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International Review on Modelling and Simulations (I.RE.MO.S.), Vol. 10, N.

ISSN 1974-9821 April 2017

PID Parameters Optimization Using Ant-Colony Algorithm

for Human Heart Control

M. Aabid1, A. Elakkary2, N. Sefiani3

Abstract – This article aims to optimize metaheuristics for continuous variable problems often
encountered in the engineering field and its application in the medical field for the resolution of
heart disorders. The work, based on the model of Yanagihara, Noma, and Irisawa (YNI) consists
of understanding and isolating the human cardiovascular system using a hydro-electromechanical
(HEM) approach, we also include the methodology of optimization by colonies of ants (ACO) in
order to control the heart. Then, different approaches to metaheuristic design are used following
this perspective and the algorithms developed by MATLAB code are applied to a problem of
regulation and control of the human heart perturbed by brain problems. For the desired electrical
SA node, which means the desired flow by adapting the contraction of the ventricle and the atrium,
the PID coefficients (Kp, Ki, Kd) are tuned using ACO by MATLAB code by acting on the hydro-
electromechanic model In SIMULINK controlled by PID after applying the disturbance. The
results of this experiment really present a good response after the application of perturbation to
the cardiac system compared to our previous published articles which rely on the methodology of
Ziegler–Nichols for the revelation of the parameters Proportional–Integral–Derivative for the PID
controller. Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization, Human Heart, Control and Regulation, Pacemaker,
Sympathetic Nervous System, Brain, HEM

Nomenclature QB, QB1 Flow in right-atrium valve [ml/s]

QD, QD1 Flow in right-ventricule valve [ml/s]
AV node Atrioventricular node QM Flow in pulmonary valve[ml/s]
AV Bundle Atrioventricular bundle Heart muscle QF Flow in ventricle and atrium interaction
cells for Electrical conductions systemic valve[ml/s]
CD Variable capacitance of Right-ventricle RA Fluid variable resistance of aortic valve[Ω]
(e) Error generated by difference between reel RIN Fluid variable resistance of pulmonary
and disturbed Heart valve
dQA/dt Variation of Aortic valve Flow RIN1 Variable resistance of Fluid for mitral
dP(t)/dt Systemic pressure [mmHg] valve
ECG Electrocardiogram SA node Sinoatrial node
F Adaption on Gain S Second
F(S) Heart function T Time (s)
G(S) Pacemaker function U Controller output
H(S) Sinoatrial node (Sensor) function v(t+1) Error Prediction function with v=f(ε)
HES Hydro electromechanical system
I1,.,6 Input of the Human Heart from Body or
Lungs I. Introduction
LA Inductance of Aortic
LB Inductance of Right-atrium Since the 1960s, much work has been done in this field
LC Inductance of Left-atrium using physical models of the real system to analyze and
control the human heart [1]-[28]. In addition, the physical
LD Inductance of Right-ventricle
electrical models are still indispensable to test the
LE Inductance of Left-ventricle
LF Inductance of ventricle and atrium reliability and the control of cores models even if several
computer models were developed for the simulation of
the cardiovascular system. In order to obtain precise
1,.,8 Output of Heart to Body or Lungs
PIN Aortic pressure results, in this work the performances and functions of the
core are evaluated using the hydro-electromechanical
F(S) Circulatory System function
QA, QA1 Flow in aortic valve [ml/s]

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

Instead of a hydraulic model, an inexpensive, simple the interventricular septum. It divides rapidly into a right
and compact electric circuit consisting of resistors, branch and a left branch and into an anterior and a
capacitors, inductors and diodes has been constructed posterior hemibranchus. The heart will not be able to
using parametric values which are transformed from pump enough blood for satisfying the oxygen needs of the
hydraulic models. The results of this electrical circuit are body.
confirmed by the simulation results and are comparable Several linear and non linear models have been
with the waveforms of normal human pressure so that developed [5], [15], [16] most of these models are based
these results can be displayed to be useful in clinical on the YNI model [21], while others design a
experiments. The objective of this work is to solve major mathematical model for the artificial generation of
health problems related to the human heart and electrocardiogram signals (ECG)[17].
cardiovascular system so to realize this objective we used
a methodology based on the test of a hydro-
electromechanical model of the human heart in closed
loop in tow cases, normal case and perturbed case.
Afterwards, the Ant Colony Optimization is applied to
the disturbed case to control it and to conduct it to the
normal case. The results obtained for this case of control
and stabilization of the human heart perched by brain
noise are fairly accurate and practical and can be used for
the purpose of improving human health.

