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Course: Business Communication

Topic: Understanding different cultures (seminary work)

Name: Sara Basam Alhasani
Academic year: 2021/2022
Date of submitting by Moodle: 10.12.2021

For my presentation I chose the topic of understanding different cultures and the reason
behind my choice is that I’ve always been so interested in meeting people from different
countries and getting to know them and learn about their cultures.
I have always found it so fascinating how we are all so similar yet so different at the same
time. Each person I met and each culture I got to know had something interesting and special
about it.

Communication is a huge part of our daily life whether you are an introvert or extrovert it is
very important to learn how to communicate and connect with the people around you.
Communication or more specifically the right form of communication is very crucial
especially when communicating with people from different cultures.
And in order to communicate with different people from different cultures correctly you must
understand these cultures and accept cultural differences.
Educating yourself about different cultures will make life a lot easier for you and for people
around you especially if you work in business because working in business means you are
around people all the time and if you are a successful person in business you are probably
around all kinds of international clients which also means you travel very often so the more
you educate yourself and understand these different cultures the more pleasant your
experiences will be.
Another point that I would like to add is that showing interest in someone’s culture will help
you gain their respect quickly and this have been proven by many studies and social
I am lucky enough to be born with two different nationalities and fortunate enough to be
always travelling to different places and meeting new people.
I also think that my experience of living in the UAE for many years has played a huge role in
my understanding of different cultures, this is because in the UAE there are over 200
different nationalities which means I am basically always meeting new people from all
around the world who obviously come from different backgrounds.
This has taught me the importance of communication and socialization but more importantly
it has taught me how to respect each person and each culture and to look at everyone equally
as I should.
No matter what culture or what religion or what race or what background you come from we
are all human and we are all equal and worthy of love and respect.
In my presentation I chose to talk about Arab countries more specifically Syria and the UAE
not only because this is where I come from but because I have made it my mission to educate
each person that I meet about my culture in hopes of trying to make them believe that what
they hear and see of the news is nothing but false accusations and stereo types.
I made sure to make it very clear that even Arabs have different religions and beliefs but we
still manage to live together in one place peacefully.
I also talked about traditional food and historical places because I believe this plays a huge
part in helping other people understand the culture mostly because they might find something
similar to their own which will make them far more interested and eager to learn more about

The more we understand each other the better business relationships and opportunities that
we will have together.
Borders and different countries are all invented by humans but at the end of the day we are all
people we are all similar and we are all equally as important.

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