T-Magazine JUNE-26-2022-wBJhg

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June 26, 2022

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SBP did not have an understanding of out of 190 countries is Pakistan’s rank in Blind contour has fueled my work because Being a native of Balochistan, this success [for
money laundering — APG report medical tourism, according to WHO it’s intuitive — Sarah Mir me] is like a dream come true — Dr Wasay

In 2018, Pakistan was compliant with only 10 of 40

FATF recommendations, prompting a stern and dire
warning. Four years on, it stands compliant with
35, placing it among the top 5 nations in terms of
FATF compliance. As the body now prepares an on-
ground mission to assess the progress, the need for
vigilance is higher than ever


n February of 2020, the president of the Financial A country can be put on the grey list for one of three be used to implement a comprehensive and coordinated
Action Task Force (FATF) gave Pakistan a stark warn- It is also the responsibility of FATF main factors: it is not a member of the FATF or a FATF risk-based approach to combating money laundering
ing: either enact laws in line with the body’s Anti- styled regional body, it performed poor on the MER or and terror financing,” the report stated. “Also terror-
Money Laundering (AML) and Combating Terrorism
that its on-site mission remains any of FATF or regional body member may nominate a ist groups operating in Pakistan are reported to include
Financing (CFT) standards along with bringing the focused on strengthening of the country for being placed on the list due to deficiencies in but not limited to, ISIS-Khorasan, Tehreek-e-Taliban
country’s regulatory framework in line with international its AML and CFT regimes. In Pakistan’s case, there was Pakistan, Quetta Shura Taliban, Haqqani Network and
standards or be ready to face consequences. AML and CFT regimes rather than more than one reason to put it on the grey list. Lashkar-e-Taiba (including its affiliates Jamaatud Dawa
And the consequences were grave – so much so that on any specific individual or on the and Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation), which raise funds
they could have completely dried up the already low Missed opportunities through a variety of means, including direct support,
levels of foreign direct investment estimated at hardly behest of any member country In October 2019, the Asia Pacific Group – one of the nine FATF public fundraising, abuse of NPOs, and though criminal
$1.6 billion in this year. Had Pakistan not complied, styled regional bodies – released its comprehensive Mutual activities,” APG 2019 report added.
it would have had to deal with an increase in the cost Evaluation Report. The report had been based on Pakistan’s The report said that corruption, drug trafficking,
and time it takes to send foreign remittances back home performance against 40 recommendations of the FATF till fraud, tax evasion, smuggling, human trafficking, and
from abroad. Its banks would have struggled to carry out deadlines in the action plan have expired and should sig- October 2018. The report showed that out of FATF’s 40 recom- organised crime were major predicate offences to money
international transactions, leading to an eventual slow- nificant and sustainable progress, especially in prosecuting mendations on curbing money laundering and combating laundering and areas of high risk. The APG advised that
down of the wheel of an economy already teetering on and penalizing terror financing, not be made by the next the financing of terrorism, Pakistan was fully compliant only Pakistan should significantly enhance the use of finan-
the brink of being crippled. plenary, the FATF will take action, which could include the on one. It was largely compliant on nine, partially compliant cial intelligence in money laundering, terror financing,
But almost two and half years down the line – in FATF calling on its members and urging all jurisdictions to on 26 and non-compliant on four recommendations. On the and predicate crime cases, particularly the use of finan-
June 2022 – the FATF says that the initial determination advise their investors to give special attention to business level of effectiveness of Pakistan’s AML/CFT, Pakistan was cial intelligence to target terrorist groups and higher-
of Pakistan’s efforts to comply with two separate ac- relations and transactions with Pakistan.” It was a clear found moderately effective only on one benchmark while on risk predicate crimes. It also sought improvement in
tion plans “warrants an on-site visit to verify that the warning to blacklist Pakistan. Exactly two years before, in the remaining nine its effectiveness was declared as low as
implementation of Pakistan’s AML/CFT reforms has February 2018, the FATF had decided to place Pakistan on the of October 2018 cut-off date.
begun and is being sustained, and that the necessary grey list with effect from June that year and handed it over a The APG 2019 report highlighted that Pakistan faced The situation was so bad that back
political commitment remains in place to sustain im- list of 27 conditions that it needed to implement to exit the significant risk of terror financing both from legitimate in 2018 Pakistani authorities had
plementation and improvement in the future”. Where grey list. For the first time, the IMF had also included exit and illegitimate sources as well as weak or no, regula-
four years ago the country was fully or largely compli- from the grey list part of its conditions set for the $6 billion tion and supervision of certain sectors such as hawala/ very little understanding of the
ant with hardly 10 out of the 40 universal FATF recom- bailout programme for Pakistan. hundi, NPOs and DNFBPs (Designated Non-Financial
mendations, it now stands compliant with 35, placing The FATF is an inter-governmental body that enjoys Businesses and Professions) and porous borders. The country’s money laundering and
it among the top five nations that have AML and CFT the backing of the United Nations. Its enforcement implementation situation was so bad that the APG had terror financing risks, and the
regimes compliant with FATF standards. The top three, arms are strengthened by FATF-styled regional bodies asked Pakistan in 2009 to have proper DNFBPs frame-
just for context, are the United Kingdom, the United and it also gets support from the International Mon- work, which we did not implement till 2020. private sector also had a mixed
States and Italy. etary Fund and the World Bank to enforce financial “The terror financing cases are identified by a number
“Pakistan is not being removed from the grey list to- punitive measures. The France-based FATF, founded of mechanisms but not via financial intelligence,” ac-
understanding of risks
day. The country will be removed from the list if it suc- in 1989 on the initiative of the G-7, an organisation of cording to the APG report. Here too, the APG had made
cessfully passes the onsite visit,” FATF president Marcus the world’s seven largest advanced countries, moni- similar observations a decade ago about the country’s
Pleyer said last week. The purpose of the onsite visit, tors countries’ money flow and penalises those whose risk assessment framework but no action was taken. At asset confiscation that should commensurate with Paki-
he said, is to verify the completion of reforms to check financial systems are abused for money laundering and the very least, it was a pathetic report for Pakistan that stan’s money laundering and terror financing risks, in-
whether they are sustainable and irreversible. In be- terrorism activities. also underscored that the country did not improve even cluding cross-border currency.
tween these two timelines is the story of the use of law- The FATF had taken a decision without waiting for a on areas that had been identified in 2009 by the APG. The situation was so bad that back in 2018 Pakistani
fare approach against Pakistan, efforts by Pakistani au- fresh Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) by the Asia Pacif- The report also underlined that key Pakistani regula- authorities had very little understanding of the coun-
thorities to put laws and regulatory frameworks in the ic Group (APG) – the FATF styled regional body in whose tors – the State Bank of Pakistan and Securities and Ex- try’s money laundering and terror financing risks, and
right shape to avoid blacklisting and reverse decades-old jurisdiction Pakistan lies. The MER is usually a require- change Commission of Pakistan – had very limited un- the private sector also had a mixed understanding of
policies and strategies that also allowed New Delhi to ment to see whether the country’s AML and CFT related derstating of the money laundering and terror financing risks. While Pakistan established a multi-agency ap-
change the constitutional and demographic status of In- laws, rules and risk frameworks are technically compli- regimes. “Pakistan should adequately identify, assess proach to implementing its AML/CFT regime, it was not
dian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. ant, the inter-agency coordination, judicial system for and understand its money laundering/terror financ- implementing a comprehensive and coordinated risk-
prosecution and convection are effective and the nation ing risks including transnational risks and risks associ- based approach to combating money laundering and
A stern warning also cooperates with foreign jurisdictions to curb men- ated with terrorist groups operating in Pakistan such as terror financing.
In February 2020, the FATF plenary had warned that “all ace of terrorism and money laundering. Da’esh, AQ, JuD, FiF, LeT, JeM and HQN, and this should CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


A closer look at the Internet crime report 2021 reveals the alarming
rate at which cybercrime seems to be sweeping the world