II. Hydro-Electromechanical Human Fig. 2. Normal Heart Beat from ECG

Cardiovascular Design
The heart is about 13 cm long, 8 cm wide, weighs This work is based on the hydro-electromechanical
about 500g and beats 3 billion times in a lifetime. This model of the human heart [5], [3] which is the basis of
function is provided by the nodal tissue (Figure 1), which several works on the mathematical and physical models
is called the natural pacemaker. described in scientific works [8], [11], [21]. In our article,
the heart resembles a hydro-electromechanical pump
more than a variable elastic model, so in the average
frequency range the impedances of the systemic and
pulmonary input are described by the fact that the blood
pressure is pulsating.
The inertial effects of blood and the distinction
between large arterial vessels and peripheral arterioles are
supported in this model.
For this reason, the new model distinguishes between
large arterial vessels and peripheral arterioles, and
includes the inertial effects of blood.
An excitation pulse is sent to the node SA each 0.85
seconds. After a mathematical analysis of the electrical
Fig. 1. The nodal tissue for Normal Heart
circuit they obtained the transfer function below for the
The main characteristic of these cells is the fact that
they have an unstable membrane potential that is 1
delivered when a certain value is reached. This excitation ( )= (1)
( + )+ ×
is propagated step by step in the conduction pathways of
the nodal tissue. However, under normal conditions, the
refractory period which causes a newly excited cell to be Our basic system is conceived as follows in Fig. 3.
insensitive to stimulation for a period of time prevents
this potential from going backward. These cells are called Output
automatic. The triggering frequency of the action ∑
Pacemaker Heart
potentials varies according to the cells from 70 to 20 / Input
min. +
When different cells with different frequencies are
together, they all settle on the cells with the highest System Baroreceptor
frequency. The role of the atrioventricular node is to filter
out the electrical impulses that reach it, eliminate them in
part, coordinate them and Make a homogeneous electrical Fig. 3. Based basic System of cardiovascular system Model
pulse transmitted to the bundle located in the upper part of

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

The transfer function of any part of the system is: If f (xi) <f (pi) then pi = xi, If f (pi) <f (pg) then g = i
For the Heart beat: End
End if stop criterion
( )= (2)
32 + Initialize

For the Pacemaker:

For each iteration (i=1 to Ni)
4 + 30 + 7
( )= (3)
3 + 0.5 + 20
For each Ant (A=1 to NA)
For the Circulatory System:
Move Ant to randomly selected
3 + 25 + 99 node
( )= (4)
9 + 0.5 + 10
Calculate the cost
For the Sensor:

( )= (5) Update local pheromone trail
2 + 20

Our system consists of four sub-modules

No Is Last
mathematically represented by first and second order Ant?
III. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Get best solution from above
III.1. Elaboration of the ACO algorithm
Although the optimization difficulties in continuous Update global pheromone

variables are very common in engineering, they are little

studied in operative research. Most optimization
algorithms are in effect and proposed in the combinatorial Is Last No
domain. From then on, the adaptation of these Iteration

combinatorial Metamaterials to the continuous problems

is open to a large number of real problems. Yes
Among these optimization methods (Fig. 4), the
Get best solution
algorithms of ant colonies form a class of recently
discovered problems for difficult optimization. These
algorithms are based on collective deposition and tracking Fig. 4. Functional Scheme for ACO Algorithm
behavior observed in ant colonies.
A colony of simple agents (the ants) indirectly The algorithms of ants colonies of the "multi-agent"
communicates via dynamic changes in their environment type present characteristics of Flexibility which are
(pheromone tracks) and thus creates a solution to a particularly interesting for dynamic combinatorial
problem, building on their collective experience. problems. We have therefore adapted our hybrid colony
In this case, the algorithm used for the optimization to ant method to medical problems such as heart health
obtain optimal PID parameters for Heart control in problems. In addition, the concept of heuristic can be
disturbed case is: guided by the concept of adaptive memory programming,
which focuses in particular on memory, diversification
Initialize S = {xi, vi} in a cube [-X, X] d and intensification processes. Our algorithm is hybridized
G, t = 0 with a local Nelder-Mead search, which improves the
Repeat on the N individuals of the population intensification of the Proportional, Integrative and
Pi = xi If f (pi) <f (pg) then g = i Derivative parameters of the PID Controller regulating
End Repeat T + + the cardiac human system. The ants are equipped with
Repeat on the N individuals of the population glands producing pheromones. Pheromones are fragrant
Calculate ai Repeat on d dimensions chemicals that only ants can smell. This chemical signal
Vij = _ (vij + _1_1 (pij - xij) + _1_2 (pgj - xij)) is made up of cuticular hydrocarbons which carry
Vij = vij + aij, Xij = xij + vij information both on space and society but also on the
End neighbor and the stage to which the ants are encountered.

