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To: Nancy Myers

From: Jeremy Gillespie

Date: October 13, 2022
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 15 Summary


Why Write Instructions – One of the most common and one of the most important uses of technical
writing is instructions. Almost every manufactured product comes complete with instructions on step-
by-step explanations of how to do things; assembles something, operate something, repair something,
or do routine maintenance on something.

Criteria for Writing Instructions – Failed instructions typically occurs due to the writer not considering
the audiences need. Below, is a list of criteria for writing instructions.
• Audience Recognition – Provide the reader clarity and thoroughness they require. To do this,
consider the knowledge and needs of the audience and provide them exactly what they need.
• Ethical Instructions – Consider legalities and the importance of ethical communication through
proper citing of sources of information to avoid plagiarism.
• Components of Instructions – Components of instructions vary with the complexity of the
product or service.
• Title Page – Preface your instructions with a title page that consist of the topic about which you
are writing about, purpose of the instructions, and a graphic depicting your product or service.
• Safety Requirements – Safety requirements can be placed anywhere through the text. For
example, if a step presents a danger to the reader, call attention to the hazard just before asking
the reader to perform a step. Use the word danger, warning, caution or note to avoid confusion.
Also, consider the use of colors, text, and icons to emphasize your message of a hazard to the
• Table of Contents – Instructions can have several sections. An effective table of contents will
allow your readers to access any of these sections individually on an as-needed basis.
• Introduction – Customers need customers, and the user manual may be the only contact a
company has with its customer. Consider reader-friendly instructions that seek to achieve
audience recognition and involvement.
• Glossary – To avoid confusion and misinterpretation of abbreviations it is important to include a
glossary. A glossary defines your abbreviations, acronyms, or technical terms.
• Required Tools or Equipment – A list of tools or equipment the audience will need to perform
the procedures.
• Instructional Steps – The most important part of the manual – the actual actions required of the
audience to complete a task. Follow these steps to successfully write your instructions:
o Organize the Steps Chronologically – Be accurate and in order. You cannot jump to one
step and back to another step expecting to achieve audience recognition and
o Number Your Steps – DO NOT USE BULLETS OR APHABET, rather use numbers.
o Use Highlighting Techniques – Use boldface, different font sizes and styles, text boxes,
emphatic warning words, color, or italics to call attention to special concerns.
o Limit the Information within Each Step – Don’t overload the reader with lengthy steps.
In the Navy we used the term, KISS – Keep it simple sailor.
o Use Short Words, Short Sentences, and Short Paragraphs – This allows the audience to
complete the task quickly and more easily.
o Begin Your Steps with Verbs – Use an action word to begin the step.
o Do Not Omit Articles – A, an, and the are part of our language.

• Additional Components – Instructions may include the following additional components.

o Technical Descriptions – This is a part-by-part explanation or labeling of a product or
system’s components.
o Warranties – Warranties protect both the customer and manufacturer. Consider adding
disclaimers as not all products last forever.
o Accessories – Another way to generate revenue is through selling accessories. Consider
including an accessories list.
o Frequently Asked Questions – Include common customer concerns.
o Corporate Contact Information – Consider customer service when concluding your
instructions. For best practice include the following.
▪ Street address
▪ City and State
▪ Help Desk Contact Information
▪ Web site URL
▪ Email address
▪ Fax Number
▪ Social Media site

• Graphics – Let’s admit it, graphics make everything better. Consider using drawings,
photographs, and screen captures to clarify your points.

Collaboration to Create User Manuals – It takes a team to create user manuals, so collaboration is

Instructional Videos – Some instructions are better given in a video rather than depicted in a photo.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) – Set of written instructions that document routine and
repetitive steps in any process.
• Reasons for Writing an SOP – SOPs ensure accurate job performance as well as consistent
quality and integrity of the product.
• Components of SOPs – SOPs can contain the following components.
o Title Page – Topic in which you are writing about, purpose of the SOP, date, and routing
list of people who will need to sign off on the procedure.
o Scope and Applicability – Provide an overview to the audience and limit it to three to
five sentences.
o Summary if Method – Brief summary of the procedure limiting it again to three to five
o Interferences – Anything that may interfere with the accuracy of the final product. For
example, weather, cleanliness, and contaminations.
o Personal Qualifications/Responsibilities – Required experience and certifications of the
persons performing the SOP.
o Equipment and Supplies – What is required to perform the task.
o Data Records Management – Required formwork.
o Quality Control and Quality Assurance – Checking for highest quality and consistency.
o References – To avoid plagiarism, use this.

Test for Usability – Before releasing your instructions, user manuals, or SOP, ensure the audience can
understand it. A way to do that is through the following steps.
1. Select a test audience
2. Ask the audience to test the instructions
3. Monitor the audience
4. Time the team members
5. Quantify the audience’s response

Sample Instructions – Once your product has passed the test for usability it is ready to be sampled.

The Writing Process at Work

• Prewriting - Brainstorming
• Writing – Write your paper
• Rewriting – Proofread and edit

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