Polyfunctional Plants For Industrial Waste Disposal Part I Process and Equipment Design

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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association

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Polyfunctional Plants for Industrial Waste

Disposal—Part I: Process and Equipment Design

Antonio C. Caputo & Pacifico M. Pelagagge

To cite this article: Antonio C. Caputo & Pacifico M. Pelagagge (1999) Polyfunctional Plants for
Industrial Waste Disposal—Part I: Process and Equipment Design, Journal of the Air & Waste
Management Association, 49:11, 1355-1361, DOI: 10.1080/10473289.1999.10463962

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TECHNICAL PAPER ISSN 1047-3289 J. AirCaputo and Pelagagge
& Waste Manage. Assoc. 49:1355-1361
Copyright 1999 Air & Waste Management Association

Polyfunctional Plants for Industrial Waste Disposal—Part I:

Process and Equipment Design
Antonio C. Caputo and Pacifico M. Pelagagge
Department of Energetics, Faculty of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy

This article is the first of two papers dealing with devel- Industrial waste has become a major issue in several coun-
opment of a design and costing procedure for tries due to its high volume and the health and environ-
polyfunctional waste treatment plants. Part I reviews mental impacts of incorrect disposal. Advanced
equipment sizing aspects. Part II defines and validates the government regulation trends concerning industrial waste
cost estimation procedure. In this article, the structure of management are evolving toward the concept of ecologi-
a general purpose polyfunctional plant for liquid and solid cal products and processes intended ideally to have a
industrial waste treatment is discussed, highlighting the wasteless life-cycle. Recovery and recycling of resources
high level of process integration obtainable and the con- also seem to be an attractive aim. In the meantime, how-
sequent benefits. The plant comprises an incineration ever, an environmentally sustainable disposal of indus-
section, a section for chemical/physical/biological treat- trial waste must be pursued.
ments, and a stabilization/solidification section. Each sec- The industrial waste problem appears to be very dif-
tion is briefly described, and an overview of the sizing ferent than the municipal waste problem, where disposal
procedure for main equipment is presented. Such a pro- costs are charged to the general public. Costs of indus-
cedure forms the basis of a computer model for process trial waste disposal instead concern only waste produc-
and equipment preliminary design to be used in economic ers. From this viewpoint, small enterprises are in a
feasibility evaluation studies. particularly unfavorable condition since autonomous
disposal solutions are usually hampered by techno-eco-
nomic constraints.
IMPLICATIONS Some international experiences suggest that one of
One of the most promising approaches to solving the in-
the most promising approaches to solving the industrial
dustrial waste problem is offered by polyfunctional plants,
which show an ability to treat and dispose of wide classes waste problem is offered by polyfunctional plants, which
of waste, obtaining a high level of integration between are able to treat and dispose of wide classes of waste, while
technologies and at the same time performing collection at the same time perform collection and storage tasks.
and storage tasks. Such plants thereby allow both processing waste with dif-
In order to assist during the planning phase and to
ferent chemical and physical characteristics and obtain-
investigate the main factors (i.e., process arrangement,
waste mix, and plant capacity) affecting the investment
ing a high level of integration between technologies.
profitability of polyfunctional plants, a flexible tool for pre- Industrial waste disposal at polyfunctional plants, rather
liminary plant sizing and costing has been developed. In than at each production site, offers important advantages
this first paper, the usual plant arrangements and tech- arising from better environmental control, greater reuse
nologies, which form the basis of the model sizing proce- of waste materials and energy, and lower capital and op-
dure, are reviewed. Design criteria for processes and
erating costs.
equipment are also outlined for further economic analy-
sis. In the second part of this paper (not included here) The main aspects that may affect investment profit-
the plant-costing procedure is reviewed in detail, and pre- ability of polyfunctional plants include the characteriza-
dicted costs are compared with literature and real plant tion of process arrangements in terms of pollutant
data for model verification. emissions; the selection of the proper waste mix in terms
The detailed level of the mathematical tool repre-
of energy balance optimization; the plant utilization rate,
sents the technical foundation for economic feasibility
evaluation. Such criteria enable an estimation of capital
which impacts operating costs; protection against injury
and operating costs adequately precise to carry out stud- and property damage inside and outside the plant; con-
ies of economic convenience. tinuous improvement by means of research and develop-
ment activities; and a reliable emissions management

