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Original Research

Strength Deficit in Elite Young Rugby Players:

Differences Between Playing Positions and
Associations With Sprint and Jump Performance
Santiago Zabaloy,1,2 Julián Giráldez,1 Braian Fink,1 Pedro E. Alcaraz,3,4 Lucas A. Pereira,5,6
Tomás T. Freitas,3,5,6 and Irineu Loturco5,6,7
Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports, University of Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2Faculty of Sports Sciences, Pablo de Olavide
University, Seville, Spain; 3Research Center for High Performance Sport, Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Murcia, Spain; 4Faculty
AU1 of Sport Sciences, Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Murcia, Spain 5Nucleus of High Performance in Sport (NAR), São Paulo,
Brazil; 6Department of Human Movement Sciences, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and 7University of South Wales,
Pontypridd, Wales, United Kingdom

Zabaloy, S, Giráldez, J, Fink, B, Alcaraz, PE, Pereira, LA, Freitas, TT, and Loturco, I. Strength deficit in elite young rugby players:
Differences between playing positions and associations with sprint and jump performance. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000,
2022—The aims of this study were twofold: to compare the strength-related performance between young forwards and backs
rugby players and to examine the correlations between strength deficit (SDef), strength parameters, and sprint and jump perfor-
mance. Fifty-seven male rugby players (mean 6 SD: age, 17.4 6 1.3 years) performed anthropometric and body composition
assessments, vertical jumps, 30-m sprint, and squat (SQ) and bench press (BP) 1-repetition maximum tests (1RM SQ and BP). The
differences in the tested variables between positions were analyzed through an independent t-test. A Pearson’s correlation
coefficient was used to assess the relationships among the variables. Significant differences were observed for anthropometric and
body composition measures and jump and sprint performance between positions (p , 0.05; effect size [ES]: 0.60–1.34), except for
5-m velocity (p 5 0.080; ES: 0.57). Backs demonstrated higher relative 1RM than forwards in both exercises (p 5 0.009 and p 5
0.008; ES 5 0.88 and 0.91, for SQ and BP, respectively). In addition, backs demonstrated lower SDef from 70 to 90% 1RM (p ,
0.048) but small-to-moderate nonsignificant lower SDef against lighter loads compared with forwards (50–60% 1RM). Overall, SDef
across all loads (r: 20.378 to 20.529) and 1RM SQ (r: 0.504 to 20.590) were significantly related to sprint performance. Therefore,
young rugby players who present lower magnitudes of SDef and superior 1RM SQ performance tend to be faster in linear sprints.
Key Words: muscle strength, youth athletes, team sports, resistance training, athletic performance

Introduction (Vmax) being a discriminant factor across age categories (7,31).

Regarding strength, published data indicate that forwards possess
Rugby union is characterized by high-intensity intermittent ac-
greater absolute values in comparison to backs, which may be
tivities consisting of sprints, collisions, accelerations, decelera-
partially explained by their larger body mass (BM) (29,32).
tions, and high-speed running interspersed with periods of lower-
However, in general, strength capacity, expressed either in ab-
intensity activity and recovery (26). Playing positions in rugby can
solute or relative terms (normalized to BM), is essential to rugby
be generalized into forwards and backs, each one of them re-
union success (12) because its expression and generation is critical
quiring different physical and anthropometric profiles
for contact and confrontational situations (5).
(6,7,29,32) owing to their different game demands. For instance,
More specifically, strength is a basic quality that affects nu-
although the primary tasks of forwards are to gain and retain ball
merous physical and technical skills, which is usually assessed by
possession (usually in contact situations involving multiple
the 1-repetition maximum (1RM) test (21). Accordingly, relative
players), backs are regularly required to move fast in the field and
strength in the squat exercise (SQrel) was reported to be a dis-
avoid contact, which demands greater levels of acceleration and
criminating factor for sprinters and rugby players (21), whereas
speed (1).
1RM squat (SQ) was found to be significantly different between
The contrasting physical profiles of the different rugby playing
backs and forwards in collegiate rugby athletes (23). Following
positions have been extensively documented in the literature
the latter evidence, strength deficit (SDef), previously defined and
(7,9,29,32). For example, forwards are usually heavier, taller,
described as the difference (expressed in percentage) between the
and exhibit a greater body fat percentage than backs (7,9,13).
force produced when the resistance is the maximum that can be
Moreover, previous research (7) in young rugby players reported
lifted (i.e., 1RM) and any other force value achieved against
greater sprint velocities for backs compared with forwards, in
submaximal loads (15–17,21), seems to be another critical vari-
different split distances from 10 to 40 m, with maximum velocity
able to analyze players’ performance. To date, only Loturco et al.
Address correspondence to Santiago Zabaloy, (21) have reported that sprinters present lower SDef (p , 0.03)
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 00(00)/1–7 when compared with rugby players across a comprehensive range
ª 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association of loads (40–70% 1RM). From a practical perspective, lower

Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Deficit and Physical Performance in Rugby (2022) 00:00

levels of SDef imply that an athlete is able to use greater per- was approved by an Institutional Research Ethics Committee,
centages of his or her ability against lighter loads (e.g., 40% 1RM) conformed to the recommendations of the Declaration of Hel-
(17,21). Therefore, it can be expected that athletes with lower sinki. After being informed of the purpose and experimental
levels of SDef may also be able to apply greater amounts of force procedures, subjects and their legal guardians signed a written
against their own BM (21). informed consent form before participation.
Indeed, the superior capacity of sprinters to apply force against
lighter loads (when compared with rugby players) seems to be
connected to their superior sprint and jump performance (21). In Procedures
this context, it can be assumed that in sports where sprinting and
jumping abilities are decisive and discriminating aspects Anthropometric and Body Composition. All anthropometric and
(i.e., rugby) (7,29,32), SDef may also be considered a relevant skinfold measurements were performed twice by a level-II prac-
factor. Research in this regard is essential to understand more titioner certified by the International Society for the Advancement
deeply the influence of maximum strength and its derived pa- of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Body mass was measured using an
rameters on rugby performance (21). No studies have simulta- electronic scale (HD-366, Tanita Corporation, Japan); height was
neously examined the differences in maximum strength and SDef measured using a height rod and a vertex (Rosscraft Innovations,
across a range of loads and their possible associations with var- Vancouver, Canada), following the protocol recommended by
ious physical qualities in young rugby players. Therefore, the aims the ISAK. Regarding skinfolds measurements, the protocol sug-
of this study were 2-fold: (a) to compare the strength-related gested by Jackson and Pollock (20) was used, as previously de-
performance between young forwards and backs and (b) to ex- scribed (8). Skinfold measurements were obtained from pectoral,
amine the correlations between SDef (from 40 to 90% RM abdominal, and midthigh, always on the right side of the body,
[SDef40 to SDef90]), strength parameters (i.e., 1RM SQ, SQrel), with a skinfold caliper (Rosscraft Innovations, Vancouver, Can-
sprint and jump performance. Because backs are usually faster ada). Afterward, fat mass absolute (FM), percentage (FMrel), and
than forwards, we hypothesized that they would display lower lean mass absolute (LM) were calculated using BM and the for-
levels of SDef (21). Additionally, based on previous research mula provided by Jackson and Pollock (19). The intraclass cor-
(17,21), we also expected that SDef would negatively correlate relation coefficients (ICC) and coefficients of variation (CV) for
with SQrel, sprint speed, and vertical jump height. relative and absolute reliability across all measures were as fol-
lows: ICC . 0.99 and CV , 4.0%.