By AYAZ HUSSAIN ABBASI reached new heights. These cyber- risks we face from malicious cyber of the country, criminal activities have become more skilled and pre- surge in cybercrime in the country.
attacks harmed businesses across a actors. on the internet, including phishing ventative measures have been imple- From January 1, 2021, to December
The Internet Crime Complaint Center wide range of industries, as well as According to the FBI’s annual In- and data breaches, which reached mented, the BEC/EAC scheme has 31, 2021, the FIA’s cybercrime division
(IC3) is the FBI’s central depository the general population in the United ternet Crime Report, people lost an all-time high in 2021, may tend evolved in kind.” Simple hacking or received 102,356 complaints. “Face-
for collecting Internet crime com- States. The FBI continues to use its more than $6.9 billion to internet to climb. Scams and support fraud, spoofing of commercial and personal book was employed as a medium in
plaints. The Internet Crime Complaint unique authorities and relationships crimes in 2021, an increase of more which amounted to 32,400 incidents email accounts, as well as a request 23% of the complaints.
Center’s (IC3) objective is to offer the to impose risks and consequences on than $2 billion from 2020. The re- in 2021, may become more com- to transmit wire payments to bogus Last year, 80,641 of the 102,356
public a reliable and simple reporting our nation’s cyber adversaries as the port, which was released on Tues- mon in the bitcoin realm. Romantic bank accounts, have evolved into the complaints received were verified,
mechanism for investigating Internet- cyber threat changes and becomes day, provides “details regarding the scams, tech support fraud, and ran- technique. and 15,932 of them met the require-
facilitated crimes to the Federal increasingly entangled with tradi- most common internet scams” as somware are all prevalent internet ments for beginning inquiries. Over
Bureau of Investigation and to create tional foreign intelligence threats reported to the FBI’s Internet Crime crimes to be aware of. Here’s what to Ransomware in 2021 1,300 people were arrested after
an effective alliance with industry and emerging technology. The FBI’s Complaint Center. According to the do if you believe you’ve been the vic- Ransomware numbers were substan- 1,202 cases were filed under relevant
partners. Internet Crime Complaint Center FBI, 847,376 internet crime reports tim of an internet scam. tially lower than BEC schemes, accord- parts of the Prevention of Electronic
According to IC3 data, the top (IC3) allows members of the public were reported in 2021, a 7% increase ing to the IC3. Only 3,729 ransomware Crimes Act.
three recorded crimes in 2021 were to report cybercrime directly to the from 2020 but a stunning 81 percent Cybercrime in the last five years reports were received, with total losses According to official data, students
phishing scams, non-payment or bureau. increase over 2019. Phishing scams, The report’s first section gives an out- of more than $49.2 million. These fig- reported 32 percent of complaints in
non-delivery scams, and personal This study examines and analyses non-payment/non-delivery, and line of how cybercrime has evolved ures are startlingly low, but they are 2021, with 25 percent of them involv-
data breaches, with business email the reports in order to detect cyber- personal data breaches were the top over the last five years. According to also likely to be erroneous as many ing financial offenses.
compromise scams, investment criminal trends and dangers and three cybercrimes recorded last year. the report, the IC3 received an average ransomware occurrences go unde- Financial fraud and forgery
fraud, and romance and confidence then share that information with Perhaps not surprisingly, much of 552,000 complaints every year dur- tected because executives often prefer topped the list, with 427 FIRs and
schemes losing the most money intelligence and law enforcement of the rise in internet online crimes ing that time period. to keep this information under wraps. 388 arrests, followed by extortion
to victims. People in their 60s and partners. over the past two years can be put on and blackmailing, with 267 FIRs
those who live in California were the The FBI understands the need to the shoulders of the COVID-19 pan- Business Email Compromise (BEC) Rise of Cyber Crimes in Pakistan and 185 arrests.
hardest hit. The IC3’s companion share cyber activity information demic, which, as the FBI mentioned tops them all during 2021 In the year, 205 cases were filed un-
2021 State Reports provide a more in- with partners in order to better pre- in its report, led to a surge in work- When it comes to the most despite the With the widespread use of technol- der Section 20 (natural person’s dig-
depth look at data on cybercrime in pare partners to address the cyber ing from home and virtual meet- fact that ransomware dominated the ogy and the proliferation of smart- nity), 199 instances under Section 21
specific states. threat using a whole-of-government ings. In 2020, the FBI received more news in 2021, the analysis indicates phones and gadgets, the number of (rape/modesty of natural person), 76
Along with the statistics on cyber- strategy. Public reporting to IC3 is than 28,500 complaints of criminal that BEC crimes had the most impact. cybercrime complaints received by cases of cyberterrorism/hate speech,
crime, the document gives advice on critical to that strategy, as it allows internet activity specifically related In 2021, the IC3 received 19,954 the Cyber Crime Wing of the Federal and 49 cases of child pornography.
how to protect yourself and prevent IC3 to fill in the gaps with this crucial to COVID-19, though there appears Business Email Compromise (BEC) Investigation Agency from across the The number of complaints received
future attacks. It also includes case information during the investiga- to be no tally of internet crimes re- or Email Account Compromise (EAC) country in 2021 surpassed 100,000. by the FIA each month has also
studies highlighting the FBI’s recent tion. This reporting not only aids in lated to COVID-19 detailed in the 2021 accusations, totaling over $2.4 bil- The number of complaints received doubled in four years, from 4,031 in
efforts to combat online criminality. the prevention of future crimes but report. lion in losses. by the FIA each month has doubled 2018 to 8,688 in 2021, indicating an
In 2021, cyber-attacks and hostile also allows us to get valuable insight While COVID-19 limits and man- It explains how BEC assaults have in four years, from 4,031 in 2018 to alarming surge in cybercrime in the
cyber activities in the United States into the ever-changing trends and dates are being relaxed across most evolved over time: “As fraudsters 8,688 in 2021, indicating an alarming country.


Most banks and larger exchange dul Rehman Makki is the deputy part of the on-site mission team
companies had an adequate under- Amir/Chief and head of the Po- and India may not like to lose the
For money laundering, there was standing of their AML/CFT obliga- litical Affairs of Lashkar-e-Tayy- opportunity. The mission will see
no clear understanding among com-
petent authorities, including LEAs.
tions but all other financial insti-
tutions had limited understanding
This was a turning point when Pakistan iba (LeT) /Jamat ud-Dawa (JuD),
which itself is a UN proscribed ter-
progress on the ground, the com-
mitment of the political leadership
“Competent authorities are focused of their money laundering and finally decided to take the FATF threat rorist entity. to stay on course and importantly
on predicate crimes and are un- terror financing risks; they were Pakistan has in the past publicly to make sure that all the steps that
able to clearly differentiate money in a nascent stage of implement- seriously and started delivering on expressed its concerns about use of have already been taken are irre-
laundering from predicate offences
which generate illicit proceeds,” the
ing the risk-based approach and
internal controls; smaller entities
conditions that it had long resisted the FATF for political purposes. In
an interview to Anadolu Agency
versible, including actions against
leadership of terror outfits.
APG pointed out. “For terrorism fi- lacked proper systems to identify -a Turkish media outlet – last All the Pakistani stakeholders
nancing, Pakistani authorities had Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). nomic affairs Hammad Azhar was implementation of these laws. year, Pakistan’s then law minister still need to prove to the FATF up-
a mixed understanding of risk. Pakistan had limited mitigating nominated for coordination from The journey has not ended yet and Barrister Farogh Naseem had said coming mission that no serious
Federal Investigation Agency had measures for legal persons and the civilian side. there is no time to relax. India that “Even [though} the FATF deficiency remains in its AML and
a low level of terror financing risk there was no supervisory oversight This was a turning point when will not let the pressure off from people are good people. I’m not CFT regimes. The on-site inspec-
understanding, while provincial for AML/CFT purposes. Pakistan finally decided to take Pakistan. being critical against them…But tion team will submit its report
police, counter-terrorism depart- the FATF threat serious and start- In July last year, India’s Minister as long as these (FATF) standards to the FATF and on the basis of on-
ments (CTDs) have a better under- The use of lawfare ed delivering on conditions that for External Affairs S Jaishankar are universally applied, and not site team report, the FATF will an-
standing of those risks within their Many countries, particularly the it had resisted long. Pakistani said the Modi-led Bharatiya Janata applied to only Pakistan, and as nounce the decision of keeping or
provinces. United States and India, had long courts started handing over sen- Party (BJP) government had en- long as there is no international removing Pakistan from the grey
“The State Bank of Pakistan did been demanding through the FATF tences to JUD chief Hafiz Muham- sured that Pakistan remained on politics, then we welcome FATF. list in the next plenary.
not have a clear understanding of forum that Pakistan should target mad Saeed, with latest one given the FATF grey list. It had achieved Let it be applied to everyone,” he It is also the responsibility of the
the money laundering and terror eight groups – the Afghan Taliban, in April this year when he was what Dehli otherwise could not said, questioning why Pakistan FATF that its on-site mission re-
financing risks unique to the sec- Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), Haqqani awarded a combined sentence of 33 think even. was still on the list. “There should mains focused on strengthening of
tors it supervises,” stated the APG Network, Jaish-e-Mohammed years imprisonment in two cases India and the US jointly pro- be no international politics, but the AML and CFT regimes, rather
report. There was little evidence (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), of terror financing. It was un- posed on June 1, 2022 to list Paki- FATF is being used to arm twist. on any specific individual on be-
that the SECP’s supervisory activ- Falah-e-Insaniyat Foundation, al- thinkable till few years ago. stan based terrorist Abdul Rehm- Then what can we say?” hest of any member country.
ity was improving AML/CFT be- Qaeda and Islamic State. Pakistan also amended 14 laws an Makki under the UN Security Pakistani authorities need to
haviour. Pakistan Post, CDNS, and After the poor evaluation report, to ensure technical compliance Council’s Al-Qaeda (Dae’sh) and Need for compliance and vigilance consolidate their efforts and make
DNFBPs were not supervised for Pakistan made its Director-Gener- with the FATF recommendations, ISIL Sanctions Committee, also The FATF will soon send a mission sure that all actions taken in past
AML/CFT compliance. Also, Paki- al of Military Operations (DGMO) including few for the sake of known as the UNSC 1267 Commit- to Pakistan to kicking off the pro- two years are irreversible, this
stan’s law enforcement efforts to in-charge for the implementation avoiding being blacklisted. tee. Both India and the US have cess to remove Pakistan from the time for the sake of people and
address money laundering were of FATF recommendations while Still, the world powers were not already listed Makki as a terrorist grey list. Any of the FATF or APG prosperity. World now knows our
not consistent with its risks. the then federal minister for eco- satisfied and they wanted effective under their domestic laws. Ab- member countries can opt to be games.


