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Hi and thanks for taking the 0me to learn about KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE and the many ways it
can help to heal and support your body. In this handy guide, you’ll find an overviw of KINESIOLOGY
SPORTS TAPE, an introduc0on to how it works, and step by step instruc0ons to the
taping methods used to treat the different areas of the body.
Additionally, you’ll find a Q+A sec0on, where we’ve taken the 0me to answer some of the
most common queries about this powerfully effec0ve therapeu0c method. We've put a lot of 0me
, energy, and resources into KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, and we can’t wait for you to discover the
difference it can make if you are experiencing pain or discomfort.
Using world class manufacturing methods and premium materials, we are confident we’ve develope
d a therapeu0c tape that can offer the very best in support and pain relief.
Enjoy this resource we've compiled for you and if you would like to order your own supply of our
tape, visit
Thanks for downloading and reading,

The team at






HOW TO CUT GUIDE: Page 17-24



FACE TAPING Page 24-27
LOWER BACK Page 33-35
WRIST Page 48-50
QUAD PAIN Page 58-59
CALF PAIN Page 63-66






Kinesiology Tape was originally invented by a Japanese chiropractor, who wanted to create an e
ffec0ve alterna0ve to tradi0onal athle0c tapes that limited the body's full range of mo0on. The
tape is applied strategically, to key pain points on the body, and when used in this way it offers a
huge range of benefits, as it can be used to treat or improve a variety of painful condi0ons.

With the ability to reduce swelling, ease pains and sprains and aid s0ff muscles, it’s widely used by
top athletes to improve their performance. You may have seen them covered in strips of the colour
ful tape, if you’ve ever watched a volleyball match or cycling race.
As well as helping athletes, Kinesiology Tape can also be used to improve a variety of health
condi0ons, including back pain, arthri0s, carpal tunnel, and lumbago.

It’s currently used by medical and chiroprac0c experts all over the world, in both athle0cs &
health environments. This is due to its ability to provide support for sprains, aches, pains, sore
muscles and its effec0veness at assis0ng the body’s recovery process.


The whole point of Kinesiology tape is to provide essen0al muscle, 0ssue, and tendon support that is
non-restric0ve and reduces pain. The taping applica0on used to apply Kinesiology Sports Tape is
almost as important as the tape itself and is a key part of the therapeu0c method.

When the tape is stretched taut and applied to a specific area, it rebounds, making 0ny folds in the
epidermis which separate it from the underlying deeper muscle 0ssue.

This liaing is a core reason why the tape is so effec0ve, as it has a powerful decompressing ac0on on
the body’s pain receptors, blood & lympha0c vessels. This in turn reduces soreness and enables
these vessels to open.

When applied correctly, the tape can prevent muscles from sending pain signals to the brain and can
greatly help the flow of circula0on and lympha0c fluid.
Made of a lightweight, thin, and ultra-stretchy blend of synthe0c/cocon, its formula0on and el
as0c versa0lity enables it to bind 0ghtly to the body, without being restric0ve.

Kinesiology sports tape acts as a second skin giving you support, whilst the spandex gives flexibility
allowing you to move freely. This makes our tape an ideal alterna0ve to a bandage or brace.
Applying Kinesiology Sports tape “unstretched” to muscles or joints can help reduce swelling and

Applying the tape “stretched” to muscles can increase stability, assist muscle contrac0on and
improve joint mo0on.
Our glue is medical grade and latex free, it is applied in a wave pacern making it porus en
abling yourskin to sweat and breathe.

The adhesive is heat ac0vated. To ac0vate, simply rub with your fingers to create fric0on.
The medical-grade adhesive makes Kinesiology Sports Tape suitable for up to five days wear, a
marked contrast to standard athle0c strapping tape, which is not made to be worn for long.
Standard strapping tape typically greatly restricts movement, as it's wrapped ultra-0ght for the sole
purpose of limi0ng ac0vity in the part of the body it is applied to.
When worn, kinesiology tape feels light, and mimics the thickness and flexibility of human skin, and
possesses an elas0c stretch of between 40-70% of its res0ng length.
The cocon fibre used in Kinesiology Sports Tape has water resistant proper0es. It’s able to let
evapora0on occur so it can dry quickly. Because of this, it can be worn in the shower or swimming
pool without the need to constantly reapply.

Kinesiology Sports Tape also helps to create spaces between joints, which aids healing and helps
lessen the chance of joint irrita0on.
Two studies published by the Na0onal Ins0tute of Health, found kinesiology tape had the ability to
increase the space in knee and shoulder joints, when applied to pa0ents.

For sufferers of trigger point pain related condi0ons, such as Fibromyalgia, Kinesiology Sports Tape
can help to ease discomfort, as its liaing ac0on unloads the underlying 0ssues, reducing soreness
and sending new signals to the brain through the pain pathways.

Before using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor or therapist if you
suffer from an already diagnosed condi0on. Before applying, make sure you run a patch test on a
small area of skin in the area of your body you will be trea0ng. This is to see if you have any
allergic reac0on or irrita0on to the product.
If you do begin to experience any type of irrita0on, rash, or swelling, remove the tape and
immediately consult your doctor. DO NOT con0nue to use KINESIOLOGY SPORS TAPE if you have
any itching, redness, soreness or swelling during the patch test phase.
If the patch test is fine, and you do not suffer any irrita0on, you can go ahead and apply
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE. Make sure you do not place the tape over any open wounds or sores,
and do not use on any infected area, or on a deep vein thrombosis. KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can
be safe to use during pregnancy, and can even help to ease some pregnancy related discom
fort by suppor0ng the extra weight around your abdominal area. However, as it can also boost cir
cula0on, to be safe, consult your medical prac00oner before applying.