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

It is by secreting this substance that an illuminating elaborated on Simulink so that the optimized code on
ant marks the path used and returns to warn its fellow Matlab selects the best PID parameters Kp, Ki, Kd and
men of the presence of food or a danger, as well as its assigns them to the existing PID on the simultaneous
location. design, all in real time.
There is a lot of work done on the optimization using
ant colony and their application to the real dynamic
world situation. For example, Guntsch and Middendorf
tested two combinatorial and dynamic discrete problems,
the dynamic TSP (commercial traveler), and dynamic
QAP (quadratic assignment) on a modified algorithm of
ant colonies. The main idea is a direct transfer of all the
solutions found at one iteration to the next iteration and
the calculation of the amount of pheromones needed for
the following iteration. In traditional ant colonization
algorithms, it is the pheromone that is directly transferred Fig. 5. Optimization heuristic to for PID parameters Tuning under with
Heart under disturbances
from one iteration to another. The pheromone matrix
presents an important part of the ACO analysis, so to
The algorithm runs as indicated in Fig. 6.
eliminate the influence of the change on this matrix, the
authors propose in [26] a methodology that allows a
longer trace of the good solutions found.
Another methodology [27] relies on an elitist notion in
such a way that the best solutions which change the AntCo.m
pheromone, in this methodology the iteration of the old
good cases, are replaced by the best found.
Indeed, other studies on ACO mainly focus on the
influence of the characteristics of the pheromone matrix,
D. Merkle and M. Middendorf studied this case in [28] Generate P/I/D
and proposed a deterministic dynamic model of this case.
But the authors did not deal with dynamic problems.
Then, in [29], a new method of calculation of Run Simulink with P/I/D generated
pheromones (the relative pheromone) was proposed and
compared with the standard model. The new equation
proposed is: Extract Output and REF signal from
 
 ij  ij 
pij       (6)
 ij  ij  OUT =REF

The pheromone is indicated by T and the distance BEST P/I/D

between cities is η of the blow J, the elements of the
iteration for the solutions box, and q is a variable
Fig. 6. Functional Scheme for running ACO Algorithm
between [0, 1]. on Human Heart in real time

III.2. Tuning of the PID Controller

by the ACO Algorithm
Two approaches are possible to design optimization
heuristics (Fig. 5) following this ACO methodology. The
first is to create a multi-agent system where
communication plays a central role, as a process for the
Fig. 7. PID parameters assignation by the ACO code in MATLAB
emergence of a coherent global behaviour of the system.
The second approach describes ant colonization
algorithms as methods that manipulate a sampling of a IV. Analysis of Cardiovascular System
probability distribution for the detection of the best Kp, Ki
and Kd parameters for tuning our PID in real time and
Without Noise
also when the PID is used to regulate the heart disturbed The proposed model [3], using MATLAB / Simulink
by external noises like Disease, Anxiety or fight, etc. simulation, is based on four mathematical components
This algorithm is done using Matlab but the design is (Fig. 8). The main elements are the pacemaker, the heart,

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

the sensor and the circulatory system. TABLE I

Type of pulse Temp-Base
Amplitude 1 mV
Period 2s
Pulse Width (% of period) 1s
Phase delay 0-1 unit

On the one hand, the Sympathetic nervous System

(SNS) stimulation is activated by Stress, anxiety or fight,
etc. and that is the disturbance coming from brain in our
Fig. 8. Simulation of the Heartbeat on closed loop on the normal
condition case study (Fig. 10). In the results, it increases the force
of contraction and heart rate also. On the other hand, the
Results are presented in Fig. 9. acetylcholine called by the Parasympathetic nervous
System (PNS) reduces the force contraction indeed the
heart rate like an ACO/PID System. The brain waves for
human heart are disturbances and controllers at the same
time as seen in Fig. 10 [10].

