. With its body as the center, the air several tens of
meters around it completely distorted, the ground below its
body instantly cracked. Using its two front claws to forcefully
smash the ground, the distorted air instantly produced an
intense shockwave.

Even Liu Erlong who used Scarlet Dragon True Body couldn’t
help but delay faced with this shockwave. And at this moment,
along with a booming sound from the cracked ground below the
Giant Earth King’s, a crimson pillar of fire soaring up.

This fire pillar was two meters in diameter, coincidentally

covering the center of that distorted air. Right now Liu Erlong’s
body instantly stiffened in midair.

Tang San had heard Grandmaster explain this skill in detail

before, this Giant Earth King’s innate skill was also its strongest

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ability. Along with its cultivation it would keep getting
stronger, called Magma Earth Rending Strike. What was most
scary about it wasn’t its strong attack power, but that distorted
radiance covering a semicircle shape before its attack was

The air in the radius of that distorted radiance could make

enemies experience dizziness. The duration of dizziness was
based on the distance between the Giant Earth King itself and its
opponent. If the opponent’s could withstand it, then in the next
moment what sprayed out, was a fire pillar that was as hot as
magma which would fatally hit the opponent.

Right now, the distance between Tang San and the others and
the battlefield was very large. Even if this was right in front of
them, they still didn’t have any effective method to block this
attack by the Giant Earth King. That time Grandmaster taught
Tang San, the way to handle this type of spirit beast, was to
never ever keep close to the Giant Earth King’s body. Only
distancing over twenty meters from it, would there be no need
to fear this terrifying technique of it. As for a ten thousand
grade Giant Earth King, this distance would increase to fifty

The furious Liu Erlong naturally didn’t have this kind of

battle plan, watching the fire pillar violently knock into the

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chest of the enormous dragon body.

At this moment, Flender and Grandmaster had also walked

out from the tent. Of course, Grandmaster has an ugly facial
expression, while Flender wore a face of innocence.

They naturally also saw the appearance of Magma Earth

Rending Strike. Grandmaster only furrowed his brows, while
Flender’s hands formed the shape of a prayer, muttering a

“Pitiful Giant Earth King.”

Yes, the Giant Earth King was indeed pitiful. In the next
moment Liu Erlong responded.

When that enormous fire pillar rushed and hit her, a bizarre
scene occurred. The slowed down body of Liu Erlong in midair
didn’t get knocked away by the fire pillar, but rather she was
immersed within it. The enormous fire pillar that is like magma
instantly spread over her entire body, under the heat of the
flames, the crimson scales on her body dazzled like cut rubies.

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The body of the Giant Earth King was gigantic, but its eyes
were extremely small. If right now anyone here was able to
discern the expression in its eyes, then he or she would
definitely see a panicked expression.

In the next moment, Liu Erlong’s body descended from the

sky. Without any fancifulness, nor using any abilities, she only
furled the two wings on her back. Just like that she descended
from the sky. Her hind dragon claw heavily stomped on the
back of Giant Earth King with a booming sound, causing more
than half of the King of the Desert’s body to sink below the

The Giant Earth King let out a sharp, tragic howl, its two front
claws swiftly brandishing about, but it couldn’t even make
contact with Liu Erlong.

Was the body of the Scarlet Dragon True Body released by Liu
Erlong really that colossal? Was its weight really that
terrifying? Just with that descent and directly stamping onto
the body of Giant Earth King, although it didn’t immediately
crush it to death, it wasn’t too far off.

“Too violent.”

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Right now Dai Mubai couldn’t pay attention to placating Zhu
Zhuqing, totally shocked by Liu Erlong’s actions.

Ma Hongjun’s eyes shined,

“I have decided, from now on Teacher Erlong will be the

target of my worship. Don’t tell me this is the rumored
aesthetics of violence?”

The Giant Earth King struggled violently under Liu Erlong’s

body, but no matter what how hard it tried it couldn’t break
free from that terrifying dragon claw. If this Giant Earth King
were to possess human intelligence, then he would quickly
come to regret not getting instantly crushed to death by Liu
Erlong’s legs.

Undesirable animals (蛇虫鼠蚁) – directly translates into

“snake, worms, rats and ants”.

Heart beating furiously (心如鹿撞一般) – translate into heart

beating like a deer’s ramming

Old woman(人老珠黄) – One getting old like the pearl

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becoming yellow

2859 Goldenagato |

Chapter 83 - Giant Earth King’ And ‘Pink

Under everyone’s dumbstruck gazes, a wrathful flame burst in

Scarlet Dragon Avatar Liu Erlong’s eyes, facing the Giant Earth
King she raised her front claws.


Grandmaster shouted in the distance, since from his

perspective he was able to see the Giant Earth King’s scorpion
tail whip up.

Although the flame shooting from that scorpion tail was

unable to cause the Scarlet Dragon Avatar any harm, its own
attack power was still excessive. No matter how it was
described, this was still a close to five thousand year spirit beast.

Liu Erlong very quickly showed everyone her violent side.

One hind claw still standing on the Giant Earth king’s back, the
other hind claw rapidly rose and fell. With a peng sound, the
Giant Earth King’s whole tail was stomped into the ground, the
scarlet scorpion tail trembling, but no longer whipping about.

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In force, this thousand year spirit beast basically couldn’t
match Liu Erlong.

Raising the front claws and smashing down simultaneously,

one slamming down on top of the Giant Earth King’s head, Liu
Erlong roared ferociously,

“I’ll show you wrecking an old woman’s happy occasion.”

The Giant Earth King’s sharp cry stopped abruptly, of its giant
body only those two claws were still above ground.

“If this old woman doesn’t play until you’re dead, my name
isn’t Liu Erlong!”

Hong, hong——

Completely without abilities, using only the brute force of the

Scarlet@ Dragon Avatar, Liu Erlong’s both front claws
unhesitatingly struck at the Giant Earth King’s front claws, and
immediately following her claws cut downwards, precisely at
the joints where the Giant Earth King’s claws connected to its

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With a terrifying kaka sound, the Giant Earth King’s head and
body shuddered violently, but Liu Erlong’s strength was too
great, and no matter how it struggled it didn’t have any chance
of escaping.

With a pupu sound, the two enormous scorpion claws were

torn off by Liu Erlong while the beast was still alive, and deep
red blood sprayed out.

However, to Liu Erlong, this was only the beginning.

In front of everyone’s stupefied attention, Liu Erlong’s

tremendous body turned, one front claw already gripping the
Giant Earth King’s tail stinger. In fact, this tail stinger was the
Giant Earth King’s most powerful weapon, not only
incomparably hard, but also surprisingly hot.

Only a fire attribute Spirit Master like Liu Erlong would dare
directly grab it like this.

The next moment, Liu Erlong leapt down from the Giant

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Earth King. Of course, this wasn’t to let it off.

Swinging her front claws, the already embedded in the ground

Giant Earth King whirled up, and then again heavily smashed
onto the ground.

In Liu Erlong’s hands, the Giant Earth King was like a broken
burlap sack, continuously thrown up and smashed down again.

That brutal scene made everyone’s stomachs churn. Even

Tang San with his calm and steady temperament wanted to ask
his Teacher, ‘She, is she really human?’

Right now, none of the Shrek Seven Devils dared step forward
to speak to Liu Erlong, telling her that this spirit beast still had
its use.

After throwing it around several times and it could be seen

that the Giant Earth King had completely lost any ability to
fight and seemed somewhat lifeless, Liu Erlong stopped moving.
Just when everyone thought the brutal scene was over, they
could just hear Liu Erlong muttering to herself:

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“Having you wreck an old woman’s happy occasion, this time
I’ll have you……”

As she muttered, using her dragon claws she began to

dismantle that Giant Earth King into its components. Starting
with the minutely varied tailbones, afterwards the joints of the
tail, in a moment, of this supposedly magnificent spirit beast
only remained the head and torso, the surroundings filled with
discarded remains and sprays of blood.

However, this Giant Earth King’s vitality was indeed

unyielding, even now it still breathed.

Liu Erlong swung her dragon claw, throwing the Giant Earth
King’s body in a parabola in the air, falling heavily to the
ground in front of the Shrek Seven Devils.

“There, Fatty. It’s yours. You’re also fire attribute, it suits you

The instant the Giant Earth King crashed loudly onto the
ground, the Shrek Seven Devils practically simultaneously
retreated a step. The three girls’ complexions were already pale
from watching the gruesome spectacle, and if it wasn’t for

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Grandmaster’s special training before, perhaps they would
already have vomited.

“For-, for me……”

Ma Hongjun looked at that terrifying scarlet dragon,

probingly asking.

“Still not moving? This old woman let you have what you
wanted, why so much nonsense.”

Liu Erlong’s dragon eyes widened, the intimidation almost

knocked Ma Hongjun to the ground, before he hastily moved,
with a heart filled with mercy finally ending that pitiful Giant
Earth King’s life.

The red light withdrew, and Liu Erlong again recovered her
human form. The fiery gaze had now become completely ice
cold, somewhat bitterly sweeping across Grandmaster, then
without saying anything she returned to the tent to sleep.

Besides Ma Hongjun who quickly sat on the ground and

released his spirit to begin absorbing the spirit ring, the others

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stood there motionless, seemingly afraid that a single sound
would infuriate Liu Erlong again.

After a long time, Zhao Wuji furtively glanced at the tent

behind him, saying in a low voice:

“It’s really difficult to imagine, before I actually shared a tent

with a humanoid tyrannosaurus rex. Flender, when you said
before that your sister Erlong had a temper I didn’t quite believe
you, she’s so pretty. But now I know, you weren’t exaggerating
a bit, even so much that you didn’t say enough. I’ve decided, I’ll
take the night vigil from now. Don’t fight me over it.”

Flender nodded repeatedly, saying:

“Fatty’s absorbing the spirit ring, as his teacher I should still

watch over him. Xiao Gang, you go rest. Me and Wuji will
handle things here.”

“Rest your face.”

Grandmaster extremely depressed glared at Flender. By now

the burning flames in his heart had completely gone out.

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Glancing at the tent, he walked straight to a tree stump to the
side, and sat down closing his eyes without a word.

Dai Mubai coughed,

“Teacher Erlong really is my idol. Now I know what true

violence is. No wonder she’s called the slaughtering corner of
the Golden Iron Triangle.”

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were unwilling to

stay here another second, and swiftly returned to the tent. As
for whether the scene Liu Erlong’s displayed affected their
sleep, only they knew.

Oscar pulled Tang San,

“It seems tonight there’s no need for you to keep watch. Little
San, boss Dai, let’s go back to sleep.”

Returning to the tent, because they were one Ma Hongjun

less, Tang San had a flash of inspiration and had Dai Mubai and
Oscar shift aside, leaving an empty space between him and Xiao
Wu, then again lay down. However, in the minds of each of the

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six within the tent, the scene of the havoc wrought by the
scarlet dragon played repeatedly.

This was the true strength of a high level Spirit Master, a five
thousand year spirit beast perished in a flash, and moreover was
still dismembered by that ‘particular’ method.

After an eventless night, when everyone woke from their

dreams early the next morning and left the tent, Ma Hongjun
was still sitting where he had been last night. Only now he had
already changed considerably.

The first thing to catch the eye were the four spirit rings, two
yellow and two purple.

Only his body that had slimmed down some because of taking
that immortal treasure herb seemed to have grown a size fatter.
The atmosphere around him seemed to be brimming with fiery

Flender stood beside Fatty with a satisfied expression, his

disciple being able to obtain his fourth spirit ring even earlier
than Tang San made him extremely pleased.

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People will inevitably have vanity, and he was no exception.

“Dean Flender, has Fatty still not finished?”

Tang San asked somewhat astonished. Generally speaking, for

absorbing a spirit ring half that time was enough, but this had
already taken a full night.

Flender said:

“The absorption finished long ago, I had him continue

cultivating to let the spirit ring’s energy merge completely with
his body. This Giant Earth King suits him precisely, it seems
that this fourth spirit ring’s ability of his should be pretty good.
You work hard as well, quickly find a suitable spirit beast.”

Making the three girls feel much more comfortable was that
last night’s Giant Earth King remains had already disappeared,
clearly Flender and Zhao Wuji had cleared them away. Only the
depression in the ground still reminded everyone of the purely
one sided battle that took place last night.

As everyone simply washed up, and after eating breakfast, Ma

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Hongjun woke from his cultivation.

A resonant phoenix cry rose from his mouth, his chubby body
leaping up, covered in flames, golden red light releasing in a
flash, then vanished again, the four spirit rings quietly merging
into his body. The instant his little eyes opened, a radiance
flickered. His expression was lively and spirited.

Just as everyone were about to ask Fatty how he felt absorbing

the fourth spirit ring, and angry voice berated from within the
other tent,

“Who has nothing better to do that shouting things at first


When the originally somewhat complacent Fatty heard this

voice, his whole body shivered immediately, and without the
slightest hesitation he dodged behind Flender.

Flender frowned,

“Alright, what are you hiding from. Don’t tell me you really
thing teacher Erlong would hit you? You must understand that

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she’s after all no longer young, her hormones are somewhat out
of tune. Her character is mostly as usual.”

“Flender, do you want to die?”

Even though Flender spoke very quietly, Liu Erlong’s hearing

was even better.

A messily dressed humanoid tyrannosaurus rex burst out from

the tent.

Liu Erlong’s eyes were somewhat red, clearly she hadn’t slept
well last night. In the beginning she had still hoped
Grandmaster would enter the tent and continue what they were
doing before, but as she waited and waited, with no sign of
Grandmaster, Liu Erlong’s mood was as one might expect.

“Eh…… Erlong, I wasn’t talking about you.”

At this time Flender didn’t wish to provoke her, and

simultaneously sighed inwardly, somewhat pleadingly looking
at the apathetic Grandmaster, eating breakfast to the side.

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Erlong, enough.”

Grandmaster finally spoke up.

Liu Erlong stopped her charge at Flender, turning her head to

look at Grandmaster, her delicate body trembled slightly,

“You’re even less good, even bullying me.”

After speaking, she turned sharply and dashed back into the
tent, leaving a string of sparkling drops in the air.

Grandmaster painfully closed his eyes, and even though he

didn’t say anything, the steamed bun in his hand had already
been squeezed into paste.

After an hour the packing was done and the party set out once
again, only the mood had clearly become a lot more delicate.

Liu Erlong gloomily walked behind the group, while

Grandmaster, Flender and Zhao Wuji took the front, against

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expectations letting the Shrek Seven Devils walk in the center.

Oscar bumped Ma Hongjun,

“Fatty, dealing with the fourth spirit ring, how does it feel?
Easily absorbed?”

Ma Hongjun nodded, saying:

“Very easy, it was settled in just an hour. It didn’t even bring

me any trouble. Really strange. Don’t tell me, did that Giant
Earth King already give up its wish to live under teacher
Erlong’s tyranny and believed I helped liberate it, letting me
absorb it?”

Tang San said:

“In some sense, such circumstances can occur. In Teacher’s

research, if a spirit beast doesn’t have any deep resentment
when it’s killed, then absorbing it will be a bit easier, relatively
speaking. Vice versa, if the spirit beast carries extremely deep
resentment, then absorbing the spirit ring will become severely
challenging. Last time when I absorbed the Man Faced Demon

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Spider’s spirit ring was under such circumstances. But, Teacher
also said, absorbing the spirit ring after the spirit beast died
under these two kinds of circumstances will have benefits to the
Spirit Master. One kind is when the spirit beast is brimming
with extreme resentment, under such circumstances the chance
of a spirit bone dropping is substantially increased. The other
kind of circumstances is when the spirit beast dies voluntarily,
voluntarily letting itself become a Spirit Master’s spirit ring,
there’s practically a one hundred percent chance of a spirit bone
dropping, and moreover the spirit ring will be perfectly
absorbed, not suffering the restrictions of age limit. In other
words, even if we’re now only fortieth rank, if a ten thousand
year spirit beast wanted to let us kill it and absorb its spirit ring,
we still wouldn’t suffer any backlash.”

“So good?”

Oscar and Ma Hongjun spoke in unison.

To the side Dai Mubai said:

“Good how? You think it’s easy! Why would a spirit beast
wish to let you kill it, wish to give you its spirit ring? This is
only an ideal situation, one might say it’s basically impossible
for it to happen.”

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Xiao Wu rocked the ‘Yearning Heartbroken Red’ in her hands,
calmly saying:

“Nothing is impossible. With a destined coincidence, perhaps

it will happen.”

Fatty somewhat disappointed said:

“Then tell me, was this spirit ring I absorbed the first kind, or
the second kind of circumstances?”

Tang San said:

“If that Giant Earth King had been killed by senior Erlong,
perhaps it would be the first kind of circumstances.”

Listening to him, everyone couldn’t keep from shivering,

recalling Liu Erlong’s berserk attack yesterday. Each person
were somewhat shaking in fear at the bottom of their hearts.

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Tang San continued:

“There’s equally a large problem with the first kind of

circumstances, in order to have the spirit beast’s resentment
reach such an extreme, it requires fighting it yourself. You can’t
use others, or the spirit beasts resentment will be scattered. But,
in ordinary circumstances, the strength of the spirit beast a
Spirit Master wants to hunt would be a bit stronger than
himself. Something as difficult to accomplish as the one sided
pattern like teacher Erlong yesterday would naturally be
impossible to achieve. And although teacher Erlong could
oppress the Giant Earth King like yesterday, since the strength
difference between it and teacher Erlong was too great, even if
teacher Erlong needed another spirit ring right now, she
definitely wouldn’t choose it.”

Oscar thought deeply and said:

“No wonder spirit bones are so rare. These circumstances are

too extreme. Oh, right, Fatty, what’s your fourth spirit ability?”

Fatty had a secretive expression,

“Wait until there’s a chance to use it, and I’ll let you see. But it

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really seems very good! It’s a pity the attack range is a bit small.
Moreover there’s no way to lock down the opponent again.”

The morning air temperature in the Sunset Forest was low

and the air was extremely humid, forming a morning mist.

The fog was extremely cold, and along with a fluttering

breeze, right now when the sun still hadn’t risen, the fog was
very dense.

Tang San pulled out a small porcelain bottle from Twenty

Four Moonlit Bridges and dumped out some small black pills
from inside, handing out one for each person, including
Flender, Grandmaster and the others.

“What’s this?”

Flender looked at that only rice grain sized pill, puzzled asking
Tang San.

Tang San said:

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“This is a miasma pill I made myself. In the woods and deep
mountains, miasma will frequently appear. The miasma air is
incomparably poisonous, and eating this pill you can at least
avert the majority of the misma attack. It also has an
invigorating effect.”

Flender said with sudden understanding:

“This is what that old freak Dugu Bo taught you. It seems you
indeed learned a lot of things from him.”

Tang San smiled faintly, not explaining. With the cover of his
half year together with Dugu Bo, the medicines he used
wouldn’t provoke anyone’s doubts. It would be even less likely
someone would associate this with his innate gifts.

The morning mist grew denser and denser, and although the
morning cold didn’t influence a group of generally over fortieth
rank Spirit Masters like them, the visibility grew worse and

Flender cautiously said:

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“Everyone be careful, some spirit beasts are especially fond of
moving in the early morning. With the visibility so poor right
now, gather a bit closer just in case there are any surprises.

Liu Erlong quickly took a few steps forward, reaching

Flender’s side and patting Zhao Wuji’s shoulder,

“You go in the back. We’ll change places.”

Although Liu Erlong seemed to have recovered her calm, Zhao

Wuji didn’t dare say anything against her and hastily changes
positions with her.

Liu Erlong glanced at Grandmaster, standing on his other side

and protecting him from both sides along with Flender. Even
though this process was very simple, nobody would miss that
Liu Erlong was afraid the weakest Grandmaster would meet any
danger in the mist, and wanted to personally protect him.

Grandmaster naturally also understood Liu Erlong’s

intention, and secretly sighed, but didn’t have anything to say,
still silently moving forward.

2879 Goldenagato |

Before they had moved forward three hundred meters,
suddenly, a strange wind blew from the front, unexpectedly
causing a change in color in the morning fog. The originally
dense white mist instantly became pink, directly shrouding
everyone within. That pink fog held a faint sweetness, giving
people a kind of addictive sensation.

“Everyone careful, the mist’s poisonous.”

Flender shouted loudly, simultaneously as Liu Erlong making

a palm strike forward, relying on their profound spirit power to
scatter the poison fog in front. At the same time he also couldn’t
keep from inwardly sighing in admiration over Tang San’s
previous foresight. This seemed to be the miasma he spoke of.

However, everyone quickly felt something was amiss, this

suddenly appearing poison fog was even thicker than they had
imagined, and even though Flender and Liu Erlong’s spirit
power could scatter it, it condensed again very quickly, and in
just a few eyeblinks their surroundings were already pink. Most
shocking to the Shrek Academy party was that within that pink
fog their visibility dropped to its lowest point, and it was
difficult to even see the people next to them.

“This isn’t miasma. Little Ao, detoxifying small sausages.”

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Tang San suddenly shouted, and immediately afterward a
purple golden light was emitted from his eyes. The others might
not see clearly in the thick fog, but the influence on his mustard
seed stage Purple Demon Eye was a lot less, and he could
vaguely see the surrounding scenery.

“Careful, it’s spirit beasts.”

Tang San called aloud once again. Stretching out his right
hand, he pulled in Xiao Wu’s hand, simultaneously swiftly
releasing his Blue Silver Grass spirit, spreading it out in all
directions, creating an early warning system around everything
within several dozen square meters.

Stretching a hand into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse,

he pulled out a large, faintly pink flower. The flower was
leafless, its stalk three chi long, with an enormous flower with a
diameter over one chi. Each petal was sparkling and translucent
like crystal, the stamen was faintly purple as if it was a purple
diamond inlaid there. A touching fragrance wafted out from the
flower, penetrating the heart.

After Tang San drew out this flower, a bizarre scene

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immediately appeared. With Tang San at its heart, within a ten
meter diameter that pink fog seemed to instantly melt away like
snow meeting boiling water, forming a faintly purple stream of
air that swiftly scattered into the surroundings, allowing the
Shrek Academy group to again see their companions.

“Nobody leave this circle.”

Tang San’s left hand carefully held that large flower, calmly
observing the thick pink fog in front. Everyone clearly saw that
right now there was an incorporeal faintly purple air around
them, and no matter how thick that pink fog was, or how the
wind in the forest blew, that pinkness was unable to get into the
ten meter range around them.

“In my hand is an Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, it

has the effect of neutralizing ten thousand poisons, and within
its range any poison will lose its effect. For the moment don’t
leave this range, this thick fog seems to be caused by spirit
beasts, and it’s not just one. We’re surrounded.”

Grandmaster knew the capability of Tang San’s eyes and

immediately questioned closer:

2882 Goldenagato |

“Little San, can you see the appearances of those spirit

With his experience, as long as Tang San could describe the

spirit beasts, he could determine what kind they had
encountered, and dealing with them would naturally become a
lot easier.

Tang San said:

“I’ll try.”

Urging his Mysterious Heaven Skill, Tang San congregated it

at his eyes, purple golden light suddenly flashing out of them in
chi long rays of light in the direction he was looking.

The immortal treasure herb ‘Full Moon Wearing Autumn

Dew’ changed Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye, not only could he
see more clearly, but also more penetratingly.

Even to the extent that it could be used as a mental attack.

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Right now, with Tang San using his full strength, his gaze cut
through the layers of fog, gradually seeing clearly the spirit
beasts around them.

As he saw these spirit beasts, he couldn’t help drawing a deep

breath. These spirit beasts own strength wasn’t so scary, what
was scary was that their numbers really were too high.

“Teacher, it’s ‘Pink Maiden’ spirit beasts.”

Grandmaster looked distracted,

“You didn’t make a mistake? Even though the Pink Maidens

have poison, even at the ten thousand year level they still can’t
produce a poisonous fog over such a large area to attack us.”

Tang San’s expression was serious:

“Teacher, I’m certain. Moreover I also know why there would

be such a dense poison fog. Because, there are no less than one
thousand Pink Maidens out there. Even though for the most
part they’re only on the hundred year level, such an amount of
Pink Maidens can rely on the morning mist to release poison to

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such a degree.”

“What? A thousand? Is this possible?”

There was a shocked light in Grandmaster’s eyes, and his stiff

face immediately grew serious.

“What are you talking about? What ‘Pink Maidens’?”

Liu Erlong couldn’t keep from asking.

Grandmaster said in a heavy voice:

“Pink Maidens are a kind of spirit beast. It’s shape is similar to

a scorpion, but compared to the Giant Earth King it’s
considerably inferior. It’s a flock spirit beast. It’s nature is
comparatively mild. Because its body appears to be pink and
translucent, its profile dazzling, it’s given the name ‘Pink
Maiden’. Generally speaking, it will very rarely take the
initiative to attack humans, and seems to only keep away from
Spirit Masters.”

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“Each group of Pink Maidens only number around a few tens
to a hundred, with the most powerful one as leader. In order to
keep other members from surpassing it, if there is a member
that evolves faster, the most formidable one will kill it. This
leads to this kind of spirit beast very rarely resulting in ten
thousand year level existences. Even to the extent that thousand
year levels are very few.”

Flender frowned:

“Then what’s the attack capability of such spirit beasts? Only


Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“Yes, but their poison also isn’t very strong. The Man Faced
Demon Spider that Tang San killed is their natural predator.
One Man Faced Demon Spider can even easily kill a group of a
hundred Pink Maidens. Among all spirit beasts that attack with
poison, they’re still considered pretty inferior. Their poison is
very particular, a kind of stimulating poison. Breathing in a
little bit wouldn’t be harmful, and would instead cause the
victim to become excited. But if too much is inhaled, and
gradually causes excitement, once the stimulation reaches a
certain degree it will overdraw one’s vitality, until death.

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Precisely because its body is weak, it’s also extremely difficult
for them to evolve, and they become food for a lot of high level
spirit beasts. If it’s like little San says, and we’ve now
encountered a thousand member Pink Maiden community, then
I can say with certainty that within this community there must
have appeared a ‘Pink Queen’.”

“The Pink Queen is a variant Pink Maiden. It’s also the most
powerful Pink Maiden, and in order for this mutation to occur it
will first require at least three thousand years of cultivation,
next it requires eating at least a hundred of its own clansmen.
Once such a Pink Queen emerges, it will gather its kin on a large
scale, using them as food. Because her strength is much more
powerful than ordinary Pink Maidens, as a result, even if there
is the risk of being eaten, the majority of Pink Maidens will still

“A single Pink Maiden is even unable to harm a tenth rank or

so Spirit Master, but the poison secreted by a Pink Queen is
enough to stimulate a fiftieth rank Spirit Master to death. This
kind of peculiar poison can’t be guarded against, it will even
invade the body through the skin. The poison fog released by
these thousand Pink Maidens is in order to poison us to death
here. But I don’t understand why a mild tempered Pink Maiden
would show such hostility towards us. It’s as if they ambushed
us here.”

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When Grandmaster talked about the characteristics of the
Pink Maiden, Tang San silently reflected by his side. Now
hearing Grandmaster say this, he said:

“Teacher, wouldn’t you say it’s because of that Giant Earth

King last night? The Giant Earth King is the same as the Pink
Maiden, they’re both scorpion shaped spirit beasts, perhaps it
would be related to it?”

Light flickered in Grandmaster’s eyes,

“It’s possible. Don’t tell me, this community’s Pink Queen

unexpectedly was the mate of that Giant Earth King? This is
very possible. The intelligence of spirit beasts will grow along
with their age, even if it’s a Pink Queen, among spirit beasts it’s
still considered fairly weak. And the Giant Earth King is
nevertheless a similar kind of creature, the Giant Earth King’s
Magma Earth Rending Strike even has a certain restraining
effect on the Man Faced Demon Spider. If one said the Pink
Queen committed herself as the price for its protection, the
theory holds water. That Giant Earth King’s strength should be
considered pretty good in this Sunset Forest. Further adding
this enormous Pink Maiden community, it’s sufficient to
control a corner.”

2888 Goldenagato |

Flender looked at Liu Erlong at his side, unable to keep from

“You bullied the husband, so now the family’s come for


Cold light flashed in Liu Erlong’s eyes,

“Revenge? Fine! Then I’ll keep killing, making them a pair of

mandarin ducks.”

Grandmaster firmly said:

“The poison fog aggregated by more than a thousand Pink

Maidens is no small matter, we absolutely can’t be careless. Just
now we were all affected by a bit of the poison, and were it not
for little San having this bizarre anti poison flower, it would be
hard to say what would have happened. Right now there are
several ways to settle the issue. One is to rely on this flower’s
poison resisting properties to break through, an even more
dependable method is to rely on Flender’s flying ability to shift
us one by one out of this area, as long as we get out of the
affected region it wouldn’t be a problem. But that also confronts
us with the danger of ambush by other kinds of spirit beasts.

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Little San, you have a comparatively better understanding of
poison, what’s your proposal?”

Tang San said:

“Pink Maidens after all lack attack power, with our strength
it’s still preferable to break through. As long as we keep a close
formation it’s possible. Best would be if that Pink Queen
couldn’t keep from coming out to attack, as long as we could
dispatch her, the headless spirit beast group would naturally
disperse. As long as everyone stays within a ten meter diameter
from me, the poison wouldn’t take effect.”

Flender nodded, saying:

“Good, then it’s settled. Let’s not delay, little San, since you
can see the surrounding circumstances, we’ll follow your
directions. Wuji take up the rear, Erlong and Grandmaster,
we’re in front. Mubai, all of you coordinate in the center, make
sure to protect little San, little Ao and Rongrong. Especially this
Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure little San holds.”

With an accurate analysis of the situation, naturally there was

less bewilderment. Everyone’s battle lust ignited, even

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Grandmaster, each person released their spirit.

As a result of obtaining a third Spirit Ring, Grandmaster’s

spirit Luo San Pao’s body had changed somewhat, not only
growing a size larger than before, but also gaining some golden
color in its deep purple fur. Looking at his appearance, if
Grandmaster really could obtain nine spirit rings, maybe it
would really be capable of evolving into a Golden Saint Dragon.

Under Tang San’s directions, using the Aromatic Silk Beauty

Immortal Treasure’s poison resistance, everyone advanced

Grandmaster and Tang San’s judgement was exceptionally

correct. This group of Pink Maidens leader was precisely a Pink
Queen, and it was also the mate of last night’s unfortunate
Giant Earth King.

Spirit beasts had methods of communicating between each

other, and the Giant Earth King naturally released a kind of
scent when it died, informing the Pink Queen. Further adding
the existence of the Giant Earth King’s aura on Ma Hongjun,
naturally the family would come calling.

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The area the Pink Maidens surrounded wasn’t too large, but
Tang San very quickly found something wrong.

Along with their movements, the entire encirclement also


Right now, even though the morning mist had already

gradually dissipated in the sunlight, their surroundings were
still concealed by a pink poison gas, only appearing a bit thinner
than before.

Pausing, Tang San said:

“This won’t do. These Pink Maidens are also moving. My line
of sight is unclear, and within the forest our speed is also
limited. If this continues, we can only continue within their
encirclement. Even though we have the Aromatic Silk Beauty
Immortal Treasure, we still can’t continue this way. Little Ao,
prepare mushroom sausages.”

Oscar looked inquiringly at Flender, and Flender used his

hand to point to Tang San,

2892 Goldenagato |

“Little San directs.”

After Oscar’s spirit power progressed, when consuming his

entire spirit power he could produce twelve flying mushroom
sausages, just enough to satisfy everyone’s requirements.

Even though the effect would reduce by half when he himself

used these flying mushroom sausages, but he could prepare two
(Flender had his own flying spirit, and didn’t need a mushroom
sausage), he could still fly for one minute like everyone else.

3尺 = 1m

It’s two rays that are ⅓ m long.

Mandarin ducks in pairs (or any animals in pairs) is a common

symbol of love.

2893 Goldenagato |

Chapter 84 - Fatty’s Fourth Spirit Ability,
Phoenix Whistling Sky Strike

Tang San’s objective was simple. Relying on the mushroom

sausages granting the ability to fly swiftly, this allowed
everyone to pass through the poison fog area. By killing and
wounding the ‘Pink Maidens’ outside, the passive situation
could then be solved.

In half an hour, Oscar had almost used up his entire spirit

energy, and finished producing twelve flying mushroom
sausages. After a short rest, everyone immediately launched the

Eating the mushroom sausage, everyone first flew into the air.
To prevent anyone entering the poison fog region due to their
inconsistent flying speeds, Tang San released his blue silver
grass, twining around everyone’s waist respectively, using the
length of blue silver grass to control the distance between
everyone and him. Rapidly mobilising and establishing a
direction, they swiftly flew towards it.

While it wasn’t impossible to travel along the ground’s

surface as the speed of Pink Maidens wasn’t considered too fast,
but one would get obstructed by the trees when travelling just

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above the ground. After all, their vision wasn’t clear. Even with
Tang San’s guidance, the eleven-man team couldn’t achieve a
consistent speed. Right now the poison fog was even stronger
than just now, Tang San absolutely didn’t wish for anyone to
accidentally breathe in the poison fog and cause unnecessary

Even for him, it was extremely troublesome to get rid of this

type of stimulating poison gas.

Following the increase in Oscar’s strength, not only did the

flying mushroom sausages’ speed somewhat increase, the
duration it lasted also increased by about ten seconds or so.
Although compared to it before that it wasn’t considered very
long, this amount of time was sufficient to allow them to fly out
of the poison fog region.

The pink poison fog got split apart by the Aromatic Silk
Beauty Immortal Treasure’s smell, heavily rolling past their two
sides. When the mushroom sausages’ flying effect is was
roughly used up by half, everyone’s vision suddenly cleared up.
Having rushed out of the poison fog’s encirclement, the
surrounding scenery became clear instantly.

Liu Erlong let out a strong howl. Swaying her waist and

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breaking off the blue silver grass on it, her body descended
towards the ground like a meteor. Before she landed, large
flames had already rushed forth. A shrill scream suddenly came
from below.

Everyone looked downwards, just in time to see the dense

amount of spirit beasts below their feet. The true appearance of
the Pink Maiden appeared in front of them.

Just like what Grandmaster had described, each of them

looked like a crystal clear pink scorpion, as if it was formed by
carving a pink crystal. Each of them was about two chi in body
length, moving about on the ground, their bodies continuously
emitting a faint pink gas that coagulated towards their front.

Due to last night’s incident Liu Erlong’s mood was already

bad, again getting stranded by the poison fog for half a day,
right now she couldn’t tolerate any longer after getting out of
the poison zone. Although she wasn’t as reckless as last night
when she used the Scarlet Dragon Avatar, but right now just
like a flaming demon king rushed towards the group of
poisonous scorpions. That was a one-sided massacre. With just
the first wave of flames, at least ten Pink Maiden bodies got

2896 Goldenagato |

“Let us go down too.”

Fearing that Liu Erlong may have some mishap, Flender

nodded towards Tang San.

Tang San withdrew the blue silver grass, and everyone

controlling their own flying ability, descended from the sky.

“Don’t overkill.”

Grandmaster shouted. He wasn’t only speaking to the Shrek

Seven Devils, but more importantly towards Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong kicked a Pink Maiden beside her into the air,
turned around and looked at Grandmaster. Coldly letting out a
snort, her speed increased again. On the surface, although she
didn’t seem to agree with him, in reality she still highly
respected Grandmaster’s opinions. In the end, these pitiful
scorpions that flew into the air were able to live to see another

Dai Mubai whispered in Flender’s ear:

2897 Goldenagato |

“Dean, didn’t you say this time round we are to handle the
spirit beasts ourselves? Look, teacher Erlong she…”

Flender helplessly replied: “Women with hormones that are

out of tune cannot be judged using common sense. Xiao Gang,
why not let us leave this area, since we aren’t going to make
these Pink Maidens suffer, and dealing with them is after all
somewhat troublesome.”

Contrary to Flender’s expectations, Grandmaster shook his

head and said:

“No hurry, let’s wait a while more.”

At this moment, a piercing animal cry came from the poison

fog region. Immediately, a pink shadow leapt out from within
the poison fog with a whooshing sound, opening its mouth and
spraying a thick fog towards Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong was momentarily surprised. Smacking both palms

towards her front, her body instantly sprang backwards,
however she cannot help but sniff a trace of the poison fog.
Luckily, there was the miasma pill given by Tang San

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beforehand, giving her a certain resistance to the poison fog.
With the addition of her solid cultivation, a small amount of
poison fog was unable to cause her harm easily.

“Erlong, come back. Little San, all of you go, don’t kill it.
Leave it breathing.”

Grandmaster calmly gave out the commands to attack.

Coming out from the forest was an enormous Pink Maiden. Its
size wasn’t too different from yesterday’s Giant Earth King that
was abused by Liu Erlong. Not only was the pink colour on its
body much deeper, its entire body was covered by a fine layer of
scales. On its head, six tiny eyes that are dark red in colour
glinted a faint cold light.

Liu Erlong’s sudden retreat avoided the poison fog it sprayed,

making it angrier. Lashing its scorpion tail on the ground, it
chased towards Liu Erlong.

That’s right, this was a Pink Queen. From the outer

appearance, Grandmaster could determine that this Pink
Queen’s cultivation was approximately between three thousand
five hundred years and four thousand years.

2899 Goldenagato |

“Third brother, assist me.”

Ma Hongjun let out a shout, a phoenix cry ringing out from

his body. This sound wasn’t made by his mouth, but produced
by the rising flames on his body themselves. Blazing hot flames
that were gold-red in colour instantly spread over his entire
body, the third spirit ring on his body scattering a purple light.
In a moment, a pair of enormous flaming wings instantly spread
out from Fatty’s back.

Wings spanning over four meters, although that somewhat

didn’t fit with Fatty’s chubby body, the blazing hot air current
made the Shrek Seven Devils swiftly retreat a couple steps,
increasing their distance.

Everybody had been cooperating for such a long time, of

course Tang San understood Ma Hongjun’s intentions. He
wanted to try out the newly acquired spirit technique.


Tang San only gave him a simple instruction. Lifting his right

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hand, a green ball of light was thrown out.

The flaming wings on Ma Hongjun’s back suddenly flapped.

Once again flying up with a gorgeous flaming tail, he chased
after the green ball of light that was flying towards the Pink
Queen, just like a raging meteor.

This was Ma Hongjun’s third spirit technique, Phoenix


Relying on this spirit technique, he was able to temporarily

have the ability to fly. During the process of flying, spirit energy
would be drained continuously. At the same time, this
technique would ignite his second spirit technique, Bathing Fire
Phoenix. Combining the two spirit techniques into one, the
attack power of his flames was temporarily increased by one
hundred percent, and the attack range was increased by fifty

Starting from the third spirit technique, Ma Hongjun’s

powerful Phoenix battle spirit started to show the strength
beyond ordinary battle spirits. With the help of Tang San in
removing his variant spirit’s evil fire restriction, this allowed
him to release his spirit technique without second thoughts.

2901 Goldenagato |

The six tiny eyes on Pink Queen’s head immediately revealed a
horrified expression.

Not even Liu Erlong’s flames earlier gave this sort of feeling.
At the same time, an intense anger was also contained within
that fear. This was because she has already clearly sensed the
presence belonging to the Giant Earth King from Ma Hongjun’s

The reason why it felt horrified was naturally due to the

flames on Ma Hongjun’s body, poisonous insect-type spirit
beasts just like it were all afraid of fire, but after all, the Pink
Queen did have nearly four thousand years of cultivation, it
wouldn’t be bothered by ordinary flames.

However, the phoenix flames on Ma Hongjun’s body was the

nemesis of all poisonous insects. And the phoenix was the king
of ten thousand birds, the suppression from its presence had
already made the Pink Queen confused.

The green light spread out in a flash, the enormous spider web
not even giving the Pink Queen the chance to dodge. That was
how exquisite Tang San’s technique was. The effect of Spider
Web Restraint was instantly shown.

2902 Goldenagato |

In a puff, Pink Queen’s huge body was bound securely by the
spider web. At this moment, it was already not fearful, but
completely terrified. The spider web’s presence belonged to its
natural enemy, the Man Faced Demon Spider, causing its entire
body to become limp. Powerful toxins entered it body, instantly
causing its defensive power to greatly decrease, and at this
moment, Ma Hongjun dove down, landing in front of it with a

His flames suddenly dimmed. Everyone clearly saw the

flaming wings on Ma Hongjun’s back spread out towards the sky
as he landed onto the ground, his right fist heavily smashing the
ground. In that instant, the air became violently distorted. A
cage of light that was five meters in diameter enveloped the
bodies of Pink Queen and him.

The Pink Queen who was desperately struggling in the Spider

Web Restraint became stiff in that distorted air, completely
losing the ability to move. Following up, Fatty roared,

“Fourth spirit technique, Phoenix Cry Sky Strike.”

Boom—, a powerful phoenix blaze exploded in an instant. A

loud and clear phoenix cry pierced the heavens, containing a
majestic strength.

2903 Goldenagato |

A strong and heavy phoenix-shaped blaze spewed out from
below the ground, soaring into the sky while bringing along Ma

The area that was enveloped in that distorted air just now was
now completely covered in flames. The fiery phoenix directly
rushed ten or so meters into the sky, spreading out its wings in
mid-air, surprisingly it looked just like a phoenix descending on
the world.

The Shrek Seven Devils who saw this beautiful sight couldn’t
help but be somewhat dumbfounded. Although they all knew
the effect of the fourth spirit technique was considerably good,
but they all didn’t imagine Ma Hongjun’s strength would be
that powerful to such an extent.

Although Fatty’s flames were strong before gaining the Giant

Earth King’s spirit ring, he didn’t have any effective means to
attack. While Phoenix Fire Wire’s power wasn’t bad under the
empowerment of Bathing Fire Phoenix, but at best it was only
able to contend against spirit masters of the same rank,
moreover there was only one method of attack.

2904 Goldenagato |

The large increase in fire effect and the slight increase in the
duration of the flying ability from Phoenix Ascension were also
unable to largely increase his attack capability. As a power
attack system Spirit Master, this was something that had been
nagging Fatty for a while.

Yet right now, the fourth spirit technique Phoenix Cry Sky
Strike released by Fatty completely changed the situation. With
the combined boost from the second and third spirit technique,
this attack had such a terrifying attack effect that even Flender,
Zhao Wuji, Liu Erlong and the rest couldn’t help but contract
their pupils. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, Dai Mubai whose
spirit energy was the strongest also acknowledged that it was
impossible to not fully retreat under this kind of attack.

The sharp cries of Pink Queen inside the phoenix flames

abruptly halted. Accompanying the gorgeous flaming phoenix
slowly dispersing in the sky, Fatty lightly landed onto the
ground. Although his face was somewhat pale, his expression
was filled with excitement.

Peng——, Pink Queen’s body dropped heavily onto the

ground, its glittering and translucent body had completely
transformed to a dark red colour, the entire body emitting an
unpleasant burnt smell. Other than some mild convulsions, it
couldn’t stand up anymore.

2905 Goldenagato |

If not for Fatty showing mercy by controlling the strength of
the flames, that attack just now was enough to take its life.

What made Fatty somewhat puzzled was that the spider web
that bound the Pink Queen unexpectedly still remained, only
turning into a fiery red colour and not turning into ashes.

Only right now after releasing his fourth spirit technique,

being in a state of excitement, he didn’t think so much about it.

Grandmaster suddenly said:

“Oscar, hurry. Kill it. The vital point is where the eyes are,
then immediately start absorbing the spirit ring.”

Oscar was momentarily taken aback, but once he saw the

urgency radiating from Grandmaster’s eyes he immediately
understood. Quickly rushing to the front, not even thanking Ma
Hongjun, a dagger was drawn out from around the waist and
immediately stabbed downwards. Although forty ranks of spirit
energy did not give him any offensive ability, his strength
compared to ordinary people was still much stronger.

2906 Goldenagato |

The Pink Queen’s shell had already been softened by Ma
Hongjun’s phoenix flames. This beast’s life was ended

Crossing his legs and sitting beside the Pink Queen, Oscar
immediately started the spirit ring absorption process.

At this moment, large amounts of the surrounding Pink

Maidens had already retreated like a tide. What caused them to
retreat was not only the death of the Pink Queen, but more
importantly the powerful pressure coming from Fatty’s phoenix
flames made them so.

Flender walked to the side of Ma Hongjun, slapping the back

of his plump head,

“Stop being smug already. Hurry up sit down and start

recovering your spirit energy.”

Ma Hongjun who got hit stuck out his tongue, hurriedly

sitting down not far from Oscar, silently starting to cultivate.

2907 Goldenagato |

While his attack just now was very beautiful and its attack
extremely powerful, simultaneously using the second, third and
fourth spirit techniques to him who had recently gained a spirit
ring and hence advancing to the forty one rank boundary, was
still an immerse drain.

In addition, in pursuing the flames’ visual effect, he went all

out in depicting that perfect phoenix form in the sky, using up
at least seventy percent of his spirit energy.

Ning Rongrong muttered:

“Every spirit technique gained is indeed a qualitative

improvement. Who knows what my fourth spirit ring will be.
Grandmaster, why do you let Oscar absorb that Pink Queen’s
spirit ring? While the number of years of this spirit beast’s
cultivation isn’t too bad, but it isn’t strong at all!”

Grandmaster replied:

“Regarding Spirit Masters who need spirit rings, there are no

spirit beasts that are the most powerful, only spirit beasts that
are the most suitable for them. This Pink Queen is much better
for Oscar than the effect of any other spirit beasts. If I guessed

2908 Goldenagato |

correctly, after he has gained this fourth spirit ring, it will
somewhat help the offensive strength of you all as a whole.”

Tang San was taught by Grandmaster, with regards to

Grandmaster’s way of thinking, he understood him the best.
Getting an inspiration,

“Teacher, do you mean that Little Ao’s fourth spirit ring will
mix in the stimulating toxin from the Pink Queen’s poison fog?”

Grandmaster nodded his head, said:

“That is correct. What Oscar has is a food system spirit, even

if he absorbs the spirit of poisonous spirit beasts, his spirit
techniques will not produce toxins. So, this technique that
originally belonged to the Pink Queen will have a certain
transformation after he has absorbed it, the effect should be
increasing the level of stimulation within a short period of time.
I am unable to guarantee the extent of increase, but it should
increase all attributes, just like back then the entire Mad Battle
Team entering into a frenzy effect that you all had encountered.
While his technique may also have after-effects, but I reckon it
should not be as tyrannical as the Fanaticism ability.”

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Increasing all attributes? Just these few words were enough to
make the hearts of the Shrek Seven Devils beat faster.

The one with the most distinct expression was Ning


Since that day Oscar confessed to her, she watched him

diligently cultivate every day. Seeing Oscar getting a
considerably useful spirit technique again, how could she not be
happy for him? However, her heart also became more

Deciding at the start that she would reveal her secrets to Oscar
after the spirit master competition, but as that moment got
nearer Ning Rongrong’s mood changes also became faster.

She discovered that right now she would thoughtlessly take

more notice of Oscar, not because of his looks, but because of
the dedication in his eyes. Ning Rongrong clearly knew, this
dedication in Oscar’s eyes was formed completely because of

He truly liked her, and so to be able to have the qualifications

to chase her he continuously worked hard.

2910 Goldenagato |

Two yellow, one purple, the three spirit rings moved up and
down Oscar’s body. Right now, the body of the Pink Queen
continuously emitted traces of pink glitter, integrating into
Oscar. When the pink light entered his body, Oscar’s expression
slowly revealed a painful look.

Grandmaster had mentioned before, the difficulty of

absorbing a spirit ring was greatly related to the level of the
spirit beast’s resentment.

Not only did the Pink Queen bear a hatred for her murdered
husband, she also died under Oscar’s hands, her resentment
could not possibly be small.

Absorbing it was naturally not easy, but after all it was still
within the range that can be absorbed. At the same time its
ability was not as tyrannical as the Man Faced Demon Spider
back then. Although Oscar had to bear some pain, he would not
be in any danger.

Flender moved close to Grandmaster’s side, whispering:

2911 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Gang, you saw Hongjun’s attack effect just now, what
do you think?”

Although his mouth asked a question, the exaltation on his

face could not be covered up at all.

Seeing his direct disciple becoming stronger and stronger, he

also felt a sense of fulfillment.

Tang San’s radiance among the Shrek Seven Devils was overly
blinding, the strength Ma Hongjun displayed just now made
Flender rejoice beyond all expectations. To say the least, he felt
that his disciple was finally not too far off compared to Tang

As expected, Grandmaster approvingly nodded his head, said:

“Remarkably not bad. Just now Hongjun’s outburst of attack
power was not too different from the attack strength when
Mubai uses up all his energy. It is enough to inflict fatal injuries
onto fiftieth ranked spirit masters and those below it. What’s
more important is that his attacks contain the effect of phoenix
flames. Not only is the temperature of his flames very high, it
also has a very strong adhering property, the boosted harm
inflicted by the flames is almost comparable to the spirit power
burst forth from the main attack. In terms of explosive power,

2912 Goldenagato |

right now among the Shrek Seven Devils Fatty is the strongest,
slightly stronger than Mubai.”

Flender laughed and said:

“This is all thanks to Liu Erlong, if not for her pulling back
just in time last night, Little Fatty would not have such a good

Grandmaster was very familiar with Flender, this fellow had

always regarded his reputation to be important, and while
Grandmaster himself and him are close brothers, he wouldn’t
mind giving him some criticisms. Of course, this was a reminder
completely out of goodwill.

“Flender, have you discovered Fatty’s current disadvantage?”

Grandmaster faintly asked.

“Disadvantage? You mean his ability to sustain his attacks?”

Flender muttered.

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Grandmaster nodded his head and said:

“Although Fatty’s instantaneous explosive power is very

strong, but the drain on the spirit energy is simply too much.
His ability to maintain combat is inferior to Mubai. Once his
attack does not achieve the expected results, his combat
strength will be weakened to a great extent for a short period of
time. This is one of the restrictions on his ability for now. At the
same time, there is another problem. His fourth spirit technique
inherited the Giant Earth King’s Magma Earth Rending Strike,
combining it together with his body’s phoenix flames, it
transformed into the Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, but the
fundamental issue did not change.”

“This Phoenix Cry Sky Strike of his is divided into two parts.
The first part is causing his opponent to become dizzy within
the distorted air, and the second part is then taking advantage
of the period where the opponent is dizzy to release the
strongest attack. The time the opponent is dizzy is also the time
he charges up, am I wrong?”

Flender nodded his head, said:

2914 Goldenagato |

“You are the Grandmaster, of course you are not wrong.”

Grandmaster said:

“And so because of it, Fatty also inherited the Magma Earth

Rending Strike’s disadvantage, which is the attack range. Think
about it, will the opponent casually let him come close to
activate his attack? As long as one escapes about five meters in
distance away from him before he releases the first phase of
Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, his attack will then become a futile
effort. This can not only be achieved by agility attack system
spirit masters, but even power attack system spirit masters who
are slightly cautious can also easily do so. Speed is originally not
what Fatty is proficient at. Although Phoenix Ascension enables
him to fly temporarily, the more important functions of it is to
boost the effect of the flames and its power, and not boosting his
speed. Hence, although the explosive power of his attack is very
strong, he has to coordinate with others.”

Listening to Grandmaster’s explanation, Flender immediately


“What you meant is that there must be someone to first help

Hongjun lock down the opponent’s movements, and then he
can unleash the Phoenix Cry Sky Strike’s greatest power.”

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Grandmaster nodded:

“Just so. Because Hongjun’s Phoenix Cry Sky Strike requires

close proximity for the stun effect, it doesn’t lock down the
opponent, therefore in my theory it’s used after the opponent
has been restrained. And I would use little San’s Spider Web
Restraint to restrain the opponent. Later restraining abilities
requires coordinating with previous restraining abilities. Spider
Web Restraint restrains the opponent’s movement, also
bringing out its poison to decrease the opponent’s defense, at
this time Fatty can further supplement with the additional
restraint and display the Phoenix Cry Sky Strike. Only then will
it be a one hit certain kill. This is only one among many
methods of coordinating it, but concretely how still requires
careful study. The key area is, spirit power cannot be wasted, to
let each strength show its best effect.”

Speaking of this, Grandmaster couldn’t keep an admiring

light from his eyes,

“These childrens’ gifts are exceptional. Take any one at

random, they can all be considered top geniuses. Mubai’s
toughness and strength, Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s dual
support, Hongjun’s burst power, Zhuqing’s speed, Xiao Wu’s
close combat technique, as well as little San’s cool mind.

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Combined together, it’s practically perfect. Perhaps right now
they’re perplexed by having one less attacker from the dual
support, but as each of their spirits gradually comes into its own
strength, and the support effect advances one step further, this
little team will only become even more frightening.”

Flender looked at Grandmaster with a smile that wasn’t a


“Why don’t you mention little San’s strength, and only his

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“I can’t keep a face like yours. Although little San’s strength is

pretty good right now, that is because the quality of his spirit
rings is excellent, along with having an external spirit bone. But
looking at his foundation, Blue Silver Grass is after all Blue
Silver Grass. Along with everyone’s strength increasing, and as
they gain more spirit abilities, Blue Silver Grass’ weaknesses
will will gradually appear. That’s why I say that his ability to
direct the team is even more significant. This is most important
as the team’s soul.”

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Flender said in a low voice:

“When are you prepared to let him start cultivating his second

Grandmaster resolutely said:

“He must at least wait until after the eightieth spirit power
rank. Twin spirits is a heavenly gift, I don’t wish for little San’s
talent to be wasted in any way. At the same time, right now I
still haven’t figured out a way to dissolve the many negative
side effects that will arise after the spirits’ amplification of his
body. Unless I figure this out, I won’t let him take chances.
Otherwise, if his body is unable to endure the excessive added
attributes from the spirits and breaks down, I will inevitably
regret it all my life. If I can’t think of a method, I would rather
have him be only a Blue Silver Grass Spirit Master. I think even
his father would agree with me on this. For Little San’s sake,
perhaps, after this time’s Spirit Master tournament ends, I will
have to make a trip to Supreme Pontiff Hall.”

When Flender heard this he couldn’t help being alarmed,

“You’ll go see her? Aren’t you afraid Erlong will flip?”

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Grandmaster said with a wry smile:

“Help me out when that moment comes. For little San’s sake,
I must go see her.”

Flender’s brows furrowed deeply, looking at Grandmaster

with a serious expression,

“Xiao Gang, you have to think clearly. You should know she
isn’t like Erlong. Perhaps, you might not be able to return from
this trip.”

Grandmaster shook his head:

“No, this bit I’m still certain of. Well, let’s not talk about this.
Everything will have to wait until after this time’s Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Tournament ends. You have to keep this
confidential for me. You especially can’t let Erlong know.”

Flender nodded,

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“Don’t worry, I know how serious it is.”

As a result of the Pink Queen’s resentment, Oscar’s absorption

was a lot slower than Ma Hongjun’s was last night, using a full
two hours to complete the whole process.

Perhaps it was because he was influenced by the dazzlingly

beautiful form of the Pink Queen, but after absorbing the spirit
ring, Oscar seemed to have become even more handsome.
Seeing him after his cultivation, Ma Hongjun couldn’t help

“Worthy of being a prostitute’s face.”

Oscar didn’t pay any attention to Fatty’s mocking,

“You’re jealous, I just won’t listen. Anyway, if you want to be

as handsome as your big brother, you won’t have the
opportunity in your whole life.”

Everyone gathered around, and Dai Mubai somewhat

impatiently asked:

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“Little Ao, what’s your fourth spirit ring ability?”

Among Spirit Masters, asking about spirit abilities was a

major taboo, and ordinary Spirit Master would in no way want
knowledge about their spirit abilities to be revealed to others.
But the feelings among the Shrek Seven Devils had long ago
transcended mere friends.

An excited light like what Fatty had that morning flickered in

Oscar’s eyes,

“My fourth spirit ability is stimulation. For five minutes it can

give the taker a ten percent increase in all attributes.”

Dai Mubai somewhat disappointed said:

“Only ten percent? And only five minutes? This spirit


Oscar snorted, saying:

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“Boss Dai, listen clearly. It’s ten percent increase to all
attributes. In other words, after taking it the overall strength
will increase by ten percent, that’s not as simple as you think.
Moreover, it should be able to stack with any other support
effect. Within these five minutes, it can make bring your
strength to one hundred ten percent, at the same time
counteracting all negative conditions.”

Grandmaster’s voice came from behind the Shrek Seven


“Correct, this fourth spirit ability of his is in no way as simple

as it seems on the surface.”

Hearing his voice, the gazes of the Shrek Seven Devils all
focused on Grandmaster.

Grandmaster looked at Oscar with satisfaction, saying:

“All attributes increasing by ten percent doesn’t sound like a

large proportion, but it can let you immediately reach the one
hundred ten percent level, and this is under the premise it
cancels out all negative conditions. No Spirit Master dare’s say
he can use a hundred percent of his strength in every fight. It’s

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possible to be able to use only eighty percent, or even lower.
Especially in circumstances where the opponent has some
weakening effects among their spirit abilities, the restrictions
will be even greater. But this stimulation ability of Oscar’s is
able to completely counteract these negative effects. By my
calculations, it should even be able to elevate your mind, adding
a further ten percent amplification. It can also make each of you
for a short term break out your most powerful strength. In later
battles you will come to understand how wonderful this fourth
spirit ability is.”

Oscar nodded agreement,

“Only, Grandmaster, this spirit ability also has two flaws. One
is that it sustains for too short a time. The other is that it can’t
be preserved. After it’s been summoned, it has to be taken
within one minute to be effective. In other words, I can’t make
it in advance before battles. In comparatively better news, it
doesn’t use up too much of my spirit power, about the same as
my flying mushroom sausage, moreover it doesn’t have any side
effects. I, your father, have a pink sausage.”

The last line was the spirit incantation for this new spirit

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Pink light could be seen condensing in Oscar’s palm, and in a
moment, a sparkling and translucent, thick like a little finger,
pink sausage appeared in the hollow of his palm.

Ma Hongjun to the side grinned oddly,

“Little Ao, when did yours become so small?”

As he spoke, the girls couldn’t keep from blushing, and they

firmly glared at him.

Oscar snapped:

“Whether big brother’s sausage is big or not you won’t get to

eat it.”

Grandmaster sternly said:

“Just by being without side effects, this fourth spirit ability of

yours is much better than those of many other Support Spirit

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Flender held back a smile, saying:

“Well, don’t talk nonsense, let’s keep going. You still need
three spirit rings. Let’s hope our luck continues to be this good
and we can find what you need as quickly as possible.”

Even though the size of the Sunset Forest wasn’t as enormous

as Star Dou Great Forest, it still wasn’t something that could be
covered in a few days, and the Shrek Academy party continued
searching in this vast forest.

In terms of overall quality, the spirit beasts in Sunset Forest

was perhaps a bit better than Star Dou Great Forest, but there
weren’t any truly powerful creatures among them.

After two days, they still hadn’t encountered a spirit beast

that suited the other three.

Flender also couldn’t help being somewhat impatient.

The sleeping arrangements were no longer a problem.

Grandmaster didn’t give Liu Erlong another opportunity, each

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night cultivating outside the tent. Flender and Zhao Wuji also
feared Liu Erlong and kept Grandmaster company.
Unfortunately they didn’t bring more than two tents. After a
few days, the Shrek Seven Devils were in excellent spirits, while
Grandmaster’s trio were a bit unwell. Especially Grandmaster
whose cultivation was lowest, without several days of proper
rest he already had dark circles under his eyes.

Stopping, Flender frowned:

“Let’s rest here first. Searching like this is no method.

Although there are many types of spirit beasts in Sunset Forest,
aren’t the top quality ones pitifully few? If it drags on like this,
I’m afraid the Spirit Master Tournament will have begun.”

In two days of searching it wasn’t that they hadn’t

encountered spirit beasts with suitable cultivation age, but
Grandmaster wasn’t satisfied with the properties of these spirit

With him following, naturally he wished to match everyone

with the most suitable spirit rings.

The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t lack talent, and whether it was

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Grandmaster, Flender or Zhao Wuji, none of them wanted to see
their futures influenced by an unsuitable spirit ring.

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Chapter 85 - Fragrance Attracting Spirit

"Dean Flender, I actually have a solution, however it is quite


Tang San suddenly put forward, his voice drawing everyone's


Flender grumpily said,

"Why didn't you say so earlier? What is it?"

Tang San said,

"Do you still remember the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal

Treasure that I used two days ago to suppress the poisonous
fog? As an immortal treasure herb, it can be considered to be
one of nature's rarest gems. If I were to expose it to the
surroundings, just its aura alone should attract the attention of
powerful spirit beasts. However, as such, it would be impossible
for me to guess what manner of beasts it could bring. It is quite

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possible that it could summon an exceedingly high quality spirit
beast that we cannot hope to defeat, furthermore, the quantity
it can summon will not be low either."

Hearing this, Flender realized it wasn't because Tang San

purposely withheld a solution earlier, but because this solution
was truly far too dangerous. In the worst case scenario, it was
possible that they could face total annihilation.

Even though Flender, Zhao Wuji, and Liu Erlong were all rank
70 plus spirit masters, some especially powerful spirit beasts
could easily destroy them.

Just like the Titan Giant Ape they encountered in the Star
Dou Great Forest; a terrifying existence that even a Titled
Douluo dare not easily provoke.

"Xiao Gang, what do you think?"

Flender posed the question to Grandmaster

Grandmaster pondered for a moment and said,

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"Little San's idea is not necessarily unusable; it all depends on
how we approach it. Little San, can you still find the lair of
Dugu Bo?"

Hearing Grandmaster's question, Tang San's eyes immediately

lit up, his inner thought progression closely mirrored
Grandmaster's so even though Grandmaster had not revealed
his idea, he already understood.

"Master, you mean to use the venom left behind by the Old
Freak to protect us?"

Grandmaster smiled faintly and nodded. Right now everyone

else were still baffled, not understanding what this pair of
master and disciple were talking about.

Tang San at Grandmaster's indication explained that because

this Sunset Forest housed Poison Douluo Dugu Bo's private
hideout, the perimeter near the location of the Ice and Fire Yin
Yang Well was protected by Dugu Bo's poisonous formation.

That poison formation came from Dogu Bo's horrifyingly

potent venom abilities.

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Even a ten thousand year spirit beast wouldn’t dare take a step
past the boundary.

Of course, such a poison posed no challenge to Tang San. Even

if Dugu Bo had not already given them the antidote, he could
still easily produce an antidote himself or rely on the Aromatic
Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure to suppress the poison.

By exposing the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure

outside of the poison formation, they could attract many spirits
beasts and should at any time the beasts become too powerful,
they could retreat back into the protection of the poison and no
longer fear being overwhelmed.

When they wanted to leave, they could simply exit the Sunset
Forest in a different direction.

Now that they had a method, everyone immediately set out

for the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well under Tang San's directions.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was located in the center of
the Sunset Forest, equidistant to the edges of the forest, and
since the Shrek Academy group had already been inside the

2931 Goldenagato |

Sunset Forest for some time, it took them less than half a day to
reach the outside perimeters Dugu Bo’s poison formation.

Tang San with a serious expression passed out two pills to

each person,

"The poison the old freak used for protection here is

extremely insidious, although it will affect spirit masters to a
lesser degree compared to spirit beasts, if your spirit energy is
less than 70 ranks, a single step inside the protected ground and
your death will be assured. First take one of the pills, it will
ensure your safety for a day, tomorrow at the same time take
the second pill. I believe two days should provide us ample

Finished saying this, Tang San began the preparations. He

first entered the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well alone and retrieved
some of the fertile mud from the banks where the two sides of
the well flowed together. After that he returned and dug out a
hole outside of the poison formation and placed the mud within
before carefully planting the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal
Treasure on top.

The Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure was different

from Xiao Wu’s Yearning Heartbroken Red that would never

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wilt. Once it had left the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, if it
didn’t receive enough nature’s spiritual nourishment, it will
slowly wilt.

Thankfully, the soil from the side of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well had sufficient energy to nourish it; otherwise Tang San
would never let it touch regular soil.

Having completed the temporary planting of the Aromatic

Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, Tang San took out a small jade
bottle from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. As he
removed the stopper from the bottle, a thick cloud of briny
stench wallowed out, immediately filling the air. Even the
fragrance of the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure
couldn’t suppress its terrible smell.

“Little San, what is that thing? The smell is killing me”

Dai Mubai who always loved cleanliness, immediately dodged

far away when he smelled it.

Tang San smiled slightly, and thought to himself, ‘Boss Dai,

how can you possibly know that this liquid with it unbearable
stench was synthesized by me using more than ten kinds of

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precious ingredients. Its rarity is almost comparable to that of
the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure.’

He very carefully tilted the bottle above the Aromatic Silk

Beauty Immortal Treasure, allowing a single drop of black
liquid to fall onto its stamen. Tang San then carefully resealed
the jade bottle and returned it into his Hundred Treasure Purse.

An extraordinary scene unfolded. The Aromatic Silk Beauty

Immortal Treasure’s stamen began emitting a dense of purple
gas, it’s originally gentle fragrance immediately growing more
powerful. The smell of the flower was no longer limited to
within its area of effect, instead started to quickly permeate the
surrounding air and beyond.

Even Dai Mubai who had evacuated the area previously to

escape the stench could feel perfumed air tickling his nose.

Tang San explained to his group,

“The medicine I used on the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal

Treasure will nourish it, causing it to temporarily lose its poison
suppression effect for about two hours, however, within this
time its scent will rapidly spread to a minimum of ten li. This

2934 Goldenagato |

should be more than enough to attract some spirit beasts. After
all, the scent belongs to one of the exceedingly rare heavenly
treasures; there should no beasts that wouldn’t like it.”

The rest of the group couldn’t help but be amazed at Tang

San’s application of medicine. Of course they all attributed this
to the half year Tang San spent studying under Dugu Bo.

Nourishing the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure and

attracting spirit beasts, for Tang San, this could be considered
two birds with one stone. As the gentle scent slowly saturated
the air, the Shrek Academy party also became increasingly alert.

The three with the weakest fighting power, Oscar, Ning

Rongrong and Grandmaster were positioned closest to the
Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, the rest are around
them, carefully observing in all directions.

Having finished preparing the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal

Treasure, Tang San did not immediately join his friends in
surveying the surroundings but rather walked around the
flower a distance away. The scent produced by the divine flora
held great attraction to all spirit beasts regardless of their
cultivation level.

2935 Goldenagato |

In order to prevent the spirit beast with too low of a cultivate
level to disturb them and disrupt their planning, Tang San
prepared his own layer of protection via poison.

His poison formation clearly wasn’t as severe as the one

created by Dugu Bo, but it should be effective in filtering the
spirit beasts. According to Tang San’s calculations, spirit beasts
that had less than two thousand years of cultivation should not
be able to easily enter.

Spirit beasts were different from humans; their senses were

much sharper. Especially towards dangers such as poison, their
judgement was rarely wrong.

Once they discovered that the poison was not something they
could resist, they would never risk their lives.

With the assistance of this poison protected ground, the Shrek

Academy’s group of people could save a lot of energy. They only
need to choose targets among the sufficiently cultivated spirit

The stage had been set, all that was left was to tighten their
formation and wait. Even though this hunting method could

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easily attract more powerful spirit beasts, it was equally
dangerous. Whether the spirit beasts that came were too
powerful or too weak, neither would satisfy Tang San and the
others’ requirements. As a result, no matter how you put it, luck
held a certain part.

The lure of the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s

effect was even bigger than Tang San had expected. Once they
have finished setting up, less than a cup of tea’s time had passed
before the first spirit beast appeared.

A low rumbling roar and a faint stench reached them, the

trees to their left started to sway, as if brushed by a gale.

“Cloud follows the dragon and wind follows the tiger. It

should be a spirit beast of the tiger family. Everyone be careful.”

Grandmaster calmly deduced.

Just as Grandmaster finished speaking, a gorgeous yet

ferocious tiger burst through the thickets.

The tiger was covered from head to toe in murky black fur;

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the only exception being the “king” character on its forehead
patterned in white. The length of its body was over three meters
long and stood at one meter fifty shoulder height. Although it
was quite large, it was nevertheless very nimble.

Even before anyone had a clear look at the beast, it already

pounced towards them. Its movement like a trail of shadows
and its aim was precisely the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal
Treasure being protected behind everyone.

“Begin combat!”

Tang San roared, and without withholding any spirit power

raised his arm, releasing a Spider Web Restraint. Due to his
spirit power increase, his limit had now increased to four Spider
Web Restraints.

Spirit beasts from their outer appearance can be seen that

generally those with cultivation less than ten thousand years
would increase in size the more they cultivate, but those that
have surpassed ten thousand years instead will start decreasing
in the size the more powerful they grow.

Of course, there are some exceptions, but other than spirit

2938 Goldenagato |

beasts that are especially powerful or weak most do follow this
development path. The black tiger before them could easily be
identified as one that has cultivated between three thousand to
five thousand years, perfectly suitable.

Tang San without hesitation chose to fight rather than flee.

The green light expanded in a flash. Sometimes having too

fast of a speed is not always good; such as the case for this spirit
beast Phantom Tiger that only has the Aromatic Silk Beauty
Immortal Treasure in its eyes.

The Phantom Tiger’s horrific speed and combat prowess was

well known, it can be considered to be among the strongest
spirit beasts. It was also incredibly aggressive and will not
hesitate to fight anyone that dares intrude in its territory to the

Because its speed was incomparable, even other spirit beasts

that had achieved similar years of cultivation, ordinarily would
not seek to fight it.

Seeing Tang San unleash Spider Web Restraint at the

Phantom Tiger, its body flickered strangely, and the originally

2939 Goldenagato |

one Phantom Tiger suddenly turned into three.

The one in the Spider Web Restraint faded away unseen like a
mirage, while the other two advanced even faster.

Phantom Tiger’s innate ability, Shadow Doppelgänger.

Dai Mubai roared deeply, four spirit rings simultaneously

flashing up from below. When the Phantom Tiger appeared, his
body already swiftly swelled up, and now watching the
Phantom Tiger dash forward he went head to head with it
without the slightest hesitation.

A pair of tiger paws slapped forward, and from his mouth a

white light jetted out, already releasing White Tiger Light

Spirit power rising substantially increased the might of spirit

abilities, and Dai Mubai’s goal was also only to block the
Phantom Tiger’s charge.

In the flash of white light, another Phantom Tiger

disappeared. Without a doubt, Dai Mubai’s target had also been

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a shadow.

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu went up simultaneously, preparing

a cooperative attack on the Phantom Tiger’s true body. It’s
enormous body flashed with black light, once again separating
two silhouettes. By now it was already in front of everyone, the
three forms simultaneously charging at the Aromatic Silk
Beauty Immortal Treasure from different angles. With the
previous lesson in mind, right now nobody actually knew which
form was after all the real Phantom Tiger.

At this moment, purple golden light flashed out of Tang San’s

eyes, his gaze sweeping, already shouting,

“The left one is real. Careful, Zhuqing.”

Under the gaze of Purple Demon Eye there was nowhere for
the Phantom Tiger to hide. Even though Tang San’s eyes still
couldn’t be called ‘piercing eyes’, after reaching the mustard
seed stage, his eyes could even distinguish energy attribute
differences, and could naturally differentiate the the aura
fluctuations around the three Phantom Tigers.

Right now, the only one confronting the real body was Zhu

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Zhuqing, and behind her back were Ning Rongrong and Oscar.
This Phantom Tiger was undoubtedly clever, choosing the
weakest direction to attack from.

Flender, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji were all already waiting
for action with their strength stored up. If the Shrek Seven
Devils were unable to withstand the attack of this Phantom
Tiger, they would act immediately.

The Shrek Seven Devils had cooperated for so long that the
tacit understanding between them had long ago already reached
a certain boundary. Seeing Zhu Zhuqing in danger, the gold
purple light in Tang San’s eyes suddenly intensified, everyone
seeing a glaring light flash past.

That Phantom Tiger hissed sharply, and its forward

momentum immediately slowed down somewhat, and even the
other two disappeared like smoke.

Zhu Zhuqing very clearly understood that there was no space

to dodge behind her, and advanced rather than retreating, going
up to meet the Phantom Tiger’s charge. It was also now that
three streams of warmth entered her body from behind,
strength, agility as well as spirit power simultaneously
upgrading substantially, immediately letting her condition

2942 Goldenagato |

surpass her peak.

Hell Rush Stab unleashed, Zhu Zhuqing’s delicate body

directly struck the Phantom Tiger, the keen blades at her
fingertips ruthlessly flitting across the Phantom Tiger’s throat,
leaving behind several deep cuts.

The pain woke up the Phantom Tiger from Tang San’s mental
attack, and with a fierce roar, black light rushed out from its
whole body and it distorted, inconceivably shifting sideways,
just dodging away from Zhu Zhuqing’s followup Hell Hundred

However, this brief moment’s obstruction was already

enough. Dai Mubai’s tall figure already charged over from the
side. The tiger stripes all over his overbearing form had all
turned golden, and snarling, golden light burst out. With his
body as the center, countless fist sized golden spheres of light
locked on to the Phantom Tiger, flocking towards it. It was
precisely the fourth spirit ability Dai Mubai obtained not long
ago, White Tiger Meteor Shower.

In terms of burst attack power, perhaps this fourth spirit

ability of Dai Mubai’s couldn’t compare to Fatty’s Phoenix Cry
Sky Strike, but its greatest feature was that it could lock in on

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the opponent. Once the target was locked in, all the White Tiger
Meteors formed from spirit power would launch as a
concentrated volley.

The entire attack power could be concentrated on one

opponent, and they could also disperse to attack multiple

The attack power contained by each ball was equal to one

tenth of Dai Mubai’s spirit power, which showed how powerful
growth potential this spirit ring gave him. He could launch
more than a hundred meteors.

If the Phantom Tiger hadn’t suffered Tang San’s mental

attack it could still have used its Doppelgänger ability to as
much as possible of Dai Mubai’s attack, but right now its mind
was injured by Purple Demon Eye, and it was temporarily
unable to fully use Doppelgänger. Helplessly, it could only
stiffly resist Dai Mubai’s attack with its own body.

Black light flashed out and transformed into a black light

cover that enveloped the Phantom Tiger. Each White Tiger
Meteor that bombarded it would erupt in a loud explosion, and
concentrated booms echoed continuously, ring after ring of
golden ripples erupting on that black light.

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The Phantom Tiger curled up its body as much as possible,
making the area suffering the attack smaller in order to increase
its defense.

The Shrek Seven Devils’ cooperation was so implicit, Ning

Rongrong’s hand supported the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile
Pagoda, already releasing her three spirit abilities on the five
people in charge of attacking.

Besides strength and speed amplification, her third spirit

ability, also a thousand year spirit ability, directly amplified
spirit power. In other words, currently the effective spirit
power of Tang San and the others was one hundred forty
percent that of normal.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s effect as the first

support spirit had become more and more clear as Ning
Rongrong’s strength grew.

Of course, as a result of the spirit ability effects increasing, the

consumption of Ning Rongrong’s own spirit power was no
doubt immense. Amplifying three aspects simultaneously, even
though she already possessed fortieth ranked spirit power, she

2945 Goldenagato |

could at most persevere for ten minutes.

Intense explosions made the soil turn, the Phantom Tiger was
like an angry wolf in a small boat, constantly rocked by the
shocks. But it was indeed powerful, under this kind of attack it
actually still didn’t collapse.

When the White Tiger Meteor Shower finally ended, the

instant all the explosions finished, suddenly the Phantom
Tiger’s curled up body instantly unfolded. Immediately
followed by an immense flash of black light and shadow
bursting from within its body, going straight for Zhu Zhuqing.

That black light and shadow suddenly condensed in midair

into an identical form as the Phantom Tiger, with even the same
size. Terrifying energy fluctuations made the air issue ear-
piercing sharp hisses, as if cut open by that black light.

The five Shrek Seven Devils in charge of attack now

surrounded the Phantom Tiger, but it movements were really
too fast, and nobody had expected that after just now having
endured the White Tiger Meteor Shower bombardment and
with blood flowing from its nose and mouth, it could still so
quickly issue an all out attack.

2946 Goldenagato |

There wasn’t even enough time for Tang San to release Blue
Silver Grass to save Zhu Zhuqing.

A more than three thousand year spirit beast’s all out attack
was terrifying, the Phantom Tiger’s attack capability couldn’t
be any less than the Pink Queen. The reason it chose to attack
Zhu Zhuqing was because behind her was the closest way to the
Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure.

As long as it could break out from this situation, it could not

only grab the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, but also
turn and escape.

Unfortunately, this Phantom Tiger still underestimated Zhu

Zhuqing’s strength and resolve.

Confronting this black light and shadow attack, Zhu Zhuqing

didn’t dodge or escape, her third spirit ring flashed with purple
light, both hands like lightning folding over her head, the claw
blades of the five fingers on each hand fusing together with
astonishing speed, becoming a one chi long sharp blade.

Black light also rushed out from within Zhu Zhuqing, and her
whole body seemed to become a part of that sharp blade,

2947 Goldenagato |

swinging both hands down to meet the black light released from
the Phantom Tiger.

This was the thousand year spirit ring ability Zhu Zhuqing
obtained after reaching the thirtieth rank —— Hell

Equally ear piercing tearing noises resounded, on both sides of

the Hell Decapitation, the air distorted like rippling water,
clearly splitting open.

The black light blade only condensed in a straight line, and

just as it struck down it heavily bombarded that Phantom
Tiger’s transformed shadow.

With the assistance of Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed

Tile Pagoda, this attack could be said to be Zhu Zhuqing’s most
powerful attack at present.

There was no noise of a collision, only a teeth ache inducing

grinding sound.

In midair, the Phanttom Tiger shadow paused before that

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sharp Hell Decapitation attack, and the instant the Hell
Decapitation struck it was cut in half.

But, this was after all only the third spirit ability, while this
shadow attack could be said to be the Phantom Tiger’s all out
attack. Its body already came charging closely behind.

The might of the Hell Decapitation was in the end still by far
counteracted by the Phantom Tiger’ far superior energy.

Perhaps it was because it was stopped, after that black shadow

halted, it immediately used even higher speed to strike at Zhu

And this moment was just after Zhu Zhuqing had just released
her full strength attack, the dangerous juncture when new
strength had not yet been born.

A massive silhouette just like a shield moved across in front of

Zhu Zhuqing, and without any fanfare struck out head on with a
white furred tiger palm.

With a loud bang, that massive silhouette swayed once, but

2949 Goldenagato |

still didn’t agree to retreat a single step. It was precisely the Evil
Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai.

Even though Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Decapitation couldn’t

completely cut open the Phantom Tiger’s attack, it could still
fight for time. The instant he discovered the danger Dai Mubai
had rushed over, just in time to shield Zhu Zhuqing.

Using his tyrannical spirit power to shield her from the

remaining attack.

In spite of wisps of blood flowing from the corners of his

mouth, Dai Mubai immediately revealed his overbearing side.
Faced with the Phantom Tiger’s charge, condensing spirit
power he released White Tiger Body Barrier, stiffly blocking the
Phantom Tiger’s charge.

White Tiger collided with Phantom Tiger, a muffled grunt and

a sharp hiss echoed practically simultaneously. Dai Mubai
staggered back before turning, but that Phantom Tiger was also
sent flying by him.

A slender figure quietly appeared behind the Phantom Tiger, a

pair of slender perfectly straight thighs quietly winding around

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its neck, Waist Bow launching, Xiao Wu completed a graceful
backwards summersault in the air, and under the powerful
strength of her Waist Bow the Phantom Tiger’s more than three
meters long body was thrown directly into the air, and slammed
back down heavily on the ground.

There was an intense boom.

In the blink of an eye, the Phantom Tiger was stunned.

A flicker of red light, Ma Hongjun’s plump body already since

long ago waited where the Phantom Tiger fell, and the instant
Xiao Wu’s long legs released it, his right fist also accurately
struck the ground. He and the Phantom Tiger were completely
enveloped within distorted air.

A resonant phoenix cry once again echoed in the Sunset

Forest, and along with an immense bird of flame soaring up,
and the large Phantom Tiger no longer even whimpered.

From Zhu Zhuqing halting the Phantom Tiger with Hell

Decapitation, to Dai Mubai tyrannically blocking it from the
front and sending it flying, Xiao Wu’s midair Soft Skill linking
up to Ma Hongjun’s right hand restricting it with Phoenix Cry

2951 Goldenagato |

Sky Strike, all of this flowed as smoothly as running water and
moving clouds.


The Phantom Tiger’s body covered in flames fell heavily on

the ground. Even if it wanted to crawl it wouldn’t be able to

The red hot phoenix flames were constantly eroding its body.
Successively enduring Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Meteor Shower
and Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, even though this
Phantom Tiger was any number of times stronger than the Pink
Queen, in the end it still suffered life threatening injuries.

“Zhuqing, do it.”

Tang San’s calm voice promptly echoed.

Zhu Zhuqing moved around Dai Mubai, transforming into a

series of incomplete shadows, and the instant the Phantom
Tiger drew its last breath she relied on her Hell Rush Stab to
make the last attack, her right hand claws thrusting into the

2952 Goldenagato |

Phantom Tiger’s left eye to reach its brain, ending its life.

Ma Hongjun opened his mouth wide and inhaled,

withdrawing the phoenix flames on the Phantom Tiger and
polluting Zhu Zhuqing’s arm, putting a satisfactory period to
this time’s perfect kill scene.

But at this moment, Grandmaster’s somewhat impatient voice

suddenly reached them,

“Little San, quickly take back your Aromatic Silk Beauty

Immortal Treasure.”

Now that the Shrek Seven Devils paid attention, on their side
they had dealt with the Phantom Tiger, but on the other side,
Zhao Wuji, Flender and Liu Erlong were all already fighting.

They didn’t know when, but during the fight seven wildly
different spirit beasts had appeared, in the process of besieging
Flender’s trio. If it wasn’t for the trio’s immense strength, if
even one slipped by them it wouldn’t have been easy for the
Shrek Seven Devils to handle.

2953 Goldenagato |

Originally, when the Phantom Tiger appeared and drew the
attacks of the Shrek Seven Devils, one after another seven spirit
beasts arrived. Tang San’s seven could cope with one five
thousand or so years spirit beasts, but if there was another, they
might take casualties. Flender, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji
immediately went to meet them, helping them block the attacks
of later spirit beasts.

After this the amount of spirit beasts grew greater and

greater, one more powerful than the other. If it went on like
this, perhaps even they would be unable to resist.

Therefore Grandmaster had Tang San quickly take away the

target of these spirit beasts.

With just a glance, Tang San already had a grasp of the battle
circumstances, and without the slightest hesitation said to Dai

“Mubai, you bring the Phantom Tiger’s corpse and Zhuqing

into the poison formation first, let her absorb the spirit ring.
The rest of you follow me.”

Dai Mubai looked distracted a moment, but only hesitated

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slightly. He naturally had confidence in Tang San and only
smiled wryly inside. Zhu Zhuqing’s character wasn’t too good to
begin with, and when further absorbing this tiger type spirit,
how couldn’t she become even more like a tigress? However her
spirit was also a cat type, and this Phantom Tiger excelled at
speed, seemingly it was also suitable.

Along with Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing first stepping into the
poison formation, Tang San took the variety of sausages Oscar
handed over. After each of them first at a recovery sausage, they
immediately gathered towards Flender’s trio.

Strength. This was strength!

Watching Flender’s trio fighting, the Shrek Seven Devils

couldn’t keep from inwardly sighing in admiration.

Flender, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji were all three Spirit Sage
powers over seventieth rank. Right now the three weren’t
coordinating at all, only fighting their own battles, but
withstood the attacks of those seven spirit beasts without
allowing them to take one step past the line.

The reason they didn’t cooperate wasn’t because they didn’t

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want to, but rather because they couldn’t. The might of the
trio’s spirit abilities was too great, and if they cooperated with
each other they would instead cause disturbances, making them
unable to bring out their full strength.

At such a time, Ning Rongrong showed the effect of the Nine

Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit she had inherited.

When the Phantom Tiger was defeated, she had already

stopped assisting Tang San and the others. Right now the Nine
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s three rings of light flashed once
again, becoming three lines of light that simultaneously poured
into Flender’s trio.

The more powerful the Spirit Master the greater effect the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s support would have, this
was something all the Shrek Seven Devils knew. Because its
support increased by a percentage, the higher the base value the
more powerful the upgrade effect. But when truly used in
combat, that reversing heaven and earth terrifying effect still
shocked Tang San and the others.

The light around Flender’s trio simultaneously rose sharply,

and the seven spirit beasts that had previously been constantly
attacking them were forced to retreat practically

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Unfortunately, Ning Rongrong’s support could also only

continue for a few short breaths. This was still the first time she
supported Spirit Masters with so much higher spirit power than
her own.

The feeling was as different as black and white compared to

supporting the Shrek Seven Devils, in just a few seconds she
could feel her spirit power draining away, her whole body
unspeakably unwell.

“Retreat into the poison formation.”

Flender shouted. He had no choice but to make this decision,

because he saw more than ten spirit beasts more rushing out
from the forest, their target on their side.

The Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s fragrance was

dense and lasted long without scattering, even though right
now it had already been withdrawn by Tang San into the
Hundred Treasure Purse, the scent was still there. The later
arriving spirit beasts unexpectedly had a lot that were over the
ten thousand year level, this wasn’t something Flender and the

2957 Goldenagato |

others could hold back.

The Shrek Seven Devils and Grandmaster swiftly retreated

into the poison formation Dugu Bo had set up. Although
Flender’s trio had lost Ning Rongrong’s support, with their
strength, even if they couldn’t win, they could still run.

Perhaps it was because the poison formation had been here for
so long, but just as Tang San expected, when the approximately
twenty spirit beasts reached its edge they immediately stopped,
and could only make some long range attacks.

Unfortunately their range was limited, and Flender and the

others blocked them a few times as the Shrek Academy party
already moved within the poison formation where they couldn’t

“Little San, that Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure of

yours really is too effective.”

Flender looked with some trepidation at the still increasing

number of spirit beasts outside. Who said Sunset Forest didn’t
have formidable spirit beasts? Among the twenty nine spirit
beasts already gathered outside, there were at least six or seven

2958 Goldenagato |

whose strength exceeded ten thousand years, even so much that
one spirit beast’s cultivation approached thirty thousand years.
The other spirit beasts were also all over three thousand years.

Even the impulsive Liu Erlong understood that such high level
spirit beasts wasn’t something they could match, and could only

Grandmaster’s gaze turned to the side where Zhu Zhuqing

was already absorbing the spirit ring, and happily said:

“At least we didn’t waste our strength. That Phantom Tiger is

quite good, whether in ability or attributes, they’re both very
suitable for Zhuqing.”

Tang San was now constantly observing the spirit beasts

outside. Due to the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure’s
scent still not scattering, right now the spirit beasts were still
pacing outside the poison formation, while absorbing the scent
left in the air they glared like tigers watching prey at their side.

At least until the fragrance scattered they clearly wouldn’t


2959 Goldenagato |

Tang San raised the sleeve on his right arm and swiftly
removed the Flying God Claw and handed it to Flender to the

Flender puzzled said:

“What is it?”

Tang San said:

“Dean, there are so many spirit beasts outside, and there are a
few that suits us. They don’t dare enter the poison formation, so
we need to pull them inside to hunt them. With your, teacher
Zhao and teacher Erlong’s strength, pulling them inside
shouldn’t be any problem.”

Flender astonished said:

“Little San, you’re joking. Can’t you see how many spirit
beasts are outside? As soon as we go out, we’ll definitely be
mobbed. Even we couldn’t retreat intact. There really are too
many spirit beasts outside, the instant burst power they could
produce would give a headache even to Title Douluo.”

2960 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled slightly, always planning in advance pointed
to the Flying God Claw in his hand, saying:

“That’s why I’m giving you this. With it you basically don’t
need to go outside. Mubai, little Ao, give your Flying God Claws
for teacher Zhao and teacher Erlong to use.”

Listening to Tang San, Flender was immediately greatly


“Well, so you kids still had another move.”

Even though he still didn’t understand what Tang San wanted

them to do, he could see from Tang San’s expression that he
held considerable certainty.

From the suggestion of setting up by the poison formation, he

clearly had already planned ahead, one plan after another, his
mind was even more meticulous than the majority of adults.

Could it be that Clear Sky Douluo’s genes were this good?

2961 Goldenagato |

Tang San helped the curious trio set up the Flying God Claws
on their right arms, then gave them a detailed explanation in its


(wang 王)

(鬼虎) “Ghost/Crafty Tiger”


2962 Goldenagato |

Chapter 86 - Thousand Year Unicorn
Armored Beast And Ten Thousand Year
Demon Spider

With their curiosity greatly increased, the trio immediately

tried using it within the poison formation, unable to keep from
gasping in admiration over the elaborate Flying God Claw.
Especially the quality of the material and craftsmanship made
them adore it even more.

Now Flender didn’t need to worry about dealing with the

spirit beasts outside, a cunning light flashed in his eyes, with his
particular lisping voice saying to Tang San:

“I say little San, how about we strike a deal?”

Tang San was astute, his face immediately showing a smiling


“No problem, besides this Flying God Claw, anything else is


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Flender immediately choked on his next words.

To the side Liu Erlong looked disdainfully at Flender,

“And you call yourself a teacher, you actually want the

childrens’ things. Little San, how about this, teacher Erlong will
trade with you. Later you pick any spirit beast outside and tell
me, I’ll catch it for you, and afterward you make me a Flying
God Claw.”

As a result of Liu Erlong’s figure being different from a man’s

and being more observant than Flender, she discovered that
each Flying God Claw was different, immediately understanding
that this thing was made to size.

Flender didn’t give up, and without waiting for Tang San to
speak up he couldn’t keep from saying:

“What you can catch, don’t tell me I can’t? Little San, I’ll also
pre order. I’m also your Teacher’s old brother, so give me this

2964 Goldenagato |

Looking at Flender, then again at Liu Erlong, Tang San
laughed inwardly.

Actually, it was no wonder that Flender and Liu Erlong were

so interested in this Flying God Claw. This thing was extremely
practical, and what’s more, in a key moment it could be a life
saver. The quality was superb, extremely durable, when worn
on the arm it didn’t feel cumbersome, no more than a wrist
protector. That weight was basically no problem to them.

Helplessly, Tang San could only say:

“Fine. However, making this thing takes a lot of time. Once

this time’s Advanced Spirit Master Academy Tournament is
over I’ll make one for each teacher.”

Flender laughed out loud,

“Fine, then teacher will be impolite. Erlong, Wuji, we’ll do it.

Little San, just pick any one of these spirit beasts outside. We’ll
catch it for you.”

2965 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster to the side looked at Flender’s appearance of
accomplishing lowly ambitions and helplessly shook his head,
but also didn’t say anything.

Tang San said:

“Help Rongrong catch one first. I’m in no hurry, I’ll still

observe a bit.”

Flender nodded, saying:

“That’s also fine. Grandmaster, do you see something

relatively good for Rongrong’s fourth spirit ring?”

Tang San was Grandmaster’s disciple, and Flender could

naturally ask him directly for his opinion, but the others still
followed Grandmaster’s opinion on the most suitable.

Grandmaster’s gaze swept across those spirit beasts glaring

like tigers outside, and raising his hand he pointed to one
among them,

2966 Goldenagato |

“Rongrong’s previous three abilities separately increase
speed, strength and spirit power. Then, mainly this fourth spirit
ability should increase defense. That four thousand year or so
Unicorn Armored Beast is comparatively suitable.”

Everyone turned to look in the direction Grandmaster

indicated, seeing a spirit beast shaped like a crocodile. Its bulk
wasn’t especially large, five meters long or so, a head with four
eyes, four limbs as thick and solid as buckets. Its most
outstanding feature was that its whole body was covered in
black plate armor. Each armor plate was roughly palm sized,
appearing extremely thick and durable.

Grandmaster lowered his voice:

“The Unicorn Armored Beast is mainly specialized in close

combat, it has enormous strength, and relying on its
astonishing defense it can practically ignore most attacks from
spirit beasts of similar cultivation age. You three had best work
together to secure it.”

Grandmaster’s words were naturally convincing, and

Flender’s trio’s gazes simultaneously locked on that Unicorn
Armored Beast. Stepping forward, in the blink the distance had
closed to within thirty meters, Flying God Claws simultaneously

2967 Goldenagato |

shooting out, steel claws spreading in the air, in practically an
instant that thousand year Unicorn Armored Beast had been
accurately grabbed.

Flender and the others only felt a slight jolt at their wrists as
the action completed. The tactile quality of the Flying God
Claws was extremely good, just like a real hand spreading open.

But, as the maker of the Flying God Claws, the pupils of Tang
San’s eyes contracted. Because, the three Flying God Claws that
landed on the Unicorn Armored Beast unexpectedly couldn’t
pierce through its armor. Despite each grabbing an armor plate,
they were unable to penetrate the slightest bit. In fact, with the
Flying God Claw’s own mechanical strength and sharpness,
even metal or rock could be easily pierced. From this could be
seen just how abnormal the defense of this thousand year
Unicorn Armored Beast was. No wonder it would mix in with
ten thousand year spirit beasts, who would have the least bit
interest in bones so difficult to gnaw.

Without waiting for the Unicorn Armored Beast to struggle,

Flender’s trio exhaled simultaneously, spirit power condensing
in a flash and releasing.

Even though that Unicorn Armored Beast was astonishingly

2968 Goldenagato |

strong, controlling the Flying God Claws on its body were three
Spirit Sage level powers with more than seventieth ranked
spirit power. How could their instantly erupting power be
resisted by a thousand year spirit beast?

The five meter long body was thrown directly into the air,
flipping in their direction.

Grandmaster’s voice echoed at this opportune moment,

“Its weakness is inside its mouth. Only from there can the
inside of its body be injured. The armor plates on other parts of
its body are half as thick as its body. Its defense is even more
abnormal than some ten thousand year spirit beasts.
Fortunately it doesn’t have any particular attack abilities.”

Grandmaster’s reminder was clearly just right, watching the

Unicorn Armored Beast tumbling from the sky, Liu Erlong leapt
up fiercely. As the slaughtering corner of the Golden Iron
Triangle, what she liked the most was this kind of opponent
that could take a beating. Only this was sufficient to let her
blood reeking side come out.

Zhao Wuji and Flender simultaneously withdrew their Flying

2969 Goldenagato |

God Claws, Flender shouting loudly:

“Erlong, there are so many children here, don’t make it too


“Got it.”

Liu Erlong agreed. She had already grabbed the thousand year
Unicorn Armored Beast’s tail with one hand, and using strength
she unexpectedly whirled the entire five meter long, weighing
more than a thousand jin Unicorn Armored Beast into the air.


Everyone’s eyelids unconsciously twitched simultaneously,

and the spirit beasts outside the poison formation also seemed
to be still for a moment as the ground shook. That Unicorn
Armored Beast with its astonishing defense had actually been
completely slammed into the ground by Liu Erlong’s brute
strength, only a section if its tail stuck up above the surface,
held in Liu Erlong’s hand.

The Shrek Seven Devils finally saw a smiling expression on

2970 Goldenagato |

Liu Erlong’s face, and by their reckoning, this should be the
smile of a demon.

Even though the Unicorn Armored Beast had high defense,

with its enormous body being thrown so heavily, even if it
wasn’t injured it would still be confused. Further adding that it
had already breathed in the poison Dugu Bo arranged in the
poison formation as soon as it entered, its bodily functions were
quickly dropping. Right now in Liu Erlong’s hands it was as
defenseless as a common animal.

Liu Erlong basically didn’t give it time to prepare to struggle,

blazing red light blossoming from her entire body, with a smile
on her face saying to everyone:

“I’ll bring this little fellow aside to play for a moment, you do
the rest. Rongrong, cover your eyes and follow teacher.”

Ning Rongrong looked stupidly at Liu Erlong, her feet not

shifting a single step, her face clearly displaying a dismayed

Liu Erlong’s expression chilled,

2971 Goldenagato |

“What? You don’t believe your teacher has the capability to
subdue this Unicorn Armored Beast? That’s fine too, no need to
cover your eyes. Teacher will give you a class.”

“I, I……”

When Ning Rongrong was panicked and at her wits’ end, her
eyes suddenly blackened as a strip of cloth stretched out from
behind her, blinding her eyes. Just when she was even more
panicked, Oscar’s soft magnetic voice rose next to her ear.

“Rongrong, don’t be afraid. Teacher Erlong has good

intentions. I’ll go with you. With me here, nothing will happen.
Teacher Erlong, can I go along?”

Liu Erlong glanced at Oscar, nodded and said:

“Then come together. However, you’re a man, no need to

cover your eyes. Increasing your experience a bit is also good.”

While speaking, she once again whirled up the by now

regained consciousness Unicorn Armored Beast in her hand as it
began to struggle, relying on brute force throwing the Unicorn

2972 Goldenagato |

Armored Beast further into the poison formation, into a piece of
forest to the side.

Oscar pulled Ning Rongrong’s hand and followed. Right now

Ning Rongrong unconsciously took full advantage of Oscar’s
grip on her hand, clutching his hand like a life saving rice straw.

Flender helplessly shook his head,

“Oscar this kid is unexpectedly so brave. Really, that Erlong.

After so many years her old defects have gotten even more

As he spoke, his gaze floated over to Grandmaster with a

rebuking light.

Grandmaster didn’t meet Flender’s gaze, but lowered his

head, what he thought of unknown.

“Little San, have you thought of what spirit beast you want?
Me and your teacher Zhao will settle it for you.”

2973 Goldenagato |

Flender loudly asked Tang San.

Tang San’s eyes revealed a hesitant light. To be precise,

among the spirit beasts outside there were a quite a few that
suited him, but he chose a different spirit beast. The roads of
cultivation actually had a great number of differences. Even
though the fourth spirit ring wasn’t as important as the third, it
had a bridging effect; once chosen, he would be unable to
change his future development direction. Therefore he
hesitated, not knowing just what to choose for himself.

At this moment Grandmaster spoke up,

“Pick that Man Faced Demon Spider. It’s roughly close to six
thousand years cultivation, compared to those other spirit
beasts outside, absorbing its spirit ring shouldn’t be a problem.
It’s the same kind as the spirit beast you hunted last time, so as
long as you absorb its energy you could not only empower your
third spirit ring, but at the same time you might also have a
fourth spirit ability for self defense. Your external spirit bone
would also improve because of absorbing a spirit beast with the
same attributes. It should be your best choice at present, with
enormous benefits for your strength.”

While saying this, Grandmaster looked at Tang San with a

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somewhat puzzled gaze. He had already taught Tang San
enough that what he could see, Tang San clearly should also be
able to see. Since it was like this, why would he still hesitate?
Man Faced Demon Spiders were extremely rare. Because of their
tyranny, they would frequently be jointly attacked by other
spirit beasts. Able to reach six thousand years of cultivation was
already extraordinarily powerful. For Tang San it was bound to
have superb effect.

But against Grandmaster’s expectations, the always unusually

obedient Tang San now shook his head,

“I’m sorry, Teacher, can you let me choose this fourth spirit
ring for myself? Dean Flender, teacher Zhao, I choose that Pit
Demon Spider.”

“What did you say?”

Without waiting for Flender and Zhao Wuji to react,

Grandmaster already spoke up with alarm and anger, reaching
Tang San’s side with big steps, one hand grabbing his shoulder,

“Are you insane? Don’t you see that’s a ten thousand year
spirit beast? Moreover, I’m certain that even though it’s a ten

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thousand year level, the advantages to you are in no way greater
than the Man Faced Demon Spider. Don’t forget, you have a
unique External Spirit Bone. Strengthening it is even more
important that strengthening your Blue Silver Grass.”

Hearing Tang San’s choice, how couldn’t Grandmaster be

anxious? He clearly understood that even though this disciple of
his had twin spirits, without settling the issue of his body
collapsing from later excessive attributes of the second spirit,
right now he was still only a Blue Silver Grass Spirit Master.

Along with spirit power increasing and spirit rings adding up,
this standard of waste spirits Blue Silver Grass would reveal
more and more weaknesses. Both Dai Mubai’s White Tiger
Spirit and Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Spirit were no doubt first rate
spirits, and their spirit abilities would also become more and
more terrifying because of their foundation. But Tang San
wasn’t as fortunate, and even though Blue Silver Grass had a
powerful adaptability, it still couldn’t compare to the Fire
Phoenix or Evil Eye White Tiger, let alone the number one
support spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Among the
other six Shrek Seven Devils, any one spirit was stronger than

If Tang San didn’t possess plentiful knowledge, a cool head, as

well as obtaining the Man Faced Demon Spider’s external spirit

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bone at the thirtieth rank, then right now his strength would
already be far away from the others’. Of course, Grandmaster
never believed Tang San’s hidden weapons and the poisons he
studied with the Poison Douluo could have any effect. In his
world, as a Spirit Master, one's own strength was most

Right now Grandmaster was so agitated precisely because of

these reasons. The most important growth from choosing a
second Man Faced Demon Spider for his spirit ring was for his
Eight Spider Lances. Even though Grandmaster couldn’t be sure
what level the Eight Spider Lances would grow to, the Eight
Spider Lances’ was bound to increase, and would also bring up
Tang San’s strength. With the evolution capability of this
external spirit bone, Tang San’s strength wouldn’t be too far
behind the others.

But right now even though he couldn’t say Tang San’s own
first choice of the Pit Demon Spider was no good, to his future
development it clearly wasn’t as good as the Man Faced Demon

The Pit Demon Spider and the Man Faced Demon Spider were
both considered top tier existences among arachnid spirit
beasts, they only walked different routes. The Man Faced
Demon Spider was widely known for its tyrannical attack power

2977 Goldenagato |

and extreme toxicity, while the Pit Demon Spider hunted its
enemy in a different fashion. Even though it wasn’t as famous
as the Man Faced Demon Spider, it also wasn’t as addicted to
killing, but the Man Face Demon Spider also couldn’t compare
to it in hidden danger.

The Man Faced Demon Spider specialized in terror, speed, and

potent attack power, but the Pit Demon Spider was best at
taking advantage of the terrain to create all sorts of traps for the
opponent, relying on its special ability to ensnare its prey. Its
spider thread was completely different from the Man Faced
Demon Spider. It wasn’t poisonous, but could take any kind of
shape. Unlike the single use of the Man Faced Demon Spider, it
was used to bury the opponent alive.

In strength, the Pit Demon Spider certainly wasn’t a match

for the Man Faced Demon Spider in a frontal attack, but if it was
given familiar terrain or perhaps allowed to pull open the
distance, then the Man Faced Demon Spider would certainly

Outside the poison formation there were just one of each.

That Man Faced Demon Spider was alone outside the throng of
spirit beasts, ice cold light flickering in its little eyes, attentively
watching their side. The Pit Demon Spider clearly had a much
better affinity with animals than it, mixed in together with the

2978 Goldenagato |

other spirit beasts, its build one size smaller than the Man Faced
Demon Spider, but as long as one observed carefully one could
discover that this Pit Demon Spider should have just entered the
ten thousand year level. Its body and eight spider legs were
slim, but clearly without the Man Faced Demon Spider’s kind of
slender vigor, its ash gray body not the slightest bit eye catching
among the seemingly very powerful spirit beasts. But in the
vicinity of its body were some yellow filaments, that was its
spider web.

The way Grandmaster saw it, the reason Tang San chose the
Pit Demon Spider was no doubt because it wasn’t as ruthless as
the Man Faced Demon Spider, and its spirit ring would be easier
to absorb. Moreover this Pit Demon Spider possessed ten
thousand years of cultivation. But such a choice was clearly
unwise, far from as good as the result that six thousand years
Man Faced Demon Spider could give his external spirit bone.

But, what Grandmaster didn’t expect was that as Tang San

looked at him his eyes were extremely resolute,

“Teacher, please let me choose the Pit Demon Spider. I

believe, right now it should be even more useful to me.”

“Why? Justify it to me.”

2979 Goldenagato |

The pride at the bottom of Grandmaster’s heart was far from
comparable to Flender, but right now looking at his always
clever disciple unexpectedly disobeying him, his voice clearly
grew colder. But he also wasn’t an autocratic senior, therefore
he wanted Tang San to tell him a reason.

Tang San only spoke very simply, at once making clear his
reasons for choosing the Pit Demon Spider,

“Teacher, I choose it because the Advanced Spirit Master

Academy Tournament is about to begin.”

Grandmaster first looked distracted, then immediately

reacted, the ice chill at the corners of his eyes melting, looking
at the disciple in front of him, he couldn’t keep a regretful light
from showing in his eyes, his grip on Tang San’s shoulder
unconsciously tightening,

“But, haven’t you thought of yourself?”

How couldn’t Tang San know the benefits of the Man Faced
Demon Spider spirit ring would be even greater, but, while

2980 Goldenagato |

choosing the Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring would
strengthen his own Eight Spider Lances and Spider Web
Restraint, his fourth spirit ability would very possibly only be a
support effect for his third spirit ability.

Without doubt, Spider Web Restraint was extremely powerful

in restraint and complemented Tang San’s hidden weapons
techniques well, but, it consumed too much spirit power. Even
after Tang San’s spirit power rose to the fortieth rank, with full
spirit power he could only use it four times. If the fourth spirit
ring strengthened the third, then perhaps the restraining
capability would grow even stronger, but at the same time the
spirit power consumption would be enormous. It would very
possible become a one use attack.

This was of course no problem when facing an opponent one

versus one, but Tang San didn’t forget that he was part of the
Shrek Seven Devils, and even more the only control system
Spirit Master among them. As the soul of the team, with the
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Tournament about to begin,
he couldn’t think only of himself, but had to consider the entire
team as a whole.

Even though the Pit Demon Spider was unable to strengthen

Tang San’s external spirit bone like the Man Faced Demon
Spider, Tang San was certain that the Pit Demon Spider spirit

2981 Goldenagato |

ring definitely would improve his control capability. Moreover
it could very possibly be a group control type ability. This would
possess enormous benefits to a team like the Shrek Seven
Devils, in a team fight there was no need to doubt the
advantages of crowd control capability.

In order to balance the gap in assistance to himself between

the Pit Demon Spider and Man Faced Demon Spider, as well as
as far as possible not let himself fall behind the others, after
careful consideration that ten thousand year Pit Demon Spider
was clearly his best choice.

Grandmaster understood all this, and secretly sighed with

regret. Even though Tang San’s choice wasn’t the best for
himself, it was no doubt the most proper one. His view of the
big picture already surpassed his own. Having such a selfless
disciple made him feel happy on one hand, but at the same time
also somewhat regretful.

“Teacher, perhaps, this Pit Demon Spider will also give me a

spirit bone?”

Tang San consoled Grandmaster in his own way.

2982 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster snorted, saying:

“Little San, even though your body is already more resilient

than Mubai and also have the energy from the level surpassing
spirit ring, don’t forget that this time you’re skipping a whole
five thousand years of cultivation. Do you believe that you could
successfully absorb a ten thousand year spirit beast? For the
sake of the team it’s even more important not to endanger
yourself, do you understand? Therefore I will persist in my
opinion, the man Faced Demon Spider is still the best choice for

Tang San tightened his fists,

“Grandmaster, believe in me, I can definitely do it. I once took

two immortal treasure herbs at Dugu Bo’s place, these two
herbs had a muscle developing and essence exchanging effect on
my body, recreating it from the bone, my physique is even more
resilient than you imagine. Moreover, right here I still have
another advantage. Taking those two immortal treasure herbs
lets me absorb the spirit ring in a special place. Thus, I have
practically a ninety percent certainty in succeeding.”

“Out of the question, unless it’s a hundred percent, I won’t let

you take the chance!”

2983 Goldenagato |

This time the speaker wasn’t Grandmaster, but rather Xiao
Wu quietly listening to their side.

Even Tang San couldn’t help being startled by Xiao Wu’s

sudden agitation,

“Xiao Wu, don’t be like that, listen, nothing will happen to


Xiao Wu looked at Tang San, her eyes brimming with


“Absolutely out of the question. Even if it was a nine thousand

year spirit beast I would believe you could try it, but a spirit
beast that has broken through ten thousand years is an entirely
different concept than a thousand year spirit beast. There’s a
qualitative change from hundred year to thousand year, and
from thousand year to ten thousand year is an equally
qualitative change. Do you think a ten thousand year spirit
beast’s spirit ring is so easy to absorb? First let alone the
tremendous energy strike, it’ll be difficult for you to withstand
just the soul shock that remains after its death when you absorb

2984 Goldenagato |

“Soul shock? What’s that?”

Not only Tang San, even Grandmaster was startled by Xiao

Wu’s words. He had never heard of a concept like soul shock.

Xiao Wu calmly explained:

“Soul shock is a special capability that arises after a high level

spirit beast is dead, but before its soul has dissipated. Only ten
thousand year spirit beasts or above can possess it. Generally
speaking, to absorb a ten thousand year spirit beast’s spirit ring
requires at least fiftieth rank or above spirit power. By that time
the Spirit Master already possesses a certain degree of
functionality in all aspects, and mental strength has also
matured to a certain extent. But in spite of this you would have
to be especially careful when absorbing a ten thousand year
spirit ring. Besides the energy contained in the spirit ring,
there’s also the danger of this soul shock. To an adult, and
moreover a fiftieth ranked Spirit Master, when both the body
and mind has matured, the effect of such a soul shock would
decrease substantially. Generally, Spirit Masters wouldn’t suffer
any harm. But little San, right now you’re just fourteen, your
body has still far from matured, and your spirit power is only
fortieth rank. How can you take the risk? Even if your body can
endure the energy attack, if your mindscape is destroyed by the

2985 Goldenagato |

soul shock, you’ll become an idiot. Understand?”

Listening to Xiao Wu, Grandmaster couldn’t keep from

drawing a cool breath,

“Xiao Wu, how do you know this?”

Xiao Wu looked distracted a moment, lowering her head:

“My mom told me.”

“Soul shock, soul shock……”

There was a pondering light in Tang San’s eyes.

Xiao Wu believed she had already moved him,

“Ge, you said you would always protect me. That’s why you
can’t let anything happen to you. I beg of you, listen to
Grandmaster, that six thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider
is still good, why take the risk on a ten thousand year spirit

2986 Goldenagato |


Tang San naturally wouldn’t explain to Xiao Wu just what

made him choose the Pit Demon Spider, but his decision hadn’t
weakened because of Xiao Wu’s words.

“If I can avert the soul shock, does that mean I can make the
attempt? Originally I only had a ninety percent certainty, but
after listening to you, I have a hundred percent certainty

Tang San rubbed Xiao Wu’s head, his face relaxed.

Xiao Wu doubtfully looked at him,

“I don’t believe you. Ge, you’re not fooling me.”

Tang San asked:

“Did I ever cheat you?”

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Xiao Wu subconsciously shook her head.

Tang San said:

“Xiao Wu. You forget I ate the immortal treasure herb ‘Full
Moon Wearing Autumn Dew’. With your warning, relying on
Purple Demon Eye I have absolute certainty in making that ten
thousand year spirit beast unable to cause me soul shock. I can
even substantially reduce its resentment. Trust me, I won’t play
with my life. You’re right, I still need this life to protect you in
the future.”

Looking at Tang San, Xiao Wu suddenly smiled. Her smile was

exceptionally beautiful, especially in Tang San’s eyes it was even
more perfect.

Pulling the scorpion braid in front, Xiao Wu took a step

forward, her whole body practically pasted to Tang San, gentle
red lips gathering at Tang San’s ear, quietly saying:

“Fine, then you go. Only, Ge, you have to remember: if you
die, then I’ll accompany you.”

2988 Goldenagato |

Even though her voice was very quiet, the force of the shock
the sound made in Tang San’s ear was comparable to Liu
Erlong’s explosive scene a few nights ago. Especially her last
words were especially brimming with certainty. Clearly she
wasn’t joking.

Honestly, right now Tang San’s heart began to hesitate. Just

like he said before, he only had a ninety percent certainty in
absorbing the Pit Demon Spider’s spirit ring. Even if he could
avert the soul shock with Xiao Wu’s warning, he still only had a
ninety percent certainty. The higher level absorption, if any
uncertain element could appear and he couldn’t retreat, how
could it go well for Tang San?

Tang San of course wasn’t willing to die, and he was even

more unwilling to play with his and Xiao Wu’s lives. But at this
moment he didn’t have a better choice. Truly choosing that
Man Faced Demon Spider? No. In an eyeblink he thought
clearly again. He wouldn’t go back on decisions he had already
made. When doing something, while adequate preparation was
important, equally important was confidence in success. What
Xiao Wu said was equal to pushing him over the edge. Just like
last time when he took the chance on absorbing the Man Faced
Demon Spider spirit ring. For Xiao Wu he could definitely
endure, and even more, he still had his preparations.

2989 Goldenagato |

Thinking of this, Tang San nodded resolutely to Xiao Wu,
then turned to Flender,

“Dean, teacher Zhao, I’ll trouble you. I want that Pit Demon

Flender sternly said:

“Little San, have you really thought it through? You should

understand the consequences of absorbing something like it.”

Tang San said without the slightest hesitation:

“Dean, I’ll definitely succeed. Don’t forget, I have two spirits,

and I still have the external spirit bone and immortal treasure
herbs. What’s a ten thousand year spirit beast?”

“Well, ambitious. Then I’ll wish you success.”

Flender saw the conviction to push forward in Tang San’s

eyes. He knew that it would be useless to say anything more;
even Grandmaster and Xiao Wu couldn’t persuade him.

2990 Goldenagato |

Right now, not far away in the forest, boom after boom
echoed constantly. Even though nobody saw it with their own
eyes, they could still imagine the lamentable fate of that
Unicorn Armored Beast. At the same time it made everyone’s
resolution not to provoke Liu Erlong even stauncher.

People needed to vent, and women especially so. Liu Erlong

was unable to be together with the person she loved the most,
making her original killing intent grow close to a frenzy. She
had been born as a woman, but had never had a childhood. In
order to become even stronger, in order to provide justice for
her mother, she had worked hard practically without rest as a
child. But the final result? Before she could win success and
recognition, her mother had already gone far away. Since then,
slaughter had been her greatest pleasure, only seeing the blood
of her enemies blossoming in her hands, seeing her enemies life
trickle down her fingers, would she feel relaxed and delighted.

Afterwards, the extreme pain from the even more tragic affair
between her and Grandmaster made her blood purge a spirit
beast forest. The massacred place was since irredeemable.
Encountering her hands, even if it was only a small evil, it
would still be extinguished without chance of life. Until Flender
saw her again one day, and after continuously straightening her
out, Liu Erlong restrained herself somewhat. After parting with

2991 Goldenagato |

Flender she established the Blue Tyrant Academy, cultivating
her character by herself in the Academy forest to restrain her
killing instinct.

Grandmaster appearing was both a good thing and a bad thing

in Liu Erlong’s opinion. What was good was that they could
finally meet again, reigniting the flame of hope in Liu Erlong’s
heart. But at the same time, the heart she had calmed with great
difficulty boiled once again, and after being rejected by
Grandmaster several times, the bloodlust in her heart burst
forth again, even more seriously than before. If it wasn’t for
Flender and Grandmaster being here, as well as these several
children, perhaps her bloodlust would have expressed itself
even more violently.

Flender understood this, and naturally Grandmaster also

understood. But right now which of them could persuade Liu

The Flying God Claw flashed out like lightning, accurately

landing on the Pit Demon Spider.

Perhaps it was because the Unicorn Armored Beast’s previous

experience had been seen by these powerful spirit beasts, and
perhaps also because they were too intelligent, but the instant it

2992 Goldenagato |

saw the Flying God Claw about to grab the Pit Demon Spider,
that ten thousand year Pit Demon Spier suddenly moved
swiftly, a layer of yellow spider web shooting out from below its
feet, blocking its front like a shield.

With two pu pu sounds, the Flying God Claws grabbed the

spider web. Flender and Zhao Wuji hurriedly controlled the God
Claw to fly back, but making them not know whether to laugh
or cry, at the same time as the claws flew back, so did a massive
yellow spider web. Using one phrase to describe their current
circumstances, it would be ‘walking right into the the trap’.

The ten thousand year Pit Demon Spider was even more
devious than everyone had imagined, not only sending back a
spider web with the Flying God Claws, but at the same time that
Pit Demon Spider retreated extremely quickly, dodging behind a
large spirit beast, and moreover running swiftly towards the
forest. It moved quickly, not a bit inferior to the Man Faced
Demon Spider.

(麟甲兽) The first character is the female half of Qilin ( 麒麟),

which isn’t quite a unicorn and has a tendency towards antlers
more than horns, but unicorn is more expressive than “Lin
Armor Beast”.

2993 Goldenagato |

1000斤 = 500 kg

(地穴魔蛛) “Ground Hole Demon Spider”

2994 Goldenagato |

Chapter 87 - Ten Thousand Year Pit Demon


Tang San calmly called out.

Flame blossomed, great puffs of phoenix flame engulfing

Flender and Zhao Wuji, the spider web on the Flying God Claws
immediately turning to ash. Fatty’s high temperature phoenix
flame was the perfect nemesis for this kind of spider web.
Although in strength he was far inferior to the Pit Demon
Spider, the phoenix flame still wasn’t something the spider web
the Pit Demon Spider had hurriedly sent out could resist.

Flender and Zhao Wuji were both furious, two Spirit Sages
being toyed with by a just ten thousand year spirit beast, and in
front of their students as well, this was absolutely a loss of face.

Flender grinned angrily,

“Want to run, it won’t be that easy.”

2995 Goldenagato |

A resonant eagle cry echoed to the horizon, the Shrek Seven
Devils only saw Flender leap up, instantly huddling up, floating
in the air above Zhao Wuji’s arms. The next moment his body
already shot out like a cannonball, thrown out with all of Zhao
Wuji’s strength. In the blink of an eye he had already flown out
of the poison formation’s range, passing over the heads of those
formidable spirit beasts, and in another blink he was overhead
of that slippery Pit Demon Spider.

In order to catch it, right now seven spirit rings flickered

around Flender in midair, his body changing into an enormous
owl with a five meter wingspan, unexpectedly he used his
seventh spirit ability, Owl Avatar.

The Owl had the keenest strength, capable of seeing minute

details at night, its ability to pounce and catch prey from the air
not the slightest bit inferior to the goshawk. Watching Flender
drop from the sky, sharp claws stretching out below, grabbing
straight at the Pit Demon Spider. Before they had even touched,
his enormous spirit power pressure made the swiftly escaping
Pit Demon Spider shudder uncontrollably.

What spirit beast would save another? Let alone when the Pit
Demon Spider was running away so swiftly, already having
pulled open the distance to those spirit beasts outside the poison

2996 Goldenagato |

formation. In order to distract the spirit beasts from interfering
with Flender catching the Pit Demon Spider, right now Tang
San had taken out the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure
and handed it over to Xiao Wu at his side.

The muted fragrance immediately drew the gazes of those

spirit beasts outside, each and every one drooling, staring

Even though the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure was

good, life was more important. Tang San had Xiao Wu stand just
where it wouldn’t envelop the poison formation, so the spirit
beasts couldn’t take advantage of its anti toxic effects.

With the Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure handed

over to Xiao Wu, Tang San used the same method Flender did,
getting thrown out by Zhao Wuji. He of course wasn’t worried
Flender couldn’t deal with that Pit Demon Spider, only with his
help and his control capability, capturing it could only become
even easier. After all, the crowd of spirit beasts outside the
poison formation weren’t vegetarians, and even with the
Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure there to draw their
attention, it still couldn’t be guaranteed not to get involved. If
they let that Pit Demon Spider get away, then finding another
suitable one definitely wouldn’t be so easy.

2997 Goldenagato |

In a moment the Pit Demon Spider was unable to even dodge
the pouncing Flender when faced with the tyrannical pressure,
even Tang San who came soaring out of the poison formation
soon after believed Flender would succeed. But it was also at
this moment that the Pit Demon Spider revealed its devious

A yellow spider web suddenly sprayed out behind it, going

straight for Flender. At the same time two yellow spider threads
stretched out forward like lightning, twisting around a large
tree ten meters away, using strength to pull made the Pit Demon
Spider immediately change direction.

Flender beat his wings, a blast of wind blowing away the

spider web, but with this brief delay his attack had already come
to nothing. And at the moment Flender approached the ground,
with a flash of yellow light, countless spider threads rushed out
from underground, swiftly enveloping him, holding Flender
within like a prison made out of spider web.

Compared to the Man Faced Demon Spider, the Pit Demon

Spider’s spider thread was a bit thicker, and even though it
wasn’t poisonous, its durability exceeded that of the Man Faced
Demon Spider’s spider thread. Moreover a thick liquid adhered
to it, and the instant it came into contact with the air, the spider
web hardened like steel, becoming a true spider cage.

2998 Goldenagato |

This was precisely the Pit Demon Spider’s devious ability,
Spider Web Prison. As long as the Pit Demon Spider had passed
over the location once it could hide its spider thread in the
ground, and this kind of spider thread could be controlled by its
mental strength. As long as the enemy stepped into the range of
this trap it would launch immediately, relying on its special
spider thread characteristics to form a cage around the enemy.
If the enemy was weak it would take advantage of it and attack,
and if the enemy was strong it could take advantage of this
ability to gain time to escape.

As a result of the spider web prison launching without any

warning or energy fluctuations, it was possible for even
stronger enemies to fall into the trap.

Unfortunately, the enemy this Pit Demon Spider had come

across was the seventy eighth ranked spirit power Spirit Sage
Flender. Seeing he was caught in a trap, Flender immediately
revealed his strength. A layer of pale yellow light released from
his Owl Avatar form. Immediately afterward the light spread in
a flash, as if a sun was trapped within the spider web prison.

An an ear piercing friction sound resounded, and crack after

crack spread over the spider web prison. In just a few breaths,
that spider web prison burst into a fine powder.

2999 Goldenagato |

Flender wouldn’t give the Pit Demon Spider the chance for a
second plot. Both wings unfolding, he flew directly into the air.
Even though the spider web prison was sinister, it required the
ground or a substantial foundation to work, a bit like Tang
San’s second spirit ring ability Parasite, but it was also more
tyrannical than Parasite. But now that Flender flew into the air,
clearly he wasn’t afraid of this ability.

As Flender once again flew into the air he was secretly

alarmed, because that Pit Demon Spider was even faster than he
imagined. In the moment he had spent breaking out of the
spider web prison, that fellow had already vanished without a
trace in the forest, not even leaving a hint of its aura.

This was precisely the other ability of the Pit Demon Spider,
concealment. It wasn’t an ability to hide, but rather relying on
its control of its own aura to completely restrain it, making it
even easier to hide to ambush the opponent or escape.

Having lost track of the Pit Demon Spider, Flender couldn’t

help being angry. A sharp light at the tips of his wings, about to
unleash it on this piece of forest.

3000 Goldenagato |

“Dean, no need for that. It’s on this side.”

At this time Tang San’s voice came from ahead. With

Flender’s speed of reaction, opening up he swiftly chased after
the voice, just in time to see the Eight Spider Lances on Tang
San’s back releasing to catch him. Not far in front, that Pit
Demon Spider was struggling with all its strength in Tang San’s
spider web, in a moment already tearing open a gap.

Originally the Pit Demon Spider had caught Flender in the

spider web prison, but following close behind him, Tang San
had calmly chased after it. Relying on his keen judgement, the
moment Flender was trapped in the spider web prison, Tang
San had quickly used the peculiar mental attack of the Purple
Demon Eye, making the fleeing Pit Demon Spider mind dizzy,
sinking into a brief stunned condition.

‘You can use abilities, don’t tell me I can’t?’ Spider Web

Restraint accurately hit the Pit Demon Spider, and this time,
Tang San’s spider web held intense poison. As a result, despite
the Pit Demon Spider’s ten thousand year cultivation, as it
struggled its mind was affected by intense pain from the
neurological poison that covered its whole body, while the
corrosive poison eroded its carapace. The speed with which it
threw off the spider web immediately slowed, winning enough
time for Flender to arrive.

3001 Goldenagato |

Flender smiled in spite of his anger,

“What a cunning thing, if I let you run again, then I’m not
called the Four Eyed Owl.”

A resonant eagle cry echoed with fury as Flender dropped

from the sky. Both his wings beat twice in midair, sharp rays of
light left four deep scores in the ground, just right to crowd the
Pit Demon Spider in between. The ten meter deep ravines left
its location completely isolated.

Right now the Pit Demon Spider had with great difficulty
freed itself from Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint, the sharp
pain making it panic even more, but the sharp energy suddenly
erupting right next to it made it flinch back, and at this moment
Flender also dropped from the sky.

Pu——, yet again a yellow spider web flew up from below the
Pit Demon Spider’s feet, but this time it wasn’t an attack at
Flender, but rather enveloping itself in that spider web prison.

With a sonorous striking noise, Flender’s sharp claws tore up

3002 Goldenagato |

the cage, but taking advantage of his speed slowing down, the
Pit Demon Spider leapt directly into the ravine in front of it.
This Pit Demon Spider’s name wasn’t in vain, among arachnid
spirit beasts it was the only one that dug holes. Its eight spider
legs wouldn’t appear as powerful as the Man Faced Demon
Spider, but its two front legs were especially robust and sharp,
and if it hadn’t been chased too closely before, it would have
already looked for an opportunity to drill away through the
ground. Right now it was faced with the ravines made by
Flender, and it took advantage of just these to run away.

“I won’t let you.”

The Flying God Claw shot down from the sky, accurately
grabbing the Pit Demon Spider’s back carapace. It was powerful,
and even though Tang San urged his full spirit power after
releasing the Flying God Claw he was still rapidly pulled

The spider web prison only stopped Flender briefly, and with
Tang San delaying it the Pit Demon Spider lost its last chance to
escape. A massive claw firmly gripped the back of its carapace,
and even though it couldn’t directly penetrate the carapace it
could still drag back the rigid Pit Demon Spider.

3003 Goldenagato |

“Come up little San, let’s go back.”

Flender shouted.

The Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s back bent and

straightened, throwing him into the air to land on the back of
the owl incarnated Flender. Carrying Tang San on his back,
claws gripping the Pit Demon Spider, Flender’s wings beat
fiercely once sending him into the air. This time even if the Pit
Demon Spider was even more cunning, it still wouldn’t have
had any chance. The acute spirit power transmitted into its
body from the claws paralysed it completely, making it unable
to use any more abilities.

Tang San and Flender flew out of the forest, and with a few
beats of Flender’s wings they had already reached the poison
formation. Flender shifted his wings, and they slowly descended
towards the ground.

By now Liu Erlong and Oscar had already returned. Ning

Rongrong wasn’t here, clearly she was absorbing the Unicorn
Armored Beast’s spirit ring in the forest. Oscar’s complexion
seemed very unsightly, white as a sheet of paper, and even
somewhat green. There were some stains left over at the corner
of his mouth, evidently he had vomited heavily. Liu Erlong

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didn’t give the impression of anything being wrong, and
standing with her hands behind her back she looked at Flender
dropping from the sky with the Pit Demon Spider in his claws.

At this moment Tang San suddenly shouted,

“Xiao Wu, watch out!”

As a result of Flender dropping from the sky with Tang San on

his back, and the spirit beasts outside not daring to enter the
poison formation, right now everyone’s eyes were on the two of
them. But at this moment a sinister silhouette entered the
poison formation from the side, swiftly pouncing towards Xiao
Wu. The place it attacked from was extremely crafty, just in a
blindspot for everyone, but just right to be caught by Tang San
on Flender’s back.

This sudden attack wasn’t launched by a stranger, but

precisely the Man Faced Demon Spider Tang San and
Grandmaster had paid attention to before. This six thousand
year or so cultivated Man Faced Demon Spider had constantly
waited for its chance. It could of course sense the strength of
those humans in the poison formation, and the moment Flender
and Tang San dropping from the sky drew their attention, it got
the perfect moment to strike.

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As one of the peak poison attribute spirit beasts, and with six
thousand years of cultivation, even though the Poison Douluo’s
poison formation held a certain danger to it, it wasn’t to the
extent of being fatal. Relying on its poison resisting physique,
this Man Faced Demon Spider had confidence in surviving in
the poison formation, and with the Fragrant Silk Beauty
Immortal Treasure, leaving the poison formation didn’t pose
any problem. Therefore it chose this moment to mount a sneak
attack the other spirit beasts didn’t dare attempt.

The place the Man Faced Demon Spider chose was closest to
Xiao Wu. Right now, the strongest in the Shrek Academy party,
Flender, was in the air, Liu Erlong was also standing together
with Zhao Wuji furthest away from Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai had
gone to help protect Zhu Zhuqing while she absorbed the
Phantom Tiger’s spirit ring. Oscar also stood next to Liu Erlong.
Closest to Xiao Wu were only Grandmaster and Ma Hongjun.

The first to react was unexpectedly Grandmaster. In a flicker

he already blocked in front of Xiao Wu, Luo San Pao releasing.
The figure soaring directly into the air and turning, a farting
noise echoing towards the charging opponent. Precisely that
‘fart like thunder, shake the heavens and split the earth Luo San

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Although Luo San Pao already had three spirit rings, and
Grandmaster’s spirit power had also reached the thirty fifth
rank, compared to a six thousand year cultivation Man Faced
Demon Spider, the strength gap was still too large.

That smelly attack only made the Man Faced Demon Spider
slow its advance, and it kept dashing at Grandmaster and Xiao
Wu as if it basically didn’t smell the stench of that fart, one
forelimb swinging to and fro, whipping out to strike Luo San
Pao from the air.

If it wasn’t for the Man Faced Demon Spider already having

entered the range of the Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal
Treasure, the poison supplemented to its spider legs would have
been enough to leave Luo San Pao barely alive.

Another three limbs stretched forward simultaneously, the

legs sharp like spear tips thrusting straight at Grandmaster’s
chest. Its target was of course not only Grandmaster, but at the
same time Xiao Wu behind him, and with the length of its
spider legs it completely held the capability of piercing both of
them together.


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A dazzling red column of flame shot out from the side, heavily
bombarding the Man Faced Demon Spider. The flames adhered
directly to it, issuing an unpleasant stink. Fatty in impatience
was unable to launch more powerful spirit abilities, and could
only spit out the Phoenix Fire Wire to injure the opponent as
much as possible.

Originally a two thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider put

Tang San at risk of dying, to say nothing of this six thousand
year existence in front of them. Even a ten thousand year spirit
beast wouldn’t easily want to provoke this butcher. The Man
Faced Demon Spider’s ice cold little eyes didn’t reveal any
emotions over Fatty’s attack, and was still so sinister and
unfeeling, as if its body wasn’t burning at all. The position its
spider legs aimed for didn’t vary in the slightest, still thrusting
at Grandmaster’s chest.

With a flicker of light and shadow, Xiao Wu quietly appeared

in front of Grandmaster. Her one hand borrowed leverage by
pushing at Grandmaster’s shoulder, both legs flying out
simultaneously, accurately kicking below two of those spider
legs. The Man Faced Demon Spider’s legs rose slightly,
practically brushing the top of her head.

In order to fight for time, Xiao Wu couldn’t help the mental

backlash she would suffer, and the light of Demon Confusion

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stung the little eyes on the Man Faced Demon Spider’s
abdomen, making it delay for a short moment. At the same time
Xiao Wu once again stepped on the Man Faced Demon Spider’s
legs, using the rebound as leverage to forcefully push away
Grandmaster behind her, just right to meet the hastily dashing
over Liu Erlong.

At this very moment, the Man Faced Demon Spider and Xiao
Wu were practically pasted to each other while attacking.
Grandmaster had been pushed away from the danger zone,
Fatty’s spirit power had just now congregated, and the others
basically didn’t have enough time to strike away that Man Faced
Demon Spider.

In an instant, Tang San’s heart had already leapt into his

throat. Nobody understood the terror of the Man Faced Demon
Spider more clearly than him. At that time, if it wasn’t for him
acting when least expected and the potency of the Godly Zhuge
Crossbow, he would already have died in the Star Dou Great
Forest. The pain absorbing the Man Faced Demon Spider gave
him he would never forget for a lifetime. Right now, Xiao Wu
and the Man Faced Demon Spider in close combat, that was a six
thousand year butcher, and Xiao Wu had the weakest spirit
power among the Shrek Seven Devils.

Each of the six thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider’s legs

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had orderly rows of small barbs, and even though the toxin on
its body was unable to cause any harm to Xiao Wu under the
effect of the Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, if it
pierced Xiao Wu’s skin, the toxin would still spread through her
veins. That was in no way something Xiao Wu could resist.
Moreover, just because of these barbs Xiao Wu didn’t dare use
her Soft Skill on the Man Faced Demon Spider.

The use of Teleportation had a cooldown period. Xiao Wu had

use it once just now, and right now in close combat with the
Man Faced Demon Spider she couldn’t rely on it to dodge again.
The only thing she could do was endure, endure until her
companions arrived to help her.

The Man Faced Demon Spider was clearly completely

infuriated, its rear legs propping it up, its four lance-like
forelegs thrust at Xiao Wu from four different directions,
deathly pale light erupting from its body. This time, it clearly
used its full strength.

Just the opposite from Xiao Wu, the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s only chance was to take advantage of nobody else
having reached attack range to grab the Fragrant Silk Beauty
Immortal Treasure and escape. It had seen with its own eyes
what happened to the Unicorn Armored Beast and the Pit
Demon Spider, so how couldn’t it know how frightening these

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humans in front of it were?

Xiao Wu moved extremely quickly, and also had abundant

combat experience. When doing her utmost she wouldn’t stint
on her spirit power in any way, and pouring strength into her
legs, while escaping danger by a hair’s breadth, she kicked out
four times, separately striking the weakest points of each of
those four stinging spider legs. She knew that as long as she was
able to get out of this attack, the help of her comrades would

The moment Xiao Wu’s legs kicked at the four spider leg pikes
with full strength, her heart was already ice cold. That instant,
she clearly felt that her kicks at those spider legs was like a
butterfly shaking a stone tower, fundamentally unable to alter
their attack power, and even more unable to change their

Xiao Wu after all only had thirty seventh ranked spirit power,
the gap to the six thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider
attacking with all its strength the gap was really too large.

The little eyes under the Man Faced Demon Spider’s abdomen
revealed a malevolent light. It had long ago planned ahead: as
long as it could kill this human girl in front of it and snatch the

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Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure, it would immediately
spray out several spider webs at the people around to obstruct
their attacks. In speed, relying on those four meter long spider
legs, its running speed wasn’t something the Pit Demon Spider
could compare to.

When Xiao Wu’s for kicks accurately struck the spider legs, all
the Shrek Academy group almost cheered, but as they saw those
four spider legs didn’t change direction, their hearts went
completely cold.

In this extreme crisis, Xiao Wu could only curl up as much as

possible, making herself the smallest possible target. However,
even if she curled up even more, it would still be impossible to
evade all the attacks. The Man Faced Demon Spider’s four
spider lances perfectly sealed all her possible routes of escape.

Three spider lances thrust past, practically pasted to Xiao

Wu’s body, but that final spider leg in the end couldn’t be
dodged, and ruthlessly ran into Xiao Wu’s chest.

Instantly, everyone’s brains blanked out. Even though the

piercing blow should hit the right side of Xiao Wu’s chest, how
powerful was the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison? Xiao Wu
would inevitably be run through, and such an injury combined

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with the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison wasn’t something
Xiao Wu could possibly survive.

Everything happened too fast it was practically hard to catch

it with the naked eye. Xiao Wu’s body was directly flung away
close to twenty meters by the spider leg, but her hand still
tightly gripped that Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure,
refusing to let go no matter what.

As Xiao Wu was flung away, the Man Faced Demon Spider

seemed to stare blankly a moment. Even though it’s goal in
attacking Xiao Wu was attained, it still hadn’t obtained the
Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure.

“Go die!”

Fatty who was closest was the first to erupt, his Phoenix
Ascension had now finally finished coalescing, and he struck
that Man Faced Demon Spider with all his strength and burning
hot flame in the side.

At the same time, having caught Grandmaster, Liu Erlong’s

eyes turned scarlet. Xiao Wu had pushed away Grandmaster
while in a crisis herself, separating him from danger. Just this

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point made Liu Erlong full of gratitude towards her. Seeing her
without a chance to survive under the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s attack made the ruthlessness in Liu Erlong’s heart
practically reach a new peak.

With a close to frenzied dragon’s roar, her whole body emitted

flames that directly formed into an enormous fire dragon,
chasing after the Phoenix Ascension to strike away the Man
Faced Demon Spider several meters, swallowing it up in a flash.

The six thousand year cultivation Man Faced Demon Spider

struggled in the dragon shaped flame, but it was still unable to
escape the tyrannical gravity within the flame.

Fire in itself possessed a restraining effect on poisonous

things, whether it was Fatty’s phoenix flame or Liu Erlong’s
dragon flame, they were both among the most potent existences
among flames. Fatty’s flame possessed the even more powerful
adherence property that was comparatively insidious, but Liu
Erlong’s dragon flame only possessed one property:
explosiveness. Under the simultaneous effect of these two kinds
of flame, even the Man Faced Demon Spider’s solid outer shell
softened, its entire body trembling violently.

The third to reach it wasn’t the flying Flender, but rather

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Tang San who dropped like a stone from the sky. Seeing Xiao
Wu in danger, Tang San leapt from Flender’s back at the same
time as he shouted. Blue Silver Grass condensed into wing
shapes in midair, sending him gliding in that direction.

Unfortunately, all that was really far, far too late, even if he
used all his power he still couldn’t reach the Man Faced Demon
Spider before it speared Xiao Wu.

Watching Xiao Wu flung away, Tang San’s heart instantly

froze like a ten thousand year glacier, as if it had already
stopped beating, and he was even unable to breathe. Looking at
the conflagration below, his gaze was completely lifeless, and
just like a moth drawn to flame he still fell downwards.

“Get out of the way, do you want to die?”

Liu Erlong was shocked. She was only too clear on just how
potent her dragon flame was, and even though Tang San could
glide with the Blue Silver Grass wings on his back, he still fell
downwards. Everyone understood Tang San’s place in
Grandmaster’s heart, and Liu Erlong naturally wouldn’t want
him to destroy his life in her dragon flame like this.

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But Tang San didn’t even seem to hear anything, and still
dropped towards the Man Faced Demon Spider. Helplessly, Liu
Erlong had no choice but to stop sending out her dragon flame,
but despite this that dragon shaped flame wasn’t extinguished

The Eight Spider Lances on Tang San’s back thrust through

the top of the dragon flame, and from the point of view of
everyone, right now he seemed to be lying on his stomach on
the back of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

The Eight Spider Lances were sharp, and right now that Man
Faced Demon Spider’s carapace had been further softened by
the heat of the phoenix flame and dragon flame. In an instant,
Eight Spider Lances had pierced into the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s carapace, the front half entering completely as white
and red luster rose from Tang San. Strangely, Liu Erlong’s
tyrannical dragon flame was unable to enter within a one chi
range of Tang San’s body.

The instant the Eight Spider Lances entered its body, that
Man Faced Demon Spider shuddered violently, and seemed as if
its entire body had frozen.

Immediately afterward, it no longer struggled, but started to

3016 Goldenagato |

tremble quickly. The Eight Spider Lances Tang San had stuck
into its body began to turn pale white, as if pulse after pulse of
light was constantly drawn into Tang San’s body via the Eight
Spider Lances.

Nobody knew what was going on, and since Tang San lay
prostrated, everyone was unable to see his facial expression. But
with Xiao Wu’s survival unknown, they could understand the
suffering in Tang San’s heart. Liu Erlong wanted to rush over
and pull Tang San away, but was caught up to and stopped by

“He’s alright, help Xiao Wu first.”

Grandmaster knew something of Eight Spider Lances’ drain

capability. Further adding that the Man Faced Demon Spider
was left barely alive after Liu Erlong’s dragon flame, and that
Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had already pierced its vitals,
this six thousand year Man Faced Demon Spider was essentially
incapable of resisting further.

Oscar had already dashed over to Xiao Wu’s side, and while
running he had already finished summoning a small sausage
and a large sausage. After falling Xiao Wu’s body hadn’t stirred,
and he hastily but cautiously supported her back.

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Mouthful after mouthful of blood flowed from Xiao Wu’s
mouth, but what astonished Oscar was that there wasn’t a trace
of blood on her chest.

“Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, how are you?”

Oscar rocked Xiao Wu gently, right now he also didn’t have

any means of getting Xiao Wu to eat his big sausage.

By now Flender had also reached Xiao Wu’s side, and grabbing
one of her hands he pressed at her wrist, slowly infusing his
own spirit power into Xiao Wu.


Flender’s face very quickly revealed bewilderment,

“Why is it like this?”

Oscar’s heart tightened, the Shrek Seven Devils had been

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together so long that the feelings between each other were
profound, nevermind Xiao Wu being Tang San’s little sister,
their friendship alone made him extremely anxious about Xiao

“Dean, can Xiao Wu still be saved?”

A smiling expression suddenly appeared on Flender’s face,

pulling up Xiao Wu he turned her over and gave her back seven
quick slaps.

With a vomiting sound, Xiao Wu once again spouted out a

mouthful of purple black blood. Supported in Flender’s hands,
she unexpectedly slowly opened her eyes.

“What, what’s going on?”

Oscar looked dumbstruck at all this. He was unable to

understand how Xiao Wu still wasn’t dead after that powerful
blow from the Man Faced Demon Spider. When he first ran over
he was with the expectation that Heaven didn’t listen to the
plans of humans. But now it seemed that, although Xiao Wu’s
complexion was pale, it was far from the expectations everyone
had before.

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Flender said:

“She’s alright, she only stopped breathing just now, that’s all.
Xiao Wu, how do you feel?”

While speaking, he slowly infused his spirit power into Xiao

Wu, helping her calm her energy and pacify the roiling qi and

Xiao Wu’s voice was somewhat hoarse,

“My chest is very tight, a bit constricted. Otherwise nothing.

Don’t worry, I won’t die.”

While speaking, Xiao Wu slowly stretched a hand into her

chest, and under Flender and Oscar’s attentive gazes, a brightly
colored flower appeared in her hand. Precisely that Yearning
Heartbroken Red.

Originally, when Xiao Wu saw she was unable to dodge the

Man Faced Demon Spider’s attack she curled up as far as

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possible. When she was finally still sent flying by a spider lance,
that spider lance fortunately struck precisely the Yearning
Heartbroken Red at her chest.

Before the Yearning Heartbroken Red recognized its master it

couldn’t be plucked with force, and after it recognized Xiao Wu
it gained even more unbreakable properties, more durable than
anything. Even though the Man Faced Demon Spider’s attack
was powerful, it still couldn’t pierce this bizarre immortal
treasure flower. Otherwise Xiao Wu wouldn’t be flung away,
but rather directly run through, and the Fragrant Silk Beauty
Immortal Treasure in her hand would naturally also end up in
the Man Faced Demon Spider’s grasp.

Even Xiao Wu hadn’t expected that her life would actually be

saved by her tenderness keeping her from eating the fantastic
immortal treasure.

Under the assistance of Flender’s spirit power, Xiao Wu with

difficulty roused her mind. After eating one of Oscar’s big
recovery sausages, her mind was immediately much better. Now
she also noticed Tang San and that Man Faced Demon Spider,
and instantly changed color.

“My Ge, he……”

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Grandmaster and the others also finally noticed the
circumstances on Xiao Wu’s side, and they all understood Xiao
Wu’s circumstances. Grandmaster said:

“Nothing will be wrong with little San. If I’m not mistaken,

right now his Eight Spider Lances are ending the life of that
Man Faced Demon Spider. I only don’t know if he’s prepared to
absorb this spirit beast’s spirit ring, or if he still insists on that
Pit Demon Spider.”

That treacherous Pit Demon Spider had been thrown to the

side by Flender, right now it lay on its back facing upward.
Flender knew it was cunning and had chopped off its legs,
leaving it unable to run.

Perhaps it was because Liu Erlong’s dragon flame was too

terrifying, but the spirit beasts outside of the poison formation
had for the most part withdrawn, only a few especially powerful
ones still watched the Fragrant Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure
in Xiao Wu’s hand.

“Little San, Xiao Wu is alright.”

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Flender shouted in Tang San’s direction.

Flender’s judgement here was extremely correct. Hearing the

two words ‘Xiao Wu’, Tang San slowly raised his head from the
Man Faced Demon Spider’s back, and everyone discovered that
at some point his eyes had turned completely red. Within the
red light roamed a purple radiance.

1尺 = ⅓ m

3023 Goldenagato |

Chapter 88 - Drain, Eight Spider Lances

Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu sitting there anxiously watching

him. His expression was blank a moment, then the bloody light
in his eyes gradually withdrew, and his mind also gradually
recovered to normal.

Actually, even he himself didn’t know just what he did just

now. Piercing the Man Faced Demon Spider with Eight Spider
Lances was all something he did subconsciously while his mind
was blanked out. Now, seeing Xiao Wu was still alive, Tang
San’s heart also subsequently came back to life. Then he noticed
his current situation.

The Man Faced Demon Spider still constantly twitched below

him, pulse after pulse of powerful energy entering his body via
Eight Spider Lances. What made him astonished was that after
this ruthless energy had circulated one turn within him, it
would again be transmitted to his Eight Spider Lances to
coagulate at his vertebrae, and the vertebrae and eight ribs
where Eight Spider Lances attached became incomparably hot,
absorbing the energy like a deep abyss.

This was the first time Tang San truly used the Eight Spider
Lances’ drain ability, and the target was a Man Faced Demon

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Eight Spider Lances’ drain ability could originally only

temporarily give him an immediate energy boost, and after a
short term of use it would automatically disperse. But right now
the target of the drain was the same as the source of Eight
Spider Lances, another Man Faced Demon Spider, and Eight
Spider Lances showed an autonomous reaction; or to say that it
was transforming itself.

The energy sucked out of the Man Faced Demon Spider was
absorbed and transformed by Tang San’s external spirit bone,
becoming its own energy. This was also a chance coincidence. If
Tang San hadn’t already reached the fortieth rank of spirit
power, just the condition for evolving Eight Spider Lances, the
energy now being absorbed from the Man Faced Demon Spider
wouldn’t directly shift into the external spirit bone.

External spirit bones really were too rare, that’s why even
Grandmaster didn’t have too much research into it. Actually,
the evolution of external spirit bones didn’t stop because of
different spirit rings. As long as a Spirit Master absorbed a new
spirit ring, it would evolve together. The conditions for
evolution were just the same as for obtaining a new spirit ring:
the Spirit Master’s strength reaching the next stage.

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Under the conditions that Tang San already had a full forty
ranks, and the Eight Spider Lances had absorbed the energy
most suitable to it, how would it still hesitate? Right now those
originally three meter long Eight Spider Lances gradually
extended to four meters, and on the surface orderly rows of
small barbs began to grow, exactly the same as the six thousand
year Man Faced Demon Spider below him. The difference was
that right now Tang San’s Eight Spider Lanes completely
appeared just as deathly pale as while draining, and under this
pale white, red and white colored light roamed dizzyingly to
create a dazzlingly beautiful pattern on the Eight Spider Lances.

Along with returning to consciousness, Tang San very quickly

made a proper judgement about his own condition. He already
inferred the reason from the circumstances of his body, and
simply let the absorption continue. The benefits to his Eight
Spider Lances from a similar Man Faced Demon Spider were
clear and easy to see. Even though right now he didn’t know in
what respect it would show, he still urged the spirit power
within him to speed up the absorption. Even though the Man
Faced Demon Spider was immune to the similar to his own
poison Tang San had, Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances not only
possessed the Man Faced Demon Spider’s poison but also the ice
and fire poisons from those two immortal treasure herbs.

The two kinds of extreme ice and fire forces rising from the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot

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wreaked havoc within its body, and further adding the
destruction from the previous dragon flame, right now this Man
Faced Demon Spider didn’t have the slightest bit of strength to
resist and could only let Tang San keep draining. Its vitality
swiftly drained away, and the eight spider legs supporting its
body gradually softened, its whole body starting to lie down on
the ground, its outer shell gradually turning ash grey.

Xiao Wu carefully put the Yearning Heartbroken Red back in

her chest. She also had her own grievances. There was a burst of
lingering fear in her heart; if it wasn’t for the Yearning
Heartbroken Red, perhaps she would have had to part with
Tang San forever.

Liu Erlong stood at Xiao Wu’s side, stroking her head. Even
though she didn’t say anything, the ominous energy in her eyes
largely left, instead revealing a tender expression.

Xiao Wu raised her head, looking at Liu Erlong. She suddenly

felt a kind of maternal brilliance from this brutish slaughtering
corner. This kind of feeling was extremely cozy, and further
adding her tiredness after sustaining injuries, she couldn’t keep
from leaning her head against Liu Erlong’s soft thigh.

“Good child, with me here, I won’t let anyone or anything

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bully you again.”

Liu Erlong said softly.

Everyone couldn’t keep from looking at Liu Erlong with

astonished gazes. Was this still that slaughtering corner that
was just brimming with killing intent and seemingly looking to
massacre everything?

“Teacher Erlong……”

Xiao Wu’s eyes revealed a grateful light, even so much that

they had a somewhat teary brilliance. At this moment she
recalled her own mother. Wouldn’t her mother also frequently
look at her with this kind of gaze? But, she was already gone.

“Xiao Wu, do you want to become my direct disciple?”

Liu Erlong asked.

Xiao Wu nodded without the slightest hesitation,

3028 Goldenagato |

“I do. Teacher.”

She was clever, and while speaking she knelt and bowed to Liu
Erlong as a student formally becoming apprenticed.

Liu Erlong pulled Xiao Wu from the ground, letting her lean
against her chest,

“I don’t need those clichéd courtesies. Xiao Wu, teacher hasn’t

married all her life, right now I still don’t have any close
relatives. I don’t want you to call me Teacher. If you don’t
dislike it, I would like you to call me mom.”

Hearting Liu Erlong say this, Flender to the side couldn’t keep
from sadly lowering his head, and Grandmaster’s gaze was
already stupid. Looking at her, for a moment all sorts of feelings
welled up, lips quivering about to speak, but not a word came

Xiao Wu was equally shocked. Looking at Liu Erlong’s hopeful

eyes, her already reddened beautiful eyes began to grow misty,
and weeping held Liu Erlong tightly,

3029 Goldenagato |

“Mom, mom……”

‘Mom’, this word was held such a significant place in Xiao

Wu’s heart. It had already been eight years since her own
mother left her, how much she wanted to call out this word!
Right now Liu Erlong not only gave her a feeling of a
replacement mother, but at the same time Xiao Wu found the
comfort of maternal love. For a moment her heart surged, and
she immediately revealed her true feelings.

Liu Erlong softly caressed Xiao Wu’s long scorpion braid, a

faint smile on her pretty face, teardrops uncontrollably rolling
down her face.

She loved Grandmaster, but he never dared accept this taboo

love. For all these years Liu Erlong’s heart had been empty, but
this moment it was like she found someone to entrust with her
heart, placing her hopes on her just now accepted daughter.
This moment it was as if Grandmaster’s shadow over her heart
rocked a little. While Liu Erlong sensed the pure feelings Xiao
Wu released, in her heart she secretly vowed that even if she
had to spend her life to protect her, she would still be willing.

“Erlong, congratulations.”

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Flender suppressed his dashing heart with difficulty, speaking
to Liu Erlong who was smiling from ear to ear.

Liu Erlong looked at Flender, a sentimental light in her eyes,

“Boss Fu, I have a daughter. Did you know? I have a


“Yes, I know. From hereon, you won’t be lonely, you have a


Hearing Liu Erlong’s words, Flender couldn’t control the tears

in his eyes. Didn’t he also love Liu Erlong? For Liu Erlong’s sake
he had never married, for Liu Erlong and Grandmaster’s sake he
had buried that love deep within his heart. But, he had never
seen his beloved live happily. Could this be blamed on
Grandmaster? No, it couldn’t, it could only be blamed on how
fate toys with people.

At this moment, when he could feel Liu Erlong’s current

mood, how couldn’t he be happy for her?

Everyone stepped forward to congratulate her one after the

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other, only Grandmaster stood there, unable to take even a step,
his heart aching as he looked at Liu Erlong. He knew that he
really owed her far too much. But between him and her it was as
if a tight knot was tied, and no matter what it couldn’t be
undone. He was happy that Liu Erlong had obtained a daughter,
but at the same time how couldn’t he be sad for his and Liu
Erlong’s fate? How much didn’t he want to hold Liu Erlong in
his arms and declare his love for her? But, it was impossible.
That shadow of ‘bloodline’, that haze, always hung between

Tang San finally finished draining, and a faint halo of light

began to release from that six thousand year Man Faced Demon
Spider. As long as he wished, right now he could already absorb
this spirit ring.

But right now Tang San wasn’t even slightly in the mood to
absorb spirit rings. Withdrawing Eight Spider Lances, he rushed
over to Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong.

“Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu……”

There were no tears in Tang San’s eyes, but his voice was
somewhat distorted, what kind of emotions would get his voice
to change like this?

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Xiao Wu raised her head from Liu Erlong’s bosom, and seeing
Tang San almost within reach her tears flowed even more

Liu Erlong sighed lightly, releasing her embrace and sending

Xiao Wu towards Tang San.

Despite all the people around them, and further the few spirit
beasts glaring like tigers outside, Tang San didn’t pay them any
attention and fiercely spread his arms, burying Xiao Wu’s
delicate body deep in his own embrace. He didn’t say anything
about being sorry, but his teeth had already broken his lip. How
couldn’t he regret handing the Fragrant Beautiful Silk Immortal
Treasure to Xiao Wu? If not for that, how would Xiao Wu have
been ambushed? This wasn’t the first time Xiao Wu had been
hurt for him. Tang San hated himself, hated his inability to
protect Xiao Wu.

Liu Erlong raised her head to gaze at the sky, serenely saying:

“You must never let me hear you let her down. Otherwise, no
matter whose disciple you are, or what your background is, the
Giant Earth King from that day will be your example.”

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Even though she didn’t mention any names, everyone knew
her words were aimed at Tang San.

Softly patting Xiao Wu’s back, Tang San released his embrace,
the light in his eyes suddenly turning stubborn. From the
Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse he pulled out a dark green leaf
and stuffed it into Xiao Wu’s mouth. At the same time he took
the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure from Xiao Wu’s
hand and returned it to the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

That was a Dragon Zoysia leaf with strong healing efficacy. It

was also something he originally took from around the Ice and
Fire Yin Yang Well.

Xiao Wu swallowed the leaf, and a refreshing feeling

immediately spread through her whole body, the tightness in
her chest growing a lot better.

Tang San gazed at the mountain peak to the side,

“Senior Dugu’s secret cultivation grounds is in this mountain,

here there’s an Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well rich in resources. If
people or animals approach they will definitely be influenced by

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the extreme cold and hot energies, and die suddenly after a
short time. But this place is also where many heavenly treasures
are born. The herbs I currently possess were all taken from
here. The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well is harmful to others, but
because I once took two kinds of herbs it’s instead beneficial to
me. Absorbing the spirit ring here is bound to be twice the effect
for half the effort. I’ll trouble everyone to wait for me here. I’ll
finish absorbing the spirit ring as soon as possible. You must
also by no means approach the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, to
avoid being harmed by its energies.”

Giving a simple explanation, Tang San didn’t pause. With that

stubborn heart, in a few leaps he reached the side of that Pit
Demon Spider. Weaving Blue Silver Grass around that sinister
spirit beast, the Eight Spider Lances on his back released and
brought him towards the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well with
astonishing speed.

Tang San’s explanation soothed everyone. But his

stubbornness was because of strength. Everything that
happened just now proved that his strength was insufficient.
The only thing he wanted right now was to become even
stronger, gaining the strength to protect his companions and

Watching Tang San pick the Pit Demon Spider without a

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second thought, Xiao Wu was just about to say something but
was stopped by Liu Erlong. Liu Erlong’s low voice rose next to
her ear,

“This kind of man is a true man. Relying on that stubbornness

he will definitely succeed. As a woman, no matter what your
man decides is right or wrong, you should always support him
unconditionally. When he’s right, you should be happy for him.
Even if he’s wrong, let him make his mistake. At worst, follow
him to make it.”

Liu Erlong’s words were nothing special, but her voice was
brimming with sorrow, that sadness of the helpless.

Xiao Wu muttered:

“At worst, follow him to make it. Mom, you’re right. I should
support him in all things.”

Liu Erlong’s words seemed like a wide open door for her, a
realization. Xiao Wu suddenly felt a burst of relief.

But on the other side Grandmaster had an entirely different

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kind of feeling. Standing behind Liu Erlong and looking at her,
right now Grandmaster was unable to speak a single word. He
resembled nothing more than a wooden statue, standing there
dumbly without speaking for a long time.

Flender looked at Grandmaster with a gloomy expression,

“Xiao Gang, come with me, I need to talk to you.”

Speaking, Flender walked to the side, followed by the

expressionless Grandmaster giving people the impression of a
walking corpse.

Her eyes following Grandmaster following Flender walking

into the distance, Liu Erlong sighed to herself, ‘Oh, Xiao Gang,
in all my life I can never love a second man. If you truly will not
accept me, then I will only spend my last years like this.
Fortunately, now I have a daughter. Now I somewhat
understand what you feel for Tang San. At least, we can entrust
our hearts to the children.’

Thinking of this, Liu Erlong suddenly had a feeling of her

heart opening up to a wide panorama, her depression easing,
her body much more relaxed. As the expression on her face

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relaxed, she seemed to become even more beautiful. Softly
drawing in Xiao Wu’s shoulder at her side, she gazed into the


Tang San climbed the mountain and very quickly reached that
familiar place.

On returning to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he couldn’t

help being stunned by the scene before his eyes. The treasure
ground that had originally practically been plundered by him
had by now already recovered to a verdant and lush green. Even
if there weren’t such beautiful purples and brilliant reds as
before, that full of vitality feeling made people feel comfortable.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was worthy of being called a
treasure ground, those seeds Tang San left behind had already
sprouted. Relying on that tenfold growth rate, after a brief half
year, this place was already pregnant with life. Even though it
was impossible for immortal treasure herbs to appear here again
quickly, at least this was still a treasure ground. In a hundred or
perhaps a few hundred years, it would restore its elegance

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Tang San threw the Pit Demon Spider aside, the Eight Spider
Lances without any restraint thrusting directly into its vitals.
The vitality of this restrained sinister spirit beast constantly
flowed out under the Eight Spider Lances’ drain.

Tang San’s way of dealing with the Pit Demon Spider was
practically the same as when he killed the Man Faced Demon
Spider just now, but he discovered that even though the energy
being swallowed let him feel more powerful for a brief time,
that energy would very quickly flow away, without being
absorbed by the external spirit bone like before. He understood
that this should be because the Eight Spider Lances already
absorbed sufficient energy for this time’s evolution. This drain
ability couldn’t use outside force to transform itself after all. As
for the reasons, it was very simple. One was because Tang San’s
Mysterious Heaven Skill didn’t have the method to retain this
energy, and another was because the attributes of this energy
was different. Not only wouldn’t rashly absorbing it have any
benefits, it would on the contrary be harmful.

In a moment the Pit Demon Spider was about to lose its life
under the Eight Spider Lances, and the little eyes on its head
were brimming with a fierce light. The corners of Tang San’s
mouth showed a trace of a monstrous smile, and the golden
purple light in his eyes suddenly intensified, just like two sharp
swords piercing deep into the Pit Demon Spider’s eyes.

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The Pit Demon Spider’s massive body shook, and Tang San
used this chance to launch the poison and drain of Eight Spider
Lances at full effect.

The violent struggling gradually faded, and the Pit Demon

Spider’s life finally reached the end.

From what Xiao Wu said about soul shock, Tang San figured
the way to resolve it was to use his Purple Demon Eye, suddenly
shocking the Pit Demon Spider’s soul when it was on the verge
of death, making its resentment dissipate in the moment before
its death. Like this, the subconscious soul shock would naturally
also subsequently fade, and absorbing the spirit ring would
become a lot easier.

Faint black light began to release from the Pit Demon Spider’s
body, condensing next to him. The spirit ring’s power appearing
proved that this ten thousand year spirit beast had finally lost
its life.

Tang San removed his clothes and, spreading his arms,

directly leapt into that yang spring hot enough to melt gold, and
afterwards swam to where the two kinds of spring water flowed

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To other people, there was nothing about these two springs
that wasn’t fatal, but to Tang San who had taken the Octagonal
Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot, the
sensation being in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well gave him was
only warm or refreshingly cool.

The two different energies simultaneously merged into him,

conforming with the immortal treasure herbs within his body,
quietly moving rhythmically. Tang San lay flat in the spring
waters, slowly raising his right hand. Blue purple light emitted
from his palm, and Blue Silver Grass issued a summons to the
Pit Demon Spider’s spirit ring on the shore.

The black energy flow finally found a drainage channel, and

rushed towards Tang San’s right hand like a river running into
the sea.

The split second that black energy came into contact with the
Blue Silver Grass in Tang San’s palm, intense ripples suddenly
rose in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s waters with Tang San as
the center.

Tang San choosing this place to absorb his spirit ring was the
result of careful deliberation. The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well
would not only not be harmful to him thanks to the two

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immortal treasure herbs he took, but would on the contrary
nourish him, imperceptibly forming a protective layer within
his body. And because of the spring waters, the medicinal
properties of the two immortal treasure herbs within him
would also be completely roused, forming a second protective
layer. Further adding the external spirit bone on his back, even
though a ten thousand year spirit beast’s spirit ring held
tremendous energy, in order to harm him it would still have to
pass these three protective layers first.

With Tang San’s strength he could absorb a six thousand year

spirit beast’s spirit ring. Right now with these three safeguards,
he naturally had a very large chance of success when absorbing
a Pit Demon Spider that had just entered the ten thousand year
level. This was also an important reason why he dared make the

Plan and practice will always be different. Right now this also
went for Tang San’s circumstances. Without truly trying, he
would never have been able to know just how tremendous the
spirit power of a ten thousand year spirit ring was.

The split second that black energy flow reached his right hand
and entered his body, Tang San only felt the surrounding light
dim, as if he was submerged in a tidal wave that reached the

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This was in no way an exaggeration. The spirit ring’s energy
that entered him filled every nook and corner of his body in a
split second. There wasn’t even any need for him to circulate it
himself, that enormous energy already forced the motion.

The Pit Demon Spider’s spirit power wasn’t as overbearing as

the Man Faced Demon Spider’s, but it was brimming with a
dark and cold feeling. Cold like that was different from the cold
of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, it was a cold that evolved
from the depths of the mind, a dark and cold attack on the

Tang San’s nerves seemed to have already grown numb in this

cold. The three original spirit rings oscillated with frightening
speeds over him, making him look like he was encased in a giant
yellowish-purple cocoon.

The rank-bypassing absorption this time brought not only

pain to Tang San, but also a horrifying feeling. His preparations
were indeed perfect. The energy from the Ice and Fire Ying
Yang Well successfully filtered the impurities out of the Pit
Demon Spider spirit ring. However, the energy was still too
massive for Tang San at that moment. Every attack made Tang
San feel like he was tossed around ruthlessly, as if his body
wasn’t his anymore, and all he could do was watch detachedly.

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The feeling of no control was even more unbearable than the
pain that came with the Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring.

With last time’s experience, Tang San knew that he couldn’t

do anything about it except wait and strengthen his resolve. No
matter what happened to his body, he knew he couldn’t panic.
Or else, in a moment, he would be engulfed by the massive

A black current unceasingly flowed out of the ten thousand

year Pit Demon Spider, constantly getting absorbed by Tang
San. The glow on his three spirit rings slowly faded, replaced
with a layer of black currents. Tang San’s bones continuously
emitted bursts of cracking noises. The black current entered
from every pore and into every energy channel.

Very soon, Tang San discovered every time the massive black
energy passed through the broken open Yang Linking Meridian
and Penetrating Meridian, the energy would weaken a bit, as if
the two meridians were absorbing energy as well. This feeling
made Tang San instantly elated. He vaguely understood that the
existence and breaking open of the eight extraordinary
meridians helped specially with absorbing foreign energy.

It was a pity he only had two meridians broken through. If he

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had more than four broken through, the absorption of this ten
thousand year spirit ring might become a piece of cake.

Gradually, the pain appeared. It was a swollen pain. From the

outside, Tang San’s body didn’t change, but in his senses, he
clearly felt his entire body swell up like a giant balloon, as if it
could explode any second.

Although the black current stored up within his body was

absorbed continuously by Tang San’s Penetrating Meridian and
the Yang Linking Meridian, the energy coming in was also
getting greater and greater. Every bone and energy channel of
his was tingling, as if innumerable ants were crawling over him.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well and the two immortal herbs
he once ate started to show their uses. After experiencing the
process of Ice and Fire Alchemical Body, Tang San’s energy
channels had become very durable. Though the black current
kept expanding his energy channels, the elasticity of his energy
channels meant there were no signs of rupturing.

The Pit Demon Spider’s spirit ring energy, though massive,

wasn’t endless. When the output of energy reached it’s extreme,
Tang San’s energy channels had been filled to a very horrifying
degree. But even then, he still persevered. At that moment, no

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pain could waver his resolve. For himself, and also for Xiao Wu,
he knew he couldn’t fail.

The Pit Demon Spider’s body silently shattered, the result of

losing all its energy. The only thing it could do now was become
fertilizer for the ground.

Pain started sliding down from its peak. Not only the
Penetrating Meridian and the Yang Linking Meridian, but
accompanying the circulation of spirit power, Tang San’s
normal energy channels started absorbing the foreign energy as
well, merging it into his Mysterious Heaven Skill.

The reason the energy within spirit rings could be absorbed is

because after the energy of the spirit beast forms a spirit ring, it
splits into two parts. One is pure and filtered energy to raise the
spirit master’s rank, letting them gain the next title, and the
other big half inherits the spirit beast’s characteristics. This
different energy condenses into a spirit ring, becoming the
spirit master’s spirit ability.

Accompanying the gradual decrease in swelling, pain

decreased as well. The feeling of relaxation lulled Tang San’s
weary mind. It was in the last part of the absorption that he
slowly fell into slumber, letting the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well

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nourish his body.

If anyone could see Tang San’s face, they would discover his
face was continuously changing colors. A moment white, a
moment red, a moment black. And other than the original two
yellow and one purple spirit rings, a black spirit ring was slowly
appearing from the misty currents.

Perhaps Tang San wasn’t the only one that had a ten thousand
year spirit ring for his fourth spirit ring, but undeniably, he was
one of the more gifted ones. Blue Silver Grass had evolved once
again. So what if it was Blue Silver Grass? So what if it was a
trash spirit? Under Tang San’s effort, it still held the same
power as formidable spirits of equal rank.


“Xiao Gang, tell me the truth. How are you going to manage
your relationship with Erlong?”

Flender stared at Grandmaster, his gaze very angry.

Grandmaster stared blankly back at Flender,

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“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? Twenty years. Tell me, how many twenty
years does a person have? A woman’s youth was wasted in vain
just because of your ‘I don’t know’. Though I’m your brother, I
still really want to slap you.”

Grandmaster smiled bitterly:

“Slap then, but leave me a breath to stay alive. I don’t want to

make Erlong sad if I die. In reality, even I want to slap myself.
This is all my fault, but Erlong bears the same amount of pain, if
not more, than me.”

Looking at Grandmaster’s smile that looked worse than

crying, Flender went silent. He also knew that Grandmaster
didn’t do anything wrong. If he really took in Liu Erlong, then it
would be incest. Grandmaster rejected Liu Erlong not because of
himself, but for Erlong’s reputation. He didn’t want Erlong to
take up such a heavy shame because of himself. At that time
Grandmaster chose to leave because of that very reason.
However, he didn’t anticipate that Liu Erlong loved him that
deeply, always painfully waiting for him until now.

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Flender sighed,

“Xiao Gang, is there really no way? If it keeps going like this,

though you guys haven’t had incest, you guys will spend the rest
of your lives in pain! You should be able to see, other than you,
Erlong can’t love any other man. If you really must keep hurting
her like that, then why don’t you just leave. At least, she won’t
be able to see you, and she might feel better.”

Grandmaster silently nodded his head,

“I’ll leave after we go back. You’re right, I shouldn’t stay with

her and let her feel this pain. Flender, it’s been this many years
and I never said thank you. For our relationship, you’ve also
borne pain. Sorry, Flender.”

Flender’s eyes moistened,

“What silliness are you spouting. I’m your big brother. I was
before, I am now, and I will be, forever. I don’t need you to say
thanks, I just want to see you happy with Erlong. Do you
understand? Xiao Gang, you bastard, why are you so obstinate?
Don’t tell me you can’t go live in seclusion after you join with

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Erlong? If you don’t tell anyone, who will know of your sibling

Grandmaster raised his right fist and hammered his left chest,

“But, I can’t lie to my heart. I really can’t.”

Flender suddenly had a flash of intuition and thought of a


“Xiao Gang, tell me, do you love Erlong?”

Grandmaster stared unexpectedly,

“Boss Fu, are questions like that still meaningful? If I didn’t

love her, then would it still be this way?”

Flender suddenly had a devious smile,

“Then good, I’m sure Erlong loves you deeply as well. Then,
spiritually you guys have had incest already, I can say as much.”

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Grandmaster was furious. That was all he was trying to

protect, but when he looked at Flender’s eyes, he couldn’t think
of a single rebuttal. He was right, they were in love, so
spiritually they have gone off track already. If it wasn’t incest
then what was it?

“Flender, I know you mean well. But, spiritual is spiritual. At

least, our bodies are both still pure.”

Flender smiled slightly and said,

“As long as you admit you’ve had spiritual incest. And also, I
believe, it will stay that way. Since you’ve already had incest
spiritually, why don’t you merge with her spiritually? No need
for real titles, just the recognition from each other. You can
totally be a couple spiritually!”

Grandmaster this time really blanked out.

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“Flender, I don’t get what you mean.”

Flender said exasperated,

“You’re that smart, what don’t you understand? My idea is

simple. You can merge still and become a couple, just don’t
change your titles. According to your current idea, as long as
there isn’t a bodily relationship, it isn’t called incest. You can
start at emotions and stop at motions. Then, as long as you are
in love spiritually and keep pure bodies, then who can gossip
about you?”

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Chapter 89 - Tang San’s Fourth Spirit Ability

Hearing Flender’s words, Grandmaster heart beat, and he


“Is, is something like this really possible?”

Flender grandiosely said:

“Is there anything impossible? At least like this, both your

hearts will feel a lot better. As long as you defend that last
perimeter and keep apart every night, is there anything bad
about being able to feel each other’s love? Let alone cousins,
even if you were siblings, so what? You are only kind to and love
each other, so outsiders will only see the affection of siblings,
even that conservative heart of yours wouldn’t have any

Listening to Flender, Grandmaster stood there completely

lifeless like a sculpture. After a very long time, a sentence
fiercely leapt out of Grandmaster’s mouth,

“Flender, why didn’t you say so long ago.”

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Leaving behind these words, Grandmaster sharply dashed
away, dashing towards Liu Erlong as if flying. As a result of his
speed, the teardrops he left in the air formed graceful strings of

‘Erlong, Erlong, I can finally love you fairly. As long as I can

love you, what need is there for being physical? Spiritual love is
already enough!’

Watching Grandmaster’s receding back, Flender’s face

showed a heartfelt smile. ‘Xiao Gang, you idiot, being together
rubbing heads day after day, don’t tell me you can truly hold

Seeing Grandmaster madly dashing over, Liu Erlong’s heart

couldn’t help skipping a beat.

Grandmaster rushed over in front of Liu Erlong, staring at Liu

Erlong’s somewhat perplexed beautiful eyes, suddenly he
fiercely spread his arms and used all his strength to embrace Liu
Erlong to his chest,

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“Erlong, I’m sorry.”

Just these three words seemed to open a sluice gate for tears.
Liu Erlong just felt everything before her eyes go fuzzy, and
right now she couldn’t use even the slightest bit of her more
than seventieth ranked spirit power. She completely softened in
Grandmaster’s embrace, tears flooding down.

She had already waited far, far too long for these words.
Twenty years, just like Flender said, it had already been twenty
years! How had she dealt with these twenty years? Even if she
was even stronger on the surface, in the end she was still a
woman. What woman didn’t long to be cherished by her
beloved? What woman didn’t long for her own happiness?

Perhaps it was because this happiness really arrived too

suddenly, but Liu Erlong only felt her body flutter like in a
dream, as if everything was imaginary.

Flender quietly waved his hand to Zhao Wuji, Xiao Wu and

the others. Everyone slowly retreated to the side, setting aside a
wide space for Grandmaster and Liu Erlong alone.

Outside of the poison formation, because the Aromatic Silk

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Beauty Immortal Treasure disappeared, the last remaining
spirit beasts also unwillingly left, and along with their
disappearance, the surroundings went quiet.

“Xiao Gang, Xiao Gang, do you know how long I’ve waited?
More than seven thousand days and nights. Do you know how
I’ve endured? You really won’t escape, you really want to be
with me?”

Liu Erlong lost her voice from crying, leaning over

Grandmaster’s shoulder and mumbling.

Grandmaster nodded sharply,

“Erlong, I’m sorry, I swear, afterwards I will never again run

from our feelings. Even if we perhaps can’t be like normal
married couples, I will definitely always guard at your side and
love you.”

Immediately, Grandmaster explained the idea Flender spoke

about before. Liu Erlong constantly leaning against his chest
listened quietly, and as she heard Grandmaster speak about
having the love of a husband and wife but without the true time
of a husband and wife, she understood. Grandmaster still

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couldn’t completely throw off that obstruction. But, after
waiting for so many years, with great difficulty getting the man
before her to agree not to run away, at least he agreed to stay at
her side and love her, why would she force him for more?

Perhaps it was because of taking Xiao Wu as an adopted

daughter had greatly influenced Liu Erlong’s emotions, but
right now in her heart she only felt like letting nature take its
course. Obediently within Grandmaster’s embrace, first being
together with the person she loved was most important.

After an hour, Zhu Zhuqing had smoothly absorbed the

Phantom Tiger’s spirit ring and returned together with Dai
Mubai. It seemed that her aura had become even colder, her
countenance with a bit of heroic spirit, and she was also a little
bit taller. Even though she still didn’t have Xiao Wu’s height,
only looking at external appearances she already felt like she
had the grace of an adult beauty.

The addition of the spirit ring’s properties would no doubt

cause a certain change in the Spirit Master’s body. Even though
the Shrek Seven Devils were still very young, they still had at
least three spirit rings, and the additional energy from the spirit
rings promoted their physical growth. Their faces still possessed
the innocence of childhood, but by external appearances they
were already close to adults. Compared to one year ago,

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everyone seemed to have grown several years. As long as they
didn’t tell anyone, it would perhaps be very difficult for
someone to imagine that the youngest of the Shrek Seven Devils
still hadn’t turned fourteen.

The next to return was Ning Rongrong, and her face wasn’t as
pale as Oscar’s. Previously when Liu Erlong butchered the
Unicorn Armored Beast, Oscar had kept her company at her side
the whole time, covering her eyes, constantly comforting her at
her side. Once Ning Rongrong began to absorb the spirit ring,
Oscar had run aside to vomit. After vomiting, he cleaned up the
terrifying mess Liu Erlong had made. Consequently, after Ning
Rongrong absorbed the spirit ring she hadn’t seen any
nauseating scene, and her condition was instead much better
than Oscar.

By now, of the Shrek Seven Devils only Tang San still didn’t
return, and everyone quietly waited within the poison

Liu Erlong nestled against Grandmaster’s chest, and with her

eyes closed fell asleep. For twenty years she hadn’t slept as
smoothly as she did right now. Seeing the contented smile she
revealed as she slept, Grandmaster had a kind of indescribable
satisfaction in his heart.

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Flender and Zhao Wuji sat on the other side speaking about
something in low voices. Watching Grandmaster and Liu
Erlong’s current appearances, Flender’s heart relaxed a lot, his
face revealing a difficult to conceal smile.

Zhu Zhuqing silently sat together with Dai Mubai. Even

though her expression was still cold, she didn’t oppose Dai
Mubai sitting practically pasted to her.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar’s situation was about the same,

only Ning Rongrong’s expression was instead tender, taking the
initiative to lean on Oscar’s shoulder, talking to him about
something with a smile on her face. Judging by her excited
smile, she should have obtained no small benefit from the
fourth spirit ring.

Fatty had consumed a lot of spirit power before and leaned

alone against a big tree cultivating, condensing his spirit power.
Xiao Wu wasn’t far away, and though with the condition of her
injuries what she should do the most was harmonize her spirit
power to heal, she couldn’t calm her heart.

The others had all returned, and they only lacked Tang San,
how couldn’t she be anxious? Sitting and leaning back, she she
constantly prayed silently for Tang San. And not just her, no

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matter the others’ expressions, deep in the corners of their eyes
was some worry. Even though Tang San himself said he had
absolute certainty, but, the spirit ring level gap was really too

Two hours passed, and Xiao Wu told herself that absorbing

such a powerful spirit ring would definitely take time.

Four hours passed, and Xiao Wu told herself that it should still
be a while.

Six hours passed, and Xiao Wu constantly told herself ‘hurry,


Eight hours passed, and the sky gradually darkened. Xiao Wu

stood there, looking at the distant mountain peak where Tang
San disappeared, in her heart constantly shouting, ‘Ge, why are
you still not back?’

Ten hours passed. Night gradually deepened. Tears constantly

flowed from Xiao Wu’s eyes, not stopping no matter who came
to console her. Right now, in her heart was only one thought,
‘Ge, as long as you can return alive, even if you don’t have the
slightest bit of strength, even if you’ve become an ordinary

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person, or even handicapped, I’ll still be happy. As long as
you’re alive.’

Waiting for ten hours was what kind of torture? Not just Xiao
Wu, the others also became fretful. If not for Grandmaster
stopping them, everyone would already have gone up the
mountain to take a look.

Moonlight illuminated the ground, the shining clean

brightness making long shadows of all the Shrek Academy
people on the ground. Xiao Wu’s heart also gradually became ice
cold and despairing, the expectation in her eyes changing in the
deathly stillness.

At this moment, suddenly, a clear and resonant long whistle

resounded. In the quiet night, the energy in that long whistle
was completely clear.

Just like a fuse had been lit, the Shrek Seven Devils
simultaneously stood up. A flaming excitement ignited
frantically in Xiao Wu’s close to despairing eyes, and she ran
recklessly with all her strength towards the mountain.

“Ge, Ge……”

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She shouted. Her voice had already become hoarse from
crying, she only wanted to be the first to see that fated man.

Yes, that long whistle was Tang San’s. At the mountaintop,

Tang San’s slender figure made a long shadow in the moonlight.
He didn’t rely on Eight Spider Lances to descend the mountain,
but rather leapt up high, Blue Silver Grass forming an umbrella
behind him to drop down the mountain.

Two silhouettes, one falling from the sky, one scrambling as if

it meant her life, came closer in the radiance of that full moon,

At last, those two silhouettes met one third of the way up the
mountain, two becoming one, tightly clinging to each other on
the mountainside, witnessed by the bright moon.

Tang San had become taller, and his muscles also more
sturdy. That warm embrace was like a perfect nest, and the
moment Xiao Wu threw herself inside, she already completely
lost consciousness in satisfaction.

3062 Goldenagato |

Even though Xiao Wu had been dosed with Oscar’s recovery
sausage and Tang San’s Dragon Zoysia leaf, she still hadn’t
harmonized her breath. Ten hours of bitter waiting, if she
hadn’t been supported by that last conviction, she would long
ago have been unable to endure.

Finally letting her awaited Tang San return, the relaxation of

her taut heartstrings finally let her body bring her into
unconsciousness out of self preservation.

Folding his arms around Xiao Wu’s slender legs, Tang San
held her close. Even though Xiao Wu hadn’t had time to say
anything, at this moment how couldn’t he understand what
Xiao Wu endured?

This night Tang San held Xiao Wu as she slept, not only didn’t
he escape out of embarrassment this time, but he moreover let
Xiao Wu rest at his chest all along.

This night Tang San didn’t sleep, his hand from beginning to
end massaging the blood flow at Xiao Wu’s back.

This night nobody went to disturb them, just like nobody

went to disturb Grandmaster and Liu Erlong.

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To the eleven members of the Shrek Academy party, this
night wasn’t tranquil. From this night on, the Shrek Seven
Devils truly started to transform into powers.

Even though there were twists and turns, at long last they
accomplished their objective this time. Early the next morning,
after everyone woke from sleep, Flender perhaps afraid of new
branches growing from old knots, urged everyone to leave the
Sunset Forest as soon as possible.

As dean, the heaviest responsibility clearly rested on Flender’s

shoulders. Let alone several of these Shrek Seven Devil children
having profound backgrounds, even if they didn’t, as dean he
still didn’t want to see any one of them suffer any injuries in
this dangerous place. Everyone had already obtained their spirit
rings, so he would naturally be urgent to immediately leave.

After being treated by Tang San for a night, Xiao Wu had

already recovered for the most part. After waking early she
didn’t say anything about the events of last night, but her gaze
at Tang San was even more reluctant to part.

“Little San, what is your fourth spirit ability? Let us see.”

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While leaving the forest, Oscar bumped Tang San’s shoulder
with his own.

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“It’s nothing much, it’s more or less the same as the ability
the Pit Demon Spider used yesterday, with some variations. You
really want to see?”

“Of course. You’re the first of us to get a ten thousand year

spirit ring, show us.”

Their dialogue also attracted the others’ attention, not just

the Shrek Seven Devils, but Grandmaster and Flender and the
others also wanted to see just what kind of spirit ability Tang
San had received from that Pit Demon Spider.


Tang San’s eyes revealed a trace of an evil smile. Raising his

right hand, deep blue light rushed out from the palm of his

3065 Goldenagato |

A strand of Blue Silver Grass appeared in Tang San’s palm.
Apparently, its thickness wasn’t much different than before, the
only difference was its color: the current Blue Silver Grass had
unexpectedly turned completely black, giving people a kind of
stifling feeling. Most shocking was still those simultaneously
appearing four spirit rings.

Two yellow, one purple, one black. Two hundred year, one
thousand year, one ten thousand year, four spirit rings revolved
around Tang San moving up and down. The spirit rings came
out with an incorporeal pressure that immediately made Oscar
take several steps back, the expression on Tang San’s body
giving people a feeling of impenetrable mystery.

In a moment, that black spirit ring quietly brightened.

Compared to the dazzlingly beautiful thousand year spirit ring,
the feeling the ten thousand year spirit ring gave was grave and

Without the slightest warning, sixteen strands of pitch black

Blue Silver Grass suddenly rushed out from the ground around
Oscar, converging above his head to form a prisoner cage.

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As a result of not having made any energy fluctuations, Oscar
basically didn’t have any thought of dodging, and further
adding the speed with which these sixteen strands of Blue Silver
Grass appeared, by the time he reacted this Blue Silver Grass
pen was already strong like refined steel.

“This is my fourth spirit ability. Born from the Pit Demon

Spider’s spiderweb prisoner cage, since my cage uses Blue Silver
Grass, I call it Blue Silver Prison.”

Dai Mubai raised his hand to flick that pitch black Blue Silver
Grass, causing a sonorous clang. The soft Blue Silver Grass
unexpectedly became as solid as steel under the effect of the
spirit ability.

Dai Mubai drew a deep breath and released his own spirit with
a great roar. White light surging from his right fist, condensed
spirit power bombarding one of the sixteen strands of Blue
Silver Grass.

With a peng sound, that strand of Blue Silver Grass

immediately showed a fine crack, and under Dai Mubai’s next
blow it shattered, becoming faint black light and disappearing.

3067 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun frowned:

“This seems very ordinary, apparently it’s not as durable as

the Spider Web Restraint. Third brother, is this all there is to a
ten thousand year spirit ability?”

“Is that so?”

Tang San’s eyes revealed a strange smile. Black light once

again sprung up around him, and in practically a split second,
besides he and Xiao Wu, black light appeared underfoot of even
Flender, Liu Erlong, Grandmaster and Zhao Wuji. In just the
blink of an eye, another eight Blue Silver Prisons appeared,
trapping everyone inside.

Even powers like Flender and Liu Erlong couldn’t dodge when
faced with the completely warningless suddenly appearing black
Blue Silver Grass, and were instantly trapped. Flender couldn’t
keep his expression from changing and involuntarily cried out:

“It’s a crowd control ability. But this isn’t something a control

system Spirit Master under the fiftieth rank can possess?”

3068 Goldenagato |

The capability to control the battlefield with poison the
poison Spirit Master Dugu Yan originally showed could also be
called a crowd control ability, but compared to the Blue Silver
Prison Tang San used, it was practically comparing heaven to
underground. What was true crowd control? Only leaving the
opponent completely without chance of dodging, instantly
locking down each opponent, this could be called crowd control.

One Blue Silver Prison might not count for much when a forty
something ranked power attack system Spirit Master like Dai
Mubai could rely on his strength to break it. But, breaking
through the cage required time, and that time was enough to let
the control system Spirit Master’s companions cause a great
deal of trouble. Even more, this ten thousand year spirit ability
of Tang San’s was a crowd control ability in the true sense of the
word. Perhaps its power wasn’t as awesome as the Spider Web
Restraint, and also didn’t have the adherence and intense
poison, but, the spirit power consumed by each Blue Silver
Prison was only a tenth of that of the Spider Web Restraint.

Tang San waved his right hand, and the light of the fourth
spirit ring vanished. All the black Blue Silver Grass instantly
entered the ground and disappeared unseen, as if they had never

In this time’s spirit beast hunt, the one with the greatest

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bounty was no doubt Tang San. Not only did he obtain this ideal
crowd control ability, but at the same time his external spirit
bone Eight Spider Lances also obtained its ideal evolution.
Relying on a lowest end spirit, not only didn’t he fall behind his
companions, but his strength even kept slightly ahead of the
Shrek Seven Devils.

Fatty now also came to himself,

“Third brother, can this ability of yours coordinate with


Tang San smiled:

“Of course it can. Blue Silver Prison can be considered a first

move control ability, while that Phoenix Cry Heaven Strike of
yours contains a finishing move control ability. As long as they
can be used flexibly, they can naturally display our most
powerful attack power.”

Flender somewhat pondering said:

“I think, giving them the assignment to become champions

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was a bit easy. Even as the founder of Shrek Academy, I feel the
power of this group of little monsters is a bit abnormal.”

Liu Erlong let a laugh escape, saying:

“Come on, you’re sighing too hard. Are you still bragging
about yourself?”

Flender feigned anger:

“Well, Erlong. I just helped you fulfill your wishes and you at
once answer me like that. You’re lucky your old brother is good
to you.”

Liu Erlong smiled without speaking, hugging Grandmaster’s

arm tightly.

After obtaining the fourth spirit abilities, the Shrek Seven

Devils’ strength had once again made a qualitative leap.

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, forty fourth rank power
attack system Battle Spirit Ancestor, two yellow and two purple

3071 Goldenagato |

spirit rings, four great spirit abilities separately were: White
Tiger Barrier, White Tiger Light Wave, White Tiger Vajra
Transformation, White Tiger Meteor Shower.

Sausage Monopoly Oscar, forty first rank food system Tool

Spirit Ancestor, two yellow and two purple spirit rings, four
great spirit abilities separately were: Big Recovery Sausage,
Small Detoxifying Sausage, Swift Flight Mushroom Sausage,
Stimulating Pink Sausage.

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San, forty first ranked control

system Battle Spirit Ancestor, two yellow, one purple and one
black spirit rings, four great spirit abilities separately were:
Binding, Parasite, Spider Web Restraint, Blue Silver Prison.

Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun, forty first ranked power attack

system Battle Spirit Ancestor, two yellow and two purple spirit
rings, four great spirit abilities separately were: Phoenix Fire
Wire, Bathing Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Ascension, Phoenix Cry
Sky Strike.

Soft Boned Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, thirty seventh ranked

power attack system Battle Spirit Elder, two yellow and one
purple spirit rings, three spirit abilities separately were: Waist
Bow, Demon Confusion, Teleportation.

3072 Goldenagato |

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Ning Rongrong, forty first ranked
auxiliary system Tool Spirit Ancestor, two yellow and two
purple spirit rings, four great spirit abilities separately were:
Strength Amplification, Agility Amplification, Spirit Power
Amplification, Defense Amplification.

Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing, forty first ranked agility attack

system Spirit Ancestor, two yellow and two purple spirit rings,
four great spirit abilities separately were: Hell Thrust, Hell
Hundred Claws, Hell Decapitation, Hell Shadow Doppelgänger.

Besides Xiao Wu, the other six had completely climbed the
fortieth rank threshold. Dai Mubai had even reached a
terrifying forty fourth ranked spirit power at the age of

There were no accidents on the return trip, and the party of

eleven smoothly returned to Shrek Academy. By now there
were only five days until the start of the Continental Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Tournament preliminaries.

Grandmaster gave the Shrek Seven Devils one day of rest, and
early the next morning had them gather in the forest behind the

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teaching block for their final training.

What was worth mentioning was, to prevent Shrek’s Seven

Devils from having not enough people due to injuries in future
battles, Tai Long, who was rank thirty-eight and had the
Vigorous Orangutan Spirit, was temporarily recruited into the
team. Others that were recruited were three rank thirty five
advanced class Spirit Masters as reserve team members for the
Shrek Seven Devils.

The latter four recruits, other than Tai Long, were each:

Rank thirty five power attack system Battle Spirit Elder,

Huang Yuan, Male, Spirit: Lone Wolf. Spirit Rings: Two yellow
one purple.

Rank thirty five agility attack system Battle Spirit Elder, Jing
Ling, Male, Spirit: Skeleton. Spirit Rings: Two yellow one

Rank thirty five healing system Tool Spirit Master, Jiang Zhu,
Female, Spirit: Healing Scepter. Spirit Rings: Two yellow one

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Before the Shrek Seven Devils came, or perhaps before the
academy became Shrek Academy, Tai Long and those three
were all part of the main force for this year’s Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Tournament, educated by Liu Er Long herself,
the elites of the academy. If not for this tournament, with their
capabilities, they could’ve graduated ages ago.

As for being Shrek Seven Devil’s substitutes, none of them

had any complaints. After seeing Tang San destroying rank fifty
eight Strength Type Spirit King Tai Nuo, who would have
complaints about them? Even though the youngest of the four,
Jiang Zhu, was already nineteen.

Grandmaster, Flender, and Liu Er Long, after discussing,

recruited those four into the academy team. Their plan was
simple, to switch out the Shrek Seven Devils sometimes in the
easier battles to lessen their exhaustion.

The Advanced Spirit Master Academy Tournament wasn’t

only a fight between Spirit Master Academies. It is a major
event in the entire Spirit Master world. From the preliminaries,
to the promotion stage, and to the Final Stage, it would be three
months in total. In this long period of time, who could say the
Shrek Seven Devils wouldn’t accidentally get hurt and lose the
ability to continue?

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Because there had to be at least seven spirit master’s
cooperating, every match the academy had to send at least seven
people up, having a certain number of hands for the roster was

“Everyone sit.”

Grandmaster waved his hand, gesturing for everyone to sit

where they were. Possibly because of the solving of his
dilemma, Grandmaster’s face was rosier than normal.

The Shrek Seven Devils and the four substitutes all sat in a
circle around Grandmaster, quietly listening to his

“In a few more days, The Continental Advanced Spirit Master

Academy Tournament will commence. I will tell you the rules

As he spoke, he kicked the drowsy Ma Hongjun’s butt. He

didn’t look at him and continued:

“Don’t object, rules are rules, and they might be exploited for

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advantage. Strength is important in the competition, but you
must also clearly understand the rules. Otherwise, it’s very
possible that others might use them against you.”

After getting kicked by Grandmaster, Fatty stuck his tongue

out and didn’t dare to be neglectful anymore. His little eyes
brightened just as he saw Jiang Zhu on the opposite side of him.

Jiang Zhu, nineteen years old, was a few years older than the
Shrek Seven Devils. One meter sixty five tall, her maroon hair
was very unique. A soft look, though not as eye-catching as Zhu
Zhuqinq, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong, but was definitely still a
beauty. What most attracted Fatty’s eyes was her ripe body.
Everywhere that should be round wasn't flat. Fatty didn’t notice
before, but now he instantly had a problem sitting still.

Though he solved his evil fire problems, he had been to the

brothels already and was fully aware of the birds and the bees;
he was more knowledgeable about it than some adults. Yet in
Shrek Seven Devils, he was the only one by himself. The rest
were all couples, so how could Fatty not be envious?

Jiang Zhu naturally noticed Ma Hongjun looking at her. She

blinked her eyes and smiled warmly, examining the only one of
Shrek’s Seven Devils with an abnormal body type.

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The Academy’s students didn’t have much time with Shrek’s
Seven Devils, so in Jiang Zhu’s eyes, the only fourteen Ma
Hongjun was but a chubby little brother, with a cute big head
and ears. How would she know Fatty’s brain was full of vulgar
thoughts. Grandmaster continued:

“The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament is hosted by Heaven Dou and Star Luo Empires’
royal families, assisted by Spirit Hall. It is the greatest Spirit
Fight and the participants are only weaker than the Spirit Hall
elite selection. In the rules, there are a few that still need
obeying. First of all, all participants must be under twenty five
and every team must ensure there are seven every match.
Second, the matches are only friendly interactions, so try to
refrain from hurting or crippling your opponents. Deaths are
definitely not allowed, and once it happens, not only does the
school have to pay for the losses, but they will also be

“Grandmaster, this one might not be appropriate.”

Dai Mubai rose his hand to interrupt Grandmaster.

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“Spirit abilities have no eyes, what if we accidentally kill
people? If the two sides are of similar strength, fighting all out
will inevitably cause incidents.”

Grandmaster looked towards Dai Mubai and said solemnly:

“What you say is correct. But, you need to know that the
reason the two empires are hosting this tournament is not to let
all the schools fight for a victory, but to find the best talented
people to recruit. Including Spirit Palace and the kingdoms
within the two empires, they all have similar thoughts. Those
that can represent Advanced Spirit Master Academies are all
people of outstanding talent as well as the future of the Spirit
Master World. Nurturing a spirit master is very difficult, and
the amount of spirit masters in the entire continent was never
more than a million. Prohibiting killing might be a restriction,
but it is also protection for you kids. From my perspective, this
rule is very correct.”

Dai Mubai still disapproved of the rule. Though he didn’t like

killing, he hated a sense of restriction when fighting even more.

Grandmaster continued:

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“Other than these two strict rules, the others are standard.
Everything is based on fairness. For example: During the match,
no using food or medicine created by non participating spirit
masters. Only Food or Healing System Spirit Masters on the
stage can replenish their teammates. In other words, if you
want to obtain supplements on the stage, then a Support Type
Spirit Master must take up one stop. This is to prevent teams
with Food System Spirit Masters from cheating. Also, you can’t
use weapons other than your own spirit. Because of this, Tang
San, the hidden weapons you make can’t be used in this
tournament. You must remember this, or else we will be
disqualified instantly.”

Getting to there, Grandmaster paused.

“The main rules are these. If anything else needs to be

mentioned, I will tell you during the tournament. Now, lets talk
about the system of this tournament.”

While he was talking, Grandmaster took a wooden stick he

prepared and drew two connecting circles in the ground.

“These two circles represent the two empires.” He then drew

a small circle that touched both large circles. “This one
represents the Spirit Palace.”

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“Within the two empires, there are almost a hundred
Advanced Spirit Master Academies. Every academy has a chance
to participate, and the two empires’ official Advanced Spirit
Master Academies will have two slotsl. For example, Heaven
Dou Empire has Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. These two
official teams will be split into a main team and a secondary
team. The main team will be advanced to the finals phase
instantly, which is a guarantee for the two royal families. The
secondary team will be with everyone else, participating in the

Grandmaster then drew a few circles inside the two large


“The preliminaries are split into areas. Within, with Heaven

Dou City as the center, within Heaven Dou Empire’s bounds, all
that do not belong to a kingdom or dukedom will come to this
area for the preliminaries. All the academies of the kingdoms
and dukedoms will be matched based on their areas. Heaven
Dou Empire has four kingdoms and one dukedom. In other
words, counting the Heaven Dou Area, there will be six
preliminary areas. Other than the one team that is in the finals
already, these six areas will be fighting over fifteen spots.
Because our area has a lot of academies and is also directly
subordinate to the empire, there will be five spots to fight over.
Every other area has two spots. Star Luo Empire is almost

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identical to Heaven Dou Empire.”

“Which means, through the preliminaries, the amount of

teams that go to the next stage will be thirty. These thirty teams
will all participate in the finals. But before participating, there
will be a promotion stage. This promotion stage is a ranking of
the thirty teams to decide the order of matches in the finals.”

RAW here is seventy thousand, but let’s take that as a typo.

Idiom: New side issues arising.

(蓝银囚笼) “Blue Silver Prisoner Cage”

(黄远) “Yellow Distance”

(京灵) “Capital Spirit”

(绛珠) “Purple-Red Pearl”

3082 Goldenagato |

Chapter 90 - Continental Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Elite Tournament

“The qualifying phase of the tournament has a different

format from the promotional phase. The combat format of the
qualifying phase is what you are all most familiar with: seven
member team battles. It is a round robin competition where the
five teams with the most victories will proceed to the
promotional phase. The format of the promotional phase of the
tournament is special. The competing teams are still limited to
seven members but the battles are now one-on-one singles with
the victorious team member staying on the field to face
successive members of the opposing team, until the students on
one side have all lost.”

“As a result, the qualifying phase can be said to demonstrate

the combat prowess of the team as a whole while the
promotional phase is used as a stage to demonstrate each
member’s individual prowess. As to the reason for having a
promotional phase; it’s for the two empires and the Spirit Hall
to more easily recognize spectacular talents within the
competing teams.”

“The finals phase has thirty three teams competing, and the
format is random draw bracket single-round elimination.”

3083 Goldenagato |

“Grandmaster, please wait a moment”

Oscar interrupted, as he asked with some confusion,

“Grandmaster, did you not just say that the two empires both
have one seeded team and fifteen normal teams that advances
through the qualifying and promotional phases? If so, that adds
up to thirty two teams competing in the finals, where does the
33rd comes from?”

Grandmaster smiled slightly, “I had forgotten to mention it;

the finals doesn’t have two seeded teams but three. The third
seed comes from the Spirit Hall’s own personal team, and this
team can be said to have the highest potential for victory.
Although the Spirit Hall isn’t an advanced Spirit Master
academy, it most definitely has its own organization that trains
their younger spirit masters. In the previous three advanced
spirit master championships, other than Star Luo Empire
winning once, the other two victories were all taken by the
Spirit Hall teams. They will also be your most powerful
competitors in this tournament. From my experiences, the team
Spirit Hall is sending out this time will definitely be stronger
than the Emperor Team you met before.”

3084 Goldenagato |

The Shrek Seven Devils looked at each other, but what they
saw in each other’s eyes was not worry but burning curiosity
and excitement.

After experiencing so much combat in the Spirit Area and

even becoming a never-before-seen rank thirty gold spirit
fighting team, what they wanted most now was exactly a
powerful opponent. Without a powerful opponent, how else
would they be able to better hone their abilities?

“The Promotional Phase will decide the ranking of each

empire’s teams separately, from rank one to fifteen. The
benefits of this ranking will become apparent in the finals
phase. The finals phase’s format is single-round elimination.
Each round, there will be a few teams that draw empty brackets.
The first round, the teams with empty brackets will be the three
seeds; the other thirty teams will face off against one another
with the fifteen winning teams attending the next round of
battles. In the second round, including the three seed teams,
there will be eighteen teams left. This time, from the remaining
teams, the two teams that ranked first in the promotional phase
will face an empty bracket. The other sixteen teams will face off
with the eight winning ones progressing to the third round. The
third round will have ten teams in total with again, the two
highest ranking ones drawing blank brackets. Those that have
already drawn blank brackets will not get another chance. After
the third round, the remaining teams should be the six

3085 Goldenagato |

strongest teams of the championship. This time, there will be
no empty brackets. The fourth round will still rely on blind
ballot to decide the opposing teams with the winning ones being
the final three teams. In order to ensure fairness in the
placement of the last three teams, the teams must undergo both
group and individual elimination battles.”

“First of all is the individual elimination contest, similar to

the format of the promotional phase. The three teams will
proceed in alternating order. Each team will send out one
member, the first two will face off against each other with the
winner facing the member from the third team, until the two of
the teams run out of members. The team of the winner will
direct head to the finals. The two losing team will then face off
in group combat to compete for the chance at the finals. The last
two teams at the finals will then compete for the champion title
in the final fight of the championship.”

After listening to Grandmaster’s long explanation, Ma

Hongjun was unable to hold back,

“Grandmaster, why is this competition so complicated? Just

listening is making me dizzy.”

Dai Mubai snapped,

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“What’s there to be confused about? It doesn’t matter what
kind of rules there are, as long as we win every single battle, at
the end won’t we be the champions?”

Grandmaster slighted nodded,

“Mubai’s right. You should become familiar with the different

phases of the championship, but in the face of absolute
strength, it’s not the most important. During the tournament, I
will remind you of the specific rules and help you analyze your
opponents. Now everyone stand up. For these last couple of
days, what you need to do is to practise mock combat. Oh, right.
There’s something I must remind you, for the Heaven Dou
division qualifying phase, you seven little monster can only
have three people participating in battles at any one time.
Furthermore, Rongrong will absolutely never appear during the
qualifying phase. I will have a special training regimen for her
during this time.”

“Ah? Only three?”

Even Tang San couldn’t help but be shocked.

3087 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster replied with a stern look,

“What? You have something to complain about? During the

qualifying phase, the team will consist of Tai Long, Huang
Yuan, Jing Ling and Jiang Zhu four people. The remaining
three will be for you to decide amongst yourselves with
Rongrong being the exception.”

Tang San probed:

“Teacher, is this to hide our power? But, what if we lose?”

Grandmaster calmly said:

“What? Do you not even have this much confidence? Your

true opponents are in the promotional and Finals phases, the
qualifying phase will definitely not pose any problem. If you
were to expose the entirety of your strengths now for everyone
to see, then won’t it be much harder for you to achieve victory

Tang San thought deeply about Grandmaster’s words and

only after exchanging a glance with Dai Mubai, nodded his

3088 Goldenagato |


“Teacher, I understand.”

Grandmaster clapped the shoulder of disciple he was proud of

and said,

“I knew you would understand. The actual combat tactics on

the field will be for you to decide. The team members that will
participate is also up to you. All I can advise you is that, during
the qualifying phase, the less you Shrek Seven Devils show
yourselves, the better. In the finals phase, the opponents you
will face will be even stronger than what you can imagine. You
have only one goal. For this goal, give it your all.”

In the following few days, the Shrek Academy’s team

members participating in this championship underwent combat
training under the directions of Grandmaster. Especially for the
four new additions, each day was passed under Grandmaster’s

Trying to create a coherent team of Spirit Masters was not an

easy goal to reach, but if in this team, there was an exceptional
control system spirit master, then everything would become

3089 Goldenagato |

much simpler. Tang San doubtlessly could take on such a role,
and under his deployment and leadership, the four new
members slowly became familiar with the Shrek Seven Devils’
fighting methods. At the same time, Tang San also confirmed
the members that will participate in the qualifying phase. The
main force would consist of four of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Although the qualifying phase was not very important, they

still needed to guarantee a spot for advancement. Therefore
Tang San decided that the roster would be, including himself
who had to appear, Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, who
possessed the strongest spirit power, food system Spirit Master
Big Sausage Uncle Oscar, as well as close quarters power attack
system Spirit Master Xiao Wu. Fatty, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning
Rongrong would stay hidden. All preparation had been finished.

Three days later, Heaven Dou Empire capital, Heaven Dou


Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament, Heaven Dou division opening commemoration
was being hosted by Heaven Dou City in a magnificent

Being the largest spirit master competition within the spirit

3090 Goldenagato |

master world, this championship did not only attract the
attention of Spirit Masters. From the imperial families,
nobilities to the commoners, every single citizen in Heaven Dou
City saw this competition as their biggest festival. The opening
ceremony would be held in the Heaven Dou Grand Spirit Arena.
As early as a month ago, the tickets to the ceremony had already
been completely sold out. The price for these tickets was the
same as the ones to enter the central arena ring of the Spirit

As the main competition arena of the Heaven Dou Division,

the Heaven Dou Grand Spirit Arena had already stopped all
arena battles a month beforehand to undergo interior
remodelling. All sub arenas within the Spirit Arena had been
merged with the central arena ring to form a massive stadium
for the competition.

Excluding the VIP section which remained in the entire north

side of the area, the remodelled Spirit Area could now hold
eighty thousand spectators at the same time. The revenue from
the ticket sales was large, but so was the amount the Spirit
Arena had spent.

For the next period of time, all matches of the qualifying

phase in the Heaven Dou Division would take place here.

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In the early twilight before the sun had yet to rise from the
east, the newly remodelled Heaven Dou Spirit Arena had
already attracted an enormous crowd of spectators. Having
arrived so early, these audience members would obviously not
be given early access to the arena, because each ticket had its
own designated seating. What these people were here for on the
first day of the opening ceremony, was to have a closer look at
the young spirit masters attending this competition.

Among the crowd, there were numerous young maidens with

hopeful gazes. It was just as Grandmaster had said before, the
number of Spirit Masters on the entire continent added together
was less than six figures. The students that could represent their
advanced academies and attend this important competition
were even more the cream of the crop. Furthermore, with the
age restriction of twenty five, they were without a doubt the
best targets for these girls with romance in their hearts. If they
were able to marry a powerful spirit master, fame and fortune
would doubtlessly follow.

Even some of nobles who had bought tickets for the VIP area
were also gathered outside. For the nobility, scouting spirit
masters was always exciting, never boring.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament was by its nature a cradle for talented people. Let

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alone those that achieved favourable results in this competition,
even the students that were just participating would become
objects of desire for nobles and powerful clans.

Right now, with Heaven Dou Great Arena as its heart,

practically a third of Heaven Dou City was a scene of an
unbroken sea of people. Starting from several days ago, every
level inn in Heaven Dou City was filled. The population of the
city had gone up by practically fifty percent. This showed the
attraction the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Tournament had on people.

For the sake of this tournament, Heaven Dou City had been
transferred a whole five thousand city guardsmen to keep order,
to as far as possible prevent disturbances.

“Wah, so much people!”

Ning Rongrong couldn’t keep from crying out in surprise.

Looking east or looking west, this was the first time she had
seen such an amount of people.

Oscar served as flower guarding emissary, guarding at Ning

Rongrong’s side, as far as possible keeping his head down, not

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letting other people see his appearance.

It wasn’t just Oscar, besides a few dazzled girls, whether it was

the Shrek Seven Devils or the several substitutes, right now
they all kept their heads down. Because, the clothing they wore
really made them blush from shame.

The official Shrek Academy uniform wasn’t any common

green, but rather a color somewhere between yellow and green.
Using Dai Mubai’s words to describe it: snot green.

For the sake of this Academy tournament, dean Flender had

these uniforms specially made according to his strange sense of
aesthetics. The fabric was actually pretty good, and it was also
comfortable. But besides the snot green, each person’s chest was
also practically covered by a large Shrek monster design, and
the color of this design was a bright emerald green.

This still wasn’t much; most out of the ordinary was on each
person’s back, several big words embroidered in red silk:
Looking for advertisers.

Below these big words was still a row of smaller ones: For
advertising fees please call on Shrek Academy’s dean, mister

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Flender, for a personal meeting.

Because of this competition uniform, the Shrek Seven Devils

had once resisted violently, but in the end they were still
suppressed by Flender’s abuse of authority. In front of
everyone’s supreme efforts, Flender just expressed reluctance. If
they truly had sponsors, then out of the whole advertisement
income they could take out one third to pay for their competing
team members, and the rest set apart for the Academy’s
construction funds.

To Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San, this sum of money
might not be anything. But to the others, money was still very
important. Even more, Tang San and the others had all seen the
original circumstances of the Shrek Academy. Having now with
great difficulty found the chance to earn money, they still
couldn’t too easily contradict Flender. Even though this dean
was a bit treacherous and sly, it really hadn’t been easy for him
to support the Academy for all these years.

Of course, the Shrek Seven Devils also once asked

Grandmaster for help, but his reply was also extremely out of
the ordinary. Grandmaster told them that even though this
uniform was a bit unsightly, it was also a kind of practice for
their inner qualities. If they could keep from changing under
everyone’s jeers and laughter, then their psychological qualities

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would also have reached a certain degree.

The Shrek Seven Devils secretly whispered that this was

clearly to toughen the thickness of their face.

Grandmaster used his position as Academy representative to

along with Flender refuse to wear such a uniform, and they only
had a small and very inconspicuous Shrek design on their left

It was precisely because of this unusual attire that just as Tang

San and the others were about to enter the crowd, they
immediately attracted special attention.

“What academy is that? Heavens, did they just crawl out from
a latrine?”

“I’m dying from laughing, that green monster design on their

chests is really too adorable. Why do the ears look like

“Look, look, on their backs they’re still recruiting some

advertising? Is an advanced Spirit Master academy like this

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real? Can they still participate in the Continental Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament? It’s too funny. The
really are all kinds of birds in the woods.”

Be quiet, they’re still Spirit Masters. Only, I expect they’re

only going through the motions, look at that fatty, it’s like he’s
growing into a ball.”

If there was a crack in the ground right now, then the eleven
Shrek Academy students would perhaps be pushing each other
aside to be first to squeeze into it. Even if they had a measure of
mental preparation, they still hadn’t expected there would be so
many people outside the Great Spirit Arena. It was like they
were on display. Moreover it was the model of negative

Unable to change their appearance, Tang San was the first to

pull out the Shrek mask they originally brought when
participating at the Spirit Arena tournament, and the Shrek
Seven Devils hastily copied him one by one. The pitiful late
members with Tai Long didn’t have such equipment, and could
only cover their faces with their hands, like that getting more
and more embarrassed.

Flender walked forward with an ‘I don’t know these people

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behind me’ appearance, and bore into the crowd with big steps,
the speed of Grandmaster and Liu Erlong following behind him
not a bit slower.

Tang San finally understood what was meant by ‘wanting to

cry but lacking tears’. Right now, if he could choose to instead
confront a fiftieth ranked Spirit Master team, he still wouldn’t
choose to be put on display here.

Fortunately there were very many teams that came to

participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Tournament, representing close to thirty academies, and
the majority of the crowd’s interest was still attracted by those
groups, allowing the Shrek party to squeeze into the Heaven
Dou Great Spirit Arena after their hardships.

All the teams that came to participate were for the most part
dressed bright and neat. Even though they were all dressed in
their academy uniforms, none were as out of the ordinary as the
Shrek Academy. Dressed up in those beautiful golden, silver,
red, white, with all sorts of decorations, designs and academy
insignia uniforms, each and every one of the young Spirit
Masters stepped forward to enter the Great Spirit Arena like
heroes with their heads held high. With imposing appearance
and displaying bravery, abundantly looking disdainfully at the

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Having broken into the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, the
Shrek Academy party all loosed a breath. Tang San and Dai
Mubai looked face to face, their eyes full of helplessness.

“When leaving the tournament, no matter what you say I

won’t wear this. Too damaging to my heroic image.”

Ma Hongjun took off the mask from his face and complained.
This tournament didn’t permit covering their faces, and right
now everyone had the urge to immediately leave this place
because of their clothes. Participating when attired like this was
really too embarrassing.

Fortunately, today was the opening ceremony, and the first

day of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament. Apart from the opening ceremony there would
only be one match. The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
secondary team would conduct the first match of the round
robin tournament against the first opponent they drew. It could
also be considered to be a spirit fight with something of a show
nature. Otherwise, with only the opening ceremonies it clearly
couldn’t attract the interest of the audience.

This Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

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Tournament had a cash prize, and moreover unusually direct.
Each preselection match victory would award five hundred gold
spirit coins, and entering the promotion competition would
reward an additional three thousand gold spirit coins. If they
could enter the finals, Heaven Dou Empire would not only
award the title of baron, but would also reward each member of
the team one thousand gold spirit coins, regardless of whether
they were regular or reserve members. As for the bonus of the
last finals, it would be even higher.

For the sake of the advertisements on the back of the Shrek

Seven Devils, Flender had already renounced this income. In
other words, any reward would be returned to the team

Tang San comforting said:

“Anyway, the odds of us appearing on stage today is low. After

returning we’ll talk it over with dean Flender again, and no
matter what is said we won’t wear these clothes tomorrow. WE
have to at least drop the letters on the back.”

Right now, the Shrek Academy party stood in a specially

arranged rest area for competing academies within the main
arena. They weren’t the first to enter, but also weren’t the last

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here. Within the expansive rest area were more than a thousand
seats, split into sections, to be used for the Spirit Master
academies to rest and wait.

Even though there wasn’t as many people here as outside,

along with the advanced Spirit Master academy participant
teams entering, the Shrek Academy group still became the focal
point. Despite already having done their utmost to find a
corner, they still attracted a lot of attention.

But the inner qualities of Spirit Masters would always be a lot

higher than that of ordinary people, and although there was no
lack of despising gazes and disdainful expressions, there weren’t
a lot of comments. Each academy’s team members were
gathered together by each team’s teacher, waiting for the
opening ceremony. At the same time, each Academy also had a
teacher do the final sign up registry confirmation work. Once
the competing students were properly registered, thereafter in
the tournament, they couldn’t again add or change members.

Not long after, Flender came waltzing back,

“Yi, what are you doing running into a corner like this?”

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Seeing the students’ unkind gazes, Flender coughed somewhat

“En, then we’ll be here. The signup formalities have already

been completed, and in a moment you will enter for the opening
ceremonies. Each and every one of you be a bit spirited, don’t
lose face for our Shrek Academy. You must be the champion

“Champion? Toads still want to be champions?”

At this moment, a disharmonious voice came from the side.

The Shrek Academy students nursed a bellyful of anger, and

suddenly hearing this voice they immediately turned sharply to
look in its direction.

That was an academy team standing close to them. Speaking

of, by true coincidence, among this team were some the Shrek
Seven Devils recognized. It was precisely the ones they
encountered when they originally left for the Star Dou Great
Forest to get their third spirit rings: students from Blue
Sunshine Academy.

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They still had those moon white Spirit Master robes, the two
words ‘Blue Sunshine’ embroidered within a circle on their
shoulders in blue-green. What was different was that this time
their team uniforms all had silver decorations, appearing even
more dazzling than before.

Right now, among the Shrek Seven Devils only Fatty had
taken off his mask, and among the Blue Sunshine Academy’s ten
plus students there were only two that originally met them, and
therefore they didn’t recognize these people.

“Who did you say is a toad?”

The first to leap up was Tai Long.

“The ones wearing snot green uniforms is who. En, I think

you all still lack a green hat. Adding that, it would truly be

The speaker was a youth appearing twenty years old, a person

Tang San and the others had never seen before, with a
somewhat pale face, slim build, and a pair of small eyes filled
with disdain and contempt.

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“I’ll show you who is a toad.”

Tai Long directly swung his fist. He never had a good temper,
and being directly taunted, how could he endure?

“Tai Long, come back.”

Tang San’s voice rose. Just about to swing, Tai Long had no
choice but to halt in midair, turning his head to look at Tang

“Young master San, I……”

Tang San spoke calmly:

“What use is talking big, if you want to fight, wait until we’re
on the stage. Don’t you know it’s prohibited for Spirit Master
academies to fight each other here? This is some group of little
white dogs, don’t they have an owner, take them away quickly.”

Tang San’s expression was very serene under his mask, at

most he only looked a bit impatient, not even facing the Blue

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Sunshine Academy people as he spoke.

“Who are you calling a dog?”

The Blue Sunshine Academy people didn’t have much self

restraint, and surrounded them in an instant, each and every
one with threatening manners. Apparently they really had a bit
of strength.

Dai Mubai with perfect cooperation said:

“The ones barking are the dogs. A group of masterless strays,

even. Little San, even though we can’t fight here, self defense is
always alright. I don’t mind sending these little white dogs back

The Blue Sunshine Academy people were angry, but at this

moment a forceful voice echoed,

“What are you doing?”

On hearing this voice, the Blue Sunshine Academy students’

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complexion immediately turned ingratiating, and hastily
separated. A sixty year old man came walking up from behind
them, also wearing moon white Spirit Master attire, only his
embroidery was golden.

Flender had always kept aside as a cool eyed bystander, but on

seeing this person he couldn’t keep the expression in his eyes
from pulsing.

