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Unit 2: Vectors 
Lesson 2.3 
Components of Vectors 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 4 

Components of a Vector 4 
Calculating the Resultant Vector 12 

Key Points 18 

Key Formulas 19 

Check Your Understanding 20 

Challenge Yourself 21 

Bibliography 22 

Key to Try It! 22 


Unit 2: Vectors 

Lesson 2.3 

Components of Vectors 


Bridges  are  designed to handle immense amounts of stress. There are different designs for 
the  bridge,  one  of  which  is  a  truss  bridge.  It  is  composed  of  interconnected  beams 
arranged  in  a  repeated  triangular  pattern.  Each  component  of the bridge adds to its ability 
to  hold  its  own  weight  as well as the weight of everything that uses it. Some of its parts can 
accommodate  compression  forces,  while  some  handle  tension  forces.  A  force,  which  is  a 
vector  quantity,  being  experienced  by  a  diagonal  beam  in  the  bridge,  can  be  resolved  into 
its  components.  The  determination  of  these  force  components  is  important  in  calculating 
and  determining  its  maximum  strength.  How  are  these  components  determined?  In  this 
lesson, you will learn how vectors can be presented and rewritten into its components. 

2.3. Components of Vectors  1 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Learning Objectives  DepEd Competency 

In this lesson, you should be able to do the  Rewrite a vector in component 
● Apply  the  analytical  method  to   

calculate the components of a vector.  

● Calculate  the  magnitude  and  the 
direction  of  the  resultant  vector  using 
its components. 

  Warm Up       
  Which Side?    15 minutes 
In  this  activity,  you  will  be  analyzing  the  relationship  between  the  sides  of  a triangle. This is 
an important skill in the discussion about vectors. 

● cut out triangles 
● worksheet 
● calculator 
● pen or pencil 
● ruler 

1. The class will be divided into groups of three.  
2. Each group will receive a set of right triangles and a worksheet. Some examples of 
triangles are shown on the next page.  

2.3. Components of Vectors  2 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Fig. 2.3.1. Similar right triangles with marked angles of 60° 
3. With reference to the angle indicated in each triangle, label the opposite, adjacent, 
and hypotenuse sides of each triangle.  
4. Measure the length of each side and record it in the data table.   
5. Calculate the ratio of the sides of the triangle based on the data table shown below.  
Data Table 
Table 2.3.1. Ratios for similar right-angled triangles  

opp  hyp  adj 
opp/hyp  adj/hyp  opp/adj 






2.3. Components of Vectors  3 
Unit 2: Vectors 
Guide Questions 
1. How were you able to identify the opposite, hypotenuse, and adjacent sides of the 
2. What happened to the ratios as the size of the triangle varies? 
3. How are the ratios of the sides of the triangles related to the trigonometric functions 
cosine, sine, and tangent? 

  Learn about It! 

Even  though  the  graphical  method  of  adding  vectors  is  effective  in  visualizing  the  process, 
its  final  answer  is  not that accurate due to the precision of the measuring devices used. This 
is  the  reason  why  the  analytical  method  is  used  to  get answers more accurately. Let us first 
discuss a topic essential in the analytical method of adding vectors—components of vectors. 

How are the components of a vector calculated? 

Components of a Vector 
A  vector  directed  at  an  angle  from  the  horizontal  or  vertical  axis  can  be  resolved  into  its 
components.  Consider  a  displacement  vector  pointing  in  the  northeast  direction.  It  can  be 
divided  into  its  two  components:  a  component  along  the  east  (horizontal  axis)  and another 
component  along  the  north  (vertical  axis),  as  shown  in  Fig.  2.3.2.  A  vector  in  the southwest 
direction  is  also  composed  of  a  component  along  the  south  and  another  component along 
the west direction.  
The  components  can  be  calculated  if  the  magnitude  and  the  direction  of  the  vector  are 
given.  However,  it  is  important  to  specify  first  the  reference  direction.  The  direction  of  the 
vector  can  be  presented  as  an  angle  𝜃  (Greek  letter  for  theta),  measured  in  a 
counterclockwise  direction  from  the  +x-axis.  All  angles  measured using this notation are 
considered  positive.  From  this  direction,  the  x-  and  y-components  of  a  vector  can  be 
calculated using the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent. 

