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Hooria Noor
FA19- PHM- 112


Ma’am Neelam Zaman

Department of Pharmacy
COMSATS University Islamabad
Abbottabad Campus
Hospital Pharmacy

The hospital pharmacy is one of the key departments in hospitals that deals with
procurement, storage, compounding, dispensing, manufacturing, testing, packaging,
and distribution of drugs. The research in pharmaceutical science and education is
also the responsibility of this department; it is carried out under professional and
competent pharmacists

Organization Structure:

In organizing hospital pharmacy services, both the way in which the staff is organized
and the physical layout of the building must be considered.

Location of Hospital Pharmacy

1. Hospital pharmacy is mostly located in hospital premises only so that patients

and staff can easily approach it.
2. In the multi-stored building of a hospital, the pharmacy should be preferably
located on the ground floor especially the dispensing unit.
3. It should be laid in such a way that there is a continuous flow of men and
4. Space must be provided for routine manufacturing of stock solution, bulk
powders, ointments etc. The manufacturing room should be adjacent to the
Layout of Hospital Pharmacy


The floor area of hospital pharmacy in a hospital depends upon many factors such as:
 Range of its operations
 Number of divisions
 Medicament manufactured
 Number of patients served through the outpatient pharmacy
 Number of indoor patients
 Strength of the staff of the pharmacy
 The area of the floor should not be less than 250 sq. m.
10 sq. m per bed for 100 Beds
6 sq. m per Bed for 200 Beds
5 sq. m per Bed for Larger hospitals
 The floor should be Nonskid, acid resistant with proper drainage.
 Floor should be smooth and easily washable.
 The walls should be smooth and preferable painted in light colour.
 Pharmacy should be provided with well illumination
 Appropriate temperature and humidity should be maintained.
 In manufacturing sections, drains should be provided, walls should be smooth,
painted in light color.
 Wooden cabinets are laminated
 Fluorescent lamps are placed above prescription counter.

Area in sq. ft. for 50 Beds 100 Beds 200 Beds

Compounding & 205 320 495

dispensing lab

Parenteral 185 200

solutions lab

Store Room 125 200

Manufacturing 120

Office & Library 105

Circulation 60

Total 205 630 1,180


 Prescription case
 Storage cabinet with shelves and drawers
 Working table and counters
 Sink with drain board
 Cabinet for storing pestles and mortars
 Cabinet for keeping glass wares
 Narcotic vaults
 Refrigerator
 Oven
 Office desks
 File cabinet
 Space for journal and books
 Window for dispensing to outpatient, nurses and issue of sterile items.

Facilities Required In Hospital Pharmacy

In smaller hospitals, with one pharmacist only, one room is required for pharmacy,
having a combination of dispensing, manufacturing, administrative and all other
sections of complete pharmaceutical service. For sterile products there should be a
separate room or area.

In large hospitals, with 200 or more beds, departmentalization of pharmacy activities

is required. A separate area is required for :-

 Inpatient services and unit dose dispensing

 Outpatient service

 An office for the chief pharmacist

 A compounding room

 Packaging and labeling room

 Cold storage area

 A store room

 Sterile products room

A separate area for drug information services and space assigned on various nursing
units for unit dose drug administration.


Hospital pharmacy personnel can be divided into three major categories:

1. Management.
Management includes the chief pharmacist and sometimes deputy chief pharmacists,
who are responsible for procurement, distribution, and control of all pharmaceuticals
used within the institution and for management of personnel within the pharmacy

2. Professional staff.

These professionals are qualified pharmacists who procure, distribute, and control
medications and supervise support staff for these activities. In some facilities,
pharmacists provide clinical consulting services and medicine information.

3. Support staff.

The support staff category often includes a combination of trained pharmacy

technicians, clerical personnel, and messengers. The smallest hospitals may have only
two or three pharmacy staff members, with the chief pharmacist as the only
pharmacist. Larger teaching hospitals that provide extensive pharmaceutical
distribution and clinical services may have more than 100 staff members.

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