If you are expec0ng, always do a patch test first and check to see if you experience any bruising, or
inflamma0on. If you suffer any adverse reac0on at all, remove immediately and do not proceed to
use the product.
For sensi0ve skin, take care to use extra care when removing KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, so as to
avoid tearing or bruising. Use a mild soap and warm water mixture to encourage removal and do not
rip, pull, or yank the tape off severely.
If you are taking blood thinner medica0ons, make sure to inspect your skin for bruising while using
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, as the product can increase circula0on. To be certain you will
experience no ill effects, consult your doctor before applying.
Follow the taping methods outlined in this guide to ensure best applica0on of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE. However, bear in mind this guide is only advisory, and is not intended to replace the advice
and exper0se of a qualified medical prac00oner. If you are suffering from muscle or joint pain, be
aware this could indicate a serious medical condi0on. With that in mind so we advise you to
always see your doctor before using our product, if at all possible.


1. First pinpoint the specific muscles that are sore or painful, in the part of your body where
you are experiencing pain, discomfort, or fa0gue.

2. Ensure your skin is washed, shaved, dry, and free of oil and grease in the area you will be
applying the product, to prolong wear and prevent the tape coming loose.

We recommend using a safe degreasing agent like surgical spirit and gently dabbing it on
your skin before applying KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, to get the most out of the product and
to extend wear aaer you apply.

3. Cut the tape to the appropriate length for applica0on on the area you wish to treat, and prepare
the right amount of strips, carefully rounding up the corners with a pair of scissors.

4. Get your tape anchors ready. These anchors (roughly 1.5 inches from both ends), should not be
stretched when you apply them. To prepare your anchors, peel off the backing, going down to the
second anchor point. There is no need to worry about tearing the tape as it's made to be both
durable and ultra-flexible.

5. Prepare the tape, either with or without stretch, depending on what is recommended in the
taping methods guidelines for your condi0on. As a guide, 0% equals no stretch needed, 100% means
maximum stretch is required.

To achieve maximum stretch, expand the tape completely. Once you have mastered these two
points, you will be able to intui0vely alter the stretch of the tape to achieve the other percentages.

6. Aaer stretching appropriately, apply the KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE treatment strip, making sure
to carefully place it level on the skin. Once you have applied the treatment strip, peel off the anchor
backings and apply the tape anchors, without any stretch. Be sure to place the tap smoothly &
check it is lying flat on the skin, so you avoid forming wrinkles, which can exacerbate blisters &

7. Once you've placed the tape on the treatment area, rub or apply warmth for a short period.
Doing so will ac0vate the heat-sensi0ve adhesive and encourage KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE to
bond to your skin securely.

Learn how to cut kinesiology tape


It's essen0al to properly prepare KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, if you want to maximise its therapeu0c
benefits and encourage op0mum results.
One of the most essen0al stages of prepara0on is to ensure you cut and prepare the tape in the
correct manner, so you can apply it to specific parts of the body and treat the various condi0ons

No macer how long a strip you need to use, first make sure you take a pair of scissors and smoothly
round off the corners of the tape. This is done to prevent it coming away from the skin, or crea0ng
uncomfortable chafing or fric0on under your clothing.

How to prepare the different styles of cut:


This is the most commonly used type of strip and is applied to many parts of the body to treat a
number of different ailments.
The I-Strip is one long, con0nuous piece of tape that has no cuts dividing it into parts. Although this
tape is not dissected, you s0ll need to ensure the corners are nicely rounded and must remember to
anchor with no stretch.
How long you will need your I-Strip to be will vary greatly, depending on the length of the muscle you
are acemp0ng to treat.
Usually I-Strips between 6" and 10" long will be used in most cases. You may need up to 4 pieces
of tape, if you are trea0ng large surface areas and bigger muscles, to get the most out of treatment. 19


The Fan Strip is normally applied in order to decrease swelling or decompress a contusion that has
formed and can be used on both small, and larger areas of the body.
This style of taping is achieved by crisscrossing I-Strips, and a more potent effect can be gained when
repea0ng this mul0ple 0mes.
You should always aim to treat the en0re affected area with fan strips to get the maximum benefit
out of this taping method, and should never apply fan strips with any stretch.
Corners should always be rounded off with scissors, and anchors applied, also with a 0% stretch.


The Y Shaped strip is a piece of tape that has one long ver0cal cut dissec0ng it, that runs up to the
middle sec0on of the strip.
This type of taping style is mostly used to support weakened, torn, or damaged muscles, to reset
joints and tendons, and to strengthen 0ssues and ligaments. Y shaped strips can also be applied to
areas of scarring, as they can have a circula0on boos0ng and decompressing effect on the toughened
0ssue, which will aid in the dissolu0on of raised keloid scars.
When using the Y Shape method, a variety of different degrees of stretch will be required, depending
on the condi0on you are trea0ng. Tape anchors should never be applied with any stretch and corners
must always be rounded off.


The X Shape method is formed by taking two strips and making a long ver0cal cut in both ends of
each strip. The strips are then placed in a criss cross fashion over each other, with the anchors
securely applied to the skin.

This applica0on method is frequently used to treat wounded muscles, as it can provide the essen0al
support they need in order to recover swialy.
X Shape taping is also applied to reset and correct displaced joints and twisted muscles, as it can
supply a firm yet flexible structure that helps the body to heal.
As with all the other taping styles, the corners of your X strips should always be neatly rounded off
with a pair of scissors.