Methods Sprinting Speed. Subjects performed two 30-m sprints on a rugby

pitch (natural turf), with 3 minutes of recovery between each trial.
Experimental Approach to the Problem The warm-up protocol consisted of 5 minutes of low-intensity
This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the differences in running, joint mobility, multidirectional displacements, and
various strength-derived parameters, vertical jumping ability, and progressive 10- to 30-m sprints, with an overall duration of 20
30-m sprint performance between young backs and forwards. minutes. Timing gates (Chronojump; Boscosystem, Barcelona,
Players were assessed on a range of anthropometric (height, BM, Spain) were placed at 0-, 5-, 10-, 20-, and 30 m. The test started on
and + 3 skinfolds) and physical (5-, 30-m sprint, 1RM in SQ and a 2-point staggered position, just behind a line 0.5-m away from
bench press [BP]; and countermovement [CMJ], squat [SJ], and the first timing gate. Maximum velocity (Vmax) was calculated by
rebound 10-to-5 jumps [RJT]) assessments. The testing sessions dividing the ratio of 10-m and the fastest 10-m split time (i.e., time
were conducted over a 2-week period on separate days, with a 10-20-m or time 20-30-m), whereas sprint velocity at 5 m (V5)
recovery time of 48–72 hours between sessions. On week 1, at the and 30 m (V30) was calculated as the total distance traveled
first testing session, players were tested for anthropometrics and (i.e., 5 and 30 m, respectively) over a specific time interval (21). In
body composition. At the second and third testing sessions, addition, initial (SMini) and maximal sprint momentum (SM)
players were assessed for jumping ability and 30-m sprint per- were calculated by multiplying players BM by their respective
formance. On week 2, rugby players performed the SQ and BP velocity (i.e., V5 and Vmax) (30). The best 30-m sprint was
1RM tests. All measurements were performed at the same time of retained for further analysis. The ICC and CV for relative and
the day (61 hour), under similar environmental conditions absolute reliability in the variables assessed varied between 0.75
(20–25° C and 55–65% humidity) and supervised by a certified and 0.99 and between 1.6 and 5.9%, respectively.
and experienced strength and conditioning coach.
Jump Tests. Jump tests were performed using a portable jump mat
(Chronojump; Boscosystem), as previously described (3). The
Subjects specific warm-up protocol consisted of bodyweight lunges and
Fifty-seven amateur male rugby players (mean 6 SD: age, 17.4 6 squats and finally 3 sets of 2 repetitions of each jump (CMJ, SJ,
1.3 years; age range, 16–19 years; anthropometric measures and RJT 10 to 5). Three repetitions of each jump were completed
provided in Table 1) competing at junior level volunteered to separated by 15 seconds of recovery. The CMJ started with
T1 participate in this study (backs, n 5 30; forwards, n 5 27). players placing both hands on their hips and performed a coun-
Subjects had a minimum of 5 years of playing experience and termovement to approximately 90° of knee flexion before im-
played in the most important Argentinean junior league mediately extending into a maximal vertical jump. The SJ was
(i.e., Buenos Aires Rugby Union first division). They regularly performed afterward, from a squatting position with knees flexed
participated in approximately 6 weekly training sessions (3 to approximately 90° for 2 seconds; and then, upon a verbal
strength training and speed sessions and 3 technical and tactical command, they jumped for maximal height with the hands on the
sessions) and played once a week. No physical limitations or hips. Subsequently, players performed the RJT 10 to 5 following
musculoskeletal injuries that could affect testing were reported by the guidelines proposed elsewhere (4). Briefly, subjects were
the clubs’ medical staff. The study met the ethical standards and instructed to keep hands on hips to avoid upper-body

Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Deficit and Physical Performance in Rugby (2022) 00:00 |