Ma Hongjun whistled,

“Oh, the little white dogs’ owner came. Quickly take away
these dogs of yours. They’re noisy when left here. It wouldn’t be
good if they happened to piss in a public space.”

Against the Shrek Academy group’s expectations, that old

man only swept his gaze across Ma Hongjun without flaring up,
but on the contrary shouting in a deep voice:


Finished speaking, he turned and headed towards the other

side of the rest area. The Blue Sunshine Academy students all

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looked at each other, but none dared say anything and they
obediently followed him away.

Fatty laughed loudly, saying:

“The owner is sure enough different, really obedient.”

“Fine, Fatty.”

Flender glared at Ma Hongjun. The latter shut his mouth, but

there was a somewhat unreconciled light in his eyes.

Flender’s brows furrowed, saying:

“I didn’t expect that old fellow to actually have gone to Blue

Sunshine Academy. It seems that the quality of the Blue
Sunshine Academy’s students in this competition should be
pretty good. Don’t tell me that impetuousness just now was an

Ma Hongjun was the closest to Flender and hastily asked:

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“Teacher, who was that old man just now? You know him?”

Flender nodded:

“That old man is called Shi Nian, his spirit is extremely

unusual. It’s a kind of special intangible spirit, capable of
causing all kinds of illusions, losing people inside. His current
strength should be enough to disable and kill people within the
illusions. We call his spirit Cruel Dream. This old fellow is
extremely sinister, don’t just look at his calm and collected
surface, it’s actually the corners of the eyes that will tell. You
must all be a bit careful for me. When I knew him his spirit
power was more than sixtieth rank, by now it might have
reached more than the seventieth.”

Illusions? Was there still such a spirit? The Shrek Seven

Devils couldn’t help being alarmed, in their minds reflecting on
how it could be withstood, but for the most part they were at a

Flender said:

“His spirit is extremely difficult to deal with, even Spirit

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Masters more powerful than him wouldn’t want to fight him.
Alright, the opening ceremonies are about to begin, prepare to
enter. Mubai, Tang San, the two of you lead everyone inside. I’ll
leave first to see your heroic appearance from the stands.”

Before anyone had the chance to protest, this dean had

already taken to his feet and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, the tournament functionaries soon entered the

rest area, organizing the now all present academies to enter the

Making the Shrek Academy team somewhat pissed was that

those functionaries apparently ignored their existence. One
after another the other teams were sent into the arena, but they
alone were forgotten. Only finally, when they were the only
team remaining in the rest area, did a functionary walk over,
taking them to the passage into the arena.

If it wasn’t for Tang San and Dai Mubai suppressing him, the
fire choked back in Fatty’s belly would already have had signs of

Even though they were last to enter the arena, the instant

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they arrived they were still shocked by everything they saw.

Around the enormous wide open space were countless

shouting and cheering spectators. Just ahead in the middle was
a platform against a golden backdrop, and behind the platform
were the remodelled VIP seats.

The diameter of the expansive space surpassed a hundred fifty

meters, and in the center the academies that had already
entered were arranged in neat formations. Each academy that
entered was introduced by the master of ceremonies on the

“Last to enter is the Shrek Academy team. Shrek Academy,

originally Blue Tyrant Academy, changed its name to Shrek one
year ago. Look, in the distinct exotic attire, altogether eleven
competing students. Their sign up slogan is: Unchallenged
champions. Truly a very expressive slogan, I hope they can
make an outstanding display.”

Hearing the officiant's words, the spectators in the stands

roared with laughter, heckling calls rising and falling in

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“Fuck, I can’t stand it.”

As Dai Mubai walked forward he clenched his fists, and Tang

San walking behind him could clearly sense how Dai Mubai’s
muscles tensed, about to erupt at any moment.

“Boss, patience. Wait until the matches. We’ll shut them up

with strength.”

Tang San clapped Dai Mubai’s shoulder.

Dai Mubai turned to glance at Tang San, and with a deep

breath he managed to calm himself. If it had only been him, he
might have already erupted, but he knew that as team captain,
if he couldn’t control himself, how could he lead the team?

Finally all the teams had entered the arena, the Shrek
Academy group stood furthest back.

Tang San didn’t pay any attention to the jeers, and constantly
observed their surroundings. This Great Spirit Arena was
undoubtedly the biggest he had ever seen. Enough stands to
hold eighty thousand spectators, backed with silver decorations.

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Even though it was morning, the specially suspended magic tool
illumination didn’t only seem lavish, but still gave a feeling of
vast space.

As his gaze fell on the VIP platform, he unexpectedly saw a

few acquaintances. One of them was the one who originally
drove them away from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, prince
Xue Xing, and also Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s three
committee members. They all sat in the second row of the VIP
seats, and in the first row were only three people.

The man in the middle wore gold and red robes, on his head a
brilliant gold crown, his face like an old moon, and though
apparently a bit older than prince Xue Xing, they still resembled
one another. The difference was, this man’s bearing was far
from what prince Xue Xing could compare to. Despite appearing
a bit aged, sitting there straight backed he have people a feeling
of being central. As if everything in the surroundings centered
on him.

Without need to ask, Tang San could guess this man’s

identity. If even prince Xue Xing sat in the second row, then the
identity of this man in the first row was obvious; besides
Heaven Dou Empire’s emperor, who could sit in this seat?
Sitting to his left was an old man even older than him. Dressed
entirely in red robes, wearing a pentagonal platinum hat, both

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eyes small as if he was asleep, with slim shoulders and a slender
build like a javelin.

The person on the emperor’s right, Tang San wasn’t just

familiar with, but moreover knew well. Ning Rongrong’s father,
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s master, Ning Fengzhi.

Today Ning Fengzhi wore white robes, on his head the

emblematic seven treasures purple and gold hat. As school
master of one of the upper three sects of the seven great schools,
he was perfectly entitled to sitting here. As for the red robed
man on the other side, from the pentagonal platinum hat, Tang
San could determine that this was Spirit Hall’s platinum bishop.

Spirit Hall’s highest ruler was no doubt the Supreme Pontiff,

and under the Supreme Pontiff were four archbishops, their
identity symbolized by the pentagonal platinum hat. This
person here was no doubt one of the platinum bishops. Able to
qualify as platinum bishop, this person should be the hall
master of Heaven Dou City’s Spirit Temple.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi apparently sensed Tang San

looking at him. Gaze roaming, he just met Tang San’s eyes,
smiling faintly at him and nodding slightly.

3113 Goldenagato |

the wolf spirit power attacker

the bone spirit speed attacker

the healing staff spirit assist

The ones they encountered when eating dinner at the hotel

the day before entering the forest, with the Black Tortoise

(时年) “Time Year”

(残梦) Or “ruining/brutal” etc.

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Chapter 91 - Preselection First Match, Begins

The officiant on the side of the VIP platform said in a clear


“Next, please welcome his majesty, Heaven Dou Empire’s

emperor, to declare this tournament open.”

Just like Tang San guessed, the person seated in the center of
the VIP section’s first row, his majesty the Heaven Dou Empire’s
emperor wearing gold and red robes, slowly stood amidst
thunderous applause.

Raising his right hand to wave at the spectator seats as well as

the competing Spirit Masters below, the applause quickly
stopped, and the vast space became quiet.

A grave and clear voice transmitted to the entire audience via

sound amplifying spirit tools,

“I, emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Ye, represents

Heaven Dou Empire, and also this time’s tournament host to
declare, the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

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Tournament now open.”

Applause thundered once again, cheers rising and falling. But

in the center of the arena, Tang San suddenly discovered that
this emperor’s smiling expression was a bit forced, as if he
himself wasn’t particularly excited for this tournament.

After waiting for this round of applause to die down once

again, the emperor continued:

“Here, I hope, the Spirit Masters participating in this

tournament, can amply display their strength, and obtain good
records. You are all the pride of Heaven Dou Empire. For the
sake of the Empire’s glory, display your brilliance.”

Applause rose for a third time, and this time the eyes of the
Spirit Masters in the center revealed a scorching brightness. To
them, this tournament was the best stage to reveal themselves.

The emperor sat back in his seat, and the officiant’s voice rose
once again,

“Next, please welcome the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

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School’s school master, mister Ning Fengzhi, to address this
time’s tournament.”

Along with Ning Fengzhi getting up, applause rose once again,
and there were even more attentive gazes. Who didn’t want to
take a look at the grace of the Spirit Master world’s number one
Support Spirit Master.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, holding both hands together,

“I’m very happy to be invited as an honored guest to this

tournament opening. As school master of the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School, I have already seen very many Spirit
Masters grow. As the Continent’s noblest vocation, each Spirit
Master must experience many things to grow. In my experience,
a sword’s point comes from sharpening, and plum blossom
fragrance follows bitter cold. The Spirit Masters joining this
tournament are undoubtedly the elite of the young generation.
Just as his majesty just said, I hope you can win honor for the
Empire, and also for your own academies. The Empire needs
your talent. Thank you.”

Listening to Ning Fengzhi’s address, the Heaven Dou emperor

finally revealed a sincere smile.

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The officiant said:

“School master Ning, you are the most formidable support

system Spirit Master, so I represent the spectators of the battles
this time to ask, among the twenty eight teams joining the
Heaven Dou City district’s preselection competition, which one
do you support?”

Ning Fengzhi still wore a slight smile,

“Besides Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s first team entering

the finals as seeds, among these twenty eight teams, I still think
highly of one other. I think that they possess not only the
capability to pass the preselection tournament, but at the same
time may very possibly obtain the final victory of this
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite


The officiant said, astonished:

“May we know which team could gain school master Ning’s

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Ning Fengzhi smiled mysteriously, saying:

“As for which academy this team belongs to, forgive me for
holding back the climax. For the moment I can’t reveal it. But I
believe, that the final champions of this tournament, will
certainly belong to the Empire.”

Sitting next to emperor Xue Ye, the platinum bishop at this

moment opened the eyes he had so far kept almost closed. His
eyes appeared very turbid, without any luster, and his gaze fell
on the twenty eight competing teams in the center of the arena,
as if searching for the team Ning Fengzhi spoke of.

By now the spectators had already begun discussing, everyone

speculating on which academy Ning Fengzhi supported. With a
bit of thought it was clear that Ning Fengzhi wouldn’t be
indicating Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s second team. Since
their strength couldn’t compare to the first team, how could
they be the final champions? But there were twenty eight teams
in the preselection tournament, and in the end only five teams
could remain, how would it be so easy to guess.

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Ning Fengzhi sat back down, and the officiant smiling said:

“I regret that school master Ning won’t reveal the team he

supports. Next, Heaven Dou City’s Spirit Temple hall master,
Spirit Hall platinum bishop, lord Salas, will conduct the
preselection competition’s first round draw. Afterwards,
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s secondary team will fight their
first drawn matchup. This is also the only match today.”

Platinum bishop Salas slowly stood, and was led by a maid to

the side of the officiant, starting to draw the lots. He was
apparently very unwilling to speak, and each pair of opponents
he drew was announced by the officiant.

“Preselection competition first round, Blue Sunshine

Academy versus Purple Star Academy.”

“Preselection competition first round, Auckland Academy

versus Blazing Radiance Academy.”

“Preselection competition first round, Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy versus Shrek Academy.”

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The Shrek Academy group didn’t pay much attention to the
rest of the matchups. When they heard their first opponent
would actually be Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s second team,
everyone couldn’t help their expressions becoming grotesque.

Oscar muttered:

“Such an unlikely coincidence.”

Ma Hongjun squeezed his fingers, issuing bone popping


“Excellent. They aren’t rushing us off. This time we’ll let

them have a look at what’s called strength.”

Tang San and Dai Mubai smiled wryly. They were naturally
looking forward to fighting Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, but
becoming the focus of the tournament’s first day in their
present attire, was really somewhat……

Not just the Shrek Academy people were astonished, the

audience was too. The other academies might not have paid
attention, but the Shrek Academy was really too gaudy, how

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couldn’t they attract notice?

For a moment, jeers flowed continuously. Very many

spectators were all shouting the word ‘fraud’, Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy’s second team was clearly looking for
pushovers, and Shrek Academy didn’t seem like a Spirit Master
team as much as a pack of clowns.

The lottery done, that platinum bishop Salas swept his gaze
across everyone, indifferently saying:

“I drew the lots, and sensed no falsehood. I swear on the

honor of Spirit Hall. At the same time, I hereby declare, of the
participating Spirit Master academy students, Spirit Hall will
make an exception for anyone capable of reaching the finals,
letting them directly enter Spirit Temple.”

These words weren’t anything to the spectators, but the Spirit

Masters were already in an uproar.

What kind of place was Spirit Temple? It was the highest

place in Spirit Hall apart from Supreme Pontiff Palace and
Douluo Palace, in the entire Continent only the two great
imperial capitals had one each. Supreme Pontiff Palace was for

3122 Goldenagato |

the Supreme Pontiff’s use, and Douluo Palace was a symbolic
existence. Therefore, the Spirit Temples’ position were in fact
the highest ranked institutions in Spirit Hall. To a Spirit
Master, being able to directly enter Spirit Temple could be a
shortcut to improving his strength. Not only would he have the
best treatment, but all kinds of cultivation aids as well as Spirit
Temple’s prestige, no part lacked extreme attraction to ordinary
Spirit Masters.

Hearing the platinum bishop’s words, emperor Xue Ye’s

expression clearly dropped. Ning Fengzhi on his side softly
shook his head at the emperor, and emperor Xue Ye’s
complexion eased somewhat.

The people nearby were behind them and naturally didn’t

catch this little exchange, and the Spirit Masters below were
very far away. But, this didn’t escape Tang San’s Purple Demon
Eye. He clearly saw the subtleties within, and combined with
what Grandmaster had once told him about some matters, Tang
San understood that the conflict between Spirit Hall and the
Empire was already growing deeper and deeper, almost to the
degree where it couldn’t be reconciled. Otherwise, that
platinum bishop wouldn’t dare recruit outstanding Spirit
Masters right in front of this emperor.

“Good, then next we will conduct the first match of the first

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round of the preselection competition, Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy facing Shrek Academy. All competing academies leave
the field. The two academies taking part in the match later
please prepare. In one hour, the match will formally begin.”

“Third brother, let me go up.”

Fatty didn’t pay the slightest attention to those contemptuous

expressions in their surroundings, and spoke to Tang San while
rubbing his fists and wiping his palms.

Tang San glared at him,

“We’ll follow the original plan. No need to argue.”

Tai Long laughed out loud and clapped Fatty’s shoulder,

“Junior, don’t worry. Later big brother will help you properly
teach those Heaven Dou Imperial Academy fellows a lesson.”

Fatty deflated like a ball. If one described his current

expression with two words, it would be ‘secret grudges’.

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As a result of the other academies not competing today, after
stepping off the field they directly left the rest area, guided by
functionaries to specially prepared viewing platforms for
competitors to watch the fights. Because the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy was the symbol of the Heaven Dou imperial
family, they were naturally treated different from normal
academies and didn’t rest here. Inside the vast rest area, very
quickly remained only the Shrek Academy team.

Flender, Grandmaster, and Liu Erlong weren’t here. Clearly,

this match was left in their control.

Dai Mubai lowered his voice:

“Little San, you plan it.”

Tang San didn’t need to be urged, nodding:

“When we go up we’ll have Dai Mubai, Me, Xiao Wu, Jing

Ling, Huang Yuan, Jian Zhu, Tai Long. We’ll attack according
to the first plan. At that time we suffered that kind of
humiliation at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, even though it

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was caused by prince Xue Xing, the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy symbolizes the imperial family. Dean Flender and the
other teachers aren’t here, but we understand what they think.
If we want to have a good future, then today we must
thoroughly smash our opponent. I think, to us, one minute
should be enough.”

Tai Mubai’s tiger palms slapped together, the four pupils of

his evil eyes glinting ominously,

“That’s right, we only need one minute.”

An incorporeal harsh atmosphere spread in Tang San and Dai

Mubai’s hearts. The scene of that time they powerlessly
withdrew from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy in front of Dugu
Bo would never be erased from their minds. Even though Tang
San didn’t say it clearly, everyone understood that they not only
had to prevail over this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second
team, they still had to keep them from passing this time’s
qualifying competition.

Not long after, a special functionary arrived and hurried

everyone to the stage. The organizers clearly weren’t optimistic
about their chances, and they were even brought by just one
functionary. Just as they were leaving the mouth of passage, the

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Shrek Academy group could already hear the officiant outside
declaring the names and spirits of each member of the Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy team. Golden beams of light shot down
on the high stage from the side of the Great Spirit Arena,
accompanying each member of the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy second team as they appeared.

Before speaking of strength, the Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy members were excellent in terms of appearance, the
faintly golden uniforms had the words ‘Heaven Dou’
embroidered on the left side of the chest, and on the back was a
design of seven silver stars, the symbol of Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy. Each one was valiant and formidable-looking, all
appearing over twenty years old. Under the illumination of
those spirit tools, even though it was daytime, they still seemed
to release a dazzling radiance, just like little golden suns,
attracting the audiences attention.

“Fuck, they’re clearly taking us as extras, setting off this kind

of fireworks.”

Huang Yuan said angrily. Even though this Lone Wolf Spirit
Master’s stature wasn’t as doughty as Tai Long, he was still
fairly robust. Like Dai Mubai he was also a power attack system
Spirit Master. Because of his straightforward nature, he was
very quickly accepted by the Shrek Seven Devils.

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To the side, Jing Ling uneasily said:

“Wrong. We’re not extras, but considered cow dung. Fresh

flowers stuck on top of manure, isn’t that even more dazzling?”

Contrary to Lone Wolf, his appearance was somewhat

wretched. The slender agility attack system Spirit Master gave a
somewhat feminine impression. Together with him, most
people would feel uneasy. His cold gaze at people was like a
poisonous snake, and even when everyone were exchanging
pointers, he would never let himself be in a disadvantageous
position. He would frequently team up to attack, but when
defending there would rarely be a trace of him. He was called a
coward by the ferocious male students Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan,
and Tai Long, but fortunately, this fellow only had a somewhat
strange character, and his strength was still fairly outstanding.

“We’ll let them know who is manure.”

Tai Long resolutely waved his fist.

Dai Mubai coldly said:

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“Let’s go. It’s our turn to go up.”

The lights in the arena faded, and the Shrek Academy

competing students slowly went on stage amidst loud hissing

In the arena there had already occurred a change. In just that

brief half hour, a long ago prepared stage had been constructed.
The stage was ten meters tall and circular, with a diameter of
thirty meters, a fairly large area. Of course, this was still only
one stage. Once the preselection competition truly started
tomorrow, there would be five stages here simultaneously. The
twenty eight teams would conduct twenty seven rounds of the
preselection competition, each team confronting twenty seven
opponents. The victors would obtain one point, the defeated
none. After twenty seven rounds, the five teams with the most
points would advance to the promotion competition. And
entering the promotion competition was equal to entering the
finals. This month long qualifying competition was equal to a
trial for each of the academy teams. Twenty seven days of
continuous matches was enough for teams that lacked
endurance to collapse.

In the entire Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy

Elite Tournament, this preselection competition would occupy

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the first half of the time. The finals after the promotion
competition would take place on the common border of the
Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, in the public plaza in
front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace. The final champions would
be issued the award by the Supreme Pontiff personally, an
immense honor.

It truly was a difference in treatment. Tang San squinted

slightly, the expression on his face still serene. Together with
Dai Mubai, they brought the Shrek Academy’s altogether eleven
members into a line in the center of the stage, standing opposite
to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team’s members.

This Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team had

altogether sixteen members. At that time the Shrek Academy
only stayed at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy for a very
short time, and these people naturally didn’t recognize Tang
San and the others. These aristocratic children naturally looked
even more at the Shrek Academy members’ attire. If this hadn’t
been on stage, some of them might have already burst out

“Truly a group of toads. This type also participates in the

Spirit Master Tournament?”

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Standing furthest ahead in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
second team was a petite male student. His skin was fair, and his
long hair also very beautiful, seemingly like a girl. Even his
voice was soft and feminine.

“Captain, why would we draw an opponent like this. Toads on

your foot really won’t bite people, but are still disgusting. Look
at those uniforms, I’ll die laughing.”

A gorgeously dressed female student with ample chest next to

the petite man covered her mouth as she spoke. That gesture
was apparently for fear of smelling the Shrek Academy

That captain nodded consideringly, his gaze somewhat

lecherously floating over to Xiao Wu,

“It’s only a pity on such a little beauty.”

Xiao Wu snorted coldly,

“A hermaphrodite and a prostitute, how did we draw an

opponent like this.”

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“Little slut, who are you calling a prostitute?”

That hot bodied female student immediately flipped out. That

male student addressed as a hermaphrodite also immediately
went ashen.

Dai Mubai laughed out loud,

“Xiao Wu, you’re too talented. Why didn’t I think of such a

good description? Hermaphrodite and prostitute. Really a
perfect match!”

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team’s petite

captain coldly said:

“Fine, you’re very good. Even if the competition prohibits

killing opponents, injuries really are hard to avoid. Since you’re
courting death, don’t blame us.”

The competition still hadn’t started, but both sides already

stood with swords drawn and bows bent, the taste of

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gunpowder thick and clear.

Dai Mubai clearly didn’t like having his own lines snatched by
the other side, but now the referee had already walked over.

“Both sides salute, non competitors withdraw from the stage.”

Whether it was Heaven Dou Imperial Academy of Shrek

Academy, both sides unwillingly forced themselves to bow in
salute to their counterparts. The superfluous withdrew from
the stage, only leaving seven people each to participate in this
first match.

On the Shrek Academy’s side, Dai Mubai, Tai Long, and

Huang Yuan stood furthest in front. Tang San was in the center,
with Xiao Wu and Jung Ling on either side. Jiang Zhu stood
furthest back.

On the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy side, besides the man

and woman who spoke up before, the remaining five were all
robust people, standing in a line in front, obstructing the two
behind them like a wall. That petite captain stood in the center,
doubtlessly this side’s control system Spirit Master. And that
fiery bodied young woman stood in the rear.

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In the VIP section.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the stage with a smile, asking Ning

Fengzhi at his side:

“School master Ning, It seems this first match doesn’t hold

any suspense!”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, nodding, expressing agreement.

The platinum bishop Salas on the other side suddenly said:

“School master Ning, could you tell me which of the twenty

eight teams you before said could be championship

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“Your grace, is a bit of mystery no good? I think you also

certainly have teams to support.”

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Salas tightlipped said:

“Since you say this, school master Ning, are you unwilling to
reveal it?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly, saying:

“This is a school secret, it appears unrelated to your grace.”


Salas’ complexion clearly dropped. His gaze colliding with

Ning Fengzhi’s in front of emperor Xue Ye, neither yielding the
slightest bit.

Emperor Xue Ye sitting in the middle frowned minutely,


“No need to be impatient, after this tournament ends, we will

naturally have the results. Bishop Salas, what school master

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Ning said wasn’t wrong, who he favors is his own matter. You
see, I also didn’t ask about it. Even though I’m also very

Platinum bishop Salas glanced at emperor Xue Ye,

indifferently saying:

“As your majesty says. Then let us look at the match.”

Prince Xue Xing in the second row proudly said to everyone

next to him:

“Look, his majesty and school master Ning have both already
noticed that this match is without any suspense. Our Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy’s students truly are elite. This is still
only the second team. This time our main team only has one
goal: final champions.”

He was the person in charge of Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy, and if they could obtain a good record, his reputation
would naturally shine. He had already forgotten the words
‘Shrek Academy’. As an imperial prince, what happened that
time at Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was to him only a tiny

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“I think maybe not. School master Ning only agreed with his
majesty that the match didn’t hold any suspense. He didn’t say
who would win.”

Hearing this dissenting voice, prince Xue Xing immediately

turned in its direction with annoyance. The speaker was no
stranger, but rather the head of the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy board of education, Spirit Douluo Meng Shen Ji.

Prince Xue Xing coldly said:

“Board member Meng Shen Ji, don’t enhance the power of

others when you’re directly in charge of the Academy.”

He and Meng Shen Ji had never gotten along, only both sides
were unable to sway the other’s position. Because of the matter
with Shrek Academy last time, Meng Shen Ji had once gone to
find emperor Xue Ye to lodge a complaint, but the emperor was
busy with official business, and his health wasn’t too well. He
also didn’t particularly pay attention. Prince Xue Xing was his
only little brother, and he still had faith in his brother.

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Prince Xue Xing didn’t see who the competing Shrek Academy
members were, but how could Meng Shen Ji fail to notice? At a
glance he recognized the one who had originally left him with a
profound impression, Tang San. When he saw that Shrek
Academy largely hadn’t brought out the Shrek Seven Devils,
inwardly he couldn’t help feeling sorrowful. The magnificent
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, unexpectedly couldn’t make the
opponent go all out. But what could he do? Practically each
student at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy had some
background, and he couldn’t reorganize even if he wanted to.

With formidable teachers and material conditions, yet rarely

produced outstanding disciples. Were it not for receiving the
grace of the imperial family, he would have long ago already left
this board member position.

“The qualifying competition’s first round, first match,

formally starts.”

The referee’s announcement declared the official start of the

first round of the qualifying competition of the current
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Similar to the spirit arena, the tournament gave one minute

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for both sides to deploy their spirits.

While coldly gazing at the other side, Dai Mubai raised his
hands to his chest, shouting,

“Brothers, release spirits! White Tiger Body Enhancement.”

As both sides released their spirits, all the spirit rings that
appeared made surprised voices immediately spread through
the spectator seats.

Two yellow and two purple, four dazzlingly beautiful spirit

rings flashed around Dai Mubai. Tai Long and Huang Yuan at
his side both released two yellow and one purple spirit ring. The
valiant aura released by the three power attack system Spirit
Masters unexpectedly wasn’t inferior in any respect when
facing off against the five opposing people.

Xiao Wu, Jing Ling as well as Jiang Zhu behind, also each
released two yellow and one purple spirit ring. None of these six
lacked an optimal spirit ring configuration.

But what startled the audience the most, and even caused

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shock, was the person in the central position of the Shrek
Academy’s formation, Tang San. Two yellow, one purple and
one black, four spirit rings simultaneously appeared around

Black, originally the most inconspicuous of colors, but, people

with the slightest bit of knowledge about Spirit Masters all
understood what that signified.

Not just the spectator seats, even the VIP section now cried
out in alarmed surprise. Who could have imagined that in the
first round of the preselection competition, they would actually
see a ten thousand year spirit ring appear on stage.

Prince Xue Xing, unable to control his emotions, shouted:

“No. This is impossible. How can it be a ten thousand year

spirit ring?”

Meng Shen Ji painfully closed his eyes,

“This should originally have been the Heaven Dou Imperial

Academy’s glory. No wonder. No wonder they didn’t even field

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their full strength.”

Even Seven Treasure Glazed Tile school master Ning Fengzhi

who had already had a very favorable opinion about Shrek
Academy was gobsmacked when he saw the black spirit ring
around Tang San. The fourth spirit ring already reached ten
thousand years? As school master of one of the seven great
schools’ three upper sects, how couldn’t he understand the
problem within? That was a spirit beast with a five thousand
year cultivation gap!

Platinum bishop Salas’ previously squinting eyes now

abruptly shone, staring fixedly at Tang San. Even if he didn’t
forget his manners like prince Xue Xing behind him, the hands
resting on his knees unconsciously tightened.

“Ten thousand year fourth ring?”

Light flashed in emperor Xue Ye’s eyes, a dazzling luster

flitting past the corners of his eyes,

“School master Ning, it seems, this should be the team you

were optimistic about?”

3141 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi’s expression had already recovered to normal
after the brief shock. Despite the raging storm Tang San’s ten
thousand year fourth ring raised in his heart, at this moment he
could still maintain a calm attitude. Calmly smiling, he said:

“Your majesty, my daughter is also a student at this Shrek

Academy, she just didn’t appear in this match.”

“Eh? In other words, this Shrek Academy is fostered by your

honorable school?”

Emperor Xue Ye said with a smile. His eyes clearly displayed a

cheerful look, without any worry about the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy second team running into such a formidable
opponent. But the expression of platinum bishop Salas on the
other side clearly grew more unsightly. Ning Fengzhi declaring
that his daughter was part of this team, was clearly to tell him
that Spirit Hall mustn’t have the notion of striking at this team.
And the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had also always had
a good relationship with the Heaven Dou imperial family.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“I also can’t say it’s raised by our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

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School, it’s just that the child with the ten thousand year fourth
spirit ring is also a disciple of our upper three sects, that’s all.
Originally, they were going to join Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy, but unfortunately they were turned back by his
highness prince Xue Xing. Afterwards they joined another
academy in Heaven Dou City, the forerunner of the present
Shrek Academy, Blue Tyrant Academy.


Emperor Xue Ye was inwardly alarmed, only with difficulty

restraining himself from turning around and questioning prince
Xue Xing. But in his mind he still immediately recalled the
complaint Meng Shen Ji had lodged with him, and his brows
drew down.

After hearing Ning Fengzhi say this, Salas’ expression

recovered somewhat, and there was even a light of taking joy in
calamity in his eyes.

Compared to the Shrek Academy side, the Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy second team’s spirit rings were inferior, they
didn’t lack in quality; being able to represent Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy in battle, these students also all had optimal
spirit rings. After all, relying on the strength of Heaven Dou

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Imperial Academy’s formidable teachers, as well as the power of
nobility, getting hold of optimal spirit rings wasn’t too
strenuous. Unfortunately, right now the seven people on stage
didn’t have one Spirit Master at the fortieth rank, and all had
three spirit rings. As they saw Tang San, and his muted black
ten thousand year spirit ring, they couldn’t keep their pupils
from contracting, dully.

But this was a match, equivalent to a battlefield, and

daydreaming on the battlefield was a major taboo. The
opponents might stare blankly, but the Shrek group wouldn’t.
In combat experience, this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
second team in front of them couldn’t even compare to Tai Long
and the other Shrek latecomers, let alone the Shrek Seven


Tang San shouted loudly. While the opponents were still

lifeless, the Shrek seven already initiated their attack.

Dai Mubai took the lead, his muscles swelling suddenly as he

lead Tai Long and Huang Yuan in a forward charge. Xiao Wu
and Jing Ling also simultaneously went out on the flanks. Jiang
Zhu behind Tang San now held a fantastic scepter in her hand,

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the scepter tapered on the lower end, growing thick and heavy
at the top, carved with exotic inscriptions. Right now the third
spirit ring around her flashed, and with a wave of her hand, the
scepter stuck into the surface of the floor, a ring of saffron light
quietly spreading out. Only once Dai Mubai’s trio charged did
the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team members react,
that petite male control system Spirit Master angrily shouting:

“What are you staring at, fight!”

The five people in front of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy

second team were without exception power attack system Spirit
Masters, their spirits were each: Lion, Bear, Tiger, Leopard,
Wolf. The impact force of this assembly was clearly unusually
powerful. Even if they reacted a beat slow, on hearing the petite
man’s shout they acted immediately, fiercely going to meet Dai
Mubai’s trio. It seemed to them that even though Dai Mubai’s
spirit was over the fortieth rank, they still held the numerical
advantage. Their five spirits had all reached the thirty fifth rank
or higher, and coming into contact with the opposing three they
weren’t at a disadvantage. As long as they first defeated the
opponents’ three main attackers, victory wasn’t far away.

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team’s five front

power attack system Spirit Master clearly had the right idea.
Their goal was to take the first take the initiative in the early

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stage as both sides just came into contact.

Unfortunately, they came into contact with Dai Mubai. Dai

Mubai whose spirit power had already reached the forty fourth
rank. And still the pressure behind him, the Thousand Hands
Asura with the ten thousand year spirit ring.

The Evil White Tiger faced upwards and roared, and the
instant both sides were about to engage, without holding back
he immediately opened with his third spirit ring ability, White
Tiger Vajra Transformation.

Tai Long was even simpler, his three spirit rings launching
simultaneously, immediately changing into a ruthless
orangutan with his pure strength amplification.

Huang Yuan’s third spirit ring ability was somewhat similar

to Dai Mubai’s, the boost was just a bit inferior. Called Sky Wolf
Transformation, it instantly gave him a fifty percent attack
power and speed boost.

The Shrek Academy’s three power attack system Spirit Master

actually all opened with their thousand year spirit abilities, this
was something nobody had expected. After all, when opening

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with spirit abilities that had such a large consumption, if the
opponent blocked them, they wouldn’t be able to follow up.

But, did Shrek’s team members need to follow up?

Black light floated around Tang San, he didn’t even give the
opponents’ control system Spirit Master the chance to act,
before his ten thousand year spirit ring ability Blue Silver Prison
had already launched.

Without any warning, more than a hundred strands of black

Blue Silver Grass suddenly rushed out of the ground, becoming
seven solid cages, completely trapping Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy’s seven within.

Cries of alarm resounded in the whole arena, some spectating

Spirit Masters shouting the words ‘crowd control’. Crowd
control, a control system Spirit Master’s most menacing tool in
battle, appeared in this first round of the qualifying

(雪夜) “Snow Night”

3147 Goldenagato |

(salasi 萨拉斯)

He refers to himself as (本座), an uncommon personal pronoun

that in fantasy fiction might be used by someone of great
magical power, or perhaps someone with a very senior position
in an organisation.

Idiom: Preparing to fight. Probably also used literally here.

Idiomatic expression. Toads won’t bite, but they’ll still be

intimidating when they crawl over your feet.

3148 Goldenagato |

Chapter 92 - One Minute Victory

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team’s five

charging power attack system Spirit Masters ran directly into a
solid Blue Silver Prison and were immediately confused. Relying
purely on physical momentum, it was impossible to break the
Blue Silver Prisons. And that control system Spirit Master and
the support system woman behind them were even more firmly
restrained. Through clever control, Tang San used Blue Silver
Prisons to directly cut off their line of sight. Even though this
spirit ability couldn’t prevent them from using their spirit
abilities, with their vision obstructed, how could they assist
their teammates?

The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s five assault members

ran into Blue Silver Prisons and their forward momentum
naturally stopped. But right now was when the attack of Dai
Mubai’s trio reached its peak.

Those five Blue Silver Prisons only appeared for an instant,

blocking the five power attack system Spirit Masters’ charge
then instantly fading away. But black Blue Silver Grass already
engulfed their legs from below, in the blink of an eye
completing Binding. By combining and switching abilities, Tang
San didn’t give the opponents any chance to resist.

3149 Goldenagato |

“White Tiger Meteor Shower.”

Dai Mubai shouted and all the tiger stripes on his overbearing
body became golden, with a roaring sound, golden light burst
out, countless fist sized golden balls of light appeared with him
as the center, and instantly locked on and blasted the opponents
head on.

Tai Long also took advantage of the opportunity to grab his

opponent who was struggling in the Blue Silver Grass, heaving
him up high and heavily smashing him down on the ground.
And Huang Yuan was like a sandstorm in front of his opponent,
his attacks pouring down like howling wind and torrential rain.

Was Blue Silver Grass so easy to throw off? After the

nourishment of the fourth spirit ring, and a ten thousand year
spirit ring at that, the current Blue Silver Grass had already
reached a terrifying degree of toughness. Through the thorns its
poison flowed into these universally thirty fifth ranked Spirit
Masters. Being bound by Tang San’s initial move, struggling
free was no doubt a pipe dream to them.

Control system Spirit Masters restrained the majority of other

Spirit Master systems, and Tang San’s spirit power and spirit

3150 Goldenagato |

abilities were even more beyond these opponents. Further
adding their distraction at the start, the moment Blue Silver
Grass twisted around them, the outcome of this battle was
already set.

Xiao Wu and Jing Ling had now also reached their chosen
opponents. Jing Ling’s target was that petite control system
Spirit Master. He wasn’t as fast as Zhu Zhuqing, but as an agility
attack system Spirit Master it was already astonishing. While
moving like the wind, his whole body had transformed into a
bulky skeleton, appearing exceptionally terrifying. His large
hands had turned into two bone knives, and as he arrived in
front of that control system Spirit Master he already directly
unleashed his third spirit ability, Mad Battle.

Attack speed and attack power simultaneously rose by fifty

percent. Just as the Blue Silver Prison disappeared, the two
bone knives chopped directly at the opponent like a whirlwind.

That petite man’s spirit was a Ring, categorized as a Tool

Spirit, his control relied mainly on this ring, but needed time to
use high level spirit abilities. If he had power attack system
Spirit Masters to block the enemy offensive for him, that bit of
time wasn’t much. However, as he himself was restrained by
that Blue Silver Prison, his heart was already in disorder. Right
now, where would there still be time to launch spirit abilities?

3151 Goldenagato |

Helplessly, he could only use his first and second spirit ability to
strengthen the Ring’s attributes and block.

Hundred year spirit abilities clashing with a thousand year

spirit ability, it was no contest.

Xiao Wu and Tang San no doubt had the deepest mutual

understanding. When Xiao Wu was still five meters away from
that auxiliary system Spirit Master, Tang San already withdrew
the Blue Silver Prison. He didn’t even use Blue Silver Grass to
bind the opponent. After all, that was only an auxiliary system
Spirit Master.

Teleportation, Soft Skill, Waist Bow. Xiao Wu’s motions were

like moving clouds and flowing water, being derided and
insulted before, her Waist Bow was ruthless. Slender thighs
coiled around the opponent’s neck, throwing her up into the

A loud miserable shriek rose practically simultaneously over

the stage, and as the female Support Spirit Master was caught
by Xiao Wu’s graceful backwards somersault, the blood curdling
shriek cut in half as she already fainted. As for just how many
bones she broke, that was something only Xiao Wu knew.

3152 Goldenagato |

Skeleton Spirit Master Jing Ling was ordinarily cold, but this
attack was extremely fierce. With Tang San’s cooperation, the
agility attack system Spirit Master could exhibit his full attack
power, and the opponent’s Ring was basically unable to keep up
with his attack speed. A moment later, blood blossomed in all
directions, and a miserable shriek rose. If it hadn’t been for the
tournament banning killing, his attack would have been even
fiercer, striking directly at the vitals.

As for the five power attack system Spirit Masters, their

physique was no doubt valiant, but they confronted three who
were even more powerful.

Dai Mubai took on three opponents alone, and as his White

Tiger Meteor Shower fell on the opponents, the outcome was
already completely without suspense, let alone when the three
were already caught in Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass Binding.
Tiger paws swung in succession, and miserable shrieks, sounds
of snapping bones, and blood blossomed in all directions.

Blitz, this word was very simple, but to the Shrek Academy
team it was a secret signal, representing precisely a burst
assault. Without holding back anything. Relying on accurate
control, Tang San didn’t participate in the attack, but he
successfully fulfilled the proper responsibilities of a control
system Spirit Master. Controlling the battlefield, controlling the

3153 Goldenagato |

enemy, and also controlling his own side so his team members
could reveal their full strength.

Originally there was a gap between the two sides, but this gap
was only in that Tang San and Dai Mubai were Spirit Ancestors,
and not decisive. If it had been a head on confrontation, while
the Shrek Academy side would still have won, the battle would
also have lasted a while. But Tang San’s moves didn’t give the
other side the chance to catch their breath, letting his side open
up with an assault of their most powerful spirit abilities, the
instantly arising burst power basically didn’t give the opponents
time to react before they were already drowned in attacks like
howling wind and torrential rain.

“Stop, we concede.”

When the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team’s coach

saw that their circumstances were far from reassuring, he
hastily threw in a white towel. In addition he quickly went on
stage, preventing the Shrek Academy team from continuing.

The referee had already been stunned since as early as when

the White Tiger Meteor Shower’s dazzling light appeared. Let
alone a match between academies, even if it was a spirit battle in
the Great Spirit Arena, it would still be rare for such a miserable

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scene to appear. Heavens, were these really students?

Right now, all the eighty thousand spectators in the Great

Spirit Arena were completely silent. If previously the Shrek
Academy team members’ clothes had been the target of their
ridicule, then by now those snot green uniforms seemed

Without the least suspense. This really was a match without

the least suspense. Or it might be described as a unilateral
massacre. But the target of extermination wasn’t the Shrek
Academy as they’d thought, but rather the target of their hopes,
the symbol of Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family, Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy’s second team.

Tang San’s gaze coldly swept across the audience, seemingly

using his expression to tell them who the strong was. Shrek’s
seven, using their own tyrannical strength, had choked all
insults to them. Contempt or disdain, these expressions had
disappeared long ago. What remained was only shock and

“Referee, I must file a complaint. They basically weren’t

competing, but murdering. They’ve violated the rules of the
competition. I demand they be judged.”

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Seeing each and every one of his team members covered in
blood, bones broken and tendons snapped, the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy coach snarled at the referee.

The referee had already come back to himself, and

immediately gazed strictly at the Shrek Academy team

Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“Respected referee, I only want to ask you one thing: Are they

The referee looked distracted a moment, turning his head to

look at the seven members of the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy second team on the ground. Indeed, even though these
seven were all severely injured, they still breathed and
shouldn’t be in danger of dying.

Tang San indicated Jiang Zhu behind him,

3156 Goldenagato |

“The ability of our auxiliary system Spirit Master is healing.
She deployed her spirit at the beginning, releasing the healing
capability. This healing ability is enough to cover the whole
stage. That wasn’t in order to heal us, but rather for them. If we
really wanted to kill them, would we heal the opponents? But it
seems they don’t need our healing. Senior Jiang Zu, stop.”

Tang San’s voice was very loud, and he carefully amplified his
voice with spirit power to spread across the whole arena, letting
everyone hear.

Letting their side’s Spirit Master heal the opponents from the
beginning, what kind of contempt was that? But the Shrek
Academy really revealed enough strength to justify such

The referee looked at this side, then again at that side, and for
a moment he also didn’t seem to know just how to call it. At this
moment, another two referees ran up, and after the three
bowed their heads to talk it over, the first referee loudly

“Preselection competition first round, first match, Shrek

Academy’s victory.”

3157 Goldenagato |

This was a one minute victory.

Hong——, the audience instantly erupted in an enormous

discussion. For a moment there were doubtful voices, praising
voices, even more were still just shocked. The grand Heaven
Dou Imperial Academy’s second team was actually smashed in
under a minute by some unknown Spirit Master team. The
shock it produced was really too large.

Emperor Xue Ye stood up with an ashen complexion, his gaze

falling on the despondent prince Xue Xing. With a cold snort, he
brushed with his sleeves and left.

Ning Fengzhi followed emperor Xue Ye from the VIP section

with a smile on his face, but platinum bishop Salas still sat
pondering in his seat, reflecting on something.

In the seats specially furnished for competing academy

spectators, Flender stood up with a smile across his face, saying
to Grandmaster and Liu Erlong:

“I’ll leave first.”

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Liu Erlong distrustfully asked:

“Boss Fu, where are you going?”

Flender laughed out loud,

“The little monsters have made such an outstanding display,

and the advertisement on our clothing has been revealed. I
think that some people with a little bit of insight should have
seen the power of our Shrek Academy. I still need to properly
consider the advertisement, opening at a high price, to earn a
bit of money for the Academy. This time I think it’ll be
impossible for our Academy’s reputation not to spread.”

Pulling on the lapels of his clothes, he meticulously arranged

the Academy symbol to reveal it clearly. Flender didn’t know
how long it had been since he vented his anger like now. He had
never forgotten the humiliation from that time at Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy, and this moment the stifling haze in his
heart had been swept away. He clearly understood that Tang
San and Dai Mubai leading the students to defeat the opponents
in such a thunderous manner, even to the extent that they used
their fourth spirit abilities to pursue complete victory, wasn’t
because they were angry with the opponents, but rather for
him, to rinse the resentment of Shrek Academy.

3159 Goldenagato |

‘Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, that dog fart prince Xue
Xing, want to chase us off? Fine, then we won’t let you pass the
qualifying rounds.’

Practically each of the seven members from the Heaven Dou

Imperial Academy second team before had broken bones, those
weren’t injuries that could heal in a few days. Lacking this seven
member main force, how could the Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy second team still reveal their talent in the preselection

He hadn’t been as joyous as he was today for quite a while. At

this moment, the always avaricious Flender even considered
whether to give all the advertising income to the little monsters.


“Third brother, you’re too ferocious.”

Fatty greeted Tang San with a bear hug,

3160 Goldenagato |

“Let’s see if that Heaven Dou Imperial Academy still dares
look down on us.”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“But we also revealed strength. The later teams will certainly

draw up tactics to counter us.”

Oscar smiled:

“In front of absolute strength, even better tactics might not be

useful. If it really won’t do, we might as well put the whole
Shrek Seven Devils on stage and let them have a good look.”

While speaking, he pulled at the uniform he wore,

“What if it’s snot green? As long as we can win, color is no


“Let’s go. We’ll return to the Academy first. I don’t want to

have people standing around in a circle watching us later.”

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Dai Mubai called out to everyone, quickly bringing the Shrek
Academy team into the competitor passage, quietly departing
the stadium.

In order to keep from being the focal point, after returning to

the rest area, everyone without the slightest hesitation changed
out of their snot green uniforms, putting on their own clothes
to leave the Great Spirit Arena. Since they left very quickly,
when they left the Great Spirit Arena the spectator seats had
only just started emptying. Today was after all only the
beginning, tomorrow was when the preselection competition
would truly begin. And when the round robin tournament went
into motion, it would take up a full month of matches.

The Shrek Seven Devils now finally understood more and

more clearly the benefit of Grandmaster’s special training. With
the previous experience of a month of continuous matches at
Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, the competition now about to unfold
was even a bit relaxed compared to then.


The Shrek party was just moving away from the Great Spirit
Arena and preparing to directly return to the Academy, when

3162 Goldenagato |

they were stopped by a familiar voice.

Ning Fengzhi, changed into ordinary clothing, stood in a

corner not far from the entrance, waving a hand in their


Ning Rongrong excitedly ran over, throwing herself into her

father’s embrace.

Meeting this Seven Treasure Glazed Tile school master, Oscar

couldn’t help appearing somewhat artificial.

Ning Fengzhi pulled Ning Rongrong’s hand and walked over,

“Hello, Shrek Academy’s little friends.”

Even though he had been far away, the Shrek Seven Devils
and the four substitute team members had all recognized this
school master, and hastily saluted.

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Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“No need to be formal, right now I’m only Rongrong’s father,

don’t consider me a school master. I’m only your senior.”

Ning Fengzhi’s amicability doubtlessly gave a favorable

impression to the Shrek Academy team members. Ning
Fengzhi’s gaze fell on Tang San, and he smiled slightly:

“Congratulations, little San. I didn’t expect you would

actually already possess a ten thousand year spirit ring.”

Tang San said:

“Uncle Ning’s praise is too much. Rongrong has also already

obtained her fourth spirit ring. Only to conserve strength we
didn’t let her appear today.”

Ning Fengzhi nodded with a smile, saying:

“I’m very optimistic about you all. Perhaps you will only meet

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a true opponent in the finals. However, even though you have
strength, you still need to guard against pride and impatience. I
understand the reason you injured your opponents today, but
the less such circumstances appear later, the better. After all,
Shrek Academy is also one of the advanced Spirit Master
academies. Antagonizing too many others is no good. You don’t
need to worry about the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. I’ve
already informed his majesty. His majesty is extremely
displeased with prince Xue Xing’s way of handling things back
then. If it wasn’t because signups can’t be altered after the fact,
his majesty would still be of a mind to invite you to Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy.”

Tang San calmly said:

“We’re very happy at Shrek Academy. Thank you, uncle


Ning Fengzhi said:

“I should be the one to thank you. The quality of your hidden

weapons is excellent, if there’s any new research later, make
sure to come find uncle first. You set the conditions.”

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While speaking, Ning Fengzhi released his daughter’s hand,
rubbing her head and saying:

“Go back to your Academy comrades. You’re a member of

Shrek Academy, while dad is a member of the organizational
committee. I can’t be together with you much, or people will say
I’m biased.”

Ning Rongrong pouted resentfully:

“Let them talk, we’ll speak with strength.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled,

“At fourteen you’re also considered a young lady, you can’t be

so mischievous. Well, before leaving, won’t you introduce me to
your comrades?”

Seeing Ning Fengzhi’s expectant expression, besides the Shrek

Seven Devils, of the four substitutes only Tai Long could keep
calm. The light in the eyes of the other three was somewhat

3166 Goldenagato |

Who was this in front of them? The school master of one of
the three upper sects, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School could
be called a paradise that countless Spirit Masters yearned for.
Not only was its reputation in the Spirit Master world extremely
good, and its strength robust, at the same time it was reputed as
the richest school in the Spirit Master world. If a Spirit Master
could attach himself to this school, there would be nothing to
worry about for the rest of his life.

Ning Rongrong’s gaze swept across her companions, and as

her gaze met Oscar’s, she couldn’t keep her heart from beating a
bit faster.

“Dad, this sister Jiang Zhu is our senior, thirty fifth ranked
healing system Tool Spirit Elder. Just now she was also on the

Jiang Zhu hastily bowed to Ning Fengzhi,

“In front of school master Ning, how dare junior call herself
an auxiliary system Spirit Master.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly. Even though he was already past

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fifty, he only appeared to be perhaps thirty, and that mature
charm made Jiang Zhu bow her head, not daring to look at him.

“Miss Jiang Zhu’s spirit is extremely peculiar, as long as you

focus on expanding in the healing system, your future will
certainly be good.”

“Many thanks for your directions, school master Ning.”

Hearing Ning Fengzhi’s words, Jiang Zhu’s downturned face

turned a bit scarlet. She was already nineteen, and truly a
grown young lady. To a girl like this, formidable strength and
mature charm held the greatest attraction. When she raised her
head to look at Ning Fengzhi again, she couldn’t help blushing
even more.

Ning Rongrong continued with the introductions:

“This senior Huang Yuan’s spirit is Lone Wolf, thirty fifth

ranked power attack system Battle Spirit Elder. Senior Jing
Ling, spirit is Skeleton, agility attack system Battle Spirit
Master. You’ve met big brother Tai Long, a direct descendant of
the Strength Clan, thirty eighth ranked pure strength type
Battle Spirit Master.”

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Along with Ning Rongrong’s introductions, Ning Fengzhi
nodded to each one and gave a few words of encouragement.

Ning Rongrong now reached the introductions of their Shrek

Seven Devils, and pointed to Dai Mubai:

“Boss Dai, the eldest brother of our Shrek Seven Devils, and
also the team captain. His nickname is Evil Eye White Tiger.
Even though Dai Mubai is only seventeen this year, he’s already
a forty fourth ranked Battle Spirit Ancestor. Power attack
system. His strength is the greatest among us.”

Dai Mubai’s mood didn’t show any change because of Ning

Fengzhi’s appearance, his evil eyes looking straight at the school
master as he spoke:

“I don’t dare call myself the strongest. In a duel, I couldn’t

beat little San.”

Seventeen years old and forty fourth rank? Really a little

monster. Ning Fengzhi didn’t conceal his admiration,

3169 Goldenagato |

“Just now I saw your whole battle. Young man, your spirit
and spirit abilities are all outstanding. At seventeen you already
have such achievements, it truly makes me gasp in admiration. I
don’t know whether you are willing to come take a place at our
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School after this tournament?”

Hearing Ning Fengzhi toss out an invitation to Dai Mubai, the

other Huang Yuan, Jing Ling and Jiang Zhu couldn’t help
having somewhat envious expressions.

But to their surprise, Dai Mubai shook his head with a calm
expression, saying:

“Junior appreciates school master Ning’s kind intentions. If

there’s an opportunity in the future I will certainly visit the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

Even though he didn’t outright refuse going to the Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School, his first sentence was no doubt a
rebuff of Ning Fengzhi’s invitation.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to recall something as he looked at Dai

Mubai’s double pupils, and somewhat pondering said:

3170 Goldenagato |

“Evil Eye White Tiger, eh, so it’s like that.”

Dai Mubai understood that Ning Fengzhi had already seen

through his background. Fortunately, Ning Fengzhi was
observed his words, and didn’t reveal it, only smiling at him
somewhat mysteriously,

“You’re all Rongrong’s companions. If there’s anything the

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can do for you, just come
find me at the school.”

Ning Rongrong next pointed at Oscar,

“He’s called Oscar, second oldest of the Shrek Seven Devils,

forty first ranked food system Tool Spirit Ancestor, his spirit is

For some reason her voice was somewhat weak when she
introduced Oscar, her flickering gaze didn’t dare meet Oscar’s
eyes, and her heartbeat constantly sped up.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Oscar, inwardly praising such a

handsome youth,

3171 Goldenagato |

“Food system? May I know how old you are?”

Oscar suppressed his nervousness with difficulty, and replied


“I’m sixteen this year, one year younger than boss Dai.”

Ning Fengzhi was gobsmacked, even more than when he

found out Dai Mubai was forty fourth rank. As a great scholar
level figure in the auxiliary system, how could he be unaware of
the difficulties in cultivating as a food system Spirit Master? If
an outstanding auxiliary system Spirit Master could be said to
bring out the best in a team, then an outstanding food system
Spirit Master was enough to substantially increase an entire
army’s battle sustainability. Let alone meeting, he had never
even heard about a sixteen year old forty first ranked food
system Spirit Master.

Seeing Ning Fengzhi’s shocked gaze, Oscar was inwardly a

little bit satisfied, calming somewhat. He rushed to speak before
Ning Fengzhi could,

3172 Goldenagato |

“School master Ning, I’ve always admired you. As another
auxiliary system, could I have the privilege of joining the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School after graduation?”

Laughter escaped from Ma Hongjun to the side, thinking, ‘Do

you admire school master Ning, or adore his daughter!’

Ning Fengzhi secretly exulted. Knowing Dai Mubai’s identity,

he naturally understood he wouldn’t join his school. But from
his daughter’s introduction of these Shrek Seven Devils, they
didn’t seem to have any less terrifying talent. If he could recruit
any one of them would be ideal, let alone such an outstanding
food system Spirit Master. At such a moment he wouldn’t put
on any airs of the three upper sects, and hastily nodded:

“Exactly what we’ve been looking for. What the school needs
the most are talented little brothers like you. The Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School’s door will stand wide open for you
at any time.”

Ning Rongrong somewhat resentfully said:

“Dad, why do you call him little brother? Call him little Ao,
otherwise the hierarchy will be mixed up, and how would I

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address him then!”

Ning Fengzhi laughed out loud, saying:

“See, aren’t I confused from excitement? Little Ao’s future as

food system Spirit Master is boundless.”

Ning Rongrong said:

“Dad, you’re already familiar with third brother, so I won’t

introduce him to you. He just has a spirit ring more than before,
that’s all.”

Ning Fengzhi tapped his daughter’s head,

“‘That’s all’? He already left me and his majesty unable to

hide our shock. The fourth spirit ring being of the ten thousand
year level doesn’t seem like something that’s been ever
accomplished before. Even his father didn’t have this kind of
achievement. Ah, it’s a pity, little San, it would’ve been much
better if you’d been my son.”

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Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue at her father,

“What? Do I make you lose face?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“How would you? You are my little treasure. My point was

that it would have been perfect to have a son like Tang San.”

Without a doubt, among these children, Tang San was the one
Ning Fengzhi paid the most attention to and was most
optimistic about. Even though he couldn’t recruit Tang San
because of his background, he would still maintain a good
relationship with Tang San no matter what.

Tang San scratched his head, but didn’t speak up. In his heart
appeared his father’s mien, ‘Dad, would you praise me like
uncle Ning?’

“This is my fourth brother, we all call him Fatty. Is real name

is Ma Hongjun. Forty first ranked power attack system Spirit
Ancestor, his spirit is Fire Phoenix. Ning Rongrong continued
with the next introductions.

3175 Goldenagato |

“Fire Phoenix?”

Ning Fengzhi’s eyes brightened as he saw Ma Hongjun nod

repeatedly. Among spirits, dragon and phoenix were both
considered first rate. This little Fatty appeared a bit young, but
still had forty first ranked strength. Ning Fengzhi couldn’t help
saying to his daughter:

“Rongrong, you wouldn’t be telling me that all of your Shrek

Seven Devils have already reached the fortieth rank?”

Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

“We haven’t, Xiao Wu still hasn’t reached it. However, she

didn’t eat the immortal treasure herb third brother gave her,
otherwise her rank would no doubt be higher than mine.”

Ma Hongjun said:

“Hello uncle Ning, don’t you have another daughter as

beautiful as Rongrong? If you do, I’ll join the Seven Treasure

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Glazed Tile School as long as you marry her to me.”

His nature was always very straightforward, and what he said

immediately had everyone roaring with laughter.

Ning Fengzhi helplessly said:

“Unfortunately, I only have my darling daughter Rongrong. If

she wanted to marry you herself, I wouldn’t have any

Even though he was joking around, Ning Fengzhi’s words

weren’t unconsidered. A power attack system Spirit Master
with the Phoenix Spirit who broke through the fortieth rank as
a teenager, in strength he really was entitled to his daughter’s

Ma Hongjun grinned, saying:

“Then I’ll just go find a beautiful wife first. Anyway, didn’t

you already say the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s doors
would always stand wide open for us.”

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Ning Fengzhi nodded earnestly, his gaze sweeping across these

“Yes, each of you will be welcome at Seven Treasure Glazed

Tile School.”

Huang Yuan couldn’t help asking:

“I as well?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“Of course. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School never

refuses talent.”

Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and Jiang Zhu were ecstatic. They
had found a good place to go before even graduating, what could
be more exciting than this?

Ning Rongrong said:

3178 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Wu is little San’s little sister. I think that wherever
third brother goes, Xiao Wu will follow. Thirty seventh ranked
close combat power attack system Battle Spirit Master. Big
sister Xiao Wu’s close combat strength is very powerful.
Without using spirits, perhaps we would all be unable to defeat
her. Even third brother.”

Xiao Wu slightly bowed to Ning Fengzhi, but didn’t say

anything. Just like Ning Rongrong said, she was only interested
in being together with Tang San.

Ning Rongrong last introduced Zhu Zhuqing,

“Zhuqing is a forty first ranked agility attack system Battle

Spirit Master. She’s together with boss Dai. I’m afraid she
wouldn’t join our school. Only, Zhuqing, you definitely have to
come with boss Dai to play at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School later.”

When meeting other people, Zhu Zhuqing wasn’t as cold as

she was to Dai Mubai. Just like Xiao Wu, she slightly bowed to
Ning Fengzhi.

By now there were more and more spectators leaving the

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Great Spirit Arena. Ning Fengzhi said:

“I’m very glad I could meet talented youths like you here
today. Alright, you return to the Academy. Little San, can I
speak to you alone?”


Hearing Ning Fengzhi ask to talk to him alone, Tang San was
at first distracted a moment, but immediately agreed. No matter
what else, in his eyes Ning Fengzhi was a venerable elder, and
also Ning Rongrong’s father.

Ning Rongrong resentfully stuck out her tongue, saying:

“Dad really is biased, more concerned with third brother than


Ning Fengzhi laughed, saying:

“I need your third brother for serious matters. Be a bit calm at

the Academy, go quickly.”

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The other Shrek Academy people all left, leaving only Tang
San. Ning Fengzhi brought Tang San to the most bustling street
of Heaven Dou City, Heavenly Emperor Street.

While walking, Tang San asked:

“Uncle Ning, what did you need me for?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“I’m bringing you to see someone. After I learned of your

background back at Shrek Academy, I made some inquiries into
why your father originally vanished without a trace. This
person knows some of it. Even though it’s not the complete
story, at least it’s some news. Ai, even now I still feel sorry for
your father. At that time he left the Spirit Master world just
after reaching the Title Douluo stage.”

On hearing it was related to his father, Tang San’s heart

immediately tightened. Originally he hadn’t wanted to have too
much contact with Ning Fengzhi; after all, Ning Fengzhi was the
master of a school, and also good to him. If he was determined

3181 Goldenagato |

to recruit him it wouldn’t be too easy to refuse. But was he
heard these words now, Tang San couldn’t help feeling
gratitude. This uncle Ning had apparently asked around for his
sake, this concern wasn’t only to win him over.

Ning Fengzhi brought Tang San straight to an antique tea

house. The size of the teahouse didn’t seem to be very large,
only three stories with ancient decorations. At this hour there
were only two or three customers inside, seeming very peaceful.

The two reached an elegant room on the second floor, and

pushing open a folding screen, Ning Fengzhi drew Tang San

There was only one person inside the room, and having heard
the voices of the two arriving he had already stood up. This
person appeared to be around seventeen or eighteen, and even
though he wasn’t as handsome as Oscar, he still had a straight
nose and square mouth. He wore clean blue robes, giving people
a very fresh and cool impression. A head of long black hair was
tied up with blue cloth, and hung neatly behind his head.

Even though his clothes were extremely ordinary, he still had

a kind of extraordinary charisma. Looking at this person, Tang
San couldn’t help having a somewhat familiar feeling. But he

3182 Goldenagato |

was certain this was the first time he had met this person.

“Uncle Ning, you’ve come.”

The youth deferentially bowed to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“Qinghe, I’ve told you so many times, no need for that.”

The youth smiled:

“How could that do? You’re a senior, and also Qinghe’s

teacher. If father learned I’d been disrespectful to you, he might
break my legs.”

3183 Goldenagato |

Chapter 93 - Reason For Tang Hao’s Seclusion

Ning Fengzhi brought Tang San to a teahouse to meet a youth.

Qinghe’s gaze shifted to Tang San,

“This should be uncle Ning’s esteemed brother Tang San.”

“I don’t deserve the praise.”

Tang San nodded lightly at the youth.

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“I’ll introduce you. Little San, this is the Heaven Dou Empire’s
present crown prince, his highness Xue Qinghe.”

Tang San was inwardly alarmed, and immediately understood

why this youth felt familiar. That was it, his appearance was
somewhat similar to both emperor Xue Ye, as well as the ones

3184 Goldenagato |

that originally inconvenienced Shrek Academy, fourth prince
Xue Beng and prince Xue Xing.

“So it’s his highness the crown prince. Tang San offers his

Bowing slightly, Tang San was neither servile nor


Xue Qinghe praised:

“If uncle Ning hadn’t told me, I really would have found it
difficult to believe you’re only fourteen. To think that when I
was fourteen, I was just an ignorant boy. I’m happy to meet you,
and if you don’t mind, call me big brother Xue. It’s better not to
mention the words ‘crown prince’.”

Tang San couldn’t help being astounded by the other party’s

manner of speech and bearing; did he really have the same
father as that prince Xue Beng? Why was there such a
difference? As a person of two lifetimes, Tang San inferred from
Ning Fengzhi bringing him to meet this crown prince that the
prince had already obtained the support of the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School. Recalling that emperor Xue Ye wasn’t

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exactly young, could it be that there was a struggle for position
in the Heaven Dou imperial family?

Ning Fengzhi said from the side:

“Alright, let’s sit down and talk. The green tea here is pretty
good. Little San, you try it as well.”

The three host and guests sat down, and Xue Qinghe
personally poured tea for Ning Fengzhi and Tang San. Without
need to drink, just the scent had a feeling of penetrating deep
into the heart. Further adding the antique decorations in the
room, it was very easy to feel relaxed both mentally and

Tang San said:

“Big brother Xue, I heard from uncle Ning that you knew
something about my father going into seclusion.”

Xue Qinghe nodded, saying:

3186 Goldenagato |

“Actually, I don’t know everything. Only what I heard from
the court officials. Your esteemed father was always my idol, so
I asked around at that time. According to what I learned, the
reason your esteemed father disappeared from the Spirit Master
world, was related to Spirit Hall.”

“Eh? Big brother Xue, do you know something concrete?”

Tang San somewhat anxiously asked. According to what

Strength Clan chief Tai Tan and Ning Fengzhi said, his father
was one of the twin Douluo of the first ranked of the seven great
schools, Clear Sky School. With such a venerable position, how
could he have degenerated into a drunkard blacksmith? The
reasons for this had always been what Tang San wanted to

Xue Qinghe didn’t keep him in suspense, nodding:

“What I learned was this. Approximately fifteen years ago,

counting back, it should have been before you were born. Spirit
Hall was apparently looking for something. That thing was
extremely important to Spirit Hall. Consequently, Spirit Hall
dispatched a formidable line-up to search all over. Not only did
four platinum bishops all participate, but even the Supreme
Pontiff at that time as well as his two personal guards

3187 Goldenagato |

participated. The people I talked to didn’t know what
specifically they were looking for, but from the way Spirit Hall’s
senior members came out in force, that was certainly something
extremely important.

“And this thing seemed to have fallen into your father’s

hands. At that time your father wasn’t at the Clear Sky School,
but should have brought your mother to travel the Continent.
Abruptly getting involved in this matter was presumably also
made things extremely difficult. I also don’t know the details of
the negotiations between him and Spirit Hall. I only heard that
your father declared his separation from Clear Sky School not
long after. At that time, your father was still a Spirit Douluo and
hadn’t yet reached the Title Douluo realm.

“Not long after this was another piece of news. It was said
your father and Spirit Hall had a decisive duel somewhere, and
was injured. But they apparently still didn’t successfully obtain
that thing. It was precisely from that battlefield that it was
known your father had already reached the Title Douluo stage.
Spirit Hall admitted to this themselves, and said your esteemed
father had become the nowadays youngest Title Douluo.”

Hearing this, Tang San couldn’t help asking:

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“Then my mother?”

Xue Qinghe shook his head, saying:

“My information doesn’t have anything pertaining to your

mother. Only that less than a month after that battle, Spirit Hall
announced the death of the Supreme Pontiff, and the succession
of the new Supreme Pontiff. Therefore, my sources judged it
very possible that the Supreme Pontiff was severely wounded in
the battle with your father, dying not long after, and that your
father chose to go into seclusion for this reason. Even though he
had separated from Clear Sky School, he was after all still their
most important direct disciple. His hiding was presumably also
to keep the School from getting involved. After all, Spirit Hall
really is too powerful, even so much that they’re on an equal
footing with the two great empires, not something a single
school has the capability to resist. Even the present age’s
number one great school wouldn’t be capable. It was also
starting from this time that the Clear Sky School distanced itself
from peoples’ eyes, and very rarely moved in the Spirit Master

Ning Fengzhi interjected:

“If all this is true, then what’s most important is finding out

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just what that thing Spirit Hall fought over was, and the true
circumstances of that fight. This is perhaps also something only
those involved would know. Only, it’s certain that battle is
closely related to your father’s reason for going into seclusion.”

Tang San silently nodded. Even though Xue Qinghe’s words

were somewhat discrepant from his own conjecture, it was still
extremely reasonable. In the Douluo Continent, only Spirit Hall
would have the strength to force a Title Douluo into seclusion,
and force the number one great school into seclusion. If his
father had really killed the Supreme Pontiff, then the hatred
and desire for revenge between him and Spirit Hall were
enormous. In order to avoid implicating the School, in order to
avoid pursuit, he had brought him to live in a small mountain

But in Xue Qinghe’s entire story there was no mention of his

mother. Could it be that his mother had been killed by Spirit
Hall in that battle?

Unconsciously, Tang San’s fists gradually tightened. Even if

he had no relationship with his mother in this world, his life
was after all given him by this mother. In his body flowed the
blood of her and his father. He could not live under the same
sky as his parents’ enemies. If it truly was done by Spirit Hall,

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Thinking of this, an uncontrollable threatening cold light
appeared in Tang San’s eyes.

Xue Qinghe said:

“That’s all I know, I truly find it embarrassing. I’ve

dispatched people to investigate, but it’s already been more than
ten years, and I’m afraid it won’t be very effective.”

“Many thanks for the information, big brother Xue. As far as

I’m concerned, being able to learn this is already very useful.”

Tang San’s expression very quickly recovered to normal.

Xue Qinghe smiled faintly, saying:

“No need for brother Tang to be polite, it’s as easy as lifting

my hand.”

With the serious matters concluded, the trio drank tea and

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chatted idly. Tang San discovered that this Xue Qinghe wasn’t
only extremely entertaining in conversation, but also had
extensive knowledge and learning. His style of conversation
relaxed people, and throughout the conversation he never
argued. Tang San discovered from his own observations that
this person’s mind was extremely broad, different as black and
white from prince Xue Beng and prince Xue Xing.

“Brother Tang, it would be better to eat lunch together.”

Xue Qinghe proposed.

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“No, I’ll still return to the Academy.”

Xue Qinghe smiled faintly, and pulled out a golden medal

from his chest. The golden medal design was simple, but it
contained a stream of unusual energy, and on the surface was
carved a Heaven character.

“Since it’s like that, as a brother I won’t keep you. I’ll give you
this medal. If there’s any matter later on, use it to come find me

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at the imperial palace.”

Tang San hesitated a moment on seeing the gold medal, and

Ning Fengzhi to the side said:

“Qinghe doesn’t have any other intentions, take it. This badge
is only Qinghe’s personal seal, there are no other uses.”

Hearing Ning Fengzhi say this, Tang San didn’t decline.

Picking up the heavy gold medal, he put it into his Twenty Four
Moonlit Bridges.

Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi personally saw Tang San to the
door of the teahouse, and Tang San bid farewell to the two and
returned to Shrek Academy.

Seeing Tang San’s gradually disappearing back, Xue Qinghe

praising said:

“Teacher, you’re right. He really isn’t like an only fourteen

year old child. Not only does he conceal his thoughts, but his
discourse and manner are all very steady. Truly worthy of being
a child of the Clear Sky School.”

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Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“This child’s brilliance can’t be accorded the Clear Sky

School, it all relies on his own capability. Even I can’t see his
future clearly. If it was another Spirit Master, it would be very
difficult to succeed with Blue Silver Grass as a spirit, but he’s
different. At such a young age he has not only already reached
the fortieth rank, but the strength he has displayed is also not a
bit different from fortieth ranked Spirit Masters with first rate
spirits. In the future, if he can settle the issue of twin spirit
backlash, this child is bound to become a character who calls the
wind and summons the rain in the Continent, he will even
surpass his father.”

Xue Qinghe thought deeply and nodded,

“I will pay special attention to researching the matters related

to Clear Sky Douluo’s withdrawal, I hope I can find some
accurate information soon. As for Tang San, I’ll first build a
good relationship with him. Even though he’s outstanding,
right now he’s still too young.”

Ning Fengzhi sternly said:

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“Qinghe, I must remind you of one thing. Judging by the time
I’ve interacted with this child, if you want his assistance in the
future, then you can’t try to recruit him, only try to be a true

Xue Qinghe looked distracted a moment, his gaze meeting

Ning Fengzhi’s. After a long time, he slowly nodded,

“Teacher, I understand. Thank you for your directions.”

On the way back to the Academy, Tang San’s head was filled
with what Xue Qinghe said. ‘Father, for what reason did you
clash with Spirit Hall, what about mother? Even though what
Xue Qinghe had talked about hadn’t mentioned his mother,
Tang San still felt that his father’s seclusion was directly related
to his mother.

The teahouse wasn’t far from the Academy, and Tang San
returned very quickly. He headed directly to the log cabin in the
Academy forest, it had practically become their exclusive
training spot.

Right now, not only had the team returned, but Grandmaster

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and Liu Erlong were also back. Only Flender wasn’t present.

“Little San, you’re back.”

Grandmaster saw Tang San return, and waved at him.

“Teacher, are you looking for me?”

Tang San asked as he walked over.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“I will train Rongrong alone, you come too. What I say should
be useful to you as well. Training her also needs your


Tang San looked at Ning Rongrong to the side. Right now the
others were all in the vicinity of the log cabin, perhaps
cultivating, or perhaps sitting together and chatting, but Ning

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Rongrong was at Grandmaster’s side.

“Follow me.”

Grandmaster brought Tang San and Ning Rongrong into the

depths of the forest, and not even Liu Erlong followed.

Having walked several hundred meters, Grandmaster stopped

in a relatively spacious area.

Ning Rongrong somewhat nervously asked:

“Grandmaster, what special training do you have in mind for


Even now she still had a trauma from Grandmaster’s special

demonic training.

Grandmaster said:

“Rongrong, if I’m not mistaken, your Seven Treasure Glazed

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Tile School should have a technique called Heart Separation
Control. To what degree have you cultivated it?”

Ning Rongrong looked distracted a moment, afterward


“Right now I’ve just cultivated it to Three Aperture Governing

Heart. I can just manage to use it.”

Grandmaster’s brows wrinkled slightly,

“Which means, still only the most elementary level. My

special training for you is in this special area.”

“Even though the battle today was an easy win over the
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team, their second team
absolutely doesn’t represent the overall strength of all advanced
Spirit Master academies. Especially now that Tang San and Dai
Mubai’s strength has already been revealed. The opponents you
will confront in the future will only be stronger and stronger.
And that evolved Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit of
yours can be said to be extremely gifted and rich in resources,
one might say that your ability will have an extremely effect on
whether you will be able to become champions.”

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Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

“Grandmaster, are you praising me?”

Grandmaster’s complexion was stiff:

“I’m not praising you. Rather praising your Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School’s spirit. It’s still very difficult to reveal its
might with your present capability. It doesn’t have a very large
effect on the team in a fight.”

To the side, Tang San astonished said:

“Teacher, Rongrong is already on the fortieth level, her

auxiliary is already outstanding. Able to simultaneously boost
us fifty percent in four categories at the same time, that
instantly erupting strength is practically enough to let us
promote one class!”

Grandmaster calmly said:

3199 Goldenagato |

“You’re not wrong, right now she can boost you fifty percent
in four attributes. Then, you ask Rongrong, if you Shrek Seven
Devils were in a fight together, and she boosted the six of you at
the same time, how long could she keep it up?”

Tang San puzzled looked at Ning Rongrong, whose

complexion had also changed somewhat,

“Grandmaster, how do you know the secrets of our Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School?”

Grandmaster said:

“Don’t forget that I come from the Blue Lightning Tyrant

Dragon Clan, also one of the three upper sects. The secrets of
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s Spirit aren’t so secret,
it’s not strange that I know about it. Not just me, but practically
all formidable Spirit Masters would know. But despite this, the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is still the most powerful
auxiliary system Spirit Master clan, do you know why this is?”

Ning Rongrong blankly shook her head.

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To the side Tang San couldn’t help saying:

“Don’t tell me it’s because of that Heart Separation Control

you mentioned? Teacher, can’t you explain it clearly, what’s the
secret of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit?”

Ning Rongrong looked at Grandmaster who nodded, saying:

“Right, the reason why the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda
holds the title as the number one auxiliary system spirit is
admittedly related to the spirit itself, but this Heart Separation
Control is even more important. It’s admittedly important to
raise spirit power, but to your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School, this Heart Separation Control is even more important.
If my guess is correct, then Rongrong’s father, school master
Ning’s ability in Heart Separation Control should already have
reached the Seven Aperture Exquisite Heart level. Tell me if I’m
wrong, Rongrong.”

Ning Rongrong nodded, and at the same time cleared Tang

San’s doubts,

“Our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit’s secret lies in

spirit power consumption. The higher the level of spirit power,

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the higher the spirit ring, the more clear the disadvantage is. In
my present condition, if I simultaneously boosted the six of you
fifty percent in all four aspects, at most I could only endure for
three seconds.”

“Three seconds?”

Tang San was gobsmacked.

Grandmaster lowered his voice:

“I called out Rongrong alone in order to keep everyone from

hearing this secret. This world is impartial. Even though the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is powerful in support, it
also has its limitations. Because a Spirit Master’s spirit power is
finite, no matter how good your spirit is, if you don’t have spirit
power to support you it won’t be able to show sufficient results.
Because the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s support ability
is too powerful, its spirit power consumption is subsequently
also frightening. Consider, for Rongrong to boost all six of you
with fifty percent in four attributes with her fortieth level spirit
power, what kind of concept is that? If it could be kept up for a
long time, then wouldn’t it be unparallelled? I recalled this issue
that day when Rongrong assisted Flender and the others in
when we were hunting spirit beasts. If it can’t be settled

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satisfactorily, then it will be very difficult for her Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit to show adequate results in
your future matches.”

Tang San now understood,

“Then you’re saying that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile

School’s Heart Separation Control is the way to deal with it?”

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“That’s right. What’s called Heart Separation Control has the

effect of controlling different spirit abilities at once. This
control method is useful to any Spirit Master, but the effect is
particularly pronounced for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School. For common Spirit Masters, more powerful abilities
consume more spirit power, but this isn’t the case for the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School. Each of their spirit abilities will
consume the same amount of spirit power on the same level.
Simply put, if Rongrong was a twentieth ranked Spirit
Grandmaster, then the spirit power consumption of her two
spirit abilities would be the one. Once she reached the thirtieth
rank, the spirit power consumption of her three spirit abilities
would still be the same. But because the boost rate has gone up,
the spirit power consumption has also changed to two, and so

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on in a similar fashion. Thus, if she simply releases all her spirit
abilities to boost at once, the spirit power consumption would
be an astronomical figure. Let alone her, even a Title Douluo
would find it very difficult to support that kind of drain.”

“And Heart Separation Control is the key point to settling this

issue. One might say that in battle, the support needs of each
combatant is different. For example, with Rongrong’s current
four spirit abilities, what’s most important for you is only the
spirit power boost, and her other three effects would be useless,
it would only drain her spirit power. But Dai Mubai needs
attack, defense, and spirit power boosts, agility amplification
isn’t as important. Being able to amplify them all would
admittedly be good, but when spirit power is limited, boosting
the key areas is undoubtedly where the Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda can completely display it’s support capability.”

“The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s Heart Separation

Control is split into five levels, Three Aperture Governing
Heart, Four Aperture Constant Heart, Five Aperture Dispersed
Heart, Six Aperture Wishful Heart, and Seven Aperture
Exquisite Heart. Each level represents how many spirit abilities
can be controlled at once and how many times they can be
released. Such as Three Aperture Governing Heart, it indicates
you can simultaneously manipulate three kinds of spirit abilities
to accurately support three targets, Four Aperture Constant
Heart indicates the ability to simultaneously manipulate four

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spirit abilities to support four targets. And under such accurate
control, you can accomplish the degree I spoke of before,
conducting the most suitable support to the people that need
them the most.”

Here, Grandmaster paused a moment, continuing after giving

Tang San a meaningful glance:

“The effect of Heart Separation Control isn’t very large for

common Spirit Masters, because the spirit power consumption
of each spirit ability is different and there is little need to release
all spirit abilities in one. Consequently, the cultivation method
for this Heart Separation Control has been gradually lost with
time. Only the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would have it.
Rongrong, I hope that before the finals you will be able to at
least reach the Four Aperture Constant Heart stage. Like that,
you can at least support four of your comrades at once, releasing
different supporting spirit abilities at different times. This is the
true secret of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue, saying:

“Grandmaster, you really are difficult to deal with. What you

said is practically the same as what dad said. He also told me

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that if I wanted to really show the effects of the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda, I had to assiduously cultivate Heart
Separation Control. Only, the method for cultivating Heart
Separation Control is too difficult, and it’s so boring. That’s

Grandmaster indifferently glanced at Ning Rongrong,

“You’re not going to say that even your Three Aperture

Governing Heart isn’t completely mastered?”

Ning Rongrong’s charming face turned red, but she still

nodded, somewhat ashamed not daring to look at him again.

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying:

“Rongrong, as a direct descendant of the Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School, you possess circumstances that other people
don’t. If such a gifted spirit isn’t treasured, you will definitely
come to regret it. You have to cultivate the esoterics of Heart
Separation Control. Otherwise, even if you can become a Title
Douluo in the future, you still won’t meet the standards of a
Support Spirit Master. Can you understand teacher’s efforts?”

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Grandmaster’s voice was very mild, but such a gentle rebuke
instead made Ning Rongrong feel even more ashamed. Exerting
herself to nod, she said:

“Grandmaster, don’t worry. From today on, I will definitely

work hard to cultivate Heart Separation Control. I’ll strive to
reach Four Aperture Constant Heart shortly.”

Grandmaster’s face held a trace of a smile, saying:

“Even though I also haven’t learned this Heart Separation

Control, I can teach you a method. Remember, when using your
support abilities hereafter, you must become the most miserly
Spirit Master possible yourself. Even bits and pieces of spirit
power must be conserved as far as possible. Each time you
support must be done just perfect, not too much, not too little.
As long as you can accomplish this, your support capabilities
will be on the right track.”

Ning Rongrong recorded what Grandmaster said in her heart,

and even if she didn’t completely comprehend it, what
Grandmaster said let her adequately recognize the effect of
Heart Separation Control.

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Grandmaster sighed lightly, his gaze falling on Tang San to
the side,

“My reason for calling little San over is actually selfishness.

Heart Separation Control isn’t much use for ordinary Spirit
Masters, but it’s different for him. He’s a control system Spirit
Master, and moreover has twin spirits. The spirit power of his
new spirit ability can’t be considered high. If he can master
Heart Separation Control, then his control capabilities will be
even greater on the battlefield. Especially when he possesses the
spirit abilities of his second spirit later. Such circumstances will
change even more clearly. Rongrong, I don’t know what the
rules of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School say, but if it
isn’t expressly stipulated, when you cultivate Heart Separation
Control, can you let little San cultivate with you?”


Tang San looked at Grandmaster, somewhat eagerly saying:

“That’s no good. Heart Separation Control is the Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School’s secret skill, how can it be taught
to me?”

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Being from Tang Sect, he clearly understood how much the
sect’s most profound techniques were valued. Let alone
teaching it to outsiders, even if someone lusted after it he would
immediately suffer Tang Sect’s severe reprisals.

“Why can’t I teach it? Third brother, train together with me.
This actually doesn’t matter. As Grandmaster said, this Heart
Separation Control originally wasn’t our Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School’s sole property, but since it was useful to us we
always passed it down. What’s more, with your favors to the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, even if dad was here, he
would definitely agree.”


Tang San still hesitated and wanted to decline, but Ning

Rongrong interrupted.

“But what? Third brother, did I say anything when you gave
me the immortal treasure tulip? Did I refuse? I didn’t, because I
really consider you my big brother. If a big brother gives
something to his little sister, why should I refuse? Although at
that time I didn’t know how precious that immortal treasure
herb was, even if I knew, I would still definitely receive it. Right
now is the same, we Shrek Seven Devils are all one family.

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You’ve always been selfless to everyone. This is just one tiny
technique, if you refuse again, it will be like you don’t consider
me your little sister.”

Listening to Ning Rongrong’s rapid fire interrogation, Tang

San was immediately left speechless. Of course he had a mind to
learn this Heart Separation Control, but this was after all a
school’s secret skill.

“It’s not like that. Rongrong, ask uncle Ning first. If uncle
Ning says I can learn it, then I’ll cultivate together with you,
how’s that?”

Ning Rongrong somewhat resentfully pouted, saying:

“Hmph, you still won’t believe me? Dad definitely won’t

refuse. Since you insist, I’ll go find him now.”

“Don’t go now. You don’t even know where uncle Ning is.”

Tang San wanted to hold back Ning Rongrong.

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Ning Rongrong said:

“Don’t worry, I can find dad. How couldn’t our Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School have ways to communicate?
Grandmaster, I’ll leave first.”

Finished speaking, Ning Rongrong ran directly towards the

edge of the forest.

Grandmaster laughed in spite of himself:

“This girl, she really is impetuous. Little San, don’t worry.

Since I proposed it, Ning Fengzhi naturally won’t refuse. Even
though this Heart Separation Control is important to the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School, it’s not a secret that can’t be
passed on to others. If my guess is correct, Ning Fengzhi will be
eager to let you learn it. Like this, you will owe a favor to the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. As school master, Ning
Fengzhi stands tall and sees far, whether you or your father,
you’re both important targets. While Rongrong is off looking
for her father, tell me, what did Ning Fengzhi want to talk to
you about?”

Hearing Grandmaster say this, Tang San felt more at ease.

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Immediately, he related in detail his meeting with Xue Qinghe
and the conversation the three of them had.

Having heard Tang San’s recount, after Grandmaster

muttered to himself a while he said:

“This crown prince’s information shouldn’t be common

knowledge. Able to find out so much couldn’t have been easy.
Spirit Hall has comprehensively blocked everything about that

“Teacher, you know something?”

Tang San eagerly asked. In front of Grandmaster, he never

concealed anything.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“I don’t. But in theory, there shouldn’t be any problem with

the information the crown prince gave you. Right now the key
point lies in just what made all of Spirit Hall turn out in full
strength, and when they returned in defeat, could be worth the
loss of the Supreme Pontiff.”

3212 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s eyes suddenly brightened,

“Teacher, wouldn’t it be a spirit bone? To Spirit Masters,

most precious should be spirit rings and spirit bones. Spirit
rings can’t be taken away, but spirit bones can.

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“No, I think not. If it was a spirit bone, it would be impossible

for Spirit Hall to fail. Even though your father became a Title
Douluo, it would still be impossible to contend with Spirit Hall.
In fact, besides the Supreme Pontiff, Spirit Hall still has at least
three Title Douluo. Even if your father was even more powerful,
it would still be impossible to deal with so many powers by
himself. If I’m not mistaken, the reason Spirit Hall didn’t
persist, isn’t because that thing was damaged, but because it
already lost its use. Don’t tell me, it was a spirit beast? But how
would spirit beasts be related to your father? Leaving aside how
high the level of a spirit beast would have to be to draw the
attention of Spirit Hall, just with the unreconciled conflict
between spirit beasts and humans, it still wouldn’t be near your
father. And it would be impossible for your father to break away
from the school to offend Spirit Hall without hesitating for a
spirit beast.”

3213 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster’s power of deduction was doubtless powerful,
but hearing his analysis, Tang San was even more confused.
Just what was that thing? It seemed that the only way to know
was to see his father again.

Ning Rongrong wasn’t gone for long, and after an hour she
had already excitedly come running back with a letter in her

“Third brother, for you. As I said, dad definitely agreed.”

The message was very simple, and Tang San recognized Ning
Fengzhi’s handwriting. It said:

Little San, Heart Separation Control really isn’t some secret

skill, if it’s useful, train together with Rongrong as much as
possible. How could such a tiny skill compare to your
contributions to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? —— Ning

Even though it was only a few simple words, and even though
Tang San clearly understood Ning Fengzhi’s words held some
intent of drawing him in, his heart still eased, unspeakably

3214 Goldenagato |

comforted. No matter what was said, Ning Fengzhi was the
master of a school, and also a tolerant and generous senior.

And so, from this afternoon on, Tang San and Ning Rongrong
cultivated this skill together.

The method for cultivating Heart Separation Control wasn’t

complex, but the method for cultivating this skill was different
for different Spirit Masters. Ning Rongrong’s cultivated by
continuously releasing her different abilities, releasing each
ability with different speed and time, looking for as great
precision as possible, smoothly releasing and receiving. Right
now, she simultaneously released three abilities, starting to
cultivate the most basic Three Aperture Governing Heart.

(雪清河) “Snow Clear River”


(分心控制) This is when the first two characters are read

separately, they could also be read together for “Distraction
Control”, but that doesn’t fit the ability.

3215 Goldenagato |

Chapter 94 - Heart Separation Control’s
Three Aperture Governing Heart

With the sect skill training method Ning Rongrong handed

over to Tang San, in order to grasp the Separating Heart
Control, first of all required powerful perception. Therefore,
Tang San’s cultivation was even simpler than Ning Rongrong’s.
Assigning three different things in three different directions,
and constantly shifting his gaze between these three, and
moreover each time use his Blue Silver Grass to twist around
these three things, twisting in three directions, binding and
releasing in one second intervals.

Heart Separation Control cultivated to the peak should be

capable of controlling every change in one’s surroundings. Not
only was it necessary to observe these changes, but they still had
to be brought completely under one’s control.

When described it seemed very complex, but in fact

cultivating it was using one mind for multiple tasks, moreover
letting the scattered mind focus. Not only did it require very
high mental strength, at the same time it still required superb

Tang San practiced for a full afternoon, but still didn’t sense

3216 Goldenagato |

any threshold. Instead, because of constantly paying attention
to three things in different directions, his eyes ached.

Because Shrek Academy had already finished their fight of the

second day of the qualifying competition in advance, on the
second day they simply didn’t go to the Heaven Dou Great Spirit
Arena, but stayed at the Academy to cultivate.

Tang San rose at dawn, customarily exercising his Purple

Demon Eye. As a result of Tang San having taken the Full Moon
Wearing Autumn Dew, his cultivation was a lot easier than

Faintly breathing in the purple qi from the distant horizon,

while Tang San gazed, he slowly exhaled and inhaled,
harmonizing his Mysterious Heaven Skill internal strength. He
seemed to be bathing in that purple qi, purple and gold light
glittering in his eyes, Purple Demon Eye imperceptibly

Along with the sun rising from the east, the purple qi
subsequently disappeared. Tang San drew a deep breath, and
leapt down from the tree.

3217 Goldenagato |

Should he continue cultivating that Heart Separation
Control? Tang San somewhat helplessly reached the cultivation
area from yesterday. He had always been very talented in
cultivation, but he couldn’t even find the threshold for this
Separating Heart Control. Yesterday he had practiced for an
afternoon, but instead felt that the spirit abilities he used were
somewhat chaotic. Now that he again prepared to cultivate,
inwardly he couldn’t help feeling some conflicting emotions.

“What? Can’t grasp the feeling?”

A familiar voice echoed, and Tang San didn’t need to turn

around to know it was Grandmaster.

“Teacher, why did you come here so early?”

Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

“I saw your circumstances when you cultivated yesterday.

This Separating Heart Control cultivation is indeed challenging.
Without perseverance and willpower, it’ll be very difficult to
succeed. The starting stage is especially difficult. Once you can
grasp the threshold, the later cultivation will instead become
easier. Three Aperture Governing Heart means letting the mind

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master three apertures. Don’t be too anxious to control, first
you need perception. Experience it with your heart, whether it’s
the air, smell, color, sound, touch, they will all tell you a great
many things. When you can sufficiently understand what these
changes represent, then your control will subsequently become
a lot easier. Let the use of each spirit ability become a
conditioned reflex. Even if you can’t divide your heart into
three this way, the end result won’t be much different. It should
be a bit easier to let yourself first reach the same effect, then
again slowly grasp the feeling of Separating Heart Control.”

Carefully sensing everything around, this was what

Grandmaster could give Tang San. Even if he didn’t know
Separating Heart Control’s cultivation technique, relying on his
understanding of spirits, his comprehension of cultivation
methods, he was using a different path to tell Tang San to step
past the threshold even easier.

Listening to Grandmaster, Tang San seemed to find a trace of

sensation, and he immediately closed his eyes. In order to not
let this trace of sensation get away, he had to truly capture it.

Tang San stood there motionlessly, Grandmaster to the side

no longer uttering a word, only calmly watching his disciple.

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Tang San very quickly entered his cultivation state,
constantly inhaling, slowly exhaling, his surroundings seeming
to become empty and silent.

The scent of plants flowed into his nose, his skin sensed the
surrounding temperature, the calls of insects and birds
transmitted through his ears. Tang San stood there quietly,
using his heart to grab that trace of sensation from before.

Gradually, Tang San was disappointed. That trace seemed

more and more distant. He could sense some changes in the
world around him, but these changes still passed far, far too
quickly. Let alone grasping them, he was even unable to tell
what was going on outside.

“Spirits can increase all your attributes, including


Grandmaster’s magnetic voice rose once again.

Tang San shook, and that trace seemed to return again.

Raising his right hand, blue and purple light rushed out of his
palm. With Tang San as center, black Blue Silver Grass became
an extension of his body and slowly spread out in all directions,

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making rustling sounds as they passed.

Just like Grandmaster said, as he released his spirit, the

instant Mysterious Heaven Skill circulated along with the spirit,
Tang San felt his perception grow several times stronger. It was
as if a veil was lifted from the originally unclear sensations.
Everything around him became clear at the same time.

Each spreading strand of Blue Silver Grass brought back more

and more information, being summarized in Tang San’s ind.
Even though he didn’t use his eyes to see, he still already had a
vague outline of the world around him.

Using his heart to be able to sense something? Blue Silver

Grass showed Tang San that even though they couldn’t become
his eyes, it was still able to make him sense the surrounding
world even better. Of the spreading Blue Silver Grass, three
strands moved. One curled around a small tree, making dew
drops left from the night fall. One swung over the ground,
pushing open the surrounding bushes. The last one curled
around a fresh flower. The three strands of Blue Silver Grass did
three different things, and even though it wasn’t an ability, at
this moment Tang San finally succeeded in the simplest three
part heart separation.

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At this moment, suddenly, Tang San discovered his Blue
Silver Grass seemed to change. Originally vague outlines
became clear, and from all around, countless peculiar energies
quietly rushed into his body through these Blue Silver Grass,
then slowly diffused. It was such a simple process, but it let
Tang San clearly see each detail within an area of several
hundred square meters.

Why was it like this? Tang San inwardly started, and along
with the change in his mood, that clarity immediately faded. He
hastily made himself calm down again, then continued
controlling the triple heart separation, and those bizarre
energies started arriving again.

The bizarre energies were very scattered, each strand minute,

an entirely different kind of existence from Mysterious Heaven
Skill. Their energy unexpectedly had its origins in emotions,
and these emotions were familiar.

While Tang San maintained his condition, he very carefully

sensed the changes in these energies, trying to determine their

Along with the clear perception in his mental world, he

gradually discovered their origin. What made him extremely

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astonished was that these energies came from the vast expanse
of blue silver grass growing.

Blue silver grass, the most common plant on the Douluo

Continent, practically omnipresent. Lacking any effect besides
tenacious vitality. It was because of this that Tang San’s Blue
Silver Grass Spirit was known as the standard for trash spirits.

But at this moment, Tang San felt all the blue silver grass
around him transmitting familiarity, those blue silver grass that
weren’t his were apparently telling him something, just like
orphans finding relatives. It was precisely this familiarity that
let them become Tang San’s eyes, ears, and nose, everything
they sensed was transmitted to Tang San’s brain. At this
moment, Tang San seemed to become the heart of the forest.
His perception even gradually extended beyond a kilometer. He
could clearly feel that, within this Shrek Academy forest, all the
blue silver grass was swaying slightly at the same rhythm
because of conforming with his aura.

This kind of feeling was unspeakably moving. Tang San

discovered that each strand of his own Blue Silver Grass seemed
to be spurring the vitality of the wild blue silver grass. All kinds
of information from the wild blue silver grass transmitted to
him, and those Blue Silver Grass he released also softly moved
according to this information.

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Right now, Grandmaster was looking at a bizarre scene.
Spreading from Tang San’s feet, all the blue silver grass stood
up sharply, softly swaying at the same rhythm, releasing a
joyful feeling, and the white spirit power Tang san originally
released gradually changed into a faint blue.

Variation? This was Grandmaster’s first thought. Practically

immediately, he thought to interrupt Tang San. Variation could
admittedly bring even more power, but it could equally possibly
turn him useless. In no way did he want his disciple to follow
his course in life.

However, Grandmaster still restrained his impulses. Because

he discovered that right now, Tang San seemed to be the same
as the surrounding blue silver grass, all blending into the forest,
even his human aura disappeared. Right now he was just like an
enormous strand of blue silver grass, his body also swaying
softly like the blue silver grass around him.

The complex energy fluctuations of variation didn’t appear,

but rather became soft and harmonious. As time passed, Tang
San seemed to melt into the surrounding world.

Even with all his knowledge, Grandmaster still didn’t

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understand what was happening. After considering it from all
angles for a moment, he didn’t dare rashly interrupt.

With the strange feeling constantly spreading through his

body, Tang San felt himself become unprecedentedly relaxed.
Gradually, the blue silver grass on the ground began to change,
as if washed in his aura, it unexpectedly began to turn black.

Just at the start, only the several square meters of blue silver
grass under Tang San’s feet showed this change, but as time
passed, the affected range began to grow larger and larger. Even
more bizarre, those blue silver grass clearly didn’t have the
support of Tang San’s spirit power, but they still grew
frantically, each strand swaying along with Tang San’s Blue
Silver Grass.

Watching the spreading black, Grandmaster was inwardly

somewhat panicked. Besides the toxicity, these blue silver grass
appeared to become exactly the same as Tang San’s.

And at this time, Tang San felt another kind of condition. He

discovered that among the changed blue silver grass, he also
sensed a loneliness in the hearts of the blue silver grass that had
grown in the forest for who knew how many years. That kind of
particular feeling made the spirit power within him fluctuate

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and release, and after interacting with the strange energy from
the blue silver grass it again condensed within him.

Suddenly, Grandmaster’s eyes flashed, and his gaze at Tang

San filled with incredulity. He had finally thought of one
circumstance that matched Tang San’s current appearance: a
first rate mimicry environment cultivation.

So called first rate mimicry environment cultivation was

when one cultivated in the most suitable environment, allowing
oneself to completely fuse with the surroundings, becoming a
part of it. In this way, not only did cultivation speed improve,
but it also let the spirit become even more pure, and increased
attributes overall.

But, as far as Grandmaster knew, it was only possible for such

first rate mimicry environment cultivation to occur for Spirit
Masters above the seventieth rank. It required tremendous
mental strength. And even then, it still wasn’t something any
spirit master could accomplish. It was only possible for some
special spirits. Tang San was only on the forty first rank, how
was it possible for this state to appear?

The greatest benefit of Heart Separation Control could be

summed up in one word: simultaneity. Simultaneous control of

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different things, capable of letting abilities be fully used without
gaps. With outstanding Heart Separation Control one could
grasp each property of one’s own spirit abilities as well as the
effect on the target. This was what the Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School pursued as the number one auxiliary system spirit.

What Tang San accomplished right now wasn’t actually Heart

Separation Control, but rather another, even more terrifying
ability, environment control. Relying on the aura of one’s own
spirit to control organisms with similar attributes. What kind of
frightful scene was that?

With Tang San as its center, blue silver grass showed growth
in an area of more than a hundred square meters before
stopping. Right now, Tang San was within a dense ocean of blue
silver grass. From this moment on, he didn’t need to separate
Blue Silver Grass from his own body. As long as it was an area
with blue silver grass, any blue silver grass could become a part
of his spirit.

Let alone Tang San, even Grandmaster hadn’t even imagined

that this cultivation would produce such a result.

When Tang San awoke from his immersion, it was already an

hour later. Ning Rongrong had already arrived at some point,

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and stood at Grandmaster’s side. The two were both looking at
him with odd expressions.

“Teacher, why are you looking at me like that?”

Tang San puzzled asked. Right now, as he separated from the

previous feeling, that frantically growing blue silver grass had
returned to normal, as if nothing ever happened.

Grandmaster said in a low voice:

“Little San, what did you feel just now? What you did, tell me
in detail.”

Tang San was equally puzzled, and recounted everything he

felt after immersing himself in that strange ambience.

After listening to him, before waiting for Tang San to raise

any questions, Grandmaster rushed to say:

“First I’ll tell you what I saw before…”

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“How is it possible?”

Tang San dumbstruck looked at Grandmaster,

“Teacher, you’re saying that the wild blue silver grass here
just now grew just like my Blue Silver Grass? But, my spirit
power wasn’t consumed! Moreover, it even seems to have
increased a lot, about the same as one night of cultivation.”

Grandmaster nodded affirmation,

“I also don’t know why such circumstances would appear for

you. According to what you said, this blue silver grass was all
very familiar to you, without the slightest trace of rejection. As
a low grade plant, blue silver grass can at most be considered as
having instinct, it basically can’t be regarded as an intelligent
organism. Their sense of familiarity towards you might only be
originating from your own aura. But I haven’t met many plant
system Spirit Masters, and never one who could attract similar
plants like you.”

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Hearing that Grandmaster was also unable to explain what
happened just now, Tang San couldn’t help feeling perplexed.
He could only feel that what happened was beneficial and
harmless to him, but also couldn’t say why.

“Anyway, there’s no harm, so there should be no need to

insist on finding a cause? Third brother, you’re just this
confused by yourself. In the eyes of outsiders you’re already a
freak, a bit more freakishness doesn’t matter.”

Ning Rongrong wasn’t particularly shocked. Tang San had

already astonished everyone too many times, and she was
already used to it.

Tang San helplessly said:

“It seems I can only let it be confusing. Perhaps I will

understand it later. Rongrong, look.”

While speaking, three strands of Blue Silver Grass shot out

from Tang San. He didn’t even move, but those three strands
already accomplished three entirely different actions in
different directions. One strands struck like a whip, one strand
formed a circle in the air, and the last strand directly launched

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the Binding ability to twist around a large tree.

The three strands of Blue Silver Grass moved simultaneously,

without any gap in between. The three actions were also
accomplished at exactly the same time.

“Ah? Third brother, you succeeded?”

Ning Rongrong opened her eyes wide,

“Even though I was slacking when I was at home, I still

practiced for several years without reaching your current level.
You, how did you do it?”

Tang San smiled wryly:

“I didn’t really succeed. If it was somewhere else it wouldn’t

work. It’s just that because of the state I was in just now, every
change in the surroundings is already branded in my mind. I
only need to simultaneously transmit my thoughts, and without
even needing to use my eyes to lock the target, I can easily
perform three actions. But it’s still impossible to constantly
control their changes, that still requires a certain delay. If it

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wasn’t here, even controlling them to do the first action would
be impossible. But no matter what is said, I seem to have already
grasped some tricks.”

Ning Rongrong suddenly stalked over in front of Tang San,

staring at him fixedly.

Her beautiful eyes were breath catching, and further adding

their proximity, able to feel each other’s breath, Tang San
immediately started. Hastily awkwardly avoiding Ning
Rongrong’s gaze, he simultaneously retreated a step,

“Rongrong, what are you doing?”

Ning Rongrong said grimly, with a blank face:

“Third brother, you know? Sometimes I really want to beat

open your head and take a look at what’s inside. Next to you,
the rest of us can’t call ourselves monsters.”

Before she’d even finished speaking, she couldn’t help

laughing herself.

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Grandmaster said:

“Fine, no need to be noisy. Since little San has also grasped

some threshold, both of you continue practicing. If you want to
succeed, you need to make one hundred percent effort,
otherwise even talent will become mediocrity.”

The dull cultivation continued. While Tang San practiced

Heart Separation Control, in his mind always appeared the
mental relaxation and the feeling from when he released his
Blue Silver Grass Spirit to the surrounding wild blue silver
grass. He vaguely understood that this kind of feeling didn’t
seem to be something that plant system Spirit Masters
possessed. Could it be that his Blue Silver Grass Spirit was
somehow special? Only, for such a long time of cultivation, it
still hadn’t exhibited any special characteristics!

This question always hung in Tang San’s mind. He was still

pondering it even when the third day of the Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament began.

The tournament had already been going for two days, and all
Spirit Master academies had also completed their first round of
the qualifiers. Among these twenty eight Spirit Master teams,

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the unluckiest was certainly Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s
second team. Even though they had the help of healing system
Spirit Masters, broken bones and snapped tendons wasn’t
something that could be healed in one or two days. To recover
from the advance match wasn’t very likely. Even the strength of
their main force was so ordinary, let alone their substitutes.

Today was the start of the second round of the qualifiers.

When the Shrek Seven Devils and the others arrived outside the
Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, they immediately felt the
difference in treatment.

When the spectators assembled outside of the Great Spirit

Arena saw their green attire, they took the initiative to get out
of their way. There were still comments, but they were a lot
fewer. Those gazes like brambles and thorns had also
disappeared, replaced by respect.

As the first match of the first round of the qualifiers, Shrek

Academy left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.
Even though the fight was very short, the burst power of the
seven Shrek Academy members on stage, and their merciless
attack, none failed to make the audiences’ hearts flutter.

The strength they revealed made these spectators no longer

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dare underestimate this strangely dressed team. Showing two
fortieth level Spirit Masters alone already made them the hot
topic of the qualifying competition.

Today Flender didn’t run forward on his own. Instead he was

dressed in the same kind of uniform as the students, striding
forward with his head high, a proud expression on his face.

Even though there weren’t any jeers from the onlookers, the
Shrek Academy team members still lowered their heads. Sure
enough, they had used strength to tell everyone they weren’t
fishbellies. But now the words on their backs had changed.

As a result of Shrek Academy’s perfect display in the first

match, and further adding Flender’s silver tongue, they
successfully found sponsors. That was a business selling top
quality flower nectar. Reportedly, half the flower nectar in the
entire Heaven Dou Empire was produced by them.

Flower nectar was juice extracted from fresh flowers, and

passing a certain mixing and compounding, it was put into the
bath water, giving people the corresponding fragrance after
bathing. It was a favorite of women, whether nobles or
commoners, none had immunity to flower nectar. Of course,
they purchased different grades.

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By now the letters on the Shrek Academy team members’
backs had become: Bottomless charm, wonderfully fragrant
flower nectar, bathe healthier.

When seeing the new uniforms, the Shrek Seven Devils were
all struck dumb, besides Ma Hongjun who was comparatively
familiar with Flender, and had comforted everyone that at least
his teacher hadn’t found a chamberpot manufacturer.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t have needed go out.

The price for those ‘wonderfully fragrant flower nectar’

words was also rather attractive. One thousand gold spirit coins
for one match, until the whole competition ended, through the
qualifiers. When the promotion competition came the award
would increase to two thousand gold spirit coins. If they could
reach the final three, there was another fifty thousand gold
spirit coins. Calculating it, if the Shrek Academy could take the
championship, then they could also receive more than a
hundred thousand gold spirit coins. Obtaining such income
simply by having words like that on their backs made Flender
quite satisfied. In order to make the Shrek Seven Devils wear
the clothes, today he led by example.

If it was someone other than Flender, perhaps the Shrek

Seven Devils wouldn’t have agreed to wear it no matter what.

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But, they could never forget Flender’s expression when he had
to close the previous Shrek Academy because of financial
problems. Therefore, despite the pain in their hearts, they still
wore these more than extraordinary uniforms.

As they entered the Great Spirit Arena under the gazes of the
spectators, this time they were greeted by two functionaries,
bringing them to the competing teams’ rest area.

Starting from yesterday, each day would have fourteen

matches. Seeing the Shrek Academy’s arrival, there were a lot of
gazes from the other teams. The one who earned the most
attention was no doubt Tang San with the ten thousand year
spirit ring. The skill he had revealed indeed proved his peak
skill. By now the words on the backs of the Shrek Academy
uniforms had changed, but these Academies about to become
their opponents didn’t pay attention to that. What they cared
about was how to defeat Shrek Academy.

“Dean, who are our opponents today?”

Dai Mubai asked Flender.

Flender looked distracted a moment, saying:

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“How should I know? Is it me participating in the competition
or you!”

He had spent these days finding advertisers, not just the

present flower nectar shop, but he’d also discussed prices with
several more, how could he have the time to pay attention to the

Dai Mubai was speechless a moment,

“Sir, you can’t only care about money. You should still have
some concern for us.”

Flender grinned, saying:

“Stinking brat, do you have a point?”

Seeing the monstrous expression in Flender’s eyes, Dai Mubai

shivered, and hastily shook his head:

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“No, none.”

Flender smiled:

“Even if I’m the dean, I still delegate the work. Don’t worry,
Erlong has been observing your opponents. She’ll give you a
detailed rundown of your opponents later. I must remind you, if
you can’t obtain the championship, I won’t let you graduate.

As he spoke, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong came walking over

together. They hadn’t followed Flender’s example, and both
wore their own clothes.

Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s expressions seemed somewhat

strange, and the Shrek Seven Devils could read a serious mood
from their faces. Could it be that they would actually meet
trouble in the qualifiers?

Seeing everyone’s attentive gazes, Grandmaster spoke in a low


“Your opponents for the second round of the qualifiers are

very powerful. You have three options right now. The first is to

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give up on this match, preserving your strength. After all, in the
qualifiers, the five teams with the most points can enter the
finals. Second, is to go up with the formation from the first
fight, but you won’t have even one percent chance of victory.
Third, is bringing out your full force, but even if you can win,
your full strength will certainly have been exposed.”

The Shrek Seven Devils all looked at each other. They

couldn’t understand just what kind of opponent could make
Grandmaster put on such a serious face. Could this opponent
even compare to the Emperor Team?

To the side Liu Erlong said:

“You’ve all heard of the Elephant Armored School. Ranked

the sixth of the seven great schools. Your opponents today come
from the Elephant Armored Academy run by them. The seven
members on the other side are all directly related disciples of
the Elephant Armored School. Three of them have reached the
fortieth rank, the other four also have close to fortieth ranked
strength. You might say it’s the elite of the Elephant Armored
School’s young generation.”

Elephant Armored School? Hearing these three words, the

Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help having serious expressions.

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They were very clear on what these words represented. Just like
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was named the most
powerful support school, the Elephant Armored School had
their own title: the most powerful defensive school.

The Elephant Armored School’s hereditary spirit was the

Diamond Mammoth, a super spirit with extremely high defense,
its attributes mainly embodying strength and defense. Of equal
level spirits, practically no Spirit Master could breach their
defense. If it wasn’t for their lack of a Title Douluo, perhaps
their ranking among the seven great schools wouldn’t have
been merely sixth.

Despite this, the Elephant Armored School master, an eighty

seventh ranked Spirit Douluo, could rely on his tyrannical
defense to stiffly block the attacks of Title Douluo that weren’t
offensively focused. It clearly showed the power of their spirit.

Hearing Grandmaster’s words, everyone sunk into


Grandmaster continued:

“If it was in a spacious battle, perhaps your first formation

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would still have a chance, the Elephant Armored School’s worst
area is speed, relying on movement to exhaust the enemy’s
spirit power is a good choice. But with the size of the
competition stage, you practically won’t stand a chance. Even
though the opponents don’t have a Support Spirit Master,
because they all have identical spirits, their overlaying might is
astonishing. From a theoretical standpoint, in order to gain the
final victory, I advise you to give up this match. After all, you’re
safe as long as you’re in the top five in the qualifiers. There’s
nothing improper about hiding your strength in the early

Flender shrieked,

“If you avoid battle, I’ll fucking……”

Liu Erlong unhappily glared at him,

“Boss Fu, I can see the coins in your eyes. You have to look at
it long term. Just in case the little monsters are seriously hurt in
this fight, later matches will be even harder to handle. There
are a lot of talents among the advanced Spirit Master academies.
Don’t forget that their opponents are up to twenty five years
old. If they were twenty five as well, then of course there
wouldn’t be any question, but their strength development is

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restricted by their age.”

Flender looked at Dai Mubai and Tang San with a bitter face,

“Decide on your own.”

Dai Mubai and Tang San looked at each other, but neither
made a sound. To the side Ma Hongjun couldn’t help saying:

“If we all appear on stage, what does it matter if others learn

of our strength?”

Oscar said:

“Of course it’s no good if we let others see our strength

beforehand. That way the opponents can come up with tactics
against us. Perhaps these qualifiers don’t matter, but don’t
forget that we’ll face even more powerful opponents in the
promotion competition and the finals. Losing the element of
surprise would be disadvantageous to us.”

Dai Mubai asked Tang San:

3243 Goldenagato |

“Little San, what do you think? You’re the soul of the team,
the main director. It’s your decision.”

Faint radiance flashed through Tang San’s eyes, tightly

clenching both fists,


Even though his reply was just one simple word, this word
simultaneously roused the spirits of all the Shrek Academy
people, an intense fighting spirit pervaded the air around Tang

Tang San’s gaze turned to Grandmaster who was watching

him intently,

“Teacher, I understand the three options you raised. But I

think there’s still a way to compromise. We admittedly want to
obtain the final victory in the competition, but at the same time
we also want to practice our live combat capability and
adaptability. If we shrink back when faced with a powerful
opponent, there would be a large influence on morale.

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Therefore, I think it would be better to take a middle route.
Adjusting the members going up, without exposing our entire
hidden strength, but also bringing enough strength to defeat the

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Chapter 95 - Tang San’s New Tactics,
Universal Sky Flow

Grandmaster always emphasized tempering Tang San’s ability

to direct, and nodded to this, saying:

“Tell me, what do you propose?”

Tang San lowered his voice:

“I’m thinking like this. Three of us Shrek Seven Devils

appeared in the last fight, this fight we adjust it once. Zhuqing
replaces Tai Long, little Ao replaces Jiang Zhu. If five of us
seven can’t defeat the opponents, how can we take the final

Hearing Tang San speak, Grandmaster revealed a smile,

“Pretty good, very focused. It seems you’ve already planned in


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Tang San’s brows wrinkled slightly:

“Can’t say that, anything can happen in the match. But I

believe this is the best way to fight, it’ll give us a chance at
victory without exposing our full strength.”

To the side Tai Long Couldn’t keep from saying:

“Young master San, why not let me fight? Aren’t the

opponents all defense and strength type Spirit Masters? With
me there, at least I could block them head on. There’s no
question about my ability to take a beating.”

Grandmaster smiled:

“The reason he lets Zhuqing take your place is because he’s

not planning to fight head on.”

Who understood the mind of his direct disciple better than


How would Dai Mubai want to avoid battle? His evil eyes

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“Little San, you arrange it.”

Tang San nodded, gathering the fighters around him. In a low

voice, he began to explain the tactics he had in mind.
Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Flender listened quietly on the
side, without adding further opinions. They all understood that
only relying on their own strength and wisdom to temper
themselves in battle, was the best method for these little
monsters to grow in strength.


The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament third day competition officially began.

Only ten of the twenty eight competing teams walked into the
arena. The spacious arena was already arranged differently
from the first day. Besides the original stage Tang San and the
others used in the first match, another four equally sized
platforms were built to the sides. Despite the size of these five
stages, this Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena that was capable of
holding eighty thousand people still didn’t appear crowded.

3248 Goldenagato |

The twenty eight teams fighting on this third day were split
into three series, and Shrek Academy was part of the first to go
on stage. As a result of their terrifying display in the first match,
as well as the expectations for the Elephant Armored Academy
to be able to compete for the first place, the match between
them was arranged for the central main stage.

As a major occasion that only happened every several years,

plus the attraction competing Spirit Masters held to all parties,
today the VIP’s present on the viewing platform was practically
nothing like the first day opening ceremonies. Not only was the
upper crust of the Empire all here, emperor Xue Ye still sat in
the center of the front row. However, today the people at his
side had changed from two to four. Besides Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi and platinum bishop
Salas, there were another two people. One was one of the Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School’s two Title Douluo, Bone Douluo
Gu Rong. The other was comparatively strange. Let alone
attracting the gazes of a lot of the people in the VIP section, even
comparatively distant spectators on both sides paid attention to
him. Because, this person’s appearance really was a bit

Using ‘extraordinary’ to describe him seemed somewhat

insufficient, this person’s body really was too enormous. Even
sitting he was a lot taller than most people standing up. The

3249 Goldenagato |

Bone Douluo’s build was already very lofty, but compared to
this person next to platinum bishop Salas, he was still a bit

Estimating this person’s height by eye, he was at least two

meters fifty or more, he occupied three of the spacious VIP seats
by himself. Just like a mountain of meat. His skin was dark, and
he had large eyes like bells. His dark skin seemed to release a
special radiance, and just sitting there he gave a very powerful
impression. His hair and beard were all white, apparently more
than seventy years old.

Ning Fengzhi also hadn’t expected this person to show up in

the VIP seats, and Bone Douluo at his side asked him with voice

“Fengzhi, why would Heaven Elephant Hu Yan Zhen this old

brat also come?”

Ning Fengzhi equally used a method to compress his voice to a

string to reply:

“When you see who Elephant Armored School’s opponent

today is, you’ll understand. I’m afraid the reason Salas called Hu

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Yan Zhen over is also because of them.”

The reason why Spirit Hall was known as the most powerful
on the Continent, even to the extent where they could compare
to the two Great Empires, was inseparably linked to the support
of the lower four sects of the seven great schools. Among the
seven great schools, of the upper three sects Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School always backed Heaven Dou Empire’s
imperial family, while Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan
remained neutral, and Clear Sky School secretly supported Star
Luo Empire’s imperial family. But the lower four sects had a
close relationship with Spirit Hall. Even though they weren’t
affiliated, they were still absolutely intimate. The Elephant
Armored School wasn’t located far from Heaven Dou City, and
the mountain of meat now sitting next to platinum bishop Salas
was precisely the Elephant Armored School master, Heaven
Elephant Hu Yan Zhen. If he wasn’t the master of a school, how
could he be entitled to sit in the front row of the VIP section?

Gu Rong smiled faintly, saying:

“It seems this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy

Elite Tournament is getting more and more interesting. It really
is the emergence of the new generation. Fengzhi, when you
originally predicted they were the golden generation of the
Spirit Master world, I still doubted you a bit. But now it seems

3251 Goldenagato |

you were right. But I still don’t know what teams will appear in
the finals. Today Shrek Academy’s opponents are the Elephant
Armored School, are you still optimistic?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“Why not? Even though the Elephant Armored School isn’t

weak, their flaws are extremely clear. With Tang San’s
intelligence, and further adding the directions of an unequalled
theoretician like Grandmaster, as long as they go all out, victory
shouldn’t be a problem. Hold on, why is it like this……”

As he spoke, Ning Fengzhi finally saw the two teams walking

onto the central stage. He had met all the Shrek Seven Devils,
but the ones he saw going up first right now were Dai Mubai,
Huang Yuan, and Jing Ling. Seeing Huang Yuan and Jing Ling,
Ning Fengzhi immediately understood that Shrek Academy still
wouldn’t go all out in this fight.

Lightly clapping his forehead, Ning Fengzhi helplessly shook

his head, saying to the Bone Douluo at his side:

“This Shrek Academy really is ferocious, they’re confronting

the Elephant Armored School but still won’t use their full

3252 Goldenagato |

strength. Fortunately they’ve exchanged two members. I hope
they don’t make any mistakes this time.”

While speaking, Ning Fengzhi’s gaze unconsciously floated

over to platinum bishop Salas on emperor Xue Ye’s other side,
just in time to catch a cold ferocity flit through Salas’ eyes.

At the time of the first match, Ning Fengzhi once made clear
the relationship between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
and Shrek Academy. This moment, Ning Fengzhi’s heart
suddenly tightened somewhat. He faintly understood the reason
Salas had called over Heaven Elephant Hu Yan Zhen. And Shrek
Academy meeting this opponent in this match apparently also
wasn’t due to bad luck.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament was organized by Spirit Hall, assisted by the two
great empires. Even though the rules embodied the two words
‘Absolute Impartiality’ to the greatest extent, right now the
words the came to Ning Fengzhi’s mind were: Hidden

Salas had seen that recruiting them was hopeless, and clearly
intended to beat down Shrek Academy’s reputation from
before. Perhaps the Elephant Armored School’s methods today

3253 Goldenagato |

would be the same as Shrek Academy’s last fight. What a
platinum bishop.

As he understood this point, Ning Fengzhi’s complexion

dropped immediately. Fortunately he didn’t see his daughter
appear in Shrek Academy’s current formation. At the same time
he sighed inwardly, hoping his protection wouldn’t turn into a
bad thing. Who won this competition was no longer important,
Ning Fengzhi only hoped that the Shrek Seven Devils wouldn’t
suffer any serious injuries.

Even though the Shrek Academy team members were

mentally prepared, as they truly saw their opponents, they
couldn’t help drawing a deep breath. Were they really human?

When the Elephant Armored School’s seven members stepped

onto the stage, the whole platform constantly trembled along
with their pace. What stepped onto the stage basically wasn’t
seven people, but seven mountains.

They were all black clothed, and the shortest of the Elephant
Armored Academy’s seven team members was already two
meters tall. The tallest surpassed two meters fifty. Standing in
front of the Shrek Academy team, all of them had to look down.

3254 Goldenagato |

Compared to height, even more frightening was their weight.
Estimating it by eye, Tang San guessed that the smallest one
weighed more than three hundred jin, while that tallest one
perhaps exceeded five hundred jin.

The same black hair, shaved short on both sides, with only the
hair in the middle combed into a strange pony tail, with black
skin not much different from the clothes they wore. The seven
of them standing in a line was like a solid city wall, blocking the
view of the Shrek Academy team.

Standing in the middle was that particularly doughty giant.

He took a step forward, and as his feet landed, the entire stage
made a booming sound, shaking violently.

“Elephant Armored School team, captain, Hu Yan Li. Forty

third ranked defense system Battle Spirit Ancestor.”

This captain spoke in a muffled voice, his fat seemingly

quivering along with his voice. A pair of small eyes glared at Dai
Mubai, glinting ominously.

Rather than taking it lying down, Dai Mubai took a step

forward. Even though his body weight wasn’t enough to

3255 Goldenagato |

produce vibrations, his imposing manner was accurate to

“Shrek Academy team, captain, Dai Mubai. Forty fourth

ranked power attack system Battle Spirit Ancestor.”

“Both teams, salute.”

The referee called out.

Led by Dai Mubai and Hu Yan Li, the altogether fourteen

competing members of both sides bowed to each other. The
mood in the ring became serious in practically a split second.

“Qualifiers second round, first match, officially begins.”

The five simultaneous matches under way were pronounced

started at practically the same time. Also at that moment, the
seventy members of ten academies in five matches
simultaneously released their spirit rings. Suddenly, the entire
Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena became dazzlingly beautiful.
The cheers of the spectators also erupted at this moment.

3256 Goldenagato |

Spirit body enhancement, tool spirit summoning. Dazzling
spirit ring light filled the air in an instant.

The seven direct disciples of the Elephant Armored School in

front of the Shrek Academy team simultaneously threw off their
jackets, exposing their fat. Very quickly, they used their body
enhancement to show the audience why they took of their

The originally already imposing bodies, swelled up once again

with explosive shouts of spirit body enhancement. Somewhat
flabby fat unexpectedly stretched out, becoming exaggerated
muscles, a layer of deep yellow keratin appeared over the skin,
flickering with metallic luster. Making them seem even more
inhuman was their noses extending, growing longer, and at the
same time their upper lips rose, two fierce tusks extending more
than one chi.

The seven simultaneously raised their right feet, then

stomping heavily on the stage. The loud sound not only
attracted the audience’s attention, but at the same time left
everyone worried whether the stage would hold up in front of
such violent energy.

3257 Goldenagato |

The three in the middle all had two yellow and two purple
spirit rings, and the four on the side each had two yellow and
one purple.

From the opponents Tang San discovered that among

Elephant Armored School disciples, the bigger their bodies the
more powerful they were. Their strength could be determined
by their outside appearance.

In the VIP seats, platinum bishop Salas looked at the flesh

mountain beside him. Hu Yan Zhen nodded at him, speaking in
a low voice:

“Ah Li is the most outstanding disciple of my Elephant

Armored School’s young generation, my eldest grandson. His
innate talent is even a bit better than mine in those days. I’m
hoping he will one day be able to become the Elephant Armored
School’s first Title Douluo.”

Hu Yan Zhen didn’t try to conceal his voice, and not only did
it reach Salas, but also the others in the first row, emperor Xue
Ye, Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong.

Emperor Xue Ye smiled faintly, saying:

3258 Goldenagato |

“With such a grandson, school master Hu Yan is truly worthy
of congratulations!”

Hu Yan Zhen laughed out loud, the sound shaking the VIP

“Your majesty’s praise is too much, for now let’s look at Ah

Li’s performance. This competition the Elephant Armored
School’s goal is the final three.”

Emperor Xue Ye calmly said:

“Only, if I’m not mistaken, this time your grandson’s

opponents have four fortieth ranked Spirit Ancestors.”

Hu Yan Zhen stared blankly a moment. He basically hadn’t

even considered that his school’s disciples would lose, and
further adding that the stature of his Elephant Armored School
disciples wasn’t something other people could compare to, he
naturally hadn’t paid attention to their opponents. Now hearing
emperor Xue Ye’s words, his gaze fell on the Shrek Seven Devils.

3259 Goldenagato |

Just as emperor Xue Ye said, apart from the Evil Eye White
Tiger furthest in front, besides the two three spirit ring Jing
Ling and Huang Yuan, as well as Xiao Wu, the other three
people all also had four spirit rings. Especially Tang San’s black
fourth spirit ring was particularly attention grabbing.

Hu Yan Zhen looked shocked at Salas, but discovered Salas

expression was equally stunned.

In the last match, Shrek Academy revealing two fortieth

ranked Spirit Masters had already shocked him enormously,
and in this fight they actually added two more. In other words,
they had concealed their strength in the first match. Very
clearly, his estimation of this academy’s strength had been
somewhat lacking.

Emperor Xue Ye asked Ning Fengzhi at his side:

“School master Ning, you’re quite familiar with this Shrek

Academy, do you know who the academy’s dean is? I’m rather
curious as to just what person could raise such outstanding

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

3260 Goldenagato |

“Your majesty, Shrek Academy’s dean is called Flender.
Perhaps you haven’t heard this name, but you certainly heard
about the triple nova that shone brilliantly in the Spirit Master
world with their spirit fusion ability twenty years ago. They
were called the Golden Iron Triangle. This Flender was the
flying corner of the Golden Iron Triangle. This current Shrek
Academy was founded by the three of them, and these children
should be growing under the instruction of the wisdom corner,
Grandmaster. The most outstanding of them is Tang San,
Grandmaster’s only direct disciple.”


Emperor Xue Ye didn’t have any impression as he heard this

name, but the expression of platinum bishop Salas to his side
changed enormously. Even so much that he immediately
undisguised passed a few low sentences to Heaven Elephant Hu
Yan Zhen next to him.

Hu Yan Zhen looked at him with shock, muttering:

“But, the match has already begun, there shouldn’t be enough


3261 Goldenagato |

Salas’ expression immediately turned ugly, talking to himself:

“Why would it be him? Why him?”

This time, even Ning Fengzhi felt baffled, and couldn’t keep
from asking:

“Bishop Salas, do you also know Grandmaster?”

Salas returned to himself, expressionless,

“Who hasn’t heard of the Golden Iron Triangle. Isn’t this

Grandmaster reputed as unparallelled in theory? His
relationship with our Spirit Hall isn’t common. I didn’t expect
he would end up in an academy. No wonder. Only he could
cultivate such outstanding disciples.”

Ning Fengzhi stared blankly a moment. He understood the

character of this platinum bishop Salas very well, not only was
this person obstinate and self-opinionated, but also petty and
small minded. He had already made explicitly clear the familiar
relationship between him and Shrek Academy, but now he

3262 Goldenagato |

unexpectedly praised Grandmaster, and further had an anxious
expression. There was definitely some secret here.

Emperor Xue Ye smiled:

“Since the two of you both think so highly of this

Grandmaster, We would like to experience his elegant manners.
For now, let us look at the competition.”

Sure enough, while the several people in the VIP seats were
opposing each other with needle and spear, the five qualifying
matches had already officially begun.

The seven flesh mountains in front of Tang San’s seven

hadn’t launched any attack like the power attack system Spirit
Masters in the last match against Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy’s second team. Instead the seven stood in a line, their
first spirit rings simultaneously flaring, and step by step,
steadily walked over.

Under the effect of the first spirit rings, these seven flesh
mountains originally deep yellow keratin grew a lot more
sparkling, as if each was covered in a layer of porcelain glaze.
The seven of them really were too enormous, and advancing

3263 Goldenagato |

from the center, they practically occupied half the diameter of
the stage. Even though their pace was slow, with each step
forward, their imposing manner would subsequently increase
somewhat. Whether it was in physique or spirit power, they
accorded the Shrek Academy’s seven enormous pressure.


Tang San shouted. This time he didn’t conduct his members

to advance an immediate attack.

The two power attack system Spirit Masters Dai Mubai and
Huang Jun, and close combat system Spirit Master Xiao Wu all
withdrew quickly, the two agility attack system Spirit Masters
Jing Ling and Zhu Zhuqing retreating on either side of Tang
San. It was also at this moment that black Blue Silver Grass
appeared on stage.

That black vine-like Blue Silver Grass quickly spread along the
ground, swiftly scattering in all directions. One strand among
them twined around the thick legs of an Elephant Armored
School disciple. But terrifyingly, the Blue Silver Grass after the
growth of Tang San’s four spirit rings unexpectedly could only
make the opponent pause for a moment. The next instant, the
Blue Silver Grass immediately emitted tearing sounds.

3264 Goldenagato |

The pupils of Tang San’s eyes contracted. By this simple test
he immediately discovered a lot of things. Not only did these
Elephant Armored School disciples have astonishing strength,
and knew exceptionally well to use their advantage. This
terrifying body weight was in no way a decoration, not only
could they rely on the power of their bodies to reduce spirit
power consumption, but at the same time, after their bodies
combined with their spirit power, they could erupt with even
more frightful strength and defense. Even though his Blue
Silver Grass was durable, a bit of twisting was insufficient to
restrict the added terror of their strength after fully using their
spirits. It clearly showed how scary their opponents’ strength

As a result of the stage being circular, the center where both

sides first started was the widest area, but now along with the
unceasing advancement of their opponents, the space the Shrek
Seven Devils had to use on either side was becoming smaller and
smaller. In battle, the opponents’ enormous bodies allowed
them to control a much larger area than ordinary people. If
their opponents were force to where no space remained
between them, then their strength could also be displayed to its
greatest degree.

This was also the reason why the Elephant Armored School’s
seven didn’t anxiously rush forward, they didn’t want to expose

3265 Goldenagato |

the slightest gap. Even though there was space between the two
sides at the moment, they still maintained their formation.
They didn’t need to catch all the opponents, as long as they
could settle the agility attack system, and especially the
auxiliary system members, it was already a success. Another
side of defense was endurance. These seven Elephant Armored
School disciples by far wasn’t something those Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy second stringers could compare to. Seeing
that four of their opponents had spirit power that reached the
fortieth rank, they immediately used their most dependable

On the Shrek side, nobody panicked. Everyone condensed

their spirit power, quietly waiting for their team soul to pass
down the orders. Even though the two new members Huang
Yuan and Jing Ling began to breathe quickly under the
tremendous pressure, the calm of the five Shrek Seven Devils
spurred them to keep a calm heart.

“Advance, three steps.”

Tang San shouted.

Besides him and Oscar, the other five swiftly took three steps
forward, their auras rising, clashing in the air with the pressure

3266 Goldenagato |

from the opponents. Among the five, both Dai Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing surpassed the fortieth rank, and their imposing
manner didn’t lose out to the opponents.

Five black lines of light shot out simultaneously, twisting

around the waists of the five people, precisely Tang San’s
invented special formation technique, human meteor hammer.
It was relying on this technique that the Shrek Seven Devils
once defeated the Emperor Team. At that time their ranks were
a step below their opponents. This time Tang San’s Blue Silver
Grass was a lot more durable than back then, and the length he
could extend it also surpassed fifty meters, absolutely
incomparable to that time. How much had this human meteor
hammer’s strength improved?

“Little Ao, come.”

Oscar swiftly reached Tang San’s side. Tang San flicked his
wrist, stuffing a flying mushroom sausage down his throat, one
hand grabbing Oscar and loading him onto his back.
Immediately afterward, he leapt up, soaring straight into the

The flying mushroom sausage took effect quickly, a set of

transparent wings quietly appearing on Tang San’s back. Just

3267 Goldenagato |

like that he brought Oscar flying into the air.


Tang San shouted once again. The five people who previously
stepped forward immediately drew a deep breath, condensing
their spirit power, making themselves as agile as possible.

Among the seven, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, as well as agility

attack system Jing Ling were like gas, their bodies already
almost weightless. Even though Dai Mubai and Huang Yuang
were a bit heavy, they still weren’t any problem. Under the
effect of Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill cooperating with
Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, he unexpectedly
simultaneously sent all five into the air.

Tang San once carefully researched the limits of Oscar’s flying

mushroom sausage, and discovered empirically that the flying
mushroom sausage could support a weight of about five
hundred jin or so. The combined body weight of the seven of
them absolutely exceeded this number, but not by too much.
After all, besides Huang Yuan and Jing Ling, the Shrek Seven
Devils were all still in their early teens, and only Dai Mubai’s
physique was a bit imposing. Under such circumstances, as long
as everyone lightened themselves as much as possible, it was

3268 Goldenagato |

just in the range of what the flying mushroom sausage could
support. This was also the key to their strategy. A major reason
they didn’t bring Tai Long was that he was too heavy.
Otherwise, the impact Tai Long could have right now would
even be a bit bigger than Xiao Wu.

Tang San suddenly soaring up, immediately brought an

outcry from the audience. Even though there had been a few
Spirit Masters with flight capability since the start of the
qualifiers, there had been no one who like Tang San brought six
people into the air. Relying on the Blue Silver Grass link to
simultaneously bring the whole seven man team into the air
was astonishing to see.

The fight between Shrek Academy and Elephant Armored

Academy had originally already drawn close to sixty percent of
the audience’s attention, but now practically all the spectators
focused on their direction.

In the VIP seats, emperor Xue Ye cried out in surprise,

“That Tang San actually has flight capability as well?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly, saying:

3269 Goldenagato |

“I’d say this isn’t his ability, but rather that auxiliary system
Spirit Master’s. I don’t think they would do something
pointless, with these people, there will inevitably be a reason.”

Oscar being carried on Tang San’s back was equivalent to

making him Tang San’s housekeeper. Without hesitation, he
immediately condensed a large recovery sausage and stuffed it
into Tang San’s mouth. The consumption had only just started,
but he immediately helped Tang San recover in advance. The
key to this match didn’t lie in how the other five attacked, but
in how Tang San executed his control.

Suddenly seeing their seven opponents all flying into the air,
made the Elephant Armored Academy seven who were just
pressing forward stare blankly. How could they have expected
that they would encounter such a situation on the stage. Just as
Grandmaster said, their strength and defense were admittedly
matchless, but that also came at the expense of speed. Agility
attack system Spirit Masters weren’t bad, at least they had ways
to deal with them, but these flying type Spirit Masters no doubt
had the greatest restraining potential to them.

If everyone were on the ground, then the Elephant Armored

School disciples could naturally display the features of their

3270 Goldenagato |

defensive strength, but with the opponents in the air, the part
closest to their opponents were their heads. Even though their
head defense also wasn’t weak, they couldn’t display that fat
defense power their bodies had. More importantly, the seven
opponents simultaneously flying into the air immediately broke
their rhythm.

Tang San used both hands to control the five strands of Blue
Silver Grass, and the five people below were like puppets. In a
split second they left the attack range of the fatties.

Tang San rotated half a turn in midair, throwing out the five
human meteor hammers simultaneously, each of the five
landing in a separate location below. The places the five of them
fell were all surrounding the seven opposing fatties, and at the
same time, countless Blue Blue Silver Grass released from Tang
San as he used the Binding ability on all seven opponents.

The whole process from everyone being sent flying to

launching their attack was less than a dozen seconds. What
Tang San somewhat didn’t expect was the the Elephant
Armored School’s seven disciples reaction also wasn’t a beat
slow. The largest, Hu Yan Li, shouted loudly, and the seven
fatties swiftly gathered together, forming a back to back
formation. At the same time they extended their palm leaf sized
hands to swat at the five people dropping from the air.

3271 Goldenagato |

Watching this scene, Tang San couldn’t help being secretly
alarmed. The defensive power of these seven was astonishing,
and with this kind of formation their defense was even more
flawless. Breaking through their formation absolutely wasn’t
easy. This was just the scene Tang San wanted to see the least.

The five strands of Blue Silver Grass pulled back Dai Mubai’s
five just as they were about to enter attack range, pulling the
five back up. Tang San clearly understood that even though he
grasped the opponents’ greatest weakness, these fatties were
extremely shrewd. Right now they were willing to take a
beating in order to pull down even one of the Shrek Academy
members. With that terrifying weight and strength of theirs, if
they grabbed any one, it was the same as breaking the whole
human meteor hammer.

Even though the people were pulled back, the Blue Silver
Grass Binding didn’t halt. Pure black, sharp thorned Blue Silver
Grass twisted frantically around the seven fatties, and in just a
moment, they were densely bound.

These Blue Silver Grass could be said to spread from Tang

San’s body, and the moment the Binding completed, Tang San
immediately discovered the problem. The thorns of the Blue
Silver Grass was basically unable to pierce the other side’s

3272 Goldenagato |

frightening skin, even so much that the highly toxic corrosive
and paralysing poisons were unable to take effect. The
opponents’ defensive strength was even beyond his estimation.

The Elephant Armored School’s seven disciples roared

practically simultaneously, explosive force bursting out in a
moment. That extremely tough Blue Silver Grass could be seen
being slowly pushed open under that explosive strength,
gradually rupturing. But Tang San also clearly saw the
opponents’ second spirit ring brightening simultaneously.

He immediately made an accurate judgement: the opponents’

first spirit rings were defensive, and their second spirit rings
should be of the strength boosting category.

Blue Silver Grass was the physical form of Tang San’s spirit,
and after the nourishment of four spirit rings, especially the
added properties of that last ten thousand year spirit ring, this
originally known as a trash spirit had long ago already become
extremely durable. Not long ago when Tang San experienced
that melding with the wild blue silver grass in his surroundings,
his own Blue Silver Grass had also undergone a certain change.
Even though the change was minute, it’s texture had become
even finer. Right now as it was twisted around the opponents,
even with the fatties’ astonishing strength, they still couldn’t
just throw it off.

3273 Goldenagato |

One, two, three, four, five. Tang San counted silently, at five
seconds the three fortieth ranked team members on the
opposing side managed to struggle free of the Blue Silver Grass.
The most powerful, Hu Yan Li, even more needed only four
seconds, and the other four who still hadn’t reached the fortieth
rank, all needed more than seven seconds to break free.

Oscar once again swiftly stuffed his mushroom sausage in

Tang San’s mouth, simultaneously readying a big recovery

After simply counting time, all sorts of information flashed

through Tang San’s mind, immediately proposing a second

“Twenty seconds, defeat Hu Yan Li.”

Tang San shouted, at the same time launching Binding once

again, his first, second, and fourth spirit rings flaring practically

With the massive bodies of the seven Elephant Armored

3274 Goldenagato |

Academy students, standing there they made practically ideal
targets. Blue Silver Grass swiftly twisted, bundling them up
once again. At the same time, the five led by Dai Mubai landed
swiftly, and under the effect of Tang San’s Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon, simultaneously pounced at Hu Yan Li.

Hu Yan Li snorted disdainfully, ‘Still restraining? Don’t tell

me this isn’t a waste of spirit power?’ With the enormous bodies
of the seven people on his side, a few rounds of Binding alone
could substantially consume that control system Spirit Master’s
spirit power. Once he was unable to persevere and dropped
from the sky, this match would be over. ‘Want to defeat me?
That might not be so easy.’

(呼延震) “Shout Extend Shock”

300斤 = 150 kg

500斤 = 250 kg

(呼延力) “Shout Extend Power”

1尺 = ⅓ m

3275 Goldenagato |

The elephant is using the prefix (a 阿), which indicates

RAW here says five, and it seems Tang Jia San Shao basically
forgot Xiao Wu still only has three rings for the next little bit.
I’ll correct it for this translation.

500 斤 = 250 kg

3276 Goldenagato |

Chapter 96 - Limit Team Control And
Terrifying Hell White Tiger

The Elephant Armored School always relied mainly on

defensive countering to attack, now seeing the Shrek Academy
about to launch an all out attack, Hu Yan Li was happy more
than alarmed. As long as he could deplete their spirit power,
how could he fear defeat? ‘Twenty seconds, I want to see just
how you’ll restrain these brothers of mine for twenty seconds.’

Tang San very quickly used action to tell Hu Yan Li just how
he would do it. At the same time as he launched Binding, apart
from Hu Yan Li, sixteen strands of Blue Silver Grass erupted
from below the feet of each of the other Elephant Armored six,
instantly condensing into a cage, precisely his fourth spirit
ability, Blue Silver Prison. And at the same time, his second
spirit ability, Parasite, launched, covering each of them in a
thick layer of Blue Silver Grass, including Hu Yan Li.

That it took four seconds to struggle free of one layer didn’t

mean it took eight seconds to break out of two layers. The
overlayed restraint ability was much stronger than Hu Yan Li
had imagined. Apart from his head, right now his whole body
was already covered in Blue Silver Grass.

3277 Goldenagato |

Ever since the start of the battle, Tang San had used his keen
judgement and detailed planning to grasp control of the whole
battlefield. Relying on the flying mushroom sausage, he as far as
possible crippled the opponents’ greatest advantage, and relying
on his own three potent restraint abilities, he now also
restrained the opponents below. Twenty seconds, this was
already his lowest estimate for restraining the six people.

Tang San swiftly swallowed a big recovery sausage, his face

pale. He had not only used Controlling Crane Catching Dragon
to precisely control the movements of his five team mates, but
also released three great spirit abilities at the same time, this
had consumed more than half his spirit power in practically an
instant. Due to the seven opponents’ massive size, Binding
especially consumed a lot of spirit power. If they could throw it
off another few times, Tang San would inevitably be exhausted.

Fortunately, Tang San still had Oscar on his back, and under
the unending support of his big recovery sausages, the spirit
power Tang San consumed could be recovered to some extent.

Tiger’s roar, cat’s cry, rattling bones, all sorts of sounds filled
the air. Five people simultaneously launched their attacks at Hu
Yan Li’s exposed head.

3278 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s goal was very simple. Hu Yan Li was the most
powerful of the opponents, and also the most important link. As
long as they could defeat him first, then this fight would become
a lot easier. The opponents didn’t have a control system Spirit
Master, so as captain, Hu Yan Li wasn’t only the team’s heart,
but also their soul. Defeating Hu Yan Li would be an enormous
mental blow at the opponents’ morale. Even though Tang San
had also determined that Hu Yan Li’s defense was astonishing,
even if it was even more powerful, it would still be impossible to
endure the combined assault of five Spirit Masters at almost the
same level as him for twenty seconds.

From the moment both sides had released their spirits, Tang
San had been searching for a weakness in the opponents. Just
like when they dealt with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon
clan’s Yu Tian Heng. But these fatties were really too good at
keeping formation, and as a last resort, Tang San was forced to
create this opportunity to defeat Hu Yan Li.

In the VIP seats, Hu Yan Zhen’s furious eyes opened wide, and
he suddenly stood up. Watching the grandson he was most
proud of about to come under the focused attack of five Spirit
Masters, immediately made a powerful light fluctuate at the
corners of his eyes. His lips buzzed a few times.

To the side, Ning Fengzhi calmly said:

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“School master Hu Yan doing this seems to be against the
competition rules.”

He didn’t need to know what Hu Yan Zhen was saying to

understand that he used a voice compression technique to give
instructions to his grandson.

Hu Yan Zhen snorted, sitting back down in his seats,

“I don’t know what school master Ning means, what did I


Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly, without uttering another word.

After all, voice compression wouldn’t leave behind any
evidence. He also wanted to see just what directions Hu Yan
Zhen could give that would let Hu Yan Li break this certain kill
situation Tang San had created.

However, Ning Fengzhi hadn’t expected that the two words

Hu Yan Zhen had passed to Hu Yan Li with voice compression
could completely transform the situation Tang San had with
great difficulty created.

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Hu Yan Li gave off an explosive roar, his fourth spirit ring
suddenly flaring. Not only did it speed up the damage to the
Blue Silver Grass around him, at the same time his skin changed
once again, adding a protective layer of icicles.

Hong——. The first chop of the skeleton incarnated Jing

Ling’s third spirit ability Mad Battle landed on Hu Yan Li’s
head. In a flash, both his arms transformed into bone sabers
erupted in several dozen strikes. But terrifyingly, his Bad Battle
ability only left clouds of sparks flying over the opponent’s
head. Unexpectedly it was unable to cause the slightest bit of
harm. Jing Ling even saw Hu Yan Li grin at him.

Following tightly behind Jing Ling was Zhu Zhuqing. Her

most powerful single target attack, Hell Decapitation, instantly
erupted. Both hands clasped, further adding the momentum of
falling from above, relying on her more than fortieth rank spirit
power, this one attack by far exceeded what Jing Ling could
compare to.

At a tremendous explosive sound, even with Hu Yan Li’s

defense, both his legs still completely sunk into the ground
under this one attack. A white mark was left in the center of his
forehead, and the outermost layer of icicles ruptured instantly.
Hu Yan Li’s body also swayed once.

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In fact, when only passively taking a beating, not suffering
any injuries from the full strength attack of the similarly leveled
Zhu Zhuqing, was already extremely amazing.

Huang Yuan and Dai Mubai’s attacks arrived practically

simultaneously. Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Light Wave and
Huang Yuan’s Furious Wolf Howl Bullet landed almost the same
instant. And this moment was also just when Hu Yan Li’s outer
layer of defense was broken, when he was at his weakest. When
Dai Mubai launched his White Tiger Light Wave, he had already
used White Tiger Vajra Transformation, instantly boosting his
attack power.

If it wasn’t for the rules forbidding killing the opponents, Dai

Mubai would have used White Tiger Meteor Shower for this

However, something the Shrek Academy group had never

anticipated occurred. Without any warning, Hu Yan Li’s head
suddenly wore a helmet. That’s right, definitely a helmet. An
earth yellow helmet that seemed conspicuously not dazzling.

But it was such a helmet covering the whole head that stiffly

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resisted the combined attacks of both Dai Mubai and Huang


Hu Yan Li’s both feet and calves had sunk into the ground. In
fact, this stage was built from meter thick granite. Light
scattered in all directions, and with a roar, the Blue Silver Grass
twisted around his body disintegrated into thumb long pieces,
as he completely threw off all restraints.

Dai Mubai and Huang Yuan who were closest, could both
clearly feel that this big fatty’s strength had increased once
again, and moreover increased to an extremely terrifying
degree. Not only did his whole body swell another size, but even
all four spirit rings around him shone simultaneously.

Helmet? The rules of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master

Academy Elite Tournament clearly stipulated that contestants
couldn’t use any implements. The opponent couldn’t fail to
know this. Light instantly flashed through his mind, and in the
air, Tang San’s eyes immediately contracted. Two words
immediately appeared in his mind, and these two words were
precisely what Elephant Armored School master Hu Yan Zhen
had just spoken to Hu Yan Li with voice compression: Spirit

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Indeed, that helmet on Hu Yan Li’s head, was a spirit bone.

Spirit bones had six main slots, the head, the four limbs, and
torso. This helmet proved Hu Yan Li had one of those six, a
cranial spirit bone.

This sudden appearance of a spirit bone broke Tang San’s

stratagem. But being capable of forcing the counterpart to use a
spirit bone, undoubtedly made all the Spirit Masters who
understood what happened gobsmacked.

Everyone knew the value of spirit bones, each one sold for
astronomical figures, and they only appeared for sale very
rarely. If it was revealed one had a spirit bone, it would no
doubt become the target for some peoples’ greed. Even though
this Hu Yan Li’s strength was pretty good, he still only had forty
something ranked spirit power, preserving his spirit bone in
front of some senior experts definitely wouldn’t be easy.

Were it not for fear that continuous attacks to the head would
cause irreversible after effects to his grandson, Hu Yan Zhen
absolutely wouldn’t have allowed Hu Yan Li to use this spirit

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bone. Not even if it cost them the match. But in front of the
situation Tang San had created, in order to avoid being beaten
into an imbecile or suffer serious head trauma, Hu Yan Zhen
had no choice but to make the call. This grandson of his could
be said to be the future of the whole Elephant Armored School.

The ordinary spectators might not identify the helmet, and

low level Spirit Masters might not guess it, but how could the
crowd in the VIP seats fail to see it?

Platinum bishop Salas looked at Hu Yan Zhen next to him

with astonishment, an envious light flashing through his eyes.
But Ning Fengzhi by contrast said with a beaming smile:

“Congratulations, school master Hu Yan. Your grandson

possessing a spirit bone at such an age, is truly worthy of
celebration. But, school master Hu Yan, be a somewhat mindful.
By all means don’t fall for the plots of ambitious people.”

Hu Yan Zhen’s face was flat as water. Even though Hu Yan Li

had dispelled the crisis, he still wasn’t the least bit happy.
Having a spirit bone exposed in such a public place with so
many people, absolutely wasn’t a good thing. He snorted coldly,

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“School master Ning doesn’t have to worry about my
Elephant Armored School’s disciples.”

Gu Rong at Ning Fengzhi’s side was somewhat unable to

endure watching the school master being contradicted twice in
succession, and was about to flare up. But Ning Fengzhi pulled
him down, raising a finger to the stage,

“Watch the competition.”

As Hu Yan Li threw of the restraints, his eyes were practically

spouting flames. Even though he had used the spirit bone to
resist the attacks, he was still dizzy. Two Spirit Masters over
fortieth rank as well as two Spirit Masters over thirty fifth rank
all striking the same place, were it not for the spirit bone, he
would already have keeled over long ago. Now relying on the
additional properties from the spirit bone to break free of the
Blue Silver Grass, how could he still hold back? His whole
skeleton made a burst of cracking noises, as he raised both
massive hands to grab directly at the last person to pounce, Xiao

Tang San’s group control had now reached ten seconds, and
the other six Elephant Armored School members were still
unable to break free.

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If at this moment, Hu Yan Li hadn’t chosen to attack Xiao Wu,
and rather rely on his defense to withstand another attack, then
helping his comrades break free of the restraints, then the
outcome of today’s battle might truly have been hard to tell.

However, his head dizzy from the successive attacks made him
unable to keep as calm as usual, and all he could think of right
now was to first deal with the enemy.

Watching the counterpart grab at her, Xiao Wu was calm and

unhurried, both legs shooting out simultaneously, separately
landing on Hu Yan Li’s arms. In terms of agility, how could this
old fellow compare to Xiao Wu? Drawing on the rebound from
both legs, Xiao Wu soared into the air, and under the help of
Tang San’s Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, she was
instantly whisked into the sky.

Xiao Wu had disappeared, but the other four already had their
feet firmly planted on the ground after the attack. By now Hu
Yan Li was already in a kind of half berserk condition, and
charged at the four without the slightest hesitation. His third
spirit ring suddenly brightened, and his obese body actually
leapt into the air. His whole body was covered by a layer of
dazzling purple light, and he directly locked down the one who
hurt him the most, Zhu Zhuqing, pressuring her from the air.

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The instant she was locked in on, Zhu Zhuqing discovered
that she was suddenly unable to move, and faced with the
massive opponent, her only choice was to block.

The Elephant Armored School after all didn’t like the

Strength Clan choose all their spirit rings in the same attribute.
Along with defense, they also had their attack abilities. The
Pressure Kill that Hu Yan Li now used was one of those. If
locked down by this spirit ability, the opponent’s legs would
temporarily lose the ability to move, able only to block head on.
This was also the greatest characteristic of this thousand year
spirit ring of his, and it was the most suitable ability found after
generations of research by the Elephant Armored School.

With their enormous bodies falling from the sky, and further
adding their spirit power, the effect could well be imagined. As
long as the opponent was unable to move and had to block, then
let alone agility attack system Spirit Masters, even strength type
Spirit Masters might not be able to resist. Of course, this ability
still had a condition in order to use, namely that the opponent
was within ten meters of the user.

Unfortunately, the no longer clear headed Hu Yan Li had

forgotten one thing. Indeed, Zhu Zhuqing was unable to move

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right now. But don’t forget that her movements weren’t all
under her own control.

Blue Silver Grass acted just in time, as Tang San easily pulled
Zhu Zhuqing away from her original position over towards Dai
Mubai, and under his control, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan also
directly flew over to the other still restrained Elephant Armored
School disciples.

“Hell White Tiger.”

Tang San’s calm voice reached Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai’s
ears, and the two immediately leapt at each other. By now, Tang
San had already temporarily withdrawn the Blue Silver Grass
from them.

This was Tang San’s carefully prepared finishing move. The

Shrek Seven Devils possessed two most powerful hidden
abilities, one was Tang San’s external spirit bone Eight Spider
Lances, the other was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit
fusion ability. At this moment Tang San needed to control the
entire battlefield, and subsequently it was clearly unsuitable for
him to use Eight Spider Lances. And the reason why he had
replaced Tai Long with Zhu Zhuqing for this fight, was this Hell
White Tiger spirit fusion ability.

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If they could rely on just the midair human meteor hammer to
win would be best, but if that didn’t work, they still had Dai
Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s super attack. Tang San believed that
even if the Elephant Armored School had even more powerful
defense, alone it was still impossible to resist Zhu Zhuqing and
Dai Mubai’s combined attack. In fact, after the two of them had
reached the fortieth rank, their spirit fusion ability had also
subsequently evolved.

Hong—— A depression was forcefully smashed into the stage,

as Hu Yan Li’s enormous body was practically embedded in the
ground. With him as the center, cracks immediately spread to
practically every corner of the stage. The terrifying might of
this Pressure Kill was evident.

“Xiao Wu.”

Tang San shouted, and with a flick of his wrist, a pink ray of
light flew accurately in front of Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu opened her
mouth and bit down on precisely Oscar’s newest fourth spirit
ability, stimulating pink sausage.

With no need for words, relying only on the pull of Blue Silver

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Grass, Tang San clearly showed Xiao Wu what to do. Her target
was the smallest member of the opposing team.

At this moment, Tang San’s battlefield control capabilities

were vividly exhibited. First by saving Zhu Zhuqing from the
danger of Hu Yan Li’s Pressure Kill, and at the same time
directing two people to use spirit fusion ability, taking Oscar’s
stimulating pink sausage and using his hidden weapons
techniques to throw it to Xiao Wu, and furthermore delivering
her to the weakest opponent. This whole process was
accomplished practically simultaneously. Even Tang San
himself didn’t notice that right now he had already used Heart
Separation Control’s Three Aperture Governing Heart.

A tiger’s roar erupted from Dai Mubai’s throat, and along with
the roar, his body that was already under the effect of White
Tiger Vajra Transformation swelled up once again, white fur
mixed with black tiger stripes rushing out all over him.

Zhu Zhuqing was completely covered with a faint black light,

moving swiftly, she unexpectedly seemed transparent, as she
quietly floated towards Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai revealed a faint smile, twin pupils uniting, both

arms spreading, welcoming Zhu Zhuqing’s illusory figure. Their

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two silhouettes quietly fused into one.

A three meter wide beam of black light instantly soared up

from where they met, a terrifying tiger’s roar filling the whole
arena. At this moment, not only did the spectators look on with
stunned expressions, but at the roar, even the teams competing
on the other four platforms stopped moving for a moment,
subconsciously turning to look in the direction of the black
pillar of light.

The burst of black light dissipated, and at the same time the
figures of Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai vanished along with it.
Where they previously stood, now only remained the graceful
figure of an enormous white tiger. The white tiger was
transparent, white furred with black stripes, and purple double
pupiled eyes that coldly watched the dust covered Hu Yan Li
crawling out of the floor.

Last time the Hell White Tiger had been eight meters long and
two meters tall. This time, the Hell White Tiger reached an even
more terrifying length of ten meters, and three meters high.
Even though the Elephant Armored School’s fatties each had
astonishing builds, in front of this enormous white tiger they
still seemed insignificant.

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Unlike last time it didn’t use the spirit fusion burst ability Hell
White Tiger Break immediately after appearing. Instead that
enormous white tiger charged directly at Hu Yan Li. From its
wide back a pair of enormous wings unfurled, and its massive
body suddenly glided through the air.

Under the terrifying pressure of the winged tiger, even after

using the spirit bone, Hu Yan Li still felt it hard to breathe.

Last time they used this spirit fusion ability, Zhu Zhuqing still
hadn’t reached the thirtieth rank. But now, both she and Dai
Mubai had already passed the fortieth. The spirit fusion ability
grew along with the strength of the users, and to them right
now it was no longer as simple as a single attack. That immense
white tiger gracefully and leisurely, pounced at Hu Yan Li.

By now, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan’s attacks simultaneously

poured down on the head of an opponent, as the Blue Silver
Prison around him instantly withdrew. And on the other side,
Xiao Wu also showed a bizarre change.

As the Blue Silver Prison there equally withdrew, Xiao Wu

was inundated in a layer of dazzling pink, her entire tender
body seemed to grow somewhat, causing her sleeves and the
trouser legs at her calves to rupture, she landed extremely

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gracefully on the shoulders of the weakest Elephant Armored
School member, her feet pressing at his neck in a 八 shape. The
next moment, Waist Bow launched.

With Xiao Wu’s original strength, it would be impossible for

her to throw the opponent, even with Waist Bow. After all, the
opponents were far too heavy, and their strength so
astonishing. However, under Tang San’s careful calculations,
after eating a stimulating pink sausage to temporarily boost
strength, and further adding her superior spirit power
compared to the opponent, it was just enough for Xiao Wu to
deal with this weakest Elephant Armored School disciple.

Watching Xiao Wu’s still slender body turning in midair,

bringing along that massive flesh mountain, then again heavily
slamming him into the ground, the forces this Elephant
Armored School disciple’s neck had to endure could well be
imagined. Unfortunately, right now everyone’s attention was
still fixed on that enormous Hell White Tiger, otherwise, Xiao
Wu’s attack would definitely have left a deep impression in the
hearts of a great many people.

Hu Yan Li naturally wouldn’t wait helplessly. Right now,

along with Tang San’s spirit power being consumed, his
brothers were already starting to break free of the restraints.
Relying on his five hundred jin body weight, Hu Yan Li

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crouched in place, using both arms to block the two immense
tiger claws swinging at him.

As a disciple of Elephant Armored School, one of the seven

great schools, he naturally knew about the characteristics of the
spirit fusion ability. The power of the spirit fusion ability was
enormous, but it also required immense spirit power
expenditure. He knew that as long as he could withstand two
attacks, even if he was defeated, two of the opponents’ fortieth
ranked powers would lose all fighting strength due to spirit
power exhaustion, and at that time, once his brothers had
recovered they would certainly take the final victory.

Hu Yan Li’s idea was correct, but unfortunately, he

underestimated the might of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell
White Tiger.

With extremely high harmonization, as well as both having

strength over the fortieth rank and their complementary
spirits, Hell White Tiger didn’t only unite their strength, but
moreover amplified it enormously. That was an immense gap
that couldn’t be bridged by a single spirit bone. Let alone Hu
Yan Li, even if Tang San and Hu Yan Li stood together, and both
used their spirit bones, it still might not be enough to withstand
this spirit fusion ability.

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Two tiger claws swung down simultaneously, causing an
enormous explosive sound. Hu Yan Li only felt an irresistible
force, feeling explosive pain all over his body, and immediately
afterward, flying through the air, he no longer felt anything.

The Hell White Tiger used the momentum from this strike to
dash forward, Hell White Tiger Break, launching.

That tremendous silhouette, like lightning, struck the other

two fortieth ranked Elephant Armored School disciples who had
just freed themselves from the restraints.

More explosions, and those two Elephant Armored School

disciples were thrown away by the strike of the Hell White
Tiger, directly striking the stage. And at this moment, the
illusory form of the Hell White Tiger also vanished, exposing
the two equally pale, bodies already returned to normal, Dai
Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. The pair’s spirit body enhancement
had already worn off.

The Hell White Tiger’s attack didn’t take long, but it left an
incomparably profound impression in the minds of all the
spectators. One claw had sent Hu Yan Li directly into the stage,
penetrating the granite surface. Then the Hell White Tiger had
further sent flying two fortieth ranked team members that had

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fully used their fourth spirit abilities, that icicle like protective
layer. In practically a split second, it had disintegrated the
strength of the Elephant Armored School’s three strongest

And at this time, under the frantic attacks of Jing Ling and
Huang Yuan, one Elephant Armored School disciple had already
been struck unconscious before he could even struggle free of
the Blue Silver Grass. And Xiao Wu had also used the power
boost from the stimulating pink sausage to easily throw the
weakest member into unconsciousness, also unable to throw off
Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass.

The human meteor hammer had now been completely

rescinded, and Tang San didn’t eat a third flying mushroom
sausage, bringing Oscar down from the sky.

Tang San threw the several big recovery sausages in his

hands, tossing them to the Shrek Academy members. The seven
formed up in a circle, with the last two opponents in the center.

The Elephant Armored School disciples had commendable

fighting spirit. Despite only remaining two of them, and
moreover ones who hadn’t reached fortieth rank of cultivation,
they didn’t have the slightest intent of backing down. Clearly,

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they also saw that the Shrek Seven Devils were equally at the
end of their strength. Continuously using large scale control
abilities was a huge spirit power drain on Tang San, and after
using the spirit fusion ability, their two strongest attackers, Dai
Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, were temporarily unable to use their
spirits. And Jing Ling, Huang Yuan and Xiao Wu might not be
able to break their defense. Therefore, after the two fatties
looked face to face, they launched their attack abilities without
the slightest hesitation.

Just like Hu Yan Li, the third spirit abilities of these two was
also Pressure Kill. And the targets the two fatties chose were
Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The audience might not have caught that throw Xiao Wu used
just now, but standing on the stage, they had still seen it with
incomparable clarity. They didn’t want their enormous bodies
to be flung through the air like that, with great weight, the fall
would also be heavy! The reason their comrade had fainted
wasn’t because he was unable to bear the strike, but rather
because the bones in his neck had been displaced by the
whiplash caused by his own enormous weight and Xiao Wu’s
Waist Bow, thereby causing unconsciousness.

Therefore, when the two launched their attack, they chose the
targets they thought were the greatest threat, Tang San and

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Xiao Wu. As for Jing Ling and Huang Yuan, they believed that
the two didn’t have the attack power to break through their
defense. After all, by now the restraints were already gone.

However, they neglected one person, although this person

was the most unremarkable one on the Shrek Academy team.
From the start to the end of the fight he hadn’t participated in
the battle. He also didn’t have any attacking strength. But his
presence enormously strengthened the Shrek Academy team’s
battle endurance. That was the forty first ranked food system
tool Spirit Master, Big Sausage Uncle Oscar.

Continuously using recovery sausages let Tang San constantly

replenish his spirit power. Even though the consumption was
enormous, he still wasn’t without fighting strength.

Tang San’s estimate of the Elephant Armored School was very

accurate. Superb defense, superb strength, but low agility, few
means of attack, without auxiliary support, without control
capability. When dealing with such an opponent, as long as they
crushed the most powerful members, they would inevitably lose
the ability to turn the tables. Being without Support Spirit
Master reduced the likelihood of suddenly recovering their
strength. After all, it was impossible for each one to possess
such an unlikely treasure as spirit bones.

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Tang San and Xiao Wu were instantly locked down by the two
enormous fatties, and even though Jing Ling and Huang Yuan
immediately attacked them, now that the Elephant Armored
School disciples were free of their restraints, they could show
their full defensive power and didn’t pay the two attackers any
attention, leaping high up with all their might, pressuring Tang
San and Xiao Wu.

Having their feet locked down didn’t mean their hands

couldn’t move. Tang San didn’t panic, and with a wave of his
right hand, a strand of Blue Silver Grass flew out, accurately
twisting around Xiao Wu’s waist, pulling her over. And at the
same time, Tang San half crouched in a horse stance, drawing a
deep breath, as white light rushed out from his body,
Mysterious Heaven Skill already gathering in his palms.

Xiao Wu and Tang San hadn’t been cooperating for just one or
two days, and being pulled to Tang San’s side, she immediately
astonishingly flipped into a handstand, both legs pointing up.
Right now, the lock on her had already been removed due to
Tang San’s pull.

Xiao Wu had both legs towards the sky, and Tang San held
both hands up high. Watching that fatty tumbling towards
them, the two exerted strength simultaneously.

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Waist Bow launching, Xiao Wu accurately planted both feet in
the fatty’s belly, instantly retarding his downward momentum,
and when her legs even under the effect of Waist Bow was
unable to bear that enormous weight, Tang San’s hands already
supported that fatty’s abdomen, launching Controlling Crane
Catching Dragon. It was the martial skill Two Liang Pushing
Ten Thousand Jin.

Of the two, one was forty first ranked and one thirty eighth
ranked, even though the fatty’s weight and this ability were
both overbearing, against the cooperation of the two, and
moreover Xiao Wu’s Waist Bow amplifying effect, it lost all

The downwards momentum instantly became a horizontal

movement, and under the precise control of Tang San’s
Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, that enormous body flew
sideways, just striking the other fatty as he was about to hit the

A loud bang echoed, and just at this moment, a yellow green

ball of light quietly spread, wrapping up the two inside the
instant they collided. Their enormous bodies immediately
became like a giant bottle gourd, crashing heavily to the ground.

3301 Goldenagato |

By now, the entire Elephant Armored Academy team’s seven
members had already completely lost the ability to continue the
fight, that one hundred percent toughness boost of the Spider
Web Restraint wasn’t something that could be thrown off in a
short time. Even with their astonishing strength it was
impossible. After all, both of them only had thirty something
ranked spirit power.

As the Shrek Academy’s seven members once again encircled

the two, the referee had no choice but to declare the winner of
this match.

“Second round, first qualifiers match, Shrek Academy defeats

Elephant Armored Academy.”

Bang. A bursting sound in the VIP seats, as the Elephant

Armored School master Hu Yan Zhen crushed the handrails on
his seat, bell like big eyes looking like they were about to shoot

He was unresigned, he was really unresigned. He obviously

felt it was impossible for Shrek Academy to break the Elephant
Armored Academy defensive formation led by his grandson. But
they had still done it. The erupting strength of the spirit fusion
ability Hell White Tiger was admittedly tremendous, but under

3302 Goldenagato |

ordinary circumstances, Hu Yan Zhen believed that three
fortieth ranked Elephant Armored School children headed by
his grandson, still wouldn’t be unable to resist it. As long as they
had dispelled that spirit fusion ability, the outcome of this fight
wouldn’t have been in doubt.

But in such a fight that he had thought couldn’t be lost, the

Elephant Armored School was still defeated. How? How could
they lose?

Let alone Hu Yan Zhen being unable to understand, even

platinum bishop Salas next to him stared blankly.

Even if four of Shrek Academy’s seven members had strength

over the fortieth rank, the Elephant Armored School still had
three people on this level, and Hu Yan Li had used a spirit bone.
By all reason, that was enough to make up the difference with
the spirit fusion ability. Further adding that the seven Elephant
Armored School members all had the first rate spirit Diamond
Mammoth, their overall strength clearly surpassed the
opponents. But how had they still lost?

Ning Fengzhi’s face was already covered with a smile, looking

at the Shrek Academy seven cheering their victory, inwardly he
couldn’t help sighing in praise. The eyes of the Bone Douluo at

3303 Goldenagato |

his side were also currently big and bright, muttering to

“Using a point to break the surface, fostering strength and

avoiding weakness. The effect of a control system Spirit Master
in a team fight really is formidable.”

The literal meaning is (逼音成线地能力) “Forcing sound to

become a string ability”, and is also what Gu Rong and Ning
Fengzhi used to talk to each other last chapter. I’ll use “voice
compression” for short.

500斤 = 250 kg

100 g pushing 5 ton. The principle of a small force diverting a

large force.

3304 Goldenagato |

Chapter 97 - Spirit Master World’s Extreme
Limit Flow And Balanced Flow

Even though Gu Rong spoke softly, everyone nearby heard

him. At the words ‘using point to break the surface’, platinum
bishop Salas immediately understood.

Against the Elephant Armored School’s seven united in a

defensive formation, let alone Shrek Academy, even with all the
competing Spirit Master teams, it would still be difficult to
break. How could such a tyrannical defensive formation be
broken? Tang San gave the answer.

Under Tang San’s control, the Shrek Academy seven had first
risen into the sky to break the opponent's’ pressure, and
immediately afterward, Tang San’s three great control abilities
had reduced the Elephant Armored School to passive defense.
Under such circumstances, the Shrek Academy team had
simultaneously unleashed their most powerful attacks on Hu
Yan Li. The strongest point was often also the weakest point,
the so called weak point, indicated Hu Yan Li’s impact on the
whole Elephant Armored Academy team.

If Hu Yan Li was broken, then the whole Elephant Armored

Academy’s formation would immediately break. Without their

3305 Goldenagato |

backbone, their defense was no longer perfect. At this moment,
as the soul of the team, Tang San had controlled his team
members to launch the most suitable attacks in the most
suitable locations. The Hell White Tiger spirit fusion ability was
admittedly powerful, but without Tang San’s control to let
them act at the most suitable moment, it would have been
unable to cause such a large impact.

The Elephant Armored School’s seven disciples gathered with

great difficulty. It had to be said, Hu Yan Li with a spirit bone
truly had abnormal defense. Even though he had been slapped
into the ground by the Hell White Tiger, when he crawled out,
he just seemed a bit dispirited. He hadn’t suffered any true
injuries, and was just a bit dizzy.

Both sides formed up anew to salute. Hu Yan Li looked at

Tang San with burning eyes,

“You’re very fierce, only, before long, we’ll definitely meet


Even if his body was well developed, his mind wasn’t simple.
Even though he had been beaten by the Hell White Tiger, he
clearly understood just whose hand had defeated him.

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Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“You’re welcome at any time.”

Both sides bowed simultaneously. The difference was that the

eyes of the Shrek Academy’s seven members all expressed the
excitement of defeating a powerful enemy, while the gazes of
the Elephant Armored School’s seven were brimming with
unreconciliation. From start to finish, they’d all had a kind of
helpless feeling, encountering such an opponent was somewhat
difficult to bear. Even though they’d lost this fight, as Hu Yan Li
said, they still believed their strength was greater than the
Shrek Academy. Just like when the Shrek Seven Devils defeated
the Emperor Team. However, they’d still forgotten that wisdom
was equally a part of strength. The strength of spirit power and
spirit abilities didn’t represent everything.

The crowds was already boiling the instant the fight ended. At
the start, only a small number of people shouted Shrek
Academy’s name, but just like a lit fuse, more and more joined
in. As the Shrek Academy seven stepped down from the ring,
the crowd had already forgotten that there were still several
matches that hadn’t ended, and a cheer of ‘Shrek’ rose from the
stands like a wave.

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The majority of the match weren’t Spirit Masters, and just
like amateurs following the crowd, the Shrek Academy team
had given them the most dazzling match. Whether it was Tang
San using the universal sky flow tactics at the start, or later that
extremely astonishing Hell White Tiger, or just when the spirit
rings appeared, everything gave the audience an extremely
profound impression.

With the extreme disparity in body size, the audience had seen
Shrek Academy as the weaker side, and ordinary people could
most easily sympathize with the weak. When the Shrek
Academy ultimately prevailed over their opponents, in the eyes
of the audience, it was a classic battle of winning from a
position of weakness.

“Xiao Wu, help me a bit.”

Tang San used a quiet voice that only the people next to him
could hear.

Xiao Wu was inwardly alarmed, discovering that Tang San’s

uniform was already soaked through with sweat, and his face
was even paler than Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

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Hastily she pulled on Tang San’s arm, using her strength to
support his weight.

Even though Tang San had eaten Oscar’s big recovery sausage,
his consumption had really been too large. The weak feeling of
spirit power exhaustion constantly attacked his mind. If not for
his unwillingness to let the opponents and the audience notice,
he would have been unable to endure long ago.

This match would seem to have been under Shrek Academy’s

complete control from start to finish, but for the sake of this
victory, Tang San had still spent too much.

Relying on the flying mushroom sausage to fly, in order not to

be encumbered by the weight, he had been forced to focus his
Mysterious Heaven Skill with all his strength. At the same time
he had still had to pay attention to each change on the
battlefield, using Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to pull his
companions to attack, attending to each corner there. This
didn’t just consume spirit power, it was an even greater drain
on the mind.

Afterward, Tang San had simultaneously released his first,

second, and fourth control spirit abilities, on more than one
occasion. His spirit power had already been substantially

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drained. Even though the big recovery sausage could help him
recover a bit, it was by no means complete.

Especially in that final moment. Even though it seemed like

only two opponents remained, and they were still seven, the
strength gap hadn’t been as wide as that. Of their four fortieth
ranked powers, besides Oscar who couldn’t attack, only Tang
San still had a speck of spirit power left. And Jing Ling, Huang
Yuan and Xiao Wu would have found it difficult to break the
defense of the two rested opponents.

For the final victory, Tang San had first used Controlling
Crane Catching Dragon to support the enormous pressure of the
falling opponent, and then fully used his already substantially
depleted spirit power for Spider Web Restraint. That moment
had not only exhausted his Mysterious Heaven Skill internal
strength, but had even overdrawn it.

Now that the fight was already over, Tang San even found it
somewhat difficult to walk, and had no choice but to draw
support from Xiao Wu.

The seven stepped down from the stage, and three gentle
lights already quietly fell on Tang San, Dau Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing. The three felt a warm flow enter their bodies,

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immediately rousing their spirits and restoring some color to
their faces.

The light spread from behind the shelter of Ma Hongjun’s

plump body, and Ning Rongrong poked her head out from
behind him, giving everyone a small smile.

After all, it was still the Shrek Seven Devils that had the most
tacit rapport and they had clearly seen what happened on the
stage, so just as the seven stepped off, Ning Rongrong
immediately used her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda spirit
power boost. Even though it was only temporary, it could at
least help the three condense a bit of spirit power. When
overdrawn, this kind of boost could easily make up for the
overdrawn part. Of course, that was with the premise that it
greatly consumed Ning Rongrong’s own spirit power, but the
battle was already over, and she didn’t worry about the

Altogether eleven people stood together in a ring, Dai Mubai

took the lead to extend his right hand, immediately followed by
Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Huang Yuan, Jing
Ling, Jiang Zhu, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Tai Long.

Eleven gazes focused on the same spot.

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The smiles on their faces grew as they shouted,

“Shrek will win!”

Passing this fight, the four new substitute members finally felt
like a true part of the team, and at the same time they also truly
recognized the power of the Shrek Seven Devils. Further adding
that they knew the Shrek Seven Devils’ ages, they had a
heartfelt admiration for these seven junior brothers and sisters.

The one smiling the widest was Tai Long. He had already on
more than one occasion regretted originally provoking Tang
San. Wasn’t this following the path to one’s own doom?

From these two fights, he could already clearly see that when
Tang San had beaten him, he had absolutely started off

Again thinking of how even his father’s fiftieth ranked

strength hadn’t been enough to beat him, Tai Long was even
more ready to prostrate himself in admiration for this young

3312 Goldenagato |

Originally when Tai Tan had let Tai Long follow Tang San as a
bodyguard, Tai Long’s heart had still been unwilling. At that
time he had still considered Tang San as a rival in love. But now
he felt exceedingly happy with his grandfather’s decision.

Even if he even more honestly saw just how outstanding Tang

San was, following such a young master, there would be no need
for concern over his own future.

Quickly changing into their own clothes, the Shrek Academy

eleven took advantage of the spectators still not having come
out to swiftly leave the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena. In the
space of a breath they had returned to the Academy.

However, the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena didn’t calm just
because they left. The mood in the arena had already become
incomparably boiling, and cheers of ‘Shrek’ continued even
until the end of the other four matches.

Shrek Academy was of course not the only team to take two
successive victories, but the opponents they had defeated one
after another was the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second
team symbolizing the Heaven Dou Empire, and the Elephant
Armored Academy subordinate to one of the seven great

3313 Goldenagato |

schools, Elephant Armored School.

Their powerful opponents and Shrek Academy’s offbeat

clothing, no doubt made them the focus of the entire audience.

In the stands, Flender also hadn’t expected them to cause such

a big sensation. But, with his meticulous mind, he had already
begun to calculate how to gain the most benefit from the

In the VIP seats, Heaven Elephant Hu Yan Zhen had already

calmed down, and sat there as placid as water. Platinum bishop
Salas at his side seemed to have a somewhat pondering

Emperor Xue Ye smiled the whole time, occasionally saying

something to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning
Fengzhi in a low voice.

Behind them, the three Heaven Dou Imperial Academy board

members were watching prince Xue Xing with incomparably
furious gazes, and that prince, just two days ago heavily
reprimanded by emperor Xue Ye, was already completely
speechless. Even if his insight had been even worse, seeing just

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how promising the Shrek Academy team was, inwardly he
couldn’t keep from regretting that he even listened to fourth
prince Xue Beng and drove them away. In fact, this glory should
originally have belonged to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!

In a corner of the competitors’ stands.

There was a hazy expression in the eyes of the team wearing

the moon white Blue Sunshine Academy uniforms. They hadn’t
expected that the opponents they had teased would turn out to
be so powerful. Even opponents like the Elephant Armored
Academy couldn’t beat them. In fact, their opponents in the
first match had been the Elephant Armored Academy, and the
result had been a crushing defeat.

Led by Spirit Sage Shi Nian, the goal of this Blue Sunshine
Academy team was the ranking competition and the finals.
They’d already lost one match, and if they continued losing,
how could they reach their goal? They naturally understood
that their jibes at the Shrek Academy from before would be
repaid in full in the competition. If by some chance they were
completely broken like the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
second team, they would be finished.

These Blue Sunshine Academy team members were all

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exceptionally outstanding, but even more outstanding students
would only get one opportunity to compete in the Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. How would
they wish for an opportunity like this to slip from their hands?
Unlike the Elephant Armored School they didn’t have absolute
confidence in advancing through the tournament.

Shi Nian stood with both hands held behind him, sweeping
his gaze over the team,

“You don’t have to think about it too much. First obtain

victory in your second match. Constantly increasing the
number of victories, is what you should do. As for the Shrek
Academy problem, I will deal with it.”

Listening to Shi Nian roused the spirits of the whole Blue

Sunshine Academy team. They were quite clear on the character
of this academy vice dean, and for a moment their smiles all
became twisted.

One week passed very quickly. The Continental Advanced

Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament qualifiers also
smoothly completed six rounds of matches. In that time there
were three academies that got six successive victories, and
Shrek Academy was among them. Besides the trouble with the

3316 Goldenagato |

Elephant Armored Academy in the second round, the next four
opponents were easy wins. Of the Shrek Seven Devils, only
Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu appeared. Their opponents
also didn’t reveal any Spirit Masters over the fortieth rank.

The other two academies that earned six consecutive victories

were the Thunderclap Academy and the Godwind Academy.

Today was the eighth day of the competition, and also the
start of the seventh round of matches. Shrek Academy’s
opponent had only obtained two victories, Othello Academy,
and it was also because of the weak opponent that this time they
didn’t fight in the central ring. Because the the fight in the
central ring was the highlight of the day’s matches, a collision
between two powerful teams at the same time as them, the
Elephant Armored Academy and the Thunderclap Academy.

In the rest area, Oscar leaned his head against the chair,

“It’s really good not having to go on stage. We can leisurely

watch the matches.”

Laughter escaped from Jiang Zhu:

3317 Goldenagato |

“How about you take my place? Your strength is already
exposed anyway.”

Oscar immediately shook his head, saying:

“How could a spotless beautiful youth like me talk about going

on stage?”

Ning Rongrong snorted unhappily,

“What beautiful youth, it’s a Big Sausage Uncle.”

While speaking, she still sneakily pinched the flesh at his

waist, causing the previously rather leisurely person to
immediately sit up straight, drawing in a deep breath.

Jiang Zhu chuckled to the side. At this moment, Ma Hongjun

stretched out his head,

“Sister Jiang Zhu, how about I take your place? Even if I’m a
secret weapon, if you’re tired, I can still help you out. If you get
exhausted it’s no good.”

3318 Goldenagato |

Jiang Zhu pinched the cheeks of Ma Hongjun who was half a
head shorter than her:

“Little Fatty should still be the most obedient. Later big sister
will buy you something tasty. Leave this match to me. For the
sake of ultimate victory, this still isn’t tiring. Moreover, this is
also a chance to gain real combat experience.”

Ma Hongjun’s face had a naive look, repeatedly nodding.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong looked at each other, both having

difficulty holding back smiles. Since everyone started training
and competing together, Fatty had always hovered around Jiang
Zhu, showing an obedient darling appearance.

Even though this fellow wasn’t particularly handsome, that

porkface was still somewhat cute, and under his deliberate
coverup, Jiang Zhu unexpectedly didn’t catch on to his true

But the Shrek Seven Devils were after all the best of brothers,
and the other six were all couples. Watching Fatty all alone,

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they couldn’t easily expose him.

Adding that Fatty’s evil fire problem had also been settled, if
he wanted to pursue Jiang Zhu himself, even if the others
wouldn’t support him, they also wouldn’t stir up trouble.

“Fine, don’t be noisy. Even though our opponents this fight

aren’t strong, we still can’t be careless. A lion still needs to use
all his strength to chase a rabbit. If by chance we encounter a
team with hidden strength, it’s very possible we’ll stumble into
a ditch.”

Dai Mubai showed off the proper responsibilities of a captain,

reminding everyone to prepare for the match.

Just at this moment, Grandmaster walked in from outside,

“Dai Mubai is right, it’s very possible some academies will

hide their strength. However, not this time. Your opponents
have already forfeited.”

“Ah? Forfeited?”

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The whole Shrek Academy team couldn’t help looking at
Grandmaster in astonishment.

Grandmaster smiled faintly, saying:

“The strength you’ve showed off has made some academies

with insufficient strength forfeit, this is quite ordinary. No need
to be so astonished. You can also just use this chance to go
watch the match between Thunderclap Academy and Elephant
Armored Academy. These two teams are both capable of
threatening you. Know yourself and know your enemy, only
then can you be ever victorious. Let’s go, I’ll take you to the
competitors’ stand.”

Not needing to compete meant a day of rest. In such a high

density round robin system as the qualifiers, this was
undoubtedly an extraordinary benefit for the Shrek Academy.
Everyone immediately cheered, following Grandmaster towards
the lobby outside.

At this moment, they encountered a group of people entering

from outside.

3321 Goldenagato |

Moon white uniforms, those familiar ‘blue sunshine’
characters, as well as that gloomy old man Shi Nian in the lead.
It was the Blue Sunshine Academy team.

The gazes of both teams met in midair, and everyone could see
sparks flying from the eyes of their counterparts.

Dai Mubai even further raised his hand, pointing a forefinger

at that leading youth, afterwards making a beheading gesture.

The Shrek Academy didn’t have any good impression of the

Blue Sunshine Academy, and Grandmaster didn’t even give
them a glance, directly leading the Shrek Academy group away.

That old man Shi Nian stopped walking a moment, a strange

color flashing in his eyes. He turned his head and glared at his
own team, stopping some who wanted to move. Both sides
crossed and passed.

Tai Long clenched his fist, issuing bone cracking sounds,

“I’m really looking forward to facing them.”

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His words gave voice to all the Shrek Academy members’

Fatty couldn’t help saying:

“Fuck, what do these fellows have to be arrogant about, as if

they have a winning hand, they couldn’t even take down the
Elephant Armored Academy. Third brother, let me go up when
we meet them, I’ll definitely let them learn what’s called real

Grandmaster calmly said:

“Alright, you all keep calm. They’re not opponents that

should concern you. Over these past few days of competition,
I’ve made some investigations into all the competing teams.
Among these teams, only five are capable of threatening you.
Only these five might have some hidden strength. Of these five,
you’ve already faced the Elephant Armored Academy.
Considered a difficult victory. They also have the smallest
chance of still having hidden strength. After all, Hu Yan Li’s
spirit bone has already been revealed. I’ve heard the Elephant
Armored School master Heavenly Elephant Hu Yan Zhen has
been together with these clan disciples every day, perhaps he’s

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concerned about Hu Yan Li.”

Besides the Elephant Armored Academy School, the other four

academies that might threaten you are the Thunderclap
Academy, Godwind Academy, Skywater Academy, and the
Blazing Academy. From their names, you should also have
discovered that these for academies each represent four
formidable capabilities. Thunder, wind, water, and fire. Add the
Elephant Armored Academy representing the defensive strength
of earth. In the Heaven Dou Empire academy scene they’re
collectively known as the five great elemental academies. Each
academy has a certain degree of backing.”

“The Elephant Armored Academy’s backing is the most direct,

it was founded by the Elephant Armored School. The other four
academies equally have unconventional backgrounds. Behind
the Thunderclap Academy is actually the Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon clan, only their support is comparatively indirect, only
some branch family disciples enter there, directly related
disciples are fostered within the clan. Only Yu Tian-Heng
entered the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. But even the branch
families of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan have great
strength. You can’t look down on the strength of this
Thunderclap Academy. I don’t know what the backgrounds of
the Godwind Academy, Skywater Academy, and Blazing
Academy are, but I can sense that these three academies also has
deep backgrounds. They each have their own characteristics,

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and they’re each very difficult for you to deal with.”

“The advancement quota from the qualifiers is only five.

Therefore, you must plan for passing the qualifiers, then, one of
these five academies will inevitably wash out. The five
elemental academies have a close relationship, and if my guess
is correct, they will inevitably move. Therefore, in the later
matches you will encounter stronger and stronger opponents.
Your hold your fate in your own hands. If you want to advance
to the finals without trouble, then the best way is to obtain
victory in each match in the qualifiers, entering the next stage
with a total win record.”


The Shrek Academy team agreed loudly.

Leaving the rest area, everyone’s gazes first floated towards

the stage. Right now, the spectators all around were constantly

Tang San puzzled asked Grandmaster:

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“Teacher, what’s going on? Why is the audience reacting so

Grandmaster said with a wry smile:

“Isn’t it because of you? Your opponents forfeited, there are a

lot of spectators who came especially to see all of you compete.
When you don’t appear, they will naturally be dissatisfied.”

In the stands, at least one third of the spectators were dressed

in green, or perhaps it should be called ‘snot green’.

Even Grandmaster and Liu Erlong had to acknowledge

Flender’s sense for finance, but they could understand even less
how the former Shrek Academy could fail like that.

Ever since the Shrek Academy team had caused a sensation,

Flender had found partners to begin mass production of Shrek
Academy uniforms and dumping them on the market.
Moreover, each uniform was embroidered with the name of a
team member.

Among them, Tang San’s uniform sold the most, followed by

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Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing. In just one short week, Flender
had ruthlessly dredged up quite a sum on these uniforms.

These two days he had begun thinking about making team

mascots for sale. He was so busy he had completely handed over
all tournament matters to Grandmaster and Liu Erlong.

They didn’t know who first saw the Shrek Academy group
leave the rest area, but immediately, a large amount of
spectators began to shout the word ‘Shrek’, and the mood in the
arena grew a lot more enthusiastic.

If this had been a spirit fighting match, the Heaven Dou Great
Spirit Arena would have invited the Shrek team on the stage for
a fight no matter what, as soon as they saw such a surge of

Unfortunately, this was the Continental Advanced Spirit

Master Academy Elite Tournament, and they didn’t have that
authority. They could only regretfully watch the Shrek
Academy’s absence from this day’s matches.

The first round of matches had already begun. Grandmaster

immediately pointed out which of the ten teams competing

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below were the Godwind and Skywater teams. What made Tang
San astounded was that all the Godwind Academy’s team
members had flying abilities.

This was no doubt highly headache inducing. And the

Skywater Academy’s team consisted entirely of women, and
each was a beauty.

Their opponents still hadn’t acted, and they all already looked
half charmed. What was the point in continuing a match like

In the shortest time possible, without hurdles, the Skywater

Academy had already obtained victory.

The Godwind Academy’s method of attack was very simple.

All the members circled in the air like seven goshawks,
constantly swooping down to attack. Their grasp of rhythm was

With each attack, they struck with the five thousand ton force
of thunder, after three rounds of dive attacks, the opponents no
longer had anyone who could stand.

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Observing these two matches, Tang San said in a low voice to
Grandmaster next to him:

“Teacher, why aren’t these five great elemental academies

matching up elements and competing together? Whether it’s
the Elephant Armored Academy or these two teams, they’re all
the same single attribute Spirit Masters. Even though this
means one aspect will become very powerful, in practice, the
weak points also become glaringly obvious. If they can’t display
their strong points, doesn’t that leave them without the
strength to follow up?”

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying:

“This is the difference between Heaven Dou Empire and Star

Luo Empire. Heaven Dou Empire’s advanced Spirit Master
academies have always relied mainly on these five great
elemental academies. This time around the Heaven Dou
Imperial Academy has the Emperor Team, which is pretty good.
But in the previous several tournaments, the ones capable of
entering the top three from Heaven Dou Empire’s side has
always been one of these five elemental academies.”

“Just as you said, the style of the team members from these
five academies all tend to the extreme. Entirely different from

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the balanced nature the Star Luo Empire strives for. This has
both advantages and detriments. When they encounter enemies
that can’t restrain their strong strong points, they can often
destroy the opponents in a single blow. But if they encounter
opponents that can restrain them, they will also frequently lose
in a short time. But in all these years, these five great elemental
academies has never had the slightest notion of changing their
policies. Do you know why this is?”

Tang San blankly shook his head.

Grandmaster spoke in a low voice:

“Because this is the struggle between the Spirit Master world’s

two great streams of thought. One faction stands for balance,
one faction stands for extremism. The extreme faction believes
that a Spirit Master’s capabilities should as far as possible follow
a pure route, letting their strength grow in only a single
direction, to become as outstanding as possible within this one
direction. But the balanced faction believes a Spirit Master’s
capabilities should develop harmoniously, balancing attack and
defense. These two great streams of thought have always been
warring. The Spirit Master world of the Heaven Dou Empire
largely favors the extreme faction, you’ve also seen that your
Clear Sky School’s Strength Clan is a typical example. And the
Clear Sky School’s four subordinate clans also have another

3330 Goldenagato |

three great extreme limit followers, you will no doubt come into
contact with them in the future. But the Star Luo Empire’s
Spirit Masters largely follow the balanced route. Perhaps they
have a bit less burst power, but they also have a lot fewer
weaknesses, and their follow up capabilities are also more

“Then Spirit Hall? Does Spirit Hall follow one stream?”

Tang San asked.

Grandmaster lowered his voice:

“Spirit Hall has never expressed support of any side. Spirit

Masters of both streams of thought enter Spirit Hall, but
strangely there has never been any internal conflict between
them. Our Shrek Academy is actually considered to be following
a half balanced, half extreme limit route. Or you might say,
extreme individuals, balanced as a group. After many years of
research, this is what I believe to be the most suitable route to

“Individual strength, or a bit extreme is comparatively

preferable. This can let one’s strength increase to the

3331 Goldenagato |

maximum. As for later lacking endurance of having weak
points, that can be completely complemented by relying on
teammates. In a team, if each person can be expert in one
extreme ability, and complement each other, then this team will
succeed. Strength will inevitably be above equal level teams. Do
you see what teacher means?”

Tang San said in a flash of understanding:

“So it’s like that. Extreme limit flow and balanced flow each
have their characteristics. Then in other words, for all these
years, balanced flow has always held the advantage?”

Grandmaster laughed grimly,

“No, I should say it’s the fusion flow that’s held the
advantage. I’m not the first person to propose fusing the
extreme limit flow and balanced flow. The ones who truly
raised this proposal was Spirit Hall. Only, Spirit Hall doesn’t
show off this idea. But each team Spirit Hall has sent to
participate in the competition has used it. Consequently, the
champions of the previous several Continental Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Elite Tournament have also all been from
Spirit Hall.”

3332 Goldenagato |

Tang San frowned:

“Since Spirit Hall knows these mysteries, why doesn’t it take

the initiative to come forward? With their authority in the
Spirit Master world, they could completely……”

Grandmaster shook his head,

“This involves politics, influence, and all sorts of interests.

It’s not as easy as you think by far. You’re still young. It’s fine if
you don’t pay attention to these things yet. What you must do
now, is to improve your own strength as far as possible. If you
want to take the championship, you only have one true
opponent. That is the team dispatched from Spirit Hall. Even
though I can’t be certain just what degree their strength has
reached, I think that their ferocity will certainly be above the
Emperor Team and the five great elemental academies. Spirit
Hall’s true strength is far greater than anyone imagines.”

As he spoke, a terrified light flashed unconsciously through

Grandmaster’s eyes, as if he had thought of some frightening

Tang San suddenly raised his head, saying:

3333 Goldenagato |

“Teacher, I’ll go back to the Academy first.”

Grandmaster looked startled a moment,

“You’re not watching the competition?”

Tang San nodded,

“My Three Aperture Governing Heart still isn’t skillful.

You’re right rather than researching others, it would be better
to strengthen myself. The strength of these five great elemental
academies should all be similar to the Elephant Armored
School. Even though they’re strong, just as you said, if we went
out with our full strength, defeating them wouldn’t be
challenging. In order to face our true opponents, it would be
best to raise our own strength.”

Over this week, besides competing, Tang San had carried out
special cultivation every day.

His Three Aperture Governing Heart was cultivated

3334 Goldenagato |

completely while fused with the surroundings. Communicating
with the wild Blue Silver Grass in the forest each day had
already become a mandatory course for him.

Continuing for a week, he had discovered that his spirit power

promotion speed had clearly increased, and his Blue Silver Grass
Spirit had also quietly changed in some way.

Tang San couldn’t say what the internal change was, but he
was certain it was completely in a beneficial direction.

Right now his control of Blue Silver Grass was even more
harmonious, each strand of Blue Silver Grass spreading with a
thought. Further adding the effect of Three Aperture Governing
Heart, even though his spirit power hadn’t increased, Tang San
could clearly feel himself progressing in control capability.




3335 Goldenagato |



3336 Goldenagato |

Chapter 98 - Soul Chasing, Life Taking,
Yama’s Invitation

Tang San always worked hard at cultivation, never stopping.

This kind of cultivation by communing with wild Blue Silver
Grass made him feel as if he’d discovered some secret. Just what
it was would have to be seen after a time of cultivation.

When Grandmaster heard Tang San’s explanation, he smiled


“Fine, then you go back first. Never mind them, these days of
matches have been exhausting. Let them rest. Change your
clothes before you leave, and mind your safety on the way.”


Tang San smiled and agreed. Grandmaster’s words brought

him a fatherly kind of concern and warmth. Faintly saluting
Grandmaster, he didn’t bother the others who were watching
the matches, and silently left the through the back.

3337 Goldenagato |

The Shrek Academy group were all watching the matches
with keen interest, and nobody noticed Tang San’s departure.

It was instead on the other side of the competitors’ viewing

platform that a pair of gloomy eyes all along attentively
followed Tang San, and as Tang San disappeared from the
platform, that cold gaze also vanished.

Changing into proper clothes, Tang San slipped quietly out of

the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena.

Right now, besides some people who hadn’t gotten tickets and
some scalpers, the area outside the Great Spirit Arena was calm.

Leaving the Great Spirit Arena, Tang San stepped quickly in

the direction of Shrek Academy. Right now his mind was deeply
pondering how he could become even stronger, and also the
mysteries of the Blue Silver Grass changes.

It was still morning, the warm light from the bright sun
giving people a comfortable feeling. Tang San quite liked
immersing himself in sunlight, and while contemplating the
cultivation problem and walking by feeling, his whole body
relaxed, unspeakably comfortable.

3338 Goldenagato |

For some reason, Tang San felt that today the road seemed a
bit long. Though he had been immersed in pondering the Heart
Separation Control skill, he felt he should have already arrived
at the Academy.

But raising his head to look, it seemed he was still quite a ways
from the Academy.

‘Could I have been walking slower today?’ Tang San frowned,

speeding up once again.

Walking and walking, Tang San’s steps suddenly slowed.

Vaguely, he already felt something amiss.

The sunshine clearly shone on him, but that warm feeling was
already gone. In its place a faint gloomy and cold feeling quietly
spread from all around.

Slowing to a stop, the light at the corners of Tang San’s eyes

immediately became vigilant. Nothing around him seemed to
have changed, an endless stream of pedestrians passed around
him. The distance from here to Shrek Academy wasn’t very far.

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‘Could it be that I was oversensitive?’ Tang San turned his
head to look in the direction from which he came, his gaze
sweeping across the pedestrians around him, but he didn’t
discover anything wrong. Everything was quite ordinary.

Concentrating, Tang San raised his foot once again, stepping

forward, Mysterious Heaven Skill unconsciously condensing.

He trusted his own senses, and since his tempering in the Ice
and Fire Yin Yang Well, these senses had become exceptionally
sharp. That keen intuition made the unease in Tang San’s heart
constantly grow.

His calm demeanor kept him from speeding up once again,

instead slowly walking forward. At the same time he spread his
awareness as far as possible, looking for the slightest clue in his

After walking a short time, Tang San suddenly stopped, his

expression already serious. Wrong. There was definitely a

Even though his senses hadn’t discovered any issue, Tang

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San’s mind was meticulous. From the first step until now he
had altogether walked six hundred five steps. Under ordinary
circumstances, he should already have reached the Shrek
Academy gate.

But right now it seemed there was still a short distance to the
gate. Perhaps there would have been a change in his pace, but
that change absolutely wouldn’t have been so large.

Even though he didn’t know how this situation came about,

Tang San immediately went on the alert. A Godly Zhuge
Crossbow falling into his grasp and he directly summoned his
Blue Silver Grass, not paying any attention to the pedestrians

From that trace of cold air, a faint killing intent seeped out.
That was a spirit murderous enough to threaten his life.

The surroundings suddenly became very still. Those proper

street sounds from before quietly faded away at the same time.

The scenery in front of him also became misty, everything

turning indistinct at the same instant.

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A faint silhouette gradually became clear about ten meters in
front of Tang San.

“Worthy of being Shrek Academy’s most outstanding disciple.

You really are very vigilant. Unfortunately, you discovered it
too late.”

That was a white clothed old man, a person Tang San had met
more than once. It was that Blue Sunshine Academy team’s
coach, the seventy second ranked Spirit Sage Flender once
warned them of, Shi Nian.

Seeing this person, Tang San couldn’t keep his heart from
falling lower and lower. Quietly watching Shi Nian, he said:

“So it’s Blue Sunshine Academy’s teacher. I don’t know

whether you might have stopped me here for some advice?”

Shi Nian smiled calmly, saying:

“No advice, I just need you to disappear.”

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Tang San coldly said:

“For the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite


The corners of Shi Nian’s mouth showed a trace of a cold


“I’ve always been looking for an opportunity these last few

days. Unfortunately, you were always together with the other
Shrek Academy students, leaving me unable to act. But today
you still gave me this chance. It really is a pity you’re not one of
my Blue Sunshine Academy’s disciples.”

“You want to kill me?”

The pupils of Tang San’s eyes contracted slightly.

Shi Nian snorted coldly,

“You can only blame yourself for being too outstanding. Even
though the Shrek Academy team is strong, its true strength is

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precisely you. As long as you disappear from this world, our
Blue Sunshine Academy will have the chance to advance.”

Tang San laughed grimly,

“You think that by killing me, your Blue Sunshine Academy

can beat our Shrek Academy?”

Shi Nian spoke indifferently:

“If killing you won’t do it, I’ll just keep killing. Until I’ve
killed enough. Perhaps that student called Dai Mubai is suitable

Tang San looked at the hazy surroundings,

“You’re going to do it here? Don’t forget, this is an open

street. Once you’ve killed me, don’t think you can stand up in
the Spirit Master world.”

Shi Nian smiled, the expression making his wrinkles deep

enough to trap house flies, a pair of cold eagle eyes flickering

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with cold light,

“Since I decided to act, I’ve long since made thorough

preparations. You’re hoping your relation to the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School will save you? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t leave
behind evidence for them. Look, is this really a street in Heaven
Dou City?”

The hazy scene in the surroundings suddenly became clear,

and Tang San discovered to his shock that he stood in a desolate
area outside of the city. Turning to look around, he could
vaguely see the top of Heaven Dou City’s city walls. He judged
that this should be a small grove outside the city.

Tang San reacted quickly, a sonorous sound erupting from the

long ago prepared Godly Zhuge Crossbow in his hand as soon as
the surroundings became clear. Sixteen sharp iron source
crossbow bolts instantly smashed into Shi Nian’s chest with
overbearing penetrating power.

Light flickered, and the sixteen crossbow bolts disappeared.

However, Tang San’s expression became even more serious.

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No blood. Yes, even though the sixteen bolts entered Shi
Nian’s chest, not a trace of blood flowed out. The sixteen
crossbow bolts seemed to have disappeared in midair, they
didn’t even make another sound.

Shi Nian somewhat startled looked at the Godly Zhuge

Crossbow in Tang San’s hands,

“What’s that? Such a powerful weapon. Is it a spirit tool?”

Tang San didn’t reply, only quietly watched Shi Nian.

Shi Nian smiled, and this time his smile seemed quite relaxed,

“Among people your age, you’re no doubt very powerful. Even

I haven’t seen a more remarkable young Spirit Master.
Unfortunately, the gap between the two of us can’t be bridged
by the word ‘talent’. Your weapon is pretty good, but
unfortunately, everything you see right now, the position of
things, they’re all part of my Brutal Dream. Even though I let
you see the true scene just now, it was still an illusion. Within
my Brutal Dream, I’m the ruler of everything, let alone some of
the fortieth ranker like you, even Spirit Masters of the same
rank as me would be unable to break free.”

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Tang San’s expression became ugly, withdrawing the Godly
Zhuge Crossbow in his hand into Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

“Tang San, do you know what the greatest pleasure in my

whole life is?”

Shi Nian’s smiling expression suddenly became somewhat

eccentric. If it were to be described, perhaps the word
‘perverted’ would suit him the best right now.


Tang San weakly asked.

Shi Nian smiled slightly, saying:

“In this life, what I like the most is seeing my opponents go

insane within my Brutal Dream, until they die. When I’m about
to see a youth regarded as a genius degenerate like that, I’m
already excited.”

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“Do you have to kill me? Isn’t there any chance to save

Tang San weakly asked.

Shi Nian’s expression suddenly became severe,

“Since I’ve let you see me, do you think I would still let you
go? There’s no use struggling, everything’s already without any
meaning to you. Next year today will be the anniversary of your
death. If people have souls, then, use your soul to watch Blue
Sunshine Academy destroy the qualifiers, entering the next

Tang San didn’t say anything else, but sat crosslegged on the
ground. Blue Silver Grass formed naturally, deploying into his
surroundings as a slowly spiralling defense.

Shi Nian laughed out loud,

“Do you believe you can resist my spirit like this? Young man,
you really are too naive. If my Brutal Dream was so easy to
resist, I wouldn’t be worthy of the title Spirit Sage. Wait and

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see. You’ll die in extreme suffering, and this suffering will be
brought on by yourself.”

Shi Nian’s voice gradually weakened, the surroundings

becoming hazy once again, as if he had already moved away,
already left.

Tang San sat motionless on the ground, quietly condensing

his spirit power. Because of the Blue Silver Grass hovering
around him, from the outside it was very difficult to see just
what kind of expression he had right now.

The surroundings began to change, and Tang San discovered

to his shock that the Blue Silver Grass circling around him
under his control seemed to disappear. Even though he could
feel its existence, there wasn’t a trace of it in his line of sight.

The surrounding scenery changed, no longer that small grove

from before, but a precipice. An incomparably familiar

‘Hell’s Peak, how come I’m at Hell’s Peak?’ Tang San’s

originally calm eyes suddenly opened wide.

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He had left behind far, far too many memories in this place.
Several meters ahead was an abyss with clouds and mist rising
in spirals, and behind him, ten white silhouettes gradually grew

Lowering his head, Tang San clearly saw that his clothes had
changed, that enormous ‘Tang’ character told him a lot.

‘A dream, don’t tell me that everything in the Douluo

Continent was a dream? That in the end I’m still that Tang Sect
disciple who offended the sect rules?’

Tang San stupidly looked ahead, becoming utterly perplexed.

Those ten silhouettes gradually becoming clear completely
blocked all routes of retreat. Familiar and indignant faces
gradually appeared in front of him.

“Tang San, you’ve actually stolen the sect’s Mysterious

Heaven Treasure Record, your evil crimes overflow to Heaven.”

“Tang San, Tang Sect raised you, taught you, what you’ve
done is detested by men and gods……”

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One by one, the voices constantly grew in Tang San’s mind,
those faces also constantly grew. Very quickly, those ten Tang
Sect elders were already in front of him, surrounding him.

“Elders, listen to me.”

Tang San couldn’t help saying.

“There’s nothing that can be said. Tang San, your crimes are
great, your evil extreme, you will take the sect’s most severe

Tang San could no longer move his four limbs, simultaneously

detained by four elders, one of them had already raised his
hand, internal Big Dipper qi spilling out of his palm. The palm
struck his arm. Tang San emitted a blood curdling scream, his
entire left arm shattering into thumb sized fragments. Pain,
enlarged tenfold, instantly spread through his brain, his entire
body spasming violently.

Immediately afterward was his right arm, and both legs. In

front of the elder’s internal Big Dipper qi, the bones of Tang
San’s body were continuously smashed, until not one intact
bone remained.

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However, he still wasn’t dead. His whole body constantly
convulsed, but no matter how strong the pain was, his mind still
worked. A working mind meant he completely endured each
painful sensation that came.

The elders’ faces gradually dulled, and they left Tang San on
top of Hell’s Peak, all the bones in his body in pieces. They told
him they would leave him there to scream for seven days and
seven nights, to die from the eagles and falcons.

Tang San’s eyes had already become hazy. The violent pain
constantly swept through him, making his entire body jerk and

The scene in front of him was still Hell’s Peak, but another
silhouette began to take shape.

Slender, graceful, long scorpion braid, charming young face,

it was Xiao Wu.

At the same time as Xiao Wu appeared, so did another person,

a forty something uncle, a vulgar uncle whose every bone had

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been disintegrated by Xiao Wu. Bu Le.

“Xiao-, Xiao Wu……”

Tang San wanted to shout, but he couldn’t utter a word. He

didn’t understand. Why would Xiao Wu and Bu Le be here

Bu Le’s one hand tightened around Xiao Wu’s neck, and he

looked at Tang San with a cold smile. And on Xiao Wu’s face
was grief and unwillingness.

“Ge, Ge, help me, h-help me……”

Xiao Wu did her utmost to struggle, but no matter how she

tried she was unable to escape the strange uncle Bu Le’s grasp.

Making Tang San almost weep blood was that Xiao Wu’s
clothes were being torn off piece by piece by Bu Le, exposing
skin like suet white jade.

Apart from watching Bu Le’s coarse big hands start to wander

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over Xiao Wu’s body, watching his mouth constantly drool and
smile evilly, Tang San couldn’t do anything.

Blood began to drip from the corners of his eyes, but with all
his bones broken, right now he could only look on helplessly as
Xiao Wu was disgraced.

Xiao Wu’s eyes were brimming with despair and hatred, and
this despair and hatred were unexpectedly completely aimed at
Tang San.

‘No, don’t——’ Tang San wanted to shout, wanted to get up,

but no matter what he said he was unable to move. In a
moment, Bu Le’s evil hand already stretched towards…...

“Little beauty, since you can’t resist, I’ll enjoy it slowly. Uncle
loves you. Hahahaha……”

Bu Le’s voice was as unpleasant as a night owl, each word like

the point of a needle, piercing Tang San’s heart.


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A heart tearing, lung rending scream resounded in Tang San’s
mind. He had already gone completely mad. However, the scene
before his eyes became even more clear.

Bu Le’s nauseating panting, Xiao Wu’s despairing gaze, it was

all magnified in his six senses.


Shi Nian leaned against a large tree, his seventh spirit ring
constantly releasing a dazzling light, his face covered with a
cruel and perverted sly smile.

Just ten meters in front of him, Tang San lay convulsing

violently on the ground, Blue Silver Grass spiralling around
him. Shi Nian basically didn’t need to look with his eyes, he
could clearly sense that Tang San was already on the verge of

‘I haven’t had the pleasure of torturing someone to death for a

very long time. It’s a pity on such a young genius, who let you
go against me? Very well, I want to see just how you’ll die.’

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‘I really want to see it, just what kind of illusion is he
experiencing right now?’

‘My seventh spirit ability, Nightmare, can only bring out what
you fear the most in your heart. What is it that this genius
youth fears?’

The convulsions of Tang San’s body among the Blue Silver

Grass had gradually weakened. He was only lightly twitching.

The coiled Blue Silver Grass gradually slid to the ground, and
Shi Nian could clearly see Tang San with a deep red face, a
trickle of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

‘So what if he was a genius? He still died most painfully

within my Brutal Dream.‘ The smile on Shi Nian’s face became
even crueler,

“It really is a pity, if my strength could reach Title Douluo, I

could have seen everything he experienced within my spirit.
That would have been even more perfect.”


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Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena.

While she was focused on watching the match, Xiao Wu’s

right hand suddenly trembled, a burning hot feeling in her

With astonishment, Xiao Wu stretched a hand inside her

chest, pulling out the unbreakable as diamond Yearning
Heartbroken Red.

The Yearning Heartbroken Red seemed to have made a

fantastic change. The flower was glittering with faint red light,
and a burning hot draft hit her in the face.

What was this? Xiao Wu stared blankly. She didn’t know why,
but looking at the red light on the petals, an intense unease
welled up from the bottom of her heart.

Turning her head, she searched for the person who concerned
her the most, however, she discovered that seat was already

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Blood colored light heralded disaster, Xiao Wu’s heart
instantly tightened.

“Where did little San go?”

She nervously asked. Her loud voice simultaneously stunned

the Shrek Academy group.

Grandmaster said:

“Little San said he’d go back to cultivate first.”

“Little San’s in trouble. He’s definitely in trouble.”

Xiao Wu’s hands clutched the Yearning Heartbroken Red,

without the slightest hesitation running outside.

Ning Rongrong looked in the direction Xiao Wu ran,

“What’s up with Xiao Wu? Didn’t Grandmaster say little San

went back to the Academy? What can happen in Heaven Dou

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“No matter what it is, we’ll go take a look as well.”

Dai Mubai also stood up, chasing after Xiao Wu. The Shrek
Seven Devils were like siblings, and everyone got up one after
another. Even though they didn’t believe Tang San would be in
any trouble, just in case they still moved as a team.


The illusion still continued, and vulgar uncle Bu Le prepared

to move to the last step, already loathsomely stuck to Xiao Wu.
The whole scene constantly grew in Tang San’s eyes, that heart
tearing, lung rending pain seemed to tear his heart into shreds.

At this moment, the blood red eyed Tang San suddenly

changed. What changed was his eyes.

Instantly, the blood red in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and

purple golden light shot out, that light instantly shattering the
‘Xiao Wu’ and ‘Bu Le’ in front of him. The illusions surrounding
him practically disappeared in an instant.

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Left hand clapping the ground, his body shooting up, Tang
San made a half turn in the air, his right arm flinging out in this
turn. Those purple golden eyes of his just met with the stupefied
gaze of Shi Nian.

A noiseless black light had already arrived in front of Shi Nian

without warning. As a Spirit Sage, Shi Nian reacted extremely
quickly, but at this moment it was already too late to dodge.
Both his arms rose in that practically impossible moment, his
spirit power extremely condensed. His left arm tingled, as that
black light already entered within. He hadn’t obstructed it even
when when he didn’t hesitate to injure his body to urge his
spirit power to the limit.


Tang San was like a deflated rubber ball, his body spinning in
midair fell heavily to the ground, gasping for breath in great
mouthfuls. The light in his eyes had already recovered to
normal, he used one hand to strenuously raise himself from the
ground, and the other to wipe the bloodstain from the corner of
his mouth.

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Even though he had already blocked that black light, Shi
Nian’s gaze was still lifeless, muttering:

“No, this is impossible. You’re only a fortieth rank Spirit

Ancestor, how could you break my seventh spirit ability?”

Tang San looked coldly at him, leaning on a nearby tree, only

with difficulty managing to stand.

“In this world, nothing is impossible. You’ve lost.”


Shi Nian laughed wildly,

“I’ve lost? You’re such a tiny brat, but your mouth is

unexpectedly big. Even if I don’t know how you saw through my
seventh spirit ability, Nightmare, do you really believe this is
enough to defeat me? Really too ridiculous. With my seventy
second rank spirit power, even if I didn’t use any spirit abilities,
that still isn’t something you could guard against or restrain.
Even if you’ve broken my ability, the conclusion hasn’t
changed. Only, before you die, I’ll give you a chance. I’m very

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curious as to how you broke my my Nightmare divine ability.
Tell me, and I’ll let you die a bit happier.”

Tang San stood there leaning against the tree,

“You’re not qualified to know, you’re just an idiot ghost.

When Yama calls for your death at midnight, who dares keep
you until morning? Good——bye——.”

Shi Nian first looked distracted, but immediately afterwards,

his face suddenly became grotesque, his entire body standing
there rigidly. Raising his right hand, pointing at Tang San, he
wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out.
Both his eyes seemed as they were about to pop out of their

Tang San still calmly looked at his opponent, as for everything

that happened in front of him right now, it seemed he had
anticipated it long ago.

With a peng sound, Shi Nian’s body fell to the ground. Black
blood flowed from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, his entire
body already permeated with a layer of black, black blood
spreading on the ground, seemingly constantly leaking out of

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his body. Gradually, including skin and bones, Shi Nian’s body
actually vanished like smoke within that black.

Was Shi Nian’s death really so mysterious? No, of course not.

Heaven is impartial. Something like luck is only relative. His
death was by Tang San’s hand, or perhaps it should be said his
death was by Tang San’s plan.

Shi Nian, a seventy second ranked Spirit Sage, could never

have suspected that Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye was the
nemesis of all illusions.

If it was the original Purple Demon Eye, perhaps it would still

have been unable to break Shi Nian’s seventh spirit ability due
to the difference in spirit power between them. However, after
Tang San had taken the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, his
Purple Demon Eyes had become like piercing eyes. Let alone a
seventh spirit ability’s illusions, even a ninth spirit ability, as
long as it was an illusion, would be unable to deceive his eyes.

As soon as Tang San had discovered something was weird, he

had secretly applied Purple Demon Eye to carefully examine
everything in his surroundings. Shi Nian had believed Tang San
was trapped in the illusion, but in fact, Tang San had always
known where he was, only he didn’t act from the start.

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The difference in spirit power from forty first to seventy
second rank was really far too great. Tang San knew that even if
he wanted to escape, it wouldn’t be easy. Therefore, from the
time Shi Nian revealed himself to begin killing him, he had
created his opportunity, creating an opportunity to kill the
opponent in one hit. Tang San knew that was the only chance
he had to survive.

Therefore, he always waited. Even when he suffered such

painful torment in the illusion, he still endured silently, only
the moment Xiao Wu was truly about to be disgraced did he
erupt. Even though that wasn’t the optimum opportunity Tang
San wanted to find, that moment was already more than he
could bear.

With Tang San’s intelligence, wouldn’t he be unaware that

the shroud of Blue Silver Grass would be unable to protect him
in the illusion? No, of course not. He didn’t use that Blue Silver
Grass to protect himself, but rather to block Shi Nian’s line of
sight. Sheltered from Shi Nian’s gaze, Tang San took out one
thing from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, the only thing that
could turn the tables in this situation.

Third ranked of Tang Inner Sect hidden weapons, Soul

Chasing, Life Taking, Yama’s Invitation.

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He didn’t take out his mechanical class hidden weapons, and
he didn’t take out that wide area Cluster Soul Chasing Ball.
Because Tang San knew he would only have one chance. If he
failed, then with the difference in spirit power between them,
he would die even if his opponent didn’t use his Brutal Dream
Spirit. Besides Yama’s Invitation, Tang San couldn’t think of
any other weapon that could penetrate the opponent’s defense.

He didn’t even use any control ability to lock down the

opponent, because there was basically no need. Partly because
Tang San basically didn’t have enough spare spirit power to use
spirit abilities, and secondly, would Yama’s Invitation need to
lock down the opponent? If it was like that, how could this
hidden weapon be third ranked in Tang Sect? And how would it
be famed as Yama’s Invitation?

That faint black light was condensed with Tang San’s entire
spirit power. After reaching the fortieth rank in his cultivation,
he possessed the strength for one attack.

Originally at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Tang San had
refined three Yama’s Invitations. And now, their terrifying
efficacy had been revealed.

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Yama’s Invitation had a two tiered effect, also known as ‘one
invitation kills twice’. Poison, undissolvable poison. Even if one
cut off the limb the instant the poison entered the body, they
would still be unable to prevent the poison’s instantaneous
spreading. Even if it was Tang San himself, when handling
Yama’s Invitation he had to boost his Mysterious Jade Hand to
the limit, not daring easily touch it.

Besides the poison, even more frightening was the structure of

Yama’s Invitation. Immediately after entering the body, it
would disintegrate and spread through the veins, and
simultaneously also follow the blood vessels to enter the heart.

This was ‘one invitation kills twice’, Yama’s Invitation left no

survivors. Even Tang Sect itself didn’t have any antidote. That
didn’t mean there was no way of removing Yama’s Invitation’s
poison. Everything in the world had a counter, and naturally
there would be antidotes for poisons. However, Yama’s
Invitation really spread far, far too fast. Even if there was an
antidote, there would be no time to use it.

As Yama’s Invitation entered the body one would only feel a

slight tingle. It didn’t cause any pain, and once one discovered
something was wrong, it was already time to die. Even with Shi
Nian’s seventy second ranked spirit power, he was still only able
to say a few words before he had completely turned into a

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puddle of black liquid.

Tang San didn’t leave right away, since at the moment he

lacked the strength. How would Yama’s Invitation be so easy to
use? Condensing inner strength to a point, just to the limits of
what Yama’s Invitation could endure, and only then releasing
it, that was the only way it could ignore defense. Any defensive
Big Dipper qi was unable to obstruct the attack of Yama’s
Invitation, this was where it was the most terrifying. Further
adding a particular technique, and dodging became almost

Perhaps it was different in this world, after all, some

formidable defensive type spirit abilities might not be unable to
block Yama’s Invitation, like that Black Tortoise Spirit Master
Tang San and the others met. If a spirit like Black Tortoise was
cultivated to a certain degree, and unleashed some defenses
beforehand, that could stop Yama’s Invitation. Unfortunately,
Shi Nian was an Illusionist Spirit Master. Defense wasn’t his
strong suit. Furthermore, how could he know Tang San
possessed such a terrifyingly potent hidden weapon?