The Donut style is formed by making ver0cal cuts in the middle of a strip of tape, which also has a
hole cut on the mid-sec0on. The tape is then applied to the skin with the different dissected parts
spread out in a circular fashion, to form the appearance of the donut shape which gives it its name.
Used commonly to redress incorrectly set joints, muscles, and tendons, it is perfect for large surface
areas, but can also be applied to smaller parts of the body. The Donut taping style can also be used
to strengthen damaged 0ssue, par0cularly when worn over 0me, as it's decompression effect can
allow the body to heal faster, by removing the load carried by the 0ssues.
Corners should always be rounded off with scissors, and tape anchors applied securely to the skin,
with no stretch.



Kinesiology sports tape is a safe non-invasive an0-ageing liaing method used to reduce facial
swelling and wrinkles

The facial muscles consist of about 20 flat skeletal muscles lying under the facial skin, they originate
from the skull or fibrous structures and radiate to the skin through an elastic tendon.

Unlike the other skeletal muscles they are not surrounded by a fascia (except the buccinator). The facial
muscles are positioned around facial openings (mouth, eye, nose and ear) or stretch across the skull
and neck.

Specific location of the facial muscles enable the movements of the face, which is know as the mimic.
These muscles participate in various facial expressions, such are smiling, grinning etc.

Taping is very common in the world of high performance athletes, it is used to stabilise muscles and
bones to reduce stress on joints and muscles and prevent injuries. It is also used for faster recovery
for overuse of muscles and suppor0ng anatomical structures.

Kinesiology tape can be applied to stretch the skin, crea0ng a youthful and natural appearance.
Using tape, the jawline can be pushed up to the cheekbone region and or the nose skin is pulled back
to the ears

What are the benefits?

• Smooths out wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, forehead, and neck.
• Reduces the double chin.
• Becer defini0on of the natural shape of the face.
• Removes puffiness, especially around the eyes.
• Corrects the head’s posi0on rela0ve to the spine.
• Corrects hunches

Tape is also used on the eyebrows to make the eye area 0ghter. Kinesiology tape can also be used for
any remaining lines around the forehead and lips.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.

Try to apply the tape on massage lines to maximise the best lifting and lymphatic drainage
effect. See infographic below:


Pain in the neck area can be excrucia0ng and uncomfortable, and can seriously impair your
mobility and quality of life. The type of pain experienced in this area can vary greatly, from a s0ff
neck, to a sharp pain, or dull muscular throbbing sensa0on. Unfortunately, this can lead to a severe
headache, or even restricted movement.

Luckily, this area can be rela0vely easy to treat using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, and sufferers can
benefit greatly from the support and decompression ac0on the tape provides.

One way in which KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help to decrease pain in the neck region is by
taking the load off the cervical muscles which carry most of the strain throughout the day. Wearing
the tape daily over 0me can limber and loosen your muscles, without the need to perform
strenous physical ac0vity.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Elongate your neck by 0l0ng your head towards your chest, remembering to tuck your chin to your
chest area. Then take two strips of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE and apply with a 25% stretch over
the pain points. Take a third strip of the tape and apply with an 80% stretch over the painful or
sensi0sed area.

Typical reasons for back pain are bad posture when liaing heavy objects, sisng for long periods
which impacts your spine, or muscle sprain from over-exer0on.

If your back muscles are weak or inflexible, you will lack stamina when performing ac0vi0es that
place a strain on your back. The effects of this can cause joint destabilisa0on, slipped spinal discs
& ligament or muscle damage.

To strengthen this area and encourage the muscles to strengthen and become limber, you should aim
to support both the middle back muscles and the spinal region.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE worn con0nuously can provide a stabilising effect to your back, that can
help you during intense physical ac0vity, like running. Another benefit is the ability to provide
extra support when you when you carry or lia heavy objects.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Bend forward from the waist and take two strips of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, with a 25% stretch
applied, placing them ver0cally on either side of your spine.

One of the most common forms of pain, back problems will be experienced by most of the
popula0on at one 0me or another, and are responsible for a significant number of workplace
absences and physiotherapy visits.

Lower back pain can be prevented or avoided by suppor0ng the muscles of your lower back, which
make up the core group of muscles that are the main source of your body's strength.
Gentle exercise can help to strengthen this region, and the con0nuous wear of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE can also help to increase circula0on, decompress, and boost support to your core.

If you regularly experience pain in this area, have suffered a strain and want to encourage healing, or
you experience restricted mobility due to s0ff lower back muscles, wearing KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE regularly can increase your quality of life and reduce pain.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Take two strips of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with an 80% stretch, and bend forward from the waist,
applying the strips horizontally to your lower back area.


Many people regularly experience shoulder pain or will incur an injury to this area, and this is
because the shoulder is the most ac0vely used joint on your whole body.
Shoulder pain can occur when the muscles suppor0ng this joint are not strengthened, or
become weakened, or, if they are thrown out of balance, making you uncoordinated and out of sync.

If you experience restricted movement in the shoulder whenever you are physically ac0ve, the most
likely underlying cause of this is due to your muscles being damaged or weakened in some way. To
improve this condi0on, the aim should be to support the deltoid muscles, and stabilise this importa
nt area.

Applying and wearing KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE regularly can help you achieve this. 37

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE and apply it while holding your hand in front of your body,
using the other hand to apply it to the affected area, with 0% stretch.
Take another strip of tape and this 0me apply it again with a 0% stretch, holding your other hand
behind your back this 0me.
Then provide an anchor by securing both strips with a third piece of tape, also with 0% stretch.