Volume 49 November 1999 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1355
Caputo and Pelagagge

policy in order to gain acceptance by the community. one devoted to a particular subset of the whole inlet
Another major factor usually neglected in recent litera- waste flow. Typically, the following main sections are con-
ture is the treatment capacity of the polyfunctional plant, sidered (Figure 1):
which is generally assumed to be dependent on the influ- • incineration section, for destruction of slud-
ence of the ordering body, which up to now has been ges and solid waste with a prevailing organic
usually public (local county councils, districts, provinces). content;
Nevertheless, finding an optimal capacity planning pro- • chemical/physical /biological (CPB) treatment
cedure is a particularly critical task. section devoted to sludges and liquid waste; and
Bearing this in mind, a procedure for the technical/ • stabilization/solidification section for treatment
economic feasibility analysis of a polyfunctional plant for of inorganic waste.
industrial waste disposal should be established, aimed at Some secondary flows are generated in the CPB sec-
highlighting both the most suitable process arrangements, tion, as sludges coming from the dewatering process are
according to the type and amount of waste to be treated, forwarded to the stabilization/solidification section (if
and the general identification and selection of an appro- inorganic) or the incineration section (if organic), and in
priate plant location. In order to pursue this goal and the incineration section in the forms of fly ash collected
enable a capacity analysis, a flexible tool for preliminary from the air pollution control system, ash and unburned
plant sizing and costing has been developed and described. residuals extracted from the incinerator, and sludges com-
This article is the first of two papers dealing with devel- ing from acid fumes washing. The outflow from the sta-
opment of a design and costing model for polyfunctional bilization/solidification section is sent to a landfill. The
waste treatment plants. In this first article, the usual plant high level of integration between processes is also shown
arrangements and technologies, which form the basis of in Figure 1.
the model sizing procedure, are reviewed. Design criteria
for processes and equipment are also outlined for further Incineration Section
economic analysis. In the second part of this article, the This section is based on batteries of small rotating kilns
plant costing procedure is reviewed in detail, and predicted in parallel (specific capacity 50–70 tons/day) with post-
costs are compared with literature and real plant data for combustion units to raise fume temperatures above 1000–
model verification. 1200 °C for destruction of hazardous air pollutants such
as dioxins and furans. Only when a total daily capacity
POLYFUNCTIONAL PLANT PROCESS exceeding 400 tons is required, a single grid or fluidized-
A general plant configuration has been assumed that bed incinerator may be considered for installation.
would enable the treatment of solids, liquids, and slud- Non-volatile ashes and slag extracted from the furnaces
ges, obtaining as end products waste suited for final dis- (about 20–25% of unburned waste fraction) are essen-
posal in special waste landfills. Discussion of reuse and tially composed of metal oxides, which may be assimi-
recycling has been deliberately omitted, as such practices lated with solid wastes to be disposed of in municipal
cannot be easily generalized in the field of industrial waste, solid waste landfills.
being specific to each production process. Moreover, A heat recovery section composed of steam generator,
the utilization of an external landfill has been hypoth- turbogenerator, air heater for kiln combustion air, and steam
esized. A generic polyfunctional plant (PP) comprises condenser may be installed upstream of the gas-cleaning
separate but interconnected treatment sections, each section. Flue gas is cleaned by a dry treatment with an

Figure 1. Schematic view of a polyfunctional waste treatment plant.

1356 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 49 November 1999
Caputo and Pelagagge

electrostatic precipitator (ESP) or fabric filter, which sends Stabilization/Solidification Section