Table 1
Comparison of anthropometric traits and body composition variables between playing positions.*,†,‡
Variables Fwd (n 5 27) Back (n 5 30) p % Difference (95% CI) ES (90% CI)
Height (m) 1.80 6 0.07 1.76 6 0.06 0.013 2.6 (0.6–4.6) 0.69 (0.24–1.14)
Body mass (kg) 85.05 6 12.58 71.33 6 8.67 ,0.001 16.1 (9.3–23.0) 1.25 (0.80–1.70)
Pectoral SF (mm) 11.76 6 6.87 6.25 6 2.94 ,0.001 46.9 (22.6–71.1) 1.02 (0.56–1.48)
Abdominal SF (mm) 22.71 6 9.00 12.11 6 6.29 ,0.001 46.7 (28.1–65.2) 1.34 (0.89–1.80)
Thigh SF (mm) 17.09 6 6.78 13.16 6 6.12 0.030 23.0 (2.4–43.6) 0.60 (0.15–1.05)
Sum 3 SF (mm) 51.56 6 19.71 31.52 6 13.95 ,0.001 38.9 (20.9–56.9) 1.15 (0.70–1.61)
FM (%) 13.95 6 5.65 8.03 6 4.20 ,0.001 42.5 (23.1–61.9) 1.17 (0.72–1.62)
FM (kg) 12.36 6 6.46 5.91 6 3.70 ,0.001 52.2 (29.2–75.20) 1.20 (0.75–1.66)
LM (kg) 72.81 6 8.19 65.42 6 6.85 ,0.001 10.1 (4.5–15.8) 0.96 (0.51–1.41)
*CI 5 confidence interval; SF 5 skinfold; FM 5 fat mass; LM 5 lean mass.
†Data are presented as mean 6 SD.
‡ES and CI (90%): effects sizes and 90% CIs.

interference, jump and land on the same spot, land with legs ex- (i.e., % 1RM), by simply monitoring movement velocity, while
tended and then flex them and to look ahead at a fixed point at all avoiding time consuming and higher risk (especially in young
times (4). In addition, subjects were also asked to maximize jump athletes) assessment of a direct 1RM test (22). In addition, because
height and minimize ground contact times. Eleven jumps were SDef is calculated from PF against 1RM SQ (100%) and PF at
completed in total, but the first was excluded because it was a distinct relative intensities (i.e., from 40 to 90% 1RM), the fol-
“CMJ” that initiated the “bounce” technique for the remaining lowing steps were implemented to obtain PF: first, a linear equation
10 repeated jumps. To obtain RJT height (in centimeters) and was created from the relationship between the last 3 to 4 loads and
reactive strength index (RSI) authors followed previous research their respective PF values (transducer estimates a PF value for each
guidelines (10). A 2-minutes rest interval was allowed between all absolute load) that was used to estimate PF at 1RM SQ; second a
trials, and the best trial of each jump was used for analysis. The second degree polynomial equation was created from the re-
following ICCs and CVs were obtained: CMJ (ICC: 0.990 and lationship between PF (from the lowest load to 1RM) and the
CV: 2.17%), SJ (ICC: 0.992 and CV: 1.96%), RJT (ICC: 0.947 percent of 1RM estimated for each load (from the proposed
and CV: 6.51%), and RSI (ICC: 0.957 and CV: 6.93%). equation for men) that was used to estimate PF values between 40
and 90% of 1RM; and third once PF between 40 and 100% 1RM
Isoinertial Squat Loading Test. The 1RM SQ and BP were esti- were estimated, SDef was calculated as the percentage differences
mated using a linear position transducer (Chronojump) for between PF at distinct percent of 1RM and PF at 1RM. Example,
measuring movement velocity. Recently, Weakley et al. (27) (SDef at 40% of 1RM) 5 ([PF at 100% 2 PF at 40%]/PF at 100%)
reported that for accurate measurement of mechanical outputs 3 100. Coefficient of determination (R2) and standard error of