2.3. Components of Vectors  4 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Fig. 2.3.2. Components of a vector at an angle 
Let  us  briefly  review  the  trigonometric  functions.  When  an  angle  𝜃  is  measured  from  the 
+x-axis,  a  line  perpendicular  to  one  of  its  sides  can  be  drawn  to  create  a  right  triangle,  as 
shown  in  Fig.  2.3.3.  The  longest  side  of  the  triangle  is  called  the  hypotenuse.  The  side 
beside  the angle 𝜃 is called the adjacent side, while the side opposite that angle is called the 
opposite  side.  The  three  trigonometric  functions  can  be  expressed  based  on  the  sides  of 
the right triangle as follows. 


2.3. Components of Vectors  5 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Fig. 2.5.3. The sides of a right triangle (right) can be defined from the angle theta (left). 
It is important to remember that the ratio of these sides is dependent only on the size of the 
angle  and  not  on  the  size  of  the  triangle.  Even  if  all  the  three  sides  of  the  triangle  are 
increased,  the  relationship  between  the  sides  still  holds  true.  A  calculator  can  be  used  to 
get the values of sine, cosine, and tangent.  

In  calculating  the  sine,  cosine,  and  tangent,  make  sure  that  your 
calculator  is  in  degree mode since the angles or directions are given 
in  degrees.  Otherwise,  you  will  get  a  different  value  for  your  final 

Let  us  use  these  trigonometric  functions  to  get  the  expressions  we  need  in  calculating  the 

components  of  a  vector.  Suppose  we have a displacement vector   at an angle  𝜃 from the 

+x-axis.  The  longest  side,  ,  is  the  hypotenuse  of  a  triangle.  The  side  opposite  to  𝜃  is  Ay 
since  it  is  parallel  to  the  y-axis.  The  side  adjacent  to  𝜃  is  Ax,  since  it  is  parallel  to  the  x-axis. 
This  can  be clearly seen in  Fig. 2.3.4.  Using those relationships, the following equations can 
be derived:  


2.3. Components of Vectors  6 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Fig. 2.3.4, The x-and y-components of vector  


From the definition of sin 𝜃, the x-component of vector is given below. 


  Equation 2.3.1 

Similarly, from the definition of cos 𝜃, the y-component of vector is given below. 

  Equation 2.3.2 

In  both  equations,  A  is  the magnitude of the vector and 𝜃 is the angle as measured from the 
positive  x-axis. Note that these relationships are only applicable if the angle 𝜃 is measured in 
a  counterclockwise direction from the positive x-axis. Otherwise, the ratio of the sides would 
be different, and the formula given will be slightly different as well.  

When should you use the given equations for the x- 
  and y-components of a vector? 
2.3. Components of Vectors  7 
Unit 2: Vectors 

  Let’s Practice!  

Example 1    
What  are  the  x- and y-components of a displacement vector with a magnitude of 50 m and a 
direction of 𝜃 = 30°?  
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the x- and y-components of a displacement vector. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude (50 m) and direction (𝜃=30°) of the vector are both given.   
Step 3: Write the working equations.  

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The x-component of the vector is 43.30 m while its y-component is 25 m.  

1  Try It!  
Find the components of a velocity vector 60 m/s, 20°.  

2.3. Components of Vectors  8 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Example 2  
A  car  has  a  displacement  of  750  m,  45°  north  of  west.  What  are  the  components  of  the 
displacement vector? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the x- and y-components of the displacement vector. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude (750 m) and direction (45° north of west) of the vector are both 
The angle given can be illustrated in the diagram below. Note that 𝜃 should be 
measured from the positive x-axis. Therefore 𝜃 = 135°. 

Step 3: Write the working equations.  


2.3. Components of Vectors  9 
Unit 2: Vectors 
Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The x-component of the vector is ‒530.33 m while its y-component is 530.33 m.  