• Hafiz Saeed was sentenced to 33 years in jail on April 9, 2022. Crackdown on JuD Asset freeze
ATC had awarded combined sentence of 33 years imprison- leadership
ment in two cases from 2019 of terror financing registered by • Pakistan freezes 964 assets of banned JuD, JeM in
the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD). • ATC sentenced Prof Malik Zafar September 2020. Senate was told that 907 of the frozen
Iqbal, Hafiz Abdul Salam and Hafiz properties belonged to JuD and 57 to JeM.
• Hafiz Saeed was convicted in another terror financing case, Abdul Rehman Makki on August
sentenced to 5-and-a-half year in prison on November 19, 29, 2020. The court awarded • A total of 611 properties of JuD were frozen in Punjab,
2020. ATC in Lahore had convicted Jamatud Dawa leader, who a collective imprisonment of followed by 108 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 80 in Sindh, 61
was already in jail serving two sentences of five-and-a-half- 16-and-a-half year to Iqbal and in AJK, 30 in Balochistan and 17 in Islamabad.
years each, handed down to him in February 2020. Salam while one-and-a-half-year
jail term to Makki. • The frozen properties of the JuD include 76 schools, four
• Pakistan has arrested him several times since the 9/11 attacks colleges, 330 mosques and seminaries, 186 dispensaries,
in the US, but it never charged him with specific offences and • Pakistan sentenced three top 15 hospitals, 262 ambulances, a funeral bus, three disas-
always set him free in the end. JuD leaders, including deputy ter management offices, 10 boats, 17 buildings, a plot, an
JuD chief Abdul Rehman Makki, agricultural land and two motorcycles.
• Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest on a number of occasions, first when the Indian government blamed him for head of fundraising Zafar Iqbal
masterminding the December 2001 attack on its parliament, and then after the Mumbai train bombings of 2006. and media chief Yahya Mujahid, • Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation was a charity organization
for terror financing on December established by Jamat-ud-Dawa amd it was banned in
• He was also put under house arrest several times between 2008 and 2009 following accusations that the LeT had car- 3 2020. Iqbal and Mujahid were 2019.
ried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks. given prison terms of 15 and a
half years each, while Makki was • In August 2020, Pakistan banned 88 new terrorists,
• On each of these occasions, Pakistani government did not frame charges against him. Instead, it continued to file for sentenced to six months in prison. in compliance with the new list issued by the United
extensions of his house arrest which the courts would ultimately refuse, setting him free. Nations Security Council (UNSC). The banned terror-
• CTD had registered 23 FIRs ists include Hafiz Saeed, Masood Azhar and Dawood
• Pakistan has done enough to satisfy FATF but will Pakistan be able to convince FATF teams when they come for against the leaders of the JuD in Ibrahim.
physical inspection likely later this year. different cities of Punjab.

Cover: Ibrahim Yahya

2 June 26, 2022

Threads of commonalities
With numerous cultural
similarities, Spain tops every
Pakistani jetsetter’s list of
places to visit

By JAVED CHAUDHRY friendly, alongside being against

social stratification, and racism. In
Raja Anwar runs a restaurant in Spain, the rich and the poor, locals
Valencia, a beautiful city in Spain. and foreigners, all are treated at par. In Spain, the rich and the poor, locals and
After coming to Spain from Rawalpindi Within offices and factories, the exec-
around thirty-six years ago, he married utives and the staff eat the same food foreigners, all are treated at par. Within
a local, and initiated his Pakistani cui-
sine business in the university area.
in joint cafeterias. At universities the
deans dance with the janitorial staff
offices and factories, the executives
When we reached his restaurant called
‘Sher Khan’ on 29thMay, he began
during functions. The economy of
Spain thrives on tourism, and thus,
and the staff eat the same food in joint farmhouses located in villages, with tural places that offer Islamic sites
dancing around us, overjoyed to see tourists are treated like special guests. cafeterias. At universities, the deans dance the family system holding immense can visit Cordoba, Granada, Toledo,
Pakistani visitors – a first for him over They, like us, also believe in social significance. They abhor divorce, and Murcia and Malaga, where Quranic
the past three decades. He believed it networking. If a stranger asks for di- with the janitorial staff during functions delay the separation process in antici- verses are engraved on buildings.
was destiny that had made him initiate rections, they guide him to his desti- pation of reconciliation. With a firm People fond of the sea can find more
his business to experience the fortunate nation. Interestingly, Spanish people over race and colour. They also believe earns billions of dollars by exporting belief in traditions, and their conser- than two hundred warm beaches.
day a Pakistani tourist came to pay a are laid back. No matter what the sea- in trying new things, whether it be olives. Orange orchards are spread vative values, explicit public romance Alicante has all the facilities es-
visit. I told him that even our group of son is, their daily siesta between 2 PM new cuisines or new traditions. Like along the road emanating from Va- is tremendously scarce. sential formarine tourists. Tourists
seventy select tourists would not have and 5 PM remains imperative. In the us, they are also unhappy with their lencia. Consequently, Spain is among The government haspro-business fond of modern life can visit Valen-
made it to Spain, had the Ambassador year 2000, there was a singular Paki- lethargic bureaucratic system and in- the top three countries exporting or- policies. This is also evident through cia, Madrid and Barcelona. These
of Spain to Pakistan, Duran Gi Menez, stani restaurant in Barcelona, where- ordinate delays in legal judgments. ange juice and its bio-products. the fact that when we invited the cities stand shoulder to shoulder
alongside Elena Gomez Aoiz, the Mayor of Granada to visit Pakistan, with Paris, London, New York and
Deputy Head of Mission, and Ines he accepted the offer, despite his other modern cities, and also cater
Mena Gomez De Merodio, the Head of busy schedule, on the condition that to those fond of gambling and club-
Visa/First Secretary not extended their his meetings be arranged with Paki- bing. People who seek thrill and
extraordinary help and support. These stani businessmen and investors. adventure can venture forth into
friends of Pakistan earnestly believe in The Spanish Ambassador to Pakistan forests, oceans, and mountains. To
warm and cordial relations between was also of the same opinion: Spain is experience the richness of tradition,
the two countries. His Excellency, open to investors, tourists, business- one can observe the flamingo dance
Manuel Duran-Gimenez Rico, is highly men, technicians and skilled indi- in the caves of Granada. The annual
appreciated in Pakistan for his profes- viduals of all kinds. tomato festival and bull fights attract
sionalism, charismatic personality, Owing to the excellent town plan- millions of people.
exemplary diplomatic skills, and his ning, Barcelona is a properly planned Spain is a montage of tourism. We
respectful consciousness of our culture. and modern city. If seen from above, share a similar climate, landscape,
Therefore, when I put forward the re- it appears to be laid out in square pat- and traditional values with Spain.
quest for a group tour, he was very kind tern. The city is divided in blocks, and When it comes to tourism, we must
and forthcoming. every block has all the basic ameni- prefer Spain over the USA, UK, or
Our group of seventy people spent ties. Therefore, people do not have to Germany. After all, we must further
seventeen days in Spain, relishing travel from one block to another, just strengthen our political and diplo-
the spirit of the country. During this to utilise educational, medicinal, rec- matic relations with Spain, given that
period, we visited nine cities: Madrid, reational, or occupational facilities. the two countries have much to learn
Toledo, Segovia, Granada, Alicante, This puts less pressure on traffic, and from each other.
Valencia and Barcelona. as now, this number has swelled to Spain has an agriculture-based econ- Spain has deployed modern tech- less fuel is consumed. Spain is well
Spanish people are different from eighty restaurants. Around 80% of omy. Therefore, the country is dotted niques when it comes to farming. aware of the importance of tourism. The writer is a renowned television host,
other Europeans, with their culture their customers are Spanish, owing with fields, gardens and forests. In Drip irrigation through local ponds is Therefore, it has made itself a tourist columnist, journalist and tourist. He also
bearing numerous resemblances to to the fact that Spanish people tend to Andalusia, olives are planted on mil- extensively used. In terms of housing hub. supervises and runs the largest tourism
that of our own. People in Spain are prefer fine food and good hospitality lions of acres, as are date plants. Spain and families, Spanish people live in Those interested in visiting cul- group in Pakistan, Ibex.