Fig. 9. Signal of the human heart and cardiovascular

system at normal case without Disturbance

The sino-atrial node containing the natural simulator

is the basis of the action producing the rhythmic action of
the heart through pulses propagated along a node.
This action will be propagated to the ventricle by the
The ECG signal is characterized by a recurring
sequence of three waves, namely:
QRS has more energy with a higher amplitude than
Fig. 10. Interaction between the Brain and the Human Heart
the other waves, P and T, as shown in Figure 2. in the Real case
The integrity of the neurons and the continuous and
periodic performance of the natural pacemaker is the Brainwaves contain four groups known as Delta,
basis for precisely monitoring the heart rate of patients Theta, Alpha and Beta frequency bands [13]. Delta is the
(Fig. 8) which relies on QRS waves which will be wave with the highest amplitude and the lowest
detected with high precision: frequency band, while Beta is the lowest amplitude and
 P-wave: 0.07 S, the highest frequency band.
 QT-interval: 0.375 S,
The parameters used for the generator on this
simulation are indicated in Table I. BETA (14-100 Hz) Arousal, Anxiety ,disease, fight
ALPHA (8-13.9 Hz) Pre-sleep, pre-waking, drowsiness
THETA (4-7.9 Hz) Deep mediation, Hypnagogic
V. Application of ACO to the
DELTA (1-3.9 Hz) Loss of body awareness, Dreamless
Cardiovascular System
Disturbed by the Brain The frequency of the brain is used in this article like a
V.1. Brain System disease, which means a disturbance in the electrical
activity of cardiovascular system, so we try to control
The brain is an organ that plays the role of a controller this disturbed human rate heart to mimic the normal heart
of emotions, thoughts, movements and several functions activity [10].
in the human body. Scientists have estimated that the
normal adult human brain is made up of one hundred
billion neurons and each neuron is connected to V.2. Application of ACO to the Disturbed Human
thousands of other neurons the brain uses for parallel Cardiovascular System
distributed. Therefore, the brain uses these neurons for The purpose of this part is the synthesis of the PID-
parallel distributed processing [12], [13]. ACO controller.

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

The optimal parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd) are determined

according to the performance of the cardiovascular
system of the PID controller (Fig. 11) using the Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO) method to obtain an
accurate, rapid, stable and robust cardiovascular system
by cancelling the static error of the heart signal of the
stroke in real time and also reducing the exceedance, the
response time and the rise time.
Fig. 12. Simulink presentation of cardiovascular System disturbed by
To show the efficiency of PID-ACO in which the Brain waves and controlled by ACO algorithm by Matlab
regulator results from an optimization process, the
authors compared its performance to that of another PID TABLE III
regulator where the coefficients were adjusted by the FLOW THROUGH PARAMETERS OF THE
empirical method of "Ziegler & Nichols", using a DISTURBANCE GENERATOR
feedback loop in such a way that disturbed the human Value
heart towards real cases of cardiac arrest or anxiety for Wave Form random
fight or flight. Amplitude 50
The PID-ACO regulator was applied to the Frequancy 90 Hz
cardiovascular system as in Figure 11.
After this disturbance, the heart loses his functionality
and the whole cardiovascular system is working out of
the normality.
After perturbation, the heart loses this functionality
(Fig. 13) in such a way that the response both to a large
margin of amplitude 50mv / -50mv which causes the
system to oscillate so that the QRS 0.08 s value and
amplitude is between 0.6 and - 0.5.

Fig. 11. Interaction between the Brain and the Human Heart
in the Real case
Fig. 13. Interaction between the Brain and the Human Heart in
the Real case
Proportional action Kp improves the system time and
reduces the steady-state error. In this rate, the control
When the normal cardiovascular system is about 0 we
signal increases to correct the error between the cardiac
can conclude that the heart is really disrupted "as a real
signal in normal and when disturbed by signals from the
heart attack or anxiety and the Yp - Ym = error (e) = 0.2.
brain. However, a large value of Kp can produce a large
overrun and the system may be in oscillation. It is for this TABLE IV
reason, at the time of the code's durability, that real-time COMPARISON BETWEEN PERTURBED
ACO optimization falls on oscillation cases because of AND CONTROLLED HEART
the choice of Kp with large values. Heart/Parameters Perturbed Controlled
The algorithm of the optimization system using the QRS(s) 0.08 0.139
best Kp value chose the answer that met the principle of QRS(mv) 0.6/-0.5 0.8/-0.2
control and robustness of the system. P-wave(s) Not existed 0.07
The integral action Ki is used to eliminate the steady-
QT-interval(s) Variable 0.375
state error. Despite full control, by reducing the steady
state error, a bad transient response to the heart PR-interval (s) 0.03 0.2
controlled by the PID / ACO can be generated. The PR-interval (mv) 0.1 0.02
derivative action Kd will have the effect of increasing the
damping in the system, reducing the overrun and
The PID controller with parameters P, I and D
improving the transient response.
The gain KP, Ki and Kd of the PID controller are optimized by Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been
generated by the ACO algorithm for a given installation. applied to the perturbed heart (Fig. 12) and has lost its
normal functionality, which makes it possible to adapt
The population is represented by a matrix (n × 3),
the perturbed cardiac system to its normal work.
where the ant selects the optimum parameters Kp, Ki and
Kd of the PID control system by minimizing the It is observed that the perturbed cardiovascular system
objective function and the simulink model of disturbed mimics the cardiovascular reference system when it is
controlled by an ACO/PID controller.
and controlled cardiovascular system is like in the Figure