2  Try It!  
Alexa pushed a crate with a force of 120 N, at an angle of 15° south of west. What are 
its components? 

Example 3  
A  vector  located  in the second quadrant has an x-component of ‒80 m at an angle of 20°, as 
shown in the figure below. Find the magnitude of the vector and its y-component.  


2.3. Components of Vectors  10 
Unit 2: Vectors 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to find the magnitude of the vector and its y-component. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The x-component (‒80 m) and the angle are given (20°).  
When measured from the positive x-axis, 𝜃 = 110°. 
Step 3: Write the working equations.  

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 
The magnitude of the vector is 233.90 m while its y-component is 219.80 m.  

3  Try It!  
A vector located in the fourth quadrant has an angle 𝜃 = ‒60° and has a 
y-component of ‒35 N. Find the (a) magnitude of the vector and (b) its x-component.  

How do you calculate the magnitude and direction 

  of a vector from its components? 

2.3. Components of Vectors  11 
Unit 2: Vectors 
Calculating the Resultant Vector 
In  the  same  way  that  a  vector  can  be  resolved  into  its  components,  a  vector’s  magnitude 

and  direction  can  also  be  calculated  using  its  components. The magnitude of vector   can 
be calculated using the equation below based on the Pythagorean theorem.  

Equation 2.3.3 
A is the magnitude of the vector 
Ax is the x-component of the vector 
Ay is the y-component of the vector. 
The  positive  root  is  always  considered  as  the  final  answer,  since  there  is  no  negative  value 
for  the magnitude. The equation can be used at any value of x- and y-components as long as 
they are perpendicular with each other.  
The  direction  of  the  vector  is  determined  using  the  tangent  function  expressed  in  terms  of 
the x- and y-components. 

The  angle  or  direction  is  calculated  using  the  inverse  function  of  tangent  as  shown  in  the 
equation below. 

Equation 2.3.4 

2.3. Components of Vectors  12 
Unit 2: Vectors 
It  is  important  to  remember  that  the  value  of  𝜃  from  Equation  2.3.4  is  not  always  the  final 
answer.  Any  two  angles  that  differ  by  180°  have  the  same  value  for  its  tangent.  To  ensure 
that  your  final  answer  is  correct  it  is  very  important  that  you  check  the  signs  of  the  x-  and 
y-components.  Both  positive  signs  for  the  x-  and  y-components  mean  that  the  vector  is 
located  in  the  first  quadrant.  For  the  second  quadrant,  the  x-component  is  negative  while 
the  y-component  is  positive.  If  both  x-  and  y-components  are  negative, the vector is located 
in  the  third  quadrant.  Lastly,  a  positive  x-component  and  a  negative  y-component  indicate 
that  the  vector  is  located  in  the  fourth  quadrant.  After  identifying  the  location,  check  the 
sign  of  the  angle  𝜃  you  calculated.  A  positive  sign  means  that  you  have  to  measure  in  a 
counterclockwise  direction  from  one  of  the  axes,  while  a  negative  sign  indicates  that  you 
have to measure the angle in a clockwise direction. 

It  would  be  very  helpful  to  draw  a  sketch  to  identify  the  location  of 
the  x-  and  y-components.  In  this  way,  you  will  be  able  to  easily 
identify the location of the angle (direction) in the Cartesian plane. 


  Let’s Practice!  

Example 4    

What  is  the  magnitude  and  direction  of  a  displacement  vector    if  its  components  are  as 
follows: Ax = 10 m, Ay = 5 m? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the magnitude and the direction of the vector. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The x- and y-components are both given: Ax = 10 m; Ay = 5 m.  
2.3. Components of Vectors  13 
Unit 2: Vectors 
Step 3: Write the working equations.  
To calculate the magnitude of the vector, use the following equation: 

To calculate the direction of the vector, use the following equation: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 


The displacement vector has a magnitude of 11.18 m and a direction of 𝜃 = 26.57° or 
26.57° north of east.  

4  Try It!  
A force vector has components of Fx = 90 N and Fy = 120 N. What is the magnitude 
and direction of the said vector? 