collected particulate to the stabilization section, and a wet- The Stabilization/Solidification section processes sludges
scrubber section to remove chlorine-based compounds. from the CPB section as well as fly ash collected from the
Scrubber liquor is sent to the CPB section. Figure 2 depicts electrostatic precipitator and waste from external custom-
the plant scheme of the incineration section. ers needing no further treatment (Figure 4). In the stabili-
zation reactor, waste substances are embedded in a cement
CPB Section matrix with additives, which makes them suitable to be
The CPB section is composed of the following subsections: disposed in a landfill for special waste.
• three dewatering lines and two gravity thicken- The plant structure is completed by a chemical labo-
ing units for sludges obtained by the rest of the ratory, where analysis and acceptance tests are performed
CPB section as well as those coming from the on the influent waste in order to route each specific flow
wet scrubber or from external customers; to the proper treatment section or directly to the landfill
• a chemical/physical (CP) treatment plant per- if applicable. Finally, buffer storage areas are located in
forming coagulation, flocculation, and settling each section to enable waste accumulation before and
processes aimed at the separation of suspended during treatment in order to level flow rate peaks and
solids and primarily the precipitation of heavy ease periodic plant maintenance.
metals, which are highly toxic and inhibit the
succeeding biologic treatment; and DESIGN CRITERIA
• a biological treatment unit based on activated In this section, the design criteria adopted for the consid-
sludges and enhanced with pulverized activated ered PP are only briefly overviewed to illustrate the
coal (PAC) for removal of organic pollutants. methodological approach toward an overall
After a preliminary passage through storage and technoeconomic mathematical model. Design details may
equalization basins, liquid wastes coming into the PP be found in standard textbooks on the subject.1-5
are sent directly to the CP subsection along with waste-
water from sludge- thickening and dewatering plants. Incineration Section
From the CP unit the wastewater is sent to the biologi- Mass and energy conservation equations for incinerator
cal treatment unit, from which depurated water is sent and post-combustor may be written as
to the sewer and sludges are returned to the thicken-
ing and dewatering unit, as they contain a high per- MR + MC + (MAR + MAC) = MUB + MF (1)
centage of water (about 95% by weight). Dried sludges
are finally sent to the incineration or stabilization sec- (1–N) [MRHR + MC + (MAR + MAC) cpA TA]
tion. Dehydration is performed with vacuum filters, = MF cpF TF + MUB cpUB TUB (2)
belt filters, or press filters. A typical schematic of the
entire CPB section, excluding the stockage and neglecting the enthalpy content of air and refuse,
equalization section, is depicted in Figure 3. assuming that both air and fumes behave like perfect gases,


Figure 2. Scheme of the incineration and heat recovery section.

Volume 49 November 1999 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1357
Caputo and Pelagagge

Figure 3. Scheme of the CPB treatment section.


Figure 4. Scheme of the stabilization/solidification section.

and hypothesizing that the thermal power loss through stoichiometric combustion air (kg air/kg refuse) and ε is
unburned mass fraction, endothermal reactions, or ther- the excess air, which depends on refuse composition and
mal losses through furnace walls is accounted for as a frac- furnace type (100% has been assumed).
tion N of the total heat input (15% has been considered).
MR is the inlet refuse mass; MC is the fuel mass, MAR and At = 11.6 C% + 34.8 (H% –O%/8) + 4.3 S% (3)
MAC are the combustion air mass for refuse and fuel, re-
spectively; and MF is the flue gas mass. Unburned mass is where C%, H%, O%, S% are the percentage by weight of
a fraction of inlet refuse mass, MUB = X MR, (fraction X is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, respectively, in the
variable, typically in the range of 15 to 30%, and the value organic fraction of the refuse to be burned (typically 50,
20% has been considered here), and is assumed to have 5, 25, and 2%, respectively).
an exit temperature equal to the fumes temperature TF. H If the computed value MAR<MAR*, then the correct
is the lower heating value (a typical value for industrial value MAR* is used and the corresponding auxiliary fuel
waste is 5000–6000 kcal/kg); cp is the specific heat; and TA mass and fuel combustion air needed to bring the flue
is the preheated air temperature (assumed to be 120 °C). gas to the desired exit temperature are computed. An aux-
The calculation process is iterative; at first it is hy- iliary fuel with 10,270 kcal/kg low heating value, with a
pothesized that no auxiliary fuel is required (MC = MAC = carbon content of 87% and hydrogen content of 12%,
0) to obtain both complete combustion and the desired requiring 10% excess air, has been considered in the
flue gas temperature. This enables us to compute flue gas, present model. In the case that MAR>MAR* instead, the
MF, and primary air mass, MAR, by eqs 1 and 2. The result- computed value should be utilized; otherwise, the prac-
ing air mass value is compared with the practical required tical air value would be insufficient to ensure the required
air mass, MAR* = At (1 +ε) MR, where At is the theoretical dilution. The process is repeated until convergence with