Panting for breath, Tang San looked at the place where the
black liquid had already drained into the yellow earth, and
inwardly he couldn’t help feeling a burst of lingering fear.

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It was after all a seventy second ranked Spirit Sage that had
wanted to kill him. If the opponent hadn’t used illusions, but
rather was a power attack type Spirit Master, even if he had
been able to use Yama’s Invitation to kill the opponent, perhaps
it still might have ended in mutual death. In his heart, he
intensely felt that his own strength was insufficient.

Even though he could be considered a genius among his peers,

compared to true powers, the distance was still way too far.

Pulling out a Dragon Zoysia Leaf from the Wishful Hundred

Treasure Purse and stuffing it in his mouth and recovering his
strength, when Tang San prepared to harmonize his breath and
return to Shrek Academy as soon as possible, out of the corner
of his eye he suddenly caught a brilliant light from that puddle
of black liquid that had been Shi Nian.

An intense astonishment rushed out of his heart. He was only

too clear on the corrosive effect of Yama’s Invitation’s poison.
Let alone clothing, even solid gemstones would be corroded into
smoke by that violent poison. What thing had actually not been
destroyed by that toxic fluid?

Forcing himself to his feet, Tang San cautiously approached

the side of the black liquid, and as he clearly saw that brightly

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glittering object, the pupils of his eyes suddenly contracted.

That was a round skull, three cun in diameter, entirely

glittering with rainbow-colored light, seemingly like a shrunken
human cranium.

Two words abruptly flashed through Tang San’s mind,

making his brain completely turn blank for a moment.

Spirit bone.

Yes, this was definitely a spirit bone, and it was even an

extremely precious skull bone. That Brutal Dream Spirit Shi
Nian actually also had such a treasure?

Tang San didn’t feel pleasantly surprised, but rather fearful. If

before, Shi Nian had used the effect of this spirit bone, then…...

Vulgar strange uncle Bu Le, whose chicken was roasted by

Fatty back in Suotuo City. On a related note, “strange uncle” is
slang for pedophile.

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“Sheep fat white jade” is a high grade type of jade.

3寸 = 10 cm

3370 Goldenagato |

Chapter 99 - Another Spirit Bone

From the toxic liquid that used to be seventy second ranked

Spirit Sage Shi Nian, Tang San saw a glittering with rainbow-
colored light spirit bone.

At the appearance of this spirit bone, Tang San felt a burst of

fear. How couldn’t he be afraid?

If Shi Nian had used the might of this spirit bone before, even
without using his spirit, Tang San would still have been unable
to resist the enormous spirit power gap between them, as well
as this spirit bone.

Tang San knew he was lucky. If not for the care of the goddess
of luck, perhaps he would have become a corpse by now.

Shi Nian had truly underestimated Tang San, with his seventy
second ranked strength, it was practically unthinkable to use his
spirit bone on Tang San. That he directly used his seventh spirit
ability was already quite cautious.

If Tang San hadn’t possessed Purple Demon Eye’s ability to

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break all illusions, if he hadn’t had that tyrannically deadly
Yama’s Invitation, if not for Shi Nian not making an all out

If even one of these had been missing, then Tang San would
be dead right now.

Tang San’s clothes were already soaked through with cold

sweat. He snapped off a twig from the side, cautiously pulling
out that spirit bone. By the time he’d moved the spirit bone out,
the branch in his hand was practically completely corroded.

He pulled out his always prepared reserve of fresh water from

Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges and began to wash the spirit bone.

What Tang San didn’t expect was that this seemingly

extremely dazzling spirit bone hadn’t been infected by any
poison, even when it was instead touched by fresh water, it
would instantly roll off, without leaving behind even a droplet.

Worthy of being a priceless treasure among spirit bones. After

resting a short while, Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven Skill had
recovered somewhat. Moving his right hand, he used
Mysterious Jade Hand to pick up the spirit bone.

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As the spirit bone fell into his hand, he immediately had an
extremely strange sensation, as if it was part of his body.
Especially when Tang San used his left hand to touch the spirit
bone, the energies contained within seemed even more like they
wanted to enter his left arm.

Tang San believed that as long as he used the slightest bit of

Mysterious Heaven Skill as guide, he would immediately fuse
with this spirit bone.

To Spirit Masters, was there anything that held more

attraction than spirit bones? Even as a person of two lives, right
now Tang San couldn’t keep his pulse from accelerating. His
hand trembled slightly just from holding the spirit bone.

In his heart, a voice constantly urged him to quickly fuse with

the spirit bone, before it was too late.

If he completed the fusion, Tang San would become a Spirit

Master with two spirit bones. One more spirit bone would be
like one more ability that might save his life or maybe
annihilate the enemy. Even though Tang San couldn’t see what
kind of ability this spirit bone might give him, he could be

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certain that this spirit bone definitely wasn’t common goods.
One might say that it was impossible for any spirit bone to be

Spirit bones were special materials that might appear after the
death of a spirit beast. After Tang San had once listened to
Grandmaster’s exhaustive account of their uses and difficulties
in obtaining, he had related them to his knowledge from his
previous world.

He vaguely felt that the existence of spirit bones was

equivalent to the Buddhist relics of his old world. Just that
spirit bones were the relics of spirit beasts.

The higher the cultivation of the spirit beasts, the greater the
chance of spirit bones appearing. But only hundred thousand
year spirit beasts could drop spirit bones with a hundred
percent certainty. This was another important reason why
hundred thousand year spirit rings had always been at the top of
the Continent’s list of rarest things.

When one could possess enough strength to kill a hundred

thousand year spirit beast, not only could one obtain an
incomparably powerful hundred thousand year spirit ring, at
the same time one could also immediately obtain a spirit bone

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from a hundred thousand year spirit beast.

Unfortunately, hundred thousand year spirit beasts were

truly far, far too rare. In the entire history of the Spirit Master
world they had only appeared a handful of times.

Tang San drew two deep breaths one after another, and
managed with difficulty to suppress the desire to fuse with this
spirit bone. Clenching his teeth, he deposited it within his
Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

He of course wasn’t reluctant to fuse with the spirit bone. The

reason he didn’t rashly absorb it was because of Grandmaster’s

Spirit bones were admittedly top quality goods, but just like
spirit rings, different spirit bones would have different effects
for different Spirit Masters. Even though spirit bones would
drop after the death of a Spirit Master, as long as the Spirit
Master still lived, it couldn’t be replaced.

In other words, if a Spirit Master fused with a spirit bone,

then, just like a spirit ring, it would follow him his entire life.

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In this respect, spirit bones were even more potent than spirit
rings. There was still a method to remove spirit rings, though at
the price of never being able to obtain a spirit ring again.

For instance, if a nine ring Title Douluo renounced one of his

spirit rings, then he would never be able to again obtain a ninth
spirit ring, and would only be an eight ring Spirit Douluo.

Therefore, the method for renouncing spirit rings was only

theoretical. But spirit bones would only drop under one
circumstance, the death of the Spirit Master. Otherwise, they
couldn’t be given up.

Originally when Grandmaster taught Tang San he said that

even though spirit bones were good, he had to choose one that
suited him. If he wasn’t clear on the effect of the spirit bone, he
mustn’t assimilate it impatiently. Otherwise, it was possible he
would waste one of his six spirit bone slots.

A theoretician like Grandmaster of naturally wouldn’t be

wrong, but to Spirit Masters the allure of spirit bones was far
too great. If not because of Tang San’s staunch willpower and
unswerving determination, perhaps he would have fused with it
as soon as he recognized it.

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Even a lacking spirit bone would have a certain effect, and
having one was always better than not having one.

Let alone ordinary Spirit Masters, even Title Douluo might

not possess spirit bones, much less six.

Even though the poison in Yama’s Invitation was potent, after

being released into the blood, it would lose its effect once it left
the blood. Therefore Tang San didn’t need to worry about the
black puddle that was once Shi Nian would have any major
effect on the surroundings.

Resting a moment, Tang San didn’t dare stay here long. Who
could say whether any other Blue Sunshine Academy people
apart from Shi Nian would be causing trouble from him? After
his physical strength had recovered somewhat, Tang San
immediately left the grove. Mindful of his own safety, he had no
choice but to urge Purple Demon Eye to observe his
surroundings as far as his eyesight permitted after leaving the
grove, while he cautiously returned to Heaven Dou City.

Fortunately, the grove wasn’t far from Heaven Dou City. After
entering, Tang San resisted the hollow feeling of his spirit
power and swiftly returned to Shrek Academy.

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Even before he had reached the Academy gate, Tang San could
already see Xiao Wu standing there, anxiously waiting.


Seeing Tang San, tears flowed from Xiao Wu’s eyes, and she
leapt at him as if flying.

After that ominous premonition, the Shrek Academy party

had swiftly returned to the Academy. When they discovered
that Tang San really wasn’t there, Xiao Wu immediately sunk
into panic. Everyone went out to search, only leaving Xiao Wu
to wait here.

Finally having waited until Tang San’s return, the extremely

emotional Xiao Wu dashed at him. Normally Tang San could
naturally have caught her, but as he was weakened right now,
he was unable to withstand her charge. As she ran into Tang
San’s chest, both of them went to the ground.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu’s flexibility and reaction was

outstanding. When the two were about to hit the ground, she
pushed up with one hand, and even though it didn’t stop them
from falling, it substantially reduced their momentum.

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A fragrant tender body rushing into his embrace, Tang San
only felt the sky spinning and ground revolving, but he also
equally felt at ease. Subconsciously, he pulled Xiao Wu into a
tight embrace as they fell. This moment, his heart was filled
equally with fiery heat and dread.

Even though he successfully used Yama’s Invitation to kill Shi

Nian, in order to keep Shi Nian from discovering anything odd,
he had still completely had to endure the Nightmare illusion of
Shi Nian’s seventh spirit ability. Even though Purple Demon
Eye had been able to see the truth, the terror from that illusion
still hadn’t completely left him. Holding Xiao Wu, Tang San
couldn’t keep the scene of Xiao Wu being molested by that
vulgar uncle from his mind. To him, there was practically
nothing that could be more terrifying.

Pulling in Xiao Wu tight, he even wanted to blend her into

himself, carefully protecting her.

Xiao Wu also clearly sensed the change in Tang San’s mood,

and that burning aura of his alone already made her pulse
accelerate. But the fear in her heart was even more intense than
Tang San’s. She hadn’t waited for long, but each second had
been a kind of torment. She didn’t know what she would have

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done if something truly had happened to Tang San.

This brief separation made both of them profoundly feel each

others’ importance in their hearts.

Tang San’s consciousness gradually grew faint, but his arms

were still tight around Xiao Wu, not changing until the moment
he completely lost consciousness.

Yama’s Invitation had required more internal strength than

he had imagined. Whether it was his mind or internal strength,
the drain on Tang San had already reached the edge of danger.

Now seeing Xiao Wu again, returning to the Academy gate,

the tight strings of his heart finally relaxed. His body could no
longer endure the strain of exhaustion, and shut down out of
self preservation.

Not knowing how much later, when Tang San slowly woke
from unconsciousness, he was already back on his bed in the

Consciousness gradually returning, the weak feeling had

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already improved a lot, his inner strength already somewhat
recovered under his body’s autonomous adjustment. Slowly
breathing in through his nose, urging his internal strength to
circulate through his energy channels once, Tang San then
opened his eyes.

He wasn’t injured, he had simply exhausted too much of his

mental and internal strength, leading to unconsciousness. Now,
after a moment of rest, he had already recovered to some extent.

Only now did Tang San discover a small hand in his, naturally
it was Xiao Wu’s. At the moment she was sitting by the side of
the bed, leaning over next to him, deep asleep. He could vaguely
see that her eyes were still red, and her tender little face
somewhat red. Her slender scorpion braid hung over the
bedside, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly from time to
time. Clearly, her sleep was uneasy.

Seeing that gentle and beautiful face, that black long hair, as
well as the pursed brows still not recovered from dread, Tang
San found it difficult to control the overwhelming tenderness in
his heart.

Softly getting off the bed and gently picking her up, carrying
her like a piece of muslin, he placed her on his bed to let her rest

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a bit more comfortably.

Whether it was because Tang San moved too softly or Xiao

Wu was too tired, but she didn’t wake up, only unconsciously
winding her arms around his neck in her sleep, refusing to let go
no matter what.

Everything happened very naturally, and he pulled her soft

body into his embrace, covering them with the quilt. Without
using cultivation to recover his internal strength, but with a
warmth in his heart, he once again slept together with her.
Without a trace of worry, only endless tenderness.

Her brows unconsciously smoothed, and his heart comforted

by the warmth at his chest, an unprecedentedly peaceful
warmth blossomed on the simple bed.

In early morning, as the first rays of sunshine filtered through

the windows, Xiao Wu wiggled a bit in Tang San’s embrace.
Perhaps it because of a mutual tacit understanding, both opened
their eyes practically at the same time, then quickly closed them
again at the same time.

A rich red color spread across her face, and he awkwardly

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wanted to let go, but was again held onto by her.

Neither of them spoke up, and neither of them had anything

to say. Only their heartbeats peculiarly sped up.

At the sound of footsteps approaching the room, both of them

quickly separated like startled birds. Unable to manage the
embarrassment, Tang San swiftly leapt off the bed and pulled
on his outer clothes.

“Xiao Wu, is little San a bit better?”

A knock resounded, followed by Oscar’s voice.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu. By now Xiao Wu had already

gotten off the bed, but was unable to conceal that blush on her
face in any way. The two looked face to face, Xiao Wu pointed
first to herself, then to the door, again at Tang San, and finally
to the bed.

Wordless understanding let Tang San lay back down on the

bed, while Xiao Wu drew a deep breath. Calming her heartbeat,
she then opened the door.

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Seeing the blushing Xiao Wu, Oscar was somewhat puzzled:

“Xiao Wu, how is it?”

Xiao Wu said:

“He still hasn’t woken up, but his breath has already evened
out. There shouldn’t be any problem.”

Oscar gave her a deeply meaningful glance, and grinned:

“That’s fine, that’s fine. Let him sleep a bit longer. I’ll go eat
breakfast first. No need to go together. Oh, that’s right,
Grandmaster said to have Tang San go find him as soon as he
wakes up.”

Xiao Wu nodded hastily. At this moment she was eager for

Oscar to leave quickly, so she could steady her mood a bit.

Once Xiao Wu had closed the door, Tang San sat back up from

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the bed. The two looked face to face, and Xiao Wu somewhat
panicked lowered her head. Tang San walked over to her side,
rubbing her head,

“I’m already alright. I’ll go find Grandmaster.”

Only once Tang San had left the room did Xiao Wu’s mood
gradually calm. Both hands cupping her face, she discovered
that things she hadn’t been able to see clearly before were
becoming clearer and clearer in her mind. Her beautiful eyes
displayed a somewhat extraordinary radiance and resolution,
and she had a trace of a smile.

She gave the bed a final look, then quickly stepped out.

“Grandmaster, it’s me.”

When Tang San reached Grandmaster’s room, the door was


There was a sumptuous breakfast arranged on Grandmaster’s


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Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“Eat something first. We’ll talk after eating.”

Tang San didn’t refuse. He hadn’t eaten anything last night,

and having never lacked appetite, he immediately sat down and
began to eat heartily. Grandmaster didn’t ask any questions in
the meantime, only quietly pondered something.

Once Tang San had swept the table clean of breakfast,

Grandmaster looked at him with a meaningful gaze, saying:

“Did someone ambush you yesterday? Tell me about it in


Tang San wouldn’t hide anything from Grandmaster, and he

nodded immediately, saying:

“It was Blue Sunshine Academy’s Shi Nian.”

Grandmaster’s complexion suddenly changed, the pupils of

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his eyes contracting,

“You’re talking about Brutal Dream Shi Nian?”

Tang San nodded,


While speaking, he walked over and carefully closed the door;

some things shouldn’t be seen by others.

Grandmaster’s expression was very unsightly, his brows


“Does he have such good intentions that he would actually let

you go? Shi Nian was always widely known as a cruel person,
and further adding that special spirit of his, whether attacking
or escaping, both are fairly troublesome. Considered an atypical
control system Spirit Master, he’s very difficult to deal with.”

“He’s dead. I killed him.”

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Tang San directly delivered the result.

Grandmaster was stunned, raising his head to look at Tang


“You killed him?”

Tang San nodded,

“It went like this……”

Immediately, he gave a detailed narration of what happened

to him after he left Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena yesterday.

He didn’t even conceal the secret of Yama’s Invitation. If he

had to say who he trusted the most in this world, it might not be
his father Tang Hao, but rather Grandmaster.

From Tang San’s point of view, Grandmaster had given him

far more than Tang Hao. He felt affection for his father, but
affection and respect for Grandmaster.

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Listening to Tang San’s account, Grandmaster couldn’t keep
his expression from becoming bizarre. As he heard Tang San say
he had taken that rainbow-colored spirit bone from Shi Nian, he
almost cried out in surprise, shooting up from his chair.

Looking at Tang San with extreme agitation, he even

trembled somewhat.

“Take it out so I can see it. Quickly.”

Grandmaster said somewhat impatiently.

Tang San took out the rainbow-colored spirit bone from

Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, leaving it in Grandmaster’s

As Grandmaster held the spirit bone, his heartbeat accelerate

constantly. Even though he had researched spirits all his life,
this was still his first time seeing a spirit bone so clearly.

He had never been in such close contact with a spirit bone

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even when he was at the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan.

To Grandmaster, spirit bones were like a second life. Nobody

would easily reveal their spirit bones, and kept the fact they had
one under even more extreme secrecy. Even Title Douluo were
the same.

Even fewer people would carry a spirit bone on them. As long

as they obtained such a priceless treasure, anyone would
instantly absorb it, increasing their strength.

Grandmaster focused his attention on that spirit bone, beside

himself for a long time.

“Little San, you truly have grown.”

Sighing softly, Grandmaster cautiously and solemnly returned

the spirit bone to Tang San’s hands, indicating he should
immediately put it back in the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

Putting away the spirit bone, Tang San somewhat puzzled

looked at Grandmaster. He didn’t understand why Grandmaster
would say something like that.

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Grandmaster sighed,

“On encountering a spirit bone, you still didn’t forget my

warnings, and didn’t absorb it directly. This already proved that
your temperament is already far beyond ordinary people. Now I
can also finally at ease let you graduate after this tournament.”

There was some yearning in Tang San’s eyes,

“No, Teacher, I still want to continue learning from you.”

A laugh escaped from Grandmaster:

“You’ve long ago practically already learned what I can teach

you. What you must do now is constantly take my theory and
turn it into reality. This is also what I hope for the most. Little
San, you must remember, no matter when, real combat is most
important. If not for plentiful combat experience, right now you
might already be a corpse. I didn’t expect that mysterious eye
skill of yours could actually break Shi Nian’s Brutal Dream
Spirit, and then that toxic hidden weapon as well. I think you
should also be aware just how lucky you were in that fight

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yesterday. Only the slightest difference would have turned you
into a corpse.”

Of course Tang San knew. Let alone the spirit bone, if Shi
Nian hadn’t been so cruel and insisted on using his abnormal
spirit ability, if he had only relied on strength, perhaps Tang
San would already be dead. And then Shi Nian even had a spirit
bone on top of that.

Grandmaster’s expression suddenly became serious,

“Don’t speak of this matter to anyone again. Not even the

Shrek Seven Devils, Flender and the others. Brutal Dream Shi
Nian has gone missing, but that’s entirely unrelated to you.
That goes double for this spirit bone, don’t let anyone know
about it. What is called ‘treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime’,
I don’t want you to provoke some deadly calamity because of it.

Tang San nodded, but he still couldn’t help asking:

“Grandmaster, just what is the effect of this spirit bone?”

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Grandmaster muttered to himself:

“From observing its appearance and aura, it seems it was

extremely wise of you not to absorb this spirit bone. Because it
doesn’t suit you. This spirit bone should be a gem type, most
applicable for auxiliary system Spirit Masters and illusionist
type Spirit Masters, a very good match for Shi Nian. But you’re
different, you’re not that category of Spirit Master. Even if you
used it, the ability you would gain would be of little value. The
added properties also wouldn’t be too good. Of course, it’s still a
lot better than not having one.”

“Originally, the reason I repeatedly warned you not to

anxiously absorb spirit bones after getting one, was because of
this. Even if this spirit bone doesn’t suit you, it will suit others.
Ideally, you can use it to trade for a spirit bone that fits you.
Therefore, even though this spirit bone doesn’t suit your direct
use, to you it’s still the necessary capital to trade for something
more suitable. As long as you can grasp the opportunity, there
will be no doubts as to the benefits.”

Tang San couldn’t help asking:

“Then what kind of spirit bone does suit me?”

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Grandmaster said without the slightest hesitation:

“Strength type spirit bones and plant system spirit bones.”

Tang San stared blankly. Plant system spirit bones he could

understand, but why strength type spirit bones?

Tang San had been Grandmaster’s disciple for many years,

and naturally he saw the doubt in his mind,

“The benefit of plant system spirit bones goes without saying.

As for strength type spirit bones, the greatest benefit is to
strengthen you. At the same time, it’s also in order to prepare
for your second spirit. Your Clear Sky School’s Clear Sky
Hammer walks the strength route, and it’s even the most
tyrannical strength route. Remember what I told you, what is
the greatest difficulty for twin spirits? It’s that the body is
unable to endure the added attributes from so many spirit rings.
And strength type spirit bones will remould you one step
further, making you able to endure even greater pressure.”

“So it’s like that.”

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Tang San now understood Grandmaster’s painstaking effort,

“Then at what time should I go replace this spirit bone?”

Grandmaster pondered, saying:

“Don’t be hasty, this isn’t something you can accomplish on

your own. Spirit bones are really too sensitive a topic in the
Spirit Master world, if you don’t have sufficient threat of
strength behind you, not only won’t you be able to trade for a
suitable spirit bone, you will even attract deadly misfortune.
Wait a few years. If you can meet your father, then you can shift
it to an earlier date. With him there, nobody could touch you.
Or if you could return to Clear Sky School, and obtain their

“Don’t participate in the match later. It’s not suitable to

participate after such a massive exhaustion. Your opponents
today aren’t powerful, the others are enough to deal with them.
As for the others, just tell them that you had a flash of insight
yesterday and went to cultivate outside the city for a while, and
almost overdid it, that’s why you exhausted your spirit power.
I’ll help you cover it up.”

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Even though Tang San somewhat disapproved of
Grandmaster’s caution, he still wouldn’t go against
Grandmaster. His Teacher was doing it for his sake, and there
was no harm in being a bit careful.

The qualifiers continued, and after the tenth round had

finished, the teams participating in the Heaven Dou City
qualifiers had already pulled open a lead.

Shrek Academy’s record of ten fights and ten wins, left them
clearly competing for the first position.

There were still a few teams that had amassed identical

records. That was also the four elemental academies other than
Elephant Armored School.

Strangely, apart from facing the Elephant Armored Academy

at the start, Shrek Academy didn’t encounter any of the other
five elemental academy teams.

But the Elephant Armored Academy successively encountered

the other four academies, and without exception, lost each time.
It seemed as if their defense didn’t have any effect.

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So far, Shrek Academy had been competing with the other
four elemental academies for the top five positions, and they all
still had complete win records.

But Elephant Armored Academy was extremely miserable.

After ten fights with five wins and five losses, their position was
only in the middle of the rankings. Let alone the Elephant
Armored Academy themselves, even the organizers hadn’t
expected such an outcome.

This made each team in the qualifiers pull open the distance,
and the first group of five teams led by a wide margin.

However, the next match wouldn’t be so easy. Shrek

Academy’s eleventh opponent was from the five elemental
academies, the Blazing Academy. A formidable team composed
entirely of fire type Spirit Masters.

This match, due to Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy’s

previous matches, undoubtedly became the greatest focal point.
It came as a shock to nobody that they were arranged for the
central stage.

The match still hadn’t started, but the stands were already

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bustling. At least a third of the audience was dressed in the
emblematic green of Shrek Academy’s uniforms.

Even though the five elemental academies were equally

strong, a grassroots background like the Shrek Academy
resonated even easier with the audience. Especially their out of
the ordinary poise had already swept Heaven Dou City with a
green wave.

This moment wasn’t far from when they signed up, but Shrek
Academy was already receiving applications like snow flakes.
This showed how much reputation the Shrek team had brought
their Academy.

Flender was even more pleased as the profit filled both basins
and pots.

As Grandmaster made a detailed introduction of the Blazing

Academy, his expression was clearly somewhat serious. These
days he had constantly been researching the strength of the five
element academies, and now he had finally grasped a general

“Teacher, we’ll go out as usual for this match.”

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Tang San said to Grandmaster. What he called ‘as usual’, was
him, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu, bringing along the four reserve

Grandmaster shook his head, saying:

“No. This time your opponent is fairly powerful. Little San,

you’ve always been competing these last days, do you know why
the Elephant Armored Academy successively lost against the
other four elemental academies?”

Tang San shook his head. He had led the team to participate in
matches every day. Having to analyze the circumstances of the
match, as well as being the mainstay, he basically didn’t have
the time to pay attention to such things.

Grandmaster said:

“Originally I couldn’t be sure, but in these few days I’ve been

observing the battles between the other four great elemental
academies and the Elephant Armored Academy, and I already
have a vague grasp on the details. They’re also hiding their

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strength. It seems the extreme limit flow has already begun to
use strength to make up for weakness.”

Seeing Tang San’s somewhat astonished gaze, Grandmaster

quickly said:

“There’s not much time, I’ll make it brief. You’ve already

faced the Elephant Armored School’s disciples, they were a
typical extreme limit flow team. In the past there wasn’t much
difference between them and the other four elemental
academies in strength. The reason they’ve kept losing this time
is because the other four elemental academies have changed
their fighting style. Even though they’re all Spirit Masters of the
same attribute, they’ve already started splitting the work. In
other words, these four great elemental academies are fully
using extreme limit flow according to the balanced method. Do
you understand?”

Tang San had studied under Grandmaster for so many years,

and he naturally found it easiest to understand what he said.
Complexion changing, he said with astonishment:

“Teacher, you mean, the other four great elemental academies

have also begun using separate classes?”

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“That’s right. The Blazing Academy you’re about to face
possesses fire element power attack, fire element battle control,
fire element agility attack, fire element support. They just
didn’t reveal this when they were facing weaker opponents.
Only when they fought the Elephant Armored Academy did
some of their strength appear. That’s why, even if the Elephant
Armored Academy’s chief disciple has a spirit bone, they still
couldn’t endure their bombardment. Blazing Academy and
Thunderclap Academy are both known for their attack. Their
strike is bound to be like the five thousand ton weight of
thunder. That’s why you have to be even more careful. If it
seems impossible, I would rather you concede without being
stubborn. After all, these are just the qualifiers, it’s fine as long
as you pass the goal line. No need to worry about Flender.”

Hearing what Grandmaster had to say, Tang San couldn’t help

sinking into a brief moment of consideration.

Fire element power attack, fire element battle control, fire

element agility attack, fire element support, he had never come
across a team like that.

Same attribute amplification and support, even if it was just

more of the same, the burst intensity when attacking would
absolutely be frightening. This Blazing Academy really didn’t
seem easy to deal with.

3401 Goldenagato |

“Teacher, I’ve decided. We’ll still go out as usual.”

Tang San’s words were resolute, without a trace of hesitation.

Grandmaster stared blankly a moment, then nodded and


“Fine, do as you wish. I believe you will do very well.

Sometimes, giving up when necessary is also a very good kind of

Tang San knew Grandmaster had misunderstood his intent,

but he still didn’t try to explain. He only smiled calmly and
nodded to his Teacher.

“First round, central stage, Shrek Academy facing Blazing


The announcer declared the names of the entering teams in a

loud voice. The teams on either side stepped into the ring with
their heads held high.

3402 Goldenagato |

In a split second, the entire audience surged like a raging sea,
cheers rising and falling, some supporting Blazing Academy, but
even more supporting Shrek.

Shrek Academy had already defeated one of the five elemental

academies, if they could also take down Blazing Academy, then
their status would inevitably rise another step. All the
spectators were looking forward to this moment.

Dai Mubai still walked furthest ahead, Tai Long and Huang
Yuan at his side, behind them were Tang San, and standing next
to him were Xiao Wu and Jing Ling.

Jiang Zhu still stood furthest in the back as customary. Their

uniforms no longer had just that ‘wash even healthier’
advertisement, but still had even more logos.

Perhaps it was because the effect of the advertisement was out

of the ordinary, but Flender had already found more than ten
sponsors for the team uniforms. The uniforms appeared even
more hilariously gaudy, but Shrek Academy’s profit had also
become even greater.

3403 Goldenagato |

Faintly flickering light, Tang San’s eyes displayed a trace of
ice cold light, both hands folded across his chest, quietly
observing their opponents, equally unhurriedly strolling onto
the stage.

The Blazing Academy’s seven students all seemed to be about

the same age, a bit over twenty.

Seven people, in a triangular formation.

Idiom: Just possessing a treasure is enough to invite disaster.

3404 Goldenagato |

Chapter 100 - Shrek Academy VS Blazing

The person walking furthest ahead was medium sized, with an

extremely ordinary appearance, a pair of eyes flickering with
red-hot radiance, broad shoulders, the contrast between a gold
and red uniform and that not particularly handsome face still
made him imposing and threatening.

This person was Blazing Academy’s team captain, Huo

Wushuang. A forty second ranked power attack system Battle
Spirit Master. His spirit was somewhat similar to Liu Erlong’s, a
Fire Dragon. Only Liu Erlong’s Fire Dragon was more partial to
Yin flame, while his Fire Dragon was a One-Horned Tyrant
Dragon, completely walking the explosive route. In these
qualifiers he was already known among Spirit Masters as most
powerful head-on. He was also Blazing Academy’s unyielding
mainstay attacker.

All the seven Blazing Academy students stood very close, and
directly behind Huo Wushuang was another power attack
system Spirit Master, thirty eighth ranked, without any
outstanding features. Data showed that this person’s spirit was
a Fire Leopard. Further behind were two people, two youths
with gloomy expressions. Their appearances were exactly
identical, unexpectedly a pair of twins. One was called Huo Yun

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and the other Huo Yu, their spirits were Fire Crane. They were
also the agility attack system fire element Battle Spirit Masters
Grandmaster spoke about. Their spirit power had both reached
the thirty ninth rank, only a fine line away from the fortieth

Furthest behind were two men and one woman, the two male
Spirit Masters were extremely tall and wide, their faces valiant,
and if going by appearance, they would absolutely be taken for
power attack system Spirit Masters. But Grandmaster had told
the Shrek Academy team that the two weren’t power attack
system, but rather auxiliary system. Only their support
contained a certain attack capability. If the opponents weren’t
especially powerful, their support characteristics wouldn’t even
be seen. Their spirits were also strangely identical, both had
Sparks. That’s right, Sparks, a kind of unusual spirit.

And between the two was the whole Blazing Academy team’s
only woman, an extremely beautiful girl, the golden uniform
she wore complementing her, matched with deep red long hair,
able to stir any man’s fire, she was extremely attention

Even though she was the only woman among the Blazing
Academy, she was the tallest among the seven members, and
her body was extremely well shaped. Standing in the middle

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with a constant faint smile, there was a faint red light around

If someone thought she was the Blazing Academy’s weakest

member in a fight, then that would be a fatal mistake. Because
apart from the captain, this girl was Blazing Academy’s other
fortieth ranked Spirit Master, and even the highest ranked in
the whole team. Forty third ranked control system Battle Spirit
Master, Huo Wu. She was the soul of the team, as well as their
vice captain. Her spirit was she herself, using her own shadow,
Fire Shadow.

Before the start of the match, Tang San only had time to look
over the Spirit Master formation on the other side. It wasn’t
that Shrek Academy had received the information late, but
rather that Grandmaster deliberately gave them a rough run
down of the opponents before the match. Winning was
admittedly important, but to Grandmaster, it was even more
important for the children to mature. In battles between Spirit
Masters, you would frequently have to adapt to the enemy.
When confronting the enemy, they would never tell you about
their circumstances. What Grandmaster wanted to cultivate was
Tang San’s ability to judge the enemy. As the soul of the team,
his adaptability was clearly the most important.

Of the seven opponents, the one that drew Tang San’s

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attention the most wasn’t the one reputed as the most powerful
frontal attacker, Huo Wushuang, but rather the control system
Spirit Master Huo Wu between the two auxiliary system Spirit
Masters in the rear.

Even though the opponents this time were still inferior to

Elephant Armored Academy in terms of spirit power, what with
having only two fortieth ranked Spirit Ancestors, since they
could defeat the Elephant Armored Academy, there was no need
to doubt their strength.

The referee walked into the middle,

“Both sides, salute.”

The altogether fourteen members of both teams lined up,

saluting their counterparts. Dai Mubai’s gaze met Huo
Wushuang’s, and Tang San couldn’t keep his gaze from meeting
Huo Wu. The competition still hadn’t started, but the smell of
gunpowder filled the space between them.

Huo Wushuang glared at Dai Mubai, their gazes colliding. In a

low voice he said:

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“Today is the moment your winning streak ends.”

Dai Mubai faintly said:

“That’s what I wanted to say. Today, one of our two teams

will be unable to keep winning.”

Huo Wushuang’s gaze shifted to Tang San at Dai Mubai’s side,

“It’s a pity. If your control system Spirit Master wasn’t a plant

type, then perhaps you still might have had some chance. But,
now…… I advise you to forfeit, that way you can at least
conserve your strength for the next match.”

Dai Mubai sneered in reply. In fact, inwardly he was also


How couldn’t he know that plant type Spirit Masters were

naturally suppressed by fire type Spirit Masters?

And the seven opponents were all fire type.

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Tang San was undoubtedly the most important part of the
Shrek Academy team. If he was suppressed by the opponents,
then beating Blazing Academy with their current formation was
undoubtedly lunatic ravings. Even if he and Zhu Zhuqing had
the Hell White Tiger, they still might not be able to beat all the

To say nothing of the fact that Zhu Zhuqing wasn’t in this

fight. To whom the deer would fall, was still a riddle.

“You can release your spirits.”

The referee’s voice rose once again. In an instant, the central

stage was covered by light.

Intense spirit ring light flooded the whole stage, without

doubt, both sides had optimal spirit ring configurations.
Comparing spirit rings, they were completely balanced. Both
sides had two fortieth ranked Spirit Ancestors along with five
thirtieth ranked Spirit Elders.

Both sides were completely balanced in level. Of course, there

was still a gap in Tang San’s terror-inducing ten thousand year

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spirit ring.

But how did a team fight? As a whole. A small gap absolutely

couldn’t become a key to change the entire battle.

Tang San’s gaze swept across the formation, but always

landed on the tall young woman called Huo Wu.

Her name was the same as Xiao Wu, both having the word
‘wu’. But this girl gave Tang San a very unusual feeling.

Even if she was always smiling, her aura was extremely

reserved. Even with Tang San’s strength and Purple Demon Eye,
he was still unable to clearly see what strength this girl hid.

Spirits leapt up, and intangible pressure squeezed both sides

like two immense walls.

After the referee retreated, both sides simultaneously

returned to their familiar formations. Blazing Academy still had
a triangular formation, while the Shrek Academy side still had
Dai Mubai, Tai Long, and Huang Yuan in front, Jiang Zhu in the
back, and Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Jing Ling in the middle.

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Going by formations, no doubt the Blazing Academy
arrangement seemed even more offensive, while the Shrek
Academy’s side seemed relatively conservative.

“Match begin!”

Along with the referee’s command, both sides moved in the

first instant.

Dai Mubai abruptly took a step forward, making the whole

stage shake. Huang Yuan and Tai Long followed at his side, the
three simultaneously pressuring their counterparts with the
weight of five thousand tons of thunder. At their waists
appeared a slender and extremely durable strand of Blue Silver

Hong—— At this moment, raging flames leapt up in a flash in

the middle of the enemy ranks. Fiery red light filled half the
stage with scorching hot air.

Raging flames rose practically simultaneously from all the

seven Blazing Academy team members, each person’s first spirit

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ring releasing dazzling light.

Sparks radiated all around the two auxiliary system Spirit

Masters, countless little flecks of light in the air swiftly
condensed towards those sparks. Along with the red flecks of
light gathering, the sparks swiftly grew larger, spiraling over
the heads of all the seven.

Huo Wushuang brazenly stepped forward with the other

power attack system Spirit Master. A resonant dragon’s roar
rose from his throat, and the raging flames all over his body
vaguely took the shape of a dragon behind him. Spirit Body
Enhancement made his body swell a size, covering his skin with
a layer of blazing hot deep red scales.

The two agility attack system Spirit Masters Huo Yun and Huo
Yu detoured around them, a pair of dazzlingly beautiful wings
extending behind their backs. Even though they couldn’t fly,
they still advanced in a bizarre curving way, gliding around,
their target at the center of the Shrek Academy team, Tang San.

After the dazzling sparks condensed in the air one after

another, they swiftly poured into the others. As each spark
entered, it made the Blazing Academy students’ flames even

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Without a doubt, this was a team with extremely tacit
cooperation; the match had only just started, but they had
already established a total advantage.

On the battlefield, there were only three people that didn’t

move. On Shrek Academy’s side was Tang San and Jiang Zhu,
and on the opposing side, control system Spirit Master Huo Wu.

Jiang Zhu being motionless was because of her healing

capability, and now still wasn’t the time to heal. But Tang San
and Huo Wu were still looking at each other, neither acting.

Xiao Wu and Jing Ling simultaneously flashed out to the side,

meeting the opponents’ two agility attack system Spirit
Masters, loudly colliding together head-on on the battlefield.

Dai Mubai and Huo Wushuang loudly erupted with their

second spirit abilities, both jolted simultaneously. Huo
Wushuang retreated a step, but Dai Mubai didn’t move a hair’s

The two both had extremely powerful spirits, but Dai Mubai

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still had an edge in spirit power.

However, Dai Mubai also wasn’t unscathed. His tiger palms

were already somewhat licked by flames, emitting a scorched

Wu Shuang was clearly enormously unreconciled to being

pushed back. With an explosive roar, he once again stiffly
charged forward without using any spirit abilities, striking at
Dai Mubai without any garishness. His defense was his own
unparallelled ‘head-on’ reputation.

The other Blazing Academy power attack system Spirit Master

was somewhat out of luck, facing the attacks of both Tai Long
and Huang Yuan.

Tai Long’s spirit was Vajra Orangutan, and now under Spirit
Body Enhancement, his body’s sturdiness was already extremely
frightening. Even if he still couldn’t compare to those abnormal
Elephant Armored Academy fellows, his muscles like coiling
serpents gave a feeling of even more power. His attack was also
the simplest, pure force. Basically no matter who the opponent
was, he would let the opponent bombard him, and he would
equally throw out his fists. And Huang Yuan swiftly leapt up,
yellow light releasing from his sharp claws, going straight for

3415 Goldenagato |

the opponent’s chest.

When there was little difference in level, a two against one

battle should be without any suspense. But at this moment,
Blazing Academy’s strength immediately emerged.

Those constantly condensing sparks in the air were originally

evenly distributed across the all the other five team members,
but when the combined attacks of Huang Yuan and Tai Long
struck that Fire Leopard Spirit Master, the sparks in the air
suddenly accelerated, their collected power shooting into the
body of the Fire Leopard Spirit Master in a flash.

Immediately, a circle of golden red light released from within

the Fire Leopard Spirit Master, a tremendous energy suddenly
expanding, unexpectedly repelling both Tai Long and Huang
Yuan’s attacks.

Even if it didn’t injure the two, the Fire Leopard Spirit

Master’s crisis was already easily resolved. He immediately
went straight for the seemingly weaker of the two, Huang Yuan.
Whether attack power or speed, both had abruptly increased
when that big cloud of sparks had poured in.

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‘Good auxiliary control.’ Tang San’s eyes brightened, he had
already clearly judged the opponents’ condition.

That trio of two support and one control should actually be

considered a trio of control system Spirit Masters. The two big
fellows weren’t just common auxiliary system Spirit Masters,
but of an exceptionally uncommon auxiliary control system.

In a battle, relying on their support capabilities to conduct

control, selectively helping their team members. In some sense,
this method was somewhat similar to the Shrek Seven Devils’
Ning Rongrong.

Even though their spirits weren’t as out of the ordinary as the

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, when the two
simultaneously supported one person, it could undoubtedly
substantially boost his strength for a short time. This was also
an important reason why they only had two power attack
system Spirit Masters.

Having seen this clearly, Tang San finally moved. With the
speed of thought, Blue Silver Grass abruptly withdrew, pulling
back Huang Yuan and Tai Long, simultaneously having them
retreat in one direction under Tang San’s precise control. And
withdrawing at the same time was Dai Mubai who was fighting

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Huo Wushuang.

Dai Mubai and Huo Wushuang could be said to be evenly

matched. Both were power attack system Spirit Masters, both
had overbearing spirits, there was very little difference in spirit
power, making the fight between them inspire a kind of
unrestrained feeling.

But just as they were happily trading blows, Dai Mubai’s

sudden retreat was undoubtedly beyond Ho Wushuang’s
comprehension, but his feet unconsciously followed,
automatically pulled along, both fists simultaneously bursting
out, straight at Dai Mubai’s chest.

However, the moment Huo Wushuang’s dashed forward, he

already felt something amiss.

Dai Mubai’s retreat was too fast, and at the same time as he
advanced, Huang Yuan and Tai Long also simultaneously
retreated to either side, the three forming a perfect triangular
formation, with him in the center.

Even though this wasn’t the first time Tang San used these
tactics in a fight, with Blue Silver Grass’s increasingly accurate

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control, it could often acquire enormous effect. In the ten
previous fights, at least six team captains had been ensnared in
Tang San’s control like this.

Even though Huo Wushuang wasn’t weak, in a moment, he

would become the seventh.

Dai Mubai and Tang San had been cooperating for a very long
time, and as he retreated, he had already understood Tang San’s
intentions. Without the slightest hesitation, he directly
unleashed his potent third spirit ability, White Tiger Vajra

Instantly, white fur burst with golden splendor, and even

though he was retreating, his imposing manner instantly
increased. Seeing the encirclement almost complete, Dai Mubai
stepped down, halting his backwards momentum. He crouched
like a tiger about to pounce, and immediately afterward, struck
like lightning.

Everything happened extremely fast, this encircling and

annihilating joint attack was fast, precise, fierce, exploiting
numerical advantage and instantaneous burst power to first
destroy the strongest of the opponents. As long as they could
smash Huo Wushuang, the rest of the battle would no doubt

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become a lot easier for the Shrek team.

However, was it really that easy?

Grandmaster had always observed the other team’s matches,

so how couldn’t the other teams also have paid attention to
Shrek Academy’s ten successive victories?

The moment both sides were about to complete their

encirclement, suddenly, a red whirlwind erupted from the floor.

Even though Tang San manipulated his Blue Silver Grass, his
gaze had never left the opposing side’s control system Spirit
Master, Huo Wu. Sure enough, at this moment, Huo Wu moved.

Huo Wu acted without any warning, her movements also

extremely simple, but what shone was her third spirit ring. The
dazzling purple light mixed with the golden red around her, and
a dazzling ring-shaped flame instantly erupted where it was
needed the most.

Her control was extremely precise, and when that great ring
of flame arrived, was precisely when Dai Mubai’s trio completed

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their encirclement and attacked.

Bizarrely, even though that instantly erupting ring of flame

appeared extremely grand, the moment it touched, it still didn’t
make any sound.

Whether it was Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan or Tai Long, none of

them felt any threat of harm to them, the trio was only sent
flying in a split second by a scorching hot powerful elasticity.

It wasn’t just them being ejected, even Xiao Wu and Jing Ling
who were fighting to two opposing agility attack system Spirit

These five were struck practically simultaneously by that

bizarre ring of fire, flying out in five different directions,
perfectly destroying the Shrek team’s formation all at once.

Tang San, originally protected in the middle of everyone, was

immediately exposed. That flame ring disappeared just in front
of him, without flinging him away with the others.

This was Huo Wu’s third spirit ability, Defying Flame Ring.

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This ability didn’t have any attack power, but its greatest
characteristic was the ability to eject all enemies within the
range of the Defying Flame Ring a certain distance.

As for how far they were rejected, and differentiation between

friend and foe, that was up to the Spirit Master’s own control. It
the ability of a kind of peculiar spirit beast.

This spirit ability would appear to be used to save one’s life,

when it appeared in the hands of an outstanding control system
Spirit Master, it wasn’t that simple. Even though Dai Mubai,
Huang Yuan and Tai Long were all bound by Tang San’s Blue
Silver Grass, the instant they were shot out by the Defying
Flame Ring, Tang San was still left by himself.

And without opponents to block them the two agility attack

system Spirit Masters, along with Huo Wushuang, and the other
power attack system Spirit Master, practically simultaneously
pounced at Tang San, and moreover from four different
directions. Right now, even Tang San didn’t have enough time
to use Blue Silver Grass to pull back his team members to help

From the start of the battle, this situation was what the
Blazing Academy had arranged for Tang San, using Shrek

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Academy’s best team tactic against them to deal with Tang San.

Four against one, they had even taken Tang San’s Spider Web
Restraint into account.

Attacking from different directions, Tang San’s Spider Web

could at most only restrain one person. There absolutely wasn’t
enough time for him to launch a second.

And that moment, he would already be besieged by three

people, not even luck could save him then.

Anyone who looked could see that Tang San was the core of
the Shrek team, as long as he was routed, the Shrek Team would
be like a toothless tiger, and dealing with them would be a lot
simpler without the threat of Tang San’s ten thousand year
spirit ring, and even more without his powerful control

For insurance, the Blazing Academy’s two auxiliary system

Spirit Masters’ third spirit rings flared simultaneously, and the
previously constantly condensing sparks in the air unexpectedly
split from one into two, from two into four, instantly increasing
fourfold, and rushed at the four responsible for the attack.

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Dazzlingly beautiful balls of flame fell from the air like a
meteor shower, blazing flames already impassably surrounding
Tang San.

The four people attacking Tang San simultaneously launched

their third spirit abilities. Regarding this one attack, they were
determined to win.

Sharp claws appeared on Huo Wushuang’s hands, his body

swelling once again, golden red light erupting from the scales.
His third spirit ability and Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Vajra
Transformation were different approaches leading to the same
outcome. His whole body erupted with raging flames.

With two crane calls, two enormous flame crane shadows flew
out, Flame Shadow Doppelgängers.

The Fire Leopard Spirit Master erupted with seven deep blue
flame bullets.

The quadruple attack sealed all Tang San’s routes of escape.

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Confronted by four people attacking him, Tang San seemed
very serene, very calm.

However, within his body burned a raging inferno. He longed

to fight, longed to use his own true strength to smash these four
people before him.

Perhaps he would be injured, but he believed he had that kind

of strength. But, could he really do that? No, he couldn’t. It still
wasn’t time to expose his true strength.

In such a moment of crisis, Tang San still had time to glance

at that Huo Wu, her charming face already showing a trace of
pride after releasing that Defying Flame Ring.

Huo Wu was very beautiful, her build somewhat like Xiao Wu,
only somewhat more well rounded than Xiao Wu. Deep red
waves of long hair hanging to her waist, a fair face with
exquisite facial features, a pair of big eyes faintly flickering with
silvery light. If the most beautiful women in the tournament
were lined up, she would definitely be in the top five.

If others looked at her, Huo Wu would definitely think it was

out of admiration. However, as her gaze met Tang San’s, she

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saw his gaze was still brimming with confidence and
stubbornness. Tang San’s lips moved, and even though he
didn’t make a sound, Huo Wu could still vaguely make out what
he was saying.

“You’re too naive.”

Indeed, this was what Tang San wanted to say. The next
moment, he shot out like an arrow from a bow. Moreover, what
he chose was the most difficult route out, attacking the densest
seven star balls of the Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

Huo Wu was somewhat dazed. She couldn’t understand why

Tang San would make such a suicidal charge, he was only a
control system Spirit Master! Without control, a control system
Spirit Master was nothing. Could he really want to collide head
on with a power attack system Spirit Master? And still a power
attack system Spirit Master’s third spirit ability? Wasn’t that

Even more, Huo Wushuang, Huo Yun, and Huo Yu’s attacks
would follow directly afterward. Let alone breaking through the
Fire Leopard Spirit Master’s obstruction, even if he did have
that strength, as long as the Fire Leopard Spirit Master’s attack
slowed him down for just a moment, he would be met with

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three powerful attacks from behind.

Was Tang San truly suicidal? Impossible.

The Fire Leopard Spirit Master couldn’t help inwardly

exulting when he saw Tang San dashing at him. He immediately
arrayed his third spirit ability, Explosive Seven Star Bullets, in a
perfect formation to hit Tang San. He had complete confidence
in his spirit ability, especially when under the boost of the two
auxiliary system Spark Spirit Masters. Even if it couldn’t
compare with most Spirit Masters’ fourth spirit abilities in
strength, it wasn’t far off.

Indeed, the Fire Leopard Spirit Master’s third spirit ability

was very powerful. Even Tang San would inevitably be injured
if he was hit, let alone going on to block the attacks coming
from behind. But the Fire Leopard Spirit Master had forgotten
one thing, or perhaps it should be said he basically hadn’t
expected it to happen. Even the most powerful spirit abilities
were useless if they didn’t hit the opponent.

Tang San had never been a simple Spirit Master, that had
never been his destiny ever since arriving in this world. Because
he came from the Tang Sect of a different world, and he had
inherited Tang Sect’s peak secret skills.

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Could the scattering Explosive Seven Star Bullets truly block
Tang San’s every path forward? Seventy might, but never

To the eyes of the Fire Leopard Spirit Master, Tang San’s body
suddenly seemed to have become illusory, completely turning
into light and shadow. He seemed weightless, twisting bizarrely
in the air a few times, stepping at a mysterious pace that
unexpectedly let him bore straight past the seven energy
bullets. Not only didn’t he touch even one, he didn’t even make
a sound. Everything he saw was like a hallucination.

The Fire Leopard Spirit Masters’ pupils abruptly expanded, he

also had plentiful combat experience. Even though he didn’t
know how Tang San had been able to simply ‘walk’ through his
attack like that, he still reacted instantly, using all his strength
to control the Explosive Seven Star Bullets he had shot out to
return and strike Tang San’s back. In terms of spirit ability
control, this was already the limit of what he could accomplish.

However, no matter how exquisite his control was, those

seven energy bullets were still only chasing a back. And Tang
San advanced.

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In the crisis, the Flame Leopard Spirit Master’s battle ability
erupted completely. Extending both hands, a ball of intense
flames erupted from his palms. In this limited time, all he could
use right now was his first spirit ability, Flame Howl.

He knew, as long as he could block Tang San for a moment,

his closely following Explosive Seven Star Bullets as well as his
companions’ attacks would catch up. At that time, Tang San
would be defeated.

Even though he knew that Tang San’s spirit power was higher
than his, he still didn’t believe that his strength wasn’t enough
to block Tang San for just that long.

This moment, besides the ongoing fights on the other four

stages, the entire arena became silent. Almost all the gazes from
the onlookers were focused on Tang San. They all wanted to see
just how the soul of Shrek Academy’s team, possessing a ten
thousand year fourth spirit ring Tang San, would face this

Could he be blocked? Tang San gave the answer under the

gazes of several tens of thousands of spectators. Using Ghost
Shadow Perplexing Step, he didn’t just step past the attack of
the seven Explosive Seven Star Bullets, but simultaneously also

3429 Goldenagato |

stepped past the Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

He really was too fast. Even though he wasn’t an agility attack

system Spirit Master, relying on Ghost Shadow Perplexing
Track, with just one slightly staggering movement, he had
already moved around the Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

Just this one simple action completely changed the situation.

The one confronting the attacks of the three Blazing Academy
team members from behind and the attack of the Seven Star
Bullets was no longer Tang San, but rather the Fire Leopard
Spirit Master himself.

Standing stably, dropping his shoulder, striking back. The

three motions were as smooth as breathing, Tang San didn’t
give the Fire Leopard Spirit Master any more time to react,
before his shoulder heavily struck his opponent’s back.

Accumulated Mysterious Heaven Skill erupted in a flash. The

Fire Leopard Spirit Master only felt an irresistible force spread
from his back through his whole body, and immediately
afterward he was launched flying.

The Flame Howl was confronted with the returning Seven

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Star Bullets, and those three pursuing comrades of his watched
helplessly as foe became friend, and all they could do was to as
much as possible redirect their attacks to the sky.

Otherwise, their team member would inevitably be turned to

ash by their combined assault.

At this moment, Blue Silver Grass quietly acted. The Blue

Silver Grass twisting around Dai Mubai, Tai Long, and Huang
Yuan’s waists suddenly tightened, their speed increasing in the
blink of an eye.

From surrounding the enemy, from being surrounded by the

enemy under the Defying Flame Ring’s effect, then again back
to surrounding them. Everything happened at lightning speed.

At this very moment, Tang San had for the first time in this
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament
revealed his own talent for battle.

Spirit abilities would never be the full strength of Spirit

Masters, and this was even more so for Tang San. Just relying
on Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and his own keen judgement,
his tactics had already successfully reversed heaven and earth.

3431 Goldenagato |


The Fire Leopard Spirit Master crooned miserably, his body

scorched black by the bombardment of his own Seven Star
Bullets. If not for his own fire attribute, and his exceeding
familiarity with his own third spirit ability, this alone would
have caused him serious injuries.

His three comrades also didn’t feel much better. The feeling of
misusing strength to forcefully change direction of their spirit
abilities was extremely painful, almost making them spit blood.
The three staggered uncontrollably, and behind them, Dai
Mubai’s trio already arrived swiftly.

If their attack struck, then the White Tiger Vajra

Transformed Dai Mubai alone would have been enough to
smash the three staggering opponents before him.

The battle had already advanced to a white hot stage, each

moment could be the key to victory or defeat.

At this moment, the control system Spirit Masters of both

3432 Goldenagato |

sides completely showed their importance as the souls of the
teams. Seeing absolute advantage turn to absolute disadvantage,
Blazing Academy team’s control system Spirit Master Huo Wu
acted once again.

Another ring of intense flame erupted, Defying Flame Ring

appearing on the battlefield for the second time. Practically the
same scene as before appeared again. The instant Shrek
Academy was about to defeat their opponents, they were shot
out by the Defying Flame Ring. While on the brink of
catastrophe, the crisis of Blazing Academy’s main assault force
was resolved.

Even though Huo Wu had saved her teammates at the crucial

moment, right now she was already covered with a layer of
sweat. She knew that even though she already had a high
estimation of Tang San, she had still underestimated him.

His close combat abilities were in no way as simple as an

ordinary control system Spirit Master’s. That bizarre footwork,
could it be some spirit ability? But, he couldn’t have any more
spirit abilities. Then, was it a spirit bone?

It was in no way just Huo Wu thinking along these lines. In

the VIP seats, a lot of people already had similar notions.

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“Was that the power of a spirit bone?”

Nobody knew who spoke first.

Sitting in the front row of the VIP section, emperor Xue Ye, as
well as Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi
and platinum bishop Salas shook their heads practically
simultaneously. At this moment, their eyes were filled with

But the three could still be certain, that wasn’t the power of a
spirit bone.

Because Tang San’s pace lacked the particular spirit power

fluctuations that came with the use of a spirit bone. That should
only be a technique, a simple close combat technique.

Ning Fengzhi held his forehead, laughing wryly in his heart,

‘Ah, Tang San, how many times are you going to shock me
before you’re done?’

3434 Goldenagato |

(火无双) “Fire Incomparable”

(火云) “Fire Cloud”

(火雨) “Fire Rain”

(火鹤) The term is also the name for Anthurium andraeanum,

Fire Crane Lily, but in this case it should simply be the literal

(火星) Literally “Fire Star”

(火舞) “Fire Dance”, same wu as in Xiao Wu.

(火影) Alternatively “Fire Reflection”

(抗拒火环) Or “Resisting Flame Ring”, “Anti Flame Ring”.


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Chapter 101 - Fireproof, Blue Silver Grass

Salas’ expression became extremely heavy, without letting

anyone know what he was thinking. The calmest was instead
emperor Xue Ye, a faint smile at the corners of his mouth.
Watching Tang San on the stage, there seemed to be a praising
light in his eyes.

Their attack was broken by the Defying Flame Ring yet again,
and this time even Tang San was thrown out, temporarily
halting the battle between both sides,

Having escaped disaster, Huo Wushuang and the others didn’t

hesitate to swiftly form up with the other three team members,
returning to their original triangular formation. On the other
side, the Shrek Academy’s seven also gathered.

Jiang Zhu’s healing scepter was already stuck to the ground,

releasing ring after ring of recovering light, dispelling the
influence the fire attribute spirit power had on everyone. Her
healing was many-sided, and one of her spirit abilities could
expel all kinds of abnormal conditions.

Refreshing bursts transmitted into the Shrek Academy team

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members, making their spirits swiftly recover.

Both sides looked at each other, neither anxiously starting the

fight again. On the surface it seemed both sides had come out
equal, but in fact, it was still the Shrek Academy side that held
the advantage.

Practically all the Blazing Academy team members had used

their third spirit abilities all out, while on the Shrek Academy
side, only Dai Mubai had used his White Tiger Vajra
Transformation. Huang Yuan and Tai Long hadn’t fully
released their third spirit abilities.

In terms of spirit power consumption, it was clear who held

the advantage. Even more, ever since the start of the battle, the
mainstay and soul of the team, Tang San, hadn’t used even the
simplest spirit ability. He’d just used the basic Blue Silver Grass.

Huo Wushuang turned his head, looking face to face with Huo
Wu. The moment their gazes met, they simultaneously gave an
imperceptible nod.

Huo Wu slowly raised her hands, a pair of orange flames

emitting from her palms, rising a meter high.

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This seemed to be a signal, and the other six Blazing Academy
members moved simultaneously.

The fiery light around the two auxiliary system Spirit Masters
grew, and they released their third spirit abilities once again,
without sparing any effort. But this time their target was only
one person, the one whose hands was releasing flames, Huo Wu.

Cloud after cloud of condensed sparks poured into Huo Wu.

The orange flames in her palms became increasingly bright, but
still didn’t rise excessively, but rather gradually changed color.
From orange it turned to white orchid, from white orchid to
incandescent white.

The previously scorching fiery light abruptly vanished the

instant the flame turned white, as if it no longer was a flame.

As for the four attackers, led by Huo Wushuang, the four

stood in a line in front of Huo Wu, keeping a defensive
formation. Their third spirit rings all simultaneously flared
with light, clearly prepared to block any sudden attack from
Tang San’s side.

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Purple color blossomed. The color of a spirit ring, but it was
no longer the third, but the fourth. Huo Wu’s fourth spirit ring.

The purple light fused together with the incandescent white

in her palm, the light of the flame making her seem illusory.

Tang San’s expression became a bit more serious. He could of

course see that under the support of the two auxiliary system
Spirit Masters’ full strength, Huo Wu’s fourth spirit ability
would in no way be as simple as common fourth spirit abilities.
It’s might could even outstrip a fire attribute Spirit Master’s
fifth spirit ability.

Her spirit was even a bit more tyrannical that Huo

Wushuang’s Fire Dragon.

As a fire control Spirit Master, this Huo Wu was who Tang

San thought of as the most powerful enemy in this match.

“Huo—— Wu——, Brilliant—— Sun——!”

Huo Wu called out in a clear bright voice, with each word, the
incandescence in her became a bit more intense, and along with

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the last ‘sun’ word, an enormous ball of white flame had
condensed over her head, radiating light like a true sun. At this
moment, even the real sunshine in the sky was eclipsed by it.

In the VIP seats, Ning Fengzhi agitatedly said:

“The power of the flame is introverted, without emitting

outwards at all. This young miss has already reached a
terrifying degree of spirit control. That shouldn’t be her own
strength, but that of three people. This time Shrek Academy
will perhaps be in trouble.”

Tang San saw that Huo Wu had chosen her fourth spirit
ability exactly the opposite of him. What he had chosen was
group control capability. But she had chosen an extremely
potent attack capability. But it was an attack capability that
could use the full power of their combined team.

He could clearly sense that, hidden under that incandescence,

Huo Wu’s gaze was firmly fixed on him. And that sun,
brimming with white heat, was also locked on him. Had she
combined the strength of three people to defeat him? It really
seemed that way.

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A trace of a faint smile showed at the side of Tang San’s
mouth, the seriousness on his face fading as he watched the
seven opponents. Because, he knew that it was already
impossible to stop Huo Wu’s spirit ability, and he didn’t need to
conceal anything.

Dai Mubai and the others were all brimming with anxiety,
because until this moment, Tang San still hadn’t given any

As the soul of the team, the Shrek team’s attacks had always
been managed by him, but now he still gestured at everyone to
keep back, just watching the opponents accumulate power.

Did they still have any advantage under these circumstances?

As captain, Da Mubai was deeply concerned.

And at this moment, Tang San still repeated the signal to hold
back behind him, but he himself, just like that walked towards
the seven opponents.

Advancing step by step, Tang San’s pace was extremely

relaxed, still a trace of a smile on his face. When confronting
seven opponents, he seemed to say, ‘Don’t you want to deal with

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me? Fine, I’ll put myself in front by myself and let you attack.’

Huo Wushuang’s expression had changed somewhat. Even

though Tang San was smiling, his smile as he looked at Huo
Wushuang held naked provocation. If they hadn’t arranged
their tactics long in advance, he would have been unable to keep
from rushing out to punch him.

Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass was now already connected to

each of the Shrek Academy team members, but he didn’t move
it. By now, he was already five meters in front of the team.

“You’re very powerful, even more powerful than I imagined.”

Huo Wu suddenly spoke up. Her voice trembled somewhat,

but still hadn’t lost its sweet melodiousness. That trembling was
clearly caused by that ‘sun’ above her head. Her gaze was just
like Tang San had sensed, fixed on him.

“But, victory is still ours.”

Huo Wu was finally unable to persevere, with the spirit power

of three people coursing into her fourth spirit ability under her

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control, storing power for this long was already her limit.

The sun had shifted, floating forward half a meter. As Tang

San clearly saw Huo Wu attentively gazing at him, that sun had
already become a stream of light, abruptly bombarding towards

This couldn’t be dodged in any way. Different from the

previous Seven Star Bullets, the moment it was launched, this
dazzling sun had already completely locked on Tang San, and its
speed exceeded what even the fastest agility attack system Spirit
Master could achieve.

Tang San didn’t flee, he didn’t even move. Even more, he

didn’t call out to his team members to assist him. He simply sat
down, and only used the simplest spirit ability.

Blue Silver Grass first spirit ability, Binding, launched.

Fine Blue Silver Grass quietly gathered around Tang San.

Since it was his first spirit ability, it was clearly the fastest to

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In just a split second, the Blue Silver Grass that was originally
wound around his companions had already completely twisted
around him, to the extent that it didn’t even show any skin.

Everyone just saw Tang San’s first spirit ring flash and Blue
Silver Grass winding around him, the next moment, he was
already completely swallowed by that incandescent sun.

Xiao Wu shrieked and was about to run forward, but was held
back by Dai Mubai.

“What are you doing?”

Xiao Wu practically roared.

Even though Dai Mubai’s face was also hesitant, he still rigidly
held on to Xiao Wu’s arm,

“Trust him, don’t tell me you think he’s a person who would
do anything without being sure of the outcome?”

Hearing Dai Mubai’s words, Xiao Wu couldn’t help looking

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distracted a moment, just what is called being confused out of
concern, her brows wrinkled slightly, and then she also calmed
a bit. But her gaze was still filled with anxiety.

Seeing Tang San already completely swallowed by that

incandescent light, the seven Blazing Academy team members
clearly loosed a breath, all showing relieved expressions.

Huo Wu’s rather looked fatigued. Controlling such enormous

energy, and releasing her third spirit ability twice in succession
and her fourth spirit ability once, her spirit power already
approached exhaustion. The two auxiliary system fire attribute
Spirit Masters next to her had also exhausted more than fifty
percent of their spirit power.

But they all believed that as long as they could defeat Tang
San, the remaining Shrek Academy members were no threat.

Even if the other person required to use their spirit fusion

ability was on stage, how could they still be able to win this

Huo Wu had already considered whether she should weaken

the strength of her spirit ability. Just in case Tang San lost his

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life in that white-hot flame, wouldn’t that disqualify the Blazing

Just at this moment, something nobody had anticipated

happened. A clear and calm voice transmitted out from that
white flame.

“You’re too naive. That’s what I wanted to say before, you’ve

been mistaken all along.”

The pupils of Huo Wu’s eyes instantly contracted, Huo

Wushuang’s eyes opened wide, his eyes brimming with

As the white hot flame gradually faded, it had even melted a

big hole in the ground. However, within that gradually
weakening flame, floated a large cocoon. No, to be precise, it
was suspended over the hole by Blue Silver Grass. Several
strands of Blue Silver Grass were connected to the edges of the
hole to support it.

That big cocoon was completely formed from Blue Silver

Grass, only now the Blue Silver Grass had completely turned a
fiery red, revealing a dazzling radiance. Along with the

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incandescent flame fading, they also began to slowly separate,
automatically weaving a big net over the hole, supporting that

Tang San stood there quietly, straightening his somewhat

creased uniform, his gaze flatly watching the not distant,
already completely lifeless, seven Blazing Academy team

“Did you really think I didn’t use spirit abilities out of fear of
your flames? Not all plants fear fire. There will always be
exceptions. You were lead to make this false conclusion by me
from the very start. You thought to rely on your fire attribute
spirits to massively restrict my capabilities. That’s why you
used such unscrupulous attacks, right? Unfortunately, your
judgement was in error. I didn’t use spirit abilities in order to
have you continue being mistaken. Until now, you have already
consumed far, far too much spirit power. Let me tell you a fact.
My Blue Silver Grass, is fireproof.”


The stands seemed to explode. All kinds of commenting voices

rose and fell, those supporting Shrek Academy cheered, those
supporting Blazing Academy shouted indignantly. But none of

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this could change the result of this match.

Black light burst from Tang San, his gaze once again falling on
Huo Wu, meeting her absent-minded stare. The two of them
had been fighting from the very start. But at this moment, this
fight was already over. Over, without any suspense.

Seven beams of black light shot up, blue silver cages forming
instantly, completely enveloping the seven Blazing Academy
students. Let alone the spirit power they had used up, even if
they hadn’t, breaking through the restraint of this ten thousand
year spirit ability wasn’t that easy. At least, they couldn’t rely
on fire to break it.

Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, Infernal Precious Apricot, it

was the first time the effect of the two great immortal treasures
appeared in a fight. Relying on their forging in the Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well, not only Tang San’s body, but even his spirit
possessed immunity to fire and ice.

If it wasn’t out of consideration for his clothes, previously

when he faced that flame attack, Tang San didn’t even have to
use Blue Silver Grass to defend.

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When Huo Wu condensed her fourth spirit ability, Tang San
had already seen that this spirit ability relied completely on
high temperature to attack, without any impact. Therefore, let
alone when condensing the fire attribute spirit power of three
people, how could even thirty have any effect? Right now it
wouldn’t be easy even for a Title Douluo’s flame ability to burn
Tang San.

The appearance of seven Blue Silver Prisons put the end to

this match. Perhaps the Blazing Academy students still had
some strength they still hadn’t used, but when Tang San broke
Huo Wu’s fourth spirit ability, this match had already ended.
Because the Blazing Academy team had already completely lost
their fighting spirit. Even their captain, Huo Wushuang, was no

“We, con——cede——.”

The words were practically squeezed out between Huo Wu’s

clenched teeth. Grinding her teeth, she constantly stared fixedly
at Tang San. They were equally fortieth something ranked
Spirit Masters, but the feeling this youth who still seemed
younger than her gave her was deep and immeasurable. He was
like an endless mine, constantly revealing new abilities, bit by

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And each time, his opponents would suffer defeat.

Just as Dai Mubai said Tang San would never do something

without a chance of success, and today was no exception. Since
he dared step away from the team to confront the Blazing
Academy, he was naturally certain. And this certainty was based
on his fire immunity.

If it was a frontal confrontation, perhaps the Shrek Academy

side would have to expend a lot of strength. After all, the gap in
strength between both sides wasn’t large. But Tang San relied
on his ingenious planning in a battle of wits with Huo Wu.
Without spending much of either his or his companions’ spirit
power, he had obtained ultimate victory, defeating the second
of the five elemental academies.

If the fight against the Elephant Armored Academy had made

a name for Shrek Academy, then, the present fight had finally
pushed Shrek Academy’s name to the summit of the qualifiers.
This moment, nobody doubted they would be competing for the
number one position in the qualifiers.

The audience weren’t fools, they still clearly remembered that

Shrek Academy had brought out four Spirit Ancestors over
fortieth rank in the fight against the Elephant Armored

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Academy. But this time there were only two. This proved
something, proved that they still had strength left.

Withdrawing the Blue Silver Prisons, both teams got back into
formation as the referee came back on the stage. The result of
this match was already settled, even without anyone being
injured. But right now the expressions of both teams had
already made a complete reversal.

The faces of the seven Blazing Academy members no longer

had the confidence from before, replaced by unreconciliation.
Especially Huo Wu. Her big beautiful eyes stared rigidly at Tang
San, as if she wanted to bite him. She was unreconciled, truly

Always in the past, she had been a darling of the academy.

Among the five great elemental academies, her strength was
absolutely in the top five, maybe even the top three. But losing
like this to a nameless opponent, and moreover losing in both
intelligence and strength, that was absolutely an unpleasant

This fight was an enormous blow to her, and that helpless

feeling when facing Tang San was especially painful.

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How they had ultimately lost even though she felt they were
stronger than the opponents, and even the loss was somewhat
mysterious, all because of the simple word ‘fireproof’.

“We’ll still meet again. Next time, you won’t have such luck.”

Huo Wu glared at Tang San with burning eyes.

Tang San smiled calmly,

“Any time.”

Shrek Academy, eleven fights and eleven wins. Blazing

Academy, eleven fights with ten wins and one loss. Even though
it was only one loss, it was still enough to separate them from
the true leading group.

Both sides withdrew under the cheers from the audience.

Tang San had just stepped off the stage when Oscar, Ma
Hongjun and the others already came rushing over.

Oscar laughed out loud, saying:

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“Little San, you’re really quite something.”

They all knew about the ice and fire immunity of Tang San’s
Blue Silver Grass, but being able to use it like this had
broadened everyone’s minds. A fight that should originally have
been bitter had ended so easily.

No doubt that boosted the Shrek Academy team’s confidence

to the peak.

When the Shrek Seven Devils and the others walked into the
rest area, whether it was contestants who still hadn’t fought or
who had already fought, all looked at them with somewhat
reverent gazes, especially when they looked at Tang San.

In these Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament qualifiers, Tang San could be said to be in the
strongest limelight.

Especially when they confronted the Elephant Armored

Academy and in their match against Blazing Academy just now,
he had even more managed to reverse heaven and earth.

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Naturally the Blazing Academy team members also returned
to the rest area, they were all unreconciled, but what could they
do even so? Following the end of the match, they gradually
calmed down.

Whether it was Huo Wushuang or Huo Wu, both understood

that even if they hadn’t been outsmarted by Tang San, it would
still have been very difficult to defeat Shrek Academy.

Tang San, the soul of the team, possessed fire immunity. That
was too large a restriction on them.

With the existence of such a control system Spirit Master,

they wouldn’t have any chance.

“Huo Wushuang, in a few days we’ll take revenge for you.”

While the Blazing Academy party was depressed, a somewhat

deep voice echoed. Everyone looked in the direction of the
voice, seeing a contestant in a cyan uniform walking over
towards them.

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The cyan uniform was embroidered with decorations in silver
thread, reflecting dazzling light at the Blazing Academy
uniforms. It was another of the five elemental academies,
Godwind Academy.

The speaker was Godwind Academy’s captain, and

simultaneously their team soul, the Godwind Academy team’s
control system Spirit Master, Feng Xiaotian.

Even though he spoke to Huo Wushuang, his gaze was all

along settled on Huo Wu, an unconcealable blazing heat in his

Huo Wushuang snorted coldly,

“We couldn’t do it, are you certain you can?”

Feng Xiaotian grinned, saying:

“Wushuang, you know that’s not what I mean. You didn’t lose
in strength, but rather in attribute restraint. That Tang San just
happened to be immune to fire, otherwise, little sister Hui Wu’s
fourth spirit ability might have already destroyed him.

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However, even if he’s immune to fire, he might not be immune
to wind. Even though those Thunderclap Academy fellows can
restrain us, this Shrek Academy won’t be able to. There are a
great many circumstances where restraining attributes can
decide victory or defeat in battles between Spirit Masters, you
don’t need to be so depressed.”

Listening to Feng Xiaotian’s explanation, the expressions of

Huo Wushuang’s team improved a bit. Just at this moment,
Huo Wu suddenly spoke up:

“Feng Xiaotian, aren’t you very interested in going out with



Feng Xiaotian’s eyes opened wide. Even though he’d always

had that intention, having it pointed out by Huo Wu in front of
everyone still left him embarrassed.

“Are you or aren’t you?”

Huo Wu didn’t seem to pay any attention to the many gazes

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currently focused on them.

Feng Xiaotian looked distracted a moment. He looked at Huo

Wushuang to the side, but right now Huo Wushuang was
equally astonished, he couldn’t understand why Huo Wu would
say something like that at this time. He and Huo Wu were
siblings, and he’d always been extremely doting towards this
little sister.

“Are you a man or not? If you are then be one, if not, then
don’t. Don’t tell me you won’t even speak?”

Huo Wu’s voice was somewhat cold, perfectly opposite to her

spirit attributes.

“Yes, I’ve always liked you very much.”

Feng Xiaotian didn’t want to become a laughingstock, and if

he didn’t confess now, perhaps he would never have the chance
to pursue Huo Wu again.

Huo Wu nodded to him, saying:

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“Fine, as long as you can defeat Shrek Academy, defeat that
Tang San, i’ll agree to go out with you. Big brother, let’s go.”

Finished speaking, she took the lead to head outside, leaving

behind the stunned Godwind Academy group.

Huo Wu had grown up in an environment where she was the

focus of everyone’s attention. Even as a girl, whether at home or
at the academy, she’d always been cherished. Further adding
her extraordinary talent, she had always been at the summit of
her peers. This year she was nineteen, and had already reached
fortieth ranked strength. At Blazing Academy this could be said
to be unprecedented. Her pride was justified. In appearance,
strength, background, she didn’t lack the capital for pride.
However, right now she was unable to forget Tang San’s
expression, and even more unable to forget Tang San calling her

To Huo Wu, she hadn’t lost just a match, but at the same time
she had lost her pride and dignity. The outcome of this match
was really a huge blow to her. What she was most unable to
accept was that Tang San’s attributes restraining hers left her
without the chance to turn the tables on him.

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Even Huo Wushuang was unable to completely understand his
little sister’s mind, and for the moment he could only catch up.

Feng Xiaotian stupidly looked in the direction Huo Wu

disappeared, only returning to his senses after her silhouette
was completely gone.

‘What did she say? She said she’d give me the chance to date?
As long as I can defeat Shrek Academy’s Tang San, she’ll agree
to be my girlfriend? Heavens, this is practically meat pies falling
from heaven.’

As he gradually returned to his senses, unstoppable

excitement began to set his heart on fire, liking Huo Wu wasn’t
a matter of a day or two. Godwind Academy and Blazing
Academy were very close, and they also interacted frequently.
When he first saw Huo Wu six years ago, he had at once fallen
for this beautiful and talented young woman. In order to pursue
Huo Wu, he had even put aside his dignity to make friends with
Huo Wushuang, and when exchanging pointers with these two
siblings, he had never won. But even like this, Huo Wu had
always been neither cold nor warm towards him. Now that the
chance had finally come, Feng Xiaotian’s heart was blazing with
the power of love. He suddenly discovered that Shrek
Academy’s team members were so cute, their victory today had
been so timely. ‘This really is excellent. The chance is finally

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here, Huo Wu, just wait, I’ll use strength to prove I’m the man
who suits you the most.’


The Shrek Academy group naturally didn’t know about the

agreement the Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy had
reached, and without resting long, directly returned to the

Just as they entered the door, Tang San was called over by
Grandmaster. The others were all long since used to this, after
all, Tang San was Grandmaster’s direct disciple.

Following grandmaster to his office, Tang San closed the


Even though Grandmaster’s expression was calm, his brows

were slightly wrinkled. With a wave of his hand, he indicated
Tang San should sit first.

“Little San, you overdid it somewhat.”

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Grandmaster’s unexpected words left Tang San distracted, but
he didn’t utter a word, calmly waiting for his Teacher’s rebuke.

Grandmaster said in a low voice:

“What I mean is that you’ve already exposed too much of your

strength. Among the academy team members in the tournament
qualifiers, your show is too distinct. By now, not only is every
academy paying attention to you, even those fellows in the VIP
seats might be following you extremely closely. This isn’t a good

Tang San said with a wry smile:

“Teacher, you’ve also seen that our opponents are strong.

This isn’t what I wanted, but if I didn’t do it, it would be very
difficult for us to win.”

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying:

“I understand. This wouldn’t be a problem if you had the

backing of a formidable power. But don’t forget that last time

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Blue Sunshine Academy’s Shi Nian tried to assassinate you.
Why did he dare try that? Because you don’t have enough
strength behind you. The tallest tree in the forest will be broken
by the wind. Right now I’m considering whether to start
keeping you out of the matches until the finals.”

Tang San shook his head, firmly saying:

“No, Teacher, I have to appear. And furthermore, I have to

continue leading everyone to continue winning. It’s always
better if I alone draw attention than if the whole team does. The
opponents’ attention always being on me will no doubt relax
their guard against the others. We Shrek Seven Devils are as
one. I think this is the only way that can let us go even further
in the finals, when our opponents become even more difficult to
deal with.”

Grandmaster smiled slightly, walking to Tang San’s side and

clapping his shoulder,

“You see very far. Your way of handling things isn’t mistaken.
However, you must remember, even if the team’s strength is
hidden even deeper, if something happens to you, it will also
lead to the collapse of the whole team. I won’t oppose your way
of handling things, but from now on, every day when you go to

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and from the stadium, I will have Erlong go with you.
Moreover, no matter when, you must be together with your
companions. I don’t want you to have any accidents.”

“Yes, Teacher.”

Grandmaster continued:

“Today you’ve revealed your fire immunity and close combat

ability. Honestly, even I didn’t know your close combat had
reached such a level. In later matches, there’s no harm in using
some of your own fighting skills. With your present spirit power
and spirit ring amplification to your body, unless there’s
another opponent with a spirit bone, it should be very difficult
for people to contend against you without using spirit abilities.
You must grasp this point properly. As long as you can do it
well, you won’t be just a control system Spirit Master, but also a
power attack system Spirit Master. But you must also pay
attention in matches, your opponents will also try to restrain
you according to your strength. Although your control
capability in matches is pretty good, you still can’t draw out the
full strength of your team members, otherwise you would have
it a lot easier. This is also where you must pay attention. Among
your later opponents, there’s still the Godwind, Skywater, and
Thunderclap Academies. Among them, I’m not too worried
about Skywater Academy. Your greatest threats are the other

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two academies. Whether it’s Godwind Academy’s speed or
Thunderclap Academy’s burst power, they’re both difficult to
handle. What I mean is, I hope you can give up on these two
matches. Like this, while you won’t take the first position going
into the next phase, but at the same time you won’t have to
reveal too much of your strength.”

In terms of strategy, Grandmaster’s proposal was no doubt

perfect, as long as they could reach the top five in the qualifiers
they would be in the clear, however, did they really had to avoid

Tang San hesitated moment, but still firmly shook his head,

“Teacher, after the end of this tournament, we will all have to

graduate. Let us leave behind something for the Academy.”

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying:

“I knew you’d say that. On the surface you seem very mild
mannered, but in fact, deep in your heart you’re actually
extremely rigid. This kind of unyielding spirit is admittedly
good, but you must remember, it’s easier to break what’s rigid.
Back in those days, your father apparently suffered because of

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“My heart being rigid is perhaps because of your influence.”

Hearing Grandmaster mention his father, Tang San couldn’t

keep his eyes from darkening. Recently he’d obtained a lot of
information about his father, even about his life’s experience,
but, where was his father really? In all these years, he had never
returned to see him. If it really was as Grandmaster said, and
father really cared for him, then why didn’t he return? Even
seeing him once would be good!

“You’re still young, I hope you can cultivate without

distractions. If you really can obtain victory in this tournament,
then I’ll arrange for you to enter a long period of secret
cultivation. Let the outside world forget about you. Because
right now, you’re not strong enough to protect yourself, and
even more unable to keep you out of the whirlpool of struggle
between all sides.”

What Grandmaster said made Tang San’s heart shiver, master

and disciple looked eye to eye, and Tang San silently nodded.


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One day later, Shrek Academy met their twelfth opponent.

This opponent made Tang San somewhat excited, and left him
even thirstier for victory than against Blazing Academy. Their
twelfth opponent wasn’t the five great elemental academies, but
Blue Sunshine Academy.

The academy led by the Shi Nian who once had almost
condemned Tang San to hell.

It was less than an hour to the start of the match, and all
academy teams were already waiting in the rest area. This time
Shrek Academy wouldn’t appear in the first round, but in the


(风笑天) “Wind Laughing Sky”

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Chapter 102 - Hidden Mystery, Seven Gem

Everyone habitually rested in a corner. Eleven successive

victories had no doubt long ago made them an existence like a
crane in a flock of chickens among these competing academies,
and scenes like at the start of the qualifiers when they were
jeered at wouldn’t appear again.

Even though a lot of people looked at them from all around, it

was rare that anyone came close.

In the Spirit Master world, strength meant everything, and it

was the same among Spirit Master academies. The feeling Shrek
Academy gave everyone was of a team without any features, but
it was this kind of team that had become a headache for each
team they faced.

Tang San with the ten thousand year spirit ring had become
the most favored competitor for Most Valuable Spirit Master in
these qualifiers. At present, he already held more than half the

As long as he wasn’t defeated, he would without a doubt

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obtain this distinction. However, defeating a Spirit Ancestor
with a ten thousand year spirit ring was easier said than done
for these competitors.

The Shrek Academy group gathered leisurely, Ma Hongjun,

with a difficult to scratch itch in his heart, said to Tang San:

“Third brother, why not let me go on stage today. I won’t use

my fourth spirit ability, alright?”

Tang San shot him a glance,

“No way. Zhuqing, you take over for Jiang Zhu today. Any

Along with everyone spending more and more time together,

they participated in more and more fights.

Tang San’s authority among the Shrek Seven Devils had

already imperceptibly influenced everyone’s hearts, especially
those four younger then him, besides friendship, they all felt
some respect for him.

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Right now his position in the team was no lower than Dai
Mubai’s, or even higher.

Zhu Zhuqing stared blankly a moment,

“No problem.”

Oscar puzzled said:

“Little San, that’s not needed. We didn’t dispatch Zhuqing

even when we faced Blazing Academy. Is it needed to deal with
trash like that Blue Sunshine Academy?”

Tang San said in a low voice:

“Blue Sunshine Academy might not truly be trash. You

haven’t paid attention to their record. From the start of the
competition until now, Blue Sunshine Academy has only lost
three times, and that was each against Elephant Armored
Academy, Thunderclap Academy and Godwind Academy. When
confronting others, they’ve won. Right now they’re even above
Elephant Armored Academy in the total ranking. Moreover,

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don’t forget that dean Flender once warned us that their
coaching teacher isn’t ordinary. Right now Blue Sunshine
Academy has lost to the Elephant Armored Academy, and later
in the competition the powerful opponents they’ll confront are
us, Blazing Academy and Skywater Academy. In these three
matches, they have to obtain at least two victories, the chance
to advance to the next phase of the competition is in their
hands. Further adding the grudge between our teams, I dare say
that in today’s competition they will inevitably go all out. I’m
letting Zhuqing go up in order to ensure our victory.”

Dai Mubai nodded:

“Good, we’ll follow little San’s plan. Aren’t those Blue

Sunshine kids too arrogant? Today we’ll let them know trouble.
Advancing to the ranking competition, that’s lunatic ravings.”

“Hey, are you Shrek Academy’s team members?”

As Tang San began to prepare for the match, a sudden voice

interrupted him.

Everyone turned their heads to look. In a cyan uniform, a

youth with a somewhat handsome appearance looked at them

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with a smile.

Dai Mubai frowned,

“That’s right, we’re Shrek Academy, who are you?”

The youth grinned, saying:

“I’m called Feng Xiao Tian, perhaps you haven’t heard my

name. That doesn’t matter, we’ll come across each other in the
tournament later. I’ve come to encourage you. Definitely make
an effort. Destroy that Blue Sunshine Academy.”

En? Dai Mubai and Tang San looked face to face, both
somewhat astounded.

Even though they hadn’t seen their opponents’ matches,

judging from this fellow’s uniform they could tell he should be
from Godwind Academy.

Altogether twenty eight teams participated in the qualifiers,

everyone wanted to win, and all wanted to enter the next stage.

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It was very rare that they interacted. Since the start of the
competition, this was the first time anyone took the initiative to
be friendly.

Tang San nodded, saying:

“We will.”

Feng Xiaotian smiled:

“You must be Tang San. I believe in your strength. However,

you have to be a bit careful. Our Academy once fought Blue
Sunshine Academy. Even though their strength is quite
ordinary, when they fought us, I always felt they didn’t use
their full strength. It seemed they were careful to cover
something up. I think highly of you. At least until you meet our
Academy, you definitely can’t lose. Alright, you rest, I’ll leave

This fellow left as quickly as he came, leaving behind a pile of

words making everyone mystified, and quickly departed. Even if
everyone from Shrek Academy were astute, they still couldn’t
figure out just what Feng Xiaotian wanted, and even less why he
would come over to encourage them.

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Only Feng Xiaotian knew the answer to this. Finished
speaking, he very quickly returned to the side of his team mates.

“Captain, what were you doing?”

“I went to encourage Shrek Academy!”

Feng Xiaotian stated with a smile.

“Encourage them? Captain, you represent our Godwind

Academy, in front of so many people……”

Feng Xiaotian made no secret of it,

“What’s there to fear, as long as I can marry the beauty,

everything else is fleeting as clouds.”

One Godwind Academy team member baffled asked:

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“How’s encouraging the Shrek Academy related to you
marrying a beauty?”

Feng Xiaotian said:

“Of course it’s related, did you forget? Huo Wu said that as
long as I beat Tang San, she’ll be my girlfriend. If by some
chance someone else beats Tang San before me, won’t she also
agree to their proposals? Therefore, before meeting us, Shrek
Academy can’t lose, this is called taking preventative


Looking at Feng Xiaotian’s somewhat idiotically proud

appearance, all the Godwind Academy students couldn’t help
choking speechlessly……

Even though the matches still hadn’t started, the teams

waiting in the rest area could hear the din of the cheering
spectators outside.

What drew the most attention from the audience, was

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without exception the most popular candidates.

But in order to make the competition exciting, these teams

would all appear in different rounds each day. Only like the day
before when Shrek Academy faced Blazing Academy, would two
powerful teams appear in the same round.

Tang San stood quietly, watching the Blue Sunshine Academy

gathering quietly in a distant corner and talking about
something. Adjusting his breathing, he let the Mysterious
Heaven Skill internal strength warm up to peak condition.

All kinds of tactics constantly appeared in his mind, they were

all already prepared for the battle.

Without waiting too long, the second round matches ended,

and it was time for the teams participating in the third round to

Shrek Academy moved away from the rest area together with
Blue Sunshine Academy, the members on both teams watching
their counterparts carefully. Compared to the proud Shrek
Academy, the Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven members all
expressed a cold air, a fierce light flickering in their eyes as if

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they wanted to bite the Shrek Academy team.

Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven members were all male, all

wearing moon white uniforms, their auras all reserved. Just like
Tang San judged, these opponents weren’t so easy to deal with.

At the same time as they entered the passage, the Blazing

Academy team returning after just finishing a match. Tang San
didn’t pay any attention to them, but Blazing Academy’s
members all focused their gazes on them. Especially Huo Wu,
who instantly picked out Tang San’s silhouette among the
Shrek Academy team.

Yi? Huo Wu’s heart twitched, her face immediately showing

fury, looking fiercely at Tang San, a burst of angry pain in her

It was also no wonder she was angry. Their research into

Shrek Academy was already rather incisive, and seeing that
Shrek Academy’s formation was somewhat different from
yesterday, Huo Wu immediately recalled the members
constituting Shrek Academy. They had replaced an auxiliary
system Spirit Master with a fortieth rank Spirit Ancestor. ‘Tang
San, you bastard, you only had two Spirit Ancestors when
confronting our Blazing Academy, now you’ve changed to three,

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don’t tell me we’re not even equal to this Blue Whatever

The more Huo Wu thought, the angrier she got. With a

ferocious meaning in her eyes, she deliberately stumbled, her
shoulder striking straight at Tang San.

Both teams were passing each other when Tang San suddenly
felt a strong with towards his shoulder. Practically
subconsciously, his body reacted instantly.

Dropping his shoulder and staggering his pace, his shoulder

first shifted back, letting Huo Wu strike and largely neutralizing
the force, then, the moment the old force had faded but no new
had been born, his shoulder practically stuck to Huo Wu’s
shoulder, his strength suddenly erupting at the last moment.
With a cry of surprise, Huo Wu was directly sent tumbling.

Fortunately this was only Tang San’s subconscious reaction,

using something similar to the Clothed Eighteen Drops
technique. If she had touched Tang San’s poisoned hidden
weapons, perhaps she wouldn’t have come off so easily.

Seeing his little sister being sent flying, Huo Wushuan hastily

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moved to catch her. The Blazing Academy team immediately
stopped, barring the way for Shrek Academy’s seven
participating members, glaring at them.

The Blue Sunshine Academy team naturally saw it and

stopped as well. Not only did they find it entertaining, but it
seemed like it could get out of hand at any moment.

At this moment Tang San had already reacted. Seeing Huo Wu

sent tumbling, his brows furrowed minutely, wrist wiping
across Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, a Godly Zhuge Crossbow
appearing with a flick. His movements were so fast that in
practically a split second, with a sonorous mechanical sound, it
was already wound.

Tang San did this because he had no choice.

Right now, Shrek Academy’s seven were just between Blazing

Academy and Blue Sunshine Academy. If by some chance Blue
Sunshine Academy ambushed them from the back when Blazing
Academy acted, it could very easily lead to casualties.

But with the Godly Zhuge Crossbow it was different. It could

guarantee that as long as Blazing Academy dared violate the

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tournament rules, attacking in the rest area, he could lead his
team to kill them instantly, then turning to deal with Blue
Sunshine Academy.

Tang San could be certain that at such close distance, the

Blazing Academy team members absolutely couldn’t resist the
Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s attack without first releasing their
spirits. Even more, they had come straight from a match and
were bound to have used up some spirit power.

Tang San’s actions were aimed at the whole team, and the
moment he flicked out the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, Xiao Wu
who had the most tacit understanding with him, had also
completed the same action. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing also
pulled out their Godly Zhuge Crossbows immediately afterward,
pointing four Godly Zhuge Crossbows at the Blazing Academy

Even though they didn’t know what it was, the moment the
Godly Zhuge Crossbows were pointed at them, everyone in the
Blazing Academy immediately felt an ice cold killing intent from
the Shrek Academy seven.

Tang San calmly said:

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“If you’re looking for trouble, we’ll be happy to accompany

Hu Wushuang glared coldly at Tang San. Even though he felt

anything but reassured, as Blazing Academy’s captain, if he
shrunk back at this time, how could he be a part of Blazing
Academy later? Just when he was about to flare up, he was
stopped by Huo Wu.

Huo Wu shot a glance at the chi long black box in Tang San’s

“Let’s go.”

Finished speaking, she forcefully pulled her big brother into

the rest area.

The Shrek Academy seven didn’t act, and the Blue Sunshine
Academy members all revealed disappointed expressions. If
Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy fought, let alone breaking
the rules, just the spirit power consumption alone would give
them an advantage against Shrek in the match.

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A faint light flickered, as Tang San’s eyes revealed an ice cold
expression. Huo Wu’s expression as she stared fixedly at him
before leaving made him somewhat uneasy.

Dai Mubai walked forward once again. While walking, he said

to the Blue Sunshine Academy captain next to him:

“You must be disappointed we didn’t fight.”

The Blue Sunshine Academy captain looked to be about thirty.

If it wasn’t for the Continental Advanced Spirit Master
Academy Elite Tournament being impartial, Dai Mubai would
really have thought he was already too old.

The Blue Sunshine Academy team captain snorted coldly,

glancing at Dai Mubai, then striding forward with his head held

Cold light flickered in Dai Mubai’s eyes, ‘Later, on the stage,

I’ll let you know about trouble.’

Immediately after both sides entered the ring, cheers rose like
wildfire. And these cheers naturally weren’t for Blue Sunshine

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Academy. As the greatest spectacle of this round, the place
where Shrek and Blue Sunshine Academy fought was of course
the central stage. Shrek Academy had long ago already became
frequent visitors here.

“Get rid of them. Kill those guys, long live Shrek……”

“Twelve successive wins, twelve successive wins……”

All kinds of cheers constantly transmitted from the stands to

the ring, and right now the target of the special commentator in
the VIP seats were also directed at this battle.

“The third round matches of the twelfth day are about to

begin. I believe everyone has already seen that Shrek Academy
will fight in this round. Their opponents, with a record of eight
wins and three losses over eleven fights, is Blue Sunshine
Academy. Judging by their present record, Blue Sunshine
Academy still has a chance. Of course, compared to the Shrek
Academy team, their strength is clearly inferior. After all, when
they previously confronted a few powerful enemies, they were
always at a disadvantage. Today Blue Sunshine Academy faces
Shrek Academy. In my estimation, the outcome of this fight
isn’t in any suspense. The question is only how long Blue
Sunshine Academy will be able to hold out under Shrek

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Academy’s attack.”

The introduction was no doubt sharp and unkind. As a special

commentator, he didn’t have any bias of his own. His bias
would only change according to the mood of the audience, and
at this moment all the spectators no doubt favored Shrek
Academy, and what he said was doubtless to fan the mood in the

“Ah, let’s have a look at who the Shrek Academy team

formation has exchanged today. It’s no longer the auxiliary
system Spirit Master Jiang Zhu, but rather the agility system
Spirit Master who once fought with Elephant Armored
Academy. Let me look over the material. Oh, she’s called Zhu
Zhuqing. If I remember correctly, she should also be a fortieth
ranked Spirit Ancestor, moreover, in the fight against Elephant
Armored Academy, she joined hands with Shrek Academy team
captain Dai Mubai to use this tournament’s first spirit fusion
ability, and it was just that spirit fusion ability that reversed the
situation, letting Shrek Academy turn defeat into victory.
Having her in Shrek Academy’s formation today, don’t tell me
they think Blue Sunshine Academy is even more powerful than
Blazing Academy? We didn’t see her in yesterday’s fight!”

“Eh, I understand, perhaps it’s because they’ve already

attained a record of eleven successive wins, and in order to be

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on the safe side, Shrek Academy is letting their team members
be even a bit more powerful, in order to avoid stumbling over a
hidden ditch. Playing it safe like this, worthy of being the kings
of the division. I truly am looking forward to their display in the
finals. I have a premonition that Shrek Academy will definitely
bring a great deal of trouble to some great powers, right?”

This kind of explanation no doubt made the audience even

more enthusiastic. In fact, as a result of the qualifiers gaining
the audience’s massive interest, the ticket prices had already
doubled compared to the first day.

However, the explanation no doubt also made the hearts of

two teams brim with fury.

One was naturally the Blue Sunshine Academy he said would

certainly lose. The other team that had to restrain their anger,
was the Blazing Academy that had just entered the rest area.

In the rest area, Huo Wu kicked a chair flying,

“They’re too rampant.”

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Her shoulder was still aching dully, but what she could
tolerate the least was that Tang San’s strike had not only hit her
shoulder, but also the edge of her ample chest. Besides the pain,
right now she still had a kind of inexpressible numb feeling that
left her even more bitter.

Since childhood, nobody had ever hit her, not even when
exchanging pointers with other Spirit Masters, since as a
control system Spirit Master, she was never attacked by people
like that. Her hatred towards Tang San had no doubt already
reached the peak.

Sometimes observing someone’s words and gestures was very

important, but some people wouldn’t do so. For instance, a
certain someone from Godwind Academy’s team.

Feng Xiaotian saw the Blazing Academy party return to the

rest area, and immediately welcomed them with a smile. Huo
Wu’s words yesterday had set his heart aflame, and even though
Huo Wu’s expression was angry right now, he still couldn’t help
coming over to be friendly.

“Little sister Huo Wu, what is it? Who provoked you? Big
brother will vent in your place.”

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“Huo Wu resolutely glared at Feng Xiaotian,

“It was you.”

“Me? Little sister Huo Wu, don’t joke with me.”

Huo Wu furiously said:

“Why wouldn’t it be you? If not for you still not having met
Shrek Academy and defeated them, how would we receive this
kind of humiliation. Didn’t you hear what they said outside?”

Feng Xiaotian said helplessly:

“Fine, fine, blame me, isn’t it enough to blame me? I heard it,
I heard it. But that kind of comment is only sensationalism,
don’t pay any attention to it.”

To the side, Huo Wushuang said in a low voice:

“Even though he’s sensationalist, what he said wasn’t wrong.

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Today Shrek Academy’s formation has one more fortieth
ranked Spirit Ancestor. Isn’t this still looking down on us? As
one of the five great elemental academies, are we still lower
than a Blue Sunshine Academy? Just now that brat Tang San
deliberately struck my little sister.”


Feng Xiaotian almost jumped,

“Little sister Huo Wu, where did he hit you? Quick, let big
brother see.”

“Fuck off——”


On the stage, both sides had already entered. The referees on

the five competition platforms simultaneously declared the
matches started.

What did the audience like seeing the most? As laymen

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following the crowds, the start of the competition when the
Spirit Masters released their spirits was no doubt the most
dazzling. The appearance of spirit rings one by one, the effects
of different spirits. The dazzlingly beautiful splendor would
each time sufficiently incite the audience’s mood.

Three fortieth ranked Spirit Ancestors, plus four thirtieth

ranked Spirit Elders, even at the very start of the competition,
Shrek Academy’s spirit power levels completely suppressed
their opponents.

Of the Blue Sunshine Academy, only their captain was a Spirit

Ancestor with fortieth ranked strength, precisely that thirty
years old looking fellow. The others were only thirty something

Moreover one of them didn’t have an optimal spirit ring

configuration, three spirit rings were yellow.

The Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven appeared very cautious.

The moment the referee declared the release of their spirits, the
seven quickly gathered together with their captain furthest out
in front, adopting a strange formation.

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Besides the captain, the other six were gathered in a hexagon,
vigilantly watching the Shrek Academy seven.

Tai Long laughed out loud, unable to keep from saying:

“Isn’t Blue Sunshine really nobodies? There’s even someone

who doesn’t have optimal spirit rings.”

Right now, even Dai Mubai felt that Tang San having Zhu
Zhuqing coming on stage was a bit paranoid. The Blue Sunshine
Academy team members in front of them weren’t even on the
level of the several weak advanced Spirit Master academies
they’d faced before. This battle basically didn’t seem to hold any

Perhaps the only one who didn’t relax his vigilance was Tang

He had already become alert even when the two teams had left
the rest area, because he had discovered that among Blue
Sunshine Academy’s members today were four people who
hadn’t appeared in previous battles.

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The gap to the list of names Grandmaster gave him was very
large, and among them included that member without optimal
spirit rings.

Changing four people? What did this mean? There were only
two possibilities. One, Blue Sunshine Academy were preparing
to forfeit the match. The other was that they had substantially
hidden their strength in previous matches. From the aura the
seven Blue Sunshine Academy members who appeared on stage
displayed, Tang San discarded the first possibility. Then, that
left only the second.

Right now, even though the seven opponents appeared

extremely cautious, and moreover seemed to somewhat fear
their side, Tang San couldn’t catch any true fear in their eyes.
Relying on Purple Demon Eye, his perception exceeded that of
normal people. He wouldn't let a single detail slip by.


Tang San called.

Even though the Shrek Academy team members didn’t

understand why he would issue an order like that, they swiftly

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gathered around Tang San. Six peoples’ waists tightened as the
familiar Blue Silver Grass twined around them.

“Young master San, letting us rush in and destroy them

wouldn’t take long?”

Tai Long was the most temperamental, and couldn’t help


Tang San didn’t open his mouth, the spirit power within him
already promoting to the peak, and their opponents still didn’t

The five matches started simultaneously. On the other four

stages everyone were already fighting, only on this central stage
was the match still deadlocked. Both sides eyed each other,
nobody taking the initiative to act.

Seeing that Shrek Academy didn’t directly launch an attack,

the Blue Sunshine Academy team captain clearly looked
distracted. Tang San clearly caught a trace of disappointment
deep in the corner of his eyes.

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Tai Long didn’t understand why Tang San wouldn’t let them
attack directly, but Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing didn’t
voice any doubts. Everyone had been together for so long. They
had complete confidence in Tang San’s directions. At least so
far, Tang San had never made any major mistakes in directing
the team.

Right now, on Shrek Academy’s side, Dai Mubai stood in front

of Tang San, and on either side of him were Tai Long and Huang
Yuan. On Tang San’s sides were separately Xiao Wu and Zhu
Zhuqing, with Jing Ling guarding the rear.

“Both teams please start the match.”

The referee’s voice echoed.

In the VIP seats, the commentator couldn’t help saying:

“What’s going on? Why isn’t Shrek Academy attacking? Don’t

tell me they would be afraid of this kind of opponent? Blue
Sunshine Academy is clearly inferior to them, just casually
sending out a few spirit abilities should take the victory.”

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Sitting upright in the front row of the VIP seats, emperor Xue
Ye asked Ning Fengzhi next to him in a low voice:

“School master Ning, in your opinion, why are they still not
fighting? Both sides seem excessively cautious. There doesn’t
seem to be any comparison between both sides’ strength.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly, saying:

“Exterior can’t signify everything. I think Tang San has

definitely discovered something amiss, and just isn’t letting his
teammates act rashly. This child has a steady will, he really isn’t
like an only……”

At this point, he subconsciously paused, still with a smile on

his face, but without saying anything else.

To the side, platinum bishop Salas concentrated his attention

to listen, but as Ning Fengzhi suddenly paused at the crucial
moment, a resentful expression flashed through the corners of
his eyes, but nothing showed on his face.

Under the referee’s admonishment and the booing of several

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tens of thousands of spectators, both sides on the central stage
finally moved.

The first to move wasn’t Shrek Academy, but rather Blue

Sunshine Academy.

The Blue Sunshine Academy captain seemed to have given up

on hiding, his back suddenly straightening, his feet shifting, he
retreated one meter, just entering the hexagonal formation of
the other six.

When he retreated, the other six simultaneously took a step,

their originally crowded hexagonal formation suddenly
expanding one size. Bizarrely, even though they had already
expanded their formation, the hexagon wasn’t in any disorder.
The length of their steps was unexpectedly exactly the same.
And after retreating, that Blue Sunshine Academy captain’s
position was right in the heart of this formation.

Clearly, this was a formation they had already practiced for

many years, and immediately afterward, Shrek Academy’s
members could clearly see how each of the the seven Blue
Sunshine Academy members raised their right hands.

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When they released their spirits before, their bodies hadn’t
shown any changes, even to the extent that nobody could make
out what their spirits were. This was also a significant reason
for Tang San’s caution. He had researched the spirits of the
three who had appeared in previous fights, but what the spirits
of the four members who appeared only today were, nobody

Now, the spirits of Blue Sunshine Academy’s team members

finally appeared in front of everyone.

The moment their spirits truly emerged in front of everyone,

as long as anyone who knew anything about spirits saw them,
they couldn’t keep the pupils of their eyes from contracting.

Appearing in the palms of the Blue Sunshine Academy seven

team members, was each a gemstone.

The shape and appearance of the gems in their palms were all
different. Round, rhombic, triangular, even drop shaped. Their
colors were also like a rainbow. But the instant these seven
gems appeared, a dense bright light immediately rose from their
bodies, completely enveloping all seven of them.

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Gemstone Spirit, it was absolutely a kind of extremely
uncommon spirit, but they couldn’t be called very powerful.
Just like Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass, spirits of fairly good
quality like this possessed enormous flexibility.

They were different according to the spirit rings they

obtained, able to grow in any direction. With power, they could
be control system, agility attack system, or even auxiliary
system. Everything was up to the spirit rings.

They could be said to be a spirit most dependant on spirit


In the Spirit Master world, more powerful spirits were

naturally better, but generally speaking, the majority of spirits
were already fixed when they awoke, already possessing a most
suitable development path.

But gem type spirits were just the opposite, among all spirits
they were the most indeterminate.

Of course, this kind of spirit was also extremely uncommon.

The sudden appearance of seven Spirit Masters with gem type
spirits on the stage, how couldn’t that make people astonished?

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Even more, these seven were all from the same team.

The Shrek Academy team members finally understood the

reason for Tang San’s caution, right now they could also see
Blue Sunshine Academy wasn’t as easy to deal with as they had

Dense gem light flickered, the Blue Sunshine Academy captain

looked coldly at Tang San,

“You’re very calm. However, this is still useless. In front of

absolute strength, all tactics and abilities are useless.”

Dai Mubai snorted disdainfully,

“Do you think your absolute strength can overpower us?”

The Blue Sunshine Academy captain suddenly smiled, his

smile seeming very monstrous, as if four hours after poison was
released in the body. Indeed, they had already waited for a very,
very long time, waited for this moment to approach.

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They would use Shrek Academy’s defeat to prove their
strength, to tell everyone that they were the most outstanding
competitors in this tournament.

“You’ll learn very soon.”

With that monstrous smile, the Blue Sunshine Academy team

captain slowly raised his right hand, raising the gem in his palm
up high. His spirit was a round silvery gem, and also the core of
the formation.

When he raised the gem up high, his fourth spirit ring also
brightened. This was also the only fourth spirit ring in the Blue
Sunshine Academy team.

With the same movements as him, the other six team

members also raised the gems in their hands, but what
brightened were their third spirit rings.

“Little San, let me go.”

Dai Mubai had extremely rich fighting experience. The

opponents were clearly storing power, and even though the

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opponents’ strength clearly wasn’t up to their side, looking at
their appearance, they were definitely relying on something. If
they didn’t take advantage to smash the opponents now, once
they had stored up enough strength it would be difficult. Just in
case they stumbled over a hidden ditch, how could the gains
make up for the losses?

Tang San said in a low voice:

“No, wait for them to store up strength. Since they dare store
strength in front of us so brazenly, how couldn’t they have some
plan. Don’t move rashly, listen to my orders.”

As he spoke, there was a peculiar expression in Tang San’s

eyes. If Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven members could have
seen his gaze right now, they would definitely have caught a
trace of disdain and a bit of loathing.

Seven bright rays of light soared up practically

simultaneously, with the Blue Sunshine Academy captain as the
center, they condensed into a rainbow colored pillar of light in a
flash. The pillar of light broke the air more than thirty meters
and spread, completely enveloping the seven members in the

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(沾衣十八跌) Not sure if there’s an official translation, but it’s
an ancient Han martial style, based on Shaolin boxing.

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Chapter 103 - Seven Fusion Ability

Suddenly, only that dazzling light remained on the stage,

every trace of the Blue Sunshine Academy seven members gone.

“What’s going on?”

In the VIP seats, emperor Xue Ye exclaimed, muttering:

“This, could this be a seven spirit fusion ability?”

To the side, Ning Fengzhi’s expression was also serious, but he

still shook his head, saying:

“It shouldn’t be. As far as I recall, there has never been

anyone able to complete a seven spirit fusion ability. But even if
it’s not, it should still be a kind of fusion ability, even if it’s not a
true spirit fusion ability, it’s still bound to be far more powerful
than their own strength. This Continental Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Elite Tournament truly lets me widen my
horizons. The youths of today are indeed more formidable than
we were.”

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As the number one support Spirit Master on the Continent,
his spirit knowledge was quite extensive, and he had especially
studied this kind of gem spirit. After all, the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda was a kind of sublimation of gem class
spirits, only sublimated in a support direction.

Even though Ning Fengzhi wasn’t sure how an ability so

similar to seven spirit fusion ability would appear, but he
vaguely guessed that this should be the result of a certain fit
between the Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven members’ spirits,
managing to launch a combined group ability with special spirit
abilities after obtaining their spirit rings.

And at this time, perceptive people could also see the

cultivation route of the Blue Sunshine Academy seven. And this
also left a lot of people extremely stunned. Because, the Blue
Sunshine Academy’s seven members were unexpectedly all
control system Spirit Masters.

One team with seven controllers, this was the first time in all
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournaments that this had appeared.

The pillar of condensed rainbow-colored light spread in a

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flash. In an eyeblink it had filled the whole arena, all kinds of
gem light spreading from within. That dazzling light didn’t
seem to have any attack power, but the audience in the stands
were already completely attracted, a dazzled and stunned
feeling making a lot of ordinary people bewildered.

Shrek Academy’s team of seven still hadn’t moved, because

Tang San didn’t let them.

But they had also changed somewhat. Besides Tang San, the
other six now all had their eyes closed. Their formation had also
changed, unexpectedly somewhat imitating the opponents, six
people standing in a circle with Tang San at the center,
watching that seven colored light approach.

“Shrek Academy fools, you should feel honored, because you

will be the first opponents to taste our Seven Asura Dreamland.
Die from your own pain. Goodbye.”

The seven colored light suddenly expanded, instantly

covering the whole stage. The stage was round, as was that
seven colored light pillar. At this moment, that soaring light
practically lit up the whole stadium.

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The indistinct luster was brimming with a bizarre

The Shrek Academy team’s seven had already been

completely enveloped, or perhaps it should be called swallowed.

The entire audience was absolutely mute, and the

commentator in the VIP seats was even more unable to say a
single word. From the start of the competition, who could have
anticipated something like this? Even the four matches to the
sides halted.

That seven colored beam of light was really too dazzling. Not
just these competing students, but even the coaching teachers
were unable to hide their shock.

Was this really a match between academies? Even Spirit Hall’s

Continental Spirit Master Ranking Competitions shouldn’t have
something like this?

Not just emperor Xue Ye thought of the name ‘seven spirit

fusion ability’, but the others who did lacked a Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School master to explain it to them.

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With circumstances reversed, the seven colored pillar of light
became a symbol, the symbol for the sudden rise of Blue
Sunshine Academy.

Even though the match still hadn’t ended, those tremendous

spirit power fluctuations changed the way all spectating Spirit
Masters looked at the battle.

And the audience’s way of looking at it was even more direct.

That tremendous and dazzling light was the most magnificent
since the start of the competition. Even though a lot of people
inwardly supported Shrek Academy, spectators were after all
spectators, only figures of power could remain in their hearts.

Right now, not only didn’t anyone cheer for Shrek Academy,
but a lot of people even silently contemplated Blue Sunshine
Academy’s name.

What was a seven spirit fusion ability? Wasn’t it the

formidable ability launched by the completely integrated spirits
of seven people? This was a legendary formidable spirit ability.
It was also a major reason why Ning Fengzhi said it had never
been seen.

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Consider, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing using the spirit fusion
ability was already enough to completely reverse heaven and
earth against an equally matched opponent. Grandmaster,
Flender and Liu Erlong’s trinity spirit fusion ability had made
them world famous.

And if it truly was a spirit fusion ability used by seven people?

What kind of amplification would that be?

Even if Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning

Fengzhi launched his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda effect
with all his strength, he would still be inferior. Enough to kill
any Title Douluo.

If that truly was a seven spirit fusion ability, then, there

would be no need to continue with this Continental Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. Let alone the
participating academy teams, even veteran Spirit Masters
wouldn’t stand a chance.

Unless it was a team of three or more Title Douluo, who

would dare say they could prevail over that kind of legendary
spirit ability?

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Indeed, it was a divine ability. Seven spirit fusion ability was
publicly recognized in the Spirit Master world as a divine

In the stands for the competing academies, Flender and Liu

Erlong were already on their feet. Liu Erlong was somewhat
better, but Flender anxiously wanted to rush out, even rush
onto the stage.

“Flender, calm down.”

Grandmaster exerted himself to grab Flender’s arm.

Flender furiously said:

“Calm down your farts! Don’t you see that’s a seven spirit
fusion ability? This thing can’t be controlled so easily. Don’t tell
me you want to let little San and the others die? At worst we’ll
give up on the tournament, but we have to save them first.”

Grandmaster curled his lip,

3507 Goldenagato |

“Flender, what do you take a seven spirit fusion ability for? If
it could be casually used by seven people, how could it be called
a divine ability? Even though Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven
students are pretty good, it’s still far from enough to use this
kind of divine ability. What they’re using is only a seven fusion
ability. Blue Sunshine Academy really is lucky to find seven
students whose spirits fit so well.”

Flender looked distracted a moment,

“Seven fusion ability? Isn’t that the same?”

Grandmaster smiled calmly, pulling him back in his seat,

“Oh, Flender. Ignorance isn’t scary, what’s scary is not

knowing your ignorance. Seven fusion ability and seven spirit
fusion ability are as far apart as heaven and earth. One relies on
the fit of each person’s spirit ability to fuse, one is the complete
fusion of spirits, a sublime divine ability. Could those be the

Right now Flender couldn’t take Grandmaster teasing him,

and questioned closer:

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“Then can little San and the others resist it?”

Grandmaster shook his head,

“Even though the seven fusion ability by far can’t compare to

the seven spirit fusion ability, it can still combine the strength
of seven people to launch an omnidirectional attack. Even
though it looks like seven against seven, as long as the control is
enough, it will even give little San and the others the feeling of
each fighting seven against one. Under ordinary circumstances,
with the strength and teamwork of the seven on stage now, it
would be very difficult to resist.”

Flender cursed in rage,

“Isn’t that the same result? Don’t you know that little San and
the others had a conflict with Blue Sunshine Academy? If those
Blue Sunshine brats were allowed to do as they wished, do you
think they would let little San and Mubai and the others off

Without waiting for Grandmaster to speak up, Liu Erlong to

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the side also sat back down in her seat, embracing
Grandmaster’s arm, smiling:

“Boss Fu, don’t you see? If there was danger, Xiao Gang would
be even more anxious than you. He regards little San as a son.
Look at his expression. He’s clearly playing with you.”

What was called confused out of concern, Flender, always

astute, came to his senses at Liu Erlong’s reminder. Grabbing
Grandmaster’s neck, he said fiercely:

“Tell me the truth quickly, will little San and the others be in
any danger?”

Liu Erlong swatted away Flender’s hand,

“How will he speak if you’re choking him, don’t be impulsive.

If you break him, I’ll stake my life to beat you.”

Finished saying this, she couldn’t keep a giggle from escaping.

Grandmaster held Liu Erlong’s hand, leisurely saying:

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“If it was another seven fusion ability, perhaps it would be
very difficult for little San and the others to resist, depending
on how much fighting strength they could issue. But these seven
Blue Sunshine Academy students still aren’t capable of that.
Flender, didn’t you see their cultivation direction?”

“Of course I saw, they’re all control system Spirit Masters.

How’s that related?”

Grandmaster indifferently said:

“It’s greatly related. It’s just because they’re control system

Spirit Masters that I can say they can’t do it. Since you saw they
followed the control system route, didn’t you see what kind of

Flender finally came to himself,

“You’re saying…… But can little San and the others really

3511 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster shot him a sideways glance,

“You must trust the professionals.”

Flender rolled his eyes,

“Alright, I already know you’re the symbol of Spirit Master

world professionals. But if the little monsters have any
accidents, I’ll come looking for you.”

Right now the situation at the center of the stage was invisible
to everyone. All that could be seen was that dazzling seven-
colored pillar of light.

Tang San stood quietly in place as the opponent’s voice

echoed from all directions,

“You’re too naive, do you think closing your eyes can block
our Seven Asura Dreamland? We’ve already waited far, far too
long for this day. Endure the filthiest world you can imagine.
Your repressed feelings will leave you especially suffering, until
you go insane, this is the price you pay for insulting us. Don’t
worry, we’ll go easy, we’ll leave you alive.”

3512 Goldenagato |

Apart from Tang San, the other Shrek Academy members still
had their eyes closed. Tang San sighed lightly, indifferently

“The naive ones should be you. Do you believe such a simple

illusion can trap us? Compared to Shi Nian’s Nightmare, your
seven fusion ability is still quite lacking.”

Indeed, even though this seven fusion ability would appear

magnificently dazzling, and right now all kinds of illusions had
already begun to rise from everyone's hearts, compared to when
Shi Nian tried to assassinate Tang San, this dreamland spirit
ability of theirs was too artless. Essentially lacking.

The seven colored light shuddered once, and even the

illusions at the depths of everyone’s minds became somewhat
vague. Clearly, Tang San’s words had been a full hit to the

“You…… Where is teacher Shi Nian?”

Even though he couldn’t be seen, they could tell from the

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voice that Blue Sunshine Academy’s captain was anxious.

Tang San said indifferently:

“You’re his students, want to find him? I won’t give you the
chance. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy. I’ll leave you alive. That’s why
you won’t see him.”

At just about the same time, Tang San suddenly moved. His
figure soared into the bright light, successively kicking six
times, but not at the enemies, but rather at the backs of each of
his companions.

Six bodies simultaneously flew in six directions, spewing a

mouthful of blood at the same time. And in the air, Tang San’s
eyes had already turned purple gold. Chi long rays of purple
golden light shot out, flashing in seven different directions.

Miserable shrieks rose practically simultaneously. When Tang

San fell from the air, he lightly swatted his stomach with a
palm, and immediately afterward, a trickle of blood flowed
from the corner of his mouth.

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The bright light vanished, and everything in the surroundings
became clear again. That enormous seven colored pillar of light
had disappeared without warning, but of the originally fourteen
people on the stage, only one still stood. That was Tang San.

The appearance of the other six Shrek Academy team

members spitting blood was just caught by the audience as the
pillar of light disappeared. Seeing them fall to the ground one
by one, they had clearly lost all fighting strength.

But their opponents, the Blue Sunshine Academy team’s seven

members had long ago already left their previous positions,
separating in seven directions on the stage. Right now these
seven were also on the ground, but different from the Shrek
Academy team, these seven were convulsing violently, spitting
foam, eyes rolling.

Just like an epileptic attack.

Tang San’s face appeared very pale and his steps were
unstable, swaying from time to time. But his gaze was still
unyielding, seemingly telling everyone that he was the final

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An uproar. Whether it was the audience or the VIP section,
right now everyone were in disorder.

Especially those Spirit Masters who had thought Blue

Sunshine Academy had fully used a seven spirit fusion ability
were even more unable to conceal their shock right now. When
that brilliant light had enveloped the Shrek Academy group,
they had all already though the match was over.

But who could have guessed that Shrek Academy would

surprise everyone once again. They hadn’t lost even to Blue
Sunshine Academy’s ‘divine skill’.

When the referee declared the final result, he was trembling

somewhat. After the participating members of Blue Sunshine
Academy had been examined by qualified specialists of the
Spirit Master world, the verdict was spirit ability backlash.

Even though the rules of this Continental Advanced Spirit

Master Academy Elite Tournament expressly stipulated that you
couldn’t cripple or kill your opponents, who could be blamed
for spirit ability backlash?

Blue Sunshine Academy’s participating members were

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brought from the stage by their own people, while on the Shrek
Academy side, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Ma Hongjun swiftly
ran over. When Ning Rongrong wanted to release her spirit to
boost everyone regardless of being revealed, she was stopped by
a look from Tang San.

The four of them together managed to help the six on the

ground off the stage.

Meeting them was an audience cheering as if welcoming

heroes. The Shrek team had yet again defended their position
with their own strength. Twelve successive victories was a
record to regard with pride.

Just below the stage, being supported, Dai Mubai couldn’t

help saying:

“Little San, you’re too ferocious.”

Right now Dai Mubai, helped by Ma Hongjun, could with

difficulty manage to walk. Of course, the “with difficulty” part
was staged by himself. With his head lowered, nobody could see
his expression.

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Next to Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong helping Xiao Wu also
lowered her head, unable to keep from saying:

“Boss Dai, what are you saying! Little San didn’t use any
strength, wasn’t that blood forced on our own? Don’t tell me he
was especially attentive to you?”

Dai Mubai inclined his head slightly, looking at the

expressionless Tang San,

“I’m not saying he was ferocious towards us, but rather to

those seven Blue Sunshine students. Those seven are perhaps

Whether the Shrek Seven Devils or the four substitutes

headed by Tai Long, inwardly they couldn’t keep from shivering

Tang San used a voice only the others could hear:

“They were destined to never become our friends. Since it was

like that, how could I let these threats exist at our side? If
someday I wasn’t here and you ran into them, what would

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happen? Grass cut above the roots will grow with the spring

Of course, there was still another reason. With Tang San’s

intelligence, from the time these Blue Sunshine Academy
members acted he understood that these seven very possibly
were the direct disciples of the Brutal Dream Spirit Master Shi
Nian he had killed. The impression Shi Nian had made on him
really was too deep, and even though he had successfully killed
him, he could never forget Xiao Wu’s tragedy in that illusion.
He couldn’t allow that to happen for real.

It might appear that he had easily destroyed Blue Sunshine

Academy’s seven fusion ability, but if he hadn’t had an ability
that just restrained the opponents, the ending would have been
completely different.

The conflict between the two sides could no longer be

resolved, and if by some chance these people learned Shi Nian
had been killed by him and would never return, then they
would definitely come take revenge for their teacher.

Taking all this into consideration, Tang San then acted


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One reason was to eliminate future trouble. The other was his
belief that if he started off leniently, the Blue Sunshine
Academy seven could figure out his close connection to Shi
Nian’s disappearance.

But now, they would never be able to reveal this secret. Not
even the other six Shrek Academy team members could
completely understand just what had happened within that
seven colored light.

Naturally he wouldn’t reveal this secret either.

Just when Tang San saw their opponents’ seven fusion ability
he had also been extremely shocked. As Grandmaster’s disciple,
he had instantly determined that it wasn’t a seven spirit fusion
ability, but the seven fusion ability the opponents had used
could still bring them enormous trouble.

However, his heart had settled very quickly.

Seven Asura Dreamland, in the end it was just an illusion.

Purple Demon Eye’s ability to eliminate all illusions left him
completely certain of victory. That’s why he wasn’t in any
hurry to let his companions act.

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Compared to Shi Nian’s Nightmare, the Seven Asura
Dreamland the Blue Sunshine Academy seven used was still
quite lacking. As a result of the enormous spirit power drain of
this ability, they were unable to exhibit the kind of meticulous
control Shi Nian had that even manipulated the feelings of the

It seemed that the dazzling seven colored light was the best
screen to hide Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye.

When Tang San had his companions close their eyes, he had
already quietly explained his tactics to them. His plan was very
simple. He told each of his companions to force out a mouthful
of blood when he kicked them away, assuming the appearance
of serious injuries.

That was after all a seven fusion ability. If he let outsiders see
their side winning easily, wouldn’t that expose everything they
tried to hide? Showing weakness to their enemies, letting their
opponents look down on them, that was the ideal choice.

Everything after that was logical. Seventy second ranked

Spirit Emperor Shi Nian had been made briefly despondent by

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Purple Demon Eye, let alone these Blue Sunshine Academy team
whose highest member was only at the forty first rank.

The instant Tang San set about it, Purple Demon Eye’s attack
power had reached an extraordinary degree. In that moment, he
had clearly grasped the mental states of each of the Blue
Sunshine Academy team members.

Due to fully using Seven Asura Dreamland, the Blue Sunshine

Academy seven had fully exported their spirit power to become
mental strength, this was also their special ability. Under such
circumstances, their mental defense could be said to be zero.

Moreover they were even weaker than when they didn’t use
their spirits. After all, in the middle of such a powerful seven
fusion ability, how could they have anticipated that the
opponent could still launch a mental plane attack at them?

Purple Demon Eye’s mental attack directly pierced the brain,

causing spirit power backlash. True, the seven Blue Sunshine
Academy members weren’t dead, but they had already become
imbeciles. Certain neurological damage made them forever
unable to recover. Even the best healing system Spirit Masters
were helpless in front of the incomparably precise system that
was the brain.

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Tang San had never been a good hearted person, and he was
even less like as ordinary as on the surface. Tang Sect itself was
both just and nefarious, starting off leniently when facing an
opponent that might become a threat would only lead to

From seeing the opponents’ seven fusion ability, to the

opponents launching their attack, Tang san had informed his
team members of the method to defeat the enemies within the
bright light. This process was completed with the speed of
lightning. With the force of thunder, a single strike. The
decisive ferocity within it amply revealed the heart of an Asura
under Tang San’s unremarkable surface.

It was also because of this that Dai Mubai would say Tang San
was ferocious. As the strongest of everyone, at that time, apart
from Tang San, he had suffered the least influence. Therefore
he had vaguely guessed Tang San’s way of dealing with it.
Regarding this companion, right now even this Evil Eye White
Tiger couldn’t help but inwardly feel some respect and fear.

The first to express support of Tang San was unexpectedly Ma

Hongjun. Fatty’s hands supported Huang Yuan and Jing Ling,

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“Third brother, I support you, mercy to the enemy is cruelty
to oneself.”

The gazes of the Shrek Seven Devils flowed together, and

nobody made any more doubtful noises. Even though Tang
San’s explanation was very simple, the feelings of brotherhood
between them had no doubt manifested. They all thought of the
same thing. If Blue Sunshine Academy had won, would they
have gone easy on them?

Returning to the rest area, several hundred gazes fell on them

practically simultaneously. When someone outside had shouted
the words ‘seven spirit fusion ability’, the competitors in the
rest area had all run out, and also saw the final conclusion.

Blazing Academy’s Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu had seen it,

and Godwind Academy’s Feng Xiaotian had naturally also seen

The match hadn’t lasted long, and nobody had seen just how
Shrek Academy had won. But they all saw the final result.

Not everyone had the insight of Grandmaster and Ning

Fengzhi. The shock a seven spirit fusion ability caused all the

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competitors was difficult to describe in words. However, Blue
Sunshine Academy had still lost. After using a seven spirit
fusion ability, they had still lost. Moreover, everyone had
clearly seen that Shrek Academy hadn’t even moved as Blue
Sunshine Academy launched their fusion ability, just letting
them store power.

Even though only Tang San was left finally standing on the
stage, that Shrek Academy had finally prevailed over Blue
Sunshine Academy’s seven spirit fusion ability was very
difficult to accept for these competing academy members.
Especially Huo Wu.

Feng Xiaotian looked at the somewhat staggering Tang San,

and inwardly he couldn’t help a burst of nervousness. ‘Heavens,
that was a seven spirit fusion ability. And that actually couldn’t
beat them? This Tang San is too abnormal. Is he really less than
twenty five years old?’

Originally he had complete confidence in himself, believed

that Huo Wu would definitely become his girlfriend this time,
but after the battle outside just now he was completely without
confidence. Looking at Tang San he couldn’t help losing spirit.

Tang San indicated Ma Hongjun’s trio should release their

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‘seriously hurt’ companions to the side, and let Jiang Zhu use
her healing scepter. He himself turned to those hundreds of
gazes, only calmly saying one thing.

“You don’t need to look at us like that. That wasn’t a seven

spirit fusion ability.”

Ignoring those stunned gazes, Tang San sat down next to his
companions and closed his eyes to rest.

Even though it was only a simple explanation, it still pulled

him back from a godly position to the category of an ordinary
person, and a lot of people had feeling of letting out a long

At this moment, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Flender had

already rushed over. After Tang San had exchanged a few words
in a low voice with Grandmaster, they quickly left the rest area
under mutual support.

Watching their disappearing silhouettes, countless

competitors immediately started commenting. They all really
wanted to believe Tang San’s explanation. After all, prevailing
over an opponent with a seven spirit fusion ability in a situation

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where level didn’t differ much was impossible. What’s more,
that seven spirit fusion ability was only a legendary divine

The audience got a feast for their eyes, but the match today
also left all sorts of different notions in peoples’ hearts. Powers
on all sides pondered over just how the Shrek Academy team
had obtained victory today.

Very soon, news came from the Blue Sunshine Academy side.
All the seven students that participated in the fight had
completely lost the ability to think. All had become imbeciles.
They had moreover raised stern protests to the organizational
committee, demanding severe punishments for Shrek Academy.

For this reason, Heaven Dou Empire and Spirit Hall jointly
established a special investigative group, to separately make
inquiries into both sides. At the same time, Heaven Dou City’s
Spirit Temple dispatched two Spirit Sage level healing system
Spirit Masters to specially treat the Blue Sunshine Academy
seven team members.

But just like Tang San predicted, the brain was the most
complex part of the human body. It wasn’t something that
could easily be restored by healing spirit abilities, and nobody

3527 Goldenagato |

had still truly seen through the mysteries of the mental world.
Spirit Hall’s treatment was naturally futile.

Returning to Shrek Academy, the Golden Iron Triangle

directly gathered the Shrek Academy team’s all eleven members
to a conference room.

Right now there was no need for anyone to keep acting, and
the originally ‘seriously injured’ six people all returned to

Flender’s face was somewhat serious, his gaze first turning to

Tang San, and afterwards sweeping across the other six who
had participated in the match today.

“If I’m not mistaken, then in less than two hours, the
tournament organizational committee will dispatch an
investigative team to our Academy to conduct inquiries into the
match today. I don’t know how you did it, but Grandmaster told
me just now that the opponents have completely become

Everyone looked at each other, nobody uttering a word.

Everyone’s gazes finally concentrated on Tang San.

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Flender glared at Tang San, saying:

“You little monster, looking for trouble for me. The seven of
you who participated in the match, later immediately go quietly
cultivate. I will use your healing process to explain to the other
side. Eh, no, little San, you stay behind. We still need someone
to be investigated. At least on the surface your injuries were the
lightest, that makes you the most suitable candidate.”


“The six of you leave now. Erlong, find them someplace

hidden, have Zhao Wuji and Lu Ji Bin go there to guard them
personally. Don’t let anyone see them. Oh, right, call over Shao
Bin as well. That Sweet Pea Spirit of his is suitable to cover up
their injuries. Jiang Zhu, you go too. Appearance is important,
more healing system Spirit Masters is better.”

Right now Flender fully revealed the poise of a dean. Liu

Erlong stood, smiled at Tang San, praise in her eyes, then
brought Dai Mubai and the others away. She was originally the
slaughtering corner of the Golden Iron Triangle, so of course
she quite liked Tang San’s unwaveringly fierce way of dealing

3529 Goldenagato |

with things.

Once Liu Erlong’s group had left, only Flender, Grandmaster,

Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong remained in
the room.

Flender pulled out a chair and sat, but didn’t utter a word. He
raised his hand to rhythmically tap the table, seemingly
pondering something. Grandmaster sat to the side from the
start, with a calm and easygoing appearance.

Before long, Flender raised his head, saying:

“Little San, if the investigators later ask you how you broke
the opponents’ seven spirit fusion ability, how will you

Tang San sincerely said:

“I don’t know.”

In battle his insight was boundless, but in this kind of

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scheming, he could never catch up to Flender.

Flender’s eyes brightened, saying:

“Good, remember that answer.”


Tang San looked distracted a moment, but he reacted very


“I’ll answer that I don’t know?”

Flender grinned, saying:

“That’s right, whatever they ask you, just say that you don’t
know. Tell the investigators that because you couldn’t clearly
see the outside at that time, you just constantly released your
spirit abilities. Once the surroundings became clear again,
everything was already over. You basically don’t know what

3531 Goldenagato |

Tang San blinked,

“Will that work?”

Flender snorted coldly,

“Why wouldn’t it? Those investigator fellows are just making

the rounds. Nobody actually saw what happened that time. As
long as you stick to the three words ‘I don’t know’, they won’t
be able to extort a confession. As long as there’s no proof, we’ll
say those Blue Sunshine Academy students lost control of their
spirit ability, and were turned to vegetables by the backlash.
What can they do? Everything needs proof.”

Ma Hongjun behind Tang San thought out loud:

“Isn’t this villainous?”

Laughter escaped from Grandmaster to the side,

“Now you know, in villainy, who can compare to the

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grandmaster of scoundrels, Flender.”

Flender unhappily shot Grandmaster a glare,

“Don’t tear down my authority, ok? Little San, do you


Tang San hastily nodded, indicating he remembered. Wasn’t

it the three words ‘I don’t know’? Replying ‘I don’t know’
whatever the question, wasn’t that simple?

1尺 = ⅓ m

3533 Goldenagato |

Chapter 104 - Singing To The Same Tune

The tournament committee’s investigative team was formed

even faster than Flender had imagined. A group of more than
ten people bustled into Shrek Academy.

Flender was shocked to recognize the two people in the lead,

he had never expected that the tournament committee would
take this matter quite so seriously.

The organizational committee for Heaven Dou City’s

qualifiers was formed by Spirit Hall and Heaven Dou Empire’s
imperial family, so the two leaders naturally also came from
both sides. What astonished Flender was that the leader
representing Spirit Hall was actually Heaven Dou City Spirit
Temple’s hall master platinum bishop Salas. And representing
Heaven Dou Empire was unexpectedly Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School master Ning Fengzhi.

Later all the Shrek Academy people would learn of Ning

Fengzhi’s status as the crown prince’s teacher. Relying on this
status, he could also be considered a part of the Heaven Dou
Empire’s imperial household.

3534 Goldenagato |

Even though the Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven members
turning into idiots wasn’t a small matter, it absolutely wasn’t to
the degree that it could disturb two big shots like Ning Fengzhi
and Salas. The reason the two of them had come to Shrek
Academy together was somewhat funny.

Originally Salas had also only wanted to send a subordinate,

he had long ago already made plans to deal with Shrek Academy
team’s exceptional performance and their tentative relationship
with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but as Spirit Hall’s
senior member in Heaven Dou City, he of course wouldn’t act as
rashly as Brutal Dream Spirit Master Shi Nian. Therefore he
always waited for an opportunity. The Blue Sunshine
Academy’s seven people turning into idiots had doubtless given
him the best excuse, and this exceptionally sly platinum bishop
had immediately made preparations to kick Shrek Academy out
of the tournament.

But would Ning Fengzhi let him do as he wished? When the

organizational committee was assembling an investigative
team, Ning Fengzhi immediately nominated himself to lead the
inquiries into Shrek Academy.

Letting Ning Fengzhi go would doubtless be like folding, but

Salas also wasn’t willing to give up. With his position, there was
in the end still some distance to Ning Fengzhi. The relationship

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between Spirit Hall and the seven great school had always been
extremely ambiguous. Helplessly, this platinum bishop could
only go himself, coming to Shrek Academy together with Ning
Fengzhi, hoping he could get a handle on things. If he did, even
if Ning Fengzhi’s position was even higher, he still couldn’t
obstruct the fairness of the organizational committee.

Therefore, these two lordly characters directly brought a

cadre to Shrek Academy.

Ning Fengzhi could be said to be doing things as routinely as

driving a chariot on a familiar road. When hearing they had
arrived at the Academy gate, Flender hurriedly brought
Grandmaster and Liu Erlong to meet them. Before going out,
Flender warned Ning Rongrong not to acknowledge Ning
Fengzhi later. Best was if she stayed out of the way.

“Dean Flender, we’ve taken the liberty to disturb you.”

Ning Fengzhi smiling nodded to Flender.

Even though there wasn’t much difference between their

spirit power levels, their position in the Spirit Master world was
nevertheless poles apart. Flender hurriedly returned the

3536 Goldenagato |


“School master Ning is too polite. To have your presence

honor our institution, brings light to our humble Shrek

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and stepped half out of the way,
making the introductions for Flender:

“This is Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple’s hall master, his

eminence platinum bishop Salas.”

With Flender’s slickness, his face didn’t show a trace of

change. He hastily bowed once again,

“So it’s lord bishop Salas. This one is Flender. Please come

Salas gave Flender a slight nod, and the party of more than ten
were guided into Shrek Academy by Flender’s trio.

Ning Fengzhi only brought Bone Douluo Du Rong, while that

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platinum bishop Salas has fully twelve people along. Among
them were two red robed cardinals, as well as ten temple
knights in resplendent silver attire.

Within Spirit Hall, besides clergy, there was still still an

establishment of temple guard knights. Besides the Holy
Emperor Warriors exclusive to Supreme Pontiff Palace and the
Douluo Warriors exclusive to Douluo Palace, the Temple
Warriors of the two great Spirit Temples had the highest status.

These Temple Warriors were all formed from outstanding

Spirit Masters from within Spirit Hall, their strength

Reportedly, the threshold to enter the Temple Knights was

fifty first ranked spirit power. Of course, the admittance
requirements to the Holy Emperor Warriors and Douluo
Warriors was even higher, reaching sixty first rank.

In other words, any Temple Warrior had at least Spirit King

level strength, and Holy Emperor Warriors and Douluo
Warriors were even more at the Spirit Emperor level or higher.

This was still only the most basic level requirements for the

3538 Goldenagato |

three great regiments.

For instance, the commanders of the Holy Emperor Warriors

and Douluo Warriors both possessed Title Douluo strength.
This showed just how deep Spirit Hall’s strength was.

Entering Shrek Academy, Salas’ gaze flickered slightly,

completely imprinting the scenery in his mind.

In the past he would never have paid attention to a common

advanced Spirit Master academy like this, but now it was
different. The Shrek Academy team’s performance in this
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament
was truly astonishing. Even though he still couldn’t see it
clearly, at least it proved that this Academy fostered some elite

Flender directly brought everyone to the first conference

room in the teaching building, and both hosts and guests sat.
Flender left the seat of honor to Salas and Ning Fengzhi, while
he, Liu Erlong and Grandmaster respectfully took the end seats.

“Dean Flender, you should know our purpose in coming


3539 Goldenagato |

Salas raised the teacup in front of him, drinking a mouthful.
His face immediately turned ugly. Even though the tea had only
just been poured, the quality of the leaves were worse than he
could have imagined.

As the Spirit Temple hall master, Salas had always lived like a
prince, at what time would he have had such out of the ordinary
tea as Stars In The Sky?

What was called ‘Stars In The Sky’, was used tea leaf grounds
sprinkled into a cup of hot water, giving a feeling of being as
sparse as stars in the whole sky.

Only the poorest commoners would drink tea like this.

And the Stars In The Sky that Flender had prepared, was also
the Stars In The Sky from Stars In The Sky……

Ning Fengzhi saw Salas’ expression and raised his tea cup to
study it. Flender didn’t treat them differently, the tea in his cup
was exactly the same.

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With difficulty resisting a smile, Ning Fengzhi coughed once,

“Dean Flender, your tea isn’t up to much!”

Given the chance of using this topic to make a fuss, Flender

sighed, saying:

“Please excuse me. Our Shrek Academy really is too poor. All
our funds are used to foster our students, painstakingly
cultivating a few elite children. It was still several years before I
took over the Academy that there would be money to drink tea.”

If Salas’ expression was ugly before, then now his complexion

had completely turned ashen. If not for taking his position into
consideration, he would already have spit it out. Several years
old tea, and moreover such poor quality. Bursts of nausea made
him want to retch. But watching Flender’s pitiful appearance,
he still didn’t flare up. If others don’t have money, what can
you say?

“Dean Flender, don’t change the subject. We didn’t come here

to watch your theatrics.”

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Salas’ voice was already very cold. No matter who it was,
drinking a mouthful of that out of the ordinary Stars In The
Sky, their mood would also be terrible.

Flender blankly looked at Salas:

“I still haven’t had time to ask. Just what matter brings lord
platinum bishop and school master Ning to honor my academy
with your presence?”

Even Ning Fengzhi couldn’t help inwardly gasping in

admiration. Flender’s acting really was too well done. If he
hadn’t met this dean before, and moreover vaguely guessed that
it was Tang San who had crippled those Blue Sunshine Academy
students, he too couldn’t have helped being convinced Flender
knew nothing.

Salas’ brow wrinkled minutely,

“In the previous match, your academy’s students seriously

injured their opponents, causing all seven of Blue Sunshine
Academy’s participating team members to become imbeciles.
Now the Blue Sunshine Academy has raised a stern protest.
Consequently, the tournament organizational committee has

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formed an investigative group to conduct inquiries.”

“What? Blue Sunshine Academy’s students have all become


Flender looked at Salas with ‘shock’.

Salas snorted coldly,

“You teach such good students. At a tender age, their methods

are so ferocious. You should know the rules of the tournament.
This kind of deliberate use of deliberate methods absolutely
can’t be forgiven in the tournament.”

What he said sounded very ordinary, but they were all

misleading. As long as Flender said one word wrong, he’d
immediately grab the opportunity.

“An unjust accusation, lord!”

Flender stood sharply. Because of being wronged, his face was

somewhat deformed.

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Both his eyes were clearly reddened,

“Lord Salas, we’ve been unjustly accused! Those Blue

Sunshine Academy bastards actually dare lodge a complaint?
Six of our seven participating students are all seriously injured,
three of them even life threatening, right now in emergency
treatment by our Academy’s several healing system Spirit
Masters. And they still have the nerve to protest? I intend to
raise a protest to the organizational committee and apply for an

Salas snorted coldly,

“You should know best whether it’s an unjust accusation.

Even if you don’t know, call out the Shrek Academy students
that participated today. We want to conduct our investigation
and interview them separately.”

Flender’s ‘shocked’ expression didn’t show the slightest intent

of weakening. He said resolutely:

“No, out of the question. The children's injuries are too

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severe. If they’re not treated promptly, let alone participating in
the match tomorrow, I’m afraid it might affect their entire
careers as Spirit Masters. What’s most important right now is
treating them. How could they answer your questions?”

A cold light flashed in Salas’ eyes,

“By saying this, are you opposing the organizational

committee? I can take your actions as refusing to cooperate with
the investigation. The tournament organizational committee
will then have the right to strike Shrek Academy from this
year’s Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

“Wait a moment.

Ning Fengzhi didn’t say anything before, only silently

watched Flender and Salas’ discussion. Now he leisurely said:

“Your eminence, legal doctrine can’t exceed reason. Shrek

Academy’s participating students are seriously injured. It seems
inappropriate to rashly make decisions before even

3545 Goldenagato |

Salas calmly said:

“Shrek Academy is currently refusing investigation of the

participating students, this in itself is a significant issue. How
do you believe it should be handled, school master Ning? If we
can’t even make inquiries, how can we prove their innocence?”

Ning Fengzhi turned to Flender, saying:

“Dean Flender, are all of your noble institution’s competing

members in serious condition? I recall that at that time there
was still one student who was well. Is it possible to let him
cooperate with our inquiries? This matter relates to the fairness
of the tournament. I’ll ask you to cooperate.”

In agitation, Flender’s eyes were thoroughly red, seeming as if

he was about to cry,

“Why must we be investigated? Since the tournament is fair,

the judges should have seen the situation at that time. Blue
Sunshine Academy’s competing members used a seven spirit
fusion ability, don’t tell me that’s going easy? If our students
didn’t block their attack, perhaps not even one could have
returned alive. Everyone could see that our students only

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resisted passively, we never did anything wrong. If the
tournament organizational committee still wants to expel us, we
don’t have anything to say.”

A radiant light flashed in Salas’ eyes:

“You said it yourself.”

Flender glowered at Salas,

“Your eminence, what is the meaning of aiming at our Shrek

Academy like this? Fine, I want to see how you’ll expel our
Shrek Academy from the tournament. Xiao Gang, tomorrow
we’ll go to the Holy City to visit the lord Supreme Pontiff, and
have the lord Supreme Pontiff give us justice.”

Ning Fengzhi somewhat anxiously signaled Flender with his

eyes. He didn’t know why the always shrewd Flender would
suddenly become so impulsive. Could it be that those children
really were injured, leaving Flender unable to control his

Flender didn’t seem to have seen Ning Fengzhi’s signal, and

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while roaring at Salas, he repeatedly beat the table.


A Temple Knight stepped forward, and spirit power radiance

flared over all the ten Temple Knights. The two cardinals also
stood. As long as Salas gave the order, they would act

Salas also ignored Flender, turning his head to look at Ning

Fengzhi to his side, saying:

“School master Ning. You’ve also seen it. Shrek Academy is

this rampant, refusing the organizational committee’s
investigation. Without due process, how can we justify
ourselves to the other competing academies?”


Even though Ning Fengzhi wanted to help, right now he was


3548 Goldenagato |

Salas then turned to Flender, sneering,

“You want to go appeal to the lord Supreme Pontiff? Then you

can set out at once. As a result of Shrek Academy violating the
tournament rules, I hereby proclaim……”

He had just said this when suddenly, a voice interrupted him,

“Wait a moment.”

This time it was Grandmaster who spoke up. Even though he

wasn’t as agitated as Flender, his face was ashen,

“Salas. Think clearly before you make a decision.”

“Who are you to use the lord platinum bishop’s name


One of the cardinals immediately reprimanded.

Just when Salas was about to continue his speech, kicking

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Shrek Academy out of the tournament, Grandmaster suddenly
flicked his hand, and something flew out of his sleeve, directly
at Salas.

Without need for Salas to do anything, a Temple Knight

swiftly stepped in front of him, one hand striking at that thing,
spirit power suddenly erupting. At the same time, the other
Temple Knights reacted quickly, instantly surrounding Flender,
Grandmaster and Liu Erlong.

“Hold it.” One hand suddenly stuck out, blocking the hand of
that Temple Knight, forming an incorporeal barrier that
completely surrounded that spirit power strike. Bizarrely, there
wasn’t a trace of energy collision, that Temple Knight’s spirit
power simply faded away like melting snow.

The one to act wasn’t Ning Fengzhi, nor anyone from Shrek
Academy, but rather platinum bishop Salas himself.

Seeing Salas act, the Golden Iron Triangle couldn’t keep from
shivering at the same time. Even though the Temple Knights
weren’t very strong compared to Flender and Liu Erlong, when
that Temple Knight struck there had been five spirit rings
glistening around him, he was clearly a Spirit King over fiftieth
rank. But when Salas had acted after him, his strike had arrived

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first, and without using his spirit had easily dissolved his palm

The Golden Iron Triangle could naturally also dissolve a Spirit

King’s attack, but doing it as effortlessly as Salas had done was
still impossible. Flender secretly thought that even if this guy
didn’t have Title Douluo strength, he should already be
extremely close. Spirit Hall really was unfathomably deep!

Salas used one hand to block that Temple Knight’s attack,

while the other hand caught the thing Grandmaster threw at
him. He looked at the surrounding Temple Knights with a face
as calm as water,

“What are you doing, get out of here all of you. When did I let
you move?”

The Temple Knights clearly didn’t understand why the

platinum bishop suddenly was angry, but nobody dared refuse,
and all ten immediately dejectedly left the room.

Salas didn’t even need to look at it to know what had landed

in his hand. His back felt moist, and along with the Temple
Knights leaving the room, a faint sheen of sweat appeared on his

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His facial expression clearly somewhat moderated, he bowed

to Grandmaster,

“Greetings elder.”

Grandmaster indifferently swept his eyes across him,

“Everyone sit down.”

Flender snickered inwardly, but Ning Fengzhi was extremely

astonished. With his eyesight, he had naturally seen what that
tile was. The highest warrant tile Spirit Hall issued to Spirit Hall
staff, possessing six symbols, this tile also had another name:
Spirit Pontiff Writ. Anyone holding this tile would possess the
seniority of Spirit Hall elders, or even more like the Supreme
Pontiff in person.

Even though Salas knew Grandmaster has some shady

relationship with the holy court, he hadn’t expected him to
actually hold the Supreme Pontiff Writ. In fact, Spirit Hall had
altogether three Supreme Pontiff Writs outside, granted to each

3552 Goldenagato |

of the seven great schools’ three upper sects.

Even Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi

next to him couldn’t casually take out this badge of the Supreme
Pontiff’s authority. Who could have thought that Grandmaster
would actually have this thing? Could it be that this was a

Some fragmentary memories appearing in his mind, Salas

couldn’t keep his heart from suddenly dropping. He knew that
he would be unable to get what he wanted here today, no matter

Right now there was still a Ning Fengzhi next to him. If he

was the slightest bit disrespectful and it got out, then he
wouldn’t stay a platinum bishop.

It might seem that a platinum bishop’s position in Spirit Hall

was second only to the Supreme Pontiff, but in fact, even
though they held a great deal of power, they still didn’t have the
authority to truly make decisions.

Besides the Supreme Pontiff, Spirit Hall still had a hidden

Elder Palace. That was the true heart of power of Spirit Hall.

3553 Goldenagato |

Major matters all required the decision of Elder Palace. In a
vote, even the Supreme Pontiff only held three votes. But Elder
Palace held as many as seven people. When necessary, as long as
these seven were all in agreement, they could even depose the
Supreme Pontiff.

And people with the Supreme Pontiff Writ, even though they
couldn’t compare to true elders, they still had held the position
of honorary elders, and had the qualifications to directly enter
Elder Palace.

Even though the upper three sects of the seven great schools
had always had some distance with Spirit Hall, they still held
monumental power and stood together, therefore, even Spirit
Hall didn’t dare lightly offend them.

Grandmaster wasn’t only born from the Blue Lightning

Tyrant Dragon school, but now he also had this thing. Salas
didn’t dare be presumptuous.

Both hands clasping the Supreme Pontiff Writ, he

deferentially handed it to Grandmaster,

“Please take it back, elder.”

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Grandmaster took the Supreme Pontiff Writ but didn’t put it
away, only leaving it in front of him, indifferently sweeping
Salas with a glance,

“Taking out the Supreme Pontiff Writ isn’t with the intention
of interfering with your eminence. I only hope our Shrek
Academy can obtain fairness. Each student in the Shrek
Academy team is a genius Spirit Master we’ve spent all our
hearts fostering, I don’t want their injuries to grow more
serious as a result of these inquiries, risking lifelong effects. If
the lord bishop absolutely wants to interrogate them, then
please wait until the condition of their injuries has improved.”

Even though Salas was unwilling, with the intimidation of the

Supreme Pontiff Writ, what could he say? Unless the Supreme
Pontiff or a member of Elder Palace were here, the Spirit Hall
staff present didn’t have the qualifications to say anything.

“I was impetuous. Since it’s like this, this investigation is

dismissed. I’ll take my leave.”

Salas was only using the issue for his own ends, the matters of
Blue Sunshine Academy’s life or death was unrelated to him.

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Originally he had wanted to pretend he didn’t know who
Grandmaster was, but now that the Supreme Pontiff Writ had
appeared in front of everyone, if he didn’t act tactfully and
Grandmaster really went to Supreme Pontiff Palace to speak to
the Supreme Pontiff, his later prospects would be bleak.

Let alone speaking of entering Elder Palace.

Flender’s face was already covered with a smiling expression,

“Lord bishop, don’t worry! Just now was also my bad, a bit
too impetuous. What do you say? Among our students, Tang
San’s injuries aren’t serious. It might be better if you ask him?
He is after all the soul of the whole team. I think his knowledge
of the match should also be relatively clear.”

Salas shot Flender a glance, anger building in his heart, ‘If

you’d said so long ago, would I have had to see the Supreme
Pontiff Writ? Since I’ve already sold my face, I can only sell it to
the end. Even if I really found something, don’t tell me I could
really cancel your tournament qualifications?’

“No need, no need. I already understand. Those Blue Sunshine

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Academy students should only have been injured by spirit
ability backlash. Under such circumstances, what could be done
to your noble institution’s students? I’ll take my leave.”

Finished speaking, Salas quickly brought his two cardinals

away without paying any attention to Flender’s urging, even to
the extent that he forgot to say anything to Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi looked deeply at Grandmaster, then left with

Bone Douluo following.

The Golden Iron Triangle trio saw them to the Academy gate.

“No need to see me further. I’ve troubled you today.

Grandmaster, about the Supreme Pontiff……”

Grandmaster looked at Salas’ evasive gaze with a faint smile,


“Don’t worry, your eminence. The tournament is

exceptionally impartial this year.”

3557 Goldenagato |

Salas’ face revealed a trace of satisfaction, then he nodded and
brought his people away.

Ning Fengzhi was in no hurry to leave, and looked at

Grandmaster with a smile:

“I truly didn’t expect that Grandmaster would actually be an

honorary elder of Spirit Hall, Ning Fengzhi has been lacking in
manners before.”

The expression in Grandmaster’s eyes was reserved,

“It’s only to scare some mediocre people, that’s all.”

Ning Fengzhi seemed like he wanted to ask something, but in

the end he still held back,

“The children’s health is important, it would be better to

forfeit tomorrow’s match. That would also give the
organizational committee a way out.”

Finished saying this, Ning Fengzhi took his leave of the trio,

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turning and leaving with the Bone Douluo.

Following the two fading backs with his eyes, the fake smile
on Flender’s face gradually faded,

“This school master Ning is worthy of his reputation. Only,

Xiao Gang, even though you managed to scare off Spirit Hall’s
people with a tiger’s roar this time, I’m afraid it’ll attract even
more attention from them in the future.”

Before Grandmaster had time to open his mouth, suddenly,

his ear twinged painfully. Liu Erlong’s somewhat ice cool voice

“Yu Xiao Gang, you’re unexpectedly still in contact with that

slut, speak, aren’t you……”

Seeing Liu Erlong display the power of her anger, Flender first
looked distracted, then hastily said:

“Eh, I still have some things to do. I’ll go back first. You chat.”

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Finished speaking, he turned and ran without any semblance
of brotherly spirit.

“Ouch, Erlong, let go. You misunderstand.

Grandmaster helplessly looked at Liu Erlong.

Currently, the rims of Liu Erlong’s eyes had turned red,

teardrops forming,

“Misunderstand? That slut even gave you a Supreme Pontiff

Writ, what’s there still to misunderstand? She has such an affair
with you, and you won’t even admit it.”

Grandmaster’s face was stiff as a board,

“Don’t talk nonsense. Let go. She didn’t give me this Supreme
Pontiff Writ.”

Even though Liu Erlong was a lot stronger than Grandmaster,

when Grandmaster’s true anger still made her somewhat afraid.
Releasing the ear she’d grabbed,

3560 Goldenagato |

“Then speak, who gave you this Supreme Pontiff Writ? If your
answer doesn’t satisfy me, I won’t let it go at that.”

Grandmaster helplessly said:

“Ah, you. No matter what your age you’re still so impulsive.”

Liu Erlong’s eyebrows shot up,

“You’re saying I’m old?”

“Eh…… You know that wasn’t what I meant. Don’t you want
to hear the story of this Supreme Pontiff Writ?”


Liu Erlong then restrained her temper somewhat.

Grandmaster sighed lightly, saying:

3561 Goldenagato |

“Little San’s father gave it to me.”

Liu Erlong wasn’t very familiar with Tang San’s background.

Ever since Grandmaster had appeared, she’d set her entire heart
on him alone. Now she couldn’t keep from astonished saying:

“Little San’s father? How is that possible, don’t tell me……”

Grandmaster took Liu Erlong’s hand, walking into the

Academy. While walking, he slowly spoke four words:

“Title Douluo: Clear Sky.”


In order to prove that their students were indeed seriously

injured, the next day, Shrek Academy announced that they
would be forfeiting the next two matches to give the team
members enough time to rest.

3562 Goldenagato |

Shrek Academy’s undefeated golden record was also smashed
with this. Moreover, the opponents they drew for these two
days were unexpectedly the two great powers, Godwind
Academy and Thunderclap Academy.

If Thunderclap Academy felt they were somewhat lucky, then

Godwind Academy’s captain Feng Xiaotian was depressed.

Shrek Academy forfeiting admittedly directly gave them the

victory, but Huo Wu’s anger clearly wouldn’t abate because of a
victory like this. Feng Xiaotian hadn’t truly defeated Tang San,
so he could only temporarily shelve his plans of bringing back
the beauty.

The qualifiers continued with the momentum of wildfire.

After Shrek Academy returned, their strength hadn’t weakened
like some spectators had thought, and they continued playing
their victory song. Very soon, altogether twenty seven rounds of
the qualifiers approached their conclusion. Only the last round
remained before the end.

At present, the top teams were ranked as follows:

Thunderclap Academy, twenty six fights with twenty five

3563 Goldenagato |

victories. Their only loss was against Godwind Academy.

Godwind Academy, twenty six fights with twenty five wins.

Their only loss was against Blazing Academy. With a certain key
character throwing the game, avoiding defeat wasn’t easy.

Shrek Academy, twenty six fights with twenty four wins.

Blazing Academy, twenty six fights with twenty three wins.

Skywater Academy, twenty six fights with twenty three wins.

Elephant Armored Academy, twenty six fights with twenty

one wins.


Even though there was still the final round remaining before
the conclusion, in fact, the passing teams were already decided.
Those were: Thunderclap Academy, Godwind Academy, Shrek
Academy, Blazing Academy, and Skywater Academy.

3564 Goldenagato |

As one of the five elemental academies, Elephant Armored
Academy had lost to each of the ranking five and was now
hopelessly out of bounds.

In the final round, among the top five, Thunderclap Academy,

Godwind Academy, and Blazing Academy were each facing weak
opponents, and their victory was more or less assured.

But Shrek Academy had finally once again come across

another troublesome opponent since Blazing Academy, and
would settle the outcome of the final round with Skywater

Even though the match was unrelated to who would pass, it

still bore upon their ranking in the qualifiers. Shrek Academy’s
victory could preserve their third place.

If Skywater Academy won, then adding their previous victory

over Blazing Academy, they would replace Shrek Academy’s

Therefore, at the final round, the organizational committee

had arranged for the top five teams as well as Elephant Armored

3565 Goldenagato |

Academy to fight in the same round, as a brilliant
representation of the final qualifying round to the spectators.

Shrek Academy facing Skywater Academy was no doubt the

most important match, so they were naturally selected to carry
it out on the central stage.

Every day there were fourteen matches, split over three

rounds. As a result of the qualifiers already being settled by
now, as well as it being the final round, the academies that had
already washed out weren’t particularly zealous, and the first
two rounds ended very quickly.

In the rest area, the five great elemental academies and Shrek
Academy were quietly waiting to go up. Of course, there were
still another four teams as foils.

Tang San and Dai Mubai sat close together in front of their
team, quietly waiting for the match to begin.

Thinking back over these qualifiers, the only ones that had
truly brought them any trouble was Elephant Armored
Academy, Blazing Academy, and Blue Sunshine Academy. And
Blue Sunshine Academy was dealt with by Tang San with his

3566 Goldenagato |

Purple Demon Eye alone.

The remaining powers, Godwind Academy and Thunderclap

Academy, had passed while they forfeited their matches. The
rest of the qualifiers passed without hindrance.

Even though there were hindrances among them, speaking

overall, it still went smoothly. Today was the final round of the
qualifiers. Even if their inability to become the champions of
the qualifiers left Tang San somewhat frustrated, he had long
ago secretly vowed that no matter what, the final championship
of this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament was set aside for Shrek Academy.

The outcome of today’s match might be without consequence,

but neither Tang San and Dai Mubai had any intent of giving
up. Only by unceasingly competing with powers could they
increase their own strength.

Shrek Academy’s lineup was separately: Captain, Evil Eye

White Tiger Dai Mubai. Vice Captain, Thousand Hands Asura
Tang San. Close combat power attack system Spirit Master Soft
Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, power attack system Spirit
Masters Tai Long and Huang Yuan, agility attack system Spirit
Master Jing Ling and healing system Spirit Master Jiang Zhu.

3567 Goldenagato |

Same as their fight against Blazing Academy, there were only
three people from their main force.

The start of the final match drew closer and closer. At this
time, a cheerful silhouette surreptitiously came over. His gaze
first swept across Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing,
then landed on Tang San.

“Brother Tang, today is the final match. Work hard!”

Tang San and the others looked at the new arrival. It wasn’t a
stranger, but the Godwind Academy team’s captain, Feng

Looking at him, Xiao Wu couldn’t help frowning,

“Why did you come here? Can’t you say something new?”

In fact, before practically each match since Shrek Academy

had defeated Blazing Academy, Feng Xiaotian had come over to
give Shrek Academy a pep talk.

3568 Goldenagato |

Flender’s referring to himself as (在下), a very humble
personal pronoun.

Half guessing here, since (满天星) is also the name of a plant,

Baby’s Breath in English. If anyone has a better translation of
“茶叶末,先倒好一杯热水,然后撒一把进去”, let me know.

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Chapter 105 - Spirit Fusion Ability, Drifting

The shrek Academy group naturally didn’t know what this

fellow intended, but how couldn’t repeating the same words
every single day arouse their suspicions?

Actually, Feng Xiaotian’s goal was quite simple. They hadn’t

met Shrek Academy in the qualifiers, therefore what he wanted
to see the least was Shrek Academy losing even once. Only if
everyone entered the finals would they have the chance to fight.
This was a rare chance to woo Huo Wu! He wouldn’t give up as
long as there was still hope.

Feng Xiaotian also became comparatively familiar with Shrek

Academy over these days,

“Little sister Xiao Wu, don’t be like that. Big brother just came
to cheer you on!”

Xiao Wu snorted unhappily,

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“Who’s your little sister, don’t worm your way into being

Tang San patted Xiao Wu’s shoulder. Walking over in front of

Feng Xiaotian, he said with a smile:

“We’ll do our utmost. If senior Feng hopes we can meet in the

finals, then don’t lose in the later competitions either. Like that,
we will definitely encounter each other.”

Even though Feng Xiaotian was still all smiles, a trace of

radiance flashed in the corners of his eyes, perfectly caught by
Tang San’s outstanding eyesight.

“Since you say as much, is your Shrek Academy’s goal the


Tang San countered:

“Don’t tell me it isn’t for your Godwind Academy?”

Against everyone’s expectations, Feng Xiaotian actually shook

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his head, saying:

“Of course not. We’ve never hoped to be champions. Nobody

could defeat those Spirit Hall freaks.”

Dai Mubai’s heart twitched. As they didn’t have any

information on Spirit Hall’s competing team, he couldn’t help

“Are those Spirit Hall representatives very strong?”

Feng Xiaotian grinned, saying:

“I also don’t know the specifics. Anyway, in order for us to

meet, first pray you don’t encounter them. The matches are
starting, I’ll leave first.”

Watching Feng Xiaotian’s quickly departing back, Dai Mubai’s

evil eyes revealed a somewhat peculiar luster,

“This Feng Xiaotian definitely know something, but he’s not


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Tang San muttered to himself:

“Godwind Academy is already very powerful. In this

competition, besides not meeting us, they even defeated the
first ranked Thunderclap Academy. If not for once being
defeated by the fourth ranked Blazing Academy, Godwind
Academy’s record would be straight wins. Even if this doesn’t
prove they’re the strongest in the competition, they should
definitely be more difficult to handle than Blazing Academy and
Elephant Armored Academy. Such a strong team unexpectedly
doesn’t have any belief in defeating Spirit Hall’s representative
team. It seems that the opponents we’ll face in the finals will be
rather difficult to deal with.”

The two looked face to face, their faces somewhat serious.

If it was in a competition between their peers, the Shrek

Seven Devils wouldn’t fear anyone’s challenge. But the upper
age limit for this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Tournament was twenty five.

Even though talents were rare, that absolutely didn’t mean

there were none. What kind of place was Spirit Hall? It was the

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holy land of all Spirit Masters. How could the people in a team
representing Spirit Hall be lacking in strength?

While the Shrek Academy group was pondering the strength

of future opponents, not far away from them was a group of
young women watching them attentively.

“Eldest sister. Look, Shrek Academy’s Dai Mubai is so stylish!

I heard his nickname is Evil Eye White Tiger, his eyes have
double pupils.”

The speaker was a young woman with a goose egg face. She
appeared about twenty, built petite, with short dark green hair
that seemed extremely spirited.

These women all wore blue uniforms, precisely the opponent

Shrek Academy was about to face, Skywater Academy.

The five great elemental academies all had their own special
requirements for enrolling new students. For the Elephant
Armored Academy’s criteria, first was that body weight had to
exceed three hundred jin, while the next were requirements to
the spirit.

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The other four elemental academies mainly had criterions
relating to spirit properties. Students enrolling in Blazing
Academy had to have spirits with fire attributes, and for
Skywater Academy that was naturally water attributes.

Among the five great elemental academies, Skywater

Academy’s examination requirements were the most pitiless,
because apart from having a water attribute spirit, they still had
a few extra requirements.

First, they only accepted female students. Second, non-

beauties weren’t accepted.

But they also had a humane side. Among the five great
elemental academies, Skywater Academy was the only one that
accepted commoners. In this respect they were the same as
Shrek Academy.

Consequently, not only were the members of Skywater

Academy’s team all female students, but each and every one was

The speaking short dark green haired young woman appeared

to be the youngest of the seven members, her face still

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somewhat childish.

“Seventh girl, when did you become so starry eyed? If this

goes on, won’t you be throwing the match later?”

A goose egg faced red haired young woman teased.

“Alright, don’t be noisy. The match is about to start, Shrek

Academy are very difficult to deal with. From the start of the
qualifiers, they actually haven’t lost a single match. It was no
coincidence both Blazing Academy and Elephant Armored
Academy lost to them one after the other. Prevailing over them
won’t be easy. Even if we’re already in the clear, if we lose to
them today, they will have a psychological advantage over us in
the finals. Therefore, in the match today, everyone have to go
all out.”

Compared to the previous two girls, this girl’s voice was a lot
calmer. Among all the Skywater Academy’s seven competing
members, she absolutely wasn’t the oldest, and might even be
the youngest, as she didn’t seem to have reached twenty. But
when she spoke, the other six girls clearly moderated their
expressions a lot, and even looked at her somewhat respectfully.

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This woman’s height was about one meter sixty five or so, her
figure exceptionally well proportioned, neither exaggeratedly
ample or petite.

A head of ocean blue long hair scattered over her back, and
her face was decorated with exquisite features. At first glance
she might not seem so outstanding, but at closer look one could
constantly discover her beauty. A beauty like a rising moon.

She was the Skywater Academy’s team captain, and also the
team’s eldest sister, Shui Bing-Er. Skywater Academy’s team
members weren’t ranked according to their age, but according
to their strength.

Therefore, even though Shui Bing-Er was the youngest, the

sisters of the team sincerely called her ‘eldest sister’.

Her position in the Skywater Academy team was even more

important than Tang San’s in the Shrek Academy team.

At this moment, it finally became their turn to enter the arena

as the last round of matches.

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When the five great elemental academies and Shrek Academy
entered, the entire Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena boiled.
Today was the last day of the qualifiers, and also the last round
of matches.

For the grand occasion of seeing the competitions of the five

great elemental academies and Shrek Academy alike, today the
prices for tickets was several times higher than before, but
despite this they were still hard to find.

The Shrek Academy team and the Skywater Academy team

climbed the central stage from separate ends.

Perhaps it was because of last time’s fight between Shrek

Academy and Blue Sunshine Academy turning out as a great
disgrace for the commentator in the VIP seats, but over these
days of competition he had restrained himself a lot.

“The final round of matches of these qualifiers is about to

start. First of all, let us turn our gazes to the left stage, Elephant
Academy versus Pondering Peak Academy, ……, and finally,
let’s turn our gazes to the central stage. This is also the most
anticipated match of the day. Already certain to pass the
qualifiers, Shrek Academy and Skywater Academy will stage the
final spectacle of this Continental Advanced Spirit Master

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Academy Elite Tournament’s qualifiers. On one side is this
year’s dark horse, on one side a veteran team. Who will obtain
the final victory in the end? Let us wipe our eyes and see.”

Climbing onto the central stage, as Shui Bing-Er saw Shrek

Academy’s final troop arrangement, she couldn’t keep from
frowning. Just like Blazing Academy’s Huo Wu, inwardly rose
an equal anger.

The other two fortieth ranked Spirit Masters that Shrek

Academy had revealed in previous matches didn’t appear among
their members for this match.

‘Are they actually looking down on our Skywater Academy,

still thinking this kind of formation is enough to deal with us?’

The referee indicated both sides salute each other.

Both sides lined up, Shui Bing-Er and Dai Mubai opposite each
other. Clearly seeing Shui Bing-Er’s appearance, Dai Mubai also
couldn’t help starting slightly. He had seen a lot of beautiful
women, but this kind of characteristic girl was still rather rare,
especially even though Shui Bing-Er’s aura wasn’t powerful, the
wise and farsighted look in her eyes was something he couldn’t

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help but associate with Tang San’s expression.

Dai Mubai immediately judged that this was a very intelligent


In order to temper the Shrek Seven Devils’ adaptability,

before the start of each match of the qualifiers, Grandmaster
didn’t give them any detailed introduction of the opponents.
Everything was up to Tang San’s management. This made the
results of engaging in these kinds of real combat exercises even

“Shrek Academy team captain, Dai Mubai, forty fourth

ranked power attack system Battle Spirit Master.”

The counterpart was after all a girl, so Dai Mubai would

clearly be a lot more polite than when confronting other teams
in the past. Announcing his name and level expressed his
esteem for the opponents.

Even though Shui Bing-Er was inwardly somewhat angry, she

didn’t show it on the surface. Seeing Dai Mubai take the
initiative to express his respect, she also immediately
announced herself,

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“Skywater Academy team captain, Shui Bing-Er, forty third
ranked control system Battle Spirit Master.”

She was a control system Spirit Master? Hearing the

opponent’s words, Dai Mubai couldn’t keep from glancing at
Tang San next to him, inwardly saying, ‘Little San, this time
you seem to have met your opponent.’

Tang San was still undisturbed. Making out anything from his
face wasn’t easy.

“Shui Yue-Er, thirty sixth ranked agility attack system Battle

Spirit Master.”

Standing next to Shui Bing-Er, with a somewhat similar

appearance, the short haired young woman who was excited
over Dai Mubai before, took the initiative to announce her own
name. She and Shui Bing-Er were paternal siblings, related by
blood despite the different hair colors.

Ah? Dai Mubai stared blankly, and Shui Bing-Er was also in a
daze. The captains of both sides announcing themselves was

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already enough to show respect. This was a match, not an
exchange of pointers. Shui Yue-Er’s words immediately seemed
a bit abrupt.

Shui Yue-Er also discovered her mistake immediately after

speaking, her face turning a shade red. But this girl was clearly
rather easygoing, and her big eyes fixedly looked at Dai Mubai,
hardly concealing her interest.

If it was before, Dai Mubai definitely wouldn’t have rejected

such a beautiful woman, and moreover a Spirit Master. But now
it was different, the Hell Civet was still watching from the
audience. Their relationship had with great difficulty eased a
lot, and if it broke down again, Dai Mubai really didn’t know
how he would pass his later days.

Therefore, confronted with this unprovoked friendliness, Dai

Mubai could only look down, taking the appearance of an
upright gentleman.

In order to keep their counterpart from being too

embarrassed, Tang San lightly nudged Xiao Wu next to him,
who immediately caught on,

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“Xiao Wu. Thirty eighth rank agility attack system Spirit

The referee also didn’t drag it out further,

“Both sides get ready. You can release your spirits.”

Dai Mubai and Shui Bing-Er raised their heads practically

simultaneously. Light flashed through the four pupils of Dai
Mubai’s evil eyes, his imposing manner immediately changing,
suddenly releasing pressure just like a fierce tiger coming down
a mountain. With the difference in spirit power, the seven
young women in front of him immediately shivered.

The Shrek team immediately took their positions. It was still a

trio of power attack in front, Tang San in the middle, Xiao Wu
and Jing Ling on his left and right, and Jiang Zhu supporting
from the rear.

But the formation of the opposing Skywater Academy team

was unexpectedly quite similar to their side. Three girls in the
front, Shui Bing-Er in the middle, Shui Yue-Er and another
agility attack system young woman to her left and right, as well
as a young woman with long black hair and a somewhat pale

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face in the rear.

Both sides released their spirits practically simultaneously,

their full strength immediately emerging.

Making Dai Mubai and Tang San somewhat startled was that
Skywater Academy’s strength was even a bit above theirs.
Because of competing every day, they’d basically not had the
time to observe their opponents, and Grandmaster deliberately
didn’t give them any information. That’s why they only knew
that Skywater Academy was made up of female students, and
that they all had water attribute strength. Basically nothing

Now, when both sides simultaneously released their spirit

rings, Skywater Academy’s strength immediately emerged.

Besides the forty third ranked Shui Bing-Er, there were

another two fortieth ranked Spirit Masters. One was one of the
three power attack system Spirit Masters standing in front, and
the other was the black haired young woman who stood
furthest in the back.

Even though the colors of the spirit rings were different, the

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spirits of the seven Skywater Academy team members all had
the same color, all water blue.

Shui Bing-Er was completely enveloped in a layer of hazy blue

light, a ring of dazzling blue light somewhat beautifully vague
hanging behind her back. Even Tang San couldn’t see just what
her spirit was, he only felt it had a very formidable aura.

The three power attack system Battle Spirit Masters in front

all had very strange spirits as well, they all had some places
covered in fine scales, not dragon scales, but rather like fish.

And of the two agility attack system Spirit Masters, Shui Yue-
Er’s spirit made her skin shining as if glazed, and the other
agility attack system Spirit Master’s skin turned completely

The Shrek Academy team all looked at each other. It was the
first time they had encountered this kind of opponent where
they actually couldn’t even see what their spirits were. Even
though they still hadn’t started, they already understood they
were at a disadvantage.


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When the referee saw that both sides had released their
spirits, he immediately announced.


A very simple word. Under Tang San’s direction, Dai Mubai,

Tai Long and Huang Yuan simultaneously charged. Unable to
see what the opponents’ spirits were, they would probe it by
fighting. In battle, they could make a clearer judgement.

Xiao Wu and Jing Ling simultaneously detoured around either

side, while Tang San followed close behind the three attackers,
five strips of Blue Silver Grass simultaneously tying around the
five peoples’ waists. Even if the opponents had powerful burst
attacks, he could still instantly help his teammates retreat.

Along with the frontal charge of Dai Mubai’s trio, Skywater

Academy’s three power attack system Spirit Masters also
moved. But neither side unleashed their spirit abilities right
away, rather meeting their opponents with pressure.

Two attentive eyes drew in Tang San. The instant his gaze

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met those eyes, inwardly he immediately felt somewhat
unreassured. Without guarding himself, he directly launched
his first spirit ability, Binding.

Three Binding’s released simultaneously, their targets the

three power attack system Spirit Masters in front. Since last
time when he sensed the aura of the wild blue silver grass, his
own Blue Silver Grass had become a lot stronger than before.

This first spirit ability could even more instantly reach any
corner within the range of his spirit power control.

Just the moment Tang San launched his first spirit ability,
Shui Bing-Er’s first spirit ring had also already brightened.

Watery blue light flashed, and Tang San only felt his whole
body go cold and his advance suddenly coming to a standstill, as
his entire body was encased in a block of solid ice. At the same
time, Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan, and Tai Long were stopped the
same way.

Even though this was only the first spirit ability, instantly
sending four proved the power of Shuo Bing-Er’s spirit power

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The power attack system Spirit Masters of both sides were
restrained simultaneously, the difference was that on the Shrek
Academy side even the control system Spirit Master was

Shui Bing-Er’s second spirit ring flared close after the first,
discharging altogether five rings of ice, separately enveloping
Skywater Academy’s three power attack system Spirit Masters
and two agility attack system Spirit Masters.

A miraculous scene appeared, the Spirit Masters enveloped by

the five rings of ice suddenly grew a layer of sparkling blue
armor, and along with the three power attack system Spirit
Masters using force, the Blue Silver Grass around them already
began to rupture.

Hong—— Great puffs of ice powder flew in all directions. A

moment like this could show who had the greater strength.
Before the three opposing power attack system Spirit Masters
threw off the Blue Silver Grass, Dai Mubai had already turned
his restraints into ice dust. With a great roar, the two abilities
White Tiger Barrier and White Tiger Light Wave unleashed

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White Tiger Barrier was for himself, but the White Tiger
Light Wave directly passed by the three power attack system
Spirit Masters, going straight for Shui Bing-Er.

“Xue Wu, begin.”

Shui Bing-Er faced Dai Mubai’s attack with composure. After

first giving orders, she used her second spirit ability on herself
as well, and was immediately covered in a layer of ice armor.

When Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Light Wave struck her body,
the blue light previously released behind her suddenly fused
together with Shui Bing-Er’s ice armor.

With a peng sound, Shui Bing-Er only took a step back, but
didn’t suffer any injuries.

The Blue Silver Grass was thrown off, and Huang Yuan and
Tai Long also struggled free of the solid ice, one after the other.
The speed with which Tang San shed his restraints was still a lot
faster than them, but the instant he had just struggled out of the
solid ice, Shui Bing-Er’s first spirit ability descended once again.
Basically without being given the chance to stall, Tang San was
already icebound again.

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Tai Long was a strength type Spirit Masters. Facing his
opponent, a tall female Spirit Master, he swung his big hands,
directly grabbing towards his counterpart. The opponent was
after all a girl, and he’d be embarrassed to act heavy handed. His
strength erupting, he believed that there was no Spirit Master
on the same level that could compare to him in strength. Of
course, even Tang San had to rely on technique to prevail over
his strength.

The female Spirit Master he confronted equally raised her

hands without dodging. Strong blue light releasing from her
body, the first spirit ring flaring, the scales that originally only
appeared on her cheeks spread across her body in a flash, and at
the same time her second spirit ring also brightened, a ball of
intense blue light rising from her chest and shooting directly at
the pit of Tai Long’s stomach.

Confronted by the opponent’s attack, Tai Long changed his

grab to a strike, swatting at the opponent’s shoulder. Because
his spirit abilities were completely internal, the speed with
which he launched them was faster than any other Spirit
Master. The same moment the opponent’s attack completed, his
hand also struck her shoulder.

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A strike was a strike, but making Tai Long feel very baffled
was that it was like striking a block of slippery ice, dispersing
the majority of his strength. But that sphere of blue light also
struck his chest, violent impact force immediately blasting Tai
Long’s massive body flying.

That young woman also didn’t get off easy, she had still
underestimated Tai Long’s strength. Even though she had
substantially weakened Tai Long’s attack by relying on her first
spirit ability, a part of the force still affected her.

With a muffled groan, she fell back several steps, half her
body already turned numb.

At the same time as both sides began fighting, that black

haired girl in the Skywater Academy’s rear also began moving.
Bizarrely, she didn’t attack, but rather started dancing in place.

Black hair fluttering, dancing lightly and gracefully, her four

spirit rings glittered in turn, circle after circle of hazy blue light
spreading out along with her dance. As she danced, a black
cloud unexpectedly formed over the central stage, just
enveloping the platform. Immediately afterward, pea sized
drops of rain began to fall, turning into a torrential downpour.

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These drops didn’t fall on the Skywater Academy girls. When
they got close, they would quietly slide off. But it wasn’t that
easy for the Shrek Academy team members. In just a moment,
besides the still icebound Tang San, the other six already looked
like drowned rats.

Peng—— The ice seal shattered once again. This time Tang
San didn’t pause, his fourth spirit ring already flaring. Seven
circles of Blue Silver Grass immediately rushed out of the
ground, instantly turning into Blue Silver Prisons and
enveloping the seven opponents.

He didn’t have any other choice. He could still see the

battlefield situation even when icebound. Before he broke free,
Shui Bing-Er had already used her ice bindings three times one
after another on his teammates. The entire battlefield was
already completely suppressed. Especially after Jiang Zhu was
icebound. She didn’t have the strength to break the ice, and
breaking free by only relying on spirit power would take a very
long time.

Therefore Tang San didn’t spare his spirit power, instantly

launching Blue Silver Prison.

Shui Bing-Er clearly hadn’t thought Tang San could use his

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spirit so quickly. She basically didn’t pay any attention to the
Blue Silver Prisons on her side, raising a hand and waving it,
another ice binding fell on Tang San.

Even though this was only Shui Bing-Er’s first spirit ability, it
still gave Tang San endless headaches. This ability wasn’t just
instant, but also basically couldn’t be dodged and affected the
body directly. As long as Shui Bing-Er mentally locked on him,
he would inevitably be icebound.

Only this time he was prepared, and the instant he was

icebound, Tang San immediately released a Blue Silver Prison
on himself, enlarging the range of the ice binding a bit. When
the ice binding was complete, he used his control to
immediately revoke the Blue Silver Prison Again, using the force
of the recall of Blue Silver Prison to immediately break the ice.

Dai Mubai hadn’t been cooperating with Tang San for just a
day or two. When suppressed, he didn’t have room for any
tender feelings. His opponent finally restrained by Blue Silver
Prison, Dai Mubai immediately launched his third spirit ability,
White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

An originally already majestic body swelling up once again,

terrifying force spreading outward, Tai Long raised his strength

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to the peak at the same time as him. Under their present
conditions, Shui Bing-Er’s ice binding was already unable to
stop them at all.

Making Tang San somewhat depressed was that his Blue

Silver Prison not only couldn’t stop Shui Bing-Er from
continuing to use her spirit abilities, but it couldn’t stop the
black haired young woman from dancing either. Even though
Blue Silver Prison’s restraining range was small, that black
haired young woman could fully use the small space for her
dance, and the rain falling from the black clouds was growing
colder and colder.

Countless Blue Silver Grass rushed out from Tang San’s body,
becoming a forest of vines, completely sheltering him within. In
order not to be restrained by Shui Bing-Er’s ability, he had no
choice but to protect himself like this. At the same time, his
voice also spread from within the Blue Silver Grass.

By now, Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy had both

finished their matches already. The two great teams’ burst
power really was too strong, and their opponents basically
couldn’t even put up a fight before they were defeated.

They were in no hurry to withdraw, but rather each followed

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the central match closely from their stages.

Huo Wu said to Huo Wushuang:

“Ge, it seems Shui Bing-Er’s ability just restrains Tang San.

See how sorry he’s looking.”

Huo Wushuang nodded, saying:

“Your Defying Flame Ring ability just restrains Shui Bing-Er.

Skywater Academy really is very powerful this time around.
Especially Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu.”

On the Godwind Academy side, Feng Xiaotian helplessly

watched the battlefield,

“Fortunately Skywater Academy are all women. Even if Shrek

Academy loses, they still won’t snatch my Huo Wu. Ai, poor
Shrek Academy, it really isn’t easy confronting a group of girls.
Originally I also just managed to use wind to blow them off……”

“Boss, do you think everyone’s brains are as filled with

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women as yours?”


“Mubai, Meteor Shower, Blue Silver Prison, power attack left

and right.”

Tang San used the most succinct words possible to conduct

the battle.

A purple spirit ring flashed with light, and dazzling splendor

rose above Dai Mubai’s head, the power ful fourth spirit ability
finally taking the stage, White Tiger Meteor Shower.

Dazzling meteor after meteor fell from the sky. Those meteors
weren’t aimed at the fortieth ranked power attack system Battle
Spirit Master in front of Dai Mubai, but rather struck each of
Tai Long and Huang Yuan’s opponents.

Seeing the White Tiger Meteor Shower striking their side,

Shui Bing-Er’s expression immediately changed somewhat. But
what came after was even more unexpected.

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The targets of the meteor shower weren’t the two young
women who still hadn’t struggled free of the Blue Silver Prisons,
but rather the Blue Silver Prisons surrounding them.

A series of loud explosions followed.

The Blue Silver Prisons shattered in response, but that

formidable impact also sent the two Skywater Academy power
attack system Battle Spirit Masters flying, throwing them
directly off the stage.

Tang San’s calculations were extremely precise. If the White

Tiger Meteor Shower attacked that fortieth ranked Battle Spirit
Master in front of Dai Mubai, unless it struck her directy it
would be very difficult to defeat her. But their opponents were
all girls, and using killing moves was naturally no good.

But if it struck the Blue Silver Prisons, under Tang San’s

coordination, shooting the two somewhat weaker power attack
system Battle Spirit Masters off the stage, it would weaken the

At the same time, Tang San’s Binding ability launched, its

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target that still dancing black haired young woman.

“Too late.”

Though Shui Bing-Er was alarmed, she wasn’t panicked. Just

as Tang San’s Binding ability launched a ring of ice blue light
erupted from her body, the result unexpectedly the same as Huo
Wu’s Defying Flame Ring, though by different means.

Tang San only felt an ice cold strike before his Binding ability
was unexpectedly forced back. Under the instantly blossoming
effect of the ice ring, even though it didn’t break Tang San’s
Blue Silver Prison, it still forced the Shrek Avademy side’s
members to all retreat.

The Blue Silver Prisons trapping Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu

instantly broke, ripped apart by her full strength third spirit

Shui Bing-Er moved, not advancing, but rather retreating,

turning in the ice rain to rush back to Xue Wu. And the other
three people gathered quickly, blocking in front of the two.

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“Not good, it’s a spirit fusion ability.”

Tang San immediately came to the realization when he saw

Shui Bing-Er’s actions.

But just as Shui Bing-Er said. Too late.

Blue hair and black hair fused together in a flash, merging

into a dazzling pillar of blue and white light that shot into the
black clouds above. Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu’s bodies
disappeared simultaneously, as their spirit fusion ability finally

From the start of the competition, while Shui Bing-Er used

her full strength to restrain Tang San, this spirit fusion ability
had been prepared. When that ray of light shot into the black
clouds, even if Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu were defeated, it still
wouldn’t stop the power of the spirit fusion ability from being


Tang San shouted. Since it couldn’t be stopped, they could

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only endure.

Under the pull of the Blue Silver Grass, Dai Mubai, Huang
Yuan, Tai Long, Jing Ling, and Xiao Wu were simultaneously
drawn in, moving everyone near the icebound Jiang Zhu.

Right now Tang San wasn’t able to deal with others, pulling
Jiang Zhu to the middle and crowding him and the other five
tightly around her.

“Healing scepter, full strength. Quick.”

Jiang Zhu caught on immediately, directly planting the

healing scepter on the ground.

The rain in the sky changed, the ice rain becoming snow that
danced in the air, just that each snow flake was as sharp as a
blade, and as they spun and drifted down, a whirlpool of ice and
snow engulfed the Shrek Academy team.

“Concede if you’re unable to persevere, we will stop.”

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Shui Bing-Er’s voice sounded from outside.

Tang San answered her with action. Blue Silver Grass,

Binding, launched. This time the target was the six people with
him. Twisting tightly, it didn’t leave a trace of a crack.

Fourth spirit ability, Blue Silver prison, launched. Altogether

seven Blue Silver Prison’s rushed out frantically from the
ground, becoming seven protective barriers.

Finally, Tang San used his almost exhausted spirit power to

create a Spiderweb Restraint outside of the Blue Silver Prisons.
Of his four spirit abilities, Spiderweb Restraint was doubtless
the most durable.

Drifting Snow, a very beautiful name, but this beauty

contained inexhaustible killing intent. How powerful was a
spirit fusion ability used by two fortieth ranked Spirit
Ancestors? Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had revealed it as early
as their match against Elephant Armored Academy. But this
time, the Shrek Academy team had become the defenders.

This was the first time since the start of the competition that
Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu used this spirit fusion ability, this was

3601 Goldenagato |

also their hidden card. They hadn’t used it when facing the five
elemental academies, but they absolutely weren’t willing to lose
against Shrek Academy.

The audience saw that dancing snow tornado, but the Shrek
Academy team members also heard a toothache inducing
grinding sound.

Could Tang San’s spirit abilities resist this Drifing Snow spirit
fusion ability? Could they still obtain victory in the final match
of these qualifiers? Within that storm of snowflakes, all this
became uncertain.

Nobody knew. Not even the powers in the VIP seats could say
for certain.

A face shape considered very beautiful in China.

300斤 = 150 kg

(水冰儿) “Water Icelet” - The last character is a diminutive


3602 Goldenagato |

(雪舞) “Snow Dance”, the same wu as in Xiao Wu or Huo Wu.

3603 Goldenagato |

Chapter 106 - Drifting Snow Ice Phoenix

Blue Silver Grass really was durable, the Blue Silver Grass
making up the Spider Web Restraint especially was even
tougher. Relying on his full spirit power output, Tang San’s
defense of his side was watertight. However, no matter how
durable, Blue Silver Grass was still only vines and leaves.

The power of the spirit fusion ability used by the combined

strength of two fortieth ranked Spirit Masters wasn’t inferior to
the spirit ability of a sixtieth ranked Spirit Master.

Drifting Snow didn’t have as tyrannical force of impact as Hell

White Tiger, but surpassed it in endurance.

Amidst the tooth ache inducing and ear piercing grinding

sound, the sticky and tough Spider Web Restraint was already
starting to show signs of breaking.

Countless snowflakes constantly cut at each corner of Tang

San’s defense like a meat grinder, and under those sharper than
knives snowflakes, the outermost layer of defense was very
quickly being cut, shattered.

3604 Goldenagato |

What Drifting Snow had to erode next, was Tang San’s ten
thousand year spirit ring ability, Blue Silver Prison.

When Tang San had only just learned Blue Silver Prison, at
most he could use seven at once. In resilience, Blue Silver Prison
was inferior to Spiderweb Restraint, but it won out in being able
to instantly appear at the opponent’s position, and could
moreover be used for group control.

Along with Tang San’s cultivation of Three Aperture

Governing Heart gradually maturing, his skill in using this
fourth spirit ability had also increased. This was after all a ten
thousand year spirit ring ability, and there were a lot more ways
to manipulate it than Spiderweb Restraint.

The reason Tang San could fully use more than ten Blue Silver
Prisons wasn’t that his spirit power had increased a lot, but
rather because his spirit power was released more accurately
each time he used this spirit ability in real combat.

In other words, Blue Silver Prisons that might appear exactly

the same, could actually have entirely different effects. The
more spirit power it used the more durable it was, using less
spirit power made it weaker. Setting the strength of his own

3605 Goldenagato |

Blue Silver Prison according to the opponents’ differences could
greatly save on Tang San’s spirit power.

Consequently, when discovering the opponents had a spirit

fusion ability, Tang San could still create multiple Blue Silver
Prisons to protect everyone. This was already his full strength.

The seemingly frail snowflakes came into contact with the

outermost layer of Blue Silver Prison. Unexpectedly, the rigid
Blue Silver Prison was a lot better at resisting the cutting effect
of Drifting Snow than the flexible Spiderweb Restraint.

Flexibility feared sharpness. Sharpness feared firmness.

Perhaps this was the cause.

If someone could see Shui Bing-Er’s expression within the

blue pillar of light right now, they would certainly discover that
it had become very unsightly. Even though she had already
estimated Tang San quite highly before this competition, Tang
San’s adaptability and reaction capability still left her shocked.

The spirit fusion ability Drifting Snow was managed by Shui

Bing-Er, therefore she could clearly sense the resistance when
the snowflakes struck.

3606 Goldenagato |

She had seen Tang San create altogether seven layers of Blue
Silver Prison. Even though the first layer was already broken
through by now, Shui Bing-Er discovered that if it continued
like this, by the time her and Xue Wu’s spirit power was
exhausted, they still might not have been able to break Tang
San’s defensive formation.

Ten thousand year spirit abilities really weren’t ordinary.

Even though it was a control type, its defensive power could
actually reach this degree. It seemed that even though Blue
Silver Prison wasn’t flashy, its practicality could leave people

Having used the spirit fusion ability, if they still couldn’t win
this match, then how could Skywater Academy have any chance
of winning when confronting an even stronger Shrek Academy
in the future?

A resonant phoenix cry resounded from within the blue pillar

of light. Tang San only felt the pressure lighten, as the tornado
of cutting snowflakes soared higher into the air.

Feeling an even more formidable mental pressure after

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hearing that clear phoenix cry and feeling the pressure of the
attack lighten, Tang San suddenly came to himself.

Ice Phoenix, that Shui Bing-Er’s spirit was actually a first rate
spirit, Ice Phoenix.

No wonder, no wonder her spirit ability control was so

powerful, no wonder she could possess a spirit fusion ability.
She actually possessed such a tyrannically powerful spirit.

Both being phoenixes, the Ice Phoenix wasn’t inferior in any

respect to Huo Wu’s Fire Phoenix. These spirits were two
extremes, but both were first rate existences. In power, Shui
Bing-Er was even a bit stronger than Huo Wu.

But she also possessed a partner for spirit fusion ability, Xue

In midair, the snowflakes gathered, gradually forming into a

seven meter long enormous blue phoenix.

Different from the fourth spirit ability Huo Wu used that day,
this Ice Phoenix appeared extremely distinctly, as if substantial.

3608 Goldenagato |

Bright eyes, long tail feathers, its appearance touching.

The dazzlingly beautiful blue phoenix fell from the air, and
without fanfare, it became an ice blue light, floating down.

Its movements weren’t fast, but without advancing, the

snowflakes drifting through the air made its body even more

A muffled sigh echoed from within the Blue Silver Prisons,

and a bizarre scene appeared. The remaining Blue Silver Prisons
unexpectedly sunk back into the ground, layer after layer. Even
the final protective Blue Silver Grass was quietly withdrawn by
Tang San.

Headed by Dai Mubai, besides Tang San, the remaining six

swiftly dashed off the stage as the Ice Phoenix approached. Only
Tang San remained on the stage.

Compared to the seven meter long Ice Phoenix, Tang San

seemed insignificant, as dazzling blue light completely
illuminated the platform.

3609 Goldenagato |

Right now, not even the spectators who supported Shrek
Academy, supported Tang San, still believed they could win this

What the spectators understood even less was why Tang San
would completely remove his own defensive setup when the
opponent was on the verge of attacking. People with a bit of
knowledge about spirits could also see that right now, even if
Tang San still had spirit power remaining, it absolutely wasn’t

In his current condition, what could he still do?

Tang San didn’t want to concede the match. He could do it, it

wouldn’t influence the outcome of the qualifiers, after all. But
he didn’t want to. For no reason other than that he didn’t want
to accept defeat.

The Ice Phoenix gliding through the air paused, and Shui
Bing-Er’s somewhat angry voice transmitted from the blue

“Do you want to die? Get away quickly, I won’t be able to

control it.”

3610 Goldenagato |

She was already going all out, and she was already unable to
control the energy of the condensed Ice Phoenix.

Tang San’s face revealed a trace of a slight smiling expression,

inwardly saying, ‘This girl really is kind-hearted. Only, I can’t


A tearing sound came from behind Tang San’s back, as eight

vicious purple black long lances pushed out. Each lance glittered
alternately with blue and red light, the lances thrusting out
sharply to either side.

Eight sharp points thrust sharply into the ground, raising

Tang San’s body. It was Eight Spider Lances.

The Ice Phoenix was already out of control, falling from the
sky, tremendous energy poured down.

Cold streams burst out, long since locked completely on Tang

3611 Goldenagato |

San. The spirit fusion ability Drifting Snow was extremely
powerful. When used, it would immediately lock onto the
opponent. But at this moment, a bizarre scene appeared.

Eight Spider Lances bent sharply, before shooting out again,

sending Tang San soaring into the air like a cannon ball. He,
unexpectedly ignoring the cold streams, broke through that Ice
Phoenix and the locked on energy, rising more than twenty
meters into the air.

The stage was already icebound, instantly covered in a layer of

blue luster. The next moment, with a loud rumble, it completely

Even the few remaining Skywater Academy members with

water element capabilities rushed to leap off the moment it
began to fall.

This could be said to be the most destructive scene since the

start of the qualifiers, and also the most dazzling one.
Unfortunately, it didn’t successfully hit its intended target.

The appearance of Eight Spider Lances made Tang San feel

full of energy again, supported by the power of the external

3612 Goldenagato |

spirit bone. When he fell from the back, Eight Spider Lances
had already quietly withdrawn into his back.

The entire vast Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena was already
covered in a thin layer of frost.

Gust after gust of cold made the spectators expressions rigid.

Standing in the ruins of the stage, Shui Bing-Er managed to

stand with Xue Wu’s support. Looking at Tang San falling from
the sky, there was a burst of despondency in her eyes.

She didn’t understand how something like this would happen.

How her and Xue Wu’s spirit fusion ability, further adding her
own spirit’s power, was unable to defeat the gently landing

Drifting Snow’s cold was enough to make anyone slow down.

In that split second before, the temperature on the stage had
dropped to a frightening level, and further adding the control of
the cold streams, she refused to believe that any Spirit Master
under sixtieth rank could break through and escape its attack

3613 Goldenagato |

But, that man had accomplished it. His movements looked
effortless, as if he didn’t use any strength. But only Shui Bing-Er
herself knew just how difficult it was to escape Drifting Snow.

The two young womens’ faces were now pale, spirit power
overdraft making it very difficult for them to even stand.

Tang San had already landed in the ruins, and step by step
walked towards them. Even though his spirit power fluctuations
were already weak, as long as she thought of the close combat
fighting ability he displayed before, Shui Bing-Er knew it would
be impossible for her and Xue Wu to defeat him.

By now, only three people still remained on the stage. The

outcome was already settled.

“Can’t you tell me how?”

Shui Bing-Er said somewhat bitterly.

Tang San stopped three meters in front of the two women.

The alarming-looking Eight Spider Lances had been withdrawn
even before people could see them clearly. But, he knew that in

3614 Goldenagato |

this match, he had still lost. Having been pushed by the
opponents to use Eight Spider Lances that should only appear in
the finals, he believed his people had already lost.

Obtaining victory in this match wasn’t the contribution of

Eight Spider Lances, nor was it his contribution.

It was the effect of taking those two immortal treasure herbs.

The tempering of the Infernal Precious Apricot as well as the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass made him completely immune
to all cold and hot energies. If Shui Bing-Er had used another
attribute spirit fusion ability, then at that time, when Tang San
was already out of spirit power, he would be unable to win even
if he used Eight Spider Lances.

Therefore, in his heart, he believed he had lost. He hadn’t lost

in strength, but rather in adaptability and foresight.

The continuous victories had made it difficult for the Shrek

Academy team members not to be proud, and even Tang San
was no exception. After all, he was still human, and he was as
susceptible to emotions as anyone else.

Before today’s match, he had drawn an equals sign between

3615 Goldenagato |

Skywater Academy and Blazing Academy. But who could have
expected that Shui Bing-Er’s control could actually restrain him
like that, and even possessed such a formidable ability like the
spirit fusion ability.

Confronted by Shui Bing-Er’s inquiry, Tang San didn’t

conceal it. He not only thought he had lost because of himself,
but also because of Shui Bing-Er’s kindness. That moment
before the Ice Phoenix descended, he could clearly feel the
concern in Shui Bing-Er’s words. That wasn’t concern for
victory and defeat, but rather true worry that he would be hurt.

“I’m capable of ice immunity. Therefore, your ability was

unable to restrain me.”

Tang San used a voice only the three of them could hear.

Two pairs of beautiful eyes watched him attentively, a trace of

bitterness at the corner of Shui Bing-Er’s mouth.

“Then how were you restrained by me before?”

Shui Bing-Er couldn’t help asking. If her first spirit ability,

3616 Goldenagato |

Icebind, was effective on Tang San, then how come the Ice
Phoenix lock wasn’t?

Tang San laughed bitterly,

“My ice and fire immunity is only effective on energies,

substantial shapes and energy shocks will still injure me. Your
ice binding had solid form, not an energy form, of course I
would be restrained. Just that the chill within wouldn’t injure

“We’ve lost.”

However willing to admit it, Shui Bing-Er still with difficulty

spoke these words.

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“No, It should be our loss. It was my mistake that led to this

conclusion. My ice and fire resistance doesn’t originate in

3617 Goldenagato |

Right now, the referee had already cautiously approached.
Even if he was an official with fifty something ranked strength,
right now he was still somewhat apprehensive.

The current young generation was really too ferocious. If by

some chance they still had some skills they hadn’t used, he
himself might also be implicated.


The referee looked at both sides.

Tang San and Shui Bing-Er nodded simultaneously, speaking

in unison:

“I lost.”

The referee baffled looked at the two,


3618 Goldenagato |

Tang San spoke first:

“This match is a tie. Both our sides have already exhausted

our spirit power. We can’t continue the match.”

The referee then suddenly understood. Even if a tied match

was rare, it still wasn’t unheard of. Immediately, he declared
that the fight between Shrek Academy and Skywater Academy
ended in a tie.

He could win and not, this was Tang San’s stern warning to
himself. The qualifiers were only the beginning, there was still
the ranking competition, as well as the qualifiers where powers
would stand like trees in the forest. Discovering his flaws now
was always better than discovering them even later in the
tournament. After all, the finals were a knock-out competition,
no mistakes could be tolerated there.

The spectators were no doubt disappointed, the majority of

the spectators supporting Shrek Academy but being unable to
see them take the victory in the final match made a lot of people
rather critical. Especially voices that doubted whether Shrek
Academy had sent their full strength echoed from all corners.

3619 Goldenagato |

Returning to the rest area, Tang San ate a recovery sausage
Oscar handed over,

“I’m sorry, it was my mistake. I underestimated the opponent

from the start of the match, and couldn’t deliver relevant
tactics, leading to our later passivity.”

Dai Mubai clapped Tang San’s shoulder,

“Brother, what are you doing saying this? It’s more important
we find the root of defeat. Don’t forget, we’re still young, and
right now we can still stand to be defeated. You’ve already done
very well, nobody will blame you.”

Ma Hongjun took the opportunity to move closer, grinning:

“Third brother, don’t be depressed. This is because you

brothers didn’t have me there. If I was there, how could those
beauties be arrogant. Next time let them get to know my
phoenix flame. Just what is called ‘failure is the mother of
success’. Moreover, we still didn’t lose! You also didn’t go all
out. No? Actually, not just you, even Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and
the others also didn’t use their full strength. We still need you
to lead everyone to become ultimate champions.”

3620 Goldenagato |

Dai Mubai raised his hand and swatted Fatty’s head,

“You’re so capable? Fine, then next time you go up by

yourself, we’ll watch how you alone roast seven.”

Ma Hongjun rubbed his head, wronged saying:

“Don’t blame me for comforting third brother.”

“Failure is the mother of success, these words are quite right.

There’s one month to the ranking competition. This is plenty of
time for you all to find your own deficiencies.”

Grandmaster had already come over before anyone noticed,

his gaze falling on Tang San, looking at him with a smile.


Confronted by Grandmaster’s gaze, Tang San lowered his


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Grandmaster walked up to his side, one hand resting on his

“Actually, the result of your match today is even better than

your victories. I’ve always said that real combat is the best way
to inspect your own abilities. Only by constant combat,
confronting different opponents, will you grow even faster. The
Spirit Master vocation comes in all kinds of bizarre variations,
nobody knows what kind of enemy you will face in your next
battle. All you can do is increase your experience by facing
different Spirit Masters. None of you lack talent as Spirit
Masters, and the opponents you meet in the Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament are also all
well-known figures of the young generation. This match is only
a fragment of your lives, you still have a long road to walk, as
long as you gain something, victory or defeat is of little

“Yes, Grandmaster.”

All the students answered as one. Their previously somewhat

different expressions once again became unanimous. For some
reason, the otherwise always mild mannered Tang San now had
an extreme thirst for victory in his heart.

3622 Goldenagato |

The Heaven Dou City qualifiers had now ended, and according
to the sequence, it was time for the reward ceremony, awarding
the top five teams the qualification proof for the ranking

But due to the damage to the central stage in the previous

match, this process was also simplified. The other academies
that didn’t advance wouldn’t participate in the awards
ceremony, only the top five teams would go up to accept their
rewards on the VIP seating platform.

The ceremony wasn’t complex. At the announcer’s

declaration, the captain and vice captain of the top ranking
teams stepped onto the platform.

Due to Godwind Academy and Thunderclap Academy having

the same result, both with twenty six wins and one loss, and
Godwind Academy once having prevailed over Thunderclap
Academy, the ranking was settled as: Godwind Academy ranked
first, Thunderclap Academy second, Shrek Academy ranked
third with twenty four wins, one tie and two losses, Blazing
Academy ranked fourth with half a victory more than Skywater
Academy, and Skywater Academy still fifth.

3623 Goldenagato |

Representing Shrek Academy to go up on the platform was
Dai Mubai and Tang San. As the two stepped onto the platform,
they immediately sensed several malicious gazes. The most
burning among them was Blazing Academy’s Huo Wu.

She had never accepted being defeated by Tang San, and

didn’t reflect on her own strength, but rather blamed Tang
San’s fire immunity. Even though Blazing Academy successfully
advanced, being pushed down by Shrek Academy with half a
victory stirred up the fury in her heart even stronger.

“Next, His Majesty and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda

master as well as platinum bishop Salas will personally award
the proof of qualifications to enter the ranking competition as
well as the award money.”

The proof of qualifications was actually a personal letter.

There was no worry anyone would forge it, after all, Spirit Hall
and Heaven Dou Empire both knew which academies had
advanced. But Tang San and Dai Mubai didn’t know about the
award money before.

The award money the top five academies received was the
same, after all, this was only the qualifiers. Each team received
ten thousand gold spirit coins issued by Heaven Dou Empire.

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But in the finals, the prize for the final three was awarded by
Spirit hall.

The awards presented, the announcer gave the word to

emperor Xue Ye in the seat of honor.

Emperor Xue Ye’s gaze swept across the members of the teams
standing in front of him, his eyes especially paused on Tang San
for a few seconds, then smiling said:

“First of all, children, I want to congratulate you.”

“You’ve successfully obtained the qualifications to advance in

this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament. As the most senior ruler of Heaven Dou Empire, I
am proud of you. You are all the future hope of the Empire. And
as the leaders of each team, your strength has also showed its
most important effect in the competition. Therefore, I’ve
decided to confer upon the ten of you the title of viscount, and
to the other competing members of your five academies the title
of baron. After you have graduated, the gates of the royal
household will stand open to you at any time. Your fiefdoms
will all be allocated after your graduation.”

3625 Goldenagato |

“Your Majesty, that won’t do.”

Salas suddenly interjected harshly from the side. Daring to

interrupt an emperor’s words, this clearly showed the
tremendous influence of Spirit Hall.

Emperor Xue Ye looked indifferently at Salas,

“Is there something inappropriate? Your eminence bishop


Salas said:

“In past competitions, there’s no precedent of awarding titled

of nobility. Even more, aren’t the titles given too high?”

Whether it was Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, the

titles of nobility were ranked from the highest as Duke,
Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron. Handing out ten noble titles
of viscount just for the qualifiers, Emperor Xue Ye’s generosity
was enough to shock anyone in attendance.

3626 Goldenagato |

Emperor Xue Ye only used one sentence to shut Salas up,

“Your eminence, conferring titles of nobility is an internal

matter of the Empire, unrelated to Spirit Hall. Unrelated to the
current tournament. I only admire these children and accorded
them some rewards, that’s all. They represent our Heaven Dou
Empire in this time’s Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Tournament. I will also give you a pledge here. If there is any
team among you that can obtain final victory in the
tournament, the noble titles of everyone in the team will be
promoted one level, and at the same time the academy will be
given the ‘Imperial’ prefix, receiving the financial backing of
the Empire.”

As the leaders of their teams, even if these youths had all seen
some of the world, as Emperor Xue Ye’s great string of rewards
smashed down, they were still left somewhat stupid. What did
titles of nobility represent? A viscount could already possess
their own territory and attendants, and still draw a certain
stipend from the Empire. This sum alone was enough to live on.

Even though a lot of Spirit Masters had titles of nobility,

obtaining them from kingdoms and duchies was easy. Obtaining
an imperial title wasn’t so simple, especially being directly
conferred the title of viscount. The territory a viscount could
possess was already a small town.

3627 Goldenagato |

Even more valuable, emperor Xue Ye had already guaranteed
to these ten that after the end of this tournament, they would
directly be conferred fiefdoms.

In other words, their titles absolutely weren’t just empty

words, but rather truly nobles with territory.

Salas’ expression appeared very unsightly. He didn’t say

anything else, but in his eyes was a cold and cruel expression.

As the captains and vice captains of the five qualified teams,

they were all elite young Spirit Masters, one more intelligent
than the other, and from emperor Xue Ye’s promise and Salas’
protest, they could all sense the smell of gunpowder contained

Ning Fengzhi only sat smiling and silent to the side,

apparently all this was unrelated to him.

Emperor Xue Ye basically didn’t seem to notice platinum

bishop Salas’ ugly expression, and smiling said:

3628 Goldenagato |

“Next is the ranking competition, also held by the Empire. But
the location will change from Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena to
the imperial household hunting grounds. At that time, the ten
teams from the five kingdoms and duchies will come to jointly
conduct the ranking competition with you. I hope that your five
academies will rank among the best, holding the best
opportunity in the finals.”

“The ranking competition is the best stage to show your own

strength. When the time comes, for the three students that
obtain the highest number of victories in the ranking
competition, the Empire will furnish the spirit beast for your
next title promotion. You can chose what type you want, and
the Empire will guarantee a spirit beast under thirty thousand
years cultivation.”

Whether Shrek Academy or the four elemental academies,

emperor Xue Ye’s current pledge made their hearts beat even
faster than the previous noble titles. Even Tang San couldn’t
help feeling his pulse quicken.

In fact, these ten academy team leaders all had fortieth ranked
ranked or so strength, their next title advancement would be at
fiftieth ranked. Even though the fiftieth ranked spirit ring
wasn’t as important as the thirtieth, fiftieth rank was still the
first level where a ten thousand year spirit ring could be

3629 Goldenagato |


How strong the first ten thousand year spirit ring was would
have enormous influence on all of their futures. If they could
freely choose the spirit beast they required, it would no doubt
hold enormous benefit, not only wouldn’t they need to take
risks or waste time, but they could also display their own spirit
to the greatest degree.

From fiftieth rank and on, a Spirit Master’s cultivation speed

would drop substantially. Having a guarantee for their first ten
thousand year spirit ring could undoubtedly let them keep a
strong advantage from fiftieth to sixtieth rank. The benefits to
their future growth would be boundless.

Seeing the gradually rising flames in the eyes of the ten elites,
emperor Xue Ye smiled calmly,

“The ranking competition will be held in one month, I hope

you can make even further breakthroughs in this month. Good.
I won’t say more. You are all intelligent children, I think you
will make the most intelligent choices.”

Finished speaking, emperor Xue Ye’s gaze deviated a moment,

3630 Goldenagato |

sweeping across platinum bishop Salas’ face. Then, under the
protection of his imperial high officials, he turned and left.

Salas expression twitched slightly, but his expression had

already completely calmed, nothing to be seen of the ugliness
from before.

Just as emperor Xue Ye said, even though he didn’t state it

clearly, the academy team leaders all understood his meaning.
The Empire and Spirit Hall, pick the first.

Tang San’s heart twitched slightly. What emperor Xue Ye said

today didn’t seem to be something a monarch should say. Spirit
Hall was so powerful, could it be emperor Xue Ye wanted to
make a show of force?

In other words, had the conflict between Heaven Dou Empire

and Spirit Hall already reached a condition that couldn’t be

It was better not to participate in these political matters. He

didn’t know about others, but his own road was already very
clear cut, and could easily be summarised in one word:

3631 Goldenagato |

Tang San had set very clear-cut goals for himself, the limit of
his spirit, the limit of Tang Sect.

Tang San and Dai Mubai walked out of Heaven Dou Great
Spirit Arena together. The others waited for them outside. At
this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly called out for Tang San.

“Tang San.”

Tang San turned his head to look, only to see something red
growing larger in his vision, recognizable to him as Huo Wu.

“What do you want?”

Tang San puzzled asked.

Huo Wu reached him in several steps, directly walking until

she stood less than a meter from Tang San.

It had to be said that confronting Huo Wu held quite a bit of

3632 Goldenagato |

pressure. Because her height was quite outstanding among girls,
right now she was even a bit taller than Tang San. In fact, along
with absorbing the ten thousand year level Pit Demon Spider as
his fourth spirit ring, Tang San’s body was already more
developed than his contemporaries. Right now his height was
close to one meter eighty, and Huo Wu was precisely one meter

Huo Wu gazed at this, not particularly outstanding

appearance, always seeming even tempered, Tang San,

“Have you got the courage to fight me without spirits?”

Tang San stared blankly a moment, the Shrek Academy group

next to him all smiling. They were all very clear on Tang San’s
physical combat ability, and Tai Long had once raised this
request to him, the result leaving his head and face in the dirt.

Shaking his head, Tang San said:

“I don’t have the spare time.”


3633 Goldenagato |

The pupils of Huo Wu’s eyes suddenly contracted,

“Isn’t your close combat ability very strong?”

Brows wrinkling, Tang San fixed his eyes on Huo Wu. Looking
at this just like a flame woman, he once again repeated:

“I’m sorry, I don’t have the spare time.”

Finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the Shrek

Academy party, without wanting to get further involved with
Huo Wu.

“You go to hell.”

Temper stretched to the limit, the fury Huo Wu had

restrained for several days finally erupted. Her right leg
snapped out, going straight for the back of Tang San’s head.
With her height, her legs were long, and she moved like

3634 Goldenagato |

Distinguishing sounds was the most basic capability at Tan
Sect, how would Tang San let her easily do as she wished?
Taking a quick step forward, half turning, left hand shooting
out, he directly grabbed Huo Wu’s ankle.

Huo Wu only felt the momentum of her kick disappear like a

clay ox entering the sea, instantly vanishing like smoke with a
slight quiver of Tang San’s arm. Tang San’s hand gripped her
leg like a vise, and no matter how she exerted herself, she was
unable to withdraw it.

That left hand had already turned the color and luster of
sheep fat jade.

Raising the right hand, pushing up Huo Wu’s long leg, taking
a step towards Huo Wu, right foot naturally stepping behind
Huo Wu’s supporting right leg, simultaneously bending
forward, directly striking Huo Wu’s raised thigh.

Movements as natural as moving clouds and flowing water,

smoothly finding the weak point, left Huo Wu without any
opportunity to react before she had already been sent flying by
Tang San, falling into the embrace of the just arrived Huo
Wushuang. Tang San didn’t use much strength, amply
displaying Controlling Crane Catching Dragon’s method to use

3635 Goldenagato |

strength against itself.

“Let’s go.”

Tang San swept the Shrek Academy group who were all
looking at Huo Wu getting pushed around with schadenfreude,
then left with large strides.

“I’ll kill him.”

Huo Wu wanted to rush out again after being caught by her

big brother, but was forcefully restrained by Huo Wushuang.

“Don’t waste your breath, you aren’t his match.”

Sighing, Huo Wushuang firmly pulled back his little sister. He

could of course see that Tang San had already started off


3636 Goldenagato |

The rims of Huo Wu’s eyes reddened. She really was
somewhat unable to bear having her competitive nature once
again being given a blow by the same person.

The five orders of nobility are from the most senior to least:
Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron.

3637 Goldenagato |

Chapter 107 - Truly Common Blue Silver

Huo Wushuang sighed,

“Silly little sister, if you really want to beat him, then you
have to cultivate ceaselessly, rely on your own strength to win.
What use is there to senselessly make trouble like this? Work
hard, we still have a chance in the ranking competition. To face
an opponent that restrains us completely, we’ll have to think of
some new methods. Even though he’s immune to fire, he can’t
be immune to energy attacks, or did you forget what Shui Bing-
Er did?

“That’s right, that’s right, there’s still me. Little sister Huo
Wu, I didn’t encounter him in the qualifiers, but once we’ve
reached the ranking competition, I’ll definitely help you beat

Feng Xiaotian had come over from somewhere without

anyone noticing, speaking with a face full of righteous

Returning directly to the Academy from Heaven Dou Great

3638 Goldenagato |

Spirit Arena, Tang San’s mind was still constantly replaying the
whole process of today’s confrontation with Skywater Academy.

To him, this wasn’t just a simple tie. This was the most
difficult challenge in the whole qualifiers. It was admittedly
because the opponents’ spirit fusion ability was especially
familiar, but at the same time, this difficulty was also because
they were restrained from the start.

Tang San clearly saw that it was because of him that the
whole team had been at a disadvantage. Shui Bing-Er taking the
control had destroyed his original plans. At the same time it had
also finally let him experience the formidability of other control
system Spirit Masters. Next was the ranking competition, which
was a stage for people to show off. But, after that came the
finals, and that was still a team battle.

Any Spirit Master had flaws, and he was no exception. Only by

a team complementing each other could a Spirit Master’s
strength be revealed to its greatest degree, this had always been
a natural law of the Spirit Master world. That was also an
important reason why this Continental Advanced Spirit Master
Academy Elite Tournament relied mainly on team battles.