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

Fig. 14. Result of cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves and

controlled by ACO algorithm

To test the robustness of our algorithm several cases

of perturbations generated by the brain are applied to Fig. 16. Cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves Hypnologic
model the errors. and controlled by ACO/PID
In addition several Gaussians of different cases were
applied as follows. A case with brain waves ALPHA in Pre-sleep is
The case with brain waves DELTA causes Loss of demonstrated below.
body awareness, Dreamless, which is demonstrated
Variance Frequancy
Value Gaussian 0 5 13.9 Hz
Wave Form Variance Frequancy
Value Gaussian 0 5 1.2 Hz

Kp Ki Kd
Value 5.8144 12.8137 19.2181

Fig. 17. Cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves of Pre-sleep

and controlled by ACO/PID

A case with brain waves BETA in Arousal is

demonstrated below (Table IX, Fig. 18).
A comparison was made (Figure 19) between the four
perturbations generated by the brain, yielding to the
scientific results that explain that ACO / PID is so robust
Fig. 15. Cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves Loss of body
awareness and controlled by ACO/PID for most disturbance cases between 0-96 HZ.
So the control system could eliminate most of the
A case with brain waves THETA in Hypnologic is natural disturbances generated by the nervous system
demonstrated below. dysfunction.
A comparison with the previous works based on
TABLE VII Ziegler–Nichols [3] was carried out which gives that the
PARAMETERS OF THE ACO / PID stabilizes the cardiovascular system better
DISTURBANCE GENERATOR than PID tuned by Ziegler–Nichols because it has a
Mean margin of Amplitude error of 0.03mv and does not delete
Wave Form Variance Frequancy
Value Gaussian 0 5 7 Hz
the frequency disturbance because the heart still suffers a
frequency disruption of 33.34 Hz.

Copyright © 2017 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 10, N. 2

M. Aabid, A. Elakkary, N. Sefiani

Wave Mean ACO / PID (MSE) 5.8144 12.8137 19.2181
Variance Frequancy
Form value ACO / PID (ITAE) 5.001 12.9500 19.2181
Value Gaussian 0 5 96 Hz ACO / PID (IAE) 5.8144 13.654 19.2181
ACO / PID (ISE) 5.766 13.654 19.2181
Ziegler–Nichols PID 40 0.1 0.01

VI. Discussion and Conclusions

In this work, the authors presented examples of
application of the optimization method based on artificial
ants colonies (ACO) for the synthesis of an optimal PID
regulator. During the optimization process, possible
solutions are evaluated through a function that involves
the performance criteria calculated on the overall
cardiovascular system response. The simulations carried
out on four normal cases of disturbances generated by the
nervous system show that the PID regulator optimized by
the ACO algorithm is more efficient than the PID whose
Fig. 18. Cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves of Arousal parameters are fixed by the Ziegler-Nichols method.
and controlled by ACO/PID After the simulations on the human heart, the results
show that the application of the ACO system gives an
efficient search for an optimal PID regulator insensitive
to perturbations, which are in the form of torque
discharge and generated by the brain to cause diseases
like Excitement and pre-sleep.
The PID-ACO controller is the best because it has
satisfactory performances and has good robustness.
Moreover, our work consists in regulating the impact
of emotional disturbance on the cardiac system after its
disruption by an external emotional element.
Indeed, in reality, emotions influence the cardiac
system, that is why we started by determining the
frequencies of the perturbations generated by the brain as
human diseases and then we applied these frequencies
disrupting the human heart.
The PID-ACO controller was used to correct the
disturbed signal and then to have a cardiac signal
emitting the heart signal in the normal state. As a result,
our model can be used for medical purposes in order to
Fig. 19. Comparison cardiovascular System disturbed by Brain waves
of 4 cases of disturbances and controlled by ACO/PID
deal with the many cardiovascular problems that rely on
the sudden disruption of normal human heart

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