1358 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 49 November 1999
Caputo and Pelagagge

continuous updating of cp values according to gas and gravity with reference to water density δ), the influent
refuse composition. mass of suspended solid is
Slag mass is assumed to be a fraction, XG, of unburned
mass, MS = XG MUB, while the remaining part, (1–XG) MUB, M SSI = SSI M SI (4)
is fly ash collected by the ESP. A value of XG = 0.4 has been
assumed. Fumes from the incinerator (at a temperature while the mass of suspended solid collected by a filter
of about 1000–1200 °C) may be passed through a heat with efficiency η SS and discharged is
recovery steam generator section, which abates their tem-
perature to 200–250 °C and preheats combustion air, pro- MSSD = ηSS M SSI (5)
ducing electric power. Based on the required thermal
power of the furnace, PT = MR HR (kcal/hr), and its typol- The corresponding mass and volume of dewatered
ogy, which defines the specific thermal load, R (typically sludge cake extracted by the filter are
150,000 to 250,000 kcal/hr m3; in the case of rotary kilns),
the kiln volume results, V = PT/R (m3), while the volume M SD = MSSD / SSD (6)
of the post-combustor derives from the required flue gas
mass and temperature imposing the maximum fumes VSD = MSD / gs δ (7)
velocity (<10 m/sec) and the residence time (>2 sec). The
ESP can be sized on the basis of the actual flow rate and where SSD (%) is a filter characteristic. Suspended solid
the specific collection area, as computed according to stan- mass entrained in the effluent wastewater is
dard procedures.6 Scrubber dimensions and pressure drop
may be instead evaluated on the basis of flow rate with M SSE = M SSI (1 – ηSS) (8)
empirical correlations.7
while the effluent volume flow rate of filtered waste-
CPB Section water is
Prior to the actual treatments, the inlet stream is passed VSE = VSI –VSD (9)
through an equalization section composed of a homog-
enization basin and a buffer basin, equipped with propel- The total BODE (kg/day) of effluent stream is a char-
ler mixers that directly feed the CPB section. The task of acteristic of the stream and is evaluated on the basis
those basins is equalization of the stream’s characteristics of chemical analysis determining the specific BOD
and the evening of daily flow rate and seasonal variation, (BOD S, typically around 1500 mg/L)
in order to feed the succeeding section with a possibly
fixed flow rate of nearly constant characteristics. The vol- BODE = BODS VSE (10)
ume of the basins is thus computed assuming a 40% daily
excursion from the average flow rate and hypothesizing a However, if experimental data is absent, it can be
1.5 safety factor. assumed that
For sake of simplicity, incoming waste flow in this
section is characterized only in terms of biologic oxygen BODE = f MSSE (11)
demand content (BOD, mg/L) and suspended solid con-
centration (SS, mg/L). Heavy metals concentration (HM, where the factor f is around 50%.
mg/L) is considered separately from SS when required. The mass balances for sludge, BOD, SS, HM, and vol-
Moreover, the following subscripts have been used, ei- ume balances for each stream and for each unit in the
ther alone or in conjunction: S for sludge, I for influent, E pretreatment section may then be easily established,
for effluent, D for discharged, SS for suspended solid, and thanks to the previous relations, in order to obtain the
R for recirculated. effluent streams directed to the CPB section.
As recirculation flows are generated by sludge treat- As to the gravity thickener, a basin with circular
ment, an iterative procedure is repeated until mass bal- shape has been considered. Its surface can be estimated
ance at each process point (representing a single piece of to be S = MSSI /CS, where CS is the surface load (typically
equipment) is reached. 20–40 kg/m2/day), while the volume derives from the
flow rate and the retention time (assumed to be 1–2 days).
Sludge Pretreatment (Thickening and Dewatering). Given a Vacuum filter size is dictated by the mass flow rate to be
generic sludge stream influent to this unit, having a mass filtered and the filter dewatering capacity, expressed as
flow rate, MSI, (and a corresponding volumetric flow rate kg SS/m2hr of filter surface (30–50 kg SS/m2/hr have been
computed as V SI = M SI /gs δ, g s being the sludge-specific assumed, depending on sludge characteristics).