The place, where today the Sadh Belo temple stands was
known as ‘Menak Parbat’; this name which is also mentioned
in Rig Veda, is one of the four holy texts of Hinduism
By SARFARAZ MEMON from a strange ailment. He added, place for pick and drop of the devotees.
“Whenever I happen to visit Sadh Due to extraordinary attendance this
“Har Har Maha Dev, Har Har Maha Belo, I feel new energy emerging from year, we have hired around twenty-
Dev, Baba Bankhandi Maharaj ki Jai, within, and therefore, my wife and I five motorized boats for pick-and-
Jhullay Lal ki Jai,” The right bank of often visit the temple.” drop purposes.” Prakash added that
the River Indus, opposite the Hindu Kishan Lal, a resident of Shikarpur, devotees coming from other districts
temple Sadh Belo, was buzzing with had come with his friends to attend often choose to stay for three days at blessing of Eshwar upon them, can
these chants of devotees who had ar- the anniversary. He said, “I have been the temple where they are provided bless people with their powers. I per-
rived from different parts of Sindh to visiting the temple with my parents with free food and water. According to sonally know many people in this
attend the 159th death anniversary of since I was just two or three years old, him, many well-off Hindus arrange city who have been blessed by Baba,
Baba Bankhandi Maharaj. Sadh Belo and now I am thirty-five.” He says that cooked food for the devotees during and they visit the temple almost ev-
is situated in a hilly area in the middle every success that he has achieved in the anniversary, and some people ery Friday to pay homage to him.
of the River Indus near Sukkur. The his life so far is due to the blessing of provide sweetened milk and juices to Once I contracted a strange ailment
death anniversary events will continue Baba Bankhandi Maharaj. get blessings from Baba Bankhandi and I thought I was about to die, but
for three days, from June 14 to June 16. Nand Lal, another devotee, looked Maharaj. I kept visiting the temple every Fri-
Keerti Kumari, an 11-year-old very happy and had brought two Talking about the security arrange- day, and very soon, I not only got rid
girl, was so excited to visit the holy cauldrons of cooked food to distrib- ments, Prakash informed me that a of the ailment, but became more en-
temple she tried to jump in a boat, ute among devotees. As soon as he heavy contingent of police has been ergetic than before. Every visitor has a
which was taking the devotees to the approached the boat along with deployed in and around the temple story to tell about the power of of Baba
temple. Unfortunately, she landed in four men carrying the cauldrons, he and at the camp to avert any untoward Bankhandi Maharaj’s blessings, and
water, which was fortunately shal- chanted, “Baba Bankhandi Maha- incident. Divers are also made avail- that is why they regularly visit the
low, and was immediately rescued raj ki Jai, Baba Bankhandi Maharaj able at the temple and near the camp temple to keep in touch with Baba’s Lal explained that after the death of allotted to the devotees on first-come-
by some people waiting for another ki Jai”. Before embarking the boat, to handle any emergency. According spirituality.” the tenth gaddi nasheen in Haridwar, first-serve basis.
boat. Keerti, along with her parents Nand Lal, with a big smile on his face, to him, only once an over-occupied President of Hindu Panchayat India, Swami Vish Darsh Jee Maharaj The temple is spread over nine acres,
and siblings, had arrived from Ja- said to me, “With the kirpa (blessing) boat was overturned, resulting in the Mukhi Eshwar Lal narrated the his- has been elected as the new successor. houses separate places of worship for
cobabad to attend the death anniver- of Baba Bankhandi Maharaj I have death of two persons, while the re- tory of the Sadh Belo temple to me. A very stringent process is followed to men and women, a library with books
sary events. When asked why she was earned much more than I expected maining were rescued. It is located on an island that was elect the new gaddi nasheen; as he is on religion and Hindu mythology,
so excited she replied, “I love visiting from my dry dates business, and that Om Parkash, going through the previously known as Menak Parbat. supposed to have nothing to do with segregated bhandars (dining rooms),
this temple because my mother often is why I have brought two cauldrons history of Sadh Belo, said, “The place, According to him, Baba Bankhandi the mortal world, he must be honest, and a huge garden. The administra-
visits it to pray for her wishes to come of food to distribute among the devo- where today the Sadh Belo temple Maharaj, who by birth hailed from dedicated and celibate (udaseen). tion has also preserved the living quar-
true. When Keerti was asked what tees.” He told me that in his business stands was known as ‘Menak Parbat’; Nepal, came to the site in 1823 at the The Sadh Belo Parbandhak Commit- ters of Maharaj and his disciples.
her biggest wish was, she answered, of dry dates, his earning doubled this this name is also mentioned in Rig age of fifteen. Baba Bankhandi Ma- tee is responsible for pilgrims’ lodg- Talking about the visitors, Lal said
“Nothing special for me; I only want year due to, what he claims, the bless- Veda, one of the four holy texts of Hin- haraj belonged to the Udaseen school ing and food, which is a free service that devotees from all over Sindh, and
my father to get rid of his ailment and ing of Baba Bankhandi Maharaj. duism.” On the question that since of thought; personalities belonging provided during the three-day event. also India, converge at the temple dur-
start earning more money to support While I was talking to Nand Lal, Baba Bankhandi Maharaj was not to that particular school of thought More than thirty thousand pilgrims ing the three-day anniversary. “Even
the family.” I saw a group of women arrive at the married, why people visit his temple never get married. Baba lived alone on can be accommodated in the temple. Muslims come to visit the temple, but
Keerti’s father Bheman Das, in his camp office to purchase two-way boat with their prayers for marriage and Menak Parbat and died at the age of Men and women are allotted sepa- unlike Hindus, Muslims are required
late fifties, is seriously emaciated be- tickets, Rs 20 for adults, Rs 10 for chil- children, Prakash smiled, “Baba is a sixty. The construction of the temple rate space under the open sky, but the to get themselves registered at the
cause of his health issues. After intro- dren. Om Parkash, who was selling Shaktimaan (powerful) and can grant was initiated by Sant Harnam Das, ones who wish to live with their fami- camp, established at the right bank
ducing himself, he said that for the tickets, told me, “Normally, there are wishes to the people. Holy souls like Maharaja’s eighth gaddi nasheen, in lies are given a room. In all, there are of the Indus, to avoid any complica-
last thirteen years, he was suffering two motorized boats stationed at this Baba Bankhandi Maharaj, with the 1899. eighty rooms in the temple, which are tions.”

June 26, 2022 3




Despite receiving decades of criticism from locals for a lack of accessibility to medical treatments and
facilities, Pakistan has recently made a name for itself amidst expats who have been frequently travelling
back to their home country to get medical treatment

In a country that has its healthcare, in many complications. But in her thirty-seventh week, Rawalpindi, and the National Institute of Blood
ways, in shambles, and its citizens do not rely on her doctor suggested doing a caesarean opera- Diseases, Karachi. “We sent all the reports to
public health care due to inadequate attention tion because the baby was underweight; her Pakistan, my father consulted Dr Tahir Shamsi,
from health care providers, what is the motiva- placenta was not providing proper food. “Just and we were told that as soon as we landed in
tional aspect that is bringing back people who live because my son was underweight, he was put Pakistan, he would start the procedure of Qa-
abroad to come to Pakistan and get their treat- in NICU and they ran some tests, which indi- sim’s treatment,” Rabia added.
ments and surgeries done in Pakistan? In recent cated a lower number of white blood cells. As we Being a mother with a three-month-old child
times, a surge has been seen in people’s visits to were alarmed, the doctors ran more tests, or we it was difficult for Rabia to gather herself and
Pakistan for medical tourism. would have never known that he had SCID,” she decide so many things, fully aware how in Paki-
Pakistan is ranked 122nd out of 190 countries in shared how running some minor tests can help stan everyone tries to intervene. “From the air-
the World Health Organisation performance re- save a life. port, we took Qasim straight to the hospital,
port. Pakistan ranks 154th among 195 countries and within three-four hours, all his pre-surgery
in terms of quality and accessibility of health- blood tests were done. His father’s HLA typing
care. And even then, if we see people believing matched—he was his donor. NIBD handled ev-
in our doctors for a quality treatment, it is noth- erything very well,” she said with a satisfied
ing less than a miracle. After realising the severity smile on her face.
Pakistanis living in the Gulf region or other de- Two of the main reasons why people come to
veloped countries, such as the USA and the UK, of our child’s condition, we Pakistan for treatment is post-care and moral
sometimes travel back to their home country to support from family, and that was also the case
get medical treatments. Various reasons are fac- instantly decided that we will with Rabia. After the transplant, Rabia and Qa-
tored in. One reason is that the waiting list in sim had to isolate for fifty days without any con-
their second country is very long, and sometimes get the transplant done and, tact with germs and life outside a room, extreme
they have to wait for months, or even years, to precautionary measures. Rabia says, “It was
have their surgeries done. Secondly, in most of as both my family and in-laws a very difficult time as my husband had to fly
the countries, health care is extremely expen- back to Abu Dhabi; but my family and in-laws
sive. Another reason why many people come to were in Pakistan, it was the best stood by me like a rock during that time. That
have their medical treatments done in Pakistan was something I would not have had if I had not
is because they have their families here and can and the safest option for us been in Pakistan.”
get moral support from their parents, siblings, Facilities that Pakistan offers in terms of
or relatives. Most of these people only opt for the Despite being a mother for weeks, Rabia health care are phenomenal when it comes to
private health care system, but in recent times, couldn’t touch or even hold her baby Qasim be- private hospitals, but the same cannot be said
we have also seen some surgeries performed in cause his white blood cells (WBC) were 0.06 per- for government-run hospitals. The trust people
public facilities. Such cases are not very com- cent, very low for his age. “We kept shifting him have is for private facilities. “We were very scep-
mon but not very rare either. from one hospital to another for better facilities tical about doctors in Pakistan, and personally,
for his case; many doctors suggested boosters of we would have not come here if Abu Dhabi had
Bone marrow transplant WBC to help sustain him, but the biopsy report a transplant facility available. But as the best
In 2019, when Rabia* got married to her first after forty days of his birth made my son’s condi- option was Pakistan, and doctors here proved
cousin, she never thought that just after a year tion quite clear. We wanted a permanent solu- me wrong, I am happy that we took that deci-
she would be celebrating her anniversary in a hos- tion, and after several opinions from different sion.” Rabia’s son is healthy now, and his regu-
pital isolation ward. “It’s been almost two and a doctors and through research, we found out that lar check-ups are showing improvement in his
half years that we have been married but we have only a bone marrow transplant was the solution condition.
not celebrated anything all this time, not the birth to Qasim’s problem,” Rabia explained. The entire transplant was estimated at PKR
of our son or our anniversaries.” Rabia shared that The whole of Abu Dhabi didn’t have any bone 4.5 million but was done in 3.5 million. “We had
their son, Syed Muhammad Qasim, was diag- marrow transplant facility available at that to submit the full amount before the procedure
nosed with severe combined immunodeficiency time. Now there is a centre, but it will still take started, but after the treatment, the remaining
(SCID) at the time of his birth. SCID belongs to a few more years to have facilities for the trans- amount, around PKR 800,000, was returned to
a group of rare disorders caused by mutations plant that was needed for Qasim. Rabia and her us,” Rabia shared, adding that the CMH gave an
in different genes involved in the development husband remember how they could only see estimate of around PKR 5.4 million. It may seem
and function of infection-fighting immune cells. their firstborn wearing masks, gloves, and PPE, like a huge amount, but the treatment in Abu
Infants with this disease appear healthy at birth as it was 2020 and the peak of COVID-19 restric- Dhabi is even more expensive; a single injection
but are highly susceptible to severe infections. tions. “After realising the severity of our child’s that is administered to Qasim every month costs
Qasim was diagnosed with the most severe and condition, we instantly decided that we will get around AED 800, approximately PKR 45,000,
rare form of SCID—reticular dysgenesis. the transplant done, and as both my family and which her husband’s office covers in his family
The couple live in Abu Dhabi due to Rabia’s in-laws were in Pakistan, it was the best and medical insurance. Qasim’s monthly medicines
husband’s job requirements. Her pregnancy the safest option for us,” Rabia said. They had cost around AED 2,500. “Getting him treated in
went very smoothly, and she didn’t face any two options—the Combined Military Hospital, Pakistan had its pros and cons, but yes, the doc-