An injury to your Acromioclavicular (AC) joint occurs whenever you suffer damage or strain to the top
of the shoulder area, at the point where the front of your acromion, or shoulder blade, meets your

This painful condi0on is most oaen caused by a heavy impact such as a fall or knock, that occurs on
the outside of the shoulder area. It can also be caused by repe00ve movement, which strains the
joint and places it under duress. These types of injuries need to be correctly iden0fied by a qualified
physical therapist or medical prac00oner, and are treated non-surgically in most cases.

Regular use of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help AC joint injuries heal, by providing crucial support
and stability to the area, allowing it to strengthen and recover.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Look away from your shoulder area and down to the floor. Take two strips of tape with 80% stretch
and apply them to the sensi0sed area, forming a cross pacern. Then take two more strips, again
with an 80% stretch and place them horizontally over the other strips.


Rotator cuff syndrome is an injury suffered by a rela0vely high number of people, because the cuff is
a group of four muscles located in your shoulder that controls the unstable ball and socket joint. This
ball and socket joint can be so easily torn, strained, or damaged as its placement and role makes it
extremely vulnerable.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help you to ease the pain of Rotator Cuff Syndrome by
decompressing the cervical muscles, which in turn reduces the pain that can spread into your
shoulder and neck. When worn regularly over 0me, KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE could reduce the
need to loosen up your muscles physically, as it can help to keep them warm, stretchy, and limber.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Stretch your head away from the direc0on of the shoulder you want to apply KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE to.
Apply tape with a 25% stretch around the shoulder and under the shoulder blade. Then apply two
strips of tape with an 80% stretch horizontally across the ini0al tape.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.


Many people suffer the pain of a shoulder strain or injury, as this joint is the most mobile of all your
body’s joints. It’s also near constantly used, whenever we move and this, coupled with a 0ny joint
contact zone, makes the shoulder rather unstable and prone to sprain.
Healthy and strong muscles in this area are essen0al to having a func0onal shoulder with the full
range of movement available and a sprain or strain can be seriously painful, as your shoulder will be
frequently moving.

Suppor0ng the area with KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, can help to decompress the load off the
muscle 0ssues and tendons lying beneath the epidermis, and boost circula0on,which in turn can
reduce pain or discomfort.
Applica0on in this area is intended to decrease the load carried by your deltoids, which are under
pressure in normal daily ac0vity, par0cularly if you are ac0ve or athle0c. By con0nuously applying
and wearing KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, you can decrease the pain experienced by a shoulder sprain
or injury, heal faster, and be able to enjoy your normal range of mo0on.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Stretch your head away from the direc0on of the shoulder you want to apply KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE to and look down. Apply two strips of tape with a 20% stretch in a V pacern.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.


Your bicep is a commonly used muscle located in your upper arm, that can be flexed whenever you
lia your forearm. Usually, injury to the biceps is caused by daily usage over0me, and this area can
also experience degenera0on as the body goes through the ageing process, or when it is under
repe00ve or excess strain.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help ease the pain of bicep injury as it provides essen0al support to
this part of the body, helping you to lia things with greater ease, as it decompresses. Wearing the
tape con0nually will help your body heal damage to the biceps, encouraging your s0ffened muscles
to become more limber without you having to undertake physical ac0vity.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Extend your arm out to one side to elongate the bicep area, then take one piece of KINESIOLOGY
SPORTS TAPE with a 25% stretch and apply it smoothly and evenly to the affected muscle.


It’s vital to iden0fy elbow injuries or damage as quickly as possible, as this area can be more easily
and effec0vely treated early on. Gesng a correct assessment of your condi0on is key to your
approach to treatment because pain in this region can be due to a variety of different factors, in
cluding joint, muscle, or tendon strain.

Elbow pain can also occur due to neck injury or strain, in the same way that back sprain can spread,
causing you to experience scia0ca symptoms in your arms.

The goal of treatment when acemp0ng to reduce elbow pain, should be to ease the load incurred by
the elbow joint, which can be achieved by removing the pressure.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can be an excellent way to do this, and should be worn both when you
are ac0ve and when you are not ac0ve, to encourage your muscles and 0ssues to heal.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Hold your arm out, ensuring your fingers point downwards, then take a piece of KINESIOLOGY
SPORTS TAPE with 0% stretch, and place an anchor just above the elbow region.
Con0nue to apply the piece of tape smoothly and evenly all the way to just above the wrist area.
Take a second strip of tape, again with no stretch and apply it directly over the painful region.

Tennis Elbow occurs when you damage the muscles responsible for wrist and finger extension, and
can be a painful and enduring condi0on. This kind of injury can happen whenever you perform a
repe00ve mo0on using this part of the body, or when you place the muscles under undue strain or

Typically occuring in the lateral epicondyle, a bony bump located on the outer elbow joint, symptoms
normally last up to six weeks but can extend beyond three months, when it is considered to be a
chronic condi0on.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can be very helpful at trea0ng this uncomfortable ailment, as correct
applica0on can reduce the pressure incurred by the elbow joint. By applying tape to this area you
could regain mobility quickly, and could also experience a reduc0on in pain, as the area

Worn regularly, and con0nuously KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help sufferers of tennis elbow
experience heal faster and recover much quicker.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Bend your arm to a 90 degree angle from the elbow, then take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE
with an 80% stretch and apply over the painful loca0on.
Support it with another long strip with a 25% stretch, applied over the top.