Volume 49 November 1999 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1359
Caputo and Pelagagge

Chemical/Physical Treatment Section. In this section, influ- The mass balance of this section is completed by evalu-
ents are treated in two subsequent contact reactors lo- ating the mass of sludge underflow from clarifier. The sludge
cated in separate basins. In the first one, FeCl3 is added as underflow returned to the aeration basin (VSR) is
a coagulant agent, while in the second one lime Ca(OH)2
is added as flocculant agent for metal ions. An amount of VSR = (MSSI + ∆X – CMLSS VSSI)/(CMLSS –CSR) (16)
10–25% by weight of FeCl3 is added together with a small
percentage of polyelectrolyte (0.2–0.4% by weight) to where CMLSS is the concentration of MLSS in the basin (typi-
enhance the process efficiency. Required Ca(OH)2 mass is cally 5000 mg/L), CSR is the concentration of recirculated
computed on the basis of the following reaction with sludge (assumed typically 10,000 mg/L), and ∆X (kg SS/
metal ions: kg BOD) is the excess biomass formed daily at the ex-
pense of destroyed BOD, which needs to be extracted from
2 Men+ + n Ca(OH)2 → 2 Me(OH)2 + n Ca2+ (12) the process and discarded to maintain equilibrium.

Each metal species is considered separately. If only the ∆X = I ηBOD BODI (17)
total metals load (HM, mg/L) is known, then the same
concentration is assumed for each metal. where I is the sludge production index (typically I =
After introduction of the reactants, the effluent en- 0.6), and
ters the primary clarifier, where settling takes place. As-
suming proper process efficiency (ηSS = 90–95%) the settled VSD = (1/CSR ) [CMLSS (VSI + VSR) –MSSE–MSSR] (18)
sludge mass is
where VSD is the corresponding discharged sludge volume
MSSD = ηSS MSSI (13) and MSSR is the recirculated suspended solid mass

Similarly, BODSS and HMSS can be computed, assuming ηBOD MSSR = CSR VSR (19)
= 25–30% and ηHM = 99%.
The volume of both reactors is computed on the ba- To enhance process efficiency, PAC may be introduced
sis of the inlet flow rate, assuming proper values for the into the basin in order to oxidize hard-to-biodegrade com-
residence times: 30–40 sec in the coagulation reactor and pounds. The amount of PAC injected (mg PAC/L) is
20–50 min in the flocculation reactor. A circular settling
basin has been assumed. Its surface can be estimated as MPAC = CMLSS (Thyd/Tm) (20)
S = VI /CSI, where VI is the influent flow rate and CSI the
surface hydraulic load (i.e., the settling velocity, 0.7–2 m/ where Thydr (hours) is the hydraulic retention time in the
hr), while the volume is dictated by the flow rate and the basin, and Tm is the mean cell residence time. Thyd may be
settling time (assumed to be 2.5 hr). evaluated as

Biological Treatment. The influent stream is introduced Thyd = VB / (VSR + VSI) 24 (21)
into an aeration basin, where activated sludges oxidize
the organic compounds, creating new biomass-denomi- 24 being the daily operating hours and VB the basin
nated mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) at the expense volume (m3)
of BOD. The biomass flow is then forwarded to a second-
ary clarifier (sized proportionally to the primary one) from VB = BODI / (F CMLSS) (22)
which a depurated stream is extracted, while the settled
sludge is partially discharged to the thickening and de- depending on the influent BOD and the plant duty factor
watering unit, in order to maintain the process equilib- F (kg BOD/kg MLSS × days), which has been assumed to
rium by eliminating the excess biomass, and in part be 0.05 kg/kg, while Tm (days) is computed as
returned to the aeration basin.
The clarified water effluent, MSS and BODE, are com- Tm = CMLSS VB /∆X (23)
puted on the basis of design process efficiency (typically
ηSS = ηBOD = 90–95%): The volume of storage tanks for chemical reactants
may be estimated based on the daily consumption and
MSSE = (1–ηSS) MSSI (14) the required autonomy of treatment (usually 15–30 days),
considering the form in which each reactant is supplied.
BODE = (1 – ηBOD) BODI (15) For example, FeCl3, Ca(OH)2, polyelectrolite, and PAC are

