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A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the concepts
of nouns, verbs and adjectives for proper
identification and description.
B. Performance Standards Use pronouns and prepositions in a variety of
oral and written theme-based activities.
C. Learning Competency Use plural form of regular nouns by adding /s/
or /es/.
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the Grade IV pupils
are expected to perform the following:

1. Identify the plural form of regular

nouns by adding /s/ or /es/.
2. Write plural form of regular nouns by
adding /s/ or /es.
3. Value the importance of knowing how
to form plural of regular nouns.

Plural form of Regular Nouns


A. References
- Curriculum Guide
- Learning Materials in English 4
B. Materials

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Initiatory Phase

1. Prayer
Let us all stand for the prayer Kindly
lead the prayer
(The teacher will call one pupil to lead the
prayer) In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit, Amen………………
2. Greetings
Good morning, Class! Good Moring, teacher!
Before you take your seat, kindly arrange (The pupils arrange their chairs and clean the
your chair properly and pick up the pieces surrounding)
of paper under your chair.
We’re fine ma’am!
How are you today class?

Good to hear that!

3. Checking of Attendance

Who is absent today?

No one is absent today, Ma’am.
Very good!

4. Review
What was our topic yesterday?
Yesterday we discussed about noun.
Very good. What is a noun?
Noun is a word that name a person, a place
and a thing.
Very well said!
Can you give me an example of a noun in
a sentence?
Maria is a good girl.
Very good!
Let us give ourselves a round of applause.

5. Motivation (The pupils clap their hands happily)

Class, I have here a pictures.

Picture A Picture B

What can you see about the picture A?

The picture A have 5 dogs.

How about the picture B? The picture B has only one dog.
Very good!
What is the difference of your answer between
the picture A and B? The picture A have many dogs while the
picture B has only one dog.
Very good!
The first answer has what letter at the end that
made it more than one?
It is the letter “s”.
Very good!
A word that tells about more than one is a
plural word. When we said dog without “s” it
was singular, just one.
B. Developmental Phase
1. Activity

1. Presentation of the lesson

I have here another pictures.

The first picture is a flower while the other one are


Very good!

The first picture is a toy whole the second one are

Very good!

The first picture is a candy while the other one are

Good job class! candies.
2. Analyis
Based on these pictures, what is our lesson for

Very good! Our lesson for today is all about the

plural forms of regular nouns by adding “s” and
All about plural nouns.
A regular noun is the noun that’s
plural form is formed only by adding “s”
or “es”.

There are rules in forming the plural

of nouns.

Rule #1: To make regular nouns plural, add s

to the end. For example: apple – apples
How about the word key?
The plural form of key is keys.
Very good!

Rule#2: If the singular noun ends in “s”, “ss”,

”sh”, ”ch”, “x” or “z” add es to the end to make
it plural.
For example: box – boxes
The plural form of bus is buses.
How about the word bus?

Very good!

Rule #3: In some cases, singular nouns ending

in “s” or “z”, require that double the “s” or “z”
prior to adding es for pluralization.
Here is an example: fez – fezzes
The plural form of gas is gasses.
How about the word gas?

Very good!

Rule #4: If the noun ends with “f” or “fe” the f is

often changed to -ve before adding the s to
form the plural version.
For example: wife – wives
How about the leaf?
The plural form of leaf is leaves.
Good job!
But take note class! Not all the noun that ends
with f is often change to -ve. Here are an
Roof - roofs
belief - beliefs
Chef – Chefs
Chief – Chiefs

Rule #5: If a singular noun ends in “y” and the

letter before the “y” is a consonant change the
ending to “ies” to make the noun plural.
Here is an example: puppy – puppies
How about the word City?

Good job!
The plural form of City is Cities.
Rule #6: If the singular noun ends in “y” and
the letter before the y is a vowel, simply add
an s to make it plural.
For example: ray – rays
How about the word boy?

Very good! The plural form of boy is boys.

Rule #7: If the singular noun ends in “o”, add

/es/ to make it plural.
For example: tomato -tomatoes
How about the word potato?
The plural form of potato is potatoes.
Very good!
Remember this class! Like in the rule #4 there
are words that ends in letter “o” but no need to
add es to make it plural instead we need to add
s to make it plural.
Here are an example:
photo – photos
piano – pianos
halo – halos

Did you understand class?

Very good! Yes Ma’am!

3. Abstraction

I have here a flashcards with words in it

then you will give the plural of the word
that I will show to you.
Did you get it class?

Yes Ma’am!


Picture A
Picture B


2. Generalization
What is a regular nouns again?
A regular noun is the noun that’s plural form is
formed only by adding s or es.
Very well said!
Ca you give the plural of knife?
How about the book?
How about the word baby?
Very good class!
It seems that you really understand our
topic for today. Let us give ourselves
around of applause.

4. Application

I will divide the class into 4 groups. Each

group are provided with a marker pen,
manila paper and an envelop. Inside the
envelop are the lists of a regular nouns then
the thing that you will do is to make it plural.
Write your answer in the manila paper and
after answering with your groupmates
present your work in the class.
The group who will get many correct
answers will be the winner. Yes Ma’am.
Did you understand class?
Group 1 Group 2
Memory Potato
Girl Zoo
Chair Country
Life Lamp
Hero Car

Group 3 Group 4
House Hat
Match Glass
Story Butterfly
Wolf Crayon
Video Radio
(The pupils presented their group activity)

Good job class! Let’s give ourselves around of

applause for a job well done.
(The pupils clap their hand happily)

Valuing: Why we should know how to form the

plural nouns? We should learn to form the plural of nouns so
that we can easily identify the number of hours
and we can be able to construct the grammar
in a sentence correctly.
Very well said!

Get 1 whole sheet of paper and give the plural
form of the following:
1. roof
2. poem
3. watch
4. orange
5. goose
6. dish
7. country
8. stereo
9. donkey
10. leaf

V. Assignment
Direction: Circle the correct form of noun

1. Can you give me three apple (apple, apples).

2. There is a (cat, cats) in the street.
3. Dr. Jose Rizal is the National (heroes, hero) of the Philippines.
4. Mia and Anna are my childhood (friend, friends).
5. My mom baked delicious (cookie, cookies) for me and my friends.

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