2.3. Components of Vectors  14 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Example 5  
An  airplane  covered  a  displacement  vector  with  components of Dx= ‒2500 km and Dy= 1800 
km. What is the magnitude and direction of the displacement vector? 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to calculate the magnitude and the direction of the displacement 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The x- and y-components are both given: Dx = ‒2500 km; Dy = 1800 km.  
Step 3: Write the working equations.  
To calculate the magnitude of the vector, use the following equation: 

To calculate the direction of the vector, use the following equation: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 

The  𝜃  calculated  from  the  equation  is  not  necessarily  the  angle  from  the  +x-axis. 
The  signs  of  the  x-  and  y-components  should  be  checked  to  identify the quadrant. 

2.3. Components of Vectors  15 
Unit 2: Vectors 
After  that,  the  sign  of  the  𝜃  should  also  be  considered.  Positive  means  that  the 
rotation  is  counterclockwise,  while  a  negative  sign  means  that  the  rotation  is 
measured in the clockwise direction as shown in the figure below. 

The displacement vector has a magnitude of 3080.58 km and a direction of 𝜃 = 144.25° 
from the +x-axis. 

5  Try It!  
A truck traveled at a specific velocity. It has components of Vx = 75 m/s and Vy = ‒90 
m/s. What is the velocity of the truck? 


2.3. Components of Vectors  16 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Example 6  
A  displacement  vector  located  in  the  first  quadrant  has  a  magnitude  of  50  km  and  has  an 
x-component  of  44  km.  Find  the  (a)  y-component  of  the vector and (b) its direction from the 
Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem. 
You are asked to find the y-component of the vector and its direction measured 
from the +x-axis. 
Step 2: Identify the given in the problem. 
The magnitude of the vector (50 km) and its x-component (44 km). 
Step 3: Write the working equations.  
To calculate the y-component of the vector, use the following equation: 

To calculate the direction of the vector, use the following equation: 

Step 4: Substitute the given values.  

Step 5: Find the answer. 


2.3. Components of Vectors  17 
Unit 2: Vectors 
The y-component of the vector is 23.75 km. The direction of the vector is 28.36° from the 

6  Try It!  
A force vector located in the third quadrant has a magnitude of 265 N and has a 
y-component of ‒150 N. What is the x-component of the force vector? What is its 
direction when measured from the +x-axis. 


Key Points 
● A  vector  at an angle can be resolved into its two components: a component parallel 
to  the  horizontal  axis  (x-axis)  and  another  component  parallel  to  the  vertical  axis 
● The  components  of  a  vector  are  calculated  using  the  trigonometric  functions  sine 
and cosine.  
● Angle  𝜃  should  be  measured  in  a  counterclockwise  direction  from  the  positive 
x-axis to use the given equations for the x- and y-components.  
● The  magnitude  and  direction  of  a  vector  can  be  calculated  through  its  two 
components using the Pythagorean theorem and the tangent function.  
2.3. Components of Vectors  18 
Unit 2: Vectors 

Key Formulas 

Concept  Formula  Description 

Components of    Use this formula to solve 

Vectors  where:   the x-component of a 
● Ax is the x-component of  vector. 
the vector 
● A is the magnitude of the 
● 𝜃  is  the  angle  measured 
from the +x-axis 

  Use this formula to solve 

where:  the y-component of a 
● Ay is the y-component of  vector. 
the vector 
● A is the magnitude of the 
● 𝜃  is  the  angle  measured 
from the +x-axis 

Use this formula to solve 

  the magnitude of a vector. 
● A is the magnitude of the 
● Ax is the x-component of 
the vector 
● Ay is the y-component of 
the vector 