1360 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association Volume 49 November 1999
Caputo and Pelagagge

usually supplied as aqueous solution at 40%, 10%, 30%, model has been implemented on a personal computer in
and 25% respectively, by weight. Finally, the required a spreadsheet format and enables the interactive selec-
oxygen amount for basin aeration (kg O2/day) is tion of waste characteristics and processes or equipment
operating parameters, calculating the plant energy and
MO = FO ηBOD BODI (24) mass balances as well as the size of main plant compo-
nents. The detailed level of the mathematical tool repre-
where FO is the specific oxygen demand (1.4 kg O2/kg BOD). sents the technical foundation for economic feasibility
evaluation. Such criteria enable an estimation of capital
Stabilization/Solidification Section and operating costs adequately precise to carry out stud-
The final stabilization/solidification section collects residu- ies of economic feasibility.
als from previous sections (e.g., dry sludge from the CPB
section, flyash from the ESP) or other sources that require REFERENCES
stabilization in order to be disposed of in special waste 1. Brunner, C.A. Handbook of Incineration Systems; McGraw-Hill: New
York, 1991.
landfills. This section is composed of a stockage area to 2. Conner, J.R. Chemical Fixation and Solidification of Hazardous Wastes;
Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1990.
accumulate the materials to be treated, a treatment unit 3. Eckenfelder, W.W.; Patoczka, J.; Watkin, A.T. “Wastewater treatment,”
to perform the stabilization/solidification process (essen- Chem. Eng. 1985, 92, 60-74.
4. Metcalf & Eddy Inc. Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal, and
tially a rotating drum sized for the daily treatment capac- Reuse; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1991.
5. Peavy, H.S.; Rowe, D.R.; Tchobanoglous, G. Environmental Engineer-
ity), and some basins devoted to final solidification of ing; McGraw-Hill; New York, 1985.
the product before disposal (Figure 4). In this application, 6. Turner, J.H.; Lawless, P.A.; Yamamoto, T.; Coy, D.W.; Greiner, G.P.;
McKenna, J.D.; Vatavuk, W. “Sizing and costing of electrostatic pre-
only cement-based stabilization processes have been con- cipitators, Part I: Sizing considerations,” J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc.
sidered, this being the most widespread process and show- 1988, 38 (4), 459-471.
7. Vatavuk, W. Estimating the Cost of Air Pollution Control; Lewis Publish-
ing a great compatibility with residuals containing high ers: Chelsea, MI, 1990.
8. Poon, C.S. A Critical Review of Evaluation Procedures for Stabiliza-
percentage of heavy metals, such as the present applica- tion and Solidification Processes. Presented at the Conference on En-
tion.8 Cement is added in the measure of about 20–25% vironmental Aspects of Stabilization/Solidification of Hazardous and
Radioactive Wastes, Atlanta, GA,1987.
by weight of refuse, as are silicates, at about 5–7%. This
leads to an increase of about 10% in refuse volume, which
assumes the form of pumpable sludge (with a density of
about 1.3 t/m3), which is then sent to the solidification
phase, which lasts about 30–40 days.

General criteria for the planning and preliminary design
phase of polyfunctional industrial waste treatment plants
have been presented in this work. In particular, a
mathemathical model, briefly described in the paper, has
About the Authors
been developed to quantitatively define the processes in-
Dr. Pacifico M. Pelagagge is an associate professor in the
volved. The algorithm structure is characterized by high Engineering Faculty at the University of L’Aquila, 67040
flexibility, allowing us to take into account different pro- Monteluco di Roio (AQ), Italy. Dr. Antonio C. Caputo is an
cess types and a variable mix of incoming waste stream. assistant professor in the Engineering Faculty at the same
An overall sizing of main equipment has been also per- university (e-mail: caputo@ing.univaq.it).
formed for the economic evaluation of each device. The

Volume 49 November 1999 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1361

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