during resistance training, linear velocity or position transducers estimate (SEE) were as follows: 0.99 6 0.01 and 39.25 6 24.02 (N)
should be used. The peak force (PF) was continuously assessed for the forwards and 0.99 6 0.01 and 31.48 6 14.78 (N) for the
during all attempts in the SQ at a sample frequency of 1,000 Hz by backs, respectively. No differences were observed between posi-
a linear position transducer (Chronojump) attached to the bar- tions with regards to the respective SEE (p 5 0.329). Relative
bell. The assessment began after a specific warm-up protocol strength values for the SQ and BP were reported as the ratio be-
previously used (24). Both exercises were assessed using a squat tween absolute 1RM and BM (SQrel and BPrel), and PF values were
rack, a bench, and an Olympic barbell (Taurus, Argentina). The also normalized to the athletes’ BM (RPF [N·kg21]).
players performed the SQ from an upright position, descending at
a controlled velocity until the thighs surpassed the horizontal
Statistical Analyses
plane, with the barbell resting freely on the upper part of the back.
The players were instructed to perform concentric actions at Data are presented as means and standard deviation (SD). The
maximal intended velocity and were not allowed to jump or take distribution of each variable was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk
the bar off of the shoulders. The initial load in the SQ was set at 30 normality test. An independent Student’s T-test was used to ex-
kg and gradually increased by 5–10 kg. Three repetitions were amine differences between playing positions. In addition, Cohen’s
performed with each load with a 3-minute rest interval between d effect size (ES) with a 90% confidence interval (CI) was calcu-
each set. The test concluded when players reached a mean pro- lated. Threshold values for Cohen’s ES statistics were given as
pulsive velocity (MPV) close to approximately 0.5–0.6 m·s⁻1 follows: .0.2 small, .0.6 moderate, .1.2 large, .2.0 very large,
(i.e., ;80–85% RM). Afterward, BP was performed starting from and .4.0 nearly perfect (18). Relationships between variables were
a complete extension of the elbows until the barbell touched the determined using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). The r
chest. To avoid bouncing, a pause of approximately 1 second values were interpreted as weak (#0.39), moderate ($0.40–0.69),
between the eccentric and concentric phases was interposed. The or strong ($0.70) (2). Statistical significance was established at the
initial load of the test was set at 20 kg and gradually increased by P # 0.05 level. SPSS (Vrsion 24.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) for
5–10 kg. Three repetitions were performed with each load with a Microsoft Windows was used for the rest of analysis.
3-minute rest interval between each set, and when players reached
a MPV close to approximately 0.5 m·s⁻1, the test concluded.
Once the assessment concluded, the 1RM values were esti-
mated in each exercise. The strong relationship between force and Comparisons of anthropometrics and body composition mea-
velocity enables practitioners to rapidly estimate relative load sures between backs and forwards are reported in Table 1.

Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Deficit and Physical Performance in Rugby (2022) 00:00

Table 2 shows the comparisons between vertical jump perfor- these results have relevant implications because BM was reported
T2 mance and 30-m sprint velocity between playing positions. Backs to be an important predictor of positional classification, in-
presented significantly greater performance for all jumping con- dicating that players with higher BM were twice as likely to be
ditions (p , 0.006; ES: 0.92–1.13). With regards to sprint per- classified as forwards (9). Hence, anthropometric and body
formance, backs displayed greater V30, Vmax, and lower composition measures should be frequently monitored during the
SMini (p 5 0.002, 0.001, and 0.019; ES: 1.10, 1.20, and 0.80, prospective development of young rugby players, specially to
respectively), in comparison to forwards. avoid the risk of unwanted and non-functional increases in BM.
Table 3 shows the comparisons of strength parameters between In terms of vertical jump and sprint performance (Table 2), our
T3 forwards and backs. Backs showed higher BPrel (p 5 0.009; ES [90% results indicated that backs performed better than forwards
CI]: 0.88 [0.35–1.42]) and SQrel (p 5 0.008; ES [90% CI]: 0.91 across all measures, with the exception of CT during RJT 10 to 5
[0.37–1.45]) than forwards. In Figure 1, regarding PF in the SQ across and V5, whereas the latter showed a greater SMini. These findings
F1 the load spectrum (from 40 to 100% RM), no differences were ob- suggest that regardless of the jump task, backs outperformed
served between playing positions (p . 0.05; % difference [95% CI]: forwards not only with regards to jumping height but also with
0.8 [227.2 to 28.9] to 7.0 [27.2 to 21.2]; ES [90% CI]: 0.01 [20.53 regards to RSI. Therefore, because vertical jumping ability was
to 0.50] to 0.32 [20.80 to 0.20]). Conversely, RPF was greater for reported to be significantly related to sprint performance in rugby
backs in the load range 60–80% 1RM (p , 0.05; % difference [95% players (14,29,32), it is not surprising that backs showed greater
CI] . 12.0 [2.3–25.0]; ES [90% CI]: 0.79 [0.25–1.33] to 0.87 V30 and Vmax than forwards, although nonsignificant (p 5 0.08),
[0.33–1.42]) with nonsignificant differences noticed for 90 and 100% moderate differences were observed for short sprints (i.e., V5).
1RM (p . 0.05; % difference [95% CI]: 9.3 [20.8 to 21.4] and 5.6 These findings agree with previous evidence indicating that senior
[25.9 to 17.8]; ES [90% CI]: 0.59 [0.0321.15] and 0.31 [20.25 to and young backs (i.e., 16–20 years old) outperformed forwards in
0.88], respectively). In addition, forwards demonstrated higher SDef 5, 10, and 30-m sprint tests (1,28,32). Nonetheless, it is worth
at 70–90% 1RM (p: 0.048–0.023; % difference [95% CI]: 21.6 emphasizing that forwards showed a greater SMini than backs,
[0.2–43.0] to 35.0 [5.0–64.9]; ES [90% CI]: 21.01 [21.56 to 20.46] which is possibly related to their distinct game demands. Specif-
to 20.77 [21.31 to 20.23]) than backs (Figure 1). Finally, Table 4 ically, in rugby union, forwards should be taller and heavier to
T4 reports the correlation coefficients between SDef at 40% 1RM to cope with the contact situations (e.g., tackles, rucks, and scrums),
SDef at 90% 1RM, vertical jumps, 30-m sprint performance, and which frequently occur during competitions (11).
strength-derived values. Regarding absolute strength (i.e., 1RM values), no significant
differences were observed between playing positions (Table 3).
Nevertheless, when the 1RM values were corrected to BM
Discussion (i.e., SQrel and BPrel), backs presented higher values than for-
wards. These data are in accordance with those reported in pre-
The aims of this study were to compare the strength-related per-
vious studies, suggesting that faster and more powerful athletes
formance between forwards and backs and examine the associ-
are able to apply greater amounts of force against their own BM
ations between strength parameters (i.e., SDef, SQ 1RM, SQrel),
(21). This is also reflected in terms of relative force because backs
sprint, and jump performance in young rugby players. Our main
findings were as follows: (a) SDef was significantly lower in the produced greater values of RPF from 60 to 80% 1RM SQ,
backs at higher loads (i.e., 70 and 90% 1RM) and (b) overall, for whereas no significant differences were observed in absolute PF.
all relative loads, SDef was significantly related to sprint perfor- As recently reported (21), this might explain why backs are able to
mance (i.e., V5, V30, and Vmax). In practical terms, this means achieve superior performance during explosive unloaded motor
that faster rugby players present lower magnitudes of SDef. tasks, such as sprint and jump tests. In senior rugby players,
Backs differed significantly from forwards in both anthropo- Zabaloy et al. (32) reported that forwards showed greater abso-
metric and body composition parameters (Table 1). These results lute 1RM values in both SQ and BP, but no differences were
are in line with previous studies (7,9,13,32), which reported that observed when these values were normalized to BM. Another
positional differences in anthropometrics reveal that backs are important aspect to consider is that high values of absolute
shorter, lighter, and have lower +SF. Moreover, backs presented strength and BM are essential to achieve superior performances in
lower skinfold measures, FM, and greater FMrel and LM. Overall, contact and collisional situations (11). As such, coaches are