Singapore has been a growing

medical tourism center in South East
Due to its close proximity to the U.S.,
Asia with 850,000 medical tourists
arriving in 2012. In January 2019
Mexico has become a top medical tourism
destination with 40,000 to 80,000 American
however, a report was released by RHB
seniors spending their retirement there
Research, the article quotes analyst
with a considerable number receiving
Juliana Cai saying “As healthcare costs
nursing home and health care. According
in neighbouring countries like Malaysia
After visitors number more than doubling in the to Politicohowever, the recent events with
and Thailand are much lower, they
last 5 years, Malaysia is also becoming a famous Donald Trump and the wall could damage the
have been attracting medical tourists
destination with 770,134 medical travelers in 2013. flow of medical tourism across the border.
from the region – thereby eating into
In 2016 Malaysia received numerous awards and Singapore’s market share.”
global recognition from International Medical
Travel Journal. Among the awards won by The
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) were
‘Health & Medical Tourism: Destination of the Year’,
International Hospital of the Year, ‘International In Spain, the demand for medical
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year, ‘International The UK has recently announced the need for
tourism has skyrocketed, especially
Dental Clinic of the Year’, ‘International Fertility of improved quality standards for cross border
in the town of Marbella. Over 330
the Year’, and ‘Best Marketing Initiative of the Year’. care. There seems to be room for more private
million euros a year are generated
inbound medical tourism but there needs to be a
in the province. The Quirón business
change in the cap on numbers allowed currently.
group is the biggest medical supplier
in Spain and it treats up to 20,000
foreign patients a year, with most
of the patients coming from the UK,
Approximately 2.5 million Latin America, Netherlands and Finland.
foreign patients traveled particularly Costa Rica As fertility decreases in the MENA region
to hospitals in Thailand and Panama, are fast the demand for IVF and related services
in 2013. In Bangkok’s becoming tourist spots grows. In North Africa and the Middle East
prestigious Bumrungrad for medical travelers there is a $1 billion market, serviced by
International Hospital, with approximately Turkey but also increasingly by the United
over 520,000 international 40,000 foreign patients Arab Emirates and Saudi. India has become a medical
patients received treatment seeking healthcare in tourism hot spot, with 166,000
at the hospital. Costa Rica in 2011 international patients in 2012
coming to the country due to
the selection of highly skilled
doctors and improved medical
South Korea has now entered the top ten infrastructure. In 2016 the
countries in the world in terms of tourist volume. numbers kept rising, with
Medical Tourism Facts At the last available count in 2016, 390,000 people
travelled to Korea as a medical tourist compared to
over 170,000 medical visas
awarded. This represents only
the overall patient volume of 14 million. a fraction of the total medical
Why do people go abroad to get medical treatment? tourists entering the country

4 June 26, 2022


Medical Tourism Index 2020-2021

Canada Singapore Japan
1 76 47
76.47 2 76 43
76.43 3 74 23

United Kingdom Dubai

5 71 92
6 71 85
72 93

Abu Dhabi
Costa Rica
7 8
9 70 26
71 73
71.73 70 78

India France Germany

10 69 80
11 69 61
69.61 12 69 29

Oman South Korea Czech Republic

13 14 68 81
68.81 15 68 32
68.32 Dentistry
69 03

tors were thorough professionals, and I had eight-year-old and travelled to Pakistan and siblings by her side, it was easier for
my family by my side, which helped me so from the UK for fifteen days just to get her her to recover soon.
much in my difficult time,” Rabia added. surgery done. “In the UK, I was consulting
The idea was vague at first
my general physician, but he was unable to Government’s role
Post care and waiting diagnose what exactly the problem was. He Expatriates or dual nationality holders com-
Belief and fear attached to health care plays
but, when I started online
kept giving me medicines, and I kept going ing to Pakistan to get their treatments done
a vital role when it comes to treatments.
consultation, I didn’t take long
back to him with the same complaint. It is a positive image of the country but spend- surgery
People mostly travel to get surgeries done went on for almost two years when I was ing taxpayers’ money and use of facilities for

Most Frequently Treated Conditions in Medical Tourism

because they think waiting might prove
fatal. Fabiha Zeeshan is the mother of an
to decide. The cost for a private
diagnosed with a fibroids issue,” Fabiha
says. Fibroids were causing several problems
any patient who is treated in a public hospi-
tal cannot be sustained on a long-term basis.
facility in the UK would have “We are in talks with government; we plan
to regulate the system and set a minimal
Cost differences in a few treatments between USA been much more than the cost amount for the treatment of patients visiting
from other countries. No one will be treated
and India, and the cost of treatment in India as of coming to Pakistan free of cost,” Parliamentary Health Secretary
Qasim Soomro said. He was talking about a
percentage of the USA treatment cost woman who recently arrived from the USA
in her daily life, but the doctor in the UK to have her transplant from the Gambat
USA Cost % India didn’t seem very serious about performing Institute of Medical Sciences. After that case,
a surgery. many questions were raised as to why and
Weight loss
For most people, getting second opinions how a US national was provided free treat-
and asking family for help are the initial ment while many Pakistani nationals are
Heart responses during an illness, and Fabiha on a waiting list. The reason cited was her
Bypass 8.8% did the same thing. “I was discussing the condition and promotion of medical tourism
issue and my frustration with my mother in the country.
when she suggested to me to consider Soomro said, “We can’t spend taxpayers’
$113,000 $10,000 having my surgery done in Pakistan. The money like that; it is a high-end facility,
idea was vague at first, but when I started and we have to regulate it so that it can be
online consultation, I didn’t take long to more effective for our people.” He added
decide.” Rabia added that on the fifth day that if numbers are taken into consider-
after her flight, her surgery was conducted ation, government facilities do not have a
Heart Valve in Saifee Hospital, Karachi, and after ten definite number for medical tourism. Keep- Cardiovascular
Replace- 6.3% days, she flew back to the UK. “The cost ing a track becomes a problem as it is hard
ment for a private facility in the UK would have to prove whether the patient is a local or a
cost me much more than what it cost me to Pakistani residing in any other country.
$150,000 $9,500 come to Pakistan, get treated, and even see Many instances have been reported
my family.” where people visiting from Europe, USA, or
Ayesha*, another expatriate diagnosed the UK, for winter holidays or to see their
with fibroids, knew exactly what she had families in the interior parts of Sindh, get
to do. “I knew I would get my surgery done their various medical procedures done from
Angioplasty 23.4% from Pakistan as I need my mother by my the Gambat institute. After the belated
side no matter what. The waiting list was realisation of the importance of the insti-
$47,000 $11,000 a factor, but more than that, post-care and tute’s high-end facilities, Sindh’s chief
family is what mattered to me,” she told minister has decided to declare it a medi-
me. cal city. “The plan is to extend the link to Kidney & Liver
Ayesha, despite having a history of endo- Mohenjo Daro and Sukkur; if medical tour-
Hip metriosis and other related diseases, was ism increases, government must increase transplants
19.1% sure about the treatment she wanted and facilities of travel and accommodation for
from where she would get it. The only fear- patients,” Soomro said. He added that a de-
$47,000 $9,000 ful thing was that she didn’t want to wait tailed plan is expected to be out by August,
long, as fibroids affect other organs, and and initial work has already been started.
in many cases, intestines, and in some cas- The reality is perplexing. People are visit-
es, kidneys. Ayesha was clear in her mind ing Pakistan for treatment in private facili-
Knee 17.7% about coming to Pakistan and get her sur- ties, but government is unable to maintain
Replacement gery done at the earliest. She shared with a record as it is difficult to differentiate be-
$48,000 $8,500 me how Dr Rubina Hussain operated on her tween a mere visitor or a patient arriving
within a week, and as she had her mother for a surgery.


Potential Cost Savings

In Hungary, you can save from

40% to 50% of the cost in
dentistry and cosmetic surgeries In vitro
Mexico is the favorite destination
In Thailand, the cost is
for Americans, offering from 25%
to 35% in medical services savings. 30% less
India provides health care
There are nine hospitals certified by services at a cost 20% lower
the Joint Commission International than in the United States

Medical services in Panama cost

between 40% and 70% less than
Singapore has 13 hospitals accredited by the
in the United States or Canada
Joint Commission International, with services Spinal
costing 35% less than in North America surgery

June 26, 2022 5


Amongst a sea of political turmoil, The Liar’s Truth hits a little
too close to home with a tale of an ordinary man selected for an
extraordinary responsibility, riddled with drama and twists

