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Course: Graduate Diploma of Management (GDM)

Unit: BSBLDR811-Lead Strategic Transformation

Student Assignment- May 2022

Assessment Task 1 – Written Questions

1. a. What is a change management strategy?

A change management strategy is a scheme for making something different. It also

defines methods in which a business will address information as a change in scheduling
project scope, inventory requirements and supply chain. The purpose of developing a
formal change management strategy is ensuring that some negative impact from the
change will be diminished. Therefore, stakeholders should create a goal and objective for
recognizing the change management strategy, approving the change, and monitoring the
change to make sure the desired effect.

b. Discuss the process for developing and implementing a change management


There are some steps how to develop and implement a change management strategy:

 Starting at the top

 Incorporating existing business culture
 Involving all roles and responsibilities
 Using emotive and rational approaches
 Focusing on main performance critical for changing initiation
 Communicating effectively
 Engaging brand ambassadors
 Creating formal clarification

2. Explain the purpose of an organisation’s mission, vision, and value statements. How
does the mission, vision and values guide the strategic direction of the organisation?

Mission statement directs operation of business and suggests to external and internal
stakeholders about the main solutions which business will provide in motivating
employees. A good mission statement should concentrate on which is essential for

Vision statement defines the future of a business. The vision statement informs what the
business is hoping to achieve and aspiring to be in the future. It is motivational and
inspirational but also mapping out and providing direction where the business is headed.
The vision statement is served as an instruction to choose current and future course of

Value statement describes philosophical ideals and core principles of business. It is used
for guiding and informing the behaviours and decisions of authorization to external
stakeholders and the people inside the business. The core value of business is shaping
culture and establishing standards of conduct

3. Explain the key characteristics of the following types of leadership styles:

Laissez-Faire Leadership has an approach of reliance and trust on employees. the leadership
style does not get involved or controlled, it also does not give too much guidance or
instruction. The leadership style always motivates employees use their experience, resources,
and creativity to assist them meet their target and goals and objectives.
Democratic leadership let multiple employees participate in the process of making decision.
This leadership style is a variety of contexts, from schools to government and cooperation.
Autocratic leadership includes ideas of owners. This leadership style is flexible for making
decision, allowing business full control leader, and adhering strictly rules.

4. Which leadership style usually gets the best response when managing change within
an organisation?

Three of leadership styles are getting good response when managing change within an
organisation. The people who lead change in a business must be well informed in all
leadership styles. According to the magnitude and purpose of expected change and
circumstances surrounds change management process, business make the relevant leadership
styles causing the change. Moreover, I think change management strategy is managed
through and by people. It is a teamwork product. Both transformation leadership style and
democratic leadership style are good way to make effective change in change management

5. How can stakeholder analysis help you to identify the key stakeholders involved in
strategic change?

Key stakeholders involved in strategic are identified by stakeholder analysis. It allows

stakeholders acknowledge the perspectives and needs of individual as well as other
decision makers who influence different stages of business project. Based on
stakeholder’s level of desire and level of influence, stakeholder analysis will categorize
which stakeholder will be changed advocates. In fact, some stakeholders will have
stronger support in technology side while others are more interested in financial
management. It is very important to understand the different of internal and external
stakeholder groups:

 Individual end users

 Subject matter experts
 Business unit leaders
 Key executives
 Process owners
 Project sponsors

6. Explain the roles and responsibilities of the following stakeholders in leading and
managing change.

a) Supervisors
Evaluating underway changes which will impact the business and buy-in level of the
personal. The supervisors can define what the business is struggling with a change
management strategy and developing some action plans to address resistance.

Supervisors are supportive the change management strategy. They are embracing the change
which affects business and employers before they lead all employees throughout the change.
It is important for crossing in the change of supervisors.

b) Human resource Personnel

The human resource personnel are a group which is responsible for administering benefits of
employees and managing life cycle of them. The life cycle includes hiring, training,
onboarding, firing, and recruiting employees. Human resource is viewed as an integral to
change management strategy of business and must be seen like supporting function. The
human resource department ensures that employees participate in change management
program and get motivated for undertaking change management strategy.

7. Discuss four (4) major risks/barriers involved while trying to introduce strategic
changes in an organization.

Lack of clarity: if employees lack clear vision, change management strategy is sometimes
difficult and the drivers of change and implementers will be short of clarity as well.
Employees will not take it to an appropriated future capacity if they are not aware of the
current capacity of the business. It will not rail the integrated initiative.

Poor communication strategy: invest in tools like Digital Adoption Platforms that go beyond
the traditional medium of communication and help the employees learn about changes to any
platform within the platform itself.

Lack of management buy-in: The management should strongly support the change, play a
supportive part in planning for the change, and communicating with employees. The
management must be wholeheartedly involved in the change and put efforts on convincing
people and gaining their support.

