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Detailed Vivado Installation Process:

In the current workshop we will be demonstrating all the demo and tutorial in
vivado 2016.4 or vivado 2017.4. However the overall approach and workflow is
identical in newer versions too. Therefore, you may install newer versions also.

The following steps divided into 2 sections (download vivado & license file;
complete install & licensing)

Section 1: (creating student account & having appropriate license &

download vivado)

1. Goto and create an student account if you already have an

account then you can skip this step.
2. [If you have a standalone or institute license than you can skip step 2-5 ] Login to
your xilinx forum account and navigate to and click Xilinx
Product Licensing Site (
3. It will lead you to a page “Product Licensing - Name and Address Verification” &
you fill up all the relevant details & proceed next
4. Now comes most crucial step, you need to find you PC’s mac/physical address (by
typing ipconfig in windows & ifconfig in case of linux distribution) and note it down,
you will need it during license generation.
5. You go to the obtain license option and choose you OS & vivado version & 1 month
full subscription for student (after 1 month simulation license will active for lifetime)
enter your mac/physical address then generate license file (*.lic) & save the file for
further use (N.B. you generated licence will be node locked, so you can use it in the
same PC of whose mac address you provided)
6. For vivado download goto
downloadNav/vivado-design-tools/archive.html and click
filename=Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2016.4_0124_1.tar.gz to download vivado 2016.4
filename=Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2017.4_1216_1.tar.gz to download vivado 2017.4
It will ask to fill the credential again & press next. Download should start
automatically & will take a while to complete as the size of the file is around 17-18

Section 2: (install & license)

1. Extract the downloaded file in one folder and navigate to that folder then you should
find 2 setup file (xsetup & xsetup.exe) one for windows & other for linux
distributions. (step 2 is for windows users & step 3 is for linux users)
2. For windows simply double click xsetup.exe and you can install similar to any other
normal software (N.B. enable then check box for cable drivers for future hardware
compatibility or else you may skip this part) & it will take approximately 20 min to
install and 35GB of space. Then it will prompt for licensing you can exit it for
now(follow step 4)
3. For linux distribution the process can be further spited into a few steps:
(a) open the terminal and negative to the source folder
(b) type in terminal “sudo chmod +x xsetup”
(c) In the same terminal to start installation type “sudo ./xsetup” & it should
automatically prompt the options for installation & default location should be “
/opt/Xilinx” do not change the address
(d) then proceed for the installation (N.B here do not enable cable drivers, it will give
you some error) it will take approximately 20 min of time & 35-37 GB of disk
(e) after completion of installation it will prompt for licensing you can exit it for now
(follow step 4)
(f) then open bash file by typing “sudo gedit ~/.bashrc ” then add the following lines
at the end of the bash script (do not alter any other lines in the bash script it may
crash your desktop environment variables)
For Vivado 2016.4
source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2016.4/
source /opt/Xilinx/SDK/2016.4/.settings64-
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2016.4/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado_HLS/2016.4/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2016.4/bin
For Vivado 2017.4
source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/
source /opt/Xilinx/SDK/2017.4/.settings64-
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado_HLS/2017.4/bin/
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2017.4/bin
(g) Now it the terminal type “source ~/.bashrc”
(h) Now you should able to run vivado from any terminal simply by typing vivado
4. For licensing you need to open vivado & then in top left navigate to help then
manage license; in left penal of license manager you will find “Load License”; click
it then in right side “Copy License” will be there; click it & then direct the path of the
license file obtained from previous section step 5; it should prompt as license
successfully applied.

That’s all it about complete Vivado guide. Best of luck for your workshop.

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