Damage to the delicate wrist area can easily occur, but as it can be caused by many factors and can
be located in the muscles, joints, or tendons, it's important to obtain a proper diagnosis from a
medical expert or physical therapist.

If you play sports that involve the use of your arms, or perform repe00ve mo0ons using your hands,
you will be more suscep0ble to a wrist injury, but it can also occur in the elderly, or be caused by the
stress and wear that is incurred day to day.

The wrist is an area that can be greatly helped by the regular applica0on and wear of KINESIOLOGY

SPORTS TAPE, as the tape's suppor0ve but flexible proper0es can encourage mobility, provide
support, and promote healing.

If you are a long 0me sufferer of wrist pain, we recommend taping up before you embark on an
y physical ac0vity, as this can help to lessen any discomfort typically experienced.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Extend your hand downwards, then take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with a 80% stretch,
and apply it over the painful area.
Then, point your hand upwards and take another strip of tape, again with an 80% stretch, and apply
it on the underside of your wrist area.
Move your hand to the opposite posi0on, so it's poin0ng downwards once again and place a strip of
tape with a 25% stretch over your wrist and hand.

Sufferers of Carpal tunnel syndrome experience pain and discomfort due to inflamma0on that causes
swelling in the wrist. This is most commonly caused from repe00ve strain, but can also be a side
effect of arthri0s, or even pregnancy, due to the associated water reten0on.

The disorder impacts the median nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel in the wrist and can c
ause an aching pain, numb sensa0ons or uncomfortable pins and needles. The condi0on is known
to worsen at night, as the wrist acempts to recover from the strain it has been placed under during
the day.

Using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE regularly can help to stabilise the muscles of your wrist and
provide it with the support it needs to heal from this condi0on. Wearing the tape con0nuously can
enable you to perform your daily ac0vi0es while experiencing much less pain, due to the decrease in
pressure placed on the carpal tunnel.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Extend your hand and take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with no stretch applied, placing it
down the wrist area smoothly, so it lays flat.
Then, take a second strip with a 50% stretch applied, and place it over your wrist, to decompress and
support the area.

Your abdominals are part of a key group of muscles that form the body's core strength, and exist to
support you during movement and shias in posture.
Strengthening your body's core muscles will help you achieve becer balance during ac0vity, and will
also aid your stamina and endurance, which is par0cularly helpful if you are physically ac0ve, or play
sports a lot.

The use of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE in this region of the body can help to support your abdominal
muscles, spine and lower back. We recommend you wear the tape both when ac0ve and res0ng, as
it will con0nuously work to limber and support the muscles in this region.
Aaer you have been wearing the tape con0nuously for a while, you may find it much easier to
perform tasks such as squasng for long periods, or picking things up while crouching down or
bending over.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Stretch the abs by leaning backwards and take two strips of tape, with a 25% stretch, and apply
evenly to the abdominal region.

Groin injury or strain can occur frequently in athletes who play sports involving high impact or
velocity, such as hurdles, sprin0ng, and long jump.

Since the groin muscles are used frequently during movement, they can be subject to a lot of daily
wear and tear. To top this off, they are also interlaced with the joints of the pelvis and lumbosacral
spine region, making the area a complex part of the body that can oaen be difficult to treat and
Any injury you experience here could be located in several sub-regions, including your hip or
sacroiliac joints, lower lumbar region, and the pubic area.
The goal of treatment should be to decrease groinal discomfort and this is best done by applying
KINESISOLOGY SPORTS TAPE to decompress and decrease the load placed on the groin muscles.
Daily, con0nual wear can help speed a faster recovery, due to the tape's circula0on boos0ng effect,
which aids the body's healing process.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Lay flat on your back and extend your leg to the side at a 45-degree angle, so you elongate the
muscles of the groin. Place a tape anchor at the top of the inner-thigh region, then run tape with a
25% stretch applied smoothly down your leg, stopping just above your knee.
Take another strip of tape with 25% stretch applied, and repeat the above procedure un0l the area is
effec0vely covered.


The hamstring area is extremely prone to injury, which can be excru0a0ng for those unfortunate to
experience damage in this part of the body.

Failure to warm up before undertaking physical exercise, and sudden bursts of ac0vity, like sprin0ng,
are typical reasons why injury to this area oaen occurs.

Ripping or tearing the hamstring area causes painful inflamma0on, which can oaen take some
considerable 0me to heal.

You may need to avoid intense physical ac0vity if you have injured your hamstring, but by taping the
area with KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, you can provide the damaged area with some much needed
Wearing the tape con0nuously in the correct manner could help to boost your circula0on and relieve
the pressure that can cause so much discomfort, ensuring a swiaer recovery.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Place the leg that is experiencing the pain behind you, and posi0on your body forward, in a lunge, so
as to stretch the muscles. Take two strips of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, with a 25% stretch applied,
and place over the injured hamstring area.


Your quadriceps are located at the front of your thigh and consist of four big muscles that help your
hip and leg flex and extend from the knee. The most typical reason for experiencing pain in this
region is high impact physical ac0vity, such as sprin0ng or jumping, which can cause these muscles to
incur 0ny tears and damage.

Quad pain can also occur when you overtrain, or fail to warm up properly before embarking on
extensive physical ac0vity, and is a common issue suffered by runners.