By SAJEER SHAIKH that make The Liar’s Truth a bravely narrative that hit home, perhaps in
written read, it is the call that Arsa- a manner that lies outside one’s zone
Mainstream media consumers are lan receives from Zeus (yes, the one of comfort, invoking a sense of un-
on many occasions left part-amused, on Mount Olympus) that triggers a ease and making one reflect on their
part-horrified by the manner in transformative sequence of events. own helpless impotence and lack of
which debates, conversations, and To summarise the plot, without active action. For instance, early on
even news telecasts unfold. In addi- giving much away, Arsalan - once in the story, Arsalan talks, in pass-
tion to this frontier, with the advent a layman - is selected to be the pre- ing, about generated chaos, and the
of digital media as a viable and im- mier of his country, despite a com- spread of successfully manufactured
pactful communication platform, this plete lack of know-how, and a crip- hatred at an alarming rate.
back-and-forth has, in many ways, pling lack of skills. Inexperienced, While this brief mention is stated
slid into an even messier downward naive Guppy has, as reinforcement, rather casually, it juxtaposes, with
spiral of the deliberate spread of politi- an equally oblivious rag-tag team, immense resonance, with the cur- and one in whom we may even, at the truths that exist within the au-
cal misinformation, and the doubling made up of a club singer, a stunning rent state of affairs within the na- times, catch glimpses of our own thor’s reality? One finds themselves
down on relentless mud-slinging. model, a pimp, a scientist, an am- tion, where giants generate chaos selves. While Arsalan does not open- running in circles, trying to chase a
One often wonders where one can bulance driver, and a matchmaker. higher up on an ivory-tower hier- ly masquerade as a microcosm for singular thread that could give way
turn to, in order to consume content Amongst all this hullabaloo, a secret archy, watching it trickle down for most of us, there are certain hints of to a narrative in which one can fully
that is intelligent, and passed on in plan is underway, being formulated their own benefit, manifesting as commonalities that aid in develop- place faith. Perhaps, that is the les-
a way that is well outside the fre- to hang Arsalan by making a case seemingly unsolvable, yet crucial ing the many emotions we feel for son for readers, when all is said and
quent boundaries of the mundane for the fact that his love is a spy. All differences between the common the man narrating his own tale. On done. In the absolute circus that is
and, quite frankly, embarrassing. this eventually leads him to the gal- man. In addition to this, Arsalan the other hand, Akhtar also births the sociopolitical sphere, one must
Haroon Khalid Akhtar constructs lows from where he pens this rich, also highlights the need for a scape- Arsalan in a way where the latter is a always be prepared for smoke and
The Liar’s Truth as that well-paced, tongue-in-cheek memoir-cum-ex- goat, who bears the brunt of all that interaction - a phone. quick-witted narrator, and we must mirrors.
gripping medium of consumption, position laden with poignant liter- transpires, and is, almost always, One particular takeaway that one pay a great deal of attention to all The Liar’s Truth is Haroon Khalid
making it an intellect-fueled, fasci- ary gems. the common man as well - a fact that tends to ponder over once the novel he states, for a lot of the exchange Akhtar’s second novel, and in this
nating read. Over the course of fourteen chap- seems to be, in retrospect, a self-ful- ends is the idea of a constructed nar- between our hero and the reader is nearly two-hundred page body of
Before one manages to get their ters, Akhtar empowers Arsalan to filling prophecy. rative - a drummed-up public rela- laden with meaning and humor. work, one can spot instances where
hands on the book, one goes in with be an incredible storyteller - one The repetition of history - the con- tions message-cum-campaign on The author takes a tale, that is, on Akhtar remains heavily influenced
a presumptive attitude. Perhaps, one who keeps readers hooked with an stant, tired, rewriting of the same steroids that spirals into positioning the surface, one that follows the ebb by his father, the renowned writer,
wonders, this is another book that impeccable sense of humor. The chronicles with rotating characters itself as the absolute truth. As we are and flow of a political leader’s jour- Mohammad Khalid Akhtar. Indeed,
harps on about the common man be- conversational unfolding of events - is another significant part of the made aware at the very beginning by ney. However, Akhtar injects magic many of those who have consumed
ing a vehicle of change, having been allows one to immerse themselves in novel. It is also an aspect that makes Arsalan, the book follows his version into the very spinal cord of his book, Akhtar’s father’s work have been
given great responsibility; a second the universe of the text, becoming a one do a double take, switching back of the truth - the way reality unfold- allowing readers to be swept under a able to notably shed light on the
coming-of-age, with stepping out willing participant in all that takes and forth between the text within ed before his eyes. spellbinding wave that marries fact pleasant similarities between the
of the shadows of the ordinary and place. Satire, wit, and ingenious po- the book, and the bombardment However, the contradictory truth and fiction. From the bigger punch- wit and humor the father-son duo
propulsion into the remarkable as litical commentary amalgamate to of content on mainstream chan- that exists is spread and believed lines to the subtle shots, Akhtar have shared, while maintaining the
a key theme. One may even mis- contribute to the narrative, making nels that have become akin to white as well, opening up a conversation outdoes himself at the flick of every fact that individuality, and making
takenly assume that the narrative The Liar’s Truth an exceptional page- noise within a local context. on fabricated realities. One feels page, masterfully balancing the a piece of text one’s own, were key
might be predictable, with a story- turner that one cannot put down. Furthermore, the entire conceptu- deeply unsettled, fully taking into message he wishes to convey with parts of the process.
line that doubles as a sermon or les- One can easily place Arsalan, Zeus, alisation of an all-knowing, power- account the fact that everything that varying tonalities. Summing up, one must hand it to
son. Akhtar casts these assumptions and other recurring characters into ful, resourceful Greek god who keeps is peddled to us is one version of a When one touches upon the to- Haroon Khalid Akhtar for his cou-
aside at the very beginning, and goes our universe. In fact, the countless tabs on Arsalan, alongside many lie - for the absolute truth may have nality of the book, it becomes im- rageous and revelatory plunge into
on to prove one wrong at every turn, similarities that exist between Arsa- others, wishing to alter the state of never existed in the first place - and perative to highlight how skillfully the deep, dark sea that is the socio-
concocting mind-boggling mayhem lan’s world and ours open up a portal being of a developing nation from an it is the most convincing, most well- Akhtar utilizes Arsalan. At many political sphere of our nation. With-
that connects with the reader in a of parallels, making the book all the eagle-eyed perspective is, undoubt- marketed lie that sells for a certain points, one finds themselves circling out a shadow of a doubt, the novel
fascinating way. more interesting. Indeed, the lines edly, a “heavenly” likening, and a amount of time, till the next lie is back to the idea of absolute truths, is a testament to Haroon Khalid
Akhtar’s delightfully built world between fact and fiction are blurred stroke of creative ingenuity. One created. Undoubtedly, when one in- given that Arsalan, himself, at Akhtar’s artistic and creative lenses.
follows the tale of Arsalan - or Gup- in The Liar’s Truth in the most spec- cannot help but grin, utterly be- fers this from the text, the avenues many points throughout the story, Touching upon, from time to time,
py, as he is affectionately referred to tacular way. Semblances of the on- mused, by the presence of this self- of questioning data and informa- speaks in a manner that is befitting and borrowing from the reality in
- a common man with a thoroughly going political circus, and its history proclaimed kingmaker in Arsalan’s tion around one crack open wide of a politician. which we reside makes The Liar’s
fertile imagination, who has settled that has a tendency to repeat itself, life, and the impact of this detached into multiple directions, leading to From sounding delusional in Truth a dangerously gratifying read,
into a routine that offers him little make an appearance in Arsalan’s diety’s actions for what is passed off a spiral of further questions that are one instant, to employing grand as one grapples with the fragility of
to no solace. An unexpected break frenzy-driven life, and picking out as the greater good. In fact, one be- - and may continue to remain - un- political rhetoric in the next, one all one knows to be true, whilst also
in his life comes at a point where those instances, as a latent realiza- gins to conjure up a very specific sug- answered. finds themselves wary of Arsalan at begrudgingly acknowledging the
he receives a mysterious (and ini- tion clicks within the reader’s mind, gestion for a vehicle that Zeus would In all of this, Arsalan’s innate hu- times, further creating chaos on a fact that enjoying the novel far too
tially, confusing) call that is set to add to the overall experience of de- potentially lean towards possessing, manness makes him a wonderful microcosmic level within the mind much might greatly become a cause
change the course of his life. Inun- vouring the novel as well. given that he chooses to utilize a very protagonist - one with whom we of the reader. After all, is Arsalan for displeasure for the all-seeing, all-
dated with rib-tickling metaphors There are many aspects of Akhtar’s modern, and very human mode of forge a relationship in a strange way, not a mere tool in a story, written by knowing, omniscient eye of Zeus.

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Music Podcast TV Show Movies

Singer-songwriter Zoha Zuberi made history Kazi Akber’s podcast is the go-to hub for all When the first season of this Imtiaz Ali project What happens when you take an iconic film, and
recently with ‘I Rather,’ Pakistan’s first origi- things philosophical, explained and made easy dropped on Netflix, many flocked to it, given give it a renewed cast and some tweaks? You get
nal in Dolby Atmos. The experimental track, by the man himself, as he breaks down various that the world had newly entered into a state of sequel called Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 - a polarising second
which was released on June 8th 2022, has themes pertaining to the human condition contagious uncertainty. We devoured the first part to the already successful first film. Based on a
been produced by Ali Mustafa, and mixed and with a new guest on each episode discussing season during the lockdown, and the series was chance meeting between Reet (Kiara Advani) and
mastered for Dolby Atmos by Sreejesh Nair the same. Many indie music artists have graced highly praised. Netflix just dropped its second Ruhaan (Kartik Aryan), this film follows their jour-
himself at Auo2 Studio Dubai. ‘I Rather’ is an the hot seat, alongside actors, poets, YouTubers season, that carries forth the story of Bhumi, ney back to Reet’s childhood home - an abandoned
auditory treat, with a feel to the sound that (Irfan Junejo is a recurring favorite) and influenc- a once-simple and naive Constable who finds mansion haunted by the spirit of Manjulika. One
is quite different from what one may usually ers. Diversity is key to the podcast, as is the need herself confronted by the world of darkness must call a spade a spade and state that this movie
listen to. The additional Dolby Atmos supple- to conduct constructive dialogue, and thus, one and crime as she goes undercover, discovering does not hold a candle to its predecessor. Perhaps, it
mentation allows one to place themselves finds themselves intrigued by the guests seated herself in the process. The second season is in- is not meant to. However, if you want to experience a
within the song, experiencing the ebb and opposite Kazi, making casual conversation about triguing because it poses as an answer to many hit of nostalgia, with hilariously placed call-backs an
flow of the music, creating an overall immer- anything and everything - from the seemingly questions that audiences had by the end of the undeniably suave title track, and a ton of promised
sive and hypnotic experience. mundane, to the evidently extraordinary. first season. entertainment, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 is the way to go.