He didn’t think much of emperor Xue Ye’s olive branch, that

3639 Goldenagato |

wasn’t a question he should consider yet. What he needed to
think about right now was how he could help his team even
more, how to let his own strength grow even more powerful.

Tang San had always been a stubborn person, it was true in

his previous life at Tang Sect, and it was still true in this world.

Consequently, after returning to the Academy he immediately

went to Grandmaster to propose he go into closed door
cultivation for a time, in order to think about some things.

Grandmaster was understanding, and also understood that

this was an important phase to Tang San. As long as he could
pierce through this barrier in his heart, he would mature even
more, and also become even more formidable. At this time there
was nobody that could help him, the only one he could rely on
was himself. Only his own understanding, comprehension,
could he solve his own problems. Even a wise man like
Grandmaster couldn’t reply with anything that would have any
better effect right now.

That wall within was different for each person, and nobody
could know what problems others faced. Tang San’s problems
could only be settled by Tang San himself.

3640 Goldenagato |

Watching Tang San’s gradually disappearing back, the other
six Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help feeling somewhat lonely.
They also understood Tang San’s current feelings. Ever since
the formation of the team, even though today’s match wasn’t
their most challenging, to Tang San it was still truly a
suppressed battle. They could completely understand Tang
San’s mood.

Xiao Wu wanted to catch up to and comfort Tang San, but was

held back by Liu Erlong,

“Silly girl, don’t go disturb him right now. It’s better if he can
understand on his own. Believe in him. Give him a little space.”

Xiao Wu looked at Liu Erlong. Liu Erlong softly pulled her

into her embrace, gently stroking her long braid.

Grandmaster coughed once, attracting everyone’s attention,

“Well, Tang San has gone into seclusion. The next month is
also a time for you to get into shape. This past month of high
density matches has had different degrees of benefit for each of
you. But this is still far from enough. I think you’ve all seen that
you’re not the only talents in this world. Tang San has met an

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opponent that restrains him, and you will also do the same.
You’re all as one, in order to help prevail and obtain the
ultimate victory, you will have to pay even more. Therefore,
I’ve decided that in the next month’s recuperation interlude, I
will once again conduct a period of strengthening training for
you. What are those faces for? Stand up properly. If anyone has
any objections, I don’t mind doubling the training.”

Blood curdling screams echoed simultaneously in the hearts of

the Shrek Six Devils. Right now they suddenly envied Tang San.
At least, in seclusion Tang San didn’t need to undergo anymore
hell training…...

The place Tang San chose for his seclusion was still that log
cabin in the middle of the forest. The secluded surroundings,
the quiet world, was most suitable for his cultivation.

When he’d already spent two days here, Tang San still sat
vacantly. He didn’t cultivate, his mind always enveloped in a
dense fog. He couldn’t find any way out of his problems, and he
also didn’t understand in what direction he should grow. He
even doubted whether the control system route he’d walked
until now wasn’t a mistake.

In two days Tang San had thought a lot, but the more he

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thought, the more confused he became.

Two days and two nights had passed, he didn’t even rest, not
eating anything, completely passing the time in this kind of
hazy condition. This kind of painful feeling wreaked havoc in
his heart. He didn’t even know why he was in pain.

Ever since the day he became a Spirit Master, he had always

stood at the summit of his peers. Blue Silver Grass wasn’t any
formidable spirit, it was even a trash spirit, but cultivating
under Grandmaster guidance, his strength had never been
below those Spirit Masters of his age who possessed more
formidable spirits. He was even ahead of everyone. As time had
passed, Tang San had even already forgotten about the issues of
his Blue Silver Grass, he’d always stood on equal footing with
Spirit Masters with formidable spirits, he’d even felt somewhat

However, now that he calmed down and thought it over, he

discovered that if it wasn’t for having the external spirit bone
Eight Spider Lances, if it wasn’t for always having the support
of his comrades at his side and his luck in obtaining those spirit
rings, perhaps, he wouldn’t be much of anything.

Each of his spirit rings were of better quality than other

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peoples’, but in his previous confrontation with Shui Bing-Er, it
couldn’t be said his spirit abilities held any advantage. Perhaps
these kinds of circumstances should have appeared before, only
in previous matches and fights, he had always used tactics to
cover up this gap. But after Blue Silver Grass’s own defects were
revealed, Tang San immediately discovered his problem.

A truly formidable control system Spirit Master needed not

only control, but also spirit abilities with a certain attack
capability. Shui Bing-Er’s spirit fusion ability was even better
quality. However, could his Blue Silver Grass do that? No. Even
if he already possessed a ten thousand year spirit ring at fortieth
rank, without really using his external spirit bone he didn’t
have any advantage of Shui Bing-Er.

Rather than saying that his previous opponents had lost in

strength, it would be better to say they had lost in tactics. Once
an opponent appeared who wasn’t below him in planning, then
the flaws of his control would immediately be exposed. This was
still when he had taken the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and
Infernal Precious Apricot. If he didn’t have these two immortal
treasure herbs, perhaps his weakness would have been exposed
even earlier, even Huo Wu could have easily beaten him.

‘Why, why is it like this? Don’t tell me all these years of effort
have been a waste?’ Tang San very clearly understood that the

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innate flaws of a spirit would gradually appear along with the
growth of spirit power.

‘No, it can’t go on like this. Blue Silver Grass basically isn’t a

good spirit, I’m still young, there’s still time to give it up.’

Tang San couldn’t hold back the thoughts of his other spirit,
Clear Sky Hammer. The hereditary spirit of one of the Spirit
Master world’s seven great schools, Clear Sky School. If he had
chosen to cultivate the Clear Sky Hammer from the start, then
his current strength wouldn’t just be like this. He could only
become more formidable.

The more he thought, the lower Tang San’s confidence in Blue

Silver Grass became. His heart was just like a raging sea, all
kinds of chaotic thoughts making him feel somewhat crazy.

Two days had passed, without any cultivation. In the past this
was something Tang San couldn’t even have imagined, that was
how diligent he was. However, right now he didn’t have a trace
of desire to cultivate.

“Little freak.”

3645 Goldenagato |

A green silhouette appeared in the yard outside, the sudden
voice snapping Tang San out of his whirlpool of suffering.

Perhaps it was because these two days had consumed too

much mental strength, but even though that voice sounded
familiar, Tang San still couldn’t make out who it belonged to.

Standing, Tang San walked out of the cabin. After sitting too
long, as the glaring sunshine hit him, he couldn’t keep from
swaying a moment.

“Little freak, what’s going on?”

In practically the next moment, the green silhouette was

already in front of Tang San, one powerful hand directly
clasping Tang San’s shoulder, mellow spirit power somewhat
overbearing and somewhat coarsely penetrating his body,
rousing Tang San’s mind somewhat. Then he clearly saw who it

It wasn’t a stranger, but rather Shrek Academy’s honorary

dean, one of the formidable Title Douluo, Dugu Bo.

3646 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo looked doubtfully at Tang San. Right now Tang San’s
appearance was somewhat scary, his hair in a mess, his facial
hair unkempt, both eyes bloodshot, a completely dispirited

“Old freak, you’re back.”

Managing to squeeze out a smile, the spirit power within Tang

San’s body operated automatically, clearing his rigid blood
vessels, letting him stand upright.

Dugu Bo doubtfully said:

“Little freak, what’s going on? Weren’t you still well when I
left, how would you become like this in a few days? Come on,
let’s go inside first.”

Dragging Tang San into the log cabin, Dugu Bo’s expression
was somewhat serious. He could of course see how lacking Tan
San’s mental state was right now. As a formidable Title Douluo,
he was only too clear on the cultivation circumstances of Spirit
Masters, and Tang San’s current condition was extremely
dangerous. In case of a nervous breakdown, he would either go
insane or be totally ruined.

3647 Goldenagato |

“Little freak, tell me, what actually happened to strike you
into this kind of appearance. In my memory, you little freak was
always a freak among freaks. Don’t tell me you met someone
even more freakish than you?”

Looking at Dugu Bo, the rims of Tang San’s eyes suddenly

reddened somewhat. Grandmaster absolutely hadn’t expected
his current condition. After all, nobody knew Tang San was a
person of two lives, his mind was far beyond his peers, but it
was also because of this that it was even easier for him to get
stuck bashing his head against a brick wall.

Dugu Bo’s appearance made Tang San recover somewhat.

Especially his mind had a somewhat hopeful feeling.

“Old freak, can you tell me, if I cultivate my spirit power

beyond the seventieth rank, will I still be as far ahead as I am

Dugu Bo’s brows puckered,

“Why would you ask that? Little freak, what happened to

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your confidence? What’s actually gotten into you? You should
understand how important confidence is to a Spirit Master, If
you don’t have the most elementary confidence, if you don’t
believe in yourself, then later you won’t make even a centimeter
of progress.”

Tang San smiled wryly:

“But, I don’t know what I should do. The spirit I’m cultivating
is just Blue Silver Grass. Even though I’ve already reached the
fortieth rank, as my level increases, Blue Silver Grass’s
weaknesses will be revealed more and more clearly. In the
future, can I really rely on this spirit to contend with other
Spirit Masters?”

A jade light flickered in Dugu Bo’s eyes, staring at Tang San

with a burning gaze,

“Go on.”

Tang San said:

“The reason why I’m considered powerful among my peers

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right now isn’t because of the strength of my spirit, but rather
because I have better spirit rings than ordinary Spirit Masters,
and even have the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances. You
should also have seen my second spirit before. I don’t need to
hide anything from you, my second spirit is Clear Sky School’s
Clear Sky Hammer. Right now I’m thinking that if I cultivated
the Clear Sky Hammer instead, then wouldn’t the
circumstances be different? Right now I have fortieth level
spirit power. I only need four spirit rings that suit me to be able
to bring out the Clear Sky Hammer’s strength. It’s far more
formidable than Blue Silver Grass. Even though I’m still not
fifteen, I’ve already spent far too much effort on cultivating, I
don’t want to waste my later effort on a trash spirit like Blue
Silver Grass. Does that make sense?”

Who was Dugu Bo? Anyone who could become a Title Douluo
power was highly intelligent. From Tang San’s simpler and
agitated words, he had already gradually understood the
problem Tang San faced right now.

Waving his hand, he didn’t let Tang San speak further. Dugu
Bo looked Tang San in the eyes, sternly saying:

“Little freak, do you know why I’ve always considered you a

freak among freaks?”

3650 Goldenagato |

Tang San stared blankly,

“Is it because of my knowledge in using poison?”

Dugu Bo shook his head, saying:

“That’s only a small part. Even more significant is your Blue

Silver Grass.”

The pupils of Tang San’s eyes contracted violently. Looking at

Dugu Bo, his eyes revealed deep doubt.

Dugu Bo indifferently said:

“That’s right, Blue Silver Grass is a trash spirit. Moreover it’s

the best known trash spirit. In the past, it was basically
impossible for anyone who possessed Blue Silver Grass as spirit
to have the chance to cultivate. But. You? Tell me. What were
the circumstances when your spirit awakened? I heard
Grandmaster say it was full innate spirit power, right?”

Tang San nodded.

3651 Goldenagato |

“What does full innate spirit power signify? It signifies the
foundation of the spirit. Even my own granddaughter who
inherited by Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit only had seventh
ranked innate spirit power. And you had tenth ranked. And
moreover, you still cultivate Blue Silver Grass. What does this
signify? It means your Blue Silver Grass is different from the
masses. That’s not simple Blue Silver Grass. You can also guess
who your father is. Think, with your father’s background and
strength, would he be together with a woman who only
possessed common Blue Silver Grass? If it really was common
Blue Silver Grass, how would it produce a little freak with twin
spirits like you?”

Tang San was naturally deaf to Dugu Bo’s explanation of full

innate spirit power, because he always believed that it was the
result of his own diligently cultivated Mysterious Heaven Skill,
and not bestowed by Blue Silver Grass. Even more, at the time
he awakened he also had a Clear Sky Hammer, even if the spirit
truly had assigned him some spirit power, that should also be
from Clear Sky Hammer.

However, Dugu Bo’s later words made him somewhat startled.

Yes, his Blue Silver Grass really was somewhat uncommon,
especially not long ago when he had the feeling of being in
contact with the natural wild blue silver grass. That throbbing

3652 Goldenagato |

came from his spirit itself. Just that no one had ever cultivated
Blue Silver Grass to his present degree, Tang San also didn’t
know whether this was something that Blue Silver Grass should
be doing. But it was Dugu Bo’s last words that touched him the
most. It was also an important question he’d always had.

His father was a directly related disciple of Clear Sky School,

and also one of their greatest powers, would a woman who only
possessed the a waste Blue Silver Grass Spirit be with him?

“Old freak, is there any relation between the strength of the

parents’ spirits and twin spirits?”

Tang San’s breathing had clearly become hurried.

Dugu Bo grinned, saying:

“In this field, perhaps that teacher of yours doesn’t even

know. Even though his spirit research is very thorough, you’re
after all the first person he’s met who has twin spirits. Before, I
once read some top secret information in Spirit Hall. It was a
written account of twin spirits. Spirits are hereditary, generally
coming from the parents, so tell me, what’s the relation
between inheriting the parents’ spirits.”

3653 Goldenagato |

Having followed Grandmaster for so many years, this kind of
question naturally wasn’t difficult for Tang San, and he
answered without the slightest hesitation:

“Generally speaking, the spirit inherited is the relatively more

powerful one of the parents’ spirits.”

Dugu Bo went on:

“Then when there’s hardly any difference in strength

between the spirits, or even when they’re identical, what will

Tang San said:

“Under such circumstances, it will be inherited randomly, but

under such circumstances there’s also a higher chance of spirit

Dugu Bo nodded, saying:

3654 Goldenagato |

“Worthy of being Grandmaster’s disciple, your explanation is
quite right. But, do you know, what are the odds of twin spirits
appearing under such circumstances? The reason twin spirits
are so rare, is because the conditions are so harsh. This is what’s
written in Spirit Hall’s records. The birth of twin spirits mainly
has two preconditions, first, the parents’ spirits can’t be
identical, the more they differ, the higher the odds of bringing
about twin spirits. At the same time, the closer the quality of
both sides’ spirits, the higher the odds of bringing about twin
spirits. In other words, if there’s a gap in quality between the
spirits, it’s basically impossible to birth a child with twin spirits.
Even if these conditions are met, the probability of issue with
twin spirits is only one in a thousand, or even one in ten
thousand. Understand?”

Tang San was clever, even though his mental state wasn’t
very good right now, he still very quickly caught on to what
Dugu Bo meant. Dugu Bo was using this example to tell him his
Blue Silver Grass Spirit absolutely wasn’t simple. Capable of
possessing qualitative parity with Clear Sky Hammer, what kind
of Blue Silver Grass was that?

According to Grandmaster’s research, twin spirits was a kind

of spirit variation, only the circumstances in which it arose
were really too rare, and therefore so very few had appeared on
the Continent. Dugu Bo’s analysis wasn’t bad, and Tang San
immediately recalled the other two cases of twin spirits

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Grandmaster had talked about. Sure enough, the quality of the
twin spirits really was extremely similar.

The originally vacant heart once again became burning hot.

Tang San’s eyes finally began to focus again.

Dugu Bo unhappily glared at him, saying:

“Even if your Blue Silver Grass’s quality wasn’t good, do you

think that really matters? How old are you this year? Still not
even fifteen, but already fortieth rank. Your present worries are
matters for later. Since you could obtain formidable spirit rings
and spirit bones to pull open the distance with equally ranked
Spirit Masters before, don’t tell me you couldn’t do it again? No
effort is wasted. If you don’t have even this much confidence,
then you’re not freakish, but rubbish.”

“Correct, if you cultivated Clear Sky Hammer now, your

strength would indeed start rising again in a short time. As long
as you have suitable spirit rings, you will immediately become
powerful, even more powerful than fifty or sixtieth ranked
Spirit Masters. But, haven’t you considered, if you began
cultivating Clear Sky Hammer at ninetieth rank, getting nine
spirit rings, what quality would they be? At that time, even if
getting nine hundred thousand year spirit rings at the same

3656 Goldenagato |

time wouldn’t be impossible. Even if Blue Silver Grass was no
good, it would still be enough to push you to that level, it
wouldn’t be too late to prepare at that time. With your present
cultivation speed, perhaps you will break your father’s record of
becoming the youngest Title Douluo. What’s the rush?”

Dugu Bo clearly didn’t know about the deadliness of twin

spirits, but his arguments were clear and easy to see.

‘Yes, I could obtain external strength before, why couldn’t I

do it later? When others have ten thousand year spirit rings, I
have a twenty thousand year spirit ring, when others have fiffty
thousand year spirit rings, I’ll get a hundred thousand year.
Relying on the effect of spirit rings can also pull closer the gap
between me and the quality of others’ spirits. What’s more,
right now I still have a spirit bone to trade. Aren’t these also my
own advantages?’

The disorder in his mind gradually left, and the fog in his
heart quietly dissipated. Right now, the only question that still
remained was how to make himself stronger.

Dugu Bo looked at Tang San’s changing expression and knew

this little freak had already figured out a lot from his pointer.
Leaning back in his chair, he smiled:

3657 Goldenagato |

“Little freak, do you know where I went this time?”

Tang San snapped:

“How could I know what an old freak like you is up to?”

Along with his mood recovering, he clearly became a lot more


Dugu Bo grinned, saying:

“I went to exchange pointers with an old friend.”

“Eh? Win or lose?”

Tang San asked.

The green light in Dugu Bo’s eyes became agitated,

3658 Goldenagato |

“I didn’t win, and I didn’t lose, it was at least a draw. Haha.”

Tang San mocked:

“Only a draw, what’s there to be proud about.”

Dugu Bo curled his lip, saying:

“You know farts. Every time I fought that fellow before I

would be beaten into the dirt, battered and exhausted, if I didn’t
rely on poison, I would be dead long ago. But this time he was
the dirty one, were it not for this old man being compassionate
and merciful, perhaps I’d have killed him.”

Tang San started, if Dugu Bo said this, then his opponent was
definitely a Title Douluo. Otherwise, how could Dugu Bo be
beaten ragged?

“Your strength progressed?”

Dugu Bo said with immense pride:

3659 Goldenagato |

“That’s not it. This fellow’s spirit power has reached ninety
sixth rank, considered an expert among Title Douluo, with even
more astonishing power behind him. This time he almost fell,
you tell me how I couldn’t be excited. Of course, this was also
thanks to you.”

“Me? How is it related to me? That was a ninety sixth ranked

Title Douluo, I’m forty something ranked.”

Dugu Bo grinned:

“Still remember those Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls

you gave me? Really can’t know without using, but they scared
me out of my skin. This time it should have been me who lost.
At that time, I was already forced back and prepared to run, but
I suddenly remembered that nice thing you gave me. So I pulled
it out and used it. I didn’t expect that thing to really be so scarily
powerful. That idiot ate at least seven or eight poison darts, and
all of a sudden it let me turn the tables. In the end he had no
choice but to take to his heels and run. Hahahaha.”

Thinking back at the happy sight, Dugu Bo couldn’t help


3660 Goldenagato |

Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls? Tang San hadn’t used
them since he made these hidden weapons. Suddenly, a great
flash of divine light lit up his mind, his brain suddenly
becoming sharp. ‘Hidden weapons. Hidden weapons, I’m from
Tang Sect, I have hidden weapons.’

‘That’s right, Blue Silver Grass might not be a formidable

spirit, but just like Teacher said, its plasticity is still
extraordinarily formidable. If, if I can combine ny Blue Silver
Grass with the hidden weapons I inherited from Tang Sect,
then, what will the result be?’

His heart suddenly throbbed breathlessly. Tang San

swallowed a big gulp of saliva. His mind was already impatiently
reflecting on how he should combine Blue Silver Grass with the
mysteries of his hidden weapon secret lore.

Dugu Bo saw Tang San suddenly tremble after hearing about

him using the Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls. He
immediately became lifeless, and also couldn’t help start.

“Little freak, what is it?”

“Ah? It’s nothing. Old freak, thank you for enlightening me,

3661 Goldenagato |

I’ve already figured it out.”

Dugu Bo assumed the appearance of a capable person,

“Me saving you can’t be free of charge. I already used up those

Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls. Don’t you still have
some? Give me another two. I can trade for something. Or pay.”

Tang San stared at Dugu Bo,

“Trade farts, take them.”

Four dark green spheres flew straight at Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo was so scared he jumped, flustered catching the four

Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls, grumbling:

“Stinking brat, are you after my old life! What if they

exploded? Are you after my old life!”

Tang San smiled:

3662 Goldenagato |

“If I didn’t have even this much confidence, how could I even
make them. Moreover, with my spirit power, even if they really
exploded, could they injure an old freak like you?”

Dugu Bo cautiously loaded the four Cluster Soul Chasing Life

Taking Balls into a spirit tool, satisfied saying:

“These things of yours, not only is the attack range great, but
the penetrating power is great. Especially after colliding. The
more violently they collide, the more spirit power I use, the
greater the piercing power. It’s a pity they’re not poisonous
enough. Otherwise, they would be even scarier.”

Tang San reminded Dugu Bo:

“Old freak, don’t depend on them too much. Even though the
Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls have great power, as
hidden weapons, what’s most important is surprise. When
confronting an opponent on the same level, if you lose the
element of surprise, their effect won’t be so good. As for the
poison, originally when I made them I didn’t have suitable
drugs on hand, and even though I’ve gained some later, it’s very
difficult to reinforce the poison after they’ve already been

3663 Goldenagato |


Dugu Bo grinned, saying:

“That’s no good. Make some more.”

Tang San smiled wryly:

“You think they’re candy? It’s easier said than done. It

requires a great amount of time. Right now I’m participating in
the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament, spare time must all be used for cultivating, how
could I make them. Let’s talk about it once the tournament is

Dugu Bo nodded, saying:

“I heard you already passed the qualifiers. Next should be the

ranking competition. With a little freak like you overseeing it,
you should be able to get a good place, perhaps you’ll even enter
the top three.”

3664 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled:

“Why not champions? Don’t you have that much confidence

in me?”

Dugu Bo shrugged, saying:

“That’s not a question of confidence. In front of absolute

strength, what use is confidence? If you can enter the top three,
that’s already a good achievement. There was never any doubt
about who would win this tournament.”

Hearing Dugu Bo say this, Tang San couldn’t keep his heart
from twitching,

“Eh? Since you say as much, do you know some team that’s
especially strong?”

Dugu Bo sighed, saying:

“How is Spirit Hall so powerful? It’s because they recruit so

many Spirit Master experts. Apart from the seven great schools,

3665 Goldenagato |

practically all formidable Spirit Masters belong to Spirit Hall.
No one can possess more information about Spirit Masters and
factors for cultivation than Spirit Hall. Under Spirit Hall’s
careful fostering, a group of elite Spirit Masters will emerge
with each generation. This time is no different. I’ve heard that
Spirit Hall has a few little juniors with astonishing talent, even
the Supreme Pontiff praises them as Spirit Hall’s Golden
Generation, the masters of the future. And it’s precisely them
that are representing Spirit Hall in this year’s Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. They’re all
barely more than twenty, and there’s no need to doubt their
strength. Spirit Hall provided them with cultivation resources
and outfitting in all areas, how could common advanced Spirit
Master academies compare. Even you couldn’t do it. You’re
after all still too young, perhaps you can catch up to them in
another ten years.”

Dugu Bo was a Title Douluo, naturally he wouldn’t talk

without thinking. Hearing him say this, Tang San’s mood
immediately turned serious.

“Since you say this, Spirit Hall is determined to win this


Dugu Bo nodded, saying:

3666 Goldenagato |

“Don’t you know what the prize is for the final champions in
this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tang San blankly shook his head.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly,

“Originally Spirit Hall was preparing to give those things

directly to those geniuses of the Golden Generation, but were
opposed by the elders of Elder Palace. As a result, the Supreme
Pontiff compromised and decided to give them some training,
and that’s this tournament. And Spirit Hall took out those
things that were originally going to them as rewards for the
champions. Tell me, how couldn’t they be determined to win?”

“What are those things?”

Tang San curiously asked.

Dugu Bo retorted:

3667 Goldenagato |

“To Spirit Masters, what’s most precious?”

Tang San’s heart twitched,

“Don’t tell me it’s a spirit bone?”

Dugu Bo shook his head,

“No, not one, but three.”


Tang San turned pale with fright. Three spirit bones? What
kind of concept was that? Something like spirit bones was a
divine existence to Spirit Masters. Any one spirit bone could
give a Spirit Master an enormous boost. Three spirit bones, that
wasn’t something that could be weighed with money.

Dugu Bo said:

“These three spirit bones were set aside by Spirit Hall, left

3668 Goldenagato |

behind by their passed away elders. Since the Supreme Pontiff
dares take them out as reward for the champions, you can
imagine their confidence in their athletes. Do you still have
thoughts of being lucky?”

“Of course.”

Tang San said without the slightest hesitation,

“Since they’ve taken them out, there’s no need for them to

take them back again. Old freak, do you know the levels of
Spirit Hall’s athletes in the tournament, and what their spirits

3669 Goldenagato |

Chapter 108 - Flash Of Understanding

Dugu Bo couldn’t help staring blankly as he saw the suddenly

blossoming radiance in Tang San’s eyes,

“Little freak, don’t be feverish. Didn’t you understand what I

just said? Those spirit bones aren’t for you to dream of.”

Tang San didn’t speak, what is called ‘take what you hear to
be false, only believe it when you see it’. Raising his right hand,
faint blue light bubbled out of his palm, and under his precise
control, only one tiny Blue Silver Grass stretched its way out.
That was just one blade of grass, seemingly no different than
wild blue silver grass. The appearance of the spirit, naturally
also meant the spirit rings appeared.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black. Four spirit rings hovered

quietly. The yellow rings of light were bright and spirited, the
purple spirit ring noble and threatening, but that black spirit
ring was just like a bottomless abyss, brimming with terrifying


3670 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo shot to his feet, his gaze going through myriad
changes in an instant as he looked at Tang San, a strict imposing
manner abruptly burst out of him, pressing in on Tang San
from all directions.

Under the effect of the external pressure, Tang San’s four

spirit rings brightened. Only the Blue Silver Grass in his palm
still swayed softly.

“No, this is impossible.”

Dugu Bo rubbed his eyes hard, shaking his head again,

carefully staring at that black spirit ring over Tang San.

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“Did you forget? Turning the impossible into possible is what

I’m best at. Do you think I can match Spirit Hall’s people now?”

Dugu Bo drew a deep breath, slowly suppressing his shock,

saying something Tang San hadn’t expected,

3671 Goldenagato |

“Give up on this tournament. With your age, you can still
participate next time. At that time, there shouldn’t be anybody
who could oppose your team.”


Tang San stared wide-eyed.

Dugu Bo lowered his voice:

“If your strength was still like before, or perhaps if your

fourth spirit ring was only on the thousand year level, then I
wouldn’t be worried. But this is different. Your fourth spirit
ring reaching the ten thousand year level will bring you endless
troubles. Do you think Spirit Hall wouldn’t take note of you? If
you were Spirit Hall and encountered a genius like this, what
would you do? There are only two options. Subdue or destroy. If
my guess is correct, then right now your information is at least
laid out on a platinum bishop’s desk. Spirit Hall wouldn’t try to
act behind your back, they would completely exploit this
tournament, arranging for you to have an ‘accident’ on stage in
a just and honorable match. To Spirit Hall, the rules of the
tournament is only a game to toy with.”

3672 Goldenagato |

Tang San smiled wryly:

“So you’re saying you still aren’t optimistic about me?”

Dugu Bo looked deeply at him,

“There are three people in Spirit Hall’s so-called Golden

Generation. I don’t know their specifics, and I also don’t know
what their spirits and spirit abilities are. But I can tell you one
thing: among these three, the one with the lowest spirit power
is fifty first rank, and the other two are fifty second rank.
They’re all only twenty three or twenty four years old. As they
broke through the fiftieth rank and obtained their fifth spirit
rings, the Supreme Pontiff personally awarded them Spirit
Hall’s Purple Record Medal, and they also set Spirit hall’s
record. And of the others forming their team this time, nobody
has less than forty fifth ranked spirit power. This is all I know.”

Even though Tang San had always known Spirit Hall was
formidable, it was only now that he understood just how

Fiftieth rank, even three at fiftieth rank…… And the rest were
all over forty fifth rank. What did this signify?

3673 Goldenagato |

Even though Tang San had absolute confidence in himself,
now he saw a chasm that really was difficult to bridge. The
lowest members on the other side were higher ranked than his
side’s highest ranked. Could they really prevail over opponents
like these?

Seeing Tang San’s alarmed expression, Dugu Bo sighed,


“At your age, your current level is even more frightening than
theirs, let alone when you still have the external spirit bone.
Don’t think too much about it, there will be chances. As long as
you don’t waste time, there will be a day when you surpass

Tang San suddenly smiled. Perhaps it was because of Dugu

Bo’s pointer undoing his issues, but right now his mind was
incomparably incisive.

“Old freak. Didn’t you say it just now? As a Spirit Master,

confidence is vital. If I really avoided a confrontation now, the
blow to my confidence would be unimaginable. So what if we
lose? Even if we can’t defeat them, don’t tell me we can’t defend

3674 Goldenagato |

ourselves? Only all out battle can show the gap between both
sides. I won’t give up.”

Looking at Tang San, something unconsciously crept into

Dugu Bo’s eyes,

“Forget about it, I don’t care about you. Just do as you wish.
I’ll leave first. After returning from so far away, I still haven’t
had a meal. I’ll go scavenge.”

Finished speaking, jade light flashed, and Dugu Bo’s lofty

silhouette was already gone.

A warm feeling spread. Dugu Bo had just returned but came to

see him first, that wasn’t for the sake of those Cluster Soul
Chasing Life Taking Balls, but out of concern for him. By now
there was nothing left of the initial intense vigilance.

Even though their ages differed by multiples, Tang San still

sensed a feeling similar to Grandmaster from Dugu Bo, even so
much that there was something of camaraderie, spanning the
difference in years.

3675 Goldenagato |

With Dugu Bo gone, the first thing Tang San did wasn’t to
cultivate, nor was it to reflect, but to sleep.

Two days and two nights without rest had long ago already
overtaxed his mind. Without sufficient rest, how could he start
to test his vision? Therefore, he didn’t hesitate to choose to rest,
and moreover very quickly entered dreamland.


The dazzling platinum bishop’s office, an expansive room

with an area surpassing two hundred square meters, arranged
with all kinds of precious toys.

Salas sat behind a massive, somewhat exaggeratedly gorgeous

desk. In front of him was a file, a file transferred from Nuoding

It had to be said that Spirit Hall was incredibly efficient. In

just a month they had found this kind of needle in a haystack
document by searching the records the Spirit Halls in each

3676 Goldenagato |

It was already the seventh time Salas had read this document,
but in his heart he still didn’t dare believe what he was looking
at was real.

The documents in front of him was a Spirit Master profile, for

a Spirit Master named: Tang San.

The profile was very detailed. From the first time Tang San
registered at Spirit Hall, confirming his status as Spirit Master,
to each time he drew the Spirit Master stipend and each title
upgrade after obtaining a spirit ring. All the details were there.

What kind of spirit rings he obtained, what rank spirit power,

this wasn’t what had made Salas read it seven times. The reason
why he repeatedly looked it over was actually only one number,
a number representing age.

Fourteen, only fourteen years old. Still several months away

from fifteen. Spirit Ancestor over fortieth rank. Spirit Ancestor
at fourteen. Still with a fourth spirit ring at the ten thousand
year level.

Clapping a hand to his forehead, Salas really didn’t want to

believe it was true.

3677 Goldenagato |

Standing, Salas walked over to a bookcase behind the desk,
raising a hand to pull out a thick book. With a burst of
mechanical sounds, the bookcase slowly moved to the side,
exposing the wall.

On the wall was a square metal plate, emitting faint spirit

power fluctuations. Clearly, this metal plate was a spirit tool.
Pressing his right hand to it, immediately, a layer of faint red
light emitted from the metal plate, instantly covering Salas’

With another burst of mechanical sounds, the square plate fell

inwards, exposing a square space. The space wasn’t large, only
one square chi, with a pile of documents inside.

Salas simply rummaged through and pulled out a file marked

with the words ‘Top Secret’.

There were only three sheets of paper inside the file, with
three profiles. Salas quickly looked them over, and very soon
found what he was looking for.

3678 Goldenagato |

“Fifteen, sixteen, sixteen, the youngest of those three was still
fifteen when reaching fortieth rank spirit power.”

Abruptly closing the file, Salas quickly closed the hidden space
with a peng sound. Returning to his desk with big strides, he
once again picked up Tang San’s data, looking at that number
for the eighth time.

“Still one year earlier than the Golden Generation. Blue Silver
Grass, trash spirit? Truly interesting. It’s fortunate he only has
Blue Silver Grass. But this Tang San’s spirit power growth rate
is a bit too fast. Full innate spirit power Blue Silver Grass. It
seems it should be a variation.”

Salas clearly hadn’t been influenced by emperor Xue Ye’s

unyielding attitude earlier today. Picking up a pen, he very
quickly wrote a letter. On the envelope was written ‘Top secret,
for the Supreme Pontiff’.


Nightfall, a slender silhouette quietly entered the forest

behind Shrek Academy, quickly moving along a familiar path,
carrying a wooden case.

3679 Goldenagato |

Her pace was very fast, each time her legs hit the ground she
would be propelled at least five meters. In just a moment, she
had already reached the log cabin in the woods.

Body shooting up, quietly crossing the fence, in just two leaps
she stood in front of the log cabin’s door.

Quietly moving into the log cabin, before she had time to even
move, a strand of durable Blue Silver Grass had already quietly
twisted around her long legs. A cold voice echoed from within
the darkness,


“Ge, it’s me.”

Along with the sweet voice rising, Blue Silver Grass quietly
withdrew, and Tang San lit an oil lamp in the cabin.

The arrival was Xiao Wu. She placed the lunch box she carried
on the table and looked somewhat worriedly at Tang San, but

3680 Goldenagato |

didn’t ask anything.

Even though nobody else knew Tang San’s condition in these

two days, she had brought food to him every day, and the
corners of her eyes revealed her concern.

After asking Grandmaster several times, Grandmaster had

only told her that Tang San would have to sort out his problems
on his own.

Even Grandmaster hadn’t expected Tang San to be in even

more danger than he had expected.

Under the lamplight, Xiao Wu’s charming countenance

seemed even more beautiful, a pair of black big eyes, long
scorpion braid, and still those somewhat exaggeratedly long
legs. Even though she only wore the simple school uniform, the
air around her was still pervaded with a fresh and clean air.

“Ge, eat something first.”

Xiao Wu opened the lunch box, taking out the dishes inside
one by one, four dishes and one soup, as well as several steamed

3681 Goldenagato |

buns. Extremely sumptuous, and right now still piping hot.

This was also an important reason why Xiao Wu had rushed

over, she was afraid the food would go cold.

Rubbing Xiao Wu’s head, Tang San pulled out a chair and,
without any trace of politeness, quickly ate in big bites. He had
gone two days without tasting what he ate, and now that his
issues had been resolved, his appetite naturally returned. He
swept clean the dishes in front of him like wind scattering

Watching Tang San eating heartily, Xiao Wu first looked

distracted a moment, then very quickly had a somewhat smiling
expression. The two had been together for so many years, how
couldn’t she spot the changes in Tang San’s mood? Seeing that
Tang San had already passed the danger zone, Xiao Wu’s taut
heartstrings relaxed automatically.

“Ge, I’ll tell you something good. My spirit power is already

thirty ninth rank.”

Tang San somewhat astonished raised his head. While

chewing a mouthful of food, he said with delighted surprise:

3682 Goldenagato |

“So quickly, then perhaps by the finals you’ll also have broken
through to the fortieth rank. Even if you haven’t, just breaking
through one rank of spirit power will boost strength

Xiao Wu smiled and shook her head, saying:

“Fortieth rank might be impossible in time for this

tournament. That’s after all a bottleneck to break through. But
it shouldn’t be too far away. I’ll try as hard as I can, so you have
to try hard too! That match couldn’t be blamed on you. After
all, our cooperation with Tai Long and the others really was a
bit lacking. Once we reach the finals, our Shrek Seven Devils
can go up together. The result will definitely be different then.
All of us will support you. Everyone’s been together for so long,
experienced so much, the final champions will definitely be us.”

In a short while of work, Tang San had swept the plates clean.
When he smiling looked at Xiao Wu quietly clear the bowls and
chopsticks, for some reason he unexpectedly didn’t feel like
thinking about cultivating.

“Ge, we haven’t exchanged pointers in quite a while. You rest

3683 Goldenagato |

a bit first, then how about we compare notes later? No spirit
abilities and hidden weapons.”

Seeing Xiao Wu’s as if smiling without smiling appearance,

Tang San said:

“Aren’t you looking to bully me? Truly well said. Only, even
without spirit abilities, right now you still might not beat me.”

If it was without using spirit abilities and hidden weapons,

before when Tang San and Xiao Wu exchanged pointers he
would frequently be beaten by her. Her flawless Soft Skill really
was too overbearing.

If caught, let alone equal level, even opponents one level

higher than her wouldn’t stand a chance. In terms of physical
fighting capability, among the Shrek Seven Devils, Xiao Wu
absolutely wasn’t inferior to Tang San, even above Dai Mubai.

Xiao Wu pouted, saying:

“No way. My Soft Skill has improved again recently. We

haven’t had this kind of physical fight in more than half a

3684 Goldenagato |


Tang San nodded, saying:

“More or less. In this half year everyone’s been constantly

drilling tactics.”

The advantages of Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill were clear, and the
flaws were equally clear.

That was the need to get close, and when confronting some
formidable Spirit Masters, once spirit abilities were released,
getting close would be extremely difficult. Even when

Like against Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring that could push
away the opponent at any time, Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill would
naturally be unable to show effect.

Tang San and Xiao Wu had also once carefully researched this
bit, but so far they hadn’t found a perfect solution. Even though
they could resolve it by cooperating, Xiao Wu’s lone combat
capability still couldn’t effectively improve.

3685 Goldenagato |

“Come, we’ll try it now. Let me see to what degree your close
combat ability has reached.”

Tang San smiling said to Xiao Wu. He wasn’t an ordinary

person, and even though he had just eaten a lot, it still wouldn’t
influence a bit of exercise.

The two went outside, facing each other under light of the the
seemingly smiling moon.

“Ge, then I’ll start.”


Tang San smiling crooked a finger at Xiao Wu.

Everyone’s strength had improved, and Tang San’s Ghost

Shadow Perplexing Track had gradually reached a degree of
perfection along with the progress of his Mysterious Heaven
Skill. Even though Xiao Wu’s close combat ability was very
strong, as long as he didn’t let her get close enough to use force,

3686 Goldenagato |

what was the use of even more power? Therefore, Tang San
basically didn’t believe he could lose.

Xiao Wu moved. She really was very fast, before he even saw
her legs bend, she had already appeared in front of Tang San in
a flash. The long scorpion braid behind her whipped out,
covering a large area, and she simultaneously stretched out her
hands, hugging towards Tang San’s neck.

Tang San swiftly took three steps, his body flickering

successively as if illusory, his upper body simultaneously
bending backwards, extremely ingeniously breaking out of Xiao
Wu’s attack range. He didn’t attack, but swiftly retreated using
Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track.

Xiao Wu naturally wouldn’t leave it at that. Upper body

suddenly leaning over, her pace swiftly accelerating, and with a
slight swaying of her upper body, Tang San only felt something
blossom before his eyes. In that instant, Xiao Wu’s body seemed
to become illusory, as if three of her appeared simultaneously.

If he wasn’t exceedingly familiar with Xiao Wu’s spirit

abilities, Tang San would have believed she had used her
abilities. But reason told him that it wasn’t any kind of spirit
ability. The reason why three silhouettes suddenly appeared

3687 Goldenagato |

was her speed.

At the same time as the three silhouettes emerged, Xiao Wu’s

speed had reached a terrifying degree. Even though it couldn’t
compare to teleport, she had pulled close the distance to Tang
San in just a split second, three silhouettes, two empty and one
real, surrounded Tang San all at once.

The scorpion braid whipped out once again.

“So fast!”

Tang San gasped in admiration, but his feet didn’t pause. If

Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track could be broken so easily, then
it wouldn’t be Tan Sect’s secret lore. As a support skill for
hidden weapons, lightness skill had always been extremely
important at Tang Sect.

Seeing Tang San’s body also becoming illusory, truly like a

shadow flickering several times, he was obviously escaping to
the left, but in fact his body had already moved to the right.
Xiao Wu, determined to win, still only pounced at empty air.

3688 Goldenagato |

Pausing, Xiao Wu fuming looked at Tang San,

“What are you doing running away so quickly, I’m not going
to eat you.”

Tang San grinned, saying:

“What’s wrong in running when I can’t win? If you have the

skill, catch me.”

Xiao Wu snorted,

“Then I’ll use my true strength.”

While speaking, her right hand pulled at her scorpion braid.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Tang San teased her.

3689 Goldenagato |


Xiao Wu’s one hand held her braid, upper body swaying once
again, she charged directly at Tang San. Just when Tang San
prepared the same old trick, once again using Ghost Shadow
Perplexing Track to dodge, Xiao Wu suddenly moved.

The scorpion braid flung out, suddenly coming undone. The

originally long braid suddenly became like a black cloud that
enveloped Tang San completely. Even though Tang San was
fast, all this was really too sudden. He only saw his vision go
black, and he subconsciously retreated.

The scorpion braid itself could be called Xiao Wu’s tool to

extend her attack distance. When it was a braid, it was more
than one meter sixty long, but now that it suddenly opened, the
braid’s length abruptly shot up to two meters and change,
making Tang San misjudge the distance. Even more
importantly, the braid was originally like a whip, and its attack
range was after all limited.

But now that the hair dispersed, not only did the area it
covered turn from a string to a surface, at the same time it also
instantly covered Tang San’s field of vision.

3690 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu was even faster than Tang San imagined. If Tang San
could see the expression in Xiao Wu’s eyes right now, he would
definitely see a crafty glint within. In that attack before, she
basically hadn’t used her speed to its full limit. But now, if Zhu
Zhuqing was here, she would definitely discover that Xiao Wu’s
speed unexpectedly wasn’t inferior to hers, at most Xiao Wu
was only a bit less agile than her.

The braid suddenly separated into five parts, separately

binding Tang San’s neck, arms and legs. Tang San’s Ghost
Shadow Perplexing Track also only let him dodge the two parts
below, his arms and neck tightening simultaneously.

Tang San secretly cursed, both arms immediately turning in

reverse to grab and remove Xiao Wu’s braid. Simultaneously he
immediately leapt up, just managing to get away from Xiao
Wu’s twisting long legs.

Grabbing Xiao Wu’s hair, Tang San suddenly had a strange

feeling. That hair had a faint delicate fragrance, supple where
he grabbed, slipping out of his hands, and basically couldn’t be
grabbed firmly. Moreover, the hair had an indistinct tenacity,
agile as if it was alive.

Suddenly, the hair wound around Tang San’s neck and arms

3691 Goldenagato |

released, slipping through the cracks between his fingers. No
matter how much strength Tang San used, he was still unable to
hold back the smooth black hair.

Xiao Wu’s lovable laughter also echoed at this time,

“Ge, this time I want to see how you’ll still run.”

Right now Tang San had also realized he was in a bad position.
In order to avoid Xiao Wu’s long legs, he had already leapt into
the air, planning to rely on the hair he had grabbed to change
direction. But the hair suddenly slipped through his fingers left
him without anything to pull, and he soared straight up into the

No matter how miraculous Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, it

still needed some place to exert strength. Where could Tang San
exert any strength now?

Xiao Wu’s leg lock maneuver was a feint, and at the same time
as she withdrew her hair, she already crouched slightly, and in
the next moment shot up, chasing after Tang San in midair.

3692 Goldenagato |

Delicate little hands once again wound around Tang San’s
neck, and helplessly, Tang San could only pour strength into his
arms to block. But were Xiao Wu’s hands so easy to resist?
Hands with arms so soft as to being boneless stretched along
Tang San’s arms, smoothly winding around his neck, her entire
body already pasted to him.

Tang San only felt something tighten around his waist as Xiao
Wu’s powerful long legs wrapped around him. Whether arms or
legs, Xiao Wu gave him a feeling of extreme pliability and
toughness, even a bit more durable than his Blue Silver Grass.
Most terrifying was that Xiao Wu’s toughness was as slippery as
her long hair. The strength Tang San used dissipated
immediately with a slight sway of Xiao Wu’s body.

If it was described using Tang San’s martial skill in his last

life, then the skill Xiao Wu used right now was the most
powerful four liang pushing a thousand jin. No matter how you
used strength, you would be unable to throw her off. Even Tang
San’s arms were completely locked up by Xiao Wu’s arms
around his neck, and he couldn’t attack even if he wanted to.

If he was facing an enemy right now, all Tang San could have
done was a headbutt. But how could he want to do that to Xiao
Wu, what could be done if Xiao Wu was by some chance
injured? What’s more, if Xiao Wu really was an enemy, then

3693 Goldenagato |

Waist Bow would have already launched the instant she caught
his neck, without giving him any chance to resist.

But Xiao Wu didn’t use Waist Bow. The long hair fluttering
behind her back, arms tightly wound around Tang San’s neck,
the two fell from the sky, face to face.

Until they stood firmly on the ground, Tang San still couldn’t
believe this was real. Looking at Xiao Wu almost within reach,
exhaling fragrantly, he couldn’t help being speechless.

Tang San was certain he absolutely hadn’t been careless. He

knew Xiao Wu’s close combat ability, and he had used Ghost
Shadow Perplexing Track from the start. But finally it had still
ended like this. The key was Xiao Wu’s long hair and the
changes in her body.

Xiao Wu’s close combat had clearly become even more

powerful, but this didn’t seem to be something given her by
spirit rings. Tang San was very curious as to what she had
actually done.

“I’ve won.”

3694 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu giggling looked at Tang San. Her legs twisted around
his waist didn’t let go, the two touching so closely they could
smell each others’ breath.

Right now looking at Xiao Wu at such close range, Tang San’s

gaze froze somewhat. A ball of flame ignited deep in his heart,
and his breathing clearly became more ragged.

Xiao Wu very quickly discovered the changes in Tang San, and

the smile on her face gradually faded. Staring at him equally
fixedly, slowly moving the arms twisted around his, releasing
Tang San’s arms, but both her hands still embracing his neck,
her small butt right now stuck to Tang San’s abdomen. Her
breathing also started to become equally rough, and she could
even hear her own heart beat faster.

Tang San’s hands subconsciously embraced Xiao Wu’s slender

waist, pulling her closer. Xiao Wu’s arms also used strength at
the same time. A trace of confusion spread through their hearts


The call of a nocturnal bird suddenly smashed the tranquility,

3695 Goldenagato |

clearing Tang San’s mind, and he hastily curbed his state of

‘She’s my little sister, what am I doing?’

Subconsciously releasing the hands pulling Xiao Wu’s waist

closer, Tang San somewhat panicked grabbed Xiao Wu’s
shoulders, tilting his head,

“Xiao Wu. How did you do it? Your close combat capability
seems to-, seems to have grown a lot stronger.”

All Tang San could do at this moment was to change the

subject, only like that could he somewhat ease the
embarrassment he felt.


Sensing Tang San’s mood cooling, Xiao Wu also gradually

calmed. But she still wasn’t willing to separate from the contact
with Tang San at this point. Even though her legs slipped from
Tang San’s waist, she still embraced Tang San’s neck, her body
leaning against his, her head resting on Tang San’s shoulder,

3696 Goldenagato |

her face naturally displaying a faint smiling expression.

Tang San wanted to push away Xiao Wu, but also couldn’t
bear it. Xiao Wu spoke up,

“Ge, do you know why my close combat ability grew so much


Tang San blankly shook his head. Even though he was

intelligent, right now he had somewhat lost the ability to think.

Xiao Wu said:

“I know the flaws of my own abilities, but not long ago I also
understood the ‘soft’ in Soft Skill. Spirit abilities might not
necessarily come from spirit rings. True powers also have a lot
of capabilities not inferior to spirit abilities. Just like your
Purple Demon Eye mental attack, right? We all have a lot of
potential ourselves, and developing one is a kind of spirit
ability. A spirit ability created by oneself will have an even
deeper understanding than one brought by a spirit ring, and
they’re also even more practical.”

3697 Goldenagato |

Listening to Xiao Wu, Tang San couldn’t help looking
distracted a moment. He forgot about pushing away Xiao Wu,
immediately sinking into deep thought. Xiao Wu’s words could
be described as having opened another door for him. If Dugu
Bo’s pointer before could be described as having created the
thought of a prototype for his future abilities, then Xiao Wu’s
words erased the vagueness before his eyes, making everything
become clear.

Xiao Wu leaned against Tang San’s shoulder,

“Also, when we use spirit abilities we can also be more

meticulous, coordinating our own spirit abilities, and
coordinating with our companions’ spirit abilities. Even if it
isn’t a spirit fusion ability, the effect should still be even more
powerful than adding one plus one to make two.”

Tang San astonished said:

“When did your insight become so penetrating, this is also

what I’ve wanted to tell everyone. The coordination of our
spirit abilities can still improve, especially the coordination of
our own spirit abilities. Like your three spirit abilities right
now, I think the best way of coordinating them is Demon
Confusion, Teleport, Waist Bow. Using Demon Confusion to

3698 Goldenagato |

deadlock the opponent, teleport to instantly get close, then
erupting with the strength of Waist Bow. That way it can
doubtless show its greatest fighting strength. As long as the
opponent is a little bit careless, they won’t have the power to
resist further.”

Release the hands encircling Tang San, Xiao Wu took the

initiative to separate from his wide chest, smiling at Tang San
under the moonlight:

“Since you’ve already figured it out, then I’m at ease. Ge, I

believe you will definitely be the most capable Spirit Master. I
won’t disturb you, I’m leaving first.”

Finished speaking, she walked into the log cabin, collecting

the lunch box and prepared to leave.

“Wait a moment.”

Tang San stopped Xiao Wu, reaching behind her in a few

steps, cautiously pulling up the long hair already trailing on the

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“I’ll help you comb your hair, you can leave afterwards.”

A blush bloomed on Xiao Wu’s cheeks. Stretching back her

hand and handing over a comb, she softly lowered her head.

The two meter long hair was so supple it originally didn’t

need any great effort to comb, but Tang San spent a full hour.
Compared to last time, the braid he made this time was a lot
better. In that peace and warm fragrance, his heart suddenly
became incomparably penetrating.

Once Xiao Wu left, Tang San didn’t return to the log cabin,
but rather walked into the woods, slowly roaming the forest
with the log cabin as the center, walking without pause. If one
observed carefully, one could discover that his pace was
unusually measured, the distance of each step practically
exactly the same.

Even more peculiarly, Tang San always had his eyes closed.
Walking without using his eyes to see, he still didn’t bump into
any trees, using the best path to unhurriedly advance.

Faint white light began to gradually appear over his body. In

the places he passed, the exuberant blue silver grass on the

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ground would subsequently sway rhythmically.

Tang San walked just like this a whole night. After the night,
as he returned to meditate in the log cabin, the blue silver grass
in the forest seemed to have become more lush than before.


One month’s time isn’t particularly long, but this one month
couldn’t be called relaxed for the Shrek Seven Devils. Tang San
only spent ten days in seclusion in the log cabin, returning to
his companions after the ten days to accept Grandmaster’s hell
training alongside them.

The training Grandmaster gave them wasn’t the same as

before. According to what Grandmaster told them, this time’s
training was called the potential stimulating plan.

How was potential stimulated? Grandmaster explained it very

simply, the greater the pressure, the greater the propulsion, the
easier it would be to stimulate their potential.

Therefore, this potential stimulation plan consisted of

3701 Goldenagato |

constant battle. The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t confront a lot of
opponents. Only one. Slaughtering corner, Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong’s spirit power wasn’t the strongest in the Academy.

Compared to Zhao Wuji and Flender she was roughly a bit

But in terms of combat ability, neither Zhao Wuji or Flender

would dare confront her. Her attack methods consisted
completely of that kind of berserk oppression, as frantic as an
erupting volcano. She basically wouldn’t give her opponents
any chance to catch their breath.

Before Tang San emerged from the log cabin, Dai Mubai and
the others would every day learn the intricacies of masochism
under Liu Erlong’s torrential attacks, but after Tang San’s
return, this situation changed. Even though they were still
beaten, it wasn’t as unsightly.

“Seven as one.”

Tang San shouted loudly, swiftly retreating.

3702 Goldenagato |

Right now he was already completely unable to breathe. An
enormous flame in the shape of a giant dragon hiding the sky
and covering the earth rushed out. Even though he was immune
to fire, the tremendous force of impact contained within that
flame wasn’t something he had the ability to withstand.

1尺 = ⅓ m

A small force diverting a large force.

3703 Goldenagato |

Chapter 109 - Outschemed Liu Erlong

It was the last day before the ranking competition, and this
day was also the Shrek Seven Devils’ last time confronting Liu

Without the slightest hesitation, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun

simultaneously interposed themselves in front of Tang San,
blocking stiffly.

Dai Mubai’s body had already expanded to the limit, White

Tiger Barrier and White Tiger Vajra Transformation used
simultaneously. But Ma Hongjun burst with Bathing Fire
Phoenix and Phoenix Ascension, his chubby body soaring in
midair, blocking above as Dai Mubai did below. Fully using their
spirit power, they obstructed Liu Erlong’s attack, giving Tang
San time to fight.

At the same time, the others didn’t stay idle either. Three
lines of light shot out simultaneously, two of them falling on
Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, releasing an aura of defense, while
the third fell on Xiao Wu with a speed boost. The user of these
three lines of light was Ning Rongrong. The Nine Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda in her hand shone brilliantly, providing the
optimum support while saving the most spirit power.

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Xiao Wu had already leapt, pouncing straight at Liu Erlong.
But Liu Erlong didn’t seem to see her, both hands spreading,
two lines of Fire Dragon energy struck at Zhu Zhuqing
approaching from the side, suppressing her.

But at this moment, a silhouette soared high up in the air,

incorporeal wings flapping behind his back, Tang San.

Using a flying mushroom to provide one minute of fast flight,

let him soar far into the air.

Liu Erlong practically unconsciously raised her head to look at

Tang San, but what met her was two beams of purple golden

Even if Liu Erlong was a Spirit Sage, she still shuddered a

moment under that powerful mental attack. The spirit ability
she had just prepared to use was immediately obstructed. And
this moment was when Xiao Wu only was five meters away
from her.

The Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s second spirit ability, Demon

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Confusion, launched.

Under normal circumstances, Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion

would clearly have been ineffective on Liu Erlong, she would
even have been injured by Liu Erlong’s mental strength
backlash. But right now was different. Liu Erlong’s mind was at
its weakest when under Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye mental
attack. Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion ability immediately showed
results, increasing the time Liu Erlong was deadlocked by two

Hardly sparing her spirit power, the next moment, Xiao Wu’s
third spirit ability, Teleportation, launched. Her body abruptly
appeared behind Liu Erlong, subconsciously avoiding a frontal
attack. Her legs wound around Liu Erlong’s waist, and Waist
Bow launched.

Liu Erlong’s spirit power really was too great. Even if Xiao
Wu’s Waist Bow instantly doubled her strength, it still wasn’t
enough to throw Liu Erlong. But under this kind of stun, Liu
Erlong still couldn’t stand firm. The spirit power within her
body erupted, wanting to shock Xiao Wu loose.

But, the degree of toughness of Xiao Wu’s body was so valiant

that even with Liu Erlong’s spirit power, it still wasn’t easy to

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shake her off in an instant. And confronting her adopted
daughter, Liu Erlong was also unwilling to use her flame attack
to injure Xiao Wu.

Only at truly close range could the frightfulness of Xiao Wu’s

Soft Skill be experienced.

Her bone maggot-like attack method basically didn’t give the

opponent any chance to strike back. After getting close, none of
the other Shrek Seven Devils could match Xiao Wu in use of
strength. Right now, even though she was unable to throw Liu
Erlong, Liu Erlong had no doubt also lost her agility.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stopped after her retreat, her figure

flashed, turning into three. It was her fourth spirit ability, Hell
Shadow Doppelgänger. Immediately afterward, her third spirit
ring also flared. The three claws of the figures rose
simultaneously, launching Hell Decapitation.

Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Shadow Doppelgänger wasn’t like the

mirages Xiao Wu produced with speed, for a brief moment, her
doppelgängers had the power to attack.

And this moment coordinating the third spirit ability Hell

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Decapitation was doubtless like three separate Hell
Decapitations simultaneously striking in one direction.

Coordinating the fourth spirit ability with the third spirit

ability, no doubt made her attack power increase geometrically.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai erupted as well.

The two both fully used two spirit abilities, White Tiger
Barrier and White Tiger Vajra Transformation already raised
Dai Mubai’s spirit power to its peak condition, and Fatty’s
phoenix flame also equally reached its peak under the boost of
Phoenix Ascension and Bathing Fire Phoenix.

Under such circumstances, the two turned from defense to

offense in an instant. Dazzling white meteors fell from the sky,
blasting at Liu Erlong. Fatty already swiftly flew in front of Liu
Erlong under Phoenix Ascension’s effect.

Xiao Wu’s delicate body leapt backwards, her mission already

complete. And the split second she leapt back, the Spider Web
Restraint Tang San shot from the air landed on Liu Erlong.

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Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, the four
main attackers were simultaneously suffused with a layer of
pink light, the might of their spirit abilities reaching the peak in
a split second. And the splendor of the Nine Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda also changed at this moment. Altogether eight rays
of light separately falling on the four of them. Each person had
support from two rays of light, Ning Rongrong’s spirit power
boost and attack power boost.

Under the support of the pink stimulating sausage and Ning

Rongrong’s all out dual boost, right now the attack power of
Tang San and the others had doubtless reached the limit.


The first to erupt was Fatty’s Phoenix Cry Sky Strike, the
distorted space just taking the place of Xiao Wu’s Demon
Confusion, accurately acting as a follow up strike. An enormous
pillar of flame burst up, its attack power erupting completely.

The attack from below shocked Liu Erlong’s body, even

though her flame resistance was very high, the adhering
properties of Fatty’s phoenix flame were extremely powerful,
finally having an enormous restrictive effect on her fire dragon

3709 Goldenagato |

And those three Hell Decapitations and the White Tiger
Meteor Shower in midair also all accurately struck Liu Erlong.

From Tang San’s use of Purple Demon Eye, up to the

quadruple cooperative attack, the whole process left Liu Erlong
without any chance to resist. The initial and follow-up
restraining abilities completely restrained her from acting.

“Fuck, you little bastards.”

Enduring White Tiger Meteor Shower and three Hell

Decapitations finally brought Liu Erlong back from the daze.
Under such circumstances, even she had no choice but to use
her most powerful defensive ability.

Magnificent flaming radiance burst out from within her body,

Fire Dragon Avatar erupted.

But at this moment, in the ground below Liu Erlong,

suddenly, countless knife sharp incomparable Blue Silver Grass
abruptly exploded out, a one diameter circle of Blue Silver Grass
caught up to her in a flash. The timing when the Blue Silver

3710 Goldenagato |

Grass erupted was the moment after Liu Erlong had taken
White Tiger Meteor Shower, Hell Decapitation, and Phoenix
Cry Sky Strike, when her defense was at its weakest, just
transforming into Fire Dragon Avatar.

Tang San’s forth spirit ability Blue Silver Prison’s variant

version Blue Silver Thrust, launched.

Tang San had waited for this opportunity all along. Ten days
of secluded cultivation let him figure out a great many things.
Blue Silver Prison wasn’t powerful in itself, but its superiority
lay in ease of control. Under the effect of his fourth spirit
ability, Blue Silver Grass would become incomparably hard, and
utilizing this fact, Tang San had developed this Blue Silver
Thrust. The same as Blue Silver prison, the most terrifying part
of Blue Silver Thrust wasn’t its attack power, but rather its
unexpectedness. Right now, even Liu Erlong couldn’t help
jumping with fright.

Tyrannical piercing power once again slammed at the not yet

completely turned into Fire Dragon Avatar Liu Erlong, and at
this moment, a black little hammer dropped from the sky, just
falling on top of Liu Erlong’s head.

A dizzy feeling spread through her entire body, and Liu

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Erlong’s Fire Dragon Avatar was forcibly interrupted by that
intense daze. Immediately afterwards, her ears caught a burst of
mechanical sounds.


A ragged Liu Erlong fell to the ground. Even if she hadn’t

suffered any true injuries by relying on the defensive abilities
she had launched at the start of the battle as well as her
formidable spirit power, right now her clothes were already
substantially damaged, the qi and blood within her body roiling,
for a moment unexpectedly unable to use spirit abilities of her
third spirit ring and higher.

And at this moment, she also clearly saw the Shrek Seven
Devils. These seven little fellows each had a black square box in
their hands, just smiling and chattering looking at her. Clearly
they didn’t intend to shoot her, but Liu Erlong still felt a chill
run down her back.

No matter how she couldn’t understand why these little

monsters suddenly became so ferocious today. Just yesterday
they had still been oppressed by her. But in this fight today, Liu
Erlong had been completely unable to display her strength.

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“Alright, it’s over. Erlong, you lost.”

Grandmaster’s slightly stiff voice echoed.

Unwinding the mechanisms, the Shrek Seven Devils

simultaneously withdrew their Godly Zhuge Crossbows,
stretching out their right hands and making victory signs. Ning
Rongrong was even shouted excitedly.

Yes, even if there were seven of them, the one they defeated
today was an immense seventy something ranked Spirit Sage,
and moreover had terrifying attack power, burst strength so
tyrannical she was known as the Slaughtering Corner, Liu
Erlong. How couldn’t they be excited?

“I don’t accept it.”

Liu Erlong walked over in front of Grandmaster in a spitting


“Why did I lose? They didn’t even really hurt me. If it went
on, I would definitely win. Even those Godly Zhuge Crossbows
of theirs might not be able to really hurt me.”

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Seeing Liu Erlong seething, Grandmaster raised a hand to help
her sort out her disorderly red hair. Shaking his head with a
smile, he said:

“No, you already lost. Didn’t you notice they already went
easy on you? Mubai and Zhuqing’s spirit fusion ability wasn’t
used, and Tang San still held back his external spirit bone.”

“Since they could link up other spirit abilities, then they

shouldn’t be unable to join together two powerful abilities. You
lost out of carelessness, when Tang San stunned you with
Purple Demon Eye, you had already lost any chance. These little
fellows basically wouldn’t give you the time to retaliate.
Constantly hit with restraining abilities, what could you have
done? Even if your strength exceeds theirs by far, that’s still no
good against an explosive bombardment maneuver like theirs.
You were outsmarted by them.”

Liu Erlong turned fiercely, looking at the Shrek Seven Devils

excitedly celebrating their victory,

“Hurray, you little bastards, how long have you been

scheming against an old woman?”

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Oscar grinned, saying:

“You’re too strong, if we didn’t do this, how could we be your


Liu Erlong angrily said:

“This old woman should fully use her spirit avatar once, then
teach all of you a proper lesson.”

“Useless. They have too many interrupting abilities. They

wouldn’t give you the chance to use spirit avatar. Your other
abilities also aren’t enough to beat them. With two auxiliaries,
they can completely boost the strength of two or three people
above the fiftieth rank. These little monsters have basically
perfected their teamwork. If it was Flender here, the result
would still be the same.”

Grandmaster looked at the group of children in front of him

with satisfaction, they had clearly grown a lot in just this one
month. Moreover, their growth speed was faster than even he
had imagined. Not just Tang San, but all of them.

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Right now, the spirit power of the seven had also reached the
limit of their rank under Liu Erlong’s pressure, already not far
from promoting.

Grandmaster very naturally embraced Liu Erlong’s shoulders,

“These seven little monsters started planning against you at

least three days ago. With this kind of teamwork, even if you
could defeat them, it wouldn’t be easy to oppress them like you
did the last few days. They were showing weakness to the
enemy, making you drop your guard. They are clearly unable to
defeat you in true strength, but in circumstances where they’re
showing weakness, it would be impossible for you to take the
initiative and use your more powerful spirit abilities.
Consequently, your defeat today.”

Liu Erlong looked fiercely at the Shrek Seven Devils,

“Hurray. You seven little creatures actually dared scheme

against me. You’re toast. Come, let’s continue exchanging
pointers. If this old woman doesn’t beat you until you’re crying
today, then my name isn’t Liu Erlong.”

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Before Liu Erlong even charged, the Shrek Seven Devils were
already screaming. Everyone’s pleading gazes fell on

Grandmaster raised his head to look at the sky, very flatly


“Even though your tactics were pretty good, the one you
schemed against was after all your teacher’s wife. Let her vent
her anger. Erlong, start off a bit leniently.”

The Shrek Seven Devils,


In the next several hours, the classes in Shrek Academy’s

main school building could all clearly hear blood curdling
screams echoing continuously. Apparently, the forest behind
the academy had become a world of misery.

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Most miserable were Tai Long’s quartet. They didn’t have any
part in the scheme against Liu Erlong, but they still couldn’t
avoid their share of the beating.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament ranking competition wasn’t as bustling as the
qualifiers. In order to protect the privacy of the spirit masters,
and also out of security considerations, not spectators were
allowed at the ranking competition.

The ranking competitions were still held by the two great

empires, the thirty teams selected in the qualifiers competing in
each of their empires. But the three teams seeded to participate
in the finals didn’t participate.

On the Heaven Dou Empire’s side, including the five teams

that passed the Heaven Dou City qualifiers, altogether fifteen
teams had already completed their registration procedures in
the morning, gathering at the ranking competition site.

The teams were few, but being capable of passing the

qualifiers, they were no doubt all the elite of the elite.

The ten teams from the five kingdoms and duchies all came a

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bit earlier in order to familiarize themselves with the
surroundings. At the same time, they also carried numerous
promises from the kingdom or duchy they represented. If they
could make a good showing, the rewards they could obtain
might be even greater than what emperor Xue Ye promised.

After all, those kingdoms and duchies all had even greater
thirsts for talents. Who didn’t wish to grasp even more
formidable spirit masters in their hands?

Spirit Masters had long since become the decisive element on

the battlefields of Douluo Continent, and the number of high
level Spirit Masters was also the basis when weighing the power
of the sides. It was also because of this that Spirit Hall held such
a high position. Even the two great empires didn’t dare lightly
offend them, fully aware that those kingdoms and duchies were
all secretly backed by Spirit Hall. They dared be angry, but not
say anything.

The imperial household hunting grounds were fifty

kilometers southwest of Heaven Dou City. The hunting grounds
were a vast area with varied terrain, both hunting grounds and
training area for imperial household staff.

On ordinary days, commoners weren’t allowed anywhere

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near. It was patrolled and protected by ten thousand imperial
household knights, who simultaneously drilled here. The duty
roster was rotated into training every three months, to
maintain fighting strength.

The imperial household knights regiment was considered the

most powerful force at the disposal of Heaven Dou Empire’s
imperial household.

In order needless trouble and conflicts, and also to prevent the

strength of each team entering the ranking competition from
being observed by others, all the fifteen advanced spirit master
academy teams entering were arranged in separate resting

The Heaven Dou imperial household had clearly prepared for

the competition far in advance, and the first thing the Shrek
Academy party saw when they arrived early in the morning,
was the enormous imperial household knights regiment.

Without exception, the entire Heaven Dou imperial household

knights regiment wore brightly shining silvery armor, the solid
plates possessing astonishing defensive power. Even their
mounts were carefully chosen, Skysoul Horses possessing a
degree of spirit beast blood. Horses like these didn’t have any

3720 Goldenagato |

kind of offensive capability, but their surprising speed,
enormous carrying capacity, as well as outstanding endurance,
always made these the first choice for cavalry.

The horses also wore armor, but even with the weight of the
knights in bright armor, it couldn’t influence the speed of these

If a team of cavalry like this launched a charge, their power

would inevitably be astonishing.

The imperial household knights regiment was the result of the

efforts of the Heaven Dou imperial household to create a group
of elite troops. There were fifty thousand men in all, and all
hundred men captains and higher were spirit masters. This was
also an extremely expensive army, but its military power was
equally tremendous. At least there was no way the several great
kingdoms and duchies subordinate to Heaven Dou Empire dared
act blindly without thinking under its threat.

“Please present your letter.”

The Shrek Academy party was blocked by a group of imperial

household knights. The so-called letter was the proof of

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advancement qualifications.

Flender handed over the proof to the counterpart, and that

silver armored, red-tasseled knight immediately saluted.

“Welcome, Spirit Masters of Shrek Academy. I am Heaven

Dou imperial household knights regiment’s third brigade
captain Roxon, please follow me.”

Finished speaking, he didn’t mount up, but led the Shrek

Academy’s more than ten people into the hunting ground under
escort of fifty fully armed imperial household knights.

Cresting a small hill, everyone suddenly saw a wide open

space emerge in front of them. It was an expansive grassland,
stretching to the horizon, giving a liberating feeling,
indescribably pleasurable.

A large area of barracks formed a circle in the grasslands.

Roxon pointed at the camp,

“The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament’s ranking competition will be held at the center of

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the barracks. We can absolutely guarantee the safety and
privacy of all the guests.”

Tang San’s heart twitched, thinking to himself that the

Heaven Dou imperial household had spent a lot of painstaking
effort. Holding the ranking competition among these barracks
would certainly mean the imperial household knights would
become spectators. A showdown of Spirit Masters would
inevitably have a certain energizing effect on the knights,
rousing their diligent resolution and fighting spirit even more.

The Shrek Academy party was led into the camp and allocated
five rooms for their rest area. The army’s barracks naturally
couldn’t be called luxurious, but they were swept unusually
clean. Clearly it was prepared in advance of their arrival.

Until the end of the ranking competition, the Shrek

Academy’s fourteen members would all stay here.

The ranking competition would also follow a round robin

format, but since there were a lot fewer teams, the time
allocated for the competition dropped from one month to half a
month. After another half month of rest, the finals would
ultimately be held on the border between Heaven Dou and Star
Luo Empires.

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Roxon gave Flender a standard military salute,

“Sir dean, please rest early. The ranking competition will

officially start tomorrow. At that time, special guides will bring
you to the competition area. The ranking competition doesn’t
have an opening ceremony, and will start directly with matches.
The outcome of the matches will be decided jointly by the
Empire and Spirit Hall, to ensure fairness.”

“Thank you, captain Roxon.”

Flender returned the salute with a smile.

Roxon, somewhat overwhelmed with the favor, said:

“I dare not, with your leave, I will withdraw.”

Capable of becoming the imperial household knights regiment

third brigade captain, he was naturally also a Spirit Master. But
only at the forty fourth rank. Facing the dean of an advanced
Spirit Master academy, he was naturally brimming with

3724 Goldenagato |


Flender assigned everyone to the rooms very quickly. Liu

Erlong and Xiao Wu to one room, Ning Rongrong, Jiang Zhu
and Zhu Zhuqing to one room. He and Grandmaster to one
room. The remaining two rooms were split between Tang San,
Dai Mubai and the other male students.

Just when they had settled in, this temporary dwelling also
received two guests. If saying that the arrival of Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi came as a surprise to
Tang San, then the person who came with him was even more

Between the five barracks was an independent courtyard.

Tang San had just left his luggage in the courtyard to stretch,
when he saw the two approaching.

“Hello uncle Ning, your Highness, how come you’re here


The person with Ning Fengzhi wasn’t a stranger, but Heaven

Dou Empire’s crown prince, Xue Qinghe.

3725 Goldenagato |

Xue Qinghe wore common noble’s attire, without anything
particularly luxurious. He gave an impression of an average
noble, especially when standing next to the elegant Ning
Fengzhi. The contrast alone kept him from drawing attention.

If Tang San hadn’t met him before, he absolutely wouldn’t

have thought he had such noble status.

Xue Qinghe had a mild smile,

“Brother Tang, I didn’t come for you. This time I’m here with
my imperial father to watch the ranking competition and took
the chance to come look in on you. How is it? Is this place
suitable? If you have any complaints, I’ll call over someone to
move you somewhere else.”

Tang San hurriedly shook his head, saying:

“No need to take the trouble, here is already very good. Many
thanks for your Highness’ concern.”

Xue Qinghe’s brows wrinkled slightly, saying:

3726 Goldenagato |

“Brother Tang, there’s no need to keep calling me crown
prince, crown prince. I’m a few years older than you, so if you
don’t mind, just call me big brother Xue. Can I call you by your

Tang San still had a very favorable impression of Xue Qinghe.

Compared to his little brother Xue Beng, the two were
practically as different as heaven and earth. Even though Xue
Qinghe wasn’t very old, his shrewdness was very deep. But no
matter how you put it, on the surface he gave people a very
comfortable impression.

Not only didn’t he have any of the arrogance of a crown

prince, that amiable and approachable impression was very easy
to accept. Even if he clearly had the intention of recruiting Tang
San, he didn’t force the issue.

“Alright, big brother Xue. Then I’ll address you like this from
now. Please, come sit inside.”

Tang San hastily showed Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi into
the barracks.

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Ning Fengzhi smiling shook his head, saying:

“We won’t sit down, we’re only here for a look. Rongrong is?
Not having seen that girl for a while, I’ve really missed her.”


Ning Rongrong’s voice resounded at just that moment, her

lovable figure running out from a room,

“Why did you come?”

Directly throwing herself into Ning Fengzhi’s embrace, Ning

Rongrong had an excited expression.

By now, the others had also all walked out from the rooms.
Xue Qinghe made a hushing gesture at Tang San who
immediately caught on: clearly he didn’t want his identity
known, and naturally also no inappropriate introductions.

Flender and Grandmaster came to greet them,

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“School master Ning, hello.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“Dean Flender, we’re passing by. We heard you’d already

checked in, and came to take a look in passing. At the same time
I would still be so presumptuous as to ask a favor.”

“Eh? School master Ning, please speak.”

Flender looked with some astonishment at this character with

a decisive role among the seven great schools. He didn’t
understand what matter he would come to him for.

Ning Fengzhi said:

“Rongrong is indebted to your noble institution’s dean and

teachers for all the care and instruction. Her strength has
advanced by leaps and bounds, I don’t know how much stronger
she has become compared to when she was at the school. It
seems that my Seven Glazed Tile School’s internal education
has still has a great many issues. Therefore, when next semester

3729 Goldenagato |

starts, I want to have some school disciples enroll at Shrek
Academy, I don’t know whether that would be inconvenient?”


Flender thought he had misheard. Compared to Seven

Treasure Glazed Tile School, Shrek Academy’s position was far
too lacking, he really hadn’t expected Ning Fengzhi to raise a
request like this.

“School master Ning, is this appropriate? How could our

Academy compare to the instruction of your noble school?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“There’s nothing inappropriate, isn’t Rongrong the best

example? I’ll say it directly, my decision to have school disciples
study at your Academy is mainly to interact with Grandmaster.
I believe that Grandmaster’s capability to instruct students is
second to none on the Continent, Grandmaster’s intellectual
knowledge is also worthy to sigh in praise over.”

Flender suddenly understood. Indeed, even though

3730 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster was previously known for his theoretical
knowledge, his reputation in the Spirit Master world originated
even more in their Golden Iron Triangle trinity combination.

But along with Tang San revealing his outstanding talent, as a

perspicacious person, Ning Fengzhi naturally understood that
this was inextricably linked with Grandmaster’s instruction.
Since Grandmaster could instruct one genius, he could naturally
instruct a second, a third, and even more. Ning Fengzhi was
worthy of being the school master of one of the three upper
sects, his insight made Flender secretly sigh in praise.

Grandmaster’s expression twitched. He just wanted to say

something, but seeing Flender’s imploring gaze, his words went
back down. If the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School could
cooperate with Shrek Academy, it would have an enormous
impact on the future growth of Shrek Academy.

With the backing of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Shrek

Academy would doubtless immediately be promoted to the level
of the Continent’s most famous academies.

Even though Grandmaster really didn’t want to be tied down

to a routine, recalling everything Flender had done for him and
Liu Erlong all these years, he really didn’t have the heart to

3731 Goldenagato |

refuse again. He could only agree.

Ning Fengzhi didn’t seem to see the embarrassment on

Grandmaster’s face, and smiled at Flender:

“As for the concrete arrangements, I’ll wait to speak with

dean about it until after the end of the Continental Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Tournament. The ranking competition
is the stage to reveal the strength of the individual, and it’s also
the best opportunity to temper these children. Here, let me be
the first to congratulate Shrek Academy on achieving a good

Flender hurriedly expressed his thanks.

At this point, Xue Qinghe to the side said:

“Teacher, it’s getting late. We should leave.”

Flender’s gaze turned to Xue Qinghe,

“I still haven’t asked, this is?”

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Ning Fengzhi smiled:

“He’s my disciple, called Xue Qinghe.”

Xue Qinghe took the initiative to salute Flender, saying:

“Greetings, dean Flender.”

Flender was also a person experienced in the ways of the

world, and even though Xue Qinghe’s clothes weren’t
particularly outstanding, his temperament absolutely wasn’t
something common nobles possessed. But he wouldn’t unmask
anything, and only immediately returned the politeness,
smiling and nodding to Xue Qinghe.

Ning Rongrong somewhat resentfully said:

“Dad, you’ve only just come and you’re leaving again! It’s a
pity I’m auxiliary system and can’t go on stage in the ranking
competition, otherwise I’d definitely show you my present

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Ning Fengzhi laughed out loud, saying:

“No need to see it, don’t tell me I couldn’t feel relieved

handing you over to dean Flender and the others? Continue
working hard, you’re the hope of the school’s future. I’ve talked
it over with the school’s inner elders, once you’ve graduated
from Shrek Academy, you’ll be formally declared the successor
as the next sect master.”

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue. Clearly she wasn’t

particularly interested in the position of Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School master.

Ning Fengzhi’s expression was flat,

“This isn’t a responsibility you can avoid. Dad has a daughter

like you, if I can’t hand over the sect to you, who else? No need
to be dissatisfied. With dad’s current health, enduring for
another few decades isn’t any problem, is that still not enough
time for you to play?”

Ning Rongrong saw how her father worried, and immediately

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couldn’t help but blush. But in her heart she still wasn’t happy,
and subconsciously, her gaze floated sideways, falling on the not
distant Oscar, a burst of nervosity springing up unbidden.

Even though she had already decided to tell Oscar about the
school rules after this tournament, but for some reason, as time
passed, she found that the courage in her heart was growing less
and less.

Ever since she agreed to give Oscar a chance, for half a year,
Oscar had trained as if his life depended on it every day, and his
gifts had also gradually emerged. He laughed and joked a lot
less, and his strength had truly advanced.

His growth was so fast it astonished even Grandmaster.

Grandmaster had said that Oscar was the second person after
Tang San to advance to the forty second rank.

Even as a food system Spirit Master, his growth speed was

unexpectedly faster than Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun and the
others. This could only prove that he expended more effort than
anyone else.

Ning Fengzhi once again said his goodbye’s to Flender and

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“Tang San, see you again. I’ll wait to see your elegance in the
ranking competition.”

Ning Fengzhi also called out to Tang San, and the two left the
courtyard, seen off by everyone.

Returning to the camp, Flender pulled Tang San aside,

“Little San, who was that person with Ning Fengzhi just now?
Wasn’t he the prince of Heaven Dou Empire?”

Tang San’s heart twitched, thinking to himself that ginger

really grew spicier with age,

“He’s Heaven Dou Empire’s crown prince. I met him once


Flender’s expression shifted slightly, a trace of a smile at the

corner of his mouth,

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“It seems that along with you revealing your talent, our Shrek
Academy will really bask in the reflected light.”

The ranking competition didn’t have multiple stages like the

qualifiers, but rather only had one competition area, the great
drilling field of the imperial household knight regiment.

Altogether fifteen teams participated in the ranking

competition, conducting a round robin tournament of fourteen
rounds. Each day was one round, and each day would have one
team rest, and seven matches. They were all conducted in this
one space.

The great drilling field had been remodeled, with a one

hundred meter in diameter area drawn in the center. Compared
to the stages of the qualifiers, this space was even wider, and
naturally also even easier to fully use their strength.

On the north side of the great drilling grounds, VIP seats were
built facing south, and these were also the referee seats. This
time there weren’t as many VIP spectators as last time.

There were a lot fewer nobles. As far as the eye could see,

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apart from emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and platinum bishop
Salas in the first row, the seats behind were all taken by people
dressed like generals and high level attendants from Spirit
Hall’s Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple.

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Chapter 110 - King Among Flowers, Monarch
Overlooking All Fragrance

Group battles were after all chaotic, making it very difficult to

see things clearly. And different from the qualifiers, each
student would be revealing their own strength under the gazes
of all the spectators. This was also the best opportunity to
evaluate the strength of the Spirit Masters.

The edges of the great drill grounds were completely

surrounded by ten thousand imperial household knights,
forming a watertight encirclement, helmets bright and armor
shining. The front row of knights stood, while the back rows
were mounted.

This kind of strict defense could be called watertight. Of

course, just like Tang San suspected, emperor Xue Ye’s goal was
to let his most elite subordinate knights take a look at the
strength of the new generation of Spirit Masters, using this to
ignite their fighting spirit.

Between the great circle of knights and the competition

ground, fifteen competing teams were finally arranged. Even
the team that could rest today was no exception. Even if they
didn’t compete, they still had to gauge the strength of the

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The rules were very simple. Both sides would each participate
with seven team members. Each team that went up would fight
until defeated, continuing to fight the next opponent if they
won, until the seven people on one side were completely

The lots had already been drawn last evening, and Shrek
Academy didn’t pull an empty lot for their first round. Their
opponent was an advanced Spirit Master academy from Balak
Kingdom. Their turn was the third in the seven matches for

The different areas were sorted so teams were grouped by

their qualifiers. Tang San naturally saw the familiar rivals of
the four elemental academies, and as they looked towards Shrek
Academy, several people’s gazes fell on Tang San.

Those included Godwind Academy team captain Feng

Xiaotian, Blazing Academy siblings Huo Wushuang and Huo
Wu, Skywater Academy team captain Shui Bing-Er, as well as
the Thunderclap Academy team captain Tang San had never
seen before, a youth with ordinary build and unremarkable

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Grandmaster gathered everyone around him, his gaze
sweeping across all the eleven Shrek Academy team members,

“Next I’ll announce the order in which you’ll go up. Xiao Wu,
you go up first, after is Tang San, and Dai Mubai.”

Everyone were still listening, but Grandmaster had already


Dai Mubai couldn’t help asking:

“Grandmaster, aren’t we going to send seven people?”

Grandmaster smiled calmly, saying:

“Don’t tell me the three of you don’t have the confidence to

end the match? Even though the opponents of the ranking
competition are a bit powerful, they still won’t be stronger than
the four elemental academies. One on one doesn’t need any
teamwork, only strength.”

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That simple sentence immediately roused the fighting spirit of
the Shrek Academy team. Tang San, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu all
looked at each other, and in each other’s eyes they could all see
conviction of certain victory.

Emperor Xue Ye stood from the VIP seats, speaking through a

spirit tool:

“The ranking competition formally begins today. I hope all

the academy teams will be able to amply display their strength
in the next fourteen days, displaying the proper elegance of
Spirit Masters. Begin.”

As his words fell, shouts just like a landslide or tsunami


“Long live, long live, long live!”

The imperial household knights raised the lances in their

hands, the sounds of their armor resonating with their voices,
immediately startling the competing Spirit Masters.
Undoubtedly the manifestation of a great nation’s bearing.

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The first match began. Awesomely, first to appear was Blazing
Academy. Their opponents was a team known as Fabia

The first to represent Blazing Academy was the team captain,

Huo Wushuang. Clearly, Blazing Academy’s teacher thought
much like Grandmaster. Not only would they win this first
match, but also strike a large score.

In the final ranking of the ranking competition, besides the

match points, individual fight victories were also important. If
there was a tie in matches, the ranking would be arranged
according to fights.

Tang San didn’t pay any attention the the match, but stood
next to Xiao Wu, saying to her in a low voice:

“You’ll go first in our match later. If you find yourself

restrained by the opponent, don’t force yourself. You can’t be
injured, understand?”

Tang San had originally thought he would go up first, but

hadn’t expected Grandmaster would send Xiao Wu. Unable to
oppose it, he could only give Xiao Wu a few cautioning words.

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Xiao Wu smiled calmly, pinching Tang San’s hand, saying:

“Don’t worry. Are you still uneasy about my one on one

capability? If I can’t win, I’ll concede.”

Tang San stroked her head,

“Caution sails a ship for ten thousand years. Our opponents

will get stronger and stronger, we can’t be careless.”

The matches proceeded very quickly. Between Spirit Masters,

if there was a gap in strength, the result would often be settled
in an instant. The one with more powerful spirit abilities, with
higher spirit power, would easily defeat their opponent. People
with spirit bones were, after all, very few.

In one on one matches it was also impossible for something

like spirit fusion ability to appear. Everything had to rely on
one’s own strength.

In the first match, Huo Wushuang successively defeated three

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people, then lost the next match after substantially consuming
his spirit power.

The continuous battles didn’t give time to rest. This was

another area where the ranking competition was more
interesting than the qualifiers, it didn’t just test the strength of
each member of the team, at the same time tactics and planning
were extremely important. Even the most powerful Spirit
Masters would find it difficult to consecutively defeat
opponents by themselves.

After all, the more powerful the spirit ability, the more it
limited spirit power.

The second to represent Blazing Academy was Huo Wu. It

seemed that her expression was somewhat calmer than in the
qualifiers, moving with the force of fifteen tons of thunder.
Even though she was a girl, she gave the opponents enormous
pressure in each fight. Judging by her appearance, this didn’t
seem to be a match, but more like life and death.

Relying on the advantages of a control system Spirit Master,

Huo Wu unexpectedly successively defeated four people, the
two siblings directly smashing the Fabia team.

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When Huo Wu returned from the competition area, her
physical strength was already somewhat overdrawn due to
consuming a large amount of spirit power, but her pale
charming face was still brimming with pride, her gaze fixed on
Tang San without flinching, and she moreover extended a
forefinger, pointing at him.

Confronted with Huo Wu’s provocation, Tang San only

wrinkled his eyebrows and didn’t express anything.

Because of Huo Wu’s gesture, a lot of Spirit Masters from

other kingdoms and duchies now paid attention to him.

Huo Wu had indeed become strong. Even though only one

month had passed, that oppressive strength of hers had clearly
grown a lot stronger, and her burst power was even more
astonishing. It seemed that she really had worked hard in the
past month.

Among all the fifteen competing teams, Fabia Academy was

one of the weakest, but having easily defeated them by sending
only two people, Blazing Academy had still put themselves in
the spotlight among the competing academies.

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The second match featured two teams Tang San wasn’t
particularly familiar with, however, among these strangers, he
still saw one acquaintance.

A simple uniform drawing the outline of a perfect figure, a

solid and slender serpent staff held crosswise. It was the
Unrivalled Dragon Serpent’s granddaughter, who originally
fought Tang San over his third spirit ring, Meng Yiran.

Meng Yiran appeared on the competition ground as the vice

captain of Cryptid Academy’s team, in high spirits.

As the first tool Spirit Master to appear, she completely

displayed the superiority of a tool Spirit Master.

Even though tool Spirit Masters didn’t have the burst power
of a beast Spirit Master, tool Spirit Masters won out in battle
endurance. Relying on the extremely toxic serpent staff and her
changeable severe attack methods, she unexpectedly also
successively defeated three people.

Making Tang San not know whether to laugh or cry, as Meng

Yiran walked off the competition ground, her gaze unexpectedly
also fell on him, and she simultaneously imitated Huo Wu’s

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gesture to hold out a hand and point at him.

Meng Yiran had originally noticed him when Huo Wu pointed

him out. This wasn’t only a demonstration towards him, but
also a challenge.

Sensing the gazes of numerous Spirit Master students fix on

him, Tang San could only stand there helplessly. Even Oscar
couldn’t keep from snickering to the side:

“Little San, it seems you’ve really offended a lot of beautiful

women. If you also add that Skywater Academy’s Shui Bing-Er,
you’re going to have a lot of people as your enemies. You tell
me, won’t the students of other academies think you’ve
discarded the two of them after playing around, turning love
into hate?”

Tang San unhappily glared at Oscar,

“Little Ao, I feel it would be relatively suitable to let you go up

for a match, how about I propose it to Teacher?”


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Oscar hastily smiled:

“Little San, we’re good brothers! Big brother is an auxiliary

system Spirit Master, it’s still better to leave a difficult
challenge like the ranking competition to you. You also don’t
want our Shrek Academ to lose face because of me.”

While they chatted, the situation in the match had already

started to change somewhat. Even though Cryptid Academy had
Meng Yiran’s three victories, the other students of their
academy clearly weren’t as powerful as her, and the opponents
wore through four people. In the end the match finished with a
close victory for Cryptid Academy after ten fights.

From the previous two matches, Tang San could already see
that the kingdom and duchy academies still had a certain gap in
strength to the five elemental academies.

There was at most only one fortieth ranked Spirit Master

among the three academies that had already appeared, while the
majority were thirty something ranked. Like Meng Yiran,
whose spirit power was presently only at the thirty seventh
rank or so.

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This suggested that the fight over the final ranking of the
competition should be between the five teams from Heaven Dou

Finally it was Shrek Academy’s turn,


Dai Mubai was first to extend his right hand, followed by Tang
San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing…… Eleven
people put their hands together, cheering with loud voices.

Boosted by everyone’s expressions filled with confidence, Xiao

Wu unhurriedly walked into the competition area.

Shrek Academy’s first opponents were from Balak Kingdom,

their Royal academy. Just like Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s
position in Heaven Dou Empire, their name was also the same as
the kingdom’s, Balak Academy.

First to appear from Balak Academy was a large youth,

looking twenty something years old, wearing a black and gold

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uniform. When he saw Xiao Wu he couldn’t help staring

There were two things that made him stare in a daze, one was
Xiao Wu’s appearance, and the other was naturally Shrek
Academy’s abnormal uniform.

The Shrek Academy uniform long since didn’t have any room
for advertisements, advertising logos could be found on
practically each corner of the uniform. Shrek Academy was
enormously famous in Heaven Dou City.

However, Balak Academy from Balak Kingdom naturally

wouldn’t know anything about this.

Seeing Xiao Wu’s snot green and logo covered uniform, that
big youth immediately laughed. If Xiao Wu hadn’t been a
beautiful girl, he would definitely have mocked her.

“Little sister, how old are you? Your Shrek Academy wouldn’t
be without people, and sending you to make up the numbers? It
would be no good if big brother is a bit serious and you get hurt.
I think you had better go down. Find someone stronger to come
over. This isn’t a place you should be.”

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The big youth said earnestly.

Even though Xiao Wu’s body was already close to that of an

adult, she was still growing in some important areas. Moreover,
her childish face clearly wasn’t something someone in their
twenties would have. Nobody would notice when fighting as a
team where numerous people were mixed together, but in the
current one on one format, both sides appearance were
naturally conspicuous.

Xiao Wu frowned. That tall youth’s voice was very loud,

practically all the students around the competition area had
heard him.

Oscar somewhat puzzled said to Ma Hongjun next to him:

“Fatty, what are you covering your eyes for?”

Ma Hongjun said with feeling:

“Because I can’t bear to see it. Being so disdainful to Xiao Wu,

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I’m afraid this Balak Academy brother is out of luck. Did you
forget that terrifying continuous throwing technique Xiao Wu
has? I think it was called Eight Stage Drop. Eh, that’s right, you
weren’t there. It’s a pity, you didn’t see the circumstances at
that time. I really can’t bear to see it.”

While Ma Hongjun and Oscar were talking, the referee on the

competition grounds had already declared the match started.

Xiao Wu was in no rush to act, and blinked at the big youth in

front of her,

“Big brother, I think you’re right, this really isn’t a place I

should be.”

Even if her mouth said this, her body had already begun to
change, her spirit quietly releasing. Two yellow and one purple,
three spirit rings spiralled up.

The tall Balak Academy youth should originally have paid

attention to Xiao Wu’s spirit rings and gone on alert, but just
like Ma Hongjun said, he really was too contemptuous of Xiao
Wu. Even more, he had complete confidence in his own
strength. In the whole Balak Academy team, he was not only the

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captain, but also the strongest person, his spirit power
surpassing fortieth rank. Unfortunately, his opponent was Xiao

The split second Xiao Wu’s spirit released, a spirit ability also
launched simultaneously. Second spirit ring ability, Demon
Confusion, launched.

A yellow ring of light flared, and Xiao Wu’s eyes became an

alluring pink color. The tall youth immediately turned stupid,
completely in a daze. And at this moment, Xiao Wu moved.

According to the competition rules, both sides started the

match at a distance of twenty meters. Xiao Wu’s long legs shot
out forcefully, and in practically a split second, the distance
between the two had closed to ten meters.

This tall youth still had higher spirit power than Xiao Wu, and
his mind didn’t stay stunned for too long. Subconsciously
becoming aware he was in a bad situation, he hastily opened up
his own spirit while still only fuzzily aware of the situation in
front of him. At the same time he slapped his own face hard,
clearing his head somewhat.

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His reactions really weren’t slow, and when Xiao Wu still was
five meters away he had already completely sobered. With those
growing three spirit rings in front of him, as well as Xiao Wu’s
rapid approach, how couldn’t he be alarmed?

Raising both hands practically subconsciously, he launched

his first spirit ability at Xiao Wu.

However, the instant he launched his spirit ability, he was

once again staring blankly. Because, that opponent who had
originally been in front of him, had disappeared.

Xiao Wu appeared behind the tall youth with her back to him,
scorpion braid whipping out, while that big youth was still
shocked, he only felt his neck tighten.

Xiao Wu didn’t even turn around. At the same time as the

braid whipped around her opponent’s neck, her left foot
supporting on the ground, she raised her right foot behind her,
planting it directly on the tall youth’s waist. Her first spirit
ability, Waist Bow, launched.

Pulled back by the braid, waist pushed up, the instantly

erupting force immediately choked the big youth. The next

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moment, he was already completely thrown into the air by Xiao

Only a few moments had actually passed from the start of the
competition until now. Launching Demon Confusion, Xiao Wu
dashing forward, launching Teleport, applying Soft Skill,
throwing the opponent. The entire process was as natural as
flowing water and moving clouds, without the slightest pause.

It was also because of this that her opponent wasn’t given any
opportunity to react.

Leaning forward, Xiao Wu’s braid quietly separated from her

opponent. Now, she leapt high into the air to meet her
uncontrollably spinning opponent.

At this point, this fight no longer held any suspense.

All spirit abilities required a bit of time to store up strength,

but if the Spirit Master lost their balance, and were
simultaneously locked down by a spirit power burst of their
opponent, it was basically impossible to use any spirit abilities.

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Whether it was Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion ability, or the
spirit power she used after her scorpion braid wrapped around
her opponent’s neck, both had this kind of effect.


Xiao Wu’s one hand grabbed the back of the tall youth’s neck,
her left knee shooting up and, with a profound spirit power,
heavily striking her opponent’s waist. At the same time, Waist
Bow launched. With a twist of her body and a simple throw, the
big youth heavily struck the ground.


When the big youth heavily impacted the ground, a lot of

people had already closed their eyes. Xiao Wu fell from the sky,
both her feet directly stomping on the tall youth’s chest.

Under the enormous impulse, originally already confused by

the throw, the tall youth’s body immediately spasmed, violent
pain making him unable to hold back a blood-curdling scream.

Raising a foot and kicking out, Xiao Wu’s toes directly nudged

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her opponent’s jaw. Turning at the same time, executing a
beautiful pirouette on top of her opponent’s chest, her other
foot lightly nudged her opponent’s temple. The tall youth sank
into complete darkness, completely unconscious.

Three rings against four rings, a complete victory.

After the air froze for a brief moment, it immediately turned

blazing. Voices of admiration, voices of alarm, all rose and fell
in succession. Even those Spirit Master academies outside who
had once fought Shrek Academy, the four element academy
students were also unable to conceal their shock.

From start to finish, the fight had only taken a few moments.

Relying on her own strength, Xiao Wu basically didn’t give

the opponent any opportunity to resist. A forty something
ranked Spirit Ancestor was perfectly smashed by her and could
only release his first spirit ability. From start to finish, Xiao Wu
had been in control of the battle.

Right now, his unconscious body was still constantly

twitching on the ground.

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As a result of injuries from having his chest stomped heavily,
things constantly bubbled out of his mouth even in
unconsciousness, foul matter mixed with the blood. Even
though his injuries might not be very serious, it would still be
very difficult for him to participate in tomorrow’s match.

Xiao Wu’s face revealed a smile harmless to both men and

beasts, her gaze floating over to the other Balak Academy team
members, softly saying:


One simple word, but it seemed to ignite a barrel of

gunpowder. Seven or eight people from the Balak Academy side
immediately leapt up, aggressively dashing at Xiao Wu.

“What are you doing?”

The referee appeared promptly, but he only used words to

block the opponents.

“Want a group battle?”

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The other six Shrek Seven Devils set foot on the competition
grounds in practically the first moment. Xiao Wu even more
took a step forward, only quietly looking at the approaching
opposing side.

Actually, she really hadn’t wanted to beat her opponent so

miserably, but after she discovered her opponent’s strength
surpassed the fortieth rank, she had no choice but to go all out.
Further adding that after launching Waist Bow, her strength
wasn’t completely under her control, this was her only choice in
order to completely remove the opponent’s ability to resist.
After all, she was a close combat Spirit Master, she couldn’t just
release spirit abilities.

“Looking to die?”

Before the two sides could get close, a clear and cold voice
shook everyone present. Her voice didn’t sound very loud, but
when it issued, it was clearly heard by the more than ten
thousand people present.

Nobody on either side clearly saw when a person appeared in

the middle, but with her appearance, a tyrannical matchless
imposing manner swept towards the Balak Academy side as if

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hiding the sky and covering the earth.

That overbearingly tyrannical aura made even the pupils of

Ning Fengzhi and platinum bishop Salas in the VIP seats

This person suddenly appearing in the center of the arena was

no stranger, but Slaughtering Corner Liu Erlong. What kind of
temper did Liu Erlong have? Once ignited only Grandmaster
could suppress her.

Right now Xiao Wu was her adopted daughter, and seeing the
opponents attack en masse, how could she stay calm?
Regardless of the occasion, she finally had a target to protect,
how could she hold back?

Under the effect of Liu Erlong’s formidably oppressive

strength, the Balak Academy students all screeched to a halt
practically in the same instant, looking at Liu Erlong with

Liu Erlong’s tyrannical aura didn’t originate just from her

spirit power, but at the same time also from her spirit and her
own temper. Even though she was a Spirit Sage, that instantly

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erupting aura would shock even higher level Spirit Masters.

“This is a competition, what are you all doing?”

An ice cold voice resounded. If saying Liu Erlong’s voice

reached people’s heart and soul, then this voice made people

Platinum bishop Salas had already stood up from his seat at

some unknown time, his ice cold gaze watching both sides in the

By now, Balak Academy’s team coach had also entered the

competition grounds.

His spirit power wasn’t lower than Liu Erlong’s, but looking
at her overbearing appearance, for some reason he lacked

He turned and saluted the distant VIP seats,

“Please calm your anger, lord platinum bishop. We only

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wanted to carry away our team mate. We had no other

Salas indifferently said:

“Both sides please remember your positions. Entering the

grounds without the permission of the tournament staff will
lead to immediate expulsion from the tournament.”

The originally volcanic scene was suppressed like this, but the
smell of gunpowder between Shrek Academy and Balak
Academy no doubt became even denser.

Xiao Wu still remained in the ring, and Tang San stepped off
after giving her a few words of warning as he passed her.

Balak Academy was clearly infuriated, and astonishing the

Shrek Academy party was the the second opponent to go up was
unexpectedly also a Spirit Ancestor over fortieth rank. In the
ring, he released his spirit without waiting for the referee to
announce the start of the match. His spirit was very peculiar, a
flower, with red center and yellow petals.

3763 Goldenagato |


Tang San frowned. Xiao Wu’s second opponent was a Spirit

Master with a plant spirit. Sunflower was clearly of a quality
Blue Silver Grass couldn’t compare to, possessing formidable
restraining capability.

Wild sunflowers were capable of releasing an extraordinary

scent, making people lose fighting capability, a kind of peculiar
mental poison. And Sunflowers were furthermore hard as iron.
With this as spirit, it could be treated as a weapon on its own,
poison and attack equally serious.

Clearly, Xiao Wu’s opponent wasn’t easy to deal with.

Watching the opponent’s white, yellow, purple, and purple

spirit rings, Xiao Wu’s expression also became serious. Her
abilities had already been revealed once, and the opponent
would inevitably be on their guard against them. She naturally
also knew about the Sunflower. Dealing with an opponent
possessing poison attribute attacks was very difficult, especially
when the opponent’s spirit power was above hers.

“You’ll pay for what you just did.”

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Even though this second Balak Kingdom team member to
appear wasn’t tall, he was extremely sturdy, with swelling
muscles clearly visible over his wide shoulders. The sight of
someone with this appearance cradling a delicate flower was
also somewhat strange.

The referee reminded them:

“Don’t forget the rules of the competition, if anyone violates

them, they will lose the qualifications to compete.”

Xiao Wu nodded along with her opponent, but the

atmosphere between the two of them didn’t show the slightest
sign of weakening.

Xiao Wu knew that the difference between her and her

opponent lay mainly in the fourth spirit ring, their actual level
didn’t differ much. Judging by the opponent’s spirit power
fluctuations, he should also have only just broken through the
fortieth rank not long ago.

“Match start.”

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At the referee’s announcement, the Balak Kingdom student’s
first spirit ring brightened instantly, and the Sunflower in his
hands faced the wind and grew. In the blink of an eye, it had
already grown into one meter in diameter, and the long stalk in
his grasp had also reached more than three meters, instantly
becoming a bizarre weapon.

With a wave of his hands, a dense yellow mist released from

the Sunflower, directly enveloping Xiao Wu within.

At this moment Xiao Wu couldn’t advance, therefore she

could only retreat, backing away with big leaps. But despite this,
she still caught a faint fragrance. The fragrance was very rich,
and even though it was only a hint, Xiao Wu immediately felt
her mind go dizzy.

In circumstances with equal level, especially when both sides

didn’t have very high spirit power, Poison Spirit Masters held a
greatly advantageous position. As long as they used it
appropriately, they could restrain their opponent to an
enormous degree. Like this Balak Academy student, in terms of
restraining attributes, besides spirits that specifically restrained
poison, only ice and fire type spirits like what Huo Wu and Shui
Bing-Er had might control him.

3766 Goldenagato |

As the pit of her stomach tightened, Xiao Wu knew that the
poison had already begun to take effect, and she hastily urged
her spirit power to suppress it. But her opponent still didn’t
chase after, only continuously waving the Sunflower in his
hands with a malicious smile, sending out that great yellow

The area it covered began to grow bigger and bigger. By now,

two spirit rings were already shining simultaneously.

Clearly, the first of these two spirit rings was to enlarge the
Sunflower, and the other was this fog.

What should be done? Hesitation appeared briefly in Xiao

Wu’s heart. She knew that to defeat the opponent, she would
have to break into the opponent’s poison formation with the
force of fifteen tons of thunder and settle him quickly. But
wouldn’t he be prepared for that?

He still hadn’t used his third and fourth spirit abilities. In a

situation where she couldn’t get into close range, even though
Xiao Wu still had enough spirit power to use abilities, it clearly
wasn’t enough to get close to the opponent.

3767 Goldenagato |

Just at this moment, suddenly, a bizarre heat flowed into Xiao
Wu’s body through her chest, and her originally tight stomach
immediately relaxed. Not just this, a layer of golden red light
began to appear from within Xiao Wu’s body, and in the blink of
an eye, she was surrounded by a barrier of golden red light.

By now, the poison fog had just enveloped Xiao Wu’s position,
and a bizarre scene occurred. No matter how tremendous that
poison fog, it was still unable to penetrate that golden red light.

Making Xiao Wu’s opponent even more inconsolably shocked

was that when the poison he had already released came into
contact with the golden red light around Xiao Wu, it
immediately melted away like ice and snow. In a moment, the
poison fog had already been completely obliterated within ten
square meters of Xiao Wu.

Let alone the opponent, right now even Xiao Wu herself

didn’t know what just happened, but with her combat
experience she naturally wouldn’t give up this opportunity,
dashing at her opponent without the slightest hesitation.

“What’s going on? What’s that golden red colored light?”

3768 Goldenagato |

Liu Erlong couldn’t help questioning Grandmaster.

Grandmaster also had a baffled expression. Even though his

research into spirits was incisive, the situation before his eyes
still left him puzzled. Originally he hadn’t had much belief in
winning this fight, but that golden red light had rekindled his

“I know.”

Tang San suddenly said in a low voice, his face revealing a

hint of a smile.

The Shrek Academy group’s gazes all instantly focused on

Tang San, who smiled and said:

“Do you still remember Xiao Wu’s Yearning Heartbroken

Red? As an immortal treasure among immortal treasures, the
Yearning Heartbroken Red is undoubtedly a king among
flowers, even the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Treasure is far
from being able to compare to it. The Sunflower is also a flower,
even though the Yearning Heartbroken Red isn’t particularly
good at resisting poison, and Xiao Wu didn’t eat it, the Yearning
Heartbroken Red’s position among flowers really is too high,

3769 Goldenagato |

after fusing with Xiao Wu’s blood, it has already formed a
certain connection with her. When the Sunflower launched an
attack against Xiao Wu, the Yearning Heartbroken Red would
naturally believe it was being provoked. Would the king of
flowers suffer the provocation of flowers? How could it endure
silently? This golden red colored light should be the Yearning
Heartbroken Red’s Monarch Overlooking All Fragrance

Oscar couldn’t keep from saying:

“Then how couldn’t we be violating the tournament rules?”

Tang San smiled indifferently, saying:

“Even Teacher didn’t notice, do you believe the panel of

judges could see what’s going on? That light is emitted from
Xiao Wu’s body, after all. It’s not that she’s using something.
Keep watching.”

Sure enough, just like Tang San said, the golden red light
emitted by Xiao Wu’s body came from the Yearning
Heartbroken Red. Sensing the provoking aura of the Sunflower,
the Yearning Heartbroken Red automatically protected itself.

3770 Goldenagato |

Of course, it was only possible for this reaction to appear
when it faced flowers. If it was some other poison, it would
naturally be ineffective. This was also considered the bad luck
of Xiao Wu’s opponent.

Seeing his poison fog become ineffective and moreover his

spirit power being substantially consumed as it melted away
under the effect of that golden red light, that Balak Academy
team member, with great alarm, had no choice but to use his
third spirit ability.

Half turning, that Sunflower swung out. In an instant,

countless specks of yellow light sprinkled out from the
enormous flower, enveloping a large area with a powerful aura;
dodging was clearly impossible.

Originally, Xiao Wu could have used Teleport to dodge, but

for some reason there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling
her there was no need. And Xiao Wu followed it subconsciously.

Once she came to herself and thought of using her spirit

ability again, it was already too late.

3771 Goldenagato |

(君临群芳) “All Fragrance” can also be interpreted as “all
flowers”, where flowers can also be interpreted as talents or

3772 Goldenagato |

Chapter 111 - Fusion of Spirit Ability and Tang
Sect Secret Techniques

The concentrated yellow specks of lights instantaneously

rushed into the golden red light radiating from Xiao Wu, what
surprised both parties was that once the yellow lights entered
the light protecting Xiao Wu, they disappeared like moths flying
into a flame.

Not only did it not have the slightest effect, instead it even
strengthened the light surrounding Xiao Wu, increasing its
thickness from the original three cun to slightly more than one
chi, instantly wiping out the lights that were attacking her.

At the same moment, an extremely unusual aura was

suddenly released from Xiao Wu’s body, suddenly expanding
the golden red light. Although the light got dimmer the further
the distance, it still easily covered the opponent.

The referee was also encompassed within the light and he did
not feel anything weird. however, it was a different story for
Xiao Wu’s opponent. Within the golden red light, he felt as
though he was fighting against a Title Doulou.

3773 Goldenagato |

All his spirit power instantly lost its effect, and the sunflower
in his hand quietly withered in the light.

Xiao Wu was also shocked as the situation became one where

she no longer needed to do anything. Along with the withering
of the opponent’s sunflower, the warm flow within her body
also gradually disappeared. In a short moment, it completely
disappeared and the dazzling bright golden red radiance faded

The match started normal but ended weirdly. Compared to

the explosive first match, this one gave people an even more
unbelievable feeling. Xiao Wu who was only a Spirit Elder
managed to defeat two Spirit Ancestors. This result shocked
everyone present. Just as Xiao Wu was dazed, Tang San’s soft
voice rang in her ears,

“No matter who asks, just reply that you do not know why the
golden red glow appeared. Keep silent and maintain a sense of
mystery. Leave the rest to me.”

At the same time, there was also a discussion going on in the

VIP seats. Emperor Xue Ye looked towards Ning Fengzhi with
astonishment, but Ning Fengzhi shook his head, indicating that
he didn’t know what the golden red glow was.

3774 Goldenagato |

Platinum Bishop Salas however, spoke,

“I didn’t expect Shrek Academy to actually still have someone

who owns a spirit bone. This should be their hidden strength.”

Spirit bone?

Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi both revealed looks of

agreement. From their perspective, that was the best
explanation. Xiao Wu didn’t take out any spirit tool, and that
golden red glow was obviously not an ability that a spirit tool
should have. It would be most reasonable to think that that was
a spirit bone ability.

Emperor Xue Ye took a deep breath.

“However, that spirit bone ability seems rather too strong. It

made the opponent’s spirit wither instantly. If looking purely at
spirit power, this student from Balak Academy seems to be more
seriously injured than the previous one.”

3775 Goldenagato |

Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly.

“Your majesty might not be aware, but if I guess correctly,

this ability of Xiao Wu’s has a specific target, it does not work
on every spirit. Maybe, only plant type spirits will be countered
by it, perhaps the range might be even narrower.”

As the Seven Glazed Tile School master and the world’s

number one support type Spirit Master, Ning Fengzhi’s
knowledge was obviously bountiful. If the golden red glow Xiao
Wu released worked on any spirit, wouldn’t that be unequalled
under Heaven?

In this rare moment, Salas did not argue with Ning Fengzhi
and said:

“I agree with School Master Ning. This should be an

extremely normal spirit bone that only happened to coincide
with the situation and was used to great effect. That doesn’t
mean anything.”

The referee was naturally suspicious about the golden red

glow that radiated from Xiao Wu and asked her about it. But
Xiao Wu wouldn’t say anything. Having no other solutions, the

3776 Goldenagato |

referee could only pass the judgment to the judging committee.

By now, Emperor Xue Ye and the other two had already made
their decision. From their perspective, it was perfectly normal
for Xiao Wu to not say anything. After all, who would want to
admit that they own a spirit bone? The victory for this match
was unquestionably awarded to Shrek Academy. Xiao Wu
scored two consecutive victories.

The competition continued and making Shrek Academy not

know whether to laugh or cry was that the later students sent
out by Balak Academy were obviously unable to be compared to
the first two. Xiao Wu successively defeated another three
people before leaving the stage due to exhaustion of spirit

The few Balak Academy students who later competed did not
include any Spirit Ancestor above the fortieth rank.

Xiao Wu’s perfect performance undoubtedly overshadowed

every person who appeared in the previous two matches. Her
five consecutive wins also made her rank the highest in terms of
individual performance.

3777 Goldenagato |

Xiao Wu left the stage and was replaced by Tang San. Just as
Balak Academy was about to feel relieved by Xiao Wu leaving
the stage, they were once again frozen as Tang San released his

Yellow, yellow, purple and black. Four spirit rings appeared at

the same time. Despite being not conspicuous, the black spirit
ring’s deep glow made the last two members of Balak Academy
completely lose their fighting spirit.

Tang San did not even have to take any action and Balak
Academy automatically admitted defeat. After all, the
competition has only begun and the earlier conflict raised the
tension between the two academies. The teacher from Balak
Academy did not wish to have insufficient members in the
matches tomorrow.

Shrek Academy also settled their match by sending only two

members but from the way the matches played out, their
performance was a cut better than Blazing Academy. Because of
the that, Huo Wu sharpened her gaze at Tang San.

After eating two recovery sausages, Xiao Wu’s spirit power

gradually recovered, she practically could not stop herself from
pulling Tang San who returned to one side and asked:

3778 Goldenagato |

“Ge, what was with that glow from my body earlier? Did you
know about it?”

If Tang San did not know, why would he warn her?

Tang San faintly smiled and nodded while whispering in her

ears what he concluded earlier. Xiao Wu, upon realization,
reach out her hands and touched the Yearning Heartbroken Red
that was always placed at her chest, indeed, the warm flow
earlier had flowed into her body from this position.

The first round of promotional matches ended perfectly for

Shrek Academy, only Xiao Wu revealed her true strength while
completely settling the match.

Excluding the Four Element Academies, the other academies

would at the most only know that Shrek Academy had a
monster with a ten-thousand year spirit ring.

In the later matches, the other three academies from Heaven

Dou City also achieved victory. The result of five academies
from Heaven Dou City being victorious made Emperor Xue Ye

3779 Goldenagato |

very satisfied. He immediately announced that all academies
that were victorious would be awarded with one thousand gold
spirit coins while academies that lost were still awarded with
five hundred golden spirit coins.

When the first day of matches were over, the dean from each
academy went up on stage to draw lots, Shrek Academy’s luck
was not very good. For their match on the second day, the
opponent they drew was Blazing Academy which performed
very well in the first match.

Although it was a round robin system where every academy

would eventually fight each other, the fact that they would face
Blazing Academy this early created ripples in the minds of
members from both academies.

Returning to their camp, Xiao Wu herself returned to her

room to rest as there was still a match tomorrow. She had
expended quite a lot of spirit power today and had to recover as
quickly as possible. Jiang Zhu accompanied her as her spirit
could increase Xiao Wu’s recovery rate.

Grandmaster gathered the members of Shrek Academy and

asked straight to the point:

3780 Goldenagato |

“Your opponent tomorrow is Blazing Academy, in your
opinion, what kind of line up should you be battling them

As the captain, Dai Mubai was the first to reply:

“Grandmaster, although Blazing Academy’s strength is

abnormal, they are actually one of the weakest among the Four
Elemental Academies. Only the Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu
siblings are stronger, the other members will find it difficult to
threaten us. Given the situation in today’s matches, at least one
of the Huo Wu Shuang and Huo Wu siblings would go first to
get as many victories as possible. The rest of the members will
then aim to deplete our spirit power. Why not let me go first
tomorrow and little San cover the rear. This will ensure our

Grandmaster said:

“Mubai isn’t wrong. However, there is something I should

remind you all. The qualifiers were the qualifiers after all, even
now in the promotion matches, each team might still not be
using their full strength. It’s not only us who are hiding our true
strength, others will also use the same plan. The Shrek Seven
Devils contain two support spirit masters, the others’ strength

3781 Goldenagato |

are relatively balanced. Tang San and Mubai are slightly ahead.
In this competition, you are not only here to win, the more
important thing is to train. Train your strength and mentality.
What you can think of, your opponents will naturally also be
able to. Today, what I want to teach you all is to surprise your
opponents. Revealing a hand that defies common sense will
make it easier to break your opponent’s tempo. Therefore, for
tomorrow’s battle, little San will go first, followed by Ma Hong
Jun, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Mubai.”

Similar to today’s match against Balak Academy when

Grandmaster announced three names, he had only announced
five names. Evidently, this was the line up that he believed was
sufficient to achieve victory.

Among the five, only Ma Hong Jun has not appeared on stage
before, Grandmaster had his purpose for sending him out now
this time. Ma Hong Jun hadn’t been sent out before since the
mission he was given by Grandmaster was to train.

Letting him take part in real battles now was in order to let
him fight against opponents from other academies and find the
tempo of the competition now rather than during the finals.

As for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, both were support type

3782 Goldenagato |

spirit masters, they would be fine as long as they were
compatible with their teammates. They would stay hidden.
Promotion matches were still not for them to participate in.


A quiet night.

The tempo of the promotion matches was faster than the

qualifiers, without common spectators, only the competition
results were desired. Having removed the complicated processes
and the noisy audience, it allowed spirit Masters to bring out
their true strength more easily.

Shrek Academy versus Blazing Academy was the fifth match,

but before the match had even started, Tang San could already
feel the burning hot gaze aimed directly at him from not far

Tang San didn’t look at Huo Wu, as he didn’t want to display

any aggression. He only quietly watched the matches in the
ring, especially Godwind Academy and Thunderclap Academy.
They hadn’t encountered these academies before, and being
about to fight them in the ranking competition, he had to

3783 Goldenagato |

observe them carefully.

Through observation, Tang San discovered that, apart from

the four elemental academies, there were still another two
academies who were also powerful. One was called Syras
Academy, and one was called Botanic Academy.

Syras Academy was still well, with strength apparently not

much different from the four elemental academies, with three
students over fortieth rank. But Tang San was unable to make
sense of that Botanic Academy. All the competing members of
this academy had plant spirits, and moreover they were all
somewhat strange plants. From the start of the competition
until now, only three of their members had appeared in the

Of course, this was also because they hadn’t encountered any

strong opponents. Even though the students that had appeared
were all thirty something ranked, Tang San still saw that this
Botanic Academy’s members were all unexpectedly control
system Spirit Masters. Under such circumstances, they
wouldn’t be at a disadvantage even against fortieth ranked
opponents. Relying on three thirty something ranked Spirit
Elders, this academy had already obtained a record of two
successive victories.

3784 Goldenagato |

Botanic Academy’s display was very low key and they didn’t
use any dazzling spirit abilities, but the more so they did, the
more complex Tang San felt they were.

At last it was time for Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy to

go up.

When Tang San was the first to walk into the ring from Shrek
Academy, the students on Blazing Academy’s side all
immediately revealed stunned expressions.

The first to go up from Blazing Academy was Huo Wushuang,

and just like Dai Mubai had estimated, the last to go up was Huo

Seeing Tang San was the first to walk into the competition
grounds, Huo Wu shot up from her seat, her ample chest
heaving constantly, light flashing in her eyes. If the competition
rules didn’t prohibit changing the order once submitted, she
would definitely be the first to go on up.

‘Why? Why are you first?’ Huo Wu screamed in her heart.

3785 Goldenagato |

In the month since the end of the qualifiers, she had
cultivated as if torturing herself. And she had also made some
breakthrough, not only did her spirit power go up one rank, but
her spirit ability application and all round capabilities had also
improved. And all this, was to take revenge on Tang San.

But right now Tang San was the first Shrek Academy member
to walk out. Even if he was even stronger, Huo Wu still
wouldn’t believe he could last until the fight with her. Could it
be her opportunity for revenge would disappear? She was

But with the competition rules in place, she was left helpless.
She couldn’t have her big brother and all the others give up on
the match.

After all, she also had to consider the whole team.

Huo Wushuang stood confronting Tang San, his facial

expression very heavy. Originally he had thought that after the
five successive victories yesterday, Xiao Wu would still be the
first to go up, and he had prepared accordingly.

But the one to appear in front of him was the one who had

3786 Goldenagato |

given him the deepest impression, Tang San. This already
formed a small crack in Huo Wushuang’s resolve.

He knew that with Tang San’s spirit control capability and

fire immunity, it would be very difficult for him to obtain the
desired outcome. Fire immunity was really a far too great
restriction on his strength.

Tang San’s expression was still calm, that was true no matter
what opponent he confronted. Along with the referee
announcing the start of the match, he made an inviting gesture
to Huo Wushuang.

The two completed their spirit release in practically the same

moment. Tang San raised his right hand in front of him, and
five cun of Blue Silver Grass grew in his palm, flickering softly.
If it wasn’t for those four dazzling spirit rings being a clear
manifestation of his strength, nobody would have believed that
this no more than five cun Blue Silver Grass would actually have
such astonishing strength.

Not only Blazing Academy, but those students from the

kingdom and duchy academies, as long as they weren’t going to
participate in a match, practically all their gazes fell on this
fight between Huo Wushuang and Tang San.

3787 Goldenagato |

One was from a traditionally powerful team, one had a ten
thousand year fourth spirit ring, this fight was destined to be
marvellous. At the same time, these academies all wanted to see
just how powerful Tang San actually was.

Scales appearing on his skin, blazing flame shot up instantly,

then was extinguished in another eyeblink. Huo Wushuang was
covered in a layer of deep red, a short horn protruding from his
forehead, about three cun long. That was his spirit, Single
Horned Fire Tyrant Dragon.

Watching the process of Huo Wushuang releasing his spirit,

Tang San’s expression couldn’t help turning serious. The
release of flame was normal, but its later restraint was clearly
different from the team battles last time. By Huo Wushuang’s
calm and composed appearance, he had clearly thought of a way
to deal with him.

Different from ordinary confrontations between power attack

system Spirit Masters and control system Spirit Masters. this
time it was Tang San who charged first.

Tang San’s feet shifted, and he seemed to float out. His

3788 Goldenagato |

movements didn’t seem fast at all, but with that illusory pace,
he approached Huo Wushuang in only a few eyeblinks.

A control system Spirit Master focusing on assault? Nobody

could imagine it.

Huo Wushuang’s first spirit ring already brightened in a flash,

that layer of deep red scales covering his body instantly turning
sparkling and translucent, covering him like a layer of armor.
But his body didn’t move, only his eyes rigidly watched Tang
San’s rapid approach.

What Huo Wushuang hadn’t expected was that the Blue Silver
Grass Binding he had prepared for didn’t hit him, but Tang San
still rushed closer, without using any spirit abilities.

Huo Wushuang was unable to hold back, both hands fiercely

meeting in front of his chest. Deep red light rushed out between
his palms, instantly condensing into a palm-sized sphere.

There still wasn’t any sign of flame, so much that there wasn’t
even a trace of heat, but just as his gaze locked on Tang San, the
deep red ball of light shot out, flying straight for Tang San.

3789 Goldenagato |

Just as the two sides were about to clash, Tang San’s foot
suddenly slid, dodging the strike of the red sphere of light at the
edge of danger. By now, he was already less than five meters
from Huo Wushuang.

Clearly, Huo Wushuang’s attack wouldn’t be that easy to

dodge. Even though he had avoided the first attack, that ball of
light immediately changed direction, directly chasing after
Tang San.

A faint smile at the corners of his mouth, the Blue Silver Grass
in the palm of Tang San’s right hand abruptly surged out. Only
one strand, thick as a baby’s arm, grew to three meters long in
the blink of an eye. It didn’t bind, but rather directly whipped
out at Huo Wushuang. At the same time, a cluster of Blue Silver
Grass rose behind Tang San’s back, weaving together into a
great net in the air, rigidly blocking the ball of light.

The next moment, astonished expressions appeared on both

sides’ faces.

The deep red ball of light vanished with a violently explosive

sound, and the net covering it was also subsequently torn to
pieces. But the Blue Silver Grass Tang San swung also closed in
on Huo Wushuang.

3790 Goldenagato |

Huo Wushuang finally moved. He didn’t pay any attention to
the Blue Silver Grass striking at his body, but rather went out to
meet Tang San.

The Blue Silver Grass accurately lashed Huo Wushuang’s

shoulder, but with an explosive blast, that strand of Blue Silver
Grass was unexpectedly directly destroyed. At the same time,
Huo Wushuang and Tang San were already within reach of each

With Tang San’s plentiful combat experience, he was aware of

where the problem lay in a split second.

Indeed, his Blue Silver Grass was really immune to ice and
fire, but it wasn’t immune to energy attacks. Blazing Academy’s
method to deal with him was very simple. Restraining their fire
attribute attacks, and replacing them with another kind of
attack method.

Huo Wushuang didn’t just have blazing heat, but also


3791 Goldenagato |

Huo Wushuang compressed his fire attribute spirit power as
far as possible, afterwards releasing it the moment both sides
came into contact, creating an explosive force.

Like this, even though the fire attribute didn’t have any
effect, that explosive force was still dreadful.

Blazing Academy really deserved their reputation as one of the

five great elemental academies. Whether it was the teachers or
the outstanding students, finding a way to deal with him in such
a short period of time really wasn’t average.

‘But, can this defeat me?’ The smile at the corners of Tang
San’s mouth still hadn’t disappeared. ‘You’ve improved, then
can’t I also?’

Confronted with Huo Wushuang’s strike, Tang San knew that

as long as he came into contact with the opponent’s body, the
successive explosions from that deep red scale armor would
injure him seriously. Spirit power condensed to this degree
wasn’t something his Blue Silver Grass could withstand right

After all, they were both forty second ranked Spirit Masters,

3792 Goldenagato |

but from the start of the battle until now Huo Wushuang had
invested far more spirit power than Tang San. In coordination
with that brimming with masculine aura Single Horned Tyrant
Dragon Spirit, it really gave a feeling of sweeping everything
before it.

Using explosions to counter him was no doubt the most

proper choice, but unfortunately, Tang San’s control had
already reached a whole new level in this short month.

Confronted with Huo Wushuang’s frontal attack, Tang San

didn’t retreat, but rather still charged ahead. The moment the
two were about to collide, Huo Wushuang raised both fists
simultaneously, blasting the empty air on either side of Tang
San, as much as possible leaving him without anywhere to

He believed that as long as he and Tang San got close enough,

he would immediately regain the advantage. How could Blue
Silver Grass compare to the Single Horned Tyrant Dragon?

But at this instant, Tang San’s dash suddenly came to a rigid

halt. Equally raising both his hands, and moreover without
releasing any Blue Silver Grass, both his palms met Huo
Wushuang’s fists. With a slight shake of his wrists, both his

3793 Goldenagato |

arms moved in a splendid arc.

Huo Wushuang immediately felt something amiss, as if his

strength met a soft and flexible screen, the blasting power his
fists were brimming with lacked any sensation of collision. Even
more shockingly, after his scaled met with Tang San’s force
they didn’t cause any explosions, but were rather pulled aside as
if someone used their hands to pull him. Following the
momentum of his fists, Huo Wushuang immediately stumbled.

Tang San had disappeared just the instant Huo Wushuang lost
his balance.

The next moment, Huo Wushuang only felt a great force rush
out behind him, and before he had time to react, his whole body
had already been sent flying. His body issued a series of
explosive sounds in midair, the result of him exploding the fire
element contained in his scale armor.

Unfortunately, his reaction was a beat too slow. Even though

the explosive force was powerful, in midair it was basically
unable to affect Tang San.

This was the effect born of combining Ghost Shadow

3794 Goldenagato |

Perplexing Step with Controlling Crane Catching Dragon.

In the days since, Tang San had thought of a great many

things. He suddenly found that ever since gaining spirit
abilities, he seemed to have forgotten a lot of extremely
powerful capabilities. Indeed, spirit abilities were really useful,
and moreover straightforward and simple. But in fact, how
could his Tang Sect secret lore come out short in a comparison?

As this world understood things, the Tang Sect lore he had

cultivated from Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record were also
each a kind of ability! Purple Demon Eye was one. Ghost
Shadow Perplexing Step, Controlling Crane Catching Dragon,
Mysterious Jade Hand, weren’t they all? Even if the hidden
weapons Tang Sect knew best couldn’t be used, couldn’t he still
use these?

If the entire previous process could be slowed down, the

whole course of Tang San’s actions could be seen clearly. Using
Controlling Crane Catching Dragon to divert the opponent’s
attack, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step to dodge behind Huo
Wushuang, Mysterious Jade Hand pushing with Controlling
Crane Catching Dragon.

Even though he had been hit by the explosive force, with the

3795 Goldenagato |

durability of Mysterious Jade Hand, this basically wouldn’t
cause any injury, and Huo Wushuang’s body had already been
swiftly pushed away.

Seven strands of Blue Silver Grass, glittering with mauve light

in the sunshine, fell from the sky like seven long rainbows.

Right now Huo Wushuang had his back completely exposed to

Tang San. He only felt a pressure in the sky, but couldn’t see
just what attack it was. And the moment Tang San’s Blue Silver
Grass chose to attack was just when the energy in his scales had
just burst out, and his spirit power was still condensing, the
awkward moment when he couldn’t use his next spirit ability.

Control, this was still control, only that what was controlled
were the details and precision. The details decided the outcome,
and at this moment, Tang San used this instant to maximize his

Blue Silver Grass struck Huo Wushuang’s open back without

the least suspense, seven strands of Blue Silver Grass all
whipped the same place. The first one already knocked Huo
Wushuang from the air to the ground. From the second and
onward, they caused intolerable pain to instantly spread
through Huo Wushuang’s whole body. Bringing a paralysing

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and twitching sensation, all he could do was to swiftly roll over
and leap up. But his back was already badly mangled.

Don’t forget that Blue Silver Grass was seriously toxic, with
the poison of the Man Faced Demon Spider as well as the thorns
of the Ghost Vine. Having lost his protective scales, right now
Huo Wushuang wasn’t only infected by the poison, but the
violent pain moreover affected his spirit power aggregation and
mental focus.

Tang San’s expression was still serene, but he wouldn’t give

his opponent any chance to recover his strength. Just as Huo
Wushuang shot up and prepared to confront Tang San,
something tightened about his feet. Without any warning, a
strand of the most common Blue Silver Grass twisted around his
ankles, tripping him over once again.

In order to defend and counterattack, Huo Wushuang had just

now condensed practically all his spirit power in his upper
body. Once again on the ground, he needed time in order to use
explosive force to free his bound feet.

But, his body was already sent tumbling by the impetus of that
Blue Silver Grass.

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This time, Huo Wushuang was thrown into the distance, and
Tang San on the ground followed like an illusion. Twelve
strands of Blue Silver Grass shot out with a swing of his right
arm, still attacking the same spot.

Blasting sounds rang out practically uninterrupted, blast after

blast bursting out in the air. This time, Huo Wushuang already
had a defense, but within explosion after explosion, the twelve
strands of Blue Silver Grass successively smashed it. The pain of
those bone piercing lashes as well as the shock of his own fire
element explosions, left Huo Wushuang in such pain he wished
he was dead, directly resisting a mouthful of blood reflux from
spraying out in the air.

Finally blocking the last strand of Blue Silver Grass, Huo

Wushuang staked all his strength on controlling his feet to land,
preventing being humiliated once again. At the same time he
also impatiently erupted a series of attacks in midair, for fear
that he would once again be bound by that ghost serpent like
Blue Silver Grass.

“You’ve lost.”

Tang San’s attack didn’t reappear, what reached him was only
that calm voice.

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Huo Wushuang now returned to his senses, staring, he
couldn’t keep his face from going deathly pale. He now
discovered that he was already outside of the ring, having fallen
just one meter out of bounds.

Now he understood the reason why Tang San lashed out with
twelve strands of Blue Silver Grass after he had been thrown. It
wasn’t to attack him, but rather to exploit the attacks of the
Blue Silver Grass as well as the impulses of his own explosions
to increase the distance he flew.

Out of bounds, no matter the circumstances, meant defeat.

Huo Wushuang looked at Tang San in a daze. He couldn’t

accept it, and on the contrary he discovered that the feeling of
defeat in his heart was so powerful.

Confronting Tang San he hadn’t faced control, but rather his

rigid offense. A control system Spirit Master’s precision,
combined with the speed and strength of the agility attack
system and power attack system.

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From the first moment of contact until the end, he hadn’t
even been been able to stall for enough energy to launch his
more powerful spirit abilities. But what Tang San used was at
most only his first spirit ability, to the extent that it wasn’t even
the whole first spirit ability.

How much spirit power could he have consumed just by

waving a few strands of Blue Silver Grass?

Hidden weapons didn’t only include throwing types, but also

mechanical types and the rare rope types. Tang San had just
fully used the rope type methods on his own Blue Silver Grass.

He had used it as early as the human meteor hammer before,

but he had only truly recognized the importance of fusing his
Tang Sect lore with his spirit abilities in his days of painful
cultivation and while truly combining the two together.

A forty second ranker versus a forty second ranker, and the

winner’s spirit power consumption could practically be
neglected. This was the result Tang San had obtained after
bitter cultivation. He had proved his strength in real combat,
making the Huo Wushuang who had originally thought he could
make a fight of it lose before he could even use his full strength.
So much that he couldn’t even use up some of Tang San’s spirit

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“You didn’t have any confidence when you faced me. If a

Spirit Master doesn’t have confidence, how can he win?”

Tang San’s words reached Huo Wushuang’s ears. When he

looked at Tang San’s serene eyes, Huo Wushuang suddenly
found that this clearly younger than him youth seemed to have
become his teacher.

By now Huo Wu had run over, grabbing Huo Wushuang’s

arm, asking with a deeply concerned face:

“Ge, are you alright?”

Huo Wushuang shook his head,

“I’m alright. I lost, lost by heart and word.”

Huo Wu sharply raised her head, both her eyes seeming to

shoot flames, fiercely burning at Tang San.

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Tang San’s gaze was still undisturbed. He looked at Huo Wu
without any particular mood.

The first fight ended like this. Even though the scene wasn’t
as chaotic as the qualifiers, and wasn’t any applause or cheers,
what Tang San revealed captured everyone present. Even Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi discovered
that this child became more and more impenetrable. At such a
young age, he already had some of the demeanor of a great

Glancing at platinum bishop Salas next to him out of the

corner if his eye, Ning Fengzhi was somewhat astonished to
discover that Salas’ face was still calm, without any fluctuation
to his mood because of Tang San’s display, as if he was only
looking at the most common competition.

The next matches seemed even easier for Tang San. He

continuously calm and unhurried successively fought five
Blazing Academy team members. Among them the twin
brothers Huo Wun and Huo Yu had broken through from thirty
ninth rank to fortieth rank.

But nobody could make Tang San release his third spirit

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Blazing Academy already possessed four spirit masters over

fortieth rank, but six of them still couldn’t stop Tang San’s
advance. His spirit power was still plentiful, and there wasn’t
even a trace of exhaustion on his face.

It was under such circumstances that Blazing Academy’s final

team member, vice captain Huo Wu, walked gravely into the

One defeating six. Since the start of the ranking competition,

this was the most outstanding score to appear. Moreover the six
defeated people were still from the traditionally powerful and
well known Blazing Academy, these were circumstances nobody
could have imagined before the start of the match, but this was
what really had happened.

3寸 = 10 cm

1尺 = ⅓ m

5寸 = 17 cm

3803 Goldenagato |

3寸 = 10 cm

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Chapter 112 - Tang San VS Huo Wu

Watching the cold faced Huo Wu walk into the ring, Tang San
drew a deep breath. Even though he didn’t seem any different
from the start of the first fight, in fact, right now he was already
extremely tired.

His spirit power had been conserved as far as possible, but in

the previous six matches, he had after all still faced three
fortieth ranked opponents. Besides Huo Wushuang, Huo Yun
and Huo Yu’s Fire Crane Spirits gave him no small trouble,
especially their strongest spirit abilities made Tang San spend
considerable spirit power in order to dodge and escape their

Even more, to save on his spirit power he had to use the most
precise degree of control possible with each ability, the
requirements for this were enormous.

Consequently, even though Tang San had only consumed

forty percent or so of his spirit power, his mental strength had
already been exhausted by seventy percent. He was an arrow at
the end of its flight.

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Right now the spectators, whether the imperial household
knights or the other academy Spirit Masters, all only wanted to
see one thing: whether Tang San could defeat the whole Blazing
Academy with his own strength, completing a heroic feat of one
beating seven.

Attentively watching Tang San, Huo Wu now instead became

calm. She knew that this match was not only a matter between
her and Tang San, but also related to the reputation of Blazing

If she lost, letting the opponent complete one against seven,

then Blazing Academy would never be able to raise their heads
among the five elemental academies. Therefore, she couldn’t
lose no matter what. She couldn’t lose.

It was precisely this conviction in victory that made Huo Wu

calm down. This year she still wasn’t twenty. In Blazing
Academy she was the youngest genius in history. This period of
painstaking training let her spirit power advance a level,
reaching the forty fourth rank. She believed that she should be
above this youth in front of her, whether in spirit or spirit

But how, how was the entire Blazing Academy unable to

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defeat him alone? Was it because he was a control system Spirit
Master? Because of his fire immunity? No, it definitely wasn’t
just this.

Tang San calmly watched Huo Wu standing thirty meters

away from him. He was astonished to discover that Huo Wu’s
aura seemed to have undergone a bizarre change. He and Huo
Wu didn’t have any interaction, but every time he had seen her
it seemed as if she distributed an incendiary aura. In some
respects, it was extremely similar to Liu Erlong.

But now that she had calmed down, Huo Wu was like a
different person. Her originally extremely slender figure seemed
even more alluring as her skin reflected a red light, as if it could
ignite the hearts of all men.

With a shake of her body, a faint orange shadow gradually

appeared behind Huo Wu. It was identical to her, a vague flame
shadow with an illusory feeling. But this was her spirit, Fire

The fire element shadow was an extremely peculiar spirit, but

able to display the fire element to its greatest degree.

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It was clearly already impossible for Blazing Academy to win
in the ranking competition today, after all, Shrek Academy still
had another six people. However, Huo Wu was already rigidly
set on winning this fight, no matter what.

The match began.

Tang San had always wondered what method Huo Wu would

use to attack, and the moment the referee declared the start, she
gave him the answer: Running.

Huo Wu’s slender and powerful legs moved swiftly, dashing

directly at Tang San.

Even though her speed couldn’t compare to that of an agility

attack system Spirit Master, by the forty fourth rank, the added
attributes from spirit rings and the effect of their own spirit
power made a Spirit Master far superior to ordinary people.
This all out charge had astonishing speed, and the distance
between the two quickly shrank.

A strand of Blue Silver Grass surged out, sweeping

horizontally. Its target was Huo Wu’s slender and powerful

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It was a probing attack. Tang San’s energy was greatly
consumed by now, but sending out a few tests was better than
idly waiting for opportunities.

He had chosen a strategy to guard and counterattack. With

the advantage of fire immunity, if Huo Wu wanted her abilities
to have any effect on him she could only use explosions like Huo
Wushuang did.

Therefore, Tang San wasn’t very anxious.

If Huo Wu wanted to use her fourth spirit ability, the period

for accumulating strength was enough for him to react.

Confronted with the sweeping Blue Silver Grass, Huo Wu not

only didn’t dodge, but on the contrary sped up somewhat. The
thirty meter distance between the two shortened to ten meters
in the blink of an eye.

Huo Wu’s eyes brightened, both eyes flashing brightly, at the

same time her third spirit ring also shone. A purple light halo
filled the air, and she increased her speed a bit more.

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Suddenly, light flashed in Tang San’s mind, and he
immediately understood Huo Wu’s plan of attack. Blue Silver
Grass swept unchangingly, and he swiftly started to move. He
neither advanced nor retreated, but rather moved sideways,
swiftly dashing out horizontally.

Huo Wu had apparently already anticipated Tang San’s

reaction, and her original straight dash angled sideways, but
still pressing in on Tang San.

The instant Blue Silver Grass was about to land on her, Huo
Wu’s third spirit ability, Defying Flame Ring, launched.

A dazzling orange ring of light released in a flash. This spirit

ability without any offensive power washed away the nearby
Blue Silver Grass in an instant. The the spirit ability range
reached and astonishing sixty meters, and right now Tang San
was less than ten meters away.

The moment the thirty meter radius Defying Flame Ring

removed the Blue Silver Grass, it also sent Tang San far away.

The whole ring had a diameter of a hundred meters, and Huo

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Wu’s Defying Flame Ring had a sixty meter diameter. It could be
said to cover a substantial part of the ring. Pushed by the
Defying Flame Ring, Tang San practically instantly reached the
edge of the ring.

Leaving the ring meant defeat. Tang San had exploited this
rule in the first fight against Huo Wushuang.

But the most frightening aspect of Huo Wu’s Defying Flame

Ring was that it ignored any abilities and defense, anything
within its range could be temporarily banished.

Of course, the opponent’s attack power couldn’t surpass her

spirit power by more than ten ranks.

Huo Wu didn’t pause, just when Tang San was forced to the
edge of the ring, another Defying Flame Ring flashed.

Tang San sighed inwardly. This girl might seem to have a

fiery temper, but she was actually extremely shrewd. Control
system Spirit Masters really weren’t ordinary. By exploiting the
Defying Flame Ring, she had put him in trouble in an instant.

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Right now, even if it was his fourth spirit ability, at most it
could only temporarily block Huo Wu’s advance, but couldn’t
stop the Defying Flame Ring from launching. Huo Wu’s use of
this originally defensive ability had doubtless passed long

The Defying Flame Ring of course wasn’t absolute, otherwise,

there would be no need to hold this ranking competition, Huo
Wu could just rely on this ability to sweep away all opponents.
The restriction of the Defying Flame Ring lay in altitude. The
range of its effect was sixty meters in diameter, and three
meters in height.

In other words, three meters in the air was out of the Defying
Flame Ring’s effect. Unless Huo Wu directly aimed the Defying
Flame Ring into the air.

Under these circumstances, no matter how wonderful Tang

San’s Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step was, he was still unable to
dodge the Defying Flame Ring’s attack. Therefore, he could only
fly into the air. Watching Huo Wu’s second Defying Flame Ring
about to take effect, Tang San leapt up, swiftly rising above the
Defying Flame Ring.

Seeing this, Huo Wu’s face revealed a sneer. Even though she

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had wasted a lot of spirit power on these two Defying Flame
Rings, her goal of forcing Tang San into the air was still

A strange scene appeared. Huo Wu’s fourth spirit ring flashed

the same moment Tang San leapt up, and the Fire Shadow
behind her also instantly turned incandescent white.

“Ring Merging?”

Outside the ring, spectating the match Grandmaster abruptly

cried out.

Ring Merging wasn’t any kind of technique, but rather an

innate ability. Only some extremely peculiar Spirit Masters
could possess this kind of ability.

It used the simultaneous release of the spirit power of several

spirit ring abilities at once, and could also be called an instant
substantial spirit power release, making use of one spirit ability.

The greatest benefit of Ring Merging was burst power. Simply

put, if a pool only had one exit, then the water could also only

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flow out of this one exit. Even though it would drain out
eventually, it still couldn’t be compared to the speed of
simultaneously flowing out of four exits.

Grandmaster had suspected Huo Wu possessed this ability

since the qualifiers last time, only that time she still had the
support of the auxiliary system Spirit Masters, and Grandmaster
didn’t dare say for sure. But right now it was completely
obvious, what she used was Ring Merging.

Under these circumstances her spirit power output would

peak, right now the might of the spirit ability she used would
also doubtless double.

The incandescence solidified in her palm. What Huo Wu

released this time wasn’t blazing heat, but rather a condensed

An only egg-sized ball of white light floated out, flying

straight for Tang San in the air. After releasing this white ball of
light, Huo Wu’s complexion instantly turned deathly pale.

Different from Huo Wushuang’s attack, the instant the white

ball of light had just left Huo Wushuang’s hands, Tang San felt

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his body suddenly stall, as if that not very large ball of light
contained a boundless gravitational force. He was unable to
dodge in the air, and watching that little ball of white light
flying towards him, all he could do right now was to stiffly block

There were still a great many ways to block, and even though
he was in a disadvantageous position, Tang San still hadn’t
given up. Raising his right hand, his third spirit ability emerged
for the first time today.

A green ball of light shot out of Tang San’s palm, instantly

expanding. Under his meticulous control, the range this spider
web covered was a lot smaller, but that also made it a lot
thicker. Even something like that white light ball couldn’t
overcome it.

White and green, two lights flowed together in midair. The

moment the two came into contact, Tang San’s face changed.

With a tearing sound, the white ball of light unexpectedly

straight through that durable Spider Web Restraint. It was
unexpectedly rotating at high speed, and that perfectly round
surface was moreover actually brimming with a cutting force.

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A strand of Blue Silver Grass whipped out immediately
afterward, but just like that Spider Web Restraint it was
completely unable to hold back that white ball of light. When
Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass lashed it, it was unable to change
its direction. Only the Blue Silver Grass itself broke.

After coming into contact with it twice, if Tang San still didn’t
have a grasp on the power of this white ball of light, then he
wouldn’t deserve being Grandmaster’s disciple. He instantly
understood that the spirit power contained in this white ball of
light should be everything Huo Wu still had after releasing her
third spirit ability twice, and it was furthermore compressed.
The ball was completely locked on him under her mental
control. In his current condition, unless he had an ability to
completely condense all his spirit power like her, he was unable
to block it.

Of course, Tang San overlooked one thing. This white ball of

light was not only Huo Wu’s entire output, but also her entire
output after using Ring Merging. Its power surpassed even the
total sum of her whole spirit power.

In order to defeat Tang San, she had already given up on the

rest of the match. Her goal was only to beat this youth in front
of her.

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The moment that white ball of light was about to strike Tang
San, Tang San suddenly disappeared.

That disappearance naturally wasn’t without reason. Blue

Silver Grass was ineffective against the white ball of light, but
that didn’t mean it was useless.

Two strands of Blue Silver Grass struck the ground forcefully,

sending Tang San higher into the air using the opposite force.
When that white ball of light chased after him from below and
almost caught up, Blue Silver Grass shot out of Tang San’s hand,
directly twisting around Huo Wu’s waist.

Right now, Huo Wu had already made use of her entire spirit
power, basically without the strength to resist. She only felt her
waist tighten, and the next moment, Tang San had already
magnified in front of her.

Indeed, Tang San’s target was Huo Wu, using her body weight
to change his direction in the air, directly dashing down at Huo

Under effect of the tension, his movement through the air was
naturally even faster. The two weren’t far apart, and collided

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after practically an instant.

Huo Wu subconsciously raised her arms to push off Tang San,

but Tang San only spread his hands, neutralizing her palms.
The instant the two of them collided, Tang San had already used
a strand of Blue Silver Grass to bind the two of them tightly

Huo Wu only felt a great rotating force as Tang San turned

around. Huo Wu involuntarily blocked in front of him, just like
a shield. And that white ball of light hurriedly chased after with
a humming sound.

Emptiness. Instantly, in Huo Wu’s mind was only emptiness.

After that white ball of light had locked on Tang San, it had
already become an attack out of her control. But at this
moment, she had become Tang San’s shield.

She hadn’t expected this battle to reach this kind of

conclusion. She knew she had already lost. But, she really was
unwilling. Unwilling……

Would she die? Huo Wu was only too clear on the power of
her own attack. She knew that in her present condition, it was

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basically impossible to block that attack. She would only end up
like Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass, torn apart.

‘If I die I die, but even if I die I’ll still pull you down to hell
with me.’ Huo Wu suddenly spread her arms, tightly embracing
Tang San, and moreover surrendering her final trace of spirit
power defense. She believed that even after that white ball of
light had pierced her body, it would still cause Tang San serious

As she tightly held Tang San, the rancor in her heart surged.
She even bit down on the muscles at Tang San’s shoulder. This
bite was extremely fierce, and the instant her teeth clamped
down, she felt tepid liquid flow into her mouth.

But at this moment, Tang San’s voice suddenly sighed next to

her ear,

“Is it necessary?”

Their bodies seemed to rotate, and her tightly clamped hands

suddenly felt something rush out of Tang San’s back. No longer
able to hold on, she involuntarily let go. But there was still Blue
Silver Grass’ Binding between them, and they were still pressed

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close together.

Alas, Tang San didn’t have any time right now, and he also
wasn’t in the mood to feel that flexible and scorching hot
delicate body.


Huo Wushuang cried out in alarm, as did each member of

Blazing Academy. But there wasn’t enough time for them to
rush into the ring.

The Shrek Academy side was equally alarmed, both sides

dashing into the ring practically simultaneously.

But what they saw was still Tang San suddenly rotating once
again, not only didn’t he try to use Huo Wu as a shield again,
but he instead turned himself into a shield for Huo Wu.

When Tang San bound him and Huo Wu together and turned
her into a shield, he only had one goal, to force Huo Wu to give
up on her attack. How could he have known that even Huo Wu
herself was already unable to control it.

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Seeing Huo Wu’s rancorous embrace, as well as the gaze in her
eyes that seemed to view death as a return home, Tang San was
shocked to discover that this girl was unexpectely ready to die to
drag him along with her.

Tang San didn’t have any hostility towards Huo Wu, and it
seemed to him that Huo Wu was nothing more than an
aggressively competitive girl.

She was, after all, a girl, and he was a man. How could he
truly be so coarse as to ruin a flower? In these circumstances,
this was the only choice Tang San could think of.

Therefore, the instant the white ball of light was on the verge
of arriving, he turned around while pasted to Huo Wu, using his
back to confront the bombardment of the compressed energy

Eight Spider Lances shot out, just enough to break open Huo
Wu’s arms, leaving that attack completely for Tang San to

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He didn’t let Eight Spider Lances extend completely, but only
half a chi. That ball of white light blossomed completely in the
next moment, and it was basically impossible for anyone to pay
attention to that momentary change on Tang San’s back.

The number of people with blank minds turned from one into
two. Tang San only felt his body lighten, everything around him
spinning. There was no pain, only a momentary numbnes, and
his entire body became paralysed. Even though he focused his
entire Mysterious Heaven Skill on his back, he still became

Huo Wu also felt herself flying, the violent shcok making her
briefly dizzy, and she practically unconsciously tightened her
grip on Tang San.

The numbness changed into omnipresent pain in practically

an instant. Tang San’s mind recovered a bit, and when they
were about to hit the ground, he turned his body. Since he was
acting the hero, he might as well do it to the end.

The two struck the ground with a rumbling sound. Tang San
below, Huo Wu on top. The instant of gravitational force almost
made Tang San lose consciousness.

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The reason he used his back to hit the ground was also in
order to hide Eight Spider Lances. He clearly felt Eight Spider
Lances tremble, and he could even hear some minute cracking
sounds behind him. But there wasn’t any pain on his back.

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, Tang San was still a bit

lower than Huo Wu, and this mouthful of blood sprayed onto
her chest. For the first time he learned the feeling of five organs
burning, the blood and qi within his body constantly roiling, as
if it was on fire.

Mysterious Heaven Skill really was worthy of being called a

first class internal skill of the profound orthodox sects. It
protected Tang San’s body as far as possible in the instant of the
explosion, and further adding the protection of Eight Spider
Lances, even though Tang San was seriously injured, it wasn’t
life threatening.

This was the result of Tang San’s careful calculations. When

he turned Huo Wu, he had already estimated that with his
defense, there was no way he would die.

The Binding Blue Silver Grass between the two had already
been torn apart by the explosive force, but Huo Wu’s hands still
tightly clutched Tang San’s arms. Her whole body trembled, but

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whether it was because of fury or something else was unknown.

The team members from both sides were already rushing

over. Tang San opened his eyes and looked at the very close Huo
Wu with a slight smile. Even though his face was deathly pale,
that still didn’t affect his unperturbed temper.

“Still haven’t hugged enough? You won.”

Huo Wu looked at Tang San, her eyes refocusing. Right now

she discovered that her hands holding onto Tang San’s arms
were already dyed red with blood.

That of course wasn’t her blood. Before, she had clearly felt
spirit power surge out of Tang San’s body, using his not at all
taller than her body to completely shelter her from harm. What
she had endured was at most some shaking.

Won? Was she really the winner? A trace of bitterness

blossomed at the corner’s of Huo Wu’s mouth. Right now her
consciousness was still somewhat fuzzy, and even she herself
didn’t quite know what she thought in her heart.

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“Little sister, are you alright?”

Huo Wushuang pulled his little sister upright, carefully

looking her over.

“I’m alright.”

And right now, Xiao Wu, with tears streaming down her
cheeks, pulled Tang San into her embrace. Jiang Zhu’s healing
halos were rushing out without a thought to how much spirit
power was wasted. Oscar’s big sausage was already in Tang
San’s mouth.

Were it not for Tang San promptly warning off Ning

Rongrong, perhaps she would have used her four boost abilities
on Tang San.

“Silly girl, don’t cry! Big brother is fine.”

Tang San was going to raise his hand to rub Xiao Wu’s head,
but discovered his arm wouldn’t rise for some reason.

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Actually, when he faced Huo Wu he didn’t have any intention
of winning this fight. In what is called ‘leaving a way out’, he
had already defeated six people, Shrek Academy would
definitely be the final victors of this ranking match, so why
would he need to exterminate them to the last? It might be
pleasurable to defeat seven alone, but that would also entail
branding both sides with hatred. He didn’t wish for that.

After all, he didn’t hold any malice towards Blazing Academy.

Therefore, Tang San originally only planned to waste as much

of Huo Wu’s spirit power as he could, leaving the end of the
match for the next person going up to handle. But who could
have thought that Huo Wu would target him so fiercely, with
this being the end result.

When Dai Mubai helped Tang San up, revealing his back, the
Shrek Academy group drew a cold breath practically

The clothes on Tang San’s back were already in pieces, full of

badly mangled flesh and blood, in some places even the bone
beneath was visible. Even his arms were already dyed red with
blood, hanging limply by his sides.

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What kind of pain was this? But Tang San’s face still held an
unperturbed smile, as if this pain was nothing to him. Only the
sweat beading on his forehead told people that he was injured.

Huo Wu’s white ball of light had even greater attack power
than Tang San had imagined. If not for Eight Spider Lances, if
not for his body being forged in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,
even if he didn’t die this time, he would still at least have been
seriously injured.

But even though his injuries were ghastly to look at, they were
nothing more than some flesh wounds. His bones and internal
organs hadn’t suffered too much harm.

By now the referee was a walking over, calling out for medical
staff to treat Tang San while declaring Huo Wu the victor of this

Before Shrek Academy’s second team member appeared, Huo

Wu had already declared that she conceded the next match.
Whether her exhausted spirit power or the state of the heart,
she no longer had neither the will nor ability to keep fighting.

Right now the Shrek Academy group couldn’t spare a thought

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to hate Huo Wu, their only concern was Tang San’s safety.

Tang San was carried out lying face down on a stretcher, this
was the true end of this match. Even though Tang San hadn’t
made too great of a show in the last fight, his previous six fights
had long ago conquered everyone.

Moreover, had he truly lost the last fight?

He could completely have used Huo Wu’s body to shield

himself from the attack. With his control strength, he would
only have needed to infuse her body with some of his spirit
power, letting that white ball of light detonate in Huo Wu.
There wouldn’t have been any danger to him, and it wouldn’t
even have been against the rules.

After all, that terrifying attack was used by Huo Wu, not Tang

“Will my ge really be alright?”

In the barracks, Xiao Wu looked with concern at the Heaven

Dou Imperial court doctor.

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The doctor was a forty something woman, and by appearances
she should have been a beauty in her youth. She smiled calmly
at Xiao Wu, saying:

“Little miss, this is already the seventeenth time you’ve asked

me the same question. Don’t worry. Your big brother won’t
have any major issues, only his skin and flesh was injured. His
bones are intact and internal organs protected. Truly strange.
The flexibility of his muscles is at least three times that of
ordinary Spirit Masters, how did he train to become like this?
Right now he’s only lost a bit of blood, he needs to rest a while.
He will be able to move as usual in at most five days. However.
It’s best if you don’t let him participate in any more matches in
this ranking competition. Otherwise there’s a chance the
wounds would be torn open.”

“Thank you, auntie doctor.”

The doctor smiled calmly, picking up her medical box:

“Alright, you take care of him properly, I’ll leave first.”

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Seeing the doctor out, Xiao Wu’s expression finally relaxed
somewhat. Right now Tang San was already deep asleep.

Watching his still deathly pale face, bursts of heartache like

daggers in her heart attacked Xiao Wu. She would prefer she
was the one injured rather than seeing Tang San wounded like

Grandmaster waved his hand to the Shrek Academy group in

the room, saying:

“Alright, the rest of you all go rest. There’s still a match

tomorrow. Let’s leave Xiao Wu to look after Tang San here.”

Everyone moved to quietly leave the room. As long as Tang

San was alright, they were also at ease.

Inside the room, only Xiao Wu, Grandmaster and Tang San
remained. Grandmaster looked at Tang San who lay on his
stomach in the bed, deep asleep, and said with a slight smile:

“Little San really did the right thing.”

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Xiao Wu raised her head, puzzled looking at Grandmaster,

“Grandmaster, are you still saying he did the right thing? He

could clearly have let that Huo Wu take the attack.”

Grandmaster sighed, saying:

“What little San did was for the sake of the Academy’s
reputation, and also for your future. First of all, the five
elemental academies are like siblings. If he had truly defeated
seven of the Blazing Academy singlehandedly, then he would
inevitably have roused the anger of the other three academies.
And this hatred would also bear considerable fruit. Second, if he
had really used Huo Wu’s body to block that attack, Huo Wu
would definitely have died. Huo Wu is the genius of a
generation to Blazing Academy, if she died, first let alone any
powers behind her back, the reprisals from Blazing Academy
alone would have deluged us in trouble. Tang San wanted to see
that even less. You’re all students, there’s no deep hatred or
great regret, therefore he chose this conclusion. I believe that
when little San used his body to block the attack he had
certainly already calculated his endurance and the opponent’s
attack power.”

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Grandmaster had always regarded Tang San as his own child.
Seeing Tang San injured, how couldn’t he feel regretful?

But Grandmaster was always an intellectual, as soon as he

knew Tang San wasn’t in any grave danger, his reason
immediately took the fore, and simple analysis allowed him to
confirm Tang San’s actions. Of course, this didn’t mean he
didn’t care about Tang San’s injuries.

Xiao Wu sighed lightly, and didn’t say anything else. What she
thought in her heart right now was that as long as Tang San was
alright, nothing else mattered.

Just at this time, Dai Mubai’s ice cold voice suddenly

resounded from outside,

“What are you doing here? Get out.”

“We came to see Tang San, and to express out thanks.”

The voice belonged to Huo Wushuang. Hearing this voice,

Xiao Wu couldn’t help frowning.

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Outside the barracks, not only had Huo Wushuang come, but
the full seven people of Blazing Academy’s main force were
here, including the still pale Huo Wu.

They had calmed down after the end of the match. Huo
Wushuang couldn’t help a burst of lingering fear. He of course
had also seen his little sister’s danger in the match, and if not
for Tang San being lenient, he wouldn’t have a little sister.

Even though Blazing Academy had lost in disgrace, only

winning one fight, not only didn’t Huo Wushuang hate Tang
San, but was on the contrary extremely thankful. Compared to
any achievements in the tournament, his little sister’s life was
clearly much more important.

And Huo Wu’s position in Blazing Academy was as central as

the moon amidst the stars, so the other team members felt
about the same. After returning to the camp, Huo Wushuang
had immediately proposed they go see Tang San.

Dai Mubai’s ice cold gaze swept across them,

“No need for fake grief like cats weeping over dead mice. Tang

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San still isn’t dead.”

Huo Wushuang frowned,

“Dai Mubai, don’t be excessive. I came to see Tang San. To

express my gratitude to him for letting off my little sister. It
wasn’t to see you. Get out of the way.”

By now, hearing the voices, apart from Tang San and Xiao
Wu, the other four Shrek Seven Devils had also come over. Just
like Dai Mubai, they didn’t have any favorable impression of the
Blazing Academy that caused Tang San such injuries. The four
of them plus the four substitutes, eight people stood in a line,
blocking the Blazing Academy’s path.

“Get out of here immediately. Otherwise, don’t blame us for

being impolite.”

The double pupils in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes were converging,

clearly he was already almost unable to suppress his anger.

Currently, the Blazing Academy seven main force members

had just participated in the ranking competition, and they had

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all consumed their spirit power to some extent. If it really came
to a fight they wouldn’t get off easy. Moreover, they originally
came here to express their good will.

“I came to thank Tang San:”

The moment Huo Wushuang was about to erupt, Huo Wu

suddenly stepped out, her pale charming face without any trace
of irritability, instead it had become very serene. Her beautiful
eyes held even more pondering and calm depth, like a changed

“No need. My ge is already asleep. Leave. Don’t disturb his


Xiao Wu stepped out of the room, staring icily at Huo Wu.

Even though Tang San’s injuries had been caused by him

using his body to cover for her, the originator of all evil was still
Huo Wu. Xiao Wu naturally wouldn’t have any good impression
of this woman whose looks didn’t lose to her.

Huo Wu looked at Xiao Wu moving out of the barracks,

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nodded and said:

“Then sorry for the disturbance. Once he’s a bit better, I’ll
come express my gratitude again.”

Xiao Wu declined without the slightest hesitation:

“No need. We’re opponents in the Continental Advanced

Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament.”

These words were equivalent to her pointing out that the two
sides weren’t friends.

Blazing Academy’s people had just left when someone else


The arrival of Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe was, on the

surface, to represent the organizational committee to ask about
Tang San’s injuries. But in fact, Tang San wasn’t the only
person to be injured so far in the tournament, but only he had
gotten this kind of attention.

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After making certain Tang San wasn’t in any grave danger,
the two exchanged a few words with Grandmaster, then left.
The barracks also finally quieted down.

(融环) “Melting/Blending/Merging/Harmony Ring”

半尺 = ⅙ m

3837 Goldenagato |

Chapter 113 - Phoenix Rampage

To the majority of the academies participating in the ranking

competition, Tang San’s injuries were a good thing. Especially
those teams that still hadn’t met Shrek Academy now had hope
of a better record. However, starting from the second day, these
academies discovered a changed Shrek Academy.

When the person on stage changed, apparently their strength

also changed.

In the next three matches, Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai
relied on his violent burst attack method to settle at least four
opponents each time. The second to appear was Zhu Zhuqing
who ended the match. Even without Tang San, Shrek Academy
still only brought out two people.

As the days passed, Tang San’s recovery speed was even faster
than the doctor had anticipated. His injuries had already knitted
and scabbed in just three days, and he could also casually move
about. He completely recovered like a lively dragon or animated
tiger. But when Tang San expressed his desire to participate in
the rest of the ranking competition, he suffered the unanimous
opposition of the whole Shrek Academy group.

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Helplessly, Tang San could only turn from main force to
observer. Today was already the sixth match. Shrek Academy
had a complete victory record in the previous five fights.

Shrek Academy’s opponent today was Botanic Academy, also

that academy that Tang San couldn’t see through. Facing this
academy, the formation Grandmaster arranged was entirely
different from the before. The first three to go up were
unexpectedly Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, and Tai Long.

Not long after the start of this match, the people paying
attention were gobsmacked. Because, in the previous three
fights, Shrek Academy unexpectedly lost three times to one
member of Botanic Academy. Botanic Academy only sent one
team member who successively defeated Huang Yuan, Jing Ling
and Tai Long.

And this Botanic Academy student’s spirit was a kind of vine.

Its effect was somewhat similar to Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass,
only much thicker. Reaching the forty first rank in spirit power,
with control system capability, he completely restrained Tai
Long’s trio. Even though he consumed a lot of spirit power, he
still defeated three people consecutively. This could still be
called the greatest defeat of Shrek Academy since the start of the

3839 Goldenagato |

After the third person in succession, Tai Long, was firmly
suppressed, the opponent said something that made the entire
Shrek Academy team’s aura change.

Having successively defeated three people, that Botanic

Academy team member apparently forgot himself out of pride.
After defeating Tai Long he said: Shrek Academy isn’t worth

“Fuck, I can’t stand it. Watch me put them in their place.”

Shrek Academy’s fourth person to go up, was precisely Ma

Hongjun. Right now his chubby face was already swollen red,
indignantly watching that rival Spirit Master in the center of
the ring.

Just at this moment, a broad hand landed on Fatty’s shoulder,

“Have you clearly seen the opponent’s attack method? Your

goal is their complete obliteration. Save some spirit power if
you can.”

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Ma Hongjun turned his head to look, to discover that the
speaker was Grandmaster. Spectating from the side, Tang San
naturally understood. Grandmaster’s goal in letting Tai Long’s
trio go out first was in order to clearly see the opponent’s
fighting style. And his goal in letting Ma Hongjun go fourth was
only one, attribute counter. Just like Blazing Academy
originally wanted to counter Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass.

When Ma Hongjun stepped up, that student who successively

beat three Shrek Academy members almost laughed out loud.

Even though Ma Hongjun wasn’t as fat as he was two years

ago, he was still spherical, and his fleshy face was especially
swollen, looking quite cute. Even though he wasn’t the youngest
Shrek Academy student by age, he was clearly the youngest by
appearance. Even more, in the previous competitions, Ma
Hongjun had never appeared.

Even the attention of the four elemental academies had never

turned to Ma Hongjun. They would pay attention to Tang San,
pay attention to Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, but never to
a little Fatty.

Having won three times in succession, even though the

Botanic Academy team member on stage had consumed a lot of

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spirit power, his confidence had already reached its peak, and
he basically didn’t attach any importance to Ma Hongjun.

“Little fatso, you’d better step down. It wouldn’t be good if big

brother injured you by some chance.”

Even though his face was smiling, this Botanic Academy team
member’s eyes clearly revealed contempt.

The Shrek Academy group had been together for a long time,
and their characters had also been influenced by their
comrades, Fatty being no exception. Blinking, he raised an
innocent appearance,

“But, teacher let me go up, if I go down like this, I’ll be

punished when I return. It would be better if big brother beat
me down. Just go a bit easy on me.”

“Fine, no problem. I won’t bully a child.”

His words still hadn’t fallen before this three successive

victory Botanic Academy elite had already opened his eyes wide.
Because, over Ma Hongjun, he clearly saw four rising spirit

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rings, two yellow and two purple, an optimal set.

He wasn’t the only one shocked. The four element academies

outside the ring were equally gobsmacked. They really hadn’t
expected that Shrek Academy still hid a team member like this.
Strength over the fortieth rank, and the distortions in the air
around him as and the changes in his hair and body
undoubtedly also declared the power of his spirit.

Along with his spirit power increasing, after Ma Hongjun used

his spirit now, the mohican hairstyle already turned completely
red, and after eating the immortal treasure herb ‘Cockscomb
Phoenix Sunflower’ that Tang San gave him, not only didn’t he
have the threat of backlash from the Evil Fire, but his Phoenix
power had also been purified. Even Grandmaster had said that
among the Shrek Seven Devils, in burst power, Ma Hongjun was
number one.

Basically without paying attention to his opponent’s shock,

the instant his spirit released, Ma Hongjun acted. With an
explosion and the flare of his second spirit ring, surging red
purple flames soared up, immediately followed by a jet of
Firewire, going straight for the opponent.

Even if the vines were compressed into a shield, with their

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attributes countered, let alone when Ma Hongjun’s opponent
had already spent considerable spirit power on the previous
three fights, even if he hadn’t, he still couldn’t have taken the
Phoenix flame attack. Just like when they met Blazing Academy
before, it ended without any suspense.

The red purple flames easily pierced the opponent’s defense,

adhering to his body.

In shock, the Botanic Academy’s three successive victories

student threw himself to the ground without the slightest
hesitation, quickly starting to roll on the ground in order to put
out the flames all over him. At the same time countless vines
rushed out of his body, dashing at Ma Hongjun in attempt to
block him from attacking further.

However, Ma Hongjun didn’t continue attacking like he had

imagined, he only watched his opponent with a sneer, the red
purple flames on his body becoming increasingly dense.

Ma Hongjun didn’t even seem to see the green vines dashing

at him from the front, letting them attack. Unfortunately, these
green vines were basically unable to pass the obstacle of his
Bathing Fire Phoenix. The red purple flames were like a celestial
city moat, and each green vine that approached would instantly

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turn to ash.

If this fortieth ranked plant type Spirit Master had had a total
victory in spirit power, perhaps he could still have done
something to threaten Ma Hongjun. But unfortunately, he had
already consumed a lot of spirit power in the previous three
fights. Confronting Ma Hongjun whose level wasn’t much
different from his, who had full spirit power, and whose
attributes countered his, how could he contend?

Not only couldn’t he stop Ma Hongjun, but that red purple

flame on his body wasn’t extinguished by his rolling. The
tyrannical adhering capability, corrosiveness, and blazing heat,
brought this opponent pain that essentially couldn’t be
described in words. By now this team member had already lost
even the strength to speak up, the botanical spirit power within
his body fighting the Phoenix flame’s corrosion with his life at
stake, but how could that terrifying Phoenix flame be so easily

“We concede this fight.”

The Botanic Academy’s coaching teacher yelled at the referee

without hesitation.

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Ma Hongjun raised his right hand towards the opponent,
absorbing the red purple flame and dissolving the opponent’s
crisis. To him, this was only an easy victory. Of course, these
easy victories had only just begun.

The Botanic Academy had altogether three Spirit Master over

fortieth rank, and besides this first student to go up, the
remaining two were both last. Consequently, Ma Hongjun’s
next four opponents were all thirty something ranked plant
type Spirit Masters.

Despite all these plant spirit Spirit Masters being control

system, unfortunately, Ma Hongjun’s restraint on their spirits
was far too difficult to overcome, and there was basically no
need for either side to fight hand to hand. As long as Ma
Hongjun released his Bathing Fire Phoenix, he could basically
guarantee that their spirit abilities would be completely
ineffective against him.

No matter how powerful your spirit, when it was completely

ineffective against the opponent, there was no meaning no
matter how powerful the spirit ability.

From the first fight to the fifth, Ma Hongjun didn’t even move
from where he stood. Protected by Bathing Fire Phoenix, with

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its simultaneous amplification to Phoenix Fire Wire, a flame jet
would shoot out, sweep across, and if the opponent was hit, the
fight would immediately end. To him, these battles were as easy
as that.

One defeating three was originally already an enormous

advantage. But in the blink of an eye, Botanic Academy had lost
five times in reverse, and it was moreover a counter without the
least suspense.

At last another fortieth ranked Spirit Master walked up. The

colors of his spirit rings were separately yellow, yellow, yellow,
purple. Their properties were clearly not equal to Ma Hongjun.

His spirit was Scarlet Flame Thistle, and he was also the only
Spirit Master among Botanic Academy’s seven participating
member with a fire attribute. Right now he was naturally also
Botanic Academy’s last hope. If he also lost to Ma Hongjun, then
there would be no need for the last fight.

When Botanic Academy’s coaching teacher saw the tyrannical

strength of Ma Hongjun’s flame, he only gave the previous
several students orders to use up as much of Ma Hongjun’s spirit
power as possible. After all, among all the Shrek Academy
students that had appeared before, there were no other Spirit

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Masters with the same kind of flame capability as Ma Hongjun.
As long as this sixth Spirit Master could beat Ma Hongjun, they
still had a chance to prevail over Shrek Academy. Tang San had
been seriously injured against Blazing Academy, unable to take
the stage. Even though the other several Shrek Academy people
were also very powerful, Botanic Academy’s plant system Spirit
Master control also wasn’t weak.

Just as the fight started, Ma Hongjun’s opponent

simultaneously brandished both hands, his third spirit ring
lighting up in a flash, an ability launching.

Scarlet rays of light scattered all around him, and a wide

expanse of two meter tall red thistles rose sharply from the
ground, forming a forest of brambles and thorns that separated
both sides. Like this, Ma Hongjun was unable to see his
movements, and at the same time his Scarlet Flame Thistle also
swiftly surrounded Ma Hongjun within, and still rapidly pressed
in on Ma Hongjun. His target was to restrain Ma Hongjun
within his thistles. As long as he succeeded, he could easily
slaughter him later. He had a great deal of confidence in Scarlet
Flame Thistle’s fire resistance. After all, this was a fire element
plant spirit.

Would Ma Honjun truly let himself be controlled like that? He

gave his answer very quickly.

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Confronted with the swiftly approaching forest of thorns,
Fatty was hardly even flustered. His third spirit ring lit up in a
moment, and with a resounding phoenix cry, an enormous red
purple shadow appeared behind him.

Watching this scene, not only did the faces of Botanic

Academy’s spectating teachers and students change greatly, but
even the referees in the stands were shocked. In the previous
several fights, besides a small number of people, nobody had
seen just what Ma Hongjun’s spirit actually was. Now that they
saw the play of light and shadow behind him, everyone realized
that this seemingly unremarkable little fatso actually possessed
one of the highest grade spirits, Phoenix.

The moment the enormous red purple flame wings unfolded

from Ma Hongjun’s back, not even that greatly fire resistant
Scarlet Flame Thistle could escape its infernal fate. Even if they
both had fire attributes, they were still separated by relative
levels. If Ma Hongjun’s flame was unable to restrain even this
tiny fire element plant, then his Evil Fire Phoenix Spirit would
also be unworthy of being called first rate.

Hong—— The Flame brought Ma Hongjun to dash into the air,

the enormous purple flame wings unfurling behind him. In
midair, he could naturally find his opponent’s silhouette as easy

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as anything, and he threw himself at the opponent without the
slightest hesitation, using Phoenix Ascension.

Ground versus midair, how could he dodge? Whether in speed

or flexibility, they just weren’t on the same level.

In the forest of brambles, the Scarlet Flame Thistle Spirit

Master could only sense Ma Hongjun’s actions, but was unable
to see. Until this moment. With Ma Hongjun already risen into
the sky, he knew just how formidable his opponent was.
Watching his opponent pounce, he could also only use his last

His fourth spirit ring flared, purple light glittering, and the
scarlet brambles covering the ground was enveloped in a faint
purple light, appearing on the thorns of the thistles. The next
moment, countless purple specks of light dashed towards the
sky, gathering towards Ma Hongjun in midair.

Thistle Rain, fourth spirit ability. The sharp thorns infused

with powerful fire element could attack a wide area, but could
also be focused into one attack. If it hit, the fire toxin it
contained would spread through the opponent’s body, causing
enormous destruction.

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Ma Hongjun truly endured this spirit ability attack. In midair,
the opponent could no longer hide from him, but it was also
very difficult for him to dodge. To say nothing of those sharp
thorns coming from all directions.

Bathing Fire Phoenix and Phoenix Ascension immediately

reached their highest peak, and when the thorns entered Ma
Hongjun’s vicinity, they immediately turned to ash.

But. This was after all a thousand year spirit ring ability, and
still the opponent’s fourth spirit ability. Even though Ma
Hongjun suppressed his opponent in attributes, it wasn’t as
serious as the previous several opponents. Consequently, even
though he filtered out the sharp thorns and the fire toxin they
carried, the impact force still hit him to some extent.

If it was only a few hits, or a few dozen hits, perhaps Fatty

wouldn’t even feel it. But those were thorns numbering in the
thousands and tens of thousands. It wasn’t actually painful, but
it still caused a constant itch that was even harder to bear.

Ma Hongjun was already thoroughly enraged. Without

holding back any more spirit power, unleashing the speed of
Phoenix Ascension, he swooped down directly.

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Hong, Ma Hongjun heavily struck the ground in front of the
opponent, his fourth spirit ability launching.

Ma Hongjun’s fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Cry Heaven

Strike, was originally a follow-up ability. Its greatest weakness
was that it could be dodged, unable to lock in on the opponent.
But ironically, this Botanic Academy Scarlet Flame Thistle
Spirit Master had arranged a forest of brambles from the very
start of the fight. His goal had of course been to restrain Ma
Hongjun, but the one to be fettered right now was still him.

With a loud explosion, the shock of Phoenix Cry Heaven

Strike burst out the instant Ma Hongjun hit the ground,
distorting the air nearby and completely wrecking the bramble
forest around him. Within that distortion, the Scarlet Flame
Thistle Spirit Master sunk into a daze without any suspense.

“Fatty, go easy.”

Outside the ring, Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others saw Ma
Hongjun attack with Phoenix Cry Heaven Strike, and shouted
hastily. Phoenix Cry Heaven Strike was split into two parts, the
first part was the follow-up restraint, the second part was the
terrifying Phoenix Magma Burst. If this second part was
completed, the already completely deadlocked Scarlet Flame

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Thistle Spirit Master would undoubtedly die. As the spirit
ability with the most formidable burst attack among the Shrek
Seven Devils, Phoenix Cry Heaven Strike would cause serious
injuries against even a fiftieth or sixtieth ranked Spirit Master.
Let alone a mere fortieth ranked opponent.

The Shrek Academy team’s anxiety was wasted. Even though

Ma Hongjun’s entire body itched with the desire to vent his
anger, having been together with his comrades for so long, he
had still learned to control his temper. The instant the
opponent was stunned, the Phoenix Ascension fire attribute
attack power invaded his opponent’s body. At the same time,
Fatty turned nimbly, driving a roundhouse kick into the
opponent’s stomach.

The Scarlet Flame Thistle Spirit Master’s body flew in a

graceful parabola through the air, falling directly outside the
ring, caught by one of the teachers from Botanic Academy.
Right now, even though he was still stunned, he hadn’t suffered
any true injuries.

After the Botanic Academy teacher had swiftly inspected the

Scarlet Flame Thistle Spirit Master’s physical condition, he
immediately understood that the opponent had already started
off leniently. With a deep inward sigh, he indicated to the
referee that they renounced the last fight, conceding.

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The Shrek Academy team cheered, rushing out into the ring
as if greeting the return of a triumphant hero, tossing Fatty’s
spherical body into the air.

Since the start of the ranking competition, it was the first

time someone singlehandedly defeated seven. And it was
moreover still done by a never before seen on stage member of
Shrek Academy. This fact shocked all the participating Heaven
Dou Empire academies.

With a faint flickering brilliance, Fatty’s expression was

completely radiant. He hadn’t fought any outsiders for a very
long time. Being able to beat all the opponents was admittedly
related to his spirit countering the opponents, but it was also a
result of Fatty’s arduous cultivation over these days. Even Fatty
himself felt that his spirit power had advanced by leaps and
bounds ever since eating the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower. In
the whole team, his attack output had already become a

In overall strength, Fatty was already second only to Tang San

and Dai Mubai among the Shrek Seven Devils, roughly a cut
above Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

3854 Goldenagato |

“Fatty, well done!”

Dai Mubai clapped Ma Hongjun’s shoulder.

Ma Hongjun smiled with immense pride:

“But of course, how could the effort we brothers have

expended over these days be a waste? Watch me in the later
ranking competition. But to tell the truth, boss Dai, defeating
seven people singlehandedly really is a pleasurable feeling,

Grandmaster wore a smile on his face as he looked at Ma

Hongjun, saying:

“Don’t be too proud of yourself. Today’s victory was only

because you restrained your opponents’ spirits too harshly,
letting you beat seven in succession. Under any other
circumstances it wouldn’t have been so simple. For instance,
would you still have any faith in your chances against Skywater
Academy’s Shui Bing-Er? Her Ice Phoenix and your Fire Phoenix
mutually counter each other, you don’t have any advantage in
attributes, but she’s clearly above you in spirit ability and spirit
power control. Perhaps it wouldn’t even require mutual

3855 Goldenagato |

restraint, as long as you encountered a rather agile agility attack
system Spirit Master, it would also be difficult to win. And even
if you could win, you would also have consumed a tremendous
amount of spirit power.”


Ma Hongjun scratched his head, the feeling of excitement

immediately dropping a lot, he looked at Grandmaster without

Grandmaster smiled:

“As the most powerful attacker in the team, there’s no need to

doubt your efficacy. But you must also understand that precisely
because you possess such terrifying attack power, you will also
be the easiest for the opponents to notice and the first to be
destroyed. In a team, power attack system Spirit Masters and
control system Spirit Masters are doubtless the most important,
but they’re the first the opponents pay attention to.
Consequently, not only must you display your attack power
even better, but at the same time you must also protect yourself
as far as possible. There will inevitably be comrades
accompanying you at your side. For the sake of your future,
you’re the one who most of all has to learn single combat

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fighting, this is something power attack system Spirit Masters
must possess. No arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat,
keep a level heart.”

Combining fighting and teaching, this was no doubt the best

method. Grandmaster’s words weren’t just for Ma Hongjun, but
at the same time also for Dai Mubai and the other power attack
system Spirit Masters to the side.

“Alright, we can leave.”

Grandmaster waved his hand, bringing everyone towards the

rest area.

Just at this moment, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in

everyone’s line of sight, blocking their path. This person
appeared very abruptly, practically blocking in front of the
Shrek Academy team in a split second.

Seeing this person, Grandmaster couldn’t help revealing a

faint smile, his gaze turning to the basically already recovered
Tang San next to him.

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This fiery red silhouette was hardly unfamiliar, but precisely
that just like a dazzling flame Blazing Academy vice captain,
possessing the Fire Shadow Spirit, Huo Wu.

Staring fixedly at the having just now obtained six successive

victories Shrek Academy team in front of her, Huo Wu clenched
her teeth, hardly concealing her target, her burning hot gaze
was focused on Tang San. But that gaze no longer seemed the
have that kind of unaccepting anger and wildness as it did
before. Her gaze seemed a lot more complex.

“Miss Huo Wu, what’s the matter?”

The first to speak up was captain Dai Mubai.

Huo Wu’s gaze swept past Dai Mubai, nodded, and said to
Tang San:

“Tang San, I want to talk to you.”

The other six Shrek Seven Devils and the four substitute
members’ gazes all immediately focused on Tang San. But Tang
San himself was somewhat startled, frowning,

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“Is there something that can’t be said here?”

Huo Wu shook her head,

“I want to talk to you alone.”

Tang San felt a sudden pain at his waist, and when he turned
his head to look, Xiao Wu was looking at him very resentfully,
something indiscernible in her gaze. But Dai Mubai was still
somewhat helpless. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, in
appearance, Tang San could only rank a bit above Ma Hongjun.
Whether it was Oscar’s practically inhuman handsomeness or
Dai Mubai’s evil eyed charisma, clearly they were more
attractive to girls than him.

Huo Wu was undoubtedly an extremely outstanding young

woman, at nineteen she had long since blossomed into a slender
and elegant woman, and her figure was even more extremely
perfect from the unceasing training. Even if Dai Mubai who had
innumerable women couldn’t help somewhat having some
thoughts about her. If it wasn’t for Zhu Zhuqing, perhaps he
would have launched his own wooing offensive.

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But what Dai Mubai couldn’t understand was how from
seemingly only having met in two battles, Huo Wu’s attention
was always focused on the not externally particularly
outstanding Tang San. Even though Tang San was very strong,
he still made Dai Mubai somewhat doubt his own charisma.
Later everyone learned that the reason why Huo Wu was so
fixated on Tang San was most importantly because of the blow
he dealt her that time. Huo Wu was an aggressively competitive
minded extremely powerful girl. The more people followed her,
the less attention she would pay to them, and the enormous
blow Tang San had struck her the first time the two academies
battled had produced a situation where Tang San was the only
person on her mind.

Grandmaster glanced at Tang San, then again at Huo Wu:

“Go, return directly afterward.”

Tang San walked towards Huo Wu, and Xiao Wu’s face
revealed an anxious and peculiar expression. She was about to
say something, but was stopped by a glance from Grandmaster.

“Let’s go back.”

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Under Grandmaster’s lead, the rest of the Shrek Academy
people returned to their camp.

Not having gone far, Xiao Wu couldn’t help asking:

“Grandmaster, why did you let little San meet alone with that
Huo Wu? Hasn’t she caused enough harm to little San?”

Grandmaster looked at Xiao Wu with some meaning deep in

his eyes, and said:

“She’s no threat to little San, that’s the first point. Second,

child, remember, a man’s heart can’t be forced. Once yours, it’s
yours forever. Trust, is the foundation for mutual feelings.
Tang San is an extremely affectionate person, having been
together for seven or eight years, haven’t you seen it? In his
heart, nobody could take your place.”

Changing the direction of the topic, Grandmaster’s gaze

floated over to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing,

“Of course, people and people are different. Regarding men of

different nature, you must use methods of different nature. The

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key is to first grasp their nature. You’re growing up day by day,
and feelings will be in a state of confusion. I hope that you won’t
let questions of emotions affect your future. I hope that all of
you can reveal your talent to the greatest degree.”


Huo Wu looked at the calm faced, snot green uniformed Tang

San, and the expression in her eyes changed somewhat,

“Come with me.”

Finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the rest


Even though Huo Wu coming to find him was somewhat

baffling to Tang San, he still followed Huo Wu into the rest

Huo Wu walked directly for a secluded corner in the rest area

and stopped. Right now, the ranking competition was still
continuing outside, and the students were all looking at the
fight. This so-called rest area was actually a specially allocated

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camp, used to get in order before the competition. Right now
there was nobody here.

Halting, Huo Wu turned her head to look at Tang San, the

expression on her face clearly becoming a lot gentler,

“How are your injuries?”

Tang San nodded silently,

“Basically already recovered.”

Even he himself was astonished by his body’s recovery ability.

Let alone his skin and muscle, even some minute cracks that
had formed in Eight Spider Lances due to the explosion had
already completely healed. Were it not for Grandmaster
repeatedly stressing that he wasn’t allowed to fight again, there
would have been no problem for Tang San to participate in the
ranking competition.

Huo Wu seemed to loose a breath,

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“That’s good.”

Tang San was somewhat unable to make any sense of her,

“You calling me here, was it in order to ask this?”

Huo Wu glanced at Tang San, and couldn’t help feeling a bit

discouraged. From childhood, even though she’s always
pursued formidable strength, always trained arduously, she had
still equally had confidence in her own appearance. She had still
never met a boy who would seem impatient in front of her, but
unexpectedly Tang San was doing just that right now.

“Are you really unwilling to talk to me?”

Huo Wu’s familiar fiery temper seemed to start to ignite


Tang San shook his head,

“That’s not it. I just don’t understand what there is to talk

about between us, after all, we’re rivals in the competition.”

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“How are you so slow-witted? Are you a normal human?”

Huo Wu had never paid attention to anything called subtlety,

and directly spoke her thoughts.

Tang San frowned,

“If you want to say it like that, then there’s nothing for you to
speak of. Capable of participating the ranking competition, it
seems there aren’t many normal people. Even more, our Shrek
Academy has always been famous for producing freaks.”


Huo Wu was choked speechless. Rethinking it, what Tang San

said wasn’t wrong, he really wasn’t a normal person. How could
normal people possess that kind of strength, and even more a
ten thousand year level fourth spirit ring.

Tang San looked at the seemingly about to flip out again Huo
Wu and calmly said:

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“If there’s nothing else, I’ll return first.”

“Wait a moment.”

Seeing Tang San was about to leave, Huo Wu hurriedly called

out for him,

“Did I ask you to be that impatient? You can leave, but let me
ask you a question first.”

Looking at Huo Wu blocking in front of him, Tang San said:


Burning eyes staring fixedly at Tang San’s eyes, Huo Wu asked

in a low voice:

“That day, why did you save me? Why did you use your own
body to block the attack? That was the attack I launched at

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Tang San looked with astonishment at Huo Wu,

“This is your question? The reason you asked me to come?”

Huo Wu nodded,

“More or less.”

Tang San somewhat helplessly said:

“You’re indeed my opponent, but you aren’t my enemy.

Launching that attack was only so that you could win. There’s
no deep hatred or great regret between us, and you’re even
more a woman. What use would your death be to me? It would
even deepen the conflict between our academies. With me to
take that attack, death certainly wouldn’t have been the
outcome, saving you was very normal.”

“Just that?”

Huo Wu looked stupidly at Tang San. She discovered that

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Tang San’s reply was a bit different from what she had

After Tang San had been hurt saving her that day, Huo Wu
had thought of a lot of things. First of all she had thought that
Tang San liked her. There were a lot of people who pursued her
openly like Feng Xiaotian, but there were even more who were
secretly in love with her. Being accustomed to thinking like
that, this was the first thing Huo Wu thought of. Her coming to
find Tang San today was because she wanted to hear what Tang
San had to say. It seemed to her that Tang San wasn’t a person
of sweet speech and honeyed words, and would inevitably
reveal what he thought of her.

But who could have thought that Tang San would describe it
in terms of beneficial concerns, apparently without a thought to
his behaviour that day.

Seeing Huo Wu’s lifeless appearance, Tang San decided not to

stay here. Right now, his mind was filled with Xiao Wu’s
peculiar expression as she left. He was even more fearful of
what Xiao Wu would think. Therefore, taking advantage of Huo
Wu’s moment of lifelessness, he turned to leave.

“Tang San.”

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Huo Wu suddenly roused herself, and hastily chased after.

Tang San heard her voice, and subconsciously turned around.

But who could have expected that Huo Wu would move so
suddenly, and the two almost collided.

In order to protect herself, Huo Wu subconsciously used her

hands to support herself against Tang San’s chest, and Tang San
also in order not to be hit grabbed Huo Wu’s shoulders. The
distance between them immediately shortened to where they
could hear each other breathe.

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Chapter 114 - Huo Wu And Xiao Wu’s Kiss


Tang San warned Huo Wu.

Huo Wu bit her lip. Suddenly, she made an extremely

shocking motion. Both arms twisting around Tang San’s neck,
her red lips moving towards Tang San’s lips.

Tang San leapt with fright, but his neck was held by Huo Wu
and he was unable to escape. Stunned, he could only turn his
head to the side, and Huo Wu’s kiss didn’t meet his lips, but her
soft and burning lips fell on Tang San’s cheek.

Their bodies separated as if by electric shock, and Tang San

somewhat shocked said:

“What are you doing?”

Huo Wu’s breathing clearly became hurried, and her plump

chest constantly heaved along with her breath. Using a voice

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only the two of them could hear she said to Tang San:

“No matter what you say, you saved my life that day. You
can’t undo that. I will never owe anyone anything. This was my
first kiss. From now on, neither of us owes the other anything.”

Finished speaking, Huo Wu turned and ran, gone in the blink

of an eye.

Touching the place he had just been kissed, Tang San didn’t
know whether to laugh or cry. But Huo Wu’s straightforward
nature had instilled him zero favorable impression. He laughed
helplessly, one life for one kiss, it seemed a bit uneven! He
hoped she wouldn’t come look for him again later.

While thinking, Tang San decided to immediately find

somewhere to wash his face, he couldn’t by any means leave
behind any marks.

Tang San had also left. In a corner of the resting area, another
shadow walked out.

With a face so gloomy it seemed water could drip out, Feng

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Xiaotian looked in the direction Tang San had left. Both his fists
tightened, the bones in his arms issuing a series of creaks.

He hadn’t liked Huo Wu for just a day or two, and ordinarily

he would naturally also keep his attention on her, and he had
noticed when Huo Wu came to find Tang San just now. Seeing
the two come to the rest area alone, part curious and part
jealous, he followed them quietly. But he knew that Tang San
and Huo Wu were both about as strong as him, and in order not
to be discovered he could only watch from a distance.

He hadn’t heard Tang San and Huo Wu’s discussion clearly,

but their sudden ‘embrace’, and the sight of Huo Wu kissing
Tang San, he saw only too clearly. He had chased Huo Wu for so
many years, but he had never even touched her, let alone been
this affectionate. The goddess of his heart so profaned, at this
moment, a tide of jealousy constantly beat at Feng Xiaotian’s
heart like ocean waves.


Tang San returned to camp without talking to anyone,

everyone else had apparently already returned to camp to rest.
He felt his cheek subconsciously. Even though he had already
washed, there was still some awkwardness in his heart, feeling

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guilty like a thief.

Just as he prepared to quietly return to his room, Xiao Wu’s

voice came from the side,

“Ge, you’re back.”

“Ah? I’m back.”

Seeing Xiao Wu charmingly walk out of the barracks to the

side, that trace of awkwardness in Tang San’s heart
immediately grew somewhat.

Xiao Wu stepped over in front of Tang San with a few steps,

somewhat doubtfully saying:

“Ge. Are you alright? What are you nervous for?”

Tang San really couldn’t stand it, this kind of guilty feeling
was extremely painful to him. Smiling wryly he said:

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“Fine, I’ll be honest. Otherwise I’ll be choked to death by this
feeling. It’s like this……”

Immediately, he feeble-mindedly spoke of what Huo Wu said

to him before, as well as without reservations describing Huo
Wu kissing him.

As Xiao Wu listened to his description, her big eyes opened

even wider, especially hearing Huo Wu trade her first kiss for
her life made her even more unable to conceal her

“Like that. En, saying it is a load off my mind.”

Having said everything, Tang San’s expression immediately

returned to normal. Seeing Xiao Wu’s astonished expression, he
probingly asked:

“Xiao Wu, are you alright?”

Xiao Wu’s expression gradually returned to normal, suddenly


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“This Huo Wu, too spoiled.”


Tang San looked at her without understanding.

A giggle escaped from Xiao Wu, and she said:

“Her life is only worth a first kiss? And she still has to devote
her life to it. Ge, you really are foolish. It’s no wonder others
would say you’re slow-witted.”

Xiao Wu really wanted to laugh. Not at Huo Wu, but rather at

Tang San nervously recounting his previous chat with Huo Wu
without holding anything back. If Tang San’s intelligence in
battle counted as one hundred, then his intelligence in
emotional matters was infinitely close to zero.

Looking at Tang San’s head-scratching appearance, Xiao Wu

suddenly leapt up, both her legs twisting around Tang San’s
waist, her arms winding tightly around his neck.

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“Xiao Wu, what are you doing?”

Feeling the soft jade warm fragrance enter his embrace,

especially the warm flexible pert butt sticking to his stomach,
Tang San’s pulse immediately sped up.

Xiao Wu cupped Tang San’s face with a hand, suddenly

looking seriously at Tang San,

“Ge, look at me.”


Tang San stared fixedly into Xiao Wu’s eyes.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu kissed Tang San on the lips with a speed

that surpassed lightning.

If Huo Wu’s previous kiss only startled Tang San, then Xiao
Wu’s current kiss instantly washed everything out of his mind.
At this moment, every train of thought Tang San had instantly
returned to nothing. That moist, soft and warm sensation

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seemed to make his very soul tremble.

Leaping off Tang San, Xiao Wu’s low giggle made Tang San
gradually return to his senses, hearing Xiao Wu’s soft whisper
next to his ear.

“Ge, this is my first kiss. It’s also your first kiss. Hee hee, I
snatched it first. It’ll save later concern by other people.”

Once Tang San had truly returned to himself, Xiao Wu was

already gone.

Returning to his room with a somewhat numb feeling, Dai

Mubai, Oscar and ma Hongjun immediately gathered. The male
students were split over two rooms, and the four of them from
the Shrek Seven Devils were naturally together, the other room
held Tai Long, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling.

“Little San, what are you smirking about?”

Dai Mubai asked.

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Tang San felt his face,

“I, I’m smiling?”

A giggle escaped from Oscar,

“Little San, you’re done. It seems you’ve completely become

Xiao Wu’s captive. Ai, if you later say you’re not hen-pecked, I
won’t believe it.”


Tang San looked at the teasing appearances of his three

brothers in front of him, and suddenly snorted righteously and

“What about being hen-pecked? I’m very proud.”

Finished speaking, under the trio’s dumbstruck gazes, he

directly leapt onto his bed, sitting crosslegged to cultivate.

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Even Xiao Wu herself hadn’t expected that this simple kiss
would cut open the last restraints on Tang San’s heart. The
relationship between the two also finally began to promote
from siblings. Because Tang San suddenly discovered, after Huo
Wu kissed his face, his first thought was to wash, why was this?
When Xiao Wu also kissed him he understood it clearly, it was
because of Xiao Wu. Because he was afraid Xiao Wu would
misunderstand. And that kiss from Xiao Wu also seemed to open
a window in Tang San’s heart, through which a wisp of tender
feelings completely poured inside.

The later few days was a triumphant progress for Shrek

Academy, consecutively defeating four opponents, including the
other team Tang San had paid attention to. Relying on the
strength of Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun,
in the next five matches, at most only three people appeared on
stage from Shrek Academy. Dai Mubai also accomplished the
feat of defeating seven by himself. So far, in the fourteen
matches total, Shrek Academy had already obtained eleven
successive victories. These eleven fights also included the
Skywater Academy that had caused them so much trouble in the

In their victory against Skywater Academy, Ma Hongjun once

again revealed his outstanding talent, consecutively defeating
Shui Bing-Er and Xue Wu. Even though it was only two
consecutive wins, he had defeated the two most crucial

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members. Without the advantage of the spirit fusion ability,
Skywater Academy’s third member was utterly smashed in
front of Dai Mubai. The Shrek Seven Devils amply revealed the
power of their individual strength.

Eleven consecutive victories presently put them in first place

in the Heaven Dou Empire ranking competition. However, this
didn’t mean Shrek Academy would be number one in the end.
Because, in in the last three rounds of the competition, they
would face their most difficult test so far in the Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. In the
space of three days, they would face two formidable opponents.
The Godwind Academy and Thunderclap Academy they didn’t
meet in the qualifiers.

“Teacher, let me go up today.”

Tang San looked somewhat anxiously at Grandmaster.

Their opponent today was Thunderclap Academy. So far in

the competition, Thunderclap Academy had only lost one
round, and that was when facing Godwind Academy. Their
overall strength was a cut above Blazing Academy, and would
clearly defeat Blazing Academy in circumstances where both
sides attributes didn’t counter each other. And the conductivity

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of Skywater Academy’s water attribute spirit power made their
confrontation with Thunderclap Academy completely without
suspense. The destructive power of thunder and lightning was
in some aspects even greater than flame, and Botanic Academy
had also lost without any suspense. Thunderclap Academy’s
only loss was when facing Godwind Academy.

Grandmaster looked at Tang San, saying indifferently:

“Little San, let me ask you one question. If you were to go up,
how many opponents could you defeat?”

Tang San stared blankly a moment, he naturally wouldn’t

dare boast in front of Grandmaster, and after hesitating a
moment said:

“At least one. I don’t dare say more.”

Grandmaster said indifferently:

“That’s right. Even if your Blue Silver Grass has ice and fire
immunity, it’s unable to resist lightning. Your control power is
restrained to a degree when facing lightning spirits. Because

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your Blue Silver Grass is unable to be completely
nonconductive. I think you should have discovered this problem
originally when you confronted my nephew. If you lost today, if
you were injured, then whether your mental condition or
strength, they would both be weakened. If our luck is bad
tomorrow, and we continue to draw Godwind Academy, do you
think we could still continue to accomplish successive

Light flashed in Tang San’s eyes,

“Teacher, you mean to have me deal with Godwind


Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“With your strength, going all out and prevailing over

Thunderclap Academy wouldn’t be difficult. The key is that
there is a fifty percent chance of meeting Godwind Academy in
our next match. I’ve carefully observed Godwind Academy’s
strength, among the five elemental academies, they are
doubtless the most powerful team. In order to deal with them,
you will need your full strength. For today’s match against
Thunderclap Academy, trust in your comrades. I will now
declare the order of appearance. The first person to go up is, Tai

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Long, after followed by Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Xiao Wu, Dai
Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun. Any questions?”


Everyone agreed loudly.

“Brothers, work hard.”

Tang San held out his closed fist.

Dai Mubai met his gaze, an intangible overbearing air

spreading from him,

“Don’t worry, little San. Leave this match to us. As for

Godwind Academy, we’ll look to you.”


Raising his hand, Tang San and Dai Mubai’s bumped fists,
then again held them together. The others also put up their

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hands one after another, everyone roaring thrice. This moment,
the whole eleven Shrek Academy participating students hearts’
completely came together, they, were truly one.

The match started very quickly. Tang San calmly sat in the
audience. Trusting his team, that was his only choice.
Renouncing two rounds in the qualifiers had meant Shrek
Academy couldn’t take the number one seat, to Tang San this
was a matter for regret. Even though the ranking competition
was the least important round in the tournament, Tang San had
long ago resolved not to lose again.

Thunderclap Academy was very powerful, there was no need

to doubt the attack power of any thunder attribute Spirit
Master, especially in explosiveness. They were brimming with a
ruthless aura.

Thunderclap Academy had altogether four Spirit Masters

surpassing the fortieth rank, in this respect they were the same
as Godwind Academy. Even though Blazing Academy had finally
caught up in this respect, that was after all not the same as the
contestants of these two great academies that had surpassed the
fortieth rank long ago.

Thunderclap Academy clearly also regarded this match as

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very important, the four fortieth ranked Spirit Masters were all
concentrated at the rear of their lineup. They would prefer to
give up morale in order to first clearly see Shrek Academy’s
battle order.

In the first match, beyond expectations, the pure strength Tai

Long defeated his opponent. What he relied on wasn’t his
terrifying power to attack, but rather his ability to take a

Pure strength Spirit Masters didn’t just have formidable

attack, but their frightening strength also made their physical
defense extremely abnormal. Tai Long just relied on the
mentality of an immortal cockroach to rigidly withstand round
after round of attacks from his opponent, obtaining ultimate
victory by exhausting his opponent’s spirit power.

Before confronting Thunderclap Academy, Grandmaster had

for the first time given his students some directions in tactics.
The advice he gave Tai Long was only one simple word: Stall.
Stall until the opponent’s spirit power is practically exhausted.

Having researched spirits for so many years, even though

Grandmaster didn’t dare say he could identify every spirit in the
world, his understanding of the merits and drawbacks of all

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kinds of spirits was really only too clear.

The greatest characteristic of thunder attribute spirits was

terrifying attack power. Their burst strength was incomparable.
But everything was balanced. Under the appearance of valiant
attack power, thunder attribute spirits also hid its weakness.

There was no need to doubt the formidably explosive attack

power, but equally, when it erupted, the spirit power it
consumed was also more than other attribute spirits. Even
though Tai Long didn’t attack his opponent, that didn’t mean
he couldn’t dodge. And in order to defeat him, his opponent had
to practically bring out one combat spirit ability after another.
Even though attacks poured down on Tai Long like a torrent,
that definitely wasn’t the full story. Just like this, as the
opponent several blasted Tai Long to the ground several times,
so that even his hair stood upright, and his clothes were
damaged, when he believed he could defeat Tai Long, he was
shocked to discover that he no longer had enough spirit power.

In the team, Tai Long was an absolute meat shield, and under
Grandmaster guidance, his defensive strength had advanced one
step further over the past days. The outward sorry appearance
and true victory made his stiff face reveal a heartfelt smile.
After all, the opponent he defeated was from Thunderclap

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Tai Long’s ‘pleasant surprise’ for the Thunderclap Academy
still hadn’t ended. In the second fight, with spirit power and
spirit abilities completely focused on defense, he once again
equally exhausted his opponent to death.

Even though thunder and lightning had powerful attack, it

still fell short of that kind of focused piercing ability of the wind
element. Until the third opponent, when Tai Long was finally
unable to endure because of exhausted spirit power, he still
exhausted a substantial part of the opponent’s spirit power
before conceding.

The second person to go up, Jing Ling, provided his opponent

even more of a headache. His spirit wasn’t considered too
brilliant, but as an agility attack system Spirit Master, there was
no need to doubt Jing Ling’s speed. His opponent was a power
attack system Spirit Master. Grandmaster only gave him one
word of advice: Dodge.

Even the most formidable spirit ability must still hit its target
to have an effect. Jing Ling was clearly faster than his
opponent, and no matter how fast thunder was, there were still
signs before it was used. Jing Ling relied on his keen sense of
judgement to several times one after another dodge the
opponent’s attacks, forcing the opponent to use large scale

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attack spirit abilities to deal with him. However, when he
prepared to use large scale attacks, just like the his two
comrades before him, he discovered his spirit power was
already in critical condition. He had still consumed too much
when he defeated Tai Long.

Just like this, Jing Ling only used one spirit ability to defeat
his opponent. Drawing out Thunderclap Academy’s final four.

There was a fundamental difference between Spirit Elders and

Spirit Ancestors, and even though Jing Ling used the same
tactics, Thunderclap Academy’s coaching teacher had clearly
seen through his goal. The fourth student to go on stage
basically didn’t give him a chance, and blasted Jing Ling out of
the ring with two consecutive large scale attack spirit abilities.

A one-off consumption of spirit power was always better than

mutually grinding each other down. Thunderclap Academy’s
teacher immediately revealed the characteristic of fifteen tons
of thunder.

The third to go up from Shrek Academy was Huang Yuan. He

had neither Tai Long’s defensive strength or Jing Ling’s speed.
But possessing the Lone Wolf Spirit, he won out in balance.
With balanced attack and defense, even though he ultimately

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also lost to the tyrannical attacks of the opponents’ fourth Spirit
Master, he also successfully wasted the vast majority of the
opponent’s spirit power.

The Shrek Seven Devils finally took their turn. The fourth to
go up from Shrek Academy was Xiao Wu.

Even though Xiao Wu still hadn’t reached the fortieth rank,

her spirit power was still at the thirty ninth rank, and her
opponent’s spirit power was already mostly used up and
couldn’t use any formidable spirit abilities. Xiao Wu dodged a
few times and attacked once, defeating him and drawing out the

Thunder Academy, fifth student to go up.

Lei Tian, forty second ranked power attack system Battle

Spirit Master. Spirit: Thunder Hawk.

There were long since no longer any secrets between the two
sides. Thunderclap Academy hadn’t been observing Shrek
Academy for just one or two days. But even they hadn’t
expected that they would continuously be at a disadvantage in
the previous fights today, and the opponents only sent up a few

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thirty something ranked Spirit Elders.

Grandmaster’s arrangement of the battle order might appear

very casual, but it perfectly countered the opponents, exploiting
their characteristic advantages. If it wasn’t for Tang San’s name
not appearing in the Shrek Academy’s list for the day, perhaps
there would already have been issues with morale for
Thunderclap Academy.

The students both sides had revealed so far weren’t their

strongest members, but Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had both
single-handedly defeated seven opponents in the previous
matches. There was no need to doubt their strength. At least
before the turn of Thunderclap Academy’s vice captain they
didn’t have a chance of victory. Therefore, whoever gained an
advantage in the previous exhausting competitions, would also
take the initiative between the two sides.

Right now, even though Xiao Wu was somewhat spent, she

was only the fourth person to appear. And her opponent was
already the fifth. The advantage clearly already lay on Shrek
Academy’s side.

Lei Tian coldly gazed at Xiao Wu. To him right now, Xiao Wu
wasn’t a beautiful woman, but an opponent. Outsiders didn’t

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know Shrek Academy’s internal ranking. After the matches so
far, some people who studied Shrek Academy knew that Shrek
Academy’s three most dangerous people were Tang San, Dai
Mubai, and Ma Hongjun. Even though Xiao Wu had also
obtained a lot of victories before, with only three spirit rings,
the attention she drew was naturally a bit less. The name Shrek
Seven Devils was only something they used among themselves.
Consequently, it seemed to Lei Tian that Xiao Wu wasn’t any
different from the previous several members who had appeared,
and was only here to use up his strength.

The match reaching this stage was already its key moment.
Lei Tian knew that he couldn’t be allowed to lose this fight, and
he moreover had to defeat Xiao Wu while conserving as much
spirit power as possible. He didn’t have any certainty in
confronting Dai Mubai in the next fight, but he still had to
consume as much of Dai Mubai’s strength as possible in order to
prepare for the final fight.

Blitzkrieg, this was the Thunderclap Academy coaching

teacher’s instructions for Lei Tian.

Lei Tian immediately released his spirit, and along with a

thunderclap, a pair of distorted lightning wings abruptly
unfurled. His third spirit ring glittered with purple radiance, his
body soaring up.

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The advantage for flying type Spirit Masters was
unquestionable, it put the wielder in an especially invincible
position against opponents without ranged attack capability.
But Lei Tian now flying into the sky wasn’t in order to avoid any
attack Xiao Wu could launch against him, but rather to
strengthen his own attack.

Xiao Wu stood there gracefully, her beautiful eyes following

the opponent’s movements, but without moving herself.

Soaring in the air, Lei Tian spread his arms, his fourth spirit
ring flaring after his third, the two purple spirit rings
resonating with each other. Even to the extent that people could
sense the lightning attribute elements in the air condense with
frantic rhythm.

In order to quickly defeat Xiao Wu, he had pulled out his most
powerful attack method.

Xiao Wu’s eyes squinted slightly, but she still only waited
quietly, right hand pulling her scorpion braid out in front, that
kind of next door neighbour little sister feeling provoking
tender feelings.

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With the two rings of light flashing simultaneously, blue
purple serpents of lightning began to rapidly surge around Lei
Tian, a deep blue silhouette appearing behind his back, precisely
the avatar of his spirit, Thunder Hawk.

Serpent after serpent of lightning condensed on that goshawk

avatar, and centered on Lei Tian’s body, formed a blue purple
enormous five meter diameter sphere of blue purple light in the
air. Under the pull of thunder and lightning, the entire sky
seemed to darken. The more and more condensed lightning
seemed as if it would erupt at any time, and Lei Tian’s eyes had
now also turned blue.

The enormous pressure made the lapels of Xiao Wu’s clothes

flap without wind, but she still didn’t move. It wasn’t that she
didn’t want to interrupt her opponent, but rather that she was
unable to.

Xiao Wu was a close combat type Spirit Master. Even though

her leaping ability was powerful, and she also had Teleport to
increase her altitude, Thunderclap Academy had clearly long
since analyzed her characteristics, and Lei Tian’s current
altitude was precisely beyond what Xiao Wu could reach. No
matter what Xiao Wu did, it was impossible to reach her
opponent in the air.

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There was still another reason why Xiao Wu didn’t try it. If
she was in the air, the chance to dodge would become even
smaller. When hit by the opponent’s full attack power, how
could she resist?

The Thunder Hawk grew. Lei Tian had once very earnestly
listened to his teacher describe Xiao Wu’s capability. The reason
he could calmly aggregate his thunder and lightning force like
this, was because Xiao Wu didn’t have any way to attack him.

In a moment, that enormous Thunder Hawk had already

grown to five meters. Lei Tian’s body quietly merged into that
tremendous energy, and that spirit Thunder Hawk’s eyes
brightened. Those were Lei Tian’s eyes, and his aura
immediately locked in on Xiao Wu, the enormous Thunder
Hawk dropping from the sky. With incomparable imposing
manner and pressure, the attack range included the distance
Xiao Wu could teleport.

Just the moment Lei Tian turned his head downwards, Xiao
Wu finally moved. She directly used her third spirit ability,

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Her figure flashing, Xiao Wu was already five meters away.
But her opponent had already locked in on her, and under the
pull of the Thunder Hawk’s energy, it automatically slightly
changed direction in midair, still dashing towards Xiao Wu. But
at this moment, Xiao Wu’s eyes flashed.

Second spirit ability, Demon Confusion, launched.

Rays of pink light shot out of Xiao Wu’s eyes. The instant they
came into contact with the Thunder Hawk’s eyes, that
enormous energy stalled somewhat in midair. And at this
moment, Xiao Wu’s legs bent, and with a whooshing sound,
leapt up.

This seized the initiative. The opponent naturally already

knew about Xiao Wu’s three spirit abilities. From the start of
the match, Lei Tian had all along avoided looking Xiao Wu in
the eyes. But even if he knew, so what? When Xiao Wu used
Teleport, the Thunder Hawk changed direction, pulled by the
aura. The Thunder Hawk’s eyes were also Lei Tian’s eyes, and
when the Thunder Hawk changed direction, Lei Tian naturally
subconsciously turned to look at Xiao Wu. And naturally he
looked at Xiao Wu’s pink eyes.

Who could have thought that Xiao Wu’s goal in using her

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third spirit ability was actually only to let her use her second
spirit ability. Her Teleport was only to make the opponent look
at her.

But with this use, and forcibly using Demon Confusion to

break the opponent’s lock on her, her long legs directly shot
Xiao Wu more than ten meters away, temporarily outside the
Thunder Hawk’s attack range.

Lei Tian was only stunned for a moment. After all, right now
under the full use of his spirit power and two major spirit
abilities simultaneously, his mental strength was naturally
condensed to the most stable degree it could reach. After
discovering his mistake, he hastily controlled himself to change
direction, locking down on Xiao Wu once again.

But, Lei Tian very quickly discovered that he was already

unable to do so.

Indeed, Xiao Wu’s spirit power was certainly lower than his,
and she also had one less spirit ring, and she was further on the
ground. But right now, whenever Lei Tian wanted to lock down
Xiao Wu, he would immediately be interrupted by Xiao Wu’s
teleport. At the same time, after Xiao Wu teleported, she would
immediately swiftly leap to the side. Teleport followed by leap

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could escape his attack range in a flash, forcing Lei Tian to
change direction, and once again aim at Xiao Wu.

When Xiao Wu leapt she would deliberately use Waist Bow,

her body practically never pausing, constantly making large
changes in her direction, the direction of her leaps always
taking her into the Thunder Hawk’s blind spot.

Like this, Xiao Wu only needed to use Teleport to shift out of

her opponent’s aim when she was unable to dodge, leaving the
Thunder Hawk unable to take advantage of its attack power.

The advice Grandmaster gave Xiao Wu completely revolved

around dodging. Even to the extent that when he gave his
advice, Grandmaster had already anticipated that Xiao Wu
would encounter this Lei Tian.

Even though Teleport consumed a lot of spirit power, this was

after all a third spirit ability, and to Xiao Wu who was already
thirty ninth rank, it wasn’t a consumption she couldn’t endure.
Teleport didn’t have any attack power, and in terms of third
spirit abilities, its spirit power consumption was quite small.

But Lei Tian was different. He had successively used his two

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most powerful spirit abilities, and even though that enormous
Thunder Hawk seemed dazzling, at the same time it
continuously consumed his spirit power reserves and
concentration. Just each time he had to change direction
consumed a considerable amount of spirit power to control.
Under this lengthy expenditure, the original advantage of air
superiority turned into a disadvantage because of the spirit
power consumption.

Grandmaster had long since estimated what the opponents

would do, that they would let their members on stage use their
most tyrannical attacks to defeat their opponents. The strategy
he had drawn up for Xiao Wu, basically didn’t include any

If Lei Tian had only remained on the ground and relied on his
four spirit abilities and advantage in spirit power to conduct a
normal fight with Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu would inevitably be
defeated. After all, the long distance thunder attacks in
themselves countered Xiao Wu’s capabilities, especially when
she was already somewhat spent from before.

But just as Grandmaster had guessed, Lei Tian wanted to

defeat Xiao Wu in one move, and so let Xiao Wu train the battle
method she was most proud of to its greatest degree. In fact,
when Xiao Wu had trained for this, her target had been Ma

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Hongjun, using Phoenix Ascension and at any time prepared to
strike her with Phoenix Cry Heaven Strike.

When the match reached this moment, it was already

completely without suspense.

In the end Lei Tian couldn’t endure Xiao Wu exhausting his

spirit power. He was pulled down by his two great spirit abilities
and, unable to control his emblematic Thunder Hawk
bombardment, he only left a big hole in the center of the ring.
Without need for Xiao Wu to attack even once, the worn Lei
Tian lost the ability to continue the fight. So she obtained
victory in this match.

At this stage of the match, the Thunderclap Academy

members’ faces were so heavy it looked like water might come
dripping out. Shrek Academy had already revealed four people,
and Xiao Wu was clearly also like an arrow at the end of its
flight, but their fortieth ranked Spirit Masters still hadn’t
fought, and they’d already defeated five people. Even though
Tang San wasn’t on their list of names, Thunderclap Academy
still knew that winning this match would be very, very difficult.

In the judges’ seats, the whole way through this fight emperor
Xue Ye’s eyes were brightening again and again,

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“Good, well done Shrek Academy. I hadn’t expected that
when they faced Thunderclap Academy, they could still win this
easily. So much that there isn’t even a need for Tang San to

Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly, saying:

“Your Majesty, I don’t know whether you can see how Shrek
Academy is able to gain successive victories in this

“Of course it’s strength. These children are apparently even

stronger than when in the qualifiers. They’re admittedly very
powerful as a team, but I think they’re even stronger
individually. That fortieth ranked little fatty didn’t even come
out in the qualifiers. It’s no wonder school master Ning would
be optimistic about them.”

Ning Fengzhi shook his head with a smile, saying:

“Your Majesty, you’ve only seen half. In my careful

observations, in this match today, Shrek Academy has clearly

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changed. What you said is right. Their strength has apparently
advanced, this should be the effect of constant battle and the
advancement of their cultivation. But even like this, they still
shouldn’t be able to hold such an enormous advantage as this.
Just by sending out some people who aren’t part of their main
strength, they’ve already prevailed over five Thunderclap
Academy students, and still two fortieth ranked Spirit Masters
among them. This isn’t as simple as only strength. In terms of
strength, it would be impossible for Shrek Academy to
accomplish this.”

(雷天) “Thunder Heaven”


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Chapter 115 - Making Plans, Grandmaster


Emperor Xue Ye looked at Ning Fengzhi with some


“School master Ning, I don’t quite get your meaning.”

“School master Ning refers to tactics.”

Platinum bishop Salas to the side spoke up:

“Indeed, Shrek Academy’s strength does surpass Thunderclap

Academy. But it’s still not to the degree in front of us. The
reason they can obtain this kind of advantage is completely due
to the overwhelming advantage in the order their team
members appear and the tactics they use. On the surface,
neither side’s spirits counter each other, but in fact, Shrek
Academy’s side has forced their opponents into being restrained
due to all kinds of factors. It’s moreover a complete restraint.
The clever use of tactics, the order their members appear, has
produced the circumstances we’re looking at.”

