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The History of Kimonos

riginally, "kimono" was the During the Edo period (1603-1868), the
Japanese word for clothing. But in Tokugawa warrior clan ruled over Japan.
more recent years, the word has The country was divided up into feudal
been used to refer specifically to traditional domains ruled by lords. The samurais of
Japanese clothing. Kimonos as we know each domain wore identified by the colors
them today came into being during the and patterns of their "uniforms." They
Heian period (794-1192). consisted of three parts: a kimono; a
sleeveless garment known as a kamishimo
From the Nara period (710-794) until then, worn over the kimono; and a hakama, a
Japanese people typically wore either trouser-like split skirt. The kamishimo was
ensembles consisting of separate upper made of linen, starched to make the
and lower garments (trousers or skirts), or shoulders stand out. With so many
one-piece garments. But in the Heian samurai clothes to make, kimono makers
period, a new kimono-making technique got better and better at their craft, and
was developed. Known as the straight- kimono making grew into an art form.
line-cut method, it involved cutting pieces Kimonos became more valuable, and
of fabric in straight lines and sewing them parents handed them down to their
together. With this technique, kimono children as family heirlooms.
makers did not have to concern
themselves with the shape of the wearer's During the Meiji period (1868-1912),
body. Japan was heavily influenced by foreign
cultures. The government encouraged
Straight-line-cut kimonos offered many people to adopt Western clothing and
advantages. They were easy to fold. They habits. Government officials and military
were also suitable for all weather: They personnel were required by law to wear
could be worn in layers to provide warmth Western clothing for official functions.
in winter, and kimonos made of breathable (That law is no longer in effect today.) For
fabric such as linen were comfortable in ordinary citizens, wearing kimonos on
summer. These advantages helped formal occasions were required to use
kimonos become part of Japanese garments decorated with the wearer's
people's everyday lives. family crest, which identified his or her
family background.
Over time, as the practice of wearing
kimonos in layers came into fashion, Nowadays, Japanese people rarely wear
Japanese people began paying attention kimonos in everyday life, reserving them
to how kimonos of different colors looked for such occasions as weddings, funerals,
together, and they developed a tea ceremonies, or other special events,
heightened sensitivity to color. Typically, such as summer festivals.
color combinations represented either
seasonal colors or the political class to
which one belonged. It was during this
time that what we now think of as
traditional Japanese color combinations

During the Kamakura period (1192-1338)

and the Muromachi period (1338-1573),
both men and women wore brightly
colored kimonos. Warriors dressed in
colors representing their leaders, and
sometimes the battlefield was as gaudy as
a fashion show.

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The History of Kimonos


Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?

True False

  1- Kimonos as we know today did not exist in Japan before the Heian period.
  2- The straight-line-cut technique made kimonos suitable for all weather.
  3- Japanese people were not happy with the straight-line-cut kimonos.
  4- The widespread practice of wearing kimonos brought about total indifference
to colour combinations.
  5- During the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period, kimonos of bright
colours gained in considerable importance.
  6- During the Edo period, the samurais of each domain wore kimonos of
the same colours.
  7- During the Edo period, it became a tradition for parents to leave kimonos to
their children as family heirlooms.
  8- During the Meiji period it was compulsory for all Japanese people to adopt
Western clothing and habits.
  9- It’s not so common to see Japanese people wearing kimonos today.


Match the words on the left with a definition on the right.

ensemble 1. too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste

garment 2. a set of clothes that are worn together
breathable 3. sharp, strong, increased
heightened 4. (of fabric used in making clothes) allowing air to pass through
gaudy 5. a piece of clothing
rule over 6. to control and have authority over a country, a group of people, etc
domain 7. a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many
heirloom 8. lands owned or ruled by a particular person, government, etc.,
especially in the past

Copyright © YDS Test Pro 2017

The History of Kimonos

Idioms and other phrases

A- Match the idioms on the left with a definition on the right.

come into being 1. (of a law or rule) in use

come into fashion 2. to give or leave sth to sb who is younger than you
hand sth down to sb 3. to become fashionable
be in effect 4. to exist, to appear

B- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate idioms given below.

come into being come into fashion

hand down to be in effect

1- Long skirts have ……………………….. again.

2- The Turkish Republic ……………………….. in 1923.
3- The outstanding literary works of American were ……………………….. us by the early
4- The new law has ……………………….. for two weeks.

 Expressions with the word “concern”:

be concerned with : This article is primarily concerned with the new

developments in technology.
be concerned to do sth : As a teacher, I am concerned to give my students feedback
on the essays they have written.
concern oneself with sth : Our manager doesn’t concern himself with details.
a matter of concern : Misbehaviour in school is a matter of concern both to
parents and to school.

Copyright © YDS Test Pro 2017

The History of Kimonos



1- T 2- T 3- F 4- F 5- T 6- F 7- T 8- F 9- T


1- gaudy
2- ensemble
3- heightened
4- breathable
5- garment
6- rule over
7- heirloom
8- domain

Idioms and other phrases


1- be in effect
2- hand sth down to sb
3- come into fashion
4- come into being


1- come into fashion

2- came into being
3- handed down to
4- been in effect

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