6 June 26, 2022


Many artists struggle learning to paint in the
beginning. The blind contour technique helps them
refine their observationary skills before they delve
deeper into the complexities of the art world
By NABIL TAHIR he or she sees. The final drawing is ried out by beginners, but th
h be-
made up of one continuous line as well-known developed artist
ts cause e
How many of you remember art pe- the pencil or pen is not lifted from also use it to improve thei
ir I ended
ende ed
riod in school? Did you have enjoy the the surface so that the artist can skills. with
wit h a ann ‘A’
class? Was it just an excuse to waste continue drawing without looking grade
gra de later..
away time with your friends or did down to see where he is. Professional artists and
d S har
So hard w workork
k paysy
help you tap into a passion you didn’t The blind contour drawing pro- blind contour drawing off,”
off ,”
” say Sarah,
sayss Sara
S arah,
h the fine ne
know you had? Were the results ever cess was first used in the 1920s and An artist, Sarah Mir, hail-
il- alumnus
artss alum
art alumnus Indus
nus of IIn Valley
dus Vallelley
so colossally bad that they made you 1930s, and the masses got to know ing from Karachi, didn’t n’t School
Sch ool of A Artt and
Ar Architec-
d Arc chitec-
want to throw in the towel on your it from the art world in Kimon know that one day she he ture.
future as an artist altogether? If this Nicolaïdes 1941 book; The Natu- would become an artist and She
h co continued
nue ed ttoo admit
was the case, there is one thing that ral Way to Draw: A Working Plan an art educator, but her passion for that blind d contour
o is on one
o e of the
might have saved you from leaving or for Art Study. The word contour trying new ways made her famous essential things that has played
might have developed an interest in comes from the French contour, during the last year of education, an important part in her success.
art: blind contour. which means outline or shape, and blind contour played an impor- “Blind contour drawing plays a
When someone thinks of becom- and is used to describe the lines tant role. huge role in my paintings. It’s a
ing an artist at an early age or at an that make up the outside edge of “Being enrolled in the Fine Art practice that I thoroughly enjoy. I
older age, one thing always comes a drawing. Blind contour is when department of IVS, studying paint- draw the contours while observing
to mind, will I be able to draw a you draw an outline of the subject ing, sculpture and new media, I the visual reference,” she added.
good painting, or will others laugh without looking at it. had no intention of becoming an “Making a ‘perfect’ visual is not
at my artistic skills. Well, blind It’s an excellent technique for artist. Admitting several times the point of my practice; therefore,
contour drawing is the thing that beginner artists to use when fo- that I had no courage or even the every other blind contour drawing
cusing on observational skills, and confidence to stand beside a work turns out to be a surprise for me as
it builds a perfect foundation for of art I’ve produced and explain it well. For me, it’s unleashing the
more complex artistic adventures to the viewers,” said Sarah, who silliness. That distorted visual is
then painted, mostly with acryl-
ic paints as my process is based borders of the drawing she does, creative minds quit painting as they
on several layers and often thick people can connect with the art- get demotivated from the first paint-
chunks of paint are applied one work that motivates her. She says ing they create. The students are
Most creative minds quit painting as they over the other.” that knowing that the viewers not taught about this technique and
In a struggle to make paintings can resonate with your artwork is rather are forced to focus on the per-
get demotivated after the first painting more accurate and perfect, the the most fantastic feeling in the fection of the drawing,” he said.
they create. Students are not taught artists go towards the blind con-
tour drawing to improve the hand
world. “Even distorted or stylised,
they’re able to make connections
He explained that in most aca-
demics, the art classes are one of
about this technique and are rather and eye coordination, but Sarah
reintroduced the exercise of blind
to themselves and their lived expe-
riences,” she said.
the least interested ones for the
students at a younger age. “At
forced to focus on the perfection of the contour in her artwork. “Being an that time, they take art classes
How to make Blind Contour
drawing art student at first and practicing
painting academically is a differ- To make a blind contour, you need
as a mandatory subject and not
something they are interested in.
ent chore altogether. Initially, I paper and a pencil. It is different from Finding engaging art lessons can
was a very controlled and care- the contour drawing, where you look be difficult in our current world of
ful painter and wanted to deviate at the subject and try to replicate it art education. If they are told about
from it. So instead of mechanically on the paper using the lines, usually the blind contour where they don’t
drawing or painting the subject without lifting the pencil. The blind have to worry about the result of
matter, I reestablished the exercise contour drawing rules are elemen- the painting and which tends to
of blind contour. It added as fuel as tary; focus on the area of your start- look silly, funny or goofy, the stu-
my work is very intuitive and spon- ing point, once your pencil or pen is dents will develop interest. That is
taneous,” said Sarah, who took touching your paper, you must not when you can identify the creative
her Master’s degree in Visual Arts lift it again until you’ve finished your minds and the ones with the profi-
from the National College of Arts, drawing, and you must not look down cient skills,” said Latif adding that
Lahore. at your paper at any point until your taking away your student’s abil-
The Textile Institute of picture is complete. ity to look at their drawing opens
Pakistan art teacher Sarah draws To complete the drawing, there up an entire world of challenges,
inspiration from shared histories, are two ways: to meet the edges of openness, and play.
memories and varied notions of the subject and then go into detail While explaining the activity,
home. She uses the blind contour or more information as they come. he said that a paper plate can be
in her artwork to create narratives Wherever the starting point is, placed on the top of the pencil
of belonging while illuminating remember that as soon as the pen so the students cannot peek into
lived pasts and shared present. “I or pencil touches the paper, it can’t what they are drawing. “Any of
create dynamic family portraits be lifted until the drawing is fin- the students or the teacher itself
employing unique aesthetic ished. Make sure to leave enough can become the model for the stu-
language taking religion- space to complete the drawing, so dents. Believe me, the students

The blind contour drawing exercise is a

fundamental tool that can help budding
artists create their first drawings,
and the experience allows artists to
become reacquainted with the power of
you should start with since it is an later on. Your final drawing is usu-
excellent activity to train the eye to ally not very realistic and can look
draw what it sees rather than what a little messy, but that’s precisely
the mind thinks. how it’s meant to be!
The typical drawing is done from The idea is to do a drawing ex- started painting in 2015. “It was cultural constraints into account, starting in the middle or at one will certainly laugh upon revealing
short-term memory. You look at ercise without looking at the sur- the opening of our thesis display depicting notions of family life edge and moving inwards on the their blind contour drawing. There
the subject, then look down on the face until it’s done; it is practised which turned out to be magical for and propriety by juxtaposing page, is a good technique. is something so silly, innocent,
paper to draw it, not from what to refine observatory skills. The me. The whole thing was very sur- family portraits with culturally While there’s no time limit for and simple about a blind contour
you see in front of you at the very process involves keenly observing real. Later it was open to the public accepted images,” she said. you to work on your contour line line drawing that student’s love.”
moment but from the short mem- the subject in front while drawing after the result was announced. “The family members experience art, the artists usually set a timer if For Latif, blind contour drawing
ory you have made of having just its contours. It also helps artists Passing with flying colours and a comical, exaggerated distortion they’re using it as a warm-up exer- is an opportunity to be more fo-
looked at it. to form hand-eye coordination. It getting the acknowledgement and, despite remaining repre- cise or if they are new to this tech- cused and slow down the process
The blind contour drawing ex- requires much attention, and the boosted my confidence. My show sentational, may just manage to nique. The eyes will likely feel tired, of drawing and looking. “I think
ercise is a fundamental tool that artist must remain focused on the was sold out! What else can a twen- escape the invasive supervision and the artist loses concentration if about the tip of the pencil as an
can help beginning artists create subject without distractions. ty-three-year-old ask for?” implemented by societal norms. they work for much longer. ant. It crawls around the contour
their first drawings, and the ex- The first drawing may look well “I started painting in A’levels Time, which is nostalgically pre- of someone’s shoulder, then falls
perience allows artists to become or funny. However, with practice, while studying at Foundation Pub- served in family photographs, Not practised in schools down to the table, and then up the
reacquainted with the power of ob- the artist finds that they can ac- lic School, and I got a ‘D’ grade from comes in conflict with the playful Another artist Asad Latif, who learned side of the saucer. Something mov-
servation. It is a form of art where curately record an image on paper a very renowned teacher. So you contemporary tone of the work,” the art around 20 years ago, says that ing that slowly and focused makes
the artist, without looking at the without looking at your hand as it can imagine what my thoughts she added. if this technique is taught in schools, your brain empty of everything
canvas or the paper, draws what draws! This practice is not only car- would be on it. There’s no sob story Despite the imperfection in the it can make many good artists. “Most else.”