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Emperor Xue Ye’s gaze focused, giving Ning Fengzhi a
questioning look.

Ning Fengzhi nodded,

“His Eminence Salas is correct. It’s because of tactics.”

Emperor Xue Ye baffled said:

“It didn’t seem like we saw Shrek Academy have such

outstanding tactics in the previous matches. By what you’re
saying, this clearly isn’t due to luck.”

Salas smiled calmly, saying:

“Of course it’s not luck. With that person at Shrek Academy,
how would there be such a coincidence? It seems that the lord
Supreme Pontiff’s choice was right. This person’s spirit
research really is too profound. No wonder he would be allowed
to become an honorary elder.”

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Emperor Xue Ye frowned:

“Your Eminence bishop Salas, I’m not too clear on what your

Salas smiled slightly, standing up and saying:

“Your Majesty, I have some matters to attend, I’ll take my

leave first. As for What I said. School master Ning is fully aware,
ask him.”

Finished speaking, without waiting for emperor Xue Ye to say

anything, he brought his several guards to leave the VIP seats.

A trace of angry light flashed in emperor Xue Ye’s eyes, and

using a voice only he and Ning Fengzhi could hear said through
the corner of his mouth,

“This Salas, he really is more and more rampant. School

master Ning. What did he mean by what he said?”

Ning Fengzhi said:

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“The person he was talking about is Tang San’s teacher. His
spirit power isn’t high, about the thirtieth rank or so, but he has
the status of honorary Spirit Hall elder. He is a person of the
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon School’s later generation. In all
aspects of spirit research, I must also gracefully step down. The
people familiar with him, all call him Grandmaster.”


Emperor Xue Ye had clearly also heard this name, and his face
immediately revealed a pondering expression.

“School master Ning, regarding this Grandmaster. Give me

your assessment.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, only quietly whispering a few

things by his ear.

Radiance suddenly shot out of emperor Xue Ye’s eyes. In that

moment, his body suddenly erupted with with a flash of
imposing manner. Even though it was only for a moment, Bone
Douluo sitting next to Ning Fengzhi used a hand to support Ning

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Fengzhi’s shoulder, imparting a trace of spirit power.

The aura that erupted from emperor Xue Ye was completely in

front of him, and besides Ning Fengzhi next to him, nobody else
sensed anything.

Suppressing the radiance, emperor Xue Ye’s expression

recovered to normal. The royal aura that erupted just now had
vanished completely,

“School master Ning, is that true?”

Ning Fengzhi gave him a certain nod,

“Even though he’s known as rubbish in the Blue Lightning

Tyrant Dragon Clan, it seems to me that he’s even more
important than the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon

Emperor Xue Ye drew a deep breath,

“After the end of this ranking competition, I’ll trouble school

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master Ning to help me recruit this Grandmaster.”

The words Ning Fengzhi gave emperor Xue Ye just now were
very simple: Whoever obtains Grandmaster, obtains the world.

Ning Fengzhi sighed lightly,

“If Grandmaster was that easily recruited, he would be at

Spirit Hall right now. I’ll give your Majesty a proposal. If you
want to attract Grandmaster, start with Tang San. He’s the
disciple Grandmaster cares about the most. It’s also only with
him that you might decide Grandmaster’s direction. As for
others, even if the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan’s clan
chief was here, with Grandmaster’s temperament, he still
wouldn’t submit.”

Emperor Xue Ye shared a look with Ning Fengzhi, loosing a

long breath,

“I understand. I’ll arrange it.”

The match continued. Xiao Wu was still on the Shrek

Academy side. But appearing from Thunderclap Academy was

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already their vice captain.

Lei Dong, forty third ranked control system Battle Spirit

Master. Spirit: Thunder Spider.”

As the most formidable control system Spirit Master in the

Thunderclap Academy team, even though his overall strength
was a bit below the captain, he was still extremely powerful.

Spirit Body Enhancement.

A rupturing sound echoed from Lei Dong’s body as eight

streams of lightning rushed out of his back, taking an
appearance just like long spider legs. Even though they weren’t
as long as Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances, they still seemed
extraordinarily peculiar. Besides these eight thunder spider legs,
there were no places of his body that showed any clear change.
Two yellow and two purple spirit rings manifested his
formidable strength.

Tang San himself also had spirit rings from spiders, and his
only spirit bone as well, therefore, after seeing the counterpart’s
spirit, he immediately paid extra attention, hoping to perhaps
glean something useful from the opponent.

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With the referee announcing the start of the match, Lei Dong
raised both hands on either side of him, and pressed down
again. His third spirit ring immediately flashed.

The eight long thunder legs simultaneously thrust into the

ground, and circle after circle of round blue lightning released
from his palms. Not towards Xiao Wu, but rather directly into
the ground.

The blue color spread, forming a web, swiftly spreading into

the surroundings. The area covered by the bright blue web of
light grew with astonishing speed.

Xiao Wu carefully watched her opponent, but Lei Dong closed

his eyes, clearly not willing to let Xiao Wu’s Demon Confusion
ability interrupt his third spirit ability.

Xiao Wu’s feet moved, noiselessly wandering in a circle. But

Lei Dong’s body followed her movements accurately, always
turning to face in her direction. His eyes were closed, and Xiao
Wu’s movements were extremely graceful. Being able to track
Xiao Wu’s position was undoubtedly an effect of his spirit
ability. That blue web of light was like his eyes, grasping

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everything in his surroundings.

The ring was very large, and Lei Dong’s web of light stop
spreading when its diameter was twenty meters. This was
clearly insufficient to cover the whole ring, but it stayed this
size. After the web of light had formed, he began to step by step
walk in Xiao Wu’s direction.

Tang San suddenly understood. The tactics Lei Dong was

using right now were very similar to what Huo Wu originally
used against him. Even though the ability was different, and the
method to release it was also similar, they both covered a range.
Even though the effect of Lei Dong’s web of light wasn’t as
direct as Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring, it was clearly even
more dangerous. If Xiao Wu was enveloped in that web of light,
she would clearly be in danger.

Xiao Wu began to accelerate. As she saw Lei Dong pressing in

on her direction, she immediately began to run around the ring,
pulling open her distance to Lei Dong as far as possible. Her way
of dealing with it was very simple, no need for special
achievements, just making sure not to make any mistakes.
Maintaining a third spirit ability would consume a lot of spirit

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However, Lei Dong clearly didn’t plan to give Xiao Wu that
kind of opportunity. After pressing in a few steps, he suddenly
halted, the empty hands facing the ground flipping over, palms
facing up, simultaneously raising both arms.

A strange scene appeared. The blue web of light on the ground

rose along with his arms, unexpectedly floating in the air like

Lei Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and with a loud shout, the
blue web of light flew out, swiftly pursuing Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu was very fast, there was no doubt about that, but
that attack was after all twenty meters in diameter. The split
second Lei Dong opened his eyes, they instantly fell on Xiao Wu,
his aura directly locking onto her body. The blue web of light
spun, swiftly descending from the sky, enveloping the range of
Xiao Wu’s position.

Leaping, Teleporting, Xiao Wu fully displayed her speed, in

the hopes of being able to separate from the opponent’s attack.
By her calculations, she could completely escape the opponent’s
attack range by the time the web of light caught up to her.

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However, Xiao Wu very soon discovered her mistake. As that
web of light came closer and closer to her, she clearly felt an
attractive force pulling on her body, one she couldn’t
completely escape when using Teleport.

Xiao Wu had after all already fought twice, and right now she
didn’t have much spirit power remaining, and was unable to
continue Teleporting. When that blue web of light revealed its
gravitational force, not only did she slow down, but the speed of
that blue web of light also abruptly increased.

Raising both hands, blue threads of light rushed out of Lei

Dong’s palms, his first spirit ring shining. Two threads of light
struck at Xiao Wu’s body from separate directions. It was done
just right, precisely in the path Xiao Wu had to take, and also
when Xiao Wu had just used her first Teleport, the moment
before she could continue using strength.

A control system Spirit Master’s ability to grasp the battle

situation really wasn’t something power attack system Spirit
Masters could compare to. The situation just now clearly
showed that Lei Dong’s battle experience and situational
awareness surpasses the previous Thunderclap Academy

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What was to be done? Xiao Wu faced a choice. Facing the two
scattered attacking thunder threads, Xiao Wu’s potential

Leaping up once again, the thunder threads moved

accordingly, chasing after her slender figure. In midair, Xiao
Wu suddenly twisted, and with her waist as center, made a
movement that the human body was practically incapable of,
unexpectedly rigidly passing within only a few cun of the
thunder threads.

Right now, the thunder web above was already dropping, and
Xiao Wu still hadn’t landed, leaving her unable to dodge. But at
this moment, Xiao Wu’s head flung back, her long scorpion
braid striking the ground. Exploiting the rebound force from
this, she was once again flung several meters, putting off the
moment before she was enveloped by the thunder web. And this
time was also just enough to let her tumble to the ground.

Both arms supporting on the ground, waist bow launched. But

this time, Xiao Wu didn’t dodge again. Her body shot up like a
cannonball, flying directly towards the lightning web.

Both legs perfectly straight, right now she was like an arrow
leaving the bowstring. Shockingly, the moment Xiao Wu shot

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out, her body was just perpendicular to that web of lightning.
The place she chose to pass through was also just the biggest gap
of the web.

With a hissing sound, Xiao Wu’s body moved in response,

unexpectedly drilling straight through the web of lightning, but
her body also brightened with a series of blue electric sparks.

Right now, outside the ring, Tang San was already standing,
his hands closed into tight fists, but the situation in the ring
clearly wasn’t something he could change. According to the
plan, having persevered for this time, she should already have

Even Tang San hadn’t expected that Xiao Wu would

unwaveringly choose to pass through her opponent’s third
spirit ability like this, and Lei Dong had naturally imagined it
even less. After Xiao Wu had passed through his web of
lightning, it fell to the ground and disappeared unseen. Right
now Xiao Wu was in midair. Lei Dong’s third spirit ability had
disappeared. It was the awkward moment when the old
strength was gone, but new strength had yet to be born.

If Xiao Wu was in perfect condition right now, perhaps she

could have taken this chance to get close to her opponent and

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grab victory in one attack. But in fact, right now she was unable
to do so. Even her body also returned to the ground in free fall.

The lightning web had been overcome, and moreover with the
smallest possible damage. But, the supplemental thunder and
lightning attribute in the lightning web had completely
paralysed Xiao Wu who didn’t have enough spirit power. Her
delicate body trembled. She was already unable to control
herself, let alone taking the chance to attack.

Lei Dong suddenly drew a deep breath. Seeing Xiao Wu

falling, he naturally knew it was caused by his thunder web.
With a slow breath, two threads of lightning surged out of his
palms once again, twisting towards Xiao Wu. As long as he used
lightning threads to completely paralyse his opponent, this fight
was his victory.

Falling, shooting. Lei Dong’s estimate was very good, but

what Xiao Wu did was still a completely different solution. The
moment she was about to land, the paralysis was finally
dispelled. Using both hands to smack the ground, Waist Bow
launching once again, she shot up smoothly, only just passing
over the two threads of lightning, pouncing straight at Lei Dong
without pause.

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Lei Dong was shocked, how could it be like this? The paralysis
of his thunder web shouldn’t have been this brief.

Yes, Lei Dong’s third spirit ability really had very powerful
control capability. But don’t forget that before when Xiao Wu
passed through his thunder web, it was at its weakest spot, and
at that time Lei Dong was completely unprepared for her
actions, and was naturally unable to completely focus his spirit

Covering a greater area also meant that attack power would

certainly be smaller in that area. Even a thunder attribute spirit
was unable to transcend facts. It was precisely because of this
that the thunder attack Xiao Wu endured was far from what Lei
Dong had judged. It was also because of this that she could
spring up again the split second before she struck the ground.

Accurate judgement, this was the explanation perspicacious

people gave. But in fact, even though Xiao Wu had made a
simple calculation, secretly in her heart, she still called being
able to get this kind of result a fluke.

The distance between the two people swiftly closed. Each time
Xiao Wu touched the ground, she would strangely change
direction. Even in midair, her soft as if boneless body could also

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make all kinds of inhumanly flexible movements to evade the
obstructing attacks by the lightning threads.

Watching Xiao Wu come closer and closer, Lei Dong’s

expression clearly became more frantic. As long as they had
watched Shrek Academy’s previous matches, nobody would
forget what Xiao Wu had done to those Spirit Masters she came
close to. Lei Dong was naturally no exception.

Without any other choice, Lei Dong’s fourth spirit ring

brightened. Right now there wasn’t enough time to set up
another lightning web. All he could think of to immediately
beat his opponent was this fourth spirit ability.

Intense blue light spread along Lei Dong’s arms and out, the
eight blue long legs behind him shooting up, eight lines of
lightning surging out and fusing together between his two arms.
A ring, three meters in diameter and thick as an arm, appeared
in front of Lei Dong.

This was Lei Dong’s fourth spirit ability, God Locking Ring.
Just like Tang San’s fourth spirit ability, Blue Silver Prison, God
Locking Ring couldn’t be dodged. It could only be stiffly broken
with spirit power.

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Blue light flashed, and Xiao Wu’s strangely soaring figure
suddenly stopped. She was already completely paralysed, the
three meter in diameter God Locking Ring had already shrunk
to the size of her waist, firmly binding Xiao Wu within.

Surge after surge of blue lightning flashed around Xiao Wu,

making her face brim with a painful expression, her complexion
turning pale.

“We concede.”

Grandmaster’s voice rose promptly.

The God Locking Ring’s light poured down, blending into the
ground. The moment Xiao Wu was about to hit the ground,
Tang San had already dashed out to her side, catching her.

Xiao Wu’s body was scalding hot, still twitching from the
irritant of the lightning. Seeing her with her eyes tightly closed,
Tang San’s heart ached indescribably.

Raising his head to look at the opponent, Lei Dong’s

complexion had also become somewhat pale as a result of

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consecutively using his third and fourth spirit abilities.

If not for Grandmaster forbidding Tang San from

participating in this match, right now he would immediately
have stepped into the ring to return the fight on Xiao Wu’s

Carrying Xiao Wu, Tang San step by step left the ring. And the
fifth representative of Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai, unhurriedly
strolled in. The moment the two of them passed each other, Dai
Mubai’s ear twitched once, his gaze meeting Tang San’s, giving
him a forceful nod.

Dai Mubai didn’t walk quickly, but each step was deliberate.
In his eyes, his evil eye double pupils flickered with a monstrous
light, fixed on his opponent.

Watching the expressionless Dai Mubai walking towards him,

for some reason, Lei Dong suddenly felt his heart twitch.
Somewhat unable to breathe.

Evil Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, spirit: White Tiger, spirit
power, forty fourth rank. Power attack system Battle Spirit
Master. Shrek Academy team captain.

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A series of information flashed through Lei Dong’s heart. He
knew that it would be impossible for him to win this match. In
his previous confrontation with Xiao Wu, he had already
consumed too much spirit power. And Dai Mubai’s strength was
undoubtedly long ago already exposed in the previous matches.
He understood that all he could do right now was what Xiao Wu
had done against him, waste as much of the opponent’s spirit
power as possible, creating conditions for victory for his last
companion, Thunder Academy’s team captain.

Shrek Academy still had three fresh fighters right now, all
with strength above the fortieth rank. The difficulty for
Thunderclap Academy to obtain victory in this match could
well be imagined. But they absolutely wouldn’t surrender. The
ranking competition was only a touchstone for the finals, if they
faltered now, then there would be no need for them to fight in
the finals.

Faint light flickering, Tang San’s face revealed an ice cold

expression, his hands folded across his chest. Each time light
flickered in his eyes, the air around his hands would become
somewhat congealed. Xiao Wu lay quietly next to him, her head
resting on his lap, Jiang Zhu’s healing scepter releasing rays of
light to treat her.

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Just now when he had passed Dai Mubai, he had used a secret
sound transmission method to tell him: Eldest brother, avenge
Xiao Wu.

Tang San ordinarily only very rarely addressed Dai Mubai like
this. From his voice, Dai Mubai could naturally tell how agitated
Tang San was. For Xiao Wu, Tang San would do anything. Dai
Mubai sighed inwardly, looking at the not distant Lei Dong.
‘Injuring Xiao Wu, counts as the end of your luck.’

“Match start.”

The ranking competition rules stated that the contestants

couldn’t have time to rest. When Dai Mubai reached his
designated position, the match started.


A cold snort echoed from Dai Mubai’s mouth, dense white

spirit power immediately rushing out of his body, four intense
spirit rings appearing. Toothache inducing sounds of snapping
bones accompanied Dai Mubai’s body growing, Spirit White
Tiger Body Enhancement completing.

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Without any hesitation, the instant Dai Mubai’s Spirit Body
Enhancement was complete, he was already taking large strides,
dashing straight towards his opponent.

The pupils of Lei Dong’s eyes contracted. He knew that, this

moment right now, the question was how long he could
obstruct Dai Mubai. He could clearly see a contemptuous light
in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes. ‘I’m still a forty third ranked Spirit
Master, only one rank lower than you. Even if your spirit is
innately better than mine, that still doesn’t let you hold me in

After a moment of assessment, Lei Dong’s fourth spirit ring

directly shone. His spirit power had been consumed by more
than fifty percent by Xiao Wu, and he knew that if he released
another several weaker spirit abilities, he might not have
enough spirit power to use his fourth spirit ability even once.

In order to have the greatest effect on Dai Mubai, he decided

to use his killer blow.

God Locking Ring appeared in front of Lei Dong for a second

time, but Dai Mubai didn’t even seem to see the radiance of the
condensing God Locking Ring. His first ring shone, and a layer
of white light covered Dai Mubai. Precisely Dai Mubai’s first

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spirit ability, White Tiger Barrier.

Lei Dong was furious, glaring at the onrushing Dai Mubai, as

if he wanted to ask, ‘Don’t tell me you want to use your first
spirit ability to block my fourth? You’re too arrogant.’

The God Locking Ring disappeared from in front of Lei Dong.

The next moment, it already fully affected Dai Mubai. The
thunder ring immediately halted Dai Mubai’s advance. Surge
after surge of lightning burst out of the God Locking Ring,
immediately extending over Dai Mubai’s entire body. Just as Lei
Dong thought, how could a first spirit ring block the restraint of
a fourth spirit ring?

Dai Mubai’s gaze didn’t show any change, the double pupils of
his evil eyes still fixed on his opponent. After Lei Dong had fully
used this fourth spirit ability, he showed clear signs of spirit
power overdraft. His whole body swayed, and his face was white
as paper.

The corners of his mouth revealing a trace of disdain, Dai

Mubai suddenly faced upward, a ferocious roar erupting from
his mouth. Immediately afterward, a scene that turned all the
Thunderclap Academy teachers and students speechless
appeared. Dai Mubai’s spirit rings still didn’t change, but the

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surface of his body still showed a glorious golden splendor, the
white fur that appeared because of his Spirit Body Enhancement
unexpectedly turning completely golden.

Ka-cha, with a breaking sound, all his muscles braced. His

strength erupted in an instant. Dai Mubai’s evil eyes opened
wide, and the God Locking Ring restraining him weakened with
a groan.

Peng—— Specks of blue light scattered into the air, the God
Locking Ring smashed to pieces. Dai Mubai, like a tiger waiting
to spring, leapt forward.

How was it possible?

At this moment, not just Lei Dong, but all the Thunderclap
Academy people’s minds were already blank. They didn’t
understand how Dai Mubai, clearly without using any spirit
rings, could break free of the restraint of Lei Dong’s fourth
spirit ability. How come he wasn’t paralysed by the intense
thunder and lightning of the God Locking Ring?

Dai Mubai naturally wouldn’t give them the answer. Once

Thunderclap Academy’s teacher came to himself, Dai Mubai

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had already reached Lei Dong. Still without using spirit
abilities, he only swatted down with one tiger paw, heavily
sweeping across Lei Dong’s shoulder. The instant the tiger paw
struck, the tiger claws ejected.

Lei Dong’s body was directly sent flying outside the ring like a
scarecrow. Before he lost consciousness, he clearly heard the
sound of his bones disintegrating.

The sharp tiger claws left behind five deep blood grooves on
his back, and all the bones in his left shoulder were completely
smashed to pieces. If Dai Mubai hadn’t held back, just this one
paw would have taken his life.

Blowing away his opponent, Dai Mubai left as if there was

nothing else to do, turning around and walking back towards
the place where he started the match. His gaze met with Tang
San’s, a faint purple energy flashing in his evil eyes.

Tang San’s face held a slight smile, making a thumbs up to Dai


The exchange of expressions on this side wasn’t caught by

Thunderclap Academy’s side. Lei Dong’s condition was

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extremely serious. Right now, his entire back was already dyed
red with blood. He was unconscious, his left arm sagging limply.
Dai Mubai’s strength was even more tyrannical than imagined,
and along with the bones of his shoulder being smashed, there
were also indications of several ribs being shattered. With such
heavy injuries, let alone the last two rounds of the ranking
competition, he might not be able to participate in the finals.

Thunderclap Academy’s teacher protested to the tournament

committee practically instantly.

The referee ran over in front of Dai Mubai to question him,

and Dai Mubai gave him a very simple explanation. Even though
he held the advantage at that time, his opponent hadn’t
conceded. He also hadn’t killed his opponent, only hit him out
of the ring, he hadn’t violated any tournament rules.

The facts were as such. Whatever was said, Dai Mubai hadn’t
killed his opponent, and at that moment the Thunderclap
Academy’s side also hadn’t conceded.

Dai Mubai still stood proudly in the center of the ring, bowing
his head to look at his right hand, in his heart he couldn’t keep a
blood boiling feeling from welling up.

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At last he didn’t need to hide his strength. The feeling of
always holding back really wasn’t pleasant.

Ever since the start of the competition, at Grandmaster’s

request, he had never used his full strength. As captain, seeing
his companions obtain victory after victory in the ring, while
the number of his victories remained modest, how could that be
a comfortable feeling to a competitive person like Dai Mubai?
Only Grandmaster could have made him do this.

Dai Mubai was the eldest of the Shrek Seven Devils, and he
had also cultivated the longest. By now he was no longer forty
fourth rank, but rather forty fifth. It was only the day before
yesterday he broke through. The reason why he could break the
restraints with only his first spirit ring absolutely wasn’t a
fluke. Recalling this, Dai Mubai felt an intense gratitude to Tang

How could he accomplish it? Why didn’t the thunder

paralysis have any effect on him? Very simple, because of an
immortal herb. A Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum.

Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, eating it supplied

energy to the four limbs, blood flowed through the eight
meridians, perfected a vajra immortal body.

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‘Vajra immortal’ was clearly an exaggeration, but it also
illustrated the effect of this immortal herb. Dai Mubai’s White
Tiger Spirit and the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum could
be said to bring out the best in each other. Ma Hongjun’s
Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower had removed the threat of the
evil fire, purifying his Phoenix Spirit. How couldn’t there be any
advantages for Dai Mubai?

Right now Dai Mubai’s body could be called ‘vajra immortal’,

powerful resistance in all attributes, even Zhao Wuji who
walked the same path was full of praise.

Lightning paralysis wasn’t really ineffective to Dai Mubai,

only that the opponent’s spirit power was less than his, and his
physical resistance was so powerful, naturally it would
substantially weaken the effect of the lightning. At least the God
Locking Ring wasn’t enough to restrain his movements.

And the God Locking Ring’s greatest effect was in the

paralysis it caused, it wasn’t all that durable in itself. Under
circumstances where it was unable to establish its paralysing
effect, how could it hold back Dai Mubai?

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This was Dai Mubai’s true strength, with his physical
condition after taking the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum,
let alone an opponent with the same number of spirit rings,
even if it was one more spirit ring than him, the opponent still
might not be able to injure him.

Abrupt violence, tyranny, these were Dai Mubai’s

characteristics. Grandmaster’s instructions to him was to turn
this tyranny into absolute world domination.

With negotiations having failed, Thunderclap Academy’s final

member, and also their captain, finally went up.

Yu Tian-Xin, forty third ranked power attack system Battle

Spirit Master, spirit: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. A direct
disciple of the seven great schools’ Blue Lightning Tyrant
Dragon Clan. In the family tree, he was the older patrilineal
cousin of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy’s Yu Tian-Heng. His
strength was only slightly inferior to Yu Tian-Heng’s.

Watching Yu Tian-Xin walk up, Grandmaster’s brows

wrinkled slightly. He and Liu Erlong were both born of the Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. Yu Tian-Heng was his direct
nephew, and this Yu Tian-Xin was also a distant nephew of his.
Even more, he was the grandson of Liu Erlong’s father, Liu

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Erlong was his direct aunt.

Seeing someone from the Clan, it was difficult for

Grandmaster not to recall his and Liu Erlong’s situation. He had
already told Dai Mubai that he didn’t need to hold back, as long
as he didn’t violate the rules and killed his opponent. It wasn’t
that he was unreasonable, but rather that he didn’t want his
matters to influence the Shrek Seven Devils.

“You will pay the price for everything you just did.”

Yu Tian-Xin glared resolutely at Dai Mubai. As Thunderclap

team captain, having seen his comrade so seriously injured, his
eyes were already somewhat red.

Dai Mubai indifferently said:

“That depends on whether you have the ability.”

Snorting coldly, Yu Tian-Xian roared deeply, releasing his


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A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up in the space between Yi
Tian-Xin’s eyebrows, and immediately following, the blue light
abruptly spread, from the space between his eyebrows over his
whole body, ribbon after ribbon of blue purple violent
electricity erupting like little snakes, revolving with him in the
center. There was a blue lightning bolt symbol on his forehead.
Different from Yu Tian-Heng at that time, his body had two
places that were transformed because of his Spirit Body

The changes that appeared, were both his arms. The sleeves
completely burst into ashes because of his arms swelling, the
length of his arms growing by half a chi, both arms extremely
bulky, covered with blue purple scales, his hands changing into
claws covered by the same scales, each joint of his hand
becoming extremely thick. Serpents of blue purple electricity
revolving around his body was constantly coagulating on or
fleeing from his arms. The two yellow and two purple spirit
rings didn’t spiral around his body like other Spirit Masters, but
rather spiralled specially around his arms, the two sides each
having two spirit rings.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon spirit, starting from the

thirtieth rank, each obtained spirit ring would make the body
change like a dragon. At that time Yu Tian-Heng was only thirty
ninth rank, and consequently only had one arm like this. The
current Yu Tian-Xin was past fortieth rank, and thus both his

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arms were dragon shaped. Whether in aura or imposing
manner, right now he was a lot more powerful than Yu Tian-
Heng back then.

Watching his opponent, Dai Mubai amply felt the pressure his
opponent gave off as if it struck him in the face. Originally,
when he faced Yu Tian-Heng was the first time Dai Mubai felt
this kind of pressure caused by the spirit. Right now, this kind
of feeling was also given off by the opponent in front of him.

As one of the three upper sects, there was no need to doubt the
might of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan’s spirit.
However, Dai Mubai believed that after taking the Singular
Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, his own White Tiger Spirit
absolutely wasn’t inferior to his opponent’s.

Looking into his opponent’s reddened eyes, Dai Mubai’s evil

eye double pupils grew even more abstruse. The two looked at
each other like this, neither yielding a fraction.

(雷动) “Thunder Move”


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The original sanskrit word “vajra” means both diamond and
thunderbolt, symbolizing both indestructibility and irresistible

(玉天心) “Jade Heaven Heart”


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Chapter 116 - Singular Velvet Sky, Tiger
Breaking Dragon

Grandmaster stood calmly in the Shrek Academy contestant’s

area, attentively watching the two people about to start the
match, his facial expression serene. Even though Dai Mubai
wasn’t the last of Shrek Academy’s list of members today, to
him, this was the final match.

Just as Spirit Hall platinum bishop Salas said, the reason why
Shrek Academy could so easily defeat their opponents in this
match, besides their own strength, was Grandmaster’s close to
perfect strategy.

The collision between both sides finally began. Lightning

serpents rushing out, Yu Tian-Xin roared, soaring up, leaping
directly at Dai Mubai.

In battle style, with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit,

he was undoubtedly the same as Dai Mubai, a power attacker
among power attackers. Within the veins of all directly related
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan disciples flowed extremely
aggressive blood. Attack was the best defense, only attack, this
could most directly defeat the opponent.

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Blue Lightning Dragon Claws erupted simultaneously,
launched by Yu Tian-Xin were two dragon claw energies. This
was what made the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit
formidable. The spirit’s might would increase somewhat with
each level it grew. Equal spirit abilities when used at different
levels would receive the spirit’s own boost. As a first rate spirit,
Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon doubtless possessed this kind of

Dai Mubai didn’t dodge. In this kind of battle, whoever

dodged first would have lost the match. Therefore, he not only
didn’t dodge, but on the contrary went to meet it with an even
more tyrannical stance.

Both used their first spirit abilities, and under the effect of the
White Tiger Barrier, white light rushed out. Sharp tiger claws
ejected, and the four palms of dragon and tiger collided
violently in midair.


Two silhouettes flew back practically simultaneously. Electric

serpents coiled around Dai Mubai, his long golden hair
fluttering without wind under the agitation of the lightning, the

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white tiger fur on his arms standing upright.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon’s thunder element wasn’t

something the Thunder Spider could compare to. Having
received these Blue Lightning Dragon Claws, Dai Mubai’s body
was enduring a powerful attack of lightning.

But his opponent wasn’t any better off. Yu Tian-Xin’s dragon

scaled palms each had five deep white scars, cracks already
appearing in the scales. The sharpness and strength of the white
tiger claws equally left their mark on him.

Judging by the first collision, both sides were apparently

equally matched.

Faint golden light appeared from under the white tiger fur.
The vajra immortal defense the Singular Velvet Sky
Chrysanthemum provided Dai Mubai quickly dispersed the
threat of the lightning. Both sides had practically only just
landed before they shot out once again, again charging at each

Dai Mubai had consumed only a slight bit of spirit power in

the previous fight, and his level was two ranks higher than Yu

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Tian-Xin, right now the two’s spirit power could be said to be
exactly equal. This fight would be settled between both sides’
spirit and spirit abilities. The one with more combat experience,
with the more powerful spirit, could obtain victory in this

Neither side hesitated, Evil Eye White Tiger third spirit

ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation, launched.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon third spirit ability,

Thundergod’s Fury, launched.

The strong white light turned golden, Dai Mubai’s body

abruptly filling with power and grandeur, the white fur
covering his body turning completely golden, that black ‘king’
mark on his forehead appearing clearly. Muscles brimming with
explosive force, this time, even the sharp blades of his tiger
claws were rendered golden. His attack power reached the limit
of what he could handle right now. Under the effect of White
Tiger Vajra Transformation, Dai Mubai’s might had doubtless
grown to its most terrifying degree.

Yu Tian-Xin’s Thundergod’s Fury and Dai Mubai’s White

Tiger Vajra Transformation were doubtless different tunes
played with equal skill. Thunder abilities increasing a hundred

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percent, spirit power increasing a hundred percent. Doubtless
the manifestation of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit’s
power. The intense blue light completely turned blue purple, a
layer of lightning forming just like armor over his body. That
pair of dragon claws clearly became even larger, and the cracks
left behind by the tiger claws completely disappeared.

This moment, both sides’ spirit power had already reached

their peak, the true collision, began.

Outside the ring, whether it was the students of the

academies, or those imperial household knights, right now
there was no gaze that wasn’t focused in the ring. This was a
collision of true powers, truly brilliant.

Even though both sides only had forty something ranked

spirit power, the formidable spirits and their ruthless
demeanors proved their terror to all. Even the Spirit Master
world powers in the VIP seats with spirit power exceeding theirs
couldn’t help being excited. Whether it was Yu Tian-Xin or Dai
Mubai, their certain conviction in victory already infected all
the observers.

“Fifteen Tons Of Thunder.”

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“White Tiger Light Wave.”

Their second spirit abilities erupted under the effect of their

third spirit abilities. A rich golden light sphere shot out, and
meeting it was countless blue purple lightning arrows.

The split second the dazzling purple and golden light collided,
the entire ring seemed to brighten to rival the sun.

The tremendous spirit power fluctuations made the entire

heart of the ring shudder. Neither side used any technique, it
was only a contest of pure spirit abilities. The more it was like
this, the more dangerous it was. If either side was forced into a
disadvantage, then the match would immediately end.
Moreover, the losing side was bound to end up seriously

With another loud sound, the colliding two once again flew
out after contact, two bodies in different directions.

Wisps of blood trickled from the corners of their mouths. The

strength of the two sides had reached an extremely terrifying
degree. They didn’t seem to have changed much, but their
heaving chests showed how great an influence the collision just

3939 Goldenagato |

now had on them.

Yu Tian-Xin gazed fixedly at Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai also

gazed fixedly at him. Dai Mubai’s opponent was no doubt the
trump card among trump cards of Thunderclap Academy. In the
young generation of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, Yu
Tian-Xin and Yu Tian-Heng had always been considered the
most outstanding twin stars. There had never been much
difference between them in strength, only because Yu Tian-
Heng was slightly younger than Yu Tian-Xin did he receive a bit
more attention.

In order to overtake Yu Tian-Heng, in order to gain a bit more

approval from his family, Yu Tian-Xin had never dared relax for
a day. He had invested even more effort than his more talented
younger cousin. Before joining this tournament he had already
thought that he must definitely reach the finals to openly and
upright defeat his cousin, to prove to the entire Blue Lightning
Tyrant Dragon Clan that he was the most outstanding future
heir of the clan.

Without even meeting Yu Tian-Heng, how could he lose?

Dai Mubai was doubtless one of Shrek Academy’s geniuses.

Before Tang San arrived, even Ma Hongjun’s talent was inferior

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to his. Double pupil evil eyes, unusual disposition. As early as
the day he was born, he was already destined to be out of the

Coming to Heaven Dou Empire against his will, coming to

Shrek Academy, was in order to become more powerful.
Prevailing over opponent after opponent. In his heart, the word
‘defeat’ had never existed. He couldn’t lose, he wouldn’t lose.
Confronting an opponent of the same level, his heart was
brimming with thirst for victory and perseverance.

These two collided together like needle point to wheat awn.

The outcome would only be decided by their ultimate strength.

Finally at this moment, with equal pride, even to the extent

that they wouldn’t use technique, to them this match was also a
battle of honor. They had to use absolute strength to defeat
their opponent, and no technique. With extremely similar
styles, they had both made this decision as early as when they
first collided. Nobody could change their decision.

Without using spirit abilities, the two bodies collided once

again. This time, it was a purely physical battle.

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Tiger claws and dragon claws each struck their opponent’s
body, each erupting with formidable force.

Dragon scales radiated in all directions, tiger fur flew into the
air, the argument of dragon and tiger completely entering a
white hot phase.

Each time they collided they would both inevitably be

harmed, blood began to flow, line after line of scars began to
appear on these two valiant men.

However, their gazes were still stubborn, hardly concealing

their thirst for victory.


Dai Mubai’s palms struck his opponent’s chest, and Yu Tian-

Xin’s dragon claws also struck his shoulder. The two once again
flew out in response. Only this time, they couldn’t control
themselves to stand firm, and practically simultaneously
tumbled to the ground, rolling and leaving a wide gap.

Spirit power was rapidly consumed under the effect of their

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third spirit abilities. Dai Mubai crawled up, Yu Tian-Xin also
crawled up, but he was still half a beat slower than Dai Mubai.

Their facial expressions could no longer be made out, and

their clothes were even more stained with blood.

Sounds were issuing from Dai Mubai’s bones because of the

exertion, and his evil eyes were already brimming with

“Come, let us decide the outcome. Whoever can still stand

here in the end will be the victor.”

His ice cold and monstrous voice was overbearing. Even

though he was still only seventeen, right now he already
appeared a man of indomitable character.


Yu Tian-Xin made his reply without the slightest hesitation.

The two spit out a mouthful of blood practically simultaneously,
their formidable spirit power once again condensing.

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Outside the ring, Zhu Zhuqing’s gaze was already numb. She
all along watched Dai Mubai attentively, and when she saw the
wildness in those double pupil evil eyes, the agitation in her
heart almost couldn’t be contained.

She and Xiao Wu were different. If Tang San was injured, Xiao
Wu would definitely anxiously want to rush over immediately.
But not Zhu Zhuqing. Even though she had never given any
hints of it, in her heart, from the year she was born, the owner
of those evil eyes was already destined to be her man.

Seeing her man reveal his power on the battlefield, she would
never try to stop him. If she could, she would accompany him to
fight together. If she was an observer, then she would only stay
an observer. She wouldn’t worry about Dai Mubai’s outcome. If
he won, she would treat his wounds. If he died, she would
follow him. Her man, was the most powerful man, as she truly
saw Dai Mubai’s character, she had long ago resolved that she
would never let her tears become a factor to influence him.

Golden light again turned white, and sphere after sphere of

light began to fill Dai Mubai’s surroundings.

The blue purple light vanished, again returning to blue, line

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after line of lightning snakes condensed, transforming into a
one meter long serpent.

Evil Eye White Tiger fourth spirit ability, White Tiger Meteor

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon fourth spirit ability, Blue

Divine Dragon Envy.

This was the final collision to settle victory or defeat. Without

any decorations, only a contest of full strength.

In the VIP seats, emperor Xue Ye was already standing. His

face was very grave. When the regent stood, how could others
remain seated? Including the teachers and students of all the
academies, right now they also all stood to watch the final
outcome of the match. Regardless of the outcome, the scene of
these two people’s might would be imprinted in their hearts.

Their third spirit abilities were already on the verge of

collapsing, only this final moment with it as base to launch their
fourth spirit abilities was the key to victory or defeat.

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Yu Tian-Xin knew it, Dai Mubai knew it. Therefore, they
made the same choice. This moment when they launched their
final attacks was also the moment the outcome of the match was

When White Tiger Light Wave met Fifteen Tons Of Thunder,

it was Dai Mubai’s spirit power that was the most condensed,
the opponent’s scattered. And this moment, when White Tiger
meteor Shower met Blue Lightning Divine Dragon Envy, it was
just the opposite.

Countless white meteors rushed out, rendered completely

golden as they flew through the air.

The blue serpent bared its fangs and moved, meeting that
meteor shower to decide its destiny.

The violent collision made the entire ring groan lamentingly,

large clumps of soil bursting into the air from the intense
explosions. The split second the explosions began, nobody knew
whether in the end the dragon would extinguish the meteors, or
the meteors would break the dragon. The full outcome emerged
after several breaths.

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The dust from countless explosions hid the silhouettes of the

two domineering men. In the ring, the blossoming earth
condensed into a rising mushroom cloud. The blast wave caused
by the violent spirit power forced the closest of the distant
students to urge their own spirit power to resist it.

The Heaven Dou Empire flags around the ring flapped madly
before this impact force.

It was over, everything was over.

As the dust settled, as all the dazzling light vanished, as

dragon and tiger disappeared simultaneously, everything was
already over.

The two were still standing. Two men riddled with scars and
bruises, neither had collapsed. Standing there, they gazed at
their opponent. Unmoving.

Yu Tian-Xin smiled, Dai Mubai also smiled. Even though their

smiling expressions seemed very rigid, they were still brimming

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with sincerity.

“Very powerful. Even stronger than I imagined. Is this your

true strength? It’s my loss.”

Even though he was unwilling, it had to be admitted. Yu Tian-

Xin said this calmly.

Dai Mubai indifferently said:

“No, you didn’t lose. Even though this match is your loss.
However, your heart didn’t lose to me. I look forward to the
next time we collide again.”


The last word slipped from Yu Tian-Xin’s mouth. The next

moment, he was finally completely unable to control his body,
and like a collapsing golden mountain, or toppling jade pillar he
loudly smashed into the ground. The dragon scales on his arms
ruptured in the same instant, blood flying in all directions.

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Dai Mubai still stood, his back perfectly straight, slowly
turning with difficulty, his gaze first falling on Grandmaster,
afterwards on Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, this group of
companions. He seemed to say to everyone, ‘I won, Shrek won.’

His evil eyes finally fell on that ample beautiful figure, and Dai
Mubai finally saw her smiling face, as if a glacier had melted.
The next moment, that melting glacier transformed into a line
of shadow that grew in front of him.

Everything became vague, as if seen through a layer of mist.

Dai Mubai did his utmost to open his eyes wide, seeing clearly
that shadow growing in front of him. However, several dozen
blood arrows suddenly shot out of his body, his tall and robust
body slowly toppling to the ground. Just into the embrace of
that swiftly dashing over silhouette.

Blood stained their bodies. Zhu Zhuqing didn’t cry, she

smiled, even though right now her smile wasn’t particularly
good looking.

Pulling her man in close, she helped him straighten his back
once again. Because she knew that her man would never
surrender on the battlefield.

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Just like this, with her practically carrying his entire weight,
they step by step left the ring.

Shrek Academy versus Thunderclap Academy. Shrek

Academy won. Twelve successive victories.

Even though this competition was already over, nobody could

forget the scene of that bitter struggle for a long, long time. This
match couldn’t be said to have a true winner. Because both sides
participating were still young. They still had time. Their true
contest should be in who could first touch the boundary of the

The day’s matches ended. Tang San carried the already

conscious Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing propping up Dai Mubai, and
Shrek Academy prepared to return to camp. Worth mentioning
was that Zhu Zhuqing refused to let anyone help her, insisting
on supporting Dai Mubai by herself. Even though she didn’t cry,
and she also didn’t say anything, her especially beautiful eyes
were long since completely red.

“Tang San.”

One person blocked the Shrek Academy’s path back to the

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Ma Hongjun frowned,

“What’s up with this? Why is it every time someone stops


This time it wasn’t Huo Wu, but rather that frequently

laughing, trying to worm his way into being friends man.
Skywind Academy team captain, Feng Xiaotian.

Tang San handed over Xiao Wu to the others, coming over in

front of Feng Xiaotian. He could confront men a lot more
smoothly than he could confront Huo Wu,

“What do you want?”

At the start of the ranking competition, Feng Xiaotian had

frequently come strolling over the the Shrek Academy’s side,
but afterwards he hadn’t been seen again.

Feng Xiaotian drew a deep breath, suppressing the emotions

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that threatened to burst out of his heart at any time,

“The draw ended just now. Tomorrow, we will be



Tang San attentively watched Feng Xiaotian. Just like

Grandmaster had judged, Shrek Academy’s luck was bad. Just
after confronting Thunderclap Academy, they would right away
confront another power, and moreover very possible the most
powerful opponent in this competition apart from Shrek

Feng Xiaotian fixed his eyes on Tang San, his expression long
since lacking that laughing smile,

“Tang San, today you just fought Thunderclap. I don’t want

to take advantage of you. Tomorrow, I will go up first. I hope
you will also be first. Let the two of us decide who is the final
champion of the ranking competition. If I lose, Godwind
Academy will concede.”

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Tang San stared blankly. From Feng Xiaotian’s manner of
speaking, he clearly sensed a somewhat harsh intent. He didn’t
understand why the frequently laughing fellow in front of him
would suddenly become so serious. But the feeling Feng
Xiaotian gave people right now was somewhat restrained.

The Shrek Academy group’s gazes all focused on Tang San,

nobody speaking up.

Tang San shook his head,

“I’m sorry, I can’t agree.”

Settling the outcome in one fight didn’t have any

disadvantages to Shrek Academy. Dai Mubai was injured,
clearly unable to participate in tomorrow’s match. This was a
huge disadvantage for Shrek Academy. But Tang San still didn’t

“Don’t you dare?”

Feng Xiaotian’s gaze turned provoking in a split second.

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“We are a team, I can’t make decisions for my friends by
myself. I can only represent myself, I can’t represent the entire
Shrek Academy team.”

Tang San calmly said.

Feng Xiaotian’s character suddenly became irascible,

“Tang San, you coward. I only want to straightforwardly fight

you. Just like Dai Mubai did with Yu Tian-Xin today.”

Seeing Feng Xiaotian’s eyes gradually redden, even though

Tang San didn’t know why he was like this, he also didn’t ask.

“Agree with him, little San. We trust you.”

Dai Mubai’s weak voice rose,

“Give him a battle between men. If I’m not mistaken, his

reason for raising this request should be related to Huo Wu.”

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In successful conquests in matters of the heart, perhaps
nobody in the entire Shrek Academy could compare to Dai
Mubai. With his incisive gaze, these days as spectator had
already let him long since see through Feng Xiaotian’s thoughts
towards Huo Wu. And Feng Xiaotian also hadn’t reappeared
since that day Huo Wu came to find Tang San. Connecting all of
this could very easily explain Feng Xiaotian’s conduct today.

Grandmaster also nodded to Tang San,

“Since it’s like this, let one fight settle the outcome. In
tomorrow’s battle, the final result will be decided by the two of

Seeing each of his comrades nod to him, Tang San again faced
Feng Xiaotian.

“Fine, I accept your challenge.”

At this moment, Tang San’s gaze abruptly turned severe. The

aura accumulated within him erupted like a volcano, resolutely
striking Feng Xiaotian.

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Feng Xiaotian subconsciously retreated a step, but very
quickly stepped forward again, their auras colliding violently.

“If you lose, afterwards I hope I won’t see you by Huo Wu’s
side again.”

Feng Xiaotian spoke while practically gnashing his teeth.

Tang San coldly said:

“She is she, I am me. There’s no relation between us.”

Finished saying this, he held Xiao Wu and left with the Shrek
Academy party without turning his head.

The smell of gunpowder on this side naturally attracted the

attention of others, and this of course also included Blazing

Huo Wushuang looked at the somewhat lifeless little sister

next to him,

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“Is this what you wanted to see?”

Huo Wu vacantly shook her head,

“I don’t know.”

Huo Wushuang spoke with a deep meaning in his eyes.

“Then who do you hope will win tomorrow’s competition?”

Huo Wu blinked. She suddenly discovered that she didn’t

really seem to thirst for beating Tang San.

Returning to camp, everyone gathered at Dai Mubai’s side.

After careful inspection, Grandmaster, Flender and the others
discovered that Dai Mubai’s injuries really weren’t so serious.
For the most part it was only superficial wounds, his bones were
very normal. With a few days of rest he would heal naturally.
Spirit Masters had much better recovery ability than ordinary

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But the news from Thunderclap Academy’s side was
completely different. Yu Tian-Xin had suffered serious injuries,
and let alone recovering, whether he could at all participate in
the finals was an issue. Lei Dong was even more crippled by Dai
Mubai’s single move, there was no hope of recovery without
several months of rest.

There indeed wasn’t much difference between Dai Mubai and

Yu Tian-Xin in strength, especially after the former had
consumed some spirit power in advance were the two even
more evenly matched. Only Dai Mubai himself clearly
understood that his victory in this fight was thanks to that
Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum. Vajra immortal. Not only
did it help him block a lot of the damage from the lightning, it
also protected his bones and energy channels. And his
opponent, who should have had an advantage in defense from
his Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon spirit was directly put at a

But he didn’t express any gratitude to Tang San. Friendship

between brothers needed no words.

In order to let Dai Mubai rest, just like when Tang San was
injured, they specially cleared a room for him. Even though
nobody said anything, Zhu Zhuqing very naturally stayed

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“Do you want to eat something? I’ll go get it.”

Looking at the mummified Dai Mubai, the ice chill on Zhu

Zhuqing’s face had long since disappeared, the gentle gaze
making her big eyes seeme even more beautiful.

“I’m not hungry. Zhuqing, come here.”

Zhu Zhuqing walked over to Dai Mubai’s bed, pulling over a

chair to sit.

Dai Mubai grabbed Zhu Zhuqing’s hand,

“Didn’t you always hate me?”

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at him,

“Why would I hate you?”

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Dai Mubai smiled wryly:

“Because of my improper past. If it wasn’t for these matters

getting back, how would you have come to find me? Honestly, I
didn’t expect that your father would actually let you come to
Heaven Dou Empire.”

Zhu Zhuqing calmly said:

“You really think I came to find you and stayed cool because
of those love affairs?”

Dai Mubai stared blankly,

“Don’t tell me it wasn’t?”

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head,

“No. A man’s romance isn’t wrong, as long as it isn’t vulgar.

That’s no big issue. But you’re different, you’re not an ordinary
person. You should understand how much cruelty there is in
your future. I don’t want my man to sap his will with trifles,

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some day dying under a woman’s skirt. Mom told me that if I
can’t marry a true man, it would be better not to marry at all.”

Radiance pulsed in Dai Mubai’s evil eyes,

“You came in order to supervise my cultivation?”

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mubai, a somewhat cold intent in

her eyes,

“If you can’t fulfill my expectations, not only won’t I marry

you, I’ll kill you. Then kill myself.”

Dai Mubai laughed bitterly,

“You really are worthy of being his daughter, this is just your
family’s style.”

Zhu Zhuqing indifferently said:

“What’s wrong with that? If I was afraid of this, your father

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also wouldn’t have let me become your fiancée. That day I
became your fiancée, your destiny was already changed. Destiny
can’t be changed by ordinary people. The marriage between us
isn’t just about the two of us, it also relates to our clans and……”

Speaking up to here, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stopped. It wasn’t

that she didn’t want to continue, but rather that she had been
pulled into Dai Mubai’s fierce embrace.

Heavily kissing Zhu Zhuqing’s lips, Dai Mubai was practically

wildly demanding.

Zhu Zhuqing was purely cool, she would appear to still be

calm, but her trembling body in his embrace betrayed her heart.

After a long time, their lips parted. Dai Mubai released Zhu
Zhuqing, the latter’s breath already ragged, her charming face

“I really doubt whether you’re only fourteen.”

Zhu Zhuqing nibbled her lip,

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“You’re one to talk. Of us, who appears to be like just teenaged
children? Besides Ma Hongjun the dean picked up, and Oscar
from a commoner’s background, who of us five doesn’t have a
story behind us? I can’t see through Tang San, and Xiao Wu is
equally impenetrable. Even Rongrong isn’t as simple as she
would seem on the surface.”

Dai Mubai frowned,

“What are you saying this for, no matter what their

backgrounds are, as long as you remember that we will forever
be comrades, that’s enough.”

Zhu Zhuqing didn’t refute it, but rather quietly nodded. Being
together through life and death several times, commonly
resisting powerful enemies, even though the Shrek Seven Devils
all had their secrets, that would influence their feelings for each

Regardless of how many wounds he had reopened from the

previous exertion, Dai Mubai once again pulled Zhu Zhuqing
into his embrace,

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“Tell me, do you want to be my wife right now?”

Zhu Zhuqing went blank, raising her head to look at Dai

Mubai’s penetrating gaze, silently nodding.

Dai Mubai suddenly smiled,

“I remember that you just said that a man’s romance isn’t

wrong. As long as it isn’t vulgar. Right. You’re forteen, so I can’t
do anything to you. I’ve already held back for very long.”

Zhu Zhuqing’s gaze suddenly turned severe, grabbing a pair of

scissors used for bandages to the side, gesturing a few times
towards Dai Mubai’s lower body,

“Try it. I don’t care about what you did before I recognized
you as my fiancé, but now you’re my man, you can only be mine
alone. If I learn you’ve gone out to do bad things, unable to keep
track of that thing of yours below, I’ll help you get rid of it.”


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The rotten smile on Dai Mubai’s face froze. Looking at Zhu
Zhuqing, regarding this girl’s heart, he really didn’t know
whether it was love or hate.


The thirteenth round of the Continental Advanced Spirit

Master Academy Elite Tournament was about to begin. To the
majority of the participating academies, the final ranking as
already settled and had already begun to throw the final few
matches, ensuring as far as possible that their participating
students wouldn’t be injured, starting to prepare for the finals.
But, two academies still had a mood of swords drawn and bows
bent. Those were Shrek Academy and Godwind Academy with
twelve successive victories.

Each academy had to fight in fourteen rounds. Shrek Academy

and Godwind Academy’s final round opponents weren’t
powerful, and victory was practically without question.
Therefore, deciding who would become the first ranked
academy in Heaven Dou Empire would depend on this match
today. A collision between two completely victorious teams.

And this match, since Feng Xiaotian’s challenge to Tang San

yesterday, had already become a battle between two people.

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The previous six matches of the day had already ended. As the
highlight of the day, the Shrek Academy versus Godwind
Academy battle had been moved last.

Godwind Academy’s team members stood in a line, Feng

Xiaotian standing in front of them.

“Brothers, do you trust me?”

Feng Xiaotian asked in a low voice.

These team members capable of participating in the

tournament were all the Godwind Academy’s elite students on
the verge of graduating, they hadn’t been together with Feng
Xiaotian for just a day or two. But this was the first time they
had seen him make this kind of expression.

The leftmost team member said without the slightest


“Captain, go. No matter the outcome, we will all support you.

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If you can’t defeat this Tang San, then it’s still impossible for us
to win this ranking match. You’re our captain, you’re also our
core. I support you.”

The others also nodded in succession.

Feng Xiaotian sighed,

“Tang San’s words yesterday made me think very deeply.

Before, I always considered our team to be my own. But I was
wrong, the team consists of all of us. Brothers, thank you for
your support. No matter what, I will exhaust all I have in this

“Captain, no matter the outcome, we will back you.”

When Tang San and Feng Xiaotian walked out from different
directions, all the spectating academies were already in an
uproar. They clearly hadn’t expected both Shrek Academy and
Godwind Academy to dispatch their strongest members first.

Godwind Academy team captain Feng Xiao Tian, forty fourth

ranked power attack system Battle Spirit Ancestor, spirit:

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Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf.

Shrek Academy team vice captain Tang San, forty second

ranked control system Battle Spirit Ancestor, spirit: Blue Silver

(蓝点神龙疾) Not too sure on the translation here.


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Chapter 117 - Clear Sky Hammer, Disorder
Splitting Wind

The two people didn’t walk quickly, both following a certain

rhythm, their gazes all along fixed on their opponent. Even
though the match still hadn’t started, they were already looking
for weaknesses in the opponent. Even though they were only
forty something ranked, at such a young age they already
revealed the demeanor of grandmasters.

Four eyes, met two hearts trembling simultaneously. As

outstanding young Spirit Masters, they could both see
something of their opponent’s element. They both understood
that this match inevitably wouldn’t be simple.

The referee indicated that both sides could release their


Raising his right hand, the familiar blue light issued from
Tang San’s palm. His appearance still didn’t hint at his talent,
his expression calm.

Feng Xiaotian issued a shrill howl, a layer of faint cyan light

rushing out of his body. Along with the appearance of the cyan

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light, his body clearly changed. With the sound of cracking
bones, his muscles and bones swelled simultaneously, his body
clearly growing larger. His long hair was also rendered cyan,
and most peculiarly, a wolf’s head protruded from his left

The cyan wolf’s head had a cold gaze, staring fixedly at Tang
San, traces of cold air constantly being released.

Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf, a variation of Stormwind

Demon Wolf. The Stormwind Demon Wolf was a kind of high
level spirit, but it’s variation also became a two-headed wolf,
already turning it into a kind of close to top level spirit.

It was precisely by relying on this variant spirit that Feng

Xiaotian had attained the record he had today. Forty fourth
rank at twenty four made him a genius among geniuses. If not
for Tang San’s many turns of fortune, and also the growth
assistance of the immortal herbs, as well as the boost of the
orthodox school internal strength method Mysterious Heaven
Skill, his talent also might not come out any stronger.

Feng Xiaotian’s already wasn’t as impulsive as yesterday, his

appearance as calm as Tang San’s.

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“Tang San.”

“Feng Xiaotian.”

The two addressed each other.

Feng Xiaotian gazed at Tang San,

“This year I’m twenty four, at my spirit awakening when I

was six, I had innate full spirit power. My achievements today
are all what I have put aside, bit by bit. I admire your strength.
But today I must beat you. Whether for my Godwind Academy
team, or for Huo Wu, I cannot lose.”

Tang San smiled calmly, looking at his opponent without

comment. But the staunch light in his eyes still told Feng
Xiaotian that he also wouldn’t renounce the match. He clearly
carried the glory of Shrek Academy.

“Match start.”

The referee declared. The two people in the center of the ring

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moved practically simultaneously.

Feng Xiaotian accelerated in practically an instant, charging

directly at Tang San, cyan light and shadow playing behind his
back, his speed strangely incomparable.

Tang San was alarmed. According to what he knew, Feng

Xiaotian should be a power attack system Spirit Master. But
right now, the speed Feng Xiaotian boasted wasn’t inferior to a
fortieth ranked agility attack system Spirit Master.

How come?

Tang San didn’t spend much time thinking about it. The
instant Feng Xiaotian launched himself at him, his first spirit
ring was already brightening, sharp wolf claws ejecting from his
palm, a sharp pitiless gaze locking on Tang San. Before he even
arrived, his wolf claws were already swinging, ten half crescent
wind blades splitting the air, sealing all Tang San’s routes of

Stormwind Demon Wolf’s first spirit ability was Wind Blade,

but Feng Xiaotian with the Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf
spirit’s spirit ability was Wind Blade Burst. With ten times the

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quantity, it could clearly be seen how much more powerful his
first spirit ability was compared to ordinary Stormwind Demon
Wolves. This was the innate advantage of high level spirits.

Did the burst truly seal all directions? Tang San’s movements
gave the answer.

Feet moving lightly, dashing forward simultaneously, his

figure moving in swift flashes. Nobody could clearly see Tang
San’s footwork as he instantly transformed into a flash. Feng
Xiaotian was startled to discover that he was actually unable to
lock down Tang San’s aura.

Leaning east, turning west. The originally seemingly

undodgeable ten wind blades were unexpectedly penetrated by
Tang San, without the slightest injury.

Feng Xiaotian’s gaze focused. Right now there was less than
five meters until they clashed. At this range, there was only
enough time for one move.

Tang San didn’t release his Blue Silver Grass, but rather
simultaneously cut out with both hands, directly grabbing for
Feng Xiaotian’s body. But Feng Xiaotian also didn’t use his spirit

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abilities again, and his wolf claws rose to meet Tang San’s
swatting hands. They both unexpectedly chose to depend on
their spirit power to fight without spirit abilities.

From this alone, Tang San saw Feng Xiaotian’s confidence and
strength. Spirit Masters had limited spirit power, and no matter
what level spirit ability, all would consume some spirit power.
But in a purely physical fight, the spirit consumption would be a
lot less. In attacking without clearly understanding the
opponent, the one to attack first would be at a disadvantage.
That they didn’t use spirit abilities right now didn’t mean that
they weren’t prepared to use them. If the opponent’s spirit
ability launched, they could also certainly instantly launch their
own spirit abilities to counter.

Tang San’s right hand cut at Feng Xiaotian’s right hand. Feng
Xiaotian’s wrist turned, sharp wolf claws already scratching
Tang San’s palms. He possessed a Beast Spirit, so his physical
boost would clearly be more powerful than Tang San with a
Tool Spirit. As his wolf claws scratched Tang San’s right hand,
even Feng Xiaotian was somewhat astonished. He believed that
in circumstances where their levels didn’t differ much, if Tang
San’s hand was injured by him, then he wouldn’t have any

However, as the two hands directly touched, Feng Xiaotian

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discovered his mistake.

Tang San’s hand was lustrous like jade, even the most
beautiful girl couldn’t possess hands like these. But this lustrous
like white jade palm was even harder than steel, and the wolf
claws only struck a series of sparks on Tang San’s palm, without
leaving even a mark.

The pain from the rebound of the wolf claws made Feng
Xiaotian’s heart shiver, and with plentiful combat experience,
he immediately launched his first spirit ability once again.

Facts proved that Feng Xiaotian’s choice was correct. Tang

San’s Mysterious Jade Hand could already feel his pulse, and if
Feng Xiaotian had reacted a beat slower, allowing his hand to
fall into Tang San’s Mysterious Jade Hand’s grasp, this fight
would immediately have lost all suspense.

Five wind blades burst out. The distance between the two was
really too close. The wind blades impacting in Tang San’s
Mysterious Jade Hand suddenly resounded with a series of
brittle sounds.

Separating in a flash, Tang San and Feng Xiaotian retreated

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simultaneously. But at this moment, a strand of Blue Silver
Grass also quietly stretched up after Feng Xiaotian’s feet.

Tang San’s feet hit the ground, already shooting up once

again, he basically didn’t plan on giving Feng Xiaotian any time.
Relying on the incomparably solid Mysterious Jade Hand, under
the assistance of Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step, he approached
once again. This time, he was completely striking at Feng
Xiaotian’s chest.

Feng Xiaotian was currently indescribably shocked. He hadn’t

expected that Tang San’s physical fighting strength would
actually be at this level. He had the intense premonition that if
Tang San launched an attack close to his body, then he would be

In this crisis, Feng Xiaotian reacted with matchless speed,

fiercely leaping back, pulling open the distance between the two
of them in an instant. Not only did he escape Tang San’s attack,
but also the Blue Silver Grass Binding coming at him from
below in the key moment.

‘Such speed’, the expression in Tang San’s eyes grew serious.

He already understood a lot from Feng Xiaotian’s speed. As
Grandmaster’s disciple, regarding variant spirits, Tang San also

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knew a lot. What Feng Xiaotian revealed right now seemed to be
the capability of an agility attack system Spirit Master. Was his
title as power attack system Spirit Master bogus? No, of course

From Feng Xiaotian’s speed, Tang San had already vaguely

estimated that with the Stormwind Doubleheaded Wolf, the
benefits produced by both heads perhaps lay in both power
attack and agility attack. The attack and defense of a power
attack system Spirit Master, further adding the speed of an
agility attack system Spirit Master, could it be he was that

Since understanding the true essence of the spirit, and after

figuring out those questions in his heart, Tang San’s attack
method had a great change compared to before. As a control
system Spirit Master, his spirit abilities were almost all used for
controlling enemies. However, he was also a Tang Sect disciple.
Was there any difference between Tang Sect’s martial abilities
and those spirit abilities? No, of course not. Even though right
now the inability to use hidden weapons and poison enormously
weakened the strength of Tang San’s Tang Sect martial skills,
Tang Sect’s capabilities were even more practical than that. As
for those control spirit abilities, they would be better to steel the
edge at the crucial moment. No need to use normally, as long as
they were used, they would have to be released like an arrow, to
cause the opponent the biggest attack.

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At the same time as Feng Xiaotian retreated, he no longer
hesitated again. After a brief probe, he had already discovered
that even as a power attack system Battle Spirit Master, it would
be very difficult for him to get an advantage over Tang San in a
physical battle. Right now wasn’t the time to wonder why Tang
San’s hands were so solid, but rather how to obtain the victory
in this match.

Therefore, when Feng Xiaotian retreated, his second and third

spirit rings brightened simultaneously.

A pair of enormous cyan wings extended from Feng Xiaotian’s

back. And at this moment, cyan light and shadow condensed
behind his back, the appearance of the Stormwind
Doubleheaded Wolf. Set off under that enormous dazzling
image, Feng Xiaotian soared into the air, the wings on his back
beating only once, using the wind, his body already shot
straight up, rising more than fifty meters in the air. That was a
distance Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass couldn’t even hope to

Looking at this scene, all the Shrek Academy members’ faces

couldn’t help changing. In the previous matches, even though
Godwind Academy had a lot of members that could fly, as the
captain as well as a power attack system Spirit Master, Feng

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Xiaotian had never done so. Right now, suddenly soaring into
the air, with enough spirit power, he had clearly already placed
himself in an invincible position. Without using hidden
weapons, it seemed very difficult for Tang San’s attacks to
influence him.

Seeing Feng Xiaotian’s sudden flight, Tang San didn’t panic.

While staring fixedly at his opponent, he unhurriedly walked
into the center of the ring.

Feng Xiaotian’s wings spread easily in the sky, gazing at Tang

San below him,

“Tang San, you’re even more formidable than I had imagined.

However, even if you were more formidable, today I’ll still
definitely beat you. Next, I’ll use attack you with my own
created spirit ability. Careful. The spirit ability is named:
Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops.”

Listening to his opponent, Tang San took a firm stance with

half angled feet, replying to his opponent with one word,


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The words ‘created spirit ability’ no doubt shocked everyone
present. In fact, even though created spirit abilities couldn’t
form naturally the way spirit abilities from spirit rings did, any
Spirit Master that could create their own spirit ability would be
alarmingly outstanding of their generation. Created spirit
abilities appeared as a combination of all one’s circumstances,
and consequently, they were even more practical.

The doubleheaded wolf image behind him gradually merged

with Feng Xiaotian, that was his second spirit ability, Double
Wolf Body Enhancement. Under circumstances like these, his
attack, defense, and speed would all increase by fifty percent.
Further adding his third spirit ability, Stormwing Wings, his
condition was boosted to its peak. It was also only under the
assistance of these two spirit abilities that his created spirit
ability could be revealed. In some sense, his created spirit ability
wasn’t much different from his fourth spirit ability, and
moreover it consumed a bit less spirit power.

With a long howl, Feng Xiaotian moved. His body dropped

from the sky like a meteor from the heavens. Strangely, those
enormous unfolded wings didn’t make a sound as he descended.
The cyan light filling the air was completely withdrawn. Right
now his wings were perfectly angled.

A lack of wind sound meant that the drag resistance was even

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smaller. Only a wind element Spirit Master like him could find
the best angle in the wind like this. The knife sharp edges of the
wings glittered with a deep cyan light in the sunshine. Those so
called Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops
would clearly issue from the edges of these wings.

Blue Silver Grass soared up, forming countless vines, directly

twisting at the descending Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian’s seemingly courageous advance through the air

deflected slightly, changing direction the instant he was on the
verge of coming into contact with the Blue Silver Grass.

Light appeared over the wings, Blue Silver Grass snapped.

Those twisting Blue Silver Grass were unexpectedly completely
unable to stop him for even a moment. Cutting one after
another, he went straight for Tang San.

Tang San made an extremely brazen act. Both fists swinging,

he simultaneously struck at Feng Xiaotian’s wings, at the

The instant before the attack, Feng Xiaotian’s wings had

completely merged with his arms, this was also a significant

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reason why his wings had such tremendous attack power.

Feng Xiaotian couldn’t spare his fuel, seeing Tang San’s fists
attack, he also wanted to see just how solid Tang San’s hands
actually were. Adjusting his body slightly, his shoulders
bizarrely pulled back, making the knife sharp edges of his wings
meet the lustrous white fists of Tang San.

With an explosive sound, Feng Xiaotian soared up. Tang San’s

hands weren’t the slightest bit injured, and under the boost of
the second spirit ability, Double Wolf Body Enhancement, Feng
Xiaotian also didn’t suffer any injuries.

An ache reaching the marrow of his bones made Feng

Xiaotian’s gaze turn monstrous. Were those really hands? He
clearly knew that when he fully used thirty six successive chops
to attack with his wings, he had once cut open a one meter thick
block of granite.

Feng Xiaotian was struck flying, and Tang San didn’t feel any
better. His feet had completely sunk into the ground, and his
face had a faintly reddish tint, his qi and blood bubbling up.

Their trains of thought flashed through their minds like

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lightning. Feng Xiaotian’s attack wouldn’t stop, and Tang San’s
defense continued.

Feng Xiaotian with the ability to fly didn’t return to a high

altitude like Tang San had imagined, he only made a large turn
in the air, then his right wing once again chopped down. This
time it was in a batch. Feng Xiaotian’s single wing flashed
successively, constantly changing trajectory in order to dodge
Tang San’s fists. That his fist was solid didn’t mean that his
body was. If that powerful guillotine like blade hit his body,

A purple gold light appeared in Tang San’s eyes. He only

quietly watched that brandishing wing. When the wing was less
than a meter away from him, both his hands rose once again,
blasting out simultaneously once more.

With a peng sound, Feng Xiaotian was inconceivably sent

flying once again. He couldn’t understand how, under his
utmost control, Tang San could still find the trajectory of his
wing. This was practically impossible.

How could he know that Tang San, born of Tang Sect, had
eyesight that someone of this world basically couldn’t compare
to. Let alone the edge of his wing, even if it was countless

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hidden weapons coming from all directions, Tang San could still
shoot down each and every one.

Feng Xiaotian was shocked, but Tang San was also equally
shocked. Because he discovered that under Feng Xiaotian’s
second chop, even though it was only one wing, in fact, the
force of this attack was even greater than before. This discovery
immediately made Tang San inwardly somewhat suspicious.

Their astonishment didn’t have the slightest effect on their

battle. Feng Xiaotian flew another turn in the air, his wings
alternating to attack, starting the third and fourth chops.

Tang San also simultaneously used his Mysterious Jade Hand

to receive the two attacks.

The facts proved that Tang San’s judgement was correct.

These two attacks of Feng Xiaotian’s, one was stronger than the
other. Even though the increase in strength wasn’t much, Tang
San’s arms were already stinging. His Mysterious Jade Hand
had, after all, still not been cultivated to its peak, and the
opponent’s successive attacks made Tang San’s hands ache.

Tang San suddenly smiled. Who could have thought that he

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would actually still smile at a moment like this. In four attacks
his calves had already sunk into the ground, and previously
Feng Xiaotian had said that this Stormwind Demon Wolf chop
would strike altogether thirty six times. At present, not only did
Feng Xiaotian’s attacks grow stronger and stronger, but the
attack speed was also increasing. Speed and power were directly
proportional, his created spirit ability’s foremost feature was
that it exploited speed and gravity to constantly boost his attack

Tang San understood that even though Feng Xiaotian could

complete thirty six chops, at the end, if he could truly continue
to stiffly take the attacks, perhaps Feng Xiaotian’s wings would
directly snap under the force.

Feng Xiaotian’s spirit power was two ranks higher than Tang
San’s, and further adding this growth, how could Tang San
continue to take his attacks? Right now, an extremely sharp
spirit power was already breaking out in Feng Xiaotian’s
surroundings, and even if Tang San wanted to launch his second
spirit ability, Parasite, it still wouldn’t have any effect. Even his
third spirit ability, Spiderweb Restraint, might be cut under the
constantly growing sharp blades. What could Tang San do now?
Release Eight Spider Lances and fight back?

No, Tang San wouldn’t do that.

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Feng Xiaotian’s attack made Tang San recall something in his
past, recall the time when he sometimes wouldn’t have any
food, the least glamorous time.

In the crack between Feng Xiaotian’s fourth and fifth chop,

black light rushed out of Tang San’s right hand, an
unremarkable little hammer appearing in his grasp. Just at this
moment, there was suddenly a bursting sound under Tang San’s
feet, as the ground where his legs were stuck suddenly collapsed
into a large hole.

Half turning, Tang San grasped the hammer with both hands,
calves generating strength, spreading through his legs to his
waist, through his waist to his back, from his back to his arms,
fully half turning, that only one chi long little hammer in his
hands rising from below, directly meeting Feng Xiaotian’s fifth


This time Feng Xiaotian flew out especially high. If they could
be seen, then this time one could definitely spot a tiny fracture
in his wing. The violent pain already turned Feng Xiaotian’s
face deep red.

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At the same time as his body turned, he looked with shock at
the little hammer that had appeared in Tang San’s hands. At
this moment, there wasn’t enough time to think about how his
opponent suddenly had a weapon. The referee hadn’t called for
a halt, that proved that his opponent hadn’t broken any rules.

Actually, how could he have known that the referee was

already staring stupidly.

The two rotated practically simultaneously, only one was in

the sky, one was on the ground. Feng Xiaotian’s wings struck
down once again, and the little hammer in Tang San’s hands
swung up once again. Violent collisions resounded repeatedly
like rain against palm leaves.

Whether it was Tang San or Feng Xiaotian, they were both

turning faster and faster. In a moment, there had already been
more than ten collisions.

In the judges’ seats, emperor Xue Ye’s gaze was frozen.

Platinum bishop Salas’ gaze was frozen. One might say that as
long as they were sixtieth rank or over, Spirit Masters more
than fifty years old, right now their hearts were shuddering.

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What was that? What was that black little hammer? What did
it represent? None lacked absolute clarity in their hearts.

That wasn’t a weapon, at least it wasn’t a weapon one carried,

it further wasn’t something stored in a spatial spirit tool. That
was a spirit, a true spirit, a spirit that had produced
immeasurable glory in the Spirit Master world. The peak
existence on the pyramid of tool spirits. It represented a sect,
represented countless powers. It represented the most powerful
force and attack.

That was, the Clear Sky Hammer.

Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, one heavenly, one in
the dirt. But these two spirits appeared simultaneously on one

Nobody knew how this was possible, nobody knew. But the
only thing that appeared in their minds right now, was just one
term. Twin spirits.

Clear Sky School, Clear Sky Hammer, twin spirits. Three

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phrases in the Spirit Master world vocabulary that shocked the
nerves of each person.

Even though Tang San didn’t make it clear, what he was using
right now was the sect spirit ability possessed only by the Clear
Sky School, Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

Reportedly, at its peak, the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer

Method could be swung nine times nine, eighty one times, the
force of the hammer increasing with each swing. Even a true
god would be unable to withstand the eighty first and final

Even though the Clear Sky Hammer was so small in Tang

San’s hand, and also seemed so ordinary, the Disorder Splitting
Wind Hammer Method belonged to only this family. Right now,
there was basically nobody who doubted his identity.

A directly related Clear Sky School descendant. Only directly

related Clear Sky School disciples could learn the Disorder
Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

The word ‘genius’ was apparently already insufficient to

describe the youth in the center of the ring, the glory he carried

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was even more brilliant than the light of his four spirit rings.

Emperor Xue Ye was extremely regretful. Regretful that his

little brother would let such a person slip by. The people of the
Clear Sky School hadn’t appeared on the Continent for many
years. With great difficulty managing to meet one, and a
directly related disciple at that, if he could rope him in, then……

The shock in Salas’ eyes gradually turned into a cold light.

Twin spirits. It was unexpectedly twin spirits as well. No, this
absolutely wasn’t something such a lowly peasant could possess.
Moreover he was still from the Clear Sky School. No matter
what, this boy had to die. No matter what.

At this moment, there were no longer a trace of doubt in his


When Tang San unleashed the Disorder Splitting Wind

Hammer Method, Feng Xiaotian’s destiny was already fated to
be tragic.

It had to be said that Feng Xiaotian was an exceptionally

talented Spirit Master, and the might of this spirit ability he
created was also out of the ordinary. Escaping danger by a hair’s

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breadth, launching Thirty Six Successive Chops from midair
was enough to defeat opponents even stronger than him.

Unfortunately, he was facing a monster. A monster among

monsters from Shrek Academy.

Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method could be said to be a

peak existence among amplifying spirit abilities. Standing on
the ground, it was a lot easier for him to issue strength than for
his opponent.

With each of Feng Xiaotian’s chops, the amplification

depended on speed and the force of gravity. But with each of
Tang San’s swings, the amplification relied not only on these,
but also on his physical strength.

In gravity, could Feng Xiaotian’s body weight compare to the

already five hundred jin heavy Clear Sky Hammer?

Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method had always been

used by Tang San for forging. He had practiced it far, far too
many times already. In the previous several clashes, Feng
Xiaotian could still compete equally with Tang San, even so
much that he held the upper hand. But after the tenth swing, he

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could only step by step retreat in defeat, just like a piece of iron
forged by the Clear Sky Hammer, constantly pounded, flying
up. By now, the arms fused together with his wings were
already completely numb.

Feng Xiaotian wanted to stop. But he discovered that he was

unable to accomplish it. Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer seemed
to be sticky, pulling at his body. Even if he didn’t want to
continue using Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive
chops, he couldn’t do anything about it.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian revealed the demeanor of a

power. When he was about to use the nineteenth chop, with a
shrill howl, cyan light rushed out of his whole body.

With a loud bang, clouds of blood rained in all directions,

Feng Xiaotian had unexpectedly forcibly shocked his own wings
to pieces.

Countless pieces of blood and flesh attacked straight at Tang

San with a powerful energy, and because he didn’t have wings
to control the air streams, Feng Xiaotian’s body flew out at an
angle under the enormous momentum.

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A hero breaking his wrist, truly a hero breaking his wrist.
Even if the wings weren’t part of his four limbs, they were still
condensed by Feng Xiaotian himself. Breaking the wings wasn’t
something that could be recovered in just a day or two.

But it was also just this that saved Feng Xiaotian’s life.

Tang San could control the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer

Method himself, but he couldn’t clearly see the opponent’s
condition. With Tang San’s current strength, he could at most
use the Disorder Splitting Wind hammer method forty eight
times. But after thirty six times, it would already be something
he couldn’t control. Moreover, this was only the first time he
used this hammer method with the Clear Sky Hammer, and as
he did, he discovered that the Clear Sky Hammer would emit a
kind of peculiar force field. With the Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method in perfect harmony with the Clear Sky
Hammer, the resulting might was more than he could imagine.

But there was also an issue. The Clear Sky Hammer was too
heavy, ten times heavier than ordinary forging hammers. Thus,
even though he could control the rotation, stopping was a lot
more difficult. In fact, when using the Clear Sky Hammer, once
he reached twenty four swings it would already be very difficult
to control that terrifying force. At that time, Feng Xiaotian
stuck in the Clear Sky Hammer’s forcefield would practically

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certainly die.

Right now Feng Xiaotian broke his wings and fell, and the
flesh and blood from his shattered wings also couldn’t injure
Tang San. The Clear Sky Hammer’s whirlwind type swings
engulfed those onrushing fragments and sent them out,
throwing them directly to the ground. And Tang San also
relaxed his body, swinging around and around more than ten
turns before he managed to find his balance, his face pale.

Even though Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer didn’t have any
spirit rings, his spirit power was still forty first rank. That using
the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method with such spirit
power was still so difficult, clearly showed how terrifying this
Clear Sky School’s sect spirit ability was.

A dizzy feeling constantly assaulted Tang San’s brain. He

withdrew the Clear Sky Hammer in practically the first instant,
since he was already practically unable to hold on to that
frightening tool spirit.

By now, Tang San’s spirit power consumption was enormous,

and the burden on his body far exceeded what it did before.

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The two were more than ten meters from each other. Even
though one stood and one had fallen, neither’s body was in
particularly good shape, gasping for big mouthfuls of breath.

Gazing at each other, they didn’t have any intent of giving up.

Actually, it really wasn’t that Tang San wanted to use the

Clear Sky Hammer, but rather that at the time, if he didn’t use
it, he basically couldn’t think of any way that could block the
opponent’s Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive
Chops, even Eight Spider Lances might not have any effect.
After all, this created spirit ability’s attack power grew
constantly, and with the boost from two spirit rings, it was Feng
Xiaotian’s certain kill technique.

Tang San had thought of the Disorder Splitting Wind

Hammer Method, and used it immediately. This was also the
result of his combat experience. He had made the best decision
in the shortest time. It was precisely because of this that he
could successfully defeat his opponent.

Even though they had used up about as much strength, Feng

Xiaotian’s injuries were serious after breaking his wings. The
competition between these two was about to end.

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“Twin spirits, yes?”

Crawling up with difficulty, Feng Xiaotian’s voice sounded

somewhat bitter.

Tang San sighed inwardly. When he used the Clear Sky

Hammer he had already understood that it would be impossible
to keep this secret. But he didn’t regret it. At least he had won
this fight, and brought Shrek Academy to the summit for the
first time. At the same time he also more and more felt the
importance of the Clear Sky Hammer. Even though he couldn’t
give it any spirit rings right now, always hiding it didn’t have
any advantages to him. Therefore, he didn’t regret it. At least,
right now he also had Grandmaster there, with powers like
Flender and Liu Erlong to protect him, as well as the attention
and support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Even if
someone went after him for his twin spirits, it wouldn’t be so

Tang San had already thought about it. Once this tournament
was over, he would follow Grandmaster to find an uninhabited
place and cultivate assiduously. Not being able to acquire some
achievements didn’t bother him. Once that time came, at least
he would have the strength to protect himself. At least he would
also refine some of the more terrifying Tang Sect hidden
weapons for self protection.

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Nodding, Tang San didn’t deny it,

“A hammer called clear sky.”

“Clear Sky Hammer?”

The pupils of Feng Xiaotian’s eyes contracted sharply, and he

said with a wry smile:

“It seems my loss wasn’t an injustice. It’s no wonder Huo Wu

would choose you over me. I’m no match for you. Perhaps I
won’t be able to get a better record even in the finals. I’ve lost.
Godwind Academy concedes.”

Tang San sighed, saying:

“Actually you didn’t really lose to me. You only lost to your
own created spirit ability. Your Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty
Six Successive Chops was just countered by me. Otherwise, to
whom the deer would fall in this match might still be hard to
say. Moreover, there’s something I have to tell you. There’s no

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relationship between Huo Wu and me. Even so much that we’re
not even friends. If you like her that’s your matter, don’t get me

“What did you say?”

Feng Xiaotian’s eyes opened wide, even to the extent that he

had already forgotten about the pain of his broken wings.

Tang San smiled indifferently,

“I never lie.”

The match ended. Because of the previous bet, Godwind

Academy directly declared that they gave up on the match. And
in the match on the next day, Shrek Academy’s opponent also
directly forfeited.

Fourteen rounds of the ranking competition, fourteen

successive victories. Among all the fifteen teams, Shrek
Academy ranked number one, obtaining the peak position in the
Heaven Dou Empire region. This time, Shrek Academy had one
after the other beaten Blazing Academy, Botanic Academy,

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Skywater Academy, Thunderclap Academy, as well as the
Godwind Academy. Their record proved their true strength.
There was nobody who called into question who Heaven Dou
Empire’s strongest academy team was. And such a glorious
achievement, was the result of the common efforts of the entire
Shrek Academy team.

(风刃列阵) “Wind Blade Arranged as a burst”

1尺 = ⅓ m

500斤 = 250 kg

When a warriors wrist is bitten by a poisonous snake, he

should cut it off to prevent a worse fate.

3999 Goldenagato |

Chapter 118 - Finals, Spirit City

The competition ended, undoubtedly with another

impassioned boost and encouragement for emperor Xue Ye.
Next, the finals would start very soon. That was the true battle
to decide which academy was the most powerful on the

As regent, emperor Xue Ye naturally couldn’t leave Heaven

Dou City unattended. After the end of his speech, emperor Xue
Ye declared that crown prince Xue Qinghe would represent him
as Heaven Dou Empire’s envoy, to take the task of judging the
tournament. And Heaven Dou Empire’s fifteen teams would
accompany him personally on the way to a city on the common
border of the two great empires where the finals would take
place. The finals would be arranged by Spirit Hall.

There would only be three days for all the teams to rest. After
three days, the altogether fifteen teams plus teachers and an
escort of five hundred imperial household knights, a party of
more than a thousand people, would leave for where the finals
would be held. Spirit City.

Originally the finals weren’t at all arranged by Spirit Hall, but

for some reason, Spirit Hall suddenly issued an alteration. This

4000 Goldenagato |

tournament’s ultimate finals would be held in the main city of
Spirit Hall. This city practically entirely belonged to Spirit Hall.
Situated on the border of the two great empires, the empires
had no authority over it. Most importantly, one of the two great
palaces that symbolized Spirit Hall, Supreme Pontiff Palace, was
located in Spirit City.

This recently constructed Supreme Pontiff Palace was reputed

to be the grandest building in all the Douluo Continent. Spirit
City had also become the holy land of all Spirit Masters due to
the construction of this Supreme Pontiff Palace, making it like a
capital city Spirit Hall had established for itself.

From Heaven Dou City to Spirit City was almost twenty days
on the road. The finals wouldn’t last for very long, as it was a
knock-out competition. Altogether thirty three teams could
settle the outcome in less than ten days.

Spirit Hall attached extreme importance to the finals this

time. While the ranking competition was ongoing, Spirit Hall
had already started to set up the site for this Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament finals. At
the same time, Spirit City had decreed that non-Spirit Masters
couldn’t enter to see the competition. Not even nobles. Like
this, they increased the mystery of the finals somewhat.

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Ordinary people wouldn’t feel particularly satisfied with
Spirit Hall’s decree. After all, to ordinary people, Spirit Hall was
a remote and exalted existence. Spirit Hall was the shrine, the
holy land in their hearts. If the lord Supreme Pontiff had
personally decreed it, who would dare say anything?

A crowd of more than a thousand people set off grandiosely.

Even if the academies all had their own arrangements, they still
all represented Heaven Dou Empire, compared to the previous
qualifiers and ranking competition, the taste of gunpowder was
somewhat fainter. Especially the academies with better
relationships even travelled together.

Shrek Academy still drew the most attention, but those

academies whose strength was lacking didn’t want to get close
to them. And the four elemental academies also kept a much
lower profile, perhaps because of their defeats in the ranking

In order to let the competing team members rest even better,

Heaven Dou Empire had arranged altogether fifteen enormous
luxurious carriages, specially for the team members to ride in
and rest.

These carriages even used some spirit tool technology as

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foundation, giving them extraordinary shock absorption.
Riding them was unusually steady. Of course, the entire Douluo
Continent’s spirit tool technology circulation was only clear

From the day they set out, Shrek Academy was one person
less. One very important person. Grandmaster.

Even the Shrek Seven Devils didn’t know where Grandmaster

had gone. Grandmaster didn’t even tell Tang San, only quietly
leaving by himself the day after the end of the ranking
competition. He also didn’t bring Liu Erlong. It made emperor
Xue Ye who planned to invite him very disappointed.

“Xiao Wu, your adopted mother doesn’t seem to have been in

a very good mood over these days! What’s going on?”

Sitting in the carriage, Ning Rongrong leaned forward to

whisper a question next to Xiao Wu’s ear.

Xiao Wu helplessly shook her head, saying:

“I also don’t know. Only my mom’s character was bad from

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the start. Everyone better be a bit careful for a while. Don’t
provoke her anger by any means, otherwise you’ll only be out of

Ma Hongjun said to the side:

“Who would dare provoke the tyrant dragon, and a flame

breathing one at that?”

Dai Mubai unhappily gave him a glare,

“Be quiet, do you want to kill us? If my guess is correct, then

teacher Erlong’s bad temper recently is related to Grandmaster
leaving. However, since she still hasn’t flipped out, she should
know where Grandmaster went. Really strange, little San, how
come even you don’t know where Grandmaster is?”

Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

“I wouldn’t know what Teacher has to do. Boss Dai,

recuperate properly. Otherwise you won’t be able to go on stage
in the finals, wouldn’t that be painful?”

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Dai Mubai snorted,

“Even if it’s just three or four days, my wounds have already

closed. No matter what you say, defeating Yu Tian-Xin’s Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit this time was more important
than anything. Alright, everyone don’t waste time. This
carriage really is good, cultivating isn’t a problem. All of your
spirit power has almost broken through. Cultivate quickly.
Fight to gain a rank before the competition. Like this we can
also increase our chances.”

Tang San nodded, his gaze sweeping across everyone,

“The true threat to us is still Spirit Hall’s hand picked team.

Only by defeating them will we obtain ultimate victory. That is
our greatest test since the forming of the Shrek Seven Devils.”

On mention of that team, everyone’s expressions dropped.

They’d already heard from Tang San about the strength of their
future opponents. Especially those three who had obtained
Spirit Hall’s Purple Record Medal, opponents who had broken
through the fiftieth rank before the age of twenty five. Even if
the Shrek Seven Devils all had the potential to do this after
taking the immortal treasure herbs Tang San had given them,

4005 Goldenagato |

right now they still hadn’t reached that kind of level.

Confronting that kind of opponents in the tournament was no

doubt exceptionally difficult with their current strength. But
the opponents already existed, so they couldn’t back down.

How to defeat their opponents had already become a subject

they’d constantly considered over these few several days. But
Grandmaster wasn’t here, and nobody provided them with any
tactics, they could only drill with Tang San as center.

Tang San saw everyone’s heavy gazes and sighed lightly,


“What I’m most worried about isn’t those three fiftieth

ranked opponents. If they’d only assembled three fiftieth
ranked Spirit Masters and four fortieth ranked Spirit Masters,
then we wouldn’t have been without chance. My Eight Spider
Lances and twin spirits should be able to withstand one. Boss
Dai and Zhuqing’s spirit fusion ability should also be able to
persevere against two. With Rongrong and little Ao’s assistance,
we might not be without the strength to fight. What worries me
the most right now is whether they possess spirit bones or spirit
fusion abilities. If they still possess these abilities, then it hardly
seems possible for us to win.”

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Oscar said:

“Little San, didn’t you say before that Spirit Hall brought out
three spirit bones as rewards for the champions this time? Since
the rewards are spirit bones, it should be in order to encourage
those Spirit Hall team members. This way it seems that the
chance that they possess spirit bones is close to none. After all,
spirit bones can’t just be seen everywhere. That Spirit Hall can
bring out three is already very generous.”

Tang San nodded:

“You’re right. Therefore, what we need to pay attention to

right now is the possibility that they can use a spirit fusion
ability. In our tactics, we have to make sure to control this

Faint light flickered, Tang San’s face revealing a trace of ice

cold radiance, his hands folding across his chest. With each
flicker of light in his eyes, the atmosphere would distort
slightly. Faint purple gold color made the gazes of the other six
Shrek Seven Devils focus on him, but nobody interrupted him.
Everyone knew that Tang San had certainly thought of

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“Blazing Academy brothers, can I come in?”

Feng Xiaotian followed alongside the Blazing Academy wagon,

yelling inside.

After his match with Tang San that day, even though he had
suffered heavy injuries, what Tang San said had undoubtedly
also given him a bit of hope. In fact, as soon as his body could
endure it a bit, he had run over to find the figure of his heart.

“Brother Feng, what’s the matter?”

The carriage curtains stirred, revealing Huo Wushuang’s face.

Feng Xiaotian smiled somewhat awkwardly,

“It’s nothing, is little sister Huo Wu here? I came to apologize

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to her.”

Huo Wu’s beautiful face appeared next to Huo Wushuang,

“What do you have to apologize to me for? You did nothing


Seeing Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian’s eyes first brightened, then

his face immediately turned regretful,

“Little sister Huo Wu, I let you down! I couldn’t complete the
task you entrusted me with.. I still lost to Tang San. I……”

“No need to say anything, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

Huo Wu interrupted Feng Xiaotian,

“I didn’t expect that Tang San to still be hiding strength. He

really was too strong. Only, since he’s a Clear Sky School
descendant, a lot is explained. A loss is a loss. Right now I only
want to see whether he can defeat the other opponents in the
finals, what ranking he can obtain.”

4009 Goldenagato |

On mention of Tang San, Huo Wu’s eyes revealed a somewhat
peculiar luster. Her attachment to pursuing strength was in no
way inferior to any male Spirit Master. Tang San’s strength no
doubt held a great attractive force to her. Of course, it wasn’t
the kind of attraction between opposite sex. The only thought in
Huo Wu’s heart was how to surpass Tang San, defeat Tang San.
Even if Tang San saved her life that day, she was still unable to
expel that kind of thought from her mind.

Feng Xiaotian probed:

“Then, little sister Huo Wu, that matter between us……”

Huo Wu frowned, replying:

“What matter between us?”

“Eh…… This. I was talking about, the matter of us


Suddenly, Huo Wu’s eyes brightened, her gaze at Feng

4010 Goldenagato |

Xiaotian changing somewhat,

“Get on the carriage.”


Feng Xiaotian was already prepared to be rejected, but he

hadn’t expected Huo Wu’s sudden change in mood. He hastily
leapt on the carriage.

As he saw the charming Huo Wu sitting in the carriage, he

couldn’t keep his pulse from speeding up.

Huo Wu said to Huo Wushuang:

“Ge, take everyone off for the moment. I have something to

talk to Feng Xiaotian about.”

Huo Wushuang looked at his little sister, a questioning light

in his eyes.

4011 Goldenagato |

Huo Wu signaled him with her eyes.

When Feng Xiaotian heard Huo Wu wanted to talk to him

alone, his pulse accelerated continuously. He who was always
jocular, when he was sealed into this space with Huo Wu alone,
he on the contrary felt cramped. Rubbing his hands, he didn’t
know what he should say.

“Big brother Feng. I know you’ve always liked me.”

The first to speak up was nevertheless Huo Wu.

Feng Xiaotian feeble-mindedly looked at her, muttering:

“Your next line wouldn’t be, big brother Feng, you’re a good
person, but we don’t suit each other. If it’s really a rejection,
then don’t say anything. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to stand

Looking at Feng Xiaotian’s feeble-minded appearance, Huo

Wu couldn’t hold back a laugh,

4012 Goldenagato |

“I give you some color and you start to paint the road. That
wasn’t my intention.”

Feng Xiaotian pleasantly surprised said:

“Then you’re saying, you’ll agree to go out with me?”

“Pah, in your dreams. I asked you in to consult with you about


Huo Wu snapped.

Feng Xiaotian grinned, his past appearance returning,

“Well said! Anything is fine. Speak.”

Huo Wu muttered:

“Big brother Feng, do you feel that the finals still have any
meaning to us?”

4013 Goldenagato |

Feng Xiaotian looked distracted a moment,

“What do you mean?”

Huo Wu said:

“Do you believe we can defeat Shrek Academy? Or the two

teams from the two great empire academies, or those abnormals
from Spirit Hall?”

Feng Xiaotian laughed bitterly,

“Want me to tell the truth? I’m afraid it’d be very difficult.”

Huo Wu snorted,

“Is it very difficult? Rather basically impossible. Shrek

Academy’s depths are very deep. I think you also noticed that in
the qualifiers, they basically didn’t use their full formation.
Finally in the ranking competition, their number of fortieth
rank Spirit Masters increased to four. And moreover it

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increased by that powerful fatty. Fire Phoenix Spirit is one of
the highest level spirits.”

Feng Xiaotian sighed,

“After losing to Tang San, I didn’t consider these questions.

Even as a team we still might not have much of a chance to
defeat Shrek Academy. Their full strength is too powerful.
Moreover the control capability Tang San revealed in the
qualifiers as well as their teamwork, they basically won’t give us
a chance. As far as I’m concerned, the finals might only be for

Huo Wu fiercely shook her head,

“No. Not necessarily. We still have a chance. This is also the

reason why I asked to consult you. I want to let Blazing
Academy give up on the qualifications for the finals.”

“Ah? Why?”

Feng Xiaotian was shocked,

4015 Goldenagato |

“Being able to reach the finals after so much effort, and you’re
giving it up?”

Huo Wu indifferently said:

“Of course I’m not casually giving up. I want to let Blazing
Academy and your Godwind Academy form an alliance. We’ll
form a joint team for the finals.”

Listening to Huo Wu, the dream in Feng Xiaotian’s heart now

disappeared completely, frowning,

“This seems inappropriate. We represent different elements.

First let alone which academy everyone would compete under,
I’m afraid it’d be very difficult to get it past the tournament
organizational committee.”

Huo Wu smiled calmly, saying:

“You don’t have to worry about that. I’m only asking you, are
you willing?”

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Feng Xiaotian nodded without the slightest hesitation,

“Of course I’m willing. If out two teams could truly fuse
together, then we could have a team with all members over
fortieth rank. Moreover, our available formations would
increase a lot. We could absolutely go at it with those powerful

Huo Wu nodded, saying:

“Since it’s like that, leave the rest to me. I’ll trouble you to
return to convince your companions and teachers. Our Blazing
Academy will renounce the glory for this and fight under
Godwind Academy’s name. As for how to join, that’s also very
simple. We’ll temporarily transfer to your Godwind Academy. I
can make decisions for Blazing Academy’s side. The dean is my

Even though Huo Wu spoke very flatly, Feng Xiaotian could

clearly grasp the wildness in her words. How much would a
heart thirst for victory to make a decision like this?

Huo Wu looked at Feng XIaotian, saying:

4017 Goldenagato |

“We don’t have a lot of time to practice. Only the remaining
ten something days on the road. Talk it over with the people
from your academy as soon as possible. If there are no issues,
we’ll begin practicing our teamwork. Since you could create a
spirit ability, then perhaps we can create a second.”

Feng Xiaotian’s eyes brightened,

“Like what you used in the competition before? A teamwork

fusion ability?”

Huo Wu nodded,

“Even if it’s not a true spirit fusion ability, as long as our

teamwork is good, our strength will shock everyone.”

Feng Xiaotian smiled wryly:

“My only concern is that the tournament committee would

cause trouble.”

Huo Wu snorted disdainfully,

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“What should they care about us transferring? As for the
question about quota, I’ll handle it. It’s not difficult to speak to
Spirit Hall. As long as we express to that platinum bishop that
we’ll join Spirit Hall after the end of the tournament, what
could they still object to?”

Feng Xiaotian suddenly calmed down, looking Huo Wu in the


“What are you looking at?”

Huo Wu somewhat discontentedly said.

Feng Xiaotian sighed,

“Huo Wu, are you really that thirsty for victory? To win, do
you know how much you would pay?”

Huo Wu calmly said:

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“I’m not only thirsty for victory, I’m also thirsty to become
even stronger. If I don’t have even a chance, I’ll lose confidence,
then how will I cultivate later? I will only ask you, are you
willing to walk this road with me?”

Feng Xiaotian nodded forcefully,

“I am. No matter what you decide, I’m willing to follow at

your side. But, I’ll declare one thing. I can only represent
myself. After the tournament I can enter Spirit Hall together
with you, but I can’t control my comrades.”

Huo Wu looked at Feng Xiaotian, something suddenly in her

eyes. She of course knew about Feng Xiaotian’s place in the
minds of the other Godwind Academy members. With his
influence, he could completely convince his comrades to enter
Spirit Hall. But he wouldn’t do it. Huo Wu suddenly discovered
that Feng Xiaotian unexpectedly had a lot of good points she’d
never noticed before. Even though he wasn’t equal to Tang San
in strength, he was more handsome. For a moment, she
couldn’t help being somewhat stupid.

Hurrying on, Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy quickly

reached a cooperation agreement. Of course, this news was kept
confidential to the other teams. They wouldn’t reveal it before

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the start of the finals.

The Shrek Academy group were on the contrary very pleased

during this time, the Shrek Seven Devils gathering to cultivate
in the carriage each day. Because Dai Mubai had recently gained
a rank, he dealt with outside matters with Flender and the
others. To them, teamwork wasn’t something they needed to
practice much, it was more important to increase spirit power.

After so many battles, to these talented youths, besides

combat experience, their spirit power had also grown. In a few
days, those that had already reached bottlenecks broke through
one after the other. Besides Xiao Wu who was still at the thirty
ninth rank, the others all broke through one rank.

At present, the Shrek Seven Devils’ ranks were as follows: Evil

Eye White Tiger Dai Mubai, forty five ranks. Big Sausage Uncle
Oscar, forty two ranks. Tang San, forty three ranks. Ma
Hongjun, forty two ranks. Xiao Wu, thirty nine ranks. Ning
Rongrong, forty two ranks. Zhu Zhuqing, forty two ranks.

Looking at levels alone, perhaps they might not be too

astonishing, but if their present age was included, it would be
enough to shock any power of the Spirit Master world.

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The youngest, Zhu Zhuqing, was just fourteen. The oldest, Dai
Mubai, was also only seventeen. Oscar was sixteen. Tang San
was also a few days short of fifteen.

This was such a young team! And they were completely able to
participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Tournament. What abnormal degree could they reach in
five years? Even Grandmaster was unable to estimate it. Because
these children were all experts at creating miracles.

The journey continued quietly, and very soon ten days had
passed. They were already halfway to Spirit City.

An escort of five hundred imperial household knights was

enough to compare to the emperor’s relatives. Wherever they
went, every town would receive them with its best appearance,
and they didn’t meet any troubles on the road.

Today was the eleventh day of travel. The only one of the
Shrek Seven Devils that was still cultivating was Xiao Wu. Xiao
Wu was already very close to breaking through to the fortieth
rank. The others didn’t wish to disturb her, and so left the
entire carriage for her alone.

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Right now everyone hoped that Xiao Wu could break through
the bottleneck before the finals, and afterwards find a suitable
spirit beast and absorb its spirit ring as fast as possible. As long
as Xiao Wu also reached the fortieth level, the Shrek Seven
Devils’ strength would comprehensively increase.

“Boss Dai, why are you always looking at those knights, you’re
not thinking of becoming a soldier?”

Ma Hongjun curiously asked Dai Mubai.

As a result of their outstanding display in the ranking

competition, right now Shrek Academy was arranged in the
middle of the entire Spirit City travel procession.

Dai Mubai said:

“We Battle Spirit Masters are originally the best warriors.

What’s there to envy about this. I’m just observing. The
imperial household knights are worthy of being known as
Heaven Dou Empire’s trump card. Not only are they neat and
orderly, but their discipline is superb. Being without a bit of
haughtiness, this is difficult to find. Even though knights are
the lowest order of nobility, being of the imperial household

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knights regiment, their status in Heaven Dou Empire is out of
the ordinary. Being able to be so strict with themselves on the
whole journey, that’s completely the result of peacetime drills.”

Ma Hongjun said:

“Well, since when did you become a military expert, I didn’t

expect to hear that. There are still just ten days! Boss Dai, how
about we go strolling among the teams. Even though there
aren’t all that many female Spirit Masters, the majority are top
quality. Especially those from Skywater Academy are top
quality among top quality, don’t tell me you’re not interested.”

Dai Mubai gave Ma Hongjun a resolute glare,

“Shut your crow’s beak. I’m an honorable person, I’d never do


Ma Hongjun turned his head to glance at the not distant Zhu

Zhuqing, suddenly understanding:

“Understood. I understand. You’re an honorable person. Next

time I speak I’ll definitely be a bit more quiet.”

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“I’ll beat you to death.”

Dai Mubai could already feel a gaze flickering with ice cold
light aimed at his back. These days the relationship between
him and Zhu Zhuqing had had a heaven and earth overturning
transformation, making Dai Mubai brimming with excitement.
But he could still clearly remember what Zhu Zhuqing said to
him back in the camp. He knew that Zhu Zhuqing was a person
who would definitely do what she said, and he couldn’t keep his
back from shivering.

Just as Dai Mubai planned to go over to Zhu Zhuqing to

explain, suddenly, a cold aura suddenly arrived from not far

Their procession for the most part travelled on the official

road, and could only rarely take shortcuts via some remote
small roads. And right now was just when they were taking a
shortcut. They were between two low hills, and reportedly they
could save several dozen li by passing through here. Moreover,
even though the road between the hills was a bit narrow, it was
still flat, allowing the carriages to pass without problem.

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The cold aura came from the hills on either side of the small
road. Dai Mubai of course wasn’t the only one to feel it. The
imperial household knights leading captain shouted loudly,

“Everyone be on your guard, there’s trouble!”

The imperial household knights guarding by the Spirit

Masters immediately raised the lances in their hands. Those
Spirit Master academy competing team members had relaxed
expressions. With so many talented Spirit Masters here, what
would they need to worry about? Even though these students
were a lot fewer than the imperial household knights, in a fight,
their strength wouldn’t be proportional to their numbers. Even
more when the academy coaching teachers included powers of
at least ten Spirit Masters of the sixtieth or seventieth rank.
This kind of procession was enough to confront a large army of
more than ten thousand troops.

Just at this moment, countless falling stones came tumbling

down from the hills like rain. These stones didn’t only appear
extremely suddenly, but also extremely orderly. Swiftly falling
towards the ground.

The terrain before them was extremely unfavorable to the

entire procession. That imperial household knight captain

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immediately passed down the order to speed up their advance,
and also leaving those falling stones to the five hundred
imperial household knights.

This moment demonstrated the intrinsic quality of the

imperial household knights. Even though they weren’t Spirit
Masters, their physical strength was extremely powerful.

The hills on either side weren’t too high, and this also made
the impact of the stones something that really wasn’t impossible
to deal with. The imperial household knights retreated a few
steps, leaving a passage in the center, raising their lances high
and meeting the falling stones.

Lances met stones, and they made use of their lances to

constantly send rock after rock sideways. Five hundred knights’
lances formed a steel wall, and in such unfavorable terrain, for
the moment unexpectedly not letting a single rock past them.

Watching this scene, Ma Hongjun who had previously not

believed in what Dai Mubai said couldn’t help being shocked.
The fifteen Spirit Master academies’ coaching teachers swiftly
led the way outside the hills. In order to move even faster, they
abandoned the carriages, all students hurrying along on foot. As
long as they could leave this terrain, there wasn’t anything to

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Right now everyone wanted to know just what kind of person

dared attack the imperial household knights regiment. This was
Heaven Dou Empire’s domain. Could there really be bandits?
Were they blind?

Xiao Wu had not choice but to stop her cultivation. The Shrek
Seven Devils and the four substitute members followed close
behind Liu Erlong and Flender.

Liu Erlong was basically of a mind to rush into the hills and
slaughter everything, but was stopped by Flender.

“Boss Fu, what are you doing blocking me? It’s better to just
let me kill blind vermin like these.”

Liu Erlong said resentfully.

Flender sternly said:

“It isn’t that simple. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it’s strange?

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Even if Heaven Dou Empire has some large gangs of robbers,
they’re also very effective at gathering information. Someone
dares attack a procession like ours, what would they rely on?
Look at the stones, they were clearly prepared long ago. It really
isn’t random. Whatever they want to do, it’s most important to
first protect the children. Xiao Gang isn’t here so we can’t
display our peak fighting strength, it’s most important to guard
next to the children.

Hearing Flender’s words, even though Liu Erlong was

inwardly a bit dissatisfied, she also didn’t argue.

The imperial household knights were gradually becoming

unable to endure, some especially enormous rocks smashing
into their ranks.

This kind of moment displayed the strength of Spirit Masters.

These Heaven Dou Empire advanced Spirit Master academy
elites basically didn’t show any confusion, each releasing their
spirits. Auxiliary system Spirit Masters guarded inside, power
attack system and defensive system pushed outside. The rocks
that flew over were immediately smashed to pieces, to the
extent that it didn’t even influence their pace forward.

Soon, this stretch of road between the two hills was about to

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end. Behind the imperial household knights were also already
starting to break off and retreat.

At this moment, a whistle sounded from somewhere. On the

hills on either side suddenly appeared thousands of black
clothes people, charging down with astonishing speed. Right
now the imperial household knights were still in the process of
retreating, and the Spirit Masters of the fifteen academies could
only rely on their own strength for their protection.

All kinds of dazzlingly beautiful light began to appear over the

Spirit Masters, spirits releasing, spirit rings shining. They were
already prepared for battle.

Even though there couldn’t be said to be any cooperation

between the academies, each academy formed a small group,
the appearance of enemies on the contrary stimulating their
bloodlust. Not retreating but on the contrary advancing didn’t
require anyone’s coordination. They swiftly faced the enemies
and charged.

However, circumstances that the young Spirit Masters hadn’t

expected appeared. When they thought they could easily smash
the opponents, the opponents struck the first blow.

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The teachers and students of the fifteen academies altogether
numbered more than two hundred, and the number of bandits
coming down the hills numbered approximately one thousand
five hundred or so. The moment both sides clashed, these
bandits unexpectedly displayed astonishing teamwork. Often
there were three or four people besieging one, their attacks
accurate and powerful, immediately catching the Spirit Masters
unprepared. After all, their combat experience was still based
on small scale fights, it was the first time for this kind of large
scale battle.

Dazzlingly beautiful spirit ring abilities began to appear, but

those black clothed people were extremely crafty, relying on
fairly good speed and teamwork, it was unexpectedly very
difficult for first or second rank spirit abilities to do anything to
them. Moreover, there was unexpectedly also Spirit Masters
among these black clothed people, at least thirty formidable
Spirit Masters over fiftieth rank. As soon as spirit abilities
appeared, they would immediately go up to push back. There
were on average two Spirit Masters to deal with each academy.
Like this, the bandits’ wolf pack tactics displayed a fairly large
effect, and the scene completely sunk into a stalemate.

The appearance of the opponent Spirit Masters made Flender

even more certain of his conjecture. This was an organized
attack. Thirty fifteth ranked Spirit Masters, this was a
formidable strength not just any power could dispatch. How

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many Spirit Masters did this world have? The total sum
wouldn’t surpass a hundred thousand. Spirit Masters above
fiftieth rank even more wouldn’t surpass five thousand. Five
thousand sounded like a lot, but when distributed across the
entire Continent, it was a pitiful number. A group of bandits
that could launch such an organized attack, and moreover
possess this many high level Spirit Masters, this was practically
impossible to imagine.

What did fiftieth rank signify? Not only would their titles
change to Spirit King, but it also meant they could obtain the
first ten thousand year spirit ring.

“Conserve spirit power, defeat the opponents.”

Flender immediately passed down these orders.

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Chapter 119 - A Flower Loving Title Douluo

Fifteen hundred men besieged fifteen academies, one hundred

enemies or so for each academy. The battle had only just started
when Tang San discovered a problem. Those black clothed men
were clearly intrinsically a lot more powerful than ordinary

They were at least specially trained soldiers. Speed and

strength were both fairly good. Otherwise they wouldn’t have
had this few casualties.

In fact, even though they had a numerical advantage, they

were still dealing with Spirit Master teams.

There were two Spirit Masters facing Shrek Academy, both

with five spirit rings, and moreover both with optimal spirit
ring configurations. One approached and dealt with one of Ma
Hongjun’s attacks. Flender and Liu Erlong simultaneously went
up, unleashing their firepower.

Crowd battle? Tang San smiled. As a control system Spirit

Master, what he feared the least was crowd battles.

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Blue Silver Grass dispersed along the ground, swiftly
pouncing at the enemies. Each enemy that approached would
immediately be hit with Blue Silver Binding. It was admittedly
important to conserve spirit power, but it was even more
important to end it all quickly.

Confronting this many opponents for the first time, Tang San
had a kind of blood boiling feeling. His originally already
astonishing strength was displayed completely. The Binding
ability would only bind the opponents’ legs, at the same time,
he also began to assign tasks to the Shrek Academy side.

“Form up.”

He shouted in a low voice. After the opponents had been

delayed, Tang San didn’t rush to attack.

Black green little boxes appeared in the hands of the Shrek

Seven Devils, and the seven people aimed in different directions
with tacit understanding, swiftly completing the winding

Those black clothed people in Tang San’s Binding were

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apparently somewhat anxious. Suddenly, one black clothed man
among them shouted loudly, unexpectedly giving rise to spirit
power fluctuations, three spirit rings rising from below him,
unexpectedly forcefully throwing off the Binding Blue Silver
Grass on his legs.

Watching this, Tang San inwardly suddenly drew a

disconcerting conclusion, but right now he didn’t have time to
deal with it. The mechanisms wound, Tang San shouted loudly,


With sonorous metallic cracks, seven Godly Zhuge Crossbows

spit out the death god’s breath. Each person had sixteen,
altogether more than a hundred bolts sprayed out, interweaving
in a large web brimming with the aura of death.

Blood curdling screams lingered unendingly. In front of the

Godly Zhuge Crossbows tyrannical piercing power, the black
clothed finally began to have large scale casualties.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s piercing power was really too

powerful, enough to shoot through several overlapping bodies
simultaneously. In just one volley, the number of enemies in

4035 Goldenagato |

their surroundings decreased by half.

Tang San laughed coldly,

“Everyone don’t move, defend properly.”

As he finished speaking, he was already dashing out.

At this moment the other academies were all under siege, and
nobody would pay attention to him. With a swing of Tang San’s
arms with a kind of illusory rhythm, countless sparkling and
translucent rays of light sprinkled out from his fingertips. In
that instant, it seemed as if he had eight arms.

It had already been very long since he used hidden weapons,

but that didn’t mean Tang San would be out of practice. He was
like a Thousand Hand Asura specifically emerged to meet the
destiny of hidden weapons, unceasingly granting his enemies
the breath of death.

If he was certain the opponent was an enemy, he would never

hold back. This was one of Tang Sect’s principal rules, how
would Tang San forget it? Whoever these masked men were,

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they clearly didn’t have good intentions.

The hidden weapons Tang San used were mainly flying

needles. Because the flying needles were small, they were even
more difficult to defend against, and also more convenient to

From the most common Refined Iron Needles, to Bone

Piercing Needles, Armor Breaking Needles, Overlord Needles,
all kinds of differently sized but all astonishingly powerful
flying needles sprinkled constantly from his hands.

Purple golden rays of light shot out from his eyes, grasping
everything in his surroundings with his six senses. Practically
each time he moved, someone would immediately collapse.
What Tang San shot wasn’t all at the opponents’ vitals, but
don’t forget, Tang Sect didn’t only have hidden weapons. They
still had poison.

In Tang San’s Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges there was

paralysing poison, and also Meeting Blood Throat Sealing
poison. When confronting enemies, would he be lenient? No, of
course not.

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This was also the first time the Shrek Seven Devils saw Tang
San use his comprehensive strength, and even though they were
familiar with him, they also could only watch as rays like
moonlight constantly sprinkled from Tang San, and the
enemies within thirty meters of Tang San falling like wheat.
Each that collapsed wouldn’t rise again.

In only a short while, not only had all the bandits on the
Shrek Academy side been purged, but even some black clothed
bandits in the surroundings had met calamity.

Tang San’s hidden weapons really were too frightening.

Penetrating any gap, noiselessly, once the opponent reacted,
they were frequently already poisoned. The potency of his
hidden weapons could compare to any spirit ability.

Using hidden weapons, Tang San became especially confident.

Right now the spirit abilities of his Blue Silver Grass had
completely turned into support. Those black clothed bandits
basically didn’t have any way to get close.

Just when Tang San prepared to expand the scope of the

battle, the black clothed bandits had apparently already become
aware that something was amiss here. The higher level Spirit
Masters of each academy were also entangled with the higher

4038 Goldenagato |

level black clothed bandits, and even though the students had
also begun to bring out their killing power, Tang San was alone
in having destroyed a hundred people in just a short time.

Altogether three shadows simultaneously pounced in Tang

San’s direction. On the appearance of these three, Tang San
immediately felt his ease like moving clouds and flowing water
disappear. Even though none of these three people pouncing at
them didn’t release their spirit, they still gave Tang San quite a
lot of pressure.

Confronting a crisis, Tang San’s sixth sense was especially

sharp. Without stinting, six Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking
Balls flew out of his hands.

Bright crystal iron balls flew through the air in six beautiful
intersecting arcs, separating Tang San from the three suddenly
appearing opponents.

Tang San himself used the fastest possible speed to swiftly

retreat, dashing back among his companions.

A bright ray of light promptly fell on Tang San, precisely Ning

Rongrong’s support, speed boost, forty percent. Tang San’s

4039 Goldenagato |

retreating speed instantly increased.

The six Cluster Soul Chasing Life Taking Balls quietly collided
in midair. Instantly, a large cloud of poison gas pervaded the
air, and hidden inside the gas were countless hair fine needles,
the refined iron hair needles creating a frightening toxic screen,
enveloping the path in front of the three black clothed people.

When Tang San threw the six Cluster Soul Chasing Life
Taking Balls, he basically did it without looking, but right now
the front of his clothes were already soaked through with sweat.
Because he clearly felt that the pressure exuded by the three was
almost enough to make him collapse. In other words, the
strength of these three together would in no way lose to an
eightieth rank Spirit Douluo.

That wasn’t something fiftieth ranked Spirit Kings could


Why would there be such powerful Spirit Masters among the


The three black clothed people used the number of their spirit
rings to ascertain Tang San’s conjecture. Eight, seven, seven.

4040 Goldenagato |

One Spirit Douluo, two Spirit Sages released their spirits.

Incomparably tyrannical spirit power fluctuations erupted,

engulfing the great cloud of poison needles. Tang San’s spirit
power was still too weak. If the six Cluster Soul Chasing Life
Taking Balls were launched by Dugu Bo, then even if the three
people didn’t die, they’d at least have lost a layer of skin.

But Tang San’s spirit power was a lot lower.

However, even like this, it still held back the opponents a

moment, giving him the chance to retreat to his cormades.

Suddenly seeing three powers appear, Flender and Liu

Erlong’s hearts chilled. Their two fifty something ranked Spirit
Master opponents had proved to be extremely slippery in their
fight, both agility attack system, and until now they hadn’t been
able to destroy them. Now seeing the three powers appear, the
two Spirit Kings turned and ran.

The silhouettes swiftly approached, and the Shrek Academy

group’s expressions quickly turned serious. One Spirit Douluo,
two Spirit Sages, two Spirit Kings. They were only too clear on
how much strength they had assembled.

4041 Goldenagato |

If Grandmaster was here to reveal the Golden Iron Triangle
triple spirit fusion ability with Flender and Liu Erlong, perhaps
there would still have been a chance. But the contrast in
strength right now was clearly something that couldn’t be

But who would shrink back at this moment? Hoping others

would come to help them was impossible. The other Spirit
Master academies were all trapped. The imperial household
knights were also blocked by a group of black clothed bandits.
At least they wouldn’t be able to come help them for a while.

What’s more, the academies next to them were rivals. Even if

they could get their hands free, they still might not help.

That black masked Spirit Douluo snorted coldly, raising a

hand and waving it. Five people simultaneously forged ahead,
the two Spirit Saints directly leaping at Flender and Liu Erlong,
and the two Spirit Kings under their lead turned to the eleven
people of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked face to face. From each
others’ eyes, they could see a resolute light. Eightieth ranked

4042 Goldenagato |

Spirit Douluo. That was already close to the peak of the Spirit
Master world. Were opponents like these really something they
were capable of resisting? So what if they couldn’t resist? They
still wouldn’t give up.

The battle on Flender and Liu Erlong’s side had already

begun. Even though Flender was also a Spirit Saint, his spirit
power already approached the seventy ninth rank, absolutely a
powerful existence among Spirit Sages. His opponent was a
Winged Tiger Spirit Sage, and the battle between the two
directly unfolded in midair.

Liu Erlong’s opponent was an Armor Plated Tortoise Spirit


One attack and one defense, their battle wouldn’t conclude

soon. Liu Erlong’s attacks were admittedly tyrannical, but her
opponent’s defense was also impenetrable.

Both fights sunk into a stalemate. These two masked Spirit

Sages were apparently aiming at Liu Erlong and Flender. Even if
their spirits didn’t counter the two great powers of Shrek
Academy, delaying them wasn’t a problem.

4043 Goldenagato |

In a battle on the level of Spirit Saints, both sides could use a
large quantity of spirit abilities. Defeating an opponent at a
similar level wasn’t so easy.

The masked Spirit Douluo’s gaze fell directly on Tang San, the
gaze in his eyes like a vulture. His mouth issued a long cry,
soaring into the air, he directly pounced at the altogether eleven
Shrek Academy people.

The two Spirit Kings basically didn’t move, leaving the

attacking entirely to him.

Golden light erupted from the black clothed masked Spirit

Douluo, his arms shaking in the air, transforming into golden
wings. Even more tremendous golden light formed light and
shadows behind him, his black clothes being replaced by golden
feathers, the true face of his spirit was revealed.

It was unexpectedly a golden giant eagle.

At the same time as the wings formed, both his arms

separated from the wings, becoming two sharp eagle talons. At
the same time his body began to contract and change, becoming
closer and closer to the golden eagle illusion behind him.

4044 Goldenagato |

The Shrek Seven Devils’ faces changed. Even though the
formidable pressure in the air wasn’t enough to make them
collapse, this Spirit Douluo was using his seventh spirit ability,
Spirit Avatar, from the start. He was clearly aiming to finish it

Run? Confronting a flying Spirit Master, running was easier

said than done. It would be impossible even with Oscar’s flying
mushroom sausage.

Eight spirit rings shone brilliantly, three yellow, two purple,

and three black. A fairly good spirit ring configuration.

Even though it wasn’t ideal, it was still enough to amaze.

The black light of the seventh spirit ring curled over the
golden body, appearing frightful, powerful. At this moment, the
Shrek Seven Devils lost all hope in luck. What they thought to
do, could do, was only fight with their full strength.

Nobody could save them, except for they themselves.

4045 Goldenagato |

The light of spirit rings flared from the Shrek Seven Devils

Tang San waved his hand at Tai Long’s quartet, hinting they
should leave at once. These people were after all not part of the
Shrek Seven Devils. Confronting a Spirit Douluo, their presence
wasn’t significant. Rather than losing their lives here in vain, it
would be better to escape.

Strangely, those two Spirit Kings didn’t block the four from
retreating. However the four didn’t go far, all condensing their
spirit power.

“What skill is there in bullying children? Long time no see,

brother eagle.”

An aged voice echoed, a gentle aura covering the Shrek Seven

Devils. The pressure from the Spirit Avatar immediately
vanished. The seven people looked in the direction of the voice
with relief.

A slim old man had at some point already appeared, standing

some distance away, a more than four meter long stick held
casually in his hands. Right now raising his head to look at the

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Spirit Avatar Golden Eagle in midair, his face was serious.

Eight spirit rings glittered equally around him.

The Shrek Seven Devils unexpectedly all knew this elder. It

was precisely the one they encountered while hunting for third
spirit rings, Dragon Duke Meng Shu.

At that time, Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother had

given them considerable inconvenience. If they hadn’t
responded appropriately, the trouble would have been greater.
Tang San used his own strength to vanquish the opponent. But
they hadn’t expected to actually encounter him here.

Now Tang San recalled that Meng Yiran was also competing
in the tournament, with the Cryptid Academy team. At the time
of Shrek Academy’s fight with Cryptid Academy, Tang San
hadn’t participated because of his injuries, and had already
forgotten about the matter with Meng Yiran. But now he met
Dragon Duke again.

The pupils of the golden eagle in the air contracted,

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“Meng Shu. You’d best not get involved in this matter.”

Dragon Duke smiled calmly,

“You’re the one looking for trouble, not me. My

granddaughter is also a competing student, do you think I
wouldn’t look after her safety? I didn’t expect that brother eagle
would actually also become a bandit. Truly worthy of

His words brimmed with satire.

By now everyone could see that these black clothed people

absolutely weren’t bandits. If bandits could have Spirit Douluo
overseers, then wouldn’t the world be in upheaval?

The golden eagle snorted coldly,

“Meng Shu, you really want to go against us? Consider the

consequences. This isn’t something you can get involved with.”

A severe light flashed in Dragon Duke’s eyes,

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“You think to scare me? Roldiarra, others fear you, but I
don’t. If you have the skill then deal with this old man first.
Otherwise, don’t think about leaving here today.”

The golden eagle’s gaze roamed, its eagle’s vision undoubtedly

extremely sharp. He immediately found another person
wielding a staff on the battlefield. Serpent Grandmother Chao

Having already reached the Spirit Sage realm, Serpent

Grandmother was right now holding off the attacks of two
fiftieth ranked Spirit Kings by her own strength. Sensing the
gaze in midair, she also coldly returned it.

Roldiarra inwardly thought that if it was only one of Dragon

Duke or Serpent Grandmother, he could absolutely fight as their
attributes restrained each other. His spirit had a restraining
effect on both these elders.

However, when Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother were

together, they weren’t something he could confront. Their
spirit fusion ability, Serpent Dragon Joint Assault, had long
since reached perfection, able to contend even against Title

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Douluo, let alone him.

Roldiarra issued a sharp bird call, the ear piercing sound

breaking the air.

Dragon Duke Meng Shu’s complexion changed slightly,

“You still had companions?”

Roldiarra laughed coldly,

“Meng Shu, I advise you to quickly bring Serpent

Grandmother away. We won’t harm your granddaughter. If you
don’t leave, once you want to, you won’t be able. I’m just the

Dragon Duke’s complexion recovered to normal, but his heart

was filled with raging waves. Of course he knew where this
Roldiarra came from, but he had never mentioned his
counterpart’s identity precisely to leave a life line. Otherwise if
he made it clear, he would inevitably not be allowed to die even
if he wanted.

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Looking at Roldiarra’s unruffled appearance, the thought of
retreat was already growing in his heart.

The only reason he had appeared was that he couldn’t bear

watching a Spirit Douluo bully a group of Spirit Ancestor
children. But there wasn’t any relationship between him and
Shrek Academy, and naturally there was no reason for him to
risk his life.

“Roldiarra, the longer you live the more you regress. Can you
really not settle such a simple task?”

A feminine voice came from the distance. When he spoke

Roldiarra’s name he was still in the distance, but when he spoke
the final word, his silhouette had already quietly appeared in
front of everyone.

It was still a masked man, his age couldn’t be seen, nor heard
from his voice. However his clothes weren’t black, but rather all

Tang San and the others didn’t feel anything at the

appearance of this person, but Meng Shu on the contrary gave a

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muffled groan, quickly retreating a step, his facial expression
changing enormously.

“Old man.”

Serpent Grandmother Chao Tianxing swiftly caught up, one

hand still dragging her granddaughter. The imposing manner of
husband and wife fused together, then able to ward off that
incorporeal pressure.

The white clothed person gave a monstrous laugh,

“So it’s old friends, no wonder Roldiarra couldn’t handle it.

Long time no see, Unrivalled Dragon Serpent couple. You have
some guts to force this one to make an appearance.”

Dragon Duke’s face grew extremely heavy,

“You actually came as well.”

The white clothed man spoke with that feminine voice:

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“Seeing as I’ve also appeared, why don’t you quickly get lost.
You should understand the importance we attach to this


Dragon Duke agreed with extraordinarily quickly, turning and

leaving with Serpent Grandmother, unexpectedly without even

Meng Yiran looked at her grandfather with astonishment, and

was just about to say something when she was stopped by a
strict look from Meng Shu. When she looked at Tang San again,
her eyes were brimming with regret. The Unrivalled Dragon
Serpent brought Meng Yiran along, and in a few leaps they were
already out of sight.

The white clothed man’s gaze turned to the Golden Eagle in

the air, somewhat impatiently saying:

“Deal with them immediately, or could it be you want me to

do it?”

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“Yes, lord.”

The enormous pressure once again pervaded the Shrek Seven


Making the Shrek Seven Devils shocked and heartbroken was

an aura with a special fragrance filling the air from that white
clothed man. The instant it spread over them, the seven were
unexpectedly unable to move, and even unable to use their
spirit power.

Scaring off the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent, what did that

prove? Shouting at a Spirit Douluo, what did that mean? All
kinds of signs explained the strength of this white clothed

Just when that golden eagle was about to pounce, reaping the
lives of the Shrek Seven Devils, a golden red ray of light
suddenly shot out from Xiao Wu. The seven people were once
again relieved, recovering the ability to move.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun roared practically simultaneously,

third spirit abilities launching simultaneously. White Tiger
Vajra Transformation, Phoenix Ascension.

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Tang San’s Spider Web Restraint flew out, going straight for
the golden eagle, Oscar swiftly manufactured his sausages, the
Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong’s hand
simultaneously emitted rays of light, Three Aperture Managing
Heart unleashing, separately boosting Dai Mubai and Ma
Hongjun’s attack, and Tang San’s spirit power.

The tacit understanding and teamwork of the Shrek Seven

Devils made even the white clothed man stare blankly a

“Hold on.”

The white clothed man lightly waved his right hand, a surge
of violent energy fluctuations making the air distort, nine spirit
rings glinting dully over him. Under the effect of that enormous
spirit power, the swooping golden eagle was unexpectedly
blasted flying.

The white clothed man’s gaze focused on Xiao Wu,

“You could actually break my Aura Binding Realm.”

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His nose twitched. His face couldn’t be seen, but the
expression in his eyes was somewhat stunned,

“Yearning Heartbroken Red. It’s actually the smell of

Yearning Heartbroken Red. You obtained the acknowledgement
of the Yearning Heartbroken Red?”

The white clothed man clearly became extremely excited,

appearing in front of Xiao Wu in practically just a flash, raising
a hand to directly grab Xiao Wu’s chest.

Sonorous metallic cracks exploded like rain hitting palm

leaves from the Shrek Seven Devils, countless old lights
interweaving and simultaneously covering that white

The hidden weapons they used when two Spirit Sages and a
Spirit Douluo appeared were already ready. Seeing the
opponent about to harm Xiao Wu, they immediately used them.

The white clothed man sneered, half turning in midair, a faint

yellow light forming into a disc. Each hidden weapon that
entered the range of that yellow light turned into pieces and

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disappeared. The next instant, his hand already stopped one cun
in front of Xiao Wu’s neck, but he didn’t grab.

Xiao Wu was the closest to him, and could clearly feel the
white clothed man tremble. That should be the mood of
extreme agitation.

Title Douluo. This white clothed man appearing in front of

them was undoubtedly one of the peak existences of the Spirit
Master world, a Title Douluo.

But right now he was unexpectedly this excited.

The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t move. They all knew that Xiao
Wu’s life was already completely in the hands of this white
clothed man. As long as this white clothed man twitched a
finger, Xiao Wu, completely locked down by him, would
immediately die like a fading fragrance.

Tang San’s clothes were practically instantly soaked with

sweat. It was difficult to express the panic spreading in his
heart. He would prefer the threat of death be aimed at him
before any harm came to Xiao Wu.

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Eight Spider Lances broke through his back under the effect of
his panic, a Yama’s Invitation already snugly fitted into Tang
San’s palm.

Tang San knew that he would only have one chance to act.
Moreover, the opponent was still a Title Douluo. With his
present spirit power, there was practically no chance of success
for Yama’s Invitation against a Title Douluo. But, how could he
just blankly watch Xiao Wu’s death at the hands of the enemy?

Drawing a deep breath, the white clothed man’s hand never

struck. Muttering to himself,

“Why, why wasn’t I the one to obtain the Yearning

Heartbroken Red? If I had the Yearning Heartbroken Red, I
could also, I could also reach that realm. Little miss, give me the
Yearning Heartbroken Red to look, may I?”

His voice trembled, and appeared even more feminine. Even

his expression completely lacked hostility.

How could Xiao Wu refuse? Stretching a hand into her chest,

she cautiously and solemnly drew out her Yearning
Heartbroken Red.

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The brightly colored glistening big flower revealed that
golden red luster, and the white clothed man’s expression
immediately turned stupid. This was the immortal treasured he
had yearned for even in his dreams. The most useful immortal
treasure to him. If he could obtain this Yearning Heartbroken
Red, he would have the chance to ascend another stage.

But he knew that it was impossible for him. The Yearning

Heartbroken Red’s property was determination, in its life it
could have only one owner. Since it had approved of Xiao Wu, it
would never change. To other people, it was an incomparably
indestructible object, even with Title Douluo level spirit power
one couldn’t hope to break it.

The Shrek Seven Devils were also very shocked, they hadn’t
expected this one Yearning Heartbroken Red to temporarily
give their lives reprieve.

However, the crisis still hadn’t been resolved. In front of one

Title Douluo and one Spirit Douluo, what could they do?

The white clothed man’s hands wanted to caress the Yearning

Heartbroken Red, but when his hand was only half a chi to the

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Yearning Heartbroken Red, the golden red light on the Yearning
Heartbroken Red abruptly brightened, scaring him to swiftly
withdraw his hand.

“Worthy of being an immortal treasure among immortal

treasures. Yes, I shouldn’t offend your nobility.”

The white clothed man unexpectedly bowed to the big flower

in Xiao Wu’s hands. The infatuation in his eyes basically
couldn’t be described in words.

For some reason, from this person, Dai Mubai unexpectedly

felt a somewhat cordial aura. He also didn’t know why he would
have this kind of feeling, but he could be certain that he
absolutely didn’t know this Title Douluo.

The white clothed man sighed, turning and stepping to the

side. He said,

“Roldiarra, the rest don’t matter, but you’re not allowed to do

anything to this girl. After so many years, the legendary flower
king of immortal treasures has finally appeared, and moreover
recognized its master. I hope to guard her forever.”

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Roldiarra cried harshly once again. He was actually also
rather depressed, first stopped by Dragon Duke, then again by
this lord Title Douluo. Now that he could finally act, how would
he hesitate further? Golden light filling the air, he swooped
down in an instant.

“Go die.”

As captain, Dai Mubai was the first to leap up, the golden light
over his body suddenly intensifying and completely fusing
together with his body.

The third spirit ability, White Tiger Vajra Transformation,

had already been launched before, and now he even further
directly launched his fourth spirit ability, White Tiger Meteor

Since being injured last time, Dai Mubai was shocked to

discover that has he healed, it seemed that his whole body had
become even more durable than before.

He didn’t know that after being injured, suffering the

influence of external forces, the effectiveness of the Singular
Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum within him had fused even further

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with his body, imperceptibly altering every part of him.

Right now, as Dai Mubai’s unleashed his all out attack, his
own spirit power unconsciously merged with the Singular
Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, unleashing his vajra body, making
his attack and defense reach an unprecedented level.


The white clothed man already prepared to wait to the side for
the results suddenly turned back, his gaze at Dai Mubai
brimming with astonishment.

“Hold on again.”

Nine rings reappeared, another slap. The filled with power

Spirit Douluo Roldiarra once again slapped into the air.

“Lord, you……”

Roldiarra was already depressed to death. If it wasn’t for this

being a Title Douluo obstructing him, perhaps he would already

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have thrown himself all out at the counterpart. No matter what
was said, he was still a Spirit Douluo level power. Moreover
right now he had constantly maintained Spirit Avatar,
something that required enormous amounts of spirit power.

Restrained people would be angry. Being blocked three times

in a row, he was also on the verge of collapse.

However, that white clothed man didn’t seem to even hear his
voice. Flashing, one palm swatting Dai Mubai’s unleashed
White Tiger Meteor Shower. He was really too fast, Dai Mubai
and the Shrek Seven Devils basically didn’t have enough time to
react before at least seven palms had landed on Dai Mubai.

They separately struck his neck, both arms, both legs, chest
and back.

Dai Mubai basically didn’t have any margin to resist, only

feeling a burst of feverishness, and the golden light issuing from
his body immediately became even richer, moreover
distributing a bizarre scent.

Infused with those seven streams of heat, Dai Mubai clearly

felt his body apparently change somehow. The spirit power

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within his body surged wildly, his spirit power apparently
increasing comprehensively. Not only didn’t he feel unwell, but
his whole body still felt extremely comfortable.

What was he doing? Dai Mubai was brimming with mistrust.

The white clothed Title Douluo’s mood once again became


“Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, unexpectedly it’s

really the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum. Did you eat this
immortal treasure?”

Not only Dai Mubai was startled, Tang San also couldn’t keep
his pupils from contracting. He hadn’t expected that this world
would still have someone who could recognize an immortal
treasure like the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum.

The white clothed Title Douluo spread his right palm, a faint
yellow stream of air appearing in the center of his palm, the
yellow light gradually changing, turning purple, and in the
center of that purple was still a speck of gold.

4064 Goldenagato |

The purple light pervaded the air, growing a massive
chrysanthemum. The chrysanthemum was a magnificent
purple, and bizarrely, each petal of the chrysanthemum
appeared to be fuzzy and cute, blending into each other, without
any fragrance spilling out. The stamen at the center of the
petals was more than half a chi high, glittering with a faint
golden light.

Dai Mubai’s gaze was sluggish. He discovered that the plant

appearing in the palm of this Title Douluo, wasn’t it precisely
the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum Tang San gave him to

“What you took, wasn’t it like this?”

The Title Douluo asked practically impatiently.

Dai Mubai nodded without the slightest hesitation. Seeing this

immortal treasure that substantially improved his strength
again, he was already unable to deal with the opponent’s

The white clothed Title Douluo loosed a long breath,

4065 Goldenagato |

“Then it’s right. No wonder your body would have that kind
of radiance. Roldiarra, you can’t harm this young man either,
fate brought him together with me. Kid, are you willing to take
me as master? With your talent, and further adding taking the
Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, your future
accomplishments won’t be below mine.”

Right now Roldiarra didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He’d always known this lord was strange, but accepting a
disciple in this kind of situation, that was something he had
never expected in a million years.

A Title Douluo wanted to take Dai Mubai as disciple, and

moreover told him he could become a person on the level of a
superpower in the future. To common Spirit Masters, this was
something they yearned for even in their dreams.

With a teacher like this, not only would there be a layer of

protection, the benefits to cultivation also couldn’t be doubted.
The directions of a Title Douluo were an immense lure to any
Spirit Master.

But, would Dai Mubai agree?

4066 Goldenagato |


He refers to himself as (本座), a personal pronoun used by

characters with great mystical power in myths and fantasy

4067 Goldenagato |

Chapter 120 - Four Title Douluo

The white clothed Title Douluo wanted to accept Dai Mubai as

his disciple? Although he said those words while he was
emotionally agitated, given the level of his status, words that
were spoken were just like water that had been poured out, they
definitely couldn’t be taken back.

Tai Long and the other substitute members thought that it

was a good opportunity, at the very least there would no longer
be a need to endure the other party’s attack and stay alive.
Furthermore, with such a teacher, what was there not to be
happy about? But Dai Mubai’s words knocked their glasses off.

“It’s not impossible for me to take you as my teacher, but I

have conditions.”

Dai Mubai said while his evil eyes flashed. It wasn’t that he
did not want to resist, but he wasn’t a completely rash person.
Against a Title Douluo, what meaning was there in resisting? As
the saying goes, as long as the green hill is left, there’s no need
to worry that there will be no wood to burn. Furthermore, it’s
not just only him in this place.

4068 Goldenagato |

“Oh? What conditions?”

The white clothed man looked with interest at Dai Mubai who
still dared to raise conditions at this time.

Dai Mubai pointed his fingers towards Zhu Zhu Qing and said:

“She’s my fiancee and also my Spirit Fusion Technique’s

partner, you cannot harm her.”

The white clothed man eyes shined,

“Spirit Fusion Technique eh, very well. I’ll promise you.”

Without waiting for the white clothed man to continue

speaking, Dai Mubai then pointed towards the others,

“They are all my companions, we are a team with the best

teamwork. they are all my brothers and my closest companions.
You also cannot harm them, otherwise, how can I take you as
my teacher?”

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The white clothed man obviously hesitated.

While flying in the skies, Roldiarra hurriedly reminded him in

a loud voice:

“Lord, they are the targets for our mission.”

The white clothed man wrinkled his brows and said:

“Yes, among them is our current mission’s target. This is not

something I can call the shots on. However, I can promise you
that I will only kill one person. What do you say?”

From his perspective, as a Title Douluo and having lowered

himself so much, he felt he was already giving a lot of face to Dai

But who would have expected that Dai Mubai would firmly
shake his head,

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“No. If one among us is harmed, you will be my enemy.”

The white clothed man coldly snapped.

“Do you wish to seek death? You should understand, killing

you to me is the same as squashing an ant. If it were not because
you consumed the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, you
would be a dead person right now.”

Dai Mubai’s gaze met with his companions for a moment and
just as he was about to speak, Tang San spoke first.

“The person you all want to kill should be me. Fine, let the
others go, I’ll take my own life here.”

“Little San.”


The remaining Shrek Seven Devils panicked, they did not

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understand why Tang San would say such a thing at this

Even the white clothed Title Douluo was somewhat surprised,

“Kid, you are very clever. But, clever people usually do not
live a long life.”

While speaking, his gaze once again turned towards Dai


“Since your companion is already willing to use his life in

exchange for all of yours, you no longer need to be so stubborn.
I will give him a quick death.”

“No. Shrek’s Seven Monsters are one whole, if I cannot live

and die with my brothers, do you think that I will achieve
anything in the future?”

Dai Mubai replied firmly.

“Achievements? If you die here now, that would really be not

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having achieved anything.”

“Cut the crap, just do it.”

The sliver of hope in Dai Mubai’s heart was already

extinguished. The other party had mobilized thousands of
people and seemed to be targeting Tang San. How could they
possibly just let it rest now.

The white clothed Title Douluo seemed to have figured

something out, his mouth issued a feminine laughter, making
everyone who heard it shudder,

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I’ll first kill that Tang San and
then capture you. I do not believe that you will not submit to
me. Yes, I will bring this bunch of kids back. Everyone’s talent is
pretty good. I will instruct you all well.”

As he was speaking, he had already moved in Tang San’s

direction and raised his right arm, the air momentarily
solidified. None of the Shrek Seven Devils could move their
bodies under the immense pressure.

4073 Goldenagato |

A sharp howl rang, Liu Er Long went mad. The huge Fire
Dragon Avatar arced in the air and flung its dragon tail, finally
sending the Iron Turtle spirit master who was hindering her

Following that, her huge body immediately charged like a

flaming shooting star towards the white clothed Title Douluo
and smashed into him.

Grandmaster wasn’t present, if Tang San died, how would she

answer to him. She knew that Grandmaster’s and Tang San’s
relationship were like a father and his son. Furthermore, Tang
San was also the person her goddaughter loved.

The white clothed Title Douluo’s gaze sharpened. Against Liu

Er Long’s fully powered attack, even he dare not be careless.

He waved the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum in his

hand, a large purple flower fluttered into the wind. Among the
nine spirit rings on him, three of them briefly lit up for a
moment, the speed was extremely quick, it made others unable
to perceive exactly which spirit rings took effect.

And at the next moment, the huge purple flower in the sky

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already formed into a huge barrier, forcibly making Liu Er
Long’s Spirit Avatar fly away. While remaining in the skies, Liu
Er Long was already madly coughing blood.

“Variant Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, it’s just at this level.”

The white clothed Title Douluo was so strong that it made

people choked, even Liu Er Long’s level of toughness was unable
to withstand one move.

Flender also just managed to get rid of his opponent, just in

time to catch Liu Er Long who was in the skies. Both of them
shared a gaze, their eyes were filled with the glow of being
unafraid of death.

“Chrysanthemum Guan, do you really think our Shrek

Academy has no one? Let’s see if I won’t burst your

A familiar voice rang, the white clothed Douluo face suddenly

changed, the pressure applied on Shrek’s Seven Monsters
momentarily lightened a bit.

4075 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo, whose hair already changed into black color quietly
appeared. He walked on empty air, but since he himself could
not fly he had to use his extremely strong spirit power and
neared the battlefield step by step.

Although the white clothed Title Douluo was still beside the
Shrek Seven Devils, at this moment, he dared not make a single
rash movement. Both of them were Title Douluos, both their
auras had locked onto each other the instant they met, no
matter who made any sort of movement, it would immediately
draw the opponent’s strong attacks. And at their levels, once
one had fallen into a disadvantage, taking it back was as hard as
climbing the skies.

“Old poison freak, when did you become this academy’s dog.”

The soft eery voice had a few more points of coldness in it.

“You bastard are the real dog. I’m a guest elder at Shrek
Academy. Why not? Tang San is my brother, if you want to kill
him, I’ll first burst your chrysanthemum.”

Dugu Bo’s both eyes were still green, the Jade Phosphor
Serpent Emperor’s strong aura permeated the air.

4076 Goldenagato |

The immense pressure generated from two big Title Douluos
facing off made the surrounding thousands of people’s battle
slow down. In front of such immense pressure, even breathing
became difficult for them.

The white clothed Douluo’s gaze sharpened on Dugu Bo,

“Dugu Bo, you better think it through carefully. Going against

us, what kind of fate will you end up with.”

Dugu Bo uncaringly replied,

“I’ll advise you to first think about your own funeral. I do not
believe that you don’t know the person behind Tang San. Since
you all took action against him, you all better be prepared to
suffer the vengeance of that person. In the past, even…”

“Shut up, do you really want to die?”

The white clothed Title Douluo shouted loudly, interrupting

Dugu Bo’s words,

4077 Goldenagato |

“Old poison freak, both you and me having reached the level
of Title Douluo, we both understand in our hearts, the
hardships we suffered to get here. I do not wish to see you lose
your life over this matter. If you know what’s good for you,
hurry up and leave this place.”

Dugu Bo coldly said:

“Chrysanthemum Guan, I have already said it, Tang San is my

brother. If you want to harm him, talk about it after you get
through me. I really do want to see what you have that makes
you so arrogant in front of me. Even if your spirit power rank is
slightly higher than mine, dragging you into death together
with me is not much of a problem.”

“Bastard, don’t call me Chrysanthemum Guan.”

As the white clothed Title Douluo was about to go berserk, his

voice also became exceptionally sharp.

“You’re a sissy, what do I call you if not Chrysanthemum

Guan? No matter what, you look like someone who sells his

4078 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo laughed. The more the opponent got agitated, the
more excited he got.

Given the situation, although the opponent’s side still has the
advantage, it wasn’t really that big. Dugu Bo’s strength was in
his ability to attack groups. Once he attacked without any
hesitation, these seemingly large numbers of black clothed
people simply couldn’t survive his poison.

“Well said. Chrysanthemum Guan will always be

Chrysanthemum Guan, this is something that will not be
changed forever. Old poison freak, I support you.”

A clear voice faintly rang in the middle of the skies. Upon

hearing this voice, the color on Dugu Bo’s face turned ugly.

A black shadow silently appeared beside the golden eagle,

what shocked people was that the shadow could not be
perceived clearly. Even with Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye, he
could only capture a faint shadow. The black shadow seemed to
raise one hand and patted once on the golden eagle’s head. The
next moment, Lordiaz already reverted back to his original

4079 Goldenagato |

The white clothed Title Douluo raise his head and looked at
the black shadow,

“Damned ghost, must you do that before you feel


The black shadow laughed,

“You have already delayed too long, if you waste any more
time, I think everyone would know who we are. Hurry up and
do it. I’ll block the old poison freak, you’ll kill those that have to
be killed, then we can head back to drink and feast.”

Tang San sighed deeply in his heart, he suddenly felt that he

was so insignificant. Although the black shadow only said a few
sentence after appearing, but from their conversation he could
figure out that this black shadow was actually another Title

Heavens… There were only ten something Title Douluo on

this entire continent, but three of them had already appeared

4080 Goldenagato |

And these two Title Douluo’s target was actually himself.
Their origins were already almost certain. Other than “that
place”, which other place could own such overwhelming

Dugu Bo’s eyes had already turned completely into emerald

color, with a shake of his body, his Jade Phosphor Serpent
Emperor’s true body appeared. This time, he did not say
anymore words, instead, he directly charged towards the white
clothed Title Douluo.

“Old poison freak, your opponent is me.”

The black shadow flashed and instantly blocked the front of

Dugu Bo who transformed into the Jade Phosphor Serpent
Emperor. The impact created a soundwave. Just this single
soundwave, knocked every spirit master below rank forty to the
ground. The imperial knights fell off their warhorse without
even being able to cry and every single one of them became
paralyzed on the ground while white froth came out of their

“Gui Mei, if you all kill Tang San today, you shall all be
waiting for the retribution of death.” Dugu Bo was already

4081 Goldenagato |

extremely enraged, he had never imagined that Gui Mei and
Chrysanthemum Guan, these Deva Kings would actually appear
at the same time here in this place. Although he knew that “that
place” would think highly of Tang San, but to send two Title
Douluos was something he had never even imagined.

When Shrek Academy finished participating in the promotion

matches and were headed to Spirit City, Dugu Bo was already
covertly following them, this was to prevent the situation right
before his eyes from happening. But never in his wildest dream
did he imagined that as a Title Douluo himself, he would
actually have a time when he would feel powerless. Facing
against two Title Douluos, especially Title Douluos who are both
of a much higher spirit rank than himself, he absolutely did not
have any chance

Furthermore, the opponents were aiming to kill someone,

whereas he had to save someone. If the situation were reversed,
maybe it would still be possible.

The black shadow’s words made the white clothed Title

Douluo slightly angry, but he also knew that he could not delay
any longer. A gaze as cold as a venomous viper coldly pierced

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towards Tang San. And at this moment, a condensed purple
gold colored light strongly shot from Tang San’s eyes.

Even as a Title Douluo with all his strength, in the instant the
purple gold glow pierced through his eyes, the white clothed
Douluo’s body could not help but shudder a little. The spirit
power pressure applied on the Shrek’s Seven Devils suddenly

And in this instant, Dai Mubai unhesitatingly opened both his

arms, tightly grasping the opponent. Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Cry
Sky Strike activated immediately, combined with Dai Mubai’s
fully powered White Tiger Meteor Shower, they were fully used
on the white clothed Title Douluo.

Dazzling rainbow colors generously shot from Ning Rong

Rong’s Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. Four kinds of boosts
were applied at the same moment on Dai Mubai and Ma
Hongjun, causing their attack power to increase to the

But, this was still not enough to hurt a Title Douluo. The
white clothed Title Douluo’s eyes slightly darkened. A layer of
faint purple aura burst out from his body, Ma Hongjun’s
Phoenix Cry Sky Strike’s follow-up control effect was not even

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unleashed and his entire body was blown away. Dai Mubai was
also not in a good shape, both his arms were instantly dislocated
by the impact.

Were it not for the white clothed Title Douluo being merciful,
just this single move would be enough to take his life.

The Yama’s Invitation in Tang San’s hands was about to be

activated. But at the instant when he was about to activate it, a
layer of faint golden glow emanated from the white clothed
Title Douluo’s body, making his entire person look illusive, that
actually interrupted Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye’s lock-on.
The spirit power within his body that was gathered for
activating Yama’s Invitation shook violently, he could not
swing his right arm no matter what.


The Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum aimed forward.

Having an immortal treasure as spirit, this white clothed Title
Douluo’s strength was stronger than Dugu Bo. Ten fuzzy petals
floated forward, moving towards Tang San. The petals which
seemed to be floating slowly were travelling as though they
were following the heaven and earth principles, completely
sealing Tang San’s aura and any escape route.

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Tang San bitterly realized, even if he wanted to use his Yama’s
Invitation, it would be very difficult to hit the enemy.

After all, his spirit power was still too weak, rendering him
unable to unleash the true power of this unparalleled hidden

Suddenly, a slightly weird feeling appeared in Tang San’s

heart, he suddenly discovered, everything before his eyes
seemed to be sliced apart. Space itself being sliced to pieces.
Everything in the surroundings suddenly went quiet. He seemed
to be unable to hear any sounds.

The ten petals of the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum

suddenly turned into dust, dispersing in all directions. A white
clothed, tall, big and straight figure silently blocked his vision.

“Swordsman Chen Xin.”

The white clothed Title Douluo’s gaze turned extremely

serious for the first time. Even previously when Dugu Bo
appeared, he still did not reveal such an expression.

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The person blocking in front of Tang San was an old man,
white clothing untainted by dust, silver hair that is very tidy, in
his hand was a sword, length of about three chi, it did not have
any decorations and was a purely silver longsword.

His expression was very indifferent, both his eyes looked as

though they could not see anything in the surroundings, he just
silently stood there and did not talk. But just by standing there,
he still gave people a feeling of being above every single living
being in the world.

The white clothed Title Douluo felt that his own palms were
damp, caused by his sweat.

He did not fear Dugu Bo, that was because at their levels, it
was very difficult for poisons to have any effect on them.
Furthermore, Dugu Bo’s true strength was still some distance
away when compared to Title Douluos with formidable spirits
like them.

But, the person in front of his eyes was different, heralded as

the strongest offensive Title Douluo and comprehensively
countering all his attributes. Among all of the known Title
Douluos, the white clothed elder in front of his eyes was

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definitely one of the few people who was able to completely
restrain him.

“Chen Xin, do you also want to wade in these muddy waters?”

The white clothed Title Douluo exclaimed, showing strength

to hide weakness.

This white clothed elder was one of the two Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile clan ultimate guardians, Sword Douluo Chen Xin.
Within the realm of Title Douluo, others were used to calling
him Swordsman Chen Xin. Having spent his whole life
submerged in that Longsword Spirit of his, in terms of offensive
capabilities, there are definitely not many people who dared to
be compared to him.

“Yue Guan, to think that you are also a Title Douluo, how
could you actually bully these kids here. Furthermore, you’re
also hiding your head while revealing your tail, aren’t you
scared you will be ridiculed by others? Tang San is a friend of
ours, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile clan.”

Chen Xin’s voice was not loud but it caused everyone in battle
in the area except for Dugu Bo and the black shadow to stop.

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This was because his voice was as sharp as a blade and it cut into
everyone’s heart.

“If that’s the case, does it mean that the Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile Clan is really intending to go against us?”

The white title Douluo’s face hidden behind the veil turned
extremely ugly, he knew that the mission today would not be
completed. Sending two Title Douluos to battle and still being
unable to complete this mission, this was an utter disgrace.

“The three upper clans are like brothers, Chrysanthemum

Guan, do you not know this?”

An elegant voice drifted out. Dressed in simple clothes, Ning

Feng Zhi without anyone knowing when, already appeared on a
raised section of the hills. Standing beside him was the crown
prince of Tian Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda shined, seven spirit

rings floated up and down. Although it was only seven rings,
but in the instant that he saw Ning Feng Zhi, Chrysanthemum
Douluo Yue Guan had already made his decision.

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“We admit defeat today. But this debt shall be remembered by
us. Gui Mei, let’s go.”

A loud explosion erupted, Dugu Bo in the form of the Jade

Phosphor Serpent Emperor was knocked back. Yue Guan and
Gui Mei, these two Title Douluo silently disappeared, the black
clothed men retreated like flowing water. While retreating, they
did not forget to bring along their companion’s corpses, they
did not leave even a single weapon behind. They appeared
quickly but they retreated even faster, in a few eyeblinks, these
life threatening bandits had disappeared on the other side of the

“Dad, why have you come?”

Ning Rong Rong excitedly dashed forward, jumping into the

arms of Ning Fengzhi. At this moment, she had already
forgotten to conceal her identity in front of the other

The faces of the members of Blazing Academy and Godwind

Academy who had just finished forming an alliance suddenly
turned ugly. Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian looked at each other, as
strong as they were, they could not help but laugh bitterly.
Shrek Academy was actually still hiding the Seven Treasures

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Glazed Tile clan leader’s daughter.

They even drew out four Title Douluo to fight. Who exactly
were these people?

Ning Feng Zhi’s appearance instantly caused the other party

to retreat, the reason was very simple. Although his own
combat capabilities weren’t strong, but as long as he was
around, a single Title Douluo would become the equivalent of
two. Under his support, just one Sword Douluo Chen Xin was
enough to handle that Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost
Douluo, not to mention they still had Dugu Bo.

Ning Feng Zhi while hugging his daughter smiled and said:

“I’m not here to protect you all. I was entrusted by His

Majesty to protect His Highness.”

Actually, crown prince Xue Qinghe, as the representative for

Tian Dou Empire this time, did not bring along many
subordinates, other than the fifteen spirit master academy, he
was assigned a carriage however, it was not just him alone in
that carriage.

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There was still Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo Chen Xin
inside of it.

As the crown prince, Xue Qinghe was Tian Dou Empire’s

future, how could Emperor Xue Ye let him take any risk?
Therefore he earnestly asked Ning Fengzhi to covertly protect
him. And as the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile clan leader, there
would always be a strong guardian following alongside Ning
Fengzhi. This time it was Sword Douluo’s turn to escort him
while Bone Douluo stayed in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile

In the previous battle, they were not in a hurry to appear.

Originally, when the Golden Eagle Spirit Douluo was about to
make his second move, Chen Xin was already prepared to take
action, but nobody had expected Dugu Bo to suddenly appear
halfway through.

Like this, the battle lost any suspense. When the Seven
Treasures Glazed Tile clan duo appeared, they already
completely suppressed the opponents, the two Title Douluos
weren’t idiots, that’s why they immediately brought their
subordinates to retreat.

Having forced their enemies to retreat, everyone felt as

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though a large burden was released. If we were to say that when
the bandits just appeared and the Spirit Master Academies did
not care, then when the two Title Douluo appeared one after
another, their hearts rose into their throats.

Those were Title Douluo! A total of four appeared today, that

was almost equivalent to a quarter or a fifth of the entire
continent’s quantity. In front of Title Douluo, they are just that

Xue Qinghe adequately demonstrated the education of one

raised to be monarch, once the enemy retreated, he immediately
began instructing the imperial knights systematically, moving
the undamaged carriage to the front, healing the war horses and
recovering the formation.

With just a little effort, excluding the war horses who were
already dead, the five hundred imperial knights had already
recovered most of their combat capabilities.

Previously, when those black clothed bandits were fighting,

there was insufficient killing intent, most of them were only
fighting defensively, trying to gain sufficient time for the two
Title Douluo. Therefore, the area with the most deaths among
the two parties, was actually when Tang San used his poisonous

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hidden weapons to kill the hundred odd people.

Xue Qinghe after finishing what he was supposed to do,

returned to his place beside Ning Fengzhi, politely saying:

“Teacher, what do you think we should do next?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly,

“Stick to the original plan and continue advancing, having

learnt a lesson this time, they won’t dare to lightly make
another move. After all, they still wouldn’t want to pay too
heavy a price for Tang San.”

“Yes. Continue onward.”

The entire procession continued advancing, but the

atmosphere had already became very tense. Tang San
immediately boarded Shrek Academy’s carriage. He knew that
he had already became everyone’s focal point.

The mission of the two Title Douluo from before was

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obviously to kill him.

One failure didn’t mean that they would still fail next time.
Being remembered by Title Douluo level powers, that was not as
simple as just having a thorn in your back.

The others in the Shrek’s Seven Devils did not board the
carriage, the ones who boarded the carriage were the three great
powers, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Dugu Bo. They felt that
there was a need to discuss something with Tang San.

Tang San appeared to be a little depressed, within the same

level of spirit masters, he was always the leader of the pack,
even spirit masters who were slightly higher ranked than him
found it hard to maintain an advantage against him.

But when the opponents became those of the Title Douluo

level, he no longer had any means. That was not a gap that
various techniques could make up for.

Ning Fengzhi first nodded towards Dugu Bo, giving a

meaningful smile. Swordsman Chen Xin directly shut his eyes
and recuperated.

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Towards others, Dugu Bo might not pay them any attention,
but the one who sat in front of him was the clan leader of one of
the three upper sects among the seven big schools. They were
also known as the richest school under the heavens.

“Greetings, clan leader Ning.”

Ning Fengzhi sighed and said:

“Even I did not imagine that they would make their move so
quickly. Furthermore still so mercilessly. It looks like when
Tang San revealed his Clear Sky Hammer, they had already
made their decision.”

Dugu Bo nodded his head and looked at Tang San who was
beside him, he could not help but reveal a look of worry,

“If these people have already made their decision, I’m afraid
that Little San is in danger. Should we let him leave the
competition now? Only by hiding now or finding his father can
his safety be guaranteed. It’s not possible for us to always guard
him by his side.”

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Ning Fengzhi nodded and said:

“This is also what I had in mind. Although they shouldn’t be

making another move before the finals end, Little San’s safety is
still not guaranteed. Little San. If you are willing, I will let
Uncle Chen Xin escort you back to our Seven Treasures Glazed
Tile Clan. There, although I wouldn’t say that you will be
absolutely safe, it won’t be easy if anyone wants to harm you.”

Tang San gazed seriously at Ning Fengzhi’s eyes,

“Uncle Ning, can you tell me why you did not reveal their
identities just now?”

Ning Fengzhi sighed,

“So you also noticed. That’s right, those people should be

from Spirit Hall, even those normal black clothed people are
also spirit masters. Furthermore, they are all at least Spirit
Elders with three spirit rings. Only Spirit Hall is able to mobilize
two Title Douluo and over a thousand Spirit Elders. Even if the
seven big schools were to try their hardest and compete with
them, it’s still impossible for them to gather as many people as
Spirit Hall did. The reason why I did not reveal their identities

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is because I do not wish for everyone here to die over this
matter. Do you think the Spirit Hall would let anyone off if they
clearly knew that it was the Spirit Hall behind this?”

Tang San’s eyes flashed,

“Killing all witnesses?”

Ning Fengzhi nodded,

“Previously Dragon Duke and Serpent Grandmother did not

intend to say it, but when Senior Dugu was about to say it, he
was stopped by Chrysanthemum Douluo. We also did not say
anything. That was because we did not wish to give Spirit Hall a
reason to kill all the witnesses. This time they suffered a loss, in
order to not reveal Spirit Hall’s identity, those lower level Spirit
Elders did not release their spirits. If not, you would not have
been able to kill them so easily. By the time they reacted, the
losses had already appeared.”

Tang San lowered his voice:

“Uncle, Spirit Hall making a move against me, is it because of

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my father?”

Ning Fengzhi muttered:

“Not entirely. I think that although Spirit Hall making a move

against you is partially because of your father, at the same time
it is also because of your own talent. They should have already
investigated your age. Having not yet reached fifteen years old
but already having such strength. Furthermore you have twin
spirits and are a direct descendant of the Clear Sky Clan. All
these identities will undoubtedly make you into another Clear
Sky Douluo. Once you’ve become strong, you will definitely
become Spirit Hall’s largest threat.”

Tang San said:

“Just because of this, they want to kill me? But why did they
not send a Title Douluo to directly assassinate me? Won’t that
be much easier?”

Ning Fengzhi smiled calmly and said:

“Title Douluo also have their Title Douluo’s pride. The two

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Title Douluo who appeared today are both members of the
Spirit Hall Elders, loyal supporters of the Supreme Pontiff. They
can also be said to be the Deva Kings who stand alongside the
Supreme Pontiff. A Title Douluo’s status is extremely revered,
how would they be willing to sneak attack a child? If the people
who previously attacked you were lowered to Spirit Douluo
level, then with Flender and Liu Erlong around, it wouldn’t be
easy for them to complete their mission. Actually, the biggest
variable today was not us but Senior Dugu, you should thank
him. The reason Spirit Hall sent out two Title Douluo must be
because they already guessed that me and Uncle Sword would be
here. It’s only after adding Senior Dugu that they fell into a
disadvantageous situation.”

Dugu Bo laughed loudly, looked at Tang San and said:

“Little freak, you don’t have to thank me.”

Tang San looked at him and did not say any thanks. But in his
heart, Dugu Bo who unhesitatingly went out to battle, left a
deep mark in his heart. In order to save him, Dugu Bo had
offended Spirit Hall.

Ning Fengzhi said:

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“I think, there’s a need for you to learn about the two Title
Douluo who appeared today. The white clothed one that
appeared first is called Yue Guan, his spirit is the
Chrysanthemum and his title is Chrysanthemum,
Chrysanthemum Douluo. His spirit rank is probably between
rank ninety four and rank ninety five. That weird
chrysanthemum is very powerful, luckily he was countered by
Uncle Sword today.”

“The black shadow that appeared later, his title is Ghost and
his rank is about the same as Chrysanthemum Douluo. His spirit
is very special, Ghost Demon. And his own name is also called
Gui Mei. According to rumors, besides the Supreme Pontiff, no
one has seen his true face. He’s a strong agility attack based
spirit master. It is very difficult to harm him with physical
attacks. He’s definitely one of the toughest among the Title

Dugu Bo’s face turned red,

“That fellow Gui Mei is indeed powerful, if we were to

continue fighting, I would definitely not be his opponent.”

Ning Fengzhi heavily said:

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“These two Title Douluo do not only hold a high rank in the
Spirit Hall, they are also in charge of upholding the law. They
are both important pillars in Spirit Hall. Other than the few
other elders who are hidden inside the Elder Hall, any matter
relating to the outside world is decided by the Supreme Pontiff
and the two of them. They are important helpers of the
Supreme Pontiff, given your strength now, if you were to meet
them alone, there’s no chance of surviving. That’s why I hope
that you can return with Uncle Sword to the Seven Treasures
Glazed Tile School. I can only guarantee your safety if you are

Tang San lowered his head and started thinking. Suddenly he

raised his head, looked at Ning Fengzhi and said:

“Uncle Ning, thank you for your good intentions but I cannot
just give up like this. Shrek Academy being able to walk until
this step in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy
Elite Tournament is not only due to me working hard. If I were
to abandon my teammates because of personal safely, then I will
never forgive myself forever. Once such a knot appears in my
heart, then my training from now on will never be successful.
Therefore, I must participate in the finals this time. Didn’t you
just say that before the finals end, Spirit Hall should not be
openly making a move against me.”

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Ning Fengzhi’s eyes revealed a trace of praise, but the words
from his mouth were actually:

“But once the finals ends, if you all really become the
champions, the assaults from Spirit Hall will be much scarier
than today. At that time, even I might not be able to protect
you. I can reveal a secret to you. Within the seven large clans,
only the upper three clans are not under the influence of Spirit
Hall. Spirit Hall can make two big empires fear them, why is
that? That’s because of their absolute strength. I dare say, the
spirit masters controlled by the two big empires added up, are
not even half as much as Spirit Hall.”

Chrysanthemum is also slang for anus, and the phrase can

equally be read as “ravage your ass”. Guan also means “pass”,
creating the pun “Chrysanthemum Guan/Anal Passage”

Again, chrysanthemum is slang for anus.

(鬼魅) “Ghost Demon”

(剑道尘心) Literally “Way of the sword Chen Xin”, but that

doesn’t really work as a title in English.

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(月关) “Moon Pass”

(菊花) “Chrysanthemum Flower”, which is also slang for anus.

His Title is only the first character, which doesn’t necessarily
have the same connotations.


(鬼魅) “Ghost Demon”. Yes, he’s named the same as his spirit.

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Chapter 121 - Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong

After a moment’s pause, Ning Fengzhi went on:

“The depths of the Supreme Pontiff is even more

unfathomable. Known as the most formidable leader in the
history of Spirit Hall. In your present condition, you’re in no
way suited to oppose them from the front. Yielding isn’t
shirking, you’re still young, even if you want to confront Spirit
Hall, there will still be time later. Is there a need to be so
stubborn this time?”

Tang San’s brows tightened. After thinking deeply for a

moment, he still shook his head,

“No, I have to participate in this competition. Uncle Ning, I

understand your meaning, but I think this is also an important
tempering in my life. If I can crash my way through, then when
Spirit Hall wants to deal with me again in the future, it will also
be severely difficult. It’s impossible for them to always hide the

Seeing the radiance in Tang San’s eyes, Ning Fengzhi couldn’t

help recalling the appearance of his father in his youth. Their

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expressions were so similar. Even though Ning Fengzhi and
Tang Hao weren’t very familiar in those days and they weren’t
far apart in age, the feeling Tang Hao gave him was always like
looking up at a tall mountain. Among the people of his
generation, no one could compare to Tang Hao. Right now Tang
Hao’s son had apparently duplicated this marvel, to the extent
that he was even more outstanding than his father. ‘Clear Sky
School, don’t tell me your genes really are that good?’

“Fine, since you’ve already decided, there’s no need for me to

say more. Uncle will guarantee your safety as far as possible.”

Ning Fengzhi’s words were very flat, but as the master of a

school, this was already equivalent to him giving Tang San a

Tang San sensed that Ning Fengzhi’s words right now weren’t
out of pragmatism, or an attempt to rope him in. It was entirely
the concern of an elder for a junior.

“Uncle Ning, I might not be able to enter Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School, but as long as I still live, Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School will forever be my friend.”

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Spirit City.

A plain clothed Grandmaster entered the city after passing the

Spirit Master inspection. At his age, thirty something ranked
strength naturally wouldn’t arouse any attention.

Without resting a bit, without even catching his breath a

moment, Grandmaster came straight to the highest governing
body of Spirit City. Supreme Pontiff Palace.

In front of Supreme Pontiff Palace.


Two silver armored palace guard knights barred

Grandmaster’s path, altogether a hundred palace guard knights
raised the longswords in their hands,

“This is a restricted area. Approach one more step, and you

will be killed without question.”

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Facing more than a hundred palace guard knights with
strength clearly above his, Grandmaster’s expression was still as
apathetic as always. Raising his hand, he suddenly revealed his
warrant tile.

The palace guard in the lead quickly stepped forward, when

he saw the six insignia on the warrant tile, he couldn’t keep
from shivering. With a putong sound, he knelt on one knee,

“My respect, elder.”

The hundred palace guards uniformly made the same motion.

Contrasted by them, the originally ordinary Grandmaster
seemed a lot less ordinary.

“Bring me to the Supreme Pontiff.”

Grandmaster used the simplest possible words to inform them

of his purpose.

After an hour, in the official business hall of the Supreme

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Pontiff Palace, Grandmaster quietly sipped top quality fragrant
tea, quietly waiting.

Right now he was the only person in the more than a

thousand square meter official hall.

Grandmaster’s gaze was all along focused on the fragrant tea

in his hand, without so much as a glance at all the gold and jade
splendor around him, he just waited quietly.

The three meter high arched doors opened, and a soft voice
echoed from outside,

“You wait outside. Without my order, nobody is allowed



Grandmaster’s gaze finally shifted from the tea, turning in the

direction of the great doors of the official hall.

The door opened, and a woman walked in from outside.

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Not tall, dressed in black gilt-lined luxurious robes, wearing a
nine tipped purple gold crown, a more than two meter long
scepter in her hand, inlaid with countless precious stones. Fair
skin and close to perfect complexion made her stand out from
the masses.

She especially revealed an intangible noble sacredness,

making people even more inclined to kneel and pay their

Grandmaster sat, and after entering the room, that woman

also halted. The two peoples’ gazes collided in the air like that.
There were no sparks. Grandmaster’s gaze held a lot of things.
There was apology, memories, and even more of

The woman’s gaze instantly had a complex change. Even

though she only looked thirty or so, in fact, she was even a year
older than Grandmaster, her age long since past fifty. The
scepter in her hand struck the floor, issuing an echoing ding.

“You came.”

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The gentle and pleasant voice very easily gave people a feeling
of bathing in the spring wind.

But Grandmaster’s gaze instead became astringent, pushing

on the table in front of him with both hands to stand, turning to
that woman,

“Yes, I came. Are you well?”

The woman’s face displayed a slight smile,

“With ten thousand subordinates, how would I be unwell? As

the ruler of Spirit Hall, even the monarchs of the two great
empires would have to show me some degree of courtesy. Where
do you think I would be unwell?”

Grandmaster sighed,

“Bibi Dong, I know the pain in your heart.”

“Bibi Dong? If you didn’t say it, I would almost have forgotten
this name. Please call me Supreme Pontiff, or Your Eminence.

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It’s been long since I was that foolish Bibi Dong.”

Yes, this seemingly gentle and beautiful woman before him

was the current highest ruler of Spirit Hall, the target of
pilgrimage for all Spirit Masters, the Supreme Pontiff.

She was the youngest Supreme Pontiff in the history of Spirit

Hall, taking the seat before forty.

There were initially a lot of doubters, but as time passed,

under her governance, Spirit Hall’s development was even
faster and more violent, and also even more unified. A lot of
people already believed she was the most outstanding Supreme
Pontiff Spirit Hall ever had.

“Yes, Your Eminence Supreme Pontiff.”

Grandmaster’s pupils contracted somewhat, a trace of pain

trickling through his eyes. He turned, walking over and
standing where he sat before, hands clasping the fragrant tea,
seemingly falling into old memories.

Watching Grandmaster’s back, the indifference in the

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Supreme Pontiff’s eyes faded away, a somewhat unable to
endure mood flashing. Raising her feet, she seemed about to
step forward, but in the end held back.

“What did you come to find me for? It’s already been twenty
years since we last met.”

The Supreme Pontiff’s voice still sounded so serene.

Grandmaster drew a deep breath, suppressing his raging

heart. Even he hadn’t expected him to lose control like this on
seeing Bibi Dong again.

As he turned around, the mood in his eyes had completely

disappeared, leaving only the usual apathy.

“Your Eminence Supreme Pontiff, I came to make a request.”


The Supreme Pontiff looked at Grandmaster with some


4112 Goldenagato |

“You would come to request something of me? That doesn’t
seem like you. It seems time really will change a man. Speak.”

Grandmaster didn’t explain. If it was only for himself, he

would never come to make a request from the other person, but,
for the disciple he thought of as a son, he had no choice but to
make the trip.

“Your Eminence, I want to know, how did you pass the crisis
of twin spirits at that time?”

The Supreme Pontiff’s eyes contracted a moment, and she

calmly said:

“You don’t need to know. What’s the significance of this to


Grandmaster didn’t hide it,

“I accepted a disciple, he has followed me to cultivate for

seven or eight years. By luck, he possess twin spirits like you.

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This child is prodigiously talented, and I hope to foster him into
a power.”

“Why would I help you? Let you cultivate a power to go

against me later?”

The Supreme Pontiff’s voice suddenly became chilly.

Grandmaster lowered his voice:

“Of course not. If you agree to tell me how you did it, I can
guarantee you that my disciple will never oppose Spirit Hall.”

The corners of the Supreme Pontiff’s mouth displayed a smile,

“Originally, it’s also this matter that not even this

Grandmaster of theory knows. Yu Xiao Gang, You’ve come too
late. Several days ago I already dispatched people to rob and kill
along the route the Heaven Dou Empire participating teams
must travel. Their target, is that Clear Sky School disciple of
yours. Therefore, there’s also no need for you to know the
secret of twin spirits.”

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Grandmaster trembled violently, turning back fiercely,
staring at the Supreme Pontiff,

“What did you say?”

The Supreme Pontiff didn’t hide it, and indifferently said:

“Platinum bishop Salas sent word that a Clear Sky School

child appeared, prodigiously talented. Already breaking through
fortieth rank at such a young age, twin spirits, possessing a ten
thousand year level fourth spirit ring. Even possibly possessing
spirit bones. Close to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and
Heaven Dou Empire. My Spirit Hall can’t use such a person, but
can only be killed.”


Grandmaster stepped forward sharply, both hands fiercely

grabbing the Supreme Pontiff’s shoulders, his eyes instantly
covered with blood, his whole body trembling violently.

Seeing Grandmaster’s eyes brimming with hatred, Bibi Dong

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went blank a moment,

“To you, is he really so important?”

With her strength, she could naturally turn away

Grandmaster, but she didn’t do it, only letting his scorching hot
hands hold onto her shoulders.

Grandmaster’s breath became ragged, speaking word by word:

“Bibi Dong, hear me clearly. If anything happens to Tang San,

then I will spare no cost to destroy Spirit hall. In my life I have
had no children, but he is like my son.”

Feeling Grandmaster’s breath, the Supreme Pontiff’s face

flushed a bit, her breath somewhat urgent saying:

“Yu Xiao Gang, do you still have the time to worry? Back then,
do you remember how you left me? For your own little sister,
ridiculous, truly too ridiculous. You actually refused me for
your own little sister. That I became Supreme Pontiff is
admittedly thanks to you, but, I hate you. In all my life, you are
the person I hate the most. I want you to suffer, I will not only

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kill your apprentice, I’ll still kill Liu Erlong. No, I won’t kill her,
I’ll torture her to make you suffer.”

The Supreme Pontiff had clearly become agitated, her eyes

with the ice chill of a viper.

Just at this moment, there was suddenly a light knock from


“Get lost, didn’t I say that nobody was to disturb me without

my order?”

The Supreme Pontiff snarled.

The person outside apparently hadn’t expected the seemingly

amiable and approachable Supreme Pontiff to be in such a

“Your Eminence, the two elders have sent back news. They
didn’t accomplish the mission, and are waiting for your

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“What? Didn’t accomplish the mission?”

The Supreme Pontiff’s complexion changed, looking fiercely

at Grandmaster,

“It seems your apprentice is rather lucky.”

Grandmaster stared blankly a moment, the red in his eyes

gradually receding. He released his grip on the Supreme
Pontiff’s shoulders, and as he calmed down, he said:

“That you sent people to kill Tang San is perhaps not only
because of his talent. With Spirit Hall’s power, how would you
fear one Spirit Master? If my guess is correct, you did it because
of his father, right?”

The Supreme Pontiff’s gaze froze,

“You’re still so clever. Leave. I don’t want to see you again.”

Grandmaster nodded silently, walking towards the big doors.

As he gripped the handle on the door, he suddenly halted,

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faintly saying:

“Twenty years, Bibi Dong. You’re still so beautiful, but I’m

already old. If the one whose life was threatened today was you,
I would still react the same. After all, you are my first love.”


The Supreme Pontiff suddenly trembled,

“Could you still love? You’re not fit to speak the word. Would
you still leave me if you loved me? Preferring to be together
with your little sister? You bastard, get out.”

“As for why I left you back then, you shouldn’t ask me, you
should go ask the dead Supreme Pontiff. You always described
me as fickle and cold. I’ll follow your meaning. What I said
before, if Tang San dies at the hands of Spirit Hall’s people.
Then. I will spare no price to retaliate. Bibi Dong, this is that
last time I call you like this. You sent people to act against Tang
San, our mutual relationship is hereby over.”

Fiercely pulling open the door, Grandmaster left in large

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Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong swayed, seemingly unable to lean

on the scepter, she fell to the floor.

She hated Grandmaster, had hated him for twenty whole

years. Being able to maintain such deep hatred for so long,
meant that her love for him back then had been so profound.
Grandmaster’s words before leaving had suddenly made a small
crack appear in her hatred.

Recalling all the instruction of the last Supreme Pontiff as well

as all kinds of matters in the past, the truth that had been
obscured by hatred gradually appeared before her.

Everything before her eyes gradually became hazy, her hands

already turning white from the force with which she gripped
the scepter,

“Is this fate toying with humans? Xiao Gang, the feelings
between us. The feelings between us……”

The Supreme Pontiff suddenly ran over to where

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Grandmaster was sitting before, clasping that abundantly warm
fragrant tea, swallowing big mouthfuls.


Heaven Dou Empire’s competing Spirit Master teams

continued onward, and for the rest of the journey, there were
no more mishaps. In order to protect these Spirit Masters,
crown prince Xue Qinghe requisition three thousand armored
troops to supplement the guard from towns they passed. At the
same time he also called for some Spirit Master experts from the

Xue Qinghe didn’t interact more with Tang San. He was also
very clear on what trouble Tang San was in, and at such a time,
he used action to gain Tang San’s favorable impression.

On the way, the mood in the Shrek Academy team appeared

somewhat oppressive. The only good news was that Xiao Wu
had finally broken through to the fortieth rank, five days away
from Spirit City. In order to let her possess a fourth spirit ring
as soon as possible, Liu Erlong brought her directly to search for
a spirit beast that suited her, to meet up with the others in
Spirit City.

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At last, the whole procession reached Spirit City. Because of
the special provisions of Spirit City, Xue Qinghe ordered the
armored troops and imperial knights regiment to standby
outside the city, and led the fifteen Spirit Master teams into
Spirit City.

Compared to enormous cities like Heaven Dou City and

Suotuo City, Spirit City was a lot smaller. It didn’t even cover a
tenth of the area Heaven Dou City did. However, it was still
plenty shocking to Spirit Masters.

Despite the small area, Spirit City’s walls were still absolutely
constructed to the standard of any capital city. The more than
eighty meter high city walls appeared extremely majestic from
the outside, and they were also more than thirty meters thick,
built completely out of granite.

Even the wealthy Ning Fengzhi couldn’t help sighing in

admiration on seeing the walls.

In fact, Spirit City was built entirely by Spirit Hall. Wouldn’t

building a city like this be easier said than done?

Most unusual was that Spirit City wasn’t as square as other

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cities, but rather hexagonal. In other words, its city walls had
altogether six faces. The ones in charge of patrolling the city
walls were all Spirit Masters, all wearing the special clothing of
Spirit Hall.

Each of the six walls had an enormous sculpture, identical to

Spirit Hall’s warrant tiles, symbolizing six formidable spirits.

Entering Spirit City gave people a spacious impression. There

weren’t a lot of people on the streets, and very few shops. The
business of these shops were mainly in the goods needed by
Spirit Masters. Even storage type spirit tools were for sale. Of
course, the quality was a bit lacking.

They were met in Spirit City by a cardinal, and under his

guidance, space was very quickly found for the more than two
hundred people, staying in a hotel on the west side of Spirit
City. Shocking Tang San was that even the hotel staff were
Spirit Grandmasters with more than twentieth ranked spirit

After settling in, Tang San specially moved away from the
hotel, carefully observing the other areas of Spirit City outside.

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He discovered that the hexagonal Spirit City was actually built
around a hill. On this hill were two extraordinarily striking
buildings. The building halfway up the hill was the most
magnificent, clearly visible even from a long distance away.

It was a building of pillars with a domed roof; the outside of

the building made of golden material, glittering in the sunlight.
By simply asking, Tang San found out that it was the newly
constructed Supreme Pontiff Palace. The residence of the most
senior ruler of Spirit Hall.

From Ning Fengzhi he had also learned that even deeper

inside, Spirit Hall’s Elder Palace was also located in Supreme
Pontiff Palace. Of course, it was impossible for ordinary people
to see those elders.

The other building at the peak of the hill was a lot smaller
than Supreme Pontiff Hall, approximately only a third of the
size. It’s architecture was somewhat similar, only its walls were
white like jade, far from as eye catching as Supreme Pontiff

For some reason, as Tang San looked at that palatial building,

inwardly he sensed even greater depths.

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Ever since entering Spirit City, every Spirit Master had a kind
of special feeling, apparently a somewhat pious mood in their
hearts. Ning Fengzhi told Tang San that the seemingly much
smaller building was the highest existence in Spirit Hall, Douluo

Only dead Title Douluo could stay in that place. It could also
be called the tomb of Title Douluo. The reason this place had
such a devout atmosphere wasn’t because of Supreme Pontiff
Palace, but rather because of Douluo Palace.

No matter where Supreme Pontiff Palace was established,

Douluo Palace would follow, and moreover the position of
Douluo Palace would always be even higher than Supreme
Pontiff Palace. At times of great rites, the Supreme Pontiff
would personally go to offer sacrifice before the doors of Douluo
Palace, but even he didn’t have the right to enter before death.
These were the rules, and nobody could break them. Otherwise
he would suffer the anger of all Spirit Masters.

It was precisely because of the existence of Supreme Pontiff

Palace and Douluo Palace that Spirit City came to be known as
the holy land of Spirit Masters after its founding. Of course, this
was also publicly accepted by the majority of Spirit Masters.

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Because of the attack halfway and Tang San’s persistence in
staying in the competition, Flender and Liu Erlong both stayed
in places closest to him, even Ning Fengzhi specially chose a
place to stay not far away. Even though it was least probable
that anything would happen in Spirit City, they still had no
choice but to guard against it.

According to the information from Spirit Hall, the

competition would officially begin in three days. The journey
was wearying, but these three days of rest were sufficient for
the academies to adjust.

Star Luo Empire’s participating academies were arranged to

rest on the other side of Spirit City. Imperceptibly, Spirit Hall
had already split the participating teams of the two great
empires into two camps.

Regarding this, Xue Qinghe only smiled coldly in reply, but

didn’t raise any objections.

The Shrek Academy group all kept resting for three days,
spending all their time in meditation to cultivate spirit power,
to maintain their peak condition as much as possible.

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Liu Erlong and Xiao Wu, finally returned the day before the
start of the finals.

For some reason, Liu Erlong’s expression was somewhat

monstrous. Xiao Wu successfully obtained her fourth spirit
ring, but according to Liu Erlong, she was separated from Xiao
Wu at the time.

And Xiao Wu herself said that she encountered an injured

spirit beast, and by good fortune, obtained this spirit ring.

The finals were just about to begin, and at this moment,

nobody would wonder about this matter.

As Xiao Wu returned, Tang San asked about her fourth spirit

ability in order to begin combining it into the final tactics, but
at this moment, Grandmaster finally returned.

“Little San, you’re alright.”

This was the first thing Grandmaster said on seeing Tang San.

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“Teacher, you knew? I’m alright. This time it’s thanks to the
old freak and uncle Ning’s people, otherwise I’m afraid you
wouldn’t have seen me.”

Grandmaster sighed,

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you participate in the

tournament. You’ve drawn their attention.”

Tang San smiled slightly, saying:

“Teacher, there’s no need to blame yourself? I’m still alright,

it can even be considered an unconventional experience. Only
by experiencing a confrontation with true powers do I
understand how insignificant my own strength is. Afterwards I
will redouble my efforts in cultivation.”

Grandmaster’s face finally revealed a smile,

“You’ve always been so sensible. You’re right, make great

efforts in cultivation. As long as I still draw breath, I won’t let
people harm you. The finals are on the verge of starting
tomorrow. Call everyone over, I’ll give you some simple

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Having reached the finals, Grandmaster finally acted.

Very quickly, Tang San called all the team members over. Liu
Erlong learned that Grandmaster had returned, and also hastily

Grandmaster and Liu Erlong’s gazes met, and Liu Erlong read
something in Grandmaster’s eyes. She didn’t speak and only
quietly walked over to his side, holding his arm.

Seeing Liu Erlong’s tender appearance, the Shrek Seven Devils

and others all couldn’t help having somewhat strange
expressions. The tyrant dragon would perhaps only restrain
herself like this in front of Grandmaster.

Grandmaster’s gaze swept across everyone, then said:

“The finals are about to begin. I think you might have already
forgotten what I said about the competition format before. I’ll
repeat it once. The finals have altogether thirty three teams
participating. Among them, the three seeded teams are

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separately selected from each of the two great empires and
Spirit Hall. The greatest threat to you is no doubt the team sent
by Spirit Hall. They are also the greatest hurdle for you to
obtain the final victory.”

“There are altogether five rounds in the finals. Somewhat

shorter than the time used for the qualifiers and ranking
competition, but because of the intensity of the competition,
there’s a day of rest and revision between each round. Before
the final and fifth round, there are even three days of rest. In
the first round, the three seeded teams will sit out, and the
remaining thirty teams will fight for fifteen advancement
placements, the losers being directly eliminated. The ruthless
knock out competition is bound to make every Spirit Master
team put their lives on the line even more. You definitely
cannot have the slightest carelessness. At this final hour, the
hidden capabilities of all the teams will finally be unleashed, no
longer holding anything back. Even the teams you’ve already
fought may very possibly give you a ‘surprise’.”

“According to the tournament rules, in the second round, the

first ranked teams from the two great empires will sit out. In
other words, after we’ve obtained victory in the first round,
there will be enough time to rest in the second round. This is
also the significance behind the ranking competition. At that
time, sixteen teams will fight it out for eight places in the third
round. Further adding our two resting teams, there are

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altogether ten teams. In the third round it’s the second ranked
teams that sit out. The remaining eight teams fight for the four
places to enter the fourth round together with them. In the
fourth round no team sits out. Consequently, only the top two
teams from the ranking competition can benefit in the finals.
But the earlier you can sit out, the more favorable, because you
can avert being eliminated prematurely. In the fifth and final
round, there are only three teams entering. The three teams
will first use the method from the ranking competition, seven
team members conducting circulating elimination, to decide
which team has the strongest members. Afterwards the two
losing teams will fight a team match, the winner again
challenging the winner from before, to decide who will be the
final champions. Do you all understand?”

“Yes, understood.”

Everyone had good memory, and now when it was truly time
for the finals, their minds were naturally incomparably focused.

Grandmaster nodded, saying:

“It’s impossible to tell who our first opponent will be, but at
least it won’t be the three seeds. That will avert us encountering
them prematurely. However, it will still be the Shrek Seven

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Devils going out. You haven’t cooperated on the battlefield for a
long time already. This first round will be a warmup for you. I
won’t provide you with any specific tactics, the ring is still
under little San’s control.”

“Little San.”


Tang San hurriedly stepped forward.

Grandmaster gazed at him, saying:

“We’re practically sure to pass the first and second rounds.

Therefore, let the opponents learn as little as possible about
where our advantages lie in the first round. Do you understand
my meaning?”

Tang San nodded:

“You’re saying that even though it’s us seven going up, we

must still conceal our strength as much as possible in the first

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Grandmaster smiled and nodded,

“However, you still can’t be careless. After all, it’s still

possible for you to run into powers from Star Luo Empire in the
first round.”


Grandmaster’s gaze turned to the Shrek Seven Devils as a


“You’ve studied under me for two years. I’m very clear on

how much effort you’ve expended over these two years. There’s
no need to doubt, you’re all geniuses among geniuses. Even if
you encounter opponents more powerful than you, there’s no
need for your confidence to wane, because you are the youngest
team among all the competitors. Your futures are boundless. I
don’t have any requirements that you take the championship,
my only hope is that each of you can display your own true
strength. Find the best method to rouse your own potential.”

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The Shrek Seven Devils agreed loudly.

As Grandmaster and Liu Erlong left, the Shrek Seven Devils

instantly started to cultivate, preparing for the first round of
the competition tomorrow.

Liu Erlong pulled Grandmaster straight to her room,

“Xiao Gang, how was it?”

Looking at Grandmaster, Liu Erlong’s gaze was somewhat

evasive. She of course knew where Grandmaster had gone, and
Grandmaster didn’t keep anything from her.

Sighing, Grandmaster said:

“She’s changed. Without meeting for twenty years, people

will always change. Now she’s the Supreme Pontiff. No longer
the Bibi Dong of those days. It seems I really shouldn’t have
gone to find her.”

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A faint stab of pain in his heart made his expression turn
somewhat sad.

Liu Erlong inwardly loosed a breath,

“That means, she didn’t tell you the method to cultivate twin

Grandmaster smiled ruefully,

“She sent people to dispose of Tang San, fully aware that he’s
my disciple. How would she tell me the method to cultivate twin
spirits? But so what? I’ve already faintly guessed some things.
With the chance, as long as Bibi Dong can be brought to truly
show her hand, I can be certain of my ideas.”

At this, Grandmaster took the initiative to pull Liu Erlong into

an embrace,

“Erlong, this is Spirit City, it’s her domain. From now on, you
can’t be far from my side no matter what, I’m afraid it would be

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detrimental to me.”

Liu Erlong immediately displayed her proper temperament,

“Let her come, would I still fear her? So what if she’s the
Supreme Pontiff, she still hasn’t beaten me. As long as she
doesn’t take you away, I won’t fear anything.”

Listening to Liu Erlong’s overbearing speech, Grandmaster

couldn’t help showing a faint smile, lowering his head to lightly
kiss her forehead,

“Don’t worry, she’ll never take me. We are husband and wife,
even if only in name.”

Hearing this, Liu Erlong couldn’t help revealing some grief.

Even though Grandmaster no longer ran from her feelings, and
the two treated each other like husband and wife, Grandmaster
never agreed to be too intimate. That relationship of siblings
always stretched between them. Fortunately, even though it
was in name only, it was still enough to console Liu Erlong’s

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For the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament finals, Spirit City had specially opened up a
specific area. This area was in the heart of Spirit City. The
enormous stage was more than a hundred meters across, made
completely out of granite.

This enormous stage was still reinforced with an enormous

amount of spirit tools to prevent damage. According to Spirit
Hall’s information, this ring could take any attack from Spirit
Masters under the Spirit Emperor level without taking damage.

Only an organization as rich and imposing as Spirit Hall could

do something like this, at least the two great empires would
hate to part with such enormous resources.

In front of this stage was Supreme Pontiff Palace, the distance

from here to the hill where the Palace was located was less than
a kilometer. Spirit Hall had already announced that the finals
between the last three powers would take place just in front of
Supreme Pontiff Palace.

At that time, the Supreme Pontiff would appear personally to

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crown the final champions.

To any Spirit Master, this was an incomparable glory.

At first light, all the competing teams were led to the

competition area by special guides from Spirit Hall. Each
academy had their own rest area, constructed around the ring.
On the opposite side of Supreme Pontiff Palace was the VIP
judges’ seating, where the people from the two great empires
would observe the battles. Of course, there were still
intermediaries from Spirit Hall.

Just as they arrived, without pause, Flender was called up to

draw lots.

(比比东) “Compare East”

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Chapter 122 - Star Luo Imperial Academy

The first round draw was undoubtedly extremely important.

If one could draw a relatively weak opponent, it would be quite
an advantage for any team.

Especially to a team like Shrek Academy that would skip the

second round. If they could have an easy win in the first round,
then they could preserve their energy to unleash it in the third
round of the competition. The true contest started from the
third round on.

Flender returned very soon, his expression clearly very good,

a smile on his face. Seeing his enormously self-satisfied
appearance, there was no need to ask; this draw was naturally
very good.

Suddenly, Flender’s face turned blank, saying to everyone:

“I have one piece of bad news, and one piece of good news.
Which do you want first?”

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Everyone stared blankly, and Dai Mubai said:

“Then tell us the bad news first.”

Flender lowered his voice:

“The bad news is, your first round opponent is Blazing


“Blazing Academy?”

Everyone indeed frowned. Blazing Academy had been

researching methods to deal with Tang San as well as the other
students over the fortieth rank ever since the ranking
competition. They were already one of the strongest teams on
the Heaven Dou Empire side. They weren’t far behind even
Godwind Academy.

In the ranking competition it might have looked like an easy

win for Shrek Academy, but in the qualifiers they had still
suffered a bit.

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Of course, Blazing Academy wasn’t enough to block their
progress, but encountering such a standard of powerful teams
in the first round, still counted as a bad draw.

Tang San couldn’t help saying:

“Why are we running into them in every competition, it’s too


Grandmaster said without batting an eyelid:

“Flender. Then what’s the good news?”

Flender grinned,

“The good news is, Blazing Academy has given up on the

finals, they voluntarily forfeited.”

囧...... was the face everyone made.

Liu Erlong said:

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“Blazing Academy spent a lot of effort to fight their way into
the finals, why would they suddenly forfeit?”

Flender spread his hands, saying:

“Don’t ask me. I don’t know either. It was announced

suddenly. But no matter what is said, it’s still a great
opportunity for us. We’re skipping the first two rounds.”

Ning Rongrong giggled.

“That’s right. We’ve still entered the top ten without a fight.”

Flender said:

“The competition will start right away. You all watch your
opponents carefully. This is an elimination competition, hiding
your strength isn’t easy. The biggest advantage of skipping the
first two rounds isn’t not fighting, but rather being able to grasp
our opponents’ strength even better. The ones able to enter the
third round won’t be weaklings, at least not below Blazing

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Academy’s level.”

The finals didn’t have a big opening ceremony as expected,

everything was very simple. One of Spirit Hall’s cardinals went
up on stage and declared the start of the finals, simultaneously
declaring the list of the battling teams. Conducted by referees
specially selected by Spirit Hall, the competition began.

The two sides in the first round weren’t particularly powerful,

and the Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help whispering among
themselves in the rest area.

Oscar said:

“These finals don’t appear to be as grand as the qualifiers.

There isn’t even an opening ceremony. There are also pitifully
few spectators, at most a few thousand.”

Tang San said:

“Even though there are only a few thousand, don’t forget that
they’re all Spirit Masters. Moreover, the overwhelming
majority should be Spirit Masters belonging to Spirit Hall.”

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Spirit Hall should have their reasons for not permitting
ordinary people to watch the battles. Didn’t the teachers say
that the finals between the final three powers would be held in
front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. That was the true climax of the
competition. The present dullness was very possibly to prepare
for then.

The first match finished very quickly, the second match was
Godwind Academy against Star Luo Empire’s Dragon Sunflower


As the Shrek Academy group saw Godwind Academy’s

formation, they couldn’t help standing up in shock.

The center of Godwind Academy’s formation had shockingly

changed four people, and these four people were unexpectedly
from Blazing Academy.

The more than a dozen academies on Star Luo Empire’s side

didn’t react, but Heaven Dou Empire’s side exploded. How were

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Blazing Academy’s team members now in Godwind Academy?

Grandmaster’s brows wrinkled tightly, and Flender couldn’t

keep from saying:

“What’s going on here? I’ll go ask the organizational


Finished speaking, he immediately left with quick steps.

The uproar below didn’t affect the match above. With Huo
Wu commanding from the rear, and Feng Xiaotian and Huo
Wushuang standing furthest in front, when they suddenly
revealed all their spirit rings, the opponents couldn’t help
feeling ice cold.

No need to doubt it, the seven people representing Godwind

Academy were all Spirit Ancestors above fortieth rank. The
entire match was practically a one-sided massacre. Huo Wu
didn’t even have to use Defying Flame Ring.

Dai Mubai asked Grandmaster:

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“Wasn’t it said that participating teams can’t change out team

Grandmaster’s eyes suddenly brightened,

“They should be exploiting a loophole. Participating teams

can’t change out members, but this doesn’t mean that
academies can’t exchange members that are already signed up.
This part isn’t explicitly prohibited. Huo Wu’s several team
members were originally on the list of people participating in
the finals. As long as Spirit Hall agreed, it’s not impossible for
them to change academies.”

Xiao Wu said:

“Then couldn’t we do it too?”

Grandmaster shook his head,

“Too late. The competition has already started, the final quota
of members participating in the finals of each team has already
been set. Moreover they will all compete today; after competing,

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it will already be too late to change academies again. Even more,
which academy would give up their own chances in the finals?
Blazing Academy has bet a lot this time, I don’t know what they
did to have Spirit Hall be so accomodating.”

After a while, Flender returned with a gloomy face. The

answer Spirit Hall gave was very simple: As long as it was
within the bounds of the rules, the committee wouldn’t

Even though the two great academies had turned into one,
they had after all given up one place in the finals. In some sense,
Shrek Academy was still the beneficiary.

Shrek Academy weren’t alone in protesting. A lot of

academies on the Heaven Dou Empire side protested equally,
but they also finally experienced Spirit Hall’s unyieldingness for
the first time. Spirit Hall only gave one answer: If you don’t
want to participate, you can leave. The committee will be
absolutely impartial.

Heaven Dou Empire’s official didn’t weigh in. After all,

Godwind Academy was still on Heaven Dou Empire’s side even
after strengthening, if they could obtain a good record, it
wouldn’t be a bad thing for Heaven Dou Empire.

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Right now the relationship between the two great empires and
Spirit Hall was still harmonious at least on the surface. They
definitely wouldn’t offend Spirit Hall for such a trivial matter.

The first two rounds finished very quickly, and the

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament
was refined to ten powers.

The third round was on the verge of starting, and it was

Godwind Academy and Star Luo Empire’s second ranked team’s
turn to sit out. Shrek Academy also welcomed their first battle
in the finals.

If saying that nothing unexpected happened in the first two

rounds, then after the lots were drawn for the third round, the
atmosphere in the finals abruptly became tense.

Shrek Academy had apparently already exhausted their luck

in the first two rounds. Their opponent for the third round was
Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy. It was also
the team selected by Star Luo Empire to be among the three

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However, this still wasn’t what drew the most attention.
Another match was even more shocking, Spirit Hall Advanced
Spirit Master Academy versus Heaven Dou Imperial Advanced
Spirit Master Academy.

From the side, the collision of two seeds apparently proved

the impartiality of the finals.

Without a doubt, these two matches were of the highest


There was still an hour before the start of the competition; the
top ten teams had already entered the grounds to conduct their
preparation and warm up before the start.

“Boss Dai, what is it?”

Ma Hongjun somewhat puzzled asked. Ever since learning the

results of the draw, Dai Mubai had seemed extremely gloomy,
not saying a word on the whole way from the residence to the
competition grounds. Entirely different from his usual

4149 Goldenagato |

Tang San had naturally also seen that Dai Mubai’s mood was
abnormal, but his perception was different from Ma Hongjun’s.
Even though Dai Mubai was taciturn, Tang San could still sense
that he was preparing for something.

Erupting from silence, or withering in silence. Dai Mubai’s

nature was undoubtedly the former. The fighting spirit he was
accumulating inside had apparently already reached its peak.

Not only was Dai Mubai in an abnormal mood, Zhu Zhuqing

was as well.. But Zhu Zhuqing’s expression was different from
Dai Mubai’s, those ordinarily ice cold eyes were right now
brimming with agitation.

Dai Mubai didn’t reply to Ma Hongjun, but Zhu Zhuqing stood

up, bending her waist to bow to everyone.

“Zhuqing, why are you doing this?”

Grandmaster’s brows furrowed.

Zhu Zhuqing gave Dai Mubai a look,

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“In this match, we must win. This is the only chance for me
and Mubai.”

Oscar asked:

“What’s going on? Don’t tell me you have some personal

enemies in that Star Luo Imperial Academy?”

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head, saying:

“No. This is an internal clan struggle. Mubai and I are from

Star Luo Empire. We each belong to two great families. The
relationship between our two clans is extremely close. There’s a
custom of connecting by marriage. Within the clans, only the
most outstanding people can become future heirs. Mubai and I
aren’t the first children of our clans. My elder sister and
Mubai’s elder brother have been betrothed since childhood, and
me and Mubai are the same.”

“We four are each the most outstanding children of our

respective clans. Mubai and I, the reason we came to Heaven
Dou Empire, was in order to increase our strength. This
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament

4151 Goldenagato |

was one chance our clans gave us. Since we aren’t the first
children, our chances of inheriting are very small. If we can
defeat our older siblings, we have the qualifications to inherit.”

Tang San said:

“You’re saying, your older siblings are in the Star Luo

Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy team?”

Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently,

“Originally, I thought we didn’t have any hope. But, as I came

to Shrek Academy, when I met all of you, I suddenly realized
that, with your help, we have a chance of victory.”

Xiao Wu couldn’t help saying:

“Is authority really so important? Even if you can inherit your

clans, will you really be happy?”

Zhu Zhuqing laughed bitterly,

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“It would be nice if it really was that simple. Do you really
think that we regard authority as so important? No, we don’t.
Our clans both have extremely special rules. In order to make
the future clan heirs even more outstanding, after choosing the
children to compete, they will foster these children to treat each
other as personal enemies. The winner can admittedly inherit
the clan, but the loser will be extremely miserable. In order to to
prevent internal strife, the loser will be directly erased.
Therefore, we’re not only fighting for authority, but at the same
time also for our lives.”

Saying this, Zhu Zhuqing’s mood clearly became agitated,

“Do you know why I’m always so cold to Mubai? It’s because
I’ve always maintained the certainty that I will die at twenty
five. Even to the extent that I won’t reach that age. Mubai’s
brother is six years older than him, he has the advantage in both
intelligence, wisdom and strength. My sister is also seven years
older than me. In competing with them, we practically don’t
have any effect. Therefore, after Mubai came to Heaven Dou
Empire, he chose to fall into depravity, loitering among women.
With him like this, how could we have a chance to live? I was
angry that he wasn’t fighting.”

Dai Mubai finally spoke up,

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“Fight? Fight how? Brother is six years older than me. He’s
practically the certain candidate for clan successor. Choosing
me as backup was only to give my brother more pressure and
propulsion. Two years ago, when I saw little San, you, Xiao Wu
and Rongrong entering the academy, I finally found hope. The
clan gave me until the age of twenty five. Besides intellectual
level, this Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament is a test of my strength. Zhuqing and I have to
prevail over our older siblings while they’re participating in the
tournament. They’re both almost twenty five. This match is our
only chance. If we lose, then we have to find some other respect
to doubly surpass them to possibly gain approval. But when
they’ve obtained a lot more backing than us, that’s practically
impossible. I hate my clan, but, for Zhuqing, I still won’t go
back to running away. In today’s fight, even if I die, I still won’t

Evil eyes blood red, the atmosphere suddenly became

oppressive. Nobody had thought that Dai Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing would have such enormous pressure and background
behind them. That was a threat to their lives.

Tang San extended his right hand, looking into Dai Mubai’s
blood red evil eyes, spitting out two words:

4154 Goldenagato |

“Certain victory.”

Oscar followed immediately after, placing his right on Tang

San’s. Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong one after another
did the same. When Zhu Zhuqing and Dia Mubai’s right hands
also folded over theirs, the seven practically simultaneously

“Certain victory.”

So far in the tournament, the Shrek Seven Devils had still

never gone up at the same time. As their complete formation
appeared on the stage, the remaining several Spirit Master
teams on the Heaven Dou Empire side couldn’t help freezing.

Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian stood together, they had both

guessed that Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and
Ma Hongjun would appear, but they hadn’t anticipated Ning
Rongrong and Oscar.

Even though Ning Rongrong had acted when the bandits

attacked, the scene at that time was in chaos, and not many
people noticed her.

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But there had still been some omens about her. After all, at
that time she had thrown herself into her father’s arms, proving
she was from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

However, people couldn’t comprehend Oscar. From the start

of the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament until now, he had never appeared on stage. As he
now leisurely followed next to the others to appear on the stage,
shocked Huo Wu and Feng Xiaotian’s group enormously.

Could it be that this was Shrek Academy’s hidden expert?

Always quietly waiting to appear.

Led by Dai Mubai, the Shrek Seven Devils stood in a line,

quietly standing on the stage. Dai Mubai’s evil eyes were
unprecedentedly serious, quietly looking straight ahead.

On the other side of the stage, seven people were equally

slowly walking up. As Dai Mubai saw that person walking
furthest ahead on the other side, he couldn’t keep his eyes from
shining brilliantly.

Tang San had also taken note of that person on the other side.
Long golden hair draped over his shoulders and back, his face

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with a lazy expression, a pair of pupils with a purple luster, but
not really double pupils. His appearance resembled Dai Mubai to
at least seventy percent, only his stature was even taller than
Dai Mubai. Even though it was very casual, that smile of his still
expressed a superior attitude.

Behind him followed a tall young woman, practically as tall as

him, an extremely ample figure, sheep fat white jade type skin,
equally with a smile on her face, and even in this competition
grounds holding the arm of the former. This young woman was
very beautiful, resembling Zhu Zhuqing even more than Dai
Mubai did the former.

Only she wasn’t as cold as Zhu Zhuqing.

She completely seemed gentle. In this kind of gentleness, it

was even easier to acknowledge her beauty.

The youth in the lead’s gaze flitted across Dai Mubai’s face,
calmly saying:

“Mubai, I really didn’t expect you could reach the finals. Being
able to challenge me face to face is actually already a success to
you; but you should understand, doing this will force me to

4157 Goldenagato |

strike back at you.”

“Dai Weisi, no need to be so understanding; when did you

ever stop striking at me? In the fight today, you and I are
enemies. If you have the ability, defeat me first. Otherwise, who
will inherit the clan still isn’t set.”

Dai Weisi looked somewhat astonished at Dai Mubai,

“Oh, our playboy’s unexpectedly changed. Fine, I want to see

what you’ve learned in these years since you left, to actually
dare speak to your big brother like this. Don’t tell me that girl
Zhuqing is also together with you? It seems you are finally truly
prepared to confront us?”

Gaze falling on Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Weisi’s gaze was somewhat

serious. Looking face to face with the young woman beside him,
an ice cold light simultaneously flashed in the corners of their

“Zhuqing, unless I misremember, you should still be less than

fifteen. Being able participate in this tournament, and moreover
crashing through to the top ten, I don’t know whether I should
say your luck is good, or your strength. However, you will stop

4158 Goldenagato |

here. Actually, dad and mom really miss you, they just can’t
violate the rules of our ancestors. After the tournament, come
back together with me.”

The voice of the young woman next to Dai Weisi was different
from Zhu Zhuqing’s, without the ice cold, but with a heartfelt
charming flavor, the soft and gentle voice very easily drawing
people in.

“Zhu Zhuyun, no need to be so understanding. If I didn’t leave

home, perhaps I would already be dead by your hands. Miss me?
In our family, where does such affection exist?”

Zhu Zhuqing’s voice became even colder.

To her and Dai Mubai, the sweethearts in front of them were

older, and they possessed an indelible blood relationship, but
under the pressure of their clans, only one of the two sides could

No matter their purpose, they all had to fight with all their
strength. At least, nobody would hope for their lives to be ended
so easily.

4159 Goldenagato |

The two sides on the stage made no effort to keep their voices
down, and the hearing of the Spirit Masters below was much
better than that of ordinary people.

When they heard Zhu Zhuyun say Zhu Zhuqing still wasn’t
fifteen years old, even Spirit Masters with extremely high self
confidence couldn’t help being in an uproar.

Especially those who had seen Zhu Zhuqing fight before, had
expressions that even more brimmed with incredulity.

Huo Wu was already entirely lifeless. If saying that she had

imagined she could still place above Shrek Academy after
uniting with Godwind Academy, then, right now she was
already deep in despair.

More than four years younger than her, but strength not
inferior in any respect. These people, were they actually

Thinking of this also suddenly raised another question. She

had never learned Tang San’s age. Could it be that he was also
that young?

4160 Goldenagato |

The referee stepped between the two sides,

“Prepare for the match. You can release your spirits. The rules
are as before, the losers will be directly eliminated, the winners
will enter the top six. Shrek Academy Advanced Spirit Master
Academy team versus Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master
Academy. Make ready.”

Dai Mubai and Dai Weisi, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun, the
eight gazes of the four people collided in the air.

Dai Weisi’s gaze abruptly turned overbearing, his entire body

as if unfolding, wide shoulders, equally demonic mien, in this
moment appeared exceptionally grand,

“Brothers, release spirits. Let us give them a surprise.”

The spirit power of the seven Star Luo Imperial Academy

members released in a flash. Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun stood
furthest in front, and their spirit power fluctuations were also
the most tremendous.

Revolving in a blink, two yellow and two purple, four spirit

4161 Goldenagato |

rings appeared over them.

Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun’s spirits were the same as their
younger siblings, White Tiger and Hell Civet. Judging by the
spirit power fluctuations, of these two, Dai Weisi’s spirit power
was at least already past the forty seventh rank, and Zhu
Zhuyun was also at least over the forty sixth.

They were the most powerful enemies the Shrek Seven Devils
had faced thus far in the tournament.

Even more shocking, as the five people behind Dai Weisi and
Zhu Zhuyun released their spirits, four were above fortieth
rank. Including the two in front, the number of Spirit Ancestors
in the Star Luo Academy team was six. Besides the ones that
already appeared the day before to shock everyone, Spirit Hall
Academy and the combined Godwind Academy and Blazing
Academy teams, they were the team of the ones that had
appeared so far with the most Spirit Masters over fortieth rank.
Even more, Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun’s strength was so

In terms of overall strength, they wouldn’t be below the

combined Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy.

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Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy was
different from Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. It couldn’t be
entered by relying on status and money.

But, shocking Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun, the Shrek Seven
Devils provided everyone an extremely frightful shock.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s bodies lit up, equally with two
yellow and two purple, four spirit rings. Horrifying the
bystanders into speechlessness even more, was the unassuming
Tang San.

Two yellow, one purple, one black. Four spirit rings appeared
in a flash. All the academies that had advanced on the Star Luo
Empire’s side couldn’t help crying out simultaneously.

The shock still hadn’t ended, as next to these three, the other
four had exactly the same spirit rings, all with two yellow and
two purple, ideal configurations.

The Shrek Academy team that hadn’t appeared in the

previous two rounds unexpectedly had seven Spirit Ancestors
with optimal spirit ring configurations and strength over the
fortieth rank. In just a split second, the pressure from the spirit

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rings greatly reduced the previous vigor of Star Luo Empire. Dai
Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun’s faces also finally changed.

Zhu Zhuyun somewhat forgot herself as she looked at Zhu


“No, this is impossible. When you left home you were just
twenty something ranked. In these two years, how could you
have broken through the fortieth rank?”

When Shrek Academy reached the finals, they had already

drawn the attention of Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun. But in their
consciousness, they hadn’t really cared about their younger

After all, there was that age gap. With their innate talents not
much different, how could they possibly catch up to the two of
them? Even finding out that Shrek Academy members were the
champions of the ranking competition didn’t change their way
of thinking.

As one of the three seeded teams, the only opponent in their

eyes was Spirit Hall Academy’s team.

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But after Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing truly unveiled fortieth
rank strength in front of them, Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun’s
hearts were both shocked and brimming with killing intent.
With such an age gap, but their strength already about to catch
up, if they were given a bit more time, the result later would
truly be uncertain.

Even if they violated the tournament rules, they still had to as

far as possible end it in this match.

Dai Mubai looked coldly at Dai Weisi, and naturally read that
killing intent from the eyes of this elder brother. In talent, Dai
Mubai was originally a bit better than Dai Weisi, and with
innate evil eye double pupils, he received even more attention
since childhood. Otherwise he also wouldn’t have been chosen
as Dai Weisi’s opponent.

At this very moment, even though the competition still hadn’t

begun, his heart was already incomparably carefree.

Since childhood, each time Dai Weisi had seen him, there had
been that thick disdain and contempt deep in the corners of his
eyes, he had never been considered an opponent. But right now,
he found seriousness and dread in Dai Weisi’s eyes. All this was
something he had relied on his own strength to take.

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“Begin match.”

Along with the referee’s shout, this attention-grabbing match

finally began.

“Rongrong, give me spirit power.”

As they released their spirits, both sides already formed up.

Tang San swiftly withdrew behind Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu took a
step forward, taking Dai Mubai’s left side. Ma Hongjun was still
as ever, protecting the two support Spirit Masters in the rear.

The loud shout came from Tang San. When Ning Rongrong
released her spirit she was directly behind them. At least from
the front the brightly colored light of her Nine Treasure Glazed
Tile Pagoda couldn’t be seen.

Hearing Tang San’s directions, a purple spirit ring flared

concurrently. A line of dazzlingly bright light entered his body,
and along with it was still a pink flash thrown from Oscar’s

4166 Goldenagato |

White Tiger Barrier already appeared over Dai Weisi. Their
spirits were the same, and even though his spirit abilities
weren’t exactly the same as Dai Mubai’s, the first three were
still identical. After all, these three spirit abilities was the
optimal conclusion their clan had obtained after countless

Tang San without the slightest hesitation threw the pink light
from Oscar into his mouth. Instantly, a faint layer of pink light
merged with the bright light that leapt up as Ning Rongrong
poured it into him.

Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun moved.

Dai Weisi took the lead, tyrannical imposing manner releasing

on all sides, White Tiger Vajra Transformation also launching at
this moment, unexpectedly by himself suppressing Dai Mubai,
Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

No need to doubt it, his spirit power was the strongest of

everyone present. His choice at this time was the most proper.
He was even more tyrannical than Dai Mubai, the imposing
manner cultivated over several years in the top position wasn’t
something Dai Mubai, this melancholy dreamless brother, could
compare to.

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Behind Dai Weisi, Zhu Zhuyun also moved. A supporting light
shot into her from behind her back, and Zhu Zhuyun
disappeared practically instantly. With a flicker, her entire body
only left behind faint afterimages in the air, drawing an
enormous arc, curving around the side, going straight for Tang

Clearly, they already considered Tang San’s black spirit ring

as the biggest threat.

Tang San didn’t even seem to notice Zhu Zhuyun’s arrival, his
face very serious, the light of his fourth spirit ring rushing out,
dense black rising with all its strength under the boost of the
stimulating pink sausage and Ning Rongrong’s fourth spirit
ability spirit power boost. Instantly, he was completely covered
in a black layer. At the same time, in his right hand, surging
blue light completely condensed in his palm with hardly
anything showing outside. His palm just slowly closed.

Ding—— Zhu Zhuyun’s illusory silhouette halted in midair,

because an equally fast silhouette suddenly blocked in front of

4168 Goldenagato |

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun’s fierce collision in midair left
behind a trail of sparks.

In terms of strength, Zhu Zhuqing was still very inferior to

Zhu Zhuyun, there was after all still a gap of five ranks or so
between them in spirit power. However, don’t forget that
behind Zhu Zhuqing was still the unprecedented Nine Treasure
Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit Master Ning Rongrong, with speed
amplification, using Three Aperture Governing Heart to focus
on her, directly increasing her speed by forty percent. To agility
attack system Spirit Masters, speed and attack power were
directly proportional. Even though Zhu Zhuyun also had the
speed boost from her companion behind her, how could the
effect compare to the world’s number one support spirit?

Zhu Zhuyun’s shock didn’t make her pause, she of course saw
that Tang San was just about to release that terrifying ten
thousand year spirit ring ability. From Tang San’s storing
power circumstances she clearly understood that this spirit
ability absolutely wasn’t any small matter, no matter what she
couldn’t let the opponents fully use it.

The two sisters continuously collided in midair like shooting

stars, countless sparks glittering in the air from the collision of
their claws.

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The battle on the other side had already begun. Meeting Dai
Weisi’s domineering pressure wasn’t Dai Mubai, but Xiao Wu.
Figure flashing, Xiao Wu already appeared in front of Dai Weisi.
Her second spirit ability, Demonic Confusion, released along
with her eyes turning pink.

Dai Weisi snorted coldly, the radiance in his eyes suddenly

growing sharply, unexpectedly completely disregarding Xiao
Wu’s Demonic Confusion ability. Under the boost of White
Tiger Vajra Transformation, a White Tiger Light Wave shot out
at her. At the same time he sped up, tiger paws opening, his
target still Dai Mubai.

However, in the end he still underestimated Xiao Wu. In just

an instant, Xiao Wu shocked everyone.

Teleportation launched, dodging the White Tiger Light Wave

attack. The next moment, Xiao Wu’s body was suddenly covered
by a layer of golden light, and she wound directly around Dai

As the chief heir to the clan, Dai Weisi possessed the

formidable White Tiger Spirit, and prodigious talent.

4170 Goldenagato |

His real combat experience was naturally extremely plentiful.

Faced with Xiao Wu’s sudden change, he wasn’t flustered at

all, White Tiger Vajra Transformation with White Tiger Barrier
instantly rising to the limit. Rich white light gushed out of his
body, he wanted to use his own superior spirit power to directly
bounce away Xiao Wu.

But, Dai Weisi miscalculated. The instant the white light over
his body touched the golden light Xiao Wu released, the white
light unexpectedly didn’t have the slightest blocking effect. The
next moment, Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid already swept out,
firmly twisting around his neck.

Soft Bones Demon Rabbit Xiao Wu, fourth spirit ability,

Paragon Golden Body, launched.

To Xiao Wu, there was no spirit ability that suited her better
than this.

