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- The study of organisms’ body protection from

Variolation means…
foreign invading/disease causing
- Chinese practice wherein in they inhale a
powder made up of smallpox scabs in order to
- The study of the molecules, cells, organs, and
produce protection against the dreaded disease.
systems responsible for the recognition and
- However, this was initially discouraged since
disposal of foreign (non-self) material
there is a chance the person could acquire the
- A science that deals with the immune system
smallpox disease.
and the cell mediated and humoral aspects of
immunity and immune responses
TAKE NOTE: • In 1798, Edward Jenner (an English Physician)
demonstrated that a scab from a cowpox lesion can
We have two types of immune response, cell
replace smallpox scabs for variolation.
mediated and humoral mediated
• This procedure was called: Vaccination (from
Cell mediated means the mechanism on how your ‘Vacca’ for cow in Latin).
body recognize and dispose foreign organism using the • Eventually led to the eradication of smallpox from
cells in your body. Ex; WBC, PLATELETS etc. the world in 1970
• He described how he deliberately inserted matter
Humoral aspect is a mechanism suspended in fluids taken from a sore on the hand of a diary maid, into
meaning these are the antibodies, complement the arm of the boy by means of two superficial
proteins, and the different secretions like cytokines that incisions.
are being secreted from our cells. • Barely penetrating the cutis, each about half an
inch long.
• The technique of vaccination against smallpox
SIDE NOTE: quickly spread through the world.
• In 1980, the World Health Assembly officially
We have something called antigens and antibodies in
declared "the world and its peoples" free from
IMS. antigens are basically proteins, since they are
endemic smallpox.
composed of mainly proteins, antigen is a simplified
term for antibody generator, and it will only become
non-cell antigen or foreign antigen if it originated NOTE:
outside of our body.
- The antibodies from smallpox and cowpox can
When a foreign antigen enters our body, a variety of bind to each other because they have similar
mechanisms, like and cells, and other molecules antigenic determinants, which is what we
produced by our immune system, which we call mean when we say they are cross-reacting
antibodies are the ones in charge of identifying it and antibodies.
eventually getting rid of it.


After introducing cowpox antigen to the boy and
Antigen is a foreign substance that enters your body. waiting two months for him to start producing
This can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens, antibodies, Edward Jenner implanted smallpox patient
venom, and other various toxins. matter to the same boy. After few weeks of
observation, the boy only had a small sore at the site of
Antibody is a protein produced by your immune
inoculation, meaning the exposure of the boy to a mild
system to attack and fight off these antigens.
disease cowpox had him protected to the deadly

IMMUNITY Thus, it began the study of immunology

- The condition of being resistant to infection. In other words, the antibody produced against cowpox,
cross reacted to the antigen of smallpox, which is how
the cowpox antibody was able to bind and neutralize it.
Elie Metchnikoff (1883-1905)
- Cellular theory of immunity through
When he examined a a transparent starfish under a
microscope, he saw that it contains ameboid-like cells
which are the WBC that migrate to the area where
bacteria are present and attempt to destroy the
bacterium's surroundings, he concluded that this is the
phagocytosis process. Cell-mediated immune response
was also discovered because of his study.

Von Behring, Kitasata (1890)

COWPOX - Humoral theory of immunity proposed
- Also discovered vaccine against diphtheria and

Robert Koch (1891)

- Demonstration of cutaneous hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity – exaggerated immune response

Gruber and Durham (1896)

- Discover agglutination reactions
Agglutination reactions, Formation of large complexes
HISTORY AND MILESTONES IN when you bind antibody and antigen together

Ferdinand Widal (1896)

Voltaire (1773)
- Devised agglutination reaction for the
- Reported on Chinese practice of variolation diagnosis of typhoid fever

Edward Jenner (1798) Paul Ehrlich (1900)

- Smallpox vaccination - Antibody formation theory

Haeckel (1862) Karl Landsteiner (1900)

- Phagocytosis - Discovery of the ABO Blood Group

Pasteur (1880-1881) P.Portier and Charles Richet (1902)

- Live, attenuated chicken cholera and anthrax - Immediate hypersensitivity anaphylaxis
- Attenuation means, you make a change to the
antigen and make it less virulent so your body Almorth Wright, Stephen Douglas, Joseph Denys
will only react to it, without catching the virus (1903)
or disease itself.
- Discovered opsonin’s and describe its relation
- (1885) live attenuated vaccine for rabies
to phagocytosis
Opsonin – proteins that are circulating in humoral
immune system which coats the bacteria so it can be
easily recognized or susceptible to ingestion of
phagocytic cells.
Von Pirquet and Schick (1906)
- Describe the relationship of immunity and

Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin (1921)

- 1st successful vaccine against tuberculosis

Pfeiffer (1894- 1895), Buchner

- Complement mediated cytolysis Complement
are proteins that mediates inflammation

Jules Bordet
- Received Nobel prize for his pioneering works
on complement

Salk and Sabin

- Development of polio vaccine
- Salk developed killed form
- Sabin discovered the attenuated form

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