June 26, 2022 7



The residents of Balochistan have continuously
struggled due to a lack of medical and educational
facilities. However, a team of trained specialists
have now made it possible for cardiac surgeries to
take place within the province, thus giving hope to
thousands of poverty-stricken heart patients


In a rare development in the field

of medical science in Balochistan, Earlier, we were short of trained staff,
a team of doctors at Sandeman
Provincial Hospital (Civil Hospital) anaesthesia doctors and surgeons.
Quetta have carried out two success-
ful open-heart surgeries. The pov-
Since returning after completing
erty-stricken people of Balochistan
term this welcome news for the least
specialisation, we have made a team of
well-off people to have this facility dedicated doctors
within the provincial capital.
This milestone achievement is
not only a great success for the doc- heart surgeries. go and achieve specialisation and
tors at the hospital, often working The team of doctors, led by Dr Arif excellence in this field to serve our Currently, the hospital has a list to give back to the native people 50,000 with bed strength of 50 com-
in very trying circumstances with ur Rehman Dr Syed Dawood Shah, people back in my hometown.” of 72 patients for open heart sur- after completion of this specialisa- prising 7.38 acres of land with a cov-
inadequate facilities and paramedi- Dr Aftab Ahmed Khatri, Dr Asghar Dr Asmat Achakzai added, “A by- gery, who will be operated in the tion. And our mission was to ensure ered area of 268134 Sq. feet.
cal staff but also a great relief for Ahmed, cardiac surgeons Dr As- pass package has different rates coming days. quality cardiac services to patients In 1973, Sandeman Provincial Hos-
hundreds of thousands of cardiac mat Achakzai, Dr Abdul Wasay, Dr ranging between Rs500,000 to However, the hospital still needs at initial stage and later to bring the pital, Quetta affiliated with Bolan
patients in the province. Aqeel and others took part in the Rs800,000 in different hospitals. a mass level awareness campaign hospital at par of hospitals of devel- Medical College Quetta as Teaching
Hitherto, cardiac patients had to operations. We are here providing state-of-the- to inform people about the state-of- oped cities of the country,” Dr Wasey Hospital. In 2001, after the comple-
travel to Karachi, Lahore and other Sandeman Provincial Hospital art treatment free of cost in this the-art facility as people who don’t informed. tion of Bolan Medical Complex
cities for heart bypass surgery cost- MS Dr Amin Khan termed the de- hospital.” know about this facility are still “After a long journey when I com- Hospital, all the Department units
ing millions of rupees over and velopment a rightly described suc- The cardiac surgeon said that the travelling to other cities for treat- pleted my qualification, I worked to of Sandeman (Provincial) Hospital
above other costs for traveling, ac- cess, adding that this achievement disposables used during operations ment. learn how to establish a new setup were shifted to Bolan Medical Com-
commodation, and subsistence. is a result of joint effort by medical are expensive and are to be afforded “For the initial start of the pro- in an area where people are com- plex Hospital.
“We took our father to Rawalpin- and para-medical staff, pharma- by patients. “If we can have finan- gram we have basic requirements to pletely unaware of this specialty; Soon after shifting, it was realised
di, Karachi, Sukhur and other cit- cists, perfumers and other relevant cial support and a regular supply continue open heart surgeries but I took guidance from our mentors, that Bolan Medical Complex Hospital
ies for cardiac treatment and spent personnel. of disposables and other logistics to entertain the large volume of pa- many founders of institutions there alone cannot fulfill the requirements
hundreds of thousands of rupees Dr Amin Khan further said the our 90 percent patients requiring tients that we have in our province in Karachi and also in Quetta, and of patients from all over Balochistan.
in terms of travelling, accommoda- After that 50 per cent of each major
tion and other related expenses but unit of every specialty and some mi-
yet the cardiac problem was getting nor specialties along with teaching
complicated,” said an under treat- staff were shifted back to Sandeman
ment cardiac patient son from dis- Provincial Hospital.
trict Noshki. “After bypass surgery, Currently, the government is also
I’m glad my father is recovering planning to shift the cardiac unit of
now,” the son said. the hospital to another place. The
Cardiac Surgeon Dr Asmatullah hospital managements and doctors
Achakzai, a member of the first are feared that shifting an opera-
team who operated open-heart sur- tional unit to another place would
gery, said, “The patients we operat- not only damage this noble cause
ed here had travelled to many cities but also increased shortage of medi-
for treatment purposes, spending cal and para-medical staff in the hos-
an estimated Rs350,000 each in pital. Being centrally located in the
terms of travelling and accommo- city, the hospital is easily approach-
dations and other related charges.” able to the common people. Post
“Few days ago when one of the Graduate Medical Institute Quetta
two recovered patients visited the was established in 2003 for various
hospital, his condition was com- medical diploma courses affiliated
plicated and we recommended him
for a bypass surgery. When he came sustainability of the cardiac facil- heart surgeries will be treated in and to operate complicated opera-
to know that the hospital has a by- ity depends on the availability of home town with best care and at tions we need much more support
pass facility, he wasn’t ready to go resources now as we have acquired least equal to if not more than sister from officials to make it possible
home back, was insisting to admit
him and conduct surgery as soon
a trained and trained doctors teams
at the hospital now, adding that
provinces,” he said.
“We are hopeful that the govern-
for the poor masses of Balochistan,”
added Dr Abdul Wasay.
Our mission was to ensure quality cardiac
as possible,” Dr Achakzai recalled.
The patients had spent hundreds
the hospital has a number of chal-
lenges including acute shortage of
ment will continue provision of
resources to continue this process
Balochistan Secretary health Saleh
Muhammad Khan said the health
services to patients at the initial stage and
of thousands of rupees on visiting nursing staff and other resources. free of cost to the poverty-stricken department will try its best to man- later to bring the hospital on a par with
Karachi and Lahore and other cities
for treatment, the cardiac surgeon
Dr Amin expressed fear that lack
of financial resources and short-
people of Balochistan,’’ Dr Wasay
expressed hope.
age resources to continue the heart
operations in the hospital and in
those in developed cities of the country
informed. age of nursing staff can damage “Earlier, we were short of trained this regard the department has not
This development has been a this noble cause if not addressed in staff, anaesthesia doctors and sur- only allocated special funds of Rs 30
milestone achievement in the time. He went on to explain that geons. Since we returned after com- million but is in talks with donors in started contacting concerned gov- with Sandeman Provincial Hospital,
medical history of Balochistan at the cost of disposables per patient pleting specialisation, we made a order to increase further resources. ernment officials and put my cause Quetta. The Clinical Section of Den-
the provincial level. In this regard, is estimated at Rs130,000 adding team of dedicated doctors, who took Terming it a milestone achievement before them,” Dr Wasay recalled his tal College is also established in San-
Naseerullah Khan, a local resident, that, “We need continuous assis- them to NICVD Karachi for training in the history of Balochistan health years long efforts to achieve this deman Provincial Hospital, Quetta.
sector, he said the team of medical milestone. The hospital provides treatment fa-
staff will also be honoured as well as “Initially it was considered an im- cilities in 18 areas and it is 850 bed-
cash prizes and this regard named possible project by all of us, but due ded hospitals.
list has been dispatched. to our continued efforts finally we got
He said so far seven open heart to have some support (in terms of lo- Non-Availability of Cardiac
surgeries have been conducted at gistics and human resource and their Patients Data
the Civil Hospital Quetta and the training in NICVD Karachi which is When this correspondent asked for
process is continuous, adding that a a renown and an established insti- statistics of heart patients from the
single case needs almost Rs400,000 tute in the field) from hospital man- hospital management and the pro-
investment and Rs200,000 are kept agement and health department vincial health department, they said
in savings for any post-surgery to prove ourselves if we could really thousands of patients visit hospitals
complications so that the patient’s make it happen,” he said. both in government-run and private
life could be ensured. Secretary “We had to work in bare minimal hospitals in the province. However,
Saleh further said the government circumstances but to prove that neither the health department nor
has decided to allocate an estimated it can happen so that we can have the hospital management have es-
Rs46 billion for the health sector their full support for the cause,” Dr tablished database to maintain record
in terms of development and non- Wasay maintained. of the patients. The provincial health
development budget, out of which “Today we are so happy for the secretary said there is no database
Rs30 million will be allocated for dream to come true,” Dr Wasy said system to have exact statistics; how-
Civil Hospital’s cardiac units. proudly, adding “We have per- ever, he said heart diseases take thou-
Regarding the initiative, he said formed at least six to seven bypass sands of lives in Balochistan every
that a group of qualified doctors who operations so far and they are do- year. According the hospital to the
have completed their specialisation ing well and having smooth recov- latest WHO data, published in 2019,
from NIVD Karachi arrived in his ery. We have our initial team very 251,220 deaths occur per year due to
said, “We are proud of the team of tance from the government as well and after that such open-heart sur- office and asked for finance to start strong, dedicated and capable of do- coronary artery disease that is 20.28%
doctors who made this possible for as donors and administrative au- geries could be possible,” Dr Asmat open-heart surgery and shared de- ing every kind of heart surgeries, we of all cause deaths. And also Pakistan
the poverty-stricken people of the tonomy.” added. Initially, we were provided tails of an estimated amount and re- have to extend the program and our is ranked 3rd in the world for rheu-
province to get free of cost quality According to Cardiac Surgeon Dr resources for three patients’ surger- quirements for surgery, which was wish and vision for the future is to matic valvular heart disease and rural
treatment within their province.” Abdul Wasay, “Our province was ies, which we had done, he said. provided to them within a few days. extend the program to other cities of and poor areas such as Baluchistan are
This development could be made lacking in the field of cardiac sur- Dr Abdul Wasay said, “We have a the province, and the slogan is ‘No more prone to succumb to this disor-
possible with the special interest gery, when I was doing my house well-trained team of doctors but it No One Should Die of Heart One Should Die of Heart Diseases’. der as compared to other provinces.
shown by a team of dedicated doc- job after MBBS we were sending would not be sufficient to provide Diseases And every patient needed open heart
tors, hospital management, and lots of patients to Karachi and other treatment to a large number of car- “Being a native of Balochistan, this The 83-year journey of struggles surgery had to be reoffered to other
provincial health authorities, ac- cities for open heart surgeries, and diac patients in Balochistan. Thou- success [for me] is like a dream comes The Sandeman (Provincial) Hospital, provinces due to lack of a functional
cording to the statement issued many of them died in our hands be- sands of people are forced to travel true,” said Dr Abdul Wasay, adding Quetta was established in1939 after department. The age-adjusted death
by the hospital management after cause they couldn’t afford to make to Karachi, Lahore and other cities that “some five years ago we travelled the earthquake of 1935 on Jinnah rate is 193.56 per 100,000 population
conducting two successful open- it possible. This gave me a push to for treatments.” to NCIVD Karachi with the mission Road, Quetta for a population of ranks Pakistan 30 in the world.

8 June 26, 2022

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