Injury to this area causes you to feel a nagging pain, tenderness or soreness, which can be relieved
by suppor0ng the area and decreasing the pressure placed on the muscles and tendons.
You can use KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE to relieve pain in this area by applying and wearing it daily to
boost the circula0on and decompress.
Decompressing the area can help to ease pain, by reducing the load carried by the muscles, many
people find the tape to be a very effec0ve treatment that can help them heal much faster.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Extend the damaged leg behind you, and place your body in a forward posi0on, that enables you to
elongate your hamstrings, as if you were performing a lunge. Then take two strips of KINESIOLOGY
SPORTS TAPE, and place them on the quad area, to provide support and relieve pressure.


It’s incredibly common to experience knee pain or even a knee injury as it’s so easy to strain or
damage this area of the body.
Knee pain can be cause by a wide variety of factors, including soa 0ssue damage, sprained ligaments,
muscle tears, and degenera0ve bone condi0ons like knee arthri0s.

There are so many different causes of knee pain, it’s vital to ascertain the reason you are
experiencing discomfort in this area first, as you can then tailor any treatment more effec0vely.

Where at all possible, consult your doctor to gain a precise medical diagnosis.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and that the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Divide the tape in two on one end and round off the corners with scissors. Place this strip of tape
without any stretch, then apply a second strip with a 50% stretch, just below your knee for support.

Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.

Injuries to your calf muscles happen frequently when you play sports that involve landing or
impac0ng on your calves, such as running.
The damage can be typically observed in two main muscles linked to your Achilles, the
gastrocnemius, and the soleus, and can also occur in the underlying tendons in these areas.

Proper applica0on of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help to ease painful calf muscles and can speed
The decompression effect the tape provides a circula0on boos0ng effect, which can promote healing
and soothe discomfort.

Daily con0nuous use un0l calf pain symptoms clear completely is recommended.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.l
Take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with a 25% stretch and extend your calf out in front of you.
Apply the tape to the inside of your calf muscle, following up with a second strip, this 0me with no
stretch, to make a V shape.


You can experience shin splints whenever the muscles that acach to your shin become overstrained
or experience excess stress, and the number one reason this typically occurs is overuse.
This can happen when athletes overtrain, or when they train incorrectly, using the wrong leg or foot
muscles repe00vely.

Shin splints are largely caused by moving abnormally and repeatedly over 0me, and can also be
experienced by dancers, or those whose incorrect posture places stress on the muscles that are
affixed to the shin.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE could help to decrease the pain caused by this uncomfortable condi0on,
as it has the poten0al to remove the load on the calf muscle.
Con0nual use can also help to boost circula0on which in turn can have a pain-reducing effect. The
tape could become a useful aid in your body’s healing process, allowing your 0ssues and muscles to
repair themselves faster.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Bend your leg at a 45-degree angle, taking care to point your toes so they extend away from your
Then, take a long strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with a 50% stretch and apply it in a upwards
direc0on along your shin area.
Apply another two strips of the tape, this 0me with an 80% stretch, placing one piece above and one
piece below the painful region.


A lot of injuries and damage caused to the tendons are down to daily ac0vity built up over 0me, or,
can be acributed to the ageing process.

Tendon injuries can be experienced by anyone but are par0cularly common in people who
repe00vely make the same mo0ons as part of their work, daily chores, or athle0c ac0vity.

KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can greatly aid sufferers of Achilles Tendoni0s when con0nuously worn
over 0me, as it decompresses the load placed on the tendons and provides much needed support.

When using the tape to treat this condi0on, it’s a good idea to wear it even when you aren’t
par0cularly physically ac0ve, as the suppor0ve ac0on can help strengthen the heel area and
encourage your tendons to mend.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Apply a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with a 50% stretch. Then take two short strips and apply
them using an 80% stretch over the areas where pain is experienced.


Injuries to the ankle area happen frequently, with a sprained ankle being the most commonly
occurring damage that affects this oaen-used part of the body.

There are many other factors that can cause you to experience pain, strain or damage in this region.
Your ankle can easily suffer damage, strain, or injury even when you are just walking, par0cularly if
you are walking on a lumpy or uneven surface, which can cause the ankle to twist and sprain.

All age groups are suscep0ble to an ankle injury, though as the body goes through the ageing
process, degenera0on and wear and tear can make ankle sprain more likely.
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help to treat ankle injuries by stabilising the area and providing
support to the ankle joint, which will be under excess strain and will need to heal. Wearing the tape
regularly could enable you to con0nue to perform your daily ac0vi0es, and even to take part in
sports, providing you apply correctly.

Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Place your ankle at a 90-degree angle, then take a strip of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with a 50%
stretch and apply it down the outside of your ankle. Take another strip, also with 50% stretch and
take it from the inside of your foot, looping around your heel, and stopping on the bocom of your
Finally, take a third strip of tape with 50% stretch, and apply from the outside of the foot, looping it
around the heel area and finishing on the sole of your foot.


The plantar fascia is located on the surface of your heel bone and is a tough fibre rich band of 0ssue
that extends out along the sole towards the toes. Its role is to mi0gate the arch of your feet, and
prevent over-flacening, which would lead to excess strain being placed on your foot.

If this cri0cal area on your body gets damaged or is subject to undue wear or stress, you can e
xperience the painful condi0on known as plantar fascii0s. The condi0on is commonly experienced
by athletes involved in sports that have a high impact on the feet, par0cularly runners or athletes
that use their toe to run rather than the heel region.

It can also happen when you wear badly fisng footwear or shoes that don't adequately support the
feet, such as flip flops.
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE can help to ease the pain caused by the pressure of a damaged or
weakened plantar fascia. It does this by adding extra support to the heel, and should be worn
regularly, even when you are not physically ac0ve.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.

