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Select business and technology college

Part I. true or false

Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect on the pace provided

1. Span of control determine the shape of an organization

Answer: True

2. The nature and uses of communication in the excellent company are remarkable different
from those of their non-excellent peers

Answer: True

3. Emotion are a verbal reaction that makes the message communicated more meaningful

Answer: True

4. The nature of the organization and the personality of its member affect the way
communication occurs

Answer: True

5. The central principles of general system rests on the idea that the whole is more than the
sum of its parts

Answer: True

6. Upward communication is not as such important as downward communication

Answer: False

7. Verbal communication is more reliable and efficient that non communication

Answer: False

Part II multiple choose

Choose the correct answer among the given alternative and write the letter your choice on space
provided, (one point each)

1. A management style which has entirely formal communication only is _________

A. Consultative C, Exploitive
B. participative D. Benevolent

Answer: D

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Select business and technology college

2. which one of the following is the first phase in the process of communication
A. Transmission of a message
B. Generating idea
C. Change an idea a message
D. Receive, react and send feedback

Answer: B

3. The two common type of cover letter are ____________

A. Solicited and unsolicited C. Effective and ineffective
B. Planned and unplanned D. routine and non-routine

Answer: C

4. Which one of the following considered as a semantic barrier to communication

A. Noise C. Abstracting
B. Attitude and option D. By passed instruction

Answer: B

5. A letter that is sent in response to the vacancy announcement in newspaper or magazine

is called____________
A. Resume C. Letter of candidate
B. Letter of good will D. solicited cover letter

Answer: A

6. One of the following is not an activity that should be undertaken per meeting period
A. Distributing a meeting recap sheet
B. Distributing the topic and agenda
C. Establishing the need for the meeting
D. Define the purpose

Answer: C

7. All of the following are normal including as a part of resume except __________
A. Career objective C. experience
B. Educational background D. expected salary

Answer: D

8. Identify the one which refers to a type of interview mostly conducted between buyer and
A. Counseling interview C. exit interview
B. Persuasive interview D. Appraisal interview

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Select business and technology college

Answer: B

Part III Short answer

Give short and precise answer to each of the following question

1. Write the major advantage of horizontal communication

Downward communication provides certain advantage to an organization

Horizontal communication is essential for smooth functioning of organizational activities and for
interdepartmental coordination.

 It decreases misunderstanding between departments working on the same project, thereby

increasing efficiency and productivity.
 It may result in better implementation of top-level decisions
 Horizontal communication facilitates teamwork
 It may also increase job satisfaction and motivation by creating more employee
empowerment in communication

2. List the five type of message that flow from management to subordinate under downward

The communication which flows from the superiors to subordinates is known as downwards
communication means a process of starting communication process from upper level to lower

The most basic form of down ward communication is:-

 written manuals
 handbooks
 memos
 policies
 oral presentation

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