Use this formula to 

  determine the direction of 
a vector. 
● 𝜃 is the angle 

2.3. Components of Vectors  19 
Unit 2: Vectors 

● Ax is the x-component of 

the vector 
● Ay is the y-component of 
the vector 


  Check Your Understanding 


A. Write true if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write false. 


___________________  1. A  vector  located  in  the  fourth  quadrant  has  a  negative 

  x-component and a positive y-component.  
___________________  2. The angle 𝜃 can be measured from any direction.  
___________________  3. Result  of  the  calculation  using  the  equation  for  tangent  𝜃 
  has two possible locations in a Cartesian plane. 
___________________  4. A  vector  is  located  in  the  second  quadrant if both of its x- 
  and y-components are positive. 
___________________  5. A  vector  at  an  angle  from  the  vertical  or  the  horizontal 
  axis has two components. 
___________________  6. A  vector  in  the  northeast  direction  has  a  component 
  along the north and west directions.  
___________________  7. A  displacement  vector  of  2  m,  135°  measured  from  the 
  +x-axis has an x-component of 1.41 m. 
___________________  8. A  vector  with  an  x-component  of  12  m  and  a 
  y-component of 10 m has an angle 𝜃 of 40°. 
___________________  9. The  x-component  of  a  vector  is  always  calculated  using 
  the sine function. 
___________________  10. In  a  right  triangle,  the  hypotenuse  is  equivalent  to  the 
magnitude of the vector itself.  

2.3. Components of Vectors  20 
Unit 2: Vectors 

B. Solve the following problems.   

I. Identify the components of the following vectors. 

1. 35 m, 75° 
2. 20 km, 10° north of east 
3. 65 N, 55° south of west 
4. 1250 km, 195° 
5. 200 N, ‒25° 
II. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the vector using the following components. 
1. Ax = 250 N, Ay = 550 N 
2. Ax = 5 km, Ay = 8 km 
3. Ax = ‒850 m, Ay = ‒600 m 
4. Ax = ‒70 m, Ay = 80 m 
5. Ax = 1600 N, Ay = ‒900 N 

  Challenge Yourself 

Answer the following questions.  

1. Why is there a need to resolve the components of a vector? 

2. Give a situation where the formula used to calculate the x- and y-components will be 
interchanged,  wherein  the  x-component  uses  the  sine  function  while  the 
y-component uses the cosine function. 
3. In  which  situation  is  the  inverse  tangent  function  equivalent  to  the angle measured 
from the +x-axis? 
4. Suppose  that  the  x-component  of  a  vector  is  positive  while  its  y-component  is 
negative. Are the angles 250° and –45° both possible directions for the said vector? 
5. The  x-and  y-components  of  a  vector  given  by  your  teacher  are  both  negative.  After 
your  calculation,  you  got  a  positive  value  for  the  angle.  You  then  subtracted it from 
180°  to  get  the  final  direction.  Would  your  final angle reflect the correct direction of 
the vector? Explain your answer. 
2.3. Components of Vectors  21 
Unit 1: Work, Power, and Energy 

Faughn,  Jerry  S.  and  Raymond  A.  Serway.  Serway’s  College  Physics  (7th  ed).  Singapore: 
Brooks/Cole, 2006. 
Giancoli,  Douglas  C.  Physics  Principles  with  Applications  (7th  ed).  USA:  Pearson  Education, 
Knight,  Randall  D.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers:  A  Strategic  Approach  (4th  ed).  USA: 
Pearson Education, 2017.  
Serway,  Raymond  A.  and  John  W.  Jewett,  Jr.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers  with  Modern 
Physics (9th ed). USA: Brooks/Cole, 2014. 
Young,  Hugh  D.,  Roger  A.  Freedman,  and  A.  Lewis  Ford.  Sears  and  Zemansky’s  University 
Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed). USA: Pearson Education, 2012. 

  Key to Try It! 

1. x-component is 56.38 m/s; y-component is 20.52 m/s 
2. x-component is ‒115.91 N; y-component is ‒31.06 N 
3. A = 40.41 N; Ax = 20.21 N 

4. = 150 N, 53.13° (53.13° north of east) 

5. = 117.15 m/s, 309.81° (𝜃 = ‒50.19° or 50.19° south of east) 

6. Ax = ‒218.46 N; 𝜃 = ‒214.47° (34.47° south of west) 

2.3. Components of Vectors  22 

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