Flex your toes so that they point upward towards your shin, then apply a strip of tape with a 50%
stretch all along the bocom of the foot, extending it up the back of your heel. Take another
strip of tape, this 0me with an 80% stretch and apply it from inside your ankle. Finally, take one
more strip with an 80% stretch and place across the other two strips to secure.


Experiencing swelling, bruising or Edema in any area of your body can be painful and uncomfortable,
Symptoms include making mobility difficult, and causing you strain when you move. To treat this con
di0on successfully, you can use KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE to ease the swollen or bruised areas,
as it can offer the essen0al decompression needed to decrease inflamma0on.
The tape works by liaing away the skin from the damaged 0ssue below, allowing your body to
breathe and recover, and sending new signals through your body’s pain pathways so you experience
less discomfort.
The elas0c proper0es of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE are ideal for this sort of treatment, as they ca
ncreate a sub-dermal vacuum that enables your lymph and venous systems to work much more
effec0vely. The circula0on boos0ng effect the tape provides can help to calm down irrita0on by
relieving the load the 0ssues carry, securing a speedier healing 0me.
One way to quickly reproduce this effect, so you can see how it works, is to hold your skin between
your finger0ps and gently pull it together, un0l you achieve an orange-peel effect. You can observe
the separa0on between the loosened skin and 0ssues beneath, and it is this that allows your body to
drain away inflamma0on, and reduce any swelling or bruising.
Ensure your skin is washed and dry, and the area you want to apply the tape to is shaved.
Prepare the strips of tape by cusng to the appropriate length and rounding off the corners.
Remember to ac0vate the tape by rubbing slightly to encourage the heat-sensi0ve adhesive to bond
to your skin.
Flex the area of your body that you want to treat with KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE and place a piece
with 0% stretch split into three parts with the anchor placed at the top of the swollen area. Take
another piece with 0% stretch, also split in to three parts, and apply in the same way un0l the
affected area is covered.


When removing the tape, it’s important to ensure you don’t just yank or tear it off as you could
damage your skin and cause irrita0on.
To begin, ensure you are removing the product in the direc0on of your hair growth, to lessen any
discomfort experienced.
Ease it off carefully, folding the edge of the tape back slowly. Make sure to check that you’re peeling
the removed tape back against the s0ll applied tape at an angle, as opposed to just ripping it off.
With your other hand, pull your skin taut and tug gently but firmly in the opposite direc0on of the
applied tape, to assist the separa0on of skin and tape and to ensure minimal discomfort.
If you haven’t shaved before applying the tape and the area of the body you’ve treated has a lot of
hair growth, it’s a good idea to press down firmly on the tape as you are peeling it back, in order to
reduce pain.
Alterna0vely, you can apply an adhesive dissolving agent like baby oil, rubbing it in and leaving for
approximately 5 minutes, before acemp0ng to remove the tape slowly.
This will lessen the s0ckiness and ensure a smooth removal, with no pain. Always use a product like
baby or olive oil to remove KINESIOLOGY TAPE if you have sensi0ve skin or are prone to irrita0on.
When you need to remove KINSIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, take care to pull it gently and at a slight angle,
in the direc0on of any hair growth, pulling your skin taut with your other hand. Doing it this way will
minimize any discomfort or pain and will ensure your skin is not liaed as the tape is removed. You
can encourage an easier removal by stretching the skin behind the tape with a finger0p.

When you need to remove KINSIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, take care to pull it gently and at a slight angle,
in the direc0on of any hair growth, pulling your skin taut with your other hand. Doing it this way will
minimize any discomfort or pain and will ensure your skin is not liaed as the tape is removed. You
can encourage an easier removal by stretching the skin behind the tape with a finger0p.
If you have sensi0ve skin, or want an even gentler removal, cover the tape with a dissolving agent
like olive oil or baby oil, leave for a few minutes, then ease the product off carefully.


Q) Help, the tape isn’t adhering properly to my skin! How can I make it s;ck?
A) If KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE isn’t s0cking to your skin effec0vely, first shave the area you w
ant to apply the tape to, then clean all grease, oil, and product residue from your skin. You can use
an alcohol-based product like surgical spirit to do this but ensure any product to sani0se and
degrease the area is safe to use on your body first. This degreasing step is especially important if you
live in an area where there are normally humid weather condi0ons, or in milder climates during the
summer season.
Take care to apply the tape approximately 30 minutes before you need it, to ensure op0mal
Make sure you’ve rounded off the corners of the tape with a pair of scissors.
Ensure you have placed your tape anchors to secure and support the treatment strip and that they
have been applied without any stretch.
If the treatment area has a high amount of stress, or will experience a lot of movement, you will
likely need more than a 1.5” anchor. In this case, we recommend you try a 2” or even 2.5” anchor.
Avoid finishing one strip of the tape on another, ensuring you place the end securely and smoothly
on your skin instead.
Make sure you ac0vate the adhesive straight aaer applying, by either rubbing the tape briskly, or
applying warmth. This is essen0al to encourage the tape to s0ck and bind to your skin.
Avoid touching the adhesive layer with your fingers and make sure you place the tape evenly on your
skin, checking to be sure you have not lea any wrinkles or bumps.

Q) Will I experience any allergic reac;ons from using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE?