Execution of several projects at once: It is important to consider these factors and be flexible
to make changes to the project while it is in the implementation phase. It can be achieved by
integrating all important information into one place and by gaining insights out of it to make
data-driven decisions.

What mitigation strategies, can you implement to address the strategic change risks
Risk mitigation mentions the process of developing and planning techniques to reduce
risks. It involves recognizing potential risks to change management project like scope
deviations or team changes. Risk mitigation implements strategy to plan and monitor
reduction of risk in management

8. What are personal development planning methodologies? Outline at least 5

components of a personal development plan.

Personal development planning methodologies are a guide or system framework which

are concentrated on emphasizing integrate skills and achieving goals and objectives with
values in life. These goals and objectives sometimes are blocked by some risks and
barriers no matter external or internal factors.
5 components of a personal development plan:

 Self- discovery is a component which processes gaining insight and understand

needs, purpose, character, and values in life. All factors are concerned as a main
part in personal growth.
 A development plan is a component which is related to action plan. This action
plan is set to act in accordance with achieving dreams and making them become
true. The action plan is also recognised as an efficient approach to set and achieve
goals and objectives while business is building personality.
 Periodic evaluation is a component which gets involved in analysing business
actual development progress and results while business compares personal
development plan against initial development plan.

 Continuous improvement is a component which is keeping on searching
development process as we usually come up with new ideas and goals. This is
helpful for adding to business action plan.

9. Explain two strategies that can be used to effectively communicate and embed change
during an organisational change process.

Creating a vision for change is a strategy can be used to embed and communicate change
in business change process because:

 Creating an organisational change process to execute vision

 Determining some values and ideals which are central of the management change
 Ensuring team members lead change on the right way
 Developing a summary which describes what leaders can see how the business will
be developing in the future

Building on the change is another strategy can be used to embed and communicate
change in business change process because it has improved the systems to make sure
long-term goals and objectives are achieved.

 Developing continuous improvement culture.

 Setting goals and objectives to build continuously on the momentum business has
 Always keeping fresh ideas to lead the change by taking some new people

Assessment Task 2 – Case Study


Change Management Strategy at Online Media Solutions- A brief Report

1. Introduction (organisational mission, purpose, and values)

Change management strategy at Online Media Solutions is the scheme to make some changes
in development plan. It is showing the main point of stakeholders who get involved in change
management strategy. The report will include their organisational strategic, mission, purpose
and value.
Moreover, the report describe mitigation strategies and change in risks which include
communication process and learning process.

2. Three Change management strategies

Developing a change vision is the phase for leadership of Online Media Solution about
technological changes. It is a central perspective of comprehending employees how the
change management disposes with their development objectives and business goals.
Nevertheless, Online Media Solution should improve a leadership vision which easily capture
and understand the fundamental schemes of the change management. The developing change
vision motivates and inspires employees adopt the change.

Managing resistance to change online media solutions can engage in various leadership
driven measures to overcome resistance. Providing employees with the proposed idea enables
the staff to consult and research the probable effects of such an approach, which prepares
them mentally regarding the likely change. Lack of trust can be overcome by providing
transparent information regarding the change process. If resistance persists, the leader can

employ aggressive approaches such as temporal or permanent dismissal of the employee
triggering resistance.

Sources of resistance: organisational change cannot be devoid of any resistance. As such,

change leaders should be conscious of the roots of resistance. One of the core sources of
refusal entails fear of the unknow and the of job loss. Online media solution should focus on
developing strategies that will ensure that chaos, resistance, and sabotage do not typify the
process. Misunderstanding regarding an intended change can also encourage resistance to
change. When employee fail to comprehend the probable effects of a proposed change, they
are often likely to resist efforts towards it by exhibiting intolerant moods or enhancing their
rates of absenteeism.

3. Stakeholders (2 Internal and 2 External)

Key internal stakeholders: employees, owner, shareholders

Key external stakeholders: customers, supply chain partners, community members

The main concern is:

 Lack of executive support and active sponsorship

 Resistance and lack of support for the specific solution
 Change-resistant culture and organisation structure
 Change saturation and lack of prioritisation

4. Communication and education plan

Communication and education plan need to be embedded in everything for change

management strategy. the vision is also applied to all operation aspects such as induction and
training programs are added and are encapsulated into evaluations and relevant job

descriptions. Moreover, communication and education plan direct people’s anxieties and
concerns about it honestly and openly.

 Design team: create high quality content

 Marketing team: understand consumer behaviour
 Department supervisors: overseeing the work of employees to keep on track
 Managers: maintain close communication with employees
 All: communicate effectively

4.1 Three communication Channels:

Communication requisites outstanding engagement with the developed association.