(戴维斯) Could also be read “Davies”, but let’s keep family

names consistent

4171 Goldenagato |

(朱竹云) “Vermillion Bamboo Cloud”


4172 Goldenagato |

Chapter 123 - Ten Thousand Year Spirit
Ability Variant Ability

After launching Paragon Golden Body, all attacks of any level

were completely ineffective. Internal strength doubled. Three
second duration. For every ten spirit power ranks, the
invincibility and strength boost time would increase by one

Three seconds would seem very short, but very often it was
enough to take control of the crucial moment. This fourth spirit
ability nevertheless traded time for a formidable effect. No
matter what attack it faced, it would be invincible for three
seconds. This gave Xiao Wu ample time to get in close.

Long hair twisted around her opponent’s neck, Xiao Wu had

already dodged behind Dai Weisi. Both of Dai Weisi’s palms
struck back in the final second of Paragon Golden Body, the
intense backlash making his palms numb.

Tang San had long ago told Xiao Wu that he didn’t like seeing
her use her body to twist around the opponents, she was after
all a girl. Consequently, Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill had already
changed a lot by now. The braid that had twisted around Dai
Weisi’s neck tightened abruptly; and, having dodged behind Dai

4173 Goldenagato |

Weisi, her one foot supporting on the ground, Xiao Wu planted
her other foot on Dai Weisi’s waist.

First spirit ability, Waist Bow, launched.

Xiao Wu’s entire body braced for a moment in that golden

ring of light, just before erupting with her full strength.

The effect of Paragon Golden Body had doubled her strength,

and the Waist Bow boost doubled it once again. The force her
seemingly slender body could exert right now was enough to
induce terror. Even a sixtieth rank Spirit Master would still find
it impossible to resist when controlled by her.

Dai Weisi shot out like an artillery shell, slamming directly

into his comrades.

And at this moment, with a tiger’s roar, Dai Mubai finally

moved. Three White Tiger Light Waves shot out, and under the
amplification of White Tiger Vajra Transformation, it forcibly
obstructed the other several Star Luo Academy Spirit Masters
from unleashing their spirit abilities.

4174 Goldenagato |

However, strangely, from the start of the match, the Shrek
Seven Devils had never shown any intent of charging in to

The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda suddenly added

another radiant stream, attack power boost; altogether two
streams of light condensing on Zhu Zhuqing.

With an immense sound, Zhu Zhuyun was shocked flying by

Zhu Zhuqing’s instantly increased attack cat claws. Right now
her face had already become extremely unsightly. She wasn’t
losing to Zhu Zhuqing, but rather to the combination of Zhu
Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

The Shrek Seven Devils were always as one, and right now,
these two sisters were both taking an equal share in scars and

“Seven Devil riot.”

A shout in a steady voice came from Tang San. Having

constantly stored power, he finally moved. Left foot taking a
step forward, that right fist stored full of deep blue radiance
smashed the floor with a loud rumble.

4175 Goldenagato |

At the same time, behind Tang San, Oscar threw out
altogether four stimulating pink sausages from his hands, each
reaching Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun’s
hands. He had naturally never stopped making sausages while
Tang San stored power.

Faint light flickering, Tang San’s face revealed a tyrannical

expression, deep blue rays of light bursting from his fist in a

Being thrown by Xiao Wu, Dai Weisi was completely unable to

control his body, and three of his companions had to join hands
to catch him; but at this moment, time seemed to slow by half.

Hong—— Chi——

Along with a bizarre sound, a circle of deep blue hazy light

quietly spread with the Star Luo Academy team at its center.
The moment that hazy blue light had spread to its limit,
suddenly, countless strands of Blue Silver Grass broke through
the ground and shot up within the range of that hazy light,
completely pushing all the Star Luo Academy team members
into the air.

4176 Goldenagato |

Before this critical moment, the Star Luo team’s members
only had time to release their protective spirit abilities. Right
now, of the seven, only Zhu Zhuyun was slightly separated from
the team; the other six were practically all together.

The defense protected them, but, the Blue Silver Grass that
stabbed them into the air seemed to have a peculiar stunning
effect. The seven Star Luo Academy team members all sunk into
a brief period of dizziness.

Thousand Hands Asura Tang San, fourth spirit ability, Blue

Silver Prison variant ability, Blue Silver Thrust, launched.

This was the result of Tang San’s focused research. When Blue
Silver Prison was used in live combat, it was Blue Silver Grass
suddenly erupting from the ground, trapping the opponent
within a cage. Since it was like this, what would the effect be if
his entire spirit power was completely released on the Blue
Silver Grass bursting from the ground?

This made the Blue Silver Grass of the Blue Silver Prison
extremely hard. If the opponent was a bit weak, he would be
directly pierced through. It was also impossible for stronger
opponents to escape this kind of area attack.

4177 Goldenagato |

Through experimentation, Tang San discovered that when his
spirit power was condensed to a certain degree, Blue Silver
Thrust could cause a brief stunning effect. The duration of this
effect depended on the opponent’s strength.

However, even more powerful opponents would still be

stunned for at least a second.

This discovery made Tang San expend a lot of effort to study

this spirit ability. After all, it was a ten thousand year spirit
ring’s ability, how could it be so simple? Blue Silver Prison itself
had a stun effect, but it required the opponent to break open the
cage to take effect; even so, the effect was exceptionally faint.
When large numbers of Blue Silver Prisons erupted densely, the
stun effects overlaid, immediately becoming clear.

At present, Tang San’s research into this spirit ability still

wasn’t completely mature, but he still had some certainty of
restraining his opponents.

In order to strengthen the effect of the spirit ability, Tang San

had, from the start, used Ning Rongrong’s spirit power
amplification and the attribute boost from Oscar’s stimulating

4178 Goldenagato |

pink sausage. Like this, the effect of his Blue Silver Thrust
reached its maximum level the first time it was used on the

Even an opponent like Dai Weisi with much higher spirit

power than him, would be stunned for more than three seconds
right now. Moreover, even though all the opponents had
blocked Blue Silver Thrust’s attack, they were still injured.

Seven Devil Riot had begun the instant Tang San swung his

Bathing Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Ascension, two great spirit

abilities simultaneously flashed from Ma Hongjun, this was his
moment to shine.

The fat body was covered with flame and soared up, leaving
behind a trail of distorted light.

Blue Silver Thrust disappeared the moment Ma Hongjun was

about to land, and the place Ma Hongjun had picked was just
perfect, just at the center of where Dai Weisi’s six people were
gathered. Evil Fire Phoenix’ fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Cry
Sky Strike, launched.

4179 Goldenagato |

With a distorted explosive sound, the terrifying effect of the
follow-up restraining ability erupted.

It was very difficult for the follow-up restraining ability to

take effect, because of the small range necessitating proximity,
generally speaking, it was very easy for the opponent to dodge.

But when truly hit by it, the duration of the follow-up

restraining effect would be a lot longer than the initial restraint.

Unleashing the first part of Phoenix Cry Sky Strike made the
almost sober Dai Weisi and the others instantly sink even
deeper into dizziness.

Immediately afterward, the ground and the air erupted

practically simultaneously.

White Tiger Meteor Shower rained from the sky, Phoenix Cry
Sky Strike’s second part surged from the ground. The two great
fourth spirit abilities simultaneously enveloped the six within
their attack range.

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Yellow green light dispersed from Tang San’s palm. Due to the
support of Ning Rongrong’s spirit power amplification, even
after the enormous spirit power consumption of Blue Silver
Thrust, he still had an abundant reserve. Ma Hongjun’s follow-
up restraint encompassed all but one person, and this person
was naturally left for Tang San.

Spiderweb Restraint twisted around Zhu Zhuyun’s body the

instant before she recovered from the stun, basically leaving her
without the opportunity to save her comrades.

Within the tremendous explosive rumble, miserable shrieks

echoed from the location blasted by White Tiger Meteor Shower
and Phoenix Cry Sky Strike simultaneously.

In terms of burst power, what could be more powerful than

the combined attacks of Phoenix and White Tiger?

However, all this still wasn’t over.

White Tiger leapt up, flickering with golden light, fusing

together with that faintly black lit Civet in midair. The
enormous Hell White Tiger once again appeared in front of
everyone, and right now, the other two capable of using the

4181 Goldenagato |

same spirit fusion ability were trapped in different restraints.

The violent pain made Dai Weisi sober from the dizziness, but
he discovered with overwhelming shock that his White Tiger
Vajra Transformation had already consumed a frightening
degree of his spirit power, and two of the companions beside
him had already lost consciousness.

Consecutively erupting several major spirit abilities had

already completely overdrawn Dai Mubai’s spirit power, but he
and Zhu Zhuqing were still determined to use the Hell White
Tiger. In this final moment, his and Zhu Zhuqing’s full
potential erupted completely. The emotions suppressed for
several years finally released. The enormous Hell White Tiger
advanced with world dominating strides, becoming a flowing
and enormous surge of light in the air.

Grandmaster had also heard Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s

story. Before going up, he had given the Shrek Seven Devils
some simple directions.

The Grandmaster of a generation, Yu Xiao Gang had not only

researched spirits, but was still a Grandmaster in Spirit Master
tactics. He saw the opponents’ biggest weakness with a glance.

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Underestimating the enemy.

At least, to the teams advancing from Star Luo Empire, it

seemed that the reason Shrek Academy could advance to the
third round was mostly related to their luck with the draw.
From Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s descriptions, he
immediately judged that it would be even easier for Dai Weisi
and Zhu Zhuyun to have an attitude of underestimating the

It was just because of this that Grandmaster told Tang San to

go all out, showing no quarter. His directions to the Shrek
Seven Devils was to erupt instantly, destroying the enemy.

Grandmaster’s directions naturally had a purpose. If they let

the opponents completely unleash their strength, then even if
the Shrek Seven Devils could obtain the ultimate victory in the
match, it would be a pyrrhic one.

At least the spirit fusion ability of the high spirit power Spirit
Masters Dai Weisi and Zhu Zhuyun could inflict heavy
casualties on the Shrek Seven Devils.

While underestimating their enemy, the opponents certainly

4183 Goldenagato |

wouldn’t reveal all their trumps from the start, but the Shrek
Seven Devils did.

From Tang San’s amplified fourth spirit ability Blue Silver

Thrust, to the twin slaughter by Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai,
and again to this final Hell White Tiger attack.

The Shrek Seven Devils undoubtedly revealed the peak of

their strength.

With the simultaneous amplifying effects of Oscar and Ning

Rongrong on their comrades, the burst strength at this moment
made the entire audience change color.

Hong—— Without the least suspense, the already heavily

injured six members simultaneously flew out of the ring from
the Hell White Tiger’s powerful strike. The Hell White Tiger
turned a beautiful circle in midair.

The final claw struck heavily on Dai Weisi. The sound of the
bones of Dai Weisi’s shoulder shattering spread clearly to the
entire audience. Before he even had time to scream in misery,
he was already unconscious in midair.

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This was still Dai Mubai holding back. Otherwise, this one
claw would have struck his chest, taking his life. No matter
what was said, the opponent was still his big brother. The other
side might not recognize this affection, but Dai Mubai had to
inwardly admit to the blood relation.

The enormous Hell White Tiger turned into two once again.
Because of his overdrawn spirit power, Dai Mubai directly fell
limply into Zhu Zhuqing’s arms.

By no means should this brief encounter be underestimated.

In this short period of time, both sides had exhausted
frightening amounts of spirit power; especially the Shrek Seven
Devils, who had gone all out without holding anything in
reserve, giving them this chance.

With a ripping sound, Zhu Zhuyun finally threw off Tang

San’s Spiderweb Restraint by relying on her sharp cat’s claws,
but she was already completely dumbfounded.

No matter the Shrek Seven Devils’ current condition, there

were still seven of them standing in the ring right now. And of
the entire Star Luo Imperial Academy team, only she alone

4185 Goldenagato |

Zhu Zhuqing’s ice cold gaze observed her older sister. Xiao
Wu, Ma Hongjun, and Tang San slowly stepped up. They had all
eaten one of Oscar’s recovery sausages each. And behind them
was still the hazy light of Ning Rongrong pouring all her
strength into spirit power amplification.

Three against one, that was no contest. Especially in front of

Tang San’s formidable control capability.

However, Zhu Zhuyun was unresigned. Even now, in her

heart, she still shouted that it was impossible. She had never
imagined that she would actually lose to her still not fifteen
years old little sister. Moreover, losing so miserably. How could
she be resigned to it? How could she want to concede?

With a sharp whistle, bringing a mournful mood, she charged

fiercely at the three. At this moment, she still left behind a
series of phantom images.

However, her forward charge hadn’t gotten five meters before

she stopped. Blue Silver Grass quietly appeared from her body,
Blue Silver Grass seeds having fallen on her as early as the Blue
Silver Thrust. Thousand Hands Asura Tang San, second spirit
ability, Parasite.

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The immense forward momentum turned Zhu Zhuyun’s body
into a rolling bottle gourd. If not for her mood having suffered
such immense agitation, perhaps she still wouldn’t have cut
such a sorry figure now, but, right now her heart was in chaos.

A flickering silhouette quietly appeared at her side, the

paralysing and corroding toxins on the Blue Silver Grass already
starting to invade her body.

Xiao Wu bent directly, and in just a moment’s work, her Waist

Bow displayed its effect, throwing Zhu Zhuyun’s agitating
figure into the air.

Tang San’s gaze turned to Zhu Zhuqing, revealing a trace of

questioning. He was asking Zhu Zhuqing how to deal with this
big sister of hers. At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun was already
trussed for slaughter. Tang San wouldn’t hesitate even if Zhu
Zhuqing wanted to kill her. There was nothing more important
than the friendship of them Shrek Seven Devils.

Secretly sighing, Zhu Zhuqing still shook her head. Hanging

her head and pulling Dai Mubai into her embrace, two sparkling
and translucent teardrops unconsciously flowed from the
corners of her eyes.

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The victory had come so quickly after so many years of hope
and expectations, even she herself didn’t know whether to
express happiness or sadness right now. No matter what was
said, that was after all her big sister!

Tang San helplessly shook his head, gesturing to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu soared up, her feet tangling around Zhu Zhuyun’s

feet, Waist Bow launching once again, directly throwing her
body out of bounds.

The match ended in absolute silence. The Shrek Seven Devils

all stood on the stage, slowly gathering together. Even the
disoriented Dai Mubai was supported by Zhu Zhuqing to keep a
straight back. Yes, they had won, they had obtained true
victory. They had used one complete victory to declare the
arrival of kings. Without one person suffering serious injuries,
the Shrek Team had kicked out one of the three great seeds, the
Star Luo Imperial Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

As the referee declared the victory, the Shrek Academy resting

area was already cheering. Even Grandmaster’s face revealed a
gratified smile. Even the best tactics had to be implemented by
people. Without these prodigious children, how could his tactics
have been displayed so perfectly?

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Walking off the stage, Dai Mubai was immediately caught by
Flender, Jiang Zhu’s healing rings of light spread, helping
everyone recover their strength and treating their injuries.
Oscar made his big recovery sausages with a big smile across his
whole face. The complete Spirit Ancestor strength now
attracted the gazes of all the combatants. Even the Spirit Hall
bishops were no exception.

A party of people walking past Shrek Academy’s side suddenly

halted. Tang San sensed a gaze on him, and raised his head to

This group was precisely the representative seed team of

Heaven Dou Empire, Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team, and
the one looking at him was the team captain, with the Blue
Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit, Yu Tian-Heng.

“I didn’t expect you to already have become so powerful. I

truly am astonished.”

Yu Tian-Heng watched Tang San with a burning gaze.

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Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“You’re also pretty good. It seems you’ve all made great


Yu Tian-Heng sighed,

“Originally I planned to have a proper fight with you in this

tournament, but now it seems we won’t have the chance. Only,
remember to avenge us. It seems to me that if there was any
team that could threaten the Spirit Hall Academy team, then it
wouldn’t be us or Star Luo Imperial Academy, but rather you.
Watch our next match closely. Even if we lose, we will still make
them reveal as much of their strength as possible.”

Tang San looked somewhat distracted. In his impression, Yu

Tian-Heng was a person who would never admit defeat. At the
same time he also saw that Heaven Dou Imperial Academy
team’s strength was a bit lacking compared to the Star Luo
Imperial Academy team from before, only five or so of them
having truly reached the fortieth rank.

Being completely suppressed in strength, made Yu Tian-heng

lose confidence. The next confrontation between two great

4190 Goldenagato |

seeds was actually already without any suspense.

Spirit Hall, were they truly so formidable? Brilliant light

suddenly flashed from Tang San’s eyes,

“Yu Tian-Heng, don’t let me look down on you. Without

trying, how would you know it’s impossible? As captain, if you
lost your confidence, then, in this lifetime, you will never be
suited to be my opponent.”

“What did you say?”

To the side, Jade Phosphor Serpent Spirit Master Dugu Yan’s

anger reached the heavens, but she was stopped by Yu Tian-

A faint flame began to spread in Yi Tian-Heng’s eyes, he was

completely aflame from Tang San’s words. Fixing his eyes on
Tang San, he raised his right hand and swung it forcefully,

“Wait and see. I’ll let them learn about trouble.”

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The most attention-grabbing match finally began. As two of
the three great seeded teams, when Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy team and Spirit Hall Academy team took the stage, the
entire audience quieted down.

The previous match had already shocked them too much, and
the next fight should be even more marvellous.

In the second round match, the seven members the Spirit Hall
Academy team sent up lacked those three people who had
obtained the Purple Record Medal, and they had still won easily.

But confronting the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team was

clearly different.

Among the Spirit Hall Academy team were also three new

These three unhurriedly walked furthest ahead of the Spirit

Hall Academy team. Even though their appearance would seem
very common, and their mood also very tranquil, the feeling
they gave people was like three wolves poised to spring.

4192 Goldenagato |

The three oozed with imposing manner and confidence. Tang
San saw that only experiencing countless victories, defeating
countless opponents, would instill this kind of mental

The Spirit Hall Academy team uniform was white, spotless

white all over, embroidered with the six emblematic designs of
Spirit Hall. The three people walking in front all wore a purple
book shaped badge on the left sides of their chests. That was
their honorary emblem.

The one walking furthest ahead was a man, his height

approximately over one meter ninety, short neat black hair
standing erect like steel needles, his expression very serene, his
entire body seeming to burst with intangible conviction.

Slender forceful hands hung at his sides, watching Blue

Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit Master Yu Tian-Heng across
from him with an indifferent gaze.

Compared to him, Yu Tian-Heng’s mood was clearly

somewhat excited. Provoked by Tang San’s words, by now Yu
Tian-Heng’s mood was already thoroughly agitated.

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On either side of that short-haired man were one man and one
woman. That man had a head of fiery red long hair, draped over
his shoulders and back. Even his eyes were deep red. He was
equally plain, but just like that previous short-haired youth, he
exuded that intangible temperament.

The only woman among them had long black hair, her
appearance somewhat resembling the man furthest in front.
The expressions of the three were all like cast from the same
mold. This girl wasn’t particularly beautiful at first glance, but
of one observed carefully, one could sense a kind of peculiar
charm from her.

A familiar voice sounded next to Tang San’s ear,

“Watch these three carefully.”

Tang San turned his head to look. At some point, Dugu Bo had
already arrived at his side. Dugu Bo also attentively gazed at
those three. Right now, the four other team members walking
behind them had completely turned into props. But those four
still clearly all possessed strength over the fortieth rank.

“These three are acclaimed by Spirit Hall as the three geniuses

4194 Goldenagato |

of the Golden Generation. The black haired youth furthest
ahead is called Xie Yue, fifty second ranked power attack system
Battle Spirit King, his spirit is Moon Blade, a tool Spirit Master.
The red haired man behind him is called Yan, fifty second
ranked flame attribute power attack system Battle Spirit king,
his spirit is Flamelord. The woman on Xie Yue’s other side is his
little sister, called Hu Lena, fifty first ranked control system
Battle Spirit King, her spirit is Fox. Xie Yue and Hu Lena
followed each of their parents’ names and inherited each of
their parents’ spirits. Among the three, besides paying attention
to the two power attack system Battle Spirit Kings, you must
also pay particular attention to that Hu Lena. Hu Lena possesses
extremely powerful charming capabilities, and her spirit
abilities all rely mainly on charm.”

Listening to Dugu Bo, Tang San nodded silently, recording

every word Dugu Bo said in his heart.

Grandmaster also silently listened to the side, but his gaze had
already floated over behind the stage, to that lofty Supreme
Pontiff Palace. ‘Bibi Dong, is this the subject you give me?’

With the referee’s declaration, the match began.

Despite Yu Tian-Heng’s fighting spirit being aroused by Tang

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San, as he saw the other side’s spirits comprehensively release,
he still couldn’t help being sluggish.

Of Xie Yue’s trio standing furthest in front,each had two

yellow, two purple, and one black, five flickering spirit rings.
Moreover it was a peak spirit ring configuration. The three
condensing their formidable pressure made Yu Tian-Heng’s
aggressiveness immediately weaken somewhat.

The first to move of the Spirit Hall Academy team wasn’t

captan Xie Yue furthest in front, but rather his little sister, Hu

With light steps, Hu Lena only seemed to make a turn before

she already stood furthest in front, a faint smile appearing on
her face. She seemed to have become beautiful along with
releasing her spirit, and moreover a big bushy tail appeared
behind her.

Faint red rays of light appeared from her body, looking at Yu

Tian-Heng with light softly flashing in her eyes, the just
preparing to unleash his spirit abilities Yu Tian-Heng came to a
halt once again. But his combat experience was after all
abundant, and he hastily shouted,

4196 Goldenagato |

“Don’t look her in the eyes.”

“Not looking me in the eye won’t do what? Others call me

Heavenly Fox.”

Hu Lena’s voice sounded somewhat rough, but that rough

voice carried a kind of special charm. Ever since she stepped out
and used that expression, until these words, not one of the
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team had actually moved.

A strange scene had appeared. Hu Lena’s five spirit rings

flickered extremely rhythmically, first that black spirit ring,
then followed by the fourth, third, second, directly until finally
that yellow first spirit ring. As each spirit ring fluctuated, the
red light over her body became richer, and Xie Yue behind her
also moved.

Xie Yue’s Moon Blade wasn’t one blade, but two. Two blades,
blood red all over, curved just like half moons, one Moon Blade
held in each hand. Along with his body moving now, both his
arms unfolded, and he unexpectedly body tackled his little
sister’s back.

A screen of red light suddenly appeared, spreading. The

4197 Goldenagato |

instant Xie Yue and Hu Lena collided, that red light
unexpectedly wrapped the two of them together. At the same
time, that red light also erupted in a flash, spreading just like a
sphere of light, covering close to half the stage. Naturally it also
enveloped the seven opponents within.

“Spirit fusion ability?”

Tang San practically blurted out.

The other five Spirit Hall Academy team members, including

Yan, apparently didn’t plan to do anything. Yan even withdrew
a few steps, standing together with the other team members.

The red light flickered, and the originally two people had
turned into one. A person with lightly floating long hair, and
apparently indistinguishable gender.

Hair having turned red, this silhouette formed from Xie Yue
and Hu Lena danced quietly. Two Moon Blades having doubled
in size, cut with splendor like flowing rainbows.

Indeed, this was their spirit fusion ability, Charm Demon.

4198 Goldenagato |

This Charm Demon ability was different from Dai Mubai and
Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell White Tiger.

Hell White Tiger specialized in attack, and this Charm Demon

specialized in control. Within the range of the Charm Demon’s
control, everyone’s senses were reduced by fifty percent, spirit
power suppressed by fifty percent, and all actions slowed by
fifty percent.

For Yu Tian-Heng and the others, within that intense red

light, it became extremely difficult even to see their opponent.

The red light abruptly grew stronger, tremendous energy

fluctuations blossoming momentarily. It was already basically
impossible to see the situation inside from the outside.

Muffled grunts came unceasingly from behind the isolating

red barrier. Figure after figure was thrown out from inside.

Scarlet blood burst forth along with the silhouettes being

thrown out. Next to Tang San, Dugu Bo’s expression had
already become extremely unsightly.

4199 Goldenagato |

“They don’t want their opponents to see their strength
clearly. Even though they used the spirit fusion ability, they’re
only showing it off in front of you.”

Very soon, five of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team’s seven

members had been thrown out. Only Yu Tian-Heng and Dugu
Yan’s sharp hisses came from that red light barrier.

Along with the sharp hiss, a neither male nor female

malicious voice echoed within the red barrier,

“Poison, in our domain, is just as ineffective. Dugu Yan, your

poison still isn’t enough to affect me. Leave.”

Dugu Yan flew out with an explosive sound like a

thunderclap. She didn’t have any scars or bruises, but blood was
already spurting out wildly, the explosion directly throwing her
off the stage.

Along with a final explosive sound, the red light screen finally
retreated, and that hermaphrodite like figure returned to being
two people.

4200 Goldenagato |

Yu Tian-Heng stood across from them, and those two dragon
formed arms trembled constantly.

“Out of consideration for your clan, we’ll spare your life.”

Xie Yue’s faint voice floated out. The Moon Blades in his
hands swung lightly, and as if his body was pulled by a string,
Yu Tian-Heng’s valiant figure loudly collapsed to the ground.
The dragon scales on his arms scattered in all directions, blood

Slowly raising his Moon Blades, Xie Yue’s gaze floated over to
the Shrek Academy team’s side, as if provoking them.

Tang San hardly feared meeting opponents, his pupils

contracting, purple golden rays of light shot out.

Xie Yue’s eyes revealed a brief absentmindedness, his body

swaying lightly once.

The purple golden radiance in Tang San’s eyes was only one
flash. Xue Yue reacted very quickly, cold strict light flashing

4201 Goldenagato |

through his eyes, he raised his right hand and made a cutting
motion across his throat, issuing a gesture of slaughter.

If Shrek Academy’s difficult victory over Star Luo Academy

had shocked people, then the Spirit Hall Academy team’s main
force appearing gave people an impression of overwhelming
superiority. Confronting another seeded team, they actually
only needed two people, defeating their opponents by relying on
one spirit fusion ability. What kind of gap in strength was this?

Nobody would doubt their strength again, and even fewer

would ponder over it. Plenty of people had frozen expressions.
At this moment, besides Shrek Academy, no other team held
any hopes for victory.

The two highlight battles gave people entirely different

impressions. Shrek Academy’s display was admittedly eye
catching, but with Spirit Hall revealing those three Spirit Kings,
nobody was optimistic about them again.

But, the Shrek Seven Devils didn’t care, they cared about the
victory today. This battle belonged to Dai Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing, and also to all of them.

4202 Goldenagato |

When they returned to their residence, Dai Mubai had already
woken up. He and Zhu Zhuqing were so excited they couldn’t
calm down until nightfall.

The third round of matches had ended, and in the entire

tournament only six teams remained. Two of the seeded teams
had unexpectedly washed out in today’s matches, leaving only
the Spirit Hall Academy team.

No need for doubt, among all the remaining six teams, the
Spirit Hall Academy team’s strength counted as number one.
Following closely behind, was the Shrek Academy team and the
Godwind Academy team. Even though the other three teams
had also broken through to the final six, they were little more
than foils.

Tomorrow’s lot drawing would be very troublesome. Nobody

wanted to be the first to face the Spirit Hall Academy team, that
would mean running up against a wall.

(邪月) “Evil Moon”

(月刃) “Moon Edge”

4203 Goldenagato |

(焱) “Flames”


(胡列娜) The “hu” in her name is pronounced the same as the

“hu” in Fox (狐).


(妖魅) Either character can mean either charm/bewitch or


4204 Goldenagato |

Chapter 124 - Hell White Tiger’s History

By now the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy

Elite Tournament was considered reaching the end, and at the
same time reaching white hot intensity. The ones capable of
remaining behind were no doubt the most powerful of the
young generation.

Especially Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation allowed people to

truly see the potential Spirit Masters could reach.

Of course, this was under the condition that nobody knew the
Shrek Seven Devils’ true age.

After dinner, the Shrek Academy students each returned to

their rooms to rest.

Spirit Hall had arranged excellent residences. Each person had

a room to themselves. The opponents in tomorrow’s match
would be decided by lots, but no matter who they faced, they
couldn’t go wrong by maintaining their peak condition.

Tang San was just preparing to meditate when a knock

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sounded at the door.


He asked somewhat astonished. Everyone had just returned to

their rooms, who would come here? Xiao Wu?


A gloomy voice gave Tang San the answer.

Opening the door, Tang San saw the still somewhat pale Dai
Mubai outside,

“Mubai, you should be resting and recovering your spirit

power, why did you come here?”

Dai Mubai sighed lightly,

“I want to talk to you.”

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“Come inside.”

Tang San let Dai Mubai into his room.

Walking into the room, Dai Mubai sat in a sofa to the side. His
facial expression had already calmed a lot. As Tang San closed
the door, Dai Mubai sighed, saying:

“Little San, thank you.”

Tang San smiled faintly, saying:

“If you say thanks, you should thank everyone. It was

everyone’s joint efforts that gained us the victory today. What’s
more, between us brothers, what’s the need for thanks?”

Dai Mubai relieved leaned back in the sofa, smiling:

“Little San, haven’t you already guessed something?”

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Tang San still wore a smiling expression,

“You tell me? Your Highness. Besides the imperial family, I

don’t know what clan would have such fierce internal struggles.
Even having brothers killing each other. What you called
‘inheriting the clan’, should refer to the title of Emperor.”

Dai Mubai sighed,

“You found out? There’s no good hiding it between us

brothers. That’s right, I’m Star Luo Empire’s third prince. Dai
Weisi whom we beat today is my older brother. His strength,
talent and age, all made him the first ranked heir. Actually,
what Zhuqing said today was a bit exaggerated. If we lost,
perhaps I wouldn’t die for certain, but my spirit power would
definitely be crippled, and I’d be sent to some fringe region to
live out the rest of my days.”

Tang San’s brows tightened slightly,

“How’s that different from death? Is the imperial family

really so cruel?”

4208 Goldenagato |

The corners of his mouth displaying a cold smile, Dai Mubai

“You aren’t a member of the imperial family. You don’t

understand the complexities. The two great empires on the
Continent, do you know how they differ in strength?”

Tang San blankly shook his head. He’d never had any concern
for matters of politics.

Dai Mubai smiled coldly:

“If not for Spirit Hall blocking it, perhaps this world would
already be ours. In national strength and military strength, our
Star Luo Empire far exceeds the Heaven Dou Empire. Even if we
also have several internal kingdoms, the imperial authority isn’t
as scattered as in Heaven Dou Empire. And all this originates in
this special method of competition in our imperial family. Even
if it’s cruel, this way each generation’s regent has grown up to
be outstanding in all ways. Heaven Dou Empire really can’t
compare. Heaven Dou Empire’s only advantage is that it has the
three upper sects within its borders. Among the three upper
sects, even though the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and
your Clear Sky School have never participated in political
struggles, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has always

4209 Goldenagato |

supported Heaven Dou Empire. And then there’s Spirit Hall
blocking between the two great empires. Otherwise, there
might already have been a war. Until the last few years, Heaven
Dou Empire’s development has been a bit faster, and some
internal problems had appeared in Star Luo Empire. The
strength ratio between the two great empires started to level

Tang San said:

“This is what Spirit Hall wants to see the most?”

The corners of Dai Mubai’s mouth slanted,

“Of course. To an existence like Spirit Hall, balance between

the two great empires is most beneficial to them. The number of
Spirit Masters grasped by Spirit Hall is really too frightening.
The two great empires added together aren’t equal to it. But if
the two great empires became one, unified into one integrated
powerful empire, then Spirit Hall wouldn’t be able to continue
to exist. After all, no kind of centralized imperial power would
allow this kind of organization to exist.”

Tang San somewhat astonished said:

4210 Goldenagato |

“Even if the two great empires became one, don’t tell me it
could deal with Spirit Hall? Don’t they have large numbers of
Spirit Masters? On the battlefield, with overwhelming numbers
of Spirit Masters, it should be possible to directly control the

Dai Mubai smiled faintly, saying:

“I’m not your equal in talent, but your understanding of

political battles isn’t equal to mine. It would be impossible for
Spirit Hall to become the ruler of the Continent. Even though
they hold Spirit Masters, all they hold is Spirit Masters. There
are ten billion people on the continent. All Spirit Masters come
from the two great empires. Even though Spirit Hall can
conduct them, they can’t make them commit treason. As a
result, no matter what angle you look at it from, Spirit Hall can
only constantly expand their influence, it’s never been possible
for them to rule.”

Tang San suddenly understood. He had never before thought

that there would be such complex relationships involved.

Dai Mubai stood, stepping in front of Tang San and raising his

4211 Goldenagato |

hands to hold his shoulders, his evil eyes firmly locked on Tang

“Little San, by now you’ve already drawn the attention of

Spirit Hall. They won’t let you off. With Spirit Hall’s attention
on you, in the future you won’t be able to take a single step on
the Continent. Even if school master Ning can protect you for a
time, it’s impossible to always follow you. Unless you join Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School.”

Tang San nodded silently. Of course he understood what Dai

Mubai was saying.

Dai Mubai continued:

“At the end of the tournament, we’ll also officially graduate.

Me and Zhuqing will return to Star Luo Empire. Come with us.
Bring Xiao Wu. I possess the qualifications to fight with my big
brother over the throne now. In Star Luo Empire, the imperial
family’s strength is more ferocious than in Heaven Dou Empire,
and Spirit Hall also doesn’t dare be too forceful. I truly don’t
want to some day see the news of your death.”

Dai Mubai’s eyes were brimming with a sincere light. If it was

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someone else, perhaps one might think he was doing it to
recruit Tang San, but Tang San sensed that Dai Mubai’s words
were completely for his protection, and without any other

“Big brother, thank you. No matter what the future is like,

you’re my big brother. But I still need to think about this. I can’t
decide rashly. I want to hear Teacher’s opinion. You also know
that Spirit Master cultivation is like rowing a boat upstream.
Going to Star Luo Empire, I’m afraid……”

Dai Mubai resolutely said:

“What’s there to fear, in my domain, whatever resources you

need for cultivation, don’t tell me big brother can’t provide?
With us brothers joining hands, if I sit on the throne in the
future, you will be my commander in chief, my imperial
chancellor. That Xue Qinghe has always wanted to recruit you,
I’ve seen it. However, listen to your big brother, the authority
of Heaven Dou Empire’s imperial family is too scattered. Even if
he became regent, gaining any great achievements wouldn’t be
easy. But in Star Luo Empire, as long as I sit on the throne,
matters of the imperial household would be mine to decide

4213 Goldenagato |

Tang San said:

“Boss, I still can’t promise you right now. I understand what

you mean. If I really want to pick a side to join in the future,
then your place would absolutely be the first choice. If you have
any trouble in the future, if you need me, as long as you send
word, no matter a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers,
Tang San will be there.”

Dai Mubai didn’t try to persuade him further. The two

bumped fists, and even though they didn’t truly pledge, this was
already equivalent to an oath between them. Even more binding
than any promise.


The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite

Tournament fourth round began after a day of rest.

Beyond anyone’s expectation, after the bitter last round, this

round became ordinary.

The final six teams decided their opponents by drawing lots.

4214 Goldenagato |

Among them, the teams who were clearly the strongest, Spirit
Hall Academy Team, Shrek Academy Team, and Godwind
Academy Team, none drew the other two teams. The three
great powerful teams each drew opponents whose strength
wasn’t considered that great.

This also meant that the fourth round ended without any
suspense, the final three were astonishingly the three strongest.
At this moment, they had at last entered the final moments of

The three great teams basically had intact fighting strength.

In the finals at present, they were only one step away from the
final victory.

The bright sunshine fell on the vast land. Under the light of
the sun, Supreme Pontiff Palace seemed even more splendid,
like the abode of immortals.

In front of Supreme Pontiff Palace were two rows of temple

knights arrayed down the hill from the doors of Supreme

4215 Goldenagato |

Pontiff Palace. The bright silver armor and heavy knight swords
made the entire Supreme Pontiff hill even more imposing.

The eliminated teams had already left, not even allowed to

watch the battles of the final day. Only the true young powers
had the qualifications to set foot in the plaza before Supreme
Pontiff Palace.

At dawn, the three teams entering the final round were

already quietly waiting in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. The
teachers of the three great academies weren’t allowed to stand
in the plaza, and could only wait on the outskirts.

Altogether twenty one team members participating in the

finals stood straight in the plaza, all waiting for this final
moment to arrive.

With Xie Yue in the lead, the Spirit Hall Academy team
members had the most relaxed expressions, but the light of faith
still flickered in their eyes. Faith in Spirit Hall, faith in the
Supreme Pontiff.

Shrek Academy kept the lowers profile, the seven of them

standing in a light, from left to right they were Dai Mubai, Tang

4216 Goldenagato |

San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu

The size of the platform in the plaza in front of the Supreme

Pontiff Palace wasn't a bit smaller than the one used before. The
plaza was surfaced with a special rock, and by careful
observation one could discover that this stone held a faint gem
like luster. Even though it wasn't truly gemstones, it also wasn't
common rock. This showed how dreadful the financial might of
Spirit Hall was.

A group of people walked out the gates of Supreme Pontiff

Palace, altogether twelve red robed cardinals whose position
was second only to platinum bishops slowly walked over. They
walked directly in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, separating to
the left and right, six on either side.

The one in the lead said loudly:

"Her Holiness the Supreme Pontiff arrives. "

"Long live, long live, long live! "

4217 Goldenagato |

The three cheers resounded through the entire Spirit City,
like a landslide or tsunami.

That wasn't just the shouts from the temple knights arranged
neatly on Supreme Pontiff Hill, but at the same time the shouts
of all the Spirit Masters in Spirit City who couldn't get close to
Supreme Pontiff Hill. To them, the Supreme Pontiff was the
highest object of faith.

The enormous gate slowly opened, the symbols on the two

great doors gradually separating.

Everyone's gazes unconsciously turned in the direction of the

opening gate. Even the seven members of the Spirit Hall
Academy team couldn't keep their pulse from accelerating.

Even as Spirit Hall's Golden Generation, they had only met

the Supreme Pontiff when they were awarded the Purple Record

Wearing a resplendent golden formal long dress from head to

foot and a purple gold crown, holding a staff of authority, with a
solemn expression, Bibi Dong took the lead out of Supreme
Pontiff Palace. She gave a kind of unreal impression, as if

4218 Goldenagato |

infinitely lofty.

Nobody even noticed her beautiful appearance. At this

moment, she represented only the dignity of Spirit Hall's
Supreme Pontiff.

The resplendent long dress was extremely close fitting. The

dazzlingly beautiful ceremonial dress flashed with the
gemstones, having more than a hundred red, blue, and golden
gemstones. The purple golden hat was even more splendid with
ten thousand rays of light. At this moment, all this light
condensed on one person.

All the Spirit Hall subordinates knelt on one knee on the


"Our respects for Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff. "

In the indescribable atmosphere at this moment, even people

with unswerving will like Tang San and Dai Mubai, surrounded
by noisy shouting, couldn’t help but feel an impulse to prostrate
themselves in worship.

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Behind Bibi Dong followed four people. Three of them wore
large red ceremonial robes, different from the red robes of
cardinals, inlaid with gold and silver patterns, especially the
chest flashed with golden light, more than baby's fist sized gems
filled with an even more expensive aura.

To ordinary people, these robes were perhaps only a symbol of

wealth, but to Spirit Masters, they represented the highest
honour, because only Title Douluo had the qualifications to
wear them. Clearly, that was the status of these three.

Tang San had only met one of the three. That was Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School's ninety sixth ranked Title Douluo,
with the title of Sword, Chen Xin. The Sword Douluo renowned
for the strongest attack.

Of the other two, the one on the left carried an illusory

demeanour, even though he wore the same apparel, nobody
could see his countenance. As for the other person, skin tender
as a baby's and delicate features gave people a kind of peculiar
feeling. If not for the Adams apple on his neck, nobody would
have believed he was a man.

Even though Tang San didn't recognise these two, seeing

them immediately gave him a familiar feeling. Secretly he

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thought that these two should be the Chrysanthemum Douluo
and Ghost Douluo that showed up prepared to kill him that day.

Only three kinds of people could walk out the main gates of
Supreme Pontiff Palace. The first was naturally the Supreme
Pontiff. The second were the Title Douluo, having proved
themselves with strength. And the third kind was the Spirit Hall
elders. Apart from these three, not even the platinum bishops
and the emperors of the two great empires had the

The fourth person walking with these three clearly didn't

have the strength of a Title Douluo, but he still walked out the
main gates, implying a different status. Spirit Hall elder. To be
precise, it was an honorary elder, the school master of Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi.

Originally Dugu Bo also had these qualifications, but he wasn't

mixed among them. He only quietly waited next to the Golden
Iron Triangle.

Had it come at last? Tang San gazed attentively at the five

walking out of Supreme Pontiff Palace. On the plaza right now,
only Shrek Academy's seven didn't kneel. Even the seven from
Godwind Academy were kneeling with one knee on the ground

4221 Goldenagato |

right now.

The Shrek Seven Devils hadn't talked it over beforehand, but

they all made the same decision.

As prince, Dai Mubai naturally wouldn't kneel for Spirit Hall,

and Zhu Zhuqing had similar reasons. Oscar had never held
Spirit Hall in high regard, and only thought well of them when
receiving the gold spirit coin stipend.

As for Tang San, he would show obeisance to Spirit Hall even

less. Not because of his Clear Sky School background or
something similar, but because of his unyielding character.

In his heart, the only ones that could make him kneel, was his
father and Teacher. As for the others, even if it was the
emperor, would they?

Ma Hongjun was of much the same mind as Tang San, Xiao

Wu hung her head and nobody knew what she thought, but in
fact, her eyes betrayed a peculiar glint, unexpectedly containing

4222 Goldenagato |

As for Ning Rongrong, as the pearl of Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School's school master, and possibly the next generation
school master, she naturally wouldn't kneel either.

Even though it wasn't expressly stipulated that Spirit Masters

must make obeisance to Spirit Hall, at this moment, the Shrek
Seven Devils no doubt appeared unconventional.

Bibi Dong's gaze turned directly to these seven youths, and all
of Spirit Hall's subordinates were glaring angrily at the Shrek
Seven Devils.

Standing behind Bibi Dong, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue

Gang's lips buzzed in her direction, and Bibi Dong's gaze
immediately found Tang San among the Shrek Seven Devils.

The instant her gaze fell on him, Tang San clearly felt as if his
soul would be pulled out. Trembling lightly he had no choice
but to immediately rouse his Purple Demon Eye.

Purple golden rays of light flashed more than a chi out of his
eyes, then blocking Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong's gaze. But his
actions were undoubtedly noticeable, far from able to compare
with Bibi Dong's ease.

4223 Goldenagato |

"Bold, daring to disrespect the Lord Supreme Pontiff."

A cardinal bowing with clasped hands in front rebuked


Bibi Dong's gaze had already become gentle, raising her hand,
that cardinal immediately shut his mouth, with an expression of
veneration and awe.

Bibi Dong being able to inherit the position of Supreme

Pontiff was because of the recognition of the previous Supreme
Pontiff and the support of several elders, but her being able to
sit steadily on this position was entirely due to her own thunder
like skill and strength.

With a gentle smile, Bibi Dong's gaze fixed on Tang San,

"You are Grandmaster's disciple Tang San? "

Tang San started inwardly, he hadn't expected that this

illustrious Supreme Pontiff would also know his Teacher.

4224 Goldenagato |

"Yes, your Holiness Supreme Pontiff."

He replied neither haughtily nor humbly.

Bibi Dong nodded to Tang San,

"You're very good, as expected with the strength of character

of your teacher in those days."

The kneeling Spirit Hall Academy team and Godwind

Academy team members couldn't help being shocked. After the
Supreme Pontiff appeared, the first she spoke to was
unexpectedly Tang San, and moreover seemed to know his
teacher. To them, this really was difficult to understand.

Tang San, conforming with the norms of society, said:

"I dare not compare myself to Teacher."

Bibi Dong didn't pause by Tang San any longer, waving the

4225 Goldenagato |

staff in her hand,


All the kneeling people waited for this moment to rise.

Because of the Supreme Pontiff deigning to talk to Tang San and
what seemed like affirmation, their gazes at the Shrek Seven
Devils weren't so angry.

A smiling expression appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and her

gaze swept from left to right across all the twenty one young
Spirit Masters participating in the top three finals.

"From you, I find hope. Before Supreme Pontiff Palace, I hope

even more to see your full talent and strength. The final victors,
will receive Spirit Hall's biggest reward."

As she spoke she lightly waved the staff in her hand.

Nobody saw what she did, but brilliant light flashed in front
of Bibi Dong and grew, floating in midair.

4226 Goldenagato |

Those were three different things, none large, shaped like
bones. Separately they were one right arm bone, one head bone,
and one left leg bone. Their surfaces also respectively
glimmered with fiery red, pale blue, and deep green light.

Spirit bones, those were three spirit bones.

The light of the three spirit bones was distinct even below
Supreme Pontiff Hill. For a moment, all of Spirit City boiled.

Except from the people who already knew about it in advance,

who could have expected it to be three spirit bones? Judging by
the light, these three spirit bones were each of outstanding
quality. Even among Spirit Hall's people, each and every eye
revealed a covetous light.

If Supreme Pontiff Hall wasn’t here, if not for the deterrent of

several Title Douluo, perhaps someone would long since have
been unable to restrain their greed and rushed out to snatch

Tang San had also obtained a spirit bone when he killed with
Yama’s Invitation, therefore as he first glanced at these three
spirit bones in front of him, even his staunch will couldn’t help

4227 Goldenagato |

swaying a bit.

These were spirit bones! The most precious thing to Spirit

Masters. They could be found but not looked for.

Spirit bones were also sorted by distinction, their quality

extremely important. The higher the level of the spirit bone’s
spirit beast, the more useful it was. Apart from external spirit
bones, of course.

Because external spirit bones were the least common, their

ability to grow was also the most precious among spirit bones.
In the whole scheme of things, they were second only to
hundred thousand year spirit rings.

But there were altogether six types of common spirit bones:

head, torso and the four limbs. Among the six types, the most
precious was torso, followed by head, again followed in
sequence by right arm, left arm, left leg, and right leg. As the
quality of spirit bones were different, their price also varied.

Even though the spirit bones Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong

pulled out this time didn’t have the most precious torso spirit
bone, there was still a head bone. The value of the right arm

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bone was also second only to head and torso bones. Even the
that left leg bone still wasn’t the lowest valued among the six
types of spirit bones.

And these spirit bones were all clearly from spirit beasts over
the ten thousand year level.

To Spirit Masters, they were top quality goods.

Ghost Douluo Gui Mei standing behind the Supreme Pontiff

said in his deep voice:

“The three spirit bones are each thought focusing wisdom

skull, burst incineration flame right arm, as well as fast
movement windchasing left leg. These three spirit bones are all
from ten thousand year spirit beasts. Among them, the thought
focusing wisdom skull is even from a spirit beast that just
reached fifty thousand years, personally killed by a Supreme
Pontiff. In spirit bone quality, it is second only to external spirit
bones and first rate spirit bones from hundred thousand year
spirit beasts.”

The Supreme Pontiff said indifferently:

4229 Goldenagato |

“There can never be more than one victor, and this goes for
the champions as well. Consequently, these three spirit bones
will all belong to the winning team. I hope that all you top three
academies can make an all out effort to obtain this special

No matter what level the Spirit Master, they all had a red light
in their eyes as they looked at spirit bones. To say nothing of
there being three. Intense fighting spirit practically burst from
the twenty one competing Spirit Masters.

The Supreme Pontiff continued:

“This morning is a knockout competition for the seven

members of all your three teams. The team remaining in the
end will hold a decisive opportunity, directly entering the fight
for the championship tomorrow. The two defeated teams will
fight over the other place in the finals in the afternoon. You can
now dispatch your first members to the stage.”

It was like the knock-out competition in the ranking

competition, but there were three teams participating. Even
though this wasn’t the final struggle for the championship, it
was equally important.

4230 Goldenagato |

Capable of winning didn’t only mean entering the top two,
but also being able to wait at leisure for an exhausted enemy in
tomorrow’s battle.

In this top three phase, there wasn’t any substantial

difference in strength. Continuously competing for a day would
no doubt be substantially exhausting, and there might even be
injuries. It would be practically impossible to recover to peak
condition for the final finals tomorrow. Therefore, the winning
team in the next competition, would very possibly be the final

Spirit Hall taking out three spirit bones no doubt made the
competition even fiercer. Even if Spirit Hall seemed selflessly
impartial on the surface, anyone with eyes could naturally see
that these three spirit bones were prepared for the Spirit Hall
Academy team.

The Spirit Hall Academy Team had a practically

overwhelming advantage. Even though Shrek Academy’s Tang
San possessed a ten thousand year spirit ring, in fact, the Spirit
Hall team’s three Spirit King level experts fifth spirit rings were
also of the ten thousand year level. The difference in one spirit
ring was no doubt an enormous gap in strength between Spirit
Masters, to say nothing of there still being a difference of three

4231 Goldenagato |

All members of the three teams had strength over the fortieth
rank, this made the three fiftieth ranked powers Spirit Hall
possessed seem even more outstanding. If there was only one,
perhaps there might still be a lucky fluke, but the three lined
up, judging by the strength they displayed when defeating the
Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team, they were terrifying.

In that fight, only two of them fought, settling the battle with
one dazzlingly beautiful spirit fusion ability. Even though they
used the spirit fusion ability, since people couldn’t see the
circumstances inside due to the particular nature of this ability,
it also had an even more opaque meaning. The actual effect was
deterrence by force.

Even the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy team members who

were there only had a vague impression of that spirit ability. Yu
Tian-Heng came to find Tang San yesterday, but he couldn’t
give any constructive suggestions either.

When speaking of the Spirit Hall Academy team, his

expression was helpless. Even though there was a gap between
them and the opponents, in that fight, they basically couldn’t
display even their own strength.

4232 Goldenagato |

This was also where the Spirit Hall Academy team was most
terrifying. They relied on their tyrannical strength to suppress
the opponent, leaving them unable to display their strength,
thereby controlling the outcome. Meticulous minds, tacit
cooperation, this Spirit Hall Academy team was extremely
formidable even to opponents of the same level, to say nothing
of the opponents about to confront them in the finals who
didn’t have even one fiftieth ranker.

Whether to them or all the spectators, the victors of this

tournament would without doubt be them. Of course, the three
fiftieth ranked Spirit Kings still had an additional mission: to
seriously injure Shrek Academy’s Tang San in the competition,
or even kill him.

Even though the tournament rules prohibited killing, with the

enormous difference in strength, they had a lot of ways to create
situations where the opponent would have an accident. Just like
the spirit ability backlash when the Shrek Seven Devils
confronted Blue Sunshine Academy.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong had thought it over for a long time
after Grandmaster left, then passed down this order. Even
though the relationship between her and Grandmaster was
extremely complicated, and Grandmaster personally coming by
to visit had caused enormous waves within her heart, she was

4233 Goldenagato |

after all the Supreme Pontiff of the noble Spirit Hall, a long time
leader, governing Spirit Hall ideally, with the ambition of
accomplishing her predecessor’s incomplete goal, how could she
let her private feelings influence the overall situation?

On the surface it might seem like one genius Spirit Master

didn’t matter much, Spirit Hall had never lacked for geniuses.

But the more formidable a Spirit Master’s strength, the more

it became clear how terrifying the influence and destructive
power of a true genius was. If saying Tang San’s talent drew
Spirit Hall’s attention, then his background in Clear Sky School
and his identity as Tang Hao’s son undoubtedly made Spirit Hall
certain he had to die.

Even if this kind of killing intent couldn’t be revealed openly,

in the most recent Spirit Hall conclave of elders, all the elders
had already unanimously come to this decision. THey wouldn’t
permit the appearance of a second Tang Hao, or an even more
formidable enemy than Tang Hao.

Twin Spirits alone made them place Tang San’s talent above
Tang Hao. Even more, Tang San still relied on only a trash Blue
Silver Grass Spirit to gain his current achievements. Who could
see his future clearly? For Spirit Hall’s overall situation, they

4234 Goldenagato |

wouldn’t allow for this variable to appear.

A row of gilded large chairs was arranged in front of Supreme

Pontiff Palace, and at Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s indication,
sitting with her in the middle was Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School’s Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo Chen Xin on the left,
and Ghost Douluo Dui Mei and Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue
Guan on the right.

The three academies each dispatched their first members on

stage. Sent out from Godwind Academy was the original team
captain of Blazing Academy, Huo Wushuang, Spirit Hall
Academy sent a forty something ranked Spirit Master. On Shrek
Academy’s side, the one Grandmaster dispatched first really
wasn’t one of the Shrek Seven Devils.

Among the Shrek Seven Devils, two people were Support

Spirit Masters who naturally couldn’t participate in this
individual competition, but Grandmaster’s first pick to go up
also wasn’t the most powerful among the substitute members,
Tai Long, but the agility attack system Spirit Master, still not
fortieth ranked, Jing Ling.

These three people drew lots, thereby deciding which two

academies would fight first, the winner continuing to fight

4235 Goldenagato |

according to this sequence.

Shrek Academy’s luck was extraordinarily good, and Jing Ling

drew the empty lot. Sitting out the first round meant that Shrek
Academy’s members could appear after, and could not only wait
for the enemy to exhaust themselves in the first round, but
could also see their strength even more clearly, this was no
doubt the winning lot.

However, something nobody had expected occurred. After the

drawing of lots had finished, Huo Wushuang and that Spirit
Hall Academy team member walked into the center of the ring,
the Spirit Hall Academy team member suddenly turned around,
bowing in salute in the Supreme Pontiff’s direction, saying:

“I concede this fight.”

Concede? Even though there weren’t a lot of people that could

observe the battles here, they were still all powers of the Spirit
Master world. The Spirit Hall Academy team unexpectedly
abstaining from the first round, this was something the
majority of people hadn’t expected.

After being dazed for a short time, the cardinal in charge of

4236 Goldenagato |

refereeing immediately declared that Huo Wushuang obtained
the victory in the first round. The second round was between
Godwind Academy representative Huo Wushuang and Shrek
Academy representative Jing Ling.

On the Shrek Academy side right now, Grandmaster and Tang

San practically simultaneously pursed their brows. Master and
disciple looked face to face, and neither could help displaying a
trace of anger.

And when their gazes turned to the members of Godwind

Academy, including Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu, none of the
members dared meet their eyes, clearly of a guilty conscience.

4237 Goldenagato |

Chapter 125 - Shock, Seven Devil Fusion

Jing Ling was equally shocked because of the situation in the

ring. Just as he was preparing to oppose the clearly stronger
than him Huo Wushuang with his full strength, Grandmaster
stood up from the Shrek Academy rest area, looking at the
Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong sitting in front of the distant
Supreme Pontiff Palace.

“Please delay the start of the match.”

Just as the cardinal referee was about to rebuke Grandmaster

for interrupting the competition, he was stopped by the
Supreme Pontiff’s raised hand. Bibi Dong’s gaze at Grandmaster
was very serene, but whether her heart was as calm, only she
knew herself.

“Please explain your justification.”

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong said calmly.

4238 Goldenagato |

Grandmaster smiled coldly,

“My justifications are that Shrek Academy renounces the first

half of the finals, voluntarily entering the contest of the losers
in the afternoon. Jing Ling, come back.”

If people could still accept that previous Spirit Hall Academy

team member suddenly conceding, then Grandmaster now
suddenly declaring that Shrek Academy gave up on the
individual competition no doubt alarmed everyone present.
Even among the Shrek Seven Devils, apart from Tang San, the
others all had shocked and vacant expressions.

Clearly, they hadn’t known about Grandmaster’s decision in


The eyes of Ning Fengzhi sitting next to the Supreme Pontiff

displayed a flash of understanding, and at the same time a
furious glint. He couldn’t keep his gaze from falling on the
Supreme Pontiff by his side.

Bibi Dong was still unflustered, calmly saying:

4239 Goldenagato |


Grandmaster stood with his hands behind his back, looking

up at the Douluo Palace behind Supreme Pontiff Palace,

“Regardless of why, I think, it should be our right to


Grandmaster’s extremely calm words echoed as if earth

shattering in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace. There wasn’t any
issue with what he said in itself. The issue was who he spoke to,
these words were undoubtedly contradicting the Supreme

The highest ruler of Spirit Hall.

As long as those present were Spirit Masters above sixtieth

rank, they could all see that Grandmaster wasn’t powerful,
absolutely under the fortieth rank, but a Spirit Master with this
kind of lacking strength actually dared contradict the most
authoritative figure of the Spirit Master world.

But what people had expected even less was for Supreme

4240 Goldenagato |

Pontiff Bibi Dong to slowly stand, nodding to Grandmaster,

“You’re right. This is your prerogative. Blame me for asking.

My apologies, elder Yu.”

Grandmaster and Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s dialogue was

held in front of numerous powers of Spirit Hall, as well as
countless Spirit Masters sticking their heads up to watch the
fight from below. The Supreme Pontiff uttering the word
‘elder’, meant only one thing: Grandmaster was a Spirit Hall

And everyone knew the kind of authority Spirit Hall’s elders

held. Even Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo sitting
next to Bibi Dong had only entered Elder Palace for ten years.
And with Grandmaster’s age and strength, he clearly shouldn’t
possess this kind of authority.

If someone else had called him a Spirit Hall elder, perhaps it

would have been laughable, but when the speaker was Supreme
Pontiff Bibi Dong, who dared refute her?

Hearing Bibi Dong say this, even Grandmaster couldn’t help

looking distracted. The reason he had contradicted Bibi Dong

4241 Goldenagato |

naturally wasn’t because he was secure in support due to their
relationship, but because of his fury. As Bibi Dong spoke,
Grandmaster understood that this Supreme Pontiff was
protecting him.

Contradicting the Supreme Pontiff, even if the Supreme

Pontiff didn’t mind herself, would the countless Spirit Masters
who worshipped the Supreme Pontiff disregard it?

Even if Grandmaster had the protection of powers by his side,

capable of forming the Golden Iron Triangle, the chance of
dying from violence in the street would grow enormously.

But when Bibi Dong’s words had recognized him as elder,

naturally nobody would dare do anything. Spirit Hall elders
saying something to contradict the Supreme Pontiff wasn’t any
major event.

Actually, even Bibi Dong didn’t know how Grandmaster had

an elder’s warrant tile, she’d only found out from her
subordinates after Grandmaster left.

Grandmaster’s waist suddenly ached, and immediately

afterward his left arm was pulled into a soft and flexible

4242 Goldenagato |

embrace. Turning his head to look, he saw Liu Erlong
demonstratively looking at the Supreme Pontiff.

The expression in Bibi Dong’s eyes swayed briefly, but very

quickly returned to normal. She said to the cardinal referee:

“Since Shrek Academy has decided to renounce the morning’s

competition, continue with the individual matches.”

At this moment, Godwind Academy’s coaching teacher also

stood. After first bowing to the Supreme Pontiff, he said with a

“The Spirit Hall Academy team is formidable. Our Academy

resigns itself to not being their match. Rather than reduce our
strength here, it would be better to contend with Shrek
Academy for the other place in the finals this afternoon.
Therefore, we also give up on the individual competition.”

The dramatic changes caught a lot of people unprepared. The

Spirit Hall Academy team won without a fight, directly entering
tomorrow’s finals.

4243 Goldenagato |

Without a single fight, the finals were already half finished.
Even though Spirit Hall Academy got their wish to enter the
final battle, Shrek Academy withdrawing from the individual
competition still left the organizers somewhat embarrassed.

The Shrek Academy party didn’t stay longer, and swiftly left
under Grandmaster’s guidance. In the afternoon, they would
fight with Godwind Academy for the other place in the ultimate

Nobody said anything on the way, most of them soaked in the

thoughtful and oppressive atmosphere.

The disadvantageous situation swayed the Shrek Seven

Devils’ confidence somewhat.

After all, this afternoon they had to confront the allied forces
of Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy, and tomorrow they
even more had to confront the formidable Spirit Hall Academy
team after only one night of rest.

Returning to the residence, Grandmaster called the Shrek

Seven Devils to his room.

4244 Goldenagato |

His gaze sweeping across the seven, Grandmaster indifferently

“Aren’t you very baffled as to why I would suddenly withdraw

from the individual competitions?”

None of the seven said anything, but apart from Tang San, the
other seven all seemed a bit puzzled.

Grandmaster’s rigid face flushed, an almost severe light

flashing in his eyes,

“Even I hadn’t expected Spirit Hall to actually use this kind of

contemptible method while holding this kind of advantage.
Little San, explain it for everyone.”

Tang San nodded, speaking in a low voice:

“Our first member on stage was Jing Ling. Jing Ling’s draw
was exceptionally good, letting our side hold the last position in
the competition, allowing us to observe our opponents even
better. But this time, the Spirit Hall Academy team member on
stage suddenly conceded. This had two effects, one was that the

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Spirit Hall Academy team member kept his full strength intact,
without any exhaustion. The other was that Huo Wushuang
also kept his full fighting strength to deal with Jing Ling. If I
guessed correctly, after Huo Wushuang defeated Jing Ling and
confronted the second Spirit Hall team member, he would also
immediately concede. Consequently, it would be like their two
teams joining hands to deal with us. It would basically be
impossible for us to have a chance at victory in the individual
competitions. Each loss would be fine, if we won, we would
definitely suffer their revolving battle.”

“When Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy merged

before, I still didn’t understand why Spirit Hall would agree to
their request, but now it’s clear. They reached an agreement
with the Spirit Hall Academy team for the support of Spirit

Tang San fell silent after explaining. The mood in the whole
room turned silent, but the flames of rage constantly spread; no
wonder Grandmaster would call Spirit Hall contemptible.

While holding such an advantage, still cooperating with

Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy to deal with them, if
that wasn’t contemptible, what was?

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A sneer appeared on Grandmaster’s face,

“They think to stop our march forward like this? Then,

they’re still underestimating us too much. Originally I didn’t
have that much desire for victory, but when they’re like this,
then our goal is also only one.”

Before the competition in the afternoon, the Shrek Seven

Devils stayed in Grandmaster’s room the whole time, even
when taking their meals. Flender and Liu Erlong kept guard
outside, keeping anyone from approaching.

Of course, in the Shrek Academy residence, there was still a

power like the Poison Douluo.

The early morning air was cool and refreshing. In the

afternoon, as the sun rose to its zenith, that coolness was
replaced by scorching heat. Even though it still wasn’t the
height of summer, the temperatures were still high.

The seven Spirit Hall Academy team members stood quietly to

the side. In the plaza in front of Supreme pontiff Hall, the two
semifinalist teams gazed at their counterparts.

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Tang San and Dai Mubai stood furthest ahead of the Shrek
Seven Devils, looking at those familiar faces not far in front,
they revealed a trace of disdain.

The trio of Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wu, and Huo Wushuang, made
up the core of the team, looking face to face with Tang San and
Dai Mubai.

Huo Wu took a step forward, looking at Tang San, and coldly


“Do you know why we did this?”

Tang San didn’t reply, only the contempt in his eyes

deepening somewhat.

Huo Wu suddenly discovered that she really disliked having

Tang San look at her like this, and her explosive temperament
immediately appeared,

“What I did was all in order to determine the winner with you
again. Even if I have to give up the chance of being first, I still
definitely have to fight you again.”

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Tang San smiled calmly,

“If it was only for this, then you’ve already fallen behind. Lost
in strength and discipline, in this match, you already don’t
stand a chance.”

Huo Wu was indignant,

“That will be shown by the facts. Don’t think I’d start off
leniently because you saved me. What I owe you, I’ve already

Hearing Huo Wu say this, Tang San couldn’t help recalling

her appearance that day when she’d rushed into his arms like a
ball of flame to kiss him.

Regarding this daring to love and daring to hate girl, he really

did admire somewhat. Unfortunately, he wasn’t willing to
endure her temperament, and therefore they were destined not
to become friends. Even though there were a lot of people like
Feng Xiaotian who would patiently endure a beautiful woman,
Tang San was still a grown man in his bones.

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Even though none of the others of both sides spoke up, the
smell of gunpowder was already rich in the air. The cardinal
referee had clearly grasped the appropriate timing, and at this
moment, declared the start of the match.

Feng Xiaotian dodged in front of Huo Wu in the first instant,

protecting her behind him. The flame instantly erupting from
Huo Wu became like a backdrop to him. The other team
members, under Huo Wushuangs lead, also released their spirits
one after another.

However, something they hadn’t expected happened.

The Shrek Seven Devils didn’t take an the orthodox

formations like they had in past competitions, but rather swiftly
retreated just as the referee declared the start, forming a circle.

There were two people inside the circle, Ning Rongrong and
Oscar. The other five began to swiftly revolve around them.
Among all the seven, right now none had taken the initiative to
release their spirit, but intense spirit power fluctuations
permeated the air around them, frantically condensing towards
the center.

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What was this?

Sitting upright in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, the eyes of

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
master Ning Fengzhi, as well as the three Title Douluo, couldn’t
help revealing alarm. As outstanding talents of the Spirit Master
world, even they didn’t understand what the Shrek Seven
Devils were doing.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing.

The pace of the five was exceptionally identical, as if they
followed a kind of special rhythm, and the spirit power
fluctuating around them also formed a special orbit, constantly
revolving around them and filling the air.

At the center of the formation, Ning Rongrong and Oscar

stood hand in hand with their eyes closed. What soared up from
Ning Rongrong’s body was nine colored gem light, and
appearing over Oscar was a faint red light. The two lights
spiralled and soared towards the sky.

Even though the Shrek Seven Devils right now hadn’t released
their spirits, these new tactics of theirs still gave their
opponents enormous pressure.

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“Feng Xiaotian, ascend.”

Huo Wu shouted strictly.

Godwind Academy’s seven people immediately changed

formation, a pair of enormous cyan wings unfurling from Feng
Xiaotian’s back, and at the same time, cyan light and shadow
condensed behind him, the appearance of the Stormwind Dual
Headed Wolf.

Set off by that tremendously dazzlingly beautiful light, Feng

Xiaotian soared into the air. The wings on his back only beat
once, drawing support from the currents in the air, he shot up
into the sky. What he used right now was the second spirit
ability Dual Wolf Body Enhancement and the third spirit ability
Stormwind Wings that he originally used against Tang San.

Under the effect of these two great spirit abilities, Feng

Xiaotian’s fighting strength suddenly reached its peak.

At this time, Huo Wushuang had already taken Feng

Xiaotian’s position in front of Huo Wu, and together with him
were still two Godwind Academy power attack system Spirit

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Masters. The three of them formed a wall, sheltering Huo Wu.

The two people behind Huo Wu wasn’t those two fortieth

ranked agility attack system Fire Crane Spirit Masters, but
rather the two less than fortieth ranked fire attribute support
Spirit Masters that greatly shocked Tang San when they
originally appeared in the qualifiers. Countless fiery red specks
of light condensed on Huo Wu with astonishing speed.

Huo Wu’s expression was very serious, slowly raising her

hands as if lifting fifteen tons, red hot flame condensing into a
white light in her palms. At this moment, her four spirit rings
unexpectedly all brightened, and her painful expression
revealed the pressure she endured right now.

Perspicacious people could all see that right now the Godwind
Academy’s seven members were adopting the tactics of five
defending two. Two auxiliary type Spirit Masters suporting Huo
Wu, three power attack system Spirit Masters defending.
Among the seven, the key members were Feng Xiaotian
spiralling in the air, as well as Huo Wu using the ring merging
ability to condense her entire spirit power.


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Tang San shouted.

The Shrek Seven Devils formation changed, the original circle

suddenly turning into a line. Tang San stood in front, and close
behind Tang San were Dai Mubai, followed by Ma Hongjun,
Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing.

Standing furthest in the back were Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The change in formation made the spirit power they had just
released abruptly twist, and at this moment, Oscar suddenly
grabbed Ning Rongrong from behind, the faint red rays of light
he was releasing abruptly turning pink and frantically rushing
into Ning Rongrong.

The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda rose in front Ning

Rongrong, clapping her hands forward with a serious
expression. Just like Huo Wu, her four spirit rings brightened

Huo Wu wasn’t alone in possessing the ring merging ability,

this was originally also one of the special capabilities of the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. As the only daughter of the
school master, how couldn’t Ning Rongrong know it?

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Only, ring merging required consuming tremendous spirit
power, and wouldn’t be used easily.

For substantial nine colored hazy lights blossomed from the

four lower layers of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda,
shooting directly into Zhu Zhuqing in front.

Roused by that enormous support spirit power, Zhu Zhuqing

naturally raised both arms, placing them on Xiao Wu in front of

A bizarre scene appeared, those nine colored rays of light

abruptly grew a bit stronger, pouring into Xiao Wu from Zhu
Zhuqing’s hands, and Zhu Zhuqing’s entire body was already
pervaded by a layer of nine colored light.

Xiao Wu’s circumstances were practically identical to Zhu

Zhuqing, and that rich nine colored light became ever more
intense as it continuously transmitted forward.

As the rays of light reached Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai fiercely

slapped both palms on Tang San’s back. In that instant, Tang

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San’s body trembled violently a moment. What appeared from
his body wasn’t any nine colored light, but an incomparably
enormous pressure.

Sitting upright in the main seat, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s

eyes brightened,

“This is a seven fusion ability.”

After speaking, her eyes unconsciously turned to the calm

Grandmaster standing outside the fighting area.

Even though it wasn’t a Heaven-opposing seven spirit fusion

ability, the strength of seven people fused together to use an
ability alone was already an extraordinarily astonishing feat. In
fact, no spirits were the same, they all had differences.

Generally speaking, this kind of fusion ability would only

appear for Spirit Masters with spirits and spirits abilities that
were extremely similar, like the seven members of Blue
Sunshine Academy from before.

But the Shrek Seven Devils were different, they each had

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entirely different spirits, and stressed different directions.

These seven people with completely different spirits could

unexpectedly still use a seven fusion ability, even the eyes of the
Supreme Pontiff and the Title Douluo were brimming with

However, the Shrek Seven Devils had done it. When that
seven colored light connected the seven people, this seven
fusion ability was already completed.

Even though Ning Fengzhi scowled when he saw Oscar

embracing Ning Rongrong’s waist from behind, as he saw this
seven fusion ability complete, the expression in his eyes still
fluctuated with astonishment.

Whether it was him or Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, they both

knew that this seven fusion ability wasn’t credited to the Shrek
Seven Devils, but rather to their teacher, the masterstroke of
the not distant Grandmaster.

How could they know that what the Shrek Seven Devils were
putting to use right now was precisely a spirit variant ability
from Grandmaster’s Spirit World’s Ten Great Core Competing

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Strengths. A lifetime of spirit research, perhaps only
Grandmaster himself and his direct disciple Tang San fully
understood his accomplishments.

If even a fellow like Shi Nian could teach disciples to use seven
spirit fusion, how could Grandmaster not?

Both were fusion abilities, but the difficulties were as

different as heaven and earth. This was a Grandmaster, a true

Feng Xiaotian in the air had the clearest view of what the
Shrek Seven Devils were doing, and was also the most shocked.
That Ning Rongrong and Oscar would appear in the Shrek
Academy team wasn’t unexpected, they had already appeared in
the previous match with Star Luo Academy.

Even though Oscar hadn’t revealed any formidable strength at

that time, it had still drawn his attention.

But this seven fusion ability was still something he had never
expected. In the previous competitions, no matter how difficult,
the Shrek Seven Devils still hadn’t used this kind of ability.

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If it was used right now, he knew, he didn’t stand a chance.

With a long whistling sound, Feng Xiaotian moved, dropping

from the sky like a meteor catching up to the moon. In the
whole process, his large body and unfurled wings didn’t make a
single sound. The pervading cyan light completely introverted.
At this moment, his body and wings were aligned at a perfect

This was the start of Feng Xiaotian’s created spirit ability,

Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops.

And the moment Feng Xiaotian dropped from the sky,

piercing obliquely was abruptly a stream of red hot white light,
catching up to him in an instant, and immediately completely
merging into Feng Xiaotian’s body.

That line of white light was shot by Huo Wu, without a

middle part, but rather like a bridge that connected the two.
Under the support of the white light, Feng Xiaotian’s entire
body seemed to be brimming with explosive force.

Frantic energy constantly erupted from his body, streams of

air so red hot they seemed about to roast the earth.

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Even more shocking, that white light gradually condensed
over his body, forming a bizarre incandescent suit of armor,
covering both him and the knife sharp stormwind wings.

This of course wasn’t a spirit fusion ability, but after Huo Wu

joined Godwind Academy, she had researched a two person
fusion ability together with Feng Xiaotian. Even though it was
impossible for their fusion to display the tremendous might of a
spirit fusion ability, this fusion wasn’t only between the two of
them, but also the two auxiliary type Spirit Masters behind Huo
Wu. The power of four people focused on Feng Xiaotian, no
doubt made both his attack and defense reach its peak.

His speed rising sharply, Feng Xiaotian’s target as he fell from

the sky wasn’t Tang San furthest in front of the Shrek Seven
Devils, but Ning Rongrong and Oscar furthest in the rear.

Relying on keen perception, just as the Shrek Seven Devils’

seven fusion ability was about to complete, he had seen that
originator of this fusion ability was Ning Rongrong in the back.
And the foundation of the origin, was Oscar providing Ning
Rongrong with tremendous spirit power. As long as these two
were dealt with, the Shrek Seven Devils’ fusion ability would

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The suddenly accelerating Feng Xiaotian no doubt made the
Shrek Seven Devils start, even the spectating Grandmaster
couldn’t help displaying a praising light.

The combination of Godwind Academy and Blazing Academy

was undoubtedly a good match. Wind fanning the flame, flame
borrowing the force of the wind. Capable of focusing the
strength of four people and relying on Feng Xiaotian’s created
spirit ability to release it would undoubtedly push the resulting
attack power into the realm of terror.

However. The calm on Grandmaster’s face didn’t falter.

Because the Godwind Academy side’s fusion ability only had
four people, and the Shrek Academy side had seven equally
talented people, and moreover followed the strongest control of
Tang San.

Confronting the suddenly accelerating Feng Xiaotian,

standing furthest in front, after a brief moment of
astonishment, the faintly trembling Tang San immediately
raised his left hand.

The Clear Sky Hammer he originally used to break Feng

Xiaotian’s Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive

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Chops appeared once again.

But as the Clear Sky Hammer appeared this time, it floated

over Tang San’s palm.

Surging black light rushed out of Tang San’s left palm. This
moment, he fiercely raised his head, purple golden rays of light
shooting from his eyes. That wasn’t any mental attack, but in
order to see everything more clearly.

Under the effect of Purple Demon Eye, everything before Tang

San seemed to slow down, immeasurable data converging in his
brain. The next moment, his left hand moved.

Under the pull of that black light, the Clear Sky Hammer
turned upside down and flew out.

The hammer didn’t have any rotation, but flew straight in one
direction, but at the same time as it acted, a thunderclap like
explosive sound echoed from the Clear Sky Hammer. In a
moment that originally small hammer suddenly rose sharply
against the wind in midair, and the instant it turned, that
hammer head became the size of a water jar.

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A magnificent veined pattern flashed from the body of the
hammer under the sunlight. A frightening aura blossomed with
black light, dragging a black tail of flame in the air.


The black Clear Sky Hammer collided with Feng Xiaotian’s

incandescent armor in midair with a loud explosion.

An ear piercing shattering sound spread through all of Spirit


The shattering came from the wings. Feng Xiaotian’s right

wing turned nonexistent in practically an instant, and at the
same time his incandescent suit of armor was smashed, turning
into specks of white light and rupturing in a flash. Feng
Xiaotian screamed miserably, and under that enormous
impulse, he was completely sent flying, thrown directly to the
Supreme Pontiff Palace plaza, his survival uncertain.

Including Huo Wu, the six students on Godwind Academy’s

side were stupefied at this moment. How could they have
expected that their captain, Feng Xiaotian, would actually be
unable to withstand a single strike.

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Even that one versus one with Tang San had lasted a long time
before the outcome was settled, but at this moment, in just one
exchange, he was already utterly crushed.

Having lost Feng Xiaotian, this match no longer held any

suspense. But what they couldn’t understand, was why this kind
of situation would appear.

In fact, only Tang San himself knew why Feng Xiaotian would
be defeated so miserably. This was actually a combination of
several factors. It wasn’t that the support Huo Wu gave Feng
Xiaotian was weak, but rather because right now Tang San was
too powerful, and also restrained Feng Xiaotian too much.

First of all, behind Tang San was the united support of six
teammates. And behind Feng Xiaotian were only three.

Both sides being fusion abilities, the amount of spirit power

decided the overall magnitude of the ability on either side. No
need for doubt, Tang San held the absolute advantage.

Second, Feng Xiaotian’s biggest mistake was to use

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Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops again.

The first time he used it against Tang San he had no doubt

given Tang San enormous pressure. But after the end of the
match, how could Tang San not have carefully studied the
opponent’s ability?

After careful research, Tang San had immediately understood

that both Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops
and his own Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method had a
flaw, a similar flaw. That was, as long as one could interrupt the
ability when it first started, it would basically be unable to
display its might. And letting him continue unleashing it, the
constantly layering force, was where this ability was at its most

So what Tang San did, relying on Purple Demon Eye’s precise

calculations, the place where he threw the Clear Sky Hammer
was at the optimal timing when Feng Xiaotian’s full strength
still hadn’t emerged. With his Tang Sect hidden weapon
techniques and precise judgement, all of Feng Xiaotian’s
movement trajectories had already been accurately calculated in
Tang San’s mind, it basically wasn’t possible to dodge.

This was still the result of Tang San starting off leniently. If

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Tang San hadn’t attacked Feng Xiaotian’s wing, but rather his
chest, then the only result for Feng Xiaotian would have been
instant death.

Only Tang San himself knew just what level his strength had
reached. Relying on the superpositioned boost of the Nine
Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, relying on the support of his
partners’ spirit power, the spirit power Tang San had
accumulated right now already surpassed the seventieth rank.
Even if he had faced seven seventieth ranked Spirit Sages right
now, he still wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

How could the seven fusion ability resulting from

Grandmaster’s research be something the Blue Sunshine
Academy could compare to? This kind of fusion ability wasn’t as
formidable as the spirit fusion ability, but it could join
everyone’s strength. Since it was like this, the best choice was to
focus everyone’s strength to erupt on a single point.

And Blue Sunshine Academy’s biggest mistake at that time

was to use the strength of seven connected people on what was
similar to a barrier, that was then broken by Tang San’s Purple
Demon Eye.

The Shrek Seven Devils naturally wouldn’t make the same

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kind of error. Grandmaster wouldn’t let his disciples make that
kind of mistake.

Consequently, as the seven’s spirit power condensed together,

after passing the amplification of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile
Pagoda, the strength Tang San possessed had right now grown
by several levels of terror.

Moving baselessly, having beaten Feng Xiaotian flying, that

Clear Sky Hammer returned to Tang San’s left hand anew. The
hammer hadn’t returned to its original size. Held in Tang San’s
hand right now, the hammer was even bigger than his entire
body. But held in that left hand alone, it was still
extraordinarily stable.

Godwind Academy naturally weren’t willing to give up at this

point. Huo Wushuang and two Godwind Academy team
members charged simultaneously, and behind them, Huo Wu
also began to store strength for a second attack.

Closing his eyes, Tang San slowly raised the enormous Clear
Sky Hammer with a single hand. The lines of light on the
hammer’s body suddenly erupted completely, deep red lustre
incomparably dazzling. This moment, it was as if an
incomparably tyrannical voice roared frantically. And Tang San

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himself, like the handle of the hammer, seemed to completely
merge into one with the Clear Sky Hammer.

Seeing this scene, even Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong was unable
to stay seated, a bewildered expression flickering in her eyes.
The scene before her eyes was only too familiar to her.

“Tool Spirit Avatar.”

Ning Fengzhi sitting next to Bibi Dong already cried out in


After a Spirit Master possessing a beast spirit reached the

seventieth rank, the seventh spirit ability of the seventh spirit
ring would invariably be Spirit Avatar, incarnating oneself as
the spirit itself, possessing tremendous burst strength, might
increasing geometrically.

But a Tool Spirit Master’s circumstances were different from

Beast Spirit Masters’. Their seventh spirit ability was Tool
Spirit Avatar. Using themselves as the soul of the tool spirit, it
made the might stressed by the tool spirit reach its pinnacle. If
one possessed a tool spirit that was frightening on its own, then
the Tool Spirit Avatar erupting would be even more terrifying

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than the Spirit Avatar.

Before the seventieth rank, Beast Spirit Masters were

undoubtedly a bit more formidable than control type Tool Spirit
Masters, but after reaching the seventieth rank, they would
instead be surpassed by Tool Spirit Masters relying on Tool
Spirit Avatar.

Who could have anticipated that, in this Continental

Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament semi finals,
there would actually appear the rarest Tool Spirit Avatar of the
Spirit Master World. Moreover the Tool Spirit Avatar was
actually launched by the tool spirit reputed as the world’s
number one, Clear Sky Hammer.

Actually, even Tang San himself hadn’t expected that he

would actually be able to unleash the might of the Tool Spirit
Avatar. As his might surpassed the seventieth rank from the
spirit power boost, when he held the Clear Sky Hammer in his
hand, he did it practically unconsciously.

The tremendous force constantly emanating from him formed

a bizarre cycle with the Clear Sky Hammer, as if those forces
would break the body and erupt.

4269 Goldenagato |

Chapter 126 - Tool Spirit Avatar, Deep Gold
Clear Sky Hammer

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand began to change. The

originally black hammer turned to glittering dark gold, the
hammer also swiftly shrinking, the handle growing to one
meter fifty, and the hammer head the size of a bucket before it
stopped shrinking.

At this moment Tang San himself was also covered by a layer

of dark golden light, the aura released by him and the Clear Sky
Hammer no longer separate from each other.

Tang San raised the hammer to point, and a ball of dark gold
light and shadow grew in front of Tang San. That was the
seemingly unlimitedly growing shadow of the Clear Sky

With a loud rumble, Wushuang’s charging trio was practically

flung back, directly flying more than a hundred meters and
falling below the hill.

In front of that terrifying hammer shadow, even Huo Wu and

the two support type Spirit Masters were battered away like

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tumbling bottle gourds. Let alone using another spirit ability,
they didn’t even have the chance to act, entirely without the
ability to resist.

Clear Sky Hammer, the first tool spirit under heaven, how
would it have an undeserved reputation? At this moment, even
the Title Douluo present had eyes brimming with crystal luster.
Even to the extent that in the main hall of the Supreme Pontiff
Palace, several old men slowly raised their heads.

This was the Tool Spirit Avatar of the seventieth ranked Clear
Sky Hammer. The oppressive might of the spirit world’s
number one sect’s spirit.

Tang San’s originally one handed grip had changed to two

hands. For some reason, even though he had already beaten the
opponents, an intense craving appeared in his heart.

A craving to fully use the Clear Sky Hammer. A craving to

fully use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

Half turning, Tang San was about the swing the deep golden
Clear Sky Hammer in his hands. But at this moment, a low voice
suddenly reached his ears, a voice brimming with force,

4271 Goldenagato |

“Stop. Restrain your strength, withdraw your spirit.”

The voice held a bizarre charisma, drawing Tang San to

return the Clear Sky Hammer in front of him. The deep golden
lustre rushed out of the hammer, and swiftly returned into
Tang San.

And the Clear Sky Hammer also quietly returned to its

original size.

If not for the might of that one swing just now, perhaps
nobody would have thought that such a small black hammer
would actually be able to produce such terrifying force.

The expression on Tang San’s face had clearly changed,

turning from brief bewilderment to pain. He clearly felt as if his
own soul was peeling away, and afterwards again quietly
pouring into his body. At this moment, he suddenly had a flash
of understanding.

Using the Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar didn’t only
consume spirit power and strength, but still his own soul. That

4272 Goldenagato |

moment had been his soul fusing into the Clear Sky Hammer to
become a true Tool Spirit Avatar.


Tang San managed to squeeze out one word.

The other six Shrek Seven Devils withdrew their strength one
after another, the nine colored halo slowly retiring.

When that light completely returned to the Nine Treasure

Glazed Tile Pagoda, Oscar reluctantly released his soft embrace,
and the seven practically simultaneously loosed a long breath.
At the end of what had seemed like an easy match, each of their
chests soaked with sweat.

Tang San staggered, and Dai Mubai behind him hastily

grabbed his shoulder, stabilizing him.

Right now, Tang San was as if pulled from a lake, completely

soaked through with sweat.

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But his heart was still joyful.

Without using that kind of strength, it would be impossible to

understand its terror. But right now Tang San knew that he had
for the first time sensed the true terror of the Clear Sky

His heart was fervent, because he couldn’t help but anticipate,

if he used Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method while using
Tool Spirit Avatar, just what kind of force would that be?

This was the world’s number one school, the true might of
Clear Sky!

The competition ended so much faster than expected that

even now a lot of people still hadn’t returned to their senses.

Each of them eating one of the big recovery sausages Oscar

prepared before the match, and the Shrek Seven Devils left the
stage. The cardinal in the ring had no choice but to declare that
tomorrow’s finals would be Shrek Academy versus Spirit Hall

4274 Goldenagato |

Drawing a deep breath, under the effect of the big recovery
sausage, Tang San’s exhaustion felt a lot better. Forged by the
Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot,
his body was originally already more durable than common
people by far, and the Mysterious Heaven Skill possessed much
faster recovery traits than ordinary Spirit Masters. He believed
that before tomorrow’s match he, who was the most exhausted
from today, would definitely recover to peak condition.

In front of Grandmaster, Tang San’s eyes held a particular


“Teacher, thank you.”

Tang San knew that if it wasn’t for that voice suddenly

sounding by his ear, halting his full use of the Disorder Splitting
Wind Hammer Method, right now he might have already had
his soul pulled out from being unable to control it.

That might not necessarily be fatal, but he would definitely

have become an idiot. At that time he had been unable to
differentiate the source of the voice, but he believed that only
his Teacher could have raised the point at the key moment.

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Grandmaster wasn’t excited in any way because of the Shrek
Seven Devils’ victory. On the contrary, his brows were tight,

“I hadn’t expected that, as long as you had enough spirit

power, you could actually use Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit
Avatar. Truly worthy of being the number one tool spirit of the
present age, it was my mistake.”

Before the start of the match, Grandmaster had only been able
to teach the Shrek Seven Devils the seven fusion ability. This
was something he had long since researched, even if as his
disciple, Tang San was also able to exhibit this kind of research,
he after all hadn’t had the time Grandmaster had.

After teaching the Shrek Seven Devils the seven fusion ability,
Grandmaster had only told Tang San to conduct it to defeat the
opponents in the fastest possible manner to conserve spirit
power. He believed that his disciple would definitely accomplish
this task with the most effective method available.

But even Grandmaster hadn’t expected that the aggregate

spirit power of the seven fusion ability would actually let Tang
San use Clear Sky Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar.

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Raising his head, Grandmaster looked in the direction of
Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace.
The pair’s gazes collided in the air, and the Supreme Pontiff
frowned slightly, but in her eyes was still a difficult to conceal
admiration, and even a bit of pride.

‘It seems you are worthy of being the man I like.’

Compared to the reserved Supreme Pontiff, Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile School master Ning Fengzhi’s gaze was a lot more

Looking at Grandmaster with admiration, at this moment, he

truly considered Grandmaster as one of several friends on the
same level as him.

Returning to the residence, Grandmaster didn’t give the

Shrek Seven Devils time to recover, and immediately called
them to his room.

First having everyone sit and continue to eat Oscar’s recovery

sausages, at the same time he called Jiang Zhu to the room to
release her healing halo, helping everyone recover their spirit

4277 Goldenagato |

In what had seemed like an easy victory, even if the Shrek
Seven Devils hadn’t suffered any injuries, their spirit power
output hadn’t been small, especially Tang San had practically
drawn out all his spirit power by using the Tool Spirit Avatar.

Looking at everyone, Grandmaster’s expression seemed

somewhat grave, speaking to Tang San:

“Can your spirit power recover to its peak for tomorrow’s


Tang San nodded without hesitation,

“No problem. I have foundation strengthening medicines

here, recovering spirit power isn’t a problem.”

Grandmaster’s face relaxed somewhat. Sighing, he said:

“Plan’s won’t keep up with changes, I still miscalculated.”

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Everyone somewhat shocked looked at him. To them,
prevailing over Godwind Academy in this fight had been
entirely without suspense.

They didn’t understand why Grandmaster would still be

talking like this.

Grandmaster lowered his voice:

“If I had known earlier that little San could use the Tool Spirit
Avatar with Clear Sky Hammer under the effect of the seven
fusion ability, even if today had been a bit more exhausting, I
still wouldn’t have let you use this ability. With the Clear Sky
Hammer’s Tool Spirit Avatar, I would have a seventy percent
certainty against the Spirit Hall Academy team. But now it’s
been revealed prematurely, it won’t work.”

Dai Mubai said:

“Grandmaster, why won’t it work? Don’t tell me that Spirit

Hall team can figure out a tactics to break the seven fusion
ability in one night?”

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Grandmaster shook his head,

“It’s not only that. Don’t forget that the opponents you’re
facing tomorrow have the backing of the Spirit Hall with the
most powerful Spirit Masters. Spirit Hall has countless powers,
I don’t know how many Title Douluo they will have directing
their energy at finding a method. Even more, it’s impossible for
little San tu use the Tool Spirit Avatar again for the duration.
Otherwise, it would cause unpredictable damage to his body,
and very possibly influence his future.”

“Tool Spirit Avatar and Spirit Avatar are different tunes

played with equal skill, even to the extent that it’s even more
powerful. But where Tool Spirit Avatar is most terrifying is that
the user merges his own soul with the tool spirit, and that
requires consuming the strength of the soul. When little San
used it he could draw the spirit power from all of you, but the
strength of the soul still had to come from him alone. With his
present strength, his soul is still far from stable enough. If this
kind of ability was used two days in a row, a hundred times out
of a hundred it would damage his soul, reducing his memory,
making him stupid, directly turning him into a retard.
Therefore, you absolutely can’t use the Tool Spirit Avatar again
tomorrow. The same goes for the seven fusion ability. You must
remember that when your abilities are already completely
grasped by your opponents, you must look to change. Only by
changing can you break the opponent’s rhythm, taking the

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initiative into your own hands.”

Oscar somewhat anxiously said:

“Grandmaster, then what should we do tomorrow? Even if we

can maintain our peak condition to meet the enemy head on,
their spirit power is still too high compared to ours, and they
also have the spirit fusion ability. Defeating them really is too

Grandmaster looked towards Tang San,

“The difficulty isn’t absolute. You begin cultivating now. I

will carefully figure out the tactics here. Little San, come with
me, I want to talk to you alone.”

“Yes, Teacher.”

Tang San’s spirit power was already somewhat recovered, and

he followed Grandmaster from the room.

The others didn’t know what Tang San and Grandmaster

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were going to talk about, but they all knew that in tomorrow’s
match, Tang San would undoubtedly be the key.

But they also knew that as the strongest of the Shrek Seven
Devils, having changed the most, he had long ago become the
opponents’ target. Could he display his true strength when
facing three Spirit Kings?

Grandmaster brought Tang San to another room.

“Little San, you can’t use the seven fusion ability in the match
tomorrow. Tell me your thoughts.”

Grandmaster calmly said.

Tang San nodded,

“I understand what you mean. The seven fusion ability was

already revealed today, it will definitely be their target
tomorrow. With that spirit fusion ability of Xie Yue and Hu
Liena’s, they can definitely block the force of our fusion ability
for a while, then as long as the other five break our formation,
we will undoubtedly lose. But this can also be used against

4282 Goldenagato |

them, the victory rate is fifty percent or so. The other part is
breaking that pair’s spirit fusion ability, making them lose
fighting strength, and afterwards focusing the strength of seven
on the remaining five.”


Grandmaster somewhat shocked looked at Tang San,

“You have a way to break that spirit fusion ability? You must
know that a spirit fusion ability isn’t a fusion ability. If it’s
completed, it will have practically no gaps, and will moreover
have enormous strength. As you say, when the spirit fusion
ability is completed, the combined fighting strength of those
two will reach the seventieth rank or so.”

Tang San’s eyes revealed a resolute light, both fists


“Them, leave them to me. As long as Mubai and the others

give me enough time, I believe I can do it.”

Tang San and Grandmaster stayed in the room discussing for

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a full four hours. Only they knew what they talked about.


Supreme Pontiff Palace, official business hall.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong sat in the main seat,

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo on either side of
her. In front of them stood those seven competing team
members representing Spirit Hall Academy.

Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena stood furthest in front.

“Did you understand what I said just now?”

Bibi Dong said calmly.

“Understood, Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff.”

Despite being Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation, Xie Yue’s trio

still answered very respectfully.

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Bibi Dong said coldly:

“It will inevitably be impossible for Tang San to use the Tool
Spirit Avatar from today again tomorrow. He has twin spirits. If
he’s forced to use it again, even if he doesn’t die, he will still
never become a threat to us again. Therefore, you don’t need to
worry about this aspect. You only need to pay attention to their
seven fusion ability. Destroy it using the method I described just
now. In a fight of true strength, it’s basically impossible for
them to be your opponents.”


Ghost Douluo Gui Mei’s somewhat gloomy voice echoed from

the Supreme Pontiff’s side,

“You should know what this tournament signifies. Not only is

it your chance to make a name for yourselves, it also decides
where three spirit bones belong. With Spirit Hall being the
organizers, if you lose, it will be impossible to regain these three
spirit bones under the eye of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School’s people and those high level Spirit Masters. This is your
reward, and at the same time it’s your pressure. If you lose, I

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will take you all to experience three years in the Disorienting
Grand Canyon.”

Hearing the words ‘Disorienting Grand Canyon’, Xue Yue and

the others shivered practically simultaneously. Their gazes
instantly turned even more resolute. Perhaps only ghosts could
survive in that sinister place. In three years, perhaps they would
really become ghosts.

“Fine, you go rest.”

Bibi Dong waved a hand, and Xie Yue and the others hastily
left the hall from a side door.

Raising a hand to rhythmically tap the desk in front of her,

Bibi Dong’s eyes revealed a pondering light.

Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan said:

“Your Holiness, what’s there to worry about? Even if they

held the advantage today, the scales of victory are still leaning
towards our side.”

4286 Goldenagato |

Sighing lightly, the Supreme Pontiff said:

“I’m not worried about the Shrek Seven Devils. Even though
those seven little children are monstrously talented, they are
after all still young. Their potential still hasn’t completely
emerged. Apart from Tang San, the others won’t be any trouble
in the future. The variable that worries me is Grandmaster.
When I knew him many years ago, I have never seen the like of
his intelligence and wisdom again. Even though his spirit is
unable to cultivate to a higher level because of variation, this
person’s intelligence is frightening. What I can think of, he can
definitely think of as well. You saw that seven fusion ability of
differently attributed Spirit Masters today. I at least am unable
to propose that kind of formation. What worries me is that he
will raise some other kind of formation tomorrow, increasing
the variables.”

A cold light flashed in Ghost Douluo’s mirage,

“It would be better to let me go kill him. Even if the Poison

Douluo is with the Shrek Academy, I still have an eighty percent
chance of successfully killing him in one strike.”

The Supreme Pontiff snorted coldly,

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“If you had that kind of certainty, Tang San wouldn’t have
arrived here alive. Gui Mei, have you forgotten of teacher
instructed you in those days? Even the lion must use its full
strength when fighting the rabbit. Underestimating the enemy
is the greatest fear of the strategist.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

The Supreme Pontiff continued:

“Grandmaster holds the warrant of a Spirit Hall elder, we

can’t act against him. Even more, this is Spirit City. Casually
killing people in Spirit City, and one of our Spirit Hall elders at
that, how couldn’t the status of Spirit Hall greatly drop in the
eyes of all Spirit Masters? To say nothing of Grandmaster still
having a Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan behind him. Even
if he’s already left the clan, he is after all still a directly related
member. Remember, without my express order, nobody is
allowed to act against him hereafter.”

“It’s late, you go rest. I want to consider it properly.”

The light in her eyes dimming somewhat, Bibi Dong waved

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her hand.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo left quietly,

leaving Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong alone in the official business

Sitting there expressionlessly, the light in Bibi Dong’s eyes

began to turn complicated, muttering to herself,

“Oh, Xiao Gang, you still astonish me. Could it be that it really
was teacher that broke us up back them? In our lives, perhaps
we truly are destined to meet but fated to never be together. All
I can do is protect your safety. As for the others, I can’t spare
any attention……”


An eventless night.

Very early the next day, the Shrek Seven Devils already
appeared at the gate of their residence, trembling with

4289 Goldenagato |

After breakfast, seven people stood in front of Grandmaster
with lively spirits and excessive energy.

Tang San specially ate two Dragon Zoysia leaves before

cultivating last night, and by now his Mysterious Heaven Skill
internal energy was already completely recovered.

Grandmaster’s gaze swept across the seven,

“Follow the plan in the match. Try your utmost, and if you
can’t do it, put your own safety first.”


“Then good, depart.”

Grandmaster swung his hand to everyone.

At this moment, a voice suddenly blocked them,

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“Wait a moment.”

Grandmaster looked distracted, gazing in the direction of that


“Flender, you still have something to add?”

Today, Flender’s expression was extraordinarily grave.

Ever since the Shrek Seven Devils had let him earn enough
profit to fill both pots and jars in this tournament, he’d always
had a smile on his face. But right now his smile was gone.

Walking in front of the devils, he first arranged the lapels of

Dai Mubai who stood in front, afterwards turning to all seven:

“Children. For you, this the final fight of your graduation.

Honestly, to have fostered talents like you, I feel very fortunate.
And also extremely proud. There is no lack of banquets under
Heaven, Shrek Academy is unable to always help you grow.
Your future path, is all up to you to walk by yourselves.”

4291 Goldenagato |

“I said before that I won’t let you graduate unless you were
the final champions. That’s just a joke, no need to take it
seriously. What I want to tell you right now is that, no matter
the outcome, you are all my pride, and also all my children. I
won’t let any one of you become casualties in the last moment
of the tournament. The championship isn’t important. What’s
important, is you yourselves. I don’t want a victorious result,
but rather your safe return. Well, I’ve said enough.”

Ma Hongjun said:

“Teacher, how come your eyes are red?”

“Ah? It’s dust.”

Flender immediately turned around. Grandmaster was the

director of the Shrek Academy team, but as dean, he had clearly
seen the effort these children had made each day. Of course he
knew that the great effort of the Shrek Seven Devils in this
tournament wasn’t all to temper themselves, but even more to
bring this great glory to Shrek Academy before graduating.

Just like he said, each of the Shrek Seven Devils was like his
own child. Before these ultimate finals, on the verge of

4292 Goldenagato |

confronting that kind of power, Flender couldn’t keep from
expressing his true feelings.

In his heart, money was admittedly important, but no amount

of gold could be exchanged for these seven little monsters in
front of him.

Tang San smiled faintly,

“Dean Flender, others would hold a pep talk for the competing
students, but aren’t you making us feel discouraged? Don’t
worry. We’d all hate to die. Even more, there’s still those three
spirit bones to make us drool with desire.”

Grandmaster patted Flender’s shoulder, his ordinarily languid

gaze abruptly becoming severe,

“Let’s go.”

Striding forward with heads high, the Shrek Seven Devils left
the residence. On the street, a lot of Spirit Masters silently
watched them from the sides of the road. Even though the spirit
power of these children perhaps wasn’t much, with their age,

4293 Goldenagato |

challenging the Spirit Hall Academy team, all of it made these
Spirit Masters waiting for the battle secretly admire them.

In front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, Tang San suddenly

discovered that with each step he climbed, his feet become
incomparably firm. He had never thirsted for victory like now.
He knew that, if they lost the match today, he would definitely
regret it for a lifetime.

The sunlight brought a golden radiance to Supreme Pontiff

Palace. Everyone’s gazes became serious, watching the Shrek
Seven Devils walk step by step over the stones, the atmosphere
seemingly thickening.

The Supreme Pontiff, Ning Fengzhi, and the three Title

Douluo spectating yesterday were already seated, the three
spirit bone prizes laying in a red brocade tray to the side,
releasing a faint halo of light.

The Spirit Hall Academy team stood there silently, an intense

murderous spirit pressing towards the Shrek Seven Devils just
like knives. Under the effect of this enormous pressure, the
Shrek Seven Devils’ pace up the hill clearly slowed a bit. The
match still hadn’t started, but both sides were already crossing

4294 Goldenagato |

“The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament finals are about to begin, both sides prepare. The
match will start in a quarter of an hour.”

Both sides returned to their positions, the Shrek Seven Devils

circling around Grandmaster. Tang San stretched his hand into
the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, taking out seven rolled up
dark green leaves. He ate one, and handed over one to each of
the others.

Foundation building Dragon Zoysia leaf, taking it would not

only increase healing speed, provoking rapid spirit power
recover, but at the same time could also make people’s mind
even more focused. Eating it right now before the match was in
order to maintain peak condition even longer in the fight.

“Little San.”

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San.

Tang San gave him a firm nod,

4295 Goldenagato |

“Don’t worry. No issues on my side. For the rest, I’ll leave it to

Grandmaster took the lead to raise his right fist, and the each
of the Shrek Seven Devils equally raised their hands. Eight
hands piled together, at the same time as a gargantuan shout,

“Certain victory!”

Yes, certain victory. This was their only belief.

On the other side, the Spirit Hall Academy team suddenly

heard the shout on the Shrek Academ side, and team captain Xie
Yue couldn’t help curling his lips, sneering,

“Certain victory? We’ll let them have a look at true strength

today. The gap in spirit power is an impassable gulf. Even the
lowest ranked Spirit Master among us is on the same level as
their captain. I want to see their basis for certain victory.”

Sweeping an ice cold gaze across his companions, Xie Yue said

4296 Goldenagato |

“The Lord Supreme Pontiff is watching, the elders are also
watching. We must not only gain victory in this match, but still
a complete victory. Don’t give them any chances. I’ll deal with
that Tang San. Who are we?”


An even more intense bellow echoed from the Spirit Hall

Academy team.

Both sides’ refusal to yield made the Spirit Masters watching

below the hill feel like their blood was boiling, who hadn’t been
young? Who hadn’t been hot-blooded? To them, the outcome of
this match wasn’t important, what was important was to be
able to see a brilliant fight.

A quarter of an hour wasn’t long, and very soon the members

of both sides walked into the plaza at the prompting of the
referee. Perhaps it was in order to oppose needle with needle
and spear with spear against Shrek Academy, but today the
Spirit Hall Academy team had changed to fiery red uniforms
embroidered with golden thread, clearly of excellent quality.

4297 Goldenagato |

Compared to them, Shrek Academy’s snot green, and
moreover covered with countless advertising logos, uniforms
were ridiculous.

However, nobody would laugh at them. Capable of taking this

step forward, capable of entering the finals of the Continental
Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, nobody
would sneer at their strength.

“Prepare for the match, both sides can release spirits.”

The cardinal referee announced as soon as both sides were in


The fourteen members of both sides looked face to face.

Nobody said a word, but the collision of auras made the smell of
gunpowder in the air rise to the limit in an instant. At this
moment, even respected powers like Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong
had their gazes completely focused on this match.

The seven Spirit Hall Academy members moved practically

simultaneously, surging spirit power erupting from their bodies
in a flash.

4298 Goldenagato |

Of Xie Yue’s trio standing furthest ahead, each had a glittering
two yellow, two purple, and one black ideal spirit ring
configuration. The other four behind them also had two yellow
and two purple optimal allocations. The expression in each
person’s eyes became extremely persistent. One of the male
students standing furthest in the rear swiftly retreated a step, a
glorious golden scepter in his hands. Most certainly, he
possessed a support model tool spirit.

At the same time as they released their spirits, the Shrek

Seven Devils’ side simultaneously started to release theirs. The
seven stood in order, Tang San and Dai Mubai furthest in front,
and behind them separately stood Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun
and Xiao Wu, with Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the last line,
assuming a two-three-two formation.

Entirely different from the last match, this time Shrek

Academy didn’t use the seven fusion ability, but rather
extremely normally released their spirits simultaneously.

Seven people, all with four spirit rings. Of course, drawing the
most attention was still Tang San with the ten thousand year
spirit ring.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s brows wrinkled slightly,

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unconsciously turning to look in Grandmaster’s direction,
thinking in her heart, ‘Xiao Gang, you really changed formation

Grandmaster didn’t look at her, only concentrating his

attention to watch the circumstances in the ring. His expression
was no longer calm. Regarding this match, he also didn’t hold
absolute certainty.

“Match start.”

As he declared the start of this Continental Advanced Spirit

Master Academy Elite Tournament’s final finals, the cardinal
speedily withdrew, vacating the ring.

The first of the Spirit Hall team to move wasn’t the team
captain Xie Yue furthest in front, but rather his little sister Hu

Stepping lightly and gracefully, Hu Liena only seemed to turn

her body, but had already reached furthest in front. A faint
smile floated onto her face, and along with the release of her
spirit, she seemed to become beautiful, and a great fuzzy tail still
sprouted behind her.

4300 Goldenagato |

Faint red light appeared from her body, light flashing in the
pupils of her eyes. Looking at Tang San, her movements were
exactly the same as the time she dealt with Heaven Dou Imperial
Academy team’s Yu Tian-Heng. That unique charm made
people unable to think of pulling their eyes away from her.

But somewhat startling to Hu Liena was that, confronted with

the release of her spirit, the Shrek Seven Devils remained
unmoved. Apart from Tang San and Xiao Wu, the other five
swiftly closed their eyes and used their fingers to stop up their
ears, completely isolating themselves from sight and hearing.

Even the best charm ability needed a trigger; hearing, sight,

taste, smell, touch, sensation. They were released through one
of the six, and right now, the venues Hu Liena could influence
the Shrek Seven Devils lacked sight and hearing. The smooth
movements of the Shrek Seven Devils undoubtedly made her
charm lose effect.

Xiao Wu suddenly stepped forward, giving Hu Liena a smile,

her second spirit ring flashing with pink light. Her eyes were
already completely pink. Soft Bones Demon Rabbit’s second
spirit ability, Charm, launched.

4301 Goldenagato |

Using charm against charm, the one with the greatest spirit
power would hold the advantage.

Xiao Wu and Hu Liena groaned practically simultaneously. Hu

Liena only swayed once, but Xiao Wu too three steps back, her
face deathly pale, two streaks of blood flowing down like little
snakes from her nose, clearly it was her loss. In spirit power and
mental strength, there was still a large gap between her and Hu

Even though Xiao Wu was injured, she had undoubtedly

broken Hu Liena’s initiative. Face changing slightly, Hu Liena
immediately moved.

And at this moment, standing furthest ahead in the team,

Tang San also put his hand behind his back to catch the pink ray
of light Oscar flung at him, stepping forward with large strides,
heading straight for the seven on the other side. At the same
time, six strands of Blue Silver Grass rushed out of his right
hand, each twisting around the waists of his seven companions.
Blue Silver Grass control, was already in full swing.

Hu Liena looked coldly at the advancing Tang San, her five

spirit ring flickering extremely rhythmically once. First that
black fifth spirit ring, then the fourth, third, second, all the way

4302 Goldenagato |

to the final yellow first spirit ring. As each spirit ring pulsed, the
pink light around her would become even more intense. Behind
her, Xie Yue also moved at this moment.

Xie Yue’s Moon Blade wasn’t one, but rather two. Two
entirely blood red, half moon shaped crescents, his hands each
holding a moon blade. Along with his body moving now, he
extended both hands, and unexpectedly full body tackled his
little sister from behind.

At this moment, two yellow lights simultaneously shot out

from the scepter in the hands of the Spirit Hall Academy team’s
support type Spirit Master, the golden light glittering, and
swiftly merging with Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

A curtain of red light suddenly appeared, spread. The instant

Xie Yue and Hu Liena collided, that red light wrapped the two of
them within.

And at the same time, that red light also erupted in a flash,
spreading like a red sphere, covering close to half the stage.

4303 Goldenagato |

Chapter 127 - Shrek Seven Devils’ Complete

The Shrek Seven Devils were completely enveloped, and right

now, there was still a thirteen meter distance from Tang San to

The red light screen didn’t need time to rise like last time,
under the assistance of their comrade, in just an instant, the
light strengthened to its peak. Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s spirit
fusion ability, Charm Demon, launched.

The Spirit Hall Academy team of course knew that the Shrek
Seven Devils had already seen this ability, but they had enough
confidence in themselves. Spirit fusion abilities and fusion
abilities were two completely different concepts, the spirit
fusion ability didn’t have any weakness, and their powers were
moreover entirely different. Just as Grandmaster said, the spirit
fusion ability used by two Spirit Kings could absolutely compare
to the might of a seventieth ranked Spirit Sage for a short while.

Red light flickering, two people changing into one, long hair
floating, whether male or female seemingly undistinguishable.

4304 Goldenagato |

Hair already turned red, this figure formed from Xie Yue and
Hu Liena danced quietly. Two Moon Blades more than doubled
in size flickered with a flowing rainbow kind of luster at the
ends of the spread arms. Along with that surge of red light
intensifying, this silhouette instantly disappeared in a thick red
fog coming from behind, and the Shrek Seven Devils were also
completely enveloped in the thick fog.

The Spirit Hall Academy team didn’t have a control type

Spirit Master in the true sense of the word, but their control
capability was unprecedentedly powerful. The cause of this was
all because of this spirit fusion ability, Charm Demon.

The greatest characteristic of this spirit fusion ability was

control. Within the range the Charm Demon could control,
everyone’s senses were reduced by fifty percent, spirit power
suppressed by fifty percent, and all movements delayed by fifty

It could be said to force the opponents into an impasse in an

instant. That thick red fog was mixed with ruthless energy and
psychedelic special capabilities. Aside from the three types of
negative conditions, most dreadful was that within this red fog,
only Xie Yue and Hu Liena, using the spirit fusion ability, could
see things. Suddenly losing vision would undoubtedly put
people’s minds in chaos, and would moreover be

4305 Goldenagato |

comprehensively weakened. How many opponents even of the
same level as Xie Yue and the others had fallen to this spirit
fusion ability was unknown. This spirit ability was enough to
compare to the seventh spirit ability of common Spirit Masters.

Watching the Shrek Seven Devils being swallowed by the red

fog without the seven fusion ability, the other Spirit Hall
Academy team members couldn’t help revealing cold smiles.
And Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s expression also became a bit

Ning Fengzhi’s brows tightened. He didn’t understand

whether the situation in front of him was Grandmaster’s plan.
If it was, then why would Grandmaster do it? Entering deep
within the spirit fusion ability, that wasn’t a good thing in any
way. How could they still fight while comprehensively
weakened? None of the Shrek Seven Devils showed any
intention of interrupting the opponents’ spirit fusion ability.

Grandmaster’s gaze shifted to Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong who

was focused on the match, secretly thinking, ‘You can’t see why
I let them do this. The weak defeating the strong requires
extraordinary methods. What about a spirit fusion ability? Even
if it’s control, it’s only weakening control, not a comprehensive

4306 Goldenagato |

Entering the pink range, the Shrek Seven Devils clearly felt
their bodies growing heavier, their perception immediately
slowing, even raising a hand or moving a leg seemed to be
obstructed by invisible barriers, becoming a lot more difficult.

But none of them panicked. The instant before the red fog hit
them, besides Tang San, the Battle Spirit Masters among the
other six immediately crowded around Ning Rongrong and
Oscar. And Oscar was still as if nothing had happened, still
manufacturing his sausages.

Dangdang, two crisp sounds echoed in the red mist. At the

same time came a neither male nor female exclamation of

“How can you know the direction of my attack?”

Asking this question was the combined form of Xie Yue and
Hu Liena.

Tang San’s jade colored hands had just blocked those two
quietly slashing Moon Blades.

4307 Goldenagato |

The red fog didn’t block Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s line of sight,
and they clearly saw a trace of a smile on Tang San’s face. As the
master of the spirit fusion ability, Xie Yue hastily used force.
After launching the spirit fusion ability, his spirit power was
summed together with Hu Liena’s, reaching more than the
sixtieth rank.

However, with this use of force, he discovered that his

strength was used on nothing. Tang San had already released
his hands at some point.

And at this time, Tang San’s arms shook simultaneously. The

Blue Silver Grass connected to his arms jolted as if rippling, and
six silhouettes were simultaneously thrown from the red fog.

In the view from outside, cries of alarm had just fallen as six
shadows already soared out of the red fog.

In this red fog, common Spirit Masters were basically unable

to distinguish directions. Once stuck, it was impossible to get
free. Unless they were flying type Spirit Masters. But Tang San
didn’t show the slightest sign of losing his bearings, while the
other side was still unable to control the spirit fusion ability
from shock, using Blue Silver Grass, he all at once threw the
other six devils out of its range.

4308 Goldenagato |

This was Tang San’s scheme, he planned on the other side’s
lapse, an instant where it was too late to move the spirit fusion

A tiger’s roar burst from Dai Mubai, still in midair, his first
spirit ability, White Tiger Barrier, and third spirit ability, White
Tiger Vajra Transformation, launched. His body swiftly
expanded in midair. And Zhu Zhuqing pressed on the Blue
Silver Grass with her toes, her speed increasing sharply,
catching up to Dai Mubai in an instant, quietly leaning on his

Enormous wings of flame unfurled from Ma Hongjun’s back,

Xiao Wu directly landed on the ground. The Shrek Six Devils
had fully entered battle mode.

Watching this scene, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s face

suddenly revealed a sneer. And that androgynous voice in the
fog, brimming with disdain, shouted,

“You think you can escape my spirit fusion ability like this?”

4309 Goldenagato |

Instantly, the red fog abruptly spread, shifting direction in
practically a split second, the tremendous wall of mist once
again enveloping the Shrek Six Devils that just released their
spirit abilities. Even Ma Hongjun’s red hot phoenix wings were
unable to have the slightest effect on the red fog.

Originally, this red fog had blossomed with Xie Yue and Hu
Liena at the center. Seeing the Shrek Six Devils separate from
the range of the spirit fusion ability, Xie Yue immediately gave
up on attacking Tang San, and rather accelerated, his body
driving the red fog to cover the Shrek Six Devils once again.

Under the aid of the Support Spirit Master, this time his red
fog spread to an even larger area, covering practically a third of
the ring. Only the other members of their side weren’t covered.

“Unless you can fly, leaving my spirit fusion ability is


Xie Yue’s cold voice inundated the red fog again. This time he
gave up on attacking Tang San, and rather moved directly
towards Ning Rongrong.

Without careful observation, one would think that Ning

4310 Goldenagato |

Rongrong used the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Who
didn’t know about the world’s number one support spirit?
Taking Ning Rongrong out of the fight first would no doubt add
weights to the scales of victory.

But at the same time as Xie Yue pounced, Tang San’s voice
sounded by his ear,

“Then we’ll let you see flying.”

Whether it was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who were still in
the air, or the people on the ground, a faint radiance abruptly
appeared behind their backs in a split second, the light forming
wings. The six accelerated practically simultaneously, rushing
out of the range of the red fog in practically an instant, directly
ascending into the air.

It was the effect of Big Sausage Uncle Oscar’s flying

mushroom sausage.

From the start of the match, Oscar had been constantly

making his sausages. The first was a stimulating pink sausage
for Tang San, followed by swiftly making six flying mushroom
sausages for himself and the five others.

4311 Goldenagato |

Using them this moment, just separated them from the
opponent’s spirit fusion ability control.

“How is this possible?”

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong watched the Shrek Six Devils fly
out, and also couldn’t help widening her eyes. Dai Mubai and
Zhu Zhuqing directly pounced at the other side’s other Spirit
King, Yan, while Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu went to meet the
other three Battle Spirit Masters.

Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda blossomed

with light, in an instant boosting Ma Hongjun’s attack, and Xiao
Wu’s agility.

Oscar’s flying mushroom sausage had only appeared once

before this match, in the one fight against the Elephant
Armored School. That time they hadn’t drawn any attention,
even though Oscar had briefly appeared, Tang San’s radiance
was still too eye catching, and all gazes had been fixed on him.

Most importantly, that time only Tang San had flown alone,

4312 Goldenagato |

the others had all been moved by his Blue Silver Grass control.

Neglecting a support type Spirit Master was the biggest

mistake of the Spirit Hall Academy team.

Even though the outcome still wasn’t settled, by now the fight
was already out of their control.

Seeing the Shrek Six Devils suddenly fly out of the range of his
spirit fusion ability, Xie yue was also gobsmacked.

At this moment, he somewhat felt that when riding the tiger,

it was hard to get of halfway.

The spirit fusion ability was admittedly tremendous, but after

using it, it would also substantially consume their spirit power.

At the same time, while using the spirit fusion ability, they
also couldn’t use any other abilities. Just like Dai Mubai and
Zhu Zhuqing’s strength would be exhausted after each time
they used Hell White Tiger.

4313 Goldenagato |

Even though Xie Yue understood that the opponents’ flying
capability removed the advantage of his spirit fusion ability, at
this moment he still couldn’t remove it.

Otherwise, he would only substantially consume his and Hu

Liena’s spirit power, and on the contrary fall to a disadvantage.
His only choice right now was to first get rid of Tang San in the
range of the spirit fusion ability, and afterwards again go help
his companions to get rid of the other Shrek Academy members.

Xie Yue believed that even without the two siblings, his side’s
strength could still compare to Shrek Academy. Even though
the battle situation was out of their control, the victory would
still inevitable be theirs. The moment when he killed Tang San
would determine victory.

What Xie Yue didn’t expect was that Tang San hadn’t
launched any attacks against him in his brief moment of
sluggishness. Once he returned to his senses and looked at Tang
San again, Tang San’s entire body had undergone a bizarre

Only Xie Yue alone could see clearly within the fog, and he
was shocked to discover that from the not distant Tang San’s
back, grew eight sturdy vicious-looking long legs.

4314 Goldenagato |

Each leg was more than four meters long, thick like arms,
shining purple black, tiny hooked barbs glinting with gold light.
Each leg was divided into two parts, the points on the ends
resembling lances that could break any defense.

Spirit bone? Xie Yue guessed the history of the Eight Spider
Lances on Tang San’s back in an instant. They had carefully
researched Tang San’s spirit abilities before the match. Tang
San only had four spirit rings, and apart from Clear Sky
School’s created ability Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer
Method, they had long since committed Tang San’s fourth spirit
ability to heart. His body suddenly showing such a distinct
change at this moment, clearly couldn’t be caused by a spirit
ability. The only explanation was a spirit bone. Appearing from
the back, could it be a torso spirit bone?

Xie Yue immediately suppressed his original thoughts of

quickly disposing of Tang San. Even though the spirit power of
the opponent before him was a lot weaker than his own, the
appearance of this spirit bone undoubtedly pulled the distance
between them closer. Right now he had to rely on the spirit
fusion ability to impair Tang San. Xie Yue believed that as long
as he was a bit careful, not only could he complete the task the
Supreme Pontiff gave them, but he would still have enough
strength to go help his companions.

4315 Goldenagato |

However, was it truly as easy as he thought?

The reason why Tang San didn’t seize the opportunity to

attack before was in order to exploit that brief window of time
to release his external spirit bone, Eight Spider Lances.

The appearance of the Eight Spider Lances immediately made

Tang San feel his body lighten, the boost effect of Eight Spider
Lances directly cancelling out the impairing effect of the
opponent’s spirit fusion ability.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s spirit fusion ability mainly relied on a

combination of charm and spirit power. When Tang San and
Grandmaster talked it over yesterday, he told Grandmaster that
he wanted to confront these two great powers with his own
strength. He wasn’t speaking of his confidence in his own
strength, but rather because of the existence of this spirit fusion
ability. He even hoped the opponents would use just this ability.

When using the spirit fusion ability, Xie Yue and Hu Liena
couldn’t use other abilities, and to Tang San’s Purple Demon
Eye, charm was basically ineffective. Therefore, after entering
the red fog, the influence Tang San received was far smaller
than Xie Yue imagined. Relying on Purple Demon Eye, he could

4316 Goldenagato |

clearly see every thing here.

This was the first battle the Eight Spider Lances formally
appeared since absorbing the energy of the second Man Faced
Demon Spider. Even though it had been glimpsed once before in
the tournament, with Tang San’s meticulous control he had
always kept this formidable capability to himself.

The lower four spider legs hoisted Tang San into the air. The
now four meters long Eight Spider Lances seemed even more
frightening, especially those barbs were gleaming faint blue,
containing the combined poison of a two thousand year year
Man Faced Demon Spider and a six thousand year Man Faced
Demon Spider, further forged by the two great cold and hot
immortal herbs Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal
Precious Apricot within Tang San. Even Dugu Bo wouldn’t dare
say he could cure this kind of toxin.

At the same time, Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had

thoroughly evolved after absorbing the second Man Faced
Demon Spider. Not only had they grown bigger, but they had
also grown even more frightfully durable, giving Tang San
increased strength and agility, and the Eight Spider Lances’s
own effectiveness was even more tremendous.

4317 Goldenagato |

When the Shrek Seven Devils trained ordinarily, after Tang
San released Eight Spider Lances, even Dai Mubai and Zhu
Zhuqing fully using Hell White Tiger were unable to defeat him.
Because, with the aid of Eight Spider Lances, Tang San’s burst
strength became even more terrifying. It went for both attack
and speed.

Tang San and Grandmaster had wanted to build this kind of

ambience, for Tang San to confront Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s
spirit fusion ability. For Tang San to confront two fiftieth
ranked experts by himself, when he couldn’t use hidden
weapons, even if Tang San used the external spirit bone he
could still only fight one of them. But when the opponent’s
trapped themselves in their own spirit fusion ability, it would
leave them unable to use spirit abilities.

Even though their spirit power rose substantially, relying on

his techniques and Eight Spider Lances, Tang San really wasn’t
without the strength to fight.

As for the battle outside, it would depend on the display of the

Shrek Six Devils.

Dai Mubai’s tiger claws suddenly ejected with sonorous

metallic clangs, directly throwing himself at Yan.

4318 Goldenagato |

As one of Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation, Yan’s combat
ability was extremely outstanding. Despite watching the Shrek
Six Devils fly out of Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s spirit fusion ability
control, he didn’t panic in the slightest. Red hot deep red flames
abruptly soared from his body, and at the same time, his body
swelled under the effect of his first two spirit rings.

His clothes burst in a moment as Yan’s muscles bulged like

granite. In just an instant, he unexpectedly grew to more than
three meters, even bigger than Dai Mubai using White Tiger
Vajra Transformation.

Both fists colliding with a resounding crack, the red hot

flames around him were perfectly opposite of his increasingly
ice cold expression.

Of the other four Spirit Hall Academy team members, the

three Battle Spirit Masters took a step forward to meet Ma
Hongjun and Xiao Wu, and that support Spirit Master’s
supporting light fell on Yan.

Extending his tiger palms, with more than one chi long blades
as sharp as spears, Dai Mubai collided with Yan.

4319 Goldenagato |

Yan swung both fists, meeting him like a whirlwind, showing
no weakness.

With a loud explosion, Dai Mubai was blown back. Facing the
head-on attack, he was unexpectedly flung back seven or eight
meters by Yan’s strike.

Amidst the loud explosion was still a crisp ding sound, coming
from Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Stab aimed at Yan’s neck.

Her and Dai Mubai’s cooperation was as tacit as that of Tang

San and Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai attacking forcefully from the
front, and her hidden like a specter behind him to deliver a fatal

But inwardly startling Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing with qi

and blood roiling was that from Zhu Zhuqing’s Hell Stab, Yan
only had a white mark on his neck, without the slightest
amount of damage, his blazing heat on the contrary grew even

Immense defense.

4320 Goldenagato |

Extreme heat, powerful attack, powerful defense. This was
Yan’s spirit, Flame Lord.

In some sense, his spirit should be classified as a Beast Spirit,

because when it was used, this spirit also provided body
enhancement. Having reached the fiftieth ranked, Yan relied on
the first two spirit abilities to make his body solid to this degree,
clearly revealing its might.

His Flame Lord wasn’t just fire attribute, but rather dual fire
and earth. Capable of becoming a member of the Golden
Generation, how could he be commonplace?

In the fight on their side, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai were
suppressed in the first exchange.

But on the other side, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun didn’t suffer

losses even two against three.

Xiao Wu had at some point undone her scorpion braid,

floating in the air, her jet black long hair fell like a waterfall
below her feet. Moving lightly, her black hair spread like a black
cloud cover, and her body also floated out lightly, going straight

4321 Goldenagato |

for the vicinity of the opponents.

Having carefully researched the Shrek Seven Devils, the

opponents naturally understood the nature of Xiao Wu’s spirit
abilities. Her strength could only display its greatest degree in
close combat. As long as they were a bit careful, she wouldn’t be
any threat.

Consequently, one of the three opposing Battle Spirit Masters

abruptly took a step forward, a layer of intense light
accompanying his third spirit ring brightening. The radiance
abruptly spread, changing into a large white halo, striking at ma
Hongjun and Xiao Wu.

Of course, the area it covered still included Ning Rongrong

and Oscar behind them. This was unexpectedly an ability
similar to Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring, just that the attribute
wasn’t fire, but rather holy.

“Straight line.”

Xiao Wu shouted loudly, sharply spreading her arms.

4322 Goldenagato |

Ma Hongjun, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong all reacted extremely
quickly. Relying on the flying mushroom sausage, at this
moment their speed in the air was extremely astonishing. The
three were arranged in a straight line behind Xiao Wu in only a
split second, and this straight line was infinitely close to
perpendicular to the opponent’s spreading white halo.

The purple fourth spirit ring erupted from Xiao Wu, golden
splendor engulfing her body. That white halo originally capable
of sending them flying disappeared in front of Xiao Wu, leaving
a gap in the ring.

And with this gap it was also unable to affect Ma Hongjun’s

trio standing in a straight line behind Xiao Wu as it spread.

Accelerating, Ma Hongjun charged forward. After Xiao Wu

released her fourth spirit ability, Invincible Golden Body, she
also completely disappeared in a moment.

Invincible, absolutely invincible. Within the several seconds

Invincible Golden Body was active, Xiao Wu was completely

This ability matched Xiao Wu’s previous abilities, as if they

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had been planned in advance. Without this fourth spirit ability,
Xiao Wu was only a close combat power, but after gaining it,
keeping her from getting close was out of the question.

Immediately after Invincible Golden Body came

Teleportation, and the next moment, Xiao Wu was already next
to the opponent who released that halo. The place she appeared
was ingenious, just furthest away from the other two Battle
Spirit Masters. Even if the other side wanted to use spirit
abilities, they had to first move around their companion with
the halo to affect Xiao Wu.

The dark cloud cover of black hair wrapped around the

opponent’s neck just like living serpents. Invincible Golden
Body still hadn’t disappeared, and the spirit ability the
opponent instantly used against Xiao Wu failed to have any
effect on her. He wanted to grab Xiao Wu’s long hair, but that
hair was slippery as if alive, and his hands were unable to hold

His neck tightening, Xiao Wu poked one foot at the back of his
waist. Even though the techniques Tang San had from Tang
Sect weren’t applicable for Xiao Wu, having been together for so
long, Tang San had still long since taught Xiao Wu about the
weak points of the human body.

4324 Goldenagato |

The back of his waist pressed, the opponent immediately lost
strength. The next moment, Xiao Wu’s Waist Bow launched
under the effect of Invincible Golden Body.

Waist Bow already doubled strength on its own, and

Invincible Golden Body boosted Waist Bow once again. Even a
sixtieth ranked Spirit Master wouldn’t have any way to prevent
being thrown by that instantly erupting strength, let alone this
Spirit Hall Academy team member. The acupoints in his waist
pressed, he immediately flew like a soaring cloud or rushing

Completing this one move, Xiao Wu didn’t chase after to use

Eight Stage Drop on him, but rather shot up, leaping like a
swimming fish, just avoiding the attacks of the other two Battle
Spirit Masters. At the same time, she also perfectly drew their
attention. With just another use of Teleportation, she
successfully pulled out of their attack range.

And at this moment, there was also a violent explosion in the

direction that Spirit Master had been thrown.

Thrown with Waist Bow, that halo releasing Spirit Master was
instantly stunned for a short moment, and at this time, long
since waiting for a chance, Ma Hongjun dropped from the sky.

4325 Goldenagato |

Evil Fire Phoenix fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Cry Sky Strike,

The opponent being stunned was the ideal timing for Ma

Hongjun’s ability, and of course he wouldn’t let it slip by.
Distorted light filled the air within a small range, a red hot
column of flame instantly leaping up. With an explosion, the
opposing team member was completely swallowed up by the
column of flame.

Ma Hongjun’s silhouette moved away from the flame column

in the next moment, simultaneously aiming a foot at the flame
column behind him. An already completely scorched black
figure was instantly kicked out.

“Treat him in time, or don’t blame me if he dies.”

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu met up. This moment was just

when Xiao Wu’s Invincible Golden Body as well as the effects of
everyone’s flying mushroom sausages ended.

Relying on clever teamwork and fully exploiting their spirit

abilities, they had successfully settled one opponent, shifting
the current balance.

4326 Goldenagato |

Frequent cracks constantly echoed from within the red fog,
clearly showing the intensity of the battle within, almost
distorted close to severe whistling sounds along with clang after
clang transmitting outwards. Nobody outside could see the
battle within the red fog, but the other six Shrek Seven Devils
all understood that nobody was able to help Tang San now,
unless he voluntarily left the red fog on his own. The others
entering the red fog would only hold him back.

On Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing’s side, after the first time the
two collided with the opponent, they immediately changed to a
moving battle. Without engaging Yan from the front, they
relied on Zhu Zhuqing ambushing from the sides, and Dai
Mubai pulling from the front. Even though there was a large
difference in spirit power, the outcome wouldn’t be settled for
quite a while. After all, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing still hadn’t
used their final killing weapon, Hell White Tiger. Yan also
didn’t dare rush them. Despite being a Spirit King, he still
couldn’t be sure of blocking the Hell White Tiger. All he hoped
for right now was that Xie Yue and Hu Liena could hurry up and
deal with Tang San in the red fog.

Just judging by these people outside, it now seemed that

defeating the Shrek Seven Devils wouldn’t be too easy.

4327 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s expression revealed an ice cold light, his hands
crossed over his chest. Each time the light flickered in his eyes,
it seemed as if the air would freeze a bit. The Eight Spider
Lances behind him were like eight pikes, constantly thrusting
out from unfathomable angles, and the movement of his body
also relied completely on the Eight Spider Lances to control.

Xie Yue’s Moon Blades were even more formidable than Tang
San had imagined. Each time those durable Eight Spider Lances
collided with Xie Yue’s Moon Blades, a mark would be left
behind. Some of the tiny barbs had even been cut off.

In fact, Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had already passed the
amplification of two Man Faced Demon Spiders, as well as the
forging of two great immortal herbs. This showed just how
terrifying the might of those red glinting immense Moon Blades
in Xie Yue’s hands was.

At the same time, Tang San discovered that this spirit fusion
ability had a kind of particular effect on Xie Yue’s body. There
was an at least thirty percent chance that he would
automatically dodge his attacks. And Xie Yue had a superb grasp
of this dodge, never using the Moon Blades to dodge unless he
was absolutely certain his body would be hit, instead constantly
using the moon Blades to wear down Tang San’s Eight Spider
Lances. Those frequent cracks rung out because of this.

4328 Goldenagato |

Xie Yue was very calm right now. Even though his and Hu
Liena’s spirit fusion ability, Charm Demon, didn’t have any
formidable attacks, it was precisely because of this that it
consumed spirit power much slower than those attack spirit
fusion abilities, and this red fog could be maintained for a long
time. After fusing with Hu Liena, his spirit power had surpassed
the sixtieth rank. He believed that under these circumstances, it
was impossible for Tang San to win.

The facts also proved his thoughts. Relying on his exquisite

control over the Moon Blades, Xie Yue had already jolted open
the Eight Spider Lances more than once. But just when he was
about to get close to Tang San, Tang San immediately launched
a Binding or perhaps Parasite to halt him, allowing him to break
out of his attack range.

Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances had immense strength on

their own, and further adding Tang San’s strength and spirit
power, the result was comparable to a fiftieth ranked Spirit
King. But right now he was confronting Xie Yue who after all
had sixtieth ranked strength. Ten ranks of spirit power was an
enormous gap.

If Tang San hadn’t supplemented the Eight Spider Lances

with his own Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step and low level spirit

4329 Goldenagato |

abilities, he would already have been unable to endure.

Tang San understood that, with the degree of sharpness of the

opponent’s Moon Blades, no matter which spirit ability it was, it
was impossible to trap Xie Yue. What he would do now was to
consume the opponent’s spirit power, patiently watching for a

Despite being unable to defeat the opponent from the front,

fortunately the opponent couldn’t use any other abilities,
thereby not needing Tang San to worry about sudden attacks.
Judging by how Xie Yue didn’t let the red fog envelop his
companions, the Charm Demon’s ability had negative effects to
the people on their side as well.

Suddenly, after two attacks jolted open the Eight Spider

Lances, Xie Yue abruptly turned, one the two moon Blades in his
hands suddenly shooting out like lightning, flying through the
air spinning.

Tang San’s heart immediately skipped a beat. Relying on

Purple Demon Eye, he could clearly see that Moon Blade’s arc
slicing through the air directly at Dai Mubai.

4330 Goldenagato |

Tang San could be called the grandmaster of hidden weapons
in this world, and the moon Blade’s flight angle and speed he
could see how fierce this attack was. Even with the White Tiger
Vajra Transformation and White Tiger Barrier, it was
impossible for Dai Mubai to withstand the sharpness of a
sixtieth ranked spirit power Moon Blade.

“Mubai, careful!”

Tang San shouted, glowering.

Eight Spider Lances abruptly stuck into the ground, and again
sending him shooting out like lightning, directly into the air.

The direction Xie Yue threw this moon Blade was extremely
sinister, first cutting the Blue Silver Grass that connected Tang
San to Dai Mubai, making him unable to save him. Even though
the red fog didn’t cover the group fight over there, it was still
very close. A sudden sneak attack from behind while he was
focused on the enormous pressure from the front would catch
Dai Mubai unprepared.

Yan hadn’t been working together with Xie Yue for just one or
two days. Tang San’s loud shout admittedly warned Dai Mubai,

4331 Goldenagato |

but at the same time it equally got his attention. Both hands
fiercely smashing the ground, Yan’s fourth spirit ring lit up.

The air suddenly seemed to become thick, distorting and

undulating, streams of dry hot air making everyone delay as if
walking in quicksand. Stream after stream of lava bubbled up
from the ground, swallowing towards the Shrek Seven Devils.

When Dai Mubai heard Tang San’s voice, he first pounced

forward. He already felt a chill making the pores on his back
close up.

However, Yan’s sudden fourth spirit ability was mainly aimed

in this direction. A brief delay was often key to deciding victory
or defeat. The Shrek Seven Devils schemed against their
opponents, how couldn’t the opponents scheme against them?

As the leader of the Golden Generation, even though Xie Yue

was caught in Tang San’s plans at the start, he very quickly
understood Tang San’s goal.

He had launched a powerful attack against Tang San without

batting an eyelid, but once he discovered he couldn’t win in a
short time, he immediately changed tactics.

4332 Goldenagato |

As he watched, only a few meters remained between the Mon
Blade and Dai Mubai. Xie Yue seemed to already be able to hear
the sound of bones being cut and broken by the Moon Blade.
Even so much that his face already held a cruel smile.

“Loin Eye” refers specifically to acupoints on the small of the

back. Like this.

4333 Goldenagato |

Chapter 128 - Tang Sect’s Tenth, Batwing

But at this moment, layer after layer of black light abruptly

rose below Dai Mubai’s feet, strands of Blue Silver Grass. The
Blue Silver Grass immediately condensed together after rising,
becoming extremely hard. Not only did it block the twisting
streams of air outside, but at the same time also formed a fully
seven layered barrier around Dai Mubai.

With Dai Mubai in this kind of crisis, Tang San couldn’t help
the spirit power consumption and launched the ten thousand
year spirit ring’s ability, Blue Silver prison. Altogether seven
Blue Silver Prisons directly aimed at Dai Mubai.

An ear-piercing grinding sound instantly erupted where the

Moon Blade and the Blue Silver Prison touched.

One side was the Moon Blade supported by tyrannical spirit

power, and moreover the amplification of the spirit fusion
ability, while the other side was the unprecedented fourth ten
thousand year spirit ability. Which would win in the end?

Layer after layer of Blue Silver Prison broke under the

4334 Goldenagato |

grinding Moon Blade, but the Moon Blade’s red radiance also
clearly weakened.

Soaring through the air, Tang San didn’t stay idle. Dropping
from the sky, his Eight Spinder Lances stretched out, directly
throwing him at Xie Yue.

With Eight Spider Lances plus four limbs, Tang San could at
most attack Xie Yue from twelve different directions. On the
surface it seemed that Xie Yue was already suppressed to a
disadvantage, with Tang San’s battle capability able to
completely unleash a twelve directional attack.

However, at this moment Xie Yue revealed his power as one of

the Golden Generation. He only used one simple move to break
Tang San’s abrupt power.

Body rotating one turn like lightning, the other Moon Blade
surged out, spinning at high speed as it cut towards Tang San,
releasing an ear-piercing sharp hiss. In terms of attack power, it
was unexpectedly even more powerful than the attack on Dai

The attack on Dai Mubai had to be unexpected, so Xie Yue

4335 Goldenagato |

couldn’t use his full strength in order to reduce the sound, but
for this attack on Tang San, he naturally wouldn’t hold back.

Seeing that Moon Blade coming towards him, Tang San

couldn’t help being shocked. Because he discovered that the
speed of that Moon Blade was extremely terrifying even when
locked on with his Purple Demon Eye, and in fact, that Moon
Blade even left after images. Tang San immediately judged that
even his Eight Spider Lances wouldn’t be able to withstand that
cutting power.

By now, on the other side of the battle, the seven Blue Silver
Prisons Tang San used to defend Dai Mubai were already
completely smashed, but that Moon Blade also lacked enough
remaining strength. Dai Mubai’s tiger claws ejected to swat the
Moon Blade flying. But that Moon Blade practically only
touched his tiger claws before it abruptly disappeared,
reappearing in Xie Yue’s hand.

A sneer appeared at the corners of Xie Yue’s mouth. Since the

start of the match, it was finally entering his control. ‘So what if
you can see me in the Charm Demon ability? By letting me take
the advantage, you won’t have any chance again.’

In midair, Tang San saw that Dai Mubai’s crisis was already

4336 Goldenagato |

dissolved. Even though he was blasted flying by a fist from Yan
as he struck down the moon Blade, it shouldn’t be any major
issue. Yan was also simultaneously pushed several meters away
by a Hell Decapitation from Zhu Zhuqing, and on the surface
the situation was still in equilibrium.

The Moon Blades sharp whistling sound and the increasingly

enchanting red lines on its surface provided enormous pressure
on Tang San. But at this moment, his real combat attainment
was revealed.

Seeing the Moon Blade cut through the air as if pulled towards
him, Tang San spread his arms and sharply withdrew them,
simultaneously deviating in midair, as his left hand sharply flew
out, the more than five hundred jin Clear Sky Hammer emerged
to meet it.

With a loud explosion, Clear Sky Hammer and Moon Blade

shot out practically simultaneously.

What the Moon Blade held was the superiority of Xie Yue’s
rich and powerful spirit power, while the Clear Sky Hammer
had the effects of its own hardness and five hundred jin
terrifying weight. Consequently, the result of these two great
spirits colliding was to fly off simultaneously.

4337 Goldenagato |

Xie Yue’s face changed slightly. Right hand beckoning, left
hand waving, that flying through the air Moon Blade quietly
returned to his palm. But the other Moon Blade was already in
the air, rushing once again towards Tang San. At the same time,
he also immediately threw out the Moon Blade that had
returned to his hand.

‘So what if you can use the Clear Sky Hammer to withstand
my Moon Blade? You only have one Clear Sky Hammer, while I
have two Moon Blades. I want to see how you can block one
attack after another.’

To Tang San, the Moon Blade was like a large size Returning
Wind Willow Leaf Knife. Seeing those two Moon Blades arcing
towards him like meteors catching up with the moon, he
couldn’t help a twinge in his heart. A magnificent hidden
weapons grandmaster was actually taken for a target by the
opponent, this kind of feeling was really hard to take.

His body dropping in the air, right now Tang San became
extremely calm. Purple golden rays of light shot out of his eyes,
and his hands simultaneously completely turned a jade color.

4338 Goldenagato |

He couldn’t use his hidden weapons, so all he could rely on
was to recall the Clear Sky Hammer.

If he held the Clear Sky Hammer to knock away the

opponent’s Moon Blades, Tang San could be certain the
opponent’s vastly superior spirit power would be bound to
injure him, that was in no way desirable.

The pupils of his eyes suddenly contracting, what Tang San

used was still the Clear Sky Hammer.

This time he didn’t send it straight. The dark Clear Sky

Hammer spun through the air, seemingly slow, but just right to
meet the first Moon Blade.

Exactly the same as last time, the Clear Sky Hammer and the
Moon Blade were simultaneously sent flying. But miraculously,
that knocked off course Clear Sky Hammer unexpectedly
intercepted the other Moon Blade in the air, colliding once

Even though the force was lacking this time, it was still
enough to change the course of that Moon Blade, flying out
obliquely, unable to threaten Tang San.

4339 Goldenagato |

Xie Yue’s first reaction was that it was impossible. Could it be
a coincidence?

This was of course no coincidence. Tang San relied on Purple

Demon Eye as well as the rebound speed of the first time the
Moon Blade collided with the Clear Sky Hammer to precisely
judge the necessary angle to collide with the Moon Blade and
the directional change of the rotation to strike two with one,
successfully knocking away the Moon Blades.

Among Tang Sect’s hidden weapon techniques, this was called

Two Birds With One Stone.

There wasn’t any brilliant technique to it in itself, but the

difficulty lay in Tang San right now using this five hundred jin
heavy hidden weapon. The requirements in control, and still
the accuracy of the calculations, undoubtedly sufficiently
displayed his strength as a hidden weapons grandmaster.

The two Moon Blades had returned to Xie Yue’s hands anew,
and Tang San also had his feet on the ground. In the exchange
this time, both sides had tied, neither holding the advantage.

4340 Goldenagato |

Xie Yue was somewhat indignant. Even if the opponent had a
spirit bone, right now his strength was combined with Hu
Liena’s. Judging by Tang San’s movements, spirit power, as
well as reaction, the opponent received very little influence
from the Charm Demon’s ability, even to the extent that it was

But even so, with so much higher spirit power, was he unable
to defeat the opponent for such a long time?

No, this was simply impossible.

The androgynous Xie Yue’s pupils began to rapidly contract,

blue veins standing out on the hands gripping the pair of Moon
Blades, both arms slowly extending to either side, swinging the
Moon Blades, composing a circle. Fixing his eyes on Tang San,
his gaze wa just like a demon deciding on a person to devour.

Tang San was still calm. Even a landslide wouldn’t change his
complexion. This was a basic requirement for Tang Sect hidden
weapons. Being able to remain uninfluenced in the Charm
Demon’s barrier wasn’t only due to the counteracting effect of
the Eight Spider Lances on his back, but equally significant was
the Purple Demon Eyes that allowed him to see clearly, as well
as his hearing that could determine position from sound.

4341 Goldenagato |

Drawing a deep breath, Xie Yue apparently wasn’t worried,
his gaze fixed on Tang San,

“You are the first person to test my created ability. To be able

to fall to my created ability, you should feel honored.”

Tang San coldly said:

“You still haven’t won. When Feng Xiaotian used his

Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive Chops against
me, he should have thought the same. He could tell you the

With a disdainful smile, Xie Yue’s eyes held an enchanting


“Could a rookie like Feng Xiaotian be mentioned in the same

breath as me? My created ability doesn’t have any weakness.
Taste it, Full Moon.”

Xie Yue moved just like a whirlwind. In an instant, his entire

4342 Goldenagato |

body and the two Moon Blades disappeared practically
simultaneously. Appearing in front of Tang San was only an
immense white disk.

Without any grinding noise or whistling wind, it seemed as if

all sounds had been swallowed up by that disk. The red fog
within the Charm Demon barrier rotated around that white
disk like a whirlpool.

In order to defeat Tang San, Xie Yue finally used his most
powerful attack.

In terms of spirit power, there wasn’t much difference

between Xie Yue and Hu Liena, and Yan, and everyone had their
expert spirit abilities. The reason he was able to become the
leader of the Golden Generation, was because of this created
ability. And fully using this ability while in the spirit fusion
ability, was his single most powerful attack. Relying on this
move, he had with his own hands defeated his sixty eighth rank
teacher, thereby earning his place as the number one of Spirit
Hall’s young generation.

Full Moon sounded like such a beautiful name, and at this

moment, appearing in front of Tang San, was a faultless created
spirit ability.

4343 Goldenagato |

The circle was the most consummate form, without any gaps.
With just a glance, Tang San knew that this tracelessly target
seeking formidable attack wasn’t something he could resist with
Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer.

Xie Yue didn’t exaggerate. This Full Moon ability of his really
exceeded the Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty Six Successive
Chops by far, and in attack speed, the difference between the
two was far, far too much.

What seemed like a white disk was actually formed by Xie Yue
driving his two Moon Blades to rotate at astonishing speed.

Tang San knew that with using this ability at full strength
after fighting with spirit fusion ability, even if Xie Yue won, he
and Hu Liena would have barely any spirit power remaining.

At this moment, he truly felt somewhat defeated. Because he

clearly sensed that this ability before him wasn’t something he
could resist on his own.

Blue Silver Grass, Binding ability launched, immediately

4344 Goldenagato |

followed by a third spirit ability Spiderweb Restraint. Tang San
wouldn’t wait helplessly for death, he would use every method
he could think of to defeat the opponent before him.

As the Blue Silver Grass touched that white disk, it quietly

shattered. Spiderweb Restraint’s green ball of light covered it,
and was instantly scattered and smashed. Two abilities
unexpectedly couldn’t make the opponent’s speed forward drop
in the slightest.

Tang San understood that even if he used his fourth spirit

ability Blue Silver Grass to arrange a defense ten deep, it would
still be cut apart by that rapidly rotating Full Moon.

Tang San’s eyes brightened, and he began to move. To be

precise, he also began to rotate. The Eight Spider Lances on his
back extended perfectly straight, and the rotating Tang San
immediately turned into a whirlwind.

Tang San rotated in the opposite direction the opponent did.

Right now, his entire spirit power was condensed on his Eight
Spider Lances. He knew that this was his last and only chance.
Arriving at this moment, no techniques had any use.

4345 Goldenagato |

The only thing effective was a head-on collision between both
sides. Swallowing the stimulating pink sausage, Tang San would
give it his all.


Tang San’s ad hoc rotating whirlpool met the Full Moon. A

spur of the moment countermeasure colliding with the
opponent’s created ability, the result could be imagined. Even
more, the opponent’s spirit power was still far higher than his.

The first Eight Spider Lance was thrown against the Moon
Blades, causing the first explosion.

The Full Moon slowed for a moment, and Xie Yue and Hu
Liena’s fused form could briefly be seen within. But Tang San
spouted a mouthful of blood, and that Eight Spider Lance was
smashed to pieces as a result.

The violent pain made all of Tang San’s rotating body

convulse. But he knew that he couldn’t stop now. Drawing on
the stimulation from that pain, he on the contrary spun even

4346 Goldenagato |

A second explosion resounded once again, the two colliding
practically as soon as they separated, and the same scene
appeared once again. Another Eight Spider Lance was smashed.

In fact, as an external spirit bone, Eight Spider Lances had

long since become a part of Tang San’s body, just like his own
bones. Having two of them shatter in succession, how enormous
must the pain he had to endure be?

Even more desperate collisions still followed, a third, fourth,

fifth, all the way until the shattering of the sixth Eight Spider
Lance, when Xie Yue’s created ability Full Moon became a bit

Next was the seventh. Tang San spurted a seventh mouthful

of blood. His body was completely enveloped in a layer of ping
radiance, his spirit power reaching its peak from the
stimulating pink sausage.

With the final Eight Spider Lance remaining, Xie Yue and Hu
Liena’s fused body could no longer be completely concealed
within the moonlight, due to the speed of Full Moon dropping.

With a practically heroic effort, Tang San swung his last Eight

4347 Goldenagato |

Spider Lance.

This time was no longer an explosion, but rather an ear-

piercing grinding noise. Tang San watched his eighth Eight
Spider Lance constantly being cut piece by piece as it collided
with the opponent.

He was only too clear on the solidity of the Eight Spider

Lances. Eight Eight Spider Lances being shattered, Tang San’s
back was already dyed red with blood flowing from the skin
being torn open at the base of the Eight Spider Lances. Right
now his complexion was already pale.

However, Tang San’s resistance still hadn’t ended. He didn’t

have a ninth spider leg, however, he had something else.

Clear Sky Hammer. It finally appeared in this final rotation.

Shooting out under the impetus of Tang San’s whirlwind-like
rotation, it heavily pounded against the opponent’s Full Moon.

An ear-piercing grinding rumble as well as countless sparks

erupted from the heart of the collision between the two sides.

4348 Goldenagato |

Clear Sky Hammer flew into the air, and Tang San was also
finally unable to persevere with the severe spinning. Flung out
with a putong sound, he fell heavily on the ground.

But that rotating Full Moon was also stopped by that final

Xie Yue’s had a shocked expression. When using Full Moon,

he had wanted to kill Tang San in one hit. But the degree of
solidity of the Eight Spider Lances had far exceeded his
expectations. Tang San would admittedly lose an Eight Spider
Lance with each collision, but his spirit power would equally be
substantially consumed. With that final collision with the Clear
Sky Hammer, his Full Moon had finally been unable to be used

And he and Hu Liena’s spirit power was also finally unable to

support the continuation of that spirit fusion ability.

The Charm Demon disappeared. The red fog dissipated. The

gazes of practically all the spectators focused on Tang San and
Xie Yue appearing in the middle of the red fog.

On the Shrek Seven Devils’ side, everyone’s hearts fell. But for

4349 Goldenagato |

the Spirit Hall people, their faces all revealed smiles.

Fallen to the ground, dyed red with blood, Tang San twitched
weakly. Despite him struggling to crawl up, right now everyone
saw that, being two, Xie Yue and Hu Liena held an absolute

On Xie Yue’s Moon Blades were several dozen densely packed

little nicks, and Hu Liena’s face was pale. But at least they were
still standing.

Right now, in the battle on the other side, the two sides were
about equally matched. Yan had already used his fifth spirit
ability, and Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai and also finally used
the spirit fusion ability, Hell White Tiger. Judging by the
overall situation, the Shrek Academy side even held a slight

Even though Yan was powerful, he was alone against two, and
was completely suppressed by the Hell White Tiger. And on the
other side, even though Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun had
consumed a great deal of spirit power at the start, they were
backed by the supprot of two auxiliary system Spirit Masters.

4350 Goldenagato |

Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda constantly
alternated the light it shot out, boosting them comprehensively.
Three Aperture Governing Heart’s ease and freedom like
moving an arm or a hand, was extremely pure, always providing
the most correct support for Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu just
when they needed it the most.

And Oscar’s array of sausages constantly flew from his hands

to theirs to provide replenishment and supply. Consequently,
even though the remaining two opponents had spirit power
over the forty fifth rank, they were still being vividly beaten.
The ones holding the advantage were on the contrary their two
opponents, forcing them to always having to guard against Xiao
Wu once again using that Invincible Golden Body.

The disappearance of the spirit fusion ability Charm Demon

had undoubtedly broken the balance between the two sides.
Even though Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s consumption seemed
enormous, as long as they attacked Tang San one more time,
they could throw themselves into the battlefield.

When the Charm Demon faded, the Spirit Hall Academy

team’s support Spirit Master immediately shot out two rays of
light, separately falling on Xie Yue and Hu Liena, helping the
two recover. The scales of victory had already begun to shift.

4351 Goldenagato |

Xie Yue looked somewhat regretfully at Tang San. He of
course saw the situation in the ring clearly,

“You’re very powerful. I heard you’re still only fifteen this

year. It’s truly difficult to imagine your genius. In talent, I’m
not your equal.”

Being able to have the Golden Generation’s number one say

something like this, was undoubtedly a recognition of Tang San.

But at this moment, Xie Yue also raised the Moon Blade in his

He knew that even though Tang San was enormously

exhausted, it still wasn’t to the degree of the mission Spirit Hall
had given him. Soon Tang San already managed to crawl from
the floor with some difficulty.

On Tang San’s back, the Eight Spider Lances’ enormous

fractures seemed extremely frightening, especially his green
uniform was already dyed red with blood, making it even more
shocking that he still stood like that.

4352 Goldenagato |

The only thing that hadn’t changed from the start of the
competition, was Tang San’s eyes. The gaze in his eyes was still
stubborn and calm. Gazing at Xie Yue, Tang San straightened
his back. No matter when, his spine could never bend.

“Don’t think you’ve won.”

Tang San’s right hand slowly rose. Right now, his spirit power
was largely consumed, to the extent that he could only maintain
Mysterious Jade Hand on one hand. And that raised right hand
was filled with chips of the shattered Eight Spider Lances.

Hearing Tang San speak, Xie Yue couldn’t help looking

distracted a moment. Right now the situation was completely
under their control, Yan and the others had started to use force
to suppress the other Shrek Seven Devils from coming to Tang
San’s aid.

Even the recovery sausages Oscar threw over were stopped by

Hu Liena. The only support Tang San had was a stream of spirit
power amplification from Ning Rongrong.

“Don’t tell me you still have some means to reverse the


4353 Goldenagato |

Perhaps it was because the situation was already settled, but
Xie Yue still spoke right now.

Tang San smiled calmly,

“You’ve used your created ability, I still haven’t. I’ve already

experienced your true strength, but what my true strength is,
do you know?”

“Created spirit ability? In your present condition, can you still

use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method? Even though
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is miraculous, it still
can’t create a miracle for someone whose spirit power is
exhausted and spirit bones smashed.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll let you see what my true strength is.”

Tang San’s action was only a movement of his right hand.

Arm swinging, his underarm trembling with a bizarre rhythm,
five fingers spreading open in a split second, his fingers seeming
to disappear and turn into mirages. And those Eight Spider
Lance splinters in his hand shot out in all directions.

4354 Goldenagato |

Tang San previously held altogether sixteen fragments, for
the most part barbs and some sharp splinters from the Eight
Spider Lances that he had collected when he crawled up from
the ground before.

Sixteen fragments flew out simultaneously, but not one flew

towards Xie Yue and Hu Liena, at least not as far as they saw.

Xie Yue smiled,

“This is your so called created spirit ability?”

Tang San also smiled, but he didn’t have anything to say.

Rather, he fell heavily to the ground with a gudong sound,
already unconscious. Despite this, the smiling expression on his
face didn’t change in the slightest.

Tang San’s smile at Xie Yue, was at the first person who had
the guts to mock Tang Sect’s tenth ranked hidden weapons
technique, Batwing Rebound.

Batwing Rebound, tenth ranked of Tang Sect’s hidden

4355 Goldenagato |

weapons techniques. Usable with any hidden weapons, capable
of shooting at most thirty six hidden weapons simultaneously.
With Tang San’s present strength and control, he could at most
use only eighteen, and the sixteen he launched right now was
already the limit before he fell unconscious.

Sixteen fragments, each one flying in a straight line,

completely scattering in an arc.

The instant Tang San fell to the ground, Xie Yue’s complexion
changed. He simultaneously sensed two strong winds arriving
from either side of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, simultaneously raising both

Moon Blades, he knocked away the two fragments.

With two light dingding sounds, the two fragments

simultaneously flew away. Equally startled as him was Hu
Liena, who was assaulted by especially many fragments, as
many as four. However, she was after all a Spirit King. Even
though her spirit power was also close to exhausted, with the
aid of their side’s support Spirit Master, she was still barely able
to use her fingernails to flick away the four fragments.

4356 Goldenagato |

At the same time as they loosed a breath, the two of them
practically simultaneously felt a tingling. With incredulous
gazes, they touched the splinters embedded in their shoulders.

They hadn’t seen that at the same time as they knocked away
the six chips attacking them, they had unexpectedly
simultaneously flown towards the other person, and moreover
once again in arcs. However without the sound of cutting the air
due to their slight size and not being too powerful.

If the Batwing Rebound technique was that easily broken, it

wouldn’t be fit to become Tang Sect’s tenth ranked technique.
Even though Tang San didn’t have much spirit power left when
he launched it, he had already attained the result he wanted.

The chips that hit Xie Yue and Hu Liena’s shoulders weren’t
few. Xie Yue had the four that previously attacked Hu Liena,
and Hu Liena had two. None of the six fragments had failed to

The power of these chips really wasn’t much, only managing

to cut open their clothes and a layer of skin as they hit.

If it had been Xie Yue and Hu Liena in their peak condition,

4357 Goldenagato |

they could both have blocked Tang San’s Batwing Rebound
technique by releasing spirit power with their full strength, but
at the moment they basically weren’t able to. And all of this was
planned out by the already unconscious Tang San.

Cutting open the skin was already sufficient. Don’t forget that
the Eight Spider Lances contained terrifying toxin that would
give even the Poison Douluo a headache.

In just a moment, Xie Yue and Hu Liena discovered that their

shoulders had already gone numb. As they became alarmed,
even cutting off their arms to prevent the poison was already
too late, because the numbness had already spread to their

Without the slightest hesitation, the siblings swiftly sat cross-

legged on the ground, doing their utmost to urge their little
remaining spirit power to resist the spread of the poison. This
was all they could do.

Putong, putong, putong, putong. Four falling sounds rose

practically simultaneously. Apart from Yan, the other four
Spirit Hall Academy team members sat on the ground
practically at the same time as Xie Yue and Hu Liena, the
weakest among them, the support Spirit Master, had even

4358 Goldenagato |

directly fallen unconscious.

Tang San had thrown out sixteen splinters with the Batwing
Rebound technique. Besides the six used for Xie Yue and his
sister, the other ten all flew at the other five.

The instant he threw the fragments, to pursue accuracy, Tang

San’s mind had worked hurriedly with the judgement of Purple
Demon Eye to even estimate the movements of the five targets
within the next several seconds. It was also because of
overexerting his mind in a state of weakness that he fell

Those other ten fragments were extremely similar, not only

did they fly in arcs, but moreover still flew close together. Even
though some were promptly blocked by reacting opponents, the
chips flew out once again after being blocked, finding other

Besides the vigilant and most powerful Yan releasing his full
spirit power, successively blocking the Eight Spider Lances
fragments, the other four were completely infected.

In anyone’s impression, the battle situation had changed

4359 Goldenagato |

dramatically. The ones previously holding an absolute
advantage suddenly lost six people, leaving only Yan.

The scales of victory shifted once again, and moreover this

time they leaned so heavily.

Xiao Wu and Oscar ran directly towards Tang San. There was
no longer any need for them in this battle. Ning Rongrong’s
Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was unleashed, boosting the
Hell White Tiger. Ma Hongjun used all his remaining spirit
power, attacking from the flank with his full strength using
Phoenix Firewire under the effect of Phoenix Ascension and
Bathing Fire Phoenix.

It had to be said that Yan’s strength really was formidable.

Under such unfavorable conditions, he still stubbornly endured.
Even though his resistance grew weaker and weaker, and each
attack from the Hell White Tiger would leave him with several
wounds, he still persisted.

No matter how staunch Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s

willpower was, even she couldn’t keep her expression from
changing when confronted with the situation before her.

4360 Goldenagato |

Tang San hadn’t violated the rules of the tournament, what
he had thrown were the splinters of his own Eight Spider
Lances, a part of his own body. It really wasn’t a weapon. Who
could have anticipated that victory or defeat would actually be
settled with a light toss like that?

A voice suddenly echoed by the Supreme Pontiff’s ear,

“Your Revered Holiness Supreme Pontiff, I must warn you.”


Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan was just about to shout

‘audacious’ before he saw who dared suddenly speak to the
Supreme Pontiff. He discovered that this person was equally a
Title Douluo, but part of the Shrek Academy group, Poison
Douluo Dugu Bo.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong coldly shot Dugu Bo a glance,

“What does Poison Douluo want to warn us about?”

4361 Goldenagato |

Dugu Bo smiled faintly. Anyone could see how fake his
smiling expression was, but he did after all have his position.
Among Spirit Masters, Title Douluo were forever sublime.

“Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, the poison contained in

Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances, I couldn’t dissolve either. Only
he is able to detoxify it. Moreover, the three cold and hot as well
as the Man Faced Demon Spider poisons the Eight Spider Lances
have, as mixed poisons, will flare up extremely quickly. Even
though spirit power can slow down the flare up, it has a limited
effect. If you delay further, I’m afraid you will have only one
left of your Golden Generation.”

Dugu Bo’s words no doubt had a mocking intention, but

nobody would distrust what he said. With a Title Douluo’s
dignity, it was impossible to lie. He was a loner, and even
though Spirit Hall’s authority reached the sky, he still didn’t
particularly care. To be precise, Dugu Bo was backed by the
Heaven Dou imperial family.

The Supreme Pontiff’s expression flickered between gloomy

and clear. In the ring, the faces of the six people sitting cross
legged grew increasingly more purple and black, and Yan would
also soon be unable to endure under the combined assault of the
Hell White Tiger and Ma Hongjun.

4362 Goldenagato |

The originally certain victory unexpectedly devolved into
such a scene, Bibi Dong really couldn’t quite accept it. But she
was after all the most outstanding Supreme Pontiff of Spirit
Hall’s recent generations. Weighing the alternatives, she
promptly stood,

“Spirit Hall Academy team, concedes.”

The Supreme Pontiff’s words had just fallen when, next to

her, Ning Fengzhi stood. Raising his hand, the lustrous gem
light of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda appeared in front
of him. Ning Fengzhi lightly shouted,


The pagoda in his hand spun three turns and floated out,
instantly growing larger in midair. In that instant, the entire
front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace erupted with the light of
gems. As Ning Fengzhi’s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda
floated forward, its volume rapidly expanded. In just the blink
of an eye it had unexpectedly already become a more than ten
meter tall pagoda, floating unsupported in midair. A faint hazy
light shot out from between Ning Fengzhi’s eyebrows, directly
fusing into the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and his body
and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda flickered with equal

4363 Goldenagato |


This was the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s Tool Spirit
Avatar, also known as Seven Treasure Avatar.

Sword Douluo Chen Xin also stood simultaneously, quietly

standing at Ning Fengzhi’s side. Even though he didn’t release
his spirit, he still exuded an extremely sharp aura, secretly
protecting Ning Fengzhi.

A magnificent light surged out from the pagoda’s fifth floor,

directly shining on Tang San. And next to Tang San with
anxious faces, Oscar and Xiao Wu were flung out tumbling by
this radiance.

In her fall, a blooming fresh flower quietly slid out from Xiao
Wu’s chest. Xiao Wu’s complexion abruptly changed, and she
swiftly stretched out a hand for the Yearning Heartbroken Red,
once again tucking it into her chest.

In just this brief time, in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace, four

pairs of eyes immediately focused on her. Revealing astonished
expressions one after the other, these four gazes came from
Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan,

4364 Goldenagato |

Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, as well as Sword Douluo Chen Xin.

The four faces all revealed shocked expressions, and

simultaneously still unsuppressable emotional waves. Showing
the same kind of expression as them was also the not distant
Poison Douluo Dugu Bo. The gazes of five great powers focused
on Xiao Wu in practically an instant.

Xiao Wu clearly felt the pressure from them. Face instantly

paling, lowering her head, she resisted with great difficulty a
poisonous light from entering her eyes.

500斤 = 250 kg


4365 Goldenagato |

Chapter 129 - Xiao Wu Isn’t Human

The Supreme Pontiff looked eye to eye with Chrysanthemum

Douluo and Ghost Douluo next to her, their eyes revealing a
difficult to suppress joy.

Right now, it even seemed as if she’d forgotten the matter of

Spirit Hall Academy’s defeat.

The healing light of the sixth floor of the Seven Treasure

Glazed Tile Pagoda completely enveloped Tang San, glittering
with a peculiar radiance.

Tang San’s wounds were closing with extremely astonishing

speed, and not only that, the injuries to his internal energy
channels caused by the shock from Xie Yue’s created spirit
ability Full Moon also swiftly healed.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda’s fourth floor also

released a stream of light, the light of spirit power

With Ning Fengzhi’s strength, as the school master of Seven

4366 Goldenagato |

Treasure Glazed Tile School, the amplification capability he was
capable of with the Seven Treasure Avatar far exceeded what
Ning Rongrong could compare to.

Under the dual effect of the healing light and the spirit power
amplifying light, the wounds on Tang San’s back from the
fracturing Eight Spider Lances closed little by little, the broken
stubs of the Eight Spider Lances withdrawing into Tang San’s
body. Tang San’s complexion also started to grow rosy.

At this moment, another six rays of spirit power amplifying

light sprinkled out. This time they were for the six Spirit Hall
Academy team members sitting cross legged on the ground.

Ning Fengzhi wouldn’t cure them, but relying on the

formidable spirit power boost, he could give a bit more time to
resist the poison to these close to crumbling Spirit Masters.

Flender, Grandmaster and Liu Erlong rushed into the ring one
after another, reaching Tang San’s side.

The light Ning Fengzhi gave Tang San gradually faded, and
Flender hastily raised him, extending a hand to push on his back
and slowly infusing his own spirit power into Tang San. Tang

4367 Goldenagato |

San groaned, and slowly opened his eyes.

The aches all over his body had already faded away, but the
hollow feeling within him couldn’t be patched.

Especially on his back, it seemed as if half his ribs were gone.

His whole body was half limp. The rupturing of the Eight Spider
Lances caused enormous injuries to his body, and even though
the Eight Spider Lances would heal on their own and regrow
anew, that would still take some time. For the moment, Tang
San wasn’t able to fight further.

His vision gradually cleared. The other Shrek Seven Devils

were already crowded around him, and Tang San looked at
everyone by his side,

“We won?”

Dai Mubai forcefully nodded, the excited light in his evil eyes
couldn’t be concealed,

“Yes, we won, we defeated the Spirit Hall Academy team.

We’re the champions. The champions of the Continental

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Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament.”

Tang San’s face revealed a satisfied smile. Having finally

taken the championship, even though they’d invested much,
getting this championship was also enough.

“Congratulations on obtaining the final victory, but now

please first detoxify them.”

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s voice arrived, rousing the soaked

in joy Shrek Seven Devils.

Supported by Xiao Wu and Oscar, Tang San slowly stood.

Even though his steps were still somewhat weak, under the
effects of Ning Fengzhi’s healing and spirit power amplifying
light, his body had already recovered a lot.

After swallowing one of Oscar’s recovery sausages, it was

already enough to be able to move around to some extent.

Without saying anything else, Tang San picked up a long

Eight Spider Lance fragment from the ground in passing, and
walked over in front of Xie Yue. Stretching out his hand, he

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pricked Xie Yue’s shoulder.

A purple black radiance lit from the fragment, and rings after
ring of light slowly flowed into Tang San via the fragment.

Xie Yue’s agonized expression gradually calmed, and the

purple black color on his body swiftly retreated.

Tang San had another kind of feeling. He wasn’t only

withdrawing the poison, but under the effect of the Eight Spider
Lance fragment, he was still absorbing some of Xie Yue’s vitality
in the process.

Very soon, the poison in Xie Yue’s body had faded, and he
managed to open his eyes with some difficulty. But he was
already so tired that he couldn’t get up, and with only a glance
for Tang San, immediately started to cultivate where he sat.

Tang San sneered inwardly. Even though the poison was

removed, the other side would inevitably be seriously ill from
the aftereffects. As for whether it would influence his future
cultivation, even he didn’t know.

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Following the same pattern, Tang San helped the other five
break the poison. With each person he removed the poison for,
Ning Fengzhi withdrew the spirit power amplification light. His
level of control wasn’t just that of Three Aperture Governing
Heart, but rather Ning Fengzhi’s Seven Aperture Wishful Heart,
far superior to the Three Aperture Governing Heart.

As Tang San finished detoxifying the six people, his mind on

the contrary became better. At the same time as he withdrew
the poison, he unavoidably absorbed a part of their vitality.
Right now he didn’t only feel that his spirit power recovered a
bit, but he also started to have an itchy sensation on his back,
the Eight Spider Lances starting to recover under the support of
the vitality.

By now, the Supreme Pontiff’s expression had already calmed.

Having once again taken her seat, she smiled at Ning Fengzhi
withdrawing the Seven Treasure Avatar next to her:

“Many thanks, school master Ning.”

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly,

“As easy as lifting a hand. Not worth mentioning.”

4371 Goldenagato |

Sword Douluo Chen Xin’s lips buzzed, saying something to
Ning Fengzhi that made his complexion immediately change,
his gaze immediately falling on Xiao Wu amidst the Shrek
Academy group. The expression in his eyes immediately turned

By now, having recovered somewhat, Tang San also felt

something strange in the mood in the ring. Even though those
powers concealed it, relying on the incisive vision of Purple
Demon Eye, he discovered that the gazes of the most powerful
people present all seemed to be directed at Xiao Wu next to him.

What was going on?

Right now, the others of the Shrek Seven Devils hadn’t

noticed this detail, they were completely soaked in the joy of

After the Spirit Hall Academy team’s seven members had

recovered for a bit, they were helped down by Spirit Hall’s
people, leaving only Shrek Academy in the plaza.

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Each of their faces was brimming with pride. They were the
champions, yes, they were the ultimate champions.

The Supreme Pontiff and the gaggle of Title Douluo all stood,
Bibi Dong declaring with a calm expression,

“The final champions of this year’s Continental Advanced

Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, are Shrek Academy.
Congratulations, talented young Spirit Masters.”

The Shrek Seven Devils stood in a row, and behind them were
Grandmaster, Flender, Liu Erlong as well as Poison Douluo
Dugu Bo.

Right now, among the Shrek Seven Devils, apart from Xiao
Wu, the gazes of the others all fell on that brocaded plate with
the three spirit bones.

At this time, the Supreme Pontiff displayed her proper ease,

taking he brocade tray from the hands of the Spirit Hall staff
member, her somewhat reluctant gaze sweeping across the
three spirit bones.

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The referee cardinal loudly declared:

“Representative of Shrek Academy, please step forward to

receive the champions’ reward.”

The Shrek Seven Devils looked at each other. Tang San

bumped Dai Mubai forward, indicating he accept the prize.

But Dai Mubai shook his head, his evil eyes looking at Tang

“Little San, this should be your honor. Even if I’m the captain,
anyone with eyes can see that you paid the most for this final
victory. You’ve always been the soul of us seven devils.”

“Go, third brother, don’t dodge it.”

Ma Hongjun stated his approval.

Turning his head to look at Grandmaster, again looking at the

earnest expressions of the companions next to him, Tang San
drew a deep breath and stepped forward with a steady pace, step

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by step walking towards Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong.

When he truly stood in front of Bibi Dong, he discovered that

the Supreme Pontiff seemed astonishingly beautiful, noble,
elegant, indifferent to fame or gain, all sorts of beautiful words
seemed to apply to this woman. Even though she was no longer
young, the years didn’t seem to leave any mark on her.

The Supreme Pontiff attentively watched Tang San, a bizarre

luster flickering in her eyes,

“You’re very remarkable, even more so than I had imagined.

Worthy of being his disciple. Do you wish to join Spirit Hall?”

Looking at the Supreme Pontiff’s eyes, Tang San knew that

the Supreme Pontiff really wasn’t probing. Perhaps this was her
final chance for him. Judging by Spirit Hall acting against him
before, with the talent he had revealed, if it couldn’t be used for
Spirit hall, they would inevitably erase him without hesitating.

But would he surrender? Tang San smiled calmly, shaking his


4375 Goldenagato |

“Thank you for your kind intentions, Your Holiness Supreme
Pontiff. However, I have my own plans for my life. I don’t want
any restrictions.”

Bibi Dong’s expression changed slightly, but very soon

recovered to normal. Somewhat regretfully, she said:

“Since it’s like this, I wish you the greatest accomplishments

in your future, some day entering Douluo Palace.”

Speaking, she handed over the brocade tray in her hands.

Sensing the formidable aura of the three spirit bones, Tang

San took the tray, unable to keep his heart from trembling
violently. Three spirit bones, those were three spirit bones.
Especially the mind condensing wisdom skull bone flickering
with pale blue light in the middle seemed to pull at Tang San’s
heart with tremendous attractive force.

Greedy gazes shot over from all around. As long as they were
Spirit Masters, who wouldn’t thirst for spirit bones on seeing
them? Tang San returned to his companions, practically
submerged in a sea of avaricious gazes.

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“I give up, none of these three spirit bones suit me.”

The first to speak up was Xiao Wu, only saying a faint line
with her head lowered.

Dai Mubai nodded to the side,

“I also give up, none suit me just the same.”

Oscar said:

“I’m a food system Spirit Master, these spirit bones clearly

don’t have any effect on my strength.”

Three of the Shrek Seven Devils had renounced their claims.

Four still remained, and there were only three spirit bones.

Grandmaster said:

“The rushing windchasing left leg most suits agility type

Spirit Masters, certainly, it should go to Zhuqing. As for the

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burst incineration flame right arm, it most suites power type
fire attribute Spirit Masters, Ma Hongjun, it’s yours. As for the
mind condensing wisdom skull bone……”

At this point, Grandmaster halted, his gaze turning to Tang

San and Ning Rongrong.

Right now, both their gazes clearly fell on this skull bone.

Whether to Tang San or Ning Rongrong, mind condensation

was useful. Even though Tang San himself wasn’t a Spirit
Master that relied mainly on mental strength, with the Purple
Demon Eye’s capability, and being a control type, the benefits of
the wisdom skull bone to his future was obvious. Moreover,
among the three spirit bones, this spirit bone was clearly the
most precious.

Tang San raised his head to look at Ning Rongrong, inwardly

sighing, speaking up:

“I give……”


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Ning Rongrong suddenly shouted,

“Third brother, it should go to you. You’ve paid far, far too

much for this final championship. My Seven Treasure Glazed
Tile School also wouldn’t lack spirit bones, you take it. With it,
you won’t be the soul of the team in name only!”

Tang San hesitated. Of course he desired this spirit bone

extremely much, but as the vice captain of the team, how could
he think only of himself?

Among the Shrek Seven Devils, the seven people were clearly
split into four parts. Tang San and Xiao Wu were one, Ning
Rongrong and Oscar’s relationship was vague, Dai Mubai and
Zhu Zhuqing were engaged, and Ma Hongjun was alone by

Right now Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had already obtained
one spirit bone, given to Zhu Zhuqing. Ma Hongjun had also
obtained one. If he took this one, that would leave Oscar and
Ning Rongrong without any reward.

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“Little San, give that spirit bone you’ve been holding on to to
Rongrong. That spirit bone suits her even more.”

Grandmaster suddenly spoke up.

Tang San’s heart twitched, only then recalling that multi-

colored spirit bone he got from Shi Nian. He now remembered,
that was also a skull bone.

Raising his hand to swipe his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, a

bright light immediately appeared in his palm. Immediately,
everyone present were in an uproar. Who would have thought
that Tang San held on to yet another spirit bone?

Was there a Spirit Master who actually wouldn’t immediately

fuse with a spirit bone and instead held on to it?

This was really too inconceivable. But it was exactly what

Tang San had done.

Grandmaster smiled slightly, saying to Ning Rongrong:

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“Rongrong, this spirit bone is mainly about illusions, and it’s
also a wisdom skull bone. It suits you even more than the mind
condensing wisdom skull bone.”

Ning Rongrong immediately exulted. She was originally going

to give up, as Tang San had paid so much for the team, he
should obtain a spirit bone by any means. But in her heart she
had still been somewhat reluctant. Now that another skull spirit
bone appeared, and one that suited her even more, it was to
everyone’s delight and satisfaction.

Immediately stepping forward and taking the seven colored

indistinct skull bone from Tang San’s hand, she excitedly
turned to look towards her father. But on seeing her father’s
expression, Ning Rongrong still looked distracted.

Because she discovered that right now, Ning Fengzhi’s

expression was serious, without any happiness for their victory
and Ning Rongrong obtaining a spirit bone.

“Are you done distributing them?”

The Supreme Pontiff didn’t leave because of a simple award

ceremony, and the several Title Douluo also still stood there.

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Everyone’s gazes were unconsciously drawn to the Supreme
Pontiff. Grandmaster frowned, looking at Bibi Dong without

The Supreme Pontiff didn’t meet his eyes, calmly saying:

“Since the rewards have already been distributed, then the

victory of this tournament is concluded. Elders Ghost Douluo
and Chrysanthemum Douluo, seize that girl.”

As she spoke, Bibi Dong raised her hand to point directly at

Xiao Wu.

Everyone was instantly alarmed, Tang San moved sideways

practically subconsciously, blocking in front of Xiao Wu, the
other Shrek Seven Devils also stepping forward practically
subconsciously. Grandmaster’s expression was astonished, his
voice furious:

“Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, what’s the meaning of this?”

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Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo wouldn’t halt
because of Grandmaster, the two were just about to move when
Ning Fengzhi swiftly moved sideways, blocking in front of

“Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, won’t you first please


Bibi Dong looked coldly at Ning Fengzhi. Despite the school

master of one of the three upper sects standing in front of her,
the Supreme Pontiff didn’t show the slightest sign of stepping

“School master Ning, please conduct yourself. If you continue

your obstruction, then Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will
be the enemy of Spirit Hall.”

Ning Fengzhi’s expression changed. What the Supreme

Pontiff said was undoubtedly already very serious. Even though
the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s foundation was deep,
the richest of all schools, it still wasn’t willing to stand as an
enemy in front of Spirit Hall. Raising his hand to stop Sword
Douluo Chen Xin from blocking in front of him, sighing lightly,
he stepped aside.

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“Wait a moment.”

Grandmaster shouted severely, stepping forward with large

strides until he stood in front of the Shrek Seven Devils.
Flicking his wrist, that elder warrant tile appeared in his palm.

Flashing the warrant tile, Grandmaster shouted coldly:

“I’m an elder of Spirit Hall, I have the right to know the truth
of the matter. Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, you can snatch
people, but you must first explain it clearly. Why are you
grabbing a disciple of my Shrek Academy?”

The Supreme Pontiff frowned. Seeing Grandmaster’s furious

gaze, she couldn’t help slowing her breathing somewhat,
lowering her voice:

“You want to know why? Then why don’t you ask that
disciple of yours. If she was only a student of Shrek Academy,
why would I seize her? But if she was a spirit beast in human
form, I would have ample reason to capture her.”

“What did you say?”

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Grandmaster cried out involuntarily, turning sharply to look
at Xiao Wu. Among the Shrek Seven Devils, besides Tang San,
everyone also displayed extremely shocked expressions.

Others might not know, but Grandmaster knew it clearly.

There would be only one circumstance where a spirit beast
would take human form, that was when the spirit beast had
cultivated to a hundred thousand years. Only hundred thousand
year spirit beast had the chance to take human form.

Xiao Wu appeared very calm, not showing the slightest fluster

from everyone’s gazes focusing on her. At this moment, on her
face was only a faint ice chill. Coldly watching Supreme Pontiff
Bibi Dong.

The Supreme Pontiff watched Xiao Wu with a strict gaze,

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re the one that escaped the net back

A profound poisonous hatred suddenly burst from Xiao Wu’s

ice cold eyes,

4385 Goldenagato |

“Yes, you’re not mistaken, I’m the fish that escaped the net
back then.”

The Supreme Pontiff laughed coldly,

“I didn’t expect you to actually deliver yourself to our


Dai Mubai couldn’t keep from asking:

“Xiao Wu, what’s actually going on?”

At this moment, Tang San suddenly raised his hand to grab

Dai Mubai’s shoulder,

“Eldest brother, don’t ask. Xiao Wu, she isn’t human.”

While speaking, Tang San finally slowly turned around to face

Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu’s gaze also shifted from the Supreme Pontiff
to him. As Xiao Wu looked into Tang San’s eyes, she couldn’t

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help being distracted. Because she discovered that, right now,
Tang San’s eyes didn’t hold any astonishment, doubt, or shock.
The only mood that appeared was tenderness.

“Ge, you……”

Tang San sighed lightly,

“No need to say anything, I understand. Actually, I’ve known

you aren’t human for a long time.”

“You already knew?”

Xiao Wu looked at him incredulously.

Tang San nodded silently,

“Still remember when I ate that Penetrating Gaze Begonia?

After eating that immortal herb, my Purple Demon Eye
changed, gaining the capability to see through any deception.
It’s also because of this that all illusion type spirit abilities are
ineffective on me. It was at that time I saw that you’re not

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If saying she had already had a premonition about the

Supreme pontiff’s order to capture her, then what Tang San
said right now was something she couldn’t have imagined.

Stepping forward, Tang San raised both hands to clasp Xiao

Wu’s charming face,

“Silly girl, there are no buts. So what if you’re human or not?

So what if your a spirit beast or not? All I know is that you are
my little sister. Also, the person I love.”

Hong—— Xiao Wu only felt as if something had exploded in

her brain, teardrops gushing out uncontrollably.

When that Yearning Heartbroken Red had slipped out, letting

her true aura leak out for a moment, her mind had already
turned blank.

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She knew that the Supreme Pontiff definitely wouldn’t let her
slip away. She had also thought of how her comrades would
think of her.

But the only thing she couldn’t have anticipated was that
Tang San actually already long since knew she wasn’t human,
and moreover that at this moment, he wouldn’t reject her, but
rather confess his love.

Xiao Wu suddenly felt that everything else was insignificant,

she wouldn’t care no matter how others looked at her, only the
love Tang San revealed in this crisis melted deep into her heart.

Taking her into his arms, Tang San held Xiao Wu’s warm and
soft body, using a voice everyone present could hear to say
without fear:

“To grab her, you must first step over my corpse.”

Everyone present were quiet. Even the Supreme Pontiff Bibi

Dong didn’t add any more orders at this moment. Looking at
Tang San drawing Xiao Wu into his embrace, she was already
somewhat absent-minded.

4389 Goldenagato |

Not so long ago, she had also felt this kind of love, trials and
tribulations will reveal the truth.

At this moment, Tang San’s words weren’t empty talk.

A man willing to pay with his life for an inhuman loved one,
how precious was this love.

“The seven devils are one. As eldest brother, how can I watch
my little sister get taken away?”

Dai Mubai stepped sideways, standing firmly at Tang San’s

side, immediately followed by Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun,
Oscar, and finally Ning Rongrong.

Five people, their faces all expressing the same kind of

staunch resolution. At this moment, the Shrek Seven Devils
were like strands twisted into a rope.

Flender suddenly smiled, looking face to face with Liu Erlong

and Grandmaster. The Golden Iron Triangle simultaneously
raised their right hands, and instantly, brilliant golden light
appeared out of nowhere, the surging radiance drawing the

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outline of an incomparably dazzling golden triangle in the air.

“We’re this old but still haven’t died, we’re better suited to
blocking in front than you kids. If you are able to return alive,
remember that all the profit I’ve made are in the private room
of the headmaster’s study. Give it to Zhao Wuji and let him
manage our Shrek Academy.”

Flender loved profit, but he loved serious feelings even more.

Otherwise, how would he have made the choice he did in the
matter between Grandmaster and Liu Erlong back then? Dying
was dreadful, that’s what he always believed, but if he chose to
retreat from this situation, to him, it would be even more

“Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff.”

Ghost Douluo reminded the somewhat lifeless Supreme

Pontiff, waiting for her command. After all, the opponents had
someone with an elder’s warrant tile.

Bibi Dong sobered from her confusion, her eyes revealing a

complex and difficult to describe light. Drawing a deep breath,
her gaze abruptly turned severe, gazing towards Grandmaster,

4391 Goldenagato |

she suddenly ordered,

“Catch her, for anyone who resists, kill without pardon.”

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo moved

simultaneously. The Golden Iron Triangle was admittedly a true
three person spirit fusion ability, but confronting true Title
Douluo like them, could Flender’s level lacking trio be able to
resist? The answer was inevitably a negative.

Just at this moment, the Poison Douluo to the side suddenly

moved. He didn’t charge at the Ghost Douluo and
Chrysanthemum Douluo to obstruct them, but rather rushed at
Tang San and Xiao Wu. He knew that as long as these two
children left, there wouldn’t be any danger to the other Shrek
Academy people.

The split second Dugu Bo moved, a cold snort reached his ear
like a thunderous explosion. Dugu Bo groaned, half turning in
midair, Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor instantly erupting.

The one issuing the cold snort was Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong.
An enormous golden image rising behind her back, nine
flittering spirit rings rising in a flash. The tremendous pressure

4392 Goldenagato |

instantly suppressed Dugu Bo, leaving him unable to budge.

Dugu Bo’s complexion changed. Even though he had long

since guessed that the Supreme Pontiff should also have
cultivated to the Title Douluo level, no matter what he still
hadn’t expected the Supreme Pontiff to be formidable to this

Both being Title Douluo, one side relying on her own pressure
to completely suppress the other side. In the world of Title
Douluo, this was practically impossible. But the Supreme
Pontiff had done it.

Even more shocking to everyone were the nine spirit rings

over the Supreme Pontiff. Two yellow, two purple, four black,
one red.

Even if the first eight spirit rings didn’t cause too much shock,
then the final glittering and sparkling translucent red spirit ring
was enough to awe even each Title Douluo present.

What a red spirit ring meant, was the supreme existence

among all spirit rings, that was a hundred thousand year spirit
ring from a hundred thousand year spirit beast!

4393 Goldenagato |

In the Spirit Master world, hundred thousand year spirit rings
had always possessed the fame of being the number one most
valuable treasure. That was no joke. If a hundred thousand year
spirit beast was killed, besides the hundred thousand year spirit
ring, there would inevitably also be a spirit bone. Both united as
one, if absorbed by a Spirit Douluo level power, after this Spirit
Douluo advanced to Title Douluo, his strength would exceed any
of his peers.

A hundred thousand year spirit ring was only one level up

from ten thousand year, but all Title Douluo knew the
immensity of the gap between them. Spirit beasts having
reached the hundred thousand year level could be said to be
truly perfected. Absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, only
one step remaining to break through the sky. Their position in
the spirit beast world was like Title Douluo among Spirit

In the entire Continent, there weren’t a lot of Title Douluo; no

more than twenty. But ones possessing hundred thousand year
spirit rings were only a very small numbers. Hundred thousand
year spirit beasts were too rare, and also too ferocious. Without
a team possessing absolute strength for the capture, and
moreover a certain degree of luck, they were absolutely
impossible to obtain.

4394 Goldenagato |

Seeing that red hundred thousand year spirit ring, Dugu Bo’s
face changed greatly. He knew that if he moved again, then he
would inevitably be met by Bibi Dong’s terrifying attack. That
wasn’t something he could resist with his ninety second rank,
weakest among Title Douluo.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo advanced very

quickly. Even though they only confronted a Golden Iron
Triangle combination much weaker than them, they didn’t
show the slightest carelessness. Both released their spirits, each
surrounded by nine circling spirit rings. In just an instant, four
Title Douluo using their spirits had appeared in the plaza. To
the Spirit Master world, this could absolutely be regarded a
grand battle.

“One chrysanthemum, one imp. You dare harm my son? Fuck


A deep voice suddenly resounded, as if an explosion in the sky.

The voice wasn’t loud, but its domination made everyone
unconsciously shudder.

Hearing this voice, holding XIao Wu, using his back to conceal
her, Tang San sharply raised his head, his eyes revealing an

4395 Goldenagato |

astonished radiance. And on the other side, Supreme Pontiff
Bibi Dong’s expression also immediately became heavy,
releasing the pressure on Dugu Bo, staring at the sky.

With a muffled crack, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan and

Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, the two grand Title Douluo were
suddenly blasted back like artillery shells. Their expressions
changed simultaneously. As Title Douluo, actually meeting this
result when the two of them were confronted simultaneously,
in all their years, this was the first time.

A black silhouette quietly appeared in midair, floating there

calmly, as if he had been there all along.

That was a middle aged man, appearing around fifty years old,
his body tall and sturdy, only his style of dress was something
people wouldn’t dare comment on.

Wearing a torn robe, not even patched, exposing bronze

colored skin, the originally considered proper features having a
waxy yellow sheen, a sleepy-eyed appearance, hair a complete
mess like a bird’s nest, a beard that had gone an unknown
number of days without trimming.

4396 Goldenagato |

Seeing this person, the always staunch Tang San seemed to
half collapse. Tears that hadn’t flown even when he had decided
to die with Xiao Wu flowed from his eyes, with difficulty slowly
spitting out two words,

“Dad…… Dad……”

Yes, appearing out of nowhere, hanging in midair, was Tang

San’s father who left him eight years ago, Tang Hao. Compared
to when he left, right now Tang Hao only seemed a bit older,
without any change in other respects. And floating unsupported
behind him, was an immense incomparably black hammer.

“Tang Hao.”

Bibi Dong shouted severely. Her eyes glared poisonously at

Tang Hao in midair, almost spitting fire.

Tang Hao confronted her calmly, without any fear. Figure

flashing, he had landed in front of the Shrek Academy group.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo each retreated to

the Supreme Pontiff’s side. The three great Title Douluo

4397 Goldenagato |

released their full strength spirit power, the incomparably
enormous pressure making the surrounding Spirit Masters back
away in panic.

But in front of these three enormous like mountain terrifying

pressures, Tang Hao still stood unyielding, not even grabbing
his hammer. Radiance suddenly shot from his yellow eyes,

“Want to avenge your teacher? Bibi Dong, do you think you

can beat me?”

Supreme Pontiff waved a hand, the hand issuing a sharp

whistle. As if in answer, within Supreme Pontif Palace, four
sharp whistles rose simultaneously.

“Calling for people?”

Tang Hao smiled indifferently. He had a kind of special

temperament, as if he would be indifferent even if a magnificent
army of thousands of men and horses was arrayed in front of

One after another, spirit rings rose from below Tang Hao. The

4398 Goldenagato |

spirit rings didn’t rise quickly, but with the appearance of each
ring, standing there, Tang Hao became more and more serious.
The three enormous pressures in front of him were
unexpectedly pushed back by his own gradually rising aura.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

The ning spirit rings that appeared over Tang Hao were
unexpectedly exactly the same as Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong,
and the final spirit ring that appeared was astonishingly also a
hundred thousand year existence.

Despite the spirit rings being the same, at this moment, the
aura Tang Hao revealed was something even Supreme Pontiff
Bibi Dong couldn’t compare to.

Grandmaster was always haughty, but as he now looked at

Tang Hao not far away, his eyes only held reverence. In the
Spirit Master world, Tang Hao was his only idol. Before, as well
as now. Daring to stand alone in front of Supreme Pontiff Palace
to provoke three Title Douluo headed by the Supreme Pontiff,
what kind of power was this?

Tang Hao coldly swept his eyes across the Supreme Pontiff

4399 Goldenagato |

Palace behind the Supreme Pontiff,

“Seven Title Douluo, Spirit Hall truly is worthy of being Spirit

Hall. Unfortunately, even if there’s seven of you, so what?
Watch carefully, this is the true Clear Sky Avatar.”

Tang San’s mind shook. Tang Hao’s last sentence was clearly
spoken for him.

The seventh spirit ring brightening, that enormous black

Clear Sky Hammer behind Tang Hao abruptly blossomed,
intense black light surging, that tremendous Clear Sky Hammer
turned windward, unexpectedly growing more than a hundred
meters long. The gigantic hammerhead was just like a small

Some wordplay here. First the familiar chrysanthemum-anus

substitution. Second is “little ghost”, which refers to a
mischievous demon or imp.

4400 Goldenagato |

Chapter 130 - Clear Sky Battle Power, New

Red line after red line appeared from the gigantic Clear Sky
Hammer. Tang Hao’s hundred thousand year red spirit ring
abruptly flared, that black giant hammer suddenly turning all
red in an instant.

“Supreme Pontiff Palace, a nice Supreme Pontiff Palace.


WIth an arrogant laugh, Tang Hao’s right hand moved.

The more than one hundred meter long supersized hammer

abruptly dropped. Not towards the three Title Douluo, but
rather to smash the Supreme Pontiff Palace behind them.

Instantly, the air in all of Spirit City became distorted, each

Spirit Master not a Title Douluo unable to even budge at this

“Tang Hao, you dare!”

4401 Goldenagato |

Bibi Dong was insanely furious. She and Chrysanthemum
Douluo and Ghost Douluo soared up practically simultaneously,
going to meet the enormous hammer in the sky. And at the
same time, another four silhouettes shot out of Supreme Pontiff
Palace like bolts of lightning. Altogether seven figures collided
with the giant hammer in the air.


Blankness. The minds of all Spirit Masters under the

seventieth rank turned completely blank, fainting from that
indescribably violent explosion. An enormous sound like the
punishment of Heaven shook all of Spirit City.

The seven silhouettes that rushed into the air were smashed
back simultaneously, and the enormous hammer in the air also

Facing the sky and spitting out a mouthful of blood, Tang Hao
laughed madly,

“Bibi Dong, just wait. The debt that Spirit Hall owes me will
be reclaimed in full. This day is not far.”

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Figure flashing, Tang Hao disappeared. And disappearing
together with him were Tang San and Xiao Wu on the ground.

Tang Hao’s deep voice gradually grew more distant,

“Grandmaster, Flender. You have taught my son for many

years, words are not gratitude enough, this Tang will owe you.”

As Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong struck the ground, her face was
flushed red. Drawing a deep breath, that flush gradually
disappeared. Behind her, besides Chrysanthemum Douluo and
Ghost Douluo, were still another four people wearing the robes
of elders, faces faintly shimmering from blocking. These four
were all white haired, clearly not young.

That hammer of Tang Hao’s had to be blocked. He didn’t

attack the Supreme Pontiff, but rather a symbol of Spirit Hall,
the Supreme Pontiff Palace. If the Supreme pontiff had attacked
him together with Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo
at that time, Tang Hao would inevitably have been seriously
injured. But the Supreme Pontiff Palace would certainly also
have ceased to exist. The true might of the Clear Sky Hammer
being fully used by the Clear Sky Douluo couldn’t have been

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truly judged without experiencing it.

Seven of them repelling the enemy, had also only hurt Tang
Hao, and nothing more.

“Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff……”

Not only Bibi Dong was angry, the six people behind her were
all furious.

“No need to chase, it’s useless.”

Bibi Dong’s voice was disappointed. For these past years, she
had always done her utmost in training, finally reaching the
Title Douluo level. The enemy she had always pictured in her
heart, was Tang Hao. However, in her confrontation with Tang
Hao today, she still discovered that even though their spirit
rings were exactly the same, she was still far inferior in
imposing manner. Tang Hao was in the end still Tang Hao, a
Clear Sky Douluo, the Clear Sky Douluo.

“That bastard Tang Hao is too rampant. Your Holiness, it

concerns the dignity of Spirit hall.”

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The Ghost Douluo couldn’t keep from calling Bibi Dong’s

Bibi Dong’s eyes were blood red, her voice angry,

“Shut up. Don’t tell me I don’t understand? If Tang Hao was

so easy to deal with, could he still live to this day? It still isn’t
the time to deal with him.”

Yue Guan said:

“Then what about these people?”

The Golden Iron Triangle still stood there under the spirit
fusion ability effect, but the remaining Shrek Seven Devils were
all on the ground. Poison Douluo Dugu Bo was just loosing a
breath, turning to grin at the Supreme Pontiff’s side.

Seeing that smile brimming with satire, Bibi Dong almost spit
blood. Sharply waving her hand, she left with a brush of her

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“Let them go, leave Spirit City immediately.”

Finished saying this, she returned straight to Supreme Pontiff


The four elders that appeared at the end didn’t speak up, only
following the Supreme Pontiff back to Supreme Pontiff Palace.

A cold smile appeared on Bibi Dong’s face. The top of the

character for ‘endure’ was a knife. Right now, she had to endure
no matter what. What she wished for the most was for everyone
to underestimate Spirit hall. ‘Tang Hao, the hatred between us
will be settled sooner or later. You just wait.’

Everything gradually calmed down. Under the gazes of

numerous Spirit Hall Spirit Masters, the Golden Iron Triangle
slowly withdrew their spirit power.

Ning Fengzhi reached them with Sword Douluo and Poison

Douluo, and with the help of the several powers, the Shrek Five
Devils gradually recovered consciousness.

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As Ma Hongjun opened his eyes, he couldn’t help saying:

“Fuck me, too powerful. Third brother’s dad is so awesome!

I’ve decided, from here on, third brother’s dad will be my idol.”

The remaining five looked at each other. Right now each of

their hearts held a lot of doubts, but this situation right now
clearly wasn’t the time to ask them.

Flender sighed. He suddenly felt somewhat disappointed, even

if he was also a Spirit Sage level power, those true powers were
still too far away. If not for Tang Hao’s appearance today,
perhaps not one of them would have been able to leave.

“School master Ning, you bring Rongrong away. The

tournament is over, and these children have also graduated.
You also saw that we offended Spirit Hall here, the later days
might not be so easy.”

Ning Fengzhi nodded, saying:

“Rongrong has been gone for so long, she should return with
me. However, Spirit Hall is unlikely to cause trouble for your

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Academy. As long as Shrek Academy keeps a low profile from
now on.”

“School master Ning, I don’t know if it’s possible for me to

join Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?”

Oscar took courage and asked Ning Fengzhi.

Hearing his words, Ning Rongrong’s face immediately turned

somewhat unnatural.

She had originally planned to tell Oscar about the rules of the
school after the end of the tournament, but as time passed, she
had already become used to being together with Oscar, and
almost forgotten about it. Suddenly hearing Oscar say he
wanted to enter the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning
Rongrong’s heart immediately fell, and for a moment she was at
a loss.

It couldn’t be denied that Oscar was the most handsome

among the men of the Shrek Seven Devils, and moreover,
anyone with eyes could see the great effort Oscar had made
since Ning Rongrong agreed to to temporarily go out with him.

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Even if he had also eaten the immortal treasure herb Tang San
gave him, as a food system Spirit Master, that there hadn’t
opened up a gap between him and his companions showed how
much effort he had invested.

Ning Rongrong’s heart had for a long time been nibbled away
by him, bit by bit. Especially when Oscar, a support Spirit
Master without any battle strength, had protected her
whenever they were in danger. She wasn’t old, but this feeling
of the first awakening of love had made her unwilling to explain
the school rules.

Because she was afraid to lose Oscar, lose this beautiful


Hearing Oscar’s words, Ning Fengzhi revealed a moment of

distraction, then immediately afterwards displayed a smiling

“Of course you can, if any one among you wants to enter the
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the school will welcome

While speaking, his gaze swept across Dai Mubai, Zhu

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Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing immediately shook their heads,

Dai Mubai said:

“Many thanks for school master Ning’s kind intentions, but

me and Zhuqing are from Star Luo Empire. We’ve been gone for
so many years, and should also return home.”

Ning Fengzhi’s gaze again turned to Ma Hongjun,

“And you?”

Ma Hongjun laughed out loud, saying:

“Count me out as well. Me and third brother are the same, we

both love freedom. Having finally graduated, I want to go
strolling all over the Continent, increasing my experiences.
Afterwards I’ll return to Shrek Academy to help my teacher.”

Flender looked with some astonishment at this only disciple

of his. Ma Hongjun had always showed a dim-witted

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appearance, never with any concern for matters other than his
interest in women. He had never expected his disciple to
actually say something like this, and couldn’t keep all sorts of
feelings from welling up in his heart, feeling as if choking on

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, saying:

“Since it’s like this, I won’t press the issue. But remember, no
matter when, the gates of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
will always stand wide open for you children. Dean Flender,
we’ll take our leave. Rongrong, Oscar, we’re leaving.”

Since the time the Shrek Seven Devils first gathered in Shrek
Academy, it was finally time to separate. It was difficult to avoid
a burst of reluctance. But each of them had their own lives and
their own future. If the seven always stayed with each other,
their reliance on each other would grow greater and greater,
until it was harmful to their development.

Even though Tang San was the most outstanding among the
seven, which of the Shrek Seven Devils wasn’t an alarmingly
talented little monster? As school master of one of the seven
great sects, Ning Fengzhi couldn’t help but reveal a cheerful
look at obtaining Oscar. After all, the Shrek Seven Devils were

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able to defeat the team dispatched by the holy land of Spirit
Masters, Spirit hall.

Moreover, their average age was at least five years younger.

Describing them as geniuses among geniuses wasn’t enough.

Before leaving, the five agreed that, after five years, if it suited
everyone, they would return to gather at Shrek Academy. The
Shrek Seven Devils, this combination of young talent, finally
separated after victory in the Continental Advanced Spirit
Master Academy Elite Tournament finals.


Nighttime. The cool night breeze brushed the leaves, leaving

behind uneven shadows of trees dancing in the moonlight.

Xiao Wu slowly returned from unconsciousness. She

practically subconsciously suddenly sat upright, looking all

What was first reflected in her eyes was a fire, flames brightly
burning firewood, issuing crackling sounds, each accompanied

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by a burst of sparks.

Next to the bonfire were still two people other than her. One
was Tang San, still unconscious on the ground, the other uncle
seemed extremely dispirited, his whole body worn out, Tang

If she only looked at Tang Hao, Xiao Wu wouldn’t have

believe that he dared publicly humiliate Spirit Hall in front of
the Supreme Pontiff Palace, facing several formidable Title
Douluo by himself.

“You’re awake.”

Tang Hao’s gloomy deep voice reached Xiao Wu’s ear.

Silently nodding, Xiao Wu’s gaze was constantly fixed on

Tang San,

“Thank you.”

Tang Hao waved his hand, saying:

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“Don’t mention it. From the point of view of a Spirit Master, I
should lock you up until Tang San needs it and kill you then,
giving him your spirit ring and spirit bone. But, from the point
of view of a husband, I’ll pick another choice.”

Raising his head, Tang Hao’s gaze fell on Xiao Wu. Tang Hao’s
eyes seemed to hold a particular gravity, and Xiao Wu couldn’t
help looking towards him. This moment, Tang Hao’s eyes were
no longer muddy, but rather extraordinarily bright, even the
stars in the night sky lost their splendor in comparison.

“Is it because of my relationship with Tang San?”

Xiao Wu asked in a low voice.

Tang Hao shook his head, his gaze shifting from Xiao Wu to
Tang San lying on the ground, his face displaying a faint smile.
If Tang San saw this, he would definitely be shocked. Because in
his memory, he had never seen Tang Hao smile.

“Because of his mother. Before, I always believed he was more

like his mother. Kindhearted, careful, stubborn. But when I saw

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him and you together, I suddenly discovered that he was
actually more like me. Just as foolish as me. Girl, did you know?
Tang San’s mother was like you, also a hundred thousand year
spirit beast. But different from you, she was in the hundred
thousand year level’s mature phase, and you’re only in the
immature phase.”

“You, what are you saying?”

Xiao Wu lost her voice:

“Tang San’s mother, was also a spirit beast?”

Tang Hao nodded silently, but didn’t continue on the subject,

“You should leave. If you stay at Tang San’s side, there will
only be trouble for you.”

Xiao Wu despondently said:

“You oppose us being together?”

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Tang Hao spilled a smile,

“No. Why would I oppose it? Back then, didn’t I make the
same choice? Only, comparing you with me and his mother,
there’s still a difference. When me and his mother were
together, my spirit power already surpassed the seventieth
rank, and his mother was also a mature stage hundred thousand
year spirit beast. But what’s your current level?”

“You really have some guts. Don’t tell me your elders didn’t
teach you anything? A hundred thousand year spirit beast
before the mature stage will be the target of all Spirit Masters. If
not for that flower, if the first Title Douluo to see you wasn’t
me, I’m afraid you would’ve long since become the spirit ring
and spirit bone of another.”

“Are you always by little San’s side?”

Xiao Wu shocked asked.

Tang Hao shook his head,

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“No, but at least I will be for a long time. Go, return to where
you should be. That’s the safest place for you. Wait until the day
he can protect you, and you can also defend yourself. I won’t
oppose you meeting, but that’s not now.”

Xiao Wu bit her lip, gathering courage, and said:

“Can’t I wait until he wakes, and leave then?”

Tang Hao calmly said:

“Do you believe that after he wakes up, he would let you leave
like this? Go. We’re close to Start Dou Great Forest, if I’m not
mistaken, your family should be there. If I can offer you a bit of
advice, don’t leave that place before the mature phase.
Originally, I though myself strong enough, but me and little
San’s mother’s conclusion was still tragic. I don’t want to see
you children experience the same tragedy.”

Xiao Wu nodded silently, slowly walking to Tang San’s side.

Squatting by his side, staring at that seemingly very ordinary
face. A sparkling and translucent teardrop rolled from the
corner of her eye, falling on Tang San’s chest.

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Raising a somewhat shuddering hand, she softly caressed
Tang San’s face,

“You are the first man to comb my hair, and also the only one.
Forever and ever. No matter our future, in my heart, there is no
gap in my heart for another.”

Despite Tang Hao by the side, Xiao Wu lowered her head and
softly kissed Tang San’s lips, leaving behind the salty taste of
tears and her breath. Standing fiercely, she shot away, and
disappeared in the distance in a few leaps.

Looking in the direction Xiao Wu disappeared, Tang Hao’s

aged face revealed an expression,

“What about humans? What about beasts? The feelings of

beasts are even more sincere.”

Talking to himself, he raised his hand to pat Tang San. Tang

San groaned, moved, and slowly opened his eyes.


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On seeing Tang Hao, Tang San immediately leapt from the
ground with excitement. Even though his body was still weak
right now, his mind was extremely excited. Eight years, a whole
eight years had passed. Seeing his father again, how couldn’t he
be excited?


Tang Hao pointed to the ground in front of him. Different

from when he faced Xiao Wu, confronting Tang San, his
expression had turned as grave as before.

Tang San hurriedly sat in front of Tang Hao. His gaze turned
all around, and when he didn’t find the figure he was looking
for, some of his excitement disappeared.

“No need to look, she’s already gone. Don’t worry, she’s safe.”

Tang Hao said indifferently.

“Gone? Why would Xiao Wu leave?”

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Tang San couldn’t help asking.

Tang Hao spoke in a low voice:

“Because she had to. Let me ask you one question, in your
present condition, could you protect her?”


Hearing his father’s words, Tang San couldn’t help but

inwardly remember the promise he once made Xiao Wu.
Protecting her for a whole lifetime, yes, with his present
strength, how could he protect her? When confronting those
truly formidable Spirit Masters, his own speck of strength
didn’t count for anything.

Tang Hao looked at Tang San’s desponded appearance, and


“She’s very safe, returned to where she should be. Only there
will there be no danger to her. A man, a man of character, must
adapt to the circumstances. There will come a day when you
will be able to truly protect her, it won’t be too late to go find

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her then.”

“Dad, you’re not opposing me and Xiao Wu being together?”

Tang San astonished looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao’s eyes revealed a trace of a perplexed light,

“Eight years have passed, little San, don’t you hate me for
throwing you aside for these eight years?”

Tang San frowned,

“No, I don’t.”


Tang Hao asked.

Tang San’s mood had already relaxed somewhat by now. Even

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though he couldn’t see Xiao Wu again, Xiao Wu was, after all,
safe. To him, this was most important. His face revealed a
natural smile,

“Because you’re my father. My life was given by you. Without

you, how would there be a me? Children never have the right to
blame their parents.”

Listening to Tang San, Tang Hao only felt his heart skip a
beat. Looking at this fourteen year old son in front of him, he
could no longer restrain his feelings, and fiercely pulled Tang
San into his arms, his forceful arms hugging Tang San tightly.

Ever since his birth, this was the first time Tang San felt Tang
Hao’s love for him. Such a sincere feeling, despite having lived
two lives, this was the first time he possessed it. Even the
Grandmaster he’d always treated as a father, also couldn’t give
him this feeling.

Tang Hao’s actions were rough, the strength of his arms even
making Tang San’s bones creak, but being pulled into his
father’s steel-like embrace, Tang San still felt unprecedentedly
relaxed. Family love, was this the feeling of family love?

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“I know you have a lot of questions for me.”

Tang Hao pushed away Tang San, letting him sit in front of
him anew. Tang San discovered that his father’s eyes were
somewhat red.

Tang San nodded.

Tang Hao said:

“When you used the Tool Spirit Avatar that day, the voice you
heard was mine. There are a lot of matters that you still don’t
need to know about. Because you still lack the strength to know
about them. Starting from now, you will cultivate according to
my arrangements. Until one day, after you’ve met my
requirements, when I will tell you about everything. Cough

At this point, Tang Hao coughed twice, spitting out dark red
blood to the side.

“Dad, are you injured?”

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Tang San wanted to stand, but was pushed down by Tang

“It’s nothing, I just pulled open some old injuries today.”

Tang Hao’s expression recovered its calm, as if he wasn’t the

one injured.

“Of the questions you want to ask, I can first answer two.
First, the others from Shrek Academy are fine. Each of them
will make their own choices. It was time for you all to part. The
master can lead you through the door, but cultivation is
individual. Grandmaster is undoubtedly an exceptionally
outstanding teacher, but always following at his side will
substantially hinder your improvement.”

“Second, regarding Xiao Wu. Don’t you find it very strange

that, as a hundred thousand year spirit beast, Xiao Wu isn’t
particularly strong?”

Tang San immediately nodded. This was something he had

always wondered about. Even Grandmaster’s descriptions of
hundred thousand year spirit beasts were very simple. After all,

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that community was far, far too small, and Grandmaster’s
research had never reached deeply, because he didn’t have
subjects to study.

Tang Hao said:

“I’ll give you a simple explanation, and you’ll understand.”

“Spirit beasts start to cultivate from the time they’re born,

separated into ten year, hundred year, thousand year, ten
thousand year, and hundred thousand year levels. Crossing
between each level, to spirit beasts, is a qualitative change. After
a spirit beast’s cultivation breaks through ten thousand years,
their intelligence will improve quickly, and after a certain
point, they won’t be inferior to humans.”

“In some sense, spirit beasts are linked to us Spirit Masters’

spirits, even though the cultivation age limit decides their
strength, their own innate talent is equally important. Just like
Spirit Masters with full innate spirit power like you, who are
stronger than common tenth ranked Spirit Masters even at that
time. The spirit beast’s species is like a spirit’s quality. But, this
isn’t absolute.

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“As the spirit beast’s cultivation finally reaches the hundred
thousand year level, any spirit beast will reach a remarkable
stage. In practice there’s very little difference in strength
between spirit beasts of this stage. Like your Xiao Wu, originally
she was only a Soft Boned Rabbit, but after her cultivation
reached the hundred thousand year level, she wouldn’t be
inferior even to a Titan Giant Ape on the same level. However,
having reached the hundred thousand year level, spirit beasts
must also face a choice.”

Tang San focused his attention on listening carefully. Tang

Hao’s description of hundred thousand year spirit beasts was
something not even Grandmaster had spoken about.

To him, this was like an all new area.

“The position of hundred thousand year spirit beasts among

other spirit beasts is like that of Title Douluo among Spirit
Masters. Having reached the summit, at this time, their
strength is extremely formidable. In one against one, it would
be very difficult even for Title Douluo to defeat them. They
might even be killed. But, with intelligence not inferior to
humans, they face a choice of two paths at this time.”

“One path is to maintain their strength, and go on like that.

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Having reached the hundred thousand year level, they’re
already an existence opposing Heaven, and even the most
powerful hundred thousand year spirit beasts can at most only
live for another thousand years. After a thousand years, they
will inevitably die. And the other path, is nevertheless the risky
path. That is to change shape.”

“Change shape?”

Tang San looked at Tang Hao with astonishment.

Tang Hao nodded, saying:

“That’s right. Changing shape. Taking the shape of a human.

Because, among all organisms, humans have the greatest

“After taking human form, the spirit beast has to cultivate

anew. If they can cultivate to the Title Douluo Level, and again
smoothly break through the hundredth rank pass, their lifespan
will no longer be restricted, reaching eternal life. Becoming an
existence like a god.”

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Tang San said:

“Then wouldn’t all spirit beasts make this choice? Living

forever, I think this is a goal all creatures pursue.”

Tang Hao calmly said:

“Among the small number of hundred thousand year spirit

beasts, do you know how many take the second option?”

Tang San shook his head.

Tang Hao said:

“According to the accounts of our Clear Sky School, among

known hundred thousand year spirit beasts, less than one in ten
pick the second choice.”

Tang San astonished said:

“Why? Didn’t you say that by choosing the first option, they

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can only live for a thousand years? With the second path they
can live forever. Why wouldn’t they take it?”

Tang Hao laughed coldly,

“How would it be that easy? Spirit beast cultivation is an

unknown number of times more difficult than for humans.
After choosing to take human form, it’s irreversible. In other
words, after taking human form, unless the hundred thousand
year spirit beast is killed, it’s impossible to again take beast
form. Their true form would change into the human form’s
spirit, and all their previous abilities would disappear
completely. Their spirit power must be regained bit by bit. Even
though their cultivation speed is a lot faster than that of normal
humans, and have no need to go killing spirit beasts to gain
spirit rings, they must be in contact with humans during this
cultivation process, must feel the aura of humans, or they will
be unable to progress.”

“Moreover, choosing this road, their lifespan will be the same

as humans. If they can’t break through the hundredth rank
within a human’s lifespan, then they will only be able to live for
a hundred years. A thousand years and a hundred years, you
should understand what the majority of spirit beasts choose.”

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“Even more, even though normal Spirit Masters won’t notice
human form hundred thousand year spirit beasts, as long as a
Spirit Douluo or higher level observes carefully, they will still be
discovered. Especially in front of Title Douluo, they won’t have
any way of hiding. The reason why Xiao Wu was never
discovered, was because of carrying that flower. That bizarre
flower concealed her aura, making her always safe together
with you. It was because that flower left her side today that her
identity was exposed in front of the Supreme Pontiff and those

“Consider, confronted with a hundred thousand year spirit

beast, and moreover a weak little human form hundred
thousand year spirit beast, would those people from Spirit Hall
let her go?”

“After taking human form, a hundred thousand year spirit

beast’s cultivation will be split into three stages. Before their
spirit power has reached the sixtieth rank is the immature
phase, in this phase, Spirit Masters of the Spirit Douluo level
and higher can discover them. After the sixtieth rank, they will
become a lot safer, and will also require even closer contact with
humans. This is called the mature stage. Even Title Douluo will
be unable to tell what they are after they’ve gained sixty ranks
of spirit power. Therefore, hundred thousand year spirit beasts
can also be said to truly have become human at the sixtieth
rank. By then there’s already no difference between them and

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humans in any way.”

“And after reaching the ninetieth rank, a hundred thousand

year spirit beast’s cultivation will enter the final divinization
phase. Just like us human Title Douluo, they attack that
undying eternity.”

“Undying eternity.”

Tang San repeated Tang Hao’s words. To him, this phrase

wasn’t particularly meaningful. Undying? Could people truly
not die?

He didn’t want to think too much on this. Right now, his

mood was already gradually recovering from the excitement of
seeing his father and Xiao Wu leaving.

At least, the original certain death situation turned into him

and Xiao Wu being alright due to his father’s appearance, this
was already a very good outcome. Or one might say, another

“Then that means, Xiao Wu chose to change shape, and

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moreover, she’s still a hundred thousand year spirit beast in the
immature phase?”

Tang Hao nodded,

“Just so. Even though she’s a hundred thousand year spirit

beast, observation suggests that before she took human shape,
she probably never left the place she cultivated. Her heart is as
blank as paper. Consequently, she’s actually no different from
any ordinary girl, just that if she dies, a spirit ring and spirit
bone will appear.”

Tang San nodded silently. Originally, after he saw that Xiao

Wu was a spirit beast, his heart had also struggled. But just as
Tang Hao said, in his heart, Xiao Wu was neither human nor
beast, but his little sister, and there was also that hazy love.

Tang Hao said in a low voice:

“I’ve already told you what you want to know. From here on
out, before you gain my approval, I will carry out a series of
special training for you. Choosing the path of a Spirit Master,
relying on high-sounding words to appear in front of Spirit Hall,
you’re already without a way out other than growing more

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powerful. Otherwise, you will never be able to do more than live
in the darkness like a rat. Rest. Recover as fast as possible,
afterwards I’ll bring you somewhere.”

Finished speaking, Tang Hao slowly closed his eyes.


Tang San suddenly called out.


Tang Hao didn’t open his eyes.

Tang San clenched his teeth, but still asked the question he
most wanted to know the answer to,

“Was mom killed by Spirit Hall?”

Tang Hao’s whole body jolted, his eyes abruptly opening, his
strict gaze like two flashes of lightning in the night.

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The light of his father’s gaze on him, Tang San even felt stabs
of pain.