A) Though we have taken great care to create the safest product possible and have tested
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE extensively to ensure it is ideal for use on the delicate epidermis, some
people with sensi0ve skin may s0ll experience irrita0on when using this product.
This largely depends on the individual and their unique biology, so we cannot give any guarantees
against any allergic reac0on suffered. However, we have designe KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE to be
as gentle as possible, and if you follow the advice outlined in this guide, including the important sa
fety instruc0ons, you will minimize or avoid any reac0on.

Q) Can I go swimming or get in the shower while wearing the tape, without it coming off?
A) KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE has been designed to be water resistant so you can wear it while
swimming or showering without it normally coming loose. However, please remember, immersing it
in water will decrease the longevity of wear, as it can cause the adhesive formula0on to break down
and dissolve.

As well, covering the area in KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE will not stop water soaking through to the
skin beneath, so if it is important you avoid gesng the skin area wet, do not get in to a pool, shower,
or bath, or use something waterproof to cover the area.

Q) How long can I expect the tape to stay on for without having to reapply it?
A) The dura0on of 0me you will be able to wear KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE for will come down
to a combina0on of different things, including whether you have thoroughly removed oil and grease
from the area before applying the product, your applica0on technique, the part of the body you are
applying it to, and whether or not you have shaved the treatment area.
High impact areas such as the foot or knee will be under more duress, which in turn will result in a
shorter longevity before reapplica0on is necessary.
Loca0ons like shoulders or back can last much longer, though you should never leave the tape on
your skin for more than 5 consecu0ve days. For the first applica0on, we recommend only wearing
the tape for a brief period, so you have the chance to see if you experience any adverse reac0ons.

Q) Why am I experiencing blisters or chafing aRer using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE?

A) Irrita0on can happen while wearing the product if you have applied an incorrect stretch,
overstretched the tape, or have made the mistake of stretching your tape anchors, which must
always be applied with zero stretch.
It can also occur because of skin sensi0vity, and this can vary greatly depending on your skin’s
individual reac0on to the tape. Read the instruc0ons in this guide carefully and apply as directed for
the part of the body and condi0on you are wishing to treat.
If the instruc0ons state a 100% stretch is required, but you find you are experiencing blisters or
soreness, you can try wearing the tape with a decreased % of stretch un0l aaer your skin heals.

Q) Why did my skin become irritated or damaged aRer wearing KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE?
A) If you are experiencing skin irrita0on aaer removing the tape, try a gentler removal method to
minimise soreness and inflamma0on.
If the tape is s0ll s0cking securely to your skin aaer 5 days of wear and is not peeling off easily, soak
it in olive or baby oil for around 15 minutes before slowly removing. Wherever possible, remove
KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE in a cool, dry environment, as excess humidity can create issues with the
heat-ac0vated adhesive, making it congeal as it comes away from your skin.
When you remove KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE, ensure you peel it back slowly at a slight angle against
the tape that is s0ll laying on your skin.
Hold your skin taut with your other hand and press on the skin at the end of the taped area, while
peeling the tape back gently. For an op0mum removal process, without any issues, please ensure you
follow all the tape removal steps outlined in this guide.

Q) There are different colours of KINESIOLOGY TAPE, do these have specific treatment effects?

A) The short answer is no. The different tape colours are solely there for aesthe0c reasons,
there is absolutely no difference in the treatment proper0es of the tape, no macer what colour it is.

1. If you are pregnant, or a sufferer of a serious health condi0on or injury, ALWAYS consult a medical
prac00oner before using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE.
2. Keep the product away from direct sunlight and heat and if you have children, make sure you
keep it safely out of their reach.
3. Follow the advice outlined in this guide, including the different taping applica0on methods
recommended for specific condi0ons and parts of the body.
4. As you are placing the tape, ensure it is lying flat against the skin and does not pinch or wrinkle.
Take care to apply the tape carefully and gently.
5. If you experience any skin irrita0on, swelling, itching, redness or rash for longer than 30 minutes
aaer applica0on, remove KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE straight away, following the method recomme
nded in this guide. Consult a medical expert if the problem con0nues or does not improve.
6. Make sure you do not place the tape over any infec0ons, fresh wounds, or open sores, and never
apply to parts of the body affected by thrombosis, as its circula0on boos0ng effects can worsen this
Avoid taping over any skin irregulari0es, cuts, or abrasions, so as not to cause any extra
7. Don't combine therapies, avoid using KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE with any other treatment
methods like mud wraps, massage therapies, or any electrical s0mula0on procedures.
8. Prior to applying the tape, ensure skin is clean, dry, and free of grease, oil, and product residue.
9. Follow the recommended applica0on methods, and if you are confused, get in touch with a
therapist for a proper first applica0on, to ensure you learn how to apply the product correctly.
10. NEVER wear the tape for longer than 5 days consecu0vely and make sure any adhesive residue is
completely removed from your skin. Aaer removal, allow at least a few hours to give your skin a
chance to recover and breathe, before reapplying KINESIOLOGY SPORTS TAPE.
11. If you have serious injuries or are suffering from a range of complicated symptoms, always
consult a medical prac00oner or qualified therapist, before you apply the tape.
12. The tape comes in different colours, but the therapeu0c proper0es of KINESIOLOGY SPORTS
TAPE are iden0cal, no macer what colour you use. The only difference is the amount of stretch you
apply when placing the tape. Remember your anchors should NEVER have any stretch when applied.
13. While wearing the tape, ensure you have had an adequate liquid intake, taking care to increase if
you are especially ac0ve.
14. Minimise chafing by avoiding the heat build-up that can exacerbate skin fric0on. Don’t layer the
area with clothing that prevents proper circula0on, such as heavy wools.


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