Table 2
Comparison of jump and sprint performance variables playing positions.*,†,‡
Variables Fwd (n 5 27) Back (n 5 30) p % Difference (95% CI) ES (90% CI)
CMJ (cm) 34.05 6 5.32 39.03 6 5.13 0.005 214.6 (224.6 to 24.7) 20.93 (21.46 to20.40)
SJ (cm) 31.56 6 4.65 35.84 6 4.49 0.006 213.6 (222.9 to 24.2) 20.92 (21.45 to 20.39)
RJT 10/5 (cm) 26.62 6 5.00 31.94 6 4.14 ,0.001 220.0 (231.2 to 28.8) 21.13 (21.66 to 20.60)
RSI 1.35 6 0.33 1.63 6 0.25 0.006 220.4 (234.4 to 26.3) 20.92 (21.45 to 20.39)
V5 (m·s21) 5.07 6 0.19 5.20 6 0.25 0.080 22.6 (25.6 to 0.4) 20.57 (21.11 to 20.04)
V30 (m·s21) 6.93 6 0.37 7.28 6 0.24 0.002 25.1 (28.0 to 22.1) 21.10 (21.66 to 20.55)
Vmax (m·s21) 7.96 6 0.54 8.52 6 0.35 ,0.001 27.0 (210.8 to 23.3) 21.20 (21.76 to 20.64)
SMini (kg·m·s21) 421.68 6 62.92 374.18 6 52.25 0.019 11.3 (2.2 to 20.4) 0.80 (0.25 to 1.35)
SM (kg·m·s21) 660.93 6 95.12 613.10 6 87.24 0.123 7.2 (22.0 to 16.5) 0.51 (20.04 to 1.06)
*CI 5 confidence interval; MJ 5 counter movement jump; SJ 5 squat jump; RJT 10/5 5 rebound jump test; RSI 5 reactive strength index. Vmax 5 maximum velocity attained during the 30-m sprint test;
SMini 5 sprint momentum attained during the 5-m sprint; SM 5 maximum sprint momentum attained during the 30-m sprint test.
†Data are presented as mean 6 SD.
‡ES and CI (90%): effects sizes and 90% CIs.

Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Deficit and Physical Performance in Rugby (2022) 00:00 |

Table 3
Comparison of strength performance variables between youth rugby players according to playing positions.*,†,‡
Fwd (n 5 27) Back (n 5 30) p % Difference (95% CI) ES (90% CI)
BP1RM (kg) 94.69 6 20.68 94.02 6 19.12 0.917 0.7 (212.8 to 14.2) 0.03 (20.50 to 0.57)
BPrel (kg·kg21) 1.15 6 0.20 1.32 6 0.17 0.009 214.5 (225.4 to 23.6) 20.88 (21.42 to 20.35)
SQ1RM (kg) 109.83 6 24.57 110.63 6 22.52 0.919 20.7 (214.9 to 13.5) 20.03 (20.58 to 0.52)
SQrel (kg·kg21) 1.35 6 0.21 1.55 6 0.22 0.008 216.3 (228.3 to 24.4) 20.91 (21.45 to 20.37)
*CI 5 confidence interval; BP1RM 5 1-repetition maximum in the bench press exercise; BPrel 5 relative to body mass BP performance; SQ1RM 5 1-repetition maximum in the squat; SQrel 5 relative to body
mass squat performance.
†Data are presented as mean 6 SD.
‡ES and CI (90%): effects sizes and 90% CIs.