A fiercely fluctuating mood flashed across Tang Hao’s face,

“I said, there are still many matters you don’t need to know
about. If you want to learn everything, become strong as fast as
possible, reach the level I require.”

This was the last thing Tang Hao said to Tang San this night.
Tang San also didn’t ask anything else, and father and son sat
next to the fire like that and started to cultivate.

Early the next day, having eaten some simple rations, Tang
Hao brought Tang San away. After a night of rest, Tang San’s
durable body had already recovered by more than half, only the
itchy feeling on his back growing even stronger. He knew that
the Eight Spider Lances were regenerating within.

Tang Hao returned to his previous taciturn appearance, not

speaking, only stepping forward with large strides. Following
behind him, Tang San had to condense his spirit power to be

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able to keep up.

Tang Hao walked in the direction of Heaven Dou Empire. On

the way, he didn’t walk on roads, but turned to find complicated
terrain to pass through. For the first several days, Tang Hao’s
speed wasn’t too fast.

But along with Tang San’s body recovering, Tang Hao’s speed
forward began to accelerate. By the time Tang San had
completely recovered, he had to condense all of his spirit power
to be able to keep up with his father.

Because they advanced so quickly, Tang San was already

unable to tell where they were heading. By the seventh day, he
no longer knew where they were, and could only approximately
feel that they were somewhere within the borders of Heaven
Dou Empire.

The time Tang Hao stayed to rest was only four hours each
day, and the remaining time was all travelling. Practically each
day would bring Tang San close to the limits of his body.

However, having once experienced Grandmaster’s hell

training, along with his body recovering completely, he still

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managed to endure.

After half a month, Tang Hao finally stopped.

Endure (忍) and Knife (刀)

4436 Goldenagato |

Chapter 131 - Wisdom Skull Bone’s Ability,
Purple God Light

Tang San following behind his father stopped his steps,

following Tang Hao’s gaze forward.

Appearing in front of them, was a rolling mountain range

stretching into the distance. They were unable to see all of the
mountain range from where they stood, but even the outmost
mountains were high enough to pierce the clouds.

“Have your Eight Spider Lances recovered?”

Tang Hao asked indifferently.

Tang San nodded,

“Already recovered.”

Tang Hao gave Tang San a glance,

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“Use it. Keep up with me.”

Leaving only six words, Tang Hao already soared up, climbing
straight up the mountain wall in front.

The mountain wall in front was extremely precipitous, close

to ninety degrees, but Tang Hao still walked as if stepping on
level ground. Each time the tips of his toes touched the
mountain wall, his body would ascend more than ten meters,
swiftly rising towards the top.

Tang San drew a deep breath, condensing his spirit power.

The Eight Spider Lances burst through the clothing on his back,
abruptly extending.

Passing half a month of recovery, the Eight Spider Lances had

already regrown. Different from the icy mist of before, it
seemed that they had become even more durable.

Leaning forward, Eight Spider Lances bending, it made Tang

San look like a giant spider leaning over, his chest close to the
ground. The spider legs abruptly exerted themselves, sending
Tang San shooting up like a bolt of lightning, directly ascending
close to twenty meters.

4438 Goldenagato |

Cengcengcengcengcengcengcengceng—— The Eight Spider
Lances pierced the mountain wall as if skewering tofu, Tang San
hanging directly from them.

As an external spirit bone, Eight Spider Lances had an

extremely wide range of uses. Apart from not being able to fly,
they could practically ignore the vast majority of terrain

After using Eight Spider Lances to stick to the wall, under

Tang San’s control, the Eight Spider Lances moved
rhythmically, bringing him to climb directly up the mountain
wall just like a giant spider.

Even though Tang Hao was very fast, when using the Eight
Spider Lances, Tang San absolutely wasn’t slow. Relying on the
four meter long enormous spider legs, he moved even faster
than on level ground.

With the rhythmic movement of the Eight Spider Lances,

Tang San felt the blood within his body gradually warm up, his
whole body indescribably comfortable. He understood that this
was the process of the Eight Spider Lances’ complete fusion

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with his body after regrowing.

Tang Hao was like an untiring machine, bringing Tang San

across one mountain peak after another, using close to half a
day to penetrate deep within the mountain range.

Using Eight Spider Lances also consumed spirit power, and

half a day of travel made Tang San dizzy with blurred vision.

Just at this moment, a faint rumbling sound reached his ears,

and the air also gradually grew moist.

What was that?

Tang San raised his head to look at Tang Hao in front. He

discovered that his father seemed to be advancing in this

As they constantly came closer, that rumbling became more

and more deafening. The air also became even more moist, the
temperature was even a bit lower here than in the outside

4440 Goldenagato |

At last, Tang Hao halted once again. This was a mountain
valley, to be precise, it was a pool.

The deep water was so clear the bottom could be seen,

tranquil and serene, like a giant blue gem.

On one side of the valley was a twenty meter wide waterfall,

covering the two hundred meter high mountain wall like a jade
ribbon. That rumble was the sound of it striking the pool.

The waterfall poured down in torrents, smashing into the

pool, striking up countless splashes. In the sunlight, a seven
colored rainbow spanned the pool, unspeakably dazzling.

Tang San had just arrived when clear and cool water vapor hit
his face, the moist atmosphere penetrating deep into his heart,
exceptionally comfortable.

Surrounded by mountains, ten thousand folds of blue and

green, a rippling blue gem in front, and still that vast waterfall
connecting heaven and earth. All this beauty made Tang San
somewhat dumb.

4441 Goldenagato |

Tang Hao sat there quietly, his gaze all along falling on the
waterfall pouring down like a silver river. For some reason, his
always cold expression had changed, and that aged face revealed
an unconcealable tenderness.

Father and son stood there like that for a long time. It was still
Tang San who first sobered from the beautiful scenery,
subconsciously turning his head to look at his father.

Perhaps it was because Tang Hao sensed his gaze, but his
expression mended and he slowly turned to look at Tang San.

“For the next two years, this is where you’ll live and cultivate.
When thirsty, you have water in front of you. When hungry,
you have all sorts of fruits in the mountains. You were together
with Dugu Bo for so long, I expect you are able to separate
which are poisonous.”

Hearing his father speak, Tang San’s chest warmed. His gaze
at his father also became even more burning with familial
affection. His father knowing that he had once been with Dugu
Bo, told him that his father had never been far from him.

Tang San being so astute, he immediately inferred the reason

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his father had never appeared next to him. That was because he
was afraid to influence his cultivation.

Indeed, everything his Teacher had instructed him in, he

could already to do the best degree. Even his father as a Title
Douluo, even that Supreme Pontiff, might not compare to
Grandmaster in teaching.

“Turn around, your back to me.”

Tang Hao said to Tang San.

Tang San hurriedly did as asked.

The instant he had turned, a pair of powerful large hands

were placed on his shoulders. The next moment, Tang San only
felt two warm streams pour into his body from those rough big

With two slamming sounds, Tang Hao’s hands rose and fell,
striking Tang San’s back. Immediately afterwards, his hands
swiftly moved across Tang San’s back like living creatures, and
besides his head, he practically didn’t let any part of Tang San’s

4443 Goldenagato |

body escape.

Where Tang Hao’s hands moved, Tang San only felt a warm
surge enter his body. The fatigue from these days of quick
marching was immediately obliterated.

Where that warmth passed, it was half scalding, unspeakably

comfortable. Tang San’s body gradually began to emit heat, and
sweat that very rarely flowed since he ate the Octagonal
Mysterious Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot covered his

Tang San didn’t know how much time passed, he only felt
himself gradually growing drowsy, his whole body like it was
being smelted in a furnace. He was completely relaxed from his
father’s strikes. In this world, there were a few people Tang San
wouldn’t be on his guard against, and Tang Hao was certainly at
the top of the list. He was currently Tang San’s only blood kin.

Suddenly, coolness flowed from the top of his head, just like
being anointed with purest cream, it immediately roused Tang
San from his drowsiness.

The coolness still didn’t change, the sound of the waterfall

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hitting the pool once again became clear. Tang San lowered his
head to look at himself, and discovered his clothes were long
since soaked through.

Tang Hao stood next to him. There seemed to be a fraction of

exhaustion in the corners of his eyes, but his back was still
perfectly straight. This might be the only part of Tang Hao that
didn’t look old.

“Your body is better than I imagined. But it’s hard to avoid

internal damage in these days of competition. Remember, being
injured isn’t bad, but you absolutely have to recover properly
afterwards. Otherwise, the internal damage left behind will
cause no end of trouble. I’ve helped you heal all your internal
damage now. Your muscles and bones are a lot stronger than
that of ordinary people, it should be related to the herbs you ate
at Dugu Bo’s place. This is exceptionally good. It can save a great
deal of trouble.”

Tang San caught a rare trace of satisfaction on Tang Hao’s

face. Of course his body was a lot better than that of ordinary
people, being forged in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well and
sharpened by the two great immortal herbs.

If not for this, Tang San didn’t know how many times he

4445 Goldenagato |

would have died. It would also have been impossible to resist
Xie Yue’s spirit fusion ability Full Moon ability that day.

“Little San, do you know what your greatest problem is right


Tang Hao asked.

Tang San’s heart twitched. Was this his father’s consideration

for him? Pondering, he said:

“It’s burst strength in battle. My spirit relies mainly on

control, but lacks burst power. When encountering opponents
like Xie Yue, dealing with them is comparatively difficult.”

Tang Hao nodded, saying:

“You’re right. In terms of control, Grandmaster’s instruction

for you was absolutely flawless. Your control strength is already
fairly outstanding, even if there are flaws, those are the flaws of
the Blue Silver Grass. But there’s no need to worry, after you’ve
obtained your sixth spirit ring, there will be a change in the
fundamental nature of these circumstances.”

4446 Goldenagato |


Tang San looked shocked at his father. To be honest, even

Grandmaster didn’t know how the Blue Silver Grass’ sixth spirit
ring would change anything. Tang San didn’t dare believe that
his father would actually know.

Could it be that there was still someone in this world who had
cultivated Blue Silver Grass to the level of the sixth spirit ring?

From when his father talked about lore regarding hundred

thousand year spirit beasts, until the possible routes of Blue
Silver Grass now, to Tang San, it made his father seem even
more mysterious.

Tang Hao calmly said:

“No need to ask me why. You will understand naturally later.

My special training for you starts now. First take that spirit
bone you got from Spirit Hall into your body. It’s quite useful to

4447 Goldenagato |

After the end of the tournament that day, Tang San had held
on to the mind condensing wisdom skull bone without
immediately fusing with it. How could he have fused it in front
of Supreme Pontiff Palace! Therefore he had directly stored the
wisdom skull bone in his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

Now reminded by his father, he then took it out once again.

Faint blue light pervaded the air with intoxicating energy

fluctuations. Looking at the skull bone in front of him, Tang
San couldn’t keep his heart from flickering.

Spirit bone, would he finally obtain the first of the six spirit
bones he could hold?

Tang Hao calmly said:

“The quality of this spirit bone is pretty good. Spirit Hall

really doesn’t talk nonsense, it came from a spirit beast with at
least fifty thousand years of cultivation. If not for Bibi Dong not
needing, they wouldn’t have taken it out as a reward. This spirit
bone should be prepared for that female Spirit Master of Spirit
Hall’s three young Spirit Masters. Among those three, she’s the
most outstanding.”

4448 Goldenagato |

“You’re talking about Hu Liena? But isn’t Xie Yue the leader
of the Golden Generation?”

Tang San somewhat shocked looked at his father. Xie Yue’s

created spirit ability, Full Moon, gave him a too profound
impression. That was a pain carved into his bones and engraved
in his heart. Even breaking the Eight Spider Lances had barely
blocked it.

Tang Hao smiled coldly,

“Of course not. What does Xie Yue’s created spirit ability
count for? You don’t even need more strength, if your Clear Sky
Hammer had reached the fortieth rank, it would take just one
swing to to easily break it. That Hu Liena is the one you should
watch out for. Her charm ability is extremely powerful. It might
seem that the controller of the spirit fusion ability is Xue Yue,
but in fact, the entire spirit fusion ability effect relies mainly on
her. If they hadn’t used the spirit fusion ability, and her spirit
abilities had come into play, it would have brought you a great
deal of trouble. I don’t know how refined your eye skill is, but
right now you can counter her perfectly. It’s also because of this
that you don’t see how truly terrifying she is. Among the Shrek
Seven Devils, if you weren’t there to counter her, she alone

4449 Goldenagato |

could send the rest of you packing. Bibi Dong is fostering her to
be the next Supreme Pontiff.”

In Tang San’s previous life, he had never come into contact

with anything from the outside world. He had wholeheartedly
thrown himself into hidden weapons research, and so gained
enormous accomplishments in the field of hidden weapons.

But it had also left him like a blank paper in terms of

knowledge of the outside world.

In this life, he had only just lived for fourteen years. How
could his experience in society compare to Tang Hao? Now
being reminded by Tang Hao, he suddenly had a feeling of a
wide panorama opening up, and he nodded repeatedly.

“Begin. Fuse with it first. With its help, your later cultivation
will be twice the result for half the work. Your own intelligence
surpasses your peers, adding everything Grandmaster has
developed, as well as your eye skill, all of these can be boosted
by this skull bone. In the absorption process, sense its energy
with your whole heart. Don’t allow any distracting thoughts.
I’ll protect you.”

4450 Goldenagato |

With Clear Sky Douluo’s protection, was there anything in the
outside world that could be of concern?

Tang San directly sat on the big rock he stood on. Both hands
clasping that skull bone flickering with blue light, he slowly
closed his eyes.

Somewhat shocking to Tang Hao was that Tang San’s body

unexpectedly gave rise to a spiritual fluctuation.

Even though the spiritual fluctuation wasn’t strong, it was

extremely distinct. In fact, Tang Hao himself could only cause
such a clear spiritual fluctuation after he was twenty five.

And at that time, he was already regarded as the number one

genius of the Clear Sky School. The Clear Sky School was also
the number one sect under Heaven. But this son in front of him,
had achieved it ten years earlier than he did.

Without Tang San’s attentive gaze, Tang Hao no longer hid

his inner world. The lines of his face became a lot gentler, and
he even had a slight smile as he watched that raging waterfall
like before.

4451 Goldenagato |

Along with that spiritual fluctuation pouring into the wisdom
skull bone, the blue light of the skull bone suddenly grew
intense. In practically an instant it had enveloped Tang San’s
body, distributing blue sprouts of radiance.

The reason why spirit bones were even more precious than
spirit rings was that, besides being more difficult to obtain, the
more important reason was that there were no spirit power
restrictions on absorbing spirit bones. In other words, if you
were lucky enough to obtain it when you only had one rank of
spirit power, you could still absorb even a hundred thousand
year level spirit bone.

Therefore, even though Tang San was now absorbing the

spirit bone from a more than fifty thousand year spirit beast,
there still wouldn’t be any danger. It would even be a lot safer
than when he originally absorbed the Man Faced Demon
Spider’s spirit ring.

Within that blue light, the first thing Tang San felt was an ice
cold spirit power fluctuation pouring into his brain. That was a
kind of energy fluctuation that made him feel comfortable and

A cool aura drilled straight into the space between his

4452 Goldenagato |

eyebrows, gradually stimulating his brain. Where it passed, it
was as if his brain began to open up.

That bizarre piercing made Tang San feel more comfortable

than he ever had.

This moment, he discovered that a lot of things he had never

clearly understood before were wide open and connected.

Even more astonishing to Tang San, under the effect of those

cool streams, his whole brain seemed to be stripped away from
his body. That spiritual power of his had come into existence
after he took that Penetrating Gaze Begonia. But this spiritual
power wasn’t something Tang San would use.

Right now, under the influence of this cold stream, not only
did that originally intangible spiritual force grow with
astonishing speed, but furthermore the relationship between
Tang San and it became inseparably close. He could easily direct
it with just a thought.

Truly worthy of being called a mind condensing wisdom skull

bone. The unprecedented spiritual force condensation made
Tang San’s brain seem to open up. Without using his eyes to see,

4453 Goldenagato |

he could already clearly sense everything in the world around

Where the spiritual force passed, within a hundred meter

range, there was nothing that could hide. He even saw that
gentle expression on his father’s face. And the range the
spiritual force could scan increased with astonishing speed.

Suddenly sensing his son’s spiritual force abruptly expanding,

and moreover sweeping in all directions, Tang hao’s facial
expression immediately tightened, coldly shouting:

“Condense your mind, don’t release it externally. Avoid losing


Tang Hao’s voice wasn’t loud, but it brought a tyrannical

spiritual shock. The spiritual force Tang San released was
unexpectedly forcefully returned to his body.

Hearing his father’s voice, Tang San’s heart immediately

shivered. Hastily restraining the spiritual force, he condensed it
within his mind.

4454 Goldenagato |

The split second before he withdrew the spiritual force, he
vaguely sensed something seem to echo it from behind the

Before Tang San had time to carefully reflect on it, that ice
cold stream abruptly became a lot more powerful. In practically
an instant it drowned his spiritual world.

Tang San uncontrollably suddenly opened his eyes. That pale

blue spirit bone had at some point already grown to the same
size as his head. The moment Tang San opened his eyes, in the
eye sockets of that pale blue skull bone, two blue flames
suddenly ignited.

In practically a split second, those two balls of flame shot out,

straight into Tang San’s eyes.

A fierce stabbing pain came from his eyes. Tang San couldn’t
see it, but right now the pupils of his eyes had become
completely blue, and immediately afterward they turned
purple. The blue and purple colors replaced each other to glitter
alternately nine times, and finally settled into a crystal clear
deep blue.

4455 Goldenagato |

The enlarged wisdom skull bone grew once again, enveloping
Tang San’s head like a great helmet, then slowly contracted

As it approached Tang San’s head, the entire skull bone had

already become illusory, and quietly merged into Tang San’s

Right now, Tang San was submerged in a clear cold ocean, no

longer feeling anything in his surroundings, as if his body and
soul were stripped apart, to the extent that he couldn’t even feel
the stabbing pain in his eyes any more.

Blue light spiralled overhead, continuing for a full three days.

To Tang San, these three days passed in only the blink of an eye.

And Tang Hao stood calmly at his side the whole time for
three days. Besides keeping his senses on his son, his gaze was
always focused on the waterfall on the other side of the pool,
day as night.

Opening his eyes, Tang San’s first sensation was that

everything around him had changed.

4456 Goldenagato |

All colors had become a level more vibrant, and he could even
see each and every minute speck of energy floating in the air,
everything around him seemed to be formed from all kinds of
grains. Tang San was shocked to discover that his Purple Demon
Eye seemed to have advanced to the peak of the third, Mustard
Seed, level.

The distance to breaking through to the final stage,

Boundless, was only a single step.

With the cool eye of a bystander, Tang Hao clearly saw how
that deep blue light at the corners of his son’s eyes abruptly
grew stronger after he opened his eyes. Along with his attentive
gaze, suddenly, two rays of deep blue light shot out of Tang
San’s eyes.

It no longer had the previous purple gold light of the Purple

Demon Eye, however, those two deep blue rays of light didn’t
only shoot out a chi or so like before, but rather continued
perfectly straight, stretching across several dozen meters,
directly entering the surface of the pool.

Tang Hao saw it, but Tang San felt it. He suddenly discovered
that his eyes directly saw everything below the water surface,
he could even instantly count the number of scales on the fish

4457 Goldenagato |

swimming around.

His mind was unprecedentedly incisive. Tang San raised his

head, his gaze moving to the side. In that instant, the deep blue
light in his eyes abruptly grew richer. The light from his eyes
fell on an enormous boulder at his side, and a loud explosion

That boulder was unexpectedly turned into fine powder in an

instant by the blue light in his eyes.

Watching this scene, even Tang Hao couldn’t help his pupils
contracting violently.

This was the ability the spirit bone contained.

The ability that would arise after a spirit bone affected a Spirit
Master would admittedly be related to the capabilities of the
spirit beast the spirit bone came from, but at the same time it
would also be related to the Spirit Master’s own capabilities.

Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye was undoubtedly exceptionally

formidable, and this mind condensing spirit skull bone’s ability

4458 Goldenagato |

automatically affected it.

The meeting of two powers immediately made this ability

even more unprecedentedly terrifying.

Tang San’s later description of this ability was: Seeing

through all living things in the world, extinguishing all
injustice. Its name: Purple God Light.

Issuing a Purple God Light, Tang San’s first action wasn’t to

be excited, but rather to calculate just how big the destructive
power of this Purple God Light actually was. This was
something he wouldn’t have noticed before, but right now his
brain promptly calculated it automatically, everything
happening so naturally and casually.

The thought of calculating it had only just flashed through his

mind, when Tang San immediately had an assessment based on
the situation of the boulder’s destruction and the marks left on
the ground. He judged that the Purple God Light shooting from
his eyes was a kind of point piercing attack. As a result of its
attack power being focused, the resulting singular destructive
force was especially frightening. Moreover, he discovered that
the strength of the Purple God Light was related to his spiritual
force output.

4459 Goldenagato |

When he watched the pool just now, he hadn’t launched the
attack effect, and his spiritual force consumption was
exceptionally slow. But the instant he shifted the light in his
eyes to attack that boulder, his spiritual force had immediately
seemed to gush out. But his spirit power consumption was on
the contrary very small. In other words, this ability should rely
mainly on spiritual force output, the larger the spiritual force
output, the more powerful the effect of its attack.

While understanding this, Tang San noticed that compared to

before, his spiritual force was more than a hundred times
greater. The originally intangible and formless spiritual power
had now condensed into a river within his mind, flickering
faintly silvery as it flowed. Where it passed, it illuminated
everything within his mind, allowing Tang San to see even

Since Purple God Light’s attack power was related to his

spiritual force, then it seemed he should start to cultivate his
spiritual force.

Grandmaster previously taught Tang San the method to

cultivate spiritual force, only at that time Tang San had mainly
relied on Mysterious Heaven Skill’s cultivation. It seemed to
him that spiritual force was just something illusory, and not

4460 Goldenagato |

necessarily particularly useful. But now he suddenly realized
that the function of spiritual force was in no way small, and in
some sense, even no smaller than that of his spirit power.

The more formidable the Spirit Master, the greater the

pressure he gave people, but where did this pressure come
from? There was admittedly release of spirit power, but at the
same time there was a mental pressure. This was the effect of
spiritual force. Even more, right now his Purple God Light
required the backing of spiritual force. With this ability that
didn’t particularly consume spirit power, but still had
tremendous firepower, to Tang San, it was like a tiger that had
grown wings.

Suddenly, Tang San was shocked. He discovered that after

shooting only one Purple Divine Light, he had unexpectedly
thought of so much. And moreover, everything was very
reasonable, as if all he thought of were facts. ‘Wisdom skull
bone, is this the wisdom it accords me?’

No wonder, no wonder each Spirit Master would thirst for

spirit bones like that. Tang San inwardly sighed in praise, At
that time he obtained the external spirit bone Eight Spider
Lances when absorbing a spirit ring, and afterwards, the Eight
Spider Lances had also been enormously useful. But despite this,
obtaining the Eight Spider Lances were far from the great attack

4461 Goldenagato |

the wisdom skull bone had given Tang San now.

This wisdom skull bone practically opened another door for

Tang San as Spirit Master. The benefits it gave him were in no
way as simple as only the Purple God Light.

Tang Hao stood to the side without speaking. By Tang San’s

pondering expression he could see that his son was currently
experiencing the new things he had received. To him, this
moment was extremely important. Tang Hao could also faintly
guess what the wisdom skull bone had given Tang San.
Therefore, this moment of reflection seemed especially

After a long time, Tang San gradually returned from his

thoughts. His gaze turning to his father next to him, he
discovered that when he didn’t use his eyes to see, the
intangible spiritual force distributed from his mind had already
locked onto his father’s position. Even more shocking to Tang
San was that the spiritual force in his mind didn’t require
meticulous control to move, it slowly recovered automatically.

But this spiritual force was unrelated to the outside world, it

was completely condensed by himself. Grandmaster once said
that peoples’ mental world was the most miraculous place.

4462 Goldenagato |

Nobody understood where spiritual force came from. On the
surface it seemed to be illusory, but it really did exist. The more
formidable spiritual power a Spirit Master had, the more
formidable he was.

What Tang San didn’t know was that Tang Hao was also
inwardly shocked right now. Shocked because of the intensity of
his spiritual force. Tang Hao discovered that the spiritual force
Tang San possessed right now, was unexpectedly close to the
level of ordinary Spirit Douluo. He understood that this wasn’t
something that could be caused by the effect of a mind
condensing wisdom bone.

That spirit bone could admittedly increase Tang San’s

spiritual force, and moreover let him understand the subtleties
of his mental world, but its effect should in no way be so

In fact, the wisdom skull bone was more like a key to Tang
San, it was this key that opened the gates to his spiritual world.

Ever since childhood, Tang San had every day faced the
morning sun to cultivate Purple Demon Eye, but what he didn’t
know was that he wasn’t only cultivating his vision, but
simultaneously also forging his spiritual force. Only, that kind

4463 Goldenagato |

of cultivation was always hidden within his mind without
emerging. Right now, under the effect of the wisdom skull bone,
Tang San’s years of cultivation connected in a flash of
understanding, the gates of his spiritual world opening wide,
advancing by leaps and bounds.

Of course, only Tang San’s spiritual level had promoted to the

Spirit Douluo boundary. That didn’t mean that his Purple God
Light could reach the Spirit Douluo level. All this depended on
the circumstances of his future spiritual force promotion, as
well as the amount of spiritual force he could output when using
the Purple God Light.

Tang San slowly withdrew his mind, watching his father.

Tang Hao stepped in front of him,

“You’ve been absorbing for three days. Judging by the

circumstances of your body and the time spent, the originator of
this spirit bone should have been a spirit beast over sixty
thousand years. Your luck is quite good. I think, if not for my
appearance, perhaps Spirit Hall would have moved against you
in secret. This spirit bone should also be top ranked even in
Spirit Hall.”

4464 Goldenagato |

“Three days?”

Tang San was shocked,

“Dad, then you haven’t rested for three days.”

Tang Hao waved his hand at Tang San,

“That’s not important. Your special training will begin now.”

As his words fell, Tang Hao raised his hands and slapped Tang
San’s shoulders and chest once each. Three streams of heat
flowed down, and Tang San only felt his whole body go limp. In
practically an instant, his dantian was wrapped up by a scalding
heat. With his present spiritual force, he unexpectedly didn’t
sense a trace of his spirit power.

“Dad, this is……”

Tang Hao indifferently said:

4465 Goldenagato |

“From now on, you won’t need spirit power. I’ve temporarily
sealed it to help you advance your special training. Remember,
you’re also not allowed to use the strength of the spirit bone.
I’m not sealing your spirit power because I don’t trust you, but
rather because in the special training I’ll give you, it’s very easy
to unintentionally draw out spirit power.”

Flicking his wrist, a forging hammer immediately appeared in

Tang Hao’s hand. Its surface was covered in pits and traces of
rust, exactly the same as the one Tang San used at home.

“Take it.”

Tang San took the forging hammer, looking somewhat

nonplussed at his father.

Tang Hao pointed to the waterfall on the other side of the


“Go there. Under the waterfall is a bulging round rock, stand

on it, and practice the hammer method I taught you.”

“Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method?”

4466 Goldenagato |

Tang San couldn’t keep his gaze from turning to the waterfall.

Tang Hao nodded.

“When you can complete nine times nine, eighty one swings,
and moreover without the slightest disorder, the first stage of
the special training will be over. Go.”

While speaking, Tang Hao walked over in front of the rock

without taking his leave. Without taking any posture, his fist
blasted out, a loud explosion followed, and in the mountain wall
immediately formed a three meter deep cave. Tang Hao swung
his sleeve, blowing away the dust, then walked in to sit cross
legged inside, without saying anything else to Tang San.

Looking at his father, then again at that familiar forging

hammer in his hand, Tang San’s eyes immediately displayed an
unwavering determination. With a splash, he leapt into the pool
and swam towards the waterfall with the forging hammer.

The Clear Sky School’s traditional cultivation method would

officially start from today.

4467 Goldenagato |


Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

In the three days since her return to the school, Ning

Rongrong always had a worried frown. She didn’t know how
she should explain the school rules to Oscar.

Ning Fengzhi valued Oscar extremely highly. A food system

Spirit Master who had already reached the fortieth rank at only
sixteen, how couldn’t he be valued? On the way back, Ning
Fengzhi had already expressed to Oscar that the school would
cultivate him with all its strength. If he needed anything he
should say so.

Oscar also didn’t say much. To him, as long as he could be

together with Ning Rongrong, that was enough.

Nightfall, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School gradually

grew still.

Ning Rongrong was just pondering her burden, when

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suddenly, a light knock sounded from the window frame.


Ning Rongrong vigilantly stood up.

“It’s me.”

Oscar’s voice came from outside.

Ning Rongrong drew a deep breath, a resolute light displayed

in her eyes. She had resolved that, no matter what, she would
tell Oscar today. Brief pain was better than prolonged ache, if
she delayed further, it would only hurt Oscar more.

Thinking so, she opened her bedroom door and let Oscar

Ning Rongrong’s room was entirely pink, a very comforting

room for a somewhat immature girl.

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This wasn’t Oscar’s first time here, but whenever he came to
Ning Rongrong’s room, he couldn’t hold back a somewhat blood
boiling feeling.

Not related to spirits, but in the vein of the mental attacks

Tang San uses with Purple Demon Eye. Near-synonyms are
“mind”, “mental”, “psyche”, which may end up being used

(紫极神光) “Purple Extreme Divine Light”, compare to Purple

Demon Eye’s “Purple Extreme Demon Pupil”

The place where the qi resides, located a couple of fingers

below the navel.

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Chapter 132 - Eighty One Swings

“Rongrong. What are you doing?”

Oscar closed the door in passing.

Ning Rongrong turned and walked inside. The present Oscar

was more mindful about his appearance than before. He was
clean shaven, his hair also combed neatly, wearing the pale gold
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School standard clothes, setting off
his handsome features even more.

Especially those big eyes that made even girls jealous, made
Ning Rongrong even more afraid to meet his eyes.

Catching up to Ning Rongrong in a few steps, Oscar pulled out

something from his chest and placed it on the desk.

“Just now on the way past, I saw that your lights were still lit
and came over. Why aren’t you resting this late?”

Ning Rongrong had her back to Oscar, saying:

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“I’ll sleep soon.”

After Oscar joined the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School,

Ning Fengzhi had let him directly join the inner sect. In fact, the
absolute majority of the inner sect were the Seven Treasure
Glazed Tile School’s directly related disciples, only especially
outstanding outsider Spirit Masters could enter.

As Ning Fengzhi declared in front of all the sect that Oscar

would directly enter the inner sect, he didn’t know how many
jealous and envious gazes fell on him.

“Afterwards when you can’t always stay up late like this. It’s
no good to the body, and it will make you age prematurely.”

Oscar teased.

Ning Rongrong said:

“I’m fourteen, where am I old?”

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Hearing her voice, Oscar couldn’t help looking distracted.
Ning Rongrong hadn’t spoken to him like this in a very long
time. It sounded like her mood was somewhat amiss today.

“Rongrong, what’s going on? Are you ill?”

Oscar asked in a low voice.

Ning Rongrong didn’t answer. Originally she had already

drummed up enough courage, but as she saw Oscar, for some
reason the courage in her heart shrunk. When it finally reached
her mouth, she was unable to say it.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong didn’t speak up, Oscar couldn’t

help frowning. Sighing lightly, he said:

“Then I’ll return first. Rest early. I brought this for you to eat,
eat it and then sleep. It’s a pastry good for digestion.”

Raising his hand to touch Ning Rongrong’s long hair, but in

the end still restrained himself. He reluctantly glanced at Ning
Rongrong’s beautiful figure from the back, then turned to leave.

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As Ning Rongrong heard Oscar say that he had brought her
food, she could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes.


She suddenly cried out.

Oscar started and halted. When he just turned around, a

fragrant wind hit him in the face, as Ning Rongrong leapt into
his arms like a swallow, rushing fiercely into his embrace.
Holding tightly to his waist.

After a brief shock, Oscar gradually reacted. Even though

Ning Rongrong had already agreed to go out with him, over
these days, they had never been as close as now.

The soft jade tender fragrance filled his arms, that kind of
feeling was so pleasurable it was difficult to describe. Turning
his hands to hold on to Ning Rongrong, Oscar’s pulse sped up

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A man and woman alone in a room, the beautiful woman
throwing herself into his embrace.

Oscar was no gentleman, all sorts of fantastic thoughts rose in

his heart.

However, very quickly he felt something was wrong. Because

Ning Rongrong’s tender body was twitching slightly in his

His chest gradually grew moist.

“Rongrong, what’s wrong?”

Oscar asked somewhat regretfully. One hand gently caressing

Ning Rongrong’s satiny long hair, he quietly asked.

“Why are you so good to me? Why?”

Ning Rongrong said, choked with sobs.

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Oscar slowly smiled, saying in his heart, ‘so this girl let me
feel moved’. Inwardly unable to keep from feeling proud, he
said with a smile:

“Coming to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you’re the

only one I know, and also the person I love the most. If I wasn’t
good to you, who would I be good to? I’ve long since been
without parents, and when Heaven has sent you to me, if I
didn’t know what to cherish, wouldn’t that shame the good
intentions of Heaven?”

Oscar was originally consoling Ning Rongrong, but who could

have imagine that before he finished speaking, Ning Rongrong
had already burst into loud crying. The hands holding him also

Sensing Ning Rongrong’s pain, Oscar was somewhat at a loss.

The previous beautiful feeling completely obliterated, he didn’t
know how to best comfort Ning Rongrong this time.

“Rongrong, don’t cry, your tears break my heart. What’s

happened? Tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help

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Ning Rongrong’s crying gradually subsided, tightly holding
Oscar’s waist, completely burying her body in his arms,
lowering her head, not daring to look at him, she almost

“Did you know? We can never be together.”

Just at the start, Oscar didn’t hear it clearly. When Ning

Rongrong repeated herself once again, he immediately felt as if
struck by lightning, his whole body trembling fiercely, he
clasped Ning Rongrong’s charming face with both hands and
raised her head,

“Rongrong, what are you saying?”

Oscar’s voice was somewhat trembling. He had never loved

someone as wholeheartedly as now, but, what Ning Rongrong
said, how could he bear it?

Ning Rongrong’s silvery teeth clenched. She knew that if she

didn’t tell him the truth this time, it would only hurt Oscar even
more in the future. Closing her eyes, she resisted the pain in her
heart, saying:

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“I said, it’s impossible for us to be together. I’m sorry.”


Oscar looked stupidly at her, a grotesque smile floating onto

his face.

“Rongrong, do you know? I very rarely shaved before, I never

cared anything for anyone else. Even if dean Flender said I was a
genius, I still didn’t feel like cultivating. I only wanted to quietly
and happily live my life.”

“Until I met you. When I saw you for the first time, I couldn’t
help liking your fairy-like mien. Once when you were arrogant
and domineering, even at that time, your shadow in my heart
didn’t fade. Only I told myself that it was impossible for you and
me. You were the magnificent eldest daughter of an influential
family, but I was only a common Spirit Master.”

“Just when I wanted to erase your presence in my heart as far

as possible, you began to change. With everyone’s help, you
were no longer like before. You began to grow gentle, provoking
people’s affection even more. Your faults gradually disappeared,
and your shadow, also became more and more distinct in my

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heart. Until that day, when you told me you wanted to
temporarily go out with me, do you know what I felt? Even for a
hundred spirit bones, I still wouldn’t trade away the the feeling
of that moment. I believed, that my spring had come.”

“In order to be together with you in the future, in order to

gain your father’s recognition, I began to stake my life on
cultivation. What I liked the most before was sleeping, but from
that day on, I practically never slept, each day was passed
constantly cultivating. Even when alone, when in pain, as long
as I recalled your smile, I could easily kick the pain aside. I
discovered, that I truly loved you. Perhaps I was lowly, each
time you were in danger, when I could protect you, I always felt

Tears flowed down Oscar’s cheeks. He gradually let go of Ning

Rongrong’s face, step by step gradually retreating. What his
eyes revealed wasn’t sadness, but rather a light close to despair.

“You didn’t say. Oscar, I, I……”

Oscar smiled, a sneer, not towards Ning Rongrong, but at


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“I truly am foolish. I actually already knew it was impossible
for us. As the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s invaluable
eldest daughter, how would you be together with a poor kid like
me? No matter how much effort I made, it would still never be
possible for me to be on the same stage as you. In the future, you
are the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School’s school master. And
me? Nothing. I really am far too foolish. However, why would
you lie to me? Knowing it was impossible, why would you give
me that chance? Why?”

Hearing Oscar’s practically hysterical roar, Ning Rongrong

fiercely raised her head. Her eyes were already red from crying,
and she equally practically roared back,

“Because I also loved you.”

“What did you say?”

Oscar was dumbfounded. Looking at Ning Rongrong’s red

face, the despair in his eyes once again rose to a hopeful luster.

Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar, tears making her eyes hazy:

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“Yes, in the beginning, I never considered you. Even though
you were very handsome, I’d seen handsome men since I was a
child. But, I gradually discovered, that you truly were good to
me. To me, you could invest everything. This still wasn’t
important, as you began to work hard at cultivating, when you
would naturally block in front of me each time we fought, my
heart was conquered by you bit by bit. That day, promising to
go out with you, that wasn’t a lie. Because I wanted to clearly
see, just what place you really had in my heart.”

“When we were truly together, when I could see you each day,
see you grow thinner day by day because of cultivating hard, I
understood that all you did was for me. Your mark on my heart
also gradually grew larger. I discovered that my reluctance to
part with you grew stronger and stronger. Originally, I should
already have told you long ago, it’s impossible for us to be
together, but, I really couldn’t say it. It’s not that I didn’t have
the heart to hurt you, but rather that I didn’t want to give up
that feeling. That kind of feeling should be called love.”

“Oscar, I know how much you’ve invested for me, but do you
know the suffering in my heart? I constantly told myself that,
once the tournament was over, I would tell you the facts. Like
that I wouldn’t influence your cultivation. But, within my
heart, I didn’t want to tell you the truth, because I didn’t want
to leave you. I didn’t want to leave the first man I’ve loved in
my life. Do you understand?”

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If Oscar could previously be described as somewhat hesitant,
then as he now heard Ning Rongrong’s weeping and
complaining sobs, his heart gradually softened.

Seeing the tears constantly flowing down Ning Rongrong’s

face, listening to her speak her mind, Oscar discovered for the
first time that what he had invested wasn’t wasted. This was the
first time the two of them revealed their hearts, and Oscar’s
gaze began to become gentle.

“Then why do you say we can’t be together?”

His voice gradually calming, he asked the question on his


Nong Rongrong said tearfully:

“Because of the school rules. You also know that our Seven
Treasure Glazed Tile School directly related disciples are all
support type Spirit Masters. Despite having the glory of the
number one support spirit, in fact, we’re never able to break
away from the fact that we have no attack power. This is also
why I originally approached third brother to have those hidden

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weapons made. Therefore, in the school rules, all spouses of
directly related disciples must be battle Spirit Masters with
extremely formidable strength, to protect us. If it was another
related disciple, perhaps there would still be a chance for
flexibility. But I’m my father’s only daughter, and the only
future heir of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. It’s
impossible for my father to be accommodating with these rules
for me. I can only find a future spouse who can use spirit power
to protect me.”

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong in a daze,

“This is the reason we can’t be together? Because I’m a

support type Spirit Master?”

Ning Rongrong nodded with eyes hazy with tears.

“Our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has never

discriminated against ordinary Spirit Masters. As long as you
entered the school, the school would treat you sincerely. But I
don’t have the power to change these rules. Not even when I
become the sect master. I know you’re good to me, and I also
truly like you. But, if we go on, it will only be more painful in
the future. I don’t want to drown you in this pain. A brief pain
is better than prolonged ache, it’s still not too late to tell you

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now. You’re sixteen. You still have a beautiful future. I’m sorry,
Oscar. Truly sorry……”

At this point, the sobs made her unable to speak.

Oscar looked bitterly at Ning Rongrong. Could he truly blame

her for this?

No, of course not. This wasn’t Ning Rongrong’s fault. When

he heard Ning Rongrong say she loved him, the softest part of
his heart was already completely touched.

To him, that Ning Rongrong felt for him was more important
than anything.

“Too late. It’s already too late. Even if I’m only sixteen, in my
heart, there will never be room for a second woman. Rongong,
do you know? It’s already too late for you to tell me now. I love
you, forever and ever, even if the seas run dry and the stones go
soft, this won’t change.”

An incomparably resolute splendor flickered in Oscar’s peach

blossom eyes. Taking a few steps forward, he grabbed Ning

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Rongrong’s shoulders.

“Rongrong. Look at me.”

Oscar’s voice suddenly calmed.

Ning Rongrong stared blankly, raising her head to look at

him. Suddenly, she saw a special light in Oscar’s eyes she had
never seen before, a light she had only seen in Tang San and Dai
Mubai’s eyes at the Continental Advanced Spirit Master
Academy Elite Tournament finals.

“Rongrong, listen to me. I won’t give up. I will never give up.
I’m very happy, because it’s the first time I heard you say that
you like me. There are difficulties before us, but as long as we
love each other, the difficulties might not be insurmountable.
The rules of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is nothing
more than a hope for directly related disciples to possess
powerful protection. Unfortunately, I can’t do that right now,
I’m only a food type Spirit Master, but that doesn’t mean it will
never be possible for me. Rongrong, will you wait for me? Give
me ten years, I’ll definitely find a way to become powerful, a
way to gain the strength to protect you.”

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No matter what, Ning Rongrong hadn’t expected Oscar to
react like this. Seeing the stubborn light in his eyes, she
suddenly discovered that this man was worthy of relying on.
Practically without the slightest hesitation, she nodded.

Releasing his grip on Ning Rongrong’s shoulders, Oscar

turned sharply, all reluctance to part hidden completely within
the deepest parts of his heart,

“Rongrong, I’m leaving. Ten years, wait ten years for me.
After ten years, if I still haven’t returned, get married. If I’ve
succeeded, I will definitely return to find you. In ten years, you
will be twenty four, in your prime. As long as I don’t die, I will

Finished speaking, Oscar didn’t pause, dashing out like a gust

of wind. He wouldn’t stay longer at Seven Treasure Glazed Tile
School. He knew that he would never be able to find the true
answer here. He had to go, had to leave this place, go to the
outside world to search for the things he needed. Could a food
system Spirit Master truly not protect the ones he loved?

No, he believed he could achieve it. For the stubborn love in

his heart, anyhow and anyway, he would achieve it.

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Looking at Oscar’s disappearing back, Ning Rongrong was
already stupid. At this moment, she clearly discovered that she
couldn’t control her heart from falling for this handsome man
who was good to her, who invested everything for her. She was
reluctant to see him leave, she truly wanted to have him stay,
but she knew that if she said so, she and him would truly be
forever unable to be together.

A gloomy sigh echoed behind Ning Rongrong, a forceful big

hand falling on her shoulder.

“Silly girl, don’t cry. If he truly can return within ten years,
perhaps you truly will be able to be together.”

Ning Rongrong turned around, looking at Ning Fengzhi who

had quietly appeared at some point. She threw herself fiercely
into her fathers arms and lost her voice in bitter tears.

Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong stood

there quietly. The two great Title Douluo looked face to face,
and the always taciturn Sword Douluo suddenly said:

“Suppose with time, this kid isn’t something in the pond. Like
he said himself, if he doesn’t die in ten years, then after ten

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years, he will certainly shock the Spirit Master world. Shock us.
Let him go temper himself.”

Ning Rongrong, as the heir to the school master, having so

much noise appear on her side, how couldn’t Ning Fengzhi and
the others notice? The three were here long ago, and also heard
the majority of Ning Rongrong and Oscar’s discussion, even if
they didn’t reveal themselves. As Ning Fengzhi heard Oscar’s
final decision, his eyes shone with admiration.

The Shrek Seven Devils, they really weren’t ordinary

characters. Perhaps this kid’s talent couldn’t compare to Tang
San, but the unswerving determination hidden in his heart was
enough to deal with a great many troubles.

Ning Fengzhi didn’t hold back Oscar. He also wanted to see

what kind of shock this youngster could give him in the future.
If that shock was enough to offset the school rules, then he
wouldn’t mind being his father in law.



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Tang San wasn’t clear on how many times this was that he’d
been blasted into the pool.

The two hundred meter high torrential waterfall struck with

enormous force, this was something he could only truly
understand from experience.

With sealed spirit power, let alone practicing with the

hammer in the waterfall, even climbing onto the large round
rock was difficult to achieve. A whole three days had passed,
and Tang San had never stood firmly on that incomparably
sleek rock. He hadn’t even swung the hammer once.

Each day he would exhaust all his energy, with difficulty

climb onto land, recover his energy, and once again return to
make an effort under the waterfall.

Tang San’s temperament had always been known for

perseverance, he had never known anything called defeat.

If the first time didn’t work he would do it twice, if twice

didn’t work then thrice. He firmly believed that there would be
a reason to what his father had him do.

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Under the effect of the wisdom skull bone, Tang San began to
determine the degree of sleekness of that rock, began to
determine the force of impact of the water, looking for the best
place to cut through to stand on the rock, and began to with
great effort dodge the impact of the water.

Exploiting every fraction of strength in each part of his body.

The heavy forging hammer no doubt helped him. The heavier

he was, the harder it was to be dashed into the pool.

Tang Hao always sat meditating in the cave he made, never

paying any attention to what Tang San did. Tang San had
stockpiled a great amount of drinking water and food in the
Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, enough to let two people persist
for a month.

Therefore, in this month, Tang San didn’t go to pick any fruit.

Whenever he came up to rest, he would separate some food

and bring it to his father’s cave, arranging it in front of his

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After eating he would immediately rest, and once his energy
recovered he threw himself into the water.

Tang Hao occasionally opened his eyes, his gaze involuntarily

falling on Tang San. Watching his son again and again be
dashed down and climb up again, his eyes would reveal a faint

‘Foolish kid, do you know? This waterfall is a hammer to

forge you. What it forges is your body. As the only Divine
Craftsman on the Continent, what I want to do is forge you
yourself into a true divine tool.’

Five seconds. He finally endured for five seconds.

On the fifth day, Tang San could already endure on the rock
for five seconds.

Finally on the fifth day, Tang San could endure for five
seconds on the round rock.

Even without the aid of spirit power, standing on the rock, his
body could move softly according to the rhythm of Ghost

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Shadow Perplexing Step, unloading the force of impact from the
waterfall, as far as possible finding the best position to endure
the strike.

Even when it was difficult to breathe, he still endured for

every moment possible.

To Tang San, this was undoubtedly a good start. Just as they

say, all things are difficult at the start. The first perseverance is
undoubtedly the most painful. Not only did Tang San have to
endure the tyrannical battering of the waterfall, but he still had
to endure the pain while unable to use spirit power.

Just like an adult suddenly turning into a small child, when

strength abruptly dropped, one would need some time to adjust.

And five days was just this time for adaptation. in five days, in
the constant battering of the water, the pain of being unable to
use Mysterious Heaven Skill gradually faded. Relying on the
wisdom skull’s intelligence boost, he gradually grasped the

From the sixth day on, the time he could stay on the round
rock rose geometrically, and he could also finally start to swing

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the forging hammer in his hand.

Using strength on the slick and smooth round rock was no

doubt an extremely painful matter. But Tang San was astute, he
didn’t anxiously start to practice the Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method, and rather first adapted himself to the
strength of the waterfall as far as possible, making great efforts
to control his balance, allowing the waterfall to wash him.

When Tang San could finally stand firm under the waterfall
without getting pounded into the water, Tang Hao finally gave
him a word of advice.

Cultivate. Cultivate spirit power. Of course, to Tang San, that

was cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill.

For a while Tang San was astonished by his father’s words.

His Mysterious Heaven Skill internal strength was already
sealed, how would he still cultivate? But as he truly cultivated,
he discovered that the seal his father had given him was
extremely odd. Even though he couldn’t use the Mysterious
Heaven Skill internal strength, it didn’t influence his

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Whenever he started to cultivate the emptiness in his body,
after circulating the accumulated internal strength once, it
would automatically merge into that fiery seal, fusing with his
own original internal strength.

Even though Tang San was unable to feel to what degree his
Mysterious Heaven Skill progressed like this, after cultivating,
the recovery speed of his body would clearly accelerate.

Therefore, from this day on, Tang San would cultivate for six
hours each day, training under the waterfall for the remaining


The forging hammer caused an enormous splash within the

waterfall, circling once, and returning over Tang San’s head.

Success. Tang San exulted. But he was only joyous for a

moment, because as his will wavered, the waterfall blasted him
into the pool.

Today was already the fifteenth day since coming here. After

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unrelenting effort, he could finally successfully do the first
Disorder Splitting Wind swing, without sliding from the round
rock from the force.

With the first swing came the second. With Tang San’s
constant training, the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method
began to emerge in his hands.

The forging hammer was after all no Clear Sky Hammer, and
its weight wasn’t that dreadful. Even more, its weight could
help Tang San stand steadily on the rock. Gradually, his
Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method grew more and more
skillful from practising in the waterfall.

At the start he could only cause some splashes, but as it

danced it would be impervious to the elements. It was like a
round barrier beneath the waterfall, constantly blocking the
battering of the waterfall, water blooming in large splashes.

The forging hammer’s swinging frequency swiftly and

steadily rose. In an instant, three months had passed.


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The final swing lashed out. Tang San’s body soared up like an
artillery shell, meeting the battering waterfall for ten meters.
Within ten meters, the falling water was struck back against the
stream, and under the drive of his figure, issuing an immense
explosive rumble. Even that rainbow spanning the pool was
turned disorderly at this moment.

That of course wasn’t something Tang San could achieve with

his present strength, but rather a property of the Disorder
Splitting Wind Hammer Method.

One swing was more powerful than the last, the force of the
swings overlapping. If not for the inner qualities of Tang San’s
physique being extremely powerful, that enormous impact
would be enough to rip the muscles from his bones.

The moment the nine by nine, eighty one swings, were

completed, the eighty one overlapping forces condensed
together. Despite not being able to use the slightest bit of spirit
power at the moment, that instantly erupting terrifying attack
power still surpassed his peak.


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The force faded away. Tang San’s body in the waterfall was
smashed heavily into the pool, but at this moment the
excitement in his heart was difficult to describe.

Three months, he had finally completed his father’s

requirement, finally managed the eighty first swing.

Right now, Tang San’s skin was brimming with a healthy

bronze color, his height increased somewhat. Even though his
hair and the beard on his face seemed extremely disorderly, his
eyes like cold stars tilted dazzlingly.

The instant the waterfall reversed, Tang Hao sitting in the

cavern had already opened his eyes, an astonished light flashing
past the corners of his eyes. Even as the youngest Title Douluo
of the continent, right now he still couldn’t help sighing in
praise at his son’s accomplishments. Back when he completed
this step, it had taken him a full half year. But Tang San, with
unswerving will and the help of his talent, had unexpectedly
used just three months.

Jumping onto the shore from the pool, Tang San held the
forging hammer in one hand, and he first of all looked his father
in the eyes.

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Tang Hao’s gaze swept across his son. In these three months,
Tang San’s muscles had become more distinct. Even though
none was exaggeratedly enormous, his skin held a faint hazy
light. With the eyesight of a Title Douluo, he could naturally
detect the accumulated explosive power within.

“Dad, I succeeded. Eighty one swings.”

Tang San somewhat proudly said to Tang Hao. Eighty one

swings, eighty one unrestrained swings, that transcendence of
heart and body made him extremely excited.

Tang Hao nodded to him, giving him two words,

“Very good. Only, you can still do better.”

While speaking, Tang Hao grabbed the forging hammer from

Tang San’s hands. With a casual flick, the forging hammer
soared away like a shooting star, disappearing in the blink of an

Paying no attention to the somewhat lifeless Tang San, Tang

Hao’s one hand grabbed a large tree next to him. His hand cut

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into the tree trunk like a sharp blade, cutting it like it was soft

As Tang Hao’s hand moved, Tang San only saw a cloud of

wood shavings in the air and Tang Hao’s illusory palm.

In fact, his Purple Demon Eye had already reached the peak of
the third tier, and that he couldn’t clearly see Tang Hao’s
movements with his present eyesight, showed just how fast
Tang Hao was.

When Tang Hao stopped, yet another hammer had appeared

in his hand, exactly identical to the previous forging hammer,
but made from the wood of the tree.

Stuffing the wooden hammer into Tang San’s palm,

“Next, use it to practice the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer

Method. If the hammer breaks, make one yourself.”

Leaving these words behind, Tang Hao returned to his cave

again. Only a few simple words, but what he had given Tang
San was an even more difficult challenge.

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When he first got the hammer, Tang San didn’t feel anything.
For three months he had used the several dozen jin forging
hammer, now holding this wooden hammer, it was practically
light as air.

As he once again swam back to the waterfall, he was a lot

more relaxed than before. The wooden hammer was buoyant,
and moreover so light, it saved him practically a fifth of the
time before he reached the waterfall.

However, when he climbed onto the round rock under the

waterfall, he immediately felt something amiss. Under the
immense impact of the water, his body swayed, and he was
unexpectedly almost smashed onto the rock.

In fact, these three months of training had long since let him
stand stable on the round rock like a nail hammered into a
board. Having his steps suddenly falter, how could he not be

Very quickly, Tang San realized the problem. The forging

hammer in his hand had turned into a wooden hammer, and the
weight was massively different. The center of his gravity as well

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as his familiarity with the stream of water had all changed.

With different weight, it was naturally even more difficult to

stand steadily. Having figured this out, Tang San immediately
understood some of his father’s intentions.

Astutely, he didn’t immediately swing the wooden hammer

after standing firm, but rather stood there stably, controlling
the wooden hammer to swing it softly, feeling the sensation of
the wooden hammer in the stream.

The seemingly light as a feather wooden hammer

unexpectedly received even greater resistance in the water than
the forging hammer from before. It suffered the double
influence of its own buoyancy and the water’s impulse, making
Tang San’s control even more difficult.

When Tang San felt he could once again stand firmly, he

began to use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method

The first and second swings still continued as normal, just not
so easy. But when the third swing arrived, the frail wooden
hammer snapped the instant it would split the water. One

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wooden hammer, broken.

From this day on, Tang San entered the second stage of

He didn’t have internal strength. Unable to infuse the wooden

hammer with internal strength to protect it, what he could do
was to control his use of strength as far as possible, controlling
the force constantly exerted on the wooden hammer to keep it
from breaking under the water. From breaking from his own

The abruptly growing problem didn’t make Tang San shrink

back, on the contrary it made his mind even more focused,
starting an even more arduous special training.

After nine months.

Within an ear-piercing roar, the tremendous water screen

soared up. This time it wasn’t only the part of the waterfall
above, but an entire section almost ten meters wide. Under the
waterfall, that soaring figure’s whole body twinkled with a
bronze radiance, glittering like gold under the sunlight.

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Eighty one swings, Tang San had already forgotten how many
times this was that he had completed the eighty first swing.

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Chapter 133 - Hammer Method’s Great
Success, Slaughter Energy

Falling into the pool, feeling the surroundings wrap him up in

clear coolness, he did his utmost to relax his body. He knew
that, to him, this was only a brief moment of relaxation. He
didn’t know what kind of cultivation method his father had in
store for him next.

What he held in his hand was no longer the forging hammer

sized wooden hammer, but rather a supersized hammer with a
hammer head cross section diameter of two meters. And behind
this kind of giant wooden hammer, the handle was only the
width of a person’s arm.

As could be imagined, if it was only raising an ordinary

hammer, perhaps the hammer handle would directly break
under its own weight. But Tang San relied on ingenious control
of force, using it to complete eighty one swings under the

That was such an enormous waterfall’s force of impact, if he

didn’t have this kind of giant hammer, how could he have
instantly reversed it for ten meters? At this moment, his
Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method was already practiced

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to its pinnacle.

Just as Tang San expected, as he returned to the side of the

shore, his father was already waiting there for him. But
different from the past, as he prepared to land, his father’s
coarse hand appeared in front of him.

After being stunned for a moment, Tang San extended his

right hand, clasping his father’s. Tang Hao exerted himself, and
Tang San’s body broke through the water, landing in front of

Having been here for a full year already, Tang San had clearly
become taller. Already close to sixteen, he completely had the
body of an adult, and a tall one at that. He also grew more and
more like himself in his youth. Even though he still wasn’t
sixteen, his face had the resolution even a twenty two or twenty
three year old ordinary man might not have.

Resolute, unwavering, persevering. All the excellent intrinsic

qualities Clear Sky School’s directly related disciples could
possess could be found on him.

Tang Hao was very satisfied with his son’s achievements.

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Even if he wouldn’t show it.

Without waiting for Tang Hao to do anything, Tang San

already took the initiative to place the large sized wooden
hammer to the side,

“Dad, what do I use next?”

In one year, he had already adapted to this kind of special

training. He could also clearly feel himself improving through
this training. In terms of application of strength, Tang San
could now be said to have reached the pinnacle. He could even
clearly control the path of each fraction of his strength.

Out of the pool, even the most minute force fluctuations

couldn’t be hidden from his senses. Even a blade of grass could
become a deadly weapon in his hands, even without spirit

Tang Hao raised his hand, pointing at the waterfall on the

other side of the pool,

“Today you rest. Starting tomorrow, except when you’re

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cultivating, I don’t want to see the waterfall fall below thirty
meters above the pool. Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer
Method can be used head on, but it can also be used to counter,
just like when you blocked that Stormwind Demon Wolf Thirty
Six Successive Chops from that Feng Xiaotian of the Godwind

Tang San looked somewhat nonplussed at Tang Hao,

“Dad, I don’t understand.”

Tang Hao calmly said:

“All the training is in order to let you master the Clear Sky
Hammer better, to use your strength better. But if you always
train with external objects, you will never be able to directly feel
what the Clear Sky Hammer gan give you. Therefore, from
tomorrow on, the hammer you will use under the waterfall is
your own Clear Sky. You can use spirit power. Let me see just
what level you can reach.”

While speaking, Tang Hao raised his hand to poke Tang San’s
left shoulder. Tang San felt a great force, and he involuntarily
spun around. Immediately afterward, a burning hot big hand

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stuck to the center of his back. A scalding stream of heat
penetrated his body, instantly surging into his dantian. Before
Tang San could react, the internal energy within the dantian
erupted like a volcano and surged out.

Pushed down by a great force, Tang San unconsciously sat

down under Tang Hao’s control.

“Calm your qi, cultivate spirit power.”

The few simple words were Tang Hao’s directions for Tang
San. Originally thinking he could truly rest for a day, Tang San
didn’t have time to think of anything else. Immediately
grabbing the source, he guided the suddenly erupting internal
strength within his body to circulate through the route of the
Mysterious Heaven Skill.

Mysterious Heaven Skill was originally a kind of gentle inner

strength, but right now it suddenly became berserk. Under
Tang San’s minute control, it was like a flood bursting through
a dam, scouring his incomparably durable energy channels.

With internal strength entering his body, Tang San sensed a

great deal. The first thing he sensed was his spiritual force

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controlling his internal strength. Under the tremendous
spiritual force effect, even though the rushing internal strength
struck with enormous force, he could still manage to control it.
The second thing he sensed was the change in his energy

Even though it had already been one year since he had

circulated his internal strength, his energy channels seemed to
have widened, and moreover turned incomparably durable. No
matter how the internal strength attacked, it still had to follow
the paths of his energy channels.

The scrubbing under the waterfall was a forging of Tang San’s

whole person, physique, energy channels, willpower, mind. One
year of dry as dust training had brought unprecedented

Rupturing sounds constantly echoed within Tang San’s body.

That wasn’t the bursting of energy channels, but rather the
opening of blockages. In just three short circulations, of Tang
San’s eight extraordinary meridians, including the ones already
open from before, he had unexpectedly broken through six.
Only two meridians still kept their barriers.

With six meridians connected, an even more tremendous

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internal strength entered, and a feeling like a smelting furnace
appeared once again. Only this time, it was one Tang San made

In fact, even Tang Hao didn’t know that in this year under the
battering of the waterfall without his internal strength, the
three immortal treasure herbs Tang San ate had completed a
thorough merging process with his body.

The Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, Infernal Precious

Apricot, as well as the Piercing Gaze Begonia were finally
completely fused with his body.

If he followed regular cultivation, this process would require

at least ten years of slow absorption to complete. Even though
absorbing the three herbs wouldn’t give Tang San any major
breakthroughs in internal strength, the degree of pliability and
toughness they provided his energy channels, bones and
muscles was frightening. Each was brimming with explosive

Just like Tang Hao planned, Tang San was walking on the
road of being forged into a divine tool.

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All the burning heat finally condensed in the center of his
back, rolling in reverse. That final point of condensation was
precisely where his external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances
was. As a spirit bone capable of evolution, Eight Spider Lances
would also constantly evolve along with Tang San’s

The one day became seven days. Tang Hao stood guarding at
his son’s side for the full seven days. In seven days, Tang San’s
body underwent heaven and earth revolving changes.

On the first day, a layer of gray matter bubbled out of Tang

San’s body. On the second day, the grey matter condensed into
flakes and began to gradually peel off, exposing pink white skin,
and under the skin, Tang Hao saw faint red and blue colors

And by the end of the seven days, Tang San’s entire body had
become sleek like gemstone, to the extent that there even
flowed a faint gem like light within him. Nothing in the outside
world was important any longer. Tang San’s unprecedented
breakthrough was forged from one year of pressure.

Tang Hao of course hadn’t simply sealed his spirit power. This
spirit power suppressing trick was one of Clear Sky School’s

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methods, most suitable to use in the forty to fifty rank range.
Originally Tang Hao was prepared to suppress Tang San for two
years, but he hadn’t expected Tang San to complete his two year
task in only one.

Tang Hao knew that if he continued to suppress it, it might

have the reverse effect, therefore he helped him undo the seal

Such a method of erupting after suppressing could only be

used once in a lifetime.

The timing Tang Hao chose, was undoubtedly the best.

Tang San’s spirit power fluctuations calmed over seven days.

As he once again opened his eyes, Tang Hao saw a gentle gaze in
Tang San’s eyes.


Tang San looked at his father.

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Tang Hao suddenly swatted him with a palm. Tang San didn’t
dare block it, allowing his father’s palm to strike his chest,
sending him far into the deep water.

“Wash yourself properly.”

Tang Hao’s voice came from the shore,

“Your spirit power has already reached the fiftieth rank


While saying this, even if Tang Hao wanted to make his voice
calm, he still couldn’t suppress his pleasant surprise.

Fiftieth rank, that’s right, right now Tang San’s spirit power
had already reached the fiftieth rank bottleneck. As long as he
obtained one more spirit ring, he could directly enter the Spirit
King stage.

One year, in one brief year, he had gone from forty second to
fiftieth rank. Tang San still wasn’t sixteen, this was something
unprecedented in the history of the Spirit Master world.

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Even though Tang San also felt he had made enormous
breakthroughs, if Tang Hao didn’t tell him, he would still have
been unable that the degree of his progress would actually be so
terrifying. Eight ranks in one year, even a genius like him
wouldn’t dare think of it. In fact, the higher the spirit power,
the more difficult the cultivation.

Simply washing himself clean, Tang San once again climbed

onto the shore. His first words were unavoidably a question for
his father:

“Dad, am I really already fiftieth rank?”

He knew about the six meridians connecting, but his spirit

power progressing this tremendously, the feeling of that kind of
leap still had him brimming with excitement.

Tang Hao nodded,

“My senses wouldn’t be wrong. You’re already fiftieth ranked.

However, don’t be complacent. The later it is, the more
troublesome the cultivation. Fiftieth rank to sixtieth rank is a
watershed that I originally used five years to cross. I hope you

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can break through the sixtieth rank boundary before you’re
twenty. Your road will be easier after that.”


This time, even Tang San saw the change in his father’s mood,
Even though he was still instructing him, he still caught that
faintly discernable smile on his father’s face.

Fiftieth ranked at sixteen, and possessing two spirit bones.

Right now, even sixtieth ranked Spirit Masters could never
defeat Tang San.

“Little San, the technique for throwing the Eight Spider

Lances fragments you used in the final moment of the
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament, was it your created spirit ability?”

Tang Hao suddenly asked.

Tang San looked distracted a moment, scratching his head,

and said:

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“More or less.”

He could never say that it wasn’t a technique of this world. In

some sense, after reaching this world, Tang Sect’s secret lore
could all be considered his created spirit ability.

Tang Hao nodded, saying:

“Those techniques of yours are very good, don’t abandon

them. From now on, you will train with the Clear Sky Hammer
under the waterfall at night, and make your own plans for the

Tang San’s couldn’t help saying:

“Dad, I’m already fiftieth rank, won’t we go look for a fitting

spirit ring?”

Tang Hao indifferently said:

“Have you forgotten what Grandmaster taught you? One of

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his ten great core competitive forces, didn’t it propose that even
if a Spirit Master doesn’t obtain a spirit ring after reaching the
bottleneck, his spirit power will still constantly be stored, to
appear after obtaining the spirit ring. There’s no need for you to
fight right now, why rush to obtain a spirit ring?”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“I understand.”

Spirit power reaching the fiftieth rank was also equivalent to

Mysterious Heaven Skill reaching the brink of the fifth tier.
With stronger internal strength, some hidden weapon
techniques that couldn’t be used before could be cultivated.
Tang San had never forgotten the hidden weapons he had paid
his previous life for. From this day on, like Tang Hao said, he
began to cultivate Mysterious Heaven Skill and hidden weapons
in the daytime, and train with the Clear Sky Hammer at night.
The process of cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill was his rest.

Right now Tang San was like a spring powered mechanism,

seemingly never resting.


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Supreme Pontiff Palace.

“Are you really thinking clearly?”

The Supreme Pontiff quietly looked at Hu Liena kneeling in

front of her.

Hu Liena nodded firmly,

“Your Holiness. If I can’t break through to some extent

somehow, I’m afraid Tang San will catch up to me sooner or
later. For Spirit Hall, I’m ready to take the risk.”

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s face grew a lot gentler,

“Actually, you don’t need to do it. You’re already extremely

outstanding. Going there to train, there’s a large chance even
you won’t return. Wouldn’t it be much better to go cultivate at
Death Canyon like Xie Yue and Yan?”

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Hu Liena shook her head,

“No. Your Holiness, even though Death Canyon is dangerous,

it won’t be able to truly give me the sensation of death. I know
you’ve always had Lord Chrysanthemum Douluo protect me in
secret. Without truly experiencing the feeling of death, with my
talent, I’m afraid I’ll be unable to compare to Tang San later.”

Bibi Dong smiled calmly,

“Even though it’s been two years, you still can’t forget that

Hu Liena attentively watched the Supreme Pontiff’s eyes,

“Teacher. Didn’t you say that defeat is the mother of success?

If I forgot the defeat, forgot the humiliation, how could I be
worthy of your guidance? I hope that when I go there this time,
you won’t dispatch anyone to protect me. I will definitely
return alive.”

Right now her face didn’t have the slightest hint of seduction,
only incomparable resolve.

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Bibi Dong reached out to pull Hu Liena from the floor,

“Child. In you, I see the hope for Spirit Hall’s future. Fine, I’ll
approve it. But you must remember, you have to return alive.
Whether as the Supreme Pontiff of Spirit Hall, or as your
teacher, this is my mission for you, as well as my request.

Watching Bibi Dong’s exceptionally beautiful eyes, Hu Liena

felt something in hers, and nodded forcefully,

“Teacher. I will.”

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong raised her hand. On her hand was
a ring glittering with light, and as she turned her palm, in her
hand lay a white skull.

“Absorb it before you leave.”

Hu Liena was suddenly shocked,

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“Teacher, this is too precious.”

Bibi Dong’s face dropped,

“Even the most precious things must be used to have value.

Originally, that mind condensing wisdom skull suited you even
better, but it went with Tang San and the others. The loss of
three spirit bones was a great blow to Spirit Hall. However, in
my heart, the three of you are more important than spirit
bones. This skull is equally one that suits you. No worse than
that wisdom skull. Take it.”

Hu Liena didn’t object again, gravely accepting what the

Supreme Pontiff bestowed, her eyes were already moist.

The Supreme Pontiff lowered her voice:

“There’s still one matter I must remind you of. If you alone
encounter Tang San, avoid a fight by any means. Even though
your strength is above his, I don’t know what techniques he
uses to counter your capabilities. You don’t stand any chance
against him. There’s also no need for you to treat him as an
opponent. I will deal with this person sooner or later. Just like
his father. Without dealing with Tang Hao, that stomach ache,

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our plans will inevitably run into trouble.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Hu Liena lowered her head, agreeing deferentially. But her

seductive big eyes revealed an unwilling expression.

She would never be able to forget the smile on Tang San’s face
in the last moment, the scene of him tossing out the fragmented
Eight Spider Lances before fainting. Just that attack had made
them lose the spirit bones, and lose the championship.
Becoming the sinners of Spirit Hall.

‘Tang San, just you wait. The humiliation you caused me, I
will definitely repay you in blood.’


The broad waterfall fell from the sky, flourishing with water

Violent explosive sounds constantly echoed below the

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waterfall. If someone stood at the side to watch this bizarre
scene, they would definitely be unable to conceal their shock.

The entire two hundred meter tall waterfall revealed an

extremely bizarre scene right now. The waterfall was
unexpectedly completely split fifty meters from the bottom. The
falling water scattered in waves in all directions at that point,
becoming a vast curtain of water that poured down in torrents
in the distance, making the entire pool below the waterfall
constantly ripple from the battering drops.

Within that water screen, one could just vaguely see a figure
like a rain dragon. Standing underneath the waterfall, body
constantly whirling, a small black hammer flying up and down
in his hands.

With each swing of the hammer, the falling water would rise
somewhat in the air, the fifty meter distance constantly

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters.

Within that water curtain, one could vaguely see that
frightening black light climb towards the top of the waterfall
like a rising black dragon.

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The frightening scene still continued. When the waterfall was
struck back a hundred meters, suddenly, the silhouette below
the waterfall suddenly stopped. All motions turned into one
final point, then forcibly stopped there.

All the condensed light erupted in this instant.


The ‘black dragon’ dashed towards the sky, and the torrential
enormous waterfall was unexpectedly scattered in all directions
in that instant, no longer able to gather, the two hundred meter
tall waterfall, in that instant, completely disappeared from
view. The giant black dragon issued a violent howl, as if
roaring, as if displaying its terrifying might.

Tang Hao stood quietly by the side of the pool, watching the
overwhelming scene in front of him, his face revealing a
satisfied expression. Making the waterfall disappear completely,
he asked himself if he could have done that even at twenty five.

But his son had done it.

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That sky shaking ‘black dragon’ was caused by Tang San.

After two years, a whole two years of time, Tang Hao had
never brought Tang San to obtain his fifth spirit ring in the
second year of cultivation. And Tang San himself also
discovered that his spirit power growth rate had clearly slowed.

It might be said that the spirit power required to rise one rank
became greater later on. Because he hadn’t obtained the fifth
spirit ring, he also didn’t know what rank his spirit power could
reach. But he was certain it wouldn’t surpass fifty three at the

After reaching the fiftieth rank, gaining two ranks every year
was already an exceptionally fast pace.

After reaching the seventieth rank, a Spirit Master might not

rise one rank in several years. It clearly showed the trouble of
later stage cultivation.

Despite his spirit power promotion speed dropping greatly in

the second year, Tang San had still thoroughly familiarized
himself with his Clear Sky Hammer. Even though it didn’t have
a single spirit ring, with the control of his fiftieth rank spirit

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power, the Clear Sky Hammer could already produce an
extremely terrifying attack power. The present scene was the
eruption of the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method’s nine
by ninth, eighty first swing.

For spirits with support capability, it was undoubtedly the

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. In attack power, no other
spirits could reach Sword Douluo Chen Xin’s Sacred Sword. But
in tyranny, in force, in burst strength, the Clear Sky Hammer
held the throne at the summit without submitting to anything.

Otherwise, how could the Clear Sky School be called

something like the number one sect of the Spirit Master world?

Despite not having any abilities from spirit rings, the Clear
Sky Hammer could still be infused with spirit power. It was still
a divine tool-like existence.

Two years ago, before the special training started, Tang Hao
had once asked Tang San what his biggest flaw was.

At that time, Tang San had replied with burst strength, a lack
of instantly erupting attack power.

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But now, this issue was resolved as easily as a knife splits

Even though Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer was still the same
size, in Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, or perhaps it
should be said with the boost of Tang San infusing spirit power,
the erupting attack it could produce right now had already
reached an extremely terrifying degree.

Even more dreadful, after the Clear Sky Hammer was

combined with Tang San’s Tang Sect hidden weapons, as long
as Tang San’s spiritual force locked onto the opponent, unless
the opponent had spiritual force far greater than his, and
moreover was proficient in teleportation type capabilities, he
would only be able to stiffly block it. Basically without the
chance to dodge.


The halted waterfall fell, ferociously smashing Tang San

standing on the round rock. But Tang San stood there without
moving a single jot, like a nail hammered into the rock. His face
even displayed a somewhat pleasurable expression. Immersed in
the enormous waterfall, spitting out a breath, profound
Mysterious Heaven Skill covered his body in a layer of faint

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white Big Dipper Qi.

Figure flashing, Tang San had leapt from the round stone. The
Clear Sky Hammer in his hand quietly disappeared, replaced by
several dozen strands of Blue Silver Grass striking downwards,
lashing the surface of the water. Tang San used the momentum
to soar out, landing directly next to Tang Hao on the shore.

When Tang San soared over, Tang Hao’s facial expression had
already returned to solemnity. As he looked at his son smoothly
landing next to him, he said indifferently:

“Think you’re very powerful, yes?”

Tang San scratched his dripping wet hair,

“Dad, I understand, I won’t be conceited, I will definitely

continue working hard. Only, most recently I’ve felt that
progressing in the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method
with more practice is very hard.”

Listening to his son, Tang Hao couldn’t hold back a burst of

helplessness in his heart. He still hadn’t said anything about his

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special training, but was already stumped by this astute brat.
Still thinking to progress with the Disorder Splitting Wind
Hammer Method? How can one progress after already reaching
the peak? Besides the Clear Sky Hammer not having the
influence of spirit rings. Tang Hao asked himself, with this
hammer method alone, would he be able to do any better than
his son?

“The Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method training ends

today. Little San, let me ask you, how do you feel about your
fighting strength?”

Tang Hao asked.

Tang San thought it over. He first wanted to say he was

confident, but recalling his father’s formidable strength, he still
changed his words,

“Still lacking by far.”

“Then do you know where you are lacking?”

Tang Hao continued asking.

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Tang San looked blank a moment. Saying he was lacking by
far was somewhat modest, now hearing his father ask this kind
of question, no immediate answer appeared.

Tang Hao apparently also wasn’t looking to hear Tang San’s

answer, and went on:

“In theory, Grandmaster is unparallelled. His instruction

methods for you were exceptionally proper, letting you build a
solid foundation. Since you took him as teacher, your growth
rate has been extremely fast, and you’ve also undergone a great
many battles. You still have some real combat experience. No
need to undervalue yourself. However, you still lack the essence
of real combat.”

“Essence? What’s the essence of real combat?”

Tang San hurriedly asked. His father should be a character

reckoned among the best even among Title Douluo. Even
though he didn’t say much, Tang San benefited from each word
of guidance. He now hurriedly focused his attention to listen.

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Tang Hao spoke in a low voice:

“What is real combat? A true battle with life and death in the
balance is real combat. But the real combat you’ve experienced
has for the most part been in the format of competitions. You
haven’t encountered many life crises. People, only in a test of
life and death, will their potential be completely roused. By
constantly struggling at the edge of death can one be said to
truly possess the capability of battle. Your mind and battle
control strength are both pretty good. But you lack one thing.
The purest murderous spirit. Sense my aura.”

His words falling, the pupils of Tang Hao’s eyes abruptly

disappeared. In that instant, he suddenly emitted an extremely
ice cold aura. This aura didn’t seem to have any burst power,
but as it earnestly enveloped Tang San, he immediately felt as if
he had fallen into an ice house. Every single hair on his body
stood up.

Ice cold, awe inspiring, evil, terrifying, the formidable

murderous spirit making people tremble was like confronting a
pouncing giant beast. Tang San clearly felt everything he did
become slower within this incomparably tremendous
murderous spirit. Even having the Purple Demon Eye with that
Purple God Light, he didn’t dare look face to face with Tang

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Even more shocking to Tang San was that the droplets
flowing down his body had apparently slowed, the gradually
dripping water condensing into strings of ice beads, hanging
from his body.

Murderous spirit turned substantial? This was one description

Tang San’s mind put out. Grandmaster once told him that, as
his own strength reached a particularly terrifying level, his
killing intent could even reach the level of substance, going
from intangible to material. But this kind of level was as rare as
phoenix feathers and unicorn horns even among Title Douluo.

The ice cold killing intent retreated like a tide, and Tang Hao’s
voice shocked Tang San awake,

“What you felt, that was murderous spirit. Don’t you want to
ask how to use murderous spirit? Murderous spirit actually
doesn’t mainly influence the opponent, but rather yourself. It
can let you disregard life and death, let you display your own
strength to the greatest degree, even surpass your level. It can
even let you act faster. Possessing intense killing intent proves
that you have once crawled from massive heaps of corpses. That
you have experienced the edge of far too many life and death
struggles. Even when confronting opponents far more
formidable than yourself, you can still not be the slightest bit

4532 Goldenagato |

timid. Killing intent is a kind of imposing manner. In some
areas it can even be equalled to courage. Perhaps it could be said
that killing intent is the sublimation of courage.”

Tang Hao’s explanation of killing intent was undoubtedly

somewhat extreme, but he made Tang San clearly understand
his meaning.

“Dad, please teach me how I should obtain murderous spirit.”

Tang San’s looked at his father with a resolute gaze.

Tang Hao shook his head,

“No, I can’t teach you. I’m unable to teach you. You are, after
all, my son. Even if I released even denser killing intent, you
still wouldn’t believe that I’d kill you. Murderous spirit can only
rely on your own understanding and what you possess. You can
relax thoroughly today. Tomorrow morning, we’ll set out. I’ll
bring you to a place where you can truly cultivate your
murderous spirit.”

Hearing Tang Hao’s words, Tang San couldn’t help being

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somewhat happy. Staying here for two years, training without
rest, even if this place was even more beautiful, it would still
make people weary of aesthetics in the end. He could finally

The father and son ate and slept in the wind, and didn’t have
anything to put in order. Early the next morning, Tang Hao
took the lead, and the two left the pool, left this valley.

Tang San knew his father didn’t like being wordy, and
therefore he also didn’t ask Tang Hao where they were going,
only silently followed behind his father.

Passing two years of assiduous cultivation, by now Tang San’s

physical strength had already reached a shocking level. As if his
whole body cultivated his Mysterious Jade Hand, it expressed a
gem-like luster. His eyes had a reserved splendor, and if one
didn’t look carefully, it would be very difficult to notice the
deep blue color in his pupils.

Even though Tang San hadn’t made great efforts to cultivate

his spiritual force in these two years, his spiritual force had still
made sufficient progress. The cultivation with unswerving will
and stubbornness had not only forged his body, but also forged
his mind.

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After five days, Tang Hao had brought Tang San to an
unknown forest.

Just as they arrived, Tang San immediately sensed a familiar

atmosphere. After his spiritual force had grown powerful, his
senses for the outside world had also clearly grown sharper.
This was the atmosphere of danger.

Tang Hao halted in front of the forest,

“You will soon go to the place where you can truly train in
real combat. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to obtain your
fifth spirit ring. There are spirit beasts that suit you in this

Finally going to get the fifth spirit ring? Tang San couldn’t
help being somewhat excited.

Obtaining the fifth spirit ring would also completely pull out
his spirit power. In two years of cultivation, Tang San’s
Conception Vessel had also been connected. The only meridian
that remained now was a Governing Vessel.

4535 Goldenagato |

The goal Tang San gave himself before the sixtieth rank was
to also connect the Governing Vessel. Then, his Mysterious
Heaven Skill could reach another stage.

After connecting the eight meridians, he could use protective

Big Dipper Qi. This was something Spirit Masters didn’t have.
In the terms of this world, it should be called spirit power


Tang Hao pointed to the ground.

Tang San was blank a moment, but still followed his words
and sat cross legged on the ground. Only he was somewhat
unclear on just what his father would actually have him do.

Tang Hao didn’t explain, but walked to Tang San’s side,

“Release your Blue Silver Grass, afterwards use your heart to

feel. With your present spiritual force, you should be able to
sense it. Originally, I wasn’t going to let you obtain this

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capability so early, but with the growth of your spiritual force
so far, it should be time to receive it.”

Tang San didn’t understand the meaning of his father’s

words, he only vaguely heard that the spirit ring ahead of him
was something his father had planned for long ago.

Without thinking of anything else, he immediately closed his

eyes. Blue Silver Grass released automatically, revolving around
his body and slowly spreading. Condensing his spiritual force,
he scattered it into his surroundings.

As a plant, blue silver grass was universal across the


Very soon, Tang San entered that realm he had once entered
before. The surrounding blue silver grass seemed to call out to
him, his spiritual force strengthened substantially, making his
senses become especially clear.

He could even distinguish the mood of each blue silver grass.

His senses gradually spread along with his spiritual force, and

4537 Goldenagato |

Tang San felt the aura of the blue silver grass grow more and
more tremendous.

Gradually, he became soaked in this feeling. He discovered

that all the blue silver grass seemed to have a kind of nourishing
mood towards him.

It was like they were his children, blabbering to their father in


4538 Goldenagato |

Chapter 134 - The True Face Of Tang San’s
Spirit, Blue Silver Emperor

This was a mood he had never sensed before. Gradually, he

didn’t need to release too much spiritual force, each blue silver
grass within the forest released faint spiritual fluctuations, and
even though they weren’t strong individually, with all that
omnipresent blue silver grass together, it formed a tremendous
spiritual field, fusing together with the spiritual force Tang San

Through them, the range Tang San could sense suddenly

multiplied exponentially.

Each blue silver grass became like Tang San’s eyes and ears.
Tang San could use spiritual force to examine the world before,
but now using the blue silver grass’ spiritual field, the area he
could observe could only be described as terrifying.

Just at this moment, suddenly, a voice echoed by Tang San’s

ears without any warning,

“King, great king, is it truly you? You have finally come to me,
thank Heaven.”

4539 Goldenagato |

‘King? Is this meant for me?’ Tang San was inwardly shocked.
He didn’t understand why a voice would appear within his
spiritual world. And at this moment, Tang Hao standing next to
Tang San, revealed a faint smile. His spiritual force had also
been open all along.

A voice suddenly appearing as Tang San sensed the spiritual

field of the surrounding blue silver grass, astonished him
enormously. And this voice unexpectedly addressed him as

A powerful spiritual force suddenly reached out through the

originally gentle blue silver grass spiritual field. This spiritual
force swiftly tangled with Tang San’s spiritual force, as if the
two were ropes tied together.

“King, please come here to me, can you?”

That voice seemed to become even more eager, and with a

strong longing.

Opening his eyes in shock, Tang San looked at his father.

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Tang Hao calmly said:

“You should have already sensed it. Go, I’ll wait for you here.
There are times when obtaining a spirit ring doesn’t require

Even though Tang San didn’t understand what his father

meant, he still stood. Greatly astonishing to him was that even
without him deliberately controlling his spiritual force right
now, that intense spiritual aura was still connected to him,
constantly calling out.

Stepping into the forest, Tang San suddenly felt the

threatening aura of the spirit beasts within the forest clearly
weaken, as if the spirit beasts hidden among the trees had
stepped aside to open up a path. With his father’s certainty, he
didn’t hesitate, leaping up and swiftly advancing in the
direction of that spiritual pull.

Where he passed, the blue silver grass on the ground seemed

to call out excitedly, softly swaying rhythmically. As if dancing
cheerfully at Tang San’s arrival.

4541 Goldenagato |

This forest wasn’t large, at least it couldn’t even be compared
to the Star Dou Great Forest. But as he entered, Tang San
discovered that the plants here all seemed very ancient, as if
they had experienced endless years.

Trees towering towards the sky could be seen everywhere,

even the light of the sun found it very difficult to pierce the
dense foliage.

Tang San could be certain that this was an ancient forest. But,
just what was that voice calling out to him?

He longed to know the truth, and therefore his speed was

especially rapid. On the way, he wasn’t obstructed by any spirit
beasts, and easily followed the pull of that spiritual force

After rushing for around two hours, that spiritual force

connected to him suddenly became especially clear.

“King, I am here.”

The spiritual voice appeared once again, so excited it was even

4542 Goldenagato |

a bit nervous.

Passing two trees that would have required at least several

people working together to reach around, Tang San’s spiritual
force shifted, locking onto a plant in front. He could clearly feel
that the spiritual call came from this plant.

Slender vines climbed up, intertwining until they reached ten

meters into the air. It seemed to be countless vines twined
together to form an extraordinary plant. It was entirely crystal
clear blue, the surface flickering with a special kind of
translucency. In its surroundings, the blue silver grass grew
especially lush.

Each of those vines were the thickness of a human waist, their

diameter surpassing one chi.

Right now it swayed slightly, and in the middle of the vines,

there were unexpectedly marks condensed together like a
human face. Right now its expression seemed to be smiling.
Smiling at him.

These vines gave him a formidable impression, an extremely

formidable aura being released with hardly any restraint.

4543 Goldenagato |

Intense spiritual fluctuations gushed out with that face as
center, revolving around Tang San with a cheerful rhythm.

The spiritual pull stopped here. Even though Tang San had
seen plant type spirit beasts before, it was still the first time he
met one with such a formidable aura.

“Did you call for me?”

Tang San’s stared at the enormous vine in front of him with a

burning gaze. Even though he already sensed that the
counterpart didn’t hold the slightest bit of malice, inwardly he
still couldn’t help being a bit vigilant.

“Yes, great king. It was I who called for you.”

That human face in the twisting vines moved, revealing an

extraordinary human expression, its large mouth opening,
unexpectedly issuing human speech.

This time it was no longer a spiritual exchange, but rather

true speech.

4544 Goldenagato |

Tang San was shocked. In fact, plant type spirit beasts’
cultivation was a lot harder than animal type spirit beasts. He
had never heard Grandmaster say that plant type spirit beasts
could speak, but the facts arrayed before him tolerated no

“Who are you? Why do you call me king?”

Tang San curiously asked.

The vines smiled:

“Because flowing through your body, is blood more noble

than mine. If I can be called a king among blue silver grass,
then, you are the emperor.”

Hearing this, Tang San inwardly understood somewhat. His

brain operating at high speed, all kinds of possibilities
constantly appeared in his mind.

This enormous vine in front of him was unexpectedly also a

blue silver grass. The universally regarded as a trash spirit, Blue

4545 Goldenagato |

Silver Grass, could actually be cultivated to such a formidable

Before Tang San opened his mouth, the Blue Silver King spoke
once again,

“The distance to blood of your realm is still at least fifteen

thousand years of cultivation for me. To meet you, to sense the
aura of the blood you carry, I seem to have found a path leading
to even nobler blood. Thank you, my king.”

Tang San frowned,

“I’m sorry, perhaps you’ve made a mistake. I’m really not

your king. I’m a human, not blue silver grass. I just happen to
possess the Blue Silver Grass spirit.”


The Blue Silver King said somewhat eagerly:

“Great king, it’s impossible for me to mistake it. The aura you

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carry is the aura of the Blue Silver Empress, this is no mistake.
If you were only an ordinary human with the blue silver grass
spirit like that, do you believe you could cultivate to your
present level? What you possess, is the blood of the blue silver
imperial family! Great king.”

Tang San was dumbfounded,

“You’re saying, that my Blue Silver Grass isn’t ordinary Blue

Silver Grass?”

“Yes. What you possess is the purest blood of the blue silver
royalty. If I were to describe your spirit then, I think it would be
more suitable to use Blue Silver Emperor, not Blue Silver Grass.
All blue silver are one line, all are your people. Haven’t you felt
them calling out to you?”

Blue Silver Emperor? Tang San’s heart twitched. He suddenly

understood some of his father’s intentions in letting him come

Could it be that his mother’s spirit in those days was Blue

Silver Emperor? That what he had inherited wasn’t some trash
spirit, but the profound Blue Silver Emperor Spirit?

4547 Goldenagato |

That enormous Blue Silver King continued:

“Blue Silver Emperor has always been of the same line in this
world. Only when the last Blue Silver Emperor passes will the
next Blue Silver Emperor appear. Even if you are human, you
are currently the only person through whose veins flows the
blood of the Blue Silver Emperor.”

Tang San felt his pulse accelerate,

“But, I’ve never felt that my Blue Silver Grass was anything
special, perhaps you don’t understand, but the strength I
possess right now was obtained by a special method of

Tang San had always believed that the reason he could possess
innate full spirit power wasn’t related to his spirit, but rather to
his cultivation of Mysterious Heaven Skill.

Consequently, he was still somewhat doubtful of the Blue

Silver King’s words.

4548 Goldenagato |

The Blue Silver King sighed lightly, saying:

“Yes, you’re not wrong, previously, your Blue Silver Emperor

was no different from ordinary Blue Silver Grass. This is our
mistake. Because, your blue silver imperial blood still hasn’t
truly awakened. Therefore you’re still unable to sense how
formidable it is. Great king, your coming here, don’t tell me it
isn’t in order to let me help you awaken it?”

Hearing the Blue Silver King’s words, if Tang San still didn’t
understand, he wouldn’t be Tang San.

Awaken? His spirit had already had one awakening when he

was six, could it be it still needed a second?

Apparently sensing Tang San’s way of thinking, the Blue

Silver King patiently said:

“Great Majesty, would the awakening of ordinary humans be

able to truly awaken that noble blood of yours? On the
Continent, besides you, I am the longest living blue silver grass.
Therefore I am called Blue Silver King. Meeting you at last, as
your eternal servants, we will forever guard you. Do you wish to
forever shelter your subjects?”

4549 Goldenagato |

Without any hesitation, Tang San earnestly fixed his gaze on
the Blue Silver King, nodding firmly,

“I do.”

Two drops of blue liquid flowed from where the eyes were on
the Blue Silver King’s human face,

“Almost twenty years, without feeling the aura of Your

Majesty. Today, we will at last no longer be motherless
children. Your Majesty, please sense your subjects worship

The words fell, and an incomparably enormous aura suddenly

rose. That wasn’t from the Blue Silver King in front of him, but
rather from the entire forest.

Blue deep luster was emitted by every single blue silver grass.
One blue silver grass might only emit a tiny speck of blue light,
but as the blue light of millions and millions of blue silver grass
condensed, that was a sea of blue.

4550 Goldenagato |

Tang San immediately felt himself become the center of this
ocean. His body was like an enormous swallowing mouth,
frantically swallowing the outpouring blue sea of the outside

An unprecedented stream of heat rose from deep within. At

this moment, Tang San no longer felt shock or pressure from
the enormous energy, and neither did he have any sensation of
his body swelling. He was shocked to discover that as that warm
stream flowed courageously, an extremely gentle aura softly
brushed away from his body.

For some reason, when he felt this gentle aura, Tang San
suddenly had a kind of urge to cry. That seemed to be a kind of
nourishing mood, as if what he bore right now, was his
mother’s caress.

Closing his eyes, Tang San didn’t want to let this feeling pass.
He renounced perception of everything in the outside world, he
didn’t even use that top quality mind to calculate his current
gains and losses, completely focusing his heart on that
completely unreserved, completely selfless tenderness.

The Clear Sky Hammer was inherited from his father, Blue
Silver Grass from his mother. No matter if it was a common

4551 Goldenagato |

Blue Silver Grass or the Blue Silver Emperor the Blue Silver
King spoke of.

All this was what his mother in this world had left him. Tang
San knew that, that tender aura, was the aura his mother had
set aside for his blood.

Maternal love, the most selfless love in the world. Tang San
had never had this kind of feeling before, but he did now. Even
though he still didn’t have a mother in this world, right now,
that dense maternal love pervaded his heart.

In the depths of his heart, something seemed to break, to


Tang San seemed to see the scene of his birth in this world, a
pale woman with long blue hair pulling him to her chest, a
sparkling and translucent blue teardrop sliding down her
delicate cheek, falling on his chest and slowly soaking in.

Even though he didn’t hear any voices in that tableau, he

could clearly feel that woman’s love call out to him.

4552 Goldenagato |

Mom. Tang San truly wanted to call out, but however he
called, the woman in the scene still slowly faded. What
remained was only him in swaddling, a faint blue spreading on
his chest.

In the real world, standing there, Tang San already had

cheeks streaming with tears. The surface of his skin had already
completely turned a sparkling and translucent blue, countless
Blue Silver Grass emitting from his body, coiling around. Those
Blue Silver Grass were also extraordinarily sparkling and

Blue liquid rolled from the eyes of the Blue Silver King. People
might mistake people, but he wouldn’t make mistakes. This boy
in front of him was the descendant of the imperial family, the
child of the Blue Silver Empress of those days. ‘Great king, I
wish your soul and spirit may rest in peace.’

The tremendous blue light rushed in, and Tang San’s body
was soaked and floating in an extremely gentle ocean. There
was no pain. There was only a tender aura caressing his soul.

Spirit rings appeared one after another.

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The first spirit ring, Datura Serpent, the second spirit ring,
Ghost Vine, the third spirit ring, Man Faced Demon Spider, the
fourth spirit ring, Pit Demon Spider.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black. The four spirit rings didn’t

move after appearing, but rather rose in sequence over Tang
San. And those countless spots of blue light swiftly invaded
these four spirit rings, giving each one a blue layer.

And at this moment, the Blue Silver Grass in Tang San’s

surroundings began to change.

This wasn’t caused by the blue ocean condensing in the

outside world, but emitted from Tang San himself.

The originally sparkling and translucent Blue Silver Grass

became even more transparent. Gradually, it actually changed
into a resplendent transparency like sapphire. In the heart of
that translucent blue, was a golden vein, spreading from the
root of each blade of Blue Silver Grass through the leaf.

The true Blue Silver Emperor had finally been born.

4554 Goldenagato |

In an instant, under the influence of the blue golden light
spreading from Tang San, the blue light in the air clearly
became even more tremendous. On the ground, each blue silver
grass began to turn sparkling and transparent, began to grow

Even the Blue Silver King in front of Tang San became

transparent under the influence of the blue golden light he
released, its face revealing a satisfied expression.

Tang San’s four spirit rings all distributed a blue golden

luster. Very quickly, that blue golden light once again
permeated the spirit rings. It seemed that these four spirit rings
were no different in any way from before.

But in fact, they were already no longer the four spirit rings of
the Blue Silver Grass, but rather the four spirit rings of a Blue
Silver Emperor.

Tang San’s swelling muscles shrank somewhat, his whole

body seeming even more proportional. His stature didn’t
change, but his black hair gradually turned deep blue. Within
that deep blue was still mixed a faint golden luster.

4555 Goldenagato |

It was like the Blue Silver Emperor at his side.

The crystalline long hair was so dazzlingly beautiful, and at

this moment, the attributes of Tang San’s entire body were all
intangibly promoted. Unrelated to spirit power, that was
completely a reconstruction of his body after awakening his

The properties of Blue Silver Grass were fortitude and

tenacious vitality. And as Blue Silver Emperor, right now Tang
San’s body undoubtedly reflected this perfectly. Right now, that
flourishing vitality of his body unexpectedly reached a
terrifying level.

Even Tang San himself didn’t know that at this moment, his
body gained a terrifying mechanism, a special attribute people
couldn’t imagine.

Also the exclusive attribute of the Blue Silver Emperor.

That wasn’t an attribute that could be clearly sensed, but it

would have an enormous influence on Tang San’s future.

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The blue light gradually waned, Tang San gradually regaining

But he didn’t want to wake. Because that benevolent

tenderness slowly passed as he woke.

The original four spirit rings vanished into Tang San’s body
one by one, but those countless specks of light began to rapidly
condense, coagulating as they revolved around him. The
tremendous blue light converged into an enormous blue halo,
revolving around Tang San.

The halo constantly compressed and grew smaller, its color

also turning darker and darker.

Tang San didn’t know what kind of feeling that was, he only
felt the warm stream within him completely release. And the
tears flowing from his eyes grew more numerous, and more…...

Finally, all that converging blue had turned into a halo the
same size as a spirit ring, the countless overlapping blue specks
finally turned black. Waltzing, that brand new black ring of
light began to revolve around Tang San with a familiar rhythm,
everything in the surroundings becoming still.

4557 Goldenagato |

On the ground, the frantically growing blue silver grass was
three times taller than before. Their translucency gradually
disappeared along with the blue light, but the breath of life they
released had clearly become even stronger than before.

This was the effect of the Blue Silver Emperor’s aura. Under
its influence, all blue silver grass would make a qualitative leap.
Tang San had obtained a great deal from here, but his Blue
Silver Emperor aura had bestowed very much.

“Don’t cry, great Majesty. The past is already the past. We

require your blessing.”

The Blue Silver King softly called out.

With everything already quieted down, Tang San slowly

opened his eyes, hazy with tears,

“Thank you.”

Tang San’s voice was somewhat choked. He wasn’t thanking

4558 Goldenagato |

the Blue Silver King for helping him awaken his true Blue Silver
Emperor spirit, but rather thanking him for letting him
experience his mother’s aura. Since birth, in two worlds, it was
the first time he had felt this inextricable benevolent

“It is I who should thank you. Just your appearance has

awoken an even more formidable vitality in us. The spirit ring
you obtained now, I condensed it to the extreme limit of what
your body could bear. In human terms, this spirit ring would
approximately equal what could arise from a twenty five
thousand year spirit beast. He really doesn’t come from the
outside world, but originates in you yourself. He will grow and
evolve along with what you can endure. Whenever you are in
the world of your people, it will change according to your

Right now, Tang San could with difficulty manage to

remember the Blue Silver King’s words, but he wasn’t in the
mood to sense the changes within his body, and even more
wouldn’t discover that his originally ordinary appearance had
undergone some minute changes, and these minute changes
would make him seem a hundred times more handsome than

His original appearance was only influenced by his father’s

4559 Goldenagato |

blood. But now, he had finally simultaneously inherited the
blood of both his parents.

The present him, could be considered the true him.

Faint light flickering, Tang San’s face revealed a clear mood

fluctuation. He wasn’t in any hurry to leave, but rather released
his own spirit Blue Silver Emperor.

A small cluster of Blue Silver Grass emerged from his right

palm, the sparkling and translucent blades of grass didn’t have
the thorns of the Ghost Vine, and would only appear a bit
bulkier than ordinary blue silver grass. But those sapphire-like
blades of grass seemed so beautiful.

Especially that vein of gold in the center gave people an even

more extremely special sense of beauty. This wasn’t Blue Silver
Grass, but rather the true Blue Silver Emperor.

If Blue Silver Grass was a waste spirit, then Blue Silver

Emperor was absolutely a first rate spirit, a unique spirit. The
only spirit with the blood of the Emperor.

4560 Goldenagato |

Softly caressing the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang San seemed to
sense his mother’s existence. Standing there like that, he kept
repeating the same movement.

From start to finish of the Blue Silver Emperor’s awakening,

altogether seven days had passed. After seven days, after the
end of the awakening ceremony, Tang San stood quietly in front
of the Blue Silver king for three days. Afterwards he quietly bid
farewell to this already more than eighty five thousand year old
Blue Silver King, and quietly left this ancient forest.

Stepping out of the forest, Tang San saw his father sitting
there cross legged with his eyes closed.

Sensing his son’s aura, Tang Hao slowly opened his eyes. But
as his gaze fell on Tang San, he was utterly dumbfounded.

Tang San had never seen this kind of expression in his father’s
face, that unbounded gentleness. Lips trembling, Tang Hao
looked foolishly at Tang San’s face, two rows of tears flowing
down his aged face.

“Ah Yin……”

4561 Goldenagato |

Quietly calling out, Tang Hao’s voice was also trembling. He
stood, his whole body seeming to tremble. Fiercely taking a step
forward, he reached Tang San and, spreading his arms,
forcefully pulled his son into his embrace.

“Ah Yin, Ah Yin…… Do you know how much I missed you?

Why would you be so foolish, why……”

Tang Hao practically shouted, weeping and complaining.

Tang San could clearly feel his father’s burning tears falling on
his jacket.

Ah Yin, that should be his mother’s name. Unconsciously,

Tang San’s cheeks were also streaming with tears.

Father and son held each other crying, neither speaking, for a
long, long time. It was still Tang San who took the initiative to
speak up.


Tang Hao stiffened a moment, slowly raising his head. Both

hands grasping Tang San’s shoulders, he looked at him in a

4562 Goldenagato |



Tang San called out.

Tang Hao murmured:

“You know, your mom was very beautiful. She truly was very,
very beautiful. She was the most perfect woman in this world.
Gentle, kind hearted, beautiful. All the words that can describe
beauty seemed to be made just for her. Right now, you finally
resemble her somewhat. I seemed to see her waving at me.”

Raising his head to gaze at the sky, Tang Hao suddenly

shouted in a loud voice,

“Ah Yin, did you see? Our son has already grown up. He’s
already grown up. Ah Yin——”

His father’s deep pain influenced Tang San profoundly. Tang

Hao’s shout made everything around them shudder, until a

4563 Goldenagato |

trace of scarlet spread from the corner of his mouth. Facing the
sky and roaring, he fell stiffly to the ground.

Tang San hastily supported his father, shocked. Raising his

hand to press on Tang Hao’s chest, a rich and gentle Mysterious
Heaven Skill internal strength was infused in his body.

As the Mysterious Heaven Skill entered Tang Hao’s body,

Tang San immediately discovered what was wrong. The energy
channels of his father’s body were actually tangled together,
none of the five viscera and six bowels in their original places,
the energy channels also abnormally chaotic.

Heavens! If this was an ordinary person, he should have been

dead long ago. Tang San’s heart abruptly fell. He had never
imagined that the father who had been so tyrannical in front of
Supreme Pontiff Palace would actually carry such severe

These were old wounds. The old wounds in Tang Hao’s body
were so severe that, if not for Tang San’s Mysterious Heaven
Skill orthodox school internal strength, he would also have been
unable to sense Tang Hao’s present condition. Tang Hao’s body
could be described as in danger of collapsing at any time. One
mistake, and he would die immediately.

4564 Goldenagato |

This was one of the most powerful Title Douluo in the present
world. Tang San sensed the pain within his father’s heart. Over
all these years, how much had his father endured?

Drawing a deep breath, Tang San didn’t hesitate to support

his father’s body and sit cross legged behind Tang Hao’s back,
Mysterious Heaven Skill first circulating once within him. He
was shocked to discover that his Conception Vessel had
unexpectedly also already been connected. The internal
strength circulated along the eight extraordinary meridians,
and with just one circuit it seemed to have shot up somewhat.
Described in terms of spirit power, Tang San had now already
settled stably on the fifty third rank.

Both hands like jade, gentle white streams of energy puffed

out of Tang San’s palms, sticking fiercely to the center of Tang
Hao’s back.

The gentle Mysterious Heaven Skill slowly entered Tang

Hao’s body. Tang San didn’t urgently heal his father, but rather
first circulated his Mysterious Heaven Skill internal strength
through his father’s body once, reviewing his father’s for many
years wounded energy channels.

4565 Goldenagato |

As a sect first class internal strength, Mysterious Heaven
Skill’s own treatment capabilities were extremely powerful.
However, the resistance within Tang Hao’s body was really too

Tang Hao’s spirit power was an extremely potent existence,

and despite not controlling himself right now, that potent
energy was still circulating within his body and colliding

The difference between Tang San’s spirit power and Tang

Hao’s was too large. At this moment he could only cautiously
dodge Tang Hao’s spirit power, and as far as possible nourish
the energy channels within Tang Hao’s body.

The longer his internal strength operated in his father’s body,

the lower Tang San’s heart fell. Tang Hao’s old injuries were
far, far more serious than he had imagined. It could be said that
Tang Hao’s life in this world was a final struggle.


Under the nourishment of the Mysterious Heaven Skill, Tang

Hao slowly awoke from unconsciousness.

4566 Goldenagato |

He hadn’t felt this comfortable in a great many years. Opening
his hazy eyes, Tang Hao frowned,

“Little San, withdraw. It’s useless. I’m alright.”

The Mysterious Heaven Skill making a final circuit within

Tang Hao, Tang San slowly withdrew his internal strength. But
his expression became extremely serious.

“Dad, your injuries……”

Tang Hao indifferently said:

“It’s alright. Over so many years, I’ve become accustomed to it

long ago. Don’t tell me you believe that, as a Title Douluo, I
would be knocked down by these scrapes?”

“No, dad.”

Tang San turned in front of Tang Hao,

4567 Goldenagato |

“Your injuries are extremely serious. Without good care, it’s
possible you could……”

“Could what?”

Tang Hao glared at Tang San,

“Die, yes? What’s so terrible about dying? Dead, I’ll also go

properly accompany your mom. There’s no need for you to care
about my matters. What you must do right now is to go stronger
as fast as possible according to my instructions. Don’t tell me
you want to be unable to protect your loved one like me back


Tang San suddenly became agitated,

“Dad, do you really have nothing else you want in this life?
Yes, mom is already dead, but, you still have me in this world.
I’m your son. If you die, what do I do? Don’t tell me you don’t

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want to see me marry and have children in the future, don’t
want to see your grandchildren?”

Tang Hao looked distracted a moment. Looking at Tang San,

the light in his eyes became a bit gentle,

“What are you doing talking about this, I’m still not dead.
Moreover, even if I wanted treatment, what use would it be? I
know my own injuries. I’m already very fortunate to control
them to this degree until now.”

“I can treat it.”

Tang San firmly watched his father.

Tang Hao smiled, a somewhat ridiculing smile,

“Even a healing type Title Douluo couldn’t cure me. You


Tang San sternly said:

4569 Goldenagato |

“The healing abilities of healing type Spirit Masters can only
treat the symptoms, not the root cause. But my spirit power has
the ability to get to the root of it.”

Feeling the comfort within his body, Tang Hao frowned.

Tang San continued:

“But I still can’t heal you completely, because my spirit power

and yours are too far apart. When my spirit power approaches
yours, I’m sure I can treat you.”

Tang San didn’t exaggerate by this. If his Mysterious Heaven

Skill cultivation could reach the ninth realm, relying on this
orthodox internal strength, he indeed might cure Tang Hao. But
what he didn’t say was that, even when Tang Hao was
completely cured, his spirit power would also massively drop
from the many years of aggravated injuries.

Tang Hao calmly said:

“This is all a matter for later. Later matters can be discussed

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Suddenly, with a putong sound, Tang San sank to his knees in

front of Tang Hao.

“Get up. A man’s knees are gold. What I loathe the most are
bowing and scraping people.”

Tang Hao said angrily.

A stubborn gaze burst forth in Tang San’s eyes,

“Dad, I want you to promise me one thing. If you don’t

promise, I won’t get up.”

Tang Hao had never seen his son say something like this to

“What thing?”

Tang San said in a low voice:

4571 Goldenagato |

“From now on, you can’t fight with people again. Especially
not with people on the same level of strength as you. Otherwise,
if your internal injuries are aggravated, then……”

Tang Hao impatiently waved a hand,

“That’s impossible. I still have a lot of things to do. How can I

have my hands tied and feet bound?”

Tang San resolutely said:

“Dad, I will grow as fast as possible, become strong as fast as

possible, as strong as you. I’m your son, your matters are my
matters. Leave them to me. I want you to be alive, safe and
sound. To see me marry, to see your grandson’s birth, to see our

Tang Hao pulled Tang San from the ground with one hand.
Turning and walking towards the distance,

“No nonsense. Keep up. It’s time to bring you where you need

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to go.”


Tang San shouted.

Tang Hao turned sharply, he was shocked to find the Eight

Spider Lances, turned a completely transparent blue, pointing
at Tang San’s own eight vitals.

Blue Silver Grass’ evolution into Blue Silver Emperor had

subsequently evolved Tang San’s external spirit bone Eight
Spider Lances. Right now only the spear head sharp points of
the Eight Spider Lances appeared purple, the rest just like Tang
San’s Blue Silver Grass, a sparkling and translucent blue. Only,
within this translucent blue, red and white light could faintly be
seen moving.

“What are you doing?”

The pupils of Tang Hao’s eyes contracted.

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(阿银) “Silver”

4574 Goldenagato |

Chapter 135 - Slaughter City

Tang San gazed at his father without yielding,

“Dad, promise me. I don’t have a mother, I can’t also be

without a father.”


Tang Hao looked at his son, unable to keep from being

somewhat blank.

“If you don’t promise me, my body for yours, then I’ll
accompany you in death.”

The points of the Eight Spider Lances already stuck to Tang

San’s skin. Even if Tang Hao was even more powerful, it would
still be impossible to stop his suicide.

Seeing the resolve in his son’s eyes, Tang Hao knew that Tang
San wasn’t playing a joke on him. From childhood he had never
shown any intent of disobedience, but right now, his son

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seemed to have already completely left his control.

Tang San’s appearance had become handsome, even more like

his mother. Tang Hao’s eyes turned somewhat misty, it seemed
as if the one standing in front of him wasn’t his son, but his

“Dad, if mom was still alive, she wouldn’t want you to

disregard your health. For me, and for mom, promise me.”

Drawing a deep breath, Tang Hao faced the sky and sighed,

“It seems I’ve really grown old. Really unable to do anything.

Fine. Once you’ve grown up, I’ll go accompany your mother by
her tomb. Let’s go.”

Finished speaking, he walked forward without turning his


His father’s compromise was a weight off Tang San’s mind.

His face revealing a genuine smile, he followed his father with
quick steps.

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In the direction Tang Hao brought Tang San, they first
reached the side of a small river.

“Take a look at your present appearance.”

Tang San stared blankly, present appearance? He lowered his

head to look his body over, but there was nothing clearly
distinct. Only his muscles didn’t seem as protruding as before,
but the proportions of his body were even better.

Walking to the side of the river, when Tang San saw his
reflection in the water, he couldn’t help staring blankly.

His skin was somewhat fairer than before, dark blue eyes
bright and filled with expression, a head of beautiful deep blue
long hair, a handsome face with a somewhat steadfast imposing
manner. It was as if his face was peeled with a knife, releasing
the spirit stored within.

“This. Is this me?”

If Tang San was described as ordinary before, then, right now,

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he would absolutely be on the same level as Dai Mubai and
Oscar. Even though the style wasn’t the same, right now he
wouldn’t pass without attention like before.

“Your eyes are bigger, more like your mom. Having inherited
her blood, you would naturally also inherit some of the genes
she always hid within you.”

Touching his smooth face,


Tang San’s expression became a bit softer. Laughing wryly in

his heart, he didn’t know if Xiao Wu and the others would still
recognize him now.

Carefully watching the reflection in the river, what had

changed wasn’t only his appearance. The current him had even
changed in temperament, seemingly a bit more refined and
serene than before, just like an elegant beautiful youth.

“Dad, who was mom really?”

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Tang San really couldn’t help but voice the doubts in his
heart, asking his father. Who was his mother after all? Why
would his mother possess the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit?

Tang Hao shook his head,

“I said I’d tell you after you completed all my special training.
Let’s go. We must go to where you should go.”

Once on the road again, Tang Hao’s words returned to being

as sparse as before. Tang San judged by the sun in the sky that
he hand his father were always heading north. As for where
they were going, he had no idea. Only the atmosphere gradually
grew colder.

Tang Hao still followed the trails between the mountains. To

them, the cold of the outside world didn’t count as anything.

After eating the wind and sleeping outside for half a month.

Ahead was a small town. This was the first time Tang San had
seen a town since starting Tang Hao’s special training. Inwardly

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he couldn’t help be suffused with a different kind of feeling.

This little town wasn’t large, but just as they entered, Tang
San felt an odd atmosphere in their surroundings. He couldn’t
say why, but he always thought the people around them had a
kind of unusual coldness.

Tang Hao brought Tang San to a tavern in the small town and

The atmosphere in the tavern was extremely turbid. Tang San

noted that the decorations here were unexpectedly all black.
Even though it was daytime outside, inside this place was a
gloomy and cold dark feeling.

Right now the tavern was about thirty percent full or so. Even
though the atmosphere was turbid, people rarely spoke, giving
an extremely quiet impression.

Tang Hao and Tang San’s arrival attracted a lot of gazes, but
for the most part they were only quick glances flitting across

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Tang Hao found a place to sit with his son in the corner. A
waiter in black clothes and apathetic expression walked over.

“What do you want?”

Tang Hao coldly said:

“Give me two Bloody Mary.”

The waiter’s face changed slightly,

“You sure?”

Swept with Tang Hao’s ice cold gaze, he didn’t dare say
anything else, turned his head and left.

After a moment, two cups of muddy liquid were carried over.

The liquid seemed dark red, distributing a strong stink, as if the
nose was assaulted by blood.

Tang San frowned, but Tang Hao raised a cup and emptied it

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in one gulp. Raising his head to look at his son,

“Drink it.”

Tang San hesitated a moment, slowly raising the cup,

“Dad, what is this?”

Tang Hao shot him a glance, repeating:

“Drink it.”

Tang San drew a deep breath, suddenly closing his eyes,

pouring the liquid in the cup into his stomach in one mouthful.

The liquid was somewhat salty, and moreover a bit acrid. A

strong taste of blood suddenly pervaded Tang San’s sense of
taste and smell.

Tang Hao looked at him, calmly saying:

4582 Goldenagato |

“This is a cup of human blood.”


Tang San’s face instantly turned pale. The next moment, he

couldn’t help leaning his head over to the side, throwing up.

The violent vomiting broke the calm within the tavern, and
also attracted the eyes of all the people there. Roaring laughter

“Where did this chick come from? Fuck off back home. This
isn’t a place you should be.”

“Can’t even enjoy a cup of Bloody Mary, and still wants to

gain the qualifications to enter?”

“Haha, go back home and suck your mommy’s tits.”

All kinds of vile voices filled the tavern. The restrained

emotions of those customers seemed to have found an outlet,

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and struck Tang San without restraint.

Emptying everything in his stomach still couldn’t completely

get rid of the taste of blood, and Tang San almost spit out even
his gall.

As Tang San raised his head to look at his father, Tang Hao
raised his hand, pointing at those jeering people,

“Kill them.”

The jeering voices screeched to a stop, each person looking at

Tang Hao with suddenly monstrous gazes.

Tang San hadn’t thought that his father would give him this
requirement either, and inwardly he was immediately
somewhat hesitant.

Tang Hao spoke in a low voice:

“Didn’t you say you wanted to take my place to finish my

business? Then, do as I say.”

4584 Goldenagato |

Drawing a deep breath, constraining the nauseous feeling,
Tang San slowly stood.

Tang Hao’s voice came from behind him,

“Kindness to the enemy, is cruelty to yourself. None of the

people capable of leaving this place have walked a road without
death. Including you, including me. Kill them, leave none

Before Tang San could move, a big man nearby had already
stood suddenly,

“I’ll kill you first.”

A horn handled dagger thrust out in a tricky angle, straight at

Tang San’s heart. This person was clearly very experienced, and
he aimed the dagger just where it could pierce the cracks
between Tang San’s ribs.

Slaughter intent, was this his father cultivating his slaughter

4585 Goldenagato |

intent? Tang San moved. He had never been a charitable
person; kindness to the enemy, was cruelty to oneself.

His left hand stretching out like lightning, catching the dagger
with a keng sound. The dagger wielding big man only felt as if
his dagger was stuck in solid rock, unable to advance, unable to

Tang San took a step with his right foot, his gaze already cold,
his mouth still flooded with that taste of blood, an ice cold chill
emanated from his eyes.

Peng—— Tang San’s shoulder struck the big man’s chest, and
a layer of white light abruptly emanated from Tang San’s body.
That wasn’t in order to attack, but to shield him from the blood
spraying from the big man’s mouth.

That tall and sturdy man was directly sent flying from the
strike, his entire chest caving in, the sounds of bones snapping
spreading throughout every corner of the tavern, making
people’s teeth ache.

Tang San had moved, his movement concise and forceful.

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Sparkling and translucent Blue Silver Grass flew out in all
directions, frantically spreading.

By now he already clearly saw that there were twenty three

people in the tavern besides him, his father, and the waiter. He
had killed one, twenty two still remained.

Among those twenty two people, five swiftly released their

spirits, the remaining seventeen without the slightest hesitation
pulling out their weapons. Unexpectedly, none ran away.

“This is a test, a test for us from Slaughter City. Kill him, and
we’ll be able to enter Slaughter City.”

Nobody knew who shouted, but everyone’s eyes turned red,

charging at Tang San as if crazy.

Twenty two people, only five were Spirit Masters, and the
strongest one had no more than four spirit rings.

A blue aura fluctuated and rose, and along with that instantly
spreading Blue Silver Grass, five spirit rings quietly rose from
below Tang San.

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Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black. Five terrifying spirit
rings quietly appeared.

The light of the fourth spirit ring abruptly flared. The next
instant, the entire tavern was already filled with a layer of
sparkling and translucent blue.

Strand after strand of bulky Blue Silver Grass protruded from

underground, solid awl-shapes piercing one body after another.

Blue Silver Emperor’s fourth variant spirit ability, Blue Silver

Thrust, launched.

Everything seemed to stop. Even that Spirit Ancestor couldn’t

escape the fate of being skewered. Not a single body could
obstruct that Blue Silver Grass that was as sharp as the Eight
Spider Lances after evolving. One after another, the lifeless
corpses were pushed up. They were completely skewered, the
breath of life swiftly passing.

“You shouldn’t insult my mom.”

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The blue at the corner of Tang San’s eyes abruptly grew
stronger. As he turned around, once again sitting across from
his father, his spirit rings and the Blue Silver Grass disappeared

Putong, putong, putong…… Corpse after corpse fell to the

ground, blood dying the floor of the tavern red. But right now
Tang San’s expression was very calm, calm enough to astonish
Tang Hao.

Nodding, Tang Hao calmly said:

“It seems I still underestimated you. Remember, entering

Slaughter City, you can only rely on yourself. I won’t be by your
side, much less protecting you. There are no friends or
companions there, only enemies. Kill everyone that can
threaten you. Obtain the championship in the Hell Slaughter
Arena, I will naturally receive you.”

The waiter in the tavern didn’t lose his head because of a

couple dozen people getting killed. He was as calm as Tang San,
apparently long since used to the sight.

He naturally also heard Tang Hao talking to Tang San, only

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his face grew even more disdainful.

“Want to enter Slaughter City by killing a few people? He still

isn’t qualified.”

The waiter coldly said,

“Can’t even take a cup of Bloody Mary, how could he enter?


Ceng—— Spear sharp Blue Silver Grass shot out of his chest.
Tang San didn’t turn around to look, only calmly said:

“Am I qualified now?”

The waiter clearly couldn’t answer. He had never expected

Tang San to actually act against him too, and his eyes gradually
grew larger. The Blue Silver Grass swayed gently, and the
corpse was flung aside. Blood pooled, mixing with that of the
previous corpses.

“You adapt very quickly.”

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Tang Hao looked at Tang San.

Tang San looked at his father,

“Because I have to. Because you said that each person here,
including you and me, all walk the road of death. I believe you.
Slaughter City, yes? This is the place where I must train. Dad. I
will succeed.”

What he didn’t say was that, in order to protect his family,

lover and companions, in order to realize his own hope of
survival, he wouldn’t shrink back.

Tang San was an astute person on his own, and after

obtaining the wisdom skull, his brain had become even sharper.
When throwing up, he had already understood that he could
only choose to slaughter in this world of slaughter his father
had brought him to. Otherwise he would be killed. That time of
vomiting was the only weakness he would allow himself. He
wouldn’t be weak a second time.

Finished speaking, Tang San stood and walked over to the

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tavern counter with large strides, not caring about the two
additional stunned waiters behind it. Raising his hand, one
palm heavily swatted the counter.

With a loud explosion, the counter turned into splinters flying

in all directions, revealing the ground.

The two waiters looked on stupidly. Tang San’s blue light had
already vanished by now, and in his left hand, that black little
hammer had appeared at some point.

“The entrance to Slaughter City, should be here.”

Twisting, calves generating force, the pitch black little

hammer turned into a black streak of light, heavily striking the

Tang San’s spiritual force had long since probed a difference

here. There was an empty space beneath this counter. It was
definitely impossible for this little town to be Slaughter City. An
entrance was the most rational explanation. He wouldn’t go
look for some mechanism. In a different place, he’d need to use
a different method.

4592 Goldenagato |

With a loud explosion, an enormous hole was revealed in the
ground. A gloomy and cold wind brushed out of the cave. Tang
San turned his head to look to where his father sat before, but
discovered that Tang Hao had already disappeared. Without
hesitation, he leapt down, directly into the pitch dark ground.
His body was instantly swallowed up by the darkness, without a

Entering the darkness, Tang San only fell several meters

before he had his feet firmly planted on the ground. He didn’t
need any light, his Purple Demon Eye could clearly see
everything in the darkness.

This was a large tunnel, sloping downwards. A gloomy and

cold air constantly caressed Tang San, but he still advanced
with large strides.

When Tang San had walked one thousand four hundred sixty
two steps, an ice cold voice suddenly came from all around,

“Welcome to Slaughter City. This is the capital of Hell, a

world brimming with slaughter. Here, you can obtain
everything you want, at the price of your life.”

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He released his spiritual force, but Tang San immediately
sensed that the material of this passage was extremely unusual,
his spiritual force unexpectedly unable to penetrate it. Face
changing slightly, Tang San’s expression became a bit frozen,
but his pace didn’t slow. In the darkness, his Blue Silver Grass
stretched out to explore first, with him behind.

Tang Hao said that killing intent was equal to bravery in some
sense. But bravery didn’t med impetuousness. Tang San seemed
to advance boldly, but he never lacked caution.

Turning a corner, a vague light came from up ahead. Tang San

squinted, operating Purple Demon Eye, and the illumination in
front immediately grew before his eyes. That was an open door.
On the other side of the door, were signs of life.

Advancing with big strides, Tang San vaguely heard noise. As

he walked out of the passage, in front of him appeared one
hundred and one men.

Completely covered in black armor, even their faces hidden

behind helmets. One hundred of them carried heavy swords,
and only one sat on a tall war horse, his horse also covered with
thick black armor.

4594 Goldenagato |

“You’ve broken the rules.”

The deep voice sounded extremely cold, as if not from a

human mouth. The speaker was the mounted black armored

Tang San didn’t look at him, but rather shifted his gaze
behind him. What he saw was a black city. The solid black walls
were extremely thick, that was unexpectedly truly a city. And in
the air above the city, a purple moon was unexpectedly
suspended. The moon hung very low, seemingly only five
hundred meters distance from the ground. Looking further up,
everything was black, as if a night sky.

“What should be done if I broke the rules?”

Tang San asked indifferently.

The black armored knight’s voice was still cold, without a

trace of human aura,

“Then you must accept the penalty. Defeat me, and you will
possess the right to enter Slaughter City.”

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“Not kill you?”

Tang San asked calmly.

The black armored knight slowly raised the lance in his hand,
and the black armored warriors on either side of Tang San
slowly withdrew, leaving a spacious arena.

“I am dread knight Scott.”

The war horse abruptly accelerated, the black armored knight

charging at Tang San with a bitter aura.

An ice cold aura filled the air, a cold murderous spirit

pouncing ahead. Compared to Tang Hao’s tremendous killing
intent, even though the killing intent this black knight emitted
was a lot smaller, it still had a sharpness.

Internal strength congregating, Tang San suddenly discovered

that his spirit rings unexpectedly didn’t appear along with his
Blue Silver Grass. As if all spirit abilities had already lost their

4596 Goldenagato |

effect at this moment.

Without a trace of panic, Tang San shifted and withdrew Blue

Silver Grass. In his left hand only a Clear Sky Hammer
appeared. At this moment, he finally understood why his father
once had him cultivate with his spirit power sealed. This
Slaughter City unexpectedly had special rules. Here, all spirit
abilities were ineffective. Even Spirit Master could only use the
most basic strength. The spirit’s most basic form.

The spirit abilities were gone, but there was still spirit power,
as well as Mysterious Heaven Skill. Twisting, the Clear Sky
Hammer in Tang San’s hand exploded out. Disorder Splitting
Wind Hammer Method, first swing. What he met, was the
impulse of that war horse mounted heavy armored dread


The warhorse cried out, the immense impulse screeching to a

halt. A more than four meter long heavy knight’s lance split the
air, flying far into the distance.

Dread knight Scott was no longer on his horse. Just like his

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lance, he was already sent flying. And that warhorse, stopped by
Tang San’s right hand, the immense impulse halted, and under
the enormous forces, the warhorse flipped sideways, twitching
violently. Its neck had already snapped in two by the forceful

The burst strength the five hundred jin heavy Clear Sky
Hammer could generate with one swing from Tang San, was
something only Tang Hao understood best.

With two years of forging under the waterfall, Tang San’s

body had long since become a weapon. Even though the impulse
was tremendous, it was still basically unable to influence him.

Dread knight scott slowly crawled from the ground. The

armor on the right hand that previously held his lance had
already ruptured and flown off, the same even went for the
armor on his entire right arm. Equally ruptured was still the
muscles and bones of his arm.

Tang San frowned. According to his initial estimate of the

opponent, this one swing should have been able to take his life.
But this dread knight’s strength was even a bit more than he
had expected, leaving his life behind.

4598 Goldenagato |

Advancing step by step, Tang San raised his head to look at
that purple moon, thinking to himself: ‘Slaughter City where
spirit abilities can’t be used. I’m here.’

“Ha-, halt.”

Scott shouted, trying to show a strong front.

Tang San looked at him coldly. Right now, Scott’s helmet had
already fallen off, revealing the face of a vicious middle aged
man. He saw the expression in Tang San’s eyes, and was already
alarmed. Clearly, he hadn’t imagined how this kid’s strength
would be so terrifying. Wasn’t he a Spirit Master?

“Obstruct me again, and I don’t care if I have to kill every one

of you.”

Tang San said coldly.

“No, not obstructing you. You’ve already passed my test. You

have the qualifications to enter Slaughter City.”

4599 Goldenagato |

The dread knight spoke with some difficulty. What he least
understood was, when ordinary Spirit Masters came here they
would panic when they couldn’t use spirit abilities, but this
youth in front of him didn’t seem to reveal a trace of influence
from it.

He handed over a black tile in front of Tang San, and Tang

San off-handedly took it. On the tile was carved a human skull,
and below was a number. 9528.

“This is your Slaughter City ID. Please enter the city, someone
will receive you at the gate.”

Holding the tile, Tang San advanced with large strides,

without giving the dread knight a glance.

Gazing at Tang San’s gradually distancing back, Scott drew

the saber at his waist. Swinging it fiercely he cut off his own
already completely ruined right arm. Scarlet blood soaked the
black soil, the stench of blood filling the air.


4600 Goldenagato |

The pitch black city gates gave people a kind of extremely
oppressive feeling. Tall words were hung on the enormous city
gates, Slaughter City.

Two black armored warriors stood silently in front of the

gates. Before Tang San could reveal the token in his hand, a
woman with a black muslin mask stepped out to greet him.

“Welcome to Slaughter City.”

The woman’s voice was very pleasant. Stepping aside from in

front of Tang San, she made an inviting gesture.

Even though this underground city made Tang San extremely

astonished, especially the restrictions on spirit abilities, he
maintained a calmly accepting attitude, following that woman
through the gates. Perhaps it was because of the identification
badge in his hand, but nobody stopped him.

Entering the city, what Tang San saw was a blue purple world.
Lanterns were hung on both sides of the street, all of them
issuing only these two colors of light. Making him somewhat
astonished was that there were no few people here, and nobody
paid attention to an outsider like him. Besides everything

4601 Goldenagato |

appearing that dim, what he saw was unexpectedly no different
from an ordinary city.

“I’m your guide. You can ask me about anything you don’t
understand. Within twenty four hours, I will answer all your
questions. After twenty four hours, this is the place where you’ll
live, and you’ll formally become a Slaughter City citizen.”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“Slaughter city, what kind of place is it?”

The black masked young woman said:

“A paradise. A paradise of depravity.”

Tang San frowned,

“So simple?”

The black masked young woman nodded agreement.

4602 Goldenagato |

Tang San said:

“Then how was Slaughter City founded?”

The black masked young woman’s answer this time was more
to Tang San’s satisfaction,

“Slaughter City has already existed for a thousand years.

According to legend, it’s the domain left behind after a
formidable Spirit Master broke through the hundredth rank.
Here, all Spirit Master abilities are ineffective, people can only
rely on their own instinct and physical strength to survive.
Spirit power can be used as a source of strength.”

Tang San looked at the black masked young woman,

“Then what are the rules here?”

The black masked young woman said serenely:

4603 Goldenagato |

“The rules here are that there are no rules. As a citizen of
Slaughter City, you can do whatever you want here. Even if a
Title Douluo came here from the outside world, he would still
grow weak due to losing his spirit abilities. But under the rule of
our Slaughter King, there’s basically no need to fear them. In
Slaughter City, as long as you have the ability, you can do
whatever you want. But I must warn you, precisely since there
are no rules here, you may face mortal danger at any time. In
some sense, this is a paradise of crime.”

“Paradise of crime?”

“Yes. There are a lot of people who come here precisely

because they can’t exist in the outside world, and have no choice
but to enter. After coming here, there’s no need for them to
worry about pursuit again. Each citizen of Slaughter City will
enjoy Slaughter City’s protection.

Tang San hardly paid attention to this protection. Since he

could come here through force of violence, that meant any
power could do the same. Even without spirit abilities, there
was still spirit power. Title Douluo were still powers among
powers here. Were the criminals here really safe?

“Mister 9528. I understand what you’re thinking.”

4604 Goldenagato |

The black masked young woman suddenly said.

Tang San stared blankly a moment,

“You know what I’m thinking?”

“You’re definitely wondering how Slaughter City can protect

its people, yes?”

Tang San’s heart twitched,

“How do you know?”

The black masked young woman said:

“Because every new arrival to Slaughter City will think the

same thing. But very soon, they will give up on this idea.
Entering Slaughter City requires undergoing the test and
slaughter examination. Even though you entered via a peculiar
method, you carry sufficient killing intent. Moreover, you

4605 Goldenagato |

defeated the lord dread knight. Therefore you obtained
permission to join. However, there’s one thing I must warn you
of. Entering Slaughter City is simple, but leaving is practically

“Can only enter, never leave?”

Tang San somewhat shocked looked at the black masked

young woman. He didn’t believe he would be unable to break

The black masked young woman nodded, saying:

“There are special law enforcement teams within Slaughter

City. You met lord dread knight Scott, but he’s only one
member of the enforcement team. The mighty Slaughter King
controls everything here, and the powers of the enforcement
team are all Spirit Douluo who the Slaughter King have granted
the ability to use spirit abilities. The captain is even a Title
Douluo. Once a lot of people wanted to break out, but there are
no exceptions to the end result.”

Tang San was shocked. If saying Title Douluo that couldn’t

use spirit abilities were still formidable, then Title Douluo that

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couldn’t use spirit abilities would definitely be unable to defeat
Spirit Douluo that could. Furthermore, according to what the
black masked young woman said, the captain of Slaughter City’s
law enforcement was actually a Title Douluo that could use
spirit abilities. No wonder she would say it was impossible to

“Is there no way out?”

The black masked young woman calmly said:

“Not quite. There’s only one way to leave Slaughter City. That
is to become the champion of Hell Slaughter Arena, obtaining
the qualifications to challenge the Hell Road, and after breaking
through the Hell Road, then you can leave Slaughter City. Every
power who does so will be bestowed with the title of Deathgod.
In Slaughter City’s thousand year history, there has appeared
altogether eight Deathgods.”

Eight in a thousand years, what kind of unbalanced figure was


“Then if one fails the challenge?”

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Tang San questioned closely.

The black masked young woman smiled:

“Slaughter City, has no defeat. Only success and death. This is

so for all matters.”

Tang San smiled slightly,

“It seems this place really is worthy of being Slaughter City.”

The black masked young woman said:

“There is no currency within Slaughter City, any food and

drink are provided free of charge. Of course, poisonous ones are
not excluded. Here, dead people are the most valuable. The
number of human skulls each person possess symbolizes their
strength. The blood and skulls of the opponents you’ve
personally beheaded can be used to trade for other goods.”

A cold light flashed in Tang San’s eyes. It seemed that it was

as his father said, anyone here had come by the road of death.

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“Fine, bring me to Hell Slaughter Arena.”

Tang San said indifferently.

The black masked young woman stared blankly a moment,

“You’re sure? Entering there, less than one in ten can return
alive. That’s the place where it’s the easiest for our Slaughter
City population to decrease. Each person will be required to
enter Hell Slaughter Arena once each year. As long as they can
pass one fight, they can life in Slaughter City for another year.”

Tang San calmly said:

“I’m sure, let’s go now.”

With Purple Demon Eye, Tang San could vaguely see the
elegant eyebrows of the young woman’s face wrinkle slightly
behind the black muslin.

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“Since it’s like that, follow me.”

Finished speaking, the black masked young woman walked

towards the center of the city. The pace she kept was very
measured, following at Tang San’s side all along, just half a step
ahead of Tang San.

Tang San wasn’t urgent about anything either, only calmly

observing everything around him.

As they walked, a figure suddenly stood up on the side of the

road. He had previously been in a dark corner, and even Tang
San hadn’t noticed him.

“Oh, there’s a rookie, it seems there’ll be a new Bloody mary.


His gaze sweeping this person, Tang San couldn’t help

frowning. The speaker’s age couldn’t be discerned, because his
stature was really too extraordinary. His entire body didn’t
seem to have two liang of flesh put together. If he didn’t have a
layer of skin, it might’ve been easy to mistake him for a human
skeleton. Moreover, simple observation told Tang San that this
wasn’t because he had cultivated any special methods. His qi

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and blood were both empty, he could die at any time.

“Can people like him also pass the Hell Slaughter Arena
battles once a year?”

Tang San asked the black masked young woman.

That skeleton then saw the black masked young woman on

Tang San’s other side, and seemed as if he had encountered
something terrifying, no longer daring to say anything, and
swiftly vanishing into the darkness again.

“Of course not. Not everyone needs to pass the baptism of the
Hell Slaughter Arena. After all, the mortality rate here is too
high. Besides experiencing a fight in the Hell Slaughter Arena
every year, there’s still one other way survive in Slaughter City.
That is to contribute two cups of Bloody Mary every month.”

(杀戮之都) “Slaughter Capital City”, or “Massacre Metropolis”

(杀神) “Killing God” or “Murder God” to be specific, but

Deathgod reads better.

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2两 = 100g

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Chapter 136 - Hell Slaughter Arena

Tang San had already learned what Bloody Mary was before
coming here. Human blood. According to what he saw, that
person just now should have had to contribute who knew how
much blood in order to become like that. Perhaps he wouldn’t
be able to endure much longer.

“When contributing so much Bloody Mary, wouldn’t they get

taken advantage of?”

Tang San frowned.

The black masked young woman said:

“No, right now you’re on the outskirts of Slaughter City, it’s

not the true Slaughter City. Only the inner city is the truly
lawless place. Contributing Bloody Mary and struggling on at
death’s door can only be done in the outer city, and casual
murder isn’t allowed here. Only those warriors who have
survived the Hell Slaughter Arena have the qualifications to live
in the inner city. Of course, the pleasures that can be obtained
there are greater than outside, but it’s also where you can face
the test of death at any time.”

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“In other words, Slaughter City is a completely different
world. Then what is Slaughter City’s food source? There
shouldn’t be anything that grows in a place like this, and
nobody to plant.”

As Tang San spoke, his gaze was on that black masked young
woman the whole time. His Purple Demon Eye wasn’t a spirit
ability, and naturally it wouldn’t be restricted. In this brief
time, he had simply experimented. The additional abilities of
spirit bones wouldn’t be influenced by the peculiar domain

The black masked young woman’s face changed slightly,

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m unable to answer.”

Tang San indifferently said:

“Then doesn’t Spirit Hall know about this place? If they

knew, as they’re always posing as righteous, why wouldn’t they
come to eliminate you?”

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His questions could even be said to lack any politeness, but
there was a lot of learning within. Even though Slaughter City
was an underground world cut off from the outside, since his
father knew about it, and since there were so many people in
the tavern outside when he arrived, it showed that there was no
lack of guides to this place outside.

The black masked woman laughed coldly,

“So what if they know? Spirit hall wouldn’t move against us

to any extent. First let alone the benefits they can gain from this
place, there’s not a single advantage to them in destroying
Slaughter City. Mister 9528, don’t forget that it’s practically
impossible for people who can enter Slaughter City to leave.
And to be able to come here, all are humans brimming with
depravity and sin. This place doesn’t have any relation to the
outside world. Slaughter City is like a special prison, a place
helping Spirit Hall to detain convicts whose sins are great. You
asked why Spirit Hall doesn’t destroy this place? They’re
probably eager to have even more vile people come here.”

Tang San’s face revealed a cold smile. It really was as he

thought. The existence of this Slaughter City was established
with the indulgence of Spirit Hall. No matter what was said,
even if spirit abilities couldn’t be used here, its strength still
couldn’t compare to the Spirit Hall that covered the Continent.

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As they walked along the street, there were gradually more
people to the sides. Practically every face displayed an
unhealthy pallor, and even more were emaciated.

No need to ask, these were all people that didn’t dare enter
Hell Slaughter Arena, and relied on giving two cups of Bloody
Mary each month to struggle on at death’s door.

Tang San’s own experience with drinking that cup of Bloody

Mary was still fresh on his memory. He clearly remembered
that the cup contained nearly half a jin, making it one jin of
blood each month.

One or two months might not be an issue, but continuing like

this in this sunless place, how would the body be able to

Tang San thought in his heart that, perhaps, this Slaughter

City was originally secretly backed by Spirit hall, otherwise,
where would a city like this get food from? Where would they
get all kinds of goods?

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On either side of the streets in the outer city were simple black
stone houses, and on even intervals along the road, there would
be places to eat. A lot of people stood there in rows, waiting to
receive food. The impression they gave was also little more than
beggars. As for what was called the paradise of crime, what was
called pleasure, there was basically none.

The black masked young woman gave a simple explanation for

all of this. Sinners were separated into three, six, nine and so
on, and only the truly formidable sinners could find pleasure in
paradise. As for useless rubbish, they had no right to enjoy

The city was even bigger than Tang San had imagined. After
walking for more than an hour, Tang San had some familiarity
with the outer city, and the black masked young woman had
brought him to a city wall.

Compared to the outer walls, this wall wasn’t so high, only

ten meters or so at its tallest. Very clearly, behind this wall lay
Slaughter City’s inner city.

The gates were wide open, and there were no guards. The
black masked young woman indifferently gave Tang San an

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“The inner city doesn’t need guards. The people of the outer
city only need to have the courage to enter to walk inside at any
time. Of course, once inside, they must endure the unknown of
the world inside. You’ve just arrived in Slaughter City, so I
suggest you best live in the outer city for a time. Once you’ve
adapted to everything here, it’s fine to enter the inner city.
After we enter the inner city in a moment, please don’t stray
more than five meters from my side, otherwise I won’t be able
to guarantee your safety.”

“Is it safe with you?”

Tang San somewhat laughing asked.

The black masked young woman gave him a glance, revealing

a not particularly beautiful arrogant light flashing through her
eyes underneath the black muslin,

“I’m an envoy of the Slaughter King. In Slaughter City, there

is nobody who dares offend the dignity of the Slaughter King.
The twelve hours after you enter this world is the rookie
protection period, having me at your side is the best protection
of your life. After this period, your life and death can only be

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decided by Heaven.”

There was still a rookie protection period. It seemed that this

Slaughter City really had its own system.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tang San entered the inner

city together with the black masked young woman.

Only one step into the inner city, Tang San immediately felt
an entirely different atmosphere from the outer city.

If the outer city was described as a cold and deathly still

world, then the inner city was a luxurious and frantic world.
Lights of all colors could be seen everywhere, and there were a
lot more people than in the outer city, as different as black and
white from the atmosphere outside.

The inner city was extremely chaotic. Everywhere were

excited laughter and agonized wails, as well as numerous
absolutely horrifying sounds.

As far as the eye could see, in a corner on the left side an

extremely tall and sturdy man pulled an ample woman by the

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hair, his lower body pounding forcefully, unburdening his
desire in public under numerous gazes. A crowd stood in a circle
around them, cheering him on.

On the other side, three or four people were wildly beating up

a young man. Tang San saw one of that man’s arms being torn
off, the person who tore it off still holding it and chewing on it
with big bites.

“Rather than calling this a paradise of crime, it’s more like a

world of beasts.”

Tang San said indifferently.

Light flashed in the eyes of the black masked young woman

next to him, speaking in a low voice:

“Do you have the authority to dispute the Slaughter King? If

it’s like that, the great Slaughter King will inevitably erase you
from this place. Since you’ve come here, you can only comply
with the rules.

Tang San looked at her, declining to comment,

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“Bring me to Hell Slaughter Arena.”

The black masked young woman was clearly somewhat

resentful towards him, and this time didn’t say anything else,
rather stepping out into the inner city with large strides.

The inner city could indeed be called an extravagant place, or

perhaps rotten. Like the black masked young woman said, at
her side, even though a lot of ill intentioned gazes fell on Tang
San, nobody stepped forward to harass him.

In this place, Tang San’s heart constantly contracted. In his

eyes were reflected too many things he had never seen.

Men and women could be fucking in the streets at any time,

there were even some who killed in the middle of the act. Tang
San clearly saw a man at the moment of orgasm get his throat
cut by a blade the woman below him spit out of her mouth.

And that gaudy woman sucked the scarlet liquid flowing from
the man’s throat with spastic jerks.

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Despite having no food in his stomach, Tang San still almost
threw up several times. His loathing of this world multiplied

He suddenly discovered that, in this city, there was basically

no need for his meticulous control, killing intent still
unceasingly gushed out. It seemed as if only by slaughter could
he discharge the violent currents stored within his heart.

As they walked, there was suddenly a disturbance up ahead.

Several dozen people stood in a circle, and there was moreover
blood curdling screams constantly echoing from their midst.

A whiff of blood was violently emitted from within, and the

circle of spectators got out of the way to open up a path, a figure
slowly moving away from the middle.

Seeing this person, Tang San unconsciously stopped walking,

his eyes displaying an unconcealable astonishment. He had
never expected that in this city of sin, Slaughter City, he would
actually see someone he recognized.

Walking out from the middle of the crowd was a young

woman. Dressed entirely in black, long hair combed neatly

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behind her and tied with a piece of rope. She held a more than
one chi long dagger, glittering with cold light.

A pair of beautiful eyes glittered, brimming with bewitching

charm. Compared to those women he’d seen on the streets
before, she was like a blue lotus untainted by mud.

A close to perfect figure, and the previous different ice cold

temper, none failed to draw people’s attention.

A drop of blood quietly rolled off that glossy like a mirror

dagger in her hand. The eyes of the people standing in a circle
and watching her held a fearful expression.

That’s right, Tang San knew this person. Two years ago,
before he had followed his father far and wide, this woman had
fallen before him.

One of the pillars of the Spirit Hall Academy team back then,
the only woman of Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation, Bewitching
Fox Hu Liena.

Why would she be here? This was the first thought in Tang

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San’s mind. His gaze unconsciously fell on Hu Liena.

Perhaps it was because Tang San’s gaze was too sharp, or

possibly because he didn’t fit into this world, but the dagger
wielding Hu Liena finally glanced at him.

Four eyes met. Hu Liena first looked blank a moment, and

Tang San was equally somewhat astonished.

Hu Liena naturally didn’t recognize Tang San with his

appearance substantially changed, the thought in her heart was
‘could it be that there was still an ordinary person in this vile

But Tang San’s astonishment lay in the cold killing intent

coming from Hu Liena right now. Like him, Hu Liena’s aura had
clearly also changed from the depravity of Slaughter City, her
killing intent was one that would repel people a thousand li

Even to the extent that the once bewitching charm in her eyes
had disappeared.

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At just this moment, Tang San suddenly felt a cold wind
thrusting obliquely at him, and Hu Liena in front of him also
suddenly moved, holding the dagger, she swiftly pounced
towards him.

Heart shivering, Tang San knew that Hu Liena’s spirit power

should still be above his own. Under the careful nurturing of
Spirit Hall, even if her physical attributes weren’t on the same
level as his, it still wasn’t far away.

And the intensity of the obliquely thrusting cold wind wasn’t

weak either.

The attack on two sides revealed Tang San’s adaptability.

Swiftly taking one step back, half turning, a completely
noiseless black light had already quietly shot out to the side.

A ding sound echoed. Astonishing Tang San was that Hu

Liena’s dagger wasn’t aimed at him, but rather blocked what
previously was his side, just obstructing a large curved saber
glittering with cold light.

The one mounting a sneak attack on Tang San’s side was a

small built, black clothed man. Right now, his entire body was

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already completely motionless. Right between his eyebrows, a
drop of blood slowly rolled out.

It gave the impression that this Tang San and Hu Liena had
joined hands to kill this man. As an observer, that black masked
young woman had seen the entire process.

Hu Liena’s killing intent had locked down that man with the
curved blade, one strike making him sway, and the black light
issued from Tang San’s hand had ended his life.

Originally, because Tang San had stopped walking when he

saw Hu Liena, his distance to the black masked young woman
already exceeded ten meters.

The assassin collapsed loudly to the ground, and Hu Liena

turned to look at Tang San, her eyes revealing a trace of unusual
light. Tang San had already come to himself now. Because of the
change in his appearance, Hu Liena clearly didn’t recognize

Hu Liena hadn’t changed much in the last two years. Two

years ago, she was already twenty, and at the time Tang San was
still only fourteen. After two years, Tang San had changed not

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only appearance because of Blue Silver Grass, but his
temperament had also undergone a heaven and earth revolving

If Tang San two years ago was described as completely sharp,

the elite of the new Spirit Master generation, then, after two
years his aura had become completely reserved. If he didn’t say
it himself, nobody would believe he had just only turned
seventeen now.

At the same time, Tang San had also grown taller. Further
adding the changes in his temperament, let alone Hu Liena,
even Xiao Wu might not recognize him if she suddenly saw him.


Tang San nodded to Hu Liena. Even though he was brimming

with enmity for Spirit Hall, right now he was more concerned
with hiding himself, and since he hadn’t been recognized, he
naturally wouldn’t foolishly reveal any holes for Hu Liena to see

Hu Liena looked at the black masked young woman walking

next to Tang San, her face revealing a smile. It had to be said

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that her appearance was very beautiful, not a bit inferior to Zhu
Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu. They didn’t have her
maturity and charm either.

“You’re new?”

Tang San nodded.

The expression in Hu Liena’s eyes shifted slightly,

“There are dangers with every step here. It’s best to be a bit
careful. By your appearance, you don’t seem like you’re a

Finished saying this, she looked deeply at Tang San again,

then walked into the darkness on the other side of the street.

“If you want to survive, it’s best to stay away from that

The black masked young woman’s voice rose by Tang San’s

ear. Her words clearly contained a bit of enmity towards Hu

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“Why so?”

Tang San also really wanted to know why Hu Liena would

appear here, as well as the circumstances here. To him, the
biggest opponents among his peers were no doubt Spirit Hall’s
Golden Generation trio.

The black masked young woman said:

“That woman has already been in Slaughter City for almost a

year. Within one year, she’s fought sixteen fights in the Hell
Slaughter Arena for sixteen wins. Her opponents were all
tortured to death by her. In Slaughter City, her present
achievements already puts her in the top one hundred.”

“Sixteen wins is enough to enter the top one hundred?”

Tang San somewhat astonished said.

The black masked young woman glanced at Tang San, as if he

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was an idiot,

“Mister 9828, judging by your appearance, you’re not stupid.

Do you believe that the battles in the Hell Slaughter Arena are
the same as the ones in the Great Spirit Arenas outside? Here,
each match is the difference between life and death, even the
victors will very possibly still be assassinated after the end of
the match. To maintain a record of sixteen wins is already quite
terrifying. To be precise, nobody will be your friend here. Each
person will take the chance to kill you if they can. Even the
woman moaning under you.”

“Thank you for the advice.”

Tang San smiled calmly. He had already faintly guessed Hu

Liena’s goal in coming here. It was likely the same as his. It
seemed that this woman really had courage.

“Let’s go, Hell Slaughter Arena is up ahead. The heart of

Slaughter City.”

Led by the black masked young woman, Tang San saw a

peculiar building. The structure seemed round, but to be more
precise it was an irregular cone. The base had the largest area,

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and then got subsequently smaller with height until it was
almost thirty meters tall, after which it continued with the
same diameter until fifty meters.

This Hell Slaughter Arena’s area really wasn’t small, not

much different from the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena Tang San
saw before, and just a bit smaller than Heaven Dou City’s Great
Spirit Arena.

The black building made people feel even more oppressed.

The black masked young woman gave Tang San an
introduction, the location of this Hell Slaughter Arena was the
center of the entire Slaughter City. This clearly showed how
important it was to Slaughter City.

“Are there no rules to the fights here?”

Tang San asked.

The black masked young woman said:

“Very simple, after entering, use your own ID badge to sign

up. Afterwards wait for the match to start. During the waiting

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time, you’re not allowed to attack. Ten people enter each
slaughter match. You can use any methods, as long as you can
walk away from it in the end. Only one person can leave alive
from each bout.”

One out of ten, truly worthy of being called Slaughter City.

Tang San continued asking:

“Then how do I become the so-called champion?”

The black masked young woman looked somewhat astonished

at Tang San,

“As long as you can participate in one hundred matches, you’ll

be the champion. Only, the present first ranked in Slaughter
City has only participated in sixty seven matches. With each
match you participate in, your ID badge will gain one victory,
and you can live here for one year, seeking pleasure as you like
in the inner city. Of course, you have to ensure yourself that you
can stay alive after the pleasure.”

“I want to go in for a look.”

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The black masked young woman said:

“The qualifications to observe the battles is one cup of Bloody

Mary. It can be your own, or it can be someone else's. As long as
you don’t feel tired, you can watch for as long as you like after
entering. The matches go on constantly. As long as people sign
up, and ten are gathered, the fight can start.”

Tang san’s brows wrinkled slightly. He was unable to get over

why this Slaughter City would attach such importance to blood.

Right now, several people just entered the Slaughter Arena. It

really was like the black masked woman said, each person held a
cup of scarlet blood in their hands.

Heart twitching, Tang San already had a plan. He walked over

towards that last man about to enter the arena with large

That was a big man with a shaven head and bare torso, a
naked woman tattooed on his chest. Only, because his chest was
crisscrossed with terrifying scars, that image of the naked
woman not only didn’t seem beautiful, but was on the contrary
brimming with a kind of fierce-looking resentment.

4633 Goldenagato |

“I’ll trouble you to give me your Bloody Mary.”

Blocking the shaven headed man’s path, Tang San held out his
right hand.

The baldy looked distracted a moment, glancing at the black

masked young woman next to Tang San, and an ominous glint
flashed in his eyes.

The black masked young woman’s somewhat impatient voice


“Mister 9528, if you take the initiative to provoke, the rookie

protection won’t have any effect.”

These words were not only a reminder for Tang San, but also
equally a reminder for that baldy. With a malicious laugh, the
baldy pulled out a saw toothed big blade from somewhere,
chopping head-on at Tang San.

His motions didn’t seem very fast, but they had a feeling of

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mountainous pressure. That was spirit power fluctuations.

At least fiftieth rank. This was Tang San’s estimation of the


But he didn’t withdraw his extended hand. Right palm

flipping, he issued a power that could support the sky. In the
hollow of his palm, an intense attractive force diverting the
force of the opponent’s chopper to the side. At the same time his
left foot swiftly took a step forward, pulling close the distance
between him and the baldy.

Where spirit abilities couldn’t be used was the best place to

use the secret lore of Tang Sect, Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon combined with Mysterious Jade Hand.

The bald man only felt the sawtoothed big chopper in his
hand uncontrollably slip sideways, and was just grabbed by
Tang San’s raised right hand. Tang San forcefully pulled
forward, dropping his shoulder, and directly smashing the chest
of his opponent.

Using Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, Tang San’s speed

could be described as lightning fast, and further adding that him

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grabbing the opponent’s weapon with his bare hands revealed a
brief weakness, his movements, as natural as moving clouds and
flowing water, immediately held the advantage.

But that bald big man’s reactions were surprisingly fast.

Instantly letting go of the chopper in his hand, his other hand
smashed the cup directly at Tang San’s face at the same time as
he retreated, both hands guarding his chest.

Half turning, Tang San forcibly diverted his own forward

momentum. With a shake of his left hand, that cup entered his
hand, and with a bizarre few shakes of his wrist, he
unexpectedly didn’t spill a single drop.


Having obtained the Bloody mary, Tang San didn’t say more,
and turned to walk inside.

Even though the bald big man hadn’t been struck, Tang San’s
instantly erupting force had still managed to startle him. His
face brimmed with malevolence, but strangely, he didn’t show
any intention of getting back that Bloody Mary. Turning to
leave, he didn’t pause.

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“Kindness to the enemy, is cruelty to oneself.”

As Tang San walked, he muttered to himself. Flipping the

sawtoothed big chopper in his hand, his fingertips swayed
ingeniously a few times, and that big chopper flew out quietly.
That enormous weapon unexpectedly didn’t make a sound. By
now, the baldy had already turned a corner on the other side of
the street, disappearing from Tang San’s view.

However, that sawtoothed big chopper seemed to have grown

eyes, slashing in a beautiful arc. A blood curdling scream was
heard in the darkness. Afterwards, there were no more sounds.

“We’re entering.”

Tang San calmly said to the somewhat lifeless black masked

young woman.


This was already the second time the black masked young

4637 Goldenagato |

woman had seen Tang San act. Compared to the first time, this
time shocked her even more. She recognized that baldy, in Hell
Slaughter Arena, that baldy had already endured seven
matches. In other words, he was the only survivor out of
seventy people killing each other.

She sensed that this youth in front of her hadn’t been much
stronger than his opponent, but the way he killed was as simple
as squashing an ant.

The interior of Hell Slaughter Arena seemed even simpler

than the outside. Without any partitions, row after row of
stands extended upwards in circles. Below these was a more
than one hundred meter diameter immense empty arena. At
this moment, there weren’t very many spectators, filling less
than twenty percent of the enormous space. In the arena,
miserable shrieks rose constantly. Of altogether ten people,
there were already seven corpses, the final three struggling for
their lives.

When he entered, Tang San poured the cup of Bloody Mary he

held in an enormous receptacle.

“I’ll trouble you to sign me up. I want to participate in the

next match.”

4638 Goldenagato |

Tang San said to the black masked young woman.

By now, the black masked young woman no longer thought

the youngster in front of her was an idiot. Tang San’s strength
had caused her heart to birth a trace of terror. Nodding without
the slightest hesitation, she took the ID badge Tang San held

Tang San only felt disgust towards Slaughter City. Therefore,

he didn’t want to delay here for even a day. Becoming the
champion after a hundred victories, then challenging the Hell
Road, and he could leave this place. He had already decided to
start fighting from today, from right now. Distantly, he sensed a
gaze focused on him. Turning his head to look, he saw the
person looking at him was Hu Liena.

Slaughter City, from this day on, on this dark world, this
world brimming with blood and depravity, he not only had to
obtain victory in match after match, but also return alive.

Three days after entering Slaughter City, the number of

people Tang San had killed already surpassed three digits. But
the number of matches he had joined, was only two. In these

4639 Goldenagato |

three days time, Tang San understood that the true terror in
this place wasn’t the enemies in the Hell Slaughter Arena, but
rather the constant ambushes after the end of the matches when
he was at his weakest.

It was no wonder that Hu Liena could only pass sixteen

matches in one year. From here, Tang San learned caution,
prudence, and even more patience.

One month had passed, and Tang San’s victories in the Hell
Slaughter Arena had grown to nine. By now there were fewer
and fewer with the courage to ambush him, but they were also
more and more powerful. Along with the number of his
victories rising, he learned another rule. With each new match,
the opponents he confronted couldn’t have more than five
fights than him in the Hell Slaughter Arena behind them.
Unless everyone had more than that many fewer matches than

After a year.

The ice cold aura made people choke, in the Hell Slaughter
Arena, altogether ten people slowly entered. Tang San walked
third among these ten, but he was the focus of attention for all
the other nine.

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Sixty seven competitions, and naturally also sixty seven wins.
This was Tang San’s present record. In all of Slaughter City,
only two people had a better achievement than him. One of
those was Hu Liena with seventy two victories.

Each person coming to participate, besides the authority to

continue existing in Slaughter City, most looked forward to a
hundred victories. With the title of champion of a hundred
bouts, one could live in Slaughter City forever. Besides not
being able to leave, one would possess the highest authority.
Even to the extent of becoming guests of the Slaughter King.

Sixty seven matches. The number of people who had lost their
lives by Tang San’s hands had long since surpassed a thousand.
Only, in the last two months, even after the match ended,
nobody had dared ambush him.

It wasn’t that Tang San didn’t want to finish a hundred

matches as soon as possible, but rather because after his number
of victories grew, the number of people who had the courage to
participate in slaughter matches with him grew fewer and
fewer. It frequently took several days to collect ten people, and
that was moreover under conditions where the news of him
participating in the Hell Slaughter Arena didn’t leak in advance.

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In one year, Tang San and Hu Liena had become characters
like celebrities in Hell Slaughter Arena. Especially Tang San
who, having used only a year to obtain such a record, could
already rank in the top ten since Slaughter City’s founding.

Compared to when he first arrived, the expression in Tang

San’s eyes was a level colder, to the extent that his body even
released a faintly blood reeking aura. Ice cold, bloodthirsty,
ruthless, those had already long since become synonyms with

It wasn’t that he could overpower the opponents with spirit

power. Even a few opponents whose spirit power surpassed the
eightieth rank had died in Tang San’s hands. Spirit Masters
without their signature were like tigers who had lost claws and
teeth. Let alone when Tang San himself was like a terrifying
killing machine.

His most dangerous time was when he left the Hell Slaughter
Arena just after destroying two opponents with eightieth
ranked spirit power, and was immediately besieged by more
than a hundred people. One couldn’t tell how many blades cut
him, but the final conclusion was that all those hundred people
died, and moreover not leaving whole corpses behind. And Tang
San had crawled like that from the piles of pieces of dead men,

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his whole body emitting a black energy.

After three days, his injuries were gone as if he had never been
wounded, and he had entered Hell Slaughter Arena once again.
That day, nobody dared fight. For twenty four hours, there was
not a single bout in Hell Slaughter Arena.

He had the Tang Sect secret lore that common Spirit Masters
didn’t, hidden weapons, poison, Controlling Crane Catching
Dragon, Mysterious Jade Hand, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step.
And he still had the solid Clear Sky Hammer as a weapon. Tang
San didn’t use Blue Silver Grass, nor did he use Eight Spider
Lances. Purple God Light had also only been used in that most
dangerous moment. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide anything
in front of Hu Liena, but rather that those were techniques he
had set aside as life saving trumps.

That time, Tang San had made his name, his current name in
Slaughter City: Asura King.

It was of course impossible for the nine people entering the

arena with Tang San now to have a victory count only five
lower than his, because Tang San’s was already far, far too far
ahead by now. And he didn’t know if Hu Liena was intentionally
avoiding fighting him or if it was planned by Hell Slaughter

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Arena, but from the start, Tang San had never encountered her.
Therefore, the two of them were both still alive. Hu Liena also
had a name here, her nickname was Hell Envoy.

Among the nine people entering the Hell Slaughter Arena

with Tang San right now, there were three who were already
trembling all over, and the remaining six were trying to put up a
strong front. After the nine entered the arena, they surrounded
Tang San in practically the first instant. Because they knew, if
they didn’t kill Tang San, they wouldn’t leave alive.

Within his deep blue pupils was a smear of blood red, an ice
cold killing intent extended from Tang San in practically an
instant. Closing his eyes, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of the
trembling degenerates around him.

Tang San’s spirit power had progressed very little in this year,
only rising one rank. But he believed that the him right now
could completely prevail over three of him from a year ago. He
also understood the meaning of his father’s words more and
more clearly. Only by constantly struggling on the edge of life
and death could the true meaning of battle be understood.

Snarling, hissing, nine voices rose practically simultaneously

in nine directions around Tang San. Those nine opponents

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simultaneously threw themselves at Tang San.

Sharply opening his eyes, what Tang San looked at wasn’t the
opponents in front of him, but rather, in a dark corner of Hell
Slaughter Arena’s stands, Hu Liena.

In one year, Hu Liena had watched practically each and every

one of Tang San’s matches.

But she discovered that she couldn’t see through this man. For
this man, she even felt an unprecedented dread.

That wasn’t because of Tang San’s innumerable killing

techniques, but rather because of this man’s unswerving will.

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Chapter 137 - Slaughter King

Everyone who came to Slaughter City struggled on the line of

death each day, and all would subsequently be corrupted.
Especially men. Because under this enormous pressure, each
person needed a way for relief. But Tang San didn’t. After the
fights ended, he would always cultivate in a cabin. He only left
to go to Hell Slaughter Arena.

It was unknown how many women wanted to throw

themselves into the arms of this Asura King, but what met them
was only Tang San’s ice cold murderous spirit.

Long ago when Tang San had reached twenty victories, Hu

Liena had been certain that this man was here for the same
purpose as she had. To temper himself.

Before she had always thought that her big brother was the
most outstanding among the men she had seen, but after the
Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament
ended, even if she didn’t want to admit it, Tang San had also
joined this ranking. And this man in front of her was the third.
He was also the one she believed to be most outstanding.

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He wouldn’t compare himself, his handsome appearance, his
unswerving rejection of the lure of depravity. Each quality
profoundly attracted Hu Liena.

A woman liking a man, frequently had a great many reasons.

Hu Liena knew that she already liked this man. Even though
they hadn’t exchanged a word since they talked on the first day
he came here, she was still completely certain. Besides him,
there was already no others in her heart.

Hu Liena sighed deeply. Unfortunately, he was a Clear Sky

School disciple. Born of Spirit Hall, how could Hu Liena fail to
recognize the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San’s hand? She even
disappointedly wondered why all outstanding men were from
Clear Sky School. Tang San was so. This 9528 was so.

Just as thoughts constantly bubbled up in Hu Liena’s mind,

Tang San moved in the arena.

Nine people, attacking from nine different directions, but

there wasn’t the slightest bit of confusion in his mind. His
figure flickering as if illusory, there seemed to be springs under
his feet. Tang San had already dodged in front of a shuddering
opponent in a split second.

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The next moment, the steel knife in that man’s hand was
already embedded in his neck.

Turning, kicking, hands flying up.

Countless bright crystal rays of light shot out of Tang San’s

palms, brilliant steel needle after needle. Surging out, cutting
through the air with ear-piercing sounds. Blood curdling
screams rose and fell in succession.

Able to survive through Tang San’s hidden weapons, were

only three people.

It wasn’t because they could dodge Tang San’s hidden

weapons, but rather because they had grabbed their
companions as shields in front of them, or to be precise, their

Two sixtieth ranked, one seventieth ranked. Or two Spirit

Emperors and one Spirit Sage.

If they could use spirit abilities, these three were enough to

threaten the life of the only fifty something ranked Tang San.

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But this was Slaughter City. Passing the forging of three great
immortal herbs and two great spirit bones, Tang San’s physical
power was an unknown amount higher than theirs. Spirit
power was admittedly important, but first came technique.
Spirit power wasn’t absolute.

These three moved simultaneously. All held a body in one

hand, a weapon in the other. Under the effect of their deep
spirit power, they charged at Tang San from three corners.
Their minds were already locked in on this sixty seven victory
Asura King. They knew that the outcome lay in this one move,
and they only had this one chance.

‘Want to block my hidden weapons? Fine, then I’ll let you die
from hidden weapons.’

Body hastily rotating one turn, nobody clearly saw just what
Tang San did with his hands. Nine thin as willow leaf arcing
flying knives already flew out from him.

Tang Sect hidden weapons ninth rank, Phoenix Guides Nine


Nine flying knives were like nine phoenixes flapping their

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wings and crying, swaying in the air.

After three seconds, this battle stopped. On Tang San’s

shoulder was a blood scar. That was left behind by the Spirit
Sage among the opponents. Unfortunately, before cutting Tang
San, there was already a flying knife embedded in the center of
his back, the two big arteries on the side of his neck were also
simultaneously cut by the other two flying knives.
Consequently, that dagger filled with spirit power only
managed to leave a three cun long wound on Tang San.

The battle was over, but Tang San was in no hurry to leave.
He slowly walked over to each of his opponents, and stomped.

Skulls shattered like chicken eggs under his feet, but the white
light emitted under his feet kept even a drop of gore from
landing on him.

Previous battles told Tang San that as long as an opponent’s

head wasn’t crushed, he couldn’t relax his vigilance. In order to
learn this, he had once paid the price of three broken ribs.

He retrieved the hidden weapons one by one from the enemies

bodies, storing them in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. This was

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Slaughter City, and he couldn’t replenish his hidden weapons,
so he had to treasure the life saving cards he had.

A special splendor glittered in Hu Liena’s eyes. The instant

she saw Tang San throw out the flying knives, she couldn’t keep
her heart from skipping half a beat. If it wasn’t because she had
special methods to see that Tang San absolutely wasn’t
disguised, she would certainly have painted an equals sign
between 9528 and Tang San.

‘How have I fallen in love? Have I fallen for his looks? His
strength? Or everything?’

Sixty eight victories, this was Tang San’s current record. The
distance to Hu Liena had closed by one more.


Slaughter City, a dark and expansive room.

There was an especially enormous chair, inlaid with blue and

purple crystal. These crystals drew the outline of a drum tower
shape. Besides this chair, everything here was dark red.

4651 Goldenagato |

“Asura King won another match.”

A gloomy and cold female voice echoed in the dark room.

“I know.”

A tall silhouette sat in the giant chair. His appearance couldn’t

be seen clearly in the darkness, it was only apparent that he was

“Great king. Won’t we start to contact him? Slaughter City

already hasn’t had a true power join for a very long time.”

“Do you believe he is truly a power?”

The tall man sitting in the chair asked.

“At least in technique, he is. Asura King seems born for

Slaughter City. His spirit power isn’t especially strong, but all
his techniques are terrifyingly powerful. Even if there was a

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Title Douluo in Slaughter City, they still might not be able to
kill him without use of spirit powers. I can be sure that Asura
King has at least one spirit bone.”

The Slaughter King was silent a moment,

“Then do you believe he can complete one hundred matches

and challenge the Hell Road?”

“Completing one hundred victories is only a matter of time.

But as for Hell Road, perhaps he won’t be able to.”

The Slaughter King coldly said:

“No need to contact him.”

“Why? Great king, don’t tell me you don’t want our Slaughter
City to grow more powerful? Even though we had a pact with
Spirit Hall a thousand years ago, who knows whether they’ll
tear it up one day?”

The Slaughter King coldly said:

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“Spirit Hall doesn’t have time to care about us right now. One
month ago, there was a visitor. Do you remember?”


“Yes. One of the two living Deathgods of the present age.”

“Don’t tell me, that Asura King and that Deathgod are

The ice cold woman shuddered.

The Slaughter King indifferently said:

“You guessed right. If you’re speaking of true threats to

Slaughter City in this world, then that isn’t Spirit Hall, but
rather these two Deathgods. They, even I couldn’t offend. You
should know that people who have passed the Hell Road can still
use spirit abilities within the range of Slaughter City. And this
Asura King was delivered there by the most terrifying of the two
Deathgods. Just let nature take it’s course. Even if I don’t want

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another Deathgod to appear either, I’m even less willing to see
that Deathgod’s fury.”

The ice cold female voice drew a deep breath,

“Mighty Slaughter King, I fear he will bring Slaughter City

some unforeseen consequences. After all, the appearance of
each Deathgod will be accompanied by a crisis for Slaughter
City. Isn’t there an admonishment like that on our Slaughter
City’s wall of legends? Deathgod descent, hell disaster. In the
previous few times, each time a Deathgod appeared, there
would be disastrous harm to Slaughter City, if there truly is
another this time, I fear……”

The Slaughter King lowered his voice:

“I’ve anticipated this question as well. What you don’t know

is that not only does the Asura King have a Deathgod backer,
that Hell Emissary who has already reached seventy something
victories is the same. She was delivered by the other existing
Deathgod. If not for this, do you believe I would allow her to
continue existing?”

“Mighty king, how about this? We’ll let Hell Emissary face

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Asura King, they will be……”

She still hadn’t finished speaking when two blood red lights
shot out of the Slaughter King’s eyes, the surrounding air
clearly becoming thicker, a thick scent of blood spreading in the
air, that ice cold woman’s voice immediately issues a seemingly
inhuman shrill scream, and in the corner, an inflated delicate
body shuddered violently.

“Don’t think you can casually talk drivel just because I dote on
you. Having passed the Hell Road, Deathgods can return to
Slaughter City at any time. According to the rules of the Hell
Slaughter Arena, degenerates with more than fifty victories in
the ring won’t face each other. If any Deathgod learned about it,
it would be a truly disastrous catastrophe for Slaughter City.
Within their Deathgod Domain, any Spirit Master recovers the
use of their spirit abilities. Otherwise, why do you think I would
compromise with them?”

The blood red gaze floated into the air, and the Slaughter King
muttered to himself:

“I only hope that under normal circumstances, they’ll be

unable to persist to a hundred victories, and even more unable
to walk the Hell Road. Otherwise, the appearance of two

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Deathgods simultaneously would perhaps herald calamity for
Slaughter City.”

With a wave of a big hand, a deep red liquid flew out from in
front of him. In the darkness in front of him was unexpectedly
an enormous blood pool, filled with viscous blood.

Gaping and swallowing the blood, in that dim light, two fierce
teeth were vaguely revealed.


Passing time waiting and cultivation, sitting crosslegged in his

small cabin, Tang San’s entire body was constantly reached by
burst after burst of chills. The tremendous murderous spirit
continuously revolved around his body, and also influenced

He had already been here for close to two years, and the
distance to the champion title in the Hell Slaughter Arena was
only one final match. However, Tang San discovered that he
was about to collapse.

4657 Goldenagato |

In two years, the people who had died by his hands far
surpassed a thousand. Even though those people were all evil
and depraved, with each person he killed, Tang San would feel
his own murderous spirit rapidly increase somewhat. And this
killing intent also constantly imperceptibly influenced him.

The reason why it had taken two years to gradually approach

the final one hundredth victory, besides the issue of the number
of people, was even more because of Tang San’s own problem.

The constantly rising killing intent was nothing much when it

just started rising, but as the number of people Tang San
massacred here surpassed a hundred, he discovered that this
killing intent began to influence his will. Just at the start, he
would only occasionally display a blood thirsty state of mind,
but as time grew longer, the slaughter aura also became ever
more clear. It was as if he wanted to kill any living organism he
looked at. Casually killing people was as simple as crushing

Therefore, besides participating in the matches, Tang San’s

cultivation was no longer mainly in the direction of increasing
his spirit power, but rather to suppress the ever stronger
murderous spirit. Fortunately his Mysterious Heaven Skill was
the orthodox inner skill of the profound sects, and it had its
own warding effect. He had also received the mind condensing

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wisdom skull bone, and its mental control capability was
extremely powerful, and he wasn’t controlled by that idea of

At the same time, Tang San’s slaughtering in the matches

could be considered a channel to vent.

Until not long ago, after Tang San completed ninety nine
fights in the Hell Slaughter Arena, he faintly sensed that he was
almost unable to contain the murderous spirit within him. At
the same time, he also understood why Hu Liena had delayed
without advancing the one hundredth match despite reaching
ninety nine victories long ago.

In this Slaughter City, the two of them could be described as

having filled fields of victims. It was also because of their abrupt
rise in these two years that the number of degenerates daring to
enter the Hell Slaughter Arena had become fewer and fewer.
Even more people chose to use their previously saved matches
to exist, and when the matches was exhausted, they still gave
blood to survive. After all, compared to certain death, the
majority of people would choose to struggle on at death’s door.

A peng peng knocking sound suddenly echoed from outside.

Tang San’s restrained killing intent rose practically instantly

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rose, and the not very small cabin instantly turned ice cold.
Under the oppressive murderous spirit, a heavy aura filled the
air, the stink of blood imperceptibly releasing from Tang San.


Tang San asked in a low voice.

“It’s me.”

A pleasant voice resounded from outside. Even though Tang

San hadn’t heard this voice many times, he still at once
identified the owner of the voice as Hu Liena.

Brows wrinkling slightly, Tang San inwardly thought, why

did she come?

With a casual wave, a stream of air rushed out and opened the

“Please come in.”

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Not knowing Hu Liena’s purpose in coming here, Tang San
suppressed the killing intent in his heart, but his vigilance had
already risen to its peak.

The door open, a black clothed Hu Liena walked in from

outside. Her face looked extremely pale, and she slowly sipped a
cup of Bloody Mary held in her hand. This seemed to already
have become a habit of the powers in Slaughter City. Apart from
Tang San, practically every degenerate in Slaughter City with
more than ten victories would drink blood taken from who
knew where.

Glancing at the cup in Hu Liena’s hand, Tang San frowned


“What is it?”

Hu Liena didn’t approach Tang San, rather standing by the

door. She clearly understood that in this world of slaughter,
each person was extremely vigilant. She didn’t want to cause
any misunderstanding with Tang San because of some
inadvertent action.

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“I hope to ally with you.”

Hu Liena directly stated her reason here.


Tang San looked at her somewhat distrustfully,

“You’re not unaware of Hell Slaughter Arena’s rules. Each

fight has only one victor. If we met, how would we ally?”

Hu Liena smiled calmly. A blood red light slipped into her eyes
somewhat. Just as Tang San anticipated, Hu Liena was also
always struggling in pain these days. Despite also having the aid
of a skull type spirit bone, she only hadn’t gone insane, further
adding that she also had an equally strong will. But compared to
Tang San she was still a bit short. Today she had with great
difficulty repressed her killing intent somewhat, and then come
to find Tang San.

“It’s impossible for us to meet in a match. As long as we are

past fifty victories, according to the Slaughter City rules, we
won’t meet each other. Otherwise, who would still be able to

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rise to one hundred? I didn’t come to find you for this, but was
rather hoping to ally with you when attacking the Hell Road.”

“Hell Road?”

Even though Tang San had heard this name when he just
came to Slaughter City, the circumstances of the Hell Road were
still completely unfamiliar to Tang San. At that time he had also
asked that black masked young woman, but she hadn’t given
him any answer, saying that the Hell Road was the greatest
secret of Slaughter City, and that only champions had the
authority to learn about it.

Hu Liena nodded conscientiously,

“Yes, the Hell Road. Even though you and me are on the verge
of gaining a hundred victories in the Hell Slaughter Arena, our
strength might not be greater than the opponents we once
confronted. Just that we both have the capability to gain victory
even without spirit abilities, and so walked to this point. To be
exact, neither you or me are true degenerates. No need to retort.
If my guess isn’t wrong, you should be the same as me, here for
training, right?”

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Tang San was secretly astonished. Hu Liena’s credibility was
extremely high, at least he hadn’t heard any gaps. Moreover,
even though Hu Liena was saturated with killing intent, right
now the expression in her eyes seemed exceptionally sincere.

“How is this related to participating in the Hell Road?”

Tang San indifferently asked.

A streak of cold light flashed in Hu Liena’s eyes,

“Of course it’s related. If you aren’t corrupted, training until

now, it should also be about time to finish. Naturally you will
leave this place through the Hell Road. Moreover, there’s a
gargantuan secret hidden in the Hell Road. Just relying on your
or my strength, it’s impossible to pass alone. Only if we join
forces will we have a chance to succeed.”

Tang San smiled indifferently,

“Then why would I believe you? Who knows whether you’ll

put a knife in my back. Have you forgotten that this is Slaughter
City? Nobody can be trusted casually.”

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Biting her lower lip, even though Hu Liena knew that Tang
San’s doubt was very ordinary in this place, she still had an
uncomfortable feeling in her heart. Deep in her heart, she
indeed liked this handsome youth, but her coming to find Tang
San today was unrelated to emotions.

“If I’m not mistaken, you should be from the Clear Sky
School. Even though there are no spirit abilities, your Clear Sky
Hammer can’t be hidden from people’s eyes.”

Hu Liena stared fixedly at Tang San and said.

Tang San glanced at her,

“And so?”

Hu Liena said:

“In order to express my sincerity, I can tell you my

background. I’m called Hu Liena, I’m from Spirit Hall. My
teacher, is the present Spirit Hall Supreme Pontiff.”

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Hearing this, Tang San’s heart twitched. So Hu Liena was the
Supreme Pontiff’s direct disciple, no wonder his father would
say she was the most worthy of attention among the Golden

Tang San said:

“This can prove your sincerity? Where you come from has no
relation to me.”


Hu Liena hadn’t thought Tang San would have such a

thousand miles distant, rejecting of people manner. How would
she know that the handsome youth in front of her, was the Tang
San she hated the most. And Tang San’s first impression of her
was no doubt the strongest.

“Cooperation benefits both. The Hell Road has no provisions

for how many people enter at once. Whether you or me, one
person entering alone will definitely die. How about this, I’ll tell
you another secret. If we can leave the Hell Road, not only can
we return here at any time, we can still obtain an enormous

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Tang San said:

“Tell me about the circumstances of the Hell Road, perhaps

I’ll consider working together with you.”

If it was the previous Hu Liena, she definitely wouldn’t so

easily reveal her secrets, but a woman in love would frequently
ignore reason, let alone nothing when the majority of her
energy was focused on suppressing the murderous spirit.

Immediately, Hu Liena conscientiously said:

“The opening to the Hell Road is in the Hell Slaughter Arena.

Each day we fight there, with each person who dies there, their
blood and souls will actually be absorbed by the Hell Road. I also
don’t know the specifics of what’s in the Hell Road. I only know
that, entering that place, without the safeguard of a formidable
killing intent, you’ll immediately be swallowed by the vicious
energy there.”

4667 Goldenagato |

“There are many hypotheses about the forming of Slaughter
City, but the most reliable one is that it is a special domain left
behind by a mighty power who broke through the hundred rank
limit. And the name of this domain, is Deathgod Domain. If one
is able to break through the Hell Road, it’s equivalent to
obtaining the approval of the Deathgod Domain. The Deathgod
Domain absorbs your own aura of death, forming its own
domain, adding to one’s spirit. It’s also known as a spirit’s
innate domain. Obtaining this boost is equivalent to having one
more ability than Spirit Masters that haven’t walked the Hell
Road. Moreover, it’s also the most valuable domain type

“Are domain type abilities very precious?”

Tang San asked unenthusiastically. In fact, Hu Liena’s words

raised a tempest in his heart.

As Grandmaster’s disciple, how could he not know about the

effect of domain type abilities? Right now he truly realized his
father’s goal in sending him here. Not only was it to experience
death, refining his will in the darkest places, at the same time it
was also for this Deathgod Domain.

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Hu Liena somewhat anxiously said:

“I really don’t know how your teacher instructed you. Of

course domain type abilities are significant. Generally speaking,
only Spirit Masters who have reached the Title Douluo level can
have them appear at the time of the ninth spirit ability.
Moreover, the odds of one appearing is only one in ten. Domain
type abilities are also known as top quality spirit abilities.
Besides obtaining them at the Title Douluo level, they can only
appear as a spirit’s innate ability. Within what can be
considered one’s domain, one’s own strength will be magnified,
and the opponent’s strength will be suppressed. If used
appropriately, the result is extremely terrifying.”

Here, Hu Liena halted a moment, continuing in a grave tone:

“Moreover, innate domains will evolve along with the growth

of the user’s strength. For instance, the Deathgod Domain will
strengthen along with the growth of killing intent.”

Tang San’s expression changed,

“How do you know this so clearly?”

4669 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena drew a deep breath, her eyes revealing a hesitant
light. After a long time, she said:

“Because, I know a power who possesses the Deathgod

Domain. She told me all of this. Otherwise, why would I be in
this nauseating place?”

Tang San glanced at the cup of Bloody Mary in her hand,

“Nauseating? I see you’ve adapted quite well.”

Hu Liena’s elegant eyebrows wrinkled slightly, the blood

colored light in her eyes clearly growing somewhat stronger,

“This isn’t adapting. Only drinking it will let my mood calm

somewhat, without need to be so agitated.”

“Seeing as you’ve told me all this about the Deathgod Domain,

I’ll return you a line. This Slaughter City, is poisonous in itself.
The more you drink this thing, the deeper the poison will get.
That’s a kind of slow poison hidden in the blood. I don’t know
what the effect will be after leaving here through the Hell Road,
but I’m certain that such a poison should be influenced by the

4670 Goldenagato |

Hell Road. Eight people have been able to leave here in a
thousand years. This isn’t only the Hell Road being frightening,
perhaps this poison will also have a considerable effect.

Pa—— The cup fell to the floor, scarlet bright liquid

spattering. Hu Liena’s face immediately turned unsightly.


She looked at Tang San, somewhat not daring to believe.

Tang San indifferently said:

“I’ve studied it carefully. This poison doesn’t appear in the

blood at the start, but is in the air. Receiving the influence of
the poison in the air as well as the agitation from one’s killing
intent, one needs blood to pacify the agitation. As time passes,
perhaps it will become a habit. This poison within the blood will
cause excitement, even to the extent that people will become
even stronger. But if the agitation within the poison comes out,
perhaps there is nobody who could withstand it. You haven’t
been poisoned for long. Stop drinking blood, and you will be
saved. If you continue, I’m afraid you won’t be my partner in
the Hell Road, but rather an inconvenience.”

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That he told Hu Liena this, was of course not because Tang
San was grateful for her telling him about the Deathgod
Domain. He heard from Hu Liena’s words that this Spirit Hall
Golden Generation didn’t lie to him, and also didn’t have the
intention to deceive him.

That Hell Road clearly wouldn’t be an easy time, and so Tang

San told her about her already being poisoned.

In this place right now there were no enemies or friends. As

long as her existence continued being advantageous to him,
without the slightest hesitation, everything else could wait until
they were out of here.

Taking out a pill from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse

and throwing it over, Tang San said:

“If you believe me, eat it. Within approximately three days,
you’ll have a some diarrhea, gradually emptying the poison
within your body. If you don’t trust me, then in the Hell Road,
there will be no need for us to cooperate. I don’t want to have a
time bomb following at my side the whole way.”

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Looking at the flat and constrained expression in Tang San’s
eyes, Hu Liena took the pill and, without the slightest
hesitation, swallowed it, then turned to walk out. While
leaving, her final words floated over to Tang San’s ears,

“I believe you. I also ask you to believe me. Because we both

need to leave alive.”


After three days, Hell Slaughter Arena.


The final opponent’s head exploded under Tang San’s Clear

Sky Hammer. Even he couldn’t help raising his hands high right
now, without the slightest reservation releasing the terrifying
blood reeking slaughter aura from his entire body.

One hundred fights. The agreement with his father was

finally fulfilled. Close to physical killing intent formed an
enormous whirlpool in the air. In the large area surrounding
the ring, the numerous spectating degenerates were as quiet as

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crows and peacocks under the effect of the tremendous
murderous spirit.

The two words Asura King were just like the emblem of the
god of death. This point was completely different from the
status of the winner of the previous match, Hell Emissary, in
their minds.

Each person believed that the Asura King was the most
terrifying existence, because his opponent’s never left behind
intact corpses, or even heads. No matter alive or dead, the Asura
King would always stomp the skull of each of his enemies to
ensure his victory.

Perhaps killing intent and strength weren’t directly

proportional, but right now, Tang San was the opponent
anyone in Slaughter City was least willing to face.

“Congratulations, young Asura King.”

A deep and sharp voice suddenly came from every direction.

The killing intent Tang San released unexpectedly was instantly
poured in reverse by this voice, once again pressed into his
body, immediately making Tang San’s expression turn pale.

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The atmosphere in the Hell Slaughter Arena immediately rose
to its peak, because in midair, a blood red silhouette just
dropped from the sky.

“Slaughter King, Slaughter King, Slaughter King……”

The degenerates shouted until their throats were hoarse,

without showing the slightest intent of stopping.

Tang San’s heart shivered, gazing at that scarlet figure in the


That was a tall man, his whole body wrapped up in an

enormous scarlet cloak.

Pale face, a pair of completely blood red eyes, he descended

gently from the air, apparently not suffering the constraints of
any gravity.

Tang San had once seen the same sight with his father. He
could be certain that this falling from the air Slaughter King

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was definitely a Title Douluo level power.

Floating in the air five meters from the ground, the Slaughter
King stopped descending, looking down at Tang San from the
air, that deep sharp voice echoed once again,

“Hell Emissary, please.”

The other great gate of the Hell Slaughter Arena opened.

Right now with eyes already close to half blood red, aura clearly
uneven because of her killing intent, Hu Liena slowly walked
over. As her gaze fell on Tang San, her aura steadied somewhat.

The Slaughter King’s gaze fell on the spectators of the Hell

Slaughter Arena.

“I’m very excited, to witness the birth of two Slaughter Arena

powers here today. It has already been decades since the
appearance of a hundred victories, now appearing in the form of
two youngsters. Relying on their own formidable strength and
terrifying murderous spirit, they make you tremble, yes?”

“Yes—— Yes—— Yes——”

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The Slaughter King seemed to possess a unique charisma,
instilling a close to berserk worship in all the degenerates who
saw him.

From him, Tang San could catch a faint scent, a somewhat

intoxicating scent. Unfortunately, this influence wasn’t very
large on him and Hu Liena.

The Slaughter King lowered his head, looking at Tang San and
Hu Liena,

“Asura King, Hell Emissary. Thank you for letting me feel the
existence of passion. One hundred victories, very good. In order
to honor your achievement, I’ve decided to make an exception
and award you the title of Deathgod. From today on, you can
both leave and enter Slaughter City as you wish. And moreover
be treated as my ranking Slaughter City guests.”

No need to walk the Hell Road? Tang San looked astonished at

Hu Liena, just in time to see Hu Liena looking at him. Both their
gazes displayed doubt.

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What sinister creature was this Slaughter King? Conferring
the title of Deathgod without walking the Hell Road.

Tang San and Hu Liena were undoubtedly both astute people,

both possessing skull type spirit bones, and they only had to
exchange glances once to understand the Slaughter King’s

Walking the Hell Road, was no doubt extremely dangerous.

But behind the danger, was the enormous lure of the

Deathgod Domain. The Slaughter King in front of them clearly
didn’t want them to obtain it.

Hu Liena took the lead to speak up,

“No need, mighty Slaughter King. You can’t destroy the rules
of Slaughter City for our sake. I want to pass the test of the Hell
Road and then obtain your reward. I hope to rely on my own
strength to leave from here, to become a true Deathgod.”

The expression in the Slaughter King’s eyes grew serious,

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“Perhaps you don’t know how terrible the Hell Road is. Hell
Emissary, I hope you understand that people only live once.”

Hu Liena laughed grimly,

“Mighty Slaughter King, you speak with me about life, isn’t

that a bit ridiculous? Here is the world of slaughter.”

An even stronger red light flashed in the Slaughter King’s eyes

and passed, his gaze turning to Tang San,

“You then? Do you wish to accept my reward, becoming a

distinguished guest of Slaughter City?”

3寸 = 10cm

Drum tower.

(杀神领域) Again, it’s read as “Killing God”, so not some

psychopomp. Domain can also be read as “sphere”, “territory”,
“field”, “area”.

4679 Goldenagato |

Chapter 138 - Blood Sacrifice, Hell Road

Tang San smiled calmly,

“My goal in coming here, was to take a walk on that Hell

Road. Slaughter King, I appreciate your kind intentions. Please
open the entrance to the Hell Road. I wish to walk this trial
along with Hell Emissary.”

The Slaughter King’s expression suddenly changed,

“You want to join up to walk the Hell Road? Don’t tell me

you’ve forgotten where you’re both from?”

Hu Liena smiled coldly:

“In this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal

benefits. Rather than two people dying in the Hell Road, why
not have both come out as true Deathgods? There is no need for
you to worry about the matters between us. Mighty Slaughter
King, please act according to the rules of Slaughter City.”

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Halo after halo of red light released from the Slaughter King.
If not for the misgivings in his heart, he would have long since
ruined the two people in front of him. With Tang San and Hu
Liena’s present strength, they were only like crickets in front of
him. But he couldn’t do anything. Because he feared, feared the
destruction of Slaughter City. Even though this world could be
relied on, if the people behind Tang San and Hu Liena were
provoked, perhaps it would still collapse.

“Since it’s like that, take a walk on the Hell Road. Keeping
company on the Hell Road is also a pretty good journey. If you
can pass the trials of the Hell Road and become a new
generation of Deathgods, please pass along my regards to your

The Slaughter King’s intonation had clearly become cold,

even to the extent it held a mocking meaning. Hell Road, was it
truly so easy to break through? ‘Even if there’s two of you, it
still won’t be so easy.’

Dense red smoke abruptly discharged from the Slaughter

King, the tremendous aura forcing Tang San and Hu Liena to
swiftly retreat, directly withdrawing more than ten meters
before they could manage to stand steady.

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What the Slaughter King released really wasn’t killing intent,
but rather an extremely vicious aura, making people’s bone
marrow stiffen from cold.

The sinister cold red ripples slowly dispersed, in practically a

few blinks of an eye, it had already spread through the entire

Each and every one of the degenerates in the audience seats

were extremely excited, they all wanted to see the opening of
the Hell Road. However, what they didn’t know was that their
own lives had already reached the end.

Besides the Deathgods and the Slaughter King, nobody had

ever seen the opening of the Hell Road before. Because, the
people who saw it had all died. Or one might say, they had all
become the offering to open the Hell Road.

Tang San and Hu Liena very soon discovered that even though
the red light emanating from the Slaughter King gave them
great pressure, it really wasn’t directed at them, but at the
surrounding stands.

The originally frantically cheering degenerates gradually grew

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quiet as the red light fell on the stands. The expression of each
degenerate gradually grew lifeless, then from lifeless to blood
congested red. Before long, the red light formed an enormous
barrier over the entire Hell Slaughter Arena. Painful miserable
shrieks began to resound from those first touched by the red

Influenced by the red light, those degenerates seemed to go

half insane, doing their utmost to scratch their faces, their

Degenerates capable of surviving in the inner city had, for the

most part, a certain strength. Right now their full strength was
completely brought to bear on themselves. Even to the extent
that those resounding screams still held a note of excited joy, as
if obtaining unlimited pleasure in this self mutilation.

Skin rolling up, blood splattering all around. They even

scooped out the internal organs from within their bodies.
Completely insane. Stopping only once their life had completely
left them.

This change spread and affected more and more, until it

extended to everyone present.

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Even though Tang San and Hu Liena had experienced
immeasurable massacre here in Slaughter City, confronting
such a large scale terrifying scene, their faces still turned pale,
feeling as if the murderous spirit within them grew more and
more difficult to suppress.

Looking face to face, Hu Liena caught a vicious current flash

through Tang San’s eyes. As long as they were human, as long
as they had a shred of humanity, watching this scene, they
would also be brimming with loathing towards Slaughter City.

Blood spilled on the ground, and started to condense. The

large quantities of blood were like little brooks, flowing down
unremarkable little channels below the audience seats and
spilled into the center of the Slaughter Arena. Countless
streams of red liquid could clearly be seen flowing into the ring
like little serpents.

Tang San’s fist unconsciously tightened, rich killing intent

constantly bursting out within him, at any time risking to

“To be able to become the offering to open the Hell Road, is

their honor.”

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The Slaughter King called in a low voice. Right now, the
screams had already gradually halted. Besides Tang San, Hu
Liena and the Slaughter King, there was already no longer any
other person here.

Blood flowed into the arena, but not into straight lines. At
some unknown time, line after line of grooves had appeared on
the ground, and the blood flowed into these. Gradually, they
converged into an enormous red design on the floor.

Right now, Tang San and Hu Liena were within this pattern.
It was very difficult to clearly see the entire design, but the two
of them both had skull spirit bones, and their spiritual force far
exceeded that of common Spirit Masters. By chance closing
their eyes at the same time, their spiritual force released into
the air, observing the circumstances of their surroundings.

They discovered that the blood condensed pattern was

unexpectedly a creature similar to a bird, only seeming
somewhat strange, it wasn’t as simple as a common bird.

What was this?

Just as Tang San was puzzling over it, suddenly, the eyes of

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that bird brightened. Tang San and Hu Liena’s spiritual force
was crushed in practically an instant, an enormous red light
soaring up, engulfing the two of them in a moment. Their
perception of everything in their surroundings grew fuzzy, only
the Slaughter King’s deep and sharp voice echoing by their ears.

“I wish you luck on the Hell Road.”

The instant his spiritual force was crushed, Tang San finally
realized what that bird design was. A bat. That was a drawing of
a bat.

Swallowed by that red light, Tang San and Hu Liena

simultaneously felt the ground drop out beneath their feet,
everything in their surroundings becoming illusory, all their
awareness this instant sealed. That pain of having no control
made a kind of indescribable fear rise in their hearts. What they
didn’t see was that their killing intent condensed into a faint
white layer that protected their bodies. If not for this killing
intent, the instant they were covered in that red light, they
would truly have been swallowed up.

Spirit power releasing, besides that layer of rippling white

killing intent, Tang San still had a layer of faint blue hazy light.
Compared to the ice cold, sinister, and vicious red light,

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although the blue light Tang San released wasn’t strong, it was
still brimming with the breath of life. Tenacious vitality firmly
protected Tang San within, not only isolating him from the red
light outside, but even from that layer of killing intent.

Consequently, even though Tang San was unable to control

anything in the outside world, his killing intent being
temporarily severed relieved him of the need to endure that
tremendous pressure, and he was a lot more comfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by a violent

jolt, all sensation returned once again, the blood red light in the
surroundings gradually fading.

As Tang San and Hu Liena sobered completely, they

discovered that they were on top of a round platform. This
platform was only five meters across or so, not very large. The
two both fell to the ground.

They awoke practically simultaneously, and therefore, their

gazes also simultaneously fell on each other.

Tang San saw that Hu Liena’s body was releasing a layer of

faint red mist, her eyes already turned completely red. Around

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her, white ripples were constantly growing stronger, and even
though she was looking at him, her body was constantly
spasming, as if she was enduring some tremendous pain.

Heart twitching, Tang San shouted in a low voice:

“Hu Liena, wake up.”

While speaking, he raised his right hand, pressing on the top

of Hu Liena’s head. An abundantly pure breath of life
transmitted through his arms into Hu Liena’s head, and under
those faint blue light fluctuations, Hu Liena’s shuddering body
gradually returned to normal, the red color in her eyes also
subsequently fading.

There were no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. The

prospects of the Hell Road were unknown, and having one more
companion was always better than letting her frantically pull
him into ruin. At this moment, Tang San constantly told
himself to lay down his rancor with Spirit Hall and temporarily
cooperate with this Golden Generation beauty in front of him.


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Spitting out this word, Hu Liena and Tang San were both
shocked, because Hu Liena’s voice had unexpectedly already
become somewhat hoarse.

Tang San replied,

“Crossing a river in the same boat.”

Looking at Tang San, there was clearly something in Hu

Liena’s eyes, her gaze moving, she harmonized the breath in her
body, then turned to look at their surroundings with Tang San.

They were both intelligent people, and naturally they

wouldn’t act blindly. First observing the surrounding situation
was clearly most important.

Looking carefully, the two couldn’t help drawing a cold

breath. Their circumstances were even more perilous than they
had imagined.

Everything in their surroundings appeared a faint blood red.

Outside of the five meter diameter platform below their feet,
was unexpectedly a bottomless abyss.

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Apart from this, a less than half a chi wide, capable of
supporting only two feet side by side, slender little road led into
the unknown darkness, and this was also the one and only path
leading away from the platform they stood on.

Looking face to face, Tang San and Hu Liena both couldn’t

help puckering their eyebrows.

A light flashed in Hu Liena’s mind,

“I don’t know what’s below.”

Tang San’s heart twitched. Regarding the dangerous situation

in front of, he inwardly wasn’t actually particularly worried.
Even though the little path in front was completely suspended
in midair, relying on Blue Silver Grass, Flying God Claw, as well
as Eight Spider Lances, he could easily guarantee that he
wouldn’t fall. Of course, that was under the premise that this
little road didn’t fracture. But Hu Liena’s meaning was clearly
to look for another way.

“I’ll take a look.”

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Tang San crawled on the ground. He had no choice but to
protect Hu Liena. Only sticking his head out over the edge of the
platform, he looked down.

Below was pitch black and hazy, but that posed no problem
for Tang San. Deep blue light spitting out of his eyes, the
distance instantly pulled close.

Turning over and leaping up, Tang San’s expression seemed

somewhat monstrous.

“How is it? Can you see it?”

Hu Liena calmly asked.

Tang San nodded,

“There’s blood down there. You might call it a blood

reservoir. If I don’t guess wrong, that blood reservoir below
should be the stored blood of all the people killed through all
the years of Slaughter City. That is, what they call Bloody Mary
and the offering for this Hell Road.”

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Hu Liena appeared contemplative, and after a long time, said:

“By simpler analysis, this hell Road isn’t just the way out of
Slaughter City, but at the same time it should also be the heart
of Slaughter City.”

Just as she said this, she clearly discovered Tang San’s eyes
brightening across from her, and the two people said in
practically the same mouth:

“Or perhaps it might be called the source of that mysterious

Slaughter City domain’s energy.”

Discovering the other side said exactly the same thing as her,
Hu Liena blushed, turning her head. Tang San appeared
somewhat embarrassed. At the same time he couldn’t help
being secretly startled. This Hu Liena really was astute, worthy
of being the Supreme Pontiff’s direct disciple. Hu Liena’s
display also made him feel happy that he chose to cooperate.
Having such an astute partner was clearly a good thing in terms
of breaking through the Hell Road.

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Hu Liena naturally didn’t know what Tang San thought, and
continued her analysis.

“Tang Yin, haven’t you noticed that blood is what’s most

important in Slaughter City? What’s called Bloody Mary seems
to appear here. Just like you said, there’s slow poison in the
blood here, but it can cause a certain stimulating effect. There
are very many ways to control people, why does Slaughter
City’s ruler always use blood? Just to give people a more
mysterious impression? I think not, there’s definitely some
secret to this.”

Tang San nodded, saying:

“My way of thinking is the same as yours. Even though we

don’t know the true secret of this blood within Slaughter City
now, we can be sure that if the source of the blood was lost, it
would be an enormous blow to Slaughter City. Even so much
that it might be devastating. I believe this kind of place should
already have been extinguished long ago, but your Spirit Hall
unfortunately takes a laissez faire attitude, don’t tell me it’s
really in order to take in some criminals?”

Hu Liena’s expression changed, indifferently saying:

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“These matters aren’t under my control. I know your Clear
Sky School has a very high opinion of our Spirit Hall, but right
now we should still first settle the problem in front of us.”

Nodding softly, Tang San looked at the distant darkness,

“This narrow road should be the so called Hell Road. I don’t

know how long it is, but I can be sure that the Hell Road
wouldn’t be so simple as just walking away. There’s a very large
blood reservoir below, and it’s very possible there are some
ferocious beasts or toxins within it. Going below wouldn’t be
desirable. Our best way from here is still up top.”

Hu Liena nodded, saying:

“The medicine you gave me last time was very effective. Don’t
you have any medicaments that can prevent toxins? Climbing
down below there we can at least have a sense of ground under
our feet. This narrow road gives me a sense of danger.”

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“The world has poisons in all sorts of fantastic varieties, there

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are no medicines that can resist all poison. I feel the same as
you, this Hell Road really is dangerous. But, the feeling I get
from down below is even more dangerous. I think it would still
be better to unify our thoughts before starting out.”

Hu Liena didn’t hesitate a moment to say:

“I’ll listen to you. I only want to raise one proposal. Since we

don’t have any method to defy poison, walking above is clearly
our only choice. This is perhaps also the only choice accorded
anyone who passed this Hell Road before. Unfortunately, we
don’t have any information relating to this. Before coming, that
Deathgod I know told me something. There are situations of all
sorts in the Hell Road. Our experience would certainly be a bit
different from hers. Rather than telling us the concrete
situation inside, we’re better off having to do things slowly.
Like this we will instead be even more cautious.”

Tang San inwardly thought that perhaps this was also the
reason his father didn’t tell him everything about the Hell Road.
The road was always one’s own to walk.

Right now, the quality of the pair’s solid willpower was

revealed. To an ordinary person, coming to a strange place
brimming with terror, all would be eager to leave at once. But

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Tang San and Hu Liena didn’t do so. The two sat down on the
platform, calming their hearts and breath, harmonizing their
breath. They didn’t know what crisis they were about to
confront, so maintaining their peak condition was their best
choice right now.

The pair spent a full two hours in cultivation. Within this Hell
Road, their spirit power was still suppressed as if by an
indescribable force, and they could only rely on the same self
defense methods as in Slaughter City.

Opening their eyes with practically no difference in who was

first or last, they stood at the same time. Hu Liena undid her
belt, swiftly shedding her outer clothing, exposing the
underwear inside.

Her undergarments were pink, the upper part a small pink

sleeveless top, only the most important places covered. Below
she had a just thigh length pair of pink hot pants.

Shedding her outer clothing like this revealed the secret of her
body. Ordinarily entirely wrapped up in black clothing, Hu
Liena’s body was hidden very well. Besides her tall stature,
nothing else would be seen. But at this moment, her secrets
were completely revealed in front of Tang San.

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Hu Liena was about the same height as Xiao Wu, her fair skin
set off by the dark surroundings, even more adding some
charm. Her skin was so glossy and exquisite it even somewhat
reflected the light. Two slender and perfectly straight thighs
braced, revealing a gentle curve.

Her slender waist was bare, forming an astonishing arc with

her plump butt, on her upper body the moderately sized bust
under the cloth exposing a two small protrusions. No flaw could
be found on her body.

Hu Liena’s motions when removing her clothes seemed very

natural, throwing her clothes to the ground, afterwards
combing together her long hair, her whole body seemed taut
and nimble. Afterwards she began to tear up her discarded

Looking at Hu Liena, a warm flow couldn’t be stopped in Tang

San’s lower abdomen. Hu Liena’s spirit was a Bewitching Fox,
in itself extremely good at charm. And even though she didn’t
fully use her abilities on Tang San right now, that perfect
delicate body of hers was the best medium for charm. Despite
Tang San knowing why she did what she did, for a moment, he
was still somewhat dumbfounded. After all, this was the first
time since he was born that he saw a young woman’s body like

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Hu Liena might appear very natural on the surface, but in her

heart she was actually still desperately nervous. Even though
she was widely known for her charm abilities, she was in fact
extremely pure. The Golden Generation’s Yan had already
pursued her for a very long time, but she didn’t even agree to
touch Yan’s hand. If the one she was cooperating with wasn’t
Tang San, but was exchanged for someone else, she wouldn’t
agree to let her body be seen like this even if she died.

“What are you still distracted by, still not taking of your

Hu Liena said at Tang San. She kept her tone as calm as

possible, covering up the embarrassment in her heart.

Tang San shook his head, saying:

“No need, one set of clothes is enough, the distance between

us can’t be too far.”

Hu Liena glared angrily at him, in her heart thinking, ‘If there

4698 Goldenagato |

was enough clothes, why didn’t you take them off?’ Only, in her
heart she was still very comfortable; astute people being
together could save on a lot of needless exchanges. She
undressed on her side, and Tang San understood her intention.

Just what is called, ‘do not fear a god-like opponent, fear a

pig-like teammate.’ Clearly, through a short time of contact,
both sides had ascertained that the other party was no pig. As
for the gods or ghosts they may meet in the Hell Road, they
could only walk and see step by step.

Tang San naturally saw the meaning in Hu Liena’s expression,

and shrugged helplessly,

“You’re the one who moved too fast.”

Looking down at the clothing already torn to strips under her

hands, Hu Liena had a feeling of not knowing whether to laugh
or to cry. It seemed that her covering up was still insufficient.
Having stripped too fast, now there wasn’t enough time to
regret it.

Even though she thought this in her heart, the movements of

her hands didn’t stop, swiftly tearing the clothes apart and

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weaving them together. In a moment of work, a braided seven
meter long rope was completed.

That Tang San didn’t undress in this way didn’t mean his
mind was any slower than Hu Liena’s, but rather that he
subconsciously overlooked this method because he had Blue
SIlver Grass. But of course he couldn’t easily pull out Blue Silver
Grass in front of Hu Liena. Simultaneously possessing the Clear
Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass, with Hu Liena’s
intelligence, how couldn’t that raise questions?

“For you, are you walking in front or behind?”

Hu Liena handed over one end of the cord to Tang San.

Forging ahead on such a narrow road would clearly become a lot
safer with two people tied together. This was also why Hu Liena

Tang San didn’t hesitate to say:

“I’ll go in front.”

He practically didn’t give these words any thought. In terms

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of safety, behind was clearly a bit safer than in front. But Tang
San was helpless, letting him follow behind and constantly
seeing Hu Liena’s criminal mistake inducing seductive figure,
perhaps it would be all over even without the need to walk the
Hell Road. He didn’t want to have any entanglements between
him and Hu Liena.

Hu Liena seemed to understand Tang San’s way of thinking

and smiled sweetly. She had complete confidence in her charm.
As a result of her spirit’s characteristics, she had received
special seduction training since childhood. Hu Liena thought
that while there might be girls more beautiful than her, it was
impossible for there to be any girl more attractive than her.

The two each tied an end of the cord around their waists.
Tang San turned his head to glance at Hu Liena, just in time to
see her adjust her bust. With her innate charm, even such a tiny
movement made Tang San’s head heat up. Hastily turning
around and moderating his spiritual force, he eliminated any
distracting thoughts in his heart,

“Let’s go.”

Seeing Tang San hastily turn his head, Hu Liena couldn’t help
snickering, thinking, ‘It seems you’re not really a rock!’

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However, she very quickly restrained her intentions of provoke
Tang San’s heart. Gaze turning cold, her mind completely
focused, she followed behind Tang San towards that only half a
chi wide narrow road.

“Don’t look down.”

Tang San warned Hu Liena. His pace wasn’t fast, but rather
the distance covered with each step forward was very regular.
The two were both outstanding talents of the young generation
of Spirit Masters, neither with weak cultivation. Walking this
kind of road didn’t count as anything. Further adding their
mental qualities, as a result, they could still keep a steady pace
after entering the narrow road.

Hu Liena followed behind Tang San, the two separated by

about three to four meters distance. Inwardly she couldn’t help
being even a bit more admiring of this man. The even steps and
pace was no doubt in order to make it easier for Hu Liena
behind him to grasp the tempo, maintaining this optimal

And Tang San also couldn’t help inwardly sighing in praise

over Hu Liena’s intelligence. Because when he walked forward,
whenever he took a step with his left foot, Hu Liena would

4702 Goldenagato |

inevitably take a step with her right. Like this, when Tang San’s
center of gravity was partial to his left, Hu Liena’s center of
gravity would be partial to her right. If by some chance someone
lost balance, the other person would still come to the aid by
virtue of their center of gravity. Moreover, Hu Liena always
held one hand on the end of the cord, ready to apply force at any

Even though it was their first time cooperating, the tacit

understanding both sides imperceptibly formed made them
loose a breath. The pair’s spiritual force began to spread.
Neither dared release it too excessively, only within a fifty
meter diameter range with themselves as the center. Even the
movement of a wind blown blade of grass couldn’t be concealed
from them.

Tang San walked forward, squinting slightly, Purple Demon

Eye attentively watching in front. The distant darkness wasn’t
any major problem to him, but despite having Purple Demon
Eye, under this kind of light he could still only see a kilometer
or so. Moreover, his vision also became vague in the distance.
His hands hung naturally at his waist, caressing the Twenty
Four Moonlit Bridges. Right now, he and Hu Liena were a pair
of grasshoppers tied together with string. If they encountered a
situation, they couldn’t move too widely or they would hamper
each other, causing a devastating catastrophe.

4703 Goldenagato |

Maintaining such an even pace, the two slowly disappeared
into the dark red. The platform behind them could already no
longer be seen.

Tang San didn’t walk quickly, because as the person in front,

the things he had to keep attention on far exceeded that of Hu
Liena. Moreover, he also kept a certain alertness toward Hu
Liena behind him. In their current situation, he understood that
it wasn’t just him having hidden cards, Hu Liena certainly also
did. Only, he didn’t know what cards she held. The longer they
walked on this Hell Road, the greater the pressure on Tang San
became, because he didn’t know whether Hu Liena would try to
act against him when they left this place. After all, one more
person with the Deathgod Domain would certainly be a very
great threat in the future. Even if Hu Liena didn’t know he was
Tang San, the identity inferred by the Clear Sky Hammer was
still enough to let her determine that there was no friendly
relationship between them.

As they walked forward, Tang San’s steps suddenly halted,

and Hu Liena behind him halted at practically the same
moment, without taking one more step, showing just how
focused her mind was right now.

“What is it?”

4704 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena asked in a low voice.

Tang San said:

“We’ve already walked three hundred sixty four steps,

haven’t you noticed that the air has started getting hotter?
Moreover, it seems it’s no longer quiet here, there are sounds
around us. Even though it’s very faint, and still distant, their
target should be us. Be careful.”

Listening to Tang San, Hu Liena couldn’t help being secretly

shocked. Even though she knew that Tang San wasn’t weak, she
hadn’t expected his spiritual force to actually be so formidable.
Right now she still hadn’t noticed the sounds Tang San spoke
of, while she did somewhat sense the temperature rising. This
proved that Tang San’s spiritual force was above hers.

Looking at the youth in front who clearly wasn’t any older

than her, Hu Liena silently nodded, flicking both her wrists, a
dagger appearing in each.

Tang San didn’t summon the Clear Sky Hammer, but Hu

Liena faintly saw something in Tang San’s hands, flashing with
faint light in the dark red around them.

4705 Goldenagato |

Gradually, those minute sounds also appeared in Hu Liena’s
spiritual boundary. The sounds weren’t loud, but their
frequency was extraordinarily high. Just as Tang San said, these
tiny noises were approaching in their direction.

Suddenly, Tang San somewhat impatiently said:

“I know why it would feel hotter. The blood reservoir down

there is closer to us.”

“Ah? How is that possible? We haven’t walked down any


Hu Liena somewhat shocked looked down the abyss to either

side. She still didn’t see anything, as far as the eye could see,
vertigo and dizziness attacked her. She swiftly composed herself
to stand properly, not daring to look again.

Tang San lowered his voice:

“Previously the blood pool below us was a kilometer off or so,

4706 Goldenagato |

but right now this distance should have already closed to about
nine hundred meters. That’s why I would feel the temperature
rising. It seems that it might not be blood in that reservoir, but
also possibly magma. If the temperature continues to rise as we
go forward, then I’m sure that by the end of the road we’ll be
submerged in magma. That’s also the truly difficult test of the
Hell Road.”

Listening to Tang San, Hu Liena couldn’t keep her heart from

shivering. A simple inward analysis also led her to the same

Tang San said in a low voice:

“Let’s ignore that for now, no matter what, we still have to

deal with the crisis before us first. It’s here.”

A droning sound grew louder and louder, and with Purple

Demon Eye, Tang San could vaguely see some red shadows
swiftly approaching. Very soon he understood why the
frequency of that sound was so high to his spiritual senses.
Because, these swiftly approaching creatures weren’t one or
two, but a flock. A flock of at least a thousand.

4707 Goldenagato |

As they came closer, those flying creatures could finally be
seen clearly. That was one blood red bat after another, just like
small scale prints of that blood colored design on the ground of
the Hell Slaughter Arena before. The length of each blood bat
was one chi or so, but their enormous wings spanned more than
a meter.

One or two of these blood bats were of course no problem, but

when more than a thousand appeared all of a sudden, they were
like a red cloud, swiftly flying towards Tang San and Hu Liena.

Right now, Hu Liena’s face had become very unsightly.

Putting away the daggers in her hands by her chest, she asked in
a low voice:

“What now?”

Tang San calmly said:

“Counter soldiers with weapons, counter water with earth

weirs. We’ll fight back to back.”


4708 Goldenagato |

In such a situation, nobody would choose to run. Hu Liena
swiftly turned around and arrived behind Tang San, her body
leaning directly against Tang San’s back. Her outstanding pert
butt stuck just below Tang San’s, and the suddenly appearing
flexibility almost made Tang San’s rigorous will crack.

Clearly feeling Tang San’s slight dodging motion, Hu Liena

also couldn’t help being shocked, slightly opening a bit of
distance, not letting her and Tang San stick as close as before.
No matter how outstanding she was, she was still a woman. In
such an unknown frightening situation, in her heart
involuntarily appeared a feeling of relying on Tang San.

Tang Yin - (唐银) “Tang Silver”, same silver as in Blue Silver

Grass and Ah Yin. I seem to recall reading Tang San introducing
himself with this name in my original read through, but it’s
nowhere in the RAW now.

4709 Goldenagato |

Chapter 139 - Dark Golden Three-Headed Bat

Those blood red bats flew very quickly, and in a moment they
had already gotten close. Their eyes were blood red, and having
discovered their target, they made gaagaa noises, exposing
sharp teeth. More than a thousand blood bats beating their
wings produced a stinking wind, immediately bringing Tang
San and Hu Liena swaying.

Tang San moved very quickly, swiftly untying the cord at his
waist, he turned his hand over and stretched around Hu Liena’s
waist, winding the cord around her again, then swiftly tying it
to his own waist. Like this, the two would be unable to separate
even if they wanted to, formly bunching them together.

Their butts were pasted together, but at this time none of the
two had any unrelated thoughts. Confronting the blood bats
coming closer and closer, their minds were completely focused.

Hu Liena didn’t have any dissatisfaction with Tang San’s

actions. She knew that Tang San was doing this to use their
combined weight to resist the force of the wind. Two people tied
together was better than one alone.

4710 Goldenagato |

Moreover, immediately after she felt Tang San behind her
stand as firm as a mountain, without swaying the slightest.
Because she was already stuck to Tang San’s back, she
automatically stood firm as well, and could focus her mind.

The Clear Sky Hammer appeared in the grasp of Tang San’s

left hand. With the five hundred jin weight of the Clear Sky
Hammer, plus the combined weight and spirit power control of
two people, even though the wind was strong, it was still unable
to move them a fraction.

With Tang San having settled the troubles in the rear, Hu

Liena’s mind rose greatly, the killing intent stored within her
abruptly releasing, the flicker of ice cold light reflected in the
daggers. Drawing a deep breath, her eyes gradually grew pink.
Even though spirit abilities were suppressed, that didn’t
influence her ability to release her spirit.

Those blood bats in the air seemed intelligent, and didn’t rush
to launch any attacks on the two, but rather spiralled in circles
in the air, surrounding the pair. Right now was the moment
when blood bats prepared to attack from every direction around
Tang San and Hu Liena.

4711 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s fingers twirled, and a cold light nimbly shot out,
flying straight at the closest blood bat.

Who could have expected that the blood bat would actually
shift slightly in midair, actually dodging Tang San’s flying

Tang San’s heart shivered. Hu Liena already said in a low


“Bats aren’t like other birds, they have a kind of keen ability
that lets them easily grasp enemies’ attacks, that’s a special
ability that not even spiritual force can influence. Unless the
speed surpasses the limits of their reaction, it’s very difficult to
injure them.”

Tang San nodded, he also knew about this,

“That’s the issue I want to settle. When the battle starts, you
just look after yourself.”


4712 Goldenagato |

It wasn’t the time to discuss, but Hu Liena’s mind didn’t relax
at all after immediately agreeing. If not for Tang San being at
her side, right now she would perhaps already have had to
endure immense mental pressure. In a place like this, with
nothing underfoot, there was basically no space to display
agility. Confronting so many blood bats was in itself a certain
death situation.

Moreover, judging by the reaction speed with which the blood

bat dodged Tang San’s attack just now, these bats should be
different from normal bats. They were outstanding in both
speed and attack, and might even be venomous.

Perhaps it was because Tang San’s flying needle had evoked

their anger, but the next moment, the closest several dozen
blood bats abruptly charged at them.

At this moment, Hu Liena suddenly felt a refreshing burst

behind her, a familiar feeling rising involuntarily. Immediately
afterward, she saw a pale blue light swiftly appear behind her.
Quickly spreading open, it had already extended in a fifty meter
range around them in the blink of an eye.