Moreover, communication will improve the clarity of change management strategy process
which consecutively assists development a culture of responsibility and trust. There are three
types of communication channels: written communication, verbal communication, and non-
verbal communication.

Written communication: establishing a written communication plan to provide all of change

management process. It is essential while you ask someone to change their former method of
performing things. A good written communication is helping to identify problems, define
goals and objectives and arrive solutions. This is an important factor of business.

Verbal communication Non-verbal communication

Communication medium It uses words, voice, It uses facial expressions,
language, and sentences to body language, eye
communicate with others. movement, etc. to
communicate with others.

Decoding level Verbal communication is Decoding in non-verbal

easy to understand if we communication is

know the words and complicated as compared to
language. We need to pay verbal communication. We
attention to the person who need to pay attention to
is speaking. various factors, such as body
language, facial expressions,

Examples Face-to-face The communication takes

communication, audio or place through hand
video recordings, movements, expressions,
loudspeakers, etc eye movement, etc. between
two people who can see
each other.

4.2 Three approaches to educate staff about change at OMS

It is essential for a business to make some change about change management strategy.
Besides, the leaders need to educate staff about the change at Online Media Solution, this is
including existing and new staff and leaders. There are three approaches which mentioned
When business is hiring and training new staff, the change values and ideals are included in
the information. Therefore, we can enforce them at the start.
Business recognises change enablers and key members publicly
Business creates some goals and objectives to take over key leaders just in case when some
leaders move on. It is helpful for ensuring business legacy is not forgotten or get lost.

Business always discusses about change progress and address how success the change
process has got apparently

5. Three risks associated with the change management process

High levels of resistance: barrier could be created if trust is not built between the team. As
making changes always consists of both benefit and risk, however lack of confidence and
trust could be a cause of increased risk in changing the organization.
Lack of stakeholder commitment: stakeholder commitment is very important in an
organization; it does not only provide confidence among the team but also ensure that every
team member is doing the same thing. However, factors such as lack of communication and
team’s commitment could be major causes of project getting delayed or cancelled that may
create a certain level of damage in organization’s reputation.
Lack of mid-level and group leadership support: the absent of leadership could most likely
lead to failure of project as it creates lack of understanding of workforce planning among the
team and misdirection of the project’s plan.

6. Three Risks mitigation strategies:

Risk avoidance: it consists of developing an alternative strategy that seems to be easier to

succeed but it usually requires more money. Afterall, the most common and cost-effective
risk elimination technique is to use existing technologies that has been proven as effective as
new technologies but requires lower costs to perform.

Risk acceptance: having many organizations working on one international project together
does not only reduce the risk of political, legal and employment issues but also improve
efficiency and effectiveness. For example, partnering with other companies allows sharing
their project’s workload and risk factors among the team that allows less time consuming and
increases efficiency, having different teams taking care of parts according to their experience
provides better accuracy of its success and minimize risk occurs.

Risk transfer: risk transfer is one of the risk reduction methods that minimizes liability when
problems occur by shifting that risk from one project to another party. One of the most
common examples of risk transfer is buying the insurance. Risk is then transferred from the
company itself to the insurance company once problem occurs. As risk management is
always considered a key factor of success, having insurance not only minimize liability of
problem but also maintain confidence when planning the project.

7. Conclusion
Change management strategy is the capability to motivate and ìnluence other people to
perform and respond with agility and insight during some periods of uncertainty, destruction
and growth to bring some necessary changes. There are some change management strategies:
 Responding and anticipating to change in physical manner
 Changing shoud be focused on subverting
 Maintaining and establishing motivation
 ìnluencing and leading others people who are leaders and colleagues
 effective collaboration and communication with other people
 Being innovative, creative and decisive and willing to take barriers or risks
 Showing empathy, building trust between employees

PART B- Stakeholder Consultation and Feedback

B. 1 Plan a meeting

Presentation slides used for the stakeholder consultation session

B. 2 Feedback from Stakeholders

Feedback Request Email

Email to Stakeholders

Subject: Feedback
Date: 03/07/2022
Dear Stakeholders,
I have presented the change management strategy for Online Media Solutions. The report
is attached in the meeting.
I am looking forward to hear from you about the reviews in order to make some changes.
The feedback that you give to me is the pleasure for me to make changes
Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Change Manager

Online Media Solutions

PART C- Reviewing Change Management Outcomes

Modified Communication and Education Plan

Audience Key message Delivery method Duration of session

Manager Improving Presentation and Once time for a
performance, email week
measuring monitor
to implement the
Online Media
Solution change
management model.
Customer Make design classic Email Once time for a
and simple. week
Creativity is used to
make the newspaper
is more colorful and
nicer layout
Investor Need to build a Presentation and Once time for a
social media strategy email weak
and give them
important part. All
readers are called to
be engaged and

Information Email for the stakeholders


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