advised to prevent nonfunctional variations in BM during the

specialization process of young forwards, balancing the chronic
increases in BM with substantial increases in lower-limb strength
(1) because in the present study, forwards and backs presented
similar 1RM values.
Increases in lower-limb strength (as well as in other strength-
derived measures) have been directly related to improvements
in sprint and jump performance (21,25). Accordingly, Loturco
et al. (21) revealed that SDef can discriminate between elite
sprinters and rugby players. However, to date, no studies have
analyzed the differences in SDef in the SQ exercise across a
wide range of loads (from 40 to 90% 1RM). Our results in-
dicated that backs are able to apply significantly higher (p ,
0.048, ES moderate) relative force against loads from 70 to
90% 1RM. In addition, SDef from 40 to 60% 1RM showed a
clear trend toward increased ES and reduced p value with in-
creasing loads. In practical terms, this implies that backs dis-
played lower SDef against high loads when compared with
forwards. Therefore, as hypothesized, SDef can discriminate
between the 2 main positional roles in youth rugby union.
Notably, the differences in SDef between positions indicate
that forwards are progressively applying lower relative forces
against higher %1RM and, consequently, moving these rela-
tive loads at slower velocities (21).
Regarding the correlations analysis (Table 4), present re-
sults indicated that sprint variables (i.e., V5, V30 and Vmax)
were small to moderately (r 5 20.378; 0.529) associated with
SDef across the load-velocity spectrum, from 40 to 90% 1RM.
Additionally, SDef for lighter loads (i.e., SDef40 to SDef70)
were also moderately correlated to other jump- and strength-
derived measures (i.e., RSI). These findings reinforce the im-
portance of reducing SDef (and improving the ability to apply
greater amounts of force at higher velocities) to achieve higher
sprint performance in young rugby players. The aforemen-
tioned results are in agreement with those recently reported in
elite sprinters and professional rugby players (21), suggesting
that these findings are not “exclusive” to young rugby players.
This study is limited by its cross-sectional design and by the
impossibility of conducting a complete (i.e., until the failure)
1RM assessment because of time constraints. Therefore, 1RM
in SQ and BP as well as force-derived variables were in-
Figure 1. Comparison of strength deficit (A), peak force (B, dividually estimated. Despite these limitations, our findings
and relative peak force (C) at the distinct relative loads in the shed light on the importance of considering a more compre-
squat exercise between young forwards and backs rugby hensive and detailed strength assessment in young athletes. As
players. The figures present means and their respective SDs recently reported (21), these parameters may be easily collected
(*p , 0.05), in addition to the ESs for each comparison. 1RM
and may help coaches and sports scientists to better evaluate
5 1-repetition maximum; SQ 5 squat exercise; ES 5 effect
size. athletes and design more effective and tailored resistance-
training schemes.

Copyright © 2022 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Strength Deficit and Physical Performance in Rugby (2022) 00:00

Table 4
Correlation coefficients (r) between strength deficit, vertical jump, sprint velocity, and different strength-derived variables in young rugby
Variable SDef90 SDef80 SDef70 SDef60 SDef50 SDef40 RJT RSI V5 V30 Vmax SM SQ1RM
SDef80 0.986‡
SDef70 0.962‡ 0.986‡
SDef60 0.876‡ 0.920‡ 0.973‡
SDef50 0.681‡ 0.751‡ 0.849‡ 0.949‡
SDef40 0.369§ 0.460‖ 0.599‡ 0.768‡ 0.931‡
RJT 20.257 20.269 20.292 20.307 20.302 20.264
RSI 20.336 20.334 20.371§ 20.395§ 20.394§ 20.348§ 0.817‡
V5 20.405§ 20.419§ 20.448§ 20.464‖ 20.447§ 20.378§ 20.624‡ 20.581‡
V30 20.423§ 20.432§ 20.475‖ 20.504‖ 20.500‖ 20.438§ 20.746‡ 20.694‡ 0.769‡
Vmax 20.456§ 20.475‖ 20.509‖ 20.529‖ 20.513‖ 20.437§ 0.718‡ 0.672‡ 0.648‡ 0.971‡
SM 20.198 20.233 20.283 20.336 20.380§ 20.389§ 0.042 20.037 0.297 0.239 0.222
SQ1RM 0.002 20.015 20.079 20.156 20.240 20.305 0.518‖ 0.382§ 0.504‖ 0.590‡ 0.539‖ 0.772‡
SQrel 20.127 20.114 20.153 20.187 20.211 20.207 0.626‡ 0.525‖ 0.388§ 0.593‡ 0.563‖ 0.197 0.764‡
*RJT 10 to 5: rebound jump test. RSI: reactive strength index. V5 and V30: mean velocity attained during 5 and 30-m sprint. Vmax: maximum velocity attained during the 30-m sprint test. SM: maximum sprint
momentum attained during the 30-m sprint test. SQ1RM: 1 repetition maximum in the squat. SQrel: relative to body mass squat performance.
†SDef90 to SDef40: strength deficit obtained during the SQ exercise from 90 to 40% RM.
‡p , 0.001.
§p , 0.05.
‖p , 0.01.

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