And those several dozen blood bats that had just now thrown

4713 Goldenagato |

themselves at them, had their originally forceful forward
motion immediately become chaotic, even to the extent that
several blood bats knocked collided with each other.

What was going on? Before Hu Liena could react, several

dozen cold lights flew from Tang San’s hands. One cold light for
each bat, not a single wasted flying needle. The flying needles
shot into the eyes of the blood bats and entered the brain.

Along with a series of miserable shrieks, those leading several

dozen blood bats immediately fell towards the abyss like falling

After a brief shock, one word floated into Hu Liena’s heart,

and she practically blurted it out,


Yes. The special ability of the blood bats wasn’t something

spiritual force could interfere with (ultrasound scan). However,
there was still one kind of ability that they feared the most.
That was Domain.

4714 Goldenagato |

Within a Domain, their special abilities would be affected, and
moreover under such circumstances, Tang San could easily hit
and kill them with common flying needles.

Hu Liena trembled slightly, her pert butt unavoidably rubbing

against Tang San.

“Don’t move.”

Tang San’s low voice echoed, making Hu Liena swiftly control

her body. She knew this wasn’t the time to ask, but even with
her intelligence, for a moment she was unable to understand
what ability Tang San used before.

Domain, how come he had it?

Let alone that it was impossible for him to be a Title Douluo, it

was even more impossible to release a ninth spirit ring domain
type ability. In this place, there was no way to spread any spirit

That only left one explanation, it was an Innate Domain. He

actually had an Innate Domain?

4715 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena suddenly recalled that it wasn’t the first time she felt
that cool refreshing feeling. Before they entered the Hell Road,
when her killing intent almost went out of control, Tang San
also used this ability to help her come to her senses.

In that refreshing current, brimming with vigorous vitality,

within this wicked and ice cold world, it was like a spring of life,
nourishing her.

The fear in her heart gradually waned. Tang San constantly

controlled that pale blue light to within a fifty meter range with
him as center without spreading. The blood bats also launched
two probing attacks, but they all suffered the same result
without exception.

If they entered that pale blue world, their special abilities

immediately lost effect.

Even controlling their flight became difficult, to say nothing

of the attacks the two launched. In front of Tang San’s flying
needles, not a single blood bat could approach within ten meters
of them.

4716 Goldenagato |

On the surface it might seem that Tang San was very relaxed
right now, but in fact, he also endured enormous pressure. Even
though things like hidden weapons were good, they had one
major flaw, attack range. Even the most formidable hidden
weapons grandmaster had a limited attack range without
relying on mechanisms. For the current Tang San, the greatest
attack range of his flying needles was only twenty meters.

Beyond twenty meters, it was very difficult to achieve enough

killing power. The flying needles themselves were too light, and
it was also impossible for to infuse them with his entire spirit

He had to draw the blood bats into his attack range to launch
an attack, then he could gain the greatest result.

As for hidden weapons with greater volume and greater attack

range, Tang San wasn’t particularly willing to use them. He
basically hadn’t had anywhere to replenish his hidden weapons
in Slaughter City, and even the greatest amounts of hidden
weapons would be depleted over time.

Even though Tang San had already saved on his hidden

weapons as much as possible while in Slaughter City, some were
still damaged, and in many cases he was also unable to recover

4717 Goldenagato |

them, especially the smaller needle type hidden weapons.

Therefore, he had to save on his hidden weapons as far as

possible on this Hell Road, who knew what crisis they would
still encounter later on?

Those blood bats were apparently very intelligent. After the

third probe, they no longer easily approached Tang San’s blue
domain sphere, but they also didn’t agree to just leave, still
circling around them, constantly beating their wings, blowing a
stream of destabilizing air at the two.

Tang San would prefer that they attacked them instead, this
kind of constant interference was even more difficult for the
two to face. He tried withdrawing the blue domain somewhat,
attracting the blood bats.

But those blood bats were extremely smart. As long as the blue
light existed, they wouldn’t come forward.

Even though the damage to them hadn’t been small in their

previous several attacks, there was still an enormous quantity,
and Tang San and Hu Liena knew that even a single blood bat
bite might prove fatal.

4718 Goldenagato |

“These bats really are repulsive.”

Hu Liena said fiercely. But her main attack methods were all
for use in close range, and right now she couldn’t help Tang San
with anything.

Tang San said in a low voice:

“Don’t move, stand steady, guard your side. Since they won’t
attack, we’ll just have to continue forward.”

As he spoke Tang San bent his back slightly, lifting Hu Liena

from the ground, and started walking forward. This time, he
didn’t keep an even pace, but rather dashed forward extremely
quickly. The blue domain around him shrunk to a ten meter
range or so, as he fully accelerated on the only half chi wide

Tang San’s sudden acceleration startled those blood bats, and

the majority hastily chased after.

4719 Goldenagato |

When they came closer the more they chased, suddenly, Tang
San suddenly stopped running, turning and counterattacking,
soaring into the air as Hu Liena cried out in surprise.

The originally only ten meter range blue domain abruptly

expanded to one hundred meters, and countless cold lights shot
out along with the blue domain spreading.

With Purple Demon Eye and sound localization, each of Tang

San’s flying needles had its intended effect.

Ear piercing shrieks echoed constantly, because the at least

hundred pursuing blood bats that entered the blue domain,
under the flashing cold lights, fell like rain.

Hu Liena just felt herself soar like a cloud, and the next thing
she saw was no longer that narrow road, but a pitch black abyss
as far as the eye could see.

‘Is he insane?’ This was Hu Liena’s only thought. But just at

this moment her body jolted, Tang San once again had his feet
on the ground. The flock of blood bats had practically lost a
tenth of their number. Tang San expressionlessly withdrew the
blue domain, and this time, he didn’t even leave a bit of it

4720 Goldenagato |

behind, still swiftly rushing onward.

The blood bats had clearly been disturbed by what Tang San
did just now. Even though they still didn’t give up, once they
caught up, they did their best to keep a certain distance to Tang
San and Hu Liena, not daring to come closer. Thus, the two had
clearly become a bit safer.

“Tang Yin, stop a moment. Let me carry you instead. Like that
you can deal with those bats better. We’ll take turns to reduce
our exhaustion as much as possible.”

Even though Hu Liena was comfortable on Tang San’s back,

she knew that with the blood bats keeping up behind them,
with their minds highly focused, if she let Tang San tire himself
out, the latter road would be more difficult.


Tang San also wasn’t polite to Hu Liena. Even though the

present consumption wasn’t much to him, since the two were
cooperating, they should complement each other. Right now the
enemies suited Tang San’s way of dealing with things more,
while rushing onward clearly suited Hu Liena better.

4721 Goldenagato |

Leaping up, then falling again, Hu Liena’s heart equally leapt
and fell in the process.

The two changed places. Hu Liena learned from Tang San’s

actions before and bent her back, carrying Tang San and quickly

Right now, because the blood bats didn’t dare approach, the
influence from the force of their wings naturally also grew less.
Tang San subsequently withdrew his Clear Sky Hammer.
Otherwise, Hu Liena would perhaps be unable to persevere for
too long before she collapsed with the weight of Tang San and
the Clear Sky Hammer.

Just as Tang San judged, the surrounding atmosphere began

to grow hotter and hotter. The temperature rose continuously.
Even though the blood bats behind them were a threat, the
steam constantly rising from the abyss on either side made Tang
San and Hu Liena even more on guard.


4722 Goldenagato |

A comparatively large blood bat suddenly called out.
Immediately afterward, the remaining blood bats began to issue
piercing cries. Their voices were extremely sharp, and Tang San
frowned as he listened.

And at this time, he suddenly felt Hu Liena’s steps behind him

start to slow, gradually coming to a stop.

“We might be in trouble.”

Hu Liena said in a low voice. At the same time she directly

straightened her back, letting Tang San’s feet to the ground.

Tang San quickly undid the rope around his waist and turned
to look ahead of Hu Liena. He couldn’t help drawing a cold

Just in front of them, under the narrow road, hung an

enormous creature. Hidden from the dim red light around
them, it released a dark golden light.

That creature’s body was more than four meters long, two
enormous claws latched to the narrow road. Each claw was one

4723 Goldenagato |

meter or more in diameter, sharp talons sunk into the stone.

Amidst the shrieks of numerous blood bats, that deep golden

figure slowly unfurled a pair of enormous wings, the terrifying
wingspan actually reaching ten meters. The claws released
sharply, the enormous wings beating down, and that
tremendous body flew up. It was unexpectedly an incomparably
enormous bat.

Its whole body was a deep golden color. Most frightening was
that it had three heads. All the blood bats swiftly flew through
the air, bunching together and hiding behind that enormous
dark gold three-headed bat.

Tang San muttered:

“When hitting the little brother, it seems the big brother

comes out.”

The Clear Sky Hammer reappeared, Hu Liena’s daggers

suddenly emerged. The two stood there calmly, constantly
moving their spirit power through deep breaths.

4724 Goldenagato |

The central head of the dark golden three-headed bat issued a
shriek, unfolding those frightful wings, it abruptly threw itself
towards Tang San and Hu Liena.

Even before that enormous body flew forward, an

incomparably intense imposing manner already hit them in the
face, even more frightful than the wind from all the blood red
bats before.

Tang San immediately estimated that the strength of this dark

golden three-headed bat absolutely was above that of common
ten thousand year spirit beasts.

If they could use spirit abilities, it shouldn’t be much of a

problem for the two of them to deal with it together. But right
now they couldn’t use abilities.

Confronting such an enormous, and furthermore flying,

creature, also in this kind of terrain, was clearly extremely


4725 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena swiftly spoke. She suddenly put away one of her
daggers, her empty hand grabbing the rope made from her
clothes. And Tang San also did the same motion.

The two of them both understood that when confronting such

a terrifying opponent, their teamwork had to be close to perfect
in order to come out victorious.

Blue light emerged from Tang San’s body. At this moment, he

knew he could hold nothing back. The blue light spread in a
hundred meter wide area in an instant.

With the aid of this blue domain, Hu Liena’s mind roused, her
gaze immediately turning sharp. Flinging back her head, her
black hair immediately turned fiery red, gathering at her chest.

Pink rays of light erupted from her eyes, attentively watching

the dark golden three-headed bat in the air.

Under Hu Liena’s gaze, the swiftly charging dark golden

three-headed bat’s body suddenly swayed once, its speed clearly
dropping. The next moment, it had already charged into Tang
San’s blue domain.

4726 Goldenagato |

Suffering the influence of the blue domain, the dark golden
three headed bat swaying immediately became more violent,
but it didn’t go out of control like its little brothers. Instead
shrieking once, a deep red ripple spread from its heads towards
Tang San and Hu Liena to cover them.

Hu Liena’s waist tightened, already held by Tang San’s hands.

The next moment, her whole body was thrown backward by
Tang San, and Tang San himself leapt after Hu Liena into the
air, instantly throwing out the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand
behind him, directly at the dark golden three-headed bat.

Honghong—— Two enormous explosions resounded


What Tang San and Hu Liena worried about the most

happened. Struck by that dark red ripple from the dark golden
three-headed bat, at the place where they stood before, a five
meter long section of the road was thoroughly destroyed,
countless broken rocks falling into the abyss.

Even though the two didn’t know how this narrow road was
made, after coming here they basically didn’t have any way out.
If this road in front of them was damaged too severely, then
they would forever be unable to leave this place.

4727 Goldenagato |

But at the same time as a part of the road below their feet was
destroyed, Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer also accurately struck
the large middle head of that dark golden three-headed bat.
What kind of might did the Clear Sky Hammer hold? Despite
the dark golden three-headed bat’s body being extremely
durable, in front of that terrifying destructive force, its middle
head was immediately crushed. With sad lamenting calls, it beat
its wings in retreat.

Hu Liena had her feet firmly planted on the ground, her body
swaying once before she could stand firm. Looking at the
destroyed narrow road in front of her, she couldn’t help turning

“It broke our road, what now?”

Hu Liena’s voice was low.


Making a prompt decision, Tang San first ran forward. Hu

Liena didn’t dare delay, and hastily followed him to dash

4728 Goldenagato |

forward. But at this time, Tang San was shocked to discover
that the dark golden three-headed bat had flown back to its
flock of little brothers and swallowed three of them, and that
middle head unexpectedly grew back.

Right now, Tang San and Hu Liena leapt, one after the other,
falling towards that five meter gap. Only on that side could they
continue forward, and the previous destruction would naturally
also cease to be a problem.

However, they clearly underestimated the intelligence of that

dark golden three-headed bat. Another dark red ripple was
unleashed, and this time, it was even more powerful than
before. It wasn’t attacking Tang San and Hu Liena, but rather
directly blasted the place where they were about to land.

At the critical moment, Tang San was still calm. As a control

system Spirit Master, keeping calm at any time was an essential
quality. Fiercely pulling the rope in his hand, at the price of
sending himself even faster downward, he suddenly flung Hu
Liena up into the air.

Amidst the loud explosion, at least ten meters of the narrow

road had fractured in front of the two, and Hu Liena had now
been flung three meters or so away from the edge, impossible to

4729 Goldenagato |

get any further.

At this moment, Tang San’s gaze wasn’t watching that dark

golden three-headed bat, but was rather completely fixed on Hu
Liena. Because he was waiting for Hu Liena’s choice, also to
make certain whether he could trust this temporary companion
on the next part of the Hell Road.

Right now, Hu Liena only had two choices. One was to release
the rope in her hand, drawing on the impulse from Tang San’s
throw she could then reach the opposite narrow road. The other
was naturally to go along with Tang San, and fall into the abyss.

If it was the former Hu Liena, right now she certainly

wouldn’t hesitate to choose the former. But for some reason, at
this moment, she only felt as if something was choking her
heart, and she unexpectedly didn’t release the rope in her hand.

At this moment, Hu Liena’s own strength emerged. Her

delicate body turned sharply in midair, an enormous fiery red
fox tail swinging out behind her pert butt. The long fur of the
fox tail instantly spread out, the whole tail unexpectedly
extending a full three meters, the tip of the tail becoming a
sharp point, the spear sharp tip abruptly stabbing out, firmly
thrusting into the edge of the other side of the narrow road.

4730 Goldenagato |

At the same time, Hu Liena wasn’t in any hurry to get up, but
rather pulled on the rope with her full strength, exerting herself
to throw Tang San up.

Right now was just when that dark gold three-headed bat was
complacent, the middle head had also just grown back. Just
then it saw Tang San shoot out from under the path, charging
straight at it.

Previously it had taken a major loss at Tang San’s hand. That

wasn’t due to a question of strength, but rather because of
carelessness. But not this time. The enormous wings stretched
open on either side, making its body suddenly halt in midair.
Watching the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San’s hand come
flying at it, its leftmost head suddenly issued a golden wave of
light, not to affect the opponent, but rather to affect itself.

The next moment, along with the effect of a golden mist, the
dark gold three headed bat’s enormous body unexpectedly
abruptly burst, turning into several hundred golden little bats
that scattered in all directions. Despite their flight not being
unaffected under the influence of the blue domain Tang San
released just now, the Clear Sky Hammer truly struck only a few
little bats.

4731 Goldenagato |

Splitting. Tang San’s heart shivered. He landed on the
ground, and those dark golden little bats suddenly issued sounds
that made people anxious.

Those blood bats from before immediately moved. Their

target wasn’t Tang San and Hu Liena, but rather threw
themselves at the narrow road in front of them. Each blood bat
that charged the narrow road began to use their sharp teeth to
gnaw at it.

Frighteningly, the solid rock was unexpectedly turned into

rock powder under their fierce teeth, and a fifty meter stretch of
the narrow road was swiftly being damaged under the gnawing
of several hundred blood bats.


By now having climbed up, Hu Liena cursed. Having been

forced to the edge of life and death by these bats several times,
this most outstanding young woman of the Golden Generation
was already thoroughly infuriated.

“”I’m coming.”

4732 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena moved, her speed instantly reaching the limit.
Covered up by her fiery red long hair and that enormous fox tail
behind her butt, she seemed just like a ball of flame.

Tang San discovered that Hu Liena’s current speed was even a

bit faster than what he could currently produce himself. Even
though it was without the help of spirit abilities, Hu Liena’s
speed wasn’t unlike agility attack type Spirit Masters of the
same level. But Tang San also understood that she was clearly
the same has him. Suited to be a control system Spirit Master.

Hu Liena was truly angry. Holding the fox tail behind her
high, its length unexpectedly increased again, reaching five
meters. Moreover, on the originally not particularly bulky
looking fox tail, right now each strand of fur stood erect, just
like steel needles. It seemed like a five meter long enormous
wolf fang mace.

Swiftly dashing to where the narrow road was being gnawed,

Hu Liena’s body seemed to flicker like an illusion. The fox tail
behind her swept out, and that fox tail unexpectedly also
produced force that shocked even Tang San. Where it passed,
blood bat after blood bat was struck away in all directions, and
each and every blood bat that was struck was shattered like a

4733 Goldenagato |

rag doll, exploding in midair.

Hu Liena barely paused, swinging her terrifying large tail all

over like sweeping dust with a broom. Blood bat after blood bat
were constantly swept away. Even though they gnawed quickly,
Hu Liena swept even faster. In just a few eyeblinks, that fiery
red silhouette had swept past, smashing at least a hundred
blood bats to death.

Spirit bone. Tang San could be certain. That was the force of a
spirit bone. However, he hadn’t thought that there would be
one among the six orthodox spirit bones that could change a tail
into this kind of offensive weapon. Even if Hu Liena’s own spirit
was a Bewitching Fox, it was still impossible for the spirit to
have this kind of might. In terms of offense, right now that five
meter long enormous fox tail of hers could only be described as

Let alone the blood bats, even if the little golden bats the dark
golden three-headed bat were lashed by her right now, they
would also be blown off several dozen meters. Even though
their bodies were a lot more durable and likely wouldn’t be
smashed, they would still be struck into confusion, basically
unable to approach Hu Liena.

4734 Goldenagato |

With screeching sounds, the remaining gnawing blood bats
swiftly flew up, not daring to continue their work. But despite
this, in this one brief time, Hu Liena had already lashed to death
twice as many blood bats as Tang San killed with his hidden
weapons before.

Intense killing intent filled the air from Hu Liena’s body.

Seeing that the blood bats were no threat, she stood there,
drawing deep mouthfuls of breath. Clearly, this slaughter just
now had also exhausted her quite a bit.

Tang San swiftly approached to several meters behind Hu

Liena. The remaining distance was the perfect space to let Hu
Liena’s fox tail exhibit its maximum attack power.

With a peng sound, golden mist rushed out, and the golden
little bats once again fused into one, once again becoming the
dark golden three-headed bat. No, it should be better known as
the dark golden three-headed bat king.

Three heads, six little eyes fixed on Tang San and Hu Liena.
Clearly, it was also furious. Seeing so many of its little brothers
injured and dead, strange shriek after shriek issued
simultaneously from all three heads of the dark golden three-
headed bat king.

4735 Goldenagato |

Hu Liena’s expression changed, saying in a low voice:

“It should be about to use some powerful ability.”

Right now, the dark golden three-headed bat king was still
some fifty meters from them, just where Tang San’s ordinary
hidden weapons were unable to reach, and Hu Liena was also
unable to display her attack power.

Tang San frowned:

“This fellow can regenerate. If I guess correctly, the ability it’s

using right now should be giving it a boost. If we let it complete
its amplification, we’ll be in trouble. I just can’t find its vitals.”

Hu Liena said:

“Its vitals should still be those three heads. Even though they
can regenerate, I don’t believe they can still grow back when
after all three are smashed. Without a head, what will it use to
swallow its little brothers?”

4736 Goldenagato |

Tang San’s eyes brightened,

“That’s it. Unfortunately it’s a bit too far. I can just barely

While speaking, he swiftly pulled out the Godly Zhuge

Crossbow box from Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges and wound
the mechanism.

Hu Liena looked doubtfully at Tang San, not knowing what he

was doing.

Tang San’s gaze began to turn sharp, saying to Hu Liena:

“Tie the rope to my feet, and the other end to your tail.
Afterwards, throw me. Get me as close to it as possible. The
closer the distance, the better the chance I can destroy it.”

Hu Liena said astonished:

“You have a way?”

4737 Goldenagato |

Even though her mouth issued a question, she was already
doing as Tang San asked.

Tang San nodded,

“I’ll try. It should work.”

The dark golden three-headed bat king’s voice was already

becoming more and more resounding, and the light on its body
also became more and more dazzling. Tang San exploded with a

“Do it.”

Hu Liena’s fox tail fiercely twisted around Tang San’s waist,

and again forcefully threw him out.

Only when truly experiencing it did he know how powerful

Hu Liena’s tail was. The five meter long tail, and the seven
meter long rope, besides the length to tie them together, there
still remained more than ten meters.

4738 Goldenagato |

It also let Tang San close to within forty meters of the dark
golden three-headed bat king.

Hu Liena concentrated her attention to watch Tang San’s

movements. From within the black box in Tang San’s right
hand, with sonorous noises, sixteen streaks of cold light shot
out, aiming directly at the dark golden three-headed bat king’s
right head. And at the same time, Tang San’s left hand also
moved, the Clear Sky Hammer slipped out, rotating in an arc of
black light, directly at that creature’s left side head.

Just when Hu Liena guessed Tang San would use some

method to attack the dark golden three-headed bat king’s
middle head, two azure rays of light abruptly shot out from
Tang San’s eyes. The last to fire arrived first, directly blasting
that dark golden three headed bat king’s central head.

Tang San had already thought it over before acting. The

reason why the dark golden three headed bat king had pulled
open the distance to start its incantation was clearly because it’s
body wouldn’t have an ideal defense in the process. Otherwise
he wouldn’t easily have taken the risk.

4739 Goldenagato |

At the same time, choosing this method was also Tang San’s
second test for Hu Liena. In the previous trial, Hu Liena had
relied on her bizarre fox tail to pull the two of them out of
trouble, and Tang San hadn’t seen her true intentions.

But this time was different. Being thrown out by Hu Liena

with the other end of the rope tied to Hu Liena’s fox tail, was
equivalent to Tang San handing over his safety to her.

If Hu Liena felt she could have evil intentions without threat

after Tang San killed the dark golden three-headed bat king, she
could immediately withdraw her tail to throw Tang San into the

Hong, hong——

Without the least suspense, the bat head shot by the Purple
God Light and the bat head struck by the Clear Sky Hammer
ruptured one after the other, and before the dark golden three-
headed bat king could scream, its final head had already been
pierced by sixteen refined iron crossbow bolts.

Making Hu Liena dumbstruck was that after Tang San’s Clear

Sky Hammer smashed a bat head to fragments, it unexpectedly

4740 Goldenagato |

turned in a circle, once again crushing the bat head pierced by
the Godly Zhuge Crossbow bolts, smashing the already turned
into a sieve bat head into powder.

This strike by the Clear Sky Hammer could be described as

absolutely brilliant. Tang San couldn’t be sure whether the dark
golden three-headed bat king’s body was resilient enough to
withstand the Godly Zhuge Crossbow’s attack, and therefore
used this miraculous technique.

Golden light instantly spread, and with a peng sound, large

quantities of golden liquid spread in all directions. Each blood
bat nearby that was splashed with that golden liquid,
immediately screeched and died.

Tang San felt his feet tighten, and his body was already pulled
into the air by Hu Liena’s enormous fox tail, settling on that
narrow road.

4741 Goldenagato |

Chapter 140 - Ten-headed Fierce Yang

The two looked face to face. Hu Liena smiled sweetly at Tang

San, and the gaze in Tang San’s eyes also became a lot more
gentle. No matter what was said, Hu liena had already passed
his test.

In the moment just now, with the threat gone, Hu Liena could
completely have abandoned him, reaping the benefits of victory
alone. But she obviously hadn’t done so.

Moreover, she had pulled Tang San back the instant he

finished his attack, clearly without any struggle in her heart.

Judging by this part, she would be perfectly safe for at least a


With the death of the dark golden three-headed bat king, the
other blood bats instantly turned into a headless dragon,
charging wildly at Tang San and Hu Liena in retaliation.

4742 Goldenagato |

However, as a leaderless army, not only had they lost morale,
but also lost the wit to organize. Even though the quantity of
these remaining blood bats was still considerable, it was still
difficult for them to produce any further threat to Tang San and
Hu Liena.

Tang San’s fingers constantly moved, each silver thread that

shot from his hand would take the life of a blood bat. Hu Liena
was even more direct, the five meter long enormous fox tail
behind her constantly whipping the approaching blood bats like
a giant racket.

The strength of that fox tail was incomparable. As each swing

struck the blood bats, those creatures would instantly turn into
a rain of blood.

Strangely, Hu Liena’s fox tail seemed to be covered with a

layer of peculiar energy, and wasn’t polluted by a trace of blood.

Each strand of fur on the big shaggy tail stood erect like a steel
needle. The killing power of this enormous wolf fang mace
super weapon against the blood bats was no less than Tang San
constantly shooting steel needles with the blue domain open.

4743 Goldenagato |

Finally, the last blood bat was first hit by Tang San’s steel
needle, then again sent flying into the distance by Hu Liena’s
fox tail. Calm returned to their surroundings.

Wiping fragrant sweat from her forehead, Hu Liena looked at

Tang San. Her face revealed a faint smile. Defeating this group
of bats clearly wasn’t the contribution of any one person, but
rather the result of both cooperating.

If not for Hu Liena’s fox tail ensuring the safety of the narrow
road, it would also have been very difficult for Tang San to deal
with the entire swarm of bats on his own. Equally, without
Tang San killing the dark golden three-headed bat king, they
would inevitably have been forced to withstand the opponent’s
most frightening attacks.

Through this brief time of cooperation, the two had both

gained an all new understanding of the counterpart, and Hu
Liena trusted this man in front of her even more.

Tang San’s reservations towards her had also lessened a bit.

Pulling up the rope and holding one end out to Hu Liena, Tang
San said:

4744 Goldenagato |

“How about we rest a bit?”

Hu Liena stretched out a hand to take the rope, swiftly tying it

around her waist. Loosing a long breath,

“That was really dangerous just now.”

While speaking, she clapped her ample chest with one hand,
arousing great waves. Right now her style of dress really was
refreshing. Tang San immediately turned his head, not daring
to look straight at her.

A laugh escaping her, Hu Liena smiled:

“I thought you were a blockhead, so you can also be enticed?”

Tang San wrinkled his brows slightly,

“Fine, if you don’t need to rest, we’ll continue.”

4745 Goldenagato |

While speaking, he leapt up, once again landing on the road in
front of Hu Liena.

The enormous tail once again turned into orange light and
quietly melted onto Hu Liena’s body, her face displaying a
difficult to suppress weariness,

“Let’s still rest a while. It’s been tiring on both of us, and we
still don’t know what we’ll face later. According to what I know,
this Hell Road has altogether three trials, one more difficult
than the other. Just now we should have broken through the
first one.”

Tang San’s heart trembled, he understood that Hu Liena was

certainly like a spent arrow.

Even though he was the main attacker just now, in fact he had
spent less spirit power than Hu Liena. He didn’t ask about that
fox tail, just like Hu Liena didn’t ask about his blue domain.

But judging by the previous situation, Hu Liena’s enormous

fox tail absolutely wasn’t as simple as just a spirit. Very likely it
was the same as his Eight Spider Lances, an effect caused by a
profound external spirit bone.

4746 Goldenagato |

No wonder the Supreme Pontiff would take her as disciple,
just this external spirit bone already put her far ahead of her
peers. In the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite
Tournament four years ago, Hu Liena clearly didn’t have this
weapon. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for his side
to take the victory. Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation really was

The two managed to sit down on the narrow road. They were
both true elites, and within a short time had entered
cultivation, quietly recovering their strength. Of course, their
minds weren’t completely submerged, both with a part of their
minds still alert for anything that could happen around them.

After two hours, the two of them opened their eyes at

practically the same time, each taking out food and drinking
water held in their magic tools for a simple meal. Then they
stood back up, continuing forward.

Advancing once again, Tang San’s speed was clearly a bit

higher. Being less on guard towards Hu Liena allowed him to
keep more of his attention on the road in front. With a
teammate like Hu Liena, there was no need to worry about the
security in the back.

4747 Goldenagato |

The air became hotter and hotter, and gradually even Hu
Liena could see deep red flowing in the abyss on either side. The
air starting to become scorching made breathing feel
uncomfortable, as if their lungs were burning.

While walking, Tang San explained his judgement,

“This Hell Road seems to be going in a spiral, not a straight

line. Otherwise, we should have left the range of Slaughter City
long ago. But the curve is very shallow, therefore it’s not easy to

Hu Liena said:

“Won’t we rest a while again, it’s too hot, I feel my strength

already starting to drain faster.”

Tang San didn’t reply, a pale blue light once again spreading
from his body, only this time the blue light only spread to
envelop him and Hu Liena.

Immediately, a burst of coolness spread through their bodies,

4748 Goldenagato |

their surroundings fresh and cool. Not only did the temperature
drop, but even that scorching impure air became clean. It
seemed to be filtered by that layer of blue light.

Hu Liena inwardly gasped in admiration, thinking to herself

that while she didn’t know what this innate domain Tang Yin
had was, even though it didn’t feel particularly powerful, its
applications were varied, superbly practical.

From interfering with that flock of bats before, to improving

the environment now, it would undoubtedly let Tang Yin
maintain his greatest fighting strength under any conditions.

Clear Sky School, it really was a place of talent.

Just as they walked, suddenly, there was a rustling sound

further ahead, making Tang San and Hu Liena halt
simultaneously. Tang San didn’t turn his head, only putting his
hand behind his back to gesture at Hu Liena.

A pair of sharp swords immediately appeared in Hu Liena’s

hands. Right now she still couldn’t see the enemy, but she
believed that with Tang San’s astonishing eyesight, he had
already seen it.

4749 Goldenagato |

Indeed, Tang San had already seen the enemy. That was a pair
of fiery red eyes. Just ahead on the narrow road crawled a deep
red creature.

He couldn’t clearly see the size of its body, but he could

discover through simple observation that it should be a snake. A
snake with its enormous body twisted around the narrow road.

Its eyes weren’t especially large, but for some reason, Tang
San immediately felt that the luster those eyes held was even
more terrifying than the dark golden three-headed bat king
from before.

Serpent? Tang San sneered, his palm brushing Twenty Four

Moonlit Bridges, a piece of realgar falling into his hand.

With a rustling sound, that dark red serpent began to slowly

slither forward. Once it got closer, Tang San made an accurate
estimate of it.

On this serpent’s head and back were altogether nine

protrusions, each bulge was like a scarlet mushroom, and there

4750 Goldenagato |

seemed to be something like blood flowing inside. This serpent’s
belly was especially enormous, swelling over the narrow road,
and its length was at least ten meters.

As they saw the serpent, the monstrous snake had clearly also
seen them. Its tongue slowly rose as it crawled on the narrow
road, and its reddish golden eyes immediately became bright
like lanterns.

Neither Tang San nor Hu Liena knew what sort of creature

this was, there was no record of it among known spirit beasts.
But the less they knew, the more they were on alert, watching
that uncanny serpent continue swaying forward, an incorporeal
pressure filled the air.

Even if the blood bats from before had brought them no small
amount of trouble with their attacks from the air, the true crisis
had still been when the blood bats had tried to cut off their road

Right now, this strange snake was blocking in front of them.

Without a doubt, it had the ability to destroy the narrow road
with absolute ease. Therefore, if the two of them wanted to
attack this serpent, they had to consider a method of attack that
wasn’t destructive to the narrow road itself.

4751 Goldenagato |

Starting at a distance of a hundred meters, the strange snake
issued guuguu sounds, just like the cries of an infant.

The nine fleshy tumors on its back also began to issue a

reddish golden radiance.


When it was still twenty meters from Tang San, the

monstrous serpent launched its attack. A line of fiery red light
abruptly belched from its mouth, bringing an intensely stinking
air as it extended towards the two humans.

Making Tang San and Hu Liena even more startled and

furious was that this flame unexpectedly stick to the ground. In
other words, it swiftly spread along the narrow road below their

If it was on level ground they could have dodged it, but in

these circumstances, that was basically impossible.

4752 Goldenagato |

The firey red light on the narrow road fluctuated violently,
even to the extent that it caused cracking sounds of burning
rock. Even more terrifying was that this firey red light still
brought a faint red mist. There was no need to ask, this red mist
inevitably contained powerful poison.

Drawing a deep breath, the Clear Sky Hammer appearing out

of nowhere, Tang San slightly squinted, his right foot swiftly
taking half a step forward, his left leg bending into a crouch, the
Clear Sky Hammer in his hand slipped from his palm, skimming
out close to the ground.

As the Clear Sky Hammer met that fiery red radiance, red
lines immediately appeared all over it. Like a street sweeper,
spinning over the fiery red light, everywhere it passed the
firelight disappeared immediately. Moreover, it struck towards
that strange serpent sticking to the narrow road with
incomparable speed.

A strange scene appeared. The strange serpent didn’t collide

rigidly with the Clear Sky Hammer. Seeing the Clear Sky
Hammer was about to reach it, that serpent’s upper body
bowed, unexpectedly falling sideways into the abyss. Just after
Clear Sky Hammer passed by where it was before, its head
twisted around the narrow road once again, and its rear body
followed the same process, unexpectedly dodging the Clear Sky

4753 Goldenagato |

Hammer’s attack like this.

Even though the firelight had disappeared, that sweetly

stinking mist already filled the air.

“What brilliance can a grain of rice hold?”

Tang San snorted disdainfully, a big leather bag already

appearing in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the leather bag
flew into the air, straight at the center of the poison mist.
Immediately afterwards, his other hand threw out the piece of
realgar he took out before. Destroyed by Tang San’s strength,
the realgar turned into a cloud of dust in midair, bombarding
the leather bag.

Immediately, alcohol sprayed out over a wide expanse, mixing

together with the smashed realgar, forming a realgar alcohol

Tang San originally used the same method to easily destroy

Poison Douluo’s granddaughter Dugu Yan’s poisonous spirit
ability. Even though this serpent in front of them was
something Dugu Yan was far from able to compare to, no matter
how you put it, it was still a snake.

4754 Goldenagato |

As long as it was snake venom, it would always be suppressed
by realgar. Even though it might not always be able to detoxify
it, when it was blocked like what Tang San did now, it was
completely possible.

Indeed, where that liquid screen fell, that red poison mist
immediately disappeared like fading mist or scattering clouds.

Even to the extent that there was still some realgar alcohol
that fell on that strange serpent.

But what shocked Tang San was that the uncanny snake
didn’t seem to react at all, seemingly uninjured. But its
enormous body still instantly accelerated, suddenly dashing at
Tang San and Hu Liena.

The Clear Sky Hammer reappeared in Tang San’s hand. He

suddenly undid the rope around his waist, changing his original
one handed grip on the Clear Sky Hammer into two hands,
saying in a low voice:

“Stand where you are and don’t move.”

4755 Goldenagato |

Finished speaking, Tang San was already swiftly dashing
forward, charging to meet that uncanny serpent. But he only
dashed three steps forward. As he took the third step, instantly,
he swung the Clear Sky Hammer gripped in both hands, half
turning, one swing already blasting out.

Strangely, this swing of his wasn’t aimed at the swiftly

approaching giant snake, but rather upwards, blasting into
empty air.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Liena, standing in place, saw a

bizarre scene.

Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer shed rich black light, and Tang
San’s body began to swiftly rotate like a gyroscope. She could
only vaguely see that each time Tang San turned, the Clear Sky
Hammer in his hands would blast out once, and the strength of
his imposing manner would multiply exponentially.

Just like an enormous black whirlpool, constantly growing.

What Hu Liena admired the most was that even while

spinning so rapidly, Tang San’s balance unexpectedly didn’t

4756 Goldenagato |

waver in the slightest, both feet always stepping on the narrow
road. How could she know that when Tang San was originally
training with the hammer, it was on top of a slippery round
rock, while constantly battered by a two hundred meter tall
waterfall. Compared to that, now staying on a narrow road for a
while was fairly easy.

How could this balance waver? Before on the round rock, each
time Tang San spun, he could step on the same point with the
same amount of force.

The monstrous snake approached quickly, but suddenly, it

repeated its skill from before. Its upper body swayed over the
narrow road once again. It seemed as if it wanted to pass by
Tang San. With the ability it used to dodge the Clear Sky
Hammer before, clearly, this was something it could do.

Apparently it could by now already sense the dreadful aura of

the Clear Sky Hammer, and wanted to attack Hu Liena first.

Daggers raised in front of her chest, Hu Liena stood with her

legs crossed, toes facing different directions, properly prepared
to meet the attack.

4757 Goldenagato |

However, what shocked her was that the strange snake
couldn’t pass by Tang San.

When its massive body swayed out from the narrow road,
trying to move past below Tang San’s feet, suddenly, a
tremendous force unexpectedly pulled its body back onto the
narrow road. The head of its more than ten meter long body
even raised even higher, flung up sharply by that current.

In fact, this strange serpent’s body was thick as a bucket, how

heavy would such an enormous body be?

Not only that, but its strength was also extremely frightful,
the pressure of its aura alone felt far more tremendous than the
dark golden three-headed bat king from before.

But even so, it unexpectedly still couldn’t do as it wished in

front of Tang San, and was moreover even blown up by that
bizarre black light.

From where did Tang San draw such strength?

Hu Liena looked with shock and uncertainty at the man not

4758 Goldenagato |

far in front of her.

She discovered that the currents that previously gathered

around Tang San had completely disappeared, and one could see
the black light growing stronger and stronger in his
surroundings. But, strangely, it didn’t give off any feelings of
spirit power fluctuations.

The monstrous serpent was clearly infuriated. It didn’t try to

move around Tang San again, its enormous body swung,
unexpectedly turning around, a three meter long section of
snake tail lashing directly at Tang San. Its goal wasn’t Tang San,
but rather the one meter of narrow road Tang San stood on. It
clearly planned to use this method to break Tang San’s balance.
However, the black light in Tang San’s hands covered an even
larger distance than it had imagined, and before that serpent
tail had even struck, it was curled up by this. This time even the
entire enormous serpent was flung up. If not for it promptly
twisting its tail around the narrow road, it might have been
thrown into the abyss.

That pair of reddish golden eyes finally displayed alarm, and

the nine reddish golden fleshy tumors on its enormous back
grew even brighter.

4759 Goldenagato |

Guuguu, guuguu, it seemed to cry in rage.

Bowing over the narrow road, the nine fleshy tumors were all
aimed in Tang San’s direction.

Suddenly, those nine fleshy tumors burst open

simultaneously, nine streams of golden red liquid suddenly
squirting out. That liquid didn’t travel straight at Tang San
through the air, but rather shot at a spot in front of Tang San,
where the nine shares of liquid merged together in midair. The
instant before it struck Tang San, it suddenly halted, and all the
liquid contracted simultaneously, forming an only fist sized
golden red little ball, which then smashed on towards Tang San.

But at this moment, the movements of the previously

constantly spinning Tang San suddenly stopped, changing from
extreme motion to extreme stillness. From movement to
stillness immediately seemed exceptionally strange. And the
instant he stopped, the Clear Sky Hammer held in his hands was
in a forward leaning pose.

A terrifying scene emerged in front of Hu Liena’s eyes. She

seemed to see a giant black dragon soar from the Clear Sky
Hammer, and immediately afterward, the black dragon
bombarded that reddish golden pearl in an instant. The

4760 Goldenagato |

originally about to strike pearl shuddered violently a moment,
as if struggling. However, its struggle only lasted for a moment,
the next instant it was blasted into the sky.

The black light gushing from the Clear Sky Hammer didn’t
stop at this point. The inclined forward black light sweeping
angle dropped somewhat, streaking forward close to the narrow

This time, that giant snake no longer had any chance to

dodge, because the length of the erupting black light already
surpassed the length of its body by far.


The black light flashed and passed. That giant serpent

suddenly halted, and the black light disappeared without a trace
into the darkness, without developing any loud sound.

Hu Liena still didn’t understand what just happened, she only

saw Tang San inhale deeply once, his whole body seeming to
relax, and he also withdrew the Clear Sky Hammer in his hands
in the first moment.

4761 Goldenagato |

Just when Hu Liena was about to ask Tang San whether he
needed a helping hand, she suddenly saw an extremely
frightening scene.

The previously erupting powerful energy seemed to have

utterly destroyed the giant serpent.

Each part of that enormous body that was on the narrow road
unexpectedly quietly disappeared, turning into motes of dust
and sliding away. And the parts of the body above, having lost
the support of the ground, broke into several pieces and
simultaneously fell into the abyss.

“You, what did you do?”

Even though Hu Liena knew she shouldn’t pry into Tang

San’s secrets, she couldn’t help it, and still asked.

Tang San didn’t turn around, only calmly said:

“Clear Sky School, Disorder Splitting Wind, nine by nine

becoming one.”

4762 Goldenagato |

Raising his head, deep blue rays of light shot out of his eyes,
looking above.

A golden red speck fell from the sky. Tang San stretched out
his right hand, and with the pull of an incorporeal attractive
force, that golden red light fell into his palm.

Astonishingly, it was the little golden red pearl previously

condensed from the liquid shot from the uncanny snake’s nine
fleshy tumors before.

“Careful, it might be poisonous.”

Hu Liena didn’t have time to digest Tang San’s words,

anxiously warning him.

Tang San shook his head,

“It’s nothing. Even if it’s poisonous, it’s no problem to me.”

He wiped that little pearl he had caught on an unremarkable

4763 Goldenagato |

jade surface on the side of the Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges,
putting it inside.

“You’re not worried it will explode?”

Hu Liena took a few steps forward, coming up behind Tang


Tang San shook his head. Perhaps it was because he was

somewhat excited, but he didn’t hide it from Hu Liena,

“This is the neidan of that monstrous serpent. Having lost the

control of its main body, it’s impossible for it to explode.”

“You recognize that snake?”

Hu Liena’s voice was filled with incredulity.

Tang San nodded silently. Indeed, this serpent wasn’t

classified as a spirit beast of this world.

4764 Goldenagato |

However, after Tang San observed it for a short time, he
discovered it was unexpectedly an extremely poisonous creature
he had read about in the ancient texts of the Tang Sect in his old

Prehistoric beast, Ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent.

Incomparably poisonous, adult length over ten meters,
possessing the most powerful fire poison of snake types, capable
of forming a neidan after ten thousand years of cultivation,
within those nine heads on its back. The emergence of the
neidan would cause heaven and earth to pale. Obtaining that
neidan, one could terrify the kings of serpents.

Thus being a lord of snakes.

What Tang San obtained was undoubtedly the neidan of the

Ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent. Even the nine by nine swings
of his Clear Sky Hammer’s Disorder Splitting Wind fused into
one was still unable to compare to the destructive force of this
neidan. However, right now Tang San really wasn’t the Tang
Sect disciple of his old world. In this world, he had still obtained
mental strength.

When that eighty first swing blasted out, Tang San had
already accurately locked on his spiritual force, striking at an

4765 Goldenagato |

angle. He didn’t truly collide with that neidan, but rather
instantly merged his spiritual force to cut off the connection
between the neidan and the Ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent.

Having released the neidan, the Ten-headed Fierce Yang

Serpent’s defensive strength dropped substantially, how could
it resist Tang San’s tyrannical Clear Sky Hammer attack? Its
body immediately turned to dust.

The benefit of the Ten-headed Fierce Yang Serpent neidan

was of course not limited to frightening the elders among
serpents, and still had numerous marvellous uses. Obtaining it,
Tang San’s current mood could already no longer be easily
described, not even using words like ‘transcendent’ would do.

Even though Hu Liena didn’t see the smile on Tang San’s face
right now, she could guess that the neidan was extremely
important to Tang San. Tang San killed the Ten-headed Fierce
Yang Serpent. That he took the neidan was also normal.

“Tang Yin.”

Hu Liena called out.

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Tang San turned slightly,

“You want it too?”

Hu Liena shook her head, saying:

“No, I only want to know the history of this snake. I also have
some knowledge of spirit beasts, but I have no recollection of
this serpent. We’re teammates, even though I didn’t help you
with anything before, at least I have some right to know.”

If it was something ordinary, Hu Liena naturally wouldn’t

raise a request that might provoke Tang San’s dislike like this,
but the bizarre death of that strange serpent, even more
bizarrely leaving behind this so-called neidan, she was unable to
inhibit her desire for knowledge.

Tang San smiled calmly, saying:

“There’s no harm in telling you. This serpent was no spirit

beast, but should have been a prehistoric beast. After its neidan
has formed, its attack power is extremely dreadful. Just now I
severed the connection between it and the neidan, exploiting

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the gap in the instant before the neidan exploded, then luckily
killed it. And the advantage of this neidan is that it can make
any snake venom ineffective, and moreover restrain all types of

Hu Liena’s heart twitched,

“This means that it will be difficult for Spirit Masters with

snake type spirit beasts to get a good result against you.”

Tang San smiled:

“You could say that.”

Right now, the alertness in his heart rose once again. What is
called ‘treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime’, who knew
whether Hu Liena would launch an attack against him because
of greed?

But Hu Liena didn’t argue over this issue, and the pair rested a
while again. Within Tang San’s blue domain, the surrounding
impure air was effectively filtered, and the two very soon
recovered their strength.

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Having passed two successive alarming challenges, their mood
became a bit more relaxed, and they advanced at an even pace.
If this Hell Road truly only had three challenges, then they only
needed to pass the final test in order to be able to leave this
wretched place.

The temperature still rose constantly, and the flowing deep

red liquid in the abyss on either side gradually became clearer.

The road seemed to always move downwards. Nobody knew

the true circumstances of Slaughter City, but Tang San vaguely
guessed that it was near the mountain behind that small town
where he and his father entered.

Perhaps Slaughter City wasn’t underground, but rather

within the mountain.

These thoughts only flashed through his mind, right now it

was even more important to them to leave as quickly as
possible. For anything else, there would be time later.

The temperature outside gradually changed into something

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the blue domain couldn’t resist. The greater effect of Tang San’s
blue domain was to filter the air, relying on the breath of life
within the range of the domain to slightly adjust the
temperature. It didn’t truly isolate them.

Consequently, as they moved forward, the scorching heat the

two endured also began to grow greater.

Even more unsuitable to them was that this air seemed to

contain a kind of particular miasma. The stifling feeling deep in
their hearts grew clearer and clearer, and their own killing
intent also grew more unrestrained.

An impatient mood gradually appeared, especially for Hu

Liena walking behind Tang San.

She didn’t have the orthodox sect mental techniques to

control her mood like Tang San did. Along with her irritation,
the killing intent in her heart grew more and more flourishing,
and the things before her eyes no longer seemed distinct, the
scorching heat around them seemingly provoking every cell in
her body.

What Tang San endured wasn’t easy either. Even though his

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circumstances were a bit better than for Hu Liena, the scorching
heat outside was like a source of temptation for the slaughter
intent within him, but unfortunately they couldn’t prevent
revealing their killing intent, otherwise they would be
completely swallowed up by the terrifyingly vicious energy
within this Hell Road.

Gradually, Tang San grew to understand.

From the moment he and Hu Liena entered the Hell Road, the
two had always been influenced by the atmosphere within this
place. Even though killing intent could obstruct this sinister
atmosphere, it couldn’t filter it out completely.

Thinking of this, Tang San understood that he and Hu liena

had miscalculated. Passing this Hell Road seemed to be not only
about possessing enough strength, but it moreover had to be
passed in as short a time as possible. The longer one stayed, the
deeper the influence of that sinister aura would be. If it
confused the heart, then perhaps one would never be able to

“Keep calm. We’ll speed up.”

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Tang San called out to Hu Liena behind him.

Right now Hu Liena could still keep a clear head, and

forcefully nodded at Tang San. The two no longer walked, but
leapt, swiftly dashing forward.

The faster the moved, the faster they approached the depths,
and the air clearly became hotter and hotter, their vision also
became fuzzier and fuzzier. Even Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye
could only see a kilometer or so in the faint red mist that filled
the surroundings.

In the abyss on either side of the narrow road, the deep red
liquid boiled. That was indeed blood, but this stinking liquid
seemed to have the temperature of magma.

“Tang Yin, I can’t go on.”

Hu Liena’s speed gradually fell, the killing intent in her heart

rushing out, intense desire to slaughter everything around her
constantly eroding her mind. She knew that if she didn’t stop,
she might attack Tang San at any time.

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Halting, Tang San turned to look at Hu Liena.

Right now, Hu Liena’s entire body had turned pink, her naked
skin somewhat fragrant from her sweat, seeming even more

Eyes closed tightly, her body trembled constantly, that layer

of white killing intent around her fluctuating irregularly.

Tang San raised a hand to press the space between Hu Liena’s

eyebrows, a blue energy flooding her mind,

“Sober up. Endure. If my guess is correct, we’re almost out.”

By now, the distance to the deep red liquid on either side of

the narrow road was only fifty meters or so, and the scorching
heat in the air already made the clothes Tang San and Hu Liena
wore emit a faint burnt smell.

Having taken the Infernal Precious Apricot, Tang San wasn’t

overly concerned about this, but Hu Liena was different. The
overwhelming majority of her spirit power was used to resist
the terrifying heat, and it became increasingly difficult to

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restrain her killing intent.

With a ceng sound, the enormous fox tail once again stood
erect from Hu Liena’s butt, and despite Tang San helping her
sober up somewhat, very soon she was submerged in the killing
intent evoked by that sinister atmosphere. She was already on
the brink of collapse.

Seeing Hu Liena’s suffering appearance, Tang San’s heart

gradually sunk. He knew that if Hu Liena lost it, the first target
of her attack would be him. With her body spurred by the
killing intent, perhaps she wouldn’t be as intelligent as before,
but her attacks would inevitably be even more terrifying under
the effect of the killing intent. Even if he could kill her, he
might still pay an enormous price. No matter what was said, the
spirit power of the woman in front of him was more powerful
than his, and she also possessed an external spirit bone, and
might even possess other spirit bones.

Shouldn’t he take advantage of this moment, and kill her

before then? Tang San hesitated. By all reason, he should indeed
do it. If this formidable teammate became an enemy, it would be
a devastating setback for him.

Neidan (内丹), internal alchemical pill in Daoism.

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Chapter 141 - Blue Silver Domain And
Deathgod Domain

However, he couldn’t keep his mind from replaying the scene

where Hu Liena without the slightest hesitation pulled him back
to the narrow road when he killed the dark golden three-headed
bat king. Even though he didn’t understand why Hu Liena
didn’t have any evil intent towards him, even to the extent that
she was extremely sincere, it was just because of this that he
couldn’t act now. Even if he did, he knew he might not be able
to truly injure the opponent.

Just at this moment, suddenly, Hu Liena raised her head,

turned her palm, and struck her own chest.

Blood spurted out with a vomiting sound. But her red eyes
became awake for a while,

“Tang Yin. I can’t do it. If it goes on like this, I’m afraid we

won’t walk out of this Hell Road. I’ll put my life in your hands.
Even though I don’t understand why I trust you, I know that
you will definitely bring me out of here. While my mind is clear,
knock me unconscious.”

4776 Goldenagato |

This was just the moment when man and Heaven were waging
war in Tang San’s heart. Suddenly seeing Hu Liena do this, he
couldn’t help being a bit ashamed. It seemed that this girl in
front of him wasn’t like he thought!

Hu Liena trembled violently, wavering in front of Tang San,

she shouted almost mournfully,

“Hurry, do it. I won’t hold out.”

He didn’t hesitate further, this was undoubtedly the best way

to settle the situation. Tang San abruptly stepped forward, one
palm cutting at Hu Liena’s neck. Hu Liena’s body softened,
slipping into his arms.

Holding Hu Liena’s delicate body, seeing the fox tail on her

butt gradually withdraw and the snow white skin exposed
under the broken small pants, Tang San didn’t have any
distracting thoughts.

He suddenly had a measure of respect towards this woman in

his arms. Respect for her courage.

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At this moment, Tang San could easily throw Hu Liena into
the abyss next to him, that would not only make the next part of
the Hell Road easier, but could furthermore strangle a future
great enemy in the cradle.

However, Tang San didn’t do it. Sighing, he pulled Hu Liena

against him, arranging her against his chest. Blue light rushed
out. With Hu Liena already unconscious, he no longer had to
hide anything, and strand after strand of sapphire like Blue
Silver Emperor quietly appeared, tying Hu Liena tightly to him.

In order to not let her influence his movements, Tang San

twisted her arms around his neck, and raised her legs to tie
them around his waist.

Without a doubt, the two were currently in extremely close

contact, and Hu Liena’s bits of cloths were practically no
different from being naked, but the current Tang San was
perfectly calm.

Everything before him, was part of his training.

He could of course abandon Hu Liena, but he knew that if he

really did so, then that would be the same as being destroyed by

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the demon in his heart. To say nothing of whether he was able
to walk away from this place under that influence, even if he
did, he might carry this crack in his heart for a lifetime.
Pursuing the summit of Spirit Masters would then be

Therefore, he had to carry her out. Even if later she turned

out to be his greatest enemy, he still had to display strength and
discipline and confront her fairly in the future. This was a
choice that a martial artist, a Spirit Master, a man couldn’t

Just as Tang San used Blue Silver Grass to tie Hu Liena into a
posture that would least affect his movements, he suddenly
understood what the final challenge of the Hell Road was.

It was still a powerful enemy, but not an external one, but

rather oneself. The demon in one’s heart.

In the tremendous sinister atmosphere, under the influence of

the red-hot nefarious blood plasma as well as his own enormous
slaughter intent, in order to persevere and leave this place, what
kind of unswerving determination and willpower would that

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Even a top quality genius like Hu Liena was unable to endure
till the end. This final trial to leave the Hell Road was the most

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn’t help inwardly sighing

over his luck.

He had all kinds of abilities that could stabilize his willpower,

among them was the most fundamental Mysterious Heaven
Skill, and the mind condensing wisdom skull bone, as well as
that miraculous blue domain.

Just as Hu Liena guessed, Tang San’s blue domain was an

innate domain of his spirit. The second awakening of his Blue
Silver Grass had exposed its true identity.

As the only Blue Silver Emperor on the Continent, its second

awakening had simultaneously assigned Tang San the imperial
prestige it possessed, that was the Blue Silver Emperor’s innate
domain, Blue Silver Domain.

Right here, the Blue Silver Domain was of course unable to

display its greatest might. Or one might say that the Blue Silver
Domain’s own effect was already suppressed to its lowest level

4780 Goldenagato |

in here. But relying on the endlessly growing atmosphere of the
domain, it could still be of some help to Tang San.

As for the surrounding scorching heat, to Tang San it was

more like a joke.

Even the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well’s infernal heat was
unable to influence him who had eaten the Infernal Precious
Apricot and Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, let alone this place.

Perhaps the extreme toxin in the blood broth could influence

Tang San, but he would never give it the chance to reach him.

In two years in Slaughter City, how could Tang San not have
researched the Bloody Mary? The blood soup here should be the
sinister blood of countless degenerates over a thousand years,
mixed with extreme toxin and concentrated. It could also be
described as the basis of Slaughter City.

Stretching his hand into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse,

a snow white immortal herb appeared in Tang San’s hand.

The immortal herb was a sparkling and translucent snow

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white, each leaf seemingly dripping with water, slender
curving, it seemed like the neck of a swan.

If one only saw it, who could guess that the property this
immortal herb possessed was actually stimulation?

Let alone eating it, just coming touching it would cause any
virus at the point of contact to multiply a hundred
thousandfold. Under a great many circumstances, this so called
‘Snow Swan Kiss’ would be even more dreadful than any
poison. Even when holding it with Mysterious Jade Hand, Tang
San seemed to be trembling with fear.

The might of this immortal herb really was too terrifying, to

the extent that not even Tang San dared use it to refine poison.
Because if Tang San was infected with just a drop of its breath in
the refining process, he would also certainly die. Who dared
guarantee that their body didn’t have a single virus?

With a light wave of his hand, the snow white Snow Swan
Kiss floated into the air and fell, plummeting towards the dark
red blood plasma below, instantly swallowed by the blood,
disappearing without a trace.

4782 Goldenagato |

The blood plasma didn’t seem to suffer any influence, but
Tang San knew that this immortal herb still brought Slaughter
City a devastating stimulation. With its medicinal effect, the
toxin within the nefarious blood plasma would multiply
without limit.

And Slaughter City treating this as its foundation, how could

it still exist?

Slaughter City, this dark, evil, terrifying world, shouldn’t


No matter who was there, it would still be better if this

darkest face of the world disappeared.

Setting off once again, Tang San swiftly rushed forward. His
body and Hu Liena in front of him rubbed against each other as
he moved, constantly causing bursts of pleasurable sensations.
But at this moment, Tang San rigidly put his thoughts in order,
constantly replaying bloody scene after scene from Slaughter
City in his mind. Only like this could he resist the lure of this
feeling on his chest that was more bewitching than his
murderous mind.

4783 Goldenagato |

The air became hotter and hotter, and tied in front of Tang
San, Hu Liena’s skin had already become rosy red. Fortunately,
this was within Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain, and further
adding her own valiant strength, her body was far more
unyielding than ordinary people.

Otherwise, just this current scorching heat would be enough

to roast her alive.

Watching the blood plasma in the abyss on either side grow

closer and closer, the corners of Tang San’s mouth displayed an
ice cold smile. ‘Slaughter City, Slaughter King, I hope you like
the gift I left behind’

Just as Tang San anticipated, along with the temperature

rising, the blood plasma rose on either side. He knew that he
wasn’t far from the exit.

After an hour, his mind constantly provoked by irritable

killing intent, Tang San finally saw the exit.

By now, his sweat had also already soaked his jacket. It wasn’t
because of the surrounding heat, but rather because of the
double influence of the slaughter intent and this dreadful

4784 Goldenagato |

extraordinary beauty in front of him.

No matter how resolute Tang San’s will was, under such

circumstances, even he was almost unable to endure. And at
this time, he finally saw the distant exit.

The exit clearly led outside, white light forming an oval screen
of light. There was the end of Tang San’s journey.

However, the exit was still a kilometer away. Tang San halted,
his brows furrowing.

Even though the exit had appeared, it really was an exit on

another shore. Right now in front of Tang San was no longer
any road, it was all a blood red sea. The blood plasma finally
reached here, unexpectedly forming a small lake, blocking his
path forward, bubbles rising in the blood. A kilometer away,
just like on the other side of an eternally uncrossable chasm.

There were no more creatures attacking, but here was the

most powerful sinister energy as well as this thousand meter
wide enormous gulf in front of him, became a practically
uncrossable moat.

4785 Goldenagato |

Holding Hu Liena in front of him, it was hard for his right
hand not to come into contact with her astonishingly flexible
pert butt.

As a result of Hu Liena previously exposing her fox tail, and

further adding the jolting on the way, the area her little
hotpants could currently conceal was really pitifully small.

Tang San’s lower body had long since unconsciously become

high spirited due to the two touching.

Under the dual stimulation, even his eyes had become blood

Slowly closing his eyes, Tang San drew a deep breath,

pacifying his mind as far as possible. Mysterious Heaven Skill
swiftly circulated within his body. Through these two years of
cultivation, even if his spirit power hadn’t advanced much, the
Conception Vessel among his eight extraordinary meridians had
already been connected, and now only the final Governing
Vessel remained.

Having opened seven meridians, the speed with which Tang

San’s inner strength operated had already reached an extremely

4786 Goldenagato |

astonishing degree. This also made his battle endurance much
more powerful than that of Spirit Masters from this world.

Faint light flickering, the light displayed on Tang San’s face

gradually grew fainter. Both hands crossing over his chest, a
faint spiritual fluctuation spread from the space between his

Finally at this moment, he could no longer hold anything


Therefore, he urged his spiritual force with all his strength, as

far as possible forcing his killing intent to display outside his
body, forming a protective screen around him, simultaneously
also allowing his brain to recover its sobriety for a while.

The effect of using the mind condensing wisdom skull bone

finally reached its peak.

Mind recovering its clarity, the first thing Tang San did was to
observe his surroundings. He didn’t let any detail or clue slip by.
Right now, on either side of the narrow road was a void so
expansive the end couldn’t be seen, more than a kilometer in
front was the exit, and above, the black cave ceiling could only

4787 Goldenagato |

be vaguely seen two hundred meters up or so.

Tang San couldn’t help sighing inwardly. This would have

been a lot easier if little Ao was here to settle this situation with
a flying mushroom sausage. Of course, this was only in his
dreams. Even if Oscar truly was here he would still have been
unable to implement it. After all, no spirit abilities could be used

Raising his right hand, a strand of Blue Silver Grass appeared,

and Tang San threw it sharply towards the sky. Even if he
couldn’t use spirit abilities, the spirit itself could still be used.

After the second awakening, his Blue Silver Grass clearly

wasn’t as before. Its changes were of course not only as simple
as color and external appearance.

Tang San’s previous Blue Silver Grass could only be thrown a

distance of fifty meters at most. But now, the sparkling and
translucent Blue Silver Grass flew more than a hundred meters.

Through his interaction with his spirit, Tang San very quickly
discovered that a hundred twenty meters was already the limit
of what his Blue Silver Grass could reach. This distance was still

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some ways from the two hundred meter tall cave ceiling. Blue
Silver Grass only reached a hundred twenty meters, he still
lacked close to one hundred meters more.

Glancing at Hu Liena at his chest, Tang San considered

whether he should wake her so the two could think of a way
together. But he very quickly disregarded this thought. By now
Hu Liena’s tender skin was the color of boiled shrimp,
incomparably red.

If by some chance she lost consciousness and launched an

attack after she woke up, what then? Then there wouldn’t even
be a chance.

Thinking of this, Tang San thoroughly dispelled his previous

line of thinking. Suddenly, as if a bright light was lit, Tang San
had a plan. Perhaps it would even work.

He swiftly removed the Flying God Claw from his left wrist.

He released two strands of Blue Silver Grass from within

himself, connecting one to the Flying God Claw, and the other
to the Flying God Claw’s controls.

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The Flying God Claw’s limit was thirty meters. If he could
release it in midair, that would be equivalent to extending the
Blue Silver Grass by thirty meters, its length reaching a hundred
fifty meters. As for the remaining seventy meters distance, he
would have to rely on his own ability.

Thinking of this, Tang San drew a slow breath, then exhaled

again. He knew that he would only have one chance. The
majority of his Mysterious Heaven Skill was used to suppress
the slaughter intent, and right now he only had one chance to
climb to the top of the cave ceiling. If this one chance failed,
then launching again it while still restraining the slaughter
intent would be practically impossible.

Harmonizing the breath within his body, Tang San’s

complexion grew serious. Drawing a deep breath once again, a
faint blue light filled the air, the comprehensive release of the
Blue Silver Domain. Only within the area of the Blue Silver
Domain did the environment’s influence fall to its lowest point.

The next moment, the long legs of the Eight Spider Lances
broke out of his back. Reaching four meters in length, the
crystalline Eight Spider Lances were dazzlingly beautiful,
without the previous vicious barbs and purple black color.
However, its attributes had still been strengthened

4790 Goldenagato |

The reason was very simple. After Tang San became the Blue
Silver Emperor after the second awakening of Blue Silver Grass,
it was not only his innate attributes that were raised, but still
the essence of Blue Silver Grass.

The fundamental essence of the spirit changing was

equivalent to each of Tang San’s original Blue Silver Grass spirit
abilities changing, to say nothing of gaining a fifth spirit ability,
breaking through the Spirit King level.

All these things mixed together, making Tang San’s strength

substantially improve overall, and Eight Spider Lances, as an
external spirit bone capable of evolution, naturally also
obtained even greater benefits and thereby evolving to their
present appearance.

The reason Tang San tied Hu Liena to his chest instead of his
back before, was in order to leave room for Eight Spider Lances.
Even the places where the Blue Silver Grass was bunched
together didn’t influence the positions of the Eight Spider
Lances on his back.

This external spirit bone had saved his life on more than one
occasion, it was his final trump card.

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Slowly laying down, the Eight Spider Lances stuck into the
ground, supporting Tang San holding Hu Liena.

Faint white light surged, and the red and blue hazy light
accumulated within the Eight Spider Lances undulated slightly.
Tang San’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, body abruptly leaning
forward, on the verge of touching the narrow road. Right now,
the slender Eight Spider Lances were all inserted in that narrow
road, even though it seemed strange, they were completely in a
state of storing power.

People could jump with two legs, but right now Tang San
possessed eight. Mysterious Heaven Skill operating with full
strength, the Eight Spider Lances’ terrifying strength erupted in
practically an instant.


The powerful Eight Spider Lances brought Tang San shooting

through the air, the astonishing leap making Tang San clearly
feel the surrounding scenery swiftly sweep past him.

4792 Goldenagato |

Watching that narrow road below become smaller and
smaller, and his upward speed gradually falling, he knew that
he was about to reach the apex of the Eight Spider Lances leap.

Right now, while forcefully operating Mysterious Heaven

Skill, Tang San’s back was to the ceiling of the cave, and he also
didn’t know how high this leap was, but he had to act to be able
to make his leap reach even higher, to get as close as possible to
the top as possible.

Two deep blue lights shot out of Tang San’s eyes, and with a
flash of light, a heavy explosion struck the ground beneath him.
This one attack was made with Tang San’s full spiritual force,
without holding anything back.

Even if the force of the Purple God Light couldn’t reach its
greatest degree because of his consumption from before, that
attack power was still frightening.

Amidst the loud explosion, the narrow road below

disappeared almost completely. The terrifying Purple God Light
actually struck that blood plasma and formed a blood red
whirlpool. And Tang San took advantage of the counterforce of
this attack to gain another twenty meters or so of altitude.

4793 Goldenagato |

It was time. Turning in the air, Tang San threw out the Blue
Silver Grass twisted around the Flying God Claw

The moment he turned around, Tang San’s nervous mood

relaxed. Because he clearly saw that his distance from the roof
of the cave was less than a hundred meters. In other words,
Eight Spider Lances previous leap had unexpectedly pushed him
a hundred meters high.

Without any suspense, the Blue Silver Grass already

approached the roof of the cave in the blink of an eye. With a
sonorous sound, Tang San used the other twisting Blue Silver
Grass to operate the Flying God Claw’s mechanism. The sharp
and piercing Flying God Claw penetrated the rock at the top of
the cave, suspending Tang San and Hu Liena in the air.

Basically without need to use strength, Tang San swiftly

controlled the Blue Silver Grass to withdraw, pulling him closer
to the ceiling.

After he gripped the Flying God Claw, and again withdrew its
mechanism, he was pulled up to the pitch black rock of the

4794 Goldenagato |

The Eight Spider Lances took over responsibility, the spear
sharp lance points thrusting into the rock like tofu, suspending
Tang San and Hu Liena. Once the Eight Spider Lances thrust
into the rock, Tang San’s heart finally relaxed. With the control
of the Eight Spider Lances, he knew he was finally safe.

Delaying in this place was no doubt inviting trouble.

Transferring the Mysterious Heaven Skill inner strength within
him, resisting the pain from substantially overusing his
spiritual force, Tang San controlled the Eight Spider Lances to
swiftly crawl towards the exit, hanging upside down from the

The roof of the cave was pitted and uneven, but that was no
threat to the Eight Spider Lances. Hanging upside down from
the ceiling, Tang San easily crossed the thousand meter distance
as if walking on level ground, finally reaching the end.

Climbing down, the exit was before him.

Tang San suddenly discovered that the killing intent around

him seemed to be pulled by a particular force.

Turning around and giving a final glance to the Hell Road he

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had just walked, Tang San knew that these two years of
sharpening in Slaughter City was an experience he would never
forget in a lifetime. But he even more didn’t want anyone else to
come experience this terrifying world in the future.

Perish, this was the wish he left for Slaughter City.

With a sou sound, Tang San finally fled into that white
curtain of light.

Everything around him seemed to change. The instant Tang

San entered that white light, he immediately felt as if he had
entered a special world.

Around him was a snow white nothingness, and the Blue

Silver Grass he released was restrained by an unknown force,
forcibly pressed back into his body. Hu Liena in front of him
consequently also separated from his embrace.

In this world of boundless white, he couldn’t use a bit of

strength. All he felt, was ice cold.

It was as if immeasurable cold aggregated towards him, and

4796 Goldenagato |

also like immeasurable cold exuded from his body. In this white
nothingness, Tang San endured that frightful pain alone.

A cold he should feel still appeared. That wasn’t a true change

in temperature, but rather the chill produced by killing intent.
The purest slaughter intent swiftly invaded Tang San, and with
each part entering, Tang San would tremble.

As that cold gradually made his heart stiffen, his

consciousness and senses also gradually began to grow distant.
But at this moment, Tang San was certain of Slaughter City’s
legend. Indeed, this was a domain, a domain condensed from
killing intent. Of course, this domain was far, far too formidable
compared to his Blue Silver Domain. Within the domain, he was
like a rootless duckweed.

After an indeterminate length of time, as Tang San awoke

from the pain, he felt as if he had been dreaming.

He lay within blue silver grass, and this blue silver grass was
sending him trace after trace of warmth and nourishment. All
his pain was already gone, the only feeling he had was of
relaxation and the familiar fluctuations of spirit power, as well
as the feeling of spirit abilities once again filling his body.

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When he wanted to turn over and sit up, Tang San discovered
that his left arm was somewhat heavy. As he turned his head to
look, he unexpectedly saw the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

When he glanced at the Clear Sky Hammer, he was certain

that it was impossible for that to have been a dream. On that
Clear Sky Hammer, on top of the hammer head, there was a
layer of white veins.

Those veins looked like the blood pattern on the ground of the
Hell Slaughter Arena when the Hell Road opened, only much
smaller. And moreover white.

As Tang San tried to sense that white veined pattern,

instantly, a surging white light quietly filled the air. The white
light discharged from the Clear Sky Hammer, but very soon,
that white light became colorless, and Tang San’s perception of
the surrounding world immediately became different. Even the
blue silver grass that was closest to him were trembling in this
incorporeal current.

Deathgod Domain. This was Deathgod Domain? Tang San

knew he should be excited, but having just left a place like
Slaughter City, he couldn’t be. Two years of hellish sharpening
had had an enormous influence on his mindset.

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Despite always trying hard to resist it, right now Tang San
was not only pale, but even the space between his eyebrows
revealed an unconcealable evil spirit.

At this moment, suddenly, an incorporeal killing intent

approached in a flash. Like an invisible object, it heavily struck
the Deathgod Domain Tang San released.

Tang San shook, swiftly turning to look in that direction.

A few dozen meters away stood a charming silhouette. At

some point she had already dressed neatly, covering that
beautiful delicate body. And her eyes were also watching him,
an indescribable mood flickering within.

‘She woke up before me?’ This was Tang San’s first thought,
unable to keep his back from breaking out in cold sweat. Of
course he knew what it meant that Hu Liena woke up first. It
meant that she had ample time to kill him.

‘This woman really is cunning.’ Tang San thought with some

annoyance. Her spirit power was stronger than his, but on that

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final stretch of the road, it was he who brought her out. Her
exhaustion was naturally less than his. If she wanted to kill him,
perhaps he would never have woken up.

Hu Liena walked towards Tang San step by step, with a faint

smile on her charming face.

“Do you feel it? We possess the same innate domain.”

The heavenly voice resounded in Tang San’s ears.

Tang San didn’t open his mouth, only watched her quietly.

He was astonished to discover that with the ability to use

spirit abilities returned, Hu Liena’s eyes had now unexpectedly
become incomparably clear, without a speck of bewitching

If she could be described as a rose brimming with attraction

before, then right now she seemed like a fresh and clean lily.

“I put my life in your hands once, you also put your life in my

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hands once. Shouldn’t we be even?”

Hu Liena finally reached Tang San, only stopping when she

was just a meter from Tang San. Looking at him, her gaze
became incomparably soft.

Tang San still didn’t open his mouth, only watching her
silently. He still didn’t know what this woman was thinking,
but for some reason, he felt that she didn’t have any menace
towards him.

A trace of distress emerged on Hu Liena’s charming

countenance. Attentively watching Tang San, her touching face
unexpectedly displayed helplessness,

“Why am I from Spirit Hall, and you from Clear Sky School?”

Raising both hands, very naturally placing them on Tang

San’s shoulders, Hu Liena pulled close the distance between her
and Tang San by one more step, her mournful eyes undoubtedly
brimming with even more intense attraction, her whole body
collapsing into Tang San’s embrace.

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However, her movement didn’t finish, because Tang San
supported her shoulder with one hand.

Deathgod Domain and Clear Sky Hammer withdrew

simultaneously, and Tang San looked indifferently at Hu Liena.

Hu Liena gave a sad smile,

“You really have a heart of stone?”

Tang San’s gaze became a bit gentler. He couldn’t deny that

this woman was perfect, but his heart had long since no room
for one more person. To say nothing of the two of them being
people of two worlds.

Patting her shoulder, he pulled away her hands from his


“Next time we meet, perhaps we will be enemies.”

Leaving behind these simple words, turning, no longer

looking at her, Tang San stiffened his heart and left in large

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Silent tears rolled quietly down a perfect delicate face. This

was the first time in her life that Hu Liena cried for a man. And
the image of this man, could no longer be separated from her

Tang San seemed to feel his mood lighten somewhat with

each step forward. He naturally wouldn’t have any feelings for
Hu Liena. But he also had a somewhat favorable impression of
this girl. Leaving through the Hell Road was the result of the
two of them working together. When Hu Liena let him knock
her unconscious, Tang San could no longer raise any enmity
towards her.

“Little San.”

A deep voice echoed by Tang San’s ears. Tang Hao had at some
point already quietly appeared, standing on the road in front of

In the two years they hadn’t seen each other, he seemed to

have aged even a bit more. Tang San’s extremely acutely sensed
the same characteristic as he had himself from his father’s body.

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Quickly stepping forward, reaching his father, Tang San’s

gaze was still ice cold. That was the residual effect of two years
in Slaughter City,

“Don’t you also possess the Deathgod Domain?”

Tang Hao nodded, his face revealing a trace of a smile,

“You’ve done well in these two years. You haven’t let me

down. Let’s go.”

Finished talking, he took the lead to walk forward.

Tang San swiftly caught up without saying anything else. His

father’s appearance had made a small crack appear in his ice
cold heart, warm affection undoubtedly the best treasure to
dissolve the vicious currents within.

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“Do you know what the effects of the Deathgod Domain is?”

Tang Hao suddenly asked.

A light flashed in Tang San’s eyes,

“Imposing manner.”

Tang Hao nodded slowly,

“That’s right. It’s imposing manner. Imposing manner and

pressure formed from killing intent can frequently leave your
opponents unable to display their full strength, but you yourself
can exhibit one hundred twenty percent. The effect of the
Deathgod Domain is the same. You possess the most basic
Deathgod Domain. In the future, within this Domain, your
opponents’ strength will automatically weaken by ten percent,
and you yourself display one hundred ten percent of your
power. As your spirit grows, this proportion will also increase.
Remember, spirits’ innate domains won’t suffer the restrictions
of twin spirits, unable to be used simultaneously.”

Tang San stared blankly a moment,

4805 Goldenagato |

“How do you know?”

Even he who possessed twin spirits couldn’t be certain of this.

Tang Hao halted, turning to look at him,

“Because, the same circumstances appeared for another


The expression in Tang San’s eyes fluctuated violently once.

He suddenly understood his father’s meaning. That person Hu
Liena spoke of, was Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong. In this world,
besides his father, Bibi Dong should also possess the Deathgod

Tang Hao said calmly:

“Right now the number of people with this domain has

increased to four. You will gradually get to know the effect of
the Deathgod Domain in the future. Its uses are just as
marvellous as your Blue Silver Domain, in different

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circumstances, it can have enormous effect.”

“Dad, shouldn’t you tell me about what happened in the past


After four years of sharpening himself on the grindstone,

Tang San had already gone from a not yet fifteen years old
juvenile to an almost nineteen years old youth. His strength had
grown, his temperament had changed, the second awakening of
Blue Silver Grass had caused all sorts of influences, all making
him seem to mature a lot. Compared to four years ago, the
present Tang San was in no way as simple as just having raised
his spirit power ten something ranks. He had already truly
begun to step into the world of those known as powers.

Tang Hao said:

“It still isn’t the time. You still haven’t met my


Tang San stared blankly a moment,

“Then how will I be considered to have met them?”

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Having gained two great Domains, Tang San believed he
should have been able to gain his father’s approval.

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Chapter 142 - Moon Pavilion, Aunt

Tang Hao said indifferently:

“With the current changes in your aura, how can you hide in
the Spirit Master world? The moment you’ve cleansed yourself,
I will tell you everything. It’s also only at that time that I can
decided my future.”

Cleansing? Tang San was somewhat lifeless. But he didn’t ask

anything, having no choice but to follow his father away.


Wiping dry her tears, Hu Liena quietly walked down the

mountainside. Putting her mind in order, her face gradually
calmed. She knew that she didn’t have the privilege to act

After becoming orphans as children, it was Spirit Hall that

raised her and her big brother. It was Spirit Hall that nurtured
them. Let them possess everything they now had. Hu Liena
knew very clearly how much her teacher had invested in her.

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This kindness alone was something she couldn’t repay in a

Therefore, on the day of her coming-of-age ceremony, she had

already sworn that she would devote her life to Spirit Hall.

Feelings like these were an extravagant luxury for her. To say

nothing of that man being from Clear Sky School.

She didn’t dare think further, it was also only by keeping

herself from recalling the brief time they walked the Hell Road
that her heart could calm down.


A somewhat sharp voice echoed ahead.

Hu Liena raised her head to look at the two people standing

quietly, waiting for her.

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Seeing these two, Hu Liena was unconsciously moved. After
two years, she finally didn’t need to seek survival in slaughter.

“Elder Ghost, elder Chrysanthemum.”

These two were Ghost Douluo Gui Mei and Chrysanthemum

Douluo Yue Guan. That the Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong sent
these two great Title Douluo to wait for Hu Liena here, showed
how much she valued her.

Ghost Douluo smiled:

“Congratulations, girl. You could successfully leave. That is

the greatest success. Once back to Supreme Pontiff Palace, we’ll
celebrate you.”

The Ghost Douluo still seemed illusory. Stepping forward to

rub Hu Liena’s head, he said:

“Let’s go. Supreme Pontiff Palace is always waiting for you. In

these two years, she came three times. Each time she left, her
eyes were full of hopelessness and concern. I think she’ll
definitely be very happy to see you back.”

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Hu Liena’s eyes warmed. Thinking of all that her teacher was
to her, her emotions for Tang San were finally suppressed, and
she was practically impatient to follow the two Title Douluo
towards Spirit Hall.

What she didn’t know was that after she and Tang San left, all
of Slaughter City had been washed in terrifying blood.


Ten days later, Heaven Dou City.

Despite ten days already having passed, Tang San still hadn’t
recovered from the ambience of Slaughter City. Two years of
vigilant living had made him cultivate a habit of doubting

Despite all the accumulated killing intent already being

condensed into the Deathgod Domain in the Clear Sky Hammer,
he was still constantly in an extremely nervous condition.

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Tang San himself knew this wasn’t good, but how was it so
easy to give up on a habit formed over two years living in a
world of darkness?

Reaching Heaven Dou City once again, the heart that

Slaughter City had turned to ice gradually recovered somewhat.
Only, he didn’t understand why his father would bring him to
the Heaven Dou Imperial capital.

Fortunately, by now his physical changes were so large that

even his acquaintances in Heaven Dou City might not recognize
him if they met.

Tang Hao brought Tang San into the city, the combination of
father and son seeming somewhat strange. Even though Tang
San also wore simple clothes, he still very easily drew people’s
attention after the changes in his temperament and appearance.

Handsome appearance, somewhat conspicuously pale

features, the noble temperament within still imperceptibly
distributing an ice cold energy, all were things people would pay
attention to.

But Tang Hao still had that worn down appearance. He had

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never once decorated his appearance. If he was carefully
observed, one could detect a deathly stillness within those
yellowed eyes. Tang Hao’s heart had already died as early as
when Tang San’s mother passed away.

Walking straight into the most bustling center of Heaven Dou

City, Tang Hao stopped before a lofty building.

Tang San subconsciously followed his father’s gaze to look at

the building in front of them. This was a small house with five
stories, which was considered very tall even in Heaven Dou
City. The first impression this house gave people was elegance.

The overall architectural style was simple and unadorned, the

horizontal inscribed board only carrying two simple words,
Moon Pavilion.

There weren’t many people coming and going, but one could
tell that the people passing through here were all sumptuously
dressed or people with extremely beautiful manners. Men and
women both.

“Dad, what is this place?”

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Tang San asked.

Tang Hao said calmly:

“This is the place for your cleansing. Let’s go, inside.”

Speaking, Tang Hao lead the way over towards the Moon

The two had just walked over to the door when they were
blocked, two black clothed youths barring the way. The two
youths both appeared rather handsome, dressed neatly. Each
raising a hand, they blocked their path.

The left youth said with a serene expression:

“I’m sorry, please leave. Moon Pavilion doesn’t receive

shabbily dressed people.”

Tang San frowned. Even though his clothes were simple, they
were extremely clean. Clearly, the counterpart was speaking to
Tang Hao. Very naturally taking a step forward, Tang San

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raised his head to look at the two youths on the steps, spitting
out an ice cold voice,

“Out of the way.”

Two surges of incorporeal killing intent pulsed, and those two

youths tumbled backwards as if electrocuted. When they looked
at Tang San again, it was like they saw a monster, looking at
each other with horror.

They weren’t even Spirit Masters, how could they resist Tang
San who had just left Slaughter City with a body filled with
killing intent?

Tang Hao glanced at his son, but didn’t say anything, walking
inside with large strides.

Tang San followed behind his father, entering this Moon

Pavilion together.

The two youths only sensed a cold intent emitting from Tang
San, and didn’t have the courage step forward to block them

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Only when Tang San’s silhouette had disappeared from their
line of sight did they breathe out, but they both discovered that
their clothes were already soaked through with sweat, and one
of them rushed around the back of the Moon Pavilion in a great

Entering the first floor of the Moon Pavilion, the first thing
one met was a faint fragrance.

The spirit screen was carved from yellow poplar, emitting a

faint wood fragrance. In front of the spirit screen were two
three meter tall different kinds of orchids emitting a faint
delicate fragrance. Even though it was only one step into the
Moon Pavilion, it still seemed like an isolated world.

Moving around the spirit screen was an expansive hall. The

floor was covered with one meter wide gray square bricks, and
the surroundings were littered with decorative items made from
all kinds of costly wood. Behind a wide table ahead stood several
simply dressed, but equally refined, young women. On either
side of the desk were exquisite staircases.

Seeing Tang Hao and his son, those young women were

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clearly somewhat surprised. They obviously didn’t understand
how people dressed like Tang Hao could enter.

Tang Hao strolled forward, walking up to the desk and saying

to the tallest young woman:

“Tell Yue-Hua, an old friend is visiting.”

The young woman stared blankly a moment, her elegant

eyebrows wrinkling minutely,

“You are……”

Tang Hao held his hands behind his back,

“You tell Yue-Hua, when the full moon shatters, rare old
friends arrive. She will know who I am.”

Looking over Tang Hao, then again looking over Tang San at
Tang Hao’s side, perhaps she was influenced by Tang Hao’s
apathetic mood, but the young woman’s expression shifted,
nodding and saying:

4818 Goldenagato |

“Please wait a moment.”

Finished speaking, she swiftly went upstairs along the

staircase to the side.

Before long, somewhat conspicuously noisy footsteps came

from upstairs. Hearing the noise, Tang Hao couldn’t help
wrinkling his brows somewhat.

Altogether four people walked down from upstairs. One of

them was one of the two youths in the doorway before, and of
the other three, one was a middle aged man in a long purple
gown, and the other two were slim, dressed in blue, their ages
appearing not much different from that purple clothed person
in the lead.

The purple clothed middle aged man’s gaze fell on Tang Hao
and, very naturally displaying a trace of loathing, again looked
over Tang San next to Tang Hao and walked down the stairs.

The tall young woman from before came down the stairs after
the four men, pointing to Tang Hao she said to the purple

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clothed man in a low voice:

“Manager, he was looking for the Madam.”

The purple clothed man nodded, his face unconsciously

displaying a lofty pride. He didn’t completely come down the
stairs, but rather stood in the stairs and addressed the two blue
clothed men behind him:

“Moon Pavilion only receives elegant visitors, ask them to


The two blue clothed middle aged men gave a nod, and
quickly moved the stairs. They descended very quickly, but still
didn’t give people an impression of rushing, but on the contrary
moved very rhythmically. With each step, the spirit power they
distributed would increase somewhat, an incorporeal pressure
assaulting the senses.

Tang San very naturally took a step forward. Seeing the

purple clothed man’s face as he disdainfully glanced at the
father and son, he could only think of describing it as a dog
looking down on humans.

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The two blue clothed men very swiftly arrived in front of
Tang Hao and his son, the one on the left saying:

“Please leave.”

Tang Hao calmly said:

“If I won’t?”

The blue clothed man’s gaze turned to that purple clothed

man addressed as Manager. The purple clothed man waved his

“Still need me to teach you? Have them leave.”

The two blue clothed men moved immediately, raising their

hands to grab the shoulders of Tang Hao’s pair. Tang Hao
looked at his son, saying:

“Don’t kill, don’t damage the place.”

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Tang San moved. He only took one step forward, but those
two blue clothed men simultaneously felt an immense attractive
force coming from his body, and the two of them practically
involuntarily stretched out their hands to grab Tang San.

Tang San also raised his hands, matching the hands of those
two blue clothed men.

His current strength had already made a qualitative leap, and

from the counterparts’ spirit power fluctuations, he could tell
that these two should be forty something ranked Spirit

Confronting opponents like these with his current strength,

how would they stand a chance?

Apart from Tang Hao, nobody saw what Tang San did. With
just a flash of an illusory white shadow, the two blue clothed
men exploded backwards, their extended arms already hanging

Tang San looked coldly at the two,

4822 Goldenagato |

“Extend one claw, and I will get rid of one. Extend another,
another disappears. We’re here to see the owner, not to watch
the guard dogs.”

Perhaps because of the fighting, intense killing intent surged

out from his body, ice cold, reeking of blood, blood thirsty,
wicked, a severely negative mood engulfed this first floor of the
Moon Pavilion in practically an instant.

The several female attendants behind the table looked at each

other and turned pale, trembling and recoiling. If not for what
Tang Hao said before, those two blue clothed men would
already be dead by now.

Watching the killing intent his son emitted, Tang Hao’s brows
wrinkled deeply. He knew that Slaughter City’s influence on
Tang San was still far from removed.

Tang Hao knew far more than Tang San imagined. Even
though he didn’t say or show it, in fact, right now Tang San
could be said to be the only mental support in this world.

Tang Hao had always secretly observed Tang San in his two
years of practice in Slaughter City. Even the Slaughter King

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didn’t know that this Deathgod had long since infiltrated
Slaughter City.

Tang Hao even knew Tang San finally left the Hell Road with
Hu Liena. Seeing his son finally choose to bring Hu Liena out of
the Hell Road, Tang Hao felt very gratified. A formidable enemy
wasn’t terrible, what was terrible was losing one’s heart.

Even though he knew that Tang San’s current condition

seemed very normal, inwardly he was still somewhat worried,
and even more determined to cultivate him according to the
former plan.

The purple clothed middle aged man stared blankly a

moment, descending the stairs in a flash, both hands pressing
the shoulders of his two subordinates. His face immediately
changed. Staring fixedly at Tang San, he said in a low voice:

“A vicious style.”

The bones of the blue clothed mens’ arms were unexpectedly

shattered in tiny pieces, clearly unrecoverable. Even if they
healed, they wouldn’t be able to use as much strength as before.

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Tang San gave a cold smile,

“For dogs looking down on people, I’ve already started off


The purple clothed man knew that he’d made an error in

judgement before. He hadn’t expected this youngster to actually
be so powerful. Even if neither of his subordinates had released
their spirits, with their spirit power, having their arms ruined
by Tang San showed the strength of this youth. How old was
he? The purple clothed man found it somewhat difficult to

A faint halo of light undulated, tremendous spirit power

suddenly releasing, and six spirit rings quietly appearing around
the purple clothed man, awesomely revealing his Spirit
Emperor status.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, six spirit rings

moved orderly and rhythmically. The spirit power he unleashed
made Tang San feel somewhat familiar. The allocation of this
person’s six spirit rings was pretty good. It seemed he was
around fifty or so, to be able to have six ring strength was
already pretty good.

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With a cold smile, Tang San took another step forward, also
simultaneously releasing his spirit. Everyone stared,
overwhelmed with shock. Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black,
five spirit rings quietly appeared. Tang San’s entire imposing
manner released, holding back hardly anything. Formidable
killing intent made it seem as if the entire Moon Pavilion

“This, this is impossible.”

The purple clothed man had an ideal spirit ring configuration

himself. Watching the five spirit rings Tang San revealed, he
practically didn’t dare believe his eyes.

Nevermind the age of this youth, having five spirit rings at the
ten thousand year level starting at the fourth already filled him
with shock.

Shocking him even more was the extraordinary pressure Tang

San released afterwards. The purple clothed man only felt his
entire spirit power seem to be completely suppressed by this
particular aura. Even the light of his six spirit rings began to
dim. Even though he could still congregate his spirit power, he
could only gather seventy percent or so. His strength was
massively reduced.

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Almost impatiently, the purple clothed man raised his right
hand. A bright purple vine crept out of his palm. In a split
second he had surrounded himself with a purple protective

Seeing the counterpart’s spirit rings dim, Tang San also

looked distracted. But as he saw the purple vine, he couldn’t
hold back a trace of a smile, thinking to himself: ‘No wonder’.

The purple clothed man’s spirit was a plant type Ghost King
Vine, an evolved form of the Ghost Vine of Tang San’s second
spirit ring. The reason he would be suppressed by Tang San’s
pressure was very simple, it was because of Tang San’s spirit.

Blue Silver Grass had evolved into Blue Silver Emperor, and as
the monarch power of the botanical kingdom, Blue Silver
Emperor had a formidable suppressing effect against any plant
type spirit. The aura alone was enough to make the opponent’s
Ghost King Vine tremble.

Because, even though Tang San was one level below the
opponent, he actually instead held the advantage with his
present imposing manner. Tang San had complete confidence in

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defeating this opponent in front of him without using the added
might of his spirit bones.

Just at this moment, a somewhat cold voice suddenly



The purple clothed middle aged man and Tang San

simultaneously turned to look towards the stairs, only to see a
graceful and luxuriously beautiful woman slowly descend the
stairs. Behind her still followed two beautiful young women.

Seeing this beautiful woman, Tang San couldn’t help being

somewhat astonished, because he unexpectedly couldn’t see her
true age. At first glance she seemed twenty seven or twenty
eight, but her eyes seemed to understand everything in the
world, not something a twenty seven year old woman could
compare to.

The long dress with silver court decorations seemed to hug

her body, and if Tang San absolutely had to compare her to
someone he knew, in temperament alone, perhaps only Spirit
Hall Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong could be mentioned in the same

4828 Goldenagato |


The difference was that she didn’t have Bibi Dong’s pressure,
but she wasn’t a bit inferior in nobility. Moreover, this woman
didn’t have the slightest spirit power fluctuations, she clearly
wasn’t a Spirit Master.

Tang Hao also simultaneously raised his head to look at the

beautiful woman. She strolled down from the upper floors, each
motion graceful and natural. Even if her brows were slightly
wrinkled, it didn’t detract from her manners in the slightest.

“Manager Aude, what’s going on?”

The beautiful woman asked softly.

The purple clothed middle aged man hastily took a few steps
forward. While cautiously on alert against Tang San’s side, he
said to her:

“Madam, these two came to cause trouble. Why did you come

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The beautiful woman’s gaze swept past Tang San. When she
saw the bizarre five spirit ring allocation Tang San had, her gaze
also displayed a faint shock.

“With such powerful killing intent appearing, how could I not

notice it? Just what is going on?”

Her last question was aimed at the young women behind the
table trembling severely from Tang San’s killing intent.

Just at this moment, a fantastic scene appeared. Tang San

clearly felt a gentle wave release from that courtly dressed
beautiful woman. The waves she released were graceful and
natural, so gentle that they seemed able to calm all the sadness
in the world.

His killing intent touched her peculiar aura, and unexpectedly

quickly faded like melting ice and snow. The entire first floor of
the Moon Pavilion also became calm and natural once again.

Domain, certainly, that was a Domain. Possessing two great

Domain,s Tang San instantly sensed the cause of the beautiful
woman’s fluctuations. However, if she possessed a Domain, how

4830 Goldenagato |

come there were no spirit power fluctuations?

Could it be that she was already so formidable that she could

hide her spirit power from his senses? If so, that would make
this woman a Title Douluo level power.

Just as Tang San prepared to release the Deathgod Domain to

try it, his shoulder was grabbed by Tang Hao’s outstretched
hand. Turning to look at his father, he only saw Tang Hao shake
his head at him, and Tang San renounced his thoughts of
releasing the Deathgod Domain.

Losing the influence of the killing intent, the several young

women all slowly came over. That tall young woman from
before hastily said a few sentences next to the beautiful woman
in a low voice. With Tang San’s astonishing hearing, he clearly
heard that young woman describe how they were blocked
because of Tang Hao’s worn clothing, as well as what Tang Hao
asked her to pass on.

When that beautiful woman heard the words ‘rare old

friends’, the fluctuations she distributed were smashed in
practically an instant. Then next moment, her body trembled
violently. Walking down the stairs with quick steps, her
movements even seemed somewhat frenetic.

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The originally graceful and harmonious temperament was
unexpectedly completely broken at this moment.

Everyone in the Moon Pavilion were stupefied, they had never

before seen the Madam like this.

The beautiful woman quickly walked over to Tang Hao, and

without caring about Tang San next to her, both her hands
quickly caught Tang Hao’s shoulders. Her eyes were already
covered with watery mist,

“Hao, is it really you? You, why……”

Sensing that the woman didn’t have the slightest bit of

hostility towards his father, and further what his father said
about old friends before, Tang San took a step back,
withdrawing his spirit.

Looking at the beautiful woman, Tang Hao sighed lightly,

“It’s me, Yue-Hua. I don’t recognize you.”

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On Tang Hao’s face, Tang San saw to his surprise, a trace of
self mockery.

The beautiful woman’s lips trembled and she fiercely threw

herself into Tang Hao’s embrace, crying loudly. Both her hands
tightly encircled Tang Hao’s waist, as if she wanted to blend
herself into Tang Hao. Right now there wasn’t a trace left of her

Those were entirely bitter tears from release of emotion,

making people unable to keep from glancing sidelong.

The Moon Pavilion people were all lifeless, and Tang San was
also somewhat dumbfounded. Because he unexpectedly saw his
father softly pat that beautiful woman’s back, his face revealing
a gentle expression. It was difficult to imagine that this kind of
expression would appear on his father.

After a long time, the beautiful woman’s weeping finally came

to a rest. Slowly raising her head to look deeply at Tang Hao,
then again turning her head to look at Tang San to the side,

“He is? Your and her son?”

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Tang Hao nodded silently, and Yue-Hua straightened, turning
to Tang San with teary eyes and raising her hand to touch his

Tang San frowned, very naturally withdrawing a step, getting

out of reach of her hand.

Yue-Hua’s elegant eyebrows wrinkled slightly,

“What are you hiding from, I’m your aunt.”


Tang San opened his eyes wide, looking at the beautiful

woman in front, then again looking at his aged father, he
couldn’t see anything to suggest these two were siblings.

Tang Hao nodded to Tang San,

“She’s your aunt.”

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Yue-Hua extended her hand once again, and this time Tang
San didn’t dodge. Aunt. This word was entirely unfamiliar to
him. However, a feeling of blood being thicker than water made
him instantly lose any guard against the woman in front of him.

Softly caressing Tang San’s face, the rims of Tang Yue-Hua’s

eyes reddened once again,

“You look like your dad when he was young, and also like your

Hearing this, the defenses in Tang San’s heart thoroughly

crumbled, losing all of the imposing manner from before.

The Moon Pavilion people were already gaping. They had

never imagined that this seemingly filthy and washed out old
man was actually the Madam’s elder brother.

Turning, looking rebukingly at Tang Hao, Tang Yue-Hua said


4835 Goldenagato |

“After so many years, only now do you know to come find
me? Go, follow me upstairs.”

Finished speaking, Tang Yue-Hua grabbed Tang San’s hand

and turned to head upstairs.

Tang Hao looked somewhat helplessly at this younger sister,

but his current expression was more relaxed than it had been in

Reaching the head of the stairs, Tang Yue-Hua turned her

head and said to manager Aude:

“Everything you saw just now, never happened. I’ll leave this
matter to you, understand?”

Aude hastily said:

“Yes, Madam.”

Tang Yue-Hua’s hand was very warm, and also very soft. Held
by her, Tang San seemed to have become a child again. She

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brought Tang Hao and Tang San directly to the top floor of the
Moon Pavilion.

As she walked, Tang Yue-Hua wiped her tears and said to

Tang San:

“Child, what’s your name?”

“I’m called Tang San.”

Tang Yue-Hua went slightly rigid. Turning her head to look at

Tang Hao, she couldn’t help giving a soft sigh.

The top floor of the moon Pavilion was an immense hall,

decorated even more gracefully than the first floor. Being
familiar with plants, Tang San was shocked to discover that the
furnishings were unexpectedly all made from agarwood, making
the entire building emit a faint fragrance.

What was agarwood? A top quality wood worth even more

than its weight in gold. Just the furniture in this hall alone was
worth an astronomical sum.

4837 Goldenagato |

Around the hall were altogether four sliding doors, leading to
unknown areas. The impression this place gave was
comfortable, peaceful, quiet, elegant. It wasn’t gorgeous, but
the wood fragrance here made people’s hearts relax.

Tang Yue-Hua smiled:

“The top floor is my private area. Without my permission,

nobody will come up. Sit.”

She pushed Tang San into a chair, then turned to look at Tang

“Ge, how did you become like this?”

Having just suppressed her emotions, as she looked at Tang

Hao’s aged face, she couldn’t help becoming agitated again.

Tang Hao smiled slightly,

“Silly girl, when did you become so fond of crying? It’s not

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like you.”

Tang Yue-Hua said furiously:

“This isn’t because of you. How many years? You actually

didn’t even send a message.”

Tang Hao became silent, walking over to sit next to Tang San.
He lowered his head, speaking faintly:

“Eldest brother, is he still well?”

Tang Yue-Hua went blank a moment. After a long time, she

slowly shook her head,

“I don’t know. You also know eldest brother. He hides

everything at the bottom of his heart. Last time I was home, I
accidentally saw him holding a picture of us three as children.
Even I don’t know what passed.”

Tang San felt his father next to him stiffen a moment,

4839 Goldenagato |

“I’m the one who let down the sect.”

Tang Yue-Hua said indifferently:

“What’s the point of saying this now? This time you’ve

returned with great difficulty. No matter what you say, I won’t
let you leave again. You definitely have to return with me.
Eldest brother. Eldest brother has always missed you.”

Tang Hao smiled wryly:

“Return? I haven’t been a Clear Sky School member for a long

time. How could I return? Yue-Hua, even if I let down the sect, I
still don’t regret anything I did. Eldest brother, he, still hasn’t

Tang Yue-Hua’s expression fell, her graceful and charming

face gaining a layer of cold frost,

“Eldest brother isn’t an impetuous person like you, he’s more

responsible and dutiful than you. Everything in the sect still has
to depend on him. He could only cherish those feelings by not

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taking a wife. Second brother, are you truly not willing to go
back to see him? The sect has changed into its current
appearance, the magnificent world’s number one sect actually
going into hiding. Do you know the suffering of the sect’s
disciples? Return with me, with us three siblings working as
one, I don’t even fear fighting that Spirit Hall.”

Tang Hao stood, slowly walking into the center of the hall, his
back turned to Tang Yue-Hua:

“Yue-Hua, my heart is already dead, there’s no more of the

drive from before. The moment Ah Yin died, my heart had
already followed her. I can’t help the sect with anything. As for
apologies, I don’t want to say them to eldest brother. I believe
that he understands.”

“Understand farts. You, the magnificent youngest Title

Douluo in the world, you still say you can’t help the sect? Eldest
brother can understand you?”

Tang Yue-Hua’s delicate body was already trembling

somewhat from fury.

Tang Hao stood there silently, the silhouette of his back

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appearing so lonely.

Tang San also stood, looking at the agitated Yue-Hua,

“Aunt. Don’t force dad further. Dad isn’t unwilling to help the
sect. Rather, he already can’t. His body……”


Tang Hao interrupted Tang San,

“Yue-Hua, I’ll leave my little San to you. He just came out of

Slaughter City. Only you can help him best.”

Speaking, he swung his arm and threw a sheepskin map into

Tang San’s hands,

“In one year, find me in the mountain valley according to this


Finished speaking, he walked directly outside.

4842 Goldenagato |

“Stand still.”

Tang Yue-Hua followed with big strides. Perhaps because she

moved too fast, the courtly dress she wore unexpectedly issued
ripping sounds.

Reaching Tang Hao’s back in a few steps, Tang Yue-Hua’s

hand swiftly fell on his shoulder. The Domain fluctuations Tang
San felt before now appeared once again.

Tang Hao halted,

“Yue-Hua, tell eldest brother, little San is my repayment to

the sect. In one year, after he’s gone to see me, you bring him
back to the sect to acknowledge his ancestors and roots. What I
can’t accomplish, he will do in my stead. Furthermore, tell
eldest brother that he is my and Ah Yin’s son, and also my only


4843 Goldenagato |

Tang Yue-Hua shouted. The next moment, Tang Hao’s
silhouette already faded in front of her, quietly disappearing.

If Tang Hao wanted to leave, how many people in this world

could stop him?

Tang Yue-Hua stood there, tears silently flowing. Seeing her

brother again after twenty years, meeting so briefly, she
suddenly felt her heart aching deeply. Not only because Tang
Hao left, but also because of the pain this second brother bore.

Tang San didn’t move. His father had him stay, so he only
stayed. Quietly standing behind Tang Yue-Hua, waiting.

After a long time.

Wiping the tears from her face, Tang Yue-Hua’s eyes weren’t
swollen or red from the tears, slowly turning, she looked at
Tang San with a somewhat complicated expression,

“Has your father told you about him and your mother?”

4844 Goldenagato |

Tang San silently shook his head,

“Can you tell me?”

Tang Yue-Hua sighed softly,

“Since he doesn’t want to tell you, I can’t speak out of turn

either. Perhaps, in one year, he will tell you everything. By what
I’ve seen, he’s very confident in you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t
say he would leave you as repayment to the sect. You should be
nineteen this year.”

Tang San said:

“In two months.”

Tang Yue-Hua smiled slightly,

“Your father walked Slaughter City’s Hell Road when he was

twenty eight. You’re almost ten years earlier than him. It seems
you really are the hope of the sect. Do you know what it is he
left you here for a year to study with me?”

4845 Goldenagato |

Tang San silently shook his head.

Tang Yue-Hua watched Tang San with a burning gaze,

“In the next one year, I will instruct you in all manner of
noble etiquette and music.”

“You’re not joking?”

Tang San looked dumbstruck at this aunt he had only known

for less than two hours.

Tang Yue-Hua said sternly:

“Do I look like I’m joking? In one year, if you can’t meet my
requirements, I won’t let you leave to see your dad.”

Tang San looked stupidly at the aunt in front of him. He had

never expected that his father hadn’t actually brought him here
to cultivate further, but rather to learn these completely useless

4846 Goldenagato |


Tang Yue-Hua looked almost laughing at Tang San’s stupid


“Very soon you will understand the benefits of these things.

One person, no matter how formidable, doesn’t have enough
strength. Like your father, he’s already formidable enough, but
what has he turned into now? He doesn’t want you to follow the
track of the overturned cart. From now on, I am your aunt, and
also your teacher.”

Tang San smiled somewhat wryly:

“Aunt, do I really have to learn those etiquette things?”

The original here is an idiom (铅华洗尽) which translates to

“washing away lead flowers”, referring to ancient lead-based
make-up. As an idiom it’s part of a Daoist idea of washing away
all worldly concerns to reveal one’s true self without pretense.
Let me know if you have a way to make that fit that doesn’t
sound stupid.

4847 Goldenagato |

Yue-Hua - (月华) “Moonlight”

Tang Yue-Hua - (唐月华) “Tang Moonlight”

4848 Goldenagato |

Chapter 143 - Cleansing, Harmonizing Intent

Tang Yue-Hua nodded with certainty,

“Evenings are your time, you plan them on your own.

However, in the daytime you will learn these with me. Until I’m
satisfied. Do you know what the Moon Pavilion does?”

Tang San shook his head.

Tang Yue-Hua smiled calmly,

“My place here is the Heaven Dou Imperial school of courtly

etiquette, specialized in teaching all kinds of noble etiquette.
You should have felt my Domain. My innate domain is called
Noble Circle. And my spirit power, at present, is ninth rank.”


Tang San looked stupidly at Tang Yue-Hua. He could never

have imagined that she, as a directly related Clear Sky School
disciple, would actually only have nine ranks of spirit power,

4849 Goldenagato |

“You, variant spirit?”

Tang Yue-Hua smiled and nodded,

“Perhaps you would think of me as the most useless disciple of

the Clear Sky School, but I can tell you that if your father could
possess everything I am skilled in, the result of the events
twenty years ago would be completely different. At times,
strength doesn’t mean everything. You must learn to protect
yourself even without relying on power. You must further learn
how to exploit the art of language, and still how to walk
between powers of all sides as well as how to control authority. I
can see that you’re outstanding, however, you still have many,
many things you must learn.”

Tang San finally nodded with some difficulty. Even if he

didn’t want to admit it, he still had no choice but to compromise
with this graceful woman. After all, she was his aunt.

Tang Yue-Hua smiled faintly,

“Don’t look so embarrassed. I think that before long, you will

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understand the importance of everything I teach. Walking out
of Slaughter City, what you need most right now isn’t strenuous
cultivation, but rather to let all that you possess grow more
stable. I already know about your father’s condition. Don’t
worry, I won’t push him again later. The sect won’t either. Even
if he’s no longer at the sect, the sect has never forgotten him.”

Sighing, Tang Yue-Hua looked deeply at Tang San,

“If you don’t want your father to be troubled again, you must
become even stronger. The responsibility of everything he
should accomplish, will fall on your shoulders.”


One year later. Heaven Dou City, Moon pavilion.

Heaven Dou City’s night scene was very beautiful. This was
deeply related to the highly developed commerce here. As the
capital of Heaven Dou Empire, in the entire Douluo Continent,
perhaps only Star Luo City could manage to compare.

The beauty of Star Luo City lay mainly in the exquisiteness of

4851 Goldenagato |

the south, while Heaven Dou City was brimming with the
northern generous atmosphere, both victors in their own ways.

Graceful and quiet light spread from the several lower floors
of the Moon Pavilion, a continuous stream of people constantly
presenting their invitations and entering.

As the Heaven Dou imperial school of courtly etiquette, in

order to be able to enroll in the Moon Pavilion, one had to at
least have a title of nobility, and one’s age couldn’t surpass
thirty. This was undoubtedly the place where the new
generation of Heaven Dou Empire’s nobility was cultivated.

Therefore, even though the Moon Pavilion itself didn’t count

as much, there was still no power that dared meddle with it. Not
even the imperial family.

Reportedly, Emperor Xue Ye and the Moon Pavilion’s master

Madam Yue-Hua had a somewhat intimate relationship. Of
course, this was just a rumor.

This evening was the annual graduation ceremony.

4852 Goldenagato |

With each batch of students graduating, all these students’
parents and elders were invited. These were undoubtedly the
most influential characters of Heaven Dou Empire’s capital.

In fact, the Moon Pavilion only admitted one hundred

students per year. In order for these one hundred places, the
nobility of the entire Heaven Dou Empire practically racked
their brains. Everyone knew that to be able to smoothly
graduate from the Moon Pavilion, was equivalent to being
plated with gold. The graduates from here were considered true

Before anything else, in marriages between noble families, the

stronger side would frequently ask the weaker side whether
their child had passed the education of Moon Pavilion. This
alone showed the influence of the Moon Pavilion in the entire
upper layer of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Of course, nobody knew that the master of the Moon Pavilion

without the strength to truss a chicken, Madam Yue, was
actually from the world’s first Spirit Master sect.

The graduation ceremony was held on the third floor of the

Moon Pavilion, where numerous high ranking officials and
nobles had already arranged their seating. They all wanted to

4853 Goldenagato |

see how their children had improved through the cultivation of
the Moon Pavilion.

As the master of the Moon Pavilion, Tang Yue-Hua still wore

silver adorned courtly dress, standing to the side of the
reception hall with a smile on her face. Subordinates told her
everyone was present. She nodded an indication. The
graduation ceremony formally began.

A line of silver dressed young men and women began to enter

through doors on two sides. The one hundred people didn’t
make the hall noisy. Each person’s face revealed equally
graceful smiles, the pace between each harmonious, with casual
ease. The faint grandeur didn’t give people an impression of
arrogance, but could still surprise.

Just at this moment, a door opened to the side of the hall, and
a white dressed youth slowly walked out, holding an exquisite
and elegant golden harp to his chest.

Blue eyes so clear the bottom could be seen, a head of deep

blue hair draped across the shoulders and back without giving
people the slightest impression of lacking manners, all over a
spirited quality, handsome, noble, graceful.

4854 Goldenagato |

Against expectations there was also a particular quiet
contentment. When he walked out from the door, he became
the focus of everyone present in practically an instant.

Even the graduating students stepping into the hall with

graceful smiles before, for the most part couldn’t help throwing
their gazes in his direction.

Especially the female students had no lack of intoxicated


The white clothed youth carefully arranged the prize harp on

a table, sitting straight backed on a special stool, first facing the
audience with a smile and a nod, then slowly raising both
slender hands to lightly start playing.

Elegant, pure like the sparkling translucence of precious

stones, ephemeral limpid tones flowed from that exquisite
golden harp. The hall immediately calmed, the beautiful sound
of the harp making the listeners’ hearts untroubled. A
marvellous aesthetic just like a fountain rushing under
moonlight, filling the air with a poetic atmosphere.

Let alone others, only looking at outward appearances, this

4855 Goldenagato |

white clothed youth undoubtedly made all the graduating
students present turn pale. The aloof quiet contentment he
carried was no doubt what gave people the most favorable

Tang Yue-Hua stood there quietly, listening to the beautiful

sound of the harp. To her ears, this harp music naturally
sounded different to what other people heard. She heard
whether the sound of this harp truly was as quiet and contented
as the surface of the white clothed youth.

One year, a whole year had passed. He had indeed changed a

lot. Perhaps, this was his natural instinct.

The youth bent over the harp was Tang San. Compared to one
year ago, the current Tang San had undergone a heaven and
earth revolving change. That was a change in temperament.
There was no longer any murderous aura spreading from him.
That didn’t mean that the killing intent he had obtained from
Slaughter City had disappeared, but rather that it was truly

When Tang Yue-Hua gave Tang San his first lesson, she had
told him that a true power first had to learn to control
everything about himself. Especially his mood and aura.

4856 Goldenagato |

Tang San had undoubtedly done very well in this year. Well to
the extent that even an exacting lady like Tang Yue-Hua
couldn’t pick out any flaw. What others would need three years
to learn, he had completed in one, and moreover done it better
than anyone.

To be able to represent the graduating class to play the harp

was an honor that had always by tradition in Moon Pavilion
only been awarded to the most outstanding student. That Tang
San was able to sit there really wasn’t because he was Tang Yue-
Hua’s nephew, but because of his own accomplishments.

The graduation ceremony advanced in sequence amidst this

graceful music. The high ranking officials and nobles had
already begun to stealthily ask about Tang San’s background,
but nobody could obtain any results. Even their children
couldn’t tell them where Tang San was from.

To the other students, Tang San was like a riddle. When he

had just appeared here, nobody had wanted to approach his ice
chill, and nobody was optimistic about his chances of fitting in.

Even if he was handsome, how could there be any lack of

4857 Goldenagato |

handsome people here in the capital?

However, after a few months, everyone looked at him with

different eyes. In the study of all kinds of etiquette and music,
Tang San had displayed a learning ability far exceeding that of
ordinary people. Most notable was that the ice chill that
surrounded him had gradually disappeared.

But for some reason, he only very rarely interacted with

people, and spoke even less, only quietly studied.

In the audience, the most illustrious of all the nobles was a

young person, his age appearing to be where youth and middle
age flowed together. He was the Heaven Dou imperial crown
prince, Xue Qinghe.

This time Xue Qinghe was here for his little sister’s
graduation ceremony.

And his little sister, should originally have sat in the position
Tang San now held.

His little sister had told him not long ago, that the choice of

4858 Goldenagato |

person playing the harp had changed at the last moment, but
she wasn’t the least bit upset, because she cheerfully and
committedly admired that youth called Tang Yin, resigned to
falling short of him in all areas.

Xue Qinghe knew that his little sister, as an imperial princess,

as well as being doted on by their imperial father, always was
proud and unyielding, very rarely believing others. Even this
older brother didn’t have any power to deter her.

Sending her to study at the Moon Pavilion was undoubtedly in

order to properly foster his little sister’s courtly etiquette, and
being eighteen, it was also about time for her to marry.

No matter how, he was unable to understand why his always

haughty little sister would think so highly of anyone. Even to
the extent that when that person was mentioned, she displayed
a faint bashfulness.

As Xue Qinghe saw Tang San sitting there playing, he was also
stunned. He unexpectedly couldn’t find the slightest flaw in
that youth.

Even more astonishing was that the youth unexpectedly gave

4859 Goldenagato |

him a familiar feeling. He couldn’t say why, it wasn’t because of
aura, but rather a kind of natural intuition.

When simply asking the surrounding nobles about that white

clothed youth didn’t yield any answers, Xue Qinghe was even
more determined to build a relationship with this youth. Not
because of his little sister’s begging yesterday, but rather
because that might be a talent capable of becoming a future
pillar of the Empire.

Tang San slowly plucked the harp, his heart very calm,
perfectly in accordance with what he revealed on the surface.

One year’s time had passed. One year ago he couldn’t have
thought that he would be playing an instrument in front of
everyone today. When he had just started to learn from his
aunt, he had been brimming with scepticism.

However, after one month had passed, Tang San discovered

that the direction his father had set him on was correct.

Cultivating in Slaughter City was in order to train the heart.

The Moon Pavilion was the same.

4860 Goldenagato |

As he gradually calmed here, recalling everything that had
happened in the past four years, as well as his entire process of
maturing, he discovered that his mind was exhausted.

This one year had been the best rest for his mind and body.
Even though he didn’t cultivate strenuously, he had gradually
internalized everything he had learned in these past several
years in this peace. Even the final redoubt of the eight
extraordinary meridians, the Governing Vessel, had also
gradually opened.

Fifty seven ranks, this was Tang San’s present spirit power

Rising from forty second or third level to fifty seventh rank in

five years was an average of three ranks per year. It didn’t seem
comparable to his cultivation speed in the more than two years
and the Shrek Academy, but in fact, after passing the fortieth
rank, how could the requirements to rise each rank of spirit
power compare to before?

Twenty years old, fifty seventh rank. Tang San had

undoubtedly already substantially surpassed Spirit Hall’s
Golden Generation. Most importantly was that right now all the
abilities he possessed no longer needed Tang San’s control.

4861 Goldenagato |

Rather, all his capabilities had been harmonized. Tang San
had taken the most crucial step to become a power.

From the hardly concealed praise in his aunt’s eyes these last
few months, Tang San knew that it was almost time for him to
leave. It was also only thinking of seeing his father that would
raise ripples in his calmed heart.

He had already waited far, far too long for that unknown
truth. Despite already having guessed some, how could he be
certain without hearing it from his father’s own mouth?

Tang San knew that his own future road was very long, but
this year in the Moon Pavilion was undoubtedly the most
transformative of his life. He had already stepped out of his time
as a youngster, his twentieth birthday was coming, he was
already an adult.

The graduation ceremony ended smoothly, and each student

had received their graduation certificate from Tang Yue-Hua’s
hand, delightedly throwing themselves into the arms of their

4862 Goldenagato |

When Tang Yue-Hua had finished all this, Tang San’s task for
the day was also complete. She walked over next to Tang San,

“Today’s performance was pretty good. Outside and inside as


Tang San smiled slightly, lightly caressing the strings, a final

pleasant tune drifting out,

“Thank you.”

At this moment, a clear voice resounded,

“Auntie Yue-Hua. Can you give me an introduction?”

Tang Yue-Hua turned her head to look, finding a casually

dressed crown prince Xue Qinghe gracefully walking over,
accompanied by the graduating student Xue Ke.

She of course knew Xue Ke’s status from long ago, and the
majority of students also knew. She even saw Xue Ke look
differently at Tang San than at others. Even when Tang San

4863 Goldenagato |

snatched away her original right to perform, this princess still
didn’t have a trace of resentment.

“Your Highness.”

Tang Yue-Hua saluted.

Xue Qinghe hastily returned the salute,

“Auntie Yue-Hua, what are you doing? Junior can’t accept it.”

Tang Yue-Hua laughed in spite of herself:

“Don’t always go calling me ‘auntie, auntie’, am I so old?”

To the side Xue Ke smartly said:

“Of course teacher isn’t old, you’re like my older sister.”

Tang Yue-Hua smiled.:

4864 Goldenagato |

“That’s something you would say, girl.”

While speaking, she shifted slightly, allowing the siblings to

clearly see Tang San,

“I’ll give you an introduction, This is my nephew, Tang Yin.”

Hearing the word ‘nephew’, Xue Qinghe couldn’t keep a

radiance from flashing through his eyes. Tang San all along
calmly observed this crown prince that had once previously
given him a good impression.

In the five years since they met, this crown prince had become
even steadier. His appearance hadn’t changed much, but his
reserved scholarly temperament still gave people a very good

His casual ease was somewhat similar to Ning Fengzhi, though

whether that was because of deliberate imitation was unknown.

But from the change in his expression when he heard his

4865 Goldenagato |

aunt’s introduction, it could be assumed that he knew his aunt’s
true identity. And that his aunt also didn’t hide anything for
him should be because she had a great deal of trust in the crown

Without batting an eyelid on the surface, Tang San had

already analysed a great many things in his mind. He pondered
over whether to reveal his identity to the crown prince.

This thought only flashed through his mind, and was very
soon suppressed by Tang San. He knew that even if Xue Qinghe
was worthy of trust, right now still wasn’t the time. He needed
to go seek confirmation of his conjecture from his father. If he
really needed the support of the crown prince’s strength to help
defend against mutual aggressors later, it wouldn’t be too late to
be honest then. In any case, he wouldn’t be recognized with his
current appearance.

Xue Qinghe equally observed Tang San. Close up, he couldn’t

help being even more attracted by the quiet elegance Tang San
displayed. Especially when he heard Tang Yue-Hua say he was
her nephew was even more startling. As crown prince, just like
Tang San judged, he was one of a small number of people who
knew Tang Yue-Hua’s true identity. The gossip in the outside
world about Tang Yue-Hua and Emperor Xue Ye was only

4866 Goldenagato |

“Tang Yin, this is Heaven Dou Empire’s present crown prince,
his Highness Xue Qinghe.”

Tang Yue-Hua also introduced for Tang San.

Tang San showed a smile, slightly saluting Xue Qinghe,

“Hello, your Highness.”

He also smiled and nodded to Xue Ke next to Xue Qinghe’s

side, counting as a greeting. The two were after all classmates,
and didn’t need excessive courtesy.

If it was the previous Tang San, he definitely wouldn’t have

faked an expression for a miss like Xue Ke who constantly tried
to get close to him, but after studying with his aunt for a year,
he had already come to understand how to bury his true mood

Xue Qinghe smiled:

4867 Goldenagato |

“I’ve long ago heard my little sister talk about an eminently
talented youth at the Moon Pavilion, today I see the reputation
truly isn’t in vain. Brother Tang Yin, if there’s time we should
sit down.”

With the status of crown prince, for him to use the tone of
commoners to communicate with Tang San, Xue Qinghe
absolutely considered it respect for the lower ranked. Xue Ke to
the side couldn’t help saying:

“Big brother, you definitely have to call me then. I still have a

lot of things I want to ask Tang Yin about the harp.”

Xue Qinghe smiled:

“If brother Tang Yin doesn’t object, I won’t either.”

In a few simple words, he amply displayed his respect for

Tang San. It was undoubtedly very easy for him to obtain a
favorable impression.

Tang San still wore a smile,

4868 Goldenagato |

“I’m afraid I must disappoint your Highness. Now that I’ve
graduated, I must make a trip. If fate wills it, I will definitely
make a visit on my return.”

Xue Qinghe looked distracted a moment. He hadn’t thought

Tang San would still reject him without the slightest hesitation
under circumstances like these, but he immediately understood
when Tang San looked at him sincerely. The counterpart wasn’t
evading, but was rather truly occupied.

With a faint laugh, Xue Qinghe said:

“Then I will await your return. We won’t trouble you, little

sister, we should go back.”

While speaking, Xue Qinghe took the initiative to raise his

hand to Tang San. Shaking hands was the simplest and most
casual etiquette between nobles.

Tang San raised his hand and clasped Xue Qinghe’s.

Immediately, a trace of gentle spirit power transmitted from
Xue Qinghe’s palm. Tang San’s heart twitched. Judging by the
counterpart’s spirit power, this crown prince wasn’t weak! In

4869 Goldenagato |

their acquaintance before, he had never seen Xue Qinghe act.

If Tang San could be described as slightly shocked, then Xue

Qinghe was astonished. The spirit power he sent into Tang
San’s hand was very gentle, even if Tang San wasn’t a Spirit
Master, it still wouldn’t have hurt him. But he was shocked to
discover that the spirit power he sent into Tang San
unexpectedly disappeared without a sound.

He didn’t encounter any existence, nor any other sensation. It

was as if after that spirit power had entered Tang San’s body, it
no longer had any relation to him.

How did he do it? This youth seemed to truly be a directly

related disiciple of the Clear Sky School, and should moreover
be an extremely outstanding elite. This was Xue Qinghe’s first
thought. He of course wouldn’t probe Tang San again, and very
naturally let go of his hand, pulling his little sister away with a

When Xue Ke left, there was still a reluctant light in her big
eyes. If not for long ago having known of Tang San’s identity as
a commoner, perhaps she would have revealed her love for him
in spite of everything. For a girl of her age, who wouldn’t like a
young talent so handsome and confident, and also with such a

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perfect temperament?

With the visitors gone, Tang Yue-Hua looked at Tang San

putting away the harp next to her and couldn’t help but giggle,

“It seems that Xue Ke girl really is passionate about you. Last
time she even asked me what level of lord a commoner would
have to obtain to marry a princess. Her target was quite clearly

Raising his head to look at his aunt’s bantering smile, Tang

San somewhat helplessly said:

“Aunt, you know, I basically won’t consider this right now.”

Tang Yue-Hua smiled:

“Is there a girlfriend?”

Tang San hesitated a moment, but still nodded.

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Tang Yue-Hua somewhat shocked looked at him,

“Heavens, you really are a precocious brat. I remember you

told me that you were fourteen when you started following your
father to cultivate. Don’t tell me you already knew that
girlfriend before then?”

Tang San smiled:

“Aunt, as a noble lady, making inquiries about others’ private

business is rather lacking in manners. That’s what you taught

Tang Yue-Hua snorted,

“Am I some other person? I’m your aunt. Since your dad isn’t
present, I’m your elder. Confess.”

Tang San couldn’t help shaking his head. At this moment, an

enormous longing suddenly rose in his heart.

‘It’s been five years, Xiao Wu, are you well?’

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Seeing the loneliness in the corners of Tang San’s eyes, Tang
Yue-Hua didn’t ask further. Raising her hand to rub Tang San’s
head, looking at this a head taller than her nephew, her
beautiful eyes displayed a tender doting love,

“Silly child, what are you thinking? One can’t tell that you’re
still quite emotional. You’re the same as your dad.”

Tang San attentively watched Tang Yue-Hua,

“Aunt, can I graduate?”

Tang Yue-Hua looked distracted a moment, somewhat

disappointed saying:

“Are you in such a hurry to leave me?”

Even though they’d only been together a year, Tang Yue-Hua

truly liked her highly intelligent blood related nephew. In their
generation, the most outstanding and most successful were
undoubtedly her eldest brother the sect master, Tang Hao, and

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her. Even though she wasn’t a formidable Spirit Master, the
power grasped in her hand was enough to make anyone feel

However, among the direct relations of the Tang family, those

not quite as outstanding disciples had all opened their branches
and scattered their leaves, producing the next generation, even
so much that the generation after that had already appeared.
But as the once pride of the Tang family, the sect master was a
bachelor, she was unmarried, and Tang Hao had ended up like

One might say that Tang San was the only issue of the three
siblings, and she regarded this nephew as a son.

Tang San equally respected Tang Yue-Hua. He truly had

received maternal care from this apparently graceful and
beautiful aunt. Even if Tang Yue-Hua was somewhat long-
winded, Tang San discovered that he actually rather liked her
kind of deeply concerned wordiness. What Tang Yue-Hua gave
him was a kind of affection that Tang Hao and Grandmaster
never could.

Therefore, Tang San respected this aunt especially much. He

was also especially close to her. That he didn’t tell Tang Yue-

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Hua about Xiao Wu was because he didn’t want his aunt to
worry for him.

“Aunt. You know I’m not. But I have to leave.”

Tang Yue-Hua sighed lightly,

“I understand. After you’ve seen your father, he will let you

return to the sect to acknowledge your ancestors and clan.
Child, you’re even more outstanding than your dad was in those
days. Even if aunt doesn’t know what you’ve gone through
before, aunt believes that you will definitely be able to surpass
your father. Remember, no matter when, you mustn’t be
impulsive. You must gamble with your life even less. Your
father is just too emotional. The reason why he had you study
under me, had you learn from me, was mainly in order to
temper your temperament, so you won’t make the same
mistakes he did. In theory, I shouldn’t be worried about you,
you’ve already done very well. But in you still flows the same
blood as your dad. Promise aunt that you will always put your
own safety first, alright?”

Tang San nodded silently. Seeing the kindly gaze in his aunt’s
eyes, he couldn’t keep his eyes from turning faintly red.

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Tang Yue-Hua smiled:

“Alright, go back and get your things in order. I know you’re

anxious to see him. Leave tomorrow. In two days I’ll also
prepare to go back and take a look at the sect. It’s been a while.
If I don’t go back, I reckon eldest brother will scold me. We’ll
meet there.”

Tang San’s heart was moved. Of course he understood that

Tang Yue-Hua was returning to Clear Sky School for his sake.
He wasn’t familiar with the sect’s circumstances, and Tang Yue-
Hua hadn’t told him anything.

But from the Clear Sky School always fading away, one could
see that the days of the world’s first sect of his clan hadn’t been

Tang San originally didn’t have anything to put in order, and

even if there were some articles of daily use, he could store them
directly in Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges. That evening Tang
Yue-Hua personally cooked, sitting down to eat several small
dishes with Tang San. Before Tang San went to bed, Tang Yue-
Hua told him that there was no need to say goodbye when he
left tomorrow. That moment, Tang San clearly saw something
sparkling and translucent shine in his aunt’s eyes.

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How could Tang San know that Tang Yue-Hua had once fallen
in love with someone, someone she should never have loved.
After seeing things clearly, she was never again able to hold any
feelings of romance in her heart, and therefore never married.
She had once dreamt of having a child, so when Tang Hao
brought Tang San, it was like having her dream fulfilled, and
consequently Tang Yue-Hua thought of Tang San as her own.

One year wasn’t a very long time, but Tang Yue-Hua felt as if
she had been reborn. In Tang San she saw the future hope of the
Clear Sky School. How could she spare any effort in helping this

Early morning, after Tang San habitually finished cultivating

Purple Demon Eye, he quietly left the Moon Pavilion, without
alerting anyone. Right now was just as the sky held the first
glimmers of dawn.

A window on the top floor opened, and Tang Yue-Hua quietly

stood there, watching that gradually disappearing white
silhouette. A faint smile appeared at the corners of her mouth,

“Little San, I’ll wait for you at the sect.”

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After leaving Heaven Dou City, Tang San no longer held back
his speed. Extending his legs, he rushed with all his strength. He
had long since committed everything on the sheepskin map
Tang Hao gave him to memory. He could easily find the right
direction basically without looking at it again.

In the blink of an eye, five years time had already passed. Five
years ago Tang San had been impatient to know the answer.
And today, he finally had the right to learn it. Just as his father
said, he had already cleansed himself.

Speeding into the mountains, all bumpy roads were like

stepping on flat ground for Tang San. Eight Spider Lances
brought him along like a bolt of lightning, finally returning to
the mountain range where he once cultivated, how could he still
maintain that calm? He only wanted to see his father as soon as
possible, to hear him talk about everything in the past.

Still encircled by the mountains, ten thousand peaks and blue-

green folds, in front the rippling sapphire, and still that vast
waterfall connecting heaven and earth. Even though he once
lived here for two years, when Tang San returned here once
again, that feeling of an untroubled heart and pleased spirit
hadn’t changed at all.

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In the valley, apart from the rumbling of the waterfall,
everything was quiet, peaceful.

Looking at that waterfall that had accompanied him as he

grew, Tang San’s gaze roamed, searching for the silhouette of
his father.

“You’ve returned.”

The deep voice seemed to echo in his hears. Tang San

suddenly turned around. That instant, it was as if he froze in
place, and his originally excited gaze now turned completely

At the edge of the pool was a familiar figure. But when Tang
San saw him once again, there was an unsuppressable tremble
in his heart. The changes in temper over the past year seemed to
shatter in this instant. The pain in his heart making it hard to

Tang Hao stood quietly by the side of the pool, but there was
only one leg supporting his body. His entire left leg was cut off
at the base. Equally missing was also his right arm. Standing
there right now, was unexpectedly a one armed old man.

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His messy hair had even more been rendered snow white.


Tang San practically shuddered as he called out. In a flash, his

trembling lower jaw fell in front of Tang Hao.

Having lost an arm and a leg, Tang Hao seemed very calm.
The expression on his face wasn’t as grave and rigid as before,
and unexpectedly held a faint smile as he looked at the son who
thought him a hero.

Raising his hand, rubbing Tang San’s head,

“It’s good that you’ve come, I’ve been waiting.”

This kind of familiar action was something he had never done

before. But right now Tang San’s heart felt like a pincushion.

Incomparably intense anger agitatedly burst out,

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“Who was it, dad, who injured you like this……”

Because of his extreme fury, Tang San’s Deathgod Domain

forcefully burst out, the surrounding atmosphere turning ice
cold in an instant.

The smile on Tang Hao’s face didn’t fade,

“Silly child, what are you doing? Could it be that your aunt
taught you in vain in this year?”


Tang San looked at his father’s missing limbs, teardrops

flowing uncontrollably. The once youngest Title Douluo had
actually turned into this wind blown candle like old man, he
was his father!

The intense killing intent seemed as if it would rip through

his chest. At this moment, Tang San’s eyes were already
gradually turning blood red.

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Tang Hao’s expression mended, staring intently at Tang San,

“Wake up, there’s nobody that could turn me into this. The
one who did it, was me. One year ago, after I returned here, I
cut off my own right arm and left leg.”


Tang San was dumbfounded once again. He was unable to

believe that everything in front of him was actually his father’s
own work.

Tang Hao gave a calm smile,

“Very astonished? Didn’t you always want to know about my

past? Follow me. I’ll bring you someplace.”

While speaking, Tang Hao swung his remaining left arm.

Spirit power erupted, and he shot up. Even though he only had
one leg, his speed was still astonishing, and he directly soared
towards the waterfall. Left hand pressing down on empty air,
with just a burst of spirit power, he had already reached the reef

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across from the waterfall.

Tang San’s heart held far too many questions, and he hastily
leapt up, following his father to the rocks.

Tang Hao didn’t use spirit power to resist the battering of the
waterfall, allowing himself to be drenched.

Seeing Tang San catching up, he moved once again. With a

wave of his left arm, a three meter long, hammer head like a
water barrel, immense Clear Sky Hammer abruptly released and
soared up. The torrent of water falling from the sky was rolled
up by the tremendous spirit power, and Tang Hao also soared
up along with his Clear Sky Hammer.

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Chapter 144 - Tang San’s Mother, Hundred
Thousand Year Blue Silver Emperor

Tang San leapt up. He didn’t have his father’s profound spirit
power, but he had his own ways. The Flying God Claw shot out,
catching up to his father’s silhouette in midair.

Half the waterfall was directly rolled up by the Clear Sky

Hammer, and Tang Hao pressed with his left hand on the rock
wall behind it. Seemingly solid rock unexpectedly caved in,
revealing a portal.

In a flash, he had already made his way inside.

Tang San had never imagined that there would actually be a

place like that behind the waterfall, but right now his heart was
already filled with the pain of his father’s lost limbs, and he
followed directly inside without thinking about it.

Perhaps it was because of the waterfall just outside, but the

inside of the cave was very damp. The cave was about three
meters high, two meters wide, extending directly inside. Within
was very dark. Tang Hao pulled out a faintly golden gem from
his spirit tool, illuminating the interior.

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Watching his father jump inside on his one leg, Tang San
couldn’t hold back his tears. At this moment, his father’s back
seemed so lonely, desolate.

Recalling past events, he suddenly deeply felt the enormous

pain his father must have endured over all these years.

Walking furthest inside, the surroundings brightened. Raising

his head, he saw a hole in the rock ceiling. And here was an only
ten square meter stone room.

There were no decorations in the stone room, absolutely

empty, but just below the hole in the ceiling, there was a small
stone pot. In the pot, a slender blue silver grass swayed in the
wind. That blue silver grass seemed a bit longer than ordinary
grass, but most extraordinary was the thin golden line in the

“Little San. Come, kneel.”

Tang Hao pointed next to him, folding his one leg to sit.

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Tang San’s heart throbbed violently. Taking a few steps
forward, he knelt in front of that blue silver grass as his father

Raising a hand, the expression in Tang Hao’s eyes suddenly

became extraordinarily soft. He extremely gently caressed that
golden lined blade of blue silver grass,

“Ah Yin, I’ve brought our son to see you. Our son has already
grown up now. He’s got your beauty, and he’s even more
outstanding than me. Do you see? Our son is here.”

Tang San’s heart shook, stupidly watching that slightly

swaying, distributing a gentle aura, blue silver grass. His heart
trembled fiercely, and his Blue Silver Grass spirit released
uncontrollably, scattering from him, instantly covering the
entire rock room.

Tang San’s Blue Silver Domain also quietly opened in this

situation, gentle spirit power fluctuations pervading this quiet

That blue silver grass swayed even a bit more sharply.

Receiving the influence of the Blue Silver Domain, it seemed to

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grow quietly, the golden line on the blade moved slightly as if
alive, golden light rippling.

Tang Hao was also somewhat lifeless. Seeing that blue silver
grass grow with a speed distinguishable by the naked eye, he
muttered to himself,

“I, I never imagine. Ah Yin, Ah Yin, don’t tell me, you really
can come back to life? Ah Yin.”

Tang Hao wept. The Title Douluo of an era right now

unexpectedly had a face covered with tears, his one hand
trembling as it caressed that blade of grass, letting his tears
moisten the soil.

Tang San’s gaze was still lifeless. At this moment he finally

understood why his Blue Silver Grass would be so unique. Just
like he loved Xiao Wu, the one his father had fallen in love with
was actually a hundred thousand year spirit beast. Now wonder,
no wonder his father would know so much about everything
related to hundred thousand year spirit beats, even more than
Grandmaster knew.

It turned out that, in his veins, flowed the blood of a half

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hundred thousand year spirit beast…...

Tang San also shuddering extended a hand, without restraint

pouring all his spirit power into that constantly flowing Blue
Silver Domain, turning this entire stone room a clear blue color.

That blue silver grass was originally one chi long, and now it
had already gradually grown to two chi. But only to two chi, it
didn’t continue growing.

Tang San’s hand also gently caressed a blade of that blue silver
grass. At this moment, a strange scene appeared. Among that
blue silver grass, the two longest blades unexpectedly slowly
moved, one twisting around Tang Hao’s hand, and one twining
around Tang San’s fingers.

Extremely gentle spiritual fluctuations quietly appeared,

much stronger than ordinary blue silver grass, it seemed to
transmit a most familiar feeling.


Tang San was no longer able to hold back, falling prostrate on

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the ground, he cried voicelessly. Even though he wasn’t
originally of this world, when he truly felt the aura of his
mother, how could he inhibit the waves in his heart?

Tang Hao’s lips trembled, but the excitement and joy in his
eyes was something that hadn’t appeared for twenty years. He
had never expected that the blue silver grass in front of him
would actually grow so quickly in his son’s presence.

This growth was already more than the sum of the last twenty

Feeling that blade of blue silver grass rolled around his hand,
Tang Hao suddenly felt very blessed. That deathly silent heart
also gradually became a bit more alive.

In such an atmosphere, Tang Hao and Tang San, father and

son, didn’t know how much time passed. Only when Tang San’s
spirit power was no longer able to maintain the Blue Silver
Domain, and the Blue Silver Grass stretching from him also
slowly withdrew, did they gradually wake up.

That fantastic blue silver grass swayed softly. Tang Hao’s gaze
had already become somewhat lifeless by now, sitting there, his

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face unexpectedly had a somewhat silly smile.


Tang San’s voice had become a bit hoarse from crying, as he

called out for his father.

Tang Hao came back to his senses, looking over the blue silver
grass in front of him, then again looking over Tang San,

“You understand.”

Tang San nodded silently.

Eyes somewhat perplexed, Tang Hao seemed to look into the

past, and began to tell his story.

“When young, I was as outstanding as you. Among the

directly related Clear Sky School disciples, me and my elder
brother were the most outstanding two. And we were also the
sons of the previous generation’s school master. Relying on
outstanding talent and strenuous cultivation, very soon, we

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became the leading figures of the Clear Sky School’s new
generation. The outside world called us the Clear Sky Twin

“My elder brother is fifteen years older than me, and looked
after and cared for me in every possible way. From childhood, I
felt more deeply for my brother than for my father. Practically
all my skills were cultivated under my brother’s instruction.”

“In talent, I was stronger than big brother. When I was

twenty, I was already acclaimed as number one of the young
generation. It was also that year that my father awarded me my
first spirit bone. A sect heritage spirit bone. And my big brother
was thirty the year he received that honor.”

“Our Clear Sky School always put strength first, and my

father’s health wasn’t good. He was injured in his early years,
and was already growing worse day by day. In order to support
the Clear Sky School in the future, me and big brother never
married, spending each day in assiduous cultivation. Until I was
thirty, when I broke through the seventieth spirit power rank,
and my cultivation had gradually caught up to my big brother.
At that time, he was seventy eighth ranked. Even if there was
still some distance to the sect elders, at that time we were
already quite formidable.”

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“Perhaps it was because your grandfather knew his body was
growing worse, and he ordered me and big brother to go outside
to gain experience for ten years. It was also at that time that I
received the second sect spirit bone, and big brother didn’t.
There are altogether three of our Clear Sky School inheritance
spirit bones, and father giving the second bone to me was the
same as declaring me the successor for next school master. His
evaluation of big brother was that he was abundantly calm,
lacking in drive. But not having left the sect for decades, if we
didn’t experience the outside world, how could he be at ease in
leaving the sect to us? Subsequently, me and big brother left the
Clear Sky School, entering the teeming world of the Douluo
Continent. Regarding father’s favor, big brother didn’t have the
slightest complaint.”

“Relying on outstanding strength and the military fame of the

Clear Sky School, very soon, we had charged out into the Spirit
Master world and made it our own. Even though we still hadn’t
broken through eightieth rank, at that time Clear Sky School
was already regarded as one sect with twin Douluo. With our
ages at that time, nobody knew which of me and big brother
would be first to step into the Title Douluo level.”

“On our fifth year in the outside world, we met your mom.
She was called Ah Yin, the Yin of blue silver grass.”

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At this point, Tang Hao’s face softened again, as if seeing
again the scene where he first met Ah Yin.

“Me and my brother had both focused fully on cultivation for

decades. Even I was already thirty five at that time. Meeting
your mom, we were practically attracted to her at the same
time. You know? Your mom wasn’t only beautiful, but even
more important was that fresh and clean aura she exuded. She
was a fairy without the slightest impurity. Even the first time I
met her, she had already captured my heart.”

“Big brother also liked Ah Yin at the same time. By chance,

the three of us became companions. Ah Yin was very gentle,
very good to both of us. After a crisis, we decided to become
sworn siblings. At that time she announced that she was the
youngest, therefore she was ranked third. We already called her
Ah Yin, and also little three. Your name comes from there.”

The smiling expression on his face becoming even richer,

Tang Hao’s gaze foolishly watched that blue silver grass in front
of him,

“The next five years were the happiest days of my life. For
three years, the three of us travelled to practically every corner
of the Continent, and our friendship also grew even deeper.

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Being like a father, even though big brother and I equally fell
deeply in love with the fairy like Ah Yin, he still decided to step
down. One night, he quietly left us, returning alone to Clear Sky
School. That night, me and Ah Yin talked for a long time. She
also always hesitated, hesitated on what to do. It was just that
night she told me her identity. She wasn’t human, but rather a
hundred thousand year Blue Silver Emperor on the verge of
entering the mature stage.”

“That day, I was stupefied. Of course I knew what a hundred

thousand year spirit beast meant. But, the love I had for Ah Yin
diluted everything. What about hundred thousand year spirit
beasts? As long as she entered the mature phase, she would be
truly human, not different in any way. Thus, I confessed my
love to Ah Yin.”

“Your mom really was very kindhearted. The one she liked
had always been me, but because of her own identity, as well as
being afraid to hurt big brother, she’d never said anything.
Where the water flows, a canal is born. I decided to bring her
back home and formally introduce her to father. Even though I
knew it would be very dangerous, your grandfather was a Title
Douluo, and could completely see through Ah Yin, I still didn’t
want to wrong Ah Yin in any way. I believed that your
grandfather would understand. As long as we stayed hidden
after marrying and let Ah Yin quickly cultivate to the mature
phase, nobody would be able to tell that she was a hundred

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thousand year spirit beast again. Then, she would be truly

At this point, Tang Hao’s voice halted, looking at the blue

silver emperor in front of him, his heart seemed to tremble

“But, on our way to Clear Sky School, we ran into major

trouble. Originally, as early as when the three of us started
travelling the Continent together, we’d already drawn the
attention of Spirit Hall. After all, me and your uncle represented
the new generation of Clear Sky School, how would Spirit Hall
fail to notice us? And they also noticed Ah Yin who was
travelling with us. I was thirty five that year, but my spirit
power had already reached the eighty fourth rank. The one who
came from Spirit Hall was a Title Douluo. Even though his spirit
power was more formidable than mine, against my Clear Sky
Hammer, he couldn’t gain an advantage, and I destroyed his leg.
I brought Ah Yin to swiftly run far away. I knew that we
couldn’t return to Clear Sky School.”

“Sure enough, before too long, Spirit Hall’s Supreme Pontiff

at the time sent down orders, condemning Clear Sky School.
Demanding the Clear Sky School hand over me and Ah Yin. At
that time, your grandfather’s disease had already attacked his
vitals. Suddenly learning about this, and moreover being unable

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to find me, in a fury, he passed away. I also couldn’t see him
before his final moment.”

At this point, Tang Hao couldn’t keep from shivering, a

profound pain and regret visible in his eyes.

Tang San silently listened from the side. He could completely

understand how his father felt at that time.

Unable to return home, hesitating at a loss. Not knowing how

to confront his family.

His grandfather’s passing was no doubt an extremely heavy

blow to his father.

After a long time, Tang Hao’s mood quietly calmed.

“Despite big brother just having cultivated to the Title Douluo

level at that time, and there was also no lack of powers among
the clan elders, even if we were the number one sect under
Heaven, having lost your grandfather’s control, all influences
under the sect still grew restless. Facing the step by step
coercion of Spirit Hall, even your uncle could be said to only

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make progress with great difficulty. Fortunately, our Clear Sky
School’s might was valiant, and even Spirit Hall absolutely
wouldn’t dare act blindly without thinking.”

“Me and your mom got married. But our days were also ones
of fleeing to the east and hiding in the west. Despite knowing I
wronged her like this, despite very much wanting to return to
see the sect, I couldn’t. With this matter gradually settled with
much difficulty, I couldn’t return to stir up trouble for the sect
again. I couldn’t even go pay my respects to your grandfather.
Even afterwards, I never returned. Because I wasn’t qualified to
pay my respects to father. I was a disgrace to the sect.”

Hearing this, Tang San couldn’t help speaking up,

“Dad, no matter what you owe the sect, I will definitely repay
it double on your behalf in the future.”

Hearing his son’s words, Tang Hao’s face revealed some

gratification, continuing:

“That time, fortunately I still had your mom at my side. Even

if I gave up everything for her, I’ve never regretted it. If I could
choose again from the start, I would still choose her, but I would

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also return to protect the sect.”

“One day twenty one years ago, your mom was pregnant.
With you. At that time I truly felt very blessed, I no longer had
thoughts of fighting for victory, I only wanted to live properly
together with your mom. I don’t know if it was because I was
together with your mom, but in those days my spirit power
advanced by leaps and bounds, and that day you were born, was
just the moment my spirit power reached the eighty ninth rank.
And your mom, had also finally entered the final mature human
form stage. But it was that day, that Spirit Hall’s people came to
find us.”

Baleful anger leaked from the space between Tang Hao’s

eyebrows, and his remaining left hand tightened into a fist,

“Spirit Hall truly put on a great parade. The Supreme Pontiff

of the time led them personally, and there was still two Title
Douluo, as well as a large number of Spirit Hall experts. They
surrounded the place me and your mom stayed at. At that time,
your mom had just given birth to you, and the foundation of her
vitality was greatly weakened, her strength greatly discounted.
The Supreme Pontiff proposed to let me and you leave, but he
would take your mom. How could I let him have his wish
fulfilled? An unavoidable battle ensued.”

4898 Goldenagato |

At this point, Tang Hao’s eyes had already become deep red.
Tang San didn’t need to ask to guess how bitter the battle of
that time must have been. Having just stepped into the
ninetieth rank but not yet having obtained the ninth spirit ring,
his father would have confronted three Title Douluo, including
the Supreme Pontiff.

Even if he also had two spirit bones, how could the Supreme
Pontiff not have the same?

“Very soon, I was seriously injured. The conclusion already

seemed settled. It was at this moment that your mom walked
out holding you. That moment, she seemed very calm. Seeing
her walk out of the house, Spirit Hall’s people stopped fighting,
watching her quietly. Your mom indifferently asked them, did
they know what ability a hundred thousand year Blue Silver
Emperor possessed? Did they know what the highest mystery of
the Blue Silver Domain was? The Supreme Pontiff was stumped
by her question.”

“Your mom told them that the highest secret of the Blue
Silver Domain, was immortality. Nobody could kill her. Even
fewer could obtain her spirit ring and spirit bone. Unless she
killed herself. Afterwards, she proposed to the Supreme Pontiff
that, as long as they agreed to let me and you off, she would
come with them, and moreover kill herself to offer her spirit

4899 Goldenagato |

ring and spirit bone. It was me, it was all my fault, I didn’t have
the strength to protect her. The Supreme Pontiff didn’t seem to
want to thoroughly offend the Clear Sky School, and very
quickly, he agreed to your mom’s proposal.”

“At that time, my injuries were so serious I wanted to die,

even to the extent that I couldn’t speak. I could only watch
helplessly as your mom walked over to my side, placing you in
my arms. That moment, I really hated that I couldn’t die
immediately. Ah Yin, you really were silly, why would you pick
that choice?”

Tang Hao’s body shook violently because of the agitation,

teardrops once again flowing uninhibited.

“Your mom’s voice echoed in my ears. She said, she would be

mine forever, never to be possessed by others. The next
moment, in front of me, she killed herself……”

Intense grief instantly pervaded every corner of this narrow

cave. Tang San’s body shook just like his father. He could
naturally imagine that moment, how his father suffered, how
helpless he was.

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Suppressed by three great Title Douluo as well as countless
Spirit Hall experts.

Watching the death of the one he loved the most in front of

him. What could be more painful than this?

Tang Hao’s lips trembled, for a long time unable to speak

another word, only softly caressing the blue silver gras his wife
had become in front of him.

Tang San also didn’t speak. Tears flowing down his cheeks, he
knocked his head against the ground nine times towards the
blue silver grass in front of him.

He knew that his mother had passed in order to protect him

and his dad. And all of this, everything, was because of Spirit

An unknown length of time later, Tang Hao’s mood recovered


“The death of a hundred thousand year spirit beast will

produce a formidable magnetic field. Even Spirit Hall didn’t

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have a hundred thousand year spirit ring, and therefore, they
didn’t know. Your mom didn’t deceive them, with the Blue
Silver Domain, she was originally immortal. The highest
mystery of the Blue Silver Domain, called: Wildfire Blows
Without End, Spring Wind Blows Rebirth. No matter how
serious the injury, she would still come back to life within forty
nine days after her death. However, she chose to kill herself,
used her own hundred thousand years of cultivation as the price
to kill herself. Moreover, unconditionally pouring herself into
me to become a spirit ring. She, truly merged with me.”

“Under the effect of the formidable magnetic field your

mom’s death left behind, Spirit Hall’s numerous experts
attacked simultaneously, but were still unable to harm me.
They could only helplessly watch me and Ah Yin’s spirit ring
fuse together. To become the youngest Title Douluo on the
Continent at that time. A Title Douluo possessing a hundred
thousand year spirit ring is basically another concept than
ordinary Title Douluo. At that time, not only did my body heal,
but my strength rose dramatically. Ah Yin’s death, made me
insane. That fight continued for a full three days and three
nights. I held you in my arms, pouring out strength to attack. I
don’t know how many of Spirit Hall’s experts died in my hands,
and of the two Title Douluo the Supreme Pontiff brought, one
died and one was injured, and he himself was seriously
wounded from my strike. My injuries were also equally
sustained at that time.”

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“Your mom had died, but she didn’t leave a corpse. All that
remained was her spirit bone and a seed. After seriously
wounding my opponents, I gradually came to my senses. I knew
that if I kept fighting, perhaps I would be able to kill them all,
but that wasn’t what Ah Yin wanted. There was still you, I
couldn’t ignore you. You were the flesh and blood of Ah Yin and
me. Therefore, I brought you away. Dragged my injured body
away. Found this place. This was the place where me and Ah
Yin originally got married, it was she who brought me here. I
planted the seed she left behind, I knew that this was her, just
her without the hundred thousand years of cultivation. In this
life and this age, it was impossible for me to see her human form
again, but I would always protect her.”

“Not much later, I received the news that the Supreme Pontiff
had died from his wounds after returning to Spirit Hall. Spirit
Hall has always written this debt in my name, and also the Clear
Sky School. The Supreme Pontiff’s death no doubt produced
enormous troubles for the sect. In order to preserve the sect,
your uncle had no choice but to declare me thoroughly struck
from the rolls of the sect, and in order to avert Spirit Hall’s
reprisals, he sealed the sect. It was from that time that, while
our Clear Sky School had the reputation of first sect under
Heaven, in fact, all the factions that originally adhered to us
quietly scattered. Only the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School
and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan still kept some

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“You know all about what happened later. I planted your
mom’s seed here, then brought you to the not distant Holy
Spirit Village. Living in confusion. What you sensed at that time
was right, my old injuries are very serious. Originally, I planned
to end my life like that. Unable to return home, unable to
protect my wife, what kind of man was I? The Supreme Pontiff
was also dead, so I could be considered having avenged Ah Yin.
As for Spirit Hall, even though I was of a mind to retaliate, I
really didn’t want to cause even more trouble for the Clear Sky
School. Therefore, the father you saw was a blacksmith, a
drunkard. A drunkard indulging in shoddy alcohol every day.”

“Until you told me that the spirit you awakened was Blue
Silver Grass, that it was the Clear Sky Hammer. Twin Spirits.
That moment, I awakened a bit. You were very sensible from
childhood, I didn’t take care of you, on the contrary it was you
who took care of me. I knew that it was impossible for me to
reverse the circumstances of the sect or thoroughly avenge your
mom with my body in this condition. However, in you I saw
hope. Therefore, starting from then, I sent you off to Nuoding
Academy, secretly observing your growth. You were even more
outstanding than I could have imagined, you also had a good
teacher. In a short ten something years, the core of your
strength was already formed. Even though I never said it, when
I saw you lead your Shrek Seven Devils to smash the Spirit Hall
team, my son, I was proud of you.”

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The previous Tang Hao had never praised Tang San like this,
but saying it under circumstances like these, kneeling there, it
would be difficult for Tang San to be more moved. Fiercely
embracing his father’s broken body, he cried bitterly and
voicelessly while trembling.

Tang Hao raised his one arm, lightly patting his son’s back,

“Silly kid, don’t cry. A man of character doesn’t always go

weeping. I think your mom has perhaps already recovered some
awareness in your Blue Silver Domain. Seeing what you look
like now, she’s definitely very, very happy. No need to feel sad
for me. I’ve gone through even more difficult moments. I didn’t
lie to you, that arm and leg, I really cut them off myself. That
was something I had to do. Because, I hope to be able to live a
few more years. To see how you return the sect to glory, how
you avenge me and your mom.”

Raising his head to look at his father, even though Tang San’s
eyes were hazy with tears, the will he displayed right now was
unprecedentedly resolute,

“I will. I definitely will.”

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Tang Hao sighed,

“You should have sensed that the old injuries in my body have
already faded. I used my spirit power to force the murky blood
clots into the arm and leg I cut off, thoroughly severing the
trouble of the injuries. Even though only a third of my spirit
power still remains, I feel kind of relieved. I did it soon after
bringing you to your aunt’s place. If I waited for you to return, I
knew that anyhow or anyway, you wouldn’t let me disable my
body. Therefore, I just chose to do it while you weren’t here.”

“Dad, was it really worth it? Didn’t I tell you? Maybe I could
find a method to help you recover.”

Tang San couldn’t help saying.

Tang Hao silently shook his head,

“The one who made the error should take it on himself. I’ve
let down the sect for so many years, I have to account for myself
somewhat. Originally, the two spirit bones I received from the
sect were in the arm and leg I cut off. Getting them back should
also be considered settling accounts. As for the influence my
actions had on the sect, I can only rely on you to redeem me.

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Even though I’ve become a cripple, since losing my arm and leg,
I’ve felt a lot more relaxed. Because I can finally lay down
everything to keep your mom company. Despite only having a
third of my spirit power left, my strength is still seventieth
ranked. Enough to defend myself. There’s no need for you to
worry either. I won’t leave your mom again hereafter, I’ll spend
my last years accompanying her like this.”

Tang San stupidly watched his father,

“Isn’t it said that, after a spirit bone fuses with the body,
they’re inseparable? Only through death can they separate from
the body.”

Tang Hao shed a smile,

“That only goes for ordinary Spirit Masters. To Title Douluo,

as long as we want to, spirit bones can still be removed. But the
price is also equally heavy. Naturally nobody would choose to do
it. Among the six spirit bones, the skull bone and torso bone
really are inseparable, but the spirit bones of the four limbs can
be cut out by cutting off the limb and moreover permanently
losing ten ranks of spirit power. Consequently, my spirit power
has now dropped to the seventy fifth rank. But don’t worry, the
two spirit rings I got rid of were only the two lowest ranked

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ones. Even if only thirty percent of my spirit power remains
compared to before, in this world, it would require at least a
Title Douluo level to be able to put me to rest. The military
glory of Clear Sky can only continue with you in the future.”

Having told his son everything, Tang Hao seemed a lot more
relaxed, raising his hand to wipe the tears from his son’s face,

“I don’t want to see you crying again afterwards. I’m very well
right now. I’ve placed my burden on you. Perhaps, this is
somewhat heavy for you.”

“No, dad. I’m your son.”

Tang San used his most resolute tone to make clear his
determination to his father.

Let him repay the debts of his parents. Right now, he was
already gradually recovering from the pain of his father’s
handicap, because he also discovered that, right now, Tang Hao
really had become different from before. His entire person
became relaxed, and the pain also gradually grew more distant.

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Tang Hao nodded,

“Good. Once I’ve finished my accounts, you return to the sect.

I will never be able to go back, but you must. Take my place to
offer sacrifice to your grandfather. Take my place to kneel
before his tomb for three days. Return to the sect to know your
ancestors and clan. Listen to your uncle for everything. You can
do as you see fit with the enmity with Spirit Hall. After all, I’ve
already killed the main instigator long ago. However, you must
reawaken the Clear Sky School at any price. The sect fell
because of me, I want you to help it rise again.”


Tang San promised respectfully.

His face revealing a faint smiling expression, Tang Hao looked

at Tang San and said:

“Perhaps I was too strict with you in the past. In the future
you can return here every year to see me and your mom, and tell
me about the matters of the outside world. I won’t be leaving
this place again. I won’t injure my body again, because I still
have you to entrust with my hopes. And I still have your mom

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for company.”

Suddenly, Tang San seemed to think of something, looking at

his father:

“Dad, mom lost a hundred thousand years of cultivation and

needs to regrow, then, if outside growth speed factors
influenced her, wouldn’t that cut down on her cultivation

Tang Hao stared blankly a moment, then sighed:

“There’s no need of it. Only by cultivating thousand years can

she have true intelligence, a hundred thousand years to be able
to take human shape again. I won’t have the chance to see her in
this lifetime. I can only leave it for the later generations. Once
I’m gone, the task of looking after your mom will be left to

The expression in Tang San’s eyes suddenly became excited,

“No, dad, listen to me. I know a place that can let plants grow
thousands of times faster. Only I haven’t seen a plant type spirit

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beast there, all that grew were some heavenly treasure type
plants. Perhaps, perhaps mom might recover? After all, she
cultivated to the hundred thousand year level once before. Even
if it’s recultivating, it should be a bit different from ordinary

“Thousands of times?”

Tang Hao’s one hand fiercely grabbed Tang San’s shoulder,

“Is that true?”

Tang San nodded firmly,

“That place is known as one of the world’s three great

treasure bowls, it’s called the Ice And Fire Yin Yang Well. It’s
the place Poison Douluo Dugu Bo planted his herbs before.
Ordinary people are unable to live there, but to plants, it has
enormous benefits. All plants that grow there will mature in a
short period of time. Even if I’ve never seen a plant type spirit
beast there, with the profound qualities of the Ice And Fire Yin
Yang Well, perhaps mom……”

4911 Goldenagato |

Tang Hao’s originally calm eyes began to display an excited
luster. His wife’s death was the greatest blow to him in his life.

If speaking of his wife returning alive, even if it was to let him

see her face before he died of age, he had no other requests.

Eyes moist, he gazed at that flourishing blue silver grass,

“Ah Yin, did you hear? Our son said that there might be a way
to help you recover. Do you know how much I’ve wanted to
hear your voice again? Ah Yin, let’s go. I’ll bring you there.”

Tang San somewhat excitedly pulled on his father’s hand,

“Dad, wait a little bit, then we’ll leave at once.”

While speaking, he took out a dragon zoysia leaf from the

Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse and stuffed it into his father’s

“What I have here is dragon zoysia leaf. You’ve severed two

limbs, your vitality is greatly injured. Dragon zoysia leaf can

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solidify the foundations of vitality. Eat one each month
hereafter, and in one year, your body should have recovered its
health. Dad, you have to stay alive for mom as well. I truly hope
there can be a day when our family of three can reunite.”

Tang Hao swallowed the dragon zoyzia leaf in one gulp.

His son’s words had brought him enormous hope.

Ah Yin (阿银) shares the silver character yin (银) of blue silver
grass (蓝银草)

Three from “Little three” (小三) or “third youngest” is the

same character as san in Tang San (唐三).

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Chapter 145 - Mother’s Remains, Blue Silver
Emperor Right Leg Bone

Just like Tang San said, he hoped so much to see the scene of
the family of three reunited!

“Wait a moment before we go, it won’t be too late if I first

hand over something to you. Having waited for all these years,
it won’t matter if I wait a little longer, there’s no hurry at the

Tang Hao was after all old, and his will was steady. Indicating
Tang San first sit down, turning his hand, he pushed at the rock
wall to the side.

With a ding sound, a black thing fell from above, landing in

Tang Hao’s hand. Tang Hao handed it over to Tang San,

“Open it and see.”

That was a long, narrow black case, one meter fifty long, and
one chi wide. It was extremely heavy in his hands, unexpectedly

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weighing more than two hundred jin. Lightly flicking it with his
finger, it issued a muffled duoduo sound.

Due to casting hidden weapons, Tang San could also be

considered somewhat knowledgeable about metals. He was
astonished to discover that this long black case was made from

There was no lock on the case, and Tang San placed it on his
knees, slowly opening it.

When he had just opened it a fraction, he became completely


The lead case was only open a crack, but it left Tang San
gobsmacked. A wave of incomparable aura surged out of that
small crack, instantly making the surrounding space seem as if

The formidable aura was split into three parts, two of them
brimming with tyrannical grandeur, and the other
extraordinarily gentle. Three currents streamed out, and in
front of that enormous energy, even Tang San was unable to
move for a while.

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Tang Hao seemed to have long since anticipated that
something like this would happen. Raising his one arm, he
placed his hand on Tang San’s shoulder and passed profound
spirit power into him, helping Tang San adapt to these spirit
power fluctuations as soon as possible.

After as much time as it takes to eat a meal, Tang San loosed a

long breath. But the overwhelming shock in his eyes still
couldn’t be concealed. Just what was so forceful that it could
actually produce this kind of enormous pressure against him?

He opened the black case, almost impatiently.

The lead case opened. As Tang San saw the thing inside, he
couldn’t help being stupefied.

Within that long narrow lead case lay three things. The
leftmost was a shrunken right arm bone, black all over, with a
reserved black radiance, but powerful and violent energy
fluctuations that were enough to make anyone fearful.

On the right side of the case was a shrunken left leg bone, dark

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blue. Its energy fluctuations not anything like the right arm
bone before. Indeed, these two were both spirit bones, and
moreover extremely intact spirit bones.

Spirit bones were also classified in ranks. Generally speaking,

among spirit bones for the same location, the more intact and
the greater the energy fluctuations proved the quality was
better, and that it came from a higher level spirit beast. The
reason why the mind condensing wisdom skull bone Tang San
got from Spirit Hall was so good, was because its integrity was
extremely good.

But the other two spirit bones from that time were both
incomplete, like Ma Hongjun’s flame right arm bone was only
the forearm, and Zhu Zhuqing’s leg bone only had the calf.

Even though they were still out of the ordinary, they were still
incomplete existences.

But the two spirit bones in front of him now were both
extraordinarily intact, without the slightest flaw. The explosive
energy they contained wished for release, and their quality was
so good that they even exceeded Tang San’s mind condensing
wisdom skull bone.

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However, these two spirit bones weren’t what drew Tang
San’s attention the most. What drew his eyes was the thing in
the middle of the long narrow lead case.

That was a right leg bone. Among the six spirit bone positions,
the right leg bone was no doubt ranked close to last. However,
this right leg bone seemed to be special.

The whole thing was a sparkling and translucent piercing

blue-golden color, and there seemed to be specks of starlight
flickering inside. Most peculiar was that it gave Tang San a
feeling of life, as if this right leg bone actually possessed a life of
its own.

Even though any spirit bone would give people this kind of
feeling, this sparkling and translucent blue spirit bone was
especially distinct. An extremely familiar feeling seemed to
engulf Tang San’s heart, making his heart constantly tremble.

It was also intact, but it was unexpectedly even more so than

the two other spirit bones. Just by observing it with the naked
eye, one could sense its highest quality attributes.

“This feeling of life can only be produced by hundred

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thousand year spirit beasts. This is what your mom left you.”

Tang Hao’s gaze was also completely fixed on that blue right
leg bone, the expression on his face exceptionally soft.

His heart filled with shock that was difficult to express,

raising his head to gaze at his father, Tang San couldn’t keep
tears from rolling in his eyes. He of course knew that hundred
thousand year spirit beasts would inevitably leave a spirit bone
after their death, but had thought that the spirit bone his
mother left behind had been used by his father. Then it
appeared in front of him.

Again gazing at the other two spirit bones, Tang San could be
certain that his father didn’t absorb his mother’s spirit bone
back then.

“Your mom already gave me her most precious spirit ring.

This spirit bone is what she left for you. Even if you couldn’t
become worthy of it, I still wouldn’t have absorbed it, and just
kept it at my side for remembrance. This lead case was
originally made for it, until I stripped off the other two spirit
bones to keep alongside it.”

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Looking at Tang Hao, looking at that softly swaying blue
silver emperor grass, Tang San’s hand, somewhat trembling,
caressed that blue spirit bone. No wonder its energy
fluctuations would be so gentle, it was the aura his mom left
behind in it that sensed him!

He had never met his mom, but his mother’s aura filled Tang
San’s heart this moment, without leaving for a long time.

Tang Hao sighed,

“The other two spirit bones are both the most precious assets
passed on in our Clear Sky School for many years. They’re what
your grandfather originally gave me. I’ve let down his
expectations. Even though I can’t do anything more for the sect,
they at least must return. Once you’re back at the sect, hand
them over to your uncle.”


Tang San nodded his understanding. On seeing two such top

quality spirit bones he could use for himself, an ordinary spirit
master might have already impatiently wanted to take them for
his own. But Tang San didn’t do it.

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He knew that to his father, only fulfilling this wish of having
the spirit bones returned, would calm his mind to accompany
his mother.

Even more, since these two spirit bones belonged to the Clear
Sky School, unless awarded by the sect, he wouldn’t even touch

“Absorb the spirit bone your mom left you. I think she would
definitely be very happy to see it. To see her son receive her
protection, your mom would definitely be very satisfied.”

Tang San raised his head to look at his father, his eyes
revealing a hesitant expression. Deep in his heart, he even more
wanted this spirit bone to stay by his father’s side. After all, this
was also something his father had entrusted his heart with.

But at this moment, that softly swaying blue silver grass

suddenly moved, a slender blade of grass slowly unfolding,
twisting around Tang San’s right leg.

Tang San stared blankly a moment. Along with spiritual

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fluctuations, Tang San could clearly feel an urging intent from
that blue silver emperor grass his mother had become.

‘Mom is urging me?’

Tang Hao smiled faintly, saying:

“Look, I was right. Your mom also wants you to fuse with it at
once. Get to it. I’m looking forward to you bringing us to that
place that can help your mom recover after you’ve absorbed it.
Little San, did you know, ever since your mom passed, for all
these years, today is the first time I’ve been this happy.”

Hearing his father’s words, Tang San no longer hesitated.

Cautiously and solemnly placing the lead case on the ground, he
took out that blue leg bone from within, then closed the case
again, concealing the spirit power fluctuations of the two other
spirit bones.

Holding the remains his mother left for him with both hands,
Tang San’s eyes once again became moist. Since the time he was
born, he had shed more tears today than in his twenty previous
years combined. He sensed the gentle spirit power fluctuations
within that blue spirit bone.

4922 Goldenagato |

Tang San drew a deep breath, then stuck it to his own right


With a soft humming sound, Tang San felt his right leg
tremble slightly once, immediately afterward, a cool and
refreshing aura drilled into his leg from all directions. That
sparkling and translucent blue leg spirit bone quietly
disappeared, turning into countless blue-golden streams that
filled the air around his right leg.

Refreshing, comfortable, without the slightest hindrance. The

absorption was unexpectedly completely different from the
previous times when he absorbed the external spirit bone Eight
Spider Lances and the mind condensing wisdom skull bone. Not
only was there no pain, it was even comfortable.

As if he was stepping in a resplendent blue vast ocean with his

right leg.

Soaked in that gentle energy, Tang San felt the spirit power

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within his body slowly fluctuate along with its special
attraction. Each time it fluctuated, the surrounding atmosphere
became even more gentle. His spirit power didn’t increase, but
it became even more pure.

He clearly saw how the originally white Mysterious Heaven

Skill inner strength within him became a faint blue color, then
turned from blue once again back to white.

The entire process was very quick. Once the inner strength
had returned to being white, it was already a completely
different white.

If his previous inner strength was described as regular white,

then the color of his current inner strength was a kind of
textured white.

As if it contained mica powder, piercing, gentle, brimming

with toughness.

Immediately afterward, the refreshing feeling in that right leg

bone instantly spread through every part of Tang San’s body.

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Violent sounds of bones creaking shook the cavern.
Extraordinarily, Tang San didn’t feel any pain through the
entire process. That refreshing blue current affected all the
energy channels in his entire body.

Tang San was shocked to discover that all his energy channels
had unexpectedly turned faintly blue, and the inner strength
flowing through them had strengthened exponentially.

The stream gradually became a great river, but the energy

channels didn’t weaken, rather growing even more resilient.

If the two years of forging under the waterfall could be

described as polishing Tang San’s bones, and moreover
completely fusing the effectiveness of the Octagonal Mysterious
Ice Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot, then this hundred
thousand year level blue silver right leg bone made Tang San’s
energy channels expand to the limit. Absolutely neutral energy
made the two great immortal herbs effectiveness perfectly

With a slight breaking sound from his energy channels, but

still no pain, Tang San clearly saw how the Governing Vessel
that had always obstructed his path forward was wide open and

4925 Goldenagato |

The eight extraordinary meridians were completely
connected, bridging heaven and earth. Instantly, Mysterious
Heaven Skill inner strength rushed out just like raging waves,
circulating almost frantically within Tang San’s body. Tang
San’s inner strength constantly strengthened, and each
fluctuation made his body tremble fiercely.

Gradually, Tang San lost that crisp and relaxed feeling, his
spiritual force gathering inside.

He had already lost all perception of his surroundings. The

blue currents spreading over his right leg had already
completely merged into his body, and that refreshing gentle
aura was the all encompassing love of a mother, unceasingly
comforting her child.

Tang San slept. This rest was unprecedentedly relaxed and at

ease, because he was fast asleep in his mother’s embrace. A
mother’s embrace was the warmest in this world, and there was
nothing that could replace it.

He slept very, very deeply. His face didn’t have the slightest
trace of burden, only a sweet smiling expression.

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This rest lasted a full three days.

After three days, the refreshingly peculiar right leg slowly

returned Tang San to wakefulness. Opening his eyes, the first
thing he saw was his father sitting there, gently caressing the
blue silver emperor.

The blue silver emperor his mother had become was already
transplanted into a stone flower pot by his father.

“You’re awake?”

Tang Hao smiling looked at his son. He had already shed all
his worries, and there was no longer any need for the previous
solemn appearance.


When Tang San heard these words, he suddenly felt

somewhat unwell. As he lowered his head to look, he discovered
that his skin was covered in a starchy layer, appearing faintly

4927 Goldenagato |

“Let’s go. This time you’ve thoroughly shed your body and
exchanged your bones. I’ve carefully inspected your bones and
energy channels. In terms of your body alone, you can be
counted among the top three in the entire Douluo Continent. If
you still can’t endure the pressure of twin spirits in the future,
then I don’t understand how that Bibi Dong could have done it.
Don’t worry about cultivating. Once your Blue Silver Emperor
has reached the ninth ring, go boldly to increase the spirit rings
of the Clear Sky Hammer. As long as you don’t feel weird, I
think you should be able to always continue cultivating.”

Father and son exited the waterfall, Tang San washing himself
below. As he and his father left together, he clearly felt the
changes in his body.

His whole body seemed to have lost weight. As long as he used

force with his right leg, he had a kind of feeling as if floating in
the air to fly. And the ability given him by the blue silver right
leg bone, was Flying. Flying with very little spirit power
consumption. It was also only hundred thousand year spirit
bones that could produce such a top quality spirit ability.

Ten days later, they had reached the Sunset Forest where
Dugu Bo originally lived, reached the Ice and Fire Yin Yang

4928 Goldenagato |


Sensing the portent energy fluctuations within the Ice and

Fire Yin Yang Well, seeing the verdant and lush vegetation
surrounding that little pond, as well as the excitement
transmitted from the blue silver emperor in his arms, Tang Hao
knew that this was the right place.

Tang San sternly said:

“Dad, this place doesn’t suit the life of any other organisms
besides plants. That’s why there are no spirit beasts that dare
intrude. I’ve eaten two immortal herbs, so I won’t be
influenced, but if you stay here long, I’m afraid you’ll harm
your body.”

Tang Hao waved his hand,

“As long as your mom’s fine, I don’t matter.”

Tang San pondered and said:

4929 Goldenagato |

“That’s no good either. Our whole family can come together
after great difficulty, there’s also hope for mom’s recovery, how
can you have any accidents?”

Keeping himself from displaying any sadness over his father’s

broken body, Tang San’s mind turned like lightning, already
with a plan.

“There should be no harm in the short term, let’s first let

mom rest here.”

Tang San had wanted to help his father carry the blue silver
grass on the way, but had been refused by Tang Hao. Despite
only having one arm and one leg, he constantly persisted in
holding his wife.

But now was different. Tang Hao really wasn’t adept at

planting, and cautiously and solemnly handed over the blue
silver emperor his wife had become to Tang San, repeatedly

“Little San, don’t force it. It doesn’t matter if your mother

can’t speed up her recovery if by some chance she’s harmed by
being unsuited to the environment here.”

4930 Goldenagato |

Tang San nodded. He cared even more about this than Tang
Hao did. That was his mother! The only mother he had in two
worlds, how could he not be careful?

Closing his eyes, Tang San’s spiritual force gradually spread.

In a moment, he had already permeated the entire Ice and Fire
Yin Yang Well’s surroundings. He looked for the most suitable
place for a blue silver emperor to grow.

The blue silver emperor was a fairly neutral plant, therefore it

had to grow on the shore where the hot and cold springs of the
Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well converged. But Tang San didn’t want
there to be the slightest error, so he relied on spiritual force to
guide him to the most balanced point.

Very soon, his spiritual force had locked in on the target he

was looking for. Tang San softly crouched down, cautiously
using his palm to push the soil aside, then lifting the blue silver
emperor from its flower pot and planting it in that balanced

Throughout the entire process, Tang San cautiously sensed

each change in the surrounding energy, his entire spiritual force

4931 Goldenagato |

focused on this narrow square meter area. If there was just the
tiniest sense of something wrong, he would immediately pull
the blue silver emperor from that soil.

Gratifyingly, the blue silver emperor seemed very fond of the

atmosphere here, and through sensing with his spiritual force as
well as the peculiar nature of the Blue Silver Domain, Tang San
very soon discovered that the blue silver emperor had begun to
take root.

Biting the middle finger on his right hand, Tang San let a drop
of blood fall on the leaves of the blue silver emperor. Equally
possessing the bloodline of the blue silver emperor, and
moreover blue silver emperor blood already thoroughly fused
with the two great immortal herbs Octagonal Mysterious Ice
Grass and Infernal Precious Apricot, this was undoubtedly the
ideal tonic for the blue silver emperor in front of him.

Sure enough, as the blood fell, the blue silver emperor

immediately issued a blue luster, the leaves growing quickly.
Even faster than when it was touched by Tang San’s Blue Silver
Domain before.

Tang Hao didn’t block his son’s actions. Seeing the blue silver
emperor his wife had become growing quickly, he immediately

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exulted over the unexpected turn.

Just as Tang San prepared to once again squeeze out a drop of

blood to nourish the blue silver emperor, a resolute mood
rippled from the plant.

Sensing this distinct spiritual undulation, Tang San’s heart

immediately skipped a beat, hastily stopping his movements.
His mother was rebuking him. He knew that if he released more
blood to nourish the blue silver emperor, perhaps his mother
would not only be unable to absorb it, but it might even be
violently rejected.

How could a mother not dearly love her son?

“Dad, there shouldn’t be a problem. This is the place that best

suits mother’s growth. I know you’re unwilling to leave a step
from mother’s side. I thought about it just now, and already
have a way. I’m preparing to refine an elixir for you, after
taking it, you shouldn’t be influenced by the atmosphere here.
Of course, you still have to continue eating the dragon zoysia
leaf I gave you, to solidify the foundation of your vitality.”

Tang Hao’s heart was very good as he saw his wife growing

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quickly, and smiled:

“Don’t think your father is weak. Even if I’ve stripped off two
spirit bones, I originally found another four spirit bones back
when I originally went wandering. If I didn’t have a complete
set of spirit bones, how could I have withstood Spirit Hall? Even
though I’m only seventy something ranked right now, I
wouldn’t feel at a disadvantage even when faced with a Title
Douluo like that Dugu Bo.”

Intangibly, the imposing manner of the Clear Sky Douluo was

released once again. Seeing his father’s joyful appearance, Tang
San naturally also felt very good and no longer said anything,
walking over to the blazing hot yang side of the spring to take
out his elixir furnace and refining tools to immediately start
refining medicine within.

He had all kinds of drug ingredients at hand within the

Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse. Of course, he displayed this so
called refining even more for his father to see.

At nightfall, Tang San was still refining, and Tang Hao sat in
front of the blue silver emperor, quietly cultivating.

4934 Goldenagato |

Even though his strength couldn’t recover, just as Tang San
said, with just the hope of his wife’s recovery, he would keep
waiting. Even more, Tang Hao’s hopes had already substantially
improved next to this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Tang San quietly observed his father with spiritual force all
along. Sensing that his father had already entered a suitable
condition, he took out a dagger from the Twenty Four Moonlit
Bridges without making the slightest sound.

He really was refining, but he wasn’t refining medicine for

Tang Hao to avoid the influence of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang
Well, but rather a medicine for strengthening vitality. He
always waited for this opportunity. In order to let his father
accompany his mother here, to adapt to the climate here, he
needed a special medicine.

The medicine was the blood of a person who took two great
extreme immortal herbs he once ate.

The medicinal effect of the two immortal herbs had long since
completely fused within Tang San, making Tang San’s blood the
undoubtedly best medicine. He lightly cut open his wrist. He
knew that if he made even the slightest sound, his father would
wake up.

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In order to keep the smell of blood from leaking out, he had
even opened the Blue Silver Domain to conceal it.

Blood dripped into the cauldron like wriggling little snakes.

Out of fear that the medicinal effect would be insufficient, Tang
San let the blood flow until he felt faint and his vision blurred,
then swiftly stopped the bleeding.

Just like Tang Hao said, in terms of body alone, Tang San
could already reach the top three in the Continent. In just a
moment, the wound was already completely scabbed over. Tang
San knew that by tomorrow morning, there wouldn’t even be a
scar left.

With the best ingredient, the following refining was only to be


As Tang Hao woke up from cultivation early the next

morning, Tang San already cupped a deep red pill in his hand.

“Dad, eat it. Afterwards there will be no need to worry about

the environmental effect here, and you can always accompany

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Tang Hao nodded slightly. Seeing his son’s somewhat pale

complexion, he didn’t say anything, only swallowing the elixir.

Tang San stayed here another three days since he wanted to

make sure his mom could adapt to the environment here.

Events were happy, the blue silver emperor grew quickly as

Tang San anticipated. Making Tang San even happier was that
after eating the pill he refined, Tang Hao’s health changed
greatly. Because the turbulence in his qi and blood left behind
by losing two limbs disappeared, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well
was also unable to influence him in any way.

“Little San, come here.”

Early morning, Tang Hao called over Tang San who had just
finished cultivating his Purple Demon Eye.

“You start off in a moment. I’ll keep your mom company here,
no need to worry.”

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Looking at the seemingly refined and handsome son in front
of him, Tang Hao’s eyes were brimming with gratification.

Tang San knew that he indeed couldn’t keep lingering here.

He still had a lot of things to do. Even if his parents had already
found a place to settle down, the responsibility on his father’s
shoulders had already shifted to him.

“Dad, when can I go find Xiao Wu?”

Tang San probed.

Tang Hao smiled slightly, saying:

“You can go once you’re sixtieth ranked and need to get a

spirit ring. At that time, she should also not be far from
entering the mature stage. Once she’s reached the mature stage,
as long as you disguise yourselves a little bit, you don’t need to
fear being randomly recognized. Of course, before your strength
is sufficient, try to appear in front of Spirit Hall as little as
possible. Furthermore, before you go looking for her, first make
the trip back to the sect to settle the matters I’ve left for you. I
should say again that I believe you definitely can do everything

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I’ve asked you to. However, remember one thing. Even though
your dad has very high hopes for you, you are my son.”

Tang San of course understood the meaning of his father’s

words, nodding forcefully,

“Dad, don’t worry, I know propriety.”

“Go. There’s also no need to urgently return to see us. With

your mom for company, this is the best place for me to retire.”

Tang San left. There were still far too many matters still
remaining for him to do. When he left, he practically turned his
head three times every step to see his father, and to see his

His father’s lonely crippled silhouette, his mother returned to

a plant, all this lay at the feet of Spirit Hall.

As Tang San left his father’s line of sight, his eyes had already
become ice cold. He had not only inherited Tang Hao’s
responsibility, but also his enmity.

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The criminals who killed his mother couldn’t live under the
same sky as him. The tragedy of his parents had to be repaid in

At this moment, Tang San had already formulated his only

life goal, the thorough destruction of Spirit Hall by his own

Obtaining the blue silver emperor right leg bone didn’t

increase Tang San’s spirit power, it only purified it one step
further. However, connecting the Governing Vessel had given
him enormous benefits. With the eight extraordinary meridians
connected, Tang San’s spirit power had already directly risen to
the fifty ninth rank. He only needed a bit of time to saturate his
spirit power before he could start attacking the sixtieth rank
bottleneck. At that time, he could also go find the Xiao Wu he
hadn’t seen in five years.

Five years ago, he still wasn’t fifteen, but was already a world
shaking member of the Spirit Master world’s young generation.
Five years later he was twenty, harboring three great spirit
bones, twin spirits, and two great domains, what kind of shock
could he give the Spirit Master world now?

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As Tang San stepped out of the Sunset Forest, the entire Spirit
Master world had already begun to change.


Spirit City, Supreme Pontiff Palace, the meeting hall.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong sat in the seat of honor, the Golden
Generation of Spirit Hall, Xie Yue, Hu Liena, and Yan, standing
quietly behind her.

Five years ago the golden generation had relied mainly on Xie
Yue. Five years later, Hu Liena’s accomplishments had already
surpassed her elder brother’s.

Below the Supreme Pontiff around the enormous oval meeting

table sat altogether twenty people. Each person was gorgeously
dressed, their manner grave. Judging by the clothes they wore,
these people were all the pivotal great characters of Spirit Hall.
At least in the area of Master Spirit Hall officials.

The entire Continent had only two Spirit Temple masters, and
every single platinum bishop was present.

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If outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely understand
that major events were taking place in Spirit Hall.

The gaze of each person present was focused on Supreme

Pontiff Bibi Dong, waiting for her to address them.

Bibi Dong’s gaze swept across the subordinates present, and

said in a low voice:

“Following discussions with the elders of Elder Hall, there are

currently three great decisions to announce.”

Everyone swiftly sat straight, focusing their attention to listen

respectfully to the words of this powerful Supreme Pontiff.

Even if the Supreme Pontiffs of all the generations had great

authority, Bibi Dong displayed it especially distinctly. Even
though she was a woman, she was always known for her iron
fisted handling of Spirit Hall’s affairs.

Even the present Elder Hall wouldn’t lightly dare question her

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decisions. For at least a decade, there hadn’t been a dissenting
voice in Spirit Hall.

Of course, this was also very greatly related to Bibi Dong’s

ideal governance, making Spirit Hall’s influence grow more
each day, even to the extent that it already exceeded the
accomplishments of the two great Empires.

“The first matter. As Supreme Pontiff, I have already decided

on my replacement. Following discussions with Elder Hall, I
declare that from today on, Hu Liena is conferred the rank of
Spirit Hall’s Holy Maiden, the first ranked successor to Supreme

Most everyone had already long ago anticipated this decision.

Even Xie Yue and Yan could both hide their jealousy very well.

After all, the upper echelons of Spirit Hall largely knew about
Hu Liena smoothly leaving Slaughter City one year ago,
obtaining the Deathgod Domain. Moreover, this well known
figure of Spirit Hall’s Golden Generation was reportedly on the
verge of breaking through the sixtieth rank.

And she still wasn’t twenty six years old. This was unique in

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the history of Spirit Hall. Consequently, even though she was
the Supreme Pontiff’s direct disciple, nobody raised any doubts.

Bibi Dong’s gaze swept over the faces of all the participants.
Even though her gaze was very calm, the upper echelons of
Spirit Hall present naturally understood what Her Holiness was
looking for. The tactful ones immediately nodded their praise,
and even if someone was a bit slow to react, nobody showed the
slightest look of discontent.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong said with satisfaction:

“Hu Liena was taught by me, but the honor she obtains today
is all the result of her own efforts. I believe everyone has already
heard, but I can tell all of you here that she really did leave
Slaughter City, and moreover obtained the Deathgod Domain.”

Unsuppressable gasps echoed. Rumor was one thing, having it

personally confirmed by the Supreme Pontiff was another
matter altogether. Bibi Dong’s efforts to build influence for this
disciple of hers could even be said to be painstaking.

Even though she herself wasn’t very old and could still hold
the seat of Supreme Pontiff for a very long time, she would still

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establish her own authority over Spirit Hall one step further.

“The second matter. According to our several years of

investigation, the whereabouts of that hundred thousand year
spirit beast that once appeared in the Continental Advanced
Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament five years ago have
already been basically ascertained. Not long ago, a small search
party of ours discovered her tracks in the Star Dou Great Forest.
We can be almost certain that she’s hiding there. Hundred
thousand year spirit beasts can be discovered but not sought,
and this hundred thousand year spirit beast is moreover still in
the human form’s youngling stage, her strength still weak. This
time, no miscalculations are allowed to occur. Therefore, I’ve
decided to send Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo,
leading a party of twenty cardinals of at least the seventieth
rank, as well as Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, to search the Star
Dou Great Forest. It must be found and brought back alive for
me to deal with.”

Sitting below the Supreme Pontiff, Yue Guan and Gui Mei
stood simultaneously, bowing in acceptance of the orders.

Standing behind the Supreme Pontiff, Hu Liena’s face

revealed a difficult to inhibit excitement. She of course
understood that her teacher wanted to catch this hundred
thousand year spirit beast in order to obtain her spirit ring, but

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she simultaneously clearly understood that her teacher already
had a full set of spirit bones, and didn’t need another.

And as the Spirit Hall’s Holy Maiden, the next Supreme

Pontiff, this hundred thousand year spirit bone would
inevitably belong to her.

Even disregarding this spirit bone, just the chance of taking

revenge for the humiliation originally visited by the Shrek
Seven Devils was enough to make her excited. If only she knew
the whereabouts of Tang San, if she encountered him, she
would definitely flay his skin and rip out his flesh.

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Chapter 146 - Return To Clear Sky School

In order to defeat Tang San, Hu Liena had spent these five

years completely on bitter training. Not only did she brave
dangers alone, entering Slaughter City to obtain the Deathgod
Domain, her own efforts had also garnered enormous results.
She already surpassed her elder brother Xie Yue in spirit power,
reaching the fifty ninth rank, only the final bottleneck to the
sixtieth rank.

As Bibi Dong saw her this hard working she once said that
losing really wasn’t always a bad thing, as long as one could
transform the pain of defeat into momentum for cultivation like
Hu Liena, defeat would turn from bad to good.

Even though the loss of three spirit bones was originally

painful for Spirit Hall, as the holy land of the Continent’s Spirit
Masters, these things were still within their tolerance.

At least Hu Liena hadn’t let her down, returning as a holder of

the Deathgod Domain.

With these two matters made clear, the present Spirit Hall
senior members were all somewhat disapproving. These two

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matters were basically unrelated to them, and generally
speaking, it would only require an imperial order to notify

Was there a need to mobilize all these people and gather them
here? In fact, the people here were gathered from the width of
the continent, some travelling more than thirty days.

Of course, the people in the know all knew that the most
crucial item of this meeting was still the third.

Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong’s gaze gradually became serious,

“With the passage of time, the strength our Spirit Hall

possesses becomes more and more tremendous, there are
constantly new outstanding Spirit Masters joining. But there is
also a constant drain of Spirit Masters. On the Continent, even
though we are the largest gathering of Spirit Masters, we’re not
the only one. Far from all Spirit Masters will listen to Spirit
Hall’s dispatches. Especially some powers, who pay even less
attention to Spirit Hall. In order to improve these
circumstances, to unite all factions of Spirit Masters even
further, I have decided to begin the Spirit Hunting Operation.
To deliver a fatal strike to those who have the courage to pay lip
service to Spirit Hall. At the same time, the seven great sects

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that have existed for so many years, should also be readjusted.”

The words Spirit Hunting Operation, were like throwing an

explosive spirit tool into the meeting, the entire conference
room was immediately like a bursting pan. As the most senior
echelon of Spirit Hall, the altogether more than twenty people
present had all previously heard about this Spirit Hunting

Originally, it was raised when Bibi Dong had just assumed her
position, only to be forcefully suppressed by Elder Hall.

The old business of twenty years ago was raised anew.

Looking at the expression in Bibi Dong’s eyes, they understood
that this time this operation might truly be carried out. Her
Holiness wouldn’t shoot without aim, she should already have
prepared everything in advance.


With a thump, Bibi Dong sharply slapped the table,

formidable pressure immediately erupting from her.

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Under her accumulated might, the meeting hall immediately
quieted down.

The light of power radiated in Bibi Dong’s eyes,

“Calling you here today isn’t to have you discuss it, but to
declare orders. I have already discussed this matter with the
elders of Elder Hall. The Spirit Hunting Operation will formally
begin in one month. It will rely mainly on people dispatched by
Supreme Pontiff Hall, each Spirit Temple and Master Hall will
move strictly according to the orders issued by Supreme Pontiff
Hall, there must be no mistakes. I will personally participate in
the implementation process of this Spirit Hunting Operation. If
there is any careless mistake, don’t blame me, Bibi Dong, for
being merciless.”

Having waited patiently for twenty years, Bibi Dong would

finally begin to move. Slowly raising her head, looking at the
luxurious domed ceiling of the meeting hall. ‘Teacher, in those
days you died at the hand of Clear Sky School’s Tang Hao, it’s
time to avenge you.’

‘This time, nobody can stop me again. Seven great sects, Clear
Sky School, hmph, I will let you learn who the true master of
this Continent is.’

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Star Dou Great Forest.

Shaded by the trees, the vast forest was brimming with a fresh
and clean atmosphere. Just at the heart of this world famous
great forest, there was a not very large lake. If one didn’t
actually come here, it would be very difficult to believe that
there was actually such a marvel in the middle of the forest.

The lake wasn’t very large, only a hundred meters in diameter

or so, but the crystal clear mirror-like surface reflected the trees
on either side.

On the side of the water was still an even more bizarre scene.

A young woman in a white dress sat quietly under a large tree,

holding her knees. She stared foolishly at the water in front of
her, her thoughts unknown.

Her glossy black supple long hair was draped over her

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shoulders and scattered, scattered across the grass. The sight of
her was touching.

Her delicate features wore a gentle expression, her appearance

so beautiful, so perfectly in harmony with the surrounding
beautiful scenery, that she was like the crucial focus of a

Behind this gentle and beautiful young woman, quietly

crouched an incomparably enormous chimpanzee. Its giant
body crouched there like a mountain. By comparison, the
beautiful young woman was delicate and tiny.

The gaze of this giant chimpanzee was very soft, always

focused on the young woman in front of it. It was they that
formed the bizarre part of this picture.

The young woman sitting there was Xiao Wu, and behind her
was naturally the Titan Giant Ape Er Ming.

In five years back at Heaven Dou Great Forest, besides dry and
dull cultivating, she liked sitting by the lakeside, quietly
watching the water. As for what she thought, only she herself

4952 Goldenagato |

At this moment, suddenly, with a loud splash, an enormous
head shot out of the lakewater in front of Xiao Wu.

That was a bull head, at least four meters in diameter, two

eyes the size of lanterns flickering with light. Strangely,
connected behind this bull head wasn’t the body of a bull, but
rather a dark cyan enormous snake body, even even thicker
than a water barrel.

Even though most of it was still soaking in the water, the part
exposed above the surface was enough to shock anyone.

Looking at this suddenly appearing bullhead, Xiao Wu didn’t

feel any sense of astonishment. Sensing the deep concern in
those lantern sized eyes, her charming face revealed a faint
smiling expression,

“Da Ming, why did you come out now?”

The bull headed serpent bodied monster issued a low growl,

unexpectedly spitting out human words,

4953 Goldenagato |

“Xiao Wu-jie, I really don’t like it when you look this lonely.
It’s been five years, but you’re always like this. Don’t tell me the
human world really is so good?”

This bull headed serpent bodied monster was the Star Dou
Great Forest’s emperor, the Sky Blue Bull Python. It was just
like the Titan Giant Ape, its cultivation already having reached
the hundred thousand year level, only they didn’t choose to take
human form.

They also very rarely revealed their true strength in the Star
Dou Great Forest.

Of course, practically no humans could come to this place. As

the Star Dou Great Forest that held the most formidable spirit
beasts, this central area was forbidden ground.

Xiao Wu looked distracted a moment, lowering her head and


“No, I’m not thinking about the human world, but rather
about my friends there. Da Ming, Er Ming, don’t worry about
me. I’m alright.”

4954 Goldenagato |

Even though she said this, in her innermost heart, she was
filled with longing, ‘Ge, are you still well right now? I don’t
know how long before I can see you again. Don’t worry, I will
work hard at cultivating. Once I’ve reached the mature stage,
I’ll definitely go find you.’

The Titan Giant Ape Er Ming crouching behind Xiao Wu said

in a low voice:

“Xiao Wu-jie, those humans we ran into in the forest not long
ago escaped and went back. No matter how much you long to
return to the world of humans, don’t leave the Star Lake for
now. Here, me and big brother can protect you better.”

The Sky Blue Bull Python snorted coldly,

“Let them come. If we weren’t away back then, how would

aunt have……”

Hearing his words, Xiao Wu’s face suddenly became pale, and
Da Ming hurriedly stopped speaking, anxiously gathering its big
head in front of Xiao Wu,

4955 Goldenagato |

“I’m sorry, Xiao Wu-jie, I didn’t mean to worry you.”

Xiao Wu silently shook her head,

“It’s been so many years. It’s alright. However, I’ve already

found the enemy that murdered mother. One day, I will
definitely personally kill her and avenge mother.”

The Sky Blue Bull Python’s big eyes blinked,

“Xiao Wu-jie, tell us a story about your time in the human

world. Is the human world really so interesting?”

Even though they were the most formidable spirit beasts in

this Star Dou Great Forest, they had never left the forest.

Spending every day absorbing the essence of Heaven and

earth, they were just like Xiao Wu when she had just left, their
hearts like blank paper.

Er Ming also sat down, equally expectantly looking at Xiao


4956 Goldenagato |

Seeing their naive appearances, Xiao Wu couldn’t keep a
giggle from escaping. Who could have imagined the king of the
forest and the emperor of the forest looking like this.

Her eyes revealing fluctuations of emotions, she seemed to see

in front of her the scene of the time she first met Tang San.
With a faint smile, she began her tale.

To her, the less than ten years together with Tang San were
far, far more wonderful than her past hundred thousand years
of cultivating.

The two big shots of the spirit beast kingdom, the Sky Blue
Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape listened quietly. They were
already immersed in Xiao Wu’s story.


Dressed in white, Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges fastened to his

waist, and the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse hanging from
it. This was Tang San’s complete attire.

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If not for the directions of the map his father gave him leading
here, Tang San really would have found it very difficult to
believe that the Spirit Master world’s number one sect, the
Clear Sky School, would actually be in a place like this.

The distance from Heaven Dou Empire’s capital wasn’t far,

roughly three hundred li east of Heaven Dou City. Behind him
was a ring of mountains, and in front of Tang San was a small
village not much different from the Holy Spirit Village he once

Smoke rose in spirals from chimneys all over the village, it

would soon be time for lunch. At the entrance to the village, a
few children were playing, and in the fields to the sides, a
number of people were putting their tools in order, preparing to
return to the village to eat.

Spreading the sheepskin map in his hands, Tang San looked it

over carefully. He could be sure that he hadn’t found the wrong
place. Just here, illustrated by the map, the Clear Sky School
was unexpectedly this little village in front of him.

Once the number one sect under heaven, had actually

degenerated to this?

4958 Goldenagato |

Actually, let alone him, even if Tang Hao came here he would
be equally shocked. After the Clear Sky School declared itself
sealed, it had moved. That map was something Tang Yue-Hua
had given Tang Hao, but he had never had the chance to return,
and naturally didn’t know the circumstances here.

Thinking that since he was already here, he could only accept

it, Tang San put away his map, and walked towards this
seemingly unremarkable mountain village with big strides. At
the same time, he also felt a kind of indescribable sadness.

Not so long ago, the Clear Sky School had still been the
Douluo Continent Spirit Master world’s number one sect.

But now it had degenerated to hiding in a mountain village.

Even if this was a very good way to hide, to a clan with such a
formidable history, this was an enormous setback. This was
perhaps also the cause for his father’s pain.

Bringing disaster to the sect was admittedly his father’s

mistake, but what choice did he have?

Tang San also understood that he was Tang Hao’s son, so he

would naturally be partial to his father in this. But things

4959 Goldenagato |

change, and now wasn’t the time to investigate whose fault it
was, but rather how to raise the sect again, if the disgrace from
those days were to be washed away.

All kinds of thoughts spinning in his mind, Tang San had

already walked up to the mountain village entrance. Just as he
thought to step inside, several middle aged villagers just
returned from farming blocked his way.

“Please leave, we don’t welcome outsiders here.”

The speaker was a thick and strong built middle aged man. He
sized up Tang San as he spoke, his gaze somewhat suspicious.

Tang San sighed inwardly, standing straight,

“I’m no outsider, I’m only returning home.”

The middle aged villager stared blankly,

“Returning home? We haven’t had any noble young master

like you around here. We’re all country folk. What home are

4960 Goldenagato |

you returning to?”

Tang San didn’t need to look with his eyes to sense that the
other villagers nearby began to grow apprehensive, their grip
on the farming tools in their hands clearly tightening. Their feet
shifted slightly, faintly with the intention of surrounding him.

Unwilling to waste time here, Tang San slowly raised his left
hand, black light surging out of his palm. With a grave and
powerful aura, the Clear Sky Hammer quietly appeared.
Tightening his left hand around the handle, Tang San smiled

“Can this prove it?”

Seeing the Clear Sky Hammer, the several middle aged people
first stared blankly, but the mood very quickly relaxed a lot. As
they looked at Tang San again, the only thing remaining in their
gazes was respect.

The middle aged man Tang San spoke with before probed:

“Dare I ask which family you’re from? I don’t think I’ve seen

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you before.”

Tang San didn’t want to get tangled up here,

“My aunt is called Tang Yue-Hua, she had me return.”

With these words, the villagers didn’t dare be neglectful, and

hastily let Tang San into the village. What kind of status did
Tang Yue-Hua have? In the entire Clear Sky School, besides the
sect master, she had the highest position. She was also the sect
master’s blood related little sister.

Rather than saying that this little mountain village was the
Clear Sky School, it would be more apt to call it the Clear Sky
School’s outpost. Even if the Clear Sky School had fallen, it still
wasn’t to this extent. The ones living in the mountain village
were all the subordinate collateral relatives of the Clear Sky
School, and the sect’s true strength wasn’t here.

However, these collateral relative sentries were still fairly

cautious. Even if Tang San had obtained some trust by taking
out the Clear Sky Hammer, they still didn’t bring Tang San
directly to see the people of the sect.

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They rather invited Tang San to rest in an empty house, while
they sent people to inform the sect.

After waiting for approximately an hour, there were sounds of

urgent footsteps outside. The door opened, and a few grey
clothed men appeared in the doorway.

The man in the lead had wide shoulders and a broad back, his
nose straight and jaw square, short hair like steel needles,
seeming to be around thirty or so, bulging muscles hidden
under his long grey jacket, he was like a lion ready to spring,
brimming with a vigorous forceful feeling.

“You’re Tang San?”

The grey clothed big man asked. A sharp light glittered in his
eyes, and after looking Tang San up and down, beside curiosity,
his expression held some hostility.

Tang San could be certain that he didn’t know this person,

and also didn’t understand why he would be this hostile, but
still simply nodded,

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“That’s me.”

The grey clothed big man waved his hand to his two

“Follow us.”

Without saying anything further, he took the lead to turn

around and head outside.

In terms of the etiquette Tang Yue-Hua had instructed Tang

San in, these three people were clearly a bit rude. They didn’t
even announce their names. But Tang San didn’t mind, his
return was in itself to atone for his crimes. His father owed the
sect too much, and it was up to him to repay it. He sensed a
familiar tyrannical aura from the three grey clothed men,
without need to ask, they should be directly related disciples of
the Clear Sky School.

These three were very strong, especially that thirty year old
big man. Seeming to be around thirty, his spirit power was still
above Tang San’s, and should already have broken through the
sixtieth rank. Breaking through the sixtieth rank at this age, he
should be considered fairly outstanding in the young generation

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of the Clear Sky School.

And the other two whose ages seemed about the same as him
should have strength somewhere between the fiftieth and
sixtieth rank.

Even if the Clear Sky School had sealed its gates, he could tell
how formidable the sect’s true strength was by these three
directly related disciples.

After all, this was the number one sect under heaven!

Following the three out of the room, those three didn’t wait
for Tang San’s opinion before simultaneously extending their
legs, speeding towards the back of the village.

Even if they didn’t use their spirits, with spirit power at their
level, if they fully unleashed their speed, it was still quite

Tang San smiled calmly, then set his feet in motion, his figure
abruptly becoming illusory. After so many years of cultivation,
his Ghost Shadow Perplexing Stem had long since reached

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perfection. Even more, his right leg still had his mother’s
remains, the blue silver emperor right leg bone.

Even if he didn’t actually use its flight capability, his speed

still wouldn’t be inferior to agility attack type Spirit Masters of
the same level.

Consequently, even though the three people ahead were fast,

he caught up as if strolling up to people standing still. Not only
didn’t he fall behind, there wasn’t even the slightest amount of
influence on his grace, not the slightest fireworks, as he
constantly kept a ten meter distance to the person in front.

The leading grey clothed person turned his head to look

towards Tang San. When he discovered that Tang San had
actually come close without him sensing anything, he couldn’t
keep his expression from changing slightly.

Once again increasing his pace, he seemed to want to

meticulously inspect Tang San’s speed.

Unfortunately, the first to be unable to keep up wasn’t Tang

San, but rather his two companions. After the leading grey
clothed big man’s speed reached a certain degree, those two

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grey clothed big men already began to fall behind somewhat.

They also knew how competitive that leading grey clothed

man was, and couldn’t keep from feeling a burst of helplessness.
‘Boss, even if you want to compete with him, there’s no need to
be so anxious.’

Just as those two grey clothed men clenched their teeth to

speed up, but the distance began to open up, suddenly, they
simultaneously felt a gentle force pushing them from behind.
The two immediately felt their bodies become a lot lighter, and
their speed abruptly increased, recovering the distance they had
lost in practically a few eyeblinks.

As they turned around to look, they found Tang San smiling

and nodding to them. Clearly, that force came from him.

Amidst their feelings of gratitude, the two grey clothed men

were simultaneously shocked. How old was he? Not only could
he keep up with the boss with his physical capability alone, he
could even help the two of them.

No wonder, no wonder…...

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The party of four had very soon left the back of the village. In
front was a mountain peak. The mountain wasn’t high, but
extremely precipitous. The entire mountain wall was almost
perpendicular to the ground, and moreover extremely smooth.
There were no plants, it was actually a rock mountain.

The leading grey clothed person didn’t show the slightest

intent of slowing down. Already seeing the mountain in front,
he stepped off from the ground, soaring up, leaping directly up
at the mountain wall.

Tang San was inwardly slightly shocked. No matter how you

put it this mountain wall was at least five hundred meters high,
did he plan to directly climb this smooth rock wall? If it was
relying on jumping alone, Tang San also wouldn’t be able to do

After all, he still needed some purchase to display the marvels

of the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Step.

However, very soon the questions in his heart were undone.

Clearly, it was impossible for that leading grey clothed man to
climb it directly. As he ascended to a place about twenty meters
or so, the tips of his toes poked the mountain wall, and he
ascended once again.

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Tang San focused his eyes to see. As it turned out, this smooth
as a mirror rock wall had depressions every ten meters or so
that could be used for bracing.

His face revealed a smile. It seemed that this seal of the Clear
Sky School really was thorough. This precipitous rock wall in
front of him wasn’t something Spirit Masters below the fortieth
rank were able to climb.

Even with sufficient strength, one would still need the

courage to act. Even more, if someone launched attacks from
the top of the mountain, even sixty or seventieth ranked powers
might not be able to ascend. This was absolutely a defense on
the level of a heavenly moat.

The other two grey clothed men equally soared up. They
weren’t as aggressive as the leader who leapt twenty meters
with each purchase, and ascended the standard ten meters each
time, swiftly soaring up to chase after.

Tang San also didn’t make himself conspicuous. All along

following behind these two grey clothed men, he also exerted
himself every ten meters, swiftly climbing up.

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Very soon, the leading grey clothed man had already reached
the mountaintop. Turning his head to look down the mountain
and seeing Tang San following in the rear, there was some
praise in his eyes. After waiting for the three to all reach the
top, he set off once again. Through the entire process, he didn’t
say one word to Tang San.

On top of the mountain, the view ahead suddenly opened up

to a wide panorama. On the other side of the rock mountain the
view was no longer so monotonous, as far as the eye could see
were instead several mountains covered in large amounts of
green vegetation.

Four people, one in front and three behind, moved into the

Tang San discovered through observation that this mountain

range was very unusual. The majority of the peaks were all
extremely precipitous, and moreover the valleys between the
mountains were filled with mountain streams. In order to enter
the mountain, if one had to go climbing up and down, it would
not doubt be extremely exhausting. If defenses were installed on
each peak, then it would be like passing through one heavenly
moat after another. Even if the attackers outnumbered the
defenders ten to one, they still might not be able to force their

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way inside. This terrain was really too vicious.

Without continuing on very long, they had reached the end of

the mountain top they stood on. At five hundred meters high,
there was already curls of cloud and mist. Shocking Tang San
was that the grey clothed man furthest ahead actually leapt up,
leaping directly towards the deep mountain stream ahead,
instantly disappearing unseen into the clouds.

Of the two grey clothed men walking in front of Tang San,

one turned his head and gave Tang San a smile, reaching out
and pointing ahead below his feet, then leapt towards the
mountain stream.

Tang San looked carefully, and couldn’t help laughing in spite

of himself. Originally, at the end of the peak there was actually
an iron cable as thick as an arm, extending in a straight line into
the distance. Undoubtedly, it should be connected to another
mountain. Floating in the clouds and mist, it was very well
concealed. Without watching carefully, it would be very
difficult to discover.

Even though the iron cable swayed in the air, as long as one
had a certain level of strength and could keep one’s balance, one
could naturally walk it. This part could also be easily

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accomplished by thirtieth ranked Spirit Masters.

Tang San immediately understood the purpose of this

installation. If enemies invaded, when they couldn’t be
completely held off at the first pass one could retreat to the
second mountain via the iron cable, then afterwards cutting the
cable behind oneself. Like this, not only would one gain a buffer
of time, one could also continue resisting the enemy from the
cover of the second mountain. This kind of plan could be called

Tang San hadn’t even feared the circumstances of the Hell

Road, to say nothing of this little iron cable in front of him.
Leaping up, his feet moved lightly, and he landed on the iron
cable. The cable inclined upwards as it went, clearly the
mountain it connected to was higher than the previous one.
Tang San relied on his spirit power to slide forward as if stuck to
the iron cable.

The two peaks were very far apart, close to kilometer. As they
advanced and gradually entered the middle section of the iron
cable, under the influence of the mountains, the iron cable
beneath their feet also began to move more and more violently,
swinging back and forth almost ten meters from side to side.

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The grey clothed man furthest ahead paused a moment,
turning his head to look at Tang San. seeing him smoothly
keeping up, he continued forward. Clearly, he wasn’t as
unreasonable as he made himself out to be. At least he was still
concerned about Tang San’s circumstances.

Seeing this scene, Tang San couldn’t keep from revealing a

smiling expression. They were after all people from the same
sect, and even if he was an outsider, they were still related by
blood. Perhaps the hostility should be because of his father.

The next part of the road was like an endless repetition, only
the chasms between the mountains became deeper and deeper.
As they successively passed four mountain peaks connected by
iron cables, the condition of the cable had already begun to
change. Along with the cold and humidity, the iron cable
spanning from the fourth to the fifth mountain was covered by
a layer of ice, slippery and gripless, making the difficulty of
advancing increase substantially.

This time, the dark clothed man in the lead didn’t hurry to
rush ahead, but rather halted, pulling out a harness from his
chest, connecting one side to his waist and the other to the iron
cable. The other two grey clothed men also did the same.

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“For you.”

The grey clothed man in the lead threw over the same kind of
harness to Tang San.

With Tang San’s strength and his Blue Silver Grass, he

naturally didn’t need such things to protect himself, and even
less now that he could fly. But he still tied himself to the iron
cable like the three grey clothed men, continuing to keep a low

With the harness tied properly, the three grey clothed men’s
gazes were somewhat nervous. Clearly, this part of the road
wasn’t so easy to travel. The leading grey clothed man gave a
long whistle and leapt up. This time he clearly restrained the
height he leapt to and the distance he advanced. Toes touching
the iron cable, he leapt up once again, each leap bringing him
roughly ten meters.

Only when he had moved fifty meters did the second grey
clothed man move out, copying his manner to find purchase on
the iron cable.

Their harnesses slid along the iron cable without influencing

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their movements, while still providing a measure of safety.

Tang San was still last. He of course wouldn’t be nervous, and

also didn’t copy the skipping of the three people ahead. He
understood that the three grey clothed men chose to do so to
reduce the contact with the iron cable as much as possible. After
all, it was impossible for the icey areas to all be the same, and
any change could cause them to lose balance.

The height of the fourth peak already surpassed two

kilometers. If falling from here, as long as one couldn’t fly, even
Title Douluo would find it difficult to survive.

The final stretch also seemed especially long. Very soon, the
four had all disappeared in the clouds.

As Tang San leisurely continued forward, suddenly, an

indescribably sense of crisis attacked his mind.

The sense of crisis appearing, he first of all thought it was the

leading grey clothed man furthest ahead. Purple Demon Eye
launching in a flash, he looked ahead. But he saw that the grey
clothed man had already climbed up the other side, and just like
before, was waiting quietly for them there.

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However, the sense of crisis suddenly grew more intense. At
this moment, Tang San naturally wouldn’t begrudge using his
spiritual force, intense spiritual fluctuations unleashing, then
did he discover the true source of the danger.

An enormous monstrous bird was flying through the mist on

one side, and its route forward would pass directly through the
iron cable.

A bird capable of flying at an altitude of two kilometers was

naturally frightfully strong, and the iron cables had also become
very brittle after being frozen. If they collided, the result would
be obvious.

It really wasn’t that Tang San’s senses weren’t sharp, but

rather that the influence at this altitude was too great, the
temperature, clouds, wind, movement of the iron cable, as well
as observing the three grey clothed men, while focusing on all
these tasks, discovering that monstrous bird with spiritual force
wasn’t very easy.

At the critical moment, Purple God Light instantly activated,

two deep blue lights shooting from Tang San’s eyes. At the same

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time he shouted loudly,


Tang San’s reaction couldn’t be called slow, but in the end he

was still one step too late. At the same time as that Purple God
Light bombarded the monstrous bird, completely destroying its
head, that monstrous bird’s giant body also heavily collided
with the iron cable.

Faced with the enormous force, the close to a kilometer long

iron cable snapped with an ear-piercing rupturing sound.

Despite Tang San’s previous warning, those two grey clothed

men still on the iron cable reacted too slowly. Suddenly in free
fall, they could only grab the harnesses at their waists. It was
already too late to grab the iron cable.

The grey clothed man already on the other side was

immediately anxious, but right now he also didn’t have any way
to help.

Stepping in emptiness, Tang San felt far from reassured.

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Strong blue light shot from his right leg, and he instantly
stabilized himself. Without pause, a strand of Blue Silver
Emperor quietly swung out, directly twisting around the iron
cable on the opposite bank, another two strands also instantly
shooting out to accurately twist around the waists of the two
falling grey clothed men.

At this moment he formed a bridge in between.

Those two grey clothed men were also both of the elite of the
Clear Sky School’s young generation. Their waists tightening,
they knew someone had saved them. Without time to look, the
two hastily held their qi to lighten themselves, lessening the
strain on Tang San as far as possible.

Under the impetus of the iron cable, the three were

simultaneously flung towards the mountain wall. Seeing the
mountain wall approaching, Tang San bent his right leg,
kicking up a gale, retarding his momentum. at the same time
the Blue Silver Grass twisted onto the iron cable above swiftly

If someone now could see where the Blue Silver Emperor and
iron cable were connected right now, they would be shocked to
discover that the sparkling and translucent Blue Silver Emperor

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had grown fine blue thorns, piercing deeply into the iron cable,
completely averting the risk of slipping from the icey iron cable.

The Blue Silver Grass on both sides tightened, pulling close

the distance between Tang San and the iron cable and the two
grey clothed men below. And now that grey clothed man on the
edge also reacted. Exulting, he gripped the iron cable with both
hands, swiftly pulling in the trio.

Er Ming (二明) “Second Bright”

Da Ming (大明) “Eldest Bright”

Jie (姐) - Fragment denoting an older sister type person,

equivalent to ge (哥).

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Chapter 147 - Howling Sky Douluo

The arm strength of this grey clothed man already on solid

ground was extremely frightening. Even just half of a kilometer
long iron cable was still astonishingly heavy, and there were
still three people on top of that. But in his hands it was all like
nothing, and the iron cable swiftly brought the trio up.

At last reaching the mountaintop, Tang San didn’t feel

anything, but those two grey clothed men he saved both had
pale faces.

Returning from struggling at the edge of life and death,

nobody would feel any better than them.

That leading grey clothed man also loosed a large breath, his
gaze fixed on the still gracefully calm Tang San, and suddenly
struck at his shoulder with a fist.

Tang San’s shoulders shifted slightly, then stopped. He didn’t

block, because he clearly sensed that the grey clothed man’s fist
didn’t hold any malice.

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The fist landed on Tang San’s shoulder with a thump, and the
leading grey clothed man laughed out loud,

“Good brother, many thanks.”

Tang San smiled wryly:

“Big brother, go a bit easier next time, your fist is really


The grey clothed man forcefully clapped Tang San’s shoulder,

“Give me a break, it’s clearly your bones that hurt my hand. I

really don’t know how you’ve trained. I’m Tang Long. It’s fine
if you call me big brother. In our generation, I’m the oldest.
These two are Tang Tian and Tang Yu, they’re also our directly
related brothers. This time you saved their lives.”

Tang Tian and Tang Yu’s faces were long since filled with
gratitude, and the two nodded to Tang San. Tang Tian said:

“Brother, your favor can’t be repaid in words.”

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Tang San valiantly said:

“We’re all brothers, don’t mention it. If you were in my place,

you’d also have saved me just the same, no?”

Tang Yu had a bitter expression:

“We would if we had that ability! I heard you had twin spirits.
Was that just now your main spirit Blue Silver Grass?”

Tang San nodded.

Tang Long smiled:

“Second aunt’s boasted about you like a deluge of heavenly

flowers, I didn’t believe it before, but I do now. Being able to
have your present cultivation at your age, really isn’t easy. You
seem to have broken through the fiftieth rank. Not any less than
these two.”

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Tang Tian and Tang Yu looked face to face. Even though they
didn’t say anything, in their hearts they thought, ‘How is it just
‘no less’, previously he could even spare spirit power to help us
speed up.’

Without speaking of anything else, as three people fell

simultaneously, he could react to save others and himself, this
reaction speed wasn’t something average people could compare

Tang Long looked over the broken iron cable, and said

“This worn out thing should have been changed. Today really
was unlucky, we actually ran into a bird. We can only blame my
carelessness, if I paid a bit of attention and discovered it a bit
ahead of time, there wouldn’t have been such a careless
mistake. I’ll definitely be scolded back at the sect.”

Seeing him dispiritedly hanging his head, Tang San couldn’t

help smiling a bit. This seemingly somewhat forthright sect
brother really was straightforward.

Tang Tian said:


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